Asa phoenix jan 1956

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JANUARY • 1956




TEACHERS COLLEGE OF EMPORIA • ONE teacher and eighteen students began regular work at this college on February 15, 1865, in the upper room of a school building owned by the city of Emporia. Their work had been preceded by legislative action, February 15, 1863, e tablishing the State Normal School of Kansas. Th e legislature of 1864 provided for the appointment of a Board of Regents and the organization of the chool. The first appropriation bill called for $1.000, to pay the salaries of teachers. The College's first graduating class consisted of two young women in 1867, the same year that the first building for the use of the school was erected by the state. Since the first class of two students, more tha n 14,000 degrees and life certificates have been granted by the College, and some 85,000 student haYe pent at least part of their underg radu ate days on the campus. Most of these have been engaged at some time as teachers in tht chools of K a n as and other states. Estab li hed as auxili aries to the State Norma l School at Empori a, The Normal School at Hays was created by the legislature in 1901, and th e ormal School a t Pittsburg in 1903. The first of the e was d esignated as "The Western Branch tate ormal School" and the latter, " The M a nual Training Auxilia1y." By act of the legislature of 191 3 the management of th e chools was placed in the han ds of a By Board of Edu cational Administration. authority of the same act the Norm al Schoo l at H ay was reorganized as the Fort H ays Kansas ormal School, a nd the Norm a l School at Pittsburg a the Sta te M anual Training Norma l chool. In 19 17, by a n act of the legisla ture the ma naaement of the State ormal School pa eel to a newly con tituted Board of dministration controllina a ll tate in titutions educational 'char. ' ttabl e a nd correctiona l. This' board ass umed its dutie July 1 1917. By act of the legislature of 1923 approved by the ao,¡ernor on Febru ary 20 the name of the

FRONT COVER PICTURE: After a sorority meeting, some of the members of Epsilon Epsilon practice their number for the annual Y-Sing, a Christmas event on the campus of KSTC at Emporia.

Kansas State Normal School was changed to K a nsas State Teachers College of Emporia. The legislature, during its session of 1925, created a State Board of Regents consisting of nine members appointed by the governor. "Upon the expiration of the term or terms of any of the regent first appointed as aforesaid, succeeding reaents shall be appointed and shall hold their offi ce for a term of four years, and until their successors shall have been appointed and qualified." The five educational institutions of the state were placed under the control of this board July 1, 1925. Th e giving of graduate courses and the awarding of the degree of M aster of Science were a uthorized by the State Board of R egents, January 28, 1929. T en men have preceded Dr. John E. King as President of th e College.

William Allen White Library is one of the most beautiful modern libraries in the Middle West. Air-conditioning is one of the many features which have helped to make i~ the center of activity for study and research work durmg both summer and winter terms at Emporia State.




• GENIUS is only the power of making continuous efforts. The line between failure and success is so fine that we scarcely know when we pass it: so fine that we are often on the line and do not know it. How many a man has thrown up his hands at a time when a little more effort, a little more patience, would have achieved success. As the tide goes clear out, so it comes clear in. In business, sometimes, prospects may seem darkest when really they are on the turn. A little more persistence, a little more effort, and what seemed hopeless There is no failure may tum .to glorious· success. failure except in no longer trying. There is no defeat except from within, no really insurmountable barrier save your own inherent weakness of purpose.-ELBERT HUBBARD.

Al:.A Officers Report on NPC Meetings


Light On in The ·National Panhellenic Congress .. .. ..... :. :............................ .... :.


·polio Could Not Cripple Her Spirit... .' .. · 7 Campus Leaders... ......................... .. .. ......


Campus Queens ...... :................. ..... ,.........


" It's All In the F3:nl.iiy........... .'.. .. .. :.... ~·.... .. 10 Alpha Mayfield's Articles...... ............ .. .... 11 " Music, When Soft Voices Die" .... .... .... 12 Musical Alpha Sigs........ .. .... ....... ... ........ 12


Per Year

Al:.A Spotlight.. .................. .. .............. ...... 15




Chapter News Letters.. .... .... .. .... 1 7

Alumnae Chapter News Letters .......... .... 28

.......................••:• ..... VOLUME


Alpha Sigma Alpha Announcements ......


Alpha Sigma Alpha Directory .. ... ........ .. . 39

Published in November, January, March, and May of each year at 2642 University Avenue, St. - Paul 14, Minnesota, by Leland Publishers, Inc. (The Fraternity Press ) , official sorority publi~hers to Alpha Sigma . Alpha, for the Alpha Sigma Alplia Sorority, having headquarters at Kansas City, Missouri. Business correspondence may be addressed to either office, but matter for publication and i:or·



respondence concerning the same should be addressed · to Miss Esther Bucher, Suite- 226, 1025 Grand Avenue, Kansas City 6, Mi~uri. Po~TlllASTER: Send form_ 3579 to Ka1!-Ja.s City #dress . . Entered as second-class matter, September 4, ' 1923. at the post office at St . Paul, Minnesota, under ihe Att of.. Marth .3. .1819 Application for special permit mailing lias also been made.

ASA OFFICERS ON NPC MEETINGS DELEGATE • NATIONAL PANHELLENIC CoNFERENCE held its thirty-fourth meeting November 14-18, at T?e Greenbrier, White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia, where the traditional and the current are so beautifully merged and where a rich heritage is forcefully expressed in bold, new accents. This significant setting was conducive to wise planning for a constantly enlarging service of fraternities. In regular sessions, in workshops and discussion groups, delegates and visitors seemed aware of the importance of adapting the traditional values of fraternity to the current needs of students and the present circumstances of college campuses. Alpha Sigma Alpha was represented at the Greenbrier meeting by four national officers. In addition to the NPC delegate, the National President, Miss Evelyn G. Bell served as alternate delega e. The National Editor. Miss Esther Bucher. and the National Officer in charge of Central Office, Mrs. Clayton A. Richard, attended the NPC sessions whenever the concurrent programs of th e Editors' Conference and of the Association of C entral Office ·Executives permitted . THE PHOENIX readers will enjoy the official story of the Thirty-fourth National Panhellenic Conference which appears in this issue. It is written by Julia Fugua Ober, past National Editor and immediate past National President of Kappa Delta, a skillful writer well versed in NPC aff<\.irs. - WILMA WILSON SHARP, NPC Delegate.

ALTERNATE DELEGATE • As alternate delegate to NPC, I should like to add some personal comments to official reports on the conference. On Tuesday morning the College Panhellenics Committee had a very comprehensive program touching on Panhellenic Advisers, Quota Systems and Rushing. Our delegate, Wilma"' Wilson Sharp who was a member of the panel, gave a very inspiring and impressive talk, " A Realistic Approach to Panhellenic Problems." At the closing session of the conference the incoming chairman, Mrs. Cicero F. Hogan r<I>B, announced the committee chairmen for the 1955 57 biennium. Mrs. Sharp was named chairman of the Leland Award committee and a member of the joint NADW-NPC committee.


Jean Carmichael Richard our officer in charge of Central Office, was elected vice chairman of the NPC Association of C entral Office Executives. Esther Bucher, National Editor, was elected as a member of the advisory council for the NPC Editors' Association .- EvELYN G . BELL, National President.

EXECUTIVE SECRETARY • IT was with pride that your Executive Officer in Charge of Central Office was afforded the pleasure of being one of the four representatives of Alpha Sigm a Alpha at the National Panhellenic Conference. In conjunction with this conference, I was privileged also to a ttend the meetings of the Central Office Exec utives. During our daily discussions, we found that most of us were confronted with the same problems. W e felt that the average sorority member is not aware of the beehive of activity that goes on in a Central Office and the ma ny and varied tasks that are performed daily. Although many of the patterns were similar, we all agreed that they had to be handled in whatever manner was best for the individual sorority. Ideas were gained about new types of office equipment which would render better service to the sorority we are serving.-]EAN CARMICHAEL RICHARD, National Treasurer and Officer in Charge of Central Office.

EDITOR • WHAT do editors talk about when they meet? Their magazines, of course, and how they can better serve their readers. Mrs. G eorge L . Burr, Jr. , ~~~' chairman of the NPC Editor's Conference for 1953-55, presided at the meeting wh ich was held concurrently with the National Panhellenic Conference, November 14-18. " Pointing the Way" was the theme of the Editors' Conference. One of the sessions was in the form of a seminar with D r. George Starr Lasher, editor of Th e Rattle of Th eta Chi, and the 1956 edition of Baird's Manual, who addressed a joint meeting of the National Panhellenic Conference, Central Office Executives and NPC Editors' Conference. ESTHER BuCHER, National Editor.


In The National Panhellenic Congress Bv


• THE Panhellenic light was re-fueled at The Greenbrier in White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia, November 14-18. Members departed at the end of five days in session with a feeling of plan, of promise, and an eagerness to get on with the job. The little lady from Texas, Mrs. Robert Carlton Byars, Delta Gamma, held a steady light as she presided over the Conference. It was easy to understand why the trustees of IRAC prepared a song about that "yellow rose of Texas"- which was sung by an impromptu group led by Judge Frank Myers, IRAC Chairman, at the dinner when Judge Myers spoke to us. Mr. L. G. Balfour of IRAC supplied yellow roses. The entire Executive Committee earned the appreciation and admiration of the Conference for their work so well done. In addition to Mrs. Byars, the members were Mrs. Cicero F. Hogan, Gamma .P hi Beta, Secretary, and Mrs. Darrell R. Nordwall, Alpha Chi Omega, Treasurer. The banquet gave a lovely rosy glow. Gamma Phi Beta prepared such a setting for this last evening of the Conference that we felt as though we were on the pink cloud for which we often yearn. Pink taffeta cloths covered the dining tables on which lay gold covered programs with pink pages, to which was attached a fresh pink carnation.

Pictured left to right are the officers representing .A,~A at the NPC meetings: Mrs. Clayton A. Richard, National Treasurer and Officer in Charge of Central Office; Miss Esther Bucher, National Editor; Miss Evelyn G. Bell, National President and Alternate Delegate; and Mrs. Fred M. Sharp, A~A's delegate to NPC.




Kappa Delta

The speaker was Dr. Kenneth McFarland, educational consu ltant to General Motors, which generously made him available to NPC. Dr. McFarland's limitless supply of anecdotes furnished mirth and message. He said that "no person can be successful in any job he is doing unless he can put light in people's faces. It is that light which lets you do the right thing with finesse." Dr. McFarland also said: "There are two ways of doing the right thing, one of them with finesse and dividends .... When there are two sets of rules, that is the formula for 'no morale.' . . . You have to be so well anchored that other folks can lean on you-that's leadership. . . . It isn't what you know, it's what you feel that makes the drive .. . . Hand the light that shows the way." Mrs. Byars' message at the opening of the Conference set a tone of dignity, of friendship, and workmanship. She called attention to the value of reviewing and evaluating the National Panhellenic Conference and determining the course for the next biennium. She referred to these as "troublesome times when fraternities have been hurt by a hostile press and certain segments of the motion picture industry who deliberately sought controversial material for monetary reasons. Fraternity leaders thought it wise to refrain from rebuttal. The lack of a good press has not served to block progress of fraternities, however, for on an average, one chapter has been added every two weeks." A different program was inaugurated whereby there were three afternoon workshops, one each on College Panhellenics, Housing, Administration. The Parliamentarian, Mrs. Gano E. Senter, conducted seminars in parliamentary procedures each morning. The Secretary, Mrs. Hogan, noted that the total membership figure of 815,695 recorded by 31 active members and one associate member, showed a little more than nine percent increase for the biennium. As of June 1, 1955, there were 1,767 college chapters with 75 new chapters added, and 4,202 alumnae groups with 397 added during the period. Iota Alpha Pi was greeted as a new associate member.


For the first time in many years a photograph was made in the NPC meeting place. The delegates were seated at the wedge tables, each with her sorority designation on the placard in front of her. The seatin!f was in alphabectical arrangement with Iota Alpha P1, associate member, seated after Zeta Tau Alpha. Alternates sat behind delegates and visiting officers were seated at will, throughout the room. In the foreground are, l~ft to right, Mrs. Cicero F. Hogan, Gamma Phi Beta, secretary; Mrs. Darrell R. Nordwall, Alp'ha Chi Omega, treasurer; Mrs. G. E. Senter, parliamentarian; and Mrs. Robert C . Byars, Delta Gamma, chairman. Mrs. E. A. Beidler was the stenotypist.

The Treasurer, Mrs. Nordwall, reported that the increase in dues voted at the 33rd Conference had made it possible to balance the budget for the past two years. Throughout the Conference, responsibility for each member was stressed. Mrs. Byars referred to the college enrollment of 2,629,000 students today a the highest in history and looked ahead to the 4,667 000 in 1965 and . 5,443 ,000 in 1970, asking: "What should be the chapter size? How can we maintain intimacy, loyalty, teamwork and scholastic supervision?" She answered that " NPC can help but the final answer as to the rise or fall of the fra ternity system lies with each Na tional Council of the member groups." Ho tes es for the C onference were the na tional officer of the Executive Committee fra ternities: D Ita Gamma, Gamma Phi Beta, Alpha Chi Omega. Delta Gamma arranged the tea of the firs t afternoon of the Conference. This gave opportunity to the 152 fraterni ty women present to meet and talk toge ther inform ally. The report of the Ex tension C ommittee, given by Mrs. Sidney R . Sta nard, lpha D elta Pi, mentioned the increa ing ignificance of joint installations of fraterni ty chapters when a new fi eld opened, which offered opportu nity for the introduction of a true Panhellenic spirit from the be-


ginning of fraternity life on the campus and served also to focus favorable attention upon the fraternity system as a valuable asset in college life. The NPC-NADW CommittE>e report was given by Mrs. James W . Hofstead, Kappa Alpha Theta. Mrs. George Banta, Jr., form er chairman, wa present and receiv!:!d tribute from the audience. "Building Administra tive Understanding of Fraternity Objectives" was the title of the committee's report. One dean was quoted as saying, "The strong and h elpful influences of the sorority on a college campus can be readily recognized in college life." Mrs. William Greig, Sigma Kappa, chairman of the College Pa nhelleni cs Committee, noted an increase from 245 to 255 college Panhellenics during the biennium. "A R ealistic Approach to Panhellenic Problems a nd Questions" was the title of the panel condu cted by the committee. .The consensus was th a t a well established allyear Panhellenic office was the answer to problems on campuses. A short rush season after matriculation was again app roved since deferred rushing defeats one of the fund a mental purposes of a fraternal group- sub ti tuting for the family circle. D eferred rushing genera lly results too, in abnormal and stringent rules causes a new distnast among groups, and ru hing is sometimes carried on by unqu alifi ed infl uence . The summer party given by city Pa nhellenic , of educational na ture, was explained as not being a rush party. Therefore, it does not infringe on the no-summer ru hing ru le of orne college Panhellenics. Alph a Chi Omega arranged the decorations for the dinner at which J udge Frank H. Myers (Kappa Alpha Order) , IRAC chairman, spoke. The hostess fra terni ty's red carna tions 路were every-


where midst the Greek letters in centerpieces. amount of $44,986. 36 were given during the bienThe face of Hera, the patron goddess, was on the nium. Twenty-five Panhellenics have loans totaldinner program cover. This was the occasion for ing $21 ,060.75. Seven city Panhellenics outside the presentation of Th e Fraternity Month Award the United States reported to the NPC City Panwhich is given by Mr. and Mrs. Leland F. Leland. hellenics Committee. Mrs. Clarence P. Neidig, Pi Kappa Sigma, comThe Executive Secretaries had as their guest mittee chairman, announced that the University speaker at dinner, Mr. C ecil J. Wilkinson, Execuof K entucky Panhellenic was the recipient with tive Secretary and Editor of Phi Gamma Delta. Iowa State College and Alabama Polytechnic In- Miss H elen Glenn, Alpha Delta Pi, chairman, stitute receiving honorable mention. presented Miss Irene Boughton, Delta Zeta, Mrs. Judge Myers' subject was "The Weak Sister." Zenobia Keller, Phi Mu, and Miss Clara Pierce, H e pointed out the importance of membership Kappa Kappa Gamma, to the NPC to explain in selection to avoid the weak sister. He said: "Be- witty yet accurate vein the intricacies of a central cause of the continual turnover in the college office at work. chapter, there is need for alumnae support (which The Editors' Conference, like the Executive a weak sister does not give) . Every prospect for Secretaries', held daily meetings with Mrs. George membership should be carefully screened and after L. Burr, Jr., Sigma Sigma Sigma, chairman. The selection should be given adequate pledge train- editors burned their candles at both ends but the ing and post-initiation education. Each member secretaries exceeded them by burning theirs also is a living example of her fraternity's ideals. Her in the middle. The editors presented Dr. George conduct can be charged against all fraternities Starr Lasher, Theta Chi's and Baird's Manual's wherever they exist. The American fraternity ( 1956) editor, as speaker to the joint meeting is native to America. Failing to mold character, of NPC, Secretaries and Editors. It was at that we contribute to the weak sister." time, too, that two former editors who had gone Mrs. Mary Love Collins, Chi Omega, gave the into presidencies of their respective groups, spoke, report of the Committee on Research and Public telling what they considered the responsibility of Relations. This committee has been watching and each officer to the other in the editor-president studying trends and influences for ten years. We relationship. These editors-to-presidents were were warned that "there is under way discussion Mrs. Noel Keys, Alpha Phi, and Mrs. Julia Fuqua of techniques of 'mass motivation'-and, histori- Ober, Kappa Delta. Incidentally, the Editors' cally, mass, mob and tyranny go hand in hand, Dinner honored persons who had served their and democracy, when interpreted as the will of a groups as editors and also as presidents, of whom small majority can be ruthless." Oscar Handin there were seven present. was quoted, after his review of the benefits of The Housing Committee, Mrs. Ade Schumachethnic groups which provided friendship, worship er, Kappa Delta, chairman, reported 23 new and a pattern of life molded by their antecedents houses built, 10 houses purchased, 82 houses reand providing orderly personal relationships. H e modeled during the biennium. Construction costs had said, "Only through the action of non-political, ranged from $78,972.00 for a house accommodatvoluntary associations, can men check the state's ing 28 persons to $250,000.00 for a house for 50 power.'' Collectivism on the Campus by Professor persons. Again there was reaffirmation of the genMerlin Root of Earlham College, was recommend- eral policy of no group giving a chapter funds ed reading. It is published by Devin-Adair, 23 E. for building or purchasing a house and no group granting loans to cover the entire cost of the 26th St., New York. The Citize,p.ship Committee's report was given ¡ house ; the loan being only a portion of the total by Mrs. Joseph Grigsby, Delta Delta Delta. This indebtedness. Mrs. Robert S. Wild, Pi Beta Phi, reported as Committee has supplied us with timely and informative releases. Mrs. Grigsby said: "We should chairman of the Committee on Education. She close the crack in the old Liberty Bell with our recommended that the incoming committee make own freedoms, as in voluntary associations-our a study of the grades of freshmen women in relafraternities. This is the time to pray earnestly tionship to their grades after becoming pledges at our altars that God give us the strength that to fraternities. The NPC's observer is one of 300 persons permitted to observe the White House libery may flow freely from our Liberty Bell." Mrs. Landon Freear, Phi Mu, acted in the ab- Conference on Education. We learned from special reports that : The sence of the chairman of the City Panhellenics Committee. There are 219 city Panhellenics af- All-American Conference to Combat Communism, filiated with NPC, an increase of 34 in two years of which NPC's member, Mrs. Hogan, has been and a net gain of 21 . Scholarships in the total vice chairman, had made the greatest progress





Mrs. Robert C. Byars, Delta Gamma, turned over the gavel of NPC to Mrs. Cicero F. Hogan, Gamma Phi Beta, outgoing Secretary. From left, other incoming officers are: Mrs. Joseph D. Grigsby, Delta Delta Delta, Treasurer, and Mrs. Darrell R. Nordwall, Alpha Chi Omega, Treasurer.

of its fi ve years during the past year ; and, Freedom s Facts is available to the public as authentic material edited by a form er U . S. Naval Intelligence Officer. Also, the Beekman Tower Hotel ( Panhellenic House), as reported by Mrs. W. C. Roberts, Zeta Tau Alpha, paid dividends to common stockholders and a complete survey is being made now of the physical plant and of its neighborhood in which the United Nations headqua rters is also located. Further, tha t NPC is a member of Women United in United Nations and has an observer to United ations, but has never taken part actively, reported by Mrs. Ade Schumacher.

The Executive Committee of the National Panhellenic Conference for 1955-57 was presented: Chairman- Mrs. Cicero F. Hogan, Gamma Phi Beta ; Secretary- Mrs. Darrell R. Nordwall, Alpha Chi Omega ; Treasurer-Mrs. Joseph D . Grigsby, D elta D elta D elta. Before we passed down the receiving line formed by our new officers, Mrs. Hogan said, in her acceptance message: "Our thinking must extend ever further into tomorrow as to what is best for the fraternity system. The loyal, cooperative spirit of 1953-55 biennium has influenced the Conference. It is not enough to h ave a light within us, it must shine out. It must be re-fueled." On this note the 34th National Panhellenic Conference adjourned.

OHIO UNIVERSITY GRADUATE ASSISTANTSHIPS Available to women interested in pursuing careers in either student personnel, guidance and counseling, community services, and human relations. Each assistant is assigned a single room in a women's residence hall. The stipend is $1300.00 plus waiver of registration fees which is more than sufficient to pay expenses incurred for living. Contact:

MISS MARGARET M. DEPPEN, Dean of Women McGuffey Hall, OHIO UNIVERSITY Athens, Ohio



Could Not Cripple Her Spirit • For the " Fort Lauderdale, Florida Sunday N ews," Fran ces Laslie wrote this featur e story about Franc es Collver Loder , Bet a Th eta. Combining housekeeping with a career, crowding leisure hours with swimming, motor trips and parties m ay be a commonplace exi tence to you and me but to a young mother who wears a heavy brace on her leg and walks only with crutches, such a life is the direct result of years of cheerful determination. The victim of infantile paralysis at the age of 10, Frances Loder, 701 SE Second Ct., is a vivacious woman whose easy going manner serves as a cloak for a very strong character. Her story is not one without struggle and despair yet today she is raising her child like any other happy young mother, in spite of her handicap and a series of other mishaps that occurred later in her life. "There is nothing unusual about me," Frances insists. "It's just that. many times people of normal physical health are apt to underestimate the strength and ability of the physically handicapped." A graduate psychologist, Frances works at the Me ntal Hygiene Clinic, drives her own car and is an excellent swimmer. "Employers should listen and find out what a handicapped person's abilities are b efore dismissing him." Frances is not an advocate of businesses that employ only handicapped persons. " One should become adjusted to his h andicap," she said, "and learn to make his place among normal people. "Not havi~g employment of any kind of course is the very worst thing that could happen to the h andicapped. It as essenti:a:l to his mental well being to be self-supporting." Frances had polio before Sister Kenny's treatments were being used. She was confined to a wheel chair for two years but the moment she was able to manipulate on crutches she started back to school. From that day on, Fran [and her classmates ] forgot the brace. Today her pleasing, well modulated voice is the result of m any hours of high school debating, one of her many activities.




Don't feel sorry for yourself [good advice for anyone] is Frances' motto. Express a sincere and genuine interest in others and their troubles and you will have no time for self-pity. Shortl y after h er marriage a series of mishaps began that brought despair for the first time to Mrs. Loder's h appy go lucky n ature. Several months before the birth of their child, her husband died suddenly of cerebral hemorrhage. En route to Florida to make h er home with her parents, Frances was in an accident that crushed her brace and fractured her leg. She remained in the hospital until several months after the birth of h er daughter who was born with her windpipe and esophagus joined in such a manner that all nourishment passed into the lungs. With this very rare condition, Laurel Lee was given littl e chance for survival when she underwent an operation at the age of two d ays. "That's when I really began to pray," Frances said. H P>r daug-hter, now a chubby >little girl who has inherited her mother's sunny disposition, as well as her red hair, is the reason for Frances' keen interest in results of the polio vaccine. "I hope before long that it will he possible for children of all ages to have the vaccine," she said. However, if anything ever happened to h er child, Frances would react much in the same manner as her own parents. "It is often more difficult for the mother to accept the handicap than the child. "Mothers are inclined to smother children with attention and are unwilling to watch them struggle to use crippled limbs. "It was a t errible time for my p arents when I learned to walk but they felt for m y own well being that I must adjust and become independent." Fra nces has been w successful in her rehabilita tion that you could n ever term h er " handicapped" in spite of the brace and especially made shoes. "Even my friends forget," she laugh ed. "Often they call to see what I am wearing to a party and inevitably ask 'And, what shoes are you wearing?' "


Renne Shue XX is ~tudent Council JJrcsident nt llnll Stnte.

Ruth ' trectcr H6 is editor or the lH:i6 •' C hiJ>J>e\VD" of ( 'cntrnl 1\lichignn.

Jounne ~teenher~h XX iN J•rel'4ident of C tu,·iu, senior \Vonten ' s honorury nt Jlull !!'lute.


C urolyn Jenkins BN is .!!ihate (Jresitlent of J{_entucky Honte Econo•nics Associatio n, C ollege C lub Section .

~hirley Harcum BI if< senior clnss president nt Radford College.

li' i,•e nt e ntiJers of Nu Nu go,·erning the class of 1D:i6 nt Drexel nre front left to right: Judy 'Veber, \VOmen ' s Ntud e nt go,·ernntent ret•rescntnti,·e; Gerry Fenner, treusurer, IUercin Grussi, preshlent; Nancy Neilsen, Yice 11resident; Ellie C o•nmer, secretory.

Wee Dilts :n: is ••resilient ol' Associ ated 'Vomen Shul e nts nt Western Co llege.

Betty ) II tchell B! is j unlor clnss nresiclent at ltndfort1 C ollege .

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• MoTHER-DAUGHTER combinations are not at all infrequent on the membership rolls of Alpha Sigma Alpha. The mother of a National Councilor, and the mother of four A~As, with other interesting mothers and daughters are presented in this issue of THE PHOENIX. From time to time other A~A families will be featured. Ruth Neff Petree (Mrs. Wilbur L. ) AA is the mother of Anne Petree Niemeyer (Mrs. William B.) AA, who is a member of the national council as National Membership Director. Anne was president of Alpha Alpha chapter, and served as alumnae editor until her election to the national council at the 1955 convention. Ruth ¡P etree returned to teaching a few years ago, as Anne and her two brothers were in college. She enjoys reading, is a member of the Panhellenic group in Hammond, Indiana, and often attends meetings of the Chicago alumnae chapter. Another A::SA in the family is Ruth's sister, H elen Neff Schamaker AA. Grace Forward Briggs (Mrs. Roy M .) BB is an Alpha Sigma mother of four Alpha Sigma daughters, Zo and Jo, the twins, are Mrs. Robert Conover and Mrs. Charles Webb both of Aurora Colorado. Ruth is Mrs. Robert' B. Halderman,' Los Angeles. Grace jr. is a teacher of business subjects at Centennial high school Pueblo Colorado. ' ' Mrs. Briggs is interested in the Woman's Club

Left to ri~ht: Ruth Neff Pet ree AA, her daughter, Anne Petree N1emeyer AA, and her sister, Helen Neff Schamaker AA.


activities in Greeley, Colorado, the United. Church Women's association, and is chairman of a committee of the first Baptist Church which has made arrangements to bring a refugee family of three from Germany. Harriet Stone Lake ::S::S and her daughter, Roxana ::Sl are assiduous A~As in Gunnison, Colorado. Roxana is Sigma Sigma's secretary and a member of Western State's marching band. Another Sigma Sigma mother-daughter team are Lupie Blake Orr and her daughter, Janet. Dr. Jane M. Carroll H:ij has been adviser of Eta Eta, Kansas State Teachers College, Pittsburg, for twenty years. Two of her nieces, Pauline Potter Brosi (Mrs. Ralph) HH, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, and Marie Potter Ross (Mrs. Dan C.) HH, LaCygne, Kansas, are A~As, and now Marie's daughter, Susan Ross, is an Eta Eta pledge. Mrs. Perva Hughes HH and her daughter, Joan Hughes Lynn ( Mrs. Donald C.) HH, have contributed much to Alpha Sigma Alpha. Mrs. Hughes is co-adviser of Eta Eta, and this year is on leave from her faculty position at Kansas State Teachers College, Pittsburg, to work on a doc~orate at the_ University of Texas. Joan is living m Kansas C1ty, and is a mother of a son and a daughter. She was Eta Eta's president in 1949-50. The Buffalo alumnae chapter presents Lassie Gardiner Finley (Mrs. James H.) IIII, and her daughter, Joan Finley Wright ( Mrs. Lawrence C .)

Three ge~erations of Left to nght: Susan Dan C. Ross, mother aunt of Mrs. Ross and twenty years.

Alpha Sigs of Eta Eta chapter. Ross, a freshman pledge; Mrs. of Susan; Dr. Jane M. Carroll, an Alpha Sig adviser for the last


nn. Lassie does Red Cross staff aid work and assists in the Blood Mobile. Also, she is a volunteer driver for the Association for the Blind. Lassie is philanthropic chairman for the Buffalo alumnae chapter and in charge of magazine subscriptions. Joan, the mother of two small sons, is treasurer of the League of Women Voters in Amherst, New York, and is studying oil painting. Dr. Lawrence C. Wright is doing graduate work in the University of Buffalo in orthodontia. Lucille Shiveley Herbert (Mrs. Arthur C.) YY is the mother of Marlene D . Herbert Hammond (Mrs. John H.) AA. Lucille received a degree of M.A. in education at Denison University in 1930. Marlene received her M.A. in medical technology at Miami University, and is now working in the histology laboratory at Miami Valley Hospital. Patsy Maloney Wardwell (Mrs. Robert) BB is the daughter of Virginia Romans Maloney AB. Northeast Missouri State at Kirksville, was the scene of Virginia's undergraduate days. After going to Colorado for her health, she received an M.A. degree in business administration from Colorado College. At present she is continuing a temporary position with the Elks charity fund, in Colorado Springs, which began in 1950. Patsy lives in Mountainview, California, and IS the mother of two infant daughters. Marion Landy Parker MM, treasurer of the Detroit-Delta Phi alumnae chapter, is an enthusiastic church worker and member of the Society of Engineers' Wives. H er daughter Joanne Elizabeth Parker B® is a neurosurgical nurse at Henry 'Ford hospital, and is a member of her church choir. Shari Lee Kah AA is the daughter of Zelma Sargent Kah (Mrs. Ralph) AA. Zelma is a former member of the national council of A~A when she held the office of alumnae director. Shari was awarded a cadet teaching scholarship from the state of Ohio. With her mother and her sister she has traveled abroad extensively. Zelma was Supreme Worthy High Priestess of White Shrine durin 0 1949-50. She is now teaching in Middletown, Ohio.

A Thought • IDEALS are like stars; you will not succeed in touching them with your hands, but like the seafaring man on the desert of waters, you choose . them as your guides, and, following them, you reach your destiny.-CARL ScHuRz.



Alpha Mayfield's Articles Appear In Music Publications • DR. ALPHA CoRINNE MAYFIELD AB is the author of an article which appeared in the Music Journal of February, 1955, entitled, "Music As An Aid to Character Development and Prevention of Juvenile DelinHer choral quency." work has been featured by Musical America and Musical Courier, and she has written a series of " Opera Quizzes." Doctor Mayfield received a Bachelor of Science degree from Dr. Alpha Corinne Northeast Missouri State Mayfield College at Kirksville; Master of Arts, Teachers College, Columbia University; Doctor of Music, Southern College of Fine Arts, Houston, Texas. She has studied voice with eminent voice teachers, and choral conducting with outstanding directors in this country. Her biography appears in Who's Who in Music International and Who's Who in American Education. A native Missourian, her home is in Macon, and she is teaching voice and music education in Hannibal-LaGrange College, Hannibal, Missouri. Doctor Mayfield has appeared on national programs of National Association Teachers of Singing, National Federation of Music Clubs, and Music Educators National conference, and has directed various mass choruses, at times totaling three thousand. H er college chapter was Alpha Beta, Kirksville, Missouri, and while on the faculty of Southern Louisiana Institute, Doctor Mayfield was coadviser of Beta Zeta.

"The man that hath no mustc m himself, Nor is not mo ved with concord of sweet sounds, I s fit for treasons, strategems and spoils." Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice 11

"'?ftee4ie, When

Soft Voices Die, •

Vibrates tn the Memory" • WouLD you venture a guess as to what you'll remember most vividly about your college days? Would you like to know a few of the memories you may have? There's the juke box in the College Inn and the one record you played over and over. There's your first formal da nce and everyone sang the " Sweetheart Song." Then, the fraternities serenaded you. The intersorority stunt fest, the gab sessions and the songs you all learned. The fobtball game and the alma mater. You'll have other memories, but right now we'd like to talk about those memories associated with musiC. Perhaps your chapter delegate has told you about our singing at Convention last summer. We came to Biloxi from all over the country but one of the things we could do together was to sing. And, that we did! Music is a great common denomina tor. We sang our Alpha Sig Songbook from cover to cover. We learned some of the new parodies.

• EPSILON EPs iLON' s Pat Swiercinsky is a senior with a m ajor in music education . Piano is her principal interest but she is preparing to teach high school vocal music. H er senior recital was presented on November 14. For two years, Pa t was song leader of Epsilon Epsilon and has been chapter president this year. She is vice president of Iota Gamma chap ter of Sigma Alpha Iota, a nd is a member of Xi Phi, leadership organization, and K appa D elta Pi. Pat is a saxophonist in the co llege band a nd pianist for the college symphonic choir. She ha~ been elected to Who's Who Amana American Colleges and Universities. For four consecutive years Zeta Zeta has won the annual Greek Song Fest. The championship cup is now Zeta Zeta's permanent possession as a result of having won it three times, and it has one winning toward another trophy. Music and K appa K appa are synonymous. Claire R effuge, J anet Brooks and L aura I rvin as



We heard the favorite songs of the various chapters. The songs we all enjoy singing were written by our many music majors. There are vocal students in our membership who lead song fests which many of our chapters win in competition with other groups. Music is an integral part of our ritualistic services, and of our chapter life. You are building memories now for the rest of your lives. To take an inventory in preparation for these Alpha Sigma musical m emories of the future: 1. Are you assigning the the memorization of our songs in the Songbook to every pledge class? 2. Have you tried closing every mee ting with a song fest? 3. H ave you been singing, a nd are you enjoying our new book of parodies? Alpha Sigma Alpha is a singing sorority, and we're proud of our musica l memories.-SHIRLEY AINSWORTH H ELLRICH, Music Chairman.

Pat Swiercinsky EE


Zeta Zeta chapter winner of the Greek Song Fete, Spring of 1955.

well a pledges, Claire Love and Verna Canon are members of Temple University's famed Con~ cert choir. Laura sings in the Women's Glee Club. Janet is a church choir director and organist. Kappa Kappa won the plaque in the annual Greek Sing of 1955, with "Happy Talk" from "South Pacific" and the Alpha Sigma Alpha "Sweet,heart . Song." Floriana Manno, Kappa ~a~pa s president, was the leader of the winning smgmg group. Nu Nu's Carol Fritz is well known on Drexel Institute's campus for her piano-playing ability. S?e accompani~s. the Glee Club and the Varsity Smgers. Carol IS m demand at fashion shows dinners and assembly programs as a pianist' and marimba virtuoso. For her musical service to the univ~rsity, Carol, with no music major, was elected to P1 Nu Epsilon, national music fraternity in colleges. Donna Shoemaker BN is secretary of Sigma Alpha Iota at Murray State College. She has been Beta Nu's song leader and was presented in her senior piano recital on July 26, 1955. Donna is in the cast of "Campus Lights," an annual musical production, and sings with the A Cappella choir and is a member of the Vivace club. Directing vocal groups at the Baptist student center and at the M ethodist church are extra-curricular activities.


Donna Shoemaker BN



Shirley Geurin BN

. Shirley Guerin BN is ad ,·erti ing hairman of Sigma Alpha Iota and Beta N u's music director She i drum major for the . second year, a nd is a member of Murray State College' orchestra, All-American choir a nd church choir. Beta . Upsilon' Viruinia 0 W ertz IS a senior music major and was convention pianist at the A~A conclave last_ summer. Ginger's major mstrument is piano with minors in voice and trom- ......._ bone. H er plans include Virginia Wertz BT ~eaching !nstrumental music after graduation. She IS r_ecordmg secretary of Sigma Alpha Iota at Indiana State Teachers Colleue and sin"'s with 0 ' 0 t h e C entral Christian Church choir in T erre Haute. Helen Stepleton Goodwin AA is music instructor _at Edwi~ A. ~mit_h school, Oakwood, Dayton, Ohw, and IS active m the Dayton Music Club. She was graduated cum laude at Miami University, and is president of the Dayton alumnae chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha. Detroit-Delta Phi alumnae has two outstanding "musical members," Kathryn Stephenson ~uchj~ger. and Hazel Forte Hall. Kathryn AB IS active m Tue Musicale, is a member of the P.E.O. chorus and lends her musical talents to Theater Arts. H er other interests include United Daughters of the Confederacy and the Flower committee of the Detroit Boat Club. Kathryn has served as treasurer, vice president, president and Panhellenic delegate of the Detroit-Delta Phi alumnae chapter. Hazel ·F orte Hall MM is a cellist and while in Rome last summer became the possessor of a cello made by Marengo Ramano Rinaldi, pupil of Marchetti, famous cello maker. In 1900, her cello was played at an exhibition in Paris and was judged best in its field. She is, also,' an active member of the Four Octave's Club which meets at the Women's city club in Detroit. . Suzanne Richardson, Beta Sigma class of 1953 Southern Missouri College, Springfield, Missouri, was awarded a Fullbright scholarship in voice for study at the University of Cologne, Germany. The scholarship was extended an additional year, and Suzanne is now studying in New Nork City. Katherine L. Becker BY is a member of the viola section of the Terre Haute Symphony orchestra and is on the Symphony Board of Directors. Piano is her major instrument and she has been presented in many recitals and has been acclaimed an outstanding artist.


As chairman of the elementary music department of the Terre Haute city schools, Katherine teaches in five schools and directs an all-city boys' choir. Each year, she is program director of the city-wide elementary music festival. She is a past president of the Music section of the Indiana State Teachers Association and is president of the In-and-About Indianapolis School Music club and has served on the board of directors of the Indiana Music Education association. In addition, she is a member of Sigma Alpha Iota, Delta Kappa Gamma, Kappa Delta Pi and Music Educators National conference, and directs the choir of the Maple Avenue Methodist Church. Jennie Vinson Fisk (Mrs. H. Clay) rr for many years has been active in Tulsa music circles. Formerly organist and choir director of St. Paul's Methodist church, she is now staff organist at Rose Hill Mausoleum, and is pianist for her P.E.O. chapter and Rotary Anns. Jennie is anticipating the purchase of an electronic organ for her home.

AN ALPHA SIG PLEDGE SONG BY C. J. CARR, HH (Music to " Dream") Dream-of that Alpha pin; Dream-that you'll soon be in: Alphas forever, that's what we say; Maybe someday We'll be in


And if we get there; We'll try to do our share Aspire, seek, attain Be friendly to all In


Cut this out and mail to the Officer in Charge of Central Office:

MRS. CLAYTON A. RICHARD 372 Argonne Drive, Kenmore 23, New York Please change my address or name and address on the ASA files as follows: COLLEGE CHAPTER .... .. ......... .... ..... DATE OF LEAVING COLLEGL .. .. .......... ....... DEGREE ... . . .. FROM MARRIED NAME .................(pIe~·~~ ... .. ..ob~~;~· ~· 'i'j,j'~. ~~~;;, ~.. M·;~.' . j ~h~ . ';4.'.'. j~·~~; j' ...................................... ,......... . MAIDEN NAME .... .. ....................... . ADDRESS .................... ......... .. ......... .... ... ....... .......... ................. ...................... .

TO NAME ............ .............. ........ .. ...... ......... .. .......... ..... .......... ... ............... .................. .... ...... .. ... ... .. ... ... ....... .. ... ... .. .. ......... (If reporting your marriage give your husband's full name) ADDRESS ............ .......................................... ........ ... .... ..... .. ...................... ..... ...... ........ . ... ......... ... ... .. ............. .... .. .. . DATE OF MARRIAGE .... .................... .... ..... ............... PLACE OF MARRIAGE .. ................. ........................ .. .. .... . (Month Day Year} ACTIVE IN ................ ..................... ... .. .......... ALUMNAE CHAPTER, ARE YOU AN OFFICER ....... ......... .. .. WOULD YOU LIKE TO JOIN AN ALUMNAE CHAPTER, IF ONE WAS FORMED NEAR YOU? YES .. ................. ..................... NO ..... .... ......... ....... ... ........... . REMARKS ................. ..................... .. .. .... .. ..... .. ..... . . ............. .............................. DATE RETURNED ................ .... .. ... ......... ...




s 1-\ S P0 . f t I G rl . f

JANE HOOSE • Jane Hoose BK, an intermediate major, was secretary of the 1954-55 junior class, the 1955 Iris Ball Sweetheart of Kappa Sigma Kappa fraternity, and the Alpha Sig candidate for the 1955 Homecoming Queen. Jane is vice president of ACE and a member of WAWS. She is treasurer and house council member of the women's residence hall at Western Illinois. Jane, an honor student. is membership director and magazine chairman for Beta Kappa chapter this year.

DOROTHY CRISWELL • Dorothy Criswell B~, a senior majoring in accounting, was president of her pledge class and is treasurer of her chapter this year. Dorothy is historian for Pi Omega Pi, honorary business fraternity. She is president of Dolphins, a swimming club on the campus of Southwest Missouri. Dorothy was selected for "Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities." She plans to continue her education at the University of Missouri next fall.

PEGGY LOU HOPKINS • Peggy Lou Hopkins BI, a senior chemistry major, is vice president of her chapter and was a delegate to the Biloxi convention. Peggy Lou has been a member of the YWCA cabinet for two years and served as Centennial chairman. She has been a member of the Westminster Fellowship for four years and has been its treasurer for two years. During her sophomore year she was appointed Freshmen counselor. Peggy Lou is corresponding secretary for the German club and is president of Chi Beta Phi, a scientific honorary fraternity.

JEAN ANN MOORE • Jean Ann Moore BN , a senior elementary education major, is president of the Association for Childhood Education. Jean is serving her second year as vice president of Beta Nu and is secretary of Panhellenic this year. She is a member of the International Relations club, Wells Hall council, Home Economics club and Wesley Foundation. Jean Ann has received the following honors: Ideal Freshman Girl, Tau Sigma Tau fraternity's sweetpeart, best groomed girl and Beta Nu's candidate for Spring Carnival Queen and campus favorite. JANUARY



Profits from ?lta9a1i~ Sale4 Help Alpha Sigma Alpha to Carry Out Its National Philanthropic Proiect ct

GIVE magazine subscriptions as gifts-a gift that lasts twelve months.

AMERICAN One year Two years Three years

..... $ 3.50 5.50 7.50

AMERICAN GIRL .................. .. $ 3.00 One year 5.00 Two years .... ..... .... .... 7.00 Three years ANTIQUES One year ...... . Two years .......

.................$ 7.00 ..... ... 12.00

BRIDE'S MAGAZINE One year .............. . Two years

....$ 2.00 3.50

CHILDREN 'S DIGEST .....$ 3.50 One year ..... . ... .... .. .•.... ........ b.OO Two years COLLIER 'S ................. $ 3.50 One year Two years ......... .. . b.OO 8.00 Three years ... ......... . COSMOPOLITAN One year .

............. ..... $ 3.00

ETUDE One year Two years

..... $ 3.50

FORTUNE One year Two years ....

..... $10.00 15.00

GLAMOUR One year ...... ... . Two years ......... .


..... ..... ..... .$ 3.50 b.OO

GOOD HOUSEKEEPING One year Two years ......... .

... $ 3.50 5.50

HIGHLIGHTS FOR CHILDREN One year .. ............ $ 5.00 Two years ................... 9.00

LADIES ' HOME JOURNAL One year .. .......... .... .... ........ .... $ 3.50 Two years ... ..... .. ............ b.OO Three years ................. .. 8.50 McCALL'S MAGAZINE One year .. .. ......... ...... .... ......... $ 3.00 Two years ........... .. ............. .. .... 5.00 Three years ............. .............. 7.00 MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY ... $ 4.00 One year ....... ....~ .. .. 7.00 Two years NEWSWEEK One year ........ . Two years .. .. Three years

........... ..$ b.OO 9.00 ....... .... 12.00

HOLIDAY One year .... ... ........... ... .... . ..... $ 5.00 Two years .......... ............. ..... 8.00 11.00 Three years .. ........ ......

OMNIBOOK One year ..... ..... .. ... ... ..... $ 4.00 Two years ... .... .. ......... ... ........... 7.00 Three years ........ ........ .. ... ... .... I 0.00

HOUSE BEAUTIFUL One year ..... Two years .. . Three years .

PARENT'S MAGAZINE One year .... .. .... .. ........... .$ 3.00 Two years ... .. ..... ..... ............. ... 5.00 Three years .................... ... ..... 7.00

Give your orders to your chapter magazine chairman. If you are not a member of an alumnae chapter, send your order and check to the National Magazine Chairman and your college chapter will receive credit.

.... ...... $ 5.00 7.50 ....... 10.00

A1:A accepts all special offers at the rate specified. Mail the ~pec i al offer notice with the order and please pay special attention to any expiration date on the notice and send accordingly.

Name and Address of Donor must be given with Gift Orders! Please send payment with your orders to ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA MAGAZINE SERVICE Mrs. A. J. SIEGENTHALER, Chairman 17303 St. Marys, Detroit 35, Michigan




Longwood College FALL rush season was held during October at Longwood College. We felt rather than rush this early in the year and give bids to the girls this season, we would hold our bids until spring rush season when we felt we would know the girls better. Alpha chapter in cooperation with Panhellenic Council opened her chapter doors to the freshman orientation classes as part of the college's orientation week . The tour was preceded by a short explanation of the place of sororities on Longwood campus by the president of P anhellenic. It is believed that sorority/non-sorority relationships will be greatly strengthened by the action. Our annual Fall circus was presented on October 29, and A:ZA was well represented in the leading roles. Becky Fizer was the general circus chairman for Alpha Kappa Gamma, a national leadership fraternity which sponsors the event, and Sara ·Lou Wendenburg was the Ringmaster. Patsy Abernathy and Audrey Owens who becaTTI<? brides during November were honored by a party in the chapter room preceding our regular meeting on Nove mber I. Alpha chapter is now planning to adopt a child and his or her family a s their special philanthropic project for the Christmas season. This plan has been most success£ ul in th e past bringing happiness to others less fortunate tha n we and we feel that the same success can be a tta ined this year. Finally, in preparation for the Christmas season, ~e are planning a chapter Christmas party and also an intermission party to be held at the intermission of th e Senior dan ce on D ecember 10. Mary D avis has been tapped for membership in Alpha K appa Gamma, a national leadership fraternity. NANCY R . QUARLES .


was our third party. Costumes worn were blue j ea ns and plaid shirts. Cokes a nd pota to chips were served as refreshments. Alice Lantz gave a monologue called "The Waltz" western style. Stuffed animals with saddles bearing A:ZA on them were given as favors. Anne Kane has been elected for membership in Pi Omega Pi, business education honorary. Alice Lantz has become a member of Psi Chi, national psychology honorary. Ruth Churney, our president, was selected for Columbus, business honorary. Mrs. Donald C. Slamer was initiated as a new adviser on October 25 . The following evening we held our annual Hallowe'en party with our new pledges. Sandy Brey won the prize for the most outstanding costume. We played charades which everyone enjoyed. Mrs. Slamer and •Mrs. Elizabeth Johnston, our advisers, judged the costume contest. Beverly Knaus was elected historian for the Sophomore Hop.-ALICE LANTZ .

Northeast Missou ri State College H o MECOMING, pa rties and pledging head th e list of eve nts of Alpha Beta in the past months. Our two rush parties, "The Pink Poodle Club" and " Jailbreak," were a big success and we have a fin e group of new pledges. After pledge service, the actives treated the new pledges to dinner. Lovely Judy Beltzer was a n a ttendant to the Homecoming queen. Our flo a t entitled " Vi cto ry" received honorable mention in th e beauty class. The entire flo at was don e in gold a nd white. One girl acted as a Greek goddess. She stood on the steps of a temple a nd placed a laurel wrea th on th e head of a football player who kn elt before her. At the front of th e flo a t stood two girls dressed in short tunics holding mock torches. The flo at was dra ped with white sheets and all the people were

Miami University AFTER form al rush, we h ad three informal rush parties. The first one we entitled "State Fair." We co nstru cted booths- a dart throw, ring toss, miniat ure bowling alley a nd a penny toss-whereby th e rushees co uld play these games a nd win prizes. The prizes were chin a slippers, miniature baseball ba ts and balls and tiny chin a wheelbarrows. Balloons with A~A State F a ir written on them were give n as favors. For refreshments we served candied apples, popcorn balls a nd cokes. The second party was very informal without cost um es. W e served potato chips and cokes. tM a rge Anderson and Arvil Olson did a modern dance interpretation of a typi cal day in a co-ed's college life . Margie Rya n ca rri ed out our theme of college life by giving us a twirling routine used a t a typical college footba ll game. A western party entitled " R ide The Range with A ~A "



Alpha Beta's "Pink Poodle" rush party.


gilded with gold pai n t from head to fo ot excep t for th ei r costumes. I t made a very beautiful sight. T he second meeting of the qua rter was held with th e alumnae. I deas we re excha nged about the rush pa rti es and refreshme nts were served. Pla ns are now being m ade for th e Founders' D ay banquet a nd the C hristmas party.-Bo 3BIE Mo LES.



Indiana (Pa. ) State Teachers College J us T outside of Indiana th ere is an orphanage housing approximately forty children ranging in ages from nine months to eigh teen years. As th ey love to have visitors for our philanthropic p roject we are going out to see them once a week. Someti mes we ta ke cooki es a nd oth er refreshments and have a pa rty for them. Other ti mes we just go ou t to visit with them. The joy th at we have had cannot be expressed in words for we feel that we have benefit ed in this proj ect already. We a re busy with our plans for decora ting our new sorority room . Wh a t fun we are having in working toge th er on the deco rating in our spare time. " Back-end Fore most" was th e th eme of our cider party fo r r ushees. We all wore our clothes backwards. With th e end of rushing for upp erclassmen over, we have some lovely pledges. Now we a re rushing freshmen . With such a large class of freshmen, they were divided into three groups for th e Panhellenic sponsored teas whi ch were held on three consecutive Sundays. The Whi te E lephant Sale gained several dolla rs for our furniture fund for the sorority room. On Saturday, November 19, we had our Founders' D ay luncheon with th e Indiana alumnae. It was held a t Outside Inn. -]A N Wr Ns Low.

Colorado State College of Education O NE of the firs t activities tha t Beta Beta participated in Fall quarter was the Inter-collegiate Knights Carnival. Each sorori ty sponsors an ugly man and we a re proud tha t ou r ugly man, D on Robin so n, won. Thi s is the second successive year th at we have sponsored th e winner. All th e Greeks on campus parti cipated in a successful G reek D ay. Th ere were relays, an a ll-girl foo tba ll game baseball, pie eating contests, a soap box derby and ~

barbecue. The d ay ended with an all-Greek formal da nce. The big event of the q uarter was homecoming. We were p roud of Betty Babich and H elen McKee who were a ttend ants to the homecoming queen . Our float placed second in the parade. The general theme was great American novels and th e novel we chose " The Octopus" fo r our fl oa t a nd "D a nger K eep lOut" for our house decora tion them e. Aft er th e game we h ad a tea for our alumnae. Beta Beta's phila n thropic projec t this year is workin g with a Bluebi rd group. We plan to send several of th em to camp next summer. Al ph a Sigma Alpha a nnua lly sponsors the Sadie Hawkins' D ay d ance. The d ance is the highlight of Campus Chest week with all the proceeds going to the Campus Chest. Everyone is dressed in Dog Patch style and a ,p rize is given to the best dressed dogpatchers.- CAROL CUD NEY.

Emporia State T eachers C ollege T HE biggest event on our calendar has been Hornecorning. We are all very proud of Mary Jo Ormsby who was elected 1955 Homecoming Queen. Mary J o, a junior, is v ice president of our chapter and a business major. E psilon Epsilon carried out their m oney-making project again this year of selling "mums" for Homecoming events. This project takes a great amount of work, but, oh, wh a t fun! Amid autumn festivities we celebrated our first informal party of the year being "Ship~Wrecked on a Tropical Isle." The pa rty and entertainment was under the supervision of the pledges. Costumes depicting ship-wrecked sailors was th e uniform of the day for dates and members alike. Our alumnae enterta ined us with a dinner on Founders' Day. In the near future we will be having open house for thern.---'GERALDI NE WALL.

Central Missouri State College ALL the Zeta Zetas were hobos a t a F a ll rush party. R ed sti cks with red a nd white kna psacks were carried each fill ed with sandwiches th a t were eaten around th~ fir~ where a huge .kettle of Mulligan 's stew was cooking. Skits were d ramatized by the actives and the rushees. H omecomi ng highlighted the activi ties for O ctober. We were all very proud of ou r candid a te for Homecoming q ueen, M ary L ou Sante, who is one of the camp us princesses. San ta's Baby was the theme of the campa ign with Santa Claus hats a nd mittens worn with red j ackets and skirts. T he Convocation skit was based a round our version of '"T was the ight Before H omecoming" with M ary Lou being Santa's surprise package. Second place was won by th e Alphas on their flo a t. Its theme was "We're Expecti ng Victory." A la rge stork abo ut to drop a footba ll in a cradle surrounded by Pictured at the left is the Fa ll Pledge class of Epsilon Epsilon chapter. First row- left to right: Judy Holloway, Sha~on Thompson, Betty F rieberghouse, Janet Stark, Jamce Blum, Kathy Hall, Ka ren Splitter, Carolyn R edfern. Back row: Beverly G eorge, Cordelia Troetschner, Glenna Burke, Ardith K elly, Tish Pavillard, D eanna Kirby, Ruth Robinson.



nurses dressed in short skirts and capes were on the top of a large truck covered with white napkins. Now Winter rush is in the process of d evelopment. "Top Hat" is the theme selected for our party. This is being carried out by planning decorations aro und a very elite night club with the actives in top hats an::l tux: dos. A fashion show is to be on the program for the eve nin g dramatizing the history of our sorority.-ELIZABETH RINKER.

Pittsburg State Teachers College HoMECOMING was a big event this year for us. We worked busily decorating a house, float and car. The float was decorated in red and white with five large candy canes. Six of our' pledges, dressed in red shorts and Alpha 1Sig sweat shirts, held the canes, and the caption was "Let's Lick 'Em." Our float chairmen were Charlene Woodard and Betty Jo McClanahan. The theme of the parade was centered around song titles this year. Elouise McVay and her committee chose "String of Pearls" as the car theme. It was decorated as an open jewelry box with a string of papier-mache pearls laying in the box. Gerri Lamp was our candidate for homecoming queen. The decorations for our house which won first place, was taken from the fairy tale, "Little Black Sambo." A large book, a palm tree with tigers moving around it, Little Black .sambo and Gus Gorilla were the results of hard work and planning of !Marianne Mitchell and Jo Hublenbruk, house chairmen. The caption on the open book was ".Sambo says, Hold those tigers, Gus. " Myrna Goode was first attendant to the homecoming queen. After the excitement of decorating and the football game, we held a reception for our alumnae. We enjoyed being with all of our alumnae who came for homecoming. Chairman of the reception was Doris Smith. While all of the activity of homecoming was going on, another event was taking place in Kansas City. R eva Deems, who was a candidate for the American Royal queen, was named one of the queen's eight ladies in waiting. Also this year, three of our Alpha Sigs are majorettes. They are Pat Thomas who has been lead majorette for three years, Elouise McVay and Nancy Coopcr.-MARY ANN ELLIOTT.

Boston University HERE at Boston University informal rushing h as begun and our entire group now has a chance to get second wind. Our formal rush party was held in the Exeter Room of the Hotel Lennox. The theme of the party was "An Alpha Sig Goes to Paris." ·Betty Center, our treasurer, wrote, directed and played the Iead role in our little playlet. As an American in Paris, Betty did everything from dancing the can-can with two French dancers from a night-spot to imitating a hilariously •B ohemian-type character. The alumnae were well represented at the party. Each girl had her own part in the show, and each performed admirably. Our special praise and thanks go to Betty for her hard work on the entertainment and to our president, Paula Manning, for her wonderful pantomime act.



Eta Eta won first place in the house decorations competition with the theme, "Little Black Sambo." One of the funni est spots in the evening was the hat contest. We organized teams, each composed of a rushee, an active member and an alumna. The rushees acted as models while the others built amazing hats on them. Although the hats were made from only multi-colored wrapping paper, they were most professional looking and unique. Each rushee received a prize for modeling her hat after a brief description and comment in French by Charlotte Adams, one of our alumnae. Theta Theta recently was second in the scholastic standing race among the sororities on campus. Our average was 2.888 which made all of us feel quite proud because we have really worked hard to maintain good grades. Next year we hope to be in first place and thereby win back the silver tray which goes each year to the sorority with the highest scholastic average. It has been ours for two years. If we win it once more, the tray will be ours permanently.-MURIEL CHETWYND.

Temple University OuR first Alpha Sig rushing function was a buffet dinner based on a convention idea and carried out by Kathy Mellwig and Carol Baldwin. The theme was a "Seafood Jamboree" and the rushees were served shrimp, potato chips, etc., in an atmosphere of fish nets, sealife mobiles and appropriate cut-outs. Our second party had a Parisian flavor. Rushees were take n first to a custom'~ agent who "cleared them" for their voyage to Paris and the "La P etit Salon" wh ere French pastry and pink "champagne" were served while the girls watched a French floor show. Homecoming also saw K appa Kappas shining. After much bending of chicken wire and tying of paper, we created a beautiful "Hurricane" float which received honorable mention from th e judges. We joined our efforts with those of the other students of the University in raising money for R edevelopment. Under the chairmanship of Judy Bachman, we sold punch during the intermissions of a university theater play and raised one hundred dollars for Redevelopment. Strictly on the lighter side-and to show off our new home, in November, we held an open house with dancing, singing and just plain fun for all the fraternity


Drexel Institute

The French people at Kappa Kappa's rush party, La Petit Salon" are: front row-left to right: Wurst, Edie Alexander, Barb Snyder. Back row: Le Cates, Hildie Veihl, Jean Rodgers, Angie Neal, Hurst, Claire Reffuge.

"The Betty Joan Alice

men on campus. Oskie Wright was the chairman of this event. Athl eti cally minded Alpha Sigs got their chance when J ean Rodgers coached a volleyball team which we entered in the Intramural league. Our team ended the season in second place in the tournament. Two of the team members, J ean Rodgers and Nancy Kennedy, were chosen members of the honor squad who are to play the varsity volleyball team at the University of Pennsylvama. Christmas found our room looking like a little bit of home with a Christmas tree a nd a stocking hangin g up for each girl. Our form al was held on D ecember 16, at the Panhellenic House. Music for th e dance was supplied by a combo and knockers for all to have fun. Santa Claus (Angela Neal ) made th e party m errier. Planning for the formal was under th e chairmanship of J anet Brooks. Campus affairs claim much Alph a Sig a ttention here at Temple. Barb Sn yder is th e new president of Theta Sigma Phi, professiona l journ alism sorority, with Pat Lillie as vice president a nd Toni Presby as a pledge . Anne Goldbeck was one of th e models in the Co-ed Fashion Show to ra ise mon ey for th e new women 's dormitory . Mattie H och is on the sta ff of a new campus publication, Th e N ight O wl. Ali ce Hurst is a m ember of K a ppa D elta Epsilon, ho no ra ry edu ca tion al so rori ty. Pa t Lillie rece ntl y became a member of M agnet, seni or women 's honor society. Whi te Su pper, an a nnual U ni ve rsity fun cti o n, is bein g headed this year by K a ppa K appa's Judy Bachm a n wh o is also o n the staff for se ni or givin g. Our presiden t, Flori a na M a nn o, is also o n thi s sta!T a well as bein" Pa nh ell eni c re prese nta tive to St udent Co uncil. K a ppa K a ppa is reall y pro ud of " Mike" M cK ern an Ba rbara Pa ul a nd Ruth D ersti ne who p lace d on the All ~ College hockey teams, whil e th e a nnua l W ater show finds Dia ne Foster, Ca th y ader, Barb Pau l, Judy Bachman, Connie Bra d y, " Mik e" M cK ernan a nd Lo is Anservitz in th e "swim." -EOITH ALEXANDE R.


ow that th e first quarter of the school year is completed, we a re lookin g forward with much expectation to the first three weeks of J a nuary, because formal rush will h ave started and a trem endous amount of activity has to be squeezed in, including our formal rush party on January 12. This m ea ns a dinner and entertainment for a bout forty freshma n girls at Drexel Lodge. These girls a re selected from the interest list on the basis of our association with th em since September and at our Coffee h o ur at th e dorm on November 8. Last term included other important events, among th ese being the P anhellenic bazaar on November 16. With four sororities on the campus, each was pledged t.o m ake a selected item for sale, being supplemented by individual contributions as such items as aprons, mittens, cookies a nd cakes, and jewelry. After a battle with yarn, glue, corks and thumb tacks, the Alphas produced a hundred novelty pencils that seemed to be well worth the effort. Our regular meeting of November 7 was highlighted by refreshments provided by our mother patronesses and the presentation by the mothe rs of the completed ceremonial robes. Our graduates of last spring presented the chapter with new altar cloths. Hats off to Carol Fritz, Norma Hedrick, Sally Coulomb and Anne Cowing who have been initiated into Omicron Nu, the national home economics society. Our Founders' Day banquet was held in a private room of a near-by restaurant on November 21.-ANNE CowiNG.

Marshall College OuR first pledging service was held on O ctober 23, and the second one on O ctober 2 7. Marshall College Homecoming was on October 29. Rho Rho's float with the th em e, "We Are -E xpecting A Victory" took third place in th e Women 's Division. Founders' Day wa s observed on November 15 with a dinner for college and alumn ae m embers a nd th e members of our Mothers' Club. The dinner was served by the ladies of th e C entral M ethodist Church in th e church social rooms.

Rho Rho's Homecoming float.


On November 18, we h ad a houseparty for our members, their friends a nd d a tes. The Alpha Sigma Alph a Moth ers' club met a t th e chapter house on November 10. Mrs. V eta L ee Smi th , Marshall College secretary, spoke o n the ad vantages of a sorority for M a rsh all College gi rls. Th e meeting was followed by a offee hour to welcome th e mo thers of the pledge class into th e group. The Hotel Governor Cabell ba llroom was agai n the sce ne for our Christmas form a l whi ch was held on D ecem ber 10. - THARO N FRA 'CES WILLIAM S.

s~s~ Western State College "CoME to the M a rdi Gras" was the theme of our inform al rush party a t which the rushees a nd actives alike joined in th e fun . Every cha racte r imaginable was represented- from Twinkle Toes to Sa nta Claus. The scene was like that of a •M a rdi Gra s ball with colorful balloons for decorations. Included in the refreshmen ts were "fortune " cookies. Each rushee received a red garter with the letters A2:A in white as a favor. A very impressive formal dessert pa rty was the hi ghlight of rush week. Since it was a Cinderella theme, our centerpiece was a silver slipper and our favors were little silver wands with a white carnation on the star. The invitations were of gold in the form of a scroll written in old English script on parchment and ti ed with a red ribbon. On November 14, pledge services were held for our new sisters-to-be. Wee Dilts has been n amed to Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities.- ROBERTA CASADOS.

Fort Hayes State College WE tied for second on our house decorations for homecoming. Rush week began the first week of December. Our first party was "Alice in Alpha ·Sig Land." The theme of the second party was "Winter Wonderland." We are happy to have Miss Valle Loomis, an instructor in journalism, to be a co-adviser of our chapter. Miss Doris Stage is our other adviser.-MARJEAN OLSON.

Northwest Missouri State College MEMBERS and alumnae of ·Phi Phi held their annual Founders' Day ._Banquet during the festivities of the Fiftieth Anniversary celebration at homecoming. All of the decorations were in gold. Mrs. Joe Benson, an alum na from Kansas City, spoke on "Phi Phi Comes to M aryville." Mrs. Benson announced that the National Council was presenting a check to the College's Student Loa n Fund. Jud y Beemer, Nancy Rainey and Nancy Kariger were selected as cheerleaders. To earn money for our treasury, members were waitresses at a dinner given for members of Rotary who were m eeting on our campus during Thanksgiving vacation. " How Other People See You" was the title of the panel discussion at our November 22 meeting. Some of the subjects discussed were dating, conduct and appear-



Sigma Sigma's float took first prize in the Homecoming parade at Western State College of Colorado. ance. Pa nel members were K aye Ferguson, Ann Schilling, Carol ·Gamble a nd Barba ra Sta ley.--CAROL BREssLER.

Ball State Teachers C ollege OuR theme for homecoming was slide to victo ry, and we placed third in the sorority class. Mrs. Oliver Bumb, one of our advisers, holds Chi Chi Capers, an Alph a Sig informal ge t-together, in her home once a month . This month we were fortunate to have Annie Gookin, a Danny Grad, speak to us. Janet McClead, Rosalind Schumaker, Barbara Paxson and Carolyn Fyfe · were guests of Beta Upsilon chapter the week end of November 18 . An annual event at Ball State is th e Topsy Turvey Tavern, a dance at which a Topsy Turvey Doll is selected from candidates sponsored by the sororities. Anna Lou Willis is our candidate. Rush began with Panhellenic Teas on October 22 and 23 . Rushees were divided into four groups and had to attend each sorority tea if pledging is desired. Our second rush party was November 19. We used the Plantation garden as a theme. Our final party was the Christmas buffet on December 11. On December 13, we held pledging. Afterwards we all went to th e L es Elgert J azz co nce rt and then we had a slumber party.-MARILYN •MARTI N.

Northwestern State College OuR informal rush parties were very successful. Our formal party was a take-off on the :Roman banquets. After the Homecoming football game we held open house for our alumnae. R ecently Phi Kappa fraternity entertained us with a dance. "Rummage, who will buy my rummage?" was the song of •Psi Psi members as they worked assembling clothes for their rummage sale on November 12. It was a defi-


nite success as the new balance in our treasury shows. DELORES TAYLOR.

8eta~ N ortheastem State College HoMECOMI NG at Northeastern was October 17. The parade theme was "Comic Strip :Characters." For our float we selected "Dennis, the •M enace." Two of our members were among the royalty for the day. Pat Nicholson was Wilson Hall Queen. Pat Bond was football queen attendant. After the game, we held a tea for our alumnae. The Freshman Queen was crowned at the dance following the football game on November 5. We were quite thrilled that Shirley Terry, one of our pledges, had won. This is the third consecutive year for Beta Gamma to have the Freshman Queen . The Alpha Sigma Alphas sang at the Phi Lambda Chi conclave that was h eld on our campus November 11-13. Our •F ounders' nay banquet was November 15. J anice Willis gave a brief history of Alpha •S igma Alpha and the sextet sang "Moments to Remember." "Biology Bop" was the title of our skit for Stunt Night on November 18. Our candidates for TsaLaGi queen are Raymadeen Roller, Anita Cearley, Ramona Chronister and Je'a n Dixon.- DoRIS DEATON .

Mississippi Southern College THE first quarter at Mississippi Southern has been one of the best for Beta D elta. The first four weeks of the quarter were spent preparing for rush, and during rush week we had an informal "Gypsy Caravan" party and a form al "Cinderella Ball." On Sep tember 23, Beta D elta chapter honored the n ew president of Mississippi Southern, Dr. William McCain, a nd his wife with a faculty tea at the Pa nhelleni c House. One night the members cooked and served supper to the pledges, and in return the pledges honored the members at an " Indian Pow-wow." We have had a number of socials including a slumber p arty in the chapter room. This year we deviated from the norm by having a big birthday party to celebrate Founders' D ay instead of our traditional dinner. The night of the " Birthday Party" we ha d pict ures made for the college yearbook. Lilting songs a nd harmonizi ng fill ed the chapter room, as we practiced for In ter-fraternity Ch ristmas Song Festival whi ch was held on D ecember 13. We sang " Jingle Bells" and our A::!:A " Friendship Song." As numerous as th e activ ities are the many honors that have been bestowed on Beta D elta girls. Adair Bates and Marjorie DuKate won places in the campus beauty electio ns and were presented formally at the annual "Beauty Ball" in D ecember. Marjorie DuKate and J oan Mobley Shamburge r have been selected for membership in K appa D elta Pi. Pat C ulpepper was recently elected treasurer of Kappa D elta Pi and is one of the two Mississippi Southern delegates to the First Student Conference on ational Affairs at T exas A & M in D ecember. Adair Bates and Kay Freeman have been selected for the 1956 Who's Who in American College and Universities. Also, Adair appeare d on the Arthur Murray Show in J ackson, !Mississippi, on December 3.-KAv FREEMAN.


Madison College OcTOBER 29 was a big day for all of us at Madison College for on that d a te we held pledge services for our new members-to-be. It was a big day in another respect also because we greeted so m any of our alumnae who carr:e back to h elp us m ake rush week end one long to be remembered. Many of our a lumnae who could not be back with us rem embered us by sending lovely flowers and telegrams of good wishes. We are very proud of Beverly Belt, Ginger Brown and Bessie ·Smalts who were recently tapped for Kappa Delta Pi nation al honor society in education. 'our traditional Founders Day formal banquet was held at •Belle Meade restaurant, .located a short distance outside of Harrisonburg. At Thanksgiving and Christmas we gave our annual gifts to needy families in the community. The pledges entertained us with a Christmas party just before the holidays. We also went caroling with the members of the other sororities on the campus. Also in D ecember we had an invitational debate with members of Sigma D elta Rho fraternity. It was an evening of fun for all of us. ~FRANCES DINWIDDIE.

Southwestern Louisiana Institute O N Novemb er 7, Beta Zeta held Initiation services for new members followed by pledging ceremony. Both inspiring services renewed zeal in the members and new pledges to m ake Beta Zeta a better chapter this year. All of us mixed business with pleasure at the slumber party on November 11. The business was the completion of the homecoming float for the p arade the following d ay. Sorry to say, we did not receive the trophy for our flo at, but this defeat h as made us more determined to win a nd therefore be able to keep the Stunt Night trophy. After th e homeco min g game, the alumnae held an open house a t the home of Mrs. K enneth Hait. Lois Olivier a nd •M artha M eaux were nominated for Blue K ey D a rling. Beverly Mire is a candidate for Little Lace Colonel of the A~ROTC. Beth Roberts has been selected for Who's Who in American Colleges a nd Universities. One of our pledges, Elaine L_owe, was elected as a Beauty of .Southwestern.- DoROTHY MACCANDLESS .

Dickinson State Teachers College ON O ctober 7-8, Dickinson State T eachers College held their an nual Homecoming. Our Homecoming float placed third in the parade. Following the footb all game, we had our a nnu al coffee party a t the home of one of our M other-Patronesses, Mrs. H a rry Wienbergen, for our alumnae. Miss Leila Woods, our chapter a dviser, h ad a supper party for us recen tly. On O ctober 12, we h eld pledgi ng for our prospective members. Following the service we h eld a party for our new pledges in the Klin efelter Hall recreation room. Before the regular assembly meet ing on O ctober 29, we held a homemade candy sale. The money we earned was our donat ion to the National Fellowship Loan Fund. Following Initia tion Services on November 21 we had our Founders D ay program . '


M ayhew award in honor of our adviser. There will also be an award presented to the gi rl with the highest average in each of the three lasses. Myrna Wentworth a junior, received the first J ean Mayhew award this yea/ The class awards were presented to Clarice Gregorich a senior; Wilma Ellsworth, a junior; and J anet Green; a SOphomore.-WILMA ELLSWORTH.

Radford College

Beta Eta's float placed third in Homecoming parade. Our annual Christmas party and meeting was held at the horne of Marilyn ·B orn, our president. Marilyn lives in Ri chardton which is twenty miles from Dickinson.MARLYS HoNEYMAN.

Central Michigan College HoMECOMING was a big success for the Beta Thetas. We succeeded in placing our candidate, Louise Davis, on the court of the homecoming queen. Alpha Sigma Alpha with their brother fraternity entered a float in the Hornecoming parade. Our annual alumnae breakfast was held on the morning of Homecoming. We were happy to have a good number of alumnae present. Along with Homecoming activities, fall rushing at Central was held during the month of October. Our quota of pledges for the fall term was filled. Lately Beta Thetas have been stressing the physical development side of sorority membership. Our team which participated in the women's intramural volley ball tournament placed third. We also entered a team in the annual sorority swim meet. Founders' .Day was observed by the traditional wearing of white and a dinner held at the Hotel Doherty in Clare. The evening was climaxed by a very inspiring program. Soon after Founders' Day, plans for Christmas activities claimed our attention. The first of these was our gala Christmas dance held at St. John's Parish House with our brother fraternity, Tau Alpha Upsilon. Beautiful Christmas decorations put everyone in the mood for a good time. Other Christmas activities included caroling around Mt. Pleasant and at the Mt. Pleasant Hospital and a Christmas party at the home of our adviser, Mrs. Jean Mayhew. Interspersed with these big dates on our calendar have been informal parties in our own group and with other Greek organizations on campus. These included a sleigh ride, a roller skating party, chili and spaghetti suppers, a hayrack ride and coke parties. In order to encourage m ental development and high academic standings among our members, our chapter has instituted an award this year which we hope will become a tradition for future Beta Thetas. We have set up an award and a scholarship plaque to be presented each year to the girl with highest grade point average in the chapter. This is to be called the Jean



FoR freshmen and transfer students whose mothers or sisters are Alpha Sigs, a "Little Sister Party" was given on O ctober 12. A very exciting rush week has ended recently. Storybook characters welcomed the rushees, dressed as little children, into the "A~A Neverland" which was enchantingly d ecorated with life-size gingerbread boys, a humptydumpty, little red hen, a glittering red and white castle, and six-foot red and white canes. Stepping from the pages of a huge storybook entitled "Tales of Neverland," the entertainment consisted of skits, dances, solos and instrumental presentations. To further add to the entertainment, the rushees were asked to contribute a nursery rhyme. For their contributions, they were presented with red and white sock dolls. As souvenirs of their trip to "Neverland," each little girl carried away a Cinderella glass slipper, an aU-day sucker and a candy cane. We feel our rush party was a big success as we have a wonderful group of girls for our pledge class. Among our activities this quarter was the sponsoring of the Community Chest Drive on the campus. Dorm to dorm canvassing and an A~.A-Faculty Volleyball game were ways in which we raised contributions. Joyce Jenkins and Rita Ashworth were elected to Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities. Shirley Harcum is president of the senior class while the president of the junior class is Betty ·Mitchell. Bobbie Hampton is president of the physical education major's club. Founders' Day was observed with a formal banquet on November lS . ~BoBBIE HAMPTON .

Western Illinois State College HoMECOMING was held the week end of October 29-31. Jane Hoose was the Alpha Sig candidate for queen. It was decided to have compaigning this year, so everyone went to work on posters, slogans and serenading. The general theme for Homecoming was "Wonderama" and all house and float decorations were to pertain to some storybook character. Our house decorations followed the theme of "Rock-a-bye ·Baby" and our slogan was "We'll Rock 'em Over. " Our float, "We'll Cast A Spell on the Salukis," won honorable mention. Homecoming was barely over when rushing was well under way. Our informal party was "Grecian Fanfare." The room was d ecorated to give a Grecian atmosphere with pictures and forms of Godesses, tall pillars and huge bowls of fruit adorning the tables. Grape punch and tiny cookies were served as refreshments. Favors were wide bracelets with .A~.A engraved on them. " M anhattan Serenade" was the theme of our formal rush party. The tables set up around the room, the darkness with the exception of the lighted candles on the tables, the cigarette girls and the entertainment all set the moods for the big city night club. Favors were red butcher-linen


napkins with an outline of skyscrapers and Al:A in white on them. The sorority house has just received its new sign. It's shape is that of our sorority pin with Al:A in red surrounded by bulbs representing the pearls. -MARION lMBERY.

Arkansas State Teachers College Ru s H SEASO N for Beta 'Lambda ended with our formal rush party, "The Isle of Alpha. " -During the party th e rushees were invited to take a wonderful journey as our guests on the " Isle of Alpha." Entertainment during the journey consisted of native dances and songs which carried out theme a nd blended with the decorations. Fishnets dra ped over bamboo scree ns and plants formed the over-all d ecorations, with small marine life figures featured as centerpieces on individual tables. The party ended with the presentation of each girl through an arch as a poem was read about her. Immediately following this, the "Sweethea rt Song" was sung by the members and each rushee was presented with a friendship ring. Our new pledges went to work immediately. They have elected pledge office rs and have presented interesting and amusing programs at each meeting. They presented a program at a joint meeting held with the Phi Sigs on November 15. Two of our members, Bobbye Whitaker a nd ancy Ba rr H all, have been elec ted to Who's Who in Ameri ca n Colleges a nd Universities. In December we took part in the All Greek da nce. Immedi a tely following the All Greek D a nce, we sta rte d work on our forma l da nce to be held in M a rch.- DJA NE ALVI S.

Henderson State Teachers College DIANE L EVERETT has been selec ted as one of the Camp us Beau ties. Frances Sa mple reigned as H omecoming Quee n a nd Pa tricia Cox, Cathy R edding and Shirley Bucha nan were atte nda nts to th e queen. Beta Mu won

P resident Joan Thompson on the captain' "S.S. Beta Mu" at the formal rush party.


bridge of

first place in the homecoming exhibits. Our exhibit consisted of a match cover with the inscription, "We've been out-matched, The Mulerider rMatch rCompany," to represent our opponent, the Southern State Muleriders. Then we constructed a five-foot lighter in wire and metal foil, with the red letters saying, "The Reddie Lighter will light the torch of Victory." In the center was a large papier-mache torch. Greta Owens has been elected to Heart and Key, service organization on the campus. Libby Wimberly was elected to Theta Alpha Phi, national honorary dramatics fraternity, after her performance in the Speech department's first production of the season. "Harvey." Sara Redding, Joie Thompson, Sunny Smedley and Libby Williamson have been nominated for ROTC sponsor. During the Tha nksgiving holidays each girl was responsible for earning $3.00 for our treasury. After Thanksgiving vacation we had a bake sale.-LIBBY WIMBERLY.

Murray State College PAN TOMIMES , dancing a nd singing highlighted a program to enterta in pa tien ts a t Fort Campbell base hospital on O ctober 28. Forty-seven of our members took p art in the program. Ann Linton was presented a bouquet of white roses and the resolution namin g her the sweetheart of Company G, Third R egiment of the na tional society of Pershing Rifles. Emily Oldha m, a pledge, is a candidate for battalion sponsorship of ROTC . Pat Overshiner Jean Moore Emily Oldham a nd June Troop a re contes~ants for Shield queen . Beta Nus held a coffee hour for alumnae, pa tron esses and other guests on H omecoming, November 5. Also at halftime of th e H omecoming game, J ean Ann Moore was p resented as a campus favorite. Special entertainment for O ctober included a picnic at th e city park. We have ha d a se ries of guest speakers at ou r regul a r mee tings.

Three members of Beta Nu entertain four of the patients of Fort Campbell base hospital.


Several of our members spent the week end of November 19, as guests of Beta Upsilon chapter in Terre Haute.- RosEMARY CuMMINS.

Wayne University OuR formal rush party was held on November I, in the American room of the International Institute. On November 6, Arlene Wilk, Joan Sparks and Mary Salmi a ttended a Panhellcnic meeting at Grand Haven. The purpose of the meeting was to have time to discuss sorority problems and to be together as a group to foster fri endship. At this meeting, Joan Sparks was named chairman of Greek Week to be held in May. Our hous e decorations for homecoming had as a theme, "Bee Victorious," carried out by a large beehive surrounded by a swarm of bees. Arlene Wilk was chairman of the committee for the decorations. Founders' Day was observed at a joint meeting of the three Detroit alumnae chapters and Rho Chi chapter a t the home of Kay Davey. We a re happy to have Carol Carbe ry of Pi Pi chapter with us this year.- ·MARY SALMI.

Concord College DuRING the month of October, Beta Pi was busy with homecoming activities which centered around Concord College's eightieth anniversary. Our d eco rations were limited to stationary floats, so we built two large bea rs, using the slogan, " Even after 80 years, we still can' t bear to leave Concord." Many hours of work and fun were put into these decora tions. Our adviser, Mrs. Harry Finklema n, ge nerously offered her basement to us for working space. At halftime of the game, th e a wa rds were made and Beta Pi placed second. Before the game, there was a parade and Beta Pi entered several cars deco rated with red and white streamers a nd huge letters, A~A . After the game, we

One of Beta Pi's Bears which was part of their stationary float for Homecoming.



gave a tea in the lounge of the women's dormitory for our alumnae. Plans were enthusiastically made and carried out for our annual "Twin Twirl" with our brother fraternity. This d a nce was held for th e entire student body. The gym was d ecorated with red a nd white in a cabaret style. The couples came dressed as twins. On October 30, pledge ceremonies were held in the lounge of the women's dormitory. After the service, the new pledges were entertained with an informal coke party. Founders' Day was celebrated on November 16, with a banquet. After the banquet, we attended a lyceum program as a group. M a ry Otey, Lillian J enkins, Pat 1McNeil, Betty Hypes a nd Etta J L es ter have been selected for "Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities."-PATRICIA GI LBERT.

Northern Illinois State Teachers College IT was a cold day on Homecoming, but not too cold for the da untl ess •B eta Rhos to unite against the elements and stiff competition and place among the top five floats in th e parade. Our social calend ar h as been full with frat ernity parties and teas. On October 30, D elta Phi Z eta frate rnity enterta ined us with a party at Hopkins P a rk. We held form al pledgi ng at Williston H all on O ctober 3 1. Miss Kathryn Hustus is our new a dviser. Virginia Anderson of Beta Beta was our guest on Founders' Day.- TERRY WER NER.



Southwest Missouri State College THE Golden Anniversary of Southwest Missouri State was celebrated at homecoming. Our flo at took first place with the theme, "Shoo ' Em On To Victory." The entire float w as white with a large golden slipper on the back of it. Golden goal posts were standing in froJC!l of th e shoe a nd a large golden football was placed behind the goal. Glenda Styles sat in the heel of th e slip per a nd Lois Aven a nd Carolyn Hilton sat by the goal posts. All were d ressed in lavender. K ay Donica was float chairma n. Carolyn Piper, our president, was a n a ttend a nt to th e homecoming quee n. Following the parade

Beta Sigma's float with the theme, "Shoo 'Em To Victory," takes first place in Homecoming parade.


and the game, a tea a nd open house was held in honor of our alumnae. J ean Williams is our candidate for Ba rn Warming Queen. The a nnual Founders' D ay banqu ~ t was held November 15 at The Grove. White carn a tions were used as the ce~terpi ece a nd small fans ma de from PHOENIX covers, with an .A~A song on the bac k were. placed a t each plate.-PATTY WILLIAMS .

~eta Up,~ Indiana (Terre Haute) State Teachers College THE Beta Upsilon members are wearing new red blazers with the Alpha Sigma Alpha crest on the upper left pocket. The first week end of rush was November 12-1 3. There were a series of seven get-acquainted parties. Formal rush was November 18-20. Our first party was a style show with ,F rances Eastridge and Lois Sarver as co-chairmen. The second party was given by the alumnae chapter. Miss Martha Erwin and Miss Mildred M cGrew were chairmen. Joy DeVault was chairman of th e Sunday preference night, "路Crimson and Pearl " dessert. Immedia tely following rush was the sorority volleyball tournament. Arlene Wild was our captain. Sue Roland is our representative to the Crystal Ball planning committee. The Crystal 路Ball will be January 28, a nd is sponsored by the Panhellenic Council. Frances Eastridge was our representative to the Panhellenic Workshop.- Jov DEVAULT.

Stout Institute WHAT a terrific Homecoming this was at Stout. President Ginny Ehlers was elected queen, making it three in a row for Beta Phi. Our prizewinning float, " We'll Break Their Hearts," featured three Alpha Sigs beneath a huge red heart. Our house decora tions also won first prize with the theme, " The Queen's Castle." The Consecration ce remony and a dinner were on the program as Beta Phi obse rved Founders' D ay. R ecently ou r pledges entertained the pledges of th e other sororities on the campus at a "pink tea." We entertained our dates a t a dinn er, before the intersorority Christmas ball, " Noel Moderne," where every-

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was the theme of Beta Chi's Homecoming float. one d anced amon g silver trees under silver and blue mobiles. As has been a custom in the past, Beta Phi members attend church as a group once a month.-ALEEN SHINABARGER.

Arizona State College DISNEYLAND was the theme for th e Homecoming floats this year. This particular theme caused a lot of publicity for Homecoming and the crowds were immense both in Phoenix and Tempe. Beta Chi's float was based on Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Janice Selleh was Snow White. The seven dwarfs made of papier mache were grouped around her. A house was built on the jeep which pulled the fl a tbed. Pigeons were released through the windows of the house. Alpha Sigma Alpha won third place in the sorority class. Kathy Bowersock a nd Deene King were co-chairmen for our float d ecorations. Founders' Day was observed by members of Beta Chi and the Phoenix alumnae at a dinner at Harman's Ranch restaurant.- REBA HoGUE.

Western Michigan College of Education

"We'll Break Their Hearts" was th e theme of Beta Phi's prize winning float in the Homecoming parade.


BETA Psi's first rush party, " Portrait of A~A," was held in th e P a nh elleni c House. An easel was used to di splay outs tanding activities of our sorority throughout the year. For our second party we used our traditional theme, "Cocktails by Candlelight." Tables seating four were arranged aro und the room, candles, etched glasses and programs were atop red and white checked table cloths. After becoming acquainted with the actives the r ushees were introduced to a ceremony similar to all sorority ceremonies, making for a n impressive departure. The third and fin a l party was held a t the home of Mrs. H arbaugh, our most gracious patroness. H er recreation room is furni shed in a uth entic M exican furniture thus our M exican th eme originated. Entertainment co~sisted of M exican songs a nd d ances and sorority movies shown by J ea n _Lucus. R efreshments were typical M exican style. Concludmg the party the rushees received their favors red and white ce ram ic earrings. '


Our new pledges are an enthusiastic group and will add much to our chapter. The annual "Dad's Day" celebration was a treme ndous success, with the girls and their fath ers having a grand time at the spaghetti dinn er. Entertainment was furnished by the girls with com munity singing followin g. Mi s Virginia Carpenter, na tional vice president. was our guest on D ecemb er 2. We gave a ba nqu et in honor of Miss Carpenter. Variety Night on Western's campus was held on D ecember 2. Sororities and fraterniti es on the camp us enter the competition. Their objective is fun a nd the first prize of $50. Jo Prybylski was the chairman of our skit. Our Christmas party was filled with warm th a nd friendship so characteristic of the Christmas seaso n.JoAN AALBREGTSE.



Bucknell University ALTHOUGH the month of November is noted for bringing relief from hot summer days, ¡Beta Omega now has another connotation for that brisk fall weather. The week end of November 4 found us busily preparing for our homecoming float. Inspired by our Alma Mater, the Alpha Sigs worked with Lambda Chi fraternity to depict the years from childhood through college. Scenes from Bucknell campus were to be incorporated around a large silvered weather balloon. However, the old colloquial phrase, "neither rain, snow, sleet nor hail will halt the U . S. mail" was proven fraudulent. Due to a detained weather balloon, plans were rapidly altered. After a pow-wow, it was decided that we would construct an open book entitled, " This is Your ,L ife," as a substitute . Challenging the icy blasts, we worked diligently on our last-minute inspira tion, but alas, Mother Nature had other plans for us. Our float was among those blown over, and consequently, we never reached the para de. Nevertheless, we hid our humility and held funeral rites for our wilted proj ect. As a sorority culture program, Panhellenic Council sponsored a fashion show on November 2. Kitty Habel represented A~A as a model. Founders' Day was observed with a dinner. Among our guests, including our a dviser and patronesses, was Mrs. Margaret Means, an Alpha Sig alumna from Temple. 1Mrs. Means is a new professor in the Education d epartment at Bucknell. We prepared a gala Thanksgiving basket with all the trimmings for a needy family in Lewisburg. Our Big and Little Sister party was h eld on D ecember 4. On D ecember 12 was our annual earring sale. The sororities and fraternities held a joint 'Christmas party for orphans. Before th e holidays, the spirit of Christmas was infiltrated via Christmas carols sung by the Alpha Sigs at G eisinger HospitaL-BARBARA HoPF.

t;amma ~~ Creighton University THE first rush season of Gamma Alpha proved to be both a wonderful experience and lots of fun. Our first party was our Carnation tea held at the home of Elly Peter. The house was decorated with red and white carnations. Cake and ice cream (white with a red carnation center ) were served along with coffee, tea, nuts and mints. R ed matchbooks with our sorority name in white were given to our guests as favors.




Some of Gamma Alpha's rushees at Hong Kong Hanna's club. The next party held a t the home of Rose Marie Greco had a Chinese th eme. Chinese fans were sent to the girls with an invitation ask ing them to come to Hong Kong Hanna's club. Chinese lanterns and dragons decorated the big recreation room. Place mats were arranged in circles on the floor. Name tags were attached to little Chinese umbrellas stuck in colored gum drops. Guests dined Chinese fashion, sitting on the floor a nd using chop sticks. Chow mein, tea and cookies comprised the m enu. Following the dinner, a musical skit, "Madame Flutterby," was presented. Name bingo was also played. For favors we gave coolie hats and snake whistles. Preferences for sororities were submitted last week. Now we are waiting for quarter grades so we can welcome our new-sisters-to-be into Alpha Sigma Alpha. As a group project we have purchased red jackets with the A~A crest on the pocket . We wear them each Wednesday, our meeting day. As part of our philanthropic project, we went to the children's ward at St. Joseph hospital and had a Hallowe'en party for the patients. We played games with them and gave them candy and toys. We plan to continue to go to the ward to entertain from time to time . Lois Liebel, Angela Pettinger and Rita Brennan were elected to m embership into Gamma Phi Epsilon, the J esuit honor society.-PAT PoTTHOFF. THE women's fraternity with its diverse program of activities a nd goals, obviously established for th eir part in the total development of the individual, can make a genuine contribution to the college campus, as it seeks to complement the edu cational program of th e institution. In the comp any of understanding contemporaries a nd und er the leadershi p of loyal alumnae, young women are helped to develop social skills, ideals of service, and high moral standards. Insight into the needs of the individual, apparent p~rhaps more readily to those bound by the bonds of sisterhood, resulting in the unfolding of stren gths and the eliminating of weakn esses at an early period in the college career, often makes possible more effective growth than can be accomplished in the larger sphere of th e University community. Through this medium, too, can come the appropriate emphasis upon the total task of the woman as citizen, homemaker, mother, placing in proper balance her contributions to her family and to her community.-DEAN ELSBETH MELVILLE, Boston University, from The Crescent of T<I>B.



Akron, Ohio LouisE GEORGE HoLT was Founders' Day hostess to Akron alumnae on Monday, November 14. A report of excellent results was given on our money raising event, a rummage sale. The money made will go toward our 1958 convention fund. A $10.00 check was given to Summit County Council for Retarded Children as a Christmas gift. The annual Panhellenic dance was held at the Sheraton-Mayflower Hotel on November 19. Gwendolyn O 'Hara Spiers LlLl entertained in her home before the dance. June Western BB is the new president of Barberton's Rose Street P.T.A. The representative for Hotchkiss school teachers of Akron to the local Association for American Childhood Education is Gwendolyn O 'Hara Spiers. Helen Frame Snyder '98 is chairman of a big card party for retarded children for which 1,300 tickets have been sold. ·President of the Ohio Food Service Association, Ruth Yauger LlLl attended the meetings of the American Food Service Association in Denver recently.-<GWENDOLYN O 'HARA SPIERS .

Buffalo, New York Miss MINA GoosEN, professor of English at Buffalo State, was our guest speaker at the October meeting. Miss Goosen spoke on recent New York plays. Among those which she discussed were "Diary of Anne Frank" and " Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. " "The Glass Menagerie" was presented by Miss Goosen in November as the fall production at the college. On ovember 11 , the Buffalo alumnae presented a puppet show for the children. This first money-making project of the year was held at the Amhurst Community Church. Locally our philanthropic efforts a re directed toward two needy groups: the Protesta nt Home for Unprotected Children and the German Roman Catholic Orphans Home. L ast year we were able to give only a token gift but this year we hope to give a more substantial sum.SuE FLYNN .

Canton-Massillon, Ohio THE 'Cantono~Massillon alumnae chapter got off to a good start for th e new season with a picnic at the lovely suburban home of Mary D onze Miller at which we entertained our husbands. In September we had a dessert mee ting in J ayne Weible Urban 's new co untry home and October found us at rM ary Carmella Carfag~a's f~; an eveni?g meeting at which J ayne Urban reviewed The Man m the Gray Flannel Suit." We celebrated Found~rs' D ay Saturday, November 12, with a luncheon meeung a t the Massillon Woman's Club. We are very proud of Emmy Schlott Calhoun who is the new president of the Federated Woman's Club Canton Trirosis, in additio~ to teaching full time and ~aring for her home and family. O ther full time teachers are


Sally Frease West, Betty Moore H elm, M ary Carfagna, M artha Steiner Young and J ayne Urban. We miss Janice Marsh, who now lives in Phoenix, Arizona, but are glad to hear she has been meeting with the Phoenix alumnae. We are glad to welcome Mary J a ne Hughey to our group. Mary Jane is dietician at Aultman Hospital and comes to us from Miami University. -JAYNE URBAN.

Chicago, Illinois THE Chicago alumnae certainly were busy Alpha Sigs at the October meeting when Mary Sue Palmer Parvin and her sister, Julia Palmer, entertained at their home in Lombard. We were buying and selling Christmas cards, our annual money-making project, as well as magazine subscriptions. Business transactions were stopped long enough, however, to hear Rosemary Johnson give a very interesting report from the Chicago City Panhellenic Association. This year Panhellenic is asking the aid of every member sorority to successfully carry .out a combined philanthropic project. We are co-operating by bringing to the next meeting white goods which will be given to the Cancer Society for use in making dressings. We were also asked to assist in the d istribution of the publicity material on the Panhellenic annual scholarship awards to the various high schools. Jeanne Ramsey, a mathematics teacher at Kelvyn Park Hig}l School, is to be in charge of the publicity in her school. In addition to these projects, the Panhellenic Association plans to have guest speakers after the regular business sessions. They will speak on topics of interest and value to all alumnae chapters. We feel this will be an excellent opportunity for our chapter to acquire some new ideas. Our deepest sympathies are extended to Nelle Ramsey in the recent loss of her mother.-DORIS rDoWLING ADAMS .

Cincinnati, Ohio HUGE charcoal grills glowed cheerfully at our meeting on October 9, which was a family picnic in rMcFarland Wood. Poetry written by Mary Zeck Rockhill AA was a feature of our meeting held at .Shillito's Tearoom on Saturday, November 5. The poem accompanied the blue and pink packages for a joyful shower in honor of our presi~ent, Evelyn Fetter Long AA, who has our co ngratulations. At our annual Christmas party at the hom e of Ruth Snedaker K~hl AA we wrapped packages in gay and colorful Chnstmas paper and ribbon for th e underprivilege? children at Allen House, a welfare center. These gifts and books were collec ted a nd co ntributed by the members of our group.~H ELEN KING STAMM.

Cleveland, Ohio OuR first fall meeting was held at the home of ow· president, Catherine Landolf. Catherine had interesting


plans, tea and muffins-all enjoyable. •L eta Crawford and Jane Fry are delegates to Panhellenic since Bernice DeTchon retired after several years as a most faithful and hard-working delegate.- JANE FRY .

Colorado Springs, Colorado OuR first meeting was held at Phyllis Nicoll's home. Everyone ha d a wonderful time reminiscing the summer vacations and playing bridge. D elicious refreshments were served by the hostess. We were happy to welcome a new member, Marylyn Gray Mincks l:l:. In October we had our anniversary dinn er at the H arbor Inn. After dinner, we played bridge at the home of Rispah Wood, president. Virginia Maloney gave us some information on the new school being set up in Colorado Springs for retarded children. This school, which presently has ten students, is affiliated with the National Retarded Children's Association. This type of school is badly needed here since there are no provisions for training retarded children . Virginia stated that these children cannot learn as others in public schools but they can learn to perform physical tasks successfully. Our chapter is collecting magazines which these children can use to cut out pictures and we are buying crayons for them. In October we were busy making favors for Sigma Sigma at Greeley. A number of silver wands were made beautifully and artistically. The November meeting was held at Mildred Harmon's home. We were busy buying and selling Christmas cards to raise money for our chapter.-NADYA DuBOVENKO KAUFMAN.

Columbus, Ohio CoLUMBUS alumnae met at the home of Katie Loechler on October 20. Vi Siples, our president, was the assistant hostess. Margaret Johnston and Margaret ,M artin told us of the pla ns for the City Panhellenic Association's Forty-First Annual Scholarship Banquet to be held at the Ohio State University Student Union building. Mrs. D arrell R . Nordwall of Los Angeles, Alpha Chi Omega's delegate to the National Panhellenic Conference and natio nal treasurer of NPC, is the principal speaker. At this meeting, Helen Miller showed some color snapshots taken during the convention at Biloxi. These were sent to her by Elizabeth Johnston, the adviser of Alpha Alpha chapter. Our November Founders' Day mee ting was held at the home of Sara Pegler with Dottie Windom assisting. -CAROLYNE SOUTHARD.

Cumberland, Maryland THE Cumberland alumnae chapter held its meeting in O ctober at the home of •M argaret Reid Kessel BE. We were especially glad to welcome back our president, Beulah Montesant NN after her recent illnesss. In November we gathered food to pack our annual Thanksgiving food basket. The Associated Charities distributed these baskets to needy families in Cumberland. At our November meeting, which was held at the home of Doris Davis Williams BE, we made our Christmas plans. This year we filled stockings with toys and these were distributed by the Associated Charities in Cumberland. W e felt we were being Santa Claus to these needy children.- DoRIS DAVIS WILLIAMS.



Dayton, Ohio OuR November meeting was held Tuesday evening, November 8, at the home of M ary Helen Clark ·F erguson AA. Ruby Carey Ba ll llll was co-hostess. A new member, Jane Beckett Allen AA was prese nt. We had an interes ting Founders' Day program. Alma Molitore ·Snider AA and Thelma Butterfield Brown AA brought large cartons of candy to be passed out to the members to be sold in support of our philanthropic proj ect, now in its second year. This consists of making articles helpful for th e School of Retarded Children in Dayton. We basted belts with various types of fasteners to be used in teaching children self-help. Mollie Snider is our enthusiastic cha irman. A special meeting has been schedul ed, with the husbands invited, at the home of Kath erine Young Moore A, to help with some of the manual training aspects of the proj ect. We are also saving nylon hose for some of the children to use for weaving. Lola Pierson ·L akin EE, our -Panhellenic del egate, reported that she would soon have Panhellenic calendars for us to buy and sell. P a nhellenic uses this method to partially support the scholarships which are given in this area each year. Our next three meetings are to be downtown luncheons on Saturdays.--IMARY HELEN CLARK FERGUsoN .

Denver, Colorado As a member of the Denver City Panhellenic, our chapter is responsible for a minimum of twenty-two garments plus a cash donation to be distributed by the Needlework Guild to welfare agencies. Individuals in our group have given their time to USO activities and have worked at Sewell House for the Colorado Society for Crippled Children. For twenty years the Denver alumnae chapter has recognized the outstanding pledges of Beta Beta chapter by presenting a five-dollar award to a member pledged and initiated the preceding year. The money is paid to the National Treasurer toward her life membership. This award was presented to Helen McKee for 1955. Our group also supports the national fellowship and philanthropic fund by an annual donation and also by supporting the A"l:A magazine agency.-FLOREifCE WOLF.

Detroit, Michigan-Delta Phi AT our first meeting, held at the home of Reba Fries with Sybil Andrews Landry as co-hostess, we set up our program for the remainder of the year. Along with the business, the hands of all members present worked on Cancer Pads. Kay Faust Davey along with the aid of Kathryn Stephenson Buchinger have been busy preparing the plans for three meetings to be held throughout the sorority year which will include the Detroit Alumnae Women's Association of Alpha .Sigma Alpha and the college girls. The first of these was our •F ounders' Day celebration at Kay's home.-BERNICE L. STREET.

Detroit, Michigan-Delta Rho OuR first meeting of the fall was held at Ruth Heidemann's house and was based on a travel theme. After the business meeting, our program consisted of a discussion of vacations with movies shown. In October we had a cabinet meeting at Betty Mo-


berg's a partment and discussed our general plans for activities for the coming year. Joan Baxter H amilton's house was the setting ~or o~r second meeting to whi ch the girls brought their husbands or boy fri ends. Joan's husband, La_rry, and ~ora Bogdanovich served as host and hostess until ~oan _arnved after an evening class she had at Wayne University. We held our meeting in the den and then joined th~ fellows in the kitch en for a taffy pull. Later we had c1der a?d doughnuts while playing a question-answer g~e :.1t~ Marion Storsetter Leishman's husband, Bob, bemg It. Several of us attended the two rush parties given by the college chapter, Rho Chi, at Wayne University. We found both of them very enjoyable and were happy to meet the prospective new members of Alpha Sigma Alpha.-JoAN CUNNI NGHAM.

Fort Wayne, Indiana OuR sorority year began in September with the meet· ing at Margaret Allen Dibert's home. Election of officers was held; pictures were taken . •Martha Stuckey Glentzer was a guest. Installation of officers preceded our business meeting in O ctober at the home of Marjorie Harper Harader. Our November meeting in the home of Thelma Waltz Zumbaugh wa s d evoted to our Founders' Day program and addressing Christmas cards.- THELMA ZUMBAUGH .

Indiana, Pennsylvania INDIANA, Pennsylvania, alumnae held the ·first regular meeting of the fall season at the home of Inez McGreevy Stahura. At this meeting, plans for the coming year were outlined and discussed. The main project for our members is that of giving the college chapter at Indiana State Teachers College our support and aid in decorating and furnishin g their newly assigned sorority room by conducting an Alpha Gamma all-alumnae drive. We are anticipating good results from this drive. Founders' Day was shared with the college chapter. Our annual White Elephant Sale was in December and was a success fin ancially aga in this year . It was held at Dr. Joy M ahachek's home and the fun wa s sha red by the Alpha Sig mothers who live in town.-HELE~ STRASSNER RussELL.

Indianapolis, Indiana THE O ctober meeting was held in the charming apartment of Mona Woodward with Paula Sierp and Betty Kidwell Soland assisting. This was a dessert meeting with delicious refreshments served in keeping with the autumn season . Mona's guest, Miss Mary Laatz, who has traveled extensively during the past summer in South America, was the speaker of th e evening. Miss Laatz gave us a most interes ting account of her travels a nd brought with her m any souvenirs of her trip. Dorothy R amsey K arrrna n' s home was the setting for our Founders' D ay Program . Wilma M ae W olf and Adela ide 1M oC a rty were assistant hostesses. After a social hour, President H elen Campbell Shibler presented the program with H elen Selvage Noblitt a t the pia no and members of the group assisting. Then came the p romised trip to the Nation al C onvention with H elen Shibler, Genevieve Leib and Catherine Schoen troup as our guides, a ll three h aving a ttended the convention . In D ecember we ha d a dinn er meti ng at the n ew


home of Sue Anne Engle Messing. Our. Christm~s ~ro­ ject this year is the Central State Hosprtal, an mstltution for mental patients.-ADELAIDE McCARTY.

Greater Kansas City · ~WHAT do I hear fifty cents, so I hear sixty, sixty, do I hear seventy " ~as the chant of Auctioneer Beverly Hobbs Smith as ;he Greater Kansas City alumnae held their annual gadget bazaar in October at the home of Mary Jean Lewis Willyard. . Assistin'? hostesses were Jennie Williams Adler, Conme Cock~nll Hembree and Evora Martin Williams. It was a mght of fun as we kept running each other up on bids. Of course, our treasury was the one that benefited the most. J"ounders' Day found us together for a luncheon at the Wishbone with Ethel Phillips, Helen Toe!, Joan Moore and Rubye Worley Swain as hostesses. Dorothy Whitmore Kreek presented the Founders' Day program . .Dorothy had written the service for the Magnolia-Candlelight dinner at convention. So many of tho~e attending the convention wanted a copy of the serv~ce. to use in their chapters that it was decided that this Impressive program should be shared by all college and alumnae chapters for Founders' Day. Also this luncheon honored Dorothy IK.reek. It was with much regret we said goodbye to Dorothy as she and her family are moving to Baltimore, Maryland. Dorothy who is national alumnae organizer has been a faithful member and an inspiring leader of our group. She has contributed so much to our meetings by her clever table decorations and interesting programs. Note to the Baltimore alumnae chapter, you are gaining a wonderful new member for your group. Christmas found us at Em Coleman ·Frost's home. Our Christmas party is one which all of us look forward to and this year was no exception. It was truly a merry group who enjoyed the old fashion Christmas party. Assisting hostesses were J erry Burt Atchison, Beverly Hobbs Smith, 1Marian Tollaksen Fischer and Doris Jean Snodgrass Klein. -HELEN ToEL.

Kirksville, Missouri WE joined with the college chapter after their weekly meeting on October 11, to make plans for Homecoming which was October 22. They told us their ideas for an attractive float and we discussed a "Coketail" party to be given after the Homecoming game. Mary Lou Bills gave a very interesting talk about the highlights of her trip to the National Convention. The alumnae served coffee and cookies after the m eeting. The hostesses were June Carol Martin and D ena Hamilton. In order to help with th e rushing, we made cupcakes with pink icing to use at th e college girls Pink Poodle party. The " Coketail" party was held after the Homecoming gam e a t the horne of Eileen Higbee Kruse. The hostesses were Eileen Kruse, Sa rah Grim Wimp, Twila Mikel and M arion J ayne.- MR s . DAvro LI NTNER.

Licking-Muskingum Valley, Ohio O N Saturday, O ctober 15, the Licking-Muskingum alumn ae drove down through the scenic Muskingum River valley to the home of Ethel Straw Guthrie in ·M arietta for a one o'clock luncheon . W e were so sorry to learn that day th a t Miss Edith Sniffen, a former faculty


adviser of Lambda Lambda chapter at Ohio State had been confined in the Marietta hospital for several ~eeks . So many of us have such pleasant memories of Miss Sniffen at O .S.U. and we wish her a most speedy recovery. Plans are under way for State Day on April 14, at the Senior High School in Zanesville. We are hoping that all Ohio Alpha Sigs will plan to be in Zanesville. -HILDA ALLEN BAKER.

Los Angeles, California THE fall season has been a most active one for th e Los Angeles alumnae. On October 18, Julie Bessire Hammond opened her lovely home in Hermosa Beach to us for our meeting. We felt very fortunate to have as our guest speaker, .Miss Ivy Kahn, the national executive director of ·the Young Women's Christian As'l!ociation of India. She spoke to the group about her country, emphasizing the position of women today in India. Miss Kahn has been touring the United States to learn more about our Y·WCA program, as well as to visit welfare agencies and institutions which handle problems similar to those dealt with by the YWCA in In-dia. Miss Kahn was accompanied to the meeting by 1Mr. Leslie I. Pereira, who came to this country as an ex-change student at Loyola University in Los Angeles, and who now, with his family, makes his home here. He -displayed many beautiful hand-made items imported from India. .F rances Tholen Priest arranged the interesting program. Catherine Fitzgerald 1B olton assisted the hostess, Julie Hammond. A special guest at this meeting was Nell Russell McMahan, who is soon to accompany her husband to Okinawa where he is stationed as an Air Force Major. Christmas cards, our annual money-making project, were displayed at the October meeting. The Founders' Day luncheon was a success again this year with a large group at the Lido !Room of the Ambassador Hotel, where the luncheon was held on November 12. Edith Callahan Titley arranged the affair and worked hard to produce the beautiful table decorations. Each table was centered by a large glittering wheelbarrow filled with bronze and gold chrysanthemums, fall leaves and fruit. As individual favors, each member received a small bronze wheelbarrow filled with candy and nuts. Assisting Edith in making the decorations were Theda Case D ell, Julie ·Bessire Hammond, Frances Tholen Priest, Nancy Gibson Mathisen and Ruth Briggs Haldeman. The program was planned by our president, Juanita Hemperly Styer. The Los Angeles alumnae group is growing steadily and this year we have welcome several new members at each meeting.-RUTH BRIGGS HALDEMAN.

Maryville, Missouri FoUNDERs' DAY was again celebrated by the college chapter and returning alumnae at Homecoming, October 28, celebrating the Golden Anniversary of Northwest Missouri State College. One hundred ten were served at the Presbyterian Church at 6:30 p.m. Nancy Rainey, college chapter president, presided and during the evening introduced returning charter members of Phi Phi chapter; Juanita Marsh Benson and Louise Smith Gillis, both of Greater Kansas City a lumnae ; the patronesses: Mrs. Clun Price, patroness since Phi Phi was founded; Mrs. Nell Martindale Kuchs, former adviser of the college chapter and former national officer ; Mrs. Charles



B.ell ; Mrs. F. M. Townsend ; Mrs. J. W . Jon es; and adVIsers of th e group : Miss Bonnie M agill a nd Mrs. John Mauzey; a nd Miss J essie Jutton, a former advi ser now at Central Missouri State College, W a rrensburg. H elen Crouch, president of th e local alumnae spoke on "National Founders of ASA" a nd 1Mrs. Benson' talked on "Phi Phi Comes to Maryville." Carol Bressler, Judy Biem er, Ann Schilling, Norm a Long , Judy Cross and P~t Adams, accompanied by Carol G amble, sang "In the Still of th e Night." Group singing was led by Jeanne Goodson of the college chapter. Mr. John Rush, of Maryville, a member of the first freshman class of NWMSC and first president of the Alumni Association, gave an illustrated talk "Reminiscing About Early College Life." ' Each of the five tables was d ecora ted with three bouquets of miniature mums in green and gold vases and baskets, flanked by yellow candles in brass ca ndlesticks and tied with green, gold and white ribbons. These colors represented the alumnae colors, green and gold and the school colors, green and white. The center bouquets had golden discs imprinted with "50th" and were hanging from the basket handles. The programs were bound in gold paper upon which was printed the sorority crest in black. Mrs. Kuchs was chairma n of the event and was assisted by Mrs. J . W. Whan, Mrs. Donald Jensen, Mary 1Ethel Oliver Pugh, R'dell Chick Dinsdale and Katherine 'McMillan of the alumnae group.-KATHRYN KRAUSE BELCHER.

Miami, Florida WE had out first fall meeting on November 8, at the Everglades Hotel in Miami. We are sorry that two of our charter members have moved. Mary Williamson Hundley, one of the sorority founders, moved from Miami to Richmond. Shirley Thigpen, a former ·Eastern Airlines hostess, was married in June and has moved to New Orleans. Our membership is growing, however, with three new members added to our roster since the last meeting. They are Margaret Paul Fulwiler PP who is teaching in Coral Gables; Rose Begy Kraft lUI who is busy getting settled in her new Miami home and Maude 1Murphy Barrere AA from Ohio. Mary Turner Gallagher, our president had a preholiday social gathering for all of us on December 7, and we had a wonderful time.-FRANCES CoLLVER LoDER.

New OrLeans, Louisiana AT th e regular November business meeting held at the home of Lois Owen Girard, we had the pleasure of having as guest speaker, Mrs. Lucius Lamar, an outstanding worker in the New Orleans Community Volunteer Workers. She told us of the work of th e women in her service and urged us to find some time to devote to volunteer work. At present we are working with the Volunteer Service and with Charity Hospital to find a n interesting and worthwhile project. We are tentatively planning to work with an old folks' ward at the large Charity Hospital here. Each spring, the City Panhellenic Association gives a tea for all high school seniors who plan to enter colleg~ in the fall . This year, in order to raise money for this tea, each sorority held a bridge and canasta party charging each player one dollar. The highest scorer of each group had a chance at the grand prize, a clock-radio. In our chapter we held three different card parties.


Bridge was played at the homes of joann Penny and Pat Collins while we enjoyed canasta at Lily Staehling Dastugue's home. Since the college chapter, ·B eta Zeta in Lafayette, asked for help in the celebration of their fifteenth year as an A!:A chapter on Southwestern campus, we gave a toy party on November 15, at Pat Collins' home. We raised enough money to send them a huge cake in the shape of our pin. The party was not only a success financially but gave us with children an opportunity to buy clever and inexpensive toys for Christmas. Jean Nebel Richardson and Bobby lsom •Bailey contributed their suggestions for name tags for the college chapter's open house on Homecoming Day. This was held at the lovely home of Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hait. On November 30, our annual Founders' Day Banquet was held at New Orleans' famed Delmonico's restaurant. Our president, jean Nebel Richardson, presided as mistress of ceremonies. Wilma Davis .Doretz BZ has joined our group and we are very glad to have her since most of us knew Wilma from college days.-LILY STAEHLING DASTUGUE.

New York, New York HoMEMADE cakes, baby sacques, hand painted vases and stuffed animals turned our Second Annual Hobby Sale into a gala affair. The November meeting, with Virginia Dobbins Hess as hostess, was a Toy and !Wrought Iron Demonstration. Neighbors, friends and relatives were invited to buy gifts for themselves and Christmas and they bought many things. The proceeds of both of these events were used for our Christmas project which was adopting a needy family for Christmas with the help of the local agencies. This year's family was a large one so we were all busy making and collecting clothes, toys and canned goods to make this year's family a happy one on Christmas. R ecent letters from Kathleen McCann Gamma Clio ind!cate? that Scotland is wonderful. K'athy is partici~ patmg m the teacher exchange program and will be teaching in Edinburgh for a year. We are anxiously awaiting her return to her first hand reports from Europe. Two events now in the planning stage are a motherdaughter bridge and a Valentine Dance.-FRANCINE CooNEY McLEOD.

Northern New Jersey THE fall mee ting of the orthern Jersey alumnae was a t th e hom e of Louise Quick AB in Summit, New J ersey. A welcome was extended to Mary ·Beers Wiggins BI' who lives in Plainfield; Callye Davis Still AB Martha Rosebrook Tomlinson AA and Sally Ogden B~now NN. Other than the usual business of the day, we learned that our president, Elizabeth Woody, was moving to New York City and wished to be relieved of her office although she plans to attend the meetings. The gavei was handed over to Ruth Hollingsworth, vice president. Plans w~re made to sew on clot?ing and toys for cri.t?pled children at our next meetmg. Materials will be brought and if the members wish they may take work home to do. Charlotte Hartman Sprenkle KK has moved to Strafford, Pennsylvania.-BILLrE BARRETT COUSINS.

Northern Virginia WE, Northern Virginia Alpha Sigs, feel that our


chapter has taken a new lease on life this year, largely through the efforts of our president, Irma Page Anderson A. Irma was our delegate to the National Convention last summer and we have benefited enormously from the ideas she brought home with her. Irma has worked in the organization and establishment of the new Panhellenic Association of Northern Virginia this past summer and fall. As a chapter we shall benefit from our affiliation with this group. In October we attended a class in flower arrangement conducted by Mrs. Edward Odom. The class was held at her lovely Arlington home . Friends were invited and the entire group thoroughly enjoyed the evening and continued to enjoy the lovely blooms which Mrs. Odom gave to each of us to experiment with at home. At this meeting, we welcomed Lucille Cox Spradlin BI. We are carrying out two of the money makin!\' ideas presented at the September meeting. A "roving basket" is currently making the rounds; the purse growing fatter each month as a result of each member's payment for the article found in the basket. At our November m~eting, odd pieces of costume jewelry were brought by the members and auctioned off. The November meeting was held at the home of Irma Page Anderson A with June Kiser Ames BE as cohostess. We welcomed Pat Walochic AI' to our group. During the evening we made Thanksgiving and Christmas tray favors for patients at Leewood Lodge, a new convalescent home for the elderly, located near Springfield, Virginia. We have chosen this home for our philanthropic project for the current year. While financial assistance is not required since this is a privately operated nursing home, we feel that we can give of our time and small talents to good advantage in doing little things for these often forgotten elderly people. We gave them a small party at Christmas. ·Lillian Clough Sh urnway EE is chairman of our philanthropic committee this year. Our Chri<tmas party was held at the home of Mary S. Wamsley Hinson A in Springfield with Katherine Hale Hammond ee and Marjorie Piner Zimmerman BB as co-hostesses.-MARY S. WAMSLEY HINSON.

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma FALL means rummage sale time for Oklahoma City Alpha Sigs and this time the hard work paid off. Our October meeting was held at the hom e of Lucille Lister Haller PP. We spent the evening preparing clothes for the sale. The sale ran two days and we have $100.39 to show for our efforts. Our Founders' Day dinn er meeting was h eld at Beverly's Restaurant, with Louise Ewalt Buchanan in charge of the program. Along with the formal Founders' Day p:ogram. th e past, present and future of our sorority was di~cussed by Johnnie Lane Gentry rr, Dorothy R awe Gilger llll and Helen Ann Biswell Br. Husbands were special guests at the Christmas covered dish dinner. The meeting was at Louise Buchanan's ho~e nea; Lake Aluma, with Dorothy Gilger and Gera ldme R emecke Glow TT serving as co-hostesses.-jEwEL WEATHERBEE •MATTHEWS .

Pittsburg, Kansas THE Pittsburg alumnae had a family night picnic, October 17.


The annual Thanksgiving turkey raffie sales and Christmas card sales were highly successful. Founders' Day was held with the college chapter, Novt> mber 15, at the Social Rooms in Carney Hall, Kansas State T eachers College.-Jo ANNA SINGLETON NELSON.

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania A lun heon meeting October 15, at the home of Iva Arnold Rochez Ar was the first activity of the year for the Pittsburgh alumnae. We are sorry to see Vivian Sinclair Eicher ·Ar and her husband, Jim, a nd family move to Lewisburg, Pennsylva nia. M arion Ball Wilson NN has had as her house-gues! this past summer, Ann Schade Murphy, a Pittsburgh alumna, who now makes her home in Melbourne Beach, Florida. Bca J effri es Ar attended homecoming this fall at Indiana Sta te Teachers College. Bea is an officer of the North Baras Indiana alumnae group.-BARBARA REID LoGA N.

I Portland, Oregon

Our main project is volunteer work a t the Shreveport Veterans Hospital. We help with the Musical Bingo in co-operation with their recreational program. Alpha Sigma Alpha, with D ee !Goetz Baker as delegate, has just completed a year as secretary of the Panhellenic Association. During the year they sponsored a bridge luncheon style show benefit. Barbara Gray Hyde represented the Alpha Sigs at the style show. Panhellenic has also sponsored a luncheon and tea at which we took active part.--'BARBARA GRAY HYDE.

South Bend, Indiana THE South Bend alumnae chapter will be ten years old on February 9, 1956. We have big plans for a birthday party. We still have three of our charter members with us. They are Mildred Warner Zoss, Naomi Pehrson and Betty Mathews. They deserve "stars in their crowns' ' for all the effort they have put forth to help us grow. Our Founders' Day meeting was at Barbara Etchison's home with Naomi Pehrson as co-hostess. We welcomed two new members, Artie •B ussert XX and Charladine Walls BP. Our Christmas meeting was held at the home of Florence Roberts Taylor ZZ with Marie Scanlon Brown as co-hostess. We each made a personal contribution and with some funds from th e treasury, we collected a nice sum for th e Cerebral Palsy Foundation. Janice Grubbs Baumgartner XX, philanthropic chairman, gave a report on their needs and we plan to make bean bags and collect other articles for them. Barbara Etchison, magazine subscription chairman, has been successfully maintaining our drive for "One-a-member" quota by spring. Patricia Billiau, ways and means chairman, has money-making projects planned which will help us start our convention fund for 1958. -MARIE SCANLON BROWN .

THE summer found Ruth <Day Davis delegating at the National Education Association convention in Chicago. She reported a well-informed and enjoyable trip at our first business mee ting in October. We will miss Frances Logstan Wilkinson who recently moved to Greeley, Colorado. For one lost, we have gained a new member, Joyce Clark BB who is now teaching in Vancouver, Washington. Our first meeting was a family picnic held across the river from Portland, in Vancouver. We met in a beautiful picnic park for spaghetti prepared under the adept hand of our hostess, Nancy Fitzgerald Snyder. Our spring and final meeting will be an annual social breakfast or luncheon at some local restaurant. We are launched on an eventful group of meetings for this year, as we plan to follow a program suggested by · Frances L. Wilkinson. These will feature various subjects WANDA CuRRY KK was welcomed as a new member as flower arrangements, community activities, stage and at our October meeting. Her sister, Noel KK, is now in theater in Portland and fashion.-JANE CANNON TIMGermany with her husband who is in th e army. MONS. Betty Reimet Bectal KK and her husband recently moved to Johnstown, Pennsylvania. We miss Betty and hope she can visit us soon.-EDNA MEUNIER HuTCHINsoN. THE Ri chmond alumnae chapter held its October

Southern New Jersey

Richmond, Virginia

meeting at the Cancer Center where we made bandages. At the meeting, our president, Nita Chandler, presented the Cancer Foundation with two room size heaters and two radios for use in the ·L oan Closet. This closet lends arti<Jes that will bring comfort and pleasure to cance r sufferers. We bought these with the proceeds of our sale of chances on a $50.00 gift certificate. The Founders' Day •B anquet was held at the ·Franklin Terrace Tea Room on November 1 7, with Frances Lee Jobso n serving as chairman.-HARRIET MooMOW LEEK.

Shreveport, Louisiana A record membership was on hand at our recent outdoor barbecue party held at the lovely country home of .J ac k a nd Audrey Hodges Periera. Husbands and children were prese nt and we all had a fine time. Evelyn Sorge Scott, a form er president of the Shreveport chapter, with her husband and children, drove from their home in Dallas, Texas for the occasion.



Springfield, Missouri FALL came in with a rush here-a Progressive Rush Party. On September 26, the alumnae presented .a " Las Vegas" Tour, guiding the rush ees from home to home where decorations, entertainment and refreshments carried out the themes of such famous night spots as "The Flamingo Hatch," "The New Frontier," "Golden Nugge t," "El R ancho Vegas" and "The Sands." Gambling with play money on horse races, poker and bingo was supervised by our husbands. The last stop on the tour was the chapter house which represented "The Last· Chance Cafe" where doughnuts and coffee were served, traditional A~A songs were sung and each rushee was presented a demitasse cup and saucer with A~A inscribed in gold. The tour was guided by Mrs. Richard Carter and all arrangements were made by Rose ·Marie Fellin, alumnae president. October found us meeting at the home of Rita Diet-


rickson, assisted by Rose Marie Fellin, fo: a dessert bridge. A report was given .on our. Chnstm as card sales which is our money-makmg proJect. N~vember brought Homecoming a nd a luncheon the college chapter girls a nd r ushees. On we celebrated Founders' D ay with a banquet. The Lucy Mae Smith award, presented by the alu mnae to an outstanding senior was given for the first tim to Betty Haun. This is in memory of Miss mith, our recently deceased faculty adviser, and is based on leadership, loyal ty and service. A plaque with Miss H au n's name engraved on it will be hung in the chapter house an d each year the new recipient's name will be added . In ad dition to the honor of being chosen, five dollars is Betty Haun is first to given to apply on the life memreceive L u c y Mae bership of this outstanding Smith award given by senior. the Springfield alumOur chief project this year has been our chapter hous e. nae. We have prese nted two new chairs, draperi es and cornice boards for the living room and hostess sets.-MARYANNE DALEY BucHANAN.


Terre Haute, Indiana THE Homecoming at ·I ndiana State T eachers College was a lovely affair this year. The Alpha Sigs had their luncheon at the Hoosier Room of Hotel D eming. Cochairmen for the 1955 Homecoming were Frances Eastridge and M ary Fran Wiley. The college girls planned a lovely program. Since many of th e girls could not attend homecoming, we asked them to send " news fla sh es" about themselves and their fri end s. We received news from th e coast of California to Washington, D. C. W e made a booklet to h ave at each plate at the luncheon. The O ctober meeting was held at th e horne of Martha Erwin, president. Plans' were discussed for the corning rush season, with Mildred McGrew as rush chairman. Each year the alumnae have th e Saturday night rush party for Beta Upsilon and the rushees at Indian a State. On November 19 we were enterta ined at the horne of Mrs. Walter Bratt. The party was called " Kh ask," which is Norweg ian for dessert, and a Scandinavian theme was used. Entertainment was provided by the college girls and th e alumnae a nd as part of the entertainment Helen Egly showed her colored movies of the 1955 Homecoming Parade. In November the regular business a nd social meeting was held at the home of Phyllis Hollowell Barker.MARY FRA N MooRE WILEY.

Triple Cities, New York I N June we gave a royal send-off to K aren Enterline Kerr and her husband, Jim, with a "Husband Party." The Kerrs left the Triple Cities to make their home on Long Island, ew York. Our fi rs t fall meeting, held at the home of Anicc Ellis, was a combination of a recipe swap, exchange of summer news and a discussion of our plans and program for the coming year. At this meeting we decided to send


a CARE package and to prepare baskets for needy families a t Tha nksgiving, Christmas and Easter as we have done other years. At our O ctober meeting, which was at Bev Novado's home one of our m embers, Anice Ellis, gave a demonstrati~n on Slimnas tics. The business meeting was devoted to a discussion of our Benefit Dessert Card 1Party which was held November 11 in V estal, New York. We had a wond erful attendance to enjoy our "Apple Desserts" and a n evening of cards.-NANCY WILSON McDANIEL.

Tulsa, Oklahoma THE Tulsa Alpha Sigs have simply blossomed i~to beauty since the O ctober meeting when we had advice and demonstrations by a beauty counselor from one of 1he large stores. We m et at Leona Spicer Hooker's home and she was assisted by Edith Joyner Taff and J ane Osborn Mills. Two new members were prese~t: Mary Nell J amison R ackleff and Emma Lou •B rownmg Platner both Beta G amma s. W e ~ere haopy to l,.arn of the approaching marriage of I sabelle Ho'well H a lladay. We surprised her at her home on O ctober 28, and presented her with a lovely silver tray engraved with A~A. W e deeply regret that H elen Cristy Solomon is leaving our chapter. H er husband is being transferred to Dennison, Texas. Tulsa alumnae have a lovely tradition of always celebrating Founders' Day at Lora. Sines' home. Thi• year on November 12, she was assisted by Gertrude Butler Green, Marcette Hobson Hamm and Helen Solomon.RosELLA RIGGIN.

Twin Cities, Minnesota OuR .first meeting of the fall was held the evening .of September 28. when we met at Ardyce Zempel Wmchester's new home in Bloomington. Betty Ann Dreyer Flaskamp was elected secretary to replace Catherine Wiebener Bergland, who moved to California during the summer. A.t the last of October we met at the Curtis Hotel for dinn er in the Cardinal Room. There we enjoyed the weekly fashion show presented by the R othschild-YoungQuinlan Company, a department store. Ardyce Zemp el Winchester and Virginia Harrington T aylor were appointed to m ake the a rrangements for acquiring a Thanksgiving basket we gave to a needy family.-MARTHA L EVIS MoRS E.

Wichita, Kansas TH E Wi chita alumnae began the year by having their September meeting at th e home of the past president, Erma P alan go Coffey. Polly Wilson Wilcox and Betty Jane Carlson Shannon were assisting hostesses. Plans :.Vere discussed for meetings in the year to come and our philanthropic proj ect, the therapy room at the Winfield Training Sch ool, was reviewed to see what had been accomplished a nd what we wanted to do in the future. M ary Emily Russell Elving is the chairman of this project and she is doing a very capable job. Evelyn Jon es Halderman, Mirna J ennings and Susan O 'Connor Sa ttgast were hostesses at the October meeting at Evelyn's lovely new home. Everyone came in clever costumes a nd it was a real chore to pick the best.


Betty Jane Carlson Shannon and Dorothy Losey Hammond finally won the prizes. The November meeting was our annual Founders' Day dinner which was held at Droll's Restaurant on November 15. Polly Wilcox Wilson and Dorothy Losey Hammond made the arrangements. Catheri ne Green Colberg, vice president and Panhellenic delegate, has been placed on the Rush Committee of the Panhellenic Association where she will help formulate the rushing rules. Besides the housewives, mothers and career girls in our group, several are making good use of their teachers trai ning in the local schools. Dorothy Weede Bethel, Virgi nia Ford, Grace Thomas Terrell and .M argie Goodwin are full time teachers. Along with all the good times we have had, there have been several incidents to sadden us. Dorothy Montgomery Dixon's husband, John, was seve rely injured in a crash of his jet airplane at Olathe, K a nsas, this summer and is undergoing treatment at the United States Naval Hospital in Bethesda, !Maryland. Evelyn Jon ps Haldermans husband, "Tully," passed away November J. -VERNELLE WORREL BERGERHOUSE.

W ilmington, Delaware AFTER our first fall meeting, our group decided to try increasing our membership by having a telephone blitz. We took our old list of members who didn't come for one reason or a nother, and made a fri endly phone call. The results were amazing and made our spirits soar sky high. The new members as a result of the phone blitz are : Elsie Crouthamel NN, Janet Francisco KK, Rita Boido M cElroy NN and Libby Boido Ryan NN. At the November meeting we tried out our artistic talents. One of our members, J anet Raughley NN, instructed us how to make a dried weed and leaf centerpiece and improved our techniques of making fall centerpieces. For December we met a t the home of Kitty Van Horn Bieber NN. At this meeting we worked on our philanthropic project which is supplying bedroom slippers for a house of boys a t the Governor Bacon Health Center in Delaware City, D elaware. We bought the slippers and embroidered their names or initials on them to make a more personalized Christmas gift.~BEVERLY BARLOW MELLIN.

. ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA /I~U«Uefe~, , , MARRIAGES ALPHA Sue Garber to Thomas F . Stewart. At home, 2{)05 Monument Ave., Richmond, Virginia. Patricia Holt :Abernathy to Elwood Allen Rice on November 5, 1955. At home, Virginia Beach, Virginia. Audrey Mayes Owen to Robert Beale on November 5, 1955. At home, Sedley, Virginia. J ean Carol Parker to H enry Edward Harrell, Jr., on August 13, 1955. At home, 213 Washington, Blacksburg, Virginia. ALPHA ALPHA Shirley Sledz to David Wakefield on August 20, 1955 . At home, 2061 Snowhill Dr., #4, Cincinnati 37, Ohio. Alice J ean Bailey' to James Dale Lucas on June 11, 1955. Billie Edna Bidwell to Charles Wayne Hendricks on July 2, 1955 . At home, 3843 E. Walnut, East Pasa-· dena, California. Shirley :A.nn Flickinger to Samuel Woods Stewart on July 9, 1955. At home, 71 S. 12th E ., Salt Lake City, Utah. Marlene Herbert to J. H. Hammond on June 11, 1955 . At home, 113 Shaw Ave., Dayton, Ohio. ALPHA BETA Elsa Webbink to Thomas R . Neylon, J r., on July 2, 1955. At home, 502 West Blvd., Mexico, Missouri. Catherine Lintner to DeWayne L. Spangler on November 6, 1955. At home, Karlton Apartments, Kirksville, Missouri.



Isabelle Howell Halladay to Williston L. Stevens on November 3, 1955. :At home, 2145 E. 23rd St., Tulsa, Oklahoma . ALPHA GAMMA Mary Jane O'Leslie to Ronald D . Kelly on July 4, 1955. At home, 135 Mulberry, Johnstown, Pennsylvania. Carolyn Chelgren to Eler y H . Walizer on July 12, 1955. At home, Ulysses, Pennsylvania. Shirley Englehardt to Cecil Tranquill, August, 1955. At home, 821-Rear 11th Ave., New Brighton, Pennsylvania. Clara Jo Colianno to Walter Sakaluk, July, 1955. At horne, 2114 Leeskman Ave., Arnold, Pen nsylvania. Donna Jean Peron to Millard Donald Rob erts on June 12, 1955 . At home, 211 S. Juliana St., Bedford, P ennsylvania. BETA BETA Virginia Scioli to Edward Andrew Tomko on F ebruary 12·, 1955. At horne, 3811 Julian St., D enver, Colorado. Betty Jo Stewa rt to Harry P. Ward on August 20, 1955. At home 1100 Colorado Blvd., D enver, Colorado·. J acqu eline 'F. Busby to Hugh Bunn 'B igum on June 8, 1955. At home, 1319-13th St., Greeley, Colorado. Thelma H ayes to H arvey Metcalf on July 24, 1955 . At home, 1207 Sherman, Apt. 4, Alameda, California. EPSILON EPSILON Josephine •M . Grammer to Gaylord Munson. At home, R•F D 3, Junction City, Kansas.


M ary L. Frank to Robert K. Johnson. At home, 133 E. Edgeme nt, Apt. 2, Montgomery, Alabama. Carol Bronsema to Ernest J. Zack on March 12 , 1955. At home, 1033 S. Wes tmoreland, Los A.ngeles, Californi a. Joellcn Elliott to Donald D. Blaylock on August 1, 1955. At home, 1 3 05 ~ M er chant, Emporia, Kansas. J ea n D avis to K enton Whittington on October 9, 1955. At home, 622 W. 6th Ave., Emporia, K ansas. Carol J ean Koch to Peter J. Catanese on September 7, 1955. At home, 817 Rural, Emporia, Kansas. Violet H assler to C. W. T ebeau. At home, 307 Aledo Ave., Coral Gables, Florida. Nancie Karolik to Donald L. Williams on May 12, 1955. At home, 1128 Sta te St., Emporia, Kansas. Lila Miller to Mac D. Homan. At home, 2118~ E. ! st., Wichita, Kansas. Ruth Staton to Eugene W. Bloxum on July 3, 1955. At home, 350 N . Grant, Colby, K ansas. Georgean na Miller to Ronald J. Larkin. At home, Cottonwood Falls, K ansas. Patricia Kramm to Donald Bruce Halbower. A t hom e, 1322~ Highland, Emporia, Kansas. ZETA ZETA Shirley Fitch to D arold Evert N elson on September 24, 1955 . At home, 1514 E. Alton, Independence, Missouri. Suzanne H ampton to Louis Braley. At home, Independ ence, Missouri. Barba ra Wolf to John D elventhal on June 11, 1955. At home, 115 E. D ale, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Catherin e Crowley to J ames Muller on November 12, 1955. At home, 8229 Troost, K ansas City, Missouri. Sharon Prigeon to William Harold Samuel on April 22 , 1955. At home, 6305 Independence Ave., Kansas City, Missouri. ETA ETA Virginia England to Donald Ra y Tucker on Septemb er I, 1955. At home, 2302 W. 39th St., Kansas City, Kansas. Winfred Alice Ward to James Robert W ebb on November 5, 1955. At home, Pittsburg, K ansas. KAPPA KAPPA Pa tri cia Buckwalter to Glenn Steffy Breidenstine on O ctober 8, 1955. At home, R . D . # 3, Lititz, Pennsylvania. Patricia Planas to Cuthbert Parrish, Jr., on November 19, 1955. Barbara Levens tein to John Gurney on November 19, 1955. NU NU Marianne Apelian to Vahe Abdukian on Jun e 19, 1954. At hom e, 1116 M ain St., D arby, Pennsylva ni a. PI PI Pa tric ia O ' Connell to John T. F rizzell on August 27 1955. ~A·~ home, 48 Mumford, Buffalo 20, New York: Carol Galhsdorfer to Arthur Edwin ·Gundlach on Jul y 9, 1955. At home, 240 Bryant St., Apt. 1-A, Buffalo 22, New York. Rosemary Murtha to Thomas M atthew Waters, Jr., on July 30, 1955. At home, 4 17 La Salle, Buffalo, New York. H eidi L yon to D avid J. Mahoney, Jr., on February 19 1955. At home, 10 Lexington Ave., Buffalo, Ne~ York .


Norma Auerbach to Edmund Joseph Finnegan on April 11 , 1955. At hom e, 71 Newman Pl., Buffalo, New York. Joan Burgstahler to Charles Patrie Bridge on September 1, 1955. At home, c/ o Pfc. C. P. Bridge, RA 15509561, Box 106, Hq. Co. ASA.F E DU, APO 500, San Francisco, California. SIGMA SIGMA Marie 'M orello to John Earnest Handy on July 23, 1955. At home, Box 321, Rockvale, Colorado. TAU TAU Joyce Anderson to Bernard Aaron Riedl on July 19, 1955. At home, Sedgwick, Kansas. Joa nne Anderson to William Hawker on September 10, 1955. At hom e, Topeka, Kansas. Carole Sloan to Stanley Dale Kullbom on August 20, 1955. At home, Hackberry Trailer Cts., Mullenburg, K ansas. PHI PHI M argaret A. Young to W end el Guess on August 25, 1955. At hom e, Maryville, Missouri. Betty Nazerene to Donald Black on August 7, 1955. At home, Pella, Iowa. Annie ·L . Cowan to Robert Rowlette on August 7, 1955. At home, Maitland, Missouri. Alice Ward to Max Johnson. At home, Clarinda, Iowa. J ea nn e K . Espey to K enneth Jon es. At home, Clarinda, Iowa. Lona Lu Moore to Rober t Bobb. At home, N . Main St., Maryville, •M issouri. Barbara Roush to William Robert Baker on May 8, 1954. At hom e, 727 W. 11th, Wichita, Kansas. CHI CHI Marcia Shively to Ronald Keith Miller on September 17, 1955. At hom e, Rt. 3, Kokomo, Indiana. PSI PSI M aril yn Ba rn ette to J am es Millard Light on December 4, 1954. At hom e, 264 L eland, Shreveport, Louisiana. Blanche Butler to Leslie A. D avis on February 20, 1954. At home, 617 Kings Hwy., Shreveport, Louisiana. Barbara Gray to Albert E . H yde on June 5, 1955. At home, 71 7 Tree L ane, Shreveport, Louisiana. M ary Murphy to J am es R ay Thomas on September 10 195~ .. At home, 3209 K en tucky Ave ., Shreveport: LouiSia na. BETA GAMMA Nadine M cCall to Ronald D ean Todd on July 2, 1955. At home, 642 Prospect, K ansas City, Missouri . Louise F reeman to Joseph Galey on June 1, 1955. At home, 162 3 S. 17th St., Apt. 7, Chickasha, Okla. Betty Jon es to Fred Gillesphie on July 30, 1955. At home, Tulsa, Oklahoma. Alyce J a ne McClain to Garland Pierce Rogers on June 18, 1955. At home, 2 11 S. Wheeler Ave., Sallisaw, Oklahoma. Carole Stabus to G eorge Franklin Gatzman Pau line Fra nk to Alton J am es Cole. . BET A EPSILON Agnes Stevenson to Jo!>n Showalter on August 6, 1955. At home, Maplehurst Ave., Harrisonburg, Virginia. Joan Thompson to Ro~ert Martin on March 11 , 1955. At home, Rt. 4, Lexmgton, Virginia. Barbara Styron to J . H. Tucker, Jr., August, 1955. At home, 7419 E. K enmore Dr. , Norfolk, Virginia.


Joyce Elaine Munford to Herbert Fletcher Southgate on Novrmber 5, 1955 . BETA ZETA Janice Hebert to T errill McNeil on November 6, 1955 . At home, Lafa ye tte, Louisiana. BETA ETIA Eleanor Britterman to Eldon Grishkowsky on April I 0 , 1950. At home, Beulah, North Dakota. Fe1 n Bec ker to Ra ymond A. Albrecht on November 26, 1954. At home, Box 1333, J ames town, North D akota. Alice Kaestner to Norman Lee Abel on June 18, 1955. At hom e, Centerville, Minneso ta. BETA THETA florence McConnell to Rob ert C. Kraft. At home, 3102 Briarwood Dr., Flint, Michigan. BETA 1011A Lakie Roberson to 1955. At home, Virginia. Yvonne Hughes to Rt. I, Sandston,

Richard Carl H art on F ebruary 26, 3 N. Cedar Ave., Highland Springs, Russell J. Gooch. At home, Box 92, Virginia.

BETA KAPPA Jean Mace to John William Ferris on August 21, 1955. At home, Trailer Ct. , Bushnell, Illinois. Susie Zost to -Donald Lee Galyean on May 20, 1955. At home, R. R . # 1, Galesburg, Illinois. BETA LAMBDA Nancy Barr to Robert Edward Hall on August 21, 1955. A·t home, Rt. 2·, Conway, Arkansas. BETA MU Martha Brown to Gary Anderson on July 10, home, 1713 Ferris, L awton, Oklahoma. Sunshine Dillard to James Smedley on August At home, H.S .T .C., Arkadelphia, Arkansas . Wanda Brown to J ames R. Mansfield on July At home, 11 Sha ngri-la Dr., South Norfolk,

1955. At 21 , 1955 . 31, 1955. Virginia.

BETA NU Clara McClellan to Glenn Sa rgent on September 11 , 1955. At home, Topeka, Kansas. Nancy Sammons to Theodore Koenigsmark on May 20, 1955. At home, 1105 Main, Murray, K entuck y. Lucy Sheffer to Jack Nolin Spiceland on :August 23, 1955. At home, 813 S. Pitt, Alexandria, Virginia. Mary R e ta Daniels to Donald Hicks on August 29, 1955. At home, 545~ Call St., T a llahassee, Florida. Minnie Mallory to J esse Corder on Jun e 5, 1955. At home, Ramery AFB, Pu erto Rico. BETA XI J ea nne Murphy to John D. K enned y on July 3 1, 1954. At home, 143 Pittsford Way, New. Provid ence, N ew J ersey. RHO CHI Geraldine Gibson to Pres ton Baker. Kentucky, Dearborn, Michigan.

At home, 8838

BETA SIGMA Dorothy Stephens to Everett Moody. At home, 315 S. J ackson, Belleville, Illinois. Nancy Anderson to Donald J. Lawler on August 28, 1955 . At home, 914 Essex St. S.E., Minneapolis, Minneso ta. Ann Gardner to Carl Freeman on July 2, 1955. · At home, 706 N a tional , Springfield, Missouri. Barbara Bolley to D enton L . Richey. At hom e, 101 E . 40 th, Apt. 305, Kansas City, Missouri. BETA UPSILON Delores Ba rn es to T ed Rhin ehart on July 4, 1955. At hom e, Anderson, Indiana. Louise D everea ux to Roger Lewis on August 27, 1955. At hom e, Rt. 6, Box 470, Fayetteville, North Carolina . Doroth y .H enry to R eub en Suiso. At home, 1927-9th Ave ., Honolulu, Hawaii. Velma Buchanan to J essie Sandoval on August 20, 1955 . At hom e, 4409 Sheffi eld Ave., Apt. G., Hammond , Indiana. Beverly Fuson to William Payton on Jun e 12, 1955. At home, 42 1 Third Ave., T erre H a ute, Indiana. Nancy Moore to John Beck on O c tob er 21, 1955. At home, Elm Grove Trailer Court, Lot 11 , North Terre H aute, Indiana . BETA PHI K a thryn Seal to David Schomburg on September 9, 1955. At hom e, Ft. Sill, Oklahoma. BETiA PSI Patri cia Cooper to Arthur M . Phillips on October 15, 1955. At home, 1129 Madison, K alamazoo, Michigan. Agnes Stevens to Robert Ingersoll. At hom e, 3818 Pitkin St ., Flint, Michigan. BETA OMEGA E. Ann Sutton to Edwin Thomas Hobbs III on June 25, 1955. At hom e, 1100 Fredrick Rd ., Baltimore 28, Maryland. Celia Ann Johnson to H einz Lucbkem a nn on June 25, 1955. At home, 2918 Murray Ave., Eddington, Pennsylvania.

BIRTHS ALPHA Mr. and Mrs. Rober t Finney (Lyn Hill ), a daughter, Susan J ea n, M arch 10, 1955. ALPHA BETA Mr. and Mrs. William Spea ks (Jean Moore), a daughter, M aEnda, August 5. 1955. ALPHA GAMMA Mr. and Mrs . Andrew ]. Stahura, Jr. (Gomez McGreavey), a son, John Walter, September 25, 1954. Mr. a nd Mrs. Ronald Anderson (Betty Hooker), a son, Way ne, Jun e 19, 1955. Mr. and Mrs. William B. Wells (Doris Widdowson), a dau ghter, Eliza:beth B., O ctober 26, 1955.

At home, 24

BETA BETA Mr. and Mrs. Archie Timmons (Jane Cannon ) , a daughter, Anne T eresa, September 6, 1955.

BETA RHO Julia Chauncey to Donald Walsh on June 28, 1955. At home, W . Lucinda Ave., D eKalb, Illinois.

GAMMA GAMMA Mr. and Mrs. W alter Massey (Betty Lou Heaten ) , a daughter, Lou Ann, September 21, 1955.

BETA PI Betty Van Reenen to William Atkins. Lombardy Dr., Baltimore, Maryland .




EPSILON EPSILON Mr. and Mrs. T ed Lee ( Carolyn Briix), a daugh ter, Denise J an, September 20, 1955. Mr. and Mrs. Donald H ayes (Sonya Woten ) , a son, Donald Richard, Jun e, 1955. Mr. a nd Mrs. J ames A. O 'Donnell (Virginia Moore ), a daughter, Septemb er 30, 1954. Mr. a nd Mrs. Frank J. Priest {Frances Tholen), a son , Michael John, September 21 , 1955 . ETA ETA Mr. and Mrs. D onald L. Stewart (Carolyn Anderson ) , a son, Stephan Donald, September 18, 1955. Mr. and Mrs. J ames P eters (Carol Ann Tanner) , a son, November 6, 1955. KAPPA K.!APPA Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. FitzGerald (Miriam L. Hipple) , a son, Daniel Bruce, Janu ar y 10, 1955.

XI XI Mr. and Mrs. H. Bruce Bagley, Jr. (Margaret Lennox ), a da ught er, Pamela, October II , 1955 . PI PI Mrs. Frances Sommers Sullivan and th e late Mr. Sullivan, a son, Barry Joseph, September 22, 1955. Mr. and Mrs. George Collins (Janet Gibbons ) , a daughter, Jan et, O ctober 8, 1955. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kraham (Jane Harris ) a daugh ' ter, Robin, May, 1955. Mr. and Mrs. Dona ld Miller (Gloria Bucella) a son D avi d Joseph, October 9, 1955. ' ' Mr. and •M rs. Paul Boeckel (Bette Treiber ), a da ughter, October 20, 1955. TAU TAU Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Wolfe (H elen Libhart ), a son, Arthur George, Jul y 16, 1955 . UPSILON UPSILON Mr. and Mrs. Paul Knost (Madeline Watson ), a son, August, 1955. PHI PHI Mr. and Mrs. L ynn Adams (Jackie Donaldson ), a son, Steven Lynn, September 8, 1955. PSI PSI Mr. and Mrs. J ames D . Light ( Maril yn Barnette), a son, J ames M ., Jr., September 7, 1955. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Ri ch ie ( Betty Wood all ) , twin sons, Allen Duane an d Winston Gregg, M ay 5, 1955. Mr. and Mrs. An drew Moore (Joy Fes ternan ), a d aughter, Joy Lynn, M ay 27, 1954. Mr. a nd Mrs. Francis Baker (D ee Goetz ) , a daughter November 7, 1955. ' BETA GAMMA Mr. an d Mrs. C ha rl es Gebctsbergcr {Maurine Camblin ) ' a daughter, Maurine D enice, M ay 23, 1955 . Mr. a nd Mrs. R obert M atthews (Jewel W eath erbee ) a daught er, J ane t Eli zabeth , M ay 28, 1955. ' BET A EPSILON Mr. a nd Mrs. McCulloch {Margaret Elliott ), a son, Charles Elliott, September 28, 1955. BETA ZETA Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. R eid (Maja K . Rahm ) , a son, Karl Rahm, March 19, 1955.


Mr. a nd Mrs. Philip Schaffner (Effie Mamoulides ), a son, Thomas Philip, September 16, 1955. Mr. a nd Mrs. George L eBlanc ( Marjorie Landry ), a daughter, Mar y. BETA KAPPA Mr. and Mrs. R ay Coleman (JoAnn Hainline ) , a son, Rand y Thomas, August 6, 1955. BETA MU Mr. a nd Mrs. Pat Colbert (Janie Lee ), a son, P atrie Lee, August 20, 1955. Mr . a nd Mrs. Joe Hughes (Wincie Davis ), a daughter, Jo Carol, September 20, 1955. GAMMA CLIO Mr. an d Mrs. Jack Tuthill (Harriet Baylis ), a daughter, Judy Ann, April 29, 1955. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Chandler ( Cornelia Davis ), a daughter, Nancy L ee, August 29 , 1955. BETA NU Mr. and ·Mrs. P. D . Hinman (Sarah Rhodes) , a son, K elley, July 27, 1955 . , Mr . and Mrs. W allace Hansen (Sue Cunningham), a son, Gregory Scott, September, 1955. Mr. and Mrs. Georg e Ligon (Lenora Mcintosh ) , a son, M arch, 1955 . Mr. a nd Mrs. Gene Fairchild (Donna Hubbs ) , a son, M a tth ew, Jul y 5, 1955. Mr . a nd Mrs. J effrey {Barba ra Downs ), a daughter, J ea n Ann, Jun e 7, 1955. Mr. and Mrs. Troy K ell y (Aleda Farmer ), a daughter, P atri cia Jane, F ebruary 16, 1955. Mr. a nd Mrs. F elix Gossum , Jr., (Mary Lou Simons ), a son, Pat, September 14, 1955. RHO CHI Mr. and Mrs. 0. L. Mitchell (Cora Schenck ), a son, April, 1955. BETA RHO Mr. and Mrs. C harles E . M arshall (Marlene L ech ), a daughter, Cher yl Ann, July 26, 1955. Mr. a nd Mrs. L eonard Adams (Mary Boehme ), a da ughter, J anet, April 4, 1955. BETA SIGMIA Mr. and Mrs. J ames Tiona (Fiorilla Freize), a son, J ames Lowell , August, 1955. Mr. a nd Mrs. Ja.mes Statler (Bonnie K elley), a daughter, Pamela Michele, September 8, 1955 . BET A UPSILON Mr. and Mrs. F. Bruce McNeil (Paulita Martin ) , a d aughter, Page L ynn, Jun e 12, 1955 . Mr. and Mrs. Donald G ehring {Margaret Freers), a da ughter, Donna J ea n, Jul y 30, 1954. BETA PHI Mr. a nd Mrs. N eil Russ (Jean Sommervold ) , a daughter , J oe tt a Susan , Jun e 13, 1955 . M r .. an d Mrs. H erber t Brodt {Phyllis M orga n ), a son, Victor H erbert, August 28, 1955. BETA OMEGA Mr. and Mrs. Willia Strein {Martha Burd ) , a daughter, Sandra Ann, Jun e, 1955.

IN MEMORIAM GAMMA GAMMA Mrs. Will Lane {"Ada Smith)




Officer in Charge of Central Office- Mrs . Clayton A. Richard, 372 Argonne Dr., Kenmore 23, N . Y. NATIONAL CHAIRMEN FOUNDERS

Mn. W. B. Carper (Louue Cox), 50.5 ~Jout1 O!:>e

Dri ve,




Va. Mrs. H. E. Gilliam (Juliette Hundley), 4303 S. Ashlawn, Richmond, Va. Miss Mary William ·on Hundley, 50ti N. Blvd. , Richmond , Va. Mn. John Walton Noell (Virginia Boyd), deceased. Mrs. P. W . Wootton (Calva Hamlet \Vat· son), 2020 Matrax Ave., Petenburg, Va. NATIONAL COUNCIL

President-Miss Evelyn G . Bell, 767 Lafay· ette Ave., Buffalo 22, N. Y. Via Prorid•nt-Miss Virginia Carpenter, 1432.5 Drexmore Rd., Shaker Height! 20, Ohio. Secrotary-Miss Helen L. Corev, 6310 Sherwood Ave., Overbrvok, Philadelphia 31, Penna. TreaJtlrer- Mrs . Clayton A. Richard , 372 Argonne Dr., Kenmore 23 , N. Y . Munberrhip Director-Mrs. William Niemeyer, 4937 R alph Ave., Cincinnati 38, Ohio. Editor-Miss Esther Bucher, Suite 226, 1025 Grand Avenue, Kansas City 6, Mo . Alumnae Director-Mrs. H elen B. Swart , 130 Stockton Ave., Apt. 3, D ayton 9, Ohio .

Alumnae Editor-Mrs. Oran Klein , 7609 Wyandotte, Kansas City, ·Mo.

Philanthropic-Mn. Richard C. 224 E. 33rd Pl., Tulsa, Okla.

Alumnae Or11ani:er~Mrs. E. A. Kreek , 291 I St. Paul , Baltimore 18, Md.

Ritual-'Mrs. Jimmy Key, 25 Guadalcanal , Brunswick, Me.

Art-Mrs. Robert Wolf, R.R. I , Rexford, N . Y.

Scholarship---Mrs. Eugene H. Crompton , Jr. , 7001 Spring Rd. #3, Richmond 28, Va.

Chapter Alumna• S•crei<Jries~Mrs. B. F. Leib, 3515 N . Pennsylvania, Apt. 8, Indianapolis, Ind.

c ..u,l!'

F.ditnr-Mi <s ~farv K. Reiff. 228 Brush Creek Blvd., Apt. 2-E, Kansas City 12, Mo.


Robert C . Grady, Box

61!6, Orange, Va .

ConuenJion-Miss Helen L. Corey, 6310 Sherwood Rd., Overi>rook. Philadelphia 31, Penna. FeUowshit>-Mrs. Harvey E . Bumgardner East Long Lake Rd ., Bloomfield Hill s. Mich. Founders' Da)•-Mrs. E. Albert Kreek, 7141 Pa ~ eo, Kansas C'ity, Mo. Hist orian-Miss Louise Stewart, 1330 Blue Ave., Zanesville, Ohio H ousing-Mrs. Clayton A. Richard , 3i2 Argonne Dr. , K enmore 23 , N . Y.


Chairman - Mrs. Cicero F. Hogan (Gam· ma Phi Beta) , 9219 Mintwood St. , Silver Springs, Md. Secretary-Mrs . Darrell R. Nordwall ( Alpha Chi Omega) , 5607 W . 6th St. , Los Angeles, California. Tr easurer-Mrs. Joseph D . Gri1;sby (Delta D elta D elta ) , Grigsby 's Station , Landover, Md . Chairman of Colleg e Panh ellenics-Mrs . Crecene A. Fariss (Delta Zeta ) , 2997 S.W . Fairview Blvd. , 'Portland I , Ore. Chairman of City Panh el/ enics---<Mrs. Haswell E. Staehle (Alpha Sigma T au ). 481 Torrence Rd ., Columbus 14, Ohio. Alpha Sigma Alpha Delegat e--Mrs . Fred M. Sharp. 1405 Hardy Ave. , Independence, Mo. EotTOR ' s NoTE: Omitted in th e college chapter advisers in the November issue

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]. SIEGENTHALER , Chairman 17303 St. Marys D etroit 35, Michigan

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wa s Beta P.u: Ad vise r- Mrs.

.V/agazin e-Mrs. Armin J. Sicgcnthale1, 17303 St. Marys, D etroit 35, lv!ich.




Music-Mrs . Arthur L. HeUrich, 35 Norwood St. , McKllownville, Albany 5, N . Y. Paraph ernalia- Miss Louise McArthur, 11535 Bryon Ave., Detroit, Mich.







- - --












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• DREXEL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, fouuded in 1891 by Anthony J. Drexel, Philadelphia financier and philanthropist, was originally named the Drexel Institute of Art, Science and Industry. The present name, more descriptive of the Institute's current major function in the field of higher education, was adopted in 1936. Like other institutes founded at the turn of the century, Drexel rapidly effected changes in criteria for admission, standards of accomplishment and curricular content to gain collegiate status for its work. Today the Institute includes the Colleges of Engineering, Business Administration and Home Economics ; the Graduate School of Library Science ; and the Evening College and Diploma School. Graduate and undergraduate curricula are offered by the three day colleges in their separate fields. The Drexel Evening College offers degree and diploma programs in architecture, engineering and industrial administration. The founders of Drexel Institute of Technology built for the needs of their own time, as they saw those needs in industrial Philadelphia, but they also anticipated the needs of the future. Each of the four constituent day college divisions, as well as the Evening College, is today a modernized expression of the original concept of the Institute. Perhaps the most notable indication of this is the plan of cooperative education, in operation since 1919, under which business and industrial organizations cooperate with the Institute by enabling students to acquire practical experience rela ted to college studies through alternating periods of service in their organizations. Each year some 500 firms located in fourteen states and the District of Columbia employ Drexel students in cooperative assignments. The cooperative plan of education has recently been extended to include some graduate curricula. Introduced by the College of Home Economics, the two-year program is patterned after the established undergraduate procedure, and leads to a Master of Science degree for candidates who satisfactorily complete the required courses of the specialized curricula in Dietetics, Home Economics Education, Institutional Management and Fashion and T extile Merchandising. Graduates of the Drexel two-year program are eligible for Teacher and American Dietetics Association certification upon application to the proper state and national authorities.

BACK COVER PICTURE: Entrance to the Administration Building at Drexel Institute of Technology.

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