Asa phoenix mar 1955

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1955. • •


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S4Hte ;4tm • JOINING •a fraternity means an initiation, not into a chapter but into an international organization, into a sisterhood not of one group, but of many groups. The chapter may cease but the fraternity endures. The strength of the fraternity lies in the recognition of its 5olidarity. We are aU satisfied that every fraternity has excell ent material, and that the support and good w~ll of Panh ellenic is a mighty fine adjunct to our ·s trength. Our rituals may differ, but fundamentally they are alike, and we are aH ·a iming toward the same goal. Since every fraternity has a stake in the reputation of every other fraternity, it follows that close relationships among the various chapters on any one ca:mpus are most desira:ble. I know of no !better way to express my feelings about aJllia:nces with other fmternities than to quote an old Hindu proverb. It says, "Help thy brother's boat across, and, lo, thine own has reached the other shore."MRs. MARGARET BANTA, Kappa Alpha Th eta magazine.

Per Year



Call To Convention ............ ... ........ .... ..... Convention Program ............. .............. ... Looking Back- Looking Forward ........ Reservation Blank ....... . ... . .... ... . .. . ........... Wh a t Shall I W ea r . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. .. .. . . . .. . .. . . .. . They Can Have Fun .... .. ... ... .. ..... ....... .. New Orleans Offers ..... ................... ...... Up The Steps of 'Light ...... .. ..... . ... .. .. .. ... Spiritual Values in Fraternity Membership .. .. .... .... . .... .... ... .. .. . .... .... ... Pledgedom . .. . . .. .. .. .. . .. . . . .. .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . .. .. . . .. . . Calendar for State -Days ...... :... ..... ... .. .... It's in th e Air ... ... ... ..... .. .. ... ....... .. .. ...... AISA Spotlight ..... .... ... .. ....... ......... .. ...... .. College Chapter ewsletters ... . ... ... .... .. Alumnae Chapter Newsletters ...... ..... .. . Alpha Sigma Alpha Announcements .. .. Alpha Sigma Alpha Directory .... .. ....... .

2 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 13 25 35 40

•••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• Published in November, January, March , and May of each year at 2642 University Avenue, St. Paul 14, Minnesota, by Leland Publishers, Inc. (The Fraternity Press), official sorority publishers to Alpha Sigma Alpha, for the Alpha Sigma Alpha Sorority, having headquarters at Kansas City, Missouri. Business correspondence may be addressed to either office , but matter for publication and cor-



respondence concerning the same should be addressed to Miss Esther Bucher, Suite 226, 1025 Grand Avenue, Kansas City 6, Missouri . PosTMASTER: Send Form 3579 to Kansas City address. Entered as second-class matter , September 4, 19~3J at the pos1 office at St. Paul, Minnesota, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Application for special permit mailin g has also been made.


CALL TO CONVENTION • SoMETHING special can be anticipated by every Alpha Sigma Alpha when our FIRST National Convention in the deep South will be held at the Hotel Buena Vista, Biloxi, Mississippi, from July 5 through 9. Conventions take on real significance and meaning when everyone is a participant in the various aspects of the program.

COME TO BILOXI to gain the wealth of fraternity knowledge that makes you an active and intelligent member to share in the planning of the future of Alpha Sigma Alpha to delight in singing together the old familiar songs to renew the vows that you took as a sorority neophyte to realize in deep humility the loyalty and endurance of true friendship.

COME College and Alumnae members, and meet us in Biloxi in July!

National President



ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA 7et.ce~- ';but~ 'P~to9~U:Un Hotel Buena Vista, Biloxi, Mississippi Forenooon 12:00 Noon 2:00 P.M. 4:30 P.M. 7:00 P.M. 9:00 P.M.

Registration-Jean McCammon, National Registrar, Chairman *"Sun 'n' Sand" Luncheon Opening Business Session-Evelyn G. Bell, National President, Presiding Procession of Delegates *Recreation-Rest-Swim *"Seafood Jamboree" Buffet Remain on Deck for Evening Entertainment *Song Fest-Shirley Ainsworth Hellrich; National Music Chairman, Song Leader

WEDNESDAY, JULY 6 7:30 9:00 12:30 2:00

A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M.

6:00 P.M.

*Continental Breakfast Buttons and Buzz Session-Evelyn G. Bell, Presiding *"Creole Dejeuner"-Guest Day Luncheon Genera I Session Panhellenic Discussion Mrs. Robert Byars, Chairman of NPC Mrs. Fred M. Sharp, A~A Delegate to NPC *Beach Picnic

THURSDAY, JULY 7 7:30 A.M. 9:00 A.M.

10:00 A.M. 12:30 2:00 6:00 7:15

P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M.

9:00 P.M.

*Continenta I Breakfast General Session Financial Report-Jean C. Richard, National Treasurer Philanthropic Report-Pat Byers, National Philanthropic Chairman Fellowship Report-Sara J. Baumgardner, National Fellowship Chairman Discussion Groups College Chapter Forum Alumnae Workshop *"Sea Shell" Luncheon Ideas Unlimited-Evelyn G. Bell, Presiding Initiation Service "Magnolia-Candlelight"-Ceremonial Dinner (Closed) Dorothy Kreek, National Alumnae Organizer, Chairman Alice Montgomery Petitt, Speaker Rush Party

FRIDAY, JULY 8 7:30A.M. 9:00A.M. 12:00 Noon 2:00 P.M. 3:00 P.M. 7:30 P.M.

*Continental Breakfast Business Session *"Gulf Coast" Luncheon Fin a I Business Session Election of Officers Installation of Officers Presentation of Awards *"Plantation Garden Dinner"-Formal Banquet *Open to Alpha Sigma Alpha Friends and Guests






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Beta Epsilons Delegate to 1952 Convention

• MANY Alph a 1gma Alpha can look back to tho e memorable days of an A~A Convention. That i the time when we take leave from our variou walk of life and convene in a united body to seek h appine in fellow hip, to a pire to the fulfillment of our ideal , and fin aoJiy, to attain notable and worthwhil measures for the advancement of our beloved sorority. We arrive on opening day a t the a ppointed site, a nd amid much excitement, convention is off to a grand tart. The n ext few days are filled with informative di cu ions important busine s m eeting , and highly entertaining programs. Of course, we thoroughly enjoy the free minutes wlhen we can reminisce with sisters whom we have 'k nown in the past a nd can have the opportunity to meet tho e whom we have not known before. Then, convention draws to a close, and reluctantly we ay g-oodbye. W e travel home, and we are grateful a nd happy for the memories travel.jng with u - memorie of cherished mom ents with si ters very dea r to us valuable moments with our beloved officers, and plea ant momen ts pent in working

and .planning for Alpha Sigma Alpha . Ye , tho are the thing to which we look back. Since that time mu t progress, n a turally we look ahead. Our is a triennial convention, and into each one go three years of concentrated effort. The work of the pa t three years is soon to reach it climax in another convention, and as before, the convention will certainly be a highlight for those of our sister who are fortunate enough to a ttend. In retl!lity, I think convention can be well expla.jned in word from our ever-in piring creed . It is the time when our day are truly filled with sati fying activity. We most assuredly find dominate beauty in a rt, literature, nature, and friendhips. The peace and ser nity of a Divine faith permeate the entire atmo phere, and we depart with the conviction that we do love life and that we are going to live each day to its ultima te good. To m e, our creed is sin ere and beautiful. Our convention presents a living example of that creed, and now we are looking ahead to ju t uch a convention-the 1955 Convention of Alpha Sigma Alpha.

1955 National Convention . of from July 5-9.



Alpha Sigma Alpha'st955 National Convention 7~e ~ften,a 'Pi4t4 ~atd, ~it!J~i, ?~Uu~t JULY 5 THROUGH 9, 1955 Plan your individual or family vacation to include four A~A days in picturesque Biloxi, Mississippi. A cordial welcome to husbands at hotel convention rates. Recreational facilities .

AMERICAN PLAN Two in a room $13.75 per day per person (four days) including all tipping and state tax.

H 0 TEL RESERVATI 0 N 8 LAN K tJf~~l{liktf.iiltl\lfWII~~~ Send to:

MISS HELEN L. COREY 63 I0 Sherwood Road Philadelphia 31, Pa. NAME: Mrs., Miss ..... (Print)

HOME ADDRESS: .. ...... ...... .. ......................... ........ .. (Street)


• (Sta te )

COLLEGE ADDRESS: ............ ........... ...... ...... ............ ...... ..... .. ............. .. .. (Students only)




CHAPTER IN WHICH INITIATED ...... .... ... .............. .. ........ ...... ..... COLLEGE ...... ........ ..... .. ................. ... ..... . DATE OF INITIATION .... .. ........ .... ......... .. ........ ........ ....... ....... ........ .. ..... ... MEMBER OF ALUMNAE CHAPTER (Name) ...... ... ............. .... .. ......... ..... ..... .. .. .. .... .... ....... ............ .. HUSBAND OF GUEST (Name) ................. .. ... ..... ......... .. ............. .. CHECK ONE: 0 National Officer 0 College Visitor

0 College Delegate 0 Alumnae Visitor

0 Alumnae Delegate 0 Non-member Visitor

WITH WHOM DO YOU PREFER TO ROOM? ........... .... .. .... ...... .. .. .... .. . Please sJnd this reservation blank before May 15, 1955.

(Any vacancies will be filled after that date but it is wise to get your reservation in early.) After June 10, write directly to

HOTEL BUENA VISTA. Biloxi, Mississippi, for reservations.




1fJ~at SHALL I WEAR? "For When an Alpha Sig Walks Down the Street She looks a hundred per, from Head to Feet" • "The Mi issippi Gulf Coast is a smiling land where tropic sunshine and cool rbreeze are the weather norm." You wiH find the temperature ranging from 75" to 90". The Hotel Buena Vista is completely air-conditioned. When you are assembling and packing your convention wardrobe may we suggest this clothing guide. For morning and afternoon meetings-light summer clothes. Wednesday-Guest Day Luncheon (a rather special event) -Afternoon summer dress. Wednesday evening-Let's relax (outdoor supper) - informal sportswear--shorts, slaoks, beachwear. Thursday at 6 P.M ......JModel initiation followed immediately by dinner-white dress. Friday at 7: 30--Banquet-formal dress (·would it help in your packing to mail this dress ahead to the Hotel? Allow ten days to two weeks). A light weight sweater or jacket is advisable. Bring along your bathing suit but a rbeacmobe is not a necessity. No bathing suits are allowed in the lobby, hut it is possible to get from your room to the beach wit-hout u ing the lobby. You must cross the highway to use the beach or swimming pool so--protect your feet-tlhe pavements are hot. And now a speci~l word to the men. You can appear in sports attire anywhere except the Hotel dining room. Coat and tie requested here. A nack bar is available when in beach attire. Friday banquet- formals not required. Thi takes care of the clothes. WILL YOU be there to wear t-hem? • W E live in a d angerous day. We may recall Victor Hugo's remark : "Great perils have this beauty, that they bring to light the fraternity of strangers." By that beauty, true Fraternity M ember hip ~ hould make us more under tanding of the heart and hope of all people. And we may come to see men and women with such compa ion as con trained Donald Hankey long ago to write: " I have seen with the eye of God."



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Where to Go .. . ... What to Do .. When the Family Comes Along!

Convention Rates SIGHTSEEING Conducted tours of Biloxi and vicinity tJwice dai'ly except Sunday. Make re ervations with Gulf Coast Tours or Joe Sherry, hotel lobby. GULF ORUISES Boat Pan American Clipper makes daily trips to historic &hip Island, 12 miles out, at 8:30 A.M. and 2:00 P.'M'. Price $2.00. Boat leaves from Baricev's pier, just east of hotel. Tickets at Gulf Coast Tour office in Buena Vista lobby. Boat Sailfish makes daily sightseeing tour. of Biloxi harbor. 'Leaves USO pier at 10:00 A.M. and 2:00 P.M . Price $1.00. GOLF Two excellent courses, Gulf HiHs Golf Course and Great Southern Country Club, within five miles of Buena Vista. Greens fee $1.65. DEEJP SEA FISHING Excellent boats with experienced skippers available for private charter. Also regularly .scheduled daily trips. Tackle furnished. Make reservations at office of Gulf Coast Tours in Buena Vi ta lobby. BELLINGRATH GARDEJNS "Charm Spot of the Deep South" located between Biloxi and Mdbile. Escorted tours arranged by Gulf Coast Tours of Joe Sherry Taxi Service. EVENING ENTERTAINMENT Mu ical entertainment each evening in the Buena Vi ta's smart Marine Room. FRESH WATER FISHING Boat and tackle available for rent. Check at hotel bell stand for information.


NEW ORLEANS tJ/Ie~t4 • THE culture of New OrleaJ?.S is steeped in Latin aristocracy. The city was founded hy the French in 1718, came under influence in 1762, and became an American city in 1803. You can stroll through romance, legend, and history of the fabulous Vieux Carre, which means "Old Square," also known as the French Quarter, noted .for its narrow .streets and balconies of exquisite iron lacework. There you can visit beautiful Jackson Square, the Ca:bildo, St. Louis Cathedral, Pirate's Alley, and the Little Theatre courtyard. A harbor trip on a Mississippi River side-wheeler offers an opportunity to see the wharves, ocean liners, freighters, molasses plants, oyster •luggers, and the Crescent City skyline. The port of New Orleans ranks second in the nation in dollar value of foreign commerce. International House, the meeting place for business people from all over t'he world, and International Trade Mart,

where world products are displayed and sold, are extremely interesting places to visit. Cameras will click constantly in New Orleans. The Garden District is noted for its ante 'bellum residences. Audubon Park is famous for magnolias and moss-draped oaks. There are the campuses of Loyola and Tulane universities and Sophie Newcomb college; Metairie cemetery, marble city above ground; Lake Pontchartrain and the sea wall; and City Park with its flowers, lagoons, and fabled dueHing oaks. N ew Orleans · life and fortunes have always been inextricably tied with the great plantations strung along the Mississippi River which, until recent years, served as the only highway between them. Above the Crescent City, are Natdhez, famow; for its beautiful old mansions, and New Iberia, in the heart of the picturesque Evangeline country. All of these places, and many more, can be visited on your way to or from the A~A convention, via your own car or sight-seeing bus.

LI'ITLE THEATRE COURTYARD This is one of the show places of the New Orleans Vieux Carre or French Quarter. The court is a riot of color when t r o p i c a 1 plants bloom. In the center is the fountain and pool. Crumbling brick walls are laced with flowering vines. Patios and courtyards reflect both French and Spanish motifs of architecture.




UP THE STEPS OF MRS. JOHN WALTON NOELL • THE littl cir le of five young ladies who founded Alpha Sigma Alpha in 1901 was broken for the fir t time with the death of Virginia Lee Boyd Noell (Mr. John Walton ) at her home m Roanoke, Virginia. on November 19, 1954.


a past historian of the ugm1a clivi ion of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, and served a historian-general of the national UDC organization. In November, 1945, A~A collected a fund for a memorial library establi hed by his mother in honor of Francis Hanson Cary who had given his life in the service of our country. Mrs. Cary was an honor guest at the Convention in 1952, when Alpha Sigma Alpha returned to Virginia to celebrate its golden anniversary.


She was the daughter of two Virginian , M ajor Waller Ma ie Boyd of Nel on, and Caroline Anthony Yancey of Lynchburg. Before entering the State Female Normal School now Longwood College, Farmville Virginia, . he a ttended public and priva te chool . In 1910, Virginia Lee Boyd was m arri ed to John Walton Noell who di d in 1926. Mrs. No II a ttended Alpha Sigma Alpha' olden Anni er ary onvention held in Roanoke, irginia in 1952 and th e convention bod y wa cha rmed b her graciou ho pitality.

M RS . BESSIE FERGUSON CARY . BE IE FERC o CARY ea rl initi a t of r died November 26 1954. in Farm1r . ary wa mad Grand ec r igma lph a at th 1908 onvent ion in ort h Carolin a. he wa


• OLLIE MAY AsPINALL ALEXANDER ( Mr~. Clair) HH, lost her life in an au•omobile accident, November 29, 1954, in which Clair was eriously injured. Sympathy is extended to her hu band, her parents, a daughter a on and two grandchildren. She lived with her parents in Pitt burg, Kanas, while attending chool there, and following her marriage. When the Alexanders lived in Leavenworth, Ollie May was as ociated with the Kansas City alumnae group, and later became a part of the Wichita chapter. She wa an interested active, loyal Alpha Sigma Alpha. Her friends will long remember her enthusiasm and good cheer.

MRS. W. N . WILSON • MR . W. N. WILSON mother of Wilma Wilson harp, immediate past National Pre ident of Alpha Sigma Alpha, died at her home in Ind pendence, Mi souri, on De ember 22 , 1954.

Applications Due • APPLICATIO for the Amy M . Swisher gradua te fellow hip mu t be made by March 31. Information regarding the grant and application form may b e ured from the Central Office 37 2 , raonn Drive K enm ore 23, N ew York. '


Spi!Uteeal ~ateeu Ue "?~ttlf 11temde~t/t BY THE REv. RoY EwiNG VALE, D.D., LL.D.

Minist er of The Tab emacle Presbyterian Church of Indianapol is Former Moderator of Th e Presbyterian Church in Th e United Stat es of America

• IN the popular and interesting novel named The Bishop's Mantle, there is a certain church officer whose manner of life would indicate that he had not found spiritual values even in the Church itself. To him, the Church was merely something to exploit for his own personal advantage. He was finally discredited. To many others in the story, however, the Church offered abiding spiritual treasures. By the same token, there are those who exploit fraternity membership. Their major thought, sometimes seemingly only thought, is: "How can I use vhis to get ahead?" But a host of people come to see in fraternity membership an experience which can ennoble one's whole personality. What, then, are the spiritual values? 1. A Set of Precise Standards Many of us begin school with a somewhat vague idea that one should be decent. Most fraternity organizations sharpen one's ideals by clear and precise definition. Intellectually, socially, an d in inner purpose, we are pulled up to a clearer pattern. 2. Association With The Disliked It is human nature to avoid people we do not like. But fraternity organization requires that we associate with both the beloved and the disliked, which is very good for us. 3. R esponsibility for Others Anyone who really enters into fraternity life shortly discovers an intermeshing of minds, hearts, and purposes which really means, "All for one, and one for all." Every reader of these lines, with thoughtful experience, knows that this sen e of duty to others makes life far richer. 4. The S ense of Belonging One may, by testimony of various alumni and alumnae, be graduated ·from a famous school but later have only a quite general sense of "belonging" in the institution. But in fraternal membership that same graduate has the distinct feeling:



"This is my dwelling place. Here, even though personnel changes- here, I alway belong." It is a radiant conviction. 5. A H eart For The Outsider It is possible to be snobbi h toward members of other fraternal organizations or toward the "independents." Snobbery, of eom":>e, reveals one's own poor stature of soul. But a true fraternity experience should make one more careful to respect the dignity of human personality everywhere. And it hould stimulate us so to deal with the outsider that his or her own self respect will be preserved, and even enhanced . .

Cut this out and mail to the Officer zn Charge of Central Office: MRs. CLAYTON RICHARD 372 Argonne Drive Kenmore 23, N. Y. Please change my address or name and address on the files as follows: MARRIED NAME .............. . ...... ......... . .... . ................... . . .

(Please observe this form : Mrs. john A. jones) MAIDEN NAME . .. . .. .. . ..... ... . .. ...... . ... .... . ...... : ........ . .... . . . . . FORMER ADDRESS STREET ... . .... . ... .. ............. .. .. .. ... . ... . ............... . . . ..... . ... ... . CITY AND STATE .. . .. .. .. . . . ..... . ............. ........ ....... ........ .. .. NEW ADDRESS STREET

....... . . ..... ...... . ................... . ............ . ............... . .

CITY AND STATE .... .. ... . ................................... .. . .... . .... .

{Please give postal zone number) CoLLEGIATE OR CHAPTER .. .......... .. .... .... ALU~INA MEMBER ...... ......... .

If recently married, give date and place of m arriage




• Ru 1-IING sea ons end, though the rushing never doe , and the ·life of a sorority pledge at Northern Illinoi State T eachers College begins with a friendly welcome into her own chosen group. She steps from the rushee' pedestal to that of the pledge overnight with pretty words of fraternity and friend hip ringing in her ears. Our Panhellenic has developed, with the guidance of Miss Carol Troe cher, Panhellenic adviser, a fine program of integration for our sorority pledges. The points of the program are: 1. The pledge trainers' council consi ts of one girl from each sorority and meets every other week to discus general topics which are of concern to the whole group in terms of fostering better Panhellenic pirit. 2. Our m ajor pledge project i to work with the DeKalb Chamber of Commerce in their Boy Scout visitation program with the businesse in the community. This year all the pledges decorated a large tree on campus for the Christma season. 3. Panhellenic requires two rna s meetings for all the ru bee . At one meeting discussions involve courtesies in sorority conduct and, at the other m ee ting, Panhellenic Council presents to the pledg the a p ect of Panhellenic on campu and a fter graduation. 4. The pledge tra iners' council acts as coordina tor for the philanthropic project to entertain pa tient a t T.B. ho pitals and other institutions. H ere aga in we are fo tering Panhellenic spirit in working together and not as one specific sorority. 5. Panhellenic pon ors a pre-rushing tea to whi h a ll p rospective rushees are invited by the sorori ties on campu . 6. t each pledge period Panhellenic Coun il pon or a general meeting at which time a peaker i brought in to talk to the girl about Panhellenic and ororitie . reas di cu ed by the peaker are: The pi dge a a memb r of her pledge Ia , her orori t and college Panhellenic ; The pledge a a stud n t at NI TC, a a citizen of her communi ty and herr ponsibili ties in all orga niza tion . t our p ledge embly one evening in November Mr . R obert Lindrooth of the N.P.C. College Panhell enic Co mmi ttee ' a gue t peaker and he 10

Beta Rho

has permitted us to hare her ideas ·w ith other chapters. After the as embly, our pledges and officers entertained informally for Mrs. Lindrooth at a coffee hour in the Home Economics living room. Mrs. Lindrooth tarted her talk by considering pledges as favorite people wanting to join a group of girls who have chosen her as a sister. As a pledge, she has many responsibilities. Mr . Lindrooth suggested that these respon ibilities be illustrated as a hub with four pokes pointing to the outer rim. The e four spokes represent each pledge's responsibility toward her campus, h er sorority, her Panhellenic, and her community. Her college comes first and this includes respon ibility of scholarship, of activities, and of being a loyal alumna. Under responsibilities to her sorority, he should be an intelligent, well-informed member, a proud member, and a contributing member putting in exactly what she intends to get out of sorority life. Remember that all 31 groups in Panhellenic are fine and aH should be treated the arne way. You must realize the worth of all th groups together by having a knowledge of the Panhellenic system and what it does for you. Mrs. Lindrooth went on to speak on keeping standard high and making known the various philanthropic work that is done in your community As a member of a social sorority, you have a re ponsibility, too, to have fun, and as a pledge you should enjoy your pledgedom.

Calendar of Scheduled State Days Announcem ent of other State Day places and da tes later. ILLINOis-

Ro c k

I sland April 16

INDIANA- Indianapolis, April 16 M1



- Kansas City, April 23

OKLAHOMA- Oklahoma City, April 23 OHio-Cleveland, Ma y 21


I T '


I , , ,





, , ,

MIAMI, FLORIDA • THE newly formed Alpha Sigma klpha chapter really has something to talk about. We not only have one of the founders, Mary Williamson Hundley A, but we have the recipient of the first Wilma Wilson Sharp Award, Mary Turner Gallagher XX who is also president of our group. In addition to that our own dear N ational Registrar, Jean McCammon XX, attended and

Mrs. Francis R. Gallagher, president

brought much interesting material and details from the National Counci:l. The group met at the Everglades Hotel in Miami, on Tuesday, November 30, 1954. A busy "session" was held, to say the least; laughs and words were buzzing all around. Typical Alpha Sigma Alpha enthusiasm prevailed. Mary Hundley was so interesting with her stories of the founding of Alpha Sigma Alpha. Mary Gallagher spends six months of the year in Miami and six months in Green Bay, Wisconsin. She was formerly professor of art at Madam Blaker's School in Indianapolis and was loved by all the students. Mary



Cochran McGeehee HH and her sister, J essie Cochran Shaver HH, have lived in Miami 24 years. Mary McGeehee has been an active worker on the Community Chest and is a member of the Board of Directors of the Parent T eachers Association. Jessie and her husband own a M en's Wear and Cleaning establishment. She is a past president of S'oroptomist International of Northeast Miami and is at present a member of the Board of Directors. She is also a member of the Little River Business and Professiona:l Women's Club. Frances Collver Loder B® has been living in Fort Lauderdale two years and is employed as a secretary-psychologist at the Famrly Counseling Center. Jane Spooner Allison BE, our new secretary-treasurer, has been in Miami about ten years and is secretary to the manager of the Everglades Hotel in Miami. H er husband and his father own and manage the Allison U-Drive-It car agency in Miami so look them up when you fly down to Miami. J ean McCammon and her husband are at last situated on Isle of Venice in Fort Lauderdale and will be spending many lovely hours in the sunshine. Banbara Bray Wilhite XX has been 'in Miami about seven years. She is an elementary teacher in Miami Springs. Her husband is chief mechanic with Eastern Airlines. Carmine Cree Alvey XX came over from Tampa to meet with the Miami girls while her husband attended the American Medical Association. The Miami group plans to meet the;! third Tuesday in January, March, and May. At present they will continue meeting at the Everglades Hotel as Jane has access to a meeting place and is a most gracious hostess. Do call one of the girls when you may be vacationing in this area. OFFICERS

President- Mrs. Francis R. Gallagher Vice President-Mrs. L. W. Shaver Secretary-Treasurer-Mrs. C. K. Allison Editor- Mrs. Burnell Loder



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BOBBYE WlflTAKER • Bobbye Whitaker B A served as freshman editor of "The Scroll". She is a member of the Student Council. FT A, WRA, Alpha Psi Omega, French club, and Royal Rooters. Bobbye is vice president of the Art club, vice president of SCA Council. and a cartoonist and reporter for "The Echo". She is active in dramatics and received the 1953-54 best supporting actress award. Bobbye has served her sorority as pledge secretary and editor.

GLORIA GROSZ • Gloria Grosz B®, a major in vocal music, has been active in Concert Choir, Festival Choir, and A Cappella Choir. A member of Kappa Delta Pi, Sociology club, and Associated Women Students, she serves as corresponding secretary of Sigma Tau Delta and as secretary of Panhellenic. For the past two years she has been active on "The Chippewa" staff. Gloria is a former secretary of Beta Theta and now serves as vice president.

NORMA SCHLOTTMAN • Norma Schlottman, a Beta Phi senior, is the editor of "The Stout Institute Tower," school yearbook. She had previously served as assistant editor of "The Tower." She is a member of the Home Economics club. Norma has been on the Dean's Honor List for maintaining outstanding grades. She has been active in activities of her sorority chapter.

JANIE CARRICO • Janie Carrico Br is a member of the Women's Student Board and was chosen to represent her classmates in the Student Senate. She is a member of the mixed chorus, the Student Christian Association and Pi Omega Pi. Jane has been a feature editor on the school paper, representative to the residence hall council, and head cheerleader. She has served her chapter as president and editor and has been president of the Panhellenic Council. 12



Longwood College THE biggest event was February rush teas and the pledging of our new sisters. During the teas our room with its pink floating clouds and flying a ngels carried out our theme of "Stranger in Paradise." Each rushee was presented a gold halo as she entered "paradise" (our chapter room) and a key with which to open our treasure chest (membership in A2:A) . Of course, there


gifts. E ach Alpha Sig joined in the fun of playing Santa Claus by buying and wrapping gifts and fillin g a food basket for Joan and her family . In January, Alph a Sigma Alpha was hostess for a Panhellenic reception given in honor of the Mata and Hari dance group who were visiting on our campus. M any points on dance and the theater were gathered as we talked with members of the cast. R ecent student elections found the Alpha Sigs on top once again. Mary Ann Ward was elected general ch air-man for M ay Day. Two of her elected committee chairmen are also Alpha Sigs. Patsy Abernathy will head the M ay D ay court committee and ·L oretta Brooking will take charge of costumes. Our sportswoman, Mary Ann W ard, was also elected captain of the basketball team.-LoRETTA BROOKING.

Miami University

The Alphas at their Red and Wh ite Party, with their g uest of honor, ·Miss Evelyn ·G. Bell, our national president. Other guests were members of Beta Iota chapter. were pink lemonade, cookies, and Alpha Sig songs to help make the rush season a success. During November the Virginia State Panhellenic Workshop met on the Longwood campus with our Becky Fizer presiding. In vhe spotlight of the weekend meeting was another Alpha Sig-Miss Evelyn G. Bell, our national president, who was the guest speaker. Alpha Sigs and the girls from other sororities were inspired by her address on Saturday. On th e Friday night b efore the workshop we entertained Miss Bell and our guests from Beta Iota chapter with a " R ed and Wthite" party. There was plenty of food and many, many A2:A songs to fill the gaiety of the air as we talk ed with Miss Bell. Also in November our annual Founders' D ay Banquet was held with our local alumna: as gues ts. Sharing the spotlight with the turkey and dressing was our Founders' D ay program, "Stained Glass Windows," presented by several girls in the chapter. Christmas brought more parti es along with the presentation of our Christmas gifts to our adopted girl and her family. This year as our philanthropic proj ec t, we d ecided to adopt a little eight-year-old gi rl whose fam ily would not be a!ble to provide the usual Christmas



AFTER the busy period of rushing was over, we found , much to our deli ght, that we had sixteen wond erful pledges . They have been a great help to the ,chapter by doing many things to help with our philanthropic works. As soon as th ey were pledged , a Pledge-Active banqu t;t was held. At th e banquet Shari Kah was awarded the cup for being th e Outstanding Pledge of th e Year. In th e month of December we had a Christmas party for all of the members. The big and little sisters exchanged Christmas presents. During the party, the pledges put on a skit which was a parody of "Twas the Night Befor e Christmas." ow we are planning two rush parties to start off the new semester. For the theme we are using "Winter Party." The invitations are in the form of snowballs, and the name tags are in the form of mittens. One of the forthcoming projects of th e pledge class is to arrange to see a hock ey game in Cincinnati. It will be for all the mernbers and their dates. A number of th e girls in the chapter have received different honors. Mary Goeke was asked into Sigma D elta Pi, a Spanish honorary. Dorothy Murphy and Ruth Churney became members of Combus, a business honorary. Barbara Messinger had th e leading rol e in one of the college plays, D ark of the Moon, and was initiated into Miami University Theatre. M arj orie Anderson also had a part in th e same play and was initiated into Mi ami University Thea tre. Marjorie also became a memb er of Senior Orch esis, the modern da nce group. - MARJORIE ANDERSON.

Atp~a ~aa Northeast Missouri State College ALPHA BETA held pledge services on November 17. The evening of pledging day the Alpha actives honored


Alpha Sigs made a ve ry impressive sight. A tea for our guest topped off a perfect afternoon. Some thing new was added to our campus actiVItiesa Greek Sing was held last semester a t the outside th eater. Practicing went on for weeks and wh en the big night came, the Alpha Gammas sang out in true sorority spirit. A good time was h ad by all at the a nnual Christmas party. For th e first time in years, we invited our date to this party. I nitiation, our M other ' D ay tea, the Cam pus Carnival a nd th e Senior party are some of the events cominu up in th e future.-M ARY ] ANE O ' LE LIE.

Colorado State College of Education

th e new girl with a ch icken dinner at the Colonial M anor. For our Christmas proj ect the Alpha Betas visited the community ursi ng Home. The girls gave a program a nd sang Christmas ca rol . A lam p an d a cha ir were presented to the home. Our ann ua l Christmas party was held at the home of our adviser, Miss Alma K . Zolla r. During the evening gifts were exchanged between little a nd big sisters. Within the past two weeks Alpha Beta has had two queens crawned on the campus. Lovely Sue MoC11llough reigned uver the K-Ciub dance, and our equally lovely Eleanor Barkley was crowned the 1955 Barnwarming Queen. Elea nor presided over the Barnwarrning dance sponsored annua lly by members of Agriculture and Colhecon clubs. For the second consecut ive year the Alpha Sigs won the championship of the intramural Basketba ll Tournament. The e are th e events to whi ch the Alpha Beta are looking forward : our school's Trump ight on February 12, our formal Sweetheart d ance on February 19, Mo-Kan State D ay in K ansas City in April, our annual Mothers' D ay tea on th e Sunday preceding Easter, and our breakfast-dan ce honoring th e seniors.JovcE BRITTAIN.

Ju LLIETT E CHUNC, Donn a F ell, and Virginia Anderson return ed to Colorado State College of Education cam pus ea rly this fall to ori enta te freshm en students. Homeco ming was a gay affair around the A~A h ouse. Ou r own ancy Groleski wrote an d produced th e college varie ty show, H ellizabruin. She did a good job. W e won third place in the house decorations with " Ring Affear." As a n a nnual phila nthropic affair Beta Beta chapter sponsored th e Sadi e H awk ins d a nce. The proceeds went to 路 th e Campus Chest Drive . Everyone had fun decorating th e ballroom like Dog patc'h a nd dressing in appropriate costumes for th e dance. When the Intercollege Knights sponsored the I.K. Carnival, Beta Beta chapter chose a n ugly m a n a nd campaigned vigorously. Our ca ndidate, Bob Gill, a very h andsome guy, by th e way, won. W e were very proud of Pat Hein that night also when she won the title, " Spur of the Moment," h aving been chosen the most outstanding Spur member by the Intercollegiate Knig hts. In ovember it was a nnoun ced that J ulliette Chung, Nancy Groleski, Betty Joe Stuart, Virginia Anderson, and Ba11bara AI ba ugh h ad b ee n selected for Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities.- Do NNA SELBY.

,4(#a~ Indiana (Pa.) State Teachers College A EW emes ter ha ju t begu n, aa d ru hing is in full swing. Movies room par ti e basketba ll games, and o th er lu h entertainment h ave kept the rush ees tepping. ll will b climaxed at the formal rush party, "Coronation apers. ' Our Laughter kit went over with a bang ! It was ba ed on th e Winnie Pooh tori es. Our girls looked funn in d yed men' union uit tuffed with pillow and with car a nd tai l attached. They made th e best a nimal co tum . !Jte H omecom ing float featuring the nursery rhyme, M1st ress M ary, received many compliments. yellow wate ring can bed of colored flowers and three pre tty


Alpha Gamma's " Firemen" in the Homecoming parade.


E~E~ Emporia State Teachers College AT last final week is over! After that hectic ex,perience the members of Epsilon Epsilon settled down for a new semester and some serious rushing. Now that we have won our neJW pledges we can take time to relax and do a little reflecting about last semester's activities. One of our first projects was a dinner honoring the foreign students on our campus on October 25. Later the same week the pledges entertained the actives with a hayrack ride for the annual "pledge party." November brought Homecoming with our annual alumnae dinner and mum sale. Our candidate for Homecoming Queen was Betty Kirk. The next item on our social parade was the Founders' Day dinner on November 15, when the alumnae chapter entertained the college members. The annual Snowball formal was h eld November 20, and our social season was completed with a gift exchange and caroling party just b efore Christmas vacation. Sandwiched in between all this were the nightly practices for the Y-Sing, an annual caroling session between campus organizations h eld December 16. Between semesters our pledges of the first semester were initiated into the "active circle," and Jo Sisson was elected our pertect pledge. This semester promises to be as busy wirll the Intersoror:ty formal and our own Spring formal already listed as r.oming attractions.-JANET CLINE.

Central Missouri State College "SHIP AHoY! Sea rThe Best Girl Win." This is what the Al.pha Sigs of Zeta Zeta chapter are saying. It's popular girl campaign week, and Alpha "sailors" are all over th e place. You've guessed it-the girls have chosen a sailor theme, and Sue .Smith is their choice for popular girl candidate. The S.S. Sue Smith is th e ship, and everyone is hoping to sail to victory. The girls are wearing their red skirts and white middies with red and white striped dickies and sailor hats. The first day of th e campaign th ey wore red anchors with Sue's picture on them, and the second day they carried spy glasses, and the third day they carried white sea bags with red anchors stamped on th em plus Sue's picture. In a convocation with all the sororities and fraternities participating, the Alphas put on a skit which included a sailor song and dance routine, plus a song group bidding Sue adieu to reign as popular girl. As they sang, Sue stood on the deck of the S.S. Sue Smith which moved across the stage as th ey sang. Here's hoping Zeta Zeta comes out on top. Patty McDaniel, Jean L ewis, and June Burr were elected to Wh.o's Who in American Colleges and Universities. Everyone is working on the philanthropic project. One work day has already been sold, and the girls sold date books before Christmas. Corning up is a sock hop to be held in March, and every sorority and fraternity on campus will be asked to have a king and queen candidate for the occasion. -SuE SMITH.

Pittsburg State Teachers College ON January 7, a "Snow Flake" formal was held at




the Student Center. Cuff Jinks with the Alpha crest were given as favors to guests and dates. January 17 to 22 was courtesy week for il.A pledges. The week's activities consisted of doing services for others. A tea was given by the pledges for the College faculty members and a coke-tail party was given for pledges of the other sororities on the campus. The pledges also h elped with numerous service projects around the campus and in the g1rls' dorms. To finish th e week in grand style the pledges helped collect money for the March of Dimes in the downtown area of Pittsburg. The Alpha Sigs are engaged in a contest fo r a pep trophy which is given to the organization which shows the most p ep and school spirit a t conference basketball games. The trophy must be won three years in succession before it can be kept by an organization. Eta Eta is t'he proud holder of the last trophy and is working hard to gain possession of another this year. On January 3 1 and .February 1 we condu cted a "Mr. Basketball" contest on th e campus with the student body voting for their choice of th e best all-round playe r on the Pitt State team.

Temple University RusH~RusH-RusH-Practic e for Greek Sing! D ecorate for the Va-lentine Dance ! R ehearse for the rush party! Work on the booth for Carnival! These are the passwords at the Kappa K appa house. Our hard work really paid off in October when Kappa Kappa's float won second prize in the Homecorning parade. We were really pleased e~pecially since we were the only sorority on campus to walk off with any honors in th e Homecoming competition. Homecoming also ibrouglht the pledging of 15 new K appa Kappas. November saw us giving a tea in honor of our wonderful new housemother, Miss Eunice Clark. We were very proud to h ear that Bev Durgin was chosen for th e Philadelphia AllJCollege first hockey team, while Ru th D ers tine made the fourth team. Elaine Portser,

Pat Buckwalter, Bernie Vavro, and Josephine Wright are working on Kappa Kappa's Homecoming float.


Diane Forster, Cathy Sader, Judy •B achman, and Barbara Reimann participated in T emple's Annual Water Show. The Kappa Kappas were right in with the Christmas spii'it with our annual Christmas dance. Our pledges did a beautiful job of decorating the house. Santa Claus couldn't attend the party, but he did send Mrs. Claus (1Mary Burns) in a hilarious Santa Claus suit to distribute a ll the gifts to the Kappa Kappas and their dates. Christmastime a.Jso !brought congratulations to Janet Brooks for the wonderful job she did as chairman of Temple Univers·i ty's White Supper, an annual affair sponsored by the University Christian Movement. The Alpha Sigs sa.w to it that a needy family had a Merry Christmas by presenting them with gifts and a good supply of food. We hop e to make a monthly project of h elping needy famili es in the Temple area. Barbara Snyder is in charge of the project. After Christmas we returned to the ·chore of taking fin als. We were very proud to learn that Prexy June Fraps had been selected as one of th e 24 outstanding seniors at Temple University. Jun e was also elected cochairma n of Greek Weekend which is in March, and president of Theta Sigma Phi, women's journalism fraternity. Lois Dilg an d Edith Alexander were elected vice president and treasurer, respectively, of Ohimes Junior Women's honora ry society. Alpha Sig pledges really took over in th e Women's Athletic Association elections. Connie Brady is corresponding secretary; Mike McKernan, treasurer ; Bev Durgin and Barbara Paul, publicity directors. Julie W ebster was chosen as a member of M agnet Senior Women's honorary society. Floriana Manno was elected treasurer of the junior class.- FLORIANA MA NN O.

Drexel Institute THE Nu Nus have at last caught their breath after a hectic rushing season and are now welcoming the friendship of our new pledges. The theme of our rush party was "The Little Red Schoolhouse" and our purpose was to show the rushees the aims of Alpha Sigma Alpha. Nancy Nielsen did a wonderful job as the confused rushee who chose A2:A after she had seen its high aims. Merci Grassi was chairm an of the rush party. Our mother patronesses pre-

Nancy Nielsen was named Nu Nu's Alpha Sig Sweetheart at "The Little Red Schoolhouse" party. pared the meal for us and received our utmost thanks. Nancy Nielsen was also named Alpha Sig Swee theart for · th e coming year at the party. This is bound to be a busy term for Nancy who as president of the junior class is formulating plans for the big spring formal. Pat Budd took a .Jeading role in the Rouge and Robe production of Arsenic aond Old Lace. M ercia Grassi was selected by Mademoiselle m agazi ne to serve on its 1955 College Fas;hion Board. Merci, a junior majoring in R etail Management, was selected on the basis of her p ar ti Cipation in campus ac tivities. M erci was one of the main reasons for the success of the Panhellenic Ball which was held on January 15. In appreciation of the work she did, Merci was presented with a beautiful bouquet of red and white carnations. J anet H endrixson J ewitt was elected to Who's Who in American Cclleges and Universities. Jan, a home economics major, is serving as treasurer of the Panh ellenic Council. · Our social chairman has ce rtainly been keeping us busy. The term opened with a party with the members o.f Tau Kappa Epsilon. The next party came at the Lambda Chi Alpha house. The Lambda Chis provided wonderful entertainment with their skits and the Lambda Chi combo.-Juny WEBER.

Faye Hayes, Fran Williams, and Fran Wickline are the old fashioned girls on Rho R h o's Homecoming float.



Marshall College

Northwest Missouri State College

THE Mothers' Club of Rho Rho chapter has been active this month. They selected officers and planned to take part in as many projects as possible. We had a style show the latter part of February. The chairman was Peggy Whitley. A faslhionable dress shop in Huntington s,ponsored the show, giving us their clothes to model. TIWO other stores cooperated, giving us shoes and hats to model. The newspapers cooperated by giving us a full page spread covering the event. Rushing is also coming up and for that we are planning a Cinderella party. Some of the girls will be dressed in rags and some in gowns. Of course, we will have a fairy godmother and a Cinderella. The entertainment will follow the movie version of the story and we will use songs from the movie. The Veterans at the hospital are still very appreciative of our efforts, and we will keep trying to please them with our entertaining.--CAROLYN CAMPOLIO.

THE new policy of a perfect pledge cup has been adopted this year. The pledge, having the most points in accordance with specified criterion, will have possession of the cup, engraved witlh her name, for the school term. During the summer months it will be kept in the chapter room. Our big dance of the year, the Sweetheart Dance, was held F ebruary 12. Annie Lou Cowan and Pat Cooper, president and treasurer, respectively, h ave moved to the Home Management House to complete their last semester as home economics majors. We are also proud of twelve of our girls who sacrificed half of the vacation between semesters to go on tlhe Tower Choir trip.-]EANNE GooosoN.

Ball State Teachers College

Western State College ON the weekend of February 4-5, we had our annual Winter Carniwl. Besides all the festivities of the Ski Meet, Snow Ball, I ce Shows, and working on our snow sculpture for the campus decorations, we attended the Sunday afternoon wedding of our A~A sister, Illa Jean Elmer. Our pledges surprised us one Sunday recently by getting us out of bed at seven o'clock in tlhe morning for a ' 1Come as You Are" breakfast. Mterwards we went to church together. Our alumnae is planning another of those delicious Potluck suppers for us.-ELEANORE SHANNON.



Fort Hayes State College TAu TAu CHAPTER has been keeping quite busy since November. First on the agenda in November came Rush Week, which was a "rush" for all of us along with the rushees. We entertained with two parties and a tea in our new house. Our first party was a hobo party and scavenger hunt. For favors for that party, we gave hobo bags filled with candy, which were made out of white handkerchiefs with the letters "il.A" painted in red . Our second party was a " Roaring Twenties" party. All of the actives attempted to imitate the styles of that era. Our next big function was our annual Christmas dinner and formal dance. Of course, tlhe best part of the evening was the "Mistletoe Dance." Also during the Christmas season, our housemother, Mrs. Rouch, fixed a lovely Christmas dinner for all of the actives, pledges, and Miss Doris Stage, our adviser. Following the dinner, we sang Christmas carols and exchanged gifts. Now that semester examinations are over and we are starting a n ew semester, we are once again settling down to our tasks and the buzz of activity. One big point on our schedule is the all-school carnival which the Alphas are s,ponsoring. Although this carnival will take quite a lot of work and time, we believe it will be a success as it has in the past.--GwEN Mn.LER.




OuR first rush party carried out the Fall theme. The second was "Under the Sea." Decorations consisted of a pirate ship and sea animals hanging around the room. Our formal rush party was our annual Christmas buffet. This year we have inaugurated Chi Chi Capers when we all get together twice a month to play cards, sing, and just have a good time together. Some of our girls h ave gone to a Veterans' Hospital and to the Epileptic Village at New Castle to provide entertainment for the patients. We filled a Thanksgiving basket for a family of thirteen. At Christmas time we gave money to the same family instead of buying presents .for our gift exchange. We are busy workina on our skit for the Kappa Sigma Kappa Variety Show. On F ebruary 10, we had a trade ,party with Sigma Tau Gamma fraternity with the pledges of both groups providing th e entertainment. The Muncie alumnae chapter entertained the seniors at a banquet on February 14. The "Snow 'Ball," our pledge dance, was February 18. Each pledge received an A~A collar pin. Sally Weales was ch airman of this party. Juov HALE.

Northwestern State College Psr Psr CHAPTER has been busy entertammg the fraternities on the campus. Parties have been given for Phi Kappa Nu, Sigma Tau Gamma, and the remaining fraternities will be entertained within th e next month. The parties are held at the sorority house and help promote the fri endship between the sororities and fraternities. ' have been 28 grand pledges added to our group. The new pledges entertained the members with a Ohristmas ,party befo re the holidays. Plans have been made for our annual camp party to be h eld at Black Lake on February 26. All members and their dates will don their blue jeans and enjoy a fun packed weekend . The theme for our spring formal will be the "Silver Anniversary Dance." Psi Psi is celebrating its twenty-fifth anniversary this year.~HELEN KEITH .


Beta Gamma's Homecoming float carried out the theme of "Betsy Ross Making the Flag." Dawna Knight portrayed Betsy Ross.

Beta Delta members enjoy informal coffee hour on Saturday morning.


by the fifteen new members. "The Night Before Christmas" was t!he theme, and our A~A Santa Claus brought new earrings to all of us and a toaster for Carter House (a much needed addition). We were so h lllppy to have in D ecember as our guest, Grace Matz who was outstanding Beta Epsilon member while on the campus and the winner of the 1953 Elizabeth Bird Small Award. Grace returned to the campus to speak to the Junior Class Day assembly. In recognition of scholarship, leadership, and coi>peration in educational and extra-curricular activities, Joyce Gwaltney, Elizabeth J efferson and Judy Freeman wer_e chosen for Who's Who in• American Colleges and Umversities. One of the most memorable events of the year has bee n the visit of our national president, Miss Evelyn G. Bell. The weekend she spent with us was one of close A~A sisterhood and served as an inspiration to seek higher and to strive more strongly to attain them.-Juov FREEMAN.

Northeastern State College TH"us FAR we of Beta Gamma chapter, have had quite a succe;sful ~ear. We are very proud ~four pledge class which has proved to be most outstandmg. The highlight of Homecoming D ay for us was when V ella Lou Friend was crowned football queen. J ean Dixon was one of the queen attendants. We had a tea following the game for our alumnae. Jane Nesbitt, one o.f our pledges, was crowned Freshman Queen at the annual freshman dance. Our Founders' Day banquet was November 17. The pledges were in charge of arrangements. We won first place in Stunt Night for the second consecutive year. Our theme was "The Greatest Show on Earth." W e were very sorry to lose two of our members who were gradu a ted at mid-term. They were Janey Carrico, past presid ent, and Ann Morris.--DORIS DEATO N.

Mississippi Southern College THE Beta D eltas were very enthusiastic aibout the V alentine fo rmal dance held on February 12. The theme was "Fantaisise d'IAmour" (Fantasy of Love ). Following the dance there was a breakfast honoring our pledges. Just b.efore Christmas vacation the Alpha Sigs participated in Southern's third annual song festival. Our group sang "The Friendship of A~A" and "Silver Bells." After the festival, th e actives were entert¡a ined at a Christmas party given by the pledges. The sorority room was decorated in holiday style. Gifts were exchanged a nd delicious refreslhments were served. Pa t CuLpepper and Carolyn Mixon were initiated into Pi Ka ppa Pi, national scholastic fraternity. Adair Bates a nd Marjorie Lively were selected as beauties . Theresa Clegg is servJng in the Mardi Gras court, crew of Diana. Each Sa turday morning the Alpha Sigs have a coffee hour. N eedless to say, the girls enjoy these informal gettogethers.-JrMMIE AINSWORTH .

Southwestern Louisiana Institute BEFORE the holidays the pledges entertained us with a lovely Christmas party with th e "Toyland" theme. A

Madison College AMO NG our holiday festivities was a gala party given


Beta Epsilons greet rushees on the porch of Carter House and welcome them to the "ilA Showboat."


Loretta Mire, our chapter president, is a newly elected officer of the Southwestern Band Council. Pledges Patty Lou Robichaux and Kathleen Walet are among th e top ten beauties. Madeline Calais is a ROTC sponsor. Bea Yazbeck and Beth Roberts won first place debate honors at the Millsaps College !Speech Tournament at Jackson, Mississippi. At Southwestern's annual Camellia Pageant Bea Yazbeck represented Alpha Sigma Alpha in the queen's court.-BETTY JEAN GuiDRY.

Dickinson State Teachers College

At the left, Chairman Sandy Hymel discusses plans for Beta Zeta's <Campaign for the March of Dimes with Dot McCandless and Diane Camaille. modern version of " 'Twas the N1ght Before Christmas" was r!!ad by Rosalie Ya:llbeck with Madeline Calais pantomiming Mrs. Santa Claus. Upon emerging from the chimney she distr~buted toys to all the members. As a special surprise she brought a dancing doll from St. Louis (in the person of Rosie Mouton) who entertained us with St. Louis Blues. R efreshments were served. Christmas carols followed while rwe gave red and white A~A lambs to our little sisters. After the party the toys were gathe~ed and taken to the children's ward in Lafayette Charity Hospital where we entertained with carols and games. During exam week after the holidays, the Alpha Sigs under the direction of Chairman Sandy Hymel and Assistant Bar.bara Barras succes~.ÂŁully completed our campaign for tJhe March of Dimes. D efinite plans were accepted for our skit for Stunt Night. Martha Meaux is the chairman with Sally M elancon assisting. Beta Zeta's annual dance will be on Aprul 23. Our parent-daughter luncheon will be on May 1.

Beta Eta's Sandry Modisette is selling candy to a student at Dickinson State Teachers College.




RusHING has always been a problem due to the fact that we are the only sorority on our campus. R ecently we tried to solve the problem by having a formal tea for all the girls whom we would like to .have as sorority sisters. At that time we presented them with a written invitation to become a pledge of Alpha Sigma Alpha. This little experiment worked quite well and on January 25, pledging was held. Valeria Kuhn and Carol Spoer h ave been nominated for Who's Who vn American Colleges and Universities. Big plans are now underway for the annual Valentine Formal sponsored by Beta Eta chapter to be held on F ebruary 12. T!he publicity commiJttee started out their "campaign" with th~s little ditty-

"Take her to the formal And be her 'Ace of Hearts ;' She will be your Valt~~ntine, And that's how romance starts." --CLEONE McGREGOR.

Central Michigan College "CEDRIC" was the outstanding feature of Beta Theta's homecoming activities. With our brother fraternity, Tau Alpha Upsilon, we built a twenty-fOOit dinosaur to adorn our homecoming float. We placed second in originality in the parade, but we received special recognition from the Mt. Pleasant paper. To add to the excitement of Homecoming, we held our annual Alumnae BreakfaSit on the opening day of the weekend activities. A fall theme was used with corsages of baby mums going to our honored guests. Rushing was still going full swing at the time of Homecoming. No formal parties were planned for the fall semester. We pledged eight girls during this open rushing. Then we started planning for spring rushing. Panhellenic sponsored a tea and display for all girls interes ted in spring rushing. The council is also sponsoring a rush school for all sorority girls. Topics for discussion are: planning a pa rty, making girls fe el welcome, dressing for a party, and how gracefully to get the guests to leave. There is also a school for rushees. Founders' Day was observed with a dinner at the Park Hotel in St. Louis, Michigan. We have had a chance to try out our culinary talents at two recent parties. One was a spaghetti supper held with TAU, Theta Sigma Upsilon, and Tau Kappa Epsilon; the other, a chili supper h eld with TAU. Our Christmas formal was held at the St. John's Parish House on December 4. The fireplace with a fire ablazing and the stockings hanging from tJhe mantle and the gaily decorated tree were the center of 3Jttraction. Snowflakes whirled from the ceiling throughout the evening.


Nancy Sullivan and. Frances Smith were elected to Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities. Betty Lou Fa rmer, Violet Meade, and June Branham were chosen as outstanding seniors. We are already making plans for our cabin parity in the Spring. W e hope to welcome back many of our alumnae to share the fun that weekend.--CARLENE WILSON.

Western Illinois State College

"Cedric" and Bette Dunlap ride Beta Theta's prize winning Homecoming float.

With winter officially here, we followed up our formal with a Christmas party a t the home of Miss J ean M ayh ew, our adviser. Pop corn and apples tasted good after a few hours of caroling. R eturning from vacation, we held a sleighride with the D elta Zetas, Tau K appa Epsilons, and T a u Alpha Upsilons. Then we all went to Louise D avis's for barbecue. Gloria Grosz and Ruth Streeter, were recently initiated into K a~pp a D elrta Pi, national edu cation• honorary.--'MARILY N UPTON.

Radford College WE have just finished a very exciting Rush W eek. Our rush party with its theme, "A2:A Neverland," was a huge success. The rushees dressed as children were welcomed into "Neverland" by all the storybook oharacters. "Neverland" was enchantingly decorated w~th l·ife-size ginge11bread boys, a humpty-dumpty, little red hen, a glittering red a nd white castle, an d six-foot red and white canes. The entertainment, which stepped from the p ages of a huge storybook entitled "Tales of Neverland," consisted of a tap dance by J ack-Be-N imble, "Som ewhere Over th e R ainbow" by Cind erella, a dragnet version of "Little Blue Riding Hood," and a pantomime of "Never Smile at a Crocodile." The rush ee child ren were ask ed to contribute a nursery rhyme to the entertainment, and for their efforts th ey were presented with red and white sock dolls. The rushees were also presented with Cinderella glass slippers, ail-day suckers, and candy can es as souvenirs of their trip to "Neverland." The party was concluded with the singing of A2:A songs led by Peter Pa n. W e really worked hard on our rush p ar ty, and we are happy to report that we h ave 27 new pledges.


Joyce Schickel, president of Beta Kappa, reigned as Queen at Western Illinois State College Homecoming.

THE BETA KAPPAS were very successful with their Homecoming activities in October. Their qu een candidate, Joyce Schickel, was elected to reign over the Homecoming festivities. Joyce is president of the sorority this year. The float, "Purple Pursues Victory," entered by the Alpha Sigs won first place, and the house decorations received honorable mention. In November, formal Rush Week was h eld. The theme of the informal party was "Red Sk·in Rendezvous" and of the formal party, "Rhap-

sody in Blue." The annua-l college assembly sponsored by the Beta Kappas was given in January. The theme of the assembly was ·~campus Hits" which was organized on th e order of the "Hit Parade." Rose Ka~povich was in charge. The Panhellenic D ance is being held March 12. The Beta K appas are in ch arge of the decoraltion and have chosen as a theme, "•M oonlight and Roses." The annual Greek Ball sponsored by the fraterniti es on the campus is being h eld March 19. The Sigma Tau Gamma frat erni ty is sponsoring the Alpha Sig candida te for qu een , Ruth Brittenham. The queen will be chosen by a famous Hollywood celebrity. Last year our candidate, Marilyn Thomas who was sponsored by the Interfraternity Council, reigned as Queen over the festivities. -MARILYN MAYES.

Arkansas State Teachers College THE Beta Lambdas are having a marvelous "wish-youwere-here" school year. To start things off right we won first prize for oci.ginalirty for our float in the Homecoming parade. Talk abou t proud, we beamed for a month. And b efore those smiles were gone we had bwo rush parties a nd acquired some wondemul pledges so our smiles just got bigger and bigger. Our informal p arty was a "flapper" party a nd ali of us wore th ose "real gone" dresses from the Twenties learned to Charleston, sang some old songs from tha~ period, and really flapped. Our formal p arty was just that, a very form al dinner. Freddie Anne Ruble, Wilma M cClain Thompson, and Bobbye Ann Whitaker were elected to Who's Who in


Beta Lambda's float took first prize for originality in ASTC's Homecoming parade. The saying is: "All the king's horses and all the king's men c o u I d n ' t put the Muleriders together again. "

American Cotleges and Universities. Sandra K ellogg and Babbye Whitaker were tapped for Alphfi Chi, th e national honor society. Beta Lambda won the scholarship cup this year. The cup is given by the Panhellenic each year to the sorority with the highest grade-point. We have recently elected two n ew officers. Sandra Kellogg replaces W~lma Thompson as president. Wilma is off-campus to practice teach. Dolores Schiend er took over as treasurer, replacing Martha Matthers who was married during the Christmas holidays.- BOBBYE WHITAKER.

Henderson State Teachers College

W e are very proud of Pa t Hunter who was chosen the 1955 Military Sponsor. She is th e thi rd Alpha Sig president in as many years to receive this honor. Pat and Molly Sue Stauber are candid ates fo r Miss HSTC and Molly a nd Hesta Faye Cowan are among the beauties to be fea tured in this year's a nnu al. Molly and Pat were also honored by being named to Who 's Who in American College's and Universities . R ece ntly initiated into Alpha Chi, honorary soholastic society, were Greta Owens, Joie Thompson, Libby Wimberly, and Libby Williamson . Cathey and Sa ra R edding were Homecoming maids, and Libby Wimberly and M arth a Willia mso n were in the cast of the college presen tation of Arsenic and Old L ace. Mary Lillian Lee was the student direc tor. W e are now working on plans for initia tion weekend, which will include a party a nd tea in honor of th e new initiates a nd a mother-daughter banqu et.- LIBB Y ' 'VJLLIAMSO N.

BETA Mu chapter has welcomed Mrs. R ebecca Turner as a ne¡w adviser. She is an instructor in the home economics department and a very lovely person. W e are happy to have Mrs. Turner working with M~ss Betty Ruth Joyce, and we' re certain we h ave th e most capatbly sponsored group on the campus . Our Homecoming exhibit was "Orchids to the R eddies." It consisted of a huge crepe-paper orchid in a ceUophane box and a white-gowned mannequin holding a card inscr~bed "Orchids to the R eddi es from A~A." Soon after Homecoming came the Pan.hellenic dance. It was truly a ' ~Mermaid's Paradise" with our new seagreen gymnasium decorated with nets, moss, myriads of fantastically colored fish, a formidabl e tin foil octopus and an authentic papier-mache mermaid. A dessert party .preceded the dance at the antebellum home of M rs. Flectcher M oElhannon. We presented our dates with fountain pen desk sets bearing the Alpha Sig crest and sang the Sweethear.t Song from th e winding staircase. Joie Thompson was presented at th e dance as our sorority's outstanding member. Our pledges entertained th e members with a delightful Christmas party a t th e home of Betty Berryma n. Entertainment included games and contests, a letter to Santa Claus with requests for each girl, and a treas ure hunt whi ch ended a t the gift-laden tree . W e've had lots of parties a nd fun , but we take time out for work, too. We proclaimed a recent Saturday "A~A Work D ay" a nd publicized th e event through posters and announcements. We did odd jobs for the faculty members and other townspeople whi ch r esulted in a boost for the treasury in addition to some hila rious experiences.




Beta Nu's float won second place in the Homecoming parade.


Murray State College BETA Nus were proud and happy when our float, a Southern belle in her long hooped skirt, won second place in the Homecoming parade. Our Mistletoe Ball was a great success this year. We used the theme of a "Winter Wonderland" with lots of cedars and snow banks. Our Jean Ann Moore and her date, Jim Weaver, were named the Sweetheart Couple of the dance. Our sooial service projects included giving a basket to a needy family whose home had burned and visiting 路t he veterans at the Ft. Campbell hospital where we gave a talent Slhow and had a square dance. We are also starting a birthday fund which will be used on our room. Nancy Sammons, Lillian Jones, and Sue Gardner were named as .c ampus favorites. Anne Rhodes, Nancy Qook, and Lucy Sheffer were selected for Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities. The Tau Sigma Taus chose Jean Ann Moore as the sweetheart of their fraternity this year. Sue Gardner was named as an attendant. Jean Ann will be presented at the annual Presentation Ball. A banquet was given January 17 in honor of our new initiates, graduating seniors, and other members Wiho were not returning for the spring semester...._.jLucv SHEFFER.

We went caroling at the Livonia Home for old people in December, as part of our philanthropic project. Afterward, we went to Betty Moore's home for our Christmas party. Toys for a family of six were provided by Rho Chi at Christmas. For a final fling before exams, we had a skating party at the home of Mrs. Harvey Bumgardner, national fellowship chairman. Plans are under way for our informal rush party and an outdoor picnic, weather permitting.DoROTHY PHILLIPS.

Concord College MRs. RoBERT GRADY, na.tional constitution ohairman, was honor guest at a reception and a cabinet dinner in the home of Mrs. Harry Finkleman, our adviser. Mrs. Grady's visit proved very beneficial to Beta Pi. Our Homecoming decoration placed third this year. Three of our girls, Iva Gray Riley, Sue Humphrey and Clara White, were chosen for Who's Who ~n American Colleges and Universities. We are especially proud of this honor as three of five girls chosen on Concord's campus were Beta Pis. Iva R<iley was named senior editor of The Pine Tree, Concord's yearbook. Tille Founders' Day program was presented in the social room, followed by a spaghetti supper at the Oakwood restaurant. A joint social with Sigma Tau Gamma was held November 3. The party was climaxed by the Sig Taus serenading us with their sweetheart song.

Wayne University THIS has been a busy semester for Rho Chi. We won third prize for our Homecoming house decoration and second prize for our booth at Wintermart, Wayne University's annual winter carnival. In November, we were happy to welcome Mrs. Clayton Richard, national treasurer, to Detroit for an inspection of our chapter. During open rushing we invited rushees to supper at Bill Brooks Coffee CluJb. The building is in the shape of an old-fashioned railroad ensine. The food is served on little flat cars running on a track around the counter.

Pictured above: 路L ooking over Beta Rho's scrapbook with Mrs. Reinard Schlosser, national scholarship chairman, are fro':ll left t<? right: Eadie Ocenasek, president; Mary Ann Rmke, ass1stant treasurer; and Gloria Oallagiacomo, vice president. -<~

Pictured at the left: Beta Pi members entertain pledges at Hallowe'en party.



Imagine our deiight when Betty Jo Hy;pes was chosen Queen of the Bowery Ball, an annual campus dance. A slumber party was given at the home of N ancy Brown just before Christmas vacation. We had a wonderful time. Each girl brought a toy which we dona·ted with a gift of money to the Christmas tree p arty for underprivileged children. Our pledges gave us a party on D ecember 13, which we enjoyed very much. Beta Pi won third place in the intramural sing. At present we are first in all-intramural sports except the ping-pong doubles tournament. Following the initiation ceremony in Janua ry, our patronesses served breakfast a.t the home of Mrs. Hadden . The group th en attended church.-DOTTIE TRE NT.

Northern Illinois State Teachers College THIS TIME of year finds everyone in the s.w ing of things. Homecoming, Winter Carnival, and fall rush parties are in the p ast. We enjoyed having Mrs. Reinard Schlosser, national scholarship chairman, with us for three days in November. Because of the popularity of the color pink, Anita Scholz used it for our rushing theme. Come to the Pink Poole Club and enjoy a pink lady or a pink poodle special. Eadie O cenasek adds these pop drinks are refreshing. Beta Rho's social calendar includes parties with AT.A, TKE, and 9K<I> fraternities, Varsity Club, ITK'I. sorority, and a tea with AOIT soroz-i·ty. Beta Rho will work with 'I.K for the May fete dance. The Alpha Sigs have a gettogether coffee hour every month. Fun was had by the A'I.As at their Splash party. A surprise farewell party was given for the graduating seniors, Janet Larson and Ka·thy Benson in January. Beta Rho has adopted the idea of wearing black sweaters on Thursdays and special occasions.-FREIDA PHILLIPS.

"We'll Reign Over the Clouds" float won first prize for the Theta Phis in the Homecoming parade. We are happy to have Miss Audrey Brunsman for a co-adviser. Miss Brunsman is an assistant instructor in the Science department here at Indiana Sta te. Mrs. Hilmer Jawbson, an assistant in the Indiana State Music department, has been chosen as a patroness. On Janu ary 29, Virginia Wertz was initiated as a member of Sigma Alpha Iota, national professional music fraternity for women. The annual sorority basketball tournament is to be held during the month of February. Arlene Wild, captain, is drilling us regularly. By the way we really have to work hard to ke6p our record in sports because we won th e volleyball tournament last November. Garnet Borror served as our captain. Campus Revue is to be March 4-5. Nancy Moore is skit director and Frances Eastridge is technical director. The theme of our song a nd dance skit is "Rags to Riches."- Joy DEVA'ULT.

Southwest Missouri State College WE have been busy the last few weeks practicing for our song[est and getting ready for the Sock-Hop dance, to be held in Student Center !building with everyone danc-i ng in his socks. A Mr. Wolf and Sock-Hop Doll will be chosen. Each fraternity and sorority has nominated a candidate. A cake-walk will be an added attraction. Florilla Frieze was chosen to reign as national Golden Horseshoe Queen. Our Sweetheaz-t dinner-dance with Paul Tillman's orchestra is the next important date on our social calendar.-J ANE WILLETT.

Indiana (Terre Haute) State Teachers College WITH a new term under way, we find ourselves caught up in a whirl of activity. We are having a series of small "coke parties" this term. JoAnne D eArman was chosen our "Ideal Sorority Girl" a.t the annual Crystal Ball. Joy DeVault served as chairman of the chaperone committee for this outstanding all campus event of the winter ternn.



Stout Institute "IT is the best Homecoming we have ever had," was the phrase echoed around The Stout Institute by Alpha Sigs this fall. Yes, we again captured the honors. It all started when one of our pledges, Gloria McKnight, submitted the winning theme for the Homecoming activities-"The Little St. Cloud Th<11t Cried." The opposing team for the big game was St. Cloud, Minnesota. Next came the thrill of having two of our girls elected as Homecoming Queen and Football Princess, M ary Paciotti and H elen Harry, respectively. The climax came when our float, which was entered as th e most beautiful, won first place. "We'll R eign Over the Clouds" found three Alpha Sigs riding high on top of a huge blue and white cloud dressed in appropriate blue and white costumes. •M any of our alumnae returned for our annual Homecoming breakfast which was held on Saturday morning. It was not long before another big event, the annual intersorority "Mistletoe Ball," took place. The hall was decoraJted with aluminum foil snow flakes, mistletoe balls, . and Christmas trees lighted with blue lights. This event is coOperatively planned and attended by the four sororities on campus.


Something new was added this year-a "P路i nk Tea" given by our pledges for the pledges of the other sororities. The decorations, food, and clothing of the girls carried through the color pink. Next on the agenda for Alpha Sigma Alpha is our annual Sadie HlliWkins' week program. Each year during the Valentine week we sponsor a candy sale, valentine tea, and a dance. The entire week is proclaimed as the girls' hunti ng season. This year we have added a sleigh ride to the week's activities. Our candidate for Winter Carnival Queen is Rita J ackson . We h ave en tered the tug-of~war contest on the ice and also the snow sculptu re contest.~MARY GEHLER.

Arizona State College SINCE school opened in September, the Beta Chis haven' t had a free moment. Rush stal'ted a day after classes and we had a kiddie's circus party and our r egular formal dinner party. A week later open rush started for two weeks. We climaxed rush with a Hallowe'en hay-ride and picnic out in the desert. Then came our annual footiball game with our biggest riva l, th e University of Arizona. During the day the Greeks staged a bicycle race from T empe to Tucson, a distance of 120 miles. The boys, of course, did all the pedaling, an d the girls served as morai boosters and refreshment servers at th e change &tations. At noon, the big pep rally in downtown Tucson and that evening the game {which we lost ). The next week Homecoming preparations started. The themes were proverbs so our float chairmen, Kathy Bowersock and M arilyn Garrett, worked out a huge birthday cake with pink frosting and a rotound girl sitting on top laughing which depicted the proverb, "L augh and Grow Fat." Homecoming Queen candid ate was Pat Darling, and the girls put on a wonderful campaign. After Homecoming came Thanksgivi ng and th en Greek Week. A week of parties, assemblies, dances, picnics, and general Greek get-togethers. At Christmas our pledges gave us a dinner-dance which was just tops. 路Second semester has just begun and, you guessed it, th e rush is starting over again. Miss Virginia Carpenter, our national vice president, will visit us this month and we are looking forward to seeing her again. Our big Sweeth eart dan ce is scheduled at the San Marcos Hotel in Chandler. This sounds as if we do nothing but play, however, we are all working hard to improve our grades.-PAT DARLING.

Beta Psi chapter at Western Michigan College.


Western Michigan College of Education BETA Psi members enjoyed a buffet supper before the Christmas holidays began. The chapter was presented a beautiful hammered silver tmy from the advisers and patronesses. Our members gave the advisers and the patronesses plants. At the p arty it was a nnounced that Jean Lucas had been selected as the most outstanding junior. Our national vice president, Miss Virginia Carpenter, was a recent guest of our chapter. On Sunday a tea was given in Miss Carpenter's honor. Guests were members of the faculty and representatives of the other Greek organizations. Each month our group goes to the Cancer Society center to make bandages. We are busy working on our rush parties. All of the parties wiH be built around the theme, "Portrait of A ~A."-BEvERLY HowELL.

An October "cozy," complete with jack o'lantem in Beta Omega's suite.

~eta ()Hte94 Bucknell University BETA OMEGA CHAPTER members came back from Thanksgiving vacation refreshed and ready for the busy weeks .preceding Christmas. D ecember 8 was the scene of a joint cultural meeting with Delta Zeta sorority. Two very interesting programs were presented at the meeting. The first was a talk, with illustrations, on the art of creating home-illlade Christmas cards, given by Mrs. Dona:ld Voss, an Alpha Sig patroness. The second part of the progra m consisted of a demonstration and talk on Christmas gift wrapping, presented by Mrs. Lyons, a L ewisburg gift shop proprietor. The annual Christmas party was held in the suite on D ecember 14. Santa was present, with gifts for everyone. A beautifully decora ted Christmas tree and the si~g;ing of Christmas carols added to the general holiday sp1nt. The members of Beta O mega will miss Sheila Kraus, who has left school 路a nd is to be married in February, and recently-married Martie Burd Strein who h as transferred to Mansfi eld State T eachers College.- LAURA D AV IS .


Editor's thropic for use making


Note: Attention is called to the Dayton Philanproiect, the making of Manual Education Pictures in teaching retarded children, and the Tulsa moneyproiect, the Santa Claus glasses.

Akron, Ohio IN October, we met with Helen Strum Bunts 00 with most of the time spent selling our wares, nuts, canned chicken and Ohristmas cards. Founders' Day in November was observed in the home of Jean rCissn'a Bickett AA. We had a chance to see Jean's new granddaughter h ere flfom Texas. Dorothy Hollinger Scott At:. was hostess for our Chris.tmas party. 11he crowd wasn't very big, but there was a nice festive mood all around. Rhea Fetzer Yoder rr opened her thorne again for our dinner, entertaining the husbands in ]'anuary. Besides plenty of food, good visiting, we were honored to have a 'M assillon sister, Lauretta Suntheimer Leininger .tJ.tJ. and her husband giving us a report of their wonderful trip to Europe.- LILLIE GREER.

Boston, Massachusetts OuR November meeting was a simply scrumptuous Christmas Sale at the College Club. Twenty-two of us arrived at two o'clock for the business meeting, conducted by our very attractive Vice President Laura McQuide . We raised twenty dollars from the sale of many types of eye~filling gifts. It was voted to send the money to Bernice Galloway to use for art supplies for the Chelsea Naval Hospital. Christmas time found us gathered at the Gardiner Museum for a delightful afternoon of Art and Music. We adjourned to Howard Johnson's for tea and snacks. Irma Jane Wren n and Florence Haley attended the Sohol,arshLp Dinner h eld at the Panhellenic House. Guess who won the scholarship tray? Certainly, Theta Theta was tops again! We're sure proud of our " eager-:beaver" college group. January 8 presented an international aspect to our group. French cuisine was enjoyed at La Duchesse Anne Restaurant, and then we viewed Gina Lollobrigida in h er latest Italian cinema, "Bread, Love and Dreams." Edith Howlett, who is a student council adviser, reports that 225 youngsters turned out for her disc jockey show, and she only expected 175 students. Irma Jane Wrenn was one of 25 new members of the Boston Business and Professional Women's Club who were asked to design and arrange centerpieces for the club's annual Ch11istmas party. Imagine, the surprise and pleasure when the three judges announced Irma Jane's arrangement had won first prize, a magnificent Lazy Susan! Ruth Fletcher is just as busy as ever typing theses, doctorates, and serving so actively on Mass'a chusetts' Governor Herter's Commission for support of Teachers Colleges.




For February we're planning a Chinese meeting, including a guided tour of Chinatown in Boston. We are very glad to welcome Grace Landon from Beta Phi. All Alpha Sigs who move to the Boston area, please be sure to contact us. We'll roll out the welcome mat and s·h ow you all what we and Boston have to offer. - IRMA jANE WRENN .

Buffalo, New York BRIGHT as holly berries and gay as could be-that's a p erfect desc11iption of our chapter's young guests for the Christmas tea. We had a novel mother-daughter pa:rty at the home of Connie Batt, our charming past president. Our AJ:A mothers proudly brought their daughters for a holiday gathering. All our young guests were decked in their prettiest dresses and ·w ere so thrilled to receive a pin on their collars. Dot Kraw, Bea Nies and Connie B <~~tt certainly planned an exceptionally fin e party. Of course, Christmas isn't Christmas without carols, so we were all glad to hear some of our favorites and several other selections sung by Shirley HeUrich. Our January board meeting was a very exciting one ; we all were so pleased to congratulate Connie Batt and Joan Grannis; both will make lovely July brides. There's nothing better than a good book, unless it's the opportunity to hear Fran H espinstall review some of the choice offerings of the year. W e all enjoyed revisiting the campus of Buffalo State where many of us joined the sisterhood of A~A; we certainly do envy those luck y students who have the opportunity to study in the beautiful new Butler Library. Fran opened the library for our meeting and book review on January 21. We all enjoyed her gracious hospita·l ity and h er sparkling presentation. W e are busy with plans for the annual party with the college cha,pter which will be held M arch 21. Joan Grannis will be our hostess, and J ean M cBride is plan-

Congratulating and admiring the silver tray to Frances Morton Holbrook as winner of Wilma 1W ilson Sharp Award are from left Miss Frances Hespmstall, college chapter Mrs. Holbrook; Miss Evelyn G. Bell, National and Mrs. Carolyn Heyman.

presented the 1954 to right: patroness; President;


ning a fun-filled evening for all. We !l'lways enjoy ge!ting together with our little sisters to share our expenences in our wonderful alumnae work with them. The Art of Positive Thinking will be discussed by the psychologist, Virginia Kerr, at our April meeting to be held at Joan Richmond's home in Snyder. Arline Guenther and Shi11ley HeUrich will lbe co-lhostesses for the evening.-JOAN RICHMOND.

Canton-Massillon, Ohio OuR year-round project is bringing a little cheer to the children at Molly Stark 'Sanitarium. Every month, we take them magazines and books, toys or games, or fruit. At Christmas time, each ~hild received at least two packages. This month in addition to the magazines, we gave them chocolate bars and chewing gum. February will find them with kits to make their own Valentines. We have also collected warm pajamas and robes for the needy ones in the Institution. For Easter some of us have made 'little 'houses out of pictu·re post-cards. We will use those for Easter Baskets for the children. Our chapter also sent a oheck to the Stark County Welfare Christmas Fund. We have changed our meeting dates to Saturday luncheons. Much better attendance. January saw us gathering at Yants Tea Room for lunch and business meeting. We voted to send a check for ten dollars to Alpha .A lpha chapter at Miami University. Last October, Kay Faulk Giltz 00 demonstrated educational toys, in the home of Dorothy O effinger 00. Showing the true Alpha Sig spirit, Kay donated the profits of the sales to our treasury.-BETTY LITTLE HARNER.

Central Pennsylvania OuR second meeting of the year was held at the home of Betty Rost NN in Red Lion. Betty is an alumna of Temple. Christmas was in the air and the decomtions made the occasion quite festive. 'Dhe meeting was brought to order by our president, Mary Aungst NN. Our Founders' Day program was most inspiring at the beginning of our meeting. The biggest n ews for my letter this time is a~bout one of our girls. She is •B etty Urban Wallick ZZ now residing in York. Betty is the mother of two children, Sarah Ruth and PhiLip. She is doing something that I think many of us have the urge to do, but never get at it. She is speaking to men's, women's and church clubs, along with teacher"'J)arent groups, and writing articles for the local newspapers concerning the horror and crime comics found on n ewsstands. Betty is our pioneer 10 say the least. And let me tell you, she has !brought quite a response from many, many p eople. I'm looking forward to our March meeting to h ear more about Betty and her work. - RUTH TAYLOR BERNSTOCK.

Charlotte, North Carolina AT our October meeting in Charlotte, with Anne Rupin Hesser KK, the members present chose our project for the year, that of helping to establish an Alpha Sig oh<!J)ter in a North or •South Carolina college. Reports on progress of investigation were made in December. Ruth Stephenson, a member of the Winthrop College faculty, was hostess. Ruth has been named treasurer to succeed Mary Harvey DeMallie who has moved. It was noted by President Carroll Kennette Davis BE


that the name of Emily Leitner Ervin BE of Statesville, had been omitted from the list of charter members of our group. Lucy Elcan Gilliam .A will be hostess in Charlotte at the February meeting. At this time we hope to hear a report from Joan Herendeen, our Panhellenic delegate, and also a report on our co'llege chapter project.

Chicago, Illinois WE held our January meeting at Mandel's Tearoom in the "Loop." Twelve alumnae were present, including Carolyn Sohoop Strout, who came all the way from LaSalle for the meeting. An invitation to the forthcoming marriage, January 29, of our president, Doris Dowling, was read and several hope to attend. We're looking forward to our February meeting which is to he at Dorothy .Master's new apartment. Many of us hope to attend State Day ·a t Rock Island in the spring and we're already working for the annual benefit tea which the Chicago City PanheHenic is giving April 16. We have •a nother new member who graduated from DeKallb last June. She is Audrey Baker Walling who is tea~hing in Elmhurst.-RosEMARY NoRTHAM JoHNSON.

Cincinnati, Ohio THis Christmas we again enjoyed collecting clothing, toys and games, both new and used, for the Allen House, a welfare center for under-privileged children in Cincinnati. We were quite elated to be able to take a carload of such ·gifts to be distributed to the children. To top it off, a .bright new red wagon was added to be used by all in the playroom.-BLANCHE CooK Wooos.

Cleveland, Ohio VIRGINIA CARPENTER invited us to her home for tea in December. We were happy (and somewhat surprised) to find the national veep in top-notch condition in spite of having had to deal with most of juvenile Cleveland the previous week. The store for which she is public relations director had invited Pinky Lee to do a show for children. They expected the crowd to lbe large, forgetting that ·When dea!ling with Hollywood things can b e counted on to be not large but either stupendous or colossa'l, and it took some swift action to accommodate all the television-happy tots and their parents. .B ut not only was Virginia still alive, but sufficiently in possession of her senses to have made many good plans for •S tate Day, to be held here in May. We were delighted to hear how well her plans are coming along, and are looking fo!1Ward to meeting our southern Ohio sisters. Bernice De Tchon and I have heartfelt advice to offer new sorority members. If your pledge chairman gives you something (the Greek alpha~bet, for instance) to learn, for goodness' sake, LEARN IT! At the December Panhellenic meeting we were given the job of handing to each delegate a Christmas tree ornament decorated with the name of her sorority written in Greek letters. Since we were accustomed to reading the names of the sororities written in English (Now there's a handy language!) we were appalled at how Greek Greek can look arter a few years out of college. "It all comes back to you," said Bernie confidently, after handing O's to the Omicrons and cl>'s to the Bhis, but this old soul remained com-


pletely .bewildered tby any name that didn't include a Sigma or an Alpha. President Catherine Landoff is making plans for a meeting at the Woman's City Club in February. We are hoping that all Ohio members will be right here in town on May 21.-] ANE FRY.

Colorado Springs, Colorado WE had a very enjoyable dinner party in October, celebrating the tenth anniversary of the founding of the Colorado Spring.s chapter. Four charter members were present, and the mothers had been invited to share the occasion with us. We met first at Ruth's Oven for dinner, afterwards going to Phyllis Griffiths NiwJ.l's lovely new home for the evening. Alice Van Diest, a former instructor at Colorado College, has made quite a study of the history of musical boxes and one of the girls was instrumental in getting her to tell us of her hobby. She had selecte9 some of the rarest and most prized of her collection to exhibit. One she had obtained from K-ing Farouk\s collection, another, a musical snuff box that had belonged to Sir Walter R aleigh, and many others equally as interesting and valuable. Mothers who shared the love'iy party with us were Gertrude Glock's mother, Mrs. Crain ; Lois Borst's mother, Mrs. Young; H elen Cummings' mother, Mrs. Pfeiffer ; and Betty McEwenn's (president of the Denver alumnae), Mrs. Barnes. ·L ois Smith Brush was hostess at the Novernber meeting. We complied with the suggestions sent in by national and joined w-ith other chapters ·i n putting together the stained glass window. We are happy to welcome two new members, who have recently moved to the Springs, Rosemary Woods Mallory and Nadya Dubovenk Kaufman. At the November meeting plans were made for the Christmas party and from what I hear it turned out to be a huge success. Together with the husbands they met first at the Shourp home (Helen Edwa·rds) for egg nog, later going to the Broadmoor Hotel for dinner. Fallowing the dinner the group went to the Hay home (Winifred Johnson) for gift exchange and evening of cards. Mr. ·a nd Mrs. R. W. Schlosser of D enver were special guests. Mrs . .Schlosser (Polly) ·is our national scholarship chairunan.-HELEN PFEIFFER CuMMINGS

Cumberland, Maryland WITH the beginning of a new year we are looking forward with eagerness to our future activities. Christmas was happier for all of us after we presented the stockings which we filled with toys to the Cumberland Associated Charities. The joy it brought to the children who received them could not have possibly matched our joy in giving them. Our presentation of badly needed metal wardrobes to the County Horne brought a happy New Year to many. It would not have been possible had not our president, Beul<ah .Montesant NN obtained them for us at wholesale price. Now plans have been made to distribute homemade cookies and soft drinks to the County Home in February. In order to raise money for our treasury we are planning to bald another rummage sale. If it is as successful as previous ones, we will be able to do further philanthropic work in the community. As a social meeting, we are having a Valentine card



party in February and we' re all anxious for some helpful tips we hope to get at the cosmetic demonstration planned for our March meeting.- HELEN GROSH.

Dayton, Ohio SINCE October, the Dayton alumnae have been very busy at every meeting with our philanthropic project. It is such a worthwhile, interesting, and unusual proj ect that I would like to tell more a bout it. To begin with, we call it our Manual Educational Picture for retarded children. Here in Dayton, we now have seven classes of th ese children in various schools. They are of all ages but seem to have about the same mental power. Our two philanthropic chairmen who, by the way, are carrying most of the load in this work, Dorothy Bunkhorst Gillette and Alma (.Molly) Molitor Snider, visited two of these classes early in the fall and found that they needed something in th e way of a picture that would help them do things for themselves like buttoning and zipping their clothes, lacing and tying their shoes, buckling their belts and snapping up their boots. So they got their h eads together and planned a manual picture. At the November meeting at Lola Piel1ion Lakin's home, we really started this project. Molly and Dottie had made patterns .from which we drew pictures on bright red denim. Then we outlined their faces and bodies with an embroidery stitch; making eyes, nose, etc. We decided we needed the help of our husba.nds to make the frames and it was also a good excuse for a party. In the meantime, Molly and Dottie got together a few of the girls and made pants, blouses, dresses, which were later appliqued on, and zippers, buttons, snaps, bows an:d buckles were used to fasten the clothes together in various ways. We had our December meeting at the home of Mary Landis Weaver, and with the grand help of her husband, Max, converted her basement into a workshop. EaJch man came with hammer, saw, vise, and tools of all sorts. Before we knew it, they had all the completed pictures framed. We were upstairs putting on finishing touches as golden curls for the girls and black hair for the boys, but couldn't keep up with the carpenters in the basement. Later we learned they had an efficiency expert working with them, Paul Knost, Madeline Watson Knost's husband, and they were just too well organized for us. The men enjoyed the food and wovking together so much that we are planning another one soon to complete and wax the pictures. When the completed pictures are not being used b y the children, they can be hung on the . wall. Framing the pictures made them strong enough that a child can learn to unzip a zipper, button a button, and without damaging the picture. We hope to be able to give four of these to each such class in Dayton before the year is over. We also gave this group records for Christmas. Records that meet ~heir needs are much more expensive than average records, so instead of having our usual Christmas ex;ohange, we gave our money for this cause. We are now supplemen ting the whole project by selling candy. Our first meeting of the new year was a luncheon held at Rike's dining room. Plans were made to finish our project. Lola Pierson Lakin reported that the Dayton City Panhellenic Association was sponsoring a fashion show to be held at Elder's early in February. The pro-


ceeds will be used toward a scholarship which the association awards each year. Plans are also being made for State Day in Cleveland.-THELMA BuTTERFIELD BROWN.

Denver, Colorado OuR husbands were guests at our holiday season party. We all enjoyed a happy get-together at the home of Dorothy Hughes Johnson BB where delicious egg nog, fruit cake and salted nuts were served. The Johnsons' home wa~ beautifully decorated in keeping with the season. Three interesting travelogues commanded our attention at our January meeting held in the home of Louise Auberle Dulin A6. Helen Harvate BB who spent 14 months living in private homes in Spain, gave us many bits of information that the ordinary tourist would not have the opportunity to glean. Polly Smelser Schlosser BB told us about the Schlossers' delayed honeymoon on the Paradise hlands of Ha.waii taken last winter. Mildred Harding DeWeese BB gave us an interesting account of her Mediterranean cruise. We ~aw a good part of the world in one evening and were a!ll inspired to travel soon. In the offing our s路p ring parties include a bridge party, a book review, Needlework Guild Ingathering, an April fun party, and a speaker telling us about "It's the Little Things that Count."-GRACE DALBY D AVIES.

Detroit, Michigan-Delta Phi IN November Hazel Forte Hall graciously opened her home to the three Detroit alumnae chapters to hear Mrs. Merlin Kopka, publicity director of the Goodwill Industries, Inc., of D etroit. Our members were greatly impressed by the number of varied occupations provided by this industry, to th e handicapped who otherwise would have bee n unable to earn a wage. May we suggest to a nyone who is not fa,mili ar with th e Goodwill Industries, that she inquire into it in her area; it takes so little to help someone and it does so very much good. The January meeting was devoted entirely to our philanthropic endeavor, The Grace Bently Fresh Air Cam,p. Mrs. Thompson, president of the Michigan League for Crippled Children, was the speaker a nd Kath erine Faust D avey, the hostess. Februa ry carries a lighter touch in the form of a book review. Mrs. Max Smith, the wife of the superintendent of the Highland Park Schools and an intensely interesting analyst, comes to us with a wide background of experience in her field. We look forward to her review, Persia is M y H eart. This meeting will be in the home of Esther Bryant Sprague. ,M a rch will be a busy month with State D ay and the D etroit Panhellenic luncheon at the Sheraton Cadillac Hotel. The models for th e fashion show will be selected from each so rority. Sara J a ne Dodge Ba umgardn er, who is always interested and 路willing, h as tak en th e college chapter of Wayne University und er h er wing. At the moment she is combinat-ion teacher, interna tional traveler, adviser, and interested fri end . In J anu a ry, Sa ra J ane and Louise McArthur entertained the chapter from Wayn e with a dinner and ska ting pa rty on Ba umgardn er's lake.- BERNI CE LEONA RD STREET.

Detroit, Michigan-Rho Chi AT this writing


we in D etroit are wondering what

ever happened to those "good old-fashioned white winters" we used to have! The air is brisk and cold, but in spite of this and our "whiteless" Christmas, it was cozy and cheery at Ba11bara Grisda1e's for our annual party. This is the season of th e year for gathering with good friends-and so it is a time of homecoming for those pledged together in love and loyalty for A2:A. Eagerly we trudged in with our grab bag gifts and had a wonderful time chatting, eating, unwrapping-aching and a ahing. Since we all love to eat, our January meeting was a delicious pot-luck dinner and movie night at the home of Jeanne Turner. We invited husbands and escorts to share this meeting with us. F ebruary found us deeply a.bsorbed in the intricaciesfinesses, slams, melds, etc.--of bridge, canasta, samba, pinochle at the home of Charlotte Maki. rS pring is just around the corner now and March brings us to exciting times, a meeting to 'b e held at the home of Margaret Dunn for the nomination of our officers for the coming year and, last hut by far not least, State Day to be he'ld on the campus of our Wayne University h ere in Detroit. We are looking forward to State Day and will have a more complete report of its activities in the next letter .--<MARGARET SAUTTER.

Detroit, Michigan-Delta Rho GRADUATION of the January '55 class is now ,past history, but we're looking toward the future with a sp.ecial welcome for our new members. We thought a paJama party would he a good place to catch up on college and alumnae activities. As usual, conversation didn't lag. Alison W elsh was our hostess. Our latest addition is a junior member of the chapter whom we have never met. She was born in England to Joan Baxter Hamilton. Our January meeting was a ba:by shower for Joan . We packed the gifts and shipped them off after we had all enjoyed looking at them. Now we're looking forward to a nother State Day, which will be h eld at Wayne University this year. W e're planning on joining the other Detroit alumnae in raising funds to send some needy children to camp this summer.-GERRY BENNETT KuRcz .

Florida-West Coast OuR first meeting of the new ye ar was h eld at the Chattenbox, St. Petersburg. R eservations and arrangements were made by Marsha Anderson . A circular table set in the center of the room with a beautiful floral piece made it a festive affair. A family buffet supper is planned in F ebruary at the home of H elyn Brookhart Bishop. This is in honor of Carmen Cree Alvey XX who will be leaving Florida to return to Maryland. Carmen told of h er trip to Mia mi to help install our alumnae ch apter th ere.-JA ETTE G u v .

Fort Wayne, Indiana WE a re really looking forward to our May meeting which will b e at th e home of our vice president, Barbara Bennett, at Winona L ake, just outside of Warsaw. W e are planning a pot-luck dinner a nd th en just lounge a round in the sun. Do you girls have trouble with weather where you live? Our members a re sca ttered over a 50-mile radius


of Fort Wayne and we have trouble with winter weather so as a result in February instead of January we had our rbook review. Margaret Kingston Warren reviewed The Family Nobody Wanted by Helen Doss.--'MARGARET KINGSTON WARREN.

party they all attended th e Pops Concert given by the Indianapolis Symphony orchestra. Genevieve Steel L eib XX has returned to teaching after several months illness.-BETTY PR E NALL BLrss.

Kirksville, Missouri Greater Kansas City FouNDERs' DAY was observed in November with a tea at the Women's City Club. ..After the impressive Founders' Day program written ·by our own Dorothy Whitmore Kreek, all of us enjoyed the tea and the fell(>wship together. Em Coleman Frost, Evalyn Evans Larrieu, and Phon Johnson Gillespie were hostesses for this most delightful meeting. Christmas carols and games were the order-of-'business for the evening when we gathered at the Frostl;' for our old-fashioned Christmas party. Dorothy Whitmore Kreek, Dulcie Baird Calhoun, and Marian Tollaksen Fischer were hostesses. The Song of Ruth was reviewed by Mrs. H ePb.ert Six, a friend of Jane Isaacs Campbell, at our January luncheon meeting at Benishes' Twin Oaks. Hostesses were Margaret Flottman Bryant, Beth Marsh Magers, and Daphene Copenhaver. To raise money for our treasury we are discussing a plan to sell hose to our members. At each meeting a gold piggy bank is passed for our members to put in their birthday pennies. J erry Burt Aitchinson, our delegate to the local Panhellenic, is chairman of the publicity committee. J erry and her committee are busy formulating plans to acquaint the high school senior girls with the NPC rororities. One of our members, Margaret Smith ZZ is leaving for two years in Asuncion, Paraguay, where she will be working for the State D epartment at the Americ-a n Embassy.--1BEVERLY SMITH.

Indiana, Pennsylvania OuR last meeting of 1954 was the White Elephant Sale at the home of Ruth Bretz H eiges Ar. This was again so successful and so much fun that it well may become an annual occasion. Mrs. Heiges' home with its holiday touches and the lovely tea table in Chris·tmas tradition started us off to a happy Yuletide season. Future plans, at present, include the .party for new pledges and actives of Alpha Gamma chapter in February, and the senior breakfast in April. In May our own group ·w ill .g et together for a dessert bridge.~HELEN STRASSNER Ru ssELL.

Indianapolis, Indiana INDIANAPOLIS alumnae had a lovely Christmas party at the home of Letha Heckman Gaskins XX. At the present we are looking fol'Ward to our next meeting which will be at the home of Frances Shaw XX and to State Day which will be April 16,. at the Washington Hotel in Indianapolis. Bretty Presnall Bliss XX is chairman and Jo Ann Ruddle BT as co-chairman. William Paul arrived at the home of William R . and Florence Morris Lull BA, November 5, 1954. On January 5, the Lulls entertained at a buffet supper in honor of Florence's brother, Dr. Virgil D. Morris, district superintendent of Methodist Churches in New Orleans, and also as a christening party for William Paul. After the



KIRKSVILLE alumnae opened the year of activities with these officers: M arie Wheatcraft Dougherty, president ; Dena Pickens H amilton, vice president ; and Emily Smith King as secretary-treasurer. Our September meeting was a picnic with our families. October was a busy month. W e were the guests at a meeting of the Alpha Beta chapter. Later in the month we held a coke-tail party after the Homecoming football game. This affair was attended by about 50 actives, local and visiting alumnae. M any sorority acqu ai ntances were renewed here. Also this month the alumnae helped with little det ails for the rush parties, among these, the making of many crimson and white taffeta pillows for the rushees. The highlight of the November meeting was the Founders' D ay banquet with alumnae, actives, and new pledges. The January m eeting included a "white elephant" bingo party which proved to be a lot of fun on a snowy night. In February, a book review is on th e schedule, and in March will be our pot~luck with the actives as our guests. Everyone looks forward to the April meeting, which, for several years, has been a morning coffee with the younger generation.-MRs. HARLEY Hu NSA KER.

Licking-Muskingum Valley, Ohio OuR November meeting was a Founders' Day luncheon at the home of our president, Louise Stewart, in Zanesville. The beautiful stained-glass window effect, built up as the program progressed, was most impressive. A short business meeting followed, in which we decided to eliminate a D ecember meeting, beca use of the numerous activities preceding th e halidays. We were then escorted on a tour of Zanesville's new $4,000,000 high school, where Louise is dean of girls. It is a beautiful building and th e most complete of any we have ever seen. Nothing was left ou-t that anyone could ever hope to find in a building. Louise has a beautifully decorated private office, where she certainly should 1be happy in her work. In January, .we were en tertain ed with a luncheon a t the home of Hilda Baker in Newark. Since it is our custom at Christmas time ·to give money to a •w orthy cause in lieu of a gift exchange among our members, we decided to give our small fund to the Marietta Junior and Senior High School as an emergency fund. This was directed by Ethel Guthrie who is a teacher there. .She assured us that the money could be used to good advantage. Of course, the main topic of the afternoon was the approach of Convention. Your humble reporter was elected the official delegate.-ELEANOR DAvis .

Los Angeles, California OuR Founders' D ay was a huge success under the chairmanship of Edith Titley ::::::::, and h aving the Long Beach alumnae chapter participate with us, made it even more significant.


The Christmas party was a wonderful event. Gertrude Slate :=;:=;, our hostess, had her home bedecked with Christmas motifs, complete to the old pump organ and Christmas c.arols. Charlon Caskey HH and Libhie Hoff; man Ar ably assisted as co-hostesses and the girls really had us all concentrating and competing for the elegant prizes. The refreshments, too, were "Ohristmasy" as well as delicious. Our philanthropy chairman, Lois Bockhaus :=::=:, was in charge of our annua:l Christmas gift to the ward at Wadsworth Veterans' Hospital, 36 wallet-type Christmas c.ards, with a crisp new one dollar bill in each were distributed on Christmas Eve to the patients. The Beta Chi chapter in Arizona, our adopted college chapter, was the recipient of a silver tea service this Christmas. We hope the girls will enjoy using it. Our January meeting has traditionaliy become our "white elephant" meeting. Most of said "elephants" are not so white, but one, originally brought by Lyn Anderson IIII, has come back every year. After each girl has won a wrapped "elephant," we continue to play and the winners may then exchange for anything in the room they feel is more desirable. This year the center of attraction fell to a pair of oven mittens, eagerly contested for by Peggy Green ZZ and Nancy Mathisen ~~ and a brass planter, which was handed back and forth between Alice Haworth BB and Juanita Styer :=;:=;. It is only fitting to say that the Colorado girls went home with the "elephants" of their choosing. Our February meeting is our traditional Valentine dance, and the only meeting with the fellows. Frances Priest EE is chairman. Reservations have been made for the dinner dance to be held on February 19 at the Coconut Grove. Frances has a few surprises in mind for those who are able to attend. The Christmas card sale was very profita:ble~we made $175-and suggest to other chapters that this is a very easy way to make money for the treasury.--NANCY G. MATHISEN.

Sergia Fries, now Mrs. John Dunlap, was married in November in Tripoli, Italy. A former home economics teacher and graduate of Northwest Missouri, Sergia left here in late October, visited in Philadelphia, and then went on to Tripoli where she was required to live two or three weeks to meet legal requirements. The ceremony took place in the home of the president of the oil company of which her husband is employed as a geologist. At present she is taking sewing lessons and and learning Itali·a n until she becomes a citizen in March. At tha.t time she will be e'lig1ble to teach.KATHRYN KRAUSE BELCHER.

Muncie, Indiana IN the Muncie alumnae chapter, our main project in the spring has become the entertainment- of the Chi Chi seniors at a buffet supper at the home of one of our members. •A gain this year we are gathering at the home of Velma Haines Thresher. This year the number of seniors has dropped to eight or ten. Quite a difference from the 27 whom we entertained last year! There have been some changes in rush rules at Ball State in the last few years, and this is the first group that has graduated under the quota system. After we get the party out of the way in February, we have to tum our attention to State Day in April. We always look forward to State Day in the spring as it has proved very beneficial to us. As yet we have not selected our delegate for Convention. As for my personal plans, I would like to go and take my husband again. Any other husbands going? We had such a delightiful time at Roanoke, that he is all in favor of A~A national conventions! I could write pages on the merits of national conventions. I be'!ieve that they give one a greater insight into the richness and workings of A~A and one goes home with a reborn sense of pride of belonging to A~A.-LORRAINE RrEBELING LEWELLEN.

Macomb, Illinois AT Ohristmas, a basket of food and clothing was given to a needy family in Macomb. The hol·idays are over and plans are being made for the s,pring. Tentative plans are being made for a rummage sale, February 15. The money derived from. the sale will go to help the Beta Kappa chapter in the purch·ase of a sorority house. The actives and alumnae have tbeen working together for .some time to raise the money that is needed. Each sprin·g it is voted to give a life membership to one of the deserving seniors of the Beta Kappa chapter. We are planning to send a representative to the National Convention. As yet, it has not been decided who will go.-IRMA GuLLETT.

Maryville, Missouri THE Founders' Bay banquet again was celebrated together by returning alumnae, college chapter members and Maryville alumnae during Homecoming. President J . W. Jones was our special guest. The annual "white elephant" sale was held at our November meeting with proceeds going to pay rent, during the summer months, for the actives' chapter room. The wrapped gifts kept everyone guessing on what they were bidding. Mrs. ].. W. Jones, patroness, was hostess to the dessert bridge in January.


Northern Virginia IN October we had a luncheon at Hogate's Restaurant in Arlington to honor Mary L. Hodges Maupin BI, our president. That was our way of bidding her farewell as she and family now reside in J acksonville, Florida. Lillian Clough Shumway EE officially became our president at that meeting. In November we met at Lillian's home in Alexandria. Our guest speaker that evening was Vada Cliser Linville, a charter member of Phi Phi chapter, who spoke on "Wardrobe Planning." We were all quite charmed with Vada and quite proud. She is a lovely, well poised brunette who leads an extremely active 'life in Fa:lls Church. She serves on many comVada Cliser Linville mittees of the Falls Church Woman's Club, has been active in PTA work, has worked two years as a volunteer teacher with the Handicapped Children's .School of Falls Church, and at present conducts the Vanity Fair


School, a school of fashion modeling and self-improvement. Fashion is her hobby and on a recent tour to Europe with her husband, Lawrence, who is an attorney with the Treasury Department in Washington, son Bob, and daughter Sarah, a trip to Dior's was a must on her list. At the meeting she modeled her own dress, hat, and bag and we were amazed when she said she had made them herself. Such a busy active life! She is an Alpha Sigma of whom we all should be proud. In December the Washington chapter invited us to their Christmas party. It was a lovely affair at the home of Georgeann e Page and it was delightful being together again. Our annual Christmas basket went this year to a family we adopted from the Fairfax-Fa:lls Church Christmas committee. Our philanthropic chairman, Mary W amsley !Hinson A worked hard on the basket which overflowed with food, toys, and clothing. January 19 we met for lunch at the home of June Kiser Ames BE. Lillian was co-hostess. June's table was lovely and the food delicious. We had a short business meeting. A letter of thanks for a check we sent to Mr. John Anderson, director of Arlington Hospita-l, was read to the group. Plans were made to invite the Baltimore and Washington chapters to Virginia for a luncheon in May. This will make the third year the three chapters have met together for a spring luncheon taking turns at being hostess. Our next meeting will be a t my home on th e alternoon of March 16. Again we will hear one of our own Alpha 1Sigmas speak. Ruth Stone Caspari E•E wiH give a talk on " Life in the O rient."-IRMA PAGE ANDERSON.

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma ATTENTION, all you Okla·h oma Alpha Sigs. When you read this, our Oklahoma City alumnae will be in the middle of planning our 1955 Pre•Convention State D ay here in Ok•l ahoma City. The date is set for Saturday, April 23. We will be contacting all alumnae chapters about State Day, of course; but if you are not affiliated with an alumnae chapter, please, please drop us a line in care of our president, Mrs. Joe Gilger (Dorothy R awe t.t.) , 612 N.W. 54th Street, Oklahoma City, because we •w ant to extend a personal invitation to you, too, to come join us for our annual A~A Big O ccasion. W e are looking forward to seeing all of you on April 23. And now for our chapter news: We are away behind on our report, so we will have to begin back in the summer of old 1954 when we all ate fri ed chicken and ice cream (supplied by a caterer-how care-free can we get?) with our husbands and offspring at our family picnic, held this last time at Springlake Park. We are still wondering just who enjoyed the miniature train ride more--the kiddies or their daddies. With the beginnin•g of the Fall Season our thoughts just naturally turned to RUMMAGE ; and, as usual, our most profitable means of chapter income paid off. Final plans for the sale were made in Betty Pratz Shaw's HH almost-<brand-new home. Our co-hostess was R ~ba Anderson Ruster HR. Note to Tulsa alumnae: Those of us who didn't get to make the trip over there for that lovely luncheon in October are still "rueing the day" ; and those of us who did get to go are still wearing ' ' Cat-that-got-the-Canary" grins. Many thanks for your continuing cooperation and friendship. You girls really live up to our cherished A~A standards.



In November our group met at the Tropical Cafeteria for dinner and an impressive Founders' Day Program, rubly presented by our Madam President, Dorothy Gilger. How nice to have such a large number out early in D ecember for our yearly Christmas buffet dinner, this year in the home of Marie Bramblett Cramer AB, assisted by J.onnie Lane Gentry rr. After stuffing ourselves on all the good things to eat, we played Dub's Bridge--borrowed from the Tulsa A~As. At our January meeting in the home of Alice Allen Mauk rr we enjoyed a book review presented by Mrs. Minnie Rosser, who was our guest for the evening. The book was An American in India; and needless to say, we were enlightened as well as entertained. Mary K. Stewart Br assisted our hostess. We are very happy to have J anice Hinrichs Haydel BZ back in our fold. We missed h er while she sojourned in •M uskogee this rpast year. Turn-about is fair play, Muskogee alumnae, this time it is your loss that is our gain. Our immediate future plans include the Oklahoma City Panhellenic Benefit Bridge in F ebruary-and, of course--Don't You Forget It, Oklahoma A~As-State Day on Saturday, April 23.-FREDA ]AMES BuRTNER.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania OCTOBER found the Kappa K!appa and the Nu Nu alumnae full of Christmas spirit. A bazaar featurin g Christmas gifts was held in Conwell Hall, T emple University. The m embers donated most of the articles including a large variety of items suitruble for gifts. Proceeds from the sale will be used for the group's philanthropic work throughout the year. The flavor and spice of Old Italy were imported for the November gathering of the group when the a nnual spaghetti supper was held. The college and alumnae members feasted together at the KK House-all had a wonderful time. Over the roof tops and dr-,wn the chimney came Sa nta Claus to the Alpha Sigs' Christmas party for children at the First Baptist Church. A party for kiddiesentertainment, gifts, refreshments, and all the trimmings on the tree. The star of the show for all was Santa Claus with his red velvets, white whiskers, and ever attentive ear listening to the children's wishes. Valentine's D ay filled with the traditional h earts, flowers, Dan Cupid, a nd the annual alumnae Valentine tea, arrived a midst the blustery Philadelphia winter weath er. The !Kappa Kappa House extended its usual warm welcome and inside sipping tea, eating dainty sandwiches and fancy cakes, all forgot the weather. Pictures of the children and tales of their accomplishm ents were unfolded. New names, j obs, and travel experiences were told. As dusk closed rubout the house, the memory hook was closed for another year. March will find the alumnae of Philadelphia gathered at Drexel Institute for a buffet supper with the college chapter. The evening will be devoted to our philanthropic endeavors. One of our main projects will take the spotlight-the N eedlework Guild. At this time we will assemble all of the articles collected . With each garment wi)) go every member's wish that the wearer will have a very full and happy life. A note of sadness--an em,pty place in our heart has been left by two people very dear to Temple University and everyone that kn ew them. Mrs. Grace Huddy, long associated with the Home Economics D epartment of the university and a patroness of the Kappa Kappa Chapter,


died on D ecember 16. Jack Burns, husband of Elaine Sweigert KK '47 died on October 6. He was only 29 at his death, but will long be remembered at Temple. Last year be was awarded the Phi Epsilon Kappa, national health and physical education fraternity, plaque for his outstanding efforts as a coach and educator. Our sincere sympathy to both of their families.-RAE BLAKE.

Phoenix, Arizona WE are breaking records down h ere in th e southwest with our rainfall. Just can' t let the east take the spotlight with those devastating girls that have such a careless way of playing around th e eastern coast. Soon our deser t will be beautiful. Put us on your F ebruary vacation list ; yo u' ll love it. Our meeting Monday, January 17, with Edi c Lou Ruge nst ein Koehler, was a most pleasant one. Of course, first on th e agenda was a tour of her lovely new home. It was so much fun we were a bit reluctant to attend to th e business at ha nd , a!bly conducted by Gertrude Helmecke Reed, in the absence of our president, Betty Stokes Chadwick. Mae Stokes, Betty's mother , has been seriously ill ; our every hope is for her speedy recovery. They are such a loyal Alpha Sigma Alpha family, with Jeanne, too. At th e suggestion of Betty, and encouragement of Roberta Helmecke Janney, our alumnae chapter assumed th e task of making the first favors ever given at the Phoenix Pan-hellenic dance held in February. It's a terrific idea; the favors are ceramic thunde rbirds and sunbursts to be worn with the squaw dresses which have become so mu ch a part of the southwes t. They will be in the most striking colors, from pastels to the deep shades. Helen Alvine •a nd Betty Chadwick have kilns, and the know-how ; we are working in two groups, every Monday night till th e job is done. Helen, Betty, Roberta H elmecke ]'anney, and G ertrude H elmecke Reed, .plus husba nds and children, spent most of the first week getting the project into production line efficiency. The rest of us are ea·g er and willing, and learning fast. Virginia Carpen ter's anticipated visit to Beta Chi chapter is good news. Josephine Hutchfield Ambacher visited her sister, Thelma Hutchfield Potts, en route home from the Rose Bowl g ame; too bad it wasn' t meeting time so we could all have see n her.-Lms TUTTLE jESTER.

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania THE Pittsburgh a lumnae group h eld their Christmas party D ecember 18, at the College Club. A very delighllful luncheon was served and th e a fternoon was spent playing bridge. At th e p a rty we said farewell to Janet Benedi ct W elch who is moving to Philadelphia . W e were all so rry to see Janet leave a nd wished her every h appiness in h er new home. Sympa th y was ex tend ed to Ros e Seboly Pccak in th e dea th of h er husband, Edwa rd, on October 7, 1954. The Pittsbu rgh chapter is supporting th e Pittsburgh Pa nhellenic group a t th eir a nnual benefit Feb ruary 16, a t the Pittsb urgh Pla yhouse. Proceeds from this benefit are used to provide scholarships. W e arc all looking forw ard to visiting H eart House, our phila nthrop ic proj ect, this spring. This should be a very interes ting and edu ca tiona! d ay for a ll of us. BARBARA R EID LOGAN .

Portland, Oregon THE Portland Alpha Sigmas sent a box of gifts to


one of the mental institutions in Oregon as their Christmas proj ect. Gretchen Mathews Otness BB gave the Christmas party in her home and the group exchanged gifts. With spring in view the .A~As are busy helping plan the Annual City Panhellenic scholarship tea and style show. Enid Ehrman Branch BB is looking forward to holding the n ext meeting in their newly-purchased home. MARIE DoLGA N Moc KFORD.

Richmond, Virginia CooLER wea ther has not served to cool the hearts of alumnae in Richmond. As a matter of fact, we have had several h ea rt-warming experiences this winter. In September we met with Juanita Hodnett Chandler BE for a business session, and officers for the coming year were elected. An outline of the program for the year was presented and greeted with enthusiasm by all. For the inst·a llation of the new officers in October, we had grand attendance at the home of Gwen Sampson R ennie .A. The candlelight service was very impressive a nd beautiful. W e also enjoyed a social p eriod of just "visiting." Founders' Day was observed in November by a banquet at the Franklin T errace . This is always an enjoyable o ccasion, as Alpha Sigs lend themselves quite well to good food and fellowship. One of the social highlights of th e year proved to be our Christmas party. The Saturday before Christmas members, with hus,b ands and dates as guests, had a delighllful dinner at the Officers Club. This was followed by an evening of dancing at the club and was thoroughly enjoyed by all those able to attend.- Jo GARBER. A~A

Rock Island, ILlinois OuR Christmas meetin g was h eld at Betty Riffel's home and we were very h appy to have Marian Brauns Hopper join with us at that tim e. During the m ee ting we tried to spread a little holida y happiness by decorating bags of candy like little Santa Clauses and distributing them to th e children's ward at Sa int Anthony's Hospital. The big event co ming up now for us is State Day. This year we are acting as hostesses. It will be held April 16 at the Watch Tower Inn in Rock Island . We hop e to h ave lots of college and alumnae Alpha Sigs here that day. So Illinois Alpha Sigs mark it down on you r calendars a nd we'll be expecting to sec you then. JANi s Wooo.

Shreveport, Louisiana UNFORTUNATELY, our cha~pt cr begi ns the now year without th e able leadership of our organizer, Evelyn Songc Scott who has moved to Dallas, T exas. We held a s urprise far ewell party in her honor at the home of Claire Ruffin Kramer in November, shortly before h er departure. Ou r delegate to Sh reveport City Panh ellcnic was rece ntly elected secretary of th a t group. W e arc quite pleased with th e honor, since our cha pter h as been a ffili a ted with Pa nh clleni c less tha n two years, a nd is the n wes t member of that group. D ee Goetz Baker is our delega te a nd Claire Ruffin Kramer is alternate. - D EE GoETZ BAKER .


South Bend, Indiana WE stili look hack on our Christmas m eeting as one of the nicest meetings we've ever had. Dorothy Coats braved the snow and came over from Elkhart. W e met at Dona Pearce Beavers' home with V elva Bere Gay as co-hostess. After our business meeting, which was conducted by Florence Roberts Taylor, our president, we wrapped our gifts for our adopted family. Janice Grubb Baumgartner, philanthropic chairman, and Velva Bere Gay delivered the gifts along with a box of food on December .23. We welcomed Mildred Warner Zoss. She and her family moved back to South Bend . Our Valentine meeting was held at MaPie Scanlan Brown's home with Naomi Pehrson as co-hostess. It was a handkerchief exchange and Mary Houghton and Betty Mathews showed some of their European slides. Betty and Mary made over 1,400 pictures last summer while vacationing in Europe. With all their pictures and souvenirs they really gave a most interesting program. They spoke so colorlully and descriptively we felt we were with them as they recaptured their trip. At the February meeting we made final plans for our Tupper Ware demonstration party. This will be our spring mon ey-making project and we are counting on having fun while we increase our treasury. Kay Quirk is our ways and means chairman and we are confident of a successful year financially as well as socially. Everyone is so excited over the Convention . Mildred Warner Zoss hopes to go and I plan to vacation with my family in Hattie11burg, Mississippi, in July so I can attend Convention.-MARIE ScANLAN BROWN.

Southern New Jersey ELAINE SCHNIEDER BAKLEY is in charge of the m a king the monkey dolls which we will contribute to a local charity drive. Our next m eet•i ng will be at Jean R eimet Shull' s. EDNA MEUNIER HUTCHINSON.

Terre Haute, Indiana OuR October m eeting was held at the home of our president, Phyllis Hollowell Barker. Carolyn Surrell Andrew related to the group some of th e interesting history of the sorority which she learned from Mrs. Bert McCammon, National Registrar, who visited here recently. Mrs. Andrew recalled several outstanding alumnae who have important positions in the fi eld of education. The alumnae assisted th e act·ives in giving a rush party, "Inside U .S .A.," at the home of Mary Ru th Siebenmorgan. Another remarkable party was given at the home of Donna Gaylor ·Graam. Letha Gaskins, a member of Indianapolis alumnae, gave h er ideas and talent in makil'llgl this an unusual party and one that received many out·s tanding comments. We were very pleased to have members of the Indianapolis chapter at these parties. In celebra tion of A~A's Founders' Day anniversary, we enjoyed a dinner meet·i ng at the T erre Haute Elks' Club. The five women who organized th e sorority were honored in an impressive ceremony which had as its theme "The Lights of a Stained Glass Window." Our president made a lovely miniature of a stained glass window whi ch added to the ceremony. Those taking part in the ce remony were Mary R eilly Pennington, Martha Erwin, Marilyn Erb Hos, and our presid ent. In December we had a jewelry party with Carolyn



Back row-left to right: Kermit Cochran, Helen Egly, Carolyn Andrew, Martha Erwin, Mary Foltz, Mary Pennington, Donna Graam, Ruby East, Johanna Troutman. Middle row: Helen Pfeiffer, Mary Fran Wiley, Marie Latta, Katherine Becker, Fay Griffith, Janet Raines. Front row: Jill Jett, Rachel Griffith, Phyllis Barker, Eleanor Ford. Andrew as hostess. The profit from this a nd sale of greeting cards is used for th e active chapter at India na State T eachers College. A lovely holiday party was held a t the home of H elen Bourke E gly assisted by Wygonda R alston Foltz. While the group listened to traditional Christmas music, p;ifts were exchanged and secret pals were revealed . Another holiday p arty was held at the country home of Ruby East. M embers of Beta Upsilon ohapter a t Indiana State T eachers College were our guests. Blanche Johnson was hostess at her home for th e · first meeting of the new year on January 2 7. Elsie V eit was th e co-hostess. In Februa ry our meeting will be held at the Gold en Pheasant Dinner Club. W e wi sh to congra tul a te the active members of the A~A volleyb all team which won the sorority tourna ment at Indian a State T eachers College. W e are looking forwa rd to a ttending State D ay. Plans are being m ade and girls are becoming excited about a tr·i p south and attending the Convention at Biloxi. Our ears still ring of the wonderful tales told and reports of the last National Convention; we know a wond erful time is in store for our girls who will be fortunate to attend th e 1955 Convention . The picture of Hotel Buena Vista a,ppearing in th e Novemb er PHOE NIX as the h eadquarters of th e I 955 National Conventi on looks very inviting.- MARY FRA N MooRE WILEY.

Tofedo, Ohio HELE N BE NN ETT PAULY AA entertained us 111 November at an evening mee ting. W e spent th e greater portion of the evening addressing our Christmas cards to all the A~A alumnae chapters. The Christmas p arty was a pot-luck luncheon a t H elen Klag Osmun's -¥-¥. Marge Rairdon Fuller AA and Clara certainly can create "m a rzetti" supreme ! H elen Pauly lures us from our diets with h er luscio us desserts! We had a lively gift exchange and played some "up-lifting" games, such as "Help Your N eighbo r. ' ' Grace Fultz Haworth, as chairman of the Toledo Panhelleni c party for all sorority m embers, is pla nn ing a spring party. It is to be a bridge a t th e Stud ent


Union Building of the University of Toledo.-HELEN KLAG OsMUN.

Tulsa, Oklahoma THE holiday season always leaves pleasant memories because we hear from our transferred members and so many alumnae chapters. We do thank you all and extend our !best wishes. D . Edna Chamberlain rr who now lives in Sao Paulo, Braz,il, wrote us a note. Our November meeting was the Founders' Day tea in the home of Jennie Vinson Fisk and a very lovely one it was as always with Jennie. She was assisted by Edith Taff, Maxine Line, and Lora P. Sipes. Several cheers for our girls with the foresight. They initiated our largest money-making project in the history of Tulsa alumnae. Nadine Hirni P·a rks who formerly worked for Hall Brothers, designed a beautiful Santa Claus Christmas water glass. Three hundred dozen were made up for us and Jackie Phillips Carson, Nadine Parks, Helen Hooper Malone, and Sis Caraway Brewer were co-signers on a note at the bank which was paid off in record time, cutting interest. Oklahoma City alumnae took 20 dozen to sell. Our sales amounted to 278 dozen making a profit of $375. The profit will be used in philanthropic ways and for our State meeting next year. Top sellers were Nadine with 44 dozen; Jackie Carson also 44; Helen Malone 25 dozen; Isabel Reeve, 23; Isabel Halladay and her sister, Louise R eynolds, 28. Our president, Sis Brewer, who was business manll;ger and maintained headquarters in her gara,ge, found time to sell 21 ~ dozen. The rest of us trailed but surprised ourselves at that. Our lovely Christmas party was in the home of ViPginia Provost Arnot, assisted by Nell Neal Kisner. We had the pleasure o{ providing food, gifts, clothing, and some money to our adopted family. We were glad ro welcome Kathy Davis Moss Br as a new member, and Jo Carnes Edmiston nr returned after a 2-year absence. Our next meeting will be at the home of Martha Poyner Wiseman, assisted by Barbara Greekmore.LoRA P. SIPES.

Twin Cities, Minnesota ON the evening of October 6, five of us gathered at Virginia Harrington Taylor's for our first meeting after the summer. After a shof't business meeting, followed by a social hour, we ended the evening by peeking at Virginia's new son. We planned our next meeting for the first week in D ecember, but ~ince "the snows came," we had to postpone it until January when we met at Kay Wiebener Bergland's. Again we were five, but a different group. -MARTHA LEVIS MORSE.

Washington, D. C. WASHINGTON alumnae entertained husbands, dates, fri ends, a nd the members of the Northern Virginia chapter at a customary Christmas egg nog party on D ecember 19 at Georgeanna Page's charming apartment. Everyone was in a gay and festive mood and Georgeanna's delightful decorations added greatly to the party atmosphere. We have recently sent off a box of baby clothing to the Frontier Nursing Service in Kentucky. There has !been considerable publicity in the Washington area re-


cently concerning this very worthy organization and. we are glad to be a part of it, small though our contnbutions must he. We were glad also to contribute in a limited way to the Christmas party at the USO for servke men unalble to be with their own families. The Virginia State Day meeting will be held . in Washington this spring and, of course, we are lookmg forward to a wonderful day. This will be our first experience as hostess to State Day, and it would be only honest to admit to a slight case of "butterflies in the collective tummy"! Helen Lortz HH visited friends in Puerto Rico during the Christmas holidays. Helen is an ardent "camera bug" and we are looking forward to a showing of the pictures she took. At the January meeting we were treated to a pictorial review of Georgeanna Page's trip to Africa, and Martha Ayres AB has promised to show pictures she took while visiting in Mexico. It is very pleasant to have Martha Dimond AA in our chapter again. Martha was a charter member of this cha,pter but has •b een in Texas for some time. Her husband, who is with the Agriculture D epartment, has been recently re-assigned to Washington.-RowENA MAYSE CREMEANS.

Wichita, Kansas :j3uT for the snow, we would be at Pauline Hayworth Huneke's rr house having our January meeting. It is the first real snow of the season, and we needed it so badly we cannot complain. Instead, we are looking forw.a rd to the Valentine tea at Beverly Swanson Innes' HH house. We have had a good year together, so far. Our first meeting was in the home o{ our .president, Erma Palango Coffey HH. We had fun playing crazy bridge with prizes for everyone. These were passed around "like crazy." In November, we held our Founders' Day dinner in the 0Piental Restaurant. Mary Emily Russell ,EJving EE and Dorothy Losey Hammond HH were in charge of the tables. The autumnal arrangement consisting of weeds from Mary Emily's backyard and a few cattails was es.pecially beautiful. Mary Emily told me she picked every weed that had been left along the fence. It was fortunate that they were the kind that went to seed gracefully. The speakers' table was beautiful with fruits and candles. The officers led a candlelighting service in honor of our founders. Vernelle Worrel Bergerhouse EE has entertained us twice, once in October, and again in December when we had our Christmas party. We had a gift exchange in her lovely recreation room. Each of us took a toy for a child at the Winfield State Training School. Our group has had a tragic loss. On the Sunday after Thanksgiving tDay, Ollie May Aspinall Alexander was killed and her was seriously injured in an automobile accident in Tulsa, Oklahoma.--lCATHERINE CoLBERG.

Wilmington, Delaware THE Alpha Sigs in Wilmington have had a busy year to date. We began by finishing scrap books for a local children's hospital. That cleared the shelves of last year's projects. In November at Kitty Van Horn :Sieber's NN home we had a lot of fun turning out a great heap of bean bags. There was hardly a duplicate in the whole collection. We were all rather proud o{ them. For the month of December our chapter took time


out for a social meeting in the form of a covered dish dinner. We have our hostess, JoAnn Keener Tully NN, to thank for the success of that evening. We all collected our odds and ends of yarn for the January meeting at Grace Williams Keedy's BH. From the scraps we made yarn pom-poms. It does sound silly, but these, as are most of our proj ects, are for the


children at the Governor Bacon H ealth Center. The pom-poms are used for exercise and to achieve coo rdination in the hands of children affiicted with cerebra[ palsy. Eleanor Walsh Jordan KK j oined our group at the January meeting. It is always a pleasure to welcome newcomers.- JANET R.AUOHLE Y.


MARRIAGES ALPHA Iris Arnn to Joe Richard Meadows on D ecember 1954. At home, Augusta, Ga. Trianne Lampkin to Ralph F. Freese on D ecember 1954. At home, 1444 Ashland Cir., Norfolk, Va. J ean Arvin 'P earce 1to Charles E. SheB on D ecember 1954. At home, Crewe, Va. Sara Gramham to John E. Well III on January 1955. At home, Laurel, Miss .

20, 11, 25 , 15,

ALPHA ALPHA Emma L. Hogue to John Jenkins on July 30, 1954. At home, 720 Mentor Ave. , Painesville, Ohio. Maureen L. Messinger to Richard Henry Frische on August 1, 1954. At home, Box 285, Campus Station, Socarro, N . Mex. Doris Dowling to Wi·Jiliam Adams, Janua ry 29, 1955. At home, Chicago, IU. ALPHA BETA Joyce Stroup to Philip L. Stomberg. At home, 2317 Hennepin Ave., Apt. 3, Minneapolis, Minn. Sue Byrum to Gene Sefrit on August 28, 1954. At home, Whiteside Apts., Kirksville, Mo. Rita Welty to William Haines on September 12, 1954. At home, K.S .T.C . Housing Units, Kirksville, Mo. Loretta Bush to Donald Meyers on D ecember 26, 1954. IA.t home, Columbia, Mo.

ALPHA GAMMA Janeanne Schnell to Howard W. Swain on July 31 , 1954. At home, 52-10 Revere Rd., Drexel HiU, Penna. Betty Hostetler to David Allen Cunningham on August 14, 1954. At home, 1133 Oak St., Indiana, Penna. Lurlene Anthony to Charles T yger on December 25, 1954. At home, Johnstown, Penna. Nancy Evans to Edrward WHes. At home, Church St., Indiana, Penna. Betty Hooker to R'onal'd Anderson on May 21 , 1954. At home, New Bri8'hton, Penna. BETA BETA Nancy Kathryn Hicks to C . John Porter on June 20, 1954. !At home, 1413 Sou th College, Ft. Collins, Colo. Donna Brawner to Keith Wilson on Au·g ust 22, 1954. At home, 503 W. W>alnut, Boonville, Ind.



Margaret Kuchoff to Lawrence Wester on July 25, 1954. At home, 1107 North Auburn, Farmington, N . Mex. Connie Lundgren to Norval Morgan on D ecember 8, 1954. Art home, Eagle, Colo. Arlys S chroll to Horace C . Haig;ht on September 10, 1954. At home, 97 Jackson Blvd., Greeley, Colo. J·a cqueline Rosling to Rodney W es ~b e rg on D ecember 20, 1954. At home, Roggen, Colo. EPSILON EPSILON Nadine Weloh to Glenn R . Coulter on June 9, 1952. At home, 1525 West 23rd St. , Topeka, Kans. Lois Beok to M ax C . Dunn on November 24, 1954. At home, 280 )/.l E. Main, Emporia, Kay Bates to Ronald Thomas on June, 1954. At home, 1602 E . Wilman Ct. , Emporia, K ans. Ada Jane J acobs to Glenn Getz on August 22, 1954. At home, 111 4 M arket, Emporia, Kans. Betty Wilson to Leon Buckley on August 8, 1954. At home, 141 4 Washington, Emporia, K ans. Carolee Shoebrook to John Forrester on D ecember 19, 1954. At home, 1112 Yz M erchant, Emporia, Kans. Belva Ames to Dwight P erry on D ecember 19, 1954. At home, 1233!/z Highland, Emporia, Kans. Sonya Woten to Don Hayes on D ecember 28, 1954. At home, Manhattan, Kans. Eileen Giesick to Robert H . Love on October 31, 1954. At home, 3131!/z N. May Ave., Oklahoma City 12, Okb.

ZETA ZETA H elen Fitch to Edward D avis on September 18, 1954. A·t home, Rt. 4, Mize Rd., Independence, Mo. Betty Oetting to William Kidd on June · 18, 1954. At home, 8915 MarR.s, St. Louis, Mo. Mary Scotten <to William Davis on August 25, 1954. Jean Finley to Robert L. Fleisch on August 14, 1954. At home, 1001 Locust St., Columbia, Mo. Mary Cowherd .to Frank Murray Ford on November 24, 1954. At home, 510 Christopher, Warrensburg, Mo. Elizabeth C asebolt to Robert L ee H art on November 14, 1954. At home, 1809 E. 69th T er., Kansas City, 30, Mo. Carol Cox to Everett !LeRoy Brown, on July 30, 1954. At home, 930 S. Washington, Indep endence, •M o. ETA ETA Ruth E. Johnson to Sam P. Griffin on August 1, 1954. At home, 5615 Knox, M erriam, Kans.


Carol Jane McMurty to William R. Leonard on August 22, 1954. At home, 712 Washington, Independence, Kans. JoAnn Barr to Alden Clark Cearfoss on December 27, 1954. At home, Appleton City, Kans. Carolyn Anderson to Donald Lee Stewart on December 21, 1954. At horne, 208 Carlton, Pittsburg, Kans. Ann Moats to Joe Corle on December 23, 1954. THETA THE11A Marie T. Smith to Edward J. Palmer on June 27, 1953 . At home, 77 Ten H ills Rd., Somerville 45, Mass. KAPPA KAPPA Ruth K eller to George D etweiler on September 4, 1954. At horne, 1087 T yso!1 lAve., Roslyn, Penna. Ellen Hetzel Fable to William Edward Kight on May 28, 1954. At horne, 817 Braddock Rd., Cumberland, Md. Nancy Robison to William A. Wilson on October 9, 1954. At home, 406 E. Lancaster Ave., Wayne, Penna. Marianne Angerman to James L. Schwartz on July 10, 1954. At home, 197 Bayard Dr., Claymont, Del. Kay Keen to Allan M . Smith on August 21, 1954. At home, Limekiln Pike, Jarrettown, Penna. Noel Curry to Lt. George H e11bert Wirth, Jr., on December 28, 1954. At home, 21 St. Davids Rd., Colwich, Merdhantville, N. J . NU NU Catherine E. Schneider to Steward Paul Bakley on November 20, 1954. At horne, 128 E. Wayne Ter., Collingswood 7, N. ]. Janet E. Hendrixson to James W. J ewitt on December 18, 1954. At home, 216 Magnolia Ter., Upper Darby, Penna. Ari'na Bertas to Zenon Nicholas Trivelis on June 15, 1952. At home, 2099 B- S. John Russell Cir., Elkins Park 17, P enna. Doris Kraus er to Thomas H. Buhl on October 16, 1954. At home, 421 Woodland Ave., Westfield, N. ]. Blanche •M . Ettinger to Joseph Narrow on Januar y 1, 1955. At home, 11 Church St., Lowville, N. Y.

XI XI Jaimee Lukken to Donald E. Hendrickson on June 26, 1954. At home, 404 Palos Verdes Blvd., Apt. 4, Redondo Beaoh, Calif. M errily 0 . Allen to Ri chard Neal Ozenghar on August 2, 1953. At home, 135 Harkness, Pasadena 4, Calif. PI PI Gloria IAnn BuceHa to Donald P. Miller on August 28, 1954. At home, 917 Abbott Rd., Buffalo, N.Y. Mary Chase to Edward Abrams on December 27, 1952. At home, 618 'B ergen St., Bellmore, N. Y. P eggyann Reichel to Edward Pugh on August 2, 1952. At home, 632 Fitch St., Oneida, N. Y. TAU TAU H elen Libhart to John Wolfe on August 15, 1954. At home, Apt. 30, Lewis Fi eld, H ays, Kans. PHI PHI Lois Marley to William Coulter on August 8, 1954. At home, Maryville, Mo. Mary J . Kurtz to Patrick Judge on Oct. 16, 1954.


CHI CHI Ruth Ann King to John 0. Lawrence on June 27, 1954. At home, 2452 S. University, Denver 10, Colo. Patsy M. Risher .to Roland Forrester on June 5, 1954. At home, 912 Grove St., Elkhart, lnd. Katherine Bernhardt .to John R. Ransom on August 7, 1954. At home, 219 E. Marion St. , South Bend, Ind. PSI PSI Ann Wood to Clay Brock, Jr. on November 21, 1954. At home, Winnfield, La. Jeannette Methvin to James Otis Howard on June 25, 1954. At home, Camp Geiger Trailer Park, Box 2862, Camp Le Jeune, N. Car. Ann Webster to John R, Harris on November 25, 1952. At horne, 310 Martha Ave., Mansfield, La. Dorothy Russell to Percy H. Lacour, Jr., on December 8, 1951. At home, 2420 Hynson, Alexandria, La. Octavia Sandlin to Wiley Champagne on December 19, 1954. At home, Natchitoches, La. BETA GAMMA Leila Faye Herring to ]. Von Logan on September 5, 1954. At home, Stillwater, Okla. Edith Davis to Tyrus R . Burnett on March 11, 1954. At horne, Culbertson, Mont. Ba.rbara Trotter to Joe Nelson on June 12, 1954. At home, Springfield, Ill. Gayle Vaught to John R. Remer on July 18, 1954. At home, 518 College, Spiro, Ok·la. Raymodeen Gee to Oharles RoBer on June 20, 1954. At home, 1815 N. Denver, Tulsa, Okla. Sue EUen Mcl·l roy to Jack !McConnell on June 6, 1954. At home, Tahlequah, Okla. Emma Lou Browning to Prince Platner on June 26, 1954. At horne, Broken Arrow, Okla. Jacqueline Jetton to Phil.Jip Clugston on August 20, 1954. A·t horne, Greeley, Colo. Betty Jean Davis to Samuel D. Anderson on June 5, 1954. At home, Bluejacket, Okola. BETA DELTA Emma Lou Lawrence to Miller Bankston on June 11, 1954. At home, 2708 Miller lAve., Natchez, Miss. Peggy Bowling to Robert Gates on August 29, 1954. At horne, 210 First Ave., Hattiesburg, Miss. Sue Jackson to Reginald Haber, June, 1954. At home, Washington Ave., Gulfport, Miss. Christine Ladner to Roland Skinner on February 18, 1954. At home, 4800 Finley St., Gulfport, Miss. Jane Ann Evans to Donald Handley on July 25, 1954. At home, Picayune, Miss. Josephine Eaves to James Chapman Waites on December 28, 1954. At home, Turnee & Court St., Waynesburg, Miss. BET A EPSILON Margaret Eggvorn to Donald Mercer Kite on May 24, 1952. At home, Box 670, Culpepper, Va . Margaret Galloway to A. Cabell Ford, Jr., on September 12, 1953. At home, 927 Kent Rd., Apt. 2, Richmond, Va. J acqueline D ederick to Dorsey C. Pleasants, Jr. on August 7, 1954. At horne, 2504 Riverside Dr., Richmond, Va.


Mildred Gunn to Richard L. Boyer on Jun e 19, 1954. At home, 504 N . Calhoun St., Tallahassee, Fla. BETA ZETA Jan Etta Carr to Jack Francis Steele on O ctober 23 ' 1948. At home, 1352 7th St., Slidell, La. Lorraine Baudoin to Orio ·P. Gra:bert on August 13, 1948. At home, Raceland, La. Savilla Lambousy to John Mitchell Mamoulides on August 1, 1954. At home, 7531 W estover, Houston 17, Texas. Marjorie Landry to G eorge LeBlanc on August 21, 1954. At home, 512 W. Congress, Lafaye tte, La. Joel L eBlanc to Harold Stromer. At home, Columbus, Miss. Patricia M . Vivian to Melvin Champagne. A•t home, SlideH, La. June McCarty to George Davis on November 5, 1954. At home, 1923 Joseph St. , N ew Orleans, La. BETA ETA Dorothy Bliss to William Matthew on Jun e 13, 1954. At home, Hig Timber, Mont. Loretta Lund to C arl 0. Arp on Jun e 18, 1954. At home, Bismarck, N . Dak. June Berg to Mathew J. Fettig on August 14, 1954. At home, Riverda·l e, N. Dak . Eunice Heick to M yron H enry Sebastian on June 2, 1954. At home, H ebron, N. Dak . Donna Jorgenson to Vincent Francis Buresh on August 2, 1953 . At home, 601 S. Prairie, Box 433, Miles City, Mont. Isabel Lapp to Donald Larson on October 30, 1954. At home, Culbertson, Mont. BETA IOTA I Nancy Courtney to Charles Drew r y Hall on Sep•t ember 3, 1954. At home, 930-H, Bougainville, Oceanside, CaJ.if. Selma Outland to Richard Graves on June 27, 1954. At home, 2301 Lu~hy Cir. N. E. Albuquerque, N. M ex. Laura Johnson to Lt. norris E. Rice on Sep tember 18, 1954. At home, 288 W.hite's Mill Rd ., Abingdon, Va. Joyce Onifer to Glenwood Howard Lyons on September 11 , 1954. At home, Old MH1 Bldg., Apt. 41, Blackburg, Va. Flo Motta to Frank J. Riske on July 3, 1954. At home, 445 Walker St., Fairview, N. J . Dorothy Horn~by to Frank Harrison Martin, Jr. on June 19, 1953. At home, 10 Monroe Ter., R adford, Va. BETA KAPPA Patricia Sl e i~ht to Dale Smith on August 7, 1954. At home, Barry, Ill. Donna Hollister to Conley Bainter on Jun e 27, 1954. At home, 327 E . Summit, Macomb, Ill . Audrey Schultz to Robert Harlen on August, 1954. At home, Rock Island, HI. Jo Ann Hainline to Ray Coleman on June 5, 1954. At home, 2105 E . Platte Ave. , Colorado Springs, Colo. Rita Ru e Runkle to Richard IAhaz Brya n on June 14, 1952. At home, R R 2,, M acomb, Ill . Joanne Brown to John Cox on November 27, 1954. At home, 755 N. Cedar, Galesburg, Ill.



BETA LAMBDA Jane Cheek to Oscar Berryman, Jr., on August 29, 1954. At home, Atkins, Ark. Wilma McClain to Frank Farris Thompson on September 5, 1954. At home, Conway, Ark. Cll!therine June Kitler to J erry Artie Miller on August 23, 1954. At home, Little Rock, Ark. Patsy Minton to Selliborn Alton Newton , J r. , on November 28, 1953. tA,t home, 1947 Myrtle Ave., Baton Rouge, La. Martha Jo M attox to Joe K ing Pearce on October 29, 1954. At home, 1936 College, Conway, Ark. M artha Mathews to Edward Lee Garrett on D ecember 25, 1954. At home, Greenbrier, Ark. BETA MU Louise Scantland to Glendon Burns, September, 1954. At home, Eldorado, Ark. Janie Lee to Pat Colbert on June 12 , 1954. At home, 308 School St., Malvern, Ark. Wincie Davis to Joe Hughes on November 24, 1954. W.a nda H enslee to R . L. Brya nt, Jr. , on December 28, 1954. At home, 2613 C usseta Rd., Apt. K, Columbus, Ga. Jean Bryant to William Abbott on D ecember 30, 1954. At home, 1224 11th St., Arkadelphia , Ark. GAMMA CLIO Catherine R yan to Donald J. O 'Connor on October 17, 1953. At home, 863 Chenango St. , Binghamton, N.Y. BETA NU Ruth Rowl and to Rud y Holland on August 25, 1954. At home, 221 Y2 S. 12th, Murray, Ky. Mary SeiiJars to Thomas E. Hough on August 14, 1954. A.t •h ome, Paducah, K y. Mildred Wright to Todd y Potts on Jun e 20, 1954. At home, Box 245, College Station, Murray, Ky. Patsy P erry to Frank Rizzo on June 19, 1954. At home, Elmont, N. Y. Betty Smith to Bertram Goers on June 15, 1954. At home, Altamont, Ill. Martha Lou Chambers to James L . J ames on July 10, 1954. At home, Las Vegas, Nev. Arnetta Trunnell to John E. Dunn on August 7, 1954. At home, 203 N. 16th, Murray, K y. Onie M abry to David Mason on August 7, 1954. A·t home, Box 247 , College Sta., Murray, K y. Nancy Crisp to Gene Edward H endon on AuguSit 19, 1953. At home, 1310 S. 6th St., Louisville, K y. Sue Douglas to Robert Bell on J a nuary 3, 1954. At home, Owensboro, Ky. Betty Ann Clymer to Ron ald L. Stuart on 'D ecember 24, 1954. At home, Cape Girardeau, Mo . Martha Aldridge to Howard Ledford on D ecember 18, 1954. At home, College S.ta., Murray, Ky. Mary Bayley to Glendel Loyd Gill on October 10, 1953. At home, N ew Haven, Ill . BETA XI Sue Snell to Roger F. Williams on August 21 , 1954. At home, 49 Broad St. , Hamilton, N. Y. June Torrey to John Peter Christensen on August 19, 1954. A·t home, Arizona Rd. , N. Babylon, N. Y. RHO CHI Mary Jo R asor to H enry L. Labus on Jun e 13, 1953. At home, 14660 Prairie, ~ etro it 38, Mich.


BETA PI Janet Thomason to James H. Lambert on Jul y 10, 1954. At home, 818 Orchard Hi11, Roanoke, Va. BETA RHO M . Madeline 11homas to H. Glenn M ay na rd on D ecember 27, 1947. At home, Box 388, Milledgeville, Ill. Ruth Audrey Baker to Myron B. Walling, Jr. on June 9, 1954. At home, 296 Maple Ave., Elmhurst, IH. Dorothy Wilcox to Walter B. Struckman on May 29, 1954. At home, 720 Hastings St., Elgin, Ill. Constance Perino to Edward Dominguez on Jun e 28, 1953. At home, 313 S. Galena, Freeport, Ill. Norma Rex to Jack E. Norling on D ecember 26, 1953. At home, 120 E . Church St., Sandwich, Ill. Patricia P-arker to Rober t E. Karp on D ecember 20, 1952. At home, 338 Mary St., R eno, Nev. Mary A. Bihlman to John L. Perryman on D ecem1ber 28, 1954. At home, 3235 Hueco, El Paso, Tex. Mary A. Moeck to Harlow F. Gaylord on May 29, 1954. A1t home, 54 S. Wasohington, Hinsdale, Ill. BETA SIGMA Joan Hailey to Peter Gardner Hansen on June 4, 1954. At home, 301 Stuart Apts., 500 - 9th St., Rolla, Mo. Virginia Ann Jennings to Lt. Ben F. Love on June 6, 1954. At home, Biloxi, Miss. Sandra Sherman to R ex Steelman on June 13, 1954. At home, 300 Broadway, Lamar, Mo. Geneve Swearegin to !A-l vin J. Marlin on October 12, 1951. At home, Seymour, Mo. F路l orilla Freize to Jun Tiano on D ecember 12, 1954. At home, Kansas City, Mo. BETA TAU Mary J a ne Breitenb erg to Vincent James McGinty on July 11 , 1953. At home, 139 Bee thoven, Binghamton, N.Y. BET A UPSILON Paulita M artin to F. Bruce McNeill on July 11, 1954. At home, 352 W. Lincolnway, Valpara iso, Ind. LaDonna Etohison to J am es Christopher on August 22, 1954. BETA PHI Laura Hansen to Roger Nass on September 15, 1954. At home, Ft. Bragg, N . Car. Arlys J. Hamann to Dennis L. Hawkes on October 15, 1954. At home, 521 13th St., M enomonie, Wise. Joyce E. D eVries to Carl F . Berrhlein on July 31, 1954. At home, 3818 Wright, R acine, Wise. Marilyn Eckstein to Wilmer D. Thomack on June 12, 1954. At home, Rt. 1, M eadow Lane, Neenak, Wise. J ean Sommervold to Neil Russ on October 16, 1954. At home, 133 7 D ewey Ct., Madison, Wise. Frances Soulek to Martin A. Garden on Jun e 20, 1954. At home, 2203 M ark ham, Manitowoc, Wise. BETA CHI J anet L . Moore, to 2/ Lt. William Paul Smith on August 21, 1954. At home, c/o 2/Lt. W. P. Smith, A03033916, 43 1 St., F .I.S. , APO 231 , cjo p M , N.Y., N.Y. Edith Louise Rugenstein to Arnold Charles Koehler on O~tober 8, 1954. At home, 3923 E . Whitton, Phoenix, Anz.


Carolyn Cayia to Alfred E. Nash on May 28, 1953. At home, 12211 E . Ma-gnolia, El Monte, Calif. Marilyn Joy Larson to William L eslie Garrett on August 22, 1953. At home, 620 E. Tempe, Tempe, Ariz. BETA PSI Barbara Kosten to Lyle Buckingham on June 10, 1954. At home, Stud. Housing, W. M. C., Kalam'azoo, Mich. Doris Keith to Richard Oharles Shorr on October 9, 1954. At home, 231 Grigg St. , P etersburg, Va. Merlyn Mott to Gordon Duisterhof on December 18, 1954. At home, Siedschlag H a ll, W. M. C., Kalamazoo, Mich. BETA OMEGA Martha Eliza!beth Burd to Wil'iis C. Strein on November 路 26, 1954: At 路 home, 48 Sherwood St., Mansfield, Penna. Barbara Ann Hodgkins to Edward Smith on December 11, 1954. At home, 24 Dennis St., Manhasset, N. Y.

BIRTHS ALPHA Mr. and Mrs. I. E . Trotter (Mary H . Brame), a son, Nick, October 22, 1954. ALPHA BETA Mr. and Mrs. Henry Simpson ( Betty Collins ), a son, Gregory Greene, July, 1954. Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Luedloff (Ina Claypoole), a son, Barry K ent, January I , 1955. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Hamilton (Dena Pickens), a daughter, Martha Susan, June 5, 1953 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Shinn (Anna Ruth Bailey ), a son, . Eric Stephen, May 25, 1953, and a son, Alan David, June 7, 1954. BETA BETA Mr. and Mrs. Glenn W . L ewis (Sally Williams ), a son, Stephen B-laine, June 18, 1954. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Fuller (Bec ky Sabin), a son, November 25, 1954. Mr. and Mrs. William Hall (Mary Krusentjurna), a son, Gregory, September 18, 1954. Mr. and Mrs. Coy A. Price (Joa n Schmidt ) , a daughter, Cheri, October 30, 1954. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Mockford (Marie Dalgan) , a son, Roger James, August 15, 1954. EPSILON EPSILON Mr. and Mrs. Fra nk Wild (Pat Street), a daughter, Barba ra Diane, D ecember 3, 1954. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Gibby (Jane Hildebrand), a daughter, D ecember 8, 1954. Mr. and Mrs. Janes N eufeld (Pat Foutch ) a daughter Victoria Lynn, D ecember 27, 1954. ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Carbiener (Virginia Eicholtz ), a son, Jeffrey Eugene, Novemb er 30, 1954. Mr. and Mrs. William W. Coe (Ja net Wilson ), a son, Chris-topher Field, October 9, 1954. ZETA ZETA Mr. and Mrs. F . A. R eynolds (Jean Strother), a daughter, Nancy Louise, November 2, 1954.


Mr. and Mrs. William Brock ( Georgeanne Le Veske), a daughter, Susan Diana, October 5, 1954. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin L. Sparks (Sue Covey), Susan D enise, August 24, 1954. Mr. and Mrs. Roger C. Banghart (Jackie LeVeske ) , a son, David Clinton, June 6, 1954. ETA ETA Mr. and Mrs. Alfred F. Ortalani (Virginia Sullivan) , a daughter, D eboralh Lee, J anuary 11, 1955. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Horton (Jan Emeney ) , a son, Jay Scott, December 2, 1954. Mr. and Mrs. John Grisham (Betty Cole ) , a son, November 7, 1954. Mr. and Mrs. George Bazin (Orlanda Manci) , a son, October 27, 1954. Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Stegen (Lois Thompson) , a son, Kurt 'Dhompson, November 13, 1954. NU NU Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Von Neida (Josephine Moore) , twin daughters, Sharon Leigh and Kathryn Leigh, October 12, 1954. SIGMA SIGMA Mr. and Mrs. William 0. Walker (lma Lee Hodgson ) , a daughter, Carol D enise, December 18, 1954. PI PI Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kingston (Marcella Tatu ), a son, William Michael, September 5, 1954. Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Dobbins (Dorothy R awson), a son, James Philip, May 28, 1953. Mr. and Mrs. John Fedak (•M ary Kirk), a daughter, Eileen Anne, October 5, 1954. Mr. and Mrs. William S. Farrell (Patricia Hones) , a son, William S., Jr., Ju·ly 17, 1954. Mr. and Mrs. Edward A•brams (Mary Chase), a son, Edward Arthur, March 15, 1954. ' Mr. and Mrs. William Saxton (Betty Corkery ) , a daughter, Mary Elizabeth, August 30, 1954. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schweitzer (Dorthea Elliott ) , a daughter, Dorthea Elliott, September 30, 1954. CHI CHI Mr. and Mrs. J. Murray Coffeen (Mary McCrea), a daughter, Marcia Ann, July 3, 1952. PSI PSI Mr. and Mrs. Percy H. LaCour, J r. (Dorothy Russell ), a son, Mark Russell, April, 1953. BET A EPSILON Mr. and Mrs. John Baylor (Constance Fockler), a son, Mark Daniel, June 2,1, 1954. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson (Margaret Turner ) , a son, Glenn Garrett, August 30, 1954. BET·A ZETA Mr. and Mrs . B. L. Como, J r. (Jacqu eline Breaux ), a son, Adrian Richard, October 3, 1954. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sanders (Annetta Foster), a daughter, Linda Louise, D ecember 9, 1951. BETA IOTA Mr. and Mrs. Martin (Dorothy Hornesby ), a son, Kim, August 11, 1954.



BETA KAPPA Mr. and Mrs. Jack French (Betty Weinburg), a son, Jay Gregory, July 15, 1954. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Watson (Dolores Janeczyk), a son, Craig Marshall, June 21, 1954. Mr. and Mrs. Ruberg (Elaine Sperry), a son, Timothy Joseph. Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Thomas (Sue Thompson ), a son, David. Mr. a nd Mrs. David Dunn (Betty Schaum ), a daughter, Melinda Diane, January 2, 1954. BETA LAMBDA Mr. and Mrs. Edward Duty (Anna R . Worm), a son, Stevie, March, 1954. Mr. and Mrs. Curry Martin, Jr. (Mary Lou Poteet ), a son, Curry Walter III, March 24, 1952. Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Hindsman (Sarah Lee Minton ), daughter, Janet, October 1, 1953. BETA MU Mr. and Mrs. Jos eph E. Rowell (M arjorie Houser ), a daughter, Susan Ann, November 5, 1954. GAMMA CLIO Mr. and Mrs. Claude R . Bills (Grace Kl einsang ), a son, Bradley Alan, June 13, 1953. BETA NU Mr. a nd Mrs . Joe R ya n Cooper (Letricia Outland ), a daughter, Anne R ya n , August 15, 1954. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Page (Nancy Goode ), a daughter, Donna Eliza beth, September 28, 1954. Mr. and Mrs. Glendell Gi·ll (.Mary Bayley) a son, Stanley Glen, August 27, 1954. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Chapman (Jan e Shelby), a son, Michael Lee, July 18, 1954.

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Mr. and Mrs. Owen McCain (Eleanor Vannerson), a daughter, Joyce Ruth, June 25, 1954. Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Hinman (Sarah Rhodes ) , a son, Charles, December 30, 1953. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Henshaw (Peggy Strader), a daughter, Nancy Lee, December 14, 1954. BETA RHO Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dominguez, a daughter, Cand·iebta Ann, May 23, 1953. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Watts (Dorothy Willi), a daughter, Susan Marie, November 10, 1952, and a son, Charles Sherman, May 12, 1954. BETA TAU Mr. and Mrs. James Kerr (Karen Enterlein), a son, William James, December 7, 1954. BETA PHI Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Breitzman (Ardith Donald, December 15, 1954.

Weber~ ,

a son,



Mn. W. B. Carper (Louise Cox), 505 Montrose Drive, South Charleston , W. Va. Mrs . H . E . Gilliam (Juliette Hundley) , 100 W. Franklin, Richmond, Va. Miss •Mary Williamson Hundley, Gralynn Hotel, Miami, Fla. Mrs. John Walton Noell (Virginia Boyd), 617 Allison Ave., Roanoke, Va. Mrs. P. W . Wootton (Calva Hamlet Watson), 2020 Matrax Ave., Petersburg, Va.

BETA CHI Mr. and Mrs. Atlfred E. Nash (Carolyn Cayia), a son, Roger Edward, April 15, 1954. BETIA PSI Mr. and Mrs. George F. Heinrich (Mary Gilding), a dau~ter, Margot Denise, May 10, 1954.

IN MEMORIAM THETA THETA Elizabeth Lyon Westcott KAPPA KAPPA Mrs. Grace Huddy, Patroness PHI PHI Mrs. Charles P. Bell, Patroness BETA UPSILON Frances Bond Lee


Treasurer-Mrs. Clayton Richard, 372 Argonne Dr., Kenmore 23, N. Y. Registrar~Mrs. Bert C . McCammon, 59 Isle of Venice, Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Editor--Miss Esther Bucher, Suite 2"26, 1025 Grand Avenue, Kansas City 6, Mo. Alumnae Director-Mrs. Helen B. Swart, 42 Glenbeck Ave., Apt. 4, Dayton 9, Ohio. Officer in Charge of Central Office- Mrs. Clayton A. Richard, 372 Argonne Dr., Kenmore 23, N. Y. NATIONAL CHAIRMEN


Alumnae Editor~Mrs. William Niemeyer, 4937 Ralph Ave ., Cincinnati 38, Ohio. Alumnae Organizer-Mrs. E . · A. Kreek 7141 Paseo, Karuas City, Mo. ' Art-Mrs. Robert Wolf, R.R . I, Rexford,

President-Miss Evelyn G. Bell, 767 Lafayette Ave., Buffalo 22, N. Y. Vice President-Miss Virginia Carpenter 14325 Drexmore Rd., Shaker H eights 20' Ohio. ' Secretary-Miss Hel en L . C~rey, 6310 Sherwood Ave., Overbrook, Philadelphia ~1. Penna.

Chapter Alumnae Secretaries-Mrs. B. F. Leib, 3515 N. Pennsylvania, Apt. 8, Indianapolis, Ind . College ChatJlains-Miss Betty Sue Choate, Box 170, Natchitoches, La. College Editor-Miss Mary K. Reiff, 228 Brush Creek Blvd., Kansas City 12, Mo.




Constit>ttion--Mrs. Robert C. Grady, Box 686, Orange, Va. Convention-Miss Helen L. Corey, 6310 Sherwood Rd., Overbrook, Philadelphia 31, Penna. FeUowship-Mn. Harvey E. Bumgardner. East Long Lake Rd., Bloomfield Hills; Mich. Pounders' Day-Mrs. E . Albert Kreek, 7141 Paseo, Kansas City, Mo. Historian-Miss Louise Stewart, 1330 Blue Ave., Zanesville, Ohio Magazine-Mrs. Armin J . Siegenthaler, 17303 St. Marys, Detroit 35, Mich. Music-Mrs. Arthur Hellrich, 118 Northwood, Kenmore 17, N. Y. Paraphernalia- Miss Louise McArthur, 11535 Byron Ave., Detroit, Mich. Philanthropic-Mrs . Wayne W. Byers, Highland Ave. , Guilford Hills, R .D .1, Chambersburg, Penna. Scholarship-Mrs. Reinard Schlosser, 2800 Dexter St., Denver 7, Colo. NATIONAL PANHELLENIC CONFERENCE

Chairman-Mrs. Robert Carlton Byars, 7327 Staffordshire, Houston 25, Texas. Al:A Delegate-Mrs. Fred M . Sharp, 1405 Hardy Ave., lndep~ndence, Mo.


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