Asa phoenix vol 27 no 4 may 1942

Page 1








National Council Announces Charter Grants .

. ... . . ...


Program for Professional Panhellenic Association .


Let's Write a Letter ...... . ...... .... ......... . .


Volunteers for Victory .


Vacation in H awaii ...... . .

5 6


Fellowship Loan Contributions . Interesting Alpha Sigs

. .......... 7

...... .

Campus Personalities ....... .

. IO

To Join or Not to Join ..................... .

. 13

Muskogee, Oklahoma ..

. . r6

News Letters-Alumn<C Chapters

. . ....... ........ I7

News Letters-College Chapters

... ......... .... 24

Pledges, '41-'42 . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

. ....... .. ..... ·37 ............ . ... . .. ·39

Initiates, '41-'42 Announcements Directory










• Published in November, January, March and May of each year at No. 30 North Ninth Street, Richmond, Indiana, by the Nicholson Printing Company, for the Alpha Sigma Alpha Sorority having headquarters at Indianapolis, Indiana. Business correspondence may be addressed to either office, but matter for publication and correspondence concerning the same should be addressed to Mrs. B. F. Leib, 3540 North Pennsylvania Street, Apartment T, Indianapolis, Indiana.


Entered as seco nd-cia s matt r, S ptember 4 1923, at the post office at Ri chmond , Indi ana, under the Act of March , 1879·











Program for Professional Panhellenic



Realizing the need for common action on the part of its member organizations in an endeavor to participate actively and effectively in the Civilian Defense program of the United States, the Professional Panhellenic Association has adopted this Program for 1942:

A. For Members of Collegiate Chapters First, Realizing that our members, training now for specific professions, will be of greatest value in the coming years if they are prepared to act efficiently and adequately in their chosen fields ; and realizing further that they are preparing themselves for service by the very fact that they are working toward a college degree, the Professional Panhellenic Association urges all student members to sacrifice, if need be, to complete their college education. econd, In answer to Dean Ali ce Lloyd's challenge to fraternity people in an add res before the joint session of the N ational Panhelleni c Co ngress and the National Interfraternity Co nference, in November, 1941. in which he stated, "The one thing we need most i . . . . trength of characte r. W ithout it we shall not win in this crisis . . . . with it, we can conquer all our foe . To develop it is to develop the onl y d fen e psychology th at will see us through''-the members of P rofes ional Pan hellenic Association will endeavor to develop indi vid ual st rength of character and th e ability to think clea rly. Members mu t stand for : a. A n " uncompromi ing attitude towa rd h nesty" (Dean Lloyd). b. F ine professional tandard . c. H igher standa rd s of behavior a nd attitude. d. "Faith in them elve a nd in democracy" (Dean Lloyd) . T hird, P ro fessional Panhelleni c Association wi ll make its fraternitie , singly and united, important factors in maintaining high campu mos Dean rale and promoting ivili a n Defen ·e. Lloyd said of frat rniti e ·, "You represent a lu xury cia s w ithin a lu xu ry group ( higher ed ucati on). Your very tructure i built on the idea of privilege, and privileg spell s re ·ponsibility in any society." ur f ratern ities mu t sh w a "willin gness to sacrific fo r the good o f the ociety in which th ey live." nly as we a um re ponsibility and keep morale hi gh ; only a w c perat with the plans made by our clucational in ·titu -

tions for Civilian Defense, can we show that professional fraternities have a definite contribution to make in this time of crises. Fourth, Professional Panhellenic Association chapters are asked to curtain chapter expenses to the minimum without affecting efficient operati on, and to make one chapter social event "an obj ect lesson," giving the money otherw ise spen t on it to the Red Cross or some other Defense agency, or investing it in Defense Bonds. Fifth, The chapter of professional fraternities on the same campus are urged to devote a joint meeting to some fo rm of Defense activity. Specific programs will be left to the individual campus P rofessional Pan hell enic Association s, but might include: Raising of fund for Defense activities. elling of Defense Bonds and Stamps. Enlistment of members for individual Defen e work through the local Civilian Defen e Volunteer office or the State Defen e Council (where no local office exi ts). ollection of phonograph record and phonograph to be sent to rmy camps. (Notify the Morale Office r in the neare t camp that the e are available, and a k for in tructions : or notify M r . · incent H illes Ober, 414 \t\festover, lorfo lk, \ a ., what i available, and he will noti fy you where to send it). ollection of books to be sent to rmy Camps. . 0 . hou e , hips, naval ba es. etc. ( lotify local libra ry ). ewing or knitting for Reel ross. ln tructi on in some form of Civilian Defen e--fi r t aid, ai r-raid, · nutrition, alvage. etc. E ntertainment fo r service men, if · near a camp. D n fit dance or pr gram.

B. For Members of Alumnae Chapters F ir t, Profes ional Pan h lleni c s ociatio n alumna:: memb rs a re a ·ked to a i t I cal ivil ia n Def n e by volunteering for immediate s r vic in one or mor of th thi rt en services outlin d by th . Office of ivilian Def n civilia n protection program ·, pr grams f r unity. rec r at ion a nd sp cia! ervices f r m n in uni industry w rker , consumer form and d fen program , h alth. nutriti on or ducation fi Ids. r cr ation and in f rmal eclucati n. fam il y , cur-

4 ity, housing, American Red Cross, food conservation programs, war relief organization . Second, Alumnae chapters of professional fraternities located in the same city are uniting for a meeting based on some Civilian Defen e activity. ( ee point 5 of the college program). Third, Alumnae member who are capable speakers and are willing to assist with Civilian Defense programs in their communities should report to their local Civilian Defense office so that information can be given them, and their talents u eel to promote Defense projects. Let us, as Dr. Kathryn McHale, General Director of the American Association of Univerity vVomen said, serve where our training does the most good, using two tests for anything we do: 1. Doe it help in winning the way? 2. Does it really have intellectual purpose and content, and doe it require intellectual planning? Let us as ume leadership in the promotion of every endeavor which will aid in Victory for democracy; but let us, also, as Ling Tan in Pearl Buck's "Dragon Seed" spend a little time each day remembering the peace of our country before the war and the contentment of our way of life that we may bring peace and contentment to our life after the war.

Let's Write a Letter days we are all most concerned over T HESE the history that is being made in this world and all conversations, when friends meet, turn to talk of the latest war happenings and the congressional actions. We civilians do not want to be slacking in any effort or time we might expend to do our bit; we gladly give liberally of any special talent we may posses ' pay our share of the tax burden and buy bonds with very little grumbling. Some of us sew, knit, take First Aid Cia es and contribute to the Reel Cross willingly, and other are actively engaged in the U nited Service Organization' program. V-Ie joke about the merchandise that is no longer on the market and plan way of conserving the poses ion we have. Ye , we are all thinking about our hare of the re pon ibility that i before us in the struggle for the pre ervation of our freedom. But the reque t made herein ha nothing to do with the unified effort of all of us to do our part in the pre ent defen ive and offen ive need. , but rather i of the one thing we can all do to


bring a period of happiness to our boys ervina in the Armed Forces of our Country. I wi h to urge all of u to enlist in a letter writing campaign to the boy who are friends or relative and who are now away from their familie and loved ones, participating in Vvorld War No. II. It was through my job with a veterans' organization that I fir t realized how important letters are to our boy in the service. One day a letter was on my desk to be answered in which the writer was requesting, in behalf of his home town organization, sugge tions for plea ures or gifts that might be given for the boys to enjoy who had been called from the homes in thi particular town. Being at a loss a to what to uggest, I asked my boss what were the nice t things that happened to bring him plea ure while he was serving in vVorld War No. I , and without any hesitation he said, "Getting letters from home or from some of my friends." He continued to say that in any camp in the lT. S. ., on board hip, or in France nothing wa more impoti:ant to the happiness of all the boy than the thrill of getting a letter. Another one of the men in the office, who i also a World War No. I veteran, an wered my question thusly "Next to good food, if there i one thing a soldier, sailor or marine needs to boost his morale, it's letters in every mail. The most pathetic figure in any soldier ' camp or aboard any ship is the crestfallen lad who fails to hear his name called when the being di tributed. None of us receive enough letters to escape the pangs of disappointment every man in service suffers at the thought he is being forgotten by friend or loved one at home. "Every man in the ervice, young or old, pray for mail from home. Even a long delayed bill from a worried creditor i better than no mail at all when a soldier, sailor or marine is homesick or envious of the boy in the next bunk who insists on reading aloud excerpt of a letter from his best girl or his family. Wondering if the boys of thi generation felt the same way about receiving letter I asked a oldier of my acquaintance and received much the same answer. He aid that for a period of two weeks he failed to receive any letter and had just about decided he was for aken and forgotten. Then he received one from a former chool teacher of hi and it wa like a gift from heaven to know that he wa till remembered. He continued to tell of the entertainment , plea urable happening that occur in camp life, and the intere ting and worthwhile friend that are made in camp but fini heel by aying, "Xoth-

s ing can take the place of a letter from the friend s at home." So-let's . do everything we can to encourage others to wnte to our boys and likewise remember our own friends and relatives. Let's remember it only takes a little time to write a letter that will bring a great deal of pleasure to one who is giving his all for his Country. EvALYN EvANS, Phi Phi, Kansas City Alumn~ Chapter.

Volunteers for Victory "V

OL NTEERS FOR VICTORY" is the new name given to the adults in Girl Scouting, in the organization's new booklet explaining Girl Scout adult jobs and defense. Have you ever done Girl Scouting? Do you have a daughter who wants to become a scout and no leader is available for the group? How many of you have ever considered yourself as ad~lt girl scout material? " Too busy," you say. Dotng what? Those of us who do professional Girl Scouting know all the answers we'd get from you! " I play bridge every Tuesday." "John never likes to be home alone in the evening." "You know-maids are as sca rce as hen 's teeth." "I never seem to have time for anything 'personal.' " "Volunteers for V ictory" points out at lea t fifty different ways the organization can use you in serving youth-and you'll still have time for: Bridge, John, housework, and your moody moments when you need a man icure, facial or beauty nap for that "oomph personality" you know you have. Get in touch with the local Girl cout office in your own community where someone will tell you why we think GIRL C UTI TG I DEFE SE. If you quake at the thought of "leading" a group of Brownies, Intermediate or enior couts, ask about troop committee , ot· the job of a program consultant. These are only a few of the places you can VOLU ITEER YOUR SERVICE Ct\fHERINE L. ELTZER,

Vacation In Hawaii L A T summ r a yo un g friend and I were for tunate enough to be able to vacation in I Iawaii . In view of r c nt ev nts there, w are glad that we were able to e it in its peace and beauty. We have pictures and m maries tored in our mind s that will give us plea ure for a

long time to come, and hope that it will soon be · a land of flowers and peace again. Hawaii is really the land of flowers. Everywhere one goes there is a tropical and pungent fragrance in the air. The trees that line the streets are masses of bright red, white, yellow a?d purple blossoms, and in traveling about the ctty, one comes upon pools that are filled with giant wa_ter lilies and bordered by palms, bright reel hybtscus, banana trees and white ginger bushes. From one point of vievv, the island could be regarded as a huge fortress, for Oahu, the island on which the city of Honolulu is situated has become an important training and strategic' base for the Army and Air Corps, as well as the Navy. From Waikiki Beach one can see daily th e bombers on patrol over the ocean. One could also see almo t daily on the horizon, battle hips on maneuvers. The Hawaiians themselves are a good-natured, leisure-loving people. Even the men wear colorful shirt , although they have adopted merican clothing, except for special occasions. The dancers of the islands really are beautiful and graceful. Once a week they can be seen doing their native dances pon ored by the Ea tman Kodak Company in a very popular show to wh ich all kodak fan flock. o- the ifany people take lesson in urf-ridin 1:'>1 mo t popular sport in Hawaii. Almost all of the pe~ple ~re excellent wimmers. urf-riding and wunmmg are the main pa times, but there are a number of picturesque and attractive golf cour e · a! o. ne little place called "Hawaiian Town" i especially colorful. T he tabl e are highly poli hed urf board , the wall are thatched and of bamboo, and from the ceiling are hung fi hnet ' and gla s ball wa he I ac ross the Pacific from sia. Tiny colore I bulbs are the s urce of illumination in the evenino- . Entertaimi1ent consi t of an orche tra of Hawaiian guitar a n I nati ve dancer and inger . Refreshment are served in cocoanut shells with tropical leave for garni he . ne of the mo t attractiv cu tom o ( the i land is the giving of I i - lono- wreath of li fferent fragrant flowers which a re o·iven to the visitor by their fri n I upon a rrival and cl 1 a rtur from the I lan Is. Th tradition is that if you wi sh to return to the isla nd . yo u must throw yo ur lei into the c an bef r the islan I di a1 pear from ight. L I LE PARDU I[ • Wa hin o-to n lumnre.



Fellowship Loan Contributions-J 1941-1942 Magazine ubscription Chairman and T HE the National Fellow hip Chairman wish to thank the Chapter which have contributed to the growth of the Loan Fund in such a magnificent way. You are reall y building a fund of which we can all be proud. COLLEGE CHAPTER

If you have not already sent in your magazine ub criptions or your cash contribution for a Defense Savings Bond, do so at once. Let u make a perfect score of every College and lumn<l! Chapter contributing something to thi project.


Alpha ........... . . . . . ........... $ 1.35 Alpha Gamma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.50 Beta Beta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.20 Zeta Zeta .. . ..... .. .......... . .. . Eta Eta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.15 Epsilon Epsilon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.40 Theta T h eta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.85 Kappa Kappa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.90 Nu Nu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.85 .50 Xi Xi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pi Pi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.95 Rho Rho . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.30 Sigma Sigma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.85 Tau Tau . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.40 Phi Phi ....... . . . ............ . .. . Chi Chi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.70 Psi Psi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.60 Beta Gamma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 Beta Epsilon .............. .. .... . Beta Delta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.80 Beta Theta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Beta Eta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.00 Beta Zeta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.00


$10.00 $10.00 10.00 3.15 18.75 13.00 8.00 10.00 8.30 18.75 4.20 10.00 7.00


$11.35 2.50 12.20 10.00 6.15 10.40 10.00 2.90 28.60 .50 28.95 2.30 10.85 2.40 10.00 10.00 7.60 .50 18.75 10.00 .25 12.00 10.00


Akron ........... .. .......... . .. . .40 Alva .. ............ . ... . ........ . Boston . ... . ... . ................. . 7.75 Buffalo ............ . . .. ... . ..... . 3.50 Canton . . ........ . ..... .. ....... . 8.90 Central Pennsylvania ......... . . . . 2.15 Chicago . ....... .. .. ... . .... . . .. . 4.85 Cleveland .. .... . .. . ... . .. . . . ... . . 3.20 Columbus . ... . . . . ... ... . ...... . . . 2.00 Delaware ... . ...... . ... .. .. . . . .. . 1.00 Denver ......... . ......... .. .... . 19.90 Detroit ... . . .... ... . . .......... . . .50 Emporia ............ . ...... . .... . 1.30 Greeley ....... . . . ... ... ....... .. . 3.75 Huntington .. . . . ....... ... .. . .. . . 3.05 Indianapolis ......... ... .. ... . ... . 2.90 Johnstown .. ... .. .. ............. . Kansas City .... .... ..... . ..... .. . 1.15 Los Angeles ... .... ... . . . .. ..... . 5.75 Muncie .......... . ..... ...... . . . . 4.50 Natchitoches .. . . . .... . ....... ... . .65 New York City .... . ........ .. ... . 5.25 Oxford ... ... ..... . . ...... .. .. .. . .60 Philadelphia ... . .... ... ... .. .... . 8.95 Pittsburg, Kansas ............... . 3.15 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania ........ . 4.00 Southern Colorado .. ..... .... .... . .65 St. Louis ..................... . . . 1.60 Tulsa ....... . ... ...... . ... . ... . . . 1.30 Wichita ... .. .. . .............. .. . . 3.90 MANETTE SwETT,

10.00 10.00 10.00

18.75 25.85 10.00 28.75

12.50 18.75 28 .75 18.85 10.00

10.40 10.00 17.75 3.50 8.90 2.15 4.85 3.20 2.00 1.00 19.90 .50 1.30 3.75 21.80 28.75 10.00 29 .90 5.75 4.50 .65 17.75 .60 27.70 3.15 32.75 .65 20.45 11.30 3.90

Nationctl Magazine Chainrum. National F ellowship Chairman.



Interesting Alpha Sigs ALMA LOIS RODGERS Alva, Oklahoma

One of the busiest women in Gamma Gamma chapter is Alma Lois Rodgers. For several years she has been the only lay instructor in Woods County with certificate kept up to date. This entailed usually teaching two college classes per year. When the emergency suddenly arose last fall and people became aware that we may need many trained fir st aid workers, and soon, M iss Rodgers' working hours stretched like the fa st disappearing rubber band. Since the thirteenth of last November she has taught 274 people in first aid courses. These have comprised two classe of Junior S tandard fir st aid, three clas es of advanced first a id in addition to the Standard courses. A fter innumerable pleas by letter and telegram, M i s Rodger has finally succeeded in getting the Reel ross to send a fi eld repre entative to offer the lay instructo r's course of training a nd by pril 11 she hopes to have 35 helpers certified in North western Oklahoma. Half of the member of Gamma Gamm a chapter a re enrolled in her classe .

A lpha Psi Omega, Littl e Theatre, Pi Epsilon A lpha, A lpha Sigma Alpha A lumna Chapter, National Association of Directors of P hysical Education for College Women, National Athletic Federation and the F irst Methodist Church of A lva. Her hobbies are travelling ( in her brief summ er vacations) and contacts with people of other lands. A mong her f ormer students are persons now in eleven different foreign countries and he r ma il at times brings he r eye-witness accounts of the events taking place in the P hilippine I la nd , Hawai i or Belgian Congo.


Not only the adults know lma Loi but all th e littl e gi rl s also know her well through her work as Registrar for Wood ounty Girl Scouts. Tot content with th e regular cia . e in phy ica l education, M i s Rodgers i the faculty elirector of Women 's Ath letic s ociat ion w hich pon ors a very activ e program of ea onal ports: archery, tenniquoit, badminton, ping pong, fi eld hockey, peed ball, basketba ll , voll ey ball, and soft ball, in which approximately n fourth of the college girl take part . lma Lois w ill soon fini h her econd yea r as pre ident of the A lva B ra nch of American Association of Un ive r ity Women during which active m embershi ] has in creased a nd a prog ram of cultural and social s r vice ha b en carrie I out. In add iti on to th above respon ibilities, M is Rodgers is an active member of Kap pa Delta Pi ,

Introducing to a ll lpha ' ig Betty Jean Willi a ms; a Pi P i \lumn a . lth ug h he is ve ry petite she' our Big iste r, and we certain ly keep her bu y attending a ll the active and A lumn ~e meeting . 1 etty tak s ou r news to th m. a nd in r turn repr ent the active chapt r at D irectors and regul ar A lumme me ti ngs. When Hetty J a n isn' t lpha ig- ing sh ca n be fo und copi ng with the problem of a group of primary tot at a he's clone a fine j b this year Kenmo re chool. int resting th ac ti ves as 1 rosp tiv lumme. Betty J a n is the tru SJ irit of . S. . per 111 fiecl.





Cleveland, Ohio

Indianapolis, Indiana

l\Iiss Uabel Shilling of Lambda Lambda chapter, O hio State Un iversity, '27, was recently elected President of the Ohio Modern Language Teachers Association, a department of the Ohio Ed ucation Association. This position carries with it the responsibility of arranging for a l\IIodern Language Institute, which will probably be held at Ohio State Unive rsity during Commencement week this spring. This will consist of an intensified week's survey of modern languages. Miss Shilling is busily engaged enlisting the aid of both local and state committees in arranging the program. U nder such capable management the institute can not help being an outstanding success . In 1930, Miss Shilling spent five months doing graduate work in panish at the U ni versity of Mad rid. For the past six years she has been inst ructor in modern languages at Cleveland Heights High School, where at pre ent she holds the position of Chairman of Curriculum Revi ion of Modern Language for both Junior and enio r H igh School . In the pa t she has erved a Secretary-Trea urer of the orthern Oh io sociation of TeachChapter of the mencan er of Spanish.

M using and pondering. The stillne s of the night - moods and fancies carry me far away from realities. The quiet breath of Spring i stealing through the open window. It is ju t a little room with simple homey things, this study room of ours. It is a place to escape, where we can browse and reflect. On the third floor of our Cotswold Cottage on the hill, our escape room has a high beamed ceiling and panelled wall . It is peaceful up here, after everyone has gone to bed and the telephone stops .ringing. There are books everywhere; the subject matter varies from books on "Gardening" to books on "How to be the Life of the Party." There are pictures of all types on the wall . Some are done by young arti t friends, who are struggling to get their talents recognized. We ave all of our unusual Christmas greetings. They are framed and adorn our study walls, too. Then there is a map of Greenwich illage. It wa created by Tony Sarg. It takes me back to our years in New York City and our many trip to the V ilage to find atmosphere. O n the north wall are row of old French Prints, not o famous, but very intet:e ting. There i an original cartoon made by Chic Jack on, the creator of the Roger Bean family and Golduh. Thi cartoon was made for publication in the Indianapolis Star, March, 19 17, and we prize it very highly. There are picture of clo ing cia s banquets of the McCammon Cour e in peaking. Thi old walnut de k i fairly creaking with too many manu cript and unan wered letter .

o numerous and important are her dutie that the principal of her school ha a igned her ecreta ry to help carry the load. but Mi s hilling is looking fo r even greater respon ibili ties, and we feel confident that he will get them.

9 At its left, I see a hand-wrought cabinet made by our faithful carpenter. This cabinet also fairly bulges with excess books, manuscripts, etc. But my eyes are fixed on the double easel on top of the cabinet, my two inspirations, Bud and Dick. They stimulate my Juvenile story writing. I look at those two sweet smiling faces and find myself taking trips into fairyland through the eyes of a child. Several of these stories have been published. In this study there are tvvo filing cabinets, a metal cabinet containing our hobby stamp collection and old coins. The ever-ready typewriter is on the card table in the middle of the room. The Multigraph machine stands waiting for action. I have a large movable Dictionary on wheels that supplies words when mind seems to become languid. Directly in front of me is a silver cardholder containing inspirational ideas on large yellow cards. Each week a new card i fitted in the folder. This week's card reads: "Progress always involves risks .. You can't steal second base and keep your feet on first." I've been having some grand times lately, "TWO WHEELING ALONG TilE BYWAYS." My newe t bicycle is blue Briti h streamliner. It is quite light in weight and can be carried by one hand. For twelve year , I have been taking short jaunt out in the country along the by-ways for my own diversion and recreation . O ne can easily travel at a rat of ten miles an hour. When my children were small, the bicycle answered my need for recreation. I u eel to ride around and around the block during their nap time. It is a great lift to the mental attitude before tackling a stack of dirty dishes. "JUST RIDE N YO . R TWOWHEELER T I EDAL W Y Y UR TR UBLE ." La t Spring my 12-year-old son Bert, Jr. (Bud ) and I traveled 75 miles by bicycle. We tayed all night in a quaint little hotel in Noble ville. We met many interesting people. lei Mother ature wa at her best. We saw tree , flowers, and birds that w nev r would have een if we had been peeding along in our Buick. I felt closer to my young ado l cent boy as we pedall d along togeth r. We ate ur lunche along the ountry roads and talked to the farm woman working in her garden. S ine that trip Dick, our 9-year-old, wants to go on the n xt bi ycle trip. o we so n will plan a trip . . . just J i k and I.


Imagine my surprise when I received a call one day to I?lake a speech about bicycling for women. That was the beginning of my speeches on "Two-vVheeling Along the Byways." I have given this many times and have several future engagements. This coming week I'm going to talk to the Girl Scouts . . .. teaching them how to care for their bicycles, paint them, tighten bolts, and even fix a tire. That can be their part toward I ational Defense. I have started a scrapbook on the hi story of the bicycle. I was interested in my research of the bicycle to discover in 1840 a man by the name of Kirkpatrick, who had invented a bicycle that he called a "dandy horse." It had to be propelled by the feet and legs instead of using pedals. Kirkpatrick was arre ted in a little town of Scotland for speeding. He perhaps was going about seven or eight mile an hour. How times have changed! In 1941 there were 1,750,000 bicycles manufactured in the United States. Now I find my mind wandering again. I am gazing at orne civilian defense materials. Before I started on thi 路 brow ing trip with all of you, I placed these different cardboard folder in the middle of the floor. Each folder contain ome material that I am keeping at my finger tip . ince peaking is my hobby too, I have to catalogue the e activities and be ready for call for peaking engagement . I place all clippings and research material in each folder so that when and if I do make a peech, I can quickly get into action. The e folders are entitl ed "Children ,' ' ''Civilian Defen e," "Art," "Bicycling," " \ omen," ardening," " ure for ancer With Know ledge," "Legal vVomen ote rs," and many othe r too numerou to mention. Speaking of ivilan Defen e. I like be t to talk on general defense, we can 't all wear uniform and bra button s but w each have a reponsibility on the home-front to help win thi war. The one great fact i vident-"\iVe are t War" and we mu 路t all acrifice in ome way. ne clay I find my elf peaking before colle(Te profes ors and on the n xt clay I may be peaking b fore a group of hou wives who say "vVhat can we do?" Each Friday during the fall and winter month I as ist my hu band in condu ting a class peaking in th Washington Hotel. in Effectiv It i truly intere ting t watch the progre s f a class of forty bu in s m n and wom n in eff ctiv sp aking, salesman 路hip and human r lati n . Thi p ch lab ratory I vel ps a timid 1 rson int a incer a nd con v in ing sp ak r. Th r is a noth r subj ct that is vital to th



merican citizen-Cancer Control. The \\ omen's field army which wa originated in 1936 has for its motto. ''Cure cancer with knowledge.'' I made two talks this afternoon on Cancer Control. Now I am looking at my art material which reminds me of a Scholastic art exhibit that was held in March here in the William H . Block Company. The final exhibit i held in the final a rts gallery, Carnegie Institute at P ittsburgh, Pennsylvan ia. The exhibit in Indianapolis consisted of art work done by Indianapoils High School tuclents. Fo r the pa t tvvo yea rs I have been on the State Advi ory Committee, and have acted as chairman of host and hostesses fo r the different days in the two weeks. This huge exhibit is sponsored by S clt olastic M aga::;ine. I was asked to give a resume of all my activities and I have just sta rted but I can't go on and on, and I haven 't yet talked about my ow n pet creation called "Children's Service." That is a little tory in itself. "Children's Service" was created in 1940 for "Parents who really care." This service is unique and is made to fit the parents. "Children's Ser vice '' has a future, I think, I feel that Individual Service for Children is as important as Shopping Service in the Department Store . I like to plan a birthday party for some exhausted mother who thinks all parties are hopeless and too much wo rk. I am proud to be called the "Party Lady." I keep a la rge basket filled in games, books, rhythm band inst ruments, etc., ready for my Party engagements. I receive many calls from Mothers asking about books to read, toys to buy, parties to help plan, and convalescent packao-es to deliver. This service is still in the embryonic stage. T he packages that are sent from "Children's Service" a re wrapped in white tissue, tied in red ribbon and the final touch is a big red balloon inflated and tied to the red streamer s. My ec ret ambition is to ome clay make ' 'Children' Service" an impo rtant project. I fee l that the movie and radio do not entirely meet the needs of the child's leisure hour . The child mu t be understood and incliviclually guided. Out of "Chi ldren's ervice" seve ral hobby club have been organized and a very energetic orche tra has been created and has been having regular weekly practice at my home. Girl :-It will soo n be morning, the ri sing of the un bring another day. In clo ing I want to give you thi in pi rati onal :

SAL TT TIOl\" OF THEDA\\ N Li ten to the salutation of the dawn! Look to this day; For it is life, the very life of life. In its brief cour e I ie all the \ arieties and realities of your ex1 tence: The bliss of growth, The glory of action. The splendor of beauty. Fo r every yesterday is but a dream. And every tomorrow is only a vi ion; But today, well lived, make Every yesterday a dream of happine , And every tomorrow a vision of hope. Look well, therefore to this day! Such is the salutation of the dawn. F?'Om th e Sanskrit. "Happy Days'' to all of you! wherever you may be.

. Girls,

Campus Personalities RUTH VOETSCH OF BETA BETA

Beta Beta of A lph a igma lpha present Ruth \ oetsch, candidate for Junior P rom queen. Ruth is one of the outstanding tudent on the campus who was chosen for thi honor. Gaze at her picture; need I de cribe her? Her charm and g raciou ne s are clearly evident. l\Iany of the clubs on the campu find her an enthu iastic member. She belong to the Elementary Club, Engli h Club, and Home rt Club. Ruth is defin itely a leader and there i eviLa t year Ruth wa vice-pre idence of thi clent of her orority and a very able one, too.

MAY, 1942 ' Vhile living in the dormitories, she served on Bi-Tri Council. For the coming year, Ruth will be Panhellenic representative from Beta Beta. Is there, then, any reason why Beta Beta presents Ruth Voetsch, candidate for Junior P rom queen? Well, I'd say-just plenty!



President of Art Kra ft K lub, active m A rt Ed Clu b and the Y. W. C. A., E die still has had time thi s year to make th e Dean's Li st and turn her artistic talents to part-time work helping our ow n "Heymie.' ' Her untiring work as our V iceP resident this past year stand in ev idence of her sterling qualities . A long record of extra-curriculars keeps Edie go ing at a pace that leaves most of us breathless. And yet, no one of us has eve r seen E di e too busy to top a nd consider our smalle t problem . Her interest in oth er people and her unselfishness carry her through her ow n wo rri e . W itty and lig ht-hearted or seri ous a nd sympatheti c, she's the ~i rl for whom ·'we have looked all around." To know her is to love her. You know her now; in the com ing yea r as you hear more about E dith , may you come to love her as we do. E TilER HOAG.


l've been sitting here thinking abo ut you. Ed ie, and wondering how a few paragraph can possibly tell our A lpha ig ister what you're really like. Your picture will never show all th e ide · of you r per anali ty that we who li ve with you know and love. There's Ed ie giving a V ic -P re ident' report at so rority meeting-poi ed, competent stn ce re-those very qua litie that made us sel ct her a Pi P i' President. Then there' the memory of a lovely E dith at Panhell enic Ia t fall clres ed in chi ffon-s haded from rust to beige a nd wearing a matching co rsage of pom-pom . You se ? Impos ibl e to describe-beautifu l to see. t chool she's coll egiate tn her re I orority jacket or art istic in overall s and a mock pa in tin g c ilings vc r in th e A rt School. Yes, she's an A rt major and one of our few o, per hap that account for th e teas in g we g ive her now and then wh n she makes some culinary ffort ! But t know Ecl ie is to know sh excels in ve rything she attem pts.

I I ntrod ucing irg inia ttlte who is the new pre ident of Eta Eta chapter. \ ' irginia who i b tt r known to us as S utt e or uttie, is a he play a wicked juni r a nd a majo r in mu sic. violin . he's not bad at doing a li ttle vo ·a ling. he' · sp cia ll y good wh en sh cuts loos on " Ragtime ow boy Joe.'' V irginia ha · be n very act iv in the work of rved a rush capth chapt r . La t y a r sh ta in . S utti is n t onl y act ive in o rority work,



but i a! o very active 111 extra-curricular act ivitie of the school. he has served as junior class repre entative on the Student Council. By the way the tudent Counci l president, Joe Begando. i the big moment in Suttee's life. She is very bu y now rehearsing for her part in the opera, c.::\Iartha," to be presented by the J.Iu ic department. To de cribe her he a blonde, short and mall. he ju t bubble over with pep. She hails from Columbus. By the way her middle name i De\ illo. o here' to the girl that is going to steer Eta Eta chapter toward another successful year. LOU ANNA BANKS

SIGMA SIGMA'S PROM. QUEENS t the Coed P rom this sp ring the s1x outtanding girls of the campu were crowned. O ut of the six. five were Alpha Sigs.

Mary Emi ly McNamara, a little girl, received more A' than any other Senior girl and she was Iis Scholarship.

No one el e could possibly be i\Iis . ttractiveness besides Lou Anna Banks from Delta. Tiny with brown eye and black curly hair and a southern accent, she managed to get mo t of the Yotes.



Jean ffman, blonde, cute, and the weetheart of our tudent Body President, wa crowned J.Ii Per anality. Nancy Gib on . with her big brown eyes and friendly mile. and a big ' 'Hello'' for everyone wa cho en J.Ii Democracy.

And Ia t but not lea t our Pre ident, Peg Yok lavich, wa l\Ii Leader hip. And why houldn't he be, he hold more office on the campu than any other girl. he i tall and lender with dark hair aud brown eye and 路ings beautifully. She i a! o a member of the Dramatic lub. \\ e are o orry that he had to leave u to live in California.


Join or Not to Join""


OW to become a successf ul Alumna: organization in six easy lessons, or Podunk can do it, why can't we?" W ell , we do hope you can glean some helpful suggestions from the following bits contributed by our various alumna: chapt~r s. Some of their suggestions and ways and mean s are g rand. O f course, the National Council realizes that there is a wide difference in club problems. Some of th em due to a rea covered, and some due to lack of college chapters in the area. We can see from here that the varied program s of most of our groups keep the interest high. Perh aps from thi s seri es of articles you ati onal Council devise means to ca n help the aid the local chapters in their membership problems. The Council members were voted into office in the best in terest of th e soro rity as a whole. They want to help us wherever and whenever th ey~ can with our own problems. If you have any uggestions why not let them know about it? V IRGI r rA C.\ RPE TTER, A lumnae Editor.

N EW YORK ALUMNAE MEETING OR PREFACE TO A TRAVEL BUREAU T he secretary, Betty 1cGrath, calmly stands to r ead her minu tes-qui et please-th e New Yo rk Alumna: Chapter ha begun it meeting. It all seems perf ect normal and commonplace to see the u ual fi ftee n or o gathered together fo r it monthly meeting , but the very p re ence of these hea rty oul s is enough to make a stronoman quake, headline cream, radi o blar e, and stock markets lump. To look at this group you'd never realize they had made the famous amel cigarette ad look like is y tu ff-namely"I'd walk a mil e fo r a a mel." T hi s bunch has covered over 800 miles j ust to g t to an sorority meeting, a nd man- that' terri to ry ! A nd how el i 1 they all get th ere? Barring baby coache , kates a nd scooter , and, I loathe to add- airpla nes. P racticall y every mode f transpo rtati n is brought into play when Alpha , igs are bent on attending a 111 eting. T hey c 111 mand rail ways, subways, highways an I byway ; trains, lane , parks a nd barque. (fe rry to you ) ; buses, bri dges, buggi s, Bui k . T hey ki rt cea ns, r ivers, sand dun es an 1 mountains; pass through cities, to wn. , village and sm ll y J r ey pt wn, do wn tow n, ity (that c1 sn't rhyme). Easts ide and We. t- : el vator , treet ar , tra nsfers, tax i, ju. t to think of it mak you whac ky.

Among the quant1t1es of materials published on tests and measurements, I 've never heard of measuring for degrees of. loyalty. Perhap s there's no need to with an Alpha Sig-it's an ever present quality in high magni tude amounts, but it surely must be loyalty (spelled in large caps) when you find them burning up 800 miles of terra firma to come to a meeting. But were you to ask any New York Alum member what she thinks of it she'd p robably yawn and say"Ho-hum- we think nothing of it- we do it every time-it's well wo rth it." B I LLIE BARRETT .

MEMBERSHIP QUIBSALVA, OKLAHOMA Gamma Gamma Coll ege girls a nd Alumna: a re laying plan to cooperate more closely than ever in the matter of rushi ng. T he ru h captain, asi ted by other member s of the college chapter, i preparing recommendation blanks coveri ng the personality, cholar hi p, talents a nd fam ily affili ations of the p rospective r ushees. The e recommendation blank will be ent to lumnce thi spring and th e ru h captain will keep thi s in fo rmation on fi le so tha t any member can ref re h her memory conce rning data about the ru hee at any time during the summer. !so, by having thi in fo rm ation, we hope to accomp li sh some early ru shing when high school eni ors visit th e co llege fo r pecial event thi pring. f course the ucce s of thi I Jan will depend on the u e the coll ege memb r make of the in fo rmation received. T he lum me hapter t ri e to kee1 in close contact w ith all alumna:. Each alu mna: membe r erve a. hostess or co-hastes during the yea r thu ba ring th e r ·pan ibili tie of ho pitali ty. l~ o r the pa t two year. th e lumn re haptcr ha had one or two o·ir l f rom th oll eo-e hapt r a oT1e ts at each monthly m tin a-. T he im·itation a re pa sed a r un ci o that ac h c ll gc girl receive an invitation t at lea t ne alumn x meeting . To th ctob r meetino- thi yea r a ll of th new alum me girl and th new 11 clges we re gue t a t th e alumncc meetitw. an I th ?Ir a~· meeting t rad itionall y hon rs th e g ra luatitw s nt r . Th hri tma. a n I Foun d r ' Day me ting. a r always joint m tin a- · . the alumn;:e and college irl s alte rn at ly laking th respo nsibility fo r on r th ot h r pa rty.




Keep 'em comin'. Not as easy a it sound s. Even if there is a goodly number, such as we have here in the Buffalo lumme Chapter, we elclom have trouble with horde . We've thought of Bingo with a cement bicycle blinking an A SA tail light a a prize but the local cinemas kincla clone u in on that core. Something had to be done, but quick, to keep all Alpha Sigs seeing red-and white. neat trick cooked up by Margaret Hou ton Coll ins and her gang was a contitution that called for most of the detailed business to be taken care of by the Board of Director , the latte r usually consisting of about twelve girl s meeting once a month. II important i sue are decided by the g roup as a whole but the majority of them are delegated to the Directors, thus relieving the regular meetings of undue monotony and making it a more social occasion for us all. So that everyone is informed of lumnas doing , a telephone committee keep in touch with all the member telling th em of meetings and parties, while cards with return card s attached to them are sent to those out of town. No one can excuse themselves by sayina "I didn't know about it." Then, of course, we don't want to be old ladies g rowing fogey together so it is up to us to get the g rad s j u t out of coll ege into the group, too. We need youth! and how! O ur new plan is to have four路 or five of the aCtive chapter members at Buffalo State Teachers College with us at each of our meetings. Of course there is always our Big Sister who goes to both College and A lum me meetings and keeps us in touch with both. She i usually a previous June graduate teaching in Buffalo. Va ri ety is our keynote in keep ing them coming. ometimes we have a peaker-an auth ority on china from one of the department stores, our favorite Fran Hepin tall. librarian at the college, who reviews the latest books for u . Then again, we may be at one of the member' home . ( If he is kind enough to open her house to u we put food and clean-up into committee' hand so that he i n't unduly burdened. ) Often you II find us partyina. playing bridge or selling omethina to swell the fello" hip fund . \t\ hatever, or wherever it is it' alway fun to ay " hi" to another familiar face, e peciall if it i one not een in a lana, long time.

p to the present time, the Boston lumme Chapter has never had a true member hip drive, but during th e duration we are going to find that member hip will be a problem. Our present sy tem ha been to maintain n clo e relationship with Theta Theta Chapter, o that the college girls will wi h to join u a oon as they g raduate. This under tanding and interest has been produced by having joint meetings several times during the year and by tryinoalways to have one of the college girl at onr monthly meetings. The A lums also attend initiation and when it is po sible we also are present at the pledge service . Th is year we had a joint meeting for Founders' Day which was so in piring to all who were fort unate enough to attend that we cemented the link between the two groups very firmly. The main reason for no membership drive is the variety of our yearly program. omething different is arranged for each meeting, so that we combine a social and an educational gathering. Thi variety has kept the interest hi gh in the A lumnce Chapter. The conservation of rubber and the rationing of gas is go ing to create a difficult problem for our group as many time we travel fifty miles to a meeting. The program for the coming year will have to be arranged around a centrally located place, probably Boston-.



CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA How does our organization obtain new members? The procedure is very imple and traightforward. A ny Alpha Sig moving or graduating into our area is placed on the roll automaticallyour problem i to find out who these girl s are through the col lege chapters or mutual friends or the Iational Council. oon as we learn the e names, the Pre ident or the ecretary write. a note of welcome and each per on is ent invitation to all meeting . If thi does not bring them to a meeting, the next tep i to divide the names on our roll among tho e member pre ent at the first meeting in the fall and have one member per onally contact both the ab ent new or old member . In o far a po ible the e absentee , both new and old, are g iven to an active member who ha omething in common with that per on-if they teach mu ic they are given to a mu ician, if they are married and have young chi ldren they are given to another per on with

15 the same type of famil~ interest. We cannot say that o:tr real problem IS membership, but it lie,s more 111 our large geographical area with lono· . ' 0 cltstances to travel, inclement weather and lono. . 0 summer vacattons wtth our membership scattered. S. JuNE Sl\IITI-I.

KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI The greater Kansas City Chapter has enjoyed a gradual growth in both interest and numbers throughout the years. O ur greatest factor in securing and keeping members i the genuine personal interest our girls have shown in each other. Each new girl we find , we invite and try to make her feel at home among u s. We want each one to feel she is wanted and needed , and that we are more than friends. Membership is everybody 's responsibility. V\Then a member finds an Alpha Sig in town , who has not found us she invites her to the next meetin g. ' O ur chapter is economical in that the yearly dues are only $1.00 and for that the members get eight or nine parties w ith a wonderful variety o~ 1~rograms. In the summ er we have family p1emcs. Those who are not life members are urged to pay somethin g on their national member hip yearly. No matter how small the individual payments are, the chapter has made a good showing and eventuall y all will become life members: We feel we are a ub ·tantial group. Although we do not have a large treasury, we have the potential abi lity to rai se fund s wheneve r thev are needed. The late t and most successful ''interest getter" in Kansas City i ou r monthly new s letter. A week before each meeting we publish this little new. heet, embelli shed with drawing and ca rtoons, announcing the next party. ] n it we publish the ''low down'' on everybody-all about our families, jobs, marriage , babies, new cars, and homes; who went where for vacat ion . \dding bits of poetry and philo ophy we like to pas. on to ou r ·isters, we make a new sy sheet eve ryone look forward to reading. It is lot of work -but it works. These things plus an active telephone committee keep our members in touch. M ' AHGARET nnY .\ NT.

TULSA, OKLAHOMA ( ur Tulsa hapter does not have a membership chairman, nor do w condu ct membership campaigns, and yet w do n t have a m 111 b rsh ip probl m. The seer t o f thi s arra ngeme nt is that each one of the g roup takes ove r her share o f respon sibility. As a fairly recent member of

this group I feel more than qualified to write about their friendliness. Very soon after our arrival in Tulsa, the president called and gave m_e a very cordi,al invitation to attend the Alpha Stgma Alpha activities here. Next the Eta Eta ( my chapter) girls called to welcome me and before long I had received a friendly greeting from most of the group so that I was very eager to meet them all. The plan is so simple, and yet, as a newcom er, it meant a great deal to me. I haven't missed a meeting if it was at all possible to attend . H AZEL H OWELL R OW.

PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA You ask us what we do to interest our members in coming to meetings. I'd say the main reason is that we enjoy being together!· The program committee tries to have a varied program throughout the year-interesting social e~en t s, a dance or two, hobby talks, book reviews, luncheons at member ' hom es, interspersed with bu ine meetings. There is nothino- that can kill interest fa ter in an organizatiot~ than the reputation for having ''eli jointed'' and end -less business e sions. O ur officer endeavor to make their report brief and to the point a nd have matters of imr ortance ''though out" and ready for discussion on pre entation to the g roup . Much cred it for our good attendance and spirited meetings is clue the officer and member-hip of our P ittsburgh Alunm re hapter. However I am inclined to go back a bit further-to our college chapters, to tho e girl s who elected us as members of Alpha igma \.lph a and whom we in turn selected ) beca u e we had a comm unity of interest and enjoyed being together. Then to , we come from "strong" coll ege chapter ·, not neces arily large, but one vvhere the inAuence of fine sponso rship and patronage, and alert and capable advisers have contributed to our training in as uming th e respon ibiliti e _and hard work that go with orority life-as well a enjoying the social activiti s that go with it too. nother ca e of ''a th twio- is b nt . . . . " ALLY T-fOHTER.

WICHITA, KANSAS We hav no special system for gettin o- or keeping memb r other than each bo·irl keepino' 0 her eyes and ears op n for alumnre coming t th e city. lso we contact n w membe rs by word from their ll ege chapters r f rmer alumme chapters. W a re op n t any ugg' ·tion s from othet· chapt rs on methods of incr asino· our meml er ship.



If's in the Air!

We're Everywhere! Welcome Sister Newcomers \





J\Iary Charlotte Deers . 1\Iima O'Dell J enning Lois Juanita lien Hazel P hillip Lois V. Beers Fern Pascoe Juanita W isdom Dessie Dickit1 on Hobbs l\fary Steven

l\I uskogee. \t\ agoner, l\Iuskogee, Tahlequah, M uskogee, Tahlequah, l\Iuskogee, M uskogee, l\Iuskogee,

O kl a. O kla. O kla. O kla. Okla. O kla. O kla. O kla. O kla.

Officers P resident ...... . ....... l\Iary Beers, M uskogee ident. ....... l\Iary Stevens, Muskogee Rec. ec retary ........ De sie Hobb , l\I u kogee Corres . Secretary .... Juanita \1\fisdom, M uskogee Trea urer ........ .. ... Louise Scott, Tahlequah E ditor ............. . . . Fe rn Pascoe, Tahlequah \ ~ice~Pre

MARY BEERS, President

The stork has made another visit to lpha igma Alph a. This time it was an alttmn~ chapter. Chri tened on the day of its birth. the M uskogee A lumn~ Chapter i now gro wing much better than we ever dreamed pos ible. That growth i not all in membership either, becau e everyone is already planning enthu iastically for next month when v\ e will do our fir t 'bit" for the active chapter which is located at N orthea t~ ern State College in Tahlequah, O klahoma. O n the night we signed our petition we were entertained royally in the home of Mr . Kyle "Dixie" Hobbs. Dixie is a wonderful cook and you should have seen us " tow away" the food. However, we managed to . anclwich in a wee morsel or two of " remembering"-rememberin g the days before some of us got married or be~ came school marm s or stenographer for U ncle Sam. There a re more of us ccrttered around in O klahoma whom we haven't been able to enlistbut we will, just you wait and see. Next fall when you hear from u again we hope we'll be telling what we've already clone in tead of what we're going to do. Those who signed our petition include: l\Iary Beer , M u kogee; l\Iary teven , l\I u kogee; Hazel Phillips, Tahlequah; Fern Pa coe Tahlequah ; Lois Beers, Delaware; Dixie Hobb , :\Iu kogee; Lois Allen, l\Iu kogee; Juanita \ i clam, l\f uskogee; and l\Iima Jenning , \ agoner. In June another group of A. .' will be graduated and many of them have already made known their intention of JOII1tng u . \Ye are certainl y lookin g fo rward to having wonderful time together along \\路ith keeping up with ou r orority si ter . FERX P.\ COE.

News Letters- Alumnae Chapters AKRON, OHIO January The regular meeting of the Akron Alumna: group of Alpha Sigma Alpha was held on Monday evening January nineteenth, at the home of Maude Barrere in Barberton. The assistant hostess was Marjorie Miranda. Unfortunately the weather was very very bad and few girls were present. Several hands of bridge were played and all had a good time. Delicious fruit salad and sweet rolls were served from a table gayly decorated in red, white and blue. At the center of the table was a minature lighted drum on a mirror Banked by lighted candles. Each guest received a small candy gum ai rplane made by Maudes' son Willard . Too bad the weather caused so many girls to stay home!

February And then came the fog! That's the way we felt about our next meeting of Monday, February the seventeenth. For this night, we believe, was the rainiest foggy night of the year-and of the years to come we hope. One could travel at the rate of fifteen miles per hour and then hope she was on the right road and the right side of that road. But in spite of the weather, enough members showed up to make several tables of contract bridge, with Dr. Slife, Ellets' leading dentist, making a fourth at one of the tables. Our meeting was at the home of Mrs. J. Slife (Dorothy to us), 156 Canton Rd., and Martha Young was the assistant hostess. The party started rather late because of the delay of slow driving. While waiting for other members to come, some of us had the pleasure of meeting young Allan Slife who has reached the age of three. He did a fine job of assisting his mother in entertaining us by dragging all of his toys into the parlor, and he must have had a three years' collection! The bridge winners were Gwen Spiers who won the lovely first prize of a big turkish towel set; second prize of a small er towel set was won by Marian Paddock. The bridge game was followed by a very brief business session headed by our President, Gwen Spiers. At this meeting we decided to have our March meeting at noon on Saturday March twentyfirst. (this date later changed to fourteenth) Our party ended with the serving of very appropriate refreshments-heart shaped individual angel food cakes covered with red frosting, and heart shaped ice cream molds, and coffee. After thanking Dorothy and Martha, our hostess and assistant hostess respectively, we left the meeting to go out aga in into the fog.

March The March meeting was in the form of a chicken Luncheon which was really a regular dinner. The date was Saturday, March fourteenth at one o'clock

at the Womens' City Club. Place card programs were at each place and these were arti tically made by our Vice President, Lillian Greer. Ten girls were present, one of whom was a new member, Mrs. Joseph Washko. After the meal, our guest speaker Miss Hillis, from the Child Guidance Center, spoke of the work of this group. She also thanked us for our gift of ten dollars to be used for something needed along this line of work. Her talk ended by her answering our many questions. We then had a brief business meeting in charge of our president. At this meeting two motions were made: I. That we have tea the afternoon of Saturday, April eighteenth or Sunday, April nineteenth-letting our g uests from Kent, Canton and Cleveland decide as to whether they 1d rather have it Saturday or Sunday. This tea to be at the home of Miss Lillian Greer who will be assisted by Mari an Paddock, Marjorie Miranda, and Judy Brucken. 2. That we schedule a date for the radio program "Was I Right", and with the proceeds, purchase a defense bond according to the plan set up by National Council. Both motions were carried unanimously, and thus our meeting ended.

ALVA, OKLAHOMA Spring finds Alva Alu mna: Chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha quite occupied with defense work. We are having our regular Alumna: meetings at which time we take time off for play and social activities, but every member is conscientiously and studiously fi lling her place in the great rank and fi le of the war program! Members taking Red Cross First Aid-nine. Members taking Adva nced Red Cross Fir t Aidtwo. Members taking Red Cross Home Nursing-six. Member knitting for Red ross-seven. Members sewing for Red Cross-one. Members teaching Red ros Courses-two. Members in Civi li an Defense Volunteer Workeleven. Members who hav given talk s or programs on war work-five. Members who wi ll grow seventy-five percent of the vegatables u ed on their tables this summerfour. A lva A lumn re C hapter President, Mrs. Eva Wood, wi ll attend a meeting of Home Demonstrationists, consisting of all ex-Home Economic tea h rs in Washington. This program is un ler the direction of the Department of Agriculture, Home • conomics D partment. Mrs. Ralph Trenary, (Sue Edwards) is in the


hospital at Hartner, injury sustained last Lois Rogers and Red Cross First Aid

Kansas, recovenng from a bone winter. Edna Donley are both teaching Classes.

BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS February . Valentine's Day. What an appropriate day for a party! That's what all the Alpha Sig Alums thought as we gathered at Grace Gowen's in Boston for a bridge party. Everyone had an enjoyable afternoon, some of us really playing bridge and others indulging in less strenuous games, such as Chinese checkers. Refreshments consisting of red and white cupcakes, candy hearts, and tea carried out the Valentine's Day motif. March. Spring in the air already . We all appreciated the springlike atmosphere as we journeyed out to Jngeborg Swenson's fa rm in Lexington. There we were entertained by movies showing the operation of a laundry. No more hard Monday washdays for us! After the movies we were served delicious waffles, cream puffs and coffee. Our figures? Oh, well,. just this once! Just to prove that we were rally on a farm, one of Ingeborg's young sons brought in two plump, very young puppies. Just a novelty to add to our day's pleasure. Now it is really spring and we are planning our next two meetings. Our Apri l one is to be a sightseeing trip in Swampscott. At our May meeting we are to have a white elephant sale, proceeds of which will be used to buy a defense band. Here's wishing everyone a very pleasant summer and happy vacationing. Goodbye till next fall! ETTA CHRISTIANSEN.

BUFFALO, NEW YORK Famous last words (in Buffalo) "Sorority meeting cancelled-another snow storm." And whatta storm on March 4th-one of those typical Buffalo blizzards. We had a marvelous program planned for this meeting. Fran Hepinstall, librarian at the college, \Vas going to give one of her outstanding book reviews. The weather really dealt us a dirty deal because we had looked forward to this for so long. However plans are underway now to enveigle Fran to give this at our May meeting. Our March 23rd meeting also had to be cancelled because of the illness of Hildegard Kayser at whose home it was to be. We do hope Hildegard is feeling better now. Meetings at her home have always been such fun. This was to be a party for the College Chapter. Because our calendar is so full this spring, it was voted at the last Directors meeting to postpone this party for this year. Oh yes! speaking of Directors-We're still meeting every month. On February 16th eleven of us met at Jean Vedder's home. The main business at this meeting was the discussion of money making schemes. We've decided to sell personalized postcards and labels. Jean really did her-

self proud by serving delectable parfaits, cookies and coffee. On March 30th nine of the gang traveled over to orth Tonawanda for their Directors meeting at the home of your scribe. Amid the clicking of knitting needles, our business was carried on. Among other things we decided to condense the news letter this year-because of the paper shortage-to a single gossip sheet. We're all looking forward to a large Easter meeting on April I It h. This is to be a luncheon bridge and we hope to see many of the girls who are teaching away from Buffalo. At this time we welcome Margaret Lienert, a former Clio, into our Alumn<e chapter. Margaret was initiated in February. We in Pi Pi extend sincere wishes, everyone, for a wonderful summer. Have the best time ever and Keep 'em Flying!!! MARY HERDLE.

CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA The first Spring meeting of the Central alum group wi ll meet at the home of Margaretta Hoover Heisy in April. The last meeting of the current year will be held in Coatesville at the home of Kay Lowry Pratt. Plans are on foot to "share your car" and save tires and gas! All real news concerning the activities of our members seems to be along lines of Defense. Our President, Helyn Bishop is acting as Chairman of the Berks County group of Temple Alumn<e and is planning for a dinner meeting in April. Ann Slifer has been appointed as the County Co-ordinator for girls and women in the National Physical Fitness program and she is also serving as a local chairman . Was it appropriate for her to be asked to speak over the Radio on Wednesday, April first (no fooling) for this Physical Fitness program? She is also learning to shoot a rifle and hopes to become a sharp-shooter someday and bump off a few Japs. I. Ju ' E SMITH.

CLEVELAND, OHIO Valentine's Day began a big social week-end for us in Cleveland . Georgia Turner and Ethel Goddard entertained at the former's apartment with a dessert bridge. The cake Georgia made was a gorgeous white affair with A . S. A . done in red candy hearts across the top. After a short business meeting, three bridge tables were put in play. Martha Barch was the big winner of the afternoon. Her prize of a pottery bowl in yellow will be lovely in her grey and yellow living room. How your reporter got second prize as a dark secret. That gift was three patrs of candy striped candles. Ethel read horoscopes during the party. She told Ginny Carpenter that ROMANCE ha come and it is in the shape of a Sigma Chi pin. We can't get

MAY, 1942 Ginny to tell more although we believe Ethel told all. We'll let you know details as soon as we can. Then on Sunday nite, February fifteenth, Bernie DeTchon entertained for ten A. S. A.'s and their husbands in "honor of Ruth Vorhees' birthday. Ruth was thrilled with the surprise and also with the orchid that the group had sent her. The fruit salad and sandwiches were delicious. How we love to eat. Our gang always settles down into several tables of contract for the evening's entertainment. Fred Borch an.d Ron Smith are still bragging about their seven spades bid and made. We welcomed Adam Stewart, Zoe's husband , to his first A. S. A. affair. Ada's and Leta's meeting in March at Ada's home was a lovely luncheon . The salad, sandwiches and decorations carried out the St. Patrick theme. Ruth Duffy's talk on Mexico was the high spot in our program for the year. It was so fine that a write-up of it is in another column of thi s issue. Don't miss it. If the tire situation allows, a large group of us are going to Akron to have tea on April eig hteenth with the alums . Thanks, girls, for the invitation. The election of officers which was scheduled fo r that date in Cleveland, will take place at the May meeting. Our June get-together will be a picnic at Martha a nd Fred's suburban home in Solon. Now for the news of the g irl s and their "le ser halves". Bernie a nd Bob moved into their new home on April first-and no foolin'-it's thei rs. "Doc" Vorhees got in a mi x-up betwee n the wind and the ga rage door and had hi s arm broken. He is recuperating under Ruth's tender care. Bette Madison is about to be married to Georgie but Uncle Sam isn 't quite sure when George can have a furlough. Augusta and the Bedford Smith's have new bicycles. We were so glad to have Olive Baker at the meeting at Ada's home. We hope she'll be with us regularly. W e'll be looking fo rward to meeting you aga in 1n the November PHOEN IX. LoRA M. j oNEs SMITH. Ruth Duffy, one of our more interesting members -and that's going some-gave us a resume of her trip to Mexico Ia t summer. It was so enjoyable I'd like to set down some of the points I remember. This was no fly-by-night trip as Ruth was in Mexico City six weeks with her nephew, hi s wife, a nd one of her friends. Ruth ' friend a nd her nephew spoke Spanish and acted as interpreters for the other two. They li ved at the home of a Spanish desce nded widow, who gave them littl e hints on how to best enjoy Mexico City. In fact, Ruth found all the Mexican natives very friendly toward th e United States as were the newspapers. Time means nothing. The familiar term "Ma nana" is very much in usc. Mexico ity is in a valley high up in the mountains. So high, that the altitude makes it hard to

climb to the third floor of the buildings. The floor of the valley used to be a swamp. Even now, the Art Museum, a building of heavy marble is sinking into the rather swampy terrain . It is now about six feet below the level of the sidewalk. The "Floating Gardens," about thirty miles from the city, have taken advantage of this ground and commercialized it to some extent. Visitors rent a gondola and float around the, gardens (small islands). Vendors sell flowers, food and play music from other gondolas . This lovely place abounds in colorful flowers. Colorful, too, are the several parks in the city itself. It is fas hionable to walk, drive or ride through one of the large parks on Sunday afternoon. Everyone, rich or poor, seems to be there. Peddlers sell pineapple slices and cucumbers from very artistically arranged trays just as we sell popcorn and peanuts. There are several bandstands, so that one can hear a concert from any point in the park . The old and the new, the rich and the poor intermingle all through the city. Sanborn's, run by two A merican brothers, is a noted place to gather. It is a drugstore, restaurant and novelty shop. The Mexican silver work is sold here as in little shops and towns around. Then, there is the "House of Tiles" . The outside of the house is covered with Spanish tiles, mostly blue and yellow. Many homes and fountains are decorated partiall y with these tiles, as the nati ves love color. The Palace of the Montezuma's is on a ledge around a hi gh stone hill that used to be used as a garrison. The center of this unusual house is soli d rock. T here are beautiful gardens in which people may come and sit. The palace is used partly fo r a military school , but the government has restored many of the old treasures and made a museum of it. Some of the social life of the Mexican's is like ours. They have night clubs a nd picture shows, but some of the people have most of their social li fe in the market places, of which there are several. The produce i not segragated. Shawls a nd pottery may be next to meat or vegatabl es. Trucks may drive down the st reet and over the display in the middl e of the street. They are not worried. The merchants expect to barga in. In fact they are di appointed if you take a n article at the first price they name . After all , whae the fun of elling without a bartering pirit. Tl~e morning the party left Mexico City, they saw the top of the famo us Popocatepetl. It was the first time the clouds were cleared away enoug h to see the top. It was a lovely finis to a wonderful stay. Ruth says she would like to go back sometime as she enjoyed it so much. And from her description, I would very much Iike to visit there too. BETTE MADISO .

COLUMBUS, OHIO This Alu mn<e g roup of Alpha Sigs is no ba kward one, I mu st say; a nd o it is with a qualm or two that I must alway go back, in time and bet when writing you thi s new . But [ annot have you mi s any of



the program that Chairman Margaret Johnston has made possible. All of it has been to our liking. February has always brought to our girls a St. Valentine's Day banquent and entertainment, with this year no exception. Margaret Johnston and Frieda Montgomery gave us the perkiest, most romantic looking table, short of Hollywood by only a few miles! The quest speaker was Rhea McCarty, local news editor of Radio Station WCOL, who accompained her remarks with movies, mostly in technicolor, which she took during her travels in Europe in 1935 and 1939路 The dignity and quiet strength of Europe's countryside conveyed by the e excellent "taken as I lived" pictures, made a lasting impression on us all that night. In retrospect, the films revealed what must be restored to mankind for his pursuit of happiness in life, something now only suspended. At our March meeting, with Kathryn 路Rousculp hostess, came the good news of a new member-Jerry Lawrence. Jerry was graduated from Dennison, but has been Jiving in Michigan. With warm hearts and a ready smile we welcomed her, feeling flattered that she troubled herself to look up our group. Too, we learned that Mildred Nalley is elegible for the "Interesting Alpha Sigs" category. Mildred was recently appointed State Supervisor of Child Welfare in Ohio. She takes honor and success in her modest, quiet way, but those of us who know "Mil" so well, realize she has been singled out for this trust and achievement because of worth. We hope she gets to the Faculty Club Easter Satu.rday for our Annual Easter Luncheon. We probably look forward to this Alpha Sig date with an eagerness akin to childishness. For this celebration, many of our stray-away from Columbus members return to join in again for the day. Memories awaken! For this April we are to tramp again on the campus, meeting on familiar ground. We have been asked for our summer plans. As a group, we have heretofore disbanded, each following her individual plans, anxious with fall to get together in the interest and among the friendships of Alpha Sigma Alpha. With 1942 we have moved our installation ceremonies to June from September so that the new officers can operate from the sidelines through the summer months. But don't be surprised if this summer we hold informal meetings in an effort to equalize our burdens and pleasures and thus be better able to cope with our tasks demanded of us by the war effort. If a cowboy jumps out of this PHoE IX with a gay " Yippee" while you read probably he is one loosened from the pages of a book I laid aside a few minutes ago to get this off under the deadline. A dignified western story of courage and excitement is Agnes Morley leaveland 's " o Life for a Lady"-which I am reaching for now! o until another day Lambda Lambda says good-bye. VIOLET G. Ro sH.

DES MOINES, lOWA The last time I wrote we were trying to decide whether to have a stork shower or a benefit to raise some money. We settled the question by doing both. In February we had a stork shower for Ida Marie Johnson at Celia Conner's apartment. We had a very hilarious time trying to solve scrambled words pertaining to baby clothes and other appropriate games. The hour grew later and later and although the committee tried to keep us in the dark as to the reason for the delay in serving, we guessed that the ice cream was not delivered at the time requested. This is strictly beside the point but we found Celia living in complete harmony with a Tri Sig and a Delta Sig. Can you imagine that? It was a very cold night so of course one car had to be pushed, but we got home. Erik Nils Johnson arrived very soon after the shower and we understand his parents think he is nice enough to keep. On Saint Patrick's Day we entertained guests at the home of Rita Selvey. About thirty guests and members enjoyed hearing Mrs. Grady Fort read the play "George Washington Slept Here." We served coffee and cookies and found we had taken in $6.35. This seemed an easy way to earn money. We will have one more money-making meeting in May, on the seventeenth to be exact, when we will show Rower arrangement slides loaned by Better Homes and Gardens Magazine. In connection with this we will try our ability at selecting the proper arrangement of Rowers and the winner will receive a piece of Fostoria glass ware. There will also be a talk and exhibit of Fostoria. This promises to be a very good meeting. A picnic in June for election of officers will finish a very successful year for us. Mayme Callahan Meston has returned home from Iowa City where she underwent a very severe operation. She is coming along nicely now. LILLIA JACOBSON.

EMPORIA, KANSAS Another of our active alumna: has moved to California-Keats Dornay Turner moved there soon after the first of the year and is now living in San Francisco. Ruth Jeremy has secured a position with the U. S. 0. and is to be located at Aquilla, Porto Rico. Mary Forde, one of our former members, died in Florida about a month ago . Ruth Stone and Ensign Bill Caspari, U. S. ., were married in 'San Francisco and are living there. Beth Mott Beigthe is visiting relatives in Emporia. She is now living in Texarkana, Arkansas. LuciLLE LAuGHLE ]oNE .

GREAT BEND, KANSAS Our Alumna: Chapter for this district which includes girls mostly from T. T. and E. E. Chapters met in Ellenwood, Kansa, on March 2rst with June


Rader Roth and Jean Underwood Robinson as hostesses. The other six attending were from Great Bend. We have twenty-two alumn~ members in this section of the country, but due to the tire situation it will be difficult for us to get together as we are so spread out. We had a very pleasant afternoon discussing sorority affairs and later playing bridge. Our next meeting is in May with Elizabeth Eppstein Gunn in Great Bend Kansas. ELIZABETH WATSO N.

INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA Indianapolis Alumn~ Chapter has been meeting each week at the home of Marie Kingdom to sew and knit for the Red Cross. As our regular meeting time occurs (the second Monday evening of each month) , it is held there. Our group is buying a D efense Bond for the Fellowship Fund. Selected committees continue to fill the cooki e jar at the U. S. 0. headquarters on certain designated days of the month. Due to the present emergency, the Indianapolis Alumn~ Chapter is g iving just one party for its mothers' club this year. It w ill be held on May g. W e wish to honor our fine g roup of mothers to thi s extent, although we have curtail ed social affair in order to concentrate on our part in the defense effort. Geraldine Holton is chairma n in charge of arrangements, aided by a n able assisting committee. Bereniece Lamb will tell us of her trip to Alaska. W e look forward to hearing Bereni ece speak on her interesting experiences. F avors will be handkerchi ef corsages, fas hioned by Letha Gaskins--our arti st! From this " preview" of pla ns fo r the part y, we ca n get som e idea of the pl easa nt occasion Gerr y a nd her committee a re arranging fo r us. Once a year each of us contributes a n amount to our age to a memori al fund fo r A nne Fern , one of our g roup's charter members. W e add thi s to a fund ori ginated by the Indi a napolis F ree Kinde rga rten Society (A nne was a kind erga rten supervisor ) . The money is used to purchase books dealing wi th the education of children at thi s age . T he books may be used by teachers and parents. W e have lea rned th at the money has also been used to get a bookcase, and an unu sually attractive book pl ate. In the bookcase are many of A nne's ow n books. It seems very fitt ing th at so will the lesso ns A nne ta ug ht, a nd the ideals in whi ch she bel ieved be carri ed on ma ny years beyond her ow n li fe spa n. W e are hav ing to fig ht now to keep these idea ls ali ve in the world . Probabl y many w hose li ves A nne to uched are fig hting, eac h in the way he ca n, for liberty, a nd freedom, and peace. May o ur fel lowshi p in Alph a Sig ma Alpha help give us courage fo r th e days a nd years a head. WILMA MAE W oLF.

KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI The annual Valentine Tea was given at the attractive new home of Mary Alice Hamilton. Mary Hamlin, Esther Bucher and Ruth Grube assisted Mary Alice at the beautifully appointed table. A musical program was presented by the Mother's Club of Marlborough 'School, directed by Mary Alice. Special instrumental numbers were played by Shirley and Carter Hamilton and two of their young friends. On March 21, Jean Hutchison entertained in her lovely home with a dessert bridge party. Dorothy Hutchison, Phon Johnson and Daphene Copenhaver assisted her. Defense stamps were presented as pri zes. MARGARET BRYANT, V ice President.

KIRKSVILLE, MISSOURI We have no special news for this issue of THE PHOENIX. Our last meeting was a bridge party, but no business meeting was held. No pla ns have been made for get-togethers thi s summer. Most of us are bu sy with Red Cross and other branches of war service. H ELEN YOUNG.

MARYVILLE, MISSOURI Phi Phi Chapter's a lumn~ meeting for F ebruary was held at the home of Ruth Jea n Price with Lela Bell as assisting hostess. A fter our business meeting, Mrs. Virgil Rathbun gave a very entertaining book rev iew on Sally Benson 's "Junior Miss." Refreshments were served afterward a nd Mrs. J. W. Jones poured. Members prese nt at the meeting were Hel en Breidenthal, Mary E li zabeth Jone , Belva Geist, Barbara Zeller M ildred Jones, Ru th L aw rence, Ludmil a W eir, Mary K urtz, Luretta Milner a nd Patri cia Powers. The alumni attended a fac ulty recital g ive n by Mi ss Ma ri an Kerr a nd Miss Alice Il sley d uo-pia ni sts, at Mary ville State T eac hers oll ege on Ma rch 24. Our meeting was held after the recital at the home of Mrs. F . M . T ownse nd . lumn~ present were ell Kuchs, Ruth Jea n Pri ce, Ruth Law rence, Mary Eli zabeth Jones, Isabel Stalcup, Mi riam W aggoner, Martha Jane H a milton, L uretta M ilner, Rdell Din sdale, Ba rbara Zel ler, Belva Ge ist, L a W eir, Patri cia Powers, and L ill ia n Tow nse nd and Mildred Jones, hostesses. Irene Heideman a nd Ma ry F rances T odd were representati ves of the acti ve chapter at the meeting. Your correspondent has bee n instructed to send in the names of Phi Phi hapter's ou tanding Alpha Sigs fo r future publi cati on in T I-IE PII o£ IX. W e d iscussed thi s matter at the Ma rch meeting a nd names were decided on a nd will be di closed lat r, but it seemed to me, as I looked ar und the roon• during the meting, that we had many Alpha igs w ho, w hil e perhaps not outsta nding nati onall y ontributed mu h to eac h of our meetings . W e ca n always de pend on them to keep the meeting ali ve and interesting with their remarks a nd sugge tions. T h re's Ba rbara Zell er



who so ably presides over the meetings each month; Nell Kuchs, who contributes a great deal of information because of her knowledge of national officers and national "goings-on" ; Belva Geist and Mildr~d Jom~s who furnish entertainment and laughter with their witty remarks; Ludmila Weir and Ruth Jean Price who always have a worthy suggestion to further Alpha Sig work; Mary Elizabeth Jones who can always figure a solution to any problem which .has the rest of us "stumped"; Mrs. Townsend who sits b~ck with a sweet smile on her face and offers to help with anything she can, even though she modestly says that there are others who can perform the tasks better than she; and, if space would permit, ever so many other alumni members I could name who do so much to give Phi Phi Chapter a "push" and contribute a fuller meaning to our meetings. Wilma Wilson Sharp will be in Maryville the latter part of April, and we discussed our entertainm~nt plans for her coming to which we are eagerly lookmg forward. PATRICIA PowERs, PHoE IX Correspondent .

NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. There's not much to gosisp about this time. No brides ... no babies ... just bonds. Our New York members are busy scraping together nickles and dimes so that we can contribute a Victory Bond to Alpha Sig. We're selling newspapers, tinfoil, and clothes hangers, and hope we can say we actually earned our bond. The "sell-your-junk" plan got under way at the March luncheon held at the Hotel Shelton in Manhattan. ow we're anxiously looking forward to learning the results of our efforts at the April meeting. (We're treking out to Montclair, N. J., for luncheon at Billie Barret's again on April 18.) Comes May and we'll be picnicing out at Farmingdale, Long Island at which time Beverly Fisher Klopp will be our hostess. We do get around and we have had a " faithful following" this year. A mimeographed schedule of meetings was sent to everyone on our mailing list last Fall so we were able to plan in advance just what dates to save for sorority meetings. In addition to the calendar, postal card notices were sent out previous to each meeting by Betty Murphy McGrath ... and that's about all we have to report about any membership drive. Our main membership plan ... if any ... seems to be, "invite them to come, feed them well, have them join in the gossip, and they'll come again! " We will be scanning this issue of the PHoE IX however, for suggestions of other Alumn.e groups about increasing membership. There are about 20 active members in our chapter now but there should be more from such a large area. If you know of an Alpha Sig running around loose in New York please let us know ! ETHEL PETERSON.

PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA The Philadelphia Alumn.e, though busy as usual, may be found to be still enchanted with the successful and charming Valentine's Tea on February 14, at the gracious home of Frances Peltier. . The committee for the Tea, headed by Eleanor Shmer served among other good things, ice cream with "A. ~- A." on it in red letters. Needless to say, we were delighted to count 33 girls present, especially since . Mrs. Peltier's home is somewhat distant from the City. Betty Jones brought her small daughter, who certainly shared the attention with Mrs. Peltier's daughter. All of us are grateful to Mrs. Peltier and to Eleanor Shiner for their perfectly planned and truly delightful Tea. April 23rd we have marked as the date of our annual Spring dinner to be held at the Tally Ho ~es颅 taurant. Jane Large is the chairman, and she promises us entertainment-and a surprise! Our Spring Formal at the Student Union Building at Drexel on May 16, should be much fun. Margaretta Schenbecker is chairman and the committee has planned that all the gals who might be dateless due to this war business, will be escorted by none other but the Marines! We should get a large turn-out! On the more serious side of the war, we are proud to report that the Philadelphia Alumn<e purchased an $18.75 bond for the Fellowship Loan Fund . Besides this, we have formed a committee to organize Red Cross work within the chapter for those members who are not participating already, on the outside. Let's pause now for some personal items: we were shocked to learn that Miss Marjorie Jones, the former adviser of Kappa Kappa Chapter, died at Temple University of a heart attack. Memorial services were held at Temple, before her body was sent on to Canada for burial. Kappa Kappa's will be pleased to hear that Mrs. Clark, our former housemother, writes often, and asks to be remembered to all of you. Do write to her too, at Lee, Massachusetts. All of us are glad to hear that Mary Emma Lindemuth is recuperating nicely from her serious automobile accident. We will be glad to see her out agam. Three brand new youngsters have appeared on the scene: Suzanne Elizabeth, born to Jean Hoyt路 Meta Harriet, born to Harriet Douglas Hodson, and Eric Bruce to Ellen Hetzel Fable. And finally we want to give you the officers for the coming year: President ............... .. .. . ........ Kay Ludlow Vice-President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mary Seely Treasurer ....... . ........... . ... . .... Marie Shain Recording Secretary ........ . . ... .. .. . .. Jane Large Corresponding Secretary . . . . . . . . . . Peggy Baumert Program Chairmen ... Betty Albrecht and Beth Reese PHoE tx Correspondents . . . . . . . . . Jean McKay and Betty Frankenfield Social Service Chairman ............ Eleanor Shiner

Now we are sure that I942-43 promises to be a good year. MARIE BAUERLE ENGLISH.

PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA On Saturday night, the fourteenth of March, several couples enjoyed the dancing at the Hotel Shenley. The dance was held in lieu of our regular March meetmg. . There are but three more get-togethers planned-for th1s year-the regular business meeting in April, our annual party for Alpha Gamma Chapter in May, a nd a picnic in June. Summer Plans ? Most of us are being patriotic and will be staying home using spray g uns on our Victory gardens . We're busy with knitting and Red Cross classes. Some of the gi rls who teach plan to co ntinue their graduate study at college summer sesSions. SALLY HoRTER.

TOLEDO, OHIO News time finds me on "foreign soil" again-the state of Maryland. I decided to come over from Toledo and spend the Easter season, and incidently my birthday, with my husband. The best part however is the planned drive "back home" for a ten day furlough. All sorority war widows realize the real thrill of this statement. Our Alpha Sigma meetings in Toledo are continuing as planned. We celebrated Valentine's Day with a luncheon at Zimmerman's. Our president, Dorothy Cummins, presented quaint doll favors to all members attending so those who did not come to the party missed a real surprise. March eleventh Grace Haworth invited all members to her home for a I o'clock luncheon. Although it was a few days prior to St. Patrick's Day the color scheme of green and white was quite in evidence. After the business meeting "Bingo" was the afternoon's diversion with prizes being awarded to Helen Osmun, Helen Pauly and Martha Condit. Our April meeting wi ll be a musical program in the home of Martha Condit. In May we meet with Marjorie Fuller with Clara Kuney givi ng a book review. The ann ual picnic meeting is sched ul ed for June with Helen Pauly as official hostess. This wi ll close the season for we do not meet during July and August. To date no one has any definite plans for the summer months owing to present world condi tions. However we are wishing for all Alpha Sigma Alphas a happy vacation season wherever you may be. GRACE FuLTZ HAwORTH.

TULSA, OKLAHOMA Each of our meetings is different. In February Mrs. J. R. Reeve (Isabelle) entertai ned in her home with a Valentine lun cheon. She was assisted by Mrs . . E. Solomon (Helen). Those who attended were:

Mrs . D. Edna Chamberlain, Miss Hazel Rennie, Miss Norene Garrett, Mrs. A. W . Magers, Mrs. Paul Hamm, Mrs. H . C. Darby, M rs. Paul Beck, Mrs. Isabelle Halladay, Miss Lora Patterson, and Mrs. William Row . Our March meeting was an Easter tea in the home of Mrs. H. Clay Fisk (Jennie). She was assisted by Mrs . Isabelle Halladay and Mrs. William Row (Hazel). At this meeting we welcomed a new member from the Tau Tau Chapter at Hays, Kansas . She is now Mrs. George Clow, formerly Miss Geraldine Rein ecke. We also learned of another new member, Mrs . Rebecca Lesh, who is in Colorado at the present but will return in the fall. In April we are to have a nine o'clock breakfast at Little Acres, a popular tea room. Our May meeting is to be a picnic at the home of Mrs. H. C. Darby. She will be assisted by Miss Hazel Renni e. We feel that this variety gives each meeting a special interest and we look forward to all of them . Pl ans fo r this summer seem to be very indefinite but Juli a Christie has announced that she wi ll attend school at Greely, Colorado, again this summer. She hopes to finish the work fo r her Masters Degree. Hazel Rennie will accompa ny her. This will be her second summer here . Lora Paterson is to attend the Tulsa Ed ucatio nal Conference whic h is held at the University of Tulsa . She wi ll also be active in Red Cross work . Most of us w ill become better acquai nted with our own vicinity this summer but no doubt w ill have many interesting experiences to relate w hen we meet agai n next fa ll. HAZEL HowELL Row.

WASHINGTON, D. C. Mr . John Hoffecker entertained us for our February meeting in her lovely new home. Our March meeting wa a shower for Dorothy Allega Stone who is to be married in May. Jessi e Scott Arnold was hostess and we were almost as exci ted as Dorothy over her gifts .

WICHITA, KANSAS Ou r la st meeting brought news both good and not o good. We learned that we might lose G ladys Popkins, whose hu sband may take a position in Baltimore. She is one of our most active members. Vacations are rat h r taboo here because of tire ratio ning . We are planning to have a 路dinner meeting for next time. For this year our meetings have attracted only eight or ten member . 'Y..l e are hoping to have a better atte ndance at this meeting. Almost everyo ne in the group is doing orne form of Red ross work individually. Because of the shortage of yarn and material we have not been able to do knitting or sewi ng as a group . Th Wi hita g roup is definitely all out for the war effort! MARGARET PTA EK.


News Letters-College Chapters ALPHA State Teachers College, Farmville, Virginia

Dear Alpha Sigs: We've just elected our officers for next year and are so happy about them. Nancye Allen from Hebron was elected president while Winifred Wright from Alexander was re-elected vice-president. Jean Hatton from Richmond was chosen secretary and Ella Marsh Pilkinton, also of Richmond, was elected treasurer. Mary St. Clair Bugg, a town ~irl, ~ill be our chaplain next year and Mary Ke1th Bmgham, another Richmond girl, will serve as registrar. Ann Wa~e from Beckley, \Vest Virginia, is our new Panhell~mc representative. Dearing Fauntleroy from Altavista, will attempt to keep you informed about the Alpha Chapter. Several of our girls have been elected to fulfill offices in the Student Body. Ella Marsh Pilkinton, our secretary, will be the vice-president of the Student Body next year and Ann Ware, our represen.tative, is to be the vice-president of the House Counctl. Winifred Wright, our vice-president, has been named editor of our college magazine for next year and Ann Ware is the business manager of the annual. Myrtle Le Holt, a pledge from Richmond, has been elected president of next year's sophomore class. ancye Allen was also elected vice-president of next year's senior class. Spring Rushing is coming up in a couple of weeks and we're really in a dither. We've got our fingers .crossed in the hopes that they'll realize that A. S. A. is the best. Polly Keller and Winifred Wright were tapped into Alpha Kappa Gamma last month which is one of the biggest honors on campus. We entertained our pledges with a banquet in the college tea room, at which time we presented them with A . S. A. bracelets. Our pledges then had a wonderful spaghetti party at the cabin at Longwood for us. We had lots of fun singing and eating. We're all looking forw ard to May Day which will be the first Saturday in May. Polly will make such a lovely member of the Court in light green. It's so exciting for spring to be here again with the vacation just a month off. I know you 're all as excited as we are. Loyally yours in S. A., DEARING FA UNTLEROY.

ALPHA BETA Kirksville State Teachers College, Kirksville, Mis ouri

D ear lpha Sigs: Did you all have a happy Easter? W e of lpha Beta incerely hope you did. ow we are back in school once more with many

eventful things coming up. But fir t let me tell you about the Panhellenic dance which was held March twenty-seventh. This was a very lovely dance and was a great success. The four sororities on campus gave it. Just a look now into the future. First comes the Panhellenic banquet to be held pril twenty-eighth. If you remember we received the honor of having our name on the Panhellenic Scholarship Trophy last year. We are hoping to receive it again. The girls have been quite excited about it and often ask the question, "I wonder if we will be the ones to have our name on the trophy again?" Next comes our Breakfast Dance. This is set for May eighth. So far we don't have any definite plans made but we know it will be a success because everyone looks forward to it with great enthusiasm. A you know this dance is held in honor of the out going semors. Again this year we are going to have a Mother~' Day Tea . Last year it was our pleasure to have :t in our sponsor's home. This year we received the invitation again and are now working out our plans. Our mothers enjoyed the tea so much last year because it gave them a chance to meet the girls and their mothers. We also enjoyed meeting our sisters mothers and found that it formed one more tie between us for the love of A. S. A. Our college prom is to be in the near future and it is then the Echo queen is announced. The Alphas have two candidates up and we are hoping one of them receives the honor of being queen . As Betty told you sometime ago we have adopted a British refugee child . So far we have only sent financial aid and because of the situation it is hard to know what else could be sent to help. Very recently we received a picture of the child. It was a very cute little girl, age three and a half. Her name is Barbara Askew and immediately the girls wished we could really adopt her. She has "snappy" eyes which we pictured as brown and appeared to be filled with mischief. We are very pleased to think we are doing some real good for a child of another land. lpha Beta is proud to say that very recently we initiated six pledges. The number in our chapter is climbing and we hope that the remainder of the pledges will become actives soon. The e things above more or less round up our college year. We have felt this year ha been a great success despite the present day conflicts. ext fall we hope that many of our girls will be back with us and we can continue to be as strong as ever. Today we in Alpha Sigma Alpha will have to be strong and courageous. We are the people who will have to keep our chins up and help fight for what we know is right. We can do it too, can't we girls? So until next fall goodbye and good luck dear sisters. WILDA L ER.

ALPHA GAMMA State Teachers College, Indiana, Pennsylyania On ~arch 26, Alpha Gamma was proud to welc~me eight freshn~en girls as pledges into Alpha S~gma Alpha. Aft~r the . girls had signed Alpha Sigma Alpha as their soronty preference, we carried them off to Miss Belden's home, where we had a jolly. time, singing, talking and of course, eating. Previous to our pledgrng, w e initiated three girls into active membership. As the second semester draws to a close the college cale.ndar is filled with m a ny activities,' a nd the Alpha ~I~s. are. having their share. Among the college actiVIties IS the Junior Prom which is on Saturday, April rr. The most outstanding event to which the Alpha Chapter is looking forward is Mrs. Sharp's VI Sit. We . are looking forward to her coming the last of Apnl. On May second , we will take her w ith us to the annual luncheon at Pittsburg h, where the alumna: chapter there so cordi ally entertains us. On May 9, we are planning to entertain our Mothers. This has been a n annual Mothers' D ay Luncheon at which time we try to show our appreciation and love for the m a ny favo rs a nd much love that our mothers bestow on us. Some day in May, the Alph a Sigs will get up very early and hike out for the se nior fa rewell breakfast. Eig ht of the g irl s w ill g raduate; althoug h we are sorry to lose these g irls, they feel sure that the new pledges w ill ably take their pl aces . At our last m eeting before Easter vacation , we chose g irls to lead the Alpha Ga ms in their acti vities n ~x t year. W e feel sure we have chose n vary capable g irl s, a nd at our next meeting we w ill in stall these new officers. Since this w ill be m y last news lette r, I w ish all of you a very pleasa nt and worth w hil e summer, also much success a nd happiness in next yea r's acti viti e . L o rs W ALTON .

BETA BETA Colorado State College of Education, Greeley, Colorado H ello Alpha Si gs: Remember our enthusias m ove r our pledge da nce held last tim e? W ell- the pledges ca me t hroug h in g reat style w ith a lovely C hampag ne Ball. The d ance was held in the Faculty C lub ; a nd sm all cha mpag ne glasses decorated th e wall s of the room . A hu ge g lass formed the background fo r the orchestra a nd multi col ored balloons bubbl ed towa rd the ceiling. The progra ms were yellow w ith a small cha mpag ne glas on the front. T rul y this was one of th e loveli est d ances g iven! A Iph a Sigs and escorts danced until the wee hours a nd then were served brea k fast at on e of our T ea H ouses . T he Labl es were de orated with bubbling glasses of dr y ice a nd paddl es were used in Lh e ce n-

ter of the tables. The memory of this affair will live in the minds of us long after our college days are over. Beta Beta is very proud of her two new additions. to the pledge class, Virginia Rice and Jean Mornll . Both are attractive, enthusiastic girls who will become worthy members of our chapter. Yes! 21 is election da y here at C. S. C. E ., and .ever~ smgle A . S. A. is going to mark her soronty SISter a good, big, black " X" where it will do th.e m.ost good . Ja~e Cannon, Lois Young and Margie Pmer are runmng for representatives on the student council. Janey is a transfer student from Pocate~lo, Idaho, and already has made a name for herselt on our campus. Janey is a junior and is also a candtdate for vice-presidency of A . W. S. I don 't k~ow how to describe her to you except to tell you thts. Remember the "ads" for the cereal promotin rr pep a ppeal? W ell , they're Ja ney, in person. "' Loi s and Marge are very acti ve m embers of the fres hma n class a nd are quite prominent. Both have served on variou s committees throughout the year and are very capable. In addition to being ca ndidates for representati ves these g irls are up for offices of the class of '45路 Marge is in the running for vicepresident and L ois for secretary-treasurer. W e think the junior cl ass of next year will fin d ~ very efficient as well as a very beauti ful secretary Ill June Snowberger. June is your new Pt路IOE rx correspondent fo r next year so you 'll be hea ring more from her. O ur newest pledge, Vi rgin ia Rice, is running fo r ecretary of the Associate W omen Students. "Ginn y" is one of m y littl e sisters and I could rave for pages 路 but I'll content mysel f w ith telling you that she' just about well , she is the sweetest, fri endliest girl you could hope to m eet. I w ish you other Alpha ig everywhere could be w ith us to apprec iate the talent of our pl edge class! It's g reat! It's stupendou s! A nd last Monday nig ht it wa corn y! The prog ram they presented to the acti ves was, as the E ngli shma n woul d say, quite joll y. But to the acti ves of Beta Beta it was roaringly funn y. The d ances a nd the play were ide-splitting 路 if yo u could have see n the padd ing used by some of ou .so-call ed huma n beings, yo u wo uld understa nd. Cong ratul ati ons, pl edges, on a wo nd erful perfo rmance ! fte r th e entertainment we we re served beer and pretzels. Yes ! Root b er! F ive pound s of Mrs. Stover' we re passed to announ ce the engagement of V ivienne Sulli va n a nd Bill Reml ey . Both were outsta nding students on thi s ca mpus in '39 a nd we w i h them the be t of everything. A nother member of our (old has strayed. She is Betty Bea n. Bea ni e received her degree d uring or rather at the end of winter qu arter and is now teac hing E ng li sh a nd Dramati cs in the hi g h sc hool at F lorence, olorado. ome of our ru shees were g uests at a ta fTy- pull at the hou se the b sl o[ March a nd here, dea r siste rs, is Lhe ec ret of our succes -ful taffy . W e bu y it dow n-


town instead of making it ourselves. Try it! You never have a failure. Our tender-palmed rushees, we are sorry to report, did depart with undue swellings on their little patties. However it's good advertisement for they had something, at least, by which to remember us! Beta Beta is on its way to purchasing a defense bond. The girls bring their contributions to each meeting and will continue until we have a sufficient amount. A collection of tinfoil and toothpaste tubes is also being made. Many are making individual contributions along with those of other members of their families . Tra-la, Tra-la! Spring has come and, with it, a new PHOENIX correspondent. It's been so much fun being with you, but I must rel inquish my hold on the office to June. So until-until, well, until some other time-Goodbye! LAVERNE SEATON.

GAMMA GAMMA Northwestern State Teachers College, Alva, Oklahoma Gamma Gamma is at the outset of a new year. New officers, new year, and a new start on the records should insure a profitable new year in the history of A. S. A. Election of officers was held March 24 with installation of these officers on April I. The new officers are: President, Jonnie Lane; vice-president, Ella Louise Hyde; secretary, Eva Venable; chaplain, Florene Roseboom; registrar, Barbara Card; PHOENIX editor, Dorothy Harzman; reporter, Clarice Benefiel; treasurer, Meredith Donley. When Jonnie was elected president of Gamma Gamma, she became the second member of her immediate family to hold this office. Twenty-seven years ago, her mother, Mrs . W. E. Lane, was installed as the first president of the organization. It is the first time in the history of Gamma Gamma chapter that mother and daughter have held this position . Following the impressive candle light service at the vesper hour in the home of Jonnie Lane, the group went to Coffmans for supper. With all these contests, school is going on just the same as in years before. Several weeks ago our campus was the scene of Debate and Interpretive Reading contests and beginning April 8 the annual spring Academic, Arts contests will begin. At last the girls have had their chance! March 15 to the 21 a Sadie Hawkin's week, was held at orthwestern and the girls displayed their hands at this business of being a "gentleman." In case some of you don't know what the occasion is, it is built on a legend of a little backwoods town. Long ago, a young lady of the hills set up a custom in that village whereas on a certain day each year, the girls of the village could catch the man she wanted and marry him. No, we didn't any of us marry the men we caught. We carried on the fun in a milder man-

ner, by merely asking the boys for dates and doing all the little courtesies that a gentleman should carry out. You should have been here, we all certainly had fun. The Little Theatre dramatics organization played its annual spring drama, 'The American Way," before a full house March 26. Critics have rated the play as one of the best productions ever presented by the Little Theatre group. Ere Lene Cline, assistant commerce instructor and an Alumna: of Alpha Sigma Alpha had one of the leading parts. Many others of the members of Gamma Gamma assisted in different parts of the play. The play was excellent and was a timely production. March 13, the stars twinkled and shone on the Annual Star Dust Dinner Dance, held at the Bell Hotel. The room was beautifully decorated in silver and blue. Stars twinkled from the ceiling and here and there on the tables. The programs were unique in their shape in that they carried on them the shape of a diamond. Our special guest for the evening was Miss Minnie Shockley who was the founder of Gamma Gamma chapter at Northwestern State College. After the three-course dinner a program dance was held and we all have happy memories of a good time and a beautiful dance. Not long ago, Kappa Delta Pi, honorary scholastic fraternity invited Jonnie Lane, A. S. A., to become ;J. member. Members are chosen on the basis of grades. The new members are to be initiated April 25. Several weeks ago Mary Grace Newlin and Ella Louise Hyde gave a covered dish luncheon for the pledges. A good time was reported and the actives felt pangs of jealousy, at the good time they missed. We are happy to congratulate Stella Lansdowne, who became tne bride of Clyde Bullard on March 28 at Wichita. Barbara Card has a sparkler on the third finger of her left hand . She is engaged to Roy Dun, the world's heavyweight wrestler. Lois Mansfield I hear is wearing a sparkler also. Congratulations to you all, girls, and may you have the best of luck and happiness. We are going to lose some of our girls this spring when they participate in graduation exercises. To Clarice Benne!, Mary Grace Newlin, Lois Mansfield, Anna Mae Householder and Dorothy Scripsick we extend our congratulations. We are al o going to lose two of our pledges, Betty Jo and orma Zuber who are going to teach next year near their home in Anthony, Kansas. Virginia Provost also plans to teach. Physical fitness is receiving emphasis in Gamma Gamma Chapter as we prove our worth on "the maples" (basketball Aoor) twice per week in the Intramural program. There is a time when all good things must draw to a close, so we'll say good bye until the next issue, when you'll be starting a new school year and hearing from our new editor, Dorothy Harzman. DoROTHY ScRIP



27 EPSILON EPSILON Kansas State Teachers College, Emporia, Kansas On the night of March 4 Epsilon Epsilon chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha stood up and took a bowand no one was more surprised than the forty-one girls who make up that chapter. The cause of our amaze~en~ was the winning of the fifth .Emporia State Smgmg Bee. We don 't like to brag but we were plenty excited and it was really a thrill when Betty Jane Carlson, our song leader, was given the gold loving cup. Dressed in old overalls and brig ht printed skirts and bandanas and wearing Neg ro m ake-up we represented a group of lazy, swaying cotton pickers singing the familiar ''Summertime." One of our seniors Evora Martin, did a wonderful job on the solo. The' arrangement was made by a nother senior, Marjorie Crill . Last month we were also proud of four of our girls who played in "Ladi es of the Jury" and helped make it one of the Gilson Players best productions of the year. We were especially proud of Marjori e A nderson, who carried the lead. Right now we are all envying two of our girl s, Peggy Ladner and our president, Bettyanne A therton, who are now attending a W . A. A. con vention at W ellesley, Mass. Aside from attending the convention they pla nned to go to New York C ity, Phil adelphia, and W ashington, D. C . They were th e two del egates elected by the local W . A . A. Along w ith spring election s of departmental clubs and coll ege organi zations Wini fred D onnell a, ru sh captain for next year a nd past vice-president was el ected president of Y. W. C . A . N ext week we are hoping fo r a nother honor. Donna Eri ckson, a sophomore, is in the running fo r the Quee n of E mpori a State's fir st Military Ba ll. Also next week we are hav ing our a nnual Alph a Sig Spring Formal. Soon after th at w ill com e our Mothers' D ay T ea, then fin al exa ms, a nd fin all y summ er vacation. A nd so, here's wishing every Alph a Sig chapter a very happy summ er a nd next yea r you 'll be hearing from us throug h our new editor, V irgin ia Gunsoll y. H ELEN DA G H T RY .

ZETA ZETA Central Missouri State Teachers College, Warrensburg, Missouri H ello Alpha Sigs : W e are a proud g roup of women these days. In our a nnual all -school el ection we certainl y cam e out on top. W e had two attendants to the Rbetos Queen, th ey were Aileene E nsminger a nd Sue Covey . Sue was also voted the most popul ar g irl on the ca mpu and she reig ned as basketball queen on Mi ssiouri D ay at the Na ti onal Jntcrcollegiate Basketba ll Tourna ment in Ka nsas C ity. Mrs. arl Finl ey a nd Mrs. Horace Ni chol s, our own Ieora I ments a nd Patsy H agemeyer have


been g uests of honor at numerous parties lately. Patsy's new hu sband is in the N avy A ir Corps an d has . left for foreig n duty a nd she is back with us agatn . W e have bee n making tentati ve rush pl ans and are looking forward eagerl y to a successful season. W e h ave elected new officers w ho are: President, E lea nor W arnick, W arrensburg, Mo.; vice-president, Sue Covey Boli va r, Mo.; treas urer, Patsy Magee, W arrensburg, Mo. ; secretary, Sa rah Francis G ray, Clinton, Mo.; registrar, Vivage ne W heeler, Sedalia, Mo.; editor, Josie Cobbs, W arren burg, Mo.; chaplain , Doroth y Mc Meekin, W arrensburg, Mo . So until fa ll-good luck! Jo tE CoBBS.

ETA ETA State Teachers College Pittsburg, Kansas Alpha Sigs W in Ti cket Sale fo r oro nation Ball. . . . Alphas Place First in Women's Di vision of Stunt Fest . . . Mary Jane Ga ll op Is Second Maid of Honor to Kanza Qu een. . . Six Alphas Play Roles in Juni or Pl ay. . . Virg ini a Suttee E lected A ppl e Quee n II ... Rosemary owa n reig ns a Ka nsas D ay Queen at N ational Intercoll egiate Tournament . . . Alphas Elect N ew Officer .. . E l ve n Se niors Honored at Breakfast ... Alphas Wind Up the Year With Spring FormaL- H eadline of the seco nd emester of Eta E ta chapter pass in rev iew. On F ebruary 20 about 3 o'cl ock in the afternoon E ta E ta chapter was bu stling with acti vity for the Kanza oronation Ball was that nig ht. T here were only four of the ten ca ndid ates that were our girlsMaxine Humbard, Virgini a Suttee, Mary Jane all op a nd Dorothy F ee. Al so there was the last minute preparation for the stunt to be prese nted. E ver since we had hit on the idea fo r th e tunt we thoug ht that we had a good ha nce for the pri ze. hirl ey Ainsworth sa ng "A ngel s of Mercy" and Mary Jane Kell er,


Billie Louise Heimdale, Rosalie Lamb and Sammy Lou Heaton formed the quartette background for Shirley. Shirley was dressed in a regulation Red Cross nurse's uni form and cape. The other four were in nurses' uniforms For the background of the number was an American flag. Of course we won first in the women 's division and received a sevenway floor lamp for the prize.

R eading from left to right: Margaret Agnes Naylor, editor; Martha Ruth H oward, treasurer; Virginia Suttee, president; Sa mmie Lou H eaton, rush captain; Sue Bales, social chairman; Back row: Mary Jane K eller , secr etary; Naida Chandler, vicepresident; Shirley Ainsworth, r egistrar; Barbara Huffman, chap lain .

Mary Jane Gallop was chosen to reign as second maid of honor to the queen. The candidates were judged by picture by George Petty, artist for Esquire magazme. Then came the news that we had won the ticket sale for the Coronation Ball. For that prize we received a radio, but since we had just bought a radiophonograph we were allowed to trade it for a coffee table, end table and magazine rack. Six Alphas had roles in the junior class play, " Stage Door." Jane Pratt, one of our pledges, gave a remarkable performance as Terry. She had the lead. The other Alphas in the play were Betty T aylor, Dona Winans, Patty Barkell, Mary Jane Gallop and Margaret Agnes Taylor. All of us were so proud of our girls that night. Virginia Suttee was elected Apple Day Queen lito reign over the fes tiviti es of Apple D ay . The election of the quee n and king was by popular vote of the student body. Apple Day is a celebration which is held on March ro to commemorate the founding of K. S. T. C. It is one of the biggest celebrations of the year on the campus. Last yea r the queen of the festi viti es was aid a Brannum who was an Alpha. We a re quite proud of the fac t that so fa r only Alphas have reigned as Apple D ay Queen. Since the Pittsburg Gorilla basketball team won the C . I. C., they were in vited to attend the ational Intercollegiate Basketball Tournament in Kansas City. The basketball boy were asked to bring a gi rl from the campus to take part in the Kansas Day's festivities at the tournament. The boys selected Rosemary Cowan to go . Of cour e Ro y wa elected to

reign as queen of the festivities of the opening day of the tournament. And the basketball team won third place in the tournament. At the second meeting in March Eta Eta chapter held election of officers for next year. Virginia Suttee was elected president. Virginia was Apple Day queen and is a member of the Student Council. Naida Chandler was selected as vice-president. Naida is one of our artists . Mary Jane Keller was chosen a secretary. She is one of our most active girls. Martha Ruth Howard was elected treasurer. We all thought 18-hour A Howard would be a good one to keep our books straight. Shirley Ainsworth, our songstress, was selected as registrar. Barbara Huffman, who is very active in Wesley Foundation was selected as chaplain. Margaret Agnes Naylor was elected editor. She is better known to us as "Barky ." On Palm Sunday the chapter attended the First Methodist Church in a group. Once each year the sorority members attend church together. Between now and the close of the year there will be many little informal meetings of the sorority. Before long we are going to have a picnic before sorority meeting. Then we are going to take our dates on a hayrack ride and picnic out at the Veatch's farm. On Baccalaureate Sunday the seniors and parents will be honored with a breakfast. The seniors will be presented with gifts from the chapter. (Of course, we seniors aren't supposed to know it.) To put the final touch to our year will be our spring formal. Instead of the boys sending us corsages they are going to send us " defense stamp" corsages which will go toward buying the chapter some bonds. So winds up another very ?Uccessful year for Eta Eta chapter and the final news letter to be written by this editor. I have enjoyed these last three years writing for the PHOEN IX and now I turn THE PHOE IX over to Barky. MARY K AY REIFF.

THETA THETA College of Education, Boston University, Bo ton, Massachusetts

Instead of "report time" I should say " it's teatime." Our experiment of havi ng teas e ery 路other W ednesday and Thursday afternoon was most successful, since betwee n fo urteen a nd twenty girl dropped in fo r a social moment at Kimmie's office. Each week we had new hostesses. Some of the g irls decided that they'd like to go bowling so they fo rmed a group, a nd bowling wa on the calendar fo r Thursday nig ht. The gi rl s who were interested in bridge and whi st met in the same way . Our install ation was held March 27 at the lounge in the School of Education. The new officers: pre ident, Ruth Giessen路 vice-president Margaret Silvestri; treasurer, Vi rgi nia Lichtner; secretary Winifred Ford; ed itor, Loui se a ntosuosso 路 registrar, Irma Wren, and urora Paine. Following the installation chaplain,

MAY, 1942 we had a delicious buffet supper after which Elizabeth Tucker recited several selections. Girls you don't know what you're missing. "Tuck" is certainly a grand actress. Ruth Giesson, our new "prexy," showed some interesting colored slides of our initiation banquet, also of the Flower Show and some that she had taken on some of her trips. Ruth took the pictures herself. All the girls feel quite sure that Ruth has some prize pictures in her collection. We planned a dinner dance the 23rd of April. The place hasn 't been selected as yet. Before closing my last report I want to tell you what an interesting year socially and educationally we have had. Our president was a treasure. You ought to ha ve seen the work that she did during the yea r for the sorority. Muriel Barbour gets her degree in June. We all wish her loads of luck. Perhaps some day in the future she will send us some little reminders just so we will keep her in our thoughts. MARGARET SILVESTRI.

KAPPA KAPPA Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

The rush season has been on! And the Alpha Sigs of Temple U. have definitely been busy. There were lots of grand gi rls whom we didn't want to miss, and now that the parties are over we feel more than pleased with the results. Our first party, on March 4, was call ed an "OldFashioned Good Time" and was staged mo tly in the cellar of 1917 N. Broad. Here we showed two films, "The Gay Nineties" and "A Night at the Opera." The former feat ured Teddy Roosevelt in hi s Rough Rider days, Sarah Bernhart, and Woodrow Wilson. The latter starred Charlie Chaplin. Music for the show was provided by recordings of Beatrice Kay. After that we all went to the living room and club room fo r an "identification of old-fashioned objects" game, songs, and refreshments. G uests of the evening included Miss Gertrude Peabody, dean of women; Mrs. Marion Keen, one of our patronesses; Mrs. Marie Gardener, our house mother; and our adviser, Helen Corey. On March 24, ru shees were in vited to dinner a nd "Hay Fever" at the Philadelphia Cricket Club. The play was presented by a local theatre group on the stage of the room in which we ate dinner, and featured a professor of Engli sh at Temple. Guests of this evening included Vice-President Millard E. G ladfelter a nd Mrs. G ladfelter; Head Librarian J.P. Danton and Mrs. Danton, Mrs. Keen, Mrs. Ga rdener, and Miss orey. And now we are pleased to annou nce that new pledges and girls who have stated preference for Alph a Sigs as sorori ty sisters number fifteen, the highest number of rushees obtained by any sorority on campus. ne of our girls recen tly was honored by the

Astron Honor Society for Women here on campus. She is Ann Wolf, who received a bracelet from the society engraved to say that she had the highest freshman average for women in the class of '44路 At present, congratulations are also in order for Ruth Taylor who has been elected president of Kappa Kappa for the coming year. Other new electees are vice-president Helen Kingston; recording secretary, Marjorie Kendall; corresponding secretary, Mary Sponsellar; chaplains, Mille Longacre and L aura Wolf; treasurer, Bille Arbogast; registrar, Doris Fox; editor, Ginny Becker; a nd house manager, Ginny Bond. We are all looking fo rward to just as grand and successful a year under their supervision as the one which is about to end. Before the year does end, however, there are three outstanding events scheduled to take place. First, Greek Week-End on April ro and II. This means a song contest, dinner, dance, games, buffet supper, and open house among the Greek groups to fill the two days alloted to us. Second, a dinner party given by Helen Corey at her home for the senior Alpha Sigs. (She's a home economics and cooking teacher, you know). It will fill an even ing as well as the sen iors late in April. Third, the Panhellenic Ball on Friday, May 15. We have not heard of the definite plans fo r it yet, but we know it wi ll be a g rand affai r. Incidentally, Alph a Sigs are truly everywhere. Recently, the Kappa Kappa editor attended a wedding at a prominent hotel here in Philadelphia. She talked with girls on the next seat before the bride walked in and during the course of conversation it was discovered that the girl was Dorothy Parker, an Alpha Sig at Drexel. -And that about winds up news for this year from the T. U. chapter. Such a short year to write of and to a grand bunch of gi rl s! Sincere best wishesPEGGY MARTIN.

IN MEMORT M MI s MARJORIE K. ]ONE One-time Adv iser to Kappa Kappa

Between September, 1 34 and June, 1938, one of the most inAuential and dynamic members of the faculty of Temple University was advi er to the Kappa Kappas of Alpha Sigma Alpha. She was Miss Marjorie K. Jones, instructor in Music Education and Director of Choral Activities in that department. On March 21, 1942, a heart attack abruptly brought to a fin ish her hard-working, never-tiring days-and it was with deepest regret that Kappa Kappa realized that their former adviser had been ca ll ed home. Miss Jones was widely known both on our cam pu and throughout the Philadelphia area because of her public appea ra nces as cond uctor of the Temple horus and the A apella hoir of the Department


of Music Education. She was, in addition, a concert violinist and had toured the United States and Canada. Reared in Canada, she had received her music education at the Kitchener and Hamilton Conservatories in Ontario. In 1922, she received the degree of F. T. C. M. from the Toronto Conservatory of Music, University of Toronto. She received her B.S. from ew York University in 1929, and her Ed .M. from Temple in 1937. She came to Temple from the Reading High Scl}ool, Reading, Pa. in 1928. Previously she had taught at State Teachers College, Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania. While adviser to Kappa Kappa she carried on the work of her office so thoroughly and conscientously that results accruing have been felt since 1934. Because of her great influence on the lives of those with whom she came in contact and the lasting impressions that were engraved on their minds, we know that Miss Jones has heard the "Well Done" that greets everyone who has lived a life of devoted companionship and servtce.

MU MU Michigan State N orrnal College, Ypsilanti, Michigan

Dear Alpha Sigs: "Alice in Wonderland" was the theme of the informal party held in March . Decorations of balloons and figures from that story were done in red and white . The balloons were red with the letters of our chapter printed on in white. Before you could come to our party, you had to drink mint water to grow small enough to crawl through the hole in the entrance of the house. Before you left you ate a marshmallow in order to grow to your normal size again. Newspaper race, cracker eating and whistling contest, and balloon volleyball provided entertainment along with the singing of many songs. I simply must tell you that three girls from the Pi Pi Chapter came here for the party. They were Ruby Fitch, June Fernaays, and Edith Gaup. And can you guess what -they brought extra red jackets with them for some of us to wear. They certainly are grand girls. Our formal dinner was held the following week. Three alumna: from Dearborn and River Rouge came to this affair. Miss Marjorie Milliman, our new coadviser, was introduced to the group present. On the twenty-fifth of April we are having initiation for her and some of the D etroit alumna:. Following this will be a tea in honor of Miss Milliman. Two of our members-Ann Frankenberry and Ruth Podolsky-will be leav ing us in June-Ruth as a teacher and Ann will continue her studies in the medical school at the University of Michigan. Good Luck, Sisters! That means it wi ll be vacation time again. Hope you all have a good time and so until next yea r this is Mu lu saying-Goodbye now. It's been nice reading your letter and we'll be seeing you next fall. Yours in FER YE KEL.

NU NU Drexel Institute of Technolo~y. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

It doesn't seem possible that a whole year ha gone by and it is time for election of officers again. But time marches on as always and the u Nus are in the beginning of a new term and the rush of spring activities. On Friday, March 13, eleven of our recent pledges were initiated into u u Chapter. The e were the girls who were pledged earlier in February and we are very proud of them now as actives . Contrary to custom our initiation dinner was not held immediately after the initiation because of the recent death of the President of Drexel Institute. The dinner, however, was held in a downtown restaurant on March 30th, and "a wonderful time was had by all." On February 20th the u us were "proud as peacocks" because it was that evening that Roberta Wilson, our yearbook editor, was made Honorary Colonel at Drexel's Annual Military Ball, presented by the R. 0. T. C. There is always much anticipation over this event and we were so happy that the honor came to Roberta. With the present need for cooperation for National Defense the Nu Nu Chapter has done its bit. We have purchased a $roo Savings Bond 路as well as contributing to the Red Cross War Fund. ow as we start a new term here at Drexel, activities are starting all over again. On March 3oth we had an intersorority bowling contest. Although the Alpha Sigs did not win we made wonderful competition and there will be more bowling in t_he future . On April 25th there will be an Inter-Sorority and Inter-Fraternity Bridge Tournament. This will, no doubt, prove to be an exciting affair. As yet we have not held our elections, but as soon as our Student Government Elections are over the first part of April we will have them. With the approach of elections we are anxious to find out the number of A. S. A.'s who will hold offices in school for the next year. On May roth at our Lodge the Nu Nus are planning our annual Mothers' Day Tea. It is at this time that all the mothers and all the girls get together for a friend! y afternoon. Then later in May, on the week-end of the 23rd all the Alpha Sigs will board a bus and spend a hilarious week-end at the shore. This is an annual affair and this year instead of driving in separate cars we are going to hire a bus. You know, save for ational Defense. But to hire a bus costs more, so in order to raise the money we have been selling coconut Easter eggs at a penny apiece. They go like "hot cakes." With our enior farewell dinner and dance coming in May we'll have lots to tell you in the next issue. This is all the news for now, so until next time, "so long." JEA



MAY, I942 XI XI University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California Dear Alpha Sig Sisters: Because Betty Creddelle is now teaching school I am taking over her job of writing this letter. We have been having a m arvelous time out here. We gave our wonderful pledges a dance at Canfield, the home of Elaine Cole. We have had many dances here and each time the dance seem s to be a little better than the last one. It is one of the most romantic spots in the world, with the twinkling lights of Hollywood shining up and the moon shining down. We are planning to give a benefit dance up there in a couple of weeks. Each year through this dance and selling raffle tickets we rai se enough money to send a girl through school for one semester. Two weeks ago we gave a luncheon fo r our mothers at Scully's, a very nice restaurant here in Los Angeles. The pl edges decorated the tables with roses and sweet peas and green ca ndles. The effect was lovely. The new mothers were initiated into the Mother Patroness Club.

Ma ri an L ee Jones a nd E loise Gas p e r , Xi Xi's H awaiian P ledge.

The pledges arranged an excha nge party with Alph a C hi Sigm a, chemi stry fraternity. We actually had more men that wome n. We played ma ny ga mes and danced. D eliciou s refreshments were se rved. In exchange for thi s party the AI ph a Ch_i fellows ~ re going to take us on a picnic a nd a med 1cal fraterl11t_y is going to take us on a beach party as soo n as 1t gets warmer . On May 16, we are going to give our traditional spring formal at the oconut G ro ve . kinnay_ E nni s' orchestra will play for our dance. The follow111 g_ d ay we are going to initiate seve n new members, prov1ded ou r pledges are good littl e pledges. Thi num?er wi ll probably be in reased beca usP we are hav1ng mid term ru shing a nd we hope to pl edge som e more

wonderful girls . I must close now but all of us send love and best wishes to all of you. Love, J u LIE BEssiRE.

PI PI Buffalo State Teachers College, Buffalo, New York With another 1oth rolling around, I am reminded that the time has come to repeat "the best of friends must part." Warm spring days and the "birds and bees" seem to lull us into a forgetfulness that graduation is so near at hand. Then suddenly exams will be over and in the midst of houseparty we'll bemoan our fa te and promise fa ith fully to write-well-at least every other day! 'Way inside we know even now that the lives to which we will go on will be rich and full in themselves and that the pa ngs of " homesickness" for college will be compensated. Still, I think most of us, even as our sisters graduating from F arm ville, Natchitoches (how DO you pronounce that, Rivers?) or K ansas State will carry beloved memories of the companionship a nd activities of sorority life. W e'll m eet an old friend and exclaim , " Do you remember the time. . . ." and once in aw hil e share our memories with an understanding new friend. W ell , let's take it as it co mes and make sure we bring our daughters up to 'all go Alph a Sig" (or at least tell our pupils the sorori ty that's tops!) So w ipe that mist from yo ur eyes and excuse my philosophizIng a bit. W e'll live in the present now . .. . Our Fathers' Banquet went off well and everyone had-wel l-almost a hil ariou s time. Then came Ruby Fitch's last meeting w ith us before Installation. Ruby has her job fo r next yea r, so we ca n't keep her with us, much as we would like to. In tall ation was very well done this year and look ing around it's easy to observe the a nticipation on the faces of the officers coming in a nd the regret on the faces of those going out. Evely n Bell was with us to read the ervice a nd to welcome in the new office rs. No new of our Spring Dance thi s year because we' ve gone patriotic a nd have decided to buy Bonds with the money. Now, wo uld you like an introduction' to Jea n Mitchell ? She's going to take my place next year as editor, so I'll say "Good bye" now. It's been a happy yea r and one gone all too soo n. But yo ur new editor - pl ease, don 't call her a nything but "Mi tch' fo r she wouldn't know whom you meant by " Jea n" ! he's of average heig ht, with dark hair a nd eyes, and is such a peppy young lady that if yo u're not ca reful , she'll sell everyone of yo u a maga z ine subsc ription he's before you know it a nd put it to Pi Pi 's redit! been doing it all yea r long and [ wa rn yo u, he knows ho wl eriou ly, [ know yo u'll enjo y her fo r thoug h she works as hard as a beave r, she'll n ve r overwork th at piquant sense of humor. Good luck, "Mitch," and all my love to Alpha igs eve rywhere. Esn 1ER HoAc.


SIGMA SIGMA Western State College, Gunnison, Colorado Sigma Sigma Chapter was a very excited group of girls on the night of the Coed Prom when Mary Emily McNamara was crowned "Miss Scholarship," Lou Ann Banks "Miss Attractiveness," Nancy Gibson "Miss Democracy," Margaret Yoklavich "Miss Leadership," and Jean Coffman "Miss Personality." We really felt as if we were "Tops" after receiving honors of five of the queens out of six. Our group is smaller this quarter since five of our members have left to go to work . However, we are fortunate in having Ruth Swanson back in school after several years of absence. We have had our annual election of officers. Nancy Gibson, the talkative little girl from Milwaukee, is to be our President. She takes the place of Peg Yoklavich who has gone to California to live. We are on the last lap of a pleasant and successful year with plenty of Vim, Vigor, and Vitality to start next fall. I guess there isn't much news this month. Rosalie Gordon will be writing to you next fall. EsTHER TRAINOR.

TAU TAU Fort Hays Kansas State College, Hays, Kansas Dearest Sisters: Spring is beckoning me out-doors but A. S. A . must come first. First, I want to tell you how proud we are of Mary Scherer who was chosen as a member of Who's Who in American Colleges. Our local Panhellenic has given us permission to have a nine weeks rush. All girls who went through second semester rush week but did not pledge will be eligible for rushing. There are only six girls so the odds are pretty bad-but at least it is an opportunity. We held initiation services March 22, for Betty McKlevly, a sophomore. The Spring Panhellenic formal, March q, was a big success. Decorated in green and white for St. Pat and with an excel lent representation from all sororities everyone had fun. We were responsible for the Aoor show and don't think we weren't happy when they called back one number three times. This has been a busy week making arrangements for next year. We are signing a contract for our present house with the stipulation that 14 girls will live in the 'Sorority house. We are getting more and more enthused as we look forward to carrying out all our present plans in the forthcoming school year. Congratulations to all our Sisters in A. S. A. for all the Defense work you are participating in. Two of our Seniors, Lucile Parsons and Betty Barnes have been chosen to assist in teaching Red Cross utntton classe . My! how we are going to miss our fi ve Senior g irls next year. They were all such excellent officers this year plus being acti ve in college functions.

Dramatics has been moving into the girl's activities steadily all year. Two of our Sisters have directed plays for our Little Theatre Group and two of the pledges had excellent roles in "Wingless Victory ' and Anna Mae Earl has captured the lead in "Hay Fever." Since we can't always keep our efficient Senior sisters among us we have elected and installed officers for next year. Mary Ethel Earl who will be a Senior has been chosen for vice-president and will also be president of Panhellenic. Mary Ethel is the peppy type that gets things done-she has written the scoopcolumn on the Leader for the last two years-you know where the enlightening facts about your friend appear-and she has been an outstanding member of Little Theatre as well as Quill Club. Joyce Potter will be treasurer; Corene Stephenson, secretary; Betty McCauley, rush captain; Julia Davenport, registrar and it has been my honor to be promoted from editor to president. When it rains it pours, sometimes during all the confusion I found myself with a Sig Tau pm. Next year all we officers will be young in sorority, most of us juniors and sophomores, but we are all planning ahead now with former officers for a happy and successful year in '42 and '43路 May good fortu ne be with us. We are working on a plan for Library study. It has not been perfected as yet but if we get it to raise our grade point from second here on our campus to first-we'll tell you all about it next fall. Good-bye for this year-good luck-happy vacation-and we'll be looking forwa rd to seeing you all back in A. S. A. next fall. Love in A . S. A. VERA JA E THOMPSO


PHI PHI Northwest Missouri State Teachers College, Maryville, Missouri Dear Alpha Sigs: I have just finished talking with Mrs. Sharp and really feel inspired. She arrived on our campus yesterday and is spending three days with us. We are all happy she can be with us that long but we do wish she could stay longer, we have ever so many things to talk of with her. Last night Mrs. Sharp had dinner with us at Residence Hall, then we all went to see the Bali-Java Dancers who were appearing at the college. Tonight she will attend an alumna: meeting. At a sunrise service tomorrow morning Mrs. Sharp will perform the formal initiation for five of our pledges. After initiation we are having breakfast with the alumna: chapter. Barbara Ann Stugard has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Nell Kuchs, who is National Constitution Chairman of A. S. A . Barbara goes to Northwestern and at a picnic we gave in her honor, she told us all about her sorority. She gave us some good ideas for next year . Our pledges had a wonderful party for us the

MAY, 1942


other night. They took us all to the show and afterwards we had refreshments and danced in the dancelounge of the theatre. One can easily see, and can almost hear, the Alpha's on our campus now that we have our new red sweaters. They are just about the brightest red ever and have A. S. A . in white across the front of them. They are rather "sloppy" and we look a little like an undersized football squad in them, but we're certainly proud of them anyway . We are working on plans for our Spring fo rmal which will be late in April. Of course they are not complete but it sounds pretty good so far. We are going to try and conserve on it as much as possible because, after all, you never can tell just what may happen in the future. Our officers for next yea r have been elected and installed into their new offices. Of course they have n't been working very long but they have already made a little progress. Phi Phi 's new officers are: President, Nadean A llen ; vice-president, Irene Heideman ; secretary, Dot D awson; treasurer, Barbara Ga rrett; registrar, Pauline Liggett; chaplain, Betty Jo Thom~颅 son; editor, Peggy Cunn ingham, and our Panhellemc representati ve is Dorothy Lee Montgomery. Most of the g irls are old cabinet members. I'm about to run out of news so perhaps I had better say, so long again. I do hope you all have a fine time through the summer months. NADEAN ALLEN.

CHI CHI Ball State Teachers College, Muncie, Indiana Dear Gi rls: I am writing m y last letter to you now beca use my term of office is ended and there is an e_fficient girl waiting to take my place . The new ed ttor of DeLana Southard and you wi ll be hea ring from her soon. At the wheel of our chapter ship for next year is Mildred (Millie) Warner. She was in st~lled _as president on March r7. Milli e is a grand g trl wtth personality plus and is pretty as a picture. w~ ~ re looking fo rward to a big year a ~ ead . The ret trtn~ president, Betty Harroff Phend , ts to g raduate t~ t s spring. Her year in the presidency has bee n qutte successful. At present we are in the .midst .of plans for our radio program, which I m enttoned tn my . last letter. W e a re joining with the fell ows of tgma Tau amma, our brother fraternity on the ca mpu s and expect to put on an amusing program. As I take a look at the weather today, so cold and rainy, I wonder if spring will ever arrive. However, we are optimistically beg inntn~ w~rk ~n some songs for a bi g outdoor interfraterntty ~ tn g tn ~ay. ne of our new gi rl s, Midge Boss, ts g01 ng to dtrect. The mu sic depa rtm nt of the coll ege a~d also th e Muncie Civic Music As ociation have provtded much entertai nment during th e winter for us. Th e latest

concert was by the pianist, Percy Grainger. Then we also heard Jan Peerce, tenor, and Roland Gundry, violinist, in joint recital. During Holy Week, the college a capella choir gave an hour-long program of lovely sacred music. Our big dance of the year was March 21st. It was at the Hotel Roberts, downtown, again this year. The theme was western-"Western Tang"-and the clever decorations included a w hite corral around the band platform. Guests entered the ballroom through a wide swinging gate. Tom Boyer and his Wabash Collegians played. A ngeline Yovich, whom some of you will remember as our national convention delegate last summer, was general chairman and certainly deserves credit for a well-managed affatr. The Checkov players presented Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night" at our Assembly Hall recen tl y. We were am used at the changing of the sce nery. Rig ht before our eyes interiors became exteriors without closing the curtains. It was all done with portable backd rops and simple property cha nges . In February, the Physical Education department presented their second annual Aquaticus at the gym pool. C hi Chi was well represented . t~ere by several g irl s, including Dorothy A rnold , Mmam Partndg~, Mary McCrae, and Vida McKelvy, who had promtnent parts in the water ball ets. Well 1 this about covers the news of activities si nce I last w rote . Except fo r the dance w hich was the highlight, we reall y have not been very busy. As this winds up my letter writing to you, I wa nt to tell you how mu ch I have enjo yed corresponding with you all. I'll be looking forward to reading the letter of the new correspondents next year. Sincerely yours,


PSI PSI Louisiana State Nor mal College, Natchitoches, Louisiana D ear Alpha Sig : With the Easter holid ay gone by (much too qui ckly!) and all of us settled down to brin.g. ~p tho e mid-term grades somew hat, I make my tntttal effort at journalism in th e PHOEN IX. A nd路 rll. ay I have quite a job in fi lling Ri ve rs' shoes (figurattvely speaking, of course!) You'll know what I. mea n when T ex pl a in that Rivers did such a swell JOb o~ bet ng editor and ju t a g rand all-around Alpha Stg that came election tim e, we el cted her our prexy .for the coming yea r. A nd a cuter, more capable g trl you won't find! Perhaps some of you remember her from convention last year. he was chairman of the decorations fo r the dinner and from all reports she ma~ a pretty good job of it! Sidney's leav ing us but tn darn good hands! And p a king of Sidney not on!y did she manage to be pinned last term, but was one of th~ t~ur strai g ht A students to be pi a ed on the D ea n s It t. Seems she' always got a finger in everything at the


34 college and how she manages is a problem no one 't il yet yet has figured out! Also on the newly formed Dean's list for straight A's is Mary Elizabeth Barr, another pride and joy of Psi Psi chapter. Are we proud of having two out of four f rom Alpha Sig! But that isn't all! B average students on that hard-to-make li st are reti ring officers Cecil Mae Caillouet, Ava Louise Lester and Judith Tomlinson, recently initiated Pauline Holland and Evelyn Horn, and pledges Doris Leone a nd Billie Sayes. Which must be the reason that Alpha Sigs had the highest scholastic average of the five sororities on the campus--an average of 1.6 to be exact! Big plans are in progress now for our annual Father-Daughter Banquet on April 18. A BicycleBuilt-for-Two is the theme of it, with straw hats and poke bonnets for place cards. From all appearances it's going to be something we'll all long remember. Billie Cheves, a Psi Psi blessed with the gift of gab, with her debate colleague managed to place second in the senior women's division of the an nual Southern Association of Teachers of Speech tournament at Atlanta. She also placed second in afterdinner speaking there. Earli er in the season the same team won first place at the Mid-South debate tournament and first piace at the Louisiana Speech Meet. But don't think fo r a minute she's book-conscious! She's a bedimpled, cute little thing whom we're as proud of as everyth ing' Well, gi rls, I suppose I'd better quit before someone gets the idea that I'm proud of this chapter; but don't you think I'm justified? Other officers heading our chapter for next year are Helen Clay, vice-preside nt ; Louise (Sadie) Hawkins, corresponding secretary; Joy Lea Davis, recording secretary; Adeline McDade, treasurer; Viol a Caraway, registrar; Elizabeth Wardlow, coll egiate representative; G lori a Bernard, house chairman; and Yours in A. S. A., CLAIRE ALEXANDER, Editor.

BETA GAMMA Northeastern State Teachers College, Tahlequah, Oklahoma

Hello Alpha Sigs: Once again your Beta Gamma reporter with the news from our chapter. We were all thrilled and excited with our charm ing visitor, our own president Wilma Wilson Sharp, and w hen she left, we had a memory of a very pleasant association. Together with our banquet and the various conferences we kept Mrs. Sharp quite busy on her too short stay. I know all of us have learned much from her inspiring words. Since our last PHOENIX we have four new members. Also we have a g rand corps of new officers. We re-elected Mary Lee Hill as president for the comtng year. One meeting night when the pledges were suppo ed to give the members a program the members

were very surprised when the pledges didn't appear. We began planning a lot of things fo r them to do as punishment. When they were all rounded up we were quite surprised to find out they had skipped meeting to go to a party. The party was given by two of our alumn<l:, Mary Stevens and Fern Pascoe. Since the pledges had skipped out to go to a party we were very lenient and were quite amused by the pledge court that was held. The hig hlight of the evening was when Ellen Lou Baker, who couldn 't wipe the grin off her face had to wash it off. Last week before starting on six week exams we all rela xed by having a line party to the theatre. The Alpha Sigs seem to be participating in several intramural sports. Besides the basketball tournament, we took part in the volley ball tournament. Also, one of our pledges, Joy McCormick won the ping pong tournament. Several Alpha Sigs were selected by the college to be on the various defense committees. Since this is the last time I wi ll be writing for the PHOENIX I wa nt to tell you how much I have enjoyed it a nd how much all the gi rl s here at Beta Gamma look forwa rd to reading the PHOENIX and all the news from the other chapters. Love in A. S. A. BETTY BEGU


BETA DELTA Mississippi Southern College Hattiesburg, Mississippi.

Dear Sister Sigs: Spring is here! You should see our campus. Small, maybe, but the prettiest in the state. What a pity we have so few men students. (There are only about fifty here, you know.) Still, Camp Shelby is near, a nd there is army morale to be kept up. Some people are just too good and capable. They're allowed to work themselves too hard. Our newly installed vice-prexy, Martha Miller, w ho, by the way, was only initiated this year, has been elected next yea r's prexy of the Home-Ec. Club. On Southern's campus that's just about tops as an honor. You see, the school is practically made up of Home-Ec. majors. In fo rmal parties seem to be our specialty this year. (The reason, agai n, is men.) Ever so often we all go out to Sunday dinner together-Dutch treat, of course. It's easy on the pocketbook and doesn't need any planning except the decision to gobut we are already planning our annual picnic to MacArthur's Lake. That's one outing every sorority on the campus envies us. Of course, too, there' the enior breakfast to be arranged; so all in all there is plenty of entertainmen on our calendars.. Oh ye ! We're going to give Sunday dinner in the college dining hall to about two dozen lonely sold iers selected by one of the chaplains at camp. Maybe its a little soon to mention it, but Evelyn Me eese has been nominated for chairman of the Christian Federation for next year, and she's just

MAY, 1942 sure to get it. Incidentally that's just about the highest honor on the campus. Here's to an even better Alpha Sigma Alpha next year. Love from us all, MARY PICKERING.

BETA EPSILON Madison College, Harrisonburg, Virginia Another whole school year almost gone, and what a grand one it's been. Our g irls really are hitting the limelight as campus celebrities anyway. Annette Rogers got her miniature from Tom not so long ago. Mary Burger's engagement was announced at a tea given her in Cumberla nd, Maryland, her home town. Recently Hannah Dillard and Libbie Lee Deter first showed their sparklers, but DeMott wasn't going to let them get ahead of her, so she came back Easter and began show ing her third finger left hand . If you 're looking for beauty, just com e to A . S. A . House on Madison campu s. Th ere you ca n find three maids and eight attendants for our annual May Day festi vities. The maid s are: Libbie L ee D eter, N aomi McAllen, and Va n Reese; the attend ants: Gerti e Ames, Muriel Carter, Anne Cowling, Janet Fletcher, Ann Gough, Libby Og burn , N ancy Peters, and Annette Rogers. It w asn't a hard job at all to decide w hom we wanted for our next year 's president. There was one, Fran Waddell , who just naturally seemed to fit in the place. Indeed, it was so natural that the electi on in her favor was unanimou s. Rig ht now, she's in the Practi se Hou se, getting the hard part of her school work done so that she ca n spend most of her time next year keeping A . S. A . " tops" on our ca mpu s. She's a swell girl and we're proud to have her as our leader! Speaking of leaders, we've had A . 路s. A.'s elected to important positions other 路th an those mentioned in the last PHoE I X edition. D ot White is the new presid ent of the Gra nddaug hter 's C lub, a nd Dot, along w ith Fran, are new officers of K appa D el ta Pi for the coming year. Marg ie Sh ank , one of the new pl edges, was elected editor o f our coll ege H a nd book. Dramati cs seem to be taking a part in our li fe now, for three of our g irl s, Jea n Jones, M ary M cK ay, and Cornelia Simms took acti ve parts in the coll ege production, "Stage Door.'' Exams a nd the Easter holidays ha ve taken up such a large part of our time lately that we have n't been abl e to have m any socials. However, we did hold open hou se for the A lumn;c during Homecom ings and some even stayed at th e hou se. A mong those w hom we we re fo rtun ate enoug h to have bac k on ca mpu s were M aril ee H enkel, E lea nor Shorts, we n Tru ehea rt, a nd Skipp y W a rden. W e enj oyed having th em so much and hope they'll come back r al soon even thoug h it mi g ht not be " Homecomin g W eek-end .''

35 Speaking of social things, reminds me that we initiated twenty-one grand girls last week. We're looking for big things from them all. As the end of the year draws near, we are beginning to wonder who will be the lucky ones to room over in the house next year. Gosh, wouldn't it be wonderful if we all could instead of just twentytwo of us? Well, I guess it's about time to close. We of Beta Epsilon wish all our sisters a wonderful summer. Think of us when you're in swimming or are on the tennis court, and we'll do the same. Love in A. S. A., M ARY McK AY.

BETA ETA State Teachers College Dickinson, North Dakota Hi Si sters! There's so much exciting ne\-VS to tell-where shall I beg in ? I wi sh you could m eet our ten new sisters. They' re super and are we proud of them! They were pled ged on February 9th and the ve ry next morning when Beta E ta presented the coll ege asse mbly program they were ready to he! p us. How's th at for cooperation ? Perhaps yo u'd like to know more about our assembly prog ram. W e were g ive n the topic " Women in E ducation " from which we were to d evelop our prog ra m . Thi s is what we did. W e arranged the stage like a cozy lounge a nd , after each one had found a com fortabl e spot, we ve ry in formall y di scussed the women w ho we considered were m ajor fi gures in education . T o add a littl e va ri ety Muriel Marklund pl ayed two violin solos-" Piay, Fiddl e, Play" and "D ark Eyes"- a nd we all sa ng a number of our favorite sorority songs . It was g reat fun! On F ebruary 23 we had a ca rd party for our pledges. A patriotic theme was used for the decorations. Some of us di scove red that we didn 't rank so hig h in the are of pl aying bridge . W e couldn t even cl a im beginner's luck! A ll our cries of di sgust faded away w hen the lunch committee broug ht on the sherbet, cookies a nd coffee- mmm! W e had had o much fun w ith our pl edges but a fter all we wa nted them to be our real sisters-so las t ni g ht, A pril 30, w ful fi ll ed our w ish. They were all excited just like we had been at our initiation. There was no mi stake-they were real Alpha Si gs . A fter the initi ation ceremon y we all enj oyed a moon-lit walk down tow n a nd refre hments at the t. Charl es . N ever befor had we all bee n so happy. On March rs t all the Beta E ta g irl s and the pledges were entertained at a n a fternoon tea at the home o f Mrs. H attie Pa rker, one of our alumn;c members. Mrs. Parker m ade a lovely hostess and we all enjoyed the dainty goodies immensely. Muri el Marklund entertained her Beta E ta sisters at her home also. " You ' re too large a g roup to come all at once," aid Muriel , so we went by installments.


Music, picture albums, chatter and tasty refresh- ' decorated-well, you know--checkered tablecloth , candles in bottles, and all that sort of thing. One of ments filled an evening with gaiety. the girls is dressed as Tillie complete with bias-cut Oh, yes, and we have a new bride, too. Isn't it black satin "gown" and all the rhinestones we can wonderful? Our Mary German is now Mrs. Perry Bruvald . We did so hate to see Mary go but we collect. The rest of the girls are all dressed as men know how happy she is and that makes us happy too. who are very attentive and fascinating to the rushees. Before she left for Los Angeles where she met Perry, The bar-tenders are be-stuffed with pillows and have we had a noon luncheon in her honor. She was wonderful black mustaches that reach the ears-they presented a leather cosmetic bag from her Beta Eta work in their shirt-sleeves and long white apron . sisters with all our very best wishes for her happi- The highlights of the evening are the two Aoor shows ness packed inside. Needless to say, we miss her at which time everyone does his best-or worst to be very funny. We think it is a grand idea for a party terribly. because we have as much fun putting it on as our Our girls' debate team makes Beta Eta swell with guests have at it. pride. The team includes Evelyn Morland, Claribel Wedding bells rang on Saturday, the fourth of Arneson and Jeanne Fond-aU Alpha Sigs! They April for our Patroness Miss Jenna V. Lang and our attended the Northwest debate tournament at St. Paul member Miss Gertrude Postal-lucky women! Miss in March. There they won fifty per cent of the debates. The week-end of March 20 they entered the Lang is now Mrs. Dr. Claud Kimmick and was marstate match at Valley City where they placed second. ried in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Gertie is now Mr . In the placing of the individual debaters Evelyn Mor- LeRoy Lyle McGrew and was married in West land received second place. Incidentally, her brother Haven, Connecticut. On Thursday, April 9, we had election of officer Elmer was placed first among the boys. Quite a family-these Morlands! We're surely proud of them. for next year. Barbara Stout is our new president; Do you blame us? Betty Jane Read, vice-president, the secretaryship i Mary Jane Alguire, our president for this year, to be filled by Yours Truly, and capable Henrietta is taking part in our next college play. The college Brietzke will be our treasurer again next year. After is giving "The American Way," by Hart and Kauf- voting, we met our pledges in the Union for dinner man. Mary Jane takes the part of the German wom- and after a lot of food and fun we shooed them off an, Irma Gunther. It is going to be a very outstand- to pledge study. We also had two alumn;e member ing activity in the college and community. Will be at dinner on that night. Sally Counsal, who is teachgiven three times on April 26, 27, 28. It no doubt ing in Chelsa and who has a whole week of Easter will do a great deal of good in the community toward vacation, was there, and Margaret Ann Lynch who instilling patriotism in people. is playing "hookie" from her school in Cincinnati At our last meeting we elected and installed our Ohio, also was with us . new officers. Betty Bruvald replaced Mary Jane AlIsn't Spring a wonderful season? It seems to me guire as our president. The other position were filled as follows: vice-president, Virginia King; secretary, that so many "fun things" happen in the Springtime. Frances Morrell; treasurer, Marjorie Sadler; chaplain, We are busily making plans for a Mothers' Day Tea, Helen Haeger; registrar, Claribel Arneson; and edi- the Inter-Fraternity Inter-Sorority Ball, our annual Dinner Dance, and House Parties-oh, joy of my tor, Marjorie Berdahl. life-House Parties! On Decoration Day week-end Something tells me I'd better quit my rambling each Fraternity and Sorority on the campus rents a for now . I think I could go on for ages but they cottage on Crystal Lake (about thirty miles from Mt. tell me there's a limit to everything soPleasant) and all members go out and have a joyous G ' Bye now, three days. MARJORIE BERDAHL. And so to lay aside my spectacles, let the dust again accumulate on my typewriter, and say "finis" BETA THETA to writing copy for the PHoE, IX. It is a comforting Central Michigan College of Education thought to think that at least one piece of work is Mt. Pleasant, Michigan completed for the year but I'll miss writing for and reading from my PHOENIX this summer. I've really D ear Alpha Sigs: enjoyed my "Editorship." Have a grand summer re we proud! Yes, the baby chapter is growing. and I II be reading about you next fall. W e have mne new pledges. Speaking of rushingA. Sincerely in let me tell you about a rushing party that is a tradition with us. We call it "Tillie's Blind Pig." It's M RY ELLEN HILE 'lA •


Presenting: The Pledges! This announcement includes the names of all gi1·ls pledged between April10, 1941 and April 10, 1942. ALPHA-Farmville, V irginia Caroline Schindler Bargamin, Lynchburg, Va. Lois Jean Baughman, Charleston , W . Va. Lelia Dowell, Manassas, Va. Ann Page Francis, Hampton, Va. J ean Harte Guy, Norfolk , Va. Sally Marie H edgecock, Fieldale, Va. Margaret Laronna Hiner, Charleston, W.Va. Myrtle L ee Holt, Richmond, Va. Margaret L ouise Kennedy, Richmond, Va. Betty Roderick Kiger, Alexandria, Va. Anne Marie Martenstein, Richmond , Va . Irma Harrison Page, Rocky Mount, N . C. Elizabeth Ellen Rapp, Tampa, Fla. Gwendolyn Earley Sampson, Richmond, Va. Byrd Lindsay Watkins, Richmond, Va. Margaret Webster, Amherst, Va. Mary Elizabeth White, Richmond , Va. Joscelyn Gillum, Manassas, Va. Baylis Elizabeth Kunz, Lynchburg, Va . ALPHA BET A-Kirksville, Missouri Betty Maxine Adams, Kirksville, Mo. Be ttie Lee Asbury, Rothvill e, Mo. Lois Vaughn B e ntley, Glasgow, Mo. Rosalie Bibb, Cyrene, Mo. Julia Edna Cornish, Bowling Green, M o. Dorothy Jean Dull, La Plata, Mo. Betty Ruth Ellenberger, Macon, Mo. Miriam Ida Epperson, Hurdland, Mo. Rebecca Ruth Gardiner, Hun tsville, Mo. Mary June Garrett, Was hington , Iowa Lorraine Gillum, Unionville, Mo. Miriam Victoria H arpe r , Macon , M o. Betty Jo Hart, Unionville, Mo. Virginia Rose Heim e r, Burnswick, Mo. Judith Laurel LaFrenz, Wyaconda, M o. Velda Oneta Linder, Kirksville, Mo. Sarah Rose Maize, Kirksville, Mo. Vivian Ruth Millon, Center, Mo. L eila Ruth Mulford, Kirksville, Mo. Carolyn Joan Nelson, Macon, Mo. June Maxine Shephe rd, Brookfi eld , M o. Olive Celes te Stutle r, Milan, Mo. Isabel Weave r, Frankford, Mo. ALPHA GAMMA- Indiana, Pennsylvania Martha Louise Perry Carme n J ean Baker Mary Jean Johnson Wanda Grace Levergood Sara Jane McDevitt Bernice Etta M artin Be tty Jane Mos tle r Mary Jane Russell Robe rta Jane Shaffe r BETA BETA- Greeley, Colorado H olliss e Aubrey, Grand Junction, Colo. Dorothy Louesa Ave ry, Eaton, Colo. M. Jane Cannon, Greeley, Colo. Dorothy Maxine Gis t, Lamar, Colo. Carol Joy Jones , Greeley, Colo. Marjorie Ann Piner, D elta, Colo. Elizabe t h Sacke tt, Ft. Collins , Colo. Maxine Van Golder, Emma Lois Young, Colorado Springs , Colo. Jean Clai r Baile y, Buffalo, Wyo. Shirley B eck, Omaha, N e br. Dorothy Litch, Sterling, Colo. Mary Tolive r, Viole t Sword, Cas p e r, Wyo. J ean Morrill, Morrill, N e br. Virginia Rice GAMMA GAMMA- Alva, Oklahoma Doris B e nn e tt, Lambe rt, Okla. Barbara Card, Alva, Okla. Wilma J an Fu lle rton, Burlington, Okla. E • thcr Haworth, Alva, Okla. Mnrjori Hugule y, D ave r, Okla. Mildr d Hartman, Hill sdale , Okla. Joan Lud man, Jan e Ware, Fargo, Okla. H •tty Jo Zube r , Anthony, Kan s. Norma Zub r, Anthony, Kan a. Florc n c · Ro• cboom, Enid, Okhl.

EPSILON EPSILON-Emporia, Kansas Marjorie Anderson, Americus, Kans. Margery Cheney, Independen ce, Kans. Celeste Conklin, Emporia, Kans. Frances D owning, Americus, Kan s . Jeane Dunlevy, Emporia, Kans. Donna Marie Erickson, Concordia, Kans. Joann Everett, Emporia, Kans. D oroth y Hudson , Emporia, Kans. Kathryn J e well, Wellsville, Kans. Mary J a n e J ones, Herrington, Kans . Dorothy L osey, Inde pende nce, Kans. Emily Matthews, Kalamazoo, Kans. Mary Louise M e yers, Emporia, Kans. Geraldine Russell, Emporia, Kans. Virginia Smith, Emporia, Kans. Nadine Welsh, Washington, Kans . Marianne White, Emporia, Kans. Vida Bower, Pars on s, Kans . Dorothy O 'Donnell, Emporia, Kan s . Louise H owell, Emporia, Kans . Marjorie Little, Conway Springs, Kans . Cordelia Thrashe r, Parsons, Kan s . Janice Pauline Huebe rt. Hals t ead, Kans. ZETA ZETA- Warrensburg, Missouri Virginia Ann Christi n e, Kan sa s City, Mo. Marjorie Linde man , Kansa s City, Mo. J ean n e Eloise Loman, W arre nsburg, Mo. Dorothy L ee McMeekin, Warren s burg, M o. Patsy Deane Magee, Warrensburg, Mo. Madelin e L. Nims, North Kansas City, Mo. Virginia Marie Nofftz, Hamilton, Mo. Marjorie J ean Pilgrim, L ee's Summit, Mo. Bonnie J ean Ste wart, N e vada, Mo. Marjorie Ire n e Wilcox , Warre n s burg, Mo. Doro thy J ean Richardson , Adrian, Mo. Els ie Louise Albin, Tipton, Mo. ETA ETA-Pittsburg, Kansas Shirle y Ain s worth, Pittsburg, K a ns . Su e Bales, P ittsburg, Kans. Patty Barkell, Pittsburg, K a n s . Rosemary Cowan , Pittsburg, Kan s . Rae Ferguson, Kans a s City, Kan s. B e tty Forrester, Pittsbu rg, Kan s. Mary Jane Gallop, Parsons , Kans. Sammy Lou H e nton, Pitts burg, K a n s. Marie H e mbree, Mulbe rry, Kans . Be tty Mc Anally, Pittsburg, Kans . Lois Mathis, Coffeyv ille, Kans . B e tty Payn e , Joplin, Mo. Jan e Pratt, Pitt burg, Kans . Be tty Ram sey, E rie, Kans . Mary Simmons , Erie, Kan s . George nnn e Switze r, Pitts burg, Kan s . N ellie Tharrington, Pitts burg, Kan s . Mndyln Os terfelt H ele n Crock e r Dorothy F ee Dorothy Mass J ean Be ll Virginia Killduff Rosali e Lamb Donna Winans THETA THETA- Boston, Massachusetts B e rtha Be m e nt A n tes, Conway, Mass. Hele n Ruth Giessen, Orange Park. Florida Eleanor Marie Govoni, Waltham, Mass. L illian Edith Holgate, Portland, M ain e Judith Lap ham M ygatt, Stamford, Conn. Marion Ruth Mag e, Northampton, Mass. W est D e Rocco, W est e rly, R. J. Louise Stockton Robin son, R eading, Mass. Sara Robe rts on Ann J eann tte Spinney, Hudson, Mass. Rita Virginia Trace y, Belmont, Ma ss . Lillian George Znhka, Alls ton , Mass . Lois Hathaway Ave r II, Whitman , Mo ss. Gladys Margare t Follan sbee, Win c h s tcr, Mass. Phyllis Blanch e Gates , Danve r s, Mass. Juanita Howard Hazelton, Greenfield, Mass. Anna Elizabe t h Holden, W s tport, Conn . Th elma Corrinn c Hutchin s , om rvi ll e Mass. Virginia M . Lichtnc r·, Waban. Mn ss . Elle n Nancy Me abc , Ch s tnut Hill , Muss .

Aurora Pan e, Watertown, Mass. Constance Elizabeth Robbins, Boston, Mass. Barbara Sweet , Marbleh ead, Mass. Irma Jane Wre nn, North Quincy, Mass. KAPPA KAPPA-Philadelphia, P a . Mariruth Atkins on , Freeport, Pa. Doris Ch arlott e Clauser, Nazareth , Pa . MU MU- Ypsilanti, Michigan Magna Kathryn Maddern, Detroit, Mich. Ruth Podolsky, Flint, Mich. Fern Eleanor V e nkel, D earborn , Mich. NU NU- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Marion MacWilliams, Phildelphia, Pa. Marion A. Barron Virginia Cath arine Brin er , Drexel Hill, Pa. R obe r K y le Butterworth, Philadelphia, Pa. Dorothy H . Carlisle Leanna M. Chase Marian Ruth Fischer, Elkins Park, Pa. Elsie J eann e K e nn edy, Upper Darby, Pa. Margare t E . McCoy Margaret Elizabe th McFall, D elanco, N. J. H ope H. Profitt Marie D. R einhard Joan Alexa nde r Robe rts, Philadelphia, Pa. Elizabeth Anne Schreiber, Philadelphia , Pa. Eleanor Mae T esterman, Haddonfield, N . J. Jane Zell Toy, Philadelphia, Pa. Patricia Carol Ward, Kintnersville, Pa. Esth er Wells , Philadelphia, Pa. Be tty Garland Bowe n, Philadelp hia, Pa. Audrey Dugdale, Baltimore, Maryland Anna Louise L effe rts, J e nkintown , Pa. Mary G. Lyon s, Ph iladelp hia, Pa. XI XI-Los Angeles, California Luella Sue Baldwin , Burbank, Calif. Margare t Mary Alice Furnivnll, W est L os Angeles, Calif. Virginia Elain e Skaggs, Bars tow, Calif. Cons t a n ce Dorothy Tracy, L os Angeles, Calif. Barbara J ean B a rrett, Los Niet os. Calif. Eloise Iwalani Gaspar, Naui , T. H . Joyce Allin e Linds ay, Los Angeles, Calif. Barbara Rose Smith, W est Los Angeles, Calif. Jrva W a tte r s , Torrance, Calif. Jacquot Wa ymire, Kirkland, Washington Elizabe th Fran ces Credelle, Los Angeles, Ca lif. PI PI- Buffalo, New York Caryl Ma ry Bre nnan, N e w Hartford , N. Y. J essie Claire Croc ke r, Orchard Park, N. Y . Mary Eileen C la rk, Canton, N. Y. B etty May Gre ve r, Buffalo, N. Y . T e r esa Irma McGuir , Syra cuse, N . Y. Dorothy Cas le r , 133 Cresce nt Ave., Buffalo, N . Y. Mary M. Hammo nd, Jack son H eights , L . I. N.Y . A lbe rta Mary Ac kle r, Cone wango Valle y, N . Y. Prisc illa Jane F a irbank, As h v ille, N . Y. J eann e Eli zabe th Wals h, Ogde n sburg, N . Y. B e rnita M a r y Adam s , Lockport, N. Y . Jun e Be rnice F e rnaays , Roc hester , N. Y. Elizabe th Mary Ge rmo ne y, Buffalo, N . Y. Margaret Mary Hammond, Jack son H e ights . L . 1 .. N . Y. Ge rtrud Ethel H e m s treet, K e nmore, N . Y . Victoria Mnrrye ttu Laue r , Buffa lo, N. Y. Margare t Madale n c Mars hall. Akron. N. Y . Angela V e ronica McGuth, Niagara Fa lls , N.Y. J ean Mitchell , K e nmore, N . Y . Corinne Ruth Palm e rton, Buffalo, N . Y . Virginia Martha Tomic, Buffalo, N. Y . L o is Marie Quilty, Saratoga Springs , N . Y . RHO RHO- Huntington, W est Virginia B ess ie Fran ces M elr ose. Huntington. W.Va . L nor M . M ossor. Thursda y, W . Va. Ruth Arm ntia Burn tt, Huntington , W. Vn. Marian E layne Bril'(ht, Huntinl'(ton. W . Va. Kathry n Park e r Day, Huntington, W . Vn . Mildr d Eve lyn Haw s . Huntington. W . Vn. Norma clest c H e n s ley, hnrlcst on. W. Va.

THE PHOENIX Marjorie J ea n Via , South Charleston, W.Va. Elouise Lucr etia Campbell, St. Marys , W.Va. Thelma Iren e Dunkle, Huntington, W. V a. Juanita Johnson, As hland, K y. Maryellen Wise, Hun tington, W . V a. Lexa L ee Chambers SIGMA SIGMA- Gunnison, Colorado Margaret Mae Booth, Lamar, Colo. Rosem a r y Bus kirk, Montrose, Colo. Dorothy J ean Coffman, Mt. H arris, Colo. B ess ie Lou Earp, Lamar, Colo. Ro alie Mary Gordon , Montrose, Colo. Mary Emily McNama ra, Salida, Colo. Donna Marie Pivonka. Lamar, Colo. Carol Gwendoly n Spring, Freeport, Ill. Nancy Gardner Betty Rain Judy Wing J ennie P opis h Ruth N elson Alice Me rgelm a n N orm a Dowling Catherin e Pre ndergast, Basa lt, Colo. TAU TAU- Hays, Kansas Carol Loen e Griffih, Den s m or e , K a n s. Anita L ee Mille r, Ra nsom, Kan s. Ann a Mae Earl, Hays, Kans. Betty Jane McCauley, Plainville, Kans. Glenndora Antion ette Yost, Alexander, Kans. V erna Jane Thompson , Moscow. Ka ns. R oberta J ean Brown, N atoma, Kans. Corinne Ste phe nson , N orton, Kans. Julia Kathryn Davenport, McCracke n , Kans. Shirley Cla rke, Plainville, Ka ns. Betty J e ne Mc Kelvey, W akeen ey, K a n s. Joyce Max ine Potte r, S cott City, Ka ns. Wynon a N e uhaus, H ays, Kans. Shirley M. Small, Wilson , K a n s. H arriet Adelia Hunsley, Larned , K a ns . Ruth Evelyn Kirk patrick, Larn ed, K ans . PHI PHI-Maryville, Missouri Shirley Ande r son Car olyn C urnutt Beverl y Blagg Phyllis J ean Price Ma ry Ruth Brown Vi via n Dyce Anna J . Darton P eggy Cunning ham Sue McGuire Shirley H elle n J ean Wright Marlene Osborn Dorothy Dawson Betty J. Thompson Jinnie Lou Ande rson CHI CHI-Muncie, Indiana Mary Ruth Arnold, Green castle, Ind. Mary Maxi n e Beama n , Paragon, Ind . Mildred Etta Boss, South Bend, Ind. Ba rbara J ea n Bray, Mon r ovia, Ind. Barba ra J oa n Farrington, Corunna, Ind. Ma_ry Elizabeth J a m es, S eller s burg, Ind. D e1rdra Mae Kimball, Marion , Ind. Karyll Mae Klue nder , Valparaiso, Ind. Mary Alic<; McC r ea, W est Lafayette, Ind. H elen LoUi se W ebster , Brown sv ille, Ind. Mary L ois Di xon, P eru , Ind. Betty Jane Mat h ews, F ort W ayne, Ind . J oyc': Mau_reen Murphy, N ew Albany, Ind. Phylhs Ed1th Robbin s, Clayton, Ind. Ca r ol Elaine R eed, Saint J oe, Ind . Vida Eth el Mc Kel vey, Anderson, Ind. Carol J ean H aehl , Shelbyv ille . Ind. E lva Lorraine Riebeling, Eaton , Ind . Mary E llen Downes, Ande r son, Ind. R osemary N ortham . Muncie, Ind. Alice Prudence Gilmore, Anderson , Ind. Ruth Gen et, Cannelton, Ind . Be~ty Frances Van Aus da l, Ande r son , Ind . Street, Ma rion , Ind. Loris Jun e Witz , S helbyv ille , Ind . PSI PSI- Natchitoches, Louisiana Gloria Bayard, Fra nklin . La . Dor~thy Jane Brock, Natc hitoc hes, La. Jnn 1ce B~rl ow. N atchitoc hes, La. R uth Elame Guillory. N atchi toc hes La Pauline Grayson H olla nd , Shrevepo'rt. La. Evelyn H orn , Many, La.

Mary Armistead L ester , Coushatta, La . Annie Suvann e Mille r , W est Monroe, La. E leanor Mae R amsey, Shreveport, La. Willie Dee Rus h, Alexandria, La. Ethelyn Me rle Self, L eesville, La. Mary Sybil Spe nce, Natchitoches, La . Dorothy Jane Selby E lla Bess T omlinson, N atchitoch es, La. Madge Young, Gonzales, Ln. Doris L eon e Mauren e N eel. Shrevep ort, La. E ls ie Billie Sayes, Angola, L a . Grace H eimel Gloria Joy Be rnard , Franklin, L a . Billie Lilburn Bye r s, Gilliam , La. BETA GAMMA-Tahlequah, Oklahoma Barbara J eanne Allen, W ago n er, Okla. Ma ry K athleen Blossom , Muskogee, Okla. Lavona Ju a nita Carn es, Santa Monica. Calif. Lila L ouise Cole, Porum , Okla. Elizabeth Ann Hill, Cameron, Okla. H elen Christine H ooper, Tulsa, Okla. Betty Sue Kirksey , R ogers, Ark. Mary Gwendoly n Thompson, Mus kogee, Okla. Virginia H e rsman Ellen L ou Baker Pauline Boss Mildred Cox J oy McCormick Virginia Spahr BETA DELTA-Hattiesburg, Mississippi Ophelia Baglis Willie N ell Hocutt, Hattiesbu rg, Miss . Miriam Frank Jorda n , H attiesburg, Miss. Mary L evess ie Langdon, M ag nolia, Miss. Ma rtha Jane Miller , Summit, Miss. D a isy N ell Rhodes, Hattiesburg, Miss. Betty Smith, H attiesburg, Miss. Ivy Gravett e BETA EPSILON-Harrisonburg, Virginia Mabel Elizabeth Barlow, Richmond, Va. Evelyn Muriel Carte r , Roanoke, V a. Juanita Emilia. De Mott, Englewood, N. J . Phyllis Adeline Early, H a rrisonburg, V a. Julia Anne Forehand, N orfolk , Va. Ann Horte ns tine Griffith, She nandoah, Va. Lula J ea n Hay nes, Alexandria, Va. Elizabeth Hilto n, N orfolk, Va. J ean Annear Jon es, Doe Hill, Va. Gary Elizabeth Lawson , Gloucest er, Va. Betty Ann McGrath, Harrisonburg, V a. Virginia J ea n N elms, Norfolk, Va. Ruth J oyce Poole, Independe nce, V a. Barbara Jane Smith , Cumbe rland, Maryland Myr a Ernestine Aaron, Portsmouth, Va. Mary Cary Addison, W ash ington , D . C. I sabel Christine Anderson, Warrenton , V a . Georgette M a rie Carew, Easton, Pa . Mary Foyd Crumpler, Suffolk, Va. Anne Belle Finley, Buena Vista, Va . Betty Lou Flythe, Portsmouth, Va . Sarah Thom as Hargraves, Ports mouth, Va. Ann Hardy Ingle, S ebring, Fin. Evely n Juanita MacDonald , Hig hland Springs, Va. Elle n Fren ch Mitc hell , W as h in gton , D. C. Kathlee n J ohn son Pickett, Harrisonbu r g, Va. Betty Ann Russell, Mars h a ll, Va . Agn es Gordon Sam pson, Gordons ville, Va . Marjorie Ruebush Shank , Harrisonburg, Va. Cornelia Cathe rin e Simm s, P e nn Laird, V a. J o Ann Cox Smith , Clifton Forge, V a. Suzannah Cox Smit h , Clifton Forge, Va. Lyda Virginia Ste wart. N orfolk , V a. Ann e R ebecca Stoneburner, Edinburg, Va. Virginia A nn V ogel, Fort W ay ne, Ind. Marga ret Elaine Wils on , Wellville, V a. Margaret Elizabeth Wilson , P eters burg, Va. Eli zabet h Mae Womack , Victoria, Va . BETA ZETA- Lafayette, Louisiana Lorrain e Bridget Baudion , Raceland , L n. J ean Fra n ces Berge ron , H ouma, La. Mildred Anne Be rger on , Thibodau x, La. Marian Louise Bayne, H ouma. L a. Mariece Gloria Carrier e, Port Ba rre, La. Betty Cocke, H ouma, La. Ma r jorie Ann Da vis, J e nnings, La.

Margaret Anita Ford, Angie . La. Cathryn Gelpi, H a hnville. La. Hazel Mae H e nde r son , De l Rio, Texas Beverl y H ollier Wilda-Estel H yde, Elizabeth. Tenn. Gloria Swan son La Caze , Lafayette. La. Ch erry-Fe rn Marie L each , Lafayette, La. Laura N elle McElroy, Vinton, La. Betty Jo Magee. Franklinton, La. Evelyn Louise Me rrifield, Meeker. La. Dorothy Elaine Savage, Melville , La. J ocelyn Marie Schoen y, Napoleonville. La. Anna Louise Schwing, N e w Iberia , La. Flora Therese Martin Schwing , N e w Ibe ria, La. Alin e Smith, Long L eaf. La. La V e rgne Stell, Bunkie, La. Miriam Lucille Stinson , Melville , Ln . Margue rite Agnes Talbot, Franklin, La. BETA ETA-Dickinson, North Dakota Claribel Arn eson, S cranton , N . D. Ma r y J eann e Ford, Stanton, N . D. Virginia Lois King, Fryburg, N. D. Delphine J oyce N eas, N ew Salem. N . D. Byrt R edmond , W est, N. D. D. Ruth Smith, H e nsler , N . D. Mary Campbell, Dickin son , N . D. Patricia Conway, Medora, N . D. Hazel Groge r, St. Charles , Minn . Doroth y J ohnson , Alamo, N . D. Lorraine J ohnson , Dickin son , N . D. Alma Kibler Marga r et Kn app, Dickinson. N . D. Margaret Kus ic Ca r ol Mils tein , Belfield, N . D. Charlotte Parker B etty Lou P etska L eila Glaphyra W oods Mary Antoinette Me ulem a ns , South H ea rt, N . D. Elizabeth Marion Bruvold, H ebron, N. D. Gwendolyn Adda Bell Ma ria n H elen e Carlson Ma r y Jane A lguire, Beach , N . D. Julia Ethyl Arms trong Ma r y Emily German Muriel Evangeline Marklund E velyn Ma r garet Morla nd Alice Ca r oline Pete r son Clara Mayme Pierce, S cranton, N. D. Lucile Elsie Pintler, Fairvie w, N . D. Ma rjorie Irene Sadle r H ele n Theon e Sloan, Dodge, N . D . Mavis Adel Thompson, H ettinge r, N . D. Ma rjorie Viola Be rdahl, Dunn Cente r, N .D. H elen R osemarie Hoege r, Almont, N. D. Frances Marie Morr ell , Dunn Ce nter, N . D. Betty Page, N ew England, N . D. Hattie Annie Tiegs, S chafer , N. D. Grace Ann Williams F ern Ardyce Zempel Mrs. H attie Parke r BETA THETA-Mt. Pleasant, Michigan H elen Marie Achenbac h, Mt. Pleasa nt, Mich. H enrietta A. Brietzke, Gladwin, Mich . Sarah May Consaul, Mt. Pleasa nt Mildred Finch Vivian Jan e Francis , Lans ing, Mich . Mary Ellen Hilem a n , Mt. Plea sant, Mich. Virginia H osley, Lowell, Mich . Sally A . Jungklaus, Mich . Mary Ke nney, M t. Plea sant, Mich . L eonora Cathe rine L ehman, Portland, Mich. Donna Martineau , Arcadia , Mich . Cathe rine Nan McNamara, Mt. Pleasant, Mich . Rosemary McGuire, Rosebus h , Mich . Elizabeth Ann Megarah, Portland, Mich. B etty Jane Frances R ead, Ludington , Mich. Nora Mary Sheehy, St. Clair Shores, Mich. Barbara J ean Stout, Be ld ing, Mic h . Jane Mitchell Yarn ell, Highland P .. Mich. Lu ella M. Black , Gladwin, Mich. Ge rtrude Posta l, Mt. Pleasant, Mich. L ela Evelyn Benn ett, N e w Have n, Mi ch . V e r ona M. Mayville, Mic h. Natalie Ann P eterson , Grayling, Mich . Ina Lee Ringle . Middleton , Mich . Ouida Koeninger Muriel Sch urman , McBain , Mi ch. Jle ne L eslie, Wittem or e, Mich . Frances Stewa r t, Brecke nridge, Mich . Frances J ea n Mewman , R oya l Oak , Mich.


Alpha Sigma Alpha Initiates Ap1·il 10, 1941 to A7Jril 10, 1942 ALPHA-Farmville, Virginia


Dorothy Sue Simmon s, Fincastle, Va. Doris Kenyon Taylor, Burnswick Va Margaret Voochies, Webster, va: . Caroline Schindler Barganin, Lynchburg, Va. Lois Jean Baugham, Charleston, W. Va. Lelia D owell, Manassas, Va. Ann Page Francis, Hampton, Va. J ean Marie H edgcock, Fieldale, Va. Margaret Laronna Hiner, Charleston , W.Va. Myrtle Lee H olt, Richmond, Va. Margaret Louise K ennedy, Richmond, Va. Betty R oderick Kige r , Alexandria, Va. Anne Marie Marten stein, Richm ond, Va. Irma Harrison Page, R ocky Mount, N . C. Gwendolyn Earley Samp son , Richmond, Va. Ma ry Elizabeth White, Ric hmond, Va. J ean Hart Guy, N orfolk , Va. J oscelyn Gillum , Manassas, Va. Baylis Elizabeth Kunz, Lynchburg, Va.

Polly Ann Wilcox, T opeka, Kans. Janice June Polley, Belleville, K a n s. Forrest M. Erickson Marjorie Anderson Donna Erickson Margery Cheney Dorothy Losey Dorothy Hudson Marianna White J o Ann Everett Mary Jane Jones Nadine W elsh

ALPHA BETA-Kirksville, Missouri Carolyn Jane Cassady, Unionville, Mo. Katherine Lee Crigle r , Glasgow, Mo. H elen Louise Davidson, Kirksville, Mo. Barbara May Dill, Logansport, Ind. Frances Jean Frye, La Plata, Mo. Doris Marguerite Pickens, Green City, Mo. Mary Neal Wes ton, Shelbina, Mo. Thelma M. McKee, Brookfield, Mo. H ele n Ann Skinner, Chillicothe, Mo. Marie L aVonne Albrecht, Burnswick , Mo. Mildred Anne Cossairt, Stover, Mo. Bettie L ee Asbury, Rothville, Mo. Rebecca Ruth Gardiner, Huntsville, Mo. Mary June Garrett, Washington, Iowa Vilda On eta Linder, Kirksville , Mo. June Maxine Shephe rd, Brookfield, Mo. Rosalie Bibb, Cyrene, Mo. Julia Edna Cornis h , Bowling Green , Mo. Betty Ruth Ellinberger, Macon, Mo. Miriam Victoria Harper, Macon, Mo. Virginia Rose H eime r, Burn s wick, Mo. Isabel Weave r , Frankford, Mo. Margaret DeArmond P egues, Hannibal, Mo. Betty Jean Stutler, Milan, Mo.

Frances Downing

Celeste Conklin Emily M atthews Kathryn J e well J ean Dunlevy Geraldine Russell ZETA ZETA- Warrensburg, Missouri Doris J ean ette Bu sh , Clinton, Mo. J eanne Eloise Loman, Warren sburg, Mo. Patsy Deane Magee, Warre n sburg, Mo. Dorothy L ee McMeekin , Warre nsburg, Mo. Emma J ea n Blackman Madeline L . Nims, N. Kans as City, Mo. Margaret Jane Cole, Warren sburg, Mo. ETA ETA- Pittsburg, Kansas Doroth y Mass Dor othy F ee Lois Mathes H ele n Cr ock e r Martha Ruth Howard Betty Taylor Shirley Ainsworth Geo rgea nn e Switzer Rosemary Cowan Mary Jan e Gallop Sue Bales Patty Ann Barkell Sammie Lou H eaton Marie H embree Geraldine H opkins, Stanley, Kans. Margaret Agnes Naylor, Pittsburg, Kan s. Naida Caroline Cha ndle r. Pittsburg, Kan s. Lillian C harlon Mobley, Madison , Kans. Barbara J ean Huffman, Pittsburg, Kan . THETA THETA-Boston, Massachusetts

ALPHA GAMMA-Indiana, Pennsylvania Phyllis Maxine Adams, Ellwood City, Pa. Dorothy H elen Douglas, Norwood, Pa. Amy Elizabeth Hall, McKeesport, Pa. Dorothy H elene Hartm an, John sow n, Pa. Sara Clarinda H awkins, Waynesburg, Pa. Anna Rae Line, J ennette, Pa. Billie Anna McGrain Edna Kathryn Waldenville, Allison Park Marie Andrine H etager, Punxsutawney Elizabeth N ell Shaw, McKeesport, Pa. Margaret J ea n Widdowson, Indiana, Pa. Maxine Marie McCaleb, Carlis le, Pn. Augusta Jane Clark , John stown , Pa. Elis abeth Claudia K e lly, W est Newton. Pa. Ruth Margaret W e rne r , W est Vie w, Pitts burgh, Pa. BETA BETA- Greeley, Colorado Elsie Margaret Fagg, Rocky Ford, Colo. J ean Carnahan Knapp, Rocky Ford, Colo. Virginia L ee Oughton, De nve r , Colo. Majcl Strough, La Fargeville, N e w York June Snowberge r Dorothy Louesa Avery, Eaton, Colo. M. Jane Cannon, Greeley, Colo. GAMMA GAMMA- Alva, Oklahoma H •len W alker Mer edith Donley Delora Frieden V lla May McKean , Kansas City, Mo.

Bertha Bem ent Antes , Conway, Mass. H ele n Ruth Giessen, Orange Pa rk , Florida Eleanor Marie Govon i, Waltham , Mass. Lillian Edith H olgate, Portland, Maine Judith Lapham Mygat, Stamford, Mass. Marian Ruth Magee. W esterly, R . J. W est DeRocco, W esterly , R. I. Louise Stockton Robin son , R eading, Mass. Ann J ea nnette Spinn ey, Hudson, Mass. Rita Virginia Tracey, Belmont, Mass. Lillian George Zahka, Allston, Mass. L ois Hathaway Ave r ell , W hi tman, Mass. Gladys Margaret Follan sbee, Winchester, Mass. Phyllis Dlan ch e Gates, Danve rs, Mass . Junita Howard Hazelton, Gree nfie ld . Mass. Anna E lizabeth H olde n, W estport, Conn. Thelm a Corri nne Hutchins, Som er vi lle , Mass. Virginia M. Lic htncr, Waban , Mass. E llen Nancy McCabe, Ch estnut Hill, Mass. Aurora Pan e , W atertown, Mass. Constan ce E li zabeth Robbins , Boston. Mass. Barbara Sweet, Marblehead. Mass. Trma Jan e Wre nn, N orth Quincy, Mass. Ethe l Kimball, Boston, Mass . Muriel Barbe r, Ware, Mass. Mary Laurian Coleman, Medford, Mass. Winifred Ford, Somerv ill , Mass. Laura Elle n McQuid , Bos ton , Mass. Ma r y Clnma Santos, Edgarton, Mass. Co nstance Soyard Spnvin, W es t Roxbury, Mass. E li zabeth Murie l Tuck e r , Winthrop , Muss. Ruth Elizabeth Wilcock , Arlington, Mass.

KAPPA KAPPA-Philadelphia, Pa. Mariruth Atkinson , Freeport, Pa. Doris Charlotte Clauser, N azareth , Pa. Doris Fox, Johns town, Pa. Mary Elizabeth Kreider , Ardsley, Pa. Bernice L eonard Martha Anne Lofman, Norristown , Pa. Ann Elizabeth Wolff, Lima , D elaware Co. MU MU-Yps ilantl, Michigan Magna Kathryn Mattern, D etroit, Mich. Fern Eleanor Yenkel, Dearborn, Mich . Ruth Podolsky, Flint, Mich. !sea McCloughry Morton, Ypsilanti, Mich . Florence A. McCallist er, Detroit, Mich. Ilah B. Gilfford, Detroit, Mich. NU NU- Pbiladelphia, Pennsylvania Clare Deakyne, Chest er, Pa. Audrey Dugdale, Baltimore, Maryland, Pa. Marie Carroll Svenson, Upper Darby, Pa. Amanda Ebersole, Philadelphia, Pa. Emily R ebecca Aitke n , Germantow n , Pa. Lois Virginia Cameron, Forty Fort, Pa. Ma r tha Olivia Dunk, Wyncote, Pn. Marion MacWilliams, Philadelphia, Pa. Virginia Catherine Briner , Drexel Hill, Pa. R oberta Kyle Butte rworth, Pa. Marion Ruth Fi sch er, Elkins Park, Pa. Els ie J ean K ennedy, P enfield , Upper Darby, Pa. Margaret Elizabeth McFall, Delanco, N. J. J oan A. Roberts Elizabeth Ann Schreiber Eleanor Mne T est erman, H a ddonfi eld, N. J. Jane Zell Toy Patric ia Ca rroll Ward , Kintzerville, Pa. Esthe r W ell Betty Garland Bowen, Philadelphia, Pa. Anna L ouise L efferts , J enkintow n, Pa. Mary G. Lyon s, Philadelphia, Pn. XI XI-Los Angeles, California Julie Jane Bessire , H ermosa Beach , Calif. Lu ella Sue Ba ldwin, Burbank , Cali f. Margaret Mary Alice Furn ivall, W. Los Angeles, Calif. Edythe Anna Calla han, L os Angeles. Calif. E laine Edna Cole, L os Angeles, Calif. E lizabeth Frances Credelle, Los Angeles, Calif. Ge raldin e Ann Geocke, Long Bench, Calif. Harriet J ea nne Green, Pas ade na, Calif. PI PI- Buffa lo, New York Jun e Berni ce Fernaays, Roch este r , N . Y. Margaret Madalen e Marsh a ll , Akron, N. Y. A lbe rta Mary Ackle r , Conewango Valley, N .Y. Priscilla Jane Fairbank, As hville, N. Y. Elizabeth Mary Germoney, Buffalo, N. Y. Gertrude Ethel H em str eet, Kenmore, N . Y. Victoria Maryetta Lauer , Buffalo, N . Y. Angela V eronica McG uth. Niagara Falls, N .Y. J ea n Mitchell, K enmor e, N . Y. Lois Marie Quilty, Saratoga Springs , N . Y. J ea nn e Eliznbeth Walsh, Ogden sburg, N. Y. Corinne Ruth Pa lmerton, Buffalo, N . Y. Virginia Martha T omic, Buffalo, N . Y. Margaret Lcinert Mary Margaret Hammond Caryl Mury Brennan, N ew Hartford, N . Y. Betty Mny Gre ver, Buffalo, N. Y. RHO RHO- H un tington, West Virginia L e nor e M. Mossor , Thursday, W . Vn. E lizabeth J nn Oxcndule, Huntington. W . Vn. Marian E luy ne Brigh t, Huntin gton, W . Vn . Thelm a Ire ne Dunkle , Huntington, W . Va . E lou ise Lucr t in Campbell , St. Mnrys, W . Va. Mildred Evelyn Haws, Huntington, W . Vn. N orma clcstc H ens ley, harleston, W. Va . Bessie Fr·ances Melrose, Huntington . W . Vu. Mnrj ori J ea n Via, South hnrll'ston , W . Vn. Mnry Ann Williamson White

THE PHOENIX SIGMA SIGMA-Gunnison, Colorado Lurene Ann Brack, Anadarko, Okla homa Edna Mable Covert, Mon te Vista, Colo. Mary Emily McNama ra, Salida, Colo. Rosemary Buskirk, Mon trose, Colo. Doroth y J ean Coffman, Mt. Harris, Colo. J e nnie P opish , Snow, Mass. R osa lie Ma r y Gordon , Montrose, Colo. Judith Wing, De n ver, Colo.

BETA DELTA-Hattiesburg, Mississippi Willie Nell H ocutt, Hattiesburg, Miss. Daisy Nell Rhodes, Hattiesburg, Miss. Betty Smith, H attiesburg, Miss. Miriam Fra nk J ordan, Hattiesburg, Miss. Martha Jane Miller , Summit, Miss. Mary L evessie Langdon, Magnolia, Miss. Doris Fis h el Ivy Gravet te

TAU TAU-Hays, Kansas V e rna Jane Thompson , Moscow, Ka ns . Julia Kathryn Davenp ort, McC r acken , Kans. Corinne Stephenson, N orton, Kan s. Betty Jane McCauley, Plainville, Ka n s. Joyce Max ine Potter, S cott City, Kan s. Betty J en e McKelvey, W akeeney, Ka n s.

BETA EPSILON-Harrisonburg, Virginia Juanita Emilia De Mott, Engelwood, N . J. Ruth J oyce Poole, Indep ende nce, Va. Ma bel Elizabeth Barlow, Richmond, Va. Julia Ann e Forehand, Norfolk , V a . Ann Horten s tine Griffith, Shenandoah, Va. J ean Annear Jones, Doe Hill, Va . Betty Ann McGrath, Harrisonburg, Va. Virginia J ean N elms, Norfolk, V a . Barbara Jane Smith, Cumberland, Maryland Phyllis Adeline Early, Harrisonburg, Va. Lula J ean Hayn es, Alexandria, Va. Cary Elizabeth Lawson, Gloucester , Va. Myra Ernestine Aaron, Portsmouth, Va. Agnes Gordon Sampson , Gordonsville, Va. Mary Cary Addison , Was hin gton, D. C. Isabel Christin e Ander son , Warrenton , Va. Georget te Ma rie Care, Easton, P a. Betty Lou Flythe, Portsmouth, Va. Mary Foyd Crumpler, Suffolk, Va. Sarah Thomas Hargroves, Portsm outh, Va. Ann Hardy Ingle, S ebring, Va. Evelyn Juanita MacDonald, Highland Springs, Va. Ellen French Mitchell, Washingto n , D. C. Kathleen J ohn son Pickett, Harrisonburg, Va. Betty Ann Russell, Marshall, Va. Cornelia Catherine Simms, P enn Laird, Va. Lyda Virginia S tewart, Norfolk , Va. Anne R ebecca Stoneburner , Edinburg, Va . Margaret Elain e Wilson , Wellville, Va. Margaret Elizabeth Wilson, P eter sburg, Va. Elizabeth Mae Womack, Victoria, Va. Evelyn Muriel Carter, Roanoke, Va. Elizabeth Hilton, Norfolk, Va. Nancy Dulcie P et er s, Catlett Va. Dorothy Aileen e White, Roanoke, Va. Marie Ruth Bauserman, Manassas, V a. Maggie W ood Brett, N ewport N ews , Va. Margaret Elle n Gainfort, Norfolk, Va. Mary Sue Ireland, Norfolk, V a.

PHI PHI-Maryville, Missouri P eggy Cunning ham Dorothy Dawson Sue McG raw Marlene Osborn Betty Jo Thompson Betty L ee Smalley, St. J oseph, Mo. R u th LaRea McPherron, Charleston, S. C. N a dean Allen, Maryville, Mo. B ette J ea n T own send, Savannah, Mo. CHI CHI-Muncie, Indiana Betty Fran ces Van Ausda l Anderson Ind . Loris June Wiz, Shelbyv ill ~, Ind. ' Mary Max in e Beaman, Paragon , Ind. Barbara J ean Bray, Monrovia, Ind . Ma_ry Elizabeth. James, S eller sburg, Ind. De1rdra Mae Kimball, Marion , Ind. Karyll Mae Kluender, Valparaiso, Ind. Mary Alice McC r ea, W est Lafayette Ind H ele n Ma r gar et Warnock, Warnock, K y: PSI PSI-Natchitoches, Louisiana Billie Lilburn Byers, Gilliam, La. Be_tty J ea n Gill, Pleasant Hill, L a. W1l~ a Ruth Smith, Conver se, La. J a m~e Barlow, Natchitoches, La. Gloria Bayard, Franklin, La. Grace Himel Paulin e Grayson H olland, Shreveport, La. Evelyn H orn , Many, La. Ma r:( Armistead L est er , Coushatta, La. Ann~e Suvanne Miller, W est Monroe, La. Gloria Joy Be rnard, Franklin, La. BETA GAMMA-Tahlequah, Oklahoma V era Marjorie Jamison , Beggs, Okla. Sara Frances Hail, Springdale, Ark . Lavona Juanita Carnes, Santa Monica Calif. ' Ka thleen Blossom, Muskogee, Ark. Elizabeth Ann Hill, Cameron, Ark. Betty Sue Kirksley, R oger s, Ark.

BETA ZETA-Lafayette, Louisiana Pauline Gaudet, N e w Orleans, La. Gloria Swanson La Caze, Lafayette, La. Mariece Gloria Carriere, Port Barr e, La. Laura N elle McElroy, Vinton, La. Margueri te Agnes Talbot, Franklin, La. BETA ETA-Dickinson, North Dakota Claribel Arn eson , Scranton, N. D. Mary J eanne Ford, Stanton, N. D . Virginia Lois King, Fryburg, N. D.

Delphine J oyce N ea s. N e w Salem , N. D. Byrt Redmond, W est, N. D. D. Ruth Smith , Hen ler , N . D. Hattie Parke r L e ila Glaphyra Woods, Dickinson , N . D. Mary Antoin ette Me uJemans, South H eart, N.D. Elisabeth Marion Bruvold, H ebron . N . D. Gwendoly n Adda Ida Bell, Di ckin son , N. D. Marian H elen e Carlson, Dunn Center, N . D. Mary Jane Alguire, Beach, N. D. Julia Ethyl Armstrong, Dickinson. N. D. Mary Emily German, Dickin son , N . D. Muri el Evangeline Marklund, Dickin son, N.D. Ev_elyn Margaret Morland , Scranton, N. D. Ahce Caroline P et e rson , Schafer, N . D. Clara Maym e Pierce, Scranton, N . D. Lucile Elsie Pintler , Fairvie w, Montana Marjori e Iren e Sadler , Dickinson . N . D. H elen Theon e Sloa n , Dodge, N. D. Mavis Adele Thompson, H ettinge r, N . D. Marjorie Viola Berdahl, Dunn Center, N . D. H ele n R osemarie Hoeg er , Almont. N. D. Frances Marie Morrell , Dun Center, N. D. Betty Page, N ew England , N. D. Hattie Annie Tiegs, Schafe r, N. D. Grace Anne Williams, Bison, S. D . F ern Ardyce Zempel, N ew England , N . D. Mary Campbell, Dickinson, N. D. Patricia Conway, Medora, N. D. H azel Groger, St. Ch arles, Minn. Doroth y J ohnson, Alamo, N . D. Lorrain e J ohn son , Dickinson, N. D. 路 Margar et Knapp , Dickin son , N. D. Margaret Kus ie, Dickinson , N. D. Carol Milsten , Belfield , N. D. Charlotte P a rk er, Dickinson , N . D. Betty Lou Petska, Dickinson , N . D. Alma Kibler BETA THETA-Mt. Pleasant, Michigan N ora Mary Sheehy, St. Clair Shores, Mich. H elen Marie Ach enbach, Mt. Pleasa nt, Mich . Mary Ke nney, Mt. P lea sant, Mic h. Sarah May Consaul, Mt. Pleasant Mich. Mildred Finch ' Leonora Catherine L ehman, Portland, Mich. Sally A. Jung klas Rosemary McGuire, Rosebush, Mich. Virginia H osley , L owell, Mich. Catherin e Nan McNamara, Mt. Pleasant, Mich. H e nrietta A. Brietzke, Gladwin Mich. Vivian Jane Francis, Lans ing,路 Mich. Mary Ellen Hileman , Mt. Pleasa nt, Mich. Donna Martineau, Arcadia , Mich. Elizabeth Ann Megarah, Portland, Mich. Jane Mitchell Yarn ell, Highland Pk ., Mich. Betty Jan e Frances R ead, Ludington , Mich. Barbara J ea n Stout, Belding, Mich. Luella M . Black, Gladwin, Mich. Gertrude P osta l, Mt. Plea sant, Mich .

Announcements "I DO" ALPHA GAMMA Arlene Esther Miller to Robert W. Hoffman on June 8, 1941. At home 32 Pearl Street, New Haven, Conn. GAMMA GAMMA Dorothy Riggs to Loren Roseberry on December 25, 1941. At home West Plains, Mo. Clara Williams to Don Thornhill, January, 1942. At home 4327 Bellflower Blvd., Lakewood Village, Calif. Dorothy Jean Certain to Victor Capper on August 12, 1941. At home Alva, Oklahoma. Evelyn Benefiel to Willard Stout December, 1941. At home Lambert, Oklahoma. Theobelle Leonhardt to Larry Collins, December, 1941. At home Cherokee, Oklahoma. Doris Reta Smith to Gerald Page, December, 1941. At home Woodward, Oklahoma. Phyllis Card to Max Rhea December, 1941. Gilberta Stiles to Roy Rusco on June r, 1941. At home Alva, Oklahoma. DELTA DELTA Lauretta T. Suntheimer to Charles B. Leininger June, 1940. At home 130 Thorne Ave., N. E ., Massillon, Ohio. EPSILON EPSILON Lillian Mae Clough to George Neal Shumay on September 20, 1940. At home r86o Clydesdale Place N. W., Washington, D. C. Ferne Enochs to J. Elson Goodell on August 2, 1941. At home Chase, Kansas. Aline Taylor to Ensign Warren Harding Nixday, on March 7, 1942. At home Norfolk, Virginia. Phyllis Ann Hughes to Rohert Keith Lawton March 28, 1942. At home 844 Coolidge, Wichita, Kansas. Virginia Wiand to David Lawson Taylor, April 5, 1942. At home 3732 Summit, Kansas City, Mo. ZETA ZETA Patsy Hagemeyer to Horace Nichols March 8, 1942. At home no W. South St., Warrensburg, Mo. Cleora Clements to Carl Finley on February 15, 1942. At home Salisbury, Mo. ETA ETA Georgeanne Switzer to arl Beard on February 2r at Columbus, Kansas. At home Pittsburg, Kansas. Betty Davis to Fred Schlapper on March I, 1942 at Kansas City, Mo. At home Clayton Apts., Pittsburg, Kansas. Betty Harrison to Harry Lee Thomas on Marc.h 8, 1942 at Joplin, Mo. At home, Colorado Spnngs, Colo.

Billie Louise Heimdale to Ensign Ursel Coulson on March 17, 1942. Billie will complete school and later join Ursel. KAPPA KAPPA Marie Bauerle to William I. English on February 7, 1942. At home 6319 Ross Street, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. A. Ruth Toland to Jay Edwin Lowery on April 12, 1939路 At home 6363 Cherokee Street, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Helen Brooks to Thomas Bender Mullineaux on June 22, 1940. At home 1403 Friendship Street, Philadelphia, Pa. MU MU Esther Kitti to Clyde H. Coster on June r6, 1934. At home 8931 Mendota, Detroit, Mich. NU NU Winnie Lou Hawley to Alan MacDonald Thewles on February 21, 1942 at St. Stephens Episcopal, Norwood, Pa. At home 83 Montauk Ave., New London, Conn. OMICRON OMICRON Dorothy Stough to Richard E. Roth on December 20, 1941. At home 925 Broad Ave., N. W., Canton, Ohio.

XI XI Rubye Bellmard to Edgar F . Schaefer on August 6, 1932. At home 1316 No. Lima St. PI PI Phyllis Harley to John Crone Wende on May 29, 1941. At home 228 Sumner Place, Buffalo, N. Y. Lucille Fenton to Ellsworth F. Baldwin in June, 1941. At home 54 Berry Street, Rochester, N. Y. Mary T. Shreder to Martin E . Solway on January 1, 1942. Eleanor Kay Brant to David Dordon Miller on February 21, 1942. At home Box 71 , Phelps, N. Y. Mary E . Dwyer to Thomas J. Tierney on February 7, 1942. At home r 17 Jewett Parkway, Buffalo N.Y. Vernabel le Bartlett to Eugene Wallace Loucks on April 18, 1942. At home 39 Rugby Road, Manhasset, N. Y. RHO RHO Norma Janice Clendenin to lifford Bonham on April 4, 1942. At home 28oo Riverside Drive, Lavalette, West Virginia. TAU TAU Alene Renner to Thomas Yeardi on February 2 r, 1942. At home Lawrence Kansas. Eleanor hristina Winters to James A. Wicki zer on July n, 194r. At home 135 E. Magnolia, rockton, ali t.


PSI PSI Frances May Fournet to John Cunningham February, 1942. At home Natchitoches, La. Maggie Alice Rogers to W. A. Montgomery on December ro, 1941. At home Natchitoches, La. BETA GAMMA Elizabeth Evans to Joseph McAdoo Radford on August 24, 1941 at Las Vegas, Nevada. At home Trona, Calif. Carleen Clover to Burl Stone on January 5, 1942. At home Tulsa, Okla. Virginia Croman to John Brink on November 15, 1941. At home Weatherford, Texas. Sara Francis Hail to Dee McKinley on November 3, 1941. At home 2617 Ringwood St., Charlotte, N.C. BETA ETA Mary German to Perry Bruvold on March 15, 1942. At home 5533 Sierra Vista, Hollywood, Calif. Apt. 303 .

POPULATION INCREASES ALPHA BETA To Mr. and Mrs. James C. Cowan (Miss Mary June Western) , a daughter, March 27, 1942. At home at New Brunswick, N. J. To Mr. and Mrs. Downing (Lily V. Haley), a daughter, Dana Sue, born August, 1941 at Ardin, Dela. To Mr. and Mrs. Roger Swan (Ann Campbell), a daughter, Judith Ann, on December 5, 1941. ALPHA GAMMA To Mr. and Mrs. Reid McMinn (Ruth son, Robert Reid.

oble), a

DELTA DELTA To Mr. and Mrs. Richard DaHinden (June Reigle), a son, Dean Richard , July, 1939· DELTA PHI To Mr. and Mrs. Harold Koch (Mi ldred Alexander) , a son, Robert Alexander, on December 22, 1941. To Mr. and Mrs. Paul Irwin (Margaret Brown), a daughter, Christine Marie, on January ro, 1942. To Mr. and Mrs. Collin Gerow (Margaret Durand), a daughter, Nancy Ann, on January 18, 1942. To Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hartung (Helen Bushweit), a daughter, Joy Dorothy, on January 30, 194 2 • To Mr. and Mrs. Paul Terry (Catherine Huestes ), a son, Michael Peter, on January 30, 1942. To Mr. and Mrs. Stimpson (Mary Ellen Waffie), a son John Gordon, on March 17, 1942. ETA ETA To fr. and Mrs. Al vin W . Mielke (Betty Crain) a son, ian Robert, February 3, 1942.

To Mr. and Mrs. William Walker (Ruth Lou Kruckenberg), a daughter, Kay Francis, March 25, 1942. EPSILON EPSILON To Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Bishop (Isabel Stephens), a daughter, Lucinda Jane, October 30, 1941. KAPPA KAPPA To Mr. and Mrs. James Hesser (Anna Rupen), a son, James Craig, on March 10, 1942. To Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mullineaux (Helen Brooks), a daughter, Helen Anne, on February 10, 1942. NU NU To Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Hoyt (Jean Mueller), a daughter, on March 16, 1942. PI PI To Mr. and Mrs. Robert James Hickey (Margaret Mcintire), a son, Robert James, on March 19, 1942. To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Filbrick (Alice Weinheimer), a daughter, Marilyn Joyce, on April 4· 194 2 · To Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Steinbrenner (Dorothy Kohler), a son, John, on December 3, 1942. To Mr. and Mrs. J. Vincent Cooley (Eleanor Carland), a daughter, Barbara Jean, on January 22, 1942. At home 51 Ritt, Buffalo, New York. To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wolfe (Alice Hannel), a daughter, Martha J., on March 4, 1942. TAU TAU To Mr. and Mrs. Karl Scherer (Lois Sutton), a boy, Karl Frederick, on February 6, 1942. To Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bird (Agnes Tullis), a boy, Michael, on March I, 1942. PHI PHI To Mr. and Mrs. Ross Stevens (Margaret Turney), a son, Michael, September, 1941. To Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Stalcup (Isabel McDaniels), a daughter, Susan, on August 21, 1941. To Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Dinsdale (RDell Chick), a son, James, on March 23, 1941. To Mr. and Mrs. Ben Weir (Ludmila Vavra) , a daughter, Ludmila Ann, on June r6, 1941. CHI CHI To Mr. and Mrs. Emory Soland (Betty Kidwell) , a daughter, Mary Jane, on April 22, 1941. BETA GAMMA To Mr. and Mrs. William M. Spell (Velma Pearl Van Horn) , a son, David Van Horn on February I 3' 1942.

IN MEMORIAM H AZEL PARO PATTER o , Saginaw, Michigan, April r3, 1942, Detroit lumn:e Chapter.


List of Missing Addresses The followmg is the list of names and addresses from which the PHOENIX has been returned. If you know of any corrections, please send them to the National Editor, Mrs. B. F. Leib, Apartment T, 3540 N. Pennsylvania Street, Indianapolis, Indiana. ALPHA ALPHA Huenfeld, Mrs. Ralph (Mary Harlan), 92 E. Hendrie, Detroit, Michigan . Wilt, Corene 1., 620 Wayne Avenue, Greenville, Ohio. ALPHA BETA Roysten, Mrs. J. F. (Marie Simmons) R. R. Franklin, Missouri.



ALPHA GAMMA Johnston, Mrs. William (Violet D. Ralston) , 1325 N. Blackwelder, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

Rising, Mrs. M. P. (Margaret M. Oldham), 127 Jordan Street, Shreveport, Louisiana. ZETA ZETA Baile, Miriam H ., Chatsworth, California. Cooper, Mrs. W . L. (Marguerite Van Meter), 309 College Avenue, Aurora, Missouri. Dove, Mrs. H . E. (Louise Whitman), 103 S. Schiller Street, Little Rock, Arkansas. H asler, Mrs. John D., 1458 Columbia Road, Washington, D . C. Servoss, Mrs. Edward, 3950 6oth Street, Apartment B62, Woodside, Long Island, New York. ETA ETA

BETA BETA Strachan, Mrs. George (Helen Bondy), Naval Academy, Baltimore, Maryland . Ferguson, Mrs. Quinton.

G rauerhol z, Mrs. Elmer (Laura Belle Isles), Kensington, Kansas. Garrett, Mi ldred L., 908 Olive Street, Abilene, Kans. IOTA IOTA

GAMMA GAMMA Calvin, Minie V ., Alva, Oklahoma. Cole, Mrs. Albert (Nellie Azbill), 773 Bonita Drive, Pasadena, California. Gilbert, Mrs. C. Otis (Camille L. Tracey), 701 S. Oak Street, Pratt, Kansas. Landers, Mrs. Garson, Box 3 r 4, Hot Springs, A rkansas. Rollins, Nell M., Cheney, Kan sas.

Schrieber, Mrs. H. E . (fnga C. T esda hl ), Indianola, Iowa. KAPPA KAPPA Duffy, Mrs. W. L. (Frances Atkin s), 82 South Road, Glen Wild Lake, Bloomingdale ew Jersey. John on, Mrs. A. S. (Margaret M. Bache), N. McKay Ave nue, Dunn, North Carolina. LAMBD A LAMBDA

DELTA DELTA Lloyd, Eleanor A ., 205 N. Central A ve nue, Utica, Ohio. EPSILON EPSILON Lardner, Mrs. D. B., Jr. (Erma I. Peters), Baxter Springs, Kansas. Laughlin, Nettie, Drexel, Mi ssouri. Morstadt, Mrs. W . Clay (Georgia Farnsworth), 937 Mull en, Los Angeles, California.

Ril ey, Aline L., Hotel Statl r,

levela nd , Ohio.

MU MU Jones, Vila L., Reed Ci ty Michigan. Feldkamp, Estel E., Saline, Michigan. XI XI

Drury, Mrs. Arthur D., (Kathryn Burch), 234 W. Indiana Street, Esco ndido, California.



Directory National Council 1941-1944 President-Mrs. Fred M. Sharp, 1405 Hardy Avenue, Independence, Missouri. Vice-President-Mrs. Reinard Schlosser, 28oo Dexter Street, Denver, Colorado. Secretary-Miss Esther Bucher, 4134 Eaton Avenue, Kansas City, Kansas. Treasu1路er-Miss Katherine H. Hale, 393 Randolph Street, South Weymouth, Massachusetts. Registrar-Mrs. Clinton Berry, 281 Wapello Lane, Altadena, California. Director of Alumnae-Miss Evelyn G. Bell, 767 Lafayette Avenue, Buffalo, New York. Editor-Mrs. B. F. Leib, 3540 N. Pennsylvania Street, Apartment T, Indianapolis, Indiana.

National Chairmen Alumnae Organizer-Mrs. Lewis M. Bradley, 403 Magowan Avenue, Iowa City, Iowa. Alumnae Editor- Miss Virginia Carpenter, 262 Washington Street, N. W., Warren, Ohio. Constitution-Mrs. Albert Kuchs, 614 N. Market Street, Maryville, Missouri. Fellowship-Mrs. W. C. Thomas, Lebanon Hall, Washington and Bower Hill Roads, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 路 Scholarship-Miss Ruth Martin, Purvis, Mississippi . Historian-Miss Louise Stewart, 705 Fountain Square, Apartment 6, Zanesville, Ohio. Convention-Miss Helen Corey, 6310 Sherwood Road, Overbrook, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Paraphernalia-Mrs. John Horter, 1480 Corporation Street, Beaver, Pennsylvania. Magazine Subscription Service-Miss Manette Swett, 235 Washington Street, Natchitoches, Louisiana.

Officers of Association of Education Sororities Chai1路man-Mrs. C. P. Neidig, Pi Kappa Sigma, 1503 First National Bank Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. Secretary-Mrs. Robert S. Hill, Delta Sigma Epsilon, 816 Columbus, Rapid City, South Dakota. Treasurer-Miss Carrie E. Walter, Theta Sigma Upsilon, 123 W. Tulpehocken, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Director of Local Panhellenics-Miss Edith Mansell, Alpha Sigma Tau, 161 Highland Avenue, Highland Park, Michigan. Chairman of Publicity-Mrs. Fred M. Sharp, Alpha Sigma Alpha, 1405 Hardy Avenue Independence, Missouri. Chairman of Interfraternity Relationships- Miss Mabel Lee Walton, Sigma Sigma Sigma, P. 0. Box 108 Clermont, Florida.

Officers of the Professional Panhellenic Association OFFICIAL REPRESENTATIVE of Alpha Sigma Alpha, Mrs. Fred M. Sharp, 1405 Hardy Ave., Independence, Missouri. hesident-Mrs. Clarence M. Sale, Sigma Alpha Iota 3741 Purdue, Dallas, Texas. Vice-President-Mrs. Fred M. Sharp, Alpha Sigma Alpha, 1405 Hardy Avenue, Independence, Mo. Secretary-Miss Phyllis Buck, Phi Chi Theta, 1019 University, Madison, Wisconsin. T1路easurer-Miss Bernice Hauber, Phi Gamma Nu, 16 S. Clinton Street, Iowa City, Iowa.

Editorial Staff NATIONAL EDITOR-Mrs. B. F. Leib, 3540 N. Pennsylvania St., Apt. T, Indianapolis, Indiana. Alpha-Shirley McCalley, State Teachers College, Farmville, Virginia. Alpha Beta-Betty Hoyt, Shryack Apts., Kirksville, Missouri. Alpha Gamma--:-Lois Walton, 247 John Sutton Hall, Indiana, Pennsylvania. Beta Beta-Laverne Seaton, 1905 I Ith Ave., Greeley, Colorado. Gamma Gamma-Dorothy Scripsick, Northwestern State Teachers College, Alva, Oklahoma. Epsilon Epsilon-Helen Daughtry, 116 W. 12th, Emporia, Kansas. Zeta Zeta-Josie Cobbs, 116 Broad St., Warrensburg, Missouri. Eta Eta-Mary Kay Reiff, 201 E. Williams, Pittsburg, Kansas. Theta Theta-Margaret Silvestri, 82 Brookings St., Medford, Massachusetts. Kappa Kappa-Peggy Martin, 1917 Broad St. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Mu Mu-Fern Yenkel, 707 Pearl, Ypsilanti, Michigan. Ntt Nu-Jean Wolfe, Drexel Institute of Technology, 32n? and Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia, Pennsylvama. Xi Xi-Julie Bessire, Los Angeles, California. Pi Pi-Esther Hoag, 183 St. James Place, Buffalo, New York. Rho Rho-Betty lm, 2516 Collis Ave., Huntington, West Virginia. Sigma Sigma-Esther Trainor, Chipeta Hall, Gunnison, Colorado. Tau Tau-Verna Jane Thompson, Box 305, Hays Kansas.

45 Phi Phi-Nadean Allen, 421 W. Thompson St., Maryville, Missouri.

Hampton Roads, Virginia-Mrs . Frances Barnard, Lafayette Blvd., Norfolk, Virginia.

Chi Chi- Elinor Keller, 303 N. McKinley Ave., Muncie, Indiana.

Hays, Kansas-Mrs . Louise Holm, 328 West 22nd St., Hays, Kansas.

Psi Psi- Rivers Rhodes, Louisiana State Normal College, Natchitoches, Louisiana.

Huntington, West Vi1路ginia-Mrs . E. K. Lett, 1212 Chestnut St., Kenova, West Virginia.

Beta Gamma- Betty Begun, Wilson Hall, Tahlequah, Oklahoma.

Indianapolis, Indiana-Wilma Mae Wolf, 3531 College Ave., Indianapolis, Indiana.

Beta Delta- Mary Pickering, Mississippi Southern College, Hattiesburg, Mississippi.

Johnstown, Pennsylvania-Alta McKelvey, 509 Diamond Blvd., Johnstown, Pennsylvania.

Beta Epsilon- Mary McKay, Box 521, Madison College, Harrisonburg, Virginia.

Kansas City, Missouri-Mrs. Herman Fische, 205 N. Lawn Ave., Kansas City, Missouri .

Beta Zeta-Oliver Mae Hitter, Southern Louisiana Institute, Lafayette, Louisiana.

Kil路ksville, Missouri-Helen Young, Kirksville, Missoun.

Beta Eta-Marjorie Berdahl, State Teachers College, Dickinson, North Dakota.

Los A ngeles, California- Mrs . Homer Hunsiker, 405 N. Palm Drive, Beverly Hills, California.

Beta Theta-Mary Ellen Hileman, 219 N . Fancher St., Mt. Pleasant, Michigan.

Maryville, Missouri-Mrs. Verlin Powers, 540 West 3rd St., Maryville, Missouri.

ALUMNAE EDITOR-Miss Virginia Carpenter, 262 Washington St., N. W., Warren, Ohio.

Muncie, Indiana-Mrs . Max Montgomery, 302 Alden Road, Muncie, Indiana.

Akron, Ohio-Mrs . Tony Wietzel, 64 Marshall Ave., Akron, Ohio.

Nachitoches, Louisiana-Frances Thomas, De Quincy, Louisiana.

Alva, Oklahoma- Mrs . Essie Nail, 626 Center St., Alva, Oklahoma.

New York City, New York-Mrs. J. Don Peterson, 313 Centre St., New Rochell e, ew York.

Boston , Massachusetts-Etta Christianson, 35 Appleton St., Boston, Massachusetts.

Oxford, Ohio-Virginia Nei bel, 110 East Pearl St., Miamisburg, Ohio.

Buffalo, New York-Mrs. William A. H erdle, 305 Wheatfield St., North Tonawanda, ew York.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania-Joan Coffman, 5o8 Penn Ave., Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania. Pittsburg, Kansas- Mrs. C. J. Wilson, 707 W est Third, Pittsburg, Kansas. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania-Mrs. John Horter, 1480 Corporation St., Beaver, Pennsylvania. St. Louis, Missouri-M rs. Warren M. Griffith, 498 West Lockwood, Webster G roves, Missouri. San Diego, California-Mary Alexander, 4807 Marlborough, San Diego, Ca li fo rni a. Mrs. Jea nette W. Roberts, 3668 6th Ave., San Diego, California. Shenandoah Valley-Miss lea nor Shorts, Fisherville, Virgini a. Southern Colorado- Vivian Me laren, Box 327, Rocky Ford , Colorado. Toledo, Ohio-Mrs. James G. Haworth, 2411 Barrington Rd., Toledo, Ohio. Tulsa, Oklahoma-Mrs. William H. Rowe, r30 S. Cinnamon t., Tulsa, klahoma. Was hington, D. C.- Mr . eorgea nn a Page, ordova Apa rtment 51, Florida and 2oth St. N. W., Washington, D. W ich ita, Kansas - Margaret Ptacek, 342 r r hard St., Wichita, Kansas. Western Slope of Colorado- Patri cia Mehan Montrose, oloraclo.

Canton, Ohio-Mrs . Paul Hol sing, 411 11th St., Canton, Ohio. Central Pennsylvania-S . June Smith, 125 Manor, Millersville, Pennsylvania. Charleston , West Virginia-Mrs. W. W. Maynard, 409 Wyoming, Charleston, West Virginia . Chicago, Illinois-Miss Dorothy Masters, r 120 North State Parkway, Chicago, Illinois. Cleveland, Ohio-Mrs. C. Ronald Smith, 48 Eldred Ave., Bedford, Ohio. Columbus, Ohio-Mrs. James J. Roush, 282 Crestview Road, Columbus, Ohio. Denver, Colorado-Mrs. J. Bartels, 4107 Green Court, Denver, Colorado. Des Moines, Iowa- Mrs. E . N. Jacobson, 1317 Morton Ave., D es Moines, Iowa. Detroit, Michigan-Mrs. R. S. Martin, 16575 Lawton, Detroit, Michigan. Emporia, Kansas-Mrs. Fred Thornburgh, 13 West roth t., Emporia, Kansas. Great Bend, Kansas- Mrs. Charl es Gunn , Box 313, reat Bend, Kansas. Greeley, Colorado - Mrs. harl es Hetts, Greeley, olorado.




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Publishers request that yo" allow four w eeks for subscription to take effect. Make all checks or money orders payable to A lpha Sigma Alpha.

MAY, 1942


MARRIAGE ANNOUNCEMENT Send to National Registrar: MRs. CLINTON BERRY 28r Wapello Lane, Altadena, California

Maiden Name

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Former Address -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Married Name New Address

Date of Marriage ---------------------------------------------------------------·-------------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Since Alpha Sigma Alpha members are scattered from coast to coast, we thought they might be able to contribute to the happiness of our boys who are in the armed service of our country. blank.

If you have a relative in service will you please fill out the enclosed

These lists will be published in each issue of the PHOENIX.

--- ---- -- ------------- - -------~---- ----- ------ -- -- ---- - - -- ------- - ------- - -- - - -- --- - -- -

Send to: MRS. B. F. LEIB, 3540 N. Pennsylvania St., Apartment T, Indianapolis, Indiana

N arne of Member .... ---------------------------------------·----------------·---··--------------- Chapter _______________________ ···-----····· Address --·---·--··-----·----------·---·------------·--·--·--------···-----------····-----------·-------------------·--··-----···------------·----·-·----------··-----Name of Relative in Service ................................................................................................................ .. Relation to Member ............ ------····-.. --·----···----·--·····----------------------------·---·-···-·--·----···-·-----··------··----··--·--···-·--Address -··-----------------------------------·------·-·-------·--······--·-----·---·--··--·------··---·-·-·-----··-···---···----------··---------------·------·····--·




In these days of world conflict a ring is worn for identification. It enhances th e appea rance of your hand - a nd gives instant r e cognition wherever you go and id entifies you wi th your frat ernity.



Stat i onery Samples sent to int er ested member s. Frequent lette rs to yo ur fri e nd s in th e Service build strong morale a nd a r e a very definit e d e f e n se co ntribution . Be Patriotic.

The 1942 Edition of the Balfour Blue Book carries a fine selection of rings as well as o th er gifts a nd favors.


H uge massive rings for m en- or fine gold filigree for women.

Balfour leather is th e favorit e gift to th e eniors or your fri e nds in th e Service . . . Lea ther for men or women . . . Saddle lea th er or baby ca lf . . . Less expe nsiv e in sh ee pskin .


Theme rings that suggest past associations.


Fine designs to show your good taste and discrimina tion.


Write for your own fr ee copy on a government post card today.

Sec the sp ecia l line of Chapter Gifts for m en called to Service. The Ba lfour r epresentative will show you th ese special gifts on his n ext call.


L. F

G. C T



I N A T T L E B R 0, 1-inow n wh e r e v e r th e r e ar e schools an d

M olleg e s .

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