Asa phoenix vol 30 no 4 may 1945

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The 1945 Alpha Girls


Alpha Sigma Alpha Salute Their O.D . .

. . 12

.. . . .. . .. .... 13

Beta Lambda's First Birthday The Flight of An Alpha Sig Round Robin .


Laverne Shockley Fertig Returns from the Philippines ... 17 Susanne C. Sato


We Had a Mental Hygiene Institute .

. . .. 17

. ....... ..... . r8

... . . . . . .. . . ... . .. !9

Lt. Virginia Carpenter A.E.S. Wartime Session

.. 20

Alpha Sigma Alpha Service Roll . ... . . ... . .

. . 2!

Fellowship Loan Fund

. 22

... . ... ... . . .. . . . . . 23

New Alumnae Chapters News Letters-Alumnae Chapters


Keeping Pace With Our Graduates .


News Letters-College Chapters ..


. .. . .. . . . . ·54

Announcements List of Missing Addresses




• Published in November, January, March and May of each year at No. 30 North Ninth Street, Richmond, Indiana, by the Nicholson Printing Company, for the Alpha Sigma Alpha Sorority having headquarters at Indianapolis, Indiana. Business correspondence may be addressed to 'either office, but matter for publication and correspondence concerning the same should be addressed to Mrs. B. F . Leib, 3540 North Pennsylvania Street, Apartment T, Indianapolis 5, Indiana. Postmaster: Send Form 3578 to Indianapolis, Indiana address.


Entered as second-class matter, September 4, 1923, at the post office at Richmond, Indiana, under the Act of March 3, 1879·





The 1945 Alpha Girls.



N_PHA SIGMA ALPHA proudly presents her Alpha Girls of the current year to THE PHoENIX readers. That each girl has been chosen by her chapter as a candidate for the Elizabeth Bird Small A ward is far less significant than the fact that she is recognized by her sorority sisters as most outstanding in leadership, scholarship and "graciousness in daily living as reflected in character and personality." In Alpha Sigma, acknowledgment of personal achievements is especially satisfying because the sorority is dedicated to the development of individuals. Thousands of Alpha Sigmas join in congratulating our 1945 Alpha Girls. May their desires for service and their future growth in happy living transcend their eminent attainments in college.

MAY, 1945








State Teachers College Farmville, Va.

State Teachers College Kirksville, Mo.

State Teachers College Indiana, Pa.

For a quick laugh, a good game of basketball, a bit of help on Chemistry, or just a friendly chat, we recommend Mary Walker. Her personality will attract you at first, but you have to know her to fully appreciate all of her abilities. She is a member of the varsity hocky and basketball teams, and she has been secretary of the Athletic Association for four years. Mary Walker has been secretary of her class for two years. She is a member of the Cotillion Club. Last year Mary Walker was assistant Fire Marshall, and this year as a senior she has taken the complete responsibility of being our "Fire Chief." The Alpha Chapter presents with pride its candidate-a truly all-round girl.

Our "Mitt" is as charming and vivacious as she is versatile. A history major, she plans to do social service 路 work and is extremely interested in current problems. She has been outstanding in sorority and camP,US activities and when a sophomore, she was the recipient of the Cardinal Key scholarship, which was awarded for leader ~ ship and character. She is a member of Kappa Delta Pi, Cardinal Key, vice-president of Alpha Phi Sigma, secretary of Panhellenic Council and Assistant Business Manager of our yearbook, The Echo. She won a listing in "Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities" and is active in the Romance Language Club. Her interests are varied and she exhibits a certain wit that endears her to all.

"An apple for the teacher''Audrey George is bound to receive many of them from her Elementary students. Her unaffected sweet personality emits a radiant glow. She has a natural wholesome beauty. A member of Kappa Delta Pi, Advisory Board 'Of Resident Women 's League, and Elementary Club, she was recently chosen to appear in "vVho's Who in American Colleges and Universities." She sincerely enjoys helping others and is a valuable member of the Y.W. C.A. Audrey was chosen to represent Indiana at two school conferences: International Relations Club and Student Council. Therefore you see why we are proud to present Audrey George as our candidate for the Elizabeth Bird Small Award.



((Alpha Sigma Alpha directs attention to her outstanding campus citizens. These representatives from all chapters make up {1 distinguished group of college Alpha Sigmas to be known as the ALPHA GIRLS."




Editor JOELLA KIRTON, Senior Colorado State College of Education Greeley, Colorado

J oella, an English, speech, and dramatics major, has been president of Dramatic Club for two years and has appeared in every play produced publicly since she became a member. As a speaker, she has been featured on local radio programs and assemblies. This summer she taught speech correction in the elementary school clinic. Joella is president of the Senior class, serving on student council for the second year, is a member of four honorary fraterniti~s: being president of Alpha Psi Omega, dramatic fraternity, secretary of Lambda Sigma Tau, science, and member of Pi 1;.-ambda Theta and Kappa Delta Pi, education fraternities. She is also listed in "Who's Who." In community affairs J oella serves her church as president and director of 'vVesley Players, youth group cabinet member, and publicity manager of the Colorado V/yoming Youth Movement. In Beta Beta chapter J oella has served as social chairman, rush captain, and chapter editor.



ÂŁÂŁ Treasurer

LO EVA KRAGH, Sophomore


Northwestern State College Alva, Oklahoma

Kansas State Teachers College Emporia, Kansas

The A lpha Sigma Alphas at :Northwestern State College m Alva, Oklahoma proudly present Lo Eva Kragh as their A lpha girl. During her freshman year she served as Gamma Gamma's chaplain and assistant secretary and now as a sophomore she ho1ds the office of secretary. In the chapter's war activity program Lo Eva was an enthusiastic participant. She has folded bandages for the Red Cross, made garments to be sent overseas, and worked on the Bond Sale and Community Chest Drive. Her interest in others is shown by the help she has given those needing to make up work, by influencing a friend to continue in school, and by arranging for financial aid to one in need. We think her delightful personality, coupled with her ability will give us cause to be even more proud of her in the future.

In three years, "El" has held the offices of Treasurer and Corresponding Secretary of ASA and Secretary-Treasurer of the Junior Class. Yes, that's right-she is a commerce major with almost a straight A average. In spite of the trials and tribulations which go with these positions, this tall, blond and versatile Alpha Sig has shown capabilities and leadership in many campus activities. She is also a member of Kappa Delta Pi and Pi Omega Pi, Spinx and Commerce Club. Eleanor has shown talents in Emporia State's dramatics. Her skill in sports was evidenced by winning the Ping Pong championship in 1943 and being declared swimming champion in 1944. With pride we present our candidate, Eleanor, an All American girl, who is liked by all.

"To her sorority each ALPHA GIRL typifies excellent achievement and promises greater accomplishment."

MAY, 194'5







Central Missouri State Teachers College Warrensburg, Mo.

State Teachers CQllege Pittsburg, Kansas

BQston University BostQn, Mass.

"If you run into any more difficulty, just let me know." This statement expresses the attitude that our president, Helen Wells, has baeked us up with all this year, especially during the past few months when Zeta Zeta has been without a sponsor. Previously she held the offices of Chaplain and Rush Captain. Helen has been on the Student Council at C.M. S.T.C. for the past three years and is a member of the Panhellenic Council. She sponsors a group of high school students at the Presbyterian Church, and has worked on U.S.O. programs presented at the Sedalia Army Air Base Hospital a number of times. Helen was Zeta Zeta's candidate for Rhetor queen last year. Her mother was a member of the Double X Club which became Zeta Zeta Chapter. Helen's main interest at the present is the Ensign whose Phi Sig pin she wears.

Editor and Social Chairman of Alpha Sigma Alpha, twice serving as Rush Captain, President of Theta Alpha Phi (drama), Vice-President of Alpha M u Gamma (foreign languages), Feature Editor of Kanza Year Book; these are a few of Patty's activities . Beside these she has had the leading part in many campus plays.



Because of her unusual ability and talent the Speech Department made her the recipient of a scholarship to the Priscilla Beach Theater in Plymouth, Massachusetts. As a result of this she had offers to join stock companies in the East, which she declined in order to finish her college training. Now at the chronological age of twenty, she is about to graduate, but marriage to Bob Haderlein is announced for the near future.


Helene has taken active part in all sorority, campus and community affairs. Here at Boston University she is President of the Student Council, a member 路 of Scarlet Key an all University Honor Society, and President of Phillips Brooks Club (Episcopalian). In her church work she is chairman of the NationaJ Youth Commission of Protestant Episcopal churches and has held numerous offices in welfare organizations. At present she is chairman of the Provincial Youth Commission of ~ew England and each summer has been an instructor at a church camp for boys. As might be expected from the foregoing list of activities she holds the office of chaplain in Theta Theta chapter. We are happy to present as our Alpha girl, a member who also has the highest scholastic average in the group.

"Designated ALPHA because they have been elected FIRST in leadership by their chapter."



KK Vice-President




~ ~ Secretary


President MARION BARRON, Senior

Temple University Philadelphia, Pa.

Drexel Institute of Technology Philadelphia, Pa.

University of California Los Angeles, California

Among the many students at Temple University we find Norma Adnee of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania as one of the most outstanding, not only for her leadership, but also for her service to the school, her character, and her scholarship. Norma has been an energetic member of the Student Commission, the student ruling body on campus, and has served in the offices of secretary and president. She is also on the Class Council , The Boosters Committee of Ten, Senior Editor of Templar (Year Book) and is a member of Magnet - W omans Honorary Society at Temple, Templayers, Faculty - Student Committee, Women's Athletic Association and the Student Christian Association. For the past two years she has been an undergraduate assistant in the Psychological Clinic and has done social service work with underprivileged children. Her pleasing manner and delightful personality places every one at ease.

Marion, a born leader in all respects, also shines in athletics. Not only is she now President Athletic of the Women's Association, but this is her fou rth year on the varsity hockey and basketball teams. She represented Alpha Sigma Alpha on the Panhellenic Council for two years, belonged to the Home Economics Association, and continues to be an active member of the Y.W.C.A. She took charge of the Freshman camp sponsored by that organization for the orientation of freshmen . Marion is active in the local Red Cross. She is also listed in "Who's Who Among Students in American Coll eges and Universities" - and all in all we in N u u Chapter think she's tops.

Xi Xi chapter's candidate for the 1945 E lizabeth Bird Small award is lovely Lucille Stevens. Lucille is our Secretary this term-a really big job. Now in her senior year at U.C.L.A., L ucille is majoring in geography. She hopes to be a secondary teacher in some nearby Southern Cali fornia city come next fall. Not content with current and assigned readings, she keeps abreast of the times by newspaper and magazine writings which bear on the war and geography of the European war. Besides all the work of a geography major, Lucille's education courses are enough in Participating at themselves. University E lementary school with the first grade is lots of fun, she says. If this weren't enough, Luci ll e also holds down the Presidency of the Geographic Society on campus, and is secretary in the geographic office. She is also a Junior Hostess at our U.S.O.


"Th e Elizabeth Bird Small Award has far greater significance than the difficult selection of a grand winner for well deserved recognition throughout Alpha Sigma Alpha."

MAY, 1945


Vice-President JOAN STEINMILLER, Senior


PP Treasurer 路 HELEN HERBST, Senior


Treasurer HELE.N ROSSI, Junior

Buffalo State Teachers College Buffalo, N. Y.

Marshall College Huntington, W. Va.

Western State College Gunnison, Colo.

"Hold it! Thank you!" It's Joan Steinmiller, Photography Editor of the college yearbook, taking another impromptu-like picture. As proof of her ability -this is the first year that a commercial photographer has not been used! Not only has she revolutionized the formal picture set-up, but she also has inaugurated a unique路 filing system containing the birthdays and present addresses of States' seven hundred servicemen. During her freshman year, Joan, as Vice-president, was required to assume the presidency. She did such a meritorious job that the class reelected her President of the Sophomore Class ! She is president of Art Kraft Klub and a member of Kappa Delta Pi. She has been General Chairman of Panhellenic Rush, Class Elections, and twice chairman of the College Blood Donor Drive. In addition, she finds time to write a column for the weekly newspaper, and to act as a model for the sorority's "Victory Vogues" fashion show.

Helen is very aCtive in Rho Rho chapter and in campus activities. Last year she vvas chapter Registrar and now she is Treasurer. Besides being the Senior representative on Marshall's Student Council, she is President of Kappa Delta Pi, national honorary fraternity, and a member of her dormitory Council. Helen has held the scholarship cup of Rho Rho chapter since she arrived at Marshall, and she has always been one of the highest on the "Dean's List." She will be graduated "Magna Cum Laude" this spring, receiving her A.B. degree in Commerce and Social Studies. Both at Marshall College and at her home in Ashland, Kentucky, Helen has participated in Red Cross work and is also a member of the American Women's Volunteer Society. We nominate "our" Seniorfor her poise, friendliness, charm, and integrity. She's our ''Alpha Girl!"

Helen has been an outstanding member of Sigma Sigma chapter for three years. She has shown marked capability and is most loyal and conscientious. Truly "Ross" represents the highest standards of leadership, personality, character and scholastic achievement. An unusual fact is that for three years Helen has held an office in her class, elected by popular vote. Besides being a member of Womens Athletic Association she plays a very good first chair clarinet in the college band. An officer in Newman club Helen this year was honored . by her election to the vice-presidency of the Association Women Students, secretary of Chipeta Hall and has held an official position on "Curecanti," our College annual, for two years. Poise, friendliness and charm are all combined in the form of one lovely girl. We of Sigma Sigma proudly present our Helen.

"This award is a cognizance of the present importance that college women shall train, seriously train, for intelligent leadership and worthy service."



Secretary JODIE MONTGOMERY, Senior







Northwest Missouri State Teachers College Maryville, Mo.

Ball State Teachers College Muncie, Indiana

Northwestern State College Natchitoches, La.

Jodie Montgomery entered college during the summer session, 1942. She pledged Phi Phi chapter during the fall rush reason. Her participation in both curricular and extra-curricular activities in the school has been outstanding. Among the many offices she has held are P resident of Senior Class, President of Green and White Peppers (girl pep organization), Secretary of Association of Childhood Education and Chairman of the School Social Committee. Her popularity is attested by the fact that she was Homecoming Q\.teen in '43 and Football Queen in '44. Her musical ability is shown in her singing in the school chorus, in the Women 's E nsemble for four years. in which she takes many solo parts and in her voice recital held in April. Her beauty, friendliness and sweetnes have rightfully won her many friends and honors and we o f P hi P hi are very proud of her.

A friendly smile, a pleasant disposition, and a well rounded life-Herbie has them all-and more, too. She is heralded as :0J o. 1 actress on our campus and has either produced or starred in many college productions. 路 Through her affiliation with the College Speech Clinic she is helping grade school and college students overcome hindering speech defects . Helen ranks among the top few in all of her classes, and is a member of Kappa Delta Pi. She is president of Sigma Pi Rho and the Latin Club and president of Spotlight Dramatics Club; also vice-president of Girls Club and a member of Student Executive Council. As a narrator for numerous r ad io programs; Honorary Editor of the yearbook, 1944-1945 ; ASA Edito r and Rush Captain ; and lights director for the annual water ballet she has displayed some of her many talents.

Perhaps Evelyn Horn's outstanding characteristic is her ability to get along with people and make them happy and at ease. Her manners are above reproach, and her friendly smile IS known throughout the campus. In Psi Psi chapter she has been Chaplain of pledges, Chaplain, Registrar, and President. O n the campus, she has been a member of the band, choir, Kappa Delta Pi, Dormitory Council, and Purple Jackets, president of the Junior class, "Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and U niversities", and a member of Panhellenic Council for two years. Because of her contribution to the chapter and college, and her attitude toward school work and campus contacts we feel Evelyn is our ideal Alpha Sigma Alpha girl.

"Outstanding campus citizenship is to be viewed in terms of American and world citizenship."

MAY, 1945










Northeastern State College Tahlequah, Oklahoma

Mississippi Southern College Hattiesburg, Miss.

Madison College Harrisonburg, Va.

You'll love her! Socially, intellectually, physically, and spiritually, Penny Stolper represents the very best. Her vitality and contagious smile are well known on the campus and in the community. She is the first girl to be elected president of our Student Council, and her leadership- in other organizations has won her recognition in "Who's Who" for two years. Beta Gamma's versatile vice prexy is an excellent student. She has served as president of two national honor societies and holds membership in a third. Skating, swimming, and hiking head Penny's list of sports. Her active participation in church activities, Religious Emphasis Week, and Kappa Phi keep her at the top spiritually. She is the College War Finance Chairman, Community Service Workshop Committee Chairman and organized the Alpha Sigma Alpha Community Service program. Everyone adores Penny, and Beta Gamma proudly presents her as our candidate.

Since we have known Ophelia, she has won our respect and admiration for her continuous efforts for the betterment of herself, her Sorority, and her college. She is loved by her sorority sisters and her fellow students because of her cooperation, intelligent organization, and loyalty to all of which she is a part. vVe are particularly proud that. she has been listed in "Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities" for the second time this year. Although she is busy with her Home Economics activities, being program chairman of the Home Economics Club and assisting in the school lunch room programs, she is active in the campus affairs being secretary and treasurer of the Senior class. A person to whom we can point with loving pride, we select Ophelia, a regular Alpha Sig.

From Suffolk, in the southeastern corner of Virginia, came Elizabeth Smith, a basketball star whose brilliance has increased since 1942 when she won the title of highest scorer of Virginia. Since entering Madison, Libby not only excels in basketball, but in hockey, tennis, swimming, volley ball, and modern dance. Because of her sports leadership ability she is now holding the office of president of the Athletic Association. Libby with her quiet manner and interest in people served as a capable leader during her term of office as vice-president and president of student government for the summers 1943-44 respectively and president of her sophomore class. Libby is one of our representatives in "Who's Who" for 1945 and is a member of Kappa Delta Pi. Her loyalty to her school and sorority have made her our choice as the outstanding A.S.A.

"Intelligence and character in leadership are the essentials in a democracy."







Southwestern Louisiana Institute Lafayette, La.

Dickinson State Teachers College Dickinson, North Dakota

Central Michigan College of Education Mount Pleasant, Michigan

"Beall" is our favorite Alpha Sig, respected and 路admired by the members of other sororities as well. Tall and slender, she is a familiar sight at campus activities where her friendly smile and gay words greet everyone whom she sees. Participating in campus organizations, Lois was co-editor of Scribbler's Script, a campus literary publication, on the staff of the V erm.illion our college newspaper, and a member of the Red Jackets honor marching corps. At the beginning of this semester she was appointed editor of the college annual L' Acadien. Another signal honor was her selection by a committee of faculty and students to "Who's Who in A merican Colleges and Universities." She was president of Panhellenic Council during 1944 and Alpha Sigma Alpha president this yea r until she was was forced to resign from school because of ill health. Her ability to lead and inspire, makes us believe she is an Alpha Sig everyone should know.

With pride we present Marge, our Elizabeth Bird Small candidate. She represents all an Alpha Sigma Alpha girl should stand for, having a high scholastic average to match her other abilities. As one of the most prominent girls on the campus, Marge is active i~ dramatics and music, secretary of Future Teachers of America and Lutheran Student Association. As treasurer and a member of the Women's Athletic Association and Student Life Committee and registrar pro tem of Beta Eta, she gives full measure willingly. Marge has won our deepest admiration by her cheerful acceptance of any committee assignment, whether it be cleanup or chairmanship. Because of her attractive personality, loyalty to the sor:ority, and sincere interest in others, we can proudly say "Marge is a girl you ought to know."

In school, Mary Jean Coon has been fortunate in experiencing little difficulty路 in comprehension, and has participated in newspaper work, foreign language clubs, sports, public speaking, science club, sororities as well as social functions. Her personal interests are people, books, homes, writing, music, and languages. Her hobbies are reading, sewing, knitting, cooking, collecting interior decoration ideas and sports. For recreation she finds amusement and enjoyment in nearly everything: radio, newspapers, dancing, movies, playing cards, spectator of or active participation in all sports, or pursuing one of her many hobbies. Her working experiences have been in various fields. She enjoys newspaper reporting and advertising the most. She is editor of the college paper Cen tral Michigan Life. She is engaged to aval Aviation Cadet William Blazo, and they plan to be married immediately following his graduation.

BZ President

Editor MARY JEAN COON, Senior

((Alpha Sigma Alpha aspires to develop qualities of leadership in each of its college members."

MAY, 1941



BK Editor

BA President




Radford College Radford, Va.

Western Illinois State Teachers College Macomb, Illinois

Arkansas State Teachers College Conway, Arkansas

Dorothy Binder, better known to us as "Bindie," is recognized throughout the school for her outstanding leadership and scholarship: With the close of this year, "Bindie" will come to the end of an exceptionally busy college career. Besides maintammg a high scholastic record, she has been busily engaged in extra-curricular activities. She holds the presidency of Women's Athletic Association, is business manager of the Courier, college newspaper, editor of the Seq~tel, college annual, and holds membership in Kappa Delta Pi, Alpha Delta, Western Association of Women Students Council, Monroe Hall Council and Physical Education Majors Club. She has also been selected to appear in "Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities." Beta Kappa is proud to present to you, Dorothy Binder!! !

Our "Buckett" as she 1s known to everyone on the campus, has made herself an outstanding personality to students and faculty alike. Her leadership ability has been recognized by her selection to "Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities." She is Chairman of the Student Interest Committee, President of the Spanish Club, President of the Choral Club, and a member of the Y.W.C.A. and A.S .T.C. Players. Musically inclined, Frances loves to sing, and was vocalist with the college orchestra last fall. She has broadened her interest and knowledge of other people by extensive travel and study in the United States and Mexico. As president of Beta Lambda she has gained the love and admiration of each and every Alpha Sig sister. Frances is an all round girl with personality plus.


May we present Mickey Clement, Beta Iota's outstanding Alpha Sig for 1944-45. Being a Physical Education Major, she is interested and active in many sports. She is especially enthusiastic where tennis is concerned and has been head of that sport since she was a freshman in college. She has maintained a high scholastic average in her college work. Mickey's leadership ability has been shown by the officers she has held in Alpha Sigma Alpha as well as many other organizations. At present she is Beta Iota's President, as well as Vice-President of the Honor Council, Treasurer of the Senior Class and an active member of the Choral Club. She is an all round student with a radiant personality and is a good friend and loyal sister. To know Beta 路 Iota, you must know Mickey.

"The spirit and influence of Elizabeth Bird Small lives on to bless and challenge A lplza Sigma Alpha."







Alpha Sigma Alphas Salute Their 0. D. the army it means Officer of the Day. You might say it means the same thing in Alpha Sigma I Alpha although for us the letters O.D. are actually an abbreviation for OLDER DAUGHTERS. This year Alpha Sigma's Older Daughters, many of whom were college chapter officers last year, have returned to their own chapters in an official capacity for the sorority. Avisiting they have gone for happy reunion amid dearly familiar campus scenes. They have gone back to the campus to be helpful, to confer with chapter officers, to view the general chapter situation from the perspective of an older daughter's return. The idea of alumnae visitors is not a new one in the fraternity world but ASA has given its project an Alpha Accent by placing emphasis upon certain opportune phases of the plan. The carefully determined objectives are four-fold: To extend ASA leadership training to alumnae. the return of recent graduates to their Alma Mater. To coordinate college and alumnae activities and interests. To give help and inspiration to college chapters. To ~ sponsor

A long time Alpha Sigma Alpha has claimed that loyalty to the sorority fosters loyalty to the college. Our O .D . program affords opportunity to prove it by the sorority-directed return of graduates. What could be better for the college, the individual, and the sorority chapter than the early acquired back-to-the-campus visiting habit? Moreover, many of our chapters make this official alumna visit the occasion for chapter homecoming. Mary Weinberg, Beta Kappa's 0 . D. wrote: "It was an inspiration for our alumnae to be on campus again. There were ten besides me present." Kappa Kappa chapter will return all of her 1944 Seniors, so O.D. honors will be shared at the chapter house and Temple University. Pi Pi chapter entertained two of her beloved Older Daughters, Edith Gaupp and Marjorie Frisbie. Every O.D. shared the sentiments of Beta Iota's Kitty Karnes: "I can't begin to describe what a wonderful week I've just had with all the Beta Iotas. It was grand to be back among them again." The O .D. appointments were thoughtfully made by the National Council with the aid of suggestions from the chapter advisers . Not every college chapter will have an alumna visitor this college year but by the close of 1945 each chapter will have had opportunity to evaluate the present O.D. program. At this date is seems likely that "general orders" in Alpha Sigma Alpha will include O.D. appointments for some time to come. Both college chapters and enthusiastic Older Daughters hail the plan as "profitable and practical." Sis Caraway, Psi Psi's O.D ., believes it "will make members and pledges realize that active interest in their college and in their so rority chapter does not terminate with graduation." College chapter officers have welcomed the helpful advice and encouragement from a sympathetic O .D.-who is still close to the chapter situation and who remembers so well her own recent responsibilities of chapter leadership. Beta Zeta's reaction and appreciation is typical: "It was an inspiration to have Evelyn Merrifield visit us. She knows the ways in which we need to improve and she speaks with the voice of experience-since she was a wonderful chapter president herself just last year!"

MAY, 1945

Beta Lambda's First Birthday "H

APPY BIRTHDAY BETA LAMBDAS" rang through the halls of Arkansas State Teachers College during the week-end of March 9th, lOth, 11th when the Little Rock Alumnae Chapter met there with the college chapter to celebrate its first installation anniversary.

Dr. elson M. Irby, president of the college, gave us permission to use Baridon Hall, and it was just like having an A.S.A. house to see our shield hanging over the fireplace. Books, magazines, pictures etc., provided by the girls, gave the entire place a warm glow of welcome. Moving and other preparations were going on for days, so it was no uncommon spectacle to observe several apparent venders cutting across the campus. In reality, these were Alpha Sigs transporting blankets, sheets, pillows, and according to the " Building Committee," anything you'd like to Baridon. Mrs. Sharp's arrival at noon Friday began the activities. The first meeting was of the cabinet at 4 :00 p.m. The arrival of alumnae and an informal party completed the evening. It was a happy and vociferous party which greeted each alumna, and it seemed as though everyone had been there always. The alumnae present were: Doris "Dopey" Powell, Faydene Carroll, Georgiana "Giana" White. Emmadell "Emmy" Mitchell, Harriet "Frog" Umsted, Christine " Chris" Calvert, Mary Frances G. Shaw, Ernestine " ErnieP." Peters, Wanda Green, Ruby Fair Griner, Ruby Shambarger, La I elle Siegel, and Frances "Bucket" Burkett. Saturday morning-the Alpha Sigs made their first appearance over coffee and doughnuts in the "little store." Ruby Fair Griner, an alumna of Zeta Sigma, was pledged at ten o'clock. The impressiveness of the ceremony began the day with a scene we shall not soon forget. The chapter room was exquisite with its new maple funiture, and a bowl of yellow and white snapdragons, gift of Mrs. Lewis Cooper, added the finishing touch. Dr. Irby met with the alumnae for a fireside chat from eleven until twelve o'clock.

When the clock struck one, we were assembled once more in the chapter room to conduct the initiation services for Ruby. Then the Alumnae met with Mrs. Sharp. The officers elected for next year are: President, Emmadell H. Mitchell; Vice-President, Doris Powell; Secretary and Treasurer, Georgiana White; and Frances Burkett, PHOENIX Correspondent. The banquet, held in the lounge of the Commons Building, Saturday evening was one of the most effective scenes of the week-end. The long tables formed a half square, and the centerpiece was made of red and white carnations arranged around one white candle which signified Beta Lambda's first anniversary. Betty Ruth Joyce, chapter president, acted as toastmistress. Grace was sung before the group was seated, and after a brief welcoming address, Betty Ruth asked Frances Burkett, first president of Beta Lambda chapter, to light the birthday candle. Mrs. Sharp's quotation of "Not all the darkness of the world can put out the light of one small candle" was significant of the pride and joy felt by each girl present. Mrs. Edgar Parker, Mrs. Sam Fausett, and Mrs. Lewis Cooper-patronesses ; and Mrs. Edith Reynolds, Dean of Women, were special guests of the evening. Piano selections were played by Jean Cowne during the meal and a 路trio -Jean Cowne, Posie Cook, and Glennie Trimble -added perfect harmony to an evening of pleasure. Extemporaneous speeches were made by Mrs. Sharp, Mrs. Reynolds, Georgiana White, Alumnae Representative, and Miss Marie Schichtl, chapter adviser. A devotional service, led by Jean Lile Baker, chaplain, completed Saturday's activities but group singing around the fireplace went on into the night. A drowsy but smiling group of seniors and alumnae arrived at Miss Schichtl's home at nine Sunday morning and were served a delicious breakfast. It was soon time for church, so the group attended services at the First Baptist Church. 路 Tables were arranged at one end of the main dining room of the Commons Building at noon for the Alpha Sigs. After dinner, we sang a few of our songs then progressed to the home of Mrs. Sam Fausett, where she and Mrs. Edgar Parker entertained the group with an after-dinner coffee. This was the perfect climax for the weekend.


The Flight of an Alpha Sig Round Robin . I

HEN graduation scatters the good friends of a college chapter, start a Round Robin letter. That's what several of us in Beta Beta did way back in 1924 and through the years our Robin has nested and winged its way from state to state with an annual flight to Central or South America. Now that one destination takes him south to the Argentine in this twentieth year of his flight we want to tell you of his travels.



Guatemala City, Central America September 27, 1944 Dear Girls: The Robin arrived in this morning's mail. I am answering now, just five hours later, because I am in the throes of getting myself packed to fly to Buenos Aires in a few days . ... It was great hearing from you all again .... I am not going to stop to comment on all your news because I really am so pressed for time but you must know how very much I enjoyed reading all about all of you . . . . Since the -Robin had my last contribution Bill and I covered all of South America. All the capitals and a good many of the smaller cities. Vve were at Copa Cabana beach in Rio de Janeiro for seven weeks. Bill was working hard all the time so it was not a vacation for him but I loved it. The Rio harbor is every bit as beautiful as the movies and magazines picture it. I could write pages on it but I'll spare you and myself. Buenos Aires is said to be the largest Spanish speaking city in the world. Bill ays it is like a

little Paris. It is a big city with subways, et cetera. Bigger than anything else in all Latin America, pretty and clean, except when the dust blows in off the Pampas. In the summer if that isn't happening then it rains to relieve the heat, and as soon as the sun comes the steam bath follows. 路 In the winter it is cold and the whole world goes around clad in fur, very reasonable there. And the food! At a place called the Cabana where one goes for barbecue, there is always a whole beef turning around on a spit over the fire, right in the show window. Everybody eats gobs of meat and little else. The women a re all on the fat side. Santiago, Chile reminded me very much of Denver and in some places Chile is like California. I wouldn't mind living there or Valparaiso. In Chile the great fame is the Chilian wine. We Americans are simple daffy when we ask for water at the table. They looked at me like so much idiot so I fell into the way of wine with meals. They bring it in in a water pitcher, cost eighteen cents a pitcher. Lima, Peru has more local color on the Indian side. In spite of the fact that a large part of the year is sort of drizzly, I liked it. It really is lovely, the people are friendly and ~here is much of interest in the way of the ancient Indian civilization. It never rains and the drizzle is less than a drizzle but lack of sunshine during these mo,nths is something to miss. Thirty miles out of Lima one gets into sunshine again even in the damp months. So some folks live in little resorts out of the Lima pocket. You would love the beautiful bright geraniums all over the place. The train trip from Guayaquil to Quito in Ecuador is one of the high lights of our whole trip, not a dull moment. It starts in the hot, muggy lowlands right on the Equator, and in the course of sixteen hours one goes through all kinds of country from jungles to snow capped volcanoes, winding up in Quito at eleven thousand feet. We ended up by living in a little apartment in Bogota, Colombia for four months. Then last February we were called back to the States for Bill to take over the shipping department in New York, New Jersey. When we got there however, al-l changed because the manager i!J Rio had a break down, so back to Rio for Bill. He left me here with my sister in Guatemala, and I don't mind telling you I was glad to be parked for a while. In the two and a half years we had been travelling, we had slept in seventy-three beds, and

MAY, 1945


had packed our bags and had them gone through by customs and censors sixty-seven times. We had completely worn out one set of bags and were well on the way of wearing through another. Bill was to have been back here by last July, but the Argentine office called him. There was trouble in the business there. Now the company president in London has made him Vice-President of the Argentine branch and supervisor of the southern half of South America. (The business is a British Drug firm). He has signed a contract for three years, which means we stay put, of all places, in Argentina. I am flying down as soon as I can get a seat on a plane all the way _ through. Anyway I'll start tho I fully expect to be off-loaded. My trunk is being sent by boat, maybe it will get there before the three years are up! Guess there's not much chance of the Japs getting it now. The day I leave here I fly for five houl's and land in the Canal Zone. If lucky, I'll get out of there the next day at crack of dawn and fly for twelve hours, o Lima, Peru, then another twelve hours to Santiago, Chile. Bill is meeting me there and we will fly the famous trip over the Andes together, then over the Pampas to Buenos Aires . ... And this is really all now, girls, Lovingly, EsTHER McCoNNELL BoND. Albuquerque, New Mexico Christmas Day, 1944

Dear Girls: My, but the robin was a long time in making its rounds this last flight! And I vowed I'd not hold it up if it ever returned! But here I amprocrastination! ... Last summer I had a great yearning to travel South, so the day school ~as out I hied myself to the T.W.A. offices and 111quired the fare by plane to Mexico City and points south. My enthusiasm was路 somewhat dampened by the information that I'd probably be off-loaded in any of innumerable spots along the way. So I decided right then and there. to prepare myself for a future trip to Sou~h Ame~ 1ca and started on an eight weeks course 111 Spamsh. My teacher was a Christian Brother (Broth~r Basil) a Frenchman educated in the Sorbonne 111 Paris and a real linguist who speaks seven languages fluently. Believe me, I worked all summer. His was the stiffest course I've ever taken. This fall I'm taking another . Spanish course at the University ... . Please don't keep these letters as long as I did ; I'm horribly sorry. Love to everyone, R unr CARR.

As we wanted Esther's interesting letter on South America highlighted, we now rearrange the order of the Robin's flight, hoping the dates will not be too confusing to you. Of course we're giving you only a "taste" of each letter. 1975 Locust, Denver Colorado February 6, 1943

Dear Robi~s: What a newsy bundle it carries this time, it makes the world seem nice and round and warm after all. . . . And now for my family which occupies most of my time these days. Christopher is eight and one-half years old-is in the third grade and drew all ones, no words missed, no days absent or tardy to put him into 3A. Vve are proud of him, the little sweet, he is growing up ! Today I realized it more than ever when I watched him at the Denver Athletic Club. He hasn't been for months, he dived ( ?) in and swam ( ?) like a veteran and when he climbed out and stretched to full height I couldn't believe my eyes, he's past my chin. Calls his daddy's whiskers " weeds." Michael is four just and is a blessed bundle if there ever was one ! His mannerisms and speech delight us completely, he lies down on the floor beside our dog Patches and imitates him, every . time Patches scratches, he scratches t?o. He calls the sawdust from daddy's wood sawmg "crumbs" and flying fortress is "Swying sortress" he is "sore"-all f's are s's. As for the cladd~ and me, we keep busy-we are still Viennese waltzing every other Monday and find it fun. I'm taking a Reel Cross nutrition class for my family's benefit. I could rattle on and on but there must be an end. My love and best wishes to you all.


2800 Dexter, Denver April 7, 1943 Dear Rollicking Robins : . The robins are with us again and I must send this bird winging, promised Nickie I'd get it to her right away when we were there for dinner last Saturday .... Melva, I'm proud of your work with the Red Cross Motor Corps, wish you'.d tell us more of your actual work. . .. Esther, we're waiting for more news of your trav~ls, what a thrill to fly the skies in those huge Chppers! ... We're certainly giving the children a big dose of our neighbors to the south these clays, so many attractive books have been written about those colorful countries. Did you all know that one was dedicated to our Esther? Yes, Panch ita by Delia Goetz. It's a darling story of a little Indian


16 girl in Guatemala and I'm ordering it for my school library this year. ... J ohne, I hope you've been able to keep that date with the ASAs, we have a good, strong chapter in Detroit. Beta Beta has had a good year with sixteen pledges and some capable girls .... With love to you all, PoLLY SprLOSSER.

Greeley, Colorado February 9, 1944 Dear, Dear Robins: This is my third attempt at getting this Robin off-hope to make it this time. How I do love receiving this bird in my mailbox but how guilty I am of leaving him too long in my desk. He could have hatched several families since he came! Soon after I received your good letters and snaps we had some of our nice old profs and their wives over for dinner. I've tried for years to screw up my courage to invite them but at long last I did it. The Armentrouts, the Heilmans and the Ruggs, we all had a jolly, good time and they were good sports to say the dinner was good. Before we played bridge I got out your snaps to show them, they recalled you and enjoyed hearing where you all were .... To each of you the best of luck for 1944 and I'll be eager to welcome the Robin back with new reports on your doings. Best love to all, Nrcr<rE (INEZ


5100 Devonshire Road Detroit, Michigan June 27, 1944 Happy Greetings Pals: This bird has been delayed in Michigan as usual. It seems I have the habit of holding the Robin until it hatches its brood. This new bird may be a little speedier and make the rounds in record time . . . . We have nearly a half million more people in Detroit . . . . Believe me getting older isn't much fun either. ... What an exciting life Esther is leading.... This would be the time to join our teaching staff. There are twenty women teachers leaving for various types of government work and some are accepting better teaching positions. The pay here is good. . . . Girls; I do hope that it will so happen that we can plan some kind of a reunion somewhere, somehow, sometime when we can travel again. Best wishes for a big future and love, JoHNE (SoPHI A JoHNSON DELORI A.)


1327 N. Weber Colorado Springs, Colorado September 18, 1944 Dear Robins: Nearly two years to the day has passed since my last letter. I have just returned from a twenty day leave and feel more rested. You see I am in the service as a W.O.W. or Woman Ordnance Worker. Enlisted the last of February 1942 and had three months training at the automotive school at Fort Crook, Nebraska. We took the regular army training course and it was most strenuous. Over three hundred women were in the first class, we lived in barracks, wore uniform fatigue and dress uniforms, had military drill and all else that goes with army life. After graduation, we were sent out to the different army camps to help Ordnance Maintenance Shops. Believe it or not, we work on all types of army vehicles and do a nice job. We wear the "We Make Them Roll" pin of the army in our dress uniforms and U.S. cut-outs and Ordnance Bombs. I work in the Carburetation and Ignition Bay at Camp Carson, I also get in a bit of drafting on machinery. I like the work but will return to art work as soon as the war is over. My car isn't much of a mystery to me any more. I was fortunate in being stationed here at Camp Carson and we are allowed to live at home. . . . I no longer have time for much Red Cross Motor Corps work. However, I have given several classes in motor mechanics as they call it but my hours are very meagre as we work nine and ten hours each day at camp. When the war in Europe ends, we will not need so many army vehicles so I may transfer to the WAC. Figure they might use me to help clean up the mess .... My best love to you and don't forget that I love each one of you very much. MELVA SHADY Ross.

Do you wonder that when each of us finds this fat Robin in the mailbox that we settle down to a feast of news and memories? You'll hear from us again when we put out our silver anniversary edition. POLLY SCHLOSSER.

MAY, 194'5 LA VERNE SHOCKLEY FERTIG RETURNS FROM THE PHILIPPINES As stories of rescues and escapes of Americans in the Philippines thrill and comfort the hearts of their families and friends at home, the girls who knew La Varne Shockley Fertig, Beta Beta. Colorado State College of Education 19281931, will be interested in the following news story from the Denver Post, February sixth. In a letter to Polly Schlosser recently, La Verne writes, "The article in the D env er Post is slightly dramatic but the basic facts are correct, it is only a small part of our story. Life magazine has bought the rights to a three thousand word condensation of the last half of a book I have written in the form of letters to my s!ster, Bea. She lives in McMinnville, Tennessee and Susan and I will live with her until after the war when I hope to go back to the Philippines. Had it not been for the loyalty of the majority of the Filipinos, we would never have been able to hide from the Japs."

"Coloradan was MacArthur's man in Philippines" "How Yankee ingenuity teamed up with native loyalty to keep the Stars and Strips flying in the Philippines during the bitter years from Corregidor to Leyte was told by Major Claude E. Fertig and his wife, Mrs. LaVerne Shockley Fertig, both of LaJunta, Colorado . Like his nowfamous brother, Col. Wendell W. Fertig of Golden, the major was a Colorado mining engineer who joined MacArthur's forces in 1941. Each brother, unknown to the other, escaped capture on Bataan and joined the Philippine guerrillas. Eventually, the brothers got in touch with each other by courier, but never met during their three years "underground." Major Fertig's wife and daughter, Susan, thirteen months, also were fugitives from the Japs, hiding in the Philippine mountains. The baby and mother were removed secretly to Australia by submarine before the Leyte invasion, and arrived in this country fou~ months ago. Major Fertig too, was taken out by submarine, but remained with the American troops to complete intelligence reports. Now home on thirty-day leave, the Fertigs will go to LaJ unta for a family reunion. Susan, the Fertigs revealed was born in the high mountains of Panay at the height of a determined Jap search for the major and his wife. The couple saw each other many times during the three guerrilla years. Mrs. Fertig first lived with a group of Baptist missionaries. One day, when she was hiding in

17 a small hut some distance from the mission four hundred Jap troops arrived, demanding she be turned over to them. Mrs. Fertig was warned and fled with two companions. The missionaries and all their Filipino servants were murdered by the J aps. She rejoined her husband in the mountains where they made friends with a native tribe the Filipinos called 'wild people.' 'But they were grand to us,' said Mrs. Fertig. 'A native doctor who had never seen a white woman before delivered my baby.' In turn, I became a 'doctor' to the natives. I was able to clear up skin diseases for them simply by using soap and water. It was magic so long as it worked. They thought I was wonderful, and I knew we were safe as long as I could cure them. But we were afraid they might bring me someone with leprosy or some deepseated disease. I knew that if I lost a patient, I might also lose my lif e. They managed to give me about two months of security and then we moved to a better camp built by the natives. The J aps were now fairly close and we hiked over four or five mountain ranges, with me carrying my twomonths-old baby in a sling, to the coast where a submarine picked us up. We arrived in Australia the first of Apri l, 1944, and after five months there we left for the states."

SUSANNE C. SATO Buffalo Alumnae Chapter

Sue Sato's latest water-color, The Glen ChmÂŁt(JII!tqua., New York , is hanging in Buffalo's Albright Art Gallery this month as a part of the Western New York Art Exhibit. Sue's painting, one of 169 chosen from 682 entries, was selected


by an eminent jury consisting of Sheldon Cheney, Jacques Lipchitz, and Andrew Wyeth. It is the seccond time this talented member of the Buffalo Alumnae Chapter has had one of her works exhibited at the Gallery and Alpha Sigma Alpha is justly proud of her. Sue's paintings, though modern in flavor, have enough of calm realism in them to provoke favorable comment whenever they are hung. She graduated formally as Susanne Cavina Sato from the Art Department of Buffalo State Teachers' College in 1940 and has been on an artistic bent ever since. For two years she acted as a docent for the Buffalo Historical Society, and then, in 1942, entered tool designing, that holy-of-holies as far as women a_re concerned, at the Airport Plant of the Curtiss-Wright Aeronautical Corporation. In the fall of 1944 Pitt Petri, nationally known gift distributor and importer offered her a position doing decorative work in

his studios . Sue, whose first love is art in its purest sense, promptly accepted. Since that time she has acquired a studio apartment of her own complete with porch and a fireplace ''big enough to stand in." Sue's paintings and sketches line the walls, and two goldfish in a brandy snifter provide her company. Here on Tuesday nights she teaches her own art class. At present they are working in charcoal preparatory to doing oils. Proud of her pupils' attempts, she tacks up their work alongside her own. Sue admits to other passions besides art. After the latter item comes her apartment, then collecting piano concerto records, and finally, the ballet. To these pleasures she adds her vacations painting at Chautauqua Institute, which is both quaint and beautiful, and provides her with a lot of artistic material. And not the least on her entire list is a constant and active interest in Alpha Sigma Alpha.

We Had a Mental Hygiene Institute Louise N. Stewart

HE stimulus was a letter from the George T Davis Bivin Foundation, Inc. of Cleveland. The response was a mental hygiene institute sponsored and executed by the Zanesville Teachers' Association. The Bivin Foundation is a nonprofit corporation which has funds for research and other projects in the field of psychology and social service. Not only does it grant fellowship aid but assists projects, usually of a pioneer nature, the expense of which must be shared by the community benefitting. The purpose of these projects is "to disseminate further knowledge of the principles of mental health of childhood to teachers, parent , social workers, physicians, nurses, ministers, and any other groups who have direct contact with children." The letter, outlining the nature and purpose of grants, was handed to the Association officers by the Zanesville superintendent, Mr. Donald F. Summers, with the suggestion that it might warrant further investigation which could be undertaken with administrative blessing. The result was a whole file of letters, personal conference with the Lakewood, Ohio psychologist, a vote of the Association which resulted in 227 to 3 in favor of holding an institute, and meetings of the standing program committee of the Association to formulate a program and select speakers. The initial letter arrived in October, but the conference was not held until April 12 and 13.

Though the elates were changed three times because of the difficulty of matching up the speakers which were desired, and Friday, the thirteenth, would not have been the committee's choice, the intervening months proved very helpful in making it possible for plans to be executed more thoughtfully and precisely. Dr. James S. Plant, Director of the Essex County Juvenile Clinic, Newark, I ew Jersey, was procured as leader. Other participants were Dr. Edward J. Humphreys, Chief of the Bureau of Mental Hygiene, State Department of Public Welfare of Ohio, aiso a psychiatrist; Dr. Wilda M. Rosebrook, Psycho-educational Consultant, Bureau of Special and Adult Education, The Ohio State University; Dr. John Seton, psychologist with the Muskingum College Branch of the Bureau of Juvenile Research of Ohio; Dr. Dwight L. Arnold, Director of Research and Guidance, Youngstown, Ohio, Public Schools; Mr. Glen \"'est, Supervisor -of Occupational Information and Guidance, Mr. P. 0. Waggoner, psychologist, and Mrs. Verna F. Walters, Supervision of Elementary Curriculum, all of the State Department of Education of Ohio. The institute opened on Thursday evening with a general session at which every effort was made to have many parents and community leaders in attendance . Dr. Plant and Dr. Humphreys discussed ''Mental Hygiene Problems of the Com-

MAY, 1945 munity" and "Mental Hygiene Problems of greater strength than it has possessed for several Ohio." It shocked the audience to hear that each years. The Lash High Ath letic Association proyear the schools prepare as many for mental vided a substantial portion of the needed local institutions as they do for college. funds, and the local chapter of the Association for The nine o'clock session the following morn- Childhood Education aided in arrangements for ing was devoted to talks by Dr. Plant and Dr. . entertainment of - speakers. Moreover, certain Arnold on "What the Child Expects From parents and certain teachers have become more chool" and "Parents Are Important Also." aware of their common responsibility and of the From 10 :30 to 11 :30, the audience and later discouragements and problems -which beset each. arrival s divided into four groups for discussion: However, to the question on the complete success "Parent-Child-Teacher Relationships;" "Mental of a mental hygiene institute, the answer is, "You Hygiene and the Curriculum;" " The Problem can't please everyone-You will need a psychiaChild ;" and " The Slow Learning and Men tally trist if you try." . Deficient Child." EDITOR's NoTE-The chairman of this instiAt the 1 :30 meeting, Dr. Plant opened with tute was National Historian, Louise N . Stewart. '"The l\Iental Hygienist Views the Curriculum." A panel discussion on what Zanesville could do LT. VIRGINIA CARPENTER to insure better mental health for its present and future citizens and a summary of the sessions concluded the institute. The Board of Education had cooperatively dismissed all classes for the day, and the two parochial schools had fol lowed suit so that their nuns might attend the Friday sessions also. At the Thursday evening session, it was thrilling to have the senior cadet nurses from one of the hospital training schools file in, very impressive looking in their uniforms. Out-of-town attendance totalling 25, swelled the cumulative total for the three general sessions to 825, and group discus ions drew from 50 to 90 each. One of the most valuable features of the institute was the presence of Dr. P lant throughout the day on Thursday. V isiting various schools on the invitation of those faculties, he held individual and group conferences with teachers, di scussing whatever topic they had requested. :Mental hygiene and its techniques are such Our "Ginny" is now a commissioned officer! intangibles that those who attended seeking a Second Lieut V irginia Carpenter received her formula for their teaching or a remedy for commission as a member of the 20th officer candispecific problems were greatly di sappointed . The dates' class of the Marine Corps Wornen's Renon-directive technique in the offerings of the serve. Lieut. Carpenter received her B.A. degree in institute was as obvious as it is in modern mental hygiene therapy. Whatever value the project had 1937 at Kent State U niversity and her M .A. deis in its stimulation . In the analysis, conscious or gree at Western Reserve U niversity. In addition otherwise, which may be made by individuals of to being a member of Alpha Sigma A lpha, she their relationship s with teachers, students and belongs to Cardinal Key and Alpha Psi Omega. For the past four years she has been Alumnae parents, and teaching methods of curriculum requirements, there must inevitably be profit. A l- Editor of the PHOENIX, a job she did as well as ready several faculties and one P .T .A. group the one she now does. We who know her personhave made specific plans for follow-up di s- ally give her all our love and wish her success in the new responsibility that is hers. cussions . And when th e war is over we shall be eager to The institute in itself had a wholesome effect have her return to the staff of T HE PHOENIX. in uniting various organizations. The Teachers' R u TH SELBY VoRHEES. Association, working together, has achieved




Association of Education Sororities Wartime Session HE sixteenth Biennial Conference of the T Association of Education Sororities was held at the Statler Hotel, Detroit, Michigan, March 30 and 31. Because of the O.D.T. ruling on conventions, the meeting was limited to the official delegates of the six A.E.S. sororities which make up the Panhellenic and national officers of the various SQrorities. Under the able chairmanship of Mrs. Robert Hill, Delta Sigma Epsilon, postwar problems and discussion of how to mee路t them was uppermost in their minds. The A.E.S. during this meeting realized more than ever its responsibility to the Teachers College student. The A.E.S. serves a high type of womanhood, the gi.rl of promise. It has, through its social and professional training met the needs of this type of g~rl in the Teachers College. The A.E.S. has fifty-five colleges on its roll with forty-three organized Panhellenics. It has done much through its college Panhellenics to establish standards of scholarship and social life, but its most distinctive contribution to education has been the emphasis laid upon the importance of adequate preparation for the teaching profession. After the reports of the various officers and committee chairmen, many new committees were set up and resolutions were passed which concerned the Teachers College girl in the post-war world. There were two very interesting papers given, one on Post-War Planning by Mrs. Fred Sharp, National President of Alpha Sigma Alpha and Education of Tomorrow by Mrs. Clarence P. Neidig, National President of Pi Kappa Sigma. New appointments were made for the various committees for the next two years. The most important were the Interfraternity Relations, with Miss Mabel Lee Walton, Sigma Sigma Sigma, Chairman; the Constitution Committee, Mrs. Clarence P. Neidig, Pi Kappa Sigma, Chairman; and the Scholarship Committee with Mrs. George A. Cieri se, Pi Kappa Sigma, Chairman. Every year the A.E.S. awards a Scholarship to an outstanding girl on a Teachers College campus. State Teachers College, Emporia, Kansas was selected for this next year. The only social gathering of the session was the lovely luncheon that Pi Kappa Sigma and

Alpha Sigma Tau active and alumnae chapters of Wayne University at Detroit arranged for all the路 A.E.S. officers, guests and their respective alumnae at the Book-Cadillac Hotel on Saturday, March 31. The officers relaxed for two hours to enjoy this delightful party. Each A.E.S. officer and national officer that was present received a beautiful pin in the form of a flower of porcelain ceramic, a lasting remembrance of this A.E.S. Conference. The A.E.S. officers assume their place on the A.E.S. Council by rotation; therefore the following officers will serve for the next two yearsMiss Carrie Walter, Theta Sigma Upsilon, Chairman; Miss Edith Mansell, Alpha Sigma Tau, Secretary; Mrs. Fred Sharp, Alpha Sigma Alpha, Treasurer; Mrs. Clarence P. Neidig, Pi Kappa Sigma, Director of Local Panhellenics; Mrs. Robert Hill, Delta Sigma Epsilon, Publicity Chairman and Miss Mabel Lee Walton, Sigma Sigma Sigma, Interfraternity Relations.

P. NEIDIG, A .E.S. Publicity Chairman.


SULLEN MUSIC It is a路 sullen music you have left within my ears. Paved with your kiss, the street of my desire resounds with notes intended for a throat grown dull to this, the sullen sound. Deaf to the song of birds well-feathered in a love, my ears and mouth remain bereft, While other birds partaking of your souththis sparrow left. BETTY BARBER BARRE, B~tffalo

Alumnae Chapter.

MAY, 1945


Alpha Sigma Alpha Service Roll WACS Eleanor Wales, ®® Jeanne McCarty, XX Mildred Etta Boss, XX Frances Holbrook, II II *Betty Mallue, I1 II Katherine Burlingame, II II Nancy Gibson, ~~ Vivian Ross, A Thelma Detweiler, KK Gladys Buller, BZ Katherine E. Mayer, BB Betty Lou Pelska, BH Martha Jane Hamilton, <I><I> Jacqueline A. Maxwell, EE Marjory Block Wilt, KK Mary Lyons, Winifred J. f\llen, II II Janice Tooke, 'It 'It Billie Sayes, 'lt'lt Miriam Partridge, XX Helen R. Giessen, ®® Beverly J acquart, TT

WAVES Beatrice J acquart, TT Dorothy Lasalle, <1><1> Marianna Obermiller, <1><1> Katherine Hale, ®® Helen Buck, NN Liane Rose, SS Mary Osborn, EE Virginia Coho, II II Mary Emma Lindemuth, KK Helen Witmyer, KK Martha Ruth , AB Oliver Mae Hitter, BZ Sopha Lee Husman, ZZ Rosa Lee Montgomery, rr E lizabeth Leidigh, II II Joyce Potter, TT *No longer in service.

Virginia Sailors, TT Mary Truax Donaldson, rr *Mabel E . Barlow, BE Virginia Pegg, HH Betty Russing, HH Louise Jordan, KK Winifred Wright, A Jane Cannon, BB Marguerite Rice, EE Ouida Hoeninger, B® Bobby Copas, rr M. Louise Ralston, YY Patricia Meeham, BB Dorothy Chockie, BB Hilda Reid, BB Winifred J. Donnellan, EE Mary E. Russell, EE Mary Ellen Linsey, KK Anne Willauer, KK Barbara Rogers, BE Irva Woters, SS Maxine Carroll, KK

SPARS Beatrice Ball, rr Ellen McConnell, KK Vida Bowers, EE Ruby vVoverton Lawler,


MARINES Jean Patrick, <1><1> Ethel Bergeron Burleigh, BZ Virginia Fields, BZ Betty Krieder, KK Virginia Carpenter, ®® Magna Mattern, MM Anna Louise Brown, Bll Eleanor Conrad, KK Elizabeth C. D~vidson, N Mildred Bowles Robertson, BZ

WAFS Daphne Kerrison, BZ

ARMY NURSE CORPS Nell Russell, Ar Gladys Rambler, <lei> Mary Detwiler, KK Barbara Forschet, KK Challis Hames, KK Eleanor Oakes, KK Martha Keppler, KK Ruth Fairbrother, SS Virginia Bounds, I N Bernetta Cushman, <1><1> Doris Clauser, KK Marianne Jury, TT

RED CROSS FIELD SERVICE Katherine Polly, EE Virginia Watt, <I> <I> Pat Wall ace, SS Margaret Bailey, EE Georgia Schulte, <I><I> Rose Lammel, BB Helen McClaflin, ll~ Patsy Smith Kaylor, A Ruth Hermonn, NN *Claire Bowman Burton, NN Mary l\fargaret Corbett, A B

u. s.


Ruth Jeremy, EE Edna Louise Turner, EE Barbara O 'Connell, 'ES Minerva Z. Messenger, KK Bayonne Gray Glenn, SS H arriett MacMillan Smith, II II



Fellowship Loan Fund If each of you could have had a peep into the mailbox of the National Fellowship Loan Chairman following each mail delivery during the latter part of February, you would . be convinced that "Fellowship Loan Week" had been observed in a most concrete manner. We like to think that the splendid response this year reflects not only a very healthy financial status of our College and Alum nae chapters, but al so an increasing knowledge of the Loan Fund-the opportunities which it offers and the obligations of College and Alumnae chapters towards this F und .

We would like to share some of the grateful letters received from loanees, but since such a deed is impossible we will say a very large "Thank you'' to each of you who has made it possible for her College or Alumnae chapter to contribute. Following is a list of contributing chapters to April 1, 1945: A1nount Contributed

College Chapter Alpha . .... . .. .. .... . . . .... . .... . .. $ Alpha Beta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alpha Gamma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . Beta Beta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gamma Gamma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Epsilon Epsilon . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zeta Zeta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eta Eta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Theta Theta . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kappa Kappa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nu Nu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pi Pi . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sigma Sigma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tau Tau . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phi Phi . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chi Chi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Psi Psi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beta Delta . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . Beta Epsilon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beta Eta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beta Theta ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beta Iota . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beta Kappa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beta Lambda . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . . . . . . . . .

10.00 10.00 10.00 30.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00

Amount Alumna.e Chapter Contributed Akron . ................... . ........ $ 10.00 Alva ... ..... . . . ......... . .. . .... . .. . 10.00 Boston ..... . ......... , .......... . . 10.00 Central Pennsylvania .......... .. ... . 17.25 Los Angeles ... ..... ... ...... .. . .... . 10.00 Chicago ........ ... .... . .. . . . ..... . 10.00 Huntington . .. . . . .. . ... ..... ..... .. . . 10.00 Hampton Roads . . . . .. . . . .......... . 10.00 Muncie .. .. ........ . ...... . ... ... .. . . 10.00 New York City ...... . ........ . ... . . 10.00 Philadelphia .. . ..... . ....... .... .. . . . 10.00 Cleveland 10.00 Columbus .. ..... . .. ........ "路;.路 . ... . 10.00 Detroit .... . ..... . ... . . . ........ . . . 10.00 Indianapolis ........... . ............ . 10.00 Kansas City, Mo . . . . . . ........ . . . .. . 10.00 Richmond . ..... . ..... . ........... . 10.00 . St. Louis .......... . . . .. ... ......... . 10.00 Tulsa ..... . .............. . ....... . 10.00 Wichita . ........ . ........ . ... . ... .. . 10.00 l\faryville, Mo. 10.00

$217.25 $260.00

Grand Total . .... .. . . .... . ......... $477.25 Respectfully submitted, ELEA JQRE SMITH THOMAS,

National Fellowship Chair111an.

MAY, 1945


• Ill


the Air!

We're Everywhere!

Welcome Hattiesburg, Radford and Lafayette! HATTIESBURG, MISSISSIPPI ALUMNAE CHAPTER Charter Members Maiden Nam,e C!wp. B6. Gloria Coleman B6. Miriam Jordan B6. Nell Rhodes B6. Marcelle Davis B6. Ruth Martin B6. Mary Ann Dever B6. Mary Alice Pickel B6. r..ena Clarice Ice B6. Helen Kynes B6. Matty Lynn Smith B6. Jesse Mae Furr

M an'ied Name

Mrs. W. J. Morgan Mrs. T. M. Sumrall Mrs. B. M. Stone, Jr. Mrs. Pat Cassady Mrs. W. J. Maxey M rs. R. E. Leard, Jr. M rs. S. 0. Smith

An Alumna Chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha has been organized in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, with eleven active members. P lans are being made for bi-monthly meetings during the remainder of ·1945 and for 1946. The May meeting will be held at a local dinner club and will honor the senior members of Beta Delta Chapter of Mississippi Southern College. The alumna chapter plans to work with the Beta Delta Chapter during their rush season and to invite visiting Alpha Sigma Alphas to attend our meetings whenever they can. MARY ALICE MAXEY.

Mrs. Raymond Smith

Date of Petition, Februa ry 6, 1945.


MRS. B. M. STONE, JR., President

Married N awte Chap. Maiden Nam,e l\Irs. W. I. Bradley BI J oella Akin Mrs. J. Grant Graham BI Esther Bobbitt BI Katherine Karnes l\Irs. Eugene C. Slusher BI Hi lda Amonette l\Irs. C. E . Linkous BI Virginia Boatwright BI Anzianetta Ramsey BI Mary Jane Kelly l\Irs. S. L. Spradlin BI Lucile Cox BI Virginia Fanning BI Nan Wolfe BI Alice Brown BI Ritchie L. Fugate :Mrs. Homer Cole, Jr. BI Louise Clement BI :Mickey Clement

Officers President-Mrs. B. M. Stone, Jr., Box 492, Picayune, Mississippi. Vice-President-Mrs. W. J. Morgan, 207 N. 25th Avenue, Hattiesburg, Mississippi. ecretary---,-Miss Mirian Jordan, 1312 Hardy Avenue, Hattie burg, Mississippi. Treasurer-Miss Gloria Coleman, 301 Miller Street, Hattiesburg, Mississippi . PHOENIX Correspondent-Mrs. W. J. Maxey, 538 Belew Street, Hattiesburg, Mississippi.

Date of Petition, March 3, 1945.

Officers President-Mrs. 'vV. I. Bradley, Radnor Apts., Radford, Virginia. Secretary-Treasurer- Iiss Alice Brown, 37 R idge Road, Fairlawn , Radford, Vi rginia. I HOENIX Correspondent - Miss Katherine Karnes, Pearisburg, Virginia.

THE On March 3, twelve very enthusiastic Alpha Sigma Alumnae met in Beta Iota's Chapter Room at Radford College for the purpose of organizing an alumnae chapter. It was so wonderful being together again, and we had so many interesting



Married Name Thelma Giroir Mrs. Fred Benoit Sylvia LeBlanc Mrs. W. H. Carpenter Barbara Wild Mrs. Harry L. German Emma Dell Mendoza Mrs. Thomas H. Givens BZ Bolivar Lee Sutherland Mrs. Kenneth B. Hiat BZ Kittie Herrin BZ Alice M. Judice Mrs. Jean L. King BZ Jessie L. Keep AB Alpha Mayfield BZ Beryl Dutsch Mrs. J.P. Newman BZ Noella Orgeron BZ Catherine Hudson Mrs. John Ramsay BZ BZ BZ BZ

Date of Petition, March 23, 1945.


MRS. W. I. BRADLEY, President

experiences to exchange. We were so excited just thinking about forming an alumnae chapter, realizing how much it would mean to us and to the local college chapter-to say nothing of the fun we would have seeing each other more often -that we could hardly settle down to business. M rs. J oella Akin Bradley presided and presented the information regarding the requirements of an alumnae chapter. The petition was signed and officers were elected. Right away we started making plans for meeting once a month. We have planned to have a dinner meeting in Roanoke and also to have a joint meeting with the college chapter, and during the summer we are going to have a picnic which sounds most appealing! O ur next meeting will be on April 7 at Radford College after which I hope to have more news to write. The alumnae present at the first meeting were: Virginia Boatwright Linkous, Esther Graham, Ritchie Lee F ugate, A lice Brown, Mary Jane Kelly, Nan Wolfe, Lucille Cox Spradlin, Kitty Karnes, Ann Ramsey, Hilda Amonette Slusher, Virginia Fanning, and Mrs. Bradley. Yours in Alpha Sigma A lpha, KITTY KAR ' ES.

President-Emma Dell Givens. Vice-President-Bolivar Lee Hait. Secretary-Barbara German. Treasurer-Thelma Benoit. PHOENIX Correspondent-Sylvia Carpenter.


On March the twenty-third, the Lafayette A lumnae Chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha held its first meeting. It began when M iss Keep sent out invitations to Alpha Sigs to a "Dutch Treat" at Aggielancl, a popular dining place just off the

MAY, 1945 campus of South western Louisiana Institute. After a delicious sea food supper was enjoyed, the business part of the meeting was continued at the home of Dr. and Mr . Kenneth B. Hait. Stella Dryer, the President of Beta Zeta Chapter also attended the supper and business meeting. Stella brought us to elate on the social and business activities of Beta Zeta Chapter. Plans were made for the Alumnae Chapter to work with the College Chapter as much as possible. helping out in various projects. especially with the rushees. Two senior members of Beta Zeta Chapter will be invited to attend all business meetings. It is hoped that in this way they will become more familiar with the functions of an Alumnae Chapter and the bond between the two Chapters will be strengthened. Plans were also made for taking an active part in Red Cross work, War Bond Drives, and U. S. 0. activities. For the information of PnOENIX readers, below are a few points of interest concerning our charter members. Thelma Benoit is teaching in the .Primary grades at Myrtle Place School in Lafayette. Her husband, Cpl. Freel Benoit, is in the 82nd Airborne Division and has been overseas for 23 months. Cpl. Benoit is now serving in France. Sylvia Carpenter is a housewife again. Her husband. Sj lC \Varren H. Carpenter, has been Honorably Discharged from the U. S. Coast Guard and is now attending S. L. I. under the G. I. Bill of Rights. Darbara German is the Supervisor of the Home Economics '路Small House."' In addition to these duties, Barbara teaches Home Economics at Southwestern. \Vhile attending Southwestern she was the Secretary of Beta Zeta. Her husband is now in France. Emma Dell Givens is the proud Mother of a six months old son. Emma Dell was the first President of Beta Zeta, so it is only fitting that she be the first President of the Alumnae Chapter. Her husband, Lt. Thomas H . Givens is in the laval Air Corps. Lt. Givens is now on Luzon, Philippine Islands. Bolivar Lee Hait is one of the Patronesses of Beta Zeta and has opened her home to our two chapters. Her husband, Dr. Kenneth B. Hait is Head of the Department of Psychology and Testing Bureau at Southwestern. Kittie Herrin works in the office of President Joel L. Fletcher of South western. She assists in sending out the monthly newsletters from the President to all Southwestern boys and girls in the Armed Service. These letters are sent all

over the world and do much to boost their morale. While at Southwestern, Kittie was President of Alpha Psi Omega Dramatic Club. Alice M. King graduated from Southwestern in February. Her husband is Tech. Sgt. Jean L. King of the Finance Dept. and is attached to the Air Corps. Sgt. King has been overseas for 20 months and is now serving in France. Jessie L. Keep is A sistant Professor of Physical Education at Southwestern . Miss Keep is the Advisor of Beta Zeta and has won a place in the hearts of all A. S. A.'s at S. L. I. Alpha Mayfield hails from Alpha Beta Chapter at Kirksville, Mo. While at the University of Virginia she was active with an Alumnae Chapter. Miss Mayfield is Assistant Professor of Music Education at Southwestern. Beryl Newman lives in Covington, Louisiana with her parents. Beryl received her degree at Southwestern and was the first member of. Deta Zeta to be initiated. Her Husband is Lt. (] . G.) ]. P. lewman. N oella Orgeron taught school in Cut Off, Louisiana for two years. She has worked in the library at Southwestern since July. Noella is planning to attend Louisiana Stat~ University in September vvhere she will take further studies in Library Science. . Catherine Ramsay is a Southwestern graduate and was Chaplain of Beta Zeta. Catherine is a housewife and has a young son. Her husband is in the Marine Corps. Future meetings are to be held on the third :\Ionday of every month. These will combine social and cultural activities. At the next meeting, on April 16, an "I Crave" supper, promises to be great fun. Loyally yours in A. S. A., SYLVI.\



SONNET Quite consciously, I have avoided word s Arranged in poems celebrating love, Under my reading eyes their terms disturb The heart that cannot stay aloof, above Compulsion which the cadences provide. The words are too explicit, each may start An image which my mind has put aside As unbecoming to its anest part. Music is better solace-no terse Bach Can recollect your face when I embrace Advance 路 from concertos he concocts. }.ify fallacy is this-I contemplate A universal language that provokes Cadenzas of your love in every note !


News Letters- Alumnae Chapters AKRON, OHIO Dear Girls: March 2rst-the first day of spring and a typical one I believe. We have had rain, snow and wind so far today but no sunshine. Much as we enjoy the beauty of the snow and the freshness of a spring thunderstorm, we are all anxious to bask in the good old sunshine for a few months.It is hard to realize that this is my last PHOENIX letter and with another meeting or two, we shall close our alumnae activities for another year. There is really . no variety of news to tell you for at all our meetings this year, we have carried forward our scrapbook project and it has been fun. We cut, paste and giggle over most of our cartoons. If the soldiers in the hospital get half as much fun from reading them as we do making them, the whole thing will be worthwhile . The girls are still working on the afghan and are slowly but surely getting it finished. At our February meeting at Martha Young's, it was a rare privilege to have Esther Henrichsen with us again. She seems very near our group for she and Lil Greer are very dear friends, sharing a home together. Esther was home on a thirty-day leave from England where she was assistant director of one of the largest American Red Cross Clubs in England. The club has two thousand beds, carries ;:. paid staff of 240 people and 700 volunteer workers. It operates 24 hours a day and provides meals continuously, recreation and that personal touch to the homesick soldier. At our March meeting last week, we were very sorry to learn that Emma Blythe is leaving us to live in Nashville, Tennessee where her husband has been transferred by Goodyear. We shall surely miss Emma for she is one of our most loyal sisters. We do wish her happiness in her new hom e but hope she comes back to Akron sometime. Now we are looking forward to our April meeting with Louise Holt. Sincerely in A.S .A., MARJORIE MIRANDA (MRs. J. T.)

ALVA, OKLAHOMA Time to say hello again and this time for the last time this year. Golly, how these years do pass by! Our last meeting was at the home of Zelma Branson wi th Edna Donley assisting. I've noticed that attendance at our meetings this year has been unusually high. It's good to have the girls get together and have so much fun, especially these days. They always seem to enjoy each others' companybut after all, Alpha Sigs usually doBy the way, can you imagine riding a bicycl e in eight miles and back just to attend a sorority meeting. That's just exactly what Katherine Quintort did. She teaches at Avard and it isn 't always possible

to catch a ride all the way in. Power to you, Katie. Eva Ames Wood brought the baby to the meeting this time. It's wonderful to see her laughing, playing, and growing so now. She 路 was so ill for awhile and had to have a quite serious operation. She's really sweet. Speaking of babies, the Thornhills have a new baby boy, Barry Lynn, born March 7, 1945路 You will remember Mrs. Thornhill as Clara Williams from Waynoka. They're living in Florida now. Don, a captain, is a pilot and is stationed there. Phyllis and Max Rahe are at Perrin Field, Sherman, Texas, now that he is back. Phyl writes she's having a hard time settling down after two "out of this world" weeks vacationing in Florida. We're glad to have Gilberta Stiles Rusco back home in Alva. Her husband is somewhere in the European Theatre. She is living with her mother now while her father who is in the Navy is at sea a gam . Also Eleanor Houts Sterba is back making her home in Alva and taking an active part in Alpha Sig affairs. We have another Alpha Sig, Ruth Marcum, who has finished the volunteer nurses' aide work and is giving of her time to the local hospital. I think it's wonderful these girls can do this. We're very proud of our college chapter this year. They've done a remarkable job. All of the pledges have been initiated and that's a good record for them. I understand they do have one pledge who was just recently pledged. Good work, g irls. Well , guess this is it for this year. May next year find things more peaceful and a much happier group of ASA'sERL LENE CLINE.

BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS The 19th of February, the active chapter at Boston University entertained the alums in the Little Theatre at the Soden Building. There were fifteen active and fifteen alumn<r present. Doris Bartone was in charge of the program. The seniors put on a singing skit and games were played. This must have been a grand party (I was unable to attend) because everyone I have heard mention it, talks with such enthusiasm even now two months later. Every time we get together some one refers to some incident occurring at this party. This is the signal for all who attended to go into a huddle and reminisce about the good time. D ecorations came in for their share of the praise. Winnie Ford and Margaret Silverstri, because of the month, used the George Washington idea with a centerpiece of hatchets. This idea was carried over into the refreshments, having sandwiches and, for dessert, cherry pie. We alums held our March meeting in Newton at the home of Gertrude Calvert, with twelve mem-

27 bers present. Instead of having our regular formal book reviews, as in previous years, an informal discussion of current books was carried on. Any one having read any particular book contributed to the general information. This gave an opportunity for more people to participate. Edith Lundquist brought about a dozen current-but-used, books that she was willing to loan or sell. All sat around the dining table to enjoy a spaghetti and meat dish, salad, vienna bread, fruit ·jello, cookies, brownies, and coffee. March 17th, the actives had their formal initiation. Eight alums were present. The initiation service, as inspiring as usual, seemed to have added dignity because of the impressive reading by the officers. At the banquet, following the initiation service, the table was decorated true to the St. Patrick idea. At each place was a shamrock and the centerpiece was such an attractive doll, in green, but whose ingenious wide trouser legs served as candy dishes. After the banquet messages of greeting and congratulations were brought from the alumnae president, Ruth Fletcher,_and from the adviser, Miss Kimball. Miss Kimball very clearly handed "Oscars" to the various groups. One of the actives entertained with a reading. After which, Dr. Helen Murphy, spoke on developing a personality which could not be called a "teacher personality." Informal singing was then enjoyed by both actives and alums . The meeting closed with the singing of Auld Lang Syne. Since this is the last report of the year, let me add just a few notes on our plans for April and May. Our April 7 meeting is to be held in Watertown at the home of Ellen Daly. At this business meeting we shall elect our officers for the coming year. Ellen announced, at the last meeting, that she would have a smorgaasbord. By the oh's and ah's I should judge that this would be an inducement to attend. The May meeting, planned for May sth, is to be held in Lexington at the dairy farm owned by the Svensons. lngeborg entertains us quite royally. We hope to entertain as many of the undergraduates as possible at this meeting. There is so much to see and do that, no matter what your interest, we all enjoy our meetings in Lexington. \\_'eat her. perm~t­ ting, a picnic supper in planned. Thts meeung wtll bring to a close our activities for the year. RuTH E. MAvs.

BUFFALO, NEW YORK When you last heard from the Buffalo Alumnae Chapter we were still in the throes of snow a.nd tee. Fortunately, however, spring has reached thts part of the country a little early and we just feel we must make up for lost time. Way back in February Dr. Margaret Quayle of the State Teachers College faculty was to be our guest speaker but February 19th found Dr. Quayle with a severe case of laryngitis so Dr. Esther McGinnis of the College was our substitute speaker.

Her timely talk, followed by a discussion; on "Returning Veterans" was indeed a challenging one to those of us on the home front. $r4.25 was what our treasury received from · our March 19th meeting. Large packages, small ones, attractive ones, strange ones-such were the sights that greeted the Buffalo Alumnae at their annual White Elephant Sale. Thanks to Marjorie Moreland the sale was a great success. Our auctioneer was none other than Louise Coe and we wish you could all have Louise's services for such sales, for she really puts on a one rhan show!· The next big attraction comes off on April r6th when our patroness, Miss Frances Hepinstall, will give one of her famous Potpourri of Current books. Following this review a silver tea will be held for Alpha Sigmas and their friends. We hope to realize considerable money from this evening to help pay for the dishes we are presenting to Tudor Castle. Fran is always a big drawing card and we know we'll have a good attendance. In May we have our election of officers and a party for seniors concludes our year's activities in June but we'll have to report on these next fall. Ramblings from our alumnae membership-Jane Childress Clark has returned from Texas and has an apartment in Buffalo. We are hoping t~at Jane ~ill soon be able to join us at a regular meetmg. Manon Thomas Balding is recuperating at home and we ~re happy to say is making real progress. Cl~ ver Ma~wn is making and selling some most attrac~tve earn~gs and judging from the way these are recetved, Manon is kept busy filling orders. Ruby Fttch Nelson ts on the move again. The first of March she left for Santa Ana, California to be with her Navy husband while he is stationed in the states. How long Ruby and Ed will remain in California is known only by Uncle Sam. Sue Sa to was one of the artists chosen to exhibit her work at the Western New York Art Show and do look elsewhere for news of our talented Sue of whom we are mighty proud. Win Allen, WAC is at the Battle Creek Michigan General Hospi~al and writes that the work there with returned veterans is most challenging. Flossie Snow Hamlin 's husband has returned from foreign service · and it is likely that the Hamlins will be settling in .Buffalo. Babe Hedden Phillips and Kay Johnston Carnco have returned home with their daughters while their Army husbands are in the Pacific theatre of war. Ginny Donnigan Butler is a busy person these days as H ead of the Home Management House at Buffalo Sta~e but we know what a fine piece of work our ASA ts doing there. Marian Passage came in from Niag~ra Falls with Ann McGuth for our February meetmg and, it was a pleasant surprise to see Marian agai~ . Dot Hess Ferrand is completing the year as substitute teacher in Eggertsville, and that is good news to Principal Art York . Mary Lennie succeed~ Ev Bell as A .A.U.W. Chairman of the Professwnal group on April r rth. The summer months will temporarily terminate


our alumnae activities but we'll be back on the job again next September. MRs . EDwARD NELSON.

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Isn't it nice to have alums from a chapter in your own state? The Chicago group hasn't had such a chance before so were glad to have two of the Beta Kappa girls at our last two meetings. Mary W einberg has been teaching in Oak Park and Myrna Johnson working in the Loop, sharing an apartment on the West side of Chicago but Myrna informed us that she had been lucky enough to find a Northside apartment which she hoped her husband would soon be able to el)joy with her. What was it Myrnathree days-you had together before he went into the service? Another new member for the Chicago group is Mary McCray, who attended the luncheon in February when Dorothy Masters entertained us at The Normandy House. March brought a record attendance when thirteen of us enjoyed the lovely luncheon that Martha Dimond had prepared for us in her modernistic apartment. If our crowd continues to grow we'll have to have two hostesses each month or go back to dessert luncheons. Then, too, this "point" business is a problem. We were sorry to hear that Betty Hoyt's twin brother had been reported missing since the sinking of the transport ship on which he was sailing. Our other Betty (Betty Foyer) had good news, for her son John is getting his training at Great Lakes where they ca n visit him occasionally and he's "doing right well" as an assistant physical education director. If our deadline for the next issue were a few days later I could tell you about our April luncheon, but as it is I'll just let you loook forward with us to Saturday when Marge Mills is entertaining at the Edgewater Beach Hotel. ETHEL LLEWELLYN WILSON.

CLEVELAND, OHIO . We began this year with some qualms about it bemg a successful one what with no gasoline, no help, no ttme, and all the ?ther "nos" that war has brought to every mdtvtdual 111 every group. But it has developed into another fine year for our Cleveland sisterhood. The meetings seem to have a vital quality surpassmg that of any other year. We are appreciatIng more those precious hours we can use for leisure we are more interested in each other due to th~ stress of the times, and beyond that, we have al l become more interesting persons because our li ves are being filled to the brim with experiences we had never before dreamed of. At the last meeting, we heard one A.S .A. remark " Don 't you wonder why we thought we were to~ busy before the wa r started? I had no idea until now how well I could use my time." We have continued meeting every month. Phyllis

Greer asked us to luncheon at Higbee's Silver Grill on February 24th. Because of the big turn-out at down town affairs, we are considering having them all in 1945-1946 at a central place rather than in homes. The main attraction of the afternoon was little Valeris Ann Furness, who came with mama Bette. On March 24th, Helen Carrington was hostess at an attractive luncheon party at her home in Cleveland Heights. Because of Easter vacation beginning for several of our girls who are teachers, only eight of us could attend. The rest missed one of the most amusing entertainments we've had. Phyllis reviewed "Thurber's Carnival." Do read it, all of you. You will giggle away your blues for days afterward. Phil gave us just enough to make us all want to dash to order the book. Our next get-together will be downtown at one of Ruth Vorhees and Cleveland's luncheon spots. Leota Merian will do the hostessing. It will be on Saturday, April 2oth. . The annual May party will be a dance given at the home of Ralph and Betsey Besse. We always look forward to our few meetings during the year where our husbands are the honored guests. Election of officers will be the business of the day, when our president, Georgia Kurtz, entertains in June. In July or August, depending on vacations, the Barch's and Smith's will have the group out to a picnic and swimming party at Martha and Fred's home at Briar Hill Lake. Sounds as though we're going to have fun right through the summer, doesn't it ? We have been missing Mabel Schilling Blanchard. She has been on a few months leave from her positiOn at Cleveland Heights High School. She chose to spend her time resting in the pleasant western climate. She is back now and in tip-top shape. Helen Boggess Swart was telling us of hearing from Catherine Arbogast Aubert, who now li ves in B_remerton, Washington. The two gi rl s were Alpha Stgs together at Miami University. We are all rejoicing with Martha. Her brother, Bob, has just returned from England where he has recently completed his missions as a gunner on a bomber. Two of Leta Crawford's boys are in the European theater and had seen each other a short time ago, for the second time since they had been across. Their brother, the youngest, is now on his way to the South Pacific. Bernie DeTchon says she scarcely sees Bob anymore. He is continuing his regular position at the :VHK radio station plus working many extra hours 1n a war plant. Ada and Susan are almost lost without Bill. The Coast Guard transferred him from Cleveland to Holland, Michigan. We wish all of you a happy and useful summer. LoRA MAHLE JoNEs SMITH.

MAY, 1945 路 COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO The Colorado Springs Alumnae Chapter had a very successful Valentine party for our husbands on February 7th. Everyone brought two white elephants, which were used as prizes for the bridge games. The refreshment committee served a very good spaghetti supper. The March meeting was held at Helen Shoup's home. We decided to continue our meetings during the summer months and hope that any Alpha Sigs who may be in Colorado Springs this summer will JOin US.

The April meeting was held at Virginia Shepherd's home, and we spent the evening mending for the Christian Home. We have one new member, Mary Phillips, who is now teaching in the Colorado Springs schools. She is a former President of Beta Beta Chapter. We were very sorry to lose Hazel Drown Lee, who has moved to Greeley, Colorado. Hazel is expecting her husband back in the States in June. I do not have very much news for this issue, but we do feel that we have had a very successful winter, and look forward to our second year with a great deal of confidence and pleasure. Yours in A. S. A. VIRGINIA MALONEY.

COLUMBUS, OHIO With this issue of the PHOENIX we bring to a close the recorded doings of "this'n and that'n and all of us'h " for the sorority year. February 15, at the Southern Hotel, twenty-five Alpha Sigma Alphas assembled for the annual Valentine dinner. After an A.S.A. song fest we turned full attention to luscious fried chicken which helped 1:1s forget the meat shortage temporarily. Between dinner courses various members spoke briefly of one or another branch of our armed services for women and the lists of Alpha Sigs in each branch were read . Marian Corey Dyer was our special guest who, in a short hour or so, took us deep into Mexico and back agin . Mrs. Dyer, beautifully dressed as a gay senorita, told us of historical, artistic, dancing, and singing Mexico, as ws::ll as many of the gay, light, and amusing experiences of two trips made there with her husband and two friends. Mrs.Dyer, a voice instructor in Columbus, closed by singing several Mexican folk tunes. In addition to all this she brought many examples of Mexican art for us to envy. (We did .) There was exquisite laces, baskets, urns, and jewelry. Lovely, lovely jade! We drooled! "The love of books, the golden key That opens the enchanted door." Mrs. Raymond Peck was our guest at the March meeting in Rachel Van Hook's home. Clara Oden and Kathryn Rousculp were assistant hostesses. Last year Mrs . Peck reviewed Dragonwyck and we enjoyed it so much we just had to hear an encore en-

gagement. This year she sca nned The Tollivers and reviewed Young'n. Both were done in an admirable fashion. "What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity." Nearly everyone in the chapter rushed-and I do mean rushed-to Lazarus Dining Salon amid preEaster finery, smiles and an abundance of sunshine to participate in the annual Easter luncheon. To prove the "rush" in the preceding statement I must tell you about Vi Roush. She said I wouldn't dare mention it, but I think it only proves her extreme loyalty and besides she should know better than dare this little one to such a thing! You see Vi was so anxious to get to the luncheon that in the sprint to Martha Bell's car, she fell,-completely, fully, and unrestrainedly. Results? A nasty, nasty cut just below the knee and a pair of ruined hose. More rushing ensued for a new pair of hose, a mad trip to the hospital where the gory mess was fixed up and sulpha drugs capably applied. By Vi's own statement a query was presented to her by a nurse as to whether she just had returned from the German front! For added information she steamed (?) in at the luncheon just in the nick of time! Now don't you think she's positively one of the most enthusiastic members ever? Also rushing to the luncheon for a reunion with us were four whom we hadn't seen for months and months. I nosed into their business, as usual, and found out a few interesting bits that are printable. First I met Mrs. Charles (Sarah) Peglar, who lives in Gahanna and has her husband, young son and daughter, and a big house to keep her time well filled. Charles is editor of the Tri-Community News . Then Evelyn Wetzel Bryan came all the way back from Morgantown, West Virginia. Evelyn is teaching Algebra and Science there while her husband works for Dupont. Bessie Cade Mason came in from Centerburg where she resides during her husband's sojourn in the army. He is a Lt. Col., at present is in France, and has been overseas more than two years . Lucille Webster Jenkins had to come up from Niles, Ohio, where she teaches science. Following the luncheon several tables of bridge were set up. Some scull-duggery was loose someplace for I know I deserved the consolation prize but I didn't get it. Not that I mind not getting the prize, but I MUST have been low scorer, and somebody else had to take the rap . ' One interesting feature at the luncheon was our handing the treasurer one cent for each inch of our waist measurement. Just between you and me, according to the money that came in, the average waistline is about thirty-six inches, but it's a lie! I personally saw Ruth Siples give Helen seventy-five cents. Now you know Ruth isn't that big. You don't even have to take MY word for that, do you-just use common sense. If she were seventy-five inches around we wouldn't have to take money from the girls. We could put Ruth in a side show and watch the money roll in. Say, that could be a project to


work on,-fatten the calf and cash in later. We must discuss the matter with her. Sincerely speaking, perhaps that is an unfair way of testing her loyalty to Alpha Sigma Alpha. Once again back to more serious thinking, I mention that Dottie Windom's husband, Lt. Col. Loren (maybe Colonel by the time you read this) now is on duty in Manila. At present his is a headaching job of combatting thieving, looting, and black-marketing activities in that city. Word reached me this evening that Katie Loechler's husband is being transferred to Akron, Ohio, in the capacity of manager of the New York Life Insurance Co. office there. The family will take up residence in Akron soon. Katie will be the Akron chapter's gain and our great loss. Since this is the last issue of PHoENIX and new officers for our chapter shall soon be taking over, let me say I have enjoyed trying to let you in on our activities. It has been fun and I hope too many eye troubles haven't developed and too many "HMMFS" haven't been uttered while reading the quips that have been interspersed here and there in these sketchings. I don't know who the new editor shall be, but take it from me, she'll do a swell job. So to the new editor from Columbus Chapter, whoever she may be, I do hereby relinquish, with this issue, my pen and all rights for further issuance of dulcet drivel. May she derive as much enjoyment from the duty as I have. I shall be lookinug forward to reading in the next issue her account of our May meeting at which the Gentlemen 路 of the Sorority will be guests and our speaker shall be Dr. Blanche Montgomery Myers, noted medical doctor, psychiatrist, housewife, and faculty member in the medical school here at Ohio State University. (Yes, she IS a very busy womanin case you are wondering.) And now, c'est fini with bunches of good wishes from us to you, wherever you may be and whatever you may be doing . S'long now-MARY TENNELL CALHOUN.

DETROIT, MICHIGAN War work and the convention of Educational sororities held here in our city over the past weekend have kept our girls busy. Our February meeting was held at my home, Ha zel Hall and Jean Hibbard acting as co-hostesses. Much of the outstanding yarn for our Red Cross afghan was returned at that time, but not quite all. Louise McArthur is collecting same and has very generously offered to assemble the afghan when all the squares are completed. Our March meeting was at Isabel -Butterfield's, with Caroline Evans and Frances Vredenburg assisting. At this time the girls decided to purchase enough yarn for another afghan, also to be donated to the Red Cross f.or hospital veterans. Much of this meeting was spent discussing aid to the Hibbard Fund, whose purpose it is to purchase specially made

artificial limbs for wounded service veterans. The maimed servicemen are referred to Beaver Edwards, who fits them for an artificial limb produced from a light-weight plastic, with the shape, size and color matching that of- the remaining limb. The prices range from one to three hundred dollars but the average cost is $r78 for each case. Since it's incorporation in October 1943, the Fund has aided 127 servicemen, 53 of whom have already been treated and discharged. A large portion of their funds have come from club women throughout the city. 路 During Easter week-end a convention of Educational sororities was held here in Detroit and our national officers Mrs . Sharp and Mrs . Leib were in town. Sara Jane Bumgardner picked them up at the Statler and drove them out to Marjorie Chapel's in Birmingham and from there they went on to Devon Gables for dinner and a nice chat; then back to the hotel. On Saturday, a luncheon was held at the Book Cadillac hotel. Eighty-two girls representing the six different sororities were present. Besides Mrs. Sharp and Mrs. Leib who so ably represented A.S .A., eight girls from our chapter attended, including our President, Marjorie Chapel, and Lieutenant Kay Burlingame, formerly of Buffalo, who is now stationed here. And now as this year for PHOENIX draws to a close, may we all look forward to peace throughout the world before Autumn. Yours in A. S. A., MARIE PALMER LuTz.

DENVER, COLORADO Our Christmas Brunch was held at the home of Za Lawrenson where good food and chatting were the main events of the morning. Grace Dalby Davies brought in her handsome young son, Roger, to meet us. We all agreed that he is a speciman of better babyhood. On St. Patrick's Day, balmy and beautiful as Denver sunshine could make it, seventeen Alpha Sigs came to Polly Schlosser's for bridge and tea. It was our first bridge party in two years with some of the girls dropping in later for tea. Martha Chesnutt Eskridge came, being home for a few days with Veryle Ann from John's camp at Childress, Texas. Ethel Olinger Haasted, one of our very busy but ever faithful members came bringing two neighbors, Mildred Lang Sandelin and Polly Howell Robinson. Our spring flowers we planned to send to Elizabeth Eldridge McLaughlin at Mercy Hospital with another small son. W c were all happy to hear the good news about La Verne Shockley Fertig's safe return home from the Philippines. PoLLY ScHLOSSER.

HAYS, KANSAS Dean Agnew was ill all last year but is able to be at her office again for a few hours each day. Dorothy Morrison spent her vacation in Hays from her work as dietitian at a hospital in Panama.

Beth Harkness is now in Manila- last letter, March 9th. Before Pearl Harbor, she was teaching at a girls' school in China. She was sent to the Philippines and there taken as a prisoner by the Japanese. She was released from Santos Tomas on February 7路 Her condition is fair and an attempt is being made to improve her health before her return to the States. The following alums have teaching positions in Kansas towns-Lucille Fuller Rowland at Ellis, Eleanor Hawes at Natoma, Luella Mullenhamp Griffith at Plains, Doris Swanson Burtscher at Wakuncy, Shirley Clarke Carmichael at M inneapolis and Betty McCawley Stithem at Smith Center. These are the husbands in service: James \Vichizer (Ele'a nor Winters) Army, Europe. Frederick Ryan (Kathryn Parsons) Air Corps, South Pacific. Richard Murmis (Kathryn Pratt) Navy, South Pacific. Robert Richards (Jean Fuller) Navy, South Pacific. Wilbur S. Lukenbill (Flora Lee Cochran) Navy, Oklahoma City. Neal Burtscher (Doris Swanson) Army, European. Arthur Joy (Ruth Angell) Army, Camp Meade. Charles Rhoades (Bernice Betthauser) Navy. Orville Rae (Mary Alice Weisner) Army Air Corps. J. R. Stewart (Mary Schirer) Navy. Hale Hays (Mary K. Brenneman) Army Air Corps, South Pacific. Rex Pearson (Mary Ethel Earl) Navy. E lmo Charmichael (Verna Jane Thompson) Army Air Corps. Orlan Carmichael (Shirley Clarke) Army Air Corps, Europe. James Takacher (Hazel Oshant) Army, Camp Crowder. Dale Stithem {Betty McCauley) Army, European. Foster Huff (Geraldine Chittenden) Army Air Corps, South Pacific. Frank Reising (Ruth Twenter) Army Air Corps, Europe. George Albin (Marion Holzmeister) Army Air Corps, Europe . H . J. Older (Mildred Mmray) Navy. Earl Thurlow (Novaline Hickman) Army. Robert Winnery (Rita Jacobs) Army . Cy Bender (Marj.orie Yahig) Army.

GUNNISON, COLORADO Alpha Sigma Alpha Alumnae Chapter of Gunnison met in March at the home of Mrs. A. C. Miller. We voted to assist one of our patronesses, Mrs. Cl ytia Fleetwood, County Chairman for Cancer Control. The following is from our local daily newspaper: VIGoRous PROGRAM OuTLINED To CoJ'viBAT CANCER; GivE GENEROUSLY To cooperate in a state-wide and a national movement to educate the public away from the hushhush attitude toward cancer, a disease which now takes one out of every eight persons; to establish clinics thruout Colorado; to build a hospital in the state; to conduct research; and to enlighten the publ ic concerning detection of symptoms are the purposes of a vigorous local campaign, headed by Mrs. ClytJa Fleetwood, herself a trained nurse, and supported by leading people of the community. During the first two weeks of April, they wish to drive home the following points :

(I) Deaths from cancer are on the increase. Today it is the second most frequent cause of death. ( 2) Cancer is often curable if treated in time. (3) Cancer is not contagious. ( 4) The medical profession at present approves only three ways of treating cancer-surgery, X-ray and radium. Letters from Mrs . Fleetwood's committee are going out to all the local organizations; the campaign is being announced thru the churches, and Alpha Sigma Alpha alumnae are cooperating in the active work of the program of education and the collection of funds . Yours in A. S. A., RosELLE r MciLwEE.

INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA The Jndianapolis chapter held their March meeting at the home of Helen Em ick. Wilma Wolf, who was one vacation from Northwestern University was with us that night. We were very proud of Wilma, when we heard that she had been one of the top eight in her class and chosen for membership in Pi Lambda Theta . She was also made counselor for Pembridge, one of the girl's halls in Evanston. In April we met at Helen Noblitt's. At this time we completed plans for our annual Mother's Day Luncheon which Letha Gask ins is having in her home on May I2th. BEREr IECE J. LAMB.

KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI Easter egg decorations on the luncheon table and a good game of bridge were features of the March meeting of the Kansas City Alumnae group. Mary Kay Reiff was chosen to succeed Dulcie Baird Calhoun as Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee. . We are collecting playing cards for distribution by the Red Cross to hospitals and service centers. The cards do not have to be new but should be in good condition, and, of course, complete decks. Bridge, pinochle or similar game cards will be accept2ble. On April I I, Virginia Drain became the bride of Master Sergeant William F. Dixon of Junction City, Kansas. V irginia and Bill were school-mates at Kansas State Teachers College of Emporia. Bill has been in foreign service for three years. After a short furlough, he will return to active duty . Virginia is a department manager of a large loan company in Kansas City. Mrs. Wilma Sharp, Mary Kay Reiff, Jane Issaccs Campbell and Mildred Hanthorn are to be hoste~ses to the April alumnae meeting, and路 we are expectmg to have a good turn-out. It is such fun to see familiar faces and new ones at our monthly meetings. If readers of this little item know Alpha Sigs in Kansas City, we'd love to have you send us their names and addresses. . R . C .) JERRY AITCHISON (M I rs.


LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS Alpha Sigs always have fun together, but March 9th, 1oth, I Ith was a week-end which was indubitably the best that the Beta Lambdas have had. Thirteen of us met with the college chapter in Conway, and Mrs . Sharp was there. Every minute was filled with excitement, and each left unwillingly Sunday. We hardly recogni zed our old A.S.A . room when we found it so beautifully redecorated and furnished. The girls' selection was just what we alumnae have seen in our crystal ball for the past several years, and the chapter did a marvelous job in raising the money. Two highlights in our week-end were the meetings held especially for us, Mrs. Sharp met with us Saturday p.m., and We had a fireside visit with Dr. Jrby, College President, that morning. Congratulations are now in order for Doris Powell who was married Easter Sunday to Ensign Pete Dorsey of the U.S. Naval Air Corps in The Little Church Around the Corner, New York City. Pete plans to be stationed in Brooklyn, and they will make their home there for awhile. \Ve welcome Ruby Fair Griner, a Zeta Sigma alumnae, into our alumnae group. ' She was initiated at the meeting in Conway. The new officqs fo r the coming year have been elected as follows: Emmadell High Mitchell, President; Doris Powell, Vice-President, Georgiana White, Secretary and Treasurer; and Frances Burkett, PHoENIX Correspondent. Yours Truly in A.S.A., FRA NCES BuRKETT.

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA The last meeting of the group was held at the home of Catherine Hunsicker, in February, to honor our Patron, St. Valentine. The afternoon was spent in playing games, after which Catherine served refreshments. We were all pleased to have three girls who had not attended for some time-Gertrude Byrket Slate, who lives in Burbank, in the San Fernando Valley has been very busy with her baby girl (I think I told you about her in the last news letter); Daniece Rose Shank li ves in Brawley, in the desert a nd so is much too far away to attend very often; Dorothy Linder Bryan, who lives at Tehachopi, in the mountains beyond Mojavi, is still teaching school there. It is always a pleasure to have old fri end s return. Sincerely, LouisE HINDS.

MARYVILLE, MISSOURI We ha ven't much news this time. We have had only one meeting since I sent news in February. On March 5th we were entertained with a dessertbridge at the home of Mrs. Charles Bell wi th Mrs. ]. W. Jones, Mary A nn Bovard Scott, and Mildred Hotchkin Maier as assisting hostesses. There were about fifteen present.

The actives entertained our group with a theater party on Wednesday, March 21st. Lovely refreshments were served in the lounge after the show. There were fifty present. Mary Ruth Brown was married to Howard Eugene Appleby on March 26th at the home of her mother. The double ring ceremony was performed in the presence of immediate relatives and a few friends. A reception was held following the ceremony. They will live in Maryville. Sincerely, RuTH LAWRENCE.

MUNCIE, INDIANA On February 1oth we had our last meeting. We met for a luncheon at the Uni-Mart restaurant near the college. Following an enjoyable meal along with our chatting we went to the home of Mrs . Betty Miller where we h~d our business meeting Our hostess who is our Vice-president had charge of the meeting in absence of our president, Mrs. Helen Pennington. Helen's husband was home on leave after having been gone for almost a year. This was their first time to see each other after their marriage. Plans were made for our next meeting which will be in honor of the seniors of the active chapter. It will be held in the recreation rooms of Burris High school. Different card games will be played and prizes will be awarded. Chairmen of the committees are: arrangements, Mrs. Dorothy Montgomery; refreshments, Mrs. Helen Pennington; and prizes, Mrs. Grace Rankin. Miss Deirdra Kimball told of the active chapter. Each time she reports at our meetings about their activities we feel more proud than ever of the undergraduates and the grand work they are doing. We were hoping that our round robin letter would get back to Betty for our meeting so we could learn some news. Unfortunately it did not, so news of our members is very slim this time. VELMA THRESHER.

NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA Our dream of starting an alumnae chapter in New Orleans became a reality on February 3, 1945. We elected Hilda Giraud as President; Sybil Glaser, Vice-President; Claire Alexander, Secretary; Betty Lou Straughn, Treasurer; and Janice Hinrichs, PHOEN IX Correspondent. Other charter members are: Lorraine Morel, Mildred Bergeron, Che'rry Fern Leach, Alice Joyce Bouregous and Dorothy Savage Rawis. We hope to contact other Alpha Sigmas through the PHOENIX and through the local papers. All of our members so far are Beta Zetas except Claire Alexander who is from Psi Psi. We are planning to visit the army and navy hospital s in and near New Orleans to do whatever we ca n to help out there. Our meetings are held on the second Saturday of each month. At our March meeting we had a guest,

MAY, 1945


Pearle L. Herisson from Baton Rouge. Pearle is also a Beta Zeta. If any Alpha Sigmas are in New Orleans at any time, please let us know. Loyally yours in A.S.A., JANICE HINRICHS HAYDEL.

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK Martha Levis Morse, Theta Theta, formerly of "Bah-ston," and now living in Manhassett, Long Island, New York is our president. Martha has been on the job and has helped make this past year one of the most interesting years we've had in the New York Alum annals. The March meeting of the New York Alums was held at Em Frost's "Park School of Cookery" in the form of a Stork Shower for two of our girls. One of the guests of honor was Ethel Shutt Peterson, Pi Pi, who since then has had her little boy, Rod Stuart, on April rst. President Martha Levis Morse, Theta Theta, was the other guest of honor, but she is going to keep us in suspense for just a while longer. The party was lovely, as usual in the Frost style, and all of the decorations on the buffet table were in pink and blue. One set of pink bootees Banked a little shoe of sweet peas as center piece, and of course, blue on the other side. Tall pink and blue candles graced the table too. Little bibs with "Baby Peterson" and "Baby Morse" were on each end, and small crepe paper bootees were made into nut and candy cups as favors. Of course, the mountainous fruit salad, tiny sandwiches, and luscious homemade cookies bespoke of Park School of Cookery arts. After we had feted the mothers-to-be with gifts of baby blankets in pink and blue, we settled ourselves to business. The next meeting is to be in Montclair, N. J. at Billie Barrett's, and since it is so close to Easter, we thought we'd make it an Easter Bonnet Show. Also, another White Elephant Sale was suggested for purposes of raising some money. Here's where bureau drawers and closets are emptied and the coffers of the New York Alum~ swell. We heard that Marion Thomas Balding, now at 220 East Delavan Street, Buffalo, New York, (of course a Pi Pi), has started a hand-made earring business. Knowing Marion's cleverness and artistic ability, they should be darling. How about ordering $Orne for your next gift supply? The May meeting is planned as another theater party and the tickets for "Harvey," the Broadway sensation, have been obtained for May 5th. Again thanks to that "on-the-job" Gertrude Yorke. As for the Officers Parties •n New York they're still going strong. The last one was held on Easter and was a huge success. We are now entertaining the women officers in the service as well as the men. If it were not for the generousness of Em Frost who gives her home, her time and her efforts, these contributions to the folks in the service would not be

available. Em has worked hard on them and deserves much thanks. The boys and girls do appreciate the "home" touch, the friendliness and the fun and for many it has helped take their 'minds off wa: or homesickness. Would that ~e could recommend Em for a Congressional Medal. And so ends the story, for a while, of the doings of the New York bunch in what has been one of our best years. It has held many surprises, most of which have come in twos. Two parties, two baby prospects, two theater parties, two White Elephant Sales, two new and fine members, (Gertrude Yorke and Mary Solway), and many times two successful Officer's Parties. It's been fun on my part telling about them, but with this the last issue and summer in the offing, I bid you so-long, have a nice summer, and you'll hear from us in the fall. BILLIE BARRETT.

PHILADELPHIA, P.ENNSYL VANIA Our Valentine Tea was held February r nh at the Kappa Kappa House. Anna Lefferts and Bertha UnderkoBer were chairmen and did a wonderful job. Then on March 17th, we held our annual card party at Snellenburg's, one of the department stores in town. The highlight of the afternoon was a fashion show put on by the store. The chairmen of this party were Beth Reese Chance and Ruth Taylor. In April we will have a business meeting. Congratulations go to Peggy Baumerth Hillier, who had a baby girl in November. Also best wishes to Mildred Longacre on her marriage to Bill Hunsicker on February 17. We were happy to hear from Kitty Brill Dolman that her husband, Geoffrey Dolman was home after two years overseas and saw their baby, Kathie. And Mary Emma Lindemuth who is in the WAVES, was home for a short visit. She's been in Washington as head of a dormitory. We extend our deepest sympathy to Kay Blood Fair whose husband, a commander in the Navy, was on the SS. Colm·ado and was killed in January. She and her sixteen months old son are living in San Diego. HELEN GEIBEL.

RICHMOND, VIRGINIA The month of May seems to be a gala one for the Alpha Sigs in Richmond, as we are planning two · special events for the Alumnae Chapter. On the week before Mother's Day, we are having our annual Mother's Day Banquet. This is one of the most important and interesting parties that we have all year. We have a dinner at one of the hotels, and each girl brings her Mother. During the banquet, we have talks by the President and other members on the importance and significance of having our mothers behind us in everything that we do, and how we want every mother to feel a part of our Alpha Sigma Alpha Alumnae Chapter. We then duly initiate our mothers with a simple but impressive ceremony, which really gives them a feeling


34 of "belonging." From there on, we are just one big happy fam il y, and we all feel closer bound in the loving bonds of Alpha Sigma Alpha . We think that this gathering is among the nicest that we have all year, and we hope that many other groups will tr y it too . .. On May 2oth, we w ill enterta in the soldiers at McGui re General Hospital which is just outside of Richmond. We plan to have some sort of entertainment for them, such as : a melodrama, a one act play, or some monologues. Th e boys gather in the Red C ross recreation room, a nd after the entertainment, the A lpha Sigs, aided by Red Cross workers, serve lig ht refreshments to them. This is truly worthw hile work and lots of fun for any g roup. We are trying hard to make it a big success. Fran Camden, our last year's president, has been in vited to attend the Hampton Rhoads Al umnae C hapter to tell them w hat some of our activities have been and to get some suggestions from them also. It is most interesting and inspiring to have close contact with another Alumnae group such as this, and we know that both g roups will profit by this contact. Yo~, know the old adage, " two heads are better than one. The two " Rs," in Ri chmond a nd " Romance," must have some connection, for every meeting brings fort h another engagement or marriage. The latest engagement is of A nn Petti s to Fred Burton. Last wtek-end Mary E li zabeth White we nt down to Louisiana to marry Morris Wallace. Dot Darracott, who was teaching swimming at Boca Raton, "took the plunge" also, but has not been back yet to show us the lucky man . Patsy Smith, who is in England with the Red Cross, decided that that was as good a place as any to marry her Ameri ca n sweethea rt, a nd did so about a month ago . Barbara Tripp Friend has an adorable little gi rl, Debora Carrol, who is about a year old now. They have just returned to Richmond recently a nd given us a cha nce to see her. Our newest baby is Suzanne Gaile Lugar, daughter of Jean H atto n Lugar, who was born April 2nd. We hear that she is a prize package. Well, I g uess that that is all the news for this time, but we w ill be thinking of yo u all during the summer and wishing you lots of happiness. Love in A . S. A., ELLA MARSH ADAMS .

followed by happy memories of our respecti ve college chapters when Evelyn brought some PHOEN IX's .


Our March meeting was held at Grace A lmy Aponte's and w hat fu n we had with her darling baby, and, Joan Richellc. However, we did m anage to make plans for our future. H azel VanDuesen will entertain us at bridge at her home in April. Grace Fisher and Pat Quigley were appointed to arrange our future programs, after a few suggestions were m ade for meetings. We are hoping to be of service ~o war relief agencies, aside from our social gatherIngs. We have nine Pi Pi gi rls from Buffalo, Pres. Ruth Puis, home-making teacher; Grace Schreiner Roe, who is training supervisor at a large department store ; June Hagestrom , working in a war plant; Elizabeth Ringwood, Doris Fisher and Lucille Baldwin, housewives; H azel VanDuesen, Pat Quigley and Edith Gaupp, teachers; Grace Aponte and Bernice Baybutt, stenographer, represent Beta Epsilon . A nd not to fo rget Shirley Ainsworth, Eta Eta, w ho is a student at Eastman School of Music. We are looking forwa rd to attending Shirley's recital in May. In the next issue of PHoE IX we hope to have lots of news fo r you, as we will be much more acquainted a nd well in the swing of being an active alumnae chapter. BERNICE BAYBUTT.

ROCHESTER, NEW YORK Greetings, Alpha Sigma A lpha A lumme, fro m the yo ungster! How excited we were to have twelve members appear at our first meeting. A nd it isn't everyo ne who ca n have Evelyn Bell, in person, at their charter meeting. We felt very honored with her presence. Puis was elected President; Lucille Fenton Baldwin, Secretary-Treasurer a nd Bernice Baybutt, PHOEN IX Correspondent. Election of officers was

ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI The St. Louis Chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha Alumnae met with Florence Gramsch, March tenth. Hope Green was the assisting hostess. Our next meeting w ill be April the fo urteenth at the home of Lola Brandenburg Leedham in Webster Groves . Elizabeth Woody w ill give a program on Dumbarton Oaks. The May meeting will be a fam ily picmc.

MAY, I945 This time of year finds us all busy with the extra duties that the Spring brings. Some of us can qualify for painters union this year. And many of us are expert gardeners and yard women. Many of our hearts are heavy with susp::nse, fear and sorrow for our loved ones in the service of our country. May we be guided by a divine power and give our full measure to those in need. HELEN JoHNSON GRIFFITH.

TULSA, OKLAHOMA Dear Alpha Sigs : My, my, here we are with another beautiful Spring. All of we Alumnae are dreaming of ye olde Alma Maters because Spring always brings to the campus all the little Rowers and, of course, Spring fever to the students! Speaking of Spring and Rowers, one could go right along with the thought and to make it complete, we come to the bees. We have some busy little "bees" in our group, with Rena Mae Long just completing roo hours as a Gray Lady. Also, Margie Jeanne Miner, Harriett Umsted, "Sis" Caraway, and Helen Malone are now completing their twenty-four hour probation period and will then be "capped" Gray Ladies. The girls are serving in the local hospitals here and besides giving their much needed service, they are enjoying it and we are very proud of them. We had our last meeting downtown in one of our restaurants and it was grand seeing all the smiling faces. Our April meeting will be at the home of Mrs . Roger Swann (Ann) and we just learned we have election of officers then, so we'll be giving out with "who'~ who" in our next letter. Until then, Yours in A . S. A., HELEN HooPER MALONE.

WASHINGTON, D. C. The Washington Alumnae of Alpha Sigma Alpha has had a year of the pleasantest possible association. Georgianm Page, who has been the guiding spirit in the organization from its beginning, at last consented to assume the title of President after really sharing the responsibilities of the office with every other member who has held it.

35 Georgianna has the habit of success. All of our meetings have been characterized by her cordial spirit and great charm. Incidentally Georgianna's ability and her deep understanding of people has been recognized in her work and she holds an administrative position of responsibility and prestige in the Department of Commerce. We have usually had dinner meetings . That is, we have all met at some pleasant place like the Iron Gate or Maronettes and had dinner together and talked of Alpha Sigma Alpha and our local interests. We have had other very delightful meetings with Georgianna Page and with Sara Lee Eiselman, and Jessie Scott Arnold's apartment is always available when we want it. The group varies from meeting to meeting, usually Georgianna, Sara Lee, Jessie, Bessie Cary and Welma Opel are with us. This year we have also had Mary Allen Warrick who comes from an A. S. A. family. Her mother and sister are also m embers. Helen Lortz has been with us several times as has Etta Christiansen. We were delighted to have Kitty Hale once or twice . Another Bostonian is Jane Cannon . Recently we have had the great pleasure of having Mrs. Leland W . Davidson (Betty Campbell) from Nu Nu and Mrs. Nye S. Spencer (Frances Barnard) from Beta Epsilon . Our chapter has not escaped the tragedy of the war. Bessie Ferguson Cary's only child, a splendid young son, Francis, was killed some months ago. The marvellous spirit in which Bessie has accepted this sorrow has stirred the admiration of all who know her. All of her talents, which are numerous, have been turned into channels of help for others. She does a great amount of personal work in service hospitals. Besides as a memorial for her son she has established a library fund to buy the kind of books that he enjoyed, history, biography and the best literature, to place in the hospitals for other service men. Bessie is convinced, and she says her son was, that these men enjoy a much higher standard of reading than is often provided. The project has received the most enthusiastic endorsement of General Marshall and the other high officials of the service. Our Washington Chapter hopes to make a worth while contribution to this fine work .


l(eeping Pace with Our Alumnae GRADUATES OF 1942



I had a charming letter from Jena F~elds telling me of her recent activities. As I have mentioned several times previously, Jena is a roo % Marine. Lately she has had the opportunity to visit Los Angeles and Hollywood. Jena is fortunate enough to have a good friend of hers stationed on the same post so the sting of being away from home is somewhat lessened. Although she could not describe the nature of her work, she could say that she is one of Uncle Sam's busiest nieces! In describing her living quarters she stated that, in contrast to those of college days, her present ones are much larger and her roommates number 100 instead of the usual one in a college dormitory. In spite of being a mighty busy girl, Jena is a happy one. Ouida Mae LeMaire Roberts, whose husband was recently discharged from service; is a happy housewife . She has given up teaching and is devoting her energies to keeping "Bill" comfortable. That, she does admirably well, I am sure. Among the Alumnae in Ouida's class were Emma Dell Mendoza Givens and Catherine Hudson Ramsay. Both are in Lafayette and both are kept on the move seeing dter the "small fry." We keep remembering Emmy as our first Beta Zeta president and what a splendid one she was! There are the two LeBlancs, Meryl and Erin, who are both young matrons with children. Erin is in Galveston and Meryl is in Houma. Another outstanding Alumnae from that group is Merrill Tucker. MerriH is still in Houston where she has been employed for two years or so. Miss Keep hears from her regularly so if any of her former classmates would like her address, you can find out by writing the chapter or I will be glad to send it to you. It seems, when I start gathering information about our sisters, that I bog down in a sea of "remembering." When I thought of Sydney Beouxis, who is a social welfare worker in New Ilberia, I remembered how cheerful and willing she always was. Those things do stay in one's mind, don't they? Mildred Bowles Robertson is now a Marine. She has recently been transferred to a new station. Thelma Giroir Benoit has a Lafayette address, too. That means that the number of Alumnae in and around Lafayette is ever-growing. Rumor had it that these girls were planning to organize. Hope that it was true. At last report, Josephine Joseph was in Florida with her husband. She maintains stoutly that he does like her cooking! Of course, we never doubted that. Peggy Magee Peden was to be in Franklinton shortly after the last news I had of her. Peggy has become extremely adept at quick moving since she married her flyer. They are not given much notice when the time comes to move on.

The four r942 graduates of Rho Rho Chapter seem to have lost contact with one another. However, in following up all clues, I got this information: Margaret Paul was a last year's Easter bride. Hubby is Charles Robert Fulweiler, and they now live at 70r Twelfth Avenue, Huntington, West Virginia. Margaret continues teaching for the duration . Janie Weinberger and Lenore Mossor (summer graduate r942) have migrated northward and are living at 25 E. roth St., N.Y.C. Janie is a secretary with the Chicago Mail Order Company. Lenore holds a civil service position. All 1942 graduates would like to hear from Pauline James, formerly of 3014 Emerson Avenue, Parkersburg, West Virginia. 1941 graduate Esther Boyce is now Mrs. Paul Hager, Esther's home was in Parkersburg, but she is teaching in Logan, West Virginia while Paul is serving with the Army in South Carolina. As for myself-1 also continue to teach physical education here, while my husband is serving with the 5th Marine Division in the Pacific. RowENA CREMEANS (MRs. C. ODELL).

NU NU The NN girl who went to New Orleans was Mariam Felten Raynes, who is the mother of two children and now living in Milwaukee ( I think). We s1w her about a month ago, but I never did get the vital statistics on the children what with all the other girls gabbing furiously. Marion Powell Clark is now living in a trailer near Luke Field, Phoenix, Arizona (Box 126). She says the leisure is super! I managed to get things mixed up about Virginia Cameron Simon's husband. He was wounded in France and sent back to England, where he is now assisting other wounded men to get limbered up. He loves the work and Ginnie is relieved to have him there. I had him confused with another NN husband, who should be home very soon. He is Don Egan who married Kay Oakford. Kay would have graduated in '43 with those five-year Merchandising girls. Our Philadelphia Alumnae Card Party was very pleasant last month . Doris Wilson Hansen (NN '43) turned up and she is home until the war is over. Her husband (Captain Robert S. Hansen) just left for Pa nama. As I recall , they were married in November of 1943路 Sincerely in A.S .A ., BETTY B.-\Rl:\'GER.

MAY, 1945 Mildred Songe Stafford is still able to be with her husband. We are certainly happy for her on that score. Evelyn Toups, who did honor to our Chapter by being selected as one of the four top ranking graduates in the 1942 Class, is teaching in Thibodoeux, again this year. Evidence would indicate that she likes it there. Her sister Yvonne is the mainstay of the Raceland • faculty. Yvonne and Evelyn were among the Southwestern Alumni who President Fletcher encountered on Carol Street in New Orleans not so long ago . He mentioned that in one of the late news letters he has published for all the alumni , particularly those in service. Barbara Wild German is still at Southwestern doing a swell job in the Home Economics Department. Noella Orgron is another one of our sisters who has a position on the campus. Hers is in the library where she has opportunity to help many freshmen (and upperclassmen, too!) in their search for more knowledge. Gloria LaCaze has given up her position at City Editor for the Crowley paper. She is still waiting for Uncle Sam to decide whether she will be allowed to marry her lieutenant or not. All depends on his next assignment. That covers everyone, just about, except me. am leaving on the 24th of this month for Des Moines, Iowa where I will take basic training as a WAC On the roth of July I will begin a training course to become a physical therapist. Upon completion of that (successfully), I will be transferred to the Army and commissioned a second lieutenant. I am very pleased over all this as I have been unsuccessfully trying to get into physical therapy for two years . At last! From accounts I hear, I will have some interesting things to relate at a future date. I, promi se to tell some of them, at least. Please address your next letters to Box r 34, Anahuac, Texas until I can give you a new address. Jf there. is any further information I can give you before I go, don't hesitate to ask for it. When I get into service, I plan to keep more closely in touch with the girls. I know it will be a comfort when I Jm so far away frpm my dear Louisiana and Southwestern. Love in A.S .A., GENEVA RI CHARD. PI PI After a long period of dire neglect of the PHoENIX, we are back with many changes having taken place during the past year. . Many changes are being made, I should say, vvnh three new babies and a fourth, probably, before this goes to press, and a fifth en route. Jean ne Moore now of D enton, deep in the hea rtTexas, began the procession with Kathy; my Tommy followed¡ and Eleanor Thomas' David wound us up. Eudene Steinfeldt's heir is the one whose sex I have not yet determined. Ruby Nelson who hopped a plane in February for Los Angeles is planning to

37 get settled with her Ed, most recently of Brazil, before "the arrival" in May. Madeline Gerbracht of Southampton, Long Island, saw her husband off for overseas duty in India in December. Since then she has joined the Red Cross Gray Ladies to serve at Camp Upton and is trying to fill . her time with many community services. Jean Rupp is with her naval husband at Virginia Beach and is working in the Registrar's office of an Army Convalescent Hospital at Fort Story, Va. She works with the confidential records of returned disabled soldiers, which sounds highly important and interesting. Carol Frazee, our super career gal, is completing her degree in personnel work at Syracuse University. She has been student dean for the past two yearsso she must have had practical experience aplenty. Mary Ball is still carrying on as Placement Director at Buffalo State. We are very proud of her position there, as everyone knows, the importance of it having to have gone through that office before graduation . Esther Hoag is now teaching in Gowanda, N. Y. and really enjoys it. She shares 'an apartment with another girl so gets home experience, too. After all, Esther has a ring, and she doesn't want to be caught without any experience. Miss Norma Munger is now Mrs. Norma Munger. She is living at home in Buffalo since she can't be with her husband. Eudene Steinfeldt since last writing has been married to a doctor of veterinary and lives in Cortland, N. Y. She has been mentioned above for her more recent accomplishments. W e have wandered far and wide in three years, but even though we see little of each other, we're very close 1n spmt. We are planning a reunion at my home in Wilson this surrimer in late June and hope that many of our gals-if they have to come home-will be here then. L uciLLE UPTO N .

GRADUATES OF 1943 BETA ZETA Your news in this issue comes to you from one who knows quite a bit about housekeeping and caring for a son, but very little about my '43 Classmates. Congratulations! to the new Alumnae Chapter in New Orleans. Sybil Glazer is Vice-President and Betty Lou Straug hn is Treasurer from the I943 Class of Beta Zeta. Sybil writes they have had dinner together several times and enjoyed it very much. Of course Sybil is deep in U. S. 0. work an,d enjoying every minute of it too. Caroline Elliott Goode writes that an attempt to contact all Alpha Sigs in Baton Rouge is being made to organize an Alumnae Chapter there. We wish them all the luck and success in the world. She is


enjoying her full time job of housekeeping along with the one for Standard Oil. The two Hazels sent news that they took a return trip to Southwestern and had a grand time. Hazel Rebstock is still very much interested in that one Marine, hope he returns soon, Hazel. Evelyn Frost Meadows and son, Kimmy, after traveling over the states, are in Franklin, Louisiana. She is teaching Home Ec. in the high school there. Aline Smith plans to spend part of the summer as a counselor in a Texas camp for girls. Magurite Talbot has the sweetest nursery class and if you are ever near Orange drop in and see their flower garden and just like all Alpha Sigs Margurite is doing her part as a Red Cross worker. Dot Wild White still writes those sweet long letters, try her and see. She is WC?rking hard with her Class and news from Jack is still good. We bet she'd love to take a trip to the Pacific. He;e is a reminder that we have nearly all forgotten. Alumnae dues from $r.oo up can be sent to our National Treasurer, Miss Esther Bucher, Room 602, 1005 Grand Avenue, Kansas City 6, Missouri. Alumnae dues are $25 for life but as you remember $5.00 was paid at the time of initiation so $r.oo a year for 20 years is your only National Alumnae obligation. Why don't the rest of you girls drop a line and tell us where you are and what you are doing. Evelyn will be with you next time.

There are now three in the Harton FamilyAndy, Jr. arrived October 10, 1944. Before long there will be an addition to the Cornwall family. Shall we wish for an Alpha Sig this路 time? The addresses of the 1943 BE's are as follows: Mary McKay, ros Waverly, Detroit 3, Michigan. Eunice Habgood, r6r E ighth Avenue, N., Nashville 3, Tennessee. Nancy路 Peters, 510 N. Meadpw Street, Richmond , Virginia. Garden Sampson, 705 W. Grace Street, Richmond, Virginia. Marguerite Clarke, 1230 Bradon Avenue, Norfolk, Virginia. Joyce Poole, 110 Mountain Avenue, S.W., Roanoke, Virginia. Jean Hallock, Mrs. E. S. Cornwall, Mt. Shady Side, Maryland. Jane Prout, Mrs. Robert W. White, % American Association of U. Women, r634 I St., N.W., Washington 6, D. C. Ann Griffith, Mrs. Andrew S. Harton, Shenandoah, Virginia. Juanita De Mott, Mrs . Richard Cutting, 50 Orange Street, Englewood, New Jersey. Fran Waddell, Mrs. A. Snead Camden, 908 West St., Apt. No. 2, Richmond 21, Va. To every Alpha Sig I wish the best for 1945 and a most successful year to our Alumnae Associations and our Sorority. FRAN CAMDE N .


BETA EPSILON This is a news report from your class representative of the where-abouts and happenings of your fellow class-mates. Half of the class has taken that important stepmatrimony. Jane Prout is Mrs. Robert W. White; Juanita DeMott, Mrs. Richard Cutting; Ann Griffith, Mrs. Andrew S. Haston; Jean Hallack, Mrs. E. S. Cornwall, Jr.; Fran Waddell, Mrs. A. Snead Camden; and Dot White is Mrs . Erick Steiner-won't some one please fill in the blank for me. I would like to know who the lucky fellow is. Dot, how about dropping me a card and telling me about yourself? Mary McKay is still in Detroit studying music and also teaching during her spare time. N ancy Peters and Garden Sampson are both in Richmond as dietitians at the Medical College of Virginia. I hear Nancy is changing her name this spring. We all remember Jack. Toyce Poole and Marguerite Clarke are still teaching. Joy is at Stewartsville, Virginia and Maggie at Norfolk, Virginia. Eunice Habgood left the teaching profession the first of the year and is now secretary to Mr. Fallis of the Baptist Student Union. Eunie says she loves her work and also Nashville, Tennessee.

GRADUATES OF 1944 BETA ETA I was riding home on a Greyhound a couple of Fridays ago and there was a sorority sister of mine, Lucille Pinder Carlson, '42, who was on her way to teach at Mott, North Dakota, where, by the way, Virginia Roberts, graduate of '44, also teaches. Of course, Lucy and I just talked and talked (while sitting in the aisle, too.) She had been to see her husband in California who is now across . I have big news of other older alumnae, too: Mary Meulemans, '42, has tripped down the aisle and now signs her name as Hardy. Betty Bruvold, '43, has a beautiful diamond and rumor had it that wedding bells were very near. Betty is in California. Mary Jane Alguire loves teaching in a girls' school just outside Minneapolis. Mary Jane was president of Beta Eta in 1942. Muriel Marklund Brainerd, also '42, has a new chubby baby, Judith Lynn. Now to the present and us of I944 路 Louise Zander Sperline is home at Dickinson after being with her ensign husband. Margie Talkington loves Spanish at Boulder, Colorado. Bacteriology takes Gayle Chappell's time at Nebraska U.

MAY, I945


Active Beta Etas wrote me of election and new officers and are making plans for our anniversary banquet. Oh, how I wish I were there! Your sister from the "Don't Fence Me In" country closes now, wishing you all the best during the spring and summer. Love in Alpha Sigma Alpha, V IRCINIA KINe . EPSILON EPSILON Since last I wrote to you we have had some changes in addresses and a marnage . Addresses: Mrs. Polly (Heubert) Murray, 8I6 28th St., Bakersfield, California . Miss LaVone Craig, I2747 Matteson, Venice, California. Mrs. Ferne (McCasland) Hewlett, I2I9 W. 2nd St., Hastings, Nebraska. Mis5 Edna Bergman, 310 E. Pine, Apt. No. IO, Wichita, Kansas. Mrs. Ardis Jean (Reigle) Lemons, I02I Congress, Emporia, Kansas. Mrs. Mariana (White) McClenny, I27 Exchange St., Emporia, Kansas. Miss Hazel Lloyd, I234 Oread, Lawrence, Kansas . Mrs. Betty Jean (Adams) Notson I236 Highland, Emporia, Kansas. Mrs. JoAnn (Bailey) Fuller, 9I6 Congress, Emporia, Kansas. Mrs. Jean (Dunlevy) Hegenbart, I6o8 Jackson, Monroe, Louisiana. Miss Marie Shaver, 4or, S. Clifton, Wichita, Kansas. Mrs. Harold E. McCarty, 4I r Harrison St., Vincennes, Indiana. Mrs . Phyllis (Curtis) Mishler, Moana Auto Court, Apt. No. I, Reno, Nevada. Miss Phyllis Curtis, daughter of Mrs . and Mrs . Luther Curtis of McPherson, Kansas, was united in marriage to Lt. Don Mishler of Conway, Kansas, on January 7, I945; at 2 :oo at the Baptist Church in McPherson. Lt. and Mr~ . Mishler are in Reno, Nevada, where Lt. Mishler is stationed at the C-46 base there. Will let you know any further changes of addresses before April 5路 Sincerely, MRs. PHYLLIS (CuRTis) MrsHLER. PI PI

If you're wondering what has happened to the '44 grads-well so am I. Maybe they're snowbound. The following is all the news that I have for you: Janie Fairbank is planning on a June wedding if Stewy isn't sent overseas before then. Janie says

that she is enjoying her teaching, but that she misses Tudor Castle and the girls. Mary Clark Nevalls is teaching in Skaenatelas, and Harvey is stationed at Harvard. Terry and Nita are still having a wonderhil time in Cuba. Terry is thinking about doing occupational therapy in the army-rehabitating soldiers in 路woodcraft and so on. Ginny Tomic is attending U.B. evening classes, studying personnel work and management. Nothing much new from the Falls-just keeping busy with the four B's- bridge, books, bowling and badminton. Love in A.S .A., ANN McGuTH. BETA DELTA

If I can stay awake long enough, I have some things to tell you. I am quite sleepy already and writing or reading makes me sleepier so I can't promise you that I'll finish this anytime soon . Since I received your letter I have been so excited and busy with mov_ing that I haven't done anything about the names of ASA's in Baton Rouge that you enclosed. Within the past two weeks my roommate and I have moved twice . First, we moved into a two room apartment and then with two other girls we moved into a furnished house-a lovely place. If you ever come to Baton Rouge you must visit with us. I was home for two days at Christmas time and Evelyn Hocutt came over the day after Christmas and spent the day and night with me. She was looking well and enjoying life as always . She will get her Master's Degree in home management at the University of Tennessee in June. She hasn't made any plans for next fall but she has been asked to ~tay at U. T. in charge of the home management house this summer. _ Received a letter from Mrs. W . D. Sautters (Margaret Lee Hathorn) the same day I got yours . She is teaching at Quitman, Mississippi, and enjoys it very much. She spent the summer in Encinitas, California with her husband until he sailed for overseas duty August I I. Christmas Day she received a letter from Wilbur saying that he was in the hospital awaiting an operation. On January r8, he called from Oakland, California and when she wrote the letter (Jan. 28) she thought he was on his way home. I hope so. Yours in A.S.A., LIB LANGDON. BETA LAMBDA Practically all of us 1944 graduates got together in March for a "bull session" and hilarious time at the celebration of our "first birthday," on the campus of our Alma Mater, together with others of our alumnae and present members in school. Jinx Clifton was the only one of our class who was unable to attend, but Doris Powell, radiant and beaming after


seeing her fiance who is in the Naval Air Corps, and Myrle Patterson .. . . . Chicago, Ill. .. . . . . Los Angeles Faydene Carroll, our home demonstration agent, and Mary Allen Caraway I all had a memorable visit. We were so very happy Warrick (Mrs. to see Mrs. Sharp there whom we met exactly one Thomas) . Washington, D. C. year ago, and whom we regard as a very dear Natchitoches, La. friend. . Washington, D. C. Helen Lortz Briefly our activities included: an informal party Indianapolis, Indiana upon arriving, pledging and initiation services for . Katherine Hale . Washington, D. C. ... .. Boston an alumna, Ruby Fair Griner, an informal chat with .Emporia Marie Shaver . . . Wichita, Kan. . . the college president, an alumnae meeting, a banquet, .. Emporia Sunday morning breakfast at the home of our spon- Edna Bergman . . . . . Wichita, Kansas sor, "Totsie" Schichtl, church, luncheon, and after- Ruth Angell Joy dinner coffee at the home of one of our patronesses, . .Hays (Mrs. Arthur) . Wichita, Kan .. Mrs. Sam Fausett. We just hated terribly to have . Wichita, Kansas Mimi Jennings to tear ourselves away and journey back to our Muskogee, Oklahoma various towns. We were all so uplifted after having Vernelle Worrell a jolly meeting with all the Alpha Sigs. Berger house Love in A.S.A., .. . Emporia (Mrs. Charles) . Wichita, Kansas LANELLE SIEGEL.


... Denver

.. Tulsa, Oklahoma .. Tahlequah

Kathleen Blossom Luff (Mrs. Gene) .. Tulsa, Oklahoma .. Tahlequah Margaret Houston Collins (Mrs. Bronson)

. New York City .

Merna Pointer Johnson (Mrs.)

. Chicago, Illinois

Mary Weinberg

. Wichita, Kan . ... . Alva, Okla. . Pittsburgh, Pa.

Edna Usher Hook .. . Cleveland, Ohio Naomi Caldwell ... . Cleveland, Ohio

.... Tulsa, Oklahoma

Miriam Lancaster .. . Tulsa, Oklahoma Odessa Herriman


Mrs. Faye Lynes Helen Mellott Caughey (Mrs.)


. .. Chicago, Illinois

Betty Hoyt

. . Chicago, Ill. .... Kirksville, Mo.

Mary McCray

.. Chicago, Ill., Indianapolis, Ind.

Levata Wheeler Merion (Mrs. Chas.) ..... Cleveland, Ohio .... Columbus R~o~th

Klein ........ Cleveland, Ohio . . Kent, Ohio

Helen Edwards Shaup

. Colorado Springs

Hazel Drown Lee (Mrs.) . . Colorado Springs ..... Greeley Mary Phillips . Colorado Springs Lucy Benson Flanders (Mrs. Lloyd) .. Denver, Colorado Polly Howell Robinson (Mrs.) .. . .. . Denver, Colorado

MAY, I945


News Letters-College Chapters ALPHA State Teachers College Farmville, Virginia

Dear Sisters: Quite a few things have been going on here at Farmville since I last wrote to you . We have elected new officers of the chapter as well as of the other organizations on campus; we have had our Pan-Hel dance; we are getting ready for spring rushing; we have-"But not so fast; one thing at a time ." All right, one thing at a time . 路 First, I want to tell you about our elections. Jackie Ritche was elected as our new president and Dot Owen as our vice-president. "Boots" Brawley was re-elected secretary; (she did a grand job last year) . Ditto for Jean Riddick as treasurer. Lucile Upshur was elected registrar and Margaret Wilson was elected chaplain. Our Panhellenic representative is Dorothy Overstreet. We hope that our chapter may be even better this year than it was last year. The annual Pen-Hel dance was March 24th. The gym was decorated with pastel crepe paper and the shields of the eight sororities on campus. The bandstand was decorated with the Greek letters of the different sororities. Each sorority had a "no-break" number just 'specially for them. The dance, as well as the intermission party was super! The other organizations on our campus have recently elected their new officers for next year. We're so proud of Lillian Elliot not only because she was chosen as editor of the college annual, but also because she was recently tapped by Alpha Kappa Gamma which is a fraternity for students of outstanding leadership ability. On the staff of our weekly newspaper, "The Rotunda," Ruth Brooks will serve as business manager. Dot Turley is head of advertising, and Stuart Buford is head of circulation. Betty Parrish was recently elected secretary of the Athletic Association. Nancy Parrish was elected treasurer of the House Council. Both Betty and Nancy received bids to Orchesic, the modern dance group. On the Y.W.C .A. Cabinet, Ruth Brooks will serve as chairman of the membership committee. Patsy Dale will be chairman of the Service Committee. In the class elections Lillian Elliot was re-elected secretary of her class-the incoming Senior Class. Ruth Brooks and Boots Brainley were elected to Student Standards Committee as class representatives of the Senior Class. Peepse Brooks was re-elected president of the Sophomore Class of next year. Peggy Cabaniss and Alice Hannah were elected as Student Standard representatives. Four of our girls were selected to play on the varsity basketball team. They were Mary Walker

Watts, Lillian Elliot, Betty Parrish, and Nancy Parrish. The Dramatic Club presented Shakespeare's "MidSummer Nights Dream" as the spring play. Margaret Wilson had one of the leading parts as Hermia. Dot Overstreet played the part of the Moth. Lillian Elliot had charge of lighting and really did a grand job. Everyone did, in fact, for the play was a huge success. Martha Anne Upshur recently received a bid to Pi Gamma Mu, and honorary fraternity in social science. The freshmen presented their class production April 4th. Our girls were right on the spot to help make the "Cavalcade" a success. Norma Howard directed the singing behind stage as well as singing a beautiful solo. Hildrian Suttle helped compose the dances for the show. Betty Epperson, Hildrain Suttle, and Nancy June Snead were three of the lovely chorus girls. We are thinking about May Day now. Peepse Brooks has been elected to be one of the pretty maidens on the May Court. We are looking forwa rd to a visit from our last year's president, Mully Bugg. I was re-elected editor so I'll be writing to you again next fall. Till thenLove in A.S.A., PATSY DALE.

ALPHA .B ETA State Teachers College, Kirksville, Missouri

Hi, Alpha Sigs : I guess this will be the last time I will be writing you, for a new editor will take over next fall. I certainly have enjoyed writing these letters. One of the first things we did this q uarter was to elect new officers fo r the coming year. They are as follows: President-Doris Jean Reid, Vice-President-Martha Reynolds, Secretary-Johanna Zeigel, Treasurer- Nancy Cox, Editor- Gladys France, Registrar- Wilma Ruth Epperson, ChaplainCarolyn Magruder. 路 We Alphas here at K .S.T.S. have all gotten little red hats just alike . They really do seem to brighten up the halls and the campus! Ten of our pledges became active in our formal initiatory services held a few weeks ago. We are now proud to call them sisters. We had a nice, newsy letter from Martha Ruth who is now in the Waves. She is stationed at Lakehurst, New Jersey where she is studying areology. Four Alpha Sigs are helping with the spring play given by the College Players, a dramatics organization. Ferne Woods and Judy LaFrenz have parts in it and Evelyn Philipps and Nancy Cox are members of the crew of "Grammer Gertin's Needle." The pledges are planning a weiner roast for the


actives next Tuesday night out at Owensby's Lake. BETA BETA Sounds like fun. Colorado State College of Education. Judy LaFrenz is going to Cedar Rapids to partici- Greeley, Colorado pate in a debate tournament there. Lots of luck, 路 Hello Alpha Sigs: Judy. Although our big rush season is in the fall we The Panhellenic Banquet is to be .April 26 at the have been having loads of fun this quarter with our Masonic Temple and all the sororities are making various rushing activities. One of our sister sets, plans for it. We Alphas are in charge of the prothe McDonalds, pulled a surprise accomplishment on gram. Along with plans for the Banquet, we're also us much to our joy. We have just discovered that making arrangements for a rummage sale to be held they had hidden culinary talents and as a result they in the near future . have been cooking up luscious and unprounceable Love in A.S.A., foods for us in both Chinese and Mexican style. DoROTHY HoLCOMB SHARP. Then too, there are many bumped shins from our roller skating party. As a sideline from rushing, but ALPHA GAMMA ~till in the same category, is our chapter's bowling team which is to vie with other campus sorority teams State Teachers College, Indiana, Pennsylvania this spring. D ear Aplha Sigs : Right now we are trying to do our bit for the Where has this year gone? It seems as though we war effort by bringing weekly donations to our local just began, and here we are almost ready to leave Camp Fire organization. 路 Each Monday night we agam. It has been a busy year for all of us. plan for a donation of combs, pencils, toothbrushes, We have been having some very nice services dentifrices, soap, etc., that are to be sent to refugee lately. We were happy to have Cecelia Rutledge children all over the world. At the same time more pledge ASA several weeks ago at that always beauti- and more of the girls are taking up the age-old art ful service. After pledging we all went down to the of knitting. Before too long we hope to complete home of Gracie Divens Hill, one of our alumnae an afghan which will be a donation to the war who is living here in Indiana for a while. Gracie effort. served a lovely luncheon all in red and white, even Jeannie Marrill passed candy this quarter announcto the starwberries and angel food cake . At another ing her engagement to Jim Frasier, a former student service we installed our new officers. They are all on campus. We wish the two of them all the success grand girls, and we are sure they will carry on as in the world on their fo rthcoming marri age this well as pQssible in the duties we are leaving . Before A ugust. They are already launching an interesting our Easter vacation we all enjoyed our formal rush venture in their teaching professions, fo r they plan party w hich was held in the m ezzanine of the audi- next year to teach in a private school in H awaii. torium. Our theme was a southern plantation party, Thi~ month -also saw the installation of chapter and through Toni Licastre's influence we even h ad officers. Our new officers are: Dorothy Avery Sutter, Sam Campagna's orchestra to play for it. For the president; Edith Jappa, vice-president; Ruth Baker, coming year an Alpha Sig is to be the president of secretary; Shirley Swayze, treasurer; Vera Belle Smith, Panhellenic. Eleanor Wilson was chosen to fill this registrar; Gloria Scrogin, chaplain; Shirley Delbridge, office. Ou r new Panhellenic representative is Ruth editor; Patsy Whitman and Gerry Hanselman as coJohn son. rush captains; and Conny McDonald as music diNext week-end it is our turn t~ sponsor the vesper rector. program on campus. Our plans are not yet comPractically the whole sorority pulled up stakes one plete, but we plan to have a very interesting program week-end when we went to Denver to see the stage given entirely by our members. Who says the Alpha production of "Othello," staring Paul Robeson. We Sigs aren't versatile? Ideas fo r our Mother's Day hope the hotel situation isn't as bad everywhere as luncheon which will be held May 12 are in order. it is in Denver, for several of the girls are still nursAlso the senior breakfast a nd our annual strawberry ing sore fee t as a result of tramping to some twenty party are coming up on the sched ule. We will lose odd hotels before finding a room! several fine members thi s year, a nd we want to make Four lovely gi rl s were pledged to Beta Beta this their last events someth ing they will always rememquarter. We are proud of them all and are looking ber. We were glad to see Sally McDivitt who was forward to their initi ation when they become real back to visit us last week-end. Sally is teaching in Alpha Sigs. Corapolis, and she seems to like it very much. O ur housemother, Mrs. Dauth, has in vited us to The time for farewell s is coming soon . Here's her mountain home, "Idlewi ld," for a week-end in wishi ng all of you good luck in all to come, and may May. Needless to say, we are all anxiously looking you all have a happy vacation. forward to the occasion. Love in A .S.A., Love in A .S.A ., ELIZABETH PouTosKE.


MAY, 1945




Kansas State Teachers College, Emporia, Kansas

Central Missouri State Teachers College, Warrensburg, Missouri

Dear Alpha Sigs: It is so exciting to go to meeting these days. Everyone is passing chocolates! Maurene Murphy announced her engagement to Lt. Bill Saffell-Army Air Corps. Her ring is beautiful. Dorothy Lunsford gave us each a路 red carnation when she announced her engagement to Cpl. Edward D abbs of the Marine Corps. On April 6, we had a party for our D ads. It was the first one we had ever had for them. We really had fun. So did our dads-at least they said they did. After dinner our dads took us to a dance at the Civic Auditorium. It was so nice dancing again but I think the girls wer wfully tired the next daymore so than the fathers. We are still working hard on lntramurals. So far we are still in first place. We won first in Volley Ball and second in Basketball. Swimming comes up next. We'll let you know how we come out. Mrs. Virgil Hurt (JoAnne Wallace) was home for several weeks . At meeting last week Maurene Murphy gave a party for her. It was a surprise to all of us! JoAnne's husband is stationed in Wendover, Utah. Our monthly social meeting was a wonderful success last month. We had a covered dish supperthen we played bridge and danced. Epsilon Epsilon elected their new officers last month-Eleanor Randel is our new president; Celeste Conklin, vice-president; Carol Bronsema, corresponding secretary; Martha Berndt, recording secretary; Dorothy Lunsford, treasurer; Maureen Murphy, registrar; Mary Jean Gladfelter, chaplain; Lucille Bender, editor; Marjorie Findley, social chairman; Jo Anne Everett, Panhellenic representative; Marjorie Coates, house manager; Beverly Joedow, song leader ; Joan Calhoun, intra-mural manager; Evelyn Cooper, rush captain; Ina Lou Conklin, assistant rush captain. The new officers were installed the week following election. We have a Minute Man Flag hanging in our window these days-we're very proud of it-All of the Alpha Sigs bought a 25-cent defense stamp a week fo r two months. Also we were roo % in Red Cross and World Student Service Fund. Jerry Russell, senior, is going to teach Physical Education in Abilene, Kansas next year. Jerry Hartley, junior, will teach in Junction City, Kansas. She is going to teach the first grade. Since there is nothing more that I can say,

Dear Alpha Sigs: I closed my last letter by predicting exciting things for the girls in Zeta Zeta and we have certainly lived up to my expectations. Shortly after my - last letter was written, on February 19th, one of our newest actives, Delores Defendorf, was married to Cpl. Richard E. Dunbar. Dee came back to finish the term at CMSTC, but has left us now to be with "Rick." Things quieted down a little as we tried to concentrate on our exams, but just after the close of the term on February 25th we really went "mad at the wheel" as we say down here. "Bunny" Purvis and Sgt. Harold Alvy were married March 5 at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Warrensburg, while all the Alphas dashed around trying to enroll and go to the wedding at the same time. "Bunny" and "Alvy" are living in Warrensburg so we get to see quite a lot of them even though "Bunny" is not in school. Following close behind, " P.S." Ewell, an alumna from last year, and Ens. James C. Curry were married on March 6, and on March 8, Lois Muchmore and Ensign Joe H. Brownsberger were married. Lois is another of our girls, who graduated last year. Shortly before the end of last term we pledged Shirley Malone. Arlene Brownsberger and. "D une" Dunkerson, new girls in the house this term were pledged after the beginning of the term. We lost six of our girls at the end of the term. Rosalie Clark, "Slinky" Osborne, "Becky" Wade, Juanita Peyton, and, of course, "Bu nny" and "Dee." We are hoping that most of them will be back next fall, however. One of the highlights of the term so far was the Speech Arts contest in parliamentary procedure in w hich we took second place. All of us are busy now. We have a party for the alumna members planned for the near future, the Alpha Spring formal for June 9, the annual Greek Song Fete, a style show sponsored by the Student Council in which girls from all sororities participate, and mid-term examinations staring us in the face . Looks like a busy time for Zeta Zeta girls this spring but we're looking fo rward to it. Love in Alpha Sigma Alpha,

Bye for now, Love, LucE BENDER.


ETA ETA State Teachers College, Pittsburg, Kansas

Hello there: Here we are almost at the termination point of another school year, and how tempus has fugited! During this latter semester we have five new pledges in our midst, and they certainly keep the actives on the alert. Oh! But we love it! On February 2r, we had one of the most successful parties that we have ever had; it was on the theme of a school-room


44 idea. And you know that means ginham dresses, braids and ribbons, desks; the V-12 fellows wore their dungarees and really had a good time. Whenever there was an idle moment, Mrs. Perva Hughes, our sponsor, acted as a school teacher and interrogated the "kids." When recess period arrived, the juke box played its part; we all danced. Everyone decided there should be an encore real soon! No Easter vacation for us this year. No sir! Because of the transportation problem, it was det.ided it would help the situation if there were no lapse of classes; consequently, we all went trudging to classes. But, you know, it wasn't bad at all. We have already elected and installed our new officers, and there are lots of new, big, fresh ideas floating around the House. So expect a lot of "New Deals." So, for now I must bid farewell to you from us all here at the Eta Eta Chapter. Hope next year when we meet, it will be post war. Lots of love in Alpha Sigma Alpha, CHARLOTTE MILLER.

THETA THETA Boston University, School of Education Boston, Massachusetts

Dear Alpha Sigs: It really doesn't seem possible that it is time to sit down and write our contribution for the May PHOENIX. We just can't realize that this is April and in another month some of us will graduate. This whole year has been a very busy one for the members of Theta Theta chapter and we have done much since last you heard from us. On February 14th we held a Valentine party at Miss Kimball's apartment. At this same time we held a pledging service. Claire Torrey and Priscilla Kelly were our new pledges. After the service they were our guests at the party. Because of the problem of cooking and of rationing we each brought a box lunch. These boxes had to be decorated for Valentine's Day and we drew numbers for the boxes. For our dessert we had a special Valentine cake that Mrs. Gott had made for us. Following our supper, Anne Nardone and Anne Gallagher led us in games and songs until it was time to go home. All the Alpha Sigs that were able to attend had a grand time. On February 19th we met with the alumnae members. Our meeting took place at the School of Education. This was a night of games and fun. Winifred Ford of the alumnae group served some very delicious refreshments. Some special honors have come to the Alpha Sigs recently. Katherine Gott was elected permanent president, Pollyanna Andem permanent secretary, and Anne Gallagher permanent agent of the senior class of the School of Education. Doris Bartone has been made a member of Pi Lambda Theta, national honorary society. The engagement of Eunice Hurd, to Lt. Robert

Hayton, U. S. M. C. has been announced. Eunice is our secretary. In March we held elections for the coming year. The following will be our officers-Doris Bartone, President; Emily Bartley, Vice-President; Priscilla Kelley, Secretary; Claire Torrey, Treasurer; Barbara Murphy, Chaplain; Norma Driscoll, Regi~trar; Marion Walsh, Editor; Edith Smith, Song Chairman. Another event occurring in March was our initiation which was held at the Women's Building of Boston University. We were very pleased that eight members of the alumnae chapter were able to attend. Our initiates, Claire and Priscilla, are grand girls, and we are as glad to have them as members as they are to be one of us. Our speaker was Dr. Helen Murphy, professor at the School of Education, who gave us the challenge to "build our personalities." On April 3 our installation was combined with a mother's tea. Nine of the mothers were able to come in. The grand time that we all enjoyed would have been impossible without the efficient work done by Edith Smith as chairman. Mrs . Smith made us some very delicious refreshments and the rest of us did not have to think of a thing except of enjoying our meeting. Well Alpha Sig's, I guess that's all the news from Theta Theta at Boston University. Yours in A. S. A., KATHERINE GoTT.

KAPPA KAPPA Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Dâ‚Ź:ar Alpha Sigs: Here we are nearing the end of another school year. Each one seems to go faster than the last, doesn't it. We of Kappa Kappa have been busy with both curriclar and extra-curriclar work, but I think we're most pleased with the out come of the intradorm and sorority basketball tournament. We came through the undefeated champs of the season, with Cricket Jack scoring more points than any other individual player. How could we lose? And the cheering section was something to hear-plenty of nmse . On March 6th a group of about 70 freshmen came to the "Alpha Sig Stables" to join us in a Horse Party. The horsey smell came from the various saddles, harnesses and reins distributed throughout the house. Hot dogs were served in feedbags and cokes from the watering trough. Marie Lauth deserves the round of applause for that very successful party. Ginny Clark was in charge of our formal party which was held at the Germantown Woman's Club. After a very delicious dinner we were entertained by several members of the Neighborhood Players who presented a one act play and several novelty selections. Each rushee received a pair of ceramic earingspansies, leaves, rose buds or lilies. But to make a long story short, we got eighteen wonderful new girls

MAY, 1945


who are, at present, dutiful pledges. Our pledge duties are more strict this year, but they love it. On Sunday, April 20th, we're planning a big day here at 1938 N. Park. The new officers will be inducted early in the afternoon and afterwards our pledges will become full Alpha Sigs. That evening there will be a buffet supper prepared by our one and only Mrs. Seglin. Last fall I mentioned the fact that we were looking for a cook. Well, that's Mrs. Seglin, and boy, can she cook? We're all puttin' on the pounds. Kappa Kappa really went all out for the latest Templayers production "Junior Miss." Pat Detrow had a leading role and various other girls worked as stage manager, prop manager, costume chairman, and on the lighting, scene shop, and box office crews. It was hard work, but well worth the effort. The Hill Billy Opera will be presented some time this month at the new university "Hangout." It's to be Alpha Sig night with the girls doing all the jobs from waiting on tables to entertaining. Carol Zohn is in charge of this latest fracas . Tuesday, April 17th, Alvadee Hutton Adams, a KK alum, is coming to speak to the alum group on her work in South America. The Actives will meet her at a buffet supper at the house that evening. We're all looking forward to it, because we've heard what a grand person she is. Greek week-end is scheduled for the 27th and 28th of April this year. Greek dinner, open house Greek sing and the big dance are all in store for us and we're getting excited already. Several of our girls have been elected into Magnet and Astron, two women's honorary societies on campus. Five KK's have been nominated for May Queen too. Norma Adnee, Editor last year, was chosen one of the Seven Outstanding Seniors of the class of '45路 We are proud of our Norma, and rightly so. We're planning to have sorority elections on Monday, April r6th. Therefore I can't introduce my successor to you, but I shall do so at my first opportunity. It has been such fun writing to you this year that I'm sure she will enjoy it as much at I have. All my love in A.S.A., LYNN MYER.

NU NU Drexel Institute of Technology, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Spring term is under way again, and it's hard to believe that the end is drawing near for some of us. We can't help feeling quite a little envy for those who have more years in Nu Nu ahead . First let me tell you about our new pledges; thirty-two of them, and we're very proud of them . They are really good sports; because two weeks is a long time to wear red and white pigtails-even if they are becoming! One day they entertained the Drexel students by singing the Castle Song in the Court, which made quite a hit. Winter term was climaxed by an Alpha Sig initia-

tion on the very last day. It's really wonderful to welcome these girls, for in them lies the future of Alpha Sig; and, believe me, they assure it well. A look at the spring calendar shows plans for a gay time for the Alpha Sigs. The first week-end of the term we are spending together at the Lodge. Connie Pennypacker is busily making arrangements, and it sounds like fun, especially with thirty-two new girls to help us enjoy it. Next week our initiation dinner is scheduled to be held at Kuglers . That means the usual good time, aided by a delicious dinner. At this time the most successful point collecting pledge will be announced . They all worked so hard it will be a close decision .. Also in the offing are the annual Mothers' Day Tea, the Shore Week-End, and the Senior Farewell Dinner. The week-end at the shore is "the" event of ~he year. Already we're counting the days and dreaming of the beautiful sun tans we will acquire. We'll never learn, I guess- it always either rains, or we get burned to a crisp. But, it's wonderful! _ I'd like to tell you all about two star members of Nu Nu-Virginia Briner and Betty McFadden. Jimmy was initiated into the national honor society, Phi Kappa Phi, this winter; and Betty became a member of the dramatic fraternity, Alpha Psi Omega. Nancy Keene and Miss Maxfield announced their engagements recently. Of course, we are all delighted and wish them all the best; but we're sort-of sad too. Miss Maxfield's leaving us to set up housekeeping will be quite a blow to Nu Nu. In spite of the difficulties of being away from Drexel, Miss Maxfield has always been ready to help us with any difficulties at any time. We will miss our trips to Sergeant Hall, not to mention the help and fun of having Miss Maxfield at our meetings, parties, and week-ends. 路 That about covers the news from Nu Nu. I hate to stop writing because this is the last news letter for me, and it's been such fun. Have a nice summer everybody! DANA DAVIS.

PI PI Buffalo State Teachers College, Buffalo, New York

Hi Alpha Sigs: It's Spring again in Buffalo-believe it or not the snow has completely disappeared !-and here we are nearing the close of another school year, and another eventful and profitable year in sorority. Our new cabinet has been duly installed, and each new officer has assumed her respective duties. They are: President, Betty Ansell; Vice-President, Mary Ellen Seibert; Secretary, Ruth Benzinger; Treasurer, Evelyn Benson; Registrar, Gerte Farrell; Chaplain, Charlotte Miller; Editor, Betty Aeschbach; Panhellenic Representative, Nancy Dunn. The Initiation Banquet, under the chairmanship of Nancy Diggins was held February 24th, in the Blue Room of the Hotel Westbrook. The sorority was presented the Scholastic Cup for the 2nd con-


secutive time, and was appropriately overjoyed. Twenty-six wonderful initiates were feted. They, in turn, presented their Registrar, Bette Gene Treiber, with a Gift Certificate, and the house president, Sandy Pevney, with a check to be used for house expenses. As a fitting climax to the evening, the Alpha Sig's traditional "Sweetheart Song" was sung in honor of the new brides, Ruth Smith Riley, and Corinne Palmerton Kuhn. A letter of gratitude was received from the commanding officer of Mitchell Field's Base Hospital, thanking the sorority for the check for seventy-five dollars which was sent to aid the hospital telephone fund. You will remember, this money was earned at "Victory Vogues," the dessert bridge and fashion show held last November 3rd. True to tradition was the Father's Day celebration held March 25 at "Tudor Castle." The fathers wore red and white "high hats," and the daughters wore red and white bows. The weather was tantalizing enough to lure many out of doors- and games and songs out on the specious lawn wound up the festivities. Still to be fulfilled on our Alpha Sig schedule for this semester are the Mother,'s Day Tea, a house party with another sorority on campus, and a Bridge Party, under the sponsorship of our alums. We hear tell of a "BIG" surprise coming our way from these wonderful alums, but to date no further information is available for publication. And that about covers the news for now. Here's wishing you a grand and glorious summer. Good luck, and love in A. S. A., RuTH CHRISTMAN.

RHO RHO Marshall College, Huntington, W. Va.

Hello Alpha Sigs: We of Marshall College have been very busy this past month so we have plenty to tell you . One of the most important events to take place at the beginning of our new term was the pledging of twelve fine girls. We're very proud to have such a large number enter our ranks during our second semester. We held our pledging ceremonies in a local church in a very impressive service. Our altar was decorated with a large bowl of red carnations and a white candle on each side. At the close of the cerem~ny each pledge was presented with one of the carnatiOns. Perhaps our rush party was a contributing factor to our successful rushing. We had an opium den with food, fun, fortunes, and dancing. We really put our four room apartment to good use. In the first room there was our register, an ancient book with yellowed pages. The guests signed the book by candlelight and placed their fingerprints beside their signature. There was incense placed around the room. The second room was used for dancing. Our "bar" was in order next, servmg cokes, potato

chips, pretzels. The last room was used for fortune telling. There was prophesying in the air as the girls passed from one booth to another- palm-reading, handwriting analysis, telling fortunes by the use of cards, and even a ouija board . Every room was well decorated with signs of every size and shape. The student council of Marshall College is planning a Spring Carnival for the 13th of this month. Every organization on the campus is to plan a booth, so we of Rho Rho have been working like mad trying to build our booth and planning the entertainment for it. We've finally decided on our theme"The Alpha Sigma Alpha Revue of '45." We only hope that it works out satisfactorily. The路 highlight of the past month came at our last meeting when Evelyn Haws announced her engagement to "Rusty" Elliott. Evelyn has served as our president twice since entering the sorority. She has been the most capable leader we could ever have wished for, and we wish her all the luck in the world. Since I last wrote, another member of our chapter has been wearing a diamond on the third finger, left hand. Jo Ann Parcell, our athletic director, is engaged to Joseph Dobie who was formerly a member of the Air Corps' 47th Detachment stationed here at Marshall. We hope that "Jo" will be very happy, and knowing her, we sincerely believe that she will be. So until next year, I'll wish you all the best of everything and much Love in A. S. A., MARY MARGARET THOMAS.

SIGMA SIGMA Western State College, Gunnison, Colorado

Cheerio Alpha Sigs: It is springtime in the Rockies again and we at Western are busy with many activities. We had election in March and our new officers are Helen Rossi, president; Helen Manien, vice-presi路 dent; Gail Ann Young, chaplain; Doris Ogsbury, secretary; Anabel Stevens, treasurer; Mary Jane Gallagher, editor and Billie Sinding, registrar. Installation was April 4th at the home of one of our alumnae. Our newest project is the Cancer Control drive which is being sponsored in this community by our alumnae chapter. The girls are also working on a skit for the Annual Press Club Grid Banquet this Friday _night. Our music has arrived and we are practicing for the intra-Greek sing which is to be during Commencement Week. And speaking of Commencement week this year we lose one of our most fai~hful and untiring mmebers-Marie Zavislan. She has held the offices of Chapter chaplain and registrar this year and is truly a loyal Alpha Sigma. The love of all the girls will go with Marie when she leaves us. The pledges each wrote a pledge song and they all were quite clever so I am including them in hopes

MAY, 1945


that some other Alpha Sigs may have as much fun singing them as we do. Love from Western's Alpha Sigs, DoRIS OcsBURY.

If you are lonesome and blue, Need friends who are true, We're the ones for you. Pledge to the ruby and pearl, Be an Alpha Sig girl, Happy and gay you'll be.

A.S.A. our own Sorority Leads us on to greater loyalty Friendships dear, Thy love divine Make our college life sublime. To thy crown and to the pearl so true Our best we'll ever pledge to you, We'll live each day for A.S.A. Striving for thy goal. GAIL ANN YouNc. ('Till We Meet Again.)

When you have pledged, dear Life will be more gay. Joys beyond compare. And after all's said and done, There's <mly one, Dear A.S.A'S for you. HELEN MAN IEN. (Girl of my Dreams.)

Alpha Sigma, I love you dear Friendships glow to brighten each year. Pride and faith will e'ver be thine Alpha Sigma love so divine. This our own sorority, guiding us with loyalty Thy crown and pearl are calling so true Alpha Sigma, the one for me. MARY JA ' E GALLACHER. (Cherry.) Wear proudly the crown and the pearl For the friends who will always be loyal. Wear them gladly for dear A.S.A. For the Alpha's are bright and gay. Be proud of your Alpha Sig friends, For the Alpha's are truer than others. Be loyal to old A .S.A. And with our might we'll always fight for Alpha Sigma. BILLIE SINDINC. (Stars and Stripes Forever.) Take a gander at that snappy gal, snappy gal, snappy gal. I know that she would make a peppy pal, 'cuz she's an A.S.A. 'Lookee, lookee, lookee how she makes with the feet, keeps on the beat,-gee but she's neet! Hipper-dipper, what a pipper-no one can beat-a girl from A.S.A.! I wanta', wanta', wanta be an Alpha Sig, Alpha Sig, Alpha Sig, So I'll pitch right in with a dig, dig, dig-and hasten that great day! BILLEE WILSON. (Dance with a Dolly.) Alpha Sigma Alpha our sorority, All our love and faith and hope we bring to thee. And when all our college days are done, May our love for A .S.A. live on. Alpha Sigma Alpha dear, we love your true. Your ideals will lead us on what 'ere we do. Western State's fairest and best sorority, We pledge that it will always be. ANABEL STEVENS. (Beautiful Ohio.)

I'll be loving you always Alpha's who are true always Not for just an hour Not for just a day Not for just a year But always- always You are kind and good, Alphas Best in all the west, Alphas. With a heart that's true, And your spirit too I'll be loving you Always. RuTH McCANDLESS. (Always.)

TAU TAU For Hays Kansas State College, Hays, Kansas

Mid semester finds the Tau Taus in a whirl. An "April Showers" formal is being planned in conjunction with the Tri Sigs on Friday, April 13th complete with a wishing well and a huge multi-colored rainbow with, of course, a pot of gold at its end . The very next evening, Tau Tau has charge of the weekly campus varsity and are planning a "bang up" open house with officers and men from nearby Walker Air field inv~ted as special guests. During Religious Emphasis Week, our new president, Francis Locker, served as chairman of one of the evening services. Fran is also president of the campus Newman Club and the entire chapter attended as a group. The Tau Taus are still doing their weekly stint at the U.S.O. beside acting as hostesses at Walker Base each week and visiting the convalescent soldiers at the base hospital. For the National Clothing drive, we've dug out sweaters and skirts and contributed an Alpha box. An alumnae-chapter dinner was held several weeks ago, followed by the formal initiation of our new actives. Because of our small number, several of our offices were "doubled up" in our spring election. Frances Locker is the new Tau Tau president and chaplain; Jo Monsen, vice-president and editor; Gladys Schrieber, secretary; Betty Jean Rob!, treasurer; and Mary Clark, registrar. We also have a new faculty sponsor, Miss Leona Rob!.


This evening we entertained our mid-term rushees at a picnic supper and presented Gerre Daniels, former vice-president and our only senior, with an A.S .A. bracelet as a graduation gift from the chapter. That's about all from Tau Tau, so until next September I remain Yours in A.S.A., Jo MoNSEN.

the last until next year, and the last for some of us. Congratulations to those of you who are graduating this year. We extend our best wishes to youand feel, as you do, that no years will be happier than those spent with the Alpha Sigs.



Northwest Missouri State Teachers College, Maryville, Missouri

Ball State Teachers College, Muncie, Indiana

Dear Alpha Sigs: Greetings to all of you from Phi Phi Chapter. We're wondering if you could possibly be as busy as we are. Our school has changed back to the quarter plan, and it certainly seems to make a difference, but perhaps it's only our imagination. Anyway, we do know that we're all busy now studying for our midquarter exams. Well-we had our Sweetheart Dance that we were planning when we last wrote to you- and it was a big success! The Navy V-r2 unit here had a formal dance only a week before ours, and we were anxious that we should at least equal theirs . According to all reports, even from the Navy boys themselves, ours was not as good, but better. The Alpha Sigs score again! 路 We are proud to say that we have several girls in our chapter that are presenting music recitals this spring. They are: Jodie Montgomery and Mary Lou Rusk, voice; and Margaret Baker, piano, The Women's Ensemble, five members of which are Alpha Sigs, will also present a spring recital. The Tower Queen election will soon be here. The candidates have been selected, and two of the four are girls from Phi Phi chapter. One of them is our candidate for the Elizabeth Bird Small Award, Jodie Montgomery, and the other is Mary Lou Rusk. Instead of giving our usual ASA Spring Formal, all of the Greek organizations on the campus are "pitching in" to give one "super-duper" formal dance . The committees are making big plans, and we're all very excited about it. There have not been many large social functions on the campus this year, and we want this last one to be long-remembered . Last week was Religious Emphasis Week on our campus, and we all enjoyed the speakers so much . They were very inspiring, and we all benefited greatly from hearing them. One of our favorite members, now an alum, Sue Moore, was married soon after Christmas, and we were very happy about it. That makes three of our leading girls married this , school year. Spring seems to have "sprung" in Maryville, and we're certainly glad. We don't mind the winter, but -Oh, how happy we are to see the spring every year. It looks like the time has come for us to call a halt. We hate to close this letter, because it will be

Greetings, fellow Alpha Sigs: We of Chi Chi have been busy rounding out another full year of campus activities. We are proud that so many of our girls are campus leaders, but it keeps them very busy. Those of us who are interested in dramatics have been working on a series of weekly one-act plays sponsored by the dramatics club, and we have been getting experience in directing, acting, and stage work. Our senior girls have been working hard on a classic production called, "Senior Follies," which was a big success. It featured The Rhythm Eight, a new all-girl campus swing band, with Frances Miller and Jean Taylor, lending their musical talents. Helen Herberger was mistress of ceremonies. Barbara Bray charmed the audience as a tap dancer, and Betty Mathews and Virginia Russell helped to stop the show with their "singing" of an old Ink Spots favorite . Our new officers have officially assumed their duties. They are: president, Dorothy Coats, of Jeffersonville; vice-president, Rebecca Walters, of Kendallville, Ind .; secretary, Elayne Tobias of Michigan City, Ind .; treasurer, Lois Shultz, of New Castle, Ind .; registrar, Virginia Haga of Jeffersonville, Ind.; chaplain, Mary Dawn Thees of Jeffersonville, Ind .; as assistant to the chaplain, Janice Grubb was appointed; and editor, Joan Whitcraft of La Fountaine. Two more of our girls are heading the matrimonial way, Alice Martz and Rita Johnson, with big smiles on their faces and sparkling new diamonds on their fingers. For all the rest of the women who want their men to come back soon, safe and sound, we are buying bonds, giving to the Red Cross, both of money and of time, to do our part in helping this war come to an end as quickly as possible. In spite of our busy days, the seniors have found time to plan an informal party for the sorority and its sponsors on Tuesday evening, April ro, with games, cards, singing and dancing, and a general good time for all. It promises to be fun. As the school year nears an end, I'll hate to be leaving you. It's been fun. May my successor get as much pleasure from it as I have. Carry on.



MAY, 194')




Northwestern State Normal College, Natchitoches, Louisiana

Northeastern State Coilege, Tahlequah, Oklahoma

Dear Alpha Sigs: For the last week, Red nver has gtven Natchitoches much worry. Many acres of the sur, rounding farm land is flooded, and people who have been evacuated are living in buildings on the campus that were left vacant when the number of Navy men stationed here was decreased. Nearly every available boy and man has been sandbagging the dams and levies to hold back the water. We have yet to see if the water will come into the town. Viola "Sis" Caraway was national's representative to this chapter. Bright and early on Sunday morning, all the members and pledges gathered in the sorority house for a real breakfast. After the breakfast, the members held a regular meeting, and officers for the coming year were elected. They are: Betty Woodall, president; Carrie Nell Rodgers, vicepresident; Mary Frances Bright, recording secretary; Willa Vee Lovell, corresponding secretary; Kathleen Killen, treasurer; Rosemary Robinson, assistant treasurer; Guynell Terrill, chaplain; Hilda Guillary, registrar; Clarice Slaughter, Panhellenic representative; Lourie Stephens, rush captain; and Betty Sue Allison, editor. Now that we've been installed, our work for next year will soon begin. Claire Alexander also visited us the week-end "Sis" did. They presented our chapter $125 the alumnae had contributed to us for any repatr we might want to make to the house. The tables were turned several weeks ago when the girls asked the boys for dates and paid their admission to a backward dance sponsored by Panhellenic. With a new battalion of sailors on the campus, it was a wonderful was to get acquainted. With sailors, soldiers, and one marine present, girls made their own choice as to whom they would dance with, because girl's tag was the order of the day. On a certain Friday afternoon not so long ago, we had the best picnic planned, but the same end came to it that usually comes to picnics-it rained. We stayed in our house, ate, danced, and then decided to go to the show. Even with the rain, we had a glorious time. Student body election is soon. Several of our girls are running for offices, and we hope we will have representatives among the officers of next year. Beth Caldwell became Mrs. Keith Hetrick not long ago. She is in Athens, Georgia, with Keith while he attends the Navy Pre-Flight school there. This will be my last letter to you all. I've enjoyed writing to you so very much, and I know you will enjoy reading Betty Sue's letters. I'll always look forward to hearing from you. Love in A.S.A., CARRIE NELL RoDGERs .

Dear Alpha Sigs: We have had a busy Spring with plenty to show for the past month. We are planning big things for next year and began by electing a promising group of officers. They are: Robbie Farris, President Joan Wittenburg, Vice-President Kathleen Bailey, Secretary La Velie Short, Treasurer Marjorie Ray, Registrar Irene Ray, Chaplain Mildred Wasson, Editor Ollie Mae Bittle, Panhellenic Representative With these girls leading us, we are sure Beta Gamma can't miss. And- orchids to Ollie Mae, our past President, for the beautiful and inspiring way in which she served us this year. She served as President of Panhellenic this year too, and did a wonderful job of revising the Panhellenic Constitution. We have had an extraordinarily well balanced ration of work and play this spring. For our "work," the Alpha Sigs regular habits of study "paid-off"we received the annual Panhellenic award for scholastic excellence for the school year 1944-45. And, we are proud of our past record which shows that we have won this award every semester, with the exception of one, for the past four years. Robbie, our new President, has been initiated into Alpha Chi, and last six weeks she lead the student body in grades by being the only student to make straight A's. Last semester, our Penny Stolper, President of the Student Council and Alpha Chi, was one of the few to have a straight A record for the whole semester. Penny has made a remarkable record as President of the Student Council and we are justly proud of her and her leadership. Penny, we will miss you next year. Our Community Service program is in full sway. We are all helping with the tasks we have been assigned to do. The Alpha Sigs of Northeastern are winning honors in the field of sports, too. We won first place in the volley ball and softball tournaments, and came out second in the basketball tournament. Billie Rae Hogue is our capable captain, and since she is graduating, we wish her all the luck in the world but we shall find it hard to fill her place in the sorority. Louise Cole Purdy, an alumnae member and former Secretary of Alpha Sig, visited us last week. She is now living in Atlantic City, N. J., where her husband, Lt. (j.g.) Bill Purdy is stationed. We celebrated St. Patrick's Day with an informal dinner at the Holland House. Decorations were in green and white and we all had such a wonderful time together. And-ohhh, such food. Last, but not least, Beta Gamma Chapter now has a Chapter room, the very first on the campus, thank you, and what fun we are going to have furnishing it.



We have several projects in mind to raise money for a studio couch and "easy chairs." So with that and our Spring rush party, we can't let Spring fever slow us down. Best wishes and highest hopes for a very successful season of 1945路 Love in Alpha Sigma Alpha, VIRGINIA BRINK. ,

BETA DELTA Mississippi Southern College, Hattiesburg, Mississippi

Dear Alpha Sigs: Spring has, at last, begun to brighten our winter bedraggled campus, and not only thoughts of love accompany this everwelcome season, but also thoughts of spring-cleaning etc. Just to prove we don't yield to the usual symptoms of spring fever, we are going to give our room the "once-over" this coming Saturday. Last Tuesday afternoon, we pledged one rushee and initiated two new members. We are very proud of them and delighted to have them as Alpha Sigs. We are making skeptical, but hopeful, plans for a trip to New Orleans next month. We will probably settle for an all-night pallet-party in some unlucky girl's room. We are to have our annual breakfast for our seniors this May. We have not made any definite plans, but we are all going to try to make it the best yet. Sara Alexander was chosen to be the Editor of our Chapter next year. We think she is rather special in the way of writing, and we hope you enjoy her as much as we do. We are all looking forward to hearing from all of you next year. Here's hoping you lots of luck for always. Loyally yours in A .S.A., JEANNE KING .

BETA EPSILON Madison College, Harrisonburg, Virginia

Dear Alpha Sigs: The close of the year is near and I must hand my pen over to Emily Leitner, Beta Epsilon's new editor. Emily is quite an old timer at this writing business; so I'm sure you will receive some exciting letters from_ her next year. Emily has been on The B1路eeze, our school newspaper staff since her first year at Madison, and everyone knows her for her witty articles. I feel sure you'll like her clever speeches too . Now for some news, just to keep you informed on the latest happenings around Beta Epsilon's corner. Do you remember Libby Lee Deter, now Mrs. Beverly Appleton, one of our former graduates? She just received a call from her husband who has been overseas a couple years and is now on his way home. The biggest surprise will come when he sees his young daughter for the first time. Our seniors are very excited over the coming

events of graduation, which is less than six weeks off. We are going to miss these seniors, who have led us through many pleasant years, and are now going out to teach others the full meaning of A .S.A. Recently we had a Red Cross drive on campus, the importance of which was stressed to each member of our chapter. Liberal contributions were given by every member. Barbara Rogers, one of our members in service, a WAVE to be exact, spent last week-end with us. She looks wonderful! We held a Mother Patroness Service March 12 for Mrs. R. D . Flythe and Mrs. H . H. Womack. The Service was one of reverence and simplicity. Jean Raup took pictures to be placed in our scrap book. The first of May our chapter is staging a performance for the benefit of the convalescent soldiers of Woodrow 路w ilson General Hospital. The girls are showing the greatest cooperation in making this the biggest and best patriotic deed we have done so far. Jean Raup has been all around but she never has found anyone like Lt .. "Rube" Grady before. "Rube" is that wonderful navigator who became engaged to our Jean several months ago. We expect to hear wedding bells as soon as Jean gets her sheepskin and "Rube" returns from his latest mission. Lucia Ziegler has taken over the Presidency of Student Government and is doing an excellent job. You'll hear a lot about her next year. So keep your eyes peeled on Beta Epsilon's letters. I'll be reading about you next year. Love in A.S.A., CATHARINE CLODFELTER.

BETA ZETA Southwestern Louisiana Institute, Lafayette, Louisiana

Dear Alpha Sigs: The last Sunday of our winter semester we initiated thirteen girls. Although it was the Sunday of exam week, we trooped down to Borden's ice cream parlor to celebrate. With the beginning of the new semester we welcomed back to active membership, Lois Beall, who was forced to drop our during the winter semester because of illness. Kitty Herrin (ex' 44) is now working on the campus after being up in Washington, D .C . and we're glad to have her back with us, too. The first of the new semester brought eleven new pledges into the sorority. An annual event in the spring of each year at S.L.I. is the Women's Intramural Association Stunt Night. Any girl's campus organization may compete for either the cleverest or the prettiest stunt. Beta Zeta's "Rhapsody in Blue" was a heavenly creation creation ably directed by Paddy Richard. She did all the choreography for the Stunt and we were thrilled to win Honorable Mention (in this equivalent to second place) for the prettiest stunt. Elaine Faciane brought new honors to the sorority when she was chosen by Cecil B. DeMille,

MAY, 1945


alon&" with seven other S.L.I. girls, from a group of candidates from all campus organizations, as one of the beauties of the student yearbook L' Acadien. The end of the year brings around the time to elect new officers. Moving into the President's chair of Alpha Sigma Alpha at Southwestern will be Ouida Sue Ristom. Her fellow officers are Annetta Foster, vice-president; Ethelyn Danneker, secretary; Allie LeBat, treasurer; Linda Vollrath, chaplain; Jackie Savoie, registrar; and Mary Lambousey, editor. On April 7th we held our annual spring dinnerdance. It was also the initiation banquet for the new actives. Dinner was served in the Hamilton Training School Cafeteria, then we walked across the campus to the Biddle Student Cen~er for the dance. The Center was decorated in a Spring motive with a garden and tables arranged at one end around the punch bowl. At intermission some of us entertained with a brief floor show and some Alpha Sig songs. One of our greatest thrills this semester was the announcement of the forming of a Lafayette alumnae chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha. Composed mostly of Beta Zetas, we will certainly enjoy the contacts with our older. sisters which this alumnae chapter will bring. This is my last news-letter and it really has been fun writing up the news of our chapter. I hope that my successor, Mary Lambousey, will get as much enjoyment from it as I have. Yours in A.S.A., KATHLEEN TROUPS.

BETA ETA State Teachers College, Dickinson, North Dakota

Greetings and Bon Jour from Beta Eta. Regardless of t~e fact that Easter has come and gone and we all sported our hi-ribboned bonnets a week late, winter is still having a last fling in North Dakota. At least we have our fingers crossed because some of us are just itching to get out on those tennis courts. So many things have happened since our last correspondence, that I'm having a rather difficult time keeping them sorted out. March 20th we had a get-acquainted party for our new mother patroness, Mrs. Eve Weinbergan. We spent a nice chatty evening playing bridge and we also sang a few Alpha Sig songs. The evening was high-lighted by our hostess, Georgene Tillquist, serving. a fruit salad made up of everything unavailable from white grapes to pineapple- including marshmallows. Queer how noticable an insignificant little piece of pineapple can be nowadays. On April 19th we're sponsoring a get-to-gether in our student lounge for all interested in cards. A few prizes are to be given and a lunch served. We've been wondering how to advertise the event in such an attractive manner that people will jam the door ways all night( no pecuniary intentions) until our problem was solved by a suggestion that we offer Forever Amber

as door prize. But we decided against that for fear we'd have no door as a result. April 9 our chapter held installation ceremonies for our new officers who are: President, Marjorie Kronsnabel; Vice-President, Catherine Brown; Secretary, Marie Oberson; Treasurer, June Berg; Registrar, Georgene Tillquist; Editor, Charlotte Parker; Chaplain, Ruby Strand. We old- officers all agreed that we didn't know where the time had gone since we took office. We Alpha Sigs of Dickinson were proud to learn that one of our former members, Lorraine Johnson, who attended the U. of N. D . this year was chosen for this years publication of ''Who's Who" published by Universities and Colleges. She had been outstanding in music and was elected president of the senior class at the uiversity. Lorraine graduated this spring and in planning on teaching literature in the near future. She is now vacationing in sunny California. Another outstanding former Alpha Sig, Evelyn Morlan, is taking nursing at Yale. Well, girls, comes the time for parting and I must say adieu and hand my post over to Charlotte Parker our new Editor. I must say that the time seems all too short and I've enjoyed it--every minute. Good luck and lots of love, to all in A.S.A., BETTY REARDON


BETA THETA Central Michigan College Mt. Pleasant, Michigan

Never, since we have &een Alpha Sigma Alpha members, do we of Beta Theta recall being so busy with sorority activities. To raise money for the American Red Cross War Fund drive, Associated Women Students at Central staged their annual co-ed carnival, March 16th. All sororities .had booths or shows, among which was our freak show. Included among our many attractions were Hawaiian dancers, a wild woman, three-armed woman, fat lady, bearded lady, Siamese twins, Gravel Gertie, pickled baby, human skeleton, strong woman, barker, typical co-ed and tatooed lady, Mrs. Superman, Miss America and several others, all portrayed by Beta Theta girls who probably laughed harder than their audience. Then, last week we reopened our "Tillie's Blind Pig" for the spring rushees. Maxine Elliott starred as our ÂŁamour hostess, while Beth Becker was bartender. Misses Jane McNamara and Melanie Pety, our partponesses, stole the show with their costumes, and Mrs. Opal Thorpe, our adviser, came as a cowboy. The program included our can-can dance, vocal solos, By the Sea dance and other numbers. Decorations and refreshments were the best ever. Tonight we shall present an act in "Campus Capers," all-college vaudeville show which also benefits the American Red Cross. We're doing a take-off on a tumbling team and including such numbers as tight-rope walking, setting-up exercises, pyramid, and


individual stunts. Added attraction IS m our attire -men's long underwear! Finale will be shoulder stands by all of us, with letters on our derriers spelling THE END. Jane Foust will be hostess to the girls tomorrow night for our preferential rushing party. Our bowling team has finished its season now, as has the basketball team which won this year's consolation tournament. Tomorrow our badminton gang will enter the intramural tournaments. Joyce VanPetten sang "Marietta's Song" by Goldmark and "Parla Waltz" by Arditi at the advanced vocal recital two weeks ago . . . . Jayne Gillespie and Jane Bradshaw have helped with several square dances and open houses sponsored by the college activities committee. Beth Becker, Lola Bennett, Joyce VanPetten and several others of us seniors gave a skit for the M.E.A. -senior meeting two weeks ago. . . . Several of us have been on the weekly newspaper staff this yearJayne Gillespie, Ina Gaylord, Jeanne Wile, Jean Loyster, Pat Bates, Jane Foust, and Shirley DeGrass. Bette Baldwin Lackie and Mary Jean Coon were chosen among the four outstanding seniors this year. ... Bette and Fran Newmaw Rose are in Iowa City, Iowa and Norman, Oklahoma, respectively, now, living with their husbands. Before Bette left us, she was toastmistress at the Panhellenic breakfast for all sorority girls. Shirley Lagesen and Ina Gaylord were in committees for that affair, also .... Maxine Elliott, Shirley Heilbronn and Jayne Gillespie were models at the annual W.A.S. spring style show of which Shirley DeGrass was general chairman. Arlene Hopkins, Phyllis Sundquist, Vonnie Bates, Betty Jane Hawkins and Lorraine Mosher, all of whom were Beta Thetas here last year, have been back to visit us. Jane Bradshaw has been re-elected as president for next year. Other officers include : Mary Lou Larson, vice-president; Eleanor Philp, secretary; Shirley DeGrass, treasurer; Shirley Heilbronn, chaplain; Shirley Lagesen, registrar; and Ina Gaylord, editor. Love and best wishes in A.S.A., MARY JEAN CooN.

BETA IOTA State Teachers College, Radford, Virginia

Dear Alpha Sigs: Spring has really come to Southwest Virginia and all the evidence is present on Radford College campus. Dogwood is in bloom, the tennis courts stay full, all except the most conscientious have bad cases of spring fever, and even the picnics have started; so let me begin my letter by telling you about the picnic which those eight darling pledges gave us. They sent us very attractive water colored invitaitons picturing a somewhat flustered girl having trouble over a smoked and burnt weiner. The picnic was to have beeen at crichet hearth, but dark clouds threatened, and so we went to the Student Art building and pulled one over

on the weather man by roasting our weiners over the fire place. Before it was over we all looked like the girl on the invitation too. Then someone started the record player and we danced so we had still another one on the weather man. We are just now getting over the excitement of electing our new officers too. Our campus beauty, Polly Lester, is president, and besides her good looks, she has brains, which you must admit makes a good combination. Yes, Polly will make a grand president. Mary Anne Jones is vice-president, Mayme McCoy is Secretary, Wanda Lee Womeldorph is treasurer, Sara Hackworth is chaplain, and Elizabeth Covey is editor. Not so long ago Kitty Karnes visited us and will never forget that week-end. We gave a house party while she was here, attended church together, and had Sunday dinner together in the college dining hall. We were very glad too to have many old members back with us-Man Wolfe, Mary Jane Kelley, Lucille Cox Spradlin, Richie Lee Fugate, Virginia Fanning, Frances Howard, Annzianetta Ramsey, and Louise Clement. This is really all the news I have for you this time, but I just don't want to stop writing because this is my last news for Beta Iota Chapter. But I am sure Covey will let you know all about what we will be doing next year, so until then we all hope that everyone of you will have a perfectly wonderful summer. Love in A. S. A ., EvELYN PAMPLIN.

BETA KAPPA Western Illinois State Teachers College, Macomb, Illinois

Dear Alpha Sigs: By this time our new officers have gotten settled into their new jobs and the new quarter is well under way. Our new Prexy, Helen (Leftie) Sowder, has for her assistants; Mare! Boyer, Vice-President; Norma Robeson, Secretary; Betty Jeanne Pogue, Treasurer; Pat Ball, Registrar; Mildred (Cookie) Koch, Chaplain; and Vance Weinberger, Editor. Initiation has added two new members to the roll: Dorothea (Buddy) John and Vance Weinberger, but we're not without pledges. 路 Our two newest are Janie Schaffenacker of Mount Pulaski and Mary Elaine Blana of Joy, Il:inois. Spring is here and it has taken its toll along the romatic line. From the Alums we have these announcements; Freida Sowers was married to Homer Dale Yentes, AMM 2/ c and Marporie Yarde is engaged to Alfred Milone, U. S. Army. Here at school Norma Robeson surprised us with a beautiful diamond from Sgt. Jack Logan, just returned &om the South Pacific and Norma Wheelock came back wearing a ring from Pvt. William Baysinger of the Army Air Corps. Our President, Helen Sowder, is pinned to a former Sigma Tau Gamma, Sgt. Noah Hickman, of the Air Corps, just home from England, but Mildred Koch prefers Phi Sigma Epsilon as she sports its pin for Charles Barber.

MAY, 1945


Although few elections have been held as yet, we have been well represented on campus thus far. New Western Association of Women Students' President and Vice-President are our own Pat Ball and Helen SowedÂŁ, and Betty Alice Miller will head the W omens Athletic Association next year. Welcome relief from studies was offered by Miss Terrill, Miss Scott's newest assistant, when she invited us to her home for an evening of fun. It began with a delicious meal, served cafeteria style and ended, of course, with the Alpha Sig Sweetheart Song. It's gettogethers such as this which take our minds from the horrors of war and bind us closer together as sisters. Although most of the girls went home over Easter we carried out the traditional Easter Egg Hunt at seven a.m., Sunday morning. After breakfast we all dressed and attended Easter services in a body. Plans are being completed for our Annual Cotton Ball, which will be held May 18th. The committee hasn't made the decoration known yet but you can bet they'll be unique. Last year they had bales of cotton, picket fences, and cotton plants. Here's wishing you all a wonderful vacation and to you graduates the very best of luck in your new ventures, whatever they may be. And so until next fallLove in Alpha Sigma Alpha, VANCE WEINBERGER.

BETA LAMBDA Arkansas State Teachers College Conway, Arkansas

Dearest Sister "Sigs": So much has happened since our last news letter that it is going to be hard to cram everything into a small enough space. First, I must tell you briefly

about our "Birthday Party" of March 9 - 10-1 r. The first guest to arrive was Alpha Sig's own Wilma Wilson Sharp. You can imagine the excitement that rose up in us when she stepped off that train. Right then we knew a grand week-end was ahead of us. With thirteen Little Rock Alumnae returning, our own twenty-six girls, and Totsi Schichtl we filled the "Alpha Sig House" (an empty girls dorm) to the brim. Everything was wonderful, and even though some tears were shed, they were tears of joy. Now, we're all looking forward to a bigger and happier second birthday next year. Beta Lambda is proudly displaying two grand new pledges. It certainly looks wonderful to see those red and white "Alpha puppies" being carried around the campus again. It seems hard to believe that this school vear is almost over. Our schedule is jammed full .to the very last day of school. We are all looking forward to our last social date . "A climbing we will go" to Petit Jean State Park for an all day picnic. The week-end of May 6th marks our Mother-Patroness celebration. A large number of our Mothers are making plans to visit the campus that week-end . Of our group we have seven graduating seniors : Dorothy Wilkerson (Secretary), Jean F . Trice, Joyce Lively, Frances McGinnis, Marjorie Brown, Virginia Craney, and Alexa Williams. Although we hate to see them leave we are all hoping to be together again at our convention in Little Rock sometime this summer. And now, here's wishing to all of you the happiest and sunniest of summers. Love in A.S .A., loA MAE PARKER.



Announc.e ments MARRIAGES ALPHA Pattie Venable Smith to Capt. Don Grey Kaylor, U.S.A.A.F. on January 22, 1945 in London, England . ALPHA BETA Dorothy Holcomb to Virgil L. Sharp on September 9, 1944· At home 411 N. High Street, Kirksville, Missouri. GAMMA GAMMA Mildred E. Foster to A . G . Snokelburg on December 21, 1944· At home 645 S. Spruce, Wichita 9, Kansas . Betty Newlin to Lt. Howard Whitney on December 23> 1944· Maisie Arnett Shirey to Robert Edward Nelson .on January 14, 1945· At home Clinton, Oklahoma, Box 440. EPSILON EPSILON Marjorie Anderson to Lee Bert Findly on September 10, 1944· At home 907 Market Street, Emporia, Kansas . Joan Wallis to Virgil Hurt on November 10, ~944· Phyllis Curtis to Lt. Don Mishler on January 7, 1945. At home Apt. No. 1 Moana Auto Court, Reno, Nevada. Wilma Jean Hadden to Hal Weber on February 10, 1945· At home Hutchinson, Kansas. ZETA ZETA Doris Pickens to Stanley Bohon-last of December, 1944. At home 1200 East 9th, Kansas City, Missouri . Dayne McAninch to Ensign Keith E. Bailey, January, 1945· At home 125 W. Michigan Avenue, Apt. 2, Deland, Florida.

Billie L. Heimdale to Lt. Robert W . Best on April 24, 1943. At home 1910 S. .Elm, Pittsburg, Kansas. Dorothy D. Decker to Capt. Donald W. Sexson on June 30, 1943. At home 309 West 5th, Pittsburg, Kansas. Dorothy Burcham to Lt. M. Wayne Butler on July 4, 1943· At home 511 S. Broadway, Pittsburg, Kansas. Rosemary Cowan to Midshipman Paul E. Wachter on September 20, 1943· At home 611 N. Catalpa, Pittsburg, Kansas. Betty Dean Quier to Lt. Martin Sheward-September, 1943· At .home Winwood Drive, Pittsburg, Kansas. Juanita James to William L. Watson on March 23, 1944· At home I I 12 S. Elm, Pittsburg, Kansas. Betty Taylor to Lt. j.g. Ray Vance on February 14, 1945· At home 920 East 48th Street, Kansas City, Missouri. THETA THETA Florence Elizabeth Albee to Joseph Henry Schmidt, Jr., on June 20, 1942. At home 48 - D Elizabeth Road, Hampton, Virginia. Loretta Walsh to Captain Ralph Myerson on August 8, 1943. At home 77 Dover Street, Newark 6, New Jersey. KAPPA KAPPA Mary Sponsellor to Gale Lawrence on June 24, 1944. At home Yeadon, Pennsylvania. Olive Wirth to John Garrett Eckenrathon on March 17, 1944· At home 810 Willow Street, Lebanon, Pennsylvania. Mildred Longacre to William A. Hunsicker on February 17, 1945. At home 1501 N . 55th Street, Philadelphia 31, Pennsylvania. Virginia Becker to Lt. Robert K. Maslin on March 17, 1945· LAMBDA LAMBDA


Wilma Snider to Rusell S. Nielsen on November 16, 1944· At home 1501 Shadford Road, Ann Arbor, Ruby Fulton to Lt. Col. J. J. Beiser on June 13, 1940 . • Michigan. At home 109 W. Potlitzer, Pittsburg, Kansas. Margaret Meyers to Corman C. Pennock on August 7, 1940. At home 607 West 3rd, Pittsburg, NU NU Kansas. L. Virginia Cameron to Edward Martin Simon, Betty Coulter to Lt. Wm. L. Haile on April 3, 1943. Jr. on December 18, 1943. At home 502 S. At home 2308 S. Broadway, Pittsburg, Kansas. Walnut Street, West Chester, Pennsylvania. Maxine Humbard to Lt. j.g. H. Lynn Hackler on Helen L. Buck to Matthew S. Donaldson on January December 24, 1942. At home 906 E. 13th, Pitts26, 1945. At home Leamington Bks., Miami, burg, Kansas. Florida.

MAY, 1945


Lois Meadowcraft to George W . Baker III on March 31, 1945· XI XI

Barbara Barrett to Jones Pearson Ingram on November 9, 1944· At home 2034 S. Norwalk, Los Nietos, California. PI PI Mary Hussey to Harold Beals on January 27, 1945. At home Webster, New York. Corrine Palmerton to George K . Kuhn on F~bruary 10, 1945· At home 77 Burlington, Buffalo, New York. Ruth K. Smith to William F . Riley on February 15, 1945· At home 17 Tudor ;pl., Buffalo, New York. Marilyn Marsh to Russell Stimpson on April 7, 1945· At home 64 Davidson Street, Buffalo, New York. SIGMA SIGMA Ruth Fogg to Rudolph Halazon on February 1945. At home Denver, Colorado.

Ethel Marie Bergeron to Michael Malcolm Burleigh on December 29, 1943. Service Address-Assembly and Repair Department, M.C.A.S.; Cherry Point, N . C. Caroline Elliott to Samuel C. Goode on April 23, 1944· At home 2130 Oleander Street, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Nevelyn Simon to William Frink on October 17, 1944· At home 101 W . Jackson, Warrin~ton, Florida. Marian Fields to Richard Romaire on November 14, 1944· At home Morgan City, Louisiana. Josephine Joseph to Lt. Harry Peter John on November 19, 1944. At home 629-A, Route 1, Aftac, Florida. BETA ETA Elizabeth Bruvold to Lawrence Collins Franklin on December 18, 1944. Mary Meulemans to Maurice Hardy on February 12, 1945·


T AU TAU Jerry Chittiden to Lt. Foster Huff, March 6, 1945. Katherine Brenneman to 1st Lt. Hale Hays, Oct. 17, 1944· Ruth Twenter to Frank H. Reising, February 17, 1944· Flora Lee Cochran to Wilbur S. Lukenbill. Verna Jane Thompson to Elmer Carmichael, October 18, 1944· Mildred Murray to Capt. David Eaton, Oct., 1944. PHI PHI Eileen Isom to Lt. Lloyd G . Kelly on November 9, 1944· June Morris to D. Fred Croce on November 26, 1944. Sue Moore to William H . Cochrane, Jr. on December 2• 1944· BETA DELTA Lena Clarice Ice to Robert Ernest Leard, Jr. on November 20, 1940. At home 1912 Mamie Street, Hattiesburg, Mississippi . BETA EPSILON Jean Hallock to Ernest S. Cornwall, Jr. on September 4, 1943. At home Shady Side, Maryland.

BETA THETA Frances Jean Mewmaw to John D. Rose, Jr., on October 25, 1944· At home 523 Chautauqua, Norman, Oklahoma. Barbara Stout to Sg. Max Durdle on November 25, '1944· At home Belding, Michigan. Bette Baldwin to High Lackie on February 24, 1945· At home 421 N. Governor, l~wa City, Iowa. BETA IOTA Esther Bobbitt to Joseph Grant Graham, Jr. on December 23, 1941. At home 513 Tyler Avenue, Radford, Virginia. Mary Jo Galloway to Clyde Elleth Collins on July 3, 1943· At home 39II Merrill Avenue, Riverside, California. BETA KAPPA Juanita A. Appenheimer to Lt. Hayden H. Murray on December 16, 1944. At home Toulon, Illinois. BETA LAMBDA Frances Pauline White to Louis Albert Loibner on January 6, 1945· At home 587-I8th Avenue, San Francisco, California. J~an Frazier to Raymond D. Pate on February 23, 1945. At home Hunter, Arkansas.

BIRTHS BETA ZETA Barbara Wild to Harry L. German on November 20, 1943· At home Lafayette, Louisiana, o/o Southwestern Louisiana Institute, Box 86.

ALPHA BETA Mr. and Mrs. Roger Swann (Ann McCampbell) , a son, Jon David, on November 22, 1944·





Mr. and Mrs. Philip Meyer (Ada St. Clair), a daughter, Christine Elizabeth, on February 4, I94S·

Lt. and Mrs. William D. Huttinger (Mary Riche!), a son, William Reynolds, on April 29, I944· Mr. and Mrs. John Ullberg (Betty McCutcheon), a daughter, Carol Ann, on July 29, I944· Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Hoyt (Jean Mueller), a son, Curtis Winfred, on November 27, I944· Mr. and Mrs. William Crook (Dorothy Williamson), a daughter, Sally Ann, on March 2I, I94S·

BETA BETA Mr. and Mrs. John Eskridge (Martha Chesnutt), a daughter, Very! Ann, on March s, I944· Mr. and Mrs. Dearrel Estes (Kay Lee Elridge), a daughter, Karen, on September I, I944· Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Bartle (Ruth Dutean), a daughter, Shirley Jean, on February I8, I94S· Sgt. and Mrs. Earl E. McLaughlin (Elizabeth Eldridge), a son, Robert George, on March I4, I94S· Major and Mrs. Claude E. Fertig (Laverne Shockley), a daughter, Susan, January 9, I944· . GAMMA GAMMA Lt. j.g. and Mrs. Neal A. Cook (Ella Louise Hyde), a daughter, on August 6, I944· Mr. and Mrs. Loren Roseberry (Dorothy Riggs), a son, December, I944· Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thatcher (Glenda Harvey), a daughter, on March IS, I94S· EPSILON EPSILON Lt. and Mrs. Donald Knopf (Dorothy Hudson) a son, Donald Keith, on June IS, I944· Mr. and Mrs. Leo Pierson (Irene Loren), a son, Richard Allen, on December I7, I944· Lt. and Mrs. David L. Taylor (Virginia Wiand), a daughter, Mary Ann, on January 8, I94S· Lt. j.g. and Mrs. Kenneth DeMott (Nola Newton), a son, Kenneth Rene, on February I6, I94S· Mr. and Mrs. Adler (Jennie Williams), twin daughters, Susan Jan and Sarah Ann, on March I6, I94S·

XI XI Mr. arid Mrs. Clyde Slate (Gertrude Byrket), a daughter, Thalia lone on August 27, I944· PI PI Mr. and Mrs. Norman Todd (Helen Lazer ), a son, Thomas Frederick, on April IS, I943 and a second son, John William, on March 22, I944· Present address: 9S Cranbrooke, Toronto I2, Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. J. Vincent Cooley (Eleanor Carland), a son, Capt. and Mrs. William A. Smith (Lynette Terry), a son, Timothy Alexander, on November 6, I944· Mr. and Mrs. Roger Rawe (Josephine Phillippi), a daughter, Hollis Marilyn, on November 26, 1944· Mr. and Mrs. Christian Koelbl (Janet Stowell), a son, Christian Girard III, on February IO, I94S· Mr. and Mrs. Edward Knothe (Gretchen Holderbaum), a daughter, Barbara, on March 2, I94S· Mr. and Mrs. Clay W. Hamlin (Betty Murray), a son, Clay Winston III, on March 6, I94S· Mr. and Mrs. Gunner Brink (Mary Martin), a daughter, Carol Ann, on March I4, I94S· Mr. and Mrs. Donald Peterson (Ethel Schutt), a son, Rod Stewart, on April I, I94S· Mr. and Mrs. Edward Steinfeldt (Eudene Schenck), a son, Stephen Edward, on April 6, I94S· SIGMA SIGMA

ETA ETA Lt. Col. and Mrs. J. J. Beiser (Ruby Fulton), a daughter, Anne, on September 6, I94I. Lt. and Mrs. H. Lynne Hackler (Maxine Humbard), a daughter, Karol Lynne, on June I I, I944· Lt. and Mrs. W. L. Haile (Betty Coulter), a daughter, Joanna, on June 2S, I944· Lt. and Mrs. M. W. Butler (Dorothy Burcham), a daughter, Pamela Wayne, on July 29, I944· Lt. and Mrs. Paul E. Wachter (Rosemary Cowan), a son( Michael Paul, on August 20, I944· THETA THETA Mr. and Mrs. David Cameron (Katharine Rickards), a daughter, Marcia Jean, on June 2s, I944· Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nichols (Barbara Howe), a third son, December, I944·

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Griffie (Frances Gazzoli), a daughter, November, I944· Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Dickerson (Evelyn Slane Bates), a son, December, I944· Lt. and Mrs. M. A. Gilmore (Vivienne Gratton), a daughter, Judith Farrel, on December 3, I944· TAU TAU Louise Peterson Halm, a son, Kenneth, March, I944· Bernice Betthauser Rhode~, a son, James Russell, Jan. 26, I943· Agnes Tullis Bird, a daughter, Martha Louise, March I4, I944· Mildred Murray Older, a daughter, Harriet Jayne, August 9, I944· Mary Alice Wiesner Rae, a son, Phillip John, July s, I944·

MAY, 1945 Novlin Hickman Thurlow, a son, David Manor, June 7, 1944· Marjorie Lahey Bender, a daughter, April, 1944· Mildred King Nelson, a daughter, Janet Louise, February 12, 1944. Betty Ward Nye, ason, Gary, May 23, 1943. Hazel Oshant, a son, James Mitchell, July 28, 1943. PHI PHI Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Flanders (Lucy Benson), a daughter, Nancy Jo, on October r, 1944· ' Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Dinsdale (R. Dell Chick), a son, Robert, on October 6, 1944. Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Johnson (Mary Lorraine Kyger), a daughter, Katherine Ann, on October 22, 1944· Mr. and Mrs. Dan Shura (Mary Frances Young), a daughter, Marianne Frances, on November 22·, 1944· Mr. and Mrs. Lee Royer (Sylvia Glauser), a daughter, on January 8, 1945. CHI CHI Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Davey (Katherine Faust), a daughter, Elizabeth Anne, on February 23, 1945· BETA EPSILON Mr. and Mrs. Andrew S. Horton (Ann Griffith), a son, Andrew Jr., on October 10, 1944. BETA ZETA Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Haydel (Janice Hendricks), a daughter, Amy Bett, on February 3, I944· Lt. and Mrs. Andrew M. Landry (Erin LeBlanc), a daughter, Linda Louise, on March 16, 1944.

57 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hopkins Givens (Emma Dell Mendoza), a son, Thomas Hopkins Givens II, on September r6, 1944: Mr. an.d Mrs. James I. Morrison (Hilda Jean Pringle), a daughter, Marcia Lee, on January r8, 1945· Lt. and Mrs. Jack W. Scott (Evelyn Songe), a son, James Madison, on March 27, 1945. BETA IOTA Mr. and Mrs. Grey Wall (Sarah McDonald), a son,, Charles McDonald, on January 26, 1945.· BETA LAMBDA Mr. and Mrs. William R. Lull (Florence Morris), a son, John Hammons, on April 7, 1945.

IN MEMORIAM Alpha Beta Chapter-Anna Higginbotham Johnson (Mrs 0. N.) Beta Beta Chapter-Florence Avery Anderson (Mrs. Eti) on March II, 1945. Epsilon Epsilon-Aura C. Anderson Ott (Mrs. Leslie W.) on July 31, 1944· Alpha Sigma Alpha extends sympathy to: Katherine Daw Suitor, Pi Pi, whose husband, Harry Suitor died on March 25th, 1945. Nell Rhodes Morgan, BD, whose husband, W. J. Morgan, has been killed in action. . Mrs. D. M. Johnson (Harriett Brown), Beta Epsilon, whose husband, Lt. D. M. Johnson, U .S.M.C., was killed in Okinawa, April 3, 1945·




List of Missing A-ddresses The followmg is the list of names and addresses from which the PHOENIX has been returned. If you know of any corrections, please send them to the National Editor, Mrs. B. F. Leib, Apartment T, 3540 N. Pennsylvania Street, Indianapolis, Indiana.



Mary R. Early, 9318 Woodside, Detroit, Michigan. Mrs. Howard A. Hall (Betty P.hillips) Murtaugh, Idaho.

Mrs. W. Ray McDonough (Alberta Esslinger) n8 Pine Street, Rock Springs, Wyoming. Mildred N. Nigswonger, 68r 4oth Street, Des Moines, Iowa.

ALPHA GAMMA Mrs. Paul Brown (Mildred Weber) 416 Todd Street, Wilkinsburg, Pennsylvania. BETA BETA Virginia V. Wood, Walsenburg, Missouri. Mrs. George Davis (Grace Dalby) 6o65 Interceptor, Los Angeles 43, California. DELTA DELTA Esther Berkshire, 320 Beach Street, Berea, Ohio. Mrs. W. P . .Hutchinson (Cecelia E. Adam) 364 Zeller Ave., Akron, Ohio. GAMMA GAMMA Anne Cleveland, 427 South Main Street, Wichita, Kansas. EPSILON EPSILON Ruth Jeremy, Box 219, U .S.O., Aquadillo, Puerto Rico. Ruth Fleischaker, 707 Market Street, Fulton, Missouri . Mrs. Taylor (Thelma Myer) Wynona, Oklahoma.

KAPPA KAPPA Mrs. Craydon Smart (Helen Stranahan) 409 North Fraley, Kane, Pennsylvania. Mildred H. Christman, N. Charlotte Street, Pittston, Pennsylvania. Dorothea M. Bishop, Eldora, New Jersey. Mrs. Randolph Wimmer (Evelyn Kratz) 721 N. Laurel Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. MU MU Mu. Harold Riggs (Dorothea C. Lyons) 932 Penniman Street, Plymouth, Michigan. Mrs. Raymond Boysen (Florence M. Gee) California Institution for Women, Tehachapi, California. Mrs. R. S. Dewey, (Viola K. Rau) 215 South 9th Street, Salt Lake City, Utah . NU NU Alice S. Kay, 5 Pangborn Road, Hackensack, New Jersey. RHO RHO

ZETA ZETA Mrs. John Garrison (Ann Draper) 1191l North Holden Street, Warrensburg, Missouri. Mrs. Eugene A. Logan, Jr. (Ernestine Thompson) Beaman, Missouri . Mrs. R. Fred Sessions (Flossie L. Arnold), Kenwood, California.

Mrs. Clyde Bennett (Andre Abell), Box 91, Philippi, W.Va. TAU TAU Mrs. C. A. Marrs (Catherine Lewis) Gilbert, Arkansas.


Mrs. George Clow (Geraldine Reinecke) Britton, 路 Oklahoma.

Mrs. Hendricks (Lottie Vehlow), r6o3 E. Main Street, Ventura, California.



Mrs. Harlan S. Kirk (Florence M. Kile) Berea College, Berea, Kentucky.

Mrs. Maurice 0. Barr (Barbara Faxon), 131 Rosewood Street, Mattapan, Massachusetts.

Mrs. Herbert Hurlburt, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York.

MAY, 1945


Directory National Council 1944-1945

Roll of College Chapters

President-Mrs. Fred M. Sharp, 1405 Hardy Avenue, Independence, Missouri. Vice-President- Mrs. Reinard Schlosser, 2800 De.<ter Street, Denver, 7, Colorado. Secretary-Miss H elen Corey, 6310 Sherwood Road, Overbrook, Philadelphia, 31, Pennsylvania. Treasurer - Miss Esther Bucher, 602 Lathrop Bldg., 1005 Grand Ave., Kansas City 6, Mo. Registrar-Mrs. Clinton Berry, 281 Wapello Lane, Altadena, California. Director of Alumnae-Miss Evelyn G. Bell, 767 Lafayette Avenue, Buffalo, 9, New York. Editor-Mrs. B . F. Leib, 3540 N. Pen~­ lylvania Street, Apartment T, Indianapolis, 6, Indiana.

Alpha - State Teachers College, J:o'armville, Virginia. Alpha Beta - State Teachers College, Kirksville, Missouri. Alpha Gamma-State Teachers College, Indiana, Pennsylvania. B eta B eta-Colorado State College of Education. Greeley, Colorado. Gamma Gamma- Northwestern State College, Alva, Oklahoma. Epsilon Epsilon-Kansas State Teachers College, Emporia, Kansas. Zeta Zeta-Central Missouri State Teachers College, Warrensburg, Missouri. Eta Eta-state Teachers College, Pittsburg, Kansas. Theta Theta--Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts. Kappa Kappa-Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Nu Nu-Drexel Institute of Technology, Phildelphia, Pennsylvania. Xi Xi- University of California, Los Angeles, California. Pi Pi- Buffalo State Teachers College, Buffalo, New York. Rho Rho--Marshall College, Huntington, West Virginia. Sigma Sigma- Western State College, Gunnison, Colorado. Tau Tau-Fort Hays Kansas State Col-

l'tiatlonal Chairmen Alumnae Editor- Mrs. Ralph Vorhees, 3300 Grenway Road, Shaker Heights, 22, Ohio. Constitution-Mrs. Albert Kuchs, 614 N. Market Street, Maryville, Missouri. Fellowship Chairman - Mrs. W. C. Thomas, 3330 Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, 13, Illinois. Scholarahip -Mrs. :eertram M. Stone, Picayune, Mississippi. Historian- Miss Louise Stewart, 555% Adair Ave., Zanesville, Ohio. Convention - Miss Helen Corey, 6310 Sherwood Road, Overbrook, Philadelphia, 31, Pennsylvania. Paraphernalia-Mrs. John Horter, 1480 Corporation Street, Beaver, Pennsylvania.

Officers of Association of Education Sororities Chairman-Miss Carrie E. Walter, Theta Sigma Upsilon, 210 Sagamore R oad, Brookline, Pennsylvania.

Secretary- Miss Edith Mansell, Alpha Sigma Tau, 161 Highland Avenue, Highland Park, Michigan. Treasurer-Mrs. Fred M. Sharp, · Alpha Sigma Alpha, 1405 Hardy Avenue, Independence, Missouri. Director of Local Panhellenics-Mrs. C. P. Neidig, Pi Kappa Sigma, 1~03 First National Bank Building, Cm-

lege, Hays, Kansas.

Phi Phi - Northwest Missouri State Teachers College, Maryville, Missouri. Chi Chi- Ball State Teachers College, Muncie, Indiana. Psi- Northwest ern State College, Natchitoches, Louisiana. Beta Gam.,;,..- Northeastern State College, Tahlequah, Oklahoma. Beta Delta- Mississippi Southern College, Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Beta Epsilon- Madison College, Harrisonburg, Virginia. Beta Z eta-Southwestern Louisiana Institute, Lafayette, Louisiana. Beta Eta-state Teachers College, Dickinson, North Datota. Beta Th eta- Central Michigan College, Mount Pleasant, Michigan. B eta Iota - Radford College, Radford •. Virginia. Beta Kappa - Western Illinoi.s .state T eachers College, Macomb, Ilhn01s. Beta Lambda-Arkansas State T each ers College, Conway, Arkansas.


cinnati, Ohio.

Chairman of Publicity-Mrs. R obert S. Hill, Delta Sigma Epsilon, Silver City, New Mexico. Chairman of Interfraternity Rela~ion­ ships-Miss Mabel Lee Walton, Stgma Sigma Sigma, P. 0. Box 108, Clermont, Florida.

Affiliated Panhellenics MEMBERS National Panhellenic Congress Association of Education Sororities Professional Panhellenic Association COUNCIL MEMBERS Chairman-Mrs. John B. Davison, Professional Panhellenic Association. Secretary- Mrs. E. Granville Crabtree, National Panhellenic Congress. Chairman of Publicity C~m~ttee-Miss Mabel Lee Walton, Assoetatwn of Education Sororities.

Editorial Staff NATIONAL EDITOR-Mrs. B. F . Leib, 3540 N. Pennsylvania St., Apt. T, Indianapolis 5, Indiana.

A lpha- Patsy Dale,

Box 265, S.T.C., Farmville, Virginia. Alpha Beta-Dorothy Holcomb Sharp, 411 N. High, Kirksville, Missouri. Alpha Gamma- Elizabeth Politoske, 311 N. J ohn Sutton Hall, Indiana, Pennsylvania. Beta Beta-Shirley Delbridge, 1116 16th St., Greeley, Colorado. Gamma Gamma- Lo Eva Kragh, Alva, Oklahoma. Epsilon Epsilon- Luce Bender, 919 Union, Emporia, Kansas. Zeta Zeta - Katherine Thur~ton, .51 3 Grover St. , Warrensburg, Mtssourl. Eta Eta-Charlotte Miller, 303 W. Rose, Pittsburg, Kan sas.

Theta Theta-Katherine Gott, 4 Daniels St., Arlington, Massachusetts. Kappa Kappa-Lynn Myer, 1938 N. Park Ave., Philadelphia, 22, Pa. Nu Nu-Dana Davis, 6237 W issahickon, Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Xi Xi-Norma Kruse, 607 S . Bradfield, Compton, California. Pi Pi- Ruth Christman, 289 Woodside Ave., Buffalo, N ew York. Rho Rho--Mary Margaret Thomas, 116 lOth Ave., Huntington , West Virginia. Sigma Sigma- Frances Craig Underud, Chipeta H a ll, Gunnison, Colorado. Tau Tau-Jo Monson, Hays, Kansas. Phi Phi-Shirley Anderson, 714 N. Walnut, Maryville, Missouri.

Chi Chi-Helen H erberger, Lucina Hall, Muncie Indiana. Psi - Carrie N ell Roger s, Northwestern State College, Natchitoches, La. Beta Gamma- Virginia Brink, Wilson Hall, Tahlequah, Oklahoma. Beta Delta - J eanne King, Station A, Mississippi Southern College, Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Beta Epsilon-Catherine Clodfelter, Madison College, Harrisonburg, Virginia. Beta Z eta-Kathleen Toup s, S.L.I. Lafayette, Louisiana. B eta Eta-Betty R eardon, 302 1st Ave. East, Dickinson, N orth Dakota. B eta Theta- Mary J ean Coon, K eller Union, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan. Beta Iota-Ev elyn Pamplin- Box 115, Radford College, Radford, Virginia. B eta Kap pa-Vance W einberger, Monroe Hall, Macomb, Illinois. Beta Lambda-Ida Mae Parker, 235 Locust, Conway, Arkansas.


Alumnae Chaptet Officers AKRON, OHIO President- Mrs. H. Holt, 116 N oble Avenue, Akron , Ohio. Vice-President- Miss Lillie Greer, 393 H ollywood Avenue, Akron, Ohio. Secr etary-Mrs. John Miranda, 742 Ecton R oad, Akron, Ohio. Treasurer - Mrs. Emma Blythe, 288 K enilworth Avenue, Akron, Ohio. PHOENIX Correspondent - Mrs. J ohn Miranda, 742 Ecton Road, Akron , Ohio. ALVA, OKLAHOMA President- Miss Luella Harzman, 917 Flynn Avenue, Alva, Okl:<homa .. Vice-President - Mrs. Olhe Smtthson , Alva, Oklahoma. Secr etary - Mrs. Alvin R. Paris, 304 Third Street, Alva, Oklahoma. Treasurer- Miss Zelma Branson, 710 Locust Street, Alva, Oklahoma. PHOENIX Correspondent-Miss Erl Lene Cline, 626 Center Street, Alva, Oklahoma. BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS President Mrs . Louis E. Fletcher, 141 Marked Tree Road, N eedham, Massachusetts. . Vice-President- Miss Constance Spavm, 174 Stratford Street, West Roxbury, Mass. Secretary- Miss Charlotte Adams, 35 Commonwealth Road, Watertown, Massachusetts. Treasurer- Miss Laura McQuide, 137 Park Drive, Boston, Mass. PHOENIX Correspondent Miss Ruth Mayo, 785 Commercial Street, East Weymouth, Massachusetts.

6o BUFFALO, NEW YORK President-Mrs. John Finn, 39 11 Main Street , Eggertsville, N ew York. Vice-President- Mrs. William Barre, 380 Franklin Street, Buffalo, N ew York. S ecr etary-Corresponding - Mrs. J ohn C. W ende, 228 Sumner Place, Buffalo, 11, N ew York. S ecretary-Recording-Mrs. Rich a rd L ebo, 189 Pine Avenue, Hamburg , N ew Y ork. Treasurer- Mrs. Harry L. Case, 279 Minnesota Avenue, Buffalo, 15, N ew York. PHOENIX Correspondent- Mrs. Edward J. N elson , 19 Hagen St., Buffalo, N ew York. CANTON, OHIO President- Mrs. Richard E. R oth, 925 Broad Avenue, N. W ., Canton 3, Ohio. Vice-President- Mrs. Dean Calhoun, 712 Hoover Place, N. W. , Canton 3, Ohio. Secr etary-Mrs. Len Miller, 1307 Market Avenue, N. , Canton 3, Ohio. Treasurer- Mrs. Len Miller, 1307 Market Avenue, N ., Canton 3, Ohio. PHOENIX Correspondent - Mrs. Pressly Campbell, Jr., 3206 Enfield Road, N. W ., Canton, Ohio. CENTRAL, PENNSYLVANIA President - Mrs. Helyn Broo~hart Bishop, 822 N. 5th Street , Reading, P ennsylvania. Vice-President - Mrs. Eleanor Dobler Brown, 324 Marshall Street, Lancaster, P e nnsylvania. Secr etary- Mrs. Elizabeth Wilson Rost, 425 N . Franklin Street, Red Lion, P ennsylvania. Treasurer- Mrs. Elizabeth Wilson Rost, 425 North Franklin, Red Lion, Pennsylvania.

PHOENIX Correspondent - Miss S. June Smith, 125 Manor Avenue, Millersville, P e nnsylvania.

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS President- Mrs. Ralph W eegar , 5429 N. Magnolia Avenue, Chicago 40, Illinois. Vice-President - Mrs. Carolyn Millard, 57 30 Dorchest er , Chicago, Illinois. S ecretary- Mrs. L. D. Raney, 4810 N. Paulina Avenue, Chicago 40, Illinois. Treasurer-Miss Dorothy Master s, Eastgate H otel, 1622 E . Ontario Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. PHOE NIX Correspondent - Mrs. James Wilson , 2319 Hartrey Ave., Evanston, Illinois. CLEVELAND , OHIO President-Mrs. Harry Kurtz, 1906 East 105th St., Cleveland, Ohio. Vice-President- Mrs. William E. Coates, 1199 Warren R oad, Lakewood, Ohio. Secr etary - Mrs. Richard Fry, 12505 Edgewater Drive, L akewood, Ohio. Treasurer - Mrs. W . F. Crawford, 1432 Arthur Avenue, L a kewood, Ohio. PHOENIX Correspondent- Mrs. C. R. Smith, 48 Eldred Avenue, Bedford, Ohio. COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO Pres ident- Miss Gertrude C ran e, 424 E. San Miguel, Colorado Springs, Colo. Vice-President- Mrs. William Lloyd, 2017 N . T ej ou, Colorado S p rings, Color a do. L est er Hay, 201 S ecr etary - Mrs. Ch eyenne Road, Colorado Springs, Color a do. Treasurer - Miss H elen Ruth Wilcoxi n , 2826 W . Platte, Color a do Spring, Colorado. PHOENIX Correspondent- Mrs. Vicent E. Ma loney, 1224 N. Wahsatch , Colorado S prings, Colorado.

THE PHOENIX COLUMBUS, OHIO President- Miss Ethel Wolfgram, 329 S. T errace Avenue, Columbus, Ohio. Vice-President- Mrs. L oren Windom, Reynoldsburg, Ohio, R.F.D. S e c r e t a r y-Miss Marion Powell, Y .W.C .A., 65 S. Fourth St., Columbus 15, Ohio. T r e a s u r e r - Miss Ma rion Powell, Y .W. C. A., 65 S. Fourth St., Columbus 15, Ohio. PHOENIX Correspondent- Mrs. C. H . Calh ou n , 152 E. 12th Avenue, Columbus, Ohio. DENVER, COLORADO President-Mrs. Margaret Phelps Langh orn, 433 Og den St., D enver, Colorado. Vice-President - Mrs. N eoma Ericson Stone, 1059 South Corona St., D enver, Colorado. S ecretary-Mrs.




3229 Raleigh St., Denver, Colorado. Treasurer -


Za Eason La wren son,

3229 Raleigh St. , D enver , Colorado. PHOENIX Correspondent- Mrs. R einard Schlosser , 2800 Dexter Street , D enver, Colorado. DETROIT, MICHIGAN President - Mrs. Harold R. Chapel, 336 Suffield Road, Birmingham, Michigan. Vice-President - Miss Caroline Evans, 557 N. Lewiston, Ferndale, Michigan. Secretary-Mrs. W . C. Butterfield, 18435 Ohio Avenue, D etroit, Michigan. Treasurer - Mrs. A. Vredenberg, 18960 Snowden , Detroit, Michigan . Correspondent - Mrs. Earl PHOENIX Lutz, 14044 Abington Road, Detroit, Michigan. EMPORIA , KANSAS President - Mrs. Betty Cremer Johnson, o/o K.S.T.C ., Emporia, Kansas. Vice-President - Mrs. Lucille Laughlin Jones, 115 W . 11th St., Emporia, Kansas. Secretary- Mrs. Dorothy Atherton Rissler, 1110 Congress, Emporia, Kansas. Treasurer - Mrs. Margaret Barber Wyman, 1405 West, Emporia, Kansas. PHOENIX Correspondent - Mrs. Winifred J on es R emy, 1326 Highland, Emporia, Kansas. GUNNISON, COLORADO President-Miss Joan Adams, Gunnison, Colorado. Vice-President-Mrs. Mat D eering, Parlin , Colorado. S ecr etary-Mrs. M. J . Hogan , Gunnison , Coolrado, (Box 225). Treasurer - Mrs.



Gunnison ,

Colorado. PHOENIX Correspondent-Mrs. J ohn McIIwee, Gunnison, Colorado. HAMPTON ROADS, VIRGINIA President-Miss Anne Irela nd, 208 W . 37th St., N orfolk, Virginia . Vice-President - Miss Ma rtha Halloway, 800 Baldwin Avenue, N orfolk, Va. S ecr etary- Mrs. J ohn Don ald, 933 Rippard Avenue, N orfolk, Virginia. Treasurer- Miss Shirley R owls, S. Norfolk, Virg inia. PHOENIX Correspondent - Mrs. Warren White, 917 Gates Avenue, N orfolk , Virg inia.

HATTIESBURG, MISSISSIPPI Presiden t -Mrs. B. M. Ston e Jr., Box 492, Picayune , Mississipp i. Vice-President - Mrs. W. J. Mor gan, 207 N. 25th Ave., H attiesbu r g , Mississippi. S ecr etary - Miss Miriam J orda n , 1312 H a r dy Ave., H attiesburg, Mississip pi. Treasurer - Miss Gloria Coleman, 301 Miller Street, H attiesburg, Mississipp i. PHOENIX Correspondent- Mrs. W. J . Maxey, 538 Belew St., H attiesburg, Miss issip pi.

HAYS, KANSAS Pres ident-Mrs. George Balls, 1109 Oak, Hays, Kan sas. Vice-Pres ident-Mrs. Glenn Nye, 214 W . 9th , Hays, Kansas. Secretary- Mrs. Mary Alice Wiesn er Rae, 516 Mission Mount, H ays, Kansas. Treasurer - Mrs. Mary Alive Wiesner Rae, 516 Miss ion Mount, Hays, Kansas. PHOENIX Correspondent - Mrs. Ruth Reising, 101 E. 17th, Hays, Kansas. HUNTINGTON, WEST VIRGINIA President- Miss Doris Hart, 2722 5th Avenue, Huntington, W est Virginia. Vice-President-Miss Mary L. Gorsuch, 137 Sycamore St., Huntington, W est Virginia. Secr etary-Mrs. C. F . Cyrus, 1502 Washington Blvd., Huntington, W est Virginia.

Treasurer- Miss Mildred Kincaid, 537 6th Avenue, Huntington, W est Virginia. PHOENIX Correspondent 路- Mrs. C. R. Fuliveler, 701 9th Avenue, Huntington , W est Virginia. INDIANAPOLIS , INDIANA President - Mrs. E. J. Soland, 4125 Rookwood Ave nue, Indianapolis, Ind. Vice-President- I11rs. Frederick Gumme, 5701 Carrolton Avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana. Secretary-Corresponding - Mrs. William F. Noblitt, 2068 Broadway, Indianapolis, Indiana. Secretary-R ecording-Miss Adelaide McCarty, 3444 N. Pennsylvania St., Indianapolis, Indiana. Treasurer-Mrs. Clifford E. Snedek er, 3328 N . N ew Jersey, Indianapolis, Indiana. PHOENIX Correspondent- Miss Bereniece J. Lamb 4509 E. Washington St., Indianapolis., Indiana. KANSAS CITY , MISSOURI President-Mrs. R. C. Aitchison, 310 W. 45th T errace, Kansas City, Missouri. Vice-President- Mrs. Charles W. Sharp, 1 5435 Forest , Kansas City, Missouri. S ecr etary-Corresponding-Mrs. C. Carder, 33 0 N. Chelsea, Kansas City, Missouri. Secretary - R ecording - Miss Dorothy Hutchison, 1203 E. 21st Ave., North Kansas City, Missouri. Treasurer - Miss Daphen e Copenhaver , 3749 Eaton, Kan sas City, Kansas. PHOENIX Correspondent - Mrs. C. E. Hamilton , 1851 E. 76th T errace, Kan sas City, Missouri. LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS President-Miss Polly White , 318 W. H ., Par"k Hill, North Little Rock, Arkansas. Treasurer- Miss Georgiana White, Harrison, Arkansas. PHOENIX Corresponde nt - Mrs. Raymond A. Mitch ell, School for the Blind, Little Rock, Arkansas. LAFAYETTE, LOUISIANA President- Mrs . Thom as H. Givens, Box 357, Laf ayette, L ouisiana. Vice-Pres ident - Mrs. K enn eth B. Hait, Box 114, S.L.L, L afayette, L ouis iana. S ecr etary- Mrs. H arry L . German , Box 86 , S .L.L, L afayette, L ouiis ia n a. Treasurer- Mrs. Fred Benoit, 520 Eas t V ermillion, Lafayette , Louisiana. PHOENIX Correspondent- Mrs. W . H . Box 921, Lafayette, Ca rpenter , Louisiana.

MAY, 1945




fresident-Miss Ethel Tobin, 3011 Malcolm Avenue, Los Angeles, California. Vice-President-Miss Barbara H eld, 3680 Vinton Avenue, L os Angeles, Calif. Secretary-Corresponding-Mrs. G. Bolton, 5742-6th Avenue, Los Angeles, Calif. Secr etary-Recording - Miss Marian L ee Jones, 4538 Melbourne Avenue, Hollywood 27, California. Treasurer-Miss Lillian Bradley, 4701 6th Ave., Los Angeles, California. PHOENIX Correspondent- Mrs. Whitney Hindes, 1166 E. Firestone Blvd., Downey, California.

President - Mrs. Gerry E. Morse, 235 Trumbull Road, Manhasset, Long Island, N ew York. Vice-President- Miss Gertrude Y orke, The Parkside, 18 Gramercy Park, South , N ew York 3, New York. Secretary-Mrs. J. Donald Peterson, 313 Centre Avenue, New Rochelle, N ew York. Treasurer - Miss Elsy S . J essup, 19 William Street, Mt. V ernon, New York . PHOENIX Correspondent- Miss Ethel E. Barrett, 9 Vincent Place, Montclair, N ew J ersey.



President- Mrs. Harold M . Hull, 503 West 3rd, Maryville, Missouri. Treasurer- Miss Mary Margot Phares, Maryville, Missouri. PHOENIX Correspondent - Miss Ruth Lawrence, Maryville, Missouri. Vice-President- Mrs. James W. Ray, Maryville, Missouri. Secretary- Mrs. Dan Shura, Maryville, Missouri.

President - Mrs. Jean R. Ehlers, 7218 S ellers Avenue, Upper Darby, Pennsyl-

MUNCIE, INDIAN A President- Mrs. E. Louis P ennington, 2004 W. Gilbert St., Muncie, Indiana. Vice-President- Mrs. LeRoy Miller, 816 West Fifth St., Muncie, Indiana. Secretary-Mrs. M. J . Montgomery, 302 Alden Road, Muncie, Indiana. Treasurer-Mrs. J. Monroe, 1606 West Adams St., Muncie, Indiana. PHOENIX Corresponden t - Mrs. Everett Thresher, 1314 East Adams Street, Muncie, Indiana. MUSKOGEE, OKLAHOMA President-Mrs. Kyle J . Hobbs, 2415 Elliott St., Muskogee, Oklahoma. Vice-President- Mrs. Charles Kilgore, 2108 Robinson St., Muskogee, Oklahoma. Secretary- Miss Barbara Allen, 910 Boston St. , Muskogee, Oklahoma. Treasurer-Miss Lois Beers, 702 S . 23rd St., Muskogee, Oklahoma. Miss Mary PHOENIX Correspondent Beers, 702 S. 23rd St. , Muskogee, Oklahoma. NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA President- Miss Hilda Giraud, 2534 Jasmine Street, New Orleans 17, La. Vice-President- Miss Sybil Glaser, 615 Rupp Street, Gretna, Louisiana. Secr etary- Miss Claire Alexander, 3337 Louisiana Avenue, Parkway, New Orleans, Louisiana. Treasurer-Miss Betty Lu Straughn, 1315 Milan Street, New Orleans 15, Louisiana. PHOENIX Correspondent- Mrs. Wayne Haydel, 315 Audubon Street , New Orleans 18, Louis iana.


Vice-President-Miss Elizabeth G. Jones, 6619 McCallum St., Philadelphia 19, Pennsylvania.

Secretary-Correspondign - Mrs. Grace Willis Rumpf, 217 Spencer St. , Philadelphia 20, Pennsylvania. Secretary-Recording- Miss J ean Oller, Pelh am Court, Emlen St., and Carpenter La., Philadelphia 19, Pennsylvania.

Treasurer- Miss Dorothy Hutton, 112 Poplar Avenue, Wayne, Pennsylvania. PHOENIX Correspondent - Miss Helen Geibel, 1300 W. Ontario Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. PITTSBURGH,


President- Mrs. Philip Meyer, 6800 Meade Street, Pittsburg 8, Pennsylvania. Vice-President-Miss Rhoda Hunter, 1418 Mifflin Road, Pittsburg 7, P ennsylvania.

Secretary-Miss Beatrice Jefferies, 827 Chester Avenue, Pittsburg 2, Pennsylvania. Treasurer-Miss Janet Benedict, 285 N. Dithridge Street, Pittsburgh 13, P ennsylvania.

PHOENIX Correspondent- Miss Frances Parry, 14 Lehigh Ave., West View. Pennsylvania. PITTSBURG, KANSAS President-Mrs. Donald W. Sexson , 309 West 5th, Pittsburg, Kansas. Vice-President - Mrs. F . D. Bethel, R.F.D. No. 3, Pittsburg, Kansas. S ecr etary- Wrs. Robert W. Best, 1910 S. Elm, Pittsburg, Kansas. Treasurer-Mrs. Robert W. Best, 1910 S. Elm, Pittsburg, Kansas. RADFORD, VIRGINIA President- Mrs. W. I. Bradley, Radnor Apts., Radford, Virginia. Secretary-Treasurer-Miss Alice Brown, 37 Ridge Road, Fairlawn, Radford, Virginia. PHOENIX Correspondent-Miss Katherine Karnes, P earisburg, Virginia.

RICHMOND, VIRGINIA President- Mrs. Smead Camden, 908 W est St. , Apt. 2, Richmond, Virginia. Vice-President- Miss Gwendolyn Sampson, 1113 Essex Avenue, Richmond, Virginia.

Secretary - Miss Mary Elizabeth White, 2911 Noble Avenue, Richmond, Va. Treasurer- Mrs. Grace Wallace Folkes, 3919 W. Franklin Street, Richmond, Virginia.

PHOENIX Correspondent-Miss Ann Martenstein, 1106 Lake Front Avenue, Richmond, Virginia. ROCHESTER, NEW YORK President- Miss Ruth N . Puis, 139 Valley View Crest, Rochester 12, N ew York. Secretary - Treasu r er - Mrs. Ellsworth Baldwin, 54 Berry Street , Rochester 9, N ew York. PHOENIX Correspondent- Miss Bernice Baybutt, 2400 Latta Road, Rochester 12, N ew York . ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI President-Mrs. E . D. Davis, 36 E . Jackson Road , W ebster Groves, Missouri. Vice-President- Miss , Hildred Fitz, 712 Fairview, Webster Groves, Missouri. Secretary-Mrs. W. C. Gramsch, 3905 Utah, St. Louis, Missouri. Treasurer- Mrs. A. F. Madares, 1319 Andrew Drive, Glendale, Missouri. PHOENIX Correspondent - Mrs. W. M. Griffith, 498 W. Lockwood, W ebster Groves, Missouri. TULSA, OKLAHOMA President- Mrs. William Row, 3130 South Cincinnati, Tulsa, Oklahoma. Vice-President-Mrs. Richard C. Carson, 224 East 33rd Place, Tulsa, Oklahoma. Secretary-Mrs. William F. Park, 1423 East 36th Street, Tulsa, Oklahoma. Treasurer- Mrs. William F. Park, 1423 East 36th Street, Tulsa, Oklahollla. PHOENIX Correspondent - Mrs. Royce Wagoner , 1415 South Norfolk, Tulsa, Oklahoma. WASHINGTON, D. C. President Mrs. Georgeanna Newby Page, 1809 20th Street, N. W . Apt. 51, Washington , D. C. Vice-President-Mrs. Jessie Scott Arnold, 1730 M Street, N. W. Apt 4, Washington, D. C. Secretary- Mrs. N . H. Eiselman, 1575 Spring Place, N. W. , Washington, D. C. Treasurer- Mrs. N. H. Eiselman, 1575 Spring Place, N. W., Washington , D. C. PHOENIX Correspondent - Mrs. J essie Scott Arnold, 1730 M Street, N. W ., Apt. ' 4, Washington , D. C. WI CHIT A, KANSAS President-Mrs. W. W. Carr, 3733 Sleepy Hollow, Wichita, Kansas. Vice-President-Mrs. W. G. Halderman , 940 N. Rutan, Wichita, Kansas. Secretary-Mrs . E. W . Yavkey, 252 N . Glendale, Wichita, Kansas. Treasurer-Mrs. E. W. Yackey, 252 N. Glendale, Wichita, Kansas. PHOENIX Correspondent - Mrs. Harold Sherman, 420 N . Topeka, Kansas.



SIGN UP SISTER! and this means YOU. Yes, all of you who are not regular subscribers to the PHOENIX. SIGN UP because each issue increases in interest and power; because each issue welds together A. S. A's from north, south, east and west.

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Miss Esl'HER BucHER, National T reasurer Room 6o2-1005 Grand Ave. Kansas City 6, Missouri Date·--------------------·--------------------···----···--··---··-----, I 94----Dear Miss Bucher: I'm signing up for the PHoENIX. My dollar is enclosed. Send the magazine to·------·----------·-·--:-····-·-----·--··---·---------·--------···--·······--·--·--······-···--··---··-------·------·

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MAY, 1945

ADDRESS CORRECTION Send to National Registrar: MRs. CLINTON BERRY 28r Wapello Lane, Altadena, California Name------ ---··············· ·············································································································------·······················

Chapter ............................................................................................................................................................... Address (Permanent, Teaching) ..................................................................................................... .

Former Address ............:.............................................................................................................................

MARRIAGE ANNOUNCEMENT Send to National Director of Alumn<E: Miss EVELYN G. BELL 767 Lafayette Ave., Buffalo, 9, New York ' Maiden N arne ................................................................................................................................................ Former Address .......................................................................................................................................... Married N arne ............................................................................................................................................. New Address ................................................................................................................................................


of M arriag~ ..........................................................................................................................................

Chapt~r ............................................................................................................................................................... ' .

POPULAR GIFTS FOR FRATERNITY ME~ AND W"OMEN GENUINE LEATHER PHOTO FRAME Double photo frame of suntanned saddle leather features hand-turned edges and is softly padded to give a rich soft feeling to the case. Takes two 5 x 7 pictures. No. 588-45 Saddle sheepskin .............. $4.00 * WOMAN'S HEAVY IDENTIFICATION Narrow panel is joined to heavy, soldered-link curb chain. L ength 7 ~ ". No. 1197-B Sterling ... . .. .......... .. . . . $4.00* Ys lOK gold filled . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.00* SERVICEMAN' S IDENTIFICATION TAG Heavier soldered-link curb chain and large identification panel will give sturdy wear whether on active duty overseas or at college. Length 7 %" . No. 1196-B Sterling . ........ ....... ..... $4.75 * \Is lOK gold filled . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.50*

DOING DOUBLE DUTY Our factory is proud of the -part it has played in the furnishing of vital war materials for the protection and aid of the men in the armed forces. The service guaranteed under your contract has protected the many fraternity members and is proof of our desire to keep faith with those we serve under contract.

NEW BARRETTE A slender band of polished gold or silver makes a shining background for the mounting. Doublepronged catch clasps hair firmly. Usually worn in pairs. No. 20691-B Sterling Silver ........... $2.25 * ea. Sterling, Gold Plated . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.50* ea. *20% Federal Tax must be added to these prices as well as any State tax. Coat of arms or service insignia may be mounted. Small items may be sent overseas by registered mail if 30c postage allowance is added to order.

1945 BLUE BOOK Features service billfolds, military rings, bracelets, lockets, stationery, officers' insignia for guard chains. Mail post card for free copy!

Official Jeweler to Alpha Sigma Alpha

L. G.





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