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Alumnae Reports
Auburn-Opelika Alumnae Chapter - The annual Christmas party was the last in-person gathering for the group, but they quickly adapted to virtual communications as they spent the summer helping the Gamma Delta Chapter at Auburn University obtain Rec forms for potential new members.

Auburn-Opelika Alumnae Chapter
Austin Area Alumnae Chapter have enjoyed each other’s company with virtual Happy Hours, online IHQ Book Club discussions, a Netflix watch party and helping Kappa Epsilon–Texas State University prepare for Primary Recruitment. Upcoming virtual events include brunch, a 5K, a philanthropic events and continued support Kappa Epsilon.
Chesapeake Alumnae Chapter received Honorable Mention for Best Use of IRD Theme for their first virtual IRD. In July, they made the Honor Roll for Outstanding Support to a Collegiate Chapter at the Fraternity's virtual alumnae awards show. In August, they raised $2,525 for the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation's Zeta Delta Scholarship Endowment by hosting an online viewing of “Hamilton: Man and Musical.” In October the group celebrated Alpha Gam Always with an online Sips with Sisters event.

Chesapeake Alumnae Chapter
Chicago Northwest Suburban Alumnae Club was very excited to celebrate the 100th birthday of longtime member Jean Luxan Ulrich. The club welcomed new officers via a Zoom installation in August and held a socially distanced outing at a local park. Members were happy to catch up and fresh air.

Chicago Northwest Suburban Alumnae Club
DuPage Area Alumnae Club cooked dinner for Ronald McDonald House guests in Winfield, Illinois. Shown are Janet Ziegler Miller (BΛ), Jean Larum Frisoni (B∆), Laura Wray Beckley (BΞ), Jody Lanciotti King (BI), Gail Valentine (Λ), Michelle Davies Morse (BY), Bonnie Brown (BΞ), Carmen Muirheid Auerbach and (BI) Kim Woodman Webb (BI).

DuPage Area Alumnae Club
Fox Valley Alumnae Club held its third annual garage sale and raised more than $1200 for the Foundation toward its Jewel Society status.

Fox Valley Alumnae Club
Greater Boston Alumnae Chapter volunteered for the Hartford Habitat for Humanity as part of its Women Build days. These special women-only events were started to empower more women to volunteer and develop their building skills. Ten members worked together to construct the second floor of a 4-bedroom home in Bristol, Connecticut.

Greater Boston Alumnae Chapter
Heart of Virginia Alumnae Chapter volunteered at the Powhatan Food Pantry just before quarantine began. Pictured are Jean Hendricks Rollins and Shirley Durvin Uzel, Gamma Lambda–Longwood University. Their annual Awards/Scholarship Celebration with the Gamma Lambda Chapter took place via Zoom. Members created a secret squirrel project. More than 40 alumnae sent secret gifts to members stretching across North America. The group welcomed collegiate members back to campus with treats and notes of encouragement and was proud to be recognized during the Fraternity's awards show.

Heart of Virginia Alumnae Chapter
Houston Alumnae Club rallied together to move their annual Kendra Scott Gives Back fundraiser online. They supported our Adopt-A-Chapter, Kappa Gamma–Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, with virtual recruitment and fulfilled their Amazon wish list. The club was also proud to win several honors during the Fraternity's virtual alumnae awards show, including the Annulet.
Memphis Area Alumnae Club participated in Run Out Hunger, a virtual walk/run hosted by Gamma Zeta–University of Memphis which raised more than $600 for the Mid-South Food Bank. Alumnae and collegiate members also enjoyed an online painting party led by Gamma Zeta alumna Olivia James New.
North Alabama Alumnae Chapter purchased masks for collegiate members of Gamma Psi–University of North Alabama to wear during recruitment. They also collected 125 Rec forms for the collegiate chapter.
Orange County Alumnae Chapter got creative in the face of social distancing challenges, raising more than $400 for the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation through virtual events. The OCAC have kept in touch online with a virtual trivia night, online bingo and a cooking class. The group also awarded five scholarships to collegiate members at Delta Tau–Chapman University.
San Francisco Bay Alumnae Chapter raised money to purchase 50 masks and pairs of socks for area homeless persons.
South Bay Area of San Francisco Alumnae Club (formerly Bay Santa Clara Valley Alumnae Club) has enjoyed meeting online each month. In August, Sue Orr Wagner, Alpha Beta–University of Michigan, entertained the group with a delightful reading of The Wonkey Donkey by Craig Smith.
Tampa Bay Area Alumnae Chapter From IRD over Zoom to online game nights and strategically safe picnic at a local park, Tampa Bay alumnae put the social back into social distancing. They also held a much-needed school uniform clothing drive for Mort Elementary School in North Tampa.
Valley of the Sun Alumnae Chapter represented Alpha Gam at the Phoenix Panhellenic Association's 2020 Centennial. Held via Zoom, the event celebrated the organization’s 100 years in Phoenix and recognize 23 Women of Impact, including Gina Godbehere Thomas, Delta Xi–Arizona State University. More than $40,000 in scholarship funds were raised during the event. Members have kept touch through a Facebook group, monthly newsletter, zoom happy hours and virtual recruitment practice with Delta Xi. The chapter also raised money and ordered $1350 of books for kids at Phoenix Children's Hospital and purchased items needed for Delta Xi's recruitment efforts, including lighting and microphones.
Does your alumnae chapter/club have a Facebook page or group? Email us at alumnae@alphagammadelta.org so we can list it in an upcoming issue.