Asa phoenix vol 70 no 1 fall 1984

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== =o ne Alpha's Op ini on == = by Jackie LoRusso When a woman in her 40s gets excited about attending a sorority conventio n it tends to raise eyebrows among her fellow-40 , nonaf路 filiated friends . It is difficult to explain to someone who has never had the exper ience of sorority how very much it means to me. Conventio n reaffirms my vows , strengthen s my bond of commitment , deepens my friendship s, rekindles my enthusiasm and restores my Alpha Sigma Alpha soul. Kansas City will always be a special place in my sorority heart. This conventio n was a beautiful blending of our past and our future. It was an opportuni ty for all assembled to know Wilma Wilson Sharp. Everyone had the opportunity to speak personally with Mrs. Sharp . She asked about every chapter, she inquired about friends that she knew among the alumnae and she especially loved meeting the collegians . They brought her flowers , she gave them hugs in return. She spoke to all of us telling of her love for Alpha Sigma Alpha. She recounted the past and challenged us for the future. We presented her with a huge letter bouquet from sisters around the country and a standing ovation. There was scarcely a dry eye in the room. The awards banquet was an evening when so many of the awards presented came to life. Evelyn G. Bell , twice National President spoke to us and helped present her award. Emma Frost was intro路 duced as the Frost Fidelity Award was presented . Helen Corey, past National Conventio n Chairman for some 30 years, helped present her conventio n award. The collegians sat in amazeme nt! There really were people behind the names that they knew and the people were ladies that they had talked to and interacted with all conventio n long . This conventio n seemed to bring forth a special attachmen t between the collegians and the senior a lum2

FALL 1984

Jackie LoRusso

This convention was a beautiful blending of our past and future . nae. Those of us "in between" enjoyed seeing this attachmen t come to pass. We were able to look back and know the thrill, the expecta路 tion and the enthusiasm of the collegian. It also enabled us to look forward to the dignity and serenity of having given full measure. The attachmen t seemed to grow more pronounc ed as conventio n progresse d. As I write these words, I see the attachmen t as a challenge to those of us "in between." We must provide the leadership , we must make the decisions, we must chart the course for the Alpha Sigma Alpha flagship. Charting the course for AEA's future becomes increasing ly more difficult. Today's woman wants a great deal out of her involveme nt, sorority included. Meeting the needs of this woman is as difficult on the college campus as it is in the alumnae group. We need to reach out for the extraordin ary woman, encouraging her to make a commitm ent and challengin g her to continue the commitm ent. Since we are constantly faced with the dilemma of quotas to help us stay financially afloat, we need to encourage each and every one of our members to give full measure. We all need to ask ourselves

what we have given Alpha Sigma Alpha for all the friendship s , for all the joy, for all the happy times and for all the memories that she has given us. There is still time to give . . . volunteer to help a college chapter, attend an alumnae meeting, assist your alumnae group with members hip, help start an alumnae group in your area, contribute to the National Development Fund, talk to young people about your sorority experienc e or volunteer to become a national officer. Choose any or all of the above but follow through on what you choose. Each and every one of you has something to give! My conventio n experienc e also was worthwhil e to me as an individual. The workshop s were excellent. Having been a conventio n chairman, I know the effort it takes to plan such an event. The workshops seem to improve with each conventio n. We realize that we must meet the needs of extraordinary women; why not begin with self-impro vement? Several of the workshop s helped me to take a closer look at who I am and how I am doing as an individual. In to路 day's hectic world one seldom has time for everything . I always feel that I'm the one that comes last. Conventio n affords me a few days to get away from my everyday world and focus in on me. I loved being in Kansas City. I look forward to "Denver in '86" with great expectatio n. I left Kansas City with renewed spirit. On the plane home to Buffalo the stewardes s noticed my Alpha Sigma Alpha pin and told me that she too was an Alpha Sig-pres ident of her college chapter, but now too busy for sorority. I explained how busy my life was too, but somehow I couldn't imagine my life without Alpha Sigma Alpha . She smiled knowingly and asked how convention was. "You've missed a great deal," I said. She smiled again and said, "I can see that. "* ff



====in This Issue===== Volume 70

Number 1


Province/State Days

National President Rosemary Goss shares her views on an exciting future for Alpha Sigma Alpha in her first message as AI:A president.

Read reports of AI:A province and state days across the country in this new Phoenix department.

1983-84 Development Fund contributions

Convention '84 Relive Alpha Sigma Alpha's 33rd National Convention at the Crown Center in Kansas City through the words of Feature Editor Sue Hagen and photographs of National Editor Nancy Reese and Alpha husband Bill D. Van Pelt.

8 Constitution changes Read about changes in the constitution made at the convention, including a streamlined National Council. EDITOR Nancy I. Z. Reese 828 S. Golf Cul de Sac Des Plaines , IL 60016

PHOENIX STAFF Alumnae Editor Kim R. Meyer 8014 Rossman Gulch Rd . Morrison, CO 80465

Collegiate Editor Crelia Rowlette 3861 N. Cherry Ln . Kansas City, MO 64116 Feature Editor Sue Zorichak Hagen 3612 70th St. E. Inver Grove Heights , MN 55075 Historian Esther Kaufman Gatseos 6659 E. Eastman Ave . Denver , CO 80224



Founders' Day Message

14 4

Fall 1984

A donation to the Development fund confirms in a very tangible way your lifetime commitment to Alpha Sigma Alpha. Read how the funds have benefited AI:A programs and who has contributed for 1983-84.

Departments 9 ................. Directory 20 ...........Alumnae Action

Next Issue

17 New Chapter Consultant Cindy Fundis got a great send-off for her year as AI:A's chapter consultant during the convention at Kansas City. Read about this woman who will be visiting your chapter soon!

Winners of the 1984 awards will be highlighted in the winter issue of The Phoenix. Also coming is a report on the installation of Epsilon Delta chapter.

THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA ..c-"'~~,c:,,,..... SIGMA ALPHA (USPS 430· # WWW 640). an educational journal. is published in the fall, winter, spring, and summer of each year by the Sorority, 1201 East Walnut Street. Springfield , Missouri 65802 . The subscription price $1 .50 a year. Printed by Compolith Graphics and Maury Boyd & Associates , Indianapolis, IN 46268 . Mem· ber. College Fraternity Editors Association . Send change of address and business correspondence to Alpha Sigma Alpha National Headquarters . 1201 East Walnut St.. Springfield , Missouri 65802 . Address all corre spondence of an editorial nature to the editor. Nancy I. Z. Reese , 828 S. Golf Cul de Sac, Des Plaines , II 60016 ARTICLES are invited for publication in this journal. Manuscripts should be submitted to the editorial staff for consideration . Acceptances are on a contributing basis only and subject to editorial review . Articles published are the personal expressions of the authors and do not necessarily represent the policies of AEA . Second-class postage paid at Springfield , Missouri. and at additional mailing offices . Postmaster: Send Form 3579 to National Headquarters, 1201 East Walnut St., Springfield, Mis· souri 65802.

For the first time in many conventions, Alpha Sigma Alphas gathered for a group photo with the dramatic indoor waterfall at the Westin Crown Center as the backdrop. (Photo by Bill 0 . Van Pelt)

FALL 1984


====co nventio n


33rd National Convention a hallmark in sorority's history by Sue Zorichak Hagen She entered the lobby of the Westin Crown Center in Kansas City and was immediately overwhelmed by the sights. There, off to the right, was a five-story high waterfall , complete with an assortment of trees gracing its descent. Off to the left, the glass enclosed elevator whisked guests to their rooms.

All around her were convention delegates, waiting to be checked in. She spied Joan Runckel , national alumnae province director, who had just arrived . She hadn't seen her since Chicago in 1982, and before that , Niagara Falls, when they roomed together. She also had heard Wilma Wilson Sharp, president emerita , would be there, and she'd never met her. Oh, th is is going to be an excit¡ ing, exhausting week, she thought.

She was lucky to get a room on the top floor-the view of downtown was fabulous. On one side was the Hallmark Center, and below were the Crown Center Shops. Activity buzzed all around herthe city seemed so alive. She was surprised to see the opening session start on time Wednesday, June 27. So many women were getting aquainted and reaquainted, while the collegians sat in awe of the whole affair.

Collegiate delegates listen intently during the opening session, while Wt/ma Wt/son Sharp, president emerita, above, shares some sorority history. (Photos by Nancy I. Z. Reese)


FALL 1984


====co nventio n National President Rhetta Robinson opened the session, and the group followed with singing the Hymn and reciting devotion. She was surprised she still remembered the words; they'll probably always stick in her mind. Marlys White , executive vice president, then introduced Ed King, the guest speaker. She remembered him from the Chicago convention and was eager to hear him aga in. Mary Kay Reiff, a member of the Greater Kansas City Alumnae Chapter introduced Frank Palermo, a city councilman. He presented Mrs. Robinson with a key to the city and made her an honorary citizen. The credential report that first evening revealed there were 162 in attendance. She knew the number


would grow as the convention continued. After introducing the nat ional officers and delegates, Mrs. Robinson noted that two past national presidents were present. MaryAnn Linton and Betty Wallick came forward, while other past national officers were recognized. Looking around, she wondered if Mrs . Sharp was in the room. They hadn't announced her . . . She was fam ished following the session; she hadn't eaten since her 11 :30 a.m. flight. The Welcome Reception was a welcome sightthe buffet table was nearly 20 feet long and overflowing with mouthwatering delights. She made it just in time to hear Sidney Allen, NPC delegate, introduce the NPC guests for whom, in part, the reception was held.

At left, newly initiated Barbara Bain, National Headquarters office manager, and chapter consulta nt Ja n Verfurth, right, sneak in a few chuckles between sessions. Belo w left, immediate past president Rhetta Robinson finds herself a new mother, after winning the drawing for A bby Sue, the doll made by Marti Stratton, right, vice president of collegians. Below right, Epsilon Epsilon Chap te r members provid e opening night en tertainment with a skit dep ic ting AEA through the years. (Photos by Nancy I. Z. Reese)


Topping off that first night was the icebreaker , a forum and songfest hosted by Debbie Sharp, national rush chairman. As the Epsilon Epsilons entertained, she thought , "We used to do crazy skits like that. How do they ever come up with those lines?" After managing to crawl out of bed the next morning, she made her way to the sports deck for Alpha . Aerobics, led bravely by Marlys White. Much of the first business meeting Thursday was spent discussing the proposed changes in the constitution and bylaws. That's al ways a long process, she thought. The committee must've put in a lot of work. After announcing the slate of officers fo r the next bienium, Mrs. Robinson gave her state of the sorority address and received a standing ovation. The biggest decisions facing her after the meeting were which workshops to attend. She had to chose among Chapter Accounting with Rose Fellin, headquarters executive; Better Bylaws with Sandy Brzezinski, national constitution chairman; Advisory Boards with Marilyn Garbee, national treasurer; Membership Education with Silvana Richardson , national vice president of collegiate program; Rush Roundup with Debbie Sharp, or Keys to Vogue with a color consultant, Beverly Stenger. After the business meeting Friday , guest speaker Kay Waldo,

FALL 1984


=== =co nve ntio n '84= === = King calls for recommitting ourselves to initiation vows Becoming productive lovers, asserts Ed King , is what fraternity is all about. And to become productive lovers requires recommitting ourselves to what our sorority is saying, and the vows that we took when we were initiated. It is the implications of these vows that King e xplored as guest speaker at the opening session of the Kansas City National Convention. Back for a repeat performance of his inspiring presentation of "The Secret Thoughts of Edward King Ritual ," King once again captiKing 's presentation touched vated the convention body. on several areas of Greek life Using the Sigma Chi fraternity ritual book as an example, in addition to ritual: leadership, the thrust of King 's message sisterhood and the bottom line-loving, not only others but was that our initiation ritual is the most inspiring occurrence ourselves. "What's important about our of our fraternity life, yet the lives is not the events that ocleast understood and often the cur, but the reiationships that most abused. Why? occur, " he says, "That's what "Our fraternity ritual has the our life is all about-helping us potential of great movement to it, a great power through it, " to develop meaningful relationKing says, "But if it is done in a ships. The events are secondary. sloppy way, it is a hypocrisy. It They only lead us to them. " Which brings us back to the becomes a farce . People miss the whole point." ritual, the commitment to the The whole point being, do it sorority , and each other. In right. 'Then, it will be respectessence , we are our sister 's ed, and you will be respected. " keeper. King challenged the colleKing closed by reciting the giate members of the audience Desiderata, a centuries-old comto return to their chapters, sit position found in an old church. down with their ritual book and The last lines of Desiderata examine it. Openly. "My point is read, "With all its sham , drudgsimply that we must develop ery and broken dreams, it is still clear procedures for the use and a beautiful world . Be careful. informal discussion of ritual " Strive to be happy. " he said in a letter to Headqua'rA Sigma Chi , King is the dean ters Executive Rose Fellin. "Beof men at Bradley University in cause we have not done this Illinois and a popular convenpeople tend to feel awkward and tion speaker for his thoughts on self-conscious when they disritual. He also spoke at the 1982 cuss the ritual even among the AEA Nat ional Convention in membership." Chicago. *

* -{;:(


FALL 1984

manager of a consulting firm, spoke on "Who Am I, Where am I Going?" "Lunch with your bunch" at the Woman's City Club was the event she had been waiting for. Not only did she get to sit with her chapter members, but she finally got to meet Mrs. Sharp. She's every bit as inspiring as she had imagined. Following the luncheon, Alpha Sigs could either tour Kansas City, the Hallmark building, take Molly the Trolly to the Plaza, shop the Crown Center Shops or swim. She chose to become lost. Molly the Trolly does not make a continuous circle to the Westin Center. The memorial service and initiation ceremony that evening were beautiful. What a stunning sight we all make, she thought, as everyone lingered outside the room in their white outfits. Initiated was Barbara Bain, officer manager at National Headquarters. The white dinner followed and was truly breathtaking; amidst the countless white balloons lightly anchored on the tables, there were those of red, to be sent off later for Special Olympics. White ceramic Raggedy Andys were arranged in a circle to form the symbol of Special Olympics and from whose middles the balloons were tied.

Representing se veral decades of leadership within the sorority are, seated left, Wilma Wilson Sharp with Rhetta Robinson, and RoseMary Goss, standing, newly elected president.


===convention Four special education students and their teachers spoke on how Special Olympics touches their lives, touching the hearts of those present. The entire convention gathered on the sports deck after the dinner for the balloon send off. She wanted to dash to her room to look down on the impressive sight below, but didn't want to miss the fun. As the balloons drifted silently and swiftly away, she joined in as everyone sang the Hymn to Alpha Sigma Alpha. The final business meeting Saturday had a record number attending-256. What better time than to present some awards, she thought, as scrapbooks and Phoenix features and reports were recognized. She finally got the chance to buy a ticket for Abby Sue, the cabbage patch doll made by Marti Stratton, newly installed vice president of collegians, to raise money for the development fund . Much as she had hoped to win, she was happy that Abby Sue found a wonderful mother in Mrs. Robinson. After Mrs. Robinson passed the gavel to new National President Rosemary Goss, the 33rd National Convention was adjourned. At that point, the Denver Alumnae and Beta Betas extended a rousing invitation to the Mile High Citysite of the 1985 National Conven-



tion. After attending the installation of officers, she went to rest for a while by the pool. It was the first time all week she had been able to relax but that didn't last long. The workshops that afternoon were Your Leadership Style with Marlys White; AI:A Publications with The Phoenix staff; and Panhellenic Potpourri, with Sidney Allen, Betty Wallick and MaryAnn Linton. How to choose? The highlight of the convention for her was, and always is, the awards banquet. After arranging shower schedules with her three roommates, they arrived in their prettiest dresses, saved for the last night. The guest speaker was Sister OI-

ive Louise, CSJ, president of Avila College in Kansas City, who tickled the audience with her humor, and inspired them with her message. The remaining awards were presented that night, and after dinner all was a flurry, as picture after picture was snapped. While children throughout the hotel were scrambling to get autographs of the New York Yankees, Wilma Wilson Sharp was clearly the star among AI:As that night. What a scrapbook treasure, she thought, as she clutched the program signed by Em Frost, and past national presidents Mrs . Sharp, Ev Bell, MaryAnn Linton, Betty Wallick and Rhetta Robinson. ,(;, * *

At right, Chicago alumna Betty Hall, left, Esther Gatseos, historian, center, and NPC Delegate Sidney Allen catch up on some convention news. Below left, guest speaker Edward King reaches out to Linda Rogers, vice president of alumnae, during his presentation on " The secret thoughts of ritual." Below right, balloons set the uplifting mood at the white dinner, featuring Special Olympians and their teachers.

FALL 1984


=== =co nve nti on


Installed at the 33rd annual con vention was a stream-lined, seven-member National Council. They are (from left) Helen Matone, secretary; Diane James, vice president of finance; Rosemary Goss, national president; Linda Rogers, vice president of alumnae; Marty Stratton, vice president of collegians, Mary Ann Linton, vice president of de velopment; and Paula Foreman, vice president of program . (Photo by Bill Van Pelt)

National Council now composed of seven members Several changes were approved in the sorority's constitution and bylaws at convention, most notably the structure of National Council. In keeping with the times and needs of Alpha Sigma Alpha, the council is now composed of only the seven voting members. These include: president, secretary and national vice presidents of devel¡ opment, collegians, alumnae, programs and finance . Questions raised from the floor of the convention concerned the newly created position of vice president of finance, replacing the national treasurer. According to the revised bylaws, the national vice president of finance "shall direct all finances of the sorority. With the assistance of a finance committee, she shall prepare a national budget to be submitted to the National Convention for approval and shall serve as an ex-officio member of the finance committee . She shall di rect the audit of the sorority's books by a certified public accountant ap proved by National Council. Said audit shall be made prior to the annua l National Council meeting and presented at said National Council meeting." 8

FALL 1984

Also new on the council is the vice president of program , whose duties include program guidance of collegiate and alumnae chapters and regional or national meetings of the sorority. The national vice president of developmen t will be responsible for the developmen t of collegiate and alumnae chapters. She will receive all petitions for charters and obtain the decision from the National Council regarding the action to be taken on these petitions. She also will perform the duties of the national president in the event of the absence or disability of the national president. The vice presidents of collegians and alumnae will direct collegiate chapter and alumnae programs and the secretary will keep records of national convention and national council meetings. The duties of the national president remain the same. The national president will appoint, with council's approval , the former nonvoting members of the council; NPC delegate , Phoenix editor and headquarter s executive (now termed special officers, along with the chapter consultants and convention chairman). The chairman of programs has been eliminated as a national of-

flee, and chairmen are now listed in alphabetica l order: chapter advisors, alumnae developmen t, colonies, constitution , housing, philanthropies, ritual, rush , scholarship and standards. To accommoda te the collegiate calendar, the convention also voted to revise the section on election of officers. Rather than in February, the process should begin prior to May. Officers should then take office immediately following installation , except treasurer. She should train as assistant treasurer until the end of the school year, assuming full responsibili ty of the office following the annual audit. Replacing the chapter advisor will be an advisory board, consisting of chapter, financial and membership advisors. Finally, as a matter of clarification , the collegiate chapter membership section will read: "The method of issuing bids shall conform in every way with the rules of the college panhellenic , and no undergraduate shall be initiated until she has passed the sorority examination and has met the scholastic approval of National Council or the campus scholastic average, whichever is higher. * *



=====Directory===== ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA NATIONAL OFFICERS 1984-1985

FOUNDED Longwood College, Farmville, Virginia, November 15, 1901

FOUNDERS Louise Cox Carper (Mrs. W. B.) Juliette Hundley Gilliam (Mrs. H. E.) Miss Mary Williamson Hudley Virginia Boyd Noell (Mrs. J. W.) Galva Watson Wootton (Mrs. P. W.)



President Emerita-Wilma Wilson Sharp, ZZ (Mrs. Fred M.), 1405 Hardy Avenue, Independence, MO 64052 President-Dr. Rosemary Goss, BIT (Mrs. Robert E.), 2305 Capistrano Street, Blacksburg, VA 24060 Vice President of Program-Paula Cyrus Foreman, PP (Mrs. Stuart), 410 North Duke Street, Millersville, PA 17551 Vice President of Development-MaryA nn Linton , rH, P.O . Box 7369, Boulder, CO 80306 Vice President of Collegians-Marilyn Manion Stratton, BB (Mrs. Robert), 6106 Spring Time, San Antonio, TX 78217 Vice President of Alumnae-Linda Bonine Rogers, 111 (Mrs. Steven E.), 377 Mayberry Lane, Dover, DE 19901 Vice President of Finance-Diane Yencic James, HH (Mrs. Don L.), Rt. 5, Box 316, Pittsburg, KS 66762 Secretary-Helen Hooper Malone, Br (Mrs . George J. Jr.), 5526 East 36th Street, Tulsa, OK 7 41 35

Chairman of Chapter Advisors-Diane Sauro Stevenson, (Mrs . Kim), R.D. 6, Box 6534, Mercer, PA 16137 Chairman of Alumnae Development-Carmin e Cree Alvey, XX, 4300 University Avenue, Muncie, IN 47304 Chairman of Colonies-Rhetta Nesbitt Robinson, Br (Mrs. Ronald) , 5880 South Joplin, Tulsa, OK 7 4135 Constitution Chairman-Connie Peyton Glidewell, ZZ, 2931 Oklahoma Avenue, Trenton, MO 64683 Chairman of Housing-Sandra Phillips Brzezinski, rE (Mrs. Wayne F.), 7041 W. Tripoli Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53220 Chairman of Philanthropies-Elaine Rahaim Fuerst, B.:1, 22657 SW 8 Court, Boca Raton, FL 33433 Chairman of Ritual-Silvana Filippello Richardson, r A (Mrs . Robert), 181-3 Evergreen Terrace, Carbondale, IL 62901 Chairman of Rush-Debbie Sharp, ZZ, 8415 N. Hull Drive, Kansas City, MO 64153 Chairman of Scholarship-Dr. Betty Furrow Hines, BI (Mrs. William H.J. 316 Second Street, Radford, VA 24141 Chairman of Standards-Jean Moore Weaver, BN (Mrs. James), 3115 Steed , Florissant, MO 63033

SPECIAL OFFICERS NPC Delegate-Sidney Gremillion Allen, -.Jr-.Jr, 1 0064 Heritage Drive, Shreveport, LA 7111 5 NPC First Alternate Delegate-Betty Urban Wallick, ZZ, 676 Park Avenue, York, PA 17402 Editor-Nancy I. Zander Reese, BT, 828 Golf Cul de Sac, Des Plaines, IL 60016 Headquarters Executive-Rose Marie Fellin, BE, National Headquarters, 1201 East Walnut, Springfield, MO 65802


CHAPTER CONSULTANT Cindy Fundis, EE National Headquarters 1201 East Walnut, Springfield, MO 65802



Alumnae Editor-Kim Ramsey Meyer, BB (Mrs. Mark) , 8014 Rossman Gulch Road, Morrison, CO 80465 Collegiate Editor-Cretia Rowlette, <I><I>, 3861 North Cherry Lane, Kansas City, MO 64116 Feature Editor-Sue Zorichak Hagen, BB (Mrs. Jeff), 3612 70th St. East, Inver Grove Hts., MN 55075 Historian-Esther Kaufman Gatseos, BB (Mrs. George), 6659 E. Eastman, Denver, CO 80224

1201 E. Walnut, Springfield, MO 65802 Phone: 41 7 -869-0980 Hours: Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. CST

NATIONAL PANHELLENIC CONFERENCE ,) Delegate ................ ... ... .. Sidney Gremillion Allen Alternate Delegate .................. Betty Urban Wallick First Alternate .. ... ....... ... ...... ... .. MaryAnn Linton Second Alternate ... ... .... . . .... ... . Dr. Rosemary Goss





Kathleen Thompson , AT , 49A Camelot Court, Buffalo, NY 14214 SUNY College at Buffalo, Pi Pi-Buffalo, NY 14222 Rochester Institute of Technology, Garn· ma Iota-Rochester, NY 14623

Cherie Fink Shallock, AZ (Mrs. Edward) , 223 Burr Oak Dr., Lynchburg, Va 24502 Radford University, Beta Iota-Radford, Va 24141 Concord College, Beta Pi-Athens, WV 24712 Elon College, Delta Rho-Elon College, NC 27244

PROVINCE II DIRECTOR Bonnie Oswald , rx, 1504 Evergreen Avenue , Pittsburgh , PA 15209 Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Alpha Gamma-Indiana, PA 15701 Clarion University, Gamma OmicronClarion , PA 16214 Slippery Rock University, Gamma XiSlippery Rock, PA 16057 Edinboro University, Gamma Psi-Edin· boro, PA 16412

PROVINCE Ill DIRECTOR Susanne Withsosky Ford , NN (Mrs . Al· Ian). 1210 Hartranft Avenue , Ft . Washington, PA 19034 Penn State University, Gamma Eta-Uni· versity Park, PA 16802 East Stroudsburg University, Gamma Rho-East Stroudsburg, PA 18301 Mansfield University, Delta EpsilonMansfield, PA 16933 Bloomsburg University , Delta ChiBloomsburg, PA 17815

PROVINCE IV DIRECTOR Jane B. Ramsey, Al , 624 Leeds Road, Elkton , MD 21921 Temple University , Kappa KappaPhiladelphia, PA 19122 Drexel University, Nu Nu-Philadelphia, PA 19104 University of Delaware , Delta IotaNewark, DE 19711 York College of Pennsylvania, Delta Omi· cron-York, PA 17403

PROVINCE V DIRECTOR Debbie Parr, AP , 19 Chase Gayton Cir· cle Apt. 531 , Richmond , VA 23233 Longwood College, Alpha-Farmville , VA 23901 James Madison University , Beta Epsilon-Harrisonburg , VA 22801 Virginia Common wealth University , Epsilon Gamma-Richmond, VA 10

FALL 1984

PROVINCE VII DIRECTOR Karla Kamp, AK, 1627 North Elm, Ev· ansville , IN 47712 Murray State University, Beta NuMurray, KY 42071 Eastern Illinois University, Gamma Omega-Charleston, IL 61920 Indiana State University, Delta KappaEvansville, IN 47711

PROVINCE VIII DIRECTOR Lynnann Jimenez, AA, 3342 Harmony Lane , Cincinnati , OH 45248 Miami University, Alpha Alpha-Oxford, OH 45056 Ball State University, Chi Chi-Muncie, IN 47301 Indiana State University, Beta UpsilonTerre Haute, IN 4 7807

PROVINCE IX DIRECTOR Barbara Johnston Hofmockel, B'lr (Mrs. Larry), 3903 Canterbury Road, Kala· mazoo, Ml 49007 Adrian College, Gamma Mu-Adrian, Ml 49221 General Motors Institute, Delta Nu AFlint, Ml 48504 General Motors Institute, Delta Nu BFlint, Ml 48504 Central Michigan University, Beta Theta-Mt. Pleasant, Ml 48858 St. Mary 's College , Epsilon DeltaWinona, MN 55987

PROVINCE X DIRECTOR Beth Colwell, BB, 6935 South Ulster Cir· cle , Englewood, CO 80112 University of Northern Colorado, Beta Beta-Greeley, CO 80631 Dickinson State College, Beta Eta-Dick· inson, ND 58601

PROVINCE XI DIRECTOR Susan Headley , XX , 1 04 Brighton

Place, Mt. Prospect, IL 60056 Western Illinois University, Beta KappaMacomb, IL 61 455 Northern Illinois University, Beta RhoDeKalb, IL 60115 Loyola University, Gamma Lambda-Chi· cago, IL 60626 DePaul University, Delta Eta-Chicago, IL 60614 University of Illinois, Epsilon BetaChampaign, IL 61820

PROVINCE XII DIRECTOR Malinda Higginbotham, cf>cf>, 13843 E. 35th Court, Independence, MO 64055 Northeast Missouri State University, Al· pha Beta-Kirksville, MO 63501 Northwest Missouri State University, Phi Phi-Maryville , MO 64468 Missouri Valley College, Gamma PiMarshall, MO 65340

PROVINCE XIII DIRECTOR Patricia Franklin Foster, EE (Mrs. Rob· ert). 708 West Glenwood, Springfield, MO 65807 Central Missouri State University, Zeta Zeta-Warrensburg, MO 64093 Southwest Missouri State University, Beta Sigma-Springfield, MO 65802 Emporia State University, Epsilon Epsi· Ion-Emporia, KS 66801 Pittsburg State University, Eta Eta-Pitts· burg, KS 66762

PROVINCE XIV DIRECTOR Barbara McPherson, Br, 4 720 Gibson #136, Muskogee, OK 74403 University of Central Arkansas, Beta Lambda-Conway, AR 72032 Henderson State University, Beta MuArkadelphia, AR 71 923 University of Arkansas at Monticello, Gamma Zeta-Monticello, AR 71655 Southern Arkansas University, Epsilon Alpha-Magnolia, AR

PROVINCE XV DIRECTOR Nancy Szalwinski, BA, 2119-A Broad· way , New Orleans, LA 70118 University of Southern Mississippi Beta Delta-Hattisburg, MS 39401 University of Southern Louisiana Beta Zeta-Lafayette, LA 70506 University of Texas at San Antonio, Delta Upsilon-San Antonio, TX 78285 THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA

Dire ctor y== =

AEA Alumnae Regions


Alumnae Chapters Note: An Alumnae Region Director serves in each region. Contact them for information on alumnae membership.

NATIONAL ALUMNA E REGION DIRECTORS REGION I DIRECTOR Joan Rindfletsch Runckel, rm (Mrs. Gary), 65 Lafayette Blvd., Williamsville, NY 14221 Boston, Massachusett s-Miss Jean Barbarick, 35 Pilgrim Way, East Walpole, MA 02032 Buffalo, New York-Mrs. Thomas A. Lucia, 59 Pfohl Pl., Williamsville, NY 14221 Central Pennsylvania- Mrs. D. Ray Koons, RR #2, Box 132, Keller Dr., Red Lion, PA 1 7356 Charleston, West Virginia-Mrs. James Gunter, 2992 Ruth St., Charleston, WV25302 Huntington, West Virginia-Mrs. Paul Leffingwell, P.O. Box 302, Chesapeake, OH 45619 Delaware Valley, Pennsylvania-M rs. William Schwarze, 3 Longpoint Lane, Media, PA 19063 Nittany Valley, Pennsylvania-M iss Sandra Ross, 129-A N. Monroe St.,


Bellefonte, PA 16823 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania-M rs . Paul Butler, 635 Seminole, Philadelphia, PA 19116 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania-M rs. Robert Boykin, Rt. 4, Box 35205, Slippery Rock, PA 16057 Princeton, West Virginia-Patricia Peterson, E 11 Fox Ridge Apts., Princeton, WV24740 Rochester, New York-Mrs . R. J. Baker, 126 Meadow Drive, Rochester, NY 14618 Scranton, Pennsylvania-M rs. William Salva, 204 Third St., Dalton, PA 18414 Washington, DC-Mrs. Anthony Ritz, 5354 Thunder Hill Road, Columbia, MD 21045 Wilmington, Delaware-Mrs . John Benze, 1802 North Scott, Wilmington, DE 19806 York, Pennsylvania-C hristine Knaub, 1 21 S. Herman St., York, PA 17 404

REGION II DIRECTOR Diane (Dolly) Purvis Loyd, Ba, (Mrs. Alan), 2300 Lincoln Road, #140, Hattiesburg, MS 39401 Charlotte, North Carolina-Mrs. William A. Higgins, 13521 Five Gait Court, Matthews, NC 28215 Fort Lauderdale, Florida-Mrs. Elaine Fuerst, 22657 SW 8th Court, Boca Raton, FL 33433 Hattiesburg, Mississippi-Mrs . Paulette Leblanc, 105 Pinewood Place , Hattiesburg, MS 39401 Jackson, Mississippi-Mrs . H. Michael Webb, 303 Shiloh Rd., Brandon, MS 39402 Lexington , Kentucky-Mrs . Henry Harned, Rt. 3, Hickman Hill Rd ., Frankfort, KY 40601 Metro Atlanta-Mrs. James L. Frink, 4453 Sheila Court, Lilburn, GA 30247 Mississippi Gulf Coast-Mrs. Jimmy Estes, 601 Commerce St. , Gulfport, MS 39501 FALL 1984


Directory Norfolk, Virginia-Lynn Wyndham , 4549 Princess Anne Rd ., Virginia Beach , VA 23462 Northern Virginia-Christine Greninger, 6614 Mclean Court , Mclean, VA 22101 Peninsula, Virginia-Mrs . James T. Scott, Jr. , 11 Rutledge Rd ., Newport News, VA 23601 Piedmont, North Carolina-Mrs . Laurie Alcon Brown , 311 Salisbury St. #9, Kernersville , NC 27284 Richmond, Virginia-Ms . Debbie Parr, Cabin Creek Apts ., 1217-F Gaskins Road , Richmond, Va 23233 Roanoke Valley, Virginia-Rebecca Oliver, 2908 Tully Dr. , NW, Roanoke, VA 24019 Tri-City, Florida (Clearwater, St. Petersburg and Tampa)-Mrs. James Dietrich , 12908-124th Avenue N, Largo, FL 33540

REGION Ill DIRECTOR Jean M. Hoffman~ BT, 310 East First Street, Greensburg, IN 47240 Akron, Ohio-Mrs . Susan Wright, 5027 Johnnycake Ridge NE, Canton , OH 44705 Anderson, Indiana-Mrs . James Baden, 108 Thorn Dr., Anderson , IN 46011 Cincinnati, Ohio-Mrs . Mary Backsman, 1361 Oak Knoll Drive, Cincinnati , OH 45224 Columbus, Indiana-Jean Hoffman, 310 East 1st St., Greensburg. IN 4 7 2 4 O Columbus , Ohio-Patricia Sampson , 1902 Slaton Ct.. Worthington , OH 43085 Dayton, Ohio-Mrs . Roger Shoffner, 81 60 Long Creek Dr .. Centerville, OH 45459 Elkhart-Goshen, Indiana-Beth Bowers Babcock, 23016 Greenleaf Blvd., Elkhart, IN 4651 4 Fort Wayne, Indiana-Mrs . Shirley Brown, 6603 Popp Road , Ft. Wayne , IN 46825 Indianapolis, Indiana-Mrs . Riki Lineback, 8240 Taunton , Indianapolis, IN 46260 Muncie, Indiana-Mrs . Terry Schurr, 420 McKenzie, Muncie, IN 47304 Newark-Zanesville, Ohio-Mrs. Norman Cogswell , 1 070 W. Church St. , Newark, OH 43055 Northwestern Ohio-Barb Christensen , 1764 Cambridge Park East, Maumee , OH 43537 Richmond, Indiana-Mrs . William C. Weller, Jr. , 335 SW 15th St. , Richmond , IN 47375 South Bend, Indiana-Mrs . Donald Myers , 217 E. Lowell, Mishawaka, IN


FALL 1984

46545 Southwestern Indiana-Mrs. Larry Murphy , 4922 Epworth Road , Newburgh, IN 47630 Terre Haute, Indiana-Mrs . Jane Graham , 38 Brookshire Drive , Terre Haute, IN 47803

REGION IV DIRECTOR Elizabeth Zubinski Heidel , rn (Mrs . James P.), 4515 Stanley, Downers Grove, IL 6051 5 Adrian, Detroit and Toledo, MichiganMs. Barb Salenbeim , 2468 Sandcreek Highway, Adrian , Ml 49221 Chicago, Illinois-Mrs. Betty Hall, 342 D Higgins Rd. , Park Ridge, IL 60068 Chicago-Metro, Illinois-Mrs. Beth Heidel, 4515 Stanley, Downers Grove, IL 60515 Chicago, Illinois-North Suburban-Mrs. Richard Williams, 1976 Fairway Ct., Hoffman Estates, IL 60195 Chicago Illinois-West Suburban-Mrs . William Virkus , 905 S. Grant, Villa Park, IL60181 Detroit, Michigan-Margaret Sautter, 20475 Balfour #4, Harper Woods, Ml 48225 Dickinson, North Dakota-Mrs. Keith Anderson, 411 6th Ave. W., Dickinson , ND 58601 Flint, Michigan-Jully-Buran Seybert, 6024 Princess Lane, Flint, Ml 48016 Grand Rapids, Michigan-Mrs. Jerry M. VanDusen, 7271 Belding , Rockford, Ml49341 Kalamazoo , Michigan-Mrs . Robert Klesert, 337 Glendale Blvd., Parchment, Ml 49004 Milwaukee, Wisconsin-Mrs . Robert Borowski , 3539 N. 79th St., Milwaukee, WI 53222 Mt. Pleasant, Michigan-Mrs . Michael Martin, 1 61 2 Mary Ann, Mt. Pleasant, Ml48858 Twin City, Minnesota-Mrs. Neal Hahn, 1222 Woodbridge , St. Paul, MN 55117

REGION V DIRECTOR Marilyn Ramsey Garbee, BE (Mrs . E. L.). 49 St. Andrews Circle, Broken Arrow, OK 74011 Bartlesville, Oklahoma-Mrs. John Dalgarn, 1327 S. Dewey, Bartlesville, OK 74003 Dallas , Texas-LaQuita L. Caruthers , 507 Birch Lane , Richardson , TX 75081 Denver, Colorado-Mrs . Mark Meyer, 8014 Rossman Gulch Road , Morrison,


80465 Houston, Texas-Suzanne Page, 1829 Bering Drive #16, Houston, TX 77057 Phoenix, Arizona-Mary Lou Moseke, 3620 W. Royal Palm Road, Phoenix, AZ 85021 Pikes Peak, Colorado-Heather Huber, 11445 Buckskin Lane , Colorado Springs , CO 80908 Northern California-Laura Laclede , 1517 Flanigan Dr. #46, San Jose, CA 95121 Northern Colorado-Kim Bernhardt, 828 12th St., Apt. #102, Greeley, CO 80631 San Diego, California-Bernita Sipan, 335 Kimball Terrace, Chula Vista, CA 92010 Sun City, Arizona-Mary Lou Moseke, 3620 W. Royal Palm Rd ., Phoenix, AZ 85021 Tulsa , Oklahoma-Mrs . Paula Brown , 7521 S. Elm Avenue, Broken Arrow, OK74012

REGION VI DIRECTOR Libby Elliott Moore, BE (Mrs. Dennis), 704 Candlelight, St. Louis, MO 63132 Central Arkansas-Susan McClure, P.O. Box 1625, Conway, AR 72032 Emporia, Kansas-Mrs. Steve Commons, 719 Walnut, Emporia, KS 66801 Greater Kansas City-Mrs. Dennis Fox, 5827 E. 98th Ct. , Kansas City, MO 64134 Jackson Purchase, Kentucky-Terri Johnsonius Ford, Rt. 2, Box 209, Calvert City, KY 42029 Lafayette, Louisiana-Valerie Vining, RR 1, Box 399 HV, Patterson, LA 70392 Maryville, Missouri-Mrs. Myron Simerly, 215 Alco, Maryville, MO 64468 New Orleans, Louisiana-Mrs . Allen Bourgeois, 4 724 Park Drive South, Metairie, LA 70001 Pittsburg, Kansas-Vicki Dennett, 1514 Woodland Drive, Pittsburg, KS 66762 Omaha, Nebraska-Mrs . Wm . L. MacKintosh, 906 N. 148th St. , Omaha, NY 68154 St. Louis, Missouri-Mrs . Stephen Bochantin, 320 N. Dellwood , Ferguson, MO 63125 Springfield, Missouri-Mrs . Michael Walker, 3732 Weatherly Drive, Springfield , MO 65807 Southeast Arkansas-Mrs. Sharon Braswell, 2039 Dell , Forest City, AR 72335 Topeka , Kansas-Mrs . Robert Hayn , 129 NE 58th , Topeka, KS 66617 Wichita , Kansas-Jean Schreiber, 2936 S. Osage # 103, Wichita, KS 67217


===F ounde rs' Day Message¡= == From proud past to a promising future by Rosemary Goss National President On Nov. 15, 1902, just one year after organizing a sorority, five young women appeared on the Longwood College campus wearing pins in the shape of a shield with the Greek letters Alpha Sigma Alpha. These five founders, Louise Cox Carper, Juliette Hundley Gilliam, Mary Williamson Hundley, Virginia Boyd Noell and Calva Watson Wooton, had a far-reaching vision of a national sorority whose purpose would be to "cultivate friendship among its members, and in every way to create pure and elevating sentiments, to perform such deeds and to mould such opinions as will tend to elevate and enable womanhood in the world." Those very lofty ideals, even today, remain the backbone of the sorority. The lives of college women are much different today than in the days of our founders , but Alpha Sigma Alpha and the friendship it offers remains steadfast. Historians tell us one reason to study history is to learn from our mistakes. Although this is true , there are other reasons-one being to develop a sense of the past, a sense of heritage. Perhaps it was Alex Haley's Roots that put today's generation in touch with the past. Whatever has caused the increased interest in the past-a greater interest in genealogy, historic preservation and antiques-appears to have increased the interest Alpha Sigma Alphas have in their past also. No longer is it enough for many of our pledges to be able to recite a few significant dates and names. During the past two years, I received numerous inquiries about the rich heritage of Alpha Sigma Alpha. It seems the young women of today want to have a deeper appreciation and understanding of THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA

. Alpha Sigma Alpha and the friendship it otters remains steadfast. ' Rosemary Goss National President

the past history of our sorority. These inquiries were a major impetus for beginning "The Heritage of AI:A" series, which was featured in the Spring 1984 issue of The Phoenix. For Alpha Sigma Alphas everywhere our heritage is recorded in 'The Years Behind Us" and 'The Years Behind Us: A Supplement." Before we can insightfully look to our promising future , we must have an appreciation for our proud past. I encourage each collegiate and alumnae chapter to share a portion of that past at your next scheduled meeting . You might share the history of your chapter, the early days of the sorority, the reorganization in 1914 or Alpha Sigma Alpha's affiliation with National Panhellenic Conference in 1947. In fact, you might do a series of brief programs throughout the year on these topics . Pledges might prepare a program about our heritage as a pledge project. And what better gift to give a new

pledge than her own copy of 'The Years Behind Us: A Supplement," which can be pu rchased from National Headquarters. Along with appreciation of our heritage comes responsibility-the responsibility to preserve our past. We must ask ourselves some very important questions. How can we better preserve our past? At what cost? Are we making an attempt to seek out items of special significance from some of our older members who have given so much to our sorority? How should we best preserve these precious archives? These questions about our archives are very important ones, and if you have any ideas on the preservation of our proud past , please send them to me. As we celebrate the 83rd year of our founding , let our reflection upon our proud past inspire us to work together toward a promising future. Happy Founders' Day to each of you. ti ti


FALL 1984


====De velopme nt Fund= == Lifetime commitment means by Diane James Vice President of Finance Alpha Sigma Alpha members, you have responded generously to the Development Fund, showing your pride in your sorority and your concern for her future. We wish to thank each of you again for your gift, which confirms a lifetime commitment to your pledge of sorority loyalty. The National Council is well aware of the many pressing demands we all face in fighting the financial battle in the current economy. For this reason we especially value the support you have given Alpha Sigma Alpha in answer to our call for donations to the Development Fund, which was initiated and introduced at the 1982 National Convention. The Development Fund is an annual drive that adds to the sorori-

ty's operating budget each year through your annual contribution. The annual Development Fund drive is vital to the sorority's programming since it provides direct support to the operating budget. In the past few years, it has become necessary to generate more income than the collegiate and alumnae dues provide. Rather than increase these dues each year, the Development Fund was established. These additional funds are used to support programs such as the chapter consultants' visits to the college chapters, the establishment of new chapters, both on the college and alumnae levels, the continued revisions of our sorority publications, the expansion of programs in our State and Province Days and national officer training. All of these are vital to the growth and strength of the sorority. Won't you show your lifetime commitment to the sorority? Your

contribution to the Development Fund can be an annual expression of this commitment. Your gift of $5, $100, $500 or more will truly make a difference-a difference to your sorority ' s strength and growth and what services Alpha Sigma Alpha can offer her members. We are committed to Alpha Sigma Alpha's traditions of sound fi. nancial management, and we look to the future with confidence and a deep sense of responsibility to serve the interests of all members. Please take this time to consider and express your lifetime commitment to your sorority. We wish to thank each of you who have made their annual contribution. For those who have not yet made their contribution, please consider it now. Your gifts confirm, in a very tangible way, the lifetime commitment you made to Alpha Sigma Alpha. * *


Contributors from Aug. 1, 1983-Aug. 31, 1984 Crown Donors $500 or more Pi Pi Jacqueline LoRusso

Beta Beta Polly Smelser Schlosser

Pearl Donors $100 to $249 Alpha Alpha Kathleen Geib Boykin

Alpha Gamma Margaret Veil James

Epsilon Epsilon Phon Johnson Gillespie

Zeta Zeta Betty Urban Wallick

Eta Eta Diane Yencic James

Iota Iota Elizabeth Dodson Carpenter Nu Nu M . Jean Reimer Shull

Psi Psi Sidney Gremillion Allen Elizabeth Brock Allison

Beta Epsilon Donna Schramm Marshall

Beta Sigma

Beta Beta

Rose Marie Fellin

Gretchen Mathews Otness Marilyn Manion Stratton

Beta Upsilon

Gamma Gamma

Gamma Eta

Lora Sipes

Nancy I. Zander Reese Linda Barzano Snyder

Delta Delta

Group Contributors

Evelyn McKinley Schneider

St. Louis Alumnae Chapter


FALL 1984

Abby Sue Annette was a hit at convention, raising $220 for the Development Fund in a raffle sponsored by her creator, Marty Stratton.


Development Fu nd= === Star Donors $1 to $99 Alpha Janelle Judy Langford Alpha Alpha Linda Crumb Bresnan Virginia Neibel Brodbeck Deborah Anne Lukotch Virginia Updegrove Morrison Elise Rice Payne Jodi Stineman Martha Rosebrook Tomlinson Alpha Beta Kathryn Stephenson Buchinger Beve rly Hull Gallatin Mary Jenson Hill Wilhelmine Chester Pierson Clara Ethel Cassity Schwengel Clara Mudra Thomas Harriet Rose Woods Frances Hook Young Alpha Gamma Kathryn Meiser Barclay Kathleen Rosko Book Shelley Gamache Vivian Cartwright Lovell Suzanne Beyer Murphy Jane Shaffer Peters Marianne Orlando Pignone Beta Beta June Lewinson Bonacquista Lois Greer Carter Dorothy Hughes Johnson Kathryn E. Mayer Lena Christine Mayer Catherine Switzer Moore Vera Smith Waldron Kay Collett Weckerly Gamma Gamma Margaret Wallace Poore Delta Delta Lillie Mae Greer Ruth Hartmann Placier Epsilon Epsilon Ruth Hinshaw Cuberly Deborah Reiling DeSelms Patricia Franklin Foster Diane Hunt Kinlund Jeanette Ferrell Neja Geraldine Webb Wiand Zeta Zeta Eugina Smith Green Pat Strider Vandiver Eta Eta Mary Patricia Bumgarner Viola Lochrie Cowden Kathryn Lamb Keirns Camilla Bumgarner Kelso

Mae Phillips Sherwood Ruthjean Smith Taylor Theta Theta Eleanor M. Clancy lrmajean Wrenn Cullity Elizabeth S . Hagar Mabel B. Peterson Mary Louise Phinney Amelia Bucky Taxter Iota Iota Faye Lee Josten Kappa Kappa Elisabeth Campbell Ault June Mclaughlin Beeler Laura Wolf Carson Nancy Myers Chiodo Mary Jane Brady Christian Lois Anderson Crooks Hildegard Veihl Ely Eleanor Conrad Fetherston Alice T. Garretson Norma Nyce Heberling Carol Williams Maish Mabel Marshall Mathias Dorothy Anne McNaul Kappa Kappa Zilda Minerva Messenger Ruth Anna Nailor Dorothy Wolf Reynolds Elizabeth Schlice Smith Charlotte Hartman Sprenkle Lambda Lambda Helen Snider Garrington Mu Mu

Lucile Kunkle Blanchard Sarah Brewster Larsen Nu Nu Barbara J. Barnes Eleanor Battafarano Fadeley Barbara Mack Gorman Helen Lindemuth Ware

Gertrude Van Arsdale Wood Rho Rho Cathy Short Akers Edith Grogan Shafer Tau Tau Beth Osborn Ridley Upsilon Upsilon Isabelle Smock Selverstone Phi Phi La Vona Stalcup Reid Ruth Lawrence Grace Engelhart Schulz Chi Chi Carmine Cree Alvey Sharon Calvin Dorothy Darrough Cameron Virginia McCarty Kaiser Patricia Garard Lindshoog Florence Amtsbuechle r Patterson Lucille Moyer Pru itt Sandra Szymanski Kelley Velma Haines Thresher Psi Psi Elaine Killen Douglass Omega Omega Ruth Bradley Alexander Beta Gamma Maxine Line Marilyn Dyer Parent Helen Hooper Malone K. Regina Brooks Sharp Beta Delta Elaine Fuerst Beta Gamma Christy Allen Bennett Beta Epsilon Susan Ann Cole Susan Donnell Ann Ingle Elksnin Emily Leitner Ervin

Frances Jobson Francis Suzanne French Laurie Hall Betty Lewis Ann Younkins Shockey Beta Zeta Ethel Bergeron Burleigh Beta Theta Lauralee Pearson Kesteloot Pmela Moore Mary T. White Beta Iota Claudia Knight Campbell Gail McGrath Eskra Dorothy Gambill Hoppers Betty Hamilton Lide Anne Silverman Rothschild Beta Kappa Collette Wallace Fahrig Karen LaMontagne Beta Lambda Ruby Fair Griner Beta Nu Hilda Mitchell Brake Charlotte Reid Burton Mildred M. Chapman Shirley Thomspon Wall Jean Moore Weaver Rho Chi Mary Ellen Snider Busch Esta Seibert Finney Hazel Eileen Graham Beta Pi Patricia Skaggs Cantley Rosemary Carucci Goss Betty Gibson Lovejoy Beta Rho Gretchen Werner Oster Deborah Ames Smith Beta Sigma Diane Spanos Bertoluzzi

Xi Xi

Gladys Ludlam Anderson Barba ra Held Louise Peterson Hindes Isabell Stewart Murphy Pi Pi Sarah Dunn Anderson Clara Harper Bassett Margaret Housten Collins Dorothy Marley Gilmore Shirley Elmauer Goodman Grace Martiny Hanley Ann La Reau Kamp Hildegarde Hoffman Kayser Janet Stowell Koelbl Vernabelle Barlett Loucks Katherine Burlingame McKenzie Ruth Nickerson Puls Joan Rindfletsch Runckel Gertrude Hemstreet Snyder


Your gift to the Development Fund

says you care enough to share in the future of Alpha Sigma Alpha

FALL 1984


Development Fu nd == == Maryann Donnell Fuller Patti Estis Haynes Elizabeth Elliott Moore Janice Swisher Vallely Marilyn Harrell Weaver Jean Williams Webber

Beta Tau

Delta Eta Elizabeth Sten Hansen

Delta Theta Nancy Hansen

Delta Iota Cindy Rhodes Christfiel d Patricia Molnar

Delta Kappa

Michelle Nothacke r McKinney

Lana Bunner Lisa Skelton

Beta Upsilon Catherine Allen Castor C. Jeanne VanWink le McQueen Therese Miller Ruth Graddy Stricklan d

Beta Psi Judith Turrall Collins Elizabeth Nass Koss Betty Gawlak Martinez Carol Krehling Obringer

Delta Nu Maria Cundari Brenda Phillips Forrest Marcia White lole Cynthia Chamiok Meyer Shirley Smith Treumuth Deanne Wong

Delta Upsilon Volusia Finney

Delta Chi Dianne Splendid o

Beta Omega Judith Parkison

Group Contribu tors

Gamma Beta

Alpha Chapter Akron Alumnae Chapter

Betty Jean Marvin

Gamma Epsilon Sandra Phillips Brzezinsk i

Gamma Eta Leslie Maxwell Ziringer

Gamma Lambda Adeline J. Geo-Karis

Gamma Xi Eleanor Garner Colborn Bonita Oswald Diane Sauro Stevenso n

Memorial Gifts From Maryville Alumnae Chapter in memory of Betty Gregory Cockayne From anonymo us in memory of Isabelle Reeves

Gamma Rho Holly R. Frantz Susan Rohrbaug h Rupp

Gamma Omega Wendy Morgan

Delta Zeta Cherie Fink Shallock

r---- ----- ----- ----- ----- --,

My contribution

I want to assist Alpha Sigma Alpha in the development of programs of excellence for collegiate and alumnae members and chapters . Enclosed is a check in the amount of - - - - - . Contributions are cumulative from year to year. Donor categories:

Crown ($500 or more) Ruby ($250 to $499) Pearl ($100 to $249) Star ($1 to $99)

Name: _ _---:= ----- ----- ---~ First Maiden Last College Chapter _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Mail to Alpha Sigma Alpha National Headquarters, 1201 East Walnut, Springfield, MO 65802 .

----- ----- ----- ----- ----- --~ 16

FALL 1984

Do you like to travel?

Be an Alpha Sigma Alpha chapter consultant Who?

Mature , poised, well-gr oomed young graduate . Must have been an active particip ant in her college chapter and in campus organiza tions. Must be able to work well with others and must have enthusia sm, initiative and organiza tional ability. What? Will travel extensively, visiting college chapters and represen ting Alpha Sigma Alpha at worksho ps, State/Pr ovince Days and conferences and/or meetings . Will assist at National Headqua rters, if and when her schedule permits. Why? To share knowled ge, experien ce, enthusia sm and construc tive criticism with sorority sisters; to give training in all phases of chapter operation; to serve as liaison between National and collegiat e chapters ; to represen t Alpha Sigma Alpha to administra tors, advisors and alumnae. How? For more informat ion write: Alpha Sigma Alpha, National Headqua rters, 1201 East Walnut, Springfie ld, MO 65802

Could you use a scholarship? Of course you could! Do~'t delay. Contact your chapter philanth ropic chairma n or write National Headqua rters for an applicati on blank today. Complet ed applicati ons must be mailed byFeb.1 0, 1985to: Elaine R. Fuerst National Philanth ropic Chairma n 22657 SW 8 Court Boca Raton, FL 33433


Convention send-off for chapter consultant by Sue Zorichak Hagen Cindy Fundis called her parents during rush and laughed, "Me? A sorority girl?" She told them she wouldn't pledge, since she (and they) were unfamiliar with the Greek system. She went home to Berryton, KS, soon after for her brother's wedding , wearing an AEA T-shirt, "Glowing." Now, "not ready to give us AEA," Cindy is traveling for the sorority this year as our new chapter consultant. She comes well-prepared for the job. While a pledge at Emporia State University in Kansas, Cindy was elected junior panhellenic secretary by her class. She continued as an officer for Epsilon Epsilon for the next three years, serving as assistant sunshine chairman, social chairman, president and on standards board. If this weren't enough to keep her busy, she "filled her days" with several campus and community

activities. She was an active mem· ber of SPURS, the sophomore service honorary; Xi Phi leadership fraternity; student alumni endow· ment board; the sociology club; Psi Chi national psychology honorary; Cadinal Key national honorary society; student publications board and Phi Kappa Phi honor society. Cindy was named her chapter's Alpha Woman , Panhellenic Outstanding Sorority Woman and ESU Outstanding Senior her last semester. And, when she wasn't playing volleyball or softball, she managed to graduate with honors, earning a bachelor of science degree in sociology and psychology and an associate's degree in administration of justice. Cindy attributes much of her success to her family's support and encouragement. She recalls that while growing up in rural Kansas, there were plenty of boys to play with. "My older brother Doug, almost 24, got tired of me tagging along. I

Cindy Fundis

think that's what helped me develop my competitive spirit . . . I was often the first girl to get picked for teams. " In fact , one of the hardest things for her to do before she started traveling was leaving her slow-pitch team. In addition to Doug, Cindy has a younger brother Galen, 15. Her father has worked for DuPont for 26 years, and her mother has worked for the school district for eight years. She knows she really needs to continue her education, but was undecided about graduate programs and law school. Always wanting to travel , she also knew she'd enjoy the challenging opportunity to serve the sorority. "So, fortunately , here I am," she says. "Especially after convention, I'm looking forward to visiting the chapters and meeting new friends." * * *

Oops, we're sorry!

. Chapter consultant Cindy Fundis and National Editor Nancy Reese chat before the beginning of the White Dinner at the Kansas City convention.


By mistake, many of the members of the newly reformed Wichita alumnae Chapter were listed as Eta Etas when, in fact, they are Epsilon Epsilons. The Phoe· nix regrets the error. * * -t:f

FALL 1984


===Prov ince/Sta te Days= ==

Amy Miller (XX collegian), Stephen Bowe1s and Ruth Osterop (g uest speakers) and Dolores Watson (BK), admire the banner specially created for the Indiana State Day last spring. (Photo courtesy of the Elkhart Truth .)

'Be the BestTake Heart in

AEA' The Indiana State Day held in Elkhart last April chose " Be the Best-Take Heart in AI:A" as its theme . Blue ribbon name tags , programs and loving cup centerpieces carried out the theme . The Elkhart-Goshen Alumnae Chapter was hostess with Dolores (Dee) Janeczek Watson (BK) serving as State Day Chairman, assisted by Jill Hinkle Szyarto (BT). Other committee chairmen were Sherrie Hewitt Harr (AA), program ; Margaret Brink Petersen (XX) and Pam Wenino (XX), registration and budget; Patsy Murray Cork (BN), Judi Ackley Morr (XX), Ursula Worzer Mars (rE), Helen Risley Erne (XX) and Mary Etta Arnold 18

FALL 1984

Cripe (XX), decorations; Beth Bowers Babcock (XX) and Dorothy Pears Hilary (BI), awards and certificates; and Goldie Johnson Bennett (BT), heart banner. State and national officers in attendance were Carmine Alvey, national chairman of alumnae development ; Jean Hoffman , Province VIII director; and Nancy I. Z. Reese , Phoenix feature editor. AI:A alumnae traveled from Evansville, Terre Haute, Indianapolis, Muncie, Columbus and South Bend to attend. Collegians in attendance were from XX at Ball State University , B8 at Central Michigan University, rM at Adrian College, and ~N-A and B at General Motors Institute . Because of Elkhart's proximity to Michigan , many collegians from Michigan were able to attend . Two workshops were offered . J ean Hoffman coordinated a rush workshop for the collegians and

Carmine Alvey directed the alumnae members in "What Makes a Successful Alumnae Chapter? " Both groups met together after the workshops to hear Ruth Osterop of Elkhart address them on the topic " Looking at the Package You Are-Making it the Best!" Following the luncheon, Stephen R. Bowers, an Elkhart attorney, provided an interesting, easy to understand look at parliamentary procedure. During the afternoon business session , Carmine Alvey encouraged everyone to attend the National Convention to be held in Kansas City. By-laws were revised, efficiency awards were presented, a tribute was made to the Golden Girls and a memorial service was conducted. The day concluded with XX Chapter leading collegiate songs and with a friendship circle led by the Michigan collegians .


'Still Learning' in Ohio The Ohio State Day was hosted by Newark-Zanesv ille alumnae at the Ramada Inn North in Columbus last April. Alumnae from Akron, Cincinnati, Columbus, Dayton and the newly organized chapter at Toledo attended, as well as collegians from Alpha Alpha at Miami University. During the morning session, Shirley Wakefield, state coordinator, reported on activity at Alpha Alpha Chapter. Carmine Alvey, national alumnae development chairman, reported on the expansion of new alumnae chapters that now exist from coast to coast and from north to south. Margaret House and Zina Kennedy held an impressive service for Eva Rutledge, Rhea Fetzler Yoder and Louise Cramer, deceased members. Zina Kennedy also paid tribute to Golden Girls Mildred Althoff, Martha Bell , Mildred Ben· son , Grace Cogswell, Ethel Guthrie, Margaret House, Madge Paterson, Mabel Shilling Blanchard. After the luncheon, the Alpha Alpha members were introduced and the president, Allison Glass, reported on activities of the chapter including the contributions and successes in scholarship, sports and social activities. The chapter is striving to strengthen its relationship with Panhellenic and the administration. At the conclusion, the women sang a song. Ethel Guthrie (AA) addressed the group on "Still Learning." She stressed the importance of continued learning and the transfer of such values as love, happiness, faith , integrity and work to future generations as those values were transferred to the present generation. The meeting adjourned until 1985 when the Akron alumnae will be the hostesses.


ATTENTION: Province/State Day planners! We would like to publicize your State or Province Day in this special section of 'The Phoenix You can reach all the alumnae in your area by submitting information such as the location, date and time , hostess chapter and contact person two to thre e months in advance. After the event, send a summary of the day's activities and photographs of the participants Please send al l information to : Kim Meyer, Alumnae Editor 8014 Rossman Gulch Road . Morrison . CO 80465

Alpha Sigma Alpha Songs Cassettes available Price: $8.00 each Order from: National Headquarters Recording by Paula Highbaugh, Beta Upsilon

Tulsa Panhel offers scholarship In the spring of 1985, Tulsa Alumnae Panhellenic will award a $1,000 scholarship to a Tulsa-area woman who attends school anywhere other than the University of Tulsa. Final selection is based on grades, campus and sorority activities, an essay and an interview. Applicants were so well qualified last year that a runner-up scholarship for $750 was given. Those interested should request an application from Marilyn Garbee, 49 St. Andrews Circle, Broken Arrow, OK 74011 before the Jan. 31, 1985, deadline. Tulsa Alumnae Panhellenic also awards a $1 ,000 scholarship to a sorority woman attending the University of Tulsa. A new scholarship will be presented for the first time in 1985 to a Tulsa Alumnae Panhellenic member who is returning to school to either complete her studies, pursue a new career or obtain a graduate degree. Funds for these scholarships are provided through an annual poinsettia sale which netted over $3,000 last year. ti * ti

Hymn to Alpha Sigma Alpha Grace Before Meat Alpha Sigma Song Ritual Songs: Star of Bethlehem Initiation Song

Looking for a unique AEA gift?

._-L- IU'IU

. "•lDwl $ 1._ - - - - - ,

, --..S.uJ,.o.&Litld. • .i: IL...i .U

~ ===------==-------:. --- --· ---=

Look no more. Purchase a copy of 'The Years Behind Us: A Supplement. " Send $3 .50 per copy to: Alpha Sigma Alpha National Headquarters 1201 East Walnut Springfield, MO 65802

_....__ , ........._____ °'.""'_."'...... _......._ 8"" '


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FALL 1984


Alumnae Action

Spring blossoms with alumnae activities Indianapolis, Indiana

'A Leap Year Afternoon'

Denver alumnae sent a care package of cookies and other home-baked goodies to Beta Beta Chapter at the University of Northern Colorado.

Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

St. Patrick's Green St. Patrick's Day for Ft. Lauderdale alumnae didn 't particularly mean the " wearing of the green, " but eating green in the salads each member brought and shelling out " green " for the items in a garage sale . This took place in the home of Florence Amtsbuechler Patterson (XX) who went on to offer the huge assortment of remaining items in a sale to the public , with the help of Mary Ellen Jackson Misiaszek (BY) and Elaine Rahaim Fuerst (BD). This sale netted a nice contribution for their convention fund . A I -month-old birthday celebration for Cathy Kauffman Smoot's


FALL 1984

baby, El izabeth Ann , was the excuse for a baby shower at Cathy's home. The unanimous opin ion was that this child was perfect! The work in the kitchen that followed was the prepa ration of chocolate goodies to be sold at the convention boutique. They offered their good wishes to Elaine Fuerst as she returned to Florida to work on another master's degree. They had another meeting before August to say goodby and " God Speed " to Betty Bar inge r Barnes (NN), as she and her husband, B ill , leave for a year on t he Ivory Coast , West Africa . They'll be working in a hospital in Ferkessedougou where Betty will be typing medical reports in French . Quite a challenge!

Members of the Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter met in January in four different areas of the city to make valentines to be given to specia I education classes. Hostesses were Helen Selvage Noblitt (XX), Judy Adams Elder (XX), Barbara Jacobi Smith (XX) and Nancy Stephens Maish (XX). In February, they held " A Leap Year Afternoon, " a gathering of members , husbands and friends , held at the home of Philip B. Solomon , an antique specialist. A wonderful array of refreshments was prepared and served by hostesses Lois Busart Altman (BT), Flo Morris Hayworth (XX), Diana Bishop Chastain (BT) and Pat Darling Mouser (BX). Indianapolis alumnae were treated to the presentation of unique ideas and designs by Dorothy Alphonso, a professional designer/seamstress, in March , hosted by Lura Vermilya (XX) and Cheryl Strahan Sharp (XX). New members Marty Rockwell Ellison (XX) and Carla Voreis Zanini (XX) were initiated the same evening. Indiana State Day was in Elkhart in April. Attending from Indianapolis were Merrilyn Lindley Bass (XX), Linda Wyrick Lineback (XX) and Susan Smale(XX). The May meeting was held at the home of Laura Hutchinson Noel (XX) , assisted by Jana Rodeffer Props (XX). After the meeting, Jim Parham of the Indiana Department of Natural Resources showed slides and discussed Indiana state parks and recreation areas . Newly elected officers for 1984-86 are president , Linda Wyr ick Lineback (XX); vice president, JoAnn Barr Deer (BT); secretary, Rene Rutherford Yonce (BT); treasurer, Susan Smale (XX); and editor, Merrilyn Lindley Bass (XX).


Alumnae Action Muncie, Indiana Catch-up or catsup? Chi Chi collegians attending sum­ mer school were guests of the Mun­ cie alumnae at the home of Carmine Alvey in June. Scruptious hamburg­ ers were specially prepared by the advisor's husband, Terry Schurr, and plenty of salads were devoured by all. This was a time of catching up on who has jobs and those spending the summer in the sun. Arlene Quezon Foster (ZZ) assist­ ed Susan Wall with two papers, "Per­ ceptions in Reciprocal Touching in Relationships" and "Perceptions in Nonreciprocal Touching in Relation­ ships." The papers were presented to the Indiana Psychological Associa­ tion Conference in Indianapolis.

Terre Haute, Indiana Hand-bell choir concert In February, the Terre Haute Alum­ nae held their annual Valentine party with the collegians at the First Con­ gregational Church. The Memorial Methodist Hand-bell Choir presented the program before they all sat down to a lasagne luncheon. Norma Ross, president, was one of the members of the choir. The committee consist­ ed of Wygonda Foltz, Ruth Hoare, Terry Miller, Margaret Tamar and Brenda Scott. Members met for dinner at the Golden Steer in April. Also present at dinner was freshman Tonya Kirk from Lebanon, their first recipient of a scholarship established in memory of Mary Pennington and Carolyn An­ drew. Afterwards, some attended a tour of the Christian Bookstore owned by member Helen Egly. Barb Black and Terry Miller attended the State Day in Elkhart, serving as a member of the nominating commit­ tee and as treasurer, respectively. In May, the alumnae met for din­ ner at Westminister Village. The 1984-85 officers elected were Mrs. Scott, president; Mrs. Hoare, vice president; Ms. Miller, secretary; and Mrs. Black, treasurer. Afterwards member Rachel Davis conducted a tour of her new apartment. In June, they had a carry-in noon luncheon at the home of Rachel Grif­ fith and Othello Stephen. Induction of officers was held as well as a white THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA

elephant auction. Also in June they sold Special Olympics souvenirs on the Indiana State University campus at Mark's Field, with Ms. Miller as chairman of the event. Mrs. Black and Ms. Miller served as alumnae and advisor delegates, respectively, at the national convention.

Emporia, Kansas Special surprises for secret sisters A favorite spring activity for the Emporia, KS, Alumnae Chapter has been picking out special surprises for their secret sisters. Each member filled out a data sheet and then drew the sheet of another member. Throughout the year everyone re­ ceived cards or gifts on birthdays, anniversaries, holidays or down-in­ the-dumps months. Identities were revealed at the last meeting this spring. Emporia's philanthropic project was to raise money for the learning disabled. Kathy Odland Wells (EE) will use the money to purchase edu-

cational games and activities for her learning disabilities classroom in Lebo, KS. Along with the Wichita Alumnae Chapter, the Emporia alumnae at­ tended a rush party given by Epsilon Epsilon Chapter at Emporia State University. The theme was "An Old Fashioned Birthday Party" complete with cake, ice cream, limbo and mu­ sical chairs. Following the rush party both alumnae chapters reunited at the EE informal "Pearl Harbor Get Bombed" party. The room was dec­ orated as a submarine and everyone wore Hawaiian shirts and leis. The last activity of the spring was the annual Senior Salad Supper. Each Epsilon Epsilon senior was ini­ tiated into the alumnae chapter and given a congratulatory rose. New alumnae officers were elected as fol­ lows: President Pan Reed Commons, Vice President Cheryl Goad Sigel, Secretary Kenna Pearson Reeves, Treasurer and Active Advisor Becky Notson Hanson; Editor Kahy Odland Wells, House Manager and Pledge Advisor Joyce Hug Stallbaumer; and Philanthropic Chairman Shelley Hickman.

Emporia and Wichita, KS, alumnae enjoying Epsilon Epsilon's "Pearl Harbor Get Bombed" Party _ (left to right, front)Roth. Karen Burns, DeAnna Koch, (back) Jenalee Jones, Lorri Snyder Perkins, Cindy Seifert and Rene

FALL 1984


== == Al um na e Ac tio n= == = Chicago Metro, Illinois

Cutting , gluing . having fun too! Spring was business as usual for Chicago Metro alumnae. Two meetings were spent cutting and gluing boutique items for conventio n. Beth Zubinski Heidel (rn) provided the site for these creative endeavor s. Their thoughts were with the alums of Kansas City. Knowing well that all work and no play makes Jill a dull girl, Chicago Metro did manage to have a little fun in between work meetings . In March, Nancy Spitze (f{l) gave a tour of a weaving and crafts shop in Chicago . The May meeting found them putting together the final pieces of their boutique items at the home of Debbie Ames Smith (BP). Afterward s, always ready to plan social activities, Chicago Metro set their fall 1984 calendar. Summer activities conclude d with the annual family picnic held at Kathy Mensen Madgiak 's (fQ) fenced-in yard. With all the baby Alpha Sigs in the group, including Linda Barzano Snyder's (fB) new baby, they have to plan for the little ones.

The last meeting of the season was a brunch at the home of Millie C. Loch . After the meeting led by President Harriett L. Ray, fruit plates were sent to Ruth Jean Price, patron, who was not able to attend, and Mildred Jones, a former patron, who has been ill. The meeting was well-atte nded and everyone is looking forward to the fall meetings .

Newark-Zanesville, Ohio

'Still Learni ng' The Newark-Z anesville alumnae have had a good year with meetings held in the homes of Mildred Benson , Ethel Buthrie , Grace Cogswell and Zina Kennecy. Members also enjoyed the usual visits to Hall's in Zanesville and the Country Basket in Dresden . Members keep in touch with two former members , Katherine Spurgeon and Minnie Predmor e, who have moved away. The chapter continues to contribut e to the handicap ped schools in Zanesville and Newark. Their biggest accompli shment for the year was hostessin g State Day at the Ramada Inn North in Columbu s in April.

Boston, Massachusetts

Omaha, Nebraska

Spring blosso ms for Boston alums

Select ions: spring and summ er

The members of the Boston Alumnae Chapter enjoyed their spring luncheon at an historic inn in the greater Boston area . The timing was 路 perfect to coincide with the blossoming of many spring flowering shrubs. Plans are being formulate d to have a reunion for all Alpha Sigs residing in eastern Massachu setts.

Maryville, Missouri

B-l路N路G 路O! In early spring the chapter held its annual bingo party for collegian s. Every year the alumnae meet with them in their chapter room and take snacks and bingo prizes. This is a great way to get better acquainte d. At this time, members also honored 13 seniors and presented each with a gift in recognitio n of their accomplish ments.


FALL 1984

Omaha alumnae were involved again in the support of the national philanthr opic project with their service to the Madonna School 's Special Olympics . This was followed by the April spring luncheon and installation of officers: Jodie Mackinto sh, president ; Jill Karre, vice president ; Mary Kay Monahan , secretary ; Lois Lechner , treasurer ; Jean Butler, panhellenic represent ative; and Becky Loyd , editor. Jean Butler (fH) will serve in her panhellen ic capacity as vice president of the Omaha Alumnae Associati on . A summer couple 's party for July was planned by Mrs. John Ullrich. The afternoon event featured a cookout , swimmin g and volleybal l at the Ullrich summer home at Lake Wakonda . New president , Jodie Mackinto sh (<I><I>), represent ed the Omaha organization at the national conventio n.

Sampling food prepared on a gas grill are Tulsa alums (left to right) Barbie McPherson, Becky Hamby, Helen Malone, Mary Moss (home economist) and Carol Wright.

Cincinnati, Ohio

Ryland Lake family picnic The annual progressi ve dinner for the Cincinna ti alums was held in February at the homes of Shirley Sledz Wakefield (AA), Shirley Pallato Bone (AA), Miriam Hershey Sharp (AA) and Marion lmbery Colgan (BK). Alpha Alpha Chapter's graduatin g seniors were invited to the March meeting held in the home of Melba Fink in Oxford , OH. Four seniors were initiated into alumnae status. They were Karen Wisner, Deborah Mellinger , Mary Jo Casey and Libby Smith. Mary Goeke Backsma n (AA) conducte d the ceremon y. A brunch and short business meeting followed. Several alums attended the Ohio State meeting in Columbu s in April. Evelyn Getter Long (AA) was hostess for their business meeting in May. Before dessert was served, Miriam Hershey Sharp (AA), ritual chairman , installed the officers for the next year. They are Presiden t Shirley Sledz Wakefield (AA), Vice President Dolores Brown de Hamel (BN), Secretary Karen Bader (AA), Treasure r Luanna Roof (AA), Panhellen ic Delegate Mary Backsma n (AA) and Panhellenic Alternate Liz Lohse (BP). The annual family picnic was held at the summer home of Mary Backsman (AA) at Ryland Lake in Kentucky.


==== Alum nae Actio n=== = Tulsa, Oklahoma

Kitchen demonstration In spite of some severe (winter) weather, the Tulsa alums didn't miss a meeting. The fourth Monday evening of each month found them gathered at a friendly get-together, a business meeting and an interesting program . In February, they met at the Oklahoma Natural Gas Company's " kitchen" where a home economist prepared a meal on a gas patio grill. Members took home pages of information on the use and care of gas grills as well as many recipes for easy-to-prepare meals. Helen Hooper Malone (Br) and Lora Patterson Sipes (rr) were the hostesses. The March meeting was in the home of Carol Bitting Carter (Br), assisted by Backy Hockett Hamby (Br). Members were there to learn how color can be used to coordinate with one's natural color to improve their appearance.

Akron, Ohio

Memorial for Rhea Yoder The Akron alumnae were sad dened to hear of the death of Rhea Yoder (rr) this spring in Cal ifornia. She was the oldest living AEA . A gift of $25 was sent to National Headquarters in her memory. At the Akron Panhellenic luncheon held in March at Quaker Square , the Alpha Sigma Alpha alumnae were awarded a beautiful tray as they were the second largest group in attendance. The luncheon benefited the Children 's Home. Next year, two Alpha Sigs will be officers in Panhellenic. Karen Frame Karpinski (rK) will be treasurer and Susan Walk Wright (AA) will be assistant treasurer. At their last meeting , they were happy to welcome a new member, Kim Kasenow .

Dickinson, North Dakota

A star in Dickinson's crown The Dickinson State College alumni and friends gathered on the cam pus in June for a two-day Sprin¡g


Alumni Days celebration that included special honors for three of the graduates. Receiving the Alumni Association Chief Award for 1984 at an honors banquet were three people , including Marjorie Fredrickson (BH) of Minneapolis. Marjorie was a 1949 graduate of Dickinson State College and she has achieved state and regional recogni tion for her work in recreation programs for the city of Minneapolis. The Chief Award is presented to Dickinson State College alumni in recognition of achievements in a profession or career, public service and loyalty to the college and its stu dents. (See related article in Stars in our Crown section .)

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Meet with Gamma Xis for lunch The Pittsburgh alumnae held three luncheon meetings in February at the Brown Derby in Monroeville; in April at Chi Chi's in Greentree ; and in June at Bobby Rubino s in Station Square , Pittsburgh. At the April meeting they were joined by several sisters from Gamma Xi along with Chapter Consultant , Jan Verfurth , who was visiting them at the time.

Richmond alumna Lou Monger steadies her hands to print names on buttercream Easter eggs.

in chocolate . Names were then writ ten on the eggs and flowers with leaves added the finishing touch . An assembly line helped to speed the process. The year culminated with the annual fam ily picnic-good food , fun and fellowship!

Northern Virginia

Active newly organized alums Richmond, Virginia

Chocolate eggs-mmm! Richmond alumnae met in March to fill small baskets with St. Patrick's Day goodies for nursing home patients. Bobette Randolph (Bl) hosted the meeting . Alumna Mary Don Hege, philan thropic chairman , helped with the Chesterfield County Special Olympics. An enthusiastic crew of Epsilon Gamma members , the newly installed VCU chapter, participated in the day's events. April's gathering at the home of Frances Francis (BE) required hours of preparation and work , but proved to be a prosperous money-making project. Alumnae brought home made buttercream Easter eggs to dip

The Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter has been very productive in each of its monthly meetings since November. Since the first organizational meeting , they have elected officers , reviewed policies and procedures and have had several social gatherings. In December, they had a Christmas ornament exchange and in January they went ice skating . Other activities planned for the year were a wine and cheese party, a fundraiser such as a flower sale, yard sale or car wash, collecting clothes for Goodwill , pa rt icipating in Special Olympics and ending spring with a trip to Atlantic City. The chapter also had a cookout in mid-July. At each meet ing they pass around a piggy bank and each member donates any spare change to help with philanthropic projects.

FALL 1984


Say good-by .



The 1982-84 National Council poses for one fast photo before going on to new positions. They are (left to right) Marilyn Garbee, treasurer; now Region 5 director; Helen Malone, who continues as secretary; Rosemary Goss, editor, now national president; Rhetta Robinson, president, now colonies chairman; Marlys White, former executive vice president; Linda Rogers, con tinuing as vice president of alumnae; Sidney Allen, continuing as NPC delegate; MaryAnn Linton, continuing as vice president of development ; Silvana Richardson , vice president of collegians, now ritual chairman; and Rosie Fellin, continuing as headquarters executive. Read about the ne w seven-member council inside this issue. (Photo by Bill Van Pelt)

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