VOL. 27, NO. 4
JULY, 1952
Communillj Service YEs, there is good news about our horrible habit of not voting. More people will vote this year than ever before-more people than ever before are working together on this great national non-partisan REGISTER AND VOTE Campaign coordinated by Th e American H eritage Foundation. The news will get even better if everyone in your chapter will get on this team. Every member can do something effective and personally satisfying. People, not politicians, will be the decisive factor in this election. It will be the family vote which will elect our next President. LISTEN!
Je/alion6 Talk given by Miss Catherine Crocuston, d elegate to the Eastern District Conference from the Buffalo Alumnae Chapt er
t How can we as member of a na tiona l sorority aid in bettering our communit ? As educated women and members of a n ationa l sorority we hould be qualified to participate actively in comm unity welfare a nd socia l service proj ec ts. If you ha e been a n active member of Alpha Sigma T au both in coll ege and with your alumnae group you should have developed uch qu alitie of leadership which would be a n a se t in a ny organization. If you have participa ted in the activities of Alpha Sigma T a u a an officer, or even as an active m emb r ' OU know what our orority doe locall a nd nationally in ocial ervice a nd ou knO\ there is much that an educa ted woman a n do in her community. Our progra m chairmen plan to h a at some of the monthly meeting peake from service organizations, uch a the League of Women Vot r , the R ed Cro Children Aid etc. who will bring , ou ' av in which you can h elp your community at larae. Onre you recognize th e n ed of volunte r ( CONTINUED ON P AGE
Th e Califomia m emb ers are listed below in three geographic groups. Th e November ANCHOR will carry a listing of chairmen of these three aroups w hich are being organized. If you liv e in California and )lOur nam e is not listed, please contact your nearest chairman. RUBY, J eanne, 143~ Quincy, LONG BEACH 3, Iota WENSLE Y, Lillie Boszczynki (Mrs. Clarence), 200 Anieto Ave., LONG BEACH 3, Theta WILLIAMS, Josephine Severine ( Mrs. Arja R .), 3907 E as t lOth St., LONG BEACH, Sigma BROWN, Bernice Blanchard (Mrs. W. B. ), 1 7315路 Sunset Blvd., PO Box 337, PACIFIC PALISADES, Alpha GENTHE, Margaret Taylor (Mrs. H . C. ) , 32330rlando Rd ., PASADENA 10, Alpha HAURLAN, Adele Whitecomb ( Mrs. ) , 380 S, Sierra M adre Blvd., Apt. F, PASADENA, Theta POTTER, Louise Newberry ( Mrs. Clinton ) , 393 Wallis St., PASADE NA, Beta SCHR ADER, Elizabeth, 151 2 Ganesha Pl., POMONA, Eta YOUNG, Gwendolyn Powers ( Mrs. Wm.), 14662: E . Valley Blvd ., P UENTE, Pi JOH NSO N, Nell Castle (Mrs. Harold ) , 4291 M archwood Pl., R-I VE RSIDE, Iota OHMEN, Wanita D eForest (Mrs.), 3003 Central Ave., RIVERSIDE, Nu BIERI G, Virginia Wing (Mrs. A. H. ) , 1275 Murray St. , SAN LUIS OBISPO, Nu BORLETT, Ruth Goss (Mrs. Chester ) , 903 9th SA TA MON I CA, Eta HARTMA , M ary Ellen Hova tter (Mrs. R . D. ) , Box 188, SANTA MO I CA, Omicron ALLPHIN, Evelyn, 1956 Torrance Blvd., TORRA CE, I ota CHRISTENSEN, M argaret Duell (Mrs.), 4133 eosho Ave., V E I CE, Nu TOKHEIM, Ruth K oenig (Mrs. Edward G. ), 1943 Cornell, WHITTIER, Pi
LOS ANGELES AREA HAUSEY, Olavine Allen (Mrs. Frank ) , 620Y2 N. Los Angeles, ANAHEIM, Rho CROMBIE, H elen Brown ( Mrs. W. R . ) , 11203 E. D aines, Drive, ARCADIA, Alpha NEWTON, Maybelle Johnson (Mrs. ), 203 S. Poplar, BREA, Xi YAUSSI, Anna Lou Farney (Mrs. Louis A. ), 2624 Buena Vista, BURBANK, Iota LAMBERT, Margaret, 1720 North Castlegate, COMPTON 2, Omega PRITCHETTE, Dorothy Baab (Mrs. Thomas), 123 1 E. ! 2 1st St., COMPTON, Nu RES NACK , Elizabeth Marsh (Mrs. Philip ) , 123 86 H erbert St., CULVER CITY~ Theta BURRIS, Genevieve M elville (Mrs. Robt. ), 207 W. Sycamore Ave., EL SEGUNDO, I ota BARRETT, Cecil Butler (Mrs. W. Vernon ) , 11 48 W. Compton Blvd., GARDENA, Iota STOREY, Margare t, 840 Strand, HERMOSA BEACH , Delta BRIGHT, K atherine Ikerd (Mrs. ) , 308 Lime St., I NGLEWOOD, Iota CHAPMAN, Madeline Dreany Gwinner (Mrs. Lawrence), 911 R edwood, LANCASTER, Nu BAKER, Azalia K empt (Mrs. H . W. ), 1440 W. IO!st St., LOS A GELES 44, Alpha FLINT, Gertrude (Mrs. ) , 618 S. ew H ampshire Ave., LOS A GELES 5, Alpha HAHN, Lois Thacker (Mrs. Wm. L. ), 815 S. Ogden Dr., LOS ANGELES, Beta HIGGI NS, Frances, 1162 So. Bronson Ave., LOS ANGELES 6, Alpha HUMES, H elen, 11050 Charnock R oad, LOS ANGELES, I ota KILBU R , Louise M yers ( Mrs. Victor ) , 1012 S. Oxford, LOS ANGELES 6, Alpha PETTY, I rene M artin (Mrs. D allas ) , 8410 Bleriot Ave., LOS ANGELES 41 , Theta R ABY, Betty J ean Hickman (Mrs. ), 4062 W. 28th St., LOS ANGELES 16, Rho SMITH, D orothy Shaffer ( Mrs. Howard W .) , 6600 M cKinley Ave. , LOS ANGELE S, Eta THATCHER, Edna, 1812 So. Beverly Blvd., LOS ANGELES, Alpha Alpha THEIRS, Ruth R. (Mrs. ), 31 8 S. Ki ngsley Drive., LOS ANGELES, Beta YEISER, L orraine Mettler (M rs.), 8421 Kittyhawk, LOS ANGELES 3, Theta DEAN, Blanche Bellinger (Mrs. Carlos L. ), 1042 Rid egwood St., LONG BEACH , Sigma HUFF, Margaret M esmer (Mrs. J ames) , 2025 D elta St., LONG BEACH, Sigma KLESALEK, Audrey, 2935 E . Coolidge St., LO G BEACH 5, Omega McGUIRE, Trecy Howard (Mrs. Eugene), 40 11 Theresa St., LONG BEACH 14, Iota
SA DIEGO AREA FER GUSO , LaVon Smith ( Mrs. Harold ), 178 H St., CHULA V ISTA, Iota ENRIGHT, Virginia R obertson (Mr.]. F. ), 1131 Alameda Blvd., CORONADO, Zeta T a u JULIAN, Eloise Kanod e ( Mrs. L ester ), Apt. 143, "D " Ave., CORO ADO, Omicron SHAWKEY, Louise Sutton (Mrs. Adam ), 547 Edward St., Fletcher Hills, EL CAJO , D elta J ACKSON, Frances Phillips ( Mrs. R alph ), Box 22 5, J AMUL, Sigma WEHRLEY, Bernice Booker ( Mrs. K eith), 212 Marron St., OCEANSIDE, Beta FISHER, Lucyle Cox (Mrs. J ack ), 7040 Fulton, SAN DIEGO, Rh o GROFF, Georgiana, 5042 oltaire SAN DIEGO Alpha Alpha SHELTO , Burnadine Woma k (Mr. D onald ). -1-6 10 orwood SA DIEGO 5, u TAYLOR, I sabelle S hocke (Mrs. Elijah), 4002 Greenwood SAN DIEGO, Kappa
WILLIAMS, Emily, 3229 Adams Ave., SA DIEGO, Zeta YOUNG, Mildred Shafer (Mrs. N. D. ) , 32 02 Goldsmith St., SA DIEGO, Alpha
CHI C HESTER, Emily Sayre ( M rs. G. E.), 16 Lo yola T err., SAN FRA CI SCO 17, Alpha GARCI A, J anet (Mrs. E. A.) , 24 Vehicle R epr. Sqn ., APO 74 SAN FRA C I SCO , Alpha Beta PARKER, Ruth, Cap' t. 2 1st E vac. H osp., APO 30 I , SAN FRAN CISCO, Alpha Alpha C LOU D, J ea n M cintosh ( Mrs. C. W .) , 3 13 L auren St., SANTA CRU Z, Xi MADDOX, Florence Neill ( Mrs.), Echo D ell R a nch, 2 149 Lockh ar t Zulch Road, R 4, SA TA C R U Z, U psilon ZIMMERS, Louise Seeds (Mrs. D avid F. ) , 527 Pala Ave., SAN LEANDRO, D elta YEAKEL, Claire Antes (Mrs. D avid ) , 611 E . J a kson St. , Apt. # 1, STOCK T O 13, Zeta BECKER, Fra nces Ireland (Mrs. Berni e ), 32 64 Eccleston Ave. , WAL UT C REEK, I ota
SAN FRANCISCO AREA PERRI E, Sarah Pollock ( Mrs. A. W. ), Route 2, Box 612, ACAMPO, Alpha SMALL, Marga ret Pollock ( Mrs. Otto ), Route 2, Box 612, ACAMPO, Alpha M cCONNELL, Norma Sampson (Mrs.), 1255 Spruce St., BERKELEY, Nu PFEIFFER, Harriet Mark ( Mrs.), 2 18 Colga te, BERKELEY, Alpha GISH, Opal Wilson (Mrs. ) , 455 Chatham, BURL! GAME, Iota CAMERON, Willie Dawkins, (Mrs. Rober t ) , 49 Corcker, DALEY CITY, Theta GREISS, Elizabeth Bush ( Mrs. Thomas E .) , 12 15 Norvell St., EL CERRITO, Beta BRENEMEN, Ellen Christensen (Mrs. J. Ri chard ) , 73 Hilside Dr. , FAIRFAX, Xi HALL, N ancy Mogner ( Mrs. Ben ), Qtrs 11 23A, HAMIL TON A F B, Zeta T au DOW ARD , D orothy H anson (Mrs. M . C.) , 654 7 ' Christensen L ane, HAYWARD , Iota GRAINGER, Arlene K erns ( Mrs. R aymond T .) , B 587D, R . # 2, LOS ALTOS, Theta BURKETT, L ois Anderson (Mrs. R alph ), 8816 Thermal, OAKLAND, I ota TERRY, Aileen Perry (Mrs.), 5675 O cean View, OAKLAND, Om icron VA MERE, Olga Stinchcombe (Mrs. L . E.), 2350 107th A ve., OAKLAND 5, Alpha RIDGWAY, Grace Brown Cowan (M rs .) , 455 37 th St., RI C HMOND, I ota
MIS CELLAN EOU S GERM AN, H elene R andall (M rs. H a rry L. ), Box 49, BO SALL, I ota BOWKER, R egin a Stamm ( Mrs. Alexand er ), P.O . Box 9 1, CATHEDRAL CITY, E ta STOCKS, M erle Bidwell ( M rs. H . K. ) , 4 71 niversity C ircle, CLAREMONT , I ota SCH U LTZ, J ohnni e H ooe (M rs. Charles ), 1248 Payne St. , DEC ATO, Rho PARKS, Ellen H erron ( M rs. K enneth ) , Box 32, R oute 2, MORG AN HILL, I ota SWEA Y, M artha, PARKER D AM , u M ALO EY, H arriet Younglove ( Mrs. Vincent ) , 350 Hudson St., REDWOOD CI T Y, Beta M ACLIV ER, Genevieve Forsberg ( M rs. J ohn ), 67 M adrona St., SA r CARLOS, Beta WALL , Genevieve White ( M rs. C. H . ), 25 7 S. Charlotte Ave., SA GABRIEL, Beta
sponsor partie a t holiday tim e for the e peop le and organize activitie and club to enrich the live of the le for tu nate m embers of our city or town. F rom uch orcran iza tion we get a broader knowledge of the needs of our community and how our own orority group or individu al withi n our orority can help the e charitable organiza tions. I n communities where a eteran dm ini tration H o pita! i loca ted the m anagem ent welcomes organiza tion to help in ca rrying out p ecial projects for the patient , li ttl e per onal thing which they cannot provide. H ere in Buffa lo pa tient h avincr a birthday while in the ho pita! recei,路e a birthd ay cake and card. The cake is dona ted by orn e group who ha agreed to participa te in thi pro ject. The variou crrou p participa ting in thi way p rovide the cake one rlav a month or le frequently. Thi i ju ' t ,Ju way tha t one rna help. no ther wa 路 giving parties and dona ting equipment.
work, don't r un out and join any service organiza tiOn. Being a joiner is not the way to better one's community. Choo e a few activities fo r which you are well fitted and in which you are interested . You will be warmly received and your talents put to good use. Sorority women ca n be of service both as individuals and as a group. As a group, the nation al organiza tion supports the Penl and School and the Pine Mountain School. Chapters have their own local socia l se rv~ce p rojects in addition to contributing to the na tional funds. As a group, we should p articipa te actively in such groups as the F ederation of Wom en' s Clubs, and the City Panhellenic Association. By having delega tes to these organiza tion we are indirectly being of service to the crippled children, the blind, the aged, the n eedy and the sick. These organizations 3
Chapter 1952-1953 M.S. 1 .C., Ypsilanti , Mich ... ...................................... .............................. Mary Brown , 308 W. Chicago, Tecumseh , lvl!ch . C.M.C .E. , Mt. Pleasa nt, Mich ......................................................... Pat Plauman, 73710 S. Fulton St. , Armada, M1ch .
~::f:§:; L~~knH'a!~·;··p~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~lj_c_•...!.~~~~.: . ~. . .. ~fri!~wSt~t~~r~Sh:lfi~l~: ~=:
Wayne University, Detroit, Mich ................................. .......................... Helen Shimer , 15055 Sorrento, Detroit 27, Mich . K.S.T.C. Empona, Kan ....................................................... ............................Carolyn Heghin , 1805 Main, Lexington , Mo . Temple University, Philadelphia, Pa ........................................Gwynne G. K elley, 2045 Bleish Ave. , Philadelphia , Pa. C.S.C.E. , Greeley, Colo ................................................................................................ Shirley Madden, Rt. #2, Sidney, 1 eb. Concord College, Athens, W. Va ........................................................ ......................... Mary Edna Beckett, Athens, W . V a . H a rris T eachers, St. Louis, Mo ..................... ...... .................................. Patricia Seib, 1227a Geyer St. , St. Loujs 4, Mo. S.S.C. Durant , Okla .................................................................................Bobbie Boothe1 1720 W. Evergree n, Durant, Okla. S.T.C.', Buffalo, . Y .................................................................................Sally Sturm , -.55 Stockbridge Ave. , Buffalo, N. Y. Longwood College, Fa rmville, Va ................................................................. Margaret Steele, 810 3rd S. W.j Roa noke , Va .
~--t:t:~Ha<:r::;;'~~: t~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::ji~ii;··-~i~i!!~:t~zlf~nr~ rv~~ .y L~~~~~· ~f,~:
Shepherd College, Shepherdstown , W. Va .. ............................... Patricia W. Ring, 11 0 Strine Ave;.; Martinsburg, W. Va . Madison College, Harrisonburg, Va ....... ......................................................................... ...Lucy Lee Grove, Fishersville, Va. M.S.T .C., Minot , N. D ........................................................................... Shelia Koppelsloen , Box 1036, Garrison . N . D. Ball S.T .C., Muncie, Ind .................................................................. .................... Joa n Sharbok , 116 Ames, Hammond . Ind. Marshall Coll ege, Huntington, W . Va ................................. Evelyn Fulbright . 3047 Wall ace Rd ., Huntington, W. Va. H enderson S.T.C. , Arkadelphia, Ark ............................................. Emma Sue Smith, 239 Woodlawn , Hot Springs, Ark . S.M .S.C. , Springfi eld, Mo ..................................................................... R oseanne Crooks, 1919 N . Grant, Springfield , Mo. W .I.S.C ., Macomb, Ili ............................................................................. Colleen Baxt er, 207 Wabash Ave ., Carthage , Ill .
_Alumnae/ U se this blank to tell collegiate chapter presidents about prospec tive members! If you know someone attending a new college in our fi eld, fill out the blank and send it to Alpha Sigma Tau, 5641a, S. Kingshighway, St. Louis 9, Mo.
Entered as second class matter, November 25 , 1937, at the post office a! St. Paul, Minn. , under the Act of August 24, 1912 . " Acceptance for mailing a t the specia l ra te of postage provided for in Section 34.40, P.L. a nd R ., 1948 e dition , paragraph d, Act of February 28, 1925; 39, U. S.
Mrs . c. Staehle 481 Torrence Rd
Columbus 2, Ohi~
Cod e 283, was authorized O ctober 10, 1949. " TH E ANCHOR of Alpha Sjgma T au is published during the mon ths of November . January, April. a nd Jul y at 2642 Universi ty Ave., St. Paul 14, Minn . Subscription price, $3.00 per ear . Editorial Office : M rs. Parry chi ppers 5300a utherla nd t. Loui 9, Mo. ' '