the of
Delta Nu
Flint Michigan
Founders' Day 1975 "People will not look forward to posterity who never look backward to their ancestors." Edmund Burke What better way to focus on our seventy-fifth Diamond Anniversary year, than to pause and reflect on the dream of Virginia Lee Boyd, Juliette Jefferson Hundley, Mary Williamson Hundley, Louise Burks Cox, and Calva Hamlet Watson: Alpha Sigma Alpha. Theirs was a dream of a new century-of a day when few women were privileged to be educa ted in college, and of those that were, teaching was the primary endeavor. Theirs was a day of fighting the boredom of fixed and dull routines on a campus usually in a small rural town. Theirs was a day of discussing social, literary, and political issues in order to learn the facts rather than the religious interpretation of the facts. Theirs was a day of poor communication and vast distances from campus to campus. Hence, these young women had the time and desire to create a dream for the future contributions of women to society, and to embellish their dream with elaborate ritual and the paraphernalia of secrecy. From these forthright foundations, it appears that our Founders' dream was to be an instrument of reform on the campus, reform for the existing social and political conditions. However, even more basic to their dream, was the desire to form, enjoy and perpetuate friendships while at the same time positively affecting the woman's role in society. Now we come to the seventy-fifth year and the threshold of a new dream. This dream, however, is now set in a sophisticated environment of many progressive sororities, each offering a "sisterhood" of its own. Alpha Sigma Alpha "sisterhood" as defined by our Founders and practiced by our present leaders refers to a basic need to cultivate friendships among its members, to create pure and elevating sentiments, to perform such deeds and to mold such opinions as will tend to elevate and enable womanhood in the world. To quote a chapter, when asked about the goals of our sorority in their mind: "The role of Women in today's society is changing and the sorority should help its members to accept this change and grow with these new ideas. There should be more emphasis on the career women, but also for the homemaker as well." From this, we see the goals and traditions of our sorority must be retained, while at the same time holding a mid-point on the "trends" associated with campus living, and more specifically, women's liberated lifestyle. The following areas comprise the threshold of our dream to take us from our seventy-fifth year to our one-hundredth year in Alpha Sigma Alpha. First, communication: better communication :rom the National Council to the National Officers, Collegians, and Alumnae, and better communications from these groups back to the Council, which will be accomplished by more and closer national officerj chapterj alumnae involvement; better communication to locate and re-invalve lost lambs; constructive education through the PHOENIX. Next, finances: continued sound money management and investment; continued modest spending in keeping with income; supervision of all phases of money management from the National Officers down to our smallest chapter; new sources of income. Third, leadership: more and better training for officers at all levels of the organization; leadership training based on the original bond of sisterhood to "give full measure" as an acceptance of responsibility and obligation to your sorority; officer handbooks for each collegiate and alumnae office. Fourth, pledge education : strong education program in the responsibilities of being an A"':.A; education to foster NationaljAlumnae relationships. Fifth, public relations: a well-organized national Public Relations program to keep A"':.A in the eyes of our communities. Sixth, rush: strong colonization of chapters; rushing hard to take total at all times; bidding every potential A"':.A to give the opportunity of sorority affiliation to her. And last, a total evaluation of our National structure, its member parts, and its areas of dedication, which would produce a tightly woven organization, dedicated and highly supportive of a cause which would raise humanity in some specific area. Yes, we are on the threshold of a dream in 1975, and we can make it happen today and everyday, for a futu re Alpha Sigma Alpha, born seventy-five years ago, and moving forth to its first century with planning and direction, strength, support, and the blessings of five women who wan ted so much more for their members and womanhood. MaryAnn S. Linton President
of ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA EDITOR Betty Urban Wallick 676 Park Avenue York, Pa. 17402
Contents FALL ISSUE 1975
Alumnae Editor Miss Lillian Ford 204 Hanbury Avenue Portsmouth, Virginia 23702
Delta Nu Installed
Diamond Jubilee Convention
Award Winner 1975
National Schol arship Awards
National Council Report
State and Province Days
Collegiate Editor Ms. Debbie Bukas 484 W. 16th St. , Apt. 2B Chicago Heights, Ill. 60411
Feature Editor Miss Paula Keyes 345 Webster Ave., Apt. 4F Brooklyn, N. Y. 11230
Art Director Miss Mary Jedrzejewski 3761 S. 58th Street Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53220
Collegiate Corner
Alumnae Action
Hiwana Cupp Crompton 91 Belmont Drive Leesburg, Virginia 22075 THE PHOENIX of Alpha Sigma Alpha
THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA, an educatio nal journal, is published in the fall, winter, spring and summer of eech year at Eden Publi shi ng House, 1724 Chouteau Ave nue, St. Loui s, Mo. 63103 , official publishers for the so rority. The subscription price $1.50 a year. Send change of addre ss and business corresponden ce to Alpha Sigma Alpha National Headquarters, 120 I Ea st Walnut Street, Springfield, Mo. 65802. Address all correspondence of an editorial nature to the editor, Mrs. Philip Wall ick, 676 Park Avenue, York , Pennsylvania 17402. Second-class postage paid at St. Louis, Missouri. Postmaster: Send Form 3579 to National Headquarters, 120 I East Walnut Street, Springfield, Missouri 65802.
Delta Nu Installed
A sunshiny, warm spring morning greeted Michigan Alpha Sigma Alphas as they gathered in Flint, Michigan, on May 10, 1975, to participate in the Installation of Delta Nu Chapter at General Motors Institute. The weekend's activities culminated over a year and a half of work and preparation since Alpha Sigma local sorority, the first officially recognized sorority at GMI, became a colony of Alpha Sigma Alpha. Delta Nu members from both Section A and B greeted the National Installing Team on Friday evening as they found their ways to Flint from Denver, Chicago and Florida to lend support to Field Representatives Ms. Diane Yencic and Ms. Marsha Oliverio, who had arrived earlier in the week to help finalize the plans for the weekend. On Saturday morning collegiate members from Beta Theta, Central Michigan University, Beta Psi, Western Michigan University, and Gamma Mu, Adrian College, joined the field representatives and the installing team members, Mrs. George Gatseos, National Vice President of Development; Mrs. Robert Richardson, National Ritual Chairman; and Ms. Barbara Johnston, Province VI Director, for the initiation service and chapter installation in the Campus Center. Charter members and pledges are Section A: Sharon L. Friend, Patricia Clawson, Maryellen Keil, Julia Knight, Robin D. Lyon, Shirley A. Smith, Carol L. Tozer, Joellyn K. Weaver; Section B: Kathryn Ann Deane, Patricia M. Hughey, Melanie Ann Lanyi, Rebecca S. Mitchell, Michele L. Pawlowski, Pamela M. 2
Petta, Suzanne K. Peters, Cynthia A. Peterson, Deborah A. Rough, Deborah C. Rindfuss, Cynthia C. Chamiok, Carol A. VanDeVort, Sandra K. Huelsman, Julie A. Beauchamp and Joayne M. Fleming. The chapter's alumnae member Joan E. Nelson was initiated in July. After the morning ceremonies, the traditional White Luncheon was held at El Rancho Restaurant. The Delta Nus and their guests were honored to have Dean Carnagay, Dean of Students at G.M.I., as their guest speaker, and he joined in the oohs and aahs over the many beautiful gifts from the National Council, coUegiate and alumnae chapters, and individuals who had aided Delta Nu Colony. Retiring President of Section B, Ms. Deborah Rough and Presidents-Elect Ms. Joellyn Weaver, Section A, and Ms. Becky Mitchell, Section B, shared the pleasures of opening these gifts. The Delta Nus showed their appreciation too with special charms to their chapter adviser, Ms. Marsha Brown (B'I') and the National Installing Team and Field Representatives. After the luncheon the Delta Nus greeted their parents, representatives from the other campus fraternities and sorority, campus organizations, faculty members and college administration and visiting collegiate and alumnae members at a reception held at the Campus Center. The Delta Nus' parents compared notes on their trips to Flint for the occasion, and they had plenty to talk about as they viewed the display of gifts and greetings which the Delta Nus had received. Parents from as far as Buffalo, (Continued on page 8)
1976! A year of anniversaries! Not only do await you as well as elegant dining facilities for the United States and the Greek system observe our more formal events. A short walk of It their 200th birthdays, but Alpha Sigma Alpha blocks brings you to Duke of Gloucester Street, celebrates its Diamond Jubilee! What better the main street of the restored area where you place to hold our 75th anniversary Convention can instantly step back 200 years into the past. than in Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia, where Why not make Convention a family vacation? history has been happening since America be- Not only can you walk the same streets that gan. Washington, Jefferson, and Patrick Henry The historic triangle of Williamsburg, James- walked, but nearby is also located Jamestown, town, and Yorktown is easily accessible. Patrick site of the first permanent English settlement in Henry International Airport, Newport News, the New World, and Yorktown, where the Va., is only 20 minutes away by airport lim- American Revolution ended in victory. You will ousine service. If you plan to travel by car, want to see "The Common Glory," the historical north-south Interstate 95 connects with east-west outdoor drama of the Revolution; the WilliamsI-64 in Richmond; Williamsburg is 50 miles east burg Wax Museum; the American Road Muof Richmond by I-64. Amtrak, Greyhound, and seum of Antique Cars; and newly-opened Anheuser-Busch Brewery and Busch Gardens. Trailways also provide service to the area. Nita Hodnett Chandler BE, Convention It's only a short drive to the James River PlantaChairman, has been hard at work since the last tions, elegant homes of some of our early leaders, Convention, and she and her committee hope including three presidents; to Virginia's famous they have planned an unforgettable Convention. beaches; and to Richmond, capital of Virginia. The Hospitality House offers the ideal combina- The Virginia Travel Service is eager to help you tion of Old World charm, modern luxury and plan your trip to Virginia if you will write them. Come to Convention where, from June 27 to comfort, and a location convenient to the restored area of Virginia's colonial capital. A full July I, you will live the full meaning of belongrange of recreational activities, including swim- ing to a sorority, of b eing a member of Alpha ming, tennis, golf, shuffleboard, and bicycling Sigma Alpha. FALL 1975
award winners'75
Wilma Wilson Sltarp Award Alpha Sigma Alpha's highest alumnae honor, the Wilma Wilson Sharp Award, was bestowed upon Mary K. Reiff HH. Mary K. has served the Greater Ka nsas City Alumnae Chapter as presi-
Miss Reiff received her B.S. Degree in Education from Kansas Sta te College and taught high school journalism and printing for two years. Since then, she has been in the printing industry and has built an outstanding record in that field, often as consultant in various segments of the printing business. She is now Admjnistrative Assistant of Typographies, Incorporated. She is past president and now treasurer of Altrusa Club, and she is a member of the Women's Chamber of Commerce of Kansas City. Mary K. Reiff has contributed much to her sorority, her community, and her profession.
81izabetlt Hird Small Award Donna Gnau, Alpha Beta Chapter, Kirksville, Missouri, is the recipient of the 1975 Elizabeth Bird Small Award, the highe~t collegia te honor. Serving her chapter as assistant membership director, Donna uses her imagination to develop
Mary K. Reiff
dent and treasurer. She was instrumental in forming the Kansas-Misso uri-Nebraska State Day and acted as a consultant for many years. For almost twenty years she was Eta Eta's alumnae secretary and she is a past president of the Kansas State College Alumnae A ociation a t Pittsburg, K ansas. Mary K. served Alpha igma Alpha as ationa l Assista nt Treasurer, Collegiate Editor of Th e Phoenix, National Alumnae Organizer and latjona l Magazine Chairman. 4
D onna Gnau
skits and entertainment at rush functions. Through her participation in Panhellenic Council, Student Senate, and Student Activities Board, Donna has become well-known on campus for her sense of humor and winning personality. She is a physical education major who stays on the Dean's List even though she participates in interscholastic field hockey and interscholastic volleyball and finds time to work for the bloodmobile, Muscular Dystrophy Drive, and Multiple Sclerosis Marathon. Donna's chapter reports that Donna is someone who gives her all to everything she undertakes and that her own high standards reflect in everything she undertakes.
Sally spoke the following words to Beta Kappa rushees, and her isters feel they describe the attitude and spirit which Sally has. "Although the pearl is perfect, we are not. We of Alpha Sigma Alpha proudly wear the pearl in our pin to remind us that perfection is ever within our reach and always worth striving for."
!den! Pledge Award
lrost lideli!!f Award
Cindy Boulton
Sally Armstrong
Fidelity implies devotion and unswerving loyalty and allegiance. This is what Sally Armstrong has given to Alpha Sigma Alpha as a Beta Kappa at Western Illinois University. Sally has been chairman of several projects for Beta Kappa, but her most noted contributions took place during her term as chapter president. Under her guidance the executive board became an effective governing body initiating needed changes in the chapter. As the Beta Kappa girls put it: "As a leader Sally was able to be strong, not forceful; give suggestions, not orders; and discuss, not tell." A Dean's List student, Sally is majoring in speech pathology and spends many hours working with persons in a speech clinic.
FALL 1975
The 1975 recipient of the Ideal Pledge Awarci is Cindy Boulton, Beta Nu Chapter, Murray (Kentucky) State College. The Beta Nus report that Cindy, or "Bo" as they call her, is always lifting someone's spirit by giving a card, a flower, or just a smile. As song leader for her chapter, and with the aid of her guitar, Cindy teaches the members a new song each week. Many of the songs she writes herself. She also wrote her pledge class skit and song. Cindy makes good grades for a pre-med major. She is a very enthusiastic, creative person who personifies Alpha Sigma Alpha. SCHOLASTIC ACHIEVEMENT AWARD
Delta Iota Honorable Mention - Gamma Xi OFFICER EFFICIENCY AWARD
Beta Sigma, collegiate Cincinnati, alumnae
National Scholarship Awards Louise Ordayne Monger (Mrs. Gary) has been selected to receive the AMY SWISHER SCHOLARSHIP for 1975. An active Alpha Sigma Alpha alumna, she was nominated by her collegiate chapter, Beta Iota, at Radford Colle~e, Radford, Virginia. She is a graduate student m early childhood education.
tion, she expects to graduate in 1977. She says she would like to pursue a career in writing along with teaching. She was vice-president of her pledge class, and has demonstrated qualities of leadership not only in the sorority, but in the community as
Deborah Ellen Thomps on Louise Ordayne Monger
well. She has been very active as a volunteer in While a student at Radford, she served Beta the Pine Belt Regional Mental Health and ReIota as rush chairman and membership chair- tardation Complex and the American Red Cross. man. As an alumna she has served as editor, This year she will serve as an- officer on the Advice-president, and philanthropic chairman of visory Council of the Mental Health and Rethe Richmond, Virginia chapter. tardation Complex. Maintaining an A average in graduate studies, Debbie is described as being an outstanding teaching in Henrico County, and doing volun- student, aspiring, well-liked by her peers as well teer Probation Officer work keeps her busy. In as older adults. The Community Service Counaddition, she is a homemaker and an expectant selor describes her as a warm, caring person mother. Lou is characterized by those who know whose spirit and enthusiasm provide inspiration her and work with her as creative, competent, to others. and enthusiastic. Gary's work has recently opened a new door Donna Lynn Dilalla, Delta Lambda Chapter, for them. His profession has brought about a is the MARY TURNER GALLAGHER move to Lockport, New York. This has not SCHOLARSHIP winner for 1975. She is a sendampened Lou's plans for continuing her edu- ior at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State cational pursuits. University in Blacksburg, Virginia. Her major is elementary education with a minor in history. THE WILMA WILSON SHARP SCHOLAR- She will be doing student teaching off-campus SHIP for 1975 has been awarded to Deborah this year, requesting a rural-farm community if Ellen Thompson, a Beta Delta at the University possible because she has not had very many rural of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, Mississippi. experiences in her life. Donna, a charter member of Delta Lambda Debbie, a Dean's List and President's List student, is enrolled in the Honors Program at Chapter, has served as music chairman and presiUSM. An English major with a minor in educa- dent. Her chapter adviser and the Dean of
Donna Lynn Dilalla
Students characterize her as being an outstanding leader, a dedicated student, and a very hardworking and responsible young adult. She has maintained Dean's List grades, and has worked as a dining hall supervisor to help finance her education. Her future aims include a teaching career, marriage and a family. She would eventually like to have a kindergarten, since her interest lies in early childhood education.
As a vocational rehabilitation major, she is specializing in special education and early childhood education. She has already had some valuable practical experiences working with the deaf and a severely handicapped household in which one member is a quadraplegic. She has been very active in the Youth Association for Retarded Citizens. She is very enthusiastic about her future. Cherie has served Beta Phi as pledge president, chapter recording secretary, membership director, philanthropic chairman, and president. The chapter adviser says Cherie has definitely fulfilled her ability to GIVE FULL MEASURE. Cherie has, according to her, an open ear, an open heart, and an open door. One of her professors describes her as a warm, understanding, sincere young lady who is never too busy to help others.
Recipient of a SPECIAL EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIP is Lili Marlene Byers, a Beta Epsilon at Madison College, Harrisonburg, Virginia. She expects to graduate in 1976 with a degree in the field of special education and a minor in psychology. She wants to teach the mentally retarded.
THE NATIONAL PHILANTHROPIC SCHOLARSHIP winner of 1975 is Cherie Jeanne Reynolds, Beta Phi president. Cherie Jeanne expects to graduate from the University of Wisconsin Stout, Menomonie, Wisconsin, in the spring of 1976.
Lili Marlene Byers
Cherie jeanne Reynolds
FALL 1975
Lili has distinguished herself as a student and a leader. She received an award for the highest academic average in her class-3.987. She is a resident adviser in the Panhellenic Dormitory, and she is held in high regard by her sisters and the professional staff. A member of the Madison Dollies, an official college hostess organization,
she is described as being community-conscious, vivacious, likeable, and hard-working. She was a finalist in the Miss Madison Contest. Lili has served Beta Epsilon well as a member of many committees and as recording secretary this past year. Kathy Ann Noll is the recipient of one of the SPECIAL EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIPS. She was nominated by Beta Sigma chapter, of which she is currently serving as rush chairman. She attends Southwest Missouri State University in Springfield, Missouri. She expects to graduate in the spring of 1977 in elementary education with a specialty in learning disabilities.
Kathy Ann Noll
Kathy is a combination of ability, beauty, energy, and leadership. The list of honors she has earned, dating back to high school, is too lengthy to include in this account. She maintains an almost straight A average, yet she spends considerable time working at the SMSU Child Care Center. She has won many academic and citizenship awards during high school and college. On the other hand, she has been a varsity cheerleader and a beauty queen. In spite of all her accomplishments, she has an unassuming attitude. She sums up the evaluation of herself in these words, "My own personal goals involving happiness, good health, optimism, and faith in God have given me much more patience with those who are younger, less experienced, and less fortunate than I, and primarily those who are handicapped. Probably that is the reason why I would like to work with children, and at a crippled children's center."
(D elta Nu Installed continued from page 2)
New York, Dayton, Ohio, Indiana and Pennsylvania were in Flint for the weekend. One family even flew to Flint in their homemade plane from Pennsylvania. The weekend was capped with the formal banquet held at the Sheraton Inn. Retiring President Debbie Rough served as toastmistress for the evening. The traditional toasts to the new chapter were given by Ms. Nancy Stalker, President of Gamma Mu Chapter, representing all collegians with the toast to "Aspire"; Ms. Marsha Brown, President of the Flint Alumnae Chapter and Chapter Adviser, representing all alumnae with the toast to "Seek"; and Mrs. Robert Richardson, National Ritual Chairman, representing the National Officers with the toast to "Attain." Alpha Sigma Alpha was honored to have Mr. Richard Warmbold, Associate Dean of Students-Services as the speaker for the evening. Mr. Warmbold traced the contribution of Greek letter organization to GMI and pointed to areas where they will continue to contribute. He noted this was especially true for sororities and A2.A as they accept their new position at GMI. Delta Nu's charter members were introduced and presented with individual mementos by Ms. Barbara Johnston, Installing Officer. Mrs. Gatseos also took advantage of the occasion to recognize the newly formed Flint Area Alumnae Chapter. To climax the evening Mrs. Gatseos presented the chapter gavel to Ms. Joellyn Weaver, Section A President, and the charter was presented to Ms. Debbie Rough. Installation weekend drew to a close as the visiting A2.As and guests turned toward home on Sunday morning after worship services and a brunch.
To err is humanAlice Finley Kaschel rE should not have been listed in the In Memoriam section of the summer PHOENIX. Her address is 325 Fourth Ave., Baraboo, WI 53913. We apologize for any problems we may have caused.
National Council Repo rt The National Council met at Headquarters, Springfield, Missouri, June 27-29, to review the year just passed and to plan in detail for the coming year. Specific plans were voted on regarding the Seventy-fifth Diamond Anniversary Convention which will be held in Williamsburg, Virginia, June 27-July l, 1976. Plans were made to carry out the National Officer/Chapter Involvement Program, which will go into effect this fall, as a way to foster better communications between the chapters and National. Officers will conduct chapter inspections rather than using the Field Representative program this year. A Chapter Exchange Program is also being developed for use during the second half of the year. The decision to have the Alpha Sigma Alpha History include the coming Anniversary Celebration was made by the Council. The National Philanthropy was reviewed in great detail to determine how and where Mental Retardation could be best served by Alpha Sigma Alpha. Materials concerning this will be mailed to the chapters directly from the Phil-
anthropic Chairman this fall with some exciting projects coming into action for our members. The installation of Delta Xi, Dallas Baptist College, Dallas, Texas, was finalized, as well as plans for extension at several new locations. The report of the "Aims and Objectives Committee" was presented for evaluation and action was authorized in the areas of finance, PHOENIX, leadership, pledge education, communications, and public relations. Chapters were reviewed in specific detail, and individual letters were sent to each chapter to communicate what the National Council defined as each chapter's needs for 1975-1976. The Alumnae Program was studied, and it was decided to work to involve more alumnae in Alpha Sigma Alpha activities on the local and National level. The conclusion was that the strength of the sorority's future is vested in alumnae involvement and leadership. The meeting concluded with the goal to make membership reach higher numbers than ever before by unifying the National Organization with its Collegians and Alumnae for a 75th Anniversary to top all.
Members of National Council take time for a picture. Seated,. MaryAn_n S. Lin~on, National_ Presid~nt and Geraldine V . Cox, Executive Vice President. Standing, left to nght, Elame R. Shwerdecker, Vzce Preszdent of Collegiate Program; Helen H. Malone, NPC Delegate; j uanita R. Rowe,_ Treasu~er; Esther K. Gatseos, Vice President of D evelopment; Betty U. Wallick, Editor; Margaret A. Neff~ Vzce Preszdent of Alumnae Program; Frances ]. Francis, Secretary; Rose Marie Fellin, H eadquarters Executwe.
FALL 1975
State and Province Days Wisconsin
Tri-State Day
Sisterhood-a word that has taken on special The Alpha Sigs who attended Wisconsin State Day on April 19 were treated to five sample meaning to all Alpha Sigs who attended the 1975 rush party ideas illustrated by Mary Jedrzejew- Tri-State Day. Penn State University and the ski, National Program Chairman, and Barbara girls of Gamma Eta hosted seven A2.A chapters, Johnston, Province VI Director. There were five alumnae chapters and eight National represamples of quilling, knotting, gift wrapping, sentatives to a weekend of interaction and togetherness. covered brandy snifters, and napkin art. On Friday evening several mixers were held Milwaukee Alumnae Chapter and Delta Zeta were hostesses for the day which also included by fraternities. The Alpha Sigs flocked to these workshops on rush, alum involvement in rush, with unsurpassed enthusiasm. and Panhellenic in rush. Saturday brought a rare chance for the memGuest speaker Dr. Helenmarie Hofman, Prov- bers to get even closer. Registration was at ince VII Director, spoke words of wisdom on 9:30 A.M.! I I (Ugh! After those late night sorority life. Dr. Hofman herself is a thinking, mixers!) The Alpha Sigs were formally welloving, sharing Alpha Sig.-Elaine Shiverdecker, comed and introduced to all the National repNational VP Collegiate Program resentatives, including MaryAnn Linton, our National President. After this, a representative from each participating collegiate chapter and alumnae chapter gave a brief explanation of Province Ill what her particular chapter had been doing for Collegians and alums met at Longwoed Col- the past year. This was an opportunity for lege on February 15 for Province III Day. Alpha, absorbing ideas and gaining new insights on the hostess chapter, and Beta Epsilon gave a how to improve one's chapter. Warm feelings slide presentation. Frances Jobson Francis, Na- were rampant as girls also heard problems contional Secretary, spoke on the theme "Growing cerning chapters that had troubles because of size, attendance problems with urban university in A2.A." chapters, etc. 路 Five discussion groups were held. The girls talked over rush techniques, sisterhood, pledging, Illinois standards, and alums. Members found new ideas Beta Rho hosted Illinois State Day on April to take home and a greater understanding of the 5. Workshop leaders were Debra Bukas, Col- likenesses and differences among the chapters. The perfect climax to the afternoon was a legiate Editor; Silvana Richardson, Ritual speech delivered by MaryAnn Linton. The eloChairman; and Marcia Harris, Province Director. Focus for the day was on "The Role of an quent Mrs. Linton spoke on all the happiness and tears this Alpha Sig generation has lived Alum." During the business meeting several motions through and the place sorority has in this counwere passed which will make the continuation try. That night newly formed friends attended a of State Days in Illinois easier. One of these motions established a rotation system to de- ragtime party at one of the fraternities. termine location and another provided for an Three states-Delaware, New York, and Pennannual raffle to subsidize part of the cost of fu- sylvania-were represented that weekend. Lastture State Days. ing friends were made, and fond memories will always be held of those three days. Illinois State Day 1976 will be hosted by Gamma Lambda Chapter and Chicago North Sisterhood-it's more than a word, it's a feelSuburban alumnae. ing; an experience all should welcome.-Barbara ]. Barr KK Marcia Harris, Province VIII Director (Continued on pages 13 & 15) 10
colleg路iate corner Debra Bukas, Editor
For most collegians, autumn usually represents a "new year" in its fullest sense. New classes, new roommates, new professors and new friends all add to the excitement and anticipation of a new school year. But the new year also carries with it many elements of tradition. There are still classes to attend, papers to write, books to read, reports to be given. For an Alpha collegian, there are weekly meetings, socials, Homecoming, and of course the commemoration of Founders' Day. Founders' Day is probably the most important event of the year for all Alpha members. As Diane Martin, BET A PHI Collegiate Editor, stated, "For us, it is an opportunity to reflect individually on what Alpha Sigma Alpha really meanswhat it represents. We all get involved in the daily rushes of claslies, homework, meetings, etc., and take for granted the promises we've made through the bond of sisterhood we all share. Founders' Day is, therefore, our day to individually take inventory, so to speak, and put into perspective all the years of hard work and determination that has pulled Alpha Sigma Alpha together." Collegiate chapters commemorate Founders' Day in a variety of ways, all of which include the Founders' Day ceremony. For many chapters, the commemoration includes the entire day or evening. ALPHAS, for example, hold a luncheon along with the Founders' Day ceremony. ALPHA BET A recognizes the day with a banquet which includes a speaker and entertainment by their pledges. Parents are included in ALPHA GAMMA's celebration. They chose this day to honor their fathers in particular. Members and their parents attend church together and share a meal in a university dining hall. After holding the ceremony for members, they host a social in the chapter room for parents and friends. EPSILON EPSILONS celebrate with an Alumnae Salad Supper. Each alumna brings a salad dish. The ceremony is held, and after dinner, the pledges provide entertainment. At this time, honors are presented to outstanding alumnae who have been especially helpful to Epsilon Epsilon or have served Alpha Sigma Alpha for numerous years. The seniors are also honored and the Outstanding Senior Award is presented. Every year the ETA ETAS view a skit presented by their pledges. Using the information given in Encounter, the pledges present their idea of how the Founders established Alpha Sigma Alpha. It proves to be instructive for members as well as pledges. PHI PHIS hold a tea for collegiate members, alumnae, Mother Patronesses and delegates from other sororities on campus. The evening is devoted to renewing friendships with alumnae and Mother Patronesses and includes quite a bit of Alpha singing. Because of rising prices, the BETA EPSILONS have changed a restaurant banquet to a spaghetti dinner in the chapter room. BETA MUS hold a short meeting and sing songs, while BETA RHOS hold a "fireside" with entertainment provided by their pledges.
FALL 1975
BETA SIGMAS celebrate Founders' Day with alumnae and a social get-together while BET A PHIS extend an open invitation to Wisconsin chapters for the ceremony they hold. Variety from year to year best describes BETA PSI's commemoration of Founders' Day- from planting a tree (as the tree grows so does Beta Psi) to a luncheon with alumnae. After holding the Founders' Day ceremony, GAMMA ZETAS have an open house and a tea for parents, faculty and other Greeks on campus. GAMMA ETAS celebrate with a dinner. Each pledge class prepares two dishes, and after the feasting and ceremony, the evening ends with a friendship circle.
Delta Lambda's first place egg throwing team included Carol Bertoldi, Mary Don Hege, Patty Tennyson and Lynne D obler
GAMMA lOT AS hold a formal cocktail party for members and dates while GAMMA LAMBDA pledges give a special party for the members. GAMMA MUS host a dinner for Founders' Day in a room reserved in the college dining hall. Members of GAMMA XI hold a party with alumnae at their adviser's home. "Alpha" games are played, refreshments served, and each collegian receives a big sister from the alumnae. GAMMA OMICRONS hold a semiformal dinner with dates while GAMMA OMEGAS celebrate with a skit depicting the founding of Alpha Sigma Alpha. At DELTA ETA, each member prepares a luncheon dish and two members who live close to campus are turkey chefs for the luncheon. Later the pledges sponsor a party and give the members a special gift to commemorate the day. A pot luck dinner for members, parents and alumnae is sponsored by the DELTA KAPPAS. After dinner, a rush skit provides the entertainment. DELTA LAMBDAS celebrated Founders' Day with BETA IOTA at a banquet. Pledge classes from both chapters entertained the members with skits. DELTA NUS-SECTION B celebrated their first Founders' Day with a dinner.
Some hints given by various chapters for making the Founders' Day ceremony more meaningful were making use of candlelight, letting sisters choose some personal poetry to include in the ceremony, and closing the ceremony with a friendship circle. However, special meaning comes from each member. As Pam Darnell, PHI PHI Collegiate Editor, said, "I think it's each and every member's responsibility to make the day meaningful for her-just putting your heart into it." With the corning of autumn and beginning of classes, our collegians find that open books are a necessity. To encourage high scholarship, collegiate scholarship chairmen provide extra motivation and rewards. At ALPHA, ALPHA BETA and BETA SIGMA a "study-buddy" dinner is held at the end of each semester. The members with the lowest averages buy dinner for the members with the highest averages. ALPHA ALPHAS are assigned "study-buddies," and every quarter at a scholarship banquet, members are honored for their academic achievement. ALPHA GAMMAS hold a study in their chapter room three nights a week. Pledges attend four hours a week and members for one hour a week. A steak dinner is the incentive used by EPSILON EPISLONS, ETA ETAS, BETA RHOS and BETA PHIS. Members with a 3.0 (or better) GPA are treated to steak, while members with a lower GPA are given hamburgers or beans. Other added incentives come from the BETA EPSILONS. Mugs are given to members who obtain a 2.8 GPA or better. If the member maintains that average for two consecutive semesters, she can keep the mug. Each year an award is given to the big sis-little sis combination with the highest average, and the senior with the highest average receives a bracelet. Besides these incentives, a $50 scholarship is given each year by the chapter to a deserving member. BET A MUS announce scholarships at their Parent-Daughter Banquet while BETA SIGMAS give awards to the member and pledge with the highest GPA and to the member with the most improved GPA. On Morns' Day, the BETA PSIS present scholarship awards, and during the year, study get-togethers are held. GAMMA ETAS who make Dean's List are given a special door decoration, and members who achieve a 4.0 are given a rose. Members who receive less than a 2.0 are given a tutor, and if necessary, twc, study hours every night. Competing for the City Panhellenic Scholarship Award adds incentive to GAMMA IOTA'S scholarship program. GAMMA LAMBDAS present awards to members with the highest or most improved GPA and GAMMA MUS post members' majors, so that other members can contact them for help if necessary. GAMMA XIS have an academic big sis for each pledge while DELTA EPSILON members with less than a 2.0 average are restricted from sorority social functions until the average is raised. DELTA ETAS have a sorority resource center of notes and books and their scholarship chairman arranges for tutoring when necessary. DELTA KAPPAS with high averages receive chapter awards. At meeting roll call, each DELTA LAMBDA is required to tell how many class cuts she had the previous week. At the end of the quarter, cuts are tallied and the member with the most cuts treats the member with the least cuts to dinner. DELTA NV-SECTION B scholarship chairman arranges for tutoring services when necessary. Added reward for good scholarship comes in the form of trophies for several chapters. PHI PHI, for example, has received the Scholarship Trophy given by
Beta Rho pledges at their pledge banquet
the college to the Greek women's organization with the highest GPA for fifteen consecutive years. They don't want to let it go! GAMMA OMICRONS and DELTA EPSILONS find competing for Panhellenic Scholarship trophies helpful in maintaining grades. These scholarship programs seem to work very well as many collegians were recognized for high academic achievement during 1975. Outstanding ALPHAS included Mary Hinton, three honorary fraternities; Jean Drum, Kappa Omicron Phi; and Janet Whitten, freshman honorary fraternity. Cindy Cravens, ALPHA ALPHA, received the chapter's Outstanding Scholarship Award. Highest Member GPA for ETA ETA Chapter went to Gale Russell, while Teresa McLean received the Most Improved GPA award and Vicki Vaughn the Highest Pledge GPA. BETA RHOS are proud of Carol Lambert, Delta Psi Kappa; Rosi Morino, Phi Kappa Phi; Debbie Shane, Phi Kappa Phi, Mortarboard, and Scholarship Achievement Award. The Panhellenic Scholarship was awarded to Sue Allen, GAMMA IOTA, and Valerie Chamberlain received a MaslandDuran Scholarship. GAMMA MUS Sharon Stout and Vicki Cunningham were initiated into Kappa Delta Pi ; LuAnn Smoker was initiated into Alpha Chi National Scholastic Honor Society; and Sue Spreull obtained membership in Pi Delta Phi. DELTA LAMBDAS are very proud of Donna Dilalla, past chapter president, who received the Mary Turner Gallagher Scholarship. Academics are not the only activities for our collegians, however. Collegiate chapters evidence a wide range of activities. At a craft party, ALPHA ALPHAS made tray decorations for a local rest horne. They also raised money for the mentally retarded with a hot pretzel booth. BET A EPSILONS held a summer reunion and rush workshop, while BETA PIS held a tea for their mothers. A showcase of Alpha Sigma Alpha trinkets and decorations was displayed and entertainment consisted of a homemade movie and segments from a rush party. During Greek Weekend, they tied for the first place trophy. BET A RHOS held a spaghetti dinner as a fund raiser. Later, they sold candy bars with the proceeds going to a foundation for brain surgery, and money collected from pop lids was donated to Muscular Dystrophy research. Along with this, they received third place in volleyball and softball tournaments and first place in an FlO volleyball tournament. GAMMA ZETAS helped with South-
east Arkansas' Special Olympics, while GAMMA lOTAS learned sign language from deaf children on a one-toone basis. A summer workshop was held by GAMMA PSIS to prepare for a large fall pledge class. Amidst all of the activity, individual honors abounded in our collegiate chapters. Sandra Hubbard, ALPHA, was chosen Sweetheart of Lambda Chi Alpha at Hampton-Sidney College and Sandy Williams was a finalist in the Miss Longwood Pageant. ALPHA ALPHA Laura Lutz was nominated for the Elizabeth Bird Small Award while Margo Kalcic was nominated for the Frost Fidelity Award. BETH PI chapter chose Ronnie Bowling as their Sweetheart while BETA RHOS named Dennis Dudzick, husband of their past chapter president, as their Alpha S:gma Alpha Sweetheart. Other BETA RHOS received special recognition: Sue Allen, Best Pledge-Spring '75; Jan Birch, Best Pledge-Fall '74; Diane Cook, Sigma Chi Sweetheart; Karen Eurich, Jazz Ensemble Vocalist; Holly Foiles, Phi Sigma Epsilon Sweetheart; Annie Liemetter, Panhellenic treasurer; and Barb Janszen, dramatic productions. Several members made the porn porn squad including Lynette Baker, Carol Lambert, Marilyn Ulvestad and Lynn Irving.
Gamma Iotas take the time to enjoy the sunshine GAMMA ZETAS were proud of Vicki Fields, first runner-up, and Shelley Orton, second runner-up, of the Miss UAM Pageant. Linda McClain was named Phi Lambda Sweetheart and Kenny Nichols was chosen Alpha Sig Beau. LuAnn Smoker, GAMMA MU, was nominated for the Elizabeth Bird Small Award while D enise
(Continued from page 10)
Spencer received the nomination for the Frost Fidelity Award. The GAMMA MUS also honored Susan Wells for her outstanding Alpha spirit. They established a Susan Wells Spirit Award. Denise Novak was awarded the Individual Intramural Award for her outstanding participation in intramurals. DELTA EPSILONS are proud of Phyllis Gerberich who was chosen Outstanding Greek Woman, and Sue Oravec, Tau Kappa Epsilon Sweetheart. The wide range of chapter activities cannot always be met by every chapter member. For this reason, most collegiate chapter Standards Boards review absence excuses for activities and meetings. Along with this, the Standards Boards of our collegiate chapters perform many functions . Traditional functions include reviewing special status requests, making arrangements for payment of dues and fines, levying fines for unexcused absences and setting standards for scholastic and social behavior. However, most collegiate Standards Boards are also functi oning as chapter spirit boosters. At EPSILON EPISLON, for example, the Standards Board selects a member who has exhibited outstanding service to the chapter and presents her with the "Apple of the Month" Award. The PHI PHI Standards Board has developed a point system with which a member can make up an unexcused absence by working for the chapter. The Board also works with the Membership Director in planning the p ledge program. BETA EPSILONS find notes from their Standards Board that motivate interest or express appreciation. Along with other responsibilities, BETA PSI's Standards Board serves as a sounding board for new chapter activity plans. GAMMA ETA's Standards Board sends congratulatory and good luck notes to members when the occasion arises. Choosing a sister-of-the-month and making "cheer up" cards are two added responsibilities of GAMMA MU's Standards Board. The DELTA EPSILON Standards Board helps publish the chapter newsletter and plans fund raisers. A point system has been established by DELTA LAMBDA's Standards Board. DELTA NV- SECTION B's Standards Board conducts a "Secret Sis" program and plans their sectional Birthday Party. With all of the spirit generated by collegiate Standards Boards, this should prove to be an exciting year for all Alphas!
Us Entertain You," and the speaker was Helen Hooper Malone, NPC Delegate.
Missouri-Kansas Beta Sigma Chapter hosted the MissouriKansas State Day at Springfield, Missouri, on April 5. Rose Marie Fellin, National Headquarters Executive, was the speaker.
Province X Beta Mu, Beta Lambda, and Gamma Zeta, the Arkansas collegiate chapters, hosted Province X Day on April 12 for Alpha Sigs from Texas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas. The theme was "Let FALL 1975
Tulsa alumnae Rh etta R obinson, an路d Helen Malone attend Province Day at Little Rock, Arkansas.
alumnae action Lillian Ford, Editor BOSTO N alumnae traveled in May to Germany, New Zealand, Australia, and Norway via slides provided by Edith Lunquist TT and Jean Barbarick TT. BUFFALO alumnae brought their yearly activities to a close at an annual spring luncheon at which the new officers were installed. In late March, the BUTLER COUNTY Alumnae Chapter celebrated their fifth anniversary. In late March, they took Easter favors to the Oxford View Nursing Home and helped the elderly learn to make them. The CALUMET REGION alumnae have used most meeting times to work on decoupaged wall plaques, polydomes, and bulletin boards to sell at a boutique planned for this fall. The Indiana alums also spent several meetings painting large circular, square, and triangular wood blocks red, yellow, blue, and green and making mats with these shapes and colors painted on them. These visual discrimination teaching aids were given to the Lake County Association for the Retarded Children in Highland, Indiana. Preparations are under way to celebrate the fortieth anniversary for the founding of the CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA Alumnae Chapter on October 4 with a dinner dance to be held at the Hilton Inn in Lancaster. The chapter is also gathering ideas for next year's philanthropic project with camperships for the mentally retarded. June Smith KK, formerly of Central Pennsylvania, has organized an alumnae chapter in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The CINCINNATI Alumnae Chapter held their yearly progressive dinner in April. Shirley Pallatte Bone AA, chairman of the Town Hall Lecture Series, entertained the chapter's May meeting with her humorous stories about such personalities as David Brinkley, Dr. Joyce Brothers, David Niven and Sam Levinson. CHI CAGO WEST SUBURBAN alumnae celebrated their fifteenth anniversary as a chapter on May 21, 1975. Guest of honor was Sue Henderson King B K. As a part of their philanthropic program, they presented swim vests to the Little Friends School for Exceptional Children in Naperville, Illinois. A microwave oven cooking demonstration highlighted the March meeting of the COLUMBUS, INDIANA alums. In May, new members JoAnn Hormburger XX, Vicki Small XX, Jean Hoffman BY and Jean Taylor BY. Half of the COLUMBUS, OHIO membership attended Province Day at Miami University. Most of the group attended the alumnae workshops. Mae Rollins Koelliker /\I\ and Dorothea Zorn Windom /\./\. are the newest Golden Girls. The major philanthropic project for the DAYTON alums was a card party in April with the proceeds being donated to Stillwater Hospital. Three members: Mary Helen Clark Ferguson AA , Helen Boggess Swart AA, and Helen Steepleton Goodwin AA, were honored for being in A"/i.A for at least fifty years at Province Day on May 3. DENVER alumnae have been busy with their
White Elephant Sale and philanthropic project at Hope Center in April, their annual rummage sale in May, a salad luncheon in June and a potluck dinner in Sept. The alumnae of DETROIT contributed $100 to the Beta Theta Chapter at Central Michigan University to aid them in sponsoring mentally retarded children at the International Special Olympics held in August at Mount Pleasant, Michigan. The chapter also decided to send an underprivileged child to the Michigan Crippled Children's Camp for a two-week summer vacation. In February, the greater DALLAS Alumnae Chapter honored the new collegiate chapter, Delta Xi of Dallas Baptist College, with a salad supper. The spring and summer brought them plenty of activity with an interior decorating program in March, a garage sale in April, an outing for 25 children from the Dallas County Child Welfare Shelter to the Dallas Zoo in May and a traditional International Dinner in June. The ELKHARTG O SHEN Alumnae Chapter hosted the annual South Bend and Elkhart-Goshen luncheon on May 17. Dessert tasting highlighted the March meeting of the EVANSVILLE alumnae. They also hosted a picnic with the Delta Kappa Chapter as special guests.
New Kansas City alumnae officers are installed at the Crackerneck Country Club. Hope Village welcomed the HOUSTON alumnae as they arrived laden with preparations for an Easter party. The village residents are children and adults who are mentally retarded. The alums also gathered their families for a picnic on the NASA picnic grounds. The philanthropic project for the KA SAS CITY alumnae is a travelling basket. Each person is to keep what ever item is in the basket when she receives it and replace it with the amount of money she feels it is worth as well as her own gift for the next person. Gifts include flowers, craft items and homemade bakery goods.
For their philanthropic project, the alums of LAFAYETTE made a cash donation to the "Around the World Tropical Gardens." The project is being constructed and will be maintained upon completion by the mentally retarded ctizens of Louisiana. MARYVILLE alums honored the graduating seniors of Phi Phi Chapter at Northwest Missouri State University and presented each one with a charm during the spring. The MILWAUKEE Alumnae Chapter attended a lecture tour at the St. Francis Child Activity Center. In May, a donation was presented to the center which is associated with the Cardinal Stritch College and concentrates on educating and meeting the special needs of the handicapped child. A boutique was the OMAHA alums philanthropic project. Proceeds went to the Madonna School for Retarded Children. Members socialized at a brunch and cookie exchange during Christmas. All members received a book containing the recipes of the candies and cookies brought for the exchange. The PITTSBURGH alums toured Old Economy, former home of the Harmonites in Ambridge, Pennsylvania. Members held a craft workshop in October where needlepoint, quilting and macrame were demonstrated. As a philanthropic project, they visited the new Sarah Scaife Gallery which is part of the Carnegie Museum of Art. The NORFOLK alumnae held a family picnic in September and are busily preparing for the A"i:.A convention which is to be held in Williamsburg, Virginia, next summer. RICHMOND alumnae spread a little A"i:.A sunshine in a nursing home for the elderly. Members took pots which they had made in a workshop. Linda Osborne Cassell B I had her students glaze the pots, anrl she completed the pots by using the art kiln at her school. Each lady in the nursing home arranged artificial flowers in the clay pots for her room. The SAN DIEGO alums won first prize in the Panhellenic duplicate bridge competition. The prize money is being used for their philanthropic project, Angel's Unaware. It is a school sponsored by the San Diego County Association for the Retarded. Bernita Offerman Sipan n n and Ruth Crookshank Seidler AB were the A"i:.A bridge champs. SPRINGFIELD alumnae made alphabet cards for the
Regional Diagnostic Clinic to decorate the otherwise bare walls of the clinic. The TOLEDO Alumnae Chapter are planning a philanthropic project involving the Larc Lane School for Retarded Children. Belly dancing and philanthrophy have filled the spring and summer of the TULSA alums. In an atmosphere of candlelight and burning incense, members improved their figures in April during dancing demonstration and talk. Members also contributed decorative items to a local nursing home and gave cleaning items to a local Indian counselor who works with low-income Indian families who needed to improve their living conditions. WASHINGTON, D.C. alums are celebrating the summer with travel and barbecued chicken. Louise Pierson Johnson BOM is taking a year's leave of absence from her position with the Maryland School for the Deaf and has gone to Juneau, Alaska where she plans to continue her work in special therapy with children. A very special guest at the D.C. alums' chicken barbecue was Mrs. Lena Beers, of Muskogee, Oklahoma and mother of former president Lois A. Beers Br. In 1938 the Beta Gamma chapter at Northeastern State University, Tahlequah, Oklahoma awarded Mrs. Beers the Mother-Patroness badge. She reared two daughters (both of whom are Alpha Sigs) and having attained the great age of ninety, she has concluded that each person sets her (or his) own pace for living in light of what they interpret as their commitments and goals. Alumnae contributions were made to the Frontier Nursing Home and also to Beta Epsilon's philanthropic project-a camp for retarded children. The alumnae of WILMINGTON have kept themselves busy participating in a variety of local Panhellenic activities including a dinner dance, sorority exchange, and a spring scholarship luncheon. Alums also shared their Founders' Day celebration with the Delta Iota Chapter at the University of Delaware. Summer activities included a picnic and boating on the Chesapeake Bay and fruit juice and cheese booth at the two-day Brandywine Arts Festival in September with the proceeds being contributed to the National Philanthropic Fund, Jo Tully's home economic class of disadvantaged girls and helping the local active chapter.
(Continued from page 10)
Michigan "Unity Between Chapters" was the theme of Michigan's State Day hosted by Delta Nu on February 15 at Flint, Michigan. After collegiate and alumnae chapter reports the Beta Psis and Beta Thetas led the fifty members present in an Alpha Sig Sing Along. Gamma Mu conducted a rush workshop with slides, and Barbara Johnston, Province VI Director, conducted a workshop for advisers and alumnae. "Warm Fuzzies and Cold Pickles" was the title of Ritual Chairman Silvana Filippello Richardson's talk about giving freely of one's self, of giving and not expecting anything in return. Marcia Oliverio, Field Representative FALL 1975
Margaret Angelcyk Neff, Vice President of Alumnae Program, was the speaker at Colorado's State Day hosted by the Denver Area Alumnae on April 5. There was also a program of singing, discussion, and entertainment.
Province V Province V Day on May 3 for Ohio and Indiana collegians and alumnae stressed the relationship between the two groups. Hostess Chapter Alpha Alpha planned the morning workshops. The speaker was Mr. Ralph Fey, National President of Beta Theta Pi. 15
ALPHA Hollace Cosby, •Box 167, Longwood College, Farm ville, VA 23901 ALPHA ALPHA Lau ra Lu tz, i09 MacCracken, Miami U. , Oxford, OH 45056 ALPHA BETA Joan Lorbert, 205 Brewer Hall , Kirksville, MO 63501 ALPHA GAMMA Susan Dull, BS2 Wayne Ave ., Indiana, PA 15701 BETA BETA Lindsey Thompso n, 1729 Tenth Ave ., Gree ley, co B0631 EPSILON EPSILON Ja cqueline Hibbs, 226 W. 12th , Emporia, KS 66801 ZETA ZETA Conn ie Peyto n, Bl97 Panhellen ic Hall, Warrensburg, MO 64093 ETA ETA Marty Sch reiber, 1812 S. Broadway, Pittsb urg , KS 66762 KAPPA KAPPA Kat hleen Doran, 1953 Broad St., Philadelphia, PA 19122 NU NU Patri cia Maher, 212 N. 34th St., Philadelphia, PA 19104 PHI PHI Terri Da rnell, 317 Roberta Maryville, MO 64468
CHI CHI Deborah Perigo, 2113 Washington, IN 47303
BETA GAMMA Cheri Akeman, Scholars Inn Apt. 5, Tahlequah, OK 74464 BETA DELTA Lynn Roe, Box 373, Southern Stat ion U.S.M. , Hattiesburg, MS 39401 BETA EPSILON Debbie Hughson, Madison College, Box 5228, Harrisonburg, VA 22801
GAMMA MU Nancy Stalker, 211 Herrick Hall, Adrian College, Adrian, Ml 49221
BETA KAPPA Maureen Warner, 719 W. Adams St., Macomb, I L 61455
GAMMA XI Linda Logsdon, 212 Towers Hall SRSC, Slippery Rock, PA 16057
BETA LAMBDA Gail Tucker, Box 225 UCA, Co nway, AR 72032
GAMMA OMICRON Kim Grove, 603 Wilkinson Hall CSC, Clarion, PA 16214
BETA IOTA Colleen Woodcock, Radford, VA 24141
BETA MU Missy Moore, AR 71923
Colle ge
GAMMA PI Heather Hardy, Missouri Valley College, Marshall, MO 65340
BETA NU Julianna Townsend, McClure Apts., Vine St., Murray, KY 42071
GAMMA RHO Karen Milkovitz, 46 Ransbery Ave., E. Stroudsburg, PA 18301
BETA PI Sharon Wagner, Concord wv 24712
College, Athens,
GAMMA PSI Susa n Klingensm ith, #II Stewart, Heather Apts. , Darrow Rd., Ed in boro , PA 16412
BETA RHO Karen Stephens, 918 Kimberly Dr., DeKalb, IL 60115
GAMMA OMEGA Yvonne Cartwright, 13 Bl oom fi eld, Charleston, IL 61920
BETA SIGMA Karen Barn es, 704 S. MO 65807
DELTA EPSILON J oa nn Meyers, 327 Laurel Mansfield, PA 16933
Fl ore nce, Springfie ld ,
BETA UPSILON Barbara Sporer, 210 Pickerl Hall, ISU, Terre Haute, IN 47809
DELTA ZETA Barbara Hendricks, water, WI 53190
BETA PHI Cherie Reynolds, 106 Sth Ave. W., Menomonie, WI 5475 I
DELTA ETA Katie Fitzpatric k, 1422 S. 58th Ct., Cicero, I L 60650
BETA PSI Mary George 1 • 1550 Concord Kalamazoo, M I 49009
DELTA THETA Pau la Cecn, 308 W. Cherry, Ca rbondal e, IL 62901
Pl. Apt.
lB .
GAMMA BETA Elai ne Kempen, 1417 Brawley, Stevens Poi nt, WI 54481 GAMMA ZETA Judy Fite , Box 2005 71655
UAM , Monticello, AR
120 S. Cottage, White-
DELTA IOTA Linda Mitch ell, 102 Squire, Newark, DE 19711 DELTA KAPPA Debbie Deutsch, 2001 Diefenbach Rd., Evansville, IN 47712 DELTA LAMBDA Lynne Dobler, 7900 L Terr. View, Blacksburg, VA 24060
115 Smith St. #5, Lafayette ,
GAMMA ETA Maura Hendry, 419 Cooper Ha ll, University Park, PA 16802
BETA ETA Ly la Safely, Woods Hall, Box ISS DSC, Dickinson, ND 58601
GAMMA IOTA Robin Redderoth, 25 Andrews Memorial Dr. Box 948, Rochester, NY 14623
DELTA NU Section A-Joellyn K. Weaver Section B-Rebecca Susan Mitchell, % Marsha Brown, GM I, 1700 W. Third, Flint, Ml 48502
BETA THETA Jill Eising, 1215 Vernon Dr. #35, Mt. Pleasant, Ml 48858
GAMMA LAMBDA Connie Campbell, 1102 W, Loyola, Chicago, I L 60626
DELTA XI Robin Robertson, P.O. Box 21206 #313, Dallas Baptist College, Dallas, TX 752 11
BETA ZETA Lorna Guynn, LA 70501
National Chairmen
longwood College, Fermville, Virginie, November 15, 1901
Chairman of Chapter Advisers-Terri Wright NN (Mrs. Jef· frey), 4917 Morris Street, Philedelphie, Pennsylve nie 19144 Chairman of Colonies-Merlys Jerrett White BB (Mrs. Dennis P.), 2290 Ash St., Denver, Coloredo 80207
louise Cox Cerper (Mrs. W. B.) • Juliette Hundley Gilliem (Mrs. H. E.)• Miss Mery Williemson Hundley• Virginie Boyd Noell (Mrs. J. W.) • Celve Wetson Wootton (Mrs. P. W.)•
Constitution Chairman-M ery Kay C ollier Kuno Ar (Mrs. Ernest l.), I OS Cleerview Dr., McMurrey , Pennsylvenie 15317 Housing Chairman-Marilyn Remsey Gerbee B~ (Mrs. E. l .), 49 St. Andrews Circle, Broken Arrow, Ok lehome 7-4012
• deceesed
National Council
Music: Chairman-Ms. Neree Cooper Br, Route 4, Box 384, Stigler, Oklehome 74462
President Emerita-Wilme Wilson Sherp ZZ (Mrs. Fred M.) , 1-405 Herdy, Independence, Missouri 64052
Philanthropic: Chairman-S idney Gremill ion Allen '¥'¥ (Mrs. John H . ), 254 Rutherford, Shreveport, louisillnll 71104
President-MeryAnn Sidehemer linton ni (Mrs. George D.), 204 Gellup Roed , Princeton, New Jersey 08540
Program Chairman-Miss M11ry Jedrzejewski BC!>, 3761 58th St., Milwaukee, Wi sco nsin 53220
Executive Vice President-Gereldine Veng Cox NN (Mrs. Welter G . ), 24 Colonel Berton Drive, Portsmouth, Rhode lslend 02871
Ritual Chairman-Silvllnll Filippello Richardson rA (Mrs. Rob· ert L.). 158 Birch, P11rk Forest, Illinois 60466
Vice President of Development-Esther Keuffmen Getseos BB (Mrs. George G.), 6659 E. Eestmen Ave., Denver Coloredo 80224
Rush Chairman-Miss P11ulll Cyrus, PP, 624 High Street, St. Albens, West Virginia 25177 Scholarship Chairman-M iss Paula Halfast Br, 738 Vill11ge Ave. #6F, Broken Arrow , Oklahoma 74012
Vice President of Collegiate Program-Elaine Rahaim Shiverdecker B6, 4195 SW 67 Ave., Apt. 1068, Devie, Floride 33314
Standards Chairman-J11nice Hinrichs H11ydel BZ (Mrs. E. W11yne), 11807 Old G11te Pl11ce, Rockville, M11rylend 20852
Vice President of Alumnae Program-Margaret Angelcyk Neff HH (Mrs. Howard R. ), 6216 E. lafayette Blvd., Scottsdale, Arizona 85251
The Phoenix Staff
Secretary-Frances Jobson Francis BE (Mrs. Jemes T.), 602 Devon Road, Richmond, Virginia 23229 Treasurer-Juanite Roberts Rowe , B~ (Mrs. Herry G.), 1424 Chering, Springfield, Missouri 65804 NFC Delegate-Helen Hooper Melone Br (Mrs. George J. Jr.). 5526 E. 36th St., Tulse, Oklehome 74135 Editor-Betty Urben Wellick ZZ (Mrs. Perk Avenue, York, Pennsylvenie 17-402
H.), 676
Headquarters Executive-Miss Rose Merie Fellin B~. 616 S. Kickepoo, .S pringfield, Missouri 65804
Alumnae Editor-Miss lilli11n Ford B I, 204 H11nbury Ave., Portsmouth , Virgin ia 23702 Collegiate Editor-M s. Debr11 Buka s r A, 484 W. 16th St., Apt. 2B, Chicego Heights, Illinois 60411 Feature Editor-Miss Paulll Keyes r'¥, 345 Webster Ave. , Apt. 4F, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11230 Art Director-Miss M11ry · Jedrzejewski B<l>, 3761 S. 58th Street, Milw11ukee, W iscons in 53220 Historian-Hiwanll Cupp Crompton BE (Mrs. Eugene H.), 91 Belmont Dr., leesburg, Virginill 22075
National Headquarters
National Panhellenic Conference
Rose Merie Fellin, Heedquerters Executive 1201 E. Welnut, Springfield, Missouri 65802
Delegate-Mrs. George J . M11lone, Jr. Alternate Delegate-Mrs. George D. linton Second Alternate-Mrs. George G. Gatseos
TO ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA PARENTS Your daughter's sorority magazine is sent to her home address while she is in college, and we hope that you enjoy it. If she is no longer in college and is not living at home, please send her new permanent address to Alpha Sigma Alpha National Headquarters, 120 I East Walnut, Springfield, Missouri 65802