Asa phoenix vol 72 no 2 winter 1987

Page 1

In This Issue Volume 72

Special Issue "It is my dream that our legendary Phoenix will flap its wings vigorously and rise to new heights as our Foundation gets off the ground." -Bonnie Koenemann Foundation chairman

The next six pages are devoted to an exciting new concept for Alpha Sigma Alpha: a Foundation to which gifts are tax-deductible. Run by an independent Board of Trustees, the Foundation, once it is amply f~nded by the generous donations of Alpha Sigma Alpha members and fnends, will support additional scholarships and other educational and charitable purposes. It is truly laying a Foundation for the sorority's future. On the following pages: A letter from National President Rosemary Goss . ... . . . ....... page 3 Profiles of the four Board of Trustee members .... .... . . . . .. . . page 4 Answers to questions about the Foundation . . . ... .. . .. . . ... ·.. page 5 Donation coupons so you can begin your giving now .... ... . . . page 6

* * * *

EDITOR Nancy I. Z. Reese 828 S. Golf Cui de Sac Des Plaines, IL 80016

PHOENIX STAFF Alumnoa Editor Cretla Rowlette 3861 N. Cherry Ln. Kansas City, MO 64116

Collavloto Editor Anne Hlrt Pherson 10517 Drew Ave. S. Bloomington, MN 55-431

Faatur1 Editor Sue Zorlchak Hagen 6690 Athena Way Inver Grove Heights, MN 55075

Hlotorl on Esther Kaufman Gatseos 6659 E. Easlman Ave. Denver, CO 80224



Winter 1987

Number 2

9 International Year of Special Olympics This is a special year for a special organization, benefiting special people. Read about the celebration ceremonies in New York and the plans for the 7th International Games.

10 Two new members join National Council Sandy Brzezinski and Connie Glidewell , former national chairmen and province directors, were elected for the first time to Alpha Sigma Alpha's National Council at the 1986 Denver Convention. They will add t heir expertise to that of the returning members of the 1986-88 National Council.

11 THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA (USPS 430640), an educational journal, Is published In the tall, winter, spring, and summer of each year by the Soror· tty, 1201 East Walnut Street, Springfield, Missouri 65602. The subscription price $1 .50 a year. Produced by Maury Boyd & Assoc iates, Indianapolis, IN 46266. Member, College Fratern ity Editors Assoc iation. Send change of address and business correspondence to Alpha Sigma Alpha National Headquarters , 1201 East Walnut St., Springfield, Missouri 65602. Ad· dress all correspondence of an ed itorial nature to the editor, Nancy I. Z. Reese, 828 S. Golf Cui de Sac, Des Plaines, IL 80016. ARTICLES are Invited for publication In this journal. Manuscri pts should be submitted to the editorial staff for consideration. Acceptances are on a contributing basis only and subject to editorial review. Art I· cles published are the personal express ions of the authors and do not necessarily rep resent the policies of AtA.

Seven members win 1988 Individual awards Dr. Gerry Cox, only the fourth member to win the Recognition of Eminence Award in the sorority's history, leads the list of seven alumnae and collegians who were honored at the 1986 convention with individual recognition for their contributions to community, school and sorority.

Second-class poatage paid at Spri ngfield, Mlasourl, ond at additional maili ng oftlcea.


Poatmaotar. Sand add,... changao to THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA, 1201 Eut Walnut St., Sprlngllald, Ml11ourl 15802.

15 .. .. .... Stars In Our Crown 17 ••••..••. Collegiate Corner


SIGMA ALPHA FOUNDA ARSHIP * AEA *LEADERSHIP* AEA *PHILANTHROPY* Al.:A *SCHOLARSHIP* Al.:A *LEAD I PHILANTHROPY* AEA *SCHOLARSHIP* AEA *ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA FOUNDATION* ALPHA FO GROUPj NITI Dear Sisters of Alpha Sigma Alpha, FOUNDA ARS ~:\*LEAD PHI The Alpha Sigma Alpha Foundation is a reality! The Foundation , a dream N *ALPHA F O of many Alpha Sigma Alphas for years, is a great step forward for the GROUP -1 NIT sorority. FOUNDA ARS · PHI FO N ITI ARS PHI FO I NITI ARS · PHI . FO l NITI ARS :PHI . FO iNITI 1ARS r PHI ~ FO INITI 1ARS r PHI I FO iNITI ,ARS r PHI ~ FO iN ITI

Foundation money will be kept as an endowment and the accruing interest !:.-\*LEAD will be used for scholarships , charitable endeavors, and educational N *ALPHA purposes such as leadership development . Of course , it will take some time GROUP 1 to build the foundation endowment so that enough interest will be available FO UN DA to begin the above mentioned programs, but the faster the money accumulates, the sooner we will be able to see benefits from the foundation . There are still questions to be answered. Some have asked about the status of the Development Fund. This will be decided by the Nat i onal Council during the summer council meeting. Others have asked if the Philanthropic Fund will be combined with the Foundation. This wil l not occur in the near future because of Internal Revenue Service stipulations regarding annual contributions as compared to the interest income .



The IRS will monitor the Foundation for several years to determine if we have a "broad base of support" from our members. Therefore , it is extremely important that large numbers of Alpha Sigma Alphas make GROUP ~ contributions to the foundation. In fact, the number of contributions is as FOUNDA important as the amount of the contributions . A recent graduate or an older sister on a fixed i ncome who makes a small contribut i on is just as important EA *LEAD as one who can afford to make a very generous one. N *ALPHA The Alpha Sigma Alpha Foundation is an investment in the future of our sorority. To build a strong tomorrow , begin today by s ending your annual , tax-deductible contribution to the Alpha Sigma Alpha Foundation .


N *ALPHA GROUP · FOUNDt . f.-? / } l~ . /~•J.LH-X'i (! ·u l c' <=..:. .1'-J(\ ..1..__. ~A* LEAD N *ALPHA Rosemary Car ucci Goss GROUP National President FOUNDt br.l"'"""'~"'''""l'"""'!"'"T"'f~rTJ::"'rJ"'C:!"CC'T'ITT""~T":l:"'f71=1'T~~n:r'D'T,.'t""':l:"T~"'T~'I"'':r'mLn~mtr:*~ ..\ ~ A L EA0 r PHILAN THROPY* AEA *SCHOLARSHIP* AEA *ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA FOUNDATION* ALPHA ' Tfe.Q~~iJlQ>~!1 cM ~~~ IALS * AEA *BEQUESTS* AEA *IN DIVIDUAL \f:lmm\ 987G:B OUP ~NITION * AEA *ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA FOUNDATION* ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA FOUNDJ .ARSHIP * AEA *LEADERSHIP* AEA *PHILANTHROPY* AEA *SCHOLARSHIP* AEA *LEAD Sincerely in Alp ha S i gma Alpha ,



Special Issue

Laying the Poundation Board named to run new Foundation by Diane James Vice President of Finance A dream has been realized, and Alpha Sigma Alpha has taken a giant step forward. Alpha Sigma Alpha has joined the ranks of many national fraternities and sororities who have established foundations in recent years. Alpha Sigma Alpha Foundation was incorporated in the State of Missouri as a not for profit corporation under the Internal Revenue Service Code section 501 (cX3) . The Foundation was organized to promote and support education, educational aims and educational institutions and to foster excellence through scholarships. The establishment of the Foundation has not been an easy job, and it is with great pleasure that we announce the members and officers of the Board of Trustees of the Alpha Sigma Alpha Foundation.

B ON NIE PA YNE KO ENEM ANN, chairman of the Foundation , is a Zeta Zeta who graduated with a BS in education from Central State University at Warrensburg , MO . She is retired after teaching business education for 17 years. Bonnie is active in the St. Louis Alumnae Chapter and has held the offices of treasurer , secretary, vice president and president. On the National level, Bonnie was fellowship and philanthropic chairman from 1961-64, editor from 1964-70 and Trea surer from 1970-72. Bonnie states that one of the highlights of her sorority life was receiving the Evelyn Bell Award at the 1984 National Convention in Kansas City, MO. As in4


Members of the newly formed Alpha Sigma Alpha Foundation are, seated from left, Judy Winter, Bonnie Koenemann , Dr. S. June Smith and, standing right, Lois Beers. Ex-officio members are, standing left and center, Rosemary Goss and Diane James.

valved as Bonnie has been with her soror ity work, she has not restricted her activities to Alpha Sigma Alpha. Bonnie is treasurer of Adelphai Diakonais, a women's group at her church . She is a chairman of Helping Hands Committee and also serves as a member of the Board of Church Growth at King of Kings Lutheran Church. Bonnie and her husband Stuart are parents of three sons and grandparents to three grandsons. Bonnie and her husband make their home in Chesterfield, MO, where Bonnie is Trustee and Treasurer of the Green Trails Estates Subdiv ision. -R -R


Bonnie Koenemann


4A SIGMA ALPHA FOUNDATION* MEMORIALS* AL.A *BEQUESTS* AL.A *INDIVIDUAL* u.: \11 ~RECOGNITION* AEA *ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA FOUNDATION* ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA FOUND, .ARSHIP * AEA * LEADERSHIR AEA * P !i~ N j !iBOPY * AL.A *SCHOLARSHIP* AL.A *LEAD t PHILANTHROPY* AEA * SCH GJtlf• JH>St.JeMA ALPHA FOUNDATION* ALPHA ~ FOUNDATION* MEMORI ,, *INDIVIDUAL* AL.A *GROUP ;NITION AEA* ALPHA Sl ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA FOUNDt ARSHIP * AEA *LEADERSHIP* AI:A *PHILANTHROPY* ALA* SCHOLARSHIP* A~A *LEAD t PHILANTHR ~ Sl A NDATION *ALPHA \ FOUNDAT . . ,NITION * AEA * ~ ARSHIP*AE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SHIP*ALA *LEAD ~PHILANTHROPY* AEA *SCHOLARSHIP* AEA *ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA FOUNDATION* ALPHA ~ F •GROUP Q: What is the ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA 501(c)(3) as an organization that is oper· F 0 UN 0 t FOUNDATION? ated exclusively for charitable and educaL.A•LEAD tional purposes. A: The ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA FOUNDATION is a not-for-profit corporation incorporated N *ALPHA Q: May I send a contribution to the in the State of Missouri. The purpose and FOUNDATION as a memorial? *GROUP objectives are educational , literary and A: Yes. Memorial gifts are a loving tribute and FOUNDt charitable. deeply appreciated by families and friends l.:A *LEAD Q: Who oversees the work of the of the individual so honored. Please FOUNDATION? include the information shown on the cou· N * ALPHJ'l A: Six trustees compose the FOUNDATION pon on page 7. *GROUP Board of Trustees. Four are elected and Q: May 1honor a living person through a gift FOUNDJ serve three year terms and two serve as to the FOUNDATION? EA * LEAC ex-officio members by virtue of their A: Yes. Recognition gifts honor special National Council positions of Alpha Sigma friends as well as new pledges and initi· N * ALPHt ates, new arrivals to a family, graduating Alpha National President and the National *GROUP Vice President of Finance. seniors and others. Please give the same FOUNDJ Q: How does the FOUNDATION obtain funds? information as for a memorial gift, except A: Through tax-deductible gifts from Alpha use "In honor of." Here too, as with all 'LA* LEAC Sigma Alpha members and their families memorial gifts, a card is sent. N * ALPHt Q: Does the FOUNDATION qualify for and friends and from collegiate and alum· *GROUP nae chapters. matching funds from a corporation? FOUNDJ Q: How many persons are employed by the A: Yes. Companies with a " matching gift" FOUNDATION? program may send a contribution to the 'LA* LEAC A: The FOUNDATION has no full-time em· FOUNDATION. Some companies specify N * ALPHt which types of organizations they will ployees. The officers and trustees of the *GROUP FOUNDATION donate their time. Some match funds. Contributions should obtain administrative and clerical services are the appropriate form from their employer FOUNDi provided by staff members of Alpha Sigma and follow procedures listed. 'LA* LEA[ Alpha National Headquarters and the Q: May 1make provision in my will for a N * ALPHt FOUNDATION reimburses the sorority for bequest or gift of securities, insurance these services. policy, real estate, or personal property to *GROUP Q: What are the future plans of the the FOUNDATION? FOUNDJ FOUNDATION? A: YES! By all means. For further information, .'LA* LEA[ A: The immediate plan is to increase the write Alpha Sigma Alpha Foundation, 1201 N * ALPHJ endowment of the FOUNDATION as soon East Walnut, Springfield, MO 65802. as possible so that the FOUNDATION: Q: May active and alumnae chapters *GROUP 1. Will be able to underwrite many more contribute to the FOUNDATION? FOUNDj educational projects, such as A: Yes. Active and alumnae chapters may I:A *LEA[ workshops and seminars; make contributions to the FOUNDATION '* PHI 2. Can provide more and larger and may want to include this as part of N * ALPHJ scholarships for graduate and their annual budget. G R0 U p ~ F undergraduate studies; and :G N 1T 3. can support the philanthropic goals of Q: Are there contribution categories for the F 0 UN 0 , LAR the sorority. FOUNDATION? I: A* LEA[ *PHI Q: Are gifts to the FOUNDATION deductible A: Ye~pt~~~;~e as follows: $1,000 to 9,999 N * ALPHJ for income tax purposes? $100 to $499 $10,000 and up G 0 Up



A. F


The FOUNDATION was established under

$500 to $999




Special Issue

F oundation Board DR. S. JUNE SMITH, vice chairman, is a Kappa Kappa. She graduated from Temple University with a B.S., Columbia University with an M.A. and the Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA with her Ed.D. Her professional experiences include kindergarten teacher, elementary assistant, teacher training and college instructor and director of special education in Lancaster County Schools. Dr. Smith was an outstanding contributor to special education programs in Pennsylvania, establishing programs for exceptional children in Lancaster County. Her volunteer activities have included past president of the Association of American University Women , Lancaster Health and Wei-

fare Board of Trustees, Hearing Center Association Board and Pennsylvania Association for the Education of the Gifted. Since June's retirement to Florida she has been active as a volunteer on the Board of Directors of Citrus County Rape and Abuse Center, a United Way volunteer and a volunteer for the Key Training School for the Retarded. June has served as vice president and president and is now the current scholarship chairman of the Beverly Hills Community Church and is also involved with the Older American Council of Citrus County. Dr. Smith celebrated her 50th year in Alpha Sigma Alpha at the Diamond Jubilee Convention in 1976 in Williamsburg , Virginia. Even thbugh Dr.

JUDY DEMASTERS WINTER, secretary, is a Zeta Zeta who earned a bachelor of science degree in education from Central Missouri State University and earned post-graduate credits at Indiana State University. She is a former vocational home economics teacher. Judy has served on the national level of Alpha Sigma Alpha as philanthropic chairman, vice president of alumnae and archives chairman. She was pledge advisor to Beta Upsilon Chapter at Indiana State University. Due to her husband's job transfers, Judy has been a member of four dif-

ferent alumnae chapters. She is now a member of the Greater Kansas City Alumnae Chapter. Judy is deacon of First Presbyterian Church, Independence, MO, and a member of the Independence Pioneers Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution. Her husband, Weldon, recently retired and they continue to enjoy traveling, biking and golf and their two grandchildren. Their son, David, is a member of Sigma Pi fraternity and their daughter-in-law is a member of Alpha Sigma Alpha 's Beta Sigma Chapter.

LOIS V. BEERS, treasurer, is a Beta Gamma from Northeastern State University at Tahlequah, OK. Lois served her college chapter as chaplain and graduated in 1941 with a B.S. in education in home economics. Lois taught school for one year and in 1947 started a 37-year career with Phillips Petroleum Company, first in Bartlesville, OK, and then in Washington, D .C. Lois helped organize and was a member of Alpha Sigma Alpha alumnae chapters in Muskogee and Bartlesville, OK. Lois has now been a mem-

ber of the Washington, D.C., Alumnae Chapter for the past 17 years. An active member of the Eldbrooke United Methodist Church, Lois is a member of the staff parish relations committee, administrative council and the United Methodist Women's Society. Lois is also the church representative and volunteer worker for lana House, a senior citizen service organization. In her spare time Lois enjoys sewing, volunteer work and traveling. * *


WI TER 1987

Continued {rom page 4

Dr. S. June Smith

Smith has a very busy schedule, she tries to find time to enjoy her favorite past-time of golf.




-----------------, I I Enclosed please find my tax deductible contribution I I Please make checks payable to Alpha Sigma Alpha Foundation I 0 $100 0 $500 0 Other (specify),_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 0 $50 I 0 Check if your employer has a matching charitable gift program NAME: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ MAIDEN NAME: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ COLLEGE C H A P T E R : - - - - - - - - - - ADDRESS: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ C I T Y : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - STATE: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ZIP: _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Mail to AEA Foundation , 1201 East Walnut, Springfield , MO 65802

ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA FOUNDATION - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Enclosed please find my tax deductible contribution Please make checks payable to Alpha Sigma Alpha Foundation 0 $50

0 $100

0 $500

0 Other (specify), _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

NAME OF PRESIDENT: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ ADDRESS: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ CITY: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ STATE: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ZIP: _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Mail to AEA Foundation , 1201 East Walnut, Springfield , MO 65802

-----------------------------------------------------~ --------

ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA FOUNDATION - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .

Enclosed please find my tax deductible contribution Please make checks payable to Alpha Sigma Alpha Foundation 0 $100 0 $500 0 Other (speci fy),_ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ __ 0 $50 -------------MAIDEN:

CHAPTER: _ _ _ __

DONOR: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ ADDRESS: - - - - - - - - - CITY: _ _ _ __;_____ _ _ _ STATE: _ _ _ __ _ _ ZIP: _ __ N O T I F Y : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --

- - - - --



A D D R E S S : - - - - - - - - - C I T Y : - - - - - - - - - STATE: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ZIP: _ __ Mail to AEA Foundation, 1201 East Walnut , Springfield , MO 65802

I L-----------------------------------------------------~ THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA



Special Issue







Special Olympics==== International year of Special Olympics begins There were celebrities galore gathered at the United Nations in New York City one balmy September day. There was also a proud band of young heroes whose names may never be household words, but whose energy and determination were inspiring. On this day, the known and the unknown marched in unity, as they came to launch the International Year of Special Olympics and celebrate the 14th Annual Special Olympics Sports Awards Luncheon, honoring individuals for outstanding service to persons with mental retardation. As the wind blowing off the East River whipped up the flags of 65 nations, the parade of Special Olympian flag bearers was led up First Avenue by a distinguished group of world-class athletes . There was Willie Banks, world record-holder in the triple jump; Ed Burke, the official flag bearer at the 1984 Olympic Games in Los Angeles; four-time Olympian Mac Wilkins; and Olympic gold medalists Walter McCoy, Ron Freeman and Don Paige. These champions, and the Special Olympics athletes who marched proudly with them, sported their Olympic uniforms and gold medals, while children from the United Nations International School, dressed in the colorful national dress of the 65 countries with Special Olympics programs, joined in the march. Stepping smartly to the rhythm of the U.S. Army Band, the parade wound its way toward the reviewing stand on the United Nations Esplanade. There NBA basketball star Manute Bol, actor and bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger and Christopher " Superman " Reeve joined Sargent and Eunice THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA

Body-builder Arnold Schwarzenegger, center, gives a Special Olympian some help with fle xing his muscles during activities surrounding ceremonies to launch the International Year of Special Olympics in New York.

Kennedy Shriver, president and chairman of Special Olympics respectively, and the ambassadors from France, Canada and the United States, representing the nations that participated in the first Special Olympics Games in 1968. A blue and gold banner proclaimed the day's theme , "Special Olympics Uniting the World," to the crowd of celebrities, ambassadors and award-winners gathered on the Espalanade. Within moments, the Special Olympics torch was transported to the stage by a relay of athletes. Assisted by Schwarzenegger and Bol , two Special Olympics athletes lit a cauldron to ignite the " Flame of Hope," and Eunice Kennedy Shriver declared the "International Year of Special Olympics." As the world's largest program of year-round sports training and athletic competition for persons with mental retardation, Special Olympics has captured not only the attention, but also the heartfelt commitment of athletes, entertainers, authors and heads of state and industry worldwide. These and many others have come to appreci-

ate the joy and achievements of persons with mental retardation through Special Olympics. Spec'al Olympics holds its annual Sports Awards Luncheon to honor winners in 10 categories who have demonstrated outstanding service to persons with mental retardation. As the organization combs its one million athletes, 500,000 volunteers and thousands of sponsors and supporters to find the Outstanding Athlete , Coach, Volunteer, Writer, Organization, Broadcaster, Photographer, School System, Special Olympian and Family, it not only produces winners, but also discovers just how extraordinary their accomplishments are. It was appropriate that these and the 11 other 1986 winners gathered at the United Nations and even more fitting that they helped launch the International Year of Special Olympics. Special Olympics has enjoyed phenomenal growth since being founded by Eunice Kennedy Shriver and the Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. Foundation in 1968. That year, 1,000 athletes from the United States, Canada and France competed in the first Special Olympics track meet in Chicago . Today there are Special Olympics programs in 20,000 U.S. communities and 65 countries. Next summer, over 4,500 athletes from around the world will compete in the 7th International Summer Special Olympics Games, opening Aug. 2 at University 路of Notre Dame and St. Mary's College in South Bend, IN. The international contingent will include first-time delegations from China, Austria, Portugal and Yugoslavia. Special Olympics: The known and the unknown dedicating their time and talent, and most of all their hearts, to bring the benefits of sports training and competition to persons with mental retardation. * * * WINTER 1987


The new faces on National Council Vice President of Alumnae

The AI:A National Council position of vice president of alumnae will be held for the next biennium by Sandy Phillips Brzezinski , Gamma Epsilon. An active member of the Milwaukee Alumnae Chapter, she served a term as the Milwaukee Area Panhellenic president. National-level positions include housing chairman, constitution chairman and alumnae province director. Sandy is working toward a master's degree at the University of Wisconsin in the area of curriculum and instruction with an emphasis in reading. Graduation is scheduled for May 1987. She has taught English, speech and reading at the high school level and is a reading coordinator for Muskego High School. Community involvement includes working with her church RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults), helping with Boy Scouts and participating on the committee for the parish school. She is a member of Phi Delta Kappa, a professional educators fraternity; National Council of Teachers of English; International Reading Association and the Wisconsin State Reading Association. Sandy was selected as one of the Outstanding Young Women in America for 1984 in recognition of outstanding achievements in the home, community and profession. She and her husband Wayne have one son. Other areas of interest include camping reading, needlework and hiking . Sandy also holds a real estate license. Alpha Sigma Alpha continues to be an important part of her activities. " Alpha Sigma Alpha has made a very important contribution to my life and by being on National Council , I hope to pay back some of what I have received, " she says. * * * 10


Sworn in during ceremonies at the 1986 Denver Convention were members of the 1986-88 National Council. They are, front left to right, Vice President of Development MaryAnn Wenzel, Vice President of Program Paula Foreman, President Rosemary Goss, Secretary Conme Glidewell; back left to right, Vice President of Finance Diane James, Vice President of Alumnae Sandra Brzezinski and Vice President of Collegians Marilyn Stratton.

Secretary Connie Peyton Glidewell , Zeta Zeta, has been elected national secretary for the 1986-88 biennium . Connie is a member of the Greater Kansas City Alumnae Chapter and has been involved with various positions at the national level. She has been a field representative , collegiate province director and constitution chairman. Connie completed her bachelor's degree in vocational home economics at Central Missouri State University, where she is continuing her education. Graduate work on a master's degree in home economics is scheduled for completion this summer. Connie is an instructor of vocational home economics at the high school level. Community activities and profes-

sional organizations also hold an interest for Connie, who is married. She's a Girl Scout day camp leader, an advisor for Future Hom emakers of America and serves as vice president of programs for the American Association of University Women. She holds memberships in the American Home Economics Association , the Missouri Vocational Association , the Missouri Home Economics Teachers Association and the Missouri State Teachers Association . Connie 's dedication to sorority achievements has certainly been displayed. "Collegiate involvement is the beginning of sorority life. The true benefits come from a life time of involvement and commitment to your sisters and the national organization," she says.* * * THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA

1986 Awards Gerry Cox wins unique AEA award Dr. Geraldine V. Cox, Nu Nu, has become only the fourth member to receive Alpha Sigma Alpha ' s Recognition of Em i nence Award since the award was founded in 1952 to honor those alumnae members whose professional or community achievements have attracted attention outside the sorority. Nominated by the Washington, D .C., Alumnae Chapter, Gerry was presented the award during the 1986 National Convention in Denver. As vice president and technical director of the Chemical Manufacturers Association in Washington , D.C., since 1979, Gerry has appeared on numerous television and radio programs (see box below), given interviews for newspaper and magazine articles and testified before Congressional committees. Prior to her current job, Gerry was an environmental scientist with the American Petroleum Institute from 1977-79 and White House Fellow and special assistant to the U.S. Secretary of Labor from September 1976-77. She has written over 30 professional articles and publications. If there has been a major chemical accident somewhere in the world , you are likely to see Gerry Cox on television or hear her on the radio as the representative of the chemical industry. TV shows she has appeared on include: Good Morning Today Show America Nightline Nightwatch NBC News CBS News Crossfire Saturday C-Span Newsmakers Canadian CNN News Broadcast Network



Gerry Cox smiles after receiving the Recognition of Eminence Award from Na tional President Rosemary Goss, left, during the White Luncheon at the 1986 Denver Convention.

Gerry received her education at Drexel University in Philadelphia. While there, she completed a bachelor's degree in biology in 1966, master's degree in environmental science in 1967 and doctorate in environmental science in 1970. Her involvement with Alpha Sigma Alpha began at Drexel, where she was president and later advisor of Nu Nu Chapter. Since then she has made 2 significant contribution on the national level as well , holding the offices of province director, executive vice president, chairman of advisors and development committee chairman . She has been a member of the Washington , D.C., Alumnae Chapter since 1976. Gerry is an active member in various professional organizations, including the American Association of Engineering Societies, American Chemical Society, American National Standards Institute, American Society for Testing and Materials, Society of Women Engineers and Federation of Organization for Professional Women of which she was president from

1982-85. In addition, she has served on numerous advisory panels. Current

assignments include the Association of American Railroads , Chemical Manufacturers Association joint committee on railway safety , Environmental Studies Institute advisory committee, National Women's Economic Alliance Foundation advisory committee and U.S. Coast Guard chemical transportation advisory committee . Alpha Sigma Alpha 's Recognition of Eminence Award is just one of the many honors received by Gerry. She has also been honored as the Drexel University engineering alumni of the year, 1986; one of 50 outstanding women in Washington , D.C. , as chosen by the readers of The Washington Woman magazine, 1986; Society of Women Eng i neers engineering achievement award, 1984; Drexel University outstanding alumna award; 1977; Rhode Island Governor's Citation, 1975; one of 10 Outstanding Young Women of America , 1975; and numerous Who's Who publications. Gerry is married and lives in Arlington , VA , with her husband Walter. * * *



1986 Awards====

Helen McGuire, right, was awarded the Wilma Wilson Sharp award by former National Vice President of Alumnae Linda Rogers.

Marlys Wh ite, center, was awarded the Helen L. Corey award by Helen Corey, left, and a former winner, Edith Wolf.

Marilyn Garbee, left, accepted the Evelyn G. Bell award from former National Treasurer and Editor Bonnie Koenemann.

Wilma Wilson Sharp

paign, as well as Saturday Forum chairman, assistant gift shop chairman and board member of the Women's City Club. Helen and her husband -have several grown children. "The intrinsic rewards I receive from my involvement in sorority, professional, community activities, and may I please include my family, all are stated in the Alpha Sigma Alpha Creed. I am still in love with the creed of AEA-it says it all-and I reflect on it often. " 1:< 1:<

tion judge and helping with her daughter's soccer team and Girl Scout activities. A B.A. in speech pathology and communication from the University of Northern Colorado provided her with a solid basis for her 20 years as a speech and language specialist for the Denver area elementary school system. She then served as an elementary special education coordinator for one and a half years and recently began a new position as an elementary school principal. Interests include aerobics, skiing, mountain climbing, traveling and needlepoint. A special interest lies with coordinating and presenting workshops for professional groups. This ranges from Panhellenic groups , community groups and state and national conventions. Maryls and her husband Dennis have two children. 1:< 1:<

Helen L. McGuire is the recipient of the Wilma Wilson Sharp award for 1986. As a member of the Greater Kansas City Alumnae Chapter, Helen has been an active participant, holding almost every office. In 1984, she served as the co-chairman of the National Convention in Kansas City. Helen completed her bachelor's degree in home economics and social science from Central State University where she was a Zeta Zeta. She has continued to remain involved with collegiate activities by assisting Zeta Zeta and Gamma Pi chapters with rush parties. Helen has been a classroom instructor for five years and a substitute instructor six years. A particular interest lies in teaching microwave and craft classes. Community activities and professional organizat ions she has served include 10 years as secretary for the American Association of Un iversity Wom en and as a member of Homemakers in Home Economics. She also has held the position of cook book chairman , served as a six-year board member and a four -year St. Mary Gala Committee member for St. Mary Auxiliary Hospital. Other activities include the Altar Society at Christ the King Church, coordinator for the United Cam12



Helen L. Corey The third recipient of the Helen

L. Corey Award , honoring involvement in national conventions, is Marlys White. A Beta Beta and member of the Denver Alumnae Chapter, Marlys has served as secretary, vice president and president. She also has devoted much time and attention to Alpha Sigma Alpha at a national level. She was chairman of colonies for six years, ritual chairman for two years, vice pres i dent of alumnae f or four years and executive vice president for two years. She is now serving as the chairman of advisors. A long-time Colorado resident, Marlys has been involved with several community projects. These include a recycling project for her neighborhood, serving as an elec-


Evelyn G. Bell Recognition of sorority loyalty and commitment is given to Marilyn Garbee, Beta Sigma, the 1986 recipient of the Evelyn G. Bell Award . After receiving a B .S. in education from Southwest Missouri State University, Marilyn began her alumna involvement with the


1986 Awards Frost Fidelity Along with the honors bestowed on her by Beta Sigma Chapter, Frost Fidelity Award recipient Rita Shepard also was chosen outstanding chapter president, as voted by other Southwest Missouri State sororities and the Panhellenic council. Described as an excellent example-setter for the chapter, she also was named outstanding freshman and junior, and was BE's 1983 Ideal Pledge nominee. "She is selfconfident and strives for the best in the chapter and for herself and encourages others to do the same," says BE Tracy Saylor. This self-confidence enabled her to offer constructive criticism when needed, as well as praise. Rita enjoyed working within the sorority not only for the chapter good, but for a personal learning experience as well. While president, she established a new point system for the 1985 school year, which is reported to be working well. She also helped the treasurer straighten out the budget and the books and organized an officer transition retreat. One of her goals as president was to work closely with chapter officers to raise BE's efficiency rating. In addition, Rita worked with the university to establish a recognized housing council, so sorority and fraternity house members could voice opinions on housing and community concerns. "One of the main things Rita did for the chapter was lift morale," says another member. When members were down in the dumps, Rita would bake goodies to cheer them, send them flowers or send a note and talk to them about it. Along with her support of Special Olympics, Rita helped with Springfield's annual phone-a-thons for the Muscular Dystrophy Association, food drives and collections for the underprivileged. In addition to chapter president in 1985, Rita was secretary in 1984 and pledge "sunshine." She held memberships in Rho Lambda and THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA

Order of Omega Greek honor socie路 ties; the Student Missouri State Teacher's Association; and International Reading Association. * * *

Ideal Pledge In naming Lisa O'Neill its Ideal Pledge, Nu Nu Chapter explains that Lisa exemplifies the ideal pledge for any sorority. Through her activities, academics and attitude, Lisa has become a recog路 nized and respected member of Alpha Sigma Alpha and the Drexel University Greek system. At Drexel, the sororities conduct rush formally in October and informally in March. Lisa pledged Nu Nu her pre-junior year (third of a five-year program) in spring 1985. A commerce and engineering major, her grades went up during her pledgeship. "While some sisters let pledging falter their academics," one chapter member comments, "Lisa used it as an incentive." President of her pledge class, Lisa instilled a spirit in her fellow pledges that made them a very active and committed group. During that time, the chapter itself was in a bit of a slump, according to one member, but after seeing how enthusiastic and motivated the pledges were, the membership improved itself. Lisa and her pledge sisters were always visible around campus, providing a good image for AEA. She organized several fund -raisers that allowed the group to have a barbeque for the chapter, have big sis/ little sis parties and to purchase lavalieres for the big sisters and a special present for their membership director. In addition to her work with the social and financial aspects of pledging, Lisa also was active with the philanthropic and educational requirements. She participated in the Special Olympics Eastern Pennsylvania regional track and field event, held in Philadelphia in the spring. As part of the security

force, she made sure that all went smoothly and that no one got hurt or lost. While Lisa was busy fulfilling her responsibilities and obligations to AEA and her studies, she also was involved in many other activities. As a pledge, Lisa was a resident advisor for one of Drexel's dormitories. In addition to her supervisory and counseling role, she aided in the selection of the RAs for the 1986-87 school year. She also was elected as a residential staff representative for Drexel's House Council. Through her RA work, Lisa became involved in the Substance Abuse Program, and also is one of NN's representatives to Drexel's Substance Abuse Committee. Lisa is on the academic dean's list with first honors, and has been selected to Key and Triangle, Drexel's honor society for women. In addition, she is a member of the Society for the Advancement of Management and the American Production and Inventory Control Society. According to Annette Lark of NN, Lisa was a pledge who exemplified all the aims of the sorority. Intellectually she excels, and she counsels and tutors others to do the same. Spiritually Lisa motivated not only her pledge class but the active members as well, to be the best they can for the sorority and for Drexel. Socially, she is loved by all and has been an exemplary sorority woman and has maintained this image throughout the campus. Besides being active with Greek Games and inter-sorority sports, Lisa has been a player for the Drexel Varsity Lacrosse team for three years. (The team's season happens to be in the spring, during which time Lisa was pledging.) Since her initiation May 1985, Lisa has been elected vice president of the chapter and vice president of Drexel's Panhellenic council. * *




====1986 Awards==== Elizabeth Bird Small A quote on the nominee form for the Elizabeth Bird Small award reads, "Leadership is needed in every walk of life, and Alpha Sigma Alpha urges development in every possible manner on the campus and in the community." Marian McCormick's grades and leadership feats in the sorority, on campus and in the community earned the AN-B this year's award. A 1986 graduate of the GMI Engineering and Management Institute, Marian's college accomplishments read like a who's who listing, for several people. She left her mark at AN-B as standards board chairman, 10th anniversary planning committee chairman, Greek assembly representative, Panhellenic representative, chapter secretary, pledge class president and retreat planning committee chairman. Active in the campus organizations as well, she belonged to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and served as chairman of the student chapter, design contest co-chair, speaker and tours coordinator and delegate to the regional student conference; the Greek assembly, on which she was rush committee chairman, freshman Greek orientation committee, student orientation committeeGreek policy committee chairman and all-Greek forum attendee; the operations council , for which she was annual publications chairman, club information committee and ACUI conference attendee ; and president and treasurer of the Panhellenic council. She also was on the special events council and served as talent show coordinator and GMTE play lighting chairman ; was student co-chair of the student/faculty rela tions committee; and was information chairman , tour group leader and SOC buddy for the student ori entation committee. " Marian is outstanding in personality and character ," says A -B Dana DePree. " Even if she had a lot to do, she always was 14

WI NTER 1987

willing to take time out to tutor the younger members of the chapter. She also was almost always the first to volunteer for events. " Marian graduated with high grades from the rigorous school and took with her a number of honors and recognitions. Along with her scholarships (Michigan State Competitive Scholarship, PSAT and SAT finalist and Michigan Society of Professional Engineers Scholarship) she was named to the dean's list and given the chapter's most active pledge award. She was a member of the freshman honor society; the mechanical engineering honor society; treasurer of the Robot Society, which is the leadership honor society for the top 1 percent of students on campus; and attended the national convention of Tau Beta Pi engineering honor society. She also was chosen - as most outstanding student for her GM sponsoring plant and was named a Sobey Scholar, one of the highest forms of recognition a GMI student can receive. It's based on involvement in both extracurricular activities and on scholarship. Marian was responsible for single-handedly creating and carrying out the ASME design contest at the school and began a program for freshman orientation to Greek life. Her community involvement included assisting in the fund-raisers for the American Lung Association; Flint's city sweep; as race official for the Motor City Striders; assisted in the fund-raiser for the Flushing senior citizens; was a member of the Engineering Society of Detroit; volunteered at the state Special Olympics competition ; and was a member of the local Catholic church . "Marian's high grades and great commitment to the sorority and to extracurricular activities are almost unparalleled by any other student at GMI," concludes DePree. 1.r 1.r


Bell Award Continued {rom page 12 Springfield Alumnae Chapter with which she served a term in nearly every office. She was a Panhellenic delegate and treasurer of the Beta Sigma Housing Corporation for 10 years. Working at National Headquarters for five years gave her first-hand knowledge of sorority activity, for she worked on everything from treasury reports, magazine processing and key punching name/address changes on newsletters and mailings. After moving to Tulsa, she not only became an active Tulsa Alumnae member but became involved at the national level as well. She served as the housing chairman, the treasurer for six years and as the executive vice president, in which she supP.rvised province directors and was instrumental in establishing the chapter enrichment programming. She currently holds the positions of alumnae province director and cookbook chairman. Marilyn also is active in her community. She belongs to the women's group at church and is the Alpha Sigma Alpha board member to Tulsa's Alumnae Panhellenic . She just finished her term as president and is now the director of procedure. In addition, she is the secretary for the Equipment Rental Dealers Association, a professional group. She has devoted much time to the Assistance League of Tulsa , a volunteer service organization that assists the Tulsa school system , sponsors bingo games for area nursing homes and sponsors foreign student programs with local families. Marilyn's career has focused on accounting and bookkeeping. She and her husband own and operate an equipment rental business and amid the time spent with that, she has made a firm commitment to daily aerobics. She also enjoys skiing and traveling with her husband . They have two grown children. 1.r 1.r



Stars In Our Crown Alpha Donna Andes, chapter secretary , chaplain, awarded Laura Mae Bernard and Ms. McCreary scholarships, in· terning at Leggett Hospital; Teresa Bunn, Panhellenic delegate , Panhel· lenic Council rush chairman, Miss Vir· ginia Charm Pageant, Best Pledge Award, vice president of pledge class; Beth Copeland, chapter projects chairperson , publicity chairman , ther· apeutic recreation organization secre· tary; Cecilia Cummins, publicity chairperson and Colonnades Hall Council; Suzanne Evans, chapter pub· lie relations and publicity, Longwood ambassador, philanthropic chair· person, business club, swim club , orientation leader, adopt·a·grandpar· ent, Alpha Friends; Marchell Guion, standards board , student education association president, intramurals , deejay for Longwood radio station; Kristin Morgan, orientation leader, Octoberfest clown , publicity director, Panhellenic delegate, standards board; Robin Olmstead, residence assistant rookie of the year, Ms. McCreary Scholarship, pledge class president, Chi Commendation, rush counselor, intramurals, leadership workshop; Kate Riley, pledge secretary, social chairman , president , Longwood am· bassador, student-faculty admission committee; Leslie Wallner, member· ship director, rush chairman, dance company , Longwood ambassador ; Anita Washington, standards board , Miss Longwood Pageant contestant; Karen Whitely, Catalinas Swim Club, Longwood Players.

Alpha Alpha Laura Dingler, chapter chaplain , song chairman , volunteer at Planned Par· enthood , field placement at the Chil· dren's Diagnostic Center, group leader at local Center for Community Involve· ment, dean's list; Kathy Boehler, chapter editor, Greek section editor for yearbook ; Stephanie Howe, chap· ter president , volunteer at One Way Farm, local home for needy and those in trouble; Michelle Born, assistant membership director, Alpha Phi Orne· ga (service); Laura Best, Miami March· ing Band, band sorority.

Beta Epsilon Cathy Young, president of lnternation· al Association of Business Communi· caters (IABC); Stacy Falbaum, IABC vice president; Katie Allen, Outstand· THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA

ing Student in Market Research award; Lynn Hobson and Julie Sheehan, Order of Omega; Linda Keepers, pres· ident of Financial Management Asso· dation; Anya Wright, ROTC cadet first sergeant; Robyn Doster, Susan Funkhouser, Lisa Kellett and Chantal Koppenhoffer, president's cabinet; Ann LaFuze, president of junior nurs· ing class, founder of nursing honor society.

Beta Iota Kendra Allman, parliamentarian , superdance committee chairman; Judy Armstrong, executive student life guest chairman; Jenni Bowker, chapter editor, candlelight mistress, Panhellenic, public relations coordi· nator, Rho Lambda vice president , International Association of Business Communicators , yearbook staff , dean's list ; Laurei Collier, fund-raising chairman, Phi Beta Lambda; Rebecca Hogsett, chapter president , Rho Lambda ; Leanne Johnson, chapter service/philanthropic chairman , Phi Beta Lambda , Pi Omega Pi, National Business Education Association , Out· standing Leadership Award; Stacie Leone, cross-country team , Interior Design Association; Michelle Mayness, Catholic Student Associa· tion vice president, student life com· mittee ; DeeDee Neese, philanthropic chairman , song leader, student gov· ernment, National Student Speech , Language and Hearing Association ; Sally Nell, chapter secretary, house manager, Rho Lambda ; Gwen Sch~de, publicity chairman , cheerleader, Art Guild.

Beta Nu Julie Ann Tucker, publicity chai rman , Psi Chi , advertising sales representa· tive for campus newspaper, Miss MSU , semi-finalist in Miss Kentucky pag · eant ; Dawn Combs, intramurals chair· man , Ideal Pledge Award , Gamma Beta Phi (accounting); Jeanna Curtis, membership co-chairman , senator for College of Fine Arts, yearbook organi· zation editor; Amy Thompson, chap· ter vice president, senator for College of Humanistic Studies, academic council; Holly Brockman, publicity chairman for University Center Board, Ads Club , sales representative for campus newspaper; Cathie Rice, sena·

tor of College of Business, social co· cha irman , Student Law Associat ion , Student Alumnae Association ; Rochea Perry, varsity cheerleader, French club, Student Alumnae Association .

Beta Pi Chapter: highest grade point average of all sororities; Beth Peters, top chapter average , American Marketing Association , Phi Beta Lambda (busi· ness honor), chapter treasurer, stand· ards board .

Beta Kappa Eydie LaBuda, newspaper staff; Julie Andrews, Phi Epsilon Sigma (physical education), dean's list; Tara Granzier, yearbook Greek editor , University Union Board pop concerts committee, newspaper staff; Jill Pierce, dean's list, Phi Eta S igma (honorary); Lori Tobin, dean's list, Tri-Beta (biology), Microbiology Society treasurer, uni· versity library staff; Laura Ramey, Phi Eta Sigma (freshman honorary), Delta Sigma Pi (business), dean 's list, Uni· versity Union Board homecoming pep rally chairman; Jenny Geer, Phi Eta Sigma (freshman honor), Delta Sigma Pi (business), judicial board , dean's list, Accounting Society ; Stacey Gerkin, Phi Eta Sigma (honor), finance club ; Sherry Ringberg, Phi Eta Sigma (honor), honors program , Delta Sigma Pi (business) , Accounting Society, dean's list; Tracy Boyce, Phi Gamma Nu (business) , Sigma Iota Epsilon (honor), resident assistant , Business Bi-Weekly editor, dean's list, student ambassador; Pam Rowan, Phi Eta Sig· rna (national honor), dean's list; Heidi Hurdis, Accounting Society, finance club, Phi Eta Sigma (honor), dean's list, national dean's list, Outstanding Freshman Finance Award ; Kim Rosenthal, ROTC , to be commissioned 2nd Lieutenant U.S. Army in May; Bonnie Mizicko, University Un ion Board graphic arts chairman , activi· t ies board and guidebook committee, Student Ambassadors Organization secretary, newspaper advertising rep· resentative , leadership conference presenter, university honors program, Student Leader of the Month ; Marna Stroh, newspaper writer, television .

Beta Rho Arlyn Papierski, president of Public Relations Student Society of America ; Danna Crampton, Lambda Sigma WINTER 1987


====stars in Our Crown==== (honor); Carol Sirianni, Golden Key, American Marketing Association , fi. nance club ; Karyn Hopkins, Connie Gatewook, Kathy McNaughton, Marinella )mana and Lynn Mueller, pompon squad; Cherie Buckmaster, Miss Illinois pageant contestant.

Delta Omicron Lisa K. Wheeler, assistant membership director, most valuable player of tennis team; Renee Allen, Special Olympics head trainer ; Kirsten Esposito, Outstanding Yearbook Editor.

Epsilon Iota Katrina Arnold, yearbook editor, Delta Sigma Pi , dean ' s list; Sharon Heizer, College and Rotary Club scholarship recipient, outstanding pledge, senator of student government, chairman of " The Co-eds of CBC" calender; Jennifer Hooker, choir, handbell choir, preschool choir teacher; Jenny Jon Jarratt, student representative on long-range planning board , Women 's Association to Motivate Spirit , Delta Sigma Pi , student director for theater; Sally Klein, volleyball, basketball , dean's list, national dean 's list; Ann Montgomery, social secretary of student government, news editor and senator for newspaper; Amanda Moore, dean's list, national dean's list, instrumental ensemble; Dezanne Russell, president of Students for Christian Community, Women 's Association to Motivate Spirit; Deby Schumacher, Alpha Chi (academic honor), dean's list, academic scholarship recipient ; Lana Yoshii, chapter president, academic and performing arts scholarships , student ambassador board, Delta Sigma Pi; Katherine Zanone, vocal scholarship , Women 's Association to Motivate Spirit.

Gamma Iota Ellen Visconti, Greek Council secretary and fund -raiser; Pam Clark, public relations for Geek Council ; Kris Argento, entertainment editor of cam pus magazine , vice president , Ideal Pledge ; Roma Assaro, president of Society of Women Engineers, college activities board ; Amy Mayone, Greek Council, chapter parliamentarian ; Vanessa Roberts, dean 's list, chorus , chapter secretary; Kathy Bliss, standards board chairman, student government ; Monica Gonzalez, ROTC sergeant. 16


Making Greek-letter history were the attendees at the very first session of Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity's LeaderShape Institute, held this past ~urn足 mer in Champaign, fL. Among them were Tanya Trumbla of Alpha Stgma Alpha, seated second from right.

Gamma Pi Cynthia Collin s, chapter president, senator-at-large of student senate , public relations director of Women's Varsity Athletic Association, co-captain of volleyball ; Sarah Crabtree, membership director, philanthropic chairman, Blue Key, business club, Gamma Sigma Sigma, Women 's Varsity Athletic Association , co-captain of volleyball, gospel choir; Karen Henke, chapter secretary , standards board chairman , Panhellenic representative , dean 's list, homecoming chairman, swing choir; Leslie Perry, chapter vice president, Panhellenic representative, vice president of student senate , Wom en's Varsity Athletic Association; Lexye Schell, Women's Varsity Athletic Association.

Gamma Eta Jill Bennett, Tau Beta Pi , Eta Kappa Nu , Pi Mu Epsilon and Golden Key National Honor Society; Val Chavenson, Panhellenic delegate , Phi Beta Lambda , Order of Omega , IFC Dance Marathon committee ; Judy Fisher, administrative liaison for Panhellenic executive board , vice chairman of College Republicans ; Wendy Forsht, chapter treasurer, rush counselor , Panhellenic judicial board , Alpha Lambda Delta , Golden Key National Honor So-

ciety; Lisa Tait, chapter secretary, Alpha Phi Omega, Student Hearing Commission.

Kappa Kappa Patty Snyder, chapter treasurer, silk squad; Kim Wallace, chapter treasurer, equestrian trainer; June Richman, Public Relations Student Association; Birgit Kaeslingk, student government; Dianne Hambel, ritual chairman , Panhellenic Council secretary .

Gamma Psi Tracey Sheetz, Jennifer Kingshott, Gina Mudger, Mary Fryman, dean's list; Janie Jordon, two years as majorette squad captain ; Staci Szarek, homecoming queen candidate.

Zeta Zeta Julie Arterburn, social chairman, senior Panhellenic representative , student government association, Ideal Pledge Award , Active Appreciation Award, Frost Fidelity Award; Dawn Wildhaber, homecoming queen candidate, student ambassador, captain of cheerleading squad ; Shelly Stuckenschneider, chapter president, Order of Omega , student government, American Marketing Association, standards board; Donna Burkey, student ambassador , scholarship chairman ; Lisa George, cheerleader, rush chairman . THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA

Collegiate Corner Alpha Sig" skit , about a lost rushee searching for a perfect place, and finding it in Alpha Sigma Alpha. Katherine J. Boehler Northeast Missouri St. University

Homecoming coronation

Alpha Alpha Chapter's formal pledge class poses for a photo on the campus of Miami of Ohio.

Longwood College

Practice makes perfect rush This year, hours of song and skit practice paid off for the Alpha Chapter. Thanks to rush chairman, Leslie Wallner, who organized committees and practices so superbly, there was hardly a flaw in rush at all. During the week, several alumnae came to visit. Allison Berry, Kim Pillow, Theresa Alvis, Sherry Nunn, Pam Nunn and Candy Dowdy all lent

helping hands , not to mention moral support. The highlight of the week was the "Walk." All the members were decked out in new, red sorority jumpers, hats, streamers, whistles, pots and pans, pompons, balloons, horns, the works! Afterward , there was singing, dancing and cheering in the chapter room. A great ending to a great rush! Adrienne Memmoli

Miami University of Ohio

Planning for successful rush Alpha Alpha Chapter had a very successful rush this year. One of the reasons for the successful rush was all the time and effort put into rush parties. Rush Chairman


Jenny Ross and her assistant Carol Reinhard started planning rush at the

end of last school year. They had a variety of rush workshops and activities to get ready for rush-the most important part of the year. First-period parties were just short parties to meet the rushees; no theme is allowed. Second-period parties had a rainbow theme . Members wore solidcolored polo shirts and white skirts. The outfits created unity among members and emphasized a symbol: the rainbow. The suite was decorated with sportswear, and a slide show featured chapter activities. The third-period parties had a Camelot (Aiphalot) theme. Members wore medieval dresses, and the suite was decorated as a castle. The party and decorations were impressive , and the rushees loved it . The entertainment, a skit on finding the perfect sorority in the rush forest , was a big success and kept everyone laughing. It was followed by a ceremony to show the more serious part of the sorority. Fourth-period parties had a theme of "Beyond the Silver Rainbow ." Members wore pastel dresses and decorated the suite as a pastel garden. The beauty of the party impressed the rushees , as did the candlelight ceremony and "Wizard of

Homecoming festivities were Sept. 30-0ct. 4. The Alpha Betas helped by taking on the planning of several annual activities. Traditionally, Alpha Betas sponsor NMSU 's homecoming coronation. The committee kept very busy putting together all the fine details of making a queen coronation run beautifully and smoothly. This year, two members were on the court. The Alphas at Northeast are very proud and honored to have juniors Beth Cunningham and Tammy Crist represent them on the queen's court. The weekend brought the pep rally and coronation events Friday, Oct. 3. Saturday brought the homecoming football game, and the Alpha Betas made that an event they attended together showing their school spirit. Afterward, a "Coke-Tail" was held in honor of the Alpha alumnae in the chapter room. Saturday evening found the Alpha Betas busy getting ready for fraternity date parties held at various places throughout Kirksville. Everyone was happy that homecoming turned out so well and glad so many people were willing to offer a hand to help committees run things a little more smoothly. Angela Woodruff

Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Cartoons for homecoming Homecoming was a great success and a lot of fun for the Alpha Gamma Chapter this year. Theta Xi fraternity and the AEAs joined forces and came out with a fourth-place victory for a Popeye float. The theme for the parade was cartoon characters. Two characters, a Theta Xi and Jaci Lewis, portrayed Popeye and Olive Oyl. Many alumnae had the chance to come back and visit with newer members at the homecoming tea Saturday morning at the suite. Homecom ing was an all-around success for Al p!-ia Sigma Alpha and for the university.



Rush wa s also successful this year for the A lpha Gams. Pledging is un· derway and going well. A highlight of ru sh party themes was a skit per· formed by six members, who sang to the song " Leader of the Pack ," but changed the words to '' Leader of the Greeks."' It fit in with the '50s theme and everyone , especially the rushees, had a good time.

Kristin Kaver

University of Northern Colorado

Rush goes Hawaiian The Beta Beta Chapter annually puts on a Hawaiian party for its final · round rush party during fall formal rush . All Beta Betas wear Hawaiian mu· mus and leis. The outside of the house is decorated with bamboo fences , Christmas lights, tiki torches, flowers and vines. The inside of the house is decorated with fish nets and flowers . In one corner of the room, a rock fountain is placed to be used as a wishing well by the rushees . Rushees are brought into the house one by one, a gong is rung, and the woman is introduced to the members. Rushees are then seated on the floor , with the members , around several short tables that are decorated with candles and flowers. Fruit is then served from melons carved as whales. Favors are orchid leis that are flown to Denver from Hawaii each year for this special party .

Emporia State University

'Catch a Wave' for rush The Epsilon Epsilon Chapter had a very successful fall rush this year. Trudi Jimeson, junior, was chair· man of rush . For each party there was a committee head and commit· tee . The committees did a great job thinking up themes for each party and decorating the house and them · selves for that theme. Sunday was the first day of rush . A slide show of house activities was presented in a " Movie Day" ' fashion . The house was decorated like a mov· ie theater , and the rushees were giv· en ti ckets to see the movie . Monday wa s skit day in which the Alpha Sigs presented " A Stroll Down Memory Lane ." Th e sk it held new surprises for everyone each time it was given , as the actors took it upon themselves to ad l ib a li ttle here and there . Tues· day wa s a bu sy day; there were house tou rs i n th e morning and Casino N ig ht i n th e evening .



Jill Foster and her committee de· cided to make house tours more ex· citing by going with the theme " Catch a Wave. " Everyone was dressed up in summer beach attire as the rushees were led through the house, decorated as a beach, com· plete with sunbathers, volleyball players and water skiers out on the front lawn. Casino Night was under the direction of Carol Smith. The basement was set up like a Las Vegas casino, complete with dealers and games. All of these parties led up to Wednesday, the most important day, Pref Party, of which Susan Woods was in charge. Members wore long, formal dresses and served ice cream and cake. The day ended with the meaningful and emotional pearl cer· emony. The rest of the day was spent in anticipation to find out who new pledges would be. To celebrate all of the hard work , members and new pledges enjoyed a " Gutter Party." A 20-foot gutter was filled with ice cream, bananas and topping. Everyone had a wonderful time eating banana splits and getting acquainted with one another.

Robin Jackson and Becky Covington, rush chairmen, planned three successful parties. The first night was a red and white party. The slide show was provided by Lisa Patti, editor. Everyone helped clean the house and yard for the house to be in mint con· dition. The second night was the theme party, " Anchors Away with AEA." Jana Morconi contributed by paint· ing a mural the size of one wall and built a dock coming inside the door. Eight members sang " Gilligan's Island" and the "Alpha Boat" from the show the "Love Boat" for the skit. The third night was " Star Quality" night. The room was decorated with plants and a huge star with twinkling lights. A very special ceremony with candles was featured. Alums and ad· visors served refreshments during the parties. Two alums came in from out of town to offer their support. With the help of members, advi· sors, alums and family, the chapter had a successful rush .

Lisa Patti

Temple University

Rush slumber party Central Missouri St. University

A watermelon first Each year, the men of Lambda Chi Alpha present a Watermelonfest for competition among sororities. The competitions include: the making of a banner, dressing up a watermelon, choosing a Watermelon Queen, a watermelon eating contest, the crab· walk with a watermelon on the partie· ipant's stomach, watermelon toss and a coordination run. This September, the Zeta Zeta Chapter received first place overall in the fest. The Zeta Zetas not only won the watermelon games, but their Watermelon Queen Candidate , Kristy Martin, was crowned the Wa· termelon Queen. This was the sec· ond consecutive year an Alpha from Zeta Zeta Chapter has been crowned queen. Zeta Zetas were not only sue· c~ssful , but also had fun joining in frtendly competition with the other sororities.

Stacey Wilkinson

Pittsburg State University

Working together pays off The Eta Eta Chapter had a fantas· tic rush th is year with the coopera· tion of all its members.

Using a tradition that most young women can relate to, the members of Kappa Kappa had a slumber party theme for their first fall rush party . Rush Chairman Kristin Rittenhouse felt that this theme would be less intimidating for the rushees. In keeping with the theme, members dressed up in their pajamas, with AEA name tags, and many brought their favorite stuffed animal with them. The floor was covered with sleeping bags and pillows and the re· freshments served included soda and ice cream. But the main highlight of the party was the entertainment. Some mem· bers acted out a skit that went back in time to when the sorority's found· ers were in college. In the skit, the founders are sitting up talking one night about how they had been asked to pledge different sororities on cam· pus . But the problem was that if they decided to pledge , they couldn't be members of the same sorority. Then Virginia Lee Boyd comes up with the idea of forming their own soror· ity, Alpha Sigma Alpha, the goals they would pursue and their motto. The evening ended with the mem· bers singing sorority songs for the rushees. Kristin thought the party was sue· cessful for a number of reasons: "Our


first rush party was successful because we followed up on all the names we received from the sign-up tables at summer orientation and at other rush tables the first week of school. We got in touch with everyone we possibly could to let them know about the party. Also, all the members came, and since we had a rush workshop before the party, the members were more aware of rushing techniques. Plus, it was a cute theme that everyone, both members and rushees, felt comfortable with." Cecilia Kraus

Drexel University

Greek Week winners The Nu Nus enjoyed the excitement and competition of Greek Week . Mid-way through , the chapter was in first place among four sororities. The competition began with Greek Sing, which consisted of a 15minute show per group. Alpha Sig words set to contemporary show tunes and commercials took third place. The chapter placed first in arm wrestling and volleyball. In the egg toss , the chapter placed third and took second place in the tricycle race . The chapter then rallied around Greek Goddess candidate Michele Guziewicz and her court , Kristina Dario, Loretta Giglio, Jeanette Jeffries and Michele Nay. All four sorority colors were used in the goddess and court competition; crimson and gold for the togas and crimson, pearl white and palm green in the head wreaths. The support of the goddess candidate and court helped them to claim second place. Alice Carpenter

Northwest Missouri St. University

Freshman welcome The Phi Phi Chapter welcomed a record influx of freshmen to their campus this fall , and the Alphas were there in their red-n-white letters and smiling faces to help them adjust to those first few grueling days of college. After a long summer of separation, the Alphas were not homesick, but rather, full of teary eyes and hugs to see each other again. With enthusi asm high, the Phi Phis donned their spirit through several planned activities, which would lead into rush a few weeks later. The first day back kept the Alphas busy posting signs of their existence. Fliers were hung in dorms and on union walls . Banners displaying catchy Alpha phrases , such as : ALPHA SIGS . .. YOU 'LL LOVE IT! ; CATCH THE WAVE WITH AEA and RED, WHITE & YOU were hung in full view for freshmen to see. By the second day, a rotational system for eating in the cafeterias was set up. Bright red rush T-shirts, carrying a large ALPHA on the front and little sig on the back could be seen in every cafeteria line that week . The second day ended with Alpha tunes lingering in the air as members sang from dorm to dorm . Alphas at a freshman dance? You bet! By the time the dance rolled around , there was not a freshman who did not know that the colors are red-n-white or that the mascot is Raggedy Ann . After the Alphas flaunted their dancing abilities, they managed to attract several women who wanted to join in on the fun , for when you see an Alpha-you want to be an Alpha! Deb Ewald

Buffalo State University

Bananas over rush Pi Pi Chapter's fall rush was a very special time, full of much fun and excitement. Members and rushes enjoyed themselves and the relaxed atmosphere. Debbie Harter, rush chairman, did an excellent job with all the parties. The theme was "Go Bananas with Alpha Sigma Alpha." There were skits, much mingling and banana splits for everyone. The tea was another event that went very well. There was plenty of food, a slide presentation and more mingling among rushes, members and alumnae. Geri Ann Wuestman


Ball State University

50 years on campus On Oct. 11, 1986, the Chi Chi Chapter celebrated its 50th anniversary, 50 years on the Ball State campus. Alpha Sigma Alpha was the first national sorority on campus. All other sororities were local. The collegians had a luncheon for alumnae in the Clin-Vac Room at the Country Village Shopping Center in Muncie, IN. Social hour was held in the Alpha Sigma Alpha suite in Roger's Hall. Scrapbooks and composites from past years were on display. A history of Alpha Sigma Alpha , Chi Chi Chapter, was available for $5.

Beta Iotas Sally Neil and Susan Farrell camped out on top of the 7-Eleven for 36 hours to benefit Muscular Dystrophy.

Ball State's homecoming was also that day . Afte r the luncheon , the collegians and alumnae attended the game. Members serving on the committee were Elizabeth Headley, co -chairman ; Marievelyn Stuber, luncheon ; and Susan Harris, invi tations. Teresa Prange

University of Southern Mississippi

Homecoming diamonds Homecoming activit ies were Oct. 18. Homecoming is one of the areas in which Beta Deltas really shine. The past two years, the chapter has won two awards for beauty and one award for originality in the homecoming stand competition. This year, the stand was designed around the theme of USM and diamonds are forever. The theme IS m commemorat ion of the 75th anniversary of the school. Along with decorating the stand, getting ready for dates and participating in campus homecoming activities, the Beta Deltas also hosted an open house in the chapter room for alums and parents. Sharon Bell



Central Michigan University

Rush goes commercial Beta Theta Chapter's formal rush includes three parties. Two members , Paulette Grimme, vice president, and Cindy Sautter, rush chairman , attended AI:A 's na· t iona! convention in Colorado and returned with rush ideas. One party, " AI:A Goes Commercial ," got noth· ing but positive response from the rushees. The preference party promoted the chapter's diversification in members from punk to preppie.

Kristine Jussila

Radford University

Camping for a cause The Beta Iotas continue their en· thusiasm in working to help others in need. The annual AI:A Camp-out for Muscular Dystrophy kicked off at noon Friday, Sept. 26 , and went through to midnight, Saturday, Sept. 27 . Sally Nell and Susan Farrell were selected by the sorority to camp out on the roof of the local 7 -Eleven for 36 hours. They talked to passersby about their cause with a bucket hang· ing from the roof for donations. Sally Nell said , " It was a lot of fun . I was impressed by the amount of support from the students." But the effort didn 't stop there . Although only two Beta Iotas could do the actual camping out, sisters and pledges worked hourly shifts throughout the weekend . They col lected donations as people left the store and even stopped cars on the street . Food and drinks for the campers were donated by local merchants and everyone was very generous. " I was proud to be chosen to repre sent our sorority for such a worthy cause ," said Susan Farrell , "It made AI:A very noticeable on campus ."

Jenni Bowker

Western Illinois University

Fall pledge activities Beta Kappa's fall pledge activities are numerous. The pledge ri tual is held the fi rst wee k . Afterwa rd , the pledges take over the house fo r an enti re night. Th is m ea ns that the members who live there m ust leave for a night. T he pledges b ri ng fo o d and pop and make a banne r to hang outside the house. T he f irst and second week , the



pledge gets a big sister who helps her with meeting everyone and answers her questions. The f i rst week the big sister buys the pledge a sun visor, and the second week the big sister buys her a pin . The pledges hold meetings once a week . At the second meeting, the pledges meet with the chapter officers. The officers get a chance to explain their duties so that the pledges will understand them better when they hold their elections the following week . The third week, the pledges find out who their moms are when they pick them up before classes for breakfast. Every Thursday there are pledge activities . Each activity is planned by the membership directors . Each week, a different pledge class from within BK attends the activity with the current pledge class. Activities planned are ice breakers, scavenger hunts, bowling and watching movies. One week the entire chapter participates in the activity. Another activity is the pledge appreciation day, when the members bake cookies and other treats for the pledges. Besides these activities , the pledges are involved with all chapter activities such as homecoming, philanthropic projects, money-makers and exchanges.

Mystery chapter

Open house for parents In order to better acquaint parents with Alpha Sigma Alpha's aims and goals, mystery chapter had an open house during parents' weekend . Seniors ' mothers were given an honorary induction into AI:A . All families were treated to a luncheon and a slide show that depicted vari ous chapter activities and social functions . Members mingled with parents and answered any questions they had ; scrapbooks were also available to the parents . By opening up the house to parents , the chapter helped dispel! many of the myths surround ing social sororities .

Jennifer Barry

Henderson State University

A rush fantasy The Beta Mus decided to go Hawa iian t his yea r. There were t rad iti o na l lawn , informat ional and formal

rush parties, but the theme party was quite unique. The members all worked together and came up with a skit based on the TV series " Fantasy Island." It featured four girls with their personal fantasies, and of course , they were to be physically, spiritually , intellectually and socially developed. Mr. Ork sent them to HSU , where all four girls pledged Alpha Sigma Alpha , and all their dreams came true . Decorations were made to create the atmosphere of a luau. All the tables were put about two feet from the ground and there was an enormous backdrop of a beach scene. The finish i ng touches included lots of plants, stuffed animals and members dressed in shorts, grass skirts and sunglasses. Members sang "I wish they all could be Alpha Sigmas" and " Surfin AI:A. " It was a very successful rush party .

Sharon Johnson

Murray State University

A new chapter home While many were enjoying the warm summer days, the Beta Nu Chapter was busy working on its new house. It was purchased in June and has since come a long way. Under the organization of M elanie Mulll· can, hous i ng chairman, and ad visors , Debbie Bell and Shirley Wall , the Alpha Sig house is now a home. A house dedication and ribbon cutting ceremony, organized by Sonya Puryear, was held early in the semester on a warm, sunny afternoon. A speech was given by University President Mrs. Kala Stroup. Then she and Chapter President Ruth Sanders cut the red ribbon . Many alumnae and members of the community attended the ceremony. Beta Nu sponsored a Teeter-forTots in October at the new Alpha Sig house. Members teeter -tottered for 24 hours to raise money for the needy children of the community. The Delta Kappa Chapter from the University of Southern Indiana also visited that weekend .

Janelle Graham

Concord College

ALA president visits Beta Pi Chapter had a very successfu l fall rush . Formal rush consisted of a theme pa rty and a p reference party, with Nationa l President Rosemary Goss being the special guest at the prefer-


ence party. An alumna of Concord College, the chapter thought she would enjoy taking part in rush activities. Members all enjoyed meeting her and appreciated her attendance. An informal rush party was held in I the formal lounge, where members I talked to potential pledges. Angelia Haga

ing part of homecoming is Sycamore Sillies. This is a collection of various games and competitions in which everyone participates. Homecoming week began with the crowning of the queen and ended with the parade and game, all of which was enjoyed by members of Beta Upsilon. Chrisie Johnson

Northern Illinois University

I Pre-classes rush The Beta Rho Chapter had a very • successful fall rush. The university tried a new method of recruitment to the NIU campus and held all rush events before school began. All activities began Thursday, Aug. 21, and ran through Sunday, Aug. 25, when the rushees received • their bids. On Thursday, the 400 girls who signed up for rush attended nine, 20minute parties. This was meant as an informal means of meeting the rushees and showing off the various sorority houses. On Friday, we held " panorama parties." These were 30 minutes long, and nearly every house spent the majority of the time performing a short skit. Along with a great AEA performance, the chapter showed an informative slide show describing previous house events. The third party was Saturday and a more serious skit was performed. This part of rush was aimed at showing that although sororities provide a lot of fun, there is also a very serious and meaningful part of AEA. The parties concluded Sunday with a sentimental slide show and a spe· dally prepared dinner. All in all, the Beta Rho chapter was very pleased with the results. Kelly Burkhart

Indiana State University

Toys for homecoming The Beta Upsilon Chapter was paired with Sigma Nu and Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternities and a residence hall for homecoming activities. The theme of homecoming was "A Salute to Laughter." The groups built a float around the theme of a clown and children's toys. Other homecoming activities included designing a banner and T-shirt, a window decorating contest and a tug-of-war competition. After the homecoming parade and the game itself, the most excit·


Penn State University

A finals theme Gamma Eta enjoyed a busy and successful homecoming 1986. This year, the chapter was teamed with Acacia fraternity. The overall theme was "Discover at Penn State . . . A Whole New World," and Gamma EtaAcacia's theme was "Finals." After a "Get Psyched" party, Gamma Eta and Acacia began work on painting a window , designing and sewing a banner and building the float . The highlight of the week was Friday, Oct. 17, when the homecoming parade took place. Members marched with the float as part of the "Crazy Band." Later on in the evening , there was a vigil at the Nittany Lion Shrine, to protect it from the opponents, the Orangemen of Syracuse. The week came to a close with the annual alumnae tea. Then it was off to the game. Lee Ann Cady

Rochester Institute of Technology

Up and down fund-raising Fund-raising has had its ups and downs for the Gamma Iotas. The chapter, in conjunction with a local fraternity, has earned well over $1,500 for the Cystic Fibrosis F oundation. They raised the money by sponsoring a teeter-totter marathon. This marathon started on Monday at noon and ended on Friday at 4 p.m. Each member teeter-tottered for one-hour shifts, while other members collected donations from the students and faculty as they passed by. Members also solicited business and family for contributions. To further ensure a successful marathon, the Gamma Iotas got radio, TV stations and newspapers to come to the event. Most members participated a minimum of four hours.

Adrian College

Planning pledgeshlp Rush went very well for the Gamma Mu Chapter. This year, numer· ous activities are planned to get pledges involved and help them feel like part of the sorority. The first week of pledgeship got off to a great start with the pledges being awakened by the actives for a breakfast at 7:15 a.m . This was followed by "study buddies" the next evening. The second week was a bit busier with the pledges getting the actives up for breakfast and "study buddies." There also was a ceremony in which the pledges stated what they would like to accomplish during their pledgeship , and an exchange of poems was shared the following night. Many other pledge activities also were planned, such as an ice cream social , a pledge retreat , trips to sports events in which members par· ticipate and visits by the executive officers to weekly pledge meetings. By planning these events , it is hoped the pledges will be enthusiastic about their pledgeship and come to feel they are truly a part of Alpha Sigma Alpha. Beth Hommel/

Missouri Valley College

AEAs visit land of Oz Gamma Pi's most successful fall rush event was a skit acted by the members with the theme , "Come Journey with the AEAs to the Land of Oz." The humorous skit began with Dorothy, the lost rushee, landing with flickering lights to find the good fairy. Along her journey on the yellow brick road she came across the intellectual scarecrow. Next, the spiritual tin man joined the act. And at last, she met the lion doing physical activity, aerobics. Each character was dressed accordingly and explained their purpose. They inspired Dorothy and all lost rushees to travel to the Ruby City with the AEAs to live in a wellrounded social environment. Sarah Chamberlin

Edinboro University of PA

A photogenic rush Gamma Psi's rush went exceed· ingly well this semester. One unique and fun theme used



for a rush gathering was S.S. Alpha . The theme was that of a cruise ship. Decorations and attire of members and rushees followed that theme and it was enjoyed by everyone . The highlight of the event was a few members acting as ship photo路 graphers with Polaroid instant cameras. It was great fun to interact and become familia r with perspective pledges through pictures . Pictures make it very easy to involve, interest and enthuse people when they can see immediately the fun and excitement of memories. These pictures also aided members and eliminated confusion when voting. The rush theme of S.S. Alpha was extremely successful. Members are all positive that ideas like this , which helped convey enthusiasm about Alpha Sigma Alpha , were a great contributing factor in ach ieving quota this semester. Tracy James

Eastern Illinois University

A new start The Gamma Omega Chapter has been reorganized . An outstanding group of women have been pledged and all are eager to make the chapter a success. Proudly sporting their letters , AEAs already can be seen contributing spirit and energy to the activities in which they attend. Members participated in Sigma Chi Derby Days and AEA Sherry Whitling was crowned Derby Darling 1986. Activities such as volleyball and sidewalk painting were scheduled throughout the week and ended with an all-day party on Saturday.

Mansfield University

Alaska theme for homecoming Homecoming was Oct. 11, and the theme was " Places Around the World ." The Delta Epsilon Chapter chose Alaska . The chapter entered a float and banner. Many of the ideas for the float and banner were given by Amy Utzinger, who heads the float and banner committee . The float included an igloo , polar bear and penguin costumes handcrafted by the Delta Epsilon members, snowflakes, sleds, Eskimos, dogs and a live wolf, provided by a member . All members and pledges marched in the parade. This year, Delta Epsilon had four members competing in the home路 coming court. Representing AI:A was



Barbara Lecker, and representing other organizations were Tamara Bell, Linda Hall and MaryAnn .Melito. The day began with the parade, followed by a tea in the lounge for the parents and alumnae . Last , but not least, was the football game. With a lot of hard work and team effort, this year's homecoming was a success for Delta Epsilon . Debra J. Almond

University of Delaware

" Moving on up" Delta Iota found themselves with a large membership and a house that only held eight. So they joined forces with the university to experiment with an alternate form of Greek housing. Presently, 40 members live togeth er on the 17th floor of Christiana East Tower, a high-rise apartment complex used as campus housing. All other chapter members have access to the floor with a special guest pass. Four other sororities and three fraternities on campus rent houses or have no housing . Therefore , obtaining university housing is extremely competitive. Delta Iota was the first to obtain on-campus housing and is very excited to be an example for the rest of the Greek community. Delta Iota also has developed a new feeling of unity. It is now easier to organize everyone to work to fulfill chapter goals. Mary Anne Barone

University of Southern Indiana

Pledges swing into action Delta Kappa Chapter's fall pledge class is swinging into action in order to complete all the requirements for initiation . Numerous pledges have been carrying their ladybugs around to gather the needed signatures from each of the five fraternities on campus. Others have been carrying notebooks to get interviews will all the members . One pledge, Pam Ray, has started an aerobics class for everyone on Monday nights. All the pledges are busy trying to figure out who their big sisters are. Already , pledges and actives are getting to know each other after the walk-out to Murray State University and spending time together at the fall festival selling tacos and nachos_

Intellectual day was Sept. 23 and

24 at the USI library. Also planned were the pledge/active alumnae picnic and Presentation Ball. Pledge class officers are learning the tasks that their offices entail and are all working hard to become active members of AEA. Melissa Wahl

General Motors Institute

Making the grades GMI Engineering and Management Institute in Flint , Ml, is a five-year cooperative college, offering a bachelor's degree in management systems and industrial, mechanical and electrical engineering. Each student is assigned a sponsoring unit for which they work every other three months. When they are not working , students attend classes weighted between 19 and 23 credit hours per term . For the school year ending June 1986 , the Delta Nu-B Cha p t e r ranked No. 1 of all sororities and fraternities on campus in the category of overall grade point average and most improved grade point. Alpha Sigs from aN-B work all over the United States and Canada for various sponsoring units. Members work as far away as Fisher Body Overseas Corp. in Northern Ireland to as near as Buick City Assembly Plants in Flint. Members come together every six months out of each year in Flint-to share the special love, friendships and sisterhood of AEA-but in addition to social activities, members help each other " make the grades" here at GMI. Nancy Jean Sharkey

York College of Pennsylvania

Finding a rush fortune The theme to Delta Omicron Chapter's first fall rush was "Find a Fortune in Alpha Sigma Alpha ." Playing cards were used for name tags , and there was a special appearance by Fanny Fortune , portrayed by Vice President Renee Allen. Fanny Fortune revealed to the rushees the fortunes to be had by them in pledging AEA . She foresaw a lot of hard work and dedication in gaining membership . Fanny also saw the prospective pledges growing into sisterhood together with many fond memories. She also told them of the unbreakable bond formed through pledging and of the warmth and love of sister-


hood that lasts forever. When Fanny Fortune had finished revealing these things to the rushees, the members of Delta Omicron described for the rushees the fortunes that they had found since they pledged. The rush ended with members singing songs for the rushees, and refreshments were served. April Piper

Elan State College

I Fiesta social Come across the border with the Delta Rho Chapter! One of the chapter's most successful fall rush socials was an idea thought up by Vice President Kim Bride. Kim thought a social with a Mexican twist would not only be fun for the mem1bers to put together but also for the 1 rushees to enjoy. Member Tracy Black was in 1 charge of fixing the food . With the 1 recipes her family has used for years, Tracy whipped up " mini tacos, " nachos and cheese, guacomole dip and chili draped over potato skins. Many ' of the Delta Rho members bought sombreros and member Lori McManus even had a Mexican-style blanket over her shoulder with an • authentic sombrero on her head. With Mexican-style music playing in the background, the Delta Rho Chapter had set the stage for a "fiesta magnifico!" The chapter members made the rushees feel at home by offering them refreshments and discussing school or Alpha Sigma Alpha (a favorite subject). At the end of the fiesta, members were all exhausted but ready to tackle the next rush social. Hasta luego, amigas! Gail Martin

University of Texas at San Antonio

Summer retreat Delta Upsilon Chapter had its summer retreat at neighboring Lake McQueeny. The weekend was spent water skiing, lounging in the warm Texas sun and, most of all, getting close after the long summer break. The executive committee allocated Friday evening to goal-setting , brainstorming and establishing a new chapter alcohol policy. Everyone joined in the fun Saturday night. After a delicious feast of fajitas, the chapter did listening exercises, individual goal -setting and spent a few hours sharing how spe-


A warm retreat {or members of Delta Upsilon Chapter.

cial Alpha Sigma Alpha is to each of them. Summer retreats are a tradition for the Alpha Sigs at UTSA . It's the best way to get everyone back together after the break, get motivated for rush and, most of all, it's just great fun being together. Susie Schlameus

Bloomsburg State University

Open for rush One of the most successful Delta Chi fall rush events was "Opens." Opens signifies the start of rush . It is a time when all the rushees visit every sorority's open house for a half hour. The dX open house is a time for rushees to get to know the members and a little bit about the chapter. Refreshments are served, and rushees are shown pledge class projects, family line pillows and scrapbooks. Next , the newest pledge class puts on a skit. The skit is a fun way to let the rushees know that AEA is a national sorority and all the advantages of being national. One skit done at Opens is called "S.S . Alpha ." The skit portrays four rushees shipwrecked on a deserted island. A witch doctor (played by Joan McNichol) comes to their rescue and relieves all their fears about rush. Also during Opens, members sing sorority songs and present a slide show. Through the rest of rush , the rushees learn more about AEA and the chapter. DeAnn Elliott

Southern Arkansas University

First Panhell rush Epsilon Alpha Chapter had an in-

teresting fall rush . This was the first fall rush under Panhellenic. Each rush party was planned well and went off even better. The chapter had a Watermelon Party and the formal Wishing Well. The first rush party was the most successful. It was a Hang It Up-Hot Dog Roast Party. Members and rushees enjoyed the company of old and new friends , while delighting in good food. S "nce this was the first Panhellenic rush party , members were careful to stress sisterhood in any formbut especially AEA form . Now the pledges are learning the ways of Alpha Sigma Alpha . The pledge trainer for this semester has set goals for positive pledging. The alumnae program is growing every day. This homecoming featured an alumnae brunch the Sunday after the game, as in past years . Local alumnae hosted a supper for the pledges after the pep rally.

Virginia Commonwealth University

Carnival atmosphere for rush By far the most successful fall rush event for Epsilon Gammas was "Carnival Night ." On Carnival Night, the rushess entered a carnival atmosphere where there were games to play, refreshments and even a photo booth. Each rushee played one game in order to "win" a decorated AEA heart, basket or tumbler filled with candy. Members of Epsilon Gamma acted as game attendants and encouraged the rushees to "step right up and win a prize." They tossed bean bags through Raggedy Ann's mouth and broke balloons with darts. Later, the rushees were encouraged to mingle with the members, visit the refreshment stand and have their pictures taken at the photo booth where Raggedy Ann and Andy acted as chief photographers. Those who visited the refreshment stand were offered popcorn, carmel and candied apples and ice cold punch. Soon everyone was into the carnival s pirit. All too soon it was time for the rushees to go , but before they left , Epsilon Gamma sang its version of "My Favorite Things" to end the evening on a high note . Both rushees and the members of Epsilon Gamma , under the superb guidance of Rush Chairman Tracey Meehan , enjoyed the whole evening. Kati Kane



The National Council of Alpha Sigma Alpha

The National Council of Alpha Sigma Alpha

Announces the colonization of

Announces the colonization of

Epsilon Lambda University of Pittsburgh-Johnstown Johnstown, PA

Epsilon Kappa Millersville University Millersville, PA November 16, 1986

November 23, 1986

You can help Alpha Sigma Alpha save a considerable amount of money each year by sending to National Headquarters any change of address or name. The U.S. Postal Service charges 25 cents for each returned magazine or change of address. You are responsible for changing your address promptly if you wish to continue receiving your Phoenix . Mail completed form with mailing label attached to AI:A National Headquarters, 1201 East Walnut, Springfield , MO 65802. College chapter--- - - - - - - - -- - - - Year of initiation _ __ Married N a m e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Husband's first name• Last name Maiden n a m e - - - - - - - - - = - - - - - - - - : - : : - : - : : - - - - - - - - - - - First Middle Last Address - - - - - = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Street City



Active In - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Alumnae Chapter. Hold oHice o f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I am enclosing $8 for my annual alumnae dues. 'Uoed IO< aaMin locating phonallotlnga.

The National Council of Alpha Sigma Alpha Announces the formation of

Southwest Arkansas Alumnae Chapter Debbie Foreman Lanford, president

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