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Alpha Gamma Delta is loving, leading and lasting thanks to our loyal donors. This newsletter is published to share your impact, and to thank you for believing in our Foundation’s mission of providing essential support for women’s education, philanthropy and leadership.
On March 26, our 1,904-minute Day of Giving celebration is BACK! Sisters, family and friends from across the globe are invited to join the Foundation as we celebrate Alpha Gam’s sisterhood while fundraising for women’s philanthropy, education and leadership!
Among the most involved and impactful participants are our incredible #AlphaGamGives Ambassadors. Throughout the campaign, Ambassadors spread the word, encourage donations and ‘compete’ to see who can raise the most support.
Vanessa Gonzales Lopez, Epsilon Delta-University of Texas at Austin, was first inspired to get involved with the Foundation by sister Elaine Bess, Alpha Gamma-University of Cincinnati.
“Elaine has a scholarship through the Foundation, and she just really inspired me to give,” Vanessa said. “I’ve loved doing it and supporting her [and her scholarship] through the Foundation and our Greater Fort Lauderdale Alumnae Club.”
Vanessa has been an #AlphaGamGives Ambassador since our inaugural Day of Giving in 2019. Her favorite aspects of the celebration include connecting with sisters, participating in challenges and getting to choose exactly where her gift will go.
“I love that people can choose specifically what they want to support, whether it be fighting hunger, disaster relief or women’s leadership,” Vanessa said. “It’s also just a way to connect with different people. I have met so many wonderful sisters through Alpha Gam, and [being an Ambassador] gives me a way to reach back out to everybody.”
Our Ambassadors play a crucial role in the success of Day of Giving, helping us raise $361,722 just last year. To learn more about how you can get involved in #AlphaGamGives 2025, visit
Last month, more than 260 collegiate leaders from across the U.S. and Canada met for a weekend of leadership development, sisterhood and camp-themed fun at the Academy for Collegiate Officers (ACO) in Convington, Georgia.
While at Camp Alpha Gam, sisters received coaching and development training in three focus areas: relationship building,
leadership and engagement. Breakout discussions included difficult conversations, decision-making, authentic friendships and more.
Sisters also heard from two keynote speakers – Dr. Daryl Appleton, Gamma Zeta-University of Memphis, and Krystal Clark, M.Ed.
In her energetic, and at moments musical, keynote, Krystal coached sisters on battling burnout, creating a positive chapter culture and leading with grit and grace.
“Leading with grace means guiding others with kindness, understanding and empathy, even in and especially in difficult situations,” Krystal explained. “It involves being confident in your abilities while also being humble and recognizing that you can't be perfect. It’s a willingness to be a fair and honest leader.”
ACO culminated with a smores-making sisterhood event, sending chapter leaders back to school feeling connected to Alpha Gam, motivated to incorporate new skills and prepared to lead.
Thanks to our donors, the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation is proud to support Fraternity leadership programming like ACO.
Kristi Michele Cormack, Epsilon Nu-University of Central Oklahoma, is remembered for her warmth, wisdom and love. While serving as Epsilon Nu House Director, she maintained a “door always open” policy and created a home away from home for collegiate sisters.
Ivy Barton, Epsilon Nu, is one of many sisters who created a strong bond with Kristi. After Kristi's hard-fought battle with cancer, the choice to honor her impact was obvious.
“She was someone that was so impactful and special during my time in college,” said Ivy. “When she passed away, I knew there was something I wanted to honor her with, and I wasn’t alone.”
Last year, Epsilon Nu chapter announced the creation of the Kristi Michele Cormack Memorial Scholarship, benefiting collegiate and alumnae Epsilon Nu sisters.
Through the scholarship, sisters hope to honor Kristi’s memory by telling stories of her impact and the wisdom she shared. According to Ivy, one of the most important lessons Kristi taught was to stay committed to the things most important to you.
“Staying committed to the things that make you happy and give you motivation to keep going is such a big deal,” Ivy said. “She was such a testament to this through our chapter. Through all her treatments, she was so committed to us as a chapter and Alpha Gamma Delta as a whole.”
Kristi’s impression on her sisters’ hearts will be passed on and celebrated for generations to come. To make a donation to the Kristi Michele Cormack Memorial Scholarship, scan the QR code to the right.
The Foundation’s Give Every Month (GEM) Society is a simple and budget-friendly way to:
• Provide scholarships to sisters.
• Empower women leaders.
• Support sisters experiencing crisis.
• Aid in the fight against hunger
Visit to make your first monthly gift!
A Donor Advised Fund (DAF) is a tax-advantaged charitable savings account.
Individuals or families can open a DAF account, make tax-deductible contributions of cash or assets and then recommend a grant or recurring grants to the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation and other qualified charities.
While the money is in the account, it can be invested in public markets and grow tax-free!
You can also create a lasting legacy by naming the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation the beneficiary of the entire account or a percentage of the fund.
Scan the QR code below to learn more!
Join the Foundation for our seventh annual Day of Giving!
#AlphaGamGives is a 1,904-minute fundraiser benefiting women’s philanthropy, education and leadership. Throughout Day of Giving, Alpha Gam sisters and supporters participate in fundraising matches and challenges and spread their love for our sisterhood across social media.
Get involved today by scanning the QR code below!
OUR MISSION: The Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation impacts and enriches our communities by providing essential support for education, philanthropy and leadership.
If you're interested in making a planned gift, the first step is creating a will! The Corinthian Society recognizes forward-thinking sisters who name the Foundation in their estate plan. To learn more, contact Foundation CEO Julie Waitman at 317.663.4242.