NO. 3
No. 3
CONTENTS A ~ew Defense Psychology . . ... . ........
College Women's Volunteer Service ...
• •
New Meanings fo r A.S.T ...... . . 0. ... . .... . ... ... . .... .. .....
For the Young T eacher . ... ... .... . . . .. .. ..... . ............-..
D efense and Sorority Girls . .
Magazine Agency ...
National Inspection ....... . .. . .. . . Question Games ... . .....
14 15 27
Men in Uniforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Alpha Taus Muse ........ . . ..
Collegiate Chapters .. .. .
Alumnre Chapters ..... . .... . ..... . .. .. .. .
31 38
E ntered as second class matter Novet:nber 25. 1937 . a t the post office at under the Act of August 24, 1912. THE ANCHOR of A lpha Sigma T au is months of October, December, March, and Jun e. Subscription price $2.00 office, George Banta Publishin g Co., 450°454 Ahnaip S t., Menasha, Wis. Justin G. Doyle, 314 Walnut St., Peekskill, N.Y.
Menasha. vVisconsin, published during the per yea r. Publication Editorial office: Mrs.
The Foot-Path to Peace
T o
because it gives you the
chance to love and to work and to play and
to look up at the stars; to be satisfied with your possessions but not content with yourself until you have made the best of them; to despise nothing in the world except falsehood and meanness, and to fear nothing except cowardice; to be governed by your admirations rather than by your disgusts; to 路Covet nothing that is your neighbor's except his kindness of heart and gentleness of manners; to think seldom of your enemies, often of your friends, and every day of Christ; and to spend as much time as you can, with body and with spirit, in God's out-of-doors; these are little guideposts on the foot-paths to peace.
D ean of Women, Univ ersity of Michigan
WEEK ago when Anne O'Hare McCormick spoke in Ann Arbor she told two little stories, one of a young German who stood beside her in the railroad station in Berlin during a blackout and in the darkness said, " When this war is over, I never want to see Germany again, I never want to see Europe, I want to go to America and start a new life," and about a week later in Italy Mrs. McCormick talked with a young Italian aviator who said, " I hate this thing that's happening. When it's over, if I survive, I want to leave, I want to go to America I never want to see Europe again. " And earlier this fall I heard the story of a German refugee, a young Jewish woman, who told of a trip from Germany through France and Spain and Portugal, to Africa and finally by one of the horror ships from Africa to New York. It was a story of such suffering and anguish that one wondered how people could survive it. Many did, and lived to sail into New York harbor early one September morning. The refugees stood on the deck, most of them sobbing with the relief of knowing that their tragic Odyssey was over, and saluted the Statue of Liberty by stretching out their hands and crying "America! " We have celebrated this week, and last, the Pilgrim festival of" Thanksgiving, which reminds us, or should remind us, that more than three hundred years ago the oppressed people of Europe sought these shores to find freedom of spirit and release from oppression and tyranny. Now in 1941 we still have something that suffering humanity longs for , that oppressed men turn to as a flower turns to the sun, a way of life that offers something to live for . Why then are we who live in this land of freedom , who are its citizens, who have inherited its richness and its traditions, so doubtful of its power, so confused in our thinking, so shaky in our morale? Why do our young people call themselves already a " lost generation" and allow themselves to be caught in waves of panic and hysteria and in a slough of self-pity? They have not lost their homes or their families or their Dwn lives- a few of them have gone to training camps. Why the gloom? I have the privilege of a job which throws me with young people. It is my business to be their friend , guide, and counselor. You, too, because of your association with many groups of young people throughout this broad land have the responsibility of leadership. We have got to think this problem, this paradox, out carefully. It is our duty to help these young
people of ours to a new defense psychology, both for their sakes, and for the sake of our country whose leaders they will soon be. Somehow I feel that our older generation is in large measure responsible for the mood they are in. I have thought a great deal about this and I have some theories which in themsleves suggest the remedies. One of the complaints that we hear most often from old and young is that we no longer have what we are pleased to call security. We don't know what's going to happen to our incomes or to our professional lives. We don't know what we are going to have to face. But there is a deeper insecurity in the modern picture which young people with their lives before them feel even more keenly than our more settled generation does. In three very important, almost fundamental , phases of life, young people are shaken and insecure. One is in their economic life, one is in their social or moral life, and one is in their religiou life. I shall not dwell long on the economic insecurity because we cannot do much about that. It is one of the things this age must face. And our young people in our colleges and universities would do well to remember that only a very small percentage of society has ever had economic security. evertheless, I am sympathetic with our young college men and women. I do not need to tell this audience how hard it is for young people to face the present uncertainties as to whether they can finish college, whether they will be drafted, whether路 they can get married, whether, if they have to face two or three years in military training, they dare to go on with their plans to be doctors or lawyers because, if they have a long professional training ahead, the delay is serious. These things come up every day in a college community and young people have a precarious economic future and may be thwarted, at least for the time being, in following out their life plan. But that is not the only insecurity. Something else happened after the last war beside the economic chaos. There was social chaos. The code of social custom and usage that I was brought up to believe in has been literally demolished. The rigid moral code, the strict taboo about drinking, even a high minded attitude about honesty (and to my mind this last is the most serious) have vanished from the social picture. In a postwar age, the age our young people were brought up in, they saw a lax moral code, they saw the dreadful prohibition era with all its intemperance and its contempt for law, and they saw a willingness to substitute opportunism for honesty, an attitude of " anything will go if you can get away with it." This age is still floundering socially and the floundering is not limited to the young people. Even manners are at a premium. Many people would like to know how to behave, many of our young people would like to be polite, but they have never been taught hmv to be. We had a letter of recommendation from a high school teacher about a prospective freshman which gave a fine recommendation and then ended " She is a lady in a quite lady-less high school world." Don't forget that a po t-war aeneration made a best seller of a book on etiquette by Emily Po t and bought over a million copies. People are e entially decent and well behaved. They want to do the right thing even in the minor matter of
where to put the fork and how to write a note of acceptance. The point is that in social matters large and small, a post-war generation did not know what was right. Our parents and our grandparents knew. They didn 't have to buy a book on etiquette to know what good manners were and they had a rigid moral code of right and wrong. Perhaps I shouldn 't confess this-but my greatgrandfather was excommunicated from the Baptist Church because he went for a sleigh ride party on Saturday night, didn 't come home until nine o'clock when the Sabbath in those days began at sundown, and he sang secular songs, probably nothing more devilish than Tlze Old Oaken Bucket, after the Sabbath had begun. That generation knew too well what was right and what was wrong and were too rigid. We know too little and are too lax. Our young people do not know what is the right moral code for men and women, as witness the question in their minds about pre-marital relations which comes up inevitably in the marriage courses that have sprung up all over the country to help them think in this most vital social relationship. Another problem is that our young people- brought up by us, remember- are many of them very hazy in their ideas of what is honest practice, as witness the problem which high schools and colleges face with cheating, cribbing and plagiarism. Social and moral insecurity does not make for a fine morale and, in my belief, is responsible for much of the confusion and chaos today. Finally, the greatest insecurity of all is in religion. There has been a tremendous rebellion on the part of youth against organized religion . I think it is understandable, but I think it is tragic for any age to be without a faith or a clearly thought out philosophy of life. I explain it in large measure by the spirit of the age, which is an age of science. Young people have respect for science and science teaches them that nothing must be taken on faith. At least that is what they think science teaches. Actually all the great men of science teach the opposite. Those who have made great discoveries in the scientific world have had great faith and imagination- Newton with his law of gravity, Copernicus with his theory of the round world revolving around the sun, Darwin with his theory of evolution, and to be more modern, Pasteur, the founder of a new science - bacteriology- which has revolutionized the science and practice of medicine, and Mme. Curie with her theory of radioactivity. All of the great in science have had faith and imagination and have revealed something new and wonderful in the universal plan. There is nothing in great science that denies religion- and what our youth does not see is that even if they cannot accept the supernatural, that which cannot be proved, there still remains the great ethical teaching which is at the basis of all religion. Again I think it is partly our responsibility that they don 't know anything about the great literature which is a wonderful part of the Chrisian heritage. One of the professors of English at Michigan said in despair one day that he could not refer in his classes to the story of the Good Samaritan or the story of the Prodigal Son and have any idea that more than half of the class knew what he was talking about. How can our young people be educated or do any thinking on religion if they do not know the basis of their own civilization? Erika Mann says, " Who has the Youth has the Future"-Hitler's
strength lies in the fact that he has regimented youth and its vitality, that he has caught them with an imperialistic ideal that makes them fanatical in their willingness to live or die for him. Our defense program is built up against Hitler and his onslauaht, not only his military onslaught but the even more dangerous threat of his plan. We cannot build a fine morale, a strong defense psychology out of muddled, confused thinking in vital issues, out of self-pity, out of dishonesty, out of a l~"< moral code and a feeble philosophy of life. An old Chinese proverb says, "You cannot carve rotten wood. " Anne O'Hare McCormick put it in a different way. She said that Hitler could not have wrecked the pillars of European civilization if the termites had not already weakened the structure. I think we have termites in our American structure. What are we going to do about the extermination of the kind of internal weakness that makes the structure crumble? This afternoon you have asked me to discuss a new defense psychology. I am assuming that you want me to relate the subject to the fraternitysorority situation, and it is right that I should. You are in the luxury class. As a matter of fact, higher education in itself is a luxury which not a very large proportion of our young Americans can enjoy, and you represent a luxury class within a luxury group. You can only take the people who can afford to join and you only take the members you choose and want. In times of great stress luxuries come in for careful examination and evaluation. I think in the next few years the fraternity-sorority system is going to be under fire again as it was in the early thirties during the depression. I think you have got to how the educational world that you have a contribution to make in a time of crisi . I think you have to do some very clear and honest thinking about yourselves and your positions in colleges and universities. You have â&#x20AC;˘got to do everything possible to grow up, to do away with the immature and adolescent attitude which some of your members, even some of your older members, have, the blind, uncritical way of looking at yourselves, the tendency to self-complacency. You must face the fact that social practices in sororities and fraternities have not always indicated high social morality, that many of your members have a very immature attitude toward the higher education which is their privilege. Your very structure is built on the idea of privilege, and privilege spells, responsibility in any society. You in this room are the leaders and officers of the organizations you represent. You have assumed responsibility for the guidance of the young people in your chapters. You have a great task ahead of you if you will see it and face it, and your responsibility is not only to the young people you choose, but to those whom you look at and do not choose ; and to the whole college community in which you have your existence. You must face your whole situation, not just the part of it that lies within the four walls of the chapter house, but the whole relationship with the educational system. Where you build up morale in this crisis you are good. Where you destroy a young person's confidence, no matter how that may result, you are bad. What our young people need in order to meet thi tremendous world revolution of which we in America have our part to face , are honesty courage, high moral sen e, an ability to think clearly, faith in them elve and their democracy, and a willingness to sacrifice for the good of th oci ty
in which they live. Can you 路help give these things to them? You have a most unique opportunity to do just this if you will. These are the things that will give our youth a new defense psychology, that will spell strength and not weakness. A new defense psychology will not come of a selfish isolationism, a tendency toward self-indulgence a feeling of snobbish . . ' supenonty. I think many young people are definitely benefitted by being in sororities and fraternities. Their self-confidence and their adjustment socially are being built up by their affiliation; but I can think also of a good many young people whose first experience at the university is to be looked at and found wanting. It is a bitter experience for a young person away from home for the first time, and as it is inherent in the sy tern, there seems no way of preventing it. You do not always see this side of the picture, but we do because we have these disheartened youngsters to restore. And you must look at it, because it is the greatest problem in the fraternity system. Therefore I ask you frankly, what are you, the fraternity and sorority leaders, going to do to improve the morale of our young people? They need the strength of character and the courage to face the economic insecurity which is part of their problem. They need you to help them, to strengthen their belief in the democratic ideal, to give them a fine philosophy of living. To be very specific and very practical, you can do more than you have yet done to insure healthy living conditions, free from overcrowding in your chapter houses, to maintain orderly routines that allow for proper study and sleep, to give the promise of sane and high minded social life in the houses you supervise, to encourage a serious attitude toward education and to teach a respect for religion. I am well aware that alJ of this is even more my responsibility, but when you became officers in your organization you voluntarily took on the responsibility of guiding the members of your affiliations. The times have changed since fraternities and sororities were founded in the eighties and nineties of the last century when most of you came into being. The educational picture has changed. You cannot live in the sentimental and somewhat adolescent past. I firmly believe that your contribution in building a new and vital psychology in this time of suffering and stress when the American democracy is threatened is going to decide the future of the fraternity system you believe in. It wilJ go unless you show it to be strong and generous and broad minded and fearles in facing a national crisis. I have spoken seriously and frankly to you this afternoon, because I think there is danger for you in the present crisis unless you accept a magnificent challenge, a challenge to come of age and in a tragic situation to help to build the spiritual strength and faith which we all need. What we alJ need is a new defense psychology free from hypocrisy and sentimentality, free of racial or social prejudice, founded on clear, honest thinking, on high courage and strength of character, that is what we all need. This age has its chance to speak again for democracy as eloquently and forcefulJy as did our forefathers who were not afraid to face suffering and even death for their ideal. Unless we are strong now our democracy is
Top row, left to right: Ruth Cruise Harle s (War lumnre) and on; Brian Filer Brig" , son of Lenore Filer Briggs, Detroit Alumnre ; Deltas: Dorine Craig, ar line Gle ncr, Ruth Engleh rt, Maxine Shunkwi ler, Eleanor Boon , Ruth Wenerd . fCO nd row: Hu bnnd nnd children of Alice a riso n M ostell er, Phi lade lph ia lumnm; Mon zelle Gra , daughter of Eve! ·n Heintz .m •, Empc ri, Alumn m. Third ro w: " Batter up" for Pi ; Phi pledge . Bott om ro1•: Pi. on n week- end; som Jlhi and pledges.
going to die. For our own sakes, let us be strong enough to protect our American heritage, but also let us preserve it for the sake of the people abroad who still look to us to guard, in this age of destruction, the values that make life worth living. A young American recently said, "The spiritual measure of a civilization is its ability to live by abstract principles in concrete circumstances. Its perception of the importance of principles under trying circumstances is the mark of its strength of character." This is the season to be thankful for what this nation has given us. We in this room have food and clothing and warmth and shelter and we have friendship and the right to higher education and the right to worship as we please. We are free men and women living in a country that is still free. Americans still have great natural resources in their land, we are clever in business, we are wise in science and ingenious in applying it, we are beginning to develop an art of our own in literature, in painting and in music. The one thing we need most is something that is worth them all, st1'ength of chamcte1'. Without it we shall not win in this crisis in spite of our wealth and resources and our science ; we shall be subjugated. With it, we can conquer all our foes. To develop it is to develop the only defense psychology that will see us through. As Lincoln in another time of great crisis said, " We shall nobly save or weakly lose the last best hope of earth." May God give us strength!
College Women's Volunteer Service
N OUR city we have an organization called "College Women's Volunteer Service." It is unique in itself. There is no other volunteer service like it in all these United States. There are any number of volunteer agencies of course, but none where membership is granted only to college women. It came into being eight years ago, at the height of the depression as an original creation of the advisory board of Merrill Palmer School. The purpose was to make a study of the uses to which college women's leisure time could be put. It was found that college women wished to meet people of similar backgrounds that they have a great deal of spare time and they wished to find an outlet for their particular training and talents. This membership is made up of representatives of some 65 colleges, universities, and national sororities. It represents some 5000 college women. The rest of the membership is made up of people who join on an individual basis to do volunteer work. I shall try to give a brief outline of the activities of C.W.V.S. in Detroit. -Our volunteers have done work in seven distinct branches of Social 路 Service work. First: Hospital Work. We have done recreational , laboratory, cliniciJ and mental testing. The recreational work is working with well children ill children, and mentally deficient people. In the clinics they amu e
Top, left : Iota house d corated for Homecoming; won econd prize. Right : Mi_ Helen arm. n, Iota advi cr. Center, left: Iota on the front tcps. Right: Iota cheerleader (left to ri!:;ht) r ltwi~ Ri h ~udson, Elizabeth eaton ; ba nd m mbers E ter Ieven , adine furshall, Louise Hu man. 1Jotto111, left: l ta pi d~cs and plcdg mother. Right: Th J , me twin. - leh路u Lee nd Fl\':1 L of fota.
children and allay fears of parents, make charts take hi stories before ex. . ' ammatwns and take notes during examinations. Second: Settlement House Work. The volunteer organizes play for various age groups. Conducts Adult Education in cooking and sewing. They act as Nursery School assistants for the children of working mothers. They conduct classes in crafts, swimming, sewing and cooking at the Y.W.C.A. Third: Youth Groups. The volunteer wo;ks on the committee of leaders for Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and Camp Fire Girl s. Fourth: Educational work in churches, consisting of religious instruction as well as recreational activities. Fifth: Adult Education. The volunteer works with groups who have been under the Kellogg Foundation. Sixth: Individual Work. This is one of the big projects. The volunteer does tutoring of refugees, reading with problem children, friendly visiting, reading to the blind, taking aged people at Thompson House for auto rides, act as librarians, do poster work for the Y.W.C.A. And seventh is our pet project, the Work Shop. The work shop is located in the basement of one of the buildings of Merrill-Palmer school. It originated through the request of one of the hosp itals for children's toys. In the work shop we make toys of all kinds from odds and ends of things which are usually thrown away in the home. For instance: dolls out of sox, drums from large tin cans with rubber ends laced on with the selvedges of old sheets, doll cradles made from oat meal boxes, scrap books made from the cardboard out of laundred shirts, nests of cans made from empty tin cans from the kitchen, painted in bright colors. These are just a few of the toys made in the work shop. We also make exhibits for parent education, and scout groups. We provided 300 toy kits for the visiting nurses. We provided exhibits for the state visiting nurses. So you can see the things we have done have been both interesting and varied. Because our work has been efficiently and cheerfully given we are receiving numerous and increasing calls for volunteers. Then we were asked to take our place in Civilian Defense. Here are some of the things that we have done and are doing. Draft Board Regi stration, clerical ; Army Recruiting Service, clerical; Men 's Service Bureau; U.S.O.; Travelers Aid; Volunteers in Civilian Defense Office; American Women 's Voluntary Service, volunteers on the board, and volunteers taking and teaching fire prevention courses. In the Red Cross: Working with the blood bank; Braille and Braille book binding ; acting as teachers for canteen work; taking first aid courses to provide instructors to assist â&#x20AC;˘the Red Cross in carrying this information to every man and woman in Detroit; receiving instruction in sewing and knitting. Also, organizing a nursery school in Dodge Community Center so mothers may work in defense plants, while their children are being cared for in the nursery by volunteers in charge of the nursery and toy making. These are big' things being asked of us but we can and will do them. We .have a definite place in the community life of our city. And perhaps best of all, it gives us a great deal of personal satisfaction to be utilizing our spare time to good advantage. CECIL BARRETT,
Detroit 1lumnce
N ew Meanings for A .S.T.
HE real meaning of A.S.T. is dear to the heart of every Alpha Sigma Tau girl. In this turbulent world of war political and economic unrest, perhaps we can add more thoughts. ALL SERVE TOGETHER ALL STRIVE TOGETHER ALL SACRIFICE TOGETHER- FOR DEFENSE
FOR DEFENSE-a phrase so freely and easily spoken these days. Does it convey the truggle which is actually taking place in the world or do we at home fail to grasp it full significance? The destiny of the American people and the American way of living is at stake. This war is truly a crucial turning point in the hi tory of all mankind. The fut ure of the human race depends upon the outcome. This should, in the end, unite the nations of the world with a common understanding of their rights and produce such a profound respect for the possessions of each that no.ne will again attempt to gain material ends except by peaceful efforts. To help our country in accomplishing her part in bringing about this peace, we of Alpha Sigma Tau must all serve, strive and sacrifice together, or as Abraham Lincoln said, it is we who will " nobly save or weakly lose the last best hope of Earth." CATHERINE BozARTH, Cleveland Alumnce
For th e Young Teacher
T IS a good thing to learn caution from the misfortunes of others." Following, are a few of the fortunes as well as the misfortunes which seem significant to me after sixteen years as an elementary teacher. These are not the professional do 's and don 'ts with which you are familiar; rather, little odds and ends experience has brought to my mind. Our future teachers of Alpha Sigma Tau and tho e who have been in the service not too long, I invite as my readers. First of all , take up your job as though it will be your life work. You may teach one year, or- believe it or not- you may someday enjoy a well earned pension. Your own happiness is subject to the attitude and enthusiasm you express each day. Right here is one of my " misfortunes." I didn't, but wish I had. I suggest that you as young teachers invest in some type of file cabinet. Save samples of children's work: written papers, art, pictures, etc. File away cute little sayings of your children. Take time to jot them down. It's urprising how very amusing and clever children can be. You will have no end of fun entertaining your family and who knows, sometime you may write a book covering your career as an educator. These notation would come in handy. Not long ago I discovered this little note which I had put into
a dress pocket while at school and forgotten. It was written last year by a tiny black-eyed third grader and placed on my desk: When are you going to come over to see Bingo. He is cute. I am always getting 100 in spelling. Love. From Jerry Lee A little fourth grade girl with an apparent flair for fashion walked up to me and remarked, " Mrs. Steen, I like your dress and I like your pin and I like your handkerchief. " A boy, large for his years, blond and curly haired, had for his most loved pal a little fellow, careless in appearance who was occasionally involved in some act of stealing. After an escapade at the corner delicatessen, the large boy smiled up at me from hi s desk and said, " When we go to the ten cent store together I have to be Danny's conscience. " The next suggestion may sound sentimental. However, it is another misfortune of mine that I failed to put it into practice. Take a picture of each year 's class. Date it and file it away with your other treasures. Include names and addresses. One never knows- the young children of today are tomorrow 's leaders. There may be a future president in your midst. It is often well to spend a little money in the interest of your class room and children. A cheerful plant in winter, Christmas gifts, other than the proverbial hard candy, sometimes a party in the lower grades, all help to create inspiration and friendliness. If there is a Victrola available, it is a lovely thing to buy an appropriate record now and then . Of course you love children . Otherwise you would have chosen another vocation. Some teachers are remembered by their pupils while others are soon forgotten . In the words of George Eliot, " Wear a smile and have friends Wear a scowl and have wrinkles." Look into the bright faces of your children. You will see smiles more often than scowls and certainly no wrinkles. Play up to their happy natures. Like them, respect them and they will adore you ! And oh, please, do not use sarcasm. I believe it is a good plan to seat a make-believe visitor in your room each morning and keep him with you all day. Do not let any word fall which you would be sorry for the whole world to hear. Many teachers love to get toge ther after hours when conversation leads to a discussion of their various li ttle charges. It is easy to comment on I.Q.'s, appearance, most anything. This is unfortunate for children and parents have big ears. Since there is so much good in the worst of us, it is necessary that we, as teachers, praise rather than blame. Finally, believe in your profession rather than belittle it. It is important. Do the best you can for " the winds and the waves are always on the side of the ablest navigators." It seems as though this quotation from Proverbs 4: 7 was written especially for you: " Wisdom is the principal thing- therefore get wisdom ; and with all thy getting get understanding." L uCILE HTJ LL STEEN,
A lumna~
Defense and Sorority Girls ow
'days most everywhere we look we see something which pertains to defense and the great meaning of this word . Some of us are taking it seriously while others are ju t not giving it a sensible thought. We as sorority girls can and should try to do our bit, however small it may be. Let 's consider the housewife sorority girl. She is fast learning to conserve her household articles by cooking sparingly and economically. T he school teacher sorority girl is teaching her pupils patriotism, courage, and thoughtfulness towards others. T he professional sorority girl is working for the Red Cross by knitting, rolling bandages, sewing, and mending worn clothing. These are but a few instances where sorority girls are lending a helping hand in thi s large project called Defense. But you 'll say, "Other girls who are n ot sorority girls are al so lending a helping hand. " Yes, this is quite true but why can 't we girls, who are true sorority girls, dominate in this great drive? Why can't we forge ahead and make our defense program a great big sorority p roject? We in the Johnstown alumnre chapter have been contributing, at each of our meetings, some article of clothing which may be slightly worn but still clean and usable. Each gi rl brings something and it is given to the local Red Cross in the name of defense. We are also hoping, in the future, to go fur ther in our project by either knitting and sewing or doing orne other use ful thing which may help our government. Sorority girls, it is not only our pennies and nickles and our help, physically and mentally, that will win this war, but also our prayers. Almost all of us have some friend , a sweetheart, b rother, or husband wh o in some way will be or is now connected with defen e and the war. This reality alone should convince us, one and all , that defense is not just a word bu t that it means something to "guard with our life ." Sisters, we all can really and truly help our good old U.S.A. by living the Alpha Sigma Tau way. TO THE DEFEATIST-
Edward Everett H ale I am only one, b ut still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; And because I cannot do everything I will not refuse to do the something that I can do . BETTY DEFREH r McCLI ' TOCK, Johnstown Alumnre
Magazine Agency
in th e maoazine business!! In the pa t maoa-
r\ zine agencies have proved quite successful for other sororitie . In on
year the fifteen N.P.C. ororities that conduct maoazine aoenci s, coll ectively sold 22,000 sub cription n etting 15 000 in commis ion . Th individual orority earnino vari d from 27 to 3200 with LOO a aood
successful average. In view of the fact that we have a fairly large membership, a great portion of which most likely subscribes to magazines yearly, Mrs. Staehle and the National Council have started an Alpha Sigma Tau magazine agency, through which, with the cooperation of all its members, the sorority may reap lucrative benefits. Every good Alpha Sigma Tau should feel a twinge of conscience, should she renew her old subscriptions, or take new and gift subscriptions from any other source. We all are, or should be partners in this business whose beneficiary is our own sorority. All orders, with checks made payable to the national magazine chairman should be sent to her at least four weeks before you wish to receive your first issue. Names and addresses should be written very legibly . Regular prices or specials listed by any other agency at any time can be obtained through Alpha Sigma Tau. Here is a list of popular magazines and their prices: American Home McCalls Red Book both Cosmopolitan Good Housekeeping both Better Homes and Gardens Mademoiselle
3 2 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 3 1
yrs. yrs. yr. yr. yr. yr. yr. yr. yr. yrs. yr.
2.00 1.50 1.00 1.00 2.50 3.00 2.5 0 2.5 0 4.50 2. 00 2.5 0
DoROTHY RISCH, National Magazine Clzai1'man
National Inspection NOVEMBER I wrote a summary of my visits to the first two districts and put it in the Central 0 ffice Bulletin thinking I would do the same with the other two districts. Many members pointed out to me, however, that THE ANCHOR goes to over seven hundred people and the C ent1'al 0 ffic e Bulletin to only three hundred ; thus a great many interested members would never hear about the inspection. Complying with the wi sh of the majority I have prepared this article which I hope you enjoy. I have mentioned many names because through conventions and district meetings friendships have been broadened, and many members are well known in all chapters. This article does not say much about our fine advisers, who, as The Candle Lighting Service says, " Are our friends and counsellors at all times. Their continued membership in the chapter is the means by which our aims and ideals are carried over from one group to the next. " When I visit chapters, I can fully appreciate just how much they do. Neither does this article give my suggestions for the sorority ' improvement, but these will appear in reports I send to chapters and in the revised handbook .
I want to say to all of you as Miss Chapman used to say "It is your sorority, girls;" your suggestions and questions will always be gladly received by the national council. In writing about my trips I try not to compare one chapter with another and for that reason I may omit some chapter activities. The time of my visit was more favorable in some places than in others. Every chapter, however, was hospitable and cooperative, and I enjoyed my visits both personally and as national president. FOURTH DISTRICT
I reached Welch, West Virginia, at six the morning of September 24 and was met by Lena Bary Caporossi, president of Welch alumnce chapter. I stayed at her home until nine when Ruth Cruise Harless and her husband of War came to get me. War is about twenty miles from Welch over the -most 路winding mountainous roads I ever traveled. I stayed at Ruth 's home all day. Nearly all the War chapter members teach and so were not free until four o'clock. We had the conferences all over by six and then had a delicious pot-luck dinner, after which we all discussed Alpha Sigma Tau. The War chapter was a fine group to visit first because every member is so loyal and interested. All the girls in the area, except one, who are eligible to join are members. Ruth won the scholarship ring in 1939-40. She has a very dear baby boy four months old. He was a perfect baby during our meetings and seemed to enjoy them as much as we did. Mr. and Mrs. Harless took me back to Welch Friday morning, and I stayed with Lena. She has been president of Welch two years and had helped get the files , etc. in fine order. The chapter has a steel file with everything well organized. The other Welch members teach, and so I couldn 't see them until the evening. We had dinner together at a hotel and our meeting at Lena's sister's apartment. Several girls in the War and Welch chapters were in college when I visited Athens six years ago and it is always a real pleasure to see them again. I left Welch Saturday morning and reached Bluefield an hour later than I should have, so that I missed the McNeills who had come to meet me. I called Virginia Bailey who took me to Athens. I had time in the forenoon for part of the conference with Romaine Kanode, Omicron alumnce representative. After lunch with Mrs. McNeill we went to Princeton to the home of the Bluefield president, Mrs. Beryl Woodruff Lambert. We had officers' conferences there in the afternoon. At six we had a pot-luck supper in Princeton followed by a business meeting and bridge party. Bluefield is a large chapter and does fine work. The chaplain presented the best devotions I heard on my trip. She chooses a theme for the month, finds a suitable scripture passage and several appropriate selections, adding some comments of her own. The theme when I was there was mountain top visions. I commend Bluefield for not only having a good chapter but for being especially interested in developing national interests. I know that all chapters are equally interested but not all have enough members, or are not old enough to do so much. Sunday forenoon I went to Beckley with Mr. and Mrs. McNeill. I wa
most happy to find the chapter getting off to a good start this fall. They have very capable officers who are going about their work in the right way. We had a dinner together at a hotel and then had conferences and a meeting, followed by a tea at the home of the president, Ferne Shumate Phipps. The girls showed their loyalty and interest by giving up all Sunday for my visit. We drove back to Athens Sunday evening, and on Monday I began my visit with Omicron . ~ ~ ~ and 6. ~ E are also at Athens. Although I was not scheduled to visit the Panhellenic, the members wished to see me and called a special social hour meeting. Omicron has six very interested patronesses. They take turns being cl\airman and plan each fall the things they will do for the sorority. Mrs. McNeer, one of the patronesses, had a tea for me and the other patronesses while I was in Athens. Sororities at Athens have no rooms for headquarters. Meetings are held in a class room, and files are kept at Mrs. McNeill's. The second night of my stay in Athens was the date for the faculty reception for freshmen. The president of the college asked me to stand in the receiving line. The reception was lovely but prevented my meeting the chapter the second night. They therefore had a business meeting and social hour on the same night. Wednesday morning Mrs. McNeill took me to Bluefield where I boarded the train for Farmville. My visit in West Virginia had been pleasant and inspiring and I was sorry to leave my good friends there. I looked forward to my visit with Zeta Tau, however, and knew I would also be happy there. I have a special warm place in my heart for Zeta Tau chapter because I installed it. Anne Turner, the president, met me at the train and after having lunch with the adviser, Miss Bedford, I went to the chapter rooms. All the national sororities except 6. ~ E are at Farmville and they and the three local groups have beautiful sorority rooms. The girls had a tea in their room for me to which they invited sponsors and presidents of the other groups. The second night I was there the girls had a formal dinner followed by a meeting. The girls wore white dresses during my visit. A custom of Zeta Tau banquets is very interesting. A glass of grape juice is at each one's plate and in the course of the dinner different girls stand and propose a toast to guests, and then the whole group stands and drinks a toast to the one indicated ; to the president, the dean, the adviser, and guests. Like the girls at Athens, the ones in Farmville live in dormitories and eat in the dormitory dining room. At Farmville there is a special tea room connected with the college dining room where banquets and regular meals are served. Friday noon I had lunch with Miss Nichols, fo rmer alumnce representative and one of the founders of the Zeta Tau local which became our chapter. She with the president and treasurer took me to the train after lunch, and I was soon on my way to Norfolk and Portsmouth. Mr. and Mrs. Mason met me at Norfolk and I spent the night at their home. I had a very enjoyable unhurried conference with Mrs. Mason and learned a lot about chapter histories. Saturday I had lunch with the Portsmouth girls at a unique tea room called " The Sign of the Ship. " Conferences were held with officers at the home of the president, Charlotte Roberts. Helen Hoyer, alumnce representative , and her sister were able to come
also from Hampton. The business meeting was held also at Charlotte's home. In the evening we went to orfolk to Virginia Goffingon s home where we had a buffet supper followed by a bridge party. Many of the members of the chapter were members of the Zeta Tau local sorority and are now very fine Alpha Sigma Tau alumnre. The 1 orfolk-Portsmouth chapter is splendid, and I especially like their social service work. They adopt" a little gi rl at the orphans home and keep her supplied with clothes. The girls had brought their fall gifts to Virginia's home, and it was fun to see the pretty things they had chosen . I spent Saturday night and Sunday morning at Jean West's lovely country home, Cherrycroft. After a dinner with Alfreda Collings and Doris Coates I went out to Mrs. Mason's again. Doris was the first president of Alpha Sigma Tau at Farmville, and I am always glad to see her. Several girl were at Mrs. Mason's, and we spent a happy and profitable afternoon and evening together. They went with me to the train which I boarded for Roanoke. My two day visit was a busy and happy one and very helpful to me. I left the train at Roanoke and aot on one going north to Shepherdstown. I didn't mind the seven hour trip because I was reading the very long and fascinating book, "Oliver Wiswell." It was rather coincidental that the same road over which I was traveling was the one which Oliver Wiswell had traveled back in 1776. I felt very much at home when I stepped from the train in Shepherdstown and saw Janet Wilson. She wa president of the chapter when it was installed in May 1940. With her were the new adviser, Miss Cree, and the president Jean Millard. After leaving my luggage at The Crawford House where I was to stay, we went to a tea at Mrs. Kennamond's, one of the patrones es. She had invited the chapter, another patroness, Dr. Scarborough, and the alumnre representative, Christine Hunter. I was happy to see the girls as I had met most of them at installation. Miss Cree invited the three patronesses, the college president's wife and me to dinner. After that I visited the sorority meeting in the chapter room. The girls have one of the rooms in the administration building for their sorority room and they are fast getting it cozily furnished. I am proud of Chi . The chapter won three national award in their first year as Alpha Sigma Taus and work in every way as though the chapter had been established for years. The college is also proud of the sorority and the president announced in assembly that the girls had won the cholarship cup. Tuesday evening the chapter had a formal dinner at which the president, Dr. White, gave a fine talk. Wednesday forenoon after assembly we all met in the sorority room with Mrs. Sarah Perrine who came from Washington, D.C. to meet me. She told the girls that she would attend one of their social affairs this year. I went back to Washington with Mrs. Perrine and stayed with her until train time. We had a nice visit and discussed the new song book. The sorority is much indebted to Mrs. Perrine for her work as national song book chairman. We are going to be able to publish a fine book next ummer. I had never been in Washington before and on the way to the train l\Irs. Perrine took me pa t the beautiful buildings in our Capitol. he excels a a guide as well as a mu ician. I reached Columbus afely Thursday !\. 1.
and found my family fine . I had to leave agai n aturday busy every minute I was home.
19 P.M.
and so was
I left Columbus Saturday P.M. October 11, and reached Hammond, Louisiana, Sunday evening, being met by the adviser, Miss Lowe; last year's president, Ann Tri gg; the alum nee representative, Fled a Edmundson ; and Ivylle Primes. I enjoyed a visit with Miss Lowe as we ate supper and looked forward to meeting the girls Monday. There are two locals at Hammond beside Alpha Sigma Tau. The sorori ties there do not have rooms, but Phi chapter is fortunate to have a desk and file in Miss Lowe's office. People in Hammond have the pleasant custom of having morning coffee at 10:00. The college president's wife invited me and some of the girls to her home Tuesday morning for coffee, only we had lemonade. The alumnce representative told me she would have to resign as she is moving to Alabama. Of course Phi has only a few alumnce and none living near Hammond. Miss Margaret Waldrep, a young faculty member, who has been acting as cosponsor very graciously said she would take the office until one of the girls could do the work. We discussed plans as we ate dinner Monday evening and then went to the business meeting. It was interesting to see how well Phi was progressing considering the fact that the chapter is so new. At noon Tuesday the three patronesses entertained the advisers and me at a nice luncheon. In the afternoon when all the conferences were finished , Miss Lowe and Charlotte Stewart, the collegiate chapter president took me to Covington where we got Ann , Fleda and her sister Myrta. We then had dinner at Lake Ponchartrain. Upon our return in the evening the chapter met fo r an informal party. Sororities are han dicapped at Hammond because the majority of the students commute and cannot stay for evening activities. Sorority meetings are held from 1:00 to 1:30 P.M. every Thursday. T he campus is one of the most beautiful I ever saw. Most of the bu ildings are new and arranged artistically. The trees are the tall southern pines with many live oaks here and there. T he sun shone the two days I was there this time and thus made the campus more beautiful. Miss Lowe, Miss Waldrep and Charlotte saw that I boarded my train safely T uesday night, and I left knowing that some day Phi would be a rival to our older chapters. I reached Memphis Wednesday morning, transferred to a train going to Little Rock, there to a bus and reached Conway at noon. I stayed in the dormitory guest room where I have stayed before. Sigma Sigma Sigma is the only other national at Conway besides Alpha Sigma Tau . There are three locals there. Each sorori ty has a room in the dormitory, and I was amazed to see how well furnished the Alpha Sigma Tau room was in so short a time. The dormitory wasn't even built when I was there three years ago. I met with Panhellenic the first night I was there. We were busy Thursday with a lunch at Miss Harvey's home at noon, a business meeting from four to six, a dinner together at night followed by a party. Upsilon chapter is very well established and the girls are unusually capable. They have no trouble getting all the members they want. Like Zeta Tau Chi, Phi
and Beta Upsilon was one of the chapters I installed, and I take pride in its steady growth. Saturday morning I went to Little Rock and spent a very pleasant day with the alumnc:e. The Upsilon alumnre are widely scattered and can have only three or four large meetings a year. The president, Ruth Hood Whitley, and the two alumnc:e repesentatives, Marjie Perkins and Julia Mae Avery, live in Little Rock and carry on most of the business activities. They are three very loyal Alpha Sigma Taus. I left at eleven o'clock P .M., having spent a delightful evening with Ruth. I had to get off the train at 4:00 in the morning at McAlister, Oklahoma and wait until 7: 30 fo r a train south to Durant. I sayed at Kathleen Kelchner's home in Durant and enjoyed her mother 's hospitality very much. I spent Sunday with Ruth Johnson and Kathleen talking over alumnre work and visiting the Red River Dam at Dennison, Texas. At night I met the active members at the home of the sponsor, Miss Irene Scrivener. We had the usual conference Monday and after a nice dinner with the sponsors, Miss Scrivener and Miss Riling, attended a meeting of all actives and pledges at M iss Scrivener's. The alumnc:e and collegiate chapter had a joint Hallowe'en party Tuesday night, after which they all went to the train with me . Rho chapter has had many reverses in its ten years, but if any chapter should flourish now, it i Rho. The officers are very capable and the pledges interested. The chapter meets each week. Two meetings each month are for business, one social, and one social service. The only other sorority at Durant is Phi Kappa Sigma. l al so talked with some of their officers. I reached Kansas City Wednesday morning and wa in Emporia by eleven. The train passed through many miles of flooded farm , but Emporia itself was not damaged. The adviser, Miss Garman; alumnc:e representative, Mrs. Esther Griffith ; and Rosemary Haslower welcomed me at the train and took me to Miss Seller's home where I stayed for four days. It's always a pleasure to go to Emporia and see the girls so happy in their own house. The Iota girls are also the original singers of Alpha Sigma Tau and are never at a loss to think of some delightful song. Their cook, Mrs. Whitaker, has been with Iota for thirteen years and prepares the meals three times a day, which are served very accurately by a colored house-boy. Sixteen girls live in the house this year and are well looked after by the house mother, Mrs. Nason. Thursday evening all the girls, the patronesses, adviser, alumnre representative and Miss Seller met at the house and later the girl entertained us with a Phoney Island show. It was very complete, even with " The Bird in The Gilded Cage" being sung. The Panhellenic meeting was at the house Thursday P.M. and the chapter entertained the other sorority sponsors and presidents at a tea Friday P.M. All the nationals are at Emporia. I spent most of Friday with the alumnGe- a covered dish luncheon at the president's home and a business meeting in the P.M. After a nice dinner at Miss Garman's, I went with the girls to the college vaudeville and pep meeting in the auditorium. Homecoming for Emporia wa that week and all the sorority and fraternity houses were well decorated with Tiaer (Hay ) and Hornets (Emporia ). There were fifty at the house fo r lunch aturday. Dinner with the Griffiths fini hed my Emporia visit. l\Irs. Griffith
has two lovely daughters, Ruth and Virginia, who will soon be in college. As we waited for the train, the Iota girls sang some more, and I left thinking how lovely sororities are. The trip to Wichita was very short, and several of the girls whom I knew met me at the train. I spent the night at a hotel and all day Sunday with the girls-church, dinner, meeting, and tea, the last two events being at Hildred Dungan's home. Hildred had a beautiful collection of old glass. At business meetings each girl answers roll call with a sentence or two about her assigned topic for the year. One has cooking, another travel, movies, etc. The Wichita girls are fine Alpha Sigma Taus and enjoy their chapter very much. I was sorry to have to say goodbye at the train but I had to be in St. Louis Monday morning so when the Missouri Pacific left at 8:00 I was on it. Meredith Shepherd, an Iota girl living in St. Louis, met me and took me to a hotel near the college. I felt that Pi chapter would have to be pretty good to compare favorably with the other chapters which I had visited and it more than surpassed the requirements for a good chapter. I arrived just after rushing and was happy to attend ribbon pledging where eight new girls were pledged. They with the present thirty-four members make a fine chapter, and the girls have more pledges to look forward to in spring rushing. All the nationals except Alpha Sigma Alpha are at Harris Teachers College in St. Louis. The advisers of the four other sororities and Miss Gladfelter of Alpha Sigma Tau work closely together and I enjoyed lunch with them on Monday. The president of the college was much impressed with the chapter when I told him Pi chapter was second in the sorority in scholarship, having an average of 2.19 for forty-four members last year. Sorority meetings are held every two weeks in members ' homes. The meeting is from five to six and dinner served by the hostess follows. Besides attending that meeting nearly all the girls went to a party on Tuesday evening at another member's home. The girls have no place to meet at the college at night and have to travel long distances to their meetings, but the Pi girls don't complain about it. Jeanne Garner who won the first scholarship ring in 1939-40, is a senior now. One of the girls is president of the senior class and two more are editor and co-editor of the college paper. Many of you will remember Ruth Priebe from the convention. She invited Miss Gladfelter ; the president, Jane Pratt; and me to a dinner at the lovely Missouri Athletic Club. Ruth is now an active member in the alumnce chapter. Wednesday I was with Dorothy Robinson, the district president, and Virginia Baere, alumnce repr~sentative , until 3:00 when the alumnce officers began to come for their conferences. The alumnce dinner and business meeting were at the hotel. The alumnce meet every two weeks. The chapter is so large that the members no longer hold meetings in their homes; in tead the meetings are at hotels. It was a pleasure to see Lois Hoynick, our former convention chairman, and the other girls who helped plan that excellent St. Louis convention of 1939. Although it was midnight when I reached the depot Wednesday evening, some of the collegiate and alumnce m~mbers were there to say good-bye.
I was borne almost a week before beginning the last half of my inspection. I reached Detroit November 6 "on a misty moisty morning when rainy was the weather" and went to the Theta chapter apartment near Wayne University where I conferred with the girls Thursday and Friday. The girls have had the same apartment for over ten years and I have always admired the interest they have taken in it. They had just fini bed redecorating their living room and had plan made for work on the remaining three rooms. No one lives in the apartment; it is used fo r all sorority meetings and as a place for girls to wait durin a the clay between classes. Theta chapter carries on many activities and it was especially pleasing to note that all the detail work is delegated to committees. Thursday night I had dinner with Miss Mansell, Association of Educational ororitie representative, giving us a chance to talk over recent Association of Educational Sororities events. In the evening I attended Theta's busy bu iness meeting. A tea at the apartment Friday afternoon ended my visit with the Thetas. Saturday the Detroit alumnre met at the home of Kathryn Myll on Lake St. Clair. We began with a luncheon that all the officers attended, after which I held the usual conferences with each officer. By the time they were finished the rest of the members had arrived, and the general business meeting took place, followed by a tea. Going to meetings in Detroit requires real fortitude since the members are scattered all over the huge city. Almost as much time is required for travelling as for the actual meeting. I had a taste of Detroit travelling my elf on Monday as I went from the east side to Mrs. Riclclerhof's home on the west side where we discussed Alpha Sigma Tau finances. Keeping the sorority accounts in order is a large task, and Mrs. Ridclerhof is doing the work in a fine manner. She is also bringing up a fine future Alpha Sigma Tau member, little seven year old Gretchen. In the early afternoon Mrs. Barrett, the life membership chairman and her five year old son David took me to their home where we talked about past and future life memberships. Later Evelyn Mettler Kitzul, one of the Theta alumnre representatives, came to Mrs. Barrett's and we drove back to the east side of the city to have dinner with Lenore Filer Briggs who has been Theta alumnre representative fo r four years. As we ate, baby Brian, Lenore's six months old son watched us from hi play pen. In the evening Evelyn, Lenore, and I discussed Theta directories and other problems of alumnre representatives. Tuesday Mrs. Ridderhof invited all the National Board members in Detroit to have lunch at her home so that we could talk about the convention and other national affairs. Besides Mrs. Ridderhof and me the other members present were Miss Mansell; Mrs. Barrett; Mrs. Fraser, new elected president of the first district ; and Mrs. Delaney, former examination chairman. My visit in Detroit was made completely pleasant by Mrs. Clara chumann, former district president who asked me to make my headquarters at her home. I always regret that Clara i no longer on our national board. She is now giving her time and capable energies to the Tational Farm and Garden work. I was also glad to see Emily Fitzgerald, former Alpha alumore representative and Leona Hay, first Gamma alumnre repre entative.
I didn 't have half enough time to see all my sorority friend s in Detroit whom I had met during the eleven years I lived there. Tuesday nigh t came and I had to leave Detroit because my schedule required me to be in Ypsilanti, the home of Alpha chapter. Wanda Crawford Bates met me at the bus and took me to her home where I stayed f01 two days. Wanda is the first Alpha Sigma Tau member I ever knew. I met her one Christmas vacation before I went to college when I visited a friend in Sunfield, Michigan, where Wanda also lived. When I went to college, I roomed at the same house that Wanda did. After finishing her four years' work at Ypsilanti, Wanda did her work for her Master's Degree at Ann Arbor and is now on the fac ulty at Ypsilanti. For the past two years she has been adviser to Alpha chapter and is showing the same loyal un elfish devotion to Alpha that Mrs. Lyman and Miss Norton once did. For several years sororities at Ypsilanti have been weak. There were too many in the first place- seven na tional and seven local. Not too many fo r prosperous times but too many in the days of the depression. Now there are six nationals and fo ur locals and only three of those have sizable chapters. Slowly our chapter is rebuilding and with the four attractive interested members and their adviser M rs. Bates and patroness Miss Meston we are very hopeful. While I was there the girls held their business meeting and conferences at Mrs. Bates' home where all sorority records and files are kept. The girls had a nice tea for me at the Union building the first day of my visit. The new chairman of the Examination Committee, June F reed Wilcox of Ann Arbor, came over Thursday fore noon, and we discussed the records which Mrs. Delaney had sent to June. Mrs. Bates took me to the bus Friday fo renoon and after an hour 's ride I was in F lint where the alumme chapter president, Mrs. Gaffney met me and took me to her home where I was to spend the nigh t. The Flint chapter is one without any troubles and you will recall that it won an efficiency award last year. At the supper meeting at Eloise Craw's home I had confere nces with the officers. Their chapter editor is Lucille Gale who writes those interesting articles for THE ANCHOR. Another bus ride Saturday took me to Lansing. I spent the afternoon with the president, Margaret Taylor Craddock and attended the supper meeting at F lorence Baker Schmidt 's home. At night I stayed with Allura Exelby Custer and was happy to see her ten year old daughter Carolyn and little son Richard. Allura said that when Carolyn is old enough she is going to go to Ypsilanti at least one term so that she can be an Alpha Sigma Tau. The Lansina chapter al so is fine and will probably have an efficiency award this year. Fl int and Lansing started the idea last year of having state sorority meetings each year, alternating the meetings between the two cities which are centrally located fo r all the M ichigan chapters. Sunday morning came and I had to say good-bye to my fine Lansing friends and journey northward to Mt. P leasant. The alumnre representative, Mrs. Edna H ansen, met me and I spent most of the afternoon and evening with her looking over the sorority material which had belonged to our beloved Mrs. Larzelere. I made my headquarters at the dormitory, Ronan Hall where the Beta girls came fo..- conferences. 'lost chapters I visited were busy, but Beta surpassed all of them. On Monday night wa
a lecture course number, the singer Dorothy Maynard. On Tuesday night was their second rush party and college closed Wednesday noon for Thanksgiving v;;tcation. The girls ate together Monday night and attended the group meeting which we managed to hold before the concert began. I could see even in our hurried meetings and conferences that Beta is getting along fine. It is our youngest chapter, having been installed in June 1940. Since then the five other national sororities have established chapters at Mt. Pleasant. This meant the organization of a Panhellenic, and while I was there I visited the Panhellenic meeting and had four conferences with the Dean of Women. On Tuesday night I visited with the Mt. Pleasant alumnre at a supper meeting at Mrs. Hansen's home. The president of the alumnre chapter, Helen Porterfield, is social director at the new dormitory, Sloan Hall. She and most of the other alumnre are members of the first Beta chapter which was at Mt. Pleasant until 1917. Wednesday forenoon I boarded the train for Toledo and joined the other passengers in going home for Thanksgiving. SECON D DISTRICT
I reached Buffalo Wednesday night, Jovember 26, where I was to visit the Sigmas for three days and be a guest of the adviser, Dr. Margaret Quayle at the Town Club. It was necessary for me to be in Buffalo the latter part of the week because Friday is the only day on which all the girls are on the campus. The girls who are practice teaching in several schools are out of town the first four days of the week. I met the lower classmen on Thursday, and at night attended the alumme chapter supper meeting at Dorothy Halstead Bell's home. Time and faces do changewhen I was in Buffalo six years ago, Dorothy was president of the collegiate chapter and now is an alumna officer. The enthusiastic alumnre chapter president, Eleanor Mason, has been ill since last summer and unable to take a very active part in the orority. The vice-president, Catherine Smith, has been carrying-on very capably. Catherine is also interested in many other activities and under her direction the chapter has been making boys' flannel blouses for the Red Cross. One morning Catherine wanted to take a clean blouse to school so as to have a fresh one to put on before going to . a meeting at night. Imagine her surprise when she opened the package after school to find that she had brought the wrong one and had one of the gray flannel blouses instead of her own. Friday was gala day for the collegiate chapter. All the girls dressed in white and wore yellow corsages. It happened that assembly was that day also and all the girls sat together in the auditorium. In the afternoon a Panhellenic tea was held for me. At night after dinner at a tea-room the business meeting was held. Besides thinking about my vi it, the girls were also busy with rushing and were having a rush tea the next Sunday. I was happy to hear later that they secured nine new pledges. igma s membership has been low for two or three years, and I am glad now to see the chapter restored to its place of leadership on the campus. Saturday I met the alumnre officers at Eleanor Mason home and al o vi ited Margaret MacDonald, national Loan Fund Chairman who wa recovering from an appendectomy. I saw Beverly Bollard, igma alumnre
representative every day and it was through her guidance that my pleasant three days in Buffalo were planned. Beverly is well known not only by Sigmas but by the whole sorority for her loyal and far reaching interest in Alpha Sigma Tau. I was sorry not to be able to see my predecessor and Sigma's former adviser, Miss Luella Chapman. She resigned from teaching three years ago and now makes her home in Iowa. My next visit was to be in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, whither I journeyed on Sunday going by way of Pittsburgh. I spent Sunday evening at Edith and Josephine Paul 's home. Dorothy Risch was also with us awhile so that we could discuss the new magazine agency. Monday the chapter officers came to the hotel where I was staying for conferences and at ni ght the whole group ate dinner togther at a table gaily decorated with a pumpkin chariot drawn by paper turkeys. The alumn<e chapter has worked out a fine series of programs this year. A topic is chosen for each meeting about which one girl gives a prepared talk and the others help in the discussion. They have short business meetings so that they have plenty of time for their social hour. Tuesday morning I left early for Indiana, Pennsylvania, to see our flourishing Delta chapter. Three years ago the chapter was rather small, but the girls have more than regained top place. Last year four girls had A averages but because of unavoidable reasons the marks were not sent in and Delta didn 't get the scholarship cup. The adviser, Mrs. Gasslander, had a tea while I was in Indiana, inviting the patronesses and the chapter. The girls were proud to have her use their silver creamer and sugar bowl presented to the chapter by the National Council last year when Delta's silver anniversary was celebrated. One of the alumn<e representatives, Gladys Overholt Bee was at the tea. Betty Weaver came from Ford City Tuesday night to attend the chapter meeting. Rush rules on various campuses are interesting. At Indiana, for instance, one rush party is held in the fall and one the second semester with pledging very close to the end of the year. The girls who take classes in the commercial department have to do some practical work in the city for one course. Lois Teeter, last year's president, was working two hours a day in a down town dress shop. Wednesday evening I enjoyed dinner and a visit with Mary King Guard, former Delta adviser, now a busy mother with three lovely step children. It was necessary for me to go back to Johnstown to get my train for Philadelphia. Edith and Jo met my bus from Indiana and took me to their home where we drank tea until train time. Besides all the fine sorority members I have met in my travels I have also had the pleasure of meeting many lovely Alpha Sigma Tau mothers. Mrs. Paul is one of these mothers and wears an Alpha Sigma Tau mother 's pin which the girls have given her. Some of the Lambda. girls met me in Philadelphia and took me to the University to Miss Kirby 's office with whom I had the pleasure of attending the inauguration of the new University president, Mr. Robert L. Johnson. The officers' conferences and chapter meeting were held in Mitten Hall Thursday and Friday. The first floor of Mitten Hall looks as the courts of old English castles must have looked- oak rafters , stone floors and pillars. It was especially beautiful when I was there because of the lighted Chri t-
mas trees and other decorations placed about the hall. One of Lambda's traditions is to have a Christmas party every year for the sorority girls' Mothers. This year the party was held the Friday night I was there at the home of the president, Claire Jenkins. If the girls have rush parties as fine as this Christmas party, they will be sure to get many pledges. While I was in Mitten Hall I wa glad to see the Panhellenic scholarship cup which Lambda won for three successive years thus keeping it permanently and also the second cup which the chapter has won for two years. I spent Saturday forenoon with the two alumnre representative , Elinore De Cou and Mabel Schreiber. With them I went to the alumnre supper meeting at Betty Maisch's home. Like the Detroit chapter one of Philadelphia's alumnre problems is getting to meetings because of the members being scattered throuo-hout the large city. The girls have such good times that they have good attendance at meetings in spite of difficulties. The chapter has been doing a considerable amount of social ervice work this year, one of the projects being to make scrap books for the children's hospital. I saw the sun rise over the Philadelphia house tops as I packed my bags Sunday morning. I had enjoyed being in Philadelphia and finding both chapters so prosperous. I always personally enjoy vi iting the city of Brotherly Love where the statue of Wm~ .Penn look down on the busy streets. I have always been especially interested in history and in historical novels, and Philadelphia is the center of o much early American history. Dr. Bottorf, Zeta adviser and Vivian Williams, chapter president, met me Sunday afternoon when I stepped from the train in Lock Haven. Zeta chapter is the only one in the Eastern district to have sorority rooms. The college has given all the sororities rooms in the dormitory for headquarters. Successive groups have added furniture and decorations to the rooms. This year the girls had a Christmas party and gave gifts to the room. The rushing system at Lock Haven has been revised and is much simplified. In the fall, bids are given informally to upperclassmen on a de ignated day. In the second semester through the preferential bidding ystem bids are again given on the prescribed date to freshmen without any preceding rush parties. Each sorority then has a nice party for its new pledges. Panhellenic also limits the membership of each group to thirty, thus insuring the survival of all and preventing undue size by any one of the three groups. I spent the first evening in Lock Haven with Mrs. MacDougall, Chairman of the Awards Committee. Whenever I look at her records I alway marvel at the big task she has in compiling scholarship averages. Chapters should always send in their grades promptly and thus help Mrs. MacDougall all they can. The MacDougalls have recently bought a large house which they are remodelling. It was a lot of fun to go through it and ee all the interesting things Mrs. MacDougall has managed to evolve. I stayed in the dormitory guest room and attended the officers conferences and chapter meeting in the so rority room during my two day vi it. Tuesday night I had dinner with one of Zeta's alumnre representatives Myra Allen, and in the evening the Lock Haven alumnre met at her home and talked about the organization of an alumnre chapter.
Wednesday noon I left for Williamsport and spent the afternoon with Virginia Plankenhorn, the other Zeta alumnre representative. At night the alumnre chapter had a supper meeting at Winifred Shaheen's home. The Williamsport girls certainly do enj oy the friendship afforded by the alumnre chapter. In Williamsport I realized our country's state of war as I saw armed guards at the bridge we crossed going to our meeting. It seemed hard to believe, and I was glad that each day took me nearer home. When I was in Youngstown three years ago, the weather happened to be very disagreeable, and only a few of the girls were able to attend the alumnre meeting. This time circumstances were more favorab le, and I enjoyed a very pleasant dinner, business meeting, and bridge party with the Youngstown members. The girls are a hundred per cent Alpha Sigma Taus and have as fin e a chapter as I saw anywhere. I made the trip from Williamsport to Youngstown by bus-a nine hour trip across and around the Pennsylvania mountains. It always fascinates me to see the mountains and I thought as I saw them of a sentence cut in rock in the Cave of the Winds at Colorado Springs. It says " The dreams of Mountains as in their sleepthey brood on things eternal. " The mountains are eternal and suggest power and lofty dreams pulling us away from the petty thinking of small people. I left Youngstown F riday morning fo r Cleveland where I stayed at the home of Dorothy Stadler, national secetary. Friday night the Cleveland chapter had a business meeting and social hour at the home of Ruth Merrick, Eta alumnre representative. Saturday noon the girls met again for a Christmas dinner at Edith Siple's home in Rocky River, suburb of Cleveland. Like all the others the Cleveland girls are lovely and a visit with their loyal group was a fittin g finale to my three months of travel. Always affectionally yours, CARRIE W. STAEHLE, National President
Question Games /1T A recent meetin g of the Flint alumnre much pleasure, interest, and 1\ entertainment were fou nd in answering the questions listed below. Perhaps other chapters mi ght like to use the ideas. NAMES OF FLINT SORORITY MEMBERS A monastery or convent. (Abbey ) To applaud. (Clapp) A mischievous rook . (C row) A Scottish Highl ander. (Gale) A maternal ancesto r and fruit of the bee. (Mahoney) An important truck and a famous movie actress. (MacDonald ) (H erbert ) A famous musical composer. The eighth letter of the alphabet and to gain by labor. (H earn ) (Pearso n) A nobleman and a masculine descendent. The sound of a cat a nd a famous river. (Perrine ) A famous beverage. (Pfeiffer ) Timber. (Wo od ) A maker of circular frames that tu rn on axes. (Wheeler)
The twentieth Jetter of the alphabet and to yield to . A vegetable and a plural word meaning haunches. One who works with plants. ( Gardner)
(Tobey) (Phipps)
SORORITY QUESTIONS Wh at was the first college to open its doors to women? (Oberlin ) What are the four kinds of sororities? (Educational, honorary, academic, professional) What does A.E.S. mean? (Association of Education Sororities) When was Alpha Sigma Tau made nat ional? (1926) (Edith Mansell ) Who is A.S.T.'s representative in A.E.S.? In what yea r was A.S.T. founded? ( 1899) Where is Theta chapter located? (Detroit) (Carrie StaehleWho is the national president of A.S.T. and where does she li ve? Columbus, Ohio ) What is the name of the soro rity magazine? (T HE ANCHOR ) How many times a year is the A.S.T. magaz ine published? (Fo ur ) When is Founders' Day? ( ovember 4) What is the sorority flower? (Yellow rose) What is the sorority jewel? (Pearl ) What are the A.S.T. colors? (E merald green and gold ) Describe the sorority pin. What is the sorority whistle? Where is the national convention to be held this year? How often does the national convention meet? Who wrote "The Foot-path to Peace" ? (H enry Van Dyke ) What is the password? Repeat the first two lines of the soro rity song. Where was the first chapter formed? (Ypsilanti ) What is the official ga rb for initiation? Who read the initiation service? (President) Name two sorority publica ti ons. (THE ANCHOR, News L ett er, Pledg e Manual, Song Book ) Give four letters of the Greek alphabet. Name two alumnre chapters besides your own. (See TH E ANCHOR) Describe the crest. What is the meaning of A.S.T.? Name one charter member of Alpha chapter. LIMERICKS There was a yo ung Alpha named Annie Whose wisdom was almost un can ny She spent all her days In a struggle for A's
NUMBER of requests have been received that names of our" men in the services be listed in THE ANcHOR. In mo t cases it was too late to get data for the March issue o the list below will be continued in the June number. Any Alpha Sigma Tau alumna who is not active and who ha a father brother, hu band, or son in the ervice, may end the information dir ctl
to the national editor. Others should give the material to their own chapter editors. Alpha: Horace Washburne, brother of Mrs. Carrie Washburne Staehl e, national president, is at the Great Lakes Training Camp, Chicago, Illinois. Delta: Staff Sergeant E. A. Zeitler, brother of Peg Zeitler, is at Camp Lee, Virginia. Corporal Harry G. Burkett, brother of June Burkett, is at Fort Bragg, ~orth Carolina. At Fort Benning, Georgia, we find Lieutenant T. R. Englehart, brother of Ruth Englehart. Eta: Eve Lunham's brother, Bob Haase, Army Ai r Corp , participated in the Pearl Harbor attack. Th eta: Major Justin G. Doyle, husband of our national editor, is sta~ tioned at Governor 's Island, New York. Omicton: Tony Georgeff, Jr. , of Fort Eustis, Virginia, is the brother of Helen Georgeff. Zeta Tau: Harriet Branch Major's brother, Captain James 0. Branch, is at the Nansemond Ordnance Depot, Portsmouth , Virginia. Lieutenant Joseph F. Enright, U. S. Navy, is at sea with the submarine division.
"To measure you by you r smallest deed is to reckon the power of the ocean by the frailty of its foam. "-KAHIL GTBRAN
• ALPHA TAUS MUSE • ORDER I long to be an Artist, For 'round about this place, There are so many pictures Which time cannot erase. On Monday morning early, I'd paint, if I should tryA picture of a snowy wash A hanging out to dry.
As they rhythmically dance To th e breeze-played lyre. H eads poised high on their shoulders With an infinite gra ce; Vivid color rich painting Each exotic face! Such is my t uli p ga rden: Yellow , red, and lavender-faced! VTRGI
In Tuesday's picture I would show Clothes, smelling oh, so sweet, Starched aprons, shirts and piles on piles Of neatly folded sheets.
Emporia Alunmre FRIENDLESS
The Wednesday picture, wh ich I see, Is my red sewing box, All set for sewing buttons on And darning holes in socks.
Friends- th ey all have va nished, No one else is here T o hold my troubled head up Or sooth away my fea r.
For Thursday's picture I would put Swirled icing on a ca ke; Two apple pies, all golden brown, Baked just for daddy's sake.
I sta nd alone this twiliaht And face the coming day; There are many paths to choose from! do not kn ow the way.
Friday is my shopping day, The picture-One of Fruit And Vegetables fresh and Meat, Keen appetite3 to suit.
But wait-now I am not lonelySomeone else has come, He'll cherish me and soo th me And lead me to my H ome.
On e day is lef t, of which to paint The house, in order fine, So Saturday, I clean and du t Till every corner shines.
He'll set my foot along the way That I must travel here, H e'll take my burdens as His own And help me bani h fear.
The work is o'er, no pictures more Except our Sunday rest, And so perhaps, these are the ones That I should paint the best. My baby's rosy cherub face Fresh from her noonday nap. In la mplight, by the fireplace My son, on daddy's lap. But I am not an Artisan With clay or brush or pen . I simply am the moulder of Some of God's future men. VERON I CA WILKINS,
Buffalo Alltiii?UE
entient maiden weave romanc Their dark eyes smo lderin" fir
STARS (To the tune of Smil es) There are sta rs that give us sta rdust There are star that aive us light There are sta r that stud the vault of heaven In the lovely velvet of the night There are stars of staae and creen and sporting There are star_ that fi ll our hearts with a\ve, But the tar we lov the tar that guides us I · our dea r Alpha igma Tau . }OA
Pi '42
As our semester draws to a close we can look back over many pleasant so rority activities since we last wrote to yo u. We had a wonderful turn- out of alums at our All-Sorority Homeco ming Breakfast. on November 8. It was aood to see the girls again and . we had a ~rand chance to talk over old-times at an open-house reception which we crowded into the busy homecoming program. We had loads of fun at a sweater dance in December which we called "The Woolly Whirl" and gave in collaboration with Alpha Sigma Alpha sorority. Although the excitement of this se mester's rushi':lg and pledging is over, we are proud to mform you that we added fi ve grand girls to our number. We re-opened our Pickled Penauin Night Club for our final rush party"' on November 18. The party was ca rri ed out in true night club style. Our entertainment consisted of a first rate flo or show and dan cing and ga mes for the patrons. We derived much benefit as well as pleasure from Mrs. Staehle's visit in Tovember. In our last Jetter we told you about hemming diapers for t he Red Cross. After fini shin g our diapers so me of the girls started knitting sweaters for th e R ed Cross. Beta chapter also co ntributed five dollars to the cause. Three of our members are demonstrating their dramatic ability as actresses in the annual winter play given by the Department of Speech. Florence Mary Gwinn , our president was general chairman of this year's J and Dorothy M alany, our historian , was also in the receiving line as auest of the president of the junior class. "' We are lo oking forward to hav ing dinner at the home of Mrs. K. P . Brooks, one of our patronesses, on Thursday, February S.
The seco nd semester is brought to a cl ose with a great sigh of reli ef ! W e've been burning the " midnight oil" for the last two weeks and we are really ready to take a breathing spell ! We look for ward to the new se meste r with great anticipati on- the rushing season at I.S.T.C. is in full sw ing and we want to get right into the stride of it. Our formal party is to be held on March 1 2, and our co mmittees are all cooperating to make this the nicest party we've ever had. While plans are only in the making, we have definitely decided to have a dinner-dance at one of the local hotels. We are very much concerned with the se ri ousness of the war and are more than anxious to do everything we ca n for our country, and its allies. We are knitting swea ters for " Bundles for Britain ," we have purchased a Defen se Bond , and nea rly all of us are enrolled in the first aid classes given on the campus this semester. Normy Nesbitt is a qualified instructor in first aid and is giving part of her time to teachin g it in the tow n of Brush Valley, near Indiana . Speaking of defense, t he girls have num ero us fri end s in the arm y and navy, and we are keepmg Uncle Sam's mail well suppl :ed with letters and packages for th e boys serving th e colors. Peg Zeitler's brother, E. A. Zeitler, is a Staff-Sergeant down at Camp L ee, Virginia; June Burkett's brother, Corporal H arry G. Burkett, is statio ned at Fort Bragg, 1 orth Carolina; and our so rority's president, Ruth En glehart , has a brother, Lieutenant T . R . Englehart , at Fort Benning, Georgia. Lois T eeter and Ada Betz, two of th e ch~p ter's ~cti ve members, are off ca mpus domg the1r student teaching. Lois is at Blairsville and Ada is at Claysvi lle. Emmy Lou Wetzel, Peg McCafferty, and Ei leen Brooks, all officers of Delta , are in the Home Manacrement H ouse for the first nine weeks of the new semester and their work in th e sorority is being taken care of by substitutes-until the girls are back with us aaain. ELEANOR BOON (Substit uting for E. L. W etzel)
H ELEN CoFFMAN, '路B "Everything is for the best in th e be>t of all worlds."-VOLTAIRE
Zeta has decided to cut down her expenses and so has left out a number of her monthly social events. To be truthful our last big get-together was the Halloween party at our president's home. Many of our girls have enrolled in the Red Cross First Aid classes, taught in the evenings at our college. Some of our girls belong to the Red Cross Home Care of the Injured courses offered th is semester. Our college enrollment has been reduced some, too. The main thing we notice about change due to war emergencies is the fact that a number of us are carrying almost double the courses we previously had so that. we will graduate a year to two years sooner. Teachers are badly needed and we are trying to help in our little way by studying longer and more diligently. EVELYN
THETA CHAPTER On J anuary 4, at the apartment, three grand girls were initiated into the chapter. These girls are Kay Graham , Judith Campell, and Elsie Maye. We are now looking fo rward to rushing which will be with路 us in a few weeks. All of us are especially proud of our redecorated apartment. The Theta girls are turning into first class paper hangers and ceiling painters. During the first week of December, the Alpha Kappa Chi fratern ity took us on a hayride. Despite very chilly weather everyone had a swell time. Then on J anuary 29, we entertained the Alpha Kappa Chi boys at Eunice Little's house. At the annual Wintermart, our South Sea Island booth was a huge success, and we were awarded a prize, which, being cash, was very welcome indeed! During the Ch ristmas holidays we had our annual Christmas dinner dance at Northwood Inn. It was the day after Christmas but everyone had lots of pep to make the event a gala affair. We entertained the Detroit alumnre during the Christmas holidays on December 20 at the apa rtment. It is always so much fun t.o have the alumnre back. Judging by the laughter and the rapid conversation, all had an enjoyable time catching up with past events. At this time, we are actively engaged in R ed Cross and defense work. We are doing a lot of knitting and some are joining
defense units which throughout the city.
IOTA CHAPTER For our Chri tmas party this year we decided to try something different, so we had a formal dinner party with our gift exchange afterwards. We had our tree, packages, candlelight, and even a Santa Claus to make the party complete! We girls gave the house a tall walnut table to fill a "hollow" place in our chapter room and our patronesses also filled a hollow place in our bathroom by giving us bathroom scales. Other gifts the house received were: linens, rugs, and one of those new glass vases that hold each flower in a separate compartment. This year we adopted a family for Christmas . We visited the family (there were two small girls) and then dug out clothing and hoes that we thought they could use. We also gave a large box of food for their Christmas dinner, and a new present for each member of the family. Our pledges had a clever mid-winter formal for us this year the theme of which was "Winter Wonderland." They rented the Little Theater of the Civic Auditorium , and made it quite "wintry" by decorating it with silver fi r trees, icicles, cotton snow men, and blue lights. During intermission the sponsors were served angel food snowmen and coffee, and the whole group was entertained by two young tap dancers. The gold pins in the shapes of tiny skates, sleds, and shovels that were given as favors were thrown at the boys in cotton snow balls. The programs were of blue and silver in the shape of shoe skates. The dances were very cleverly called Ski Hop, Jingle Jive, Snow Slide, Freeze Off Beat, Ice Cake Walk, etc. Mary Caroline Weir sang our sweetheart song . We went back to an old custom this year and held active initiation service at mid- 路 nigh t on February 1. We initiated four girls into active membership. They were Nadine Marshall, Minneola; Ester Stevens, Kiowa; Mary Margaret Mater, St. J ohn ; and Mary Caroline Weir, Emporia. Margaret Matthew of Concordia was unable to be there so she will be initiated at a separate ervice soon . The econd seme ter we pledged six girl . They are Eve! n nodd , Burlingame; Betty ampbell, trong it 路 路 Ill
THE ANC HOR Heller, Hunter ; M ax ine Robinson, Florence ; L ouise Huxman, Sublette; and Pat Elliott, Blue Rapids. They have already chosen their officers. They are: president, Louise Huxman ; vice-president, M a}.i ne R obinson ; secretary, Pat Elliott ; treasurer, Ilia H eller ; chaplain, Betty Campbell ; social chairman , Evelyn Snoddy. Shortly after Christmas the alu mnre members of the Emporia chapter, our housemother, Mrs. Frank Nason , Miss Garman, our sponsor, our patronesses, Mrs. J ackson and M rs. Shebilsky, our cook , Mrs. Whittaker, and M rs. Finkbiner, former housemother, entertained us with a chili feed in one of the members' homes. In addition to chili we had cakeevery kind you could think of ! After the feed we had fun at a miniature carnival. We all wo n prizes and balloons and had a simpl y gorgeous ti me. We have a new Coca-Cola machin e at our house! We decided that a dime was too much to pay for delivered fountain cokes, so we had a machine installed in our attic that cools bottled cokes. Now we get our cokes cheaper and the house is making a profit t oo! T wo of our girls, Mavis Richardso n and Elizabeth Seaton, have been elected by the Student Co uncil as cheerleaders for the cheering section and student body. They have white and gold outfits with wide swinging ski rts, and long full sleeves. On the back of each outfit is a ferociouslooking hornet (our school mascot). We thing they do right well ! M ary Caroline Weir, our li ttle songbird , went on a trip with th e Madrigalians this month. They toured five states, sa ng in many different schools and before many audiences. The Madrigalians is a group of eleven singers who sing without acco mpaniment. They are chosen from the students in the music sc hool. One of our girls, Lydi a L ou H aslouer, won the first prize of $2 .50 in defense saving stamps for the best costum e at the annual Freshman Kid Party . She wore a pair of flannel sleepers, did her hair up Shirley T emple style, and carried a brow n T eddy bear. They say she didn't get sleepy at all , though-she was the life of the party! T wenty-two members of our group ; Miss Garman , our sponsor ; M rs. F rank Nason, our housemother ; and M iss Maude Minrow, Dean of Womep of Emporia State, chartered a bus and went in a body to Norma Witt's fun eral at Hudso n, Kansas.
Mary Ca roline Weir sang the Sweetheart song at the services. She was accompanied by Helen H um phrey.
Norma J eanette Witt , who was a pledge of the Iota chapter of Alpha Sigma T au. She was killed instantl y Monday, J anuary 19, 1942, in an automobile accident while on the way back to E mporia from a nearby city. We can't remember the fi rst time we saw Norma, but we know now that it must have been a sunny, clear day; and we must have all been happy. It had to be that way! For whe rever orma wen t she too k happiness and sunshine with her. Norma was a bea uti ful talented girl , but to say that is not enough ; for she was more than that! No rm a was a combinat ion of all the loveliness on God's earth-the brightness of th e sun ; the beauty of t he moon and stars; the fresh ness of the rain , and the cleann ess of the snows were all a part of No rma. She never frowned or co mplained, but lived every minute of her life with a vim that made th e rest of us ashamed of our grumblings. We are comfo rted only because we are certain th at orma's work here on earth was well done; and that now there must be a spot in H eaven that is brighter.
OMICRON CHAPTER The Omicron chapter of Alpha Sigma T au sorority celebrated its forty-fo urt h Founders' Day with a banquet at the Methodist Church of Athens, West Virgtma, on ovember 8, 1941. T he program consisted of a talk by Dr. J. F . Ma rsh, president of the college, the soro rity hymn
and "Blessed Be the Tie that Binds." A card table was presented to the local chapter by the Bluefield alumnre chapter. Mary Kaluk, '41, was awarded an alumna pin for having the highest grades in the collegiate chapter last year. Mrs. Meade McNeill was given Fostoria glassware by the college chapter in appreciation of the help she has given the sorority. Following t he banquet, a Founders' Day ritual was enacted by the act ive chapter. Rushing season closed with a bang this past semester with twenty-six out of twenty-eight rushees accepting our bids. The entire list is as follows: Augusta Norris, J o Ryan, Kitty Thomason, Roslyn Boyd, Martha Gilbert, Helen Roach, Bobbyn Nelson, Inez Cruise Miller, Siddartha Staley, Hildred House, Carry Terry, Nadine Pierce, Josephine Ridinger, J eanette Shumate, Janet Calfee, Imo~ene Miller, Marie Bird, Mildred Hundley, Mary Privette, E lizabeth Lawrence, Geraldine Straley, Edythe Allen, Sibyl Keesee, J ea n Donovan, Mary Jane Peery, and Mary Ruth Montgomery. Ju anita Peery, former editor of the Omicron chapter, has resigned her office of treasurer to accept a position in her home town. Elected to fill the vacancy when she left was Juanita Neely who we feel is more than capable of taking up where Miss Peery left off. We are still helping the defense by knitting sweaters, and sister Taus, it's lots of fun-why don't yo u try it? In the past years, the Omicron chapter has given a spring formal at the Bluefield Country Club, twenty miles from Concord. When Panhellenic asked the campus sororities to economize on the formals this year, Alpha Sigma Tau girls decided to have the dance, but to cut down on the expenses and aid our country at the same time. This season the formal will be held on th e campus and a patriotic theme will be carried out in the decorations. This cuts the expenses a great deal, so some of the money thus saved will be used to aid in war relief or to buy a defense bond. In the latter case we will be helping our co untry now and future members of Omicron chapter. Plans are already being made to make this one of the most outsta nding formals ever give n by the sorority. HELEN GEORGEFF
PI CHAPTER Pi chapter has been very busy during the past few months. In addition to our
regular supper meeting we have had our share of parties. Early in December our pledges gave us a Kid Party. Everyone came dressed appropriately in short dresses, hair ribbons, socks, and some even had lolli-pops. The theme of the party was carried out thoroughly, for , "Going to Jerusalem" and '"Farmer in the Dell" were two of the most hilarious games we played. The prizes were paper dolls and candy canes. We were really carried back to our ch ildhood that night. Since one good turn deserves another, the actives then gave the pledges a Hobo Party. The hobo atmo phere was created through signs hung around the room which stated . . . "Free Soup," "Last Weeks Papers Today," and "No Loafing Here." The refreshments which included sandwiches, cookies, and apples were bo und up hobo fashion in a brightly colored handkerchief. As a climax to the Christmas holidays many Pis attended the Panhellenic dance given ann ually by Harris Teachers College at -Norwood Hills Country Club. On January 9 our dear patro ness, Mrs. Walter K irchner, invited Pi chapter to a tea at her home. Everyone who attended truly enjoyed the afternoon. With the coming of spring Pi is looking forward not only to more good times, but we are al o making plans to aid in national defense in many ways. FLORENCE ONDER '-B MORE Pl NEWS
The surprise of the Christmas season for us was the announcement of the engagement of one of our loveliest actives, Joanna Barnes, to Phil Bretch, a senior at Cape Girardeau Teachers College. They've been friends since high school so we weren't too surprised. We gave our pledges a " Hobo Party" recently and judging by the noise made it was a huge success. Refreshments were served tied up in red and blue kerchiefs. The prize for the telegram written , using only words beginning with the successive letters in " hobo haven ," went to the girl who sent, "Help on bonds or hurry and volunteer, enlist now." Speaking of bonds reminds us that our whole school is trying hard to do its share for national defen_e. 'lany are knittina and several Red Cro cour e are held weekly at chool. We Alpha haYe been talking about giving defen_e stamp3 for table prize at our pring bridg }i\NE EDl-WND
SIGMA CHAPTER Another semester is finished at State Teacher's College and another se mester filled with activities for "Alpha T aus." We had three wonderful days with Mrs. Staehle when she visited us in November. She was the source of much inspiration for us and already we are putting into practice some of the suggestions she offered us. While she was here the PanhelJenic Association entertained her at a tea at the college. We also had a supper fo r her which was followed by a business meeting and an informal discussion. On November 30 we had a tea for our rushees at the home of Lucille Steen, one of our alumnre. The house was decorated with fall flowers and all the rushees were given yellow roses. A ribbon pledging was held December 16 followed by a jolly Christmas party when we all exchanged small gifts. Among our pledges was Miss Louise Cockefair, who is now a new adviser for our chapter. Other new pledges are : Virginia Habicht, Betty Thorn, Alice Sadroga, Betty Andert, Evelyn Leight, Norma Ross and Mary Fleckenstein. Pin pledging was held for the girls right after Christmas. We a lso have a gro up of pledges who were pledged last spri ng. These girls were initiated at the Town Club J anuary 17. The newly initiated members are: Dorothy Corlis, Emily Lukaszek, Dorothy Barclay, Mary Buszka, J ani ce Smith , Georgetta Her! , Betty Dohn and Miss Cockefair. We are glad to have Georgia Frese back on campus again after attending Merrill-Palmer School in Detroit on a scholarship last semester. We are looking forward to anothe r full semester under the capable leadership of our able president, Eunice Tepas and the wise gu idance of our two faculty advisers, Dr. Margaret Quayle and Miss Cockefair. ALICE PEREW
ZETA TAU CHAPTER My! But it was wonderful getting back after the holidays and seeing our sisters ao-ai n. We Sigma Taus started the N ew Year with a determination to make it one of our best years in spite of all the war troubl es. At our first meeting we gave each other tips on possible pledge material and then found that a party was in store for us Thursday night, J an uary 15. When Thursday night rolled around , the chapter room
was like a beehive with everyon e catching up on the latest gossip about certain "dates" from Tech. One Sunday afternoon Miss Virginia Bedford, our adviser, gave the girls of Zeta Tau chapter a tea at her hom e. It was so much fun getting " ri gged up" in our Sunday best and sitting a round just chatting. The most exciting time of all is overrushing. Lady Luck was really with us because we have fift een adorable pledges : Charlotte Andrews, Polly Cammack, Joyce Cheatwood, Ann Evans, Vera Fifer, ancy Hutter, Estelle Paulette, Margaret Ann Pritchett, Nell Richards, Sally Robertson , Nell Shaffer , Betty Gray Smithdeal , Alice Warren, Ester Lee Wilson. Thursday night, J anuary 29, we had ribbon pledging. It was very im pressive when we old Alpha Sigma Taus sang "Life's Gray Shadows" and then pinned the sorority colors on our pledges, giving them our favorite sorority ring or bracelet to wear. Afterward we had a party and all the pledges were given a candy favor done up in green and gold. We had a jolly go od time getting each pledge to perform for us and later we all danced to our new records, "The White Cliffs of Dover," "Elmer's Tune," "String of P earls," "This Is No Laughing Matter" and a few others. At the end of this eventful day , there was quite a commotion when all the other so rorities on campus rushed around to all the chapter rooms congratulating each other on their good luck. JEAN ARTN CTO N
UPSILON CHAPTER The fall season has been th e busiest and most exciting one in the history of the Upsilon chapter. We have been primarily concerned with rushing wh ich form erl y was scheduled at the commen cement of the second semester. We really worked hard , and feel we did ourselve proud in this business of rushing. The night of November 18, 19-l1 , is one which will live long in our memories. We surprised the rushees by majesticall y driving up in wagons covered with hay, and hauling them over two mil es of country roads t o the Teachers College Farm . We sang songs in the light of the moon all the way out, then unl oaded gail y at the barn. The interior was tru ly a rustic scene - bales of hay were scattered over th e stone floor , shocks of cornstalk were carelessly leaning against the walls, and the natural lighting effect was o-ained by
myriads of kerosene lanterns. Instead of presenting engraved cards for admission, each guest had a beat up hat in a paper sack . These were exchanged, and, of course, worn for the rest of the evening. Several games were played, the most enjoyable being an old-fashioned, country square dance. After working up a considerable appetite, the guests and hostesses made a rush for the double doors , through which the sumptuo us repast was revealed . It consisted of a huge pot of hot tamales crowning the banquet table constructed of saw-horses. Hot coffee was in the making on an open fire nearby. To go with it, we had stacks of crackers, quantities of pickles and olives, a basket of red apples fresh from the orchard, and heaps of sweet rolls. The entertainment, or floor show, was furnished by an appropriately costumed chorus singing and dancing to the tune of "Out on an Indian Reservation." (This laid 'em in the aisles!) But the mood changed when we all ga thered around the campfire to toast marshmallows-as the concluding event came in singing our new sweetheart song over the dying embers. It had truly a lasting effect on each girl present, for now we are un ited- the old girls and the new. Those new ones of whom we are so proud are: Georgia Leach, Sue Alewine, Martha Lou Allis, Lottie Cobbs, Helen Stephenson, Johnny Kelley, Charlie Marie Bowles, Frances Bost, Ruth Ann Burnette, Constance Torry, Freda Hardy, and Anna Helen Thornton . The next social event on our calendar was a lovely Christmas tea given by the Alpha Tau pledges in honor of all the other pledges on the campus. One of our greatest events came in the visit of Mrs. Staehle, whom we found so gracious and understanding that we found in her a steadfast friend and adviser. She refreshed in our minds the true perspective of Alpha Sigma Tau , and inspired us to strive harder in upholding its ideals. We all hope that she enjoyed her visit with us only a fraction as much as we did in having her here. Our winter formal was held the weekend before the end of the semester, and it was a fitting climax to our fall and winter activities. It was held in a sparkling winterland of cotton snow under a festoon of bright balloons. Amusing snow-covered boys and girls were outlined on the walls, and the snow-flaked glass on the windows and doors gave it a realistic appearance. Thus, we have ended one semester, and with courageous hearts we begin another.
PHI CHAPTER Srcs: Phi chapter has had an interesting winter season. Our first social event was a wiener roast. The air was invigoratingly cold and warmly clad boys and girls prepared their hot dogs at the barbecue pit on the campus. Following the food, we completed the evening with a couple of hours of dancing in the social room . Not much later, the annual homecoming game and dance was held. That day at 2 :00 P.M. preceding the game scheduled for 8:00 in the Strawberry Stadium, each organization put forth their best efforts in decorating vehicles for the parade. We were there with two cars-one an opentop Ford. A downpour of rain prevented a successful parade but those girls in the open car were real sports. They were soaked to the skin and still having fun. That was real Alpha Sig spirit for you. We must not fail to mention that Ermyne Shultz, our pledge captain, was one of the maids in the homecoming court. We were .,:ery proud of our representative in her rl!d and gold jersey formal. One Sunday afternoon we gave a tea for our mothers. Since most of our members and pledges are out-of-town residents, we have no opportunity to become acquainted with everyone's mother. This well-planned occasion was a perfect method of meeting and talking with everybody's mother. The social room was festively decorated with yellow a nd white asters and formally dressed officers received the guests for the occasion. A typical "Mother" program was rendered and we sang our hymn and several other songs so that our mothers might hear them. A few days before Christmas holidays, we staged a program dance with tree, gifts and all the fixings. Gay decorations and colored lights gave the room a festive air. This evening of merriment added much to our Christmas spirit and anticipation of the two weeks' vacation. As is the custom every yea r, a Christmas basket was filled for the needy. Each 路 member brought items of groceries to fill it. We also promoted a Christmas card sale. The person selling the highest number of boxes was offered a pretty insignia bracelet by Miss Lowe. Charlotte thank to her successful salesmanship methods was the lucky one. May we also announce that out of the twelve students cho en to repre ent the Who's Who in American U11iversities and Colleges on the outhea tern campus, DEAR ALPHA
THE ANCHOR Charlotte Stewart was chosen from our sorority. This epistle covers most of our activities for the past few months. We are looking forward to pledging quite a number of new girls this semester. You will hear more about this later. Best wishes to all Alpha Sigs. RosLYN MrzELL
CHI CHAPTER After an eventful and successful first semester, Chi chapter is looking forward to a second semester of even greater accomplishment. On December 18, we had form al initiation ceremonies for six new members. They had been quite well trained by J anet Wilson, our former president. Mrs. Kenamond , a patroness, instructed th e pledges in etiquette and was so fine that plans are being made to have her give the same talk to the actives. We believe that we can profit as much as the pledges from her instruction. Since so many events were planned for the last week oi school before Christmas recess, we decided to entertain our new members after the holidays. On January 7, we had an informal mixed party in the gymnasium. We had ga mes, ping pong, badminton, cards, and dancing and served ha mburgers, cheese sandwiches, cokes, potato chips and pickles. Everyone seemed to have a grand time.
T wo members of Chi chapter graduated at the end of the first semester. Elizabeth Fritts had been reco rding secretary for a year and a half and Ruby Groves has been elected to fi ll her position. Margaret Smith was vice-president last year and editor for th e first semester of this term. Georaia Ely, historian, is to take over her duties. Both girls have positions, teaching in Hagerstown , Maryland, E lizabeth at Surrey School, one of the model schools of the co unty, and Margaret at Winter Street, the oldest and largest graded school in the county. "The Little Foxes" was presented December 11, as the second production of the Players. An Alpha Sigma Tau played the role of Regina; Margaret Smith made her final appearance in college dramatics in th e most difficult role she had ever had . J ean Millard, president of Chi, is the ping oong champion of the women . of Shepherd College. She held the same tttle last year. Chi chapter came through ni cely with grades for the first semester. A number of the aids made the honor roll and J anet Wilso n"' made the upper ten with all A's. Chi has had little time for defense wo rk this last semester but plans are being made to work for the Red Cross and other defense grou ps. Many girls are enrolled in the first aid class being given this semester.
Personals ( Continued from pag e 43)
To Mr. and Mrs. T . W. Briggs (Lenore Filer, Theta '34), a so n, Brian Filer, May 16, 1941. To Mr. and M rs. Norman Oleson (Gay Sauve, Theta '32), a daughter, Karen Ann, October 28, 1941. To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reed (Peg Gentel, Lambda '3 1) , a son, Thomas, March 4, 1941. To Mr. and Mrs. C. T . Williams (Ilva Thornton, Omicron '34), a daughter, Sue Ellen, August 22, 1941. To Mr. and Mrs. Grover Morgan (Eloise Frye, Omicron '35), a son, Harry Bryon II, September 11, 1941.
T o Mr. and Mrs. Mark Barton (Pauline Williams, Omicron '36), a daughter , Carolyn Lynn , September 19路H. T o Mr. and Mrs. J ames Rice (Kitty Bowling, Omicron '33), a daughter. To Mr. and M rs. William Cross (Faye Brandon , Zeta Tau '-11 ), a daughter, Patricia Brandon, August 28, 1941.
DEATHS J ewell H erron, Rho Pledge Norma Witt, I ota Pledge Mrs. Lee Lauret (Mildred Conrad, Delta)
•ALUMNAE CHAPTERS· BLUEFIELD ALUMNIE November 8, 19-H found our alumn<e meeting at the home of Helen and Thelma Bailey with Virginia Bailey and Dorthea Lindsey assisting in the hospitalities. Virgin ia Charlton presented a unique program in which every mem ber displayed her kn owledge of well kn ow n and prominent people in t he news today. Awa rds were given the t wo who made the highest scores. Our Christmas party was given at t he home of Beryl Woodruff Lambert , Princeton, West Virginia, with Kinn ie Hunter and Virginia Charlton assisting hostesses. The hostesses served a very delectable party plate in keeping with th e holiday season. Each girl brought a beautifully wrapped gift which was given to the perso n whose name she drew . The new brides, H azel T uggle Mingo and Romaine Kanode Roberston , were given a piece of sil ver in th eir respective patterns. Carrying out our charity work , t he alumn<e ma de a contributi on to the Annual Co mm unity Christmas Tree in Bluefie ld. A box of candy, tobacco and magazines were sent to th e Mercer County Home. The January meeting was held at the home of Bula McNeill in Athens. A very info rmative talk about "Marihuana" was given by Bula's husband , Meade McNeill. Mr. McN eill is an instructor in the biology department at Concord College. H e is well known throughout so uthern West Virginia and his chief interest is in botany. Following the program, the alumn<e presented Roma ine Kanode Roberston gift s m her chosen crystal in gratitud e for her services rendered as alumn<e representative. In th e next ANCHO R you will read more about Romaine's work for Alpha Sigma T au. H ENRIETTA M AHOOD
BUFFALO ALU MNIE The usual festive at mosphere prevailed wh en Alpha Sigma T au acti ves and a lumnre go t together for the annual Christ mas Brea kfast. This yea r it was held at th e T op 0 ' th e T ow n T ea R oo m and a fter
" Brunch" the girls played bridO'e. Mary Kerwin Proy was chairman of the event and several alu mnre made the most of t heir opportunity to mee t and chat with friends whom they look forwa rd t o seeing each yea r at the Christ mas party. Leah Wi lso n was hostess at th e J anuary meeting and her co mmittee served a very delicious dinner. After a brief busine::s meeting, Eleanor E rickson gave a review of t he book B erlin Diary. E leanor's reviews are a real treat and she certain ly commands the undivided attention of everyo ne as she so vividly relates the story. The annual Bridge Luncheon and F ashion Show was held at the T op 0 ' th e T ow n T ea Roo m. It was a very lovely pa rty attended by approx imately 100 people. The prize for each tab le was a package of paper guest towels of different designs. Future progra m plans include a joint supper meeting fo r active and alumnre members to be held in March, t he Easter luncheo n in April , and the Grad uates' pa rty. LOIS ANNE DRYER
CLEVELAND ALU MN IE Inspection year brings our national president with new ideas and hopes for the next year. Cleveland alumn<e enj oyed M rs. Staehle's visit and we re enco uraged by her interest which seemed individual, although we know every chapte r of Al pha Sigma T au is dear to her. We hope we can carry out her hel pful suggesti ons. This winter our social activities have been limited . D orothy Strunk entertained the group with boy friends and husbands at her home in J anu ary. In addition to making t wo trips to Detroit and caring for her t wo active children, she is planning to take a fi rst aid co urse. Leota Stanley spent the Christmas h olidays doing so me work for the Woolworth Co mpany. She has changed schools and is now teaching at West T echnical High School. It' fi ne except fo r t he sleep she loses in the morning beca u e of the grea ter distance he must tra vel. Betty chm ied i n't een at orori ty meetings t hese day . he b came inacti\'e
THE ANCHOR for the year because her husband's scho ol demanded so much of her time. They also have moved into a new home. Edith Siple and Edythe M cLellan have been knitting for the Red Cross. In addition, Edith Siple plans to do her bit for civilian defense by volunteering for hospital aide work . Her husband is a fire warden. She has a brother-in-law who is a doctor in the navy and a nep hew in a training camp in Texas. It seems as if the Siples are doing their share- but then they always do. Bob Haase, E ve Lunhum's brother is in the Army Air Corps and participated in the Pearl Harbor attack. Ruth Merrick has volunteered to interview draftees on Sundays and after her working hours. Margaret Oetting and Catherin e Bozarth , the new A.S.T. mothers, are busy with their increasingly active babies. Catherine does so me voluntee r work for the Maternal Health Association but find s that Delina Anne takes most of her time. H elen Wick, Edith Siple and Ruth Merrick are also taking first aid courses. It's been a busy year for everyone but the coming one will demand still more activity. D EFENSE BEGINS AT HOME The strength of a nation's arm y depends upon the stamina of the people on the home front. Nutrition is now recognized as a science in itself and plays an important role in the defen se of any nation. Cognizant of these facts, the Alpha Sigma T au girls of Cleveland decided that instead of a "Bundle for Britain ," it would be "A Bundle of Vitamins for the Homefolks." For Thanksgiving a basket of fresh fruits, vegetables and the constituents of several meals were given to "our fam il y." The connotation has been adopted because this same famil y has benefi ted by charity projects several times. The pastor of Dorothy Stadler's church brought t he group to our attention. The mother and five chil dren were deserted by the father. The mother is ambiti ous and appreciates our help. We feel we have helped her in her struggle to properly feed and clothe her children. Later this spring we are planning to fix bundles for "our boys" in camp. STocKs SoAR Cleveland Alumnre new peak. Dividends we have more money
SKY HrGH Stock has reached a have been high and in the treasury than
ever before in the history of the chapter. T o tell yo u the amou nt wou ld so und like boasting. We have been tell ing you how each girl has been ea rnin g two dollars for sorori ty by doing so me type of extra work. This was completed at Christmas time when Helen Wick earned her share by selling Christmas paper and ribbon s. Try our plan some year. It's fun an d rea lly thrilling when the treao:urer reads her report. CATHERINE BOZARTH
DETROIT ALUMNJE The Detroit alu mnre chapter has many traditions, but amo ng the most popular is the annual Valentine dance. There are over two hundred Alpha Sigma Tau alu mnre in and a round Detroit, and ma ny fmd it impossible to attend the regul ar meeetings. Ho wever, on the Saturday nearest Valentin e's Day, they rally around and attend the dance. It is an excellent occasion to have a good time, meet friend s again and hear all the news. The proceeds go to va rious charitable activities of the chapter, a mong them the Scholarship Fund. _ This year we are holdin g th e dance in a private room a t Huck's Redford Inn and are fortunate that Valentine's Day falls on Saturday so it is truly a Valentine dance. In spite of the draft, we a re anticipating a good attendance and expec t to keep up th e tradition of a ga la affair, complete with red balloons, hearts, and confetti. It is un fortunate that T HE ANCHOR material is du e before th e dance, because the editor always collects new names for familiar faces and info rm ation about the wonders of old and new offspring, for gossip and news usually attract as many as does the dancing. The success is such that each year has seen a better and better attendance. At Christm as we fi lled ten boxes with shav ing kits, writin g paper, playing cards, candy, ciga rettes, flash lights and cookies. These were sent to men in training centers. Man y letters of thanks have been received. DoROTHY TRYON
EMPORIA ALUMNJE Miss Mary Alice Seller and Mrs. Carlene Schroeder we re hostesses to the Alumnre Bridge Club, Saturday, December 6, at th e home of M iss Seller. This party proved to be one of the nicest ones we have had, although we did not play bridge.
The members sewed on quilt blocks for the Emporia "Bundles .for Britain." Christmas events were read by the grou p and discussed. Mrs. Inez Smith read "A Pint of Judgment" by Elizabeth Morrow. Contests over the Christmas events were conducted and they were won by Miss Helen Garman. Miss Garman was awarded a Roseville pottery bowl. Plans were laid for the party to entertain the active chapter on January 15. Mrs. Inez Smith was given a bridal shower and received many gifts which she will enjoy. Mrs. Ethel Partridge and Mrs. Clark Jackson served at the tea table. Favors were Christmas candles. At the party for the active chapter given at the home of Mrs. Ethel Partridge, the girls used the carnival theme for entertainment. The active chapter ate chili , served buffet style, at quartet tables. The party took place in the basement of Mrs. Partridge's home. Two large trays of various kinds of cake were passed to the girls after the main dish was eaten. The pledges from the active chapter ente r- . tained the "'roup by singing pledge songs. The regular meeting was conducted after the supper. Mrs. Ester Griffith had charge of the games and aided by seven other members conducted carnival games. Scores were kept at each game and the players played until a signal to stop was given and then a prize was awarded the high scorer. At the end of the evening all scores were totaled and a prize awarded to the one having the highest score. The alumn<e furnished the prizes from an assortm ent of "White Elephants" from their own homes. Dr. C. E. Partridge had planned to show some of his travel pictures but was called away. Mr. Clark J ackson and Dr. Partridge were additio nal guests. LOUISE GARDNER
September--Business Meeting. October--Benefit Bridge. 1 ovember--National Inspection and Pot-.Luck Dinner; Carrie Staehle, National Prestdent, guest. December--Christmas Party with Exchange of Gifts. J anuary--Motion Made and , Pa sed to Register in Flint; Civilian Defense Program; Review of Current Broadway Plays. February--Red Cross Work. March--Anniver ary Dinner (Formal). April-- pcaker.
May--Luncheon. June--Picnic; Installation of ew Officers. L UCJLLE GALE
JOHNSTOWN ALUMNJE Greetings to all of our sisters. Our "Thank you," too, to the chapters who sent us Christmas greetings. I think we should all give thanks for being in the United States of America. The whole world is in such a turmoil that one wonders if it ever can untangle itself, but if we all have faith , we will "weather the storm." It will mean sacrifice and doing without things we are accustomed to, but in the end we will be repaid over and over again. At our November meeting plans were outlined for entertaining Mrs. taehle. We had expected to continue with the socialeducational program outlined for the year, but lack of time prevented our having the evening's topic, "Art," by J o Paul. The early part of December found the Johnstown alumnre chapter eagerly looking forward to our national president's visit. Mrs. Staehle came Sunday evening and had dinner at my home. The following day Mrs. John Jack, our chapter president , entertained Mrs. Staehle at lunch. During the afternoon , chapter officers had their conferences. That evening a dinner was held in Mrs. Staehle's honor at "The Green Kettle." Hostesses were Edith Furst, Gladys Momberger, and Mrs. Wallace Williams. The highlight of the evening was Mrs. Staehle's talk which certainly interested us and made us feel that touch with the national council which we really need. Mrs. Staehle so mehow sheds an enthusiasm that inspires. A dinner at my home preceded our January business meeting. Mrs. Clarence Wilson was unable to attend to present her topic on "Science," but Margaret Pfarr had two fine games pertaining to this subject. At our future meetings we plan to have presented the topics--history, drama, religion , and music--each to be followed with appropriate games relative to the subjects. The year 1941 has pa ed, and we greet the new year 1942. To all of you from all of u comes the hope and prayer that one year from now we till may be living in "the Janel of the free and the home of the bra ,路e." EDITH 'PA L
LANSING ALUMNJE Florence Baker has been busy settling a new home in East Lansing. Stephen Tellman is the new son born to Ruby Cash Tellman in January. Jean Cameron, daughter of Witlow Cameron was graduated from high school last month . At the February 1 meeting the Lansing alum nre entertained their husbands and sweethearts-a custom which is growing in popularity with each occasion. Mr. W. S. Cameron has organized three rifle rompanies of Michigan state troop;, who take the place of the National Guards. A fourth company has been authorized. Allura Custer represents the Ingham County bureau of social aid on the advisory committee of the local defense coun cil. Kenneth Roe, nephew of Mary Walton , has organized the older Boy Scouts of Lansing for defense duties. MARY L . WA LTON
PHILADELPHIA ALUMNJE Three outstanding events mark our meetings since my last report. Founders' Day banquet with the collegiates at the Belgravia Hotel marks the first of these, with thirty present. Mable Schreiber, program chairman , also acted as toastmistress. Mary Utley accompanied by Eleanor Heydrick (Lambdas) sang several vocal selections. The 路candle lighting service proved to be particularly meaningful and inspiring. The second affair was our special meeting at Betty Maisch's home at Glenside to greet and hear Mrs. Staehle. After talking with each official privately, she gave a most worthwhile talk to the twenty of us. Her last thought was wonderful to take home--" Sorority membership never ends." Betty and her mother served us a delicious dinner beginning with piping hot chicken soup and ending with ice cream and wee dainty cupcakes Betty seems to specialize in. .T eanette Rhoades (Zeta) was delighted with her first visit with us. She is an instructress of nurse> at the Chester Hospital and has had difficulty in meeting people to " pal" around with. 路 At the Russian Inn , painted with delightful Russian wall motives we had our anniversary luncheon with twenty present. Virginia Burke, our president, gave a short review of our a lumnre chapter since its organization in 1938. We had two
guests : Harriet Frick (Lambda) teaches commercial subjects at Coplay, Pennsylvania. Mrs. Alberta Mussgrove (Zeta Tau ) has one of the nicest jobs there is--a housewife's. Our annual Christmas party was held at Virginia's. Twenty-five cent gifts were exchanged to the amusement and delight of all present. All the alums have been particularly serious in th eir efforts to aid not only our ow n country's unfor tunates but th ose abroad . We handed in a seco nd (co mbined worked-on) afghan to oversea's relief. In January Agnes Della Cioppa completed her individual project, m:ttens and booties, for home relief. ALICE C . MO STELLER
WAR ALUMNJE The War alumnre chapter of Alpha Sigma Tau met in November at the home of Marga ret and Irene Martin. Margaret Martin was elected president of the War alumnre chapter to fill the vacancy left by Ruth Cruise Harless who has moved to Ridgeway, Virginia. Our Christmas party was held at Mary Alyce Cox's home in Carretta. She had a small tree, beautifully deco rated on her radio. Evergreens, bells and wreaths were everywhere giving the 路 home a festive air. During the social hour the hostess was the honoree of a surprise shower. Names were drawn and gifts exchan!!;ed. We gave a donation to the Welch chapter of the American Red Cross. The J anuary meeting was at the home of Virginia Linkou Rhinehart in War. During the business meeting we voted that as a new tradition that each girl would contribute to the treasury on her birthday as many pennies as she is old . CHARMIE
WELCH ALUMNJE The annual Christmas party was at lhe home of Linda Pochict in Kimball with Julia White, Elizabeth Crotty, Melba Hurt Rector and Myra Hurt as hostesses. Linda had her home decorated beautifully with holly, Christmas candles and a lovely Christmas tree which was surrounded by the small gifts each girl brought to exchange with one of her sisters. We had a big time singing Christmas carols and playing bingo . Arlene Thompson of Keystone was present and we hope to initiate her very soon into our group. Virginia Preston Hutchison was hoste
at her home for the January meeting. Virginia had planned for this to be the annual yellow rose dinner but she changed it this year to a patriotic dinner in celebration of the President's birthday. The tables were beautifully decorated with a center piece made up of corsages of red carnations and red, white and blue ribbon, a streamer of red ribbon was tied to each corsage leading to the place card which was made of a small American flag stuck into a gum drop. The dinner was prepared and served by Virginia and each girl was given a corsage. We were all glad to see so many members present which was the biggest meeting we have had so far. After the dinner the business meeting was held and initiation for Betty Garrett Cox, Welch; Linda Pochict, Kimball; and Lenora Seligman of Northfork. In keeping with the traditions of. the Alpha Sigma Tau sorority, a Valentine party was held at the home of Clara Peraldo, with Ruth Webb and Lena Caporossi as assistants. Games were the main diversion of the evening. Prizes were given. The color scheme was carried out in red, white and blue. Favors in memory of Washington's and Lincoln's birthdays were given to each member. Flags crisscrossed made a very attractive center piece for the tables. Delicious refreshments were ~erved and a good time was had by all. MiSCELLANEOUS
Alpha Sigma Taus of the Welch alumme had a big time dressing dolls for the Salvation Army at Christmas. Each day we find at least one Alpha
Sigma Tau girl working at the Red Cross room. The girls are knitting and sewing in their spare time and the teachers are teaching knitting to their children in school. Lena Caporossi has been appointed Vice Chairman of the McDowell County Production Room , which shows what a worker we have for president of our chapter. Many of the girls have finished their first aid course and the rest of the girls are taking the course now so that they may be able to help in time of need. Best wishes are extended to Betty Garrett Cox who said "I do" to Pete Braziel on February 27 at the Presbyterian Church in Welch. Betty will be living in Pocahontas, Virginia after school is out but we hope to have her in our chapter.
WILLIAMSPORT ALUMNJE The chapter entertained Mrs. Staehle at a turreen supper at the home of Winifred Heim Shaheen. Mrs. Staehle gave us a more acute feeling of national unity. We celebrated Christmas in the traditional manner. Tiny glittering Christmas trees and candles put us in a holiday mood, even though our party was the beginning of December. A novel hat social replaced the customary white elephant sale. The hats resembled anything from a "nicknack shelf" to a flower garden. We found the hat social a very entertaining way of earning money. MARIA
MARRIAGES Sally Wellman (Beta '41) to Louis Rooder. Katie Naumes (Beta '39) to Kenneth Look. Ruth Fairchild (Delta '40 ) to Frank H agenbuch , December 1941. Anne Davis (Delta '37) to Evan Jones, January 24, 1942 . Ellen Cynthia Harding (Zeta '3 7) to Grant M. Berry, June 19 , 1941. Doris Yarrison (Zeta '38) to Frederick Knerr , June 12, 1941. Margaret Sherwood (Theta '36) to Roy Scharfenbert, October 10, 1941. Ruth H eilman (Theta '36) to Roland Berndt, October 17 , 1941. Helene Randall (Iota '33) to Harry German, June 1941. Lois Schwiekart (Lambda '40) to Robert O'Dell. Hazel Tuggle (Omicron '36) to Dr. Raymond Anderson Mingo, October 31, 1941.
Helen Bailey (Omicron '33) to John Wesley Bryant, December 30, 1941. Romaine Kanode (Omicron '3 6) to James V. Robertson, November 27, 1941. Betty Garrett Cox (Omicron '40 ) to Peter Braziel, February 27, 1942. Irene Martin (Omicron '38) to Jack Tractir, December 20, 1941. June Tate (Omicron '40) to John Payne, Jr. , December 20, 1941. Elizabeth Jones (Omicron '37) to William 0. Burk , November 19 , 1941. Ruth Farley (Omicron '3 7) to Lee Summers, December 19, 1941. Theda Crotty (Omicron '36) to Edward Radford, December 25 , 1941. Ruth Farley (Omicron '3 4) to Lee Summers, December 19 , 1941. Dorothy Klingensmith (Omicron '39) to George Edgar Rowan , Jr., November 27, 1941.
Lucille Litz (Omicron '4 1) to Robert Wathall, July 3 1, 1941. Marguerite Young (Omicron '3 7) to George 0 . Dransfield, October 29. E lizabeth Adelaide Dressler (Zeta Tau '39) to J. Rees Tate Bowen, June 12, 1941.
Martha Evans (Zeta Tau '39) to Alvah B. Chappell, June 14, 1941.
Virginia Lucille Davis (Zeta Tau '36) to Glenn H. Byrd, June 28, 1941. LeNoir Walton Hubbard (Zeta Tau '39) to Thomas Coleman , Jr., July 12 . Nancy Goode Bland (Zeta Tau '4 1) to Oscar Turner, August 1941. Maud Alice Rives (Zeta Tau ) to John Phillip Brown, October 18, 1941. Helen Wentworth Watts (Zeta T au '4 1) to Kiah T. Ford, Jr., October 30. Theresa Brinkley (Zeta Tau '39) to W. Davis Hodsden . Betty Stanley (Zeta Tau '39) to J oseph Lewis Moore, January 8, 1942. Dorothy Deans (Zeta Tau '3 6) to Alvah P. Bohannon, Jr., June 21, 1941. Katherine Beaton (Zeta Tau '40 ) to Robert Jordan , October 1941. Estelle Tiner (Phi '41) to John Montegudo, December 24, 1941.
BIRTHS To Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Twork (Margaret Holcomb, Alpha '26), a son, Charles Holcomb, ovember 26, 19~1. To Rev . and Mrs. Raymo nd Shaheen (Winifred H eim , Zeta '35), a so n, David Rayl)1o nd, on August 12 , 1941. To Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Collyer (Armista Williamson , Iota '24), a daughter , Diane Denise, December 20, 1941. To Mr. and Mrs. Daniel ye (Charlotte Hull, Iota ), a daughter, Patricia Eileen , December 8, 1941. To Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bee (Gladys Oberholdt, Delta '3 1) , a daughter, Susan , December 10, 1941. To Mr. and Mrs. William Collins (Clarice Duke, Lambda '3 1), a daughter, Carol , January 12, 1942. To Mr. and Mrs. William Fahy (Dorothy Kitsch, Lambda '32), a so n Michael John, November 25, 19-ll. To Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hallum (Anna Mae Poole, Phi '40 ), a daughter, Margaret Gene, December 15, 1941. To Mr. and Mrs. Ernst Sprung (Sally Kraetke, Theta '34), a son , Thomas Ernst, March 12 , 19~1. To Mr. and Mrs. George Maki (Helen Tucker, Theta '34), a daughter, Gail Anita, March 18, 1941. (Continued on page 37)
NATIONAL COUNCIL President .... ... ... .... ...... .. . . ............. .. . Mrs. Haswell E. Staehle (Alpha )
481 Torrence Road, Columbus, Ohio Vice-Presidents in Charge of Organizing:
Mrs. Russell Frazer, 14591 Ardmore, Detroit, Mich .. .... ... ........ . (Beta) Miss Edith Paul, 106 Lincoln St., Johnstown, Pa .......... ........ . (Zeta) Mrs. S. C. Robinson, 5119 St. Louis Ave., St. Louis, Mo ............... (Pi ) Mrs. Meade M eill, Athens, W.Va ..... . . ..................... . (Omicron ) A .E.S. R epresentative .................... ... ......... Miss Edith L. Mansell (Beta) 161 Highland Ave., Highland Park, Mich. Secretary . . . .... .. .............. . ......... . ...... ... . Miss Dorothy Stadler (Eta) 642 E. · 115th St. , Cleveland, Ohio Treasurer ....... .. ........ ........... ...... . .. ..... Mrs. Adrian Ridderhof (Zeta) 16502 Blackstone, Detroit, Mich Editor .. . ... .. ............. . ... . .................. Mrs. Justin G. Doyle (Theta) 314 Walnut St., Peekskill, N.Y. Chaplain and Historian ......... .... .............. Mrs. W. Leon Mason (Zeta Tau) Route 3, Box 47, Portsmouth, Va. NATIONAL COMMITTEES Awards Committee .. .... . ........... . .......... . .. Mrs. R . S. MacDougall (Zeta)
. Fairview, Lock Haven, Pa.
Examination ....... .... . ..... ..... ........... .. •. . ...... Mrs. Harry Wilcox (Zeta)
Madison Ct., Ann Arbor, Mich . Scholarship Loan Fund .......... : ............ . . Miss Margaret Macdonald (Sigma)
673 Richmond Ave., Buffalo, N .Y. Life M embers hip ... . . . ...... . . ....................... Mrs. Vernon Barrett (Iota)
157 50 Asbury Park, Detroit, Mich. Song Book ............ . ................... . ....... . . Mrs. Austin Perrine (Alpha)
3051 Idaho Ave. N.W., Apt. 124, Washington, D .C. Program .. . .. .. ....... .................. . .. ........ Miss Mary Alice Seller (Iota)
914 Merchant St., Emporia, Kan. ASSOCIATIO
Chairmatt ..... ............ ........ ...... . . .. . . Mrs . C. P.
eidig, Pi Kappa Sigma 1503 First ational Bank Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio · Secretary ............................ .. . .. Mrs. Robert S. Hill, Delta Sigma Epsilon 816 Columbus St., Rapid City, S.D. Treasurer .............. .. . .. .. ... .... .. Miss Carrie E. Walter, Theta Sigma Upsilon 123 W. Tulpehocken, Philadelphia, Pa. Director of Local Panhellenics .......... . ..... Miss Edith Mansell, Alpha Sigma Tau 161 Highland Ave., Highland Park , Mich Chairman of Publicity ................. ..... Mrs. Fred Sharp, Alpha igma Alpha 1405 Hardy Ave., Independence, Mo. Chairman of lntersorority Relationships . . Miss Mabel Lee Walton, igma igma igma P .O. Drawer 108, Clermont, Fla .
COLLEGIATE CHAPTERS ALPHA (1899)-Michigan State Normal College, Ypsilanti, Mich. President-Ida Speerstra, 337 King Hall, Ypsilanti, Mich . Corresponding Secretary-Aurabel Hosman, 2921 Holmes Rd. , Ypsilanti, Mich. Editor-Mary Hemingway, 20 S. Normal, Ypsilanti, Mich . Adviser-Mrs. R. B. Bates, 20 S. Normal , Ypsilanti, Mich. Alumnae Representative-Margaret Pollock, Bloomfield Highlands, Pontiac, Mich. BETA (1905-1917; 1940)-Central State Teachers' College, Mount Pleasant, Mich. President-Florence Mary Gwinn, 320 Ronan Hall, Mount Pleasant, Mich. Corresponding Secretary-Alvira Kelley, Ronan Hall, Mount Pleasant, Mich . Editor-Helen Coffman, Sloan Hall , Mount Pleasant, Mich. Adviser-Miss Frances Martin , 904 E. High St. , Mount Pleasant, Mich. Alumnae Representative-Mrs. Edna Hanson, 403 S. Kinney Blvd ., Mount Pleasant, Mich. GAMMA (1909-1913)-State Normal School, Milwaukee, Wis. Alumnae Representative-Mrs. R . P. Hammond, 2016 Underwood Ave., Wauwatosa, Wis. DELTA (1916)-State Teachers' College, Indiana, Pa. President-Ruth Englehart, 40 Clarke Hall, Indiana, Pa. Corresponding Secretary-Peggy McCafferty, Clarke Hall, Indiana, Pa. Editor-Emmie Lou Wetzel, Clarke Hall, Indiana, Pa. Adviser- Mrs. Alma Gasslander, S.T .C., Indiana, Pa. 路 Alumnae Representatives--Miss Betty Weaver, 1235 4th Ave., Ford City, Pa.; M;rs. Harold Bee, 133 N. 6th St., Indiana, Pa. EPSILON (1919-1923; reorganized as Lambda 1926)- Temple University, Philadelphia, Pa. Alumnae Representative-See Lambda Chapter. ZETA (1921)-Lock Haven State Teachers' College, Lock Haven , Pa. President-Vivian Williams, Beech Creek , Pa. Corresponding Secretary-Alice June Homier, 210 E. Clinton St., Lock H aven, Pa. Editor-Evelyn Long, 311 N. Fairview St. , Lock Haven, Pa. Adviser-Dr. Edna Bottorf, S.T.C., Lock Haven , Pa. Alumnae Representatives-Mrs. W. F . Plankenhorn , 1026 Mulberry St. , Williamsport, Pa.; Mrs. Dale Allen, 123 Summit, Lock Haven, Pa. ETA (1927-1939) - Kent State Uni~ersity , Kent, Ohio. Alumnae Representative-Ruth Merrick, 1431 Rosewood Ave., Lakewood , Ohio. THETA (1923) - Wayne University, Detroit, Mich. President-Barbara Bennett, 4809 Buckingham , Detroit, Mich. Corresponding Secretary-Sophie Adanowicz, 2915 Towbridge, Detroit, Mich . Editor-Nan Hartman, 12067 Manor, Detroit, Mich. Adviser-Dr. Gertha Williams, 17673 Manderson Dr., Detroit, Mich. Alumnae Representatives- Mrs. T. W. Briggs, 11072 Way burn Ave., Detroit, Mich. ; Mrs. Evelyn Kitzul , 15104 Manor, Detroit, Mich. IoTA (1923) - Kansas State Teachers' College, Emporia, Kan. President-Mavis Richardson, 1006 Constitution, Emporia, Kan . Corresponding Secretary-Elva Lee James, 1006 Constitution , Emporia, Kan . Editor-Virginia Zajic, 1006 Constitution , Emporia, Kan. Adviser-Miss Helen R . Garman 105 W. 12th St. , Emporia, Kan. Alumnae Representatives--Mrs. Fred R . Griffith, 1520 Market St., Emporia, Kan .; Mrs. Le Royce Grosjean, Scott City, Kan. KAPPA (1924-1929)-Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. Alumnae Representative- Isabel Finkbine, R .R. 3, Oxford , Ohio. LAMBDA (1926)-Temple University, Philadelphia, Pa. President- Claire Jenkins, 5029 Morris St., G~rmantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Corresponding Secretary- Charlotte King, 5941 . Camac St., Philadelphia, Pa. Editor-Hildegarde John, 1445 N . 28th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Alumnae Representatives- Elinor De Cou, 219 7th Ave., Haddon Heights, N.J. ; Mabel Schreiber, 37 W. Winona Ave., Norwood, Pa.
Nu (1928-1940)-Colorado State College of Education, Greeley, Colo. Alumn::e Representative-Mrs. Ruth Ewer, 1145 Clayton, Denver, Colo. XI (1929-1933)-Western State Teachers' College, Gunnison, Colo . Alumn;:e Representative-Mrs. Elizabeth M. Osborne, 5801 N. Federal Blvd., Denver, Colo. OMICRON (1930)-Concord State Teachers' College, Athens, W.Va. President-Betty Funk, 312 N .W. Girls Hall, C.S.T.C. , Athens, W.Va. Corresponding Secretary-Mary Beth Letsinger, Girls Hall, C.S.T.C., Athens, W.Va . Editor-Helen Georgeff, Girls Hall, C.S.T.C., Athens, W.Va. Adviser-Mrs. Robert L. Carroll, Athens, W.Va. Alumn;:e Representative-Phyllis Lilly, Athens, W.Va. PI (1930)-Harris Teachers' College, St. Louis, Mo. President-Jane Pratt 5971a Minerva, St. Louis, Mo. Corresponding Secretary- Ruth Jones, 3304a Arsenal St., St. Louis, Mo. Editor-Florence Onder, 4345 Toenges Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Adviser- Miss Edith Gladfelter, 4720 N. 20th St., St. Louis, Mo. Alumn;:e Representatives-June McCarthy, 4527 Harris, St. Louis, Mo.; Ruth Priebe, 5306 Winona St., St. Louis, Mo. RHo (1932)-Southeastern Teachers' College, Durant, Okla. President-Gloria Janice Lasley, 720 N. 4th, Durant, Okla. Corresponding Secretary- Mary Claude Park, 720 N. 4th, Durant, Okla. Editor- Betty Jean Hickman, 609 N. 6th , Durant, Okla. Advisers-Miss Irene Scrivener, 624 W. Elm, Durant, Okla .; Miss Mildred Riling, 918 W. Elm, Durant, Okla. Alumn;:e Representative- Ruth Johnson , Box 525, Durant, Okla. SIGMA (1925)-State Teachers' College, Buffalo, ~.Y. President-Eunice Tepas, 503 W. Delavan Ave., Buffalo, N .Y. Corresponding Secretary- Doris Waterworth, 95 Pooley Pl., Buffalo, N.Y. Editor-Frances Piwowarczyk, 755 Oliver St., North Tonawanda, N.Y. Adviser-Dr. Margaret S. Quayle, 805 Delaware Ave. , Buffalo, N.Y. Alumn;:e Representative-Beverly Bollard, 323 Bird Ave., Buffalo, .Y. ZETA TAu (1935)-State Teachers' College, Farmville, Va. President-Anne Turner, S.T.C ., Farmville, Va. Corresponding Secretary-Kathryn Hawthorne, S.T.C., Farmville, Va. Editor-Jean Arington, Box 82, S.T.C., Farmville, Va. Adviser-Miss Virginia Bedford, S.T.C., Farmville, Va. Alumn;:e Representatives-Helen Hoyer, 93 Hampton Roads Ave., Hampton, Va.; Mrs. Le Noir Coleman, Farmville, Va. UPSILON (1935)-State Teachers' College, Conway, Ark. President-Marjorie Richardson, Box 27, A.S.T.C., Conway, Ark. Corresponding Secretary-Mildred Thomas, A.S.T.C., Conway, Ark. Editor-Jane Nicholson, A.S.T.C., Conway, Ark. Adviser-Dr. Ada Jane Harvey, 730 Donaghey, Conway, Ark. Alumn;:e Representatives-Marjie Perkins, 800 E . 6th St., North Little Rock, Ark.; Julia Mae Avery, Sweet Home, Ark. PHI (1940)-Southeastern Louisiana College, Hammond, La. President-Charlotte Stewart, S.L .C., Hammond, La. Corresponding Secretary-Isobel Mizell, S.L.C., Hammond, La. Editor-Roslyn Mizell, S.L.C., Hammond, La. Adviser-Miss Margaret Lowe, S.L.C., Hammond, La. Alumn;:e Representative-Miss Margaret Waldrep, Hammond, La. CHI (1940) - Shepherd State Teachers' College, Shepherdstown, W.Va. President-Jean Millard, Shepherdstown, W.Va. Corresponding Secretary-Birdalee Hiett, Shepherdstown, W .\ a. Editor-Margaret Smith, Shepherdstown, W.Va. Adviser- Miss Sara Helen Cree, S.T.C., Shepherdstown, W.Va. Alumn;:e Representative-Christine Hunter, Duffields (P.O. Darke) , W.\ a.
President- Mrs. Ferne Phipps, 118 Wildwood Ave., Beckley, W.Va. Editor-Miss Elizabeth Jones, 111 McClure St., Beckley, W.Va. BLUEFIELD
President- Mrs. Beryl Woodroof Lambert, 505 'Bee St., Princeton, W.Va. Editor-Miss Henrietta Mahood, 116 Cedar St., Bluefield, W .Va. BUFFALO
President- Mrs. Julian Mason, 211 Sanders Rd., Buffalo, N.Y. Editor-Miss Lois Anne Dryer, 11 2 Congress St., Buffalo, N.Y. CLEVELA N D
President- Mrs. Helen Wick, 13820 Shaw Ave., East Cleveland , Ohio . Editor-Mrs. Catherine Bozarth , 4903 Albertly Ave., Parma, Ohio. DENVER
President-Mrs. Ruth Ewer, 1145 Clayton St., Denver, Colo. Editor-Miss Juanita Emerick, 3033 W. Highland Park Pl., Denver, Colo. DETROIT
President-Miss Katherine Hungerford, 12769 Evanston, Detroit, Mich . Editor-Miss Emma Dawkins, 2903 Montgomery, Detroit, Mich. D uRAN T
President- Miss Ruth Johnson , Box 525, Durant, Okla. Editor-Miss Kathleen Kelchner, 617 W. Elm, Durant, Okla. EMPORIA
President- Mrs. Ethel Partridge, 1617 Rural, Emporia, Kan. Editor-Mrs. Louise Gardner, Neosho Rapids, Kan. FLINT
President-Mrs. Leo J. Gaffney, 222 E. Eldridge Ave., Flint, Mich. Editor-Miss Lucille Gale, 12357 Fenton Rd., Fenton, Mich. JoHNSTOWN
President-Mrs. John Jack, Armagh, Pa. Editor-Miss Edith Paul, 106 Lincoln St., Johnstown, Pa . LANSING
President-Mrs. Margaret Craddock, 2507 Eaton Rd. , Lansing, Mich. Editor-Mrs. Mary Walton , Dimondale, Mich. LITTLE RocK
President- Mrs. Ruth Hood Whitley, 1720 Battery St., Little Rock, Ark. Editor-Margie Perkins, 800 E. 6th, N. Little Rock, Ark . MouNT PLEASAN T
President-Mrs. Helen V. Porterfield, 427 S. Fancher, Mount Pleasant, Mich. Editor-Mrs. George Wheeler, R .R . 3, Mount Pleasant, Mich. NoRFOLK- PoRTSMOUTH
President-Mr:.. Linwood Roberts, 1100 Ann St., Portsmouth, Va. Editor-Mrs. Robert Major, 303 North St., Portsmouth, Va. ST. Louis
President-Miss Lillian Vogt, 360Sa N. Newstead, St. Louis, Mo. Editor-Mrs. William Vit, 2059a Allen , St. Louis, Mo. PHILADELPHIA
President-Miss Virginia Burke, 401 W. Roosevelt Blvd., Philadelphia, 路Pa. Editor-Miss Alice Mosteller, 600 N . Franklin St., West Chester, Pa. WAR
President- Miss Margaret Martin, Berwind , W.Va. Editor-Miss Charmie Johnson, War, W.Va.
President-Mrs. D. L. Caporossi, Welch, W.Va. Editor-Miss Virginia P. Hutchinson, Wyo ming St., Welch, W.Va. WICillTA
President-Mrs. Mildred Chamberlin , 1617 H ood, Wichita, Kan . Editor-Mrs. Helen H aney, 832 . Broadway, Wichita, Kan. WILLIAMSPORT
President- Miss Eleanore M . Wolfe, 331 Lowe St., South Williamsport, Pa. Editor- Miss Marianna P. Tallman, 832 Funston Ave., Williamsport, Pa. YouNGSTOWN 路
President-Mrs. John F . Cassidy, 319 Lafayette St., Niles, Ohio. Editor-Miss Laurabelle Owens, S. Main St., Hubbard, Ohio . DISTRICTS AND PRESIDENTS First District: (central) Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Wisconsin. President-Miss Dorothy Stadler, 642 E . 115 St., Cleveland, Ohio. Second District: (eastern ) New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maine, New H ampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island . President-Miss Edith Paul, 106 Lincoln St., Johnstown, Pa. Third District : (western) All states west of the Mississippi River. President-Mrs. S.C. Robinson, 5119 St. Louis Ave., St . Louis, Mo. Fourth District: (southern) Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, Maryland, Delaware, Tennessee, North Carolina, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, and South Ca rolina. President-Mrs. Meade McNeill, Athens, W.Va. CENTRAL OFFICE 481 Torrence Road, Columbus, Ohio
CHANGE OF ADDRESS CoPIES of THE ANCHOR lost through failure to report change of address to the National Editor cannot be replaced. Changes must be received at least two weeks before the issues are mailed-October 1, December 1, March 1 and June 1. Send to: Mrs. Justin G. Doyle 314 Walnut Street Peekskill, New York Maiden Name ... .......... . ...... ... .... ...... .. ........... ... ; Husband's Name . ........ . ...... .... ........................... . New Address ............. .... ................................. . Old Address ..... .. .. .. . ..... .. . . ......... . ... ... ....... ..... . . . College Chapter ..... ........ ...... . .. ..... . . .. ............. .... .