Asa phoenix vol 35 no 3 mar 1950

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1950 National Panhellenic Conference ... .............. 2 VOLUME XXXV

Editors' Conference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4


Mrs. Crabtree's Reflections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Our Campus Queens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Alpha Sigma Alumnae Achieve ................... 7 A~A

Philanthropic Programs ... . .... . .... .. ...... 11

Transfers .. .. . .. ... . .. . . ... . . . .. . . ...... . .... 17 Honor Roll ... ...... .... ....... ... .... ..... . .. 18 New Alumnae Chapters .... ............... . .... 19 News LettersAlumnae Chapters .... ...... . . .. . .. ........ 25 College Chapters ................. .. ....... 38 Announcements ......... . .... ... . ...... ... . .. . 47 Directory ..... .... .. .. ........... . .. .. .. ..... 51 Fraternity and Sorority Survey ... ......... .... ... 54

• Published in November, January, March and May of each year at 30 N. Ninth St. , Richmond, Indiana , by the Nicholson Printing Company, for the Alpha Sigma Alpha Sorority having headquarters at Indianapolis, Indiana . Business correspondence may be addressed to either office, but matter for publication and correspondence concerning the same should be addressed to Mrs. B. F. Leib, 3515 N. Pennsylvania St., Apartment 8, Indianapolis 5 , Indiana.


Postmaster: Send Form 3578 to Indianapolis, Indiana , address. Entered as second-class matter, September 4, 1923, at the post office at Richmond, Indiana, under the Act of March 3, 1879.



Report of the Thirty-first Biennial Meeting of National Panhellenic Conference Just as the friendships within one's own ings Beatrice Brown, former delegate for fraternity are among the most treasured Alpha Chi Omega, and Minnie Hubbard, forthings which one receives from it, so are the mer delegate for Alpha D~lta Pi, all of whom interfraternity friendships fostered by the con- had made their years of service to NPC extacts of National Panhellenic Conference-a . ceedingly constructive for fraternities . The conviction which was renewed and strength- Hostess Committee, made up of the officers ened by the Thirty-first Biennial Meeting of of Kappa Alpha Theta, Kappa Kappa Gamma , National Panhellenic Conference, held at and Alpha Phi , the fraternities whose delegates Skytop, Pennsylvania, November 8-12, 1949, had made up the Executive Committee of which was presided over by L. Pearle Green, NPC during the interim, had planned a numNPC delegate for Kappa Alpha Theta, Chair- ber of informal social affairs which were man . Surely these are the best possible foul'l- greatly appreciated and enjoyed . They, with dation for the wise solution of the campus the officers of the Associate Member fraternand nat ion-wide problems wh ich face fratern- ities, one of which was directly in charge of ities, since they have back of them, too, mu- seating arrangements at each meal , made it tual respect and admiration for the fraternities possible for new and old NPC-ers to become which the individuals represent! This recent acquainted promptly. Deleyates who had NPC found delegates and representatives will- been in NPC with L. Pearle Green for many ing to face facts squarely; to see educational, years found pleasure in a special few minutes social, and strictly fraternity situations for which they took to try to express the ir personal what they actually are; and to be realistic appreciation for her friendship. The hilarious about both the present and the future . Not radio quiz program, written by Helen E. only fraternity officers but fraternity mem- Sackett, Kappa Alpha Theta, and produced by bers, active and alumnae, have perhaps the editors, will long be remembered and needed to have emphasized as this NPC did smiled over. An unusually nice thing was the emphasize it, the fact that many so-called informal reception given by Zeta Tau Alpha fraternity problems and crises are not strictly for the officers of the other fraternities which that-certainly are not that in any isolation- have chapters at Virg inia State College, Farmistic sense-but are instead simply facets of ville, Virginia, at which ZE:lta Tau Alpha was the universal problems which face our Demo- founded and to whose campus it recently recracy in a day when Communism and Social- turned. Delegates and representatives reism are threatening all the things of a truly ceived from Pi Beta Phi litt le souvenirs of its American way of life . If fraternities, whose Settlement School, and from Mr. Royce of the purposes are known and are known to be good, Huntington, boxes of delicious dates. Beautiyield to the pressure of groups whose first in- ful roses brought the greetings of Mr. Lloyd G. terest is the destruction of our Democracy and Balfour. who have no true interest in any individual as The program of NPC again reflected the such, the consequences for America could be constructive work of officer? and committees. catastrophic indeed . Fraternities are a pre- Each standing committee was in charge of its sent target for un-American forces; they must own presentation which included a review of be also a strong line of defense for American work done, discussion of needs and plans, and forces! recommendations for future policies or proNational Panhellenic Conference , with the cedures . It was the special privilege of NPC greatest number of official delegates and rep- to have at its meetings Miss Helen Reich, Zeta resentatives in its history (twenty-one dele- Tau Alpha, Associate Dean of Students at the gates and eleven representatives) brought to- University of Iowa, member of the NPCgether at Skytop a total of a hundred and NADW Joint Committee, and official repforty-four fraternity officers . It was a special resentative of the National Association of joy to the Conference to receive greetings Deans of Women . In her talk on "What Deans from Lorah Monroe, recently retired delegate Expect of Fraternities," Miss Reich was enjoyfor Sigma Kappa, and to welcome to its meet- able, stimulating and truly inspiring . In addi-

MARCH, 1950 tion to the regular meetings, there were many helpful group meetings for officers with similar responsibilities or problems . Of special interest were the reports of Mrs . Darrel Rasmussen, Alpha Omicron Pi, NPC's Official Observer to the United Nations and representative to the National Council of Women; Mrs. Frederick Kimmich, Alpha Phi, representative to UNESCO meetings; and Mrs. Beverley Robinson, represeMative to the Advisory Councils of the Departments of War and of State, since these emphasized the importance of the contributions which NPC is in a position to make to great causes outside its specific field of education as well as within it. The banquet departed from tradition when instead of the usual speaker it brought to the banqueters an original musical production, written and directed by Mrs. Edward Ege, Grand P.resident of Kappa. Kappa Gamma, and produced with a cast bf the officers of the fraternities represented on the Executive Committee, which reviewed the history and achievements of NPC in a most entertaining and informative way. The decision of NPC which has perhaps the greatest significance is that which is to determire the policy which all NPC fraternities, both full and associate members, will follow in situations which result from radical agitations on campuses . The exact wording of the resolutions which were adopted unanimously both by NPC and by the representatives of the associate member fraternities is as follows : "BE IT RESOLVED, THAT the NPC Research and Public Relations Committee shall advise a College Panhellenic of the proper procedure for all member groups of the College Panhellenic when such groups ore requested as a result of radical agitation, to answer questionnaires or vote on proposci Is that challenge the right to choose one's friends in a Democracy, which right is guaranteed under the Federal Constitution and the British North America Act in Canada . THAT an agreement be signed at this meeting by the delegates, representatives, and national presidents who are present at this 1949 NPC Conference agreeing that no Constitution will be filed with the colleges or universities or other outside groups without approval of the NPC Committee on Research and Public Relations and that no questionnaires or requests, oral or written, will be answered during the coming biennium until such time as

3 these questionnaires or requests have been reviewed by the NPC Committee on Research and Public Relations and information released as to their validity." Among the other decisions made by NPC . were the following which should be given special attention and thought by all fraternity women: "That the 1949 NPC reaffirm its belief that a short open rushing season and early pledging best serve the college communities. That member groups of NPC financially support, proportionately to other Greek letter societies, the cost of maintaining the public relations effort and work of the Interfraternity Research and Advisory Council should the present experiment prove helpful . The NPC go on record as believing it is unethical for an NPC fraternity to contact a school and/ or its students when the school fails to meet NPC requirements . That NPC actively stimulate the further organization of City Panhellenics and their affiliation with NPC and that each NPC delegate or representative assume the responsibility of urging her national officers to initiate 路 plans within her own fraternity for promoting and supporting City Panhellenics. That NPC publish a brief booklet of information about its full and associate member; give one copy to each affiliated City Panhellenic; and make the publication available to City Panhellenics at publishing and mailing costs . The NPC again publish pamphlets of the general nature of those issued some years ago by the Committee on Research and Pub Iic Relations. That each fraternity compile and send to the chairman of the Committee on College Panhellenics a list of its members who are qualified and are available as speqkers and advisers for workshops and special Panhellenic meetings . That NPC reaffirm and retain its policy as to the number of chapter members and that it be stated in the following manner and placed in the NPC Manual of Information: 1 . N PC recommends that control of chapter size be maintained through a definite plan of combined limitation and quota . The following explanation to be printed in the Manual : Each College Panhellenic establishes what it considers a size sufficiently large for a chapter to function successfully on a given campus . It also sets a quota which it considers suffi-


4 cient for a chapter to maintain itself in a given class or year. This gives all fraternities the opportunity to become more uniform in size as well as better balanced in class distribution . 路 By establishing a floor (quota) as well as a cei.ling (limitation), the group which pledges, trains, initiates and keeps in a chapter a large percentage of its quota year in and year out, nevertheless, is enabled to bring in annually sufficient new members for growth and development. By the same token, a chapter which in a given year might suffer a large loss of membership through circumstances over which it has no control, has the opportunity to build up its size over and above the quota so long as it does not exceed the chapter limitation . The actual numbers for quota and limitation arrived at must take into consideration all elements fundamental to proper functioning of fraternities . College Panhellenics are advised to consult with their NPC Adviser on the Committee on College Panhellenics for details and examples of procedu res and further clarification of this plan .

That the NPC Committee on College Panhellenics continue to encourage College Panhellenics to use economy in the expenditures made during rushing. That Paragraph 7 of the Panhellenic Compact be amended to read: "A girl who breaks her pledge with or has had her pledge broken by one fratern ity shall not be asked to join another for one calendar year from the date of breaking such pledge ." With a deepened realization of the importance of the college fraternity as a positive factor in the development of fine character and as a路 contributor to the best things of college life, NPC fraternities pledge their cooperation to the NPC Executive Committee . which will direct the work of National Panhellenic Conference during the next two years: Mrs. E. Granville Crabtree, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Chairman; Mrs. Albert C. Purkiss, Alpha Phi , Secretary; and Mrs. E. Tiel Smith, Delta Gamma, Treasurer. Amy Burnham Onken NPC Delegate for Pi Beta Phi

NPC Editors Conference

NPC EDITORS Back row, left to right-888 Mrs. J . T. McDonald; r 芦PB Mrs. J . J . Mare k; ~ K Mrs .. J . S. Ba ke r; ~~~ Mrs. E. L. Rose; ZTA Mrs. Ross Presley Strout; KKT Mrs. R. H. S1mons; XQ M1ss Ch nstelle Ferguson; A~T Mrs . P. F. Schippers; K8 Mrs. Jul ia Fuqua Ober. Center row-A8II Mrs. J . C. Nelson ; II B芦P Mrs. T. N. Alford ; 8 Z Mrs. A. J . Terplan k; AlP Mrs. Noe l Keys; -8 ZE Mrs. Wilbur Strout; A ~ A Mrs. B. F. Le ib; AXQ Mi ss Ina G. Bonney. On floor , front row-AOII Mi ss Katherine Davis; 8~'l' Miss Betty Breen; A8 8 Mrs. Wilfred G. Moore.

MARCH, 1950 Meeting at Skytop Lodge, Skytop, Pennsylvania , for their customary biennial sessions, held concurrently with those of National Panhellenic Conference, 19 NPC editors completed a four-day program with election of officers. Marian Wiley Keys (Mrs. Noel), Alpha Phi, is the new chairman and Ina G. Bonney, Alpha Chi Omega, secretary-treasurer. Charlotte Wheeler Verplank (Mrs. A J .), retiring chairman of the Editor's Conference, and Irene C. Boughton , newly elected president of Central Office Executives Association, both of Delta Zeta, entertained the editors and secretaries with an evening coffee hour and get-acquainted meeting. Representatives of the associate members of NPC were especially welcomed on this occasion as well as at the regular sessions, planned to allow attendance at conference meetings of outstanding general interest. F. R. Brandherm of George Banta Pub! ishing Company's service department was speaker at one of the editors' "shop talks." Tribute was paid the late Alta Gwinn Saunders, able editor of the Anchora of Delta Gamma and a past chairman of the group, and gifts made to the memorial fund established in her name at the University of Illinois. Guest speakers at the editors' Brass Tacks dinner were Ann Scott, Kappa Kappa Gamma, vice-president of Phoenix News Bureau, Inc., who came from New York to talk on "Public Relations Looks at Organizations," and Harold Bachmann of Banta's service staff, who told of his European travels this past summer. Gifts were presented Katherine Davis and Wilma Smith Leland (Mrs . Leland F.), present and past editors of the Alpha Omicron Pi To Dragme, who ytere that day celebrating identical birthdays. In fulfillment of an invitation from the NPC executive committee, the executive secretaries an<;! editors gave a skit as after-dinner entertainment one evening . A clever radio quiz program, written by Helen E. Sackett, Kappa Alpha Theta, serving as president of the Central Office Executives group, was presented with contagious zest by Editors Frances Warren Baker (Mrs. James S.), Sigma Kappa; Miss Bonney and Miss Davis; Julia Fuqua Ober, Kappa Delta; Ardis Marek (Mrs. J . J .), Gamma Phi Beta; and Frances McDonald, (Mrs. James T.), Delta Delta Delta . They were directed, as was the "opening chorus," by Adelaide Reid! (Mrs. Gustave), Delta Phi Epsilon . Marion Wiley Keys, Alpha Phi Chairman, NPC Editors


SOME NEW YEARS REFLECTIONS It is a happy coincidence that we are beginning a new NPC biennium at the time of year when individuals and organizations traditionally pause to take stock; to re-define purposes; to plan for the future; to evaluate resources. We, the delegates and representatives who comprise the National Panhellenic Conference, started this process in our days together at Skytop. I am sure that each one of us has continued it in the weeks since, as she has made a beginning on the responsibility to be undertaken for the biennium . As I, for myself, have been pondering on these matters, William James' definition of the social purpose of the college bred "to create standards of excellence which have validity and permanence" caught my attention . "To create a standard of excellence which has validity and permanence"-this is the goal to which all fraternity women give allegiance; a goal which needs no change . Let us keep it before us in these two years. And what shall be our criterion for action that will move us forward:> Is it not sensitivity to changing needs and creativity in meeting them, tomorrow's tools for tomorrow's job? I have lived in New England too long not to appreciate traditions. They are a source of strength . But some wise New Englander has observed that traditions are of value only if each generation makes them better. In NPC we must be guided by our past, but not bound by it. What are our resources? First on the list are the bonds of our common interests, so much greater than our differences. Our differences only add variety and should enrich our relationships and broaden our horizons. Next come the great heritage of all our national organizations. Finally, we have the experience, the leade~ship, the devotion of the thirty-one women who have accepted NPC responsibility as a major concern in their lives. So have run my thoughts, and yours too, I am confident. As we work with mutual respect for the common good we shall all have our wish for a Happy New Year. Edith Reese Crabtree, Chairman. Alpha Sigma Alpha is indebted to Amy Burnham Onken and to Mario n Wiley Keys for the preceeding reports of the National Panhellenic Conference and Editor's Meeting . We also want to share with you Edith Reese Crabtree's New Years reflections. Genevieve S. Le ib



ROMINE MAHOOD, A, Ma y Court Attendant

PATRICIA EARL, TT, Reveil le Quee n


BETTY ADAMS , BB, Soph Ball Queen

MARCH, 1950


Alpha Sigma Alpha Alumnae Ac.h ieve ZELMA SARGEANT KAH An unusual distinction and honor was accorded Mrs . Ralph Kah (Zelma M . Sargeant, Alpha Alpha) of Middletown, Ohio, in May of this year when she was installed as Supreme Worthy High Priestess of the Order of the White Shrine of Jerusalem at the annual Supreme Session in Chicago, Illinois . This fra ternal organization , numbering thousands of members in the United States and Canada has for its Philanthropic Project the welfare of the unfortunate, blind and handicapped people of the nations without regard to creed or sect. Winning high office is nothing new to our charming and beautiful Zelma for she has been, for a number of years, one of the capable and efficient leaders of her community. As Worthy High Priestess of her local Shrine she has made an outstanding record . Prior to her election to the highest office which the Supreme Shrine has to offer she served as District Deputy of District No. 4 of the State of Ohio, Chairman of the Material Objective Board of Southern Ohio and Supreme Queen of the Supreme Shrine . Her talent for leadership was recognized several years ago when she was elected president of Delta Chi Sigma International Soror ity and presided at its an nual convention in Miami , Florida. Again in 1946 she presided as State President of the Daughters of Union Veterans of Ohio at their convention in Columbus. In recent years Zelma has also served as president of the Middletown Motion Picture Council , secretary of the Middletown Federation of Women 's Clubs, recording secretary of the Women's Century Club of Middletown and Worthy Matron of Middletown ,Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star in 1948. In addition to these many act ivities Zelma has been a popular and successful teacher in the Middletown public schools for many years and this year has a 路 "leave of absence" from her duties in Lincoln School in order to make the necessary off icial visitations to the many Shrines throughout America . Rearing a family of three interesting children has been another pleasant duty of our energetic Zelma , and her son and two daughters are very proud of " mother" and her amaz ing ability to do so many things so well. I

Zelma's success in her numerous act ivities perhaps can best be traced t.o her belief in the value of good sportsmanship . She thinks that one should carry on uncomplainingly through all difficulties with kindness, graciousness and tolerance, ever spread ing sunshine in others paths. She feels that we cannot alwaxs have the things we want when we want them in this great game of life but in our various contests we should smile when defeat is certain and always have a good word for those less fortunate than ourselves . By always look ing forward and believ ing that the best is yet to come we will be daily messengers of true sportsmanship. Grace F. Haworth


Akron proudly presents an outstanding member who's been newly added to our roster. She is Ruth Yauger who's been here since January 31 , 1949 . At this time she assumed the position of Director of Home Econom ics and Food Service in the Akron Public Schools. She supervises forty teachers and also is di rector of eighteen school lunchrooms . Ruth was born and raised in Mt. Vernon, Ohio. She attended Ohio University where she became affiliated with Alpha Sigma Alpha . She also attended Ohio State University where she secured her Bachelor of Sc ience degree in Home Economics in 1929, and her Masters degree in 1948. Ruth began as an elementary teache r



Somewhere in her spore time, Sarah manin Mt. Vernon Schools for five years . Then she taught Home Economics in Lancaster, ages to make most of her own clothes, includOhio, for fifteen years and was Director of ing suits, and coots, which ore always beautischool lunchrooms there for five years. Ruth fully tailored and in excellent taste. Her husorganized and established lunch programs in band is now building a new home for them durall of the schools of Lancaster and these ing the hours he is not busy with his contractschools were one of the first to participate in ing business, and they hope to move into it the Federal School Lunch Program . Ruth is in the late spring . Meanwhile, Sarah's mind affiliated with Phi Upsilon Omicron (Honorary is full of plans for decorating and furnishing Home Economics Sorority); has been President it as soon as this school year is over. of the ' Phi Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma Sarah has devoted a lot of time or)d thought (Notional Honorary Teachers Organization); this year to our A:SA Alum chapter and its acin Lancaster she was President for two years of tivities . Contrary to former years we ore havDelta Theta Tau (Notional Philanthropic So- ing a meeting or party every month , which rority); and in Lancaster she was correspond- tends to make us a closer group, and affords ing secretory for two years of A.A.U.W. us the opportunity to keep in closer contact (American Association of University Women). with the active chapter here. Sarah has manRuth is also a member of the Notional School aged to do the little extra things that make a Lunchroom Association; Notional Education "group" a "family." Association, Ohio Educational Association and This is our choice for on outstanding memthe Ohio Home Economics Association . ber. What do you think? Her hobby is traveling and she has been from coast to coast in United States as well as to Bermuda, Cuba, and Europe . Isn ' t she LORENA LONG a busy gal? She's on active member in our The Tulsa Alumnae Group is quite proud of Alum group and we're very proud of her. one of its members who we feel has been outHelen Frome Snyder standing in her field of education and we would like for all of you to know about some of SARAH FISHER her activities. This person is Lorena Long . Just what would you soy makes on outstand- Lorena is a graduate of Kansas State Teachers ing member? Perhaps Maryville's choice is College at Pittsburg, where sh~ was active in what you would call on overage member, cer- the college chapter of the sorority. Her spetainly she does the things numerous other Al- cialized field of education is 路 kindergarten pha Sigs ore doing all over the country . It may work. In 1947, Lorena was the visiting probe the number of things she occompl ishes, and fessor of speech at West Georgia College, a the manner in which she does them . Let's see branch of the University of Georgia . Lost sumwhat you think. Our president this year, Sarah Fisher is the mer she supervised the University kindergarten young attractive wife of a contractor here. at the University of Oklahoma and was on the She is a president of whom to be proud; very college faculty. She is also a member of the smartly dressed, and with a worm, sincere per- International American Childhood Education sonality. Her home is furnished in beautiful Association and now holds on important posiwalnut furniture mode by her husband, and tion on one of the standing committees. She Sarah has mode the accessories which make represented the kindergarten teachers of it perfect. She entertains quite often , beauti- Tulsa at the ~ost convention of this assoc iation fully and with no apparent effort. wh ich was held in Salt Lake City, Utah . Lorena Are you thinking that you do many of these some things? Let me tell you a little more. is a kindergarten teacher at Longfellow School, Sarah, not only a housewife, is one of the two Tulsa . Including all of her activities, she still home economics teachers in our local high has time for the Tulsa alumnae group, having school , and a lot of her own time is devoted to served as president at one time . We ore truly plans for school projects, serving on various proud of Lorena and feel she has contributed committees, and performing the many other a great deal to her f ield and we feel she is duties which inevitably fall upon the shoulders truly living up to the Creed of Alpha Sigma of a competent and willing teacher. Alpha .


MARCH, 1950

TRAVELING WITH HELEN LORTZ Paris, France May 23, 1949 Dearest Mother : You remember those storybooks I used to read and re-read about castles, moats, drawbridges, dungeons, and the like and, of course, the fairy princess (always me) and the knight in shining armor on a beautiful white horse? Well, I' ve just come back from a trip that convinces me they could have been real. Even though I'm still recuperating from the trip, the magic and wonder of it all is still with me . Quite unexpectedly we had an extra holiday, so I decided to take a bus tour through "LaVallee de Ia Loire" and see the chateaux which literally dot the countryside . When I went to one of the local tourist agencies to inquire about them I was told there would be an English speaking guide . Since I was taking the trip alone, I didn't feel safe in putting complete confidence in my knowledge of French . The bus was scheduled to leave at 7 a . m . from Place de L'Eglise Madeleine which meant that I had to be up at 5 :30 in order t~ make a 6:30 taxi I had ordered . After a hurried breakfast in my "petite cuisine/' I tiptoed out of the apartment so as not to awaken my adorable French couple and particularly Xilly, our Siamese kitten-and made it down two flights to where my sleepy taxi-driver sat waiting for me . There was a feeling of excitement and adventure to the early morning air as we drove down Avenue Victor Hugo, around the Arc de Triomphe, then down the unnaturally quiet Champs-Eiysees to the Place de Ia Concorde and on to La Madeleine. This is the way to see Paris, I thought, just when it's waking up and the mist is still so low it hides the top of the Eiffel Tower. For SUO francs plus a substantial "gratuite/' the driver let me have my bag and I hurried -over to the bus which already was over half filled . I was pleased to see that it was a big bus of the type we have at home only-as I discovered many hours later-not nearly so comfortable! I kept waiting for an English guide to show up-one young man who spoke French had already appeared and was shepherding the passengers inside the bus . When it was within a few minutes of departure time , I bravely asked-in my best French-whether he spoke English or was another guide expected . I was quite provoked when he rep! ied

with a smile on his face , "Mais non, Madame . Je suis le guide ." As it turned out, not one of the twenty-four other passengers spoke Eng! ish either . You can see how much fun I had! But as the French say "Cela n'a pas d'impo.rtance!" Anyway, I had a darned good French lesson for free! It started getting hot as soon as we left town and I soon shed my top coat. Before noon I had shed my suit jacket and was riding only in my blouse and skirt . My seat was directly back of the driver and that portion of the top of the bus was rolled back so the sun was beating down on me unmercifully. The roads were dreadfully dusty and before long I was dirty as well as hot. We arrived at Chartres around mid-morning and stopped there for about 20 minutes to see the famous ca thedral, a remarkable example of 13th century Gothic architecture . We drove through some beautiful farming country on the way down and also on the way back-the whole trip followed the Loire river. I didn ' t know it but every bridge which crossed 路 the Loire was demolished by the Germans when they were being driven back by the Allies. Some of them had only the center blown up so that it was possible to erect foot br idges. Not one, however, had been repaired for regular transportation and we had to cross to the other side of the river on a barge or ferry . The thing that amazed me about the farms was that it was like looking at something that one thought e x isted only in very backward countries. The houses, barns, outbuildings, etc ., were all of stucco with tile roofs that sank in the m iddle, or some of them had thatched roofs . All the buildings were right on the road-not back a distance as most of ours are . The fields, orchards, and vineyards were extremely neat and well-kept, but when one looked at these old, old buildings which had no modern aspects at all, one began to wonde r how they got ony work done_ Some of the finest wine is made near Tours and we saw orchards and orchards of fruit trees in bloom . I had a nice room with bath at the Grand Hotel in Tours . We ate lunch in the dining room as soon as we arrived, then climbed aboard the bus . ago in for a trip to some of the nearby chateaux. The first chateau we went to see was Langeais, built in the 15th century by Louis XI. It wasn't so pretty because there were no grounds around it, but it did have the moo ~ and drawbridge, the tower, turrets, inner court-

10 yard, and was furnished with some of the original furn iture and tapestries. It was here that Charles VIII married Anne de Bretagne which, I suppose, was one of the most important marriages- to France- of that period . Next on the schedule was Azay-le-Rideau which was on the other side of the Loire, so we waited in line for over an hour to get on the one barge which was taking automobile traff ic. Then after the driver finally got the bus on and the barge had made the trip across, the darned thing wouldn't start so he could dr ive it off . Yes, the unbelievable happenedhe was out of gas! This was so typical of all the Frenchmen I have come in contact with that I had to laugh instead of gettlng mad as most of the other passengers did . I am quite sure, had I been able to understand their chattering, that they were heaping enough coals on that poor fellow to bury him for eternity! It was 7:30 when we at last reached Azayyes, it was closed . But by that time I don't think any of us were interested in walking through a chateau! We drove on back to Tours and since it was still daylight, the guide had the driver take us around through some of the older sections of the city . I've never seen such queer, narrow streets and not one of them in a straight line . It seems that the more crooked they could make them, the better they liked them. Perhaps it has something to do with "defense" a few hundred years back when there were continuous wars between the different ruling factions . I don't know . (Could be we should have kept to the crooked streets if that were the reason !) Some of the streets were so narrow the bus couldn't even turn into them, and some of the houses were路 so old and crumbling one just couldn 't imagine people living in them -but they did . We returned to the hotel around 8 :30 and I simply had to bathe and put on clean clothe~ before having dinner. It was 10 o'clock when I went down to the dining room, but one couple-he was a blondehaired, blue-eyed Italian (and I thought they didn ' t come that way!) and she was a pretty black-haired Suisse-German-were waiting for me and with them was the funny Iittle lady who sat in the seat next to me in the bus . They had been trying to help me ai r afternoon, particularly during the lectures in' the chateaux, and I think they understood how much I appreciated it. As I've told you before, I can speak enough French to get along fairly well , parti cularly if they speak slowly and before the trip


was over, several of the passengers were trying to talk to that "American lady (?)" who spoke their language so badly! All of them 路 wanted to ask so many questions about the "Etats-Unis" and, of course, I couldn't answer nearly all of them . I do feel , however, that perhaps I contributed a Iittle bit toward that thing called "international goodwill " because it's the .little impressions which the average foreigner remembers . One thing I am sure of is that this one couple made a deep impression on me by just being kind and patient with my efforts to converse with them in French . In the late afternoon, after a bottle of "Perrier" water at the tourist-filled restaurant nearby, my Italian-Suisse-French couple and I boarded the bus along with the other passengers and we were on our way to Orleans. Ever since I have known the story of Joan of Arc I have wanted to go there, but I am sorry my visit had to be made after the horrible destruction of the war. The equestr ian statue of Joan , however, was undamaged and I was grateful for that. It was almost dark by the time we arrived at Orleans so the guide gave us only fifteen minutes. It's a small town with cobble .stone streets, the same as all the others, so we walked down to the cathedral which was almost demolished in the bombings and was now being repaired. For that reason it was not possible to go inside and somehow the ev idence of so much destruction brought about by war and the sad looks and silences of the little group with me as we walked about in the streets made me want to hurry and get away. I suddenly realized how lucky I was to be an American . There were no more stops after we left Orleans but the roads were so rough it was impossible to relax and take a nap-which I very much wanted to do after two such full days and nights. Shortly before 10 o'clock the familiar beacon of the Eiffel Tower, making its arc across the sky, loomed up in the distance and then, not too many minutes later, we saw the enchanting lights of Paris . Orleans, with all its scars, the bombed-out bridges of the Loire, the dust and dirt, the hot sun-yes, even the ridiculous carelessness of running out of gasall had been lifted from my shoulders . Paris, with all her magic and charm from centuries past and centuries to come, was welcoming me back with open arms-a timeless beacon of Iight and laughter to troubled hearts. Helen Lortz

MARCH, 1950


A :E A Philanthropic Programs ALUMNAE CHAPTERS AKRON, OHIO

We have pursued this project for almost three years and it is one that most any chapter can do in its community with little work involved . In Akron there is the Summit County Childrens' Home which cares for orphans and children from broken homes. Some are there temporarily and others permanently. We sent each child, on his birthday, a cute card and enclosed a dime for spending money. The superintendent of the Home was happy to supply us in advance, with the list of birthdays for the coming month . Each of our girls was responsible for sending the cards for one month-the month of her choice. We averaged about twenty cards per month . The superintendent of the Home wrote us many times, telling how pleased each child was to be remembered with a card and a dime . She said most children would shop through the dime store several times before parting with their precious dimes. A local project of thi s kind is good publicity for A~A . Helen Snyder BALTIMORE, MARYLAND

What can we do to help others? We confronted ourselves with this question at one of our recent meetings and came up with these answers : Everyone has access to loads of greeting cards 9fter Christmas, so we mad~ a project of collecting all that we could to make into scrap books for children's hospitals . Mariam Raynes had a wonderful supply of sample cards in good-looking books that augmented our collection tremendously . Later, Doris Rice Meyers c:;ontacted Spring Grove Mental Hospital to see what we might do to help that institution . They were delighted that we showed an interest in them and said they would supply us with unbleached muslin if WI!; would make it up into placemats; tablecloths and curtains for the hospital. This project will keep us busy for some time. Grace Ludy B.UFFALO, NEW YORK

Pi Pi has a chance to help out-to help out where help is really needed. In our endeavor to find a worthy cause in which to direct our philanthropic work, we have come across a

very vital and deserving group. It is a group of American-Japanese and Japanese children near Tokyo, who have been left homeless and unprotected by the war. They are cared for by a few Ital ian Nuns who have Iittle or nothing to work with . The sole support of the orphanages is dependent on contributions from a very few friends in America who have become acquainted with them through the occupation . The children, some fathered by G. l.'s, have very meager food - they have never tasted milk-and clothing . One or two American Medical officers in Japan manage to direct a little care in their direction . The only books of learning at their disposal are a few which the communists have circulated throughout Japan . Those who are old enough to realize the attributes of the American way of Iife teach the others democracy. The Italian Nuns who deeply appreciate the aid given them by the Americans try hard to direct the children in democratic ways. The Pi Pi Alumnae Chapter feel tolerance and pity-we want to help-we want to do our part in build ing " One World Democracy." Christmas Tea donations of American school books and warm cloth ing are being collected. The proceeds from our Fashion Show and Dessert Bridge are going into ou"r Philanthropic Fund . We have inquired about offering our services to the new veterans hospital which has recently opened here . We are waiting to hear if there is anything we can do to help out. At a recent meeting we discussed scholarship funds and trophies, and we are going to suggest to Panhellenic in Buffalo that we get together and do something in that line . Sue Marvin CANTON, OHIO

Shadyside Hospital is the infant by many years of the hospitals in our vicinity. It is located at suburban North Canton . It started several years ago as a rest home but rapidly became a fully approved hospital under the guidance of Mrs . Helen Painter. It is small18 beds . We chose it because it was small and had no au x iliary. So fa r we have given moral support more than anything else . Somehow these thin~s don't happen in a minute . Helen knows we are willing and standing by .



Our real object is to be a nucleus for a working auxiliary. Even a very small hospital is too much for a group as small as ours. If we can provide the enthusiasm and push we will have accomplished a lot. We have been providing tray favors . For Valentines Day we are planting red plastic hearts with ivy. Our newest contribution is reading material-books and magazine subscriptions. The most ambitious plan right now is a bake sale . This will be our first attempt at getting outside interest. Not only is the money needed but it will put the need in the public eye. We will ask everybody we know to contribute . Wish us luck and the ability ~o make it b ig! Sue Campbell CHICAGO, ILLINOIS While Joyce Harris was a stewardess with an airline she flew to England and the Continent. She has sent a box of necessities and a few lux uries to her English hostess. Mary Hoke took a package of Readers Digests, about 30 pounds in all to Hines Memorial Hospital, and I have taken 3 such packages there during the year. I also secured Christmas tree decorations from the Art Dept. of Kilayn Park High School, where I teach, and sent them to the contageous ward of Cook County Hospital. . We are preparing a box of路 gifts for 路 our Region Ill Veteran's Hosp ital in Indianapolis . Jeanne Ramsey

mas gifts that were taken again this year to the wards of the Herman Kiefer hospital have always included coloring books, small story books, or simple toys to be played with in bed . This project, it was concluded, might well be .e xpanded to oth~r hospitals and other children another year. To encourage our National Philanthropic work, our contribution, of course, was sent from our group, and this year a donation came to the National Tuberculosis Foundation from us as a designation of respect for the family of member, Bobs Dickieson whose father d ied in November as a result of such an illness . ' It has been the wish of the girls to build up a few "regular" projects such as these to be carried out every year and in the future . The projected book service here has attracted our attention and also has路 the Hoyt Henshaw Stevens Library for Sick Children, both of which are carried on by the Detroit Public Library. Both of these services depend entirely upon organizational donors to better carry on their services . These and similar worthy suggestions come from the girls at various times and all of us will be proud if we can add our bit to these "spots" that depend on a year-round or annual security to continue their work. Bobs Dickieson OLEAN, NEW YORK


We are collecting items each month to be given to the patients at Rocky Crest in Olean . Mrs . Glenn Bernreuther

DETROIT, MICHIGAN-RHO CHI Remember the "Little" Things After the holiday season , at our January business meeting, the girls of Rho Chi alum chapter decided that we would make definite all of our philanthropic projects for the ensuing year at the May meeting, annually . But our report at this time, of course, must include our projects since last fall. Our chapter made a $10.00 contribution to the Wayne University War Memorial Fund, a gift among many given by like organizations and individuals cl osely connected with Wayne University . Our Thanksgiving 路 baskets have become a rather fixed desire on the part of the girls, this year we made up four baskets and these were taken to the families in need by members within the group who had knowledge of such families . Our inexpensive Christ-

PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA At the Christmas meeting, each girl was asked to bring an article of food for a Christmas basket. We had about fifteen boxes and cans and packed them all together to present to a needy family . We also collected nearly $10 .00 which was used to buy the family a Christmas turkey. The girls who delivered the food told us that we had certainly done a good deed . Georgia E. Dintiman PITTSBURG, KANSAS On January 25, the Pittsburg Chapter sponsored a Benefit Bridge and Canasta Party at a local hotel to raise money for the Polio Fund. A large crowd made the effort a success . Margaret Pennock

MARCH, 1950



You may be interested to know a little about the Christmas party the Richmond Alums gave some of the neuropsychiatric patients at McGuire Veteran's Hospital here . Words of the most loved Christmas Carols were mimeographed by one of the girls and given to each patient (about 33 patients taking part). This party was given on a "closed" ward . They had the doors locked behind us and there were bars on the windows. The boys seemed perfectly normal, except they had a wild, far away look in their eyes. It seems they are fine one day and completely off the next day. They all seemed to enjoy singing and we gave them a choice of selections which really made them feel they were a part of the group. One of the nurses recorded the reactions of each patient and I am certain they were totally unaware of this fact. After the singing, we served ice cream and cookies and had bright colored Christmas napkins . All plates, spoons, etc ., were paper because that is all that is allowed on that particular ward. The ice cream and cookies were bought wholesale, so we had quite an abundance . The amount not needed was sent to a "closed" negro ward where they do not allow girls to go. (The entire party cost just a little less than $1 0 .00) . The boys asked us to come back again real se>on, and said it was a pleasure to have young girls to talk to for a change . (They are entertained chiefly by the Grey Ladies). Plans are under way for a Bingo party or a similar party around Valentine's Day . The boys like to play Bingo for prizes which are packages of cigarettes (also may be bought wholesale) because they ore not given too many cigarettes and they cannot have matches to light their own cigarettes. An attendant usually will light their cigarettes. Jean R. Grady ROCHESTER, NEW YORK

This year; we of the Rochester Alums, have undertaken a philanthropic project which will not end with one gift or one visit, for the spirit of service has so taken hold of us that we cannot deprive ourselves of the rewards we ore reaping .

As you know, we are a small group, so we have had to work to finance our various projects. Selling stationery has done most to swell our coffers, but we also have other irons in the fire . In September, we contributed ten dollars to an emergency Polio Fund . Then of course, we sent our ter:t dollars to the National Fellowship Philanthropic Fund and are budgeting for another contribution this spring . At Christmas time , we spent over ten dollars to provide food for a needy family . Those are our major projects to date, but we have something more in our minds and hearts . Before Christmas, we decided we wanted to do something to bring comfort and cheer all year long, so we adopted four lonely elderly women at the Monroe County Hospital. These four were selected because they had no close relatives to take an interest in them . Ruth Puis and I made the first visit and had a moment of misgiving as we approached, wondering , "What shall we say;> How shall we explain the reason for our visit, etc .?" However, we were soon aware that their greatest need was to talk, and we became the interested audience they craved . Then and there we realized we had started a project we could not neglect-nor would we wa路nt to . Seeing those old eyes Iight up and the wrinkled faces become animated gave us a lift that defies description . One little thing (although a spinster, she is known as "Grandma") was telling of an acident she had three years before and mentioned insisting that the doctor reset her broken arm because "It just didn ' t work right and I didn ' t aim to have an arm I couldn ' t usel" It路 seems she is a mere chick of 97 years! What an inspiration! Our Christmas gift to her was a dainty flannel bed jacket made by Lou Fenton Baldwin . 路 Another (the soul of graci ousness) although blind in one eye, has crocheted many beautiful afghans for the Red Cross, so to here went a knitting bag on a standard . Th e third, quiet and withdrawn , came out of her shell to fondly pat one of the girls and thank her for coming. We presented her with a wool shawl. Our fourth, however, would al one make the whole project a complete success . She can hardly wait for our visits. The Christmas cards we sent (especially photographs) are worn from handling, and tears of happiness keep we lling



up in her eyes . As one of the girls said-if we all could have seen her (though confined to a wheel chair) literally strut and preen herself as she tried on a silk scarf we had given her to wear to the hospital church services, we'd have felt amply rewarded . She then brought forth a worn triangle, and holding it distainfully said, "Wearing that I felt like an old, old lady, but with this on my head, well , I'll feel young again!" Each month two girls volunteer to call, and to make it easier, we try to see that one has been before . Some of us have made extra visits as well . On the regular monthly calls we take some small gift such as hand Cream, Kleenex, talcum powder, soap, candy, etc . Valentine's Day will bring them another shower of c'a rds and happiness. As for ourselves, the joy we have received from really DOl NG something has made. the reward seem greater than the deed . Jane Terry Widger

For the last two years the Washington Alums have been saving and building up their treasury with the hopes of buying a radio for one of the Veterans Hospitals nearby-a real nice cabinet affair. We've passed the 50 mark already what with White Elephants at every meeting, doubling the dues, a piggie bank where all loose coins tingle at .every meeting and a Stanley Party. We' re in the midst of planning a Bridge and Canasta Party at the AAUW with 30 tables for the Spring . We wish we could do a lot more such as donations to the Community Chest, Red Cross, Heart Association, March of Dimes, Salvation Army, Cancer Fund-why it would take me ages to Iist a II of these . There are just too many worthy causes so we have stuck by our



In the chapter letters I have received, there is an expression of genuine interest and enthusiasm for the various philanthropic and social service projects chosen. Aside from acceptance of certain financial obligations, necessary in organizations, there is also the recognition of the importance of self-service, the expenditure of one's time and energy, necessary in giving help, encouragement and hope to those who need thoughtful friends and neighbors. Much praise and commendation is due all of you, and to the college girls, especially, for such outstanding work as your letters have shown . Marie W . Rice

Since our last news letter, our group has made and delivered three dozen blankets to the Moton Negro Hospital , Tulsa . One of our fine members, Lora Sipes and her gracious husband is securing and contributing a basket of fresh fruit and vegetables each month to the family we adopted at Christ- . mas . Maxine Line

ALPHA, gave Christmas gifts, through the Welfare Board, to under privileged children, gave a money contribution to White Christmas fund , sent Swan Soap Wrappers to CARE which were exchanged by the Lever Company for soap for overseas distribution, are p路lanning to roll bandages from old sheets for a leper colony in Korea .

The Suffolk Alumnae Chapter has in its charge the library in our Lakeview Hospital. Members devote their time to distributing books and magazines to the patients each week. Much time is required also in cataloging and repairing the books, and each member puts on her own private little campaign to collect new reading material. Recently we sold chances on a ham a ri d contributed $25 of the proceeds to the Hospital Library Fund. Mrs. Harlan Cooley


Each year the Washington Alums donate a book to the Bessie Ferguson Cary Memorial Library dedicated to her son who lost his life in World War II . Each year the Washington Alums collect Christmas Cards to be taken to Children's Hospital so the little ones can cut and paste to their hearts content while they are recovering .


Mrs . Thomas Moore


BETA BETA members had a night of Dancing, Bingo, and other games to raise funds for the March of Dimes Drive . Prizes were donated by the merchants of Greeley . Th~ough hard work of everyone, they were very successful in raising over one hundred dollars for the fund . Also at Christmas time, clothing and toys were given to some families in Greeley. Mothers and Alumnae were appealed to in co-

MARCH, 1950


operating in Friendship Knits Program and saving Swan wrappers. The College has adopted a child overseas, and as this month is her birthday, each organization is sending her a present.

TAU TAU, has a small group and limited funds but hove mode plans for volunteering services and giving books, lamps and plants to the Children's words in the two hospitals in Hays.

THETA THETA, is registered with the Chaplain's Office of the University which maintains a hospitalization program. Assignments hove been given to the group as a whole, and to individuals . The group has been making scrapbooks, pictures and toys for the Children's Hospital. Individuals hove been doing volunteer work in Physical Therapy deportment of hospital, helping to exercise children's limbs crippled from infantile paralysis. Others hove gone to another Hospital as Nurses' Aides . At <:hristmos time the group helped with a party for underprivileged children from three settlement houses, by repairing toys, buying new ones, wrapping gifts, and helping with the children when they arrived . They hope to be even busier 11ext term. (More power to them!)

PHI PHI'S November letter mentioned plans for adopting a local needy family and supplying food and clothing at Thanksgiving , Christmas and Easter. Also plans for sending gifts to Veterans Hospital at Leavenworth and going over periodically for parties.

KAPPA KAPPA, sent baskets of food to needy families in cooperation with a school counselor and a health center in Philodelphjo . They ore collecting Swan Soap Wrappers too. They ore interested in Friendship Knits Program which provides instruction for knitting articles for overseas distribution by American Women's Voluntary Services, Inc. They hope to accomplish more during this present term. NU NU , is just emerging from a busy rushing season, and plans to do Hostess work, at Philadelphia Naval Hospital. Services hove also been volunteered to the Red Cross in any capacity where help is needed. Also saved Swan Soap Wrappers . PI PI~"Since the beginning of school this year our members hove been taking turns once a week, reading and playing with the children at the Crippled Guild in Buffalo. We ore doing a good service in this way, because there is nothing so good as new faces and new games to break up the day for these unfortunate children . We hove been collecting old clothes and books for children of all ages who live in a Japanese Mission School for Orphans. A sister of one of our Alums visited the Mission during the war and suggested we help them learn English and the meaning of Democracy in this way. We also collect Swan Soap Wrappers, 206 in all."

CHI CHI sent a Thanksgiving basket to a family of nine . Hod cho~ge of sole of Christmas seals on the Campus. Sent a box of comfort articles to Indianapolis Veterans Hospital. Worked on the March of Dimes Campaign. Some of the members go one Friday night a month to Marion Mental Hospital to entertain the Veterans . BETA DELTA officially opened the drive for funds for the American Heart Association at their Sweetheart Dance. It was a very well attended function and a profitable one. The group has also cooperated with the Red Cross Unit by contributing blood to the Blood Bonk. "Think how lucky someone will be to get A::SA blood, and Southern blood at that!" BETA EPSILON has continued a project, begun several years ago, of sending boxes of clothing to some Polish families , through a former Madison student. At Christmas a big contribution of clothing , toys and food was sent to Rockingham County homes suggested by the Welfare Dept. Has aided in campus drives for Christmas Seals, Cancer Fund and World Student Service Fund . Has supported programs on campus by attending as a group, Sunday Vespers and religious programs sponsored by the Y.W.C.A. BETA ETA donated a Iorge basket of food to a needy family at Christmas time. The members ore busy selling magazine subscriptions to earn extra money for Philanthropic projects. They ore knitting for Friendship Knits program of American Women's Voluntary Services, and hove saved Swan soap wrappers . BETA THETA members were assigned a Veteran in Central Hospital , Mt. Pleasant, to visit, as he has no family and was very lonely . He later was transferred to Brecksville Hospital in Cleveland and they hove continued


sending him surprise package at Christmas. They are also sending gifts to one of their group who is in a TB Sanitorium. BETA KAPPA members visited the McComb Orphanage at Christmas and took them gifts. They have offered their services to the Handicapped Children's Organization and hope to be called soon . GAMMA CLIO sent a very nice box of gifts to Indianapolis Veterans Hospital. An annt~al function is a party given for all of the boys and girls of the Cortland Children's Home. This year they entertained 60 youngsters at the A~ A house . They have been busy helping to organize a Cortland Alumnae Chapter.

THE PHOENIX ers to classes and other gatherings to solicit funds for this very worthy drive. This chapter is also credited with the honor of contributing more to the March of Dimes than any other organization on campus through the "Ugliest Man Contest." Each group sponsors a man, and the one to whom the most is contributed, wins, with the March of Dimes receiving the proceeds. The "local social service program is just getting under way with plans for reading to the blind . Janet Newton, a new member, was instrumental in organizing the Art Museum Associates group, this Fall, to give high school and college students a civic arts organization. Other members are active in Girl Scouts, Church youth and other civic organizations.

BETA NU members performed their good deed at Thanksgiving by taking a basket of food to a very needy family of seven children . So terrible was the situation that they later returned with sweaters and shoes. They have been put in charge of all Red Cross assignments on the campus. One of the Faculty wives is a Patroness for the Beta Nu's ·and being Chairman for the Red Cross Corps which provides programs and entertainment at the Kuttawa V.A. hospital she has arranged to provide entertainment for the group, one Sunday a month . Last month, they sponsored a talent show and the winners were taken to · the hospital to entertain the Veterans . BETA XI members have been helping out at their local hospital as receptionists, during visiting hours. They have been offering their services at church dinners and luncheons. They have collected money for the March of Dimes Campaign and have saved Swan soap wrappers . They are still scouting around for other ways to help. • BETA RHO girls have adopted several children from the orphanage and are supplying them with certain things they would especially like to have . They were in charge of the Cancer Drive for the whole town last year, and are planning to repeat again this year. They made the collecting of Swan soap wrappers an all school project. BETA SIGMA's biggest philanthropic activity of the year is the sponsoring of the Cancer Drive on the campus . For a week, Alpha Sigs are on duty during school hours accepting contributions . They also carry collection contain-

Courtesy Indi anapolis T im es

" A little to the left," suggests (left to right) veterans Paul Rice, Bloomington, and Walter Stephens, Lebanon, and Mrs. Ida Halliday. Following their advice a s she straightens one of the new pictures in the Cold Springs Road Hospital patients' dining room "is Mrs. Richard A. Rice.

"That looks like" and "I remember when" are becoming popular mealtime conversation topics for veterans in the Cold Springs Road Hospital in Indianapolis . These themes find real inspiration in the homelike note supplied by eight blown up black and white Indiana landscape photographs. They have been framed and given for the patients' dining room in the hospital by Region II , Alpha Sigma Alpha Sorority . Surveying the newly painted room with its sea green and true ivory walls, fresh coral nylon drapes and chair backs (made by volunteers from war surplus material), Mrs . Ida Halliday, the hospital's chief dietitian concluded, "Something is lacking ."

MARCH, 1950


"Hoosier photographs," she mused, "would be just the thing ." The problem was "how" and "from whom ." Mrs. Rice Comes to Aid She had only to tell Mrs. Richard A. Rice to find the answers to those questions. Mrs. Rice is both national philanthropic chairman for Alpha Sigma Alpha Sorority and for Region II including Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, Ohio, New York and Kentucky. There are nine college and 18 alumnae chapters in the region. For the · last four years the national project of the sorority has been assistance in post-war rehabilitation work in veterans hospitals. In researching for the proper photographs, Mrs. Rice was assisted by Mrs . 0. K. Gaston, another sorority member. The prints used were loaned from the film collection of Jack Hutchinson of the Indianapolis Camera Club and Robert Hoover of the Indiana Conservation Department. Chosen especially for their composition and artistry, they were enlarged and framed in 20 x 24-inch blond oak which blends with the decor of the dining room walls.

Titled and signed by the photographers they include "Midwest Winter," "Mill Stream," "Toilers' Holiday," "Country Road Friends," "Woodland Deep," "Brown County in the Spring," "Today and Yesterday," and one of the Dunes (shown in the picture). In explaining the sorority's national project, Mrs. Rice says, "Each regional chairman contacts the special service director of a designated VA hospital in her region . Equipment needs (not in the VA budget) are ascertained to help provide new modes· of treatment and diversional therapy as well as patient training . Many of the chapters go in groups to entertain or help in the different hospital departments . Receive Many Gifts

To date Cold Springs and Billings Hospitals have been given ceiling projectors and book films, a large floor loom, a set of tools for leatherwork, two deluxe Handee tools, · a power grinding wheel and buffer and an electric sander for the occupational therapy department. Donations also have included library books, Couse Discussion a game cart for use in the wards, lens for the "At first," Mrs. Halliday reports, "the boys movie projector, FM converter for the radio didn't comment very much . But soon, the · system. And in addition VA's have received pictures were providing subjects for animated dozens of records and hundreds of toilet articonversation around the room." cles and gift items.


Florence Gee Boysen (Mrs. Ray) Patricia Detrow Byers (Mrs. Wayne) Freda Noble Paul (Mrs . Bosher) Mary McCauley Frances Watt Cavendish (Mrs. Otis) Alice Weatherston Brown (Mrs . Ray) Marion Thomas Chabot (Mrs. Ernest) Inez Napier Tomlinson (Mrs . Lloyd) Lucy Mesmer Vernier (Mrs. Carlton) Marjorie Hutcheson Mary Erbaugh Miksa (Mrs. Ben) Nell Russell McMahan (Mrs. George) Elizabeth Russell Hoffman (Mrs . Wayne) Edna Bergman Ann Kinney Hooper (Mrs . Royce) Helen Rados Trabka (Mrs . Eugene)

Hawaii, Honolulu Pittsburgh, Po . Phoenix, Arizona Los Angeles, Calif. Huntington, W . Va . Boston, Mass. Los Angeles, Calif. Tulsa , Oklahoma Rochester, N . Y. Rochester, N . Y. Tri-Cities, Mich . Los Angeles, Calif. Los Angeles, Calif. Los Angeles, Calif. Los Angeles, Calif. Rochester, N . Y.


San Francisco, Calif . Philadelphia, Po . Huntington, W . Va . Boston, Mass . Charlesto·n, W . Va. Hawaii , Honolulu Buffalo, N. Y. Los Angeles, Calif. Buffalo, N . Y. Buffalo, N.Y. Detroit SPX New York City Hawaii, Honolulu Columbus, Ohio Niagara , Falls, N . Y.

1A;nnnr lnll Alpha Sigma Alpha National Philanthropic Proiect COLLEGE


































To date-February 3, 1950

MARCH, 1950




WELCOME. Charlottesville, Virginia; Cortland, New York; Fort Worth, Texas; Licking-Muskingum Valley, Ohio; Olean, New York; Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; Tahlequah, Oklahoma CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA

Jeraldine Morris, Presi dent

_Chapter Members

Martha Gillium .. . . . ... ...... .. . . .... A Claire Bennett (Mrs. Wm . H. Wilson) .... BE Betty Myers (Mrs . George R. Hedrick) .. . BE Patricia Pumphrey .......... .. .. . . ... BE Lucia Ziegler . ......... .... .... ..... BE Barbara Smith (Mrs. C. W . Mann, Jr.) .... BE Jane Morgan (Mrs . D. K. Peak) . . .. . . . . . BE Jeraldine Morris ... .... ............ . BE Chapter Officers

President .......... . . .. . Jeraldine Morris Vice-President . . .... . . ..... Lucia Ziegler Secretary .. . ....... . .... Martha Gillium Treasurer . .. ... ... . . Betty Myers Hedrick Phoenix Cor . . .... . . Claire Bennett Wilson Chaplain ...... . .. . . .. Patricia Pumphrey

Our Founders' Day of November 14, was celebrated in Charlottesville, Virginia, with the organizing of an Alumnae Chapter. Eight A~A 's met in the apartment of Lucia Zeigler and Patricia Pumphrey . "Jerry" Morris had ~ompleted the necessary correspondence and Pat and Lucia offered their home so that the much talked about Alumnae chapter actually began. Over delicious refreshments, many " Do you remember when-?", "What is Mary doing now?" and "Guess who I saw the other week:>" were heard. We left that meeting with the wonderful feeling that comes from renewing friendships and knowing that we would see each other the third Tuesday night of each month . The December meeting was held at Betty Way Myers Hedrick's home . Seven A~A 's had a hilarious time making Santa Clauses from big rosy apples, snowy cotton, marshmallows and tooth picks. These Santa Clauses were used as favors on the trays of the children patients at the University of Virginia Hospital Christmas Day. Fond memories of sorority house bridge parties were revived over two tables of bridge at Jerry Morris's home in January. We welcomed Jenny Snowden Anderson, who had been unable to attend the previous meetings . Jane Morgan Peak has invited our A~A alumnae group to her home February 21 . Further plans will be made for A~A activities at this time . Any Alpha Sig living in the vicinity of Charlottesville is urged to contact Martha Gillies so you can meet with us at our next meeting . We are so happy to be active A~A 's again. Love, Claire Bennett Wilson



La Velie Short Dugger, President

Chapter Members

LaVelle Short (Mrs. Douglas Dugger) . ... Br Coleene Ferris (Mrs. Wm. Eubank) ...... Br Irma Lee Hail (Mrs. Floyd Stierwalt) . .. . Br Mary El iz. Anderson (Mrs. Ernest Justice). HH Wanda Lee Daney (Mrs. Jack Romine) ... Br Betty Louise Williams (Mrs . J . D. Phillips). : Br Berdena Clark (Mrs. Jessie J. Stevens) .. . Br

Beta Gamma Chapter here at N .S.C. for their annual Christmas party. The group will gather at Mrs. Stierwalt's home after singing Christmas Carols at the home of each Alpha Sigma Sponsor for the Beta Gamma Chapter. A short program will be presented by the pledges of the Beta Gamma Chapter at the Christmas Party followed by the Christmas gifts and topped off with punch and Christmas cookies for refreshments. This is just the beginning of our Alum organization. We hope to grow more and more each year. We may not be able to increase our number, however, as there will be new people coming and others leaving at the end of each college year, but the joy of knowing that there is an organization that will be here; even after we leave, to be carried on by new alum members means a great deal to each of us who have helped found the Tahlequah Alumnae Chapter. If any of you older Alumni chapters have ideas or suggestions that might be helpful to us, send them along won't you? Any little thing will be appreciated . Love in A~A, Wanda Romine LICKING-MUSKINGUM VALLEY, OHIO


President ..... ..... Mrs. Douglass Dugger Vice-President . .. ....... Mrs . Bill Eubank Secretary .. . ... ... .. . Mrs. Floyd Stierwalt Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Ernest Justice Phoenix Cor . .. ......... Mrs . Jack Romine This has been a most even!ful year for the Alpha Sig Alums here in Tahlequah. When school started this year at Northeastern State College, we found that there were eleven Alums el igible to form an A~ A Alumnae chapter. And this we did on Founders' Day., November 15, 1949 . There were eight alums present at that meeting which was held in the home of Mrs. Irma Lee Stierwalt. Our meeting was called to a close early due to a dance held in the college gym for the election of a Freshman Queen for the yearbook. We, the alums, backed the Alpha Sig candidate, Emma Lou Browning, notch . The next meeting of our group will be December 13, again at the home of Mrs. Irma Lee Stierwalt, where we will be hostess's to the

Front raw: J. Jackson, E. Davis, M . Barbour, H. Baker. Back row : S. Ernst, R. Cole, L. Stewart, M. House.

Chapter Members

Hilda Allen (Mrs. Ray Baker) ....... : .. AA Mary Agnes Cole (Mrs. Clarke Barbour) .. 6.6. Eleanor Lloyd (Mrs . Paul Davis) ........ 6.6. Sara Long (Mrs. John Ernst) ............ AA Margaret Laycock (Mrs. Paul House) ... . AA Rachel Van Hook (Mrs. Charles Scott) ... AA Mary Jane Jackson .. ...... .. .. .. .... XX Louise N. Stewart .......... 路......... yy Ruth Hollinger (Mrs. Wilson Cole) ..... . 6.6.

MARCH, 1950 Betty Baker (Mrs . Chester Lehman) ..... AA Ethel Straw (Mrs . Raymond Guthrie) ..... AA



President ................ Mrs. Ray Baker Secretary, Treasurer, Phoenix Cor ...... .. . . . . Miss Jane Jackson Louise Stewart, living in Zanesville, has been promoting the idea of an Alum chapter for our locality for some time . It was a year ago last Fall that she invited Alpha Sigs to her home . On that day there were five gathered together. Our number was too small to warrant organization at that time. Nearby Columbus, Ohio, has a very active Alum Chapter and in 1948 they invited many "stray" Alpha Sigmas to Founders' Day Banquet. It was here that several Alpha Sigs living in the Licking-Muskingum Valley got acquainted . Then it wasn't until December 1949 that we had another meeting, and again at Louise's home in Zanesville . By this time there were more known Alpha Sigs and we began to think and talk of organization . At this meeting there were seven present. Everyone thought it would be a good idea to organize a new qlum chapter in order. to get together socially and keep informed on sorority news and activities, and, too, contribute our bit. It was agreed to meet again in January, 1950, this time at Hilda Baker's home in Newark. So it was on January 13, 1950, that the name Licking-Muskingum Valley was adopted and petition to organize an alumnae chapter was signed . For the present, w~ decided that two officers : a president and a corresponding secretary-treasurer, would be sufficient. Hilda Allen Baker was made President, and Mary Jane Jackson, Corresponding Secretary-Treasurer. Hilda is a newcomer to Newark, Ohio . For several years she was Dean of Women at lthica College, lthica, N . Y. Then, one day she visited her college roommate and met her cousin, and, as things sometimes work out in stories, she married the man. Hilda and Ray have recently moved into their lovely new home here in Newark. Licking-Muskingum Valley Alumnae Chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha has begun to develop. The future is big and bright with many a high goal to be obtained . We may move slowly, but our endeavors will always be toward progress in the right direction.

Chapter Members

Louise Ewalt (Mrs . Frances Buchanan) ... rr Freda Marie James (Mrs. Louis A Burtner) Br Ruby Isabel (Mrs . C. D. Chase) .. ....... rr Geraldine Reineke (Mrs. Ge-orge Clow) . . . 速速 Jonnie Lane (Mrs . Bryan Gentry) ........ rr Penny Stolper (Mrs. Albert B. Goodall) ... Br Violet D. Ralston (Mrs . Wm . Johnston) ... Ar Alice E. Allen (Mrs. A D. Mauk) ..... .. . rr Maudene Clift (Mrs . William Murphy) ... HH Frances Reiff (Mrs. Lee Patterson) ..... . 速速 Gladys Reed .. ... ... .. .... .......... rr Reba Anderson (Mrs . George Ruster) .... . HH Officers

President .. . ..... .. Mrs . Louis A Burtner Vice-President .......... Mrs . A D. Mauk Secretary ............ ... Mrs. C. D. Chase Treasurer .... . .. .. Mrs. William Johnston Phoenix Cor ...... . . Mrs. Albert B. Goodall


November 6, 1949, was a red-letter day for the Alpha Sig Alumnae in and around Oklahoma City. The weather was perfect, and spirits were high as seven of us met at the home of Reba Ruster for a combined Charter tea and Founders' Day celebration . What fun it was to see old friends re-discover each other and new friends get together for the first time . The tea was lovely , a fitting climax for the many long hours Reba had spent in getting the group together. Freda Burtner, our new prexy, presided at the tea table . Time flew as we signed the petition , elected officers, and made tentative plans for future meetings. The third Monday it:~ each month was selected as our regular meeting date, but the group voted to meet twice in November and then skip the December meeting . Too many previous plans made a December meeting impossible .


22 The third Monday night in November found a group of ten enthusiastic Alpha Sigmas gathered at Freda Burtner's home for a getacqua inted session . Canasta was the main attraction of the evening, and "going-home time" rolled around much too soon for everyone . January will find the Oklahoma City alumnae at a dinner-business meeting in downtown Oklahoma City, to be followed by a line party. By that time, too, we should have lots of news for you about definite plans for the rest of the year. Penny Goodall OLEAN, NEW YORK

Ruth Smith Ril ey, Preside nt

Chapter Members

Jane Eggleston (Mrs. Barron) . . . .. ... . . IIII Marjorie Platt (Mrs . Bernreuther) ... .. . IIII Mary Kayes (Mrs. Keller) . . ...... . .... IIII Rhea Hanewinekel (Mrs . Krompf) .. . ... IIII Alberta Ackler (Mrs . Mclaughlin) . ..... IIII Phyllis Moore . ....... . .... . .. . . . ... IIII Ruth Sm ith (Mrs . Riley) ..... .... ... .. IIII Gertrude VanArsdale (Mrs. Regan) .. . . .. IIII Max ine Nelson (Mrs. Rynders) . . . .. .... IIII Romayne Gregory (Mrs . Williams) . . ... . NN Officers

President ........ . .... Mrs. William Riley Vice-President .. . ... Mrs. George L. Keller Secretory-Treasurer .... Miss Phyllis Moore Phoeni x Cor .... . .. Mrs. Glenn Bernreuther

Through the efforts of Ruth Smith Riley, Pi Pi, '45, and Mary Sayes Keller, also, Pi Pi, '45, an Olean Alumnae Chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha has been organized. This goal, finally achieved, has been a long held dream of Casey and Ruth . During the summer they contacted all Alpha Sigs whose names they had in the southern tier. The first meeting of the Olean Alumni group was held in October at the home of Ruth Smith Riley in Allegany. There were eleven charter members. Ruth Smith Riley was elected unanimously as our president. Ruth formerly taught in Rochester where she was an active member of the Rochester aLumnae . Since returning to her home town of Allegany where her husband is a postal clerk, Ruth has been supervisor of the Teen Age Center, Sunday School teacher, a member of the local Home Bureau, the Bowling Club, and is permane11t secretary of the class of '45, of Buffalo State. Secretory-treasurer of the group is Phyllis Moore, Pi Pi, '48 . Phyllis, who taught in Clymer last year, is teaching seventh and eighth grade Homemaking in Olean where 路s he is a member of the Olean Homemaking Association. Mrs. Joseph (Rhea Honewinckel) Krompf, Pi Pi , '34, was chosen as chaplain . Rhea has a daughter, Jo. Besides being a homemaker, she teaches eighth grade English at Allegany Central School and also teaches Sunday School. Gertrude Van Arsdale Rogan, Pi Pi , '38, whose husband manages a grocery store in Cattaraugus has three children, and teaches Adult Education sewing classes. She is District Deputy President of the County Rebekahs. Romayne Gregory Williams, Nu Nu, '31, lives in Olean where her husband is Assistant Superintendent of Socony Vacuum . Romoyne is a homemaker with three children, and is active in many outside organizations-President of School 5, P.T.A., Training Chairman and Council member of the Camp Fire Girls, Nursery Superintendent of the First Methodist Church , member of the Olean College Club, Vice-President of the P.T.A. Council and is official Boord member of the First Methodist Church . Maxine Nelson Rynders, Pi Pi , '34, is a homemaker and mother of two children in Cattaraugus where her husband owns a hard-

MARCH, 1950


ware and appliance store. She is District Deputy Grand Matron of the County Eastern Stars. Mrs . Herbert (Margaret Daly) Sipple, Pi Pi, '32, teaches Homemaking in Gowanda where her husband owns and operates a soda fountain and news stand. She is active in P.T.A., Cattaruaugus . County Homemaking Association, Bowling, Women of the Moose and Salvation Army Rural Committee. Mrs. Glenn (Marjorie Platt) Bernreuther, Pi Pi, '49, lives in Limestone where she teaches Homemaking. Her husband teaches Industrial Arts there and is working for his M .Ed . at St. Bonaventure in Olean . Marjorie is leader of a 4-H group and is Secretary of the Limestone Teachers Association, a member of the Cattaraugus County Teacher's Association and P.T.A. At the first meeting we planned to hove monthly luncheon meetings on the second Saturday of each month . Plans were made to attend the Founders' Day Tea in Buffalo for our November路 meeting, a Christmas Party in December at Romayne Williams, a luncheon in January at Mary Keller's, the February meeting to be held at Ruth Riley's with an outside speaker on world affairs . Th~ March and April meetings are to be hel_d at Margaret Sipple's where copper and silver trays will be made. For the May meeting we will entertain the Buffalo Alums at a tea at the home of Gertrude Rogan. The June meeting will be held at Marjorie Bernreuther's and plans have been made for a book review. The July and August meetings will be family picnics, one at Allegany State Park and one at Ruth Riley's. Under the leadership of Romayne Williams we are selling plastic food containers. We are interested in contacting more Alpha Sigma ~lums. If you know of anyone in this vicinity please let us know. Marjorie Bernreuther CORTLAND, NEW YORK

Chapter Members Beverly Davis (Mrs. Wm. Novado) ..... .. rc Eudene Schenck (Mrs. E. F. Steinfeldt) .. . IIII Eleanor Kay Brant (Mrs. D. G. Miller) ... IIII Elizabeth B. Smith .. . ... .. .. .. . .. .... EE Mary O'Connor (Mrs. Herbert Gates, Jr.) .. rc

Officers President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mary Gates Vice-President . . . . . . . . . Eudene Steinfeldt Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elizabeth Smith Treasurer ...... .. .... Eleanor Kay Miller Phoenix Cor ............. Beverly Novado Here is the first report, of many, I hope, coming to you from Cortland, New York. "Hello to all you Alpha Sigs from a brand new alumnae chapter here in Cortland, N. Y. Fran Cooney, a member of the Gamma Clio college chapter decided that the time had come to call the Alpha Sigs in Cortland back to the fold-so now we ore five. We held our first meeting on November 22, c;md with Fran prompting us on correct procedure, we made it legal. Then two weeks later on December 6, we elected a slate of officers which included Mary Gates, our very able president, Eudene Steinfeldt, of the ingenious mind, who was elected vice-president and chairman of social affairs; Elizabeth Smith, secretary; Kay Miller is now the girl who collects our monthly dues in her official position of treasurer; and myself as Phoenix correspondent. Each member, now holds a office, which is most unique . However we donot plan to maintain this small, select group, which consists of two Gamma Clio's, two Pi Pi ' s, and an Epsilon Epsilon, for what we lactk in strength, we more than make up in spirit. We hove already mode plans for an Open House party, to be held in the college chapters lovely house, to which we will invite all Alpha Sigs living anywhere near Cortland, and also nearby Clionsons who may wish to join A~A, as the college chapter did in 1946, and thus become eligible for membership as alumni. The next time I write my report to the Phoenix-! hope to have many new names to add to the Cortland chapter roster. Will also tell you at that time all about our Open House Party. Till then,

Love in


Beverly Novado

24 FORT WORTH, TEXAS Chapter Members

Jean Reid (Mrs . R. L. Taylor) . . .... . .. . . EE Marjorie Crill (Mrs. Carl Mochemer) .. ... EE Sue Marsh (Mrs . W. H. Flickinger) . .... .. EE Martha K. Green (Mrs . John J . Dimond) .. AA Oakley Thomas (Mrs. Thomas Morrison) .. AB Virgin ia Tieman (Mrs. Judson J . Dixon) .. EE Officers President-Treasurer Mrs . John J . Dimond Phoenix Cor . . .... . . . Mrs. Judson J. Dixon

The Fort Worth Alumnae Chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha con give thanks to the untiring efforts of Martha Green Dimond for its start.

THE PHOENIX Martha was contacted by notional and given the names of the Alpha Sigs in Fort Worth , and it didn ' t toke her long to follow through . She got in touch with the Alpha Sigs and arranged for a get-together luncheon to see if we'd be interested in getting the chapter started . Of course, we were, and after this first meeting 路 November 5, we sent for our charter which arrived in December. At the top of the list of chapter plans is on attempt to find more Alpha Sigs in the area and to get them into the group. Meanwhile, we ore enjoying our meetings and try ing to catch up with the inspiring growth that A~A has mode while so many of us hove been out of touch with all its activities.

MARCH, 1950


NEWS LETTERSAlumnae Chapters

AKRON, OHIO In looking back since our last Phoenix letter, I should begin with our October meeting held ot the home of Maude Barrere. Our most important item of business was a motion to double our last year's donation to Panhellenic toward their project of providing spending money for the children at the Summit County Childrens' Home. I gave my report on the highlights of the convention. Then we all sang the songs from the new Alpha Sigma Alpha Song Book. Our meeting ended with our hostess serving o delicious dessert. November the seventh, Panhellenic gave a bridge and style show to raise funds for the Childrens' Home . The tickets were o complete sell-out and the affair was a huge success. Our November meeting was held at my home. We read a letter from Jean Renkert, a student at Miami University. We were happy to hear that a chapter might be , started there . In our program we observed Founders' Day which was followed by Beth Washko teaching us to play Canasta. 路 Our Christmas Party was held at the home of Lil Greer. We welcomed Lucille Adamson, a member whom we hadn't seen for years. Beth Washko put us in the Christmas spirit by telling in a most charming manner, the delightful story of the "Littlest Angel." We had our Christmas gift exchange and our party ended with Lil serving us a most delicious lunch. In January we planned to meet at Judy Bruckens' but due to illness she was unable to entertain so we met at Lil Greers. We decided that for the next three meetings we would bring donations for the Veterans Hospital in Indianapolis. We also made plans to be hostesses at the February Panhellenic meeting . We are a small group so we will be co-hostesses with Alpha Gamma Delta and Kappa Alpha Theta. Here's hoping all goes well on this big occasion. Best wishes for a happy year in 1950, Helen Snyder

ALVA, OKLAHOMA Dear Sisters in A'2:-A: Another new year has begun in our sorority as well as in a II sororities. It is time again to look around and see what the girls in our sorority have done since the beginning of our new year. Mr . and Mrs. Roy Dunn are the proud parents of a baby girl bor11 to them in December. She has been named Barbara Jan. Mrs. Dunn is the former Barbara Card . Our chapter presented the new arrival with a gift. Wedding bells will soon be ringing for Betty Hill and Otte Weibener. Their engagement and approaching marriage have been announced by Miss Hill's parents. In our last monthly meeting which was held at the home of Zelma Branson, Mrs . Margy Ewalt was elected treasurer to re-

plac e Miss Betty Hill. One of our members, Marguerite Elliott, has recently been initiated in Delta Kapp~ Gamma Society, a National Honor Society of Women Ed ucators. Luella Harzman was in charge of selling Christmas cards and wrappings for our chapter. Members of our alumnae chapter purchased candle holders for our active chapter. Each holder has the person's name on it that purchased the holder. The holders are tall brass ones as prescribed by the National Office when new chapters are organized. Loyal in A'2:-A, Marguerite Elliott

BALTIMORE, MARYLAND Our January meeting was held at the home of Mabel Mathias, 214 Goodale Road. We welcomed two new members, Dorothy Michel (Nu Nul , 709 Deepdene Road, and Mrs. Walter Raynes, 591 8 Brackenridge Avenue (Nu Nul. This brings our membership up to nine, and we have two more likely prospects for the future. We discussed plans for philanthropic activities and accepted an invitation from Mrs. E. C. Cromwell to have a February social at her home. We were saddened to hear of the illness of Natalie Edwards Russell's husband. He has since passed away, and our deepest sympathy goes out to her in her bereavement. Grace Leedy

BUFFALO, NEW YORK February finds Pi Pi in the midst of a busy, successful year here in Buffalo. We can look . back on this year's ventures with pleasure and satisfaction, and yet, ahead eagerly to things to come . It has been a full year thus far, with still much anticipation for the future. Our first meeting of the year was a "Koffee Klatch" at the home of Lillian Viner. It was an informal meeting all about Convention . We used the decorations salvaged from Convention for the centerpiece and as decorations around the house. Gig Finn made ceramic boats, like those for Convention, for all the Pi Pi Alumnae and they were given out as favors . Our refreshments also recalled memories of Convention for we had Ice Cream Puffs like those served at the Farewell Diriner. All those who had been at Convention told about it and what a success it had been. Our European travelers, Rita Lawler, Phyllis Braun, and Angela Hurley showed the movies they had taken this summer. Our Founders' Day celebration this year was a Sunday Afternoon Tea, rather than the usual luncheon. It was held at the home of Marg Braun, and the College Chapter joined in the celebration with us. It was our first opportunity to meet the Pledges for this year. Our Presi- . dent Mary Blackstone read the messages from the National Officers as we paid our tribute to Alpha Sigma Alpha Founders. The Song Books ordered at Convention had arrived and we had a Song Spree of new and old songs of our sorority. It was a big day here in Buffalo for Alpha Sigs. Next comes December and Christmas and Christmas in Buffalo isn't complete without on Alpha Sig "get-to-

26 gether." This year we shared "holiday cheer" at a tea at the home af Gig Finn . In the spirit of giving we made our first collection for the Japanese Orphans. A few of the girls brought their children to the tea and it was interesting to see the "little ones" that we had heard so much about. Afterwards we thought it might be nice to have a meeting at which we could show off our "offsprings." It's a thought anyway. We began the new year with a meeting at the home of Betty Hamlin with a timely talk from Dr. Albright from the College. He spoke to us about the situation of the world today. He explained policy behind the headlines in world affairs, and compared the various types of Communists in the world today. The talk was followed by a general discussion and Dr. Albright did well to answer our many questions. Our biggest social success of the year was our Fashion Show and Dessert Bridge held at the Community House of the Lafayette Presbyterian Church on the evening of January twenty-fourth. Its proceeds went toward our philanthropic fund. Lovely fashions for early spring were supplied by Cheryl's Dress Shop and beautiful fur fashions by the Kenmore Furrier. Our lovely models were Joan Steinmiller, Phyllis Braun, Nancy Weisbeck, Marion Munson, Ev Bell , and Mary Blackstone. They really did justice to the fashions. The show was followed by Bridge and later dessert. The cake mix was supplied by Pillsbury and Nescafe donated the coffee. Bridge prizes were attractive ivy plants-one for each table. Hats off, to the committee and all the workers who made it such a success! That brings us about up-to-date on our activities for the year. Our next meeting will be Miss Mina Goosen on "Recent New York Plays." At this meeting we will entertain the representatives from National Panhellenic. Our big news from Buffalo is that Joan Steinmiller almost has that Masters Degree in her hand. After much hard work Joan has completed her thesis and has presented it, and now is waiting for the good news that is sure to come. Lyn Berry who is路 in her second year of teaching at the Atomic Bomb Project in Los Alamos, New Mexico, became the bridge of Mr. Robert E. Anderson in a candlelight ceremony there on December thirteenth. The holidays found Jean Whiting home for a visit from her new job in Denver, Colorado. She tells us she has contacted the local chapter there. Ruth Christman Swenson has moved into her beautiful new home. At a recent board meeting we had a tour of inspection and gave our whole-hearted approval of her new home . That covers the news from Pi Pi. Until the next letter, we remainYours in Alpha Sigma, Sue Marvin

CANTON-MASSILLON, OHIO Dear Alpha Sigs : Much has happened since the last Phoenix went to press. In November we celebrated Founders' Day with a banquet and program at the Canton Woman 's Club. Sue Campbell entertained us in December at which time we made tray favors for Shadyside Hospital. We made enough for each of the three trays Christmas day. Then Sue gave each of us small cutout felt trees with which we made ourselves lapel ornaments. 'T'was a very busy and pleasant evening . In January we went to Emmy Calhoun's home and counted ta x stamps. Dotty Roth brought the door prizes. Your reporter won first prize a lemon

THE PHOENIX meringue pie!-so now I am responsible for three homemade articles to be raffled off at our February meeting at the home of Janice Marsh. The girls are to bring comfort articles for our National Project. All our gals are busy these days. Betty Harner was a hostess for the Stark County Medical Auxiliary Meeting in January. Margie Crawford is convalescing from a very serious operation. She has a new television set to help her while away the hours. Sue Campbell is Program Chairman for Town Garden Club . Emmy Calhoun was chairman for a Tridosis holiday party and she has a large Brownie group. She is now working on a dance routine for a program to be presented by the Eastern Stars. Dotty Roth says all she does is cook (that lemon pie was so-a-good; Ed. Notel. When last heard from she was to make the chili for a church supper. Mary Miller is in Florida and Dot Oeffinger is way out West with her husband. Nice work if you can get it. I envy anyone who is going anywhere in winter, although I must say this has been an unusually short and mild one so far. Cordially, Kay Giltz

CHARLESTON, WEST VIRGINIA Dear Alpha Sigs, Floods are the news from West Virg inia, but all the local rainfall hasn't seemed to dampen the spirits of our Alpha Sigs. We've all had a busy winter season . This year we have issued our first complete directory to all our members. Thanks to Evelyn Elliott and Myrna Jo Painter we have a most attractive grey suede-paper booklet with red metallic letters of A~A on the cover and a complete program and membership roster inside . Three of our members-Alice Haworth, Myrna Jo Painter, and Annette Gruber spent an evening in October visiting the Rho Rho active chapter and the Huntington Alumnae. We enjoyed seeing everyone and hope they will all repay o.ur visit very soon. Our October meeting was a Halloween old clothes party at the home of Annette Gruber -with Jean Wilson as co-hostess. From the looks of the costumes worn we would all be good candidates for Halloween witches. 'The evening was spent talking and eating-a true A~A meeting! Quantities of pop-corn, apples, candy, cake, and ice cream disappeared. On November 12th, Myrna Jo Painter and George Garges were married in a beautiful ceremony at Bream Presbyterian Church . The bride was radiant in a lovely white satin gown and illusion veil. After the services, there was a reception at the Charleston Women' s Club where we all had a chance to wish Myrna Jo and George life-long happiness . They had an exciting trip to New York City and are now settled down to housekeeping in their own apartment. We are all waiting, to sample some of Myrna Jo's cooking! Founders' Day gave us an opportunity to renew our A~A vows. Also we heard our prized recording of Mrs. Carper's story about the founding of our sorority which was made at the Chicago convention . This meeting was held at Pauline Haile's home on November 15th. To entertain our husbands this year, we held an Open House Evening on December 30th at Eloise Keller's lovely home . It must have been a successful affair s ince everybody stayed real late and all the refreshments disappeared (and there were certainly plenty!l. Our sale of paper napkins, Christmas cards and wrapping paper has been m9st successful and an excellent aid to our sagging treasury. It is certainly a painless way to earn a bit of extra cash .

MARCH, 1950 Evelyn Elliott has a new little daughter-Linda Grace -born early in January, but not early enough to be a "Happy New Year, first one of the year!" Both mother and daughter are doing fine-as are Daddy ·a nd big sister from all the latest reports. In J.anuary, Mrs . Carper and Julia Bowles arranged a lovely luncheon for us all downtown at Lawson's Restaurant. Again our meeting cons isted mainly of food and talk. However, that must be a successful combination , since none of us miss a meeting if we can possibly help it. Yours in A':i.A , Annette Gruber

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Dear Alpha Sigs: We had a somewha t different meeting last October with our husbands and families as guests. It was a pot luck picnic at Frances Wugar's with Mary ' Hohe assisting. It turned out to be too cold to eat outdoors but everyone seemed to enjoy the fun. The following month, we went to Evanston to the home of Martha Curry. She and Rose Mary Johnson had a good turn out and served us a delicious luncheon. We had a few new girls present and certainly hope they will continue to come. Dorothy Masters was able to find herself an apartment in the neighborhood of the Edgewater Beach Hotel so she has been busy getting settled .· Two new additions to our small fry group is Eleanor Testerman Brown's son Charles Raymond, born in December and Jerry Burkhart's daughter. We went back to Evanston to Gladys Shalinger's for our January meeting . Doris Gaskins was co-hostess and she brought young Jimmy along so everyone could see him. We had a report from the National Panhellenic meeting which Nelle Raney and Gladys Schalinger at- ' tended. They enjoyed the meeting very much and brought back among other things the report that Panhellenic is planning to have a P4blicity Director and through her they hope to get more publicity for the sororities in the city. Sincerely, Frances N. Weegar

CLEVELAND, OHIO Founders' Day Luncheon, November 19, saw many Cleveland Alpha Sigmas round the Luncheon Table for the first big affair of the sorority year. After the program, the Chapter decided to sponsor for the third year in succession a Christmas gift contribution to the Thomas Mary Rest Home in Cleveland. Gifts were brought to the Christmas Party, at the home of Polly Preston, (Mrs. Fred, AA), in East Cleveland, and at the home of Gladys Steeb (Mrs . Edward S., AA), in Lakewood . Incidentally, if you have the large city problem of transportation, try our plan for half downtown meetings, and half "East side-West s ide" meetings. They really work! February 21st was guest nite for us. We invited our friends to a special tour of the Home Lighting Inst itute, at Nela Pa rk. Their demonstration of proper lighting, and new lighting ideas for your home, business, or industry, is a treat that is a shame to keep in Cleveland . May we throw out our chests for Cleve land for a moment and talk about one of the most interesting industries in "Cleveland, the best location in the nation"? General Electric does all their light research at Nela Park in East Cleveland . Just to look at the area, your first impression is that you are seeing a college campus! But it is here

27 that some of the most important ex periments in lighting are carried on. As a public service feature, a special building has been designated a s the Home Lighting Institute, and is used exclusively for demonstrations for the public. We were pleased to secure a date for our members and friend s to visit the Lighting Institute, and their interest in the three hour prog ram was ample payment for the effort in planning the visit. Four more planned programs will round out the year's activities; two Panhellenic Luncheons, another East s ideWest-side evening program, and our Annual May Luncheon . All of us are enthusiastic about the magazine subscription agency set up for Cleveland Alpha Sigmas by Toni Rowe . She is making every effort to swell the local treasury by soliciting magazine subscriptions from members. You'll hear more about it when time proves how much can be made with little effort, (except on ·the part of hard working Toni !l . Virginia Carpenter

COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO Spring is here-1 saw a robin this morning . Looking back to our Christmas ~arty, we· had a wonderful one at Vena- Crowder's lovely home . First we had a delicious ham dinner, then our Christmas tree with our favorite Santa, Vince Maloney, passing around the gifts, and then finished off the evening playing bridge. Just before New Year's we held a housewarming for Gertrude and Neils Glock in their new home, and on New Year' s Eve we attended their love ly open house. Our Valentine party at Mildred Harmon's was a Spaghetti suppe r. W e decided to play Canasta instead of our usual bridge. In January at our regular meeting at Grace Lloyd's we played Canasta and it was a de finite success. More about the Valentine party and our spring brunch next time. Sincerely, Lois Borst

CORTLAND, NEW YORK Our January meeting was held at the home of Elizabeth Smith, and was a busy one for us all-what, with design ing, writing and sending out invitations and hoping for the best at our Ope n House Party, February 19th. This party is to be our initial venture for membersh ip, and by it we hope to induce all Clionians who have not already joined A ':i. A to do so, and thu s be e ligible for our alumnae group. This would give us the boost that we need, so we all put our best efforts behind it . Our last meeting also brought us a new member-Mi ss Madeline Volpe, a nurse and health instructor at Cortland State. She was de lighted that at long ·last an alumnae chapter has bee n started here-and so are we all. So ' till next month . Love in A':i.A , Beve rly Novado

DAYTON, OH 10 Dear Alpha Sigs, In order to bring you up to date on our new Alumnae Chapter he re in Da yton, I should fir st like to t a ke you back to June 4 , 1949 when our organizatio n officially took place. It was th e e ne rg etic and e nthusia sti c efforts of He len Bogess Swart, AA, who has rece ntl y come to Dayton , t hat a sse mbl ed the crowd for luncheo n at th e Seville Tavern . Helen had bee n active in the !1\ lumna e Chapte r in Cl eveland, before coming here and s he has b rought to


28 us most valuable information and plenty of the enthusiasm which dominates the Cleveland Chapter . Only Alpha Alpha and Delta Delta chapters were represented at the luncheon but before we had finished Alpha Gamma chapter from Indiana State Teachers College at Indiana, Po ., gave us a real surprise. Two lovely young actives, Marilyn Chalgren and Jean McCollum were visiting in Dayton for the summer, and to make life more interesting as well as renumerative, they had accepted jobs as waitresses at the Seville Tavern . In going past our group, Jean was startled to see the Phoenix lying on the table and then coming closer she observed our pins. Hurrying away she soon returned with Marilyn and they introduced themselves to us in typical Alpha Sig spirit. It was a real thrill for us old Alumnae to know that Alpha Sigma Alpha still runs true to form in selecting such outstanding personalities. Well, we finally got down to business after this bit of excitement and concluded our meeting with a determination to make Dayton Alumnae Chapter a "wheel"-in the jargon of our teen-agers. Alice Ottman Sauer had the October meeting at her lovely home in the country. At this time we adopted for our Christmas project tbe purchasing of gifts for members of one of the Women's wards at the Dayton State Hospital. We hope to continue this sort of welfare work as soon as we have increased our membership. At present we are only nine, but we are hoping to gather together most of the Alpha Sigs throughout the Valley. When they discover what a really live group we are and how much fun we actually have reminiscing, as well as making plans for a bigger and better chapter, we know they will want to join us . As of Febraury 7, our last meeting date, the membership is as follows: Helen Bogess Swart (Alpha Alpha); Alice Ottman Sauer (Delta Delta); Ruby Carey' Ball (Delta Delta); Mary Helen Clark Ferguson (Alpha Alpha); Florence King Bland (Alpha Alpha ); Dorothy Landis Weaver (Alpha Alpha); Mildred Cockerill McClure (Alpha Alpha); Dorothy Brunckhorst Gillett (Eta Eta); and Helen Stepleton Goodwin (Alpha Alphal. Marjorie Stiers White (Alpha Alpha), was a guest at our last meeting and she promises to bring in several from over Camden way. If there are any more of you in or around our city, won't you let us know of your whereabouts? Address your letters to Helen Bogess Swart, 44 Maple St., Fairborn , Ohio. Will meet you all again in May. Until thenYours in A"i:.A , Helen S. Goodwin

DENVER, COLORADO Dear Alpha Sigmas, The Denver Alumnae chapter has had several unusually fine meetings since last I wrote you. First of all was our Pre-Christmas workshop at Naomi Stone's home. After a short business meeting everyone was given a "Christmas job." There were cards to address and various other preparations for Christmas. The next event was the annual city Panhellenic luncheon and fashion show at the Cosmopolitan Hotel. Our model, Vive路nne Remley, looked lovely and we were very proud of her. There was another reason for us to be proud, too. Beta Beta Chapter was presented with a scholarship cup for having the highest scholastic average of any sorority on tre Greeley campus. This is a great honor, we think, so we were all beaming as only Alpha Sigma Alphas can beam!

Four days after Christmas we had our Christmas Brunch and bridge party at the lovely home of Mrs. Grace Davies and what a wonderful time we had! The brunch was delicious and the "white elephants" exchanged were the nicest ever. The rest of the morning and early afternoon was spent playing bridge along with chatting and getting acquainted with new members. Our January meeting was a most interesting one with such a fine attendance. We met at Helen Hay's home for dessert and a fur demonstration, complete with models and beautiful fur coats. Those of us who don't have a fur coat are "drooling" now and feel much, much more capable of making a wise selection if ever we have the chance. 路 I must tell you how thrilled we are with our growing membership. Each meeting we find that old members have returned and new ones ate attending. Our hopes are high for the future of the Denver chapter. Yours in A"i:.A, Kay Wheeler

DES MOINES, IOWA Dear A"i:.A's Everywhere: Here it is almost spring! What a busy, beautiful, mild winter it has been for us. We wish "the same to you and yours" as Mr. Feathers on the radio says. It was a delightful occasion in 1949 when Des Moines alumnae gathered at the home of Rita Selvy for the Christmas party. Assisting hostesses were Ferne Johnson and Dorothy Whitten. Dorothy's daughter, Ruth Ann, had made very pretty red, and white lace nut cups. Rita's son, Larry, had help~d to put up her very attractive Christmas decorations. Ferne brought a friend who gave a very interesting Christmas program. It was good to see June Owen and Julia Butler there, the first time since the arrival of June's twins who are cute as can be. Another "long time no see"-Louise Boiler was there. Our president, Albertine Geist, vice-president, Lillian Jacobson, and secretary-treasurer, Dorothy Pryor, Foe Shawhan, Myrna Hutchinson, Leona Wilcox, t~ hostesses and myself-and I do hope I haven't missed anybody. January 26, was Mrs. Barr's birthday. No we don't know which one. Albertine, Lillian Jacobson and Bernice Stevens took her a birthday cake. She was showered with cards and how she did enjoy all of it. She has called or written every one who sent her a greeting-she just never had so many cards in her life. By the time you read this the Valentine tea scheduled at Foe Shawhan's home on Sunday, February 12, will have been. But as I write this, we are looking forward to Foe's cordial hospitality. Edith Burr's brother, the Rev . Amos C. Burr, and Georgia Barton's mother were married in Omaha, November 25. If Georgia is Edith's sister, does this make her aunt to her sister? This could be one of those brain teasers couldn't it? Georgia's address is 2822 University Avenue, Des Moines 1 1. She is bedfast all of the time now. Why don't you drop her a card? After Lyda McBride had read in these columns that Hildegarde Nissley's daughter, Ida Grace, was at Coty College, she told her daughter Marilyn about it. Marilyn is also a student at Coty. The girls had known each other and been quite good friends without knowing their mothers had been A"i:.A's . Lois Nichols Sweeney's daughter is seventeen and her twin boys are thirteen. They are all active in high school and scout activities. Lillian's daughter Ann is playing cello in the Drake Civic Symphony and also in Simpson College String Ensemble. She and Bernice Steven's daughter Paula are in their first class together

MARCH, 1950 at East High in Des Maines . They are enjoying being ta路gether since their mothers have always been such good friends. Kenneth Geist (Albertine's son) is a pre medic student at Drake. Leona Welch's daughter Geraldine is enrolled in the Fine Arts College at Drake. Dorothy 路Curtis last her mother and Margaret Meek last her father, both some little time ago. However, our sympathy is extended to both of them. Helen Wilcox is now working in the Des Moines office of Internal Revenue. Dorothy Whitten's Billy had his leg broken in a s liding accident and was confined at Still College Ostopathic hospital in Des Maines. Lyda McBride is teaching this year and liking it she says. We'll hope to be visiting with you again in the next Phoeni x-why don't you drop me a line sa there'll be some news? Yours in A"2.A, Florence Harley

DETROIT, MICHIGAN We greeted 1 950 with enthusiasm as we're all anxious to get going an our philanthropic projects for this year . The past two months we've se nt comfort gifts to the Veterans' Hospital, Indianapolis, Indiana, and to Billings Hospital at Fort Benjam in Harrison . (Many of us contributed shaving lations, talcums and soaps, etc., while others gave money for cartons of cigarettes and other 路g ifts for which the committee feels there is a need ). At our next meeting at Floss ie Boenings, we're going to start rolling cancer pads. We'll take along our needles and thread , old linens for the pads, and white shirts which our husbands have di~carded to be made into men's hospital gowns. Someone is bringing a sewing machine too, so we'll stitch and roll for this worthy cause a s we catch up on sorority news. Our chapter is sending at least one child to the Grace Bentley Crippled Children's Camp for two weeks next summer. The camp is located near Lexington , Michigan . Money from our regular raffles of baked goods at meetings, and proceeds from our spring party when we invite our husbands, pay their admission, se ll soft drinks, play bingo, etc., will be used. Last November our chapter assisted at Panhellenic as co-hostesses. Louise Stirton and Kathleen Schwabb ably represented us in this. In November too, Norma Aliber entertained us in her home; Marie Lutz invited us in December; and January found us at Loui se MacArthur's charming apartment. Kathleen Schwabb entertained in February. We are proud of our chapter's record on this too--more girls have wanted us to meet at their homes than we have meetings sc hedul ed . We're considering having a directory printed with all of our member's names, addresses and phone numbers. If you have a friend who's moved to the Detroit area, please let us know sa that she may be included. Sincerely, Charlotte Jorgensen

DETROIT, RHO CHI Hi, all of you! We've been "partying" a great deal through our recent holiday sea son; November turned our regular meeting into a Bingo Frolic and November also brought, of course, our Founder's Day commemoration on the 12th. We included that evening, the initiation of the college chapters' new members and all of us greedily enjoyed ourselves afterward confronted with a beautiful red and white cake . Our own Wayne University had their Homecoming on the 4th and 5th of the month, and the annual

29 st udent celebration, "Wintermart" came on the 18th and 19th-a carnival of fun for as 路much or as little a s you cared to pay. These two Univers ity activities bring out the festive mood of all types of people-fantastic fortunetellers, games of chance, souvenirs to buy, and much , much more. The Christmas gathering at the presidents' home, Jean Siegenthaler, with a red and green motif produced exchange gifts for all of us-and a mountain of children's trinkets collected for our local Herman Kiefer hospital. A Christmas remembrance was arranged for then, too, to be taken to Fran Vrenenberg, whose illness has saddened us all. The active-alum social whirl on December 27th brought many of us together again immediately after the "jolly" day. Wow, am I up to January? At that meeting , at Margaret Dunford's home, we took a long breath and plunged into an evening of business, caught up on our holiday doings, reinstated our future, and discussed our past. We talked about our philanthropic program, looked at our volume of greeting cards received from other chapters at Christmas time (commenting on the volume we sent) and decided to catch up on our wedding presents by purchasing a "lot" of pie-servers for the girls with the Alpha Sigma Alpha crest. Other interesting items came up in the course of our sojourn there-would you like to hear? Margaret Dunford was chosen a s our candidate for the Wilma Wilson Sharpe award- Mar ian Tate and Ruth Mawso n announced their wedding dates in June; to Bill Houts and Vince Hudie respectively, lucky guys - Doris Inwood is wearing a sparkler, we understand, but the young man's name is a secret to us thus far-Two little girls and a little boy have been added to the domestic life of (in order) Jane Charvat, Kay Diegel , and Rose Smithso n - Emma Rittenger has left our ranks to join the staff of the Veteran's Administration in Huntington, West Virginia. Would yo ur hear more? Pat Woolever's little girl is a YEAR old- Ann Rozick has moved to Minneapolis to live and work-Pat Barnes is safe ly back from Syracuse with her Maste r's degree-And I' m safely back from Minnesota with half of mine. Feb ruary brings to light our little card pa rty when we play everything from Canasta to Pinoc hle-and Rummy to Bridge-at Jane Charvat's in Grosse Pointe Woods, but our scrapbook fairly bulges with the good things that prove our activities s ince we became an A"2.A and I must desist- to all of you our love, Our love, Bobs Di ckieson

FT. WAYNE, INDIANA On October 15, 1949, a group of Alpha Sigma Alpha enthusiasts in and around Ft. Wayne met at the home of Mrs. Wayne Dibert to organize an Alumnae Chapter of the Sorority. Those who helped us get a good start were Mi ss Eloise Proctor, of Indianapolis, Alumnae Editor of The Phoenix, Miss Esther Burge, also of Indianapo li s, Mrs. Charles Alvey, Preside nt of the Munci e Alumnae Chapter, Mrs. LeRoy Miller, also of Munci e, and Miss Nadine LeClere, President of Chi Chi Chapter at Ball State Teachers Co llege in Muncie, Indiana . And now, here are a few words about our membe rs: Martha Stuckey, our president, was a charter member of Chi Chi Chapter at Ball State Teac hers College, was a charter member of the Muncie Alumnae Chapter, was president of the South Bend Chapter, and was a charter member of the Ft. Wayne Alumnae Chapter. She is now teaching third and fourth grades at Miner School in Ft.



Left to rig ht: Frances Miller, Gene Anne Zimmerman, Martha Stuckey, Ruth Smith, Thelma Zumbaugh , Margaret D1bert, Ev a Ziewitt.

Wayne, and is working on her master's degree at Colorado State College of Education during the summers. We ore proud of the fact that Martha is a member of Pi Lambda Theta , Notional Honorary Sorority for Women in Education. The Vice President, Gehe Anne Zimme rman, graduated from Boll State Teachers College in 1949, ready to teach physical education in the Columbia City High School. We ore always eager to hear of her latest escapades with the old school bus she uses to transport her GAA members. The secretory and publicity chairman, Ruth Smith, graduated from Boll State in 1948, taught home economics one year at Montpelier High School, and is now the Asst. Home Demonstration Agent of Allen County. Mrs. Wayne Dibert (Margaret Allen ), our treasurer, is also a Boll State product, who taught school for awhile, but is now training her awn two sons. Eva Kiewitt, who is teaching physical education and English at Berne, is our Philanthropic Chairman. This year we donated a cord table to the Neighborhood House and will cooperate in the state project by sending a box to the Veterans' Hospital in Indianapolis. As on active member of the Chi Chi Chapter at Boll State, Eva was a candidate for the Elizabeth Bird Small Award in 1949. Mrs. Leonard Zumbough (Thelma Woltz) now has her own home in Ft. Wayne. Her husband is a pilot for the Consolidated Aircraft Corporation. Her two sons no doubt give her plenty to do. Miss Frances Miller was president of the Chi Chi Chapter in '46-'47 and her niece, Nodine LeClere, is president of some this year. Fran is now teaching at Kendallville. Ruth Von Deursen is teaching elementary and high school physical education at Aubu ~n for the second year. Sh"e was a 1 948 graduate of Boll State. Mrs. Jock Quinn (Martha Worster ) graduated from Boll State in 1949, and was married in September, 1949, to the Asst. Coach at Central Catholic High School in Ft. Wayne. Ruth Smith

FORT WORTH, TEXAS Hello, Alpha Sigs: We of the new Fort Worth Alumnae chapter ore having a wonderful time renewing our contacts with A"J:.A. Although we ore short in number (we hove six members now), we feel that we ore off to a flying start with such on enthusiastic group. Our organizational meeting was in the form of . a luncheon at the Blackstone Hotel in November. Then , after our charter arrived in December, we followed with another meeting in January 14 . At this time Oakley Thomas Morrison entertained us with a coffee at the

Stovall tearoom. We hod such a pleasant meeting and mode plans for trying to contact more Alpha Sigs in the Fort Worth area . We ore putting stories of our meetings and plans in the local pap-ers in an attempt to reach other Alpha Sigs and bring them into our fold . We feel certain there are more of us here some place, and we're determined to find them . Our next meeting will be the last of February or the first part of March at the home of Martha Green Dimond, our president. We're looking forward to it. Two of our members are teaching this year. Mrs. Morrison is librarian at North Side High School, and Jean Reid Taylor is the art teacher in the new Bluebonnet School. The remainder of us are tending "home fires." Next time we hope we have some new members to tell you about. Yours in A"J:.A, Virginia Tieman Dixon

HAYS, KANSAS Dear Alpha Sigs: Here we are again with another newsletter! Those old months do roll around rapidly, don 't they? We have been on the job anyway getting our own Tau Tau alumnae newsletter out, our second since our re -organization; so this will be an easy one. We mailed 125 copies of the first newsletter with several more not going out for lack of addresses. So far we ' ve had wonderful cooperation from our Tau Tau's and the news keeps coming in . As we mentioned in our first Phoenix letter, the alumnae have been re-organized here in the Hays vicinity and re- instated with National, which makes us all very happy. Since then, we have gone all out in an effort to help the active chapter build themselves up a bit. We helped with the Homecoming coffee at the home of Shirley Clarke Carmichael in November, and also had a series of four parties during rush week. Two were at the home of Geraldine Chittenden Huff and the other two were at Shirley's. We had our November meeting ot the home of Doris Swanson Burtcher and were pleasantly surprised with a lovely visit from Mary Alice Wiesner Rae from Westcreek, Colorado, who happened to be in town visiting her mother. Mary Alice lives on a ranch with husband Orville and son Phillip where they raise Black Angus cattle. Plans were made for another newsletter at that time and the address file was checked as far as was possible. The January meeting was held at the home of Philomena Mullen Ball and plans were made for the installation of the new patroness for the active chapter, Mrs. Van Hartman of Hays. This service will be held March 20 with the alums presiding. Eleanor Meyer Stuppy, Agnes Tullis Bird, Katherine Pratt Mermis, Beth Harkness Renning, Mary Earl Pearson, and Philomena Ball were present. We received a lovely letter from Marvel Bradbury Barnett who lives in Sacramento, California, where she manages her own general insurance firm. She lost her husband in January 1 949 and the chapter offers their condolences. Marvel is going to Europe this April (and don't we all wish she could find room for us) after which she will be at the company's annual convention in Colorado Springs, Colorado, in June, for which she had to qualify. Eunice Bradbury McDonald now lives in Reno, Nevada, where her husband devotes his time to managing his two furniture stores both in Reno and Sparks, Nevada. She has two lovely daughters, Janis Ann, 11, and Koren, 6. Effie Dennison Small is now at Sterling, Illinois, where her husband is a manager for the Crosley Electric Appli-

MARCH, 1950


once company. They have two boys, Don, 13, and Kenny, 9. Beth Osborne Ridley lives in Nashville, Tennessee. She has identical twin daughters aged three, Nancy and GiGi. Sylvia Schlegel Crumpacker lives in Delta , Colorado, where her husband teaches industrial arts in the local high school. They have two children, Sue, who is in junior high, and four year old Steve. Priscilla Wilson Newcomer lives in ElDorado, Kansas, and has a son Lynn, eight years old . This will surely be about all the Phoenix has space for , so until the next news date, goodbye and good luck to all Alpha Sigs, from Tau Tau Alums, Mary Earl Pearson

HONOLULU, T. H. Dear Alpha Sigs : Aloha from Hawaii! The re hasn't been much activity in Hawaii since the last issue of the "Phoenix." Our last event was a dinner dance at the Aala Wai Officers Club in December. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Pratt, Mr. and Mrs. Boysen, Elizabeth Abrams, Kenneth Drewl iner, Marge Forrester, Capt. Gladys Spring, Cmdr . Boggs, Edna Bergman, Jack Simms, Capt. and Mrs. Henry T. Wilson, Jr., enjoyed dancing under a black velvet sky studded with diamond stars. Yes, this was the real "McCoy"; no substitute for nature's beauty here. We haven't heard from our former secretary, Edna Bergman, since she left for the Mainland . Maybe she became strangled in those 50 or 60 leis presented to her at a farewell cocktail party in her stateroom on the Lurline the day of her departure . The Lurline is the lu x ury liner running between Hawaii and San Francisco. There's one thing, as the colorful liner pulled out of the Honolulu harbor -to the strains of Aloha Oe, tears didn't have far to drop. She had so many leis around her neck she had to pull them down to see out. We mi ss you, Eddie, and hope you will write telling us you at least survived all the kisses that were given with the leis. This is an路 old Hawaiian custom observed by everyone. Great idea , don't you think? Marge Forrester has also left our small circle to join her husband on Guam . With everyone leaving, our happy group is getting smaller. Any Alpha Sig who knows of someone living in the Hawaiian Islands, please contact our President, Mrs. Kenneth Pratt, 1552 Thurston Ave., Honolulu, T . H., or either the National President or Alumnae Secretary. Our next meeting will be at the new home of Florence Boysen . Aloha, Mildred Koch Wilson

INDtANAPOLIS, INDIANA Dear Alpha Sigs: Another issue of the Phoenix, and an opportunity to visit with you on A'2:.A happenings. Our November meeting was a supper meeting at my place. To Genevieve Leib, Adelaide McCarty, and Betty Rice, the assistant hostesses, goes the praise for the delicious food we enjoyed. Bereneice Martin and Betty Soland were back with us, to our great pleasure, as well as Mary Frances Patterson, a Muncie graduate . Under the leadership of our president, Florence Lull, the Founder's Day program was impressively given by Frances Shaw, Frances Rose and Letha Gaskins . Our Christmas meeting was held in the home of Jean McCammon, with Julia Gerlach, Bereneice Martin and Helen Noblitt assisting . The program, The Story of the First Christmas, was followed by the sp irit of giving. All

A'2:.A's made doll aprons to be a part of the gifts given to the children at Mayer Chapel for Christmas. Letha Gaskins was the hostess for the February supper meeting with Jane McDavitt and Helen Emick as assistant hostesses. As usual, a delicious meal was enjoyed by all. Thi s was followed by entertainment in the true Gaskin manner. 0. K., Letha's husband, a true A'2:.A auxiallary member, assisted Letha in the showing of movies they took on the Pacific coast. These pictures were in color, and though they were the first color pictures they had taken they were wonderful. The movie was highlighted with a pop-corn vendor and side patter by the Gaskins. Don't be surprised to hear them on the radio some day, they are equally as good as any family program . Two Chi Chi alumnae, Berneice Allen and Doris Wishard, we re the guests of the eve路ning, as well as Mrs. Turner, Mary Gallagher's mother from Wisconsin. It's funny how our tastes turn to the warmer climates during the winter months and several of our members have been fortunate in satisfying this desire. Jean and Bert McCammon were in Florida for several weeks following Christmas. Lena Grumme attended the Mayflower convention in Miami and is still there enjoying the warm sun rays . Genevieve Leib left Wednesday for a month's 路 stay at The Sekon-in-the-Palms, Pass A Grille Beach, a twenty minute drive from St. Petersburg. Adelaide McCarty is in the sunny south with her sister and husband. What are the others doing? Staying at home and busy as you will see. I think I told you Evelyn Hall had moved to the country. She is busy with the live stock, the latest a baby lamb which has to be bottle fed . Evelyn expects to take it to school to visit her first grade one of these days. Won't they have fun? Dorothy Karrmann has enlarged their kitchen and breakfast room, a perfect place for A'2:.A's to congregate-but lo! they are the proud owners of a television set. No place in the kitchen for it so back to the other part of the house . Jane McDavitt has been very active in Panhellenic work as a member of the education committee, and doing a grand job. However, this week I learned that Mary Ann , her little sixyear-old daughter, was in bed with Rheumatic Fever. We all hope that it will not be long before Mary Ann will be well. Betty Rice has been a busy gal at Veteran's Hospital in furthering A'2:.A's philanthropic project as well as her own work with the veterans. Until the May issue, when we'll be talking to you again, may you enjoy the fellowship of A'2:.A sisters. Eloise Proctor

KANSAS CITY, MISSOURJ It has been so long since Kansa s City has reported any news that we will have to go back to last fall and bring you up to date on our activities. The Kansas City Alumnae chapter were indeed .happy and proud-and a little boastful-to have our National President, Wilma Sharp; National Treasurer, Esther Bucher; former Constitution Chairman, Phon Gillispie; Chapter President, Ddphene Copenhaver, all attend the convention in August. Because of their vivid and descriptive report~ of the highlights, we felt that our Se ptember meeting was the next thing to being right there at Gratiot Inn. As we crossed the gang plank from Marion Fischer's lovely living room into her sun parlor, we 'found ourselves in a nautical setting. The water scene of the walls was complete with sea gulls, anchors, lifesavers and netssome of these, by the way, were the same ones used at the convention . Red and white paper ropes represented the ship's rail. A large boat with A'2:.A flags and small ceramic ships-brought back by Daphene-made up the



ALUMNAE OF KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI centerpiece of the moin table. Even the small hats used as place cards had been used there, a Iso. Our refreshments of ice cream boats with small white cakes decora ted in red carried the "set sail" theme still further . After luncheon, we moved into the living room for the report of the convention. Daphene Copenhaver, President, gave a general report of the happenings. Phon Gillispie brought us up to date on the new constitution and bylaws; then, a discussion of the finances by Esther Bucher and lastly, our own Wilma Sharp, gracious and charming as ever, gave us an inspiring message from National. So you can readily see why the 33 girls who gathered there that day are now making plans for our part in 1952. Any October in Mi ssouri is truly lovely, and October 15, 1949, was no exception. Th is was the day we met at Margaret Bryant's in Kansas City, Kansas. After the business meeting , our able auctioneer, Mary K. Reiff, conducted our annual gadget sale-just one more means of raising money. Each member b rought a gadget which was auctioned to the highest bidder. Some of the articles proved rather costly but who cared so long as our treasury benef ited? Margaret, assisted by Daphene Copenhaver, Beth Majors, and Jane Burns, served us delicious pumpkin pie with whipped cream, coffee, nuts and mints. We were happy to have several new girls at this meeting . I am sure all Alpha Sigs look forward to our Founder's Day meetings . This year the hostesses, Rubye Waterbury, Dorothy Clifton, Evalyn Evans and Mary K. Reiff, arranged for a delightful and impressive meeting at Dorothy's new home. How I envy those girls who plan and do their own homes so beautifully. Group sing ing , of songs from the new A"2.A song book, led by Serena Englehart and Katherine Crawley, both new K. C. alumnae girls, and listening to recordings made by Dorothy Kreek' s small son and by Jo McMillan, were features of the evening. Dorothy took flash pictures of the groupsomething we have planned to do for so long. The cake the girls served was actually a dream. Imagine a beautiful white cake decorated with a red Phoenix placed be-

tween two crystal candlesticks entwined by American Beauty roses! Of course, we had to have our pictures taken around that, also. Favors were little memo booklets with A"2.A crest-thanks to Mary K. Even amid all the Chri stmas activities, 19 girls managed to meet at the Aladdin Hotel for a luncheon on December 17th. No spec ial program was planned but the ones there report an enjoyable get-together. Our 1950 meetings started out with a real treat! What group of gals isn't thrilled by the sight of the first hint of a spr ing hat? The feature of the January meeting was just that! The hostesses, Phon Gillispie, Virginia Callison, Frances Raine and Hildred Fitz arranged for Albert, brother of our own Ruth Fleischaker, who is a designer here in Kansas City, to give a demonstration of hat des igning and a preview of this spring's hats. Two of our girls, Ma x ine Welch and Betty Vance, were the love li est models imaginable . We were really flattered that he gave this program as a compliment to Ruth's A"2.A sisters . Preceding the program, we enjoyed the luncheon on the balcony at Prices. Well, that about brings Kansas City up to date . We are expecting to have our annual Valentine tea February 19th, so you'll hear about that next time. Now just a word about ou r philanthropic activities. We are carrying on the same projects at last year-those of giving clothing to needy high school students, contributions to the Spastic Center for Children and our money donations to various agencies here in the city. With best wishes to all A"2.A's everywhere . Elizabeth Frazee Danclavic

LICKING-MUSKINGUM VALLEY, OHIO Just a word of greeting from us in .Lic ki ng-Muskingum Valley. Our biggest news, of course, is our organization . So far, most of our thoughts have been concerned with a charter and getting ourse lves a name. However, with that settled, we can now devote ourselves to useful and constructive sorority activities.

MARCH, 1950 We ore still very young, but have taken that first ste p. We have invited our neighbors, Columbus Alums, to a Spring Luncheon at Granville Inn . We will now be busy planning for favors, program, etc., for this event. It is so nice to belong; again, to the ever-growing Alpha Sigma Alpha family, and each one of us says "Hello" to all our sisters everywhere. Lovingly in A'2:.A, Jane Jackson

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA Dear Alpha Sigs : The Los Angeles Alumnae Chapter seems to be growing in leaps and bounds. Every meeting brings an addition of new faces . We ore so pleased to have with us now Marion Thomas Chabot from the Buffalo Chapter, Mrs. Nell McMahan and her sister Libby Hoffman from the Wichita, Kansas, Chapter, and Edna Bergman from the Hawaii Chapter. We had a grand Christmas party in December at the home of Connie Tracy Holland and exchanged gifts. By the way, . we wish to thank all those chapters who sent us Christmas cards. They were passed around at our party and sincerely appreciated . On the third Thursday of January, our meet ing was held at the home of our prexy, Eleanor Kawalewsky, in Woodland Hills. It is a good forty minutes' drive from Hollywood, and so some of us decided to go together in one car. It turned out that seven of us went in Loi s Backhaus' Ford Convertible. What a merry bunch we were! Passing cars looked at us in amazement, but at least that's one solution to the transportation prob lem and a fine way to really get acquainted. After our business meeting, we played Canasta-each player contributing soc路 to our philanthropic fund for the privilege of playing . The two winners for the evening were given prizes. Everyone enjoyed the delicious persimmon pudding and coffee Eleanor served us. We ore looking forward to our big semi-formal Valentine Dance on Saturday night, February 11th, to be held at the large and beautiful Canfield Home hi (1h on a hill overlooking Hollywood. Many of us from Xi Xi Chapter have happy memories of that romantic place, for we used to hold a number of our dances and formal affairs there in college days. For this occasion, we have a sked the Xi X i Chapter to join us; al so, each couple is permitted to bring another couple not necessarily connected with the sorority. We're charging two .dollars per couple, and after the expenses are paid, we should be able to swe ll the treasury a bit. I'm on the decoration committee, so you can picture me cutting out red paper hearts for the next few days~ Yours in A'2:.A, Marian Lee Uones) Myers

MARYVILLE, MISSOURI Dear Alpha Sigs : Greetings to all of you from the Phi Phi Chapter. We missed the November issue, so will do our best to make up for it this issue. We have been having a meeting every month this year, so we have kept in closer contact, and have an unusually large and well-organized group. Our first meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Clem Price, one of the patronesses, who graciously offers her home for a meeting every year. It was a wonderful meeting, and we were especially pleased with the program . Polly Cramer and

33 Katie Espey, the president and vice-president of the active chapter, were with us to describe their trip to the co nvention this summer. We were so sorry that none of us were able to attend , and I know there wasn't one there who didn't feel a twinge of envy as they de~cribed their eventful stay at Gratiot Inn . They had brought all so rts of so uvenirs, and told us about all of th e meetings and parties. The inspiration they felt was obvious, and I feel sure the active chapter activities this year wi II be influenced by the suggest ions and ideas they received while there. Our Founder's Day Banquet was路 held at the Country Club November 4, on Saturday, in the m idst of the col)ege homecoming activities. We had an even larger attendance than we had hoped, and you can imagine what fun we all had seeing our friends from awa y. We were honored to have President J. W . Jones of the college with us as guest and speaker. Mrs. Jones has been a patroness of the sorority for many years, and despite their many duties and obligations in that respons ib le position, they never fail to offer their home for meetings, and show their interest in innumerable other ways. It was the perfect touch for a wonderful dinner, and the homecoming activities all day culminated in what we all considered the nicest gathering we could ever have. Thi s fall we helped the active chapter give a rummage sale, the profits to be used for redecorating their chapter room . It was very successful, and they now have a very attractive room in which to welcome their new pledges. Another spotlight in our activities this year was our annual Christmas tea, which is always held in Mrs. Kuchs' lovel y home. Those of you who are familiar with our chapter know the invaluable assistance and interest Mrs. Kuchs has given to both the active and alumnae chapters . I sometimes think ou r password here is "Ask Mrs. Kuchs," for she is alwa ys ready to advise or help anyone, and we always feel free to as k her. She has recently redecorated her hom e, and with her Chri stmas decorations, we had a perfect setting for our tea. All of the alumnae, actives and patronesses were invited , and we had a Chri st mas prog_ram a s entertainment. It was more of a party, since we all stayed and talked, and had the program, really much nicer than the "eat and leave" type of tea. Mrs. J . M. Gerlash, the former Betty Selecman, from Tarki o, was here, and brought her very attractive young daughter, Barbara. Mi ss Ballinger, of the Tarkio College music department, accompanied Barbara as she sang , "The Night Before Chri stmas." We all enjoyed so much being entertained by a "future A'2:.A." The history of the song was anothe r number on the program, and Mrs. Ernest Pugh, our last year's . president, read us a Christmas story. Miss Barbre Bollinder, a Swedish exchange student at the co llege, sang seve ral so ngs of her native land, describing each before she sang it. She is a very charming girl , and we enjoyed her so much . As we ate our delicious Christmas cookies, and drank our hot spicy cranberry punch, we decided ou r Christmas teo is one of our nicest events of the year. (Thanks to Mrs . Kuchs.) Our next meeting is Febr uary 10, a bridge and canasta party, with a short business meeting . As you can see, we vary our entertainment, and always have a good time and large attendance . That see ms to be about all for now. You will be hearing from us again in the May issue-u ntil then, Yours in A'2:.A, Shirley Scruby


34 MUNCIE, INDIANA Hello Alpha Sigs : We were unable to tell about the benefit bridge in the last letter so lend an ear. In October the actives and alumnae groups sponsored a benefit bridge. It was held at Lucina Hall on the Ball State campus. There were 20 . tables and many of the merchants near the campus and down town donated gifts for the door prizes. A few of the stores were Ball Stores, Miller Florists, Love's Florists, and Edna Mae Candy Shop. The alums made cookies and cakes for gifts too. We were so happy to have with us Mrs. L. H. Whitcraft, former active patroness, and e ight members of the Indianapolis group. Mrs. Genevieve Leib, Editor, and Miss Eloise Proctor, the Alumnae Editor, were two of the eight. This money made from the benefit will go for philanthropic work. Several were back for Homecoming and those who were able to attend had a lot of fun . Our November meeting was held in the sewing room of Ball Memorial Hospital. We didn 't sew but we wrapped bandages and talked. In December we had a Christmas party with Rose Kaiser a s hostess. We also brought food for a Christmas basket which was given to a needy family. The January meeting was held at the home of Velma Threshe r. Plans were started for a tea to be held March 12th following the initiation se rvices of the active group. Our president, Carmen Alvey, has a new arrival in her home . She and her husband have adopted a baby boy, Charles David . He is almost six months old now and they are so thrilled. We won't have an Alpha Sig, though. Carmen and her husband flew to Miami, Florida , before Christmas for their vacation. They went deep sea fishing and caught so me big one, too. Grace Rankin and her family had a wonderful vacation during the Chri stmas holidays. They drove to Texa s and on to Mexico. She regretted that they didn't have more time . Jeanne Moulton, a former member of our group who is now living in Denver, Colorado, was at her home in Parker for three weeks during the holidays. Rather coincidentally, I found out I' ve known her sister for quite some time and didn't know they were sisters. Elinor Keller is busy teaching music at Harrison School near Muncie. She provides special musical numbers for many programs. Last summer she had a girls trio on our local radio station, WLBC, every Saturday afternoon. We wish to whole-heartedly say congratulations to the . new Ft. Wayne alumnae group . We are happy for Martha Stuckey and know that her months of effort and work have not been in vain. Yours in A'2.A, Velma Thresher

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK Dear Alpha Sigs: Since our last report, the New York Alums have been very busy with the work at St. Giles in Garden City. Under the capable leadership of Dot Good several of our members have given freely of their time and have spent many Saturday afternoons entertaining the paralyzed children who ore cared for at St. Giles. I am hoping that Dot can find time to write a special article. for you on tbis work for I believe that you will find it both interesting and informative a s well as a suggestion of the type of thing that you might undertake in your own groups. Our December meeting was a Christmas party held at the home of Marie Zavislan and in February Olive Watkinson was hostess at a Sunday afternoon tea. Coming

soon will be our "sweetheart" party, and possibly a theater party. Jackie Brookheiser, who has been our program chairman for the first part of this year has had to resign because her husband has been transferred to Boston. So you Boston Alpha Sigs-here is a wonderful addition for your group. Things are a little short and sweet this time-hope will have a more complete report next issue . Love in A'2.A, Virginia Whidden

NIAGARA FALLS, NEW YORK Dear Alpha Sigs: It's been a long time since you have heard from the Niagara Falls Alpha Sigs, so I will do my best to bring you up to date. Our president, Mrs. Nassea Hodge, the former Ann McGuth, has added the duties of a housew ife to every day teaching . She and her husband, who also is in the teaching profession, are now happily settled in their attractive apartment. Charlotte Miller was the hostess for a very festive Christmas supper party during the holiday season. A gift basket was prepared and delivered to a needy family . A successful January meeting at the home of Mrs. Norma Tatomer was highlighted with a talk on the care of the hair by " Sal ," a noted Niagara Falls hair stylist. A food sale is being planned for our February meeting . Mrs. Rose Abate will be hostess for that event. Many of our Alpha Sigs have been theatre conscious and have confributed much of their time and ability to the Little Theatre productions here in the Falls. Marcie Wozniak and Chuckie Miller are among those who have enjoyed back stage work and bit parts. Marcie recently gave a fine portrayal in a leading role in the " Male Animal. " I have been fortunate enough to be elected to the Board of Directors for the Niagara Falls Little Theatre Group and have been appointed chairman of play try-outs for the year. We are happy to welcome Bernit~ Adams, a newcomer to our group, who is now teaching in the Falls . Love in A'2.A , Alice Wincenc

PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA The Philadelphia Alpha Sigs want to extend a vote of thanks to the Indianapolis chapter for pledging such nice people ! What we mean is that Mrs. Frances Peltier from that city has definitely not forgotten that she is an Alpha Sig. And we lucky Alpha Sigs are on the receiving end. Mrs. Peltier, whose husband is in charge of refrigeration at the Philco Corporation, has a very, very lovely home in Jenkintown, and on February 1 1 in the beautiful sunken living room we all enjoyed a most delightful Valentine Tea . Mrs. Peltier herself was the hostess-and a more charming one we can't imagine! All we had to do was to sit back and enjoy it! Here's hoping Mrs. Peltier read s the Phoenix because we certainly want her to know how very much we appreciate her warm hospitality. Sincerely, Georgia E. Dintiman

PITTSBURG, KANSAS I would like to take this opportunity to go back a few months and report on our Founders' Day celebration. The alumnae and actives observed the day together, with the alumnae preparing and serving a covered dish supper in

MARCH, 1950 one of the buildings on the Pittsburg Teachers campus. The actives presented o short program ond o fine time was hod by the ninety-five Alphas present. The Alumnae Chapter has been selling greeting cards for some time and did especially well at Christmas time. Margaret Pennock

RICHMOND, VIRGINIA The Richmond Alumnae Chapter has been quite busy. We hod a delightful Chr istmas party in the farm of a dinner donee an December 17th. This put everyone in quite a festive mood for the holidays. At the January meeting we elected office(s for 1 950 . Grace Wallace Roper reported on the welfare work done by the chapter. The most interesting report was on the Ward Party held by the local A};A's at McGuire Government Hospital here in Richmond. Plans were mode for another such event to be held this month. Groce also told us how much our donations of clothes and food are appreciated by the Welfare Deportment here in Richmond. Ella Marsh Adams had the February meeting in her new home. We hod a grand time and , as always, felt that our ties in Alpha Sigma Alpha were strengthened by being together. Harriet Moomaw Leek

ROCHESTER, NEW YORK Dear Alpha Sigs : Much has happened in the "Flower City" since you lost heard from us. We really got into the spirit of Christmas at our annual party at Ruth Puis' home. We were given scissors, paper, ribbon and on ideo! From these emerged our Christmas cords. Speaking of Christmas and for all of the Rochester Alums-many thanks to all of you for the lovely cords you sent. In January we hod on informal meeting at Betty Clancy's. The California weather we hod enabled a good number to attend. Our President, Jane Widger, gave us a report about our latest philanthropic work. We have adopted four elderly ladies at the Monroe County Home . But more about that later. We ore all looking forward to the annual DinnerDonee sponsored by the Notional Ponhellenic group in Rochester, at the Un iversity Club on February 4th . From all reports, it promises to be a very gala affair. We are sincerely enjoying being a port of the Ponhellenic group here. A few weeks ago, Eleanor Hewitt was guest soloist on radio station WHAM, on affiliate of the NBC network. Congratulations! I must go now and pock my suitcase for the annual Health and Physical Education Convention in Syracuseso until we meet againLove in A};A, Betty Clancy

ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI Dear Alpha Sigmas : Greetings to all our sisters, for and near. We hope your Christmas holidays were happy ones and that the new year hos rich blessings and much joy in store for you. We ore happy to report that our chapter is growing . We now hove almost forty names on our li st and our meetings ore very well attended . Our annual Christmas party was held on December 4 at the home of Helen Johnson Griffith (ABl with forty present, including mem-

35 bers and guests. We hod much fun playing games and Charades after a delicious buffet supper . In January, we met at the home of Marion Porter Sunnen (AB) for a dessert luncheon . Our program was a talk on the work being done in the Economic and Social Council of the United Notions, given by Mrs. F. L. Booth of the Webster League of Women Voters. She stressed the importance of help to the backward areas so that they may develop their natural resources, expand world trade and raise their living standards. Our last meeting was a Volentine party on February 11 in the Fiesta Grill of the Hotel Chose. After a delicious luncheon, canasta and bridge were played, while our hostess kept the nut and candy dishes well filled. Our chapter has been represented at the St. Louis Panhellenic Council by Bonnie Payne Koenemonn (Zeta Zeta ). We have contributed to the Philanthropic Fund, and will attend the annual card party in April for the benefit of the scholarship fund . ' I would like to tell you of all the interesting things our members are doing . Some ore business women as well as home makers; there will be some new bab ies to report before the year is over; and all our members ore very busy people, doing much to help with the work of civic and church organizations in their communities. Eleanor Cisco Leek (Alpha Beta) is a member of the St. Louis Philharmonic Orchestra . She ploys first clarinet and will appear as soloist at the next concert. Georgiana Robinson Moser (Alpha Alpha ), who lives in Dallas, Texas, visited in St. Louis on her return t rip from Ohio early in September. Berrien Williams (Alpha Beta ), who teaches commercial subjects and journalism at Hadley Technical High School , hod on interesting summer. During the first six weeks she se rved a s medical secretory at the Shriner's Hospital for Crippled Children in St. Loui s. The next three weeks were spent in Colorado with friends . Louise Barnes Moore (Alpha Beta ) is st ill confined at St. Mary's Hospital , St. Louis. I'm sure a note from any friends who knew Loui se would bring cheer and be greatly appreciated . (Mrs. Charles Moore, 3720 Oakmont Drive, Normandy, Mo.l Sh irley Malone (Zeta Zeta ) was graduated in August from nurses training at Barnes Hospital and is now serving at Ch ildren 's Hospital which is also connected with Washington University. Christine and Carlene Nelson (A lpha Beta) ore also in training at Barnes Hospital , St. Louis, Mo. Judy Tibbs (Zeta Zeta ) is serving as Health Education Director for the Young Women's Chri stian Associat ion, St. Louis. Gladys Marsh (Eta Eta ) in addition to her duties a s homemaker and the mother of three fine children, is the a ss istant librarian for the Normandy High School. Gertrude Branstettes Swartz (Alpha Alpha) and Frances Hook (Alpha Beta) ore teaching i~ the Ladue public schools, a suburban area of St. Loui s. Hope Green Blaine (Alpha Beta) is the a ssistant Book Editor for the Christian Boord of Puhlicotions. Elizabeth Dodso n Carpenter is teaching at the Missouri School for the Blind. A group of her Girl Scouts entertained us lost spring at our March meeting with a most interesting program which included piano solos, readings and on explanation of Braille and how it is used . Florence Rolston Gromsch (Alpha Beta) spent a delightful summer vacation traveling with her husband and small daughter in Colorado. They took beautiful colored movies and used them for our program at the November meeting . Lola Brandenburg Leedham (Eta Eta ) and Bonnie Payne Koenemonn (Zeta Zeta) ore the representatives of the St. Louis olamnae chapter to the St. Louis Ponhellenic Council. Lola B. Leedham


36 SOUTH BEND, INDIANA Since October 10, '49, South Bend Alumnae have had happy times but sorrow too. Our November party, a guest bridge, was held at Noami Pehrson 's charming apartment. There was good company, good food and everything else which makes a happy time. Our Christmas party December 9 was held at my home. Five alumnae came that evening and brought gifts, food and good us ed clothing for our "chosen needy family ." Peg Mountjoy Seeber, although not able to come the evening of the party, stopped the evening before with her helpful contribution. Mildred Warner Zoss brought her contribution a week earlier than that. She and her husband , luc ky people, were on a trip so uth . Marjorie Stafford La Hayne brought her six months old son, Roger. This added a special touch to a Christmas party. He was so good and let us hold him. We loved that. We alumnae of the South Bend chapter felt a great satisfaction when we saw the pile of good used clothing , food and 'g ifts gathered for the family of six, especially since our own number of seven members is small. And then as so often happens after much happiness, sorrow comes. Mary Houghton 's mother passed away, after but two hour's illness, December 21st. For Mary and her family to whom she had been a wonderful mother, it was a great personal loss, and for us, Mary's friends who knew Mrs. Houghton as a kindly, gracious perso n, her death brought sadness to our hearts. Our midwinter meeting, a dinner, was held February 2 at the Y. W .C.A. Betty Mathews was hostess. Red roses and white snapdragons centered the table but more important than the very good food and beautiful flowers, Velva Bare Gay and Junice Martin came. It was their first meeting with us. After dinner Mary Houghton, our president, presided at the business meeting . And now as I say goad bye, we are looking forward to our March meeting, a luncheon, March 10, at the home of Mildred Warner Zoss. Sincerely, "V. M ." Pearce Roberts

SPRINGFIELD, MISSOURI Springfield Alumnae chapter is happy to write its first letter to the Phoenix since its reorganization . After a long spell of being inactive nationally, we are now reorganized and going strong. Our first fall meeting was in the form of a chili supper at the home of Mrs . H. M. Farrar. A canasta party was held last month at the home of yours truly. Next month we are planning to sign our petition and expect to have our national president, Mrs. Sharp, with us. We are hoping for a lot of local publicity at this time. The active chapter is having the annual Valentine's dinner-dance February 17 at Riverside. The decorations and food sound so good all of the alums are planning to attend. A sweetheart couple will be chosen, and a big time is expected to be had by all . Our president, Jane Berghaus, was re-e lected for another year due to her excellent leadership. It was largely through the untiring efforts of Janie that our alum chapter got back an its feet, and how happy we are it happened . Our philanthropic project for the year is underway . We are helping entertain the members of the Children's Home here in Springfield . We plan to take them to see the new Walt Disney picture in the near future and give them parties from time to time.

Once again, let us say how glad we are to be back in• the folds of dear old A"2.A and corresponding with our fellow members. Sincerely, Joan Hughes

SUFFOLK, VIRGINIA Dear A"2.As: Not a sign of a snowfla ke yet down around the Suffolk. chapter! With all the flowers around us, we've had' spring fever for months. Christmas was wonderful, Santa was ever so good to all our members, and here we are· right over into the nicest kind of a new year. President Viola Roher started it off right when she was hostess for our January meeting . We were quite proud when she· announced that the little favors we made in December to be di stributed to the hospital on Christmas morning· numbered enough for all three of our hospitals with some left for the Salvation Army. At thi s meeting it was also• decided to contribute $25 to the Hospital Library Fund. This will be used to buy new books which our members. help to distribute to the patients weekly. All business. aside, we settled down to some br idge, "gab," and the most delicious refreshments. Our February meeting wi 11· be with Frances Hewitt. Best wishes and the happiest of New Years to you all. Love in A"2.A, Lois Cooley



Dear Alpha Sigs: The Topeka Alumnae chapter is going festive for their February meeting . We are all going "out" to eat. Our next meeting will be our white elephant sale-proceeds. from which we use to build up the chapter treasury . Mrs . Janice Rue was director of the city wide musicale held in Topeka in December . She and her husband also directed several different groups of carol singers at Christmas time . Recocdings of the groups were played in downtown Topeka over loudspeakers. Yours in A"2.A, Mary Rupp

TULSA, OKLAHOMA Dear Alpha Sigs: Our December meeting was a Christmas party at the home of Isabelle Halladay with Louise Reynolds acting as co-hostess. The program consisted of reading Christmas poems and sing ing Christmas carols. We were quite proud of the contributions made to our adopted family. They were several baskets of fresh fruits and vegetables and a large amount of clothing was donated . On January 14, 1 950, the Tulsa alums met for the fir st meeting of the new year at the home of Jackie Carson with Nadine Parks assisting her. After the business meeting, the group made three dozen blankets for the Moton Negro Hospital. They were delivered to the hospital the following week. Thanks to Lora Sipes and her gracious husband, they are going to secure and contribute a basket of fruit each month to the family we adopted at Christmas time. We are looking forward to our February meeting which will be held at the home of Jane Mills and Sammy Lou Roper will be co-hostess. The Tulsa Alumnae group will be one of the sororities to act as hostess when the city Panhellenic has their fashion show next month . Jackie Carson, Sammy Lou

MARCH, 1950 Roper and Beth Conner hove been keeping busy working with city Ponhellenic on their benefit bridge to be held in the near future. Love in A~A, Maxine Line

WASHINGTON, D. C. Dear Sorority Sisters: Eight members of the Washington Alpha Sigma Alpha Alums met to observe Founder's Day' at the home of Ellen Britton . Helen Lortz , who has come back recently ·from spending a year in Europe, gave a very interesting •Or.ld educational talk on her trip abroad. The Christmas Egg Nag Social was held in the very attractive apartment of our President, Rowena Cremeans. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves and certainly ke pt our host busy at the Punch Bowl. Our January meeting at Betty Purdy's home was de-signed for the spiritual growth of our members. Our President gave us a sorority test on the Pledge Manual ·and Constitution . Mrs. Hoffecker played some of our -songs after the meeting had been adjourned . Future plans include a meeting with the Balt,imore Alumnae group. We'll also tell you about the interesting Panhellenic meetings which are held here in Washington. Love in A~A, Ellen Britton P. S. -Our Phoenix correspondent's kiddies had the measles and as mine didn't, I gladly took pen in hand to write the above.

WICHITA, KANSAS For the Wichita Alumnae Chapter, 1 949-50 has been a busy and happy year. We are now associated with the City Panhellenic Organization with Mrs. F. D. Bethel (Dorothy Weeks) as our representative, and on Thanksgiving week"end our members attended the annual Panhellenic Dance. Dorothy reports that work with the Panhellenic group here is very enjoyable. Then came the Christmas party at the home of Mime Jennings, with Mrs. Leon B. Innis (Beverly Swanson) as assistant hostess. We had a white elephant gift exchange and what was a white elephant to one member proved to be a very attractive gift for the recipient. Too, each member brought a gift for the Christmas Box which we prepare each year for a woman stricken with paralysis, whom we have been helping . In January we met in the beautiful new home of Mrs. Robert F. Lemons (Ardis Gene Reigle) for an evening of bridge and' conversation, emphasis on the conversation. We are now planning the Valentine Tea, our affair of the year. This year it will be held in the home of Mrs . W. W . Carr (Gladys Sitton) with Mesdames C. W. Jackson (Ferne Clifton), J. W . Blamer (Clarice Benefield), and W. G. Halderman (Evelyn Jones) assisting . Chorion Braden has left Wichita for California . Does Hollywood have an alumnae chapter? Too, we are soon to lose Veda Schauffler Ahern who is expecting to leave any moment to join husband Robert in Japan. Discourag-

37 ing, isn't it? But, Ia, replacements are at hand, for we have new members, Mesdames Gene Purdue (Margaret Mueller), Claire Alexander (Ollie Mae Aspinalll, Gilbert Fine (Florence Moss), Earl Johnston (Edith Heaton), and Tom Ladwig (Kathe rine Curfman). Five for two, and so the local chapter grows. We are happy to note that the Alumnae Chapter Bandwagon is growing, too. Mime Jennings

WILMINGTON, DELAWARE Dear Alpha Sigs: For several months some of the Alpha Sigs in Wilmington had been thinking of the advantages of having an alumnae chapter of our own, and on September 16th nine of us met at Thelma Detweiler's apartment, exchanged ideas and got acquainted. Several of us had been to Philadelphia to their alumnae meetings, but due to some of the difficulties of transportation we thought we could have a larger group attending meetings in Wilmington. We were delighted and surprised, too, to find that there weren't nine of us, but fifteen living in 6r just outside of the city. We planned to have our meetings on the first Wednesday in each month, and, for the present, to make it a social affair until we get sufficiently acquainted and organized before we plan some definite projects. In October we met at Jean Dougherty's and decided to have Helen Corey come to tell us about the Convention. It is always quite invigorating to have her in our midst. We welcomed Barbara Mack, now Mrs. Harry J. Gorman, Jr., to our alumnae chapter. She was married November 5th and has been in Wilmington for two weeks. You'd probably like to know what some of us do in Wilmington. Thelma Detweiler, our president, teaches home living in one of the schools. She was in the WACS and now spends a lot of her extra time with the Home Guard. Florence Rimlinger teaches home economics and is a member of the former Delaware Chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha. Anne Loftman (Mrs . Donald Wolfe) works as a librarian for Atlas Powder Company. Lilly Haley (Mrs. Joseph Downing) was quite surprised to find that there were other Alpha Sigs in Wilmington. She relates the story of being the only Alpha Sig to attend the Panhellenic functions because they knew of no other Alpha Sigs. Dorothy Ann Crews (Mrs. Lowell D. Eubank) says that her children and home take most of her time, but she wants to attend our meeting whenever possible. Jean Keller (Mrs. A. L. Bolton) is teaching home economics. Both she and her husband take a very active part in the W~lmington Drama League. Janet Raughley is not working, but hopes to find a job. Jean Dougherty is working for Hercules Powder Company and takes on active part in the activities at her club and in the city. Margie Kendall (Mrs. Carson Roselle) lives outside of Wilmington and says her two boys keep her very busy. The writer transferred about two years ago from Richmond to the DuPont Experimental Station in the Nylon Research Laboratory as a chemist. Very truly yours, Mary Lib Harvey



NEWS LETTERSCollege Chapters ALPHA GAMMA State Teachers College, Indiana, Pennsylvania

ALPHA State Teachers College, Farmville, Virginia Dear Alpha Sigs : So much has happened since my last letter that it's hard knowing where to begin . At the moment, we're all recuperating from exams but, at the same time, working hard on and looking forward to the rushing that takes place here at L. C. in a couple of week's time. Incidentally, none of the sororities have been allowed to have refreshments before, but now we have a new rule allowing each chapter to serve uniform refreshments. To go back right far, to October and the annual circus given by the college , A'2:.A was well represented in the program. Ray Phillips was in charge of the whole affair, while Norma Roady represented the senior class as Queen, and Jackie Jardine represented the sophomores on the court. In November, we celebrated our anniversary with a formal banquet, to which we invited members of the admini stration and other friends. Needless to say, the delicious food, the program and the setting were thoroughly enjoyed by oil, thanks to Jackie Moody, who was in charge of the affair. Senior Dance was held in December, with Norma Roady, president, leading one of the prettiest figures we've seen hereabouts in many a day. Then came our Christmas party with good things to eat (something we can always stand more of) and good songs to sing . Each of us brought a small gift that could be di stributed to some under-privileged children. Two of our eight sophomores became members of the national house society, Alpha Lambda Delta. Congratulations to "BB" Wilson and Jackie Jardine. We had to say good bye to two of our senior members who graduated in January. Our farewell party for Nancy Bruce and Betty Lewis Shank was climaxed by presentation of two lovely engraved, sterling paper-cutters to them. As Betty Lou was secretary, we now have a new officer, Milly Evans, a junior, and a grand person. The results of the voting on May Court have just been made public, and we're so pleased to see our girls right in there as usual. "B" Hylton, the president of Alpha chapter, is a representative for the second time, and now is joined by Romine Mahood . Capable Patsy Ritter is chairman of the May Day program-a whale of a responsibility and a hard job, but, knowing P. R., she'll come through with flying colors. As mentioned earlier, we're in the throes of rushing , and soon the kids will go out. We ' re rushing wonderful girl s, so we ' re terribly anxious to see the results. But that will have to wait until another time. Love in A'2:.A , Jackie Jardine

Hi Alpha Sigs: A great deal has happened since last I told of the adventures of the Alpha Gamma chapter. Christmas is a good place to begin. Our pledges undertook a project which made us quite proud of them. Discarded clothing and toys, still in good condition, were collected from the members. These and a huge basket of groceries were decked with bright ribbon and given to two needy families. It was a great thrill to hear Jean Wernitz and Jan Schnell tell of the joy with which these deserving people received the baskets. Shortly before finals, we said "so long" to Lois Jeanne Gloss, Mary Lou Cruse, Marcello Weyer and Bettye Barcloy who ore student teaching this semester. Vacated offices were filled by Mary Lou Hostetler, chaplain; Joyce Moore, registrar; and Jane Stephens, assistant treasurer . Good luck, gals! After semester vocation we buckled down to our "greatest production of the year." This year we Alpha Sigs presented our interpretation of Romeo and Juliet, or Rummy and Julip, as our skit in the all-school "It's Laughter We're After" show. I wish you could hove seen "Rummy" in his ostrich-plumed A'2:.A hot, a polkadot lompshode, long underwear and flowing red cope! Here is the song from our finale which gives you the A'i:.A spirit in everything we doOur little show is over, Our skit is done . We may not win the cup, But we've hod some fun! We hope you've hod some smiles And a Iough or two 'Cause everything we've done Has been for you! Thanks to Janie Stephens-on Alpha Sig who con "make with the music"! . Diamonds ore sparkling for our president, Marilyn Chelgren, and Alto Mary Middlehurst-not to mention the fraternity pin on Kay Huntoon's sweater. Our very best to all of you. Our twenty pledges who will become members sometime this month ore bustling with plans for a party tomorrow evening-strictly for "us" members. Isn't that wonderful! Here's wishing you all fun in fellowship . Love in A'2:.A, Arline Wiedwold

BETA BETA Colorado State College of Education, Greeley, Colorado First on our honor roll for the month of December were Betty Adams and Virginia Scioli. We are very proud to hove hod our blue-eyed, block-haired Betty reign as Queen at the Sophomore Boll on December 3 . Never


MARCH, 1950 was a queen more lovely than she. We are also very proud of Virginia, better known as "Ski," who was chosen to be listed in Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities. No one deserves this honor more than "Ski ." She has indeed earned it by her willingness to do any job she is asked to do, and by doing her job well. Beta Beta celebrated Christmas with a gala party at the house given by our house mother, Mrs. Dauth . She served a delicious spaghett i dinner with all, and I do mean all , the trimmings! During the meal appropriate Christmas entertainment was presented . We then opened the gifts around the tree . These gifts were toys of every size and description to be given to needy children around Greeley. We felt that this was the best way we could celebrate the true spirit of Christmas. After the Christmas holiday, everyone returned to the campus bursting with vim, vigor, and vitality, eager to begin the rushing 路 season . Our first rush party was a traditional A~A's Anchorage. The living room of the house was decorated from ceiling to floor, to portray a waterfront cafe. All actives were appropriately attired as sailors or as waterfront girls. The entertainment furnished a chorus line, torchy s inging , and hanky-tonk music carried out by the theme. Toyland, held at the country home of one of our advisers, Mrs . Welby Wolfe, was our second party. The room was converted into one huge toy shop with eve ry kind of doll and stuffed toy represented. Refreshments with a circus idea, were the kind dear to the heart of every child. Our preferential dinner was held in the Panel Lounge of our Student Union Building on Saturday evening, January 21. The traditional Cinderella theme was used . It was a most beautiful and impressive candlelight dinner. The following morning pledging serv ices were held for 14 gi~ls, of whom we are very proud indeed! Following the services, breakfast was se rved at the house and we attended church in a group. Then we all ate dinner together at the women's dining hall. On January 28 and 29, we were very pleased to have Mrs. Reinard Schlosser, National Scholarship Chairman, visit us. We held a breakfast at the house January路 29, in her honor. On January 31 , all of our sorority members attended an all-sorority party. About 250 sorority girls attended and enjoyed a wonderful, friendly get-together. Many big plans are now underway including plans for our all-college Bearslide, our Dinner-dance, and skit for competition in the Forensic Follies. We won the cup for the latter last year and are determined to win it gain this year . With best wishes from all of us to all of you, I'll say so long for now. Love in A~A, Jean Bailey

EPSILON EPSILON Kansas State Teachers College, Emporia, Kansas

Dear Alpha Sigs: Time has really flown since our last letter, hasn't it? Here we are far into the second semester already. The bigest news on our home front is the new member quota voted by the Panhellenic Council. This quota does not go into effect until next fall, but we will have to be careful rushing since a good percentage of our girls are returning next year. The quota is to be a maximum of forty girls and our membership this year was forty-four. Due to the pending quota and our wish for a big fall pledge class, we pledged only one girl this semester, Dar-

lene Dietrich . We all enjoyed each other's company during rushing and the preferential, though . Our sorority was honored at Homecoming by the election of our president, Janet Teichgraeber for Peggy Pedagog, Homecoming Queen. Also a part of the festivities was our combination Alumnae and Founder's Day Dinner. Over one hundred actives and alumnae attended the dinner and we all had a wonderful time reminiscing. Joan Chance received the Alumnae Award during the program that fallowed. Our nineteen pledges gave the actives a party called a "Fireman's Ball." It was complete with firehats , a ride to the party in a fire wagon, and red and black costumes and decorations. Everyone enjoyed our annual Snow Ball , too. This year the decorations centered around a silver tree surrounded by suspended dolls which represented the Snow Princess and her helpers decorating the tree. Janol Lee Shannon announced her engagement with chocolates and small pill boxes with the announcement on them, since her fiance is studying to be a doctor. Our wonderful Mother's Club and Alumnae gave us punch cups and new silver for Christmas. Santa Claus visited our Christmas Party and midst jokes and laughter presented gifts to the mothers and girls. Of course Santa was our own Dene Ballentine. Our last meeting in December was a so(:ial meeting and the alumnae chapter here in Emporia were our guests. The eve ning was spent in playing cards and later Miss Edno McCullough read a Christmas sto ry. We all had a grand time and feel we know our alumnae better. Love in A~A, Donna Ballentine

ZETA ZETA Central Missouri State College, Warrensburg, Missouri

Dear Alpha Sigs: Zeta Zeta girls are really proud of their twenty-two fine "new pledges. Aside from being wonderful kids, they really hqve the talent and pep. In the recent "Rhetor Review," the school talent show, many of them played starring roles. Their mock ballet was the talk of the campus long after the show. Among the actives who took leading parts in the show were Lee Rue and Pat Brown (former Homecoming Queen candidate) who received great acclaim for their slap-stick rendition of "A Couple of Swells." The pledges recently gave a party for the actives when everyone dressed as a "kiddie." Refreshments including ice cream sodas were served, and the program was really tops. Nancy Elder's "The Life of a Pledge," an original poem, was greatly enjoyed a s all of Nancy' s. antics are. Popular gi rl election is just now coming up, and our campaign is going along fine. Joan Green is our promising candidate . One evening we rented a truck and, with our newly formed band, went around the town promoting Joan as a popular girl. Everyone enjoyed themselves, and Joan's name seems still to be ringing in all our ears . Here's hoping! We have added three new members to our ranks. One is a new pledge, Janie Austin, and the other two are patronesses, Mrs. Earl Low and Mrs . Harry Harkness. We are happy to welcome them all. Here's hoping that oil of you Alphas have had a term as prosperous and full of fun as we here at Warrensburg . We are all waiting anxiously to hear about your activities. Love in A~A, Faith Casebolt


40 ETA ETA Kansas State Teachers College, Pittsburg, Kansas Dear Alpha Sigs: We now have twenty wonderful new members. Formal initiation services were held February 7. Following initiation, each girl presented her little sister with a gift. The past semester brought much enjoyment to Eta Eta . Mary Harpole was crowned queen of the homecoming festivities. The queen was judged on the following traits: Charm, poi se, personality, and conversational ability. Mary is a senior this year and vice-president of Alphas . We had a lot of fun getting ready for open house. It was held November 8 . Members were dressed in formals , and refreshments, cookies and punch , were served. Founder's Day was an extra special occasion for us this year. Our alumnae chapter gave us a huge banquet. Following the delicious dinner, there was a short program. It has become almost traditional for the Alphas to present the annual Christmas assembly. This year, "For Whom the Chimes Ring" was given a s a _pantomine. " Heavenly Holiday" was the theme for our Christmas formal dance. Decorations consisted of clusters of stars. Appropriate favors were given . Actives and pledges enjoyed a Christmas party December 13 at the house . The pledges gave a short program after which a gift exc hange was held . Joanna Singleton is our candidate for Kanza Queen . The Kanza Ball will be held in March . Ph il Harris will make the final selection of the queen and her two attendants from pictures submitted to him . Three of our girls were elected to "Who's Who" among students of college campuses. They are Marjorie Pease-Sharp, Joan Hughes, and Mary Harpole-all from Pittsburg. . Love in A~A, Mary Ann Abbey

KAPPA KAPPA Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Dear Alpha Sigs: The Kappa Kappas are all excited about their Cupid Dance Preview on February 1Oth. We 'l l dance from 9-1 at the Twentieth Century Club just outside of Philadelphia. Our own Sweetheart will be chosen to lead the procession through a huge, red heart to the tune of Alpha Sig Sweetheart song. Sounds lush . Three of the K Ks , Claire Fritz, Dot Howe, and Dori s Rogers, were chose n by the Dean of Students Office as Outstanding Seniors. They will be honored as guests of our President Johnson at Temple's Founder's D~y Dinner -speaker wi ll be Lowe ll Thomas. An idea for some of our other chapters! At Christmas each of us drew the name of a secret "peanut sister," and then filled a stocking with ten 1Oc articles for her . The stockings ·were hung at the fireplaces in our house, making appropriate Yuletide decorations. Then, the gifts were opened at a party - enclosed poems were read al oud, and guesses made as to the kind donor of each stocking. Lots of fun, and inexpensive, too. Lots of love to you all, Doris Rogers

PI PI State College for Teachers, Buffalo, New York Dear Alpha Sig Sisters : Our second semester of col lege, 1950, is now in full swi ng and there are two ki nds of faces that we are glad to see in Pi Pi Chapter, the smiling faces of our student teachers who have · been off campus for a semester and

the fourteen lovely faces of our wonderful new members. These new Alpha Sigs were initiated at an impressive ceremony on January 29. They were honored by a banquet at the exclusive Le Marque. We were fortunate in having Evelyn Bell, Director of Alumnae, as our guest speaker. Diane Roseberry made the arrangements for this memorable event. The highlight of the evening was when our initiates received their white sorority hats. Everyone is excited about the Alpha Sigma Sweetheart Dance on February 10. Carolyn Turner and Jan Nauth are co-chairmen . It is really going to be a "terrific" affair. The theme this year is lovebirds, and the decorations are all centered around silver lovebirds and gilded cages. The surprise of the evening will come when the sweetheart couple, an Alpha Sig and her sweetheart, will be crowned and then serenaded with the "Alpha Sigma Sweetheart" song. Another coming attraction is the annual Alphaquade which will be held on March 24 . Diane Roseberry and June Courtney are co-chairmen with Jean Feucht in charge of the water show and Phyllis Schlehr taking care of the fashion show. We really are a busy, but happy, chapter. We look forward to hearing from our sister chapters. Love in A~A, Margaret Jolly

SIGMA SIGMA Western State College of Colorado, Gunnison, Colorado Dear A~As: School is more than half over, and our A~As are certainly proving their worth on this campus! We now have twenty enthusiastic pledges, each one a typical A~A, ones that" any sorority would be proud of. This week-end, February 1 0 , our pledges are entertaining the actives with a pledge dance carrying out the Valentine's Day theme, and incidently, the A~A colors, too. Sunday, February 12, the whole A~A sorority will entertain the alums at an annual tea to be held in the Chipeta Hall lounge. Our alums are so swell to us that we feel this is a very small payment for their many kindnesses. The A~As have been placed in charge of all ice sculptures at Western's big Ski and Ice Carnival the latter part of February. We are also working on a skit to be presented during the ice carnival. We are enclosing a picture of Sue Goelet of Mamaroneck, New York, Western 's choice for Homecoming Queen . We're pretty proud of her, and we know all A~As will agree with us when they see her. She . is a senior, and our Alpha Sig secretary. Here's wishing all Alpha Sigs everywhere the best of • everything during the New Year! So long for now, A~As, Maecille Tibbetts

TAU TAU Fort Hays Kansas State Teachers College, Hays, Kansas Dear Sisters in A~A: The year of 1950 is well on its way and we're having quite a time keeping up with it. There are so many thing s that we want to do this year and we're hoping that we have the ability and the time to get everything done in the best Alpha Sig way. Let me take you back to December of 1 949. Our candidate for Reveille Queen, Pat Earl, came out on top and was crowned Reveille Queen December 3 , 1 949, at the Ball. We were all tickled about her honor.

MARCH, 1950 Our annual Christmas Dinner Donee was a wonderful success. It was held in the Fort Hayes Room of the Lamar Hotel on December 10, 1 949. Our dotes were presented darling copper mugs with A'2:.A engraved on them. We all hod a super time!! February 1 9, we ore holding active services for five of our pledges. They ore: Beverly Stansbury, Norma Arnold, Barbaro Hole, Phyllis Gorman , and Shirley Honzlick. We know that they will make good Alphas and you'll be hearing more about them later. Following the services we ore going to attend the St. Joseph Catholic Church, and then partake of a delicious chicken dinner . We hove another queenly girl in our midst! Phyllis Garmon was crowned " Custer Hall Sweetheart" at their Annual Formal , February 4. She was also a candidate for Reveille Queen representing Custer Hall. We're real proud of our Phyllis! A few of us ore "brains"! Martha Lou Morlan, Verno Lou Jacobs and Ruth Ann Bickler were on the honor roll for the Fall semester. The rest of us missed it by a few points but we're hoping to make it next time. Oh! the dear pledges! They're so sweet to us. They ore giving us actives a party on February 14. We also drew names for Heart sisters. We hope that all of you ore getting along as well as we ore. We're waiting very eagerly to see what all of our A'2:.A sisters ore doing . Bye nowLove in A'2:.A, Pot Earl

PHI PHI Northwest Missouri State College, Maryville, Missouri Dear Sisters : To the tune of coliope music and Barnum and Bailey's renditions, Phi Phi held its annual rush party, January 10, 1950, at the Maryville Country Club. The theme, a s you hove guessed, was a circus; one which mode possible a riot of color in the decorations. As the guests entered the lounge of the club house, the'y were greeted by a huge eleghont sign welcoming them to the A'2:.A circus, and wishing them all a good time . Along the side walls of the room were Iorge placards bearing circus ballyhoo -the fat woman, the thin man, the snake girl-all were present and in top form. From the center of the ceiling and draped to the sides were multicolored strips of crepe paper forming a big top. Before the entertainment, the girls were ushered down stairs by clowns in ridiculous garb, for a chili supper. Each active was seated at a table with three rushees. Place cords were inflated balloons bearing the girls' names . Following supper, various circus games were played at individual stands around the room. Darts, boll throwing , bingo, and fishing were all in evidence, and each girl was urged to ploy all of the games. Prizes were tiny a sh trays and glosses with A'2:.A inscribed on them. As it come time for the guests to congregate on bleachers on either s ide of the room , a peanut vender passed through the crowd distributing socks of peanuts to each girl. Then the program started with Jean Short as ringmaster, dressed in a block bathing suite, tails and top hot, announcing the following program: clown top donee; a song; the "Man on the Flying Trapeze" ; " The Bunny Song"; a juggling act; a lion and trainer oct, and as the finale, a con con line singing, "They Con, Con You?" Following this, so ngs were sung by the group . As a fitting climax to the evening, each ru shee was presented a hand mode stuffed lion . The party showed all

41 signs of being a huge success, and evidently was, for twenty-three of the rushees pledged A'2:.A. We're planning big things for our Sweetheart Donee which will be held on February 18. A blanket invitation has been issued the Kirksville chapter to our donee. The theme, of course, will suggest sweethearts and valentines, and a number of engagements will be announced. February 1, Phi Phi actives and pledges were entertained at dinner by their sponsors and patronesses. Center pieces on 'the tables were dinner menus from numerous European countries, collected by one of our sponsors, Miss Jessie Jutten , during her tour of Europe lost summer . Following the wonderful meal, Miss Jutten showed us colored s lides of her trip. It was a memorable evening for all. As port of our Philanthropic project for the year, several! girls from Phi Phi went to a Veteran's hospital at Wadsworth, Kansas, a short time ago to entertain the men and women there. A variety program was presented and seemed to be very much appreciated . That seems to about wind up Phi Phi activities up to dote. We'll be eagerly awaiting the Phoenix so we con see what. all other A'2:.A chapters ore doing . Love in A'2:.A, Joanne Wright

CHI CHI Ball State Teachers College, Muncie, Indiana Hello there : Chi Chi chapter was kept very busy before Christmas planning and giving rush parties . We felt our efforts were reworded .when we received 29 new pledges. They make a wonderful pledge class. Our sponsor, Mrs. Bumb, graciously opened her house for the Christmas party which both the actives and pledges attended. The room s were so crowded our Christmas carols could hardly circl.llote, but we hod a wonderful time! We hove been bringing gifts to our meetings which will be sent to veterans' hospitals. In the near future we ore sponsoring on all-school record donee. And adding up our various activities so for, we find that we ore having a wonderful A'2:.A sc hool year. Love in A'2:.A, Evelyn Rorick

PSI PSI Northwestern State College, Natchitoches, Louisiana Dear A'2:.As: The Psi Psi's on Northweste rn 's campus hove been a busy lot since lost November . First there was Christmas with all the traditional excitement and merrymaking . For us this was in the form of a gala party with tree and presents. An added feature of our Chri st mas was a basket of food for a needy family . The A'2:.As here hove mod e a bright bid for the future by having the so rority house redeco rated. Psi Psi pledges kept things moving with a Volentine party for the members. Gifts were prese nted to Margie Barnette and Dot Tullos who graduated in January. Plans ore being mode for obtaining white sweaters with the red A'2:.A letters for members. Other plans include a bridge benefit and a rummage sole. Thoughts ore also being directed toward plans for the traditional spring formal . Good luck A'2:.As.' We ore looking forward to hearing from you concerning your plans and activities. Love in A'2:.A, Psi Psi Chapter


42 BETA GAMMA Northeastern State College, Tahlequah,. Oklahoma


Dear A"2.A Sisters : February finds Beta Gammas busily engaged in planning our Annual Sweetheart Formal, initiations, rushing, pledging, and usual sorority activities . Our formal this year is February 1 1. The decorations will fallow the usual Valentine theme, with a sweetheart to be selected from the group . Large red and white drapery fastened with cupids deck the walls of the dance floor centered by large double hearts on one side and a single one for the sweetheart to break through. The ceiling will be covered with strips of red and white crepe paper drawn to the center by triple rotating hearts. A small white house with red eaves, and our lighted crest hanging above the door wi II be the check room . The traditional heart in the arch way of the door serves as the entrance to the dance floor, and the refreshment counter will be arranged to simulate our A"2.A crest. We think it will be a success-don't you? March finds us with one new member, Phyllis Rae Bewley, and our ten choice pledges of last semester soon to be initiated . Second semester means rushing and pledges-that's right, we have three new pledges added to the list, Norma Jo McGui re, Joyce Payne, and Sarah Jane Brandon . We are mighty proud of them. Not one, not two, not three, but four of our A"2.As hold office in Student Council; the newly elected ,Secretary and Treasurer is our own Willa Dean Place. • We are also proud of our pledges who held the highest grade average of any sorority on the campus-NATCH!! We were also represented in the Carnival Queen contest by one of our prettiest members, Martha Poynor, who ran in second place. Since the mid-term graduation of our editor Shirley Lloyd, I wi II be writing the letters unti I our election for next year's officers. So until next timeLove in A"2.A, Jimmie Lee Short

BETA DELTA Mississippi Southern College, Hattiesburg, Mississippi

Dear Alpha Sigs: We Alpha Sigs of Beta Delta chapter have been having the most wonderful time s ince our last letter. On Friday, February 10, we had our formal Sweetheart Dance in the Mississi ppi Southern Field House . Everyone was astonished at the job we did in decorating the huge building . In fact, one of our sponsors didn't think that we could do all that we did-but she didn ' t tell us till the following morning . One faculty member is reported to have said that it just takes a group of girls to show everyone how to do an "impossible" 'thing . But we couldn't have done it if it hadn't been for the help that Pi Kappa Alphas on the campus gave us. In the top of the building a spider web of red and white crepe paper was constructed. Hanging from the center of the web was a bunch of approximately 250 balloons. The leadout was through the door of a little fairy house . Each escort of a¡n Alpha Sig came to the door of the house and out stepped his date. When all the couples had formed a semi-circle in front of the band stand, a dozen red roses were presented to the "Beta Delta Girl, " Amorita " Doodle" Gordon, of Lauderdale, Mississ ippi. And we struck seve ral "firsts"-this was the first spring formal of the year, the first time in the history of the school that a sorority has given an open dance, and the first

formal that we Alpha Sigs have given at MSC. So you see, we're having a wonderful time. We shall never forget it as long as we live. I'm sure that our first Sweetheart Dance will still be a papular subject of conversation at alum meetings 10, 15, 20 and even 25 years from now. As our local philanthropic project, Beta Delta chapter is sponsoring a drive on our campus far funds for the American Heart Association from February 1 0-1 8 . Ann McCorm,ack, a senior from Carthage, Mississippi , is acting in the capacity of chairman . More about this in our next report. We're having tea dances once every two weeks in the Panhellenic Hause lobby and they are really worth the time and effort. If your chapter hasn't tried them, why don't you? We invite the boys of one fraternity to each dance. They have done so much to help became acquainted with all the fraternities here at Southern. Our new sorority room is still under construction, but we expect to be able to move in within two or three weeks .. Best wishes to all the other chapte'rs of A"2.A- we hope that your college days are being enriched by Alpha Sigma Alpha ex perience as much as ours are. Love in A"2.A, Penny Stewart

BETA EPSILON Madison College, Harrisonburg, Virginia

Dear Alpha Sigs: So much has happened that I hardly know just where to begin! This year the Panhellenic Council on campus presented the annual scholarship cup for the first time, and Alpha Sigma Alpha was the proud recipient. The cup is to be presented each year to the sorority with the highest scholarship average. In order to retain the cup permanently, a sorority must win it for two successive years. We have high hopes for next year! Our Cafe Society rush party was truly successful, for twenty-two girls chose A"2.A and "The Land of Happiness." Our theme was "The Wiza (d's Cafe," and a spotlighted golden brick road led to Carter House, which was gaily decorated . Virginia Dixo n, as the Tinwoodsman, Laura Dunnavant, as the Witch, and Ruth Harshbarger, os the Strawman, met the girls at the door. Jackie Gilbert was the "dignified" Wizard. The old members were surprised with a lovely floor lamp at the Christmas party given by the new members. Everyone had drawn names and there was much excitement over the distribution of gifts. The entertainment had been planned by the new girls too. They had a nice surprise; their pins had arrived and were pinned on them at the party by the old girls. And a note far the social section-Lois Early received a diamond from Charles Stuart Geil of Harrisonburg during the Christmas holidays. Virginia Dixon also received her diamond, prior to Christmas, from Lynwood Good of Luray. Did you know that Betty Weller, a last year's grad, was married on the coast-to-coast "Bride and Groom" program in Hollywood? She and Hunter B. Spencer, Jr ., took their marriage vows on December twenty-first. Kappa Delta Pi , honor education society, recently tapped the following BEs : Lois Early, Martha Jane Bradley, Martha Armistead, and Bess Bryant. Congratulations, g irls! That's all the news for now-Alpha Sigs at Madison are working hard and having fun . Love in A"2.A, Ruth Harshbarger

MARCH, 1950




Southwestern Louisiana Institute, Lafayette, Louisiana

State Teachers College, Dickinson, North Dakota

Hello again, Alpha Sigs! I sincerely hope that all of you have recovered from your Christmas holidays and are back at school again working harder than ever. We of Beta Zeta had just gotten into the swing of things again when the semester ended and we were off on another two weeks' holiday. We are just now settling down into a new semester of classes after an unusually long vacation . A week or so before the Xmas holida ys started we held a party with our brother fraternity, Pi Theta Rho, at the home of Anna Willett. Everyone had a grand and glorious time, and of course Santa Claus didn't forget us since we are all extremely good little girls and boys. He couldn' t be there himself that night, he had other more important business to attend to, but• he had left a gift for each one of us there earlier in the afternoon . The presents were exactly what every college student wants more than anything else-automobiles. Miniature in size, of course, but still they were automobi les . Now that the excitement of Xmas and New Years has subsided a new and even more exc iting seasc;m has descended upon· us. That of Mardi Gras. Here in Lafayette it is almost as big an occasion as it is in New Orleans, the home of the Mardi Gras. Thi s year it is also a big occasion for Alpha Sig . Out of the three carnival balls to be held within the next two weeks, two of the queens and possibly the third will be from our chapter. And the followoing five girls will be maids in the balls : Sarah Bodemuller, Lenore Parkerson, Rosina Landry, Patricia Dalfres, and our president, Marguerite Richard. Another of the honors bestowed on our president this year is that of her election to "Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities" for 1 949-50 . We're all very proud of Marguerite. Mardi Gras also takes its stand here on the campus of S.L.I. when Delta Sigma Phi fraternity holds its annual ball. The Alpha Sigs are ·again represented-thi s time by Audrey Marceaux, who will be one of the maids. On January 1 8 , we held our annual March of Dimes Drive on the campus. On that day, every hour from 8 a. m . to 5 p. m. found Alpha Sigs posted in stragetic positions throughout the campus soliciting dimes. Although we didn't receive the record amount that we did last year we did come out with $225 .00 for a very worthy caus.e. S.L.I .'s annual sorority Stunt Night to be held on March 8 is our next big activity and all of our members are hard at work trying to make this our biggest and best stunt ever. We have won for the most beautifu l stunt for the past four years, and if we win for two more years we get permanent possession of the beautiful circulating trophy that was given for the first time last year. This year our stunt is entitled " The Dance of the Hours." It's going to be a ballet to the musi c of the same name from "La Gioconda," in which the hours of dawn , day, evening and the sun and the moon are to be represe nted. Be sure to read the next installment in the May Phoenix to see if we won the trophy for another year. That's all 'till next time. I'll see you in May. Love in A'2.A, Jean Nebel

Dear A'2.As: We of Beta Eta chapter are very busy making last minute preparations for one of our big annual eventsthe Valentine Formal. At our last meeting we began talking about new members and discovered that, in spite of this being a small school, we knew very few of the girls mentioned . So we made plans for a rush party, which was a big success . For our philanthropic work ou r Vice-President, Marlys Swanson, has sold seve ral subscriptions to "Harper's Bazaar." We have also begun to save Swan Soap wrappers . Each wrapper will be substituted for a bar of soap to be sent to Europe by "Care." Our next project is to spend some time at each meeting knitting for needy people. Of all our philanthropic work the part which gave us the most satisfaction was the Christmas box we packed. We felt that we should do something for a family in our own town . Originally we planned to give a box packed with food for some family's Chri stmas dinner. You should have seen the box when we finally finished. Everyone had given more than we had planned on, and the box bulged on all sides. It was all we could do to carry it from the car to the house . When we saw th e su rpri sed expressions on those faces we knew all our work was well worth while. Our Christmas spirit rose 1 00 per cent to think how happy we had made someone else. It is something like this that makes one proud to be an Alpha Sig . Love in A'2.A, Alice Dynes

BETA THETA Central Michigan College of Education, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan Dear Alpha Sigs : Another semester, and we begin life with a clean slate, hoping and working for a grand spring, full to the brim with many activities. Although we're st ill a pretty large group, we'll miss the loyal support of Chris Mcintyre who has graduated, and Betty Brooks who has left school to try her wings in the career world. Marilyn Glanton, alias Blackie, has finished her scholarship st int and is now back to her domestic duties as wife and mother. Mrs. Opal Thorpe, our former adviser, has been succeeded by Mi ss Smith . Two very gracious ladies, we Alpha Sigs are grateful to them for their cooperation and advice. One very successful event this last semester was our dance with our b rother frat, Tau Alpha Upsi lon. It wos an informal dance at the parish house and was exceptionally well attended . The next activity on our agenda is an ot her rummage sale to raise money for our house party ove r Memorial Day. Before the semester ends we will ha ve a final fling at our country club dance. Thi s is our only semi-formal affair, and plans are already in the making . Best of A'2.A spirit to you all. Mary Gronseth

BETA IOTA Radford College, Radford, Virginia Dear Alpha Sigs: "Hello and greetings to everyone" again from the Beta Iotas. Here we are in the m iddle of the winter quarter and what a busy one it has been-and will be! The Bls ended the '49 with a Christmas party and all


44 the trimmings. We exchanged gifts among ourselves and we sent a radio to the Veteran 's Hospital in Roanoke, Virginia. Beta Iota has, for a number of years, sent gifts to the hospital , for giving seems to give us a feeling of helping others, and we en joy the true meaning of the season's spirit. We sent a box to the Welfare Deportment for a needy family . January was the red letter month on our calendar. Rush season started with our rush party, January 1 8. The theme was " Heavenly Doze." Our invitations were in the form of angels sitting on a cloud playing a harp. The rushees were dressed a s angels and were given their halos at the Go lden Gates by St. Peter, Jean Murray . The cloud covered tables from whic h rainbows arched and at the end were pots of gold, were placed under a Iorge milky-way which hung from ove rhead to corry out the celestial theme. Butch Renz, who portrayed the devil, was mistress of ceremonies. She presented a group of angel s who song, a fortune teller who told the fortunes of oil the guests, a pontomine, and a ballet number. Our president, Glenn Rogers , and our sponsor, Mrs. Einstein, met the ru shees on the heavenly side of the Golden Gates. But, as all good things must come to an end , so did our "Heavenly Doze." We ore so proud of our wonderful pledges. Pledging was held Wednesday night, February 8. A social was held following the services in honor of the pledges . Beta Iota is very proud of its members who were selected Outstanding Seniors and those who will represent Radford College in Who's Who Among American Colleges and Uni ve rsities. The Bls selected a s outstanding seniors: Louise Allen, Glenn Rogers , Mary Craig Higgins, and Nancy Repass. Those listed in Who's Who ore: Louise Allen and Nancy Repass. We ore mighty proud of our members who were selected . to serve on the May Day Commission . This is one of the highest honors on the Radford Campus . The girls were chosen on the basis of leadership and ab ility. They ore Glenn Rogers, Jean Murray, and Martha Mitchell . March brings us to one of our social service projects, sponsori ng the Red Cross drive on the Radford Campus . We hove been very pleased with the results in the post, and we know this year will bring a bigger and better drive. See yo-all, Love in A'2:.A, Dot Stroder

BETA KAPPA Western State College, Macomb, Illinois Hi Alpha Sig Sisters: My, it seems a long time since I've heard from any of you and I con hardly wait to read all the news in the Phoenix. Rushing is first on my list and did we get a grand gr0up-eighteen of the cutest, sweetest, most talented pledges you've ever seen-they're so enthusiastic they actually wear yo u out. Our first rush party wos held out in a cabin seven miles from town , so everyone donned their jeans and we were ready for on evening of hillbilly music and dancing. We filled ourselves with popcorn, nuts, and cokes. Our second party was a dessert bridge. We Alpha Sigs honored Founder's Day by having dinner at the Morine Room . · On the morning of December 5th, about 7 a . m., we hod a "Come As You Are" party. We picked up all the pledges in their pj's, and their hair done up, no make-up on-and you should hove heard them yell. We served

hot coffee and doughnuts, and they must hove enjoyed' it 'ca use we haven't heard the lost of it yet. At Christmas time our new A'2:.A pledges gave us a· party out at Miss Scott's cabin and what a time we had . It was a pajama party, and they carried out the theme of "'Twos the Night Before Christmas." Nikki Godsi l and Analu Painter have been chosen for "Who 's Who"! Betty McCutchan and "yours truly" tied for the scholarship award last quarter. We're working on our philanthropic plan to help crippled children. A few Sundays ago Mi ss Terrill , one of our sponsors, gave a tea honoroing the seniors and our new pledges. Three of the "old" Alpha Sigs came back to Western to finish their education and we're mighty glad to have them. This is all the news for now, so until next timeLove in A'2:.A, Shirley Brown

BETA LAMBDA Arkansas State Teachers College, Conway, Arkansas Dear Sister Sigs : Another Christmas has successfully passed and we· have settled down to a new semester and work. However, looking bock now I see a group of Alpha Sigs at five thirty the Thursday morning before Christmas carol ing at the dormitories. It was cold, we were shivering, but it was fun, and the breakfast we ate together afterwords tasted so grand. Reluctantly dragging ourselves back to school after the holidays it was the pledges who met us with a party and our spirits lifted . It was held in the soror ity room and refreshments were wonderful. The Alpha Sigs were tops on the volley ball court at A.S.T.C. Under the splendid leadership of Mary Cook, our sports captain, we walked off proudly with second place in the main bracket and consolation bracket. Also La Quto Long, one of our smallest members, was elected treasurer in the national Delta Psi Keppa phys ica l education fraternit y. Betty Burks, our capable secretary, was made consuler for Bernard Hall . · The coming of a new semester brought several changes at A.S.T.C. Since our president had to leave the campus to do practice teaching (and a most capable and wonder ful president she was) our vice-president presided at the last meeting. Margaret Plemmons made a very excellent beginning and I think the job is in good hands . Also new rings were on the small white hands of Ethel Luekem and Ruth Wynn Carmichel which signified that they ha ve pledged themselves to a one man organization . Si Iby Caperton graduated last semester and away she· went. The soro rity presented her with a gift before she left. We sha ll long remember her. Well Sister Sigs, it looks like many of our group ore· leaving-! guess you would call it growing up or maturing, and we are sad, but we are proud of our pledges. who will be members soon and who will step into their places. So, unti I next time, ha ve a wonderful time, and remember us because we love you all. Sincerely, Anna Mae Schuhill

BETA MU Henderson State Teachers College, Arkadelphia, Arkansas Dear Alpha Sigs: We've been having many parties-and we are planning more. In ea rl y Decem ber we had a Gypsy party where everyone wore Gypsyish clothes and we sat around

MARCH, 1950


a huge fireplace, song and played cords. We hod Gypsy music too. We listened to Golden Earrings and gypsy music played on the violin by a music professor at Hen·derson. We hod delicious hot tomales, coffee, and doughnuts . Then at Christmas time the pledges were persuaded to entertain. So as all good pledges do they really planned a great party and hod a very enjoyab le program, ·after which gifts were exchanged. Our sponsor, Miss Beulah Thompson, invited us to her home for a buffet supper just before our mid-term grod·uotes left. Everything was lovely and we really enjoyed and appreciated the fine time we hod there. We do contribute to activities other than parties-but they're our specialty. In a few weeks we will give our biggest affair, the annual initiation banquet, following the initiation of our pledges. But about other things- One of our girls, our secretory and a January graduate, received quite on honor in November when she was chosen first alternate to the Arkansas choice for Maid of Cotton. Virginia Ann Magness is her nome and we sure ly ore proud of her. Just before Christmas Agnes Clark and Marquette Kinard , two eager pledges, mode the popularity list by being chosen to attend the Methodist Convention in Urbano , Illinois. They ore both quite active in the Methvdist Church here and it was a wonderful experience for them to be chosen to go to Urbano, where they met delegates from 32 different countries! Our President and Treasurer, Elizabeth Da y and Doris Chambers respectively, were elected to Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities. Our intramural sports hove continued with basketball. We hove a good team and a peppy cheering section too. But it's a little early to predict anything li ke a championship trophy. Well , it's time I really ought to go, In this letter I've tried to show How we Alpha Sigs at Henderson Work and slave but still hove fun . It's great to hear from all of you all, To know that A'2:.As ore on the boll , So keep those letters comin' through And bear with this just a month or two. Sincerely, Barbaro Ho II iburton

GAMMA CLIO State Teachers College, Cortland, New York

We all come bock from Christmas vocation full of vim and vigor, re~dy to go into our finals and -come out with some nice shiny "A" and " B's." Janice Muhlbauer, Chris Greenman, Joan Comella, Barb Guelfi, Mary Alice Reagan , Pot McKendrick, Bernie Smith, and Irmo Utzot mode Dean ' s List. Anne Howelko, Connie Davis, Bev Fortner and .Betty Storey all come in from practice teaching, while Jeanne Smith, Joan Mason, Barb Guelfi, Ginny Dobbins, and Bernie Smith went out. Barb's down at Whitney Point, Ginny Dobbins is in Bronxville, Bernie is in Binghompton, and Jennie Smith and Joonie Mason ore commuting to Truxton and Groton. We hod two terrific rush parties. Our first one, on open one, designated by the Dean's Office, was held on February 2, and "Around the World" was our theme . Anne Howelko, Barb Guelfi, Morey Thomas, Marge Gibson, Lois Piehler, Jeanne Smith, Pot Kelley, Jean Zoeck-

ler, Irma Utzot, Anice Dumbleton, Joan Comella, Estelle Dubic k, and Jane Muhlbauer all took port in o~r entertainment. We hod the house decorated as a luxury liner with. 36 portholes, each with the nome of a college chapter on it. Both our music and chapter rooms were filled with girls, so w·e were quite thrilled . The second party was strictly by invitation and we hod a hundred girls present at a formal teo. We song " Campfires" and "Clio Memories ." Thi s week-end is Winter Carnival Week-end, and if the weather is co.ld enough, we will be competing in a snow sculpturing contest. Today was ve ry wo rm , and the port that we did melted slightly. We're just praying for some zero weather tonight so we con finish and maybe win the cup. Our theme is "Humpty Dumpty." Guess that's all, except for the fact that Barb Guelfi and Pot Kelley went down to Annapolis for the week-end . See you next month! Love in A'2:.A, Janice Buck

BETA NU Murray State Teachers College, Murray, Kentucky

Dear A'2:.As: Here at "The South's Most Beautiful Campus" there's more than a hint of sp ring in the air. With Kentucky Lake a few short miles away, 01 ' Sol is certainly a welcome visitor to Murray State. The only sod spot in our lives is the illness of Miss Linn, our wonderfully, wonderful sponsor. We miss her presence and her guidance at our meetings and on the campus. Whenever we hove a problem, which is quite ofte n, we run stra ight to Miss Linn . To help her get well soon, Beta Nu is sending her a rose a day until she con be bock with us . Beta Nu is very proud to hove been a sked to sponsor the Red Cross drive on campus. Mrs. Harlan Hodges, our patroness, is general chairman of the Red Cross chapter for the city of Murray, and is responsible for Beta Nu 's interest in this work. The chapter has organized talent shows which give Sunday afternoon performances at Outwood Veterans Hospital. A drive for books and records will be held later in the spring . "The Gloss Menagerie," under the sponsorship of Alpha Psi Omega, was presented in January. It has a cost of four , two girls and two boys. The two girls' ports were played by Fa ye Edwards and Anne Lowry, gir ls who hove done some wonderful work · in dramatics here at Murray State. They seem to form the nucleus for every big production held on the campus. That monopoly on prom quee ns which Beta Nu seems to possess holds true again this spring . Mary Julio Moore, voted our outstanding member, has just been elected Junior-Senior Prom Queen . Mary Julio , a member of Who's Who, is a sen ior, majoring in English. When she graduates, Beta Nu is certainly going to lose a valuable member. We hove our spring rushing season coming up ' in a few weeks so we'll be very busy entertaining rushees. Another event which will occur in February is the inspection of the Tri-Sigmo chapter here at Murray, by their Notional President, Mrs. Page. Beta Nu is giving a coffee in her honor with members of both sororities present. Many affairs sponsored by Ponhellenic wi II be attended by Beta Nus. It's going to be a busy spring, but we hope a profitable one Clots of pledges)! Love in A'2:.A , La Vera Holland




Oneonta State Teachers College, Oneonta, New York

Concord College, Athens, West Virginia

Dear Alpha Sigs : After dinners and coffee hours, polite conversation and "so glad you could come's," rushing is finally over. The climax came on Conflict Night, Feb . 6, when the die was cast and eighteen girls chose to attend Alpha Sig's buffet supper and scavenger hunt. Because Charlotte Burroughs is doing her student teaching this semester, Marian Frazer has been elected to replace her as vice-president. Eleanor Yacker was graduated this January. Aside from rushing, the soro~ity has entertained the new faculty members, Delta Kappa fraternity, at a buffet supper, and one of the visiting basketball teams at a party. Next year will find us looking for a new house because the one which has been traditionally ours has been sold-lock, stock and fire escape. For a couple of weeks we were housemotherless, but after various interviews the dean returned to her home and we welcomed a new housemother. We're looking forward to the all-Greek dance . As an innovation we hope it will do much to solidify good feeling among the sororities and fraternities on campus. Love in A}:.A, Pat Burke

Beta Pi Chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha of Concord College has been busy since we wrote you last. Our first rush party given on November 1 0 , hod as its theme "Mexican Fiesta ." The menu was typical of Mexico and the program was centered around路 this theme also. The second rush party was a dinner given in Bluefield, West Virginia, followed by a movie. As is our tradition, Phyllis Holliday presented the actives and preps with a box of candy announcing her engagement to Joseph Fox. We ore happy to hove one of our charter members of Beta Pi bock with us on campus this year. Nellie Ellison is on the faculty here at Concord in the business deportment. She meets with us frequently and gives us help and advice . Our new adviser, Mrs . Finklemon, entertained us at a Christmas Party. We hod a wonderful time exchanging gifts, singing, and having a "gob" session. Delicious refreshments were served. Barbaro Guy

RHO CHI Wayne路 University, Detroit, Michigan

Greetings, Alpha Sigs : Well, we ore really out of breath. We just don't know where to start. So many interesting things have happened here; we'll start with Homecoming . Alpha Sigs entered a float with a beat 'em up theme illustrated by a large egg beater turned by one of the girls wearing the colors. Our most interesting activity of last semester was the gypsy fortune telling booth at Wintermort-a very colorful carnival affair in which about seventy-fi ve Wayne organizations participated. A number of the girls told fortunes by reading tea leaves, analyzing handwriting, reading palms and cards. All of the girls were dressed iri colorful gypsy costumes, and decorations effectively carried out the gypsy theme . To prove this, we won second prize in the specialty field, topped only by the International Club (composed of approximately ten foreign groups). We really were proud at this and walked around campus "bust in' our buttons." At the Engineers Boll we were represented by our blond songstress Katie Hellior. Also runner-up for the J Hop Queen was lovely Jean Carter. Our new rushing season started with Sorority Night. Many of the Alpha Sigs were present to greet the new rushees. Next comes I.S.C. teo to acquaint the girls with the dress for the rush parties. Our model will be exotic Nadyo Dubovenko. Our first rush party will be March 7, carrying out a Hawaiian theme. The second will ho ve a Shamrock theme in honor of St. Patrick's Doy. As I sign off, I hope you ore all having as interesting a time as we are. Love in Alpha Sigma Alpha, Eileen O' Sullivan

BETA SIGMA Southwest Missouri State College, Springfield, Missouri

Dear Alpha Sigs: In October we pledged 21 girls to Alpha Sigma Alpha. That 路 started our year off with a "boom." Since that time we hove been mighty busy with our many activities. To begin with, our first event was a coffee for A}:.A mothers at the home of Mrs. Pauline Friese, patroness. Homecoming, the big affair of the year, rolled around October 29 . Betty Boker was our candidate for homecoming queen. Throughout October and November various activities such as candy s~les and rummage soles were sponsored by A}:.A. The Founder's Day Banquet was held at Byron's Dinner House on November 1 5. Followir:1g the banquet there were speeches given by chapter officers. A very successful benefit bridge was given by the newly-organized Mother's Club on November 17. The proceeds were given to our chapter. The Mother's Club now has o membership of 27 . Pauline Fite, representive of Alpha Sigs, was one of the three attendants to "Miss Merrie Christmas" in the Christmas parade . Arthur Godfrey picked the attendants from photographs of 1 9 girls. Our own Janet Newton was chosen " Miss Snowflake" at the Pi Kappa Sigbo Snow Boll , January 5 . Still another celebrity-Jeanette Bell was selected one of seventeen from S.M .S. for Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities. The Kappa Alpha fraternity held their annual Robert E. Lee Boll January 13. A}:.A's La Uno Morris, "Kappa Alpha Sweetheart of 1 949," presented her crown to the Sweetheart of 1 950. During the March of Dimes campaign Alpha Sigs took collections at a local theatre. At the present time we ore looking forward to our annual Dinner Donee February 17 . It will be at Riverside, featuring a chicken dinner and mellow music for dancing. A "Sweetheart Couple" will be chosen to reign for the evening's activities: Following the ceremony, a quartet composed of Suzie Richardson, Hope Frink, Marty Roy and Mary Jane Thorp will serenade our happy couple with our "Alpha Sigma Sweetheart" song. Mary Jane Thorp

MARCH, 1950


ANNOUNCEMENTS PI PI Ann Marie Stark to Robert Emmet Cowley on Nov. 19, 1949. At home, 86 Shenandoah Road, Buffalo, N. Y. Syril Sandy Pevny to Charles de Quillfeldt, Jr., on Nov. 20, 1949. At home, 35 S. Ireland Place, Amityville, Long Island, N. Y.


Marilyn Jean Berry to Robert E. Anderson on Dec. 13, 1 949. At home, 3143-A Trinity Drive, Los Alamos, New Mexico. Marion G. Thomas to Ernest Chabot on Dec. 3, 1949. At home, 5611 Carlton Way, Hollywood 28 , Calif.

Shirley Swaze to W. Harry Dearth on Sept. 6, 1 949. At home, 100 Morningside Drive, 5 E3, New York 27, New York. Gloria Scrogin to David Levis Royer on路 Aug . 7, 1949. At home, 719 20th St ., Greeley, Colorado. Kathryn Stream to Morris E. Wheeler on Oct. 8, 1949. At home, 207 S. Humbolt, Denver, Colorado.

Martha Katherine Yeager to Warren Tubb; on Feb. 4, 1 950. At home, Buffalo, New York.



Nodine Rideneur to Robert Stokes on Nov. 24, 1 949. At home, 1 05 West 12th, Emporia , Kansas. Barbara Penna to Wayne Keupker on Dec. 29, 1949. At home, 1219 West St., Emporia, Kansas.

Myrna Jo Painter to George Gouges on Nov. 12, 1 949 . At home, Charleston, West Virginia .

ETA ETA Mary Beth Tanner to Henry Gray on Dec. 1 8 . At home, Laramie, Wyoming. Evelyn Whitaker to Jimmy Cotolino. Louise Burcham to Ivan Fugate on Dec. 20, 1949. At home, Denver, Colorado. Joan Babcock to Bob Seifers on Dec. 28, 1949. At home, Pittsburg, Kansas. Doris Halfhill to Alva Whitney on Dec. 26. At home, Pittsburg, Kansas. Fayenne Polston to Ted Hoffman on Nov. 25 . At home, Pittsburg, Kansas. KAPPA KAPPA Virginia Clark to George Murray Leedom on July 2 , 1949. At home, 4117 Tyson Ave., Philadelphia 25, Po . Ruth Addis to Gerald J . Marucci on Aug . 27, 1949. At home, 1210 S. Broad, Philadelphia 46, Po. Nathalie Cadwallader to Edmund William White on April 24, 1 948 . At home, Parkhurst Apts . F-1, Marion and Barbara Sts. , Bethlehem, Po . NU NU Barbara Mack to Harry J . Gqrmon, Jr. , on November 5, 1949. At home, 2506 Hillcrest Road, Drexe l Hill , Po . Jean E. Keller to Andrew L. Bolton, Jr ., on June 25, 1949. At home, 3904 Sussez Rood, Lancaster Court, Wilmington, Delaware. Betty Weaver to Edgar Roth on Sept. 15, 1 949 . At home, 635 Sherwood Ave ., Pittsburgh 4, Po .

Mary Elizabeth Twist to Ensign Edward F. Striegel, Jr., on Dec. 26, 1 949. At home, U.S. Naval Air Station, North Oak, Va.

SIGMA SIGMA Patricia Prewett to Darrell Greenlee on Nov. 25, 1949. At home, Gunni son, Colorado. TAU TAU Louise Baird to Cecil C. Seroney on June 1 6, 1947. At home, 31 Haskell St., Cambridge, Mass. Carol Griffith to Raymond Meyers on Sept. 20, 1947. At home, 10826 Cushdon Ave ., Los Angeles 64, Calif. Gladys Schreiber to Dean E. Corder on July 30, 1949. At home, Sylvia, Kansa s. PHI PHI Betty Joe Montgomery to W . G. Ferguso n on Sept. 4, 1 949 . At home, 1335 McCutcheon, Apt. F, Manhasset Village, St. Louis, Mo. PSI PSI Mary Womack to Herman Beebe on July 8, 1949. At home, Jonesboro, La . BETA GAMMA Betty Jo Fleetwood to Gary Bright on Nov. 26, 1949. At home, 709 Vinita, Tahlequah, Okla . Mary Nell Jami son to George Rackliff an Feb . 4, 1950. At home, Tahlequah, Okla . BETA DELTA Dorothy Lewis to Hugh D. McGilvray, Jr. , on Dec. 16, 1949. At home, 105 St. Paul St., Hattiesburg , Miss.




Elizabeth Ann Yeatts to Gordon Barbour Ambler, Jr., on November 19, 1949. At home, Richmond, Va.

Wilda VanBaaren to Richard Bonneson on Oct. 15, 1949. At home, Cairo, N. Y.

Setty Weeler to Hunter Spencer, Jr. , on Dec. 21 , 路 1949. At home, Dinwiddie, Va .

Lillian Ferguson to Holman Frelinghuysen Judd on July 16, 1949. At home, 1 86 Washington Ave., Pleassantville, N. Y. Barbara J. Shaffer to Alvin B. Balaban on Dec. 19, 1948. At home, 1 19-14 Union Turnpike, Kew Gardens, Long Island, N. Y.

Mabel Brumley to Harry Downe Church on June 24 , 1949. At home, 2602 Baltic Ave ., Virginia Beach, Va . Barbara Jane Smith to Claude W . Mann, Jr., on Nov. 30, 1 946 . At home, Apt. C-1, 402 Monroe Lane, Charlottesville, Va .

Constance Cooper to Lester Mann on Dec:. 24, 1949. At home, New York City, N. Y.


Maxine Fieg to Robert Whiteside on Jan . 13, 1950 . At home, Oneonta, N. Y.

Betty Jane Moseley to Dr. John .Robert Shell on April 23, 1949. At home , Washington Grove, Maryland .



Margaret Tanner to James Belcher on July 12, 1949. At home, Iaeger, W . Va .

Jean Leone Sylvester to Lloyd James Grow on Aug . 15, 1949. At home, Medora, N. D.

Joan Lusk to Guy Wiles on June 2, 1949. At home, 1546 Lee St., Charleston, W . Va .


Doris Witten t~ Harry Gloss in July, 1949. Box 1036, Gary, W . Va .

Mary Louise Hodges to L. P. Maupin, Jr., on Oct. 9,

1949. At home, 1106 W . Franklin, Apt. 207, Richmond, Va. BETA KAPPA Joyce Luttrell to Robert Glore on Dec. 30, 1949. At home, St. Angelo, Texas. BETA LAMBDA

At home,

Florence Kozakiewicz to Thaddeus Zywocinski on Nov. 26, 1949. At home, Athens, W. Va. Betty VanReinen to William Atkins on Sept. 4, 1 948 . At home, 2944 Sollers Point Road, Dundalk, Maryland. BETA RHO Martha Self to Richard Pearson on Nov. 26, 1949. At home, 531 Haish Blvd., DeKalb, Ill. Audrey Mighell to Carl Claesson on July 23 , 1949. At home, Big Rock, Ill.

Betty Hurley to Robert Lee Gardner, Jr., on Oct. 28 , 1949. At home, Marianna, Ark. Ruth Worm to Dr. Ed Duty on Aug . 17, 1949. At home, Carlisle, Ark . 路Carolyn Plemmons to Jim Adkins on December 18, 1949. At home, Marked Tree, Ark. BETA MU Louise Chambers to Charles Bray on Nov. 26, 1949. At home, Lewisville, Ark. 'Patsy Carol Crowley to William McKinley Thompson on Dec . 17, 1949. At home, Arkadelph ia, Ark.

BIRTHS ALPHA Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schumann (Sue Harper) a daughter, Susan Carroll, on Sept. 9, 1 949. M;. and Mrs. F. E. Duarte (Dorothy Daracott) a son, John Scott, on Oct. 5 , 1949. ALPHA BETA Mr. and Mrs . Bob McCiimines (Jackie Sue Watkins) a son, Bob Allen, Jr., on Dec . 25 , 1949.

Mary Lou Steed to John Allen Due on July 9, 1948 . At home, 312 McCright St., Benton, Ark.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sees (Lorraine 路Summers) a daughter, Sara Beth, on Dec. 28 , 1 949 .



Patricia Catlin to Kenneth VanLone on Dec. 22, 1949. At home, Dundee, N. Y.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tezza (Lois Maize) a son, Terry Lynn, on Oct. 14, 1949.

Shirley E. Young to Richard G. Reif on August 21, 1948 . At home, 64 Y2 Floral, Cortland , N. Y.


Mildred Sudman to Richard E. Littell on Nov. 21 , 1948. At home . 66 West Warwic k, N. Y.

Mr. and Mrs. Don Long (Beverly Coon) a son, Gary Douglas, on Oct. 27, 1949.

Dorothy Wheeler to Thomas Paul Dutcher on Dec. 1 8, 1948. At home, 124 E. Main, Ilion, N. Y.

Mr. and Mrs. Ted P. Sutter (Dorothy Avery) a son, John Avery, on July 1 0, 1949.


Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnson (Louise Huber) a daughter, Janice Lynn, on July 25 , 1 949.

Bess Wallwork to Peterson on June 11, 1949. At home, 2225 S. Avers Ave. , Chicago 23, Ill.

Mr. and Mrs. George Motter (Virginia Cox) a son, Charles Bicholas, on Aug . 28, 1949.

MARCH, 1950



Dr. and Mrs. Roy E. Seibel (Ruth Haenzell a daughter, Susan Jane, on Dec. 4, 1949.

Mr. and Mrs. Dale Frieden (EJecta Lee Montgomery) a son, Lex Montgomery, on March 5, 1949. Mr. and Mrs. Harold V. Huneke (Pauline Haworth) a daughter, Nancy Ann, on Nov. 28, 1949 .-~ EPSILON EPSILON Mr. and Mrs. Russell Giger (Salley Corey) a son, Stephanie Lee, on Nov. 25, 1949. Mr. and Mrs. Max Smith (Eleanor Randell a daughter, on Dec . 18, 1949. Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Hayes (Mary J. Jones) a daughter, Holly Jo, on Dec. 15, 1949. Mr. and Mrs. William Barber (Betty H. Atherton) a daughter, Nancy Barber, in Jan ., 1950. ZETA ZETA Mr. and Mrs. W . D. McKenney (Frances Rhea Yelton) a daughter, Phyllis Ann, o~ Sept. 8, 1949. Mr. and Mrs . Leonard Trenchard (Mildred Hanthorn) a son, Leoonard James, on Jan. 6, I 950. ETA ETA Mr. and Mrs . Milton W. Good (Dorothy May Burcham) a son, James Milton, on March 27, 1949. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence F. Weaver (Margaret Tharrington) a son, Larry Gene, on Oct. 22, 1949. Mr. and Mrs. F. Calvin (Betty Corbel a son, Corbe Otis, on July 28, 1949. Mr. and Mrs. W . Hembree (Connie Cockerill) a son, Jeffre Lynn, on Nov . I I, 1949. KAPPA KAPPA Mr. and Mrs. James E. Williamson (Marion Bowers) a son, Gregory Lynn, on Sept. II, I 949. Mr. and Mrs. John Fetherston (Eleanor Conrad) a daughter, Connie Jean, on Sept. 23, I 949 . Rev. and Mrs. E. P. Weber Uean Tyson) a son, Timothy Tyson, in October, 1949.

Mr. and Mr.s Harry R. Roesch (Amy Smith) a son, Harry Robert Ill, on July 16, 1.949. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur York (Dorothy Kuhn) a daughter, Carol Ruth, on Dec. 14, I 949 . Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jansen (Dorothy Hawthorne) o daughter, Kathleen Louise, on Dec. 22, 1949. Mr. and Mrs. H. Kenneth lves (Anna Wulf) a son Peter James, on March 26, I 948, and John Martin o'n Dec. 12, 1949. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hauser Uune Perry) a daughter, Martha Jean, on July 30, 1949. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Worth (Marjorie Moreland) a son, Daniel Edward, on Jan. 12, I 950. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tierney (Mary Dwyer) a daughter, Ann Louise, on Jan . 6, I 950. Mr. and Mrs . Robert E. King (Margaret Smith) a daugh ter, Susan Margaret, on April 22, 1949. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Zierk (Loree Ladyni) a son, Eric Clifford, on Jan . I 8, I 950 . Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Nellany Uane Donnelly) · a daughter, Sue Ann, on Jan. I, I 950 . RHO RHO M·r. and Mrs. Lawrence Earl Roberts (Ruth Fisher) a son, Thomas Gerald, on June 24, 1949. Mr . and Mrs . John A. Wright, Jr. (Ruby Covington) a son, James Covington, on Aug . 26, I 948 . Mr. and Mrs. Edward N. Straight (Josephine Peters) a daughter, Harriet Jane, on July 5, 1949. Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Elliott (Evelyn Haws) a daughter, Linda Grace, on Jan . 9, I 950 . TAU TAU Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth 0. Campbell Uane Isaacks) a daughter, Barbara Jane, on Sept. 20, I 948 . PHI PHI


Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Hall (Margaret Sutton) a son, Stephen James, Jr., on Aug. 28, 1949.

Mr. and Mrs. William Burkhardt (Gerry Eaton) a daughter, Patricia Lynn, on Oct. 28, 1949.



Mr. and Mrs. Clarence LaHayne (Marjorie Stafford) a son, Roger, on June 15, I 949.

Mr. and Mrs. Edwards (Jacquot Waymire) a daughter, Gynne Ellyn, on Aug. 28, 1949.


Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wayne (Barbara Kremith) a daughter, Lucinda Marie, on Aug. 30, 1949.

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wasson (Pat Thompson) a son, Raymond Rance, II , on Nov . 22, 1949.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Erb (Elaine Cole) a son, Jonathan Jay, on Feb. 23, 1949.

Mr. and Mrs. Arman M. Franklin (Altha Herring ) a son, Richard Arman, on Oct. 16, 1949.



Mr. and Mrs. John Hausle (Phyllis Tatu) a son, John Charles, Jr ., on Oct. 8, 1949. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Kenyon Nevalls, Jr. (Mary E. Clark) a son, Harvey Keyon Ill, on Oct. 24, 1949. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Rose (Grace Schreiner) a son, Robert Warren, on Oct. 28, 1949.

Mr. and Mrs. John Melvin Burton (Elizabeth Smith) a daughter, Susan Carol, on Sept. 20, 1949. • Rev. and Mrs. Marshall Mauney (Laura Virginia Foltz) a daughter, Virginia Foltz, on Oct. 25 , I 949. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Carl Coleman (Phyllis Early) a son, Thomas Allan, on Jan. 6, 1949.




Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Cornay, Jr . (June Foster) a son, Howard Joseph , Ill , on Nov. 27, 1949.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis W. Charvat <Jane Grundman ) a daughter, Linda Jane, on Dec. 10, 1949. Mr. and Mrs. George Diegel (Cathryn Byrd) a daughter, Nyla Rochelle, on Aug . 5, 1949. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Smithson (Rose Kloian) a son, Gregory Jay, on Jan. 11 , 1 950.

BETA KAPPA Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nelson (Mary Killingsworth) a son, Charles Stephen, on Nov. 18, 1949. Mr. and Mrs. Terrance Whitsitt (Mary Benner) a son, Timothy John, in November, 1949. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Moon (Ruth Ward ) a son, Dennis Lee, in November, 1949.

BETA PI Mr. and Mrs . Floyd Whitlock (Betty Lou Lilly) a san, Thomas Milford, in October, 1949.



Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Cole (Glenna Jo Phillips) a son, Thomas Glenn, on Jan. 1; 1 950 .

ALPHA _BETA Mabel E. Anderson.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Loibner (Polly White ) a son, Craig Ronald, on Aug. 24, 1949. 路G AMMA CLIO Mr. and Mrs. Richard Reif (Shirley Young) a son, Thomas Richard, in December, 1 949. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold T . Rist (Robe rta C. Drake) a son, Randy Thomas, an Sept. 11, 1 948 . Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dempsey Davis (Cieone Barnes) a daughter, Marilyn Alane, on Aug . 23, 1948 . Mr. and Mrs. William Esrich (Ruth Hallas) a daughter, Linda, on Aug . 21 , 1949. BETA XI Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crandall (Mary Jane Hendee) a daughter, Rhonda Susan, on Jan . 25, 1 950 . Mr. and Mrs . James Williams (Katherine Blair) a daughter, Mary Phyllis, on Oct. 5 , 1949. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Renick (Betty Larkin) a son, W illiam Arthur, on Dec. 14, 1 949. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rori ck (Dorothy Rooney) a son, Paul William, on Aug . 6 , 1949. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Mellin (Beverly Barlow) a son, Peter John, on Oct. 19, 1949.

BETA BETA Helen E. Sprinkle (Mrs. Hoyt D. Smith), Aug. 21, 1949. ZETA ZETA Maurine Lemley, Oct. 19, 1949. PI PI Theresa McGuire (Mrs. Wayne Rasmussen ), Feb . 11, 1950. As shadows cast by sun and clouds Flit o'er the summer grass So, in Thy sight, Almighty One, Earth 's generations pass. In memoriam of (Terry McGuire) Mrs. Wayne Rasmussen of Pi Pi Chapter who died in Buffalo, New York, on February 11 , 1 950 . We remember Terry for her effort and vitality in giving Alpha Sigma Alpha the reality of Tudor Castle . While at college Terry attained Alpha honor society far her "outstanding leadership and exceptional service" to the college. She was active on the Record , the Elms Staff, and in her se nior class . During the war Terry organized a U.S.O. Committee for war relief work at the college . The Art Kraft Klub remembers her for her contributions. After graduation Terry taught in Cuba, New York. She is survived by her husband and two children . To her famil y, Alpha Sigma Alpha extends their deepest sympathy.


MARCH, 1950

Directory 1949-1950

NATIONAL COUNCIL President Mrs. Fred M. Sharp, 1405 Ha rdy Ave., Independence, Mo. Vice-President-Miss Virginia Carpenter, 13605 Shaker Blvd., Cleve land 20, Ohio. Secretary Miss Helen L. Corey, 6310 Sherwood Rd., Overbrook, Philadelphia 3 1, Pennsylvania. Treasurer-Miss Esther Bucher, Suite 226, 1025 Grand Ave., Kansas City 6, Mo. Registrar - Mrs. Robert C. Grady, 2400 Swartwout Ave., Richmond 22, Va. Editor-Mrs . B. F. Leib, 3515 N. Pennsylvania St., Apt. 8, Indianapolis 5, Ind . Director of Alumnae-Miss Evelyn G. Bell, 767 Lafayette Ave. , Buffalo 22, N. Y. NATIONAL CHAIRMEN Alumnae Editor Miss Eloise Proctor, 3110 N. Delaware, Indianapolis 5 , Ind . Alumnae Organizer Mrs. Donald L. Frost, Box 4816, Tucson , Ariz. Art-Mrs. Robert Wolf, 1021 Argo Blvd ., Scheneetady, N. Y. College Editor-Miss Joan Steinmiller, 89 Keswick Road, Eggertsvi lle 21, N. Y. Constitution-Mrs. Wayne W. Byers, 4629 Bayard St., Apt. 306, The Adrian, Pittsburgh 13, Po . Convention-Miss Helen L. Corey, 6310 Sherwood Rd ., Overbrook, Philadelphia 31, Po. Fellowship-Mrs. Harvey E. Bumgardner, 2010 Roseland, Royal Oak, Mich . Founders' Day - Mrs. Robert T. Naylor, 230 N. Main St., Suffolk, Va. Historian-Miss Loui se Stewart, 1330 Blue Ave., Zanesville, Ohio . Music- Mrs. Arthur L. Hell rich, 502 B Allenhurst Road, Buffalo 14, N. Y. Philanthropic Mrs. R. A. Rice, 4651 Kenwood Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Public Relations Director-Mrs. Leonard Cousins, 14 Forest Ave. , Caldwell, N.J . Scho larship-Mr~. Reinard Schlosser, 2800 Dexter St., Denver 7, Colo . FOUNDERS Mrs. W. B. Carper (louise Cox) 505 Montrose Drive, South Charleston, W . Va. Mrs. H. E. Gilliam (Ju li ette Hundley) 2608 Grove Ave., Richmond, Va. Miss Mary Williamson Hundley, 21 0 N. Stafford Ave., Richmond , Va. Mrs. John Walton Noell (Virginia Boyd) 617 Allison Ave ., Roanoke, Va. Mrs. P. W. Wootton (Calva Haml et Watson) 2020 Matrax Ave ., Petersburg, Va. NATIONAL PANHELLENIC CONFERENCE Chairman-Mrs. E. Granville Crabtree , 85 Dean Road, Brookline 46, Mass. ASA Delegate-Mrs. Fred M. Sharp, 1405 Hardy Ave., Independence, Mo.



Alpha-Mrs . James Elam Holland, Box 3502 V.P.I., Blacksburg, Va. Alpha Beta- Mrs . Ralph Vorhees, P . 0 . Box 356, Kirksville, Mo. Alpha Gamma- Mrs. Philip Meyer, 233 Third Street, Aspinwell, Po . Beta Beta-Mrs. Reinard Schlosser, 2800 Dexte r Street, Denver 7, Colo. Gamma Gamma-Mrs . Joseph Bozzacco , 760 Sherwood Ave., Youngstown, Ohio. Epsilon Epsilon- Mrs. E. D. Fish , 811 State Street, Emporia , Kansas. Zeta Zeta-Mrs. Irving Sparks , 815 Col lege, Columbia , Mo. Eta Eta - Miss Mary Kay Reiff, 3000 Tracy, Kansas City, Mo. Theta Theta-Mrs. Louise Fletcher, 141 Marked Tree Road, Needham, Mass. Kappa Kappa-Mrs. John Anderson , 1900 N. Park, Philadelph ia , Po. Nu Nu-Mrs. William Crook, 2936 Berkley Road, Ardmore, Po. Xf Xi Mrs . Willard Anderson, 2371 Da vidson Ave., Son Bernardino, Cal if. Pi Pi-Mrs. Ernest Chabot, 5611 Carlton Way, Ho ll ywood, Calif. Rho Rho-Mrs. Jack Holl er, 1443 Spring Valley Drive, Huntington , W. Va. Sigma Sigma-Mrs. Delmar Zeiger, 906 S. Main St., Lamar, Colo . Tau Tau-M rs. John Renning , 505 East 11th St., Ell is, Kansas. Phi Phi-Mrs. Eugene Appleby, 404 East First, Maryville, Mo. Chi Ch i-Mrs. Harold Bull , 317 Ashland Ave., Muncie, Indiana : Psi Psi-Mrs. Joe Hutch Brewer, 1726 S. Victor, Tulsa, Okla. Beta Gamma-Mrs . Albert Goodall , 218A East Aeronca , Midwest City, Okla. Beta Delta- Miss Marie Scanlon, 1701 Indiana , LaPorte, Ind. Beta Epsilon-Miss Jean Drinkwater, 1222 Lorraine Ave., Richmond , Va . Beta Zeta- Mrs . Walter F. Carnal , Jr. , Lecompte, La . Beta Theta-Mrs. J. D. Rose , Jr ., 421 V2 W. 4th St., Royal Oak, Mich. Beta Eta-Miss Leil a Woods , State Teachers College, Dickinson , N. D. Beta Kappa-Mrs. Henry Hohe, 1 225 S. 57th St., Cicero 50, Ill. Beta Lambda- Mrs . Ed Duty, Carlisle, Arkansas. Beta Mu-Mrs. Frances C. Mclean , 1224 Eleventh St., Arkadelph ia , Arkansas . Beta Nu-Miss Sarah Rh >des, 409 Huntington St. , Lexington, Tenn . Gamma Clio-Miss Winifred Fuller, 3527 81 st St., Jackson Heights, N. Y. Beta Xi-Mrs . A. Paul Lisy, Jr., 34 Donelson St., Providence, R. I. Alpha Alpha-Mrs. Ralph E. Woods , 4215 Verne Ave., Cincinnati 9, Ohio . Delta Delta-Mrs. Helen Miller, 77 Eldon St., Columbus, Ohio . Lambda Lambda Mrs. Charles Cummings, 63 Arden Rd. , Columbus 2, 0. Mu Mu-Mrs. Otto Kress, 1210 Pearl , Ypsilanti, Mich. Omicron Omicron-Mrs. Paul Crawford, Pla in Center Rd. , R.F.D. 2, Canton, 0. Chi Chi (But ler)-Mrs. William Kingdon, 910 E. Kessler Blvd., Indianapolis, Ind .

NATIONAL EDITOR - Mrs. B. F. Leib, 路 3515 N. Pennsyl vani a St., Apt. 8, Indianapolis, Ind . COLLEGE CHAPTER EDITOR-Joan Steinmuller, 89 Keswick Road, Eggerstville 21, N.Y . College Chapter Editors

Alpha-Jackie Jardine, Long wood College, Farmville , Va. Alpha Beta- Norma Shearer, 701 East Normal, Kirksville, Mo . Alpha Gamma- Arline Wiedwald, 236 John Sutton Hall , Indiana , Po . B.eta Beta-Joan Bailey, 1502 7th Ave., Gree ley, Colo. Gamma Gamma-Vesta Wilson, 525 lOth, Alva, Okla. Epsilon Eps ilon- Donna Ballantine, 920 Lawrence St., Emporia, Kansas. Zeta Zeta-Faith Ann Casebolt, Yeate r Hall , Warrensburg, Mo. Eta Eta-Mary Ann Abbey, Willard Hall, Pittsburg , Kansas. Theta Theta Mary Jane Doyle , 4 Charlesgate East, Boston, Mass . Kappa Kappa- Doris Rogers , 1938 N. Park Ave., Philadelphia, Po . Nu Nu-Dorothy Jones, 837 No rth 6th St., Camden, N. J. Xi Xi-Shir ley Carelli , 3246 Federal, Los Angeles, Calif. Pi Pi-Ma rgaret Jolly, 104 Bickford Ave., Buffalo 15, N. Y. Rho Rho- Bill ie Juanita Hickman, College Hall , Marshall Colleg e, Hunt ington , W.Va . Sigma Sigma Marcille Tebbetts, 227 Chipeta Hall , Gunnison, Co lo . Tau Tau-Patsy Earl , 109 W. 19th St., Ft . Hays, Kansas. Phi Phi-Joanne Wright , 722 W. Third, MaryviTie, Mo. Chi Chi-Evelyn Rarick, 500 N. Calvert, Muncie, Ind. Psi Psi-Mary Beth Buckley, Northwestern State College, Natchitoches, La . Beta Gamma-Jimmie Short, Northwestern State College, Tahlequah, Okla. Beta Delta- Penny Stewart, 204 33rd Ave., Hattiesburg , Miss . Beta Epsilon-Ruth Harshbarger, Box 313, Madison College , Harrisonburg, Va. Beta Zeta-Jean Nebel, Box 191 , Southwestern Louisiana Institute , Lafayette, La . Beta Eta- Alice Dynes, State Teachers College, Dickinson , N. D. Beta Theta - Mary Gronseth, Barnard Hall , Mt . Pleasant , Mich . Beta Iota- Dorothy Strader, Box 690, Radford, Va. Beta Kappa- Shirley Brown, 717 West Adams, Macomb, Ill. Beta Lambda-Anna Mae Schichtt, Arkansas State Teachers College, Conway, Arkansas . Beta Mu-Barbara Halliburton, Box 424 , Henderson State Teachers College , Arkadelphia, Arkansas. Gamma Clio-Janice Buck, 22 W . Court, Cortland, N. Y. Beta Nu-La Vera Holland, Box 31, College Station, Murray, Ky.


52 Beta Xi-Patric ia Burke, 59 Center St. , Oneont a , N. Y. Rho Chi Eileen O ' Sulli v an , 14531 Vaughn , Detroit 23 , Mich. Beta Pi-Barbara Guy, Box 610, Athens, W . Va. Beta Rho Henri e tta Sagalow, Adams Hall , North , DeKalb, 111. Beta Sigma--:-Mary Jane Tharp, 1039 E. Elm , Springfield , Mo . ALUMNAE EDITOR-Eloise Proctor, 3110 N. Delaware St ., Ind ianapol is, Ind. Alumnae Chapter Editor.s

A kron , Ohio-Mrs. L. F. Snyder, 639 S. Firestone Bl vd ., A kron , Ohio. Allentown- Bethlehem, Pa.-Mrs . Kenneth Swayne, 900 Graham St ., Bethlehem, Po. Alva , Okla.-Miss Marguerite Elliott, 717 Fourth St., Al va , Okla. Baltimore, Md . - Mrs . James A. Leedy, 718 Gorsuch Ave., Baltimore 18 , Md . Boston , Mass.- Miss Anna Ra vesi, 856 Ma in St ., Malden , Mass . Buffalo, N. Y. - Miss Suzanne Marvin , 4831 Main St ., Buffalo 21, N. Y. Canton, Ohio Mrs . Byron Giltz, 868 Phillips Rd ., N.E., Massillon , Oh io . Central, Po . - Mrs. L. Lattamus , 207 E. Orange St., Lancaster, Po . Charleston, W . Va.-Mrs . Alfred Gruber , 1629 Woodbine Ave., Charleston, W . Va . Charlottesville, Va.-Mrs. William H. Wi lson, 8B Copeley Hill , Charlottesv il le, Va . Chicago , 111.-Mrs. Ralph Weegar, 329 S. Michigan , Villa Park, Ill . Cleveland, Ohio- Miss Virginia Carpenter, 13605 Shaker Bl vd ., Cl eveland 20, 0. Colorado Springs, Colo.-Mrs . F. L. Borst, 817 N. Weber, Colorado Springs, Colo . Columbus, Ohio-Mrs. Ivan Creager, 754 Kenwick, Apt . A, Columbus, Ohio. Cortland , N. Y.-Mrs. William Novado, 21 Arthur Ave ., Cortland, N. Y. Dayton, Ohio Mrs. William Goodwin , 1735 Radcliff Rd ., Dayton , Ohio . Denever, Colo.-Mrs. M. E. Wheeler, 207 S. Humbolt, Den ver, Colo . Des Moines, Iowa-M iss Florence Harley, 900 36th St., Des Moines , Iowa . Detroit, Michigan-Mrs . Charles Jorgenson, 1001 Beaconsfie ld , Grosse Point, Mich .

Detroit, Mich, Sigma Rho Chi-Miss Bobs Dick ieson , 9660 Burnette, Detroit 4, Mich. Emporia , Kansas-Mrs . Dorothy t<\islap, 813 W . 12th, Emporia , Kansas . Fort Wayne, lnd .-Ruth Smith , 803 W . Jefferson St., Fort Wayne, Ind. Fort Worth, Texas-Mrs. J . J. Dixon , 2709 Hemph ill , Apt . C, Fort Worth , Texas. Greeley, Co lo.- Mrs . Clarence T . Boob, 718 17th St., Greeley, Colo . Gunnison , Colo .-Mrs. Margene Hoot , Box 375, Gunn ison, Colo. Harrisonburg , Va .-Mrs. Nick Forkov itch , 210 New York Ave., Harrisonburg , Va . Hays , Kansas-Mrs. Rex Pearson , 129 W. 1Oth, Ellis, Kansas . Honolulu, Hawaii Mrs . H. T. Wilson , 1268 AT Sqdn ., 1 500 AT Gp. , APO 953 , Hickman Field, Hawaii . Houma , La.-Mrs . Raymond Thibodeaux , 711 Suthon Ave., Houma , La. Houston, Te xas- Mrs . M. K. Thornton, Ill , 706 Rosedale, Houston , Texas. Huntington , W . Va.- Mrs . L. D. Van Osdol, 2809 First Ave ., Huntington ; W . Va . Indiana polis, Ind . - Miss Eloise Proctor, 3110 N. Delaware St ., Indianapolis 5, Ind. Joplin, Mo.-Mrs . C. 0. Smith , Jr ., 710 N. Jackson , Joplin , Mo. Kansas City, Mo.-Miss Elizabeth Danclovis, 120 N . Lawn, Kansas City, Mo . Kirksville, Mo.-Mrs. Emily King , 111 E. Patterson, Kirksville, Mo. Lafayette, La .-Mrs. Kittie Manley, Box 239 , SLI Station, Lafayette, La. Licking-Muskingum Valley- Miss Jane J ac[<son, 1OS N. 12th St., Newa rk, 0. Little Rock, Arkansas-Mrs. Harold L. McDonald , 509 S. Cedar, Little Rock, Arkansas. • Los Angeles, Calif. Mrs . B. Meyers, 4538¥2 Melbourne Ave ., Hollywood 27 , Calif. Lynchburg, Va .-Miss Marianne Wright, 201 Yeardley Ave. , Lynchburg, Va . Maryville, Mo.-Mrs. Charles Scruby, 124 S. Market, Maryville, Mo . Muncie, Ind. Mrs. Everett Thresher, 1314 E. Adams St ., Muncie, Ind . Muskogee , Okla . Miss Peggy Perdue , Spiro, Okla . Natchitoches, La .-Mrs. Arlin Bice, 1115 Williams Ave ., Natchitoches, La .

New York, N. Y. -Mrs. Cal Whidden, 142-41 Franklin Ave ., Flush ing , Long• Island, N. Y. Miss Marcella> Niagara Falls, N. Y. Wozniak, 351 First St., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Oklahoma City, Okla .-Mrs . A. B. Goodall , 218 A East Aeronca , Oklahoma City, Okla . Oleans, N. Y.- Mrs. Glenn Bernreuther,. Limestone , N. J . Philadelphia , Pa .-Miss Georgia Dinteman , 4114 Pine St. , Philadelphia, Po. Phoeni x , Arizona Mrs . lma Garland,. 3144 E. Portland St. , Phoeni x, Arizona . Pittsburg , Kansas-Mrs. Margaret Pennock, 411 Adams, Pittsburg , Kansas. Pittsburgh, Po . Mrs . Joseph Rochez, 1930 Ardmore Bl vd ., Pittsburgh 21 , Po. Richmond , Va . - Mrs. N. G. Leek, 1108: Grove Ave., No. 3, Richmond, Va . Roanoke, Va.-Mrs . E. B. Gordon , 161 O· Westover Ave., Roanoke, Va . Rochester, N. Y.- Miss Betty Clancy, 1045 Arnett Bl vd., Rochester 11, N. Y. St. Louis, Mo .-Mrs. H. K. Leedham , 456· Woodlawn , Webster Groves 19, Mo . San Francisco, Calif.-Mrs. Louery Mallory, 748 Franklin St ., Yuba City, Calif . South Bend , Ind . - Mrs. H. A. Roberts , 2517 Erskine Blvd ., South Bend, Ind . Springfield , Mo .-Miss Joan Hughes, 717 Hovey, Springfield , Mo . Suffolk, Va . - Mrs. Harlan Cooley, 227 Clay St., Suffolk, Va. Tahlequah, Okla. Mrs. Jack Romine, 902 Grand , Tahlequah, Okla . Topeka, Ka nsas-Mrs . Mary Rupp , No. 97 Universit y Place, Washburn Campus , Topeka, Kansas . Tri -Cities, Mich.- Mrs . J . Paul Hedges, 715 Congress, Saginaw, M ich . Triple Cities, N. Y.-Miss Elizabeth Ha nford , 18 Naticoke Ave ., Endicott, N. Y. Tucson , Arizona - Mrs . George Sparks, 414 E. Limberlost, Rt. 9 , Box 464 , Tucson , Arizona.

Tulsa , Okla . - Miss Maxine Line, 131 l South Louisville, Tulsa 4, Okla . Washington , D. C. Mrs. Thomas G. Moore, 237 Willow Ave. , Takoma Park, Md . Wichita , Kansas- Miss Mimi Jennings, 156 N. Ash, Wichita, Kansas. Wilmington , Dela .-Miss Mary Elizabeth Harvey, 802 N. Harrison, Wilmington, Del a.

MARCH, 1950


MARRIAGE ANNOUNCEMENT Send to Alpha 'Sigma Alpha Central Office 1 405 Hardy Avenue Independence, Missouri Maiden Nome - - - - - - - -Former A d d r e s s - - - - - - - - Married Nome--- - - - - - New Address - - - - - - - - - -

Dote of Marriage - - - - - - - Chapter - - - - - - - - - - -



Fraternity and Sorority Survey Ohio State University Bureau of Public Relations, Columbus, Ohio and sororities at the Ohio State University found pub Iic attitudes, as reflected in their recent survey, generally favorable toward the Greek letter groups. A preliminary tabulation completed today showed a heavy majority of the 1,200 persons queried thought the student groups were beneficial, helped students adjust to college life and that their present methods of selecting members were satisfactory. Planned and conducted under the direction of the Public Relations Committee of the Council of Fraternity President's and Women's Panhellenic Association, the survey was aimed at determining public attitudes so that the groups might more effectively improve their programs and correct pub Iic misconceptions. Here are some of the results : Question-Indicate your judgment of the value of fraternities in American college life. Answers-Beneficial, 757; Harmful, 102; No effects, 285; and, No answer, 81. Question-What do you believe to be the major qualifications for becoming a member of a fraternity or sorority? Answers-Scholarship, 341; Personality, 331; Character, 233; Money, 133; Background, 104; and Social ability, 59. Question-What do you think about the right the fraternity has in its choice of members? Answers-All right, 772; Wrong, 121; Undemocratic, 54; Should be up to discretion of groups, 44; Indefinite answer, 58; and, No answer, 140.

Question-Do you think the average student is able to join a fraternity (sorority)? Answers-Yes, 563; Probably, 41; Doubtful, 50; No, 388; Average student doesn't have the money, 40; and Don't know, 138. Question -What do you consider some characteristics of fraternities? AnswersHelp student adjust to college life, 620; Provide homes while at college, 609; Contribute to college activities, 544; Sponsor scholarships, 342; Contribute to community activities, 427; Help students improve their ability to study and improve grades, 325; Are self-satisfied cliques, 348; Are very costly to join, 323; Make people who belong feel superior to others, 308; Do too much drinking, 272; Seek control of a II campus activities, 221; and Interfere with school work, 203. Question-Should alcoholic beverages be permitted at fraternity parties? AnswersNo, 692; Yes, 429; Mode_rately, 24; Don't know, 56; and No answer, 102. Question--If you were an employer would you rather hire a member or non-member of a fraternity:> Answers-Makes no difference, 927; Prefer fraternity men, 144; Prefer nonfraternity men, 66; and No answer, 10. Co-chairmen of the Public Relations Committee directing the survey were Bernard G. Gardner of CUYAHOGA FALLS, and Joan Jones of COLUMBUS. Residents in all areas of the city were contacted by student teams of men and women in the survey. A similar survey by mail of parents of members of the groups and alumni will be carried on as a supplement to the pub Iic survey.

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