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Fraternity Updates
Leadership Consultant Applications Open Nov. 1
Alpha Gamma Delta's Leadership Consultants are recent graduates trained to support and challenge collegiate chapters. If you will graduate in spring 2021 and are self-motivated, positive, flexible, willing to learn and open to adventure, we encourage you to apply! The skills that are gained as an LC—leadership development, public speaking, coaching and change management—are applicable to all job fields and look great on a resume. Visit alphagammadelta.org/leadership-consultant to learn more and apply.
What an Honor!

Leslie Russell Westbury, Alpha Pi–Wayne State University

Rie Gerah Hoehner, Epsilon Nu–University of Central Oklahoma
The Honors of Epsilon Pi recognizes faithful and outstanding service to the Fraternity. Usually held at International Convention each biennium, an virtual awards presentation was held online October 4. Though we wish we could have celebrated together, we deeply appreciate the dedication of ® the 2020 recipients.
The highest volunteer honor, the Circle of Epsilon Pi, was awared to Leslie Russell Westbury (top), Alpha Pi–Wayne State University, and Rie Gerah Hoehner, Epsilon Nu–University of Central Oklahoma. Only 24 sisters have been recognized with this Honor since the programbegan in 1919. Congratulations and thanks to Leslie, Rie and the rest of our 2020 Honors recipients.
DEI Update
Established in 2019, the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee has been instrumental in supporting the Commitments developed by the Fraternity in May of 2020. The following members have been appointed to serve through the current biennium: (from top) Simone Brooks, Lambda Delta–Rutgers University; Committee Chair Emmalee Fishburn, Beta Alpha–Nebraska Wesleyan University; Kamryn Kurtzner Fraleigh, Zeta Nu–Alma College; Samantha Hernandez, Kappa Gamma–Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi; Ambah Frederick Kioko, Mu–Brenau University; Jennifer Long, Theta Iota–Western Kentucky University; Marlene Sanchez, Delta Xi–Arizona State University; Lisa Barragan Schutz, Delta Tau–Chapman University.
See You at the Polls
Alpha Gam Votes encourages members to exercise their right to vote. All elections matter and it's important we, as women, make our voices heard. Visit ® usa.gov/voting to learn more and use the hashtag #AlphaGamVotes to remind sisters their voices matter—regardless of political affiliation.
Alpha Gam Book Club
The Alpha Gam Book Club is your opportunity to connect with alumnae and discuss themes important to modern women, such as family, friendship, our values and challenges. Discussions are led and moderated by volunteers and take place online.
The November/December selections are combined to accommodate busy holiday schedules, so now is a great time to get started. Get to know other members and learn more about yourself along the way.


Join the Facebook Group at bit.ly/AGD-Book-Club
Volunteer Opportunities
Alpha Gamma Delta would not be the organization it is today without the dedication of our many alumnae volunteers. Appointed by International Council, the Volunteer Service Team provides valuable support to collegiate chapters, alumnae chapters/clubs, Junior Circles and other areas of the Fraternity. Volunteers play a tremendous role in the continuous growth and development of the Fraternity.
The application process begins February 1, 2021.
Each September, Alpha Gams all over North America join together to fight hunger during Hunger Action Month. What did your collegiate chapter or alumnae group do? Tag us in your photos and use the hashtag #AlphaGamServes to let us know!