The legacy dilemma by Marti Stratton Vice President of Collegians One of our chapters recently, quite unknowingly, touched a raw nerve that left it feeling as though it had stepped on a land mine. What did it do? It failed to pledge a legacy, the daughter of a woman who, along with other AEA alumnae, had given her time, energy and money to the sorority over the years. By failing to pledge the legacy, the chapter brought a hail of criticism upon itself and alienated several loyal AEA alumnae. Unfortunately this is not an isolated occurrence. Whenever a legacy is not pledged, the sorority not only loses someone who is already " sold" on AEA but may also lose that person's mother. Alpha Sigma Alpha loses not just once , but twice or more. Unlike some other sororities , Alpha Sigma Alpha has never guaranteed a legacy a place in the sorority. Even groups that have had such a policy have had to change them because on many campuses today there are more legacies going through rush than the number of pledges that may be taken. How then , can a chapter avoid alienating alumnae while maintaining its individuality and character? This is the dilemma that puts a chapter between a rock and a hard place. As the mother of two little girls, I dream of the day they too might become Alpha Sigma Alphas. My heart goes out to alumnae who have sent their daughters off to college with the same dream only to have that dream dashed. Yet , as a collegian who dealt with whether or not to pledge a legacy who
AEA legacies: Heidi and Stephanie Stratton.
didn't quite fit in and as a national officer, I can also see the other side of the legacy issue. I believe that each person 's immediate reaction to this issue is primarily an emotional one, based on that person 's point of view. However, let us take a second look at this issue in an effort to find harmony through understanding and respect: the collegians for alumnae and alumnae for the collegians and their chapter. Through understanding , collegians might realize the deeply personal dream of a mother that the daughter she loves and the sorority she loves might come together. Through sensitivity, collegians may comprehend that a mother can withstand almost any pain except that of seeing someone she loves suffer. If the legacyrushee is not treated fairly and is left feeling hurt and rejected, her mother will never forgive the sorority. However, if the sorority chapter, through respect and understanding, makes an honest effort to get
to know the legacy, showing her every kindness without giving her false hope, then it will have taken a major step in avoiding hurt feelings and alienated alumnae. The mother and other alumnae should be afforded a certain degree of respect solely because they are "sisters" and because some day the collegians would like to be respected also. After being shown kindness , consideration and respect , a mother may be disappointed that her daughter was not invited to join , but she will be more able to .accept the situation without anger and bitterness. Alumnae must remember that their days of running the collegiate chapter ended when they graduated, and that ultimate decisions regarding chapter membership belong to the chapter. It is not unreasonable to expect that recommendations sent to a chapter will be acknowledged and given due consideration. However, alumnae also must realize that multiple recommendations might be perceived as pressure that could cause resentment and even a backlash that would make it even more difficult for the legacy-rushee. Since being a legacy does not guarantee an invitation to join , alumnae may do their daughters an injustice by rushing only AEA. There are great friendships and valuable ideals offered in every sorority. Legacies should be encouraged to go through rush with open minds and find whatever sorority home feels right. While we all hope that a legacy will find her sorority home in Alpha Sigma Alpha, we must also believe that " being Greek is great" and that her ultimately individual happiness is what matters the most. -tr -tr
In This Issue Volume 72
Number 3
Spring 1987
4 Your chapter portrait -could it be better?
What's in a GPA? Once your college years are behind you, does anyone really care what you had for a GPA? National Scholarship Chairman Marianne Bullock addresses that question and lists the chapters with the top GPAs for spring 1986.
Do you like your chapter's portrait? Or would you like to improve the picture you present to yourselves and others? Vice President of Collegians Marty Stratton presents three chapter portraits and tells the options available to each for improvement. Marti also explains the standards all Alpha Sigma Alpha chapters are expected to meet.
11 The search is on for Alumnae Stars
7 How can you help?
Rush themes for any season
After reading about the aid available to our collegiate chapters, please take the time to consider a donation to the Development Fund. Your donation is needed to keep the chapter consultants 'on the road' and assisting all of our chapters, new, old and troubled.
National Rush Chairman Beth Colwell has compiled a list of rush themes to help take the guess work out of planning your chapter's next rush party. Also featured are decorations and costumes for two 'themes. ' (Alumnae-see page 9 for how you can help too!)
We know you 're out there, earning honors and making contributions to your careers, the arts and volunteer organizations. But we need your help in sharing those accomplishments with other Alpha Sigma Alphas. Won't you please take the time to fill out the Alumnae Stars questionnaire for yourself or someone you know today? Responses will be published in future issues of The Phoenix.
Departments EDITOR Nancy I. Z. Reese 828 S. Golf Cui de Sac Des Plaines, IL 60016
PHOENIX STAFF Alumnae Editor Cretia Rowlette 3861 N. Cherry Ln. Kansas City, MO 64116
Collegiate Editor Anne Hirt Pherson 10517 Drew Ave. S. Bloomington, MN 55431
Feature Editor Sue Zorlchak Hagen 6890 Athena Way Inver Grove Heights, MN 55075
Historian Esther Kaufman Gatseos 6659 E. Eastman Ave. Denver, CO 80224
THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA (USPS 430. 640), an educational journal, Is published In the fall, winter, spring, and summer of each year by the Soror· tty, 1201 East Walnut Street, Springfield, Missouri 65802. The subscription price $1 .50 a year. Produced by Maury Boyd & Associates, Indianapolis, IN 46268. Member, College Fraternity Editors Association. Send change of address and business correspond· ence to Alpha Sigma Alpha National Headquarters, 1201 East Walnut St., Springfield, Missouri 65802. Ad· dress all correspondence of an editorial nature to the editor, Nancy I. Z. Reese, 828 S. Golf Cui de Sac, Des Plaines, IL 60016. ARTICLES are Invited for publication In this journal. Manuscripts should be submitted to the editorial staff for consideration. Acceptances are on a contrlb· uting basis only and subject to editorial review. Art I· cles published are the personal expressions of the authors and do not necessarily represent the policies ofA!:A. · Second-class postage paid at Springfield, Missouri, and at additional mailing offices. Postmaster. Send address changes to THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA, 1201 East Walnut St., Springfield, Mlssourl65802.
2 ................. Opinion 12 .......... Alumnae Stars 14 . ........ Alumnae Action Attention alumnae editors It has come to the attention of The Phoenix staff that some of you may not have received your editor report forms. Deadline for the next alumnae chapter reports is June 10 for the fall issue. But, if you did not receive your forms, this deadline has been extended until June 30. Send your 200 word report on chapter activities to Cretia Rowlette, 3861 N. Cherry Lane, Kansas City, MO 64116. SPRING 1987
by Marti Stratton Vice President of Collegians So often when I see a picture of myself, I think of ways that I would have liked for it to be better. Some pictures are better than others, to be sure, but I am seldom completely satisfied with what I see. Could it be the same for you? If a portrait of yo.ur chapter were to be made would you be totally satisfied with what you would see? Look for a portrait of your chapter here and see what resources are available to help improve your chapter's "portrait." How can your chapter "portrait" be improved? What steps will Al pha Sigma Alpha take to help your chapter? The entire National Council thoroughly reviews and evaluates every collegiate chapter at least once each year. Throughout the year, chapter conditions are observed by the collegiate province directors, National Headquarters, chapter consultants and other national officers and chairmen. The national province directors file individual chapter reports twice a year and in-depth reports following chapter visits, particularly the inspection visit, which is conducted once each biennium. Chapter consultants also file reports following their visits. The first test of a chapter's condition is its ability to meet and surpass the "Minimum Standards for AI:A Chapters." They are: 1. MEMBERSHIP • Minimum of 40 members (unless campus enrollment indicates otherwise). • Participation in open rush in order to reach quota and/or total, whichever is greater. • Use of the required National Rating-Voting Procedure. 2. SCHOLARSHIP • An implemented scholarship program. • Recognition of chapter 4
Could you • Improve your chapter portrait?
Do you recognize your chapter's portrait on the next three pages? Do you like what you see? Marti Stratton, vice president of collegians, explains the options available to each of the three chapters and the standards all Alpha Sigma Alpha chapters are expected to meet.
members and pledges with superior scholastic averages and for those who have shown improvement. • Chapter GPA equal to the all-sorority (Panhellenic) average on campus. 3. FINANCES • Written budget. • Monthly accurate treasurer reports, sent to National Headquarters. • No individual member more than 60 days in arrears without a promissory note. • Participation in House/ Savings Fund. • Timely payment of all dues and fees to the National Organization. 4. PLEDGE EDUCATION • Submit written pledge program to the national vice president of collegians and area collegiate province director. • Pledge program approved by the province director. • No hazing in any form. 5. CHAPTER STANDARDS:
• Observe all Alpha Sigma Alpha national policies, campus regulations, state and local laws. Specific factors that are taken into consideration include: rush statistics, the pledge program, incidents of hazing, level of chapter confidence, a chapter's "image" and reputation on campus, chapter unity and "sisterhood," quality of chapter leadership, degree of communication and cooperation between the chapter and local alumnae, and chapter reactions to and financial standing with the national organization. Problems or weaknesses in any or all of these areas serve as guides for determining the types of resources the national organization needs to provide. Alpha Sigma Alpha makes every attempt to provide all possible resources within its means. However, no amount of external help or pressure can be successful unless the chapter members themselves are committed to improvement and genuinely desire change toward chapter excellence. The THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA
Portrait #1 Located at a solid state school whose primary emphasis in the past had been teacher education. Chapter members now represent many dif· ferent fields of study. For years this chapter has pledged quota, eryoyed close ties with alumnae, maintained a reputation on campus as a chapter with friendly, involved members who support high academic standards and campus programs. However, due to several factors, the chapter has failed to pledge quota for the past few years and chapter members do not know how to open rush and are not fully convinced that it is necessary for them. Chapter confi· dence, as well as size and campus "image " are declining.
Steps for improvement: Difficulty with rush requires help as soon as possible. A chapter consultant will be scheduled to visit the chap· ter at the earliest possible date. While visiting the chapter, the consultant will work extensively with the chapter officers and the rush chairman in planning strategies for reaching the greatest number of potential rushees. She will plan and give a rush workshop concentrat· ing on "dormstorming," party planning and follow-through, membership selection and conversation skills. The consultant will also look to see if there are any other underlying problems within the chapter that adversely affect chapter members' desire to rush effectively . . . Have cliques and power struggles made a mockery of the word, "sisterhood"? Is leadership imma·
chapter MUST be willing to accept assistance, guidance and criticism. Attitudes such as , " We ' ve always done it this way," "Everybody on this campus does it like that" or "But our chapter is different . . . " become barriers to positive change . If a chapter truly desires to improve its "portrait," it will readily accept and make use of the assistance that is being of· fered. If there is a commitment to follow-through with ideas and suggestions, changes can occur quickly and small problems can THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA
ture, weak, too-powerful or misdirected? Is there an imbalance between the collegians and a rea alumnae? The consultant will work with the chapter to identify problems and will alert the area province director and national vice president of collegians to arrange addi· tiona! support and resource personnel. The province director will also become more involved with the chapter in helping to schedule and plan open-rush activities through letters and telephone calls to the chapter president and the rush chairman. The province director may also try to arrange a weekend visit to hold a rush workshop or to attend an actual rush party. During the spring, the province director will begin to gu ide the chapter and work with them and thei r rush chairman to see that preparations for the next fall 's formal rush are well underway. Primary emphasis, however, will be placed upon the chapter's efforts to pledge enough women through open rush in order to return in the fall at a size to compete with the others on campus. Every experience tells us that this, more than almost any other factor , will deter· mine the success or failure for a chapter to reach quota during formal rush. Given the supports, workshops and a genuine chapter commitment to do-what-needs-to· be-done and follow-through , the chapter's confidence and sense of purpose should grow to replace the fear and self-doubts that were beginning to undermine every aspect of its members' sorority experience.* * *
be solved before they become major ones. Perhaps you have seen at least some portion of your chapter's "portrait" presented here. Alpha Sigma Alpha helps provide the materials, tools and guidance necessary to create a chapter that is a "work of art." The National Council desires and expects the best from the collegiate chapters. " Alpha 's in pursuit of excellence" is not some hollow "catch-phrase." By monitoring and evaluating chapter and
campus conditions, Alphas at the "national" level can be ready to provide the resources each chapter needs. Alpha Sigma Alpha wants every member's collegiate sorority expe· rience to be a rich and rewarding one and the "portrait" of every chapter to be that of a winner. It is also important to remember that whether a chapter's "portrait" resembles the Mona Lisa or an ele· mentary art project is also the re· sponsibility of the chapter itself! * * * SPRING 1987
Portrait #2 Located at a campus where "being Greek" holds no special appeal, few women go through rush, chapter members are increasingly involved in other pursuits and find only social activities of the chapter worth attending. The relationships among the sororities on campus are strained at best and usually hostile, and the college administration is not at all supportive or involved with the Greeks. Alumnae are not heavily concentrated in the area, and those who do live nearby seldom meet. The chapter is in dire straits. Membership is low, many are seniors and juniors whose primary focus is on graduation, and they no longer have opportunities to meet freshmen and sophomore women . Chapter members feel a constant pressure, there are too many offices, too much to be done and too few to do the work; some members seem lazy, some are angry, some are frustrated and some are just plain burnt-out. Steps for improvement: This is not a pretty picture. Disinterest in the Greek system and a less-than-friendly administration are obstacles beyond our immediate control. However, through a concentrated effort at marketing and public relations, combined with a genuine and sincere effort at opening dialogue with the campus administration, some of these barriers might come down. To aid the chapter in these and other areas critical to its future , the National Counc il will appoint a supervising officer. The supervising officer will be a present or former national officer, with knowledge, wisdom and love to share, who lives in the same general area and who will work very closely with the chapter regarding all aspects of chapter life. The supervising officer will work with the chapter's province director, the national vice president of collegians and the chapter members to clarify goals and set priorities.
In a chapter so small , each member carries increased responsibilities and a constant fear that everything will collapse around her. Sorority isn't much fun . The supervising officer and province director will help the chapter establish both long and short term goals, all with an eye toward success, the addition of fun and a meaningful sisterhood. The supervising officer and/or the province director will make every attempt to make more personal visits and telephone contacts with this chapter. These women will also tap other resources within the sorority to help bring about positive change. The national president may be called upon to make a courtesy call to the university adminjstration ; AEA 's Panhellenic delegate might be contacted regarding the improvement/establishment of a functioning college Panhellenic; additional programs and ideas may be requested from other chairmen; and the area alumnae province director, through the cooperation of the National Headquarters, may coordinate an effort to reach more local alumnae to seek their support. A chapter consultant will visit the chapter repeatedly to assist with open rush planning and all aspects of the rushing effort. She also will assist with officer training, chapter relations and will help facilitate and open a work-able relationship with the administration. Closing a collegiate chapter is done only after every possible solution for that campus has been tried or thoroughly considered. Such a decision is NEVER made lightly. If the chapter can no longer function on its own, to support, increase and maintain itself despite all efforts, then it may ultimately have to be closed. Even then, it would be done with the hope that at some point in the future, given more favorable conditions, AEA might one day re-open that chapter.
Portrait #3 Located on a large campus, recently won the Panhellenic Outstanding Sorority Award. It has a strong sisterhood, aided by an involved and positive alumnae advisory board. AEA is noted on campus for its enthusiastic, attractive members who can be counted upon for their academic achievements as well as campus involvement. Chapter members do not fear rush but look forward to it and usually do quite well. Members enjoy and benefit from chapter programming, sisterhood activities, ritual, scholarship supports and philanthropic experiences in addition to the "social" side of sorority. Membership in AEA is a source of pride and a priority in the lives of its members. Steps for improvement: Hurray AEA! This
chapter makes everyone proud! They are enjoying the rewards of planning and hard work and are on their way to being a "Four Star Chapter" and per-haps even the "Crown of Excellence Award" winner. The members work constantly toward the goal of chapter
excellence and gladly use the AEA resources available to them. Although there is a temptation to "coast" for awhile after so much hard work, the chap· ter has realized that "one can only coast down· hill." The chapter maintains a solid working relationship with its advisory board, each respecting the other, and they do not hesitate to ask for help or direction from their advisors, province director, chapter consultant or the National Council. They are constantly looking for ways to improve by being open to suggestions and new ideas. The National Council, directly and indi· rectly, through the chapter's province director, will congratulate these chapter members for a job well done. Their province director will visit with them over the phone, correspond with them and visit in person at least once each year. The chapter can also expect a visit from a chapter consultant as part of the regular supports available to all AEA chapters. -t< -t<
How can you help? time in 10 years, will have three chapter consultants If you have read the three chapter portraits, you traveling during the 1987-88 year. know how important chapter consultants are to While the members of National Council agreed Alpha Sigma Alpha. that three chapter consultants were a necessity, the In addition to the support given to existing chap· question of funding was raised. Response to the ters, whether troubled or not, consultants are a inception of the Alpha Sigma Alpha Foundation has key ingredient in the success of colonies and new been overwhelming, but these funds cannot be used chapters. for general sorority operations, which include chap· Three new chapters were installed in a four-week ter consultants. That is why, at this time, we ask that period in March and April (see summer Phoenix). you consider a donation to the Development Fund to Numerous expansion opportunities for new colonies support the training and travel of Alpha Sigma Alpha exist, and several current AEA chapters need special chapter consultants. attention. They, in turn, will help In order to deal with .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. obligations to current I _ _ Yes, I want to see Alpha Sigma Alpha expand I your sorority build more chapters and opportu- I and grow stronger with the help of three chapter con· I and stronger chapters. 1 sultants. Enclosed is my contribution of$ . 1 nities for new ones, Alpha I I Sigma Alpha, for the first 1 Name 1 1 I
I 1 :
I Mail to Alpha Sigma Alpha Development Fund, 1201 East Walnut, Springfield, MO 65802
A theme for any season Submitted by Beth Colwell National Rush Chairman Alone, the word rush means to move or act with great haste or urgency. Just the opposite is necessary, however, for a chapter to orchestrate a successful sorority rush. Proper planning, organization and cooperation all are key ingredients when preparing for formal or informal rush . And , the right themes for parties can make all the difference in attracting potential pledges and taking quota . The following rush party themes repeatedly have proven successful for many AI:A chapters. Perhaps it's time for your chapter to inject some new ideas into your rush program . The time to plan for next year is right now.
Successful themes Back to school party Disney '50s beach party Muppets and AEA Peanuts and AEA Red , white and you It's a small world Cruise ship Commercial night AEA at the movies Treasure hunt Ice cream social Cookout Sock hop
Pajama party Tailgate party Carnival Casino Wizard of Oz Pizza Party Farewell to summer Giopetta's toy shop Let's go Hawaiian Slide show On Broadway Wishing well Garden party Safari party
Epsilon Alpha: Watermelon Party
Zeta Zeta: Over the Rainbow
Watermelon Party
Over The Rainbow With AEA
Name tags:
AEA banners and posters and other AEA memorabilia around the room
Rainbows or watermelons for members and rushees Refreshments: Watermelon, cookies and punch Costumes: Casual dress Entertainment: A watermelon seed spitting contest that includes members and rushees Songs: Your chapter's favorite peppy and spirited songs
Rainbow murals, plants and flowers, a waterfall, a gazebo with flowers, tables covered with cloths and candle centerpieces to create a quiet and sincere atmosphere Name tags: Members' name tags are a pot of gold, rushees' name tags are a rainbow Refreshments: Petite four cakes and punch Costumes: Rainbow-colored dresses Entertainment: Skit and chapter songs
Help from slightly older sisters by Sandy Brzezinski National Vice President of Alumnae At least twice a year, our collegiate members find themselves "stressed out" by rush. It's important to the life of the chapter to have a successful rush. And successful rushes mean endless hours of planning, preparation and execution. Here's where the SOSto SOS-slightly older sisters-comes in. Believe it or not, sorority life in the real world of alumnae is quite pleasant. Even though many of us have careers and families , we do long for the simpler times when all we had to worry about were term papers, classes and rush! You see, dear collegians, we alumnae would love to participate in rush. We are limited as to what we can do. We can't actively rush, but we can help indi-
rectly-making favo rs, name tags and punch. We don't even mind the clean-up, so you can get on with your voting and preparation for the next rush event. But we alumnae often find it difficult to ask what we can do to help. We need to be asked. If you don't have an alumnae chapter nearby, write to the vice president of alumnae for alumnae chapters without collegiate counterparts. And slightly older sisters, don't be shy! Write to the vice president of collegians for chapters that are without alumnae chapter counterparts. A simple offer to help would surely be welcome by a chapter. We need each other to make AEA continue to grow. * * *
Alpha Sigma Alpha rush introduction If you know of a young woman who is attending, or will attend, college on a campus where there is a chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha, please fill out this form and send it to the collegiate chapter on that campus (see fall directory) or Alpha Sigma Alpha National Headquarters, 1201 East Walnut Street, Springfield, MO 65802. This form is for information only. It does not obligate the woman or chapter in any way. Rushee 's name Home address Name of parent or guardian Graduation yea r
Rushee 's high school Rushee is now a _ _ freshman ,
sophomore , _ _ _ jun ior,
sen ior
If rushee is a transfer , former college: Relatives in Alpha Sigma Alpha or other Greek organ ization Do you know the girl personally?
If not, source of information
Please describe: Academic achievements and honors:
Interests, hobbies and talents :
Community activities :
Other comments:
Your name
What's in a GPA? by Marianne Bullock Scholarship Chairman Once college is behind you, does your grade point average matter? In the real world after college , you will find it rare that people ask for your GPA. Clients, co-workers, friends and neighbors don't care how you did in school. The only people concerned with your grades are graduate school admissions counselors, personnel counselors and employers. If you are interested in graduate school, chances are you kept your grades high throughout your formal education and won't need to worry what your transcripts look like. But personnel agency counselors and employers do judge people on their GPAs. Grades are important in the hiring process when
considering people with little job experience. The reasoning is that it takes discipline to attain and maintain good grades; therefore, a person with a high GPA is probably going to have the self-discipline to become efficient and productive in the workplace. Employers look at the kinds of courses taken, the grades attained and the trends of grades when making hiring decisions. If an applicant has taken moderately difficult courses and does well , it demonstrates perseverance, an acceptance of challenges and a sense of responsibility to potential employers. Lacking job exp-erience, the most important asset an applicant can have is a good transcript. An employer is more willing to take a risk hiring someone with a good GPA than someone who insists her grades aren't reflective of her talents , she had professors who hated her or her extra-
curricular activities prevented her from devoting more time to study. The employer will view this appli· cant as one who may be lazy, place blame for problems on others and have no ability to plan work and time, take initiative or express dedication to the job. In a tight labor market, employ· ers have many qualified appli· cants, so why ruin your chances before you start? Good grades will help an appli· cant convince an employer that she is capable of grasping con· cepts quickly, putting ideas to work and has t h e discipline to complete projects. High grades also show an employer that an ap· plicant has the technical back· ground required to do the job. And if your colleagues or friends do bring up the subject, you'll never be embarrassed by a high grade point average. -tr -tr
Spring 1986 scholarship rankings Chapters maintaining a 3.0 or better average are: Epsilon Epsilon, Emporia State University Kappa Kappa, Temple University Beta Epsilon, James Madison University Beta Eta, Dickinson State University Gamma Pi, Missouri Valley College Gamma Omicron, Clarion University Chapters rated first on campus are: Epsilon Epsilon, Emporia State University
Beta Epsilon, James Madison University Beta Eta, Dickinson State University Gamma Xi, Slippery Rock University Gamma Omicron, Clarion University Gamma Pi, Missouri Valley College Delta Iota, University of Delaware Delta Omicron, York College of Pennsylvania Delta Nu-B, GM Engineering & Mgmt. Institute Delta Kappa. University of Southern Indiana
Over 50 women were on the dean's list of their respective universities, with 11 attaining a 4.0 average.
The Search for Alumnae Stars In order to recognize outstanding accomplishments of individual Alpha Sigma Alpha alumnae, The Phoenix needs your input. If you, or someone you know, have received public recognition or made a significant contribution in the areas of business, sports, government, education , entertainment, media, volunteer work, science and the arts, please complete this form. Alumnae Star guidelines:
* * * *
The Phoenix will make an effort to use all material submitted but reserves the right to determine the content of published items. Photographs should accompany each form , but are not returnable. Please complete form by typing or printing neatly. Only one Alumnae Star per form; please duplicate the form for additional entries.
Name of person submitting the report _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ ____ Phone (in case additional information is necessary) __________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ Name of person to be r e c o g n i z e d - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Alumnae Chapter _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Collegiate chapter _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ Phone _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Areas of accomplishment. Give specific d e t a i l s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - -
Explain why you think this person should be featured in The Phoenix _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Send this form to " Alumnae Stars, " c/o Cretia Rowlette, 3861 N. Cherry Ln., Kansas City, MO 64116.
Alumnae Stars
Deborah Fields Dietrich, BN, receive d the 1986 Panhellenic " Woman of the Year " award.
AEA named woman of year Deborah Fields Dietrich (BN) was named the 1986 Panhellenic "Woman of the Year" by the Clearwater, FL, Panhellenic. Her selection from the nominees of 18 sororities was based on past and current involvement in her sorority , Panhellenic and the community. Deborah is a member of the TriCity Alumnae Chapter, which she served as president for four years. She is currently their representative to Panhellenic and a member of the board. After attending her first two national conventions, she says she aspired to be a national officer, and this July she accepted the position of province director for A'IJr and BA chapters. She had previously served on several national committees. Deborah's start in AEA was a little later than most; she transferred to Murray State University as a second semester junior and hadn't really considered joining a sorority. Despite a friend's warning that she was "too independent" for a sorority, she pledged AEA "because it was a lifetime endeavor." 12
At Paducah Community College, Deborah was active in student senate as vice president; she was a cheerleader and won the "School Spirit" award. She was the first student representative to the McCracken County Red Cross. Her involvement in the community has continued after college. She is a member of the Largo Chamber of Commerce and has been membership director . She was appointed to the citizens advisory committee to the Metropolitan Planning Organization of Pinellas County and was campaign manager for James Mi~es for election to the Largo C1ty Commission. Deborah is currently a representative for Tampa Bay Health Plan, a locally established health maintenance organization out of Diagnostic Clinic, and she is enrolled in the College for Financial Planners. Previously she spent eight years working at Deem Cabinets as general manager and assistant vice president of the $2 million-plus-ayear manufacturing company. Deborah's leadership and talents have earned her many awards including "Who's Who of American Women ," 1985; "Who 's Who in American Junior Colleges," 1970, and "Honorary Conch and Citizen of the Fabulous Florida Keys." "Debbie is a remarkable leader," says Tri-City alumna Em Frost. "She has done a lot for Panhellenic and Alpha Sig."
Gill Temple Hanlon, BE, recipient of the Distinguished Alumni Achievement Award from Janes Madison University.
Gill was also one of 12 secondary teachers nationwide to attend the Yale University- Hopkins Summer School Russian Studies Seminar in 1986. A two-week Russian studies training course prepared the teachers for their visit to the Soviet Union this past summer. Gill taught social studies at John Ca rrol High School in Fort Pierce, FL, for 10 years and is currently serving as chairman of the social studies department.
Teacher earns alumni award Gill Temple Hanlon (BE) was a recent recipient of the Distinguished Alumnae Achievement Award presented by the James Madison University Alumni Association.
Kimberley Minter Artz, BI. was honored as one of the Outstanding Young Women of America.
Alumnae Stars
AEA broke ground for career women
The Washington, D.C., Alumnae Chapter is indeed proud and honored to have as members two of only four AEA alumnae to receive AEA's Recognition of Eminence Award. Gerry Cox received the award at the 1986 National Convention in Denver (Winter Phoenix). Helen Lortz (HH), an active member of 1 the chapter since 1945, received , the Recognition of Eminence Award at the 1967 National Convention in St. Louis. Now retired, Helen did some reminiscing at a recent chapter meeting on the changing role and status of women since she first ' stepped out into "a man's world" in 1932 after receiving a B.S. degree in education from Kansas State Teacher's College, Pittsburg, KS (now Pittsburg State University). In a government career spanning almost four decades in the U.S. and overseas, she recalled with amusement as well as indignation her efforts to get a "foot in the door" as a professional instead of the usual clerical and secretarial roles assigned women. Not until her first overseas assignment in Paris with the Marshall Plan Program in 1948 did she succeed in this effort. Even after that initial and significant step, 15 years later, as the Latin American Food for Peace Officer with the Department of State's Agency for International Development , she found herself in a grade and salary position two levels below that of her three male colleagues. With some persistence, that situation was eventually corrected. In recognition of her contributions to the
development and management of the Food for Peace Program, she was presented the Agency's Superior Honor Award on the eve of her retirement in 1973. Two humorous anecdotes, for Helen, point up the ambivalence in attitudes toward career women during that period. The first occurred in 1961 at the time she completed her two-year tour of duty as agricultural information officer with the U.S. AID mission in Spain. At the last staff meeting she
"The mission director presented her with a sterling silver engraved cigar box . . . and apologiz(ed) for it not being entirely appropriate for the mission's first woman officer."
attended, the mission director presented her with a sterling silver engraved cigar box, saying that this was the standard gift for departing officers but also apologizing for its not being entirely appropriate for the mission's first woman officer. The second took place during a private luncheon with the assistant administrator of the agency's War on Hunger Program just prior to her retirement. During a discussion of her plans following retirement, she was asked whether she would consider some short-term consulting assignments overseas. He said that she could be useful in
a great many situations because among her many capabilities was that of "thinking like a man." Too polite and respectful to question her superior on what that remark meant, Helen is still wondering. Fortunately, over the past 20 years, a revolutionary change in society's attitudes toward the role of women, and especially career women, has taken place. The competition may be greater and more intense but the opportunities to achieve one's goals are equally improved. In an article Gerry Cox wrote in 1984 for the U.S. Woman Engineer magazine on "Goal Setting and Career Strategy," she said, "Successful careers are the result of effective goal setting which can be done only by each of us, alone. Each person is the only one who can define what they want to achieve during their own all too brief time on earth ." As contrast, in a 1973 interview published in her agency's internal publication, "Front Lines," Helen said, "I think the best thing in the world is to keep an open mind, having no set convictions about where you are going or where you plan to live or what you plan to do. I find it is good to keep an open mind and be ready for anything new that comes along. That approach served me very well . . . in my career and I hope it will do the same in my retirement. " As a consequence of the revolutionary changes in the role and status of women in today's society, the gap between these two very different career strategies is closing, and certainly for the better. *
* *
Alumnae Action Cincinnati, Ohio
History, careers and holiday wrap-up The Hamiltonian Hotel in Hamilton, OH, was the setting for the combined luncheon meeting of the Dayton and Cincinnati alumnae. The speaker after lunch was J . Horner, president of the Butler County Historical Society. " And What Do You Do? " was the topic for the chapter's first Careers Night held at the home of Nancy Coon Anderson, fB. Speakers were Marsha Beal Brown , AA , Connie McGhee Cost, BE, and Alison Glass, AA. Founders' Day was celebrated with Alpha Alpha Chapter at Miami University. After lunch in the Heritage Room , Province Director Kimberly Ann Allman , XX , gave a short talk . The alumnae were invited to the Al pha Alpha suite for apple cider and conversation following the program . Ruth Snouffer, AA, was hostess for the annual " Christmas w(RAP). After a short business meeting , members wrapped Christmas gifts that were then taken to the Resident Home for the Mentally Retarded .
Nancy Anderson
Jackson Purchase, Kentucky
A new sorority house The chapter members looked forward to an unusually exciting year. The annual August cookout attracted new members whose welcome presence indicated a successful beginning for the membership drive. In October, the alumnae had a household shower for the new AEA sorority house. The alumnae were certainly proud to be a part of the historical change from sorority room to sorority house for the present and future Beta Nus. Shirley Thompson and Advisor Debbie Bell provided invaluable aid this summer in renovating the house. In November, the alumnae hosted the Founders' Day ceremony for the active chapter. In addition , the craft auction provided active members with lasting keepsakes while helping the alumnae raise money.
Chris Thompson
Buffalo, N Y, chapter officers are (le ft to right) Rosemary Lett, Joan Runckel, Linda Hils, Beth Lucia, Dodie Schweitze r, Dee Schweitze r and Mary Ellen Randall.
Richmond, Virginia
Fall greetings Richmond members , ever an x ious to greet one another after the summer, had a covered dish dinner in September at the home of President Kim Matthews. In October, members were invited to the Panhellenic Taster's Supper, and November festivities included a Founders' Day celebrat ion with the Epsilon Gamma Chapter at Virginia Commonwealth University. Sandy Messer and her husband Rick hosted the annual Christmas party.
Sandy Morgan
San Diego, California
West Coast festivities San Diego alumnae began the fall season with a September business meeting at the home of President Se路 rena Lannue, ZZ . Serena attended the National Convention and recapped the highlights. Individual tortes and coffee were served while members discussed greater emphasis on increasing membership and expanding service projects.
The annua l Founders' Day luncheon was held at the newly renovated , century -old Ho rton Grand Hotel , a replica of t he famous lnnsbruck Hotel in V ie nn a, Austria. After the luncheon , th e Founders' Day ceremony and business meeting were h eld at the home of Shirley Cloud Rowley, PX.
Anne R. Will
Springfield, Missouri
Holidays inspire creativity Fall and winter is a busy time for the alumnae chapter. In October, several members met at the home of Faunlee Harle to make heart-shaped ornaments for the new Beta Sigma pledges. These ornaments were given to the pledges after the Founders' Day ceremony in November. The highlight of the fall calendar was the Christmas dinner and craft auction at the home of Debbie Penn. This annual event consists of a potluck dinner, followed by an auction of handmade crafts and goodies. This is a very " merry" money-maker for the chapter.
Cindy Walker
Alumnae Action Terre Haute, Indiana
Omaha, Nebraska
Fall-filled activities
Salad supper kicks off fall agenda
The chapter had a very busy fall season. The September planning meeting was a cooperative salad luncheon at the home of President Terry Miller. At that time, plans were finalized for the October Homecoming Luncheon. This proved to be a highly successful event attended by members who traveled far and wide for activities at Indiana State University. Two $100 scholarships were given to members of the Beta Upsilon Chapter. Alumnae also helped the collegiate chapter with its rush preference party. Several members of the chapter went to Indianapolis for the observance of Founders' Day. The local observance was held jointly with Beta Upsilon Chapter in the chapter suite at Indiana State University. Members concluded the year's events with the annual Christmas party held at the home of Odessa Hylton.
The chapter gathered in September for the first meeting at the home of President Jill Karre. Everyone brought a salad for the annual salad supper. Plans were made for the rest of the 1986-87 meetings and philanthropic projects were discussed . Three new members were welcomed to the chapter. They are Carole Bena, Julia Scott Dahl and Linda Linse, all Phi Phis. On Nov. 15, a traditional Founders' Day luncheon was hosted by Terry Merrick and Jean Ullrich at a favorite local restaurant. The chapter members looked forward to the final meeting of 1986: a Christmas brunch. The brunch was hosted by Jody Mcintosh and Lois Lechner. In the true spirit of Christmas, there was a small gift exchange and recognition of a favorite charity with a monetary gift. Diana Maginn
Katherine Becker
Delaware Valley, Pennsylvania Greater Kansas City
A busy fall
Even before the formal season started , a rush party was held for all new members. They enjoyed playing cards and swimming at the home of , Shirley Bowlin, 4>4>. The board members served as co-hostesses. The convent ion was the subject of the September meeting. Helen McGuire, ZZ , was presented with a remembrance of the Wilma Wilson Sharp Award, which was presented at convention. The Women's City Club was the site of the November meeting. Phon Gillespie, EE, Esther Bucher, HH, and Mary Kay Reiff, HH, made the arrangements. Over 50 women and their legacies attended this Founders' Day program, complete with a fashion show. Karen Small, ZZ , hosted a Couples Christmas party , which was enhanced by a spirited sing along. Everyone brought her favorite appetizer. Jeannie Redmond
Philanthropic project The chapter met in December to wrap small Christmas items for members of a local nursing home. Th is continued a philanthropic connection with the home that began last Easter. January held anticipation as everyone looked forward to a dinner theater event. The Hedgerow Players were featured and everyone brought a covered dish for the event. Miriam Fitzgerald
Central Pennsylvania
Convention highlights shared
ganized AEA Foundation. Several members assisted with the pledging of the Epsilon Kappa Colony at Millersville University. Colony president and vice .president were also welcomed at the Christmas luncheon and auction . It was exciting to hear of all their plans and activities. Marion Nolt Lefever, KK, and Betty Wilson Rost, KK, served as co-hostesses of the luncheon , held at the home of Marion's daughter, Ann . Paula Cyrus Foreman
Tri-City, Florida
Convention plans underway The chapter kicked off the year with a potluck luncheon at the home of Buff Sundh. In September, work began on Convention '88 with a brainstorming session about themes, favors and chairmanships. There is a lot of enthusiasm here about hosting the convention , and although the work has just begun , members are looking forward to seeing many of you on the beach in '88. In October, several members made a trip to Roger's Christmas House, well-known in the area for pleasing even the most seasoned Christmas shopper. After filling shopping baskets and emptying purses, the women had lunch at the Blueberry Patch Restaurant. November brought Founders' Day, and a luncheon was held at the Belleview Country Club with 50-year members presenting the traditional Founders' Day ceremony. A 50-year pin was presented to Rowena Simpson. A Christmas brunch was hosted by Pat Huffman. Members brought handmade Christmas items for an auction that raised over $200 for the chapter convention fund . Malinda Owens
The chapter gathered at the home of Paula Cyrus Foreman, II II, for an October meeting and luncheon . The reports and pictures from the National Convention in Denver were the highlight of the day. Members are very proud of S. June Smith, KK, who is now serving on the newly or-
AEA cookbook has arrived Send for your copy now! Please send copies of NARCISSUS at $14.95 per copy plus $2.00 postage and handling per book. (Missouri residents add 5.725% sales tax.) Enclosed you will find my made check or money order for $ payable to Alpha Sigma Alpha. Name ______________________________ Address _____________________________ City _______________ _ State _____________________ Zip ______ Mail to: ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA National Headquarters 1201 East Walnut Street Springfield, Missouri 65802
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