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OCTOBER 24, 1917 '
OUT BEYOND Out beyond us Hope is calling To the strong and to the fearless . O'er the past a mist is falling On the valleys that were cheerless , Stretching from the splendid present , There are
leading far ,
To the hilltops, where the pleasant Tints of glorious Autumn a re.
out beyond us there is lying
A year filled with fair tomorrows . In the silent
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are dying
All ou1· little cas t-off sorrows. In the distance the r e are g lowing Heights on which proud banne rs fly . Armed as victors ) we are going To ascend them, you and I . Anon .
A HARVEST THOUGHT Once"'._in the English Lake Region, near Uordsworth' s Rydal »tount' .I ask~d a. simple peasant woman what verse she oonsidered the most beautiful in :the Bible. Her reply was, nThe harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved." i1het~er her disposition Was of the sweet melancholy kind that pierced beyond the sadness of the words, or ~hether she had just let it lodge in her memory, I ao not know. But in this, our historic ~ctober, it is time to think of our harvests. · You may not have been omof the innumerable host of gardeners or farmers of this season, but some harvest, as a Christian, your soul is surely bringing in. ~7hatever_ the lengt.h of your va-a.l:ltion or of your summer's toil, you have really been on harvest quest since the -vta.rm days of April and May. You were in ..gathering in the leafy days of Juno, in the mid-g.:..ory of July, and in the burning August suns .· Some promise of gold came to you in September, and October, we~ring its coat of many colors, ~ill ask you D.hat colors your life too has absorbed from the months that have disappeared. Tihat preparation for the winter does your larder of the spirit show? Have you, first of all, gathered a stronger certainty of God7 both for yoW' own life and for t.he life of the world? As you h~ve wat.'hed the lake or the hill or the sea, has tho bless6d conviotion come over you that the God viho holds all of these in their appu~.r.~.ted Places will also hold you ~n His hand, and care for you ? Have you beoomo surer ~'lat, oven as war has not been able to chslodge tho processes of na.\.Ure nor seize them fro::J. the hands o:f God, so war will not. be able to take from His corj,trol tho futare of' our poor storm-tossed human! ty? Are you surer than you vmre six months ago that human history will still retain its largest Factor, its chief Maker , the God and Father of our Christian faith? Are you s..1rer thc.t in all this mass of wbi rling history of the hour, in the blinding wonder and sorrow of tbe daily headlines ~·ri th their toll of death and confusion , are you surer than beforo that your O\vn tiny lifo, yet weighte d ~ith majestic interests, is safe 'under His f eathers' ? If you have garnered this assurance for yourselt' and fer yot.r •:rorld from the months just gone, your harvest is more than enough for the winter. And have you, bcnic.es the se, brought back a non conviction of your ovr.n responsibility? Havo you gatnored in, as the honey~bee gathers its golden welght, a nen certaint.y that your ov.n contribution to our human welfare must be ma de non ormv or? t..s you read the names of food dictators, of thG men who control the complex machinery of govermment , as the sense of organization comes over you and tha sense of your own individuc-.1: li t tleness mo ro than matches this, do y0u never theless feel that all the future will be darkene d unless you too make ypur contribution? Has the ma.ny-voiced season of the yeai·, now· ·sone ' taught you that, while rieh men arc ..)asting their for tur-es into ·the trea.aury of liberty and domocraey, yonr t ·,m mi t8::.; are also greatly needed,-the two mites cf honest C.em'Jcratic brotherho0ri and of pors?n?'J.i ty bc.sed on tho liberty of thG Christ? If you gi vo the~e , you 1nll trul~r ' give more than they a ll', for ui th'}Ut thes·o t no things in our individual lives all tho struggle to mn.ko t.ho world 'safe for J.m_:-,ocra.cy' ~ill bo in vain. It is not morcly dcmo0~~cy t~at t~ e ~orJd noedl3, but. tho domo0racy 'Jf' Chri s t -;.nd Hi.:;; pr:i.a0i ples. Any otl:er l'::ind is unsafe for tho world. Hc.s ":.ho soaaon t.~-.1.:.ght you thot you, just you , the sr.:all 3e1f -.rcight od n i th m:t j osti c interests, c1o 'l.ctuall~r •
27 .
count : and that unless ti:i,s ::inter you give yourself to your ~omrnuni ty to your ehureh,,t? your h1ga l.deals, you have reduced the n orld h[l,rvest, and have g1.ven comfort and support to the enemy :, to an enemy greater than many I-Iohen.z:ollerns? , But if you have I·eturned, ui th brmm October, bringing a ne-rr sen~e of God's protection i~ the storm, and new standards of responsibi~l.t~ laid upon yourself, then you will not say, as my peasant friend sal.d 1.n Rydal Mount, 11 The suruner is ended and we are not saved. 11 Mr, Hall Caine has recently collod this 1 a mad world 1 , borro\rlnz the phrase from of ~ld ; and a 'mad world' it seems to be~ The sanity of our race can only be restored by minds made calm in the conteMplation of the securities of the Infinite God., and by the rebi~ th of the Divine Right of indj.vidual responsibility. The 'joy ride ' of wealth and pleasure and materialism that r:e have been having for t he la '3t thirty years or more must give way to the sacred path trod by the Master, to the footpath among the hills of holy service, a~ong the shores of the sea of sacrifice, and up among the mo~ntain heights or pure and lofty aspiration . w.hatever the v~rrlshed months have meant to you , let Autumn remind you of the trumpet calls to these old and ever-new highvTays of rea.li ty; and let the 'Vlinter' s 'Dale be told in the company of tr~e ::.1aster· in the service of the world that needs us all, both gr~at and small . George L a~rrence j?arlcer , D . D
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All members of Alpha Sigma Alpha will reJOl.~ e to learn of the great success that has attended tho Sorority's harvest quest , insti....:l::.l, tuted i n November of' 191<1 by the Miami con vent i on, -.-rhich wc.s called ~ o · the rel:~r3 anization of the soci e ty upon its entra nce int o th~ pedag ?g~- cal field . The endowment plan then inaugura ted has made J.t poes J. bJ..C" for the Financo Boa:rcl to tc>ke a $ 1000 Bond of the Se cond Liberty Lo::.n · Into this Bond r.,rent the sums t hat have ac cumu l ated from tho $2 reservation from every initic..tion fee, sums which a re divid.eCl. equ<'.J betvreen t l1e General Endo v;'!!lent Fund and. the PHOENIX .Gndowment 7uhd Into it o.lso went tho Elvc.. Doyle Reed Endov:rnent Fuhd ; Y!h ic:b is ruCJ.de up of Mrs. Reed's bequest of $50 i t he Chapter g ifts of $."1r to cn~orr the co pie s of the PHOFNIX for Chapter Advisers and the Cht;.pter J,J. tr::t rios, and th e first individual LIFE Subscription, that t alc en by hiiss llj_ .nrJ.ie Shoc.kley, Dean of Pomen at Alva. and Chapter . .\dviser of lrc.Jll.m:l. Ga'Jll:'..a . The sum total of these various funds was :::1o t sl:.:ff icient t _ ma1{e up th e $ lOGO, so an e>.dvance l oan had to be me.de from. t:t e _L- :~~..ll 1r3acury . It i E exp ect ~d that the ~2 reservations from ~he J. iJ.~l n -
OD fees of the present s~ool year, however, will cancel the Troasury i1:111 sea tbe Sorority with a. f'ull $lOOO _Endomnent. E~Tery ASA will fGel a thrill ot Pleasure at the knouledge that her Sorori t~r v:-as able to mo..kc aubstantial a loan to the Gover~~t, and she may be pardoned, if abe is conscious of a justifiable prifte in the achievement that such an &et discloses. In _Novcmber of 1914, Alpha Sigmo. Alpha faced the tuture with an empty Treasury . . ~oday . the Sorority has attained the position of' a financier, only a -relatively small position to be sure, but &n earnest of what the future may meo.n to the organiz~tion.
Loan, so that the close of' ...ho fou:.. tt.a. year of re~rga.niza~l. on
THE ASSOCIATION OF PEDAGOGICAL SORORITIES OONVENES. As this was the year for a conf'erence of the Association, o.rangement was made to have the four representatives meet at the Edguwater Beach Hotel in Chi~o just prior to the National convention of Sigma Sigma Sigma. Miss Jewett was present as the representative of Alpha Sigma Alpha and served as Chairman. Various members of the SSS ~cil were in attendance at the sessions, but its official representative, and the one who s~rved as Secretary was Mrs. A.}.Hatha~ay,Jr. P1 Kappa Sigma failed to send a delegate, but Delta Sigma Epsilon sent Jl1ss Maud Morris, Business Manager of the "Shield", and a member of the Alva Faculty. As it in necessary that every ASA should understand just what was done at the conference, and what led up torome of the discussions, ~e present in full the
CHAIRMAN' $ REPORT All delegates present h~ve been supplied vnth literature concerning the early history of the Association of Pedagogical Sororities . so all know of the preliminary meeting that w-as held in Cincinnati in July of 1915 and uhich follo~ed immediately the National Convention of Sigma Sigmo. Sigma, a meeting at which nere present all the Council members of that sorority and tvvo members of Alpha Sigma. Alpha. ~Ul too knol":; of the later meeting in September ~f t..."1at srun? year, whe~l the regularly appointed representatives of the t no Gorori t1.es had a fl.l'la l conference. You are lili:euise familiar with the Constitution and ByLaws adopted on that occasion, and so understand that the orcanizers or the Association deemed it best to have a relatively simple set of rules, leaving it to time to demonstrate the need or wisdom of speci a l or specific legislation. The Constitution however, can give you but little idea of the really vital discussi~ns held in Boston , or of the vimions tha t took shape at that meeting. Both representatives we re women of ~xr e rience in sorority matters, so both quite naturally had large ambl.tions for the Association and both hoped it would eventually become a pouer in the field of p~dagogy, but neither sensed the crisis tha~ was approaching, and neither realized the significance of th~ or?~~~ zation of the Association at that particular time. To thel.r tn~ ru< 1nG the all important thing, after pro~EiJn was made for ~uccessl~ e conf'oreuces was the utilization of the Association as an 1.nformat1.on b1u•eau, fr~ which .nhould be dissemino..ted thro the Greel{: Pres s cert:. u.i r: fo.ots concerning the new movement in Helln.s, the movement to secure for students in the Teachers Colleges and Normn.l Schools of the. coun-try the srune adTlanto.ges of sorority affiliation as v~ere open qul. te
29. gener~lly to girls enrolled in the 'cultural' trpe of college. . , It w~s the crisis precipitated by on e ·of the congress Soro-
tities tJ:1at fJ.rst. showed what a forus the Assooiation might be, not only in its own f~eld, but in the Helleni~ World at large. As this affair was really epoch me.I·lci ng, and a!:. the t wo later additions to the roll of.the Association--Pi Kappa S:i.gma and Delta Sigma Epailon- -are UDtamil~ar ~th the circumstances, it woul~ seem auvisable at this time to go J.nto some detail concerning the matter. The Publication that was sent out to the Greek Press of 191E, copies of whi ch have been placed in the lLands of all the delegates, make s allusion to the episode, but stresses mostly the claj_m_ of the Association that the Pedago~ica.l Sorority has an inalienable right to the WHOLE of the field J.n which it operates. It does not ma,ke clear the slgnal victory that was won by the Association. Kappa Delta, the oorority that precipitated t~e crisis, was t~ded at the Virginia State Normal School in 1097. Five years l&ter it begwn to exp~d, but its growth was confined for some time to the South~ where it entered .a few colleges and some finiShing schools. Half a. decade pa.ssed before a.t)y attempt was made to enter the colleges of the North, but it was not. long before its chapters establiShed in the North began to realize that they were working under a serious handicap, in that Kappa. Delta was not on the roll of the National Panhellenic Congress, and therefore, in the eyes of campus tolk, not ranked as an "A" Class Sorority. Kappa Delta, ever anxious to _assist its chapters in all possible ways, promptly applied ~or admission to the Congress, but wa.s _refused on the ground that its roll contained the nrume of one normal school and two seminaries . Kappa Delta. was very proud of its chapters at these three institutions ~ and was at first .~verse to giving them up, but it finally recalled the eharters and thus qualified for memberShip on the Congr~ss r?ll. Just why Kappa Delta entertained the thought of reenter~ng the Virginia State Normal School is not knovm, and will probably forever remain ·a mystery. Possibly, since there was nothing in the Conatitution of the National Panhellenic Congress that defintely debarre c~ normal schoc:;.s the •eligibility' list of the congress, some mis-_ guided enthusiast may have thought that no ol;ljection would be ra~sed by any Congress Sorority, if the charter grant were made, but Kappa_ Delta might have very easily put the matter up to the Congress Comml.ttee on Eligibility. Tt.i.s it did not do . It made its own intel·pretation, and then went ahead with its plans to install the chapter on October 23d. If Kappa Delta gave any thought to the matter at all, it probably reasoned (1) that the 1915 eongress was just over~ C~! that there would be no other Congress until 1917, (3) that no ac~1.on could be takne in the interim beyween Congresses , (4) that the matt~r nould have blown over and been forgotten before another Congress meu. At any rate, it consulted with no one, but went about i-t:.s ,~. Plans for installation so quietly that nothing was knovm. of t.he m£l,~t .JJ. until the Gamma Theta group at Farmville donned pled~e r1bbon~, ~~Q announced that the instal~ion would take place with~n a few days . The l~cal chapters of pedagogical sororities were thrown into a 9an1.; . i'or they reasoned that they could not rush against a 'Cor:greBs S).cori ty' , and they did not dream that anything could be dons to tb.w.J.~t _;; thA pu ...·pose of Kappa Delta. It vras then that these ch2.pte:c~ ~ ect. L .::' .• Wi.J.a.t tho Association of Pedagogical .Sororities could do, an':" ::!.t ;C~.s then for the :first time demonstrn.ted to al l Hallas that the ..:,_~s.Jn .... aL. ,~ · :7a.c, a force to be reckoned with, both within and vrifbut it own bo:!'clE:il n !-
30 .
Within a . ~ew hours of the notification that Kappa Delta would install o.t. Fani~.Vi~le, the Chatrman of the Association of Pedagogical 8orori ti&s ~~d ~ade 1t very clear to the one who was in charge of the installatl.on that unless assurance was in Bost0n within 48 hours that the cha~ ter ~rant to the group at the Vi.r ginia state Normal School had been resclnded.the C~~irman of the Association 'would demand and secure the immediate expuls~on from the National Panhellenic congress of Kappa D~lta.' That assurance was in Boston within 24 hours~ It is well to remember at this time that the Farmv~e episode was a test case. The National PanhellR~c congress had never deemed it necessary to define specif~lly jus¥ tjpe of ~hool could be entered, and ?mat could not be considered as a possible field, because sororities long in the Congress had very definite ideas on this particular subject, · and it was . well understood that membership in the Congress h&d been, and would be, consistently and persistently denied to every PROFESSIONAL society seeking affiliation. It was a foregone conclusion, therfore; that NO professional school could ever appear on the Eligibility List 0f the congress. Later additions to the Congress Roll may not have been so thoroly congnizant of this fundamental, tho unwritten, law of the Congress, and .so possibly the Farmville crisis might have been duplicated at other 'places. There are quite a few institutions in the 9ountry known . as Teachers Colleges, de~rees from · Which are accepted eve.r ywhere as 'the· equivalent of'. those g~ven by the beot untversities.· student. groups ' at th~se places·.h.a ve quite naturally felt that the word•-C&EGE--entitled their alma mater to repreS'9ntat1on on the roll of ·the _~.at~onal P~_elJenic C<>ngref3s, .·and mo·st unfortunately th,ese grtoups have .[beerf encouraged in this belief b¥ those wholly ignorant of the fa.c t that the .O.Qngress may not consider &ny institution .that woUld be called'professiona l'. The literatu:e that the Association ,· provided 'for distribution to the Greek ·: Press_ in regard to thi's very matter has been widely copied by both fratern1. ~Y ma.gazines .ancl sorority journals, as well as by the "Greek Excha~ge ", but there are still many hundreds of sorority women and frater~1.ty men who do not yet understand the difference between a profess1.onal and a non-professi.on~~ type of college . It will ~ake time to ed~ eate AAL of Hellas. In the meantime we can work 1n our chosen f1.eld, ~Onfident that the governing boards of Congress Sor?rities acknowl~d.ge our inalienable right to an undisputed possmss1.on of the WHOLE of the territory in which we operate . There l.·s one point however that is not GENERALLY conceded ' ' I refer to membersh' · the to the to the Pedagogical sorority. . l.P 1.n City Panhellenics. A city panhellenic is an organization of sorority women for social pleasures or for serious work . fn the smalle~ city the Panhellenic takes the place of the delightful Collgg~_olub~ Which is so important a factor in the social and.int~llectual ·~f:t~r , the big centres Membership in these panhellenics . 1s most dell.gl .L u .~ ; · - f lly oth~ . . . a!l 1 t opens the way for th€1 cultured women to meet 1n erma "'·women of h~r own class women whose acquaintance she might n?t other Vt1oe make . There are' some places vvhe re the local p.:1nhellen 1 c wel~~ _ ~r.>mes members of pedagogical sororities to membership 1 and evEn el:v ~ .c th~m to thp, highest office within the gift of the society, but th ~r ~ are some that have not yet reached an understanding of th~ prP 8 en u ~!lsi tion afti the p:esent prestige of th~ Pedag9gic~l ?ororl. ty ~L' Your Cha1rman therefore b~l1.eves that 1 t 1.s neces -ary_ , , 1 • ff. ,., ~ tn ~ h~nd out oome literature this F~. 11 to the Nat1.ona l 0 lcel "' o:_ e ,011 _ r.ongr~ss Sororities, preliminary to en effort to secure from ~h ~
6ress that ~eets in O?t?ber of this year suc.h an ac1{nowledgmen-;:. of the Pedag?g1cal Soror~ t~es that their members 3hall be soue:;ht b~r ci t :' ~anhallen1cs everywhere. SuCh a st~tement as vour Chairman has in mind, bu~ has as yet not formulated; 11i 11 be au i tern cf expense to tllP LssociatJ.on, but would semm to be quite as ir:1portant in its Tiay a s r.ae the publication issued in the F8ll of 1915 for dis t ribution to ~ ;-.~ Greek Press. Prices have advance C. markedly the ;ast ye2.r 1 s o i t ,;ill not be possible to i ssv.e so i;nn:;..~essi ve a state;nent o.s ecomomj_c a:_ly I:'.B it t:as done tv-10 years ago . l'!it.h four sororj_t.ies on t h e roll, h ou ever, ~nd two years between co:'lferences, there :rill he a vailablP for f!Ub~lCl ty pu:poses and kindred enter::;Jrises t he sum of ~~-40 Your ChaJ.rQan belJ.eves that no better use could be made o: the Associ at iorl~ income than to devote it to such advertising matter as shall give the .\ssociation quickly the sc>Jne S:atus in Hellas as io non enjoyed by the National Panhellenic Congress. · Altho your Chairman ho.s not yet formulated any otatemen+. cu~~ as might be presented to tho Congrosz, she has given considerable thought to the arguments tho.t :ni8ht be used in such a stat ement, a.e: vroll as to the counter o..rguments tho..t members of the Congress 1"1ight bring forward at the time. It would se em as tho the only obje~tion tho..t could be l"nised by Congress represent a tives nould be that not all of the institutions on the roll of tho Ascociation uould r~.nk o.n colleges, so city pn.nhollonics, under tho jurisdiction or superv 1 sion of tho Congress., could not be expected to c..cco pt the ~e~rors of all pedagogical pins ~s members, oince tho wenncrs of Con~ress badges would all be from inS:.i tutions that bore the brand of coll~e~ · The Asoociation r.oll contains the names of eleven institutions thnt nould be El..e.ssifiod as 'professiona l' 1 viz. Alva) Athe ns , Duff:>..lo) Eml-' uria, Farr:wille, Greeley 1 '' Indi ana" , T(irl{: S'Jill A1 !·~ iami ~ ·~. rr s nr;burs , Ypsil a ati 1 and one that n ould b e cl a scified a s 'cultiral',- Union University at J a ckson, Tenn., Yrhich Si sma Si Gma Si[;ma has promis e d to carry on its roll until such time a s the chapter_ chn.ll be accepted by some Congress Sorority, but nhich ~an be om~tt e d entirely from this discussion, since it is only temporm::ily c.sooc1nted •li th Sigmo. Signa. Sibgma. No'>-r , vrhen, in B.eptember of 1916, the Association's r e p~o AE:ntatives voted to a~t the Associc..tion Comstitution, they vot e d to tiebar from tho Eligibility Roll o..ll insti tutiono that do no t offe~~ at least tvm years of vmrk in pedag ogy , Nei t hor felt tlw.t ::n:.ch decloion vro,s rrholly .oa.tisf u. ctory, since there :ni Ght be insti tut1ons thc..t could shovr a two y ea:L~s course in pedago g-y~ o.nd yet on~ tL:a t \?ould . b e mu.ni:'Astly inferior t o t v.ro years of ·.mrl<: off e r e d b y 1-.l~ o.m l Unl v e r s1 t for instance . 'l:'here are quite 300 institutions i n the country publl c and private --the. t lay c.ll.adm to be inc, t f gh g r a de s chools of Pedagogy, but as a matter of fact there a re ccarce ly 50 that are doin:; 1:;otk of the 'college' order . ',7c l<:nm r this ourselve s, a nd_ Co~Bress people kno~ it too. we have got to prove t hat th~ Assoc~ BtJ.on is enterinr; norr.w.l scl'l;OOls of the coliese t ype ONTJY . It. ~o sca:c e l y ~"no•1g:b t~ say U'.at rre require a h i t;h sch o o l cH ~-,J_ o=?a _. or ~ts e~U lv CJ. :!.'3nt,in the case of every initiate, and t l1a t ·,·:e c.m:c.er n o schools t hc:. t 1 1 offer Jess than the t u o years of pedagog y . Hi t;h E. 2-h o c l Di ~J lo:na G u..,.., d' t\fo yea.rs o:f pedagogy' h a ve diff :..::..~cn t mea nings 1n diff e rent 'J tatoR . cort.J.in states have: very much hi g1-: e r st a r-da rds th an others 1 "'nd .:.1"~6 courses t:,i ven in the high and nor1n0l sch o o l s of the for::1er ['.re of a much higl:er grade tha!l those ~i ven by s i n il-:r sc h ~o:P i~ t~ e :::..atter . Is there a:1.y criterion by winch ..-re :ca::.-1 est.J.me.t e L·h e St..8..11 L. u
ards of a. given institution 171-i:.h a fc:.ir degree o:f a~curacy? S~ppose weJ~oe ~h~t other a;encios have done alonb that linoT The CE'.t·negH:~ Fourlda.,::ton refuses to cons 'L'io:r- a college that has ~ecs than $200,000 a~ ~orthy o~ the name o~ COLLEG~. A $200,000 e~dc~~Gut &.t 5% rmuld yie.~.d an annual in0ome o~ $l:::J, 000 . I'his added to the possible. $20,000 o:c $::0, 'JOO ava.:::.:ia.ble frow tu.i. :.ion ~eee :-rot'.ld p::!.o.c.e the dl.sposal of said .:.allege an a:mual inc.ome of $2:0,000 or ~;;40, J ,o· ~e Carnegi.e Foundation, then, is u~ the opL1.ion thc..t. no ir,stituti~n l.S capable of doir\13 RE~ collece ·:rork, unless it hC~..B at least t30,0CO to use every year. The Asoociation o:f collegiato Alu_~ae t~ll consider no institution ~or enrolment on its ltst of colloG6e, unleos the endov~ent is at laast $500,000. In other ~ords, it co~ siders that no college is worthy of the name unless it ho.s at loast $25,000 to uee in addition to the tuition ~nd other fees received from otudente. Can we apply this same reasoning to institutions in the Pedagogi val Field? · •· Normal School students pay no tuition as a rule, but a sum equivalent to what students pay in other institutions must be available thro Legislative appropriation, or the school can not do a ~ine ~rade o~ uork. It is a pretty generally accepted fact that $100 per capi to. is the very smallest amount thc.t can be estimated o.s thf3 cost of one year• s education beyond the· high school period. If, then, there are 200 studen·ts in a given ;normal school, there should be at least a $20,000 appropriation to meet the outlay for professor's salaries. The Carnegie Foundation and the Asso· iation of Collegiate Alumnae believe that betneen $10,000 and $25,000 is n8eded additionally , if really fine Y:ork is to be done, the amount in eo.ch case being largely depencil.ent 1.lllOn the NUMBER o:f STUDENTS enrolled . The l~rger the enrolment, the ereater must be the appropriation, or the annual income. These are the estimates that the Eligibility Committee o:f the National Panhellenic Congress takes into cor.~.sideration nhen deciding '\7hether a given institution is uorthy of Congreos recognition and enrolment. These are the estimates that the oongress will t~.lce into consideration when it decides r-rhether or not those wearing the badges of Pedagogical orders are eligible to membership in city panll.ell enics everywhere. It is, then,absolutely imperative that the Aaaoci a tion shou;J. be able to state NOT that it refuse a to enter any pla~t: e thc.. t offerc leso than two years of pedagogy, but that it does not c~rry on 1 ts roll any institution ·;ri th less than a certain number o:f studc:mts or vri th loss than a oortain yearly income. The number of stude nts and the PROPORTIONATE aTh~ual income in the case of a Given ir-stitution fl.re most important facts . If ~rour Chairman could prove b y o~ficial ~igures that the Association cerries on its roll institutiun~ ,,,flooe income per student is a great deal higher than that ~or c e rt<nn colleges on the roll of the Congress, and i~ she can go on r e cord ~s pledging the Association to certain de~inite s tandards nhen ndmit~i n:_1; ne-::r institutions to its roll, your Chairman r:ould have v:on her :_)u1nt rnd could not be denied in her plea for th e admission of ALL ~ ear f r s of Pedagogical Badge::: to ~\LL city panhellenics. It seems to your Chairman that th e J~ s s ocin. t ion has non l'eache;o. tho point in its co.rcor vrhon it cn.n no.y tho. ~-. it will n:)t consider r:.o oligiblo to fut:... e enrolment on its liot any in~ti tution _u-.. LJ.·t:. ho.o locs than 200 stuc:ents or looo ti'ln.n $50, 00~ n.nnun.l 1ncomc. 1C'1-tr C"hn.irT" o.n bolievos ti.1o.:l. you uill all agree thrt some defir~i to £to.:.1.d<. .r d ~ike the one just montionod in not on:!.~ iu1por~tive n.t this _t~ m e, tu.t that the Acsociation ~ill tcke on added prost1.go by dotor~1n1ng on
ch otandards for the institutions that mo.y lat·er seek to be n.dd8d tc the Association list. I!ost of you YTill no doubt thihkt that the minimum mentioned is altogether too lon, because your are gradunt~s ot large institutions, but different cond~tions prevail in different sections of the country, and it is nell to remember that a state u ith ten Normal Schools will probably shou a smaller enrolment and a small~ oppropriation for each than a st~te tLat h~s but four such schools . It is understood, I believe, that no rulins:t of 1917 can bA retroactive. In other -rrords, if there is at -:_Jrese~t any institution that does not measure up to the standards that the present Conference may decide to set, that institution is not to be dropped from our roll. I might also add that in determining upon a given standard by nhich the A~sociation shall abide in the future, it is, of course, possible to oml.t altogether the item of enrolment, and to make the standard an INOOUE one entirely. Such a standard might be more easilY understood by the average student of sorority matters, and might be allsufficient. While upon the subject of the type of institution that the :..ssociation may consider, it may be well to touch upon a matter that would naturally come under that head, Uhen the organizers of the l~ssociation were discussing the TYPE of institution to uhich the Association Sororities should confine themselves in the future the question was brought up of the advisability of considering as eligible the so-ailed Kindergarten Training Schools and those normal schoolss that stress the study of physical education to the exclusion of the subjects taught in the regular State Normal ,School. In vien of the fa~t that the organizers realized that there were in the Pedagogical Field quit8 300 institutions that were of one type--that best indieuted in the State Normal Schoo1--and therefore ample gronth v7as provi.ded for in the years to come, and tn vievr of the fact that it seemed to be the part of nisdom to work in and with 01·ill type on}.y , Alpha Sigma Alpha and Sigma Sigma Sigma, thro their representatives , de~tded NOT to enter the Kindergarten Training Schools, or the type that stresses gymnastic trairjf courses. Pi Kappa Sigma, ll0'\7ever, not knowing of this decision, entered a Kindergarten Training School after it had been admitted to membership in the Association. It 1.-;as another case of those 'unwritten' la-r;s mentioned in connection YTi t h the Farmville matter. The sororiti e s already on the list under s to od perfectly that the Kindergarten Training School was not to be considered, but the field left open to a different type of sorority that should arise in .the future, it it was not already in ex ~stence . Th e ne\7 membPr of the Association, however, did not know of this agr ee ment , o.nd vras not in frequent touch, as vrere t he othe r hm, so di d not nention the matter until the installation had t aken pl a ce. Pi r ~:ppa Sigmo. can not be expected to give up its chapt er in t h e Kinder [n.rten Training School connected with the Cincinna ti Univer s i ty , f or it grant d the charter in good fD.ith and it has to conside r the t;i rls '.. h,.,J.o it dmitted at the time. It¥ ,:rould b o vm ll, hon Ave r , for t h e . f'30CiD.tion to disc-uss this matter again, an d to re ach some defini t o fl cr.i. td on that can perhaps bA recorderl in the Hinut es , rath er than i r, hA CC'nsti . ._ ution i ts~?lf, as a fram~d clause i n that do r..u.rn en t nou l i r "1 W 'i. o.ln ays to ~e explained so long as Pi I~appa Si gwa rAtained on i t~ ,•oll its che>.ptE>r at the Cirmin.;,1.ati 'Training Schoo l fo r KindE'l.r,sar"._ r.
The Association mcy well congratula te itself over the ?roclu!'in.g the first t11o yen.rs of its cxi ntence . Hot only h ~~D
it made itself a recognized :force in Hella.s wi t hin this short Period but it. has ?ecured th~ Pedagogi.co.l !i'leld for the Pedagogical Sorori- } t1As. Incl.dentally l. t has seen the l ist of .\soo riation chz.ptero increa.s~ r:om lese than ten to almost ·thi1;-ty . This trabline of the iiSSOcJ.atJ.on chapters n ithin a. relatively brief spare of tir:'le indirat8~ perhaps more than any ot~ll'lr oae thing the nelcome that ai7ai ts the Peda:r,ogir.al Sorority, as Hell as the po' ·;e"~" this nm7come r into the fi'1 ld <,r· Hallas has ar,quired within two short college years . I f thfJ ::-ecorn. prophecy of the success that is in store for made sine~ 1915 is our organizations in the future, we can surely face the years ahead Tdth confidenc~. Respectfully submitted } Ida Shaw Martin, Chairman 1915-17
At the time of going to press , the official Minutes of thE'l r,ontere:t?-ce have not been received. ~I iss Jewe tt 1 s pe rsonal viewpoint rea~hed the Central Office just as soon a s the mails could r.arry a letter to Boston, so it is possible to give the membershj.p a gPneral idea of the deci~ions reached in· C hicago . According to Miss Jewett, the meetings we re quit~ informal , and thus the way was paved for freedom and frankness in the discus•1ons. Th~. Chairman 1 s Report was read as ..·a whole and then· in pat"afraphs. · !t was voted that the Association Should consider only the straight" n~rmal school and teachers college, and should limit :t.tsAlf ev~n there to such in~titutions as have at least 200 students and an annual income of $50,000 . · Anoth~r vote was to raiee the annual DUes from $5 to $1~, in ordll:!r that the Association might not be handicapped thro th9 laclt of financ'3 s . As some schools on the Association list have been e xperi An~ing scme dificulty,owing to the fa~t that Sorority Advi sers hav9 unwisely taken part in the rushing, it was vot~d that he1m.fter .such Partir-ipation on the part of Faculty AdvisPrs should be fo r b idden This rulA has no bearing on Faculty Adv is~rs } f br one and all h~V9 had the good taste not tp . advertise. their affiliation .. . By· far the. moat· important ch.a nge in the Association Constitution was the . one that provides f.or FOUR Association Officers instee.j of T'7o. Her':ltofore, · thg . affo.j,.rs c.f' the As so~io.tio{l. have be on lef~ in the Hnads of ~ Chairmattn a socretar~-Treasurer . Hereafter the re TI111 be o. Chc..irman~ a. Secre·",ary, a Treasurer, and a n Adviser of Local Panhelloni cs. As the ~ ~st t·.1o' yco.ro vrero r egarded n. s 'org o.nizr..tion 1 years, the first officers do not cbunt on th e 'roun~', so the Ch airma~ ship vmnt to sss, the s(~ crot nryship·· · to ;.,sA, tl:.e Tr easurerohi~ to PI~S, o.na tho li.dvisorship to DSE. Thcae offices 11ill b o r e tc-,i:r- e d t n o :ree.rs, -until t.h e 1919 Conference , y·: hon the no..,·. · or de r r:i ll bo,~·lsl'.. Clw.. irma.n , PKS Secret :try, DSE treasurer, ::md SSS ~ldv i s e r t o Loco. l ? o..nhe ll enics . Tho fourth office ne e ds o. bit of explo.nat icn . 'I'hG . Con:'eruncc .:t."01t tho..t the loco. l pai.1hollonics 1 · ere not using to the full.Jst t~e op~o rttU~iti o ~ th~orcaniz~ti?P off Grod f0 r tho contr0 l of tre local nituo.tion. It i3 c..s y0t too early to :Jtr..tc u:ta.t t h o reou lt of tho .'.cJ.vi..;O!f3hi:) 1:ill h&, ~ut no :;to p ·:~:i 11 b e ta:: on t:: .:'.t !':.1."3 Pot tli e 8UI'I ot o'!: tl1e .ll.c oocic.ti on Scrori ties . Pollou ing ic o.. lit.~ of: tho Hosoci c,~icn Offic o rc f or. 1 Sl7-1Sl9 . CrLU PJ't.A!'! - - I~r8. A. J. Hn.th.::~.ii 'lY , Jr ., SSS, r·e l1a.ncl , Ont . SBGhET/~.J.Y c-M i as I dJ. :.. . Je·.:ret t , Xt!i, 1\irlcavi llc, ,_('. TR~ ASUP.~ R-M'i3s He len C . Cool:, ?I S, Ypci l::mti, I'ich . .L\.DV! SER - I.~ i s s 1!o.ud l!orri s, DSE , Al \ra.. Ol~lr.. .