of ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA summer 1976
IN MEMORIAM Memorial contribut ions may be made to the Alpha Sigma Alph a Nat ional Ph ilanthrop ic Fund . An acknowledgment of such a gift is sent to the fam ily of the person in whose memory it is given and to the donor.
ALPHA BETA Oreta Moyer Fountain Edith Gamble Garrett Lucy Carpenter Lawrence Celeste Noel Helen Johnson Warren BETA BETA Dorothy Carolyn Roukema Evelyn Husband Winslow
EPSILON EPSILON Lola Pierson Lakin THETA THETA Helen Viola Ellard Maude F. Wheeler IOTA IOTA Dorothy Haley Whitten
Editor's Note: The summer issue of The Phoenix was delayed so that the Diamond jubilee Convention could be included. The fall issue will be The History of Alpha Sigma Alpha.
the of ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA EDITOR Betty Urban Wallick 676 Park Avenue York, Pa. 17402
PHOENIX STAFF Alumnae Editor Lillian Ford Donnelly 6309 Ardsley Sq., 203-C Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462
Diamond Jubilee Convention
Ms. Debbie Bukas 484 W. 16th St., Apt. 2B Chicago Heights, Ill. 60411
Convention Song
1976 Convention Awards
Feature Editor
Award Winners
Miss Paula Keyes 345 Webster Ave., Apt. 4F Brooklyn, N. Y. 11230
Diamond Jubilee Scholarships
State Days
Collegiate Corner
Alumnae Action
Collegiate Editor
Art Director Miss Mary Jedrzejewski 3761 S. 58th Street Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53220
Historian Hiwana Cupp Crompton 91 Belmont Drive Leesburg, Virginia 22075
THE PHOENIX of Alpha Sigma Alpha
THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA. an educationol journal, is published in the foi l, winter, spring ond summer of eoch year at Eden Publishing路 House , 1724 Chouteau Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. 63103, official publishers for th e so rority. The subscription price $1 .50 a year. Send change of address and business correspondence to Alpha Sigm a Alpho National Headquorters, 120 I Ea st Walnut Street, Springfield, Mo. 65802. Address oil correspondence of an ed itorial nature to the editor, Mrs. Phil ip Wall ick, 676 Park Avenue, York, Pennsylvania 17402. Second-cla ss postage paid at St. Louis, Missouri. Postmaster: Send Form 3579 to National Headquarters, 1201 East Walnut Street, Springfield, Missouri 65802.
ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA DIAMOND JUBILEE CONVENTION "Welcome Home to Virginia," the theme of Alpha Sigma Alpha's Diamond Jubilee Convention at the Hospitality House in Williamsburg, Va., June 27 to July 1, reflected upon the historic founding of the sorority at Longwood College, ovember 1901, in Farmville, Va. Attended by the largest convention delegation in the history of the sorority, past presidents and 50-year members joined National Officers and alumnae and collegiate members from across the United States in reviewing nostalgic memories and outlining future goals. A highlight of the convention was the acceptance of the Special Olympics as the National philanthropic project. The purpose of the Special Olympics is to contribute to the physical, social and psychological development of the mentally retarded. Through positive successful experiences in sports, they can gain confidence and self-mastery and start to build a self-image associated with success rather than failure. Success on the playing field often has a carry-over into the classroom, the home and workshop. For many years sorority members have participated in projects which have contributed to the welfare of the mentally retarded. ow they will also become involved in Special Olympics' activities on the com munity, state and nat ional levels with the primary objective of educating the public about the Special Olympics. In add ition to the awards and scholarships that are given annually, Alpha Sigma Alpha also presented five Founders' Scholarships to celebrate the sorority's 75th anniversary.
Wednesday, June 30, philanthropic, pledging, fund-raising and budgeting, chapter-spirit-leadership, Panhellenic, parliamentary procedure, ritual, standards board and Phoenix and public relations workshops were held. Alumnae and collegiates participated in Providence discussion groups concerning the implementation of Special Olympics at the local community level. New pledge programs and ideas were stressed in pledging workshops. Woven throughout the workshop as the major theme was "treat your pledges as you want yourself treated." Suggested were activities which involved pledges and members. The pledge program requirements were also reviewed. Significant changes in pledge requirements were that all pledge programs be printed for each pledge and that the entire membership vote on the chapter pledge program. The importance of training a new treasurer for a semester was stressed in the fund-raising and budgeting workshop. Beginning this year each chapter treasurer will be bonded for the amount of money in the chapter treasury. Chapter president, treasurer, and adviser should help to make the budget for the year and consider every expenditure before a purchase is made.
Workshops The exchange of idea through convention workhop filled most of attending delegates' and officers ' morning and afternoons. Ru h workshops were held londay, June 28. II collegiate delegates assembled to view a slide program Selling the Frat ernity Idea to Others Person to Person Rushing. After the slide presentati n, delegate met in small group for discussion. Emphasized were acti itie to plan for more effecti e year-round rushing. Included was the use of eminar philanthro pi and fund-raising acti itie . trongl emph a izcd \ ere oncretc ideas for belie ing in one elf and answering the mo t often as ked que tion ab ut "\ hy Greek." 2
Goal setting, procedure notebooks, and officer transition were stressed in the chapter spirit-leadership workshop. lembers can not feel motivated unless they feel a part of the chapter's decision making and are confident in their leaders. The Panhellenic workshop reviewed the history of ational Panhellenic Council and the OuotaTotal. amples of a Panhellenic Press and~ Consumer Awareness Board were explained for local Panhellenics. The parliamentary procedure workshop reviewed meeting procedures and the revision and formation of by-laws. THE PHOENIX
Ritual workshops centered on traditions and ways to make the ritual more meaningful for collegiate members. A booklet containing additional rituals was distributed to delegates. Reviewing special status and termination procedures, the standard's board workshop placed emphasis on helping a member through a crisis before it reached a point of termination or special status. Public relations within the campus, community, and nation was emphasized in the Phoenix workshop. Publicizing ourselves and causes through mass communication was discussed with collegiate and alumnae delegates. Also explained were the financial concerns, which resulted in the cutback in size of the Phoenix issues. Alumnae workshops projected interest on alum rush, communication, programs, and fundraising. Within small rap-session groups group leaders presented ideas which were discussed and expounded on by delegates.
The Years Behind Us Unique in any organization's convention is to have almost fifty years of its past leadership present. And so it was for Alpha Sigma Alpha's Diamond Tubilee at her "Years Behind Us" dinner on Mond~y, June 28. President Emeritus Wilma Wilson Sharp, Past Presidents Evelyn G. Bell, jean Raup Grady, Mary E. Blackstone, MaryAnn S. Lin ton and Helen B. Lortz on behalf of Mary Goeke Backsman stood before delegates, officers, and guests to relive in words the events of the sorority and the world during their terms as National President.
Reminiscing about her seventeen years as President, Wilma Wilson Sha rp's leadership was evident as she led Alpha Sigma Alpha through the financially devastating years of World War II and the Korean War. It was during her term as National President 1930-1936 and 194I -1952 that Alpha Sigma Alpha with its distinguished record as an educational sorority became affiliated with the National Panhellenic Conference. It was also for her that the principal alumnae award was established in 1941. During the formative years of the sorority, Evelyn G. Bell played an essential part as she served eleven years as National President. She guided the sorority through the "better" days of the depression and inspired the sorority in to the service of its country at the outbreak of the Second World War. Evelyn Bell oversaw the addition of many new chapters to the collegiate and alumnae roll of Alpha Sigma Alpha during the peaceful years of lhe fifties. Jean Grady led the sorority into the birth of the space age in her presidency from 1958-1961. With the world at peace the rolls of the sorority grew as it progressed from teacher-oriented institutions to major universities. A new frontier opened for the youth of the world as Mary E. Blackstone assumed the office of president from 1961-1964. The early sixties was a high point of Greek popularity. Mary Goeke Backsman became National President in 1964 as the sorority met in convention in Asheville, N.C. Shortly after convention, the sorority's central office was re-located in Springfield, Missouri, the Phoenix celebrated its Golden Anniversary Edition, and leadership conferences were established. The seventies was it seemed the era of apathy for som~ and the trend toward youthful individualism . Greek fraternities looked upon hard times as they were often considered part of the "establishment." The members of Alpha Sigma Alpha sought a president who could lead the sorority through the resistance . They found one in MaryAnn S. Linton . Her youth invigorated the alumnae, the collegians, and challenged the individualists. Province Days were established, new rush techniques improved and Alpha Sigma Alpha members continued to look forward to their future as always-refreshed, united, strong, with purpose and with direction.
Past Presidents Jean Grady; Wilma Wilson Sharp; Evelyn Bell; Mary Blllckstone; Betty Wallick, new President; MaryAnn Linton.
Mus i c by Robert DeWell
Words by Helen Snyder
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Visit to Longwood Highlighting the 1976 Convention "Come Home to Virginia" was the tour of Longwood College hosted by Alpha Chapter. Approximately three hundred collegiate and alumnae members boarded busses early on the morning of June 29 for the two and a half hour journey to Farmville, Virginia, where Alpha Sigma Alpha was founded on November 15, 1901. A tour of the campus included a visit to Alpha's chapter room, the A :E A Garden and the Rotunda. After the tour, the Alpha Sigmas assembled in the dining hall for the All White Luncheon. Dr. Henry I. Willett, Jr., President of Longwood College spoke on "The Role of Sororities on the College Campus." Special recognition was given to Nu Nu Chapter, Drexel University, as a 50 year chapter and to Beta Upsilon, Indiana State University, as a 25 year chapter. Delta Nu Chapter, General Motors Institute and Delta Xi Chapter, Dallas Baptist College were recognized as new collegiate chapters. Margaret Neff, Vice President of Alumnae, recognized Buffalo, New York, and Pi Pi Chapter as 50 year chapters. New alumnae chapters included Sun City, Arizona; Charlotte, North Carolina; Scranton Area, Pennsylvania; Fort Lauderdale, Florida; and Flint, Michigan. The White Luncheon concluded with the special presentation of a check by MaryAnn Linton to Dr. Willett. This money, given by Alpha Sigma Alpha in commemoration of the Seventy-fifth Anniversary, is to be used for the purchase of books for the library. The initiation of one Alpha Chapter pledge and a memorial service for those Alpha Sigma Alphas who died during the past biennium concluded the visit to Longwood College.
The Awards Banquet
Richmond Alumnae Hostesses
Convention Chairman . . . . . . . • . . . . Nita H. Chandler Assistant Chairman • . . • . . . . . • . . . Lynne R. Chambers Speakers and Programs Chairman . . . . . Frances J. Francis Registration Chairman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jean R. Grady Hospitality Chairman • . . . . . . . . . . . Helen M. DeWell Details Chairmen . . . . . . Dale P. Watkins, Judy G. Bryant Flowers and Menus Chairman . . . . . . . . . . Anne C. Ward Information and Photography . . . . . . Anne M. Magnusdal Gifts Chairman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ann C. Pounds Boutique Chairman . . . . . . . . . . . . . Janice H. Haydel Longwood Tour Chairman . . . . . . . . . Candy J. Dowdy Williamsburg Tour Chairman . . . . Rhonda S. Coor Publicity Chairman • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Linda 0. Cassell Airport Service Chairmen . . . . . . . . . Peninsula Alumnae Workshop Chairman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Debra D. Bukas
Brian, Natasha, and George Linton present an ALA red mailbox to Phil Wallick.
Convention Scrapbook
A "f-A Store
Business Meeting
R eceiving Awards
Province Round Table
Officers' R eception
Formal Banqu et
1976 Convention Awards Scholastic Achievement Award Gamma Omicron
Exhibit A wards Collegiate Best Overall - Beta Zeta Honorable Mention - Delta Xi Most Creative - Epsilon Epsilon Honorable Mention - Beta Nu Alumnae Best Overall - Pittsburgh, Pa. Scrapbook A wards Collegiate - Chi Chi Honorable Mention - Phi Phi Beta Epsilon Alumnae- Indianapolis Honorable Mention- Tri City, Florida
Paula Halfast, Scholarship Chairman, presents the Scholastic Achievement Award to joyce Pennock, Gamma Omicron.
Scholastic Improvement Award Alpha Philanthropic A wards Beta Iota, collegiate Indianapolis, alumnae Honorable Mention- Central Penna. Membership Examination Award Delta Epsilon Panhellenic A ward Beta Epsilon Officers Efficiency Award Beta Epsilon Magazine Awards Beta Lambda, collegiate Tri City, Florida, alumnae Phoenix A wards Best Feature- Beta Beta Best Overall Collegiate - Eta Eta Best Overall Alumnae - Cincinnati, Ohio Tulsa, Oklahoma
Esther Gatseos, far left, and Hiwana Crompton, far right, honor the 50--year members.
Fzfty Year Recognition Perlin a Albright E A A Evelyn G. Bell n n Margaret Flottman Bryant H H Grace Dalby Davies BB Emma Coleman Frost n n Ruth Bryant Pennell ZZ Elizabeth Wilson Rost K K Dorothy Hollinger Scott t.t. S. June Smith KK Ruby Worley Swain BB
Twenty-Five Year Chapter Recognition Beta Upsilon Fzfty Year Chapter Recognition NuNu Pi Pi Buffalo Alumnae
award winners
Wilma Wilson Sltarp Award
schools and private and church-affiliated nursery schools. It is women like Mary Emerson Blackstone, who continue the proud heritage of Alpha Sigma Alpha through their work in sorority, community, and church.
81izabetlt Bird Small Award
Wilma Wilson Sharp presents the Award to Mary Emerson Blackstone.
Alpha Sigma Alpha's highest alumnae honor, the Wilma Wilson Sharp Award, was presented to Mary Emerson Blackstone A r at the Diamond Jubilee Convention. Mrs. Blackstone served Alpha Sigma Ipha as National President from 1961-1964. Other ational offices held by Mary Blackstone were Paraphernalia Chairman, National Vice President, and PC alternate delegate. She helped organize everal alumnae chapters in the Chicago area and was also active in alumnae work in Buffalo, Kansas City, and orfolk. The daughter of a Methodist minister, Mary Black tone was born in Penn ylvania and earned her B.. degree in Education from Indiana State ni er ity, Pennsyl ania. he taught in the public
Teri Sue Ritchie receives her Award from Geraldine Cox.
Alpha Sigma Alpha's highest collegiate honor, the Elizabeth Bird Small ward, was presented at Convention to Teri Sue Ritchie, Beta Epsilon Chapter, Madison College, Virginia. THE PHOENIX
Teri Sue was president of Senior Women's Honor Society, a member of Sigma Phi Lambda, local honor society; Kappa Delta Pi, national education honor society; and Psi Chi, national psychology honor society. She was also selected to Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities. Offices held in A :E A include president of pledge class, co-chairman of rush, Standards Board, and corresponding secretary. Teri is also a member of many campus organizations and has given special service to the community at Pleasant View Home. Her sisters say this: "Teri Sue is a hard worker. She is a bubbling, enthusiastic person and is always willing to help another member. She takes a sincere interest in every member and pledge, and she shines some of her happiness and sunshine on each of us."
The Beta Beta girls declare that in addition to leading, Lindsey is a good listener and gets along well with everyone. She gives up her free time to counsel girls, she participates in all sorority activities, and she keeps enthusiasm at maximum level. Her unselfishness and loyalty went beyond the call of duty.
!den! Plcdf!c Award
lrost 'lidclil!f Award
Sue Johnson
Lindsey Thompson
The Frost Fidelity Award implies devotion and unswerving loyalty and allegiance. This is exactly what Lindsey Thompson gave to Beta Beta Chapter, Greeley, Colorado, when they needed it most. Lindsey served her chapter on many committees and as magazine chairman, but her greatest work was done while she held the office of president. SUMMER 1976
Sue Johnson, Beta Kappa, Western Illinois University is the Ideal Pledge 路 of 1976. Sue's cheerful spirit throughout pledging was helpful to all. She was always available to talk to or to go on an errand. Her sisters say she was always ready to take on a task and do it to perfection with much enthusiasm and willingness. For example, she made most of the pies for the pie sale. Sue did well in her studies also. Even during pledging she achieved a 4.0. She was aware of the traditions and obligations of the sorority and lived the Alpha Sigma Alpha role of an Ideal Pledge.
JuiJl/ee Sclloltlrllllps
Alpha Sigma Alpha points with pride to these five girls and recognizes them with these very special awards commemorating our seventy-fifth year.
Sedgwick,. Kansas, is Linda's home town. Enrolled in Emporia Kansas State College, she is majoring in speech and drama, and is an honor student with a 3.8 average. Linda has played major roles in several theatre productions. She is active in The Emporia State Players, a member of SPURS, leadership organization for sophomore women, serves on the Union Activities Council, is a Red Cross Volunteer, and is very active in the Methodist Church. She has served Epsilon Epsilon chapter as corresponding secretary. Linda is described as a poised, warm person, vivacious, and a willing worker. She says of herself: "My first love is the study of and participation in the theatre." She has been active in a creative dramatics program in Emporia elementary schools. Her ultimate goal is to teach dramatics and speech communications.
Linda Kay Hobble - Epsilon Epsilon
Ridgeway, Missouri, is Pam's home town. Enrolled in Northwest Missouri State University, Maryville, Missouri, she is working toward a degree in Secondary Education. Her major field is Office Administration. She expects to graduate in May, 1977, plans to teach business in high school. Her goals are stated very directly: "I am anxious to teach high school students, mainly because I like students of that age, and also because I feel that the high school period is the most important time in a young person's life . . . the time they can learn about the many different opportunities that are open to them." Pam plans to pursue graduate studies during summer sessions, concentrating upon her special interest, accounting. She is a member of Pi Omega Pi, serving as vice-president, and Kappa Delta Pi. A member of Phi Phi Chapter since 1973, she has served as editor and vice-president. Pam has served as Resident Assistant, then Head Resident of Roberta Hall, a women's hall housing five sorority groups. The Dean of Students recommended her highly. Pam joins her sister, Theresa, as- a scholarship recipient.
Pamela S. Darn ell - Phi Phi
Sidney Allen presents Denise Marsh and Melanie Lanyi with their Diamond jubilee Scholarships.
A language maJor from Denville, New Jersey, Denise states: "My career goal is to enter the business world, and work for a corporation having foreign divisions or customers; or to enter into a position with the government." The Chairman of the Foreign Languages Department of Radford College where Denise is enrolled as a junior, describes Denise in this way: "Miss Marsh is an outstanding student, majoring in French and minoring in German. She also has a command of Spanish . . . In this day we must anticipate that the United States will have more and more need of the caliber of Miss Marsh . . . in addition to her academic skills, she impresses me because of her maturity and willingness to work." Denise pledged Beta Iota in 1974, seiVed as recording secretary in 19 7 5, and as president in 1976. She is a member of Alpha Lamda Delta and Pi Delta Phi, honorary French fraternity. She has seiVed the French Club as secretary and president. She is an honor student. This Diamond Jubilee Scholarship recipient is a very unusual person. You will understand why, as you read Melanie Lanyi's goals: SUMMER 1976
"Let me begin this description of my goals by telling how I became interested in Mechanical Engineering - Electrical Option. My initial interest in engineering dates back to elementary school and the influence of my father, a very engineering-minded man. Receiving his inspiration, and finding myself interested and adept in science and math, I had no problem deciding what I would do. Problem-solving and design activities satisfied me extremely." Melanie, from Elizabeth, Pennsylvania, chose to attend General Motors Institute because it specializes in her field, and has a low-student faculty ratio, and a work-study program. Although she ranks in the top 1% of the students at GMI, she is .very active in many other ways. She is a member of Tau Beta Pi, engineering honor society, is a member of the GMI Ski Team, plays coed basketball, volleyball, and baseball. Last, but not least, she ski-dives. A charter member of Delta Nu, she has seiVed as secretary, treasurer, and rush chairman. She has been highly recommended as an outstanding student, and equally as outstanding in the design and work areas of the plant.
She is on the President's Honor Roll. She has played lead roles in several operas and musicals, as well as having been a violinist with the Symphony Orchestra, and a member of a Methodist Church choir. Suzie is described as a person who "lights up any place she is," and is noted for her ability to get along well with others, and her dependability. Her Epsilon Epsilon sisters honored her with a "Suzie Hillis Day," and chose her for their candidate in the 1976 Miss Emporia Pageant. A very active A :E A, she was her pledge class secretary, very active during formal rush in fall of '75, and represented her sorority in the Panhellenic slide presentation. Suzanne M. HiUis- Epsilon Epsilon
Suzie's home is Kansas City, Missouri. She is a sophomore at Emporia Kansas State College, working toward a Bachelor of Music Education, with specialization in vocal music.
Mary Sara McDonald BK is this year's recipient of the Mary Turner Gallagher Scholarship. Enrolled in Western Illinois University, she is working toward a B.S. in Special Education, Learning Disabilities. Her minor is Elementary Education. She recently completed a field experience in teaching children with learning disabilities, and found it to be one of the most rewarding experiences of her life. She expects to complete her degree in 1977. She says, "I can't wait to do my student teaching, and to graduate in May. After I have taught for a few years, I hope to start on my Master's Degree, and perhaps the doctorate." member of Beta Kappa, Mary Sara has served the chapter as publicity chairman, scholarship chairman, athletic chairman. She is on the Dean's List, has served Panhellenic as publicitiy chairman, and won the Panhellenic Scholarship A ward.
Even though Suzie is a dedicated musician, she places importance on being a well-rounded person. In her own words she says, "To add a well-rounded education on top a concentrated study of music is an important requirement much needed for a proper balance or interest m many fields." Her grade point average is 3.95.
Mary Sara McDoruUd
w,.,,. WIIIOII s,.,, Scllol•''"')
Carol Van De Voort
Paula Shea Sarver
Paula Shea Sarver, a Beta Sigma from Southwest Missouri State University, Springfield, Missouri, is the 1976 Wilma Wilson Sharp recipient. A junior, she is majoring in Special Education - Mental Retardation and Learning Disabilities. Upon graduation next spring she expects to teach, and then return to school to get a Master's Degree. Her ultimate plans are to work with the deaf. She is described as an outstanding young woman who excels both in academics and extra-curricula and community activities. Paula has been active in the Student Education Association, and in Intramurals. She has served her sorority chapter in many ways: Intramural chairman, standards board, magazine chairman, ways and means chairman, assistant membership chairman, and membership chairman.
financial department. She enhances her abilities on a future plans include getting Business Law. Carol serves Delta Nu as man, and housing chairman. the Greek Assembly.
feels that working practical level. Her a master's degree in philanthropic chairShe is a member of
N•tlon•l Pllll•ntll,oplc Scllol•,•lllp
limy Swl1lle' Scllol•,•lllp Detroit, Michigan, is the home of Carol Van De Voort, the Amy Swisher recipient. Sponsored· by Delta Nu, section A, she is enrolled in General Motors Institute. A sophomore, she hopes to obtain a bachelor's degree in Industrial Administration, with emphasis in marketing. A Dean's List student, she comes highly recommended. Carol works part-time at Chevrolet Central Office in the SUMMER 1976
Vick ie Sue Vaughn
Vicki Sue Vaughn, from Pittsburg, Kansas, is Eta Eta's recipient of the National Philanthropic Scholarship. She is enrolled in Kansas State College, Pittsburg, Kansas, and is a junior. Majoring in Business Administration, she hopes to graduate in
spnng of 1977. Her maJor field is Information Systems and ccounting. Her academic background is excellent, and she has definite goals set for herself. She hopes to become a C.P.A. She is presently employed as a part-time programmer for the college. Vicki is a member of CWENS, sophomore women's honorary group, a member of the Student Senate, and serves on several Senate committees. She was a Edward T. Me ally Scholarship recipient last fall. She is active in state and national politics. Vicki pledged Alpha Sigma Alpha in the fall of 1974. She has served as member of Standards Board, assistant rush chairman, and treasurer. Of her sorority she says, "I feel that the sorority has been very important in helping me set my objectives. The base of sisterhood and friendship offers me security that makes me try for things I want with a higher level of confidence. The sorority has placed responsibilities on me, teaching me to be responsible for myself and for the things I promise to do."
her to work with emotionally and men tally retarded persons. Although Suzanne has worked 10-14 hours per week while attending school, she has maintained a consistently high grade point average - 3.9. She made a B in Bad min ton! Extremely active in many extra-curricular activities, she is a member of Peer Advisement, Home Economics Associations, the Student Education Association, having served as its treasurer and membership chairman. Sue has been a member of A 1": A for two years. She has served Beta Phi as editor, and has received their award for high scholarship two years. About her choice of a career, she says: "I feel that Home Economics is a helping profession. I also feel that with a Special Field Certification, I will be better qualified to teach all types of students, including those with special handicaps."
Specltll ltluctlllon Sclloltltllllpl
Audrey Michale Brush
Suzanne Elizabeth Becher- Beta Phi
Suzanne is from Stratford, Wisconsin. She is a junior at University of Wisconsin Stout. Majoring in Home Economics, she is pursuing a Special Fields certification which will qualify 14
Audrey, while not an Alpha Sigma Alpha, is sponsored by Kappa Kappa Chapter. Her home is in Southampton, Pennsylvania, and she is self-supportive. Both her parents are deceased. She is a graduate student at Temple University, working toward a Master's in Therapeutic Recreation. She is a graduate of the Philadelphia College of Textiles and Design. Upon completion of her graduate work she expects to take courses in Special Education. Audrey maintains a 4.0 average. She has been a student and a faculty member in the Eastern Cooperative Recreation School, and has gained an excellent pro fessional reputation. THE PHOENIX
State Days 1976 Arkansas
Hostesses for Arkansas State Day were Gamma Zetas. During a brief business meeting it was announced that Province Day would be held in 19 77 with Dallas hostessing. Chapter reports, which highlighted awards, activities, and notable chapter members, were given. The chapters then engaged in a question and answer period, sharing many ideas. The morning ended with a talk by Mary Ann Linton, National President. The afternoon was spent in entertainment and singing.
Like a reflection of the bright, spring day, Saturday, April 3, 1976, Alpha Sigma Alpha sisters convened in the newly refurbished Nittany Lion Inn of State College to exchange and gain, to share and compare during their nineteenth annual event. For some it was the first exciting trip to Penn State's campus, where they were welcomed to the Gamma Eta suite for a lively weekend on a big campus; for others it was renewing friendships and enjoying a fine program and luncheon. For all who attended it was a high point of sharing our sisterhood. It was enrichment and fun! The affair was made possible through the work of Gamma Eta Coordinators Marcia Campolongo and Laura Prudente (MC) with State College Alumnae President, Mrs. Nadine Daszkiewicz. With 60 people in attendance, all chapters reported their year's activities and scholarship ratings. There were several philanthropic projects and fundraisers which garnered applause. Summary reports were given after the discussion groups completed their exchange on pledging, rush techniques, standards and philanthropic projects. In keeping with the theme, "Grow In, Grow Out," Dr. Helenmarie Hofman, Province Director of Area 7, of Arlington, Virginia, gave an illustrated talk entitled "Grow Beyond." Mrs. Jane Peters, P.D., Area 路 2 Alumnae, conducted the business meeting. Mrs. Daszkiewicz was elected State Day Coordinator.
Kansas- Missouri Phi Phi girls were hostesses for the Kansas Missouri State Day. Workshops were held on rush, pledging, alumnae, financial, and philanthropic. They were concluded with an evaluation session. Luncheon followed at which time chapter, collegiate, and alumnae reports were given. MaryAnn Linton, National President, was the speaker.
Texas April 3 was Texas State Day at the Warwick Hotel in Houston. The Houston Alumnae Chapter served as hostesses. The theme was "An ALA Birthday Party." During registration birthday cake and coffee were served. The morning session consisted of a business meeting with each chapter giving reports of their activities for the year. Small groups did some "Alphagraphs," tracing life in ALA and describing what it meant to each one. The morning session ended with a makeup demonstration. After lunch Kathleen McNemar, Chairman of the Child Development Department at San Jacinto College, gave a delightful review of the book Declare Yourself. SUMMER 1976
Jane S. Peters, Province 2 Director
EDITOR'S NOTE: On April 10 Illinois State Day was held at Loyola University with Gamma Lambda and North Suburban Chicago as hostesses and Colorado State Day was held at the Sheraton Inn, Denver, with Denver Alumnae serving as hostesses. No other report was re ceived.
W11shboard Band
April 24 was Ohio State Day at the Carrousel Inn in Columbus. The Akron Alumnae Chapter served as hostesses. The morning started with a coffee hour, followed by the business session. A Memorial Service opened this meeting. Chapter reports were made followed by other reports. New Business provided a time for questions, suggestions, and ideas. A luncheon was served in the Saint Andrews Room. National Officers and Golden Girls were recognized. The speaker was Willard Barrere, son of Maude Murphy Barrere AA . He is the Coordinator of a Horticulture Program for Weaver School Workshop, and his presentation, entitled "People Helping Plants Help People," showed what the field of Horticulture could do for, and mean to, retarded and handicapped individuals. The day ended with songs by the Alpha Alpha girls and favors of beautiful cloth flowers made by the Akron alumnae.
The Chi Chi Chapter at Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana, has a group they call appropriately enough, the "Alpha Sigma Alpha Washboard Band." Lorie Henderson started the group in the spring of 1974 and they are increasing in popularity every day. The group began with eight foot-stompin' girls dressed in overalls, playing guitar, washIndiana State Day was held April 24 in boards, and spoons, and has grown to 12 Fort Wayne . Morning discussions concerned members presently. The ALA Washboard Band sang at the changes in Indiana By-Laws, the Indiana Newsletter, the next State Day, and Conventions Homecoming Variety Show, Placement and 1976 and 1978. A buffet luncheon was Recruiting activities, fraternity and organserved with a '76 Anniversary, red-white-blue izational banquets, Shakey's Pizza Parlor, cake. Entertainment was provided by the and many others. The second party during Chi Chi washboard band. A style show rush is based around the group. They were depicting ALA in Indiana through the years also named Honorary Recruiters for the was held. The closing friendship circle con- U.S. Marines. Chi Chis have felt the group tained the ALA gals through the years in is a tremendous asset to the sorority. their costumes. Lorie Henderson, Chapter Editor
Mary Batterton, Gamma Omega
Mary Batterton, Gamma Omega, was presented with an honorary membership into the Future Homemakers of America. Mary, who was a national officer of the organization in 19 7 3-7 4, is the first youth in the organization's history to ever receive this award in Illinois. THE PHOENIX
collegiate corner Debra Bukas, Editor
Recruiting new members on a formal or informal basis kept Alpha collegians busy throughout the year. ALPHAS held dinners in the chapter room, mixers and keg for prospec· tive members. ALPHA ALPHA's informal rush parties included an open suite with a buffet dinner, the "Malt Shop," and "El Club Alpha." Formal rush was divided into four party rounds. First round was an open suite and second round included decorations of blown up photographs of chapter activities and rushees learning a song and viewing a skit. The French Cafe third round parties found the suite decorated with red and white checked table cloths and curtains. Making use of the same decorations with a touch of blue crepe paper gave a bicentennial theme to the fourth round party. Nametags were in the shape of little drums and entertainment included singing spoofs on Columbus and George Washington. As informal rush activities, ALPHA BETAS held a Fifties Party and a Ritual Party. During formal rush, a week of informal parties was held. They based the formal party on the Alphatraz theme and the preference party on "Sunrise· Sunset" and have the Pearl Ceremony. BETA BETA's informal rush activities included a ski party and game night. They also held a party "Free to Be You and Me" with skits taken from the book by the same name. Formal rush included open house, a game party and a Hawaiian party. At this party, leis are given to rushees and fresh fruit and punch are served. Coffee house nights where chapter members entertain, games such as relay races, scavenger hunts and "Name That Tune," dancing and slide shows were EPSILON EPSILON's informal rush activities. During formal rush, first round parties were house tours and the second round, skits. Third round parties were open houses with dancing, volley ball or card games and the fourth round party was a formal dessert which included a ceremony. Hayrides, picnics, and canoeing were ZETA ZETA's informal rush activities. Formal rush began with a Panhellenic cocktail hour followed by progressive parties. During the first round party, tap dancers and singers entertained to the theme "Anchors Away." The second round party was a Hawaiian luau, and at the preference dinner, ALA pillows and brandy sniffers were given to rushees. Informal rush at ETA ETA centered around a barn party. Barn·like decora· tions, country·western and folk music, charades, cider and popcorn added to the fun. Alpha bunnies served 7·Up cocktails during their formal rush party and entertained with a skit entitled "Sisters." Rush activities at Pm PHI included a Sailor Party, a Country Fair Party, a Garden Party and a Flapper Party. CHI CffiShelda popcorn party, a Valentine's Party, a Fondue Dinner and social hours in the suite. BETA EPSILONS held two open house parties and informal visits. BETA ZETA's rush activities included a Get Acquainted Day, a Jeans Day, and the preference party with the Wishing Well Ceremony. BETA THETAS had an ice cream sundae party and a game party where they made and served hot pretzels. They also had coke and dinner dates, a slide presentation and an informal get together. At their Valentine's Party, valentines were made and later sent to other campus Greeks.
Formal rush at BETA IOTA included a Get Acquainted Party and parties with food, costumes and skits. BET A MU's informal rush consisted of an ice cream social and an old fashioned pie party. Formal rush began with a torchlight Hawaiian dinner including a fire twirling routine by one member. They also held a Fifties Party and a party with the Wishing Well Ceremony. An open house opened BETA SIGMA's formal rush activities. The second party theme "Damn Yankees" involved a musical skit and at the preference tea, they presented a slide show and the Pearl Ceremony. Informal rush activities for BETA UPSILONS involve several parties with various themes. After the parties, the chapter divides into teams of 2-3 members to visit rushees and team rush. During this time, each member is responsible for sending notes and small tokens of friendship to the rushees. GAMMA ZETAS held a Fifties Party and a formal party which included the Wishing Well Ceremony. GAMMA ETAS hold pop com parties, coffee hours and teas for informal rush. At socials, rushees are invited along for wine and cheese. GAMMA LAMBDA's informal rush activities include everything from rushing in the dorm to rushing at local parties. Formal parties included a Sadie Hawkins Party and an Italian Dinner. Sledding and pop corn parties make up GAMMA MU's informal rush. At GAMMA XI, informal rush included an open house and a Ski Lodge Party. GAMMA OMICRONS had pop corn parties and study breaks, as well as a sandwich party with cold cuts left from a hoagie sale. Their formal rush party "Aweigh with Alpha Sigs" included sailor outfits, a meal, skits, and the Wishing Well Ceremony. GAMMA PIS had a coke party and softball game while GAMMA RHOS held a Bavarian Festival with birch beer and pretzels. All rushees are invited to any sorority parties held at GAMMA PSI. Groups are assigned to visit rushees once a week and holiday greetings are placed on rushees' doors. Formal rush included daily rushings of all prospective members. GAMMA OMEGAS held open house, pop com parties and the Pearl Ceremony. To promote interest, DELTA EPSILONS held a spring picnic for prospective members. DELTA ETAS invite rushees to mixers and dances, hold coke parties and provide transportation. DELTA IOTA's rush program included a Mexican fiesta, a French Canadian Cafe, a slide show and the preference party with the Wishing Well Ceremony. DELTA KAPPA's "Thank God I'm an ALA" included square dancing, fire burning in the fireplace, pumpKins and bales of hay. They held a Fun Night and a Fifties Party. Formal rush began with a Panhellenic watermelon bust. DELTA LAMBDAS invite prospective rushees to social functions while DELTA NU-B held pop com parties and sing alongs. At their Astrology Party, a guest read horoscopes and tea leaves. Formal rush included a puzzle party, Pearl Ceremony and a hair care demonstration. Beauticians demon· strated hair cutting and care techniq~s on volunteers. DELTA XI's formal rush included an AY-A Night, "Mother Goose Party," and a preference party. College Panhellenics have been busy during the past year.
Besides orgaruzmg rush and sponsoring activities such as Greek Week, Blood Drives, food drives, and intramurals, they have also awarded scholarships and presented Scholarship Cups. Many other social and philanthropic projects were done. ALPHA's Panhellenic held Saturday movies for children and helped with a day care center. Panhellenic Council at ALPHA ALPHA held a Greek Recognition Dessert for soror路 ity officers while BET A BET A's Panhellenic sponsored a Secret Sorority. Cookies, candies and poems were given to the secret sorority. At the end of the five week period, a Panhellenic dessert was held and the secret sororities were revealed. Panhellenic Council at EPS ILON EPSILON spon路 sors a Senior Weekend for high school seniors interested in EKSC. The visiting seniors stay at Greek houses and learn about the school and the Greek system. ZETA ZETA's Panhellenic Council sponsored a bicentennial project for the community while ETA ETA's Panhellenic sponsors a tea for the school administration during which Panhellenic officers are installed. BETA EPSILON's Panhellenic sponsors its own newspaper, Panhellenic Press. A Panhellenic Ball is organized by BETA THETA's Panhellenic Co uncil while BETA IOTA's Panhellenic organizes philanthropic projects such as a see-saw marathon. Panhellenic at BET A MU sponsors an all sorority Pledge Dance. BETA UPS ILON's Panhellenic sponsors a Campus Revue, Tandemonia and Trike Race. A program on rape was held by GAMMA ETA's Panhellenic while GAMMA LAMBDA's Panhellenic sponsored a Sadie Hawkins Dance. GAMMA MU's Panhellenic sponsors a Greek Spirit Award for the Greek giving the most service to Greek organizations throughout the year. GAMMA PSI's Panhellenic sponsors a game night with each sorority hosting a different activity. DELTA LAMBDA's Panhellenic sponsored a dance marathon
for Muscular Dystrophy. For fund raising, they are selling Panhellenic cookbooks. Individual and chapter achievements abounded this year. ALPHAS are proud of Sherry Swinson, Junior Class Representative for Legislative Board and Hall President; Robin Deans, Homecoming Representative; Sheila Magee, Pi Gamma Mu;Jean Drum, Kappa Omicron Phi; Cindy Thomas, Tobacco Bowl Queen; Beth Tomlinson and Mary Woolfolk, Homecoming Candidates; and Beth Sadler, Dorm President. ALPHA BETA Becky Rives was chosen Miss Missouri. BETA BETAS sponsored a dance marathon for Muscular Dystrophy. PHI PHIS collected money for the Heart Fund and won the Greek Women Supremacy Trophy. BETA DELTAS sponsored crippled children and adopted a grandfather. BETA THETA made a banner for the Special Olympics at CMU and sponsored a champion from Virginia for the national Special Olympics . BETA MU members initiated into Alpha Chi were Susan Durkee, Susan Hurt, Missy Moore, Camille Parker, Robbie Smith and Marietta Waddell. Diane Jones was Phi Sigma Epsilon Sweetheart. Robbie Smith was Greek Senior Senator. Missy Moore and Susan Durkee were elected to Who's Who in American Colleges ar~d Universities . Marietta Waddell was president of the Arkansas Home Economics Association. BETA PIS collected for the Easter Seal Society and held a tea for their parents. GAMMA OMICRONS collected money for t he Children's Hospital. GAMMA PSIS took first place in Edinboro's Rally Night. Three GAMMA OMEGAS, Becky Rasmussen, Denise Peterson, and Jackie Schraeder, were elected to Kappa Delta Phi . Gam ma Omegas also won the Scholastics Award for the third year in a row. DELTA ETA Kathy Bohm was selected Queen of Alpha Beta Gamma.
Alpha Alpha Receives A ward
1976 Symposiarchs Award Winners
Oxford, Ohio - For the second year Miami University fraternities and sororities have been recognized by the Oxford Chapter of Order of Symposiarchs of merica, with the Community ervice award going to Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity,
and the Scholarship Award presented to Alpha Sigma Alpha Sorority . Presenting the fraternity award (1-r) was Everett L. Lykins, Miami assistant dean of student/community relations and president of the Oxford Symposiarch chapter, to Daniel J. Johnson, a junior from Cincinnati, President of Phi Kappa Tau, while Miss Susan Sarkisian, a Chagrin Falls sophomore, president of Alpha Sigma Alpha, received the scholarship award from Miss Mary Evans, assistant dean for co -curricular programs with responsibility for sororitie . The Community Service and Scholarship ward change back-and-forth between sororities and fraternities. The Scholarship ward is to recognize the organization that has shown the mo t improvement in scholarship over the past year. Alpha igma lpha mo ed from 17th place among sorority cholar hip rankings to 9th place. The averages are based upon accumulated grade a erages for all members of the sorority and rankings are numbered within the 20 sororitie acti e at tiami.
alumnae action Lillian Ford Donnelly, Editor
The BOSTON alums anticipated the spring meeting at Hazel Vaux's ~home in Swampscott, Massachusetts. Mena Topjian ~ is busy making a study of Indians of America, while Marion Folsom ~ and Edith Howlett ~are active in their local historical associations. Alums welcomed new members Marjorie Carpenter Wasko from HH and Joy Danil· owitz IT. Each CALUMET REGION alum baked cookies which Cathy Slanic Wesley XX took to the Hammond Nursing Home. Alums also supplied leis for an Hawaiian party at the Home. Each member is assigned a month during which she buys birthday presents for patients who have birth· days during the month. The CINCINNATI alums began the new year with a wine tasting party at the home of Peggy Porter AA In February, the alums attended a luncheon celebrating the Bicentennial. Nancy Coon Anderson's rB husband Simon, a teacher educa· tor at the Cincinnati College Conservatory of Music and an authority on music of the American Revolution. Alums also attended a Progressive dinner in March, State Day in April, and the National Convention in June. The COLUMBUS Alumnae Chapter welcomed new members Jane Mowery Geller AA and Joann Pickup AA and a new baby son to Linda Ranson Secrest PP. Alums celebrated May with a salad potluck luncheon at the home of Diane Kightlinger Thomas with Sarah Pegler and Pan Cheek Free as hostesses. DAYTON alum Bev Ayles AA was hostess for a combination brunch and craft sale in November. Part of the proceeds from the craft sales and demonstrations given by Kathy Y echout was donated to the Philanthropic Fund. Bev also played Santa Claus to the chapter's daughter Cristy. February saw the alums gather for a luncheon-work session to plan April's card party. Members were saddened in February to learn of the Death of Lola Lakin EE. The ELKHART· GOSHEN Alumnae Chapter awaited spring by making alphabet scrapbooks at the home of Susan Butter Hiatt XX for the children at Horizon Learning Center. March found the alums celebrating their fifteenth birthday at the home of Dee Janesczek Watson BK A plant exchange was held at the home of Dorothy Hilary Pears INr. Members found them· selves pontooning on Eagle Lake, enjoying the hospitality of Hilary Teanny Havens and sunning themselves around the pool at Judi Ackley Morr's during the summer. During the late winter months, FLINT alums concen· trated on their philanthropic project with retarded citizens. The chapter "adopts" a citizen according to a Flint program and shares its time and friendship with the citizens. INDIAN· APOLIS alum Mona Woodward Bl' was honored by the Arsenal Technical High School with a Business Educational Medal named in her honor. Mona headed the school's business department from 1927 until 1970. Alums planned for Indi· ana State Day and the National Convention at their February meeting hosted by Maura Flannagan Watson Bl', Susan James Legg XX, Cheryl White Jones Bl', JoAnn Laugel Bl', and Mona Woodward Bl'. The March meeting was hosted by Mary Ellen Brunson Nease Bl', Nancy Stephens Maish XX, and JoAnn Barr Deer Bl'. A representative of a chapter supported nutrition Camp spoke on the activities and bene· fits of the camp.
The LAFAYETTE Alumnae Chapter assisted the Beta Zetas during their spring rush by serving at parties and helping at cut sessions. New pledges were honored at a party given by the alums. MARYVILLE alums welcomed two new members as a part of their "getting to know you" project. New members are Marilyn Mathers Mutti AB and Debbie Anderson Nelsen <I><P. Maryville College members and alums are planning a retirement party for Bonnie Magill, member of the Women's Physical Education Department at Maryville and chapter sponsor. The MILWAUKEE alumnae celebrated the Bicentennial at the home of Donna Dauer Sullivan rE in March with the colors red, white, and blue and a film on Williamsburg. The home of Mary Ellen Hickey Kowalski rE was full of excite· ment on "Game Night" in April. Hermes Day was celebrated with a luncheon in May arranged by Ann Wollenberg Bor· owski rE and Naomi Tamms Bauman rE. Sue Latsko McClymonds r.:; hosted the MORAINE AREA alumnae meeting in February. Members worked on name tags for a Convention Workshop and held a cookie exchange. Laura Sparlin Kauggman r.:; hosted the March meeting at which the members made boutique items. To "rush" new alumnae for the chapter, members have a calling system to contact any prospective members. Alums also send a newsletter in the fall outlining chapter activities. The MUNCIE alums provide a snack supper for the mem· hers of the Chi Chi Chapter during the tedious hours they spend selecting new pledges. OMAHA alums Jean Ullrick and Jill Karre hosted the alums Founders' Day celebration in November. A cookie exchange was held and each member received a recipe book and Santa Claus napkin ring. PITTSBURGH alums held their March meeting at the home of Dawn Kukick. Members made favors for State Day. Member Lynda Gamble was named Hospitality Chairman of the Friends of the South Park Township Library. Mary Kuno hosted the April meeting. Members heartily participated in the city's Panhellenic Benefit. SAN DIEGO alums welcomed new members Ruth Ann Crawford LlL\,Joanne England Woo I1, Cathy Roach Bl, and Mary Anne Means Wagner Bn. Alumnae members attended a buffet luncheon and matinee performance of "I Do, I Do" at the Hotel San Diego in February. Serena Engelhart Lannue ZZ appointed Kay Faust Davey XX, Dorothea John McCright BK and Anne Rumney Will PX to select the slate of new officers. The SUN CITY alumnae met in the home of Marian Gann Vail TI in January. Members enjoyed listening to the program presented by Marjorie Boone, pianist. Members learned first hand of Arizona's early history from 1877 to 1973, when Helen Baldock Craig reviewed her book Within Adobe Walls. The meeting was held at the home of Harriet Rose Woods A.B. The TRI·CITY FLORIDA Alumnae went Bicentennial on St. Valentine's Day with a dinner to which husbands were invited. Hostess of the dinner were Norma Nyce Herberling KK; Ann Kaiser, Associate Alumnae; Thelma Butterfield Brown AA; Cathy Eckert Kirkpatrick PI>. Kappa Kappa alums joined together after many years for a picture. They included: June Smith, Eleanor Smith Thomas, Eleanor Carpenter Testa, Anna Grim Wooley, Norma Nyce Herberling,
Ruth Mercer, Dorothy Kretchmer Chase, and Billie Barrett Cousins. TULSA alum Sue Jones LaBorde Brhosted the members to their first meeting - a cookout. Twelve members enjoyed the three collegiate rush parties they attended at Tahlequah. Husbands and gentlemen friends were guests at the wine and cheese tasting party in February.
Happy Birthday PI PI Fifty years have blessed us all With friendships that we treasure, The memories of Alpha Sig Are more than we can measure. We dedicate this day to you Our classmates far and near, And to our sisters - gone away We wish that you were here. On Saturday, May 8, one hundred-eighty Pi Pi Chapter Alpha Sig alums gathered together for a gala golden anniversary celebration at the Brookfield Country Club. We were there in force from our first Alum president, Helen Weis, to our present one, Jacqueline Vito Lo Russo, who greeted us before lunch. "How wonderful to see you, you look marvelous," were the words to be heard as we greeted each other. After a delightful luncheon, concluding with an Alpha Sig red and white birthday cake we proceeded to a most interesting program. Our toastmistress, Evelyn Bell, introduced the head table which included our Province Director, Jane Shaffer Peters, AG, from Camp Hill, Pennsylvania. She told us she was most impressed by our group gathered to celebrate this most auspicious occasion in our Bicentennial year.
Our Golden Anniversary chairmen for the day were the following who all did a stupendous job.
Co-Chairmen . ........... Lindy Thompson Redmond Judith Jackson Bieber Toastmistress ..................... Evelyn G. Bell Reception ...... .... ... . .. ... Jean Vedder Richard Reservations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Barbara A. Eddy Frances Wedekindt Lehman Finance .... .. ...... .. .. Daniele Goodlander Priest Publicity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Susan Shattuck Shields Commemorative Booklet . . . . Beatrice Palmerton Nies Music ......... . .......... . Betty Germony Klute Decorations .. ... ............ Joan Dadante Barrali Karen Gervase Lesinski Favors ... ... ... . ..... ..... Louise Abrams Abbott Nostalgic Display . .... .. .. . Patricia Sansone Boreanz Betsy Sleeper Kendall Program ... 1926-1936 ..... Virginia Donnigan Butler 1936-1946 .. ..... Peg Hammond Nelson 1946-1956 . . . . . . . . . . Sue Marvin Flynn 1956-1966 .... ... Rosalie Majka Skurski 1966-1976 ... Mary Ellen Meaney Randall Marms Phoenix ........ . ..... Margaret McMahon Horrigan Special Advisor ..... Jean Charmichael Vedder Richard
Our program was most delightful starting with the years 1926-36 and recollections of the 1934 Convention. From 1936 to 46 we learned that Alpha Sig was the first sorority on..Buffalo States campus to have jackets and also in 1944 we had a Sorority house. During 1946-56 there was a lack of men on campus and they were imported from various places. The years 1956-66 told us what it was like to be a freshman and of course during this time was the beginning of the great change in campus life. 1966-76 was portrayed by six redjacketed girls telling us about life in the past 1 0 years of Alpha Sig. The Alpha Marms, our own very special and delightful singing group, entertained us between the ten year groups. Finally Rosemary Lo Destro Lett presented each past president that was in attendance with a beautiful yellow daisy. We ended in song, smiles and tears. Margaret McMahon Horrigan
RoserTUJry Ryan greets jane Peters P.D.; jean Richards, and Evelyn BeU, past National President.
Alpha Sigma Alpha National Officers and Province Directors 1976-78 FOUNDED
Longwood College, Farmville, Virginia, November 15, 1901
Alumnae Editor- Lillian Ford Donn elly BI (Mrs. V incent R .), 6309 Ardsley Sq ., 203-C, V irg inia Beach , V irginia 23462 Collegiate Editor- Miss Rosemary Carucci Bll, F-4 Draper's Meadow Apts., Blacksburg, Virginia 24060 Feature Editor- Miss Paula Keyes IT, 345 Webster Avenue , Apt . 4F, Brooklyn, New York 11230 Historian- Hiwana Cupp Crompt on BE (M rs. Eugene H.) , 91 Belmont Dr ., Leesburg, Virgin ia 22075
FOUNDERS Louise Cox Carper (Mrs. W. B.) • Juliette Hundley Gilliam (Mrs. H. E.) * Miss Mary Williamson Hundley • Virginia Boyd Noell (Mrs. J . W.) * Calva Watson Wootton (Mrs. P. W.) • * deceased
President Emerita- Wilma Wilson Sharp ZZ (Mrs. Fred M.), 1405 Hardy, Independence, Missouri 64052 President- Betty Urban Wallick ZZ (Mrs. Philip H.), 676 Park Avenue, York, Pennsylvania 17402 Executive Vice President- Rhetta Nesbitt Robinson BG (Mrs. Ronald), 5880 South Joplin, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74135 Vice President of Development- Miss Paula Cyrus PP, 624 High Street, St. Albans, West Virginia 25177 Vice President of Collegiate Program - Elaine Rahaim Shiverdecker B~. 4195 SW 67 Avenue, Apt. 10GB, Davie, Florida 33314 Vice President of Alumnae Program- Sidney Gremillion Allen '1!'11' (Mrs. John H.) , 10064 Heritage Drive, Shreveport, Louisiana 71105 Secretary- Hiwana Cupp Crompton BE (Mrs. Eugene H .), 91 Belmont Dr ., Leesburg, Virginia 22075 Treasurer- Marilyn Ramsey Garbee BL (Mrs. E. L.) , 49 St. Andrews Circle, Broken Arrow, Oklahoma 74012 NPC Delegate- MaryAnn Sidehamer Linton rH (Mrs. George D.), 204 Gallup Road, Princeton, New Jersey 08540 Editor- Dr. Helenmarie Herbert Hofman (Mrs. Robert J.), 1884 Patrick Henry Dr ., Arlington, Virginia 22205 Headquarters Executive- Miss Rose Marie Fellin tll.:, 616 S. Kickapoo , Springfield , Missouri 65804
NATIONAL CHAIRMEN Chairman of Chapter Advisers- Terri Wright NN(Mrs. Jeffrey) , 4917 Morris Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19144 Chairman of Archives- Judy DeMaster Winter ZZ (Mrs. Weldon J.) , 501 Wedgewood Dr., Blue Springs, Missouri 64015 Constitution Chairman- Nita Hodnett Chandler BE (Mrs. W. L.), 2 Raven Rock Road , Richmond , Virginia 23229 Chairman of Housing - Doris Snodgrass Klein ZZ (Mrs. Oran J.), 205 West 114th Street, Kansas City, Missouri 64114 Chairman of Philanthropies- Esther Kauffman Gatseos BB (Mrs. George G.) , 6659 E. Eastman Avenue, Denver, Colorado 80224 Chairman of Programs- Miss Barbara Johnston B'lr, 1106 Mt. Royal Dr ., Apt. 3A, Kalamazoo , Michigan 49009 Chairman of R itual- Marlys Jarrett White BB (Mrs. Dennis P.) , 2290 Ash Street, Denver, Colorado 80207 Chairman of Rush - Marilyn Manion Stratton BB (M rs. Robert). 9119 Brightwater, San Antonio, Texas 78228 Chairman of Scholarship- Miss Paula Halfast 738 Village Avenue , # 6F , Broken Arrow , Oklahoma 74012 Chairman of Standards- Frances Jobson Francis BE (M rs. James T.) , 602 Devon Road , Richmond, Virginia 23229
Province I Director - Judith Wilcox Petterson GT , 115 E. 9th St., Apt . 19, New York, New York 10028 Province II Director (Collegiate) - Constance Bandola Garrison GZ, 400 Vince Street, Munhall, Pennsylvania 15120 Province II Director (Alumnae) - Jane Shaffer Peters A G (Mrs. Ralph), 402 Candlewyck Road , Camp Hill, Penn sylvania 17011 Province Ill Director- Barbara Hankins Brown BN (Mrs. Pat), 126 Shockley Dr., Huntington , West Virginia 25701 Province IV Director- Merrilyn Lindley Burris XX, 1627 Luke Lane, Lot 141 , 1ndianapolis, lndiana 46227 Province V Director (Collegiate) - Miss Christy S. Bauer GM, 3903 Northampton Rd ., Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 Province V Director (Alumnae)- Carmine Cree Alvey XX (Mrs. Chas. R.), 3830 University Avenue, Muncie, Indiana 47304 Province VI Director- Joyce Lescelius Abner 1018 S. Main St., Mt . Pleasant, Michigan 48858 Province VII Director- Silvana Filippelo Richardson (Mrs. Robert L.) , 158 Birch, Park Forest, Illinois 60466 Province VIII Director- Marcia Gross Harris (Mrs. Ronald J.) , 2444 Forest Dr., Apt. 108, Woodridge, Il linois 60515 Province IX Director- Bonnee Crosswhite Griggs BL (Mrs. Conrad). 901 Summit Dr ., Joplin, Missouri 64801 Province X Director- Diane Yencic James HH (Mrs. Don L.), 523 East 21st, Pittsburg, Kansas 66762 Province XI Director- Janet Munsenreder Martin BB (Mrs. Stephen W.). 1677-B Strickland Cr., Gunter AFB-Aiabama 36115 Province XII Director - Catherine Kauffman Smoot B'r (Mrs. George W.), 9504 NW 73rd Ct., Tamarac, Florida 39321 (Mrs. Province XIII Director- Virginia Selle Turney Arthur) , 2210 E. Vista Avenue , Phoenix, Arizona 85020
FIELD REPRESENTATIVES Miss Connie Peyton , 1201 East Walnut, Springfield, Mo. 65804 Miss Rebecca Wilson, 1201 East Walnut, Springfield , Mo. 65804 NATIONAL PANHELLENIC CONFERENCE Delegate- Mrs. George D. Linton Alternate Delegate- Mrs. Ph ilip Wallick Second Alternate - Miss Paula Cyrus
NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS Rose Marie Fellin, Headquarters Executive 1201 E. Walnut , Springfield, Missouri 65802
HAVE YOU MARRIED OR MOVED? Notify Alpha Sigma Alpha National Headquarters 1201 E. Walnut, Springfield, Missouri 65802 Please change address or name and address on the A"2:.A files as follows: COLLEGE CHAPTER ---------------------- DATE OF LEAVING COLLEGE -------------------- DEGREE -----------------MAIDEN NAME ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(LIIst N11me
HUSBAND'S NAME ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(LIIst N11me
OLD ADDRESS ------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NEW ADDRESS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Street
Zip Code
ACTIVE IN ---------------------------------------------- ALUMNAE CHAPTER, ARE YOU AN OFFICER _______ _______ ___ _ I AM ENCLOSING THREE DOLLARS FOR ALUMNAE DUES,
Your daughter's sorority magazine is sent to her home address while she is in college, and we hope that you enjoy it. If she is no longer in college and is not living at home, please send her new permanent address to Alpha Sigma Alpha National Headquarters, 120 I East Walnut, Springfield, Missouri 65802