Asa phoenix vol 51 no 1 fall 1965

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CONTENTS GAMMA M u CHAPTER INSTALLED ------- ----- ----- -- ---- --------- --- ------------- -- ----- -------------------------


A MESSAGE FROM O uR PRESIDENT ---------------------------------------------------------- ----- ------ ---- -- -----




STATE DAYS ----------------------- --------------------- ------ ------ -------- ----- ---------- --- --- ------- -- ---·- -----

10 CoNSTITUTION CHAIRMAN APPOINTED ----·----··------------------------ --- ------------ --- ---- --- ----- --·-·-- 14 ALPHA SIGS MAKE NEWS ----- -------- ----- ·- ·--- ·-·-·----------- -- ---- ---- --- ------- ----- -------- ------ --- -- ---- -- 15 QUEENS AND CANDIDATES -···- -·---·- ·------ ---------------- -·- -· -· ·- · ·--·- --- --·--·------------------------------ --- 16 MISS MISSOURI 1965 --- ·-· ·----------· ----· ·--· -·------ -·-----· ·-- ------- ---------·-· ·--------------·---------- ------·-- 18 CAMPUS LEADERS -----· ·----- ------- -- --------· --------------·-·····------- -- -····- ·--- ------·-··-- --- --- ·-··- --- --- ------- 19 THE


AWARD WINNERS -- -----·- · · ·-··-·----------------------- ----------· --- -------------- ------- ··-----------

20 NEW ALUMNAE CHAPTER ------------··--·----------------------------···----------- --·-·-·-------------------- -- ---- 22 SONGS OF BETA ZETA CHAPTER --··-----····----------·--··- ··---------- · ·-- ·--·------ ---- -------- ·-· --- --- ------ 22 MAKING MARRIAGE WoRK --------------------·---·-----···· ·· -- --- ----- ·--··-·-------- --- -------------------- ------ 23 SEE THE USA! WoRK FOR A2.A ··--·---------··--·····------------------------------------------------·-·------ 26 ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA SPOTLIGHT ----·---- ---------·----··------------------------- -- ------------···-------------

COLLEGE CHAPTER NEWS LETTERS ----------------------------·-··-----------·--··----------------·-----·-··-- -TOPS IN OFFICER EFFICIENCY --·--··---·· -··-·--- ------·--·------·------··--·--·----------------- --- -------- ·--· ALUMNAE CHAPTER NEWS L ETTERS ·---------------·---------------· ·--·----------------------------- --- ------ IN MEMORIAM -· ·-- ·--·------·--·-------·-·------------------- --------------·-·--------·-···· ------ ----- ------- ------------DIRECTORY

----··--------- ---- ------ -- ---------------· --··------------------------------------------ · ··----- --- --- -- --- ---- ----

27 40 41 51 52

ALUMNAE CHAPTERS ------------------------ -------- --- -- ---------------- ----·-·------------ ·- ··-· ·--- --- --- -- ----- --- --


' OFFICERS' CALENDAR -·- -·- ·----- --··----·------- ----··--·- -- ---- ----·····--------------------------- ---- ----- --- --------







THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA is published in the fall, winter, spring and summer of each yea r at Eden Publishing House, 1724 Chouteau Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. 63 103, official publishers for the sororit y. The subscription price is $1.50 a yea r. Send change of address and business correspondence to Alpha Sigma Alpha Centra l Olnce, 314-C E•st Pershing, Springfield, Mo. 65806 Address all correspondence of an editorial nature to the editor, Mrs. Stewart Koenemann 1230 Hoyt, St. Louis, Mo. 63137. Second-class postage paid at St. Louis, Missouri. Postma ster: Sond Form 3579 to Alpha Sigma Alpha, 314-C East Pershing, Springfield, Missouri 65806 .


Charter members and pledges of Gamma Mu with Mrs. Youngs at far right.



The members of Beta Psi Zeta, a local sorority at Adrian College, attained their long-awaited goal of becoming the Gamma Mu chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha on March 6, 1965. The event-filled weekend began with a getacquainted party on Friday evening. Due to snowy weather, it took a while for all of the guests to arrive. After everyone had arrived, we noted that there were alumnae from South Bend and Ft. Wayne, Indiana, and collegiates from Chi Chi at Ball State Univers ity present. Mrs. Harold C. Brown, at ional Extension Director, and Miss Mary C. Goeke, ationa l President, also attended.

Following an officers' workshop conducted by M iss Goeke and Mrs. Brown, the most thrilling event of the week took place. Twelve gi rls were in itiated into Alpha Sigma Alpha. Mrs. Brown and Miss Goeke, the installation team, p lus sponsors from South Bend, Toledo, and Ft. Wayne alu mnae chapters and Chi Chi, Beta Psi, and Alp ha Alpha collegiate chapters, conducted the beautifu l ceremony in which each girl took the oath and p ledged her loyalty to Alpha Sigma Alpha. Following luncheon in the Tobias Room, Gamma Mu chapter was installed as an official part of Alpha Sigma Alpha. All guests were ~hen invited to the gymnasium to view the girls' mtramural basketball game between the Alpha Sigs and the Jack-Purcells.



A group of scared coeds took the member hip examination on a turday morning. Anxiety soon changed into happ iness as each girl scored 100% on her te t.

That evening all of the sisters and their guests assembled in the Tobias Room for the Instal lation Banquet. Honored guests, who were introduced by Toastmistress Isabelle Forrest, presi-



The Gamma Mu charter is presented to Isabelle Forrest by Mrs. Harold C. Brown, National Extension Director.

dent of Gamma Mu, included Mrs. John H. Dawson, wife of the President of Adrian College; Dean and Mrs. Darrell Pollard, Dean of College; Dean Betty ]. Sanford, Dean of Women; Dean and Mrs. Cody Meadows, Dean of Men; and Mrs. Richard Youngs, Gamma Mu adviser.

farewell to their guests. This ended the memorable weekend for the fifteen charter members and pledges of the newest Alpha Sigma Alpha chapter- Gamma Mu.

ASPIRE, SEEK, ATTAIN Three toasts were proposed to the new chap路 ter: "Aspire" by Lucy Kline, Rush Chairman of Beta Psi, representing the collegiate members of A2.A; "Seek" by Mrs. Abe Zoss, South Bend alumna; and "Attain" by Miss Mary C. Goeke, National President. Mrs. Harold C. Brown, National Extension Director, presented the Gamma Mu charter to Isabelle Forrest. Following the program the Gamma Mus and their gues ts proceeded to Rush Union where the local girls hung their sorority paddle with those of the other Greek organizations-a long-awaited, traditional event.

A FORMAL FAREWELL On Sunday afternoon a formal tea was held in the lovely home of Mrs. Richard Youngs. Representat ives from all campus organizations were invited . After the tea the new Alph a Sigs bade FALL 1965

Mrs . Richard Youngs, alumnae adviser, in her home where she welcomed gu ests after Gamma Mu installation.


A message from our President

ON FOUNDERS' DAY As November fifteenth approaches, we once again turn our thoughts to that day, sixty-four years ago, when five young women, bound by common ideals, spiritually, physically, intellectually and socially, joined themselves together in the organization of Alpha Sigma Alpha, and thus became the founding members of the sorority to which we now belong. As is usual in reflecting upon the organization that has evolved from the foundation laid by those five young women, we think of the growth of Alpha Sigma Alpha numerically, both chapter-wise and member-wise; financially; and of the relative physical attributes of the sorority now as opposed to those of the sorority at the time of its founding. Measuring Alpha Sigma Alpha by these standards most certainly does result in the inescapable conclusion that our sorority has indeed prospered during the past sixty-four years. No one can deny that the strides made in these phases of sorority growth are a vivid testimonial to the foresight of our five founders in providing a base upon which these types of growth could flourish. However in today's world of facts and figures often too much emphasis is placed upon statistics, with the result that individual development and worth is often overlooked. This is particularly unfortunate in the area of Greek letter societies because the personal element in this type of organization is the strongest single factor that should be weighed in determining its merits. Our founding sisters would be proud of their successors in trust in Alpha Sigma Alpha. The high standards for membership that were requi ite sixty-four years ago have been carefully and zealously maintained so that today's young collegiate members embody all of the fine qualities, high ideals and out tanding characteristics that were evident in our founding members. The young women in our college chapters today are holding fast to our traditional spiritual and moral belief , and because they are the type of young women who are naturally repected and admired on their campu es, they are succeeding in refuting the ugly image of merican young womanhood that is so often being thrust upon the public by the free thinking, free living young tudent who are publicized 4

because of their fanaticisms. Our collegiate sisters realize the importance of good scholarship, and they are known on their campuses for the efforts that they are making to maintain a high scholastic average. In today's 'live and let live' society, where many people no longer feel the obligation of helping their neighbor, our college chapter members, as well as their alumnae sisters, are admired for their philanthropic work. The Alpha Sigma Alpha sisters are the cultured, poised, well-mannered, selfassured, personable young women on the college campuses today, and, as such, are making their imprint on our society. Our five founders would also be proud of the alumnae members of the sorority, and of the vital role that they are playing in their communities today. Relying upon the qualities of leadership and organizational ability that were nourished during their collegiate days in Alpha Sigma Alpha, our alumnae sisters are active in civic organizations with goals of making our world a better place in which to live. Again, because of their personalities, these women are often the guiding force in various causes, and, as such, are capable of influencing many others toward their way of thinking. These same alumnae, recognizing the value of their membership in Alpha Sigma Alpha during their college days, are working whole-heartedly with the college chapters to see that other young women are permitted the same benefits of sorority membership. Many alumnae are donating long hours to the management and preservation of the sorority system, solely because they want the young women of today to have the same opportunities and advantages of sorority membership. In commemorating this Founders' Day Anniversary, we should look to the quality of individual membership of Alpha Sigma lpha, and this should be the determining factor in evaluating the worth of our sorority today. When this is done we can see even more clearly the importance of the basis of our foundation, and the true significance of our continuing ideal ; and a this becomes apparent, it is only natural that we pause in salute once again to our five founder who made all of this possible. MARY C. GOEKE rational President TH E PHOEN IX

ALA STATE DAYS ALABAMA-MISSISSIPPI-LOUISIANA Beta Zeta chapter served as hostess for the very successful and inspiring A-MISS-LOU State Day held in New Orleans, Louisiana, on April 3. The theme for the day was "Give Full Measure." Representatives from Psi Psi, Beta Delta, and Beta Zeta chapters met with alumnae chapters from Hattiesburg and Jackson, Mississippi, New Orleans, Lafayetle, and Central Louisiana at the Jung Hotel. The morning was taken up with an informal coffee hour and a general business meeting. All of the chapters present gave their yearly repor~s. The spirit of sisterhood was evident as the different chapter members mixed together to enjoy a wonderful meal, after which the college chapters entertained the alums with skits and songs.

Warm good-byes mingled ith a little sadness ended the A-Miss-Lou Day. Lifelong friendships were made and all agreed that they would return to their respective chapters and GIVE FULL MEASURE.-JOHNNIE WATSON

ILLINOIS The 14th Annual Illinois State Day was held on Saturday, April 24, 1965, at the Spinning Wheel Inn in Hinsdale, Illinois. The Chicago Alumnae chapter was the hostess group. The day started at 9:30 a.m. with registration and a coffee hour. The morning session and business meeting was opened by Janice Hinrichs Haydel, State Day chairman. Three of our National Officers were present and were introduced to the group. They were Mrs. Harold C. Brown, National Extension Director and guest speaker for the day; Mrs. A. Howard Hall, National Store Chairman; and Mrs. Allan E. King, N ationa! Magazine Chairman. The Beta Kappa college chapter was presented with a traveling trophy for selling the most magazines of the year. A list of four hundred fifty Alpha Sigma Alphas sent to us by Central Office was displayed, and post cards were written to girls not in attendance. There are over eight hundred alumnae members in Illinois. Seventy-nine were registered for the day and a roll call of chapters found the following represented: Beta Rho, Beta Kappa, Gamma Lambda, Chicago Alumnae, North Suburban Alumnae,

Preparing to leave for A-Miss-Lou State Day are Beta Zeta hostesse-s. First row: Paula Kuraeweg, Trudy Sly, Lynda Perodin, Mary Marshall. Second row: Sharon Abel, Ruth Duhon, Karen Clark, Ann Schwalenberg. Third row: Roy Ann Nollkamper, Pat Buford, Carole Lamartina, Kay Roane, Kathy Barnes, Frances Kurzweg, Claudette Colomb.

Mrs. John H. Allen, Nat ional Fellowship and Philanthropic Chairman, was the guest spea~er. She gave a most inspiring and heart-warmmg talk encouraging her sisters to GIVE FULL MEASURE. After Mrs. Allen's talk, the group separated into buzz sessions where the topics were in relation to giving fu ll measure to your school, to your chapter, to your alums, and t.o your community. Summaries were given ~rom e~ch group, and the clay ended with The Fnendsh1p Song. FALL 1965

Mrs. Harold C. Brown, guest speaker at Illinois State Day, with Mrs. E. Wayne Haydel at left, and Mrs. A. Howard Hall, right.


\!Ve t Suburban Alumnae, South Suburban Alumnae, and De Kalb Alumn ae. An annual report was given by each of the chapters present. Films of the 1964 at ional Alpha Sigma Alpha Convention by Mr . Joe H. Brewer, National Secretary, were shown and enjoyed b y all.

Beta Rhos lead the group in song at Illinois State Day.

After a delicious luncheon door prizes were awarded to fifteen lucky Alpha Sigs. Mrs. Brown then gave an interesting as well as informative talk titled "WE EED EACH OTHER." i{essages were read from Mrs. W. Lawson Blackstone, former National Pres ident and also a fo rmer member of the Chicago Alumnae chapter, and the Rockford Alumnae chapter. The college chapters led the group in a song sess ion which was enjoyed b y all. The 1965 State Day ended with a ritu al written b y Mrs. Blackstone initjating two members into alumnae status followed by a closing prayer. J anice Haydel, State Day chairman, was assisted by Mary Sue Parvin, J ean ne R amsey, Betty Hall, Julia Palmer, Betty Foyer, Fran Weegar, Bess Peterson, Dorothy Townsend, Dorothy Master , Ro emary John on, and elle R aney.



KANSAS-MISSOURI-NEBRASKA " cce nt on Alpha Sigma Alpha" wa the theme of the an nu al Kan a -Mis ouri- ebra ka Tri-State Day which wa held March 27 on the Central ii ouri State College campus at ' '' arren burg, Mi ouri. It wa one of tho e warm


sunny clays which often break the monotony of the winter-a perfect d ay for enthu iasm and sharing. Over two hundred Alphas from Alpha Beta, Epsilon Epsilon, Phi Phi, Beta Sigma, Gamma Alpha, Zeta Zeta, and Tri-Sta te alumnae chap ters gathered to make the clay a success. Eta Eta was unable to attend clue to harsh weather conditions in their area. Activities began on Friday evening with a dance fo r visiting Alpha Sigs. Greek men from C ISC came to join the festivities. After registration and coffee on Saturday morning an open business meeting was held. Discussion groups followed where members of participating chapters exchanged ideas on housing and financing, pledge tra ining, scholarship, alumnae relations, NPC and Panhellenic relationships, rushing and voting, campus and social responsibilities, philanthropy and growth and expansion. Workshops were held for officers and sponsors. Entertainment was provided at the luncheon b y Zeta Zeta pledges in cowgirl attire. Following the luncheon the alumnae chapters of the Tri-St ate area presented State Day Awards to Barbara Wright AB , Ruth Stoskopf EE, Patricia Silver ZZ, Vicki Consoline HH, Carolyn Wiltshire <1><1> , Lou Ann Lambeth B:L, and Annette Maus I A. The Greater Kansas City Alumnae chapter's Margaret E. Smith Award was presented to Patricia Gosney ZZ . We were fortunate to have the following National officers present: Mrs. George ]. Malone, Jr., Tation al Vice President; Mr.s. Joe H. Brewer, National Secretary; Mrs. Stewart W. Koenemann, lat ional Editor; Mrs. H arry G . Rowe, Central Office Executive; Mary K. Reiff, National Alumnae Organizer and Chapter Alumnae Secretary; Mrs. Lewis ]. Madclex, National College Editor; and Mrs. Robert F. Redmond III, at ional Rush Chairman. Mrs. Brewer gave an inspiring talk, "Accent on Alpha Sigma Alpha," stressi ng the role every member must play in the growth and development of the sorority. Mrs. Malone also spoke briefly. The 1966 Tri-State D ay will be held on the camp us of Kansas State Teachers College in Emporia with Epsilon Epsilon and Emporia alumn ae as hostesses. ] an Summers will serve as State Day chairman. State Day 1965 was an insp iring experience; and our thanks go to Kit L angford ZZ, State Day cha irman; Karen Coaker HH, Out-of- tate chairman; Jill Rinschen lA , State Day treasurer; and Mary K. R eiff, Tri- tate Day Co-ordinator for their efficient planning. THE PHOENIX

MICHIGAN "Y'all Come," was the theme of the 1965 Michigan State Day co-sponsored by Kalamazoo Alumnae and Beta Psi of Western Michigan University. Decorations of antique bean pots and crocks as well as bright colored imitation flowers set in simulated wood vases and resting on fringed burlap were handled by Joan Ryan Webber B'l' and Lenore Falvey Wilson B'l'. Actives and pledges wearing bright bandanas took registration and manned the coat check. Linda Modderman headed that crew. Coffee, group singing, and gossip began the morning followed by skits presented by Michigan's three college chapters. Adrian, the newest addition to Michigan AL:.As, was also judged the best in the skit department and carried home the "Whopper Award" (a paddle). Following the luncheon an award was made to group 2 of the Detroit alumnae association for largest percentage of alums present other than hostess chapter. A special remembrance was also given to Mrs. J. Towner Smith AA for her many years of "giving full measure." Dr. Paul Maier, Dean of Lutheran Students at Western and also a history professor, was the speaker. He spoke on the fraternity system in a growing college community. Jn the afternoon college and alum discussion groups exchanged fruitfu l ideas. Alums concentrated on ideas to expand state day attendance in 1966 and named a chairman for the March 26 event. College gals especially benefited from the out-state view of special guests, Chi Chi chapter from Ball State . A traditional friendship circle closed the day. Karen Wykstra and Sandra Lang Lawrence were general chairmen assisted by Ellen Runkel, Mary Harmens, and Kathy McCotter.-SANDRA LANG LAWRENCE

A Memorial Service was held in loving memory of Alice Sauer, recently deceased. Alumnae reports were given by the following chapters: Akron; Cincinnati; Dayton; Huntington, W. Virginia; Licking-Muskingum; Toledo; and the college chapter Alpha Alpha. State Coordinator Thelma Brown told of future plans to establish a second college chapter in Ohio. Ann Niemeyer discussed the idea of a tri-state regional meeting. Persons introduced specially were: Shirley Bone, National Historian; Ann Niemeyer, National Scholarship Chairman; Helen Swart, Past National Alumnae Director; Grace Haworth, Past National Treasurer; Thelma Brown, State Coordinator; Miss Amy Swisher, former adviser of Alpha Alpha Chapter; her sister Alice Swisher and niece Mrs. Mark Swisher; Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson, former adviser of Alpha Alpha; Mrs. Joseph Dial, adviser of Rho Rho chapter; Mrs. Richard Fink, adviser of Alpha Alpha; Mrs. Phelps, pledge adviser of Alpha Alpha; and Kathleen Geib, the Alpha Alpha winner in 1964 of the Amy Swisher Scholarship. After a delicious luncheon in the Country Club dining room, we continued with the afternoon program. Reverend Orville Dennis, Chaplain of the Columbus Sta te School for Retarded, talked on the subject "Retarded Can Be Helped." He informed us of services we could render to retarded in community classes and to retarded living in state institutions. He stated there were twenty-two hundred retarded in the Columbus State School and that good used clothing was one of the greatest needs. The Alpha Alpha girls presented a clever skit entitled "The Future of Alpha Alpha at Miami University." This was followed by a Rededication Service. The day's program concluded with a song presented by the Alpha Alpha girls. The Cincinnati chapter will serve as hostess in 1966. -HELEN J. FRAME SNYDER



The fifteenth Annual Ohio State Day was held April 10 at the Scioto Country Club in Columbu s with a total of seventy-seven in attendance. The invocation was given by Louise Holt. The Akron Alumnae chapter was hostess for the event. Ruth Yauger, the Akron President presided; Helen Snyder general chairman, was secretary; Dorothy Scott, treasurer; Lillie Greer, reservations; Rhea Yoder, decorations; Maude Barrere and Sue McLemore, hospitality; and program, June Cowan.

"Swing into Spring" was the theme for the Oklahoma State Day which was held Saturday, May 1, at the Lake View Country Club in Oklahoma City, with the Oklahoma City Alumnae hostessing. Mrs. Joe H. Brewer, National Secretary, and Mrs. George ]. Malone, National Vice President, were both present to present talks and programs. Mrs. Brewer was accompanied to State Day by four Alpha Sigs from our Epsilon Epsilon chapter in Emporia, Kansas. These girls gave enthuastic reports from their chapter, especially their prized new house. Also present

FALL 1965


Oklahoma State Day delegates.

were several girls from Beta Gamma chapter in Tahlequah, Oklahoma. Conflicting activities on the Northeastern campus prevented a larger turnout from Tahlequah, but those who were able to attend had a very enjoyable time, and invited us all to their campus for the 1966 State Day of Oklahoma. During the morning business session, Mrs. Malone brought greetings from the National Council. Following a lovely luncheon, Mrs. Brewer showed films taken at the National Convention at Asheville, North Carolina, last summer. Chairman for the Day was Mrs. Alvin Stamman, president of the Oklahoma City Alumnae group.

we gathered for a delicious luncheon at which time reports from the National Convention, the college chapters, and the alumnae chapters were made. There was an interesting talk by Mrs. James Melvin, Panhellenic Adviser at Longwood, on the new Panhellenic dorm. We were honored to have as our guest Mrs. J. L. Jones, an Alpha alum and the first National President of A"LA. Everyone had a wonderful time and many lasting friendships were made, as well as old ones renewed.

VIRGINIA Virginia State D ay was held at Longwood College in Farmville, Virginia, with Alpha chapter acting as hostess. A"LAs from Beta Iota chapter of R adford College and Beta Epsilon of Madison arrived Friday evening and pent the night in the dorms. There was an open house in the chapter room Friday night followed b y a sing in one of the college rec . Each chapter sang some of their original song and then we all joined together in inging traditional A"LA song and in becoming better acquainted with each other. Saturday morning many alums arrived, and regi tration took place in the tudent building. Along with regi tration there was a coke party and more informal "chatter." In the afternoon 8

Virginia State Day delegates in front of the

A"LA crest.


The clay proved informative and interesting to all. Glenville Alumnae chapter extended an invitation for State Day 1966.

Vicki Jon e of Beta Iota signs the guest book at Virginia State Day. West Virginia State Day president's corner. Front row, left to right, Glenna Bondurant, Huntington Alumnae president; Mary C . Goe ke, National President; Karlene Spohn Blankenship, publicity chairman . Second row, Sara Woodrem, Beta Pi president; Nancy Hickman, Rho Rho president; and Sandra Salyers, Gamma Kappa president.


Beta Iota pledges e njoy State Day too .

WEST VIRGINIA The first Annual State Day in West Virginia was held April 24, 1965, at the Owens-Illinois Club House in Huntington, West Virginia. M iss Mary C. Goeke, National President, was present for the day and was accompanied by her mother, Mrs. AI J. Goeke, and Peggy Whitley Hawley PP representing the Cincinnati, Ohio, Alumnae chapter. West Virginia was very well represented with members coming from the Gamma Kappa chapter at Glenville, the Beta Pi chapter at Concord, alumnae members from Glenville, Huntington, and oth r Rho Rho alums. FALL 1965

Following the theme of "Sisterhood" and keeping in tune with the season with the spring motif, Wisconsin State Day was held on March 20, 1965, at the Union of the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, with registration and a coffee hour at 9 a. m. Buzz sessions were held during the morning session followed by a delicious luncheon. Mrs. Adeline Geo-Karis Lambros, a Chicago attorney, spoke at the luncheon which was held in the Union. Reports were then given on the buzz sessions, and the president of each college and alumn ae group present was introduced. A wh ite dinner was held in the Maryland Hotel in downtown Milwaukee in the evening where college members and alumnae joined in songs and a good time. Road conditions made it impossible for the girls from Stout University to be present, but. a number of Stevens Point and Mi lwaukee girls were able to be there as well as Milwaukee alums. Ann Wollenberg served as chairman for Wiscons in State Day and was assisted by Lourie Zmania, Joan Winter, Klara Ruppert, Deirdre Kozlowski, Judy Rusch, Mary Ellen Hickey, Kathie Halverson, and Marci Chybowski. 9

THE 1965 AWARD WINNERS WILMA WILSON SHARP AWARD Helen Frame Snyder 0 0 is the worthy recipient of the 1965 Wilma Wilson Sharp award. Helen's life has been one of volunteer services to children and community as well as serving the Akron alumnae chapter t~e~ty-four years. Her services have not been hm1ted to local levels but have reached state and national levels as well. A charter member of the Akron alumnae chapter Helen has been active since the chapter's origination date of May 19, 1941. She has held every office in the chapter-some more than on~e -and has been an active member in Panhellemc since Alpha Sigma Alpha became active in it. As philanthropic chairman for twelve years, Helen has given parties to retarded school ~lasses, donated classroom equipment, planned dnves to obtain Christmas gifts for the retarded in the Columbus State School, collected and delivered boxes of clothing for the same institution and helped raise funds to give $25.00 annually to th_e building fund for The Summit County CounCil for the Mentally Retarded. The two years Akron was hostess for Ohio State Day, she served in the capacity of secretary plus the difficult job of planning chairman in 1965. Admirable would be one word to describe Helen's work with the mentally retarded. She was one of the founders of the Akron Council for Retarded Chi ldren and organized and started the first class for the retarded in Akron. Today there are twenty-six such classes. For sixteen years Helen has worked tirelessly for the Summit County Council for Retarded Children serving in various capacities such as chairman of benefit card parties, room-mother chairman, memori al committee chairman and membership committee chairman. She has served for years on the executive board and the board of trustees of the Council and was State convention secretary when Akron was hostess to the Ohio Association for Retarded Children. The Fa irlawn United Church of Christ is indeed fortunate in having Helen as one of its member . She not only belongs to the Women's Fellow hip and Rachael Guild, but teaches Sunday chool and ings in the church choir. Her contribution to community affair has been notable. mong other , Helen has served 10

\\ HELEN J. FRAME SNYDER on the Recreation Committee of the United Community Council and has worked as a solicitor and team captain for the United Fund. She is a charter member of the Copley Club, a service club whose membership is made up of those who have been officers in PTA. She has been active in PTA ever since her children entered school. Offices held have been numerous, including those of secretary, vir;:e-president and president. Helen has been a delegate to the state PTA conventions and in 1965 was awarded a Stale L ife Membership. For several years she has been, and still is, one of the afternoon teachers in Fairlawn Pre-school. She is an active member of the Akron Pre-school Association, the Midwestern Association for the Education of Young Children, and the National Association for the Education of Young Children . As active as Helen has been in helping others, she has nevertheless found time to enjoy her family and herself. She is married to Leonard Snyder, assistant principal of Hower Vocational High School. They have three sons: Leonard Jr. , 23; Donald, 18, a sophomore at Ohio State University; and Dale, 14, a sophomore at Copley High. Helen laughingly states, "to keep my four men filled with food is quite a job in itself!" She enjoys playing bridge, likes to plant and grow flowers, and loves to travel. Helen's life has truly been one of "giving full measure." For her the Wilma Wilson Sharp award is a well deserved honor. THE PHOENIX

ELIZABETH BIRD SMALL AWARD Patricia Ann Goodwin of Chi Chi chapter is the winner of the 1965 Elizabeth Bird Small Award, selected from a group of outstanding candidates. Patty has been recognized as outstanding by the administration, faculty, and staff of her University and by individuals in her community. She was highly respected by the residents of the hall where she served as a staff member. Her AL..A offices have included a number of chairmanships, culminating in her year as president in 1964-65. Her awareness of sorority traditions and obligations of service is attested to throughout her college life. Her campus activities included service on the Executive Council of the Association of \1\Tomen' s Residence Halls as Social Chairman for the eleven halls; membership on the Student Center Governing Board; and chairmanships of U niversity College and Career Day and High School Day Publicity. Other organizations in which she has held office include the Student Orientation Corps, Student Educat ion Association, Phi Upsilon Omicron (home economics honorary) , Sigma Zeta (mathematics and science honorary) , and Kappa Delta Pi (education honorary) . Other special recognitions were h er selection for Who's Who in American Colleges and Universi ties, Clavia (sen ior women 's honorary) , Outsta nding Junior in Home Economics, Outstanding Pledge of AL..A, and Junior Marshal.

PATRICIA GOODWIN Patty has been resourceful in the way that she has developed her knowledge during her college years. She is concerned for each individual's personal worth and welfare, and she reflects "graciousness in daily living" as she responds and reacts to others. Her enthusiastic participation in campus li fe demonstrates her willingness to accept responsibility and shows her maturity in service to all. Alpha Sigma Alpha is proud to add th is national award to her record of accomplishments.

Elizabeth Bird Small Award Candidates-1965 The group of Alpha Girls listed below were nominated by their respective chapters for the Lop colleg iate AL..A award . Given each year m

memory of Elizabeth Bird Small n n , qualifications include scholarship, leadership, and graciousn ess in daily li ving.


Rho Rho

Beta Kappa

Gamma Alpha





Alpha Alpha

Sigma Sigma

Beta Lambda


Gamma Beta



Alpha Beta

Phi Phi




Alpha Gamma

Chi Chi

Beta Mu

Gamma D elta



Beta Nu



Beta Beta

Psi Psi




Beta Pi

Epsilon Epsilon

Beta D elta



DoLLY DIA NE P uRv i s

Beta Rho

Zeta Zeta

Beta Epsilon




Eta Eta

Beta Zeta



Theta Theta

Beta Eta



Beta Sigma



Gamma Theta CAROL YouNG


Gamma Iota

Beta Upsilon JANET L. LAUTNER Beta Phi



Kappa Kappa

Beta Theta





Beta I ota

Beta Psi

Gamma Lambda





FALL 1965



IDEAL PLEDGE AWARD Alpha igma lpha presents with pride the winner of the 1965 Ideal Pledge Award, Michelle Anne Heck of Beta Upsilon. Elected pre ident of her pledge class, Cheli grew in leadership and in her love for A'LA as she kept the spirits high of both sisters and pledges. ot only was she a good listener and counselor when her pledge sisters had problems, but she was also able to accept constructive advice and criticism from her older sisters. She worked hard to see that the pledge projects were well organized and carried out, helping to write the pledge songs and putting in many extra hours painting scenery and sewing costumes for the Campus Revue. All rehearsals were attended with continued eagerness rather than complaints, and she participated with equal enthusiasm in the Songfest. To create a closer sisterhood between the pledges and the members, Cheli also organized a retreat. Her pledgeship has been recorded concisely and can be used as a reference in future years of the proceedings at pledge meetings. Her support of the chapter's philanthropic projects included taking a class of educable mentally retarded ch ildren swimming, attending parties at the Chauncey Rose Home for the aged, and aiding teen-agers at the Vigo County Juvenile Center. On campus she participated in the Dolphin Swimming Club (a precision swimming group), Women's Glee Club, and Indiana State University Orchestra. Because of her grade average,


Cheli was invited to the Women's Resideuce Hall Scholarship Banquet and to be a membet of Pamarista Tea for prospective members, highest honor a woman may receive at the University. With all her activities, she had held two jobs to earn the money for her education and sorority membership. Her personal efforts to achieve the ideals of A'LA during pledgeship and the r.otentialleadership already shown are clear indications of future accomplishments.

Ideal Pledge Award Candidates-1965 The cr iteria for this award relate to the Alpha Sigma Alpha girl in her days as a pledge: (I) pirit and a ttitude during pledging period, (2) willingne s to take re ponsibility and to accept constructive criticism, (3) evidence of growth in

maturity, (4) ability to work within pledging group and with sorority sisters, (5) awarene s of sorority obligations and traditions, and (6) potential leadership qualities for service to sorority, college, and community.


Nu Nu

Beta Th eta

Beta Psi





A lpha Alpha

Rho Rho



Beta I ota

Gamma Alpha



Beta Mu

Gamma D elta

Psi Psi




Beta Nu

Gamma Epsilon


Alpha Beta

Chi Ch i


jA NET Dow

Alpha Gamma CAROL KLRK

Beta Beta

Beta Delt a


D o Ro TH Y M E

E psilon Epsilon

Beta Epsilo n



A N Ro sE



Beta S igma

Gamm a Kappa




Eta Eta

Beta Eta

Beta Up silon






Beta Rho

S u OI E j E A N S P IV EY




Z eta Z eta



Ga mma Lam bda NNE H EC K



FROST FIDELITY AWARD The Frost Fidelity Award winner for 1965 is a girl of high character, Susan Low of Gamma Theta. Her personality is reflected in her warm smile, and on Syracuse University campus she has always been a credit to Alpha Sigma Alpha with her charm and poise in social situations. Offices held in AL.A have included assistant social chairman, second vice president, and membership director. Sue will be greatly missed next year since she has devoted so much of her time to the chapter and its activities. Her personal wants have been set aside in her service, and her enthusiasm has stirred other members to even greater pride in their sorority. She was always available to discuss problems with any girl, and often was on the phone convincing some confused rushee of the values of fraternity life. An example of her unselfishness and loyalty to Gamma Theta was evident when she offered to leave her roommates in the sorority house to give a sister returning after a semester's absence a place to stay. By error no one knew of her pending return, and while many spoke of their concern, two days had passed without any action to solve the dilemma. Sue's offer opened the way for a satisfactory arrangement without hard feelings: She was active in campus organizations with her membership in the Syracuse Outing Club, Newman Club, Women's Athletic Association, and as secretary of the Physical Education

SUSAN LOW Major's Club. Her community service was at the Elmcrest Home for Underprivileged Children, or as chairman of such projects as the Christmas party for needy children at Salvation Army Headquarters. Her outgoing manner attracts people wherever she goes. Embarrassed by thank yous for any service she renders, she has unified and inspired groups by her presence. We are happy to announce this national recognition of her devotion to Alpha Sigma Alpha.

Frost Fidelity Award Candidates-1965 The chapter candidates for the Frost Fidelity Award are indicated below. This award was established by Donald and Emma Frost n n, based

on intangible fraternity values such as loyalty and "unsung" service. Beta Psi


Rho Rho

Beta Iota





Alpha Alpha

Sigma Sigma

Beta Kappa

Gamma Alpha





Alpha Beta

Phi Phi

Beta Lambda

Gamma Beta







Alpha Gamma

Chi Chi

Beta Mu

Gamma D elta





Beta Beta

Psi Psi

Beta Nu

Gamma Zeta





Gamma Eta

Epsilon Epsilon

Beta Delta

Beta Pi



Su E EvANs


Zeta Zeta

Beta Epsilon

Beta Rho

Gamma Theta




SusAN Low

Eta Eta

Beta Zeta

Beta Sigma

Gamma Iota





Theta Theta

Beta Eta

Beta Upsilon

Gamma Kappa





Kappa Kappa

Beta Theta

Beta Phi

Gamma Lambda





FALL 1965



Filling the remammg term as Constitution Chairman will be Lynn Peters Fountaine (Mrs. R. Stephen), a Beta Epsilon initiate now living in Sewickley, Pennsylvania.

Lynn was graduated from Madison College in the class of 1953 with a B.S. in Business Education. While at Madison, she served as chapter treasurer as well as staff member and news editor of the college paper, member of YWCA, Business Club, and German Dance Club. Returning to her home town, Lynn taught. two years in the Norfolk School system, serving as adviser to the Future Business Leaders. Since leaving orfolk, Lynn has been active in alumnae work . She served the Cincinnati chapter as editor, philanthropic chairman, vice president, and president. In Cincinnati she gave time to the Hamilton County Diagnostic Clinic and United Cerebral Palsy Center, and in Sewickley she has served as a volunteer at the D. T. Watson Home for Crippled Children. She is also active in the Episcopal Church, P.T.A., Republican Club, and Sewickley Valley Hospital Auxiliary. Lynn's husband is Market Research Manager of the H. J. Heinz Co., a graduate of Indiana University, and a member of Phi Kappa Tau. Their two children are Andy, seven, and Elise, four. Other interests include painting, sewing, reading, and antique browsing and refinishing.

It is with regret that the ational Council has accepted the resignation of Jean Raup Grady (Mrs. Robert C.) as Constitution Chairman. Jean has served Alpha Sigma Alpha in various offices since 1949.- She was Registrar, Constitution Chairman, and was elected to the office of President for the 1958-1961 triennium. She has served again as Constitution Chairman for the past year, but she has asked to be relieved due to illness in her family . Even though she will not be working in an official capacity at the present, Jean will continue to share with those near and far her enthusiasm and devotion to the ideals of Alpha Sigma Alpha.

OHIO UNIVERSITY Residence Hall Assistantships Available to women interested in pursuing careers in: student personnel, guidance and counseling, community service, human relations, education, p ychology, and administration. Each gradu ate assistant is a signed a ingle room in a residence hall. The stipend is 2,200 the first year and 2,400 the second year, plus waiver of r egi tration fees, which is ufficient to pay expenses incurred for living. For additional information contact:


ii . fargaret M. Deppen, Dean of Women Ohio University thens, Ohio THE PHOENIX



Mrs. Barbara Sloan Swabb, teacher of mathematics in Central Junior High School, was named Bartlesville's Outstanding Young Educator for 1965 at a dinner on May 7, presented by the Junior Chamber of Commerce. Sixteen young teachers were nominated locally from a faculty of 350 to participate in a contest sponsored jointly by the Junior Chamber of Commerce and World Book Encyclopedia. Nominations were submitted by members of the teaching profession and were judged on academic background, professional preparation, classroom management, teaching skills and presentation1 community services and special interests and abilities. Mrs. Swabb, a graduate of Fort Gibson, Oklahoma, High School, holds a Bachelor of Science in Education Degree and a Master of Teaching Degree from Northeastern State College, Talequah, Oklahoma. She has done graduate work in mathematics in National Science Foundation Institutes at the University of Arizona and Oklahoma State University. While at Northeastern, she was a member of Rho Theta Sigma and Alpha Chi, scholastic fraternities; Kappa Mu Epsilon, mathematics fraternity; and Alpha Sigma Alpha.

Fort Hays State College named Beatrice Jacquart to receive one of their annual awards for outstanding achievement at spring commencement where she gave the commencement address, speaking on "Stand Tall-You Are a Kansan." Miss Jacquart attended Washburn College in Topeka and received her degree from Fort Hays State College. While still in college she edited the Pioneer in Stanton County and was publicized as the youngest woman editor (19) in the midwest. Following graduation she edited the Plains journal and the Ulysses News . She is on the official board of the Satanta, Kansas, Methodist church, chairman of the county Crippled Children's Service, treasurer of the Salvation Army, and an officer of CROP. On the state level she is active on boards for mental health and the Citizens Safety Council, hospital advisory board, and Press Women. She is on the governing board of the Fort Hays Endowment, the Kansas University Mineral Industries Council, Status of Women and Girl Scout committee. She is in her ninth year as a legislator, having served on such diverse legislation as community mental health centers, highway safety, outlawing of trading stamps and civil rights.

FALL 1965



PAULA ALLEN rB Tau Kappa Epsilon Sweetheart Wisconsin State University Steve ns Point, Wi sconsi n IMOGENE ANDERSON Br Miss Tahlequah Northeastern State College Tahleq ua h, Oklahoma


SUSAN GRAY Miss R.I.T. Ro chester Institute of Technology Rochester, New York

NANCY GILCHRIST Ar Delta Sigma Phi Dream Girl Indiana State Teachers College Ind iana , Penns ylvania



MARILYN MORRISON B I May Queen Radford College Radford , Virg inia


MARTY ADAIR Br A<I>Q "Girl of the Year" Nc rtheastern State College Tahlequah , Oklahoma

BARBARA PRICE Br - JON MASTERS Yearbook Queen and King Northeastern State College Tahlequah , Oklohoma


JODY ENDSLEY BM Homecoming Queen Miss Henderso n State Teachers College Henderson State Teachers College Arkadelphia, Arkansa s

JEANIE JAMES BM Nat ional Pershing Rifle Sweetheart Queen of Stars Henderson State Teachers College Arkadelphia, Arkan sas


DONNA HURD r i Theto Xi's Sweetheart Candidote Rochester In stitute of Tech nology Rochester, New Yark

FALL 1965

JAN ROEHLER r E Beauty and Beast Conte st Universi ty of Wi sco nsinMilwaukee Milwaukee, Wi sco nsi n

JUDY WEAVER Swing Out Queen Candidate A r Indiana State Teache rs College Indiana , Pennsylvania

MERRY HYNEMAN BT Prom Queen Candidate Indiana State Universi ty Terre f-!aute, Indiana



Missouri 1965''

Lesley Fleenor 18



• • • • •

LINDA WINKLEMAN AB Student Council Secretary Northea st Mo. State Teachers College

CAROLYN ARRIGAN Ar Judicial Board Member Indiana State Teachers College

CAROL KIRK Ar Trea surer of Women's Collegiate Association Indiana State Teachers College

PHYLLIS KELLER EE Panhellen ic Trea surer Kan sas State Teach e rs College

CHARLOTTE BOWMAN XX Panhellenic Senator Ball State University

JUDY CUNDIFF 81 Pre sident of Hou se Council Vice Presid ent of Alpha Kappa Gamma Radford College

PAT PRENGAMAN Ar Secretory of Junior Class Treo sure r of Math Club Indi ono Stote Teachers College

JANA WILLIAMS EE Secretary of Student Council Vice President of AWS Kan sas State Teachers College

CHARLOTTE MAYBERRY Ar President of Women's Collegiate Associotion Indiana Stote Teachers College

FALL 1965


ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA • Patricia Gosney ZZ, Central Missouri State College, Warrensburg, Missouri, was the recipient of the Greater Kansas City Alumnae chapter's Margaret E. Smith Award for outstanding service to her sorority, her chapter, and to her college. She was president of both her sorority and resid.ence hall and served as a member of the President's Council. She was elected Miss Cemo, 1964 and was awarded the Houts-Hosey Recognition of Service Award.


• Yvonne (Bonnie) Frazier '¥'¥ is a graduate of Northwestern State, Natchitoches, Louisiana, where she earned her degree in English and Spanish Education. She was a member of Nu Sigma Chi for freshmen women; Kappa Delta Pi, education; Phi Kappa Phi, national honorary fraternity; and Sigma Tau Delta, English. She received the honor of the English award at graduation. Bonnie received the Dean of Women's Award and has consistently been on the A honor roll. She served as vice president and president of her chapter and received its Elizabeth Bird Small award. She is teaching English at Terrebonne High School in Houma , Louisiana, this fall.


• Elizabeth Hoover Sweet BL, a member of the Springfield, Missouri, Alumnae chapter, has just completed serving two years as ifs president. She also served on the advisory board for Beta Sigma chapter for three years. She is a teacher of second grade students and is presently serving as president of the Association for Childhood Education. She is a member of the social committee of the Springfield Education Association, and she serves as the Public Information Representative for her school. Liz is also an active church member serving as teacher and counselor. Her special interests include playing bridge, swimming, and her husband Dorl, who is a Golf Professional at Hickory Hills Country Club. ELIZABETH HOOVER SWEET

• Linda Moore AB, Northeast Missouri State Teachers College, Kirksville, Missouri, was selected as the Youth-Power candidate for the state of Missouri and will represent Missouri at the National Business and Professional Women's Convention in Washington, D. C. During her college career, she has been a member of Alpha Phi Sigma, Cardinal Key, Kappa Delta Pi, and has served as a Student Mentor. She has also served her chapter as president. During the summer, Linda worked for the President's Neighborhood Youth Corps.





• Maureen (Micki) Kollauf B<l>, a junior at Stout State University, Menomonie, Wisconsin, is majoring in Home Economics Education. Micki is on the Panhellenic Council as junior representative. She is in Home Economics Club, Rifle Club, Newman Club, and Ski Club. Her art minor is of great interest to her and she is very helpful to her chapter. Along with keeping up a home for her husband, she finds time to maintain her 3.8 grade average on a 4.0 system. MICKI KOLLAUF

• Carol Bosecker BY of Indiana State University, Terre Haute, Indiana, has served this year as the chapter's vice president. She is also a member of Pi Omega Pi business honorary and a big-sister in the residence hall. She has been the chapter's junior Panhellenic delegate, philanthropic chairman, and alumnae relations chairman. This spring she was elected to Pamarista, the highest honor for an Indiana State Co-ed. This fall she will be serving as a student assistant at the School of Business.


• Ellen Mclaughlin rH, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania, was recently chosen for membership in Phi Beta Kappa. Having graduated with a major in psychology, Ellen is now working toward a second degree in mathematics. She served Gamma Eta chapter first as vice president and then as president for over a year. Ellen has also been a member of Alpha Gamma Delta freshman honorary, Phi Gamma Mu social science honorary, choir, the newspaper staff, and A.W.S.


• Verna Lange B<l>, a senior at Stout State University, Menomonie, Wisconsin, is majoring in dietetics for hospitals. She is a member of the student government, student court, student center committee, and student-faculty committee. She is in Dietetics Club, Alfresco Club, Tower Staff, Stoutonia Staff, social chairman of the junior class, and is listed in Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities of 1965. Also, at present she is the chapter's membership director.


FALL 1965


NEW ALUMNAE CHAPTER WHO, WHEN, AND WHERE GLENVILLE, WEST VIRGINIA The organizational meeting of the Glenville, West Virginia, Alumnae chapter was held January 16, 1965. Mrs. Sally Jo White was elected president. The aims and purposes of the alumnae group were discussed as well as several money-making projects to support the philanthropic project. Other officers elected were: Vice president ............ Mary Lee McPherson Secretary-treasurer 路---------路-Alicia Lu Rhodes Editor ________________ _____ ___ ______ Mildred Lee Nocida Members of the chapter were represented at the West Virginia State Day where they issued an invitation to all AL.As to join them for State Day 1966 in Glenville.



Hello, Rushees

(tune: Once In A While)

( tune: Hello, Dolly)

Once in a while You will find there are girls who are just your kind, And we know it's true Rushees, it's you . One mind one heart We are sure this is only the very start Of a friendship so rare SAs declare. Tonight when we're together You'll see we are sincere. The love we have for each other Will last throughout the years. And, we're sure you'll find Alpha Sigmas to be of a special kind. Whether we're near or far Together we are.


We say hello, rushees How do you do, rushees It's so nice to see you here with ASA. We hope you find, rushees We're your kind, rushees And we hope you'll be back with us each and every day. The Greeks are tops, rushees Can't be stopped, rushees And you'll find that ASA's the leader here. So, wear that smile, rushees We'll show you our style, rushees. Rush is great and we're sure you'll see That ASA's the sorority. One more time hello to all of you. (The abo ue parodies were sent in by Beta Zeta chapter for other chapters to enjoy. )



With freedom of choice in marriage partners, a new goal in marriage relationships has come into being-individual happiness. It's a very difficult thing to describe; it means different things to each of us. The emphasis now is on psychological and personality factors, on companionship and equality between husband and wife. Women have greater freedom in our democratic American family than one finds anywhere else in the world. Marriage partners choose one another and are intensely dependent upon each other, since satisfying relationships and understanding between the partners is the expected result if the marriage is to be happy. But freedom of choice calls for responsibility to choose wisely and to try to make your marriage a success. Thus, it takes more love and understanding to make a success of marriage today because we expect more of marriage. The degree of happiness in marriage depends upon the ratio between what one expects and what one experiences. Happy marriages don't "just happen;" you have to work for the success of your marriage.




should be able to be dependent upon the other for emotional support in times of stress. The husband gives his wife the security she needs when she is pregnant, for example, by his consideration and understanding of her concerns and worries. The husband, too, should be able to relax and be helpless when the situation warrants it (if he loses his job or meets some unexpected crises) without feeling any loss of selfesteem. 2. Don't criticize or nag unduly lest self-respect be diminished and your happiness together be in jeopardy. Instead of criticism, express your ideas as suggestions. Each of us resents criticism because in our childhood it was associated with hostility. Nagging, too, merely causes a reaction of irritation and never achieves the desired goal.

I. Be sensitive to your husband's or wife's feelings . and moods. Consider his or her needs before your own. Hopefully each of the marital partners is able to function capably most of the time, but each

3. Don't be afraid your husband no longer loves you when he flares up occasionally and releases tension in sharp words when the cause lies elsewhere. Bob usually liked to relax a bit when he came home before having dinner and said, "What's the rush?" if dinner was waiting. But recently Janet had been at a meeting and was rushing to get things started for dinner, feeling a little guilty because she hadn't realized it was so late. When Bob came in, she called, "Dinner will be a little late tonight, dear." "I should think you could have dinner ready when I get home," he responded.

"Making Marriage Work," by Dr. Freda S. Kehm, is one of a series of articles prepared for sorority magazines by " Operation Brass Tacks," a project of the National Panhellenic Ed~tors' Conference. Permission to reprint the article or any portion thereof must be obtained from the "Operation Brass Tacks" committee.

Members of the committee are Margaret Knights Hultsch, Alpha Phi, chairman; Mary Margaret Kern Garrard, Kappa Alpha Theta; Isabel Hatton Simmons, Kappa Kappa Gamma; and Dorothy Davis Stuck, Pi Beta Phi. Address: National Panhellenic Editors' Conference, 1718 East Broadway, Columbia, Missouri 65201.

What are some guide lines one can follow to try to achieve happiness in marriage?

FALL 1965


Janet was sure Bob couldn't really love her if he could look so angry and snap at her like that. But in reality, it had been a bad day. A sale he had thought secure hadn't materialized, and the sales manager had seemed to think it was his fault. He couldn't release his tension in his presence, and his thoughts were filled with tension over the lack of understanding of his efforts. 4. Try to nurture a sense of humor. Good humor shows in the faces of those who have this great asset. They show understanding and they make us feel happy. Remember the bright or funny things that occur during your day away from each other and enjoy them together. 5. Look for reasons behind your behavior and try to understand the motivations of your husband. In this way, understanding may add to the essential satisfactions that each of you finds in your union. Remember that each of you brought to your marriage from your early childhood different backgrounds, different personalities, beliefs, familiar ways of doing things that have become a part of you. As Dr. Lawrence K. Frank says, "We are what we are because we've been what we've been." You could not, therefore, expect to agree about everything. Adjustments will be necessary, not so;so by each of you , but a willingness to go more than half way. Flexibility and the ability to adjust are among the most important factors in achieving a good marriage. 6. Talk to your husband about the many things that h appen or in which you are interested , big or small, deep or light, and listen with attentive and sympathetic interest, thus keeping alive the essential habit of communication between you. Happiness in marriage is enh anced by sharing idea and ideals. 7. Don't try to impose your will on your mate nor deny interests other than your own. Your mate is not your property but is a person quite apart from you . s you learn to give and give in at times and to discuss decisions before they are made, you enh ance the health of your marri age. 8. Keep th e dignity of your marri age inviola te. Never demean its sacredness in public or private. Tot only does it hurt the feelings of the marriage p artner, but it i embarrassing to the fri ends who ar e ex po ed to our p er onal dispute.


9. Pray together in your place of worship, for love is blessed in the aura of godliness. 10. Uphold truth in your marriage. Never practice deceit, whatever its motives. Respect for each other is as vital as love to assure life-long happiness together. But sometimes even marriages that start out well develop problems. When couples marry, they are in love, they believe their marriage will bring them only happiness; they meet each other's emotional needs. They feel happy and comfortable together. There is a BALANCE in their interpersonal relationships. When they start having marital problems something has happened to that balance; to their relationship. This might have been affected by internal or external pressures. Usually, each individual prefers to think he isn't responsible, and it must have been something outside of himself that caused the rift. Counseling helps individuals become aware of their own personal involvements. Sometimes couples then can work out their problems and re-establish the balance in their marital relationships. Here are some danger signals. First, lack of communication. Married couples must be able to talk things over even when they don't agree. Each of us needs someone to whom she can express hostility, be furious and say so without having the feeling that she does not love her husband and is not loved in return. No two persons' emotional needs are so completely matched that there is no frustration, and whenever there is frustration, there is hostility. Indifference is possible when you're not in lovebut not when love exists. Others talk at each other, not to each other. Those of you who have heard Leonard Bernstein's opera, "Trouble in Tahiti," remember what he calls the "screaming silence." In the opera, there is a Greek chorus which explains wha t each of the marriage partners means to say. Unfortunately, in life there is no such chorus, and misunderstandings, not discussed and settled, can mushroom into serious problems. Lack of communication between the husband and wife sometimes brings about over-involvement by one or the other with their children; or one or the other or both become too involved with social life, filling time with meaningless activities. Some couples seem unable to enjoy being together, such as Mr. and irs. Jerold. Mrs. Jerold, the mother of two young children felt very depressed. Her husband came home tired, wa di interested in going out and generally wa glued to the TV set. He was the THE PHOENIX

silent, self-sufficient type. "It wasn't at all like it had been when we were in college; he just seemed to live for the time we could be together then," said the wife, who came for counseling help. The husband came, also, because he wanted to save their marriage. This wife was helped to accept herself as a more mature figure. The man was helped to recognize that a woman who has to give so much to young children and has no adult company during the day needs more emotional satisfaction, more emotional support than he was giving. He faced up to the problems involved in fatherhood. Another signal is found where a wife has vague feelings that she is not needed. The woman who feels that all of her husband's time and interest is centered in his business, so that he has no need of her. When they were first married they discussed all his business affairs, but now he seems to act as if she were not able to understand them. The third signal is that of a power struggle. The person wants to be in control so that he can have his or her dependent needs met, but he or she still wants to be boss. There is increased disagreement as to details of homemaking, of management of money, of the children, or of management of their leisure time. The fourth signal shows where there is increased resentment on the part of the wife regarding her husband's work or on the part of the husband regarding management of the home. The last signal of danger ahead that I shall mention is that of feeling let down with experiences, when reality doesn't meet one's expectations and the person is bored most of the time. The psychologically healthy individual is not bored but is able to be alone. The feeling of being shut out or feeling he or she will not be understood is illustrated by the case of the Perkens. Mrs. 路Per ken came to the agency during a period of distress involving personal discouragement and the possibility of divorce after 20 years of fairly successful married life. Both she and her husband were forcing one another to the brink of divorce, altho neither really wanted such a solution. Their teen-age son and daughter were discouraged and somewhat confused. During the course of her interviews, the source of Mrs. Perken's discouragement became clearer. She felt inadequate and used and abused by her family. She had felt this way during her early adolescence, when her mother died suddenly and she was left to assume much of the family FALL 1965

responsibility. During this important period of her life, she saw her father as a cold, strict, but reliable man. She was angry with him because she was not able to experience the indulgence her young siblings received. Altho it came slowly,. Mrs. Perken was able to recognize that her father was quite dependent upon her and that she did have a close, satisfactory relationship to him, as demonstrated in later life when he relied upon her rather than her siblings. Her interviews provided a source of dependency and acceptance. As she gained confidence, she was able to express some of her wishes and feelings directly. Much to her surprise, her husband responded with greater interest and consideration. The most important factor in achieving a happy marriage would seem to be the degree of emotional maturity of the marital partners. Dr. William Menninger has said that the most important factor in personal happiness and effectiveness is the ability to get along well with other people. It depends upon whether you can love more than you can hate. What is your capacity to love? The love I mean is that which the Greeks called agape. That love means considering the wishes, the desires, the goals of your husband (or wife) before your own, rejoicing in his or her accomplishments, sharing his trials as well as his triumphs. Today more than ever before American youths need the examples of successful marriages which educated men and women can give them. We who believe in family life as the basic relationship in our culture must by our example illustrate its value. We echo the words of the poet, William Cowper: "What is there in the vale of life Half so delightful as a wife, When friendship, love, and peace combine To stamp the marriage-bond divine?"

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Dr. Freda S. Kehm is considered Chicago's foremost authority on family relations. Since 1948, she has been director of the Association for Family Living, a non-profit social service agency which provides an ever-expanding program in parent education to raise better children in happier homes. The association also offers counseling for those with social and psychological problems. Through her WBBM radio show, "Call Dr. Kehm," she is available daily on four phone lines to listeners needing immediate help. She also lectures on marriage at Northwestern University, and she is very much in demand as a speaker throughout the Chicago area. A graduate of the University of Illinois, Dr. Kehm h olds a master's degree from the University of South Dakota and a doctor's degree from Northwestern University. She is a member of D elta D elta Delta.



Traveling Secretary WHO?


Mature, poised, well-groomed young woman. Must have been .an active participant in her college chapter and in campus organizations. Must be able to work well with others, and must have enthusiasm, initiative and organizational ability. Must have graduated within the last five years.


Will travel extensively, visiting college chapters and representing Alpha Sigma


To share knowledge and enthusiasm with sorority sisters; to give training in rush


techniques; to inspire loyalty; to train officers; and to serve as a Good Will Ambassador from the National Officers to the college chapters.


Write NOW for Application Forms or further information to:

Miss Mary C. Goeke, National President 1473 Oak Knoll Drive Cincinnati, Ohio 45224 26



T his year has indeed been a busy, but meaningful, one for the Alphas. We are eagerly anticipating an even more successful year to begin with our return to school in the falL-PAT PEREGOY

Longwood College Farmville, Virginia With the arrival of spring, Alpha chapter participated in what we feel was a most successful informal spring rush, through which we captivated enthusiastic and hardworking pledges. On April 7 we joined the eight other sororities on the Longwood campus for our annual Panhellenic Banquet. After an inspiring speech on "The R esponsibilities P laced Upon Sororities Today," Alpha's first vice president, Sarah Wohlford, was inducted as the A'2.A representative to the Panhellenic Council. April also brought with it an exciting and fun -filled event when the pledge class presented their pledge party. The theme was "Shipwrecked Alphas," and invitations came in the form of notes in bottles. The members were taken to the college's cabin at Longwood Estate for the big event which was climaxed by the presentation of walnut A'2.A plaques for each member, as well as for our adviser, and a check for ninety dollars to be used in furnishing the proposed new chapter room. The pledges raised this money by holding a car wash. Alpha's spring activities ginia State Day which was hard work went into the worth it as we had a great our wonderful sisters.

were highlighted by the Virheld here at Longwood. Much preparations, but it was well weekend and enjoyed meeting

In May the Alpha chapter girls held their annual spring picnic to honor the seniors. We all piled into the college truck for a "hay ride" (minus the hay!) and headed to a nearby lake. After a picnic dinner, our president, Linda Bosserman, presented gifts to each of the seniors and a special gift to our retiring president, Pam Gustafson. Also presented was Alpha's Best P ledge award which went to Pat Peregoy. After much fun and laughter, we reluctantly boarded the truck and returned to campus to ready ourselves for the coming exams. We are very proud of Sarah Wohlford and Pam Kerber who were chosen as contestants in the Miss Longwood Pageant. · Alpha chapter will have many leaders on the Longwood campus next year. Judy Cundiff will serve as president of House Council and vice president of Alpha Kappa Gamma, the national honorary leadership fraternity. Pat Meekins has been elected as the historian for Pi Omega Pi, the national business sorority ; Sarah Wohlford has been elected as the vice-president of the Spanish club; Pat Peregoy has been chosen as next year's Junior Circus chairman; Vannie Gunter was elected to th e Athletic Association Council; Mary Virginia Manson will serve as treasurer of the junior class ; and Carol Rex will be the secretary of the YWCA. Junior and senior members of Alpha will be serving as orientation leaders in September. This fits into our fall rush plans as we hope to use this opportunity to become better acqua inted with the freshmen .

FALL 1965

Alpha Alpha Miami University Oxford, Ohio It is easy to see that the Alpha Alphas are always on the go-just take a look at some of the things that we have been doing since February, 1965. After recovering from the drudgery of exams, we began informal r ush. There were coke dates, coke and chip parties in the suite, and a theme party to celebrate St. Patrick's D ay. Our rush ing proved very beneficial, for we took in some wonderful pledges. A very exciting part of our activities for many Alpha Alphas came on March 6 when many of our members were initiated. Activation was preceded by Starligh t Week during which the pledges were sold as slaves to the activities and later cleaned a fraternity house which proved very strenuous and yet fun for many of us. Following activation was our scholarship banquet. Sherrie Hewitt received our scholastic award and Peg McD aniel, who had just been initiated, received the Ideal Pledge award. At the same time Peg was given the chapter award for doing the most to promote our name on campus. Honors were also in store for other members of Alpha Alpha chapter. Pat Seese was elected as second vice president of the Panhellenic Council which puts her in charge of the junior Panhellenic Council. Peg Porter became vice president of Pi Mu Epsilon, mathematics honorary, and Dawn Sautters is now the captain of Shakerettes. A number of our members also appeared on the Dean's list. Spring Greek Week was devoted to fun and healthy competition. The fraternities competed in the Zeta Beta Tau bicycle race, the Lambda Chi Alpha chariot race (with the aid of the sororities) and the Delta Upsilon puddle pull while the sororities put forth their talents in the Zeta Tau Alpha songfest, the Delta Chi tricycle race, and the beauty contest. This exciting week was culminated with the Inter-Fraternity ball. Mav 1 was the date of our prohibition party. The minut~ one entered our "speakeasy" he or she was truly in the roaring 20's. The atmosphere was dark and smokey and everyone was dressed to fit the occasion. Poker and Black Jack tables, a roulette wheel, a floor show, and even a few squirt guns which looked like machine guns put an accent on the evening. Our dates were rewarded with black lace garters as favors much to their delight. All in all it was a fabulous evening for everyone. Exams and the graduation of our seniors ended the year for the Alpha Alphas. It is always sad to say goodbye, even for the summer, but we a ll had many good times to look back on and many to look forward to.- LINDA WITZKE


Alpha Beta

Alpha Gamma

Kirksville State Teachers College Kirksville, Missouri

Indiana State College Indiana, Pennsylvania

Packed suitcases, empty rooms, and a last look at the now quiet campus-all these things are quite a contrast to the busy, fun-filled days enjoyed by Alpha Beta this spring. " Surfside A"'2.A" started out the quarter with a bang! The pledges really outdid themselves when they duplicated an island retreat with beautifully drawn murals, hot dogs, soda, and real live sand. Our annual Sweetheart Dance was a big success this year. Our theme was "Queen of Hearts" and Gayle Snyder proved to be a lovely "Queen of Hearts" when she was crowned our Alpha Sweetheart. Her attendants were Linda Moore and Peggy Steiner.

Spring rush was first on the agenda for our second semester. After pledging, the future members took over the reins to do some of the work. The pledges gave a dance with the theme of "The T op Hat Night Club." The huge crepe paper hat in the middle of the dance floor helped create a charming atmosphere. At our last meeting of the year, the spring pledge class presented the sorority with divider shelves for the room that they had built themselves. In March we participated in Greek Weekend. Friday night we sang "Climb Every M ountain" to a cha-cha beat and " Our Very Own" for Greek Sing. Saturday afternoon there was a powder puff football game and a carnival. We worked on a booth with another sorority and a fraternity. Our booth was called "Hit a Pledge," and consisted of balloons filled with water, a plywood board with two head size holes, and fraternity pledges. Our booth was very popular, and the profits were turned over to Panhellenic and Interfraternity to be donated to charity. In April we had a retreat at the college lodge. We wen t out Friday evening and stayed until Saturday afternoon. Aside from sleeping on a cold h ard floor everyone had a great time. We plan to have a retreat at the lodge twice a year. F or the fourth time we took the cup for the highest scholastic average. We won the honor this time with the highest average ever attained by any organization on this campus. Several of our members are officers in Kappa Omicron Phi, the home economics honorary fraternity . Sue Eckler is first vice president ; Carol Farver, second vice president ; and Peg Pugsley is alumnae organizer. Karen Standiford reigned as "Merry Go" Q ueen at the home economics dance. We we re all ready for summer buf have many plans with which to resume in the falL- MAUREEN CONROY

Our alumnae chapter went all-out for us at ou r annual alumnae banquet. We enjoyed the good food and fun , but the abi lity to share the fellowship with our wonderful alumnae was the most rewarding. Following the banquet our new officers were installed. Our annual all-campus Fun Festival proved to be a very exciting time for Alpha Beta this year. We all worked very hard on our booth, Alpha Sweet Beat, to make it one of the biggest and best of the festival. Later in the evening, cheers and screams could be heard all over camp us when our own D enny Gregory was crowned Fun Festival Queen. To add to our excitement, Sheri Wigal and Beth Muir won third in the talent contest with a modem dance to "Never on Sunday." At 6:30 one Saturday morn ing, the noise of a band co uld be heard coming from Socialibility H all. Who could be dancing so early in the morning? It was none other than the Alphas enjoying their last dance of the year, the Alpha Breakfast Dance. The theme of the dance was "May Day" and was carried out with a colorful May pole and floral table decorations. At the dance the Outstanding Pledge Award was given to Ruth R esinger, and Jeanie Coy was awarded the pledge with the highest honor point. Spring elections were greeted with much enthusiasm and campaigning. This year Alpha Beta was a member of the Action party which was successful in winning all of the Student Counci l positions. We are proud that two Alpha Betas were elected to serve on next year's Student Council. In this year's "tug-of-war" contest who should come out the muddiest, and also the winners, but the Alphas! Spring has not only been a time of fun-filled activities but also a time of hard work and achievement. Many Alpha Betas are members of hon orary organizations on campus and hold offices in these organizations. They serve as Student Mentors and College Ushers. Sheri Wigal was chosen to play one of the lead roles in the college's production of "Kiss Me Kate." We are also pround of Jane Miller and Linda Moore who have been elected to Who's Who this year. Alpha Beta has also been very active in working at the Mentally Retarded School in Kirksville. Several times each week, Alpha Betas devote their time as assistant teachers to these children. All in all, this has been a very rewarding spring for Alpha Beta, and we are looking forward to even greater achievements next year. -BECKY TAYLOR.


Beta Beta Colorado State College Greeley, Colorad路o There was snow on the ground when spring quarter began for the Beta Betas, but we all began the quarter with the new, fresh, and exciting spirit of spring. We started by pledging girls during open bidding. Soon after, we were happy to have Mrs. J oe H . Brewer, National Secretary, vis it us for a few days. She came to one of our "dawn" rehearsals for Songfest. This year we sang the love song "Come To Me, Bend To Me" from the musical Brigadoon. Our early morning practices were more than worthwhile when we performed on Saturday, May 1. We sang our song again on Sunday for our mothers at our annual M other-Patroness Tea. Our dinner-dance came next. We danced on the "Stairway to the Stars" at the T op of the Park in the Park Lane H otel in D enver. Next we donned our grundies and " took off" for Peaceful Valley Lodge and our mountain party. We hiked, roasted marshmallows, and took midnight swims in the heated swimming pool. At our evening party the pledges put on a skit by impersonating the graduating seniors. The seniors in return


willed their personal "talents" to the unsuspecting underclassmen. We returned to campus refreshed and ready to finish the last part of the quarter with vigor. By the time finals were close at hand, however, we took another break as we went to a nearby park for a picnic. We had a terrific game of softball with one of our hashers umpiring. Spring quarter also brought many honors to Beta Beta. Mary Helen Lopez and Jeanne Hovda were selected as the outstanding senior and junior women by AAUW. A WS Honor Night brought many honors to our chapter. Pat Haug was installed as the new A WS president; Donna Gabby and Mary Adams were installed as A WS Council members; Jeanne Hamilton, Betty Parks, and Mary Kapernick were installed as A WS Activities' committee members. Our sorority also received the Panhellenic scholarship trophy. We also presented our own award to the outstanding freshman woman. Outstanding junior women were Marcia Hill and Jeanne H ovda. Maia Christenson received the outstanding sophomore woman award. Also during spring quarter, Sharon Losasso was picked as one of the five finalists for Miss Cache La Poudre. Cindy Aldrich, Jan Phelps, Sharon Losasso, and J eannette Krieger were also picked as four of the ten finalists for Miss CSB. For the third year in a row an Alpha Sig was crowned Miss CSC. We were all happy and excited as we watched Mary H elen Lopez crown J eannette Miss CSC, 1965. Georgia Ketchios was a finalist for Sigma Chi Sweetheart and Sharon Losasso was a finalist for TKE Sweetheart. At Insignia Day Kay McKee Cessna and Mary Helen Lopez were honored as outstanding senior women. Kathy Ehrhart and Maia Christenson were outstanding sophomore women. New Spurs are Vicki Bobier, Chris Pederson, Gayle Fiala, Mitch Hansen, and Betty Parks. With the tensions of finals and the excitement of graduation over, the Beta Betas frantically packed and prepared for a summer of weddings. We all look forward to coming back to our brown house on the corner.- PAT HAuG

Epsilon Epsilon Kansas State Teachers College Emporia, Kansas Epsilon Epsilon returned to school after a wonderful holiday vacation with our families eagerly looking forward to the spring semester. On February 14 initiation of the fall pledge class was held, and our excited and happy pledges became new members. Susan Rose was selected by the active chapter as our Ideal Pledge. The spring semester found the Alphas in the campus spotlight. We are especially proud of Sandy Phelps who was selected as the Tau Kappa Epsilon Bowry Queen; Candy Walters, third runner-up in the Miss Sunflower contest; and Marlene Locker who reigned as Sigma Phi Epsilon Golden Hearts Queen. Jan Hooper was our candidate for Sigma Tau Gamma White Rose Queen . Andra Rhooms, our president for next year, represented us in the Miss Emporia State contest. In March we traveled to Warrensburg, Missouri, to attend the Kansas-Missouri-Nebraska State Day. A big thank you goes to the Zeta Zetas for being such marvelous hostesses. We all had a wonderful time visiting with so many of our sisters. We are all full of enthusiasm and eagerly looking forward to Tri State Day next spring when we will be hostesses for the event.

FALL 1965

Also in March, Mrs. Joe H. Brewer, our National Secretary, was with us for a national visit. We all enjoyed having Mrs. Brewer with us once again and were happy for the opportunity to get to know her better. Our formal was held on April 10. We carried out the theme of "Grecian Grandeur" with big white pillars, yards of pink and orchid chiffon, large murals, a beautifully lighted fountain, and table decorations of chariots, golden jugs, grapes, and glittering candles. Before the dance we all enjoyed a steak dinner. On May 1 four EEs traveled with Mrs. Joe H. Brewer to Oklahoma City to attend Oklahoma State Day. April 25 was the initiation date for our pledges. We entertained the children of the R etarded Children Center of Emporia. We took them to the piJ.rk for a picnic and an afternoon of games. Spring elections found A'2.As in there winning all the way. Nancy Srader was elected junior representative to the Union Activities Council, and Jana Williams . was chosen junior representative to the Student Council. She is now serving as secretary. In the Associated Women Student's election, Carol Diebolt was elected president; Nancy Srader, 1st vice president; Jana Williams, 2nd vice president; Suze Anne Shoults, 3rd vice president; and J ean Fuson, corresponding secretary. Cathi McCabe was chosen as secretary of the Women's Recreational Association, and four A'2.As were chosen for K-SPUR membership for next year. Xi Phi membership and Cardinal Key membership were recently awarded to Nancy Srader and Suze Anne Shoults. We are all very proud of these two outstanding girls. This has been a busy and, we feel, a very successful year for the Epsilon Epsilon chapter; and we have gained many wonderful memories. One of our last activities was the pledge informal given for the members and their dates on May 7. We all had fun at the picnic which was followed by entertainment.- CONNIE DowsE

Zeta Zeta Central Missouri State College Warrensburg, Missouri Spring term brought many activities to Zeta Zeta chapter a long with the warm weather. On a sunny Saturday morning Alpha Sigs could be seen in their cut off jeans and sweatshirts washing cars for dealers here in Warrensburg. Wet bare feet and mud streaked faces were telltale signs of our new money-making project. Recently many of our members have achieved honors. Judy Shull who earlier was elected Miss Cemo (most popular girl), has been elected president of the Association of Women Students and Theta Chi Sweetheart. Sue Miller brought another honor to our chapter by being selected second princess to Rhetor (yearbook) queen. Rita Hayes was presented the award for the Outstanding Graduating Senior in English. Nancy Watts and Carolyn Montesano were elected cheerleaders for the coming year with Nancy leading the squad as head cheerleader. Patsy Gosney was selected senior class vice president and was also the recipient of the Greater Kansas City Alumnae chapter's Margaret E. Smith Award. On March 27 we were honored to have Alpha chapters from Kansas, Nebraska, and Missouri join us at CMSC for our Tri-State Day, Accent on A'2.A. It was a bright


sunny day made much warmer by the sharing and sisterhood we all experienced. Our last meeting of the year was he ld on May 19. We combined an informal meeting with picnic festivities in honor of our graduating seniors. O ld Alpha songs brought sentimental tears to many eyes. But these tears were soon drowned by cheers when the seniors fo und themselves dunked in a near-by pool by conspiring underclassmen. Thus wet hands were clasped in our sweetheart circle and another year of rewarding friendships and activities has closed.- CINDY Qu iGLEY

Eta Eta Kansas State College of Pittsburg Pittsbu rg, Kansas When the Eta Etas returned from Christmas, they opened their books and began to study for the fina l examinations which were approaching. Following semester break, we held our annual Hamburger-S teak D inner. Here, it was announced which of our fa ll pledges had made their grades and would be initiated into the active chapter. This year, for the first time, a Fashion Board was created on KSC campus, consisting of the ten best-dressed girls on campus. We are proud to have six of the ten girls. The Alphas include J oAnn J ursche, Angie Moorehouse, Judy Pistotnik, Pam Mallory, Susie Williams, and Judy Hevner. JoAnn was named the best-dressed coed and was entered as the KSC candidate in the "Glamour" Ten Best-Dressed College Girls Contest. With Valentine's Day approaching, we began to make plans for our Sweetheart Formal which was held February 17, at the Crestwood Country C lub. Favors, which we presented our guests, were aluminum ice buckets displaying the A 'LA crest. At the dance Carol J ames received the Outstanding Active Award and J udy Pistotnik was presented the Outstanding Pledge Award. V icki Consolino was awarded the President's trophy for outstanding service to the chapter. This year, Mr. Guy Coonrod, father of two active Alphas, was the A'LA Man of the Year. Following the Sweetheart Dance came the election of officers. As usual, this brought much excitement and screams. As the A WS Senatorial elections passed, we foun d that we captured three positions. They wi ll be held by J acque Helton, Judy Coonrod, and J udy Pistotnik. At the annual Apple Day Convocation, the Kanza Queen Candidates were presented; and Jean Cox, representing Alpha Sigma Alpha, was announced as one of the five finalists. Also at the convocation, the members of Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities were named. The Alphas selected for this honor were orberta Wachter, Sharon Moore, Judy Coonrod, and Koeta Dunham Spigarelli. Koeta Dunham Spigarelli and Judy Coonrod were also named to Golden Crest which is the highest honor a coed at Kansas State College can receive. Judy has also been elected president of this organization. The Phi Sig Follies were held April 16 and 17. Jan Trowbridge was the Alpha Sig nominee for Follies Queen. Another Alpha Sig, Judy Pistotnik, sponsored by Pi Kappa Alpha, was elected 1965 Follies Queen. School elections were held and this year two Alphas were elected to hold offices in the Student Assembly. They were Judy Pistotnik and Karen Coaker.


Judy Coonrod and Jan Trowbridge were presented award s as the outstand ing junior and senior at the Eta Eta alumnae dinn e r honoring the graduating se niors. The awards were presented by Mrs. Edward Foster, president of the alum nae chapter.

Apri l 23, 24, and 25 marked the days for our national visit. T his year we were pleased to have Mrs. George J . Malone, J r., National Vice-President, and Miss R ose Marie Fellin, National T reasurer, visit our chapter. T he Eta Etas fee l that this was very valuable and immediately sought to work on suggestions which were offered. T he enthusiasm with which we accepted these suggestions is sure to benefit ou r entire chapter. Our hearty thanks goes out to the fine Alpha Sigs whom we en joyed entertaining. Every year the Sigma Ch i fraternity selects a favorite sorority and holds a brunch in their honor. T his year, for the second consecutive year, the Eta Etas were honored. Cheerleader elections were he ld; '!nd, as usual, the Alpha Sigs were victorious, filling 7 out of the 10 available positions. J acque H elton, J udy Hevner, Barbara Howerton, Angie Moorehouse, J ill Parker, and Carol Stebbins will be cheerleaders with Betty Katzman as alternate. Angie will be head cheerleader. The Student Union Board held its annual carnival May 1. For our booth, the Eta Etas he ld a bunny throw in which several girls dressed as bunnies and rings were tossed around the tails. This year for the first time a "Carn ival Cutie" was crowned and the Alpha Sigs again took control of the spotlight. Sharon Starlin, a pledge was crowned "Carnival Cutie." At the annual A WS Honors Banquet for graduating seniors, the selection of the outstanding freshmen girls as members of Cwens were announced. Eta Eta's Cathy Burnett, Cindy Kruetziger, Judy Pistotnik, and Carol Stebbins were among those selected. Judy was elected social chairman of the organization which stands for leadership, scholarship, service, and fellowship. Two Eta Etas were chosen as fraternity sweethearts this past year. Lois Young was selected as Sweetheart of Sigma Chi and Jean Cox was Belle Ball Queen for the Phi Sigs. This concludes the activities which the Eta Etas here at Kansas State College of Pittsburg participated in this past year. We feel that our year has been quite rewarding, and we hope that your year has been the same.Juov PISTOTNIK


Rho Rho Marshall University Huntington, West Virginia May is the month to remember for the Rho Rho chapter at Marshall University. We are moving this month to our new home. Our president's sister has offered her services as an interior decorator. The father of one of the girls is doing the landscaping. We are all working very hard to get the new house open for second semester of the summer term. With the girls organizing workshops for various jobs to be done, we are the scene of activity. Everyone wants everything to be perfect for fall.

The new home of Rho Rho chapter. The academic average of the chapter at this time h as not been announced by the university. Our chapter scholarship award winner, Patricia Dean, had a 4.00 average. Several of our girls are vacationing as a group in Fl orida. Others are working in various pos1t1ons m other states. Two of our members are touring Europe. We thought the regular year was busy, but the summer seems to be more so. This nex t year should be very exciting for Rho Rho.- DoNNA STALEY

Chi Chi Ball State University Muncie, Indiana Spring quarter was filled with many actlvltles and honors for Chi Chi chapter. The first of the quarter started with the All-Greek Variety Show. The Chi Chis worked with Alpha Chi Omega, Sigma Chi, and Pi D elta Gamma greek organizations to perform the fifteen minute skit called "Mandy's Mis-Man-Agement." J oyce McCray, a Chi Chi member, had the leading role in the skit. The work of all groups was well rewarded when it was announced that we had won second place. Indiana Alpha Sigma Alphas held their annual State Day on April 24. The Fort Wayne alumnae chapter served as h ostesses for the day. The theme, "April in Paris," was carried out in the programs, songbooks, and and all decorations. It was wonderful to share ideas an d renew fri endships with other Alpha Sigmas in the state.

FALL 1965

The University Spring Sing was held on May 2 and the Chi Chis were more than proud of the first 'place trophy which we brought home. We sang "Lullaby of Birdland" with Jackie McGahey directing us to the victory. "Sayonara" was the theme of Chi Chis closed dinner dance. It was held at the Indianapolis Medical Center with the dress being formal. Decorations consisted of Japanese-flower trees with scrolls depicting Japanese writing and J apanese flowers on the tables. The dance was in honor of the graduating seniors. We also presented the "Alpha Sig Man-of-the-Year" award. This award is presented to a pinned man or fiance of a member who has benefited the sorority in some way. He is elected by the entire college chapter. On May 17 we held our annual senior banquet. At this time we presented gifts from the chapter to the seniors. The "little sis" of each senior read a p oem dedicated to her. This year we presented a special award to Mrs. Oliver Bumb, one of our advisers . We presented this award to her because of the twenty years of service which she has given our chapter. Miss Shirley Trent, our faculty adviser, presented the chapter's Elizabeth Bird Small award to Patty Goodwin, and the Frost Fidelity Award to Julie Redmon at the banquet. The last activity of the school year was the annual Bike-a-thon- Trike-a-thon. We won first place in pit decorations with our theme being "Drag-On to Victory." We built a large AL.A cave with a green and yellow dragon standing outside to guard it. Chi Chi chapter is proud of its members who have received college offices and honors. We had members elected to Panhellenic Council and hall councils. Three seniors who were listed as "Outstanding Seniors" were Patty Goodwin, Mary L ou Landis, and Ellen McCarron. Fall quarter will be packed with activities for the chapter and each member is looking forward to coming back. Such activities as h omecoming, rush, and new pledges are bound to keep us busy. -J uov MIKESELL

Psi Psi Northwestern State College Natchitoches, Louisiana This last part of the spring semester was a busy time for us. Most of our time was spent "making ready" for our big Spring Formal. We chose "Le Soir dans Ia Fleur Feerie" (Night in the Flower Enchantment ) as our theme. The dance was held at the N atchitoches Country Club, decorated with huge magnolia blossoms, a wedding arch bedecked with rose boutonnieres for our dates, and baskets of fl owers and butterfli es on each table. Tiny gas lanterns and the glow from the huge fireplace gave the room a romantic cast. We ha d a wonderful evening, a dance we'll always remember. April was moving month for us. To make way for a new student center h ere on N orthwestern's camp us, our sorority house had to be moved. We a re now on top of a hill on the edge of the campus. The college plans a Greek Hill there with all of the sorority and fraternity houses together in the near future. We decided this would be a good time to make general repairs and to clean up so our big project next fall will be making the AL.A house a home. For our permanent philanthropic project, we have chosen to work as Pink Ladies at the Natchitoches Hospital. This volunteer work will aid our community and


realize our goal to help the needy. We're very excited about our new project, and we thought we'd pass a long our idea to you. As finals draw near, our minds can't help but yearn for those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer-those days of sunburn and fellas and tears. We hope all of you have a great vacation.- SA NDY Rov ER

As the end of the school year came, chapter officers and the seniors bid farewell at the senior breakfast. Seniors were presented with their Phoenix pin, along with an original poem depicting their college years. The senior members were also honored at a covered-dish supper given by the Harrisonburg Alumnae Association . The Panhellenic Council sponsored a picnic for the seven sororities of Madison College. At the picnic all sororities joined in a songfest. The evening climaxed with a fashion show and a raffle. Several members of Beta Epsilon were elected to maj or and minor offices of the Student Government and other campus organizations for the coming year. Beta Epsilon members voted Jean Gandy the Ideal P ledge of the year. J ean has been active in all sorority plans and has contributed time and services to the chapter. As members prepared for exams and the coming summer, their thoughts also dwelled on getting together at Virginia Beach. Beta Epsilon sponsored a week of fun and sun to re lieve the tensions of exams and start off the summer vacation.- KATHY WELKEN ER

Beta Zeta University of Southwestern Louisiana Lafayette, Louisiana New membe rs of Beta Epsilon are left to right, Diana Stratt on, H ele n Maynard , and Mary Siel ing . Bottom row, Sand ra Holl a nd swort h, a nd Ka re n Cling e np eel.

Beta Epsilon Madison College Harrison burg, Virginia Beta Epsilon chapter welcomed spring with the addi tion of new pledges. This filled the quota and made our chapter one of th e larges t sororities on Madison's campus. May Day was an active weekend for Beta Epsilon members. Early in the afternoon of May 3, eleven members and their m others participated in the M other Patroness ceremony. After the ceremony, four of our girls served as their class delegates to the May Court. They were : Mary J ohnson, maid of honor ; Ellen Sanderford and Barbara Wassell, senior princesses; and H elen Maynard, junior princess. In the eve ning Beta Epsilon sponsored a dinner at the H oliday Inn for membe rs, th eir escorts, and visiting parents. Our philanthropic project was furth ered this spring by several visits to Wes tern State M en tal H ospi tal, Staunton, Virginia. On one occasion, patients were entertained by an Easter parade, com plete with A2.A designed Easte r bonnets. On all visits clothes and magazines were contributed for the patients' use. The weekend of May 15 was an enjoyable and busy one for everyone. We were happy to have Mrs. Grady, a former National President, to share this weekend with us. We began by initiation of our p ledges. Initiation was followed by a reception. Saturday afternoon we enjoyed a picnic, complete with games and group singing, at the home of our advisers, Dr. and Mrs. R aymond Poindexter. Sunday, May 16 we met at the Ingleside Inn, Staunton, irginia, for a smorga bord luncheon.


The Beta Zetas made this past spring semester one to remember. First on our agenda was our annual Miss-Lou State Day. We were the hostesses for the weekend convention in New Orleans. The theme was "Give Full Measure. " Our annual Hula Hop with the theme " A 2.A Hawa iian Holiday" raised money for our national philanthropic project. Fish nets, a waterfall, and a hut surrounded by a garden provided the background for a wonderful time. This was our twenty-fifth year on campus. Mrs. J ohn H. Allen of Hattiesburg, Mississippi, National F ell owship and Philanth ropic Chairman, was our inspecting officer and had also been in Psi Psi when they pledged and initiated our own Beta Zeta chapter. On March 2 1 new members were initiated into A2.A .

Proud new mem bers of Beta Zeta are, seated left t o ri ght, Kathy Barnes, Tr udy Sly, an d Jo hnn ie W atso n. Stand ing , Lynda Perod in, Susan Te bo, Sharo n Ab el, Ka y Roane, Ruth Duhon, and Pat Bufo rd .


We have started an information directory on all members and pledges. This is to help all new pledges to get acquainted with our members. The end of spring semester was highlighted by our Spring Formal which was held at the Town House. Our favors were small tube mugs with our crest, the occasion, and the date printed on them. Paula Kurzweg was named Outstanding Member and was the recipient of the Elizabeth Bird Small Award. Kathy Barnes was our nomination for Ideal Pledge. Our Outstanding Pledge was Johnnie Watson. Easton Hebert was named our Beau. We have planned three weekend workshops for this summer to put the finishing touches on our fall rush.JoHNNIE WATSON

quarter. Another new tradition which we started last spring was our Birthday Dinner to be held each month to celebrate the birthdays of our chapter's members. We could also be spotted immediately on Wednesdays in our new red dotted swiss "Picadilly" dresses trimed with white collars. Beta Iota enjoyed participating in several spring Panhellenic activities. We helped with the annual Panhellenic Tea for freshmen and came in second in the Panhellenic Dandelion Pickin' Contest. Spring quarter's Panhellenic Social was a hot dog dinner and combo party at a private cabin at Claytor Lake State Park and was one of the most successful intersorority events of the year.

Beta Eta Dickinson State College Dickinson, North Dakota We, the "cookies" of A"2.A, started off spring quarter with a bake sale. Although it could not be termed a capital gain, it was very successful. Besides having fresh baking, we started afresh with new officers as the installation ceremony took place that night. February 5 marked our annual Sweetheart Ball and Dorothy Hoff was crowned as our sweetheart. She looked very queenly and nobody would have guessed that she had slaved over the decorations all day. Our chapter was honored to have Mrs. Joe H. Brewer, National Secretary, visit our chapter. A reception with Greek representatives present was held for her in Klinefelter lounge. The officers, as well as all members, found their interviews with her most helpful and enjoyable. We all found her to be a most warm and vibrant person. We held a closed rush with a supper banquet on April 1. The girls must have been intrigued as on April 26 we pledged some wonderful girls. April 24 found the girls clamping through the mud fetching pop bottles for our annual drive. The weather man always seems to know when we schedule this yearly event. On May 3 we Alpha Sigs sponsored a card party for the alums. This evening gave us an opportunity to show our appreciation to the alums who help us throughout the year. Our annual Founders' Day Banquet was held May 10 in the Paragon. This was our 25th anniversary. We felt it was the most successful banquet we had had. Our Mother-Patronesses this year gave us a picnic in place of a banquet. It was a fresh treat- and what a treat! Early this spring our chapter had a visit from one of our sisters from Beta Phi chapter at Stout State in M enomonie, Wisconsin. Verna Lange proved to be a ~rue sister. We hiked the Badlands at 4 a. m. one m ornmg, and that takes true Alpha Sig spirit. It was a great experience to share ideas, hopes, and laughs with a sister Alpha Sig.- VIRGINIA C. BAILLOD

Beta Iota Radford College Radford, Virginia The spring quarter, a busy, exciting one for Beta Iota, left us with many memories. For the first time we sent open bids during a spring

FALL 1965

Beta Iotas at the Panhellenic Dandelion Pickin' contest.

On April 25 quite a few of our members came back fr om L ongwood College in Farmville, Virginia, with tales of a very successful State Day. Alpha Week's various activities came to a climax with our annual Cabin Parties at nearby Claytor Lake. This "for members only" weekend was filled with swimming, boating, skiing, an all-night campfire on the beach, senior send-off, and a multitude of other memories, laughs, and tears. Then came Radford College's biggest social event of the year, May Day Weekend. Our own Marilyn Morrison was crowned May Queen and Kathy Porterfield was Maid of Honor. Bobbett Grausam, Connie Raybuck, and Evelyn Crane were also elected to serve on May Court. Vicki Sigmund , another Beta I ota, served as chairman of the May Commission, which co-ordinated all of the plans and activities of the weekend. Vicki was also the winner of our chapter's Frost Fidelity Award. Needless to say, it was a proud day for Beta Iota ! Lynn Schwier, one of our juniors, was chosen by the student body to be our college's Harvest Bowl Princess. Gayle Shepherd was Radford's princess to the Apple Blossom F estival. Gayle was also first-runner-up in the Miss Virginia Pageant of the Miss America Contest. Now that student government elections are over, two Alphas will be serving next year. Betsy Pres ton was elected to serve as senior class representative and Carol Feneli will serve as Studen t Life representative. Kay Barga was elected to the position of senior class secretary. This finds Beta Iota busily planning fall rush parties as we are anxiously looking forward to a new pledge class to carry on our traditions.- Juov HACK LEY

Beta Mu Henderson State Teachers College Arkadelphia, Arkansas Beta Mus at Henderson have had a wonderful semester of fun, work and outstanding sorority achievement. The third weekend of February was one of mass excitement for Beta Mus. Friday night the members entertained •their pledges with a party. Our theme was Alpha Sig Bunny Club. As each pledge came into the ballroom, which was decorated as a night club, we took a picture of her behind a bunny poster with her head sticking through. Then the big sisters ushered their little sisters to their tables. The place cards were bunnies with fuzzy tails. The Alpha Sig "Beatles" were the hit of the night. After they sang their latest tunes, a song about our pledges was sung to the tune of "Froggie Went a Courtin." A skit was put on about the pledges by their big sisters. Their title was "Did You Know" or "The Evils of Our Pledges." The party was enjoyed by all, especially the pledges who had been scared to death! Off we go into the wild blue yonder as our pledges carried us out for a little walk at 5 :30 Saturday morning! What a surprise! At ten we had the initiation of our pledges. This was a time much looked forward to by our new sisters. They were each given a rose by their big sisters following the ceremony. Immediately after this ceremony, we held the pledging ceremony for our new pledges. Saturday night we had a Mother-Daughter banquet in a private dining room of a restaurant. M ost of our mothers came for this affair. Our patronesses were our special guests. After eating we had the announ cements of our new officers and receivers of awards. Jamie Sue Williams was our outstanding member. She was also the recipient of the Elizabeth Bird Small Award. Wanda Hill received the Frost Fidelity Award. D onna Gray was our best pledge. Diann Jameson and Marietta Bell received awards for the highest member and pledge grade points. Sunday afternoon we had a tea for our m others in the parlor of the Citizen's National Bank. After refreshments we held the installation service of new offi cers. H onors have been pouring in to Beta Mu since our last newsletter. H enderson's class favorites who are Alpha Sigs are Wanda Hill, J ody Endsley, Peggy Martin, K aren T ommey, Mary Lynn Ballard, Ba rbie Brookings, an d T erry Thompson . Out of five Queen of Stars fin alists, four were Alpha Sigs. They were Barbie Brooki ngs, J ody Endsley, M ary Lynn Ballard, and J eanie J ames. J eanie was named Queen of Stars. The military sponsors who also wear the four-pointed badge are Karen Tommey, Helen Herrod, Tina Ku rylas, and Almeda Graves is Battalion sponsor. J eanie J ames is the Pershing Rifle Sweetheart and also ational Pershing R ifle Sweetheart. Six A'i:.As received the honor of Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities. They were J amie Sue Williams, Wanda Hill, Almeda Graves Helen H errod Karen Tornmey, and Carol White. ' ' Two of our members have been outstanding in the R eddie R ipples, H enderson's synchronized swimming team. They are Milli Bard and Mary Lynn Ballard . Carol nn Rogers represents H enderson in "Glamour s" Best Dressed Girl Contest.


February 13 we had our annual Panhellenic Valentine Dance. Beta Mu was in charge of the refre5hments. Before the dance we had a reception for our dates. We gave steins with A'i:.A engraved on them. Our dates will have these as a memory of a wonderful Alpha Sig night. Each sorority and fraternity nominated a person for King and Queen of Hearts. Our nominee, Judy Davies, received the titl e "Queen of Hearts." She was presented a dozen red roses. A'i:.As blossomed out in their spring outfits of dotted Swiss. Our colors of red and white stand out when we parade the campus. In March we took in another pledge. She, with our other pledges, has done exceptionally well in pledge training and activities. In April we initiated these pledges. Beta Mu was very fortunate to have with us Miss Rose Fellin, National Treasurer, in March. Her visit was enjoyed and appreciated by all members. She stayed with us in the dorm. Each member met with Miss Fellin. Saturday afternoon we entertained with a tea honoring Miss Fellin. We' d like to thank her for all the help she gave us. Just before Dead Week, we packed our bags and headed for Hot Springs, where we enjoyed a weekend of skiing, swimming, boating, fishing, and tanning. We dined together and had a wonderful weekend. We came back "red as a beet" ready as "REDDIES" to study for exams. Beta Mus have worked hard to make ourselves worthy of the name of Alpha Sigma Alpha and to be of service to our school. We proudly feel we have reached some measure of success and have even greater hopes of next year! ~LouA NNE L EAKE

Beta Rho Northern Illinois University De Kalb , Illinois How quickly it becomes time for us to tell of the end of the school year and the beginning of the fall plans! Two new advisers, Miss Lewis and Miss Carsy, will be with us in the fall. We h ope to work well with them and have another outstanding year. The fall semester will find us working with Alpha Chi Epsilon fraternity on a fl oat to fit the homecoming theme, "Northern Lights the Way." Carol Benson is in cha rge of publici ty for the whole campus for homecoming this year whi ch makes a big job for her. Gail Borghi wi ll be

Beta Rhos have a summer reunion to discuss future rush plans.


in charge of the campuswide elections for homecoming, while Pat Kain will be serving on the University Center Planning Board, which is redoing our union. Marcia Zabinski has been selected as co-chairman of Greek Week for the year 1965-66. Unity will be achieved in our group this year as work on rush for the fall commences. We are looking forward to work on the formal parties which have an Oriental theme. We are working through the summer on rush and will crystallize plans at a summer reunion which we have each year. Our new house will be ready for us in the fall and will be on Greek Row with the other fraternities and sororities. We invite you to visit us and see our living room which will have a real fireplace, our kitchen which will be fully equipped to accommodate 45 girls, and all of our beautiful rooms on two floors . The house has beautiful double doors in the front and is of brick construction. The hopes of all of the girls are that we will achieve even greater unity and more campus participation next year. We were proud this year to have Bonnie Ruddell selected as the Delta Phi Beta fraternity sweetheart and Vicki DiPofi nominated for the May Fete court. J oanne Slowenski was elected to the PomPom dancing squad for next year and Roberta Allen became a member of Cwens, the sophomore women's honorary. We believe our chapter can achieve that little extra called sisterhood by being strong individuals and by being dedicated to every other member, understanding that she too is an individ ual and more importantly an Alpha Sig. -MARY ALICE ERNST

Beta Sigma Southwest Missouri State College Springfield, Missouri The girls of Beta Sigma Chapter celebrated Valentine's Day this year with a Formal Sweetheart Banquet D ance. Our candidates for the two top national sorority awards were announced: Lou Ann Lambeth for the Elizabeth Bird Small Award and Jo Kay Wilkerson for the Frost Fidelity Award. As a climax to the evening Suzanne Taylor was crowned A"2.A Sweetheart for 1965. In March a Mother-Daughter banquet was held at the chapter house, after which a style show was held at the "Paris." The tenth Lucy Mae Smith Award was presented to Karen Mikes by last year's recipient. The award, given annually to an outstanding senior in the sorority, is based on leadership, loyalty, and service to the sorority. Several Beta Sigmas atended State Day at which the chapter won the display trophy, and Lou Ann Lambeth, retiring president, was honored for her "outstanding service and leadership in Alpha Sigma Alpha." During the past school year, four of our girls served as cheerleaders: Eileen Reed, Sue Brown, Janet Austin, junior varsity; and Lesley Fleenor, varsity. For the coming year Lesley and Eileen will serve as varsity cheerleaders. Our chapter has been presented a trophy for winning the Greek volleyball tournament. Beta Sigmas are very proud of their queens and candidates: Lesley Fleenor was selected Ozarko (yearbook) Queen; Sandy Beadles was a finalist in the Miss Springfield contest 路 Linda Power was first attendant to Barnwarming Qu~en ; Susie McGehee was crowned Sigma Phi Epsilon Sweetheart at the Sig Ep Spring Formal ; Ann Chamberlain was a candidate for Sigma Tau Gamma

FALL 1965

White Rose ; and Sandy Beadles was a candidate for "1 au Kappa Epsilon Sweetheart. Our chapter recently held a tea at the chapter house for the alumnae chapter and to install as a patroness Mrs. Arthur Mallory, wife of the president of Southwest Missouri State College. We really enjoyed our annual spring outing this year, which was held at Twin Oaks Resort on Bull Shoals Lake. The girls and their dates participated in many activities including swimming, skiing, a picnic, and barbecue. A barbecue for the graduating seniors was the last big get-together for our chapter. Among the last money-making projects for the year were our perfume sales and the pledge carnival, which was complete from clowns to kissing booth. This year has proved to be a successful and enjoyable one for Beta Sigma Chapter and we sincerely hope that our sisters across the nation had as rewarding a year.MARY WICKS

Beta Upsilon Indiana State University Terre Haute, Indiana Our chapter had a very full and exciting second semester. In January the annual Panhellenic dance was held. At this formal affair our own Janet Lautner was announced as " Ideal Sorority Woman" for the year. Throughout the year various members of our chapter took mentally retarded children to the Children's Theater and also to the college swimming pool. As another philanthropic project we helped collect for the H eart Fund and also the M.S. Drive. At the local juvenile delinquency center, we took turns entertaining some of the teenagers. We found all of these experiences to be very rewarding and are looking forward to doing the same next year. The Miss Page One Ball high-lighted Co-ed Weekend in February. The qualifications for this title are scholastic achievement, poise, activities on campus, and activities related to your major area. Marlene Bruce was our candid ate. In March the biggest campus activity of the school year was held. This event is Campus Review. For our 10 minute skit we did a presentation of "King MacDonald." In the skit we had squaredancers, scare crows that came to life, a king, and even three dancing animals. For our participation we received the Vern Dyer Award, which is given for group co-operation and spirit. Also in the month of May we had our formal spring dance. At this dance and banquet we honored our new pledges and presented them with an engraved scrapbook. Our State D ay was held in Fort Wayne this year. After renewing acquaintances, attending meetings, a style show, and a luncheon, we returned to T erre Haute. Shortly before school was over, we had the annual Songfest. We sang an English folk song entitled "Eighteen-Twenty," for which we received a third place plaque. At the Awards Day Convocation, our sorority received a trophy for having the highest scholastic index for the first semester. Our social patroness had a senior farewell picnic at her home. At this time we presented the seniors with silver candy dishes with our Greek letters engraved on th em. We will miss these girls, but we are anxious to return nex t fall and mee t the girls who will be pledging our sorority then.- SuE DoEHRMAN


Beta Phi Stout State University Menomonie, Wisconsin With another semester over, and a new one to look forward to, Beta Phi plunged into January by entering one of the biggest events on campus, Winter Carnival. We had three Alpha Sigs driving in the ice race, and one of them, Micki Kollauf came out on top as she won a first for her husband's fraternity, Phi Sigma Epsilon. We were full of high hopes for our own car, but snow banks became its only reward! The Alpha Sigs started a new tradition on campus this year as right after the ice races we had a Turtle R ace to start off our Sadie Hawkins Week. The imported snapping turtles were given to the fraternities on campus to display, paint, and train as they wished. The ballroom was packed as the critical hour arose, and the winner received the turtle and a trophy. We plan to continue this in the future as we felt it was a very effective idea. Our Hootenanny held during this week was bigger and better than ever before; and, to end the week everyone got out his best Stoutpatch outfits and had a stompin' good time at the dance held Saturday night. February found us busily working toward the goal of rush parties. This involved four informal parties of which we fe lt " Persian Holiday" was most effective. T he members dressed as Persian women d raped in sheets, scarves, and jewelry. We sat around low tables on pillows and munched stuffed finger fruit and drank spiced tea while a Persian version of Cinderella entertained us all. After completing our informal parties, "Breakfast at Tiffany's" was the theme of our forma l party. R ush being over, the Beta Phis are very proud of the new p ledges gained, and they immediately began working toward getting their membership pins. Catching up on many things, including studies, was the main aim of March. O n March 12 Parents' Weekend began, and many parents visited with our members as we had open house at our sorority house. In addition Beta P hi was involved in the presentation of the "Unsinkable Molly Brown" at the annual FOB Stunt Night. This act brought out the best in our many talented members, and everyone had a part in the production. March was also the time for Nancy Gigowski to be initiated after a severe skiing accident interrupted her pledging period. April 27 was the date for our pledges to put on their prettiest pink outfits and entertain the other sororities at their Pink Tea. This tea is held each spring by the pledge class and is a perfect opportunity for us to get better acquainted with other sorority girls on campus. May was truly another busy month for us . To start off the month Kathie DeVries reigned as the 1965 Prom Queen, and Kay Bauman served as one of the girls on her court. The following week the spring pledges were introduced to the campus with serenading. May 8 was the initiation day for them. They were all very pleased to become members and presented our chapter with much needed candle holders. Our spring banquet was held at the Coachman which is near St. Paul. After a delicious dinner, the pledges provided entertainment where mock academy awards were given. Having liked the Coachman so well, our Dinner Dance was held there as well. We were all attired in our best dinner formals as our dates escorted us for a wonderful night of dining and dancing. As the highlight of the evening our senior sweetheart was


crowned, and Sandy Stolp became a very deserving sweetheart. A warm farewe ll was given to the seniors leaving us on May 21. A song was composed for each senior by her little sister reminiscing her college life. We were sad to see our senior sisters leave us, but they left Beta P hi with many fond memories of service to our chapter. T he last week of the semester was an evaluation of the year and a planning of next year's activities, main ly of fall rush which will be our first big event of the fall term. Best of luck to all our sisters in the new college year.] AN VANMATRE

Beta Psi Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, Michigan The spring semester got off to a wonderfully busy beginning with the flurry of activity surrounding formal rush! Using the theme of " AL.A on Broadway," the Alpha Sigs created imaginative parties around such shows as South Pacific, Funny Girl, My Fair Lady, and Hello D olly with the use of costumes, appropriate floor shows and songs, refreshments-what could be more English than a tea party for My Fair Lady?-and a theatre marquee announcing, with the use of colorful posters, "Now playing . . . " and "Coming soon . . . " The result of the colorful r ush was a good-sized pledge class of enthusiastic girls and an increased feeling of sisterhood among all the Beta Psis. An added boost to the parties came from the appearance of many alumnae from the Kalamazoo chapter and the debut of new sorority outfits in the form of navy Aline skirts, short double-breasted jackets with crests on the bottom pocket, white "nothing" blouses, and red heels. Breaking up the routine of studies and special weekend during the semester were parties and breakfasts at the homes of various fraternities. Panhellenic Ball came j ust in t ime to blow away the March winds and brigh ten and highlight the pledging period. For this occasion the pledges of all eleven campus sororities wore long white dresses and silver crowns and were introduced to the Greek world by receiving a longstemmed red rose and walking down a long white ramp as their names were called. Alpha Sigma Alpha held a punch party and reception at the Harris Motor Inn prior to the dance in order to honor their dates with leather desk sets, on which the crest was stamped, and to greet the pledge class. Little Sister Weekend, an activity of campus-wide scope, was observed by Alpha Sigs as they treated their little sisters to lunch in the Union, following a program by A WS. Bowling, shopping trips, and campus tours were all part of the week-end designed to entertain and to introduce the younger set to university and sorority life. Close on the heels of Little Sisters' Weekend came the Michigan Alpha Sigma Alpha State Day, which was held this year at Western. The day of meetings and sisterhood was organized by Beta Psi's Karen Wykstera, members of the Kalamazoo alumnae group, and members of Beta Psi. Alpha Sigs from Adrian College, Central Michigan University, and Ball State were able to attend, as well as members of alum chapters in Detroit and Grand Rapids. Early morning coffee was followed by some hilarious skits, presented by the college chapters. Songs preceded the delicious luncheon at which spring-like salad plates, hot rolls, and relishes were served followed by a light strawberry pie. Dr. Paul Maier, history professor


and Lutheran chaplain on campus, spoke after the luncheon, delivering a fast-paced, humorous talk dealing with some of the real advantages and challenges of Greek life. Bull sessions and planning groups at which common problems and new ideas were discussed took up much of the time in the afternoon. Meeting new sisters and getting acquainted with other chapters and schools seemed to help a great deal to foster a closer feeling of sisterhood and to make this year's State Day, which had the inviting theme of "Y'all Come" an enjoyable success! Elections on campus revealed the fact that many Alpha Sigs are going to be in the limelight in various positions; other sisters have been honored through national organizations. Carol Griggs was elected to the office of A WS president, tapped for Mortar Board, the national senior woman's honorary, and elected to Kappa Delta Pi, national education honorary. Lucy Kline is the new corresponding secretary of her dormitory and will also serve in the same capacity for the inter-dorm council of her quad. Lucy is also a new member of Sigma Alpha Eta, national speech and hearing honorary. Dotty Sasinowski is serving on Panhellenic Council in the capacity of treasurer, while Ellen Runkel was recently elected vicepresident of her religious organization, Canterbury Club. Ellen was also chosen as the Girl-of-the-Month in March by her dormitory. Serving A WS as the new IA WS contact is Mary Harmens. In order to help the sorority fund toward the new house, which will be a reality in the near future, Beta Psi has been busy with many money-making projects this spring. A car wash was held early in April with successful results. One of the best projects, which promises to be repeated during each semester, was a jewelry-cleaning booth operated by Alpha Sigs in the student center on campus. During the several days on which the booth was operated, fraternity and sorority pins, rings, bracelets, and other small pieces were cleaned for a small fee. The annual sale of plastic yearbook covers early in June was also a tremendous success! Honored as A2:.A's outstanding senior woman at the Panhellenic Dessert was the past-president, Judy Cousineau. Mothers' Weekend, another campus-wide activity at Western, was planned with a great deal of care by the Alpha Sigs. In addition to treating their mothers to the traditional tours and concerts, as well as to dormitory life, with its parties, teas, and shenanigans, Beta Psis honored their mothers at a lovely luncheon at the Gull Harbor Inn. A cold plate of salads, hot rolls, relishes, and the traditional specialty of the house, black-bottom pie, was served. Favors of small guest soaps in the shape of roses, enclosed in a small glass apothecary jar imprinted with the sorority. crest, were given to mothers as a memento of the occasion. Songs feted the guests as well as an award ceremony honoring recipients of scholarship awards, the chapter's Frost Fidelity and Elizabeth Bird Small Awards, and Beta Psi's Junior Pillow. Also honored with her name engraved on a special paddle was the outstanding pledge of the fall pledge class, Doralynn Miller. Right after Mothers' Weekend was the annual Sorority Sing, sponsored jointly by Panhellenic Council and Sigma Alpha Iota, national music sorority for women, of which Mary Mapes is a new member. Members were dressed as old-fashioned ladies of the Victorian era, with long turquoise bell-shaped skirts and long-sleeved white blouses trimmed delicately with lace at th e cuffs and neckline. Alpha Sigma Alpha sang their hearts out with a sorority song, "The Crimson of Loyalty" and a long time favorite, "The Old Lamp-lighter" to a capacity

FALL 1965

audience of three thousand. Beta Psi took second place! Topping off a most successful year was the annual houseparty at a lake at Coloma, Michigan. On Saturday the Phi Kappa Taus came out for the day to help the Alpha Sigs enjoy their swimming, boating, and general joking more fully! One of the nicest year end activities in which the Alpha Sigs were privileged to share was the serenade given to Carol Griggs and Tom Linblade on the occasion of their engagement! Both Sigma Alpha Epsilon and the Alpha Sigs sang in unison to honor the couple during the beautiful ceremony. Plans for next fall appear to be most encouraging and exciting. School will get off to an unusually early start in August as a result of the new trimester system. A fall retreat and plans for homecoming will be the most pressing of activities, as well as the staging of A2:.A's annual fall mixer!-ELLEN RuNKEL

Gamma Alpha Creighton University Omaha, Nebraska Christmas vacation ended and Gamma Alphas returned to Omaha, books in hand, ready for the oncoming final exams. After semester break pledges were initiated and second semester rush took a ski lodge theme. The new pledges joined our ranks. Freshman Cotillion Ball began the realm of social activities. Patti Morris reigned over the festivities with Eileen Barr and Lynn Pray in her court. We were all extremely proud of our new Alphas. Preparations were begun for the annual Panhellenic Dinner Dance to be held February 13 at the Diplomat Hotel. Our guests were presented with black loving cups inscribed with the A2:.A crest. Joellen Duggan was named Alpha Sweetheart and the award for the Most Outstanding Member was presented to Virginia Hogan, our rush chairman . Pledges, actives, and alumnae chose Paula Murphy as the recipient of the Best Pledge Award. Early in March we held nominations for officers followed by the election and installation. This same month was highlighted by Creighton Capers. Our honored guests for this weekend, Miss Mary K. Reiff and Mrs. Robert F. Redmond III, extended their congratulations together with the student body on winning the first place award. Pat "Father Poppins" Rice did a remarkable job in our version of Mary Poppins. Spirits soared at this earned but tremendous honor awarded to the Alphas. April, not the least of our bustling months, heralded many activities. Our former Sadie Hawkins party donned the revised atmosphere of a Mountain Dew Shindig. Members and their dates, dressed in "mountain" fashion headed to the hills of Hanscom park for a riotous evening of fun. Prom, in the latter part of April, lent a formal atmosphere as the Gamma Alphas turned out in full array to support our princesses Annette Maus and Jane McCarty. Also honored during this month was Angie Nestegard, candidate for Rose of Delta Sigma Pi. But what of May? Only studying?- definitely not! Alphas were scurrying about preparing for a tea given in honor of Mrs. Herx, our chapter's former moderator. It was our small way of showing our great appreciation for all she had done for us. Second semester pledges were initiated following a dinner at Johnny's Steak House in honor of the departing seniors. All of us will feel deeply the loss of these members.


Other members were honored by various fraternities during May. Kay Daily and Ann Morrow were candidates for the First Lady of Iota Kappa Epsilon. J ill Rinchen was chosen as a candidate for Sweetheart of Alpha Kappa Psi. For Gamma Alpha the year was filled with hard work. It went rapidly, but for the Alphas there are memories that could never be traded and memories that will never be lost.-ANDREA Novo-GRADAC

Gamma Beta Wisconsin State University Stevens Point, Wisconsin With the progressive appearance of spring Gamma Beta's fancies turned from dancing and Winter Carnival through rushing and pledging to philanthropic projects and Songfest. Panhellenic Council's annual formal, opening second semester activities, found us dancing proudly. We were in charge of the decorations, creating an atmosphere of "Magic Mist," highlighted by a Manhattan skyline mural. While sculpturing a handsome Argentine Gaucho from ice, fashioning prize winning posters, and winning second place in the games, we all shared the thri ll of Winter Carnival Week. "Annie Get Your A 2.A," the theme of our final rush party, produced a genuine western mood where rushees were entertained and given cowboy hats and cactus plants as favors. Soon after our newly initiated pledges arranged a party for the mentally retarded children at a local school, thus providing us with the personal experience of a philanthropic project. Our sisters from Gamma Epsilon chapter in M ilwaukee were gracious hostesses when we enjoyed State Day with them. The buzz sessions and acquaintances we made furnished us with new ideas and enthusiasm. After winning the trophy for two years, our Songfest practice was intense. Under the vivacious direction of Mary Hickner we sang "Consider Yourself" from Oliver and " People" melodiously enough for a third victory, thus earning the trophy for our own. Partings, some brief and others more lasting, were regretfully made at our senior recognition picnic. But, reminiscences mingled with expectations as we discussed future plans and hopes for the coming year. Committees have been arranged for all approaching events and as Greek Week and homecoming beckon we will be prepared to put Alpha Sigma Alpha up on top.- MARY jANE L EARY

Gamma Eta Pe nnsylvania St ate Unive rsity Universit y Park, Pe nnsylvania June found the Gamma Etas eagerly anticipating summer fun and activity. But an even bigger surprise awaited members returning in the fall. A brand new suite in the largest living area on campus greeted Gamma Etas. Colors of red and white, palm green and gold accented with black were chosen for our new home. A charcoal rug meets pale gold walls and the furniture including a seven foot long sofa, carries through th~ color scheme. A glass wall decorated with black and gold abstracts completes the contemporary setting. Fall rush begins the list of Gamma Eta's many activities this school year. new rush system has been instituted


at Penn State and the Gamma Etas have kept in stride by revamping their rush programs for both fall and winter. Homecoming will find the Gamma Etas working in conjunction with Phi Kappa Tau fraternity. We have high hopes for a first prize in the lawn display contest associated with this traditional event. Last spring term Gamma Etas, working alongside Phi Kappa Tau, had a rewarding and enjoyable time at a Saturday afternoon party given for a group of orphans. This was the second year both groups sponsored such a party. Individual members of our chapter, including past president Ellen McLaughlin and president Candy Shedd, have made significant achievements. Ellen was chosen for membership in Phi Beta Kappa and Candy was tapped for Scrolls, Senior Women's Honorary Society. The Gamma Etas have much of which to be proud. Both our new suite and our past honors offer the Gamma Etas a challenge as well as the motivation toward even higher achievements. -TERRI LEE FALCK

Gamma Theta Syracuse University Syracuse, New York Another school year will soon be a memory, and Gamma Thetas have much to look back on with pride and pleasure. The year has been filled with activities encompassing many phases of university and sorority life. R ewards in the academic area have been plentiful. A number of our girls became inducted in honoraries: Phi Kappa Phi, the all-university honorary, Carol Young; Lambda Sigma Sigma, junior women's honorary, Midge Patrick; Theta Sigma Phi, journalism; Carol Thorp; Alpha Lambda Delta, freshman women's honorary, Barbara Ingraham and Diana Belamoti; Alpha Epsilon Rho, radio-television, Carol J antz. In order to increase incentive the chapter holds a "steak and beans" supper once each semester. The members who have made the Dean's List eat steak, while the remainder get beans. 路 Gamma Thetas have also strived towards greater cultural development. Guest speakers were invited to dinner, after which they talked to the girls as a group. We feel that these talks greatly increased our knowledge and understanding of areas both within and without the university. The chapter participated in numerous joint projects this year. Parent's Weekend gave us the opportunity to introduce the parents of the members to the girls and to each other. An open house was held and cider and doughnuts served. Later in the afternoon the parents were given a tour of the house. Syracuse University's Campus Chest Carnival provided the opportunity for us to have a little fun and contribute to charity at the same time. An apple dunking booth was the result of the imagination and hard work of some of the girls. Christmas time found the Gamma Thetas organizing a party for underprivileged children. Cartoons, refreshments, and gifts were provided for the children. The girls also had a chapter Christmas party in which they exchanged gifts and enjoyed a snack of pizza and coke. Each class presented a skit, and a prize was given to the class with the best skit. Another project that the chapter undertook was the annual Winter Weekend poster contest. The theme of the contest was " Snow What's New." Our poster centered on the theme of the Texas White House.


The sophomores undertook their own private project -remodeling the cellar. They washed scrubbed and painted to achieve the end result, a la~ndry and 'study room. Amidst these assorted tasks and accomplishments, the Gamma Thetas found time for social functions. Coffee and exchange dinners were held throughout the year. A Founders' Day Tea and an anniversary tea were also held. A combination senior and pledge banquet took place at a local restaurant. The Best Pledge Award was given to Diana Belamoti, and the seniors were all given gifts. The pledges all had to write and sing an original piece and the best song was awarded a prize. To enhance physical development, the Gamma Thetas took up various competitive and group sports. Girls competed on the bowling and badminton teams and participated in an aquatic ballet. Individual members have also found success in their various fields of interest. Two girls were elected officers of WAER, the campus radio station. One girl has been appointed the feature -editor of the campus newspaper. Another has recently been elected secretary of A WS, the organization for women students. Eight girls were selected to serve in the Campus Guide Program and two became members of Goon Squad, the group chosen to orient the freshmen. Two girls were also selected by Angel Flight, the women's auxiliary to the Air Force. Much time has also been devoted to freshman and upper-class rush. When formal rush parties are not being held, the girls are busy arranging coffees and inviting girls to dinner. Now as the year draws to a close, Gamma Thetas are already planning on projects and activities for the coming school year. We hope that it will be even more rewarding than this year has been.- VALERIE WHALEN

Gamma Iota Rochester Institute of Technology Rochester, New York "Hey, where is the paint for the booth? Who took the saw? These are some of the fami liar cries heard during Spring Weekend, the biggest social event of the year at R. I. T. Every organization on campus participates in the festivities . "Madeline Goes to Manhattan," our theme for the weekend, won for us fourth place in overall competition. Among the activities participated in by the competing organizations were an outdoor advertisement, a carnival booth, and a skit. Gamma Iota captured first place in skits with a humorous and musical interpretation of "Madeline Goes to Manhattan." Our carnival booth, depicting Central Park, contained a goldfish pond from which 200 live goldfish were sold. Two of our sisters, Sue Gray and Janna Gane, were nominated for Miss R . I. T ., the highest non-academic honor at school-with Sue Gray being elected Miss R. I. T. Also during the ceremonies of Spring Weekend, Sue Gray was inducted into Alpha Sigma Lambda, an honorary fraternity standing for activities, scholarship, and leadership. This coming fall, three of our sisters will be serving on the Panhellenic Executive Board, Donna Hurd as president, Barbara Popp as social chairman, and Donna Bronson as secretary. The Rochester City Panhellenic awarded Gamma Iota the Scholarship Tray signifying the highest scholastic achievements of a national sorority m Rochester during the 1964-65 school year. At our Dinner Dance, the major social activity of Gamma Iota during the year, Sue Gray was awarded the

FALL 1965

chapter's Elizabeth Bird Small Award, Janna Gane received the Ideal Pledge Award. In addition, our appreciation was expressed to all who had helped us during the year, especially our adviser, Mrs. Brent Archer. Farewells were said to all of our graduating sisters. What a great year this has been for us. We are eagerly awaiting the beginning of another. Starting the activities will be a reunion of the sisters at the cottage of Charlene Graupman. Following this event, school starts and rush begins. T he Gamma Iotas wish everyone a fun -filled and successful summer.- CHERYL 0GBORNE

Gamma Kappa Glenville State College Glenville, West Virginia The last month of school was a very busy one for the Gamma Kappas. Besides finals we started the month off with a German beer party. This party was a card party and each table featured a checked table cloth and a candle in a bottle. The only light was furnished by the candles. For refreshments we had pretzels and root beer. All the girls and their dates had a wonderful time . On May 7 one of our patronesses gave A-:E.A a slumber party . We had strawberry shortcake and punch when we arrived and after eating we sat in a circle and played games till quite late. The next morning we were served donuts and coffee . I 'm afraid that Miss Pickens did not get much sleep that night but we had a wonderful time. This is the second year in a row that Miss Pickens has given us a slumber party. On May 10 Alpha Sigma Alpha sponsored the annual Mother's Day Sing. All organizations on campus were invited to participate and most groups did. We had a trophy for first place and certificates for second and third. The day was beautiful and while the judges were deciding on the winner, A -:E.A sang "A-:i:.A Sweetheart" and "You are a Wonderful M other." After the Sing we had a reception for our parents. Red and white was the theme, and this was carried out in the flower arrangements and the table decorations and the refreshments. For relaxation we had our annual picnic on May 15. This year it was held at Lake Riley. We enjoyed swimming, boating, sun bathing, tennis, and hikes. We had hot dogs, potato chips, and watermelon for refreshments. The girls had a wonderful time and acquired nice suntans. In regard to our project five girls went to St. Marys Training School on May 16 to give a program for the children. We took potato chips and suckers for the children. I am sorry that more girls could not go, but we did not have enough cars to take them 路all. We have decided to adopt twelve little boys who will be placed in a section that they call the ship room. This part is decorated like a ship and will be furnished this way. We plan to write to the boys, to send them birthday cards, to get the sailor suits, sock and sailor hats. This will be our project for the coming year. Of course we plan to visit them as often as we can. We would like to take them on a picnic some weekend, but that is in the planning stage. The alumnae chapter of Glenville gave us an awards dinner the Thursday before school was out. We had a wonderful meal served in the Colonial Room. The Elizabeth Bird Small Award was won by Johanna Coleman of Williamtown. The Frost Fidelity Award was given to Martha Hornor, our past president. The alumnae gave a gift to the girl who they considered had worked the


hardest all year long. Joan Ward won this award. Gifts were given to Susie Kirsch who will get married this fall and to Mrs. Larry Cobb, alumna, who is moving to Illinois. In order that all the girls can keep in touch with each other we decided to have one girl start a letter and send it to the girl who is next on the roll. After her the girls will just add their letters to the ones that they receive. This way we will be able to know what our sisters are doing this summer. When the "letter" has made the round once, the first girl will write a new letter and replace her old one with this new one and then send the letters on to the next girl. This is our R ound Robin. The second weekend in September we plan to have a retreat. Here at this time we will plan our activities for the next year. We hope to have lots of fun and also get a lot accomplished. The year looks bright for Gamma Kappa and it looks busy as usual. We hope to make this our second year in Alpha Sigma Alpha our best year yet- RuTH CoNRAD

Weekends "Twenty-Thousand Leagues Under the Sea" booth brought the second place trophy to Gamma Lambda. We were the only sorority to receive any award. Our spring formal was held at the Sheraton Chicago Hotel where Alpha Sigma Alpha brandy sniffers were given to the members, and red and white garters were given to their dates. All things considered, last year was a successful one, although, we are sure "next year will be better."- VALERIE HACKERT

Gamma Lambda

A'i:.A .

Loyola University Chicago, Illinois At last! Gamma Lambda chapter at Loyola University has completed its first full year as Alpha Sigma Alpha, and it has been a wonderful one. Please remember ..the old saying: "Big oaks from little acorns grow," because this newsletter is certainly the littlest nut yet. Looking back on the year 1964-65, we see that it was filled with joy and sorrow. Inducted as an official chapter on October 18, 1964, we happily initiated twe lve pledges. Gamma Lambda went into Pow-Wow Weekend filled with hope, energy, and "the best darn float" ever; but carne out with cold hands and wet feet, for the traditional parade had been snowed out. Undaunted we entered the hastily arranged "Snow-Scu lpturing Contest" with Tau Delta Phi fraternity and took second place. Entering the Interfraternity Council Sing with swell voices and swelled heads, we naturally lost. Second semester hailed in the Variety Show. Although our two scripts were turned down, we captured second place in the contest for the Spirit Trophy. University

Gamma Mu Adrian College Adrian, Michigan Second semester has been GO time for the sisters of Gamma Mu. With initiation, trips, and parties the girls have really been busy. Our first big event was "going into" Alpha Sigma Alpha as official members. Naturally, this March weekend was the biggest weekend for the newest chapter of April was "go places" month. Michigan State Day was a new experience. The prize for the best skit was presented to Gamma Mu chapter. We not only attended Michigan State Day at Western Michigan University, but we also attended Indiana State Day in Ft. Wayne, Indiana. "Go-partying" month was May. In order to increase our membership, a formal rush party was held. The theme was "A lpha Sigma Moon." Several original songs were used throughout the evening. Saturday morning more wonderful girls pledged Alpha Sigma Alpha. The fo llowing weekend was the spring formal. Many hours of work were required to make "Younger than Springtime" the success that it was. The sisters of Gamma Mu are very proud of the honors they have received. For having the highest scholastic average of the campus sororities, a silver trophy was presented to them during the Hono's Convocation. At the Women's Recreation Association Banquet Alpha Sigma Alpha was presented the trophy for most intramural participation. ow that we have the awards, we are going to keep them! - LJN ATIO





!ph a

!ph a


Beta Eta


Beta Beta


Beta Ep ilon


Phi Phi


Beta Mu

97.18 %



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96.27 %


p ilon hi



• • • • NEWS LETTERS ALUMNAE CHAPTERS AKRON, OHIO April 10 was a very outstanding date in 1965 for the Akron Alumnae chapter as we were the hostess for the Ohio State Day held at the Scioto Country Club in Columbus. Ten of our members attended the sessions presided over so graciously by our president, Ruth Yauger !::.!::.. Those atending were Lillie Greer !::.!::. , Maude Murphy Barrere AA, Dorothy Hollinger Scott !::.!::. , Helen Frame Snyder 00, Sue Gardner McLemore BN, Louise George Holt 00, Ann Sullivan Bajc BP , June Western Cowan AB, and Rhea Fetzer Yoder rr. Two of our girls were honored by being presented PTA Life Membership pins by that organization in their respective schools for devoted service to that organization. The members so h onored were Lillie Greer !::.!::. and Helen Frame Snyder 00 . For our May meeting we met in the home of Lillie Greer where we spent a very pleasant evening. Ruth Yauger thanked the girls for their help in making her two years as president such a pleasant experience. Our newly elected president, Ann Sullivan Bajc BP, took over the duties of her office. A picnic is being planned to be held at the lakeshore home of Elnore Miller DuBois 00 in late summer. A buffet supper with the husbands as guests will be held early in the autumn. Helen Snyder, D orothy Scott, Ann Baj c, Louise H olt, and Ruth Yauger attended the Panhellenic Spring Luncheon at the Woman's City Club h eld on June 5. A check for $1400 was presented to Mr. H ostetler of the Welfare Department of the Summit County Children's Home for their allowance fund. The total amount presented to th is fund for the year was $2400. This is the philanthropic project each year of the Panhellenic Association. T o entertain the guests, a lovely style show was given by a very exclusive dress shop in Ravenna, Ohio. Styles for young girls were featured that had been created by several well-known designers. This was a very satisfying closing to the year's work.- RH EA FETZER YoDER

Vaction time will find most of our members not planning long vacations but taking several short ones in their campers or at lake cottages. However, R ose Kaiser Baden XX with her husband and four children will take their camper in July for a three-week tour of the West. Also Martha Stuckey Glentzer XX and her husband are leaving in June for Florida and a short cruise to Bermuda.-MARTHA GLENTZER

BARTLESVILLE, OKLAHOMA The Bartlesville alumnae have been busy these past few months. J ean Lloyd Br has represented Alpha Sigma Alpha at the regular meetings of Panhellenic and some of the Panhellenic activities in which members of our group have participated are the annual coke party for senior high school girls and the spring luncheon and style show. L ois H ollopeter Ballard Br and Barbara Sloan Swabb atended the coke party at which a large shield for each sorority represented was displayed. The style show and luncheon was held in March at Hillcrest Country Club and J ean Amos Mattox Br modeled . GeorgiaPotter Clayton HH, Berry! Fisher EE, and Carole Hill D obbins Br were in attendance. T en members attended our Janu ary meeting in the home of Barbara Sloan Swabb Br. Barbara served a delicious dessert including little Alpha Sig snowmen made of marshmallows.


ANDERSON, INDIANA Sending out the reservation cards was our part in State Day preparations. Since we do our own printing several girls put in some long hours getting over 400 cards ready by our March meeting. After a short business meeting at the home of Marian Truax McLaughlin XX, we addressed all the cards. Our main project for the year has been the Northwestern Special Education School at Middletown. Mrs. Shirley Peters, the teacher, attended our April meeting held at the home of Gloria McDermott Nipple BT. She told of the many things the nine students were doing and thanked us for the important part we had in helping them off to a good start. We traveled to Greenfield to the home of J ean Ann Ketner Huffman XX for our closing business in May. A most successful year ended early in June with our annual family picnic at the farm home of Lola Erne Sparks BT. It will certainly be a memorable one for the child ren with the pony rides as the big attraction.

FALL 1965

Bartlesville installation of officers with Carole Hill Dobbins, treasurer; Emma Lou Browning Cox, secretary; Shirley Lloyd Neal, installing officer; Barbara Sloan Swabb, president; and Ida Keefer, vice president.

Emma Lou Browning Cox Br served as hostess for our meeting in February. We were happy to welcome Lois Hollopeter Ballard Br who joined our group at this meeting. Lois graduated from college in January after practice teaching in the Bartlesville school system last fall. Eight members were present to hear Mrs. Gene Winn's review of "I Just Happen to Have Some Pictures" by Willie Snow Ethridge- a very humorous book on grandmothers and their pictures.



Lois Holl o pete r Ba ll ard, Be ryl Fisher, and Carole Hill Robbins looking over some of t he art work of the Special Educa tio n class with wh om t he Bartlesvi lle alums have worked.

In March Georgia Potter Clayton HH was hos tess for nine members and two guests. We were happy to have both Frieda Cuthbertson EE and Barbara Penna Kuepker EE as guests and would like to see them back again. Mr. William Ransbottom gave a very interesting and informative demons tration on flower arranging. Three lovely arrangements given by Mr. Ransbottom as door prizes were won by Georgia Potter C layton HH, Barbara Penna Kuepker EE, and Jean Lloyd Br. A business meeting followed the demonstration at which a nominating committee was chosen-Georgia Potter C layton HH, Carole Hill Dobbins Br, and Shirley Lloyd Neal Br. A business meeting for the election of officers was held in April in the home of J ean Lloyd Br . Carole Hill Dobbins Br reported on our philanthropic project- she had delivered the library books to the Special Education C lass at D ewey. They were so thrilled with the books that they wanted her to bring back some of their art work and their school pictures for our group to see. Shirley Lloyd Neal Br installed the 1965-66 officers in her new home in May in a very beautiful candlelight service, presenting a corsage to each offic er installed. P lans for next year's activities were discussed.- loA KEEFER

Spring brought the end of another year Filled with Alpha fun and cheer. All though the rainy months of gloom Sorority life made our spirits zoom. The tale I will now relate Is of the things we've done to date. A Dessert Tasting Party was our March event. It certainly was an evening well spent. Culinary and culture blended together To make it the best evening ever. Mina Gossen described current New York plays. ( We all knew her from college days.) Each member donated her favorite creation. Fifteen desserts were quite a sensation. With a nibble here, and a munch, munch there, We sampled what the others had to share. Each was a wonderful and fancy confection. With recipes avai lable for our selection. When the last crumb was gone we went on our way, Looking forward to our luncheon in May. The day dawned sunny, bright and hot. We certainly were a "springy" lot. Our guests of honor were the brides of the year. And now their names are listed here. Sally Concardi Crino, Penny Bailey Stephens, Rose Furfari Battaglia, Carol Harris Hefley, Rosemary Lodestro Lett Then the officers and Board we did install. We picked a fine crew to carry the hall. Carry! Forrest now yie lds the presidential post. Now it's Marge Suggs whom we all toast. Entertainment was provided by The Sweet Sixteens of Amherst High. R uth Swenson's daughter, Lindy, led this group. T hey reall y performed like a seasoned troop. As the afternoon quickly drew to an end We thought of summer vacations to spend. But for the board the end was not in sight. They had to meet for another night.To plot the course for '66 And think up new and better tricks. This year has been a worthwhile one: A little work, a lot of fun. We wish the same for each of you, Wherever you are, whatever you do.- CAROL Eoov

BOSTON , MASSACHUSETTS Everyone enjoyed the annual luncheon in January which took us in town to Anthony's Pier Four overlooking Boston Harbor and L ogan Internati onal Airport. In F ebruary we went to the Colonial Theater to see " The Odd Couple." A very enjoyable even ing was had by all. A white elephant sale was held in March which netted the treasury nineteen dollars, and in April everyone enjoyed the colored slides shown of Edith H owl ett's Western trip. May saw the annual election of officers. For the program J ean Barbarick gave an interesting and educational account plus showing colored slides of her trip to twelve countries last summer. Also in May we alums held our first installation of Theta Theta graduates into the Boston alumnae chapter. Four new members were initiated. We celebrated the occasion by dining at ovak's. We closed the year in Jun e with a barbecue at Leona Frederickson's.-CHARLOTTE Lo ISE ADAMS


CHICAGO, ILLINOIS-NORTH The Chicago-North alums have had an unusually interesting 1965 Spring. Meetings were planned to have as much variety as possible and to accomplish our 1965 goals. At our late February meeting gay and colorful placemats were made at the home of Mary Uecker BP for the children at Children's M emorial Hospital in Chicago. It was our hope that an evening of our time could help to enlighten the dinner hour of many unfortunate children. The placemats were delivered to the hospital by Terse Norgaard BP , and the children were very appreciative and delighted to receive them. This warm reward ended a fun -filled "philanthropic night." Our past president, Sonnie Lubinetz Swanson BP, is the adviser of the new Gamma Lambda chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha at Loyola University in Chicago. She has devoted her time and patience to developing a new chapter of our sisterhood. Terse orgaard BP assisted in the


Sonnie Lubinetz Swanson, Susan Lowe Kempner, Fran Chuey, and Mary Uecker of Chicago - North Suburban working on placemats for Children's Memorial Hospital.

preparation and attended the pre-rush party at Gamma Lambda with Sonnie. Our group was represented at the Chicago City Panhellenic Benefit Luncheon at the Sheraton-Blackstone Hotel in Chicago on March 6 which featured a special entertainment by The Quints, "Variations on a Theme." President Gretchen Werner Oster BP and treasurer of the Chicago President's Council gave full report on the fortunate girls who received proceedings from the benefit luncheon for scholarships. A special attraction of our late March meeting was our speaker, Kendall Swanson (husband of Sonnie) and his topic, "Cancer." Ken showed slides and movies to give us the latest information on this deadly disease that should be an awareness to all of us. T erse N orgaard, Mary Uecker, and J ean Gulino Felcan, all of Beta Rho, gave details of NIU 's May Fete and the 1960 class reunion at our May meeting. President Gretchen informed us that our group wou ld be in charge of Founders' D ay in 1966 and that a joint ph ilanthropic project of the Chicago and Suburban a lumnae is being considered for next year. Suggestions were discussed informally in meeting, and Gretchen wi ll give our report to the President's Council. June was devoted to the welcome of new members. An informal meeting-party was held at the home of Terse Norgaard BP who is a party "planner-giver" specialist. We were delighted to have J anine Radke BP of P ark Ridge and Ruthie Keefer BP of Chicago attend our informal gathering. Our 1965-66 officers were formally initiated at the close of this meeting, and we look forward to bigger and better meetings this September when our new officers will give Alpha Sigma Alpha alumnae tons of new ideas! - FRAN CRUEY

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS-WEST SUBURBAN We would like to welcome Eileen D eMichaels Greeneisen, Barbara Morgan, Pat D eShong Lamberti, and Judy Matusek to our meetings. All are Beta Rho girls. They were present to hear Carmen P once who is an exchange

FALL 1965

student from Ecuador at Naperville High School. Carmen talked about the social, educational, and political activities of her country. J oan Kolar Grabarek BP was hostess for this meeting. May was installation month for us. Pat R amos Vlahos BP made the evening special by making red carnation corsages for each of the new officers. We also had a lovely cake to celebrate our alum chapter's birthday. We met in Sue H enderson King's new apartment. In June vacation films will be shown of the United States. R ose Farina Butti BK will be our hostess. - NANCY CEPUDER R EAGAN

CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA J ean R ost Schenck KK and Betty Wilson R ost KK will be our hostesses for our June luncheon meeting at J ean's home in Dallastown on June 12, two days after our deadline for the Fall Issue of the Phoenix so I can't report to you on that meeting; however, Jean reports acceptances are coming in and she expects a good attendance. Jean tells me that on June 29 Betty Rost will be the guest of honor at a surprise "This is your life" party to be given by her Sunday School Class at Grace Lutheran Church in Red Lion. She has completed fifteen years as a teacher of that class. Her friends and classmates over the years are being contacted for amusing anectodes. Congratulations, Betty!- AucE HART BEAVER

DAYTON, OHIO Dayton alumnae met at Virginia Black's new home for a dessert smorgasbord on May 8. Installation of the new officers was held. A report was made of State Day activities. Eight members are planning to attend the annual Panhellenic luncheon which is to be held at the King Cole restaurant on June 17. This is always a pleasant affair and we are looking forward to it very much.MARTHA SMELKER


DE KALB , ILLINOIS Illinois State Day was held at the Spinning Wheel in Hinsdale in April with Joyce Vlcek Lothson BP, Phyllis Hollowell Barker Br, and Mary Lou Nelson Schaeffer BP attending. After a delicious luncheon and fine fellowship with our sisters we were fortunate in hearing from Mrs. Harold C . Brown, National Extension Director. Our president asked for help from any nearby alumnae chapters in furnishing the new house for the Beta R hos at Northern Illinois University and was extremely pleased by those who volunteered their aid. A corporation consisting of Phyllis Hollowell Barker, Sally Lundin Preissig BP, and Bess Collin BP, has secured a new house presently under construction into which the Beta Rhos will move in September. There will be much to do before the house is ready for our group. Phyllis Hollowell Barker attended the Senior Farewell at Northern and initiated the seniors into the alum group. Members of our group have helped with rush parties, attended chapter activities, and chaperoned at the formal dance. We hope our sisterhood with the active chapter will continue to grow in the future. MARY Lou N ELSON ScHAEFFER

area or someone who hasn' t attended our meetings f01 some time. Our first fall meeting will be our annual Potluck Party to be held at the home of Grace Davies. This IS always our big meeting to start the season, and it is designated as our "dues" meeting.-GRACE DAVIES

DES MOINES, IOWA In April we met for a lovely tea party at the home of Betty Schnoebelen. We have twenty-seven members, representing seven chapters, who have come to some or all of our meetings this year. Since we are still getting acquainted, we spent the time talking over the affairs of a national group. We have decided to be a part of the National Association and hope that by our next meeting in October we will have our schedule complete. We plan to have four meetings a year: October, December, February and May. For former Iota Iota members, meeting new members is like having all the girls you bid for accept your bids. It is surprising how much alike we are and how well we fit together. Needless to say, we look forward to a happy year.- LtLLIAN j ACOBsoN

DETROIT, MICHIGAN-DELTA PHI DELAWARE VALLEY The following members of the Delaware Valley Alumnae chapter attended State Day on April 3 at Temple University: Lois Meadowcraft Baker NN, Doris R owan Falin NN, Miriam Hipple F itzgerald KK, Dorothy Murray Fredd NN, Frieda Bornemann Lenthe NN, Christine Carew Townsend NN, Janet Benedict Welch nn , and Helen Corey KK, National Convention Chairman, who was honored that day. Annette Grube r of Delaware was also a guest. We are sorry to lose J anet Benedict Welch n n from our chapter. Janet moved to Sunnyvale, California, in the San Francisco area. Janet founded this chapter and was serving as president. A farewell luncheon was given in Janet's honor in February. We will all miss her and send our best wishes to her. Our chapter also lost our secretary, Carol Brinkman Scharf AA, who moved with her family to the Los Angeles area of California when her husband accepted a 路 position in that location. Our thoughts are with Carol also. The new officers met in May at the home of Christine Carew Townsend NN to plan the programs for next season. The schedule will include a luncheon, two evening meetings, a day at Drexel Institute, an afternoon workshop, and a dinner. Jim Townsend prepared homemade pizza for the group following the meetings. DoRIS RowA N FALI N

DENVER, COLORADO The last meeting of Alpha Sigma Alpha Denver alums was held May 11 at the home of Dorothy Dringham. A business meeting was held during which time next year's officers were elected. A beautiful table laden with delicious goodies of many varieties and refreshing punch awaited us at the end of our meeting. summer Rush Brunch Party is planned for us in ugust to be held in the out-of-doors, in Irene Holland's yard which borders the beautiful Lakewod Country Club golf course. Each member who has been attending the meetings will bring some new alumnae in the Denver


March 6 found us seated in the beautiful colonial dining room of Delta Phi Norma Craine Aliber. The luncheon table was centered by a bowl of pink rosebuds with Marion Thomson Gustin serving as co-hostess. During the business meeting we agreed to support the Dr. Lloyd O lds Scholarship Fund of Eastern Michigan. Dr. O lds' wife, R ose Armstrong Olds, a former patroness of the active chapter on the Eastern campus, has been a frequent attendant at a lumnae meetings. On April 10 we motored to the Grosse Pointe home of Kathryn Stephenson Buchinger A B to attend our monthly meeting which began with a delectable buffet. Assisting Kathryn was Charlotte R eidenbuch Jorgensen BZ. At this time we voted to send the Beta Theta chapter at Michigan Central University a check to use at their discretion. Mary Christiansen Mowry n n was our hostess on May 1 at her Beverly Hills-Birmingham home. Flower arrangements created by daughter Martha were placed in attractive settings throughout the house. Plans were made for a summer get-together to be held at the Union Lake Vi llage home of Sybil Andrews Landry. Those attending the Panhellenic Luncheon held at the Grosse Pointe Yacht Club on May 5 were Sara Dodge Bumgardner, Juva Bisset Beeman, Florence Fagan Boening, Kathryn Stephenson Buchinger AB, Esther Erhardt Richardson AA, Livonia Warren McCallum, and Esther Bryant Sprague. Mrs. Lloyd White gave a humorous talk " Philosophy Through Your Hat." The table decor consister of paper-hatted ladies in the latest of models emerging from miniature hat boxes, a large quota having been designed by our panhellenic representative, Lavonia Warren McCallum. Always photogenic we were proud to see that the Detroit press featured her in an attractive pose at the speakers table. Booked on our educational program for the coming fall is Sara Dodge Bumgardner who will give us a picture-story of Rumania which she recently toured with husband, Harvey, who is associated with the State Department's East- West Exchange Program. Sara's illustrated talk has been much in demand by various organizations including the Village Woman's Club of Birmingham.- EsTHER BRYANT SPRAG E


EMPORIA, KANSAS Our annual dinner for seniors was held 1\lfay 10, at . Blaylock's Restaurant. Each graduating senior was introduced and responded by telling us her plans for next year. Miss Catherine Strouse, our first faculty adviser of Epsilon Epsilon chapter, was present and gave us a humorous and inspiring talk following the theme of the dinner which was "Our hats are off to you." The committee for the dinner was Ruth Staton Bloxom EE, Mary Ann K eating Law EE, and Nancy Karolick Williams EE . The table decorati ons were spring flowers, the place cards were small fl ower d ecorated hats, and each graduation senior had a red rose at her place setting. We were happy to have a chance to talk with Mrs. J oe H. Brewer, National Secretary, when she visited Epsilon Epsilon chapter. Ruth Staton Bloxom h onored her with a coffee Tuesday morning, March 9. Members of the alumnae board, and past and present sponsors were other guests. We held a rummage sale on June 2 on Mary Ann White M cClenny's EE porch which added a bit to our house fund. Another money-making project for this summer wi ll be held in August at the county fair. We will have a food and refreshment booth as we did last August. Virginia Wiand Traylor EE will be our competent chairman again this year. All alumnae in Emporia wi ll share

in helping to make this project a financial success. Two pictures from last summer's fair will show you that we enjoyed ourselves even though we worked hard.-EDNA McCuLLOUGH

GLENVILLE, WEST VIRGINIA The newly organized Glenville, West Virginia,' Alumnae chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha held its monthly meeting March 15 at the home of Mrs. Mary Berry of Glenville.

Glenville alums participating in initiation are, left to right, Sally White, Peggy Cobb, Mildred Nocida, Mary Berry, Mary Lee McPherson, Martha Deel, and Mary Morrow.

The three fry cooks for the fair were Edna McCullough, Bess Weaver Adam, and Carrie Williams Patterson.

Since the group was recently organized, the main concern of the group was organizing plans of work and establishing routines for committee work. A Ways and :Means Committee under the chairmanship of Mrs. Martha D ougl as Dee! was established to propose a budget for the gro up . On Saturday, April 24 Mrs. Sally White and Mrs. Martha Douglas Dee! represented the chapter at Alpha Sigma Alpha State Day held in Huntington, West Virginia. On Sunday evening, May 2 the Alpha Sigma Alpha a lumnae entertained husbands, patronesses, and a lumnae at an informal covered dish dinner at the Mary Berry residence. On Sunday, May 9 the third annual Mother's Day sing was sponsored by Gamma Kappa Chapter, Glenvi lle West Virginia, Glenville State College. Alumnae wer~ invited to a tea and reception following. On Thursday, May 20 the a lumnae chapter hosted an Awards Dinner in the cafeteria of Glenville State College. Guests for the eveni ng were the Gamma Kappa chapter. Fall activities, although incomplete, will include a " Welcome Back Party" and a unit in the homecoming parade of Glenville State College. We will have more details this falL-MILDRED NocroA


Emporia alums working at the fair are, left to right, Virginia Wiand Traylor, Jerry Russell Edwards, Martha Birch Williams, and Lucy Bender Foncannon.

FALL 1965

The Hattiesburg Alumnae chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha held their first meeting of the new year at the Country Club on Thursday, June 10, with a luncheon and installation of officers. Lovely spring flowers decorated the tables.


Hattiesburg a I u m n a e who were installed for the coming year are, from left, Mrs. William Haralson, editor; Mrs. H. L. Thomsen, vice president; Mrs. Z. B. Graves, president; and Mrs. Harry Moore, secretary.

Mrs. Penny Stewart Currie installed the new officers for the coming year, and Mrs. Ethel Merle Cranford Graves presented each one present with a new yearbook. Plans for rush week were made for August 3, at 7:30, at the home of Mrs. Penny Stewart Currie. August 29September 3, 1965, will be rush week at the Universitv of Southern Mississippi. We are very proud of Penny Currie who is president of the Hattiesburg Panhellenic.- PATSY BuRT HARAL路 SON

HUNTINGTON, WEST VIRGINIA Our first annual State Day was held April 24 at the Owens-Illinois Club House in Huntington, West Virginia. We were very honored by having Miss Goeke, our National President, as our special guest. We were also pleased that Mrs. AI J. Goeke, Miss Goeke's mother, and Peggy Whitley Hawley PP, from the Cincinnati, Ohio, alumnae chapter were present. West Virginia was very well represented by the Gamma Kappa chapter from Glenville, the Beta Pi chapter from Concord, and the Glenville alums as well as our own Rho Rho chapter and Huntington alums. A very good time as well as informative and interesting was had by all. Next year the Glenville alums will hold State Day. Our May meeting was a wiener roast for the seniors on the patio of our new home. This summer the alums that are available will be making plans for our bazaar which we hope to hold as close to Christmas as our schedule permits. We are also taking charge of converting the garage of our new home into an apartment for rental purposes. KARLE E SPOHN BLANKE NSHIP

Nancy Williams XX was hostess for the April meeting, and we all worked on pre-cut hand pvppets to be used by the students in Sue Maehler's XT special education classes. Jud y Elder XX was hostess for the May Founders' meeting, and we celebrated the sorority's sixty-fourth birthday by contributing sixty-four cents during a birthday game. In June we were to have had a Brown County Outing in the Ranch House, Brown County home of Letha Gaskins XX, but due to some rather heart-breaking vandalism this had to be postponed until fall. J ean King offered her Japanese Garden as a meeting place for the June luncheon. Each guest was greeted in Japanese by J ean who was wearing her Japanese kimono and obi. Several members attended State Day in Fort Wayne and the Panhellenic night at the Civic Theater. Florence Lull B/\ who has been interested in Early Childhood Education movements for almost eighteen years will be a member of the staff for the first summer session at Indiana University as a visiting lecturer and resource person in early childhood education. This is part of President Johnson's War on Poverty Program. Florence is also professional advisor on the Council of Co-operative Nursery Schools in conjunction with Operation Head Start. Eloise Proctor has been assigned to a new school in suburban Indianapolis. The school, with grades kindergarten through junior high, has over 1, 000 students. This summer she will be a supervisor in the Indianapolis Public School's academic summer school. Zelma Piner will leave with our prayers and best wishes for successful surgery on August 1 for Massachusetts General Hospital, Baker House, Boston , Massachusetts.- jANE McDAVITT

KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA What a busy spring we have had! Genevieve Foltz was hostess for a lovely Alpha Sig guest luncheon at the Marott Hotel. Members and guests were inspired by a talk on "Creative Art" by an instructor from the East Side rt Center.


Kalamazoo alums met in May at the home of ancy Dalrymple Klesert B'l'. Her early American decor was a pleasant setting for our traditional party for the seniors of Beta Psi at Western Michigan University. The girls were welcomed into alumnae status by Joan Ryan Webber who conducted the traditional initiation.


Also in May our Fun-er-ama closed with play-offs at the home of Barb Evans J ohnson B'J', who has been the mastermind of the idea and scores since last O ctober. June opened with a coffee at the home of Sylvia Superits Bacon B'J' and on June 14 the final business meeting of the year was held at Sandy Lang Lawrence's B'J'. At this informal dessert a white elephant auction gave another boost to the treasury. Of special interest that evening were the honors given Joan Ryan Webber B'J', outgoing president, and Pat Friedly Hogarth B'J', who has served City Panhellenic for eight years, most recently as secretary. More informal coffees were scheduled for the summer months as well as the annual couples picnic in July.SANDRA LANG LAWRENCE

LONG ISLAND, NEW YORK Long Island Alpha Sigs are busy as usual. We are so proud of our members who are giving outstanding service to their communities. Virginia Dobbins Hess r Clio has been elected to another term on her school board . Karen Enterline Kerr BT is president of her PTA unit and a den mother. Barbara Hodgkins Smith BQ will also serve next year as PTA president. J ola Williamson Tilley BQ is vice-president of her Episcopal Church Service Guild and tutors in her "spare" time. Nancy Daly B:=: has completed a years sabbatical leave from her teaching and has been doing further studying at the State University of New York at New Paltz. Sandra Covert Friend BQ is beginning her studies for an M.A. at Hofstra University. She will take a little time off in D ecember to have her third baby. Early June saw us using muscles we didn't know existed at a local bowling alley. Afterwards, we had coffee and liniment served at the home of Karen Enterline K err BT. Our regular June meeting was held at the home of Madeline Jennings O'Connell n n . We made plans for the summer months. In July we saw "Music Man" with Gig Young at the Westbury Music Fair. August was our annual family picnic. We are looking forward to autumn and the resumption of our philanthropic projects.- KAREN ENTERLINE KERR

MARYVILLE, MISSOURI Greetings from the Maryville alums! Spring activities have been varied. The alums honored the actives in the College chapter room for the March meeting. Mrs. Charles Bell, patroness, was hostess at the May meeting. She was assisted by Elinor Crater Simerly, "Gertie" Wray Tindall, Mary Janette Anthony Hull and Frances Bird. Officers for the next two years were elected . The annual summer picnic for actives and all Phi Phi alums who can return will be July 18 at the home of Mrs. BelL- KATHRYN KRAUSE BELCHER

MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN-ALPHA The Alpha chapter of Milwaukee alumnae had a very busy year. The annual picnic at Myrtle O'Reilly's home on Beaver Lake was very enjoyable and refreshing with swimming and a wonderfu l hamburger dinner to end the day.

FALL 1965

Our fall meeting consisted of reports on the National Convention and reports of the tea attended by three of our girls honoring the new Gamma Lambda chapter at Loyola University in Chicago. October and November were fun meetings with an auction of gifts, the proceeds placed in our philanthropic fund and a lovely tea held at the home of Erva Horn honoring the college chapter. This was for the purpose of getting to know our college chapter better. Our Founders' Day dinner was held at Mamie's Grotto and thanks to Pat J ohnson and J oyce Jacobs for making this such a delightful affair. December and January meetings were a little more educational. Dr. George Collentine from St. Mary's Hospital gave a talk and showed slides on the work done at the Burn Center. We decided to contribute twenty-five dollars toward the cause. Mrs. Leon Weisgerber from the Milwaukee Public Museum showed a film on " Scenic Summer in Wisconsin ." This was an excellent program. A joint meeting of the Alpha and Beta chapters was held in February. Members of the college chapter were our guests. Mercedes Chalmers from Patricia Stevens Career College and Finishing School gave a humorous talk entitled "Charm in a Capsule. " The program was entertaining as well as instructional. March brought a program of informal discussions concerning problems of the college chapter . It was intended to show how we alums might help the girls. On March 20 we held our State Day at the University of Wisconsin in Milwaukee. A large number of alumnae members from Alpha and Beta attended, but because of bad weather Stevens Point was the only other college represented besides our own Gamma Epsilon who served as hostess. In spite of this, we had a wonderful day- all credit given to Ann Wallenberg and all the girls including their most capable advisor, Ilia Louise D obbs. April brings Easter baskets. We made and filled 250 baskets and gave them to the mentally retarded at Southern Colonies. The wind-up to the year was our annual spring luncheon with speaker Mr. Herbert Biermann from the Jewish Vocational Service explaining the Saturday program for mentally retarded people. Marie Terewilleger, chairman of our board, installed the new officers . Yes, it was a fine year, but we have hopes of an even greater one in 1965-66.- LORAINE HENTSCHEL

NORFOLK, VIRGINIA The Norfolk chapter is proud to announce that we once more are to supply the president for the Norfolk Panhellenic Association. This year Winnie Rew Shields BE shall serve. The Panhellenic Tea, for girls entering college in the fall of 1965, will be held in August. August appears to be a happy month for local A"LAs. Mary Emerson Blackstone and husband Lawson have invited us to their home in Chesopian Colony for a barbecue. Billie Van de Riet Merritt A and Mary Ellen States Bn were recently installed as our new vice-president and treasurer. Many projects are planned for the fall and the new year.- VIRGINIA VAN DE RrET GARDNER


NORTHERN NEW JERSEY The North Jersey Alumnae chapter had a nice group for lunch in April at Mrs. Donald Becker's, the former L ois Flint, in Bound Brook. The 1965-66 season of activities includes a gab session, philanthropic project, cocktail party and dinner, and other interesting programs. A total of five meetings will be held next year which includes the months of September, November, January, March and May. If any alumnae in the area should read this and want to con tact us, please do and call Marian Stevenson at VI 6-4576. In August we hope to have a swimming party but the splash news will have to wait for the Winter Phoenix. MARY WIGGI NS

NORTHERN VIRGINIA N orthern Virginia Alpha Sigs have really been "in the swing" this spring. After our J anuary meeting on "Light for Living" which was presented by one of our members, Ruth Fulmer B I , we were successful hostesses of a tupperware party given in February at the home of Patricia Green Long AA . March and April found us electing and installing our new officers who presented the following suggested programs for 1965-66: a covered d ish dinner, a fi lm on " Pennsylvania Cooking," a Christmas party at Holly Hall Home for Exceptional Children, a dinner meeting at one of the nearby restaurants and a demonstration on picture framing and grouping. Seven of our members attended the annual Northern Virginia Panhellenic Luncheon and Fashion Show which was held on March 27 at the Washington Golf and Country Club. The profit from the luncheon will be used to provide scholarships to chosen graduating senior girls who are entering college this fa ll . Those members attending the luncheon were Betty Edwards Blackman BE, Judy L ocknone Edwards B E, Nancy Talmon Potts BE, Ginger Glair R alph B E, Martha Duke Britt BE, Molly Kennetts Cosby BE, Patricia Greene Long AA, and special guest, Mrs. John J. Diamond, from the Washington alumnae chapter. On May 16 the Panhellenic Association held its Orientation T ea for high school seniors and the scholarships were presented at this time. Five of our members were present to answer questions and greet senior girls who rep resented each high school in the N orthern Virginia area. June found us again at the lovely h ome of Patricia Greene L ong AA in Springfield, Virginia, for our annual cookou t with husbands and friends. eedless to say, our husbands were quite anxious to renew acquaintances as well as to " heap" th eir plates with the delicious food. We have los t two of our very good members this year and we want to wish them the best of luck in their new areas. fichelle Nothacker M cKinney BT has moved to tlanta Georgia, and Barbara Tucker Wheatley BE has moved to H arrisonburg, Virginia. H owever, we are quite fortunate to welcome a new member, Barbara J ean Price B I, who is li ing in nnandale, irg1ma. s the college chapters are busy all summer, we also are bu y ontacting new members and making final preparations and plans for the coming year. So when September rolls around you ' ill find us having a covered


dish dinner and extending a warm welcome to old and new members alike plus enjoying the exciting chatter about the happenings of "last" summer.- GI GER BLAIR RALPH

OMAHA, NEBRASKA A steak luncheon greeted the Omaha Alpha Sigs at their J anuary meeting in the T omahawk Inn. In February a Sunday luncheon and a demonstration by Franco's Hair Styling entertained fifty pledges and alums for the purpose of becoming better acquainted and helping to choose the recipient of the best pledge award. The March meeting was particularly enjoyable with a luncheon at the home of Ju lia Travis assisted by Marlene Girard rA . A demonstration of meats was given by Hinky Dinky. In April it was a pleasure to entertain the National Officers, Mary K. R eiff and J eannie R edmond, with a d inner at the Blackstone. One of the most important occasions of the year is the May luncheon for the actives who are graduating and who we hope will become active in the alumnae group. The even t was held at Kenny's Restaurant for approximately thirty A:LAs.- J oA NE ScHINDLER KoLENDA

PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA Ada St. Clair Meyer Ar and Shirley Englehardt Tranquil Ar were hostesses for the spring luncheon at the University C lub. Fifteen girls attended the meeting. It was so nice to see Ada's daughter, Christine, who had j ust returned from Parsons College. T his year we have welcomed several new members to our group. Those present were Eleanor Conrad Fetherston KK, J ane Carrico Shoemaker B r , Mary Ann Sidelhammer Linton rH and Carolyn Cleland Carroll A r. We were happy to have Medora Dietzel! come again and bring her neighbor, Lynn Peters Fountaine B E, who moved here from Cincinnati, Ohio. T he last meeting of the year will be a swimming party at the home of I va Arnold R ochez Ar.-MILDRED WEBER BROWN

QUEENS, NEW YORK The Queens alums had a lively start for the new year. The January meeting was held at Eleanor Marine's home. Everyone got together to discuss plans for the new year and to renew old acquaintances. In February the business meeting was followed by a gala card party. The former Val Shimol was hostess for this event. Carol Rybke Wolf and Mary Lou Cerretta took care of the refreshments for our March meeting. After discussing plans for our philanthropic project, Eleanor Marine showed lovely slides of Mexico with a complete narrative. Pat McKay continued the tour of North America with exciting views of Yellowstone National Park, the Badlands and the Wisconsin Dells. An enj oyable time was had by all. Our April and May meetings consisted of philanthropic work, plans for summer picnics and get-togethers, and just plain fun . Many, many Alpha Sigs turned out for these meetings.-PAT McKAY


RICHMOND, VIRGINIA The Richmond alums met in May at the home of Glenna Snead Chesley A. Elaine Pierce Palmer A and Glenna Chesley, our representatives to State D ay at Longwod College, Farmville, Virginia, gave a very interesting report. We also made plans for our summer activities which include a picnic in June and working as counselors for two weeks in July at Camp Baker (the local summer camp for mentally retarded children). We also plan to support a money-making project of Richmond Panhellenic Association- the sponsorship of one showing of "My Fair Lady" at a local theater, the proceeds of which will be used for Panhellenic's annual achievement award to a local high school senior. We regret that J ane Price P aret A , Evelyn Robins Gray A , and Archer Cassada Williams A will be leaving us to move to other cities. We rejoice with Margaret Deacon Austin BE, Gwen Melton Baucom A , and Nita Hodnett Chandler BE in the birth of their girJs.- FRANCES JOB SON FRANCIS



Our final meeting of the season was held Monday, May 24, and we were all so busy enjoying Ruth Puis' hospitality that it was difficult to get down to the business of electing our officers for 1965-1966 but somehow we managed to do so.


Ruth Puis has done such a wonderful job representing A'2..A at the city panhellenic meetings that she has been asked to stay on as panhellenic secretary next year. By the way, the Panhellenic Dance was a great success and A'2..A was cited for having such a fine representation. The International Buffet held at Marguerite Talbot Keating's BZ was enjoyed by all, and we were so pleased that some of our active girls and their dates could be there too. It has been such fun this year to have new alumnae members join us from our R.I.T. chapter and to watch with pride as our active girls receive all sorts of awards. We have initiated two more alums, Cynthia Hurley and Peggy Zimmer, and have already put Cynthia to work helping Betty Plaster Laubenstein and Mary Mentesana Stevenson (both Pi Pi) plan next year's program. We are happy to report that both Betty Clancy Breese and Sally Shipton Meisenzahl rx have recovered very nicely from recent bouts with major surgery. Sally has been able to be with us for our meeting. Betty has even managed to do some teaching as well as keep up with her five youngsters. We closed our meeting with plans for an August m ee ting hoping that some of the girls who missed our winter mee tings might be more free. Then too, we could get a head start on next season!!- JANE T ERRY WIDGER


ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI The St. Louis Alumnae chapter met at the Missouri School for the Blind in March with Betty Carpenter as hostess assisted by Barbara Kerls Maddex AB and Rita Koziar Lantz AB . Betty is a dedicated teacher and


FALL 1965

has received special awards for her work with the partially sighted. An inspiring program was presented by a group of the youngsters who read from large print books and also books in Braille. Other students entertained by playing the piano, organ, and bongo drums. In April we met at the lovely home of Martha Ray Sweeney B'2.. for election of officers and the planning of next year's program. We would like to develop a program of more individual and personal service to the mentally retarded, in addition to donating the proceeds of our annual auction to the St. Louis Association for Mentally Retarded Children. Bonnie Payne Koenemann ZZ and Jean Moore Weaver BN were co-hostesses at this meeting. June Lorenson Londeen EE was our charming hostess for the final spring meeting in May with Judy Strom Bromolich AB and Marilyn Glaser Collins AB assisting her. The new officers were installed at this time. Our first meeting in the fa ll will be a tea at the new home of Marjorie Moreland Worth n n with Jean Moore Weaver BN and Marilyn Glaser Collins AB assisting.MARJORIE MoRELAND WoRTH

M embers of the San Bernardino Alumnae chapter are busy with many activities related to the community. Violet Ranallo Neuman BP is a member of the San Bernardino Scholarship Association which administers the many scholarships given to high school students of this area. Also busy with scholarships is Gladys Ludlam Anderson :=::::: who is San Bernardino District Chairman for the UCLA Alumni Association Scholarship Program. She works all year conferring with counsellors and in the spring, during a three-week period, she assists in interviewing high school seniors who are eligible for scholarships. Once again Mary Ludu Simon XX brings honor to us by serving as an officer for the San Bernardino Panhellenic. This year she served as treasurer. Mary has been active in this group for a number of years. She has held several offices and has been a tireless worker on the annual fashion show which finances scholarships. Welcome to a new member, Rosemary Robinson Hill 'Vo/ . We hope to welcome several new members who have recently moved to California.- GERALDINE DoYLE

SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA San Diego alums have enjoyed a busy spring and are looking forwa rd to this summer. Barbara Tripp Friend A was h ostess at our Guest Night meeting in April when Dr. Brown, director of Children Unaware, spoke to our group. Our May meeting was held in the Poway home of Dorothea " Buddy" John McCright BK. A former member of San Diego's Starlight Opera sang and showed slides for us. At the June meeting of San Diego City Panhellenic Bonnie Brown Brough ZZ was installed as city President. We are all proud of Bonnie for the hard work she has d one for our group and for the Panhellenic organization. We are all looking forward to our ann ual "end-of-year" potluck when each member cooks a favorite recipe for us to enjoy. The potluck will be held this year at the home of Mary Jean Gladfelter H ogg EE.- CAROLYN MrxoN


SOUTH BEND, INDIANA Several members attended State Day in Ft. Wayne this year on April 24 and everyone had a marvelous time. Much applause for the Ft. Wayne alums . . . they did a grand job planning and executing a most enjoyable and informative day. It's such fun to see good friends each year! Iris Kendall Weiss XX arranged our May guest dinner. Husbands and wives had a superb meal at the new Schulers in Benton Harbor, Michigan. Later in May the Elkhart alums were so kind to be hostesses for a delightful luncheon combining Elkhart and South Bend alumnae chapters. D ee Janeczek Watson BK opened her home for this affair. After lunch the officers for the coming year were installed. The afternoon was concluded with crazy bridge and talk. The children at Logan School for the Mentally Retarded really appreciated the twelve gaily decorated smocks our chapter made for them. As our philanthropic project we turned boy's and men's shirts around, cut off buttons, added ties, and artfully applied rick rack, iron-on tape, buttons, and seam binding. May 20, our chapter was represented by Janice Hays Schrader XX, Iris Weiss, and Carolyn Welch when we presented the smocks and a check to Mr. Valjean Dickenson, director of the school. We are very pleased that for the comi ng year two of our chapter members will be serving on the South Bend and Mishawaka Panhellenic Board. Marie Scanlon Brown Btl, Alpha Sigma Alpha National Extension Direc tor, will serve as scholarship chairman and Carolyn Welch as mimeograph chairman. Our programed activities came to a close at the end of the May luncheon to re-open in September. However many of us wi ll be working on the Panhellenic Summer Tea and pushing the sale of tickets for Panhellenic's Summer Theater Party.- CAROLYN FvFE WELCH

SOUTHERN NEW JERSEY As a midwinter outing the Southern New J ersey alums held a theater party in Philadelphia. Seven members enjoyed Anthony Newley's musical, "The R oar of th e Greasepaint- The Smell of the Crowd." At our meetings during the year we have been busy making teaching aids for the retarded children's classes at the Avon School in Barrington. Nancy Gingrich Riti KK, our president, teaches in that school. In May we enjoyed the hospitality of Noel Curry Wirth KK and husband at a steak fry. We invited our husbands as guests. We are looking forward to September when we will resume our activities and renew friendships. -ELEANOR COMER DILK

TOLEDO, OHIO On March 5, Helen Pauly, Grace Haworth, Cheryl Hansen AA , and Helen Osmun journeyed to Adrian, Michigan, to attend the installation of Gamma Mu. The day ' as a wonderful experience for us all. We were busy every minute and were thrill ed to be called upon to assist in the initiation of these fine new members in this newest chapter. Since we are not too far from drian, we hope to keep in close contact with them. Ohio State Day was held in Columbus on April I 0, at the Sciota Country Club. Grace Haworth, H elen Pauly,


Helen Cook, Cheryl Hansen, and Helen Osmun spent a marvelous day that had been arranged by the Akron alumnae. Our hostess in May was Dorothy Brewster Cummins AA at which time the present officers were elected for a second term. In June at Helen Pauly's, we heard the plans for the pre-college party for high school senior women and their mothers at the Student Union Building on the campus of Toledo University. Each sorority has on display its magazine, pin, and flower. The Toledo Panhellenic Council sponsors this event. Grace Haworth has been elected vice-president of the Toledo Panhellenic Council for 1965-1966. This year the Council sold tickets to a children's movie on a Saturday to raise money for their scholarship fund. The Toledo Alumnae chapter gave a donation to the Lark-Lane School for R etarded Children for records. We sent another donation to the Lucas County Assocation for R etarded Children for Easter baskets. We also gave a gift of money to the new Gamma Mu chapter in Adrian , sent a contribution to Alpha Alpha chapter to help redecorate their suite, and donated to the ational Fellowship Fund. We are now in the process of making the directory booklets for the T oledo Panhellenic Council for the com ing year. D orothy Smelker Stockton AA has invited us to her home on July 7 for a potluck luncheon. We always enj oy our jaunts to Bowling Green to visit with her. We were so disapp ointed that it was impossible for Mary Goeke, National President, to attend our State Day, but we did enjoy being with her in Adrian at the installation of Gamma Mu. -HELE 路 KLAG OsMUN

TULSA, OKLAHOMA In March twenty of our Tulsa alums attended a foods demonstration in the attractive hospitality rooms of Public Service. Those delicious dishes -inspired many to remind friend husband how they could improve their culinary art with a few of those new electric appliances. ell Neal Kisner Bl and Ruth R obertson Lester Bl were hostesses. Ever hear of a Meat and Salad Supper? Our April potluck supper in the home of Isabel Key R eeve AA was just that. Webster says potluck means chance so no one was told what to bring so all twenty-four girls arrived with meat and salad dishes- delicious too! L ora Patterson Sipes I I was co-hostess. On May I we attended the State Day meet at the attractive Lakview Country Club in Oklahoma City. It was fun meeting friends again. Our speakers were "Sis" Caraway Brewer 'V'V and Helen Hooper Malone Bl, both National Officers. "Sis" brought her car full of charming college girls from Emporia, Kansas. Also in May we held our last meeting in the home of ancy Cooper Kazmierski EE and installed officers for next year. Pat Redding Bronson AB was co-hostess. Pat has been quite active in city panhellenic and will serve on the Shoppers Showcase board. Rita Gilstrap Miller will be corresponding secretary for panhellenic. We have enjoyed a good year with an average attendance of nineteen members present and having a new baby in March didn't keep Bobby Thompson Burwell Bl from being an excellent president. Some of our new members enjoyed the year so much they begged to have summer meetings.- LoRA PATTERSO N SIPE




The spring activities of the Washington alums included trips as well as meetings. Our May meeting was held at the beautiful home of Alice Larking Craig 1:11:1. Martha Green Diamond AA reported that the members who attended the Pennsylvania State Day had thoroughly enjoyed their visit. We also made plans to see the Winterhur Museum and Gardens near Wilmington. We are pleased to have Mrs. R. L. Gilmore NN as a member of our group since her family moved to Washington this year. Our philanthropic project has been the school operated by "Help for R etarded Children." This year we were able to make two contributions to this organization. In June our meeting was in the Connecticut Avenue apartment of Helen Lortz EE . Our main spring topics of conversation con tinued to be the new home of our president, Sarah Lee Eiselman NN, and the July wedding plans of Sue Landis AA .-BARBARA RIPP

Our January alumnae meeting was held at the home of Sue Keyes Baumgartner HH. The chapter enjoyed an evening of bingo. February found all of us at the home of Donna Brown Manda HH. Each member brought a salad, and we all had fun sampling the various kinds. In March we were honored to have a representative from the Sedgwick County Association for Mental Health. She gave a very informative and interesting talk about the Association. The meeting was held at the home of Judie Holloway Blackim HH. April found us at the beautiful new home of Erma Palanga Coffey HH. We were entertained by two ladies who demonstrated the latest in wigs. We all had fun trying them on. Our next meeting was a potluck dinner at the home of Viola Caraway Brewer \jlo/.-GLENDA FARRIS GooowN

memoriam Alpha

Iota Iota

Mary Walker Watts Thomas (Mrs. 0. L.)

Elise Halfpap Belding (Mrs. Lester)

Alpha Alpha

Phi Phi

Gladys Fenton Steeb (Mrs. Edward S.)

Joanne DeMarea Boughton (Mrs. Dale)

Alpha Beta

Ferne Williams Myers (Mrs. M. H.)

Zelma Jean Palmer

Delta Delta

Beta Gamma Jessie Mae Bewley

Marion Florence Bluim Barber (Mrs. Keith) Charline Martin Moore (Mrs. Keith C.)

B eta Epsilon Sara Elizabeth (Sally Bet) Homes Brown

Zeta Zeta Julia Hatz

Eta Eta Marguerite Fowler Walthour (Mrs. Charles)

Theta Theta Olive Blanch Place

B eta Eta Loretta Lund Arp (Mrs. Carl)

Gamma Clio Lucille Ashley Crocker Edna Morse Ryan (Mrs. Walter)

Nu Nu

Rho Chi

Dorothy Williamson Crook (Mrs. William M.)

Thelma Jean Carter

(Memorial tribute to Dorothy W 1"ll"zamson C roo k , f ormer

FALL 1965

Nat1"onal Councillor, will appear in the next issue)



• • •


• •


Alumnae Director-Mrs. Alex 0 . Mathisen

FOUNDERS Mrs. W. B. Carper (Louise Cox), 4000 52nd St., Bladenburg, Md. Mrs. H. E. Gilliam (Juliette Hundley), Gresham Court Apts., Richmond, Va. Miss Mary Williamson Hundley, Gresham Court Apts., Richmond, Va. Mrs. John Walton Noell (Virginia Boyd), (deceased) Mrs. P. W. Wootton (Calva Hamlet Watson), (deceased)

NATIONAL COUNCIL President Emerita-MIS. Fred

M. Sharp (Wilma Wilson), 1405 Hardy, Independence, Mo. 64053 President-Miss Mary C. Goeke, 1473 Oak Knoll Dr., Cincinnati, Ol>io 45224 Vice President-Mrs. George J. Ma lone, Jr. (Helen Hooper), 2614 S. Vandalia, Tulsa, Okla. 74114 Secretary-Mrs. joe H. Brewer (Viola Caraway), 6214 E. Murdock, Wichita, Kan . 67208 Treasurer-Miss Rose Marie Fellin, 1001 E. Harrison, Springfield, Mo. 65804. Extension Director-Mrs. Harold C. Brown (Marie Scan lan), 3105 Rexlord Dr., South Bend, Ind . 46615 Membership Director- Mrs. Fred I. Trowell , Jr. (Judy Matthews), 1818 Magnolia, North Little Rock, Ark . 72 114

(Nancy Gibson) , 2453 W. Theresa, Anaheim, Calif. 92804. Editor-Mrs. Stewart W. Koenemann (Bonnie Payne), 1230 Hoyt Dr., St. Louis, Mo. 63137 Officer in Charge of Central Office-Mrs. Harry G. Rowe, (Juanita Roberts), Wilhoit Bldg., 314-C E. Pershing, Springfield, Mo. 65806

NATIO NAL CHAIRMEN A'i:.A Store Chairman-Mrs. A. Howard Hall (Betty Phillips), 342-D Higgins Rd., Park Ridge, Ill. 60068 Alumnae Editor-Mrs. Gary Hendren (Lonna McComas), 92 Eileen Lane, Bridgeton, Mo. 63044

Alumnae Organizer and Chapter Alumnae Secretary-Miss Mary K. Reiff, 219 East 46th St., 64112






Art-Mrs. Robert j . Wolf (Edith Gaupp), R. R. #1. Rexford, N . Y. 12148 Awards-Mrs. Louis E. Fletcher (Ruth Newcomb), 141 Marked Tree Rd., Needham, Mass. 02192 College Editor-Mrs. Lewis I. Maddex (Barbara Kerls), 28 S. Dellwood, St. Louis, Mo. 63 135 Consti ~ution-Mrs . R. Stephen Fountaine (Lynn Peters), 234 Broad St., Sewickley, Pa. 15 143

Convention-Miss Helen L. Corey, 6310 Sherwood Rd., Philadelphia, Penna. 1915 1

Fellowship and Philanthropic-Mrs. John H. Allen (Sidney Gremillion), 1206 Carter Dr., Hattiesburg, Miss. 39401 Kendall F. Bone (Shirley Pallato), 3263 Vittrner Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio 45238 H ousing-Miss Mary C. Goel:e, 1473 Oak Knoll Dr., Cincinnati, Ohio 45224 Magazine-Mrs. Allan E. King (Sue Ann Henderson), 3109 S. Harlem Ave., Berwyn, Ill. 60402 Music-Mrs. Arthur L. Hellrich (Shirley Ainsworth), 27 Abbington Terrace, Glen Rock, N. j. 07452 Ritual-Mrs. Donald D. Olson (Pauline Smith), 8632 Pringle Dr., Cincinnati, Ohio 45231 Rush-Mrs. Robert F. Redmond 111 (Jeannie Roetto), 6408 Nail Ave., Mission, Kan.


66222 Scholarship-Mrs.

William B. Niemeyer (Anne Petree) , Box 54, R. 2, Loveland, Ohio 45150

NATIONAL PANHELLE NIC CONFE RE NCE Alpha Sigma Alpha Delegate-Mrs. George J. Malone, Jr. (Helen Hoorr), 2614 S. Vandalia, Tulsa, Okla., 7411





Linda Bosserm an

Mrs. Jacob H. W amsley 302-A Buffalo St.

Longw0od College Farmville,



Miami University

Oxford, Ohio

Box 469, Longwood College Farmville, Virginia Judith Mac Pherson MacCracken H all , Miami Univ. Oxford, Ohio 45056

FannviJie, Virginia

Mrs. Richard W. Fink 194 H ill top Road Oxford, Ohio 45056 Mrs. Bernard Phelps 9 W. Withrow Oxford, Ohio 45056


Northeast Mo. State Teachers College Kirksville, Missouri ALPHA GAMMA

I ndiana State T eachers College Indiana, Pennsylvania

Linda J. Winkleman 8 11 E. Rando lph St. Kirksvi lle, Missouri Christina DeNoon 319 Turnbull Ha ll Indiana State College Indiana, Pennsylva nia

Mrs. J. J. Wimp 1315 South First

Kirksville, Missouri Miss Sandra Bezilu 1019 Phi lade lphia St. Indiana, Pennsylvania 15701 Miss Mirianne Guzon

978 Philadelphi a St. Indiana, Pennsylvania 15701 B ETA BETA

Colorado State College Greeley, Colorado

Jeannie Hovda 1729 lOth Avenue Greeley, Colorado

Miss Darlene Conover

829 19th Street

Greeley, Colorado Mrs. Grace Kay Rt. I, Box 164B Greeley, Colorado Miss Ann Ogan 2435 W . lith Street Groeley, Colorado Mrs. Douglns Stutler 1725 I th Avenue, Apt. 6 Greeley, Colorado


Ka nsas State T eachers College Emporia, Kansas

Andra Roohms 226 West T welfth St.

Mrs . Lloyd Edwards 1426 Lawrance St .

Emporia, Kansas

Emporia , Kansas

Mrs. Gary W est 1010 West Street Emporia, Kansas







Kennette Lankford Panhellenic Complex Central Missouri State College

Dr. jesse )utten 205 Broad St.

Central Missouri State College Warrensburg, Missouri

Warrensburg, Missouri

Warrensburg, Missouri

Dr. Katherine Moroney 800 Clark St . Warrensburg, Missouri

Dr. Velma T aylor 209 Grover St. Warrensburg, Misso ll!i ETA ETA

Kansas State College Pittsburg, Kansas

judy Hevner 1812 S. Broadway Pittsburg, Kansas

Mrs. Perva Hughes 209 East Monroe Pittsburg, Kansas

Mr>. jean McColley 118 West j efferson Pi ttsbu rg, Kansas THETA THITA

Beverl y Evans 368 Riverway, Apt. 6 Boston, Mass.

Mrs. Louis E Fletcher 141 Ma1ked Tre<路 Rd . Needham, Massachusetts 02192

Barbara Siletsky 131 Commonwealth Ave.

Mrs. Donald Carl Rockstrom 36 Garden St.

Boston, Mass.

Bosto n, Massachusetts

T emple University Philadelphia, Pennsylavania

judy Fenton 312 Borbeck Ave. Philadelphi a II , Pennsylva nia

Miss Helen L. Corey 6310 Sherwood Road Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19151

Nu Nu Drexel Institute of T echnology Philadelphia, Pennsylva nia

Mrs. Walter G. Cox 212 N. 33rd Street Philadelphia 4, Pennsylva nia

Mrs. George W . Baker 1507 Woodland Avenue Folcroft, Pennsylvania 19032

Boston Un iversity Bosto n, Massachusetts


Mrs. James T ownsend

Grad yv ille P. 0 . Box 63 Pennsylva nia

RHo RHo Marshall University

Nancy L. Hickman 1655 Fifth Ave nue

Huntington, W est Virginia

Hu nt ington, W est Virginia

Mrs. joseph R. Dial, Jr. 1107 Ad ams Avenue H unti ngton, West Virginia 25704


Western State College

Zon a Zahradka 310 W. Georgia

Mrs. Donna Cz illinger 221 N. Boulevard

Gunnison, Colorado

Gunnison, Colorado

Gunnison , Colorado

Mrs. Effie Miller 411 N . Main Gu nnison, Colorado


Northwest Missouri State College Maryvi lle, Missouri

Darlene Guest 253 Roberta Hall Northwest Missouri State College Maryvi lle, Missouri

Miss Bonnie A. Magill 204 Clayton Maryville, Missouri 64468 Mrs. Elaine Mauzey 532 Prather Avenue Maryv ille, Missouri

C HI CHI Ball State University Muncie, Indiana

j an C. jester Rogers Hall Ball State University Muncie, Indiana

Mrs. Charles Alvey 515 Greenbriar Road Munc ie, Indian a

Mis'i Anna Barney Lucina Hall , Ball State Un iv. Munc ie, Indiana

Mrs. Olive r Bumb 1005 N. McKinley Muncie, lndi ana Mrs. Kenneth Colli ers 3201 Petty Road Munc ie, Ind iana

Mrs. Robert Primer 3206 Emhurst Road Muncie, l nd iann Miss Sh irley T rent Davidson Hall , Ball State Univ. Muncie, lndi ann

FALL 1965





Pso Pso

Sandra Golds tein Room 115, Louisiana Hall Northwestern State College Natchitoches, Louisiana

Mr.;. Robert H . Easley 300 Stephens Avenue :uchitoches, Louisiana

Marga ret Gage Northeastern State College Tahlequah , Oklahoma

Miss Luana Lair 109 l..eoser Street Tahlequah, Oklahoma

Pennie Sue Webre Box 937, Southern Station Hattiesburg, Mississippi

Mr.;. William ). Maxey 331 Park Ave nue Hattiesburg, Mississippi

Northwestern State College atchitoches, Louisiana


Northeastern State College Tahlequah, Oklahoma BETA DELTA

University of Southern Mississippi Hatties burg, Miss iss ippi

Mrs . Alexander Curry 3707 Momingslide Drive Hattie.;burg, Mississi ppi B ETA EPSilON

Madison College Harrisonburg, Virginia BETA ZETA

U niversi ty of Southern Louisiana Lafaye tte, Indiana

Merle Anne Kay P. 0. Box 631, Madison College Harriso nburg, Virginia

Juana M. Roque P. 0. Box 573 University of Southwestern Louisiana Lafayette, Louisiana

Mrs. Raymond J. Poindexter 750 S. Dogwood Ave. Harrison burg, Virginia Mr.;. George F. Ballard 131 Brentwood Blvd. Lafr.yeue, Louisiana Mrs. Kenneth B. Hait 108 Smith Street Lafayette, Louisiana Mrs. Richard D. Costley 911 W. St. Mary Blvd. Lafayette, Louisiana


Dickinso n State College Dickinson, North Dakota

Florence Putn am Klinefelter Hall Dickinson State College Dickinson, North Dakota

Miss Loraine Schumacher Physical Education Department Dickinson State College Dickinson, North Dakota Miss Leila 路w oods 11 5 1st Ave. East Dickinson , North Dakota


Gail Ann Karbowski

Miss Marjorie Mastic

Centra l Michigan University Mt. Pleasa nt, Michiga n

304 Sloan Panhellenic House


Kay F. Carpenter Box 232, Radford College Radford, Virginia

Miss jean B. Einstein Radford College Radford, Virginia

I an Ellen Robinson 719 W . Adams Macomb, Illinois

Mrs. Wesley Simons 904 Stadium Drive Macomb, Illinois

Rad ford College Radford , Virginia



Western Hlinois University Maco mb, Illinois

Central Michiga n University Mt. Pleasant, Michigan

600 South College Mt. Pleasa nt, Michigan

Miss Barbara Zick Counselor for \Vomen Western Illinois Univer.;ity Macomb, Illinois



Arkansas State T eachers CoUege Conway, Arkansas

BETA Mu Henderson State Teacher.; College Arkadelphia, Arkansas

W a ndeana Ann Borgard Box 528 Arkansas State Teachers CoUege Conwa y, Arkansas

Miss Marie Schiehtl 414 Conway Blvd . Conway, Arkansas

Virgi nia Heflin Box 1242 Henderson State T eachers College Arkadelphia, Arkansas

Mrs. Virginia Wilmuth 1228 Henderson St. Arkadelphia, Arkansa.. Mi Pearl Henson 1042 Haddock Arkadelphia, Arkansas

BETA u Murra y State Colfege Murray, Kentucky


Carolyn Fresen W oods Hall Murray State College Murra y, Kentucky

Mi E,e)yn Linn 1110 W. Olive Murray, Kentucky



Concord College Athens, West Virginia



Sara Woodrum Box C-478, Concord College

Mrs. Harry Finkelman West Broadway Box 388, Athens, West Virginia

Athens, West Virginia

Miss Joyce Gatliff Concord College Athens, West Virginia BETA


Northern Illinois University DeKalb, Illinois BETA


Southwest Missouri Sta te College Springfield, Missouri

Laura Callaci 918 Kimberl y Drive DeKalb, Illinois

Mrs. Herbert Collin 137!1:. E. Lincoln Highway DeKalb, Illinois

jo Kay Wilkerson 704 S. Florence Springfield , Missouri

Miss Rose Marie Fellin 1001 E. Harrison Springfield, Missouri 65804 Mrs. Dorl Sweet 1665 E. Grand Springfield, Missouri Mrs. Harry G. Rowe 503 E. Harrison Springfield, Missouri Mrs. john C. Thomas RFD 2 Ozark, Missouri


Indiana State University

Terre Haute, Indiana

jo Ann Barr 3223 North 21 Street Terre Haute, Indi ana

Mrs. Henry Tamar R. R. No. I West T erre Haute, Indiana

Miss Annabel Bauer 1720 N. 7th St., Apt. H T er re Haut e, Indiana

Dr . Mabel Cooper 600 South Center Street Terre Haute, Indiana


Stout State College Menomo nie, Wi sconsin

Barbara Hentschel 22DY2 3rd West

Mrs. Lawrence Halvorson 702 E. Locust

Menomonie, Wi sconsin

Menomoni e, Wisconsin

Western Michigan University

Linda Modderman 4309 Sunnybrook Drive

Kalamazoo, Michigan

Kalamazoo , Michigan

Mrs. jack C. Bacon 7043 Capri Kalama zoo, Michigan 49002


Mary Ellen Walton 2764 Californ ia Street Omaha , Nebraska

Miss Betty Patterson 8304 Decatur St. Omaha , Nebraska 68 ll4


Creighton University Omaha, Nebraska

Wisconsin State College

Kathleen Wurtz 2409A Main Street

Mrs. Milo Harpstead 1234 Ellis Street

Stevens Point, Wi sconsin

Stevens Point, Wisconsin

Stevens Point, Wi sconsi n


Mrs. john Kapler 1224 Lorraine St. Stevens Point, Wisconsin


Queens College Flushing, New York


U ni versity of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Stephanie Nazaroff 87-23 ll 6th Street Richmond Hill, New York ll4! 8

Miss Keturah Cox 179 Bainbridge Avenue Brooklyn, New York

Mary Ellen Hickey 4139 So. 1st St. Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53207

Mrs . George Dobbs 354S N. Ma1yland Ave. Wilwaukee, Wisconsi n 532 ll Mrs. Dorothy Donohue 2867 N. Cramer St. Milwaukee, Wisconsin Miss Ann Wollenberg 3902 N. 24th St. Milwaukee, Wisconsin


Arkansas A. & M. College College Heights, Arkansas

FALL 1965

Fonda johnson Box l!S College Heights, Arkansas

Mrs. Kathryn Moore 326 S. Gabbert Monticello, Arkansas






Candace Ann Shedd 11 8 Sto ne Hall University Park, Pennsylvania

Miss Edith Gray 321 Corl Street State College, Pennsylvania

Carol Thro p 41 5 Euclid Avenue Syracuse, New York 13210

Mr . William D . Sheldon 11 0 Scottholm Blvd. Syracuse, ew York 13224

jeanne Carol Kentner 68 Biltmore Drive Roc hester, New York 146 17

Mrs. H. Bren t Archer 109 Campfire Road Henrietta, New York 14664

Pennsylvania State University University Park, Pennsylvania



Syracuse University Syracuse, New York


Rochester Institute n£ Technology Roches ter, New York

Miss Nancy A. DeMuth 40 Kno llbrook Road, Apt. 3 Rochester, New York 14610 Mrs. William Deel Louis Bennett Apartments Glenville, West Virginia

Sandra Salyers Fires tone Lodge Glenville State Co llege Glenville, West Virginia


Glenville State College Glenvi lle, West Virginia

Miss j oan Steinbrecher

Virgi nia Meares 88 14 Somh Eliza beth Chicago, Ill ino is 60620


Loyola University Chicago, Illinois

360 Rid ge Ave ., Apt. 10-1 Evanston , Illinois 60202 Mrs. Kendall Swanson 666 Centra l Ave nue Highland Park, Illinois 60035

GAMMA Mu Adrian College Adrian, Michigan

Isabelle Forres t Room 212, Sorority Complex Adda n College Adrian, Michiga n

Mrs. Richard Youngs 125 1 Westwood Drive Adrian, Mkhigan

HAVE YOU MARRIED OR MOVED? Cut this out and mail to the OHicer in Charge of Central OHice: MRS. HARRY G. ROWE Alpha Sigma Alpha, Wilhoit Bldg., 314-C E. Pershing, Springfield, Mo. 65806 Please change my address or name and address on the AL..A files as follows: COLLEGE CHAPTER -··-·····-·········· DATE OF LEAVING COLLEGE ··· ···············-· DEGREE ·············--··--· FROM MAIDEN MARRIED



NAME ·········-·······--··········-···········-·····-·············-·-············-·········-··-·······-·····--·····-···-··---·-······--···-····---· ·(Please observe this form : Mrs. John A. Jones)

ADDRESS ·····-··· ·····-··--········-····-···-·····---·····-·····-····-·-·······-··--······--··--·········-·-······-·····-···-···-···········-···························· TO NAME ··················-·-········-····-·······-·····-········-·········-······-····-·····-·········-··-··-···-··--··--·-·······-·····-····-·····-··········-············-· (If you are reporting your marriage , gi ve your husband's full name)

ADDRESS DATE OF MARRIAGE ······-············-··-·········-·······-·-- PLACE OF MARRIAGE --··········-··-··-··--··········-·······---··-(Month



ACTIVE IN ····-·-···-······-···-··-··········-····-······· ALUMNAE CHAPTER, ARE YOU AN OFFICER ·········-·····-···· WOULD YOU LIKE TO JOIN AN ALUMNAE CHAPTER IF ONE WERE FORMED NEAR YOU YES -···-··--··-···--····-·---·········- NO -··-··----··-···-·-··-··-········-·· REMARKS


DATE RETURNED -··-··-····--·-··-·-··-·····-··········


ALUMNAE CHAPTER PRESIDENTS Akron, Ohio-Mrs. Victor L. Bajc, 66 Pembroke Rd., Akron, Ohio 44313 Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton, PennsylvaniaMrs. Joseph J. Hersh, Ravenswood Rd. R. D. No. 2, Allentown, Pennsylvania Anderson, Indiana--Mrs. Aaron Leroy Sparks, R. R. I, Box 71, Markleville, Indiana 46056 Bartles ville, Oklahom(L--Mrs. Barbara Swabb, 113 NE Queenstown, Bartlesville, Oklahoma 74003 Beckley, W est Virginia-Mrs . Willie J. Chandler, 301 N. Vance Dr., Beckley, W.Va . Boston, Massachusetts-Miss Jean Barbarick, 35 Pilgrim Way, East Walpole, Mass. Bristol, Virgini(L--Mrs. William G. Grigg, 1117 Long Crescent, Bristol, Va. Buffa lo, N ew York-Mrs. Casey L. Forrest, 360 Louvaine Dr., Kenmore, N . Y. 14223 Calument Region, Indiana-Mrs. Francis J. McCabe, Jr., 7340 Nebraska Dr., Hammond, Ind . 46323 Central Lou isiana-Mrs. Lyle E. Brumfield, Route I, Box 124, Lecompte, La . Central Pennsylvania-Miss Frances Ann Nucci, 65 W. Areba Ave., Hershey, Pennsylvania 17033 Charleston, W est Virginia-Mi ss Sandra Goodall, 809Yz Woodward Dr., Charleston, W. Va. 25312 Chicago Illinois-Mrs . Edwin Johnson, 214 N. Fairview, Mt. Prospect, Ill. North Suburban-Mi ss Mary Uecker, 1505 Lake St., Evanston, Ill. 60201 South Suburban--Mrs. Vernon E. Daniels, 333 Waldmann, Park Fore<;!, Ill. W est Suburban-Mrs. Donald Reagan, 6637 S. Karlov, Chicago, Illinois Cincinnati, Ohio-Mrs. Lewis Long, 5947 Cheviot Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio 45239 Colorado Springs, Colorado-Miss /udith McCormick, 806 Orion Dr., Co orado Springs, Colo. 80906 Dayton, Ohio-Mrs, Virginia H. Black, 5117 Barrymore Lane, Dayton, Ohio 45440 DeKalb, Illinois-Mrs. Willis Charles Clark, 307 Curler, DeKalb, Ill . 60115 Denver, Colorado-Mrs. Robert E. Welch, 3333 E. Costilla, Littleton, Colo . Des Moines, Iowa-Mrs. Raymo nd Geist, 907 28th St., Des Moines, Ia. Detroit, MichiganDelta Phi-Mrs . Harvey E. Bumgardner, 506 E. Long Lake Rd. , Bloomfield Hills, Michigan 48013 Delta Rho-Mrs. Raymond Fanson, 146 Cameron, Windsor Ontario, Canada

Sigma Rho Chi-Mrs. Vincent Hudie, 9121 Riverview, Detroit, Mich . 48239 Dickinson, North Dakota-Mrs. Bruce Birdsall, 791 Tenth Ave . West, Dickinson, N.D. Elkhart- Goshen, Indiana,-Mrs. Michael Constantinou, 2331 Stevens Ave., Elkhart, Indiana

Emporia, Kan sas-Mrs. Donald D. Blaylock, 916 Lincoln, Emporia, Kansas 6680 1 Farm ville, Virginia,-Mrs. Robert W. Catlin, 1101 High St., Farmville, Va. Florida- 1Vest Coast-Miss Jane Coleman, 1711 Colony Dr., Fort Wayne, Ind. 46805 Fort Wayne, Indiana,-Mrs. Don Scott, 4145 Meda Pass, Fort Wayne, Ind. 46807 Fox River Valley (Green Bay) WisconsinMrs . Richard Lee DeRoach, 2121 Bethany Place, Green Bay, Wisconsin 54304 Fox Valley- Elgin, Illinois-Mrs. Roger R. Russell, Box 204, Plainfield, Ill. Glonville, West Virginia-Mrs. James Harry White, Apt. No. 3 Louis Bennett Apts., Glenville, W. Va . 2635 1 Grand Rapids, Michigan--Mrs. Barry M. Pischner, 25 Mayfield N. E., Grand Rapids, Michigan

FALL 1965

Greeley, Colorado-Mrs. Bill Jesson, 1227 9th Ave., Greeley, Colo. 80631 Gunnison, Colorado-Mrs . Robert F. Czillinger, 221 N. Boulevard, Gunnison, Colo. Harrisonburg, Virginia-Mrs. George rick, 25 1 Paul, Harrisonburg, Va.


Hattiesburg, Mississ ippi-Mrs. Z. Butler ~4o\es, 600 Bay St., Hatti esburg, Miss. Ha.ys, Kansas-Mrs. Robert N. Burtscher, 210 W. 24th St., Hays, Kan Houston, T exas..:_Mrs. Cornelius J. Kehoe, 5439 Sturbridge, Houston, T ex. Huntington, W est Virginia-Mi ss Glenna F. Bondurant, 527 30th St . Huntington, W. Va. 25702 Indiana- Kentucky--Mrs. Irvin C. Reynolds, P. 0. Box 17, New Harmond y, Ind. Indiana, Pennsylvania-Mrs. Richard M. Strawcutter, 510 Locust St., Indiana, Pennsylvan ia

Indianapo lis, Indiana-Mrs. Chester H. Castor, 934 Lesley, Indianapolis, Ind . 46219 Jackson, Mississippi-Mrs. Frank C. Develle, 3315 Oakview Dr ., Jackson, Miss . Jolo, W est Virginia-Miss Marie Ann Hall , Box 9, Bartley, W. Va. Kalamazoo , Michigan-Mrs. Wm. Frederic Johnson, 426 Creston, K, lamazoo, Mich. Greater Kansas City-Mrs. Galen M. Ford, 4809 W . 70th St., Prairie Village, Kansas 66208 Kirksv ille, Missouri-Mrs. Don Canfield, 404 N. Eugene St., Kirksville, Mo. Lafayette, Louisiana-Mrs. Norbert B. Wattigney, 2715 Nicholson Dr. Baton Rouge, La . Licking - Muskingum, Ohio-Miss Louise Stewart, 260 W . Willow Dr., Zanesville, 0. Little Rock, Arkansas-Mrs. Bob R. Sullards, 2924 Circlewood, Little Rock, Ark. Long Island, New York-Mrs. Nicholas F. O'Shea, 30 Tem ple St., Williston Park, N.Y. Los Angeles, California-Mrs. Earl A. Sargent, 1410 Riverside Dr., Burbank, Cal. Ma comb, Illinois-Mrs. W alker Robb, Calhoun St. , Macomb, Ill. Mad ison, Wisconsin-Mrs. William J. Hansen, 540 Caldy Pl., Madison, Wis 537 11 Maryville, Missouri-Mrs. Gweldon L. Long, 919 W. Cooper, Maryville, Mo. 64468 Greater Miami, Florida-Mrs. Francis R. Gallagher, 3825 S. W. 60th Pl., Miami , Fla. 33155 Milwaukee, WisconsinAlpha-Mrs. Dorothy Elizabeth Donahue, 2867 N. Cramer St., Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53211 Bela-Miss Kathleen Zajicek, 4909 N. 39th St ., Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53209 Mobile, Albama-MrS. Otis H. Brunson, 4705 Halden Dr., Mobile, Al a. Monroe Louisia na-Mrs. W. D. Ballard, 606 Roselawn, Monroe, La. Mt. Pleasant, Michiga n- Mrs . Reno J. Maccardin i, 1017 Glen Ave., Mt. Pleasant, Mich. Mun cie, Indiana-Mrs. Clyde M. Colvin, 802 Neely, Munci e, Indiana Murray, Kenturky-Mrs. Dona ld R. Tucker, Box 630, Murray, Kentucky Muskogee, Oklahoma-Mrs. Robert H. Murray, 909 Horn, Muskogee, Oklahoma 74401 New Orleans, Louisiana-Mrs. Edward R. Galus, 1947 Iowa Ave., Kenner, La. 70062 New York State Capital District- Mrs. Alexander T . LaRocco, 11 34 Hi~hland Park Rd ., Schenectady, N. Y. 12309 Norfolk, Virginia-Mrs. Robert Tata, 311 Burleigh Ave., Norfolk, Va. 23505

Northern New Jersey--Mrs. Robert Wm . Stevenson, 31 Eardley Rd., Edison, New Jersey 08817 Northern Virginia,-Mrs. William E. Potts, 7821 Holmes Run Dr., Falls Church. Va. 22042 Oklahoma City, Oklahom(L--Mrs. Dan R. Potts, 2632 Cashion Place, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73112 Omaha, Nebraska-Mrs. John J. Halbur, 6002 Birch, Omaha, Nebraska 68104 Paducah, Kentucky-Mrs. Max H. Brandon, 126 Lakeview Dr. , Paducah, Ky. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,Bux-Mont-Mrs. Robert A. Bloss, 3002 Runnymede Dr., Norristown, Pa. 19403 Delaware Valley--Mrs. William T . Lenthe, 242 Gleaves Rd., Springfield Pa. 19064 Phoenix, Arizona--Mrs. Howard R. Neff, 5218 E. Weldon, Phoenix, Ariz. 85018 Pittsbu rg, Kansas-Mrs. Edward A. Foster, 1402 S. Elm, Pittsburg, Kansas Pittsburgh, Penns ylvania-Mrs. Sidney S. Landau, 5612 Aylesboro Ave., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15217 Pontiac, Michigan-Mrs. Andre DeWilde, 703 Sheryl St., Pontiac, Mich. Portland, Oregorv-Mrs. Archie M. Timmons, 6516 S. E. Fumberg, Milwaukee, Oregon 97222 Queens, L. I. , New York-Miss Joan Breglio, 3 Sheridan Square, New York, N. Y. Richmond, Indiana-Mrs. William C. Weller, Jr. 128 SW 9th, Richmond, Ind. 47375 Richmond, Virginia-Mrs. Henry G. Chesley, Ill., 467 Westover Hills Blvd., Apt. 103 Richmond, Va. 23226 Rochester, New York-Mrs. Robert Stevenson, 77 Albemarle St., Roche<;ter, New York 14613 Rockford, Illi nois-Mrs. Norman C. Fransen, 2012 Eastmoreland, Rockford, Ill. 61108 St. Louis, Missouri- Mrs. Gary Dean Hendren, 92 Eileen Lane, Bridgeton, Missouri 63044 San Bernardino, California-Mrs. Fred R. Neuman, 3253 Grande Vista, San Bernardino, Calif. 92405 San Diego, California-Miss Elsie Lois Novy, 46291/:, Alabama St ., San Diego, California 92116 Shreveport, Louisiana,-Mrs. A. E. Hyde, Box 8005, Shreveport, La. 711 08 South Bend, Indiana-Mrs. Robert T . Weiss , 53302 Crestview, South Bend, Indiana 46635 Southern New Jersey-Mrs. Rudolph R. Riti , 1206 Eldridge Ave., W. Collingswood, N. J. Springfield, Missouri- Mrs. Richard Bonham , 3632 Woodland, Springfield, Mo. Suffolk, Vir ginia-Mrs. Robert T . Naylor, 202 Edward Ave., Suffolk, Va. Terre Haute, Indiana-Mrs. Mitchell Morris, 609 South Brown, T erre Haute, Ind. T oledo, Ohio-Mrs. Helen R. Cook, 3446 Darlington Rd., T oledo, Ohio 43606 T opeka, Kansas-Mrs. Harold Garner Rhea, 35 15 W . 29th, Topeka, Kansas 66614 Tucson, Arizona-Mrs . James Ridder, 902 Carnegie, Tucson , Ariz.

Tulsa, Oklahoma,-Mrs. Rhetta Robinson, 1522 E. 59th St., Tulsa, Oklahoma 74805 Warr ensburg, Misso uri--Mrs. J. W. Eller, 117 W . Russell, Warrensburg, Mo. Wa shingt01t, D. C.-Mrs. Nathaniel H. Eiselman, 7910 Bradley Blvd., Bethesda, Md. 20034 Waukegan, Illinois-Mrs. James L. Sorensen, 1540 Sunnyview, Libertyville Ill. 60048 Wichita, Kansas-Mrs . Thomas J. Doan, 455 N. Harding, Wichita, Kansas Wilmington, Delaware-Mrs. K e n n e t h Swayne, Meetinghouse Rd., Hockessin , Del.







Condensed monthly report



Personal letter



Condensed monthly report for meetings held since December 10



Condensed monthly report




October November

10 10

Chapter Status Questionnaire Chapter Directory Personal Letter Copy of Chapter By-Laws

Condensed monthly report Personal letter

Condensed monthly report Form R671 Special report introducing new recording secretary FOLLOWING ELECTIONs-Personal



Personal Letter



Chapter Check-up Report




Personal Letter Elizabeth Bird Small Award Nominee Form Frost Fidelity Award Nominee Form




Annual Report Form Directory of New Chapter Officers



Personal Letter Summer Addresses of Chapter Officers Ideal Pledge Award Nominee Form



Personal Letter



Personal Letter Information Form




Report on College and Chapter Directory and Returning Membershi!>-Fall of 1965 Directory Report Form of Graduates and Undergraduates leaving college May-September 1965 Membership Report for September Chapter Status Questionnaire Directory of Chapter Officers

letter from the new


Conden ed mothly report to be sent following your LAST chapter meeting



Form with personal and college personnel information (Form 671) Personal letter



Report Form 672

Janua ry


Report Form 673



Personal Letter

At any time of your elections (BUT NOT LATER THAN MAY) 10

Personal letter introducing the new corresponding secretary


Report Form 674





Financial Report for Summer and September Budget Report Personal Letter Financial Report for October



Membership Report for October



Membership Report for November

Balance of Life Subscriptions


Contribution to Fellowship Fund Chairman


Membership Report for December



Membership Report for January




Membership Report for February




Membership Report for March Directory of New Chapter Officers Form listing 1965 grad uates




Membership Report for April Summer Addresses of Chapter Officers


10 10



Membership Report for May



Financial Report for April Personal Letter



Infonnation Form



Financial Report for May



Budget Report Form Annual Audit Report Internal Revenue Report Form 990




10 10 10


Financial Report for November Financial Report for December Financial Report for January Personal Letter Financial Report for February Financial Report for March Election Report Form

Letter to National Vice President Report from ASA College Panhellenic Representative Pan hellenic Information Form





Letter to National Vice President



Letter to



Letter to National Vice President



Annual Philanthropic Report to: Mrs. j ohn H. Allen , I:?D6 Carter Dr., Hattiesburg, Mi . 39401




Letter to



Election Report Form Annual Vice Pr ident's Report



Introductory letter from 1966-1967 Vice President



Chapter "" letter to Vice President, all National Officers, and Chapter Alumnae



Membership Director Election Report (Form ASA-59)



Spring Summary Report (Form ASA-58)



Ritual and Paraphem11ia Report



Persona I Letter


ational Vice President

ational Vice President




Form R671 Information concerning chapter rt•rording S«retary Condensed monthly report of chapter meetings


Personal Letter



Personal letter with emphasis on pledge activities



Persona l letter with emphasis on pledge problems


Introductory letter from newly elected membership director

Special Reports: I. Pledge Organization-Due after the largest pledge class has had



2. Election Report Form-Due immediately after elections. REPORTS TO BE SENT TO CENTRAl. OFPJCE

Fall Summary Report (Form ASA-57)





Report: Religious Activities of Alpha Sigmas



A favorite devotional



Election Report Form-If the new rush chairman has not been elected, please adv ise me so your efficiency rating will not be cut.



Report on Ritualistic Ceremonies





Annual Report with Record of Services from April 10, 1965 to April 10, 1966 Introductory letter from newly elected chaplain



Letter-From the New Rush Chairman describing fall rushing plans and introducing herself

SCHOLARSHIP CHAIRMAN The National Scholarship Chairman should be sent the scholarship report on the provided forms at the close of EACH grading period. The fina l report must be in by August 10.



Copy for Fall Phoenix to National College Editor

Octo her


Copy for Winter Phoenix to National College Editor



Copy for Spring Phoenix to National College Editor



25-30 words about outstanding chapter achievement for the Alumnae Bulletin to the National College Editor



T o the National College Editor-Letter from new Editor



T o the National College Editor-Report from new Editor



Personal letter with explanation of planned program for scholastic emphasis



Election Report from retiring chairman



Evaluation of scholarship program; this should be a combined effort of retiring and newly elected.


Copy of College Panhellenic Constitution, By-laws and Rush Rules to ASA's NPC Delegate Panhellenic information (report form provided) to ASA's NPC Delegate The NPC Delegate should be informed instantly all during the year of any trends or actions affecting

Some time during the year a Newsletter to the chapter's alumnae is to be published and mailed to nil alumnae and National Officers.

sororities on campus.




Informal introductory letter



Letter telling of chapter's plans for a magazine subscription sales campaign



Form on new magazine chairman and supplies needed




Annual contribution to National Fellowship Philanthropic Chairman, Mrs. John H. Allen, Carter Dr., Hattiesburg, Miss . 39401 Prospective Sharp Award Candidates' papers to tional Alumnae Director, Mrs. Alex 0 . Mathisen, W. Theresa Ave., Anaheim, Ca li f. 92804

Amy Swisher Graduate loan applications to National Scholarship Chairman, Mrs. Wm. B. Niemeyer, Box 54, R. 2, Loveland, Ohio 45140


Sharp Award ballots to National Alumnae Director, Mrs. Alex 0. Mathisen, 2453 W . Theresa, Anaheim, Cali f. 92804

Rush Report Form-Two-one lor spring and fall or formal and informal rush.

Ten days after School opens

T wo-page Fall Questionnaire

Ten days after formal rush

Best Rush Party Form complete with invitations, name tags, etc. Also ceremonies and skits






Letter-Evaluating your rush season if it is completed or discussing impending rush plans



Recommendation Blank Information Form



Letter-Discussing rush with emphasis on chapter relationship with administration and college Panhellenic.



Letter-Evaluating year's activities How does your chapter measure up to other sororities on your campus?




T en days after pledging




Form on new magazine chairman and supplies needed to Magazine Agency Chairman, Mrs. Allan E. King, 3109 S. Harlem Ave., Berwyn, Ill. 60403



Copy for the Winter PHOENIX to the National Alumnae Editor



Copy for the Spring PHOENIX to the National Alumnae Editor



25-30 words for the ALUMNAE 9ULLETIN to the Na-



Copy for Fall PHOENIX to National Alumnae Editor

tional Alumn>e Editor



ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA MAGAZINE AGENCY MRs . ALLAN E. KING Chairman 3109 S. Harlem Avenue Berwyn, Illinois


CHAPTER TO RECEIVE CREDIT: Please enter subscriptions Cor the following magazines to be mailed a.s issued by the Publishers to the subscribers indicated below : Your Name




Local Address

and State










- ---





YOUR BADGEa triumph of skilled and highly trained Balfour craftsmen is a steadfast and dynamic symbol in a changing world. WEAR YOUR PIN WITH PRIDE AS IT REFLECTS THE RICH TRADITIONS OF YOUR SORORITY LIFE ON CAMPUS and off, fraternity insignia today has a powerful new appeal. Always smart, always in good taste, a stalwart buoy of tradition in the swirling tide of change. THE PROUD BALFOUR LINE has been created for campus style leaders--the world's most discriminating market. Chapter members are invited to write for these Balfour aids to gracious chapter living.

* *

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