Fall 2003 Alpha Phi Quarterly

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Perspectives on Health Inside: 2004-06 IEB Search Fraternity Directory

New at www.alphaphi.org: Alpha Phi’s new ONLINE COMMUNITY. You will need your membership number, on the back cover, to gain access.

A Publication of Alpha Phi International Fraternity Since 1888 Vol. 115, No. 4 Fall 2003

C ntents In This Issue President’s Message


Strategic Plan


Career Development


IEB Search


Alumnae Pride


25-, 50- and 75-Year Members




On Campus


Potential Member Form


NPC Update




Reunions/Small World


Quarterly Deadlines

Fraternity Directory





Bulletin Board/Classifieds


Spring 2004 Summer 2004 Fall 2004 Winter 2005

ALPHA PHI’S NEW ONLINE COMMUNITY Want to stay connected to Alpha Phi alumnae? Looking for a long-lost sister? Want a permanent Alpha Phi e-mail address? Alpha Phi's new ONLINE COMMUNITY features all these items. Visit www.alphaphi.org and see page 45 for more information.

19 MILESTONE CELEBRATIONS Alpha Phi salutes 25-, 50- and 75-year sisters.

3 HEALTH AND FITNESS Are you leading a healthy lifestyle? Alpha Phi experts share perspectives on health. ON THE COVER: Cover artwork was created by Amy Wojtas (E∆Northern Illinois), a freelance artist in Chicago who is working on a second degree in interior design. Contact her at amyalynn@aol.com.

COPY DEADLINE Jan. 15, 2004 April 15, 2004 July 15, 2004 Oct. 15, 2004

FOUNDATION WINS TELLY! The Alpha Phi Foundation video presentation, “Caring for Women’s Hearts,” was awarded a bronze statuette at the 24th Annual Telly Awards, a competition showcasing and recognizing outstanding nonnetwork and cable television commercials, film and video production as well as non-network television programming. The Foundation, in conjunction with Richard Harrison Bailey creative marketing communications firm, was recognized in the direct marketing competition for non-broadcast productions. The Telly has become one of the most sought-after awards in the television, commercial and video industry. More than 10,000 entries were received.

Founders Clara Bradley Burdette (’76), died 1954 Florence Chidester Lukens (’75), died 1885 Martha Foote Crow (’76), died 1924 Ida Gilbert Houghton (’76), died 1916 Jane S. Higham (’76), died 1949 Kate Hogoboom Gilbert (’75), died 1900 Elizabeth Grace Hubbell Shults (’75), died 1895 Rena Michaels Atchison (’74), died 1933 Louise Shepard Hancock (’76), died 1932 Clara Sittser Williams (’75), died 1925 International Executive Board International President: Crista Cate Vasina Vice President: Amy Pfannenstiel Bunszel Secretary/Treasurer: Lindsay Wiggins Barbara Koontz Alevras Stacey Grimes Boulmetis Margaret Halla Cash Linda Boon DeFee Felicia Hunt Peg DeChant Thornburg Ex-Officio: Sally McCall Grant, NPC Delegate Foundation Directors Chairman: Susan Brink Sherratt Vice Chairman: Gayle Goodman Secretary: Kathleen Feeney Hiemstra Treasurer: Susan Weiskittle Barrick Ann Brinkman Judith Knudsen Brown Alin Hernandez Wall Crista Cate Vasina National Panhellenic Conference Alpha Phi Delegate: Sally McCall Grant First Alternate Delegate: Deana Koonsman Gage Second Alternate Delegate: Laura Malley-Schmitt Third Alternate Delegate: Mary Rekart Ulich Editorial Advisory Board Sheila George Bright Ann Brinkman Emily Ellison Lamb Jan Jones Owen Jodi Wilson Siegel Alpha Phi Quarterly Staff Editor: Christine Spiegel E-mail: quarterly@alphaphi.org Alpha Phi Quarterly Design Michelle Webb Design E-mail: mwdesign@intosh.net Alpha Phi Home Page www.alphaphi.org Executive Office Executive Director: Susan Zabriskie Address: 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201 Phone: 847.475.0663 Fax: 847.475.6820 E-mail: fraternity@alphaphi.org Foundation Office Executive Director: Rebecca Andrew Zanatta Address: 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201 Foundation Phone: 847.475.4532 Fax: 847.475.9982 E-mail: foundation@alphaphi.org

Alpha Phi Quarterly Editorial Policy All persons interested in submitting materials for publication in the Alpha Phi Quarterly are encouraged to send them to the editor at the Executive Office. The editor reserves the right to accept, deny or edit any materials submitted. Unless otherwise requested, all photos sent to the magazine will become the property of Alpha Phi International and will not be returned. Articles may be sent by mail, fax, e-mail or on a PC disk. Please send your information to the editor by the deadlines indicated on this page. Materials received after these deadlines will be considered for the following issue. Please direct any submission questions or inquiries regarding publication advertising to the editor at 847.316.8920, or quarterly@alphaphi.org. The Alpha Phi Quarterly is published winter, spring, summer and fall. Subscription price is $3 per year; single copies are $1. Send change of address or announcements to Alpha Phi Executive Office, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201. Periodical rate postage paid at Evanston, IL, and at additional mailing offices. (ISSN: USPS 014680) Postmaster: Please send address changes to Alpha Phi, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201. Printed in the USA.





As women, we are surrounded with information about our health. We read studies about the value of exercise, we hear about the importance of stress management, and we learn about the importance of regular visits to the doctor. As President, I am proud of Alpha Phi’s commitment to issues of health. The Alpha Phi Foundation advocates on behalf of women’s cardiac health, sisters attending Convention last summer participated in a walk-athon, and Alpha Phi programming teaches healthy choices. Alpha Phi is committed to the health of its members and also to the health of its chapters. We count on Fraternity leaders who ensure our chapters – both collegiate and alumnae – are Crista Cate Vasina healthy and have the strength to continue long-term. One way we manage Fraternity wellness is by tracking specific health indicators in our collegiate chapters – and soon in our alumnae chapters. These measures help us determine strengths and areas for improvement. Alpha Phi’s chapter health was reviewed during the summer’s chapter development sessions including VIPhi Weekend, Rush University and Chapter Adviser Academy. Throughout these trainings, members of the International Executive Board (IEB) spoke with current advisers, regional team members and International leaders. It was clear from these conversations that Fraternity volunteers make a real difference in the health of our chapters. This informal data demonstrates what our formal data has already confirmed: chapter strength is improving as a result of your support. I know I speak for the entire IEB when I thank you for making Alpha Phi successful. Another theme that surfaced was how volunteering for Alpha Phi not only improves our Fraternity’s health, but our own. We consistently heard sisters say, “I volunteer because it makes me feel good.” I truly believe volunteering contributes to our overall health. One of my favorite Alpha Phi sisters says it well, “I live with my three sons and my husband – a house full of males. I will always be an active part of Alpha Phi because I want women in my life.” I agree with her. Smart, fun, involved, caring Alpha Phis are part of my life and add to my well-being. As women, we are reminded constantly that staying healthy means committing to lifestyle changes. I am proud of Alpha Phi’s commitment to issues of improved chapter strength and individual well-being. I am also proud that we are helping our members lead a well-balanced, healthy life while supporting Alpha Phi.



Alpha Phi experts discuss components of a healthy lifestyle.


Assess your career health.


The Alpha Phi Foundation answers questions about heart health.

In the Next Issue Alpha Phis in Politics Foundation Scholarship Winners Announced

New at www.alphaphi.org Crista Cate Vasina ( -Northern Colorado) International President

FALL 2003

Attention Collegians: Beginning Nov. 1, vote online for your choice of Convention 2004 T-shirt designs, created by your sisters.


Focus on the Future


Alpha Phi Forms Committee to Evaluate Strategic Plan The Alpha Phi Strategic Plan adopted by the International Executive Board (IEB) in 1996 articulates Alpha Phi’s vision for the 21st century and outlines strategies for achieving the vision. Over the past several years, the implementation of the Plan has addressed a wide range of areas including the governance, management and structure of Alpha Phi’s programs and services. But 1996 is now nearly two college generations in the past! The Alpha Phi of 2003 is very different from the Alpha Phi of 1996. With so many changes in both Alpha Phi and the world around us, it is important to review regularly our strategy and strategic processes to stay current with the needs and desires of our current and future members. Towards this end, the Strategic Plan Evaluation Committee (SPEC) was created and charged with the task of evaluating the existing Strategic Plan and identifying areas in need of improvement. What exactly will the committee be doing? At first, it will be critical to understand the impact of the existing Plan on the Fraternity. How far have we come since 1996? How far do we have to go? With a clear understanding of the Fraternity of today, the committee will then propose refinements to the vision and direction to ensure they are relevant to the world of today. Before completing its task, the committee will propose an ongoing process for keeping the Strategic Plan up-to-date in the future. The findings of this evaluation will be presented at Alpha Phi’s 2004 Convention in Rancho Mirage, Calif. The following committee members were selected based on their knowledge of Alpha Phi’s Strategic Plan, their role in Fraternity operations and their experience with strategic planning: Linda Long Boland ( J-CSU/Long Beach) Amy Pfannenstiel Bunszel ( -Cornell) Julie King Gomez ( -Wichita State) Kathy Feeney Hiemstra ( -Western Michigan) Tara Riemer Jones (FO-Johns Hopkins) Valerie Lawlor (O-Missouri) Linda Gardner Massie ( A-East Carolina) Janis Coughlin-Piester ( J-Rochester) Susan Carrochi Sherman (EM-Delaware) Barbara Thomas ( I-Texas Tech) Peg DeChant Thornburg (B -Kent State) Crista Cate Vasina ( -Northern Colorado) Susan Zabriskie ( -Michigan) In addition to the core committee members, the SPEC will involve as many Alpha Phis as possible in the evaluation process. If you have questions regarding the Strategic Plan Evaluation Committee or would like to know how you can become a part of the process, contact Chair Tara Riemer Jones at tara@alumnae.alphaphi.org.





Perspectives on Health The path you take to create a healthy lifestyle is up to you. The important thing, according to Alpha Phi experts, is to begin today. In the following pages, sisters share their approaches to establishing more healthy practices.

Holistic Health: Is Your Life In Balance? By Alisa Vitti (ZOΛ-Johns Hopkins), Holistic Health Counselor, American Association of Drugless Practicioners

are in each area. The center of the wheel is “not involved,” the outside is “very involved.” Connect the dots.







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FALL 2003




Wheel of life Being healthy means being well balanced. People tend to focus on one or two areas of their lives, at the expense of others. The Wheel of Life (see graphic) assesses balance. Take a moment to look at each category on the wheel. Place a dot on the line for how involved you




Social Life





If you are like most women, you are probably overwhelmed by the amount of information in the news about how to become more, and remain, healthy. Theories about health, especially nutrition, change from year to year. Are eggs healthy or not? What about pasta? What about meat? How much exercise is necessary? Do I really have to drink eight glasses of water a day? This health and nutrition overload can be very confusing. It seems like we are all expected to be medical experts, understand the difference between “good” and “bad” cholesterol, know how much folic acid we need each day and be able to calculate our own body mass index. You could spend all day every day staying on top of the latest information about your health. But what good is the information if it doesn’t support you in your daily life? A healthy life is one of wholeness and balance. Health is not a destination to be achieved, but a vehicle for living a life you love. A balanced woman has balanced moods, hormone levels, exercise routine, relationships and a balance of work and play. How healthy and balanced are you?



Adapted from Business Mastery: A guide for creating a fulfilling, thriving business and keeping it successful, by Cherie Sohnen-Moe.


What is the shape of your life? After completing the Wheel of Life exercise, determine which of the following shapes best describe you.

“Many women

Half-Moon Half your circle is full and the other half is deflated. You put your energy mostly into the things you feel you should take care of. What would it feel like to ease back on some of those obligations and spend more time on things that give you the most happiness?

feel helpless, condemned to their physical state, the victims of few good resources. It is my passion and privilege to educate women and wake

Half-Eaten Pie Your circle is round except for a couple of big chunks bitten out of it. You feel together most of the time, except when you bump into those big trouble spots – your relationships, your job, your finances, the state of your home – that can cause you stress. Believe it or not, it is more draining to avoid those imbalances than it is to make changes. If the bites in your pie chunks are in the areas of joy, creativity or social life, it’s time for more fun and laughter in your life.

them up to the healing powers of their own bodies.� –Alisa Vitti (FO -Johns Hopkins)

Tiny Circle Your life is in balance, but it’s a precarious balance. You don’t have a lot of energy and your life runs along often uneventfully. You may feel depressed, nervous or anxious much of the time. Imagine what your life would be like if you felt more energized and excited. How large would your circle be? Full Moon You are living a big life – working hard, playing hard, fulfilling your goals, staying

balanced and healthy. In truth, few of us achieve this ideal. You can come much closer to this kind of living than you may believe. Your body and mind have an amazing capacity to heal. Stronger energy, clearer thinking and a more fun life are within your grasp. Creativity, intimacy, rest and play Diet is key to creating good health, but secondary to what people need most: love, friendship, intimacy, laughter, relaxation, physical activity, fulfilling work and fresh air. By discovering new things and eliminating energy drains from your environment, you will feel excited about life again. Try these two experiments to start balancing your health. Experiment #1 This heart healthy recipe is high in protein and will reduce blood sugar swings while balancing mood. E-mail alisaholistic@yahoo.com with details about how you feel after you try the recipe.

WHAT IS HOLISTIC HEALTH COUNSELING? Holistic health counseling approaches a person’s health from two main perspectives and works to improve the health concern or imbalance. It includes the analysis of physical, nutritional, environmental, emotional, spiritual and lifestyle elements. By using food as a tool and medicine, holistic health counselors believe one can powerfully and dramatically affect her health. The practice combines Western dietary theories with ancient Eastern dietary/medicinal traditions to powerfully approach a person’s disease or ailment. Balance is created by addressing the following areas of health and healing:


Proteins, Fats and Carbohydrates: It is important to understand the roles of the basics in our diet. Food Addictions and Cravings: Are sugar and caffeine keeping you awake? Explore food’s affect on the body and how it relates to disease. Body Image and Water: What is your ideal body type? What are your physical and emotional tendencies? Learn how to uncover the true you, together with the importance of keeping the body hydrated. Healthy Foods and Cooking Methods: Different foods promote healthy living. Learn easy and quick ways to prepare them.

Relationships, Creativity and Fun: What about the rest of your life? Explore powerful and transformational exercises to bring awareness to things holding you back from experiencing more joy. Healing Life Habits: To ensure your long-term success, lay the foundation for healthy habits and discuss strategies for managing the inevitable events that get you off track. Moving the Body: Explore forms of exercise that meet your body's needs, that you love and that fit easily into your lifestyle.



HEART HEALTH Alpha Phis know a major concern for women is cardiovascular health. According to the American Heart AssociationÂŽ, the number of women who die from heart disease has increased to more than 500,000 a year. In addition, more women die from heart disease each year than from all cancers combined. There are many ways to reduce your risk: drink enough water, eat vegetables and fruits and reduce sugary processed foods (see page 42 for additional examples and information about leading a heart healthy lifestyle).

SIZZLE QUINOA* SALAD Ingredients: 1 cup quinoa, rinsed 2 cups water 1 can chickpeas, drained 1 bunch scallions, minced 1 red bell pepper, diced 2 carrots, peeled and grated 1 red onion, diced 1 /2 bunch parsley, minced 1 /2 bunch cilantro, minced 1 /2 cup white raisins (optional) 1 /4 cup olive oil juice squeezed from 1 lemon salt and pepper, to taste Preparation: Bring water to a boil. Add quinoa. Reduce heat and simmer 30 minutes. Transfer cooked fluffy quinoa to large serving bowl. Add chickpeas, scallions, pepper, carrots, onion, parsley and cilantro. Add raisins if desired. In a small bowl, whisk olive oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Pour dressing over mixture. Toss lightly. Enjoy! *Quinoa, a seed cultivated in Peru and Chile, is available at specialty food stores.

For those at a loss as to how to add a dash more fun to your day, here’s a list of things you can do right now.

• Camp out in your backyard. • Get a massage. • Design a piece of jewelry. • Schedule a last-minute vacation. • Buy something red. • Go skinny-dipping. • Take a mid-day nap without setting the alarm. • Turn your cell phone off for 24 hours. • Bake cookies. • Sit outside and blow bubbles. • Say no the next time someone asks you for a favor. • Take a belly-dancing class. • Start a conversation with a stranger. • Eat the ripest peach you can find. • Go horseback riding. Becoming truly healthy is a process of discovering one’s own body, understanding how it works and nurturing it using food and lifestyle adjustments. Healing in this manner is whole, long-term and within your reach. Create a new healthy future for yourself.

“Diet is key to creating good health, but secondary to what people need most: love, friendship, intimacy, laughter, relaxation, physical activity, fulfilling work and fresh air.� –Alisa Vitti (FO -Johns

Editor’s Note: Beginning in the next issue of the Quarterly, Alisa will contribute a column called “Essential Woman,� focusing on diet and lifestyle. At the end of each column, she will provide an experiment for readers to try at home. E-mail alisaholistic@yahoo.com with health and lifestyle questions.


About the Author

Experiment #2 Think experiencing more fun and creativity can’t make a difference to your health and happiness? If you’re serious about venturing on a healing journey, try two of the following activities and e-mail alisaholistic@yahoo.com with the results. • Make a collage. • Go roller-skating. • Invent your own tea ceremony. • Try on everything at the most expensive boutique in town.

FALL 2003

Alisa Vitti is a certified holistic health counselor and nutrition and lifestyle coach with the American Association of Drugless Practitioners. With degrees from Johns Hopkins University and the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, she specializes in women’s hormonal imbalances, weight balancing, eating disorders, digestive issues, food and tobacco addictions, skin problems and heart disease prevention. She successfully healed herself of PCOS (Poly-Cystic Ovarian Syndrome) using the methods she teaches. To learn more, visit her Web site at www.alisavitti.com or contact Alisa at alisaholistic@yahoo.com or 917.862.8426.


2 “Portion size is important. It’s not what you eat, but how much of it. We’re all human. There are no ‘good’ or ‘bad’ foods. The key is everything in moderation.” –Jeannie Mueller ( Northern Colorado)

Advice from a Registered Dietician

Registered Dietician Jeannie Steinkirchner Mueller ( -Northern Colorado) instructs using the American Heart Association’s® Slim For Life® program, a 10-week nutrition education and weight management program that promotes heart healthy lifestyle changes, including diet and exercise. “Having a certificate in adult weight management, I understand the stress people face in trying to be healthy in an unhealthy society,” says Jeannie. Important to note, she says, is, “You can’t be healthy without exercise and eating healthy.” When it comes to healthy eating, Jeannie says, “Portion size is important. It’s not what you eat, but how much of it. We’re all human. There are no ‘good’ or ‘bad’ foods. The key is everything in moderation.” Jeannie recommends the following tips regarding nutrition, physical activity and overall behavioral modifications. Eating for optimal health 1) Eat a varied meal plan: Eat five or more servings of vegetables and fruits, and incorporate

whole grains and legumes rather than refined grains (white rice, white bread). Whole grains are high in fiber, vitamins and minerals. 2) Keep fat intake moderate: Consumption of calories of fat should come from monounsaturated fats (olive oil, canola oil and peanuts). 3) Consume sugary foods only in moderation. 4) Consume enough calcium: Calcium prevents osteoporosis and helps with premenstrual syndrome. Try low-fat dairy products and dark-green leafy vegetables. 5) Drink enough fluids: The body, under average conditions, loses approximately two to three quarts of fluid daily through perspiration, exhaled moisture and excretion. Replace this fluid by consuming the equivalent of at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water daily. 6) If you drink alcohol, do so in moderation: Experts recommend women consume less than one drink per day (defined as 12 ounces of beer, 4 ounces of wine or 1.5 ounces of 80-proof liquor or spirits).

MEET OTHER ALPHA PHIS IN HEALTH AND FITNESS Missy Bledsoe (ΓITexas Tech) coaches Austin-based teams as part of the American Heart Association's® Train to End Stroke® program. The former Missy Bledsoe, left, cheers on middle school girls' a stroke hero she coaches at a coach took on this new race in Jamaica. One hundred percent of those Missy trained endeavor just over a year ago and has finished the race! helped more than 100 walkers and runners complete half- and full-marathons. "A couple participants have been stroke heroes. It's fun to see people who didn't think they could walk two miles the first time they make it to the 10-mile mark."


Missy herself has competed in four marathons, including the Boston Marathon. Meghan Macy (EN-Delaware) is an exercise specialist at JFK Rehabilitation Hospital in Edison, N.J. She develops independent exercise programs for special needs clients who have head injuries, strokes, multiple sclerosis Meghan Macy and a variety of other medical issues. “It is an extremely rewarding career,” says Meghan. “I help people facilitate healthy lifestyle habits that assist them on the road to recovery and on the road of life.”

Former Field Consultant Pam Nolin Nelson (∆E-Iowa) teaches Fitness for Life at Huntley Middle School in Huntley, Ill. The class is a combination of health, physical education and personal goal planning for lifelong fitness. Pam remains active Pam Nelson herself, including participation in three triathlons. “I am very excited about fitness and all it encompasses in our individual lives,” Pam says.



If you feel a craving coming on, drink a glass of water and wait 10 minutes. If you’re still having a craving, eat half of the piece of pie, for example, instead of the entire piece. It makes you consider your actions before you do it.

AHA physical activity guidelines The FITT system recommends the following regarding physical activity: Frequency: physical activity daily or almost every day Intensity: moderate intensity activity (65 percent to 85 percent of predicted maximum heart rate) Time: accumulate 30 minutes or more throughout the day (60 minutes to lose weight) Type: find a physical activity you like. Exercise is supposed to be fun. You do not have to stick to just one thing; try a variety of activities. Behavioral modifications for a healthier you If you know you get hungry at 3 p.m. daily, preplan a healthy snack. Bring fruit versus running to the vending machine and grabbing a candy bar at that time. Find a hobby. We tend to eat when we’re bored or watching television. Heather Rampello (HYChapman) is a territory manager for the Dairy Council of California (DCC) in its Irvine, Calif., office. She promotes DCC and provides free nutrition, physical activity and health resources to teachers and Heather Rampello health professionals in California. “I absolutely love my job. I am constantly challenged with new nutrition and fitness questions. I have to be up-to-date with the latest health information, which is ever-changing.” Currently pursuing a master in public health degree at CSU/Long Beach, Heather hopes to teach health and nutrition classes at the college level.

FALL 2003

“The best advice I can relay is to contact an expert when wanting help with nutrition,” says Jeannie. “There is a lot of misinformation and false facts when it comes to losing weight or just being healthy.” About the Contributor Jeannie Mueller RD, CDE, is a registered dietitian and certified diabetic educator. She is director of clinical nutrition services at Delta County Memorial Hospital in Western Colorado. Jeannie graduated from University of Northern Colorado with a bachelor of arts in dietetics. Her background ranges from working in the largest medical facility in the U.S. (Los Angeles County + University of Southern California Medical Center) to St. Mary Corwin Hospital in Pueblo, Colo., a 250-bed medical facility. Jeannie enjoys providing nutrition counseling on weight management and cardio vascular health. She specializes in diabetic management. Jeannie created the Diabetes Lifestyle Program to provide continuous, supportive and aggressive care for people with diabetes throughout Delta County. She is part of the Head Start Program in Montrose, where she teaches healthy lifestyle classes to students and their parents. Phis needing motivation or clear information about nutrition can contact Jeannie at jmuellerrd@yahoo.com or 970.874.6410.

Rebecca Potter Schichler (BNorthwestern) is a fitness coach and personal trainer for the YMCA (Greater Rochester, N.Y.), specializing in motivating menopausal and post-menopausal women to stay fit, build cardio-vascular strength Rebecca Schichler and endurance and preserve and increase bone density. She also teaches water aerobics and gentle yoga. “My personal mission is to develop and strengthen my own intellect, body and spirit, which empowers me to reflect and encourage these qualities in others,” says Rebecca. “The keys to a successful fitness program are discipline and consistency over time. It also is important to have fun and enjoy the camaraderie of your fellows. This I learned three decades ago in the halls of Alpha Phi ... and I’ve been having a good time and staying fit ever since.”

Tiffany Shurtz Schlinke (ΦOklahoma) is a registered dietician at Mercy Health Center heart hospital in Oklahoma City. She speaks at weight loss programs, has developed educational classes for employee health, appears on Tiffany Schlinke local television and speaks at daycare and infant play programs. “There is some very bad misinformation out there,” she says. “For example, people buy into myths such as a high protein diet to lose weight. Some people avoid carbohydrates on these diets, and they miss out on nutrients provided by fruits, vegetables and whole wheat products. They will lose weight at first. However, the diet induces ketoacidosis, where the body breaks down muscle tissue (e.g., the heart) to make the glucose the brain needs to function. The diet also taxes the kidneys.” PAGE SEVEN


Sister Founds Health and Nutrition Web Site

Patricia Brown Kelly (BS-Indiana) is co-founder and executive vice president of The FoodFit Company, Inc., which focuses on healthy eating and active living. She and former U.S. Undersecretary of Agriculture for Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services Ellen Haas draw on the expertise of top public health organizations, leading dieticians, fitness experts and chefs to offer, through the company’s Web site (www.foodfit.com), nutritional recipes, fitness trends, motivation and interactive tools to assess health habits. In addition, the FoodFit’s Diet & Fitness Club, a premier service for subscribers created specifically for the company by the University of California/Davis Medical Center, features personalized diets, menu plans, chef-created recipes and personalized fitness recommendations. The site’s newest feature is Mind, Body, Spirit, a program that offers ideas for living a more balanced life. Pat says FoodFit’s Seven-Step Plan is a good way to get started on lifestyle changes. Step 1: Start early—breakfast is a habit to cultivate Research shows that breakfasteaters consume fewer calories at lunch and dinner and are less likely to snack compulsively the rest of the day. What you eat for breakfast matters. A breakfast that’s high in fiber and carbohydrates but low in fat gets your metabolism moving faster. Breakfast skippers burn fewer calories. Good “grab and go” breakfasts are a banana or a bag of dry cereal such as oat squares (oats lower “bad” cholesterol levels.) Mix berries into plain yogurt for a calcium and antioxidant boost.


If you’re opting for an energy bar, check the label carefully and pick the one with the least calories and saturated fat. Step 2: Think portion control—size it up Don’t feel you have to clean your plate when you’re eating out. Most meals are larger than the average adult requires. Try splitting dinner with a friend. Remember: A serving of meat is about the size of a deck of cards or your palm. Substitute one or two “first course” dishes for the main; you’ll get a variety of tastes without huge portions. Drinks lots of water at the table to slow eating and hunger. Step 3: Plan ahead for snacks—so your munchies are healthful Snacking isn’t a bad habit if you’re mindful of how many calories you’re eating. (Keep a food and exercise diary to stay on track.) In fact, eating frequently instead of waiting until you’re ravenous might help you avoid overeating. It also keeps blood sugar levels normal and brain chemistry in balance. Have a corner in the fridge reserved for goodfor-you nibbles. Put some cut-up veggies or sliced fruit on the table to help you through hunger just before dinner is ready. Snack only when you’re hungry; it’s not the cure for a glum mood. Step 4: Small changes make a big difference —to your waistline Choose low fat. Switching to 1 percent or skim milk from 2 percent slashes the fat by at least half. Eat your fruit instead of drinking it. You’ll get more fiber and antioxidants and fewer calories. Other changes that make a difference: Knock the word “club” off your sandwich, e.g., bacon, cheese and extra bread. Go for mustard to add flavor and save calories and fat.



AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION TIPS FOR HEALTHY LIFESTYLE Eat sensibly and engage in brisk activity every day. Make an honest evaluation of your use of alcohol and medications. Stop smoking cigarettes or using tobacco products. Make sure you are receiving age-appropriate screenings and examinations. Talk to your physician if you are feeling sad or anxious for extended periods. Ensure that you and your children have received all necessary immunizations. Talk to them about healthy ways to resolve conflicts and monitor their exposure to violence. Make sure you are taking all medications as prescribed. Don’t be afraid to talk to a physician if you have any questions. Make sure there are no interactions with foods, beverages, dietary supplements or other medicines you may be taking.

Hold the butter on your movie popcorn and you’ll save more than 200 calories. An English muffin is usually half the calories of an average bagel and is low in fat. Switch to water from sugary sodas. Step 5: Fit fitness in throughout the day— every step you take counts Lifestyle activities can provide health benefits similar to a traditional gym-based workout. Get moving by parking in the furthest space, climbing the stairs instead of taking the elevator or walking or stretching while you’re on the phone. The goal for good health is to accumulate 10,000 steps a day, experts say. To help keep track, some people use an electronic pedometer – a palm size gadget that clips to your waistband and measures the number of steps you take. Balance on one foot while brushing your teeth. Balance on the other foot while combing your hair.

WEB SITES American College of Sports Medicine, www.acsm.org


American Heart Association, www.americanheart.org American Medical Association, www.ama-assn.org America on the Move™, www.americaonthemove.org Federal Government nutrition sites, www.nutrition.gov

FALL 2003

Take your dog for a walk every day. If you don’t have a dog, borrow your neighbor’s, or just walk your “inner dog.” Step 6: Remember the basics of good nutrition Use the Food Guide Pyramid as a tool to help you make choices in today’s confusing marketplace and to help balance your diet. Step 7: Treat yourself Pick a day or two in the week and have a treat that is planned, such as a dessert or entree that you especially enjoy. The extra 100-200 calories you’ve eaten will then be easily burned off with a 1-2 mile walk. Visit www.foodfit.com for additional resources.

“Get moving by parking in the furthest space, climbing the stairs

About the Contributor Pat Kelly is co-founder and executive vice president of the Washington, D.C.,based FoodFit Company, Inc. The communications and marketing strategist has more than 20 years' experience building communications programs for start-up organizations, mostly in the food, nutrition and health area. As a co-founder and director of communications for Public Voice for Food and Health Policy, Pat created the organization's communications strategy. She also served as the first vice president for communications at Conservation International and as president of International Communications, a Washington-based strategy group. Contact Pat at pat@foodfit.com or 202.331.2140.

instead of taking the elevator or walking or stretching while you’re on the phone.” –FoodFit’s Seven-Step Plan

Editor’s Note: As always, consult your physician before starting any new diet or exercise regimen.

BOOKS American Dietetic Association’s Complete Food & Nutrition Guide (John Wiley & Sons, 2002. ISBN: 0471229245), by Roberta Larson Duyff, MS, RD, CFCS.

Lose Weight With The Power of One: A Motivational Journey to Nutritional Sanity (Stephen Moss, 2003. ISBN: 0973322802), by Stephen Moss.




Is Your Career Healthy? By Nancy E. Huenefeld (BE-Arizona)

Is your career moving in the direction you want? Are you proud of your work? Does it meet your financial needs? Are you challenged? A career used to be considered a person’s series of jobs throughout her life. Today, careers are defined more as activities that create a satisfying lifestyle. Jobs weave into your life; they do not define your life. Knowing “who you are” allows you to assess how your current job and career path fit into your life. Life assessment Exploring who you are involves examining values, culture, spiritual beliefs, emotional health, skills, abilities and interests. Write your thoughts as you reflect on the following. For detailed values, skills and interests assessment exercises, see the Resources sidebar. Values and culture Reflect on the past month. Based on your activities, what has been important or meaningful? Who have you spent time with, and where did you focus your energy? What values do you consistently identify? Your heritage, family traditions and faith should be included in a cultural assessment. What does it mean for you to be a woman? How does your culture or community affect your career decision-making? Spiritual beliefs and emotional health Take time to self-explore by reading books, meditating, journaling or talking with someone you trust. Professional career counseling is a good option for further depth in the areas of mental health and spiritual beliefs. This is a holistic process, and a good career counselor provides more than just tests and assessment in helping you self-explore. Skills and abilities Consider the duties performed in jobs you’ve held and as a volunteer. What skills and abilities have you used in each position? Don’t overlook unpaid activities. Which skills do you want to enhance or


Books What Color is Your Parachute, 2000: A Practical Manual for Job Hunters and Career Changers (Ten Speed Press; 2003. ISBN: 1580084605), Richard Nelson Bolles Do What You Love, The Money Will Follow: Discovering Your Right Livelihood (DTP, 1989. ISBN: 0440501601), Marsha Sinetar Smart Choices: A Practical Guide to Making Better Decisions (Harvard Business School Press, 1998. ISBN: 0875848575), John S. Hammond, Ralph L. Keeney and Howard Raiffa


CAREER ADJUSTMENT OR CHANGE OPTIONS • Shift to another position or role within your company. • Change work sector (e.g., from private to non-profit or government). • Rather than shift your career, augment it with fun activities, volunteer work or a weekend job to balance out what you already do. • Take continuing education courses or earn another degree to increase your marketability. Become an apprentice in a trade. • Start your own business.

use in a career? Skills can be learned, so a lack of skills in a certain area need not deter you from exploring careers that use those skills. Interests What careers have you considered? What are your dream jobs, and what makes them so interesting? When you ask yourself if your career is healthy, examine all aspects of your life. Think about the things you like to do, your interests and areas of yourself you’d like to develop. To change or not to change Are you doing what interests you, using skills that challenge you and spending time doing what you value? Ideally, your job should supplement your life. Not all jobs fit all of your needs, but it is optimal for them to fit many. If you are unsure how much your current job fits you, determine your unmet needs, then explore other job and career possibilities (see sidebar). Once you have ideas, discuss them with everyone you know. Anyone could have contacts who may be good connections. Request occupational or informational interviews to gain firsthand knowledge and insight about positions of interest. Regularly reassess your exploration, and look for creative ways to develop a lifestyle and career that complement each other and you. This is not a simple process. Career health means a healthy lifestyle and a healthy you. Take time to assess your life. You are worth it! Nancy E. Huenefeld, Ph.D. (BE-Arizona) is a licensed psychologist in Seattle. Alpha Phis interested in being counseled or “coached” regarding career change in person or via telephone are invited to contact her at 425.562.3533 or neh32@hotmail.com.

Web sites U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupation Outlook Handbook, www.bls.gov/oco Penn State’s Career Center, www.sa.psu.edu/career/occupation.html (tips on occupational and informational interviews) Career Exposure, Inc., www.careerwomen.com, owned and operated by JillXan Donnelly (BE-Arizona)



IEB Election: Choosing Women of Vision, Intelligence and Action The International Executive Board (IEB) is comprised of Alpha Phis who have a deep love for the Fraternity and a vision for her future. The process has begun to nominate the capable women who will lead the Fraternity during the 2004-06 biennium. We search for leaders who are unafraid of challenges, open to new ideas and who thrive on learning and growing. All International dues-paying alumnae are eligible to serve on the Executive Board. According to our Constitution, “the International Alpha Phi International’s 2002-04 IEB. Executive Board shall be the governing and policymaking body of the Fraternity in the interim between Conventions and shall exercise general fiduciary responsibility for the Fraternity’s business and affairs. The Board shall have full and final authority over, and the responsibility for, the activities and operations of the Fraternity and shall have the power to do and perform all such acts as may be done by the Fraternity. The Board is limited in this respect by Convention actions and the provisions of the Constitution and Bylaws, and other governing documents of the Fraternity.” The Committee on Leadership (COL), made up of both elected and appointed members, selects the slate for the Executive Board that is presented to the membership. The timeline for this election process follows: Oct. 6 to Nov. 10, 2003: Candidate evaluation. Jan. 23-25, 2004: Slating weekend. February-April, 2004: Slate announced. Ballots distributed and returned. May 1, 2004: IEB election results announced. June 23-27, 2004: IEB transition and election of next biennium’s COL at Convention 2004.

To be eligible to vote for International Executive Board directors, members must pay annual International

The COL requested referrals from sisters via e-mail, mail, the Alpha Phi International Web site and the Alpha Phi Quarterly. All dues-paying members as of Dec. 31, 2003, are eligible to vote. Voting information and ballots will be mailed in February 2004.

dues by Dec. 31, 2003. See page 12 for instructions on paying

See the Fraternity Directory, page 41, for a list of COL members.


Volunteering is a wonderful way to improve your overall health. Visit www.alphaphi.org/about_alpha_phi/ volunteeropp.html or call 847.475.0663 to inquire about additional volunteer opportunities within Alpha Phi International.

FALL 2003




o Re conn







Each year, the alumnae of Alpha Phi are asked to support the Fraternity by paying

h Alpha P




alumnae dues ($20.00) and Founders’ Day pennies ($1.31). This money directly supports the Fraternity’s programs and initiatives and allows Alpha Phi to deliver the support systems and services our members want. INTERNATIONAL DUES TOP 10 COUNTDOWN Alumnae from the following collegiate chapters had the highest number of International dues-paying members in 2003!

Some of these services include developing the Fraternity’s Online Community (www.alphaphi.org/ onlinecommunity) to allow greater alumnae communication, improving services for local alumnae chapters’ leadership and partially funding with the Alpha Phi Foundation educational leadership consultants to visit collegiate chapters. This is just a small sampling of how you can help Alpha Phi! Need another reason to pay your 2004 alumnae dues?

9/10. Northwestern (B) (tie) 9/10. Nebraska (N) (tie)-first time in the Top Ten! 8. DePauw (Γ) 7. Michigan State (BB) 6. Illinois (BA) 5. Bowling Green State (BO) 4. UCLA (B∆) 3. Texas Tech (ΓI) 2. Missouri (O) And the winner is (for the third year in a row!)…

When you pay your alumnae dues, you become eligible to vote for the 2004-06 International Executive Board. Only alumnae who have paid their 2004 dues, by Dec. 31, 2003, will receive a ballot. In order to have a voice in the future leadership of Alpha Phi, you must pay your dues. What if you paid your dues before July 1, 2003? The dues cycle is similar to the academic year and runs from July 1-June 30, which means you paid your 2003 dues. Alpha Phi needs your support for projects in the upcoming year! Don’t delay. Pay your 2004 dues today, and support Alpha Phi. Three Ways to Pay • Pay online using our secure Internet connection at www.alphaphi.org/alumnae_info/dues_secure.html. • Call 847.316.8940, and we will process your dues payment over the telephone.

1. Texas (Ω)

• Complete the alumnae dues form below and mail to: Alpha Phi Executive Office, Attn: International Alumnae Dues, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201.

2004 International Alumnae Dues Enclosed is $21.31 ($33.46 Canadian) for payment of my International alumnae dues ($20 dues

plus $1.31 for Founders’ Day pennies). This is not a tax-deductible contribution.

My check for $21.31 ($33.46 Canadian) is enclosed.

Please make checks payable to Alpha Phi International. Charge my dues payment to:

NAME _________________________________________________________________________ FIRST






American Express


ADDRESS ________________________________________________________________________________

__________________________________________________ CITY ___________________________________ STATE ________________ ZIP/POSTAL CODE ____________



TELEPHONE ___________________________________ E-MAIL ____________________________________ ID# (FOUND ON BACK OF QUARTERLY) __________________________________________________________

__________________________________________________ S I G N AT U R E

CHAPTER (COLLEGIATE) _________________________ SCHOOL ____________________________________




North Central Midwest Region DUPAGE VALLEY, ILL. DuPage Valley alumnae donated $1,125 to Marionjoy Rehabilitation Hospital in Wheaton, Ill., toward the purchase of CPR education materials. Since 1982, the chapter has donated more than $45,000 to the hospital. President Arlene Kuhn Bettin (E∆Northern Illinois), a registered nurse, and Sally Hanson Wallin (I-Wisconsin), a case manager, are both employed by Marionjoy. Molly Statz (O-Missouri) began an ivy circle for younger alumnae and has planned several events. Both groups will celebrate Founders’ Day with bowling and an Alpha Phi trivia contest. Collegians are invited to join the festivities. –Molly Statz (O-Missouri) DUPAGE VALLEY CONTACT:

Arlene Kuhn Bettin (E∆-Northern Illinois)

Bettin4@cs.com 630.681.0506 www.dupagealphaphi.org MADISON, WIS. Madison alumnae traveled to the “Oprah Show” in Chicago during the spring. Jennifer Zaremba (BΓΛColorado), Sara Garay Euclide (ΓΣ-Wisconsin/Stout), Cindy Reinerio Joers (I-Wisconsin) and Sarah Engler Weitz (I-Wisconsin) attended the taping of a “Reality TV Update” program and met cast members from “The Bachelor” and “The Bachelorette.” The chapter meets the second Wednesday of every month for wine tastings, gardening workshops, trips, scrapbooking and more. –Jennifer Zaremba MADISON CONTACT:

Linda Bonk Colello (ZA-Eastern Illinois)

l.l.colello@att.net 608.838.3337 MILWAUKEE, WIS. Milwaukee alumnae meet every October for Founders’ Day and during summers for potlucks. FALL 2003

Wisconsin/Oshkosh (∆Ψ) alumnae from as far as Hawaii met at Melodee Lettman Curtes’ (∆ΨWisconsin/Oshkosh) home in Hartford in July. Several of those present met in Las Vegas earlier in the year. They are considering holding the next reunion in Hawaii at Sandy Flentje Kofel’s (∆Ψ-Wisconsin/Oshkosh) home. –Linda Robnett Short (∆Ψ-Wisconsin/Oshkosh) MILWAUKEE CONTACT:

Linda Robnett Short (∆Ψ-Wisconsin/Oshkosh)

cabinstil@milwpc.com 262.375.2494

Northeast Region BOSTON, MASS. The Boston alumnae chapter is one of the oldest in the nation. For information about open executive board and committee positions and upcoming events e-mail Laura McMahon Kovacs (I∆-Rhode Island) or visit the chapter’s new Web site. BOSTON CONTACT:

Laura McMahon Kovacs (I∆-Rhode Island) lauralaylin@alumnae.alphaphi.org 617.718.0926 www.bostonphis.com

BUFFALO, N.Y. Buffalo President Tracey Rosenthal Drury (ΘESUNY/Buffalo) hosted a wine and cheese party in May and a family barbecue in July. Members gathered at Crystal Witkowski Flynn’s (ZΠ-Case Western Reserve) home for martinis and the season premier of “Sex and the City” in June. Other summer events included brunch, a pizza party, a shopping spree at a local outlet mall, participation in the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure® and attending an outdoor Shakespeare in the Park performance. Fall events included a wine tour and spa day at Niagara on the Lake and a scenic walk in historic East Aurora to support the Roswell Park Cancer Institute. A Founders’ Day brunch was planned for October.


DuPage Valley alumnae present Joe Skvara, senior vice president of the Marionjoy Foundation, with a donation to the hospital.


Madison alumnae get acquainted with Bob and Charlie from “The Bachelorette.”


Delta Psi alumnae reunite at Melodee Curtes’ home in July.

The chapter’s new Web site was launched, thanks to Vice President of Technology Rayleen Tolejko (EIDuquesne). –Rayleen M. Tolejko (EI-Duquesne) and Tracey Rosenthal Drury (ΘE-SUNY/Buffalo) BUFFALO CONTACT:

Tracey Rosenthal Drury (ΘE-SUNY/Buffalo)

tbdrury2@aol.com 716.731.6420 http://alphaphi_buffaloalum.tripod.com LONG ISLAND, N.Y. Christel Guerra Croce (ΘM-Hofstra) developed the

Long Island chapter’s new Web site. Sisters enjoyed a relaxing spa night during the summer. –Christel Guerra Croce (ΘM-Hofstra) LONG ISLAND CONTACT:

Christel Guerra Croce (ΘM-Hofstra)

shaziee@aol.com 516.771.0678 www.LIAlphaPhi.com RHODE ISLAND Rhody Phis raised $1,300 for the Alpha Phi Foundation at the Silver and Bordeaux cocktail party in April. More than 70 guests enjoyed hors d’oeuvres, dancing and a silent auction at the Pawtucket Country Club. The chapter also raised $600 from an exam goodie bag fundraiser at Rhode Island (I∆). In June, (continued on next page)





Delta Nu alumnae celebrate the chapter’s 40th anniversary.


Long Island sisters pay tribute to their newest alumnae.


Buffalo alumnae enjoy a wine and cheese party in May. Pictured are (from left) Leslie Markowitz (ΓP-Penn State), Rayleen Tolejko, Crystal Flynn, Kathleen Smigelski (ZΨ-Dayton) and Tracey Drury.


Greater Seattle sisters and Sigma seniors enjoy dinner and a baseball game.


(From left) Mary Ellen Brucker, Lori Perlman Zeid (OMissouri) and Clarissa Start Lippert (AΛ) enjoy a St. Louis Gateway satellite luncheon in May.

(Rhode Island, cont.)

alumnae enjoyed fondue at President Kim NortonO’Brien’s (ZP-Bentley) home. A pool party at Laura Slipski Backus’s (EI-Duquesne) home and a cookout at a local park rounded out summer activities. Upcoming events include a yard sale, Founders’ Day brunch, Ocean State Follies live performance and a holiday cookie exchange. All are welcome. Visit the chapter’s Web site for more information. –Kim Norton-O’Brien (ZP-Bentley) RHODE ISLAND CONTACT:

Kim Norton-O’Brien (ZP-Bentley) president@rhodyphis.com 401.884.3971 www.RhodyPhis.com

Pacific Northwest Region GREATER SEATTLE, WASH. Greater Seattle alumnae welcomed Washington (Σ) graduating seniors in May for an annual senior dinner, held at the Outfield Market at Safeco Field PAGE FOURTEEN

prior to the Seattle Mariners/Kansas City Royals baseball game. Deanne Hansen Allegro (ZB-Loyola Marymount) worked with the Sigma Parent’s Club to organize senior gifts, and Kathryn Wilbrecht (BPΛWashington State) and Sara Wood (Σ-Washington) planned and coordinated the evening. –Michelle Wells (BPΛ-Washington State) GREATER SEATTLE CONTACT:

Deanne Hansen Allegro (ZB-Loyola Marymount) Dallegro@starbucks.com 206.290.4849 http://greaterseattleaphialumni.homestead.com

South Central Region TOPEKA, KAN. Topeka alumnae held an annual spring luncheon in May to welcome Washburn (Y) graduating seniors into the alumnae group. A gift was made to the Alpha Phi Foundation in their honor. The chapter’s local scholarship was awarded to outstanding Upsilon collegian Erin Heffernan. Eight alumnae were recognized for 50 years of sisterhood: Margaret Donnelly Buie (Γ∆-Kansas), Ardelle Anderson Drewelow (Γ∆-Kansas), Barbara Davenport Dunster (Y-Washburn), Janis Brown Hutchison (Y-Washburn), Jo Macht Lauffer (YWashburn), Alma Johnston Murray (Y-Washburn), Alice Leyland Smitherman (BE-Arizona) and Peggy Fry Yingling (Y-Washburn). –Rebecca Collins (Y-Washburn) TOPEKA CONTACT:

Rebecca Collins (Y-Washburn) aphigirl01@hotmail.com 785.267.2674

GREATER KANSAS CITY, KAN. Kansas City alumnae made finals care packages for Missouri (O), Washburn (Y) and Central Missouri State (ΘΛ) collegians. Members shared summer

salad recipes and favorite books and enjoyed a Hawaiian luau in September. Already, alumnae provided Upsilon chapter with Ivy Leaf pins and new member gift bags and assisted with fall recruitment preparations. –Gretchen McClure (ΘΓ-Northeast Missouri State) GREATER KANSAS CITY CONTACT:

Gretchen McClure (ΘΓ-Northeast Missouri State) gretchenmcclure@lycos.com 913.268.7468

ST. LOUIS GATEWAY, MO. During a St. Louis alumnae May satellite luncheon at The Whitemore House at Washington University, 50year members were honored: Marilyn Weber Griesedieck (O-Missouri), Mary Ellen Shelton

ALUMNAE ARE FITNESS ENTHUSIASTS Long Island Treasurer Leslie Wallace Cook (ΘB-Bryant) takes an active part in the fitness arena by volunteering her time to the annual American Cancer Society’s Making Strides® Against Leslie Cook Breast Cancer walkathon. She and her family are advocates for this event every October. Another fitness enthusiast is President Christel Guerra Croce (ΘM-Hofstra), who is establishing a choreography business and mentors fitness competitors. Christel adds an element of hip hop flavor into the fields of fitness, aerobics and dance. Visit Christel’s Web site at www.christelcroce.com. Christel Croce



Networking, friendship, fun: three great ways to improve your overall health. Contact alumnae@alphaphi.org or call 847.316.8940 for information about joining an alumnae chapter or ivy connection in your area.

Brucker (K-Stanford), Barbara Murphy Ogilvie (Ω-Texas), Marge Crangle McFarland (BK-Denison), Polly Keazer Poe (Y-Washburn) and Jean Pillsbury Pregaldin (BA-Illinois). Barbara Ogilvie organized


Sabrina Gumbinger Heiman (B-Northwestern)

sabrina.heiman@emrsn.com 636.300.9761 OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA. Oklahoma City alumnae provided snacks and soft drinks to Oklahoma City (∆∆) collegians during polish week in August. A watch party for the University of Oklahoma/Alabama college football game kicked off the fall meeting schedule. A cheese and wine tasting with sisters from the Norman area also was enjoyed in September. Alumnae, their children and collegians will celebrate Halloween with an Oct. 27 pumpkin carving party at the Delta Delta chapter suite. A popular “girls’ night out” is scheduled for Nov. 18. Another favorite event, the annual ornament exchange and holiday party, is Dec. 9. –Becky Morse (Φ-Oklahoma) OKLAHOMA CITY CONTACT:

Becky Morse (Φ-Oklahoma)

bmorse@centuryfitness.com 405.840.1709

FALL 2003

ALUMNA COMPLETES FIRST TRIATHLON Tracie Eisenman (P-Ohio State) competed in her first triathlon this year, the Wendy's® International Triathlon 2003. The sprint triathlon included a halfmile open water swim, 18.5-mile bike ride and 3.1-mile run. Inexperienced at triathlons, but a lifelong athlete, she trained for six months, balancing graduation, a new job and Tracie Eisenman relocating. "Athletics are a true metaphor for life. There are ups and downs. Some things come naturally, and some things you really have to develop. In athletics, much like in life, there is only possibility."

AUSTIN IVY CONNECTION, TEXAS Austin ivy connection alumnae met at the Texas (Ω) chapter house in June for an open house and charter signing party. Rona Mayer (Ω-Texas) hosted the event and conducted tours of the Omega house. Area alumnae interested in joining should contact Rona Mayer. –Wendy Worth (P-Ohio State)

In June, newly elected officers held a planning meeting to set the year’s agenda. –Nadine Troll Parsons (ZN-Texas Christian) FORT WORTH CONTACT:

Cathy Brown (ZN-Texas Christian)

cbrowntcu@sbcglobal.net 817.465.8696 www.angelfire.com/tx4/aphi


Rona Mayer (Ω-Texas) Rona_Mayer@Dell.com 512.699.6209

FAR NORTH DALLAS AND SURROUNDING COUNTIES, TEXAS Far North Dallas and Surrounding Counties alumnae enjoyed a visit from Cameron (ΘP) collegians in May. A recruitment retreat and a collegiate support program highlighted the meeting. All walked the beautiful paths of the Dallas Arboretum, and collegians entertained with a recruitment skit. A ceremony for graduating seniors concluded the day. Alumnae traveled to the Midwestern State (ΓΩ) collegiate chapter for a senior ceremony and reception. A September meeting at Kim Neal Harlow’s (Ω-Texas) home featured a professional organizer. –Jessica Warchol (ΓΩ-Midwestern State) FAR NORTH DALLAS AND SURROUNDING COUNTIES CONTACT:

Karla Hardy-Allford (ΓΩ-Midwestern State) karla@alumnae.alphaphi.org 972.624.0686

FORT WORTH, TEXAS The Fort Worth chapter met in May for officer elections, followed by the annual tour of homes in the historic Fairmount District. Also in May, the Alpha Phi-McFerrin Golden Stethoscope Awards for nursing excellence at John Peter Smith Hospital were presented.

NORTHWEST HOUSTON, TEXAS New Northwest Houston officers were installed at a May meeting. Members wrote recommendations for collegiate chapters during a pizza party in June. A meeting held at Karla Richardson Griffith’s (ΓITexas Tech) home also was a surprise baby shower for Julie Davidson Buxton (EΩ^-Texas A&M). Thanks to the chapter’s ongoing candle selling fundraiser, the four Texas collegiate chapters received contributions. Alumnae of all ages are encouraged to join the chapter. Contact Gina Garner Winter (EΩΛ-Texas A&M) to receive a newsletter. –Susan Kimbrough Danbom (ΓI-Texas Tech) NORTHWEST HOUSTON CONTACT:

Gina Garner Winter (EΩΛ-Texas A&M) gkgdds@hotmail.com 281.296.0766

SOUTHWEST DALLAS, TEXAS Southwest Dallas area alumnae participated for a sixth year in the Duncanville, Texas, Fourth of July parade. A trailer was decorated in patriotic colors, sousa music played and members waved the arms of Evlis the teddy bear. –Elaine Birtchet Holley (AΛ) SOUTHWEST DALLAS CONTACT:

Elaine Birtchet Holley (AΛ)

Alphaphi@ectisp.net 972.775.1794





Austin area ivy connection charter members gather inside the “Big Room” at the Omega chapter house.


Forth Worth alumnae (from left) Catherine Brown (ZNTexas Christian), Trisha Thompson Schwennsen (∆BTexas A&M/Commerce) and (second from right) Susan Stone (ZN-Texas Christian) attend the Alpha PhiMcFerrin Golden Stethoscope Awards. They are joined by John Peter Smith Hospital representatives Kimberly Britton and Laverne Campbell.


Riding in the Duncanville, Texas, annual Fourth of July parade are Southwest Dallas alumnae and family members (from left) Pam Farley (EΣ-Dallas Baptist State), Angela Farley (EΣ-Dallas Baptist State), Elaine Birtchet Holley (AΛ), Rachel Holley and Jayne Duncan Korbs (AΛ).


Posing during a Richmond and Central Virginia alumnae gathering are the group’s executive board members.


Linda Koziara Frassrand (BB-Michigan State)

lmfrass@comcast.net 770.667.0596 RICHMOND AND CENTRAL VIRGINIA Richmond and Central Virginia alumnae met monthly at a variety of restaurants, including Legends in May and Richmond’s in June. To benefit the Alpha Phi Foundation, chapter members held a successful golden gift drive fundraiser. Kathy Molnar Medwid (∆A-East Carolina) coordinated the event. –Judy Boyd Cogburn (∆N-Maine) RICHMOND AND CENTRAL VIRGINIA CONTACT:

Judy Boyd Cogburn (∆N-Maine)

richmondaphi@mail.com 804.932.8669 www.angelfire.com/va/richmondaphialum

Southwest Region PASADENA, CALIF. Since the Pasadena alumnae chapter received its official charter in June, Phis have been busy networking, socializing and filling their calendars with group activities and philanthropic events. Alumnae in Pasadena/San Gabriel Valley should e-mail Laura Halasa Grant (HE-Villanova) to attend meetings or events. –Laura Halasa Grant (HE-Villanova) PASADENA CONTACT:

Laura Halasa Grant (HE-Villanova)

alphaphi_pasadena@yahoo.com 626.644.2157 SAN FERNANDO VALLEY, CALIF. On May 4, San Fernando Valley alumnae and CSU/Northridge (EY) collegians co-sponsored a banquet for graduating seniors. The event included an appearance by a favorite alumna, 87-year-old Dorothea “Granny” Nelson Heitz (X-Montana). Imparting words


Pikes Peak alumnae are excited about discounted memberships to Shapemakers Fitness.


New Albuquerque alumnae executive board members are (from left) Rachel Robinson (AΛ), Barbara Harland Trythall (∆Γ-Northern Colorado), Jo Pendery and Emily Zander.

Southeast Region ATLANTA, GA. The Atlanta alumnae chapter’s fall kick-off meeting was August 21. Sisters enjoyed a Southern style barbecue and celebrated being all-American Phis, “Red, White and Phi Style.” –Linda Koziara Frassrand (BB-Michigan State)


Hey Alpha Phis! Tired of going nowhere? Want to get away and relax? Alpha Phi is planning group travel opportunities for 2004 so you can relax and just enjoy good ‘ole sisterly bonding. Stay tuned to upcoming Quarterly issues and the Web site at www.alphaphi.org for information about new “Phis in Belize” and “Village Life in the Dordogne” trips!

Alpha Phi Sisters 1930 Silver Street Ivy, USA 01872



of wisdom, Granny wished new graduates well and gave them advice to take on their life journeys. Also in May, alumnae gathered at the Huntington Museum for an afternoon of tea and art. June brought a night of golf putting at a local hot spot. In July, alumnae, friends and family enjoyed the second annual summer beach bash in Malibu. Monthly meetings are held the second Saturday of each month. Area alumnae are invited to attend. –Ingrid Gluck (ZB-Loyola Marymount) SAN FERNANDO VALLEY CONTACT:

Erin Alworth (ΓB-UC/Santa Barbara)

eeea22@yahoo.com 818.360.3258 www.sfvalphaphi.com PIKES PEAK, COLO. Pikes Peak alumnae are part of a new workout group that gives members a chance to meet sisters at the gym, thanks to discounted memberships at Shapemakers Fitness. The women participated in the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life® in May. They enjoyed summer activities including a family

pool party, garage sale and trip to the Botanical Gardens in Denver. Alumnae also participated in the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure® in August. –Stacy Michael (ΘA-Linfield) PIKES PEAK CONTACT:

Kim Miller (BA-Illinois)

kn@mindspring.com 719.648.7718 www.pikespeakalphaphi.freewebsitehosting.com ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. Albuquerque alumnae concluded the year with a picnic at the Albuquerque Zoo for members, children and grandchildren. New officers were installed and 50-year members Virginia Bristol Betterton (ΩTexas), Jo Fox Pendery (P-Ohio State) and Barbara Christopher Swenson (BM-Alabama) were recognized during an April State Day luncheon. –Liz Wall Greene (X-Montana) ALBUQUERQUE CONTACT:

Emily Villars Zander (B-Northwestern)


Upper Midwest Region CLEVELAND WEST SHORE, OHIO Cleveland West Shore alumnae began the year with a catered dinner and visited an upscale dress shop for fall fashions. Sisters volunteered to wrap holiday gifts, with profits benefiting the Cleveland Alumnae Panhellenic scholarship fund. The chapter hosted several business meetings in restaurants, a luncheon with a speaker, a book talk and a Tastefully Simple food party. –Lia Noukas Staaf (BO-Bowling Green State) CLEVELAND WEST SHORE CONTACT:

Lia Noukas Staaf (BO-Bowling Green State)

liabud@aol.com 440.895.0694 COLUMBUS, OHIO Columbus alumnae and the Ohio State (P) house corporation board co-hosted an open house for the newly renovated Rho chapter house on Sept. 14. Tours were conducted, and punch and cookies were served. Changes included all new interior decorating (continued on next page)

PHIS COMPETE WITH HELP FROM TEAM IN TRAINING® Four alumnae have participated in marathons thanks to The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s® Team In Training®, a program that trains non-athletes to run or walk marathons or half-marathons in exchange for fundraising for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society®. Alisa Kehr (EΦΛ-NC State) ran the Nokia® Sugar Bowl Mardi Gras Marathon in New Orleans in February. Lanie Goodman (Φ-Oklahoma) has participated in two marathons through Team In Training®, the Mardi Gras Marathon and the Suzuki® Rock ’n Roll Marathon in San Diego in June. Running “is something I really have to work at,” says Lanie, who continues to train for future marathons. “Since I am new to running, my goal is always to beat Alisa Kehr my previous time.” Connie Madrid (ΘΛ-Central Missouri State) joined Lanie for both events,

FALL 2003

Lanie Goodman and Connie Madrid participate in the Nokia Sugar Bowl Mardi Gras Marathon in New Orleans in February.

walking the full-marathon in New Orleans and the half-marathon in San Diego. She also plans to participate in the P.F. Chang’s Rock ’n Roll Arizona Marathon with Lanie in January. Kym Cindea Steager (HΓ-Akron) ran her first marathon, the Disney® Marathon in Orlando, with the help of Team In Training®. “I went from being a person who doubled over at the thought of running more than a few miles to someone who got caught up in the “runner’s high,” Kym Kym Steager says.




new alumnae chapters Congratulations to the following chapter

Alpha Phi International is excited to announce alumnae chapters and ivy connections are forming in the following areas:

for recently receiving its charter! AUSTIN AREA IVY CONNECTION Chartered: July 7, 2003 Chapter President: Rona Mayer (Ω-Texas) E-mail: Rona_Mayer@Dell.com

(Columbus, cont.)

on the first floor and new study rooms and bathrooms on the second and third floors. –Jodine Hiser Beggrow (P-Ohio State) COLUMBUS CONTACT:

Bonnie Kurth Buesching (BK-Denison)

buesching1@aol.com 614.889.0983 WESTERN RESERVE, OHIO The Western Reserve alumnae chapter held its fourth annual wine tasting at the home of Candace Mitchell Robinson (Ω-Texas). Terri Rolik Justofin-Dalsky (BΩ-Kent State) organized the event that included a presentation by the owner of a local wine store. Fifteen sisters tasted a variety of wines and champagnes from California, and a light dinner was served. –Gini Case Kucmanic (AΛ) WESTERN RESERVE CONTACT:

Terri Rolik Justofin-Dalsky (BΩ-Kent State)

tljd@aol.com 330.655.0572 YOUNGSTOWN AREA, OHIO Youngstown area alumnae occasionally meet for dinners out, chats and to share pictures. Members are proud of Patty Rogan Moran (∆H-Adrian), who serves on the Kent State (BΩ) house corporation board. Area alumnae interested in participating should contact Patti Ward Shears (BO-Bowling Green State). –Patti Ward Shears (BO-Bowling Green State) YOUNGSTOWN CONTACT:

Alumnae Chapters (alumnae of all ages) CALIFORNIA Murrieta San Francisco City CANADA Calgary Manitoba Quebec FLORIDA Daytona Beach Gulf Coast West Palm Beach INDIANA South Bend IOWA Des Moines MASSACHUSETTS Worchester



MISSOURI Kansas City Springfield


NEW JERSEY Central New Jersey

OVERSEAS Shanghai, China London, England Germany Tokyo, Japan

NEW YORK Hudson Valley

PENNSYLVANIA Susquehanna Valley



OHIO Akron




Ivy Connections (alumnae 10 years out of college and younger) CALIFORNIA Victorville




OHIO Columbus Dayton

VIRGINIA Virginia Peninsula

MAINE Bangor


Alpha Phi International seeks alumnae who are interested in forming alumnae chapters and ivy connections in the following areas: Davenport, Iowa Iowa City, Iowa Frederick, Md. Please contact Alissa Meyer (ZΞ-Elmhurst) at ameyer@alphaphi.org if you are interested in getting involved with any of these chapters or starting a chapter in your area.

Patti Ward Shears (BO-Bowling Green State)

PWardShears@alumnae.alphaphi.org 330.726.1943






Congratulations 25-, 50- and 75-Year Sisters! Alpha Phi salutes the following women who celebrate a significant anniversary of sisterhood during 2003. We recognize these members of Alpha Phi for 25 (initiated in 1978), 50 (initiated in 1953) and 75 years (initiated in 1928) of membership. These women are now eligible to purchase a special anniversary pin from the Executive Office to mark this wonderful occasion. To order, please e-mail alumnae@alphaphi.org or call 847.316.8940. Editor’s Note: British Columbia (B ), Michigan ( ), and USC (B ) are not in the 25-year member list because initiation practices of the time included extended pledging periods. Other chapters may not be in one of the lists because they did not exist at the time (e.g., chapters were closed or not yet established).

25-Year Members The newest piece of jewelry in our collection, the 25year member pin, is a sterling silver badge in the shape of the Big Dipper, fashioned with seven sapphires at each of the joints. Cost: $35 ALUMNAE INITIATES Jane Reuter Ackley *Vicki Richardson Adam Thelma Boyd Barnes Julie Russell Craven Pamela Rennie Curtis Angela Hagedorn Jackson Cora Dietrich Koller *Roberta Pacha Loescher *Della Keller Mack *Jayne Dugovich Pogorelc Carol Roberts Scavotto Karen Burow Sheehy Sue Uland Stephenson Norma Parrish Washburn Rebecca Oden Weatherall Phyllis DeGroot Weiland Cynthia Williams M. Hardie Yager

Susan Reiners Mitchell *Christine Ott Leslie Ozaroff Paola Racciatti *Katie Miller Roeper *Carolyn Fickey VanDuuren *Kathryn Thresh Webster Katharine McKallor Wicks Ellen Boehm Wilson Helen Zughaib B-NORTHWESTERN Lynda Baldwin *Cynthia Matre Brintnall Julie Browning Heidi Olsen Carnow *Donna Klein Dickinson Melanie Godschall Michelle Iaffaldano Graef Virginia Hartman Elizabeth Hingsbergen Ann Hutchinson Elizabeth Jensen Patricia Judge Christine Julian Miki Morinaga Kakinoma Mary Boyer Kirchheimer Janet Klein *Sue Levitt Nanda Mehta *Kathryn Morrison Martha Mulheirn Kimberly Schugart *Anne Stark *Margaret Riecker Thompson

Susan Tinnish Dana Upshaw *Patricia Wrona Mary Bowen Yacyshyn Kim Yaffe Γ-DEPAUW Mary Coffing Deanna Downey Compton *Patricia Dittmer Leigh MacKenzie Dolan Susan Gallion Janet Garrity *Ashley Long Grant Jody Tweed Gullifor Jill Taubensee Havey Vicky Martin Hime Margaret Thomson Kelsey Laurel Ringer Long Harriet Miles *Malinda Behrens Miney Mary Morris Sarah Dewart Morrison *Susan Anderson Nelsen *Terri Weese Neufeld Claire Parker Martha Pennington Wendy Putnam Pierce Margaret Edgeworth Randall Nancy Krebs Riggs Katherine Vickerstaff Roe Therese Borrelli Schmeltz *Nancy Sommer *Susan Tullar Marcie Stults Vormohr Vicki Rampelberg Walsh Marsha Brown Webster

Linnea Peterson Linderman Lani Ong Janice Cox Palumbos *Susan Peck *Leah Pfeifer Marcie Lucas Robinson Judith Carlin Sasoki Diane Sawicki Schroeder *Lorraine Smith Sally Strickholn *Ann Sweeney Cynthia Williams *Alice Chow Winter Anne Pavelka Young E-MINNESOTA Mary Anderson Maureen McCarthy Behrens Barbara Farley Carre *Jennifer Deakyne Nancy Illg Driver *Lori Dungey Karen Gregersen Hall *Jenny Jasinski Jane Loomis Johnson *Lori Johnston Nancy Silseth Kohs Katherine Willson McElroy *Holli Hauschild McGowan Jane Erie Moen *Karen Moyer Julie Kammer Pearson *Linda Schwartz Rabinowitz Alison Akers Roach *Nancy Swendseen Patricia Jordan Tennyson Jane Van Valkenburg *Jennifer Wallace

*Pamela Green Laura Kraemer Haas Elizabeth Thomas Harrigan *Lisa Kostecki Christine Anderson Lentz Mary Klarer Logemann Karen Ferguson Maxwell Tamara Perry Olsen Elizabeth Ebert Pecosky Julie Bauch Peterson Laura Polacheck Andrea Pomerance Elizabeth Roughton *Jane Schmutzler Margaret Grace Selph Lynn Kusler Shannon Patricia Plowman Solem *Patricia Terry Nancy Ulrikson Grace Williams Λ

K -STANFORD Jean Amrhein *Susan Andrews *Pamela Bradford Andrews Victoria Balderrama Azghandi *Connie Burkett Lisa Burns Pamela Callan *Norma Camacho Cynthia Stark Carter Deborah Gong-Guy Chan Sara Bancroft Clair Teresa Schaeffer Clock Carolyn Ellis *Nicole Fiore Goc Bess Thrope Goldring *Lisa Osborne Harman *Caroline Wiborg Haydu Evangeline Hegis *Kiley Hightower Michele Hornback Melissa Lebedeck Hubbard *Deborah Jager Melinda DeBriyn Johnson Kathryn Kelson Janice Kimball Key *Carolyn Underwood Killeen

ALPHA PHI ANNIVERSARY RECOGNITION PINS One special way to recognize the importance of lifetime membership and celebrate your affiliation with Alpha Phi on milestone occasions is with anniversary recognition pins. Pictures of pins, descriptions and costs are inlcuded at the beginning of each list. 25-, 50- and 75-year member certificates are free with each pin order. Or certificates may be ordered individually for $10 each.

Susan Klug Kathy Kohrman Ann Pollock Lincoln Carolyn MacLeod Amy Cramblit Magnuson Marion Morel Annette Mungai *Jacque Nims Mary Mahler Raitt Roberta Riedel Tamara Ritchey Isabel Sam-Vargas Robin Millington Schaap Janice Miller Stewart Susan Stewart *Rosemary Storm *Andrea Tiller Kathleen Davies Vidano Brenda Watson Marleigh White Melinda Homer Widen Λ-UC/BERKELEY Michele Benjamin Brenda Biren Cynthia Boeck *Sally Barry Cella *Diona DeVincenzi Anne Dickey *Debbie Dinneen Catherine Disse *Margaret Fay Cheryl Finley Jenny Geraty Gall *Alison Gold *Lisa Halbo Sarah Blair Hancock *Kim Hazel *Stephanie Herlihy *Kristen Johnson Jane Koch Gemma Kochis *Marianne Leonard *Lisa Levine Michelle Marchant Lynn McCafferey Robin McCleary Leslie Mills Susan Moser Lisa Sutton Pisenti Elizabeth Roberts Pamela Sabin *Lori Santos

Amy Sporer Schiff Susan Sutton Schultz *Ann Sellars *Randi Mayem Singer Erica Torell Eden Zigman N-NEBRASKA Vicki Mahnke Boesche *Dawn Brackett Beth Ann Bush Placek Kristy Melsen Cain Janet Ball Finken Jan Hester Giovino Pamela Simonson Hampton *Shelley Tourtellot Hogan Susan Roley Kroeger Renee Gauthier Mack *Regina Boulay Martinez Pauline Prinz Marvin Lynn Mercer *Stacie Parker Therese Lee Pekelder *Kim Levendofsky Raatz Ruth Rice *Nancy Roberts *Dee Hudson Slagle Monica Fuller Storjohann Joyce Riedman Vasha *Nancy Gakle White Lori Nelson Williams

Ξ-TORONTO *Janet Cameron Debbie Coulter *Kim Croutch Susan D’silva A-SYRACUSE *Patti Elliott *Suzanne Kerner Abrams *Marianne Enhorning Laurie Bosworth Linda Fice *Linda Fiddler Edelman ∆-CORNELL *Nancy Field Jill Cowles Fagan *Patricia Alber *Peggy Gilmour *Karen Fleisig Donna Armentano Ainslie Goodman Barbara Collevechio Nancy Connelly I-WISCONSIN *Diane Gray Giannone *Margaret Dillon Julie Rennebohm *Janet Hill Gloria Pisotti Gissinger Karen Wright Donnelly Anheuser *Carolyn Hazell Hoover Lori Gulliver *Bunny Fulmer Mary Buse *Erin Willis Jennings *Deborah Witt Hearl Susan Ogden Hampton Kristin Bergsland Caffrey *Barb Leuty Lisa Finkbeiner Hilpl *Miriam Harris Helen Crawford *Cory Long Barbara Hursh Jennifer Schoonmaker Sara Pope Delaney *Anne McIlroy Alice Lindholm Manafo Hitt Lisa Bodart DeYoung Mary Bain Reid Lori VanKrimpen Janet Lehr Tracy Hodgins Gobis *Martha Carnegie Renaud McCaffrey *Wendy Leiser Debra Grahlman *Kathy Sainty *Please note, a star next to a member’s name indicates the Executive Office does not have current contact information for her. If you have information about one of these sisters, please contact the alumnae department at alumnae@alphaphi.org or 847.316.8940.

FALL 2003


*Jenny Schaffenburg *Mary Truemner O-MISSOURI Johanna Reed Adams Joanne Burns Bartel *Linda Brigance Paula Jones Brown Janet Brown Clanton Lisa Hoemann Cox *Allyson DeGroot *Tobie Dobin Janet Wills Furst Patricia Gessel Janet Gressly Ann Luetkemeyer Gulshen *Mary Smith Hinton *Jeri Tinsley Hofen Suzanne Holroyd Maureen Jackson Hudson Nancy Jones *Julie Smith Lancaster Jerri Richardson Loveland Galen Sights Mathews *Kathleen McCurry Sandra Aselman Meranda Lori Messina *Karen King Mitchell *Alison Brown Paddock *Tracey Underhill Patterson *Melinda Nixon Ray Janice Silberstein Rifkin Kathryn Bonfoey Rozier Ginger Smith Roberta Lamm Smith Jane Sutter Nancy Bauer Terwilliger Jamie Phillips Toole Kathy Brady Tulumello Katherine Mendelsohn White Joyce McLemore Wilson Π-NORTH DAKOTA *Tanni Anthony Debra Augustin *Lori Meier Axtman Jessica Carmen Teri Smith Cowger Elaine Westerdahl Delaney *Judy Dodd Jackie Renner Engelhart *Lisa Cosgriff Fleming Sheila Foss Kris Olson Holloway Rachel Imholte Janet Jacobson Susan Parkin Judd Gretchen Knispel Debbie Ray Larsen *Maren Lindholm Terri Melicher *Liz Newman Michelle Sweeny Powers Julie Foss Rothstein Laurie Huckle Sheldon Kristen Lee Stacklehouse Kristen Paulson Vachal P-OHIO STATE *Beth Eagle Beatty Sharon Berka *Julie Ryan Biles *Jodi Brown *Barbara Cardwell Sally Heath Carlstrom *Carla Cimoroni *Cynthia Curren Lisa Malloy Dapoz

Brenda Klarman Eschenbrenner Christina Frank Stephanie Mahoney Furst Judith Keith Herda *Kathryn Barry Hoffman Marilyn Buk Hyatt *Deborah Harris Krawtz Marci Kretch Diane Terveer Luhrsen Jill Reineck McBride Sallie Miller *Karen OConnor Susan Rich Eftychia Pandis Schneider Lori Shick Jill Stonecipher Skulich *Elaine Calabria Stern Karen Blozis Stocker Elizabeth Broderick Stonecipher *Shelley Swisher *Roxanne Vaughn Lisa Gonzales Vible Judith Herzog Wertz Cynthia Millberg Wright Σ-WASHINGTON *Lori Campbell Armitstead Leslie Burch Blauman Susan Byers Sally Everett Colburn *Julia Whalen Devitt *Gloria Dorling Jane Ferrell *Linda Funk *Cynthia Kelley Gilbert *Linda Gilkey Lesley Halverson Dana Jorgenson Harmon *Elizabeth Harris Anne Tonella Howe *Enid Iverson *Susan Keating Jean Taylor Kiley *Louise King Joyce Klontz *Kristi Lewis Louise Wright Little *Susan Luttinen *Carol MacDonald *Donna McCann *Nora Murphy Janet Nilson Susan Nutter *Christine Olson Mardith Olson Diane Williams Quinn Linda Radke *Jodi Baker Rasker *Debora Rogers Allyson Gemmell Scalzo *Christina Heib Scheibe Patricia Schultz Kathy Hosley Strilaeff Lori Capeloto Swan Tracy Jones Ward T-OREGON *Sheree Clelen *Cathy Cook Margaret Egan Mary Ernaga *Nancy Estes Carol Steeves Markell Kim Chelini Mazzolini *Mary McClaran Mary Wallo McCloskey *Janet Olson Pace Laura Rendahl *Allison Rogers Janet Steeves Sams Elizabeth Shirley

*Celia Silver *Shelly Socolofsky Cathleen Styles Shelly Towne Tarlow Cynthia Scott VanLom *Helena Vranizan Alice Watkins Martha Munson Zeller Y-WASHBURN Tawnita Staley Augustine Diane Soderquist Bruner *Theresa Fisher *Cynthia Bundy Franken Kathy Kuckleman Paula Levens Kelly Lietz *Laura Stutzman Φ-OKLAHOMA Jennifer Ford Armenta Margaret Burton Elizabeth Carpenter Lisa Foster Cobb Jerri Plummer Davidson Sally Eichling *Tammy Fugate *Cindy Baucum Grawe *Leslie Lofland Henrici Mary Livingston Hodges Sally Massad Limber *Sondra Martin Connie McBee Karen Tillet Paganis Rhonda Moore Rybka *Alesia Taylor Stringer *Lisa Tipping Karen Booth Tipton *Sandra Tucker X-MONTANA Elizabeth Wilson Barth Jean Elbert Bolkovatz *Karen Erickson *Teri Farias *Cherie Hunt *Kristin Imhoff Colleen Roberton Lippert Kim Pancich *Leslie Remington *Margaret Rowe *Stephanie Rowe Ψ-SOUTH DAKOTA Ruth Billion Susan Erickson Bormes *Laura Wall Brown Tamara Brunz Lynn Bushfield Patricia Merritt Drui Terresa Eggers Judy Simmons Hodson *Nancy Hove *Patricia Van Hove Johantges *Linda Luse Elizabeth Kelly Mittet Cathleen Tobin Naas Dawn Ecker Nelson Jill Peterson Netzel *Rochelle Phillippe Julie VanLent Shockley Mary Starks *Robin Stender *Kathy Sveen Ω-TEXAS Rhonda Andrus Richelle Backus Kelly Karges Beavers *Joyce Bethea *Becky Bowyer Jeanette Stevens Bradley Zey Brenda Petty Brumbelow

Mary Glade Conaty *Denise Stockard Cooper Karen Grant Davidson Lisa Stewart Davidson Karen McComb Farabee Kathryn Robertson Gossett *Lisa Sacken Gross Susan Earnest Harbin *Kathleen Wilson Harris Susan Gay Hinson Susan Johnson Georgann Johnston *Frances Joseph Barbara Brann Larrow Laura Loomans Loomans *Sharon Partin McFadden Leigh McGee *Malinda Minzenmayer *Ellen Coffey Mokwa *Arden Specia Moran Kimbra Ogg Anna Ballard Pratt *Elizabeth Raley Janice Templer Satterfield Jill Martin Seibert Tracy Milner Sims Lynda Holland Spring Rebecca Stone Mitzi Baker Tally Lisa Clay Thorne Nina Moore Threet Pamela Roach Voight Cynthia Grimes Warren Karen Willis BA-ILLINOIS *Vicki Beci Barbara Tucker Blanchard *Mary Boylan Sara Byron *Julia Cain Virginia O’Connor Chiappetta Joyce Epsteen Cheryl Adams Erickson Kathryn Nolan Frost *Susan Little Graham Ruth Ragland Graunke *Margaret Feely Grossman *Beth Nelson Havlat Jeanne Bigham Heaton Kathy Schmidt Jeffrey Kathryn Zeller Johnston Catherine Coffman Kauffold Margaret Wheeler Kovarik *Janet Larsen Patricia Gross Lawson *Rhonda Lewis Jean Parker Lowry Vickie Mullins Maureen Murphy Gail Benaroya Nagel Sandra Pugliese Sealand Lynn Bridgwater Stahr Carol Nadherny Stalun Kathleen Kenney Supplitt Karen Lynn Troester Murray *Kim Vidican Ann Ludwig Watson *Nancy Webb BB-MICHIGAN STATE Barbara Stupack Anton Anne Dreher Ault Mary Beck *Cathie Callahan *Cynthia Cary Laura Brownlee Cassel Jayne Rex Citari

Debra Bee DeSantis *Anne Emens *Carolyn Means Gabriel *Gail Geersens Julie McGlinnen Gust Francesca Agramonte Kessler Patricia Goeckel King *Amy Lorimer Laurie Smith Maass *Marianne MacGuidwin Susan Maher Teresa Spring Mann Nancy Craig Mayhew Karen McArdle Deborah Agnello Polites Leslie Szubeczak Talty BΓ-COLORADO Christine Belleris Carrie Cochrane Clecior Cheryl Reynolds English Renae Foxhoven Lisa Frey Mary Gamache *Vivian Holmes *Brenda Jackson Nan Joestan Terri Teal Johnson *Dee Jones Patricia Spencer Kalthoff *April Meredith Kauffmann *Sharon Leuch Martinez Kimera Maxwell *Melina Pollock Bibiana Petras Reeves Martha Sanders *Helen Simmons *Barbara Soper Jean Pereles Strouse Jane Woolley Tuttle Cynthia Roberts Weitz *Carol Wilcox *Kathleen Wollam B∆-UCLA Nadine Panos Akchurin *Nancy Arnold *Sheryl Zakowicz Autran Kirsten Fitzgerald Bartholomew Joan Jordan Blake Linda Kunz Carney Jennifer Davis Cole *Julie Duernberger Cooper Lynne Fraser Doolittle Cynthia Curran Esquinas Victoria Ewart Lisa Fogle Jennifer Booth Goodman Lucy Brown Green Julia Carrington Hall Elizabeth Hanft Diane Knoerle *Pamela Smith Laakso Rhonda Freedman Lawrence Deborah Wedding Litle Allison Kazarian Lloyd *Kimberly Lynch *Michelle McConnell Hilary Brown McMahon Carolyn Murray Carol Jean Newell *Kathleen ODonnell Christine Schmidt Parker *Allison Wyatt Parks *Vikki Mernone Petersen Heidi Pence Pierce Katherine Steiner Reed Bliss Berry Talbott *Elizabeth Tinker

*Carolyn Walt Judith Young

*Catherine Marone Karen Adrian Mason *Stephanie Meagher *Debra Painter Mary Baird Parker Kenda Cooper Stickel Teresa Stjohn *Patricia Wright Vetter Leisa Krantz Walko *Elizabeth Walls *Nancy Zopp

BE-ARIZONA Lisa Patberg Anderson Lisa Bartol Baskett Terri McConnell Bible Linda Lockwood Boatright *Gina Castro Suzanne Cullum *Catherine Dain Jamie Drinkwater Andrea Forman Marjorie Monier Giedraitis *Margaret Nairn Gould Betsy Silver Hendricks *Erin Kelly Sheryl Fisher Kwait *Gabriela Lord Elizabeth Manners *Sherri McCain *Karen McConnell Maureen McGavock Claudia Oliver Carmen Quiros Parent Martha Pentland *Patricia Pepper Karen Piovaty *Christina Popof Ronda Stahm Robinson Mary Rowland Carol Singer *Robin Slotnick Michelle Marr Spicer Melanie Feder Tasoff *Sylvia Teimer MaryAnne Titus Linda Dextraze Topliff *Carol Tramposch *Heidi Webber

BK-DENISON Diane Bonnell Sarah Prine Foster Ulrica Schmidt Giese Deborah Jones Kathryn Hoge Leftwich *Roberta Meachem Mahatha *Diana Severs *Lisa Spears BΛ-ROLLINS *Kimberly Beer Nathalia Brodie Pamela Clemmons Brooks Cathleen Cramer Lisa Lewenthal Amelia Collins Lynch Janet Williams Montgomery Megan Jones Roybal Tracy Strickland Sas *Karen Carow Slaggert *Patricia Wheat *Teresa Young

BZ-IDAHO Mindee Smith Aguilar Debra Beem Klug *Daja Mayfield Konishi Karleen Malm Mays *Joey Prestwich *Rennae Davis Renfro Sheila Weimann Scott *Diane Silflon *Wanda Telin Kelly Webster Watts BH-MANITOBA *Corinne Borse Gottfred *Robin Hiscox *Desiree Joshua McCorriston *Lorrie McLean *Elizabeth Ashton Scoular Darlene Pierce Walford Shaun Fitzpatrick Walker BI-WEST VIRGINIA *Karen Anderson *Belinda Barcelona *Luanne Kratz Basile Cheryl Bragg *Susan Bryant Melanie Smith Butler Lee Capehart *Tammy White Chincheck *Maria Cipriani Robin Smith Claudio Kathleen Harrington Cordreg *Norma Davis *Deborah Mcferran Engstrom Katherine Parsons Friedline Maria Krall Lorenson

BO-BOWLING GREEN STATE Mary Gibbons Abele Cynthia Bedell Mary Burpee *Karen Farley Debra Szymanski Garrett *Mary Harris Pamela Fadely Hupka Amy Pursel Kelley Kathleen Kindig *Cynthia Kirian Leslie Ruppert Krehnbrink Louise Kruszewski Patricia Landon *Janice Melena *Michelle Miller Deanne Schaumburg Ondash *Margaret Powers Linda Paddock Ragone *Terri Reemsnyder *Candee Rettig Susan Lambert Stimpert *Judy Lundblad Vargo Ann Glary Williams Patricia Krasberg Winkler BP-WASHINGTON STATE Kristin Stump Adams *Deanne Platner Bodine Vicki Boxx Boxx Julie Lundberg Caldwell *Kathleen Cavanagh Mary Kilber Clift *Mary Hogle Griffith *Jacqueline Middendorf Kirkwood Lise Lindberg Jill Bales Ricker Debra Young BT-INDIANA *Rosie Komisars Barnhard Susan Stilz Belt

*Please note, a star next to a member’s name indicates the Executive Office does not have current contact information for her. If you have information about one of these sisters, please contact the alumnae department at alumnae@alphaphi.org or 847.316.8940.




Katy Marciniak Burkett Cathy Cavacini *Elizabeth Chestnut Janet Foster Colville Sandra Trent Conner Kelley Doehrman Melody Fox *Patty Grubbe *Karen Hadden *Linette Spitz Hawkins Diane Brunsell Hess Christine Bassett Hollon *Tracey Troeger Iams Cynthia Pitts Kent Suzanne Shook LaForge *Denice Lambert Karen Landau Levenhagen *Christina Oberschelp *Mary O’Brien Cindy Hoelscher Park *Pamela Pedersen *Harriett Scarpelli Audrey Shimp *Diane Sieg *Mary Silveus *Katie Schaerer Sirko Elizabeth Ellis Staab Susan Sturm Kym Kodidek Thomas Clare Wade Anita Webber Nancy McKathnie Wermuth Katherine Westerkamp BY-OREGON STATE Kimberly Anderson *Nancy Grewe Battaglia Debra Borders *Teresa Boyle *Amy Burgess Melinda Fehlen Clark *Cathleen Crimmins *Manya Dobaj *Lisa Erickson *Gina Galluzzo Karen Gaubatz *Leslie Graves Kelley Young Harrington *Kathy Bolingbroke Helbling *Joy Howarth Ann Karakas *Dana Bauers Lloyd *Linda Morgan McComish *Diane McEnany Anne Follen Nelson *April Nelson Susan Amacher Nicholson *Sharon Niedermeyer *Pamela North *Lisa Crutcher Osgood *Sally Owens *Colleen Pullen *Margaret Pyle Jill Sheerin Shields *Mary Silcox Cynthia Potter Stonex Linda Tofte *Tamara Zener BΦ-WHITMAN *Ann Cope Cornelia Duryee Ann Hedges *Karen Johnston *Suzanne Knapp Jane MacFie Lee McDermott Leslie Melim Roberta Newland Jennifer Null *Mary Olszewski Marie Brown Parkinson *Theresa Wills Rossow

FALL 2003

*Rose Schoenman Annemarie Wheeler Julie Winchester BΨ-SAN JOSE STATE Alene Creager Arribere Tina Silva Blease Amanda Comer Booth Sarah Buckman Ebert Amy Boeckman Fawcett *Sarah Barnecut Godsey Aleen Harmon *Sally Jordan Nina Benevento Langton Kim Leslie Kathryn Freudenthal Mandell Cheryl Auchmoody Saunders Nancy Thomas Schwerin Linda Barbaccia Stanford Wendy Winchell BΩ-KENT STATE Janet McParland Baughman Rita Birkinbine Boyde Francine Rose Boyle Tina Kocher Di Cillo Diane Manz Dolce Melanie Hanssen Patricia Garwood Hartsock Julie Hodder *Suzanne Rooney Kinzey Karen Kovalchik Koch Kathryn Holton Lamb Rebecca Cowan Leroy *Donna Mencini Julia Paquelet Mary Perkowski Nancy Stoker Lori Lanzendorfer Taylor Alison Bashian Victoroff Ellen Worley ΓA-SAN DIEGO STATE *Catherine Chaput *Theresa Kane Dana Marshall *Kimberly Mobley *Lisa Schecter *Carrie Wheeler ΓB-UC/SANTA BARBARA Laurie Adams *Ann Sparling Albright Mary Archer Patricia Lee Brock *Barbara Burton Caren Friedman Anne Carrington Gawne Jaimie Ballinger Goulding *Gail Hopkins *Mary Johnson Suzanne Keller Leslie Solomon Klonoff Elizabeth Lemke Longworth Janet Pocekay Low *Linda Paulides Laura Prouty Sands *Allison Sandy Joanne Horn Saunders Mary Schaeffer Celie Camarata Schoustra Laura Stowe *Susan Straw *Patricia Stuart Lisa Test *Elizabeth Wilson Wood ΓΓ-DRURY Lynn Markle Amos Mahalia Boyd *Margery Clanahan

*Teresa Emerson Robin Krick Lori Launhardt *Tammie Parrish *Stephanie Rutan *Kathy Small *Joyce Stribling Sherry Tobaben Wilcher Γ∆-KANSAS Jana Deines Abbott Ellen Jacobson Arney Francia VanBlaricum Bird *Andrea Bird *Wanda Boone Brown *Sally Johnston Carrier Beverly Cohen Gretchen Gabriel Davidson *Karen Decker Michelle Murphy Grindel *Elizabeth Hulsey Rebecca Trupp Kincaid Terri Kirkland Jean Sakalaucks Lamfers Joanne Lash Barbara Howard LeMoine *Kathryn Long *Linda Marsh Nona Duerksen Mason *Kimberly Mitchell Shawn Corwin Myland *Susan Osborn Carol Hamilton Parker Anne St. Pierre Tarbutton *Laurie Pugh Shelley Irish Runion *Michelle Saiger *Patricia Dorge Schmidt Susan Herbelin Smith Leslie Koch Turner *Susan Warman Anita Johnson Wesche Marianne Denton Wille ΓZ-PUGET SOUND *Sarah Springer Al-Juraid *Lola Bailey Mary Batterson *Tina Blanchfield Caron Miller Casey *Jean Coppers Constance Bergstrom Donelson Karen Morris Ehrman *Beth Munson Grimes Patti Olson Jahnke *Sheila Kamil *Marion Latta *Allyson Lightsey Jennifer Harwood Lowe Susan Berni Lukins *Kathy Laird Marion Kathleen Davidson Mays Laura Porter Middleton Christi Senff Miller Lisa Myers *Marian Myszkowski Susan Olson Karen Piltz Jill Regez *Georgia Spencer Dawn Coll Starbard Karen Maguire Strand Barbara DeVore Ulrich Diana Reynolds Winnie ΓH-NORTH TEXAS *Judith Bamping Johanna Clark Berk *Sue Elkins Bredehoeft *Suzy Campbell Pamela Chaumier Rexanne Claridge Dumar *Cheryl Ehman Lee Elliott Cindy Ellis Galbreath

*Gloria Gist Renee Heather *Nancy Holbein Jeanot Joan Burg Jett Elizabeth Story Johnson Annette LaFoy *Sharon Llewellyn *Paula Lyon Mary Long McCabe Karen Wake Mills *Kathryn Hoolan Sawyer *Sherese Sileo Michelle Sileo Smith Lisa Stokdyk Chantel Tennyson *Sheila Bates Turnage Barbara Flynn Vernon Jean Martin Winslett ΓI-TEXAS TECH *Alice Kindle Adams Beverly Bate *Teri Baxter Melissa Bledsoe *Peri Copeland Jeana Clark Cunningham *Sherrill Dickey Debra Faulkner Doyle *Renee Dupuis Marie Jones Ellingson Paula Manning Finney Cynthia Bell Ford Malynn Akins Harris Patricia Gollihar Hays Mila Criss Hightower Monica Daley Holcomb *Leesa Jackson *Anne Kreuz Julie Boyd McLeroy Brenda Barrington Mendiola *Michelle Grindstaff Moussa Share Greaney Murphy Elizabeth Bratton Murphy *Kristi Pendley *Judy Pickford Rebecca Ellison Raedke *Elizabeth Kindle Rogers Jean Tally *Kathryn Tinkle Sharon Hosea Warren *Melissa Wulfman ΓK-CSU/LONG BEACH Beth Reinglass Andrews Karen Ayer *Lori Navarre Beemer Linda Benavente *Valerie Boyer *Lynn Conaway Christina Hagberg Lori Wood Leahy Catherine Lipnosky Geri Merlin Flora Reynolds Morgan Sheila Turner Nasch Christi Buzza Pearce *Tracy Peterson *Cynthia Pierce Tebra Severe Mary Wilkinson Sims *Diane Villa *Karen Wall *Belinda Wallace *Lori Williams *Leslie Wolfsberger Marie Abudayyeh Woodard Dana Anderson Woodward ΓN-MIAMI UNIVERSITY Carol Reagan Atkins Barbara Bagge Bretz Donna Heitz Casey Elizabeth Spooner Cipriani

Amelia Dale Edwards *Andrea Furbee *Jaymie Goldey Lyndi Gordon *Suzanne Heine Mary McFarland Johnson Barbara Jones Karen Vlaisavich Kelley Martha Yaw Kliebert *Leslie Linesch *Cathryne Low Susan Brown Marsico Elizabeth Saunders McKay *Kristina Milburn *Wendy Wright Mospan Julie Scanlon Norris Caroline Neu Reuter Susan Rickey *Lynn Sandmann Sara Margerum Sloan Cindy Spitz *Nancy Stillwell Sandra VanHouten Tochterman Lynn Bercaw Vitek ΓΞ-WICHITA STATE Valerie Alpha *Cindy Sherwood Carr Teresa King Deaver Kristen Hudson Gray Pamela Owings Lamar Bridget McDonough Lisa Misch Bonnie Hutchison Orozco Connie Parmely Elizabeth Thompson Patzkowsky Elizabeth Purdin *Kathy Mermis Richards Laura Roberds Lora Whitt Slavik *Christine Steineger Deann Puckett Wellemeyer Loretta Laham Youngs ΓO-DRAKE Mary Ellis Barry *Lenora Jost BeDell Helene Horowitz Boyer Karen Ticho Eanet *Debra Fiore Ellen Broderick Fiss Peggy Peterson Gaard *Andrea Glenn Teri Lizer Gutman *Julie Hayes Laurie Hill *Glee Jacobs *Patricia Jensen Cyndi Joyce Janice Liten Loretto Lillard Lovejoy *Mary McKiernan Lise Bartels Melton Sue Olmstead Nancy Theno Peth *Michelle Raskin Nancy Bene Rinehart Lauren Allan Schaefer Linda Wechsler Settler Dawn Siebert Susan Smith *Geraldine Trux Melissa Warren ΓΠ-ARIZONA STATE Lynda Black Sue Loughlin Boone Cynthia Certa *Cindy Cox Fesmire Letricia Hallsted Jauregui *Catesby Willis Moore *Patrice Pullins

Elaine Wettels *Patricia Wickman ΓP-PENN STATE Ronnie Feibish Behnaz *Rita Bishop Linda Boyer Lynn Sfara Bruno *Maylin Fiallo *Alicia Bryant Gorden Jayne MacMillan Higgins Lisa Holgash Cheryl McElhinny Eileen McLaughlin *Lana Palagallo Lori Lauer Robinson Debra Schnarre Sunseri Susan Tegan Georgina Trunzo *Carol Yoannone ΓΣ-WISCONSIN/STOUT Barbara Everson Bunton *Annette Brown England *Cynthia Gebhard *Sue Loew Halama Kimberly Heuer Karla Kleckner *Joan Nelson *Eileen Quirk *Deborah Shaw Jane Blizzard Siedschlag Lisa Swan Cynthia Toy *Mary Young ΓT-WILLAMETTE Ruth Armstrong Cusack Amy Holmes Hehn *Janet Heimes Deborah Griffin Lowe Kristen Jellum Orlando *Leanne Pfautz Mary Straley Silverstein Susan Westerman ΓΩ-MIDWESTERN STATE *Kathryn Brock Janell Halstead Coleman *Nancy Cross *Rebecca James *Alice McRae Jill Springer Nichols Ruth Lowery Patrick *Robin Sawyer *Karen Kovarik Thompson *Connie Tyler ∆A-EAST CAROLINA *Cynthia Owens Acree Susan Rimmer Buckley Margaret Robinson Cohen *Sharon Cole Cheri Cousins Sheila Craddock Melanie McDonald Crockett *Cathy Feiner *Cynthia Gardner Linda Greatorex Karen Jones *Barbara Levina Bobbi Daniel Pendleton Diane Gray Walters ∆B-TEXAS A&M/COMMERCE Cheri Farrell Adams *Karen Armstrong *Kelly Davis Elsa Gonzales Melissa McCain Jeri Millikin Mitchell Terry Heard Peterman Tracy Robnett Poindexter *Cynthia Sturdivant Marsha Morgan Whitt

∆Γ-NORTHERN COLORADO Jill Terman Altman *Patrice Brown Kathryn Evans Collins Sandra Helzer Crandall *Celia Felix Amy Gibson Lynn Mestnik Johnson Jennifer King Nelson Karen Oxford Peters Rene Pfeifer *Joanne Robb Debbie Schnack Rebecca Boyd Smith Kim Sorsby *Deborah Stryker Cynthia Ulrich *Neisha Martinez Vlosich Christine Scott Wegener ∆∆-OKLAHOMA CITY *Shavonne Burgess *Jodi Farber Teresa Pults Franklin ∆E-IOWA *Kimberly Abel *Jodi Abrams *Cindy Altman Debra Hamilton Bond *Dee Brauer *Lory Maier Bryant Alison Mather Cate Geraldine Dull *Sara Carroll Fitzsimmons Mary Flynn Kimberly Paaske Galbraith *Nancy Gibb Jan Tharp Gute *Sarah Heiman Danette Conyers Kittleson Elizabeth Rumann Mathis Jamie Rainville McKissick Kelley Gray McMurchie April James Messmore Cheryl Machesney Nelson Sandy Olney *Tina Fletcher Olson *Lori Parsons Bobette Puckett Cindy Rogers *Cindy Sanderson Carol Fiebiger Settle Kathy Hankins Sitzmann Lynn Kebel Smith Diane Swanson Amy Pitstick Tipton ∆Z-MARYLAND Kathryn Wabol Cable Stephanie Cohen Lisa Hurley Coren Patricia Rooney Duckworth *Megan McCormick Fisher Renee Foote Gladys Blanco Ghysels Deborah Hudson *Heidi Katz Maria Hebeka Melson Joan Rasmussen *Lisa Salatti Nancy Schoenwetter *Cheryl Stahl Stacy Wallace *Kathleen Walters ∆H-ADRIAN Marie Armelagos *Ellen Wegner Becker Cindy Cleaver *Terrie Damask *Lorig DerBabian


*Joy Flood Dinnen Bonnie Pinnell King Connie LaCroix Lowman Patty Young Luciano Paula Annesser Suarez ∆Θ-WESTERN MICHIGAN *Dana Grube *Michelle Beaupre Miller Andrea Bartoszewicz Montague *Lisa Thomas Sweeney ∆K-WISCONSIN/ LA CROSSE Victoria Bichanich Bond *Lisa Cain Kathleen Dennehy Fleming Cynthia Collins George Deborah Kolowrat Griffin Laura Smith Holmberg Ellen Fader Massey *Christi Medved Susan Peshak Miller *Kathleen Hazzard Moisan Nancy Peterson Mary Wendell Pettenuzzo Gina Sutherland Pinkepank Mary Rahoe Kathleen Johnson Schauer Sandra Jackson Schick *Mary Upton *Pamela VanRossum Debra Wanke ∆M-PURDUE *Janet Hockema Bennett Jill Redick Bourdage Susan Cagle Brannon Gretchen Schwoppe Brown Kathy Allen Chalekian Roslyn Redman Dick *Karla Berntson Dulic Linda Fleck Dianne Moore Fletcher *Denise Kahre Gray Laura Hammer *Julie Hartsaw Hernandez *Julie Hill *Joelle Hendrickson Johnsen Debora Witter Karstetter Tamara Irvin Klopfenstein Susan Leary Nelson *Amy Oliver Elizabeth Fuller Pfister Cynthia Manning Reed Joan Lingeman Ruark Dorothy Gurthet Ruiz Karla Alexander Sampson Lonnie Snitoff Shoff *Laurie Shriver Tara Dum Siedel Elizabeth Hardy Smith Pamela Divilbiss Srnka Tracye Beyer Steel Marguerite Sweeney Joanne Wolf Tribbett *Gina Wehrmann Paula Whipple Martha Dahl Wininger Patricia Ross Wolf ∆N-MAINE Pamela Abbott *Cynthia VandeWorkeen Allen Julie Brown *Debra Daigle

Linda Fortin Duguay Dorothy Hannan Forbes Virginia Chung Gagnon Miriam Gough *Tamara Parkhurst Grossman Charlotte Bailey McPherson *Louise Rheaume *Kathryn Finch Richardson *Mona Reynolds Stahling Anne Stevens Tina Vannini ∆Ξ-NEBRASKA/ KEARNEY Tami Eatherton Anderson *Diana Brown Melanie Peters Chesley *Julianne Clifford Geri Castrop Degenhardt Lori Dillon Pamela Blaase Godberson Pamela Kenney Hollibaugh *Lois Hornig Jennifer Dloughy Low *Mary Meyer *Teri Osbon Lori Johnson Pankonin Kate Jasper Salem *Jan Spencer *Sherri Sullivan *Rona Hansen Sutton *Cheryl Essex Zitterkopf ∆O-ST. CLOUD STATE *Cathy Hoppe ∆Π-INDIANA STATE *Julia Allison Sandra McCreery Babbs Linda Hartman Baxter Jennifer Fry Carlton Pamela Moore Cusick Debra King East *Cassandra Grayson Gloria Hajek Hibbard Karen James James *Julia Jones *Karen Parrish Maier *Diane Noreau Mary Brennaman Palmer Paula Parrish Pitts Shari Johnson Porter Kathy Sieboldt Savage *Karen Smith *Mark Wildman ∆P-BALL STATE Connie Iffert Aiello *Lisa Bromelmier Nancy Kincannon Bruns Elizabeth Meadows Dahlke *Judy Evans Priscilla St.Jaques Glusko Janet Jones Havens Cynthia Kambesis *Dianne Schaefer Keever Patricia Kelly Jennifer Tutterrow McAllister Julie Powanda Moylan Anne Rigsby Oddi *Kelly Patterson *Katharine Pitstick Susan Huber Rody Beverly Saul *Barbara Shank Shuley Vicki Herring Skodras Deborah Boyd Smekens Barbara Smith Kelly Boyles Steuer

*Billie Taylor Wendy Boulton Tomme *Karen VanArsdall *Sherri Gilbert Zeiner ∆Σ-WISCONSIN/ STEVENS POINT Keri Hadler Eichner Carolyn Hackler Judith Jakusz Shirley Miller ∆T-LOUISIANA STATE Vicki Rudisell Brown Julie Hutson Burke Marianne O’Neal Caldwell Sammye Crawford *Christine Stamand D’Arcangelo Anita Dibetta Robyn Hawkes Barbara Simons Lively Ann Tottingham Maccani Marylee Huff Miller Dorothy Betz Pinkley Nanci Anders Schiman Kimberly Stamey Marian Cornell Troub ∆Y-BALDWIN WALLACE *Tammy Attewell Eileen Donelon Franko *Greta Maerker *Pamela Piper Susan Ciupidro Rolland *Jeannie Strickler *Leesa Taylor ∆Φ-INDIANA U. OF PENNSYLVANIA Gwendalyn Beems Brenda Belcher Fellner *Janice Fields Karen Houth *Linda Korona *Karen Lippy *Patricia Mastrocola Wendy Shearer McCutcheon Julie Sickley Menges *Barbara Miller *Suann Molter Joan Murray Audrie Valvo Ouellette Lucinda Rabuck Pamela Roberts Susan Semler Lisa Stevens Patricia Frank Wihlborg ∆X-WILLIAM WOODS *Cheryl Barnard Brasch *Maribeth Brown Suzanne Wilkerson Callahan Candace Calloway *Mari Kobata Dagelen Deborah Bush Davis *Holly Juckette Dorothy Lisa Banning Espy *Barbara Ferry Patti Purcell Flynn *Diane Fromm Gwen Holt Gaffney *Carol Gray Catherine Hausman Sandra Clark Hively *Teri Juckette *Sharon Massears Kauzlarich Nora Williams Lallave Peggy Latty Laurel McClimans

*Carolyn Ault Mitchell *Linda Nelson Janet Odor *Pamela Pease Joan Poe Terry Range *Nadine Reid *Marla Fisher Reynolds Mary Zbinden Richey Kenda Grotewiel Shindler Anne VanBuskirk Janice Peck Vaughn Sally Wright Cliffe Wesson Wulz ∆Ψ- WISCONSIN/ OSHKOSH Catherine Carver ∆Ω-MOORHEAD STATE Christa Fuhrman Andersen Diana Weatherbee Bald *Pamela Bretz *Julie Mohrbacher Desautels Carol Howard Fuhrman Jean Peterson Gushulak Laurie Johnson Ann Koering Renee Bretz Malmskog Nancy Pearson Porcelli Robin Thorson EA-ASHLAND Gretchen Fites Acker *Susan Parkman Adams Patrice Peterson Ambrose Robin Glazier Baker Pamela Sinko Bartosic *Lynn Bergreen Bloom Joyce Mandalari Bowen Lesa Dare Bowers Katelyn Browne Debra Campanella Joretta Cates Jill Segrist Charlton Jayne Mason Coldwater Denise Sisler Dean *Laura DeMaria Eugenia Eacker Erickson Beth Lord Esmont Margaret Potter Faillace Martha Sherman Fischer *Karen Jorgensen Garvin Candace Hodge *Mary Hodous *Brenda Walker Hollo Maryann Zavodsky Hommel Lois Augenstein Huff Lorraine Box Klodnick *Kathryn Kole Mary Brejcha Kristan Claudia Luidens Kathleen Johnson McGaughey Susan Walsh McKinley *Karen Giglio McWilliams Kymberly Morton *Susanne Oechsner *Cynthia Pollock Winnefred Meyer Quinones *Sheila Rader *Christine Rogers *Jill Kuszmaul Sakonyi *Kimbalyn Nester Smith *Dee Stassinis Stewart *Judith Sylver Maryann Tokles *Jane Tomick Patrica Bouhall Van Niel Nancy Lester Vandenburg

Phyllis Shetler Waud Carol Knox Way *B. Wilhelm Joanne Darlington Wolf EB-BUTLER Sharon Holtel Berger Eileen Bernat Laura Conway Boyle Anna Buckholz Deborah Cain Laura Cox Ruth Leak Ewigleben *Juli Fahrner *Teri Nuckols House Christine Allspaw Jackson Andrea Irvine Jackson Alice Jackson Carleen Hill Jones Judith Kelley Beth Logan Lisa Amend McKenna Denise Lantz Nixon Kathryn Jensen Peterson *Sharon Rehfuss Lynne Kennedy Schumacker Cathy Kendal Tiernen *Deborah Wall *Tracy Myers Waters Geraldine Jacobs Whalen Jacqueline Nagy Wright EΓ-CSU/SACRAMENTO *Bari Conway Beckett Elizabeth Benz *Karleen Branstetter Mary Johnson Carson *Leann Conrad *Patricia Evans *Kimberly Reddington Fanning *Joy Orr Ferreira *Kathleen Calora Fraser *Linda Frost *Kim Hanks Kathleen Hanson *Tina Janke Karen Zaragoza Kirk Cindy Klipfel Pamela Morrow Kramer *Paula Mortensen Steacy Stoyanoff Schacher Rosalinda Tays Jean Urich E∆-NORTHERN ILLINOIS Paula Damaso Laura Snell Dobbins Diane Licitra Kleckler Julia Chisholm Kocal *Lori Kreda Kathi Rudnik Mnichowicz Nancy Orlopp Mohr *Maureen OConnell Suzanne Dever Petersen Denise Doran Popp Susan Chambers Ralston *Laura Rasmussen Barb Lambert Rezabek *Jodi Sakol Mary Jo Sloat Herseth Sandra Bialek Smith *Luann Warkenthien Stec *Darlene Tybur JoAnn Serpe Wickens EE-LONGWOOD *Suzanne Day Annamaria Pencola

EH-OLD DOMINION Linda Zartman Brown *Suzanne Dalby Diana Gonzalez Fearing Rebecca Fowler Mary Huffman Fulwiler Sandra Smerdzynski Islin Kathy Woody Joyce Kendra Lockwood Marshall Sonja Mardorf Nickerson Pamela Kietlinski Pastros Sheryl Elmore Pierce *Katherine Crawford Porras *Janet Sennett *Sherri Slone Kathy Chelena Sposa *Margaret Sharp Townsend *Shavonda Crawford Turner Laura Foster Valentine *Carolynn Webster *Rebecca Weixel EΘ-NORTHERN IOWA Peggy Rodgers Albrecht Mary McGuire Baker *Marianne Curtis Diane Albrecht Fischels Shelly Frieden *Kimberly Gibbs *Coleen Hanrahan Becky Van Hauen Jill Vorthmann Hook Linda Hurt *Janet Lockard Marianne Martens Susan Roach Musich *Deborah Orth *Linda Roach Jane Schmidt *Carolyn Smith Kimberly Weidmeyer Swanson Cathy Heil Weaver Lisa Juve Witzke EI-DUQUESNE Gloria Acklin Anne Aufiero Marianne Rusinko Bowman Sharon Bubrik *Michelle Civitarese Lisa Seaton Colborn Mary Coltellaro Sue Fanty *Kathern Finnecy Sophia Gary Georgiades *Sharon Forisko Hintenach Nannette Connor James Susan Falco Kezmarsky Marlene Khorey Pamela Klinger *Mary Murtha Mary Seiss Ocvirk *Tracy Miller Orlinsky Mary Otterbein *Amy Ravasio *Theresa Rockwell Anne Possavino Rodvansky Elizabeth Sopensky Royer Janice Lounder Spicher *Deborah Winter EK-WEST CHESTER Christine Zaberer Bland Janet Capuano Holly Weber Clark Diane DeStephano Giovanna Dibonaventura

Laura Vander Does Davies Tracy Duffy *Maureen Ingram Patricia Davis Keen *Amy Kohut Olga Barreiro Kosar *Diane Leidheiser *Holly Allebach Mark *Shawn McClure *Tammy Harman McLeod *Susan Morrison Lynn Van Ost *Margaret Petracca Teresa Kearney Quindlen Debra Deberjeois Shurts Diane Wagner Steer Pamela Davis Webb *Rosene Whealton EΛ-TEXAS/ARLINGTON Vicki Fields Barbosa *Sarah Denton Culver *Deborah Claytor Frazier *Desiree Culver Hoskison Laura Burnham Johnson *Terry Cotten Mathis Deanna Procell McSpadden *Barbara Johnson Pemberton *Leah Sees Patricia Webb Soch Susan Stark Debora Harvey Steele *Corinne Pareseau Thomason Deborah Tunstill Tyler *Donna Winters EM-LANDER *Deidre Nelson Black *Cathy Scott Chalmers *Brenda Eppler Kathy Harper Kathy Bell Osborne Mary Paige Janet Powell Connie Lowe Snider Sherri Everett Tommie *Kathy Wade *Karen Bennett Wilson EN-DELAWARE *Kathleen Kelly *Kris Murphy Lynn Yeomans O’Donnell Janice Rearick *Jeanine Repa Deborah Phoebus Roby Deborah Rosen Tartell *Pamela Ungerman EΞ-SOUTHERN ILLINOIS Barbara Bierig *Myrna Homm Greer *Linda Hines *Bonnie Kennedy *Mary Rathsgeb Debra Payne Timmons EO-AUSTIN PEAY STATE Diane Duchnowski Allsworth Melissa Webb Earnest Arlene Gleichman Judy Heflin Haley Sheila Holmes *Karen Ingram Melisa Jefferson *Pamela McGrath *Deborah Young Parker Pauline Cilladi Rehrer Jill Brinkley Rowe Rebecca Rochelle Rushing

*Please note, a star next to a member’s name indicates the Executive Office does not have current contact information for her. If you have information about one of these sisters, please contact the alumnae department at alumnae@alphaphi.org or 847.316.8940.




Amy Stephens Regina Growe Stout EΠ-EVANSVILLE *Janice Boyk Roberta Camp Brown Diane Dormeier Fischer Carol Eggers Flick Sally Edwardson Greulich Susan Haley Susan Worthington Head *Malissa Lichtenwalter Tracey Manis Kimberly Mastison *Dorothy Gillians McIntosh Jolee Dever Quates *Gail Tusing Vickie Raab Weger EP-UC/DAVIS *Lauren Belknap Kathryn Jones Berg Heidi Woodworth Brenchey *Barbara Bridges *Jennifer Leake Brown Kimberley Davis *Lisa Edman *Leslie Esch Barbara Brown Evert Jennifer Bates Gerst Rita Nederman Gilbert Pamela Maerklen Hay Christine Conover James Heidi Ives Kinsinger *Vicki Rooney Klein *Lori Moore McClary *Michelle Moebius Ann Nelson *Janine Rickman Cynthia Glass Round Lindsey Cole Satre *Denise Shanahan Eve Shostak *Annette Start Carol Newnan Stoker Melinda Thompson *Dana Unruh *Karen Vogel Stacie Palla Westbrook EΣ-DALLAS BAPTIST STATE *Valerie Harris ET-LOUISIANA STATE/SHREVEPORT *Hollis Brantley *Sharon Burleigh Rebecca Cutting *Maria Dalton Susan Adcock Dorr Cynthia McInnis *Catherine Mills Ruth Wong Nalley *Nancy Procell Karen Day Rice *Barbara Short Kathy Taylor Spring EY-CSU/NORTHRIDGE Debbie Ayers *Patti Brennan *Margrit Drexilius *Beverly Faucette Patricia Harrigan *Susan Hickethier Judy Kahanowitch Cynthia Johnson Kemp *Dorinda LaCesa *Carol Mascolo Karen Zatorski Mitchell *Lynn Nacsa Debbie Shamoon *Donna Shamoon *Tracy Smith Mary Murphy Thompson *Laurie Valadez

FALL 2003

EΦ-NC STATE *Chris Grosse Dana Garrison Lunday Louise Walters Pack *Monika Riegger Laura Detwiler Stratton *Sandra McCracken Thompson EX-CAL POLY Diane Coleman Deborah Creech Day *Erin Doyle *Julia Russell Gans Ann Upham Hutchinson Susan Van Keulen Kevorkian *Alison Looney *Darlene Lovin *Denise Lovin Nancy Johansen Luchetti Karen Kelley Park *Piper Parry *Paige Peterson Melissa Oliver Rakestraw *Deborah Rose Susan Jennings Rutlen Anne Jacobs Snowden Deborah Thurman *Cathy Benner Tribbett *Lorna Way EΨ-LEHIGH *Eleanor Barry *Debra Waldron Berg Sarah Goldfarb Boden *Mindy Clearfield *Lynda Cline *Randi Golomb Cunningham Doris Gash D’Ambrisi Andrea Grossman Barbara Heiner Donna Wolchok Held Karen Miller Hencken *Linda Horn Audrey Kleeman Korn *Joan Lindegren *Deborah Depew Moore *Susan Moyer Ruth Kossin Queen Kristina Rattie Rebecca Sedlar *Beatrice Sergiovanni *Barbara Tan EΩ-TEXAS A&M Lisa Miller Aldrich *Diane Kurk Alexander *Lynne Wortham Belt *Laura Cook Kelley Hammons *Martha Chamness Howard *Elizabeth Johnston Mary Knezek Patti Buffaloe Martin *Amy Nabors Renee Mistrot Philips *Marisa Marin Richetta Debra Loria Robinson Keleigh Hughes Sasser *Sharon Svoboda Shaver Kristie Johnson Trice Cathy Maples Tynan *Maria Zwolinski ZA-EASTERN ILLINOIS Renee Young Baker Theresa Berutti Bell Sandra Black Linda West Brite Christine Cooper Cheryl Geupel Copenhaver Geralyn Schauderna Eckert Julie Shafer Enno

Lindsey Helm Fishburn Christa Kloppenburg Flemming *Christi Flood Terri Burianke Foster Suzanne Schwab Hill *Miriam Morlock Hinske Nancy Hudson Deborah Large Keith Monique Jeanes Kennedy Kathleen Clifford Klaeser *Gina-marie De Martino Carol Eisele McCaffrey Marjie Bersell McPartlin Susan Morris *Beth O’Heir Susan Schall Pinkman Marie Degnan Ryan Tracy Sturm Denise Bafford Whiteman ZB-LOYOLA MARYMOUNT *Marylynn Abbatiello *Dana Arbogast *Kathleen Barder Archer *Lori Badurek Ellen Smith Cerniglia Renate Lichter Chybiorz *Therese Combs Judith Rangel Dalltier *Kathy Hotz Doherty Julie Jones Donahue Carolyn Druffel *Yolanda Edwards Amy Flood *Loraine Robinson Kennedy *Kathleen Keohane Tamara McCoy Lindvall Katrina Misir Diane Munro *Joanne Prlich Osorno Teresa Pita Mary Polonis Jean Galbreath Poulton Janet Prowett *Doreen Ramirez Kathleen Rose Deanna Shaker *Cheri Sherrett Wellins ZΓ-SANTA CLARA *Debbie Anderson Camille Bertoldo *Sabine Bossaert Mona Breslin Nani Cattermole Laura Coran Nancy Thomas Corda Barbara DeBenedetto Susan Swanson Fortune Doreen Lam Lau *Laurie Ley Mary Lyons Julie McCosker Joanne McShane *Debbie Booth Noonan *Tammy Hamilton Parkhurst Suzanne Pirnik *Denise Ray Rebecca Bresler Reed Alicia Schindel *Deena Sheridan Heather Ewbank Shupe Kathleen Riley Stille Analisa Sanchez Travaglione Z∆-IOWA STATE Lynn Benkusky *Sandra Bjork Cherry Kinsinger Coen *Christa Conner Robin Rekett DeVilbiss

Mary Davis Donnell Laura Dull Jean Barker Fichter Mary Anderson Fields Nancy Parr Frank Susan Hermanson Cynthia Watson Hofstetter Nancy Gray Langguth *Melanie Moore *Catherine Muszynski Lisa Johnson Peterson Julie Renken Piazza *Julie Raber Jennifer Seiler Schiltz Teresa Dooley Sokol Kathy Wachtel ZE-INDIANA U. SOUTHEAST *Emily Bacon *Debra Blasdel Rose Campbell Callahan Catherine Carpenter Lethia Collins Danita Sloan Dale Debra Dorman Gillenwater Lorna Robbins Goodwin Deborah Huber Harbeson Marcia Lee Harlow Dana Harper Carolyn Heuser *Dee Jenks Andrea Fultz Kraft Ann McWilliams Kulwicki Cathy Anson Marking Amy Bedell McIntyre Debra Melson Leigh James Meyer Lisa Keeling Oehmann Sherri Payne Lisa Nolan Peebles Myra Wright Powell Connie Reeves Janet Graves Renschler Margaret Stewart Rogers Lezlie Schmidt Deborah Humbert Sefcovic *Becky Gilbert Stephans *Louise Prestigiacomo Webb ZZ-MURRAY STATE Karen Alderman Balan *Candance Belcher Leslie Auble Borders *Julia Brown *Emily Byrn Louise Lambert Carter *Mary Cecil *Gay White Cochran *Ruth Combs Coleman Linda Wink Crutcher Sirena Howard Gatewood *Sandra Gibbs *Mitzi Moyers Halbert *Lesa Hargis *Amy Harrison Patricia Hart Michelle Thornton Howell Kimala Baker Impellizzeri *Jeannie Johnson *Jana Jones Barbara Kemper Jones *Beverly Paris Kelley *Sarah Kirk *Deborah Lee Susan Dalrymple Lefebvre Mary Beyerstedt Loehrlein *Kathy Briscoe Mendenhall Lesa Siegel Miller *Cindy Nussbaum

Frances Odom *Rebecca Ogles *Laura Lyles Roop *Cheryl Rowland Sherrie Snider Ryan Suzanne Schrock *Lisa Siegert Susan Smith Joretta Watson Smith Leah Sachleben Wilding ZH-NEWBERRY Diane Belanger Belanger *Debra Carroll *Winifred Culclasure *Mary Davis Jenny Epting Peggy Palmarini Frick *Frances Best Graves *Cheryl Johnson Dorothy Fulmer Longshore *Nancy Nichol Helga Ridgeway *Robin Rush Claire Smith *Donna Stengell *Tamara Tinman Marlys Tharp Wooten ZΘ-TUFTS Nancy Squitieri Alcombright *Pamela Cook Ball *Beverly Brine *Deborah Narkun Burgess Ruth Cogan Clay Laurie Gallagher Curro Lori Reed Dickerson Fay Foster Felty Ellen Sullivan Gaudiano Sheila Buckley Goggin *Ruth Gold Kirsten Webster Griebel *Martha Griffith Julia Witmer Holland Catherine Jones *Deborah Leonard Philomena Hastings Lewis *Stephanie May Beth Miller Mary Money Suzanne Paquin Nimocks *Sheri OBoyle Katelynn Quynn Janett Selby Georgia Serevetas Nancy Shalowitz Jill Blumenthal Shaya Karen Sullivan Joan Tierney Sally Utzinger Darshana Doshi Wani *Sandra Weinberger ZI-VIRGINIA *Diana Barney *Valerie Baumann Martha Cooper Bowden *Lee Powers Catlin Ann Stone Chakales Anita Colmie *Carol Conklin *Cynthia Corcoran Eva Davis Mary Davis Paula Culver Dickinson Jane Everson *Lynne Freehof Sally Fricke *Wanda Hale *Kathleen Gillen Hulse Pamela Welsh Jordan Susan Pridgen Kearney Carol Kerrigan

*Nancy Nimmo *Mary Pickett Janet Cardwell Schreiber Deborah Schrenzel Dorothy Scott *Kimberly Stanley *Rebecca Symonds

Susan Kessler *Mary Kieloch *Joan Marsh *Linda Mason *Tracy Mathes Pamela Melone Katherine Todd Mohan Kathleen Langwasser Munoz

50-Year Members The 50-year pin, a silver circle with four red stones, is created so your original badge can be placed inside the silver circle for a dramatic jewelry display. Cost: $30 A-SYRACUSE Marion Campbell Albee Joan Anuario *Roanna Arzani Askew Sigrid Westfall Blalock *Winifred Bogardus Dorothy Howe Chapman Mary Chaput Chisholm Frederica Rockefeller Dimmick Virginia Moffett Gioia Shirley Hoff Goetz Marcia Trantum Hannett Phyllis Tozier Hornung Ann Ross Melvin *Shirley Squire Thomson Georgia Hannett Zughaib B-NORTHWESTERN Maureen Arthur *Barbara Williams Carter Joanne Payes Crandall Joann Brick Griffith Barbara Johnson Halverstadt *Pat Smith Jager Cynthia Garlock Kozlowski Janet Mooney Lyman Janet Hanssen McLaughlin Ann Frick McPherson *Judy Koch Merrifield *Susan McInerney Murdough Ann Gelderman O’Connor *Ann Palmer Anita Pontarelli Phillips Marcia Jones Sims *Barbara Smith *Katharine Marshall Steinberg Carol Ryan Struble Barbara Clark Sumner Martha Swift Ann Christensen Tobin *Kathie Barwis Weiss Paula Alexander Wright Γ-DEPAUW Sally Green Abel Martha Priebe Anderson *Katherine Hitchcock Bailey *Virginia Mezey Becker Virginia Lindahl Bissell Marcia Gray Brehm Phyllis Leonard Burns Sue Roberts Darling

Beverly Bunting Harbaum Jane Nehf Haslem Jerrie Warner Hilbert Lou Meredith Holck Susan Dee Kerr Judith Little Oakford Isabel Wakefield Oppen Lois Smisek Owen Diana Evans Parfitt Karen Knutson Rikhoff *Barbara Dumont Samsel Susan Willard Tuhey ∆-CORNELL Mehitable Smith Abeles Carol Munro Barker Ann Curley Brown *Suzanne Middleton Brown Virginia Howard Burt *Angelica Mercurio Ciampi Gretchen Mehl Deans Patricia Fisher DelaChapelle Sandra Bixby Dunn Martha Boggs Gazley *Jane Plunkett Greenawalt Harriette Garaventi Howitt *Janice Hughes *Frances Laguardia Alberta Buckley Lareno *Barbara Hofheins Lavin *Alice Maloney Nancy Martin Barbara May *Marjorie Dade McCurrach *Barbara Emerson McMahon Audrey Kinney Pabst *Elizabeth French Peare Roberta Karpel Silman Joan Stevens *Patricia Butters Turi Mary Martin VanBuren E-MINNESOTA Carolyn Crosby Anderson *Ann Reichert Anderson Janet Neprud Bergh Barbara Allen Brodersen *Jane Ripple Chamberlain Helen Hartfiel Comfort *Betsy Johansen Eason *Susan Hill Grey Polly Bancroft Hebble Helen Archambo Hield Connie Whitesell Hunt Suzanne Roberts Janssen Lillian Bennett Markoe


Janet Werner McAlister *Carol McCraney Alice Inglis Mortensen Patricia Johnston Nelson Karen Wilkes Smith Gayle Pidgeon Tainter *Barbara Link Walker Gayle Jasmin Whitesell H-BOSTON *Betty Rudd Bowman Marie Burns Christiano *Helen Anderson Colgan Jean Foster Elaine Kerson Katz *Barbara Ing Miller Marilyn Kingston Mullen *Natalie Holdsworth Porter *Conelia Wylde Θ-MICHIGAN Janet Campbell Bachus Jill Kent Berglund *Marilyn Pefferly Boelstler Barbara Watson Fanger Ellen Vandevusse Henderson Lorraine Baldwin Hutton Nancy Wright Lund Mary Holmes Nagelvoort Nancy Henry Shannon Janet Storey Sherman *Ann Watson Singer *Sherrell Adams Spademan Margaret Moreland Woodhouse *Ruth Flanders Zilly I-WISCONSIN Nancy Leader Brown Janet Moorhead Burg Katherine Paulsen Burns Patricia McKenna Chinetti *Marilyn Nelson Cyr Joan Forman Downing Kathleen Oleary Fieweger Anita Schwietering Hart Roberta Wideroe Hedge *Mary Heiser Kathy McGrath Johnstone *Judy Troch Koppa *Regine Jegier Nacheff Donna Shearier Otto Nancy Rogers Schlichting *Joann Olson Soyka *Barbara York Vandenburg Carol Draeger Wendt *Shirley Wermuth Sue Fehland Younker Glee Moses Zale *Marajeane Owens Zodtner Λ-UC/BERKELEY Marjorie Stanley Albo Ann VonGeldern Bowe *Frances Fay Bowes Patricia MacLeod Ellsworth Cynthia Palmer Gray Joanna Leithold Hollister Susan Harbach Johnson Anne Moller Martin Edna Davis Morrell Patricia O’Grady Susan Sotohall Phillips Joan Soyster Phillips Suzanne Clark Plough Sheila Yoell Rosson Charlotte Jonas Scherman

Virginia Organ Towle Mary Bradley Upham Gerry Wolff N-NEBRASKA Betty Vogt Barnard Patricia Loomis Barrett Sara Carveth Clay Barbara Blackburn Colbert Kay Erickson Daly Janice Yost Ebers Dorothy Opitz Farhat Barbara Olson Ferguson Judy Knapple Gleason Shirley Scott Hartsock Denise Bohrer Hughes *Barbara Johnson Glenna Mong Kizer Jean Buckner Klopstad Joan Buckner Krage Ruthann Ernst Lees Patricia Ellis Miller Mary Keenan Mockler *Jean Bangston Self Carol Tremain Stewart Margaret Hallam Wade Ξ-TORONTO Ruth Phipps Campbell Mary Kress Dunlop *Joan Evans *Anne Fraser Joan Pierdon Gough *Peggy Gow *Patricia Forsyth Keating *Patricia Walwyn Laing Rea McGarry *Joanne Farrington Newton *Marilyn Dudley Noble Anne Gima Owen Rose Wolff Reilley *Robin-lea Mahon Runcie Nancy Spooner *Nancy Stewart *Anne Harvey Tatley Elizabeth McCrae Watson O-MISSOURI *Virginia Beard Marion Denny Best Janet Hewitt Dameron *Patsy Farmer *Harriett Eschrich Hall Norma Weldon Hammett *Joan Carpenter Lindsay Martha Beatty Moss *Elsa Ogle Pitts Betty Smith Pitts Lita Nash Verts Π-NORTH DAKOTA Marlowe Olson Arnold Alice Banik Aubert Ann McGuigan Griffin Marion Doyle Gruenfelder Jacqueline Rengle Hardy Cecile Miklautsch Harrity Phoebe Kostelecky Leo Mary Booker Nielsen Nancy Sayler Osmon Lucie Rodenberg Purdy Merry Mattson Turner Marilyn Anderson Whitmore *Barbara Knudson Williams P-OHIO STATE Virginia Pestel Andrews Carolyn Schreiber Aspell *Caryl Florence Basinger Patricia Handley Bower

Rosemary Korchak Chachowski Betty Hibbard Coldwell Sylvia Reid Devillers Juanita Gudgel Diorio Peggy Purkey Eagle Jo Hogg Finsterwald *Barbara Zuris Gooden Isabelle Sondles Gordon Kathleen Mramor Gray Eleanor Hall Gross Mary Wagenbrenner Hanson Jane Glosser Hubert Lee Graham Kisabeth Ellen Hudson Kisker Mary Eyestone Koval Patricia Schroder Leithe Helen Soule Moore Mary Fox Pendery Dorothy Daoust Rothman Carol Dixon Sherck Jeanne Kirkpatrick Shupala Jane Smith Janet Austen Ternent Sandra Raymond Trout Bonnie Duhamel Wright Σ-WASHINGTON Diane Findley Bender *Judy Waddingham Bruner *Claire Hays Burwell Lynn Pierson Cockburn Valerie Sutherland Ditty Alice Wilson Frost Marlyn Moe Geisert *Margaret Gregory Geraldine Gross Anne Holmstrom Hamilton Zilpha Haycox Beverly Brear Jensen Marilouise Hines Long *Diana Yates Lycette Joan Beecher McKenzie Jean Staley Morton *Sharon Gleason Newsham Esther McCoombs Norton Karen Drury Palfreyman Joyce Hoge Pilet Mary Bergeron Toepel Donna Meagher Tonella *Joan Allen Waite Leora Kavli Wheeler T-OREGON Barbara Bailey Bergeron Berna Bartz Christoph Mary Hooker Claudson Barbara West Coen Joyce Comer Cunningham Jean Owens Deller Carol DeVilbiss Fairbairn Meta Frink Dolores Tye Jeske *R. Kennedy *Kay Heltzel Kubeck Patricia Fox Levitz *Carole Tyerman Lowe *Camille Wold Marker Sally French Mastin Shirley Brown McGrath *Patty Teale Meyer Joyce Bearden Provost Patty Jeske Richards Elynor Robblee Schuppel Nancy Mackle Silverthorn Sharon Scherlie Svilar Cheryl Cody Vinson

Y-WASHBURN Marilyn Keim Bales Jeanine Eldien Dahlquist Barbara Davenport Dunster Nancy Bleckley Erwin Janis Brown Hutchison Jo Macht Lauffer Shirley Semler Lutz Alma Johnston Murray *Mary Robohn Newbanks *Rita Phelon Barbara Baumgartner Schmiechen Suzanne Isaacson Sjoholm Joleen Roach Stethem Pat Sorenson Wormhout Peggy Fry Yingling Φ-OKLAHOMA Carolyn Allen Shirley Brogan *Sandra Stevens Brown Carolyn Todd Campbell Barbara Bale DeJong Rosemary Kozel Fuchs Kathryn Gaines Coralie Williams Laughlin Nancy Hall Matter Joy Wilkie Neuman Kelsey Pokorny Janice Kane Randall *Jane Quaid Rickman *Barbara Kuhn Ruark *Jane Aydelotte Sapp *Sandra Stippich Schodes *Margaret Spelman Stevens Jewell Moseley Tarpley Dorothy Hand Tebow X-MONTANA Jacqueline Gould Austen *Gwen Dickson Beighle Patricia Boehme Donna Brown Boykin Bobbette Reeder Brookshire Alice Utsond Brown Ann Kovatch Cogswell Janice James Ellefson Rosemary Laing Erickson Jacqueline Woodahl Fosse Janice Welch Gerzema Darlene Forzley Harris Rosemary Aker Hillstead Maryanne Beecher House Helen Davis Kemmerer Shirley DeForth Lucchesi Jill Hageman Ludington *Eleanor Schmidt McAuliffe *Ann Woods McDonald Mary Swearingen Mulligan *Jean Stephens Pokorney *Mary Doherty Romane *Lois Leduc Romano *Norma Hafferman Sanders Louise Ralston Slotta *Sally Smith Marianne Benson Spencer Alice Hodges Thomas Patricia Kauppinen Whalen *Norma Slaight Winterrowd *Maryann Wyse Jamie Yule

Ψ-SOUTH DAKOTA Jane Siminton Abts Mary Chaussee Conway Carol Leduc Dravis Charlotte Ahlgrim Erickson Charlene Milek Gallagher Betty Lietzke Jones Mary Flannerty Lebbin Delores Oleson Levake Nila Berry McCracken Lorraine Ihrke Myers Ilene Adamski Olesen Maureen Mader Otto Mary Gilfillan Tilberg Laura Gutz Wyman Ω-TEXAS Virginia Bristol Betterton Pat Millikan Brown *Nancy Walker Buffler *Adanelle Lemmands Couser *Joan Dumbauld Sue Beakley Eversole *Lorrie Brown Fowler Julia Lamm Grimes Alice Welder Hall Marilyn Whitehill Hoffman Anne Walker James Jean Pinkston Jones *Amelia Shifflett Jones Mary Eckhardt Lutch Jaquelyn Leonard Mangold Dorothy Babin McCaine Jerodine Johanson McIntosh Alison McElhone Norton Elizabeth White Perry Grace Riemann Reynolds *Nancy Clayton Rice Mary Sullivan Roberts *Jo Wilson Roberts Mary Lovejoy Skyles *Lorayne Walker BA-ILLINOIS Diane Reich Armstrong *Diane Barkei Patricia Whealon Carrington Sara Knodell Feutz Greta Wilgus Gottschalk Dorothy Parsons Hackett *Nan Carver Hansen Patricia Thudium Hobbs Carol Coulter Johnson Rita Smith Kinsey Diane Duncason Lassman Joan Guyer McLaughlin *Suzanne Jones Mulligan Barbara Nelson Peterson Suzanne Meloan Smith Shirley Borsini Stimart Nancy Hoover Thornton Barbara Nelson Voit Mary Jane Welch Hadley Susan Brown Wolfe BB-MICHIGAN STATE Anne Redmon Badger *Peggy Baird *Sylvia Schuster Baize Helen Hanson Brady Sally Short Brown Barbara Eichler Clark Barbara Hunt Cone Jean Lewless Easton *Margaret Armstrong Fallon Marilyn Hahn Gersonde

*Marcia MacDonald Kerr Marian Garfield Klein Susan Sessions Klippert *Margaret Miller Kurzman *Sandy Swaney Lecklider Louise DesJardins Lowell Patricia Potvin Moran Margaret VanHengel Oram Ruth Katzenmeyer Parker Sharon Horne Pendray Gloria Borroff Press Joal Hess Sisman Gail McKenzie Stoppel Jean Grigware Swaney *Mary Allan Underhill Suzanne Pinkett Waites Patricia Nymberg Windham Sheila Tiemann Yates BΓ-COLORADO *Kathryn Armstrong Sally Bickford Ballard Shirley Stahl Brightbill Claire Leraan Brown Jane Lighter Brown Judith Dawson Constantine Janice Sandberg Dietrich Patricia Hanson Duvall Marie Poston Fair *Rosemary McGee Forcum *Cynthia Charlton Genty Carol Jepson *Gretchen Goit King *Martha Dunham Konselman *Zoe Windham Ladendorff Nan Pearson Lightner Carolyn Calvin Lillicrop Joan Sanders Livingston Joyce Wilger Magnuson Mary Seep Markel *Nancy Burden Martin Sylvia Gorder Matson *Kay Flanagan Meyer Paula Ray Meyers Alexandra Casement Morris Charlaine Pearson Norlie Harriet Schwartz Russell B∆-UCLA *Sally Hughes Anthony Suzanne Glass Benefield Betty Perrin Forrest Marilyn Lewis Gehlbach Kathleen Hansen Hansen Barbara Wright Lodi *Janet Fenner Peters Barbara Hunt Reeds Leila Roylance Carole Leopold Stafford Beverly Hunt Thomas *Nancy Grobaty Thompson Judy Hummel Vance Patricia Borcherdt Vardell BE-ARIZONA Marian Webb Abbott Judith Drew Amsbaugh Charmion Imes Cato Joanne Wagner Cheney *Lynn Vandercook Critchlow Janna-Neen Johnson Cunningham Gretchen Veeder Dakin Mary Ann Harms Olson Pamela Hall Kovacevich Julia Burgess Lundell *Kristine Kruger Meyers

*Carole Miller Jane Adamson Paul Ursula French Schultz Alice Leyland Smitherman Susan Cohoe Stuart BZ-IDAHO Doris Condon Baird *Dorothy Dalke Christian Arlene Wood Edgett Laura Keith Faulkner Ora Moran Fellows *May Pappenhagen Josseph Josephine Haight Klason *Elnore Sanderson Koenigsberg *Peggy Taufen Lucas Nancy Lyle Jean Luedke Magee Diana Hampton McClun Mary Johnson Miller Verla Pedersen Olson Norma Heath Rugg *Patricia Farmer West BH-MANITOBA Patricia Birchard Bell Florence Pedlar Evans *Barbara Ellis Gresham *Marilyn Speers Heys *Margaret Stephenson BΘ-BRITISH COLUMBIA Elizabeth Birch Beaton *Margaret Cameron Bland *Elizabeth Harries Carter Lorna Vale Gauer *Madge Pendray Hine Loretta Dwyer McDonald Beverly Baird McLeod *Audrey Moody Anna Cooper Platzer Norma Thorne Stradiotto Jean Cameron Thackul BI-WEST VIRGINIA *Nancy Candler Bivins Yvonne Gump Brignola *Doris Rodeleaver Cornwell *Faith Marshall Edens Rachel Hess Hagenbuch Betsy Valentine Hall Corrine Culp Harman Betty Brown Huff Lorna Hyman Johnson *Jeanne Michael *Norma Paisley Ann Garcelon Shores Annabelle Harris Sinclair *Patricia Morrison Stauffer BK-DENISON Helen Granfield Ackerman *Peggy Rigg Bierer *Sally Henley Briggs Janet Kendrick Cassebaum Linda Herman Donnelly Gail Butler Englund Harriet Amos Fried Julia Shumway Frishett Mary Malasky Grannon Louise Spoerri Harris *Dorothy Sharp Herzog Audrey Myers Holtan Lois Howk Mary Reid Johnson Carolyn Curry Larsen Jane Knecht MacEllven Patricia Safreed Ott Jane Weisenbarger Reeves

*Please note, a star next to a member’s name indicates the Executive Office does not have current contact information for her. If you have information about one of these sisters, please contact the alumnae department at alumnae@alphaphi.org or 847.316.8940.




Evelyn Johnson Sailer Joan Smart Siddell *Nancy Wagner *Beth Chadwick West Janet Jenkins Winans Edith McClusky Zinn BΛ-ROLLINS *Marion Wolfe Beard *Natalie Rice Bryant Mary McDonald Craig Dixie Wolfe Jordan *Joan Jennings Lavell *Lisa Maguire Geraldine Knapp Nardi *Katherine Siegler BM-ALABAMA *Joan Chapin Joan Wilson Dixon Janice Hodges Valerie Bowman Knotts *Marilyn Walding Latta *Betty LeFurgey McKelvy Jimmie Stowers Perkins Mary Mitchell Quarles *Patricia Pearson Riley *Barbara Shrout Shiff Doris Dodds White BN-DUKE Elizabeth Eller Booke Annette Brannon Chapman Gail Dolwick Courtiol Judith Murdock Creel Diane Gerlough Anne Ellison Hansen Barbara Freeman Kast *Lila Burney Lassetter Marianne Jacobs Moore Patricia Garrard Nelson Betty Myers ODea Ann Huffines Whitehurst BO-BOWLING GREEN STATE Sally Scarborough Aseltine Carol Fries Bristow *Elma Cochran Joan Norris Graham Lyn Paulhus Hale Wavalee Lusher Jacobs Mary Swaino Kinney Janet Bowman Mason Helen Taylor Mengle Joann Schroeder Miles Carolyn Boerwinkle Price *Sara Robbins Barbara Donnelly Roule *Carolyn Schwen Ethelann Nofziger Stumpp *Jo Fuller Tarbell *Barbara Coy Tucker *Jane Brunthaver Weber Alice Cook White BΠ-USC Margaret Lindley Balian Claudia McGregor Bullock Cara Swanner Giese Doreen Luchs Hartung *Elizabeth Gilbank Jaffe Diane Rossner James *Benita Johnson Charleen Gerhardt McBratney Roxanne Graham McEvoy Kay Goodwin Munshower Jean O’Connor Pevehouse *Eloise Rutherford Cornelia Proctor Ruud Gretel Geiser Stephens Carole Sander Ward

FALL 2003

BP-WASHINGTON STATE Jeanette Jaussard Arbuthnot *Idellen Asplund Sharlene Williams Boyer Barbara Weathers Campbell Carole Weeks Cawdrey Janet Hugdahl Dickey Marilyn Halberg Hill Vanna Hullin House *Peggy Jones *Dayle Nelson Jacqueline West Prescott *Sharyn Thompson *Barbara Ziegler BΣ-UTAH *Luceal Curtis Anderson *Doris Shaw Beckstead *Ann Broberg *Lois Burton Katherine Ure Griffith *Carol Lindskog Hicks *Janice Jordan Evelyn Rampton Lauck Mary Nelson Lewis *Joan Lynch Joan Isaac Mackey *Carol Larsen Major Chadette Meyrick *Aleen Black Nielson *Portia Petersen Florence Tobler Reynolds *Carolea Riley *Diane Russell Jacque Wagner Simper *Sandra Taylor *Peggy Thilveris Constance Howe Tyndall Rita Astorquia Zabala BT-INDIANA Susan Stoll Adkins *Judith Trittin Allen *Betty Anton Cynthia Schroeder Bierhaus Viola Taylor Buss Joan Fritz Byers Vera Dickerson Chicoine Susan Fisher Clickner *Dorothy Williams Cope Phyllis Bambace Crimmel Jane Dye Dragoo Melva Burns Freeman Anne Lynch French Sally Nelson Gans Joan Popoff Garlington *Marian Comer Hawk Ann Furness Howard Charlotte Haven Maloy Patricia Doane Mayer Janice Rittman Meyer Dorothy Wargo Miles Margery Hollabaugh Morgan *Nancy Kuhn Pacey Jane Wade Regan *Diane Moeller Roberts Elizabeth Taggart Robertson *Betty Pfeifer Schaffer *Jane Bassett Shellmamer Martha Laughbaum Smith Barbara Axe Tolbert Nancy McCloughen Vlassis BY-OREGON STATE Carol Fallert Beckley Shirley Rynerson Fanelli Kathleen Brown Holmes *Sally Sheppard Kirkwood Joan Price Larsen

*Ramona Homer Miller Anna McCall Neer Ann Walther Nelson Janet Strader Paine Marlene Potter Palmer *Nancy Peterson *Beverly Berg Vinarcsik Barbara Yates BΦ-WHITMAN *Nancy Hall Andersen Gloria Derbawka Derbawka Doyle McKenzie Doherty Patricia Moser Dubridge Janice Fehlberg Eyestone Shirley Saad Helber Katherine Henderson *Billie Morgan Holmes *Judith Lytel *Sharron Handly Martin Marilyn House Pewitt Gretchen Kehrli Randle *Mary Walker BX-BUCKNELL *Marjorie Hartman Jean Helbig Winifred Kreider Hermanson Helen Nickel Kaschak Diane Trumbower Mankin *Barbara Morong *Vera Nazzaro *Barbara Davenport Neville Ilse Hoffman Stanton Alice Buell Suits Muriel Hinchen Tanner *Judith VanSlyke White Mary Williams Mary Rhodes Wilson BΨ-SAN JOSE STATE Nancy Novotny Atkinson *Jeanne Bullock Austin Bobbie Harris Bailey Beverly Benson Beeson Helen Mevious Berge Priscilla Trimble Brown Jacqueline Basinet Burcham Pat Burke Marilyn Scott Colvin Marcy Gossman Covington Honora Coffey Dunkak Lois Olson Erickson *Sabia Poolman Fielder *Nancy Northrop Fine Ellen Gillette Fulton Marion Roehm Genger Joy Achterberg Hanna *Carolyn Prouty Harris *Suzanne Lagan Hastings *Audrey Hosford Hill Jane Wool Hink Joyanne Scott Kennedy *Marilyn Bowman King Patricia Nock Marlo Joan Adams Marnier Jinx Mulnix Matlack Geraldine Mayle *Joanne McAllister Tinka Flickinger McCray *Carolyn Miller Michels *Joan Cammack Morton Barbara Arthur Niemann Carolyn Goodhue Phillips Betty Kauffman Reid Suzanne Coffey Rennie Dawn Marie Rorman Yates Ruth Pekoch Rosewall *Nancy Provance Smith *Joanne Morrill VonTillow

BΩ-KENT STATE Carol Evans Beyer-Papish Barbara Baldwin Bowling Mary Mayers Byrne Beverly Byrne Carson Mary Hartle Darrah Lucille Witt Dickie Frances Whittaker Hursh Mary Sumner Jones Mary Jones *Kathy Kaufman Nora Davis Kieser Louise Kilar Dixie Rumbaugh Kirpolani La Huey Kovacs Barbara Ensign Kreitzmann *Joyce Fulton Kuehn *Faye Worrall McFerren *Ruth Miller Diane Halas Nisbett Marlyn Streble Redd Virginia Shively Rigel Elinor Matysiak Rowan Frances Gordon Schneider June Dickinson Smith Diane Bacon Speakman Patricia Toth Sugden Patricia Fahey Wanzor *Ann Gallitte Wohl *Joanne Osgood Wright ΓA-SAN DIEGO STATE Ann Peterson Baker Eleanor Watson Combs *Kathryn McGraw Curriden *Barbara Lesser Dible Barbara Jones Dishong Beverly Butler Foster *Susan Jones Freebern Eloda Miller Grigsby Elaine Williams Hartley Barbara Wolter Hartung Patricia Sojourner Hewitt Barbara Boland Hirtensteiner Sharon Flaherty Keith Jane Clark Markeley Joan Stubbs Maze Carolyn Butler Meek *Patricia Zellmer Palasik Mary McClain Quick Olga Angus Ritter Carmen Cunningham Sturak ΓB-UC/SANTA BARBARA Barbara Boisclair Caudry *Margaret Eagan Judith VanHorn Hill *Merry Hurst Jo Smith Mails *Marjorie Mergener Emily Argue Moffatt Pauline Larson Smith Grace Hutchison Vincenti *Julia Norby Ward Nancy Ward Willard ΓΓ-DRURY *Charlotte Beech Meeraine Werner Cannon Mary Snedden Derendinger Jeanette Teiber Dimond Janice Mantle Harrison Carolyn Dudeck Hileman *Elizabeth Morrow Jackson Sue Turrentine Lawson Dorothy Schendel Marcia Swiny Sims

Jaclyn Rau Strehle *Marilyn Perrey Torrence Γ∆-KANSAS Martha Combs Austin Phyllis Beach Blackwood Kay Gustafson Buescher Margaret Donnelly Buie Janice Meisner Carlson Jane Ellis Colwell Jane Snyder Culmsee Barbara Boole Daly Ardelle Anderson Drewelow Cheryl Brock Edmonds Carolyn Chard Hart Lois Fisk Hilburn Francile Aronhalt Hill Carol VanDyke Keyes Madelyn Brite Larkin Sally Kiddoo Liester Billie Pence Lourie *Jeannette Gowan McGuire *Frances Meng *Margie Murphy Miller Patricia Dowell Nichols Elizabeth Wendt O’Neill Yvonne Bryan Parsons *Elizabeth Teas Pfenninger Melba Beers Reddick Mary House Schondelmaier Lorene Locke Skogg Beverly Taney Smith *Mary-Al Rigor Titus *Orienne Gray Wiley Patricia Theis Woodward ΓE-LAKE FOREST Joan Hansen Altenberg Alma Anderson Barbara Bloemendaal Dickman *Sandra Jorgensen *Maria Dracos Katsalis *Elizabeth Krohne Peggy Tentes Moraitis *Judith Kees Murphy Barbara Hansen Sciaky Judy Staplekamp Shaufler Mary Frownfelter VanSickle ΓZ-PUGET SOUND Mary McKenzie Andre Marlene Peterson Bailey Jacqueline Holmberg Belsvik *Barbara Johnston Birkland Evelyn Decker Bucsko Daphne Hilton Burchfield Kathe Childs Campbell Geraldine Alexander Carlson Lita Johnson Chiarovano *Marjorie Hayward Clark Ernestine Goff Cochran Betty Scott Cowlter Beverly Adams Dahl Betty Rusk Danielson Catherine Doherty Donnelly Marian Christie Dunsford Gloria Leonard Durkee Maureen Helms Elmquist Patty Novak Engle *Dorothy Cooper Fiscus Joan Wood Fleming *Jean Stobbs Forrest Patricia Schaller Gass Julie Snyder Grummel Arlene Thompson Hinshaw Helen Raedisch Hopkins

Joeann Huchttoen Hopmeier Mollie Morse Huber *Charlotte Cook Johnson Evelyn Dodge Joneson *Shirley Demko Kemman Jo Pease Kure Doris Short Lantz *Donna Lillis Larkin Mary Moon Long Shirley Davis Manley Elverna Larson Maurmann Claire McNeill McKay Sara Jaeger Miller Joan Hemminger Milton Maurine Gerards Murray *Thelma Bestler Myhrman Phyllis Swanson Noren Hester Robinson Page Helen Carlson Perdue Margaret Duvall Peterson

Grace McLean Price Neon Knoebel Ringwood Ruth Todd Rockwood *Sandra Anderson Rogers Mary Mackey Sansburn Ruth Metcalf Sethe J’Anna Sharrard June Everson Smith Ruth Potter Smith Lillian Vinson Spanich Janice Gorrell Stacy Janet Hatch Starkey Joyce Butherus Sterry Donna Thorsen *Frances Ellerton Trowbridge Naomi Hespen Vann Merle Stevens Wehmhoff Bonnie Nold Wilbur Marilyn Planje Wolvers ΓH-NORTH TEXAS *Paula Turner Dickey

75-Year Members The 75-year pin, a brilliant diamondshaped, golden pin with clear stones at each of the points, is sized large enough to allow you to place your original badge inside the pin. Cost: $30

A-SYRACUSE *Leslye Platt Greaves Ellen Tracy Hyde *Rosa Nessler *Mary Shelley Jane Sturges Janet Webb B-NORTHWESTERN Sally Austerberry Dinan *Martha Hart Green Louise Hassel Kearns Mary Day Martin *Marilyn Anderson Nelson Evelyn Franklin Secrist *Margaret McLoney Stayman *Elizabeth Lawrence Stevens *Dorothy Conable Wayne Γ-DEPAUW *Jean Bain Baker *Gertrude Strong Berry Ruth Hall Kimberlin *Juanita Jones Schneider *Helen Williamson Wasson *Mary Katherine Panabaker Wolf ∆-CORNELL Jane Marshall Baird Margaret Scheer Harper *Barbara Wyckoff Hodges *Barbara Collyer Kachmar *Wilhelmina Barton Kraber E-MINNESOTA Mary Fazendin Dotson Ruth Dickson Drake *Virginia Peyton Fagg *Rowena Bawlf Freeman *Merle Lyon Hartzell *Moselle Hendry Betty Ankeny Maves Grace Gilbert Smith

Jane Matson Warner *Marcia Gillespie Yates Z-GOUCHER *Barbara Truitt Mitchell Dorothy Pew Smith Emily Tiffany H-BOSTON *Mary Rosselle Fenn Katharine Pond Ferre Mildred Knowles OBrey *Alice Kingsbury Robbins Θ-MICHIGAN *Harriet Moses Jane Howard Pease Dorothy McKee Pershing Virginia Schurz Shultz *Hannah Wallin I-WISCONSIN *Louise Crouch Atherholt *Emily Laird Cort *Ethel Laper Juliette LeComte Masterson *Katherine Vea K-STANFORD *Harriet Geary Kirby Λ-UC/BERKELEY Carol Hink Carmody *Eleanor Broemmel Green *Irene Jones Peggie Robbins Michael Carlisle Wolfe Rowley Jeanne Muller Smith N-NEBRASKA Mary Pilger Barker Ruth Roberts Casey *Catherine Steele Dalton *Inez Westering Hansen *Nancy Mitchell Heusner Margaret Furry Knaup Lillian Faytinger Koory


Congratulations 75-Year Sisters! (continued) Mabel Neale McArthur *Juanita Bruce Merriam Grace Baldwin Pedley Gertrude Blum Wahl Ξ-TORONTO *Eyla Tulleken Chestnut *Elizabeth Cuddy Margaret Donald Elgie *Marian Henderson Isobel Brown Lebourdais O-MISSOURI *Louise Wielandy Alexander Bernice Stanley Bem *Florence Brewer *Mary Drum Cayce Florence Siebert Donovan Geneva Long Guitar *Emma Purnell Mary Purnell Scott Π-NORTH DAKOTA *Evelyn Olson Desmond *Mary Londergan Lamb *Vivian Washburn Lillie Jeanne Junod McElwee Myrle Wyckoff Minerman *Laura Watkins Rice P-OHIO STATE Helen Hotchkiss Berry Catherine Hennessey Sorensen Σ-WASHINGTON Jean Little Couzens Kathleen Hoyt Godfrey Vera Humphreys Kilgore *Nay Leverenz *Alice Thompson MacBain *Margaret VonAlbensleben Newcombe Alice Blythe Wright T-OREGON Rosalind Lorenz Andrews *Kay Rochester Bachrach Hariet Hughson Maltby *Elise Sundbom Manning *Helen Osburn Meador Phoebe Finley Pack Grace Howe Yerkes Y-WASHBURN *Catherine Griffith Gaston *Louise Baldwin Gulick Josena Benton Wilson Φ-OKLAHOMA *Freida Anderson Madeline Delaney Ballard Joyce Kayler Hayes *Phyllis Woodruff Sapp *Tressa Parsons Sitt *Mary Hayes Williams X-MONTANA *Bertha Wedum Graybeal *Margaret Noon Rice Marion Cline Ruth Martha Jeffrey Sanders Ψ-SOUTH DAKOTA Lorene Lynch Jermstad *Helen Ligart Leona Nelson Thein *Harriet Butts Walsh Ω-TEXAS Helen Collier Anderson *Katherine Rose Bradley Mary Boon Garner Garnett Dodson Phillips *Rose Beck Simmons



BA-ILLINOIS *Ruth Cleavelin Bradley *Evelyn Hammett Lewine BB-MICHIGAN STATE Adaline Kiebler Beardsley *Ellen Johnson Carlisle *Jeanne Stokes Duiker *Mattie Rouse Price *Emmaline Rademaker Purciarele *Dorothy Foster Teel BΓ-COLORADO *Gladys Galloup Herring *Mae Puderbaugh Misko *Helen Specht Orr *Marjorie Teller Richards *Florence Fulscher Tool B∆-UCLA *Elizabeth Franz Ahlm *Margaret Gilman *Charlotte White Miller *Margaret Roper *Fairfax Stephenson *Marian Vallat BE-ARIZONA *Margarita Castaneda DeCastellanos Lorene Denton Ferguson *Louise Roberts Pfann BZ-IDAHO Bessie Clare Bancroft *Margaret Becker Brink Louise Dunlap Cook *Alice Waldrop Cooke Doris Squibb Coughlan Lulu Payne Ferebauer *Gertrude Stringer Gustafsson *Lyna Johnson Hedge Laura Clark Hoshaw Lorene Cusick Iverson *Anne Day Kingman Marguerite Ward Laughlin Elizabeth Chapman Norman *Helen Milliken Payne Vivian Reed Riesbol Ruth Remsberg Ruef *Hope Gamwell Shibley Kathryn Hanna Taylor *Freda White Terry *Elizabeth Stansell Tinker Nadine Tucker Grace Jain Wicks Inez Azcuenaga Wilcomb BH-MANITOBA Marjorie Stevenson Campbell *Janet Wallace Goodeve *Olive Hamilton Gytha Johnson Hurst *Shirley McDonald MacKinnon *Marjorie MacLean *Norah Maunders Reynolds *Ruth Campbell Tomerton

She Knows Business Nancy K. Austin (B -UCLA), a leading authority and wellknown speaker on management and leadership, is president of Nancy K. Austin, Inc., in Capitola, Calif. Nancy has spoken before business, educational Nancy Austin and military leaders in countries on six continents and is a frequent guest on television and radio programs. She served as contributing editor for Working Woman and Inc. magazines and as a columnist for 1099, a Webzine for independent professionals. As one of the most in-demand voices on modern business, Nancy’s work has been published in dozens of journals and magazines. Her first book, The Assertive Woman (Impact Publishers, Inc., 2002. ISBN: 1886230498), was revised into a fourth edition. She also co-authored the 1983 bestseller A Passion for Excellence: The Leadership Difference (Warner Books, 1989. ISBN: 0446386391).

Alumna Begins New PR Venture Beth Ann Riggs Black ( -Texas) is an account manager for Parrish Blanchard Schaefer Public Relations®, an Arlington, Texas,-based public relations firm. Prior to joining the firm, Beth Ann ran a sole proprietorship, B.A. Beth Ann Black Black Public Relations. Beth Ann’s extensive career includes public relations, media relations, communications and public affairs positions with corporations, nonprofit organizations and as editorial staff on various Texas newspapers. She is a board member of Public Relations Society of America Dallas chapter, involved in the Presbyterian Church, a sustaining member of Junior League and active in the Far North Dallas alumnae chapter.

TV, Acting, Singing, and Now a Book Lisa Martin Capozzi (E-Minnesota) is author of Spirit Connections (Trafford Publishing, 2003. ISBN 1412003911), a compilation of 47 stories about unexplainable experiences with spirits of loved ones. For more information, or to order the book, visit www.trafford.com/robots/03-0760.html. Lisa also wrote a television pilot, “Fat, Flat and Broke” and a feature film, “Snowglobe.” She worked in television news production, formed her own Minneapolis-based production company Lisa Capozzi and produced, wrote and directed television commercials and sales marketing videos. Lisa studied acting at the Guthrie theater in Minneapolis, performed in stage productions with the Los Angeles Opera and appeared in television starring roles. She created both a casting company for independent feature films and a print management company. In 2002, Lisa recorded her first singing CD with her husband, Ken. They are part of a trio called Triple Stack, performing standards including Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin classics. She also teaches writing and drama with her husband to Los Angeles inner city children.

Erika Daggett Wins Awards Erika Daggett (BO-Bowling Green State), a communication specialist with Dayton Public Schools, in Dayton, Ohio, received four awards in the National School Public Relations Association’s 2003 Publications and Electronic Media Contest. Erika and Dayton Public Schools (DPS) were recognized among 1,174 entries from across the nation. Erika won an Award of Excellence and Award of Merit for the DPS monthly employee newsletter and Awards of Merit for two press releases.



Kim Ibach Is Teacher of the Year Kim Sullivan Ibach ( -Northern

Sister Is Mrs. North Carolina Shannon Cornwell Devine ( MAppalachian State) is the current Mrs. North Carolina. She competed in the Mrs. America Pageant Sept. 5-19 in Hawaii. (Results were not available at print time.) Shannon Devine Visit the Mrs. America Web site at www.mrsamerica.com for more information.

Colorado) was named by the Organization of American Historians (OAH) as its Wyoming History Day Teacher of Merit, the equivalent of teacher of the year. The Kelly Walsh High School (Casper, Wyo.) social studies teacher received the award in recognition of her contributions to improve history education. She also was one of eight finalists for the National History Day Teacher of Merit award, which recognizes the top secondary history teachers in the U.S.

Phi Named to Chamber of Commerce Jo Burnidge Martin (BA-Illinois) was

Phi Writes First Book Wendy Blythe Gifford’s ( -DePauw) first book, a historical romance titled The Knave and The Maiden, will be released by Harlequin in January 2004. Visit www.blythegifford.com for more information. Wendy Gifford

Author Finds Success Under Pen Name A late-life career has produced two novels from Marcie Hamilton Goad ( Oklahoma). Under the pen name Margo Hamilton, she wrote Linda (AmericaHouse, 2002. ISBN: 159129651X) and Cowgirl of the Year (AmericaHouse, 2003. ISBN: 1592862551). For Alpha Phis who purchase one of her books, Marcie graciously offers to donate 15 percent of the purchase price to the Alpha Phi Foundation. Visit the author’s Web site at www.margobooks.net and e-mail your name, address, where the book was purchased and how much was paid.

FALL 2003

Jo Martin

appointed to the Apache Junction (Ariz.) Chamber of Commerce board of directors. Jo has served Alpha Phi International as a regional team member, alumnae chapter president, chapter adviser and on various committees.

Lillian Norberg Inducted into Tulsa Hall of Fame Lillian Born Norberg ( -Oklahoma) was one of seven initiated into the Tulsa (Okla.) Historical Society’s Hall of Fame on Oct. 9. Called “a community leader for libraries, parks and cultural affairs,” she helped found the Friends of the Tulsa Public Library in 1957, spearheaded the drive for public funds to underwrite the Tulsa City-County Library and served on the city park board. Lillian is an active member of the Tulsa alumnae chapter. Both a local park and an Alpha Phi scholarship are named in her honor.

Alumna Honored With New Award Erin Weed (FA-Eastern Illinois) is the recipient of Eastern Illinois University’s Eberly Essence of Fraternal Values Award. Erin, founder of Girls Fight Back selfdefense program, travels the country teaching women self-defense techniques. The new award recognizes Greek chapters and individuals, who, through a specific act exemplify their fraternal values.

Leading the Rotary Jayne Gebauer Kasten (O-Missouri) was installed as Lambert Airport Rotary Club of St. Louis County (Mo.) president in June. Jayne has been active in community groups, serving on boards of directors of North County, Inc., the American Cancer Society‚ and YMCA and on education committees for several chambers of commerce. She is co-president of the St. Louis Gateway alumnae Jayne Kasten chapter and a recipient of a 2000 Ursa Major award. The St. Louis Alumnae Panhellenic delegate also co-chaired a Greek antique appraisal luncheon that raised more than $4,250.

In The News Tracy Eason Bolton ( -Truman State) was featured in the March 2003 issue of New Mexico Woman magazine for her work with Enterprise Rent-A-Car. Tracy is treasurer of the Tracy Bolton Albuquerque alumnae chapter. Kellye Crockett (O-Missouri) was featured in a Columbia (Mo.) Tribune article in June for her work with the Adult Learning Center’s In-home English as a Second Language refugee tutoring program. Kellye serves as an adviser to the Missouri (O) chapter. Maureen Cheney Curnow (XMontana), a professor in the University of Montana’s Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, was featured in Montana’s Missoulian newspaper for retiring after 37 years at UM. Maureen has served as an associate dean, academic department chairwoman and on numerous university and community boards. She received several awards, including UM’s Annual Diversity Award and the Outstanding Administrator Award.




Dedicated Advisory Board Leads to Healthy Chapter Editor’s Note: Volunteers who serve as advisers to Alpha Phi’s collegiate chapters across North America are vital to the success of those chapters. A chapter advisory board is led by a chapter adviser and includes others specializing in recruitment, programming and finance. Contact lmartin@alphaphi.org or 847.316.8943 for information about serving as an adviser.

Missouri (O) is one of Alpha Phi’s largest collegiate chapters, and even though it is located two hours away from major cities, it has a large number of outstanding advisers who have guided the chapter to the position it is in today, says Program Manager of Collegiate Operations Laura Garraway Caulfield ( E-Iowa). Lisa McGivern Kozlen (BA-Illinois), who’s been chapter adviser since 2001 and new member education adviser prior to that, says, “Advising can be overwhelming. Being able to divide responsibilities into more manageable projects is crucial to the chapter as well as to the health of the advisers.” The 10-person board has a team approach, says Lisa, that includes splitting time so representatives are present at everything from judicial board hearings and chapter meetings to recruitment and move-in day. They advise more than 200 women. Several also are involved in alumnae chapters and other volunteer roles. “Different advisers are able to contribute varying amounts of time and talents, so being flexible to their needs is important,” says Lisa. “Some alumnae can be at meetings more often, and some can only come in for special events. We try to tap into those different situations to keep the alumnae involved as well as benefit the chapter with their experience.” She credits her entire team for successful adviser recruitment and succession planning: “Trying to find ways for people to contribute is just a matter of creativity and asking questions. Not being from Omicron and Missouri, I have relied on other

OMICRON ADVISORY BOARD MEMBERS Lisa Kozlen, chapter adviser and HCB Paula Mueller Bullock, finance and HCB Rita Cardetti Esterly, scholarship Kellye Crockett, administration

Jessica Kinder Hughes, program development Jamie Coult, recruitment Amy Jordan Tvrdik, recruitment and special governor Kay Kasiske Coleman, facilities and operations and HCB

Leslie Dickerson, recruitment Melodie Powell, campus involvement All advisers except Lisa are Missouri (O) alumnae

Editor’s Note: The board had plans to host a “recruiting” dinner for potential advisers at the beginning of the school year to reach additional area alumnae and allow for more chapter support.


Congratulations to Missouri (O) advisers, this quarter’s outstanding advisory board.

volunteers to recruit women they know. We also started recruiting our young alumnae. They know the system and can be great allies for those of us who may be more removed.” Quite impressive, says Associate Director of Collegiate Membership Megan Bouché (EMinnesota), noting that prior to its revitalization in 1998, Omicron had inconsistent support. “In the past five years, the advisory board and the chapter have grown together,” says Megan. “Omicron’s board has continuously been represented at adviser training opportunities, most recently at CA Academy and Rush U. during the summer. This is an example of their advisers’ willingness to improve their knowledge in order to improve the chapter.” “My hope is that we’re always getting better, both as a chapter and as an advisory board,” says Lisa. “We are all learning as we go. Even people who have been advising for a while have to keep in mind that the women coming to college each year are different: their experiences, their expectations, their commitments and their goals. Even though we are an organization with deep-rooted traditions, we all have to be willing to try new ways of doing things and embrace changes.” “Seeing the overall growth of the chapter for the past few years has been amazing,” says Lisa. “I look forward to more progress by this chapter, its house corporation board and advisory team and hope for some spectacular results by our 100-year anniversary in 2010 … It has been a great partnership!” ALPHA PHI


CALIFORNIA CSU/Hayward (H∆) Although Eta Delta chapter’s annual car wash philanthropy event was cut short due to rain, members still managed to exceed their goal for the event. Sisters sponsored an American Red Cross® blood drive during the summer and volunteered for other community causes. The women hosted an appreciation event in June to honor graduating seniors. –Kasey Light San Diego State (ΓA) Gamma Alphas hosted the first King of the Pins bowling tournament, a two-day philanthropy event. Greek members volunteered at the local YMCA, and fraternities participated in a King of Hearts talent show, costume contest and pie-eating contest and bowled for the King of the Pins trophy. The tournament raised $4,000 for the Jackie Robinson YMCA and the Alpha Phi Foundation. Director of Philanthropy Kristen Yoder received the Greek Woman of the Year award for her work on the event. –Katie Burnett San Francisco State (HΘ) Eta Theta sisters enjoyed a camping retreat in April, organized by Desirae Lindley. Director of Alumnae Relations Nicolle Howard organized the chapter’s 15th anniversary brunch in May that included a chapter update by President Kirsten Giglione, a speech by alumna Cheryl Hundley, scholarship recognitions and a raffle contest. All proceeds benefited the Alpha Phi Foundation. The chapter thanks alumnae for their donations and gifts. A spring Forget-Me-Not Ball was organized by Director of Chapter Events Elizabeth Rowland. Visit the chapter’s Web site at www.geocities.com/ aphi_sfsu. –Virginia F. Sandoval

FALL 2003

PHI COLLEGIAN WINS SCHOLARSHIP Kari Stanley (Φ-Oklahoma) is the winner of Phi chapter’s 2003 Lucy Hart Finnerty (ΦOklahoma) memorial scholarship. Kari begins graduate school in Oklahoma’s speech pathology program this fall.


Epsilon Beta sisters share their Alpha Phi pride.


Jennifer Corbett, middle, is honored as the University of Maine’s Greek Woman of the Year.


Delta Nus celebrate their Most Improved Chapter, Outstanding Traditionalism and Greek Woman of the Year awards.

UCLA (B∆) Beta Delta’s annual Alpha Phi-esta philanthropy event in May featured a Mexican buffet, silent auction and raffle. The women raised more than $2,000 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. They raised another $2,000 for the Foundation during the winter quarter’s first King of Hearts week, thanks to organizers Nicole Hebert, Tori Waters, Ethel Sale and Alisha Beltramo. Five new members were initiated in the spring. Thanks goes to former Educational Leadership Consultant Sara Kite (P-Ohio State) for her assistance. The chapter congratulates its 21 graduating seniors and wishes them the best of luck. –Lindsay McHolm USC (BΠ) Beta Pi won first place at USC’s annual Songfest for the second time in three years and placed second in

Sigma Chi’s Derby Days philanthropy event. Fraternities competed in the chapter’s Phi Ball basketball tournament to raise money for the Alpha Phi Foundation. Some chapters even sponsored two teams. The chapter will miss graduating seniors. –Tanja Olano ILLINOIS Northwestern (B) Beta’s Mud Olympics philanthropy event raised $2,200 for the Alpha Phi Foundation in May. The chapter looks forward to Homecoming and an open house for alumnae on Oct. 25. –Jenny Topolosky

KENT STATE COLLEGIANS, ALUMNA RECOGNIZED Kent State (BΩ) graduating seniors and alumna Mitzi Wilson are recognized during the Kent State University Alumni Association Greek alumni and senior recognition brunch. Mitzi was nominated for the Greek Alumni Council Distinguished Alumni Award for her efforts to help endow the Sharon Sigel memorial scholarship, which will award one Beta Omega sister $500 annually. This is Kent State’s first sorority with such a fund. Mitzi, center, is pictured with graduating seniors.





Omicron juniors enjoy an annual junior/senior dinner.


Christine Peters, left, visits Big Sister Shannon Duffy at Disney World during the summer.


Sigma seniors celebrate on graduation day.

STUDENT LEADER Liz Shay (∆M-Purdue) is featured in Purdue University’s annual Getting Involved At Purdue publication. The booklet highlights the 650-plus student organizations and showcases student leaders.

Past consultants are among the more than 60 advisers attending Rush U. at Butler University during the summer. Collegiate advisers also received training at Alpha Phi’s second annual CA Academy.

INDIANA Butler (EB) During spring semester, Epsilon Beta chapter was recognized for attaining the highest cumulative GPA among Butler University housing units. Jesica Speed was named Butler’s Outstanding Freshman Female Student, an award sponsored by the YMCA. Visit the chapter’s Web site at www.butler.edu/studentlife/ alphaphi. –Laura Centrella DePauw (Γ) Gamma collegians, university representatives and alumnae celebrated the dedication of the J. Stanford Smith concert organ to DePauw’s Music School in late April. Elaine Showalter Smith (Γ-DePauw) donated the organ in memory of her late husband. Gamma hosted its first Eat Your Heart Out healthy barbecue philanthropy event, raising $1,500 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. During spring 2003, the chapter was named DePauw’s Best Greek Chapter and recognized with the best GPA among Greek organizations. –Jen Borowski MAINE Maine (∆N) Delta Nu was recognized with Most Improved Chapter and Outstanding Traditionalism awards during the 2003 Greek Life Awards. Former President Jennifer Corbett was named Greek Woman of the Year. Jennifer graduated in May and now serves as an officer in the U.S. Navy. Members stood outside of Wal-Mart® to collect pledges for the chapter’s first Move Your Phi’t 5K walk-athon in May. Several alumnae participated, and the event raised more than $1,500 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. Andrea Nicoletta, Jennifer Corbett and Jennifer Gundersen were inducted into Phi Beta Kappa. –Diana McElwain and Jennifer Corbett


ATTENTION COLLEGIANS Beginning Nov. 1, vote online at www.alphaphi.org for the winning

Convention 2004 T-shirt design. Then plan to join collegians and alumnae from across North America June 23-27 at the Marriott Rancho Las Palmas in Palm Springs, Calif. Visit www.alphaphi.org/conferences/conv2004.html for Convention 2004 details.

MARYLAND Towson (HΩ) Eta Omega sisters won first place in Towson’s Greek Week for the third year in a row. The chapter thanks Jessica Richards and Katie Oleske for their hard work writing songs and choreographing dances for Greek Sing. Also during spring, 21 new members were initiated. Members look forward to the second annual Phi Ball kickball tournament this fall, organized by Liz Onuska and Kristen Evans. –Jenna King MASSACHUSETTS MIT (ZΦ) Zeta Phis and fellow Greeks hosted the WBCN radio station’s Marathon Day as part of the 107th annual Boston Marathon in April. Sisters cheered on veteran marathon runner and chapter President Katie Huffman, Vice President of Program Development Becky Pferdehirt and Vice President of Administration and Director of Philanthropy Catherine Weng. Their accomplishments inspired ALPHA PHI


ALPHA PHI COVER GIRL If you happened to see the June 2003 issue of the Rensselaer alumni magazine, you noticed Alpha Phi and Jennifer Spear (ΘTRensselaer) on the cover. The magazine featured an article titled, “Go Greek!: Rensselaer’s Greeks redefine fraternity and sorority life as leadership and service take center stage.”

several sisters to consider training for next year’s marathon. –Nayeli Dault MISSOURI Missouri (O) Twenty-one of the university’s 26 fraternities participated in Omicron’s annual A-PhiFa Challenge soccer

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FALL 2003

tournament in May, raising $4,400 for the Alpha Phi Foundation. Sisters donated “bear hugs,” or teddy bears wrapped in fleece blankets, to children in cardiac centers of local hospitals. Liz Underwood and Erin Leahey were chosen as 2003-04 educational leadership consultants, and Liz was inducted into Omicron Delta Kappa. Maggie Kramer received the university’s Spotlight Sophomore and Silver Shield of Excellence for Service and Leadership awards. An article written by Lindsey Unterburger in the university’s Greek Chronicle newspaper received Most Outstanding Story of the Year. Paige Wahrenburg was awarded honorable mention for the Selfless Helper service award. –Kelly Webb

Duke Sister Runs Marathon Beta Nu deuteron sisters are proud of Paige Corbett, who ran in the Marine Corps Marathon, from Virginia to Washington, D.C., last fall. Paige, who often woke at 4 a.m. to run 20 miles before work, says, “The challenge was the training, and the marathon seemed more like the reward.”

NEBRASKA Nebraska (N) Nu sisters Keri Scarbo, Beth Buckley, Sara Heacock, Amy Campbell and Kirstin Maurstad ran in the Lincoln, Neb., half-marathon in May. Amy also participated in the Chicago Marathon in October 2002, and Emily Bannick competed in the Lincoln full-marathon, qualifying for the Boston Marathon. Intramural sports chairs Jessica Lutton and Amy Merryweather organized chapter participation in university intramurals such as softball, football, soccer and basketball. –Amy Campbell NEW YORK Cornell (∆) Delta received the university’s Most Outstanding Chapter of the Year award. The women increased their scholarship ranking to fifth among all sororities during spring semester with a 3.14 cumulative GPA. –Jenny Holsman (ΓΠ-Arizona State), former chapter adviser

Rochester (ΘK) Theta Kappa women participated in varsity volleyball, lacrosse, swimming, tennis and basketball, and Christine Stoelting worked as an aerobics instructor at a university fitness center. The women met during summer break for a funfilled weekend of horseback riding, boating, drive-in movies and camping out. Members look forward to a sisterhood retreat and informal recruitment during the fall. –Yael Garfinkle NORTH CAROLINA UNC/Wilmington (HΞ) One of Eta Xi’s biggest achievements was receiving the Bradley Cup, presented annually to the most outstanding Greek chapter during the university’s Greek Awards. The chapter won the Community Service award, and President Brooke Harrison was named Greek Woman of the Year. Sisters also received honorable mention for Philanthropy and Recruitment. –Allyson Mooring




HOUSE CORPORATION BOARDS ARE LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS! Improved chapter strength leads to a healthy Fraternity. Volunteer your time to assist a collegiate chapter in your area. Contact bpeterson@ alphaphi.org or call 847.316.8939 for details.

Akron (HΓ) Butler (EB) Colorado/Boulder (BΓΛ) CSU/Chico (ΘY) Delaware (EN) Drake (ΓO) Indiana (BT) Kent State (BΩ) Marquette (HM) Maryland (∆Z) Michigan State (BB)

OHIO Ohio State (P) During Ohio State’s annual sorority and fraternity banquet, Rho received honors for outstanding risk management program, outstanding scholarship program and most improved grade point average. Audrey Bentz received the prestigious Sorority Woman of the Year award, Kristen Callaway was named Volunteer of the Year and Columbus area alumna Dale Deubler Sheppard (P-Ohio State) received a Chapter Advocate of the Year award. The ladies looked forward to returning to a newly renovated house. –Julie Miles and Nicole Niemann (∆X-William Woods), chapter adviser OREGON Oregon State (BY) Collegians enjoyed working with Beta Upsilon’s house corporation board to plan the chapter house’s first floor renovations. Biking has become a favorite pastime. The women worked with a certified in-home abdominal

Minnesota (E) Missouri (O) MIT (ZΦ) New Hampshire (HA) North Dakota (Π) North Texas (ΓH) Northern Illinois (E∆) Ohio State (P) Oregon (T) Oregon State (BY) Pennsylvania (HI)

exercise instructor who offered intensive abdominal workouts; the sessions provided a fun and accessible program in addition to offering sisterly bonding. –Maryn Goolsby SOUTH DAKOTA South Dakota (Ψ) Psis won five out of 10 awards presented during the university’s Greek Awards Ceremony in April: Excellence in Overall Scholarship, Excellence in Philanthropy and Community Service, Excellence in Risk Management, Excellence in Chapter Education and 2003 Outstanding Sorority Chapter. The chapter and the men of Sigma Alpha Epsilon and Pi Kappa Alpha also were recognized as Greek Week champions. Patty Crowley and Yvette Schultz were inducted into the Golden Key honor society. Shannon Binger, Patty, Andrea Fellows and Yvette were inducted into Mortar Board. Shannon, Patty and Yvette were inducted into the Order of Omega Greek honor society. In addition, several sophomores were inducted into the Guidon honor society. –Patty Crowley

PROTECT YOUR CHAPTER: BUY FROM ALPHA PHI LICENSED VENDORS The Greek Licensed Product Logo is your assurance that you are purchasing officially licensed products. If a vendor is selling products bearing Alpha Phi insignia and cannot show proof that the company is one of our licensed vendors, contact kip@alphaphi.org or 847.316.8938. For your reference, a current list of Alpha Phi licensed vendors is provided at www.alphaphi.org/marketplace.


Puget Sound (ΓZ) South Dakota (Ψ) Syracuse (A) Texas A&M/Commerce (∆B) Toronto (Ξ) UCLA (B∆) Virginia Tech (HO) Washburn (Y) Western Michigan (∆Θ) Wisconsin (I)

TEXAS Texas (Ω) Omegas were excited about a fall Girls Fight Back self-defense program sponsored by UT’s Panhellenic and presented by alumna Erin Weed (ZA-Eastern Illinois). Sisters residing in different cities kept in touch during the summer by getting together for shopping, dinners, movies, camping and traveling. –Laura Guthrie WASHINGTON Washington (Σ) Sigmas celebrated the chapter’s first Phi Week. Combined with Senior Week, the week featured an awards ceremony, senior dinner, sisterhoods and daily events. Sisters wish graduating seniors the best. –Jessica TeSelle WISCONSIN Wisconsin/La Crosse (∆K) After 75 percent of Delta Kappas participated in an on campus fitness program, the women created The Fit Phis competition within the chapter. Many members exercise on a regular basis, but the competition brought more people out to exercise together and create a healthier lifestyle. Collegians and alumnae celebrated the chapter’s 40th anniversary in the spring, including the first Alumnae Ball. Founding members in attendance told stories comparing Alpha Phi then and now. –Kim Nelson




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This form also is available on our Web site at www.alphaphi.org

FALL 2003


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Denver Sister Is Panhellenic Woman of the Year

Billie Battiato, center, is honored as Panhellenic 2003 Woman of the Year. She is pictured with daughters Julia Battiato (∆Γ-Northern Colorado) and Tara Battiato (Ω-Texas). Not pictured and also an Alpha Phi is third daughter Rachel Battiato (N-Nebraska).

Billie Coskey Battiato ( -Oklahoma) was named Denver Area Panhellenic 2003 Woman of the Year during an awards luncheon in May. This prestigious award is given to an individual who has made significant contributions to her fraternity, Panhellenic, community and career. Billie is a 200203 Panhellenic council member and serves Alpha Phi International as a finance standing committee member and housing specialist. Also recognized during the Denver Area Panhellenic event were Stephanie Timmerman (E -Northern Iowa) and Tiffany Worthey ( Northern Colorado). Stephanie, a graduate student majoring in biochemistry and molecular genetics at the University of Colorado, is the Beverly Sharkey Memorial Scholarship award winner. She is active in the Denver alumnae chapter and serves as recruitment adviser to Colorado School of Mines (IF). Tiffany, a junior business management major and Spanish minor, received a Denver Area Panhellenic collegiate scholarship. She serves as Delta Gamma recording secretary and Panhellenic vice president of external affairs.

FALL 2003

St. Louis Phis Attend Panhellenic Luncheon The second annual Greek antique appraisal luncheon and auction was held in April, sponsored by the St. Louis Alumnae Panhellenic Association. Jayne Gebauer Kasten (OMissouri) was co-chair of the event. Clarissa Start (A ), former St. Louis Post Dispatch St. Louis Alpha Phis enjoy a Greek antique columnist and auction and luncheon. antique expert, was the keynote speaker. The luncheon raised $4,200 toward collegiate scholarships. –Jayne Gebauer Kasten (O-Missouri)


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Alpha Phi Teamwork in Action

South Central Region Alumnae Membership Coordinator Betty Jo Ferraro Fuller (AΛ), Southeast Region Alumnae Membership Coordinator Teresa Gillian Gray (BΓ-Colorado) and nine Shreveport/ Bossier City (La.) alumnae attended a Panhellenic informational program and luncheon in May in Shreveport. Betty Jo and former District Alumnae Coordinator Arline Korbs Wolters (∆B-Texas A&M/Commerce) shared new programming ideas and tips for more involvement in alumnae chapters.



New Arrivals Adrian (∆H) To Scott and Katherine Knapp Waggoner, a son, Nicholas Frank Joseph, July 4, 2002. Appalachian State (ΘN) To Colin and Mendy Blair Chura, a daughter, Georgia Ann, April 10, 2003. Arizona (BE) To John and Laurie Walker Bagley, a son, Walker Allen, May 8, 2003. Arizona State (ΓΠ) To Brett and Stacey Wong Dutton, a son, Noah Quinn, May 20, 2003. To Kevin and Stephanie Hall Wool, a son, Jack Parker, April 10, 2003. Ball State (∆P) To Dan and Jennifer Randol Lipp, a daughter, Lainie Alexandra, April 3, 2003. Boston (HΛ) To Kevin and Courtenay Duplex Brown, a son, Reid Thomas, Jan. 5, 2003. Bowling Green State (BO) To Jay and Polly Hill Caudill, a daughter, Avery Ann, April 12, 2003. To Chris and Kelly Eisermann Hartley, a son, Kenneth Layne, July 27, 2002. Bryant (ΘB) To T.J. and LisaMarie Filuminia Del Santo, a son, Joey, Dec. 22, 2002. Butler (EB) To Mike and Beth Rogers Black, a daughter, Kelsey Elizabeth, June 3, 2003. Cal Poly (EX) To Eric and Darcie Poston Garcia, a daughter, Abigail Ann, March 15, 2003. Cameron (ΘP) To Kenan and Clarissa Donnell Pyeatt, a daughter, Kymber Calyn, April 21, 2003. Case Western Reserve (ZΠ) To Daniel and Sonal Antani Hill, a son, Evan Daniel, March 21, 2003. CSU/Hayward (H∆) To Jeff and Heidi Splittorf Huber, a daughter, Hannah Hailey, May 24, 2003. To Robert and Shawna McCreeryGarvin, a daughter, Chelsea Margaret, June 2, 2003. To Don and Tara Chulla Torres, a daughter, Jaina Diane, March 20, 2003.


CSU/Long Beach (ΓK) To Michael and Stephanie Szallay Goddard, a son, Ryan Lewis, Feb. 18, 2003. To Mike and Janet Cole Johnson, a daughter, Katie Allison, Nov. 9, 2001. To Oscar and Kimberly Lang Sandoval, triplet daughters, Peyton Avery, Mackenzie Claire and Sydney Quinn, Oct. 18, 2002.

Kent State (BΩ) To Steven and Wendy Weber Dolven, a son, Scott Robert, March 27, 2003. To James and Kelly Canavan Morley, a son, Joshua Robert, April 1, 2003.

CSU/San Bernardino (HB) To Kristen Banke and Christina Lauritzen, a daughter, Nicholine, April 29, 2003.

Linfield (ΘA) To Christopher and Jacquelyn Nagy Mawdsley, a son, Shawn Christopher, April 22, 2003.

DePauw (Γ) To James and Laura Bond Williams, a daughter, Megan Elizabeth, Dec. 1, 2002.

Loyola Marymount (ZB) To Stacy and Natalie Farrar Adams, a son, Donovan Farrar, Jan. 7, 2003. To Daniel and Cynthia Hernandez Carrese, a daughter, Sophia Genevieve, April 22, 2003.

Drake (ΓO) To Bradley and Katie Wanninger Smith, a daughter, Callaghan Katherine, Oct. 26, 2002. Duquesne (EI) To Marc and Valerie Musgrave Rieder, a daughter, Kirsten Elisabeth, Feb. 14, 2003. Eastern Illinois (ZA) To Thomas and MaryBeth Bolduc Jewison, a son, Mark Thomas, July 6, 2003. To Eric and Allison Rice Landstrom, a son, Ian Timothy, April 6, 2003. To Mark Layne and Karen Mayerhofer, a daughter, Allyson Rose, May 31, 2003. Idaho (BZ) To Ron and Inga Neilson Elkin, a daughter, Reina Maye, Jan. 22, 2003. To Jason and Danielle Otte Scrupps, a daughter, Madeline Marie, Oct. 28, 2002. To Kelsey and Molly Sweetland Thompson, a son, Will Carter, March 26, 2003. Illinois (BA) To John and Gena Zarcone Polihronidis, a daughter, Anastasia Xanthoula, April 14, 2003. Illinois State (ZT) To Peter and Heather Mills Nash, a daughter, Samantha Grace, Nov. 12, 2002. Indiana State (∆Π) To Jerry and Desiree Dragon Ottinger, a daughter, Anastasia Dee, Feb. 15, 2003. Indiana U. Southeast (ZE) To Steve and Carly Ritter Lindsey, a son, Robert Lee, May 4, 2003. Iowa State (Z∆) To Daryl and Jennifer Gaber Decker, a son, Owen Robert, May 17, 2003.

Lafayette (HΣ) To Chris and Marianne Turner Rooney, a son, Colin Thomas, Dec. 3, 2002.

Maine (∆N) To William and Rosemary Dale Soule, a son, Zachary Bridgham, Oct. 15, 2002. Miami University (ΓN) To Chris and Christen Orcutt O’Cull, a son, Jedidiah Walter, April 9, 2003. Michigan (Θ) To Jon and Katy Keleher Ferrando, a daughter, Isabelle Ashley, May 18, 2003. Michigan State (BB) To Dallas and Jennifer Horton Ramsdell, a son, Mitchell Lee, April 3, 2003. To Robert and Michelle Horne Tiderington, a son, Charles Harrison, June 27, 2003. Midwestern State (ΓΩ) To Chris and Kristen Bell Ekenberg, a daughter, Brook Riann, Dec. 30, 2002. Minnesota (E) To Ray and Kimberly Quinn Rossman, a son, Joseph Quinn, Nov. 24, 2002. Missouri (O) To Steve J. and Denise Rehkemper Williams, a daughter, Kathryn “Katie” EliseMarie, Jan. 11, 2003. New Hampshire (HA) To Cory and Julia Wallace Blad, a daughter, Zoe MacKaye, March 27, 2003. To Ryan and Julie Lohner Fleming, a daughter, Madison Claire, March 11, 2003. Northeast Missouri State / Truman State (ΘΓ) To Stafford and Wendy Scott Conway, a son, Gavin Quaide, Feb. 5, 2003.

To Kent and Kelly Donovan Robinson, a daughter, Casey Lynn, June 5, 2003. Northern Colorado (∆Γ) To Kelly Paul and Kortnee Walker Cummings, a daughter, Kathryn Mollie, Jan. 30, 2003. To Charles P. and Kirsten Eitel Herring, a daughter, Olivia Porter Stevens, July 5, 2003. To Tim and Cori Howard Sturgeon, a son, Luke Howard, March 20, 2003 (also ΘA-Linfield). To Anthony and Stephanie Smith Woodhouse, twin sons, Carson Wade and Creighton Dale, Sept. 3, 2002. Northern Iowa (EΘ) To Chad and Angie Olson Chadwick, a daughter, Morgan Elizabeth, April 25, 2003. Northwood Institute (ZΩ) To Richard and Linda Priem Maciejewski, a son, Ryan Richard, Oct. 17, 2002. Ohio State (P) To Scott and Shana Pohl Wainwright, a son, Benjamin Scott, Dec. 11, 2002. Oklahoma (Φ) To Chad and Sarah Wooten Clanton, a son, Cole Douglas, Nov. 14, 2003. To Greg and Beth Hulcy Evink, a daughter, Lauren Mackenzie, April 21, 2003. To Noel Terrell and Cristina Harris, a son, Tristan Noel, March 13, 2003. Old Dominion (EH) To Christopher and Kristy Turpak Gibson, a daughter, Savannah Mia, Dec. 10, 2002.

San Jose State (BΨ) To Paul and Tasha Souza, a son, André Aquene Jessie, March 21, 2003. To Jamie and Heidi Biederman Timms, a daughter, Kailey Ashlin, April 27, 2003. South Dakota (Ψ) To Sean and Jami Johnson Casey, a daughter, Jenna Lee, March 8, 2003. Southern Ilinois (EΞ) To Jon and Laura Steele Begley, a son, Samuel James, July 16, 2002. Southwest Texas State (ZK) To John and Kathi Price Hopkins, a daughter, Jennifer Marie, March 3, 2003. SUNY/Buffalo (ΘE) To Jeffrey and Tracey Rosenthal Drury, a daughter, Jamie Erin, Dec. 31, 2002. SUNY/Cortland (HT) To Ted and Jennifer Gokey Islas, a son, Mateo Brice, May 14, 2003. To Gregory and Randi Beth Stracher Moore, a daughter, Rebecca Claire, April 26, 2003. Syracuse (A) To Ian and Kelly Merrick Shaw, a son, Timothy Ethan, March 27, 2003. To Jeff and Kristen Havern Smolen, a son, Evan Thomas, April 25, 2003. Texas (Ω) To Adam and Heather Ramsey Byrd, a son, Aidan Kenneth, Nov. 2, 2002.

Oregon State (BY) To Jason and Joy Rager Holland, a son, Ethan Michael, Jan. 2, 2002.

Texas A&M (EΩΛ) To Chris and April Harris Tobola, a son, Breven Stewart, March 24, 2003. To Randy and Nikole Merritt Walston, a daughter, Kaitlynn Nikole, May 29, 2003.

Penn State (ΓP) To Edward and Diane Stohler Hoey, a son, Patrick Stohler, Jan. 18, 2003.

Texas Christian (ZN) To Todd and Mylinda Marks Rosen, a son, William Michael, June 11, 2003.

Purdue (∆M) To Richard and Jerilin Johantgen Michalik, a son, Brian Andrew, March 22, 2003. To Philip and Tami Tomson Speth, a daughter, Kalyssa Lee, Feb. 20, 2003.

Texas Tech (ΓI) To Greg and Kim Bennett Landry, a daughter, Emily Michelle, June 5, 2003.

Richmond (HΠ) To James and Stephanie Cassa O’Malley, a son, Connor James, May 8, 2003. To Andrew and Katherine Hendrix Resch, a daughter, Elisabeth Gail, April 2, 2003.

Toronto (Ξ) To Michael and Seraphina Park Pisani, a daughter, Michaela Domenica Tae-Sook, May 20, 2003. Towson (HΩ) To Joseph and Amy Stirnweis Schumer, a son, Nathaniel Reed, Feb. 3, 2003.



UC/Davis (EP) To Dave and Celeste Flosi Deggeller, a daughter, Emily Elizabeth, April 10, 2003.

University of the Pacific (IΓ) To Michael and Kristin Maguire Timmins, a daughter, Alexis Marie, April 18, 2003.

Western Ontario (ΘH) To Jason and Rachel Pawlaszyk Merucci, a son, Parker A-Jay, Jan. 28, 2003.

UCLA (B∆) To Hunt and Jennifer Hansen Davis, a daughter, Lauren Antoinette, Jan. 1, 2003. To Jim and Diane Nicholson Donovan, a son, John Patrick, April 22, 2003. To Marcus and Jane Schneider Ellis, a son, Duncan Andrew Keon, July 20, 2002. To H. Jason and Ellen Gewecke Haines, a son, Harlo Jason III, Nov. 21, 2002. To Jeffrey and Shelly White Martinek, a son, Erik Matthew, April 14, 2003. To Jason and Anne Ferguson Penrod, a son, Nicholas Quinn, Jan. 17, 2003.

USC (BΠ) To Robert Jr. and Sheri Semon Lietzow, twin sons, Steven Sidney and Robert “Derrick” Frederick III, May 3, 2003.

William Woods (∆X) To Edward and Gail M. Sieh Konrady, a son, Edward Brent, born May 4, 2003, and adopted May 5, 2003.

Villanova (HE) To Alton Jr. and Jenifer Lancellotti Hillis, a daughter, Marin Elizabeth, Feb. 10, 2003.

Wisconsin (I) To Tom and Angela Tanner Mazanetz, a son, Owen Perry, March 5, 2003.

Virginia Tech (HO) To Michael and Tara Perkinson Hasenstab, a daughter, Emery Suzanne, March 9, 2003.

Wisconsin/La Crosse (∆K) To David and Pam Petchar Beattie, a daughter, Lauren Katherine, May 6, 2003.

Washington State (BPΛ) To Trevor and Brooke Varner Belair, a daughter, Natalie Jewell, May 22, 2003. To Keith and Dana Brommers Gravel, a son, Ryan Taylor, March 25, 2003. To Mark and Sarah Colgan Reiter, a son, Jonathan Walter, June 12, 2003. To John and Stephanie Sharpe Rimmer, a daughter, Grace Marion, Feb. 11, 2003.

Wisconsin/Stout (ΓΣ) To Brian and Melissa Fenrich Weible, a daughter, Madalynn Regina, Jan. 13, 2003.

UC/Santa Barbara (ΓB) To Mark and Diana Meyer Ramacher, twin daughters, Carly Helen and Samantha Melanie, Oct. 16, 2002. To Scott E. and Jill Muchow Rode, a daughter, Katelyn Elizabeth, May 1, 2003.

If you would like a record of a birth, adoption, marriage or death included in the Quarterly, please clip out and submit this form to Alpha Phi Quarterly, 1930 Sherman Avenue, Evanston, IL 60201. Or you may e-mail the information to quarterly@alphaphi.org. Please be sure to include all the requested information. P L E A S E N OT E : Announcements may only be printed if they have occurred within a year of publication. Announcements with missing information, such as specific date, will not be printed. If announcements are received after the copy deadline (see inside front cover for specific dates), they will be considered for the following issue.

FALL 2003

Marriages Akron (HΓ) Krista Hardy to Michael Yovanno, July 20, 2002. Appalachian State (ΘN) Robin Wawak to Roman Pemberton, June 28, 2003.

Arizona (BE) Carrie Boden to Jeffery Ochoa, April 26, 2003. Baldwin-Wallace (∆Y) Jill Heestand to Aurthur Kopittke, July 12, 2003. Alexandra Weeks to Mikey Wiseman, Jan. 4, 2003. Barry (ΘΩ) Lynn Fowler to Chris Webb, June 14, 2003. Boston (HΛ) Jennifer B. Chu to Benjamin D. Hall, May 31, 2003. Bowling Green State (BO) Amy Perkson to Brad Frith, May 31, 2003. Butler (EB) Meghan Martin to Jeffrey Bontrager, April 5, 2003. Whitney Bransford to Jacob Goble, July 26, 2003. Cal Poly (EX) Ashley Cochran to Jeremy Dalcerri, July 12, 2003. Central Missouri State (ΘΛ) Tia Van Bibber to Kenneth Wymore, Oct. 5, 2002. Colorado (BΓΛ) Anginette Wagner to Michael Reese, May 31, 2003.

Colorado School of Mines (IZ) Jennifer Tafoya to Andrew Brasaemle, June 8, 2003. Samantha Dominguez to Jared S. McNichol, May 31, 2003. CSU/Hayward (H∆) Vanessa Renevitz to Scott Duffy, May 10, 2003. Shelly McMillan to Craig Puderbach, Jan. 26, 2003. CSU/Long Beach (ΓK) Rochelle Villalobos to Wouter Crowder, Jan. 25, 2003. Jennifer Johnson to Jonathan Flagler, April 26, 2003. CSU/Northridge (EY) Polena Mary Pirayoff to James Andrew Whiteman, June 6, 2003. CSU/Sacramento (EΓ) Quin Holtzclaw to Aaron Wagner, June 20, 2003. DePauw (Γ) Catherine Hall to Ray Wong, April 19, 2003. East Carolina (∆A) Elizabeth “Betsy” Smith to Keith Hasson, June 1, 2002. Eastern Washington (HΨ) Christina Bishop to Christopher Welch, May 17, 2002.

New Arrival/Marriage/Silent Chapter Form Death

Birth/Adoption FATHER’S NAME


















Submitted by FIRST





























This form also is available on our Web site at www.alphaphi.org



Elmhurst College (ZΞ) Kristina Modrow to Shawn Novak, Aug. 2, 2003. George Mason (HΛ) Jennifer Smith to Marcello Rios, May 30, 2003. Idaho (BZ) Toni Morgan to Steve Pierce, July 13, 2003.

Heather Durbin to Brock Libby, April 5, 2003. North Texas (ΓH) Donna Lanoux to Robert O’Reilly, April 26, 2003. Alma McClintock to B. Tyler Rollins, June 28, 2003.

Illinois (BA) Lisa Petraitis to Jim Evans, July 12, 2003.

Northern Colorado (∆Γ) Karen Tarvin to Luke Anderson, June 7, 2003. Suzanne Lesjak to Adam Parker, July 20, 2002.

Indiana (BT) Kara Yagley to Jason Baker, May 17, 2003.

Northern Iowa (EΘ) Kate Krummel to Matthew Degner, May 17, 2003.

Indiana U. Southeast (ZE) Jessica Rogers to Jeffrey Branham, June 21, 2002. Ryan Michelle Hansen to Christopher Higgins, May 25, 2002. Kerri McLaughlin to Jeremy Money, July 27, 2002.

Northwestern (B) Kristin Moe to Joshua Wells, March 1, 2003.

Iowa (∆E) Catherine Streib to Cedric Hayen, May 24, 2003. Stephanie Scherff to Thomas Hood, June 14, 2003. James Madison (ΘI) Kate Springer to Steven Keifer, Aug. 24, 2002. Kent State (BΩ) Amy Untch to Greg Ferrell, June 21, 2003. Missouri (O) Sara Keltner Williams to Jeff Ellis, July 6, 2003. Tiffany Whitaker to Tom Mitchell, July 26, 2003. Susan Diamond to Brad Pendleton, March 16, 2003. MIT (ZΦ) Catherine Nyarady to Gabriel Riopel, April 27, 2003. NC State (EΦΛ) Jamie Dayle Long to Jeremy Walker McCargo, June 22, 2002. New Hampshire (HA) Wendie Geller to David Karel, July 6, 2002. North Dakota (Π) Rhonda Muller to Bryan Battina, June 7, 2003.


St. Joseph’s (ΘΘ) Kimberly Von Bargen to Vincent Blando, July 18, 2003.

a new arrival, to celebrate a marriage or in memory of a

St. Mary’s (IB) Jennifer Wolanski to Todd Shell, June 28, 2003. SUNY/Plattsburgh (ΘΨ) Lisa Carlin to Marc Brunengraber, June 8, 2003. Ronni Peltzer to Ryan Matthews, March 25, 2003.

Oklahoma City (∆∆) Laura McKenzie to Greg Bovenkerk, June 7, 2003.

Texas (Ω) Amy Fortner to Matthew Heiss, June 28, 2003. Suzanne Murray to Benjamin Hines, April 12, 2003. Jennifer Hodges to John J. Kahn Jr., Oct. 19, 2002.

Oregon (T) Sally Mathews to John Farrell, June 21, 2003.

Toronto (Ξ) Ashley Haugh to Pierre Leduc, May 24, 2003.

Oregon State (BY) Rebecca Horton to John Botaitis, May 17, 2003.

Towson (HΩ) Jessica Clarke to Michael Fuller, Aug. 25, 2002. Rebecca Stahl to Robert Myers, May 24, 2003.

Pepperdine (IA) Jennifer Tafs to Griffen Kruse, April 25, 2003. Rensselaer (ΘT) Kristina Wines to Christopher Grossman, June 7, 2003. Tiffany Pinard to Aaron Westendorf, June 7, 2003. San Diego (HP) Kerie Hubbell to Brian Albano, May 4, 2002. San Jose State (BΨ) Janet Armstrong to Abel Jaramillo, May 17, 2003. Santa Clara (ZΓ) Wendy Nice to Beau Barnes, Nov. 7, 2002. South Dakota (Ψ) Patricia Miller to Gary Martin, April 27, 2003. Kara Klein to Troy Mohn, July 26, 2003. Southern Illinois (EΞ) Carla Davis to Luke Zimmer, Sept. 21, 2002.

Do you have an announcement for the Quarterly? Complete the form on page 37, visit www.alphaphi.org/alpha_phi_library/library.html to submit a form online or call 847.316.8938.


Southern Utah (ΘΣ) Tricia Gunderson to Robert Fogg, Aug. 9, 2003.

UC/Berkeley (Λ) Lisa Lynette Henle to Jun Murakawa, April 14, 2003. UC/Davis (EP) Nicole Murrisky to Alan Rich, July 5, 2003. UCLA (B∆) Courtney Crandall to Aaron Fox, Jan. 4, 2003. Cara Meier to Grant Hagemeister, April 11, 2003. Kathlyn Happe to Thomas Reid, May 24, 2003. UC/Santa Barbara (ΓB) Suzanne Hinds to Brian Fitzpatrick, May 17, 2003. Liz Huber to Steve Tanner, June 29, 2003.

You can make a gift to the Alpha Phi Foundation in honor of sister who has entered the Silent Chapter. Visit www.alphaphi.org/about_alpha_phi/donor_secure.html or call 847.475.4532 for details.

Michigan (Θ) Doreen “Dee” Armstrong Wetterhall (’45), Nov. 26, 2002.

Tessa Gritzmacher to Donovan Isaak, July 5, 2003. Natalie Bostwick to Nathan Kalal, Nov. 2, 2002. Kimberly Richards to Brian Scansen, May 31, 2003.

Minnesota (E) Ruth Woutat Stotts (’30), June 5, 2003.

Washington State (BPΛ) Tabitha Wells to Joseph Anderson, June 21, 2003.

Missouri (O) Marjorie Stoerger Moss (’37), May 28, 2003.

Washington University (ZY) Jessica Rogers to Jeffrey Branham, June 21, 2002.

Montana (X) UnaMay Arras Davis (’47), April 29, 2003. Delsena Peterson Frank (’59), Feb. 21, 2003.

West Chester (EK) Barbara Fox to Jason Paul Burczynski, Nov. 9, 2002. West Virginia (BI) Lisa VanNatta to Philip Carpenter, June 29, 2003. Western Michigan (∆Θ) Jessica Whitmyer to John Kubit, May 3, 2003. Traci Wing to Rick Zuzelski, Sept. 21, 2002.

Northwestern (B) Sue Swarzman (’56), May 12, 2003. Oklahoma (Φ) Janice Graham Morton (’71), May 4, 2002. Penn State (ΓP) Courtney Cairns Keevican (’03), April 23, 2003.

William Woods (∆X) Jennifer Schwartz to Jordon Hargrove, Aug. 3, 2002.

Texas (Ω) Florence Dulaney Steer (’40), May 12, 2003.

Silent Chapter

UCLA (B∆) Pauline S. Beatty Krug (’57), April 2, 2003. Janet Estes Robinson (’38), April 4, 2003.

Ball State (∆P) Cheryl Helm Burkhart (’72), June 30, 2002.

University of the Pacific (IΓ) Isis Maharaj (’01), March 3, 2003. Washburn (Y) Nancy Cunningham O’Dell (‘42), June 20, 2003.

UNC/Asheville (ΘX) Carla Wallin to Matt Schneider, May 17, 2003.

Colorado (BΓ) Eloise Montandon Garcia (’35), May 2, 2003. Janet Eleanor Schemmel Schauer (’49), Dec. 26, 2002.

UNC/Wilmington (HΞ) Amy Patton to Trent Wilkinson, May 3, 2003.

Denison (BK) Jean Preston Jewett (’41), April 28, 2003.

Virginia Tech (HO) Kelly Mattice to Kevin Suter, May 10, 2003.

Drake (ΓO) Marcy Brill Kind (’85), Jan. 13, 2003.

Washburn (Y) Amanda Hills to Erik Striker, March 22, 2003.

Idaho (BZ) Inez Azcuenaga Wilcomb (’28), April 14, 2003.

Washington (Σ) Jennifer Myers to Alexander Castro, May 3, 2003.

Kent State (BΩ) Polly Jordan Powers (’60), June 11, 2003. This form also is available on our Web site at www.alphaphi.org

Washington (Σ) Maryalyce Hinton Morrison (’42), Nov. 20, 2002. West Virginia (BI) Carol Phillips Lomax (’64), April 22, 2003. Betty Lou McCoy Means (’50), May 2, 2003. Phyllis Wasmuth Woodruff (’45), May 3, 2003.



R E U N I O N S / S M A L L


Reunions Sisters Meet Annually for Decades

Pictured with their spouses are Beta Tau sisters who have enjoyed annual reunions for the past 30 years.

Indiana (BS) sisters have held weekend reunions every summer since they graduated in 1973.

Leslie Kafoure Baas (BS-Indiana) writes: “Friends are always amazed when we tell them how long we have been gathering, and we are often asked how we have managed to keep this up … If there is a secret to it, it is this: just do it. Do it because you want to share the joys of your life with the women who helped shape it. Do it because you need to share the sorrow of your life with the women who can help you through it. Do it because you need a weekend of pure fun with women who make you laugh. Do it because when college days are over, you still want to be with your forever friends, your Phi friends.”


Four Ashland (EA) members enjoy reuniting in Chicago after 32 years. Pictured at a Naperville, Ill., park during the fall are (from left): Almarose Uhlman Sharpe, Dorcas Hunter Dillingham, Jane Soubusta Levstik and Debby Bryden Gray.

Small World Phis Connect by Chance in Sweden

Judy told Kristen her story of losing touch with her pledge class, but reconnecting when sisters rallied around one woman’s fight with breast cancer. Now, they meet for a weekend reunion every summer. Judy shared one thing she had learned: no matter where life takes you after graduation, Alpha Phis share a special bond, and it only takes a phone call to reconnect.

Judy Stevens and Kristen Otterson meet at the top of the city hall tower in Stockholm, Sweden.

Sophomore Kristen Otterson (M-Nebraska) visited Sweden for two weeks in June as part of an economics course comparing the status of women in the U.S. and Sweden. One afternoon, Kristen wore an Alpha Phi rain jacket as she and other women from her class took in the sights of Stockholm. They arrived at city hall just half an hour before the attraction closed and raced up the tower, which was nearly deserted. Judy Nelson Stevens ( -Michigan) noticed Kristen’s letters and approached the group. “It was the only day the entire trip I wore my jacket,” Kristen says. “It’s one thing to run into an Alpha Phi at the grocery store, but halfway around the world!” FALL 2003

Sharing the Same Path

Katie Weimer, left, and Katie Chan pose on the beach in Santa Monica, Calif.


Quarterly Designer Michelle Webb (B∆-UCLA), who serves on her son’s preschool parent board, was excited to discover that between outgoing and incoming Kolbe’s Korner Preschool boards, there are five Alpha Phis. Pictured are Debbie Leggett Harrington (EY-CSU/Northridge), Jennifer Rennecker Ardy (ZΠ-Case Western Reserve and ZXColumbia), Michelle Webb, Marisa Gutierrez Hoff (B∆-UCLA), and Kim Funaki Burke (HH-Seton Hall).

Katie Weimer (F -Santa Clara) and Katie Chan (E -CSU/Sacramento) had similar life paths, but did not realize it until they met at graduate school. Both women were originally from Sacramento, lived in the same apartment complex at the same time and attended CSU/Sacramento at the same time. They finally met last fall when both began to pursue doctorates of physical therapy at USC. “After moving to new surroundings, it was comforting to know there was a sister a few seats down to share the experience,” says Katie Chan. PA G E T H I RT Y- N I N E

FOUNDERS Clara Bradley Burdette (’76) Silent Chapter 1954 Florence Chidester Lukens (’75) Silent Chapter 1885 Martha Foote Crow (’76) Silent Chapter 1924 Ida Gilbert Houghton (’76) Silent Chapter 1916 Jane S. Higham (’76) Silent Chapter 1949 Kate Hogoboom Gilbert (’75) Silent Chapter 1900 Elizabeth Grace Hubbell Shults (’75) Silent Chapter 1895 Rena Michaels Atchison (’74) Silent Chapter 1933 Louise Shepard Hancock (’76) Silent Chapter 1932 Clara Sittser Williams (’75) Silent Chapter 1925


Fraternity Directory

Phyllis Sims Selig (Γ∆-Kansas), 1974-78 Mary Carr Boyd (Γ-DePauw and O-Missouri), 1978-82 Nancy Wittgen Burks DeVoe (Γ-DePauw), 1982-86 Sally McCall Grant (Γ-DePauw), 1986-90 Virginia Burson Struble (BKDenison), 1990-94 Linda Gardner Massie (∆A-East Carolina), 1994-98 Jean Cameron (ΓN-Miami University), 1998-2002


I N T E R N AT I O N A L E X E C U T I V E B OA R D International President Crista Cate Vasina (∆Γ-Northern Colorado) 200 Sandridge Court Alpharetta, GA 30022 crista.vasina@alumnae.alphaphi.org Vice President Amy Pfannenstiel Bunszel (∆-Cornell) West Linn. OR alp37@cornell.edu Secretary/Treasurer Lindsay Wiggins (BΠ-USC) Los Angeles, CA WigginsLa@attbi.com Barbara Koontz Alevras (HA-New Hampshire) Wilmington, MA Barbara@alumnae.alphaphi.org Stacey Grimes Boulmetis (ΘT-Rensselaer) Charleston, RI aphi@boulmetis.com Margaret Halla Cash (Ψ-South Dakota) Vermillion, SD mcash@usd.edu Linda Boon DeFee (ΓI-Texas Tech) Dallas, TX ldefee@aol.com Felicia Hunt (HP-San Diego) Santa Monica, CA fahaphi@earthlink.net Peg DeChant Thornburg (BΩ-Kent State) Shelby, NC pthornburg@carolina.rr.com Ex-Officio Member/NPC Delegate Sally McCall Grant (Γ-DePauw) Walnut Creek, CA sgrnt@aol.com

F O U N DAT I O N B OA R D O F D I R E C TO R S Chairman Susan Brink Sherratt (BB-Michigan State) 23 Sea Bridge Way Alameda, CA 94502 sherratt@ix.netcom.com Vice Chairman Gayle Goodman (B∆-UCLA) New York, NY goodman7ny@aol.com Secretary Kathleen Feeney Hiemstra (∆Θ-Western Michigan) Holland, MI kmhiemstra2@msn.com Treasurer Susan Weiskittle Barrick (BO-Bowling Green State) Champaign, IL sbarrick@alexia.lis.uiuc.edu Ann Brinkman (Z∆-Iowa State) Chicago, IL annmariebrinkman@yahoo.com

Judith Knudsen Brown (E-Minnesota) Hilton Head Island, SC Jajay@aol.com Alin Hernandez Wall (B∆-UCLA) Valley Village, CA awall@rbz.com Crista Cate Vasina (∆Γ-Northern Colorado) Alpharetta, GA crista.vasina@alumnae.alphaphi.org

NATIONAL PANHELLENIC CONFERENCE DELEGATION Delegate Sally McCall Grant (Γ-DePauw) NPC Chair 1030 Homestead Ave. Walnut Creek, CA 94598 sgrnt@aol.com First Alternate Delegate Deana Koonsman Gage (ΓI-Texas Tech) Stephenville, TX dkay52@earthlink.net Second Alternate Delegate Laura Malley-Schmitt (ZΦ-MIT) Bedminster, NJ malley@alum.mit.edu Third Alternate Delegate Mary Rekart Ulich (∆Γ-Northern Colorado) Alpharetta, GA marulich@aol.com

EXECUTIVE OFFICE STAFF Telephone numbers listed under Fraternity and Foundation staff are direct lines.

FRATERNITY 1930 Sherman Ave. Evanston, IL 60201 Phone 847.475.0663 Fax: 847.475.6820 e-mail: fraternity@alphaphi.org Direct voice mail line: 847.475.4786 Executive Director Susan Zabriskie (Θ-Michigan) szabriskie@alphaphi.org 847.316.8922 Manager of Administrative Services Carol Schar cschar@alphaphi.org 847.316.8945 Manager of Systems Administration David Zielke dzielke@alphaphi.org 847.316.8930 Director of Alumnae Cindy Day Erwin cerwin@alphaphi.org 847.316.8925 Program Manager Alumnae Membership Alissa Meyer (ZΞ-Elmhurst) ameyer@alphaphi.org 847.316.8941

Program Coordinator Alumnae Membership Melanie Keller mkeller@alphaphi.org 847.316.8940 Director of Collegiate Membership and Extension Linda Schnetzer (BO-Bowling Green State) lschnetzer@alphaphi.org 847.316.8924 Associate Director of Collegiate Membership Megan Bouché (E-Minnesota) mbouche@alphaphi.org 847.316.8926 Program Manager Collegiate Operations Laura Garraway Caulfield (∆E-Iowa) lcaulfield@alphaphi.org 847.316.8923 Manager of Collegiate Programming Keri Miller (∆P-Ball State) kmiller@alphaphi.org 847.316.8927 Program Coordinator Consultants and Recruitment Karen Goff (B-Northwestern) kgoff@alphaphi.org 847.316.8934 Program Coordinator Chapter Operations Lindsay Martin (BΨ-San Jose State) lmartin@alphaphi.org 847.316.8943 Director of Finance Cathy Koessl (AΛ) ckoessl@alphaphi.org 847.316.8928 Housing Manager Brandi Baumgartner Peterson (∆Θ-Western Michigan) bpeterson@alphaphi.org 847.316.8939 Director of Training & Development/Marketing & Communications Denise Jung Reens (E∆-Northern Illinois) dreens@alphaphi.org 847.316.8921 Program Manager Training & Development Sandra Burbridge sburbridge@alphaphi.org 847.316.8929 Program Manager Marketing & Communications Quarterly Editor Christine Spiegel cspiegel@alphaphi.org 847.316.8920 Program Coordinator Marketing & Communications Kayee Ip kip@alphaphi.org 847.316.8938

ALPHA PHI FOUNDATION 1930 Sherman Ave. Evanston, IL 60201 Phone 847.475.4532 Fax: 847.475.9982 e-mail: foundation@alphaphi.org Direct voice mail line: 847.475.4786 Executive Director Rebecca Andrew Zanatta (BPΛ-Washington State) rzanatta@alphaphi.org 847.316.8950 Manager of Development Marci Medwed Barnett (B-Northwestern) mbarnett@alphaphi.org 847.316.8947 Coordinator of Chapter Development & Marketing Kristin Tomala (ZΞ-Elmhurst) ktomala@alphaphi.org 847.316.8949 Development Associate Sara Kite (P-Ohio State) skite@alphaphi.org 847.316.8948

EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP CONSULTANTS 2003-04 All ELCs can receive mail at the Alpha Phi Executive Office, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201. Extensions below are voice mail only and may be accessed by dialing 847.475.4786. Jennifer Allen (ZIΛ-Virginia) Virginia Beach, VA jallen@alphaphi.org Extension: 160 Taylor Bode (EΞ-UNC/Wilmington) Richmond, VA tbode@alphaphi.org Extension: 161 Betsy Eberly (EA-Ashland) Bellevue, OH beberly@alphaphi.org Extension: 162 Erin Leahey (O-Missouri) St. Louis, MO eleahey@alphaphi.org Extension: 163 Molly Lungrin (∆Ξ-Nebraska/Kearney) Kearney, NE mlungrin@alphaphi.org Extension: 164 Lisa Snyder (HI-Pennsylvania) O’Fallon, IL lsnyder@alphaphi.org Extension: 165 Liz Underwood (O-Missouri) Katy, TX lunderwood@alphaphi.org Extension: 166






Regional Manager Cora Bowman Walker (BPΛ-Washington State) (Interim) Chester, NY walker-cora@aramark.com

Regional Manager Susan Kale White (ΓP-Penn State) Johnstown, PA skwmarykay@yahoo.com Alumnae Membership Coordinator Connie Coghill Scinto (HΛ-George Mason) Vienna, VA ccscinto@hotmail.com Collegiate Membership Coordinator Shawna Menosky (BΩ-Kent State) Arlington, VA smaphi@aol.com Human Resources Coordinator Janis Coughlin-Piester (ΘK-Rochester) Arlington, VA janis.coughlin@sba.gov Operations & Programming Coordinator Alison Andrews Mills (BNΛ-Duke) Washington, D.C. alisonamills@yahoo.com

NORTH CENTRAL MIDWEST REGION Regional Manager Lisa Bostic Miller (Ψ-South Dakota) Lakeville, MN LBBHMiller@aol.com Alumnae Membership Coordinator Teri Johnson McKay (ZE-Indiana U. Southeast) Jeffersonville, IN tmckay0402@yahoo.com Collegiate Membership Coordinator Stephanie Johnson Watson (ZE-Indiana U. Southeast) Georgetown, IN stephanie.watson@insightbb.com Human Resources Coordinator Lisa Janes Ripley (∆P-Ball State) Indianapolis, IN lisa_ripley@mjinsurance.com Operations & Programming Coordinator Jaime Alsup Ryberg (ΘΓ-Northeast Missouri State) Lake St. Louis, MO jaime.ryberg@alumnae.alphaphi.org Operations & Programming Coordinator Jennifer Piraro Weintraut (BT-Indiana) Indianapolis, IN Jennifer_Weintraut@hotmail.com

Alumnae Membership Coordinator Kim Norton-O’Brien (ZP-Bentley) East Greenwich, RI knorton_obrien@hotmail.com Collegiate Membership Coordinator Liz Lowe Oltman (ΘT-Rensselaer) Red Bank, NJ eoltman@schoordepalma.com Human Resources Coordinator Jane Tanner (∆-Cornell) Parish, NY tannerj@sunyocc.edu

Human Resources Coordinator Tara Hollenbeck (Θ∆-Creighton) Omaha, NE thollenbeck@fnni.com Operations & Programming Coordinator-Operations Rosalie Cesare Ippoliti (ΓN-Miami University) Missouri City, TX Roippoliti@aol.com Operations & Programming Coordinator-Programming Nicole Sup Deprez (∆Ξ-Nebraska/Kearney) Omaha, NE suppyduppy@aol.com

Operations & Programming Coordinator Kelly Fitzgerald Mazza (ΘΩ-Barry) Wolcott, CT kelaphiopc@hotmail.com



Alumnae Membership Coordinator Teresa Gillian Gray (BΓ-Colorado) Alpharetta, GA dtgray00@cs.com tgray@emcengineers.com

Regional Manager Kate Boyle Halfon (H∆-CSU/Hayward) Walnut Creek, CA khalfon@attbi.com Alumnae Membership Coordinator Carol Wilde Wahl (∆K-Wisconsin/LaCrosse) Cameron Park, CA clw88@alumnae.alphaphi.org Canadian Resources Coordinator TBA Collegiate Membership Coordinator Michelle Wells (H∆-CSU/Hayward) Bellevue, WA aoe1872@hotmail.com Human Resources Coordinator Joanne Finamore Godfrey (H∆-CSU/Hayward) Portland, OR jgodfrey@pps.k12.or.us Operations & Programming Coordinator Jennifer Peabody (BΨ-San Jose State) San Francisco, CA Jetta1872@yahoo.com

SOUTH CENTRAL REGION Regional Manager Susan Stone (ZN-Texas Christian) Fort Worth, TX tcustoner@sbcglobal.net Alumnae Membership Coordinator Betty Jo Ferraro Fuller (AΛ) Duncanville, TX bfuller@flow-products.com

FALL 2003

Collegiate Membership Coordinator Amy Jordan Tvrdik (O-Missouri) Ellisville, MO ameel6@aol.com

Regional Manager Kelly Benedetti (BO-Bowling Green State) Arlington, VA kbenedetti@yahoo.com

Collegiate Membership Coordinator Melissa Deere (ΘN-Appalachian State) Arlington, VA mldeere@yahoo.com Human Resources Coordinator Denise Dowling Kanner (HT-SUNY/Cortland) Port Saint Lucie, FL dkanner@bellsouth.net Operations & Programming Coordinator Sara Mayer (∆X-William Woods) Gainesville, GA smayer@lib.brenau.edu

SOUTHWEST REGION Regional Manager Julie Brotherton Gehr (B∆-UCLA) Irvine, CA juliegehr@earthlink.net Alumnae Membership Coordinator Kamala Schofield Schuster (ZM-Colorado State) Denver, CO Kamala.Schuster@dcsdk12.org Collegiate Membership Coordinator Laura Lynn Davidson (B∆-UCLA) Los Angeles, CA lauradavidson@earthlink.net

Human Resources Coordinator Margaret Goebel Linville (ZΓ-Santa Clara) San Diego, CA margaretlinville@cox.net

IEB Appointee Mary Ellen Gillespie (AΛ) Indianapolis, IN meg@nicindy.org

Operations & Programming Coordinator Susan Morris Haber (B∆-UCLA and HK-UC/Irvine) Encino, CA susanmhaber@earthlink.net

IEB Appointee Valerie Lawlor (O-Missouri) Dallas, TX vallaw@aol.com

UPPER MIDWEST REGION Regional Manager Jan Brinker Schaeffer (BO-Bowling Green State) Fredricktown, OH jdsl9@bright.net Alumnae Membership Coordinator Debby Bryden Gray (EA-Ashland) Ashland, OH dbgray@bright.net Canadian Resource Coordinator Joanne Alexopoulos (Ξ-Toronto) Toronto, Ontario CAN alexopoj@girlguides.ca Collegiate Membership Coordinator Aileen Melick Fischer (∆H-Adrian) Columbus, OH afischer@cable-express.net Human Resources Coordinator TBA Operations & Programming Coordinator Kristi Nelson (BO-Bowling Green State) Dayton, OH topeaches5@aol.com

COMMITTEE ON LEADERSHIP Committee Chair Elected Representative Sheila George Bright (ΓI-Texas Tech) Dallas, TX e-bright@tamu.edu Committee Vice Chair Elected Representative Linda Gardner Massie (∆A-East Carolina) Toano, VA lgmassie@cox.net Elected Representative Holly Malek Bryk (ΓΞ-Wichita State) Wilmington, DE casabryk@aol.com

IEB Appointee Jean Cameron (ΓN-Miami University) Naples, FL e.jeancameron@comcast.net Collegiate Appointee Zara Dang (II-George Washington) zarad@gwu.edu Collegiate Appointee Dorota Mac (Ξ-Toronto) dorota.mac@rogers.com

F I N A N C E S TA N D I N G COMMITTEE Committee Chair Barbara Koontz Alevras (HA-New Hampshire) Wilmington, MA BAlevras@comcast.net Sheri Allen (∆∆-Oklahoma City) Rolling Hills Estate, CA Sherijallen@yahoo.com Billie Coskey Battiato (Φ-Oklahoma) Littleton, CO oudoll@ix.netcom.com Amy Pfannenstiel Bunszel (∆-Cornell) West Linn. OR alp37@cornell.edu Barbara Thomas (ΓI-Texas Tech) Euless, TX barthomas@comcast.net Peg DeChant Thornburg (BΩ-Kent State) Shelby, NC pthornburg@carolina.rr.com Lindsay Wiggins (BΠ-USC) Los Angeles, CA WigginsLa@attbi.com Staff Partner Cathy Koessl (AΛ) ckoessl@alphaphi.org 847.316.8928

Elected Representative Renee Zimmerman Zainer (BE-Arizona) Littleton, CO rzainer@aol.com IEB Appointee Melissa Deere (ΘN-Appalachian State) Arlington, VA mldeere@yahoo.com





Take it to Heart For more than 50 years, women’s cardiac care has been close to Alpha Phi’s heart. Through its Cardiac Care Fund, Alpha Phi Foundation annually makes grants to cutting-edge research and innovative education programs that lead the way to save women’s lives. This year’s $25,000 grant winner is Mercy Medical Center in Mason City, Iowa. Mercy will continue its Sister to Sister educational outreach program, made possible by both the 2002 and 2003 Cardiac Care Awards.

Dr. Susan Sieh, left, is medical director of Mercy Women’s Health Center in Mason City, Iowa.

Sister to Sister: A Woman’s Heart is a traveling program that features interactive stations. Participants meet doctors, nurses, health educators and cardiac disease survivors to learn ways to best care for their hearts. Now the Foundation brings Sister to Sister to the pages of the Quarterly. We asked Mercy Medical Center experts to answer the questions weighing on women’s hearts. Meet Susan Sieh, M.D., medical director of Mercy’s Women’s Health Center, and Sandi Birchem, D.O., internist and cardiology resident at Mercy. How do I know if I’m at risk to develop heart disease? Dr. Sieh: Almost everyone is “at risk.” A woman is at increased risk if she has high blood pressure, high lipids, is overweight, leads a sedentary lifestyle, smokes, has diabetes or has a family history of heart disease.

During my annual exam, my doctor didn’t mention heart disease. Dr. Sieh: You should bring it up if your doctor doesn’t. You need to know your “numbers:” What is your blood pressure? Cholesterol? HDL level? LDL level? Triglycerides? Glucose?

I’m a busy working mother with little time to exercise. How much exercise do I need to keep my heart healthy? Dr. Sieh: You need about 30 minutes a day, but it doesn’t have to be all at once. There’s probably a lot of walking and lifting involved in your life – it


all counts. Take the kids for a walk, play outside, run races with them. They like to imitate you – do exercises and have them follow along.

Must I give up all my favorite foods to have a healthy heart? Dr. Sieh: Moderation is key. If you really crave a food, have a little. Sometimes if you keep eating other things to make up for that craving, you end up eating more. Eat well-balanced meals that are low in fat and eat less simple carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates are foods like white sugar, white flour and white rice. Eat more complex carbohydrates such as whole wheat bread, grains and beans.

I’m in my early 20s. I don’t need to be worried about heart disease because it affects only older women, right? Dr. Birchem: Wrong. I have cared for women as young as age 21 who had chest pains and even a heart attack. If you have any risk factors, you are at risk.

My Dad had heart surgery. Does that mean he has heart disease? Am I at risk too? Dr. Sieh: If your father had an angioplasty (balloon of the arteries) or coronary artery bypass graft, he has heart disease. That would put you at increased risk, and you should discuss it with your physician. If he had surgery on a valve, you are not at increased risk.

What are the symptoms of a heart attack? Dr. Birchem: Women often times present different symptoms than men. Usually, patients feel some form of chest pain or heaviness, or an unexplained shortness of breath. But at times you will hear women say, “I had no clue I was having heart attack and I

almost died.” It’s important to recognize symptoms and get medical attention. Dr. Sieh: Women often have atypical symptoms: shoulder pain, shortness of breath, pain anywhere in the chest, dizziness. It makes it hard to diagnose. (Note to readers: If you experience ANY of these symptoms, seek medical attention immediately. It can save your life or the life of a loved one.)

What kinds of things can I do each day to reduce my risk of developing heart disease? Dr. Sieh: Don’t smoke. Be active. Move. Eat well-balanced meals. Get your numbers checked and if they are high, make changes.

Look for more information about Sister to Sister in future Foundation publications. Nominate a project close to your heart to win the 2004 Cardiac Care Award. Or contact a worthy program in your area – qualified institutions can now self-nominate. Contact Foundation Development Associate Sara Kite (P-Ohio State) at 847.475.4532 for more information or to request an application.

Dr. Sandi Birchem, right, is an internist and cardiology resident at Mercy Women’s Health Center.




Families and Friends Honor the Class of 2003

Parents and loved-ones honored the following Alpha Phi graduates with special gifts to the Foundation.

Congratulations to Alpha Phi Foundation’s 2003 Cardiac Care Award Finalists American Heart Association-Midwest (Indianapolis) for educational sessions, nominated by the Indianapolis alumnae chapter. Evanston Northwestern Healthcare (Evanston, Ill.) for its educational series, Women’s Heart Advantage. Saint Luke’s Hospital (Kansas City, Mo.) for its WHISPER project, researching the causes, diagnosis and prevention strategies of heart disease. Texas Children’s Hospital (Houston, Texas) for a spring break medical study program for Alpha Phi undergraduates, nominated by Houston alumnae chapter. Mayo Clinic (Rochester, Minn.) for its Science and Leadership Symposium for women with heart disease. University of Wisconsin Hospital (Madison, Wis.) for a research project for patients with cystic fibrosis, nominated by Wisconsin (I) and Madison Area alumnae chapter. Cedars-Sinai Medical Center (Los Angeles) for a multi-media public awareness campaign about heart disease. 92nd Street Y (New York City) for its cardiac rehabilitation program. Women’s Cardiovascular Health Initiative, Sunnybrook and Women’s College Health Sciences Centre (Toronto) for a women’s prevention and rehabilitation program, nominated by Ashley Haugh (Ξ-Toronto). Magee Women’s Hospital (Pittsburgh, Penn.) for its Womancare Heart-Check program. Dominican Republic Health Outreach, University of Southern Maine (Portland, Maine) for providing blood pressure cuffs and education to hospital staff in Puerta Plata, Dominican Republic, nominated by Ann Gowdy (BΓ-Colorado) and Boston alumnae chapter.

FALL 2003

Katherine Adamson (ΘY-CSU/Chico) from Gail and Bob Adamson Amanda Anderson (E∆Northern Illinois) from Ed, Mom and Grandpa Shelby Ashford (TOregon) from Elliott and Linda Ashford Elizabeth Barr (BTIndiana) from Greg and Joy Barr Melanie Basch (EAAshland) from Sheila, Norm and Tony Basch Melissa Belkin (∆Cornell) from Harvey and Susan Belkin Barri Jo Benedict (∆YBaldwin Wallace) from Barry and Bonnie Benedict Ashley Berman (∆ZMaryland) from Ellen Berman Lee Shauna Berman (ZIΛVirginia) from Stephen and Judith Berman Emily Blair (HIPennsylvania) from Mom and Dad Brianna Brandon (∆∆Oklahoma City) from Kathy Brandon Meredith Capps (IIGeorge Washington) from Timothy and Nancy Capps Katelyn Carey (T-Oregon) from Tim and Susan Carey Brooke Charland (BΨSan Jose State) from Allen and Vickie Madsen Jamie Chiu (B∆-UCLA) from Linda Chiu Stephanie Christenholz (BE-Arizona) from Mom, Dad, Michelle, Aja and Raleigh Jennifer Clarke (ZIΛVirginia) from Mom, Dad and Chris Sarah Clayton (BTIndiana) from Dr. and Mrs. Bruce D. Clayton Tafton Coleman (∆XWilliam Woods) from Andrea Coleman Margaus Davis (BYOregon State) from John and Marilyn Davis Jacqueline Duvoisin (ΘA-Linfield) from Steve and Debra Duvoisin Nicole Eiser (EX-Cal Poly) from David and Michelle Eiser

Deborah Farr (BNorthwestern) from Bridget and Paul Farr, M.D. Lori Gaither (EΘNorthern Iowa) from John and Terrie Gaither Kathy Gallagher (B∆UCLA) from Suzanne Gallagher Jolyn Groom (BΠ-USC) from Peggie and John Groom Sarah Haberer (ΓDePauw) from Richard and Valerie Haberer Colleen Hart (EX-Cal Poly) from Mom and Dad Marie Hart (BT-Indiana) from Jane Hart Rebecca Horst (HΘ-San Francisco State) from Jerry and Debbie Hors Emily Johnson (B∆UCLA) from Ray and Molly Johnson Sarah Jordan (HIPennsylvania) from Susan and Stephen Jordan Amanda Joyce (OMissouri) from Denise Joyce Jessica Karimzad (ΓBUC/Santa Barbara) from Nasim and Judy Karimzad Cynthia Keenana (HEVillanova) from John and Beverly Keenan Liza Ann Lesser (HΣLafayette) from Mom and Dad Jennifer Loh (EB-Butler) from Dr. and Mrs. W. Loh Kimberly Lohr (BTIndiana) from Robert and Judy Lohr Marianne Lund (ZΞElmhurst) from Mom and Virgil Hanna Lyon (ZYWashington University) from her parents Darcy Marks (EΨ-Lehigh) from Betsy and Richard Fiske Kiki Messina (A-Syracuse) from Gary and Karyne Messina Anne Miller (IZ-Colorado School of Mines) from John and Katherine Miller Jennifer Miranda (HKUC/Irvine) from her parents and brother Autumn Moody (ZBLoyola Marymount) from Dan and Anita Moody Danielle Morales (ΘΩBarry) from Evelyn Morales

Anne Olson (N-Nebraska) from Mom and Dad Prity Oza (EΞ-Southern Illinois) from her parents Louise Pacewicz (HΣLafayette) from Brenda A. Pacewicz Rachel Pfeiffenberger (ΘΘ-St. Joseph’s) from Anne and Steve Pfeiffenberger Polena Pirayoff (EYCSU/Northridge) from Deanna Badalian Gina Ponce (ΓKCSU/Long Beach) from Gayle Martinez Nicole Poulos (ZB-Loyola Marymount) from Tom Poulous and Andrea Turner Julie Powers (∆E-Iowa) from Jim and Cyndy Powers Jeryn Roberson (OMissouri) from Dave and Jackie Roberson Djoanna Saliendra (HOVirginia Tech) from Peddy and Navie Saliendra Justine Sanger (BΓΛColorado) from Marius and Clare Sanger Erica Simonsen (ΣWashington) from Mr. and Mrs. George A. Simonsen Jr. Kristi Slusher (BΨ-San Jose State) from Mom and Dad Jessica Strugibenetti (HΣ-Lafayette) from Mr. and Mrs Doug Strugibenetti Jessica Szerszen (HP-San Diego) from Gene and Lara Szerszen

Stephanie Teller (ZOΛ)Johns Hopkins) from Mom Angela Tangalakis (ΓΠArizona State) from Dean and Claudia Tangalakis Katherine Tuesta (∆ΓNorthern Colorado) from Felix and Carmen Tuesta Stacey Westley (H∆CSU/Hayward) from Ed and Kathy Westley Victoria White (HIPennsylvania) from David and Denise White Rachel Whitsel (ZΠ-Case Western Reserve) from Penny and Fritz Brandeau Amber Williams (∆P-Ball State) from Mike and Pam Williams Melissa Williamson (ΣWashington) from Mom and Dad Alison Witmer (∆A-East Carolina) from Kathy Witmer Kristien Ziska (ΓΠArizona State) from her Parents Elisa Zlotowitz (ΓP-Penn State) from Dad and Mary Nicole Zuba (ΓΠ-Arizona State) from Terri and William Zuba

How to Honor the Class of 2004 Parents of 2004 graduates receive a letter from the Foundation in the spring. They return the completed reply form to the Foundation. In return, the Foundation sends a card to each honoree at graduation time, lists their names in the fall issue of the Quarterly and guarantees contributions will be used wisely and faithfully. Others wishing to honor a 2004 graduate can send a note with the graduate’s name and chapter to the Foundation (1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201) or use the giving form on the Alpha Phi Web site: www.alphaphi.org. Click on “Make a Gift” to go to our secure giving form. Checks (minimum of $50) should be made payable to the Alpha Phi Foundation. Credit cards also are accepted. All contributions are taxdeductible in the United States as allowed by law.


] B U L L E T I N



Attention Quarterly Reporters!

Do you serve your city or state in an elected or appointed position? Have you been influential in getting an initiative passed? Do you teach politics? Are you the wife of a politician? Send details to quarterly@alphaphi.org or Alpha Phi Quarterly, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201. Please include your e-mail address and/or telephone number.

If you are responsible for gathering your collegiate or alumnae chapter’s report for publication in the Quarterly, please note the following deadlines. Materials received after these deadlines will be considered for the following issue.

Protecting Yourself Have you been a victim of identity theft? Have you been threatened or assaulted and took a self-defense class as a result? Are you employed, or do you volunteer, in a prevention-related field? The Spring 2004 Quarterly will feature a theme of “Protecting Yourself.” If you have a related story, please contact the Quarterly. Send details to quarterly@alphaphi.org or Alpha Phi Quarterly, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201. Please include your e-mail address and/or telephone number.

Issue Winter 2004 Spring 2004 Summer 2004 Fall 2004

Copy Deadline Oct. 15, 2003 Jan. 15, 2004 April 15, 2004 July 15, 2004

Regional Conference Photographers Wanted Let Alpha Phi help build your portfolio! The Quarterly seeks volunteer photographers from all regions for small photo assignments. Contribute your talent! Contact the Quarterly staff at 847.316.8920 or quarterly@alphaphi.org for information.

Have you heard about Alpha Phi’s new alumnae ONLINE COMMUNITY? Go to www.alphaphi.org/onlinecommunity and register today! Planning a Reunion? Tell the Alpha Phi Quarterly all about it. Send details including chapter or group name, year celebrating and date of celebration, to Alpha Phi Quarterly, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201. Or e-mail quarterly@alphaphi.org. Calling California South Bay Young Alumnae! An ivy circle has been formed in the Silicon Valley South Bay area. Those who have obtained alumnae status in the last 10 years are invited to join fun events and a chance to reconnect with or meet new sisters in the area. For information, contact Kary Crumm (BΨ-San Jose State) at 510.673.5442 or e-mail southbayivycircle@yahoo.com. You also may visit the group's Web site at www.geocities.com/ southbayivycircle.

C L A S S I F I E D S Going out of print. A GOODLY HERITAGE: THE COLLECTED WORKS OF BETTY MULLINS JONES. Casebound. Favorites from former International President. $15.00 includes tax/shipping. Serey/Jones Publishers, 7413 W. Oraibi Drive, Glendale, AZ 85308. www.sereyjones.com. PAGE PENNA ART, INC. A work of fine art is a joy forever. Capture that special moment in time in your child’s life with a hand painted portrait by Page Penna. See Page’s work at www.pagepenna.com or call 239.566.8033.

Love to eat? Love to talk? Do what you love as a TASTEFULLY SIMPLE consultant! I’d love to tell you more! Jenny Rodriquez 509.542.8172 GourmetTaste@hotmail.com www.tastefullysimple.com/wa/jrodriquez/index.html GIRLS FIGHT BACK is a fully mobile, women’s self defense program founded by Erin Weed (ZA-Eastern Illinois) after a fellow Alpha Phi sister was murdered. Bring Girls Fight Back to a high school, college or corporation! www.girlsfightback.com.

Are you interested in owning a home-based business with heart? CREATIVE MEMORIES helps people preserve their precious photo memories. Call or e-mail for more information: Kelly Perkins Stack (EP-UC/Davis) 925.285.6682 or kelly@albums4u.net.

~ ALPHA PHI SISTERS ~ Unique Personalized Gifts for Pledges, New Initiates and Big & Little Sisters www.ladybugkisses.com

JnE BRIDAL 20-40% off Nationally Advertised Apparel. Bridal, Bridesmaid, Flower Girl & First Communion Gowns. Invitations, Baby Announcements, Headpieces, Accessories. Shoes, Gown Preservation & More Toll free 866.235.2099 Carlsbad, CA 760.436.7455 Visit us at www.jnebridal.com

SORTING IT OUT Chicagoland’s Organizing Service for Homes & Small Businesses. Paper/file management, home offices, kitchens, basements & more. Christina Mayer Duggan (∆E-Iowa), M.A. chrisduggan@rcn.com - 773.929.4642 Insured “Orderly Surroundings Encourage Tranquility”

HAVE FUN – MAKE $$$ - WEAR BEAUTIFUL JEWELRY! Own Your Own Fashion Jewelry Business Part-time $25-$50,000 or Full-time 6-figure income potential Carson Phillips 909.506.2753 Toll Free 866.424.2765 carson@cphillipsjewelry.com www.fifthavenuecollection.com/carson NO RIGHT DIET Holistic health counseling will: Identify right foods for your body. Correct hormone imbalances. Increase fun! Call about special offer on initial consultation for Phis! Alisa Vitti, HHC, AADP alisaholistic@yahoo.com 917.862.8426 CREATIVE BASKETS CUSTOM GIFTS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Need a unique gift? We specialize in custom gifts, corporate and promotional products. Contact 617.298.8477, Creativebasketma@aol.com or www.Ecreativebaskets.com. Request Mary Sara Pipia to receive a special for alums.

Interested in Promoting Your Business in the Alpha Phi Classifieds? The charge for the winter issue is $50 for up to 35 words (text only). Circulation for this issue is 45,000. The Quarterly also continues to accept advertising in the form of display ads, which begin at $200 for a 1/6-page ad. If you are interested in either advertising opportunity, please contact quarterly@alphaphi.org or call 847.316.8920 by Friday, Oct. 31, 2003, to reserve space. PA G E F O RT Y- F O U R



Q. I’ve lost touch with my Big Sis. How can I locate her? Q. I change my e-mail address frequently. Is there an easy way to maintain one e-mail address forever?

Q. Where can I find a mentor in my career field? A. In Alpha Phi’s new Online Community! Alpha Phi’s Online Community, sponsored in part by the

information is recorded in the Online Directory, Alpha

Alpha Phi Foundation, was created exclusively for Alpha

Phi will update that information in the International

Phi alumnae. This comprehensive package of Internet-


based services offers a place in cyberspace to reconnect,

Permanent E-mail Address: Do you want just one

exchange ideas and access career and networking infor-

e-mail address for the rest of your life? Would you like

Forget-Me-Not Chapter Home Pages: Are you a

mation. Registration is required, but joining the commu-

to have an Alpha Phi e-mail address? A permanent

member of a closed collegiate chapter? Forget-me-not

nity is free for alumnae.

e-mail address with “@alumnae.alphaphi.org” as the

chapter home pages allow members of some closed

domain gives you a lifelong identification with Alpha Phi

collegiate chapters to create and maintain Web pages.

Online Directory: The secure Online Directory requires

while providing a valuable service. This feature allows you

Alpha Phi will determine layout, and a member of the

user authentication, assuring only alumnae view the

to perpetually identify yourself as an Alpha Phi alumna,

chapter will manage her chapter’s pages.

entries. Searching for sisters in the Online Directory is

while opting to forward mail sent to the Alpha Phi

easy, and alumnae visiting the Online Directory are able

address to any valid e-mail account of your choosing.

to retrieve data on all alumnae, not just those who have

Career Center: You can share career advice and

found on the back page of the Quarterly, above your

registered. Another important component of the Online

information, take advantage of online career counseling


Directory is the ability to update your name and address

and link to other career-related sites. Alumnae can either

information with the Executive Office. Once your new

offer or solicit career mentoring opportunities for sisters.

Services offered in the Online Community include:

And much more! To register, you will need your membership ID number,

Visit www.alphaphi.org/onlinecommunity today to take advantage of these exclusive services!

Visit Alpha Phi’s Marketplace for these and other exquisite items made only for Alpha Phi. Perfect gifts for a sister or even for yourself – ideal for any special occasion or just because! Delivery not available to P.O. Box addresses. Please note that photos do not reflect actual size.

Hand-Designed Bracelet

ies antit d Qu le! e t i Lim vailab A

Pin Box/Mirror Compact/ Hip-Pocket Case

Cultured Freshwater Pearl Necklace

Price: $108.00 Sterling two-toned bracelet with 14K gold wire and three

Price: $125.00

14K gold beads.

Smooth, center-

Bracelet inscription reads: Always Alpha Phi.

drilled, 18" Price: $24.00 / $32.00 / $36.00

Ivy Leaf Diamond Necklace with Engraved Backing


Lacquer laminated steel novelty items embossed

fresh-water pearl necklace. Custom-made gold

with Alpha Phi logo and tagline: Timeless

Alpha Phi letter charm dangles from the 14K gold

Price: $450.00

Tradition. Contemporary Vision. Always Alpha Phi.

filigree clasp.


Available in pewter or blue. Not pictured: Business

14K gold ivy

card holder, designed similarly to hip-pocket case

leaf pendant


with .24 carats t.w. and Alpha Phi gallery backing. 18" 14K rope chain. Special order only.

FALL 2003

Visit www.alphaphi.org/marketplace for these and other custom-made items. If you do not have access to the Internet, call 847.316.8938 to request an order form by mail or fax.


“Heart disease? But I’m only 20.” For years, the Alpha Phi Foundation has been spreading the word that heart disease is the numberone killer of American women, annually taking the lives of more women than all types of cancer combined.

Now we have another important message: young women need to be concerned, too. A recommendation from the American Heart Association urges everyone to see a doctor for a simple heart-disease risk assessment, starting at age 20.

February 9-13 is Alpha Phi’s Cardiac Care Week. Be a part of it.

Cardiovascular disease can strike any woman, at any time. But it can be prevented, too. Talk to your doctor to find out how. And support the Alpha Phi Foundation—you’ll do a heart good.

POSTMASTER: Please send changes to Alpha Phi, 1930 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201

Save this portion of your Quarterly! You will need your membership number (found at right) to gain access to Alpha Phi’s new ONLINE COMMUNITY.

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