of Alpha Sigma Alpha ~....----,
Convention in Clearwater Beach ~路.
Founders' Day Message
Our visions for the future by Diane James National President
On November 15, 1901, our five founders , Virginia Lee Boyd, Juliette Jefferson Hundley, Mary Williamson Hundley, Louise Burks Cox and Calva Hamlet Watson, started Alpha Sigma Alpha with a vision. A vision of a group that would foster friendships and lifetime commitments, and a vision that their group would some day be established as a national organization. Today, the visions of our founders have become our reality. Our National Convention this past summer at Clearwater Beach, FL , was an excellent time to reflect on those visions. We have grown from the vision of becoming a national organization to the reality of a national organization with 56 chapters and 3 colonies. A reality that we perpetuate by actively pursuing universities where it is conducive to establish colonies-our chapters of the future. Of course, there is no better place than a National Convention
to see how the vision of fostering friendships and lifetime commitments has become a reality. When you see a group of hundreds of women coming together for the betterment of the sorority, living and working to foster the ideals of Alpha Sigma Alpha , you only wish our five founders could be there to witness the reality of their vision. At this time of looking back and paying homage to our founders, it is also a time to look forward. To look forward to the future of Alpha Sigma Alpha through the visions National Council now has for our organization, in hopes that these too will some day be reality. Knowing that our organization needed a broader base of financial support than could be gained through alumnae dues and collegiate fees, we saw, in the last biennium , the establishment of the Alpha Sigma Alpha Foundation . Through the vision of establishing this Foundation, the National Council hopes to gain a larger financial base to establish leadership training programs, educational and career-oriented programs for colle-
gians and alumnae and support, through scholarships, for those in pursuit of higher education. At this point much of the programming our Foundation can provide is still a " vision ," however , through your financial contributions to the Foundation thi vision , too , can become a reality. The National Council has a vision of establishing a standard pledge program , a collegiate chapter advisory board for each chapter, the Em Frost Leadership Development Institutes in 1989 and fostering greater alumnae commitment through education, on the collegiate level, that Alpha Sigma Alpha is truly a lifetime commitment. Our visions will one day become reality through the continued work and support of dedicated individuals who are committed to the ideals of Alpha Sigma Alpha. Now , at this time of our 87th year , let us reflect on the visions of our Founders that have become our reality of today, and on our visions of today that will become our reality of the future. ootf Happy 87th Founders' Day! ootf
Letters to the Editor Letters to the editor are always welcome. Please submit to Nancy I.Z. Reese, Phoenix editor, 828 S. Golf Cui de Sac, Des Plaines , IL 60016.
Dear Editor: Seldom have I seen an issue of a journal from one of the national sororities that i as valuable a The Pho nix Summer 198 . Your feature on 'Date Rape" i excellent! I applaud ou r efforts to highlight a p cia] concern of our college population. Perhaps with increased public attention , more women ' ill ta alert to high-ri k ituations and will report their experienc so that we can off r upport er ices if not I gal action . 2
As a Beta Iota alumna, I am proud of you r contributions to the well being and encou ragement of the women of Alpha Sigma Alpha. Betty M. Nelson Dean of Students Purdue University Dear Editor: As a graduate of Northern Illinoi University , I receive NIU's alumni newsletter. In each issue, there is a feature that is broken do, n by year of graduation in which a per on may subm it a sort of " update" on what they are now doing . It is always interesting to check my yea r of graduation (and the ears ju t prior and after) to see if there are people that I know list-
ed therei n. Wouldn't this be a wonderful addition to The Phoenix? It is unfortunate that as years go by we often lose touch with our sisters. I know that I often wonder where some have ended up , if they have married and have children. Greta Reis Geller Beta Rho '82 Editor's Note: Space does not allow for general " updates." However, The Phoenix encourages the reporting of prof ional or community honors and accomplishments. They should be ubmitted to "Alumnae Star ,'' c/o Lori Muehlbauer Robinon , 1500 Sparkman Dr. , #36-F, Hun ts ille, AL 35816. 'tf
PHOenix Fall1988
of Alpha Sigma Alpha
Deadlines Spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Summer... . . . . . . . . . . . . Fall . ................... Winter ........ . ........
Vol. 74, No. 1
Features Oct. 10 Jan. 10 Apr. 10 July 10
Editor Nancy I.Z. Reese 828 S. Golf Cui de Sac Des Plaines, IL 60016
Staff Feature Editor Cretia Rowlette 3861 N. Cherry Ln . Kansas City, MO 64116
Visions for the future.
New goals set at Convention .
Consultants say farewell.
11 13
Three begin travels . Epsilon Mu installed.
Alumnae Editor Lori Muehlbauer Robinson 1500 Sparkman Dr. Apt. 36F Huntsville, AL 35816
Collegiate Editor Terri Higgs Murphy 4922 Epworth Rd. Newburgh , IN 47630
Membership Honor Roll . . . .
Sights and Sounds . . . . . . . . .
10 12
Collegiate Corner . ... . . .... Collegiate Stars . . . . . . . . . . . .
14 19
In Next Issue
Historian Betty Urban Wall ick P.O. Box 4727 Yuma, AZ 85364
Complete coverage on Wilma Wilson Sharp Alpha Sigma Alpha President Emerita Wilma Wilson Sharp died July 16, 1988 in a nursing home in Overland Park, KS. A tribute to her w ill appear in the winter issue of The Phoenix.
TH E PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIG MA ALPHA (USPS 430· 640), an ed ucational journal, Is published In the fa ll , winter, spring and summer of each year by the Soror· ity, 1201 East Walnut Street, Springfield, MO 65802. Subscrip tion price, $1 .50 a year. Produced by Maury Boyd & Assoc iates, Ind ianapol is, IN 46268. Member, National Panhel lenic Con ference and College Frater· nlty Editors Associati on.
Notice Send change of add ress and busi ness correspon· dence to Alph a Sigma Alph a National Headq uarters, 1201 East Wal nut St. , Spring field, MO 65802. Address all correspondence of an editorial nature to t he edl· tor, Nancy I. Z. Reese, 828 S. Golf Cui de Sac, Des Plai nes, IL 60016. Articles are Invite d fo r pub lication In this jou rn al. Man uscripts shou ld be su bm itted to t he edi toria l staff for consideration. Acceptances are on a cont rlb· utin g basis only and subject to editorial review. Artl· cles published are t he personal expressions of t he au thors and do not necessarily represent t he policies ofA!:A. Second·class postage paid at Sprin gfiel d, MO, and at additional maili ng offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA, 1201 East Walnut St., Springfield, MO 65802.
On the Cover It was more than sand and water at the 1988 Convention in Clearwater Beach. New goals were set and the future addressed during sessions at the four-day event. The entire convention body took at least one break, however, and posed for the cover photo by convention photographer Simon Rose .
* The Phoenix would like to encourage members of Alpha Sigma Alpha to submit photos, illustrations and articles for use in the magazine. There is a growing need fo r qual ity photos and illustrations and articles on issues of concern to today's woman , both student and alumna. Since we cannot guarantee that everything submitted will be used , please send copies of your photos and illustrations for a possible assignment; authors should send a short description and outline of a proposed article. Please send all inquiries to Nancy I.Z. Reese, Phoenix editor, 828 S. Gol f Cui de Sac, Des Plaines, IL 60016.
FALL 1988
Convention 1988 Sorority sets new goals, looks to future by Sue Zorichak Hagen Vice President of Alumnae
Collegians take notes and listen intently during one of the main sessions.
Beta Delta Advisor Elatne B. Yates, once agatn led all convent1on singtng. -1
Man Hunter, left, newly appointed chapter consultant, speaks w1th D1ane Y. James during the national off1cers reception on the opening day.
Hazing and liability emerged as the dominant themes of Alpha Sigma Alpha's 1988 National Convention , ho ted by the Tampa Bay Alumnae Chapter June 24-28 at the Holiday Inn Surfside, Clearwater Beach , FL. A total of 261 delegates national officers and guest heard seminars and keynote speakers expound on the consequences of and alternatives to hazing, the health of the Greek community and motivation (see other tories with this article). Attende s also hared in the excitement of several new sorority programs announced during convention and two surpri es from the Tampa Bay Alumnae: The opportunity to win a 14-karat gold sand dollar on an 18-karat gold chain, designed and donated by Tampa Bay Alumna Em Frost, and a day cruise for two. Th new programs include the formation of the Em Frost Leadership Development Institute, a standardiz d pledge program, the creation of a committee called AEA Second Century : trategic Planning for 2001 and updates on the status of th AEA Foundation . After several year ab ence, the sorority's I ad ership schools are back. The Em Frost Leadership Developm ent In titute, funded in part by a very generous gift from Em Fro t will consist of four " chools" around the country . The Palm , Crown tar and Pearl school will tart in fall 1989 . The tandardized pledge program wa introduced to collegiate chapter del gates at a membership education \ orkshop led by Vice President of Collegians Marti Stratton. The program , while leaving orne room for individual chapter additions, further emphasizes the sorority's anti-hazing commitment.
Convention 1988
Foundation President Bonnie Koenemann was overwhelmed with donations during convention and announced the Foundation's goal for the biennium: $90,000 by 1990. The strategic planning commit- 路 tee, chaired by Kim Meyer, is charged with planning the sorority's success for the second hundred years. Committee members include Cindy Fundis, Linda Rogers, Vicki Dennett, Marilyn Garbee, Mary Neilan and Diane James.
One month of birthday girls performs during Friday night 's ice breaker.
Getting down to business Amid a sea of sunburned faces, President Rosemary Goss opened the convention at 4 p.m. Friday, June 24 . Elaine Yates, Beta Delta advisor, again led all singing during convention. Special guest Mayor Rita Garvey welcomed attendees to Clearwater Beach . After introductions of all national officers, delegates and advisors, everyone braved the heat and humidity on the patio at the national officer reception. The first business meeting followed at 8 p.m . That night's keynote address , " Motivation- The Key To Success," by Tau Kappa Epsilon Executive Vice President T.J. Schmitz proved to be the perfect prelude to the ice breaker at 11 p.m . Philanthropic Chairman Elaine Fuerst organized everyone by birthday, and each group then performed an Alpha Sig song or chant. First-time delegates soon realized that the word "sleep" is not part of convention lingo. Saturday morning began, as did each morning of the convention, with an optional 6:30 beach walk. That day's agenda included the White Breakfast, during which attendees met three Pinellas County, FL, Special Olympians. Speaker Wrex Diem , principal at Stephens Exceptional Student Center, applauded Al:A's efforts with Special Olympics and urged members to work to ensure that all athletes THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA
At left, new initiate Annette Fellin is congratulated by her aunt and sponsor, Headquarters Executive Rose Marie Fellin . The two Special Olympians , above, were among the guests at the Wh ite Breakfast.
who want to compete, can. Following the Special Olympics and awards programs, Vice President of Collegians Marti Stratton read the names of members who have died this past biennium . An exceptionally moving rendition of " Mizpah ," sung by B~ Am y McRee, left few dry eyes. Ritual Chairman Silvana Richardson then led members to a levee , where President Rosemary Goss placed a memorial wreath in the water . Across the street, Annette Fellin, niece of Headquarters Executive Rosie Fellin, was initi_ated into Al:A at the Chapel by the Sea. A convention choir provided music.
Solving constitutional issues Everyone made it back from the beach in time for the second business meeting at 3 p.m. Saturday. One constitution and six bylaw changes were proposed, but not all passed. The proposed constitution change that stated all those voting at convention be initiated members, including advisors, was met with objections from two male chapter advisors present. After a well-reasoned statement by B8 advisor Dino Martinez, the convention body defeated the proposed change. Continued on page 6 FALL 1988
Convention 1988 Continued from page 5 All bylaw changes passed except one concerning removal of a chapter officer. After considerable debate, the proposed change was defeated. President Rosemary Goss then instructed constitution chairman Jean Weaver and a bylaws revision committee composed of past constitution chairmen and collegiate delegates, Trish Cope, AB, and Kate String, ~1, to reword the proposed change according to procedure prescribed in Robert's Rules of Order. The revised proposed change passed the next day, but not before more debate and an addendum to the change. All revisions will appear in the 1988 printing of AEA's constitution and bylaws. After a sobering talk by Theta Chi Vice President Dave Westol, titled "Hazing on Trial," members gathered for Inspiration on the Beach at 11 p.m., led by Silvana Richardson.
Foundation Breakfast The Foundation Breakfast, a new convention feature, was held Sunday morning. During breakfast, Foundation President Bonnie Koenemann introduced the Foundation board, detailed its progress the past two years and outlined its goals. Donors of $100 or more also were recognized at this time. The breakfast was followed by the third business meeting, during which the new national council members were elected: president, Diane Yencic James, HH, formerly vice president of finance; vice president of development, Rosemary Carucci Goss, BIT, immediate past president; vice president of collegians, Marti Stratton, BB, continuing in that position; vice president of alumnae, Sue Zorichak Hagen, BB, formerly Phoenix feature editor ; vice president of program, Elaine Rahaim Fuerst, B~, previously philanthropic chairman; vice president of finance, Connie Payton Hoffman, ZZ , formerly secretary; and secretary, Sandra Phillips Brzezinski, AE, previously vice president of alumnae. Six rush workshops were held Sunday afternoon: The Planning Process, led by Kim Meyer; Panhellenic Rush , with NPC delegates Sidney Allen and Betty Wallick; Alumnae Involvement in the Rush 6 FALL 1988
Ingrid Sevigny, right, convention chairman and president of the Tampa Bay alumnae, presents Foundation President Bonnie Koenemann with a check for the Foundation.
Process, with Rush Chairman Beth Colwell , Sandy Brzezinski and Province Director Deborah Deitrich; Membership Selection with Vice President of Program Paula Foreman; Rush Communication with Beth Colwell; and Rush-A Touch of Class, led by Cindy Fundis, Rosemary Goss and Vice President of Development MaryAnn Wenzel. Headquarters Executive Rosie Fellin reported a count of 261 convention attendees (133 voting members) at the fourth and final business meeting Monday morning. More workshops followed the meeting: Membership Education, with Marti Stratton; Hazing Alternatives , led by former chapter consultants Cindy Fundis , Suzanne Kilgannon, Lisa Stanley, Lisa O'Neill, Karen Fulmer and Carol Hrenchir Marstall; and Building Alumnae Membership, with Sandy Brzezinski.
Honoring Sidney The Panhellenic Luncheon Monday truly was designed with NPC delegate Sidney Allen in mind. Charming straw hats with floral brims adorned each table, and tiny seashells filled with potpourri nestled by each plate. After guests from nearly all 26 NPC sororities were introduced, Sidney entered. Much to her surprise and delight, the entire room stood to sing "Hello, Sidney" to the tune of "Hello, Dolly," planned and led by Elaine
Emma C. Frost, right, reacts with surprise and delight as Rosemary C. Goss, past national president, announces the establishment of the Em Frost Leadership Development Institute.
Yates . A choir of Beta Deltas then sang its own tribute to Sidney, but tears soon overpowered words . "For once in my life, I really am speechless," she said. "Thank you for helping make me the woman I wanted to be. " Sidney's fellow NPC delegate, Betty Mullins Junes, Alpha Phi, delivered the keynote address, "The Moving Finger Writes." The 1988-90 national council was installed at 7 p .m. Monday, and the awards banquet followed. Beautifully decorated in shades of peach , the banquet was a fitting close to a successful convention. Deserving chapters and individuals were presented with awards. A complete report will appear in the Winter Phoenix. The moment everyone was waiting for finally arrived. The drawing for the day cruise was first. After a moment, a jubilant Diane James declared herself the winner. She shouldn't have returned to her seat, however, because she also held the winning ticket for the sand dollar necklace. Not to be outdone, her husband, Don, won the dinner centerpiece. The best news of all, though, was the fact that the necklace and cruise both earned $525 for the Foundation. And, as she did in Denver, Foundation Treasurer Lois Beers again matched all funds raised through the ticket sales. * * * THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA
Convention 1988 More than humor Betty Mullins Jones, noted author, speaker and Alpha Phi National Panhellenic Conference delegate, tickled Panhellenic luncheon guests Monday with her speech, "The Moving Finger Writes." Although her talk was sprinkled with anecdotes and snipets of humor, her message was serious: The very existence of the Greek system is threatened because of the "excess of uncivilized behavior . . . and the trouble that's stuck to us like a cocklebur for the last 200 years." Fraternities and sororities are dangerously ill, she says, and in order to survive, must stick to a rigorous code of conduct. Jones condemned the shameful actions of many Greek organizations, fraternities in particular. But she did not let sororities off the hook: "We can't control what the men do, but we can control what we do," she stresses. Sorority women must unite and set the example and insist that the hazing, alcohol and drug abuse stop. In closing, Jones quoted a line of the poem from which she drew the title of her presentation: "The moving finger writes, and all your tears shall not wash out a word." i:l i:l
Betty Mullins Jones, left, Alpha Phi NPC delegate, was the guest speaker at the Panhellenic Luncheon honoring Sidney G. Allen, past NPC chairman and AEA delegate.
Keying in on motivation Tau Kappa Epsilon Executive Vice President T .J. Schmitz stirred up excitement Friday night with his boisterous talk, "Motivationthe Key to Success." Proving that he really does like to "work a room," Schmitz seemingly never stood still during his hour and a half presentation. He promised attendees at least 30 new ideas to make chapter members excited, and he delivered. His main methods to long-term motivation: 1. Create an attitude 2. Be the backbone 3. Be an idea person (steal them, he adds) 4. Determine members' needs 5. Communicate 6. Get the members involved 7. Recognize people The definition of a Greek, according to Schmitz, is that each of us must help the other to grow and THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA
T. J. Schmitz, Tau Kappa Epsilon executive vice president, spoke on motivation.
become better people. "We help fulfill that potential," he says. He views fraternities and sororities as "laboratories of leadership," and left attendees memorizing what he believes are the 10 most important two-letter words in the English language: If it is to be, it is up to me. i:l i:l
Greek liability David Westol, Theta Chi fraternity vice president, set a sober and serious tone Saturday night, when
he spoke on Greek legal affairs and liabilities. His speech was sponsored by the Alpha Sigma Alpha Foundation. W estol addressed hazing, alcohol and drug abuse in particular and cited case after chilling case where one or all issues played a part in either prompting legal action or nearly doing so. What can Greeks do to protect themselves? Westol suggests chapter leaders do five things: 1. Recognize that legal liabilities exist and make a liability audit a chapter priority 2. Provide legal/alcohol education to chapter mem hers 3. Have no open parties; they only provide lack of control and invite personal injury lawsuits 4. Have no parties for profit and don't let people who have been drinking, drive 5. Use the worst-case scenario to develop a response program to a situation . Include: Who will speak for the chapter? Who should be contacted? And what steps are needed to mitigate the damage or quell the rumors? "These are tough choices for chapter leaders," says Westol. He encourages officers to set an example, the most powerful form of leadership. "Make it a team approach and make risk management a priority rather than an afterthought," he advises. i:l i:l
FALL 1988
Convention 1988
Mary Ann Wenzel, right, presented the Officer Efficiency Award to Epsilon Epsilon representative , Julie Beard.
Marianne Bullock, left, presented the Scholastic Improvement Award to Alpha Gamma representative , Lisa Saxman.
Chapter Awards Philanthropic Beta Epsilon , James Madison University Buffalo Alumnae Chapter Membership Examination Gamma Lambda, Loyola University Panhellenic Zeta Zeta, Central Missouri State University Officer Efficiency Epsilon Epsilon , Emporia State University Scholastic Achievement Delta Nu-A, General Motors Institute
Marianne Bullock, left, presented the Schola stic Achievement Award to Delta Nu-A representative , Ca rol Bonis.
Scholastic Improvement Alpha Gamma, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Phoenix Awards Best Feature Silvana Richardson , Gamma Lambda, Boston alumna Best Collegiate Delta Iota, University of Delaware Best Alumnae San Diego Alumnae Chapter More on awards in winter Phoenix
Sidney Allen, right, presented the Pan hellenic Award to Zeta Zeta representative, Claudia Uribe . Photos by Simon Rose Fifty-year members honored at the convention were, left to righ t, Adaline H. Allen, NN; Dorothy K. Chase, KK; Jeanette H. Guy, AB; Rowena B. Simpson, MM; Ethel S. Peterson, ITIT; and Carmine C. McConne ll, XX. 8 FALL 1988
Chapter Consultants
Three finish journeys for AEA What began as a simple phone call last March from Vice President of Collegians Marti Stratton turned into an incredible journey for three graduating AEAs. The journey began with a quick trip to MIFCA/MAPCA in St. Louis for newly hired chapter consultants Karen Fulmer, Carol Hrenchir and Lisa O'Neill, followed by the NPC Field Consultant Seminar in Indianapolis . After more training at National Headquarters, the three set out to discover all that AEA is and stands for and where it all begins-at the 59 chapters and colonies across the country.
Lisa O'Neill
Leaving the road for Alpha Sigma Alpha are, left to right, Carol Hrenchir Marsta/1, Lisa O 'Neill and Karen Fulmer.
My year of road-tripping has taught me a great deal about Alpha Sigma Alpha. I have seen the diversity, dedication , humor and energy that is Alpha Sigma Alpha. One thing that strikes me is just how involved AEAs are. Every chapter I visited had members who seemed to think they could be in 100 places at once. The best part is, they could! The extra commitment demanded by sorority has attracted AEAs who can do it all-in the chapter, on the campus , in the community and, of course, on the social scene. I believe the ability to give that something extra is what makes AEA so special. This talent is reflected in so many of my experiences from my 25,000-mile trek. At times this year, I have wished I could take every AEA with me on the road, just so you could all experience having women you've never met share their lives with you. That openness has made me love each chapter I have visited . One special way I have shared has been participating in various rituals. I have been at four Phoenix degree ceremonies, eight initiations and two installations. I wrote in my application that I wanted to "give back to Alpha Sigma Alpha some of what I had re-
Carol Hrenchir Marstall
Karen Fulmer
Imagine traveling by yourself to meet new people in places as far west as Greeley, CO, and as far east as Philadelphia, always knowing that an AEA would be waiting for you when the plane landed. I would walk off the airplane and scan the crowd for those everfamiliar letters: AEAI I'd find the letters, walk over, introduce myself ("No, I'm not 60 years old, nor do I need a cane!") and a new adventure would begin at a new chapter. Meeting new AEAs, sampling local foods and visiting favorite shops and historical places were all just a small part of my experience as a chapter consultant. Most of my visits consisted of officer education mixed with rush workshops, new, positive programming and membership education. Whether they realize it or not, the chapters that I worked with taught me a great deal about Alpha Sigma Alpha. Our chapters are instilled with the will to succeed; we as leaders must sometimes look for that will, give them the ideas and materials, and the chapters will do the rest. Whether it's the chapter that pledged more women than anyone thought possible to ensure its sur-
Looking back on this year is like looking at a large Alpha Sig scrapbook of memories. The ritual is the one thing that makes our sorority unique, but the chapter members are the ones that made my view of the ritual so special! The many initiations, the "extra-special" palm at Alpha Beta, the Gamma Omega rededication, the candlelights, the Epsilon Mu installation and the installation of many officers are just a few of my memories. We always hear that diversity is what makes AEA so special, but I would like to modify that. I think it's personality that makes our sorority so special and unique. I can't think of any other job that allows contact with so many different kinds of people, from all over the world. So many of you brought laughter, concern, the want to understand, humor and a genuine caring for AEA. All of your personalities not only made my position fun, but made my year very rewarding and memorable. During my 227 days of travel, I never really had the chance to thank all of those special AEAs who made my year the experience of a lifetime. I'm thankful for the mil-
Continued on page 10
Continued on page 10
Continued on page 10
FALL 1988
Campus Sights & Sounds YOUNGSTOWN STATE UNIVERSITY offers an undergraduate major in shopping mall management. (Wall Street Journal)
WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY has established an Appalachian Hardwood Research Center to assist the state's forestry industry.
fraternities and sororities, paying 50 percent of the cost. The university will also install two computers in each residence hall.
PHI GAMMA DELTA reports that housemothers are back on campus in men's fraternity houses. Six chapters hired new housemothers this year and more are considering it. AT NORTHWESTERN, men of the Naval Reserve Officers' Training Corps are providing escort service for NU women between 7:30 p.m. and midnight , Sundays through Thursdays. A phone call will bring one of the 186 NROTCs to protect the caller anywhere on or near the campus. (Campus USA)
DELTA UPSILON members at Iowa State gave over 200 hours of work to renovate an elementary school playground. KEARNEY STATE (Nebraska) is one of only 30 colleges nationwide to have an aviation program. Two bachelor of science degrees in aviation are offered. They are business administration-airway science management and airway computer science. Both degrees require courses in business, math, computers and science. PHI DELTA THETA members at Texas Christian deliver for Meals-on- Wheels in the Fort Worth area. DEPAUW will subsidize the purchase of personal computers by
EMORY UNIVERSITY Law School has the country's only graduate program in litigation.
THE UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER William E. Simon Graduate School of Business Administration plans to establish a business school in Australia.
CORNELL UNIVERSITY'S School of Hotel Administration plans a course in sheltering and feeding the homeless. (Wall Street Journal) THE WIDOW of Eugene Ormandy has presented the conductor's music collection, correspondence and memorabilia to the University of Pennsylvania . The Philadelphia Orchestra and the local classical-music radio center have contributed a complete file of the orchestra's taped performances from 1960 to 1981. A foundation grant will help establish a listening center for students.
Chapter Consultants Continued from page 9
ceived as a collegian ." Yes, I feel I have given: my time, my body and my love. However, once again AEAhas caused my plans to go astray; I am completing this year further indebted to the sorority. I have been lucky enough to experience first hand just how much of that "something extra" Al:As are willing to give. I received many gifts this year, and I treasure all of them, but the intangible ones will stay with me forever . I tried to explain this to one particular president at Epsilon Gamma and found it difficult to put into words. Something must have made sense though, because Karen Parsons is now a chapter consultant. Well, the last report is typed, and I no longer have to call Samsonite Model #3489 my home. I won't miss traveling, but I will miss all of you. If you're ever in Philadelphia, stop by. I'd love to return the hospitality. ti
vival , or the group whose vocabulary did not include the word "can't, " or the chapter that dared to rid its pledge program of all hazing-they all had the will. With just a small word of encouragement , they attained their goal. I advised chapters and members to set goals and then attain those goals through dedication and love for Alpha Sigma Alpha . Many chapters did just that-they had the will to set a goal that may have at first seemed impossible, and then through hard work, dedication and love, they attained that goal. This will to succeed, to achieve the impossible, has helped me to realize the potential within myself. I want to thank the chapters for my experiences that I would have otherwise never encountered, and wish for all Al:As to realize and understand the special love Alpha Sigma Alpha has to offer. Attain your ti goals as every AEA should. ti
lions of sweatshirts, the necklace, the plaques and certificates, pillows and even the silliest of pictures you sent and gave me, but it was the hugs, the very special thank yous and tears of goodbye that really meant the most. To all of the national officers, province directors and the staff at Headquarters, I thank you for all your support and confidence. To my two "better-halves," thanks for always being there. And lastly, thanks to all the Alpha Sigs-you will always have a special place in my heart and in my large AEA scrapbook of memories. ti ti
FALL 1988
Chapter Consultants
Three begin travel for sorority Mari Hunter, EA, Karen Parsons, Er, and Lisa Tait, rH, have discovered the joys of suitcase living, after having embarked in August on their year-long journeys as chapter consultants.
Mari Hunter Mari served Epsilon Alpha chapter as president, Panhellenic representative, standards chairman and pledge class treasurer. She was honored by her chapter at Southern Arkansas University as a sister of the month in 1986. She also was selected as representative for the homecoming committee in 1987 and nominated for the Elizabeth Bird Small award. Mari, a business management major and psychology minor, served as public relations director for Phi Beta Lambda and was a member of Psi Chi (psychology honorary). She also was a resident assistant and served on the residence hall association and hall council. She was named a resident assistant of the month in 1985 and included in the 1987-88 edition of Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities. "AEA has . . . given me valuable leadership skills and responsibility," she says. " It is my duty and privilege to give everything I can back to the sorority. Being a chapter consultant will help me to live my dream and give AEA my best."
Karen Parsons Karen, recommended by former chapter consultant Lisa O'Neill as the most outstanding chapter president she met last year, also served Epsilon Gamma as standards chairman and chaplain. She received numerous awards from the chapter at Virginia Commonwealth University, including most spiritual sister, most dedicated sister, sister of the month and " magnified" sister. She also was Er's nominee for the Frances J. Francis Scholarship and the Frost Fidelity Award. Karen, a fashion merchandising THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA
Beginning travel for Alpha Sigma Alpha are, left to right, Karen Parsons, Lisa Tait and Mari Hunter.
major, was a founder of VCU's Fashion Society. In 1985, she was named to the dean's list and was nominated twice for inclusion in Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges. In addition, she was a member of the Panhellenic scholarship committee and co-directed the first Panhellenic fashion show. Karen emphasizes that she represented the Greeks and AEA through her attendance at various leadership conferences and campus and Greek organizations. Although her involvement was demanding, she feels it was exciting and meaningful. "Representing AEA comes easy to me because I'm so proud to be a part of it," she says. She contemplated applying for the chapter consultant position for two years. " It will give me the chance to continue and expand my growth in and love of the sorority . I thrive on challenges ," she says.
Lisa Tait Lisa served her chapter as president and secretary. The Gamma Eta merit point winner also danced for AEA at Penn State's 1987 IFC Dance Marathon, one of the largest campus fund-raisers in the nation.
(In 1986 and 1987, rH, along with Alpha Sigma Phi fraternity, received first place in the 48-hour marathon, raising $87,000 for children's cancer research.) While a senior, the speech communication major served on the dance marathon overall committee. As morale chairman, she organized a support staff of more than 350 to help the 500 dancers through the marathon. Her other campus activities included serving on the Student Hearing Commission, the University Hearing Board and the Association of Residence Hall Students. Lisa was initiated into the Order of Omega as a junior and last fall was one of 17 seniors at Penn State tapped to join Parmi Nous, a secret senior hat society. She believes joining a sorority was one of the best choices she made at Penn State and believes she has the enthusiasm and independence it takes to be a chapter consultant. ''I'm excited (to be a chapter consultant) because of what membership in a sorority offers," she says. "The opportunities given to me (in school) were incredible, and this is one more opportunity for me to use and develop the skills that I've acquired. "
FALL 1988
Membership Honor Roll Chapters taking quota or at total as of May 31, 1988 Quota Beta Beta, University of Northern Colorado Beta Theta, Central Michigan University Beta Mu, Henderson State College, AR Beta Upsilon , Indiana State University Gamma Xi, Slippery Rock University, PA Gamma Omega, Eastern Illinois University Delta Epsilon, Mansfield University, PA Delta Upsilon , University of Texas at San Antonio Epsilon Alpha, Southern Arkansas University Epsilon Theta, Penn State-Behrend College Epsilon Mu , Trenton State College, NJ Epsilon Nu, State University of New York at Brockport Epsilon Xi Colony , Kutztown University, PA
Total Chi Chi , Ball State University, IN Beta Rho, Northern Illinois University Gamma Eta, Penn State University Gamma Iota, Rochester Institute of Technology, NY Delta Nu-A, General Motors Institute, Ml Epsilon Gamma, Virginia Commonwealth University Epsilon Eta, Virginia Wesleyan College
Both Alpha, Longwood College, VA Alpha Beta, Northeast Missouri State University Alpha Gamma, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Epsilon Epsilon, Emporia State University, KS Zeta Zeta, Central Missouri State University Eta Eta, Pittsburg State Un iversity, KS Phi Phi, Northwest Missouri State University Beta Epsilon , James Madison University, VA Beta Iota, Radford University, VA Beta Kappa , Western Illinois University Beta Lambda, University of Central Arkansas Beta Nu, Murray State University, KY Beta Sigma, Southwest Missouri State University Gamma Zeta, University of Arkansas-Monticello Gamma Lambda, Loyola University, IL Gamma Mu, Adrian College, Ml Gamma Omicron , Clarion University, PA Gamma Rho, East Stroudsburg State University, PA Gamma Psi , Edinboro University, PA Delta Kappa, University of Southern Indiana Delta Chi , Bloomsburg University, PA Delta Iota, University of Delaware Epsilon Kappa, Millersville University, PA Epsilon Lambda, University of Pittsburgh at Johnston
Interested in forming an alumnae Panhellenic? Seventeen new alumnae Panhellenics were added to the National Panhellenic Conference roster during the 1985-87 biennium_ Currently, 58 alumnae Panhellenics are in the planning stages, working to complete the process of affiliation. If you are interested in organizing an alumnae Panhellenic group in your town or city, contact Jan Covington , NPC advisor for prospective alumnae Panhellenics, 1112 Walnut Dr., Morgan City,
LA 70380.
The National Council of Alpha Sigma Alpha Announces the colonization of Epsilon Xi Kutztown University Kutztown, PA May 15, 1988 12
The National Council of Alpha Sigma Alpha Announces the colonization of Epsilon Omicron University of Pittsburgh Greensburg, PA July 10, 1988
Interested in forming an AEA alumnae chapter? Alumnae members of Alpha Sigma Alpha may organize an alumnae chapter in any area where there are five or more initiated members. For more information, contact Sue Z. Hagen, vice president of alumnae, 6890 Athena Way, Inver Grove Heights, MN 55075.
Epsilon Mu Trenton State College by Lisa O'Neill Chapter Consultant
After a full week of rain , the sun shone brightly on Saturday, April 29, 1988, for the installation of the Epsilon Mu Chapter at Trenton State College, NJ. Forty-one women were initiated during the weekend of festivities. The new chapter joins three other national sororities on the 6,500student campus, which is located on 225 acres in suburban Trenton, NJ. The installation marked the final attainment for the colony, which had started as a local sorority called Independent Sisters Incorporated in the fall of 1986. lSI became Epsilon Mu Colony a year later. During the seven months of colonization, the group took a second place overall in the college's banner days competition , won the volleyball competition during Greek week, participated in Special Olympics and made an outstanding contribution to Anchor House, a local home for runaway THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA
teens. . The installation weekend began with a welcoming party Friday evening for visiting national officers, collegians and alumnae. Saturday morning, the initiation , chapter installation and installation of officers took place. Members of the installation team were Paula Foreman, national vice president of program; Mary Ann Wenzel , national vice president of development; Rosemary Goss , national president; and chapter consultants, Lisa O'Neill and Karen Fulmer. Members of Delta Iota, Nu Nu and Epsilon Kappa collegiate chapters and Central New Jersey Alumnae Chapter served as sponsors for the new initiates. The installation was followed by a white luncheon. Guest speaker was Michael Maconi, lSI advisor. Also in attendance at the luncheon was Nu Nu advisor Monique Singlar. A reception attended by parents, friends , administrators and sorority and fraternity representatives followed the luncheon. A local hotel was the site for
that evening's installation banquet. Guest speaker was William Klepper, Trenton State dean of students and father of one of the initiates, Caroline Klepper. Members of Epsilon Mu are Evelyn Alvarez, Patricia Anderson , Kimberly Buckley, Michelle Buczek, Mary Elizabeth Bufala, Jodie Cabo, Lisa Carraciolo, Michelle DeJess , Michele Dlugos, Eileen Ferralasco, Michele Fiedler, Mary Finckenor, Michele Gawronski, D路i ana Hannoch, Justina Harris, Sally Hofman , Michelle J aslar , Karen J aslar , Margaret Kinney, Caroline Klepper, Branwyn Knight , Michele LaSala, Katina Lehner, Robin Mayo, Ann McDonnell, Ana Melendez-Mujica, Kell y O ' Keefe, Sherri Pearson , Elizabeth Pranzatelli, Bety Psota, Cathy Rugarber , Beth Russo, Michelle St. Laurent , Michelle Schooley, Kelly Schuster, Sandra Seder , Deborah Smith , BonnieJean Speed, Michelle Weber , Chayna Wilson , Teresa Zapotochn y and Lauren Keller , pledge. * * * FALL 1988
Collegiate Corner Longwood College
Busy spring semester Alpha Chapter has had a productive spring semester. Twice a month , members visited friends at the Eldercare Nursing Home in Farmville, VA. Whether it is decorating the monthly bulletin board or just having a quiet talk with one of the residents, members have found that this benefits themselves , as well as brightening the spirit of the elderly. In addition to these visits, members assisted with the decorations and food for Eldercare's annual "Sweetheart Ball. " On Wednesday nights, members hosted the Student Union. This fundraising event added to the treasury . A Mother Patroness and Alumnae Tea took place in April. Members and guests looked at old composites and scrapbooks and shared stories of the "old days" at Longwood. Wrapping up the semester, members celebrated with a Spring Ball in Richmond, VA. Anna Tannenbaum Miami University, Ohio
Broomball tournament The Alpha Alpha Chapter is very proud to be a part of the Greek system at Miami University . Last fall, as a pledge project, AEA pledges organized a broomball tournament . Broomball is a combination of soccer and field hockey, but is played on the ice. An entry fee was charged, and fraternities and sororities were randomly paired together to compete against each other in a single elimination tournament. The winning team consisted of members of Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity and Alpha Sigma Alpha. The proceeds were donated to "Dreams Come True," an organization in Cincinnati that grants wishes to terminally ill children.
Alpha Chapter members head out on an outing in matching letter sweatshirts.
rounds, each containing a smaller amount of parties lasting a longer period of time . Round one started on Friday. Dressed in formal attire, members made a toast to all rushees to find happiness in Greek life. Round two was on Tuesday. The rushees were invited to celebrate an AEA birthday party. The round ended on Wednesday with red and white decorations and cheese and crackers refreshments. The third and final round began on Friday. Popcorn and rootbeer floats were served. The theme was the Fifties. On Saturday, at the final party, Rice Krispies treats were served and rushees participated in the wishing well ceremony and friendship circle. Bids were handed out on Sunday and a celebration was held for all the new pledges from all sororities on campus. Carolyn Orban
Amy Lindsay University of Northern Colorado Indiana University of PA
Mountain party
Successful spring rush
Beta Beta Chapter at the University of Northern Colorado is located in Greeley, CO. This area provides Beta Betas with a unique annual event. Each February, Mountain Party is planned around mid-term week, and
Spring formal rush began for the members of Alpha Gamma Chapter with a workshop run by Rush Chairman Sheri Battle. Formal rush was divided into three 14
everyone goes to a mountain area to relax and have fun for a weekend. This year, Winter Park, was selected as the site. The women had a great time tubing in the afternoon and cooking a big spaghetti dinner that evening. The night ended sitting around a fireplace talking and playing games. Carty Bunyea Emporia State University
Bowling for Big Brothers/Sisters The Epsilon Epsilon Chapter is helping support the local Big Brothers/Sisters Organization. For the last three years, members have participated in the annual Big Brothers/Sisters bowl-a-rama. Last year, the chapter was awarded the performance award for raising the most money. Each member is placed on a team and required to obtain three sponsors. The team member reaching the highest score receives a free T -shirt and her score serves as the basis for which donations are figured. This year, EE combined bowling time with an exchange with the Kappa Sigma fraternity. Chapter members had fun and still raised $600 for a good organization. Angela Kraus
Collegiate Corner Pittsburg State University
The beginning of a great year This year has been great overall for Eta Eta Chapter. It started out with formal rush. During the homecoming "Yell like Hell" competition, Eta Eta placed first. Around 30 AEAs made a pyramid, porn pon spell-out and a dance routine to the song " Victory. " For Greek week, in a competition between fraternities and sororities on campus, Eta Eta placed first. To end 1987, the chapter had a informal dance with the theme , "New Year's Eve." Lori Irvin Drexel University
Chapter consultants visit Recently, Nu Nu Chapter was visited by two chapter consultants, Carol Sue Hrenchir and Lisa O'Neill. Each visited the chapter for a week. During their visits, both managed to give the chapter " new life."
Lisa, a Nu Nu alumnae, was welcomed with opened arms. Having just graduated, Lisa was familiar with most of the members . She was able to add a personal touch to her psych program. The following week, members welcomed Carol. Within minutes, she was part of the family . Her techniques were down to earth, and her warm and caring charm was quickly accepted by all the members. Rush , which was a " four-letter word" to the chapter, became much more enjoyable with Lisa and Carol's help. All the members began to rush with new enthusiasm. Two parties were immediately planned. Thanks to Ndidi Amachi, rush chairman, and her committee, both parties were a big success. Province Day was held in April on the Drexel campus. Julie Bogutz and Mami Becker organized the event, attended by 90 members from various chapters. Special guests were Province Director Jane Ramsey and luncheon speaker Silvana Richardson, chairman of ritual. The day
ended with a song of friendship and a candlelight ceremony. Karen Zakroff and Tina McBrearty Northwestern Missouri State University
Celebrating 60 years The Phi Phi Chapter celebrated its 60th anniversary on campus this spring. Vice President Amanda Blecha worked closely with local alumnae in planning a weekend of celebration in March . Events included an open house at the Northwest Missouri State University Alumni House, with slide show and sing-a-long. Alumnae also were invited for a tour of rooms and chapter room . Refreshments were served and old composites and chapter scrapbooks were on display. Lisa Moore James Madison University
What a wake-up call! The Beta Epsilons began their semester off on the right foot with an early morning sisterhood activity . Standards Chairman Betsy Bowler arranged the event on a Saturday at the sorority house. Members munched on eggs, sausage and biscuits with milk and orange juice and watched Saturday morning cartoons. Sara Lee Harris Central Michigan University
A winning match-up
Members of Beta Theta Chapter gather in front of their house near the Central Michigan University campus. THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA
Central Michigan University is located directly in the middle of the state of Michigan. The 16,000 students come from the most diverse of backgrounds, from farms to the inner cities. There are 11 sororities and 10 fraternities on campus. Every semester, sororities and fraternities are paired for a brother-sister match-up . A rotation list is used to keep it balanced and fair. Beta Theta is paired this semester with the fraternity of Lambda Chi Alpha . Members of both groups have enjoyed parties, supported each other in rush and participated together in Greek Sing. Kelly Barlage FALL 1988
Collegiate Corner
Henderson State University
Award-winning rush Spring rush was a very exciting time for the Beta Mu Chapter. The theme was " The Alpha Awards Show." Members were divided into seven groups, which performed various skits. The themes for the skits were based on popular television shows such as "The Addams Family" and "The Beverly Hillbillys" but contained words that praised Alpha Sigma Alpha sisterhood. At the end of the show, each group was declared award winners and left the stage to mingle among the rushees and enjoy refreshments. Vicki Gray
Murray State University
Valentine Rush Party The Beta Nu Chapter held an informal rush party during February with "Valentine's Day" as its theme. The inside of the house was decorated with red, white and pink streamers, balloons and hearts. To coordinate with the theme, all the members wore red and white letters. Nametags were pink or red and shaped like hearts. Entertainment was the Beta Nu version of the popular television game show, "Win, Lose, or Draw." Each word drawn was a well-known Alpha Sig, Murray State or Valentine term . Gina Boyd
Concord College
HomecomingA great success Beta Pi Chapter is proud to announce that its candidate, Della Cline, was second runner-up during the homecoming queen contest. Della is a junior majoring in communication arts with a concentration in organizational and public communication and a minor in journalism . Della is editor of the Concordian and a member of the Gamma Beta Pi Honor Society. The chapter 's campaign was "Thank you for your support," and Frank and Ed of Bartles and Jaymes 16
Beta Nu Chapter members participate in a " Teeter For Tots " fund raising drive in front of their chapter house. The event raised money for underprivileged children.
really helped out. The Alpha Sigs ran with the Phi Delta Pi fraternity . Along with the other homecoming activities, the chapter also held an annual alumnae tea before the homecoming game. Robin Morris
This year's winner was Jill Ballinger, a member of Beta Upsilon. She is a junior, majoring in graphic design. Jill Ballinger Adrian College
January Beach Bash Indiana State University
Plans for fall underway The Beta Upsilon Chapter had a successful Spring Rush and participated in Greek Week, Easter egg hunt, and Tandemonia (our annual tandem race) during spring semester. Planning for next fall is now underway. A fall rush retreat was held at Shakamak State Park, and all parties are planned out and ready to go for next year . Homecoming assignments have been handed out, and the search is on for a float site. This year's theme will be "Parading Thru Time." Each homecoming pairing has been assigned a separate decade or era for its float to depict. BT is paired with Lambda Chi Alpha and two residence halls and given the era of the 1920s. A contest was held to design a button design or logo for homecoming.
"Let's go surfing. " In the middle of January in Michigan? Every year after spring break, the Gamma Mu Chapter joins the other sororities and fraternities for a Beach Bash to start off spring rush. The entire school is welcome. Everyone dresses in jams, tank tops and sunglasses. Each sorority and fraternity has its own booth in which it serves tropical refreshments. On the walls hang banners made by each Greek organization with their mascots dressed for the beach. Through the evening, students have the opportunity to find out how much fun Greek life can be. At 11 p .m., the music is turned off, and each group leads a cheer. Greeks and non-Greeks alike meet members of all the fraternities and sororities. Greek unity is also enhanced as the organizations work together to make this a success. Nancy Warburton
Collegiate Corner Clarion University
21 years on campus The Gamma Omicron Chapter is celebrating its 21st anniversary on campus. Many members have musical ability and during the semester, many of them have recitals and concerts. Other members always show their support by attending these musical events. On Founders' Day, members cook a Founders' Day dinner at the house. Each member brings something and helps with the meal . On Valentine's Day, members celebrate by having a balloon send-off. Members meet at the house on Valentine's Day, pick up red and white helium balloons and walk up to Peoples Park on campus, where the balloons are let go. The chapter celebrated its 21st anniversary in March with its first alumnae banquet. A buffet dinner was served in the banquet room , where old composites and scrapbooks of alumnae and actives were displayed . After dinner , speeches were given by chapter President Amy Lohr and Province Director Lori Wilkin, ro. Lisa Hamilton and Sheila Gastiger Missouri Valley College
Special Olympics helpers Gamma Pi Chapter enjoyed a spring full of Greek Week and Special Olympics. Special Olympics was in April ,
and members helped feed everyone and worked with the athletes. Kim Bastian East Stroudsburg State College
Helping alumnae get started Gamma Rho Chapter is proud of its efforts to maintain Alpha Sigma Alpha's open motto of "seek, aspire, attain." In following this motto, the chapter has sought to establish a local alumnae chapter, Sigma Tau. Members contributions are channelled into alumnae mailings and various scholarships. The chapter has also raised money for a down payment on a chapter house. The chapter has aspired to help the community through philanthropic activities. Gamma Rho's most prominent philanthropic activity is the Deborah Heart and Lung Foundation Dance Marathon. It was started in 1983 by a member , Lisa Parente. Since that date, over $1,000 is collected every year for the Deborah Heart and Lung Foundation. Among other philanthropic activities, we participated in a litter pickup campaign. Gamma Rho has just attained its 20th year at East Stroudsburg University. A number of alumnae joined the chapter for its spring formal. The next day, alumnae joined members for coffee and doughnuts, followed by the first meeting of Sigma Tau. Linda Leckey
All dressed up for spring rush preference night were Delta Upsilon members, left to right, Dawn Turley, Kimi Gomillion and Dee Lancaster. THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA
Elan College
Rush kicks off busy spring Delta Rho Chapter participated in spring formal rush in early February. AEA parties included a "Night in Italy with Alpha Sig," "Skit Night," which featured Alpha Sigma Alpha versions of famous commercials, and preference night, which included the Fountain Ceremony, special songs and special food prepared by a local alumna. Greek Week, held in early April, was one of Delta Rho's most successful. The chapter placed third out of the five sororities, moving up from fourth last year. The rest of the semester has been full of activity. Fund-raisers included car washes and a bar-b-que . Members helped at the local children's home with a monthly birthday party and also participated in Speical Olympics. Jill Oeneene Hall
University of Texas at San Antonio
Deep in the heart of Texas Set amidst the beautiful Texas hill country is the home of a very special family, the Delta Upsilon Chapter at the University of Texas at San Antonio. The chapter emphasized that quality during 1988 spring rush. At the first party, the entire group of Alpha Sigs sans as it welcomed the rushees into a rainbow- and balloonfilled room . For entertainment as well as information, a slide show was presented on the wide range of events that encompass Greek life and what it could really be like to be a member of Alpha Sigma Alpha. A pre-Super Bowl bash was held at the home of president Leanne Haase. Casually dressed, the members and rushees sat together talking and eating popcorn. A few rounds of the game "Pictionary" were played as well. The last and most special night of rush was perference night. Satinwrapped white hearts with flowers hung from the ceiling and decorated the white latticework throughout the room. During the special candlelight ceremony, each rushee had the opportunity to walk with her sponsor to the fountain in the middle of the room and drop a pearl into it. Paula Dieringer FALL 1988
Collegiate Corner U. of Pittsburgh at Johnstown
Chapter helps expand Greek system
Members of Epsilon Eta Chapter enjoyed their air band contest as much as the participants. They are, left to right, Susan Hearn, Marie Norris, Lisa McFarland, Maria Hurtado and Angela Barker. Virginia Wesleyan College
Chapter sponsors popular contest The Epsilon Eta Chapter sponsored its annual Spring Air Band Contest. This was the fourth annual contest and included 18 bands (the most ever) competing for cash prizes. Air Band is similar to "Putting on the Hits. " The groups lip sync the music and put on their own unique performance, and the panel of judges score them. Air Band has been a great publicity tool for AEA. Many alumnae, both AEA and Wesleyan, come back for the contest sponsored by the Alpha Sigs. The hard work and time paid off with a $500 profit that funded the chapter's formal and a donation to Special Olympics.
The members discovered that Helena Witmyer, KK, also lives at the home. They visited her that day and returned the next day with more members and a birthday cake to celebrate Mrs. Witmyer's 82nd birthday. She was so happy and flattered that she donated her badge to the Epsilon Kappa Chapter. In her honor, the chapter will award the badge to the member each year who shows the best attitude and most enthusiasm. It will be called the Helen Witmyer Award. Catherine P/ocinik
The Epsilon Lambda Chapter at the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown is the college's newest sorority. The members of Epsilon Lambda worked to abolish the bylaws in the school's constitution that only permitted four fraternities and four sororities on campus. Epsilon Lambda has opened the door to others as well in the Greek system. Because UPJ is somewhat smaller than other universities (approximately 4,000 students), the Greek life on campus is strong, popular and active. UP] has an inter-sorority council and inter-fraternity council. These two organizations have three representatives from each Greek organization. These representatives decide and discuss rush dates, parties and other activities that involve Greek life on campus. The two organizations work well as a communication tool that allows Greek life on campus to run efficiently. Since Epsilon Lambda's installation, a group of men were chartered by Sigma Tau Gamma, which is now recognized as a member of the Greek system. The members of Alpha Sigma Alpha worked for what they felt was necessary and achieved their goal with " red and white" flying colors. Lisa Scu/co
Angie Knight Millersville University
They find a new friend While visiting Kappa Kappa alumna Gerry Smith at the Brethern Village Nursing Home in February, members of Epsilon Kappa Chapter found a new friend.
Alumnae Action will return in the Winter 1989 Phoenix
Epsilon Kappa Chapter members are dressed up and ready to greet rushees during a formal rush party.
Collegiate Stars Phi (French honorary) and the residence hall association, in addition to Alpha Sigma Alpha.
Zeta Zeta * Angie Martin designed the decal for her chapter's Greek week T-shirts. She also was pledge class president and Watermelon Fest Queen at Central Missouri State University. * Melissa Mann was the director for the Greek week talent show.
Nu Nu Vanessa Roberts
Gamma Iota *Vanessa Roberts has received many honors from her chapter at Rochester Institute of Technology, including nomination for the Frost Fidelity Award. This past year, she served the chapter as vice president and Panhellenic representative. Vanessa's past chapter positions include house secretary, music chairman, assistant treasurer and house improvement chairman. She also has served as a Panhellenic rush counselor and is a member of Order of Omega (Greek leadership honorary).
Epsilon Epsilon *A pledge at Emporia State University during the past year , Maria Gustavsson is a native of Sweden. Born in Kristenhamn, Sweden, she spent her freshman year at Emporia and then returned in 1987 for her junior year. A foreign language major, Maria has been active in Pi Delta
*Maryanne Murphy of Dr exel University was chosen Panhellenic woman of the Year for 1987-88. She also serves her chapter as treasurer. This is the third year in a row that a member of Nu Nu Chapter has won the Panhellenic award. *Tina Vogel is co-captain of the Drexel women's varsity tennis team and Nu Nu vice president. * Lori Hobart won an honorable mention in Drexel's eighth annual world of poetry contest. She is Nu Nu's senior Panhellenic representative. * Kris Kario is captain of the Drexel townwatch program. * Tina McBrearty is treasurer for the Drexel chapter of the American Society of Personnel Administrators and Nu Nu's assistant rush chairman.
Delta Epsilon *Amy Wertz was named the most valuable player on the Mansfield University field hockey team. She serves Delta Epsilon as parliamentarian.
Dina Martinez
Beta Theta * Chapter advisor Dino Martinez was named Beta Theta sweetheart at the chapter's annual sweetheart formal dance. Chapter advisor since September 1987, he is the manager of a residence hall complex at Central Michigan University and the advisor for the residence hall assembly.
Delta Rho *Five members of Delta Rho Chapter traveled to Britain and Spain through Elon College's study abroad program during the 1988 winter term . Stefanie Causey, Kathy Meadows and Tracy Sims, along with chapter advisor Dr. Tom Arcaro , traveled to London. Karen Steward and Julia Tomlinson traveled to Spain. In addition , Carrie Town, the chapter's past president, traveled to Britain for the 1988 spring semester. During her travels, she met a fellow Alpha Sig from Radford University.
Are you a recent graduate? We would like to keep in touch with you While you are in school, The Phoenix and other correspondence from Alpha Sigma Alpha is sent to your pare nt's address. Once you graduate, however, it is your responsibility to keep the sorority informed of where you live. Use the form on the reverse side of this page to notify Alpha Sigma Alpha Headquarters of any changes of name or address. Be sure the mailing label is still attached, fill out the form and send it to the address listed.
FALL 1988
"THE RIGHT STUFP' WE'RE LOOKING FOR A FEW GOOD APPLICANTS FOR ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA CHAPTER CONSULTANT Must be expert at packing luggage. Must travel campuses with ASA chapters, but need not attend any classes. Does not need to prepare for tests except those of courage and perseverance. Works with collegians and alumnae as an advisor, clarifier of ASA policy and as a national sister-ready, willing and able to become a brief part of the chapter's life.
Salary plus expenses If you fit this description, or if you know a graduating senior who has the " Right Stuff," please submit her name on the form below. A full application packet will be forwarded and an interview set. Name __________________________ Address __________ __ City ________ _ _ _ __ State Zip _ _ __ College Chapter _ __ _ _ _ __ Send to Alpha Sigma Alpha National Headquarters, 1201 East Walnut Street, Springfield , MO 65802.
CHANGE OF ADDRESS OR NAME You can help Alpha Sigma Alpha save a considerable amount of money each year by sending to National Headquarters any change of address or name. The U.S. Postal Service charges 25 cents for each returned magazine or change of address. You are responsible for changing your address promptly if you wish to continue receiving your Phoenix. Mail completed form with mailing label attached to AEA National Headquarters, 1201 East Walnut, Springfield , MO 65802. College chapter----- -- -- - - - - - - -- - - - -- - Year of initiation _____ Married Name------~:--:--::--::---------·------ Husband 's first name· Last name Maiden n a m e - - - --
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Please add my name to the Member-at-Large Alumnae Chapter. • Used lor ease In locating phone listings.