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Fraternity Updates
from Fall 2023 Quarterly
Fraternity Updates
Leadership Consultant Program
The 2023-24 LC Team made 40 Growth visits to support 36 collegiate chapters during Spirit Week and Primary Recruitment this fall. The team is scheduled to make 88 total visits to 69 chapters this fall, and many more in the spring term! Keep up with their travels by following @AlphaGamLCs on Instagram. The 2024-25 LC Application opened October 16 and closes November 13. Learn more at alphagammadelta.org/leadership-consultant
University of Tennessee, Knoxville Extension Update: Searching for Pearl Sisters
This May, we announced we are re-establishing our Gamma Nu Chapter at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville in the Fall of 2024. We are looking for alumnae who would be interested in serving as Pearl Sisters for our new member class. These new sisters will not have the benefit of having older sisters on campus to serve as their Big Sisters. If you would like to connect one-on-one with a new Alpha Gamma Delta sister, please fill out the interest form at this link: https://forms.office.com/r/ e6PdvT1Ypw. We will contact you in the spring and summer of 2024 to discuss details and get ready to welcome these women to our sisterhood. Space is limited so sign up today. Feel free to follow along on Instagram @utkalphagam for more updates!
Share Your Thoughts About an Alpha Gam Travel Program
We're looking into creating a travel program to help us plan worldwide adventures for Alpha Gam collegians and alumnae. We need your help figuring out how much interest there is in group travel with members, and what kind of trips you are interested in. Take this short survey (and share with others who may be interested) to help us gather feedback. Questions or additional feedback? Contact Louisa Lee at llee@alphagammadelta.org.
Fraternity Resolutions
Are you considering submitting an amendment to our governing documents for the 2024 International Convention? Submission of resolutions prior to Convention allows us to make appropriate time in the schedule for thoughtful discussion. Need more information? Visit https://alphagammadelta.org/leadership/internationalconvention after November 15 to find out more. Proposed resolutions must be postmarked on or before January 31, 2024. Proposed amendments must be submitted in resolution form. All supporting documentation for proposed amendments should be submitted at the same time as the proposed resolutions. We have prepared a resolution template for your convenience. Following review by the Documents Audit Committee and International Council, proposed resolutions will be drafted in proper sequence and distributed prior to Convention to all collegiate chapters and alumnae groups and all individuals entitled to vote at Convention. Your cooperation in preparing for this important business as early as possible is appreciated!
Alpha Gam Celebrates Over 1,100 Alumnae Initiates! Apply Now for Convention Initiation
Did You Know since our inception, Alpha Gamma Delta has initiated over 1,100 women as Alumnae Initiates? The Alpha Gam Alumnae Initiation Program offers a chance for relatives, friends or associates of Alpha Gamma Delta members to experience our unique and lifelong sisterhood. Over the years, we have initiated mothers, sisters, daughters, grandmothers, aunts, friends, co-workers and more into Alpha Gamma Delta. Women who are past college age and have never been initiated into another National Panhellenic or Pan-Hellenic Organization, and whose character and values are in alignment with our Purpose, are eligible for membership.
Do you know a perfect candidate? Invite her to meet up with you and a few other Alpha Gams to get to know your circle of Alpha Gam friends. This can be in conjunction with planned alumnae club/chapter events, or just on your own if you are not located near an alumnae chapter or club. If she feels it is something she would like to pursue, share the ® Alumnae Initiate Brochure with her.
A special way to be initiated into Alpha Gamma Delta as an alumna is to be initiated at Convention in Atlanta this summer. Applications for Convention initiation are due by February 1, 2024.
Submit an Honors of Epsilon Pi Nomination
The Honors of Epsilon Pi recognition program recognizes sisters who have given faithful and outstanding service at either the local or international level. Honors are awarded by the Fraternity at every International Convention. For qualifications and information on submitting a nomination, please refer to the Honors of Epsilon Pi Handbook, which can be found in the Honors of Epsilon Pi tile under Alumnae Chapters and Clubs in Acorn. Petitions are due by December 1, 2023 at 11:59 p.m. ET. The most recent Honors of Epsilon Pi recipient list is published each October following International Convention.
Empower Program Given AFA Award of Excellence
The Fraternity is proud to share that Empower was awarded the Excellence in Educational Programming Award from the Association of Fraternity/ Sorority Advisors! This award is given annually to the fraternity/sorority whose innovative educational program provides a meaningful experience for its members. Alpha Gamma Delta will be recognized for the Empower program in December 2023 at the AFA Annual Meeting in Tampa, FL.
The second year of Empower was launched this fall with the addition of a Peer Mentor program. A select number of members who completed Empower last spring were invited to return and serve as mentors to the new class of collegiate participants. These exceptional members will work alongside alumna volunteers to co-facilitate monthly Empower meetings. Through this program, Peer Mentors will further develop their leadership skills by leading discussions within their cohorts and completing a curriculum designed to connect their leadership experience to their future endeavors following graduation. View the full list of Empower participants, peer mentors and facilitators, or learn more about the AFA Awards. Empower is generously funded by the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation.