Asa phoenix fall 1982

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ne alpha 1 S opinion Fall- a beginning? Of course we usually think of New Year'~ Day and spring as times "to begm" times to renew, begin diets, resolve to change bad habits or plant a garden. Perhaps it is because I am a teacher or because college football (to which I am addicted) begins in the fall, but to me fall has always signaled a beginning, a renewal of activity, and change. So it is with The Phoenix - each fall begins a new volume of the magazine of Alpha Sigma Alpha . And this year it is not only the beginning of Volume 68, but it is a magazine and a staff with a new look. Although there is only one new staff member for this biennium, several staff members have new positions. Nancy I. Zander Reese, former alumnae editor, has become feature editor replacing Lil!ian Ford Donnally, who resigned to spend more time with her husband and baby daughter after eight years of service to The Phoenix. Kim Ramsey Meyer has moved from collegiate editor to alumnae editor. The new addition to the staff is Sue Zorichak, immediate past field representative. With her degree in journalism and her recent work with the collegiate chapters, Sue will be a real asset as the new collegiate editor. For the first time in the six years I have been on the staff, the new staff had the opportunity to spend several hours together at the 1982 Convention to coordinate efforts and plan for Volume 68 . Coordination isn't always easy with the editors located in Illinois, Minnesota, Colorado and Virginia! We hope that one benefit of this planning sess ion will be more continuity throughout the magazine. Several years ago , under the leadership of former editor, Dr. · Helenmarie Hofman, Alpha Sigma Alpha was one of the first 'sororities to become an active member of the College Fraternity Editors Association (CFEA) . Our affiliation with this group has been most beneficia!. Among its services , CFEA sponsors a n excellent editors ' workshop each year. The changes

in this issue have resulted m pa~t from CFEA. wor~~hop expertence~, mag~zme ~ntiq~es at CF.EA meetmgs, discussiOn with coll~giate and alumnae members anytime a staff member has the chance, and an increased opportunity to coordinate the work ofthe entire staff. I am pleased with the changes in this issue; however, the staff will continually make changes in an attempt to provide the members of the sorority with the best possible magazine within our budget. "One alpha's opinion" is one new feature beginning with this issue. I hope we will have enough response to continue it in the future. The purpose of this feature is to give you the opportunity to share with other A!.A's your thoughts about

. Alpha Sigma Alpha or issues of in-

terest to our members. You may want to share a particularly rewarding experience you had as a pledge, as a graduating senior, or as a new alumnae chapter member. Two collegiate members may want to look at two sides of an issue, for example, the pros and cons of little sister groups. An older A!.A alumnae may want to share memories of }!A days gone by. From time to time a National officer may want to use this column to share her thoughts with other Alpha Sigmas. So, get out your typewriter today and let me hear from you. Material for "One alpha's o pm10n · · " s h ou ld be approximately 700 to 1,000 words and if at all possible, please

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mel ude. a ph?to that r_mght be ' appropn~~e With the ~rticle: ~rtides for One alphas .opm10n " should be sent to ~he ed1tor .. plan to beg~n an occas10~al senes on Alpha .s.Igma Alp.ha history and/~r traditiOns. Dunng the past year, It has pleased me to hear collegi~te members ~equesting information on our h~ntage. Perhaps the. most rewardmg aspect of National work for me has been the opportunity to "reli~e" the rich h~ntage of Alpha Sigma Alpha with so many alumnae. I'll always remember hearing the wonderful address by President Emerita, Wilrna Wilson Sharp, at the Pittsburgh convention; having lunch in Williamsburg with Sidney Allen , a walking encyclopedia of A!.A involvement in NPC; listening to Helen Corey tell of the many, many conventions she chaired; and most recently in Chicago having the opportunity to read the minutes of the final meeting of the Association · of Educational Sororities before the AES groups joined the National Panhellenic Conference. I hope we will be able to draw upon many of our alumnae who are well versed in the sorority's heritage to share interesting bits of history not found in The Years Behind Us. If you are willing to write an article or to be interviewed, please let me know. The Phoenix staff would like to encourage you to submit pictures, articles , and artwork. If you know of someone with an interesting career, please contact Nancy Reese. We also welcome your comments about the magazine. As for this issue, I hope you will enjoy the convention coverage. Chicago 82 was a truly wonderful experience . For those unable to attend, I hope this will bring you up-to-date. For those who were there , enjoy reminiscing! I hope each of you will take the opportun· to b ecome a charter member o f Ity the Alpha Sigma Alpha Development Fund established at convention (see page 6). This is just one alpha's opinion. I WI'II b e waiting for yours. Rosemar Carucci Goss, Editor


Camera on convention

Dennis Alldridge, Illinois Director of Special Olympics(above), accepts a donation for A L A's national philanthropy from Dawn Nerison, delegate from Beta Rho at Northern Illinois University. At right , collegiate delegates enjoy themselves during a visit to the John Hancock Building observation deck .

FALL 1982


Chapters, members receive awards at convention The cu lmin ation of an exciting four days , the awards banquet also meant the recognition of chapters and members for outstanding contributions or achievements for the last two years. In an atmosphere of anticipation and excitement, Paula Foreman, chairman of the awards comm ittee , presided over the presentations. Here are the winners of the chapter awards, Phoenix awards and 50-year members. The winners of individual awards are elsewhere in this issue, and scholarship winners will be highlighted in the winter issue. winners of the Phoenix awards were actually announced at an earlier business meeting, they agreed to pose for this picture after the dinner. They are above, left to right) Kathy Hunter , Denver delegate, who accepted the alumnae award for her chapter; Stella Campbell , Beta Eta delegate from Dickinson State College, who accepted the collegiate award; and Marilyn Garbee, who won the best feature award for her artic!e on networking. {Photo by Dave Winnie)

Accepting the chapter awards, at left, were {front row) Linda Brace, Delta Chi , Bloomsburg State, Scholastic Improvement; Hilary Harrop, Beta Iota, Radford, Membership Examination; laurie Jones, Beta Epsilon, James Madison, Officer Efficiency; Suzanne Race, Delta Nu-A, General Motors Institute; Scholastic Achievement; {back) Karen Sherts, Gamma Eta, Penn State, Philanthropic; Dorothy Scott, Akron, Philanthropic; and Kathy Boykin, advisor , Gamma Xi , Slippery Rock State, Panhellenic. {Photo by Dave Winnie)

Honored at the dinner also were 50-year members {front) Dorothy Masters, Mary Blackstone, Elizabeth Whitehurst, Dorothy Scott, Dorothy Connor, Elizabeth Foyer, {back) Nelle Roney, Helen Schomaker, Helen Erne and Martha Dimond . {Photo by Dave Winnie)



Workshops provide learning experiences


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While making new friends, renewing old acquaintances, attending banquets and touring the city of Chicago were certainly the highlights of the 1982 convention, learning experiences in the form of workshops were also an important part of the program. No fewer than five outside speakers addressed the delegates at various workshops, as well as six workshop leaders from the ranks of national officers. Workshops were tied to the theme of Alpha Sigma Alpha, the Sorority That Works. Leading the first program Thursday on province and region meetings was Cindy Christfield, former Province IV director. She gave delegates tips on how to survive convention and other province and region directors were available to answer questions and give assistance. Marlys White, past national vice president of alumnae program, then spoke on burnout, a program she presents to professional groups. She addressed the need to evaluate daily activities and priorities in life and outlined steps to manage your life better. Her recipe for feeling better at work and home was: 1) Find something you really like to do; 2) Pick a winner; 3) Do it; 4) Take credit for it; and 5) Lean back and enjoy it! Following Mrs. White was Edward King, dean of men and fraternity and sorority advisor at Bradley University in Peoria, Ill. , who spoke on the "Secret Thoughts of a Ritual." Ritual "should be used and studied on a regular basis. . . . If (it) is better known and understood, it can eliminate many of the day to day problems of the sorority," he said during his talk. "The ritual will not only make you a better sorority woman, but a better human being." Friday's workshops expanded on the theme of the sorority that works. In the morning, sessions centered on "Sisterhood, Society and Self." Denise McGuire, former national chairman of rush, led a program that included samples of rush skits and party theme ideas FALL 1982

" Lifetime Commitment" was the theme of a five member alumnae panel which included, left to right, Mary Ellen Randall, Dolly loyd and Elaine Shiverdecker. (Photo by Dave lubetkn)

and other tips for a successful rush . "Creative Pledge Education" was a panel discussion on positive pledge education led by Silvana Richardson , continuing vice president of collegiate program . She and Betty Wallick, National Panhellenic Council alternative delegate; Susanne Withsosky, Province III director; and Linda Brace, Delta Chi chapter president, discussed the NPC position on pledge education, changing from "traditional" to "creative" pledge programming and A~A policy on hazing. This was followed by small group discussions. The final program for the morning was on investments by Beverly Stone of the Moneyschool at Northeastern University. Geared to the individual, the workshop was designed to help participants take control of their financial lives and to cope with current economic conditions. The Frida y afternoon workshops on Alpha Awareness led off with Paula Foreman , former national chairman of scholarship, speaking on scholarship. She helped those attending evaluate their motivation for college and gave practical advice on how to set up a chapter resource library and system of course and faculty evaluations. Marlys White, former national vice president of alumnae program, led a panel on " Lifetime 路 Commitment." Five alumnae delegates, Anne Niemeyer of Indianapolis, Dolly Loyd of Hattiesburg, Miss., Elaine Shiverdecker of Ft.

Lauderdale, Mary Ellen Randall of Buffalo and Kathy Hunter of Denver, discussed what it meant to each of them to be an alumnae and what the experience had added to their lives. A slide show titled "Alumnae Seek Action ," with slides compiled from alumnae chapters all over the country, concluded the program . The final program on Friday's agenda was on networking, led by Sandy Rebitzer, director of career planning at the Loop YWCA. "Networking is a system of support and comm unications between professional women utilizing the experience of its members." With those words, Ms. Rebitzer began a discussion on developing a network system. Practical exercises showed participants how to develop a networking support system for themse lves. As she pointed out, the sorority is an excellent foundation for a network. Those attending Saturday morning's first workshop came face to face with a mime whose goal was to help them become more aware of themselves as unique individuals . T he Re v. Terry Deffenbaugh , fam il y therapist , yo uth minister and retreat leader at Tolentine Center focused his discussion on the spiritual dimension of self. The final workshop of the 1982 convention was "Motivating for Super Sisterhood in Alpha Sig. " Vic Boschini, Greek advisor at Western Illinois University, led a discussion of motivating chapter leaders a nd members in sisterhood development. 5

pense Fund were $56,282. At the end of the last fiscal year, these 路 same expenses totaled $109,711an increase of 95% in less than decade. Even with every effort : being made toward conservative financial planning, we expect infla- . tion to take its toll again. Income has just barely kept pace with expenses while often stretching collegiate chapter budgets to their limits. Paper costs and postage have escalated - average cost for each issue of The Phoenix was nearly $6500 this past year. Increasing air fares and gasoline prices will again impact our budget items for officer visits, extension efforts, leadership/training workshops, and the field representative program. We are aware that only the continued monitoring of our financial program, wise investments, and prudent spending will insure a balanced budget as well as meeting the goals for programming and service. Your contributions will trul y make a difference - the difference between a 1982-83 budget that will minimally support the services to Alpha Sigma Alpha and one that will allow for excellence in assisting our chapters and our individual members to reach their highest potential. These are the dividends of your investment.


Thank you, Alphas路

Alpha Sigma Alpha development fund: Where vvill the $$$ go? by Marilyn Ramsey Garbee, National Treasurer

At the National Convention held in Chicago this past June , the National Council announced the formation of a DEVELOPMENT FUND. Contributions will provide additional support to both collegiate and alumnae programs. Alpha Sigma Alpha officers have set goals for the 1982-84 biennium to insure our continued strength and to meet the special needs of our members and chapters. Your contributions will make these goals attainable. Gifts made to the DEVELOPMENT FUND will assure develop-

ment of continued alumnae and col-

legiate chapter growth through extension efforts; development of expanded leadership skills through training sessions at Convention and leadership conferences; development of a maintenance procedure of excellence for The Phoenix; and development of increased chapter services through field representative and National officer visits. The economic facts today are alarmingly clear. In 1975, total expenditures from the General Ex-

Convention charter contributors Crown donors Lois V. Beers Br Mary Emerson Blackstone Af Helen L. Corey KK Rose Marie Fell in BL Jacqueline Vito LoRusso IIII Lora Sipes Br

Pearl donors Sidney Gremillion Allen 'l''l' Kathleen Geib Boykin AA Madeline Priddy Dial PP Marilyn Ramsey Garbee BL Rosemary Carucci Goss BIT Diane Yencic James HH Helen Hooper Malone Br Nancy I. Zander Reese BY 6

Silvana Filippelo Richardson Rhetta Nesbitt Robinson Br Betty Urban Wallick ZZ Marlys Jarrett White BB


Star donors Joyce Lescelius Abler B0 Doris Jean Dowling Adams AA Ellen Funk Akers BA Carmen Cree Alvey XX Sharon Alexander ~X Karen Bader AA Merilyn R. Bass XX Christy Allen Bennett Br Beta Upsilon Michalene Carol Biber IIII Judy Biggs EE

Jane Blain AA Linda Brace ~X Barbara Hankins Brown BN Sandy Phillips Brzezinski fE Lana Gee Bunner ~K Judith Wylie Burgeson XX Machele Carpino HH Cynthia Rhqdes Christfield ~I Beth Ann Colwell BB Dorothy Yelton Connor AA Roxanne Crouch ~K Angela Dantzler BZ Jane Davis BY Nelle Davis PP Delta Kappa Delta Omicron Deborah Fields Dietrich BN Martha Green Dimond AA Kellie Dragun f'l' Terri Eli ~K Gwen Etter ~E THE PHOENI


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We are committed to Alpha Sigma Alpha's tradition of sound financia l management, and we look to the future with confidence and a deep sense of responsibility to serve the interests of all members. This may mean that a continuing annual appeal for your support of the DEVELOPMENT FUND will be necessary. It is our hope that you will accept this opportunity to participate in sha ping the future of our sorority with your gifts. Members making contributions at Convention are listed as Convention Charter Contributors. Members making contributions through the remainder of 1982 will be listed as Charter Contributors. Contribution categories are: CROWN DONORS - $ 500 or more RUBY DONORS - $250 to $499 PEARL DONORS - $100 to $249 STAR DONORS - $1 to $99 Be a Charter Contributor by sending in your gift now with the attached form to Alpha Sigm a Alpha National Headquarters , 1201 East Walnut, Springfield , Missouri 65802 . We want to thank each of the Convention Charter Contributors. Your gifts confirm, in a very tangible way, the lifetime commitment you made to Alpha Sigma Alph a.

Epsilon Epsilon Annamarie Falbo llH Paula Cyrus Foreman PP Frances Jobson Francis BE Audrey Herbert Gedart BP Connie Peyton Glidewell ZZ Lillie Greer llll Bonnie Crosswhite Griggs Bl Patricia Lumpe Hawkins Bl Elizabeth Zubinski Heidel fO Loraine Hentschel fE Vicki Hersh <1><1> Malinda Higginbotham <1><1> J ean Hoffman BY J oyce Hoffman Ill Kathy Erwin Hunter BB Lynnann Jimenez AA Susan Keller AA Pamela Meyers Koons fO Ann Kutz r.n Carol Schwartz Leffingham PP

Pa st National President, Betty Wallick (standing far left), a nd National Preside nt, Rhetta Robinson (stand ing fa r right), express their appreciation to crown donors Rose Marie Fellin, Jacque line LoRusso (standing) and (seated left to right) Mary Blackstone, Helen Corey, lara Sipes and lois Beers .

----------------------------------, I want to assist Alpha Sigma Alpha in the development of programs of excellence for collegiate and alumnae members and chapters . Enclosed is a check in the amount of - - -- - · Sign me up as a : ----___ ___

Crown donor $500 or more Ruby donor $250 to $499 Pearl donor $100 to $249 Star donor $1 to $99

Name: - - : - - - - - - - - - -- College Chapter _ _ _ _ _ _ __ First

Ma iden


Any contribution mailed before December 31 , 1982 wil l qual ify a s a charter contribution . Mail to Alpha Sigma Alpha Nationa l Headqua rters, 1201 East Walnut, Springfield, Missouri, 65802.

L------------------ - - --- ----------1 Joan Lynn Loj ews ki llT Dolly Purvis Loyd Bll Debby Lukotch AA Denise Lewis McGuire Bll Helen H anse n Martin f E Mercedes Welch Martin f E Kim Ramsey Meyer BB C harlene Boyd Miller Bl Julie Miller Bl T herese Miller BY Janet Miner f A Elizabeth Elliott Moore Bl Mary Lou Landis Moseke XX Jill Y. Muschella BS Ann Petree Niemeyer AA Bonnie Oswald fS Ruth Neff Petree AA Melind a Phillips IlK Mary Ellen Mea ny Randall 1111 Many Reinders AA Rh o Rho Colony

Linda Bonine Rogers Ill Joan Rindfleisch Rn uckel 1111 Lisa Sandefur IlK Cheri Sch lottman BP Cherie Fink Shallock llZ Elaine Rahaim Shiverdecker Bll Deborah J . Smith fO Linda Stemprosky fP Diane Sauro Stevenson fS Marcia Steward r.n Susan Sybert fO Florence Dopke Treutelaar fE Virginia Selle Turney Be Jan Verfurth BE Shirley Thompson Wall BN Jean Weaver BN Tamara Wheaton IlK Robin L. Wicks <I>CI> Ethel Llewellyn Wi lson YY Susanne Withsosky N



fALL 1982


Founders' day message, 1982

Commitment key to Alpha 1 Sigma Alpha S success

National President, Rhetta Robinson (left), presents Cherie Shellack, Province VI Director, with the Ideal Pledge Award for Teresa Wegal , Beta Pi Chapter, Concord College, at the 1982 Convention .


Coming together is a beginning; Keeping together is progress ; Working together is success . As we celebrate the founding of Alpha Sigma Alpha, we are reminded that it was five young col; lege women who provided the basis for our enduring and growing sisterhood. We are indebted to those who have come before us. They have given us a great heritage. Through the past 81 years we have been blessed with leadership, strength of purpose, stability, and a growing awareness of the value of true friendship. Having been tested by the experience of these many years, Alpha Sigma Alpha now faces with pride and confidence the challenges of the years to come. We are strong only when we are bound together and are working in unity and harmony for the same purpose . Because of this strength we will continue to prosper. This is the time to look to the future and to reaffirm the spirit of friendship, high ideals, and concern for others, that has been our heritage and is the basic precept of Alpha Sigma Alpha. Bertrand Russell has said, "Only by being inspired by a great hope, can we achieve a great destiny." There will always be a need for young women to gather together in the bond of friendship. If we reflect upon and learn from the past, and continue to change as change is needed, and retain the fundamental ideals of our Founders, we will continue to be a vital and contributing force in the future. As we pay homage to our Founders, let us rededicate our lives to work toward total sorority commitment, commitment to each other, and a commitment to ourselves . Happ y Founders' Day! Rhetta Robinson National President November 15, 1982


Alpha Sigma Alpha National Directory** 1982-1983 FOUNDED Longwood College, Farmville, Virginia, November 15, 1901 FOUNDERS Louise Cox Carper (Mrs. W. B.)* Juliette Hundley Gilliam (Mrs. H. E.)* Miss Mary Williamson Hudley* Virginia Boyd Noell (Mrs. J. W.)* Calva Watson Wootton (Mrs. P. W.) *



llrlsident Emerita- Wilma Wilson Sharp, ZZ (Mrs. Fred M.), 1405 Hardy Avenue, Independence, MO 64052 Prnident- Rhetta Nesbitt Robinson, Br (Mrs. Ronald), 5880 South Joplin, Tulsa, OK 74135 fxecutive Vice President - Marlys Jarrett White , BB (Mrs. Dennis P.), 2290 Ash St., Denver, CO 80207 VIce President of Development- MaryAnn Linton, fH, 4662 Rolling Ridge Road, West Bloomfield, Ml 48033 Vice President of Collegiate Program - Silvana Filippelo Richardson, fA (Mrs. Robert L.), 106 Greek Row, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL 62901 VIce President of Alumnae Program- Linda Bonine Rogers , M (Mrs. Steven E.) 377 Mayberry Lane, Dover, DE 19901 Secretary- Helen Hooper Malone, Br (Mrs. George J. Jr.), 5526 E. 36th St., Tulsa, OK 74135 Treasurer- Marilyn Ramsey Garbee, (Mrs. E. L.), 49 St. Andrews Circle, Tulsa , OK 74133 NPC Delegate- Sidney Gremillion Allen, '1''1' (Mrs. John H.), 10064 Heritage Dr., Shreveport, LA 71115 Editor- Dr. Rosemary Carucci Goss, BIT (Mrs. Robert E. Goss, Jr.), 2305 Capistrano St., Blacksburg,VA 24060 Headquarters Executive - Rose Marie Fellin, Bl, National Headquarters, 1201 East Walnut, Springfield, MO 65802

Rose Marie Fellin Headquarters Executive 1201 E. Walnut Springfield , Mi ssouri 65802


THE PHOENIX STAFF Alumnae Editor- Kim Ramsey Meyer, BB (Mrs. Mark), 8014 Rossman Gulch Road, Morrison, CO 80465 Collegiate Editor- Sue Zorichak, BB, 3612 70th St. E., Inver Grove, Heights, MN 55075 Feature Editor- Nancy I. Zander Reese, BY, 354 Alles St. , Des Plaines, IL 60016 Historian- Esther Kaufman Gatseos, BB (Mrs. George), 6659 E. Eastman, Denver, CO 80224

NATIONAL CHAIRMEN NPC ALTERNATE DELEGATE - Betty Urban Wallick , ZZ, 676 Park Ave ., York, PA 17402 CHAIRMAN OF CHAPTER ADVISORS- Bon nee Griggs, Bl (Mrs. Conrad) , 841 W. Primrose, Springfi eld , MO 65807 CHAIRMAN OF ALUMNAE DEVELOPMENT - Carmine Cree Alvey , XX (M rs. Charles R.), 4300 University Ave. , Muncie, IN 47304 CHAIRMAN OF COLONIES -Judi Biggs, EE, Office of Residence Ufe, Bowling Green State Univ., 4 25 Student Services Bldg., Bowling Green , OH 43403 CONSTITUTION CHAIRMAN - Sandra Phillips Brzezinski , f E (Mrs. Wayne), 7041 W. Tripol i Ave ., Milwaukee, WI 53220 CHAIRMAN OF HOUSING - Diane Yencic James, HH (Mrs. Don L.) , Rt. 5, Box 316, Pittsburg, KS 66762 CHAIRMAN OF PHILANTHROPIES- Paula Cyrus Foreman , PP (Mrs. Stuart), 410 N. Duke St., Millersville , PA 17551 CHAIRMAN OF RITUAL - Cindy Rhodes Christfield , ~I (Mrs. John) , 7 York Road - Deerhurst , Wilm ington , DE 19803 CHAIRMAN OF RUSH- Debb ie Sha rp, ZZ, 5609 E 140th St. , Apt. A, Grandview, MO 64030 CHAIRMAN OF SCHOLARSHIP - Joyce Lescelius Abler, BT, 1018 S. Main , Mt. Pleasant, Ml 48858 CHAIRMAN OF STANDARDS - Jean Moore Weaver , BN (Mrs. James A.), 3115 Steed, Florissant, MO 63033 FIELD REPRESENTATIVES Vi cki Hersh, <l><l> Lynnann Jimenez, AA 1201 East \Nalnut Springfield , Mi ssouri 65802

NATIONAL PANHELLENIC CONFERENCE Delegate Alternate Delegate First Alternate Second Alternate

FALL 1982

Sidney Gremillion Allen Betty Urban Wallick Rhetta Nesbitt Robinson MaryAnn Linton

* Deceased. * * Cut and save the National Officers Directory.






Joyce Marie Hoffman , AI, 7911 Mandan Road T2, Greenbelt, MD 20770 State University College at Buffalo, Pi Pi Buffalo, NY 14222 Rochester Institute of Technology, Gamma Iota -Rochester, NY 14623 State University of New Y01路k at Buffalo, Delta Tau- Buffalo, NY 14222

Cherie Fink Shallock, AZ (Mrs. Edward), 223 Burr Oak Dr., Lynchburg, VA 24502 Radford University, Beta Iota- Radford, VA 24141 Conc01路d College, Beta Pi - Athens, WV 24712 Elon College, Delta Rho- Elon College, NC 27244

Linda Barzano Snyder, rB (Mrs. Gary) 2631 Spruce St., River Grove, IL 60171 Western Illinois University, Beta Kappa Macomb, IL 61455 Northern Illinois University, Beta Rho- De Kalb, IL 60115 Loyola University, Gamma Lambda -Chica go, IL 60626 DePaul University, Delta Eta - Chicago, I 60614

PROVINCE II DIRECTOR Bonnie Oswald, rx, 1504 Evergreen Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15209 Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Alpha Gamma- Indiana, PA 15701 Clarion College, Gamma Omicron- Clarion, PA 16214 Slippery Rock State College, Gamma Xi- Slippery Rock, PA 16057 Edinboro State College, Gamma Psi - Edinboro, PA 16412

PROVINCE VII DIRECTOR Donna LeMaster, BN, 1048 Claybourne Road, Louisville, KY 40214 Murray State University, Beta Nu- Murray, KY 42071 Eastern Illinois University, Gamma OmegaCharleston, IL 61920 Indiana State University, Delta Kappa Evansville, IN 47711 PROVINCE VIII DIRECTOR

PROVINCE III DIRECTOR Susanne Withsosky, NN, 3426 Powelton Ave., Apt. 2A, Philadelphia, PA 19104 Penn State University, Gamma Eta - University Park, PA 16802 East Stroudsburg State College, Gamma RhoEast Stroudsburg, PA 18301 Mansfield State College, Delta Epsilon Mansfield, PA 16933 Bloomsburg State College, Delta Chi Bloomsburg, PA 17815 Delta Omega (Colony) Manhattan College Riverdale, NY 10471 PROVINCE IV DIRECTOR Jane B. Ramsey Warren AI (Mrs. Richard), 331 Persimmon Tree Apt., Dover, DE 19901 Temple University, Kappa Kappa - Philadelphia, PA 19122 Drexel University, Nu Nu- Philadelphia, PA 19104 University of Delaware, Delta Iota- Newark, D拢19711 York College of Pennsylvania, Delta Omicron -York, PA 17403

Jean Hoffman, BY, RR #10 Creswood Resort, Greensburg, IN 47240 Miami University, Alpha Alpha - Oxford, OH 45056 Ball State University, Chi Chi- Muncie, IN 47301 Indiana State University, Beta Upsilon- Terre Haute, IN 47807 Marshall University, Rho Rho Colony Huntington, WV 25701

PROVINCE XII DIRECTOR Connie Peyton Glidewell, ZZ (Mrs. Paul F.) 1908 Madison, Trenton, MO 64683 Northeast Missouri State University. Alph Beta- Kirksville, MO 63501 Emporia State University, Epsilon Epsilon Emporia, KS 66801 Northwest Missouri State University, Phi Phi Maryville, Mo 64468 Missouri Valley College, Gamma Pi- Mar shall, MO 65340 PROVINCE XIII DIRECTOR Patricia Franklin, EE, 1010 E. Springfield, MO 65806 Central Missouri State University. Zeta Zeta Warrensburg, MO 64093 Southwest Missouri State University, Beta Si rna - Springfield, MO 65802 Pittsburg State University, Eta Eta - Pitts burg, KS 66762 PROVINCE XIV DIRECTOR

PROVINCE IX DIRECTOR Barbara Johnston Hofmockel, BPI. (Mrs. Larry), 3903 Canterbury Road , Kalamazoo, MI 49007 Adrian College, Gamma Mu -Adrian, MI 49221 Genera/Motors Institute, Delta Nu A- Flint, MI 48504 General Motors Institute, Delta NuB- Flint, MI 48504 Sagina.w Valley State College, Delta SigmaUniversity Center, MI Central Michigan University, Beta Theta Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858

Paula Halfast, Br, 738 Village Ave. #6F Broken Arrow, OK 74012 University of Central Arkansas, Beta Lambd - Conway, AR 72032 Henderson State University, Beta Mu Arkadelphia, AR 71923 University of Arkansas at Monticello, Gamm Zeta- Monticello, AR 71655 PROVINCE XV DIRECTOR Marilyn Manion Statton, BB (Mrs. Robert 2806 Durban Dr. , Houston, TX 77043 Dallas Baptist College, Delta Xi- Dallas, T 75211 University of Texas at San Antonio, Delta Up silon - San Antonio, TX 78285




Debbie Parr, AP, 1217 F. Gaskins Road, Richmond, VA 23233 Longwood College, Alpha - Farmville, VA 23901 james Madison University, Beta Epsilon Harrisonburg, VA 2280 I

Patty McCarthy DiTolla, BB (Mrs. Stephen), 8122 Carr Ct., Arvada, CO 80005 University of Northem Colorado, Beta BetaGreeley, CO 80631 Dickinson State College, Beta Eta - Dickinson, ND 5860 1

Nancy Szalwinski, BA, 2710 Bell St., Ne Orleans, LA 70119 UnivPrsity of Southern Mississippi- Beta De ta , Hattisburg, MS 39401 University of Southwestern Louisiana- Be Zeta, Lafayette, LA 70506




Valley, Pennsylvania- Mrs. William 3 Longpoint Lane, Media, PA


Pennsylvania- Mrs. Paul ButSeminole, Philadelphia, PA Pennsylvania - Mrs. Thomas J. 563 Lebanon Manor Dr., West PA 15122 New York- Mrs. Daniel]. Phelps, irk Stone Pass, Rochester, NY P ennsylvania - Mrs. William Salva, 204 Third St., Dalton, PA Valley, Pennsylvania - Miss Sandra 129 A N, Monroe St., Bellefonte, PA Delawat·e - Mrs. Robert 1607 Laurel St., Wilmington, DE


Washington, D.C., Maryland, VirNorth and South Carolina, GeorAlabama, Mississippi, KenTennessee North Cm·olina- Mrs. William A. 13521 Five Gait Court, MatNC 28215


Mississippi - Mrs. Dolly Loyd, Lincoln Road # 140, Hattiesburg, 39401 Mississippi- Mrs. H. Michael Webb, Rd., Brandon, MS 39402 .....,mnrurmns~. Kentucky-Christine Marie •·Krm•uP·r 1404 1/2 Jefferson, Paducah, KY Kentucky- Mrs. Henry Harned, Hickman Rd ., Frankfort, KY 40601 -Mrs. James L. Frink, 4453 Court, Lilburn, GA 3024 7 · Gulf Coast - Mrs. Jimmy Estes, LOJmrrler<:e St., Gulfport, MS 3950 I Virginia - Lynn Wyndham, 4549 ,. rnn,rP•" Anne Rd. , Virginia Beach, VA

Peninsula, Virginia- Mrs. James T. Scott, Jr., I I Rutledge Rd., Newport News, VA 23601 R ichmond, Virginia - Ms. Debbie Parr, Cabin Creek Apts., 121 7-F Gaskins Road, Richmond , VA 23233 Roanoke Valley, Virginia- Rebecca Oliver, 2908 Tully Dr., NW, Roanoke, VA 24019 Tri-City, Flo1ida (Clearwater, St. Petersburg and Tampa) - Mrs. James Dietrich, 12908l24th Avenue N, Largo, FL 33540 Washington, D.C.- Mrs. Judith Parkinson, 18533 Bowie Mill Road , Olney, MD 20832

Richmond, Indiana-Mrs . William C. Weller, Jr., 335 SW I 5th St., Richmond, IN 47375 South Bend, Indiana - Mrs. Dennis Humphries, 1008 W. Grove St. , Mishawaka, IN 46544 Southern Illinois - Laura Abbott, 1206 Laura Lane, Marion, IL 62959 Southern West Virginia- Iris Roseman, P.O. Box 713 Athens, WV 24712 Southwestern Indiana- Kathy Woods, 441 Plaza Drive, Evansville, IN 47715 Terre Haute, Indiana- Mrs. Fran Wiley. RR 32, Box 290, Terre Haute, IN 47803



Elizabeth Zubinski Heidel, fOM (Mrs. James P.), 4515 Stanley, Downers Grove, IL 60515 States - Indiana, Ohio, Illinois, West Virginia Akt-on, Ohio- Mrs. James Cowan, 1086 Columbus Ave., Barberton, OH 44203 Anderson, Indiana- Mrs. James Baden, 108 Thorn Dr., Anderson, IN 460 II Charleston, West Virginia - Mrs. James Gunte, 2992 Ruth St., Charleston, WV 25302 Central Illinois - Mrs. Mark Flechner, 5 Mitchell Ave., Mattoon, IL 61938 Chicago, Illinois - Mrs. Betty Hall, 342 D Higgins Rd., Park Ridge, IL 60068 Chicago-Metro, Illinois- Mrs. Beth Heidel, 4515 Stanley, Downers Grove, IL 60515 Chicago, Illinois (North) - Nancy Zander Reese, 354 Alles, Des Plaines, IL 60016 Chicago, Illinois(West)- Mrs. Harold Burgeson, 109 N. Lambert Rd ., Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 Cincinnati, Ohio - Mrs. Mary Backsman, 1361 Oak Knoll Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45224 Columbus, Indiana- Jean Hoffman, Rt. 10, Crestwood Resort, Greensburg, IN 47240 Columbus, Ohio- Mrs. James Sowards, 879 Oxley Road, Columbus, OH 43212 Dayton, Ohio- Mrs. Roger Shoffner, 816 Long Creek Dr., Dayton, OH 45459 Elkhart Goshen, Indiana - Mrs. William Cork, 53908 Delaney, Elkhart, IN 46514 Fort Wayne, Indiana- Mrs. Richard Phillips, 5107 Chippewa, Ft. Wayne, IN 46804 Huntington, West Virginia- Mrs. Paul Leffingwell, P.O. Box 302, Chesapeake, OH 45619 Indianapolis, Indiana - Mrs. William Niemeyer, 10740 E. Troy Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46239 Indianapolis Metro- Mrs. Alice Miley, 6821 Hague Rd ., Indianapolis, IN 46256 Lafayette, IndianaMuncie, Indiana - Mrs. Terry Schurr, 420 McKenzie, Muncie, IN 47304 Newark-Zanesville, Ohio - Mrs. Zina Kennedy, P.O. Box 203 , Jacksontown, OH 40203 Princeton, West Virginia - Miss Sandra Farley, Rt. 7, Tanglewood A-2, Princeton, wv 24740

Grace M. Backman, BH, I 27 I I th Ave. West #16, Dickinson, ND 5860 1 States - Wisconsin , Michigan, Minnesota, Iowa, North and South Dakota, Montana Adrian, Detroit and Toledo, Michigan - Ms. Barb Salenbeim, 2468 Sandcreek Highway, Adrian, MI 48221 Detroit, Michigan (Delta Phi) - Mrs. Harvey Bumgardner, 560 East Long Lake Rd ., Bloomfield Hills, Ml 48013 Detroit, Michigan (Sigma Rho Chi) - Mrs. John Dunn , 28656 Bannockburn Dr., Farmington Hills, MI 48018 Detroit, Pleasant Ridge, Michigan- Mrs. Jill Stanley, 23720 Brownstone Sq. Dr. , Romulus, MI 48174 Dickinson, North Dakota- Mrs. Keith Anderson, 411 6th Ave. W., Dickinson, ND 58601 Flint, Michigan - Mrs. James Owsinski , 1475 Lyle, Burton, MI 48423 Grand Rapids, Michigan - Mrs. Jerry M. VanDusen, 7271 Belding, Rockford, MI 49341 Kalamazoo, Michigan- Mrs. Ron De Young, 1609 Kilgore Rd., Kalamazoo, MI 49008 Milwaukee, Wirconsin- Mrs. Laurel Schircely Winderl, 6931 N. IOOth, Milwaukee, WI 53224 Mt. Pleasant, Michigan- Mrs. Michael Martin, 1612 Mary Ann, Mt. Pleasant, Ml 48858 Twin City, Minnesota - Mrs. Neal Hahn, 1222 Woodbridge, St. Paul, MN 55117 REGION V DIRECTOR Virginia Selle Turriey, BT (Mrs. Arthur), 2210 E. Vista Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85020 States- Washington, Oregon, Idaho, California, Nevada, Utah, Wyoming, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Alaska, Hawaii, San Antonio, Texas - Dr. Marilyn Subach, 16240 San Pedro, #254, San Antonio, TX 78232 Dallas, Texas - LaQuita L Caruthers, 507 Birch Lane, Richardson , TX 75081 Houston, Texas- Suzanne Page, 1829 Bering Drive # 16, Houston, TX 77057 Northern California - Laura Gadbau Laclede, 15 I 7 Flanigan Drive, #46, San Jose, CA 95121 Phoenix, Arizona- Mrs. Richard Maes, 4940 E. Cholla, Scottsdale, AZ 85254 (Continued on page 12)


San Diego, California -Jacqueline Faye Wisherd, 5800 Lake Murry Blvd., #20, LaMesa, CA 92041 Sun City, Arizona - Mrs. Albert R. Fey, 10121 Bolivar Drive, Sun City, AZ 85351 REGION VI DIRECTOR Elizabeth Elliott Moore, Br, 704 Candlelight Lane, St. Louis, MO 63132 States- Colorado, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri , Arkansas, Louisiana Ba路rtlesville, Oklahoma - Mrs. John Dalgarn, 1327 S. Dewey, Bartlesville, OK 74003 Denver, Colorado- Mrs. Kathy Hunter, 226 W. Delaware Circle, Littleton, CO 80121 Emporia, Kansas - Mrs. Steve Commons, 719 Walnut, Emporia, KS 66501 Greater Kansas City- Kay Thomas, 12 NW 72nd St. , Apt. D, Kansas City, MO 64118 G1路wter St. joseph, Missou1i - Mrs. Roger Stucki, Box 23, Lawson, MO 64062 Kirksville, Missouri- Mrs. James Dougherty, 904 E. Randolph, Kirksville, MO 63501 Maryville, M issouri - Mrs. James Ray , 729 W. Second, Maryville, MO 64468 Omaha, Nebraska- Mrs. William Reiff, 2335 S. 148 Ave. , Omaha, NE 68 144

Northern Colorado - Kim Bernhardt, 828 12th St., Apt. #102 , Greeley, CO 80631 Central Arkansas - Gail Wilson, 600 Nan Circle, Little Rock, AR 72211 Lafayette, Louisiana - Angela I. Dantzler, 713 Auburn St. , Lafayette, LA 70503 New Orleans , Louisiana - Mrs. Allen Bourgeois, 4724 Park Drive South, Metairie, LA 70001 Pikes Peak, Colomdo - Heather Huber, 11445 Buckskin Lane, Colorado Springs, co 80908 Pittsburg, Kansas- Mrs. Marlin Carson, 203 W. Lexington, Girard, KS 66743 St. Louis, Missouri- Mrs. Patricia Hawkins, 3 Lucie, Valley Park, MO 63088 Southeast Arkansas- Mrs. Sharon Braswell, 2039 Dell, Forest City, AR 72335 Sp路ringfield, Missouri- Mrs. Paul King, 3206 E. Latoka, Springfield, MO 65804 Topeka, Kansas- Mrs. Robert Hayn, 129 NE 58th, Topeka, KS 66617 Tulsa, Oklahoma- Mrs. Joe Bennett, 43 17 S. 26 W. Ave., Tulsa, OK 74107 Warrensbu1-g, Missouri - Mrs. Roger Baldwin, Rt. 2, Warrensburg, MO 64093

Alpha Sigma Alpha announces the formation of North California-San Jose Alumnae Chapter






Mature, poised, well-groomed young graduate .... Must have been an active participant in her college chapter and in campus organizations. Must be able to work well with others, and must have enthusiasm , initiative and organizational ability. ~ill travel ~xtensively, visiting coilege chapters and representmg A lp~a S1gma Alpha at workshops, State/Province Days, and an occasiOnal conference and/or meeting. Will assist at National Headquarters, if and when her schedule permits. To share knowledge, experience, enthusiasm, and constructive criticism with sorority sisters; to give training in all phases of chapter operation; to serve as a liaison between National and ~ollegiate C.hapters; to represent Alpha Sigma Alpha in the htghest possible manner to administrators, advisors and alumnae. For more information write: Alpha Sigma Alpha National Headquarters 1201 East Walnut Springfield, MO 65802


Field reps ready for new role by Sue Zorichak Alpha Sigma Alpha national -.rnrovPntions traditionally spark many memories: the displays, the tours, the registration table, the workshops, the speakers, the reacwed friendships and of course, those marvelous meals. But the most memorable of 'ghts viewed in Chicago this July were those that really make up a convention: the faces. And when all the faces gathered at the daily business meetings in the O'Hare Marriott, one could find quite a collection of expressions. In the front of the room sat all those wise but weary national officers, surrounded by ambitious alumnae; eager, curious collegiates; and the fatigued field representatives. But wait! Who were those two young women sitting next to the familiar faces of last year's reps? The two with all the expressions wise, weary, ambitious, eager, curious and fatigued - rolled into one? Of course. It must've been Vicki Hersh and Lynnann Jimenez, the two chosen to carry on the neverending duties of an Alpha Sigma Alpha field representative. A Phi Phi for four years, Vicki brings her experiences as song leader of her pledge class, editor, homecoming skit chairman, parliamentarian and music chairman with her this year in her travels. . No stranger to the delights of livmg out of a suitcase, she has t~a.veled all over the country, has VISited Mexico, and lived in Italy f?r one summer. Raised in MaryVIlle, Mo., Vicki graduated from Northwest Missouri State University with a degree in speech pathology. She wants to attend graduate school after her year as field representative, and is planning a career as a speech therapist. fALL 1982

Headquarters executive, Rosie Fellin, caught new field representatives, lynn Ann Jimenez, left, and Vicki Hersh, as they left Notional Headquarters for their first chapter visits.

Vicki sees her role as field representative not as a job, but rather that of further giving to the sorority. "After the 1980 convention in Niagara, I saw so much dedication to Alpha Sigma A lph a, and I wanted to be a part of that," she explained. Born in Cincinnati and raised in Brecksville, Ohio, Lynn discovered Alpha Alpha Chapter the spring of her sop homore year. Serving as vice president of her pledge class, standards board chairman and membership director, she saw the chapter grow from 13 to 93 in the following two years. Lynn graduated from Miami University (of Ohio) with a degree in biological and general secondary science education, and spent part of this past summer teaching at an outdoor education camp in Ohio. Her interest in Alpha Sigma

Alpha on a national level, she said, was sparked by past field rep visits. "I had a very limited view of the sorority (nationally) because all our energy was poured into strengthening Alph a Alpha, " she explained . Convention also played a major part in preparing the two for their new roles . Both Vicki and Lynn agree that, asid e from learning all the chapter names, their biggest challenge this year will be that o f "knowing things well enough to be a ble to help the chapters. " Ex plained Vicki, "I want them to use me , to come to me for help. " After recupera ting from convention, the two began traveling in mid-August, and by now , probably have their own tales of field rep trials and tribulations to add to all the rest told over the years. 13

Collegians capture recognition awardl Elizabeth Bird Small

Ideal Pledge

Deanna lea Koch

Teresa Wegal

The list of honors and organizations of Deanna Lea Koch, this year's winner of the Elizabeth Bird Small Award , reads like that of a Rhodes Scholar Nominee: Student Alumnae and Endowment Board , president of Campus Girl Scouts, secretary and treasurer of Kappa Mu Epsilon (math honor society), Union Activities Council, homecoming chairman for Cardinal Key, Contemporary Arts Committee , National Dean's List, and the Second Century Club. That's not all: Outstanding senior as selected by Epsilon Epsilon Alumnae, Who's Who Among American Colleges and Universities, Gamma Phi Alpha (top ten academic sorority women), President's Honor Roll, Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, Pi Delta Phi (honorary French) Society, Emporia State Freshman Academic Contest Winner, a memorial academic scholarship, and a State of Kansas Scholarship. 14

On top of all that, she maintained a perfect 4.0 grade point average since starting college August 1979, which contributes to the fact that she was also chosen as the 1981 Emporia State University Rhodes Scholar Nominee. Deanna, who lives in Emporia, student taught in England this past spring semester. She held the office of editor and was chairman of the Rush Slide Presentation Committee for Epsilon Epsilon Chapter (a feat she completed in just two weeks). Described as being a hard worker, conscientious, reliable and one who strives for perfection, an EE writes that, "Deanna is just outstanding. That is the only way to describe her." Past National Collegiate Editor Kim Meyer agreed, writing, "she has done an excellent job as editor -I've enjoyed corresponding with her."

Taking on a "terrific" attitude t, ward pledging with "a lot of spil too," earned Teresa Wegal, Be Pi, the 1982 Ideal Pledge Award A sophomore from Parkersbur W .V., Teresa truly gives full me sure. "While taking on the respon bility of treasurer of her pled! class, she was always involved in e ery project put on by both activ and pledges, usually helping organize it," and never missed sorority function during h' pledgeship. "Everyone enjoys being arour her and working with her becau she is always so pleasant, and mak



by Sue Zorichak

Frost Fidelity

Shelley A. Seccombe any job fun," explained one member. Now vice president of the chapter, she took on the presidency of the Concord College Panhellenic while a pledge , and even helped save two old buildings on campus from being demolished. Described as viewing her sorority responsibilities very seriously, she's also quite aware of Alpha Sigma Alpha's traditions and tries to keep them alive. Furthermore, writes a Beta Pi, "I believe she is truly an 'ideal' pledge. She's the type of person who makes you proud that you're an Alpha Sig too!"

fALL 1982

According to the Frost Fidelity Award nominee form, fidelity implies devotion and "unswerving loyalty and allegiance." Shelley Seccombe, through four years of such service to Beta Rho Chapter at Northern Illinois University, was chosen as the 1982 national recipient of the award. A computer science graduate from Park Forest, Ill., Shelley served her chapter as assistant membership director, membership director , on the standards and pledge boards, house and home improvement committee, and as president. While membership director, she changed Beta Rho's activation so it would be "more meaningful to the new initiates by showing a strong bond of sisterhood." During her term as president the

chapter's efficiency rating Improved "tremendously," and she also worked diligently in forming an active alumnae group to help ease Beta Rho 's housing woes . Although still in the planning stages, Shelley continues to "pursue it whole-heartedly." When Shelley pledged Beta Rho as a freshman , the chapter had 30 members, and now stands at about 80. One member of the chapter attributes this growth to individua ls such as Shelley, whose "never-ending excitement shows through." Considered a "friend by all," Shelley is further described as being "a member of the chapter who always has a smile for someone, a listening ear, a helpful hand , and a new idea; anything to help Beta Rho grow strong."


Alumnae Action

Special activities keep alumnae togethe through spring and summer Chicago West Suburban

Elkhart-Goshen, Indiana

Computers and vitamins?

Progressive dinner

Last spring the alums of the Chicago West Suburban Chapter enjoyed and were instructed by a variety of interesting programs. They viewed the marvels of a computer for home use presented by a representative of Computer Land at the home of Carol Ensworth Virkus, BP. By the end of the evening everyone was clear on the meaning of such terms as "software, " "disk drive," and "bite." Next they became acquainted with the study of neurochemistry as an associate of Shaklee vitamins showed a film at the home of Joan Kolar Grabarek, BP. He discussed the need of vitamins and minerals and how they affect one's health and mood . In April they were joined by their husbands for an evening of candlelight bowling and a late night supper. May found many alumnae enjoying Convention in their hometown. The chapter was busy setting up and staffing the Boutique, which proved to be a great success. It was a well-attended event and a nice opportunity to see old friends and a chance to make new ones .

Elkhart-Goshen Alumnae had a busy, entertaining spring and summer. In April, the South Bend alums were entertained with a card party and food by the Elkhart Alumnae Group. They got together at the Rivershores Apartment clubhouse in Bristol, Indiana. The hostess was Pam Wenino. June brought their annual progressive dinner. Goldie Bennett hosted hors d'oeuvres, then on to Patsy Cork and her committee for a delicious dinner with all the trimmings. Ursula Mars topped the evening with a delicious ice cream pie for dessert. August brought a cooling pool party at the home of Dorothy Hilary. They enjoyed this get-together with family members.

South Bend-Mishawaka, Indiana

A new start! The spring of 1982 has brought the South Bend-Mishawaka Alumnae Chapter together again. They have regrouped, elected officers, and are starting anew! Jackie Watts Meyers, XX, the new president and delegate to National Convention , is full of enthusiasm and ideas for the chapter. The bi-monthly meetings this past year have been purely social events as they met and renewed friendships at local restaurants. The spring luncheon was held at the newly opened Marriott Hotel restaurant. Since summer is such a hectic time fo r e ver yone , the next meeting is scheduled for late August. At that time the y will hear all about convention from the attending members and will also make plans for the coming fall. Hopefully, acti vities will include special eve nts, membership dri ves, and service proj ects. South Bend-Mishawaka alumnae are a nticipatin g a n exciting year ahead with plenty o f A~A good times and good friend s! 16

Akron, Ohio

Karen Karpinski installed as treasurer of Akron Panhellenic Akron Alumnae were busy in May with election of new officers. The president is June Western Cowan, AB, Karen Frame Karpinski, fK, as vicepresident; Lil Greer, ~~. continues as treasurer; and Dorothy Scott, ~~. as secretary. In June they attended the Panhellenic dinner at the Hilton and were honored to have Karen Karpinski installed as the treasurer of Akron Panhellenic. They were also pleased to read Helen Frame Snyder's (00) article in The Phoenix about her son, Lennie. Dorothy Scott and Lil Greer attended the national convention and became acquainted with Debby Lukotch and Sue Walk from Alpha Alpha Chapter at Miami University . They also saw Judy Williams , who used to belong to the Akron Alumnae Group, and now lives in the Windy City.

Tulsa, Oklahoma

Stained glass and more Members of the Tulsa, Oklahoma Alumnae Chapter met in Christie Allen Bennett's, Bf, home for the March meeting. Bobbie Thompson Burwell, Bf, served as co-hostess. A program on the history and the art of stained glass was given by a local artist, Pepe Mendez. Christie had several lovely pieces on display .

Election of officers and Speci Olympics was the program for tl April meeting held at the home of Pa Kelly Bolden, Br, with Wendy Wha ton Hedrick, Br, serving as co-hoste ~ In May, Rhetta Nesbitt Robinso Br, and Mary Lee Copeland, HI hosted a salad supper. A business mee ing was followed by installation of offi ers and plans for National Conventic in June.

Denver, Colorado

"Alphas Shine through Actions'

Spring was a busy time for the De1 ver Alumnae Chapter. They held the annual State Day in Parker, Colorad at the Pinery Country Club. Ellen Fur Akers (BA), Patty McCarthy DiTol (BB) , Kim Ramsey Meyer (BB), ar Christy Tharp (PP) worked very har to plan a meaningful day devoted Alpha Sigma Alpha. Denver alums, cc legiates from Beta Beta Chapter at tt University of Northern Colorado, an alumnae from Greeley and Colorac Springs gathered for "Alphas Shrir through Actions." The major part  the day was dedicated to AI.A's nation philanthropic project, the Speci Olympics. A slide show was presente of a track meet held the week before i Denver. Several Denver alum no helped at the track meet by working; the awards table. In addition to tt emphasis placed on Special Olympic two members served as guest speaker Esther Kauffman Gatseos (BB) an Kim Ramsey Meyer (BB) . The progra1 and soup and salad bar luncheon wer thoroughly enjoyed by everyone . Also in April, Denver alumnae pa ticipated in the Denver Panhellen Awards Luncheon held at the Brow Palace. At this luncheon Ellen Fun Akers (BA) was installed as the ne secretary for the Denver Area Panhe lenic. Entertainment consisted of fashion show presented by two Joe; boutiques. AI.A's model in the sho was Barbara Armbruster Hermes (BB The final meeting of the year was business meeting hosted by Presider Kathy Erwin Hunter (BB). They too care of loose ends, planned for the U( coming year, and got everything read for their delegates to National Conver tion. It was a prosperous and fun yeo for the alumnae group. They are no• taking a break and. will be ready to ir corporate many new ideas from Cor vention in their program this fall.


Tri-City sisters bridge the gap Imagine a group whose members range in age from their late 20's well into their 80's (with the majority over 65)! It includes women who are working or retired; single, married , divorced, or widowed; women who went to college during the Depression, the world wars, or during the protest marches of the 1960's and the Vietnam War. Their unique sisterhood through Alpha Sigma Alpha has drawn them into one cohesive and caring group- the Tri-City Florida Alumnae. They are a model group for their many social and philanthropic activities, and for bridging the generation gap so beautifully. The Tri-City group is made up of women from St. Petersburg, Clearwater, and Tampa, Florida, cities that are all within 30 miles of each other. They currently have about 25 active members. Even though the majority of their members are retired, they are active socially and in mind and spirit. They bring a special dimension of sisterhood and caring into the group. Organization and communication are certainly strong points for this group. Their executive board (made up of the president, vicepresident/editor, secretary, and treasurer) meet one week before every meeting. At that time they take care of the mundane business so that the length of the business meetings for the entire group are kept to a bare minimum. They also

mail out a newsletter that comes out one to two weeks before each meeting. It contains information from the last meeting, a letter from the editor and the president, what to expect at the next meeting or activity, and news about members - visits or visitors, accomplishments, birthdays and anniversaries, illness or wellness, and news of their families. Social activities for the alumnae group include a Founders' Day luncheon honoring 50 year members and a Christmas cookie and recipe exchange. Their big event for the year is a formal Valentine's dinner (with spouses or dates) followed by bingo and a White Elephant silent auction. This is also a money raising event for them. Most other meetings are held on Saturdays with a potluck lunch. They are also very active with philanthropic projects. Through the Mental Health Association they carry on Project Cheer year round , gathering donations of money and presents for mental hospital patients. They wrap and distribute the presents. They also support PANTRY, a type of shower for handicapped children. They bring canned goods and staples for the handicapped children's cooking class and school. They also donate bibs, blankets and other linens. A new philanthropic project for the group will be their support of a program called "Women on Their Way" which provides suitable clothes for job interviews for

Tri-City Alumnae- meeting and eating.

wo men putting themselves through college. Debbie Dietrich, president of the Tri-City alumnae group, states that one of their aims in both social and philanthropic planning is to achieve "a balance of old and new." The Alpha Sigma Alpha alumnae have received several honors from the local Panhellenic including recognition for their scrapbook prepared by Thelma Brown, and recognition of Scholarship Chairman Cindy Kirkpatrick. The Tri-City Alumnae groupa unique group of women joining together in the special sisterhood of AlA with positive effects on each of their lives and the community around them. Editor's Note, Thanks to Tri-City Alumnae President Deborah Dietrich, BN, and Editor Mary Wichmanowski, BY, for their help in gathering material and photographs for this article .

Alums working on Project Cheer, their annual philanthropic project, purchasing and donating presents for mental health patients for Christmas.

fALL 1982


CHANGE OF ADDRESS OR NAME You con help Alpha Sigma Alpha save a considerable amount of money each year by sending Ia the National Headquarters any change of address or nome. The Post Office now charges 25 cents for each returned magazine or change of address. Keep us informed and help us save! You ore responsible for changing your address promptly if you wish to continue receiving your Phoenix . Hove you moved or married? Moil completed form with moiling label attached to: ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS- 1201 East Walnut, Springfield , Missouri 65802

CHANGE OF ADDRESS OR NAME College Chapter - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Year of Initiation _ _ __

MARRIED ---~ H.-.~ ~-nd ~.-F~;,-,,~N~a-~-----------~M~i~ ~~~.~ln~iti~al~-------------l-a-•t_N_a___ __ MAIDEN NAME lolt Nome

M iddle




Zip Code


Active in - - - - - - - - - - --

- - - - - - - - - - - - Alumnae Chapter. Are you on Officer _ __

I om enclosing $8 .00 for my annual alumnae du e s - --

r ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA SORORITY ORDER FORM Please put quantity in box . Code I# 26036







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Sterling srlver pendants have sterling silver chains.


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