1 minute read
She Said
Kamryn Kurtzner Fraleigh
ALPHA GAM VOLUNTEER ROLE: Wellness Team Advisor, Iota–University of Washington, and VST Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee Member
CHAPTER & YEAR OF INITIATION: Zeta Nu–Alma College, 2011
FAVORITE PART ABOUT VOLUNTEERING FOR ALPHA GAM: Empowering and supporting other members to pursue their passions—especially collegians—as they grow into leaders is my favorite part of advising. The most personally rewarding moment for me was when IHQ officially endorsed the LGBTQIA+ Alpha Gam Affinity group I co-founded in 2014 (with my chapter sister Chloe Secor) to provide a secure, supportive space for Alpha Gams who identify as LGBTQIA+. We still have far to go, but this monumental step has impacted many members in a positive way.
CURRENTLY READING: Redefining Realness: My path to Womanhood, Identity, Love & So Much More by Janet Mock—an incredible woman and the director of "Pose."
FAVORITE PODCAST: Stuff You Should Know by Josh Clark and Charles Bryant. They are excellent at explaining a wide variety of topics in an interesting and relevant way—and their humor is great!
LATEST BINGE WATCH: I’m currently binging the “Great British Baking Show.” I love watching the cooks and the comedians crack me up.
CURRENT OBSESSION: My current obsession is drag queen coloring books. I received one as a secret squirrel gift last holiday season and it’s a great way to unwind and spend time away from the screen.
ON HER DAY OFF: My day off plans have changed slightly due to the pandemic, but currently my wife and I enjoy hiking around Washington or solving murder mysteries at home with a good bottle of wine for inspiration.
DREAM JOB: If I wasn’t already an academic advisor in higher education, I would love to run a coffee shop or restaurant with a focus on creating an accessible place for queer youth to create community around food.

Enjoying Gas Works Park in Seattle

Newly wedded bliss with Whitney Fraleigh

Throwback with fellow Zeta Nu alumnae in 2015.