1947 November ANCHOR

Page 1






Page A Girl Becomes Whole


" One God" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


What the Sorority Has Done for Me . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Illustrious Betas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


A Tip to New Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Daring Immigrants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


For the Good of All . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Lock Haven State Teachers College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Metropolitan Wayne University . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


History of Henderson State Teachers College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Arts Building, Ball State Teachers College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Elizabeth Wilson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


The Hobby That Paid Off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


What Sorority Means to Me . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Collegiate Chapters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Alumnre Chapters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .






Entered as second class matter November 25, 1937 , at the post office at Menasha, Wisconsin, undel"' the Act of August 24, 1912. THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau is published during the months of November, January, April, and July. Subscription price, $2.00 per year. Publication office, George Banta Publishing Co., 450-454 Ahnaip St., Menasha, Wis. Editorial office: Mrs. Parry Schippers, 3605 N. Newstead, St. Louis, Mo.

No man can reveal to you aught but that which already lies half asleep in the dawning of your knowledge. The teacher who walks in the shadow of the temple, among his followers, gives not of his wisdom but rather of his faith and his lovingness. If he is indeed wise he does not bid you enter the house of his wisdom, but rather lead

you to the threshold of your own mind. The astronomer may speak to you of his understanding of space, but he cannot give you his understanding. The musician may sing to you of the rhythm which is in all space, but he cannot give you the ear which arrests the rhythm nor the voice that echoes it. And he who is versed in the science of numbers can tell of the regions of weight and measure, but he cannot conduct you thither. For the vision of one man lends not its wings to another man. And even as each one of you stands alone in God 's knowledge, so must each one of you be alone in his knowledge of God and in his understanding of the earth.

R eprinted from THE PROPHET by KAm.IL GIBRAN

by permission of Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. Copyright 1923 by Kablil Gibran

and O ology classes inwe psychology hear about the inteFTEN


cepted along with the others. I t gave me a feeling of self-confidence, loyalty, generosity, self-reliance, and above all- happiness. I felt as if I were becoming WHOLE. It just doesn't stop there, however ; it continues. Sorority gives you a community spirit, as well as a group spirit ; that warmness inside. But lastly, it ieaves " fond thoughts," not a here today, gone tomorrow feeling ; but memories of lasting quality with an eye fo r the tomorrow. These are the things Sorori ty means to me. The Becoming Whole. KAY S ANFORD , Beta '48


grated personality. We are asked to define this term and give our ideas and suggestions as to its meaning. I would like to use these terms in explaining what Alpha Sigma Tau Sorority means to me. Sororities had just been names to me when I entered college. I had no idea as to what they tried to accomplish, what their aims were, or how they functioned. But immediately I met some new people. These new people came from many different places, many different homes, many different environments. Soon I began picking out the people I liked and who I felt liked me. I still knew very little about any affiliations they had, but something about them appealed to me. Their attitudes were friendly, not over bearingly so, but more of a bond of companionship. Their appearance was neat, clean, and wholesome. These girls were unselfish, affectionate; possessed intelligent consideration toward others- they already were what I felt I wanted to be. They weren't all exactly alike, they had their different, individual personalities. Some of them liked music especially well, others liked dancing. They weren't all made from the same mold . That too, I liked. Finally, rushing began and eventually I became a member of the Alpha Sigma Tau Sorority. In it were these girls I 'd admired so much. I began to feel that bond of companionship, that feeling of belonging. I wanted to do my very best to prove I was worthy of having been pledged. Each meeting I was inspired by someone's clever idea or by a program on Humility, or by the way they all chimed in to help on committees, or solve a problem. Immediately, they made me feel a part of that plan. My opinions were rated and ac-


JEANNE ERICKSON, our homecomin g candidate for queen.



interesting and instructive book T that I have read in a long while is One God-Florence Mary Fitch. HE MOST

I was interested in the question, Why We Worship God? Miss Fitch states that " in primitive times people's place of worship was a high rock, a mighty tree, a little cave or tent. " She goes on to say that " for thousands of years, men have prayed to praise God fo r all his goodness; to find hope and comfort when they are sad; security when they are anxious ; courage when they are weak. And for thousands of years God has answered, making them conscious of His presence as a Father, more ready to give than they are to receive." In re-reading the above, I can't help but wonder whether we as a people, pray to God when we are sad, weak and in need of security ; and then neglect to pray to God when we are happy, content and thankful for being on this earth. Miss Fitch enlightened me very much on what she titled "The Jewish Way." Some of the interesting highlights of this faith are first the Sabbath. This begins with the coming of evening on Friday and a good part of the day is spent preparing for it. Bread is baked, called Hallah, and cut in strips and braided. On Saturday morning the family attend the synogogue. Secondly, the Jews eat only "kosher" foods. Thirdly, circumcision is performed eight days after birth. The birth of a boy is a great occasion in the life of a Jewish family. Fourthly, the synogogue. This is in the form of an auditorium with platform, pulpit, and Sacred Ark which contains scrolls of the law or Torah. The Eternal Light, above the Ark, never goes out. The curtain in front of the Ark, is made of beautiful materials with the six point star- the shield of David. I was particularly interested in the fact that there are three types of Jews namely: Orthodox,


Conservative, and Reformed. The illustrations of the celebration of the high holy days were very inspiring and educational. Ju t from reading a little about the Jewish faith, I think that I have more tolerance toward one group of God's people. In reading further in the book, I came to The Catholic Way. Unlike the Jew, the Catholic enters a house of worship which is hi ghly adorned. Beautiful stained glass windows, candles, and statues are part of the church. What impressed me most were the Catholic nuns and monks. They are very trong people to dedicate their entire lives to God and live in retirement from the world. They Jive such simple and righteous lives and seem to be so peaceful and content. The Ia t " way" i the Prote tant Way. The Protestant faith includes the Methodists, Pre byterians, Episcopalian , Evangelical, Quaker Friends and many more. Perhaps the main likeness in all of them is that they all worship God and sing praise to His name. In conclusion, I wo uld like to tell about a field trip that I made in a ocial studie class. The class was concerned with religious tolerance and how we, as future teachers could help children to be tolerant toward one another. A group of five women: three Jews, one Catholic and one Protestant made a trip to a church of each faith represented. Different men spoke to us at each place of worship. We in turn reported back to the clas about our trip. We held an open discus ion and made a wide use of the book, One God. Many interesting reactions were gained from the oroup as a whole. I sincerely believe that if a per on thoroughly reads One God he will become more tolerant toward his fellow man. MARJORIE HoF 1EI TER,

Lambda '4

virtues of the "tranquil I solitude" ofthatthenurtured the genius of such N


men as 0helley and Byron, those of a less poetic nature invariably find happiness in the normality of association with others. This normality of friendship, which is based upon the society and conversation of selected companions, is the foundation of the value I have derived from membership in my sorority. No matter how self-assured a girl may be, there is always a tiny needle of doubt to scratch the surface of her poise and confidence. The doubt that she is accepted; that she belongs; that she associated with the companions who are most worthwhile. Membership in a sorority is constant contact with people who always strive to do their best, and inspire others to do the same. Doubt vanishes; who is the girl who has time to doubt when there is work to be done? When we know the value of friends , then we are able to analyze ourselves and arrive at the truth concerning our moral, social, and spiritual beliefs. The clear light of daily association with those who know our true character is likely to reveal our faults and make us aware that they must be eradicated if possible. The opportunity to play together which sorority affords is a gift which can be appreciated long after the responsibilities of one's later life have obscured the natural

gaiety of youth. A young girl is meant to play. As Lecompte duNaay says in his book, Human D estiny, "the ultimate goal of all mankind is human dignity, with all its implications." In summing up the value I have derived from membership in Alpha igma Tau, my belief is that the ideals and traditions which I have seen put into practise while a member are those which seem to help me most toward that goal. JuNE MONTGOMERY, Omicron '48


MARJORIE HOFMEISTER, Lambda, who reviewed One God, on page 4.

Jean Chi sholm, after winning the distinction Homecoming Queen, was rated as one of the four outstanding seniors in the class of 1947, by the student body and faculty of Central Michigan College. During her collegiate years on campus, "Scotty" proved her ability as a leader in extra-curricular activities as well as those of an academic nature. A physical education major, she was president of the Women's Recreation Association; president of Masquers, college dramatics club; a member of Kappa Delta Pi; vice-president of Beta chapter of Alpha Sigma Tau and was listed in the 1946 and 1947 edition of Who's Who Among Students in American Universities. Jean is teaching physical education at Saint Joseph High School, Saint Joseph, Michigan.- NETTIE JANE PETERSON, Beta Chapter.

Donna M . Ingersoll, member of the Beta chapter, was listed in the 1946-1947 edition of Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges. At Central Michigan College Donna was Secretary and representative of the Associated Women Students; served two years on the Student Council; a member of Alpha Delta, journalism fraternity; Masquers, college dramatics club ; art editor, assistant editor, and the Senior year she was editor of Central's yearbook.

M arjorie Prior Brie d e n was president of the Beta chapter the first semester of 1946-1947. She was a member of Masquers and was on the 1946-194 7 list of Who's Who Among StUdents in American Universities and Colleges. She was married December 27 1946 to Walter Brieden in Mount Pleasant, Michigan.' She and her husband are now teaching near Pontiac, 1ichigan.

You'vE managed to survive your pledgeSoship and are now a full-fledged member

seems to get decorated, but do you always have a share in the work? If you like politics, try of Alpha Sigma Tau. It's a good feeling, isn't running for campus offices; it helps the sororit? What will your next step be? Are you going ity reputation if our members hold important to sit back with your arms folded and ask, offices. Alpha Sigma Tau gives annual awards "Well, now that I'm a member, what is Alpha for scholarship. It might be a good idea to Sigma Tau going to do for me? " Or are you spend more time on that homework. You would going to be one of those more enlightened girls be helping your chapter win the scholarship who ask, "What can I do for Alpha Sigma cup, and I know a few extra honor points Tau?" always come in handy at graduation time. By attending meetings and paying your dues, Above all, volunteer to help with any sorority you can be called a member in good standing. project, even if it's just selling hotdogs at the You can go to all the social functions, make football games. Let other members know that new friends, enjoy the comforts of your chapter they can depend on you to see a job finished. house or room, and share the excitement of These are just a few suggestions; you'll think rushing and pledging new girls. But do you of many more that will fit the situation and really think you are being a good member conditions at your chapter. If you use the question, "What can I do for when you take all the benefits our sorority offers, and do not give some of your own time Alpha Sigma Tau? " as your guide throughout your college years, you will have the satisfacand effort in return? You don't have to be an officer in order to tion of knowing that you are helping to build have something to do. Perhaps photography is our sorority stronger. ot only will you be your hobby. Your chapter editor will welcome helping Alpha Sigma Tau, but you will be pictures which can be sent to THE ANCHOR. helping yourself. By participating actively in Or, if yours is of a literary nature, try writing all aspects of sorority life, you will realize the articles or editorials for THE ANCHOR. Maybe benefits that our sorority can give to you. your chapter is planning on having a booth at ISABELLE STIRTON CLARKE, Theta, '46 the school exhibit. The sorority booth always


so many months ago a small band of N Esthonians thrilled America by crossing

entering the United tates without legal immigration papers. In the first instance, it has been suggested that the United States not let them enter. In the second instance, America could aive these homeless people a right to a life of freedom. The last group of Esthonians could not obtain correct papers before they left Estonia, as they are a people without a country. They could not return to what was once Estonia, but they would face persecution in order to reach America and freedom. It may seem foolish to encourage illegal migration by sailboat, but still it would be difficult to turn these people from our doors. After all, they gambled their lives so that they could reach the freedom they love so well. Therefore, they should win the admiration of all peace-loving Americans. MARY ALLEN SHULTZ, Phi


the Atlantic Ocean in a small open boat. This homeless tribe had risked their lives to seek a haven from oppression. Since they lacked proper legal papers for entrance in this country, they were somewhat disappointed when the imigration officers recommended that they be deported. They were following the law. The nationwide sentiment soon favored the immigrants. The public expressed their reason by saying that America was a land of freedom. Later the immigrant officers made it possible for them to stay through legal procedures. Now another bold group of Esthonians have landed. The group reached Savannah, Georgia in a small sail boat. The federal government has but two ways in which to handle immigrants who persist in

TO LIVE VALIANTLY We place at the top of our esteem those people who take chivalrously the heavy blows of life, who are not brave merely, but gallant-Owen Wister.


the United Nations sucW ceed ifyouyouhelp could? I know your answer is,

one money, eventually perhaps, one language, one system of measures, etc. free imports and exports. And when we work together in one government for the good of all, surely there would be less cause for strife. The United Nations needs more power to function adequately. So many people believe that world government is the answer, that 5 nations, to date, have asked for it, 16 states in our United States have asked that we participate in it. The National Education ssociation has passed a resolution in favor of it. And many thousands of interested Americans are meeting and discussing the possibilities of solving our world problems in this way. If it has been good for the United tates why wouldn't it be good for all nations? Several thousand students in our colleges have formed clubs and are discussing ways and means of making a world government work. If you are interested in more information as a basis for discussion in your sorority group write to: World Government House, 31 East 74th Street, New York 21, Jew York. (Mrs. W. F.) VIRGINIA PI.ANKE HORN Williamsport Alumnce


"Yes, but what could I do?" We ALL want a peaceful, happy world. As Christians we feel we must show brotherly love to ALL our neighbors. If the whole world were to unite under one government (as our 48 states have been united in one government), and laws were made by a legislative department for the good of every nation and there was an executive department to see to it that the laws were carried out, and a judicial body to see that the laws were fair and just, it would probably by easier to get . along with every nation. Our states have not found it too difficult. Each department would be a check against the other as in our own government. Each nation would have equal representation in the world senate. The representative department would get their members according to the population of each nation. The people of the world would elect their representatives in the world government, just as we do. The people of the world would be taxed in order to support an adequate police force to see that the international laws were obeyed. There would be

A.S.T.C. Beauty Ava Jean Bowden., member Upsilon chapter, proved herself an outstanding student of Arkansas tate Teachers College. She was selected as the school beauty for the 194 7 Scroll, and she was elected among the twelve outstanding students as the most beautiful girl. Ava Jean reigned over the homecoming game as the football queen for the Arkansas Bear . On October 19 Ava Jean will be married to Keith Sim at the Fir t Methodist Church of Mena, Arkan as.


THE ZETA CHAPTER of Lock Haven State Teachers College think their campus has many beautiful views and wish to share it with other Alpha Sigma Taus.

Top: The ivy-covered walls of 'the main building overlook the S.T.C. campus. Bottom, left: The football field lies at the foot of the majestic mountains. Right: the baseball field, bordered by the highways, river, and rolling hills of Pennsylvania.

Gwen Gwinn was a member of the Beta chapter at Central Michigan College. Gwen was very active in dramatics, also was a member of Masquers, a college dramatics club. During her collegiate years, she participated in several plays. She was on the Student Council and was in the group remaining on the 19461947 list of Who's Who Among Students in American Universities.


not boast of a beautiful camW pus norit canivy-covered walls, Wayne Uni-

even the garages behind them. A year ago, Army barracks houses were set up on the one time athletic field to accommodate expanding class-room needs. This year additional barracks units were installed. This expansion is not all of a temporary, makeshift nature, however, for Wayne recently acquired the thirteen story Webster Hall Hotel which has undergone a remarkable transformation into a student center and dormitory. At the same time, two new structures, a class-room building and a science building, are now being erected. Amidst all this building activity, the prime purpose of the University continues--that of providing education to an increasing number of students. In addition, Wayne fulfills the obligation of providing the Social life necessary in rounding out student personality, by extending to a large number of both national and local sororities and fraternities, various religious groups, musical groups, athletic programs, student governing bodies, and professional and special interest organizations of


versity, Detroit, Michigan does extend to more than fourteen thousand students the unique and challenging qualities of a true Metropolitan ' University. Behind it lies a jumbled ancestry which included the College of Medicine, Detroit Teachers College, the Law School, the College of Engineering, and the Graduate School. In 1933, all of these institutions of higher education were unified under the name of Wayne University. Since that time, and particularly in the last five years, Wayne has been the scene of an unchecked expansion in both physical equipment and students-a growth that will continue until adequate facilities are available for every phase of University life. What is today called the Main Building at one time housed all of the educational and social activities at Wayne. Now, however, classes are held also in converted residential buildings in the surrounding city blocks, and

Two of the temporary buildings now serving as the University Book Store.




every kind, a warm welcome. These extracurricular activities are numerous and varied enough so that each student can find expression for his particular interests, and meet socially with others who share these same interests.

" The city- your campus," very appropriately expresses the situation at Wayne, where the students pursuing careers in this Metropolitan University are more adequately fitted for Metropolitan life. J ANICE R EAGAN, Theta '48

A section of the Lounge-Webster Hall.


_)/;Aor'J o/ Anderjon State 'Jeacherj Ci/e9e student is proud of his own E college.college The ideals and traditions he carVERY

ries in his heart after graduation are the exclusive property of that college. However, few of the students who stroll about the campuses of America are aware of the hardships involved in establishing the school they love. Henderson has had as turbulent a background as any institution of higher learning could have. It is unique in that it is one of the few modern teachers colleges which trace their origins to the splendid denominational institutions of other days. Henderson State Teachers College is the oldest of the State colleges of Arkansas, with the exception of the University of Fayetteville. Since its founding, the college has operated continuously under four names in succession. From 1890 to 1904 it was called the Arkadelphia Methodist College. In the latter year the name of the school was changed to


Henderson College in honor of Captain C. C. Henderson who had given the school substantial and steady support. In 1911 the name was changed to include another benefactor's name and became Henderson-Brown College. When the school was taken over by the state it received its present name-Henderson tate Teachers College. The first curriculum of the college included science, mathematics, languages, voice, elocution, calisthenics, art, shorthand, typewritting, and penmanship. By the act of enrolling in the Arkadelphia Methodist College, the student pledged to abide by the following rules among many others: To wear a uniform to prevent extravagance. To attend Sunday School and church every Sunday morning. To attend no sociable, ball, party, or public gathering during school or study hours.



Not to give or receive attention from the opposite sex, either by visits or correspondence. To use no tobacco, snuff, profane or obscene language about the college. The school in the first catalog proposed to ministers that "for every five pupils sent to

LIVING ROOM of new Home Economics cottage

the college, one will be taken free." That proposition sheds light on the size of the Methodist preachers' families of that day. Among the duties of teachers were the following: To be present at prayers, to attend the daily opening and closing of school, to be present in the recitation room in advance of class, and to subscribe for at least one journal or magazine in the line of work belonging to their departments and furnish this publication to the reading room. Lady teachers might receive company from 7 to 10 P.M. Fridays and Saturdays. During the ensuing years the college faced

"A POOR MEMORY" A poor memory? Oh, yes that is when you cannot connect names with faces, or you cannot remember your friend's new telephone number or maybe you just cannot remember how much seven times eight is. It is a little annoying not to be able to remember these things when you want to, but there is no sleep lost over the subject. That is what you think of when you read the words "poor memory." Wait a minute, though. There is more to that little phrase than it's being a forgotten one. Maybe if our memories were a little better we would have a few more restless nights. We would remember that our conscience should not let us rest. All too easily we forget the little thoughtless act we did yesterday, the little hurt we brought somebody,

many crises. Lack of funds threatened to close it entirely and after a large fire in the main building the outlook was dark. Without the financial aid of its many friends and of the students themselves Henderson might not be standing today. It has been said that Henderson has one of the most beautiful campuses in the State. The land is slightly rolling, and the many oak and pine trees form a shaded park of great natural beauty. The landscaping has been planned to complement the native attractiveness of the background. None of the rustic charm of the place has been lost in the winding walks and well-planned drives which traverse the campus. Since Henderson became a Teachers College it has reached directly through classroom instruction thousands of young men and women of Arkansas. Indirectly through these thousands of enrollees, the College has touched the lives of many other thousands of the school children of the State. Henderson seeks first to prepare teachers for the public schools of Arkansas ; second, to give its students a mature viewpoint, a depth of understanding, and a wealth of interest beyond the utilitarian concerns of their chosen fields; and third, to sponsor such attitudes and activities as will make the individual student's personality wholesome and complete, and his associations.at college pleasant and ever-enduring.



Alpha Gamma

and our conscience is clear. If we examine our minds and hearts carefully, we will see that our clear conscience is only the result of a memory much worse than we even dreamed we had. DOROTHY VAN DE VOOREN, Pi TO BE CHEERFUL Life taught me her lesson ; I hold it as truth That a smile in the heart is the secret of youth; For age cannot harm him, nor do him a wrong, Who whistles a bit as he journeys along. The face must be wrinkled, the hair must be gray, But the heart may be young till the end of the day, For ever and ever there standeth the truth: A smile in the heart is the secret of youth. -Alfred James Waterhouse.

ARTS BUILDING, Ball State Teachers College, Muncie, Indiana.

At:J /Jut/dintj, /Jail State 'Jeacher:J Collefje, muncie, Jndiana the onlooker with its dignity and beauty, the Arts Building of Ball State Teachers College in Muncie, Indiana, is one of the finest examples of our modern expression of the arts both on the interior and the exterior. The structure was erected in 1935 amidst a lovely wooded area of the campus. As one approaches from the front, he is immediately aware of the beauty of architectural design. The symmetrical pattern formed consists of an imposing front entrance reached




by two flights of steps to huge carved door over which is placed the name " rts Building. " At either side are two panels which read "For Art Is Nature Made By Man" and 'To Man-The Interpreter of God. " The main entrance which opens on to the second floor is flanked by a recessed wing on either side. In the west wing is housed the music department of the college. Over the entrance to thi wing is lettered this inscription "Music Is The Universal Language." In the ea t wina



is found the art class rooms. Over the entrance to this wing is inscribed "Art Is The Smile of the Soul." On either side of the main entrance on the second floor are two beautifully furnished lounges for students and visitors of the building. The first floor of the building, reached by entrances at either end of the structure, consists mainly of classrooms for the English, social science, and foreign language departments of the college. However, in the extreme ends of the first floor, the music and art departments have some classrooms. Directly in the center of the building on the second floor is located the spacious

art gallery which consists of the awe-inspiring Sculpture Hall, a mezzanine floor, and smaller galleries which are reached by a beautifully designed stairway leading up from right and left in the rear of culpture Hall. As the visitor approaches the front of the building, he is immediately impressed by the inscription found directly in the center of the building of the steps. I t reads " Gracious Living Is the Fine t rt." As one a cends the steps and open the huge doors, he is at once transferred to the realm of the beautiful. Passing through a mall entrance, one is inside culpture Hall . Here dignity and beauty

STAIRS leading from Sculpture Hall to Art Gallery.

THE ANCHOR are of such force as to almost forbid the visitor to speak aloud. Directly in the center in all of its beauty stands "Scherzo," a larger than life statue of a beautiful nude in a graceful pose done by Harriett Frismuth. Encircling the hall are various smaller, although no less impressive pieces of sculpture. Among these are two more beautiful nudes by Harriett Frismuth, "Joy of the Waters" and "Crest of the Wave." Impressive too are the two works of Paul Manship on either side of the stairway, "Diana" and "Actaeon." With special appeal to almost everyone are the two smaller figures of children, one by Mabel Conklin called "Moon Fish" and the other, "Frog Baby" by Edith Parsons. Of outstanding beauty are the two winged figures by A. A. Weinmann called "Rising Sun" and "Descending Night." In the collection, which is the Frank C. Ball Collection of sculpture are also two works of Daniel Chester French, "Lincoln" and "The Minute Man." As one passes through Sculpture Hall and starts up the stairway to the mezzanine floor, he is aware of the beauty of design of the wrought iron railing of the stairway. On the first landing stands Albin Poloser's "Forest Idyll." Hanging directly above the stairway is one of the most interesting pieces of the Ball Collection, a Gobelin tapestry depicting the conquest of Alexander in Persia, made for Louis XIV in 1650. This tapestry is 13' 3" x 21' 8" in size. At the top of each stairway on the mezzanine floor are two impressive portraits by Wayman Adams, one the late Frank C. Ball, the other of L. A. Pittenger, president emeritus of the college. The various rooms and the mezzanine floor of the gallery house some fifteen collections besides paintings of more than thirty old masters from Europe, several leading American artists and a number of Indiana artists. Some were brought to the galleries by the Muncie Art Association, but a great portion of the paintings are lent by the late Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Ball. Since their deaths the Ball Foundation has continued the loan. Among the Ball Collection are also displayed some rare ivories; one piece of special interest being "William Tell" A very important and valuable contribution to the college is a gift


of Mr. Frank C. Ball consisting of a mosaic of Leonardo da Vinci's " The Last Supper." Of the various collections, the Thompson collection is one of the outstanding. It fills one entire room in the gallery and consists of paintings, chairs, tables, mirrors, and sketches of artists from the Early Renaissance Period of Art. Among these are an etching by Rembrandt, a charcoal sketch of a child's head by Renoir, and a polychromed stucco, "The Virgin and Child" by Benedetto da Maiano. As one strolls leisurely through the other rooms of the gallery, he comes in contact with paintings in various media by such artists as Rubens, Titian, Tintoretto, Constable, Gainsborough, and Ruysdall of the old masters. Among the American artists' works are paintings by Childe Hassom, Victor Anderson, William Chase, Frank Dudley, George Inness, Millard Sheets, and Ball State's own Francis Brown. Encased in glass display cases are collections and exhibits of valuable historic costumes, miniature slippers, old Chinese coins, Oriental art consisting of exquisite pottery, cleverly carved jade, statuettes of ivory, Chinese lacquer work, and Central African jewelry. Also a fine collection of Japanese material, a unique shell collection, and a collection from the fields of archaeology, mineralogy, and conchology. In the latter collection there are records and illustrations of the manufacturing processes of leather, glass, coal, coffee, and cocoa. One of the most popular exhibits in the gallery is the very charming miniature of George Washington's home, Mt. Vernon. Every little detail is exquisitely reproduced and each tiny room with its furnishings reflects the warmth and hospitality of Mt. ernon itself. Another unusual collection is that of excavated Phoenician and Syrian glass owned by the Ball Foundation. Throughout the school year, visiting exhibits are shown in the gallery. Perhap the best known is the Hoosire Salon Art Exhibit which comes directly from the state capitol to Ball State galleries. Outstanding, too, are the



Muncie and Delware County show, the Muncie Camera Club show, and the Senior Art Students show. Nothing is more restful and pleasing to the one who hies himself away from a busy rushing world than a few quiet hours spent stroll-

UR News Agency Chairman, Elizabeth Wil-

O son, a Pi Alumna, is very Mexican minded these days. Having spent nine glorious weeks this past summer in that picturesque and exciting country, she finds it rather difficult to get down to the old routine once again. Helen Auburn, another St. Louis Alumna, went with her. What a time they had! Elizabeth is taking a course in Conversational Spanish this

ing through the gallery enjoying its almost priceless objects of art. It behooves everyone to take advantage of such a fine way to use one's leisure moments and visit one of the outstanding art galleries in the Midwest. MARY WALLACE, Alpha Alpha '45

fall at Wa hington o you see we feel pretty certain that she will head south of the border again come June '48 to spend another grand vacation. he received her A.B. degree in Education from Harris Teachers College in 1936. She recently completed the requirements for a Master's Degree in Educational Psychology from Washington University. Elizabeth has always been actively interested in sorority work. And what a faithful worker she has been! She has held the office of President in both the Collegiate and Alumnre chapters. Her hobbies include knitting, block-printing and of course traveling. The purpose of the News Agency is to take care of your magazine subscriptions, dividing the commission between the local chapter and the ational. Remember a magazine subscription makes a worthwhile Christmas gift. So get your Christmas subscriptions in early to E_lizabeth on the convenient form on page 33. Elizabeth has recently taken over the business management of the ANCHOR. So if you did not receive your A CHOR or you've changed your name or address, write her. She has brought the same efficiency and enthusiasm to her new job that has characterized her work with the News Agency. DELPHI E STRAUBE, Pi '45

a poverty to riches story about a T stampis collector by one to whom a stamp is

go into the stamp buying and selling business was, for them, a gamble that could have had tragic consequences. But two years later told a different story. The quantity of stamp mail had promoted the little Post Office into a classification common only in much larger communities. The local bank vault often protected some of the country's most valuable stamp collection . At one time, it was rumored, the Warren Harding collection was among them. Upon Mr. L 's recommendations, the banker himself did some speculating in buying and selling stamps. And Marvin L had written an article for Fortune in which the name of this town appeared, doubtless it debut and farewell to publications of the dollar-an-issue class. But the greatest change had come to the L s. Mr. L had been chosen president of the National Philatelic Society. His business necessitated the employment of assistants. The couple had bouaht one of the largest and costliest homes in town, the grounds of which a doctor, for years,路 had lavished love and work upon. There now was a cherished baby in the household. And instead of the old coup, they drove a new Packard. The L s them elves confessed that they could hardly believe that their speedy success was a reality. Mar in L was a vital proof that tamp collecting could be more than a rela,"ation. LuCILLE MA ~ HI EY Flint alzmuue


simply a small square of adhesive paper essential to one type of communication. , with A few years ago, Marvin L his wife, moved into a Midwestern town of about six hundred population. At first, he became known as the man with one leg who was very rude if anyone thoughtfully opened a door for him or stepped back to let him enter first. This little scene usually occurred at the village Post Office at noon shortly after the only trains for the day had chugged in and out of town. Here one could always see him standing around waiting for a little package of stamps to be shoved through the clerk's window. That Mr. L was not quite so surly as he had seemed at first, came to light one day when another one-legged man entered the Post Office. With a warmth, no one had suspected him capable of, he said, "So you're a one-pegger, too ! " The L s appeared to be anything but affluent. They had moved into a frame house that had once been painted a dirty brown. Mrs. L , always plainly dressed, shopped with the utmost caution. They drove a derelict coup. To a neighbor, they confided a little of their past. They had come from a near-by town where Mrs. had worked in a restaurant. To L give up their only means of support, to move into a town where they knew no one, and to 19

from a girl's school I shook my head at the mention of sororities and C mumbled, "Nope, not for me-they're all OMING

snobs!" But just one party with the girls I chose, and believe me, I certainly changed my mind. Sorority to me is like cocoa and doughnuts in front of a fire. It's a yummy feeling every time we thirty-three of Alpha Alpha chapter get together to sing or just talk business or plan for our Homecoming float. Whether I 'm walking around campus or sipping my daily coke at the Talley-Ho it's fun to have one of my sister Alpha Taus join me. They're the best I've known in my whole twenty years. Sometimes I actually ask myself how I survived before I knew Pat or Jeanie or Jo. Gosh! I 've always had problems but not anymore. Just an inkling that my mouth sags because my term paper is due or my blue shirt needs pressing brings an Alpha Tau with helpful suggestions and helping hands. But don 't think for a moment I only love those A.T. gals for utility! I love doing things for them too, and I've found it's hundreds of times better to give rather than to receive. Just the other day in Psychology we were discussing what things in life were a mark of success. And, of course, material welfare headed the list. That is until I spoke my piece about friendship and the very happiness that comes-through this success. I doubt seriously whether anyone could ever change my mind. It's completely made up-friendship is the finest thing I 've ever known. And

To achieve that "fullness" in our time, Capt. John Waller, the poet, warns in "Crusade":

A.E.T. friends are strictly tops! Working together, planning committee meetings, balancing the budget, (oh! an' do we need Math. majors!) meeting our sweet and peppy alumns, singing all our old favorities, stringing up our back drop for another dance and boosting our candidates 100% make sorority and college perfect. And o do you wonder why I compare sorority to cocoa and doughnuts in front of a fire? What more yummy feeling could I have in my Senior year. Sorority has meant happiness, and what success is sweeter than that! BARBARA REIDY,

Alpha Alpha Chapter


And act so wrongly, the wise leaders Ever so tragically few, the unscrupulous Who may do well if aiming at ultimate ends, And the crazy or incompetent fools. How to keep clear of fools Is our problem. The others may serve.

"But we are more concerned in mourning the past Than in probing it, the several mistakes So obviously made, the lusts and the lies. If through these difficulties a new world emerges It is what these make it ; the cunning ones Who by cleverness will win their own way As the crafty spider dominating the centre of a web, The selfish who will do all they can To be comfortable and business drones, the good Who will always be strangely out of place

And be on your guard also against the past Returning with its usual swing: Live for this love, and for this love only Lie most nobly for the world's sake.'


The Beta Tau doors have been opened wide with anticipation for the coming year. We are already making big plans for the '47-'48 session. Last May we had our annual Senior dinner at the Country Club in honor of the three seniors, Jean Chisholm, Gwen Gwinn, and Pearl Parker. Eleven new members were initiated into our chapter in June. They were Joan Force, Florence Slade, Jocelyn Loyster, Jacquelyn Lynch, Betty Matijek, Louise Smith, Annalee Johnson, Loraine Pelletier, Beverly Teck, Dorothy Kasal, and Nettie Jane Peterson. With the beginning of college we are glad to be back with our "sisters" again. Everyone is busy discussing the summer's experiencesworking, summer school, and a host of other activities. Also included in these sessions are the house-parties we have had. Our houseparty at Houghton Lake last spring was planned on the week-end of Memorial Day-thus giving us an extra day. We were very happy to have some of our alumnre with us. As the Beta Taus started to check in at Gover's Cottage we all wondered where will we find room to sleep. But with the thought 11 there's always room f or one more )) we managed. First ones took the beds, but the rest found plenty of floor space. Houghton Lake provided lots to do with swimming, dancing, sun bathing and one evening was spent giving our fraternity brothers di.nner. We came back to Central after spendmg a week-end of lots of fun. Among the many Central girls becoming engaged during the summer was one of our members. Virginia Guy has recently announced her engagement to Melvin Sternhagan. 21

This year the week-end before school was planned for another Beta Tau houseparty at Houghton Lake. It was impossible for many of the girls to attend as they were busy at work or getting ready for college. For tho e who did manage to attend spent the week-end planning for the coming year, composing a new song, and even having a Christmas party. At the beginning of school we had our first business meeting. We received the news that our sweat shirts had just arrived with the Alpha Sigma Tau Beta Chapter inscribed on them. Homecoming being the big event of the fall term we have turned our thoughts to planning for it. The theme for our float will be "The Old Fashioned Girl" which will be carried out for our alumnre breakfast. This year we are planning something different. We are setting February 29, being its leap year, as the date for a big birthday party in celebration of all the members' birthdays. And so we Betas are looking forward 'to another successful year for Alpha Sigma Tau. NETTIE PETERSO ) '50

Twenty-five Theta members returned to Wayne this September anxious to make this, the beginning of Theta's twenty-fifth school year the most successful year yet. The first event on our calendar will be formal initiation, to be held October 10 for Ivene Soiref who was unable to attend last July's initiation ceremony. This affair will be held at the home of Gloria Sugrue, with refreshments and a social evening to follow. Rush Season, as usual, assumes fir t and foremost position on our list of acti itie . Alpha Sigs were fortunate in obtaining unday, October 12 , for our fir t rush party. Ru h



Chairman, Thelma Miller, with the help of poria, but because we all attended Beverly Velma Stortz and Gloria Sugrue, are busy Harnden and Bob McQuin's wedding! Bev's making final plans for a "Coketail Hour," home is in Medicine Lodge and since we complete with refreshments and entertain- wanted reunion and she her wedding, and ment. The place is the Ira Lounge, in Wayne's since we all wanted to be present at both, new Student Center, Webster Hall. at their wonderful invitation, reunion was held We Thetas were all very pleased this fall, there. Of course the predominate business for when Betty Matijek, a Beta, from Mt. Pleas- the sorority was our rush week plan. " Hit Parade," was the theme that was ant, Michigan, transferred to Wayne. We all hope Betty will enjoy her Theta sisters as chosen for our rush week and the week officially started on a Sunday afternoon on which much as we enjoy having her among us. With an eye to the future, Velma Stortz every sorority had cokes, and made future is busy with her committee on plans for our coke dates, for the rushees who visited. The part in Wayne's annual Homecoming Game following Monday evening was " Open House" and Parade, on Oct. 25. For this event all in which every rushee had to visit all of the university organizations enter a float in the sorority houses. As favors, we Alpha Taus parade, and we hope to make ours one of the gave small records made of construction paper best. entitled " Met Her On Monday," which was Also in the future, are plans for "Winter- our theme for that evening. Tuesday evening mart," the annual carnival, and the "All So- was card night and consequently was entitled rority Sing." All things considered, it promises " Hands Across the Table"; our favors were to be a very busy, and enjoyable year for the individual lipstick tissues with green covers and Alpha Sigma Tau printed on in gold. Theta Chapter. JANICE REAGAN "Black Magic," Wednesday night was a fun filled game night with small top hats, again labeled with Alpha Sigma Tau, sitting on top of cellophane covered parcels of licorice. Thursday evening- we had a skirt and sweater dance-our favors were dance proSchool this year at Emporia has all indica- grams with the name of the party, "A Kiss tions of being one of the best, and as usual, In The Dark," and a dancing couple silhouthe Iotas started it off with a bang. We literal- etted on the cover. ly raised the roof on the Alpha Tau houseOf course by the time we were ready for perhaps a word of explanation is due at this our preferential dinner Friday, all of us time. Carpenters really did lift the roof and wanted to drop into a bed and stay there for built our attic into a large room which houses a week; however, when we saw nine of the six more girls. It is a choice spot in the house grandest girls on the campus who were to be not only because of the new chests and double- our pledges for the rest of the semester, our deck beds, two showers, sinks built especially aches and pains were forgotten. Sunday mornfor washing hair and undies, but also for the ing we pledged: Norma Barncord, Betty Jo six individual closets! Carrothers, Patsy Cox, Joan Harbaugh, VivThe upstairs wasn't the only part of the ian Herman, Dorothy Lattimer, Martha Mahouse that received attention however, because dole, Darleen Reed and Helen Walls. All the chapter room and dining room are sport- attended Church and then had dinner at the ing new wall paper, draperies, and venetian House. blinds. We are installing a half bath for All in all, the Iotas are looking forward to Mother Nason. With the additional room, a top year and we wish all the other chapters we now have i3 girls living in the house. the same. This summer we had a grand and gay time RuTH GRIFFITH , Iota '48 at reunion which was held at Medicine Lodge, Kansas. It wasn't so spectacular because it ~vas held at Medicine Lodge instead of Em-



the chapter's brother fraternity, Kappa Sigma Kappa, is joining us for a steak fry October 2 at the Pump House. We plan to participate in all the sorority intramurals (and we plan to win, too!). September 30, the girls attended a tea given in the College Social Room by the Panhellenic Council in honor of the new sorority on the Concord Campus, Alpha Sigma Alpha. The chapter will really miss Mrs. John D. McGraw, Jr., one of our patronesses who has gone with her husband to Easton, Pennsylvania. He is to teach at Lafayette College there. Mrs. McGraw has been very active in our sorority. May we wish all our sister chapters as successful a year as we hope to have! J UNE MONTGOMERY

Our new president, Mary Ann Lilly.

Omicron girls believe that summer fun is the best way to keep the girls together during that period, so their activities last summer were designed with that in mind. Fifteen members spent a weekend at camp on Greenbriar River; swimming, boating, hiking, dancing, singing, playing bridge, and, above all, eating; these were the joybuilders for the group. They were chaperoned by Mrs. Carl E. Lilly, of Hinton, West Virginia. A delightful spaghetti 路dinner was served to the returning campers by one of their patronesses, Mrs. Donzie Lilly. The old stand-by, a wiener roast, was held at Speedway Park later in the summer for the actives and alumnre on campus for summer school. Especially of interest was the pantomime with which the actives entertained the others. Under the leadership of our new officers: Mary Ann Lilly, president; Eleanor Ringler, vice-president; Nancy Hern, secretary; Dotty Lambert, treasurer, our first meeting began what we hope is to be our biggest year yet. We have twenty-three members returning, including Doris Berta, '48, who is with us after two years away. Hazel Nicely, '50, is to be formally initiated October 8. To start the fun,

After a long and delightful summer vacation, the Pi girls are back at the old campus, noses hard to the grindstone, and busily planning our fall social season. The girls were scattered far and wide over the summer months and we were all overjoyed to see each other again at an all day picnic in August. It was a scorching day, and the icy waters of Spring Lake were a refreshing and welcome relief after hours of tennis, badminton, and just plain loafing in the sun. We enjoyed a picnic supper on the banks of the pool, and a wonderful time was had by everyone. We were weary from play and chatter but very happy at the end of the day. School began with a mad rush of activity, and life is still a merry-go-round as far as we are concerned. Our first affair was the formal initiation of three wonderful new actives at the home of Delores Ferebee. We're awfully proud to welcome Melba Illinger, Betty Jean Laminger, and Dorothy an de Vooren into the fold. Congratulations, gals, from all your Iovin' sisters. The rushing season crept up on us before we could hardly catch our breaths, and we miaht add, the ol' locker row resembles a bee-hive and will continue to for some time to come. Our first rush party was a beautiful, formal affair at the College Club, where over fift rushees were royally entertained with a very



unique fashion show, and two cute games, Scroll Queen and Donna Clement who served which served as very effective ice-breakers. as a maid in the "Old Girl New Girl WedSeveral of our ever-faithful alums modeled ding. " If the remainder of the year finds us as lovely, old-fashioned costumes, contrasted with new ultra-modern fashions, presented by busy as we have been the past month I'm sure the actives, in a "Family Album" theme, which we have a very successful year ahead of us. DOTTY YANCEY was extremely well received by the rushees. Delicious little squares of cake, tea, coffee, candy, nuts, finger sandwiches, and sherbet added the finishing touch to a successful eveOmega Cnio'Jj Summer ning. Our second rush party is to be centered Even though regular meetings of the Alpha around a Pampas theme, and we're planning Taus had been closed for summer many social real Latin entertainment, Spanish dancing, activities were carried on by old and former and Gaucho serenades by a Brazilian guitarist, actives. as well as a barbecue. Sy Aafedt, ex-president, was chosen social Pi Chapter is very sad indeed to see Miss Edith Glatfelter, our faithful sponsor of many .chairman of our activities. Many new acyears' standing, leave the campus. We sin- quaintances were made and we had oodles cerely hope she will continue to meet with of fun. During the Summer Alpha Taus attending us and share our plans in the future. school, together with alums in and around JEANNINE DOYLE Minot, had a picnic at Oak Park. The alums served as hostess and again they proved their culinary art with many prepared dishes of delicious food. A blazing campfire along with singing and the usual chatter made a full The opening of school in September marked evening of fun. a gala reunion for all the members of the Another highlight of our summer activities Upsilon Chapter. At the first official meeting was a picnic of M.S.T.C. coeds on campus. there were several vacant chairs, but all of us This picnic carried us to the banks of the who did return were so excited over the event- Mouse River where boating, singing, and ful year ahead that we immediately began games were enjoyed. Although Reish was our guest she brought a panful of beans. They making big plans. Sue Breedlove who was elected president were good, Reish! last spring gave us all a surprise by becoming Alpha Sigma Tau active officers, past and a September bride. Several of the officials who present, and Louise Reishus, advisor were were to serve for the 194 7-48 year did not entertained by Greta Broten at a lawn party. return. So at the second meeting we elected: Sy Aafedt was Co-Hostess. Betty Zo Evatt, president; Martha Griffey, I bet not every chapter has an Alpha Tau vice-president; Betty Griffey, recording sec- tutoring in Mexico. Sylvia Pfeiffer, one of retary; Evelyn Halk, treasurer; Ana Lee Wil- our former actives, is tutoring two small liams, corresponding secretary; Barbara Wall, American boys in Mexico. The father of these 路 custodian; Mary Ruth Dedman, chaplain; two boys has a mining interest there. She La Vern Edmonds, historian; Dotty Yancey, writes interesting letters. We know she is having a fine time. editor. Our first social was a bunking party for Hank Anderson, advisor, and Esther Knudour rushees in the basement of Bernard Hall son, an alum, packed their bags and mQtored Saturday night, October 27. We all had a gay through Eastern Canada and Eastern United time and Alpha Tau spirit was high with all States. Detours and rough roads were a part of the visiting alumnre. of the trip through Canada. Some of the We are all proud of Betty Zo Evatt who cities they visited were Quebec, Montreal, was recently nominated as a candidate for Ottawa, and Chicago.

THE ANCHOR Were we ever thrilled when out of the Freshmen in College, Ruth Gehring was selected as a representative to the American Youth Foundation Camp in Michigan! She really got a good send off too. Sy Aafedt (and her father's car, of course) took Ruth around Minot to say good-bye to all the girls and saw her off on the streamliner Saturday night July 26. ' Camp Miniwana, the A.Y.F. Camp, welcomed her and 700 other girls with the best of everything. She not only came back with her brain jamed full of thoughts, ideas and songs (especially a cute one about watermelon) but she also got a tan from the Michigan sun. Jeannie Toyama and Clarice Leite were chosen delegates to represent the college Lutheran Students Association at the National Ashram Camp. The girls went by train to Monterey, California. The new train is tops they say. Two days preceding the official Ashram, Clarice served on the National Council together with some fifty L.S.A.'ers from all states in the Union. Good going, Clarice. We all wish we could have joined them, but we do know they were well chosen. With the falling of the leaves and Jack Frost just around the corner the Alpha Taus swing into the Campus limelight with their ho~ecoming candidate for queen, Jeanne Enckson. Posters, pictures, clippings, and ribbons are all a part of our campaign which we hope will be a successful one. Arrangements are now in action for a full and prosperous year with homecoming and rushing at the top of the list for the fall doings. New officers have been elected for the Alpha Sigma Taus organization. The former ones, which were elected last spring, have left our ranks and have found other positions. Ardis Christinson, newly elected president, has found it necessary to resign because of home responsibilities. However, Ardis has consented to be vice-president in the place of Ruth who has become our new president. Other newly elected officers are Norma Myhre, custodian; Betty Carlson as program chairman, and Bev. Carlson as editor. Norma, Betty and Bev. are former actives who are back working on their degrees. B EVERLy CARLSON


_A~ha _A~ha


o/ /Jett'l June Jackson, our president last year, became Mrs. J ohn E. Cooper in a beautiful wedding this summer at her home in Peru Indiana. ' The president this year, Betty Polen, is kept very busy. Besides her regular work, she is a student counselor for the girls of Lucina Hall. In her private study, helpful guidance is given to those in need. Betty has been awarded the speech and hearing scholarship for her senior year, and she is doing a swell job in assuming both her curricular and extra-curricular activities. The Alpha Alpha Chapter started the season here at Ball State with an all-school dance "The Record Rendezvous." Freshen me~ Seniors and Seniors met Freshmen in this colorful, gay dance. This dance started the income to finance expenses for the year. We are planning on a Rummage Sale in the downtown district of Muncie, November 22. All the girls chip in and a busy Saturday is enjoyed. Also, we are planning on giving a Chili Supper. Homecoming is October 11 at Ball State. The chapter here is having their Founders' Day and Homecoming Dinner at the Top Hat. There is much discussion at present about our Homecoming float. The college has had a new policy of delayed rushing this year. Pledges are not rushed until the winter term. We find this works to great advantage to the new Freshmen. Upperclassmen and freshmen have more time to become acquainted. NELL YOUNG, '48

With September came the opening of chool and the Alpha Beta Chapter again became active. When I say active I really mean it! We girls have really been on our toes preparing for the fall rush season and appointing new committees for this year. When the good news came that our belo ed



National President was coming to visit us, we immediately started our preparations for her. The alumnre members gave a lovely party for us on Thursday evening, September 2S at the home of Dorothy Buzek. Dorothy is one of our alumnre who has helped us to overcome many of our handicaps. Mrs. Staehle was the guest of honor at the party and at the buffet dinner which was given at the home of one of our new pledges, Connie Isner, on the following night. We really have a busy season ahead of us which makes us glad we're Alpha Sigma Taus. We are prepared with more and better ideas than ever before. May all of our sisters have as much fun this semester as we Alpha Betas are planning to have! GLENNA Cox, 'SO

Colonia/ _A~ha qamma It was good to renew the ties of sorority again this year. Enthusiasm in the plans for the coming year foretell a successful sorority on the campus of Henderson State Teachers College. Our formal rush party was held at the old Southern style home of one of our alumni and the decorations, favors, and food were planned around the theme of old colonial days. It was something new to us and might be a good idea for some of our sisters to use. The Alpha Gamma chapter is proud to announce that the following girls are now pledges of Alpha Sigma Tau. Joyce Seymour, Demaris Ann Murray, Norma Jean Langley, Martha Helen Russell, Babs Mazzia, Betty Sue Vaught, Alice Mason, Mary Evelyn Stanley, Fabina Burroughs, Iris Garrett, Jean Martin, Jean Seine, Carolyn Hines, Pat McPherson, Pollyanna Williams, and Wanda Whitherspoon. Right now we are looking forward to our Founders' Day Banquet and the annual Christmas Party. Good wishes to all you Alpha Taus. IRMA HAMBY, '48

Chi fia~ Jun A pajama party for the girls in the dormitory was the year's first social activity for Chi

chapter. The party was held on Monday night, September 22 in the reception room of Miller Hall. Following a pajama parade, prizes were awarded for the prettiest and loudest pairs of pajamas. After a series of introductory games, including Gossip, Inspiration and a bear hunt led by our president, Eileen Bergdoll, refreshments were served. Music was provided by a phonograph and records, but the girls sang a few songs with the accompaniments of the piano, before retiring to their rooms. Chi chapter was honored recently by having Mrs. Ray Harris accept our invitation to become a sorority patroness. Mrs. Harris is the wife of our Biology professor, and has two young daughters in elementary school. We extended an invitation for a joint party to the other sorority on the campus, Beta Delta chapter of Sigma Sigma Sigma Sorority. The invitation was accepted and a joint committee met and made the necessary plans and arrangements. The result was a skating party held on Monday evening, October 6. We rented a roller skating rink at Hillside Lake Park and proceeded to have a rollicking good time. Transportation was provided by Gladys Lewis' brother who drove us over in a truck filled with hay. The girls sang songs and gave school yells to and from the rink. Our chapter of Alpha Sigma Tau was asked to make several posters and one large sign to celebrate our Homecoming game on October 11. The large sign was carried in a parade and snakedance was held the night before the game at a pep rally. On Homecoming Day we held a reunion luncheon at the New Street Methodist Church in Shepherdstown. Both active and alumnre chapter members were present and the mothers of all Alphas were invited. We were especially honored at this luncheon by the presence of both the new president of Shepherd College and his wife, Dr. and Mrs. Oliver S. Ikenberry, and that of our recently-retired president, Dr. W. H. S. White. Open house was also held in the sorority room. The chapter also contributed to a gift for Dr. White, which was presented at the Homecoming Dance on behalf of the Greek letter organizations on the campus. VIRGI IA HIGGS, 'SO


makej Y.arbookj

Beckley alumnre chapter met in September with its president, Janet Koch, and secretary, Mary Agnes Epperly. Previous to the meeting, Janet and the official board had met to make plans for the year's activities, and Lois Knapp had made our yearbooks. For several years

Farmer as new members of our group. Helen Fleshman, Lillian Baumgartner, and Margaret Moses were hostesses to the October meeting to which each member brought her children or someone's children. All married alumnre without children were finedthe money to be used for local Social Service. The new Anchor plan is news-good news to all of us. We send greetings to all Alpha Sigma Taus - especially to our sister West Virginia alumore groups at Bluefield, Charleston, Huntington, Shepherdstown, and War.

IJ/uefie/J Vacalionj As the school year begins we Bluefield Alumnre all join in wishing the active chapter the best of luck. Last year was a very busy and successful one for the Omicron girls. We hope this year will prove to be another happy one for them. For the first meeting of the year the Bluefield alumnre met September thirteenth at the home of Janet Calfee on the Bluefield-Princeton Road. Mrs. Robert Walthall (Lucille) of Princeton, new president of the chapter, appointed committees and outlined plans for the year. Wanda Shelton and Mrs. William Richardson (Eileen), joint hostesses, assisted Janet in serving delicious refreshments to Thelma Bailey, Alice Wallingford, Helen Gunnoe, Phyllis Hinton, Elizabeth Bowling, Imogene Miller, Kennie Bell, Henrietta Mahood, Lucille Walthall, Gladys Udy, Hazel Mingo and Helen Gatherum. Henrietta Mahood, our last year s president, had a busy summer Besides helping plan her sister's wedding in June she did quite a bit of traveling. She spent two weeks on a trip to Albia, Iowa and Des Moines. he Imo-

JANET KOCH President Beckley

Lois has been using the yellow rose as a theme for the yearbook covers. This year she painted four roses (one in each corner) on the cover of each book; then she outlined the margin with a thin yellow line--very attractive. During the summer Janet Koch attended Columbia University where she worked on her Masters Degree and Ferne Phips attended the National Council and Association of Education Sororities. We are glad to have Dalean Green, expresident of Alpha Beta Chapter, and Agnes




gene Miller and Janet Calfee had a trip to Daytona Beach, Florida. She spent a week at Camp Iva, new Y.W.C.A. Camp, as handcraft instructor and another week at the Lutheran Training School in Massanetta Springs. To complete her summer Henrietta vacationed for five days at Virginia Beach in August. Gladys Udy also had a summer full of activity. In June Gladys spent ten days in Buchannan, W.Va. attending a Young Adults and Christian Workers Conference. She went to Keyser, West Virginia for a week in July. For two weeks in August she visited in Washington, D.C., Falls Church and Arlington Virginia. ' Helen Bryant had a nice vacation in Norfolk, Virginia. . Besides her trip to Florida, Imogene visited m Roanoke, Virginia. Bula McNeill and her husband, Dr. Meade Me eill, were at Jackson's Mill West Vir.. ' gm1a for part of the summer. They spent their vacation in Canada. Rebecca Perry worked on her Master's Degree at West Virginia University. Phyllis Hinton and her little daughter Libby Ann were in Athens for a month. Her husband joined her near the end of the month and they returned to their home in Albia Iowa. We were so glad to have Phyllis with us at the September meeting. Romaine Robertson with her two sons Jimmy and Donny, also spent a month i~ Athens this summer visiting her parents. They returned to their home in Bethlehem Pennsylvania after Romaine's husband joined them. Elsie Brenaman will teach this year in Detroit, Michigan. Billie Marie Tanner is attending South Carolina University in Columbia, South Carolina. We will miss both of them for they were faithful alumnre. Their offices ~ill be filled by Hazel Mingo as correspondmg secretary and Kennie Bell as historian. Polly Jane M~hood Swope is keeping house in Chapel Hill, North Carolina while her husband is in school at the University of North Carolina. HELEN GATHERUM,

Omicron '37

Our first meeting of the season was held at Ruth Lane's home in East Pembroke. This meeting at Mrs. Lane's has become a Fall tradition for our chapter. Those who remembered the sumptuous meals Mrs. Lane is famous for were not disappointed- the spaghetti dinner was perfect! We are not known as the "eating chapter" without cause. After the meeting, at which plans for the year were discussed, members present told of summer experiences which were both profitable and interesting. Many familiar faces were seen on the campus this summer- Evelyn Grampp, Ruth Ochs, Catherine Smith, Virginia Habicht and Jeanne Coultous. The number of "A's" reported account for that " library pallor" many were wearing, and that envious expression as we listened to other's accounts of the summer vacation. Lucille teen studied oil painting at Chautauqua under the direction of the artist Revington Arthur. She reports that classes lasted from 8:30 to 12:00 and the work was so fascinating that the time seemed much too short. Margaret MacDonald and Beverly Bollard attended the joint Association of Education Sororities and National Council meeting at Chicago. True to form , their excess energies led to eating, and their schedule for the week was very cosmopolitan in style: Monday Swedish; Tuesday French ; Wednesday Russian ; Thursday Syrian; and Friday Chinese. !n spite of their crowded schedules, the meetmgs were very successful, we hear. Another traveler, Eunice Pundt, specialized in fairs this year. Starting with the Hamburg and Lockport Fairs, she worked her way up to the Toronto Exposition. She now is considered an expert in such matters. Her side trips were quite harrowing, and we marvel at having Eunice with us, after tales of a terrific sunburn acquired while spending a day at the beach under an umbrella, and a~most drowning in Lake Cuchiching, near S1mcoe, Ontario, because it had uch a romantic name.

THE ANCHOR A more serious traveller perhaps was Ruth motored thrdugh Vir~inia, visitmg Williamsburg, and also Washington, D.C. She dutifully visited all historic and civic spots and admired the scenic beauty of the Skyline Drive. JEANNE COULTOUS

~iller~ ~ho


Cleveland Cfectj 0/ficerj By the time you read this, you will be well on into your programs, but due to the fact that we did not have our election in time for the June ANCHOR our news did not get in in time.

Ch~rfejton _Organizej Charleston alumnre chapter greets you for the first time. We were organized on Sunday afternoon, April 13, in the quiet beauty of St. Mark's Methodist Church. Mrs. Emmett C. Phipps of Mount Hope, Fourth District President, conducted the initiation services. She was assisted by Miss Henrietta Mahood, Nationa.l Convention Chairman, and Miss Janet Calfee, Omicron alumnre representative, both of Bluefield; Miss Nellie Maude Smith, Alpha Beta alumn<e representative, and Mrs. C. L. Crabtree, Huntington alumn<e president. Organizers were Mesdames Mark Barton, Thomas Williams, Burl Sawyers, ]. W. Webb, Lee Hamilton, ]. Mariori Bailey, the Misses Winifred Newman, Juanita Walters, Ivalou Hanna, Jean and Peggy Yoak. Those initiated were Mesdames Bess Grossenbach, Harry Jarrett, Harvey Farley, Marvin Snyder, Lionel Stickler, George Pride, and Frank Rouse. Our officers are Mrs. Lee Hamilton, president; Miss Ivalou Hanna, vice-president; Mrs. George Pride, treasurer; Mrs. Gerald D. Haley (until August 2, Jean Yoak), recording secretary ; Miss Juanita Reed, corresponding secretary ; Mrs. Frank Rouse, historian ; Mrs. Lena Beery, chaplain; and Mrs. J. Marion Bailey, editor. We feel that we really came into our own as an alumnre chapter on Saturday, September 2 7, when Mrs. H. E. Staehle, our N ationa! President, met with us and shed muchneeded light on our pathway. We had a lovely luncheon at the Chalet-Swiss; there_ were thirteen of us. Please do not let the fact that we were organized on the thirteenth and had thirteen at our luncheon give you the wrong impression. We are really on our way toward becoming a strong, active link in the chain of Alpha Sigma Tau alumnre chapters. JEAN MORRIS BAILEY


New officers for 1947-48 are Katherine Bozarth, president; Dorothy Strunk, recording secretary; Sally Hockenberry, corresponding secretary; Margaret Oetting, treasurer; Leota Stanley, chaplain ; Helen Wakefield, historian ; Eileen Jandt, editor. Programs are to center around our girls' individual interests. More next time ! A good year to all of you ! EILEEN J ANDT, Editor

The enthusiasm of our small group has been greatly improved by the return of some girls who have been away on war jobs and by the fact that maybe Nu will be active at Greeley again. In June we had the usual dependable attendance in spite of a very rainy, wet day. Mrs. Herbert Strelesky was the hostess and served a lovely hot luncheon that was especially appreciated on a cold day. We made plans



at that meeting for a summer family picnicbut as the temperature rose, our spirits lowered and we ended up having a luncheon at a tea room for an out of town sister, Dora Moscon from Las Vegas, Nevada. Our September meeting was held at Mary Flint's apartment. Mary served an unusually nice fall lunch which we all enjoyed very much. After the short business meeting we planned this year's program. In October, we will have our Founders' Day Luncheon during the annual Teachers Convention and in November we are looking forward to a visit from Mrs. Staehle and Mrs. Robinson. EDNA PARSONS

::Detroit -.Alumnae


On one of the hottest nights in July the officers met at the home of Johanne Favaloro to plan the program for this year. Between wildly waving fans and more than slightly damp hankies we did manage to plan what we hope to be our most successful year. We will let you sisters be the judge as our program unfolds. After all the brain work our tummies were rewarded with a buffet luncheon. Off to a flying start! Those are the words that best describe our first meeting of the year, held at the International Center. City farmerettes will be our names hereafter. Helen Traskos brought her combination and square dance records. Eight of the officers started the proceedings. After being properly confused by the demonstration the rest of us joined in the proceedings. (Incidentally we were much better than the teachers.) Cake and ice cream were our rewards. What could be nicer, on a cold autumn night, than a wonderful dinner with dear friends? We couldn't think of a better thing, so our October meeting was a pot luck dinner at the home of Johanne Favaloro. Everyone brought something different, and everything was cooked to perfection. After dinner we reverted to our childhood and played various naming games. We did have fun! JoHANNE FAVALORO, Theta '42

\"f\ 111 2 cLJefroif _fi-{umnae



Jravel:J Our opening fall Alumnre luncheon meeting in downtown Detroit brought us a special visitor, Mrs. Gretchen Gaffney, Flint Alumnre Representative, whose enthusiasm and personal knowledge of each individual member gave us inspiration. With our president, Bev Preston, Beta '46, we scheduled our monthly programs for the coming year, anticipating the reunion of many members at our next White Elephant Social Meeting. Vacations were still fresh in mind, and what variety they had! Bev, as a youth recreation worker, led all kinds of sports, and the ''small fry " will long remember a certain bicycle parade, not to mention the bubble-gum contest I Irene Butkowski added to her teaching credits and greatly enjoyed her summer at the University of Michigan. At least two members enjoyed "treat of a life-time" trips, and needed no priming to entertain us with travelogues! Mae Fraser went to California via a northern route going, and a southern route return. Her itinerary included many famous places such as Lake Tahoe, Idaho ; Salt Lake City, Boulder Dam, and the Rocky Mountains before reaching their objective-Laguna Beach, California. Las Vegas sported more neon lights than any other city in the United States, as well as beautiful though crowded hotels. Around the Grand Canyon, her equilibrium was tested, for the roads led along rocky precipices, as well as under enormous arches and, in one place, through a mile-long tunnel. What a wonderful place the United States is! Mae also told us much about the career of her policewoman daughter, which we will reserve for another time. Louise Bohlen went in the opposite direction-the northeast. She also made a circle tour, through Montreal and Quebec to the Thousand Islands, south through the Green and White Mountains, the Adirondacks, Lake Placid, yracuse, and the Niagara Falls. Although vacations are ended now, we look forward to a successful new sea on. DoROTHY G Y B eta 43


J.Ant Ucalionj Almost every member turned out for the tea at Hazel Schultz's early in September. Present were Janet Beehler, now living in St. Petersburg, Florida, and Jean Wooden, an Alpha. Pleasant summers were revealed. Pauline Wood toured the Smokies. Luella Clapp with her family, visited Washington, D.C. (Unfortunately for the chapter, Barbara Keller left for Phoenix, Arizona to live with her family; and Harriett Pfeiffer is permanently in San Francisco.) Hazel Schultz drove to Minneapolis and later took her annual trip to New York state to visit her sister. Lucille MaWhinney visited in Wisconsin and spent the last week of the summer at the Straits of Mackinac. Among others vacationing in Northern Michigan were Crystal Hearn and Gretchen Gaffney. Those attending school included Marion Wilt, who was at Central State Normal College, and Lucille MaWhinney, who took work at the University of Michigan. Eloise McDonald continued to manage a nursery school. LUCILLE MAWHINNEY

_}junlinglon f:nlerlainj Summer activities of the chapter included a picnic at Camden Park and a picnic supper at the home of Mrs. Warren Brown (Elizabeth Martin, '35). National President Mrs. H. E. Staehle, of Columbus, Ohio, visited Huntington in September and conferred with representatives of both the alumnre and collegiate chapters. She was guest of honor at informal parties given by each of the groups. The alumnre officers entertained Mrs. Staehle with a dinner at the Club Continental near Huntington. Later the same evening she was guest of honor at the alumnre party for the collegiate members given at "Wenora Pines," the home of Miss Dorothy Buzek ('40). Miss Nellie Maud~ Smith ('40) showed colored slides of Mexico, New Mexico, and California made from photographs that she took on an 11,000 mile trip during the summer. She also showed pictures that were taken


at the national convention of Alpha Sigma Tau last year. MARY L. WASHINGTON



Florence Schmid Baker and family spent the summer at "Shore Lodge" at Ludington on Lake Michigan. Marian Bailey Harris traveled in the East, visiting friends in Washington, D.C. and New York City, attending Commencement ceremonies at West Point Military Academy in June. Her daughter Martha sailed August 14 for Europe, where she joined her husband, Lieutenant Gibb Sharkoff, stationed at Furth, Germany. Lulu Smith is teaching art at Sexton High School ; she visited relatives in Pittsburgh during the summer. Myrtle Barber Gates spent six months in St. Petersburg, Fla., last winter and spring. Ruth Boal built a new cottage at Big Crystal and spent the summer there. Dorothy Brodhead has become a fisherman and lives on the rivers and lakes as much as possible-her husband's influence, no doubt. Ruth Miles vacationed in the Upper Peninsula, visiting Copper Harbor and other interesting places. Her daughter, Margaret, was married June 13. Gertrude Lippert Kimmick and her husband, Bob, spent three weeks in Mexico. They stayed at the new路 Posado del Sol in Mexico City. They visited Uruspan, rode horseback to visit Paracutin volcano and saw everything Mexico can offer in three weeks. Margaret Taylor Craddock is contemplating leaving us since her husband's new position is in Detroit. House hunting has been time consuming but not successful so far. Any offers from Detroit Alumnre? ALLURA CusTER

minot __A,.ound a Jire Our annual summer picnic at which we entertain the college chapter was held in Oak Park in June. In July, Sylvia Aafedt and Grete Broten, retiring presidents of Omega and Minot



Alumnre Chapters respectively, held a garden party at Grete's home for the old and new officers of both organizations. This was such a grand idea that we hope to make it an annual affair. Omega Chapter sponsored a joint picnic in Oak Park, October 24. The weather was snappy and the night was dark but we brave " owls" had a wonderful time around our fire. Our September meeting was held at Grete Broten's home with Dorothy Hanson as assisting hostess. Grete showed movies of her summer vacation. We have had many, many committee meetings and are looking forward to the best year ever. Our next meeting is to be a Halloween party in the Student Union Building at which we plan to entertain the college chapter. RUTH BONNESS

tiona! Federation of Business and Professional Women. Miss Botsford toured New England and visited in Michigan and Wisconsin this summer. We send best wishes to Molly Fulton, Alpha Alpha '46, upon the announcement of her engagement and coming marriage to Mr. Jack Dolan, Jr., of Hartford City, Indiana. Vacation trips were delightful for several of our group this summer. Rachel cott with her husband and son were in Canada and Yellowstone Park; Ruth McColm and family spent some time at Indian Lake, Ohio; Josephine Harshman and family were in New York and Washington, D.C. ; Helen Cross and family and Barbara Wyrick and family went to the Great Smokey National Park and Mary Wallace and family were at the Great mokey National Park and the East Coast in Virginia. MARY WALLACE, Alpha Alpha '45

muncie J~ p,.oud With the advent of fall and the beginning of a new school year, we Muncie Alumnre are turning our attentions to our new program for the coming year and especially to our joint celebration of National Founders' Day with our collegiate chapter, Alpha Alpha. At a very delightful picnic supper with Ruth McColm at Gaston, in September, we completed plans for a dinner party at the Top Hat to be held jointly with Alpha Alpha collegiate chapter. Homecoming is always an event of much anticipation for alumnre and we're expecting a large group. Previous meetings were held during the summer. One, although not a regular meeting, was held in July at the home of Thelma Humphrey where a group of Alpha Taus honored a former Delta Sigma Athleta sorority sister, Miss Arrawanna Kiser of Ontario, California. In August, we met with Margaret Norringham and made the acquaintance of her baby son, Chris. Margaret's sister, Mary McGarrell, Alpha Alpha '47, is now teaching in the Nurses' Training School in the Highsmith Hospital at Fayetteville, North Carolina. Muncie Alumnre are proud of our advisor, Miss Frances Botsford, who has been chosen president of Career Women of Muncie, a newly organized group affiliated with the Na-

Returning with reluctance from the four corners of the earth, the Philadelphia alumnre are beginning another-and we hope successful-year. We began making our plans at the meeting of the executive committee on September 4 at the home of our new president, Claire Jenkins. We were served a delicious dinner by Claire and her mother, and were highly entertained by anecdotes of the summer--especially of Claire's trip to Yellowstone Park and points west, and Doris Kaufmann's six weeks' study ( ?) at Penn State University. In spite of such interesting distractions, however, we succeeded in outlining our activities for the coming year. Our September alumnre meeting took us to New Jersey, where we were delightfully entertained at the home of Elinore DeCou in Haddon Heights, with Christine Megargee and Agnes della Cioppa acting as co-hostesses. After our business meeting, in which we discussed our plans for the year, we reminisced about our summer experiences. Claire Jenkins and Virginia Burke traveled westward to Yellowstone Park, Mount Rainier, Banff and Lake Louise----though not at the same time. Several very ambitious members attended summer school sessions-Doris Kaufmann, Irene Wunderlich, Helen Doerrfus (at the

THE ANCHOR University of Mexico, no less) and Elinore DeCou. (Many of us envy Elinore some of her other summer activities- she is now wearing a lovely diamond ring on the proper finger .) Betty Maisch and Jerry King spent some time in New England- Betty at Lake Winnipesaukee, and Jerry in Maine and Canada. Among us we seem to have covered quite a bit of territory last summer! Our October meeting will be highlighted by travel movies taken by some of our girls- and we may even be so degenerate as to include some cartoons in our program! Then with our Founders' Day Banquet on November 21, and our December Christmas luncheon which we always hold in town, our year will really be under way. Our best wishes to all you Alpha Sigma Taus for the most enjoyable and successful year yet. CHARLOTTE E. KING, Lambda '42


Shepherdjtown UAener leajl After a very pleasant summer the Shepherdstown Alumnre met and drove down along the beautiful blue Potomac River where the members enjoyed a wiener roast for our September meeting. We had all the wieners, cokes, and potato chips that we could eat. The husbands of some of the members were guests and helped join in the fun . There was a large attendance and everyone had a wonderful time enjoying the fellowship of sorority sisters. Our October meeting is in Hagerstown, Maryland at the home of Betty Jane Ridenour. RUTH S E IBERT, Chi '42

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rf/arriage:J Delta Virginia Roberts, '43, to Richard Bryant, December 30, 1943. Marjorie Straitiff, '46, to John L. Brennan, June 15, 1946. Connie Willis, '44, to Mr. Brandt. Emma Stewart, '28, to John Fletcher. Mary Jane Munshower, '46, to H . Clark Hackman, Jr., June 15, 1946. Betty Jane Hess, '46, to Dwight Lewis on June 1, 1946. Alma Steininger, '41, to Ray F. Firestone on April 4, 1942 Frances Miller, '45, to Harry Ellwood in 1946. June Burkett, '44, to Kenneth Jacobson. Eloise Englehart to Fred Wilmoth. Lois Teeter, '42, to Stanley Sellers in 1946. Alma Wells, '47, to Paul Deane May 26, 1947. Mary Rymer, '36, to M. A. Edwards, Jr., 1945. Jean Colis, '38, to Carl Hester, 1946.

Zeta Phyllis Aurand, '41, to Glenn R. Lytle, April 20, 1946. DeRonda Weakland, '40, to Captain Thomas Burkhart on May 18, 1946. Helen Kohler, '36, to William E. Gideon on September 13, 1946. Lenore Tidlow, '44, to Stanley Moyer Horne, December 28, 1946. Minnie Belt, '44, to George Barnes, November 23 , 1946. Charlene Solt to Harry Blanchard, December 24, 1946. Margaret Priest to Lloyd Beisel, March 8, 194 7. Eleanor Wolf to Richard Snell, June 14, 1947.

Patricia Elliott to Fred Brown, Jr., December 24, 1946. Mary Margaret Matthews to Marvin Frank Shiver, April 20, 1947. Jean Shawgo to P. H. Small, December 19, 1946. Omicron

Arthelia Bird, '4 7, to Coleman Hatfield, December 25, 1946. Carol Dove, '47, to Kenneth Hurst, November 16, 1946. Nell Calfee, '47, to Jack Burgess, March 28, 1947. Polly Jane Mahood, '44, to William Earl Swope, Jr., June 25, 1947. Betty Rose Smith, '47, to Walter Schulz. Peggy Jennings to Raymond Compton. Sigma

Viola Gamble, '48, to Owen Rodgers, Jr., July 12, 1946. Esther Yack, '42, to Richard W. Bitter, August 7, 1946. Catherine Corba, '46, to Andrew Wowra, June 1946. Rita Jerge, '39, to Robert Scott, November 1946. Erma Carmody, '31, to C. S. Shayf, October 1946. Edith Otto, '30, to Revellen Ramaley, August, 1947.

Zeta Tau Vivian Earle Edmunds, '45, to Reggie Scott. Carolyn Bobbitt, '45, to James D. Jones, Jr., August 3, 1946. Mary Katherine Ingham, '44, to Marvin B. Murphy, Jr., April 19, 1947. Alpha Alpha June Jackson, '47, to John Cooper.

Theta Dorothy Haggard, '48, to Earl Patton on April 8, 1947. Martha Carter to Edward Skar, July 1946. Barbara Miller, '46, to AI Feeley. Norma Usrey, '46, to Curtis Wonnacott. Louise Tandy, '47, to David Wilkie. Barbara Jamison, '45, to Wayhind Weaver, October 18, 1946. Iota Lona Marie Sibel, '50, to Homer C. Davey, January 31, 1946.


Alpha Gamma Louise Hesterly, '47, and Harvey Walls, May 23, 1947. Ann Dews, '47, and Bob Ridgeway, June, 1947. Louise Parham, '47, and Edward Chadwick, July 17, 1947. Maxine Marshall, '47, and Frank Zimmerman, July 6, 1947. Blanche Drake, '47, and Charles Dews, August 17, 1947. Ma."<ine McCauley, '48, and Benjamin Hines, Augu t 31, 1947.


To Mr. and '30), a son, To Mr. and '30), a son,

Alpha Mrs. Paul Wells (Laura Washburne, Allan, December 17, 1946. Mrs. Otto Small (Margaret Pollock, Richard, December 18, 194'6.

Beta To Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Blanding (Janet Waldron), a daughter, Judith Elaine, April 2, 1947. Delta To Mr. and Mrs. Paul Poister (Eileen Brooks, '40), a daughter, Barbara, November 4, 1946. To Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lemmon (Geraldine Tweed, '38), a son, Frank Tweed, December 11, 1946. To Mr. and Mrs. John F. Sutton, Jr. (Eleanor Jane Hunter, '38), a son, John III, November 27, 1946. To Mr. and Mrs. Herbert R. Thompson (Jane Allison, '34), a son, Dennis Michael, March 7, 1947. To Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Golightly (Carolyn Simpson, '35), a son, David Woodward, August 4, 1947. To Mr. and Mrs. Lee J. Wright (Maxine Shunkwiler, '38), a son, Lee John, Jr., August 22, 1947. To Mr. and Mrs. Grover Hyman (Marie Moore, '35), a son, Charles Anthony, April, 1947.

Zeta To Mr. and Mrs. David Yeakel (Clare Antes, '38), a son, David Earl, March 29, 1946. To Mr. and Mrs. Steve Henrich (Grace Davis), a son, Terry Lorraine. To Mr. and Mrs. Edward Szybist (Louise Selleck), a daughter, Constance Louise, August 16, 1947. To Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Wolf (Jean Dykens), a daughter, Linda Marie, May 8, 1947. To Mr. and Mrs. Martin Dietrich (Pauline Barrows), a daughter, Barbara Louise, June 23, 1947. To Mr. and Mrs. John Bassett (Phyllis Harbach), a son, John Andrew, November, 1946. To Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Burkhart (DeRonda Weakland), a daughter, Caroline Emma, August, 1947. Theta To Mr. and Mrs. Victor Kitzul (Evelyn Mettler, '39), a daughter, Lynn Ann, July 5, 1947.

Iota To Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Becker, a son, James Edwin, February 26, 1947. To Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Downard (Dorothy Hanson), a son, Bob Hanson, September 11, 1946. To Mr. and Mrs. Laurel Fry (Mary Caroline Weir), a son, Stephen Laurel, January 4, 1947. To Mr. and Mrs. Basil Keller (Mae Beveridge, '32) , a son, Michael Wayne, November 14, 1946. To Mr. and Mrs. Darold Marlow (Peggy DeBruler), a daughter, Memory, December 12, 1946. To Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Myers (Marie Bogue, '40), a son, February 1, 1947.


To Mr. and Mrs. Larry Porter (Grace Fenner), a son, Bradley Fenner, December 6, 1946. To Mr. and Mrs. Jack Summerville (Peggy Gerstencorn), a son , John Robert, February 12, 1947. To Mr. and Mrs. Harry Telfer (Doris Palmer) a ' daughter, Doris Dee, 路 December 27, 1946. To Mr. and Mrs. W. J . Terwart (Mary June Griffith), a daughter, Carolyn Ann February 19, 1947. To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wayman (Elva Lee J ames '44), a daughter, Karen Lee, December 25, 1946. ' Omicron

To Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Dwigh t (Nancy Sue Grimm) , a daughter, Dorothy Sue, March 5, 1947. To Mr. and Mrs. Alva P. Martin (Ruth Shumate) ' a daughter, Elizabeth Ann, June 10, 1947. To Mr. and Mrs. }. A. Baumgartner (Lillian Moses), a son, July, 1947. Sigma To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Usher (Joan Nachtriebe '46), a daughter, Linda J ean, September 3, 1946. ' To Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Sipprell (Marjory Gunsally, '25), a son, Sherwood Bonnar, October 27 1946.


To Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Swiantek (Marie Lam pka '40), a son, January 22, 1947. ' To Mr. and Mrs. Alden Fox (Ruth Beebee, '37), a son, Bruce Beebee, January 17, 1947. To Mr. and Mrs. Merle Reuther (Doris Baldt '33) a daughter, Marcia, March 28, 1946. ' ' To Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gamin (Alice Perew, '43), a daughter, Margaret Alice, September 23, 194 7. Zeta Tau

To Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Pope (Ruth Carney '39) , a son, Edward, Jr., March 4 , 1947. ' To Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Fort (Doris Lowe), a daughter, Mary Susan, March 18, 1947. To Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Burrows (Laura Morris ,38 ) , a son, Stephen Michael, December 14, 1946. To Mr. and Mrs. George Zirkle (Louise Hall, '41), a son, George Andrew, III, October 18, 1946. To Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Williams (Mildred Chandler, '35), a son, Graham Chandler, September )

26, 1946.

To Mr. and Mrs. William S. Cross, Jr. (Faye Brandon, '40), a son, William, III, June 29, 1946. To Mr. and Mrs. Russell McDonald (Marie Nichols), a daughter, Anne Marie, February 23, 1947. Upsilon

To Mr. and Mrs. Pete Bennett (Fruanna Fraser, '4 5), a son, Michael Fraser, August, 1946. To Mr. and Mrs. Tom Holcombe (Frances Ramsey ), a daughter, Jeri Lynn, August 13, 1946. To Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lawson (Margaret Compton) , a daughter, Julia ' Candace, July 17, 1946. To Mr. and Mrs. John Blevins (Sue Alewine, '45), a daughter. To Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hunnington (Glenna Clement, '44) , a daughter, }line Lynn, September 14, 1946 .



To Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Francis (Genevieve Hanson), a son, Kenneth Earl, December 31, 1946. To Mr. and Mrs. Edward Vinson (Myra June Burris), a daughter, Judy Ann, September 1, 19-16. To Mr. and Mrs. William Curry (Margaret E .), a son, William Curry, Jr., October 2, 1946. To Mr. and Mrs. Howard Houston (Lucy Evatt, '41 ), a daughter, Carolyn Sue, October 3, 1946. To Mr. and Mrs. Masters (Doris Hirrin) , a daughter, Martha Ruth. O mega To Mr. and Mrs. Lyle C. Conners (Vernice Underdahl), a son, Jerald Thomas, August 2, 194 7. To Mr. and Mrs. Hayden M. Williams (Mary Brooks), a daughter, Kathleen Susan, August 20, 1947. Alp ha Alpha To Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Baker (Lavonne Wagoner, '40), a son, Bruce Lee. To Mr. and Mrs. Roger Nottingham (Margaret McCarrell ) , a son, Roger Christopher.

To Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Feely (Lenna Ballenger, '31 ), a son. To Rev. and Mrs. Charles Elson (Betty McCune '42), a son.

We extend our sympathy to Jacqueline Gilmer Postpichal in the death of her father early this summer. Our sympathy goes to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Butz (Etta Moreland) in the loss of their son, Bobby, October 3, 1946, aged 2Y, years. We extend our sympathy to Ethel Barber Lansden and Lelia Barber in the loss of their father. Our ympathy goes to Earlene Davis Nelson in the death of her husband, James, on March 31, 19-1 7. We extend our sympathy to Emily Williams in the loss of her mother, June, 194 7.



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No. 7

No . 4

';}jireclor'j NATIONAL COUNCIL President . ......... Mrs. Haswell Staehle (Alpha) 481 Torrence Rd., Columbus 2, Ohio Vice-Presidents in Charge of Organizing : Miss Beverly Bollard, 323 Bird Ave., Buffalo 13, N .Y. . . . ..... .. ....... .......... .... (Sigma) Mrs. Carl Robinso n, 9437 Talbot Dr., Afton 23, Mo. . ........ .. .. ... .. ............. ... . (Pi) Mrs. E. C. Phipps, 803 Broad St., Mount Hope, W.Va. . ... .. . . . ................... (Omicron) Mrs. L. J. Maher, R . 2, Box 96, Chillicothe , Ill. ... .... . ...... .. . . ..... ........... . . (Pi) A .E.S . Representative ........... .. .. .. ...... .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Haswell E. Staehle (Alpha) 481 Torrence Rd., Columbus 2, Ohio Secretary .. .. .. .. . ... Miss Dorothy Stadler (Eta) 642 E. 115th St., Cleveland , Ohio Treasurer ...... Miss Margaret Macdonald (Sigma) 673 Richmond Ave. , Buffalo 13, N.Y. Editor .. ............ Mrs. Justin G. Doyle (Theta) Tokyo, Japan Acting Editor of the Anchor ..... . ....... ..... ... . .. . . . ... .... . ... ... . .. Mrs. Parry Schippers (Pi) 3605 N. Newstead, St. Louis 15, Mo . Business Manager of the Anchor . ....... ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Miss Elizabeth Wilson (Pi ) 1008 Kuhs Pl., St. Louis 17, Mo . Chaplain and Historian . ....... .. ......... . .... . .... .. ..... ..... Miss Elinore De Cou (Lambda ) 219 7th Ave., Haddon Heights, :!.'J .J.

ASSOCIATION OF EDUCATIONAL SORORITIES Chairman ....... . ....... . ............ . ..... . .. . ....... Mrs. Fazier Adams, Theta Sigma Upsi lon Lees Junior College, Jackson, Ky. Secretary ..... . ..... . ...... ... ..... ...... . . . . .. . . ...... . Mrs. H aswell Staehle, Alpha Sigma T au 481 Torrence Rd., Columbus 2, Ohio Treasurer .. Mrs. Fred M. Sharp, Alpha Sigma Alpha 1405 Hardy Ave., Independen ce, Mo. Di·r ector of Local Panh ellenics . . . ..... . . ... .. . ... . ............ Mrs. C. P. Neidig, Pi Kappa Sigma 3400 Custer Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio Chairman of Publicity . . .. . .. . .. .. .. ... ... . .... . ...... Mrs. Robert S. Hill, Delta Sigma Upsilon 816 Columbus, Rapid City, S.D. Chairman of Interfraternity R elationships .... . . Miss Mabel Lee Walton, Sigma Sigma Sigma P .O. Box 108, Clermont, Fla. AFFILIATED PANHELLENICS M embers ational Panhellenic Congress Professional Panhellenic Association Association of Educational Sororities Council M embers Chairman .. .. .. . .... . ..... . . . . . . .. .. . . . .. . Mabel Lee Walton , ssociation of Educational Sororities Secretary .. .. . ....... . . . . .. . . . ... . . . . .. . Gertrude Evans, Professional Panhelleni c Association Chairman of Publicity Committee . ..... .... Mrs. E . Granville Crabtree, ational Panhellenic Congress

STANDI G COMMITTEES A wards . ..... ... . .... Mrs. John Maisch (Lambda) 2 Stanley Ave., Glenside, Pa . Examinations .. . .... . .......... . ... Mrs. F. P. Ace 814 State St., Emporia, Kan. Memorial Loan Fund . ... . .......... .. . ... ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. J . Waldo Hinshaw (Iota) 27 Hardith Hill Ct., St. Louis, Mo . Life Membership .... .. Mrs. Fred R. Griffith (Iota) 1520 Market St., Emporia, Kan. Music ..... ......... Mrs. Austin Perrine (Alpha) 807 N. El Dorado, Stockton, Calif. Program .. ... ........ . Mrs. E. F. Peterso n (Iota) R.F.D. 1, Crawfordsville, Ind. . Social Service ..... ... Mrs. Joseph Steen (S1gma) 83 Woodcrest Blvd., Kenmore, N .Y. Endowment ... ... .. Mrs. Meade McNeill (Omicron) Athens, W.Va. . . . News Agency ...... .. .. Miss Elizabeth W1ison (P1) 1008 Kuhs Pl., St. Louis 17 , Mo. Courtesy . ....... . ..... .. Mrs. Alfred Jandt. (Eta) 841 H elmsdale Ave., Cleveland Hgts., Ohw Rush .. . ....... . . Miss Rose Marie Sch~idt (Theta) 5106 Harvard Rd., Detroit 24 , M1ch . Sorority Study . .. .. ... Miss Charlotte Greeley (Zeta Tau) 104 Arbutus, Roanoke, Va. Convention .. . .. . Miss Henrietta Mahood (Omicron) 116 Cedar St. Bluefield, W.Va.

COLLEGIATE CHAPTERS (1947-1948 OFFICERS) ALPHA (1899)-Michigan State Normal College, Yp ilanti, Mich. President-Miss Esther Riemenschneider, Goodiso n Hall, Ypsilanti, Mich . Corresponding Secretary- Miss Alvira Crawford, Willow Run Village, Willow Run, Yp ilanti, Mich. Editor- Miss Donn a Campbell, Goodi on Hall, Ypsilanti, Mich. Adviser- Mrs. R. B. Bat es, 20 S. ormal , Yp ilanti, Mich. Alumnre Representative-Mrs. J ohn R iehl, 167 McBrady St., Port Huron , Mich. BETA (1905-1917; 1940)-Central Michigan College of Education, Mt. Pleasant, Mich. President- Miss Donna Gober, 1099 . College, Mt. Pleasant, Mich. Corresponding Secretary- Mi_s Ann Ensign loan • Hall, Mt. Pleasant, Mich. Editor-Miss ettie Jane Petersen, . LC.E. Mt. Pleasant, Mich . Adviser-Mrs. Catherine Ux, 119 S. :Nli ion t., Mt. Pleasant, Mich . Alumnre Representati ve-Mrs. Leo J . Gaffney, R.F.D . 3, H olly, Mich.




GAMMA (1900-1913)-State Normal School, Milwaukee, Wis. Alumnre Representative--Mrs. Grant Hinkamp, 2327 . 17th St., Milwaukee, Wis. DELTA (1916)-State Teachers College, Indiana, Pa. President-Miss Patricia Moorhead, 420 Locust St., Indiana, Pa. Corresponding Secretary-Miss Jane Sawhill, 44 Clark Hall, Indiana, Pa. Editor-Annette Shirey, 4 Clark Hall, Indiana, Pa. Adviser-Mrs. Alma Gasslander, S.T.C., Indiana, Pa. Alumnre Representative--Miss Betty Weaver, 1235 4th Ave., Ford City, Pa., Mrs. Daniel H . Bee, 133 North 6th St., Indiana, Pa. EPSILON (1919-1923; reorganized as Lambda 1926)Temple University, Philadelphia, Pa. Alumnre Representative--See Lambda Chapter ZETA (1921)-Lock Haven State Teachers College, Lock Haven, Pa. President- Mrs. J ane Gray, 164 Susquehanna Ave., Lock Haven, Pa. Corresponding Secretary-Miss Sara Kline, S.T .C., Lock Haven, Pa. Editor-Miss J ane Bower, S.T.C., Lock Haven, Pa. Adviser-Dr. Bottorf, S.T.C., Lock Haven, Pa. Alumnre Representative--Mrs. William Plankenhorn, 1222 Sherman St., Williamsport, Pa. ETA (1927-1930)-Kent State University, Kent, Ohio Alumnre Representative--Mrs. Albert Wick, 13820 Shaw Ave., East Cleveland, Ohio THETA (1923)-Wayne University, Detroit, Mich. President- Miss Kirsti Buehl, 285 Pasadena, Detroit 6, Mich. Corresponding Secretary-Miss Helen haffer, 21494 Karl, Detroit 19, Mich. Editor-Miss Janice Reagan, 13816 Hamilton, Detroit 3, Mich. Adviser-Mrs. Elizabeth H . Gottesleben, 4762 2nd Ave., Detroit 2, Mich.; Miss Carolyn Clayton, 5402 Hecla, Detroit 8, Mich. Alumnre Representatives-Miss Lillian Schmidt, 5106 Harvard Rd., Detroit 24, Mich. ; Miss Genevieve Repeta 2634 Medbury, Detroit 11, Mich. IoTA (1923)-Kansas Srate Teachers' College, Emporia, Kansas President-Miss Betty Geist, 1006 Constitution, Emporia, Kan. Corresponding Secretary-Miss Alberta Nicholas, 711 West Fifth, Emporia, Kan. Editor-Miss Ruth Griffith, 1520 Market, Emporia, Kan. Adviser-Miss Helen R. Garman, 105 W. 12th St., Emporia, Kan. Alumnre Representative--Mrs. Magdalena Baker, c/ o Board of Education, Emporia, Kan. KAPPA (1924-1929)-Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. Alumnre Representative--Isabel Finkbine, R.R. 3, Oxford, Ohio LAMBDA (1926)-Temple University, Philadelphia, Pa. President-Miss Marjorie Hofmeister, 1742 Scattergood St., Philadelphia, Pa. Corresponding Secretary-Carolyn Potser, Quakertown, Pa. Editor-Peggy Miller, Mill Road, Marlton, N.J. Adviser-Elinore De Cou, 219 7th Ave., Haddon Heights, N.J.

Alumnre Representative--Emily Ready, 7 Elm Ave., Cheltenham, Pa. Mabel Schreiber, 511 Chestnut St., Lebanon, Pa. Nu (1928-1933)-Colorado State College of Education, Greeley, Colo. Alumnre Representative--Mrs. Bruce Ewer, 114" Clayton, Denver, Colo. XI (192 9-1933)-Western State Teachers College, Gunnison, Colo. Alumnre Representative--Grace Quinby, 1301 Monroe St., Commerce, Te.x. OMICRON (1930)-Concord College, Athens, W.Va. President- Miss Mary Anne Lilly, Athens, W.Va. Corresponding Secretary-Miss Velma Johnson, Athens, W.Va. Editor-Miss June Montgomery, Athens, W.Va. Adviser- Miss Mae Hunter, Athens, W.Va. Alumnre Representatives-Mrs. Garth Gunnoe, Athens, W.Va., Miss Janet Calfee, 87 Princeton Rd., Bluefield, W.Va. Pr (1930)-Harris Teachers College, St. Louis, Mo. President-Miss Clara Ann Muenz, 1510 John, St. Louis 7, Mo. Corresponding Secretary- Miss Dean McGrath, 4435a Red Bud, St. Louis, Mo. Editor- Miss Jeannine Doyle, 3802 Ca tleman, St. Louis, Mo. Advisers- Miss Edith Glatfelter, 4720 N. 20th t. , St. Louis, Mo., Miss Julia Kohl, 5238 Murdoch, St. Louis, Mo. Alumnre Representatives-Miss Lois Wamhoff, 5705 eosho, St. Louis 9, Mo., Miss June McCarthy, 4602 W. W. Florissant, St. Louis 15, Mo. RIIo (19 2)-Southeastern Teachers College, Durant, Okla. President- Miss Joyce Choate, 1301 . 4th St., Durant, Okla. Corresponding SecretaryEditor-Miss Pat Baldwin, 516 W. Poplar, Durant, Okla. Adviser- Miss Mildred Riling, 912 W. Elm, Durant, Okla. Alumnre Representative--Mrs. N. E. Wright, 406 Clayton Ave., Poteau, Okla. SIGMA (1925)-State Teachers College, Buffalo, .Y. President-Miss Freda D. Frost, 627 Kenmore Ave., Kenmore 17, N.Y. Corresponding Secretary- Miss Mildred Baker, 245 1 orth St., Buffalo, N.Y. Editor-Miss Ruth Koeppel, 231 Highland Dr., Williamsville, N.Y. Advisers--Dr. Margaret S. Quayle, 805 Delaware Ave., Buffalo, .Y., Mrs. Harold Peterson, 230 Knowlton Ave., Kenmore, .Y. Alumnre Representatives-Mrs. W. J. McGlynn, 243 Fayette Ave., Kenmore, .Y., Ruth Ochs, 319 Parkside Ave., Buffalo, .Y. ZETA TAu (1935)-State Teachers College, Farmville, Va. President-Miss Peggy Moore, Box 384, S.T.C., Farmville, Va. Corresponding Secretary-Miss Katherine Rainey, S.T.C., Farmville, Va. Editor-Miss Betty J . Minton, S.T.C. , Box 69, Farmville, Va. Adviser-Miss Virginia Bedford, S.T.C., Farm ille Va. Alumnre Representative--Mrs. E. F. Je e, Jr., 14 Cabell St., Lynchburg, Va.


THE ANCH R Ul'SJLON (1935)-State Teachers College, onway , Ark. President-Betty Zoe Evatt, A.S.T .C., Conway, Ark. Corresponding Secretary- Miss Anne Williams, A.S.T.C. , Conway, Ark. Editor- Miss Dotty Yancey, A.S.T.C., Conway, Ark. Adviser- Dr. Ada Jane Harvey, 730 Donaghey, Conway, Ark. Alumnre Representative-Miss Helen Stephenson, St. Charles, Ark. PHI (1940)-Southeastern Louisiana College, H ammond, La. President-Miss Bronis Magee, S.L.C., Hammond , La. Corresponding Secretary- Miss Emmy Ramsy, S.L.C., Hammond, La. Editor- Miss Mary AJlen Shultz, S.L.C ., H ammond, La. Advisers-Miss Margaret Lowe, S.L.C ., Hammond , La., Miss Margaret Waldrep, S.L.C., Ham mond, La. Alumnre Representative-Miss Sarah Dosher, S.L.C:, Hammond, La. CHI (1940) -Shepherd College, Shepherdstown , W.Va. President- Miss Eileen Bergdoll , Shepherdst own , W.Va. Corresponding Secretary- Miss Lucille Lyo ns, Shepherdstown, W.Va. Editor-Miss Virginia Higgs, Box 51 5, Shepherdstown, W.Va. Adviser-Miss Sara Helen Cree, S.T.C., Shepherdstown, W.Va. Alumnre Representative- Elizabeth Millard, 604 W. King St., Martinsburg, W.Va. Psi (1944)-Madison College, Harrisonburg, Va. President- Miss Joan Holbrook, Box 418, Madison College, Harrisonburg, Va. Corresponding Secretary- Miss Johanna Shallcross, Box 462, Harrisonburg, Va. Editor- Miss Ruth Thompson , Box 454, H arrisonburg, Va. Advisers-Helen M. Frank, Madison College, Harrisonburg, Va., Dr. Mary Latimer, Madison College, Harrisonburg, Va. Alumnre Representative- Miss Mary Budge, 52 6 N . Oakland St. , Arlington, Va. OMEGA (1945) - Minot State Teachers College, Minot, N .D. President- Ardis Christenson, 720 5th St. .E., Minot, N.D. Corresponding Secretary- Miss Elaine Svingen, S.T.C., Minot, N.D. Editor- Miss Janet Sillers, S.T.C., Minot, N .D. Adviser- Miss Louise Reishus, 807 2nd St. , N.E., Minot, N .D. Alumnre Representative-Miss Henrietta Anderson, 805 11th Ave., N .E., Minot, N.D. ALPHA ALPHA (1945 )-Ball State Teachers College, Muncie, Ind . President-Miss Betty Polen, Lucina Hall, Muncie, Ind. Corresponding Secretary- Eleanor Piwinski, Lucina Hall, Muncie, Ind. Editor- Nell Young, Lucina Hall , B.S.T .C., Muncie, Ind. Adviser- Miss Bonnie Meers, 304 N. Talley, Muncie, Ind .

Alumn re Representati ve- M rs. R. B. ross, 206 , . Martin , Muncie, Ind . ALPHA BETA (1946)- Marshall College, Hunti ngton, W.Va. President- Miss M ontella Bat , 1820 18th St., Huntington, W.Va. orresponding Secretary- Miss H ilda Oxley, 85 Oney Ave., Hun t ingto n, W.Va. EditorAdviser- Mrs. Clay ton Page, 1845 llth Ave., Huntington , W.Va. Alumn re Representati ves-Miss Nellie Maude Smith, Glencrest, Whi taker Hill, Huntington, W.Va., Mrs. C. L. Crabtree, 529 21st St., Huntington, W.Va. ALPHA GAMMA (1946)-H enderson State Teachers College, Arkadelphia, Ark. President- Max ine McCauley, H.S.T .C. , Arkadelphia, Ark. Correspondin g Secretary- Miss Bonnie Wood , H .S.T.C., Arkadelphia, Ark. E ditor- Irma H amby, H .S.T.C., Arkadelphia, Ark. Ad visers- Miss Am y J ean Green, S.T . ., Arkadelphia, Ark ., Miss E leanor Gilliam , S.T.C., Arkadelphia, Ark. Alumnre Representative-Miss R ose Marie Byrd, 202 S. 3rd St. , McGehee, Ark. ALUMNJE CHAPTERS BECKLEY, WEST VIRGINIA President- Miss J anet Koch, 222 Crawford t., Beckley, W.Va. E ditor- Miss Dalean Green, Beaver, W.Va. BLUEFIELD, WEST VIRGINIA President- Mrs. Robert Wal thall, College Ave., Princeton, W.Va. Editor- Mrs. Robert Gatherum, Highland Ave., Bluefield , W.Va. BUFFALO, EW YORK President- Mrs. J ames E. F rederica F . Brodie, 路1 R ockn e R d., Kenm ore 17, .Y. Edi tor- Mis J ean ne Coultous, 269 Lemon St., Buffalo 4, .Y. CLEVELAND, 0 HJO President- Mrs. Abe Bozarth, 4903 Albertly Ave., Parma, Ohio Editor- Mrs. Alfred J andt, 841 H elmsdale Dr., Cleveland H eights, Ohio CHARLESTON , WEST VIRGI IA President- Mrs. J eannette H amilto n, Route 6, Box 92 , Charle ton, W.\ a. Editor- Mrs. J . Ma rion Bailey, 5143 Kentucky St., S.W., Charleston, W.Va. D ENVER, COLORADO President- Miss Marianne Lamberty, 1280 Albion, Apt. 2, Denver, 路Colo. Editor- Mrs. Edna Parsons, Arvada, Colo. DETROIT I , MICHIGAN President- Miss Genevieve Repeta, 2634 Medbury Detroit 11 , Mich . Editor- Miss Johanne Favaloro, 5050 Lemay, Detroit 13 , Mich. DETROIT II, MICHIGAN President-Miss Beverly Preston, SOl W. Third t. R ochester, Mich. Editor- Mrs. James Malony Gay, 19 60 Briahton , Det ro it 3, Mich .



EMPORIA, KANSAS President-Miss Elva Lee Wayman, 1101 Congress, Emporia, Kan. Editor-Miss Beverly Harnden, Medicine Lodge, Kan. FLINT, MicmGAN President-Miss Myrl McKellar, 315 Sheffield Ave., Flint, Mich. Editor-Mrs. Burton McWhinney, 90~ E. 7th St., Flint, Mich. HUNTINGTON, WEST VIRGINIA President- Mrs. Spencer Gillette, 140 orway Ave., Huntington, W.Va. Editor- Miss Mary L. Wa hington, 2666 4th Ave., Huntington, W.Va. LANSING, MICHIGAN President- Mrs. Cecil Springer, 33 19 S. Washington Ave., Lansing, Mich. Editor- Mrs. Arthur Wilson, 922 W. Michigan Ave., East Lansing, Mich. LITTLE RocK, ARKANSAS President- Marie Atwater, 1318 W. lOth, North Little Rock, Ark. EditorMINOT, NoRTH DAKOTA President- Mrs. Eileen Brandon, 833 Ninth Ave., N.W., Minot, .D. Editor- Mrs. Ruth Bonness, 703 8th Ave., N.E., Minot, N.D. MuNCIE, INDIANA President- Mrs. R. Vernon Fox, 610 West Centennial Ave., Muncie, Ind. Editor-Mrs. Robert Wallace, R.R . #2, Dunkirk, Ind. NEw YORK, NEw YoRK President-Miss Annette M. Kennedy, 19 Elmwood Ave., Rye, N.Y. Editor-Miss Marjorie P. George, 42-10 82 St., Elmhurst, L.I. PHILADELPIDA, PENNSYLVANIA President-Claire Jenkins, 5029 Morris St., Philadelphia 44, Pa. Editor-Charlotte King, 5941 N. Camac St., Philadelphia -11 , Pa. SHEPHERDSTOWN, WEST VIRGINIA President- Mrs. Roscoe Payne, 109 E. Congress St., Charles Town , W.Va. Editor- Ruth Ellen Seibert, 446 Winchester Ave., Martinsburg, W.Va. ST. Lours, MissouRI President- Mrs. James Alexander, 4100 Louisiana, St. Louis 18, Mo. Editor-Miss Delphine Straube, 4453 Holly, St. Louis, Mo.

WAR, WEST VIRGINIA President-Edith Elliott, Canebrake, W.Va. Editor-Mrs. Amoth Monk, North Tazewell, Va. WICIDTA, KANSAS President-Mary Leroux, 10~ Beechwood Dr., Wichita, Kan. Editor-Caroline Dawson, 1001 Riverside, Wichita, Kan. WILLIAMSPORT, PENNSYLVANIA President-Mrs. Raymond Shaheen , 324 Howard St. S., Williamsport, Pa. Editor-Mrs. Dent Bowser, Beebe St., William port, Pa. ALUMNJE CLUBS D URANT, OKLAHOMA President- Mary Claude Park , 72~ N. 4th St., Durant, Okla. MT. PLEASANT, MICHIGAN President-Mrs. George Wheeler, R.R. 6, Mt. Pleasant, Mich. ORFOLK-PORTSMOUTH, VIRGINIA President- Mrs. Linwood Roberts, 1100 Ann t. , Portsmouth, Va. WELCH, WEST VIRGINIA President-Mrs. Lena Caporossi, Welch, W.Va. Editor-Mrs. Helen B. Decker, Welch, W.Va. YouNGSTOWN, Omo President-Mrs. Keith McGowan, 2 68 Midlothian, Youngstown, Ohio . DISTRICTS AND PRESIDE TS First District: (central ) Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Wisconsin. President-Mrs. L. J. Maher, Rt. 2, Box 96, Chillicothe, Ill. Second District: (eastern ) ew York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maine, ew Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island. President-Beverly Bollard, 323 Bird Ave., Buffalo, .Y. Third District : (western ) All states west of the Mississippi River. President-Mrs. Carl Robinson, 9437 Talbot Dr., Afton 23, Mo. Fourth District : (southern ) Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, Maryland, Delaware, Tennessee, North Carolina, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, and South Carolina. President-Mrs. E. C. Phipps, 803 Broad St., Mt. Hope, W.Va. CE TRAL OFFICE 481 Torrence Rd., Columbus 2, Ohio

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