The Anchor: Fall 2023

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All In for Alpha Tau

Three Bold Goals To Strengthen Our Sisterhood F AL L 2023 • T H E ANCH O R


Table of Contents



IN EVERY ISSUE: ALL IN FOR ALPHA TAU Are you ready to go All In for Alpha Tau? Learn more about our goals for the 2023-2024 academic year and how you can help us celebrate 125 years of Sisterhood.


PRESIDENT’S NOTE Greetings from the National President


THEN, NOW, NEXT The Anchor: looking back and ahead


SORORITY NEWS Sorority news, events, and updates


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Sisters empowering women

MAINTAINING CONNECTIONS We all have a Sisterhood story to share – a moment where AΣΤ changed our lives. Read Lisa Palmer O’Donnell’s story about how her Big/ Little relationship has sustained her throughout career changes, family developments, and personal struggles.

EXPLORE THE FOUNDATION’S IMPACT Each year, our Foundation supports Sisters as they achieve their academic goals. Celebrate our scholarship Sisters, and find out how you can support scholarships during this year’s Founders Day of Giving!



SHARING OUR SISTERHOOD Moments of spreading the AΣT experience




FOUNDATION RECOGNITION Recognizing Sisters’ Contributions


ON CAMPUS Collegians in action


ALUMNAE CONNECTIONS Alumnae gatherings and happenings


ETERNAL CHAPTER In loving memory of our Sisters


ANCHORING THOUGHTS Letter from the Editor



National President Jamie Jones Miller (Psi 1995/James Madison)

Director of Communications and Engagement Justina Solties (Gamma Theta 2007/Penn State Behrend)

National Vice Presidents Addison Beckham (Beta Rho 2017/Arkansas Tech) LeeAnn Hovis (Phi 2021/Southeastern Louisiana) Katherine P. Onyshko, Esq. (Delta Phi 2006/NYU) Joell Sperry (Gamma Theta 2004/Penn State Behrend) Tsai-Ann Yawching (Gamma Tau 2013/Lebanon Valley) Chief Executive Officer James R. Paponetti

Scan this QR code to see the entire staff and volunteer directory at


Communications Coordinator Regan Hewitt (Epsilon Tau 2015/Kenyon) Editor Julia Mann (Beta Mu 2017/Salisbury) Designer Melissa Abriola Geibel (Alpha Tau 2014/PennWest Edinboro)

UPDATE YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION: Visit: Email: Call: 317-613-7575 or send a note to the mailing address below

POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Alpha Sigma Tau Sorority 3334 Founders Road Indianapolis, IN 46268

Associate Editors Cassie Helmer (Alpha 2015/Eastern Michigan) Mary Reid Howard (Beta Zeta 1988/UAB) CONTACT THE ANCHOR: Kelly Rogawski Shelly (Gamma Pi 2017/Lycoming) Kristi Gdanetz MacCready (Gamma Theta 2009/Penn State Behrend) Do you have a question, response, story idea, or update for The Anchor? We want Staff Writers to hear it! Joanna Barrett (Epsilon Epsilon 2007/JWU North Miami) Email us at Amanda Cruz (Beta Omega 2018/Monmouth) Lindsay McDowall Davis (Gamma Mu 2010/WVU Tech) Kathryn McCoy (Gamma Rho 2020/Seton Hall) Marj O'Neill (Gamma Tau 2018/Lebanon Valley) Kennedy Salts (Epsilon Omicron 2014/Southern Indiana) A L PH A S I G M A TA U

President’s Note

Dear Sisters, It is hard for me to admit this, but I overcommitted myself this fall. Between work, Sorority, personal travel, executing several major projects in my day job, preparing for multiple speaking engagements, attending home-and-away James Madison University football games (we’re hosting nine people at our house for Homecoming!), and taking time to celebrate my wedding anniversary and my birthday, my calendar is full. In the meantime, Alpha Sigma Tau is welcoming hundreds of new members into our Sisterhood, getting ready to celebrate Founders Day and Founders Day of Giving, and preparing for a strong spring recruitment! We’ve also hosted a career-focused webinar to help collegians translate their Alpha Sigma Tau experience to their resume and launched the Name Your Story program on mental health, with Dr. Lauren Cook kicking things off with a keynote on her book, Generation Anxiety. In my last note, I challenged each Alpha Sigma Tau member to step forward in new ways to support the organization. So many of you answered the call to be All In for Alpha Tau, from recommending potential new members to getting more involved in your alumnae experience. Our collegians have dedicated themselves to recruiting new members to share our Sisterhood with and have revitalized their chapter experiences this semester. I am thrilled with the progress I have seen so far from our members, but there is still much more ground to cover before we see the impact we’re driving toward. With the new year on the horizon, I hope that you will resolve to join your sisters in going All In for Alpha Tau in 2024. When you consider your priorities and what will make it onto your calendar, I ask you to think on these things: What promise can you make to Alpha Sigma Tau this year? What will be part of your Alpha Sigma Tau legacy? What is one thing you can do to signal your commitment to our Sisterhood? Do you want to get involved at the chapter level or in your community? Consider applying to be an advisor for a collegiate chapter or attending or organizing alumnae events in your area. Do you know outstanding women who are working on their college applications this fall? Recommend those potential new members if you know they’ve applied to a school where we have a chapter. Need to refresh your swag? Visit the Emerald Boutique or join 510 Pearl Napa Valley! Want to have an immediate impact? Make a donation to the Alpha Sigma Tau Foundation on November 2-3. We need every member to commit to Alpha Sigma Tau this year. By doing so, we ensure that future generations of Sisters experience the same wonderful Sisterhood that we have. While we celebrate Founders Day this November and our 125th anniversary in 2024, we must also ask: What would our Founders think of Alpha Sigma Tau today? What does their legacy look like in action? How can we build on and sustain that legacy? As I said in my last note, Alpha Sigma Tau needs YOU. Even the smallest of actions can have a significant and immediate impact on our organization – if we all take one step forward, the Sorority will leap forward. Let me know how your commitment to Alpha Sigma Tau shows up in your calendar. I’ll be doing a lot of thinking about mine!

Jamie Jones Miller Psi 1995/James Madison National President

F AL L 2023 • T H E ANCH O R


Then, Now, Next


LAST ISSUE: In our Summer 2023 issue, we featured Eights Taus to Know! These were Sisters who are establishing themselves in their careers, aiming to achieve something greater outside themselves, and living our Alpha Sigma Tau values every step of the way. Additionally, we shared snapshots of our summer Sisterhood moments, with collegiate and alumnae members gathering and traveling together, and updates from the Alpha Sigma Tau Foundation. If you missed our summer issue, which is published digitally, you can find it at


THIS ISSUE: This year, we’re going All In for Alpha Tau! As we approach our 125th anniversary, we are recommitting ourselves to the Sorority and what it can become for the Sisters who will join after us. Each article of The Anchor will remind you why you love and chose Alpha Sigma Tau – whether it was four years ago or 40! In this issue, we’re exploring a lifetime of Sisterhood between two women from our Psi Chapter at James Madison University, from college to retirement. We’re also gearing up for our 8th annual Founders Day of Giving, highlighting our highest recruiting collegiate chapters, and sharing more about the alumnae experience. Get excited and go All In for Alpha Tau!

FLIPPING BACK One of our All In for Alpha Tau goals is to recruit 1,899 new members. And recruitment is certainly nothing new to Alpha Taus! As stated in the 1981 Spring issue, “[Recruitment] is actually an attitude. A positive, enthusiastic attitude produces a successful [recruitment]. Each member should feel the inherent responsibility and cultivate a proper attitude toward [recruitment].” Whether you’re an alumna recommending a Potential New Member or a collegian developing friendships with women on your campus, you’re contributing your share to recruitment. After all, “the best advertisement that [our Sorority] can have is enthusiastic members”!

ON THE COVER We’re delighted to feature a photo from Bid Day at the Upsilon Chapter at the University of Central Arkansas. It’s an exciting moment for new members and for our Sisters, as they find each other among crowds of students and families. The feeling of joy captured here is one that we all feel throughout our AΣΤ experience!


Credit: University of Central Arkansas

Alpha Nu/Central Missouri welcomes new members on Bid Day (The Anchor, Spring 1981)


COMING UP! Stay tuned for our Spring 2024 issue where we’ll celebrate our graduating seniors, explore more ways you can be All In for Alpha Tau, and share stories that highlight our outstanding alumnae. To recommend a member who has a story to tell, let us know by contacting us at

3334 Founders Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268 FOLLOW US! @alphasigmatausorority @alphasigmatau



Sorority News

ALL IN FOR ALPHA TAU 96% As Alpha Sigma Tau approaches its 125th anniversary, we are

asking our members to go All In for Alpha Tau. Why? To ensure that our Sorority continues to be a vibrant, inspiring, and empowering place for women to learn, grow, and develop lasting friendships. The last four years have created some immense challenges for Alpha Sigma Tau and higher education in general. Tested by a pandemic, inflation, increasing costs of living, and a polarizing political and social climate, many members are struggling with the mental and emotional toll of it all. But through it all, we are still standing. And we need every Alpha Sigma Tau member to help propel us forward. It matters that every member goes All In for Alpha Tau. We have set three bold goals for the 2023-2024 academic year:



We were each given the gift of Alpha Sigma Tau, and we are responsible for paying it forward to the next generation of Alpha Sigma Taus. Many outstanding women on college campuses are looking for a place to call home away from home. Want to help our collegiate chapters grow? Recommend a Potential New Member! Chapters welcome recommendations for incoming first-year women, sophomores, juniors, seniors, and transfer students who embody our values. Scan here to recommend a young woman in your life:

F AL L 2023 • T H E ANCH O R


We’re focused on making sure all our new members have a safe, healthy, and positive experience from the moment they accept their bid. Every new member should feel valued, loved, welcomed, and know they belong in Alpha Sigma Tau and our chapters. When they feel safe in our Sisterhood, they can become an AΣΤ without any doubts. Our collegiate chapter officers are coached on how best to approach new member concerns, share their AΣΤ experiences, and ensure healthy chapter practices for all members.



We need to retain 90% of our current collegiate members until their graduation. Right now, we have too many collegiate women who give up their AΣΤ experience before they become alumnae, whether by leaving school or resigning. We have introduced programming for all members that address professional skills, financial literacy, mental health, self-care, and more. The Foundation is also providing more financial aid to let our members focus on academics throughout the school year. However, we need our alumnae to show how AΣΤ connections can be beneficial beyond the collegiate years. Whether it’s sharing on social media, telling younger collegians you know about your Sisterhood stories, or attending alumnae events, our collegiate members need to see that we are Sisters for life, not just for four years. These are lofty goals but Alpha Taus don’t back down from a challenge. Working collectively, with every member doing just one thing to help us achieve these three goals, we can be All In for Alpha Tau and have even more to celebrate during our 125th anniversary. 4

Sorori ty News

HELPING COLLEGIATE MEMBERS NAME THEIR STORY Did you know that one-in-four college students experiences a mental health challenge? Or that 75% of lifetime cases of mental health conditions begin by age 24? We’re here to support our members as they navigate stressors, take control of their emotional wellness, and prioritize their mental health. We want to provide mental health resources and programming that help our members to thrive. In September, our newest Health & Safety program, Name Your Story, was introduced to our members. Currently, the Sorority offers separate courses for new members, collegiate members, collegiate chapter officers, and Chapter Advisory Board members. This program was brought to Alpha Sigma Tau by Dr. Lauren Cook, a practicing therapist, consultant, speaker, and author. She is passionate about bringing mental health to people of all ages and integrates neuroscience to inform her evidence-based teachings. Dr. Cook was a keynote speaker during the 44th National Convention in June 2022, thanks to Alpha Sigma Tau Foundation donors. Collegiate attendees connected to her simple and straightforward approach to mental health concerns, confidence-building skills, and more. Name Your Story gives our members a chance to learn about the signs and symptoms of common mental health challenges, provides training on how to discuss these experiences with their Sisters, and allows members to discover new forms of self-care. Each video module provides our members with a new understanding of their mental health. We can’t wait to share more about Name Your Story over the next year, as collegians fully explore the benefits of the program.

On October 17, Dr. Lauren Cook joined Alpha Sigma Tau members for a live virtual conversation about her new book, Generation Anxiety: A Millennial and Gen Z Guide to Staying Afloat in An Uncertain World.

During her talk, she spoke about her research findings and why our most recent generations seem to struggle the most with anxiety and depression diagnoses. Dr. Cook also outlined some easy steps our Sisters can take to manage their anxiety and take care of others who are struggling with mental health issues.



Sorority News

LET’S GET PROFESSIONAL On October 4, collegiate members and their families were invited to attend Make Alpha Sigma Tau WORK For You, a virtual opportunity organized by National President Jamie Jones Miller (Psi 1995/James Madison). Our members often have key leadership skills and experiences but need help translating these valuable assets onto their resumes and during job interviews. As universities deal with reduced enrollment, they often cut resources – including career services that typically handle resume writing, developing interview skills, and more. We want to help Alpha Sigma Taus be well-prepared for employment opportunities by graduation. During this event, collegians could ask questions of a panel of Alpha Sigma Tau members.







They discussed how to position chapter officer experience, leverage Alpha Sigma Tau relationships, and utilize their community service involvement. These experiences will set them apart from other candidates in today’s workforce. It’s essential that all collegiate members, especially new members, realize how Alpha Sigma Tau can benefit them professionally. Whether they are looking for a summer internship or are a soonto-be-graduate on the job hunt, our members have the skills and experience to enter any field. Even years from now, they can look to their Sisters to help them find new jobs, start new career paths, and find support during times of transition. Thank you to these members for being part of the Make Alpha Sigma Tau WORK For You panel!



Shop for Alpha Sigma Tau merchandise or find custom design inspiration for your chapter’s next order!




Women’s Wellness Initiative in Philadelphia, and somewhere around 2012, they closed the affiliate. But they were looking to start back up, and they came to me to learn some best practices,” she said. Rachel helped guide Dress for Success Greater Philadelphia into its second opening, providing advice on programming and fundraising. Eventually, she decided to help with the fundraising side permanently. In early 2022, Rachel was elected to the Board of Directors to oversee fundraising for the affiliate. Today, Rachel continues sharing her love for the organization with everyone, including her Sisters. Much like Alpha Sigma Tau, Dress for Success is, as Rachel explains, “here to empower women. There’s no shame and no embarrassment – we want to be involved with their journey every step of the way.” Rachel shared that Alpha Sigma Tau still influences her life today, “For me, my career and philanthropic interests always go back to one of Alpha Sigma Tau’s core values – Connections. I’m always thinking, ‘Who do I know? How can I build on this?’ and leveraging the value of those connections. It really ingrained itself in me.” Rachel helps sort clothes for Dress for Success Greater Philadelphia


She encourages other collegians and alumnae to get involved by reaching out to their Dress for Success affiliates. “Each affiliate operates individually with a common goal; each location will have different needs and opportunities when it comes to volunteering and fundraising,” explained Rachel.

Rachel Hassett (Gamma Rho 2013/Seton Hall) has been a passionate supporter of Dress for Success for years, despite having graduated from Seton Hall University just before the Sorority and Dress for Success began their official partnership. “I believe the most amazing aspect of Dress for Success is that we offer a variety of resources to empower women to achieve financial success (such as a network of support, professional attire, and career workshops) at absolutely no cost,” she shared. As part of her career in finance, Rachel quickly became involved in corporate social responsibility programs, eventually suggesting her company partner with Dress for Success Worldwide as it’s the perfect blend of business and service. “First, I organized a clothing drive for Dress for Success for International Women’s Month,” said Rachel. From there, she became more involved, spending her Saturdays as a stylist, working with clients to select outfits for interviews and jobs, as each client receives a week’s worth of free business clothing when they land a job. She also curated a financial literacy program for their clients and began doing some career coaching.

Rachel poses with fellow Gamma Rho Sisters during her Bid Day

As her own career progressed, Rachel took a new job opportunity in Philadelphia. “Dress for Success had folded 7


Women’s Wellness Initiative

DRESS FOR SUCCESS VIRTUAL POWER WALK Individual members, alumnae groups, and collegiate chapters gather each year to support our National Service Partner, Dress for Success, during their Virtual Power Walk. Dress for Success is at the center of the work to advance economic progress and equality for women. This event helps them provide upskilling and reskilling services, digital learning through their online community, and financial literacy programs for unemployed and underemployed women. On August 26, 2023, our members walked, ran, biked, danced, and more to raise almost $16,000 for Dress For Success. We want to give a special shout-out to four collegiate chapters that organized Virtual Power Walks – Phi/Southeastern Louisiana, Delta Eta/Belmont, Epsilon Chi/Minnesota Duluth, and Epsilon Upsilon/Dalton State!

Foundation Board members take a moment to walk while visiting Alpha Sigma Tau Headquarters

F AL L 2023 • T H E ANCH O R

Alumnae Jenni Kemmery (Delta 1995/IUP) and Megan Escobar (Gamma Tau 2008/ Lebanon Valley) walk together

Epsilon Chi/Minnesota Duluth

Phi/Southeastern Louisiana


Sharing Our Sisterhood

WELCOME OUR NEWEST MEMBERS! This semester, we have a goal to welcome 950 new members – marking a halfway point to our 1,899 yearly goal! Our chapters have been hard at work during their structured recruitments and continue to welcome new members using our COB process. So far this semester, we have welcomed over 600 new members!

Alpha Psi/Northern Iowa matched quota and had two quota additions

Psi/James Madison welcomed 63 new members on Bid Day

Beta Eta/SIUE matched quota and their chapter is above campus total

Alpha Lambda/Radford matched quota and received a quota addition

Epsilon Upsilon/Dalton State welcomed 10 new members to “Barbieland”

Epsilon Alpha/Embry Riddle-Prescott matched quota

Epsilon Gamma/Georgia SouthernArmstrong had new members feeling butterflies

Beta Rho/Arkansas Tech had a colorful Bid Day with 17 new members


New members found their way home to Delta Pi/Oglethorpe

Phi/Southeastern Louisiana matched quota and had one quota addition, welcoming 29 new members A L PH A S I G M A TA U

Beyond The Badge


By Kathryn McCoy (Gamma Rho 2020/Seton Hall)

Jenn Hanner Toomey is a stand-out volunteer, employee, and friend because she values the connections she has and those she has yet to make. Once a self-proclaimed “student who did everything,” Jenn graduated college wanting a career in higher education. She works as a fraternity-sorority life (FSL) coordinator at Villanova University, focusing on their Panhellenic sororities. Her time is split as the Growth Advisor for Epsilon Nu/McDaniel and as the Chapter Advisor for Delta Sigma/St. Joseph’s. She enjoys spending time with her Sisters and with her family, especially after becoming a new aunt.


Wanting to help others learn and grow. College is all about test driving being an adult, and I really love helping the women in my chapters work through their hiccups. AΣΤ helps shape these women. My favorite part is watching an officer’s transformation from the start of their term to the end. My job as FSL coordinator really has allowed me to narrow my scope and focus on leadership development for these women, which has also been fantastic.


Finding my niche. I knew I wanted to go into higher education. I was very involved in college and I wasn’t sure where to go from there. I am proud to find a job that I enjoy and that enhances my everyday. I don’t believe in dream jobs, but a job should fit your strengths, fill your bucket, and make an impact.


Not to chase titles. I did a lot as a collegian. I was Vice President of Operations, Director of New Member Education, Director of Ritual, and a member of the Tau Honor Council. I was also an orientation leader, president of the Relay for Life club, and a recruitment counselor for the Panhellenic. I wish I had picked one or two things and really stuck with them and committed.

Jenn poses at the 44th Convention with members from Beta Iota/Millersville


Allowing me to practice interpersonal skills and time management. I’ve learned how to balance priorities, so I don’t end up bailing out at the last minute. Life happens, and you’ll always have to be flexible, but you will have commitments. I learned to have good communication and to think intentionally and kindly about how I respond to conflict.

Go All In for Alpha Tau by applying to be an advisor for a collegiate chapter! It’s the perfect way to stay connected with your Sisters, your chapter, and Alpha Sigma Tau long after your four years on a college campus. Jenn visits her chapter during Big/Little reveal F AL L 2023 • T H E ANCH O R


Defining Excellence Lisa Palmer O’Donnell is a shining, real-life example of the benefit of connections made through sorority life—and she’s a fantastic lawyer, too! Initiated into the Psi Chapter in 1983, Lisa didn’t initially expect to join a sorority. Throughout her first year as a track scholarship student at James Madison University, she met some of the women in Alpha Sigma Tau and grew to quite like them. Ultimately, Lisa left the track team and joined the Sorority in her sophomore year of college. Not far behind her was the woman who would become her little sister, Lori Hays Plummer (Psi 1984/James Madison).

Lori Hays Plummer (Psi 1984/James Madison) and Lisa Palmer O’Donnell (Psi 1983/James Madison) at the Psi Chapter 75th Reunion Banquet at James Madison University.


WITH LISA O’DONNELL (PSI 1983/JAMES MADISON) By Lindsay McDowall Davis (Gamma Mu 2010/WVU Tech)

A sorority woman’s greatest asset is her ability to connect with others. Everyone knows the scene in Legally Blonde: Red, White,

and Blonde where Elle mobilizes her vast network of sorority Sisters to push through a bill on Capitol Hill, all while making new connections with stuffy members of Congress. While the movie takes the humorous approach of a massive call tree in action, the heart of the message is that Elle’s Sisters came from near and far when she needed them. 11

Lisa and Lori both hail from northern Virginia. “We went to rival high schools and competed against each other in track, so we knew each other,” Lisa recalls. Lori was a year behind Lisa and also elected to attend James Madison and join Alpha Sigma Tau.

I GOT FIRST DIBS ON MY LITTLE SISTER, WHICH IS HOW I GOT THE BEST ONE! By the time Lori joined Alpha Sigma Tau, Lisa held the office of Pledge Director (now known as Director of New Member Education). She said, “I got first dibs on my little Sister, which is how I got the best one!” Lisa and Lori cultivated a close relationship, living across the hall from each other in the sorority house and ultimately in the same apartment building as Lisa finished law school. “My first son was born in my last year of law school, which was a bit challenging,” Lisa explained. Luckily, Lori and her husband lived just one floor up from Lisa. “If I was studying and my little guy was giving me a hard time, I’d call her and she’d come A L PH A S I G M A TA U

Defining Excellence

WE BUILT A RELATIONSHIP WHERE WE COULD DEPEND ON EACH OTHER WHEN WE NEEDED HELP. take him so I could study. We built a relationship where we could depend on each other when we needed help.” While Lisa and Lori had a special relationship as big and little, the closeness of Sisterhood was shared by a core group of Psi Chapter Sisters. Living in close proximity helped to create a natural bond that is still present today. While Lisa and her Sisters have spread across the country, they still talk and visit each other when they can. The connections formed within Alpha Sigma Tau were excellent practice for Lisa’s career as a lawyer. She watched and learned from her Sisters, seeing how different leadership styles worked and how to conduct a meeting— especially when there are opposing viewpoints. As President of the Virginia Trial Lawyers Association, she put what she learned in the Sorority into practice. Lisa remembers meetings with over fifty lawyers, all of whom had strong opinions. “I could harken back to Sorority days and how we had to politely listen and navigate all the different thoughts and ideas but ultimately move things along. It’s a skill I observed and then tried to adopt when I found myself in a leadership role.”

As a lawyer specializing in medical malpractice, personal injury, and sports law, Lisa landed over $10 million in jury verdicts throughout her career. She rose to the challenge of mastering and using relevant medical information during a trial. Some of those verdicts changed the lives of her clients. Her foray into sports law was a result of living in a prime area for major athletes. One of Lisa’s clients was Allen Iverson, a 14-season National Basketball Association (NBA) veteran. She handled a criminal case for him, which evolved into handling his business dealings. That case opened the door to other opportunities, including helping a National Football League (NFL) quarterback become the highest-paid quarterback of the NFL at the time. “Everything about being a lawyer involves relationships,” Lisa advised, “which I took away from the Sorority. You really have to learn how to balance the different relationships and deal with so many different personality types.” Much of that learning resulted from her experience in Alpha Sigma Tau. Lawyers are often portrayed as brash and aggressive, dogging their opponents in the courtroom in an attempt to throw them off their game and have a landslide victory. For that reason, it may be unexpected that Lisa’s hallmark as a lawyer is her gracious nature. Lisa naturally exemplifies the value of graciousness, which made her wonder if she could serve as an effective lawyer.

Lisa and Lori (on right) gather for lunch with AΣΤ Sisters. They all lived in the Psi Chapter house together, going on 40 years ago.

F AL L 2023 • T H E ANCH O R


Defining Excellence

Share Your AΣΤ Story We each have an AΣΤ experience, memory, or friendship that changed our life immeasurably. This is Lisa’s story. What’s yours?

Lori with her family in 2018

However, a mentor early on gave her the advice to “be herself and win her cases with kindness.” Lisa took this to heart, although it was difficult to convince clients that she did not have to be hostile to win a case. “Your reputation matters a lot in the legal profession—it mattered a lot to me that the judges respected me. That came from being prepared about my cases and the law, and not being a jerk. I had a style that was my own.” Her approach certainly paid off, as she was named one of the Best Lawyers in America.

EVERYTHING ABOUT BEING A LAWYER INVOLVES RELATIONSHIPS WHICH I TOOK AWAY FROM THE SORORITY. While Elle Woods had her pink cell phone call tree, Lisa has an equally close group of Sisters who have supported her professionally and personally. From helping her complete law school to cheering them on while they run a marathon, the connections cultivated by Lisa, Lori, and their Sisters are what every Alpha Tau hopes for when they go through Initiation. Through the connections made and nurtured, the graciousness Lisa exhibits in the courtroom, the respect she has earned in her field, and the intellect required to practice the law, Lisa is truly defining excellence. 13

For our 125th Anniversary celebration, we’re partnering with PCI to tell our AΣΤ stories, which will be compiled in a book encapsulating over 100 years of Alpha Sigma Tau memories.

Starting in November, you’ll receive an email or postcard from PCI with details about the project and be asked to call and share your AΣΤ story. You will also be able to pre-order a hardcover compilation to ensure you receive one for your coffee table.

Make sure your AΣΤ experience makes it into our history books! Questions? Contact us at A L PH A S I G M A TA U

Defining Excellence

Do you know a


Help Us Locate Lost Sisters! Visit: We’d love your help in finding some of the nearly 32,000 Sisters who may not be hearing from us because we’re missing valid contact information like:




Search by chapter and if you see a Lost Sister that you know, suggest contact information be added to her member record. It’s quick and easy! F AL L 2023 • T H E ANCH O R

Questions? Email:


Our Values, Your Voice

OUR VALUES, YOUR VOICE We’ve set some bold goals for Alpha Sigma Tau this year. We wanted to hear what being All In for Alpha Tau means to you! Here are some of our favorite responses:

“It means dedicated time, love, and passion for Alpha Sigma Tau.” MICHAELA EVETTS DELTA MU 2022/ CUMBERLAND

“It means supporting my chapter as an alumna.” MANNING DEAN ZETA TAU 2018/ LONGWOOD

“It means being intentional in how our actions reflect our Sisterhood’s values.” AUDREY LEHTOCHEW


“It means contributing to making my chapter better by giving my all in my executive board position!” JULIANNE BROWNING




Section Title


Make This Holiday Season Truly Unforgettable! Give the gift of our exquisite wines paired with our 3D wooden holiday card, custom made with your special message!

Unwrap Our Holiday Discounts! Spend $100+ and get $10 OFF with CODE 10OFF Spend $200+ and get $20 OFF with CODE 20OFF Spend $300+ and get $35 OFF with CODE 35OFF No limit on uses. Valid for everyone, from our club members to first-time shoppers from 11/1-12/31.

F AL L 2023 • T H E ANCH O R Purchases financially support Alpha Sigma Tau


Foundation Impact

SUPPORTING SCHOLARS This year, the Alpha Sigma Tau Foundation awarded more than $66,000 in scholarships to collegiate and alumnae members. We’re excited to share a few of our 2023-2024 scholarship recipients! These Sisters are dedicated to their academics, communities, chapters, and more. We can’t wait to see what they do next, thanks to the generosity of their fellow Sisters and donors.



BETA DELTA 2008/DUQEUSNE DR. TIFFANY K. STREET FELLOWSHIP The Alpha Sigma Tau Sisterhood has been formative to my personal and professional life. To receive financial assistance toward my pursuit of an M.S. in Organizational Leadership through the Dr. Tiffany K. Street Fellowship feels like coming full circle. As a collegian, I was encouraged by my Sisters to lead. Today, I am encouraged by my Sisterhood—and the generosity of fellow members—to be the best leader I can be. Thank you for your support.

EPSILON CHI 2022/MINNESOTA DULUTH CHRISTINA COVINGTON SCHOLARSHIP A scholarship from Alpha Sigma Tau helps me continue my education and attend law school. As someone who is paying for school entirely on my own, it is a huge challenge to pay for everything I need. A scholarship helps me become the woman I want to be by easing my financial strain and allowing me to save to pay for law school throughout my last year of undergraduate education.




EPSILON IOTA 2020/NYIT MARY CHARLES ADAM ASHBY SCHOLARSHIP THOMAS J. KING JR. SCHOLARSHIP Receiving an Alpha Sigma Tau Foundation scholarship helps further my career in computer science. This field is only 20% women, and I would like to be a part of the change and increase this percentage by studying data science. This scholarship allows me to focus more on my master’s studies and be a part of research opportunities within this industry while not working.


Starting this fall, I am attending the Teachers College at Columbia University, where I will receive a Master of Arts in Curriculum and Teaching with a Professional Certification. Due to the program’s prestige, the expense will be significant for someone fully financing their graduate school education. I will also be working to pay off my existing student loans from my undergraduate years. This scholarship helps me to achieve my master’s degree and become the best, most progressive, and enlightened educator for all my future students.

You can see all the 2023-2024 scholarship recipients by scanning here: A L PH A S I G M A TA U

Foundation Impact


We’re counting down the days to our 8th Annual Founders Day of Giving! Each year, Sisters and friends gather to donate and support the Alpha Sigma Tau Foundation. Their gifts are used to fund scholarships, health & safety programs, professional development events, and more. From supporting our collegiate chapters in their Chapter Challenge to leading the charge by becoming Founders Day of Giving Ambassadors, our Sisters are ensuring that all future Alpha Sigma Taus have an even better experience than they did.

Dear Sisters, We are so excited for our 8th annual Founders Day of Giving! Join us on November 2-3 as we work together to raise funds for the future of our Sisterhood. For each Founders Day of Giving, we raise the stakes a little higher, aiming for more exciting chapter challenges, an increase in new and returning donors, more engagement from our Sisters, and, of course, we want to break records in the total amount given from year to year. But why are we coming together to celebrate by giving to the Foundation? •

This year, we’ll also be celebrating 125 years of Alpha Sigma Tau! To help us celebrate another 125 years of our exceptional Sisters, make a gift during Founders Day of Giving:


Our collegiate chapters rely on alumnae donors during the Chapter Challenge. Donating in support of a specific collegiate chapter can help them reach prize levels – check out more details below: LEVEL 1: RITUAL REVAMP PACKAGE $5,000-$9,999 Help a chapter revitalize their ritual supplies and make sure new members have the best Ritual possible! The package includes new Ritual attire, candles, a lectern, and more. LEVEL 2: PR PACKAGE $10,000-$14,999 These chapters will have the best tabling supplies on campus, making it easy to attract potential new members! The package includes a tabletop display, a tent for all kinds of weather, and a branded AΣΤ cornhole set. LEVEL 3: SISTERHOOD RETREAT $15,000-$19,999 Send Sisters on a special retreat in the Fall 2024 semester! This prize includes travel and lodging, lunch, and a unique curriculum delivered by an expert facilitator. It also includes a custom gift for each participant! LEVEL 4: CONVENTION REGISTRATION $20,000-$24,999 Make sure Sisters from your chapter attend the 45th National Convention! This prize includes Convention registration and hotel costs in Portsmouth/Norfolk, Virginia. LEVEL 5: SPEAKER ON CAMPUS $25,000+ Help Sisters learn and grow by donating for them to have a speaker on campus! Chapters who reach this level will be able to choose between several options of professional speakers who have worked with Alpha Sigma Tau previously.

F AL L 2023 • T H E ANCH O R

Educational programming. Our donors help provide programming for our Sisters: health & safety, professional development, personal development, financial literacy, and more! We are proud that Foundation donors provide our Sisters of all ages with what they need to continue to grow and learn. Undergraduate and postgraduate scholarships. In particular, the need from our collegiate Sisters increases every year as higher education grows more expensive. While our Sisters often work jobs and take out loans, our scholarships help ease their financial burden. Whether it’s a named scholarship specific to a chapter or a general Foundation scholarship, our donors are integral in allowing our Sisters to continue their education. New opportunities. As the Sorority grows and evolves, our members need different possibilities and options to improve their experience – what made sense in 2013 doesn’t necessarily work in 2023. Having a solid base of recurring donors helps the Sorority plan for new educational resources and Sisterhood opportunities in the near future. Founders Day of Giving is a great time to join our Friendship & Fidelity monthly giving circle!

If this is your first time hearing about how the Foundation supports our Sisters, please join us for Founders Day of Giving! • Make a gift! Your gift – of any size – tremendously impacts your Sisters. It can be the difference between an average member experience and a great one. • Tell your Sister-friends about this important way to fulfill our vows to support AΣT. Make sure they know about the great things that are made possible in our Sorority through the generosity of our donors. For those of you who are already fans of Founders Day of Giving, thank you for your continued support! We are grateful that you continue to show up for our Sisters with your enthusiasm and generosity! Join our Facebook event so you don’t miss a second of the fun! Find it here: In Sisterhood and Gratitude,

Erika McManus Bukva Delta Rho 2000/Chowan President, Board of Directors Alpha Sigma Tau Foundation


Foundation Recognition


Our Anchor Society members are the core of the Alpha Sigma Tau Foundation. Their gifts each year allow us to support our collegians and alumnae with financial aid for school, provide programming to empower them throughout their lives, and offer professional development and leadership opportunities.

Unrestricted giving to the Foundation allows us to strategically bolster programming and focus on areas that most need our attention. If you’re interested in becoming a member of the Anchor Society, you can scan the QR code and donate today to The Anchor Fund, starting at $160/month:

When you become a member of the Anchor Society by donating $1,899+ annually, you power these programs – and so much more:




In January, our newly elected collegiate chapter officers will attend Officer Academy: EQUIP Officer Skills Training, a day-long program that teaches them leadership skills and helps them navigate their new leadership roles in their chapters.

Our newest Health & Safety program, Name Your Story, encourages our collegians to focus on and prioritize their mental health. It helps them develop new forms of self-care and teaches them how to talk to their Sisters about heavy issues. More on page 5.

We can’t empower women without working to close the gap in women’s financial knowledge. MoneySmarts U helps all our members develop financial literacy, whether they are a new member with a summer job or an alumna looking to purchase a new home.

Annual giving is integral to the success of our organization. The Alpha Sigma Tau Foundation is pleased to recognize these members and friends contributing $1,899 or more annually to the Anchor Fund. Your generosity and support is truly appreciated! Allison Abayasekara

Megan Escobar

Katherine Pulley Onyshko, Esq.

Kristin Barron

Valerie Patton George

James Paponetti

Addie Beckham

Dr. Shel Hujarski Golob

Kellie Vehlies Beretta

Janice Clock Grundy

Angie Bong

Dr. Tiffany Sparks Hanna

(Gamma Tau 2004/Lebanon Valley) (Psi 1984/James Madison) (Beta Rho 2017/ Arkansas Tech) (Epsilon Epsilon 2010/JWU North Miami)

Pam Peterson Buitendorp (Beta Xi 1989/Michigan Tech)

Erika and Jonathan Bukva (Delta Rho 2000/Chowan)

Laura Clark

(Psi 2000/James Madison)

Nadina Colombo

(Alpha 1994/Eastern Michigan)

Dr. Ginny Correa Creager (Iota 1961/Emporia State) 19

(Gamma Tau 2008/Lebanon Valley) (Alpha 2000/Eastern Michigan) (Delta Alpha 1995/Gannon)

(Beta Xi 1982/Michigan Tech) (Omicron 1999/Concord)

Kris Haskin

(Beta Pi 1987/Eastern Illinois)

Sarah Hinshaw

(Delta Nu 1999/Beloit)

Karen Laursen Kessler

(Beta Xi 1984/Michigan Tech)

Dawn Scott Lecker

(Beta Delta 1993/Duquesne)

Melinda Henry Oates

(Delta Phi 2006/NYU)

Mary Peduzzi

(Alpha Omicron 1988/PennWest Clarion)

Katey Sopper Saffer

(Alpha Lambda 1991/Radford)

Joell Sperry

(Gamma Theta 2004/Penn State Behrend)

Nicole L. Stanley

(Delta Beta 2007/Fairmont State)

Karen “Annie” Mayfield Stitt (Alpha 1967/Eastern Michigan)

Susan Zilka Swartz

(Alpha Pi 1979/Slippery Rock)

Samantha Pankau Thomas (Beta 2008/Central Michigan)

C & K Clark Family Foundation

(Gamma Gamma 1991/UWA) A L PH A S I G M A TA U

Foundation Recognition

Planned gifts are at the core of our vision of empowering women and growing the future. They allow Alpha Sigma Tau to continue our work, as well as allow our donors to enjoy immediate tax benefits. It is never too late, or too early, to consider planned giving. Thank you to those listed below, who have confirmed a planned/estate gift of any amount or percentage to the Alpha Sigma Tau Foundation and are recognized as members of the Legacy Society.

Carol Baril (Beta Zeta 1977/UAB)

Lisa-Marie Cox Fredericks (Beta Xi 1983/Michigan Tech)

Joanna Barrett (Epsilon Epsilon 2007/JWU North Miami)

Rachel Bourgeois Green (Phi 2005/Southeastern Louisana)

Esther Fontenot Barrios (Phi 2006/Southeastern Louisana)

Anne Curran Gruber (Alpha 1970/Eastern Michigan)

Ashley Brown Beasley (Beta Zeta 1989/UAB)

Kris Haskin (Beta Pi 1987/Eastern Illinois)

Sally Brancheau Belknap (Alpha 2000/Eastern Michigan)

Kirsten Newman Heck (Gamma Pi 2001/Lycoming)

Julie Bell Bruington (Iota 1979/Emporia State)

Sarah Hinshaw (Delta Nu 1999/Beloit)

Brandy Vaux Carr (Zeta 2001/Lock Haven)

Dr. Edward Jervey (Friend of Alpha Sigma Tau)

Christina Duggan Covington (Alpha Lambda 1986/Radford)

Jo Ann Mentzer (Chi 1958/Shepherd)

Heidi Simon Craft (Delta Nu 1999/Beloit)

Patricia Nayle (Phi 1971/Southeastern Louisiana)

Margaret deBoer (Phi 1980/Southeastern Louisiana)

Bobbie Nichols (Alpha Gamma 1968/Henderson)

Martha Drouyor Belknap DeCamp (Alpha 1958/Eastern Michigan)

Melinda Henry Oates (Gamma Gamma 1991/UWA)

Ellen Weismiller Eldridge (Alpha Alpha 1966/Ball State)

Rose Marie Schmidt (Theta 1944/Wayne State)

Charlotte Evans Floyd (Psi 1974/James Madison)

Kathleen Orrison Sharp (Alpha Alpha 1966/Ball State)

Gail Shockley Fowler (Alpha Lambda 1973/Radford)

Patricia Klausing Simmons (Delta 1970/IUP)

Stacey Daniel Fragile (Gamma Mu 1995/WVU Tech)

Justina Solties (Gamma Theta 2007/Penn State Behrend)

Nicole Noyse France (Alpha 2000/Eastern Michigan)

Christina Oates Turner (Gamma Gamma 2016/UWA) Deceased

“It is really important to me that women have a robust support system that they can count on throughout life, and that’s what I have with Alpha Sigma Tau. I am a Legacy Society member because I want to ensure that the women who come after me have that same support system. The Sisters you meet through Alpha Sigma Tau will be there for you through good times and bad. I have so many wonderful memories celebrating all that life has to offer with my Sisters, and I believe in supporting the organization so it can continue to provide these connections to future generations of members.”

–ESTHER FONTENOT BARRIOS (PHI 2006/SOUTHEASTERN LOUISIANA) If you have included the Alpha Sigma Tau Foundation in your will/estate and are not listed above, we may need more information. Please email or call 317-613-7566 to confirm your planned/estate gift and be recognized as a member of the Legacy Society today. Thank you! F AL L 2023 • T H E ANCH O R


On Campus

Alpha Pi/Slippery Rock



Our chapter did amazing this year with recruitment! We have been struggling to get new Sisters, but on September 9th, eleven new girls ran home to be anchored for life at the Rho Chapter! Our chapter is now thriving with sixteen members!

We were unable to recruit this semester because we were the largest chapter on campus. Even though we can not recruit this semester, we have been working hard on building our names list for next semester.


We had our first informational meeting in late September and invited over 90 women from our ChapterBuilder list. We are so excited to get to know some potential new members! We also started filming for our recruitment video next spring.




Psi had a very successful recruitment this fall! We extended 63 bids during formal recruitment and an additional 25 bids through COB! We are so excited for our new members!

Rho/Southeastern Oklahoma

In the meantime, we have been working on our chapter and our Sisterhood!


We have 11 new members, and our chapter is growing! We also celebrated our seniors at our college’s convocation! We also had a College Panhellenic open house, which was good practice for our formal requirement coming up this spring. 21

Zeta Tau/Longwood

We had our sisterhood retreat at our Chapter Advisor’s house, and we did some activities like rock painting, writing affirmations for Sisters, and a lip sync battle where we each had a different theme to dress as! We even got to swim in her pool! Overall, we all had so much fun and enjoyed camping out with each other and bonding! A L PH A S I G M A TA U

On Campus


The Beta Epsilon Chapter at Shippensburg University hosted a baseball fundraiser at the beginning of the semester, helping the community and volunteering. Being a smaller chapter doesn’t stop us from showing our graciousness and strength, and cultivating beauty in our relationships within our Sisterhood. So far, our recruitment at Shippensburg University has been going well with weekly dinners, selfcare movie nights, a kindness rock painting event, s’mores night, game night, and a lovely philanthropic picnic. We are so excited to have these empowered women join a Sisterhood so strong.

Beta Epsilon/Shippensburg


We have been very busy here at AΣΤ Kutztown! We welcomed home nine new members during Fall recruitment and reached our campus total! We participated in the Welcome Back Bash hosted by our school and got to show off our awesome new business letters while speaking to those interested in recruitment! We updated our scrapbook as well and held a photoshoot before recruitment to post photos for a countdown, and we had an amazing recruitment weekend speaking to PNMs and showing off our philanthropy! We had a fun Bid Day at our nearby bowling alley and have officially started our New Member Education program for our new members.

Gamma Lambda/Kutztown

We are currently in the middle of planning our main Fall philanthropic event, Anchor Slam, where all proceeds go to our local philanthropy partner, Berks County Women2Women. Also coming up, we have our annual AΣΤ Family Day and pumpkin patch sisterhood event! Psi/James Madison F AL L 2023 • T H E ANCH O R


On Campus


The Gamma Upsilon Chapter finished with tabling and our first formal recruitment since before COVID-19. It was such a unique experience to work with Panhellenic and bring in our new amazing group of women for the Fall 23 class! We celebrated Bid Day and got to know our new Sisters more. We also introduced them to some of our beloved alumnae who came to support us!


On Bid Day, we welcomed five new members to our chapter. At the beginning of September, we also had our Spirit Days to prepare for recruitment! We have some exciting fall sisterhood events coming up, such as apple picking and going to the cider mill!


Delta Tau/Oakland

We recently painted our organizational bench for our university’s Greek Street. We recruited two new members during our informal recruitment season!

Gamma Upsilon/Cal State LA


Delta Upsilon/Saint Leo A L PH A S I G M A TA U

On Campus


We recently started our Free Food nights on campus in collaboration with Delta Chi Fraternity. They make homemade wings, and we make brownies. They have been a huge success - we went through 50 lbs of wings and six batches of brownies!

Epsilon Kappa/Trine

We also hosted our big philanthropic event of the year, Trine Talent. The money raised goes to our local philanthropy, Women in Transition, a 12-step program to help women beat addiction and transition to a happier, healthier life. We sold t-shirts and bracelets, which we sold out of quickly! We also have been engaging in local volunteer opportunities, such as doing art with residents at a local nursing and rehabilitation center and Steuben County Local Animal Shelter. Overall, it’s just fun to be back on campus with each other!



The Epsilon Xi Chapter has been preparing for formal recruitment and we had our annual Alumnae Brunch. We got the wonderful opportunity to connect with our Alumnae on Homecoming! Epsilon Xi/Gustavus


We teamed up with a fraternity on campus and sold homemade iced coffee at our student center! We made a considerable profit and look forward to donating to Dress for Success and the fraternity’s philanthropy as well! We hosted a Bid Day Picnic at a Sister’s house to celebrate our new members! Our theme for fall recruitment this year was “Road Trip,” so we tried to embody the idea to our new women that they have reached their final destination and welcome them home! Epsilon Psi/Rowan F AL L 2023 • T H E ANCH O R


Alumn ae Connections


The summer flew by as Birmingham Alumnae Association Sisters took vacations and soaked up the sunshine! As school started, association members supported the Gamma Gamma Chapter at the University of West Alabama during recruitment in September and donated clothing to My Sister’s Closet in October. We have planned a luncheon to celebrate Founders Day and Founders Day of Giving in November and will gather for our annual Christmas party in December. As a new and important addition to our calendar, we participated in the Megan Montgomery Fun Run/5K for the prevention of domestic violence in October. Megan was from the Birmingham area and became an ΑΣΤ through the Delta Eta Chapter at Belmont University.



We are proud of Central Indiana Alumnae Chapter president Sally Belknap (Alpha 2000/Eastern Michigan) who serves as a delegate to Indianapolis Alumnae Panhellenic (IAP). As a past president of IAP, she chairs IAP’s Presidents’ Roundtable, an annual forum for local NPC alumnae chapter presidents. Using AΣΤ’s model bylaws for alumnae chapters, we drafted updated bylaws. Drafted bylaws were discussed at a Zoom meeting in September and will be on the agenda at our mid-year meeting/holiday gathering in December. We are grateful to Sally Belknap (Alpha 2000/Eastern Michigan), Corinne Gentry Moeller (Epsilon Omicron 2014/Southern Indiana), and Cheryl Wagner (Alpha Alpha 1966/Ball State), who were driving forces for accomplishing this important task!

Central Indiana

If it’s Indiana, there must be basketball! Thanks to Vice President for Event Planning Callie King (Epsilon Lambda 2011/IU South Bend), accompanied by family and friends, we attended an Indiana Fever Family Night basketball game. Family night came with a complimentary hot dog meal and a hat. Quite the deal! Our chapter plans both chapter and family and friends’ events throughout the year. We invite Central Indiana AΣΤ alumnae to look for us on Facebook. We’d love you to join us at one of our many outings. Phoenix/Valley of the Sun



Alumn ae Connections


Summer has been a busy time for our Sisters. From a wedding and a baby to Sister vacations, it’s been nice getting back into the routine of our monthly get-together meetings. In July, we had our annual Night Out. We went to the White Horse Inn for dinner. We are excited to celebrate Founders Day in November and adopt a family for the holiday season in December.


The Sisters in the Phoenix/Valley of the Sun area have had an enjoyable summer! In May, we gathered for a potluck breakfast at St. Matthew’s Church in Mesa to plan our 2023-24 event calendar. Over many laughs, we put together the events that will make up our 25th year as an organized group here in the valley. In early July, we met at our association president’s home in Glendale to make AΣΤ t-shirts for our Barbie Movie Day. Two weeks later, we wore those shirts to the movie opening at Chandler Harkins Theaters. Sisters told stories of their Barbies before the movie, making us all crack up when we saw those stereotypes in the film. (Weird Barbie, we’re looking at you!) In September, we had our Game Day with Guests event in Scottsdale. We bring board and card games to Wildflower Bread Company, which has a large room reserved for such occasions. We enjoy all the friendly competition! We will celebrate our 25th Anniversary on Founders Day at a member’s home in Scottsdale. The Sisters of the Epsilon Alpha Chapter at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Prescott will be invited to our potluck luncheon and candle-lighting ceremony celebration. We’re also hoping to see many of our original Phoenix/Valley of the Sun Sisters in attendance! Come December, we will meet at a member’s home in the Shea Heights area of Phoenix for our annual Holiday Brunch. It is a great way to end the year and always a crowd-pleaser! If you’re in the valley area, please reach out to the group. We would love to have you enjoy our AΣΤ alumnae Sisterhood and join in the fun! Email us at

Detroit Metro

ALPHA SIGMA TAU ALUMNAE GROUPS ARE EXPANDING! Alumnae Interest Groups are in a development phase before becoming a chapter or association. Interest Groups are newly developed groups, or previously existing chapters or associations that are in need of reorganizing. Interested in finding a community of Sisterhood in your community? Check out our interest groups in these locations:

• • • • • • • • • •


If you live near one of these cities and want to get involved or have any questions about starting your own interest group in your area, contact our Assistant Director of Engagement Ashley Smith Ried (Psi 2009/James Madison) at F AL L 2023 • T H E ANCH O R


CHAPTERS ACROSS THE COUNTRY ARE SEEKING ADVISORS. Learn more about volunteering for AΣΤ as an advisor. Pheonix/Valley of the Sun



Eternal Chapter

HONORING OUR SISTERS: IN LOVING MEMORY We forever remember these Sisters who have entered the Eternal Chapter. Their legacy lives on through their loved ones and their contributions to the progress of humankind. This memorial listing includes all members whose passing was reported to National Headquarters between June 20, 2023 and October 2, 2023.




Lillian Gordon Marley (1955)

Jerri Carter Zurcher (1956)

Margaret Hosmer Perkins (1966)



Michele Lee Broussard (1993)

Amanda Golden (1999)

Patricia Ainsley Roberts (1995)

BETA/CENTRAL MICHIGAN Louise Sampson (1950)

Teresa Smith Fisackerly (1978)

Barbara Baker VanDette (1953)



Louise Wilkie (1944)

Lauren Brown (2013)

Janie Person Johnson (1944)

Henrietta Gontarski Kotula (1947) Carol J. Minchella (1945)



GAMMA XI/GRAND VALLEY Andrea Vliem Pantelleria (2001)

Dr. Lee Criss Crigler (1963) Sarah Johnson Wright (1941)

OMICRON/CONCORD Joyce G. Buchanan (1951)

ALPHA GAMMA/HENDERSON Karen Davidson Dillinger (1998)


April England Foster (1998)

Heidi Butler Sarratt (1991)


In August, Andrea unexpectedly passed away at the age of 42. She graduated from Grand Valley State University in 2004 with an Advertising and Public Relations degree. She enjoyed reading, traveling, and spending time outside, but ultimately, her two sons were the joys of her life. Andrea was as gracious in life as in death, saving six lives through her Gift of Life organ donations. We’re thankful for our time with Andrea and join her family in grieving her passing.

F AL L 2023 • T H E ANCH O R


Anchoring Thoughts

ANCHORING THOUGHTS Around the time you receive this issue of The Anchor, Alpha Sigma Tau will be within days of celebrating its 124th anniversary! It’s so mind-blowing to me to reflect on where the world was during our Sorority’s genesis in 1899 versus where we are now and all that we’ve accomplished together in between. Over the next year, as we approach our 125th anniversary, we’re going All In for Alpha Tau to continue the longevity of our Sisterhood! I know what you’re thinking: What does “all in” mean exactly? Well, we have three ambitious goals to serve as our North Stars and help propel AΣΤ forward into our next quarter century. They are: • to welcome 1,899 new members into our collegiate chapters • to ensure that 96% of new members are initiated into the Sorority, • to increase the number of collegiate members joining our alumnae ranks Striving to hit these goals will not only improve current members’ Sorority experience but will also ensure the vitality of Alpha Sigma Tau for future generations. Each of these three goals hit on a critical point in a Sister’s journey, and as such, going “all in” can look different depending on where you are in your Sorority experience. For collegians, that could look like holding more recruitment events to spread awareness of our Sisterhood or mentoring a new member in their first semester to make sure they feel embraced and excited to be an AΣΤ. For alumnae, perhaps you engage with your local alumnae chapter to further your connections or speak to new alumnae members about ways to get involved in the organization and make connections post-graduation. We’ve all heard (and probably recited), “It’s not four years, it’s for life.” To me, going “all in” is just reinforcing this mantra and our commitment to our Sisterhood, and evaluating what more you can be doing to embody our values and goals in your life. No matter what phase of your journey you’re in, if each of us does even 1% more and we all go All In for Alpha Tau together, we can ensure that our Sorority continues to be a vibrant, inspiring, and empowering place for women to learn, grow, and develop lasting friendships. I can’t wait to see all that we accomplish together over the next year! In Sisterhood,

Julia Mann Beta Mu 2017/Salisbury Editor, The Anchor



Section Title


B. C.






F. G.

A. Betsy Ring, #BETSY SS | B. Cora Ring, #RP3400 SS | C. Graduation Stole, #STOLE | D. Plain Badge, #0104 GF | E. Plain Double Letter Guard, #J0200 GP | F. President Dangle, #0001 GP | G. Director of Merchandise, #0052 GP | H. Anchored for Life Dangle, #0058 GP | I. Demi Necklace, #DEMI SS with GP SS

F AL L 2023 • T H E ANCH O R




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