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事工焦點回顧 Ministry Highlights 少青及大專啟發 Alpha for the Youth & Campus

香港啟發於 2015 年推出了首個為年輕 人製作的廣東話版啟發影片系列 , 並 且取得了成功 。 香港啟發早已明白到 青少年獨特的需要 , 現正製作一個專 為青少年設計的全新的啟發少青系列 粵語版 ( ACTS) , 並將加入一個天 主教用語的版本 。 我們相信這套創新 及充滿活力的影片系列不僅會成為裝 備牧者 、 校園老師和學生領袖 , 將 福 音帶給全球的青少年華人的有效工具 ; 同時亦能有效地回應我們龐大策略性 夥伴網絡所反饋有關青少年 、 教會及社 會現時的迫切需要 。 我們更邀請了 ( 排 名不分先後 ) 冼日新博士 ( 牧職神學院 院長 )、 夏志誠主教 ( 香港教區輔理主 教 )、 高銘謙博士 ( 建道神學院聖經系 副教授 )、 梁建章先生 ( 香港學園傳道 會總幹事 ) 以及梁永善牧師 ( 基督教銘 恩堂創堂牧師 ) 成為我們的顧問團隊 , 助我們在教理的教義上把關 。 此外 , 我 們亦與一些 KOL 和 youtuber 會面 , 了解現今青少年的喜好 , 務求製作出 有趣吸引 , 而又保留純全福音的系列 影 片 。 並且香港啟發同工與數十多位 來自不同宗派 、 不同堂會及不同機構 , 並富有經驗的青少年牧者 、 導師和工 作者會面 , 相討青少年事工上的合作 , 希 望 ACTS 能有效地配合不同的堂會 和學校的福音事工 , 以達最佳的果效 , 將福音帶進這世代的年青人當中 。


自今年 6 月 起 , 香港經歷社會上動盪 不安 , 社會上很多關係因而決裂 , 同時 人的心靈亦變得脆弱 ; 青年人則更在水 深火熱之中 , 令人心痛 。 青少年福音 的工作變得更刻不容緩 。 感謝主的恩 典 , 今年的少青和校園啟發有 54% 的 增 長 , 少青啟發參加人數亦都增長了 39% 。 但是大學校園的福音工作面對前 所未有的挑戰 , 大學停課 , 學生不用回 校 , 原本的校園啟發因而暫停了 。 感恩 一些有心的青年導師毋忘託付 , 把握停 課期間的機會 , 相約不同的大學生開始 AlphaAnywhere ( AA ), 其中有不 少學生表示以前他們對信仰漠不關心 , 但是因著社會運動 , 他們開始反思人生 和信仰的問題 , 因著 Alpha 裏可以自 由地發表自己的意見和提出問題 , 更 加得到關心和聆聽 , 大學生們不單願意 繼續參加 , 更有學生因此而決志信主 。 透過 AA 能不受時間和場地的限制 , 隨 時隨地將福音和神的愛帶進大學校園 。

In 2015, Alpha Hong Kong launched the first Cantonese Alpha series targeting young adults, which has proven to be a great success. Since then, we have recognized the unique needs of the youth, and are currently in production of an all new Alpha Cantonese Teen Series (ACTS) designed specifically to meet their needs; it also includes a Catholicfriendly track. We believe that this innovative and dynamic video series will not only be an effective tool in empowering pastors, teachers and student leaders to bring the gospel to the global Chinese youth; we believe that it also meets the desperate and urgent needs of the youth, the church and society, as reflected to us by our vast network of strategic partners.

We have invited (in no particular order) Rev. Dr. Matthew Yat Sun Sin (President of Christian Ministry Institute), Bishop Joseph Ha ChiShing (Auxiliary Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong), Dr. Lawrence Ko Ming-Him (Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies at Alliance Bible Seminary), Mr. Alfred Leung (Regional Director at Hong Kong Campus Crusade for Christ) and Rev. Dr. Leung Wing-sin (Founder Pastor of Remembrance Of Grace Church Tai Po Church) as our advisory panel to provide guidance on doctrinal matters. In addition, we have also consulted with a few KOLs (Key Opinion Leaders) and YouTubers to understand current youth trends and preferences, in order to create a series that preserves the integrity of the gospel while presenting it in an interesting and appealing way. The Alpha team has also met with dozens of experienced youth pastors, leaders and workers from different denominations and churches to discuss potential partnerships in youth ministry. Our hope is that ACTS will



大專生啟發 Alphas in the Campus

少青啟發 Alphas for the Youth


位參加者 Participants




場訓練 / 聚會 Trainings & Events

位領袖接受裝備 Leaders trained

場聯合啟發週末 Joint Alpha Retreat

effectively complement the youth ministries of churches and schools to optimize the work of evangelizing today's youth.

Since June, Hong Kong has been e x p e r i e n c i n g g r e a t s o c i e t a l turbulence, resulting in many broken relationships and leaving many in fragile emotional states. It has been heartbreaking to witness the youth caught up in the turmoil; now the work of bringing the gospel to the youth has become more urgent than ever before. By the grace of God, we have seen a 54% increase in Youth and Campus Alphas, and a 39% increase in Youth Alpha participants. However, we are facing unprecedented challenges in gospel work on university campuses. Because universities were closed and classes cancelled, university campus Alphas were unable to continue. Thankfully, a few mission-minded youth ministers recognized an opportunity from the class suspension - they gathered some university students and started AlphaAnywhere (AA). Participating students shared that, in the past, they were ambivalent about faith matters, but because of the social movement, they have begun to reflect on their lives and belief systems. Alpha provided a safe environment for the students to freely express their opinions and ask questions, and they also felt that they were listened to and cared for. Not only were the university students willing to continue joining the sessions, some students even gave their lives to Christ! Through AA, there are no longer time or location constraints; the gospel and the love of God are able to be brought into universities anytime and anywhere!

Samuel 的故事 Samuel's Story

我 是 Samuel , 我是拔萃男書院的老師 , 同時亦是舊生 。 我身為老師和師 兄 , 不單只想傳授知識給我的學生 、 師 弟 , 更重要是傳承我們的信仰 , 與 他們一同經歷這位帶領我們母校走過百年的主耶穌 。

我在 DBS 裡教音樂科 , 我太太則負責宗教科目 , 我們更會一齊負責學校的 學生團契 。 由 2019 年頭開始 , 越來越多學生參加團契 , 人數曾高達 130 人 , 但我們的人手卻有限 。 正當我們不知如何是好的時候 , 感恩神帶領了 我一位有同樣的心志的舊同學承羲 , 回校與我們一起服侍師弟 , 帶領團契 小 組 。 同 時 , 我們開始於團契使用啟發 , 我們預備的時間減少了 , 感覺輕 鬆了很多 。 我認為啟發的內容是很有架構的 , 由信仰的基礎到不同階段的 問 題 , 啟發都由淺入深地提及得到 。 面對同一個班房 , 有信二代 , 有未信 的 , 有初信的以及有反叛的學生 , 啟發都可以照顧到不同人的信仰要求 , 各人都能有所得著 。

在我們的學生團契裏 , 不少學生原本只為得著學分而參加啟發 , 但修滿這 宗教科目的分數後 , 他們仍主動地繼續參與啟發 , 相信生動有趣的內容是 吸引師弟們繼續參加的主要原因 。 同 時 , 帶領學校團契也有挑戰 , 面對有 限的時間 , 能夠深入討論的機會不多 , 所以我也會鼓勵學生寫靈修 , 我 希 望見到學生接受神的話語和主動追求信仰 。 我們是播種的 , 讓人成長的是神 。 縱使在學校帶領學生探討信仰有時間限 制等 , 我們也會繼續在學校舉辦啟發和團契去牧養他們 。 看見母校歷代許多的學生都成為了香港身任要職和位高權重的成功人士 , 更是舉足輕重 , 影響力大 。 而現在眼前的學生將來亦很有可能成為影響社 會的人 , 所以我很希望可以透過 , 傳承基督信仰的價值觀給下一代 , 在 校 園做好福音的工作 , 以此祝福將來的世代和社會 。

I am Samuel. I am a teacher and an alumnus of Diocesan Boys' School. As a teacher and an old boy, I not only want to transfer my knowledge to my students and juniors. More importantly, I want to pass on our faith. Together with my students, I want to experience the Lord Jesus, who has led our school for over a hundred years.

I teach music at DBS and my wife teaches religious studies. We run the student fellowship in the school together. Since the beginning of 2019, more and more students have been participating in the fellowship. The number of participants has even reached 130 but our team has limited manpower. Thankfully, just when we were lost and did not know what to do, God led Shing Hei, an old classmate of mine who also shared the same heart, to join us to serve our juniors together. He started leading small groups in the fellowship and at the same time, we started using Alpha. All of a sudden, our preparation time was greatly reduced and our load became so much lighter! Alpha is very structured and it touches on questions about the Christian faith from a foundational to a more in-depth level. Even with students from different faith backgrounds in the same classroom, including second-generation believers, young believers, nonb e l i e v e r s , a n d rebellious students, Alpha is able to meet all their needs and everyone can gain something out of it.

Many students originally joined Alpha in the fellowship only to earn academic credits, but after completing the requirements they still continued to participate actively in Alpha. I believe that the dynamic and interesting content of Alpha attracted them to come back. But leading a school fellowship is challenging because of the limited time. We don't often have many opportunities for in-depth discussions, so I encourage my students to write devotional journals. I hope that they will accept God's words and take the initiative to pursue faith.

After all, we sow the seeds but it is God who makes people grow. Even though time is limited within the school setting to lead students to explore the faith, we will continue running Alpha and the Christian fellowship to shepherd our students.

Many of DBS' alumni have become successful, influential and powerful people in Hong Kong, taking on important positions in society. The students I meet every day right now may very possibly become as successful and influential in the near future. I very much hope that by passing on the Christian faith and values to them and by spreading the gospel on our campus, our future generations and society will be blessed.

事工焦點回顧 Ministry Highlights 美滿婚姻及親子事工 ( 香港 ) Marriage & Parenting Ministry (HK)

透過兩年努力推動美滿婚姻及親子教育課程 , 我們看見神的 恩典和努力的成果 , 也見證了福音種子藉此栽種在不同的社 區或家庭當中 。 2019 年 , 香港啟發開展下一個階段的工作 , 就是培訓並興起更多的同心同行的培訓導師 , 從而協助我們 更有效率地推廣 , 培訓並且開展更多的美滿婚姻與親子教育 課程 , 讓屬天的婚姻及家庭價值觀可以宣揚開去 , 繼續祝福 更多的家庭 。 經過兩年多時間的認識和同行 , 啟發同工與這 5 對來自香 港宣教會恩光堂 , 香港聖公會聖三一座堂 , 香港聖公會靈風 堂 , 筲箕灣浸信會及生命樹宣教網絡使命堂的家庭事工夫妻

建立夥伴關係 , 成為美滿婚姻及親子教育課程的培訓導師 。 因為他們親身見證過課程的果效 , 所以他們非常落力地推廣 美滿婚姻和親子教育課程 。 在 2019 年 6 月 , 香港啟發邀請了這 5 對訓練導師夫婦參加 退修 。 兩日一夜的退修中 , 他們非常享受其過程 。 除了各自 彼此加深認識 , 更一起為神的事工發夢 。 他們都希望將祝福 帶到其他的教會 , 以致擴展到整個社區 , 一路傳承下去 。


場訓練 / 聚會 Trainings & Events


位領袖接受裝備 Leaders trained

Over the last two years of promoting and running the Marriage & Parenting Course, we have seen God's grace and the fruits of our hard work. Through the course, seeds of the gospel have been planted in various communities and families. In 2019, Alpha Hong Kong started our next phase of work: to train and raise up more trainers who share the same vision to walk together with us. Our aim is for the trainers to help our team in promoting and launching more Marriage & Parenting Courses effectively. We hope to continue spreading kingdom values on marriage and family and continue to bless more and more homes.

After spending two years in deepening our relationships and walking together, we have now established ministry partnerships with 5 married couples who have become trainers for the Marriage & Parenting Course. They are from Hong Kong Evangelical Yan Kwong Church, SKH Holy Trinity



個美滿婚姻及親子課程 Marriage & Parenting Courses

位參加者 Participants

Cathedral, SKH Holy Spirit Church, Shaukiwan Baptist Church, and Active Mission Church. As they have all experienced the great impact of the course personally, they have poured their hearts and energy into promoting it to others.

In June 2019, Alpha Hong Kong invited the five trainer couples to a two-day retreat, which they thoroughly enjoyed. Besides getting to know each other more deeply, they also dreamed together for the future of God's ministry. They all hope that the blessing can be continuously passed on to other churches, until every community in HK is reached.

文廣和 Carol 的故事 The Story of Man Kwong & Carol

每屆課程完結時 , 總是依依不捨 , 日後彼此都 成為主內的好友 。 We always have a hard time saying goodbye at the end of each course; we have truly become good friends in Christ.

「 當日被服侍 , 如今去服侍 」 薪火相傳的美滿婚姻課程 不經不覺 , 去年已是我們夫婦二人第五屆參與美滿婚姻課程的事奉了 。 回 望過去 , 天父的恩手一直祝福及帶領我倆的婚姻及事奉 , 令我倆心存感 謝 。

回想九年前 , 家裏再增添新成員 , 喜悅的背後 , 夫妻關係卻漸因工作的忙 碌及兒女的照顧 , 無法對焦在伴侶身上 , 漸漸出現較多磨擦 。 感謝神 ! 在 友堂的鼓勵下 , 我倆參加了當時在青山聖彼得堂舉辦的美滿婚姻課程 , 令 我們能享受做學員的甜蜜 , 更新彼此的關係 。

經歷了課程後 , 我們渴望能將上主透過課程帶給夫婦的祝福發放開去 , 祝 福更多夫婦及家庭 。 於是 , 我們祈求有更多的同行者 , 能在我倆所屬的牧 區──聖公會靈風堂 , 和幾對有心志 、 願意承擔的弟兄姊妹同心協力開辦 這課程 。

上主的回應超出了我倆所想所求 , 在靈風堂及聖提多堂為這聖工預備了同 心同行的肢體 , 帶領我們兩間禮拜堂在往後三年一起舉辦了三屆美滿婚姻 課程 , 服侍了約三十對夫婦 。 無論籌委還是學員夫婦 , 每屆課程完結時 , 總是依依不捨 , 日後彼此都成為主內的好友 。

大約在兩年前 , 在郭志丕主教的邀請下 , 我倆帶着過往籌辦課程的經驗 , 和靈風堂的團隊 , 與來自聖三一座堂 、 聖十架堂及靈風堂的好幾對有心認 識這課程的夫婦 , 一起籌辦東九龍教區第一屆美滿婚姻課程 。 雖然在籌辦 過程中我們遇上不少新的挑戰 ( 如 : 新場地的安排及佈置 , 跨牧區之間的 合作 、 配搭 、 宣傳 , 以及關顧來自不同牧區的學員夫婦等等 ), 但大家也 能同心地靠主勝過挑戰 , 務求使這課程成為流通管子 , 將上主的祝福帶給 每對夫婦 。

事實上 , 美滿婚姻課程的其中一個特點是源自英國聖公會 , 另一個特點是 一般信徒也可按課程籌備手冊及學員手冊既定的程序丶安排及內容籌辦課 程 , 並且讓信徒夫婦在做學員時經歷被服侍後 , 有機會在下一屆成為籌委 去服侍他人 , 傳承課程的同時 , 成就建立信徒成為學主樣式服務他人的門 徒 。 當看到上屆學員在下一屆課程當中 , 在不同崗位 ( 如 : 講課 、 見證 、 場地佈置 、 準備晚餐 ) 上盡心竭力時 , 我倆真的十分欣慰及欣賞 。 ( 載於宗教教育中心通訊 《 ReLink 》 121 期 , 第 7 頁 , 2019 年 4 月 )

"Before I was being served and now I am serving others." Passing the torch for The Marriage Course

Without us noticing, it's already the fifth time that we as a couple have served on The Marriage Course! Looking back, we are very grateful that God's gracious hands have always been blessing and leading our marriage and ministry all along.

Nine years ago, we had a new addition to our family. Along with all the joy, the busyness of work and the responsibility of raising our children began to take a toll on our relationship. We could not focus on each other and we started having more and more conflicts. Praise God that we were encouraged by a friend from another church to join The Marriage Course at SKH St. Peter's Church, Castle Peak. We enjoyed being learners, and our relationship was renewed.

After experiencing the course, we had a desire to spread the blessings that God had given us through the course to more couples and families. So we started to pray for partners with the heart and willingness to start this course with us within our parish, SKH Holy Spirit Church.

God's response far exceeded our imagination. He prepared brothers and sisters to partner and walk with us in SKH Holy Spirit Church and SKH St. Titus' Church. Within three years, we organized three rounds of The Marriage Course and served around 30 couples. Both the organizers and participants had a hard time saying goodbye at the end of each course; we have truly become good friends in Christ.

Two years ago, the Right Reverend Dr. Timothy Chipei Kwok invited us and a team from the SKH Holy Spirit Church to utilize our experience in running the course to help launch the first round of The Marriage Course in the Anglican Diocese of Eastern Kowloon. We partnered with a few couples from Holy Trinity Cathedral, SKH Calvary Church, and SKH Holy Spirit Church, who had the heart to learn about the course. We faced numerous new challenges throughout the preparation, for example, venue arrangement and set-up, cross-parish cooperation, partnership and promotion, and caring for participants from different parishes. But we trusted in the Lord together to overcome our challenges, so that this course would become a vessel through which God's blessings could be brought to every participating couple.

Interestingly, The Marriage Course originated from the Church of England. Another unique characteristic of the course is that any lay leader can organize and run it by just following the procedures, guidance and content in the Leaders' and Guests' Manuals. Moreover, after couples experience the course as learners and being served, they have the opportunity during the next round of the course to become organizers and serve others. In this way, the course can continue to grow, and believers can be built up into disciples who serve others, learning from the example set by our Lord. Whenever we see previous participants serving diligently in the next round of the course, whether it's teaching, sharing testimonies, setting up the venue or preparing for dinner, we feel a deep sense of appreciation and satisfaction.

(Published on April 2019 in ReLink by the Religious Education Resource Centre, Issue 121, P.7.)

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