3 minute read
Oral Hhistory Project (Sneak Peek)
from Fall 2023 Quarterly

Iwent through recruitment on a dare from a friend, and I'm so thankful I did. Alpha Gam helped me come out of my shell and form genuine connections with people and maintain friendships. In 2021, at the age of 27, I was diagnosed with a rare neuromuscular disease that temporarily paralyzed me. I'm still disabled to this day with limited mobility and constant pain. A couple of sisters got me involved as an advisor virtually, and it's provided me with a sense of purpose and belonging again."
ANNA MOSS, Theta Psi– Austin Peay State University

What inspired me to choose Alpha Gam? I was looking for a community, a place where I could find people who got me and have peer to peer support. Some of my closest friends were my sorority sisters. After I earned my master's degree, spent 20 years in the consulting world and found my way to the nonprofit space. I lead a national organization that supports children whose parents have cancer."
ALICIA KABIR SOPKO, Zeta Eta–Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

We just had fun together! I remember the late-night trips to Dairy Queen in Athens, Georgia, to get a hot fudge sundae to help us get through studying! I developed relationships with my sisters that I still cherish to this day. The most special moment for me was when my two daughters chose Gamma Alpha! They saw the same special sisterhood 35 and 39 years after I pledged. My older sister, younger sister, my two daughters, and I are now all Gamma Alpha sisters. In addition, we had the opportunity to have my 96-year-old mother initiated into Gamma Alpha Chapter a few years ago. It was especially memorable for her since she was not in a sorority when she was in college. We are blessed that Alpha Gamma Delta has impacted generations of women in our family!"
JEAN LEE QUIGG, Gamma Alpha–University of Georgia

n the first day of recruitment, I visited Alpha Gam and they did a parody of a song from my favorite movie, "Legally Blonde." I felt a rush and knew this was the place for me. I made lifelong friends and was part of a chapter that won sorority of the year a few years in a row. Alpha Gam helped me get my first internship in the music industry. I was hired for a different position but ended up heading up digital rights management. I grew from there and now I'm a senior manager. I'm so thankful to Alpha Gam for helping me get my start. I'm still really close with my sisters and I'm going to visit one in Seattle in early February. I'm also still close with my little. I think the magic that keeps us all so close and connected is our motto, Live with Purpose. Alpha Gamma brought us together and we're connected on a deeper level."
ERIN MOORE, Delta Tau–Chapman University