There s more than sport to Special Olympics 1
By Nancy I. Z. Reese Thirteen years ago, the first international Special Olympic games were held at Chicago's Soldier Field. The games have come a long way in those 13 years when just 26 states and five countries sent athletes to compete. The games have grown from the 900 athletes who competed in 1968 to more than a million athletes who participate at all levels in 50 states and a dozen foreign countries. o little credit for the success of Special Olympics goes to the many area coordinators who year after year organize regional events that lead up to the international games . Among them is Pat Condon, coordinator of the Chicago-Cook Area Special Olympics. Sponsored by the Chicago Park District, Chicago Special Olympics ha 17 athletic events scheduled in 1982. Pat, who is also the park district's supervisor of programs for the retarded, and her staff schedule , promote and put on all the events. All this is in addition to their park district work of recreation for the mentall y and physically handicapped . The recreation programs, which are organized at man of the city's park facilities , are used to funnel handicapped athletes into Special 01 mpic . The programs are run evening and weekends as well as during the \ eek to accommodate those o er 21 who work or who are
Pat Condon
invo lved in workshops. A large number of Special Olympic athletes are adults. Pat's greatest praise for Special Olympics is not for the athletic skillsthe handicapped develop, but for the side benefits. "It's exciting for teachers," she said. "Once a child participates in the program and has a chance to excel! and receive approval, he is better in the classroom, his behavior improves, his skills improve. " Pat went on to explain that some abstract concepts in math such as less is better is hard to teach to the mentally retarded. But after participating in running events, she added , where the lesser time wins, the children have a better under-
standing of the concept. When asked about Special Ol}mpic success stories, Pat didn't mention individuals who won medals. but instead talked about the po t路 tive impact the program has had on social and emotional growth of the handicapped. "The whole purpose is not Jll t sports competition, that's just a tool; it's a ripple effect with the end result showing in their ocial ancl emotional lives. "They do more things in publir with their families .... Even the TMH (severely retarded) hold down jobs folding linens in hospt tals, as messengers and cleantn!( tables at McDonalds - theY become contributing member. of society ."
of Alpha Sigma Alpha Winter 1982 Number 2
Volume 67
THE PHOENIX OF A~PHA e7.FE:P..... !SIGMA ALPHA (USPS 430-640), on educational journal , is published in the fall , winter, spring and summer of each year by the Sorority, 1201 East Walnut Street, , Springfield, Missouri 65802. The subscription price $1.50 a year . Printed by The Ovid Bell Pre ss, Inc. , Fulton, Missouri . Member, College Fraternity Editors Association . Send change of address and business correspondence to Alpha Sigma Alpha Notional Headquarters, 1201 East Walnut St. , Springfield, Missouri 65802 . Address all correspondence of on editorial nature to the editor, Rosemary Carucci Goss , 2305 Capistrano St. , Blocksburg, Virginia 24060. ARTICLES ore invited for publication in this journal. Manuscripts should be submitted to the editorio I staff for consideration . Acceptances ore on a contributing basis only and subject to editorial review. Articles published ore the personal expressions of the authors and do not necessarily represent the policies of ¡ ASA. Second-class postage paid at Springfield, Missouri , and at additional moiling offices. Postmaster: Send Form 3579 to Notional Headquarters, 1201 East Walnut St. , Springfield, Missouri 65802.
EDITOR Rosemary Carucci Goss 2305 Capistrano St. Blocksburg, Virginia 24060
PHOENIX STAFF Alumnae Editor Nancy I. Z. Reese 354 Alles St. Des Plaines, Illinois 60016
Collegiate Editor Kim R. Meyer 8014 Rossman Gulch Rd . Morrison, Colorado 80465
Feature Editor Lillian Ford Donnally 2108 Cherry Hill Lone Chesapeake, Virginia 23325
Historian Betty Urban Wallick 676 Pork Ave. York, Pennsylvania 17402
Make Chicago your kind of town. Attend Convention '82 june 30-July I . Please see article on page 8 and registration form on page 11 .
Inside This Issue 2 3 4 6 7
Cooperation, not competition reaffirmed at NPC AIA installed as NPC treasurer A new era for Special Olympics Philanthropies: Alumnae contribute resources, talents Chi Chi Chapter Alumna recognized at Ball State University Homecoming 8 Panhellenic lunch, tour to highlight convention 10 Welcome field representative, Judi Biggs 11 Convention registration form 13 BY marks 30 years on ISU campus 14 Collegiate Corner Inside Front Cover There's more than sport to Special Olympics On the cover: Former national officer and Denver alumna, Esther Gatseos introduces guests to incoming NPC Treasurer, Sidney Allen during the Alpha Sigma Alpha reception at the 47th Session of NPC. (Patty DiTolla)
Cooperation, not competition reaffirmed at NPC By Lorrie Kontz (Edited) ZTA Public Relations
The elegant Brown Palace Hotel, in the midst of a bustling downtown Denver, served as the site of the November, 1981 47th Session of the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC). Representatives of each of the 26 member groups explored issues and concerns of today ... concerns such as hazing, extension ethics, rushing and pledging procedures, alcohol abuse and the economy that affect each member group, and, therefore, the National Panhellenic Conference. Throughout the conference the need for cooperation, not competition was reaffirmed as members were reminded that they are ethically bound to abide by and uphold the Unanimous Agreements.
have the complete, sincere, and dedicated cooperation of all twenty-six member groups of our Conference." She described some of the major concerns facing NPC member groups as: 1. The economic condition of the country affects our chapters in that they must be prepared to deal with the problems of a shortened life cycle to assure the continuity of chapter life. 2. The interests and needs of the older students must be kept in mind in chapter programming. 3. Alcohol abuse is a growing problem among women students. 4. The Little Sister/Big Brother groups continue to concern us. 5. Apathy among our members, both collegians and alumnae, is disturbing. 6. Hazing. "Our Conference has ever faced problems - and no doubt always
will. That was the reason for it founding more than 75 years ago. We are challenged to work toward solving the problems of our day. We must not fall short in meeting this responsibility."
Editors present PR program
The National Panhellenic Editors Conference presented a three pronged public relations program entitled "Going Greek in the 80's." Ideal for City Panhellenics, College Panhellenic and Parent/Student Orientations, the professionall} narrated slide show can be purchased with accompanying brochures and posters. New to the NPC Session were two panel discussions led by NPC members and Collegiate Panhellenic Advisers . The "Regional and Area Conferences" panel discussed the merits of the various Panhellenic converences held throughout the country.
Prescott challenges "Now NPC"
In her opening remarks, NPC Chairman Minnie Mae Prescott Kappa Delta, described the them~ of the conference "Now PC" by saying, "I gather that- in today's ~erminology- the 'Now Anything' IS supposed to be a very desirable, satisfactory, and up to the minute state of affairs. I regret to have to say that, in my opinion, PC has not really reached the goal which is indicated by the' ow PC. ' I think we are trying. There are evidences that we are making an effort to be flexible and innovative. We have come a long way, but we have a long way to go, I believe. Therefore, let u not look upon the' ow NPC' as an accomplished goa l, but rather as ~challenge for charting our course m ~he f~ture. An accomplishment wh1ch will never, in my opinion, be full realized until and unless we 2
The o-Jfcial delegation of Alpha Sigma Alpha stopped for a photo before the NPC banquet. From "fl,,., row, ose•~ry ~arucct Goss, Editor; Rhetta Nesbitt Robinson, President and second altemal' lo NK Rose " F trst . row, Helenmane · Herbert ' Hofman, Vice Prtsidnll., · J . D Mane Fellm • Headqua rters £ xecu t we. ;v ~1.okpmHenl and thtrd alternate to NPC; Sidney Gremillion Allen, NPC delegate, and Bei/T U,.. a tc , tstonan and ftrst alternate to NPC. -
Part of the panel discussion dealt with the issue of whether or not NPC groups would be able to continue to provide the necessary financial and resource personnel support to all regional and state conferences. The "NPC/National Organizations/Panhellenic Adviser Relationships" panel dealt with improving communications and working relationships between the three factions.
sion of the banquet. They are: Mary K. Barbee, Sigma Sigma Sigma, Chairman; Cynthia McCrory,
Alpha Sigma Tau, Secretary; and Sidney Allen, Alpha Sigma Alpha, Treasurer.
Historic Colorado featured at alumnae luncheon
The Alumnae Panhellenics Luncheon, hosted by the Denver Area Panhellenic, was a delightful interval in the midst of serious discussions. Those attending were well entertained by a fashion show illustrating Denver's colorful history, and awards presented to outstanding Alumnae Panhellenics. A session dealing with "Greek Legal Affairs" was presented by David L. Westol, Theta Chi National Vice President and Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, County of Kalamazoo, Michigan. Mr. Westol stressed the importance of legal knowledge and counsel on the local level for chapter officers and House Corporations.
Before their installation as the NPC Executive Committee, Sidney Allen (left), Alpha Sigma Alpha, treasurer; Mary K. Barbee, (seated) Sigma Sigma Sigma, Chairman; and Cynthia McCrory, Alpha Sigma Tau, Secretary take time to pose for their official photo.
AlA installed as NPC Treasurer
Installation of Allen highlights banquet for AlAs
Concluding the 47th NPC Session was the annual Awards Banquet. Minnie Mae Prescott served as the Mistress of Ceremonies. The banquet speaker was Cynthia C. Wedel, Kappa Delta, Deputy National Volunteer Consultant for Blood Services of the American Red Cross. Mrs. Wedel pointed out that the young women of today are facing a changing world and a totally different lifestyle. She challenged NPC members to prepare the girls and young women to live creatively and constructively in today's global world ... "a world of the future open to women of today like it has never been before." New members of the National Panhellenic Conference Executive Committee for the 1981-1983 biennium were installed at the concluWINTER 1982
(Top) H elen Malone, National Secretary, greets a Denver Alumna at the buffet dmner hononng Sidney Allen and the National Council of A"i.A. (Bottom) Hostess Liz Allison is surprised by the camera as she talks to members of the Natwnal Council.
The Alpha Sigma Alpha delegation , one of the largest in attendance at the 47th Session of NPC, watched proudly as Sidney Gremillion Allen was installed as Treasurer of the Conference. Sidney will hold the office of treasurer for two years before becoming Secretary and then Chairman in 1985. Alpha Sigma Alpha will not have the opportunity to be in this leadership role again for 52 years. Sidney was honored by a preluncheon reception hosted by the Denver Alumnae Chapter. Thereceiving line was headed by Esther Gatseos, Denver alumna and former national officer who introduced gues ts to Sidney. Guests were also greeted by AlA's ational President and NPC delegates while other members of ational Council and the Denver Alumnae visited with guests informally. The Denver Alumnae also hosted a lovely buffet dinner in honor of Sidney and the National Council at the home of Elizabeth Brock Allison. Liz was Sidney's little sister at Psi Psi Chapter, Northwestern State University in a tchitoch es, Louisiana . For all the AlAs involved the :'Now PC" was a "Rocky Mountain high." - RCG 3
A new era for Special Olympics By Eunice K~nnedy Sh~iver P resident, Special Olympics Inc. Ed. note: Due to the publication schedule of The Phoenix infonnation about ''The Kid From Nowhere" is late. ! hope you had a chance to vzew thiS heartwanning story.
As the holida y season approaches , Special Olympics is meeting one of its biggest challenges in our 13 year history. We've embarked on a national project that, I believe, will make a greater contribution to the lives of the millions of mentally retarded people in our country. In 1975 Alpha Sigma Alpha adopted Special Ol ympics as its National Philanthropic Project. It has been a strong and fruitful association . I am thrilled to share our latest good news with you and urge yo u to participate in this new , unique endeavor. In partnership with Procter & Gamble, Special Olympics is beginning a new era. From the end of December through March we are joining forces in the biggest promotion of its kind in history. It will mean enlisting the energy and dedication of everyone associated with Special Ol ympics. I hope Alpha Sigma Alpha will join us in this project and share in increasing the respect for America 's mentally retarded. On the evening of Janu a ry 4, 1982 (9-11 PM EST) tune in your local NBC TV station a nd watch a heartwa rming, and inspiring TV movie e ntitled , "The Kid from Nowh e re." It' about a yo ung bo y named Johnn y who hasn't much hope of making it in the world until he join Special Olympics. Starring Bea u Bridges, Susa n Saint J ames, Loretta Swit and real-life Special Olympian , Ricky Wittman of California, the movie will give the a udience a much better idea of what Special 01 mpic is and what you can do a a volunteer. We all keep complain in g about the violen e, crime, and generall y negative picture of merican life that T portra . B running "The 4
Kid from Nowhere," NBC is doing a genuine public service , in add!tion to broadcasting a really beautiful story. You can help build audience for the program and show NBC and the program's sponsor, Procter & Gamble, that Alpha Sigma Alpha and their families really care about the kind of programs they see on TV , and are eager to watch shows that have something uplifting and hopeful to say. All over the nation, friends of Special Olympics will be holding TV -movie parties in their homes to watch "The Kid from Nowhere" on · the night of January 4. Your family can host one, too. And while you are laughing (and maybe even crying a little) over the story, you and your friends will learn some very important lessons pleasantly and painlessly. Your movie guests will learn something about what it's like to be mentally retarded or to have a brother or sister or friend who is. They will discover the lovable nature and the strong character of most mentally retarded people and how hard they must work, how much courage they must have to do things the rest of us do so easily. Viewers will discover how many things there are for them to do as a Special Olympics volunteer working with friends and neighbors in their own community. There's another very interesting and inspiring thing about this TV program. As I said, the two-hour movie is being sponsored entirely by one compan y, Procter & Gamble which ma kes all those fine household products. You and your family will be interested to know that this sponsorship by Procter & Gamble is only a mall part of a magnificent effort they are making to help Special Olympics and to get millions of people to do so, too. Between the end of Decem ber a nd the end of Januar , this great American cor-
poration is sending a mailing to 45 million homes telling them about Special Olympics and what they can do to help. Your own family will probably get this mailing which comes in a Pub lishers C learing House envelope. In it are coupons for ter & Gamble products for P&G will give a nickel to Olympics for every one recjec~m1..l• at the store up to $500,000. And the stores themselves, P&G is ting up displays containing tribution forms with which can make a donation to Olympics. Procter & ...... ~· · .. ~·~ match all of these contribution to $250,000. So you can see the kind of backing that Special Olympics is getting from individual volunteers, families, corporatio , and organizations like your sorority. Tell your friends that if t volunteer to work with S Olympics after seeing "The from Nowhere," they'll be joini an army of 350,000 dedicated people who believe they have a respo sibility to those less fortunate they. If they decide to coach S O lympians in their favorite they will be joining a distingu coaching staff which number all time superstars as Rafer J son , Bruce Jenner, Muh Ali, Eric and Beth Heiden, Bleier, Ron Guidry, Dr. J, Hayes, Bobby Orr, Gordie H Dorothy Hamill, Billy Kidd, hundreds more of the grea athletes who ever lived. Let us all dedicate ourselves holiday season, to make an greater contribution to a group Americans who cannot speak for themselves or improve lives, if they do not have us. your family, friends and rnP·rnr.of Alpha Sigma Alpha. Have a movie party and thrill to the tures of "The Kid from Now
Mrs. Eunice Kennedy Shriver, President of Specia/ Olympics, Inc., participates with Special Olympian (ri!{ht) and Speczal Olympzcs volunteer
(left) at the Special Olympics National Soccer Skills Contest at Fairleigh Dickinson University.
Philanthropies: Alumnae contribute resources, talents By Lillian Ford Donnelly
Georgia Alumnae The Metro Atlanta Alumnae Chapter for their p~ilanth_ropic project this year partiCipated m _the annual fund-raising event "Festival of the Trees" for the Henrietta Egleston Hosp ital for Children . From December 5 through 13, the alumnae members staffed booths and sold holiday items and baked goods. All proceeds from the booth sa les were co ntributed toward equipping a modern new blood ban k for the hos pital.
Illinois Alumnae T he Chicago West Suburban Alumnae Chapter is sponsoring a "forgotten child" this yea r. The child is from the Lin co ln State School in Lincoln , Illinois. He has no family which regularly contacts and visits him. Alumnae chapter members remember him with a gift and cards each month and on each holiday and on his birthday. The chapter also se nd s him a small monthly allowance so that he may purchase items and treats for himself at th e school's com missary.
Indiana Alumnae The Indi anapo lis Alumnae Chapter members have involved themselve in numerous philanthropi projects for the year. First, the alumnae chapter made a large contribution to the eil Armstrong chool to pa y the expenses of teacher and a lumn ae member Mar Ellen Brun on Nease BY, and her pecial 01 mpics group to attend the Indiana pecial Olympic ummer Game -the Indiana tate pecial I mpics Track and Field teet held at Indiana tate niver it at Terre Haute. 6
Alumnae Chapter members contributed their own time as scorers for the Special Olympics Bowling Tournament and as judges checking forward rolls, backward rolls, headstands, and handstands for the Special Olympics State Gymnastics Meet. Alumnae members also contributed money to the midtown Community Health Center; made and sent valentines to the special education students in Indianapolis schools; collected and donated items such as string, old towels, and egg cartons to the Julia Jamison utrition Camp.
Pennsylvania Alumnae The Central Pennsylvania Alumnae Chapter began their year with a fall luncheon at the Sherwood Knoll Inn in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. One of the largest Central Pennsylvania alumnae groups ever to attend a luncheon e~oyed the favors, samplers from various companies, door prizes, and hospitality of their hostesses- Pamela Myers Koon fO and Paula Cyrus Foreman PP. Edward Alber, Regional Director of Special Olympics, spoke on his involvement with the program and gave alumnae members ideas as to how they might become more involved locally. The alumnae chapter made a co ntribution through Mr. Albert to be used toward the Lancaster-LebanonBecks Counties' Winter Special Olym pics.
Kansas Alumnae The Pittsburg Alumnae Chapter participated in two philanthropic project during the Chri tmas season. First, each alumnae member
participated in "Operation: Santa Claus" and brought a small gift to the December meeting where thP gifts were wrapped and distributed to mentally retarded children who are residents of the Parson's tatr Training Center. Second, the alumnae chapter also donated canned goods to the Salvation Army to fill Christmas Basket which were given to the needy.
Kentucky Alumnae The main philanthropic goal of the Jackson-Purchase Alumnae Chapter this year is to assi t the handicapped children and adults in Western Kentucky. The alumnae chapter is collecting newspapers for the Western Kentucky Easter Seal Center for use as packing in their adult workshop. The alumnae chapter also made donations to the Marshall County Exceptional School and Day Care Center for handicapped preschool children which was recently established at Murray State University. Alumnae chapter members also collected IBM serial numbers on food labels during October. Each label earned one free minute on a kidney dialysis machine for those patients in need.
Wisconsin Alumnae The Milwaukee Alumnae Chapter through a donation to the Unit路 ed Association for Retarded Citizens were able to sponsor a rr路 tarded child to attend Camp Wil-oWay for a fun-filled summer. The alumnae chapter also i busy assisting the Chicago Alumnae Chapters with behind-the-scenes activities in preparation for the 1982 National Convention. THE PHOENDI
Texas Alumnae The Greater Dallas Alumnae Chapter which has become the Richardson-Plano Alumnae Chapter recently gathered to hear a supervisor of special education for the Plano Park and Recreation Department s~eak on behalf o_f Special Olympics. So much d1d the speaker arouse the interests of the alumnae members, that many volunteered their services as hugi gers at the Dallas Special Olympics ' Field and Track Meet. The alumnae members purchased red and I white Alpha Sigma Alpha Tee1 shirts which they wore to the event. The track and field events were so 1 successful that the park and recreation department has decided 路 to add swimming and bowling to the Special Olympics Meet in 1982. The Plano alumnae members are also assisting in sponsoring a shelter workshop for older handicapped citizens. Two alumnae recently sponsored workshop citizens on a visit to the Texas State Fair.
Greater Dallas alumnae participate in the city's track and field meet.
Chi Chi chapter alumna recognized at Ball State University homecoming Anna Marie Yates Bull (Mrs. Harold), Chi Chi, was one of three Ball State University alumnae honored at the University's Homecoming, October 3, 1981. She was recognized with a Distinguished Alumni Award. Mrs. Bull graduated from Ball State in 1930 with a bachelor of science degree and in 1941 with a m~ster of science degree. She spent J thirteen years teaching business at Central High School in Muncie, In, diana. She is currently employed as office secretary and accountant for her husband at C.L.U. The Bull's have two children, Sally and George. She has served the Ball Memorial Hospital Auxiliary as president and treasurer; Tri Kappa, Inc. and alumnae chapter as president, vice president, secretary and treasurer; the Muncie Nile Club as president; and the neighborhood association 1 as treasurer. WINTER 1982
While a student at Ball State, Anna Marie was a member of Sigma Alpha Sigma (now Alpha Sigma Alpha). After initiation into Chi Chi Chapter as a charter member, she organized the Muncie alumnae and served as the chapter's president and treasurer for many years. She served as adviser for Chi Chi Chapter several years when this meant attending all meetings and parties. She and her husband acted as chaperones at all Alpha Sigma Alpha dances. After graduation she served the University as alumni president from 1942-44. In 194 7 she and her husband established the Anna Marie and Harold Bull Scholarship for a senior in the Ball State College of Business.
Anna Marie Yates Bull, XX, receives the D-istinguished Alumnae Award at Ball State University.
Panhellenic lunch, city tour highlight •
convention By Nancy I. Z. Reese Alpha Sigma Alpha National Convention: For co llegians an opportunity to learn more about the national organization; for national officers a time to assess the results of two years of work; for alumnae a chance to renew old acquai ntances; and for everyone a time to emerse themselves in the essence that is Alpha Sigma Alpha. All of this happe ns eve r y two years and this year it wi ll take place at th e Marriott O 'Hare Hotel in Chicago. The wome n of Chicago area collegiate and alumnae chapters urge all of you to mark june 30
to July 3 on your calendar. Make plans now to attend the 32nd national convention of Alpha Sigma Alpha. A schedule of activities for the convention appears next to this article. A registration form elsewhere in this issue of TH E PHOENIX explains costs for meals and accommodations at the hotel. All who register to attend the convention will receive further information on local transportation i:o the hotel and suitable clothing for the various activities planned for this convention.
1982 National Convention Schedule* Marriott O'Hare Hotel, Chicago, Illinois
Wednesday June 30 2:00p.m. Registration -:00 p.m. Opening session 6:30p.m. "Welcome to Chicago" reception :00 p.m. Alpha igma Antic
Thur day, July l
Saturday, July 3
7:00a.m. Alpha Aerobics :00 a.m. Registration :30 a.m . Province and region meetings 9:30 to II :45 a.m. \\'orkshop Noon 'ational Panhellenic Conference Reception and Luncheon 2:30 to :00 p.m. Tour and free time in downtown Chicago 9:00 p.m. Fir 1 Busines e sion
Friday, Jul y 2 7:00 a.m. Alpha Aembics :00 a.m. Regi ll"ation :30 a.m. econd Bu . ines
10:00 to 12: 15 p.m. Workshops I 2:30p.m. Lunch o n yo ur ow n 2:00 to 4: 15p.m. Workshops 4:30p.m. Special group pictures 5:30p. m. Initiatio n r itual 6:30p.m. White dinner and Special Olympics speaker
7:00 a.m. Alpha Aerobics 8:00 a.m. Registration 8:30 a.m. Th ird Business Meeting 9:30 to II :45 a.m. Workshops oon Gue t speaker I :00 p.m. Lunch on yo ur own 3:30p.m. Group pictures 5:30p.m. Installation of officers 6:30p.m. Awards Banquet 9:00p.m . Convention Finale
Sunday, July 4 Departure es ion
ubjectto cha11ge, of course!
Some of the highlights of thi convention will be as follows: • National Panhellenic Conference Reception and Luncheon. In honor of Sidney Gremillion Allen , '}rill, who has begun the Panhellenic officer rotation, Alpha Sigma Alpha will have a Panhellenic luncheon for the first time in mall\ years at an AIA national convention . The national presidem of each of the PC sororities will be invited to attend the luncheon. • "Welcome to Chicago" reception. There has traditionally been a reception with a reception line prior to the dinner on the first night. At this convention there will be only a reception with hot and cold hors d 'oeuvres. Those who prefer a sit-down dinner can slip away to one of the several hotel restaurants. • Tour and free time in do town Chicago. Following t Panhellenic luncheon, conventi goers will board a bus for a tour downtown Chicago. It will be sh so that everyone will have an opportunity to shop in the Loop or Water Tower Place, tour a museum or just plain sight see. Member of Loyola and De Paul Universitie chapters will be our informal guides. The outing will last long enough for everyone to enjoy din· ner at one of Chicago's famou Loop or Near orth Side restau· rants. • Initiation and White Dinner More than 200 women in white wiD be the predominant feature of these two activities. Recent initiate and 50-year members as well will be a ble to review their vows to Alpha Sigma Alpha during the impres ive convention initiation. The White THE PHOENIX
The famous Chicago skyline is the backdrop for one of the city's lakefront park areas.
Dinner, featuring a speaker on Special Olympics, will follow the solemn ceremony. • Installation of officers and Awards Banquet. The grand finale of the four-day convention will be the installation of the new national council, elected during the convention, and the presentation of awards at the closing dinner. The Awards Banquet will be limited to
individual awards this year to shorten the length of presentations. • Workshops. Much planning each convention goes into workshops in an effort to add to the knowledge of collegians and alumnae alike in sorority, Greek life and personal development. Among the workshops to be presented at the 1982 convention include: How to
West Suburban alumnae president judy Burgeson (right) makes a point during a Chicago Presidents' Council meeting at one of the Marriott O'Hare restaurants as Beth Zubinski Hiedel, Metro alumnae preszdent,and Candy Schaatz, convention co-chairman listen. At right, Candy and convention chairman, Cheri Schlottman, stand in a brisk wind outside the hotel. WINTER 1982
Avoid Burnout, presented by Marlys White, national vice president of alumnae; a presentation by the National Development Team; investment planning for women; networking; sorority finances; hazing alternatives ; and lifetime commitment to sorority. Watch for a guide in the next issue to tourist activities in the Chicago area over the Fourth of July weekend.
Welcome field representative, Judi Biggs It eems like a long time ago since I received a phone call from Rhetta Robinso n, the ational President, aying that I had been selected to be a field representative. I cou ldn 't give her my decision immediately becau e I had been offered two
Fttld rtprtsmtalwts J udt Biggs {lt[t) tmd chapttr vutts. (A~tdtrsoll Studio)
ideal teaching positions in addition to the field representative position. However; the next day I called her back and accepted the position. It was the second best decision I have ever made. My best decision was in pledging
Zorichak Leave Nationol Headquarters on their first
the Epsilon Epsilon Chapter of AkA. I learned so much about myself and how to work with people. The friendships I made during college will last a lifetime. The first time I went to National Headquarters as a field representative was in July when the National Council met. I was so excited and nervous because I remembered meeting all the national officers at the Niagra Falls convention and I was in awe of their every movement. I soon realized they are very dedicated women to AkA and "give full measure" at all times. My second trip to Springfield was the first day of the air controllers' strike. I ended up taking a six hour bus ride instead of a 45 minute plane ride. At this time our formal training began . When I began traveling I was going to keep a record of the people I met. I soon realized it was an impossible task. Some of my most memorable field representative experiences have been sewing ten preferential tea dresses in five days, being kidnapped by pledge classes as well as by fraternities, and most importantly meeting all my wonderful sisters all over the United States. The highlight of being a field representative has been working with the National Development Program. I was able to officially ribbon an interest group and two months later was sent back to colonize the group. I'm looking forward to my second semester as field rep with a lot of anticipation for meeting new sisters and in renewing friendships I have made during the first seme ter. 路 Love in AkA, Judi Biggs
ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA NATIONAL CONVENTION 0' Hare Marriott Hotel Chicago, Illinois
June 30 -
July 4, 1982
I 'Vlail by May 1, 1982 to: Alpha Sigma Alpha National Headquarters 1201 East Walnut Springfield, Missouri 65802 =tEGISTRATION FEE: $50.00 for full time convention participants $10.00 daily registration fee for two days or less All A~As are responsible individually for their registration fee. No refunds made after June 1, 1982.
Name __________________~~----------~------------~---------------------Last
Maiden Name
-------------::--,---;;-;:::-----:-------::::------=-:-------,.,.---,, - - - - - - Number & Street City State Zip Code
Husband's initials
Telephone _________ Area Code
Chapter - - - - - - - - - - - Y e a r Initiated ____ Number Past Conventions Attended _ _ Collegiate Delegate
Visitor o
from ___________________________ CHAPTER
Alumnae Delegate
Visitor o
National Officer _______________________ National Chairman Province Director
Adviser ______________ CHAPTER
Past National Offices Held _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Are you a Fifty Year Member? _ _ ~OOM RESERVATION:
All collegiate and alumnae delegates will be assigned roommates . Visitors please check one of the following and indicate roommate preference. All visitors will pay hotel for these charges upon hotel checkout. _ _ One person in room ...................... . ..... . .... .. . .......... $57.82 per night per person _ _ Two persons in room ...... .... ... .. ................. . . . ........ . . $28.91 per night per person _ _ Three persons in room . ...... .. .... .. . ... ..... ......... ...... .... $19.27 per night per person _ _ Four persons in room ..... ... .... ..... .... .. ... ... . ....... ..... .. $14.45 per night per person Prices include 9.1% Chicago state and hotel tax
o Desire non-smoking roommate
Visitors indicate roommate preference - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- -
路 ~EAL RESERVATIONS for Scheduled Meals: --
Only Visitors must purchase meal tickets for Scheduled Meals. . . . Please check meal tickets desired and include check to cover the cost w1th Reg1strat1on Form. Thursday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday,
~INTER 1982
July July July July
1, 1, 2, 3,
1982 1982 1982 1982
12:00 2:30 6:30 6:30
p.m. Panhellenic Luncheon . .... ..... . ........ . ..... . ...... p.m . Chicago Skyline Tour ........ .... .. . ......... .. . ..... p.m . White Dinner ... ..... ...... ... .. .. .. ... .. .. . ...... ... p.m. Awards Banquet ........ .. ....... .. . ..... . ... ... .....
$1 0.50_ _ $ 6.00_ _ $14.50_ _ $16.50_ _ 11
alternatives available to them, they Dear Sisters, Something very special ha been approached Panhellenic about ha ppening at Alpha Alpha Chap- pledging one of the smaller sororter, and I would like to take a few ities. From this beginning, AIA pledged over 30 new members, moments to share it with you. At Miami University, 30% of all some former Little Sises, and some women are Greek. There are 22 of their roommates and friends. national sororities, and most chap- This was the spark that was necesters have over 100 members. When sary for Alpha Alpha to continue I pledged during formal rush of growing. Subsequent rushes were 1978, Alpha Alpha Chapter was very successful and we now have one of the smallest sororities on over 85 members. The growth of the chapter itself campus. In the spring of 1980, the names is exciting to all of us, but I think on the ch apter roll had changed, the best part is watching the new but we were still very small. At that members develop the strong bond time , La mbda Chi Alpha fraternity of Alpha Sig sisterhood. In the last decided to phase out their Little Sis three years I have seen a lot of program , but the Little Sis group changes. We began sponsoring a was very close and wanted to stay Greek Week event and having a together. After discussing the spring formal. This year we are be-
ginning a new tradition canoe trips and are yearly date party Sig Big Band Bash. having Sisterhood mote sisterhood and I have been very here to see many of the take place. Alpha Alpha long way, but we have help from our alums each other. Alpha Alpha tinue to grow and look ture. As one of our sisters so "At Miami, the Phoenix again."
J{lyhaSi§ Spir2tff The " uper" Alpha Sigs, led by J eanette Cm·ter, show their spi>it at Sigma Chi Derby Day.
Ode to Alpha Sigma Alpha lpha Sigma oh how I love you Oh how I've searched for you o. ow that I've found ou I can't live without you lpha igma Love. lpha igma oh how I love you Oh how I've searched for you o. 1 wear the badge now I wear it proudly for I am an lpha you ee. lpha igma oh how I love ou h how I've searched for ou o. 'ow that I've found ou I an 't live without •ou lpha igma Love . Jill David on Ze ta Zeta 12
B)• Laura RJan, Delta Eta
BY marks 30 years on ISU campus More than 60 women converged on the Best Western Motel in Terre Haute, Ind. , Nov. 14 to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Beta Upsilon chapter of A lph a Sigma Alpha. At a Founders' Day luncheon, members of the Terre Haute Alumnae Chapter, many of them charter alumnae members, Beta Upsilon alumnae, Beta Upsi lon collegians and other guests gathered to celebrate 30 years of continuous Alpha Sig presence on the campus of Indiana State University. Psi Theta sorority was formed on the campus of Indiana Norma l School in 1907 as a German society. It later became a social sorority, and in 1951 it was chartered as Beta Upsilon chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha. Twenty-eight co lle ge women were initiated as charter members of the chapter, and 83 members of Psi Theta were initiated as alumnae members. Three of the collegiate charter initiates , Carolyn Eder, Paulita Martin MeN eill and Janet Raines, attended the luncheon. Other special guests at the luncheon were coll egiates from Delta Kappa chapter at Indiana State
l" ,I
University at Evansville; Mona Miller, BY , and Connie Morris Steinhart, BY, representing the Indianapolis Alumnae chapter; Nancy Zander Reese , BY, Alumnae Editor of THE PHOENIX; and Helen Selvage Noblitt, XX, who wrote the H ymn to Alpha Sigma Alpha. A special guest was Jane McDavitt, XX, who was the extension officer who installed Beta Upsilon 30 years ago.
} ane McDavitt, extension officer when Beta Upsilon was installed in 1951, stops to speak with Ruby East, former longtime adviser of the Beta Upsilon chaper.
Following the lun cheon, the Founders' Da y ceremony and a memorial service was cond ucted by the Indianapolis alumnae. Delta Kappa chapter, the Indianapolis alumnae and Terre Haute alumnae all gave presents to the Beta Upsilon collegians for their suite, wh ich was redecorated recently thanks to a loan and other aid by the Indianapolis alu ms.
Alpha Sigma Alpha announces the formation of Alamo (Texas) Alumnae Chapter October, 1981
Sue Pholeric, Alpha Sigma Alpha (left), T eny Thorne, Alpha Sigma Tau (center), and Cathy Skidmore, Sigma Sigma Sigma, enjoy looking through a photo album m the hvmg room comfort of the recently dedicated Slippery R ock State College Panhellenic House.
Collegiate Corner Rainbows and rushees Fall ru h for the Beta Epsilon Chapter was full of rainbows, space creature , and lot of food and song. Ru h began with an open house. It gave the member a chance to how off their beautiful house and how a lide presentation of what they're all about. " A"'i.A rainbow" was the theme for the fir t party. It was a very colorful event with every girl dressed as a part of the rainbow. At the end of the evening they formed a perfect rainbow, comprised of all the colorful individual in Beta Epsilon. Outer space and the many planets was the theme of the second party. The rushees were encouraged to "travel" to the various planets until they found the right one for them. The planet A"'i.A was definitely the place to be! The last party was very beautiful. Each girl wa presented with a rose and a pearl which she dropped into a wishing well. The love of our sisterhood was felt by everyone. Rush ended very successfull y when many girls walked to A"'i.A. The pledges are enthusiastic and Beta Epsilon's pride and joy!
Delta Eta members Kim Thomas and Maria Peters show that they've caught "the Alpha Sig Spmt"' at DePaul's Orientation Jamboree for new students, the first part of the rush program.
During fall rush , the Beta Zeta chapter gave a tour of their new house. The girls did this by taking the rushees on an imaginary plane ride. Each stop was in a different room which presented the four aims: spiritual, social, ph ysical, and intellectual. At the end of the flight entertainment was provided by Shannon Wilson singing a melody of Barbra Streisand. This day of rush gave the Alpha Sigs a chance to show off their house and also their close sisterhood.
What is Epsilon Epsilon's secret recipe? First, start with a fantastic rush chairman, Brenda Allison . Add a day of house tours and a new , inspiring slide show. Sift in a day of J en alee Jones, as she led rushees through the history of A"'i.A in a skit, "A Stroll Down Memory Lane." Next, mix together country swing and line dances and game. for a night of fun and excitement at the A"'i.A Casino Night. Blend in a handful of pearls to drop in the A"'i.A wishing well during the Pearl Ceremony on Preferential Night. Last, but not least, stir in geneJous helpings of love, sisterhood. and A"'i.A spirit. Bake in a red brick house full of Alpha Sig "Apple" for four days . The outcome is an exciting, entertaining week of hard work that fills many rushee with feelings such as these: I can't make up my mind it seem , Cuz some are red and some arr green. Which should I choose? Which one is best? Should I pick one and ignore the rest?
Eps•lon Ep lio11 m~mbn Beth M cCammo11 spillS th~ roulette wheel at the Alpha Sigma Alpha Casino dunng gam~ mght of f ormal rush wult..
So I watched and watched until one grew, And chose the apple that especiall} shined through. But that doesn't mean the others taste bad, They just haven't ripened like thi special one had. by Pam Petruzates (EE) THE PHOENIX
"Catch That Alpha Sig Spirit!" was the theme for Delta Eta's Rush, which started at DePaul's Orientation Jamboree . At the Jamboree, incoming students had the chance to meet members of each of the organizations at DePaul. Alphas set up a booth and every member was dressed in an AIA T -shirt or in red and white. A plaque exhibiting pictures of their activities throughout the year and other Delta Eta memorabilia such as scrapbooks, favors from parties, and more , were on display. This encouraged the new students to sign up on the mailing list for invitations to the rush tea and mixers. Members handed out rush booklets, which told a little about each member and listed rush activities and other important information. Potential rushees were also given AlA baseball pennants, in keeping with the rush theme. To illustrate the "rainbow" symbol, different colored crayon pins were given out. The Jamboree was the beginning of another successful rush for Delta Eta. They now have a new pledge class who surely have "caught that Alpha Sig Spirit!"
Alpha Alpha Chapter is rested after two hectic weeks of fall formal rush. The first period parties, only . fifteen minutes long, gave them just a brief chance to get ac1 quainted. For second period par, ties all the sisters wore bright colored shirts to bring across the rainbow theme. During these parties there was entertainment and the 路 rushees were given information about AIA. Third period parties were theme parties, their theme was "Down on the Farm." The suite was decorated ' with hay and farm equipment to give it the barnyard look. For the ' fourth and final party, they planned a new party with an orien, tal theme. Some of the more talented sisters put on a skit based on the "King and 1." A large group of fantastic girls made a good choice and pledged AlA. Alpha Alpha members look 路 forward to all their new sisters and I a great year together. WINTER 1982
Showing off the largest pledge class on Ball State's campus this year, Chi Chi Chapter's reorganized rush program proved to be a tremendous success! All parties except Final Party received a face lift. The addition to first party, a slide show, went over quite well. Theme parties, the second set, have a totally new look. One rushee exclaimed, "You feel like you're in Heaven! " Cotton clouds, aluminum stars, and a large wooden AIA rainbow adorned the suite. Rainbow cookies were served, as sisters, clad in pastel-colored dresses, formed a rainbow of their own as they sang. As the rushees left, they signed their names on a gold chip and dropped it into the AIA "Pot of Gold." Theme party seemed to be a favorite of all. The information party had both light-hearted and deep moments. After mingling, a skit entitled "Memory Lane" featuring our five founders was performed. This party also had the Star Ceremony where each rushee lights the next girl's candle as the sisters sing "Pass It On." Their traditional garden party complete with slide show, comprised the Final Party. The C hi Chis are excited about their success with this new program, and hope other chapters may benefit from some of their id eas.
The Alpha Sigs of Gamma Omicron Chapter were quite busy this fall coordinating their rush parties. Judi Biggs, field representative, helped Rush Chairman Debbie Sanker get everything underway. The theme party found the Alpha Sigs in a toyshop for their skit, "Babes in Toyland." The toys were all asleep until Raggedy Ann crawled through the window and began to tell Raggedly Andy about the sisters of AIA. They gave each rushee a giant lollipop tied with red and white ribbon. Preference party was held in the chapter room where they served finger sandwiches, a relish tray , and ice cream punch. They performed the candlelight ceremony and sang "Pass It On" in a friendship circle as everyone's candle was lit. The Alpha Sigs gained several pledges through formal rush and along with open rush this semester have welcomed many new members into AIA at Clarion State College. They are looking forward to rush next semester, and hope that with more hard work the Gamma Omicron Chapter wi ll have continued success with rush.
"Alphas in Toyla.nd," a play at a rush party for Alpha Beta. Chapta at No1路theast Missouri State University. Left to right, Sherry Doctonan, Angte McDuffy, Karma Koch.
Disney dominates Homecomings Preparations started early at Beta Rho to get ready for the fun and eventful Homecoming week at NI . Their Homecoming partners were the Pikes. Since they are neighbors, the two h~mses are ve~y do e which resulted 10 a very exCiting Homecoming. The theme was "Disney Goes DeKalb" and the AIA house was transformed into a picture out of a Walt Disney story. A huge pomped rocking sailboat was offset by a sea of blue waves. Resting on top of the boat were several paper mache characters. The final touch was a visit from Peter Pan via a high wire connected between the two houses, much to the delight of the judges. In fact, the judges liked the housedeck so much, they won first place in true Beta Rho fashion. After finding out about their first place finish, spirits were so high that even the cold and rainy Homecoming game could not dampen them. They also had the traditional alumnae party at the house after the game. Homecoming is a very important time for Gamma Zeta Chapter at the University of Arkansas, Monticello. They are always a very active participant. This year the overall theme was "Wonderful World of Disney." The background of their float featured the well-known castle. On the flat part of the float was a railroad track with boxes for cars. Each box held a Disney character and, of cour e, the "mighty Weevil" was driving the roaring train. Their opponent, the bear, wa tied to the tracks. Their hard work paid off- 150 for first place plus a trophy. The Gamma Pi Chapter had a great Homecoming thi year at Mi ouri aile ollege with the theme " alley Will Roll with uper Viking trength. " They got together with lpha Xi Delta and built a i terhood float. They didn't take a prize in the float onte t, but the enj ed building the float and b ing in the parade. fter the parade , th ' had a re eption in the ororit r room with parent t acher , alumnae, and facult 16
The members of the Gamma Psi chapter at Edinboro State College are proud to announce that t~ey entered a float in the Homecommg parade. The theme was :'Those Good 01' Movies" and the sisters of AIA shared their enthusiasm with the brothers of Phi Sigma Kappa . Their float was based on the movie "South Pacific" and received the Mayor's Award during the awards presentation. On Homecoming day the Alphas were proud to have a great ~ur~out at their alumnae tea. The h1ghhght of the day for everyone was finding one of the chapter's founding sisters at the tea. Kappa Kappa at Temple University celebrated Homecoming by entering a float in the parade and holding a party for alumnae at the football game. Afterwards, they assisted the fraternities in the ir "Round Robin" celebration. The theme for Homecoming weekend at Mansfield State College was "Disney on Parade ." For the members of Delta Epsilon it was a time to reunite with alumnae, relax after spending many long hours working on the float, and celebrate because their float won first place in the Outstanding Sorority Float category. The float's theme was taken from the book Alice in Wonderland. Many members made colorful costumes, and participated in the parade as The Mad Hatter, Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum, The March Hare, The White Rabbit, and The Opium Worm. The Beta Delta Chapter of AIA made a traditional Homecoming display for the University of Southern Mississippi's festivities in October. The afternoon was spent stuffing the display of a maverick (horse) with a golden eagle holding its reins. Many other sororities, fraternities , and groups built displays. Southern pulled through with another victory against the U. of Texas- Arlington team. The chapter also sold Homecoming corsages. An alumna, Paulette La Blanch, who is a flori t, helped make the beautiful corsages with black and gold ribbons. The chapter made about 50 profit from thi project.
Chi Chi Chapter member Abbie Hake participatt• in Ball State's 1981 Homecoming Pole-11/lmK Contest. The Homecoming theme was "TomlmK the Twenties."
Homecoming at Eastern Illinoi University brou gh t many alumnae members back to Gamma Omega chapter. This year's homecoming activities were the most successful in several years . Several alums arrived Friday ni ght to spend the weekend at the h ouse. The fall p ledge class provided coffee and doughnuts the fo llowing morning. The chapter and the alums then went to watch the parade at the traditional Alp h a Sig spot, in front of Sporty's, a local tavern. Thing were dampened by showers but this did not prevent more alumnae members from showing up at the house and attending the game. After the game everyone met at the house for the alumnae dinner presented by the chapter. Everyone appreciated the chance to get to know the alumnae and listen to stories about the "good ole days'' at Gamma Omega. The weekend was a great success and generated stronger and warmer ties between the chapter and the alumnae me~ hers of Gamma Omega. THE PHOE
Halloween and UNICEF are part of pledge activities The fall pledge class of Alpha Beta Chapter has been very busy planning various activities for the Alphas, the Community, and for UNICEF. Recently, they surprised the actives with Turn-About Day, waking them very early and having breakfast. Then the members received their red books to get signatures i from various other fraternities and sororities, letting them know that they were pledges for a day. The pledges helped with Homecoming by collecting money for UNICEF. They dressed up as clowns and walked along the parade route getting contributions and speaking with small children. Beta Pi has had a wonderful fall pledge class this year, which proves that in Alpha Sigma Alpha, its quality, not quantity, that counts! Although the class is small, their spirit and energy has more than made up for their small number. Both actives and pledges have enjoyed sharing the four aims pro.jects, which included attending Mass together one Sunday afternoon, attending an exhibit of lithographs in the Art Gallery, and exercising together in the informal lounge led by some members who . are active in a dance-aerobics class. As an end to pledging, both ac~ives and pledges were involved in 'Alpha Sig Spirit Week, which inJuded friendship candlelights, a >cavenger hunt, a slumber party, .and a social. Both pledges and ac_ive Beta Pis have enjoyed pledging :his fall. One of the big events this is pledging and Gamma Lamb·Ja has some of the most entergetic md spirited girls ever. , Pledging is not only an "all work" .emester for the pledges, but for he sisters as well. The sisters see hat the pledges are guided with :are and understanding through dl the procedures of pledging. fhey not only teach the pledges the ongs and help them learn the hisQry of A!A, but set an example of 1•hat sisterhood really is. ~INTER 1982
Fall fun
Cindy Gentry and Tracey Burton, freshmen at Longwood College and two new pledges in Alpha Chapter. This picture was taken following Pin Pledging in September.
The pledge class of Delta Upsilon Chapter has been very active this semester. At the beginning of the semester they had the first annual pledge and active picnic, which turned out to be a huge success. It included sin g-alongs, games of horseshoes and frisbees, and the pledge class officer elections. Other activities included baking goodies and making Halloween decorations for their "No Tricks, Just Treats" booth at the UTSA Best Fest. Although their booth didn't win a prize in the booth decorating contest, it looked great and they had no trouble selling all their homemade sweets. While at Best Fest, the pledges competed in their first Greek games. In October the Pi Pi pledges and members spent the weekend at College Camp. They shared in late night talks, getting to know one another, and even the cooking. It snowed that weekend, so they went for a hike in the snow and had a snowball fight. The Pi Pis also danced, learned a new song, saw a movie, h ad an Italian dinner, shared with an A!A think-a-thon , and had a bonfire in the woods. The pledges sponsored a Halloween Bake Sale and also helped the members put on a Halloween party at Children's Hospital. On Big Sis/Little Sis Day, they had breakfast together, then continued the day with a trip to the zoo , a picnic, a trip to a museum , and then a movie.
The traditional Halloween party sponsored by the Beta Nu alumnae was a real trick as well as a treat this year. The alumnae, who always lend a helping hand to guide Beta Nu paths , were found guiding them through an abandoned farm house tran formed into a haunted house on Halloween weekend. Leave it to the alumnae to show them some real A!A spirits! After visiting the haunted house, they all got together for a party with lots of goodies and great company. That's Halloween the A!A way! In October several members of Beta Zeta Chapter participated in the Annual Water Fights of Lafayette, Louisiana. Their first team lost their first game and were eliminated from the tournament. The second team was more successful and went on to win second place in the sorority division. A milestone has been recorded in the annals of Beta Eta Chapter history this year. They received a second place finish in the float competition held during Homecoming festivities at Dickinson State College in North Dakota. This was the first trophy ever for the Beta Etas. Two weeks were spent in earnest preparation and the mechanical masterminds were justly rewarded. A scavenger hunt and apple bob highlighted their Halloween Rush . They decorated oranges to look like Jack-o-Lanterns and two "spooks" delivered them to the special education children of Dickinson the following day.
To Alpha Sigma Alpha dear, We sing to thee this hymn sincere, We pledge our loyalty to strive always To seek, aspire, attain. Again we pledge our vows to be The higliest as inspired by thee. We bow our hearts in humble awe to thee, Our own Sorority. 17
Founders' and State Days Always a special time for A~As Beta Zeta Chapter, University of Southwestern Louisiana, planned quite a celebration for Founders' Day. They had an open house for parents and alumnae, then proceeded to a local restaurant for a banquet. One of the Beta Zeta sisters was honored with the Phoenix Award and another was given a gift as the person who had helped the chapter the most for the p ast semester. There were also door prizes donated by local merchants. Guest peaker was Mr. J ames Garber, an engineering professor and member of Toast Masters . The co ll egiate and alumnae officers were introduced. Beth Ecroyd, chapter president, gave the opening and closing speeches. Founders' Day celebration for Eta Eta Chapter at Pittsburg State Un ivers ity began with the final pledging ceremony. Then Joyce Boyd, president; Mary Pat Bumgarner, membership director; and Debbie Holiman , chaplain, read the Founders' Day ceremony to the alumn ae and collegiate members present. There were cand les wrapped with red r ibbo ns and a star in the background. The special meaning of A'i.A was rekindled for everyone there . After the ceremony, the alumnae provided refreshments and a chance for everyone to get acquainted . The Beta Lambda's Founders' Day ce lebration takes on special me a ning , usin g the occas ion to honor their fathers. The chapter attended church a t the Antioch Baptist Church of Conway. Then a luncheon buffet wa held for members, pledge , and parents. Following the buffet, an informa l tea took place with a program including speakers , entertainment, and a slide how of the chapter's activitie . Kappa Kappa Chapter of Temple niversit celebrated Founder ' Da 1981 with Drexel's Nu Nu Chapter. The Alpha ig gathered for dinner a t the Imperial Inn hine e_ Re taurant where everyone enJO ed a huge variet of Chinese food . 18
AIAs help raise money
To Jill my days with satisfying activity, To find dominant beauty in art, literature, nature and friendships, To know the peace and serenity of a divine faith, To love life and joyousl'l live each aay to Its ultimate good, This is my creed in Alpha Sigma Alpha.
Gamma Xi's Founders' Day was held a t the Kaufman House in Zelienople, Pennsylvania. All alumnae from the Gamma Xi Chapter were invited. At the luncheon , the advisers , Dr. Kathleen Boykin a nd Mrs. Diane Stevenson, were presented with Mother Patroness pins. Bonnie Oswald , Provin ce Director , worked with the chapter to organize the luncheon . The Beta Iota Chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha was hostess for TriState Day in Province VI held at Radford University. Both Elon College a nd Concord College chapters sent delegations to the annual event. The activities began Friday night with a Popcorn Social in the sorority room. On Saturday, workshops were conducted by National Editor Ro semary Goss and BI Adviser Paul McTeer on "Alumnae Involvement" and "Fund Raising. " After the workshops, everyone gathered in H eth Ballroom for lunch, after which Rosemary Goss spoke on this year's Tri-State Day theme "Alpha Sigma Alpha - Our Di vers ity Gives Us Strength." Also, each chapter participated in a songfest by sin ging a few of their favorite AkA songs. The day ended with a Tri-State Day ocial Saturday evening in Heth Ballroom with Radford University fraternities - Tau Kappa Epsilon, Pi Kappa Phi and Sigma Phi Epsilon.
Beta Theta Chapter at Centrai Michigan University is helping the Sigma Chis with Derby Days a part of their philanthropic project. Half of the money raised will go to the Central Michigan Communit} Hospital toward a new kidne' machine that is badly needed. The other half of the money will go to Wallace Village in Colorado found - , ed by the late John Wayne, for brain damaged children. Each 路 group is assigned a specific section of town to go door to door selling homemade bread and cookie . o far they have raised 84 dollars and are still working on it. Beta Pis at Concord College experienced an especially meaningful Special Olympics this year. This is because they were held closer to home, on Concord's football field Many of the sisters had never helped with Special Olympics before. Speciai kids and A'i.As were both blessed in sharing a day they'll never forget. Members of Beta Delta Chapter at the University of Southern Mississippi participated in the March of Dimes Walk-a-thon , raising money for the handicapped.
Alpha Beta Chapter member Laurit Tuntlnli/A her dog, Tinker. Laurie rode 20 maus /llf Cystic Fibrosis Bike-a-thon.
recognizes and congratulates outstanding collegiate members
Gamma Xi Chapter at Slippery Rock State College recognizes the following outstanding members: Melanie Wolfe is in charge of news at WRCK Radio at S.R.S.C. She is also a member of Lambda Sigma sophomore honorary. Susan Pholeric, president, is a i member of Lambda Sigma also. She made the Dean's List and parI ticipates in the Slippery Rock , Senior Citizens Program. Susan will soon be a pledge of Rho Phi , Alpha, a recreation honorary. Lynne Porch, our newest pledge, is a member of the Council on International United Nation Affairs Club on the Slipperty Rock campus.
Zeta Zeta Chapter at Central Missouri State University recognizes the following members for their accomplishments and activities: Connie Ferguson is a top ten finalist for Homecoming queen. She is also rush chairman for Zeta Zeta chapter. Mary Beth Schnittker is active in intramurals and has received the Super Sis award many times for her outstanding support of the sorority. She is the chapter treasurer. Denise Hoffman is also very active in intramurals and helps keep up the spirit during activities. Denise is currently the secretary for Zeta Zeta.
Eight members of Epsilon Epsilon Chapter at Emporia State University were recently recipients of awards for Who's Who Among American Colleges and Universities . Who's Who awards recognize outstanding academic achievements and leadership abilities. The awards were presented by President John Visser of Emporia State University and the Speaker of the Kansas House of Representatives, Wendel Lady, as part of this year's Parents' Day ac. tivities.
Jeanne Knickbocker has truly been an outstanding member of Beta Theta Chapter. She is the treasurer of the chapter and past president of Junior Panhellenic. She was one of fifteen finalists for Homecoming queen. Jeanne is a senior majoring in Accounting. Along with being a great asset to our chapter, Jeanne also holds a job at the testing center and is active in various other campus activities .
Gamma Eta Becky Saganowich, a Special and Elementary Education major, is the chapter secretary and the secretary for the Council of Exceptional Children. She is involved in Panhellenic both as the philanthropic chairwoman and as a rush counselor. Gamma Rho Chapter wishes to recognize Linda Stemporosky, who was chosen as the chapter's Homecoming queen representative . Linda a lso serves as the chapter treasurer.
Epsilon Epsilon's Who's Who recipients: (back) julie Cross, DeAnna Koch, Brenda Miller, Deb Thurston, (front) ]enalee jones, Paige Wymore, and Sheryl Picking.
CHANGE OF ADDRESS OR NAME You ca n he lp Alpha Sigmo Alpha save a considerable amount of money each year by sending to the National Headquarters any change of add ress or na me . The Post Office now charges 25 cents for each returned magazine or change of address . Keep us informed ond help us sa ve! You ore responsible for changing your address promptly if you wish Ia continue receiving your Phoemx . Have you moved or ma rried? Mail completed farm wi th mailing label attached to: ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS -
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