Asa phoenix vol 15 no 1 nov 1928

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Published in November, January, March, May and Ju l y of e路ach year at No. 30 North Ninth Street Richmond, Indiana, by the Nicholson Printing Company, for the Alpha Sigma Alpha Sorority having headquarters at 56 Meredith Circ le, M ilton, Mass. Business co rrespondence may he addressed to either office, but matter fo r publi ca tion and correspondence concerning the same shou ld be addressed to Gertrude D. Halbritter, Editor. 56 Meredith Circ le, Milton . Mass . Entered as second-class matter September 4, 1923, at the pos t office at Richmond, Ind., under the Act of March 3, 1879.

Subscription price one dollar per year.


President- ifrs. vVm . Holmes Martin, A and AA, 5 Cobden St. , Boston, 19, Mass. Vice-President-Miss Minnie M. Shockley, rr, 709 College Ave., Alva, Oklahoma. Graduate Secretary-Miss Katherine B. Nevius, HH, 315 North 8th St., reodesha, Kansas. Trea urer-l\ [iss Grace G. Fu ltz, ~~. 253 Superi or St., Rossford. Ohio. ChaplainRegistrar-Mrs. F red M. Sharp, pendence, Mo.


1405 Hardy St., Inde-

U ndergraduate Secretary-Mi ss Leona \Vilcox, I I , 1916 44th St., De foines, Iowa. Editor-Miss Gertrude D. Halbritter, 速速, 56 Meredith Circle. Milton, Mass. BOARD OF ADVISERS

Alpha Alpha-Miss Oxford, Ohio.

Amy M.




lpha Beta-Mi ss Ethel Hook, 202 onner Apts., Kirksville, Mo. Alpha Gamma-Miss Ethel A. Belden , State Teachers College, Indiana, Pa. Beta Beta-Mrs. Lester Opp, 717 17th St., Greeley, Colo. Gamma Gamma-Miss Minnie M. Shockley, 709 Coll ege Ave., Alva, Okla. Delta Delta-Mrs. Howard L. Goodw in, Box 215, Athen s, Ohio. t. , Epsilon Epsilon-Miss Edna McCullough, 1017 Rural Emporia, Kansas. Zeta Zeta-Mrs. O rlo R. Nattinger, 108 Sou th St. , \iVarren sburg, Mo.

Eta Eta-Miss Jane M. Carroll, 706 South Broadway, Pittsburg. Kansas. Theta T heta-M rs. Wm. Holmes Martin, 5 Cobden St., Boston, 19, Mass. Iota Iota-Mrs. W. F. Barr, 2842 Rutland Ave., Des Moines, Iowa. Kappa Kappa- Mrs. Shennan H. Doyle, 1804 N. Pa rk Ave., P hiladelphia, Pa. Lambda Lambda-Miss Edith M. Sniffen, 262 19th Avf?.., Columbus, O hio. Mu Mu-Miss Estelle Bauch, 408 Emmet St., Ypsilanti, Mich. Nu N u-Miss Mildred Burdett, Drexel Institute, Philadelphia, Pa. Xi XiO micron Omicron-Miss Ada H yatt, 325 E. Main St., Kent, O hio. Pi Pi-Miss E li zabeth B. Small, 18 Ashland Ave., Buffalo, N.Y. Rho R hoSigma Sigma-Miss Lucy E. Spicer, Western State College, Gunnison, Colo. Tau Tau-Miss Elizabeth J. Agnew, State T eachers College, Hays, Kansas. Upsilon Upsi lon-M rs. E. Basil Hawes, 475 W. Broadway, Granville, O hio. P hi P hi-Miss Gladys L. Cri swell, 122 2nd and Dunn Sts., Maryville, Mo. Chi Chi-Miss Mary C. Turner, 2126 N . Meridian St., Indianapolis, Ind. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Finance-Miss Helen L. Bennett, 362 Chapin St., Toledo, Ohi o. Service-Miss Evelyn G. Bell, 8 E. Depew St., Buffalo, N.Y. Membership-Mrs. Edgar M . Neptune, 86 Westbourne Terrace, Cambridge, Mass. Program-Miss Nelle L. Gabrielson, 1530 Twenty-eighth St., Des Moines, Iowa. Activities-M iss Ina M . Bain, 28 F lynt St., Atl anti c, Mass.


Alpha Alpha-Miami U ni versity, Oxford, Ohio. Alpha Beta-State Teachers College, Kirksville , Mo. lpha Gamma-State Teachers College, Indiana, Pa. Beta Beta-State Teachers College, Greeley, Colo. Gamma Gamma-State Teachers College, Alva, Okla. Delta Delta-Ohio University, Athens, Ohio. Epsi lon Epsilon-State Teachers College, Emporia, Kansas. Zeta Zeta-State Teachers College, Warrensburg, Mo. Eta Eta-State Teachers College, Pittsburg, Kansas. Theta Theta-Boston University, Boston, Mass. Iota Iota-Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa. Kappa Kappa-Temple University, Philadelphia, Pa. Lambda Lambda-Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Mu Mu-State Normal College, Ypsilanti, Mich. u u-Drexel Institute, Philadelphia, Pa. Xi Xi-University of California, Los Angeles, Calif. Omicron Omicron-State Teachers College, Kent, O hio. Pi Pi-State Teachers College, Buffalo, N . Y. Rho Rho-Marshall College, Huntington, W. Va. Sigma Sigma-Western State College, Gunnison, Colo. Tau Tau-State Teachers College, Hays, Kansas. Up ilon U psilon-Denison University, Granville, O hio. Phi P hi-State Teachers College, Maryvill e, Mo. Chi Chi- Indianapolis Teachers College, Indianapolis, Ind. CHAPTER HOUSES

Alpha Beta-.'101 ~. Elson Street, K irksville, Mo. Ueta Ueta-1732 Eleventh, Greeley, Colo. Delta Delta-127 E. State Street, Athens, Ohi o. Ep ~ ilon Ep ilon-924 :\Iarket Street. Emporia, Kan s. Zeta Zeta-30~ E . Culton Street. Warrensburg, Mo. Eta Eta-120.') S. 11roadway. P ittsburg, Kans. I ota lota-2901 Rutland Ave., Des ~loin es, Iowa. Kappa Kappa-1826 :\. Pa rk :\ ve .. P hilad elphia, Pa.

Lambda Lambcla-38 Seventeenth Ave., Columbus, Ohio . 1\Iu Mu-507 Congress Street, Ypsilanti, Mich. Xi Xi-4453 Lockwood, Los Angeles, Calif. Rho Rho- 1726 Fifth Ave., Huntington, 'vV. Va. Sigma Sigma-121 1\. Colorado St., Gunnison, Colo. Tau Tau-404 W. Juanita St., Hays, Kas. Phi Phi-522 N . farket St., Maryville, Mo. Chi Chi-1912 N. Alabama St., Indianapolis, Ind . EX-COLLEGIO SECRETARIES

Alpha AlphaAlpha Beta-::\t1rs. Kennerly Woody, 3889 Meramac St., St. Louis, Mo. Alpha Gamma-Mrs. Glenn H . Ferguson, 75 11 Hutchinson Ave., Swissvale, Pa., l\'ell H. Russell, 940 Water St., Indiana, Pa. Beta BetaGamma Gamma-Louella Harzman, 917 Flynn Ave., Alva, Okla. Delta DeltaEpsilon Epsilon-Mrs. Everette R. Barr, 818 Market St .. Emporia, Kans. Zeta Zeta-Mrs. Leslie A. McMeekin. 201 W. North St., Warrensburg, Mo. Eta Eta-Mrs. Wm. Clyde Bryant, 224 N. Eighteenth St., Kansas City, Kans. Theta Theta-::\tliss Edith M. Berntson, 15 Linnean St., Cambridge, Mass. Iota Iota-Edith T . Burr, 1014 26th St., Des Moines, Iowa. Kappa Kappa-Mrs. Nevins W. Todd, 112 William St., Salisbury, Mel. Lambda Lambda-Gwendolyn Singleton, 2662 Glenmawr Ave., Columbus, Ohio . l\•1u Mu-::\t1rs. Otto E. Nickel, 55 S. Wilson Blvd., Mount Clemens, Mich. . ' Nu Nu-M. Elizabeth Darlington, Merchantsville, N. ]. Omicron Omicron-Ethel .McMaster, Youngstown, Ohio. Pi Pi-Miss Mary S. Lennie, 52 Bremen St., Buffalo, N. Y.

Rho Rho-\Vii ie L. ~I alone, Box 2-J.l , Holliday's CoYe, \\'. \ 'a. Tau Tau-Geraldine Reinecke, 2812 16th St., Great Dend. Kaw. Cpsil n Up ilon-~I. Loui e Ral ton, 1728 W. ~Iain St.. Newark. Ohio. Phi Phi-~Irs. Robert ~Jountjoy. 222 W. Cooper St., l\laryville, ~Jo.

Chi Chi-:.I r . 0 . K. Gaskins. 3356 Broadway, Indianapolis, Incl.


Gertrude D. Halbritter, 56

~I ered ith

Circle, I路viilton, l\ lass.

Chap tr1' Editors

.\lpha ..-\ lpha-Wilma Fistner, 23 Hepburn Hall, Oxford, Ol:io. Alpha Beta-l\Ii ldred Carpenter, 207 E . 1'\ormal St .. Ki rksville, ~Io . . \lpha Gamma-Josephine Buchanan, Box 605, Indiana, Pa. Beta Beta-Gertrude Harned, 226 Remington St ., Fort Collins, olo. Gamma Gan lma-).Iargaret 路w allace, 727 College Ave ., A lva, Okla. Delta Delta-Ruth Zimme rman. 127 E . State St., Athens, Ohio. Ep 路ilon Epislon-Ruth ::\ ation, 805 Un ion St., E mporia. Kans. Zeta Zeta-Erne 路ti ne Thomson. 30-J. E. Culton St., \ Varrensburg,

Eta Eta-Ruth E. Sh ri ver, 220 \V. Jefferson St., Pittsb urg, Kans. Theta T heta-Do rothy Bixby, \V e t Groton, ~I ass. Iota Iota-. li ce Eck, 720 E. 6th St., Des l\loines, Iowa. Kappa Kappa-Anne Willauer, 1808 N. Park Ave., P hiladelphi a, Pa. Lambda Lambda-Be ie Cacle. Ha mden, O hio. 1\Iu ~lt1-June chwalm, -09 'on o-res St., Ypsilanti ,:\Iich.

Nu Nu-Dorothy \tVi lliamson, 17 Vv'oodbine Ave ., Narberth, Pa. Omicron Omicron-Jean Gorham, 162 E . Main St., Kent, Ohio. Xi Xi-Elizabeth Fellows, 2100 Victoria Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Pi Pi-Dorothy Marley, Attica, N. Y. Rho Rho-Alice Krug, 1726 Fifth Ave., Huntington, W. Va. Sigma Sigma-Elizabeth Johnston, Gunnison, Colo. Tau Tau-Dorothy Morri son, 332 \tV. Juanita, Hays, Kans . Upsi lon Upsilon-Janet Falstreau, Sawyer Hall, Granville, Ohio. Phi Phi-Hildred Fitz, 209 S. Market St., Maryville, Mo. Chi Chi-Harriet Pollock, 2062 N. New J ersey St., Indianapolis, Ind.

ASSOCIATION OF EDUCATIONAL SORORITIES Chairman- tfiss Minnie M. Shockley, A~A, 709 College Ave., Alva, Okla. Secretary-Mrs. C. P. Neidig, IlK~, 23 Lockwood Court Apt., Cincinnati, Ohio . Treasurer-Mrs. Orley See, ~~E , 448 Wildwood Ave., Piedmont, Calif. Director of Local Panhellenics-Miss Florence Eckert, 速~Y, 413 Ballard St., Ypsilanti, Mich. Director of City Panhellenics-Miss Ada Norton, A~T, 510 Pearl St., Ypsilanti, Mich. R epresentative of ~~~-Miss Mabel L. Walton, Woodstock, Va.




For All These




I thankThee, Lord, that I am straight and trong, \VJ~~:,:i;t to work and hope to kedep n~ e


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That two-score years, unfathome , stl belong To the allotted life Thy bounty gave.


I thank Thee that the sight of sunlit lands And dipping hills, the breath of evening grass. That wet, dark rocks and flowers m my hands Can give me daily gladness as I pas . I thank Thee that I love the things of EarthRipe fr uits and laughter, lying dovvn to sleep, The shine of lighted towns, the graver worth Of beating human hearts that laugh and weep. I thank Thee that as yet I need not know, Yet need not fear the mystery of end; Dut more than all, and though all these hould goDear Lord, thi on my knees !-I thank Thee for my fr iend!

~J ~ ~




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HE PHOENIX WHAT IS EDUCATION? Think of the number of times some one has attempted to give us the definition of education, but-what is it? We, the people of the United States are spending millions on education . The school populati on has increased enormously, and our young people are staying in school longer than ever before. This all expresses the faith of America in education. In the last few years we have been forced to witness fev eri sh acti vities in school circles. Ieve r befo re has education been in such chaos and subjected to such severe criticism. But let me remind you, it is a sign of interest and improvement when an institution is so widely criticised. We are all fami liar, in some degree, with the project method, the new testing, ed ucati on for gi fted children , educati on for citizenship, schem es for individual differences, creative education, education of the emoti ons, and so I might go on ; but this is enough to make my point. First one and th en another of the e schemes is tri ed until we have one bewildering zig-zag movement. But we can't possible evaluate these new movements until we have a philo ophy of ed ucation. Is education the business of imparting knowledge? An examination of the present system of ed ucation will answer this question, perhaps to our disappointment. In theory, ed ucati on is more -and much more-than imparting knowledge, but in practice, it seems to me that education is coming to mean impa rting more and more knowledge. Let me give examples . Departmental work makes for efficiency and economy in imparting more knowledge, as does also the Dalton plan. School people are almos t wild over new courses of study and the present day tendency is to make courses of study thicker and thi cker. If thi s is so, then the business of teaching becomes that of cramming. Too much emphasis is put on knowledge-getting and knowledge-testing. The most significant single outcome from any les on is the desire e n the part of the student for more and more learning-"to



gro\\· in wisdom". .\re we turning out students who are eli ·po eel to continue to gro\\"? Are we not over-emphasizing the factors of kno\\"ledge and intelligence and uncler-empha izing certain other very igni ficant outcome ? I [ we agree that knowledge for the sake of knowledge JS an exp!·es ion of a wrong theory of education: also. that studies giver. merclv to train the mind is an expression of a wrong theory. then can't. we eliminate much content and adopt possibly different method in the hope of making poss ible more real education m the . amount of time? vVhat is real education then? In o far as school is concerned, education i : (I) The business of teaching such subject matter as 1s r elated to one or another of the needs of li fe. 2) The busine s of handling this enterprise 111 such a way as to a ure not only the acquisiti on of useful information and skil!c.;. but al ·o the long contin uing development of tho e concomitant learning that make for individual and social worth. Ki lpatrick says that habits and attitudes that pupils acquire are more significant than in formatio n or skills acq uired. If attitudes are of the right kind, they will go on seeking more education. I believe the greatest world problems facing the coming generation are social, and that they can on ly be wholesomely soh·ed by a humani tic people possessing high socia l standards. ll as not the chool a respon ibility in helping to form and strengthen such ideals? Belle says, "Teach not more knowledge matter but more to understand the ultimate. This is humani tic education in itc.; only ,·ali cl sense-an effort to turn out men who are not merely informed but are also fit with unified purpose to deal with human life." Esthe1' Alice Peck 0 0 '





Another school year draws to a close and with it brings the round of festivities so dear to college youth. Campuses aglow with springtime colors are darkened here and there with the sombre black of the senior gowns. But commencement itself is a charming and colorful pageant. The soft flowing robes lend an unwonted grace to the awkward, and the contrast of hoods in many and varying hues gives to the ceremony a picturesque beauty. To the uninitiated it is all interesting, but meaningless; the significance of the different modes and colors is lost. Yet in America the system is simple . and so generally used that once learned it will serve for practically all such occasions. Foreseeing the confusion that would arise should each school adopt an individual code, in 1894 a commission repres路entative of the leading American colleges met to discuss academic ceremonial. A year later a statute was drawn up, submitted, and generally adopted, the three exceptions being Trinity College, St. John's College, and the University of the South which, years before, had established codes that are observed to this day. Seven hundred colleges and universities in the United States and Canada, the Philippines and Porto Rico, in Turkey and in Syria now observe the Intercollegiate System. Under its regulations the bachelor wears a gown of black worsted stuff with open or closed front and long pointed sleeves, the Oxford style of gown being most popular in American colleges. The gown of the master is made with open front and preferably of silk. It has long closed sleeves with squared ends falling well below the knees and a slit for the arm near the elbow. The gown worn by the doctor is also made of silk and with the open front but has full, bellshaped sleeves. The fronts are faced with velvet and on each sleeve are three bars of velvet, black or the color of the hood trimming. The Oxford. or mortar-board cap, worn for each degree, is of black cloth with black tassel, except that the doctor's cap may be of velvet with tassel of gold in whole or part. Unless local custom decrees otherwise, tassels are worn over the left temple.



It is in the matter of hoods that our custom differs m ost from that used in the mother country. In E ngland each university has its own code of color symboli sm, a nd hence it is scarcely kno wn beyond its own bounds . The A merican genius f.or orga ni ~at i o n is seen in th e uniformity secured through the adopti on of the llltercollegiate code. H oods a re of the same ma teri al as the gown , bu t differ slig htly fo r the bachelors, masters and doctors ; that of the bachelor being three fe et in leng th , the master 's a foo t longer , while to the hood of the docto r is added a panel usually edged with the lining color . H oods are lined with the color or colo rs of th e institution g ranting the degree. W hen there a re two colors, a chevron o f the second is used. Institutions having the same colors use clifferent arrangements wh ich are registered with th e Intercoll egiate Bureau in A lbany. The colored trimming or edging of th e hood, which is of vel vet va rying in width from two to five inches acco rd ing to the deg ree, indicates the department or faculty of learning . T he color code used to di sting uish the di ffe rent faculties is as fo ll ows : Art and Letters . . .... . . . . . . . White T heology .. . .. . . . . ... . .. . . Scarl et La w . . .... . . . .. . . .. . . . . . .. Purple P hi losoph y ... . .. . . . . . . . ... . . Blue Science . . ..... . .... Golde n Yellow Fine Arts ..... . . . . . . . . ... . Brown Medicine .. .. . . . ...... . . . . .. Green Music . . .. .. .. ...... . . . . . .. . . Pink Commerce ... . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . D rab Phys ical Educati on .... Sage Green Public H ealth .. . . .. . Salmon Pink

Enginee ring .... .. . . ..... . Orange Pharmacy .. . . . ...... . Olive Gree n Denistry . . . . . . ........... .. . Li lac Veterina ry Science .... . .... . Gray F orestry .. . . . .. .. .... .. . . . R usset Lib ra ry Science . . ... . .. .. . . Lemon P edagogy . . : . . . ....... Light Blue O ratory .. . . .. .. . . . ... S ilver Gray Huma ni cs . . .. .. . .. .. .... . Cr imson Agri culture . .. . . .... ... ... . Maize Eco nomics . . . .. . . ...... .. . Coppe r

O f these colors a few have traditi onal wa rra nt, bu t the others ha ve been selected because o f historic or interpretative associations. The white fo r a rts is borrowed from the white f ur t rimming on th e hoods of Ox fo rd a nd Cambridge g ra duates designating the Bachelor路 of A rts degree. Scarlet, which for centuri es has been symbolic of the burning faith and zeal of the church , is worn by the ~octors o f Divinity in E ngland and in America sig nifies a degree 111 theology. The pink broca de worn by Oxfor d docto rs of music l.ed to our adoption of that color to indi cate the faculty of mustc. T he royal purple o f king's court s in spired its selecti on for law, whi le to phi losophy was assig ned blue, th e color of truth



and wisdom. The green of medicine was suggested by the green stripe in the army surgeon's uniform and more remotely by the color of medicinal herbs. Pharmacy because of its association with medicine is denoted by olive green. The golden yellow of science represents the untold wealth that its research has brought to the world, while the use of russet is a tribute to the dress of the early English forester. Harvard gowns show an interesting variation in the use of braided double craw's feet (for honorary degrees, triple craw's feet) of the same color as the hood trimming under the intercollegiate system. This trimming is placed on each front near the collar. A colored tassel, distinctive of the faculty in place of the regulation black, is worn in one middle \iVest university. Other modifications of costume peculiar to individual schools. are often seen and easily recognized. Faculty members, and other officials of the university, wear the costumes of the institutions which conferred their degrees, or the appropriate hoods of the institution with which they are at the time connected. Those holding doctorates in more than one faculty may indicate the fact by the proper combination of colors on gowns and hoods. For example, the Doctor of Philosophy, the Doctor of Literature, and the Doctor of Divinity degrees may be shown by wearing a gown trimmed with philosophy blue velvet, the Doctor of Literature hood with half of the velvet trimming of scarlet to denote the Doctor of Divinity degree. The hood would be lined \ovith the colors of the institution which had granted the Doctor of Literature degree. When degrees have been conferred by German universities, which have no commencement exercises and no distinguishing academic costumes, it is customary to wear the caps. gowns, and hoods indicative of the degrees in the intercollegiate system, lining the hoods with the colors of the German universities upon which is placed a tri-chevron of black, white, and reel. Presidents, chancellors, and cleans may wear the gown trimmed with gold braid and trustees of the institution may \路v ear the doctor's gown during tenure of office. The custom of wearing academic gowns, caps, and hoods elates back to about the twelfth century. In France, where the degree system probably had its inception, the wearing of the cap and gown marked the formal admission of the ''licentiate" to the body of masters, and wa usually followed by some festivity. The



cold buildings of medieval times in which the masters •vere obl iged to teach, required capes and hoods which naturall y were patterned after th e long flowin g robe, the prevailing dress of the times . Durino· thi s period the dress of fri a rs and nuns became fixed and. since the scholars were usually clerics, their robes differed little from those worn by other church orders. Gradually, special forms were set aside for the university bodies and in modified styie are the costumes worn today. Hoods were ori gin a lly fas hioned after the monks' cowls and like them attached to the gow n and drawn over the head . Later, when th e hood wa displaced by the cap as a head covering, it was made eparate sometimes with a border of color. In its present form the hood i the most significant and certainly th e most interesting part of the academ ic costume. T he mortar-board is an evolution of the skull cap worn by the ecclesiastics over the tonsured head. T he pointed shape which it later assumed developed into the modern tassel. Caps and gowns have been used in thi s country from colonial times. Columbia u ni versi ty , or King's Coll ege, a it was then known , at an early elate adopted a local code. New Yo rk G niversity, the U niversity of Pennsylvania, a nd others also had codes in force before 1880. A few years later a student movement favoring the use of academic costum e began. P resident and trustees became interested and encouraged it. The Yale Corporation was one of the first govern ing bodi es to be gowned, but the facu lty of Harvard was not supplied until the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary in 1886, although Columbia and other uni ve rsiti es had gowned their faculties at an ea rlier elate. Th e democratic appeal in clothing all alike in an outward equal fellow ship , th e improvement in the general effect of university function , a nd the increased interest aroused in academic ceremonies a a re ult of the practice brought about the rapid adopti on of the costume. Incl ~ed . it has met with such general favor that many normal a nd high schools in recent years have suppli ed their g raduating classes with caps and gowns. Dark blue or gray are the usual colors, and if black is used the round ed sleeves distinguish the gow ns from those of the co llegiate costume. Th us is preser ved in outwa rd form a traditi on of academic life symbolic of the search for truth and the unceasin rr pursuit of learning clown through the centuries. t> The A lpha Phi Q uayfcrly .



A GOOD FRATERNITY CHAPTER Dr. Francis VI. Shepardson, grand president of Beta Theta Pi, grand vice-president of Phi Beta Kappa, and a past grand president of Acacia, a splendid authority on fraternity problems, has given an excellent definition of a good fraternity chapter. Vve quote from an article appearing in the Ke31 of Kappa Kappa Gamma, taken from The Angelos of Kappa Delta: "A good chapter r~cognizes that it is not a local organization, but is a branch of a firmly established national fraternity having definite aims and purposes and that its own chapter was granted prim:uily to give added strength to the parent body. It recognizes that the aims and purposes of the fratern ity have precedence over any purely local custom or designs, and that loyalty to the fraternity is the first prerequisite to enduring chapter development and, success. It strives, through its individual members, to exalt those aims and to fulfill those purposes, magnifying constantly the importance of individual accomplishment as a necessary accompaniment to group achievement. "The chapter that excludes itself from the rest of the world, that considers it the duty of the fraternity to keep it in touch with the national organization, that refuses to clasp the hands of the sister chapters and to take its rightful place in the chain of sisterhood, is a week and dangerous link in that sacred chain. Jt m~ght far better have remained a local." -Pentagon of Phi Omega Pi.

THE PERFECT CHAPTER The perfect chapter is one in which perfect harmony exists; in 路w hich every member is in some activity and they bring in double the chapter's share of honors in every line; all rules of the chapter, fraternity and college are observed rigidly and all duties performed promptly; all secret work is clone in clue form without benefit of book or prompter; a creditable alumni letter is gotten out each year; no member ever i's lost through poor scholarship and the chapter leads the campus in grades; every visitor to the house is cordially received, and no member ever so acts as to injure his chapter's and fraternity's good name. But we still are 'Naiting to see such a chapter. -The Caduceus of Sigma Kappa.



THE FRATER NITY Good will is the monarch in this house. Men, unacquain ted. step into these precincts, shake hands, exchange greetings, and go forth into the world, fri ends. Cordiality is here the fami liar language of all , tenants and tran sients. I am the eminent ex pression of com radeship. Character and temperament change under my dominating power. Lives once touched by me thereafter become am iable, .kin d, fraternal. I am the musician who directs noble sentiments to play; the chemi st who converts unge nerous personalities into individuals of greater worth. I destroy all ignoble impulses. I call con tantly to th e principles which make for common brotherhood; the echo is heard in all communities, and princely men are thereby recogni zed. E ducation, health, music, laughter-all these are specie of interest gi ven fo r sel ÂŁ-invested capital. Tired movements find me a delight ful retreat. I n all hours, I am faithful to the royal creed of companionshi p. To a few, I am the Garden of Dreams-ambitions, successf ul , hopeful dreams. To many I am the poetic place where human feeli ng is rimed to masterly moti ves . T o the great majority, I am the Treasury of Good F ellowship. In fact, I am the U niversity of Friendshi p, the Coll ege of Brotherly L ove, th e School fo r the Better- Making of the :!\[anI A M T H E F R AT E R N ITY. - The Sigma Chi Qnarterly.

SHE'S A NICE GIRL, BUT"She is a nice girl, but yo u can't count on her.'' Too often that is the uncertain praise used in descri bing a girl of whom some one IS mqlllnng. It is the man or woman who can safely be trusted with responsibility who is put in charge. Dependabi lity or tru stworthiness is essentially a habit. I t should be cultivated in early ch ildhood along with tho e Yirtues of cleanliness, order, kindness, courtesy, a nd the thousand and one oth er virtues that mothers attempt to instill withi n us f rom ba by :lays. But. i.t is n.ever too late to be developed. Make it a po rtmg proposition With yourself never to fail to carry out your duties or to fulfill your word . In th e newspaper world, the greates t of



all sins is "to fall down on an assignment," to fail to obtain a "story" to which one has been assigned. It is regarded in the same way in the world of affairs with those people who really count. And just as a girl is regarded as trustworthy, so is your chapter classified as "trustworthy" or an "unreliable" one . Do the committees of your college say, "Oh, give that to the Zeta Tau Alphas, they always put things over," or do they say, "Better not count on the Zetas, they'll fall dovvn sure"? To which class do you want your chapter to belong? -Themis of Z T A.

REMEDIES 1. Investigate thoroughly the aim, purpose and ability of each "rushee." 2. Help them get started on the right track and in the right course. 3. Learn theil.路 weak points and assist them to analyze themselves and correct their deficiencies. 4. Don't let them "drift" by themselves after initiation. 5 See that they properly apply themselves and create a desire to improve their record. 6. Select your "Big Brother" carefully for each pledge and freshman; be sure that he creates a fitting example for them to follow. 7. Provide in advance for the contingency of some men not returning in the Fall by initiating some men during the last term of each year. 8. Continue upper class supervision through the sophomore year . 9 . Improve the spirit and morale of the active chapter. 10. Keep your chapter balanced by class and by department or college. -The Caduceus of Kappa Sigma.

THE ALUMNA During that hectic period of rushing, an alumna can be invaluable. The alumna should have at her finger tips what a frenzied undergraduate might forget. Help the actives develop poise. Some alumna or patroness who is an acknowledged leader might talk



to the chapter on etiquette, followed by "at home" .teas: recept~ons, and dinners just for girls, at which the correct thmg IS ~ract1~ed. The alumna, seeing the active girl from a better ~erspective, g1v~s criticism sympathetically, and the adolescent g1rl welcon:es 1t. Under some conditions, frank sympathetic talks are advisable. Help each girl "fine\ herself ." Let us ask ourselves these questions: Does the active chapter have a "Thank You" Committee? How does the chapter act as hostess? Do the girls meet people easily and receive instructions properly? How do they impress strangers? Can they carry on a conversation? Can they listen? Do they know the fine points of table etiquette? Is the chapter well-liked on the campus? Are the girls provincial ? Make friends with the girls and learn when to be si lent. 'vVe can so round out our alumnze ex istence that the girls will be glad to see u s and to claim us as sisters. If you will look back to your chapter clays, you will remember the little things the house needed; they could not be purchased because the money in the budget was needed for something else. Times have changed in that respect. A new lamp shade, silver, linen, a pillow for the window seat, or any tasty gift will add to the hou se. And the girls wi ll be grateful. The alumnze can be of great help by 路ending in recommendations before fo rmal rushing. Alumnze, before recommending a girl, be sure that her character and fami ly are unquestionable. These words of Hortense Imboden Hudson, Delta Delta Delta, are adaptable to all fraternity alumnze: "If we would serve our collegiate members intell igently, let us show a sympathetic understanding of coll ege li fe today, coupled with conservative judgment of mature experience ." -Them:is of Zeta Tau lpha.

THE PLEDGES' INVESTMENTS The receipt of a pledge pin should not cause an appreciable increase in blood pressure. True, one has the right to experience a sense of happin ess.



The fact that you were pledged is merely a method of expressing the thought that you have been called to share harder work with Brothers bent upon a common mission. It is a noble mission, to be in college fired with an ambition to increase your capacity to form worthwhile friendships. Fraternity life has in it that certain element which signifies trust-sincere belief that if you help one today, he may help you tomorrow. Of course, this idea may become selfish. vVhen you stand in front of a camera and have heard the click. you are certain that the negative will give you exactly what you have given to it and nothing more. This will be true of your Fraternity life and your college life. Interest is collected by reason of the loaning of an asset. If you bury your talents in the Chapter House, around the fireplace or in front of the phonograph, dancing night and day like a monkey, you can rest assured that you will receive no interest on your investment, but, like the negative in the camera, you will secure only a perfect picture of your capers, indolence, and wasted time. Depositing your talents in a hundred and one places will only result in a hundred and one failures upon your part to receive interest from your investment, for the reason that upon entering college your talents are limited to a very few sane investments. One of the sane investments is study. Another is the participation in some campus activity which will promote good health. Another is a sane development of your social instincts, and the last is a sincere regard for your character and reputation upon the campus and within your fraternity group. -D elta of Sigma Nu.

STUDY "No man is born into the world w hose worll Is not born with h:irn. There is always W01'k And tools withal for those who will." The place of Habit in life can hardly be overestimated. Habit works a groove for u s into which we fall easily and in which we mov~ swiftly so that the great bulk of our actions are done automatically and the whole trend of our life established. The importance of forming good habits is therefore self-evident.



There is no habit more important than the habit of 路w ork because it is open to all of us and because to most the working hours mean a big slice of our lives. The undergraduate usually interprets work as Study, the success of which has come to be judged, rightly or wrongly, by a resulting ability to pass examinations and like tests. To accept our work as part of our duty. to cultivate it as a habit, is to safeguard our lives from many an error and disappointment. True success will come only from treating work itself as an art, the best methods of which have to be learned and practiced. It is not possible to dogmatize about what are the right methods, as here more than anywhere else one meets the needs of varying personalities. The one right method is that which enables a man to do his best work: the important thing is to have a method. In the whole matter of habit decision is the master key. 'vVe must learn to act-to overcome inertia and mental sluggi hness. Some are always preparing to work-days and weeks creep by and the last hours before final tests find them just starting to act. 1 o new habit can be begun without a struggle or continued at first without constant effort. A good rule is to plan one's work for each clay reali zing that sufficient for the day is its evil and good. If we look too far ahead at all the work that lies before us we lose courage and are apt to despair of ever being able to do it. The clay's work can be clone and with daily progress even the longest journey is accomplished. -Alpha Gam 路m a Delta Quarl e1-l路y. LOYALTY

Perhaps many of us remember a recent incident of an Iowa co-eel in her senior year returning her sorority emblem because she felt that she could not conscientiously keep on living the life of a so rority girl. 路 Her imputations were that such factors destroyed democracy on the campus, set us a higher standard of living than one could afford to keep and yet live within their means, that there was too much of politics that entered into the activities of these groups. Perhaps some of these charges are partly true; but do they need to be? A sorority gi rl or group can be just as democratic as a non-sorority girl or group . I think they are. The most




of the big things clone on the campus are clone by these groups of girls. vVhy do we educate if it is not to raise the standard of living and to teach us to be able to appreciate the better things of life? This girl probably is, must be, a fine girl, for she was chosen as one of the most representative women on the campus . She vvas not a girl of financial wealth, her sorority sisters had paid her clues in order to keep her in the fraternity. They had paid a hospital bill for her and helped her in a number of ways. Doe_.n't it seem to you that this girl lacked the quality that all the fraternity had displayed to 路 her? Give your fraternity a little of the credit for the better things that come to you . Realize that you have a group of girls backing you, helping you to attain these high honors. "To every woman there cometh a high way and a low. And the high soul climbs the high way and th~ low soul gropes the low. And in the between on the misty flats-the rest drift to and fro . But to every woman there cometh a high way and a low. And every woman knoweth the way her soul shall go." Alpha Xi Delta.

"LORD, TEACH US TO OMIT!" Eobert Louis Stevenson followed his own advice, and made his prayer a short one: "Lord, teach us to omit!" He had in mind the craft of writing when he uttered those words of wisdom, but they can well be applied to the craft of college activities. The newspaper, the play, the debate team, the club, are e,路rtra-curricular no longer in many colleges; as often as not the journalism classes edit the paper, the drama classes produce the plays, the debate sections, the team. Such activities are becoming an inherent part of the curriculum: they are of it, not outside it. Well then, argues the undergraduate, why not take all I can, why not get the well-rour.ded education, that basic foundation I hear preached all the time? Why not? Because such courses are for the amateur, not for the novice-for him who is amateur in th e sense of being adept, yet not professional. You don't major in three or four subjects-that is, you don't if the registrar gets there first. Why try to edit the newspaper, play the lead in the annual musical comedy, win the tennis championship, and run the student government at the same time?



You don't-once you are out of coll ege-preach in the town pulpit, edit the village weekly, run the corner drug ~tor~. and lea_d the Rotary parade of one hundred percenters. .0; ot 1拢 t here IS anyone else in the town, you don't. If the1'e is anyone else. . . But there isn't, you say. Yo u fee l it's your duty to fulfill these "obli gati ons.'' If you are the on ly person in your college who is able and wi lling (and can get the job! ) to " run" the half dozen major activities. you 're ready for another college, and your coll ege is ready for a revival of learning. "Lord teach us to omit!" -The A ngelos of Kappa Delta.

FRATERNITY AND FRIENDSHIP Fraternity and friendship are so closely united that they seem synonymous. To develop either means the betterment of the other. There are three' C's that contribute to either-Courtesy, Common Sense, and Character. Co urtesy, respect for another 's individuality or personality, is a great safeguard of these two choice words. The rights of another, to study uninterrupted ly, to have her own thoughts and fri ends, to have her letters uncensored and to form her own plans without needless supervi ion, the right to the exclusive wearing of her own clothes as an adj unct of her personality. such rights demand respect, almo 路t reverence. Give courtesy to these ri ghts if you 'd have fraternity and friendship flouri sh. Many a friendship has been r\1ined by too much and too strong coffee, too little sleep, and too much excitement. Friendship, like all partnerships, commercial and otherwise. needs wise care and strong health . An athl ete uses better sense in making ready for a race that is over in a few minutes than people often do in maintaining friendships. Character is the real prize of friendships. It is as poor a business deal to default by rece iving the choice gift of a rare and lovely character and in return giving shallow, light. and in in~e~e traits as it is to squander too much time and thought where 1t 1s not helpful and is merely submersive. Build cha racters that are worthy of the best types of personality, and then give fr iendship to the best. Courtesy, Common Sense, and Character are the saferruards of fraternity and friendship. -A r ~ Qua.~terly.



IS THE CHAPTER HOUSE WORTH THE SACRIFICE ? As I look back over the three years I spent in the chapter house, they seem to me tremendously worth while. The most important thing I have gained from living there is a knowledge of how to live more harmoniously with other people. In a chapter house, more than any other place, a person learns to put oneself in the background and to live more and more for the group. A chapter house seems to me to be the melting pot of the fraternity. Girls of an entirely different temperament, from very different homes and positions in life, are there molded into a more or less homogeneous group . It has been my experience, at least. that the chapter house girls are the most closely knit group in the sorority. It wou ld be of inestimable value to the fraternity iÂŁ every one of its members were compelled to live in the chapter house. I believe that would do more to eliminate factions which so often occur in groups than any other one thing. If the chapter ,house taught a girl no other thing than just to live with people to the best advantage, it would be well worth any sacrifice which Jiving there might entail. And living in a chapter house does involve quite a bit of sacrificing. Very often it means much more money, but in our case, this is not true because we have been fortunate enough to live on the same rates that girls pay in the dormitory. Also, unless a house is built or especially adapted to sorority conditions, it is very often a rather unsatisfactory place for study. Then again, the sacrifice may consist of personal comfort. I think most anyone will agree with me when I say that two girls can live in a room much more comfortably than can four or five, and yet, the very act of sacrificing, the contact with different personalities, and the tendency to regard other people's rights are factors that are of much importance in character building. So even though living in the chapter house may mean some sacrifice on the part of the individual, she and the chapter will both be benefited. A chapter house is the most unifying force in a fraternity and it is the one place more than any other where gi rls learn to live most happily with one another. A girl who has spent three or four years in a sorority house learning to give and take, to place the good of the rest of the house before her own personal desires and pleasures, cannot help but realize in a much greater degree the significance of her beloved Alpha Theta Phi. -The Trident of Delta Delta Delta.



IDEALS To live in the affections; not to dwell in pride. To cultivate courtesy, which fosters brotherhood and is the manner of the heart. To be gentle with those who serve, since they are not free to resent. To avoid arrogance, which corrodes the man and estranges his fellows. To mingle freely with all classes, and thu s to know mankind. To he mastered by no habit or prej udice, no triumph or m i fortune. To promise rarely, and perform faith fully . To choose hobb ies with care, and pursue them with d ili gence. To val ue people above thoughts, and thoughts above things. To curb the personal wants, which expand easily but shrink with difficulty. To foresw ear luxuries, ever indulged by sh~mting the cost onto others. To be just, man's supreme virtue, which req uires the best of head and heart.-ROBERT Mcl\!IuRDY, A lpha Gmmna Delta Quarterly.

LIFE IS EDUCATION Life is ed ucation. Its purpose is the bu'ilcling of charac:er. Every act of experi ence goes into that education. The formal part of a man's education is becoming each year more and more extensive and more intelligently followed. The years spent in coll ege are simply a part of this li fe-long experience of learning. and even its forma l in struction cannot be taken out o f the rest of it, with a clean-cut beginninig and a definite ending. For a Christian, this education consists in preparation for a life oE service, of brothe rly thoughtfulness. But even this service, domestic, civic or national, need not, and cannot wait for some distant elate on which it begins, and for which all thought and energy tend in its preparation. It must be a part of every man 's li fe, and he must learn to live in the day which is given him and ro put into the experience of each day as it goes along uch se rvice as he may. In thi s way alone can he build into his character an abi lity to serve.--Tii e Sig11et, Ph i Sigma Kappa.



WHY ARE YOU IN COLLEGE? The habit of asking questions is a usef ul one, provided you persist until you find an answe r. Asking questions of yourself allows you both sides of the game, but you must play fair, and ;1llow the answers to come from your real self-the instinctive eel拢 that is too primitive to lie. \Vhether you are a fr esbn1an or a seni or it will do no harm to ask, at the opening of this college year, why you find yourself where you are. Did you go to college because "everyon e else" was going? Probably thi s is the real r eason in a majority of cases . Montaigne rem<J.rked that many people would never fall in love if they had never heard it talked about. Did you go because you did not know quite what else to do when the ending df high school, with its regular routine, left you to your own resources? If so, is the end of college li kely to find you in that state of mind? 路Are you going to be like th e youth to whom an independent income was assured "so long as he remains in college," and who has spent years in taking every available coll ege course rather than risk graduating and earning hi s own living? Did you go fo r social reasons-because you believed that in coll ege you would meet people you wanted to know? A nd if you did this, were you thinking about men or women- about "elates" and dances, about family and money, about ambition and ability? Did you go to prepare yourself to earn your own living? If you did, do you merely mean to f ulfil certain stereotyped requirements and pass certain examinati ons to be in a position to command a better salary? Did you go because there was a glamour about " college life," and a satisfaction in being able in later years to think of yourself as a "college woman?" Did you go because you were irresistibly drawn by a de sire to know more along one particular line? Did you want to learn more about lif e itself and how to live it, and did you hope to find this under the guidance of older men and women and in the companionship of your own generation? .



Then, whatever your reasons for going may have been , .ask yourself whether you have found what you were really seek111g. And if not, why haven't you? And if so . no less, why have you? Thousa.nds upon thousands of young men and women will be leaving their homes thi s fall to attend coll eges and universities, and all have their vari ous reaso ns f or thi s move. vVhat are yours? \t\fhy are you in college ?-Kappa Kappa Gamma, K e'y .

THE OFFER OF A COLLEGE "To be at home in all lands and all ages; to count Nature a familiar acquaintance and A rt an intimate fri end; to gain a standard for the appreciation of other men's work, and the criticism of your ow n ; to carry the keys of th e world's greatest library in your pocket, and feel its resources behind you in whatever you undertake; to make hosts of friend s among the men of your own age who are to be leaders in all walks of life; to lo e your elf in generous enthusiasm, and co-operate with others for common ends; to learn manners from students who are gentlemen, and f orm character under professors who a re Ch ri tian-this is the offer of the College, for the four best yea rs of your life !"-Dr. William De Witt Hyde, Bo wdoin College, via Fratcmity Life.

BY THEIR PENCILS SHALL YE KNOW THEM The eraser on a well used pencil often indicates the character and age of the owner. The short pencil and a disproportionately used eraser indicates the cocksureness of youth. IIe may learn in time. ~fiddle age bows a fairly well balanced penci l, if years have brought wisdom. Long pencil and a much used eraser characterizes the later clays, if wi sdom guide the scribe. He realizes that much had best be left unsaid, or at least unwritten, and much of th e written were better erased. The aged know and need not read; youth may read but will not heed.- Theta C!ti Quarter!:/.






FRESHMAN WEEK For the third time in as many years, Miami Freshmen have been welcomed to school four days before the upper-classmen. During these days Freshmen are registered, given mental and physical exams, introduced to each other through "mixers" and otherwise officially greeted. Only a selected group of upperclassmen, including the cabinets of the Christian associations are perm:tted on the ca1.Jpus at this time. Freshman week is of great value to both Freshman and upperclassmen for during this time the newcomers become acquainted with the university routine, and work is progressing tminterrupted when the upper-classmen return. The big brother ' and sister organizations are very active here, and during the first week each group of "big sisters" entertain their little sisters at a tea. On Friday night the Freshman-Sophomore fight occurred. From all reports the Frosh won, but that was expected; they always do. Monday, Freshman caps were distributed. By their green and gray caps you shall know them (until April first) . A Freshman enrollment of over nine hundred making the total nearer 2000 than it has ever been, makes identification necessary. For the first time this year in over a century, Miami students are not required to attend chapel. Inadequate facilities, which last year made necessary the abolishment of required university service, also made this step necessary. Instead, a voluntary chapel will be held every week. At present the attitude of campus leaders indicates that this plan will be completely successful. A huge monoplane, gaily striped with red and white soars over the campus as I write. Rumor has it that it is an aftermath of the Freshman-Sophomore struggle. I think it is a forerunner of the season's first football game. ::\1iami is at her best on October afternoons when the air is reverberating with ignal calls, shrieks and the strains of the beloved March Song. Martha Smelller, A. A.



"HELLO WEEK AT C. T. C." Last year Booster's Club started on Colorado State Teachers College campus what was called "hello week." It was for the purpose of becoming better acquainted with the Freshmen and also for the upper-classmen to become acquainted with each other. It wasn't much of a success last year, but this year Booster's are putting forth a special effort to make October 1-6 a successf ul "hell o week." In the first place everyone wi ll have a tag bearing hi s name, and the name of his home town. Each class has a different colored tag; for instance, the Freshies have gJ路een tags, the Sophomores white tags, the Juniors pink tags , the Seniors reel tags, the graduates purple tags, and the faculty orange tag . The idea i to say, "hello," to everyone you meet whether you know him or not. The Booster's have the support of the downtown business men, the churches, men 's clubs, and the theaters. They have agreed to fairly ''hello us to death," and cooperate in every way possible . In addition, a special feature has been planned to take place at 12 :30 every clay during "hello week." Some of the features are : a snake dance, a tug of war across the lily pond, a college "song" led by the college band, a special assembly program, and a "send-off" including a bonfire and torch~li ght parade, for our football team which plays Colorado Aggies on Saturday afternoon. The climax of the whole week will be the big Booster's Club Hard Time dance, featu ring an eight piece negro orchestra, which will be on Saturday night, October sixth. We hope that the whole plan will go over big becau e it develops a spi rit of good will and a real democratic feeling among the whole student body. Virg路inia Howell, B. B.

THREE KINDS OF ALPHA SIG MEMBERS Alpha Sigma Alpha plans for eight kinds of membership. This should provide for eight types of people who have the honor of wearing the shield of ASA. 路w hile we recognize these various types we have found that in reality there are only three kinds of members. At least this is my pet classification.



1. The member who merely pays her dues. Membership in ASA means nothing to her. All she seems to know is that. she parts with her three dollars annually or has parted with her fee for life membersh ip. Of course we use her money but we feel that she has eyes but sees not and 路 ears but hears not. In other words, she is asleep and does not see the many things that she might do to make ASA the vital force it desires to be. 2. The member who has only a local view of things. There is hope for her. Eventually she wi ll see the greater light and will arise to a ne_w ness of life; she will see the broader life of the national organization. If this girl wi ll attend one convention, she will find herself a part of a wonderful whole that will thrill her very soul with growth. 3. Then there is the member with the national vision. This is the member who rea lizes that she is only a unit in a wonder ful organization, and that her chapter is only a small part of the great field of her national organization. It is to this third class of membership that I urge all our Alpha Sigs to become. 'vVe invite you to climb this mount of Vision. Let us not hold our own local problems so close to our eyes that dim our vision. Forget self in the interest of others. Remember that King Arthur's knights found the Holy Grail in serving the need of others . M 路innie M . Shockley, 路 National Vice-President. ./

OUR ZETA ZETA HOUSE Vve will be forgiven I am sure if we seem to belabor the subject of our House. But we feel that it is such a wonderful achievement and such a chance for the application of hearty co. operation that we cannot refrain from speaking of it at every opportunity. In case some of you do not know, the story must be related. For many years it has been our goal, dream and ambition to have a house, a real home for A. S. A. This summer the whisper 路 came to our ears that 11UL)Jbe we were to buy a home. It came about this way: Dean Parker resigned from C. M . S . T. C. to take a position at Alva, Oklahoma. His house vvas for sale, and Mrs Nattinger with her splendid business ability combined with Mis Hatz's domestic propensity, contribed to make the house



ours. :Many things had to be done. Some of the rooms papered, furniture painted, furniture moved and many other things. But at last it was all ready for occupancy. Since September tenth six of us have been very happy here. 'vVe have a cook, and enjoy three meals a clay together. Last Tuesday evening we had our first dinner party and had as our guests ::\1rs. Maude Nattinger, our adviser, Miss Pauline Hum phreys, and ::\1iss Gertrude Hosey, members of the faculty of c. ::\1I S. T. c. Miss Hatz, an honorary member of A. S. A .. is living with us as ou r house mother. Too much cannot be said of her goodness, managing, and friendly gu idance. VIe expect to do many things with her help. Eve ryone has been so kind to respond to our call for financial help, so many of our alumnae have pledged one dollar a month to the cause : 'vVe are heartily grateful for all that everyone has clone for us. and especially are we grateful to ::\Irs. :.'' httinger and ::\1iss Hatz. Our clearest hope is that each new girl who comes in will feel the thrill of having an A. S. A. home. in which she can do her part to make it a continual success. ErN.estine Tho111son, Z Z. AIMS Many of us are just starting on our ·co ll ege careers; many more are closing forever that chapter of our lives. Concerning those of us who will soon have our A. B .'s or A. l\I.'s tacked neatly on behind our names I wonder, "Have we derived the benefits we expected from college?" Of those of us who are just tarring in I ask. "Will we realize our ambitions, hang securely to our ideals, and come out of the whole process feeling satisfied with the things we have won-and lost?" Coll ege has so many phases that the weaker students are apt to get lost in the maze and wander he]j)lesslv about catch ina b never the faintest glimmer of the goal that was theirs to beain ~::> with. It seems to me that the thing of first importance in a colleae of th~t education is the choosing of a definite aim and the fixina • • • l::> a nn m mmcl so thoroughly that it will stand out in one· reactions to things which come up in coll ege life as prominently as a cat



weanng a reel neck tie would stand out in one's mind. If one does not have a definite purpose in mind, one may achieve a little success here, a small triumph there, but never an overwhelming victory. Ruth Nation, E E.

THE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION'S CAMPUS "Behold, the campus of the School of Education, Boston Uni versity!" she said with mock solemnity holding at arm's length the catalogue. Her companion glanced up from her work, rather curious to see what she knew didn't exist-for it's common knowledge .that the School of Education has no campus. It was the Loggia of the Boston Public Library to which the above title had been given and which was now causing her friends' laughter. It is not surprising that at first glance, the name of "campus" applied to the courtyard of the city's public library should appear, if not amusing, at least, decidedly unappropriate. Certainly, it is not in accordance wjth the usual concepticm of a college campus. Stately iron gateways, shaded drives, and velvety lawns form the only suitable settings for the beautiful and imposing buildings of the ideal college. Yet, on second thought, the students of the School of Education might well consider themselves unusually fortunate in having for their "so-called" such a spot as the Boston Public Library. It offers opportunities open to few students in education. Of these facilities, perhaps the wealth of reading material forms only a small part. There are the wonderful mural paintings by Sergeant -those of the Muses flanking the marble stairway, those depicting the quest of Sir Galahad, and upstairs, the portrayal of the Twelve Apostles. Rare collections of all sorts and description are shown in the exhibition room and in various departments in the building. Lectures and concerts are offered free of charge to the public and University Extension courses are given in the assembly hall. Furthermore, story hours are observed for the children, and a · series of lectures with music on the Boston Symphony Orchestra is offered during the winter. These are only a few of the advantages attached to the School of Education's "campus"! Do they not more than compensate for the shaded drives and iron gateways? D01' offl)l L. Bixby, ® ®.



NIGHT FOOTBALL AT DRAKE New students, old students, chattering co-eds. gridiron heroes -they're all talking about the new night football at Drake. The new students think it gives the Eastern effect. The old ones are glad of a new thrill. The co-eels are all excited with the romance of the thing, and the gridiron stalwarts are wonclerinoif the Jicrhts and shadows won't mix them up a bit. b .. b The feminine authorities are a little worried. vVhat if some 路 forward co-end should hold hands in the protective shadows of the stadium. \IVhat if co-eel minds should not follow the intricacies of a forward pass or a cross-buch but linger on things more romantic? One of the coaches was a trifle sympathetic with the younger generation. "I am sure that some smart young man wi ll be able to create a short circut or extinguish the stadium lights if they become too bothersome," he said . And he aclclecl, "The night football will be the most popular sport in Des Moines this fall." Some of the co-eels seemed to think the night football has been adopted for their amusement solely. They were all for it with great enthusiasm and many adjectives. One of those muchread-about beautiful but dumb co-eels worried about the ten-yard lines. "Will they light them with reel or green lights?" she queried. The boys are loud in their praise of night football. They see an era of cheaper and more satisfactory elates looming. "The girl will have her own student book," one boy mused. 路 "And I'm only praying that hot clogs remain a thin clime. ''

Iota Iota. TEMPLE'S NEW STADIUM The magnificent new stadium of Temple University is nO\Y ready for the football season . 1ilr. Charles B. Erny, through the generosity of a gift of a large sum of money, ha enabled Temple to undertake one of the greatest strides in athletic it has even taken. The new arena is a complete bowl which closely re embles the Yale bowl at New Haven. The structure is very huge: the dimensions being six hundred and sixty-seven feet by three hundred and seventy feet. The total cost is approximately $350,000. l\Ir. Erny contributed $100,000.



It is a single-decked stand with adequate proviSIOn for expansion, as an upper deck will be necessary before very long. The approximate total seating capacity is 34,000. The double decking when completed will accommodate at least 75,000 people. On either side of the field there is a large locker room taking care of sixty-five players. A passage leads from each of these eli rectly to the field. Rooms for the officials of the Athletic Council. graduate manager of athletics and team manager have been provided. A press box fifty feet long, accommodating twentytwo writers, is placed atop the bowl permitting an unobstructed view of the game. The stadium is absolutely fire proof. The field itself is surrounded by a full quarter mile track. Another interesting feature is the novel draining system which provides for drying the gridiron in case of inclement weather. There are sixteen outlets through which 75 per cent of the rain may be drained off. The tadium is not all concrete but is faced with brick and terra-cotta trimmings. Another unusual feature of the construction is the fact that one end of the bowl is in the natural formation of a terrace. There are nineteen gateways of beautiful ornamental ironwork which makes the problem of entrance and exit a very easy one. We Alpha Sigs of Kappa Kappa have a rather sentimental attitude toward our stadium; not only because it belongs to Temple of which we are a part, but because we were the first ones to give cheers in that place. Last May we were invited to have our Senior Farewell Party at the home of President and Mrs. Beury. We accepted. After a very lovely dinner, President Beury suggested that we go to see the stadium. Vve all "squeezed" into three cars and started for the Athletic Field. \iVhen we arrived, we left the cars and went to the top row of the finished portion. President Beury has his whole soul in the wonders being accomplished there. He explained to us how it would be construCted and how beautiful it would be when finished. Then we gave some school cheers and ang "On For Temple." We disliked very much to leave but darkness was fast approaching and we could no longer see. The football schedule for this eason promises to be a good one. V/e are all going out to our wonderful stadium and try our best to "Help Temple Win." Helen K. Shult:::.



A BEAR STORY (Don't Believe All That You Hear)

Tourists look at the geysers in Yellowstone and offer every sort of suo-gestion to explain their reason for being-one lady 0 . . even accused the rangers of a miraculous plumbmg contnvance from which they turned the hot water on and off for the amusement of the tourists. Tourists look wide-eyed at the myriadcolored Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone with its golden reels and beautiful blending of colors. Young people that are separated from their lovers gaze fondly across Yellowstone Lake at the vista of purple mountains rising snow-capped in the distance and then sigh in the ecstatic pleasure of lovelorn loneliness. But if there is one attraction in this famous park which outshines all others, it is neither the geysers nor the canyon nor the lake; but it is the bears-the grizzly ::;baggy, blinking lazy and always hungry black and brown bears that wander at will about the camps, seeking w hat,-not whom-they may devour. They'll eat anything, but all of you A. S. A. girls who are saving your money to go to the park, .don't gasp in fear now, for the bears are very fastidious about the kind of human being they eat, and in all the time that I was there they never found their particular brand, hence all tourists with a few foolish exceptions. went unmolested. \Vho are the foolish exceptions? One, a lady, looked into the eyes of ¡ a brown bear and exclaimed: " How cute, I want my picture taken with his arm around me." She called her husband, held out a piece of bread and the bear stood up, then somehow she managed to get the surprised bear's arm over her shoulder, and while the husband took the picture the bear stood in dumb amazement when suddenly he decided he wanted to fall comfortably on all fours. Not knowing that a woman's arm is a soft tender thing he dragged his paw the length of her shoulder, blinked up at her and ran innocently away. The woman screamed with the pain of the skin that wa torn by hi s powerful claws, and shouted: "Oh! I'm killed , I'm killed." I don't believe she died , I'm not sure, but a clay later I saw the so,me bear eating peacefully out of the hand of a little boy, who had no sentimental inclination. • Whi le the little boy feel him, another sort of fool came along, a freckled-faced smart alec with a Hershey bar, ( bears love these).



The boy held out a piece of candy, the bear sniffed his enthusiasm, walked casually up to the boy and reached up to take a little bite in his most polite bear-snap manner. The boy surprised him and pulled the candy away. Bears are not accustomed to this sort of game; they've never been trained, and, therefore, do not know that the hand offered with the candy is not a delicacy too. This bear, eager with delicious smell of chocolate in his nose made a quick lunge for it, (quicker than the wits of the freckled-~ace boy could act) . The big mouth covered a grimy finger and took the candy-the boy drew his bleeding finger away, picked up a stone and threw it at the bear. "Hey there, hey there," said a ranger, "what are you doing to that bear?" "He bit me," sobbed the freckled-face boy. "It was his fault," the little boy who had first been feeding the bear exclaimed, "he was teasing the bear and the bear got anxious." "What did he do?" the ranger demanded. The little boy explained, and gruffly the ranger said: "Don't you know enough not to hold a bear off. When you are going to feed him, fe ed him, and don't play reach with him; for his mother never taught him that game." He gave the boy a rough jerk, and he ran away while the bear sitting on his haunches peacefully ate cookies from the hand of his first benefactor. That night there was going to be a lecture there about bears. Hearing this, of course, I decided to go and so I joined the crowds, and sat on logs that were placed for seats before the arena where there was situated A Lunch Counter FOR BEARS ONLY. One big fat bushy fellow stood in the middle of the counter and ate and ate-snapped fiercely at all of the smaller bears who came up for their shares . Before the lunch counter standing perfectly still on a black horse that never flickered an ear while the lecture was being delivered, sat the ranger. He told us all about the bears of the park who were under government protection, that they had bcame so tame that they left the woods and mixed their usual diet of berries and roots with that of crackers and cheese and candy, and became frequent, gentle and fearless visitors of the camps. There are two definite types of bears in the park; ( 1) the Dlack Bear and ( 2) Grizzly Bears. The Black variety includes



a brown bear, who though wearing a brown coat is identical in all other respects with hi s black brother. Each mother bear whether brown or black usually has two cubs of which one is brown and the. other black. The Grizzly Bears do not come near the camp until twilight and even then they stay a safe distance away. \!\Then they arrive, however, all the black and brown bears scamper into the woods or up trees (The Grizzly is not a tree climber) until he disappears. The Grizzly of cour e is larger than his kin, and is reputed to be of an ugly disposition, but strange to say he seldom reveals the fact. Every other animal in the forest is afraid of him (though he is vegetarian and harms none of them ). He treads his way alone in full dignity of an authority which he seldom ever executes. The ranger told us that when aroused the king of the forest was extremely ferocious, but, he added, "In all my experience as ranger of the park I have never seen one' aroused. Animals like people seem to be able to sense power." T here is another kind of bear in the park, one who attracts the attention of every- one, because he stands right out in the road and demands attention. This is the HOLD U.l: bear, of the Black Bear family. We were told that these bears would stand upon their hind legs in the middle of the road. vVe rode, and rode, to see one, but the five which stopped us sat sleepily on their haunches in a narrow place. \ i\Then .we stopped they lumbered lazily to the side of the car, put their paws on the running board and ate what we gave. Their appetites are unlimitable. One could talk of bears forever, and like fish stories, bear stories are always open to exaggeration, (so be caref ul what you believe while reading this). But before I stop enjoying myself in a grinning, comfortable manner about the bears, who excited every kind of human emotion from the people in the park, I must tell a sto ry the ranger told. Tourists, you know, travel with every sort of contrivance for the conveyance of food. There are pantries on the running boards, back tires and radiators of cars-the bears seem to know about 路the pantries-and the rangers warn the tourists to keep their food in a place less accessible to the strength and ability of a hungry bear's paws. One fellow with a beautiful hand made pantry on the side of his Ford rode proudly into "Old Faithful" Tourists' camp. The ranger came up as usual and warned him



to put his food in a cage, if he didn't want to go hungry. "Humph," the tourist exclaimed, "I made my box myself. It will hold out against any bear." The ranger nodded coldly and left him to his fate . The tourist housed bacon in that box and if ever there is a delicacy that will make a bear risk death that delicacy is bacon. A bear can smell it for miles (more or less) ; a bear smelled his bacon late at night while he slept, and in the morning his pantry was completely wrecked; his bacon was gone and also were other tempting morsels of food. Midst a party of touri ts the man gazed at the ruin of his food chest; and then he called his family together and after cleaning up the debris he left with never a word. No one expected them back, and the ranger walked around for days patting himself on the back in an "I told you so" manner. The ranger told the story so many times that he was losing his reputation as a story teller. Then to add to his surprise and amazement the same tourists returned with a pantry nicely made, and still adorning one side of his car. The ranger wandered around in a lordly manner openly hinting that some people were too dumb to be allowed to camp, but the man said nothing. After everyone had gone to the bear lecture the man stayed in camp and this same ranger did also. The bear scenting bacon as before in the pantry came around and the man waited. Mr. Bear sniffed joyfully, eagerly, hungrily, and the man made no attempt to chase him away. Suddenly the bear gave the box a terrific blow with his paw. It caved in easily. The bear continued to search fo r the bacon, and then out of the box he rebounded with the most agonized howl a bear ever made. The forest resounded with his cry. The man who was waiting sat on the running board of his car and laughed and laughed while the bear moaningly fled hom the camp. ''Hey, there!" the ranger approached. "What did you po to that bear?" ":\! othing," came the reply. "You're a liar, a bear doesn't yell like that for nothing," came the fiery reply from the ranger. "But I didn't hurt him," the man said and "besides I only got my revenge." He stood up and showed the ranger hi s pantry box . . all nicely wired electrically so that the bear would receive a shock.



"I guess that I can have my revenge on that bear if I want too,'' the camper said. The ranger scratched his chin and walked a. way. I have heard this story told mqny times, and while it never has been told the same way twice, I have learned the above facts. I 路won't say now that I didn't stretch them, but a bearstory is a bear-story and listeners and readers must make reservations. Joyce A. Potter, lVI lVI.

THE GROWTH OF DREX EL INSTITUTE The growth of Drexel Institute is astounding! The college has experienced new developments, changes and additions, particularly during the summer months. To enumerate some of these items is to mention a building operation which is in progress, the additions to the present plant, the new members of the faculty and ~everal new courses that have been introduced. The students of the college have much to be proud of . The enrollment at September twenty-seventh totaled 1221 students of which over 500 were freshmen . These figures do not include the number of nurses attending classes at the Institute and furthermore the final statistics had not yet been compiled. It is interesting to note that during the war and a few years following, the number of students enrolled was about equivalent to the number of freshmen entered this year. One student journeyed from the great distance of Tokio, Japan, to take a course in the Home Economics Department. This was Miss Chiye Ushigome, formerly a teacher in the \!\!omen's Manual Training College at Tokio. There is also a record attendance in the Evening Diploma School. Mr. Matheson, the President of Drexel Institute, spent the summer in Europe as a member of a party of educators who were the guests of the Soviet Government. They inspected the educational conditions in Russia and found them to be in a state of splendid development. The Institute will profit by the fund of know ledge that the President accumulated on this trip. Eleven new instructors have been added to the staff. One important change is that of Major McCulloch who will replace Ollie \1\f. Reed in the R. 0. T. C. Department. The term of the



latter ended in the month of June. The Business Administration School has grown tremendously and necessitated three new professors. The Chemistry Department has one and the Home Economics Department five new faculty members. The development that is so often discussed and which will mean so much to faculty and students alike is the new Curtis Hall. a modern engineering building which will be completed in February. It will be furnished with the best equipment obtainable and will include laboratories, shops, classrooms and a splendid gymnasium. Incidentally, the women will also be considered in the plan of this edifice for they will have the use of certain rooms for their various organizations . Cyrus H. K. Curtis who made the erection of this building possible has also made a gift to the Institute of a $75,000 organ which has been installed in the auditorium. The acoustics of this room have for many years been rather poor. During the summer a device was placed in the assembly which has removed all traces of that defect. It is the invention of Emilie Berliner, who is also the inventor of the disc phonograph, telephone transmitter and the radio microphone. The girls discovered some pleasant changes in the student houses such as new floors and walls resplendent with new wallpaper. There is a house for women taking the graduate course in Library Science which is at this time undergoing renovation and redecoration. The Nursery Play School, which was an experiment last year. will remain as a permanent development. One feature of this school will be a daily health inspection by a trained nurse. The new students were given a fine introduction to Drexel life through the freshmen camps which were held the week-end preceding the opening of the Institute. Camp Ochanichon was for the Y. M. C. A . and the girls spent the time at the Drexel Paul Lodge. The heads of the various Drexel organizations gave the new students some knowledge of the various activities and these camps also afforded an opportunity for the students to become informally acquainted before the formal opening of the Institute. The idea of the Y. VI. C. A . camp was developed three years ago and it has become an annual event because of its popularity and the good that it does.



This brief resume of some of the items concerned with the remarkable growth of Drexel Institute is more than sufficient to bring forth the fact that the Institute is facing the best year of is existence. Dorothy Will-ia路m sou.

OUR FISH FRY As usual, on the Fourth of July, 路western students and facu lty journeyed to the old mining camp of Irwin, for the annual fish fry. Two hundred went by train and more than two hundred by car; and more than a thousand trout were prepared, o that everyone had all he could eat. This year the speeches vvere given before dinner so as to give more time for hiking, and practically everyone hiked to Lake Brennan, beautiful for situation among its pine and fir trees, with Ruby Peaks looking down upon it; or to Green Lake, a little frozen lake aloft on its unny ledge half-way up the mountain side; or to the top of l\Iount Owen, high above; or to Scarp's Ridge, with its far outlook over scene of beauty. Everyone who cared for it had the experience of slidin g down great snowbanks, and many were the tales of intere ting experiences by the way. Elizabeth J oli nston.

HEARD AT THE FIRST "GET-TOGETHER" "My dear-where have you been hiding yourself all ummer? Not one Jetter to explain your actions !" " . . . . Catalina for two weeks . . . . then up to AlaskaReally, next year you say? You' ll love it." " . . . . The most precious house . . . . You'll just go \tVILD over it. And the view You pant and stagger up the path, and then forget everything watching Los Angeles wink at you . . . " ". . . . Her furniture is marvelous. So AR-TI -TIC!!! The little rascal! Getting married on the Q. T. like that. Put one over, didn't you? . . . . " ". . . . And there I was, parked with three bulldoo-s and six canary birds, all in one Fo rd coupe, following the 1~1oving van-embarrassing moments and all that! !" ". . . . Do you know, he called me up five times, and I told Mother to tell him I wasn't home.-Oh, yes, I know he's nice and all, but I just don't want him around . . . . " '




. . . Two rows of buttons, and three ti ers of flouncesyes, mama was just froth ing at the mouth at it before she finish ed it, but you OUGHT to see it-it's the cutest thing I ever had on!" ". . . . After that, I ask you, would YOU have gone to the horrid creature again? Not if he FLUNKED me!" ". . . . A ll over my shoulders, and even the tops of my EARS! Say, a nice tan is all right, but too much California sunshine is just a running river of woes, and now I'll look like a pink rat all during rush \Yeek." "Oh, rush week! Does anyone know some nice rushees?" E lww Eckman, 's: :=:.

OUR H OUSE \ iVe're all dressed up and ready to go, and we have someplace to go which is the house of Rho Rho Chapter. This summer the College added four new rooms to our house, and painted and papered and r epaired all the original part. Two of the rooms are quite large and the other two are small. The large room downstairs is to be a living room. It has five windows, three at the back which face the Campus, at~ d two on the side which go to 路 make a li ght, sunny and cheerf ul room. You can imagine what fun we had buying furnishings to fill such a lovely room . T he draperies and cushions are of bright cretonne. VIe bought green wicker furniture, a bridge lamp, magazine rack, table, Orthophonic V ictrola, small rugs, and everal pictures. We also bought new curtain s and drapes for the rest of the hou se, and several new pieces of fu rniture. We have seven bed-rooms upstairs, and the girls seem to be trying to see who can have the most attractive room. In one room the two girls have painted their beds and chairs nile green, and the drapes, bed spreads, and cushions are nile g reen and yellow. Another room is blue, another is yellow, while another is rose. One of the girls has an ivo ry shade of oil cloth made into hand-painted Dutch curtain s for her window. One of the very nicest things about the new addition is the la rge bed-clothes closet. It has room for all the ext ra quilts and blankets and many other things.



Altoo-ether the house is so homey and comfortable that severa! of "'the girls were heard to remark that they would almost hate to leave in the spring. The outside is painted white and trimmed in green, as are all the other College buildings, since these are our School colors. E路ua B eckett. P P,

BEGINNERS' LUCK It is a new thing for us-the house. Because of it we are realizing what a sorority can mean to a girl. I want to tell you about the Alpha Sigma house in Maryville. It is a large two-story stucco house, on a corner in a friendly part of town. It was formerly an apartment house so the upstairs is lovely. But I am ahead of my story! To begin again and properly. The porch is roomy, having wide seats around the built-up wall-we dance there when it is not too cool. A door leads to the living room. On the south is an alcove with four half windows. The over-stuffed davenport fits nicely there. A long table stands before a very large windo . , on the east. Two rocking chairs, an over-stuffed arm chair, and a lovely new rug complete the original furnishings of the room. Hov{ we came by the other furnishings make us believe in Santa Claus. vVe needed a lamp. After a meeting one night three of the girls riding home saw some beautiful lampsjust the kind we had wanted. Immediately we had the store unlocked and took the lamp to the house that night. We dared to hope for a Victrola-we priced some and listened to second-hand dealers. One of the Partonesses, inquiring about the house, learned of this. Soon the news was spreading rapidly among all the Alpha Sigs that we had a new Victrola at the house. Vve let ourselves imagine how a console table and mirror would look in our living room. Two alums and an active gave them as a gift to the house. T he dining room suite is new and very attractive. An effective oi l painting hangs above a low buffet. Then upstairs we have four large rooms. The ceilings are low, giving an effect of coziness. vVe hope to have many spreads, pajama parties and many get-to-gethers in these rooms.



The fortunate girls livin g at the house are: Louise Smith and her sister, Irene, whom we hope to pledge, Mary Lee Peck, :Marjorie Brown, Juanita Marsh, and Evelyn Evans. Our House Mother is Mrs. Willhoyte, who co: 路perates with us in every way. These busy 路 rushing clays have proved to us the value of the house. Our meetings, dinners, and parties are rapidly becoming the most dominant factors in the li ves of all the :Maryvill e Alpha Sigs. Alyce Hastings, <I> <1>.

RUSH WEEK Pan-Hellenic set rules by which each sorority on the campus was allowed to rush parties during the second week of school. For our first party we entertained our rushees with a progressive din ner. Many of the members lived in town, so this was a very convenient way to entertain. Our second party was a very informal Pirate Party. Each member dressed as a bold, bold pirate captured a poor little rushee and rushed her away to the dangerous ship, Hispanola, in the form of a hay-rack drawn by two terrible steeds. Vv'hen all our captives were put aboard, we pulled in the anchor and set sail for the Pirate's Lair. On the way our attention was distracted by ghosts frolicking about an old rattling haunted house which was slowly crumbling into the ruins of decay. As all pirates should, we held our rendezvous in these ruins, recounting the tales of the terrible Chinese doctors and their patients who long ago had inhabited the place. The ghosts must have objected to the strangers in the crowd and protested in weird noises and crashing of window panes. All aboard the Hispanola again, we journey on in peace to the Lair of the Pirates at the VVomen's Building where everyone was given a dagger letter opener for protection. Here we ate, drank and made merry for the rest of the evening until it was time for all pirates to disband. Dorothy 1t1 orris on, T T.

THE HOME OF CHI CHI CHAPTER Since Chi Chi is so new perhaps few of you know who or where we are. So I wi ll endeavor here to sketch the life of the founder of Teacher's College of Indianapolis.



In Germantown, near Phil adelphia, Pennsylvania on l\Iarch 5th 1864 a little daughter was born to Mrs. and l\Irs. Cooper. Eli~a A. 'Cooper was one of three children. She attended the public schools, high school, and was graduated from the Normal Training School. After her graduation she taught in the Doys' Grammar School in Philadelphia. From early years she was interested in kindergartens. During the Exposition of 1876 she visited the kindergartens held there every day. She married L. J. Blaker in 1880. In 1882 she was a ked to come to Indianapolis, Indiana to organize a kindergarten. Her personalitiy was magnetic. and she made many friend . The kindergartens she organized were largely in the poorer section of town. She was so loved that people would follow her carriage through the street. The demand for more kindergartens grew so rapidly that the necessity for a training school for kindergarten directors was felt. So the Free Kindergarten Board of Indianapolis, with 1\Irs. Blaker as its head, established the first unit of the glorious school we are attending today at 23rd and Alabama Streets. Mrs. Blaker was so very modest that she would have no newspaper reports of her work. Her ideals were the highest. Froebel was her pattern . M rs. E. A. Blaker, or, "Madame Blaker" as she was lovingly called, died December 4, 1926, and is buried at Crown Hi\1, Indianapolis, Indiana. The official name of the college is Teacher's College of Indianapolis, but is known throughout the United States also as Blakers. The camp us is not large, just a fevv buildings, but we love every stone in it, and wi h that some clay every lpha 1gma f lpha may know our Alma Mater. Harriet Pollacl~, X X.

TO ALL ALPHA SIGS IN OKLAHO MA Pl~as~ let me kn~w your names and addresses right away.

I w1shmg to get 111 touch with every Alpha Sig in th e state. Smce I am to be the State Secretary for this year. I mu t know who i in Oklahoma and where to find you. P lease do send me a card just as soon as you read this. (Miss) ilJ . Jlf. SJ 10 cNey.

a 1~



ALPHA ALPHA CHAPTER School opened for Freshmen on Monday, September seventeenth . Upper-classmen returned on Thu rsday, September twentieth. Rushing for . sororiti es began on Friday, to be continued for one week. O ur chapter gave a P irates' Party and Dance as their first ru sh party. We are also plann ing a banquet and a hay ride . The hay ride is to be our last affair, and we hope it will be the j oiliest. VIe have planned to take our lunches in little baskets, wrapped in red 'kerchiefs. V\Te will have a large fire, and roast wieners. Perhaps afterwards, we shall sing all of our Alpha Sig Songs. Our banquet is to be a formal affair. Follow ing the banquet, a stunt will be given by the chapter gi rls. An interesting program is being worked out for this affair. Favors in the form of pillows with felt applique will be given to the rushees. Wilma Fistne1'. Miss Martha ViTadsworth, who graduated from Miami last spring, is now teaching at Seven Mile, a路 town about twelve mil es from Miami. During the year we expect and hope to see a g reat deal of Martha, as she has always been a good wo rker and has had plenty of pep for Alpha Sigma Alpha. 路 Miss Virginia H eathman, who graduated from Miami last spring, is now teaching at Middletown, Ohio. Miss Della Matthews is now teaching at Vlarren, Ohio.

ALPHA GAMMA CHAPTER A cheery laugh, a dash of color, and the A. S. A. girls are back again on the campus of old Indiana. Everyone wants to tell her summer experiences fi rst! Judging from the coats of tan that most of our sisters are displaying vacationing must have been a huge ~uccess. A . S. A. girls seem to have become old-time globe trotters. The states which apparently a re the most popular with us are: Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, New York, the ew England states, and



also Canada. :Yiiss Beldon, our adviser, spent an interesting summer in Europe. The college began the new year September tenth, with F reshmen Week, an institution which has been started only this vea r. Almost seven hundred new students were registered out of ~ total of 1,378, or about one hundred more than we had last year. Interest in Indiana is keen. About two hundred and fifty ~pplicants had to be rejected because of Indiana's lack of facilities However, this is a healthy indication that the school is grm~¡ ing and we hope to have a finer school this year than we'ye ever had. The students are going to make it! Among those selected to welcome the Freshmen girls was our own ''Andy" Shaffer. Andy thinks the youn gsters had a great time with afternoon teas and dances mixed with intelligence t ests and math examinatio ns. Of course, with so many clever girls clashing about the dormitory halls, Alpha Gamma is eagerly looking forward to the rushing season. After the usual Saturday night dance we had a short informal meeting-a sort of little get-together, in which we discussed plans and matters of importance. Fifteen of us were in attendance. U nfortunately som~ of our girls are doing practice teaching in othe- towns and cannot possibl y meet with us until the next semeste,r. Molly Rickert, T helma Sterling and Burclella Neese are located in Johnstown. Pa., whi le our President, Virginia Kinney, is teaching in Blairsvill e. Mary Emerso~ was chosen to act as President during Virginia's absence. Jo sep!tin e Buc!tanan. V•/e are ve ry sorry to lose Margaret \Vilkins. Peg has moved to California, where she is attending the Un iversity . \11/e miss her from o:.~ r g roup, but our best wishes go with he r. Viola Sullivan is teaching in th e ~i[a so ntown High School, Masontowi<, P ennsylvania.

ALPHA BET A CHAPTER An innovation in the way of social affairs was given in Kirksville yesterday morning when the A lpha Sigma A lpha sorority of the Kirksville State Teachers College gave a breakfast dance. The hours were from fo ur to eight A. M., and the dance was held at the Sojourners Clubhouse, followed by a breakfa st at the Newman Cafe. It had been planned to have the dance at Ownbey"s Lake, but after the rain it wa changed to the clubhou se.



Thirty couples left the arms of Morpheus sometime between the hours of three and four o'clock and wended their way to the clubhouse, where all traces of sleep were soon banished by the lively strains of music from Red Jones' orchestra. The first dance on the program was a balloon dance, and from that time on it "vas a merry crowd of dancers, and the next three hours went by in a hurry. At seven o'clock the dancers went to the cafe, where tables had been reserved and where delicious waffles, coffee, and fruit were enjoyed. Besides the members of the sorority and their escorts the guests included representatives from other sororities and fraternities on the school campus as follows: Pi Kappa Sigma : Miss Imo Hatcher and Freel Swope. . Sigma Sigma Sigma: Miss Mary Baker and James Heffner. Delta Sigma Epsilon: Miss Lela Williams and Howard Cole. Phi Sigma Epsilon: "Chuck" Turner and :v.t:iss Naomi Shofstall. ' Sigma Tau Gamma: Durartl Moore and Miss Helena Herboth. Faculty guests were 1\h. and 1\Irs. Don Faurot, ::\1r. and Mrs. Felix Rothschild, Mr. Clevenger and Miss Howard, Miss Ethel Hook. Miss Lucy Simmons, and ::\1rs. Howard, of Benton, Ill., who is the guest of her daughter, Miss Clara: Out-of-town members of the sorority who were here for the danct> vvere Miss Corenne Smith, of Rothville; Miss Fleta Taylor, of Marceline, and Ivliss Wanda Murdock, of Kansas City. Each week-end this summer we have tried to have some kind of 2.n entertainment. One Saturday afternoon we hiked to the cliffs for supper and when we returned some of the girls went to the Sorority house and had a bunking party. Another Saturday afternoon we had a Svvimming party at Greentop lake, after which we went to Viola Briley's home and had a picnic supper. On other week-ends we had teas at the house on Sunday afternoons. \Ve are proud of the fact that we have several new members in Kappa Delta Pi, the honorary fraternity: ::\Iiss Hool<, Sarah Grim, ::\1artha Burk. On Sunday, July twenty-second, we entertained at a formal tea for the faculty and the other Greek Letter organizations. The house was decorated with many beautiful flowers. Louise Coder, l\Ii ss Hook, l\Iabel Christie and Mrs. Campbell received the guests



and Sarah Grim- \IVimp and Dorothy Sens served in the dining room. :\1usic was furnished during the afternoon by Mild red Griffith, and A. S. A . quartet, and Ralph oder, Louise's 'brother. Each of the other sororities has given a party during the summer quarter. T he Sigma Sigma Sigma gave a reception at their home on June twenty-second ; the Pi Kappa Sigma gave a reception at their home on June twenty-ninth. The an nual Delta Sigma Epsilon garden party was held at the Bonfoey home July fourteenth. The marriage of Sarah Grim and Jesse Wimp, which took place A ugust eleventh, was announced at a party July twentieth by Mrs . Grim. The sorority and other fr iends present were invited into the dining room , where they were told a sec ret awa ited them. On the table was a huge crepe paper water lily with pink and white ribbon streamers from it. Where the ribbons were pulled, out came a pink hear t from the petals of the lily. O n -the heart was a snapshot or Sarah and Jesse, under which was the elate, August eleventh. T ied to each heart was a little slipper and a wedding ring and clove. O ur chapter is small but mi ghty to begin the com ing winter. \IVe have thirteen members. The girls are: Esther Attebury, Ameli a Brown, M ildred Carpenter, Isabelle Farrington, Zelma Foster, Dori s Karle, Mary F ran ces Karle, Ruth Larimore, Frar.ces Ash, Frances \ iVood, Mary Ellen U nclervvoocl, Edna Newton, and Bernice Maupin . Mildred Carpenter. Lo ui se Coder wi ll direct mus1c at Sali sbury, Mo., for the coming year. Ve ra Hickman will teach commerce and' Engli sh at Callao. Betty Phi lli ps is plan ning to be in Twin Fall s, Idaho. Marga ret J ohnson and Mi ldred Davis are teaching in Hanniba l, Mo. Lillian Rolston and Corrinne Smith are teaching in Rothville, Mo. Mi ldred Griffith is in Marcel ine teaching. :Mable Christie is at home in Excelsior Springs. Ma rtha Bell e D ickerson is teaching at Livonia, Mo. Esther Atteber'y is to teach second g rade in Greenwood school next year. Elizabeth Becker is teaching in one of th e grade schools in K irksvi lle next year. Dorothy Sens is to teach H ome Economics in Kirks 1•ille High School.



MARRIAGES Lorna Wattenbarger to Truman J. Richards, on M.a y 26, at Jacksonvil le, Fla. 1007 Acosta Street, Jacksonville, Fla. Helen Barnett to Leroy Whitsitt, on June 14. At home at 1805 North Morgan Street, Decatur, Ill. Sarah Grim to Jesse Wimp, on August 11, at the home of the bride. She is living in: Laplata, Mo. Elizabeth Romans to Kennerly 路woody. She is living at 3889 Me ramec Street, St. Louis, Mo.

BET A BET A CHAPTER Beta Beta is starting out well this year with fourteen members returning. Vve are again at the same house which we have had now for six consecutive years. vVe all love Mrs . Mickish and think she makes a wonderful house mother. Clarisse Potter, :Mayme Harned, Bee LeFevre, Virginia Howell, Lyllian Snydall, Jeannette Ferguson, , and myself are the girls living in the house, and we surely have great times. Our house will accommodate ten or twelve girls and we hope to have some new girls soon to share otir good times and fellowship. The other girls returning are Rose Lammel, Katherine Schlosser, Mary Breckenridge, Geneva Whicker, Esther Palmer, Esther Shillinger, Naomi Meyers Huggins, and Roxye Lou Kight. The chief topic of conversation around the house seems to be rushing. Due to a revision in Pan Hellenic rushing rules on our campus we cannot rush freshmen until the beginning of winter quarter; therefore, we are now concentrating our efforts on upper-classmen. vVe have entertained a number of charming, outstanding girls at tea, bridge and line parties during the last week. \Ve are not allowed to have a forma l rush party until January, so we are planning more informal parties. One of our mosl: delightful affairs was a tea given in honor of :\1rs. Lester Opp, our faculty adviser, on Thursday afternoon at Miss Grace Wilson's home. Miss \Vilson, a member of the faculty, has so often graciously entertained us at her lovely home. Every Beta Beta member looks on her as a true friend. This week has been a busy one of C. T. C. campus. Everyone is getting started to work in earnest and we hope this will be one of Beta Beta's best years socially and scholastically. Gertrude Harned.



have teachingposi ti ons this Last year ' s gra d uates of Beta Beta \"ho ·• ~ year are: J oa n Linderholm, at Paonia, Colo. Margaret Zeger, Rock Springs, Wyo. ] Pan Sleeth, Mankiss, Colo. Nadene Giffee, Hotchkiss, Colo. 1'I argaret Och, Pueblo, Colo. Mildred Lang, Golden, Colo. Lois Smith, Globeville, Colo. Marion Wie·rman Neilson is living at Buckingham, Colo. Mary Lou Brown is teaching at Buckingham this year. Beta Beta is so rry to hear of the death of Margaret Crawf ord McDonald, wh o died on October 19, 1928. MARRIAGES

One might almost think Hymen had become a member of Alpha Sigma Alpha from the number of Beta: Beta girls who have succumbed to hi s charms this summer. Edna Bowles and Graves Roberts were married a t Long Beach, Cal., on September 28. They a re now living in Bryan, T ex. Doris Menzel became the bride of E ldridge Candler in Denver on August 17. They are· now living in Littl eton, Colo. Virginia· Stratton and Robert VI" eibel were married on April 28 and are now making their home in Beatrice, Neb. Ollie Smelser and Reinard Schlosser were ma rri ed in Spear fi sh, S. D., July 29. They are now at home at 1155 Sherman Street, Denver, Colo. Rispah \ilfhitlow and Howard \iVood were married on October 19. They are living at 205 East Cedar Street, Rawlins, \ilfyo.

GAMMA GAMMA CHAPTER During the summer session Gamma Gamma was active only socially. Each week we met just for the purpose of getting acquainted better, meeting the gi rls who had been here before our day and enjoying real sorority friendships . Our program for the summer was to vary each meeting in such way as to give every one an opportunity to do her "bit" of entertaining. The fir st week was a "Conversazione" with Beula Farrand, our last president in charge. Of course, there was not a dull or quiet moment that evening. The next week we had a " line party" in honor of the return of our beloved sponsor, Miss O llie Shattuck, who had been away all year at Ames, Iowa, doing seminary work. After the show all went to "The Unique" for refreshments.



The next week was a musicale. The entire program was rendered by girls of last year's Senior class who have been out making good in their profession. A swimming party was our next social event. It proved t,o be a very pleasant and exciting affair. Several of our girls are experts in the art. 0~ course, all tried to prove that each was as good as the other. The most formal and the most delightful function of the summer was the breakfast given to the chapter and alumn<e by the charming ladies of our patroness group. They gave it at Hotel Bell, which means that it was beautifully appointed and served. A most delightful program was interspersed between courses. At this breakfast we were pleased to have :Mary Lawrence Mauntel, a bride from Kappa Kappa chapter, with us. She won all our hearts. Chautauqua came on the next week, and as usual we had our meeting in connection with that affair. \Vhen school opeped September fourth, Gamma Gamma was surprised to find it had only three members with whom .to start the new school year: Elizabeth Green, president; Sadie Chew, registrar, and Margaret Wallace, editor. The three are determined to show what we can do. Our new college president, Mr. 路walter W . Parker, comes to us from \i\farrensburg, Mo. 路 We like him and feel sure that he will carry on the excellent work of his predecessor, whom we loved. The faculty gave a reception for the new president and his family on September sixth. The Panhellenic council were the committee to meet the guests and identify them by pinning name of each on the coat or the dress. This was a very pleasant affair and gave the new students an opportunity to get acquainted as well as to meet Mr. and Mrs. Parker. A "mixer" was given on September thirteenth, to which all the freshmen and sophomore girls were invited . The sorority girls of the college helped Miss Shockley, Dean of \Vomen, to entertain these girls. Our first regular meeting was on the tenth. At that time we laid our plans for the year. A "watermelon feast" was the first social event planned and carried out. About eighteen girls were invited to accompany us to Hatfield's park. Here the feast began and was thoroughly enjoyed. Outdoor games and songs were indul ged in until time to return.



Further plans for rushing were made the next week at the home of Miss Shattuck, where she and her charming mother made us so very welcome. A most delightful informal party was given by Elizabeth Green Monday evening. One of the pleasing features of the evening was the making of a scrap book illustrating the most pleasing events of our vacation. Scissors, magazines, paste and other essentials were furnished. A small prize was given to the one who had made the best book. Informal "teas" are the particular social events just now. These are being given by the four sororities on the campus. There are no restrictions as to the number of invitee\ guests or as to el igibility for bidding. It gives all an equal chance to meet the new girls and study them as to the future possibility of having them as pledges. Next week the formal rushing begins. vVe are looking forward to it and hoping that we may be lucky when our bids go out. Vve are having our sorority room papered, and new curtains and hangings are to be put up . When all is finished we shall feel as if the room is "brand new". 'vV e intend to change the CO路l or scheme to give the effect of a real home. Announcements have just come to Alva that Miss Miriam Bowman, who has been one of the English teachers of the college for the last five years, was married to Dr, W. E. Simon on September twentieth. We are pleased, for it means she will live in Alva. :\![iss Bowman was adviser to the Delta Sigma Epsilon chapter on this campus and very popular with all the tudents. Dr. Simon is one of the finest and best loved physicians of the town. M m'ga.ret Wallace . Elizabeth Green, GG's president for 1928-29, has been attending the Business College in Enid this summer. She hopes to make the work a help in serving Gamma Gamma next year. The marriage of Mary Lawrence of Kappa Kappa to one of our own Alva boys and their visit to his parents and sister gave us a chance to meet her and to love her. Her husband, I van Mauntel, is one of the finest of men. He is the son of our patroness, Mrs. C. H . Mauntel, and a brother to our Grace Mauntel Johnson. Fsther Tee Albright will be in Cheyenne, Wyo., next year. Her husband, Paul A lbright, is to be head of the 路Manual Training Department of the Cheyenne High School.



Gamma Gamma is ver y proud of the· fa·c t that of the fourtee n sorority girls who have made Phi Beta Sigma (the scholarshi p fraternity of Oklahom<>. Teachers' Colleges) in our school, eleve n a re Alpha S igs, viz. : Sue Edwards, Louella Harzman, Luci le Chew France, Fern Clifton, Bess Davis, Mary Fraizer, Mary T rueax D' Atley, Bess E lliot P lahn, Helen Graham Goodwich, Verna Morgan and Helen Deal. This is the Beta chapter of the fraternity and has 1::-een organized only a few years. Beatrice Ball will teach at Grand Valley, Colo-. ; Buela Farrand, at Yale, Okla.; Helen Deal, at Gage, Okla. ; Eula Callison, at Ingersoll, Okla .. during the coming school year. Our Gamma Gamma alumn<e were quite scattered during the summer. Sue Edwards and l one Clark went to Yellowstone Park ; Edna Kerst Chamberlain was in charge of a Recreation unit of th e T ulsa public school at Lake Taneycomo, near Holl ister, Mo. ; M iss Shockley, after summer school, was in Boston for the Counci'l meeting in the home of Mrs. Martin. Roberta· Camp, Florence· Hassebroeck, Ann Cleveland, and Esther A lbright were in summer school. Elizabeth Green took a course in the Enid Business College during the summe r. Sadie Chew attended summer school and Margaret \il/allace spent he r vacation in 'Nest Vi rg inia. She enjoyed her trip and thinks the Ohio valley very lovely, but not to be compared to Oklahoma pr·a iries fo r real beauty. Beula Farrand is teaching at Yale, Okla.; H elen Deal, at Gage; Ire ne Curtis, in A lva; Beatrice Ball, at Grand Valley, Colo.; E ul a Callison, at Ingersoll, Okla. These received thei r bachelor's deg ree this summer. MARRIAGES Hi lda Rank to A rchie vVil son, June 10, Nas h, Okla. Lela Hardy to Finis Morris, May 13, Capron, Okla. E lsie Oshel to Glen Varnum, May 19, Da·coma, Okla. Mona Schwartz to- Clyde Newman, May 21, Gage, Okla. J essie Curry to E lmer R ockenbach, June 23, A lva, Okla. Thelma Halstead to Ralph Hill, August 23, Shawnee, Okla. Blanche Stevenson to Elles E. Bales, October 3, Wichita, Kas. B_IRTHS May Traver Wren, a son, Donald Lee, August 21. Sharon, Okla. Lorinda Mason Lane, a daughte r, Loraine, August 28, Alva, Okla. Ma rgaret Frawley Dekens, a son, Richard Lee, September 9, Blythe, Cal.

DELTA DELTA The dream of Delta Delta Chapter has materialized-we have a big brick home of our very own at 127 East ~tate St~eet. We su rely have been busy buying furnitu re and fin chng the _n ght place for it and, of course, we haven't missed any of the vanous stages



of homemaking from wrangling with the secondhand man to eatina off the kitchen sink and sleeping in the bathtub. o Our rush week was made much more en joyable by having the house, for it enabled us to give several rather clever parties. AlonO'b with the usual formals, teas, breakfasts, and bridge parties, the "prep timber" was invited to a kid party for which we converted the house into a veritable fairyland. vVe are all extremely proud of the result of rush week and are pleased to announce the pledging of the following girls : LucilE Bond, Cambridge, Ohio; Virginia Larymore, Cambridge, W. Va. ; Eunice Juniper, Nelsonville, Ohio; Evelyn McKinley, Parkersburg, VV. Va.; Laura Mabel Jones, Granville, Ohio; Lucile \Voodwarcl, Dayton, Ohio; Hilda Lab, Dover, Ohio; June Riggle, Mineral City, Ohio; Bernice Rowe, Martinsville, vV. Va.; Marjorie Bayless, Kipton, Ohio; Dorothy Jefferson, Parkersburg, Ohio; Dolores Cherry, Youngstown, Ohio; . Charline J\Iartin, Athens, Ohio, and Evelyn Davis, Columbiana, Ohio . Ruth E. Zirmnennan.

EPSILON EPSILON CHAPTER Only a few of the out-of-town girls attended school this summer, but we were able to keep the house open by renting the remaining rooms to other summer school students. We had a picnic about the middle of July at Dryer park, and asked several girls who had just graduated from Emporia High S<hool and who were planning on attending K. S. T. C. in the fajl. The "Bulletin", the school paper, feeling itself in a satirical mood, points out that the sororities and fraternities now h~ve the best pledges in the history of their organizations. I suppose every year each organization feels the same way about its pledges, but I believe our feeling that this year's pledges, if not the best we ever had, certainly are at least among the best, is not unwarranted . The pledges are: Pearl Smith, Elizabeth DeWar, Marjorie Wilson, Margaret Nicholson, Lucille Laughlin, and Vivian Laughlin , of Emporia; and Mina Scranton, Towanda; Eloise Owen, \iVellington; Dorothy Fullerton, Medicine Lodge; Barbara Beverly, Burlingame; lela Good, Burlingame; Helen Loveless, Marion; Catherine Ferguson, Ottawa; and Louise Ensign, Herington.



Our first rush party was a tea Saturday at the chapter house. Some of our alumnre poured tea for us and made most of the arrangements for the party. Mr. and Mrs. Gufler wer e so kind as to let us use their lovely home for a party Monday night. A buffet supper was served and th en we all formed a line party to the show . Tuesday we were assisted by members of th e Mother-Patroness g roup in giving a picnic at Dyer park. vVe came back to the house afterwards and danced. Yellow and white was the color scheme for our luncheon \Vednesday. We served at one big table and five quartette tables. The favors were yellow crepe paper clown s. The Jensen cabin, six miles east of town, was converted into a veritable BO\楼ery hang-out for the cabaret Thursday evening. The cabin, which is a one-room frame affair with a wide screenedin porch around three sides, electric li ghts, and a hard-wood floor , is adaptable to almost any kind of a party. vVe improvised a bar at one end of the porch, vvhere pop was di stributed. The inside was reserved for dancing, and bridge tables, at which one might play cards or eat, were placed along the porch. Candles stuck in bottles furnished 路 the li ght for the porch . The menus were made from brown wrapping paper folded and scorched along the edges and bearing the letter ASA. Attached to each was a little Chinese idol bought by one of the girls who visited Chinatown this summer. Two of the girls, one dressed as an Apache and the other as his sweetheart, gave an Apache dance. A nd th en Friday, of course, the excl usive. The dinner was c;erved at the hou se and the tables were decorated with garden flowers and ASA colors. The favors were French perfumes . \Ve all. went home that night tired, but happy. \ Vhen we came back to school this fall we found a new addition to the Student Union building all ready for us. It is to be used as a meeting place for various organizations on the campus, and1 here is a dance floor where all-school parties may be held. A new training school, also, is now under construction . One week-end we all ( that is, A lpha Sigma Alpha members, pledges and all) spent two nights at the Jensen cabin. vVe had a lively time trying to get our cots in exactly the places we wanted tliem and seei ng that no one else annexed the covers we had



brought out. :Miss McCullough and Miss Smith were with us as chaperones . Ruth Nation. Irene Marmont, who r eceived her degree last spring, is teachjng art in Dodge City. . Gladys Rice is teaching art at Miller. Helen A lexander, \.\!ellington, was unable to return to school th1 s seme:: ter because of the death of her fath er. \.\fe all mi ss he r ve ry much. Jean Craig is teaching primary-kinde rgarten wo-rk thi s year at Dodge City Georgia Hildrith is teaching in the grades at H eringt on. Our pres ident of last year, Constance R oss, is attending K. U . thi s year. \.\Te have just rec eived news that she has pledged Gamma Phi Sigma th ere F sthe r McEvoy is teaching in the grade school at \ .\filliamsburg. Freda Leila Greer JS going to school at Manhattan thi s year. She pl edged Pi Phi th ere. MARRIAGES Miss I sobel Milne was married to Euge ne Lowther August 15, Atchi son. They will be at home soon at 1701 East \.\Tilman Court.


BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Everett Barr a re the parents of a girl, wh om they have named J o Ann, born July 11. Mrs. Barr before her marriage was Cath erine J ense n.

ZETA ZETA CHAPTER The most important event of the summer session is our annual camp held at Pertle Springs. 'vVe had a splendid camp this summer. We rented Stewart Cottage, as usual, and during the week-end there were about thirty girls in and out. Twentyone spent the whole time there. There were many bright spots which will make us remember the Camp of 1928 as a particularly deli ghtful one. Friday evening vve enjoyed a delicious picnic supper on the veranda of our cottage. Everyth ing possibly good was servedsandwiches, salads, potato chips, deviled eggs and delicious cakes. After supper we had a moonlight boating party on the lake. How good it sounded to hear the familiar strains of A. S . A. songs echoing from all parts of the lake. Saturday morning we cooked our breakfast outside. Everyone knows with what zest a breakfast of scrambled eggs, bacon, coffee and buns can be attacked in the out of doors.



On Saturday afternoon we had a bridge party on our porch, consisting of eight tables . Miss Julia Hatz and Jo Dixon Mcl\路1illan carried off the prizes. Saturday night was the dinner at the Lodge which we will always remember for the reason that we made, discussed, ate and sang plans for our house which was about to be realized. The dinner was a dedication to our mighty goal-"THE HOUSE". The place cards were n1.iniature houses. At the speakers' table for C!. center-piece stood a house. Several impromptu speeches were made concerning the house. Mrs . Nattinger, our adviser. acted as toastmistress, calling on Laura Brown, the out-going president; Marion Rau, the in-going president; Mrs. Bradley, representing the patronesses; J o Dixon McMillan, the alumni, and Miss Ball, the faculty. Mrs . Nattinger made our hearts beat high with hopes and resolutions to help when she told of all the plans, financial and otherwise, which had been made. After we felt we could not stand any more thrills, Miss Hatz presented us with our first gift fo~ the house-Gains borough's "Blue Boy", the gift of Miss Humphreys and Miss Hosey, two members of our faculty. One long drawn ''Oh !" was all that we could utter-our hearts were bursting with joy and pride. Sunday morning we had our "treasure hunt", our annual custom of Zeta Zeta camp, in which a jar is unearthed containing messages from last year's girls. These messages contain many secrets, confessions of pranks, good wishes for the next year and many happy words. It is again filled with our own tales of mischeviousness, and again buried for the girls of next year. VVe disbanded about noon, saying goodbye to everyone. The girls who were not returning to school this fall, knowing down in their hearts that another leaf of Alpha Sigma Alpha had been turned, feeling that never had such an inspirational camp been held. and wishing, with a pang of regret, that it did not have to end so soon. The girls who were coming back left with the resolution that each would do her very best to make the House a thing of beauty and a haven for loyal sisterhood-a monument to the wonderful and viligant efforts of Mrs. Nattinger and Miss Hatz. School started this fall with the usual routine of enrolling, greeting of old friends, making of new ones, and preparation for what rushing that can be done in the fall.



We had a fall rush tea in our home Tuesday, September eleven, from four to five. The house looked so pretty, and we were all so proud of it, with its soft shaded lights, and the rooms made colorful by the many garden flowers which we had gotten from our own yard. We served refreshments of raspberry ice, angel food cake and chocolate mints. As favors we gave little multi-colored glass, perfume flacons. We have pledged Catheryn Oglesby, sister to our Harriett. We are happy to have her with us. There were fourteen girls in our chapter this fall, six of us staying at the house. Those returning are Marian Rau, Gladys Pully, Dorothy 1\!Iann, Gertrude Ryland, Dorothy Bryant, Ernestine Thomson, I-Iarriett Oglesby, Berne Herberling, Mary Louise H.ull, Josephine Chatham, Martha Haller, Jo 路w ilma Jaqua, Marguerite Van Meter and Virginia Golay. Our first football game of the season was played in our stadium September twenty-eight. All of the girls have seats reserved together and we go in a body. We played Central and won, 7-3. It made us exceedingly happy to win the first game of the season . Preparations are now going on for next quarter's rushing. We plan to have open house every Tuesday and Friday afternoon, and each girl is to bring some one in. There will always be some form of entertainment, bridge, music or dancing, and refreshments will be served. We have many prospects and hope to add great ly to our chapter roll. Ernest路ine Thornson. Laura Brown, last year's pr'e sident, is teaching primary work in Bonne Terre. Katherine Young is teaching physical education in High School in North Kansas City. Dorothy Clark is modeling in a French shop in Chicago. Anna Belle Stevenson is teaching grades in Carralton, Mo. Margaret Kel ly is teaching grades in Boseworth, Mo. Dorothy Stratton is attending Kansas University. Ann Deryl Draper is attending M issouri University. Pledged Pi Beta Phi. MARRIAGES Lois vVinn to Ray French, July 4, at Lexington, Mo. Now living at Richland, Mo., where路 Mr. French is a member of the public school faculty. Mi'lclred \i\Tayland to Dr. E . M. Neely, at New Franklin, Mo., August 31. Now living at New Franklin, Mo. 路 Mary Taylor to Geo rge Chamber s. Now living at 2326 Bellfield Avenue, Youngstown, Ohio.



ETA ETA CHAPTER Alpha Sigma Alpha? This is Eta Eta speaking-one, two, three, four,-yes, all the chapters are listening in on the line, all the other twenty, and this is one time when we are glad they are! Fi rst of allIsn't it lovely to be back in the chapter again and see all the clear girls? Eta Eta has twenty-three girls back this year, some of whom have been out of school for two or three years. It seems like a party to get to see them all again. Our chapter roll now reads : Marjorie Carpenter, Betty Corby, Dorothy Hansen, Marcette Hobson, Eva May Hyde, Anna Montgomery, Marie Potter , and Annette Vehlow, who are staying at the house. Other out-of-town girls are Myra Koenig, Rebecca Roseberry and Margaret Schaeffer . Most of our to路wn girls are back in school again, including Helen Brandenburg, ,Elizabeth Caffey, Helen Dowis, 路Enid Frogue, Ione Jackson, Helen Gracey, Mary Elizabeth Montee, Irene Morris, Mary Clyde Newman, Ruth Estelle Shriver, and Dorothy Weecle. Four girls who have returned after being away in other positions are Frances Bailey, :vrarie Potter, Annette Vehlow, and ::\1argaret Schaeffer. Eta Eta had a very happy summer. A number of alumnce came back to school, and with the town girls our chapter held up its activities and number better than any other sorority on the campus. Miss Roseberry, our dear sponsor, who has been studying at Columbia, was back on the summer faculty. In order that we all might get acquainted, we had a "bean feed" J une seventh . Of course, we began to think of swimming as soon as it got warm, and naturally the first affair we planned in July was a swimming frolic. Each girl asked a boy friend. Vve drove out in the evening to a beautiful pool with water chutes ,colored lights, spotlights, towers, a Spanish-style bathhouse and dance casino. Everybody swam until she was tired and hungry as a bear. Then we had a moonlight spread under the trees along the bank of the river that flows past the resort. 'vVhat a spread it was! had all the trimmings, too, even to punch, ice cream and cake Eta Eta celebrated her eighth birthday with a: dinner in a down-town hotel. For the toasts, Dr. vVeede, our Dorothy's dad, spoke on "Aspire'', M iss Roseberry on "Seek", and President



Brandenburg on "Attain" . S unday morning we reconsecrated ourselves and then lunch ed together at the college cafeteria. Towa rd the last of August Dorothy Hansen's fo lks moved away, and Dorothy moved to the chapter house to continue her school here. The last night before they left, the Alpha Sigs held a "bunk party" in the house, vacated except for th e piano, the refrigerator, and the stove. 'vVe had such a good time that we didn't mind going without sleep. When Eta Eta held the first meeting of the school year, we were without a president, for our president-elect, Mi ldred Large, had accepted a teaching position at Eureka, Kas . 'vVe were all very much disappointed to lose her, but we are also very happy with our new president, charming, capable Betty Co rby. And what do you think? Eta Eta has bought a new O rth ophonic Victrola for our chapter house. We are planning to have our open house on the second of October. T he campus of K. S. T. C. is being further beautifi ed at present by the erection of a beautiful : vrusic Hall, which helps to fill in the gaps of the "oval" central sward. Formal rushing does not begin until October, but we are all keeping caref ul watch for the "Alpha Sig Type.'' Already we have found several mi ghty sweet one~ . B-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r! Somebody else wants the line to tell you of their doings and plans, so I'll hang up. Ruth Estelle Shive?'. Eta Eta's six "gra"ds" o f 1928 are all happily situated. Mrs. \Neede, our patroness, who received her degree this spring along with the gi rl s, has taken up housekeeping again in the lovely new home the Weedes have built on Quincy Court. P etite, curl ey-headed Naomi H einbaugh is teaching E nglish in he r home town, Parsons, Ka:s. Eleano r \iVil son, our lovable "lmpee", is trying to be a sober "physical education director" , but she is so full of mischief that we still cal l her just "gym Teecher". She is at Okmulgee, Okla. Last year's efficiency expert, Lau ra Belle lies, is at Kensington, Kas., teaching Latin and English. Dana Jones, who received her degree at the close of the winter term in J anuary, 1928, is teaching (Alpha: Sigs seem to run to teachers, don't they?) at Commerce, Okla. One of Eta Eta's cha rte r members, Maude Laney, is "larnin' the brats'' at Roosevelt Junior High School he re in Pittsburg .


Margaret F lottman has become, for better or fo~ worse, Mrs. \i'lilliam Clyde Bryant. The wedding occurred May 25. They will make their home this year in Kansas City Kas., whe re Mr. Bryant teaches. On May 18, Mr. Norris J ohnson gained for himself a fin e young wife in Ruth Watso n. Mrs. J ohnson will have her new home at Cedarvale, Kas., where her husband is teaching. Oswego, Kas., has a pair of newly-weds in whom we are all interested. Alice Montgomery and Pe rcy A. P etitt were married June 4. Even: missionaries get it-this love-and Frances H erron, who has been in India for the past five yean, is now Mrs. Arthur Hirst. The marriage took place June 9, and after September 1 the couple will live in Khartoum, Sudan, Africa. One of our clear new girls surprised us all the other clay when we learned that she was married May 18 to Lloyd Lyons. Both were in school last year. They are making their home in Pittsburg. The bride was formerly Golda La Rue. From Denver路 comes the announcement of the wedding of Julia Matthews and Mr. Marvin Vv. Stimson on September 7. They will continue to live in Denver. Opal Taylor and Freel Elli's, too, have pleclg路ecl th eir lives to each other. They live in Bronaugh, Mo., where Mr. Ellis is proprietor of a th eatre. Faith Crandall, too, has j oined the ra11ks of the happily married. On May 19 she became Mrs. vV. B. Patterson. She is now making her home with Mr. Patterson in Pittsburg. Elizabeth Martha Marsh was married on October 13 to Albert vValdo Magers at he r home in Pittsburg. It was a quiet wedding because the bride's mothe r was seriously ill. The new home is at 1021 State Avenue, Kansas City, Kas. Gertrude Robinson is now Mrs. Lyle Mummert and is living at 501 South College, Pittsburg Kas. BIRTHS

Mr. and Mrs. Glover Rives (Edith Marsh) announce the birth of a son, William, in Elkhardt. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Evans-Lombe (Mae Harpole) announce the birth of a daughter, Mary Louise, on September 30, 1928.

Ruth Estelle Shiver. THETA THETA CHAPTER Alpha Sigma A lpha held a beach party at Winthrop Beach on Saturday, September twenty-ninth. About twenty gathered at our old meeting ground-the steps of th e Boston Public Library. Then, bearing our numerous and odd-shaped bundles containing the much-prized edibles, and even a good-sized bundle of



faggots, we proceeded by bus, ferry and th e narrow gauge to our destination. vVhile the coffee was boiling, acquaintance games and amusin g relay races were enjoyed. But the real enjoyment came when we gathered around the fires, each with her "pig in the blanket" on a stick to toast. My, but they tasted good! And so did the coffee, the cookies and the marshmallows! Everybody agreed to that and everybody agreed, too, that " a good time was enjoyed by all," when tired, dusty and disheveled we returned home. Boston University School of Education opened on vVeclnesday, September nineteenth, in their new quarters at 97 Huntington Avenue. This change was clue to the rapid growth of the School of Education and to the introduction of the College of Music, the newest addition to the Boston U niv ersity fami ly into the old quarters at 67 5 Boylston Street. The moving had to be clone hurriedly, so it was into rooms that had been only partially renovated that the students were welcomed on registration clay. \ i\1 onclers had been accomplished during the previous week and additions are still being made. Better and larger recitation rooms, library facilities , an attractive parlor for the girls, and a lounge for the men, and an assembly hall with a stage are among the improvements over last year's accommodations. This building, it is expected, will adequately take care of the needs of the school until the time shall come for it to move to its quarters on the University campus. An acquaintance social was held in the assembly hall at 97 H .u ntington Avenue on Saturday evening, September twentysecot~d. The program, arranged in the three days si nce college opening, consisted of vocal solos by Miss Mabel Parker Friswell, secretary of the School of Education; selections of the flute, by Dr. Jesse B. Davis, accompanied by Helen Handy; readings by Professors Everett L. Getchell and Edward J. Eaton, and the oneact play, "Suppressed Desires" . Games under the direction of Miss Lillian Siebeneicher and dancing completed the evenino路's . 0 entertatnment. Do1'oflzy Lee Bi.Tb'\'. The members of A lpha Sigma Alpha who graduated from the School of Education last June have secured positi'Ons well scattered over the New England states. Here are their situations: Dorothy Warner, at the Beaver Country Day, Brookline. Esther Peck, New Haven High School, New Haven, Conn.



Barbara Howes, P lymouth High School, Plymouth, Ma:ss. Barbara Faxon, Deep River High School, Deep River, Conn. Alice W ebb, Presque Isle High School, Presque Isle, Me. MARRIAGES Hazel Grales to Stephen Tonella, Marblehead, Mass. Dorothy Smock to \ i\Tilliam M. Larrabee. She is now living at 144 Sanford Ave., Apt. 3-J, F lushing, N.]. Dorothy Hancock to 路william vV. Sturdy. Now living at "B roadway A rms", Dobbs Ferry, N . Y.

lOT A lOT A CHAPTER How wonderful it is to get back to school again and meet all of your old friends once more. Iota Iota had a party the Saturday night before school started in the form of a shower for the House. We received many beautiful and useful gifts-curtains, linen, a bridge lamp, a new shade for another lamp, a magazine stand, canned fruit, etc. All of the alums, actives and pledges were present, and we enjoyed a delightful evening together. One of the new features at Drake this year will be night football. The first game will be played October sixth. The stadium will be flooded with light, which will not glare in the eyes of either players or spectators. We are all looking forward to the first game of the season. Rushing will begin on 路wednesday, September twenty-sixth, with the Professional Pan-hellenic Tea in the lounge of the University. Thursday night will be the Bulldog Chase, starting at Mrs . Barr's and ending at Mrs . George Peak's. One girl in each car will be dressed in a "Pep" costume. At noon the following clay Mrs. Hugh Welpton will open her home for a Lovebird Luncheon. The same afternoon a "Frivoli Tea" will be held at the Guy Brunk home. On the following Saturday, the preferred party, "Swanee Good Morning", a southern breakfast, is to be held at the Hyperion Field and Motor Club. Miss Doris Hubbard, rushing chairman, will have charge. That night, under the supervision of Miss Rita Walters, the annual "Alpha Sig Cozy" will be held at the Chapter House. The following girls are returning this year: Rita Walters, Doris Hubbard, Madge Crow, Dorothy Sorenson, Doris East, Minnie Keyes and Alice Eck. AUce Eck.



The following girls who graduated last spring are teaching: Lois ickles is at Ft. Madison; Geneva Kierulff is in Thayer; Dorothy Curtis has become a member of the teaching sta路ff at W at erl oo, and Helen Rittgers at Grimes. Lillian Buckles and Bernice Samuelson have路 accepted positions in Des Moines offices. On Saturday, the night of out" shower on the Chapter House, the girls were showered with a: five-pound box of candy, announcing the engagement of Rita Walters, our President, to Walter Selvy. At the first meeting of the year the chapter was the recipient of two five-pound boxes o f candy, the one announcing the engageme路nt of Eula Fischer, a new pledge, to Lloyd Arnold, and the other announcing the engagement of Alice Eck to Ray Gabrielson.

KAPPA KAPPA CHAPTER Greetings, Sister Alpha Sigs! The voice of Kappa Kappa salutes you . We are glad to chat with you again after a most enjoyable summertime. Many and varied were the activities that occupied our vacation days, but the happiest moments were those we spent visiting each other. Several little reunions were held by girls living a few miles from other Kappa Kappa members. One impromptu meeting proved to be quite a thrilling adventure for Frances Shirley, ex-reporter, and I, little cub reporter. The headlines should read something like this, "Alpha Sigs Hold Meeting on Harrisburg Pike." Early one Sunday morning in August we set out in search of news . Our first destination was Lancaster, an eighty-five-mile drive. However, just outside of Lancaster we stumbled on New Holland, home of Virginia Hoffman. Virginia was teaching a Sunday School class in a church nearby, and as we intended staying only a few moments (I say intended since Virginia insisted that we stay for dinner), we proceeded on to the church and in a short while three girls were talking and laughing just as much as three girls possibly could. After a most delightful dinner at the Hoffman home, and an introduction to Herbert Hoover路 Hoffman, a wee black kitten "without a pedigree", we continued on our way accompanied by Virginia in "Sar..dy", her sport roadster. Our first stop in Lancaster was at the home of Geraldine Smith. There we met with our first disappointment. Geraldine and Kathryn Bender had just left for Hershey. Our hearts sank a little at this information, but we decided to follow them.



Secretly each of us thought it impossible that we would overtake them, but the unexpected happened, and five minutes . later we were wildly honking our horn to attract the attention of the occu路pants of the car ahead. Two pairs of eyes stared at us in unbelieving surprise. Both cars drove off the highway and stopped. And what exciting minutes those were \iVhile we were in the midst of greeting each other and gossiping over bits of news, . a car drove up on the other side of the road and out jumped Eleanor Dobler, another Alpha Sig, and joined in the merriment. Yet another Kappa Kappa girl lived in Lancaster and so all of us piled into Virginia's roadster and enjoyed "the end of a perfect day" with Catherine Lowry. It was a red-letter day to all of us who were gathered together and we still talk over the surprises and fun we had. Such events as those made it difficult for us to turn our thoughts schoolward, but when the middle of September arrived we were all anxious to get back to see the many changes that had taken place during the summer and to greet college acquaintances agam . . . The great strides that have been made in the erection of unit No. 2 of the building program far exceeded our expectations. The steel work on the new twelve-story structure has been _completed, and it is believed that the building will be ready for class room occupancy by February one. It will be a great asset to Temple and will relieve the congested condition now present in the University classes. The forty-fifth year's registration shows the greatest number of students enrolled in the history of Temple University. E ighteen hundred Freshmen have matriculated and the total student body numbers twelve thousand five hundred. Dormitories have been renovated also. Eight houses are connected on the first floor by joined recreation rooms. There are also openings between the dorms in the hallways of the second and third floors. This permits of many more contacts and associations among the girls. Every night there is a social hour before study hour, when dancing by radio, piano or victrola occurs. Needless to say this furnishes the sorority with an opportunity of judging girls and selecting possible rushees. There are seventy Freshmen in the dormitories, a splendid group of enthusiastic girls. They make a charming picture when



they march into the dining room in red and white berets, school bags slung over their shoulders, and white stockings with sport oxfords. Quite a program of social affairs in addition to helpful lectures was included in the welcome for the new students during Freshmen vVeek. On Thursday evening, September thirteenth, the Interfraternity Council entertained the freshmen, Friday afternoon the women Magnet Honorary Society gave a tea, and in the evening Panhellenic Association welcomed the new students with a play by the Templayers, the dramatic society, and a dance. Helen Shultz, Kappa Kappa's new president, and also president of Panhellenic, was in charge of the program. Dean Carnell also addressed the •group. Saturday the men's Blue Key Honorary Fraternity held a dinner and it was followed by a dance under the auspices of Student Council. Sunday, Y. \V. C. A. and Y. M . C. A. conducted joint vespers and sororities and fraternities held "open house". On Saturday, September twenty-nine, Kathryn Bender, Big Sister chairman, arranged "little sister" night when little sisters were guests of their big sisters at a theatre party held at the "Met", a new Philadelphia playhouse. A section was reserved for a hundred girls and the evening's entertainment was greatly enjoyed by all. We of Kappa Kappa have been very busy since the opening of college. Alice Hart, our president-elect, was unable to return and so we had to elect another girl to fill the vacancy . Helen Shultz was unanimously voted upon to be our new president, and Ruth Huppman was elected to fill the secretaryship left vacant by Helen: A change was also made in the office of chaplain. Geraldine Smith resigned because of heavy studies, and Christine Kline was appointed to fill that office. Several of our ever-faithful alumme have already · visited us this fall. Elizabeth vVilson attended the Consecration Service and Installation of Officers, and Betty Little ai1d Frances Shirley, who teach in the vicinity of Philadelphia, spent a week-end with us. We enjoy greatly these reunions and thus the chapter and alumme are kept in close contact with each other. K~ppa I~appa anticipates a splendid year and with a true spirit of cooperatiOn has pledged anew its vows to Alpha Sigma Alpha.

Anne Williams. ·



Margaret Chamblin, Catherine Blunt, Christine K line, Helen Shultz and Lauretta Wiemer attended the wedding of Mary Lawrence to Charles Mauntel at Minersville. Rev. \Vard Shultz, father of H elen Shultz, performed the路 ceremony. Frieda Bunting, Florence Rimlinge r and Mary Wagner spent the summer teaching at Vassar College. Catherirre Lowry attended Temple Summer School. Miss P eabody, a patroness of Kappa Kappa, spent the vacation season touring the British Isles, Holland, Norway and Sweden. E leanor Dobler, Kathryn Bender, Dorothy Gebhardt, Christine Kline and Geraldine Smith were playground supervisors in their respective home town路s this summer. Betty Little was dietitian at the New Jersey State Reformatory for Women at Clinton Farms, New Jersey, this summer. Mary Wilson was health education supervisor at the Tuberculos is Society Christmas Seal Camp f or undemourished children at Highspire, Pa., during the vacation months . . Myra Prentice and Regina Nichols are attending night school classes at Temple University this fall. June Smith, Mary Wilson and Olive Wirth are teaching at Lebanon, Pa. June is relief teacher in the primary grades. Mary is health education instructor in the junior high school, and Olive is principal of the Lehman Street building. Frances Shirley is teaching French and Algebra at Kennett Square, Pa. Betty Icittle is Home Economics instructor at the Pennhurst State School, Pennhurst, Pa. Virginia Hoffman is teaching History at the junior high school in her home town, New Holland, Pa. MARRIAGES Helen Edwards to Rene M. MacColl, on June 1, at New York City. New address, 204 East Philadelphia Avenue, Boyertown, Pa. Mary Lawrence to Charles Mauntel, on June 26, at Minerwi lle, Pa. New address, 535 East End Avenue, P ittsburgh, Pa. BIRTHS Born to Mrs. Frank Sheffel, nee Mary Brenholtz, August, a baby girl, Elizabeth Brenholtz Sheffel.


September-the opening of colleges and the return of teachers and textbooks, and the passing of summer joys and pleasures. But we are glad, and thrilled to greet 'ole time friends as well as new ones. Now let us be comfy for a few moments and grow a bit reminiscent. Summer memories are always pleasant ones to recall.



Many of our A. S . A. girls traveled extensively this summer . Joyce Potter made an extended tour of Yellowstone, and the Redwoods of California, San Francisco, Long Beach and Colorado. Marion Evans, our ex-editor, has been making her home with he r parents this summer in Jamestown, N. Y. At present she is teaching in Hudson, Mich. Miss Evans was pleasantly surprised this summer when three of our A . S. A. girls visited her home in New York. Now that fall is approaching we find the opening of college, and the greeting of both new and old friends . So far we upperclassmen have had a wonderful time entertaining the freshies of the campus. The Michigan State Normal College adopted a "Big Sister" movement among the girls. This "Big Sister" movement welcomed the freshmen to opportunities that a college life brings. The college appointed upper-classmen as "Big Sisters" and representatives of the Men's Union (an organization of college men) and representatives of the Women's League (organization of college women) met trains on September twenty-one to welcome the new fres hies. Each "Big Sister" was assigned a number of "Little Sisters". A freshman program was sent each freshman before the opening of college. It was the duty of the "Big Sisters" to see that their "Little Sisters" attended all necessary meetings, and to keep them by all means from getting homesick. The freshies certainly appreciated all that their "Big Sisters" did for them. May I add that five of our A. S . A. girls acted as "Big Sisters" this fall term? June Schwalm . Eiizabeth Ellison is taking an extension course in Mobile, Ala., her former home. Elizabeth was our former chaplain. Marion Evans, our former A. S. A. editor, and who graduated from the路 Michigan State Normal College, i's now teaching at Hudson, Mich. , Her parents are now residing in Jamestown, N. Y. Marion was pleasantly surprised when three of our A. S. A. girls visited her in New York this summer. Doris Billman, our former A. S. A. President, is teaching near Ka leva, Mich. Leona Gutschow, our former A. S. A. vice-president, ha路s accepted a position: of organizer and supervisor of a Special Education department at Herrin, Ill. Lois Guy, the A lpha Sig's former alumnae officer, is teaching at Eaton Rapids. Lucille Kunkle ha路s accepted a teaching position in Mt. Clemens, Mich. Elsie 'White, fo:rmer chairman of activities, is teathing in Tecumseh, Mich., at p.resent. Kathryn Wilcox is now residing in Texas with a sister.




Miss Ruth Bayler to- Mr. Otto Nickel, August 2, 1928, at Ypsilanti, Mich. New address, 55 South vVilsoi1 Avenue, Mt. Clemens, Mich. Mildred Gray has changed her name to Mrs. A. D. Marx, and is residing at 95 Greenwood A venue, Battle Creek, Mich. Miss Gladys Lackie to Mr. Royal Eppler, September 4, 1928, at Ypsilanti, Mich. New address, 50 Kendrick Court, Mt. Clemens, Mich. Hel'en Cummjngs is now Mrs. Russell J. Watson, and is living at 915 North Johnson Street, Bay City, Mich. Miss Irene Lewis, He'len Burbank and Ruth Stanley entertai11ed for the above bride-elects at the home of Miss Lewis. A white wedding bell was suspended from an archway of a rose covered trellis and baskets of wild flowers were placed in the picturesque garden of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis. The patronesses present were Mrs. F . Vv. McLane and Mrs. Harry L. Smith. Little Roger Smith, son of Professor and Mrs. Harry Smith, brought in the "Br路ide Express", a small wagon heaped with g ifts for the two路 honored ones . The gifts were unique in that Miss Bayler's a ll turned out to be blue and Miss Lackie's were green路. As darkness came the guests spent the remaining part of the evening in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis until the hour of departure.

NU NU CHAPTER N u N u Chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha Sorority will hold the first fall meeting on Monday evening, October first. The averages of two pledges, Evelyn M. Snyder and Clara B. Swisher, at the end of the spring ter:m were such as to enable them to be initiated at some time during October. The following Nu Nu girls will return to Drexel for the 192829 season : Bertha Anderson, Blanche A . Ball, Sarah M . Baxter, Kathleen L. Clark, Romayne E. Gregory, Ruth A . Hasenfuss, Eleanor B. Henderson, Adaline Hoffman, Cynthia Matzger, Alice J. Pratt, Myrta Probasco, Edith M. Rood, Margaret H. Rossiter, Georgia L. Sherred, Janet C. Wilson, Dorothy Williamson. Three pledges: Evelyn M . Snyder, Clara B. Swisher, Elizabeth B. Weaver. \iVhen the old girls returned to Drexel on the opening day they were delighted to meet a lovely group of "little sisters" to whom they had been writing for the past month in order to afford them an insight into the new life they were about to enter. Of course we are all thinking about rushing season, which will be here before we know it, and I know that there is a general feeling that the freshmen class is filled with many splendid girls .



The "frosh" are passing through a period of hazing at this time. The girls have been instructed by the sophomores not to use cosmetics and not to discourse with the men students under penalty of wearing green ribbons and other insignia to distinguish them from the more meek and mild. Each freshman wears a brilliant yellow tag on which she has placed her name and this is pinned on her dress with a safety pin, the only form of jewelry she is allowed. The Drexel Alumnre gave a luncheon in the Art Gallery of the Institute on October sixth to about one hundred twenty-five freshmen girls. It was a fine opportunity for the new class to meet the members of the Alumnre and also to become acquainted with other freshmen. Mrs. Matheson, the wife of the President of Drexel, said a few words to the guests. The Y. vV. C. A. are planning a dinner to the new students which promises to be a success, judging by their accomplishments at the freshmen camp on Saturday, September twenty-second, at the Drexel Paul Lodge in \i\Tayne. Thirty-six fresh nen came to this enjoyable affair. In the evening there was a campfire meeting. Each upperclassman represented a student activity and it was her duty to explain her activity in detail. After this worthwhile time the girls took possession of five broken beds, "-some" mattresses, a supply of blankets and several tents. On Sunday morning, Mrs. Ellis A. Schnable of Incarnation Church, Philadelphia, spoke to the girls during the morning service, Her inspirational talk stressed the necessity for each person to be natural, or calling upon a trite but expressive phrase; to "Be Yourself." On Monday, October eighth, the cornerstone was laid for the new building that Drexel is looking forward to enjoying in February. Cyrus Curtis, the donor of this wonderful gift, was present and said a few words to the students and guests gathered for this important occasion. Provost Penniman came from Penn University to speak at the exercises . Four or five Alpha Sigma Alphas are at the Drexel Practice House for six weeks. Edith Rood took care of the baby for a while and found that it is important to be on hand every minute; in fact, it is best to retire by ten o'clock when one is nurse, for "Sonny" should not be disturbed by someone entering the nursery late in the evening. Edith seemed rather dubious about the advisability of "early to bed, early to rise." Margaret Rossiter has disL.. _ _ __ _



covered that there is lots of linen to be laundered and she has especially noted that tablecloths soi l much too quickly. Ruth Hasenfuss had a splendid time figuring just how to prepare meals an l a lso have enough to keep a person alive when on ly forty cents a clay is the allotment of each person. Dr. and Mrs. Matheson have been having a series of four teas for the new students. It is a splendid opportunity for the Presi~ dent and hi s wife to meet the freshmen and for the latter to become acquainted with them. There is dancing, with the music furnished by one of the college orchestras as well as a special bit of entertainment, usually a solo by a member of the Glee Club. Of course, refreshments are served by some of the upperclassmen. Drexel Institute is mighty proud of its athletic achievements in football. Three games have been played up to elate, with Juniata, Muhlenberg, and Delaware, and the Institute has each time come through with a well-earned victory. The team has r eceived the name of " The Dragons", quite descriptive and to the point. The boys display an outstanding bit of fighting spirit. 1'\eeclless to say we are feeling confidence in the hope that we may expect a successful season. Even now one is hearing about the coming basketball season and the possibility that the new gymnasium will be ready for the use of about five hundred rooters. Among the important games are those to be played with Princeton, Penn, Randolph Macon and Brooklyn Polytechnics. Dorothy Williamson. lVfi ss Macintyre, our Sponsor, spent a delightful vacation at H olly Inn, Chri stmas Cove, Maine. The Faculty Adviser of Nu Nu Chapter, :vfi ss Burdett, was at a chi ldren's camp in Cape Cod and enj oyed an interesting summer. The following alumnae have been' heard from: Virginia Thompson is at her home in Ellwood City, Pa., where she is working for her father. We were pleased to have a visit from Virginia during Drexel's opening week. Florence Brierly has been in E urope during the entire summer and does not expect to r eturn to this country until sometime in October . She writes that she was particularly impressed with Wales-we know not why. Edith H etherington was in Whitefi eld, N. H. , during the summer. Helen El lsworth is li ving in Baltimor e. \ Ve are pleased to record the engagement of Dorothy Oakes and Roy \ Vesselmann. Ruth S utherland, our former Chapter President, attended Drexel Summer School and now is at he r home in W ashington, Pa., whet路e she is teaching.



Sarah Parshall is student dietitian at the F if th Aven ue Hospital, New York City. We reg ret F rances B ishop will not return to Drexel this fa ll. The summer was spent by the Chapter girls in the following ways: Kathleen Cla rk had a position a:s secretary to the proprietress of "The Columbia" at Hurleyvill e, N. Y. She received some val uab le practice in her secretarial studies. 'vVe were so rry to hea r of Kathleen's illness during the last days· of her vacation. Sarah Baxter spent the summer at Better Ole Inn, Plattsburgh, N. Y. Ruth H ase nfuss was in Ocean City, N . J., during the month of AugL1st, and Dorothy 'vVilliamson remained £01· the seaso n a t this popular reso rt. Ruth enj oyed the ca re of her three-months'-old ni ece during two· weeks for the particular purpose of completing her project assignment. Elizabeth W eave r traveled in Europe during the entire summer. She is to be envied her happy memories of clays spent in France, Italy and Switzerlar;cl. Edith Rood did not have a very successful vacation, as she was ill about three-q uarters of the time. Edith and her moth er journeyed f rom their home at Cattaraugus, N. Y., to visit in Philadelphia for a short time. Eleanor H ende rso n spent two enjoyable weeks in A tlantic City, and Bertha Anderson also passed some time at that resort. Bl anche Ball had a house party at the country home the week of August 17. Jane Clarke, Georgia Sherred, Edith R ood, H elen Ellsworth and Buelah Hafer were her g uests. ]a11e Clark, Marion Ball Wilson and her sister, Blanche Ball, attended the Pittsburgh Ex-Collegio luncheon at Gimbel's tea room in that city on Saturday, August 26. They report themselves as having a particularly splendid time. Elizabeth Darlington, Blanche Ball, E dith Rood, Sarah Baxter and Cynthia Metzger spent the week-end of September 22 at the Y. Vv. C. A. freshmen camp. The g irls had a very enj oyabl e time and expe rienced a keen reali zati on of the worth of the camp to introduce the new students to Drexel life. Ruth Reaser dropped into Drexel on September 28 on her way to her home at Gettysburg a fter a summ er spent as manage r of 'vVilliam Penn T ea R oom. Ruth will go into tr·a ining at Methodist H os pital in October and remain there until the sp ring term at Drexel, when she will return to compl ete her course. Harriet King will not 1-et urn to Drexel this fall because of her family moving to Boston, where H a rri ett will now attend college. Anna C. McConJ.hy wil l work fo r her father this winter instead of continuing her studies at th e Institute. Katherine E. Nyce will atte nd Stroudsburg State College this fall. W e shall mi ~s these three girls exceedingly. Helen Lindenmuth was married to William 'vVa re on A ug ust 18, in Salem. N. ]. She will be at home in Ring town, P a.




The Omicron Omicron chapter has not been resting all of the summer. It has been getting together and working out plans for the coming school year. Jean Gorham and Alice Muriel Young entertained the Kent and Ravenna groups and some of their friends who are entering Kent State this fall at a tea. The Kent and Ravenna group has endeavored to meet all the freshmen girls in town who expect to enter Kent State this fall. \Ve have acquired several very fine friends through this effort, and we are hoping that they will be able to become our future rushees and pledges, as we feel that they would be fine sorority girls. Earlier in the summer Hazel Keener entertained at a shower for Elizabeth Kist, a bride of this fall. The guests included the alumnce and active members of Omicron Omicron chapter. vVe ]:ad a delightful time and Elizabeth received many beautiful gifts. The Youngstown alumnce have organized into an Alpha Sigma Alpha club. They are having their first meeting the week of October first. V.J e feel sure this organization will be a big success. The Kent group is making plans for a similar organization. The Youngstown alumnce had a delightful shower for Elizabeth Kist. The Kent girls and their Omicron Omicron adviser, Miss Ada Hyatt, called on Mrs. Merle Wagoner, one of the patronesses, to talk over sorority plans. We have two returning girls, Mary Balint and Happy Sapp. Omicron Omicron is going to succeed this year and bring the chapter up and above the point of efficiency the local sorority, Phi Lambda Tau, had when it was given the honor of being allowed to enter Alpha Sigma Alpha. Omicron Omicron is very hopeful when they look over the路 freshmen girls who are entering Kent State this fall . Eight members of Omicron Omicron and six of their friend s are having a theatre party October second. Omicron Omicron is having its first meeting of the year on Monday, October first . Many plans for the coming year are to be discussed . Miss Florence Sublette, a member of Alpha Beta chapter, is with us again this year as head of the music department in the college. Jean Isabel Gorham.



)Jfiss Ada H yatt, Omicron O micron fac ulty adviser, was a student at Ohio State University this summer, where she is completing her work on her Master 's Degree. Alice 路 Muriel Young was a very lucky young lady, fo r she has a fin e position on: the staff of the "Cl eveland Press" , one of the largest papers in Cleveland. Vl/e are very proud to have a member of Omicron Omicron in such a reliable position. Alice Sturgil'l spent the la rger路 part of her summer at Keuka Lake, New York, a nd the remainder at Columbus, Ohio. She had a delightful time J ean Gorham took a motor tour through Canada, remaining for a month at K eswick on Lake S imcoe, Canada. H appy Sapp visited one of our Kent State students in Kane, Pa. Hazel Keener spent her vacation in the Canadian woods. Naomi J ohnson took a delight fu l motor trip through Canada, stopping at. Hamilton and Toronto. Jea n Gorham an路d Alice Sturgill have secured positions at B rady Lake Special School. E leanor Rowney is teaching physical educati on in the Youngs tow n schools. Hilda Bachman is head of the physical education department at P a rk ersburg, W. Va. Hazel Keener h.a路s her same position as music instructor in the Akron schools. Theresa :Mci lhone is teaching in a private school in Lorain, Ohio. Naomi J ohnson is secreta ry to the supe rintende nt of the Kent State Training School. MARRIAGE S Ruth \lll inter and Norman Kirchner were united in marriage on Jul y 10, at Youn gstown, Ohio. They are residing at 321 Park Drive, Youngstown, Ohio. On June 30 Mary H opton and Arthur Sands were married at Youngstow n, Ohio. They are living in their new home at 918 Lanterman Avenue, in Ycungstown. We have another Youngstown bride, E lizabeth Kist, who was ma rried to Eugene Feeley on August 11. They a re now living at Rye, N. Y., where Mr. Feeley is the athletic coach.

XI XI CHAPTER On Monday night, eptember fifteenth, the members of Xi Xi Chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha had their fir st meeting of the fall semester. The chapter headquarters are now located in a very attractive apartment house, just" across the street from the campus, which makes it very convenient for the town girls to drop in quite often.



All the girls were glad to see each other again, and could not talk fast enough to tell of their summer experiences. The most interesting summer news was that of three weddings. Adelene Ponti, who graduated in 1927, and taught physical education last year in the new San Pedro H igh School, became the bride of James McCarty on June thirtieth. After an extended wedding trip to Vancouver, they have made their home in San Pedro. Lillian Kabot, one of last year's initiates, married Howard HeEsel on July twenty-sixth, and is living in Hollywood . Lillian is staying out of school this semester, but expects to return to the campus in February. On September the eighth, Mi ldred Baker married William Elam of Los Angeles . Mildred has not allowed matrimony to interfere with her career and is teaching in Los Angeles. Miss Baugh, our faculty adviser, has a' leave of absence from school, and has gone to New York to work for her Ph.D. degree in g-eography. vVe are 'all very fond of Miss Baugh, and know we will miss her very much. . Mildred Rich had a luncheon at her home in Long Beach on June twenty-fifth. After a short business meeting, the girls donned their bathing suits and were accompanied by Miss Baugh for a nice swim . The chapter is now in the midst of rushing-which started last Sunday, September fourteenth, with a formal tea, at the home of Mrs. Alfred Fellows. Tuesday night the rushees were entertained at a bunco party at Marjorie Morgan's house. vVe all sat on the floor and had oodles of fun. The refreshments were carried out in a Chinese idea, the tablecloths and napkins being Chinese newspapers. Tea, sandwiches, and Chinese wishing crackers were served, and I am sure every one enjoyed herself . Thursday night we are having a bridge party at Lillian Hensel's new home in Hollywood. Saturday night will conclude rushing with a preference dinner at the Mary Helen Tea Room . The rushees have been darling girls, and we are almost sure of pledging about five of them. Elizabeth Fellows.


THE PHOENIX :Mildred Baker Elam, teaching in Lost Angeles. J osephine Gallegas, graduate work in Berkeley. Orrell Raster, graduate work in Berkeley. Lois Oles, teaching in Los Angeles. Marga ret Stramlee, teaching in Bakersfield. Marth Vauter, teaching in O jar. Virginia Wilson, scenario writing in H oll ywood. Bernice Vidor , teaching in Puenti .

MARRIAGES Adeline P onti to James McCarty, June 30, 1928, San P edro. 1184 West Twentieth Street, San P edro, Cal. Lillian Kabat to H owa rd H ensel, Jul y 26, 1928, Los Angeles. 1855 North Highland, H ollywood, Cal. Mildred Baker to William R. Elam, September 8, 1928, Los Angeles. 4408 Lockwood Street (Apt. 203 ), Los Angeles, Cal.

PI PI CHAPTER dearest Tom: I guess I won't tell you how much I hated to see your train leave ! (You might be jealous of the train. ) As I watched the last smoke fade away it almost seemed as though I had lost the better half of everything. I was so lonely that I went right home and to bed-first really good night's sleep I've had all summer. I lazied around for the rest of my vacation-thinking of youwaiting for your letters-and remembering what we had been doing, one week before-two weeks before-three weeks before路w hen Tuesday came, I didn't want to have school begin. I didn't even want to see the kids again. But oh, Tom, dear, I sure changed my mind when I saw them! It just seemed as though I couldn't squeeze my A. S. A. sisters fast enough and hard enough. Gee, oh, Golly! ! It was the same old gang; Gene Dusing and Dorie Glun z still sporting their "frat" pins; Eleanor Shiersing: Pauline Setter; E leanor Hickey, all excited about taking vocal lessons this winter ; Dot Ewers; Dot Freund; Edna Gramp; Kay Mitchell, back from Cornell ; Fay Leidy; Ruth Leis; Ruth Puis; Alice \iVetherston; Grace Olief, our President; Doris Burton; Ramona Dalman, with a new windblown bob-darling; Mary Martiny; Ruth ::\1olyneux; Win Allen, crazy as ever; Helen Rich and Helen Lazer. Everyone seems all " pepped up" and ready to start out on a perfect year. F riday night after school Grace called our first cabinet meet111g. We talked about adopting a budget for the sorority. At ~tiy



first it seemed as though two dollars a month would stagger us. But in reality we had paid out that much last year, only it had been in irritating dribbles. The CaLinet decided to bring it before the sorority, and on :Yionday night the budget was discussed pro and con. Finally we adopted it, unanimously That means that we have already paid for all house parties, supper parties, teas, etc. It sure is a relief! 'vVe decided to have a tea for our patronesses on Friday, October fifth, and a roller skating party at Scott's on Monday, October fifteenth. Oh, yes, we also have an agency for selling notebook paper at school. It means money for us and convenience for the students. Grace wrote clown the dates we prefer for our dance. Now she must see Dean Reed and find out which one we can have. I'm mighty selfish, I know, Tom, but all I care is that they get a elate when you can be home and go with me. Two of my teachers this semester have just returned from European tours. Miss Englebreck makes our History course just like a story. She told us that just before Decoration Day last year, a man, visiting Belleau Wood, stooped to pick up what appeared to be an empty shell. It exploded and killed him and a woman, standing near. Honestly, it seems impossible that things like that can happen after ten years . Now Belleau \Vood is roped off and no one is allowed to pick up a thing. l\!Iy gym teacher, Miss Houston, spent last year traveling half way around the world. She went alone. Her experiences sound like fairy tales. She spent two weeks in a fourteenth century castle and on one occasion she was the sole representative of the U nited States at a ceremonious gathering where it was her privilege to carry the Stars and Stripes among the other flags of the world. On the afternoon of the first Friday of school the whole college had a Campus Frolic. 'vVe sang, danced and played games. In assembly they told us that the ice cream sandwiches were to be paid for by the surplus from last year's blanket tax. But I guess they only wanted to avoid having worry impair our digestion while we were eating the sandwiches because on Monday we were solicited to pay a nickel-there hadn't been enough money ! Ha ! Ha !



Oh, yes, do you remember hearing about the picnic that the Alpha Sigs were to have at Erie Beach last summer? Everyone says that they had a dandy time. About twenty of the girls were there. Sigma Sigma Sigma has invited us to a hou e party at \iVanaka on the Lake Shore, next week end, September twenty-ninth and thirtieth. \iVon't it be fun? We had such a fine time last year with them at Doris Burton's. Goodness, I 'most forgot '0/ e have a new patroness, Miss Hen~en of the Home Economics Department. We were all mighty pleased when she said "yes". Ah-ha! I hear mother calling me. By the tone of her voice I judge that she is rather disgusted because I am spending so much time writing you, but then she should be thankful-once my letter is done she need have no fear of your claiming my time until-I write again! I think of you once-every second ! Always yours-without a struggle, Doroth路y Marle路y. RHO RHO CHAP TER

September sixth, all the girls of Rho Rho Chapter who live m Huntington had a theater party at the Keith-Albee Theater. Those who enjoyed the party were: Frances Gorsuch, Effie Mae Sadler, Ruth Meyers, Dorothy Lee Main and Frances Conner. On September twenty-third. in the Marshall Dormitory parlors, the little sisters and Freshmen were entertained with a tea by the Pan-Hellenic Society. This enabled the sororities to meet the Freshmen, and made the newcomers feel more welcome and at home. September nineteenth we had our first assembly . . As is customary, all the Freshmen assembled in the balcony. The girls must wear white middies and green ties and hair ribbons, and the boys green and white caps. Our president told us that they have an eerollment of five hundred and fifty this year. Effie Mae Sadler, our 'Ahunnre Officer, is president of Kappa Omicron Phi and a member of Kappa Delta Pi. Alice Krug .



Ma rgaret Wo'Odward, who has been teaching the last two years, is back in school again, and is staying in the Chapter H ouse. E lizabeth Beres has accepted a position at 'vVar, W. Va. F!oretta Snyder is teaching in Nitro this winter . Ruth Gammon was married to Mr. T. Lowe路, June 8. They are at home in Jackson, Tenn. Rho Rho Chapter can enroll its first baby, which was born to Mr .and Mrs . J. R. Shepherd on July 23. Mrs. Shepherd was formerly Miss Do-rothy Williams. The baby is a girl and weighed nine pounds.


All the girls in summer school were entertained with our sponsor, Mrs. Brown, at the home of Miss Spicer, and by Jean McKee and Ruth Vfolfe at the home of the latter; and those who remained for the latter half of the summer session shared in a shower for A vis Peck. There was talk of a picnic at Jean McKee's ranch home, but the days went so swiftly that this plan did not materialize. Hello! Howdy! Yes, everyone was saying that at 路w estern on October first, and it did "seem good" to see so many of the old students back and a goodly number of new students . Registration was a job as usual and there were any number of puzzled and pleased expressions on the faces of upper classmen as well as freshmen, but most of the students found courses to work into their schedule. We have several new faculty members on our staff of teachers this year. They are: Mr. Hurry, mathematics; Miss Ingalls and Mrs. Hansen, English; Miss Shobe, Home Economics; "Stu" Clark, our new coach; and Doctor Hurst, head of the Biology Department. vVe were happy over the fact that Mrs . Daugherty, one of our former patronesses, is again with us this year. Mr. Daugherty, who is head of the Spanish Department, has returned to Vv estern after a year of study in the East. Sigma Sigma chapter has eleven girls back in school this fall. We have rented a nice house on North Colorado Street for our 路 sorority house for the year, and the girls who are rooming there are Ruth Bull, Rosellen Tomkins, Mildred Stevens, Elizabeth Johnston, Zona and Irys Osterman, Callie Douthitt and Zelia Gibbs. Ruth Buswell, Ruth Wolfe and Alice Rachel Peck are living outside the house.



Pan-Hellenic is to have a meeting in th e near future to decide definitely about rushing ru les for thi s year. Of course, all the girls are "keeping their eyes open" for good pledges. Elizabe th Johnston. Do-rothy Romig, Dorothy A mbro-se, Ruth Bull, Rosalie Corey, Wilmoth H a rri s, Irene Sand ifer, Alice Rachel Peck, Ruth Wolfe, Mildred SteveP.s and Irys Osterman a ll attended summer school at Y.lestern State College. Dorothy Romig, president of Sigma S igma chapter for the past year, completed the fo ur-year course with a maj or in music; Dorothy Ambrose and Irene Sandi fer fini shed the two-year cou r se. Mary McAiary, of Gamma Gamma, was also a st11dent at \iVestern this summer, and J ean McKee, Avis Peck, Lupie Orr a nd Mamie Blake were in town. News of next yea r's plans came from time to time during the summer. Dorothy R omig is to teach Engli sh and music at the Eckert High School ; Rosalie Corey, first and second g rades at Delta; \ iV ilmoth Harris, physical training and dramatics in Pueblo. At the close of the summer school, Mr. and Mrs. B rown made a swift trip b~路 automobile to Rhode Island a nd th en: to Louisiana, where Mr. B row n will teach in the State U niver's ity next year. Avis Peck was married A ugust 30 in Gunnison, Colo., to Doctor F rank McDo nough, a young physician who a lready has an excellent prac ti ce in Gum~ i son, although he has been in the town less than a yea r . We are not go-ing to- lose Avis f rom our g roup because she will make her home in Gunniso-n, but we have gained ano-th er bro-ther.

TAU TAU CHAPTER A. S. A. at Hays thi s summer was inactive. There were not more than two or three girls here, but we had the pleasure of some of the members visiting us during the long, long months of separation. In August, Hays had a large flood , which entered the college building and causing considerable damage. However, by the time school began again everything was dry, western Kansas agam. \N e were all glad to enroll September eleventh and to get back to school and dear old A. S. A. The first F riday the school was entertained with an all-school mixer where all met socially and tri ed to become acquainted with their classmates. Hays is to have a new building opened by next semester . It is a beautiful science hall just west of the new library. It is a beautiful piece of architecture and it makes the K. S. T. C. campus more beautiful than ever. VI/ e are certainly proud of it. Doroth)' ll!I Orrison .



Alpha Sigma Al])ha members in school this semester are: Florence Wallace, Maurine Speer, Marjorie Reinecke, Dorothy King, Eleanor Chittendtn, Frances Reiff and Dorothy Morrison. Gladys Hayes is attending school at the University at Boulder, Colo. Ruby Dews is spending the winter路 at her home in Topeka, Kas. Those teaching are Josephine Hupfer, at Superior, Wyo.; Lucile \ iVright and Rose Giess, at Oakley, Kas.; Pricilla Wilson, near LaCrosse, Kas. , Mildred King, Marquette, Kas . ; Twila Schaefer, at St. Francis, Ka路s .; Grett:1 Lewis and Ruth McReynolds near Lincoln, Kas.; Maybelle Schaefer, at Monte Visto, Colo; Geraldine Reinecke, at Hays, Kas.

PHI PHI CHAPTER With the arrival of fall Phi Phi's greatest dream has been realized-a sorority house. All summer long the active members planned and schemed how this chapter might maintain a house and yet make ends meet. At a meeting held at the home of Gertrude W ray, our President, July twelfth, ~ committee was appointed to investigate houses and interview house mothers. The committee appointed consisted of Mary Lee Peck, Margaret Putnam and Karol Oli- 路 phant. And did the committee do its work? I should say so! At our next meeting, held August fourth, in Karol's room at Residence Hall, the committee had ready for our approval a house and house mother. Of course, the members voted their approval. School opened here September eleventh, and as usual it rained. Ten Alpha Sigs returned and five are living at the house. Gertrude Wray, Alyce Hastings, Noreen White and myself have homes here in Maryville. Karol lives at the Residence Hall. She was very disappointed when she found that she could not live at the house this semester. There were two school parties the first week of school. The Y . W. C. A. gave a "big sister" party for the Freshmen girls in Social Hall. An all-school party was held in the library, sponsored by Student Council, the next week. In this way the new students are helped to become more acquainted. This is the last week of the rushing period. The Pan-Hellenic Association met the first week of school and made out the rush rules, the rush elates, and decided to have a tea Wednesday afternooE. September fifteenth. Pauline Walker, a Tri-Sigma, sang a



beautiful so lo and later everyone danced. The affair was a huge success, and we hope that it will become a custom of the school. T he Tri-Sigmas gave their formal rush party the first of this week. We, Alpha Sigs, are to give ours tonight. Vve have planned that our party shall be oriental. All of the P hi Phi girls are fairly agog with ideas for it. T he first football game of the season is to be Saturday, September thirti eth, with Graceland College. The "Bearcats" are all in fin e shape and ready to go . It promises to be an exciting game. P resident Lamkin announced in chapel this morning that the faculty would give a reception for all students in the social hall F riday ni ght. All the Alpha Sigmas are planning to go. Hildred Fitz. Since this is our first year, we gi rl s are each having to do ou r share and 0. little more towa rds making the Alpha Sigma Alphas the best and finest sisterhood on the campus. You can imagine how glad we are that two of our ainmme are li ving at home" this year. Mary E lizabeth J ones, who graduated in the spring, intends to spend th is yea r a t home, a nd she is certainl y a help. Alyce Hastings, also a spring graduate, is attending school this quarter a路nd she does more路 than' her bit, too. Alyce plans to go to Ames, Iowa. to school in the spring to continue her work in the field of H ome Economics. Two of our alumn;:e are married-VVave Duncan Cook and Kathryn Gray Mountj oy. Kathryn and her husband are spending this month in Kenh1cky al1d how we miss going to their apartment. Dorothy Russell and Vada Cliser are both teaching school. Dorothy teaches in Okmulgee, Okla., in the grades of the McKinley School, and Vada teaches music and art in the hig h school of Webster Groves, Mo. Margaret Putnam is spending the winter at her home in Marionville, Mo. Vve hear from her ofte n and we sus pect she is a li ttle lonesome for A lpha S igma Alpha. Ruth H a rding, Beatrice Stewart and Gwenevere Wiley did not re turn to school this year. Ruth is teaching at Laredo, Mo. ; Beatrice in a country school near Savannah, Mo., and Gwenevere in the public schools of Thurman. Iowa. These gi rl s will no doubt return to M . S. T. C. next year to complete their work. The Alpha Sigmas have' taken several coveted honors recently. Evelyn Evans has been elected president of the juni or class. Louise Smith has been elected sophomore representative on the student council and Karol Oliphant 路 our vice-president, has been elected president of the Re~idence Hall Council' Phi Phi is very proud of these g irl s and we hope that more honors may be captm'ed by the A lpha Sigs.



Two more girls from A. S. A. are now in the pep organization, "Green and White P eppers". The A lpha Sigs now belonging are Alyce Hastings, Mary Lee Peck, Karol Oliphant and Hi ldred Fitz. Phi Phi announces the marriage of one of its charter members, 'vVave Duncan, to Clyde Cook, September 1, 1928. They are now living in Garden City, Kas. Vve miss Wave and we are sorry that she is not with us to help us enjoy our new home. Wave sent us as her gift to th e house a beautiful vase.

CHICHI CHAPTER September the sixth called us from our vacations and homes. Over five hundred registered at Teachers' College of Indianapolis for 1928 fall term. Our President, Mrs. Sies, is back on duty after her long illness. Vv e are kept busy with observation, participation, and practice teaching every morning and classes until 4 :20 every afternoon. Chi Chi Chapter has taken in nine pledges. All darling girls, who represent seven different towns in the United States. We entertained then with four rush parties and placed our ribbons on the girls Monday night, September seventeenth. The Phoenix degree was given Friday night, September twenty-eighth. Our House at 1912 North Alabama, Indianapolis, Ind., will be so cozy when our nine pledges join us in December. We are looking forward to some day having vi sitors from the older chapters of Alpha Sigma Alpha. Harriet Pollock. There are seven Alpha Sigma Alpha's of Chi Chi Chapter back at T . C. I. this fall. A lice Myer, '28, is teaching kindergarten at Marion, Incl. Helen Ryan, '27, is teaching primary at Newcastle, Ind. Geneva Beam, '28, is working at L. S. Ayres Co. and is living with us at the H ouse . Thyra Marvel, ex-'28, is teaching primary at Owensville, Ind. Mary Louise Greyer, '28, is teaching primary at Anderson, Incl. Dorothy Ramsey, '28, is teaching primary at Madison, Ind. Mary Wilhoit, ex-'29, is at home at Middletown, Incl. Eleanor Burton, ex-'29, is at home at Rockville, Ind .

DO YOU KNOW THE CORRECT ADDRESSES FOR THESE MEMBERS? Kindly send correct addresses to N a tiona! Editor.

AA-Mrs. John A. Swart, 1322 N. Kingsley Drive, Hollywood, Calif. AA-Mrs. J. Towner Smith, Box 155, Cocoanut Grove, F lorida. AA-Mrs. Rufus A. H ealey, Newcastle, Pa. AB-Mrs. Grover C. Ramsey, 1042 E. 72nd St., Ch icago, Ill. AB-Mrs. Charles W. Suits, 10 Ninth Pl., Long Beach, Calif. AB-Nan R. Crews, 3864 Louisiana St. San Di ego, Calif. BE-Florence E. Oakes, 812 8th St., Las Vegas, New Mexico. BB-:tvirs. Hoyt Smith, New Rochelle, New York. BB-Ouita Smith, 647 6th St., Las Animas, Colorado. rr-Mrs. Wm. Smiley, Chickasha, Oklahoma. L'lll-Mrs. Mark H. Cowen, 1406 N. Edward St., Decatur, Ill. EE-Mrs. W. Clay Morstad, 4218 W. 28th St., Los Angeles, Calif. EE-Frances Miller, 5252 17th St., Seattle, Vvashington. EE- Lola V. Wade, 215 S. Highland St., Chanute, Kansas. EE-Maude E. Barrigar, Berben Apts, 10 Quince, Medford, Oregon. EE-Nell I. N incehelser, Altoona, Kansas. ZZ-Mrs. H. L. Woodward, 28 Granville St., Newark, Ohio. ZZ-Mrs. C. F. Johns, P leasant Hill , Missouri . ZZ-Mrs. J. S. Fru in, 2606 Bricker St., Ogden, Utah. HH-Mrs. John vV. Menches, 7759 Ferndale Ave., Detroit, Michigan. HH-Daphene D. Copenhaver路, Chatham H otel, Kansas City, Kansas. HH-Louise Carlton, Box 93, East Vaughn, New Mexico. HH-Margue rite Canfield, 10 S. Oak St., Ponca City, Oklahoma. HH-Mildred L. Hammers, Neosho, Missouri. HH-M rs. A. V. Grady, Onaga, Kansas. HH-Mrs. Arthur Evans-Lombe, 807 W. 7th St., Cisco, Texas. II-Edna vVright, Batavia, Iowa. II-Mrs. Walter J ohnson, 7640 Syewart St., Chicago, Illinois. II-Mrs. R. C. Geist, 103 E. 14th St., Des Moines, I owa. II-Mrs. W. D. Irons, 2506 Troast Ave., Kansas City, Missouri. KK-D orothy Bough, 301 Amos land Rd., Norwood, Pennsylvania. KK-Mrs. J ohn S. H offecker, 1733 N. Park Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. MM-Luella M. Aldrich, 1301 Prairie St., E lkhart, Indiana. MM-Helen Maniex, 506 N. Catherine St., Bay City, Michigan. 88-Mrs. H elen Matthewson Laughlin, 134% Coronado St., Los Angeles, California. PP-Mrs. Lewis B. Woodward, Box 73, South Charleston, West Virginia. ~~-Mrs. Ceci l L. Brown, Gunnison, Colorado. AA-M rs. M iles S. Gordon, 521 Perry St., Apt. 9, Fort Wayne, Indiana.

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NG, long ago, in the early days of Amer ican industry, there probably lived a trader who experienced a distressing relation with an acquaintance of business. Possibly it was he, after a rueful discovery, who spoke the now famous words, to the effect that business and fr iendship cannot be united. Every worthwhile industry of today has built a sturdy denial to the old statement. 'vVhen a company reaches a development of growth that causes the bonds of friendship to cease, the long road to oblivion looms ahead.

women, created in undergraduate clays and maintained after graduation, have brought to us our greatest pride. \iVithout them, the daily routine of work would be immeasurably dull.

Our contracts and our organizations have meant much to us. Yet the friendship of fraternity men and

Business as business, and frienclsip for friendship's sake, have never a j ustifiable cause for combat.


Sole Official Jewelers to Alpha Sigm.a Alpha BRANCH OFFICES Boston New York Chicago Phi ladelphia Pittsburgh

Kansas City Denver Washington Columbus Atlanta

Richmond Ann Arbor Dallas Ithaca Indianapolis

Des Moines San Francisco Los Angeles Seattle State Co.Jlege

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