Asa phoenix vol 65 no 1 fall 1979

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oen1x ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA (USPS 430-640)

FALL 1979

Founders' Day Message -


November 15, 190 l , saw the beginning of Alpha Sigma Alpha sorority. It is like the celebration of a birthday each fall as we pause to pay tribute to Virginia Lee Boyd ,Juliettejefferson Hundley, Mary Williamson Hundley, Louise Burks Cox, and Calva Hamlet Watson. These young women founded our sorority, and although most of us were not privileged to have known them , there are still those of our membership who do have memories which include meeting our founders. Howeve r, we can all sense the kind of young women they were because of the ideals upon which Alpha Sigma Alpha was founded and the spirit of sisterhood which has continued for seventyeight years. Walt Whitman once said, " What is the present, after all , but a growth out of the past?" These young women felt a need to make their sorority count for the utmost possible in their lives; this same feeling has been expressed often in the past, and must continue through the future. During the meeting of National Council this past summer there was a strong realization of the fact that times may change , but that our values and aims in the sorority do not. Council members through the years have continued to develop programs that exemplify our purpose as a National Sorority . A major item adopted by the present Council was a set of minimum standards for each collegiate chapter. These give substance to ideals which are attainable. Our alumnae chapters also will have a special project which can unite them in its achievement. It is the attitude of the individual member which makes the sorority, and Alpha Sigma Alpha has members who throughout their lives live the Creed of Alpha Sigma Alpha. Reading early issues of the Phoenix has long been one of my favorite activities, and this passage from a Founders' Day Message in the 1917-1918 edition says much that is pertinent in thought today. "Cohesiveness , the one essential, is to be secured in one way only- the definite resolve on the part of each individual member to do her share in the cementing process. And that resolve, in the case of Alpha Sigma Alpha , must take the form of a strict adherence to the ideals of the order. There must be at all times the never-failing desire for , and the never-ending search after, perfection of bod y, mind , heart and soul. Without this steady purpose on the part of every m ember, there ca n not be the cohesiveness that will make for strength throughout the organization itself, and power in the life of the individual member." Our fin est tribute to those who founded our sorority will be to examine our individual attitude toward Alpha Sigma Alpha and "To fill our days with satisfying activity," which includes dedication to sorority activities, and "To find dominant beauty in art, litera ture , nature , and friendships , To know the peace and serenity of a Divine faith, To love life and joyously Jive each day to its ultimate good-" This will perpe tuate Alpha Sigma Alpha. Betty L. Wallick National President




Dr . Helenmorie Hofman 6225 Wa sh i ngton Bl vd .


Arlington , Virg i nia 22205

Founder s' Day 1979 (Cover II) B etty Wallick

PHOENIX STAFF Alumnae Editor


"S na psh o ts" fro m th e Land of the Taj Mahal H elen L ortz

Flint, Michigan 48504


Greater Ka n sas City Spotlights Stad alman

Collegiate Editor


Co nventio n Chairmen - Pat Borea naz and j ackie LaRusso


Rush a nd H oliday Recipes

Chesapeake, Virginia 23325


Natio n al Officers Directory

Feature Editor


1979 Award s


Alumnae Actio n Nancy R eese


Wil ma Wilso n Sharp Winner

Nancy I. Z. Reese 4433 St. James # 4

Li llian Ford Donnelly 2108 Cherry Hi ll Lane

Rosemary Carucci Goss 2305 Cap istrano St. Blacksburg , Virg inia 24060

Historian Hi wana Cupp Crompton

91 Belmon t Dr . Leesburg , V irg in ia 22075 Volume


Number 1

C'~.E:,e::...... THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA, an educational journal , is published in the 0 S fall , winter, spring and summer of each year by the Sorority , 1201 East Walnut Street, Springfield, Missouri 65802 . The subscription price $1 .50 a year. Printed by The Ovid Bell Press, Inc., Fulton , M issouri . Member, College Fraternity Editors Association . 0

Send change of address and business correspondence to Alpha Sigma Alpha National Headquarters, 1201 East Walnut St., Springfield , Missouri 65802. Address all correspondence of an editorial nature to the editor, Dr. Helenmarie Hofman , 6225 Washington Blvd ., Arlington, Virginia 22205 . ARTICLES are invited for publication in this journal. Manuscripts should be subm itted to t he editorial staff for consideration. Acceptances are on a contributing basis only and subject to editorial review . Articles published are the personal expressions of the authors and do not necessarily represent the policies of ASA . Second-class postage paid at Springfield, Missouri, and at additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send Form 3579 to National Headquarters, 1201 East Walnut St. , Springfield, Missouri 65802 .

FALL 1979

The Taj Mahal, Agra

''Snapshots'' from the Land of the Tai Mahal Helen B. Lortz Eta Eta Alumna No, l did not fly to India on a magic carpet. Neither did l ride a n elephant - his gray hulk shimm ering in ve lvet and gold braid while l sat e nthra lled in a bejeweled and tasseled howdah p erc hed o n his broad back. Nor, as in my childh ood fantasies, did l meet a ha ndsom e maharaja who showe red me with diamond s and sapphires while musicia ns , acrobats and d a ncers entertained us und er a m ystical, moo n-lit sky. But l did fl y to India o n a "jet ca rpet" - as Air Indi a dubbed our Boeing 747- and l did sp end two nights at a maharaja's palace in Jaipur. Only the palace is now a hotel for tourists a nd und er a co nstitutional amendment bill intr odu ce d in 1971 by th e th en Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, th e ma haraja alas - is merely a Lieute nant Colo nel with no prin cely privileges and greatly reduced wealth. During some twenty-five years working with o ur foreign aid progra m - both in th e U. S. a nd abroad - I learned to travel independently whether on an official assignm ent or explori ng on m y ow n. So it was with considerable mi giving th at o n J a nuary 29 l joined 42 other Americans at J ohn F. Kennedy Airport in ew York to begin a 21-day package tour to India. The sub-continent had never been high on my list of" must see" areas of the world , but the assignment of a former coll eagu e an d his wife to the Embassy in ew Delhi provided the incentive. Obviou ly, in three weeks one ca n on ly skim the surface of a prescribed area in such a vast country. o alii will attempt to do i to sh are with you some of my experience , my impression , and my feelings from thi limited expo ure .


The first part of the trip fo cused on northern India, known to tourists as the Golden Triangle: New Delhi , the capital; Agra, with its incomparable Taj Mahal ; and Jaipur , once known as India's Royal " pink city." Next we fl ew south to Madras on the Ba y of Bengal and finally, after four days in Sri La nka - or Ceylon, as it was known under British rule- we flew to Bombay on the Arabian Sea. From there we boarded Air India's 'jet ca rpet" for the long trip home with stops for refueling at Kuwait and London. India is a land of incredible diversity, co ntradiction , and co ntrast. We were told that this amazing mix of some 600 million peo ple speaks fourte e n major languages and about 250 regio nal dialects. Their contrasting life styles are rooted in seve n religions and co untless customs a nd traditions evolving through the ce nturies as one co nqueror or d ynasty replaced a nother. India is also a land of onetime splendor and immense luxury as evidenced by the great numbe rs of grand palaces, magnifi ce nt mosq ues, and temples. At th e same time , it is a la nd of excess populatio n , extreme poverty, and too wide a gap between th e "haves" an d the " have- nots ." Our flight half-way around the world had been a grueling one, even though the tour provided for an overnight stop in Rome to break th e strain. After a 7-hour flight from Rome, we eventuall y landed at New Delhi's international airport on Thursday, February I, at 3:30a.m. -two hours late. Asse mbling o ur luggage, going through h ea lth and immigration , etc., took add itional time and dawn was break ing when our bus turned into th e driveway of o ur hotel. The assignm ent of hotel rooms a nd delivery of one's very own piece of luggage o n a group trip involves a high degree of luck

and fortitude . Mail and messages are chancy things too. In Delhi, I "lucked in": a beautiful studio bedroom on the lith floor (not the best location I fo und later as excavation was in progress right under my tier and work began at5 a.m.); my very own blue bag arrived intact; and I had a message from my friend at the Embassy. Our 15-story luxury-rated hotel, the Akbar , was situated in a beautiful area surrounded by broad, tree-lined avenues and within walking distance of the diplomatic enclave. Its spacious lobby and lounge areas, restaurants , and shops were handsomely decorated - but one had to exercise patien ce with the elevators, especially when one's room was on the lith floor. To my surprise, I felt fully rested when my alarm went off at te n a.m. After a bath and contine ntal breakfast in my room , l was ready to meet New Delhi. It was a glorious day- sunshine, a bright blue sky and in the 70's. The hotel doorman kindly pointed me in th e direction of the United States Embassy on Shanti Path and l started walking. The magnificent buildings and gardens on either side of this broad ave nue fascinated me - the Pakistan Embassy with its turquois e domes that reminded me ofTamerlaine's tomb in Samarkand and th e mosqu es in Istanbul, the grace and beauty of the French Embassy, and finall y, our own American flag waving in the distance atop a simple but elegant white edifice partially hidden by tall shade trees. As l walked along, l kept wondering: if this is really India, where is all the poverty, the e ndl ess streams of peo pl e, th e beggars, the cripples , the dust and dirt- and the cows. All thi l was certain existed - and that l would see it. For now I would enjoy the beauty of this section of the modern capital city o f the world's largest democracy.


The early afternoon sun in Delhi -even on the first day of February- can be quite warm. After a pleasant visit with my friend and a brief walk around the open area of the Embassy grounds, I decided to return to the hotel by taxi. My first inclination was to try a pedicab, but my friend's cautionary comment, "OK, if you're able to hold on to a bucking bronco," was not encouraging. I settled for a standard black taxi with an ancient driver dressed in typical white, his gray hair hidden under a turban, and his thin , bony legs thrust into sandals. Within a few minutes we arrived at the hotel and once there, my ancient(??) driver jumped out of his taxi, opened my door and with a grand, sweeping bow turned me over to the doorman . My friend had told me what the fare from the Embassy to the hotel should be and what I should add as a tip. However, I was not prepared for such politeness and kindness. At home I am accustomed not only to tipping the driver but opening the door myself and thanking him for bringing me home! Quickly I dug into my pocket for another rupee- the smile on his worn face was well worth it.

* * * Delhi is a city of many tombs - some of them erected for people long forgotten and even without names. The most imposingand most popular with tourists- is that of Humayun, an early Mughal Emperor and father of Akbar the Great who moved the capital city from Delhi to Agra where it remained for 80 years. After Humayun 's death in 1556, his widow began construction of the mausoleum which was finished fourteen years later. It is considered to be the first mature example of Mughal tomb architecture. Surrounded by a large and spacious garden with cypress trees, palms, roses, fountains and pools - all typical of Mughal architecture - the walls of the mausoleum are constructed of layers of pink sandstone and white marble. Within the walls, the large marble dome, tipped with copper, rises some one hundred and forty feet above the platform of arches. Here I had my first close-up view of the sacred cows . Strolling down the path between beautiful rose gardens, I was startled to see two of these friendly animals, guided from the rear by a small, barefooted youngster, coming towards me. Deftly he nudged them off the path and into the rose bushes. To my consternation, by the time I got my camera in range, the cows and their young keeper had wandered off in the opposite direction. I had no choice except to settle for the rear view.

* * * The contrast between New Delhi and Old Delhi was strikingly exemplified for me in our visits to Lakshmi Narayan Temple, the largest and most decorated of Hindu temples, and tojama Masjid, the largest mosque in India and the second largest in the world. Lakshmi Narayan Temple~ built by a wealthy Indian industrialist in 1938 as a place of worship for all Hindus, is one of the most popular Hindu temples in the city and each year in September the festival for Lord Krishna is celebrated there. Even in the warm afternoon sunshine, its cold marble

FALL 1979

steps and floors chilled my stockinged feet to the bones (as usual, we had to remove our shoes on entering the temple). The many lighted candles in the interior cast weird shadows on the more than life-sized statues of the deities and the worshippers as well. I did not linger- the chanting voices in the mystical atmosphere seemed unreal - but made my way to one of the several open pavilions overlooking a courtyard. Down below I could see small groups of people squatting or stretched out on the stones in the bright sun. Laundry was hanging on a line strung across one end of the small courtyard. A young man in the Temple told me that the people in the courtyard were pilgrims who had traveled great distances to worship at Lakshmi Narayan and were spending two or three nights in quarters provided there before returning home. The great open spaces of the Temple, the absence of beggars , cripples, and children seeking alms caused me to wonder, once again, whether this was really India. The next morning our tour took us to parts of Old Delhi and there I had a brief glimpse of the India I had read about so often. It is in Old Delhi that one feels , smells, and hears the population pressure, the disease and poverty, the dust and dirt , the ceaseless noise and clamor from all manner of transportation and trade. All this I sensed in the narrow, crowded confines behind the jama Masjid , a magnificent mosque built by the Emperor Shah Jahan (who also constructed the Taj Mahal) in 1650 after he moved the capital from Agra back to Delhi. Coming down the worn and dusty steps of the mosque to reach our bus was like running an emotional gauntlet. It was not easy to make my way past the grimy-faced children in tattered clothes; mothers with babies in their arms and tired, old-looking faces begging for food or money; old men whose ragged garments barely covered their thin bodies. I knew from experience that if I stopped to give money to even one of these poor people, I would soon be mobbed by others. My resolv~ weakened, however , when I reached the bottom of the steps. At one side I saw a small recessed pool amid some rocks into which water was flowing from a rusty looking pipe. A mother was washing a young child's fa ce and body, using one hand as she held the child with the other. Coming closer, I cringed as I watched her thrust her crippled foot into the water and, leaning over, scooped up a handful of water to drink. The tour guide can wait until tomorrow for his tip, I thought, as I quickly emptied the contents of my coin purse into her wet hand and ran for the bus.

stores, fabrics, jewelry, and eating places. Out front , on the wide sidewalks are the street vendors and small entrepreneurs shoe shiners, fruit and flower carts, incense, snacks and sweets - and always many children mostly begging or roaming aimlessly. At first I had thought I would walk completely around the Circle but after crossing only three of the roads and windowshopping along the way, I realized that would take much longer than the two hours available. My compromise was to browse in two of the larger bazaars or state handicraft shops in search of colorful silk scarves, wood carvings , brassware and the soft woven shawls from the Kashmir. As in most other countries I have visited, the governmentrun shops are best for tourists who are not adept at bargaining as prices are fixed by the government. But the browsing I had looked forward to was short-lived. The sweet smell of the incense, the mustiness , and the dust that permeated the shops soon overpowered me. After selecting a couple of scarves in one shop and a souvenir spoon in another , I made my way out to the broad sidewalks and clearer air. It was simple to engage a taxi from one of the several stands on the Circle and after a harrowing ride weaving in and out of the mid-day traffic- I never did learn whether New Delhi has speed limits on its motorized transportation - we arrived at the Akbar. At that point I was most grateful that we were billeted in an area far removed from the hustle and bustle of the market place. I would be content to do my shopping in the hotel or try my hand at bargaining with the small shopkeepers in the area nearby.

* * *

Not unexpectedly , the foremost photographic impression that remains with me is the Taj Mahal - truly the most exquisite architectural creation imaginable. One has to see it to believe that it does exist; that it is as lovely, beautiful and awe-inspiring as the travel books, photographs and posters, and

* * * Although there was a modest shopping center near our hotel, to get the flavor and feel of "downtown Delhi," I knew I should go to Connaught Place. This is the center of commercial New Delhi- a large circle with nine roads radiating from its circumference and a patch of green park in the middle with benches and inviting walks for those who have time to loiter. Some forty shops or more, I was informed, run around Connaught Place in a complete circle. Most are folk art shops catering to tourists , book

The doorman at the hotel Akbar, Delhi


millions of visitors have proclaimed . If history is reliable, th e Taj is a glorious monument to love- the love of Shah Jahan , one of the greatest of the Mug hal e mperors, for his seco nd a nd favorite wife, Mumtaz, who died in 1631 giving birth to th eir fourteenth child while he wa away on one of his man y military ca mpaigns . We we r e told that 20,000 men worked in cessa ntly for 22 years to build the mausoleum at a cost, in those days, of four million rupees. The tomb is built of red andstone and white marble inlai d with semi-precious stones gathere d from all over Asia- agates, amethysts , turquoises, jade, co rals , lapiz lazuli, malachites. Our first visit to the Taj was during a heavy morning fog that hit the area the night befo re and we were barely able to see its outline through the imposing gateway and e ntrance. Along with hundreds of other to urists we groped our way past th e reflecting pool to th e marble steps leading up to the to mb. At the top of the stairs, attendants tied cloth "booties" over our shoes be fore we co uld ente r th e main hall and mausoleum itself. Even in the gray mist , the intricate and ex quisite jeweled inlays on the chamber walls and th e tombs of Shah Jahan and Mumtaz were both beautiful and startling. I elected not to join the others in the group making their way down the narrow and dark stairs to the burial vault beneath where the two real caskets are entombed. Instead, I wandered around the outer circular hall and corridors in a state of disbelief and wonder that man co uld envision and build something so magnificent. All during the morning tour , our local guide kept promising us that the fog would lift and that we would return to see the Taj unde r the bright sun of Agra. Sure enough, he was right. While we were having lunch at the hotel , the sun broke through and we return ed for a brief visit before leaving on a rough six-hour bus trip for Jaipur. The co mbination of th e white marble shimmering in the sunlight, the sparkling of the delicate inlay work, and the reflection o f the Taj in the water was a n unforgettable sight.

* * *

One should not leave Agra a nd the Taj without visiting so me of the marbl e factories which turn out marble table tops and other ite ms with beautiful inlay work. One afternoo n I hired a private car to take me to three of these factories as I had a co mmission from a n Alpha Sig ister to purchase an inlaid marble coffee table top for her. En route we drove past man y palatial hom es which my driver said had been built for British Army Officers but now were occupied by Indian Army Officers. As we ca me nea re r the center of th e s mall town, we had to share the narrow din street with ca mel drawn twowheeled cans, bicycles, an occasional truck and taxi , a nd crow ds of pedestrians. I as ked th e driver to stop, ho ping to catc h so me local co lor with my ca mera. Immediately people warmed arou nd th e car and I could neither ope n th e door nor focus my ca me ra through the open window. Re luctantl y, I told th e driver to go on- so mu ch for local color, I th ought. At the marble factory recommended by the Em bas y, I wa tched ma ll lads - 8, I 0, or perhap 12 year of age - in quatting


positions turn the wheels on which they were shaping tiny piece of the various stones that would be used for the inlay work on the marble. The manager told me these were sons of craftsmen who were following their families ' tradition . Somewhat sadly, he added that it was becoming very difficult to find children willing to carry on their parents' craft because they see more opportunities of making money in the streets. As I looked at these thin, dark-eyed lads with their soft smiles, I could not help but wonder how many hours they sat in those uncomfortable positions holding a tiny piece of stone to a rotating wheel; how much they were paid ; and most of all , whether they ever got enough to eat. The table top I selected, the manager told me , took nine months for the carving and inlay work. While the price seemed high, I suspect that the young workers at the wheels got very little of what the factory charged me.

* • * My childhood fantasies did not include getting lost in a maharaja's palace but I did - and was rescued by a handsome young man in turban and uniform . The six-hour bus trip from Agra tojaipur (about 150 miles) had left most of us numb. Our chartered bus seemed to be void of shock absorbers; and the driver was well trained in making quick turns and sudden stops to avoid hitting carts, pedestrians, occasional stray animals and other moving objects on that dusty thoroughfare. Besides, I had developed a disagreeable sinus cold brought on by breathing so much dirt and dust during the past ten days. We arrived at the hotel shortly after seven o'clock -the Rambagh Palace and one-time palatial home of the Maharaja of jaapur. After losing much of their wealth and power under the 1971 constitutional amendment bill abolishing all princely privileges, the royal family of jaipur turned to tourism and converted its I 9th century Rambagh Palace into a hotel. Not all of the Palace, I learned , had been modernized. Unfortunately, my name was last on the list in the assignment of rooms and I drew one on the second floor in the old section of the Palace, on the far side of a large open patio. To reach the room I had to wander through corridors resembling a jigsaw puzzle before finding the elevator- a cage-type affair that could hold three persons (depending on size). The boy ca rrying my bag was quite small so we had no proble m fitting into the cage. I assumed that if th e elevator would go up-which it didthen it also would go down . Our tour conductor had instructed us to be in th e dining room no later than eight o'cloc k - otherwise, no dinner. After a quick brush-up in my room , I hurried back to the elevator, got in and closed the door, push ed th e button - but nothing happened. I checked the d oor to make sure it was closed, tri ed th e button several more times but my little cage wouldn't budge. There must be a stairway, I thought, that leads to the ground floor . I found one near by the eleva tor - it e nd ed in a locked door . I went to th e o th er e nd of the long pa vilion and tried that stairway with th e same results. Finally, I d ecid ed to u e the wide palace tairs leading ou t ide to th e diml y lit

grounds. But once outside, I could find no entrance to the hotel from that side and I was reluctant to walk through the grounds all the way around to the main entrance. It was dark and there were few lights to guide me. At that point, I gave up and went back to my room. There, I called the reception desk, explained my problem and asked them to send someone to "guide me" to the dining room . In short order a young man in white uniform with gold braid on the shoulders appeared at my door and with a charming smile escorted me to the dining room . Yes, dinner had already been served and I settled for dessert and coffee. After breakfast the next morning, I spent two hours walking in the beautiful garden , enjoying the flowers, the stately shade trees, the majestic peacocks, and the winding paths through the grounds. Under the warm sun and clear air, my sinus cold all but disappeared. And across the treetops in the distance on top of a craggy hill I could see the small fortress-castle where the present Majaraja (a mere Lt. Col.) of jaipur spends his summers. How could I have been soapprehensive last evening in these peaceful surroundings - even in the darkl

* * .. Over the years many of my foreign service friends had said, "Oh, you must go to Ceylon - it's such a beautiful, tropical island." While I never made it during the years it was known as Ceylon, I was determined to see it as Sri Lanka. Thus, it was with some excitement that I boarded the plane in Madras for the short one-hour plus flight south across the Bay of Bengal to Colombo, the beautiful harbor capital of this island-nation. From the moment our friendly local guide took charge of us at the airport until we bade farewell three evenings later, I loved it. It is high on my list of "return visits." In three days one cannot see and absorb much about a nation - even this small island. But a full day excursion by bus, with our excellent guide, to the story-book city of Kandy provided some basic insights. In size, the island of Sri Lanka is only slightly bigger than West Virginia with a population of about fourteen and one-half million people. Its economy is basically agricultural - tea, rubber, and coconut products. Traditionally tolerant, the nation gives voice to four world faiths: Buddhism , Hinduism , Islam and Christianity. It has 2,500 years of written history and has endured occupation, in turn , by the Portuguese, the Dutch and the British . Kandy, a lovely city, is set in a tropical valley and well fortified by a ring of mountains. It is th e center of Buddhist culture and pagentry and was the highland ca pital of the last Ceylonese kings . Our guide also told us that during World War I I, Lord Louis Mountbatten's headquarters were located in Kandy. En route to Kandy , our bus climbed steadily high e r on a sometimes tortuous road past contoured hillsides of tea bushes, rice fields , and a scented spice rese rve or research station where we sniffed nutmeg, cinnamon, clove, pepper, and saffron . We also sampled freshly processed cashew nuts


at roadside stands, watched elephants taking their daily baths and sometimes cavorting in the road under the watchful eyes of their mahouts. We explored briefly the Royal Botanic Gardens near Kandy, 150 acres of flora from many tropical areas of the world, feasting our eyes on the greenhouse filled with orchids of various colors, sizes and shapes. Returning to Colombo in late afternoon, we stopped at a small fabric factory by the road and watched young girls, using hot wax and dye, decorate panels of batik cloth with every design imaginable - flowers, plants, fish, dancers, animals (including elephants) - all created by local artists. At our luxurious Hotel Oberoi, a short distance from the United States Embassy across the road, we found many fine jewelry and specialty shops filled with exquisite ivory and wood carvings, beautiful saris and batik blouses and skirts. The gem dealers, I soon learned, are not content to Jet a customer browse and then leave but follow him out into the lobby with a small tray of gems, offering them at sizable discounts if paid for in dollars or travelers' checks. A beautiful sapphire in which I had indicated some interest was finally discounted by two-thirds of its original price. But I resisted and settled instead for a lovely batik blouse at the next shop as my souvenir of this beautiful island.

* * * Throughout my brief stay in India, the tremendous pressure of population and poverty left me with sometimes irreconcilable feelings as I tried to equate rationally what I saw and witnessed . Often I felt pessimistic and angry because our foreign aid efforts throughout many years seemed, on the surface, to have had minimal effect in helping India to solve these vast problems. Yet, I also was hopeful and optimistic because a people and a land that has contributed so much in beauty and artistry over the centuries must have redeemable sources of strength that one day would bring it out of this quagmire. One result of these twin problems of excess population and extreme poverty is that India cannot afford to import a great deal of labor-saving machinery but must rely instead on primitive hand-labor for even some of its heavy construction projects. 路 At the time of our arrival in New Delhi, the Hotel Akbar was in the process of adding an extra wing to accommodate the increase in tourists. To my amazement, the construction was being carried out almost entirely with hand labor and it appeared that about fifty percent of the workers were women. The excavation had been completed and now they were preparing to mix concrete for the foundation and floors. Two flights of wooden steps led down to the earth bottom and women in long skirts or saris were going up and down carrying water and gravel in tubs on their heads for the workmen mixing the concrete. The day we left Madras airport for Colombo, we also saw a landing strip under repair - again with hand labor. In this instance, both women and children were carrying water from a cistern or well several hundred yards away to the landing strip. But the most unusual example of hand labor I saw on the trip was in Bombay. I had

FALL 1979

wondered on several occasions why the bath towels in some of the hotels were rough and gray and even torn. Well , I found out. Apparently there are few modern laundries in India - at least, large commercial types as we know them. Many business establishments such as hotels, some hospitals, and large households as well often send their laundry to what is called a Dhobi Ghat- a large, primitive open-air laundry found alongside city streets. The first of these dhobis that we saw was in the military compound- which may have been helpful in keeping the soldiers occupied. But the next one and the largest in the city, according to our guide, stretched for blocks alongside one of the main thoroughfares. What we saw were rows of large concrete vats where clothing, sheets, towels, etc. are put into the water, presumably with some soap - I didn't ask. The workers- and there seemed to be scores of them - would take various items from the vats and then beat them unmercifully against the concrete sides or on nearby concrete blocks to get out the dirt and water. The next step was to spread the sheets, towels , clothing out flat on the grass or hang them on nearby bushes and fences. We saw one fence covered only with what appeared to be men's shirts. In another area we saw a collection of garments of all shapes, colors and sizes spread flat on the grass. We asked our guide how any hotel or household could be certain of having its own laundry returned. He explained that the workers who picked up the laundry had a special way of marking whatever they brought in- and that seldom were there mix-ups.

* * * Somewhere I heard a bell ringing. Yes, it was my travel alarm clock. How could 2 a.m. have come so soon? But it had and I had to hurry to get my bag outside the door by 2:30

to be picked up by the hotel attendant. Our flight home from Bombay was scheduled for 5 a.m . but we had to leave the hotel at 3 :30 a.m. to assure time for going through immigration. Sleepy-eyed and groggy , we assembled in the lobby of the Hotel Centaur, only to learn that the flight had been delayed because the employees of Indian Airlines were on a slow-down - not a strike, mind you (said the tour conductor), only a slowdown. No one seemed to know whether or when the planes might fly . Some of the group retrieved their keys and returned to their rooms. I did not. I curled up on a sofa across from a young Australian who said he had been sleeping in the hotel lobby for two nights wai ting to catch a flight to Londonwith no reservation. Eventually, the rumor came- the airline employees had called off the slow-down and we could board the airport bus. We arrived at the terminal only to find that most of the protesting airline employees had congregated at the entrance and we literally had to fight our way through the crowds to the immigration lines. No more of this kind of traveling, I said to myself- I'll leave it to younger persons like that Australian . But we did get through immigration, got our seat assignments and boarded Air India's "jet carpet." As the plane taxied down the runway, I noted with satisfaction that it was not as crowded as on the trip over and that the middle seat in my row was unoccupied- a bonus these days on most flights. My seat companion on the long flight to London was a charming and interesting young man from California who had been traveling for six months throughout the Orient and South Asia. His experiences certainly dwarfed mine but he lamented the fact that he did not get to China. Impulsively, I commented: "Well, that's where I'm going next year." And who knows - I just might.

The Rambagh Palace Hotel, jaipur.


Greater Kansas City Spotlights Stadalman The Greater Kansas City Alumnae Chapter is proud of one of their outstanding members - Cherri McGrew Stadalman. Cherri is the administrator for the Southwest Oncology Group which is one of the largest national clinical cancer research groups. It consists of 42 medical schools and 550 physicians all across the nation, Mexico and Egypt. It is dedicated to the goal of improving the care of patients with malignant disease and increasing their cure rate through multidisciplinary research. In October, 1972, the administrative offices of the Southwest Oncology Group (SWOG) were moved from Houston to Kansas City. No staff or equipment were moved , so it was essentially a brand new operation . Cherri was promoted to administrator and assumed the task of physically setting up and organizing the new office . In 1976 the Group became multimodal, thus increasing the size of the group two-fold and adding a multiplicity of problems associated with monitoring data and quality control. Cherri's specific responsibilities include managing the SWOG Operations office; monitoring and evaluating institutional participation in clinical studies; working closely with committee chairmen on development of new studies; serving as a liaison with the SWOG statistical office on data collection and form development and with the National Cancer Institute and other cooperative groups. She also coordinates and monitors goals of all the disease, discipline, and standing committees of both the Adult and Pediatric Divisions of SWOG; organizes and coordinates all SWOG meetings as well as planning annual workshops for data managers and nurses and serves as a consultant for new administrators and project directors in other cooperative groups and for some national programs. Her travels have taken her from Washington, D. C. to New Orleans and Los Angeles. She frequently travels through the Mid-west and has traveled as far away as Egypt. Before becoming the administrator for the Southwest Oncology Group Cherri served as coordinator for the Division of Clinical Oncology at the University of Kansas Medical Center. Cherri is an Eta Eta from Kansas State College at Emporia and serves as the Vice-president of the Greater Kansas City Alumnae Chapter. 6


Convention Chairmen Pat Sansone Boreanaz and Jackie Vito LoRusso did not go to college together, but they both graduated from Buffalo State. They were not sorority collegians at the same time, but they both served as president of their ASA college chapter. They didn't student teach together but they both taught under the same supervising teacher. They didn't teach second grade together but they both worked in that grade in the same school. They didn't date any of the same men but they both married attorneys. They were not active in the Buffalo Alumnae Chapter together, until recently, but they both served as president of the group. In fact, Pat and Jackie didn't even know one another until about ten years ago when they happened to be seated together at a Bar Association luncheon and realized that they had a great deal in common! Since then not only have Pat and Jackie grown to be close friends, but they are co-chairmen of the 1980 National Convention to be held in Niagara Falls from June 29 through July 2, 1980. Needless to say, Pat and Jackie have been spending a great deal of time together planning an educational and exciting four days in the Rainbow City for all ASAs. Together Jackie and Pat have had the experience of three past national conventions, Roanoke '52, Williamsburg '76 and Indy '78. If you attended the Indy convention you may have heard past convention chairman Jeanne McQueen af-

fectionately refer to them as the "crazy ladies for '80." This title was nothing new for Hal Boreanaz and Tony LoRusso. They have known this for quite a few years now . Both agree that there hasn't been a dull moment since their wives realized that they had so much in common! You must be thinking that no two people could possibly have so much common ground without some differences. Well, you are right! When you arrive in Niagara Falls you will have no trouble telling Pat and Jackie apart, Pat is tiny and Jackie is tall. Pat is the mother of five, Harold 22, Brian 21, Lynn 18, Laurie 16, and Robert 15. Jackie is the mother of one, Tony who is 10. Although Pat and Jackie share so many similarities, Hal and Tony have chosen to seat themselves on opposite sides of the bench . Hal has become one of New York State's finest criminal attorneys while Tony is presently Judge of the City Court of Buffalo. Rainbow '80 is the theme that has been selected for the Niagara Falls Convention. Pat and Jackie are looking forward to having many of you attend. Perhaps you will find a new national sister with whom you will have a great deal in common. Pat, Jackie and the Buffalo Alums hope that you will see sorority as a rainbow, with each sister adding her personality to the spectrum of refracted light. Plan to add your color to our rainbow!

Pat Boreanaz and jackie LoRusso.

FALL 1979


Rush and Holiday Recipes Alpha Sigma Alphas are diverse but share many common characteristics. One of those common characteristics seems to be the love of good food. Since sorority Christmas parties and for many chapters formal rush parties are just around the corner, some Chicago alumnae members agreed to share some of their favorite party recipes with us. You may want to try one with a roommate when you get the munchies or even prepare a special hor d'oeuvre for the family when you are home for the holidays. Cheese Ball 1 package (8 ounces) sharp cheddar cheese 2 packages (8 ounces each) cream cheese !4 cup chopped stuffed olives 1 teaspoon green pepper 1 teaspoon lemon juice 2 teaspoons Worchestershire sauce 1 teaspoon green onion Garlic salt to taste Chopped pecans or walnuts

Gala Pecan Spread 1 package (8 ounces) cream cheese at room temperature 2 tablespoons milk 1 package dried beef !4 cup finely chopped green pepper 2 tablespoons dehydrated onion flakes Y2 teaspoon garlic salt !4 teaspoon pepper Y2 cup sour cream Y2 cup coarsely chopped pecans 2 tablespoons butter or margarine Y2 teaspoon salt Combine cheese and milk. Stir in cut-up dried beef, green pepper, onion flakes and seasonings. Mix well. Fold in sour cream. Spoon into 8-inch pie plate. Heat and crisp the pecans in butter with salt. Sprinkle over cheese mixture. Bake at 350째 F. for 20 minutes. Serve hot with crackers. -Julia Palmer

Soften cream cheese to room temperature. Shred cheddar cheese. Using an electric mixer combine all ingredients except the nuts. Form into a ball and roll in the chopped nuts. Refrigerate until ready to serve. Serve with crackers. -Julia Palmer Chicago and Chicago West Alumnae Chapters 8


Chocolate Cheese Cake

7-Layer Bars

1 Y2 sticks margarine 1 V2 cups flour \12 cup chopped pecans 1 package (8 ounces) cream cheese 1 cup powdered sugar 1 carton (9 ounces) Cool Whip 2 boxes (3% ounces) instant chocolate pudding 3 cups milk

1 1 V2 1 1 1 1 1

Combine first three ingredients and spread in 9 x 13 inch pan. Bake at 350째 F. until brown. Cool. Mix cream cheese, powdered sugar, and V2 of Cool Whip. Spread on baked crust. Mix pudding and milk. Add other half of Cool Whip to pudding mixture. Spread on cheese mixture. Top with chopped nuts. Refrigerate until ready to serve. -Julia Palmer Hanky-Panky 2 I 1 1

loaves cocktail rye bread pound ground beef pound medium or hot pork sausage pound Velveeta cheese, cut-up V2 teaspoon oregano V2 teaspoon garlic or onion salt Brown beef and sausage. Drain. In saucepan combine meat and remaining ingredients. Cook over medium heat until cheese is melted. Stir. Spread on bread. Broil, watching closely. Bread may be spread with mixture and frozen if desired. -Mary Sue Parvin Chicago and Chicago West Alumnae Chapters CR's Curry Dip package (8 ounce) cream cheese

V2 package Good Seasons blue cheese salad dressing 4 tablespoons salad dressing

V2 teaspoon Worchestershire sauce 2 teaspoons lemon juice

\4 teaspoon curry powder V2 teaspoon onion flakes Soften cream cheese; combine ingredients well. Dip is better once it has been refrigerated for 24 hours. Delicious with vegetables. -Nancy Reese Chicago North Suburban Broccoli or Spinach Balls 2 packages ( 10 ounces each) frozen chopped broccoli or spinach 6 eggs 2 cups Pepperidge Farm herb stuffing 1 V2 cups Parmesan cheese V2 cup butter or margarine Cook frozen vegetables as directed on package. Drain well. Mix cooked vegetables with softened butter than mix in stuffing, cheese and eggs. Form into balls and bake on greased cookie sheet in 350째 F. oven for 15-20 minutes. -Nancy Reese FALL 1979

stick margarine cups graham cracker crumbs cup chocolate morsels cup butterscotch morsels cup coconut cup chopped nuts can Eagle brand sweetened condensed milk

In 350째 F. oven in 9 x 13-inch pan melt margarine. Spread cracker crumbs in pan with margarine and place in oven 5-10 minutes. Layer morsels, coconut and nuts. Pour milk over the top. Bake at 350째 F. for 30 minutes. -Nancy Reese




The Alpha Sigma Alpha Province Day was held Saturday, March 31 , 1979, at Slippery Rock State College, Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania. Chairpersons were Kathy Geib Boy kin AA , Connie Bandola Garrison f5 , and Angie Vega Wezorek XX. Dawn Kukich f5 and Nancy Bieberstein f5 conducted registration. Collegiates from Edinboro, Clarion , and Slippery Rock, alumnae from Pittsburgh and Moraine, and Province Director Sari Rapkin attended. Angie Wezorek, Pittsburgh Alumnae President, welcomed everyone. Each chapter reported on their activities- past events and future plans. Three workshops were offered. They included the rush workshop conducted by Sari Rapkin, the finance workshop conducted by Bonnie Oswald f5 , Pittsburgh Alumnae Treasurer, and the alumnae workshop chaired by Angie Wezorek. We ate lunch in a private dining room in the cafeteria. When we returned for the afternoon session, we saw a movie about Special Olympics. After the sisters from Gamma Xi presented a skit Bonnie Oswald conducted the business meeting. Dawn Kukich gave the registration report and workshop reports were given. The selection of a site for the 1981 Province Day was discussed, but no definite plans were made. The meeting was followed by a songfest led by Nadine Getty f5. - Bonnie Oswald, Province Day Secretary


Alpha Sigma Alpha National Officers** 1978-1980 FOUNDED Longwood College , Farmville , Virginia, November 15, 1901

FOUNDERS Lou ise Cox Carper (Mrs . W. B.) * Juliette Hundley Gill iam (Mrs . H. E. )* Miss Mary Will iamson Hundley* Virginia Boyd Noell (Mrs. J. W.) * Calva Watson Wootton (Mrs . P. W.)* * Deceased .



President Emerita- Wilma Wilson Sharp , ZZ (Mrs . Fred M.), 1405 Hardy , Independence, Missouri 64052 President- Betty Urban Wallick , ZZ (Mrs . Philip H.), 676 Park Avenue , York , Pennsylvan ia 17 402 Executive Vice President- Rhetta Nesbitt Robinson , Bf (Mrs . Ronald ), 5880 South Jopl in, Tulsa , Oklahoma 74135 Vice President of Development - Paula Cyrus Foreman , PP (Mrs . Stuart), 10 B Lynnebrook , Millersville, Pennsylvania 17551 Vice President of Collegiate Program - Silvana Filippelo Ri chardson , f~ (Mrs . Robert L.) , 158 Birch, Park Forest, Illinois 60466 Vice President of Alumnae Program- Marlys Jarrett White, BB (Mrs . Denn is P.), 2290 Ash Street, Denver, Colorado 80207 Secretary- Helen Hooper Malone , Bf (Mrs. George J. Jr.) , 5526 East 36th Street , Tulsa , Oklahoma 74135 Treasurer- Marilyn Ramsey Garbee , Bl (Mrs . E. L.) , 49 St. Andrews Circ le, Tulsa , Oklahoma 74133 NPC Delegate- Sidney Gremill ion Allen , '}!'}! (Mrs. John H.), 10064 Heritage Drive, Shreveport , Lou isiana 71115 Editor- Dr. Helenma rie Herbert Hofman, Af (Mrs . Robert J.), 62 25 Wash ington Bouleva rd, Arl ington , Virginia 22205 Headquarters Executive- Rose Marie Fellin , Bl , 616 S. Kickapoo , Spri ngfi el d, Missou ri 65804

Chairman of Chapter Advisers- Dr. Geraldine Vang Cox , (Mrs. Walter G.), 301 N. Beauregard Street , #204 , Alexandria , Virginia 22312 Chairman of Archives-Judy De Master Winter, ZZ (Mrs . Weldon J.), 501 Wedgewood Drive , Blue Springs, Missouri 64015 Constitution Chairman - Linda Bonine Rogers, ~I (Mrs. Steven E.), 377 Mayberry Lane , Dover, Delaware 19901 Chairman of Colonies - Jacquline LoRusso, Ilil , One Edge Park , Buffalo, New York 14216 Chairman of Housing- Diane Yencic James , HH (Mrs . Don L.), 523 East 21st , Pittsburg, Kansas 66762 Chairman of Philanthropies - Esther Kauffman Gatseos , BB (Mrs . George G.), 6659 E. Eastman Avenue , Denver, Col orado 80224 Chairman of Programs- Jeanne VanWinkle McQueen , BY (Mrs . H. Max) , 7 424 Radburn Circle, Indianapolis, Indiana 46224 Chairman of Ritual- Barbara Hankins Brown , B (Mrs . Patrick 1.) , 126 Shockey Drive, Huntington, West Virginia 25701 Chairman of Rush- Marsha Brenner Knopp , II , BE (Mrs. Roy William) , P.O. Box 2732, Staunton, Virginia 24401 Chairman of Scholarship - Paula Halfast, Bf, 738 Village Avenue , #6F , Broken Arrow , Oklahoma 74012 Chairman of Standards - Frances Jobson Francis , BE (Mrs . James T.), 602 Devon Road, Richmond , Virginia 22329



Feature Editor- Rosemary Carucci Gross, BIT (Mrs . Robert E. Goss, Jr.), 2305 Capistrano St ., Blacksburg, Virginia 24060 Alumnae Editor- Nancy I. Zander Reese , BY, 4433 St. James # 4 , Fl int , Mi chigan 48504 Collegiate Editor- Lill ian Ford Donnelly , BI (Mrs. Vincent R.), 2 108 Cherryhill Lane , Chesapeake , Virginia 23325 Historian- Hiwana Cupp Crom pton, BE (Mrs. Eugene H.), 91 Belmont Dr., Leesburg , Virginia 22075

Renee Ackerson Donna Bochicchio Karla Kamp

NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS Rose Marie Fellin Head qu arters Executive 1201 E. Walnut Springfie ld, Missouri 65802

1201 East Walnut Springfield , Missouri 65804

NATIONAL PANHELLENIC CONFERENCE Delegate Alternate Deleg~te Second Alternate

Mrs. John Allen Mrs. Philip Wall ick Mrs . Stuart Foreman

•• Cut and save the National Officers Directory.







Leslie Maxwell, fH, 1641 Jamestown Place , Pittsburgh, PA 15235

Charlene Fink Shallock, AZ (Mrs . Edward), 348 Cobb Cir., Bolingbrook, IL 60439

Linda Barzano Snyder, fB (Mrs. Gary), 2631 Spruce St., River Grove, IL 60171

Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Alpha Gamma- Indiana, PA 15701 Penn State University, Gamma Eta- University Park, PA 16802 Rochester Institute of Technology, Gamma Iota -Rochester, NY 14623 Mansfield State College, Delta Epsi lon Mansfield, PA 16933 York College of Pennsylvania, Delta Omicron -York, PA 17403 Bloomsburg State College, Delta Chi Bloomsburg, PA 17815

Radford University, Beta Iota- Radford , VA 24141 Concord College, Beta Pi - Athens, WV 24712 Elon College, Delta Rho- Elon College, NC 27244 West Virginia State College, Delta Pi (Colony) - Institute, WV 25112

Western Illinois University, Beta Kappa Macomb, IL 61455 Northern Illinois University, Beta Rho- DeKalb, IL 60115 Loyola University, Gamma Lambda Chicago, IL 60626 DePaul University, Delta Eta - Ch icago, IL 60614


Murray State University, Beta Nu- Murray, KY42071 Eastern Illinois University, Gamma OmegaCharleston, IL 61920 Southern Illinois University, Delta Theta- Carbondale, IL 62901 Indiana State University, Delta Kappa Evansville, IN 47711

Sari Rapkin, ri, 208 Howland Av e., Rochester, NY 14614 Slippery Rock State College, Gamma Xi Slippery Rock, PA 16057 Clarion College, Gamma Omicron- Clarion, PA 16214 Edinboro State College, Gamma Psi - Edinboro, PA 16412 State University College at Buffalo, Pi Pi- Buffalo, NY 14222 State University of New York at Buffalo, Delta Tau (Colony)- Buffalo, NY 14214 PROVINCE III DIRECTOR

Cynthia Rhodes Christfield, AI (Mrs. John G.),1531 Delaware Ave., Wilmington, DE 19806 East Stroudsburg State College, Gamma RhoEast Stroudsburg, PA 18301 University of Delaware, Delta Iota- Newark, DE 19711 Temple University, Kappa Kappa- Philadelphia, PA 19122 Drexel University, Nu Nu- Philadelphia, PA 19104 PROVINCE IV-A DIRECTOR

Lori Sue Tiller, BE, 90 H. Dutchmill Ct., Harrisonburg, VA 2280 I Longwood College, Alpha - Farmville, VA 23901 james Madison University, Beta Epsilon Harrisonburg, VA 22801 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Delta Lambda - Blacksburg, VA 24060 Virginia Wesleyan College, Delta Phi (Colony) - Norfolk, VA 23502

FALL 1979



Elizabeth Elliott Moore, BI (Mrs. Dennis) , 704 Candlelight Lane , St. Louis, MO 63132

Connie Peyton, ZZ, Rt. I , Trenton, MO 64683


Beverley Mooney Hase nbalg, BTI (Mrs. H. B.), 621 Brompton Ct., We llin gton North, Noblesville, IN 46060 Miami University, Alpha Alpha - Oxford, OH 45056 Ball State University, Chi Chi - Muncie, IN 47301 Indiana State University, Beta Upsilon Terre Haute, IN 47807 PROVINCE VII DIRECTOR

Joyce Lescelius Abler, BT, 1018 S. Main , Mt. Pleasant , MI 48858 Central Michigan University, Beta Theta Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858 Adrian College, Gamma Mu- Adrian, MI 49221 General Motors Institute, Delta Nu A- Flint, MI 48504 General Motors Institute, Delta NuB- Flint, MI 48504 Saginaw Valley State College, Delta Sigma (Colony) - University Center, Ml PROVINCE IX DIRECTOR

Rebecca Wilson, BB 1309 La Veta Way, Colorado Springs, CO 80906 Dickinson State College, Beta Eta- Dickinson, NO 58601 University of Northern Colorado, Beta BetaGreeley, CO 80631

Northeast Missouri State University, AI ph a Beta -Kirksville, MO 63501 Emporia State University, Epsilon Epsi lon Emporia, KS 66801 Northwest Missouri State University, Phi PhiMaryville, MO 64468 Missouri Valley College, Gamma Pi - Marshall, MO 65340 PROVINCE XII DIRECTOR

Bonnee Crosswhite Griggs, BI (Mrs. Conrad), 841 West Primrose , Springfield, MO 65807 Central Missouri State University, Zeta Zeta Warrensburg, MO 64093 Southwest Missouri State University, Beta Sigma - Springfield, MO 65802 Pittsburg State University, Eta Eta-Pittsburg, KS 66762 PROVINCE XIII-A DIRECTOR

Denise Lewis McGuire, BA (Mrs. Michael D.), 219 Ku yrke ndall Place, Long Beach, MS 39560 University of Southern Mississippi, Beta Delta - Hattiesburg, MS 39401 University of Southwestern Louisiana, Beta Zeta - Lafayette, LA 70506 Dallas Baptist College, Delta Xi - Dallas, TX 75211 University of Texas at San Antonio, Delta Upsilon - San Antonio, TX 78285 PROVINCE XIII-B DIRECTOR

Candi Lacy, <t><t>, 9516 Olmstead, Kansas City, MO 64134 University of Central Arkansas, Beta Lambda - Conway, AR 72032 H enderson State University, Beta Mu - Arkadelphia, AR 71923 University of Arkansas at Monticello, Gamma Zeta- Monticello, AR 71655



Diane Sauro Stevenson, fX (Mrs. Kim) , RD #6, Box 6534, White Oak Rd ., Mercer, PA 16137 Boston, Massachusetts- Miss Jean Barbarick, 35 Pilgrim Way, East Walpole, MA 02032 Buffalo, New York- Mrs. Alan Priest, 7114 Northledge Dr. , Lockport, NY 14094 Central Pennsylvania - Mrs. D. Ray Koons, RR No.2, Box 132, Keller Dr., Red Lion, PA 17356 Delaware Valley, Pennsylvania- Mrs. William Schwarze, 3 Longpoint Lane , Media, Pennsylvania 19063 Moraine, Pennsylvania - Mrs . Robert Boykin, RD 4, Box 352 D5, Slippery Rock, PA 16057 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Mrs. Paul Butler, 8840 Towanda St., Philadelphia, PA 19118 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - Mrs. Thomas J . Wezorek, 563 Lebanon Manor Dr., West Mifflin, PA 15122 R ochester, New York- Mrs. Daniel]. Phelps, 19 Maylong Dr., Rochester, NY 14626 Scranton, Pennsy lvania - Mrs. William Michael Salva, 141 College Ave ., Factoryville, P A 18419 State College, Pennsylvania - Miss Sandra Ross, 129 AN, Monroe St., Bellefonte, PA 16823 Wilmington, Delaware - Mrs. David Hofer, 33 Helios Court Treetop, Newark, DE 19711 REGION II DIRECTOR

Suzanne Hebert , BZ, 817 Fox Run , Lafayette, LA 70508 Charleston, West Virginia - Mrs . James Gunter, 2992 Ruth St. , Charleston, WV 25302 Charlotte, North Carolina- Mrs. William A. Higgins, 13521 Five Gait Ct. , Matthews, c 28215 Fort Lauderdale, Florida - Mrs. George S. Gamble, 1851 N.E. 34 Ct., Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33306 Hattiesburg, Mississippi- Mrs. H . L. Thomsen, 116 S. 21st Ave., Hattiesburg, MS 39401 Huntington , West Virginia - Mrs. Patrick Brown, 126 Shockey Dr. , Huntington, wv 25701 jackson, Mississippi- Mrs. H . Michael Webb, 303 Shiloh Rd ., Brandon, MS 39402 jackson Purchase, Kentucky - Mrs. David Wall, Rt. 6, Murray, KY 42071 Lafayt tlt, Louisiana - Miss Lorna He len Guynn, 115 Smith St. , Apt. 5, Lafayette, LA 70503 Lexington, Kmtuclcy - Mrs. Henry Harned, Rt. 3, Hickman Hill Rd ., Frankfort, KY 40601 Mississippi Gulf Coast Ms. Peggy Haerington , o. 4 Hanging Oaks Ct. , Gulfport, M 39501


Norfolk, Virginia - Mrs. Lynn Wyndham, 5811 Ferry Rd ., Virginia Beach, VA 23455 New Orleans, Louisiana - Miss Kathy Neff, 5600 Berkley Dr. , New Orleans, LA 70114 Peninsula, Virginia - Mrs. James T. Scott, Jr. , II Rutledge Rd ., Newport News, VA 23601 Princeton, West Virginia - Miss Sandra Farley, Rt. 7, Tanglewood A-2, Princeton , wv 24740 Richmond, Virginia - Mrs. Herbert L. Bryant, 1521 Brigham Rd ., Richmond, VA 23229 Roanoke Valley, Virginia - Rebecca Oliver, 2908 Tully Dr., NW, Roanoke , VA 24019 Tri-City, Florida- Mrs. Gilbert W. Gerken , 807 Camellia Dr., Largo, FL 33540 Washington, DC - Miss Joyce Hoffman, 9905 Goodluck Rd ., Apt. T-1, Seabrook, MD 20801 REGION Ill DIRECTOR

Carmine Cree Alvey , XX (Mrs. Charles R.) , 4300 University Ave. , Muncie, IN 47304 Akron, Ohio - Miss Christy Bauer, 3903 Northampton, Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44223 Anderson, Indiana- Mrs. James Baden, I 08 Thorn Dr. , Anderson, IN 46011 Butler County, Ohio- Mrs. Christopher Allison, Ill Olde Farm Rd., Oxford, OH 45056 Calumet R egion, Indiana - Mrs. Craig S. Korkoian, 1706 Novo Dr., Schererville, IN 46375 Central Illinois- Mrs. Walter Sanders, 2913 Oak, Mattoon , IL 61938 Chicago, Illinois - Mrs. Betty Hall, 342 D Higgins Rd ., Park Ridge , IL 60068 Chicago-Metro, Illinois Mrs . David Schlottman, 18941 Birch, Country Club Hills, IL 60477 Chicago, Illinois (North Suburban) - Christine Darr , 1289 W. New Britton Dr., Hoffman Estates, I L 60195 Chicago, Illinois (South Suburban) - Mrs. Kenneth Majeske, I 0619 Longwood Dr. , Chicago, IL 60643 Chicago, Illinois (West Suburban) - Mrs. Harold Burgeson , 109 N. Lambert Rd., Glen Ellyn, lL 60137 Cincinnati, Ohio - Mrs. Scott Roof, 3875 Boomer Rd ., Cincinnati, OH 45239 Columbus, Indiana- Mrs. Robert G. Wertz, 110 Johnson, Seymour, IN 47274 Columbus, Ohio - Miss Pat O'Toole, 5203 Jameson Dr. , Columbus, OH 43227 Dayton, Ohio - Mrs. Richard Finch, 7337 Mad Ri ver Rd ., Dayton , OH 45459 Elkhart Goshen, Indiana - Miss Jill Hinkl e, 1121 Whitfield, Elkhart, IN 46514 Fort Wayne, Indiana - Mrs. Wayne Dibert, 925 Clayburn, Ft. Wayne, I 46819 Indiana-Kentucky - Mrs. Larry Murphy, 4021 Theater Dr., Evansville, IN 47712

Indianapolis, Indiana - Miss JoAnn Laugel, 3623 Merrick Way, Apt. B, Indianapoli , IN 46222 Indianapolis Metro, Indiana - Mrs. Scott Miley, 6705 Goterhead Lane , 2-A Indianapolis, IN 46220 Lafayette, Indiana- Mrs. Rick Randall, RR 3, Clinton, IN 47842 Muncie, Indiana - Miss Alice Rice, 102 Rosewood, Muncie, IN 47304 Newark-Zanesville, Ohio - Mrs. Norman Cogswell, 1070 W. Church St., Newark, OH 43055 Richmond, Indiana- Mrs. William C. Weller, Jr. , 335 SW 15th St. , Richmond , IN 47375 South Bend, Indiana - Mrs. Dennis Humphries, 1008 W. Grove St., Mishawaka, IN 46544 Southern Illinois - Miss Linda C. Harres, 22-4B Brookside Manor, Carbondale, IL 62901 Terre Haute, Indiana - Mrs. Bruce Majors, 2840 N. 6th , Terre Haute, IN 47808 REGION IV DIRECTOR

Sandra Brzezinski, fE (Mrs. Wayne), 7041 W. Tripoli Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53220 Adrian, Detroit & Toledo, Michigan - Mrs. Michael Berthold, 214 Front, Adrian, M I 49221 Detroit, Michigan (Delta Phi)- Mrs. Harvey Bumgardner, 560 East Long Lake Rd., Bloomfield Hills, MI 48013 Detroit, Michigan (Sigmil Rho Chi) - Mrs. John Dunn, 28656 Bannockburn Dr., Farmington, MI 48024 Detroit, Pleasant Ridge, Michigan - Miss Jill A. Eising, 40 Oakdale, Pleasant Ridge, Ml 48069 Dickinson, North Dakota - Mrs. Adaline A. Gibson, 40 5th Ave. W., Dickinson, ND 58601 Flint, Michigan - Mrs. Wendell Browning, 7415 Coldwater Rd ., Flushing, Ml48433 Grand Rapids, Michigan- Mrs. Jerry M. Van Dusen , 7271 Belding , Rockford, MI 49341 Kalamazoo, Michigan- Mrs. Ron De Young, 1609 Kilgore Rd. , Kalamazoo , MI 49008 Milwaukee, Wisconsin- Mrs. Rodney Weber, 323 Sunny Lane, Thiensville, WI 53092 Mt. Pleasant, Michigan - Mrs. Michael Martin, 1612 Mary Ann , Mt. Pleasant, Ml 48858 Twin City, Minnesota - Mrs. E. H. Stock, 10716 Morris Ave., Minneapolis, M 55437 REGION V DIRECTOR Virginia Selle Turney, Be (Mrs. Arthur), 2210 East Vista Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85020 Albuquerque, New Mexico - Mrs. Dorothy Ferrand , 6020 orthland .E., Albuquerque, M 87109 Dallas, Texas- Mrs. Roby Bass, 834 S. Alexander, Duncanville, TX 75137 (Continued on page 13)


Directory continued Houston, T exas - Mrs. David johnson, 25203 Collingtree Dr. , Tomball , TX 77375 Phoenix, Arizona- Mrs. Richard Maes, 4940 E. Cholla, Scottsdale, AZ 85254 San Diego, California- Mrs. Merle E. Hogg, 5688 Campanile Way , San Diego, CA 92115 Sun City , Arizona - Mrs. Dean Erway, 10719 Roundelay Cir. , Sun City, AZ 85373

1979 A ward Winners

REGION VI DIRECTOR Ellen Funk Akers, BA (Mrs. jack N.), 5095 East Hinsdale Place, Littleton , CO 80122 Bartlesville, Oklahoma - Mrs. John Dalgarn, 1327 S. Dewey, Bartlesville, OK 74003 Denver, Colorado - Mrs. Charles Woodring, 954 S. Braum Dr., Lakewood, CO 80228 Emporia, Kansas- Mrs. Darrell Carter, 1002 Luther, Emporia, KS 66801 Greater Kansas City Mrs . Thomas McCurry, 6914 Waverly, Kansas City, KS 66109 Greater St. joseph, Missouri - Mrs. Roger Stucki, Box 23, Lawson, MO 64062 Kirksville, Missouri - Mrs. james Dougherty, 904 E. Randolph, Kirksville, MO 63501 Maryville, Missouri -Mrs. Robert Gregory, 116 N . Roy Ave., Maryville, MO 64468 Omaha, N ebraska - Mrs. Bernard Wilson , 2521 S. ll9th St., Omaha, NE 68134 Northern Colorado - Kim Bernhardt, 828 12th St. , Apt. #102, Greeley, CO 80631 Pikes Peak, Colorado - Miss Rebecca Wilson, 1309 La Veta Way , Colorado Springs, CO 80906 Pittsburg, Kansas - Mrs. Tom Sighel, Rt. 1, Pittsburg, KS 66762 St. Louis, Missouri - Mrs. James Vredenburgh, 10447 Garibaldi, St. Louis, MO 63131 Southeast Arkansas - Ms. Sharon Broswell, 603 S. Gabbert, Monticello, AR 71655 Springfield, Missouri - Mrs. Mike Kahnert, Rt. 1, Box 429, Forsyth , MO 65653 Topeka, Kansas - Mrs. Robert Hayn , 129 NE 58th, Topeka, KS 66617 Tulsa, Oklahoma - Mrs. Dick Doubrava, 9101 E. 58th , Tulsa, OK 74145 Warrensburg, Missouri Mrs . Roger Baldwin, Rt. 2, Warrensburg, MO 64093

Frost Fidelity A wardTeresa Lynn Morin, Beta Upsilon

Ideal Pledge AwardTerri Woods , Epsilon Epsilon Elizabeth Bird Small A wardMargaret Ann Mills Gamma Psi (No Photo Available)

Scholastic Achievement A wardBeta Beta Scholastic Improvement AwardGamma Iota Membership Examination AwardDelta Nu-B

FALL 1979


National Councilor Elected To Executive Board Alpha Sigma Alpha's National Editor, Dr. Helenmarie Hofman, has been elected to serve on the Executive Board of the College Fraternity Editors Association. The election took place at the CFEA National conference on 17 June at St. Petersburg Beach, Florida. She will be a member of the executive board for the term 1979-80, as such she will also chair the journals awards committee. The College Fraternity Editors Association is open to any member fraternity of NIC, NPC, PIC and PPA, or whose executive is a member of FEA. The CFEA is the only association bringing together fraternity and sorority representatives from this broad spectrum. The College Fraternity Editors Association is dedicated to the purposes that stimulate and encourage those engaged in college fraternity journalism; to form




Dr. Helenmarie Hofman, Alpha Sigma Alpha Natiot~al Editor, new CFEA Board Member.

a center for the communication and exchange of views of all those interested in fraternity editing; to establish a community of interest through personal contacts; to raise the standard of fraternity journalism and the excellence of fraternity publications; to cooperate with the National Interfraternity Conference and the National Pan hellenic Conference; to educate the public in the character, ideals, and purposes of college fraternities and the National Interfraternity Conference and the National Panhellenic Conference as well as The Professional Fraternity Associations; and generally to do all things that will aid in elevating our profession and tend toward an intelligent understanding of college fraternities by administrators, students, and the general public.

Top Ten 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Alpha ...... . . . ....................... . Beta Epsilon ... . .. ... .. . ........ . . . .... Epsilon Epsilon and Beta Delta ........ .. Alpha Beta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beta Eta ....... . .. .. ................. . Alpha Alpha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eta Eta ............................... Phi Phi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beta Beta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gamma Eta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

97.9 97 .l 94.9 93 .3 92.6 91.1 90.9 90.7 90.2 89.2

If you are interested in applying for this position for 1980-81, you may write for more information and appropriate forms to:

Alpha Sigma Alpha 1201 East Walnut St. Springfield, MO 65802


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Alpha Sigma Alpha

Alpha Sigma Alpha

announces the reorganization of

announces the formation of



New Orleans, Louisiana

Conway, Arkansas

July 7, 1979

September 4, 1979

SUGGESTIONS PLEASE ... At National Convention 1980 election of the seven voting members of National Council will be held in accordance with the By-Laws of ASA. The nominating committee, composed of Hiwana Crompton, Chairman , Judy Winter, and Elaine Shiverdecker, solicits your cooperation and assistance in suggesting nominees and providing a brief, factual account of their ASA and community activities as well as special talents for leadership. Nominees should be ASA women from either your local area or other areas who have served Alpha Sigma Alpha in some capacity on the National level (e.g., as a chairman, province director, or previous council member) and who have the time, ability , and interest to serve in a National leadership role. The deadline for submission of names for consideration is February 1, 1980. I recommend the following for ASA National Council: (Give married and maiden name , chapter, address and phone number if possible.) FALL 1979

National President Executive Vice President Vice President of Development Vice President of Collegiate Program ______ Vice President of Alumnae Program _______ Secretary - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Treasurer - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Return to: Mrs. Eugene H. Crompton 91 Belmont Drive Leesburg, Virginia 22075 Name of Contributor Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Alumnae C h a p t e r - - - - - - - - - - - - - Collegiate Chapter - - - - - - - - - - - - 15

Rocky Mountain High Some a lumnae chapter are comfortable doing the arne activities year after year without change while others don't think they've had a good year unles each program is new and different. The DENVER Alumnae Chapter has managed to co me up with a compromise , mixing the traditional with th e new . Their most traditional event has been their fall potluck dinner, which has been at the home of Grace Dalby Davie for the past 30 years. It's at this meeting that Ia t year' secret sisters are revealed and new ecret sisters are chosen. It's the job of a secret sister to make sure no birthday or a nni versar passes without a gift or card to their special ister. Also tradition with the DENVER alums, at least for the past three years, is selling Gold C co upon books to raise money to sponsor children in Special Olympics. Plans are this year to sponsor two children. The chapter also has an annual rummage sale wh ich raises money for chapter expenses. The sale i the first weekend in May at the Rummage Room, which is located close to downtown Denver. Another tradition is the chapter's annual Christma Party, which last year was at the home of Esther Gatseos. Mentioning Mrs. Gatseos brings to mind another DENVER tradition -having national officers as members of the chapter. Mrs. Gatseos is national philanthropic chairman, Marly White, national vice president for a lumnae and Ell en Akers is Region VI director. A new activity for the chapter last year but something members hope to make an annual event was a wine and cheese party at the BETA BETA chapter house at the Unive rsity of Northern Colorado, Greeley, Colo. The alum are hoping a lso for good represe ntation at the collegiate chapter's homeco ming tea.

M embers of the DENVER Alumnae Chapter congratulate Esther Kauffman Gatseos, BB, far right, on being named 1979 Denver Panhellenic Woman of the Year. Other members at the panhellenic luncheon were, left to right, Evelyn H illman johnson, <1><1>, judith Slusher Woodring, <1><1>, Louan Southworth Nevin, BB, and Elizabeth Brock Allison, XX.




tAction Nancy I. Z. Reese, Editor

In August, the DENVER alums had a swimming party at the home of a member. Here the co-hostesses are busy preparing the hors d'oeuvres for the hungry guests. Louan Nevin, left, Libby McWilliams and Evelyn johnson sure look organized, don't they?

Also new this year will be a combined Founders' Day/State Day with the BET A BET As, GREELEY alumnae and COLORADO SPRINGS alumnae . Last year the chapter honored their 50-year members at a Founders' Day luncheon. Speakers this year will be from the Denver Art Museum and Special Olympics. A third speaker will talk about nutrition. Last year, members heard a member of the Colorado Assn. of Realtors speak on Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). Returning to tradition , the chapter has an annual Valen-

FALL 1979

tine tea and a working meeting where members make ribbons for Special Olympics. A final "new" activity for the DENVER alums took place this summer when they had a swimming party at the home of Elizabeth Brock Allison, XX. The planning committee provided hors d'oeuvres while members brought salads and a $3 fee covered more substantial items. After dinner members swam and rdaxed in the jacouse. Thanks to Patty McCarthy, judy Woodring and Kathy Hunter for their aid in providing pictures and other assistance.

At Founders' Day last year, the DENVER alums honored their 50-year members with a ceremony. This year a joint Founders' Day/State Day is planned. At left, the committee for the 1978 Founders' Day was, left to right, Dorothy Hughes ] ohnson, BB, Polly Smelser Schlosser, BB, Doris Sunderlin McFarland, BB, and Patricia M eehan Malm, BB. 17

Betty Hall: Sharp Winner By Nancy I. Z. Reese I had known the 1979 Wilma Wilson Sharp Award winner Betty Phillips Hall for about two years when another Chicago area alum told me that Betty was having a birthday and could I guess how old she wa . I knew Betty worked for the Air Force and traveled for her job, I knew she was president of the Chicago a~um chapter, that she lived by herself m a neat-as-a-pin townhouse and that you co uld always call her up and ask her to be somewhere and she would show up. I guessed 60. o, my friend practically screamed, she's going to be 72!

Betty Hall at the 1961 Convention at the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island, Mich . wearing a dress he wo re to a Panhellenic dance in 1935 . 18

That was several years ago and while Betty doesn 't talk about the pas ing birthdays , she still works for the Air Force a a casualty assistance officer, traveling two to four times a month ; she's still president of the Chicago alums; and she'll still show up somewhere when you ask as long as you give her a ride. But now I also know that she has had a long history of service to Alpha Sigma Alpha at both the national and local level. It's these many years of involvement and her still-fresh enthusiasm (she has only missed one convention since 1958), that has prompted the Chicago alums to nominate her for the Wilma Wilson Sharp Award many times and the Chicago North, West, South and Metro chapters to all nominate her at least once. Betty has been president of the Chicago Alumnae Chapter for eight years and a member of the chapter for 31 years. Her attendance at her first convention was to start a term of service on the national level that didn't end until 10 years later. She served as magazine chairman from 1959 to 1961 , as constitution chairman from 1961 to 1962, NPC delegate from 1962 to 1963 and store chairman from 1964 to 1969. It was this last office, which no longer exists, that Betty enjoyed the most. She ordered pencils , pens, mugs, notebooks , stationary and other items for sale at the then triennial conventions . Besides sorority, Betty has been very active in many other clubs, always willing to serve as an officer. She served as treasurer and was a long-time member of the Ravenswood Women's Club , treasurer of the Park Ridge Newcomers Alumni Club and a member of the Park Ridge Panhellenic Club . Betty was also very active in Chicago City Panhellenic for I 0 years, serving as president in 1968-69. She's also a member of the Baptist Church , "where ever I am," and she's done volunteer work for the Red Cross and served as a poll worker for 15 years. Betty is a member of the Alpha Beta chapter at ortheast Missouri State University, Kirksville, Mo. , where she co mpleted a 60-hour degree. She later co mpleted a four-year degree at the University of Illinois , Champaign . When Betty had co mpleted her two years a t ortheast Missouri, the Great Depression had arrived. She went to Idah o ("beca use they n ee ded

Betty Phillips Hall

teachers") and taught for eight year . There she met and married her late husband , Howard, and moved back and forth between Washington, D.C . and California while he was in the servtce. During those war years, Betty worked for Douglas Aircraft in Long Beach and Washington . She also worked for a firm in the Chicago Loop after moving to the Chicago area 35 years ago. Later, she worked as a substitute teacher and 10 years ago she started working for the Air Force. Her boss has said she could work as long as she wants to. If the rest of her family is any indication, that could be for a long time yet. Betty is the youngest in a family of four girls and two boys, all of whom are still alive . The brothers and sisters are spread out between Missouri, Idaho and California and Betty takes the opportunity to visit them all during her vacations. The Chicago alums have congratu lated Betty on her being selected the Wilma Wilson Sharp award winner with gifts of a necklace and scented rose bowl and all ofthe Chicago chapters are planning a special recognition but I can't tell when or where because it's a secret. Betty has long deserved this award and the Chicago area alums are proud to have her as a still active and enthusiastic A};AI THE PHOENIX

Potluck picnic

Province day organizers

Greeting card booklets

The OMAHA alumnae had a potluck picnic in July at the home of Charlotte Cox Dann, <1><1>, with members and their husbands. In September, the group had their annual garage sale at the home of Judy Neiman Reiff, <1><1>. The money earned from the sale will go to pay the Special Olympic expenses for a few children from the Madonna School for Exceptional Children. Other members helping with the sale were Lois Leibel Lechner, fA, and jean Maginn Ullrich, fA. Among the activities the chapter has planned for the coming year are a salad supper and going to see the play "A Christmas Carol."

The PITTSBURGH Alumnae Chapter organized Province Day at Slippery Rock State College in March. Connie Garrison, Angie Wezorek and Kathy Boy kin were co-chairwomen of the event. Dawn Kukich and Nancy Bieberstein were in charge of registration and Angie and Bonnie Oswald served as workshop leaders.

The MORAINE (Pa.) Alumnae Chapter had meetings at the homes of Laura Kauffman and Diane Stevenson, where the group made booklets for a senior citizens home using pictures from greeting cards on the cover . Members also started working on items for the boutique at convention in Buffalo.

Artistic place mats The CALUMET REGION (Ind.) alumnae made place mats for their philanthropic project, thanks to Ramah McCabe and her artistic talents. The chapter's "just the girls" dinner was at a new Japanese cuisine restaurant. The meal was prepared right in front of the table by a humorous Hawaiian chef. The summer picnic was a superb success with hours in the sun and many family activities.

Paddle-wheel lunch The NEWARK-ZANESVILLE area alumnae were guests of Helen Brown Smith, BY, of Zanesville for a luncheon meeting in June. Grace Gowen Cogswell, TT, of Newark was elected to succeed Mrs. Smith as president. A July picnic was at Dawes Arboretum near Newark with Zina Roberts Kennedy, BP, and Katherine Crabill Sturgeon , MM, as hostesses. Minnie Stickle Predmore, YY, was hostess for a restaurant luncheon in March. After lunch members toured the new art institute in Zanesville. In September, members had lunch on the Becky Thatcher stern wheeler at Marietta and took a boat ride aboard the Valley Gem. Hostess was Ethel Straw Guthrie, AA.

Hobby/career night SAN DIEGO alumnae enjoyed luncheon at a local restaurant in June and then came to the home of Louise Hindes, XX, for a meeting which was followed by a discussion of each member's hobby or career. Shirley Rowley, PX , teaches basic training courses for restaurant, hospital work or any area of the culinary trade at Wright Brothers Career High School in San Diego. Chapter president Mary jean Hogg, EE, works for the company that puts out the Suzie's Zoo line of cards and stationery. Meri Berger, KK, a new member, told the members her hobby is riding motorcycles. The hostess' hobby is spinning and weaving and she won a blue ribbon for a hand-spun cotton top and also the Shuttle, Spindle and Dyepot Award at the Southern California Expo. Future activities for the chapter will include hosting the Panhellenic luncheon.

Candy fund-raiser

AKRON alumnae are busily decorating candy for their Easter candy sale. H elen Frame Snyder, 00, hostess for this workshop, tells Ann Sullivan Bajc, BP, and her daughter jane just how she wants the candy decorated. FALL 1979

Members of the AKRON Alumnae Chapter are proud to announce that they have once again toppled past fund-raising activities for the third consecutive year. For six very hectic weeks preceding Easter alums took orders for , melted, molded, decorated, bagged and sold Easter candy. The chapter uses this profitable yearly activity to contribute towards Special Olympics and area groups for the retarded. Members relaxed in May with a day in the park at Barberton's beautiful Lake Anne. The town's famous cherry blossoms were in bloom , contributing to a day of spring perfection. The alums caught spring fever as they all donned Ronald McDonald bibs for their Quarterpounder picnic lunches. 19

Annual card party

Penny sale

The DAYTON Alumnae Chapter had a alad luncheon in March , hosted by Janet Backett Allen , AA , and Connie Hoover Gareis, AA. It was followed by a film on Special Olympics. Again this year the chapter participated in the area Special Olympics at Welcome Stadium in Dayton. The chapter's card party to benefit Stillwater Hospital for retarded children was in May . Chairman Linda Baker Allen, fM, was assisted by Kathleen Hale O 'Brien , AA, and Helen Boggess Swart, AA. Mrs. Swart was presented with a silk floral arrangement at this party in honor of her 65 years as an Alpha Sig. The card party is held annually in the recreation room of the Lakewoods Apartments, a residence for senior citizens . Members arrange for door prizes and this year there was a door prize for each of the 125 persons in attendance. Each alum also makes an appetizer and they are arranged on buffet table. The Dayton Alumnae Panhellenic Assn. had its annual luncheon in June . Audrey Herbert Gedart, BP, was chairman of this event which drew 144 women from the Dayton area. Bonnie Baklini McElearney, f<l>, was installed as ways and means chairman of the association.

The BOSTON alums met at a local restaurant in April. The May meeting was at Mable Peterson's home. When the chapter needs to augment the treasury, members have a penny sale or a silent auction.

Anniversary year FORT WAYNE alums will celebrate their 30th anniversary in October. Two of the original charter members are sti ll active. Margaret Dibert had the first meeting 30 years ago and is planning the anniversary meeting with the help of fellow charter member , Thelma Zumbaugh. Other fall activities wi ll include helping Panhellenic by selling theater tickets . The fund -raiser will benefit the panhellenic scholarship fund. The chapter lost another member to the sunny South. Marjorie Harader and husband have retired to Port Charlotte, Fla.

Alumnae induction DICKINSON alumnae initiated graduating BETA ETAs into alumnae membership in May following an anniversary banquet the evening before.

The alum took their annual summer tourist trip to Medora in June. The chapter was awarded a certificate of appreciation for assisting with the Dickinson Special Olympics program . Presentations of funds were made last year to Camp Nyoda for the mentally handicapped and to the collegiate chapter. In August, the a lumnae celebrated their 20-year anniversary with a luncheon . BET A ETA's 40-year anniversary is in 1980 and the alums have begun planning a celebration.

Park, swap sale Nancy Tullis Pfleger, AA, was chairman for VALLEY OF THE SUN (Ariz.) alumnae's sale of second-hand items at the Phoenix Park and Swap Sale grounds in March. The first weekend in April a number of alums assisted at the county Special Olympics. Carol Behn Maes, AB, was the hostess for the April meeting. In early May, the chapter was joined by members of the SUN CITY alums for an annual salad supper and installation of officers at the home of Nancy Humble Kiser, BX. The two chapters will also have a joi nt Founders' Day luncheon in November at the Sun City Lakes Club.

Are >:Ou ~ware that Alph a Sigma Alpha has a very active Philanthropic Program? This program has been growing each year because of contnbuuons from our members. In 1978 we were able to award financial gra nts to seven women pursuing graduate and undergraduate degrees . You , too , may lend your support to this important area of Alpha Sigma Alpha involvement. ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA FRATERNITY NATIONAL PHILANTHROPIC FUND CONTRIB UTION FORM Date-------I desire to participate in the ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA PHILANTHROPIC FUND and I he reby subscribe a gift of - - - - - - - I wish this gift to be accredited to: General Philanthropic Fund - - - - - - - - - - Wilm a Wilson Sharp Fund Mary Turner Gallagher Fund Amy M. Swisher Fund . . . , - - - - - - - - - - - - - Martha K. Dimond Fund - - - - - - - - - - - This gift is a me morial for :

arne - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Chapter Address - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

otification of this me morial gift is to be sent to : Name . . . . , . . . , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Street Address City - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - State - - - - - - - - Zip This gift is to express AIA Love and appreciation to: Na me (Don or)

arne Chapter-------Street Address - - - - - - - - - - - - - : : - - - - - - - - - - - -- - C i t y - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - State - - - -Zip _ _ _ __

Chapte r~-----------------------足

Street Addre s - - - - - - -- - - -- - -- - - - - - - - Cit y - - - - -- - -- - - - - -- - - - I th is the na me a nd addre s o n fil e at Nati onal Headquarters ? Ye

Z i p - - - - - - -o _ __

(Make check payable to Alpha Sigma Alpha ational Philanthropic Fund and mail to Gat eo , 6659 E. Ea tman Ave., Den ve r , CO 80224.)

ational Chairman of Philanthropies : Mr . George G.

Co ntributio n are tax d eductible.



Don't be modest- send your story to our editors. Let your sisters know about your profession, avocation, travels etc.

Phoenix Deadlines If you wish to have materials considered for publication in The Phoenix, the editors must receive your copy by the following dates:

September 1st for Fall Issue December 1st for Winter Issue March 1st for Spring Issue June 1st for Summer Issue

WATCH FORScholarship Winners Survey Results Convention Coverage IN THE WINTER PHOENIX

Alpha Sigma Alpha

National Convention 1980 June 30-July 2 Niagara Hilton Hotel Niagara Falls, New York

CHANGE OF ADDRESS OR NAME You can help Alpha Sigma Alpha save a considerable amount of money each year by sending to the National Headquarters any change of address or name. The Post Office now charges 25 cents for each returned magazine or ~hange of address. Keep us informed and help us save! You are responsible for changing your address promptly if you wish to continue receiving your Phoenix. Have you moved or married? Mail completed form with mailing label attached to :

THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA Alpha Sigma Alpha National Headquarters 1201 East Walnut, Springfield, Missouri 65802



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Site of Alpha Sigma Alpha 1980 National Convention - Niagara Falls New York ' (front and back covers) .

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