Asa phoenix vol 50 no 4 summer 1965

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Alpha Sigma Alpha, 314-C East Pershing, Springfield, Use form 3579.





SUMMER, 1965


DO YOU KNOW. What has been happening in Alpha Sigma Alpha during the past year? Where our new Central Office is located? Which chapter has moved into a new home, and how many chapters are contemplating moves in the next year? '!\There our three new chapters were established? What took place at the 1964 lational Convention? WE WANT YOU TO KNOW! Alpha Sigma Alpha is YOUR sorority, and you should know of all of its fine achievements. The National Convention at Asheville, North Carolina, in July, 1964, was a wonderful succes~, a fun-filled and exciting four days. On the business side, many constitutional amendments were adopted, including equal voting privileg~s for alumnae and college delegates at ConventiOn; a change in the structure of the National Council; compulsory life subscriptions to TH~ PHOENIX for all future initiates, and the establishment of annual alumnae dues of $2.00 for all alumnae members, both life subscribers and non-life subscribers. These clues are needed for the national housing fund as well as for other p~ases of the sorority program; and it is interestmg to note that Alpha Sigma Alpha. is one. ~f t~e last national soror'ities to put this prov1s1on mto effect. 1964-65 also marked the installation of three new chapters, Gamma Lambda a t Loyola lJ_niversity, Chicago; Gamma . K~ppa at Glenville College, Glenville, West V1.rgm1a;. a~d Gamm~ Mu at Adrian College, Acln a n , Michigan . Epstlon Epsilon chapter moved into a spat?king ~ew house, and seven other chapters are m vanous



DO YOU KNOW . . . how much you still owe on your Life Subscription to THE PHOENIX? The amount is listed behind your name on the address label. Wo~'t you send it now to Miss Rose M . F~llm, National Treasurer, 1001 E. Harnson, Springfield, Mo. 65804. Why not also include your $2.00 annual alumn ae dues if they are not already paid.?

stages of housing plans. Last, but not least, our Central Office was moved from Kenmore, . Y. to Springfield, Mo. If you are not already a life subscriber to THE PHOENIX, why not become one now so that you can keep up with all of the_ ot~er soro~ity news? At present the life subscnptiOn fee ~s .$25.00, but most of us have made payments either during our college or almunae .days which have been credited to our life subscnpt1on account. After May 25, 1966, the fee will be raise~ to $30.00 so why not get yours in before that time and save the extra $5.00. . For the future there are already plans bemg made for several more new chapters; a traveling secretary will be hired on a full-tim_e; and the possibility of a rea works~1ops IS be1~g explored. v\Te need YOU to achteve success m our endeavors, so please, let us know that we can count on you . MARY C. GoEKE

National P1·esident

· · and':"cr$ of ca ch year at Edell Publishing House, 1724 THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA is published in the faii, wmter, spn':'g. · bMo. 63103• 0 ffic'tad1 publishers lor Sigma the soronty subscnpuon pnce East ts 1Pershing, ·50 a year.Springfield , Mo. Chouteau Avenue, St.· LOUts, t Alpha Alph~ The Central Office, 314-C ~dd~~;aa'lr"c~:rC:~~~d!n~~dof ~~n:d~~~~';.'j~~~ur~~~ t'he editor, Mrs. Stewart Koenemann 1230 Hoyt, St. Louis, Mo. 63137. Second-class postage paid at St. Louis, Mtssoun . . . , . Postmaster : Send Form 3579 to Alpha Sigma Alpha, 314-C East Pershing, Sprtngfteld, MISsourt .



Grove Park Inn, Asheville, North Carolina, was the site of Alpha Sigma Alpha's National Convention, July 6-10, 1964.

Amy Swisher Fellowship Award Kathleen Geib, AA Ideal Pledge Award Mary Irene Baveta, r t.


Frost Fidelity Award Sandra Locke, Ar

GAMMA THETA-Syracuse University Syracuse, New York Installed-March 13, 1964 Elizabeth Bird Small Award .GAMMA JOT A-Rochester Institute of TechKaren W. Rasnic, ZZ nology Wilma Wilson Sharp Award Rochester, New York Esther Bucher, HH Installed-May 22, 1964 Trophy for Efficiency-Phi Phi GAMMA LAMBDA-Loyola University Chicago, Illinois 50 Year Recognition Installed-September 26, 1964 Elizabeth N. Johnston, AA GAMMA KAPPA-Glenville State College Mary Turner Gallagher, XX Glenville, West Virginia Installed-Decerr1ber 5, 1964 NATIONAL PHILANTHROPIC GAMMA MU-Adrian College PROJECT Adrian, Michigan Installed-March 6, 1965 Five Alpha Sigma Alpha scholarships have been awarded by Columbia University in New York and one by Arizona State University, NEW ALUMNAE CHAPTERS Central Louisiana Tempe, Arizona. These scholarships were creDeKalb, Illinois ated as part of the national philanthropic project Milwaukee, Wisconsin-Beta for study in the field of mental retardation. A2.A COOKBOOK ORDER Please send ............. ........... copies of the A2.A Cookbook. Gourmet's Guide. I am enclosing my payment of $ ............................ ($3 per copy) for .................................... copies. Kindly credit the ... .................................................. .................................................................... ......... college chapter or .................................. ..................................... .... .. ...... ... ............ .. .................................................................... alumnae chapter with the commission. Chapter should withhold .40 commission on each paid order. Make check or money order payable to A2.A Cookbook, and send your order to MRs. A. HoWARD HALL, 342-D HIGGINs Rn., PARK RIDGE, ILLINOis 60068. The receipt for your order should be mailed to: Name .. ... ... ..... ............. ... ............ ..................... .................................... .

Street and Number



Zip Code

Do not fill in below this line Date received Receipt sent ...................... ............. ............................ ............ ................ ..... .................................................................... .... .... . Amount received ................... ........ ...... ............................................................................... ......... ............... Cash or Check




Nationa l Alumnae Editor The Akron, Ohio, alumnae chapter served as hostess for the Ohio State Day held in Columbus. Members are also proud of Lillie Greer who was presented a PTA Life Membership Pin by that organization. Members of the Anderson, Indiana, chapter are very proud to have contributed more than $100 to help establish a special education class in Middletown; while the Bartlesville alumnae worked with the Dewey Special Education Class by preparing handwork and purchasing library books for them. They also subsidized an underprivileged boy in the school cafeteria. Activities for the Boston alums during the past year include their annual work meeting, Founders' Day, Christmas auction, philanthropic project, luncheon at Anthony's Pier Four, a February get-together at the Shubert Theater and a white elephant party in March. For their philanthropic project this year, the Calumet Region alums sold tins of candy and gave the proceeds to the Loving Care Nursery for Mentally Retarded Children. Members of the Central Pennsylvania alumnae chapter are urging alumnae who live in their area to attend their luncheon meetings. They offer a wonderfu l time and a renewal of friendships. Chicago alums have ten Saturday luncheon meetings each year and have h ad an average attendance of twelve this year. In April they were hostesses for the 14th annual Illinois State Day. The February philanthropic meeting of the Chicago-North Suburban alumnae was devoted to making placemats for the Children's Memorial .Hospital in Chicago. The year has been a busy one for the Chicago-South Suburban members with the installation of Gamma Lambda at Loyola University, filling Christmas stockings, selling wrappings for their philanthropic donation to the Calumet City School for the Retarded, and plans for State Day. Each alum from the Chicago-West Suburban brought one or more g uests to the jewelry demonstration presented by Sue Staple Mack BK. Everyone departed broke but glamorous! Cincinnati alums are very proud of four of their members who serve as national officers. Heading


the list is National President, Mary Goeke; National Scholarship Chairman, Anne Petree Neimeyer; Ritual Chairman, Pauline Smith Olson; and Shirley Pallato Bone, Historian. The alums in DeKalb, lliinois, have been working with Beta Rho chapter at Northern Illinois University on rush and are in the process of leasing a new house which will house 46 girls; while members of the Denver, Colorado, chapter met in the home of Liz Brock Allison for a card benefit and house tour with proceeds going to Sewall House, Denver Society for Crippled Children and Adults. Emporia, Kansas, alums were busy in March giving a benefit bridge party at which they entertained 150 guests. After a successful year, the Fort Wayne alumnae chapter boasts an increase in membership, the honor of having Joy Carmichael Helm elected as art section chairman for the local branch of Indiana State Teachers Association, and an extra increase in their philanthropic fund. The Glenville, West Virginia, alumnae chapter has just organized this year. Members, together with the newly installed Gamma Kappa chapter at Glenville State College, held formal initiation in February. Proceeds from the February bake sale were given to the Retarded Children's Center by the Grand Rapids, Michigan, alums; while a loom was purchased by the Greater Kansas City alumnae chapter for the State Training School No. 2 as their philanthropic project for the past year. Hattiesburg alums provided a radio for the children of the State Mentally Retarded School. They are also making plans for the Alabama-Mississippi-Louisiana State Day to be held at the ew Orleans Roosevelt Hotel. '路Fun-erama," a rotating game night, gave the Kalamazoo, Michigan, alums an opportunity to know their sisters a nd misters much better. Long Island alums will enjoy a busy summer with a party at Carol Canale Kelly's, a theater party in Jul y, and August brings the family picnic. Maryville, Missouri, alumnae chapter shared Phi Phi 's initial awards banquet in March and honored the actives in their chapter room at Northwest Missouri State College; wh ile Milwaukee-Alpha alums held their annual spring lun cheon in May and installat ion of officers is 3

planned for June. Members of the Norfolk, Virginia, alumnae chapter gave a sherry party in honor of Gail Dixon Dickson, president, which was held before the Panhellenic luncheon at the Norfolk Yacht and Country Club. Omaha, Nebraska, Alpha Sigs are always on the go with bridge, reading, and sewing groups, as well as with their bi-monthly meetings and their philanthropic work at the Children's Hospital.

Philadelphia-Bux Mont alums have given a food warmer serving cart to the Rehabilitation Center in Philadelphia; and the PhiladelphiaDelaware Valley alums held a box lunch-philanthropic workshop where valentine party favors were made for the Elwyn Training School in Media, Pennsylvania. Two events, a spring brunch and a swimming party, will draw the year to a close for Phoenix alums. Jane Clark Bailey and Blanche Ball Landan, members of the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, alumnae chapter, hostessed a bridge luncheon held at Kramer's Restaurant which was enjoyed by twelve fellow members. The Richmond, Virginia, alumnae chapter was well represented at the annual Richmond Panhellenic Association card party and fashion show in February by their model Glenna Snead Chesley, several Alpha Sigs and friends. In March Rochester alums enjoyed an "International Dish" buffet supper which preceded the panhellenic scholarship dance. The highlight of the year for St. Louis members was their program in special education with a demonstration

by the blind children taught by Elizabeth Carpenter at the Missouri School for the Blind.

San Diego alums continue to pursue their interests in helping the mentally retarded as they purchased a set of dishes for "Angels Unawares," a private institution for the mentally retarded; while the Southern New Jersey alumnae have been busy making teaching aids for the retarded children's classes at the Avon School in Barrington where president Nancy Gingrich Riti teaches. Springfield, Missouri, Alpha Sigs met in March for their annual Mother-Daughter banquet and style show with mothers of the alums and members of Beta Sigma chapter as special guests. In March several members of the Toledo alumnae chapter drove to Adrian, Michigan, for the installation of Gamma Mu chapter. This past year members of the Toepka, Kansas, chapter began working with the Kansas Neurological Institute as part of their philanthropic project and have made a series of mechanical pictures which they gave to the institute. Tulsa alums are planning to expand their philanthropic fund by giving a "do-it-yourself" auction. Their latest contributions have been to the Turley Orphanage and to the Bacone Indian College Library. Alums of the Waukegan, illinois, chapter have donated useful articles for the mentally retarded adults and made stuffed animals for the children at the state hospital at Dixon. They also have been instrumental in organizing the Libertyville Panhellenic.

Correction The PHOENIX editor sincerely regrets that an error was made in the "In Memoriam" column of the spring issue. Through some error our Central Office received a "deceased" notice for Mrs. Grace L. Love, a life member of Alpha Beta chapter. Mrs. Love is living at 9100 Park, Apartment 404 C, Lenexa, Kansas 66215. Previously Mrs. Love had lived in Silver Spring, Maryland.

WE MUST HAVE YOUR ZIP C.ODE Postal regulations require that your ZIP CODE be added to your address label. Please check your address on the mailing label. If it is incorrect in any way, please correct it-add your ZIP CODE-and return it to our Central Office. Alpha Sigma Alpha 314-C East Pershing Springfield, Missouri 65806



INFORMATION SHEET On Prospective Member of Alpha Sigma Alpha Mail to Alpha Sigma A lpha, 3 14-C East Pershing, Springfield, Missouri 65 806 or to the A'LA chapter at the college the girl plans to attend Full name of girl ____ ____________ ____ _________ ______________________________ ____ ________________________________ __ _____________ _________________________________________ _________ ______ _ Address __ ... . ____ ___ _______________ __ ___ .... _______ . _______ . _______ . ___________ _____ _______________ __ ____ __________ _______ __ ____ ________ _______ __________________________________________ ___ _ She p lans to attend ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ College starting ----------------------------------------, 196. __ __ _ Father or Guardian's name -- ------------- --- ---------- ------------------ --------- --------- O cc up a tion --------------- ------------------------------------------------ Address ----------- ---- ----------- ---- --------- ------------ ------------------- ------------------------------------------ -- ------ ----- ---- --------- -- ---------- --- ---- ---- ----- --- -------------Mother's name ---- --- -------------- -- ------ ---------- ------- --------------- -------------------- ------- ----------------------- -------- ------------------------------------------------- --R elatives in A'LA (state relationship and chapter) ------------ ------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- -R elatives in other N PC sororities -- ------------------------ ---- --------- ------- ---- -------- --- --------- ---------- ------ ---------------- -------------------------- -------- --Can she financially afford to join a sorority? -------------- ------ ------------------ --------------- -------------- ------ --------- -- --------- -- -- ------- ------------ Wi ll her parents approve of her joining a sorority? ------------ --- ---- ------------- -------- ------ -------- -------------------------------- ----- ---------- --------PREVIOUS EDUCATION : High school attended

Address ---------------------------------------- -- --- ------------------- ---------------- ---------- ________ _ Graduation date Approximate size of graduation class ------------------------------------ H er scholas tic ra nk in class Her over-all scholastic average in high school ----------------------- ---- --- --------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------List special scholastic honors received by her ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- ----------- ------------- -------- --- ---------- -

Underscore the activities in whi ch she participated: Art ; Music; Sports ; Dramatics ; Publicati ons; Service Clubs ; Beauty con tests ; Other ------------------ --- --__----- --------. __ -------- -- __ . ______ -------- _------------- ---- ------ ____ .. --------------------- --------------- --______ ------- ____ .. List offi ces held in classes or vari ous organi zati ons: -------------·-··-·-···-··--···-··-·----···-·-----····---------- ···-··--···------··----·- ····-·-··---·-----···· ------------ ------------ -- ·· ····················· · ················---------- -- -----···-··-·····-········· ·············· ··· ---··············--·--·····-············· ·- -·-·······--· ····· ··· · ···· ·· · ----

List special recognitions, interests or talents : ----------- ·------------· ·· ----- ·---------· ·-------- ·----- ----- ·------------·-···- -·--·----··----·-··· ·---·· ·--· -···-· ··· --- ------ --·· -· ······· ·· · · ···· ·· ···· ····· ···-·· ·········· ·········· · ·· -······-····· ·· ··· · ·· ······-·············· ·· ···················· · ····--············· ·· ······ ··· -·-·· ···· ············---··-···· ··

Junior or other colleges attend ed : --------------- ------· ·----------·- ----- ------------ --------------------------------·--------------·----- --- ·------- ·----···---------··-·-PERSONAL QUALITIES: Underscore th e qua lities that you believe her to have. If it is an outstanding quality, put two lines. Personally attractive; dresses approp ri a tely; friendly mann er ; shy; well-mannered ; outspoken ; th oughtfu l o f oth ers ; selfish; loyal ; enthusiastic; ambitious ; tolerant ; leadership ability ; accepts responsibi lity; h igh social standards and ideals.

Give a brief description of her appearance, if possibl e. ---· ·--·----- ···----- ---·-------- ·--- ----···---- -· ·-----· ·--·--- ·· -------·------···---·---·-·-----····· ··· · ············- · ········· ···· ·············· · · ············ ····· ·· ·· ·--······--············· ···· ················· ········ ···--···· --------···· ····----·-········· --------·-· · -···· · ···················

D oes she work_well in a group?- --------------- Is she apt to place her personal ambitions ahead of those for the welfa re of the gro up ? ----------- ----- Is she well th ought of in her community? --·------- -----D o you kn ow this girl personally? ---------------- If not, list you r source of information on her ( i.e., re lative, teacher, Panhellenic File, etc.) ··········--··· ······· ·--·-·········· ··-·-·····-· ···· ···· ··· ······ ········ ···· ···· ···-··············· ······· ··-····--······-·--················-·· ···· · D oes she know ab out Alpha Sigma Alpha? --·---·------·-- about this report? ---------------D o you recommend her for membership in Alph a Sigma Alpha? Yes ---------------- N o or is this report for informati on only? Yes ---------------- No ---------------Signed -·---·---·- ---·-····· ·----------------- --------------···---- ···----···-· ··- ·-----· -- ( --·---------·· ---- ---·- ----·· ---····-- -·- -·-··--- ···--------·---·· ---··---- --- --- ---- ----Married Name

Maiden Name

Address -········· ·· ············-··········-·································-··········· ········· ·························-··-····-··-···-····································· ·············· College Chapter ----- ---------- ---------- -------------- -------·-- -·-· ------ ·--·------- Alumn ae Chapter ---------------·----·-------· ----·-----------------------------· D ate

----------··---· --------------------- -·---- ------- --- -·-------··-·---------·-··---------




National College Editor Mary Manson, of Alpha chapter, is serving as vice president of her sophomore class, and Judy Cundiff was elected May Day chairman. Seven members on the Dean's Honor Roll were Donna Daly, Henrietta Gilliam, Mary Manson, Joanne Norman, Patti Ogden, Millie Walker, and Judy Cundiff. Alpha Alpha's outstanding scholar is Sherie Hewitt who finished the semester with a 3.9 in a 4. system. Alpha Beta won permanent possession of the President's Scholarship Cup by having the highest honor point ratio for three consecutive years. Not to be outdone, Alpha Gamma has also won permanent possession of the scholarship cup on the Indiana State College campus. Beta Beta chapter was very proud to be named the first in scholarship among the eight sororities on campus and to have Pat Haug elected the new AWS president. Nancy Srader, of Epsilon Epsilon, is serving as president of K-Spurs, an honorary service organization for sophomore women, and has been elected as Junior advisor for next year's group. Also, Loydean Barker has been elected president of S.N.E.A., and Jana Williams is serving as secretary of the sophomore class. In December Eta Etas visited the State Home for Mentally Retarded Children, entertaining them and distributing gifts, ice cream, and cookies to 30 little boys. Kappa Kappa's Melissa Savage was a recipient of the Senior Recognition Award given by Temple University for outstanding service, Suzie Chubb was installed into the honor society Magnet with an accumulative average of 3.89, and Bonnie Bateman was selected sweetheart of Sigma Phi Epsilon. Nu Nus are proud of Geraldine Vang who has been awarded two scholarships for outstanding leadership and scholarsh ip. She is currently serving as secretary of Panhellenic Council and on the Dean's Honor Roll. Phi Phi chapter has won the scholarship cup for the fifth consecutive year. Three members who were chosen for Who's Who are Carolyn Wiltshire, Susan McConkey, and Barbara Chick. Darlene Guest was Alpha Kappa Lambda Sweetheart, and Sally Craven was the college representative to the American Royal Beauty Pageant. Chi Chi chapter is working hard on their scholarship program and has moved up to second place with a grade ratio of 2.952. Scholastic en6

deavors are also highly important to Beta Gamma who for the past three years has received the Phi Lambda Chi Scholastic Trophy presented every spring to the sorority with the highest grade average. Ann Cottrell is their member with the highest average of 3.6. As a result of Beta Epsilon's new scholarship system of recording the number of hours studied and posting grades fifteen members are on the Dean's Honor Roll. Frances Kurzweg of Beta Zeta has been asked to join a national honor society recently formed on campus. Jerilyn Peterson, president of Beta Eta, has received her chapter's Frost Fidelity award and Velia Montemayor, from Mexico, has received her chapter's Elizabeth Bird Small award. Six of the members were on the Deans Honor Roll. Beta Iotas are all very proud of Kathy Porterfield, Marilyn Morrison, Joan Fulmer, Babs Tomlinson, Evelyn Crane, and Mary K. Martin, who were selected from Radford for Who's Who. This year Beta Kappa started a new tradition by having a retreat twice a year so all members can get together away from campus and discuss their chapter, its problems, and ideas for improvement. Their success so far is shown by five new trophies for campus achievement. This year Beta Lambda chapter received the scholarship tray by having an over all grade point average of 2.7. Beta Mu's scholarship average for the fall semester was 2.72, and the new members had to give a party for the chapter because they had the lowest grade point. Scholarship of Beta Nu has improved to 2.91 with seven members and four pledges making the Dean's Honor Roll, 3.4 or above. Beta Pi Marla Belcher had the lead role in a chamber opera, "The Medium," which was performed in three states. The chapter visited mentally retarded children in Bluefield, West Virginia, before Easter and presented them with Easter baskets. Beta Rho feels fortunate to have the following members on the Dean's Honor Roll, Ruth Strelecky, Gaye Lyckberg, Fran Nelson, Celeste Cinquito, and pledge Bert Allen. Sally Nelson became a member of the natio.nal Spanish honorary. Santa Claus in the form of Beta Sigmas visited and distributed candy to the children of St. John's Hospital. Their own Lesley Fleenor


was crowned Ozarko Queen at the Ozarko Ball and will be featured in the yearbook of the same name. The traveling scholarship trophy is headed for the Beta Upsilon suite with the help of Maryellen Brunson's perfect 4. The chapter's average stands high at 2.94, and the combined chapter and pledge class average is also high at 2.88. They entertained the residents of a home for the aged as one of their Philanthropic projects this year. Beta Psi chapter is proud of fifteen members who average a 3. and of two who had a perfect 4. Carol Griggs is also the new A WS president on campus. Carol Hoaglan is an outstanding Gamma Alpha. An English major, she is a Woodrow Wilson Scholarship nominee, was elected to Gamma Pi Epsilon, Honorary Jesuit society, and is president of S.N.E.A. Cindy Parkovich of Gamma Beta played the lead in a campus production of "Light Up The Sky," while Mary Rickner, Fran Pacana, and Mary Wanichek were featured in "South Pacific." Joan Ambrosino of Gamma Delta was elected to the education honor society and Lynne DeSena to the history honor society. Gamma Epsi路 lon won the Provost Award for their Homecoming float and second place in the Christmas tree

trimming contest. They also held their first Annual Greek Sister Dinner. Mary Jayne Offutt of Gamma Zeta maintained a 4. for fall semester. She is in Alpha Chi, scholastic fraternity. and was elected to Who's Who. No Gamma Zeta fell below a 3. Gamma Eta's Susan Thurber was awarded the Borden Home Economics Scholarship for the senior with the highest grade average. Carol Young, Gamma Theta, is a member of honoraries Alpha Kappa Delta, Phi Kappa Phi, Theta Sigma Phi, and was named to the Chancellor's List. Gamma Iota holds the Inter-Sorority Scholarship Trophy while members Jonna Gane and Sue Drost were on the Dean's List, in Who's Who, and joined honorary Eta Mu Pi. Sandra Salyers of Gamma Kappa represented Glenville College in the Pittsburgh Press Roto Magazine Campus Cover Girl Contest. Loyola's honorary society, Circumference, has these Gamma Lambdas as members, Mary Corr, Barbara Juskiewicz, Marilyn Fafford, Karen Torme, Marilyn Norek, and Joan Mills. Gamma Mu is proud to have Jane Bowles, Isabelle Forrest, Nancy Glasgo, Donna Hoffman, Lin Nation, and Carol Seager on the Dean's List.




3.0 to 4.0





Beta Beta ( 1-8) Beta Gamma ( 1-3)

2.70 to 2.99

Alpha Beta ( 1-4) Alpha Gamma (1 -14 )

Alpha (4-9 ) Beta Epsilon (2-7) Beta I ota (2-4 ) Beta Upsilon ( 1-8) Beta Psi (5 -10 ) Gamma Alpha (2-4) Gamma Beta ( 1-4)

Chi Chi (2-12) Beta Theta (2-9) Beta Mu

Beta Eta (1 -2) Beta Lambda ( 1-5 ) Beta Nu Gamma Delta

Theta Theta (2-1 2) Gamma Zeta Gamma Mu (1 -4)

2.40 to 2.69

Epsilon Epsilon Eta Eta Beta Kappa ( 3-5 ) Gamma Eta ( 22-27)

Zeta Zeta ( 6-7) Phi Phi ( 1-4 ) Beta Sigma ( 6-6)

Kappa Kappa (6-8) Beta Phi ( 4-4 ) Gamma Theta (25-25)

Sigma Sigma ( 4-4) Gamma Iota ( 1-3) Gamma Kappa ( 1-2)

Rho Rho (3 -6 )

2.0 to 2.39

Beta D elta (5-7)

Alpha Alpha ( 18-18 )

Legend: All grade points adjusted to 4.0. Numbers in parenthesis indicate A"2.A rank and number of sororities on that camp us. Sufficient information unavailable for 7 chapters. Greatest improvement: AB, KK, PP, Br, Be, BM, BN, r.6. .




• • • • • • ALPHA DIRECTORY FOUNDERS Mrs. W. B. Carper (Louise Cox), 4000 52nd St., Bladenburg, Md. Mrs. H. E. Gilliam (Juliette Hundley) , Gresham Court Apts., Richmond, Va. Miss Mary Williamson Hundley, Gresham Court Apts., Richmond, Va . Mrs. John Walton Noell (Virginia Boyd), (deceased) Mrs. P. W. Wootton (Calva Hamlet Watson), (deceased) NATIONAL COUNCI L President Emerita-Mrs . Fred M. Sharp (Wilma Wilson), 1405 Hardy, Independence, Mo. 64053 President-Miss Mary C. Goeke, 1473 Oak Knoll Dr., Cincinnati, Ohio 45224 Vice President-Mrs. George J. Malone, Jr. (Helen Hooper), 2614 S. Vandalia, Tulsa, Okla. 74114 Secretary-Mrs. Joe H. Brewer (Viola Caraway), 6214 E. Murdock, Wichita, Kan. 67208 Treasurer-Miss Rose Marie Fellin, 1001 E. Harrison, Springfield, Mo. 65804. Extension Director-Mrs. Harold C. Brown (Marie Scanlan), 3105 Rexford Dr., South Bend, Ind. 46615 Membership Director-Miss Judy Matthews, 1818 Poplar St., North Little Rock, Ark. 72114

Alumnae Director-Mrs. Alex 0. Mathisen (Nancy Gibson), 2453 W. Theresa, Anaheim, Calif. 92804. Editor-Mrs. Stewart W. Koenemann (Bonnie Payne), 1230 Hoyt Dr., St. Louis, Mo. 63137 Officer in Charge of Central 0/Jice-Mrs . Harry G. Rowe, (Juanita Roberts), Wilhoit Bldg., 314-C E. Pershing, Springfield, Mo. 65806 NATIONAL CHAIRME N A'i.A Store Chairman-Mrs. A. Howard Hall (Betty Phillips), 342-D Higgins Rd ., Park Ridge, Ill. 60068 Alumnae Editor- Mrs. Gary Hendren (Lonna McComas), 92 Eileen Lane, Bridgeton, Mo. 63044 Alumnae Organizer and Chapter Alumnae Secretary-Miss Mary K. Reiff, 219 East 46th St., Apt. 2W, Kansas City, Mo . 64112 Art- Mrs. Robert J. Wolf (Edith Gaupp), R. R. #I, Rexford, N. Y. 12148 Awards-Mrs. Louis E. Fletcher (Ruth Newcomb), 141 Marked Tree Rd., Needham, Mass . 02192 College Editor-Mrs. Lewis J. Maddex (Barbara Kerls), 1121 Ashford Dr., St. Louis, Mo. 63137 Constitution-Mrs. Robert C. Grady, (Jean Raup), Box 686, Orange, Va. 22960

Convention-Miss Helen L. Corey, 6310 Sherwood Rd., Philadelphia, Penna. 19151 Fellowship and Philanthropic-Mrs. John H. Allen (Sidney Gremillion), 1206 Carter Dr., Hattiesburg, Miss. 39401 Historian-Mrs. Kendall F. Bone (Shirley Pallato), 3263 Vittmer Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio 45238 Housing-Miss Mary C. Goeke, 1473 Oak Knoll Dr., Cincinnati, Ohio 45224 Magazine-Mrs. Allan E. King (Sue Ann Henderson), 3109 S. Harlem Ave., Berwyn, Ill. 60402 Music-Mrs. Arthur L. Hellrich (Shirley Ainsworth), 27 Abbington Terrace, Glen Rock, N . J. 07452 Ritual-Mrs. Donald D. Olson (Pauline Smith), 8632 Pringle Dr., Cincinnati, Ohio 45231 Rush-Mrs. Robert F. Redmond III (Jeannie Roetto), 6408 Nail Ave., Mission, Kan. 66222 Scholarship-Mrs. William B. Niemeyer (Anne Petree), Box 54, R. 2, Loveland, Ohio 45150

NATIONAL PANHE LL ENIC CONFE RE N CE Alpha Sigma Alpha Delegate- Mrs. George J. Malone, Jr. (Helen Hooper), 2614 S. Vandalia, Tulsa, Okla., 74114

HAVE YOU MARRIED OR MOVED? Cut this out and mail to the OHicer in Charge of Central OHice: MRS. HARRY G. ROWE Alpha Sigma Alpha, Wilhoit Bldg., 314-C E. Pershing, Springfield, Mo . 65806 Please change my address or name and address on the A"i:.A files as follows: COLLEGE CHAPTER .................... DATE OF LEAVING COLLEGE .................... DEGREE .................. .. FROM MAIDEN MARRIED

NAME ...................................................................................................................... ............................ NAME (Plea se observe t his fo rm: Mrs. John A. Jones)

ADDRESS TO NAME ( If you a re re porting you r ma rriag e, g ive your hu sban d 's fu ll name )


PLACE OF MARRIAGE .............................................. .. (Month



ACTIVE I N ALUMNAE CHAPTER, ARE YOU AN OFFICER WOULD YOU LIKE TO JO IN AN A LUMNAE CHAPTER I F ONE WERE FORMED NEAR YOU YES .................................... NO .................................. .. REMARKS .................................................................................... DATE RETURNED ....................................... .



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