Asa phoenix vol 22 no 3 mar 1936

Page 1

THE PHOENIX l.!::::::====of Alpha Sigma Alpha=====!..l Vol urne XXII

MARCH, 1936

Number 3


Convention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sightseeing Suggestions . . ..................... . .. . ..... Railroad Fares to Convention ... ... ....... . ............. My Attendance at the Worl d Federation of Education Assoc iation, Jul ia Hartz ........... . ....... . ... . ... .. Winter at Phi Phi . ....... .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .... . ... .. . . ...

2 15 21 22 28

Fellowship Fund Week .. . .. . . ... ....... ........ . .... . .. 29 Winter Victims at Miami. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Women's League at Temple University . .. . .. ... ........ A Pi Pi Christmas Project .. . . . .... .. .. . . .... . .......... A Trip with Dolls, Ruth Ada Owen ............... . . . .. Dr. Beury's Testimonial D inner ...... . ........... . .. . ... A Romance Through A'2.A, Mary Laurence Mauntell . ... . Interesting Alpha Sigs .. . ...... . . . ... . ..... .. ........ . . Who Will Be Next? ... . . ... . . . .. . ..... . ................ Alumnae Chapters .... . ... . . . ... . ...... .. ......... .. .... Alpha Gamma Chapter Advisers ... . .. . .. .. ......... . ....

30 31 32 33 36 37 39 42 44 56

College Chapters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Announcements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

Publi路shed in November, January, March and May of each year at No. 30 North Ninth Street, Richmond, Indiana, by the Nicholson Printing Company, for the Alpha Sigma Alpha Sorority having headquarters at Indianapolis, Indiana. Business correspondence may be addressed to either office, but matter for publication and correspondence concerning the same should be addressed to Mrs. B. F. Leib, 317 East Fall Creek Blvd., Indianapolis, Indiana. Entered as second-class matter, September 4, 1923, at the post office at Richmond, Indian a, under the Act of March 3, 1870.

Subscription price one do llar per year.



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Come to Convention! has said that the world is made up of two kinds of people, "wish I hads" and "glad I dids." If you can possibly attend Alpha Sigma Alpha's Fourteenth National Biennial Convention at Breezy Point, we are sure you will alvvays be glad you did .



Yes, you will be glad you attended this 1936 convention

because} it 1s especially dedicated to the enriching of our Alpha Sigma Alpha friendship circle. because} it will give you a more intimate view of the widespread functions and services of the national organization, its chapter branches, and its individual members. beca-use} its locale in the lake and pine region of northern Minnesota offers rare opportunities for enjoying that perfect vacation you have always wanted. because it gives you time to trade idea , match experiences, take part in insp1rmg programs, and enjoy well-rounded social events . 1

because} it affords close fellowship with other A~A's who are aspiring, seeking, and striving to attain the same uplifting values as you.




Con-ve11tion Uanag er.




Come to Convention! You Will Be Glad You Did! Do you crave luxurious comfort in the cool north woods ? Come to Convention! Do you like tennis, riding, golfing, and swimming? Come to Convention! Do you want to increase your own capacity for friendship? Come to Convention! Do you like every day to bring you omething new? Come to Convention! Do you like an atmosphere that i rugged, ru tic, and fr~e? Come to Convention! Do you have problems that you ~ant to thrash out? Come to onvention! Your pmt i lazy! There are place just made for lingering and dreaming. Come to Convention! If you want to add another beautiful experience to your book of memon me to onvention !



Will I Meet You There? KAY



you ever been to an Alpha Sigma Alpha Convention? Well, I have! It was the red letter event of my life and that is why I want to go again. Fun, business, vacation and friendship-these are the keynotes to the Alpha Sig Conventions. I want to renew my national sorority spirit. How? By identifying the sisters I meet at Convention with chapters from all parts of the United States. And how much better it is to know my National Officers in person instead of through their written word! And, my sisters, do not forget that we present day active members were not the Founders of Alpha Sigma Alpha. But at Convention, I know I shall see many of the older "National Alums." Too, I should like to hear the na-



Kappa Kappa tional business reports. I want to be at the meeting when the progress and changes of our A~A are described. At the Virginia Convention, when I saw how business was transacted, as a member of this national organization, I was impressed with the truth of group consciousness-that the whole sorority is more important than any individual chapter. And do not most of us love to travel? I am enthusiastic to see 1\l[innesota. That would be a fine vacation. I hope with all my heart that I may attend Convention. When ? 1936. Where ? BREEZY POINT, lVIINNESOTA. For What ? For the Fourteenth Biennial Convention of ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA. Will yo~t be there?

The Terrace at Breezy Point







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B ig Pe lican Lake

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s I G M A Approach to P equot

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Why I Want to Go to Convention N "\ NCY


the mere word calls to my memory some of the happiest and most exciting clays of that summer two years ago, when I ''" a a part of the Alpha Sig Convention at Old Point Comfort by the ocean. Vivid pictures of a special A~A train flash through my mind-followed by remembrance of the first meeting with Alpha Sig girls from all over the U nited States, some with a delightful Louisiana accent, others with a decided Boston twang in their speech. I can recall the stimulating exchange of ideas on rushing, pledging, parties, and plans in general that took place at the round table discus ions-and I realize now how valuable those suggestions were for our own chapter.



Perhaps what I can remember best of all is really getting to know our national officers, personally in midnight confidential talks, or officially in meetings. It somehow makes the chapter back home feel more closely drawn to tbe national organization, when someone can give a personal description of our leader . And then the lovely Virginia scenery '"' ith all its historic meaning will not be forgotten for a long while-quaint old \tVilliamsburg, de-

A lpha A lpha

sertecl Jamestown, the awe-inspiring . S. Navy with its handsome officers, the noisy ocean, and even the annoying mosquitoes, are all firmly planted in my memory as the background for a grand week. Hut why should I spend time dreaming about the last A~A convention when there is another coming in August? I just '"'ant to tell you Alpha Sigs who have never been to a national convention, that you can't afford to miss one. I am ready right now to go back this year to see how many of my friend of two years ago will be there again. I vvant to renew my f rienclships with our national officers, and I am r eady for some more of those inspiring meetings that would make even a wooden Indian want to do something. No, you can't keep me away from an A~A convention if I am going to be footloose this summer. There' too much that I would miss up there in the northern part of the country, when Alpha Sigs begin pouring in from all directions. Let's hope I see you in A ugu st. You won't regret it if you go, and you will be sorry for yourself if you can't make it. I kn9w, becau e I've been there.





Dinin g R oom, Breezy P oint L odge, P equot, Minn eso ta

Rear Yi w of Hotel, B r ezy P oint Lodge, P qu t, M inne ota



Why I Want to Go to Convention MARVELLA ScHRIDDE,

wo summers ago three girls and one boy left Grand Bend, Kansas early one morning, to have one of the most enjoyable trips imaginable. Driving as we did, we stopped here and there to look at the beautiful scenery and points of interest. We arrived at Old Point Comfort on vVednesday morning, and as we stepped into the ew Chamberlain Hotel who should be the first to greet us, but that charming hostess, Mrs. Hattie Kelly Thomas. The days that followed were busy and happy ones- never to be forgot-


Tau Tan

ten. The dinners, meetings, trips, and our lovely A~A girls will always be a pleasant memory to me. As I left that beautiful hotel and all those charming Alpha Sigs I made a silent vow that when the next A~A convention rolled around, I would be there. And I know that every other girl must have done the same. So, all I can say, is, I want to go to convention, more than I can tell ; for it is something which lies in the heart and mind and is not meant for the tongue to express.

We're So Glad to Be at Convention Tune : "My High Silk Hat"

Oh! vVe're so glad to be here at Convention. We'll tell the world ; We'll tell the world . To meet and know you all is our intention. vV e'll tell the world ; We'll tell the world. We've come from far and near to do our share. We'll tell the world ; We'll tell the world. We've banished all our trouble and our care. vVe'll tell the world ; vVe'll tell the world. Happy, merry for we're the Alpha Sigs, We never vary, yes, we're the Alpha Sigs, And we'll be true to Alpha too ; And we'll be true to Alpha too . Yes! that is why we're here, For we're the Alpha Sigs. Submitted by


Tau Tau.




Living Room of

W. H. Fawcetf Home, Breezy Point Lodge, Pequot, Minne ota

Hotel Entrance Breezy Point Lodge, Pequot, Iinne ota



Why We Would Like to Go to Convention Scene: Room 205, Residence Hall. Marian and Margaret sitting on beds, just thinking

.:\farian: We had a perfect time while :Mrs. Sharp was here didn't we? l\largaret: Yes. She is a grand person. I enjoyed her talks so much and just being with her gives one an added incentive to really do things. Marian: \tVhen she told us about convention next summer. I wanted to go right then. Margaret: I did too. Wouldn't it be grand to- get to go . Think of it Marian a week of being with all Alpha Sigs in a place like she pictured, Breezy Point. I think it would be just ton good to be true. l\1arian: They are planning it so cute too. We've got to get our heads working and have an idea for it. I'd love to see what the other chapters have to offer. l\1argaret: Yes, so would I. If I had to just tell why I'd like to go I could think of a dozen reasons all at once. Marian: The trip there would be fun, if we could get some of the girls interested. Margaret: That wouldn't be harcl. I've heard some planning on it already. :Marian: Margaret let's plan to go. Wouldn't you like to? Margaret: Would I? Think of meeting hundreds of Alpha Sigs from all over the United States.

Iarian: Yes. I 'd like to live in a cabin with some girls from another chapter too . Margaret : I couldn't even begin to guess what lovely ideas one could get from a meeting at convention. Remember what fun Georgia bad at convention two years ago. Marian : Yes . She was sure thrilled with it all. Say, 1\Irs. Sharp said she thought Hattie Kelly Thomas was going again this year. Remember Georgia told us about her. Margaret: I'd like to meet Miss \tVilcox, my National officer too. I'm sure she goes to them also. :M arian: As I said before, let's go. Margaret : 0. K . let's . \i\Thy not save a little money each vveek toward expenses. Let's call it our Convention Fund . I could save some than way couldn't you? Marian : Yes, I think I could. V\Te could begin this week. Margaret : The sooner we begin the more we will save. Marian : It's settled then, we are going to convention . Margaret: For Breezy Point we're headed and a glorious time. Marian: Well it's Breezy Point next August but Biological Science now. Are you going over to the building? l\Iargaret : Of course, my English is waiting for me. I'll be with you in a minute.



Why We Would Like to Go to Convention M. M LOY) if. F. s .TTO ' Phi Phi a thrill it would be to see hundreds of lpha Sigma lpha girls gathered at one resort for a week! Be ides learning new thing to bring home to our O'v\ n Chapter, we would have the experience of meeting new people. Making new friends and learning of the



expenence of other hapters. Though the lake at pre ent i full of ice, think how good it will feel after three month of ummer chool! We expect to ee all lpha 1o路 at Breezy Point in ugu t!

Why Would You Like to Go to Convention? What Some Might Say "Why would you like to go to Convention?" you might ask and a Patroness might ay: "It is a oft, sweet memory that brings The thoughts of other years; That dims the eyes with tear . It is a ong that send the mind Back wiftly through the year ."

"Wh) would you like to go to onvention? ' you might a k and our pon or might ay: "Of all the




I wond r How my Phi Phi ' will compare."

"Why would you like to go to Convention?" you might a k and a pledge might ay: "Think of wa hing all the ho e Think of all the rips to ew Thinking of pre ing all the clothe But anyway I'd love to o-o."

"Why would you like to go to Convention?" you might a k and I think I would ay: "It i a time to make One act a jolly way To boat, to wim, to dance to play, New idea we 11 learn, and meet n w i ter gay And all the National officer of the A'l:.A." Several Phi Phi actives.



Castles of the Future M. ALMA MoLITOR,

o ME a convention is something that signifies a delightfully exciting time with new associates, new surroundings, yet everyone with a mutual thought to make the future of the organization more secure for our friends who are to follow in our footsteps. Two years ago I had my heart set on going to convention but as I could find no one to drive with me I gave up the idea. When I came back to school in the fall and heard of the 路w onderful time I had missed I made up my mind then and there to go to the next convention or 'bust'. Although I have never been to路 an Alpha Sigma Alpha Convention, there is still the feeling of sisterhood to me in the unseen group of my sisters. This is one of my real


Alpha A lpha

wishes to go to convention-to meet new people from all parts of the United States, to exchange ideas with them about their enjoyable years in the organization. Another reason for wanting to go to convention is to meet our N ational Officers and see a part of our national "machinery" working, as one might call it. Although I will not be back in the university next year and bring something back to my group in person, I feel as though I can contact enough of them to instill the message of " carry on" from the convention.

The Lodge

Convention we will go Convention we will go We'll all give one big whoop I And conventioning we will go. \Al e're Off!!!



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·Chi Cht • Phi Phi • Xi Xi.

• Pi Pi.




Sightseeing Suggestions For Convention Goers M I NNEAPO LIS Because 1:inneapolis is a world center of flour milling, you ''vill want to tour the flour mill r egions on the edge of the Mississippi River Gorge and see the huge mills and granaries. In the busine s section of the city you will find the 23-story Foshay Tower, modeled after the -~vVas hington Monument in the 1 ation' capitol, the new 4,000,000 Post O ffice, the Municipal A uditorium, City Hall, and Co urt House. Of paramount intere t to VlSltors are the eleven lakes inside the city. 1\lost of them are large enough for sailing and fi shing, \vhile a boulevard system 58 miles long connects them. You will th en want to tour at least a few of the city's 141 parks that vie with one another for natural beauty. Incidentally it is also estimated that there is a playground for each square mile of residential area. M innehaha Park has hi storical as ociations of much interest. It covers 142 acres of wooded hills and contains the Stevens House, the fir t house built in Minneapolis, also M innehaha Falls, 53 feet in height,

Minnehaha Fall

immortalized in Longfell ow's poem, " The Song of Hiawatha." As a lasting memorial to a man who was told it couldn't be clone but who did it, be sure to see the old stone arch bridge. James J. Hill, the railroad king of th e we t. erected the bridge of 50 yea rs ago in spite of strong opposition, and it is used daily by the modern passenger trains.



orthrop Memorial








by that eminent American sculptor, As the capitol of Minnesota it is Daniel Chester French. Murals by natural that the places of outstand- John la Farge are also noteworthy. The office of the Governor of ing interest to visitors in this city should be closely linked with gov- :Minnesota is in the Capitol buildernment affairs. The State Capitol ing, while the State Office building, commands a view of the entire city and the State Historical Library and is a striking edifice of Georgia complete the Capitol group . marble carried out in the architecSt. Paul is also the center for ture of the Italian Renaissance. The many Federal as well as State govmain facade is surmounted by six ernment offices. Here you will find emblematic statues, while a "quad- the Federal Land Bank and the Inriga" in gilded copper was designed ternal Revenue Office as well as many others. Under a unique and most commendable United Improvement Plan, a number of new buildings have been erected in St. Paul. The City Hall and Court House, the James J. Hill Library are just two of the more important buildings that have gone up. Simultaneously, improvements have been made in the city's already extensive park system, and as you tour this great city you will be most conscious of their slogan "Thirty Lakes in Thirty Minutes," and each lake is surrounded by a most attractive St. Paul's New City Hall and Court House park.




The Twin Cities of Minnesota A LPI-L\

en route to 1""\.. the national convention at Big Pelican Lake unque tionably vvill want to pend ome time in tho e famo u T" in Citie of l\Iinne ota. _\nd if you aoTee that the greatest value in any kind of travel comes through a preliminary knowledge of background ·, then you will find these brief historical facts on the t\Yin cities of Saint Paul and ~lin­ n apoli of Lwge tive intere t, tor the point of attraction in both citie are clo ely linked with their early romantic beginnings. IG;\L\ ALPH .\'s




aint Paul, now the capitol of },linne ota, owe its interesting phy ical characteri tic of loping hill . high bluff and rolling plateaus t the },Ii is ippi River which surround the entire city in a oTeat horseshoe curve. Built on the hill and bluff bordering the stream which in the language of the Chippe,,·a meant ''o-reat river," aint Paul ha many b auti ful natural park and eli tinctive boulevard . a int Paul cleriv it location a on f the leaclino- citie of the _· orthwe t from the fact that it trateo-ic location on the l\Ii Riv r near the Fall of t. a nd at th junction of the ippi "·ith the ~Iinne ota RiYer rec mmended it to arly expl rer as the Jo o-ical ite for a military out-

post in the wilclerne ·. oon after the · ·nited tate Governm nt purcha eel the Loui iana Territory from France. exploration alono· the l\Ii- i ippi \Yere ord red. The fit"'t of the e wa - commanded b) Lieut. Zebulon I. Pike, and it wa he who discov r d the ite of Fort nell iIW. u and purcha eel it from the 1oux Indian in 1805. round thi military p ·t grew a ettlement of fur tra ler - and lumber men. The limit of the military r ervation were tre pa e 1 upon and the white people were ej cted mov ino- dov.m the river to a location which wa called by early ettler . ''Pig' Eye" after a certain Pierre (Pig' Eye) Parrant, "·ho mad hi living buying and elling mall plot of Janel. Father Lucian althi r reent d thi de ignation of the ettlement which already contained a number of earn t citizen . Thu in 1 41 a rude log chapel wa dedicat d by him to " aint aul, . p tle of l\ ation " and the town wa thereafter called " aint Paul' Landino·'' and finally aint Paul. Henry ibl y, the fir t o- v rn r of },linn ota, had a great deal t clo with th I tiny of aint Paul a th capitol of ~linn ota. The home which he built in 1 3: ha rec nth· been re torecl and i call 1 The ::..r unt \ rn n of the :\' orthwe t.' Rar hi ·torical relic have been o-ath red for the ibley u e and

THE PHOE it is a mecca for tourists from all over the country. Of equal interest at Fort Snelling are the old Block House and Round Tower which are still standing as relics of the early Fort. Following its incorporation as a town in 1849 St. Paul continued to grow as a tran portation and distribution center and in 1858 when Minnesota was admitted to the Union, St. Paul was naturally selected as the site for the capitol. MINNEAPOLIS The historical development of Minneapolis, now fifteenth largest city in the United States, goes back to the closing years of the 17th century when Robert Cavalier de La Salle, French explorer, conceived the idea of attempting to find a Northwest passage to the East Indies. With letters patent from his king, Louis XIV, La Salle sailed for the western hemisphere. Accompanying him back to Canada was a Belgian Franciscan friar named Father Louis Hennepin. Father Hennepin was in the La Salle expedition which fought its way through the wilderness to the Mississippi River where the friar was captured by the Sioux Indians and taken north. It was while he was captive among the Indians that Father Hennepin discovered St. Anthony Falls in 1680 and named them after St. Anthony, his patron saint. A.Jthough the Louisiana purchase



followed by the ioux Indian grants of land for the government near St . Anthony Falls gave the U nited States ownership of this territory it was not until 1838 that Franklin Steele established the fir- t claim and became the founder of the village of St. Anthony on the east side of the river. About ten years later Colonel John H. Steven receiYed permission from the government to take up land on the vvest side of the river. This settlement was called Minneapolis from the Indian word wtinne meaning water, and the Greek word polis meaning city. Th ~路se two settlements went their separate ways until 1872 when St. Anthony was annexed. Today Minneapolis has a population of 481,700, and the first flour mill that was built in St. Anthony in 1854 paved the way towards making 1\finneapolis one of the world's outstanding flour centers.

Conven tion G reetings Tune: "Comin' Thru the Rye" When an Alpha meets an Alpha At convention time She friendly asks you how are you "Thank you, I am fine." Has your summer been a pleasure? Mine has been, I'm sure. vVhen you're in our town, come see me Almost any time. Submitted by and EuNICE GAINES. Tan Taat Pledges.




Song- At Convention Tune : "Pagan Love


\i\ e came to convention

Ju t to be with you For we know the . lpha' re our friend mo t true We will be together In our work and play We'll make our love for Last through every day.


Submitted by RuTH TWENTER, MARIA 1 HoLZMEISTER, Tatt Tatt.

Convention Song, 1936 Tune: "She Sailed Away on a Happy Summer Day"'

The lpha's left on a happy ummer day To meet other Alpha girls . They aid, said they, were a happy a can be, We're joining Convention whirl They all winked their eye, they bade the boy good-bye \ earing a happy mile. iVhen we return from the meet, You'll know we can't be beat, For the lpha' are ahead a mile. onvention time i ju t load and load of fun, For we dance and play and in . ut then you know, there i work that mu t be d ne, There where lpha pirit come in. artino- time ' ill be comino- all too oon For new friend have been made. ut thi parting i we t For again orne day w 'll meet, nd our memorie will not fade. ubmitted by MILDRED \\IE T, FLORA LEE

HRAX, Tan Tau.



Round Trip Summer Tourist Fares To Pequot, Minnesota FROM


Farmville, Va. . .... . ... .. . $63.45 Oxford, Ohio . . . . . . . . . . . . 31.65 Kirksville, Mo ............ 21.75 Indiana, Pa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53.55 Greeley, Colo . . . .... ..... . 43.55 Alva, Okla . .... . ..... ... . 33.30 Emporia, Kans . ..... ,. ..... 25.60 V\Tarrensburg, Mo . .... .... 25.50 Pittsburg, Kans ........... 26.10 Boston, Mass . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81.05 Des Moines, Iowa . . . . . . . . . 17.25 Philadelphia, Pa ........... 69.55 Ypsilanti, Mich .. .......... 31.18 New York, . Y ...... ..... 74.75



Indianapolis, Ind . ......... $27.55 Los Angeles, Calif. . . . . . . . . 92 .50 Kent, Ohio ............... 35.98 Buffalo, N. Y ...... ..... .. 43.80 Huntington, 'v\l. \ 路a ........ . 39.85 Gunnison, Colo ............ 51.15 Hays, Kans. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38.80 Maryville, Mo . ..... . .. .. . . 25.25 Natchitoches, La. . ..... . .. 43.40 San Diego, Calif ........... 92.50 Kansas City, Mo .......... . 21.85 Denver, Colo . ............ . 43.55 Chicago, Ill. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.35

These railroad fares have been computed using summer tourist short limit rates. Where there were no short limit rates available, summer tourist rates have been used.

Lobby at Breezy Point




My Attendance at the World Federation of Education Associations BY ] eLI.\ H .\TZ, Zeta Zeta

) ; 0

10 when the London to xford tra in arriYed in O xford, aft r a long journey over a short eli ta nce, on a low Engli h -T


Juli a Hatz

train than which there can b none " ·o r e. (you no doubt heard that th e fa te t train in the " ·oriel is in Eno-la nd but we did not travel on it ) xford tation. \\' a rri ved at the :\.- w o-ot out f our coach w e " . re m t bv a cout wh o a id ''D le' th o nfe rence plec e enr 11 b fo re : ix 'clock .. , \\ e hacllitt l tim . an l qui ckl y neo-otiat d a s ilk hatte I ·'cabbie'' to deliY r u at th . - addre e: . a io-necl u in :\Iay. II wa · cl liberate that I a-aye

him a pi ce of money two·e tin a- at the ame time that peed v\'a - an item to be con idered. The an \\·e r '"a ''I'll be apt to go fa ter :\Ia lam. when w e o-et tarted " and aft r "hat seemed a long time "e arriY d at my addre on Hio-h Str et. Thi wa a private h me I knew. yet, there wa no porch or formal e ntrance, only a large door ri o·ht flu h with the walk. 'The bell oon brotwht a re pon e. Let m ay 111 pa ing that one look at m y r om wa convincino·, h o wever I lep ited my baggage and tarted to fin l the O ld Town Hall where enrollment took place. Thi . i a paciou buildin o·, a nd wh y it i de ignated by the term ''O ld., I do not kno\\, for it i - n t :o. The room and corridor w e re filled "ith people chattino-, m e tinaacquaintance ·, try ing t decide " ·hat ection th y wi. heel to m et with. o r the numbe r of i le trips they could enj oy in ne "' eek. Every one wa milling about eemino-ly. yet in fifte en minute I ""a enro ll ed. had r eceived m y beautiful cr clential , and igne 1 m y name for f ur lun cheon li t . one banqu t, had accepted im-itation to two r c 1 ti n . and had declare l a . pecial int re:t in th fo llowin o- cliYi . i n m eting-.- : Internati nal Fed rati n and ~ ch I. Pr


f Home

l and rindergarten.

THE PHOENIX Preparation of Teachers, and Colleges and Universities . There were very many other divisions holding meetings as shown by the Conference program. It seems almost impossible that so large a gathering could be handled in such a way that practically all the work of enrollment wa completed before the individual appeared for enrollment. This to me was an indication of wonderful efficiency. There were at that time 200 United States representatives, and a total of 2600 already enrolled. The delegates were given huge paper cartons, (like grocery shopping bags) lab eled with name and address, filled \路vith such interesting literature that at once acquainted one with Oxford that center of learning, which was functioning before Columbus had even considered his great sea voyage. In the collection contained in the shopping bag \va a list of all delegates and home addresses, the programs of all division meetings, a guide to all parts of the city, another guide to rural England vvith historic facts about places, a beautifully bound History of the Colleges of Oxford. a guide book of the Exhibition of Education in England, \/\Tales. and North Ireland, and a beautifully illustrated bulletin. "The School at Work." With all this generosity and forethought, one could not but wonder why no one had supplied wheels to propel the shopping bags. The officers of the vVorld Federation of Education Associations were, besides President Manders


from England, three Vice-Presidents from Japan, Ireland, and the united State , the acting secretary general, Dr. Crabtree, from vVa hington, and the treasurer, Dr. E. A.. Hardy from Ontario, Canada . The thirteen directors: one from University of the Philippines, one from Teachers Federation, Vancouver, British Columbia, two from India; one from Idar State, and one from Lahare State, two from England, two from Scotland, one from China. one from Toronto, Canada, and three from our own nited State were nna Carlton \ Noodward from "\lassachusetts, Selma Borchard from \i\T ashington, and Dr. el. Vv. Lamkin, who J\Iissouri is proud to claim as her son and who during this meeting was elected Secretary General of the organization. If space permitted, you would no doubt be interested to see the lengthy titles of the English, Scotch and Irish Educators who served so ably on the conference committees and whose tireless efforts had proYided the programs and entertain路ment. Because the meetings were held in so many different places one could always see delegates standing. entirely oblivious of their surroundings eagerly consulting the map of the city, carefully tabulated but only yery u eful to one who knew directions. The English scouts were everywhere and so eager to serve that they always offered to walk with you to the place in question. "\i\ alk"? Yes, English people as



well a all European people can till navigate ati factorily without our modern method of travel. In thi way we oon became acquainted with Oxford and it many college . Truly I believe, there are at least ten building in that large University that I could walk to without any a i tance and that there are many more I would recognize at sight and yet on second thought I have never een o many blind alleys before. Exhibits were displayed in the Drill Hall, a division of the Old Town Hall on the ground floor. The largest exhibits at South Field Secondary School and Temple Crowley enior School were some distance away. I am sure one could have pent half the week at least, looking at and studying those interesting pieces of work. There was Art, using all mediums in its production, Printing, Photographic Proces e , Pottery a~d o-las , mu ical instrument with their ca es, every kind and form of clothing, textile , including all fibers and fabric , interior decorating project , jewelry and ilver mith's work, and every form of wood carving and cabinet making. The e are only a few of the mo t intere ting thino- that I looked at. Needle to ay the work repre ented every pha e of hool work, Technical oll e art Time chool , and • dult Education. It wa all mo t intere tino- and yet tantalizing beau e tim did not permit a thot'ouo-h in pection. The fir t vent li ted in the tary


of Educational, Social and Recreative Event wa , ''The Reception of Delegates by the National Union of Teacher (:N. U. T. . ) at p. m., aturday. The invitation announced, 'Muic and light refreshment . Eveninoclre s optional. Decorations ! ! ! Imagine if you can a room twice a large a our gymna iurn, banked with fern and blo oming plant . Even the wide stainvay was divided by a row of potted blooming plants. In the hall, the entire length of one side was a loaded, yes groaning refre hment table. When we arrived at 8 :15 the hall was well filled. I turned back to get a view of the decoration at the entrance, j u t in time to greet Dr. and l\!Ir . Lamkin of Maryville, Mo. ~here was no receiving line. n orchestra played choice selections but conversation wa o con tant little could be heard of the mu ic. The Pre ident of the . U. T .. _. and President Mander gave hort addres es of welcome, but never did the erving cea e. Ice cream, ice, coffee, tea, fruit juice , fruit , andwiches, cake cone , corni h cream , puff pa te, French pa trie and many unfamiliar daintie were ur d upon u , and if one refu eel, you were a keel "\ hat may I bring you?' uch ho pitality wa a toni hin con id ring the laro-e number of gu t . I learned later that 200 waiters were employed for that e ening. Although eyening clothe were optional 'top hat , cane and pat

THE PHOENIX \vere much in evidence in the lower halls." In regard to section meetings, no speaker was given more than a limited time. Twenty minutes was the usual time set. This dispensed with lengthy introductions and space fillers. Using one morning session as an example, there were seated in a semi-circle on the platform, the speakers and guests that were presented. Beginning on the left side, we see 1. A woman from India showing her caste by the presence of a ruby in her forehead. 2. A delegate from Russia. 3. A teacher from New Zealand. 4. An administrator from Melbourne, Australia. 5. The Chairman from California. 6. An English high mistress. 7. A delegate from Sweden. 8. Teachers from Wales and Ireland. 9. An administrator from Austria. 10. A delegate from Italy. 11. A teacher from Cairo, and Doctor Montessori and her interpreter. From these various short talks much could be learned, as before stated it was the kernel, no chaff. I learned that there have been free dental clinics in New Zealand and Iceland for fifteen years. Finland has a splendid system of Home Education entirely separate from the school system.


Scotland gives two weeks vacation education which is similar to scout work to all from 10 to 14. Australia builds her schools as simply as the homes. These are then improved by teachers and pupils as, the homes can also be improved. Russia has free kindergarten for all. England has free education facilities only to the fourteenth year. The lowest infant mortality in the world is in New Zealand. In Switzerland good scholarship is rewarded by permitting the child to take an extra subject. Denmark has an outstanding adult education system. Unlike the previous meeting, now Dr. Montessori had her interpreter at her side. The latter was a forceful speaker and every one commented on her ability. The division of Rural Life and Rural Education received so much comment that I was happy to have heard two of the speakers, V. K. Greer from Ontario and the Chairman of Rural Education of our N . E. A ., Dr. Sue M. Powers of Memphis, Tenn. Permit me to comment on one more Section, that of Colleges and Universities. Two outstanding addresses were: "The Principles Regulating, in France the admission to Universities and Higher Institutions and 路their applications" and, "How College Entrance Requirements react on the Schools." The last was by a head master from Glasgow. Both gave one



the a surance that higher in titution cannot accept all who ' i h to enter, particularly in tho e course training for teachers. \ hen this is known, the preparatory chool mu , t a ume the obligations of child o·uidance. O ne of the bighlight- of the meeting wa the occas ion "hen an honorary degree wa conferred up on P re ident ::\lander by Oxford "Cniver -ity in the heldonian Theater. Thi truly was an occa ion of pomp, glory and co tume. nother occasion "vo rthy of mention wa the invitation to Hampton ourt Pa lace where v.-e were preented to Lord and Lady Eo\\ re , '' ho \vere representative of hi s Royal Majesty. Seventy-five, not gray hound s, but green fleet tran £e rred u from xford to Hampton ourt, a h\ o hours' ride throu gh rural E ngland. At Hampton we were hown over the b autiful estate, the spa.ciou , lawnS, o·ardenS and OTeenhOU e . T he palace itself in good condition i · ' ell furni heel with paintina . tape tri e and beautiful furniture. Dating to ardinal \iVoo l ey ' time, I wa intere ted to ob erve that a larae part of one ide buildina of Hampton i made into apartm nL, wh r officer. widow and their famili e have li d mce the late war. nut f ur o'clock ar ri ve and that i ~ th time et for the pr entati n. ~ \ ther a r 1uantiti of flo\\·r -. \\ . walk cl wn a Ao\Yer-lin cl hall. our name 1 houted, w are

E:NIX led throtwh the door and behold Lord and Lady DO\ne . They are very human . In the room adjoining again, uch light r fr hment · a were erved at the fir t reception were trying the trength of the erving table ·. \ \ h n the time arrive for election of officers, ome ituation had to be met, for th r were many candidate who were eaaerlv eeking office. For ob iou rea -on it eemed unwi e to permit the pre idency to ao to the Contin ent o r the O rient. Everyone appear d to be reconciled when it was announced that Dr. ~Ionroe would be the next P resident, and Dr. Lamkin Secretary General. In clo ing it is fitting for one " ·ho ha · een xford f01- the fir t time to pau e and record a few ob, ervation of the niver ity . \\h en I fir t looked about I ,,. ndered where the t\Y enty-thr e college- could be. O ne doe not realize that a college can exi t with out a campu . I~ rom my limited ob ervation ·. I believe the large t are n . pace i- before the cloi ter of t. ~Iary ~I aacla len a llege (p ron ounced ~Iaudl e n ) . Thi chool' as founclecl in 1-t-t when land wa pl nti ful. th gu ide x1lain , and yet I cloul t if th e oTa y plat i - deep r than the _pace beh\ n our gym na ium ancl the treet n the north. 't t n 1s alway hown thi c urt becau :e it 1 :o paci u, . Uut I in inexperienc d ven aft r adm irin a tile

THE PHOENIX marvelous stained glass windows, the perfectly arched galleries, and the \Yoodwork, beautiful because of its age, and after spending considerable time with the library treasures of which there are 42000 volumes of manuscripts in the Bodleian Library alone not overlooking all the rare art treasures that have never been copied, I still had a desire, to see something beside the o1d gray walls that time so perfectly unified. I wanted to seek a bit of diversion in the scenery and therefore set out to find New College, no knowing that it is the very oldest of the col leges, having been founded in 1376.


I walked all around the outside of that huge structure twice, looking for an imposing entrance which I was sure had been some way overlooked on the first round . Finally I entered through a little passage. Within the situation wa changed! I quite agree with the expression of Dean Burg-on repeated to me by the keeper. He said: "Our forefathers built in a different spirit from ourselves. They contrived a lovvly portal, reserving their best attractions for the interior: and well did they know how to charm the soul which they had first caused to enter by that gate of humility ."

The Alphas Are On Their 'Way Tune: "Yankee Doodle"

The A lpha's are going to Pelican Lake They're coming from far and near To meet at their convention To plan for the following year. The Alpha girls are on their way And they will pay attention To all the \•v ork and all the play At their national convention. Submitted by


Tan T au.



Pre id nt'

Re idence



ampu of 1Iaryville

tat Teach r




Lest We Forget Fellowship Fund Week-April 10- 16 EsTHER BucHER Chairman, Fellowship Committee

E ARE again calling your attention to Fellowship Fund Week, April 10 to 16, at which time the ten dollar assessment from college and alumnc.e chapters will be due. This is the only special "tax" made upon chapters, and goes to make up the loan fund from which members and pledges can borrow


money to continue their educational pursuits. We have had several applications for loans, recently, and we know that all chapters will want to help in the fine work the Loan Fund Committee is doing to aid Alpha Sigma Alpha members and pledges who need some financial assistance.

Winter at Phi Phi ANITA ALDRICH, Phi Phi. to the Associated AccoRDING Press, Ph Phi chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha was in the coldest spot in the United States on the night of January 25, 1936. The official reading was 24 degrees below. The temperature in Maryville has for some time been below the mark of comfort. The all-time oldest weather records for January 19 and 20 were broken when the mercury fell to 15 degrees below. This was

the coldest since February 8, 1933. Snow has fallen at regular intervals and the training school has been closed until the roads can be scooped off. Many on the campus have had frozen ears and hands. Despite all the weather inconveniences the Alpha Sigs have been active and on one of the coldest nights they had their annual Sweetheart Rush Party.



Winter Victims at Miami JuxE H .\RP 'TER.

A. lpiia .-l. lplta

BILE co-ed with the one and only were itting befor open fireplaces or looking through French window at the ''moon over ).Iiami ,. " ·e decided to be different and to braye both old man winter and the daylight by y enturing forth to get a a limJ e of old Miami as ·he might appea r to that man in the moon" hen he peeped from I ehind the horizon. \ Vith our camera tucked under our arm, \Ve dashed over to Harri on Hall to find Archie. Now, you ·ee. Archie i a very important figure in the life of our univer ity. He a \\·a ken all the tudent from their lumber and get them up in tim for breakfa t by ringing l\Iiami'


alarm clock (the seven o'clock b 11 Every hour after that he ke p u informed a to how the day i pro~Te si na by marking off the hour . He wear more k y than any h norary member on the camr u . In fact he ha o many f them that he ha to w ar a pecial bJt to keep them all in place. fter we had tven him ur 'rare'' mil - and di:cu

n d the

chan ina c nditi n f th weather for fully fiv minute ·, \\' kn ". ur conqu t wa nde I for h took ne f I r ci u: key · fr m hi: I el t and m ti ne I f r u - t f II w him. ur climl up the Ion -unu - cl tair leadina t th b II to\\'er

THE PHOENIX began. Every flight grew steeper as we upward climbed. When we had reached the attic stage, we were glad enough for the helping hand Archie offered us. At last we pushed our heads through the manhole and looked out across the snow and ice swept platform of the bell tower. Then we gave one big leap


and landed on the outside. Here old man winter really was the ruling force. However, we pulled our coat collars up over our ear , with stiff fingers opened our camera. and "shot." Vve are allowing you to view some of our "victims .. , Do you think it was worth tvYo frozen feet?

Woman's League at Temple University J \NET MERRILL, Kappa Kappa to the sororities themselves the greatest force in Temple University toward coordinating and bringing together the women students is the Woman's League. Through it certain rights for women are gained and activities and interests are provided which attract vvo men from all parts of the school. It's first big duty is the welcoming of Freshmen. Through the mentor system attempts are made to have the freshmen feel at home and to become acquainted with upperclassmen. A mentor is a senior girl who is appointed by the League. She is a signed a number of "mentorites" or freshmen girls whom she introduces to upper-classmen and helps to get adjusted, and for whom she answers questions or problems . The League ponsors a fashion show and dance every year. Models are chosen by buyers and clothes experts ; and the modeled clothes are gotten from large department stores . The dance following is a gala affair, "' ith everyone eli cussing the style .



and large show windows or tables around the floor. Every week a sociability tea is held in the Great Court of ~litt e n Hall by the \tVoman's League. H ere men and women from the university are invited and many take time off from their studies and stop to haYe tea and crackers during the afternoon. Once a month instead of a tea a tea dance is held . One branch of the League is the judiciary board before which women students living at the university are brought if they have broken any of the school regulations. The members of the board are all students at the university and so are in a position to recognize what sort of a punishment would fit the crime. Likewise the culprits feel that th ey are receiving justice and not j u t being handed out a "campus" by teachers who have no understanding of their position. Beyond these obvious ways tb e League serves the school throug-h innumerable other small means .



Only Two Hundred Ninety More Days 'Till Christmas FRA



the thought of a 1936 Christmas in mind, you may be intere ted to scan l:. rance Holbrook' report on a project which Pi Pi really enjoyed in 1935 . The fifty Christmas stockings which we made, filled and presented to Mi Remington's Mission wa , I think, one of the finest, mo t worthwhile, cooperative plans we have carried out thi year. Tarlaton was purchased by Ro e Kraft and as early in -ovember a it was placed on the shelves of the tores. Rose de igned and cut out the stockings and provided a considerable part of the yarn with which the edges were blanketstitched. orne yam was donated by the girl who sewed on the stocking . Many of the members started working on them at the fir t meeting at Ro e Kraft' home. They were finally collected at Meloina' tea. The tocking really did look o-ay and festive when fini heel. They were filled by Hildeo-arde and me with walnut , pop corn ball made by Loui e bram . Kay trickland and Helen raclley, r d and green ucker with cute face , hard candie which were purcha ed by Hildeo-arde Kay er th rou h J lly at a ub tantial reduction, an 1 tano-erine which wer th ift of ::\Iary lacktone and her hu band. I took the




Pi Pi

tocking to the Mi ion the Frida) before Chri tma to be u eel at their Chri tmas party. I expect Mis Remington will acknowledge them a little later. s far as I am able to determine, the cost of the fifty filled tocking vva :

Tarlaton yarn ..... . ....... $ .93 Nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55 Pop corn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 Candy . ........... .. ...... 3.00 Total .. . ...... . . . . . . $4.88 Tangerine , donated. The ¡co t wa little, but the value of them in terms of satisfaction to tho e who worked on them and the joy and delight of the children who received them cannot be e timated. 4 • ..

Convention Song Tune: "Put on Your Old Gray Bonnet" Put on your hi eld with four corners With A}:.A upon it . nd we'll board the train for Breezy Point. We are fre h from college With a lot of knowledge To cheer for A}:.A. Pick up a ilver goblet With lpha i rna on it nd drink a toa t to A}:.A. It a fine or rity With a great majority It' the be t in the ubmitted by Zeta Zeta.



A Trip With Dolls RuTH ADA OwE of all sizes, shapes and costumes, dolls from many countries, in fact, all dolls, have a place in my hobby, which if you have not already guessed, is collecting dolls. Come with me on a trip, so that I may acquaint you with some of the most interesting members of my collecting. We will fly from Philadelphia to San Francisco, and from there we will take a boat to Honolulu . Here we are greeted by a Hoola-hoola girl, wearing a grass skirt around her waist and several leis about her neck. Perhaps she will present us with a lei, which would be her way of telling us that we are welcome in her land . From here we will sail to Japan. You all remember having read about the Japanese twins when you were in grammar school. vVell, there they are walking along the street. They are both wearing reel and white kimonos, tied with a sash of red. They wear little wooden sandals on their feet. The little boy has his hair cropped closely to his head, while his sister has bobbed hair with bangs, quite in 路the latest style. Do you see that beautiful young girl with her hair arranged so decoratively? And look at the way she has her sash tied. She is a Geisha girl. \1\Te might compare her to certain road-house entertainers. In other words, she is a ''shady lady."




Kappa Ka,ppa

She advertises her profession by the way she arranges her hair and ties her sash. We are very fortunate to be able to see the emperor- especially when he is wearing such a beautiful costume. It is handsomely embroidered in many lovely colors, including gold. His head-dress is also gold, and has a green jewel right in the front. The emperor is believed to be a direct descendant of God, and therefore his person is considered sacred . \1\Te must leave Japan now, and pay a brief visit to China. The first person we see is a little girl of the upper class, dressed in her Sunday best. Her red trousers and dress are embroidered with gold and green thread. Her hair is combed back and she sports a pig tail tied with a little green ribbon. Her brother dresses the same way, but his hair is cut very short and he wears a cap. \Vhile we are here in China, let's go to the theatre and see the great exponent of Oriental acting. He is lVIei Tang Fang. Remember when we saw him in New York five years ago? He certainly aroused a lot of attention-even the L -iterar.'V Digest ran an article about him. He always takes women's parts, and his hands are just as delicate as those of a woman. His costume is very filmy-the sleeves are extremely long and flowing. Now that we have



een thi important person. we will leaYe hina and go to India. \"' e really do not have time to top, but "' hile ,,.e are in Bombay, we miaht as well take time out to buy two of tho e \\ eird-looking doll · which are old by the merchant· right out in the treet. The e dolls are no more than sticks covered with gari h co tume . The dolls remind me somewhat of the corn cob our great grandmothers used to make. 1\ ext our tour take u to Persia. \Ye will not linger here either. HoweYer. we will buy a doll so that w can how our friend at home how Persian vvomen dress . Thi doll ha a pinki h skirt, shawl and head dres . Her veil, '" hich cover her face i black. Her blouse is white, and her hoe and tocking are black. Notice her wooden head-it eems to be characteristic of most of the dolls. \V 11. here we are in Eo·ypt. The women here also have veil coverino· 1h ir face . l\Io t of the Egyptians are ::\Iohammeclan . and their reJiaion pre cribes that women hould not be een in public. If they mu ·t 1 ave their harem . they have to Yeil their face . Thi cov ring i called a ya hma. and it i fa tened to the head dr with a metal cla p, which come rio·ht b t\\·een the eye . It i!" very harmful. and ha re ultecl in many cro -eye I w men. Fr m Egypt w will take a boat thr ucrh the ~Iediterranean and the Dardanelle into the Dlack ea and land 111 ·outh- a tern Ru ia.

Ru ia, a you know. ha · many different type of people. and tho e living in the outh are very riental. The ) oung man o er ther with the white turban wound around his head mu t be from Ru ian Turketan. There i a Ru ian lady eire E:d in her holiday finery. Her very blonde hair indicate that . he 1 · from central Russia. It's a long jump from Ru ia to weden. but here we are. It i a shame we can't get off the train and try to converse with tho e tv.-o little children on the platform. Don't they look healthy? Well. maybe we can come back ome cia) . \i\ eren't those Dani h women intere ting? The one from northern Denmark wa all bundled up in a plaid woolen car£ and cap. Did you notice that the women, regardle s of the section from which they come, all have row of Iutton clown the front of their dre · e a well a I uttons on their leeve . The latter eem to have no particular t1 e. Here "'e are aero the ea in . cotlancl, and ju t look at the kiltie . The de ign in the plaid indicate the clan to which the 1 eople I elong. It i hard for u , being in xperienced in the genealogy of cotland, to eli tino-ui h between th variou clan . \i\fell, we forgot all about ermany. erhap \·ve had better hop a fa ·t plane to erlin. The craze for knittina mu t be a preYalent here a it i back in the nited tate for many of the '' m n and girl wear knitted eire e . I wonder if

THE PHOENIX they knit in street cars and subways . How fortunate that we reached Austria on a Sunday. All the country women walking to church are wearing gold hats-called gelt babe. Sunday is the only day on which they wear them. Aside from the hats, the women are dressed pretty much as other women with whom we are familiar. Italy is certainly a colorful country. Look at those charming little peasant children, with their bright costumes and leather sandals laced around their ankles. From Italy, we will sail to Madeira. It is here that we can buy such lovely linens. The women's dresses are covered with bright embroidery. I ow we will get on the boat again, and make a long trip to the West Indies. Vve stop at the island of St. Thomas. I am afraid if you take one of these dolls home to your little sister they will be disappointed,


for they are far from beautiful. They are rag dolls, with colorle straw for hair, and their features are very much lacking in plea ing form. Their embroidered mouths are pinched in such a manner that they look as thoug!1 they have lost all of their teeth. Now we will go on to .}.Iexico. That woman carrying her child on her back must be an Indian. In this country, most of the people, in fact, ninety per cent of them, are Indians. Now our journey is practically ended . We take a train from .}.Iexico City to the United States. Coming back to Pennsylvania, we see some Amish people dressed in their odd garb - the 'NOmen in blue dresses and black bonnets and the men in purple, wearing peculiar broad black hats. The trip is over for this year, but I hope that soon I shall be able to take a longer and more varied journey 路with the dolls.

Let's All Go To Convention Tune: "Take Me Out to the Ball Park''

Let's all go to Convention At Big Pelican Lake Alpha's from all over everywhere Will be meeting in fellowship there. Oh! we must not mis the Convention. August's the month set to go, Oh! a pledge-maybe two and actives fev, t our Alpha Convention. Submitted by }EAN F u LLER, HELEN BARRY, Tau Tau.




Dr. Beury's Testimonial Dinner or What Happened to Unsuspecting Turkeys


AB r\.


three o'clock on the afternoon of aturclay, January 18, everal residents of 1917 1\orth Broad treet, Philadelphia, Pennylvania (Alpha ig house to you!) leaned out of their window to see a green and white triped canopy being placed in front of Iitten Hall, Temple's recreational center, ju t two door clown the street. The occa ion for the canopy? Of cour ethe testimonial dinner in honor of Dr. Beury's ten year a pre iclent of Temple niver ity was scheduled to begin at 6 :30 that evening. The u e of the canopy in itself indicated to everyone that there were to be big doing in the Hall that night. clvance notice of the dinner to the pre s were pro\' cl coo ervative. The affair wa a gTeat succe . On entering the builclino- that night, we "ere ushered into the Great ourt which wa beautifully decorated with palms and huge f rn . bout fifteen attractive girl clre eel in evening clothe acted a u her . Thre of them were Alpha ig , by the way. They en·ed a ource f information a ,,·ell a aide to the checkroom boy . ,,·ho were kept very bu ) by the fifteen hunclr dodd p ople. m no- the e pe pie there ,,.a the :\Iay r of Philadelphia. the x:\Iay r. th pre.· i lent of La fay tte, T

Kappa, Kappa, the President of the hiladelphia College of Pharmacy an 1 cience, everal Penn ylvania enator , many member of the Templ niyer ity faculty, and repre entative from practically every tudent organization on the campu . Fifteen hundred gue t at clown to !inner table in the main floor of the auditorium, the balcony and the clubroom of Mitten Hall. The menu \\'a a follow : (Ed . note: l\1enu deleted. It would be cruel to put it in. omeone mio-ht read it while eating a drug- tore lunch.) In the proce of routing every last ·v estige of hunger from tho e pre ent, 160 turkey eli appeared, a did 56 turtle (in the napper oup), 5400 rolls, 1600 herbet , 00 grapefruit, 25 hamper of pea , and 960 pound of weet 1 otatoe . Following the dinner, the ue t peaker. Dr. Lewi f Lafay tt gave an in pirino- challenge to the men and ·w omen of univ r itie to e the ituation confronting them and try to make bett r citie , tat and univ r itie for the country. r. Beury' acldre ' a br aclca t. He t lcl f . orne of th futur plan for Temple and gav the credit f r th pro r mad in the la t t n y ar t the mer carrying . out f the polici an 1 id a f TemJ!e' found r. Ru II nwell.

THE PHOENIX The unveiling and presenting to the University of a bust of Dr. Beury, executed by Boris Blai, director of Temple's new School of Fine Arts, and the giving of a traYeling bag to Dr. Beury by the General Alumni Association concluded the after dinner program . From the balcony of the auditorium we watched the President re-


ceive more congratulations from members of the great crowd, as they moved slowly toward the exits. It was a colorful scene, made gay by the bright evening dresses of the women, their flowers, and the flowers and candles on the many 路whitecovered tables. It vvas indeed a wonderful affair, a fit celebration for ten years of progress at Temple.

A Romance Through A. S. A. l\1ARY LAWRENCE MAUNTELL1


diplomas and roses; excitement, adventure, romance, sur-路 pnse. This particularly lovely day, not unlike most June days, meant the climax of many college careers at Temple University. The very atmosphere was permeated with an exuberance of confusion. Trunk packing was in progress, last minute details were finally receiving attention, borrowed things were in the act of being returned. A few had already told hasty goodbyes-eager to begin a new adventure, while others of us, though happy, felt a touch of pathos in connection with a clay of graduation. The time had come when we were compelled to leave our college friendships . The time had come when we were obliged to doff our mantle of girlhood, to don that of womanhood, of dignity and of responsibility. In short, we bade farewells, and timorously approached a


Kappa Kappa

world of uncertainty. vVhat was destined for us? My plans were to visit with my chum sister, 1\l[argaret Chamblin in Virginia. We were to leave Philadelphia by boat, but, arriving at the wharf, found, to our disappointment, the Baltimore boats were not sailing that clay. A train ride was the only alternative, so, reluctantly, we started for the \iVest Philadelphia Station. 'Twas here that a kind fate entered into my little picture; for, just as I was about to board the train, a very gallant young man offered to assist me with my baggage. But no, I clare not pay any attention to a stranger, so thanked him kindly; and awkwardly but successfully struggled up the steps- unassisted. As 1:t happened this young man sat across from us in the car. After v.rhat seet11ecl to be a rather close observation, he noticed my sorority pin, leaned over, and asked "Are 1



you wearing an Alpha Sigma Alpha . '" pm. 'vVa this a legitimate alibi for conver ation, after having once refu eel hi advance ? Evidence eemed superfluou , for. immediately, I became interested, forgot propriety, and answered in urpri e, "Y e , but how do you know the pin?" He replied, 路路~Iy i ter i an Alpha ig in the Gamma Gamma chapter at Northwestern, in Alva, Oklahoma." However, not forgetting the fact that many boys have ''make believe" sisters. I insisted upon her name and address. Conver ~ ation continued and all too soon our destination was reached, thu ending an unexpected and very plea ant train ride. The next day, while relaxing in a hammock underneath the shade of two big tree in ole \ irginny, l\Iargaret and I proceeded to talk over our experience of the day before. he aid to me "~ ouldn't you be thrill d if '~1onte' would write to you?" Of cour e I agreed! But good time and busy minute in ''Ginny" made me temporarily forget my train ride escapade. everal week pa sed before I \\rote to my newly found i ter . and, to my delight, wa 路 rewarded by a lovely letter in reply, from race l\Iauntel John on-an hone tto-go dne i ter from a far away chapter. ptember arriYed and with it, a mo t int re ting letter from my train man. That letter airl . wa the b innina of a mo t beautiful r -

mance, for "e corresponded from that time up until our wedding day, June 26th, 1928; having een each other comparatively few time , but a often as po ible in that lap e f five year . mall portion of our honeymoon wa pent in lva, klahoma, and while there, I was royally wtertained at a breakfast by the Alpha igma Alpha girls at N onhwestern, with Ii s Minnie hockley a our ho te . \ e felt highly honored to be the recipients of a beautiful ilver service fork, bearing the insignia AlA from Ii s Shockley. Another thrillina experience gained through AlA i that of the plendid lumni organization w have here in Pitt burgh; con i -ting of about twenty girl -all of whom are from cattered chapters. \1\ e have monthly meetings in the form of ocial get-togethers, and my contact with a splendid group of si t r made me feel very much at home in thi areat city le s than two "eeks after my arrival here. June ninth, 1929, brought an added trea ure to our happy home, in the form of a little airl baby~lary Elizabeth :vrauntel, her doct r being the hu band of an . lpha 1rr. . lpha 1gma lpha. in a literal en e, nvelop me, havina two mother who are patrone 路 e , ne i ter, a weetheart and a baby. ~ o you ee, girl , I have much for which to feel gratified all becau:e of the i terhood of which I am a . memb r - lpha 1gma lpha. ~Ioral: A pire - ~ eek - .\ttain.



Interesting Alpha Sigs MRS. GAIL NOAH SHELB Y Gamma Gamma

l\Irs. Gail Noah Shelby, formerly of Ah路a, was elected the most useful citizen in 1935 in Carlsbad, New Mexico, it was learned here today. l\Irs. Shelby, formerly Miss Gail Noah of Alva, is the principal of the Edison School of Carlsbad, and \Vas giYen the honor by the citizens of C~rlsbad, due to her outstanding \VOrk in the educational and social ,,v ork in the city, according to the Dail)' Cunren-AYgus of Carlsbad .

ally when she was recently elected to membership in the Delta Kappa Gamma sorority national honorary fraternity recognizing outstanding educational accomplishments.



She received a large engraved silver loving cup, from the judges who represented the civic clubs of the citv. l\Irs. Noah is the sister of Phil Noah and Lee Ioah of Alva and is a graduate of Northwestern College here and is still an active alumni member of the Alpha Sigma Alpha sorority. GIVEN Ni\TlO


She is president of the Business and Professional V\Tomen's Club of that city and a member of the Ea tern Star, and an officer of the organization. She has been active in Reel Cross vwrk and has been chairman of the nursing committee for the past three years and prominent in the charity work of that city. l\Irs. Shelby was honored nation-

Mrs. Rush Elliott (Frances Gray) an alumna of Delta Delta and a water color artist of note has obligingly made this contribution to the PHOENIX.

I sincerely believe that art i a creative process rather than a representative one and unless it is carried on in the spirit of experimentation and adventure it nor its creator can grow in expression. Paint every



different way you can think of. If one i intere ted in goino- on in the field of art I think it i very es entia! to create in oneself a receptive frame of mind and learn to recognize the immediate job for what it may lead to. \ Tery eldom doe opportunity eyer come to any of u the exact way in which we would like to have it. This is one of the thing that makes life exciting. ince 1932 I have been spending my major time paintino· (water color) . Exhibit in which my things have been, 1933 - '34 - '35 : Ohio ater olor ociety, a rotary how which goes to twelve different citie ; Invited Exhibit of Ohio tate Fair, 1934 and 1935 · Ohio rtists Show ( invited) at the Columbus Gallery, 1935; Philadelphia Water Color lub, 1935; Chester Springs how, 1935; Art Alliance in Philadelphia, 1935 · Columbu rt League, 193.:;. During February my painting are beino- hown with l\Iis Edna M . \\ ay' who is head of the Art Department at Ohio niver it) in a two-man show at the o·allery of the niver ity Library in then . I have had three commi ion : ome cientific illu tration for 'General Zoology" by F. H. Krecker. R educing the tatuary and tati n of the cro - for t. Paul" hurch 111 . then and Holy ro burch in lou ·ter, hio.


In our Ia t PHOEN rx ther appeared an article written by Eclri \t\ arner, one of our Beta Deta alums and Faculty dvi er of the acti\ e chapter. In her article. picturino· th lovely per anality and ucce " ful career of another intere tino· . \lpha Sig, Edri portrayed her own p r-

anality, and the rea on for her 0\\ n ucce ful career. Edri i a girl that any chapt r would be proud t claim. h ". et, incer re pon ibl , det ndable, and Ia t but not I a t, barrel of fun . I h uld not haY ·aid ·'Ia t, ' h we er, f r I c uld a on and n with uch adj cti\ . and n \' r d her ju tic . erhap y tl ar eag r t bee 111 b tt r acquainted \\ ith her.

THE PHOENIX Ou r lady came to us in 1932 from \~f ayne University, Detroit, Mich ., as transferring work to the Colorado State College of Education, which was then known as Colorado State Teachers College. She was an outstanding student from the beginning and when I tell you about the honors that she has received from time to time, you will see that she desen路es praise. Edris received her A .B. degree in the department of Commercial Education and for the past two years has been secretary in the office of Dr. Rugg, head of that department and head of the College L ibrary. She is a member of Pi Omega Pi, honorary commercial fraternity, Pi Kappa Delta, honorary debating fraternity, Sigma Pi Lambda, local honorary fraternity for women in education, of which she is a past president, and Kappa Delta Pi, national honorary fraternity in education of which she js now president. She is a past secretary, past treasurer and business manager of Alpha Sigma Alpha, and is the present Faculty Adviser of the chapter. She is a member of the \Voman's Council, an organization composed of a selected twenty from the outstanding women on the campus, who work with the Dean of \~omen in promoting worthwhile organizations and activities for the '"'omen students of the college. I might add that she is a very inter-


ested and active worker in the Alum Chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha . One of Edris' favorite pastime is traveling. She has taken many interesting trips and is planning several new ones . Her next trip will be on February 24, when she vvill go to St. Louis as a delegate of Theta Chapter of Kappa Delta Pi to the Biennial Convocation, which will be held between February 24 and 26. She plans to stop in Kansas City to spend the week-end of the 22nd with friends before going on to the convocation. Edris attended the AlA convention when it was held in Boston, and also when it was held in Estes Park. She is thinking seriously of going to Pelican Lake this year. If plans work out, she will go on from the convention to Detroit, where she will visit with friends. I do hope that you all have the pleasure of meeting our Edris at convention this year. MRS. GLADYS BLACKFORD FUNK Gamma Gamma

Another Gamma Gamma Alumna who has been honored is Gladys Blackford Funk of Arnett, Oklahoma. The Arnett Federated Club of which she is president was given the highest rating at the D~strict Federated Club Convention held at vVoodward, Oklahoma.




Who Will Be Next?

Mrs. Fl o rence

ve ry Ande r on,

Pre ident of Greeley A lumnae Chapte r

Mi Pr

T helma


ident of Ea te rn P enn yh 路a n ia lumn a Cha pt r



Who Will Be Next? Pittsburg, Pennsylvania was first! In accordance \vith the new constitutional requirement of September first , Alumnce groups seeking official recognition must be chartered. The second and third groups to receive their charters were Boston, Massachu etts and Wichita, Kansas. Then in rapid succession Alumnce Chapters at Denver, Colorado; Indianapolis, Indiana; Central Pennsylvania; Maryville, Missouri; Kansas City, Missouri; Huntington, West Virginia ; Buffalo, New York; Alva, Oklahoma; Chicago, Illinois; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and Los Angeles. California, filed their applications for charters . Since the last issue of the


three newly organized alumnce

chapters have signed charter petition . They are Greeley, Colorado, Eastern Pennsylvania, and Kent. Ohio.

Who Will Be Next? Throughout the country Alpha Sigma has more than twelve alumu~oe groups with a membership that makes them eligible for a charter grant. \i\Thich of these groups will be next to g1ve its support to Alpha Sigma Alpha's Alumn~ expansion program?

"With what measure you mete will be meted you In service and love each clay; And to give full measure your whole life through Is your pledge to A . S. A."



Alumnae Chapters ALVA, OKLAHOMA A very pecial meeting of lpha Sigma Alpha was held in October, at the time of our District Teacher ' ~Ieeting in observance of Founder ' Day. The sorority colors-red and white-formed the predominant color note for programs and room decorations, while the table were decked with autumn leave and lighted taper , corsages of autumn flowers and nut cups fashioned as corn shock were given a favor . The following program wa grven. Vvelcome-Gladys Reed. Response-Eva Arne V\ ood . ocal Solo- Frances Norman, accompanied by Luella Harzman. Welcome to Pledges-Edith mith. Re pon e-Louise Ewalt. Founding of Gamma-Mi Minnie Shockley. The fir t President of Gamma Gamma chapter, cia Smith Lane, and one of the charter member Lorinda l\Iason Lane, were with us, as well a many alumnce who had been away teaching for orne time. The following lpha Sig name \\ere en on the Di trict Teacher l\Ieeting proo-ram: Mi hockley, Edna Donley, Luella Harzman, Emogene ox and ~Iinnie We ley. The econcl reo-ular meeting of the year wa held at my home with Eva . me \Y o l ( ~Ir . harl ) a coho te . \Ye carried out the Thank -

giving motif in game , favor and refre hments. \Ve "ere happy to have uch a large group in attendance, and also happy that Sue Edwards Trenary brought her baby daughter lone for us all to get acquainted with. t this meeting letters were read from some of our national officer and further plan were made for our year's work. \ e voted to continue meeting the second Friday of every month. Our Christma meeting i to be at Essie Nall's, and i to be in the form of a party for the Active girl . We're planning to have a gift exchange at that time. The Alpha Sigs were well represented at the Panhellenic party given last week at the home of M r . \ . E . Simon, when the Delta rg entertained. We all took food for a Thank giving ba ket. Our alumnce pre iclent, Eva me Wood (Mr . harle ) , has 1 een greatly honored. She was accorded national recognition by the ociety of Art and cience. Mr . V\ oocl ha been elected to member hip in thi organization because of her outtanding talent in painting. Thi ociety, which wa founded in 1 3, ha played an important part in the advancement of art and cience. v e are e pecially proud of thi honor which ha come to Eva and ay" ith all our heart -congratulation . F llowing our u ual cu tom, the

THE PHOENIX Gamma Gamma Alumnce entertained the actives at a Christmas Dinner Party. The dinner was given in the home of Mrs. Essie N all (Mrs. Jess), 626 Center Street. Mrs. Nail, Miss Minnie Shockley, Miss Lois Rodgers, Miss Theta Donley, Miss Emogene Cox, Miss Ruth Marcum, Mrs. Elsie Sol拢 Fisher (Mrs. Earl), lVIrs. Quentin Ferguson, and 1\l[rs. Freida Shirley Baker (Mrs. Chas., Jr.), were hostesses. The red and silver color note was stressed in the yuletide lTiotif used by the hostesses for decorations and appointments. The threecourse dinner was served at quartette tables, which were attractively centered with tall reel tapers circled with mistletoe. Reel cellophane was employed to fashion the poinsettia candy holders, which were given as favors. Upon the arrival of the guests a get-acquainted game was played with bells, and dinner partners 路were secured by the representation of certain toys. Between courses of the dinner toasts were given by ]\!Irs. Eva Ames Wood, Miss Minnie Shockley, Miss Vera Leeper, Miss Edith Smith and Miss Louise Evvalt. Following the dinner other games in keeping with the Christmas season \路V ere introduced and a gift exchange was conducted by " Santa Claus." Miss Vera Leeper, active sponsor, received a lovely gift from the actives and both actives and


alumnce presented l\Iiss Shockley with a gift. Concluding the party Miss Minnie Wesley read " Spirit of Christmas," by Van Dyke and Miss Rodgers led the group in singing "Silent Night." Also, in December the Alphas and other sororities were entertained by the Tri-Sigs at the home of :Mrs. Neva \i\Tilkerson Sartin. On January 10 we met at the home of Eula Callison with Mrs. Naomi Warren Paris (Mrs. Alvin ) as co-hostess. The year book committee consisting of .M rs. Quentin Ferguson, irs. Charles Wood and :Miss Theta Donley presented us with our sorority calendars. Gifts were presented to our new bride-Mrs. Baker, and to Ruth 1\tiarcum who was leaving soon to enter Nurses' Training at Dallas, Texas. Before Ruth's arrival at the party we also wrote letters for her to read on the train. A is the bride's custom in our group, Freicla passed some very delicious chocolates which we all enjoyed. Plans were discussed for a l\Iarch party, at which time the Alpha alumnce will entertained the other members of the alumnce Panhellenic. Lois Rodgers, Edna Donley, and Minnie vVesley were named as a committee to make more definite plans for this party. 1v[rs. Jennie Locken Kinney of Gage, Oklahoma, entertained Mrs. Gladys Blackford Funk (Mrs. \i\Till) of Arnett, Oklahoma, and Misses



E lizabeth Green and Roberta amp of hattuck. )klahoma, at a luncheon in December. (The e girl are all Gam ma Gamma and have ome enjoyable time together.) Lucile Cheir F rance (M rs. John ) and family are now living at Inger oll. O klahoma, where John i teaching. The Gamma Gamma girl were grieved to learn of the death of Clara Bax ter F uzzel (M rs. Ray) on January 10 at Cleo Springs, O klahoma. Clara had been ill for ome time and died during an operation. The next regular meeting will be held February 14 at the home of A r s. Lorinda l\Iason Lane (:\Irs. da Smith Lane Arthur ) with (M rs. \i\ ill ) as co-hostess. O ur Panhellenic party will be a St. Patrick's party on March 2 at the home of l\Irs. E . . Raine . Gamma Gamma will be happy to know that work on our two new college building IS progre 路smg nicely. 1\'ew Yea r greetings to all the other chapters from the Gamma Gammas. frKNIE



Ga mma Ga mma.

This letter wa received from Billy Dall an alumna of amma Gamma and give an in ight into the work o f a police matron m our capital city \". a 路hington . 1757 K St .. N. W. Wa hington, D. C. Ab ut the Woman' B ureau and my b in it. F ir t of a ll I took a ivil ervice exa min ati n in C lorad and \\'a lucky en u h to pa it. It wa a

difficult affair mentall y and phy ically. About a year and a half late r I wa a ppointed. The policewomen in D . C. functi on out of a Bureau under the command of Cap t. Rhoda ]. Milliken who is nati onally kn own fo r he r work. There are 23 policewomen be ide the othe r civilian wo rke r s in th e Bureau. W e work a a s ing le unit and with the men from th e variou bureaus of th e department. Our work take to all parts of the city at all hour fo r all ort of thin g . The Woman's Bureau is neyer cl osed. Sometimes we leave the Di strict, for instance, I went with anoth er woman to bring th e F untaine woman (keynote in the Tri-State Gang) from U ppe r Darby, Pa. Incidentally th ere were eight men accompanyinrr us on thi trip. So much for that. But you r eadil y get the idea that th e wo rk holds no s ing le dull moment. I si mpl y couldn't go back to Math at 9 :15 and security of teaching. Mind you I don't think eve ryone would be happy in thi s work, but it uits m e to a "T'. I'm happy to say that I wa one of three ot he r women from th e burea u to be lecte d to attend Columbu s Un ive r s ity Law School (special divi sion o f Police law ). Thi is my junio r year. I am also takin g law at CU for a degree with the ultimate aim of the bar. Thi s course i a ide from the P olice law and when we are working at night we make up th e hours spent 111 chool after midni ght. That mean we prowl around at th e night club and cabarets until after two o'cl ock. That t an inte re ting bit of work if th er e eve r was one. My partn r during thes hours i a g irl f rom I wa who was teaching in Colo rad o when I was there. W took th e . exa m together, inci dentally " 1" (A li ce Parri h ) and I are the younge t women in the Bu rea u. he to i a member of the Poli ce la w chool and al o a regular law tudent. I've een cad f fam u pe pie, I lik mo t of them. Th y a a rule are

THE PHOENIX so pathetically human, just like the rest of us . It takes the lower strata to really go high-hat when elevated. Unlike any other profession, there seems to be no training that especially fits you to this job, it depends more on judgment and a willingness to do the thing on a moments notice to the very best of one's ability. Remember our student teaching days? We were trained for every conceivable emergency, well, you just take 'em as they come here and somehow manage to do them very well. Of course there are drab, sordid spots, plenty of them. But there is an abundance of humor and sunny spots all through. At present I'm on the first month of a six months' Missing Person detail. Among our sideline duties is running a switchboard, teletype, and any other old thing that may happen to need doing in or out of the office.

BU FFALO, NE W Y ORK The Buffalo alumn~ chapter held its annual Christmas luncheon at Hildegarde Kayser's home, on Monday, December 30. If you are a Pi Pi girl, this is one meeting which you positively will not miss. The first inquiry, there, is "Are there any new babies?" Yes, Margaret Main Demery and Ruth Potter Holmlund both have sons. Here your correspondent pauses to question what will happen to A~A in the next generation if this continues? Daughters are the thing! Close by this first question is the following demand, "Show me your left hand!" But this is confusing. Can you, yourself, at a glance be certain a diamond came from Tiff~my's instead of Kresge's? Perhaps it would be safest to postpone the announce-


ment of names until the marnage licenses are published. It would be a pity to risk one's reputation for authenticity. And I have doubts, grave doubts. Of course, Pi Pi girls are the kind which one naturally pictures, going clown the middle aisle. But at the last meeting a material inducement, which would appeal to any girl, \Vas added. Each and every member of Pi Pi, upon her marriage will receive a sterling pickle fork, bearing the letters A~A. In addition, each new baby will be able to throw on the floor a sterling A~A baby spoon. The plans for the February meeting are complete. The active chapter \vill be the guests of the ex-collegio chapter at a Valentine Sports Party which will be held at the Kenmore Y. W. C. A. Our own Helen Lazier who manages the cafeteria there will see that the supper is perfection. Then, whether you are athletic o路r not, you will enjoy the evening of games. And now, and finally, please excuse a personal note, but I do vvish that every A~A, everywhere could continue to enjoy sorority contacts as much as do Pi Pi's alumn~. DoROTHY ALICE MARLEY.

CHI CA GO , I LLINOIS Our alumme activities read like a calendar of monthly luncheons at select restaurants and tea rooms in or about the Loop . This is necessitated because we come from ali around Chicago within a radius of twenty-five miles and because many



of our girl are bu ine women, it i · impractical to haYe partie at our variou home . Ho" ever we have had an average of ix rrirl at each me ting, and the rrroup i alway changing. It i urpri ing how well acquainted we haYe become over the e luncheon , or perhap not at all urpn mg ince we have one great thing in common-Alpha igma " lpha. \t\ e're discu sing convention at our meetings now, and although we'd all like to attend, definite plans haven't leen made by many of u as yet. \Ve're fortunate in havinrr three ne,,· members added to our group. They are: Helen Ell worth Ball (NN). 1\Iargaret \\ hitehurt. and 1\ elle Gabrielson Raney (II). \ \ e hop the e girls will come often to our luncheon . \1\fe're delighted to have them with u . ur ctober meeting wa held at the Monte Cri ti, a clelio·htful Italian Restaurant. n rovember 16 we met in ='.Iarhall Fields' r arcis u Room for a Founder' Day luncheon. In December we enjoyed the Fr nch atmo phere of Le Petit J·ourm t. on upp r :\Iichirran Boulevard. ur January m eting wa held at Freel Harv v' R taurant. where w had a deliciou luncheon. In F bruary. n th fift enth, we will have a tea at ='.Iar hall Field · \\.alnut Room. celebratin t. \ -ali1tin · Day. There \\ill be a fa hi n sh ,,. of Fi lcl' b a uti ful

pring clothe , that clay. Thi hould be a drawing card for our rrirl . \1\ on't all the lpha ig in hicago and the uburbs come ut for our meeting ? \1\ e extend a mo t cordial invitation to you all! WILM


Alpha Alpha.

DENVER, COLORADO The year roll merrily on! ur Founders' Day luncheon at the D nver \thletic lub wa mdeed a ucce ful one. Thi i th one grand get-together of the year. Glady Lamb, our president, p!·eided and with her u ual graci tt -ness welcomed the out of t wn rrirl . Kay witzer, vice-pre ident of D ta Deta hapter at Greeley. gave a repon e to the "' elcome. I rene Holland announced the Pledge \ \vard of a $5 payment toward Life i\f ember hip due to be given to th outstanding pi dge of Beta Beta hapter thi year. In her talk he urge 1 more intere t in Life Member ·hip pa) ment by all. Mildred Trupp of the pledrre chapter accepted thi challenge of the Denver \lumnre. Polly chlo er gave an in ·piring talk on 'Founder Day in lpha i rna lpha- 1935. ' Twenty girl attended th hri tma breakfa t. The ho te e felt that the appetite might ha been a littl keener for the ighty tzzlinrr au ag ''ere not ntirely d v ured. \Ve all talked f nvention ay t c m and a ood bit of nthu ia m wa worked up: I beli ve en r Alunmre will be r prented at Dr ezy int. Th name

THE PHOENIX of the meeting place has everything in its favor and the pictures in the folder Polly brought were most tempting. The musicians in the library went into a huddle for a convention song and the critics in the living room gave enthusiastic approval. We finally settled down to a few rounds of bridge- the prizes were bowls with bulbs that bloom in the spring tra-la! On a snowy January Saturday, we held our benefit bridge at Glaphy Brown's attractive home in Monaco Parkway. She is always a very generous and charming hostess. We enjoyed an altogether pleasant afternoon. This has become an annual affair; each member brings herself


and sometimes one or more gue t . We have found it an easy and painless way to add to our treasury. Light but satisfactory refreshment were served and prizes consisted of donated white elephants-after all, white elephants have their points. There was very little expense connected with this benefit and we cleared ten dollars. Our February meeting is a\ alentine party. We are sending special invitations to seven prospective new members for our chapter, whom we find listed in the directory just published . And from now on each meeting will be spiced with Convention talk. Vrvr


Denver Alumnae at Christmas Brunch at Vivi Dobbin's Home First row, left to right-Ruth Lanphier, Kaylee Eldridge, Irene Holland, Barbara Oxley, Kay Switzer, Margaret Sanders Bedford. Second row-Polly Schlosser, Vi vi Dobbins, Helen Hay, Nora H etland, Hel en Wiscombe, Za Lawrenson. Third row-Glaphy Brown, Eleanor Tupper, Marjorie Spears, Mildred Harding, Elizabeth Foote, Jean Young.



EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA O ne dozen enthusia tic Alpha Sigs met on December 15, a rainy Sunday afternoon, at the mericu Hotel in llentown, Pennsylvania, a new alumnce chapter to oraanize b of Alpha igma Alpha. From Central chapter June mith and J erry Smith had come to help u with the formalitie of getting started and to give us the friendly encouragement of sisters who are our near neighbors. The following members of the new chapter were present: Thelma Stortz, :Margaret Goba, Anna Grimm, Anna \iVi llauer, Dorothy Gebhart, Eleanore Smith Thoma , Helen Moser 路M organ, Elinor Carpenter, l\Iary Kirlin, and P hylli Glasgow Kittelberger. Officer s were elected : Thelma Stortz, president ; Anna Grimm , vice-president; Mary K irlin, secretary; Anna \iVillauer, treasurer. and Phyllis Glasgow Kittelberger, PHOENIX correspondent. everal matters of busine were discu eel a nd ettled. N ames for our new chapter were proposed and considered; Eastern Pennsy lvania wa cho en temporarily, pending our further consideration. Ap ril was et a the nex t date of meeting a nd the llentow n girl a , umed re ponibility for it. After tea had been e rved the meeting broke up with everyone anticipating another plea ant a-atherina in April. The next meetina of Ea tern Penn ylvan ia chapter will be held at

the home of ::\Iary Kirlin. 227 Korth 1 ineteenth treet, Allentown, on aturday, ~-\pril 18 at 2 p.m. We hope all member will be present. PHYLLI S GLA GO \V KITTELBERGER .

Following is a li t of the girl on our record who belong in the Ea tern Pennsylvania group. If your name should be here and is not, please write to one of the officers. We hope to see all of you who belong in the group at our next meetmg. Th elma Stortz, Emaus Pa. Margaret B. Gohn, 517 3rd St., Catasauqua, Pa . Catherine L ow ry, 447 Broadway, Bangor, Pa. Norma N yce, 432 22nd St., A ll entown, Pa. Anna Grimm, 120 S. 13th St., Allentow n, Pa. Betty Littl e H orne r, High Bridge, Anna Willauer, 23 S. 16th St., Easton, Pa. D orothy Gebhart, 17 S. 13th St., Easton, Pa. Eleanor Smith Thoma , Abbott Court, outh, Ralburn , . ]. H ele n R ee e to rey, 452 Lafayette t., Hawtho rne, . ]. Kathryn D eitrich, Bangor, Pa. H elen Moser Morgan, 732 eneca St., Bethlehem, Pa. Irene Benner, 215 t. , latingto n, Pa. Mildred Chri tman, 160 2nd t., Lehighton , Pa. fr . ]. Dougla Pacheutal, N. Delawa r e River Rd., Ea ton, Pa. Mrs. Wm. Hun burger, Alburti , Pa. Phylli Gla gow K itte lberge r, 220 Lafayette Ave., Palmerton, Pa. Cath rine eltzer, 540 E. Broad t. , Tamaqua, Pa. T.


THE PHOE N IX Elino r Carpenter, 112 S. 13th St., All en town, Pa. Mary Kirlin, 227 N. 19th St., All ent own, Pa. H e len Paser Keckert, Northampton, Pa. Evdyn Kratz Wemme r, Soude rton, Pa.

INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA Once again we are going to press with the new s of our association. There has been such a lapse of time, just think we must go back to November t~ give a full report of the happenings. These meetings were given over to splendid benefit bridge at the Banner vVhitehill Furniture Company. The thirty-five tables were filled with girls from old Blakers Teachers College, and what a reunion we had. The party spirit reigned and with the splendid cooperation of the committee 111 charge, the benefit was a great success. And now the committee, Betty \i\ inn Rice, general chairman; Berniece Lamb, prizes; Letha Heckman Gaskins, candy; Frances Shaw refreshments and Helen Selvage, publicity. December, the month our Mothers' Club always entertains for us. Each year their work, their love which is in their plans grow dearer to the girls and daughters of A~A. The following article appeared in the Indianapolis Sunday Star written by Mrs. Elizabeth Proctor, Mothers' Club publicity chairman. This will describe our party. The Mothers' Club of A lph a Sigma Alpha Sorority gave its annual Christmas party to the alumnae and patron esses of Chi Chi chapter ye sterday afte r-


noon at the home of th e pres ident, 1v1r s. H. F. E mick, 2345 Ce ntral Av enue. Deco rati on wer e in. th e club color s, green and white. H oll y wreath and baskets of fern e ry s ugge sted th e yul etid e sea son. The tea table centerpi ece wa s a g reen and s il ver Christmas tree with green and white taper s burning in crystal candelabra. On th e program were r eadin g by Mrs. Samantha Martin, a Chri stma story by Mis s Gwendolyn Sho rt, with solo interlud es by Mis s Geraldine Hutton, and mu sic by a tri o composed of M isses Mary Jeanette Sell er s, Edith Simmon s and Pauline Snyder. Gift s we re di stributed to th e g ues ts. A silver offe ring was taken and contributions brought for Chri stma s basket s to th e needy. Assisting Mrs. Emick we re M es dam es G. W . Hutton, H. C. Hall, ]. W. Selvage, ]. A. Schofield, E. C. Faust, F. B. Foltz, H. W . Shaw and A. ]. Procto r.

Another Christmas party, another beautiful program and another time with those we love. Our meeting scheduled for January found many who were ill and thus the date was postponed till February for our annual Valentine luncheon, our guests were our mothers. Everyone was hail and hearty by this time and what a g lorious affai r we had. Esther Burge was our gracious hostess and assisted by a grand group of girls which were 1argaret Schofield who was responsible for the dear favors and the center pieces for each table which were little silver trees with reel hearts ; Evelyn Hall who decorated the white candy mints with hearts; the famous chef and certainlv deserves such




a name, Eloi e Proctor with able a i tance from Dorothy Ram ey Karrman, Mary Kidwell oland and Geraldine Hutton. The fun for the afternoon was the ever bu y game, Bunko. After an hour of this throwing the dice, we had all played with the other and the high and low one were pre ented with lovely gift . The ocial hour ha always been a great feature in our parties, o we all tayed late enjoying each other. nother party was markedsuccess. All our meeting have had unu ual attendance and we look forward to good time in our meetings this spring. Convention is the key note now . If only a part of the plan come true, I know that we will have a splendid representation to attend the 1936 Convention of lpha igma Alpha. HELEN GRACE SELVAGE.

KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI \ e are very proud to call attention to the honor bestowed upon our National President, Wilma Wil on harp, when her name was elected to be incl uclecl in the late t vVho. \Yho of merican \ omen. Tho e of u fortunate enough to be here where we can know of her '' ork, never cea e to marvel at her ability. Thi n w honor i one richl y deerved. Karol liphant ree on accompani d by her daughter Karol . nn ao- t\\ o month . ha gone to \\ ebter r ye Mi ouri where he ha a ceptecl a po ition in the

chool . fter her hu band. Kenneth Gree on, lo t hi life in the era h of the ky Chief near here la t l\1ay, on which he was the copilot, Karol pent ometime in alifornia, returning to I ansa ity la t fall. Little Karol Ann' fir t po e ion wa a wing bracelet, an exact duplicate of the one her father wore.



.., -路~.

Wilma Wil on harp wa ho te s at the tea held at the Phillips Hotel in October. he had prepared orne information about the chapter represented in our alumnce a-roup, and we enjoyed hearing how our college chapters were starting the year. Some of our girl had vi ited on the campuse last ummer, and were able to add some fir t hand torie to these report . It wa a clark, rainy clay, just the ort to make u linger long over our tea and enjoy the chatter of good f riencls. l\Ir . W. N. \ il on wa our charming gue t. On Found r ' Day, Mary rubb ent rtained the alumnce chapter at a delightful luncheon at the \\'omen' City lub. Thirty of u o-athered in the attractive lounge of the club, and luncheon wa erv d in a private dining room. \\ e are till talking about the grand time we had that afternoon. :::\Iar) rubb i uch a bu y p r on that we d n't e her often enou h. Be ide teachin a- in high cho 1 he i attendin law chool evening , and i doing r markably " ell there, too.

THE PHOENIX The December meeting was held at Mildred Hanthorne's home in Independence. We did manage to elect officers for the near year, and play some bridge before opening our Christmas gifts. We had decided on a ten cent limit, but the wrapping were so attractive, we were very anxious to see the contents. These officers were elected: Mildred Hanthorne, president; Ethel Phillips, vice-president; Martha May Marqu is, treasurer; Mrs. lone Cass, secretary; Mrs. Laura Sherman, PHOENIX reporter.

PHILADELPHIA, P A. The Philadelphia Alumnce Chapter met for their first meeting of the year at the Women's City Club on November first. A delicious dinner was served to twenty-four enthusiastic members. Our president, Ruth Nailor, welcomed us and gave an inspiring "pep talk"-football teams are not the only organizations who need it. If this year does not prove to be a banner one it certainly will not be the fault of our president. Ruth then introduced Helen Henneberg as the toast-mistress for the evening. Helen in turn introduced Helen Smiles, Kappa Kappa's president, who spoke of the activities of the chapter for the ensuing year. Frances Saylor, Nu Nu's president also told of her chapter's doings. Dot Crook, Alpha Sigma Alpha's National Registrar, of whom we are all so proud, brought greetings from National Council's important busi-


he ness meeting of the summer. spoke of convention plans, and I believe every girl present vowed she would get to Minnesota by bns, train, or foot. Jean Kerr was then called on to sing a solo. Jean MacDonald, chairman of the program committee, spoke of the program for the year and pointed out the attractiveness of a program booklet designed and executed by Ruth Nailor. In December a Christmas party is planned to be held in the Kappa Kappa sorority house; in January a card party will be held in the Engllish Room at Strawbridge & Clothier's; in February the annual St. Valentine tea is planned for the active chapters to be held at Drexel Institute; in :M arch a covered dish supper is to be enjoyed in Kappa Kappa's sorority house; in April we hope to have a party at Drexel Lodge; in May will be held the annual luncheon and business meeting at which time the officers for the coming year will be elected. Margaret Yarnall discussed the advisability of the Alumnce Chapter's joining the Federation of \l'.,T o,... men's Clubs, but no decision was reached clue to her inability to get sufficient information . As an appropriate close, Jane Large presented Dot Crook with a gift from the Philadelphia alums as a token of our esteem for her and the work she has done in the alumnce association as J ational Registrar. In this very busy month fifteen

THE PH • lpha igma lpha alumnce found time on Friday evening, December 13 to meet at 1917 N. Broad treet to enjoy an informal Chri tma party organized by the hostesses, .:\lis Evelyn iken and /[i Edith Durton. The plan included the playing of o-ames with inexpensive prizes, an opportunity for much chatting ( which the girls really welcome) and then the serving of delicious refreshment . \t\Thile everyone enjoyed thi affair. the main eli cussion seemed to be about the benefit bridge that the chapter is planning for January 11 to be held in Strawbridge's English room. We hope to make it the large t affair ever sponsored in this ection by A lpha Sigs-our goal is one hundred tables. We hall tell you later how we succeeded. MARY EM -IA LI


nother triumph for the lpha io· ! This time the credit goes to the . lumnce Chapter of Ph iladelphia for the very fine card party they ponsored recently. The Engli h Room, at trawbridge and Clothier' Department tore, '"'e all found to be an ideal place to hold uch a function . The Yery typicalne of it gave a warmth and atmo phere for u card fiend . . nd it reall) wa splendid to see o many lpha Sig , and their f ri encl . too-ether at once. lth ugh many were tranger to u , I'm ure no one felt trange becau ·e of that "·hich we ha e in common-beinosororitv i ter .

ENIX nd not onl) were the lumn::e there. but many N u K u' and Kappa Kappa' were seen also. The girl of l\ u u really took advantao-e of thi opportunity, for many wouldbe lpha igs were there and were being ru heel off their feet by the upper clas men from Drexel. If number mean anything, they certainly a ured the ucce of thi party. Tho e pre ent appeared with their decks of cards and proceeded with their own particular game. Every type of cards wa played except perhap Old Maids, and we e en aw a few l\Ionopoly boar 1 flourished. To keep us a lert and on our toe . tiny baskets of candy were old and ·ome very fortunate per on, Irs. 1oore, I believe, from 1\Ierchantville. N . J., received four pair of lovely · stocking , as he wa the holder of the lucky number in thi . chance-off. prize wa given for each tabl e-a mall china bon-bon eli h in a very popular all-over pattern, made by a well known hou e. !though all the prizes pa eel u by that clay, we really had a grand time, and hope that the Philadelphia chapter may have many other ucce e a thi .






II .

PITTSBURGH, P A. \\ e Pitt ·buro-her have ome. n w rather old. I ut till ery plea ant. new for . lpha . \t\ inifred .:\I r ·. .:\Ierl \Yilliam Ualdwin

THE PHOENIX has a baby son, Merl William, Jr., born June 6, 1935; and Mary Lou (Mrs. William B.) Marshall also has a new son, William Nesbit, born July 22, 1935 . Blanche Ball is now Mrs. Sydney Lardau, has been ever since September 5, 1935, and Juanita Dean, Indiana, '34, became Mrs. William G. Marshall on February路 4, 1936. Juanita is living in Pitcairn, Pa. Blanche Lardau is going to have the next alumnce meeting, in the form of a dessert bridge, at her home in Squirrel Hill. The first dessert bridge, at Jane Stoltz's, was such a success as far as attendance and profit, as well as fun , were concerned, our restaurant and hotel luncheons have become a thing of the past. In December, instead of our regular alumnce meeting, we asked the active members of Indiana to join us at the \i\Tilliam Penn for an evening of dancing. Supper was served at midnight to four long tables of Alpha Sigs and their escorts, fifty couples! VIRGINIA G u LICK SQUIRES.

February 6, 1936.

WICHITA, KANSAS Our October meeting was held in the home of Mrs. \i\T. G. Halderman. \i\Te played bridge and had a surprise Stork Shower for Hertha Plagens-Baenisch. Barbara Ann arrived January 12th . On December 17th fourteen girls and one boy came to the home of 1\IIrs. C. \i\T. Papkins for a real Kid



Party. The evening was spent playing Hearts. The exchange of toy added to the enjoyment. A family was adopted for Christmas; a sick mother, two children and an aged grandmother. The basket contained a chicken, fruits, vegetables, candy and nuts to make a real Christmas dinner. Other things were added to provide food enough to last several clays. Two new girls from Gamma Gamma came to this party; A nn Cleveland and Olive Crouse-McGlamory. In the home of Mrs . E. M. Burkhardt we had a lovely bridge party January 14th. Some of the girls brought their knitting and added a few ro\vs during business meeting. The following chapters were represented: Zeta Zeta-Ruth Correll-Yockey. Tau Tau- Gwendolyn StewartEngel. Alpha Beta- \i\Tinifrecl SowersBurkhardt. Epsilon Epsilon - Gladys SiltonCarr, Georgia Hildreth, Francis Putman. Gamma Gamma - Fern CliftonJackson, Mayme Spurrier Reid, Olive Crouse - McGlamory, Belle Jane Rackley, Ann Cleveland. Eta Eta - Hertha Plagens-Boenisch, Mary Lance-Hamilton, Margaret Hart-Harmon, Evelyn JonesHalclerman, Marie Potter - Ross. Gladys Adamson - Papkins; Irene Morris-Wilson, Marjorie Goodwin, Pauline Phillips, Dorothy Lindsay. DOORTHY LI NDSAY.



Alpha Gamma Chapter Advisers ~li

Belden i alway een at the orority m eeting and at th ocial function . HELE



MELLOTT, CallliiiG


:\Ii Joy 1\Iahachek, pon or of lpha an nthu ia tic illinO" to help the girl she leader. freely give u her unbia eel opinion. he i a graduat of Iowa tat Teachers College and of olumbia niver 路ity. Thi ummer ~Ii ~Iahach k i o路oing to travel in Germany. Here he will continue her tucly of mathematic . which he now Indiana.

Miss Ethel Belden

l\Iis Ethel Belden is well known ab ut the campus of I. . T. . a a t acher of ocial tudie and a a orority advi er, but he i be t kn wn by the m mber of the lpha Gamma chapter. l\Ii Belden also ha the authority of in talling any ne\\路 orority on the campus. lpha an1ma 1 fortunat , howeYer, in ha\ inO" Mi B ld en for their adYi or. for he take a O"reat intere t orority and it memb r . in th h lpinO" ea h O"irl t attain hiO"h ideal and character. Her h me i pen t the o rority f r initiation and f r partie . he i . rv1c r ad ' at all tim s t help any member of the r rity.



y 11ahachek



College Chapters ALPH A ALP H A Miami University O xford, Ohi o

While the "music seems to be going round and round" over the country, actlvtttes in our little provincial ( !) town of Oxford have been going round and round also . It has been so long since we have stopped to take note of all that has been happening to us. \t\ ay back in October (it happened too late to get in the last edition of the PHOENIX) Miami had a homecoming and lots of the former members of Alpha Alpha came back to greet their old friends and Alma Mater. After the game, all the Alpha Sigs "squeezed" themselves into a room in Bishop Hall and drank cider and ate doughnuts like jolly good fellows. November-well, here 路vve did have a red letter date on our calendar for all the actives got together and planned a tea dance in honor of the new pledges. It -vvas held in the lovely Brandt room at Oxford College and was quite a gala affair. And then we found ourselves in the busy rush of Christmas activities . On top of everything our profs decided to make us work for our vacation and really gave us some good tests to keep us down to earth. Miss Swisher, however, always to our rescue, gave a lovely

Christmas party for us in her apartment. The climax of the evening came when we opened our gifts. You see, the girls had decided to give only dime gifts plus a fifteen cent verse. Now some of those verses hould really go down into posterity so far above the fifteen cent variety were they! January could be omitted from our calendar as far as the Alpha Alpha girls are concerned for it brings nothing but hard work and sometimes lots of grief. \Vhy? \tVe can sum the answer up for you in one word-examinations. However, this is now the month of Valentines and we are all feeling pepped up again for we have a big box of candy to look forward to , a Junior Prom to bolster up our spirits, and some new pledges to be hoped for after second semester rushing. Is it any wonder that our blues are rapidly disappearing? In between times many of our Alpha Sigs have been doing things. For instance, our own adviser, Miss Amy Swisher, went to the state meeting of the Ohio Congress of parent and teachers at Akron not long ago and was reappointed for the third consecutive term as Art Chairman of that Congress. Also she was invited to an exhibition of sketches and oil and water color paintings by Gene



Conver e ·Moore, in the octation Building at Otterbein College. \\·e are proud to say that Gene is a former member of our orority. Round Robin ha recently been tarted by one of our alums, Mar) Helen Clark Ferguson, of Dayton, Ohio, which will travel all the way from the Atlantic to the Pacific to greet the girls of other years . A nice idea we say. Not long ago a tall, brown eyed, peppy girl was rushing around on our campus to see that the Y . \i\. C. . got along all right, that all the Freshmen were well taken care of, that Mortar Board, and other organizations were being organized correctly, but it took the A. U. Vv. of Youngstown Ohio to ' ' discover what Miami never didthat Fran Heuer had talents alonoo the dramatic line. nd speaking about Youngstown-we have recently had word that the much-hard-to-keep-trackof. Dot Yelton Conner, is now livino- in Poland, Ohio, which i near Young town. \i\ e hope she get 1n touch with the Youngstown . lumnce oon. \\ e wi h to expre our sympathy to Georgiana Robin on Io er of Webster Grove , 1 o. , " ·ho e father ha recently died. \\'e have heard that Dorothy - melker tockton and hu band are 111 ngland for the year. Mr. tockton i tudying. Dorothy write that he and the bab are thri,·ino- on London air and are

havino· a grand time. Lucky girl! Gertrude Brand tetter i nO\\ living in Canton, Ohio, a 1rs. Harley E. Swartz. She was married Ia t June but we hope that it i n't too late to offer our congratulatIOns . \Vhich remind u -if an) alum have had the patience to read thi far "'ould you please get in touch with your lma Mater again; inform us of change in addres es, marriage , stork arrivals etc? vVe seem to have such a hard time to keep in touch with all of you. You see, there is going to be another convention this year. ince thi one i being held closer to it. econd mother than any of the other , we would like to invite all of you to pack your bags and go with us. \i\ e would love to have you and '" e ca.n promise you lot of good time as well as a renewing of old friendships. Please let u know if you can JOm our party. 'Ti l later then lpha Alpha bid you all farewell. P.S.-Dear other chapter , plea e forgive us if our chapter new ha s been very personal thi time but we did have o much to tell about our old grads and so much to tell them. P . .-Tue day afternoon, February 11, word ha ju t reached u that we have t\\ o new pledg , Thelma Jacob and Martha era. \Ye are certainly glad to welcome the e girl into our chapter and we hope they will learn to think a much of lpha lpha a. we do. J uNE HARP TER



ALPHA BETA State Teachers College Kirksville, Missouri

Alpha Beta is attempting to reestablish formal functions on our college campus by giving the first formal dance of either the school or the other sororities in the last five years. Due to the depression formal affairs were made informal one:s, but realizing the need of formality in college life, Alpha Beta has decided to turn the tide. Invitations for the dance have been sent and everyone is doing his best to make this dance a great success. Our chapter is giving a benefit picture show to make the personal expense of the dance lighter. The gym is to be decorated to represent a southern garden. There is to be an artificial ceiling of Spanish moss from which silver stars will hang. The entire gym is to be indirectly lighted with red and blue lights. Punch will be served by two girls dressed in oldfashioned costumes. Special numbers will be given by dancers in old-fashioned costumes. From the way things look now we are going to have to go a long way to give the impression of a southern garden-outside the snow is piled so high that you can hardly get through it and the thermometer has been playing around below zero for the last few weeks. There's nothing like trying! It has always been a tradition of


Alpha Sigma Pledges to give the active members some kind of entertainment after their "hell week." The other night they took u to the theatre and afterward served refre hments. We all spent a ' ery enjoyable evening. BETTY Hu c KSTEP,

Alpha Beta.

ALPHA GAMMA State Teachers College Indiana, Pennsylvania

Christmas vacation held an unusual treat for the Indiana Alpha Sigs and their friends who attended the supper dance in the Chatterbox of the Hotel \i\!illiam Penn in Pittsburgh on December 27. Dancing to the music of Kay Kyser and hi s orchestra, meeting and greeting alumme, and introducing friend s to friends made the evening end too soon . Reservations made by the Alumnce provided for special entertainment not only in dancing but in dining at a midnight supper served in the Chatterbox. MARJORIE S u LLIVA N,

Alpha Gam:Jila.

Brrrr. Better wear your snow suits and stay away from those crepe paper icicles. Of course that's not a sheet; it's an igloo. OYer there is an iceberg! Would you rather play Monopoly or Polar Bear? Let's dance. Let's eat. Let's sing. \tVhat a darling group of Freshmen ! It's the first Alpha Sig rush party at Rustic Lodge with all th e romance and thrilling excitement of sorority life. PEGGIE B u RNS,

Alpha Ga111111a.



Panhellenic Prom There were twenty lpha 1gma lphian couple at the annual Chri tmas dance of the Panhellenic a sociation on December twentieth. The traditional decoration to conYey the spirit of the holiday sea- on included a colored flood light on a tree for each orority, a red and green background for the orchestra, and gay holly wreaths. Novelty program , refreshments, and mu ic helped to make this dance one of the loveliest of the year. Alpha Gamma. Can it be It is ! Hey there, Mary and Helen and Merle ! How are you? ~ here are you rooming? Gee, it' great to have you back. Flash .. \i\ hat a scoop .. What an event. . . Patrones es entertain twenty-four lpha igs at their be t party of the year . . Flash . . Details follow. Dre sed in their best bib and tucker twenty-four lpha igma lphians et out to the College Inn at the invitation of their patrone e , Mr . George imp on, lVIrs. Harry . eal, and 1i Florence \i allace. Luncheon, served at table of four, wa of cour e a mo t welcomed ight. nd the food-now they aw it: now they didn't. But that i ~ n't all. hortly aft r lunch on the party left for the theatre where they "ere entertained by the picture, "Thank a ~Iillion.'' . nd . with 'Thank a 1\Iillion' to th ir patrone e , the tired and

happy . lpha 1g trundled home to dream of creamed chicken m "patronical" pattie . ALLY



very delightful afternoon Christma party "as given us by l\1i s Belden and l\Ii s l\Iahachek on Saturday, December fourteenth. Our Chri tmas spirit were fir t aroused by the stories of the fourfoot Chri tma tree which grew to eight feet in a remarkable way. Following a plea ant custom, we had exchanged name for Christrna gifts. Miss Beldon was unanimously elected Santa Claus. After opening the gifts, there was a clever guessing game, then followed refreshing Russian tea, ice cream, dainty pastries, and little marshmallow snowmen. The party ended with a happy group 路of girls inaing Christmas carols and Alpha ig songs. ur sorority Christmas partie alway instill within u our first Christmas joy of the year, and this one seemed lovelier than ever before. PEGGIE BUR



A Ipha Gamma.

BETA BETA Colorado State College of Education Greeley, Colorado

\\ ' 're really going place thi quarter. I can't wait to tell you about it, but I'll hold my elf until vou have heard about our new pledge . \\ e had an intere ting ru h week, ev n though they did rule out partie . Thi the way we did it. Each activ invited a ru hee to orne over "to get ac-

THE PHOENIX quainted '"'ith the girls and see the house." It so happened-by some strange coincidence-that we all brought our guests the same night. had a lovely time eating fudge and popcorn and dancing and laughing and, best of all, getting acquainted. As a result we have eleven pledges. They are quite the liveliest bunch of girls, and a real addition to the chapter. But, now to tell you what we are doing. It was once said that to have real friendship, we must share the real things that come into our life. Every Monday night, between five and six o'clock, before buffet supper and sorority meeting, we meet for an exchange of thoughts and experiences. We began our series last Monday night \'\'ith a very interesting talk on Friendship, by Dr. Wilson, Dean of \l\,Tomen. A very interesting discussion followed, which made us that much more eager to carry out our plan. There are several interesting people available, whom we plan to invite in at various times for whatever they can give us for discussion. But for most of the time, we are each planning to have a turn to share something that we enjoy, whether it is music, or a new novel, a new play, an article we happened to see, some new poetry, or whatever else we might find interesting. vVe feel that this is a nev,, link to dra vv us closer together. \\ e have undertaken another piece of work that we will enjoy


as well as draw a great deal of benefit from. \".Te have arranged with the cabinet of the Y. W. C. A. to work with them and give them our support in their future projects. vVe hope that our support will aid in accomplishing many things 111 the coming years for Y. W. C. A. on our campus. Next week-end, February 14-16, will be an interesting one for us. Mrs. Schlosser, our Iational Treasurer, will be here from Denver for chapter inspection. \l\,Te are looking forward to her visit very much, for as some of you may know, she attended our college for two years and is an alum of Beta Beta chapter. At our model initiation service, which will be held Saturday afternoon, February 15, two of our pledges will become active. They are Florence Thompson, of Greeley, and Mildred Trupp, of Lynn, Nebraska. Saturday night we will have a Valentine Dance at the Student Clubhouse. On Sunday morning we will attend church services as a group, and that afternoon, from three to five o'clock, we will serve tea at the chapter house in her honor. Among other things, Mrs. Schlosser was influential in organizing the very active alum chapter, whom we have to thank for the lovely new robes that we will wear next Saturday for initiation servIces. \l\,T e were honored a few weeks ago by a visit of several other



alum who had come to Greeley for the annual Rural Education Convention which i held every \ inter Quarter. \1路e had everal interesting "gathering " while they w re with us. Tf from our Tau Tau ister's collection I may borrow the saying that "man i like a tack-he can go no farther than his head will let him," and apply it gracefully, I will carry out the implication. EvELYN FESENMEYER,

Beta. B eta.

Why I Pledged ASA \r\ bile wandering around like a

lone duck, hunting for a place to hang a hat, I accidentally stumbled into a house occupied by a group of girls who called themselve lpha igs. After living with them for about three weeks before I pledged I knew them quite well and decided that if I intended to live in peace I had better join the gang. Then, there were ome other reaons. Maizie's charming per onality i always bound to get you, Ita "' ith her clever joke keep iary and her vou entertained elate are bound to be exciting, 'Big Talk" _ el on with her pep and ambition keep one in good p1nt , and livino- around omeone who i in love, a Gracie i , give you ome of that encouragement. Phil' quietn gwe comfort, likewi e, enevra Di nity ( - ) , and Ia t but not lea t, I had a real ro m-m:1te . utting all joke a id , I joined ~A b au e I thouo-ht they ' er

a good bunch of girls with lot of pep and enthusia m. MILDRED TR


Beta Beta Pledg e.

Why I Pledged ASA As we all know, we have to have personality to get along in this world. Charm and beauty do not rate again t per onality. Thi rank high among the lpha 1g . Out tanding friendship i another necessary as et in life and this is another quality in the lpha Sigs . Now that I am a pledge, I hall try to gain in 1 er(;onality, friendhips, and the many other qualities available amono- the lpha ig . MARY ELLEN LANE,

Beta Beta..

Why I Pledged ASA One of my happiest memorie of college life will be that of the Ru h \\'eek 路 and Pledging. \i\ e Fre. hmen go to so many lovely partie , dinners and dance and meet o many lovely girls, that we have a terril le time choo ing which ororit) to pledge. I cho e lpha igma lpha, because the girls were cultur d a " 路ell as sweet and friendly. Their sorority meant o much to them that it wa unnece ary to make too much effort to how the ru. hee how much better their orority wa . They "er ju t natural and o-raciou. and let u form our own opinion. \\ e did! I know that I will b happy the r . t of m_ life that I pledo-ed lpha ,~ igma \lpha . MABEL KR UGER ,

Bela B ela.

THE PHOENIX GAMMA GAMMA State Teachers College Alva, Oklahoma

What Gamma Gamma Is Doing Since last you heard from us, we have done many things from which we have gained a great enjoyment and benefit. About Thanksgiving time we entertained a group of rushees in the home of Mrs. H. B. Ames. She is the mother of Eva Ames Wood, one of our Alumni girls. Games were played at six tables during the evening. Button chrysanthemums were given as favors. Brooch pins were given the rushees as special favors. The first meeting in December we pledged four girls, Katherine Lowther, Juanita \i\Tatkins, Wilma Greer and JaDenna Leeper. The Alumnre entertained the actives and pledges with a lovely Christmas Dinner party at the home of Mrs . Essie Nall on Friday, December the 13th. Both Alumni and actives exchanged gifts. It was to honor St. Valentine that a Valentine's Party was held at the home of Ethel Green on February 4th. Valentine games furnished the entertainment during the evening. Dainty refreshments with heart-shaped cakes carrying out the valentine motif, were served at the close of the evening. Valentines were given as favors and compacts were pre ented to the guests as special favors.


Thursday night, February 6th , Louise Ewalt and Ethel Green were initiated into our Chapter in the sorority room in Herod Hall. After the sen ice we adjourned to the home of our Sponsor, Miss Vera Leeper. The business session was in charge of our President, Edith Smith. Louise Ewalt was installed as Vice- President and Ethel Green as Chaplain. Plans were made and discussed for the remaining term of the school year. Refreshments 路w ere served to the actiYe girls. American Beauty rose buds were given the new initiates as favors. Wednesday evening of the coming week, we are making plans to entertain several rushees at the "Teacup." We are hoping to have some new pledges and initiates soon. Our Chapter is going to try something which has not been done on the campus here before. \i\T e are going .to publish a small booklet called Cmnpus Etiquette. The main purpose of this publication is to net the chapter a little badly needed money and at the same time be of service to the students of Northwestern. \i\T e are hoping it will be quite a success . Early in the Fall when it was our good fortune to have twelve pledges, it became necessary to make some organization as to a study group. It was decided to have a contest and Miss Frances Norman and Miss Bonita \i\Tynn



were elected as captain of two groups. The two ide competed aa-ainst each other in pledge study work. Miss France Normans group won and wa entertained with a very nice party by the lo ing group. Some of our girl take part in various campus activities, Katherine Lowther play in the band France Norman sings in the Cappella Choir, Louise Ewalt is treasurer of the enior Class, Vera Leeper i Panhellenic ponsor and Edith mith is Panhellenic Treasurer.

ZETA ZETA S ta te T ea che rs College W arrensbu r g, M issou ri

Actives Entertain Pledges On October 26th the . ctives gave the Pledge a surpn e party. It \\as really a urpn e, e\ en to oUt- date . The boy ''ere introduced and then we were taken into the hou e through the ba ement that wa fixed up very pooky "路ith ghosts, ice cold hands, bed spring , water and everything they could think of to scare u to death. The party wa divided into a-roup and went on a cavenger hunt, lookina- for uch thina- a , a hair of a black doa- tail, old lamp chimney , and a fre hman boy or a-irl that no on knew. The \\路mner were pre nted " :ith a grand priz of ali-day uckr , and the remainder of the eye-

ning wa spent in dancing and eating refreshment of pop corn, cider and doughnut . The house was attractively decorated for RallO\ e'en.

An Early Breakfast On ctober 27th w girl o路ot up very early and hiked out to the lovely country home of 1r . Bradely, one of our patron , wh re we were served a deliciou breakfa t of fried chicken and ever thing that goes with it.

Our Sponsor Entertains Mis Downs, our new orority ponsor entertained the lpha ig . ctive and Pledges with a dinner served in her apartment in the Hotel Martin. \\ e always enjoy being with . fiss Do" n , and he i especially entertainina- in her own home.

Founders' Day Banquet On November 16th \\ e had our annual Founder ' Day Banquet. It wa quite an affair thi year, :.tlmo t a home-comina-. Our National Pre ident, ~Ir . Fred M. harp, "ho i a Zeta Zeta , was here. There \\ere everal charter member of our chapter here and a large group of lumnc and atrons. \\ e had a Yery ntertainina- program, and ome intere ting talk by our alumnce, including th hi tor_ of the ora-anization of our chapter.


Pledges Entertain Actives with a Christmas Party Who says Friday the thirteenth is unlucky? Not for the A lpha Sigs. We had a very successful Christman Dance given by the pledges on Friday the 13th. The decorations were lovely with cotton for snow hanging from the ceiling, and four big Alpha Sig signs of artificial snow on red backgrounds. We even had Santa Claus. He came in about the middle of the evening with his pack full and gave all the girls candy canes and the boys chocolate Santas. Alpha Sigs Go Caroling After Sorority meeting December 18th we drew names and exchanged Christmas presents, then all went caroling. We went to the Sorority and Fraternity houses, and to the homes of our Patrons and our teachers. Vl/e got very cold but we had lots of fun. After our singing we went down town for refreshments. We got lots of candy and pop corn for our efforts. Entertain Rushees January 29th we had a 路 pot luck supper at our chapter house, with six rushees as our guests. The evening was spent in having skits and pantomimes. Announcements Two more of our members were initiated into the Alpha Phi Delta,


national honorary fraternity. They were Helen Hanners and Charolate Riden bach. Oren A llworth, Mary Jane Leber and Martha Corrigan are in the annual college opera. This year the opera is "The Bartered Bride." Our candidates for Beauty Queen this year are Helen Hanners and Ruth Sandford. Charolate Ridenbach and Ruth Sandword are members of the college girls' Pep Squad, "The Canaries," this year.

Planning a Leap Year Valentine Party February 1Sth we are going to have a leap year Valentine party. It will be a dance at the chapter house. The girls are going to be the stags, and are expecting to have lots of fun at it. The decorations and refreshments will be in keeping with the Valentine theme. ]EWELL BANKS.

EPSILON EPSILON State Teachers College Emporia, Kansas

Formal initiation service of Epsilon Epsilon chapter was held January 30 at the chapter house. Those initiated into active chapter were: Abbie Amrine, Maryan Brooks, Ruth Cheney, Betty Cremer, Ida .l\tJae E lder, Josephine Grammer, Marguerite Rice, Evelyn Wenrich, Jennie Williams, and Vesta Vl/ood. Following initiation service a formal dinner was given in honor



of the new initiate at the Mid-\Vay Hotel. program followed coni tino- of mu ical number and brief peeche by members of the Yariou group of the local chapter . _ . ide from the regular routine of "ork and the plan now being made for our pring formal, there ha been very little excitement within our local chapter, but we have been taking an active part in camr u activitie . One of the high light of the year in campus ociety wa a leap year party. Barrett-W ark en tin The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. \\ arkentin took place Saturday, Janua ry 18th , at the home of the bride in Ma rion, Kan a . Mrs . \Varkentin, who before her marriage was Eva Katherine Barrett, wa a member of Epsi lon Ep ilon chapter. tir. and Mr . v\ arkentin ,,路ill make their home in Emporia where he i employed with the Santa 1~ e Trail Du Line y tem. Krug-Kellar 1r. and Mr . Harold Kellar were married in Topeka, Kan a , aturday, November 9th . i_Ir . Kellar before her marriage was E ther Krug of Ru ell Kan a . 'h \\"a an activ member of Ep i1 n Er ilon hapter. ~Ir. Kellar wa an active member of the Emp ria chapter of igma Tau Gamma ocial fraternity. 1\Ir. and ~Ir . l(ellar will make their home in Peab. ely, Kan a . where ~Jr. Kellar i.mpl oyed in a cl thin()" tore. DoLORE

TuoLE .路 ,



ETA ETA State Teachers College Pittsburg, Kansas

everal week ago our chapt r had a "Tacky Party.' Everyone dre ed in uch clothe a weater and kirt , and corduroy and o erall . For refre hment we erved apple cider and ginger bread. The time was pent in dancing. \\ e have decided on the date of December 7th for our Chri tma formal which will be gi ' en at the Be . e Hotel. Initiation Tue day, February 4th, 4:30 a. m., Eta Eta chapter held initiation ervices. Tho e "hom we initiated were Helen Taylor, Helen Hitch, and Erma P lango. 11 three are very weet and attractive girl . \\ e are very happy to have three uch lovely girls in our orority. Follo" ing initiation, a bu ine meeting wa held. fter m eting adjourned everyone ate dinner at the College Inn. New President Eta Eta chapter is Yery orry to announce the departure of Phylli Thoma _, pre ident. Phylli ha fini hed her degree and will no he ha b n a lon()"er be with us. dependahle and very efficient officer and will be mis eel by ev ryone. Ho\Yever, we now have uby Fulton, vice-pre ident acting a pre ident. Ruby i al o a " ry efficient ()"irl and we are ttin alono- quit nic ly with her. L



Eta Eta. Editor.


Amateur Contest The Amateur Hour prog ram held in the College auditorium , Monday evening, December 9t h, brought out a large crowd to witness some of Pittsburg's best nonprofessional stage talent. The program sponsored by Alpha Sigma Alpha, consisted of thirty-one numbers. John Pearce, 65, who played an English concertina, was winner of the first prize of $10. Robert Gibson, violinist, was awarded the second prize of $5 . The merchandi se prize winners were Melbe Baxter, piano accordion; Patsy Ann Scallet and Jackie Rogers, song and dance ; Shirley Ann Gay, reading; Shirley A insworth, Zoe vVilma Baade, and Eva Clark, ABC trio ; \ onne Careathers, soft sole tap; Kenneth Trisler, tenor solo; vVilliam Halliday, novelty act ; Patsy A nn Barkell, dance; and Vincent Jackson, drum solo. Dr. G. \ "1\T. vVeede and W illi am Row were judges of th e contest a nd James Carter was master of ceremonies . A lpha Sigma A lpha announced that the Amateur Hour would be an annual event. P. S.-Take a hint from us this is one grand way to make some money if your t reasu ry is a little low. Founders' Day \i\ e celebrated Founders' Day with a banquet at the College Cafeteria Annex. Ann Hill was Toastmi stress. Becky Fahrig gave the


Alpha Creed, Phylli s Thoma gave a message from the National Pre ident, Marjorie Thomas read a poem, Ruby Fulton gave a talk on A ims of Alpha Sigma Alpha, Dorothy Ann Crews gave a talk on Meaning of A lpha S ig ma Alpha, and King Asa was sung by the pledges. Before th e banquet we initiated Virginia Martin, a very sweet and attractive girl of whom we are all proud.

Christmas Formal The E ta Eta Chapter Chri stmas formal was held Saturday night, December 7th , at the Hotel Stilwell. Music was furnished by E rnie "Vlilliamson's orchestra. The room was decorated to represent a Christmas scene. There was a fireplace at one end of the room in front of which vvere easy chairs for the sponsors. A large spray of . mistletoe hung from the center of th e ceiling, surrounded by a canopy of silver icicles . Guests and members present were : Miss Eulalia Roseberry, Miss J ane Carroll , Dr. and Mrs. G. \i\' . Weede, Mrs. G. E . Hutchin son, Miss P hyllis Thomas, Miss Doris Thomas, Miss Ann Hill, Miss Anne Prell, M iss Harriett Bumgarner, Miss Lois Scott, Miss Marjorie Thomas, Miss Estelle Hall, l\-fiss Rub) F ulton, Miss Doroth y Ann Crews, Miss Nelda Bortz, Miss Alice Dail, Miss Frances Osenbaugh, Miss 路irginia Martin, Miss Helen Fitton, f iss Helen Brand-



nburg, Mi Helen Hitch, Mi s Helen Taylor, Mi Mona Iae Buffington, Miss Ruth Laney, Miss Dorothy June Eyeman, Miss \i\ alErma Padine Cavanaugh, Mi lango, Miss Dorotha Fadler, Miss Noma Matter, Mi s Helen Panneck. Kelly Manning, .John Casterman, Don Strait, Ralph Dail, Ralph \t\ eeks, Thomas Pritchett, Paul Jone , Andrew Harvin, Lowell Eubanks, Robert vVilkins, Orlando Tusler, Howard Fleming, Robert Dor ey, Joe Lee Hutchinson, aughn Wilmoth, Billy Miller, Dean Harlan, Gue Hieman, Ben vVeir, Stanley Hlasta, Arthur Nichol , William Murphy, Ernest Blick, Kenneth Trisler, Tony Simoncic, James Theising. LuciLLE


THETA THETA Boston University Boston, Massachusetts

Theta Theta has grown con iderably since the beginning of the chool year when there were only four active member . Up to February 1st we could boa t of fourteen girls hut with the end of the erne ter three of our girl fini hed th ir work. Helen oddard ha completed her part-time work and will Jeyote all her time to teaching; Dulcie Baird has gone to her home in Kan a City, l\li ouri where he "ill do her practice-teaching路 and E ther mith, I am happy to ay, ha a po ition in Readino-, Ma achu ett , t achin the third

and fourth grade . \i\"e all wi h her luck and success! I eem to have gone ahead of my tory o let' go back and see what ha happened ince you la t heard from us. \\ e brought our ru h parties to a clo e with a Chine e dinner in Chinatown-and such a lot we had to eat! After this, the girl who cared to went to the movies . On October 29th the pledges took the Phoenix degree at the home of Mrs . Clyde Jones, president of the alumnce, in Winchester. The pledges were: Jean Sanger, Natick, Mass.; Elizabeth Hull, Lowell, Mass. ; Ethel Mack, Littleton, N. H . ; Evelyn Pollard, Wil-


THE PHOENIX limantic, Conn.; Elizabeth Hobby, White Plains, N . Y.; Guna As berg, Auburndale, Mass . ; Mary Winchenbaugh, Concord, Mass.; Mildred Turner, Cooper's Mills, Maine; Helen V\Teeks, Farmington, Maine; and Martha Levis, Roxbury, Mass. After the degree we had a Hallowe'en party at which we played games, and had dainty refreshments of pumpkin pie, doughnuts, and cider. Due to unavoidable circumstances, the Founders' Day Banquet had to be postponed until November 19, so we combined it with initiation which was held just before the banquet. The initiation took place in the Girls' Study at the School of Education and from there, we want directly to the vVomen's Building of Boston University for the greatly anticipated banquet-after which we presented gifts to Miss Bragg, our adviser, and to Mrs. Fletcher, our sponsor; there were also three short speeches by Miss ~ragg, Mrs. Jones, representing the alumme, and Martha Levis, representing the pledges. Because our registrar, collegiate representative, secretary, and editor were unable to carry on with their w.o rk, we had to have the installation of these officers on November 26th. They are: Registrar, Elizabeth Hull; Collegiate representative, Mary vVinchenbaugh, Secretary, Evelyn Pollard, Editor, Martha Levis .

Fifteen couples went to Levaggi's in Boston on Wednesday, December 18, for a Christmas dinnerdance. Mr. and Mrs. H. Ross Finney were the chaperons. Mrs. Finney is secretary to Dean Davis. Guna Asberg made very cute dance programs for us. The covers were palm green on which was mounted the shield just as it is on our pins. As favors, each fellow received an Alpha Sigma Alpha banner, but the favors for the girls were all different. On January 14 we had the mstallation of the following officers: President, Louise Hockaday, Vice-President, Elizabeth Hobby, Treasurer, Helen Weeks, and Chaplain, Ethel Mack. We all had a delightful time Friday, January 17, at a dinner given us by Miss Bragg at the Brittany Coffee Shop in Boston. At this time, in appreciation of her fine work as president of Theta Theta, we gave to Dulcie a very pretty compact with the Alpha Sigma Alpha seal on it. The next day we had our group picture taken for the year-book. \"-le have just finished with midterm exams and are having a few days to ourselves, but we are looking forward to our return to school when we shall start in with our rush parties. P. LEVIS Theta Theta Editor.




Mildred Wriston, Theta Theta One of our Alpha ig' who wa a prominent member of the cla of 1935 of Bo ton Univer ity is Mildred Wri ton of \\ e tboro, Ma achu ett . She wa pre ident of the National Honor ociety Pi Lambda Theta, and served on the Dean路 d\ i ory Committee, Executive Council, and the ocial Committee. She wa a member of the Choral rt Society and the Glee Club. The 1935 Service Key wa awarded to her for out tanding work in the e extra-curricula activities. In addition to all these, she v~路as a young woman of pleasing personality, cooperative sp irit, and was a valuable member of the student body. At pre ent, she i teaching the first grade in Charlemont. Ma achu ett , and is upervisor of Mu ic for the elementary grade HELEN WEEK

Theta Theta .

KAPPA KAPPA Temple University Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Now that final are all over and a new eme ter begun I can take up my pen (it ound le awkward than takino- up a t) pewriter) and ' rit for PH Ei\'IX vvith a clear con c1ence. It eem that mo t the new i going to happ n o for the pre nt I can only pe ulate. ne of th mo t intere tina- it m i that Pr ident Roo eye]t i comino- here

ENIX for omm ncement on February the econd. At that time a Doctor of Law degr e will be conferred upon him. \\ e are all 'ery anxiou to see him and to hear what h will have to ay. There i ome talk of Mr . Roo evelt commg a! o, which make it doubly interesting. I am wondering, however if we"' ill get our holiday on vVa hington' birthday, because of the exerc1se . peakino- of pre ident , our own President, Dr. Beury, wa in the limelight a few week ago. The occasion wa a te timonial dinner, given in honor of Pre ident Beury' ten year a Temple Univer ity' president. It wa uch a grand occasion that one of the lph a ig who "'as there wrote it up for the PHOENIX. If you are intere ted in reading about celebritie and what they did to 160 turkey you "ill find the article in another ection. Temple wa all agog over the new library a few week ago. \ e came back from Chri tma vacation and found all the book had been mo' ed from ollege to th new ullivan Memorial Library. It' a beautiful I uilding-built of the ame kind of tone a Mitten Hall, de cribed in another articl nt r." a "T mple r creational It, too, i an xample of othic architecture and with it par 1u try floor and arche . it i our pride and j y. \\ ar finding it a pi a ure to do a io-ned library " 路ork


THE PHOENIX these days. nyway, it i as much of a pleasure as possible. One of our reasons for living IS given every week in the Great Court of Mitten Hall. It is the Women' League tea dance on alternate Tuesdays and \i\ ednesdays. We get a much-needed relief from studying on these days. It's grand fun to go and see all your friends and have tea with them and dance with the male part of them. And our house-mother, Mrs. Clark. knows what pleasure we get out of it, for she gave a tea-dance during one of our most hectic timesexam week. It was such a success that she is giving another one this week, the first week of school. And after standing in lines for hours at registration, we're going to need some form of relaxation. God bless house mothers like Mrs. Clark, say I. Now for the coming events. Fir t is the Panhellenic tea, which which is to be held February 8th. This should be interesting, for such a promising group of Freshmen women has not been seen for a long time. And we'll see more of them soon, for our first rush party is March 6. This committee is wracking it (their) brains already to find some form of entertainment. They will have quite a job, as the Fall rush party had so many brilliant ideas carried out that it seems impossible that there could be many more. But we can trust the lpha Sig to give a good party. \i\ e had

bad luck in dra\\路ing a date for our second rush party. \\ e got a Monday. As thi takes the form of a dinner-dance, complications ari e. However, our dance committee '"ill iron them all out, and we're looking forward to a grand time. \i\Tell, that's about all, and it's "so long until the next issue." ]ANE DrcKSON,

Kappa. Ka.ppa.

NU NU Drexel Institute Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Nu Nu's Harvest Moon Dance On Saturday night, November 16th, last, Nu Nu chapter once more held its annual Harvest Moon Dance in the Great Court at Drexel. Under the able leadership of Peggy Kirk, chai rman of the committee, Nu Nu had one of its most successful dances. \i\Te had a nice crowd out in spite of very rainy weather outside. The decorations were characteristic of a Harvest Moon Dance. The sky was of blue cheese cloth and hanging down between the strips of blue sky were strings of silver stars-graduated in ize. The effect was beautiful. Members of the faculty and other students present at the dance agreed that they had never seen such attractive decorations 路in the Drexel Court-\'vhich is, by the vvay, a very difficult place to decorate. 路 Good dance music was supplied by one of the more popular orchestras known around Drexel and which was thoroughly enjoyed by



all. The Nu Nu girl aw to it that fre hman g irls wh ich we at the time were contemplating rushing, were there at the dance o a we could get to know them and they to know us . The dance, a dignified, well planned and ucce sful one, was truly characteri tic of lpha 1g girl and pirit. CATHERI


Doing For Others The gi rl s in Nu Nu Chapter have been very active in social service work since the beginning of school last September. At Thanksgiving time we supplied dinner for a poor family in South Ph iladelp hia. The family have ten chi ldren, mother and father. T he father has been out of work for orne time and when he does work, he makes very little money. nd o under the able leadership of all y Pennell the girls o-ot together and made up a huge basket of food for their dinner. t Chri tma time we all brought gift for each member of the family and helped to make up a Chri tma dinner ba ket. Chri tma tree wa al o taken to them and the day before Christma ome of the o-i rl took the o-i ft and food and tree to th family. \i e feel that they were ver happy and our contribution to their hri tma wa o-ra t fully r cei ved. ATHER拢XE BRA Kl?\.

Nu Nu's Formal The ground was white with no\ and a full moon wa hininobrightly. The night of the Formal Ru hing Dance given by the u N u Chapter of Alpha igma lpha wa at hand. The dance wa o-iven at the Merion Tribute Hou e music wa supplied by Don Brill and his fine orche tra, and everything was carried out with the true A~A pirit. Each ru hees received a co rsage of red roses and white sweet peas. Red and white w re the dominant color standing both for orority and Valentine's Day. The programs had little red ail boats with white heart sail . Two lovely prize were received by the lucky couple at the end of the lucky number dance. }EAN


Interfraternity Ball A ga la event in orority life was held on November 22. The annual Interfraternity Ball spon ored by Drexel fraternitie and ororitie combined proved a tremendou ucce with Teddy B lack's orche tra providing the mu ic and The :M anufacturer' lub providing the background. The many ~ lpha ig who attended will long remember the pecial dance number v. hich made atmo phere by mirrored reflection of a pri m of lio-ht 路 the di tinctive pattern of low, w et mu ic; and, the out tandin geniality of the o-roup pre ent. CAROLYN BRIGHT.


Drexel's Open House


few moments after the Ru hee arOur annual Open House at rived, with a vocal selection by Drexel was a greater success than Euphemia Whitlock; following this ever before in regard to the num- the members of the Sorority sang ber of visitors and the quality of Sorority Songs and also Rushing Songs to the Rushees. A typical the displays. The men's louno-e b Bohemian dinner was then served contained all the exhibits of clubs ' ' classes, and Greek societies. Natur- which consisted mainly of that deally, I think the Alpha Sigs had licious Mulligan Stew and Hot one of the most effective exhibits. Rolls. After the dinner various Our Nu Nu Chapter, as well as our games were played, with prizes bebrother fraternity, Pi Kappa Phi, ing awarded for each game. The were the only two to boast large prizes were four lovely large boushields, strikingly outlined with doir dolls, dressed in that Bohemfrosted white lights. Beside our ian style. Later on in the evening, shield was a small table on which entertainment was provided by talwere placed a scrapbook, a copy of ented members of the Sorority, a the PHOENIX, a poster containing Bohemian dance by Sally Ogden snapshots of our last annual week- and following that a violin solo by end outing, two lighted red candles, Sally Johnson. A very pleasant and a Scholarship Cup, which is evening was drawn to a close by now our permanent possession as presenting each Rushee with a we won it for three vears ' and favor which proved to be reel which contained a number of deep leather book markers and letteropeners with the gold letters AlA reel roses. on each favor. The very successGEORGETTE MARLOR, Nn Nn. ful evening was credited to Cattie Brackin (chairman) and her very The Informal Rushing Party able committee. Nu Nu Chapter of Alpha Sigma ELEANOR CoFFMAN. Alpha held its annual Informal Rushing Party at Drexel Lodge, Panhellenic. Tea Tuesday evening, January 28, 1936. As Alpha Sigma Alpha, as well The scene of the party was that of as the other sororities at Drexel a Bohemian Den, lighted by means of many candles. 路 The atmosphere Institute, had no house it was felt desired was set off by the highly that some sort of a private meetcolored decorations on the tables ing place was necessary. So the and also by the bright colored Pan-Hell Council put their heads smocks worn by each member of together and finally emerged with the sorority. Th~ evening's pro- the idea of sorority rooms (or gram of entertainment began, a Panhellenic Rooms as we call ./



th m) which wer to be located at the practice hou e. fter a great deal of planning and directing on the part of Mary Lentz, all y Pennell, ally John on and Kitty Shaver the rooms were painted and redecorated. The girl made curtains and chair cover , and oon the room \\路ere made to look like orority rooms. On November 6th a Panhellenic Tea was held at the Dormatory to officially open the Panhellenic Room at Drexel Institute. The adviser , patronesse , and sponsors of the variou soronttes were pre ent as well a the members and pledge . After tea, the women inpectecl the new rooms and were greatly impressed by the change that had taken place. PEGGY KIRK.

Engagement Announcements Matilda G. Mush to John anclercrone on November 28, 1935. Eli!1or Marie Emery to Ralph Lanz on December 21, 1935. Catherine Brackin to H. helclon Kitch I on January 1 1936.

XI XI University of California Los Angeles, California

Th mo t important new of the clay to u i the fact that '' e ha e re ianed from Panhellenic and are r turning to our former tatu of a tiro拢 ional educational orority. \Ve have found that thi pro ednr

ha many good point m it fa, or. t pr ent we are planning ome way and mean of re-establi hing our elve in order to be recognized ur ru h affair by the student . are planned for after formal ru h week. Looking back over our pa t activitie the fir t affair that comes to mind is the Loge Party the orority had in January. The girls and their escorts met at Dorothy Linden' house and from there went to the beach where we enjoyed a few hour of dancing. In December we had our annual Christmas Party. The Mother , Mother Patrones es, lum and Actives were present. During the evening we played game . ang songs, exchanged presents and refreshment ended the get-together. Earlier in December Xi Xi gave a Christma Dance. everal alum attended and I'm ure they enjoyed renewing acquaintance and making new contact . I think the dance would definitely be con idered a uccess for thi type of entertainment wa a big undertaking for five girls. I know '' e couldn't have done without our four faithful alum . The ame girl alway h lp u put over our acttvttle and we all appreciate their help. \ acation wa n't all vacation for all the girl in the orority for thr e of the active work d. .Frankie utton , orothy Linden and ifary Jan tanard work d in a Toy hop. The airls ''ere glad to be able to



work together and with one of so that no other decorations were the alums, Margaret Cuenod. round the needed for the ceiling. In November for our social event room at various intervals many inwe went to the Fun House. I think direct lights on tall, highly-poleveryone enjoyed the diversion. ished, black metal standards (BufWe have Louise Hinds to thank for falo Undertaking Parlors' specials) our refreshments that night. supplied a soft mello·w glow which During the past semester the shone on clusters of colored balsorority attended all of the All U . loons. The orchestra stand was Sings · and :s upported the Univer- clother from top to bottom in white sity ·in its ui1dertakings. drapes which formed an appropri' MARY JANE STANARD, Edif01'. ate background for the green palms around the stand. Ginger ale PI PI served during intermission was the only refreshment. State Teachers College Buffalo, New York Everyone seemed to have an elegant time trying new steps and The Prom Practice practicing old at the Prom PracPi Pi chapter of Alpha Sigma tice. Those responsible for it sucAlpha surprised Buffa,lo State cess, both sociall y and financially Teachers College this yeai·, ~hen it were: Anna Lou Marks, general changed from the annu~l . tracli- chairman; Jeanne Russ, music; tional "snow" dance to a riiore ap- Gretchen Holderbaum, favors; propriate title, "The Prom . Prac- Julia Stepien, programs; Helen tice." (There was very little snow Schubert, chaperones; and Dorothy at that time and the Junior Prom Fricke, refreshments. was only two weeks away.) HELEN SCHUBERT. The dance was presented to ·t he Shortly before Christmas, we music of the "Club Georgians" on campus in the college gymnasium, discovered a needy Negro family Friday evening, December 6, 1935, which we hoped vve might help in from nine until tv..·elve, in regular some little way. The mother had mock-Prom fashion. Tiny copper died and four of the children were book marks engraved with A~A confined to the J. N. Adam Me1etters as favors and a grand march morial Hospital at Perrysburg, before intermission \vere the unique New York, where they were being features of the dance, since favors treated for tuberculosis. Each of the girls in the chapter and grand marches are the customary and outstanding characteris- brought a gift. Such things as games, crayons, mittens, and scarfs tics of the Junior Prom. The decorations were very sim- were contributed for the family 's DoRoTHY KoHLER. ple. A large false ceiling '~' as used Christmas. ••




Christmas Party It wa on the cold winter night of December 17th that the Pi Pi girl tripped up the steps of 52 Dorche ter Road where Mr . Heyman, our faculty adviser, entertained at a very delightful Christmas party. Of course, the air wa filled with a mo t jolly spirit as each girl laid a curious looking package under the gayly decorated tree in the front hall. Each girl had brought a ten cent present to exchange with another Alpha Sig. Many of the members viewed the packages with fear and apprehension, for they ranged in size from cubic inches to cubic feet. Another reason for the suspicious attitude was the fact that Mary Shreder and Gladys Young had offered to do some wholesale shopping. Somehow they had managed to get a list of eighteen girl for which to buy gifts. It must be said at this time that there is no telling what might be bought when these two do the purcha ing. Mary Shreder has the peculiar habit of making five-andten cent tore clerk dig vigorously in the tockroom to ati fy her detre .

The opening of the gift conumed mo t of the evenmg time and cau ed much hilarity. Dot Fricke received a pecially made photograph of her ecret pa ion i i' Kate L ter. lad Young n1ith rec iYed a can of Hartz Mountain ong Re torer. re-

membrance of "Chirper" Van Buren wa given to hred. chief giggler and fun maker. And a k Mrs. Heyman, Esther Drake and Ev Bell about their gift sometime! We're sure they made good u e of them. Gertie an Arsdale, one of the new members, was quite urprised and pleased with her o-ifta pair of 'ery high lace shoe with Cuban heel . Marg Houston, alumn::e representative, received another piece of monogrammed china to add to her collection. Quite large, but quite u eful ! ! ! fter the fun "a over, Mr . Heyman pre ented the chapter with a gift of a lovely bra s candle tick to be used in the ritual ceremonie . A deliciou luncheon followed the evening's entertainment which gave everyone a chance to have a chat w路ith their old friend , and their "everyday" friends. GLADYS


Slumber Party? VVe had our annual lumber Party aturday, February 1 t at Mr . Keating's-an ideal place and a perfect ho tes . \ e had ju t finished our final exam and wer all ready for a good, long noozefor peace and quiet-for relaxation. But why do people call uch a party a ' lumber arty"? E pecially when L ynette Terry i pre ent? he imply won't let u leep! The girl arriYed at :30 p. m. with blanket paJama and toothbru he . _ certain mi brought

THE PHOENIX army blankets which had been stored away in moth balls ever since the signing of the Versaille Treaty. The blankets, however, came in very handy for me. The reason I shall not disclose here. During the course of the evening, bridge and monopoly were played. Gerty Van Arsdale proved herself to be the bridge champ and l\i[arg Zoller the monopolist. Of course. those who know how to knit added a row to their sweaters started last summer to wear to Convention (adv .) this summer. Oh! would that they finish them! Lois Jane Terry played with Ming Toy, Cheng Wong, Huang Ti, Kien Lung, and Spider-the cutest puppies. She said she had a dog good time. The practice teachers went to bed early, but did not remain there long as Glad Young, our super-singer, offered to entertain us with a few selections. Who would miss such an opportunity or rather who could sleep under such circumstances? A "dainty" lunch was served at 1.00 a. m. Then our "ed" appeared on the scene with a two-pound box of candy which she had received from "one but not the only"('cause we know a secret !) "Heymie" wouldn't stay all night as she said she didn't want to take up a sleeping space, but we believe she just wanted a good night's sleep. One girl would go to bed, then another. Ten minutes would have hardly passed before everyone was


brought downstairs, "bodily," to the ''Truth Meeting." But do you think I would tell them whom I loved? Why they couldn't even guess after I gave them some cues. By dawn almost everyone was in bed sleeping soundly-yes, everyone except the author of this article. How was I to sleep in the same room with anti-John Esther Drake, who breathes through her nostrils and mouth spasmodically in her sleep? Then, too, I had to sleep with Glad Young, Lilly Pon's rival, who moans in her sleep (a moan-o-tone as well as a monotone). Thinking to find a better place to repose, I entered one room where I discovered our fresh air sisters J o Phillippi, Helen Pratt, and Jane Colby. They had the five windows up as high as they would go. Weather report : 4 below zero? I decided I would much rather be lulled to sleep with the snoring, so at 8:47 a. m. I was peacefully dreaming, only to be called to breakfast at 9:00! Really, I didn't need coffee to keep me awake. After breakfast we all left for home and a "real slumber party. I suggest that we change the name of such a party to the "Awakening." I believe it much more truthful and appropriate. So slumber on my little Alpha Sigs until the next "A • a-" l >.. wa k enmt:>. MARY SHREDER.


THE PHOENIX SIGMA SIGMA Western State College Gunnison, Colorado

December 7th wa the Panhellenic Formal Pledge Dance and let me tell you our pledge did their 1 it. The Club Hou e wa cleverly decorated in pine bough , arche over the doors, a false front for the fireplace and a tree in each of the four corners, all of this was covered with icicle , the light were dimmed, the music weet and everyone had a grand time. December 8th we gave our Patrone e and lumncc a Christma party, everyone received a gift, there wa a lovely program of Chri tmas mu ic submitted by several of our members. Then the Pledge served u a deliciou lunch, before parting we sang all of the \lpha Sig ong we know, which quite a few, and everyone left happy and cheerful after having pent t\\ o hour , from two till four, in' ery congenial company. Dear

e al o have five new active ter ; of "'hom we are ver fond: !Jar) Edith Hill, Decatur Jllinoi 路 Linda almine, urango, olorado; orinne \ an Fos en, Gunni on, Colorado; Marv ullivan, Colorado pring , olorado; Loui e Jan路i , Durano路o Colorado. Corinne an Fo en and Patricia Thoma s had outstandino- part in the comic opera, "l atience " pr sented by the \ oice In tructor of ~ e tern tate. Congratulation !, Pat y and Corinne. a _ Mr. Dat on our \ ice-Pre ident of \\estern. aid, "the quality of work don by the lead wa uperior. ' I am ending a photo of our bepicer, o that loved Spon or, Mi

lpha Sigs:

Ne\\ from the hapter.



\\ e're hoping every chapter of A..... pledged the girl they wanted mo t on their campu e we did, and are we proud of them? I'll ay. The girl ar : Patri ia Thoma . Durango, olorado; Maruerite or y, lathe, -:\I~ry K. Yakla itch, n, lorado; l\Iary L e -:\fill r. ore , olorado.

t-.Ii Lucy picer, d i er of igma igma

THE PHOENIX you all might see the charming adviser we know. We are planning big things for the remainder of this quarter and next, new rules and duties for our disobedient pledges, which so far are few, and a new, bigger, better, interest through our social and busines meetings. Sh - - - -: it's whispered that the Pledges are to entertain us soon, it'd better be good-or should we be too expectant? Anyhow they're a pretty good bunch sometimes. BETTY CREEL.

TAU TAU Fort Hays Kansas State College Hays, Kansas

Future Plans for Alpha Sigma Alpha A few of the plans of Tau Tau Chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha for the spring semester are a St. Valentine's Party, February 14th, in honor of our exemplar St. Valentine. We are also having a formal 路r ush party on this date. On February 22nd, which is the last day for "Hell \tVeek," we plan to have a "Come As You Like" Party. Initiation services are to be held Sunday evening, February 23rd at 6 :30. Our spring formal dinnerdance is April 18th at the Lamar Hotel. \tVe also plan to acknowledge Founders' Day by a St. Patrick's dinner which we all know is March 17th. There will probably be other


events occurring during the emester which we have not yet planned. , Lou rsE PETER ON,

Tan Tan Editor.

Thursday Night Dinners Every other Thursday is a day looked forward to by all the Alpha Sigs of the Tau Tau Chapter, for on this day we all get together and have an informal dinner at Cody Commons. During the dinner we sing all our A~A songs and have a good time in general. At the conclusion of the meal the pledges are put through their paces, furnishing entertainment for the actives. At one dinner each pledge told what she thought a "good" pledge should do and then whether or not she did that particular thing. Anyway confession is good for the soul. Another interesting discussion was that of each pledge telling what her sorority mother meant to her. Her mother replied with "what my daughter means to me." These dinners offer an opportunity to talk over problems and draw the actives and pledges into a closer bond of friendship. As a pledge I advise them. JEAN F U LLER, HELENE BARRY,

Tau Tau Pledg es.

Farmer Party On November 15th the Tau Tau Chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha gave a Farmer's Party. The invitations which were sent to the boys were chickens, horses, pigs, and roosters "cut-out" of paper. The



dance programs were "cut-out" farmer and farmerette . As an informal party, this one ranks the top for the boy wore overalls and the girls wore wash dresses. Decoration consisted of a hay tack \vith three large cardboard pig around it. On the stage, another hay stack "'as placed with cardboard chickens around it. Lighting effects were made by lanterns which hung from the ceiling and '~ails. The farm picture was completed by a table in the corner of the room which was covered with a red and \vhite checked table cloth. A bucket and dipper sitting on the table helped to make it realistic. On this table we served our lunch which consisted of doughnuts and coffee. FLORA LEE CocHRAN,

Tan Tau Pledge.

Christmas Party Tau Tau Chapter of A lpha Sigma Alpha had their annual informal Christmas party at Rita Jacobs home. Rita's home wa decorated with Chri tmas decorations and a huge Chri tmas tree. where the pre ents were placed. Evening wa spent dancing and exchanging gift . The orority pre ented our pon or 路w ith round 9 :30 o'clock we left a gift. in car and '' ent to ho pi tal , on:mtt , fraternitie , and many other home where we ang carol in true A~A pirit.

fter caroling we went back to Rita's where he served u a lovely lunch. ]EAN E


Tau Tau.

Christmas Formal Tau Tau Chapter of A lpha Sigma A lpha held their annual Chri tmas dinner at the Lamar Hotel, Friday, December 7, 1935. Small red and white Christma trees with a large silver tree as centerpiece served as table decorations. Small dolls made of nuts and pipe cleaners and dre sed in red and white were placed at each plate as favors. The place cards and dance programs were printed on palm green paper and held the A lpha Sig crest. For the dance a large decorated tree and Chri tmas wreaths were used. 路There were three novelty dances. A Chri tmas wreath dance ' My Beau dance and a Mistletoe dance. Besides actives and pledges, several alumnre attended and there were representative from each sorority on the campu . O ur good-night ong closed a very delightful evening. LuciLLE



Tau Tan Pledges.

Leap Year Party The new year wa begun in the traditional pirit for in January ten pledges gave a Leap Year party for the active member of the orority.

THE PHOENIX Each g-irl assumed the responsibilities of an escort, bringing h er elate to the party, paying for the refreshments and taking him home. The evening was spent in dancing at the v\ oman's Building. It was uniquely decorated in the New Year style. Two hundred and fifty balloons in cluster design were suspended from the ceiling and their colors \vere brought out in spectacular fashion by blue flood lights turned on them from the corners of the room. Gay novelty dances brought the party to a grand climax. Confetti, whistles, and serpentines mingled in with the dancing feet as the balloons finally descended upon the excited crowd. Midst shouts of laughter~ few of the two hundred fifty balloons were saved for souvemrs. MARIAN HoLZMEISTER.

Tatt Tatt Pledge.

Tau Tau Card System Tau Tau Chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha has what they think is a unique plan for pledge duties. At pledge meeting each pledge is given a card on 路w hich she secures the name of each active for some duty done for her during a twoweeks' period. Through this plan the pledge is given an opportunity to distribute her services equally. It also disregards those acts which have before seemed foolish and unimportant. Various duties are: typing, posting letters, helping with parties,


shopping errands, and other little acts of courtesy and respect. GLADYS NICHOL,

Tan Tan Pledge.

St. Valentine Party On Friday the fourteenth of February Tau Tau Chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha had a St. Valentines formal dinner in honor of our exemplar, St. Valentine; a rush party for the new girls that came to Fort Hays for the spring semester; and a presentation of a farewell gift for Mrs. Hemphill, one of our beloved patronesses who is leaving us to reside in Kansas City. The invitations, place cards, and programs carried out in the heart motif. The program consisted of a report on St. Valentine; a talk by Miss Paul, our adviser; songs by our pledge trio ; a musical reading by one of our more talented actives and presentation of the gift by our president, Kathryn Fisher. ARLENE HARRISON,

Tan Tau.

PHI PHI State Teachers College Maryville, Missouri

Founders' Day October 18th was one of the biggest days of the year. On that day we celebrated the founding of A lpha Sigma Alpha. \Ne had a luncheon in the Rose Room of the Blue Moon Cafe. \ 楼e were doubly happy at having several of Phi Phi's founders and Mt:s. Dr. Bell one of



our fir. t patrone e with u . The are glad to know that they are oprogram ''as a follo' : Toast- ing to make acti' es with "hom we mi tre l\larion Maloy; Roll Call. "ill feel that the orority will gro\\. MARGARET TuR EY, Phi Phi. Margaret Turney; vVelcome to lummc, Lucile Groh; Re ponse, Children's Christmas Party talcup; \ elcome to I abel Pledge , France Tolbert; RePhi Phi entertained a number of ponse , Ludmila avra; Our Na- underprivileged children betwe n tional Hi tory, Hildred Fitz; and the age of 4 and 6 with a party Our Chapter History, 路M ary Lee Monday, December 16th at the Hull. Each pledge was given a home of Mrs. Hulet where w hav framed crest. our Chapter Room. It was a real inspiration to lisDr. 0 . Myking Mehus of the Deten to these tories of struggle and partment of ocial Science a i ted triumph toward the goal of the in the selection of the children. isterhood of Alpha 1gma 1pha. Ludmila avra, pr ident of the fter the singing of our lpha pledges, had charge of the party. Sigma Alpha. \fter the singing of nabell Stickerod had charge of our Alpha Sigma A lpha Song we is uing the invitations. Other helpdeparted looking forward to an- ing were Elizabeth Marshall, Elizaother A~A get-together beth Utz, Dolore 1essner, Thelma DoLORES MESSNER, Phi Phi. Patrick, and ! iary Ann Bovard. The children were given red rubPledges Entertain Actives ber balls, ack of candy and nut , The active and alumnce members pop corn ball , boxes of animal of Phi Phi were guest of the cookie , oranges, and hot cocoa. pledges at a picnic supper given THELMA PATRICK, Phi Phi. October 30 at the home of Alise On the evening of December Salmon. \Ve all sang sorority song and then broke up into our re pec- 17th, Phi Phi's active , pledge , ti e group for our weekly meet- and alum went caroling. V e an mg. for mo t of the faculty and hutn November 9th, the pledge of 111 . It wa a lovely e ening with Phi Phi and of igma Tau Gamma the ky full of tar . fter "e finw nt together to entertain the ac- i hed our caroling, we w nt to the tive of the orority and fraternity home of Mr . Nell Martindal to a dance in the we t library. Lee Kuch where we were entertained ox and hi orche tra furni heel by the patrone e an<f alum . \\ th mu ic. decided to make the inging of l\Io t of the activ and many of hri tma arol to hut-in and the alum enjoyed th e partie . annual affair. \\ ar proud of our pledge and ELIX OR (RATER, Phi Phi.

THE PHOENIX This is station C-0-U-R-T coming to you by remote control over paddle waves. The home station is the Maryville Chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha. Last night seven lowly pledges pulled long underwear on as the initial step in preparation for long heralded night of questioning mystery. Topping this foreign apparel were straw hats, faded print knee length aprons, noisy anklets, and squeaky shoes. In the hands of each pledge were queer articles. As each one clutched tightly to the prized possessions which had meant hours of anxiety, frenzy, to be finally followed by success, one could distinguish by observing closely the tails of three unfortunate mice, a thimble full of toenails, and a jar of cockroaches. This my dears, does not by any means include the entire list of oddities collected. From the moment we arrived at the scene of the court, we experienced fear, amazement, and hilarity. There was nothing too impossible to be demanded of the pledges. Vve begged pennies, collected half smoked cigars, counted trees in the college grove and dormitory windows. The actives now feeling that we were in need of refreshments, forced upon us the rare delicacies of new liver, chocolate coated bananas, and mammoth slices of onion that was sure to leave each pledge with 0 . B. (onion breath) . Finally half dazed we heard the


words that "' e had '' aited for all evening long. "Court is eli missed." Too tired and sick to even express joy the pledges piled into a taxi that carried them back to the dormitory for a steamy . bower that "'as followed by a night of fr equent interruptions and restless tossing. The morning report has been compiled . There are no casualties. This concludes a pledge's report coming to you over the facilities of station C-0-U-R -T. Keep your radio tuned to this station for further information concerning Phi Phi Chapter of Alpha S igma Alpha. L U DMILA VAVRA,

Phi Phi.

Mid-Winter Rushing Phi Phi has just completed her mid-winter rushing season. It began February 3rd and la ted during the week. Silent period began F riday at 9 a. m. and lasted until 1onclay at 4 p. m . Tuesday evening we entertained rushees in our rooms at various kinds of parties. Thur clay evening, February 6th, we had our annual Sweetheart Party at the Masonic Hall. The hall was decorated in reel and white. The lights were co\ ered with red paper, reel cupids and hea rts were pasted on the walls and red tapers burned on the piano and on two table at the opposite side of the room from the entrance which was draped with red and white paper. On each of the tables and the piano were two mailboxes made of reel



paper with A'2.A in gold letter on the ide . From the mail boxes on the tables were red streamers tied to packages containing red linen handkerchiefs which were given to the rushees. They were also given peppermint candy in a red cellophane sack with a white clay pipe stuck in the top, and an oval wastebasket with a scottie dog and the sorority crest on them. When they first came they were given their dance program which was attached to a ring made of a frill of red crepe paper with gold metallics for a set. Specialties consisted of two solos by Barbara Zeller, our president, the heart dance by Margaret Turney, our secretary, and a tap dance by Nell Blackwell, an alum, and dancing instructor of the Physical Education Department. Refreshments consisted of red peppermint ice cream in red cups, white cakes with A"J:.A in red on top, nuts and coffee. The party was attended by fifteen rushees, all our actives and pledges, several alums, and Mr . lun Price, one of our patronesses. \ edne day evening, F ebruary F ebruary 12th, we are going to pledge the following girl : Imogene orrington, Hazel Lewi , trgmta nn lace, \ irginia ifer , Ruth E ll en Bennett, Charlotte mith , Bel a off, Dixie E lliot l\lildred lliot, and Dorothy \\ ort. CLARA ELLEN \\ OLFE,

P hi Phi.

Mrs. Sharp Visits Phi Phi n Saturday and Sunday, January 25 and 26, Phi Phi was honored by the vi it of 1vir . Fred M. harp, National Pre ident of A"J:.A. he arrived from Independence on the 10 o'clock bus Saturday morning and v. a met by Mr . Nell Martindale Kuch , our former sponsor, who took her to Residence Hall where she resided during her stay. At 12 :30 we had an Officers' Luncheon at Lewis' . Barbara Zellar, our president, and Miss vVaggoner, our spot,sor, had a little trouble getting there, but a car will not run in the snow without gasoline. \i\ e all felt like different persons after the luncheon, for Mrs. Sharp certainly makes you forget your troubles and creates an atmosphere of real sorority spirit. Saturday evening we had a dinner at the country club. The college gave us a bus to take u out there. We got tuck in a snow drift in the driveway at the country club and we had to "alk through the now. Our dresses and sandal. were a ight but no one eemed to mind. The table were decorated with red mail bo xes with A"J:.A in gold letter on the ide . R ed streamers from the ends of the mail boxes held the place cards which were valentines containing the menu and alum active, and pledge officer . fter the dinner we at around the open fireplace and had a real get-together. ~Ir . harp talked to the chapter a a wh ole. he and



the alums talked of the installation nor Crater, Dolores Messner, Barof this chapter when Mrs. Sharp bara Zellar, and Betty Marshall. was National Registrar. With the splendid support of the Sunday morning we all went to other members of the chapter, the church in a body. After church we Alpha Sig team is bound to show came back to the dormitory for plenty of action, speed and acdinner. We had a special table so curacy. ]ESSIE ]UTTEN, Phi Phi. that we might all be together. Sunday afternoon at 3:30 we had PSI PSI initiation of four pledges-Dolores State Teachers College Messner, Ludmila Vavra, Elizabeth N atchitoche"S, Louisiana Utz, and Thelma Patrick. The On the night of Tuesday, J anugirls were all very proud to have ary 14, seven Psi Psi officers stood Mrs. Sharp take part in their iniin front of the depot and watched tiation. expectantly as the train pulled into After initiation ceremony Mrs. the station. Faces grew long when Sharp went to an Alum meeting at not a single person alighted. Then Mrs. Kuchs. At 6 o'clock the alums someone said, "There she is !" and entertained Mrs. Sharp and the ac- the seven girls rushed down to the tive chapter to a buffet supper. end of the very last coach from Mrs. Sharp left on the 8 o'clock which Miss Elizabeth Bird Small, bus. We were all sorry her visit the national inspector, had just was so short, and we are looking stepped. forward to her next visit. But we From the station Miss Small was hope that the next time Maryville taken to the home of Miss Miriam won't have the distinction of being Nelken, Psi Psi's adviser, for a the coldest spot in the United late supper. States. On the following day, WednesCLARA ELLEN WoLFE, day, Miss Small was entertained at Phi Phi Editm'. the college president's mansion with a coffee given by Mrs. FredPhi Phi Basketball Team ericks. The presidents and adThe Alpha Sigs have entered a visers of the other sororities on the team in the intramural basketball campus, and members of the factournament. This is the first time ulty were present, also. that Phi Phi has been represented On Wednesday night Psi Psi on the basketball court of this col- chapter gave a progressive dinner in lege. honor of Miss Small. Members of The team consists of Anita Ald- the party were transported from rich, captain, Lucy Mae Beson, Jes- house to house in cars. Fruit cocksie J utten, Clara Ellen Vvolfe, Eli- tails were served at the home of



Ruth E telle lcock. At the home of :\'l:ary Catharine oodyard turkey, dre ing, cranberry sauce, potato alad, buttered roll , salted nut , and tea were served. The dessert, con i ting of brick ice cream and cake, was served at the home of Ianette wett. Later in the evening the chapter pre entecl Miss Small with a painting, the work of Mr . Hargi , one of Psi Psi's patrones e . O n the following clay is Small

had individual conference with the of-ficer . In the evening a model initiation and a model bu ine meetinowere held. Aften\ arcls, the members of the chapt r regretfully bade l\Ii mall good-bye. Each girl wi heel that he might have tayed longer. \\ ith her charming and lovable per onality :\Iiss Small won the admiration and affection of every P i Ps~. EvANGELINE


Convention Song, 1936 Tune : "An Earful of Music"

It' time f?tr convention. It's time)or some fun; lpha Sigs get together And there' joy for everyone Our chapters have ent us To join with you gals In inging and r\ancing. ince we're the be t of pal . Breezy Point i a perfect place To really have the fun, n dwe'll go home with o-reat big storie Of all the thing we've done. lpha 1ph a We are nd to

ig we have pledged you. ig we'll be true, : proud of your motto , be a part of you. ubmitted by Brta Brta.





Marriage Ann ouncements Alpha: Nancy Dodd to John Edward Smith on Tovember 9, 1935.

Alpha Alpha: Ruth Musser to Frank Henry Johnston on June 2, 1934.

Alpha Beta: Mary Virginia Davis to James E . Cantrell on June 16, 1934. Berniece Irene Mercer to Howard William Maitland on August 25, 1935.

Beta Beta: Grace Elizabeth LeFevre to Forrest Vv illiam George on November 9, 1935. Grace Lillian Harris to William Lloyd, Jr., on July 5, 1930. Helen Bondy to George Eugene Strachan on August 4, 1934. Ruby Kavich to A.M. Kazlow on Jurie 29, 1930. Margaret G. Sanders to Lloyd Everett Bedford on August 17, 1935. Gertrude Strickland to Walter \V. Ferguson on October 13, 1932. Edna Flay Welsh to Everard Beryl Mann on August 9, 1930. Edna Katherine Wise to Eugene Vervalin on October 4, 1935. Marian vVierman Smith to Frederick John Thornton on December 30, 1935.

Avis Lucille \iVelty to F. Eugene Beagles on September 8, 1935. Virginia E. Howell to Horace \i\ . ~obinson on July 14, 1932. Jane Young to Richard Sha vv Morgan on March 25, 1934. Marjorie Scott to William Randolph Spears on August 4, 1932. Frances Hill to H. 0 . John on August 23, 1935. Gawt,ma Gamww,:

Eva Ame to Charle H. Wood on April 21, 1935. Norma Ware to \iVesley Francis Pittman, Jr., on July 5, 1935.

Epsilon Epsilon: Freida Culbertson to K . C. Corzine on April 14, 1931. Margaret Neel Gray to John Ross Elder on January 16, 1935. Vivian L. Laughlin to Fred Lockwood Fleming on July 19, 1935. Eva Katherine Barrett to Roy Lee Warkentin on January 18, 1936.

Zeta Zeta: Jean Strother to John Thomas Alexander on June 3, 1935.

Eta Eta: Maryln King to Elwin Frank Miller on June 6, 1935. d:artha Jane Grubb to John Lyman Anderson on October 5, 1935.



Euphemia :Malle to David German on Augu t 1, 1935. E ther Leora \ ilson to Roy Thomas Heller on ugust 25, 1935. Iota Iota:

Dorothy Heaton to Russell Lowell Johnson on June 24, 1935. Erva Dryden to Don Ravelle Cobb on June 24, 1935. Irene Priest to路 Clifford Stanley Thomas on August 16, 1932. Dorothy Battershell to Ray Rolland Pryor on May 29, 1930. Nelle Gabrielson to L. D. Raney on October 19, 1935.

Kappa Kappa: Helen Moser to Richard William .lVIorgan on January 3, 1935. Charlotte Hartman to . Kohr Sprenkle on August 3, 1935. Elizabeth Taylor Schlice to Willard DeHart Smith on June 22, 1935. Ruth Mercer to Philip Frederick Fortin on June 26, 1935. Mary Parsons to Marion Lee Brown on Augu t 9, 1932. Lalllbda Lambda:

lice elby to Henry Clay Jame , III, on ugu t 21 , 1935. Ruth retz to Ralph Eby Heige on l\Iay 23, 1930. 1 ie chneider to harles Henry \ -oelker on June 24, 1933. Jo ephine Britton to George Hubert ulliam on uro t 29, 1932.

~Iu ~Iu:

Henrietta "\\ anty to Ralph N. Green on eptember 14, 1935. Helen Christy to Charles E. Solomon on September 1 193 ~. Emma Hartung to Karl Steinmann, Jr., on July 22, 1935. nna Hoglund to Lawrence F. Hemphill on July 21, 1934. Katherine Lang to John Nas er Faily on February 14, 1931. Bertha Zych to \Vatter 0. E tes on Tune 12, 1935. Uldene rmitage to Beryle Carlton Smith on June 14, 1930. Lucile Kunkle to Lowell E. Blanchard on Augu t 24, 1932. Lyleth Jane Turner to George Edward Underwood, Jr., on November 8, 1935 .

Nu Nu: Blanche Ball to Sidney Landau on September 5, 1935. Pi Pi:

Katherine Daw to Harry D. tor on :November 23, 1935.


Rho Rho: Dola Thorn berry to James William chick on May 27, 1935. F ranee Gor uch to Hall E. Booton on eptember 18, 1935.

Sigma Sigma: Vernice Pratt to Charle Hoover Dixon, Jr., on January 1, 1935. nna Ro amie Hammond to ~!at颅 thew H. eering on June 22, 193 ~.

THE PHOENIX l\Iargaret A. Foreman to John D. Brooks on April 4, 1934. Lillian Dawson to Albert C. Ruland on July 21, 1935. Ruth Wolfe to J. Milton :M cKee on September 28, 1935. Luree Stevens to Frank E. Hansen on June 9, 1935. Roberta Helmecke to Edward R. Janney on December 22, 1935. Tau Tau: :Marvel Bradbury to William Walker Barnett on August 20, 1935. Florence Morrison Wallace to Robert S. Markwell on December 25, 1935. Gladys Hayes to William Barton Jones on June 13, 1935. N ovaline Hickman to Carl Lester Thurlow on June 28, 1935.


Dorothy Whitmore to E. Albert Kreek on July 17, 1935. Nell M. Martindale to Albert Kuchs on July 11, 1935. Guenavere Knoch to-]. T. vValker on July 26, 1935. Chi Chi:

Jessie Edgerton to George Edward Yeazel on April 28, 1934. Amy Souder to Kenneth Davenport on March 5, 1935. Elizabeth Kidwell to Dr. Emerson]. Soland on February 4, 1935.

Psi Psi: Dorothy Ann Cole to Hugh Charles Salassi on November 16, 1935. Ollie Haygood to Herbert Theodore Hanggi on January 20, 1936.

Phi Phi:

Omega Omega:

Juanita Marsh to Joseph Franklyn Benson on July 5, 1935.

Julia Green to Jack Ellsworth Stephenson on April 27, 1935.

Birth Announcements Alpha Alpha:

To Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Johnston (Ruth E. Musser), a son, Frank Musser, October 18, 1935.

Beta Beta: To Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt Smith (Helen Sprinkle), a daughter, Sylvia Lucille, September 30, 1935. To lVIr. and :Mrs. Geo-rge Eugene

Strachan (Helen Bondy), a daughter, Joan Bessie, October 3, 1935. To Mr. and :Mrs. Horace \IV. Robinson (Virginia E. Howell ) , a daughter, Judith Ann, January 20, 1935. N~t


To Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Lee Goldsborough, Jr. (] ean Esther



Reid , a daughter, Jean Lee, Xovember 22, 193.-.

Gamma Gamma:

Xi Xi :

To ::\Ir. andl\Ir 路. I-Iarri John on ( Helen Deal . a dauo-ht r. ana Janet. October 26. 1935.

To ::\Ir. and ::\Ir . J . \ eare Pearon. II, ( Adelene Ponti), a daughter. Pamela Ro aline December 20, ] 93.;.

To ::\Ir. and :\Ir . Emmet ::\IcKaughan ( olore Ball). a on. Thoma Jarne . on er tember 1 193S.

Sigma Sigma:

Pi Pi:

To Mr. and ::\Irs. Charle Hover Dixon, Jr. (Vernice Pratt), a daughter, Shirley Rae, eptember 2, 193- .

To Dr. and ::\Ir . Theodore Holmlund ( Dorothy Potter) a on Jame 路 Potter. in December, 193- .

To 1\Ir. and Mrs. John D. Brooks ( ::\Iargaret . Foreman ) a son, Jack Gilbert, pril 1, 193-.

To ::\Ir. and ::\I r . Robert D emery ( ::\Iargaret ::\lain ) . a on, Robert ::\Iain, on Xovember 30, 1935.

In Memoriam

~~ lpha

A lpha:

Z eta Z eta :

Helen Rexford Hancock. ::\o\'ember 16, 1935 .


Beta Beta:

atherine Gormley. Died in 1ay, 1 3:0

::\Iargaret Lett ::\Ieyer. Died tober 20 1935. Tau Tau:

Twila chaefer ::\Iay. 193-.


Ca 111111a Gam lila:

la ra Ba.'<ter F uzzel. uary 10, 1 36.

ied Jan-


0 m ega 0 m ega: \ 路 iro-in ia Dri 路c 11 Ueckett.

ied m



Addresses of the Following Members are Unknown A nyone having this information, please notify the Editor: Leib, 317 East Fall Creek Boulevard, Indianapolis, Indiana.

irs. B. F.

Bradley, Lillian .... . . ........ .. . . . .... ... ....... . ... .... Zeta Zeta Cline, M rs. Emerson (Maybelle Schaefer) . ........ .. ... .. ... Tau Tau Cliser, Vada .. ... ..... .... ... ... . ........-.. ...... . . . ... . . . P hi P hi Cole, M rs. A lbert ( ellie Azbill ) .. . .... . .... ...... .... .. .. Zeta Zeta Cooper, M r s. Walter (Marguerite Van Meter ) ... . .... ... . ... . Zeta Zeta Corpron, Carlotta ......... .. ..... . ... ... .... . . .... .. ...... Mu M u . . • Cromn, A hce ........... . .... .. ... . ........... . ... ... ..... Eta Eta Deegan, Mrs. George ( 1ayme Foncan11on) . . . . ......... . ... Alpha Beta Diedrich, M rs. W. J. (Cora Collins) .. .. .. .. ..... . .... .... .... Mu Mu Dominick, M rs. Jackson (Sadie M ills) ........... .... .. . . ..... Nu Nu Ferguson, E lizabeth Ann ...... . ... .... .... .... . . .. ..... ... Zeta Zeta F ricks, Mrs. W illiam S. (Hertha Cornish ) .. ... . ... ........ Alpha Beta Harvey, M rs. W illiam (Ada Haun ) ........ .. ... . ... . ..... Delta Delta Havey, M rs. John David (Martha Rodgers) .... .. .. . . ......... E ta Eta Hendricks, M rs. J oe J. (Katherine B. Nevins) .. ... .... . . ...... Eta Eta I rons, M r s. W. D. (Neva K riner ) .............. ..... ..... ... Iota Iota Jenkins, Mrs. (Jessie Hisle) .... ........ . . ... . . .. ..... . . ..... Eta Eta Johnson, Mrs. vValter (Zylpha Walker) .. .... ...... .......... Iota Iota Jones, M rs. W . A . (Maude Barri gar) .. ......... .. . ... Epsilon Epsilon Lantz, J\ifarion ........... ... ....... . .. . ....... ..... ... Theta Theta J\ifartin, Mrs. Robert (Katherine \ i\Tebb) . ... .. .. .... .. . .... Delta Delta McFarland, Muriel G . .... .. ...... .... .... . ... .......... ... . Eta Eta Mellick, Leslie .... ...... .... .... ... : . .............. Gamma Gamma Merrick, Lettie .... . ...... .. .. ....... .. ... .. . . . ... ... ... Alpha Beta Pennington, Mrs. F loyd (Anna A . Cleveland) ...... .. ... Gamma Gamma Seaton, Mrs. Guy (Nettie Dickerson) ............. ..... .... Alpha Beta Seelinger, M rs. JoachemE. (Janet Randolph) ....... ... ....... . 1\ifu Mu Stewart, F. Katherine . ... ... ...... .. ... .. ... . .... . ....... . Beta Beta Stokes, Mrs . J ames (Lila Da'~' son) .. .. .. ........ .. . . . .. . . . Alpha Beta Stone, :Mrs. Ransom (Neoma Erickson) .. .. ............ .. .. Beta Beta Tripner, M rs. Curtis G. (Helen Lutes) .. . ... .. ...... .. .. Kappa Kappa Vorhees, Mrs. Ralph (Ruth Selby) .... .... . .. . . . . .. . ...... Alpha Beta W ard, Faye . ........ ... ... . .. ... .... ........... . .. Gamma Gamma



Directory Corrections The following name were omitted from the Directory: ] arne , Margaret \ eil (M rs. ] . 1\1. ) ; _ lpha Gamma; Hoover ville, Brook , 1\1. Elizabeth; N u N u; 12 Summit St., Ea t Orange, N. ] .


Address Correction Please send my PHoENIX to the following address:

Name·············································································································································································-- -

Add1·ess (Permanent, Teaching) ..................................................................................................................

Chapter .........................................................................................................................................................................Former Add1·ess..............................................................................._. ....................................................................._

Marriage Announcement Maid en N arne............................................................................................................................................................... Fo1·mer Add1·ess...................................................................................................................................................... . Married N arne ........................................................................................................................................................... N eu1 Address···························································································································································--·

Date of M an·iage ...................................................................................................................................................... Chapter

· ········ ··· ·········· ·· ·························· ·· ··· · ·· · · ··· ··- ~·· · · ··· · ··· ····· ··· · · ·· · ·- ·· · · ·· ··· ···· · ······ · ········-·· · ····- · ··· ·· ······-······ ··· ···· ·· · · ··---·-




President-Mrs. Fred M. Sharp, ZZ, 1405 Hardy Ave., Independence, Mo. Vice-P1'esident-M iss Evelyn G. Bell, II II, 8 E. Depew Ave., Buffalo, N.Y. Secretary-Miss Leona Wilcox, II, 1916 44th, Des Moines, Iowa. Treasurer-Mrs. Reinard Schlosser, BB, 2800 Dexter, Denver, Colo. Registra1--Mrs. William M. Crook, NN, Apt. A 303 Narberth Hall, Narberth, Pa.

Chaplain,..-Miss Louise Stewart, YY, 3642 Lake Shore Dr., Chicago, Ill. Extension 0 fficer-Miss S. June Smith, KK, 354 Manor, Millersville, Pa. Edito1'-Mrs. B. F. Leib, XX, 317 E. Fall Creek Blvd., Indianapolis, Ind. Finance Chainnan-Miss Elizabeth B. Small, II II, 153 N. New Hampshire Ave., Los Angeles, Calif.


Constitution-Mrs. Wayne R. Fuller, 430 Starin Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Historia11r-Mrs. Roderick McCullough Thomas, 702 S. W. First St., Miami, Fla. Songbook-Miss Ethel Tobin, 5443 Romain Ave., Los Angeles, Cali f. Alumnae-

Fellowship-Miss Esther Bucher, 4134 Eaton, Kansas City, Kans. Philanthropic-Mrs. J ohn Stockton, West Carrollton, Ohio. Schola;rship-Miss Joy Mahachek, State Teachers College, Indiana, Pa. S01'ority E.-rG111tination-Miss Mary Gaal, 275 Deshler Ave., Columbus, Ohio.


Alpha-Miss路 Grace B. Moran, Farmville, Va. Alpha Alpha-Miss Amy M. Swisher, The Tallawanda, Oxford, Ohio. Alpha Beta-Miss路 Ethel Hook, 202 Conner Apts., Kirksville, Mo. Alpha Gamma-Miss Ethel A. Belden, State Teachers College, Indiana, Pa. Beta Beta--Edris Warner, 1214 19th St., Greeley, Colo. Gamma Ga11'vma-Miss Vera Leeper, College and Choctaw St., Alva, Okla. Epsilon Epsilon-Miss Edna McCullough, 1017 Rural St., Emporia, Kans. Zeta Zeta-Miss Downs, Warrensburg, Mo. Eta Eta--Miss Jane Carroll, 706 South Broadway, Pittsburg, Kans. Theta Theta-Miss Mabel C. Bragg, 80 Madison Ave., N evvtonville, Mass. Iota Iota--Mrs. Hildegarde B. Nissly, 1078 24th St., Des Moines, Iowa. Kappa Kappa-Miss Marjorie K. J ones, 1904 No. 13th St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Mn Mu-Miss Elsie Musolf, 112 S. Washington Ave., Ypsilanti, Mich. Ntt Nu-Miss Jean M. Richmond, 1411 S. Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa. Xi Xt'-Miss Ethel Tobin, 5443 Romain Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Om1:c1'0n Omic1'01t--Miss Helen M. McClaflin, 237 E. Main St., Kent, Ohio. Pi Pi-Mrs. Carolyn W. Heyman, 10 Granger Place, Buffalo, N. Y . Rho Rho-Mrs. Margaret D. Seidel, 1661 Fifth Ave., Huntington, W. Va. Sigma Sigma-Miss Lucy E. Spicer, 601 No. Taylor St., Gunnison, Colo. Ta1t Tau-Miss Mae Paul, 409 W. 8th St., Hayes, Kans. Phi Ph.i-Miss Mariam G. Waggoner, Missouri State Teachers College, Maryville, Mo. Psi Psi-Miss Marian Nelkins, Louisiana State Normal College, Natchitoches, La. Omega Omega-Miss Audrey B. Peterson, 1835 Meade Ave., San Diego, Calif.



Alpha-- tate Teachers College, Farmville, a. A lpha Alpha-- 1iami niver ity, Oxford, Ohio. A lpha Beta- tate Teachers College, Kirk ville, Mo. A lpha Gamma- tate Teachers College, Indiana, Pa. Beta Beta-Colorado State College of Education, Greeley, Colo. Gamma Gamma--State Teachers College, Alva, Okla. Epsilon Epsilollr-State Teacher College, Empor ia, Kan . Zeta Zeta-State Teachers College, Warren burg, Mo. Eta Eta-State Teacher College, Pittsburg, Kans. Theta Theta-Bo ton niversity, Bo ton , Mass. Iota Iota-Drake niver ity, De Moine , I owa.

Kappa Kappa-Temple niver ity, Philadelphia, Pa. J/n Mu- tate Normal College, Yp ilanti, Mich. • 11 ..Vu-Drexel In titute, Philadelphia, Pa. Xi Xi-Univer ity of California, Lo Anaele , Calif. Omicron Oumcro1v- tate Teacher ollege, Kent, Ohio. Pi Pi-State Teachers College, Buffalo, . Y. Rho Rho- far hall College, Huntington, W. a. igma igm&-Western tate College, Gunni on, Colo. Tan Ta.u-Fort Hay Kansas tate College, Hay , Kan a . Phi Phi- tate Teacher College, Maryville, Mo. Psi Psi- tate Teacher ollege, atchitoches, La. Omega Omega--San Di go State College, an Diego, Cali f.


A lva, Okla.-Mr . Charle Wood, 713 econd St., Alva, Okla. Boston, ~Iass.-Mr . Clyde J one , 36 Glen Road, Winchester, Ma . Bub'alo, N . Y.-Mrs. Wi lbur Kraft, 27 Harvard Place, Buffalo, . Y. Ceutral, Pa.-Miss Geraldine mith, 312 W. Orange, Lancaster, Pa. Chicago, Ill.- Mi Dorothy Master , 7051 Ogel by Ave., Chicago, Ill. Columbus Ohio-Mr . 0. \Vindon , Reynold burg, Ohio. Denver, Colo.-Mrs. C. I. Lamb, 902 C rona, Denver, Colo. Des J!oines, f01. •a~Mr . Walter elvey, t., De Moine , Iowa. 3712 Adam Eastern Pennsylvania - Mi Thelma tortz, Eman , Pa. Emporia, Kaus.-11r . L. D. P ter on, 316 Ea t 8th, Emporia, Kan . Greeley. Colo.-11r . Florence very Ander n, 1326 14th e., Greeley, Colo. Hays, Ka11s.-Mr . Floyd Lee, Jr., 411 \ t 7th t. Hay , Kan . Huntiugtou. tl'. Va.-11i Mary Lilyan · or uch, 123 ~ Third, Huntington, \\. Va.

Indianapolis, Ind .-Mrs. Howard McDavitt, 4818 Ea t 11th St., Indianapolis, Ind. Kausas Cit)•, ~1o.-Mi Mary Hamlin, 1336 Armour St., Kan a City, Mo. Keut, Ohio-Mis Alice ]. turgill, 217 Univer ity Drive, Kent, Ohio. Los Angeles, Calif.-Mr . Claude late, 705 ~ . Jack on, Glendale, Calif. Jlar:ytand-Virginia District- Mr . Roderick M. Thoma , 1305 venue Obi po, Coral Gable Fla. ~Iar)•ville ~Io.-M i Mildred Hotchkin, 303 . Buchanan, Maryville, Mo. Philadelphia, Pa.-Mi Ruth Nailor 28 Ea t tate t., Doyle town Pa. Pittsburg, Kans.- Mi 1aude Laney, 910 N. Pine t., Pitt burg Kan . Pittsburgh, Pa.-Mr . . I. Maunt I, 4218 Gr en burg Pike, v ilkin burg, Pa. Toledo, Ohio-Mr . ferrill ok, 1421 Royalton, T ledo, Ohio. Wic/Jita Kaus.-Mr . arlet n Hamilton 727 ladi n, Wichita, Kan . Ypsilanti, ~Iich.-}.li udr y Eckert, 305 \\'ithington v ., Ferndal , Mich.




Mrs. B. F. Leib, 317 Ea


Fall Creek Blvd., Indianapolis, Ind.

A- Sallie Perrow, State Teacher College, Farmville, Va. AA- June Harpster, 19 Bishop Hall, Oxford, Ohio. AB- Betty Huckstep 207 E. Normal St., Kirksville, Mo. Ar-Angie H olman, 201-N John Sutton Hall, Indiana, Pa. BB- Evelyn Fesenmeyer, 1829 7th Ave., Greeley, Colo. rr-Giadyes Reed, Alva, Okla. EE- Dolores Tholen, 706 Cottonwood St., Emporia, Kans. ZZ-Mary Jane Leber, 304 East Culton St., Warrensburg, Mo. HH-Lucill e Mallard, 911 South Olive St., Pittsburg, Kans. 08- Martha Putnam Levis, 70 School St., Roxbury, Mass. II-Martina Meyer, Drake Dormitory, Des Moines, I owa.

KK- Jane Dickson,

1917 Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa.

MMNN-Catherine Brackin, 94 E. Greenwood Ave., Lan downe, Pa. S:!::-Mary Jane Stanard, 6719 8th Ave., Charles Place, Los Angeles, Calif. 00-Velma B. Kauffman, 118 Sherman St., Kent, Ohio. II IT-Dorothy A . Fricke, 309 Richmond Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. PP-Eiizabeth Cary, 620 16th St., Huntington, W. Va. ~~-Betty Creel, Gunnison, Colo. TT-Louise Peterson, 332 W. 8th St., Hays, Kans. <I> <I>- Clara Ellen Wolfe, Residence Hall, Maryville, Mo. cv<p-Evangeline Lynch, Box 786 Normal Station, Natchitoches, La. QQ-


Chai路r1111a11r-Miss路 Edith Mansell, Alpha Sigma Tau, 215 Highland Ave., Highland Park, Mich. Secreta.r:v-Miss Mabel Lee Walton, Sigma Sigma Sigma, Drawer 271, Woodstock, Virginia. T1'easnrer-Mrs. Fred Sharp, Alpha Sigma Alpha, 1405 Hardy Avenue, Independence, Mo. Director of Local Panhelfenics-Mrs. C. P. Neidig, Pi Kappa Sigma, 3632 Paxton Road, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Di1路ector of Cz:ty Pauheflenics-Mrs . Orley See, Delta Sigma Epsilon, 48 Wildwood Avenue, Piedmont, Calif. Chair111-an of El1'gibil1'f3, mtd NatioHah:::atioH-Miss Carrie E. Walter, Theta Sigma Upsilon, 3815 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Cha.irman. of Pubficit路y - 'l iss Lula McPherson, Pi Delta Theta, Kansas State Teachers College, Pittsburg, Kans.


~0:\\ '5)0. !Pled qy, lJe Jllrt.J (7)

ante's Jnferno11zr!J

Pira~e q)attce

cmonte earto9>C1rt9 eleopalra Par~~ journalistic Par~~ ORIGINAL PARTY PLANS

The Hit of the Party Season The Program

The Party Plan

The Favor

THE PARTY PLAN . . . Make your next party the "Talk of the Campus" by following one of the many Balfour party schemes described in the new 24 page Party Plan Book. Decoration, program, and favor suggestions feature many clever and original ideas. THE DANCE PROGRAM ... Clever, gay programs carry out the party scheme. Special samples will be sent upon request. THE DANCE FAVOR . . . Select your favors to enhance the party scheme. For a Jail Dance, e suggest a "Ball and Chain Bracelet," while the Pirate Party calls for a very glittering gold mesh bag. Write us for suggestions and a copy of the BALFOUR BLUE BOOK illustrating new and clever favors.

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Illustrates clever and original favors in路 a wide price range. WRITE FOR YOUR FREE COPY!

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