Asa phoenix vol 42 no 3 mar 1957

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MARCH. 1957


Sororities In An Expanding College Program • IN a recent speech a college administrator talked of the problems facing .private and state institutions of higher education within the next five years. His presentation emphasized the concern of educators for the large number of students begging for admission to different colleges and the limited number accepted; the inability of colleges to furnish adequate classrooms, living accommodations, and trained instructors who could prepare these young people for the demands of the world of today. The figures portrayed a rapidly changing picture for our colleges that demands the best thinking to find some solution. Important as it is to provide the best education for our youth, are there other things that should be considered if our college students are to have a well rounded education? When classrooms house hundreds, and · in some cases, thousands of students, where will they find the smaller, intimate groups that are conducive to sharing of common ideas? National sororities and fraternities need to be considered in this emerging program. They can offer students association in the smaller groups that enable them to develop the ability to get along with people. Within the confines of these intimate groups people can confidently voice opinions and ·often find a sounding board for some of their own ideas. The potential leader may be discovered in such groups and then helped to develop the qualities of leadership that our college campuses and larger communities need. With large companies stressing the importance of public relations these days, we know they will be interested in the employment of college gradu ates who can meet the public graciously, reflect charm in appropriate dress, manners, speech, consideration for others, and individual poise. Let the fraternal gmups assume these responsibilities ( CoNTINUED







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• A NATIONAL SORORITY that goes forward and continues to adjust its program to changing needs of college campuses must also consider "new blood" as a part of the future. All the college chapters added to our rolls in the last five years have contributed in great measure to the sorority as a whole. The startling figures on expected college enrollments by 1960 can mean only one thing to national sororities: an opportunity to grow and expand with the colleges. Adding new chapters to the sorority roll is not a matter of printing a new name, or having the new names appear by some magic effected by the national officers. Just because enrollments will automatically make new sororities necessary on most campuses, does not mean that A~A will automatically get a share of them. It does mean that the opportunity exists for us, but the amount of work required to make our dream come true will increase many times. We are not the only national sorority wishing to add new college chapters, therefore competition makes the problem more fun, and makes us look to our national program to supply new services and new ideas to catch the imagination of prospective new members. In general, the specific requirements for a group int~·ested in A~A are: 1. A signed petition is submitted to the national council, along with a scrapbook of activities of the group. 2. A newly organized group sends a signed petition, with biographical data on each member. 3. A national officer inspects the group and makes a recommendation to the national council to accept or refuse the petition for a charter. 4. If the petition : is accepted, arrangements (CoNTINUED







~eletifJ~t JUNE 29-JULY 2 , 1958

GALEN HALL WERNERSVILLE, PENNSYLVANIA 6 1lttk4 11/ut ~ '?i!~ HELEN L. COREY, Convention Chairman 6310 Sher wood Rd., Overbrook Phi/ode/ phia 31 , Penn sylvan ia






• APPLICATIONS for the Amy M. Swisher Graduate Fellowship are now being received at Central Office. This fellowship is an outright gift to an AlA, college or alumnae member, who is interested in continuing work on a master's or doctorate degree. If you are interested in this graduate grant, you may write for an application form available at Central Office, Mrs. Clayton A. Richard 372 Argonne Drive, Kenmore 23, N ew York.- H ELEN B. SwART, National Alumnae Director.

Sororities and the College Program (CoNTINUED




a nd they will end out graduates who will exem plify the be t in public relations. Each of u can do her part in making college admini trators realize that ororities can and hould play an even greater role in their proO'ram of the next few year . Who can better sp ak in behalf of the fraternity system than tho e who believe in it? EvELYN G. BELL, ational Pre ident. 2

Plans Under Way For New College Chapters (CONTIN UED




for installation are made. Long before step number 1 happens, someone must give the dean of women or Panhellenic adviser or the group itself, enough information about AlA to make them want to become a part of our sorority. In over fifty per cent of the chapters granted charters in the past five years, the person who first mentioned our name in the right place was a member of AlA on the faculty, a faculty wife, or a person living in the college town. Without that person, the new chapter for AlA would never have happened! And so the fate of AlA rests with all the members. Those who will say the right words in our behalf in the right places, will be the reason for our conti nued expansion. If you think there i a chance for us on the camp us near you, a po t card to the national vice president will start the wheels turning that will bring our name to a new campus. Write to: VIRGINIA CARPENTER, National Vice President 14325 Drexmore Road Shaker H eights 20, Ohio


tJu~t FRATERNITY WORLD • You R NPC delegate will represent Alpha Sigma Alpha at two important meetings in 195 7: in the spring at the convention of the National Asocia tion of Women D eans and Counselors, and in the fall at the regular biennial meeting of National Panhcllenic Conference. At the NA WDC convention, the joint committee of NPC-NA WDC, on which your delegate serves, is responsible fo r the p rogram of one of these sessions. You r delegate is pleased to serve also as chairman of the NPC Committee on the Frat ernity M onth A w ard. This award in the form of the beautiful Fraternit y Month Trophy, is given to the competing College Panhellenic which h as the best public relations program. Th e Alpha Sigma Alpha Pledge Manual has a comprehensive section ·entitled O uR FRATERNITY WoRLD. H ere are two paragraphs under the heading, "How Firm a Foundation: " "The college fraternity system is as American as the D eclaration of Independence. Both came into being in the same momentous year of American history. It was on D ecember 5, 1776, that five William and Mary College students met in the Apollo Room of Raleigh Tavern in William;;burg, Virginia. In testimony of their close friendship a nd mutual interests, the young meri founded a fraternity, 'ingrafted on the stock of friendship, in the soil of virtue, enriched by literature.' No . doubt in their planning, their thoughts turned to ancient Greek culture and ideals for they named their secret society, Phi Beta Kappa. This first Greekletter organization, which existed fifteen years a a social fraternity, is respected as the 1 Founder of the fraternity system. Phi Beta Kappa today is the outstanding scholastic honor society in .America. "One hundred twenty-five years after the founding of thi ~ fraternity, five college students again banded themselves together in the sacred bonds of friendship. ' This time they were wonw n students at Virginia State Normal School, Farmville (now Longwood College). The sorority they founded was Alpha Sigma Alpha. In those intervening years, numerous fraternities for both men and women had been established. M any others have come into existence since A~A' s founding in 1901. All of them, like Phi Beta Kappa, have been born of a natural need for close association with friends of kindred minds and h earts and of free dom's right for 'small unions to live within the whole.' " It is good for all fraternity members often




to trace the growth of the fra terni ty system a nd esp ecially, to reflect upon the beginnings of their own fra ternity. The ideals a nd stand ards of Alpha Sigma Alpha have influenced its thousands of members for over half a century. A goodly heritage is a dear possession to be p rized, to be guarded, to be enlarged. The actual extent of an organization is measured by the site of its individual members. If each Alpha Sigma Alpha has and puts to work " a sensitive mind and an a wakened heart" the extent of our sorority has no measure. How " tall" a re you? And while we are reflecting, do you remember the bright gleam of the candles when you we re initia ted in Alpha Sigma Alpha? K eep the fl ame burning. "A candle in the house will illumine the street. " WILMA WILSON SHARP (MRs. FRED M .), A~A 's Delegate to NPC .


• PoLLY SMELSER ScHLOSSER (MR s . R EINARD ) BB, a membe r of the D enver alumnae chapter, received the 1956 Wilma Wilson Sharp alumnae award. Patricia Swiercinsky EE was selected for the Elizabeth Bird Small award. Mary Anna Rose XX was the recipient of the Frost Fidelity award. Frances Collver Loder B® was chosen to receive the Amy M . Swisher Gradua te Fellowship.

WANTED • ALPHA SIGMAS to do spade work in organizing alumnae chapters. Anyone knowing where there is a nucleus of at least five alumnae members not affiliated with a cha rtered grou!_), contact National Alumnae Organizer- Co-Chairmen : Mrs. Leonard B. H ebert, 55 19 Cha rlotte . Drive, New Orleans, Louisiana, or Mrs. S. K. Eddy, 7534 J eanette Street, New Orleans, Louisia na.

NEW APPOINTMENTS • HnDA GIRAUD HEBERT (MRs. LEONARD B., JR. ) BZ and Ruth Voetsch Eddy (Mrs. S. K. ) BB have accepted the co-chairma nship of the National Alumnae Organizer office. Mary Emerson Blackstone (Mrs. W. Lawson) AG has been appointed National Paraphernalia chairman. 3




• WE should count it a privilege to be sorority women, and, like every other privilege, it carries with it an obligation, duty and responsibility. Have you ever taken an inventory of your personal contribution to the growth and development of Alpha Sigma Alpha? Perhaps you have not realized how important the alumnae are to a sorority. A problem distressing to a national sorority is the question of alumnae support. When we have rightfully earned the honor of wearing the badge of our chosen sorority in college, we willingly assume certain duties. The financial obligations included in these duties are not only while in college, but pertain to alumnae fees as well. Th e alumnae are just as vital to the life of the sorority as are the college members. As we work with the financial cards in the Central Office, we are amazed at the number of A~As who are so close to being life members, yet do nothing about it! How many of you realize that all have paid something toward life membership? Your pledge fee was credited to that account and anything you have paid since has been added. Remember, even though you are not affiliated with an alumnae group, you are still an Alpha Sig. Life membership is sound in principle. Every cent of your life membership dollar is wisely invested in the present and future stability and progress of Alpha Sigma Alpha. Upon becoming a life member, you have demonstrated you fully understand the obligation of an individual member of Alpha Sigma Alpha, and are anxious to share equally the expense and effort n ecessary for the maintenance of our sorority as a whole. Your national treasurer is willing at all times to answer any questions about your life membership status. Wouldn't you like to have rubies in the corner of your badge? This privilege and that of becoming a life subscriber to THE PHOENIX will be granted to you upon the completion of the $25 life membership fee. Consider it a privilege to aid in the grow th ami development of A~A !- jEAN CARMICHAEL RICHARD (MR . CLAYTON A.), N ational Treasurer, in charge of Central Office.

ATrENTION: • TH E PHOENIX is your magazine and the editors welcome news items and pictures. The deadline is five weeks prior to the first day of the month m which th magazine is published.


• ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA alumnae are working on many and varied philanthropic projects. Each chapter has a favorite welfare group with which they have been working. The college chapters, too, have done their share of community philanthropic work in various fields. However, your national philanthropic chairman is hoping that through your help and ideas, Alpha Sigma Alpha will be able to establish one project on which we will be interested in working both locally and nationally. In response to a questionnaire survey, mental retardation seemed to be the one most favored by those returning the forms, but there were many other wonderful suggestions. Suggestions will be welcome as to practical application of a project which would be national in scope and interest, yet with possibilities of service on the local level.- JACKIE PHILLIPS CARsoN (MRs. RICHARD ), National Philanthropic Chairman .


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• ALL A~As everywhere, can contribute to Alpha Sigma Alpha's philanthropies by sending their magazine subscriptions to A~A Magazine Service. All magazines are available- all publisher's special offers accepted- NEW and RENEWAL orders welcomed. Be sure to obtain your magazine guide booklet from your chapter magazine chairman or write to : A~ A's

National Magazine Chairman MRS. A. J. SIEGENTHALER 17303 St. Marys Detroit 35, Michigan

Please make checks or money orders payable to Magazine Service. Allow six to eight weeks for delivery. See page 16 for an order blank. A~A

MOY/NG ? • Want to b e sure of receiving your PHOENIX promptly? Please write to AtA Central Office, 372 Argonne Dr., Kenmore 23, N. Y., giving your old address along with your new address. (O r fill out and send to Central Office Post Office Form 3579 which is available at any post office.)


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Gamma Beta, Wisconsin State College, Stevens Point, Wisconsin. ALUMNAE

Albuquerque, New Mexico Anderson, Indiana Zanja (Red! ands-R i vers ide-S an Bernardino area), California.



MrssouRr-KANSAs-NEBRASKA: Springfield, Missouri, on March 16, at the Union Building of Southwest Missouri State College. ILLINOIS: La Grange on March 30, at the West Suburban YMCA. INDIANA: Indianapolis on April 6, at the Union Building of Indiana University. OHIO : Akron on April 6, at the Woman's City Club. OKLAHOMA: Tahlequah on May 21, at the Union Building of Northeastern State College. VIRGINIA: Lynchburg on April 27, at the Oakwood Country Club. WEST VIRGINIA: Athens at Concord College.


• ALPHA members adopted " three" children to make their Christmas a merrier one. Working with the Dayton alumnae, ALPHA ALPHA is concentrating its philanthropic activities toward helping retarded children. The members are making educational belts so the children can learn how to work with their hands. ALPHA BETA purchased a table for the cerebral palsied children of Kirksville. They also helped with the March of Dimes campaign. As ALPHA GAMMA's Christmas project, a basket of food was given to a needy family. BET A BETA is donating $25.00 to the building fund for an inter-denominational chapel on its campus. Each year during Religious Emphasis Week, the same amount will be given until the chapel is completed. . EPSILON EPSILON gave old toys and trinkets to the City Fire Department to renovate for needy children at Christmas and contributed food to the Salvation Army. For the fifth consecutive year ZETA ZETA, has presented a check for $250.00 to Children's Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, Missouri. ETA ETA played Santa Claus to the local needy children. They purchased mittens and scarves and assisted the Salvation Army in sacking candy and wrapping toys. KAPPA KAPPA centers its philanthropic work around reading weekly assignments to blind college students. A joyous time was had by the pupils from Archbishop Ryan Memorial School for Deaf and Dumb Children at the Christmas party given by NU NU chapter and Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity.


State Days

RHO RHO members are entertaining patients at Huntington State Hospital. SIGMA SIGMA is proud of its two queens, Carrie Lou Zoubeck and Molly Hardy, who reigned as Homecoming Queen and Greek Sweetheart, respectively. PHI PHI with its brother fraternity gave a party and gifts for the children of Noyes Orphanage in St. Joseph, Missouri. CHI CHI pledges built a one-man float for the Camous Chest Drive. At the Chest Drive auction, th~ members offered a car wash for one person for two months to the highest bidder. As one of its permanent philanthropic projects, PSI PSI is making a monetary contribution to Joy Fund which is maintained for underprivileged families in the Shreveport, Louisiana, area. The major project of the year was supplying the needy children of Natchitoches with a "real" Christmas. Gifts of toys and clothing in gaily wrapped packages were contributed by the members. Money was collected to buy the children other necessities. BET.A GAMMA has just completed making rhythm band instruments for the children· at Sunnyside, a school for mentally retarded children in Tulsa, Oklahoma. BETA DELTA's Annette Tisdale was named Miss Mississippi. Earlier Annette was selected as queen of Mississippi Southern's Beauty Festival. Because of the European situation, BETA EPSILON sent twenty-five CARE packages abroad. This spring they will sponsor the Campus Red Cross Drive. BETA ZETA sponsors annually the March of Dimes campaign on Southwestern's campus. This year they collected $250.00. The


profit from a candy ale, BET A ETA contributed to Kri Kring! , a charity organization in Dickinson. BETA THETA' Florence Petersen has bee n elected president of Rachel Tate R e idence Hall. BETA IOTA continue to keep the coveted Panhellenic Scholarship cup; has its members in po itions of leadership on the campus 路 and actively contributed time and talent to the college's annual philanthropic "Friend hip Festival. ' BETA KAPPA is proud of Judy Prate r and Rose Kapovich, who were elected Campus Peronalities, and of Nancy Young and Charlotte Evan , who are Campus Leaders. The highlight of BET A LAMBDA's year's activities occurred when they were presented the 1955-56 Scholarhip Cup for attaining the highes t grade-point average for all sororities on campus. Homecoming Day was climaxed for BETA MU when it was announced that they had won first place over all prize in the campus exhibit contest. BETA N gave a Thanksgiving party for the patients at Fort Campbell hospital and sent Christmas cards to the pa tients at Western State hospital. They are busy making plans to sponsor a Brownie troop and another trip to Fort Campbell. RHO CHI's Gerry H earnden and Marge Gablonsky Norton are giving puppet shows for various children's groups in D etroit. Mary Duncan is doing orne research work on types of knitting machine to be used by handicapped persons. At BET A PI's Christmas party, the members exchanged toys which were later donated to making some needy children's Christmas a little more happier. The chapter also participated in the drive for clothing for Hungarian refugees. BET A RHO has several philanthropic proj ects. They gave a gift of money for an Indian Mission . The girl made and distributed scrapbooks and tufled an imals to children's homes. R ecently th ey. have been givi ng financial aid for helping foretgn tudents. The chapter i also workinowith th e peech Correction department a t North~ ern , giving aid in service , eq uipment and suppli After comp leting educational belts for mentally retarded hildren, BET A IGMA gave a Christmas r>arty for the chi ld ren and pre ented th e belt . The pledges pent an evening at a re t hom . entertaining the women patients and doing littl JObs for them. At the Panhellenic' Crystal Ball, Ethel Hittle wa elected BET A U PSILON s Idea l orority Girl. At Chri tmas time, BETA PHI . ang car?! at th e county ho pita!. They are now tn the mtd t of a very active al campaign for magazin ub criptions. BET HI' pre ident, Dori Hamilton ha


been selected as the Dream Girl of Theta Chi fraternity. K eeping pace with Western's growth, BETA PSI rt>,ports two Aristan members, Mat)' King and Madah Mack ; the highest scholastic average in Panhellenic last semester路 and two foreign affiliates, Berit Mollekleiv and Shirley Nakamura. BET A OMEGAs have made children's figure of felt. On these figures are a zipper or a bow to tie and they will be used in teaching the mentally retarded children. GAMMA ALPHA' biggest headline this year was the election of it president, Rose Marie Greco as Homecoming Princess. The GAMMA BETAs with their brother fraternity went Christmas caroling at River Pines TB sanatorium. They were also active in the contributing of money, toys, and canned good to the Intersorority Welfare Christmas proj ect which was distributed to needy families in Stevens Point through a local welfare agency.

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AL:A SONGBOOK Included in this edition are all the old and dear Alpha Sigma Alpha songs.

And to

these have been added the ' 1955 Convention Song, "Under The H eart"; two hymns used in ritual work; two new songs, " Oh W e Are The Alphas" and " Our V ery Own" and twelve new Alpha Sigma parodies.

PRICE $1.00 per single copy $7 .50 for ten copies if mailed to one addre s M ail your order Today to ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA CENTRAL OFFICE 372 A rgonne Drive K enmore 23, ew York


• AKRON alumnae provided spending money to the children of the children's home and bought classroom items for the reta rded children's chool through the proceeds of a benefit card party and the ale of Panhellenic dance tickets. Mixing fun with work, BUFFALO has been bu y addressing envelopes to save more than one thou and dollars for the Crippled Children's asociation's sale of Easter Sales. The proceeds of the play, "Prescott Proposal," by Lindsay and rouse were used for the City Panhellenic Scholarship fund. Again this year, the alumnae of CANTONMASSILLON, OHIO, have chosen the Molly Stark Tuberculosis sanatorium as their philanthropic proj ect. Instead of h elping in the children's ward as in the past, they have pro\'ided personal Christmas gifts, magazines, books, and bed clothing for the older patients. At Christmas, they contributed to the children's Christmas fund of the Stark County W elfare department. CHICAGO alumnae made bed bags a nd collected "fill er" items for patients at Cook County hospital. Clothing was contributed to the Hunga rian relief. With the help of Dorothy Closon, Blanche Cook Woods, and Mary Zech Rockhold, CINCINNATI gave a Christmas basket of food, clothing, and toys to a large needy family. They keep in contact with this deserving family throughout the year. COLORADO SPRINGS alumnae took Valentines, chocolate milk, and cookies to the childre n at Hope house. As an additional part of their philanthropic project, they paid the cost of a perception tests for these children. DAYTON alumnae contributed an extra special Christmas gift of three dollars to each of the nine classes of retarded children within the area. They have set aside one hundred dollars as a con tribution to f\.lpha Alpha college chapter which is to be used in decorating their new suite . A November rummage sale, a November talk, "Life in a Satellite Country," the customary eggnog party in December, and a J anuary book review have kept DENVER alumnae busy. DELTA PHI-DETROIT plans to have a "Husband's Night" when the husbands pay the bill for top food a nd entertainment. The proceeds will go to .their annual philanthropic proj ect, the Michigan Crippled Children's camp. M embers of DELTA RHO-DETROIT are busy making articles to sell at a luncheon-bazaar sponsored



by the D etroit association. The proceeds will send crippled children to the Grace Bentley Summer camp. Th e January meeting of SIGMA RHO CHI-DETROIT was held at the home of Phyllis T emplin. Betty Sowell told of h er trip to Florida during the holidays. EMPORIA has made plans to assist Epsilon Epsilon college chapter with their rush party and have hopes of paying the debt on their sorority house. Since FLORIDA, WEST COAST alumnae are scattered throughout three cities in a land of sunshine and vacationing, their main proj ect is getting together for meetings which is showing growmg progress. One of the philanthropic projects of FORT WAYNE alumnae is ordering magazines each year for the V eterans hospital. They profit from the sa le and the veterans enjoy the reading. GREATER KANSAS CITY alumnae are making educational pictures and belts to be used in the Kansas City School for Exceptional Children. A very special meeting of th e GREATER MIAMI chapter was Founders' Day celebrated with a Cornish game hen dinner at the Everglades Hotel on November 20. HUNTINGTON, WEST VIRGINIA, has become a "Friend to a Patient" at the Huntington State hospital. The members bring joy to a forgotten person with their gifts and entertainmen< on special occasions. An outstanding event of INDIANA, PENNSYLVANIA, alumnae is their white elephant auction sa le. Hostesses this year were Mrs. Robert St. Clair, Mrs. W . J. Sutter, and Mrs. Lee Hills. Dr. Joy Mahachek, Mrs. Robert Kline, and Mrs. James Davis were the successful auctioneers. INDIANAPOLIS ' February meeting was a dessert at the home of Catherine Castor. · On January 15, ,Anna L emen Valentine was hostess to KIRKSVILLE alumnae for a white elephant auction, the proceeds going to the philanthropic proj ect. Alpha Alpha college chapter at Miami University will receive financial assistance from LICKING-MUSKINGUM alumnae. LOS ANGELES' philanthropic chairman, Edith Callahan Titley, and Elizabeth Grant are making arrangements with the Director of Adams SchocH for M entally R etarded Children to lead them in a workshop at the school on March 19. They collected money at their Christmas party as a gift to Beta Chi.


Hostesses for the MACOMB D ecember pot luck meeting were Elna Scott and Donna Weber. The NORTHERN VIRGINIA alumnae have had two philanthropic projects this year. Through the Falls Church Fairfax Christmas committee, they provided gifts for a foster child. Later they contributed toward the establishment of a scholarship fund to be administered by the Panhellenic Association. PITTSBURG, KANSAS, alumnae had a turkey raffle and Christmas card sale to help finance the senior dinner and junior scholarship. As their Christmas proj ect, they gave canned goods and toys to underprivileged famili es, along with ten dGllars for fresh food . One of PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA, alumnae's most outstanding meetings was at Christmas when Sally Baxter Horter talked on "Holly For the Holidays." June Bailey reported on the plans for the Panhellenic benefit to be held at the Playhouse in February. The philanthropic project of RICHMOND this year has again bee n directed toward the Cancer Society. Several meetings were spent making bandages. Gifts were presented to the society for use in the loan closet. Cold weather hasn' t kept ROCHESTER alumnae from gathering palms from a local department store and making three dimensional stars. They are in charge of decorations for the annual Panhellenic dinner-dance. The ST. LOUIS alumnae are giving two high chairs to the Pediatrics Division of the St. Louis

City hospital. Millie Zoss, hostess, and Joan Garrett entertained the SOUTH BEND group in Mrs. Zoss' home in December. SPRINGFIELD, MISSOURI, alumnae sponsored a covered dish supper January 15, at Bear's D en for the college girls, their mothers, and the a lumnae. Miss Evelyn G. Bell, National President, was the honored guest at a rush party in November given by TERRE HAUTE alumnae at the Woman's Department club. TOLEDO contributed funds to the Community Chest and Medical Dispensary of the Goodwill Industries. A Thanksgiving basket and Christmas gifts were presented to a needy family, Mr. and Mrs. Voss and children, by the TWIN CITIES alumnae. During their November meeting, each member made a Christmas gift for Martha Levis Morse ®® who is recovering from a spinal operation. WASHINGTON, D . C ., has chosen the Frontie'r Nursing Service in Wendover, Kentucky, as their philanthropic project. They sent toys and chi ldren 's clothing as their annual Christmas gift. WILMINGTON alumnae have made plastic bib-aprons for Stockley, a hospital for retarded children in Delaware. The September meeting of the ZANJA alumnae chapter was held in the beautiful and historic Mission Inn in Riverside, California. Several members joined the Los Angeles group for the Founders' Day luncheon in the Beverly Hilton hotel.

YOUR HELP IS NEEDED • CENTRAL OFFICE would like to have your cooperation and assistance in securing correct addresses for the members whose n ames are listed below. In Central Office, too, there are names of members whose data cards are incomplete. If you know of any AlA who IS not receiving this ALPHA Kathryn Kennedy Carpenter (Mrs.) Maurice ) Virginia Winborne Do ugherty Connors (Mrs. J. E.) Cecelia Arthur Gordon (Mrs. Earl B., ]t.) Cornelia Hamilton Martha Hatcher Nancy Bruce Maitland (Mrs. Robert) Viola Mae Surring Raber (Mrs . Donald


Bunnie Ricks Gertrude Sugden Roga\lo (M rs. F. M.)


a nnual alumnae bulletin which is sent to every member listed in Central Office, please send maiden and married name, college chapter, and present address. In doing this you will be doing the perso!l a favor and assisting AlA, as well

Margaret Bellus Sands (M rs. George) Nancy Gillie Shelton (Mrs. William ) Catherine Stonner Mildred S. Ligon Thompson (Mrs. Raymond L .) Betty Brame Trotter (Mrs . Edward ) Martha Ann Upshur Elizabeth Bowden Mary Walker Watts Margaret Wilson

ALPHA ALPHA Grace Marvin Allen (Mn. Don ) ·Alice DuVall Armstrong (Mrs. Thomas) Laura Donaldson Ball (Mrs. Harry M. )

Kathryn Ford Bancroft (Mrs. C. D .) Ruth Sutto n Brown (Mrs. Verne) G ladys B. Carpenter Ruth Carter Mildred Conley Ruth Donaldson Crossion (Mrs.) Eloise Cun ningham Margaret N. Doekele Edmonds (Mrs. Robert) Ellen Gatch Katherine Bowlus Glatz (Mn. J. M .) D on na Gray Griffith (M rs. Allan M .) Eleanor Schorrenberg Hammond (Mn. Robert) Rovilla B. Hanna


Martha Dixon Harcha (Mrs. John ) Mary Ellen Hartman Lora E. Heckathorne Loio Heyer Marjorie Katherine Heyman Perlina Albright Huber (Mrs. Elmer J . ) Miriam Oswalt King (Mrs. Carleton ) Dorothy Wente Kirchner (Mrs. Peter ) Georgiana Irwin Lewin (Mrs. L. J .) Della Mathews Loveless (Mrs. S. A.) Mildred Loudon McPhee (Mrs. Hugh ) Frances Shannon Martin (Mrs . Wm. ) Mary Lou Hubbard Morgan (Mrs. W.

N.) June Harpster Muchmore (Mrs. Warren G.) Della lryne Mullan Evelyn C. Stanforth Musaman (Mrs.) Ruth Parrott (Mrs.) Ferne L. Powell Alice Haffman Reiner (Mrs. Paul) Gwendolyn Miller Ringman (Mrs. C. A.) Pauline Davis Sawash (Mrs. Paul E .) Genevieve Snedaker Mildred Spangler Iva Starr Marguerite Krein Steiner (Mrs. Irving) Dorothy Stuart Steinhauer (Mrs. John) Mary Alma Stevens Jeanette Stolzenbach Marjorie Stranahan Helen Summers Ruth Steinbecker Thomas (Mrs. Albert L .) Pauline L. Tyroler Helen A. Wigston Catherine Prudent Wolf (Mrs. Albert ) Barbara J. Wright

ALPHA BETA Marion Christy Allen (Mrs. Herbert ) Ruby Caldwell Appel (Mrs. Carl) Eleanor Evans Aquilar (Mrs. Frank ) Edna Denel Bauer (Mrs. Thorpe ) Elizabeth Farrington Bennett (Mrs. John Richard, Sr.) Gertrude Doyle Benson (Mrs. Frank F.) Beverly Ellis Black (Mrs. Arthur R. ) Lucy Grant Carpenter Bly (Mrs. Chas. Lawrence) Inez Pierce Bone (Mrs. Sydney) Sue Parr Bonner (Mrs. J. LaFayette, Jr.) Ruth Bousman Vivian Walther Bowdlear (Mrs. Charles Leslie) Nelle Eubank Brooks (Mrs. Robert H.) Eula Myrle Hull Bufford (Mrs. Virgil ) Martha ·Pat Burk Julia Waters Briggs Caldwell (Mrs. Geo. R.) Mrs. Harold Case Margaret Pegues Chapman (Mrs. Noland) Edith Elizabeth Christy Mary Emison Coe (Mrs. Vaughan E. ) Elizabeth Ryle Cornwell (Mrs. Oliver ) Martha Ann Mathis Curry (Mrs. E. M.) Helen Anna Cypher Helen Louise Davidson Mildred Ward Davidson (Mrs. Joseph M.) Christine Chapman Denby (Mrs. John H.) Mary Ruth Early Betty Ellenberger Helen Elliott Daisy Reid Evans Betty Fanning Mary Elizabeth Feeley Mary D. Glascock Fenner (Mrs. Edward) Ruth Way Figge (Mrs. Cass ) Zelma Pauline Foster Jean Fances Freeman Esther Garnett Josephine M. Gilliland Edna Medlar Gilliland (Mrs. Oliver Shelly)



Frankie Gentry Grace (Mrs. Roy ) Elizabeth Ann Huckstep Gralfoulieve ( Mrs. Ronald) Mary Roberts Green ( Mrs. Chester P.) Jen Woods Fray Gudakunst (Mrs. Don W.) Mildred Grace Guiles Marjorie Hardin Rouner Harrington (Mrs. D eVere) Nellie V. Mudd H eck (Mrs. H erman ) Emma Huckstep Ruth Hufty Esther Madiso n Hunter (Mrs. Melville G.) . Eunice Loraine Schofield K elley (Mrs. Edwin T errence) Myrtle Perry Kellogg ( Mrs. Howard Griswold) Esther Harrison King (Mrs. Robert I. ) Helene Mcintyre Kirby (Mrs. John Robert) Lily Mae Alder Korpar (Mrs. Eugene) Eleanor Faye Eagon Kurr (Mrs. Robert ) Charlotte Florence Kerr Lasley (Mrs. P. H.) Zilpha Bowling Lawson (Mrs. Harry Thomas ) Alene Layman Gayle Showen Leggett (Mrs. Wm . H .) Mary Lu Bomgardner Lehr (Mrs. Jack ) Betty Jo Hart Lemen (Mrs . Ura Baxter) Cornelia Kemper Lloyd Margaret Allen Lloyd Hattie R. Lockwood Leta Yowell Loren (Mrs. Elbert Claude) Virginia Elizabeth McDonald Love ( Mrs. Jeff) Mary Melissa Murphy Love (Mrs. Paul C.) Anna Mae Major Jo Finks Martin Marilyn Mathers June Shepherd Moore (Mrs. Edward ) Mary Margaret Morris Susie Ruth Motley Olive Marion Mudra Lelah Vivian Murphy Rosemae Murphy Mary Lucille Nickell Margaret Ruth Stone Owens (Mrs. ) Barbara Lee Parker Madalyn Dixon Partin (Mrs. James E. ) Louise D . Estill Patterson (Mrs. Donald Lee ) Joan Morgan Payne (Mrs. R. I. ) Anna Eliza Pearson Ruby Petty Ora M. Davis Poole (Mrs. Grover ) Dorcas Paxton Printy (Mrs. John Manton) Mary D onna Mulford Renner ( Mrs . Bruce) Erma Lee Minor Rieger (Mrs.) Dora Murphy Schonweiler (Mrs. Leroy) Florence Cassity Sears (Mrs. Wendel ) Mrs. Harold Sees Dorothy Holcomb Sharp (Mrs. Virgil) Hazel WJ.itelock Sherwood (Mrs F. Carl ) Mary G. Fritsinger Shoemaker (Mrs. Luke) Gladys B. Johnson Shumway (Mrs. Ray C., Jr.) Lenore Waggoner Simmons Betty Collins Simpson (Mrs . Henry) D oris Jean McCullough Slaughter (Mrs. Oren) Detty Louise Smith Jewel Whitelock Smith (Mrs. Jewel) Dorothy Jane Myers Smith (Mrs. Robert Freeman) Florence York Stahl (Mrs. Carmine ) Constance Stubblefield Lucille Wilson Sudekum (Mrs. Harry) Anna Merle McCampbell Swann (Mrs. Wm. Roger)

Georgia Mae Thurman Ruth Triplett Marjorie Cross Vallentine (Mrs. Chri>ty Earl) Georgia Blanche Vaughn Martha Jeanette Vaughn Anita Begole Wade (Mrs . Reese) Mae Middleton Walker (Mrs . Mae) Jessica Stephens Walker (Mrs. Wm . Joy) Kathleen Willoughby Katherine Wood Ella Nolan Wright (Mrs. H. M.) Donna Dee Thomas Zurcher (Mrs. Robert J. )

ALPHA GAMMA · Dorothy Jean Howe Beemer (Mrs. R . W. ) Catherine Virginia Hile Bracken (Mrs. Edward ) Gwendolyn Griffith Brechin (Mrs. S. J . ) Martha Brewer Brook (Mrs. Edward ) Virginia Clarke Ann Thornber Clites (Mrs. James E., Jr. ) Florence Schatz Curley (Mrs. William ) Juanita Dean Angie Holman Ellis (Mrs. John H.) Eleanor Corinne Bish Fiellerton (Mrs. James P.) Katherine Hiteshue Marie Hetegar Jerks (Mrs. R. D.) Helen Louise Seigh Kemeny (Mrs . George) Roberta R. Walt McArgargee (Mrs. Robert) Marian Smith Marietta (Mrs. Leslie ) Virginia H . Karlen Marr (Mrs. B. A.) Geraldine Shanabrook Mendler (Mrs. Robert F.) Lois Meyers Miller (Mrs . Robert ) Mrs. William Morgan Amy Alvord Olsen (Mrs. Robert ) Edna Jane Nissley Reath (Mrs. Norman) Iva Elaine Ringler D orothy Birch Schmidt (Mrs. Dorothy) Mildred M. Baumgardner Sievers (Mrs. Edward) Jane Ann Sorber Anne V. Walthour Bette Shaw Wineman (Mrs. Walter )

BEllA BETA Majel Strough Anderson (Mrs. Richard) Ida Jane Reeder Betts (Mrs. Harlan ) Margaret Dunn Brown (Mrs. Robert) Laurel J ean Caldwell Betty Peters Campbell (Mrs. Kent ) Genevieve Dupuy Cantrell (Mrs. Joe C.) Marian Travis Davis (Mrs. Frank) Marcia Fischer Jean Knapp Mary Lamb Marian Wierman Olson (Mrs.) Jean Whitney R agsdale (Mrs. James S.) Florence Tyrrell Ruddick (Mrs. Harold) G er trude Snow Smith (Mrs. Stephen E. )

GAMMA GAMMA Clarice A. Benefiel Blamer (Mrs . J. W. , Jr.) Jadeena Leeper Brown (Mrs. Durward) Jody Caldwell Betty Miller Clifford (Mrs . R . A.) Dorothy Scripsick Congs (Mrs. A. R.) Ella Louise Hyde Cook (Mrs. Neal) May Isbell Davis (Mrs . Warren) Adah Galbraith Doolittle (Mrs. Floyd ) Maxine Hager Mary Grace Newlin Jones (Mrs. Hiram) Barbara Chandler Jones (Mrs. W. C .) Velma Nickelson Kenney (Mrs. Don) Lydia Rank Kerr (Mrs. A. W.) Wilma Hudson Knight (Mrs. Bud) Lo Eva Kragh Lena Warner Lawson (Mrs. Ralph K.) Lela Mae Sutton McElwain (Mrs. Vern)


Gloria Hutrh imou ~icFadden ( ~irs . L. L. . Jr .) Imogene Mitchell ~lon a L. chwarrz Newman ( Mrs. lydc A.) Dell Russell O"Dell ( Mrs. Thomas J. ) Opal Trever Pennington ( Mrs . J. A.) Rita Roesseler Lenore Shafer Ollie Shattuck Carol Smith lone Clark Williamson ( Mrs. J. . )

DELTA DELTA Thelma Groome Cris man ( Mr . j a mes E .) Hel n Goodall Edna Usher Hoak ( Mrs. Jame> ) Gle nna C . Davis Ramsey ( Mrs. A. E. ) Pearl Elizabeth Price Swain (:\ln. Donald )

EPSILON EPSILON Lois Marie Beck Wa nda Lang Bell ( Mrs. Lester ) Helen :'vf. Brickell Barbara Shafer Browning (Mrs. Robert L. ) Virg inia Tieman Dixon (Mrs. Judson j .) Constance Ross Edwards ( Mrs. Arrhur ) ~i a r y Elizabeth Huebert Erdahl (Mrs. G eorge ) Barba ra Lee Steffe Hardin (Mrs. Andrew ) onya Woten Hayes (Mrs. Donald R .) Add ie Dellenbach Honeyman ( Mrs. john ) Hd en Loveless Ann Harrison Marianni ( Mrs. Eugene ) jean Olson H e nrietta Loui e M e ndenhall Reed ( ~lr<. Edwin E. ) Shirley :'vicCasland Stevens ( Mrs. :-led ) Helen Hammond Swe nson ( Mrs. Ourwood A.) Helen Johnson Whitela ( Mrs. Lowell R . )

ZETA ZETA Dorothy Anderson A. Doyne McAninck Bailey (Mrs. Keith £. ) Billie Ruth Frey Bennette ( Mrs. Donald ) Ruth W . Berry Z elma Irene Bishop Doris Balthis Bol ey (:'vi rs. Doris) Frances Brady Ernestine Benn ett Briggs ( Mrs. Howard ) j ewell Lee Hutchens Brown {Mrs . Benjamin B.) usan Gregory Burris ( Mrs. Wallace M .) ~fargcr y Byram ~farie :'vioore Campbell ( Mr . J esse Lee) ~fary Ella T a ylor Chambers (Mrs. G eorge ) ~la ry Sarrain Chestnut ( M rs. Wm . H .) Rose H . Colborn Ca tharine J oan Collins Cora :'viay Cook Colmie Gibson Crosswhit e ( Mrs. has .

C.) Ba rbara Wolf D elventhal (:'vir . J;hn ) Glad y K a th erine D eMos Ruth Engel :\l a ry Eli za beth Freund Ruth Evelyn Clark Gra ha m ( M r . J . :\1.) Hazel Ida G ra y Edyth e A. Barnes Grunn {Mrs. Roy ) Ellen Lou ise Bu k H a rmsen ( Mr . Wm .) Euda Betts H eberlin g (M rs. Otto B .) Pei thma n Holden ( M rs . H . C .) Ellie L a ngston Hunt (:'vi rs. Robert ) Lou ellen Husman lice J ack on Eun ice Brown Fuh on Jarvi ( ~(r . G. :\{.) lariee Ruth Johns Ann e :-Ita ly K e nned y ( M rs. J ohn )


Dott Edith :-.'elson Knight (:'virs. Gro\"CI" L ee) Dorothy McMeekin Reba Boan :'viartin ( Mrs. Marion E.) Soph ie L. Husman :\faxwell ( Mrs. Riley F .) Letha :'vl arie Stone May (Mrs. J. T. Lomax ) Kitty Gooch Milum (Mrs. David) Mary Virginja Rector Minger (Mrs. Frederick F. ) Barbara Ludlum Newland {Mrs. Harold Joe) Phoebe Winifred Brook ' icholson (Mrs. Sidney ) Mary :'viargaret Park (Mrs. Glenn ) :'viargaret Stanley Prunty Mary Lodclle Williams Anna Ruth Roberts Rissler ( Mrs. Wm . B. ) Elizabeth Heard Dozier Robinwn (Mrs. Paul W . ) Mattie Ross Mary Lou Dudley Rudd ( Mrs. P. R. ) Katherine Bridget Ruddy Erma Lee Burris Ru•k (Mrs. Pearl Michael ) :'viary :'viargaret Wood Schuck (Mrs. John ) Letha Berry Scotten (Mrs. Ward ) Flossie Arnold Sess ions ( Mrs. R. Fred ) Alma Irene Sherman jean Sontag Loutitia Jane Yankee Springer ( Mrs. :\{. R .) Helen Butcher St. John ( Mrs. Charles) Edythe Lucille Stone Hazel Strahan Ruth Lee Swigert Helen Taylor Carrie Lee Beck Tudder ( Mrs. Ray Albert ) Mary Eleanor Wisner Walker (Mrs. Wm. A .)

Margare t Elizabeth Willis Weaver ( Mrs. Robert W. ) Mary Fran Wells Mildred Wilson Ruth Correll Yockey ( Mrs. Evere tt )

ETA ETA Naomi Arlene Bass Ackerman ( Mrs. S.

W. ) Gloria Elaine Allison Frances Bailey Bishop (Mrs. Chester 0. ) :'vi a ry Ann Meyers Brunner ( Mrs. Gerald L. ) Doroth y Brunswick Sa ra Frances Montee Carroll ( Mrs. G eorge ) Laura Clark Georgia Potter Clayton (Mrs. Joe C. ) Florence Brunk Frederickson ( Mrs. Frank ) Nina Loudenslager Gaines ( Mrs. John) ~{a ry I. Taber Goldston ( Mrs. W . L ., Jr.) Audre y Guldner D oris Hamlet Dorothy Fanger Hansom joan Hutchings Eva Mae H yde Elea nor Anne Johnson Glad ys L . Craig Kothe ( Mrs. H . H. ) Billie Louise H eimdale Kuartun as ( Mr . R obt. ) ~l i ldred L e nora Large Fra nces McFarland ~lary E . Kern :'viartin ( M rs. R . W. ) Peggy Marilyn :'viillcr Eth el Montgomery Betty Brentari Peak ( Mrs. Betty ) ~1a rg u e rite Pohek ~fa nl yn Prather :\I yra Pruett Eleanor Ann Qwrk Anna Laura Montgomery Robbins ( Mn. H a rbin )

Charlene Card Roberts (:'vir•. Thomas) ~lay Ellen Shinn :\largaret 0. Hart Van Campen (Mrs. Horace B. ) Helen Athene Reeder Waggener (Mr< . Wm. ) ~lildred Bartlett Yeargon (Mrs . Gordon )

T HETA T HETA Doris M. Anglin Doris Frances Bartonne Dorothy M . Booth Loui>e Stockton Robinson Calkin (llfn. Robert) Olga :\!. Carlson (Mrs. Hugo E. T .) Grace :'vi. Caron Etta E. Christiansen Grace M. Gowen Cogswell (Mrs. :'\orman ) Alma Isabel Bowles Denman (Mn. Albert L.) Laura Hastings Holland Dixon (Mr . Stanley) Ruth A. Feley Gladys Margaret Follansbee Doris B. Foster Janice Ann Ferber Margaret M. Gcoran Elva Louise Gerrish Eleanor Marie Govoni Govone ( Mr . Wm. L.) Alica Hortense Hoyt Anita B. Jianos Blanche Emma Jones Eleanor Kancevitch Ann M. Kinsella Helen W. Weeks LeMaire (Mrs. Hector ) Virginia :'vi. Lichtour Mary Jane Doyle McArthur {Mrs. Earl) Elizabeth Muri el Tucker McGaw (Mrs. David E. ) Charlotte R . Glenfield McGill (Mn. Wm.) Carmelina Marino Florence A. Mullins Helen Newhall Helen A. O ' Rourke Phyllis Phelps Evelyn D . Pollard Rowena Pollina Ida Pearl Mellen Prescott ( Mrs. John Jr. ) Jean A. Sanger Gladys Ellen Smith Grace ~1ay Harris Staunton (Mrs. Leo ) Elizabeth H. Sylvester Elizabeth Hobby Terhune ( Mrs. Sidne) H. ) Loretta Walsh Alice Maud Webb Florence Whcldon Penelope Zermas

IOTA IOTA Eula Fisher Arnold ( Mrs. Lloyd ) Bernadine Posten Bender ( Mrs. Albert ) Wilma Jensma Davis ( Mrs.) Edith Cain Luke (Mrs. Lee ) Mildred N . Nighswonger .Doris Vivi enne East Pace ( Mrs. Donald ) Cleo Brown Patton (Mrs. ) Edna A. Parsons Wallace ( Mrs. Glenn F.)

KAPPA KAPPA Eileen :'vi. Anderson Bader ( Mrs. Frank ) Barbara J ean Owen Barber (Mrs. Robcrt A. ) Mac Jacobs Baumgartner (Mrs. G. ) Dorothea M . Bishop Dorothy Gwyn Britt ( Mrs . Edmund) Ruth Evert Broadbelt (Mrs. Lester ) :\faxin c Carrell Jane Carte r :'viildred Sherwood Chalfant ( Mrs. M. S.) Dorothy Kretschmer Chase (Mr . Cah-in ) hirl cy Helen Clair


Doris Tracey Croll ( Mrs. Phillip ) Gladys M . Beauvais Cummings ( Mrs.) Ruth MacMenanin Enssler ( Mrs. Harry

T.) Virginia Evans Louise Hettler Fagan ( Mrs. Chas. P. ) Marilynne Faust ( LT .) Frances Myers Franklin (Mrs. John Jr. ) Edith Burton Harbison (Mrs. G eorge) Naomi Hartman Mildred Longacre Hunsicker ( Mrs. Wm. ) Ha nnah Dietrich Klinck (Mrs. Chas.) Dorothy O sler Klug (Mrs. Paul ) Evelyn Schrack Lattomus ( Mrs. Lawrence) Jean Lex Mary J ane Livingston Helen P. Edwards MacColl ( M rs. R eno W. ) Elizabeth Barry M cCullo ugh ( M rs. Jd hn ) hirley Robinson Mann (Mrs. Donald) Barbara Harper Mlkvy (Mrs. Wm. ) Duane Link R edles (Mrs. Richard ) Nancy Gingrich Riti (Mrs. Rudolph Ralph) J ean Pratt Ruoss (Mrs.) Emily Jane Sherwood Jane t Merrill Van Leer (Mrs . Rob ert ) :Marian Bowers Williamson ( Mr>. James

E.) M ax ine McMiname Wittlinger (Mrs.)

LAMBDA LAMBDA :Mary Helen Lewis Henrietta Haas Woodruff (Mrs. E . G.)

MU MU Anne Granger Douglas (Mrs . D qnald) Katherine Lang Faily (Mrs. John ) Anna Lisa Hoglund Hemphill ( Mrs. Lawrence F.) :Margaret Brown Irwin (Mrs. Paul ) Dorothea C. Lyons Riggs (Mrs. H a rold ) Marga ret Chestnut Spicer (Mrs. Frank )

NU NU H elen G . Abrams Adaline Hoffman Allen ( Mrs. Richard E.) Bertha Anderson Alice Pratt Austin (Mrs. Kenn e th Lee ) :Mary Everett Baker (Mrs .• M. Gordon) Bernice Buck Boddorff (Mrs. Harold E. ) Virginia Bounds :Martha Virginia Boyer Vivia n G. Albright Brobyn (Mrs. Chas. W. ) Eleanor Testerman Brown (Mrs. Thos. Ba ldwin ) Geraldine Eaton Burkhardt ( Mrs. Wm. ) Ardis Ackerman Chi ntund ( Mrs. Edwin C.) Ruth Christ Mary Bowman Cleland ( Mrs. Jack Harvey ) Patricia Crane Morrison Davis ( Mrs. Hom er B . ) Elizabeth M . Denlii\Ser Gladys Detweiler Evelyn M. Snyder Dill (Mrs. Andrew H. , Jr. ) H elen Buck Donaldson (Mrs. Matthew S.) Nancy Smith Edwards (Mrs. Homer ) Anna L. Lefferts Enell (Mrs. John ) (M rs. Bett ean ne MacAlister Fitzwater John S. ) Alma F. Doderer Fornlof (Mrs. Herbert H .) Gertrude Wienhold Fox ( Mrs. Roger Evan) :\'ell Durst Frank (Mrs. James) Virginia Frost Helen E. Burton Goodyear ( Mrs. R obert) Betty Grauch Carolyn Guinn Peggy Guinn



Edith ~[. Burton Habbison ( Mrs. Gco. :M .) J ea n Hard)• Hele n 0. Harvey C lare Dea kyn e Higgi nson ( Mrs. Gco. Woodcock, Jr .) J ea nette Hec km a n Holmes ( M rs. orman ) Mary E. Rishel Hullinger (Mrs. Wm . D .) Marga ret Ingram Emily L . Plumley J e nsen (Mrs. Gordon L. ) Marion Jones F lorence E . D awso n Ki essling ( Mrs. John David L ong) H elen King Ruth I. Reaser Kinn ey (Mrs . A. Girton ) Catheri11e Brackin Kitc h el (Mrs. Harvey Sheldon II ) Pauline M. Rogers Kitchen (Mrs. Robert ) Mary M. Schwab Kourg (Mrs . J. T .) Ruth Rife Lee ( M rs. Clarence) Alice Virginia Thompson L eyda ( Mrs. Wallace B. ) Joan Loughry Florence Luce Judith I. Mainwaring MacNair ( Mrs. David ) Margaret McCormick :Marion B. Marsh George tta Marlar Matthews ( M rs. James Morris) Doris Claire May Dorothy Turner Moore (Mrs. Harry M . ) Lillian Kiyoko Oda Cons tance Lepley Poulterer (Mrs. Dua ne) Mary R eardon Jessie Ann Reed Margaret Anne R eed Marie L. Kru ecke Ritter (Mrs. Howard L. ) Rosemary Esther Salveson :Martha Sasse Emily R . Aitken Schwarts ( Mrs. James ]. ) Marjorie Chambers Seeley (Mrs. Robert :M. , Jr. ) Marie C. Svenson Sillars (Mrs . Chas. H.) Marian Hautz Smith (Mrs. Chas. W. Jr.) Mary Elizabeth Fisher Smith (Mrs. Robert B. ) Sara A. Thompson Soeffing (Mrs. Paul A.) Vivie nne Gramling Stouppe ( Mrs. Jam es) Winnie Lou Hawley Thewlis (Mrs . Alan ) Anne Ristine Thomas ( Mrs. F . Stephen ) Ethel Cat h erin e W eaver Ethel J. Anderson Whittaker ( Mrs. Ervin William ) Joanne Williams .Jane Cora Wittman Mary E lizabeth Ye tter (Mrs. Edward )

XI XI Sarah Howard Arronstein ( Mrs. Ernest ) Zelma Chamberlin Ball (Mrs. Robert ) Jane Baylor Ruth Dento n Cavigli (Mrs. H enry ) Mildred Baker Elam (Mrs. Wm. R. ) L eola Hetzler Endrizzi (Mrs . J. E .) Bonnie Reed Gonzalez (Mrs. Ralph ) :Marguerite Gray Eleanor T. Fitch Hoover (Mrs . Buddy ) Carrolyn Nobles Lindsay · (Mrs. Robert T. ) Mary Aiken Mitchell (Mrs. H . C.) ~T aney Murray Marjorie Morgan Thomas (Mrs. Jos. T . )

OMICRON OMICRON Ardis L. R eichard Farrell ( Mrs. ) Be tte :Madison Furness ( Mrs. George E. ) Gladys B. Bowman K elley ( Mrs. Albert L. )

Ruth Wint er Kirc hner (Mrs. Norman A.) Fidelia F. Farnum Risley (Mrs. N. S.)

PI PI .Jul ia Mae Adams Irene :M . Carp ent er Asch (Mrs. Edw . L.) Mary Hussey Beal (M rs. Harold) Marion Burnes Marga ret Mary 'Burns :M ary Ellen Coughlin Beat rice M. Simmons Coward (Mrs. C has. J .) Betty J a ne Bowma n Cox (Mrs. D avid John ) Esther H oag D ob bins ( Mrs. Donald Burton ) Lois Ann Doyle Jean Walsh Felber ( Mrs. Julius J. , Jr.) Lorain e D. Haller Gardner ( Mrs. J os.) Gloria Howland Gibson ( Mrs. Murray) :Margery Be nne tt Leithliter ( Mrs. J. E. ) P a tricia M. Canavan McGuire (Mrs. Thos. F. ) Betty Scott Mapes (Mrs. James) D orothy Fediga n Merkle ( Mrs. Elmer ) Laura E. Hall Moench (Mrs. Theo. S . ) Alwilda M. McCumber Muxworthy (Mrs. Fred ) Marjori e Williamson Quade (Mrs. Donald ) Margaret K a bel Saltwick ( Mrs. J . Bernard ) Dorothy C. Nixon Smith ( Mrs. F . Woodrow ) Wilma Schwalenstocker Ulmer ( Mrs. Harold ) Mary Ell en Marion Walker ( Mrs. Harold ) Sue Wagner Wensley ( Mrs. Charles) Barbara Weyand Ca therine Elsie Mitchell White (Mrs. Lindley ) Eileen Barry Collins White ( Mrs. Wm. ) Elizabeth V. Curran Winter ( Mrs. J. C . )

RHO RHO Freda Noble Basher (Mrs. Paul H . ) Janice Cook Black (Mrs. Corbett K. ) Esther E. McQueen Blair (Mrs. Esther ) Alice Mae McCollough Buck ( M rs. Mortimec) Ru t h E. Carter Betty Jane Graves Claar (Mrs. Charles) M rs. D. E . Claypool Elizabeth Ann Conley Nina Grayce M cQuinn Day ( Mrs. 0. ) Joyc e K eyser Hackwork ( Mrs. Clyde) Margaret Trimble Halstead ( Mrs. Warren ) Mary Pauline James Harman ( Mrs. Wm. D. ) Faye Lee Hayes Cecelia M. Hobuck Hibner ( Mrs. Raymond T.) Phyllis Joan Hood Eloise Keller Jeanette Kell y Ruth Emma Meyers McElhinney ( M rs. V. Nester) Phyllis Maderia Marjie J. Via Miller ( Mrs. C laude A.) Elizabeth Beres Moore ( Mrs. J. Paul ) I sabelle Catherine R eitz Emma Rittinge r ( Mrs.) Dola Thornsberry Schick (Mrs. Jam es

W. )_ Josephine V. Peters Straight ( Mrs. Edw. N .) Mary Elizabeth Summers Marjorie O sborne Waid ( Mrs . R. E .) Juanita Johnson W essel ( Mrs. Fred , Jr. )

SIGMA SIGMA Dorothy Ann Sisson Baldon (M rs . ) :"J'orma Murrie Berardi Zona O sterman Lashbrook ( Mr. L. L. ) :vlary L ouise Newell Jones ( Mrs. M ary L ouise) :Marie R . Stolk Schwab (Mrs. D elbert )


Margaret Frances Yoklavich Summers (Mrs. Jas. A.) Donna Douglas Veltri (Mrs. Gus )

Je ie Edgerton Yeazel (Mrs. G . E .) Carolyn Yoder June Zimmerlee

Mary Ann McCormack Brown (Mrs. Roy) Sara Dever Cassady (Mn. E. P.) Matty Lynn Smith Evans (Mrs. RwseU



Frances Locker Butler (Mrs. Roy ) Gwendolyn Stewart Engel (Mrs. H erman ) Rita Marie Jacobs Ruth McReynolds Jepsen (Mrs. Victor ) Pearl Nicholas Ottley Long ( Mrs. Charles ) Bertha Washichek Longsioe (Mrs. Cecil ) Flora Lee Cochran Luckenbille ( Mrs. Wilbur ) Patricia Ann Lytal Noyce (Mrs. Richard ) Ruth Lucille Twenter Reising ( :\~irs . Frank ) Lois Erm a Gene Sutton Scherer (Mrs. Karl F. ) Eleanor M eyer Stuppy (Mrs. Charles) Hollis Evelyn Taylor

Elizabeth Abraham Geraldine Lyons Austin (Mr . ]as . T .) Carolyn Clements Brady (Mrs. Delton ) Kathryn Loy Dowty Brightaupt (Mrs. Holmes ) Juanita Cardozier Dorothy Dale Evelyn Deavers Dot Olivier De Kyser Marilyn Finley Ruth Bonnett Gaines (Mrs. Paul ) Martha M. Johnson Grisham ( Mrs. H. B., Jr. ) Barbara E. Graves Harvell (Mrs. Everett W., Jr.) Rosemary G. Robin on Hill (Mrs. Albert Eugene ) Wilda Jones Marguerite Sutton Matthews (Mrs. John ) Maggie Rogers Montgomery (Mrs. ) Bobbie Myers Fannie Leville Foulk Munholland (Mrs. H. E.) Gloria June Owen Leona Alexander Shrewsbury (Mrs. Robert P.) Audrey Smith Barbara Smith Susan Jones Taylor (Mrs. James ) Roberta Fluitt White (Mrs. Eugene E.)

Emmie Nickles Ferguson (Mn. Paul) Dolores Crane Hollingsworth (Mn. R L.) Katherine A. Howell Virginia Adele Leake Jackson (Mn. Howard) Virginia Pickel Jarrett (Mrs. Robert ) Sara Lee Draughn Keys (Mrs. Sara) Sabel Howard Ketler (Mrs. W. R. ) Olga Helen Logan Jessie Mae Furr McMullen (Mn. Chester) Miriam Jordan O'Brien (Mrs. Cha . A . ) Hilda Gean Cox Olsen (Mn. Emery W.) Mary Pickering Bertha Velma Pinson (Mrs. W. M .) Mary Lou Powell Marjorie Williamson Pugh (Mrs. Edward ) Lucie Annie Monk Pulliam (Mrs. J . ] .) Francis Erline Felder Simanaro (Mrs. John) Emma Helen Stewart Mary Dell Weatherford Stock (Mr . Robert R., Jr.) Camilla Lenoir Storm (Mrs. Harold E.) Jean Bryant Waters (Mrs. Jack) Mildred Jane Brame Whitt (Mrs. Wayne ) Mary Jane Sales Wilson (Mrs. Jack )

UPSILON UPSILON Lillian Dallman Hurlbut ( Mrs. H erbert ) Geraldine Stone Lawrence ( Mr . Victor )

PHI PHI Joyce Colleen Bailey Lila Arlene Bauer Ruth Ann Martin Broich (Mrs. Francis B. , Jr.) Winifred Todd Christie (Mrs. Virgil ) Virginia Rogers Cook (Mrs . Leo S.) Emma Jean Corrington Barbara Beaver Elliot (Mrs . ]. D .) Irene Hunter Barbara Anne McGee Mann (Mrs. Robert ) Lorraine Mau Sharlyne LaRue Miles Madge Studley Miller (Mrs . Robert ) Marilyn Gill Nielson (Mrs. Stanford ) Doris D. Polk (Lt. ) Ca.-olyn J . Curnutt Searcy (Mrs . Frank) Patricia Thompson

CHI CHI Maralee Speer Baumgardner (Mrs. Marion ) June Mangas Beehler (Mrs. Elwood ) Betty Jane Boon e Dorothy Mae Murray Braun (Mrs. Richard ) Louise Murphy Brown (Mrs. Laverne) Beverly Montz Butler (Mrs. Jay ) Andree Daughtery Carneige (Mrs. John Stephan ) Lorrene Silvers Clupper (Mrs. Robert ) Rita J. Johnson Darnell (Mrs. ]. Lloyd) Maud Evelyn Scherer Davis (Mrs. ]as. E. ) Betty Jo Thornburg Evers (Mrs. Lloyd) N . J oan Loudenback Gardner (Mrs. James ) Vera Phillips Gordon (Mrs. Miles R.) Phyllis Edith Robbins Grindstaff (Mrs . Howard ) Rosalee Glesing Haney (Mrs . Edward) Phyllis Kuckuck Mary Elizabeth James Long (Mrs. Eugene ) Helen Ensminger Me utt (Mrs. J . W .) Louise Murphy Elizabeth Ann Wolfe Phend (Mrs. Harold ) Geraldine Fennimore Poucher (Mrs. Kenneth ) Mary Ruth ammis Betty ] . Sill R eba J ean Spencer Gwendolyn heeriog Strahl (M rs. L ee Hunter) Linda F ish Thomas (Mrs. Elwood P. ) Jean Friar Thomas (M rs. ] as. C ., Jr.) Della Bennett Watson (Mrs . Glen ) Mn. Doris Weaver Helen W. Wehr Carolyn Deicb Whiteside (l\lrs. ]as. Robert )


OMEGA OMEGA Ruth Bradley Alexander (Mrs. R. J.) Dorothy Wright Anderson ( Mrs . R. F.) Mrs. Ray Atchley Mrs. Gertrude S. Bell Helen LaZelle Brown (Mrs . H. E . ) Bessie Amundson Elliott (Mrs. Earl ) Fleta Jones Gerwig (Mrs. L. H.) Zelda Swanson Harper (Mrs. E. L.) Regina Offerman Virginia Hughes Mason (Mrs. Henry ) Rosemary Zinkhand Rotsart ( Mrs. J . E. ) Bernita Offerman Sipan (Mrs. Frank) Corina McCall Wright (Mrs. Maurice)

BETA GAMMA Wilma Jane Broyles Beisel (Mrs . Harold Ray) Edith Davis Burnett (Mrs. Tyrus R .) Wanda Lee Chronister Anna Mae Hudson Coleman (Mrs. Wm . ) Betty Furr Graham (Mrs. Jack) Catherine Vance Holland (Mrs.) Norma Juergens Hughes (Mrs. Jack) Betty Jones Mildred Wasson Lagoni (Mrs. Wm .) Marguerite Williams Langley (Mrs. Woodrow) Sara Frances Hail McKinley (Mrs . Dee C. ) Mary A. Stevens McDonald (Mrs. Dan A.) Jean Bole Magoon (Mrs. F. L., Jr.) Betty Louise Williams Phillips (Mrs. J. D . ) Wanda Lee Daney Romine (Mrs. Jack ) Lyta Jean Davidson Rushing (M rs . ) Patricia Tobey Thomas (Mn.) Jo Ellen Vancil Ada Van Whitley Gladys Sharp Weaver (Mrs. Joe )

BETA DELTA Evelyn McNeese Allen (Mrs. Francis) Jane Seale Andenon (Mrs. Wm. Robert ) Hughlene Roberu August (Mn . James L .)

Peggy Jean Goree Avera (Mrs. Ro!!er L .) Eleanor Clarice Sherman Barron (Mrs . Palmer ) .Jayn Britt Billie Steel Brown (Mrs. Frank )


BETA EPSI LON Mary Upshur Mears Barber (Mn. Wm .) Constance Fackler Baylor (Mn. John) Muriel Beasley Dorothy Meidling Blackwell (Mn. Wm . P.) Rives James llrown (Mrs. Ray) Nancy Rose Bryant Katherine Ann Collie Joy A. Corkan Betty Hilton Daniels (Mrs. Vernon E. ) Dorothy Dickenson Barbara Follett Courtney Fauve Lois Early Geil (Mrs. C. Stuart) Ruth Grigg Gordon (Mrs. John) Peggy Cutler Harmon (Mrs. Kenneth ) Marion Husely Jessie Love Bette Clougherty Miller (Mrs. R. A.) Homer Lynn Petnrs Emily Baird "Pierce Betty Carter Retterer Eugenia Savage Anne Stoneburner Shore (Mrs . Harold R.) Betty Kathryn Weller Spencer (Mrs. Hunter) Frances Barnard Spencer (Mrs. Nyc ) Jane B. Staples Eva Ann Trumbo Stellin!! (Mrs. Herbert ) Maria Tucker Swafford (Mrs. Jas. Eugene) Barbara Styron Tucker (Mn. J. H ., Jr.) Ruth F. Heller Whittaker (Mrs. Edwin S.) Lois Wiley Joyce Bane Winston (Mn. Robert) Melba Frost Wisman (Mn. Everett Lee ) Audrey Young

BETA ZETA Margaret Reynolds Broussard (Mrs. Wm . E. ) Rose Marie Breaux Fruze (Mn.) Frances Allen McElveen (Mrs. W. C.) Martha Lyons Thibeaux (Mrs. J. A.)

BETA ETA Jeanne Partridge Bacon (Mrs. Alvin .) Elizabeth Nolan Bekken (Mrs. Ralph) Gwendolyn Bell Jane Berge Dorothy Bliss ~!ores Lubke Chays (Mrs. Daniel, Jr. ) ~orma Deutcher


Myrtle Erickson Dynes (Mrs. George) Dona Ellefson Corrine Purdy Grell (Mrs. John) Gayle Shirley Jewell Carol Pfeifer Kralicek (Mrs. Eugene) Marjorie Kronschnabel Audrey Lund Elaine Nordstrom Lorraine A. Johnson Petch (Mrs. Richard H.) Alice Peterson Marjorie Berdahl Scenna (Mrs. Leonard) Helen Schroeder Alma Schweigert Desa Ruth Smith Evelyn M. Morland Shull (Mrs, Frederick W.) Louise Zander Sperline (Mrs. Clarence) Emily Swanson Patricia Conway Thompson (Mrs. Sammy) Mavis Thompson Tronstad (Mrs. Alvin) Betty Hochhalter Waller (Mrs. Robert A.)

Esther Werre Gayle Chappell Westbrook (Mrs. Tucker) Verene Will Hilda E. WHson Margaret Kusie Wybel (Mrs. Elwood)

BETA THETA Joyce Van Petten Blich (Mrs. Wm.) Yvonne Bates Bogus (Mrs. Jos.) Mary Gotcher Boston (Mrs.) Eleanore A. Brietzke Barbara Webber Bristol (Mrs. Dale) Jessie Clark Milne Casey (Mrs. Glenn) Mary Ellen Hileman Conn (Mrs. W. C.) Agnes Burgett Daringer (Mrs. Walter) Ann Wyman Dell (Mrs. Howard) Jeanne Loyster Donhaiser (Mrs. John Neale) Shirley Draper Margaret 'A. Gaffield Donna Martineau Gingrich (Mrs. Stewart) Lorraine Marie Mosher Griffiths (Mrs. Robert A.) Natalie Ann Peterson Hendershott (Mrs. T.) Ruby Hodges Kathleen Sullivan Huizenga (Mrs. Robert) Mary Kenney Bette Baldwin Lackie (Mrs. Hugh P.) Jane Foust Legante (Mrs. Robert E.) Nan McNamara McCard (Mrs. L. C .) Lois Montgomery lone Mussal Leonora Starr Nelson (Mrs. Kenneth) Mary Curto Pety (Mrs. Charles) Jacqueline Pety Ilene Leslie Phelps (Mrs.) Betty Jane Hawkins Rambo (Mrs. Wm.) Delores Seeley Evelyn Evans Smith (Mrs. Donald C.) Joan Soucie Mona Lou Stowell • Verona M. Mayville Sutton (Mrs. R. V. ) Frances Stewart Tyner (Mrs. John J . , Jr.) Marilyn Ward Jeanne Winkler

BETA IOTA Margaret Turpin Ayers (Mrs . Gerald) Virginia Ball Charlotte Ansell Beck (Mrs. Merle) Isabelle Motteshead Bell (Mrs. Francis, III ) Elizabeth Covey Collins (Mrs. Arthur) Mary Jane Cunningham Lois Ann Currin Mary Evelyn Cardwell Dawson (Mrs. W. J ,, Jr.) Billie Sue Smalley Farmer (Mrs. Glenn)



Doris Holt Huffman (Mrs. S. A. ) Joyce Frances Johnson Mary Sam Keel Geraldine LefT el Amy Oakes Martin (Mrs. Richard ) Mary Frances Rice Miller (Mrs. Ronald) Dorothy Strader Moore (Mrs. Ralph H.) Helen Moss Billy Cress Muff (Mrs. John R .) Marianne Wright Paris (Mrs. Wm . Patten) Betty Roberts Rosemarie Scheffe) Miriam Blanton Scott (Mrs. George) Frances Sinker Jenoese W . Spradlin Marilyn Tayman Marie Williams Peggy Dalton Wilson (Mrs. E . Elwood) Nancy Wood

BETA KAPPA Betty Lee Lyon Elliott (Mrs. Herbert E.) Dorothea John Flower (Mrs. Duane) Janet Lundberg Fosdyck (Mrs . Richard) Joyce Luttrell Glore (Mrs. Itobert) Merna E. Painter Johnson (Mrs. Edw. F.) Gloria Tracy Larocca (Mrs. Frank) Margie Mason Melchers (Mrs. Ernie) Patricia Kinsella Potter (Mrs. Stanley) Dorothy Tipton Jeanne Newland Wheeler (Mrs. Stanley) Mildred Koch Wilson (Mrs. Henry, Jr.)

BETA LAMBDA Betty Ayers Bessie Ross Braswall (Mrs. George) Eva Mae Brown Ruth Carmichael Ella Mae Harrison Carroll (Mrs. James Howard, Jr.) Virginia Chaney Ruby Clark Jean Cowne Doris Powell Dorsey (Mrs. Chas. A.) Joyce Lively Farnham (Mrs. H. L.) Mary Ellen Hartje Foreman (Mrs. Wm.) Betty Freeman Fullerton (Mrs. J. W.) Gladia Garrison Rose Mary Smith Gay (Mrs. Bryan) Martha Goode Elizabeth Mills Graves (Mrs. Wm.) Ruby Fair Griner (Mrs. Ruby) Betty Hard>n D orothy D ayer Hartje (Mrs. Michael E.) Norma Henderson Vivienne Clifton Henson (Mrs. Carl G.) Sarah Minton Hindsman (Mrs. Edwin) Alexa Williams Hopper (Mrs. B. J.) Marjorie Brown Makepeace (Mrs. Kenneth ) Cassie Maren

Patsy Minton Newton (Mrs. Alton S., Jr. ) Hazel Everett Parker (Mrs. Richard E.) Ernestine P·eters Betty Sanders Jackie Duncan Spruce (Mrs. Mac) Bettye Moore Stephens (Mrs. Ben) Wanda Green Strickland (Mrs. W. A.) Dorothy Wilkerson White (Mrs. Benjamin Carroll)

BETA MU Jean Bryant Abbott (Mrs. Wm.) Dannie Alspaugh Barbara Bridges Barnes (Mrs. James) Billie Bleidt Irene Callaway Hesta Faye Cowan Elizabeth Anne D ay DeBell (Mrs. Herbert ) Mary Jo Dildy Saralou Ross Felts (Mrs. Harold) Edna Lou Brodnax Green (Mrs . Kelly) Catherine Crum Harvill (Mrs. Jas. Thos.) Kay LeVay

J ewell Lupica Carley Dicke y Oliver (Mrs. Kelley) Joa nn R achus Joy Ramsey Mary Joyce Richardson Della Sue Simonson Carol Crowley Thompson (Mrs. W . M ., Jr.) Wanda Ross Wood (Mrs. John R .)

GAMMA CLIO Barbara Berlin Nadine Teter Bertini (Mrs. Euclid P .) Patricia Ann Powers Betz (Mrs. Joseph) Carol Borghard Denise Joan Bossi Mary (Marge) Cbemura Jean Marie Cross Doris Donaldson D<>rothy Wheeler Dutcher (Mrs. Thomas Paul ) Margaret Kathryn Ferree Christi ne Whittaker Greenman (Mrs. John ) Miriam Herbst Helen I saf Joyce Brown K elly (Mrs. Frederick) Joan Duff Kise (Mrs. Leonard ) Mary Ellen Lane Margaret Jeanne Laver Irene Law Antoinelle Michaud Joan M. Robinson Ann Marie Roesch Marilyn Scheffel J ean Bolyard Schoenberg (Mrs.) Ingrid Stravinski Dorothy Todd Gloria Vosburgh Jean Zoeckler

BETA NU Mrs. Dal e Barker Rose Beck Mary Ann Herndon Bedwell (Mrs. William ) Barbara Ashcraft Brandon (Mrs. Max H . ) Joan Douglas Betty Mae Barr Dresback (Mrs. Sidney) Arnetta Trunnell Dunn (Mrs .) Peggy Joyce Cox Gardiner (Mrs. Wm.) Betty Jane Jones Gardner (Mrs. Jas. M . ) Jeanette Mitchell Gibbs (Mrs.) Joyce Salyer Grimes (Mrs. Larry Jo) Martha Mae White Long (Mrs. D . R.) Betty Robertson McReynolds (Mrs. Joseph ) R eba Jo Cathey Maxey (Mrs. Ralph Lee) Dean Melton Musselman (Mrs. Bruce) Clara McClellan Sargent (Mrs. Glenn C. )

Mildred Ann Turk Simons (Mrs. Gene M .) Lucy Sheffer Spiceland (Mrs . Jack N . ) Patsy Stone Billiefrank Wallace Jane Wood Mary Geneva Wright

BETA XI Angeline Serrino Agresti (Mrs. Conrad) Jean E. Atkins Barbara Shaffer Balaban (Mrs. A.) Carol Banner Alice Siegwort Burns (Mrs. Harry, Jr.) Mary Jane Hendee Crandell (Mrs. Robert ) Alice Derthick Elaine Ellerson Janet Faulkner Joyce Frank Val Nickel Henry (Mrs. Richard Wm .) Delores E. Frisbie Higgins (Mrs. George) Natalie Gail Hopkins Mary Jane Stanley Kroder (Mrs. Robert) Joan Raffa Langdon (Mrs. Edward ) Constance Cooper Mann (Mrs. Lester) Norma Elvert Miller (Mrs. J , A.)


Jean Spie Mitchell ( M rs.) Margaret L . Oliver Clare Ros Catherine ),fae Blair Willia m James)

( :\fr,.

BETA PI Mary Arnott Barbara Guy Bostick ( Mr. Thos. D .) Mary Loui e Dolinger Carmel Auciello Lawlor (Mrs. Jack ) Dorothy Trent Mlekush ( Mrs. Ronald R .) Wanda Mulkey Helen Owens Shirley Wh ite Penning ton ( Mrs. :\'oel Randolph ) Nancy joan Smith Loretta Stov.r ( Mrs. Denny Ray ) Joyce Stove r



Dorothy Belvagc Martha Bickle Maris Hancock Elayne Stillwell Peters ( Mrs. George ) Laura Hamlin Powers ( Mrs. Earl ) Ann Rozick

BETA RHO Virginia Blade Virginia Burns Barbara Ann Carlson Donna Marie Carlson Patricia Chadwick Danai Collias Lois Smith Coppernoll (Mrs. ) Gloria Dallagiacomo cda Greathous Adele Auringer Grover ( Mrs. Edna Mae John o n Jean Lewis Janis Lindholm Elinor Lutz

),fargaret French Joan Gesele Marie St. Phillips Guterman (Mrs. Donald ) 'Maureen Hartigan Mary Thomson J ochelka (Mrs. Kenneth Jane Kahn Anna Lee Mary Jane Breitenberg McGinty ( Mr Vincent J ames) Beverly Moulton Marilyn Youchcff Smith (Mrs. Harold B. ) Josephine Finlay Sopes (Mrs. Kenneth )

Carolyn Fedder Ohs ( Mr . George) Martha Self Pearson ( Mrs. Richard ) Lupe Ponca Darlene R ay Mylrae Lane Rundle ( Mrs. Wallace) Elise Ellwood Singer Joyce Street Jackie Mueller llrich ( Mrs. ) Charlene Volkers Glenna Murphy Wickline (Mr. Wade ) Kay Williams Virginia Brown Worell (Mrs. E,·erett ) G eorgetta Young

Barbara Kirkham Dolores Elaine Long Bernice McNaught Phyllis Weir Norris (Mrs . Jack ) Lucy Lowder Schultz (Mrs . Ivan )



J ean Sommervold Russ

Marilyn Tucker Batten ( Mrs. John ) Jacqueline Barton Brixley ( Mrs. Bertie L.) La Una Morris Dillard ( Mrs. Richard ) Ausie Lea Peacher Mary E. Dillard Shelley ( Mrs. B. J.) Betty Jean Hooker Williams (:\i rs. Lans)

BETA CHI Kathy Bowersock Donald )


( Mrs.


Bernard )

Judy Powell Newby (Mrs. K enn eth ) Charlene Neilson Pay ne (Mrs. F red ) .Ja net Sooer Sullivan (Mrs. Roger } Barbara Place Waters (Mrs. W. Lee )

BETA TAU Ruth Alton Alfreda C. DiBella

.-------~ewe ~au ~

(Mrs. Neil )


1/ttJ.U.ed ?-----,

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MRS. CLAYTON A. RICHARD 372 Argonne Drive, Kenmore 23, New York

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Recommended by: _________

_______________ Chapter_______


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Previous Education: ___ Graduation Date: ______________ 1. High or preparatory schools attended 2. Junior or other colleges attende..________________________ _ _ _ _ _ __ 3. Scholastic Rating: a. What was the approximate size of her high school graduation cl~ ?_____ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ b. Check the approximate rating of candidate (top Quartile; medium Quartile; Lowest Quartile.) c. List special scholastic honors received by candidate in High School. _______________

- --··- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - Activities during High School Course: Underscore the ones in which the candidate participated. In space below list special recognition, i.e. Student Council President; Senior Play . ______________________ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ ----·~-~---- ---------------------------~--------

Student Council; Glee Club; Dramatic Club; Cl~ Officer; Orchestra; YWCA; School Band; Art Groups; Athletic Teams-Basketball, Baseball, Tennis, Hockey, Swimming; Literary Clubs; Honor Societies; Service Clubs; 4-H Group; School Newspaper; School Annual. Special Interests or Talents: (Please be specific) ______________________________________________

Personal Qualities: Underscore the qualities that you believe the candidate has to a moderate degree. In case of unusual qualities, put 2 lines below. Personally attractive; dresses appropriately; friendly manner; rather shy; well mannered; outspoken; thoughtful of others; selfish; loyal; aggr~ive; enthusiastic; ambitious; tolerant. Does she work well in a group? (Yes - No). Is she apt to place her personal ambitions ahead of those for the welfare of the group? (Yes- No). Financial Responsibilities:

1. Is the candidate attending college on a scholarship? ________________________ 2. Is she working to augment her college money?_______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - -- - - 3. Could she financially afford to join a sorority?

















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Alum TJa e Organizer-Co-Chairmen: Mrs. Leona rd B. Hebert , 5519 Charlotte Dr., :-lew Orleans, La.; Mrs. S. K . Eddy, 7534 J eanette St. , New Orleans, La.

NATIONAL COUNCIL President-Miss Evelyn G. Bell , 767 Lafayette Ave., Buffalo 22, N. Y. Vi&e President-Miss Virginia Carpenter~ 14325 Drexmore Rd. , Shaker Heights 20, 0 . Se cretary-Miss Helen L. Corey, 6310 Sherwood Ave., Overbrook, Philadelphia 31, Pa. Treasurer- Mrs. Clayton A. Richard. 372 Argonne Dr., Kenmore 23, N. Y. Membership Director-Mrs. William Niemeyer, 4937 Ralph Ave., Cincinnati 38,

0. Edit or-Mi ss Esther Bucher , Suite 504, 1021 McGee St. . Kansas City 6. Mo. Alumnae Director-Mrs. Helen B. Swart, 4225 Shroyer Rd ., Apt. 4, Dayton 9, Ohio . Offi cer in Charge of Central OfficeMrs. Clayton A. Richard, 372 Argonne Dr., Kenmore 23 , . Y. NATIONAL CHAIRMEN Alumnae Editor- Mrs . Oran Klein, 7609 Wyandotte, Kansas City, Mo .

Art-Mrs. Robert Wolf, R .R.l, Rexford, '. Y. Chap ter Alumnae Secr etary-Mrs. Walter R. Foltz, 59 Isle of Venice, Apt. 3, F ort Lauderdale, Fla. College Editor-Miss Mary K. Reiff, 228 Brush Creek Blvd., Apt. 2-E, Kansas City 12, Mo.



Paraph errJOlia- Mrs. W. Lawson Blacktone, I 122 Dartmouth , Willmette , Ill. Philanthropic-Mrs. Richard C. Carson, 224 E . 33rd Pl. , Tulsa, Okla. Ritual- Mrs. fimmy Key. Box 170, Natchitoches, La. Sc holarshi~Mrs.

Eugene H . Cromptoa, Jr. , 7001 Spring Rd. No. 3, Richmond 28, Va. NATIONAL PANHELLENIC CONFERENCE

Constitution-Mrs. Robert C. Grady, Box 686, Orange, Va.

Chairman- Mrs. Cicero F. Hogan (Gamma Phi Beta ), 9219 Mintwood St ., Silver ver Spring, Md.

Con vention-Miss Helen L. Corey, 6310 Sherwood Rd ., Overbrook, Philadelphia 31, Pa .

Secretary-Mrs. Darrell R . Nordwall (AI· pha Chi Omega ), 5607 W. Sixth St., Los Angeles, Calif.

Fellows hi~Mrs .

Harvey E. Bumgardner, East Long Lake Rd., Bloomfield Hills, M ich.

Treasurer-Mrs . Joseph D . Grigsby (O..lta Delta D elta), Grigsby Station, Landover, Md.

H iJtorian- Miss Louise Stewart, 1330 Blue Ave., Zanesville, 0 .

Chairman of College Pa11hellenics-Mn. Crecene A. Fariss (Delta Zeta), 2997 S.W . Fairview Blvd. , Portland 1, Ore.

Housing-Mrs. Clayton A. Richard, 372 Argonne Dr. , Kenmore 23, N. Y . Magazine- Mrs. Armin J . Siegenthaler, 17303 St. Marys, Detroit 35, Mich. Music-Mrs. Arthur L . Hellricb, 35 Norwood St ., McKownville, Albany 5, N . Y .

Published in November, January, Marcb , and May of each year at

Chairman of City Panhellenics-Mn. Huwell E. Staehle (Alpha Sigma Tau), 481 Torrence Rd. , Columbus 14, 0. Alpha Sigma Alpha D elegate-Mrs. Fred ~ . Sharp, 1405 Hardy Ave., Independence, Mo.

2642 University Avenue, St . Paul 14, Minnesota, by Leland Pub-

respondence concerning the same should be addressed to Miu Esth• Bucber, Suite 504, 1021 ~cGee t., Kansas City, 6, Missouri.

lishers, Inc . (The Fraternity Press ), official sorority publishers to Al pha Sigma Alpha, for the Alpha Sigma Alpha Sorority, having headquarters at Kan!as City, Missouri . Business correspondence may be addressed to either office, but matter lor publication and cor-

Send Form 35i9 to Kansas City csddress. Entered as •econd-dass matter, September 4, 19~3; at the pot1 office at St. Paul, Minnesota, under the Act of Marcia 3, 1879. Application for apecial permit mailing ha.s also been made. PosTMASTI!'.Il :

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