1988 Fall ANCHOR

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_ _ _ ,~~B=-u=-=-l_le-=---t-=-i_n_B_o_a_r_d_ _--==-:{; i) Alpha Sigma Tau Adopts Higher Academic Standards The following resolution was adopted by the Alpha Sigma Tau Convention delegates on July 16, 1988. Whereas , today's college applicants are concern ed with acquiring marketable knowledge , abilities, and skills for quality professional careers ; and Exemplary scholarship is being demanded of Greeks nationwide ; and Alpha Sigma Tau promotes o utstanding scholarship through membership development and education as well as awards ; and Alpha Sigma Tau believes that it sho uld take a leadership ro le in in vestigating and increasing frat ernal academic standards . Be it resolved that Alpha Sigma Tau's required 2 .0 for academic good standing be raised from a 2.0 to a 2 .2 and a 4 .0 scale , beginning with the Fall 1989 Pledge classes .

Correction ... The Spring 1988 Th e ANCHOR issue mistak enly listed Rosa lind Etta Williams Cain (Iota '68), as deceased . Rosa lind wrote notifying us of this error and sayi ng she is happily married and the moth er o f 4 living in S herman, Texas .



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Scholarship A ward Alpha Sigma Tau salutes collegians achieving a 4 .0 academic grade point average of academic excellence for the year 1987 . DELTA Ann Bonitatibus Rebecca Christoff Terry Fornear Stacy Hyle ZETA Nadine Adamczyk Lisa Keirn Luann Matowshek Stephanie Miller IOTA Pam Wilson RHO Brenda Rhea Allen Beth Ann Smith ZETA TAU Sharon Smith UPSILON Joellyn Holt Missy Graham Leslie Floyd PHI Lisa Keefe

PSI Lisa Keele Melanie Knight Christine Mitchell Anne Catherine Wickwire Dawn Ta ylor ALPHA XI Lucille And erson Sonja Brink Shari Heffn er Julie Smith ALPHA OMICRON Theresa Chuba Patricia Hauber Anna Smay Michelle William s ALPHA PI Lisa Peterson ALPHA SIGMA Dianne Sweeney ALPHA TAU Lori Gerhart Rosie Grendell

Tricia Pascoe Patricia Sullivan BETA EP !LON Kelly Bair BETA ZETA Pam Dietlein BETA THETA Suzanne Dapra ancy Milvo Chris Rohmer BETA IOTA ancy Henry BETA MU Kris Key er BETA XI Karen Laursen Trina Lundin Linda Olford

Leslie Pabst Cornilia Wieck BETA PHI Susan Findley BETA CHI Michelle Andrus Lori Skidmore BETA PSI Sharon Martin Amy Tichachek BETA OMEGA Carol Alto Mary Lusardi GAMMA BETA Brenda Bohn Michelle Kolodziejczyk GAMMA GAMMA Jennifer Beech Becky Glass

BETA PI Kim Allen Lisa Bourazak Jill Cali

Taylor to Represent Alpha Tau Chapters at Institute Tracy Taylor, daughter of Willi am and Louise Tay lor of Arkadelphia , Arkansas , will represent all the Alph a Sigma Tau Sorority chapters across the nation at the Alpha Ta u Omega Leadershape In stitute in Monticello , Illinois , in July. Th ere will be 100 rep resentatives there from sororities and fraternities nationwide meeting at the Allerton Conference Facility to learn leadership skills . Leadershape

stands for "leaders shaping future leaders ." Miss Taylor is a senior accounting major at Hen derson State University, .'\R , where she has served as president of the Alph a Gamma Chapter of Alpha Sigma Tau and has been treasurer of Panhellenic . She was a delegate to the national convention of Alpha Sigma Tau in 19 6 and in 19 8. She was selected as a Sigma Phi Epsilon Golden Heart at Hender-

son and she captain of the for the HSU Band in both 1988 .

has been Flag Line March ing 1987 and

The Leadershape Insti tute was developed by Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity in 1980. It is a six-day program featuring innovative curriculum designed to provide advanced training and leadership skills to help individuals become bett r leader .

Fali1988 / THE ANCHOR

Vol. 63 THE ANCH OR is published in the Fall and Spring . Third class postage is paid at Indianapolis, IN , and at additional mailing offices. Send address changes and business correspondence to:

Alpha Sigma Tau NationaiHeadquarten P .O . Box 59252 Birmingham , AL 35259 Address editorial correspondence to the Editor: Director of Publications Carole Bicking Keily 7807 Leland Road Manassas, VA 22111 Editor Kathy King Powers 9033 Gavelwood Court Springfield , VA 22153-1124 Alumnae Editor Rose Marie Schmidt 5106 Harvard Rd . Detroit , Ml 48224 Collegiate Editor Margaret Shepherd 33 W . 21st St. Huntington Station , NY 11746

Produced by Maury Boyd and Associates . Spring 1989 deadline is December 15, 1988 THE ANCHOR / Fall1988

No . 1



1988 National Convention






Awards & Honors


AET Catalog

Salute Sisterhood


Top Taus


Gamma Epsilon


1987- 88




Gamma Zeta Installation


S tandards and Values Neu e r Out of Style


Pine Mountain


75 Y ears of Community Service

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ATTENTION ALL ALUMNAE : Postal regu lations require us to pay 30• for every copy not deliverable as addressed . Please notify us of an y change of address , giving both the NEW and the OLD address .


On the cover: Sal ute Sisterhood : the renewa l of bonds of sisterhood at the 27th Na tional Convention held in New Orleans , Lo uisiana . 3


National Convention Alpha S i gma Tau 's National C o un ci l . (first row , 1-r) Cynthia McCror y , NPC Delegate ; Becky Apple man . Na -

of Fraternity

Alpha Sigma Tau held its 27 ational Convention July 12-17 , 1988 in the renowned city of New Sheraton New Orleans Hotel. atmosphere, the 1988 convention arl::.rL>,., a success by all attendants. The renewal of of sisterhood began with impressive evening opening ceremonies. The rest of the week had innovative breakout sessions, productive business meetings, the festive Queen's Luncheon, a fun riverboat tour on he Mississippi River and an inspirational closing session . The meaning and bonds of Alpha Sigma Tau Sisterhood were shared by all as we enjoyed an e ric ing Salute to Sisterhood. on Tuesday afterThe convention festivities Luncheon when Mary noon, at the Nationa presentations : President Charles Ashby, X a "step-up" stool to see over the Pat Nayle I King , T , received a token of appreciapodium nteering extended hours at National Head tion Cynthia McCrory , AA , introduced the guest speaker psychotherapist , author of LIVING FROM THE INSIDE OUT, Teresa McAlister Adams . Mrs . Adams is a lecturer, seminar leader and writer, whose expertise is in the areas of individual , marital and family therapy with a particular interest in stepfamilies. Her interest is shared by her husband , Jesse , a New Orleans attorney . Together , they founded the New Orleans Chapter of the Stepfamily Association of America and now serve on the national board . Mrs . Adams speech was an uplifting treat and an inspiration to us all . In the course of the fol lowing days , during business sessions the delegation lis4

Top : Teresa McAlister Adams speaker at the Staff Luncheon (holding her book, LIVING FROM THE INSIDE OUT). Right: Mary G aries Ashby, recto r of Colleg1ate Chapte rs, presents the Ca rrie W Staehle Adviser Award to G race MacDonald . All, chosen from the alumnae , fo r exceptional service to collegiate chapte rs and to the soro rity .

tened to a Representative fro m Alexander & Alexander , INC ., Mr. Bert May . He gave a summary on the types of insurance coverage carried by the sorority and answered questions on the high cost of insurance for Greek organ izatio ns . Mrs . Pam Booth , lawyer for Alpha S igma Tau , spoke on various aspects of legal liabilities incurred by sororities . An excellent slide prese ntatio n was given by Marty DeCamp , A, Social Service Chairman , on Pine Moun tain Settlement School , Kentucky, our national social service project. Progress reports on the accomplishments of the National Foundation was given by it's President Meda Ray Sewell , 0 ; Cynthia Peckhart McCrory , AA , NPC Delegate gave the abbreviations of various groups in the Greek community and explained their purpose and relationship to the other Greek organizations . Emily A hby Mcintire , AA , National Historian . explained the manner in which she is striving to compile an accurate and om-

plete set of records now , in order to make an interesting history of the sorority for the future. Kathy King Powers , BZ , National Editor of the ANCHOR explained the process of publishing the ANCHOR. She informed the collegians what is needed to submit a story to the magazine . On a lighter side , sisters were entertained by th ents of collegiates and staff members on rus - quette and pledge skits . In keeping with the New Orle n image, Mardi Gras was the theme at the ue s Luncheon. The three judges were Sidney len, Alpha Sigma Alpha lmm :eliate Past Natio a1 Panhellenic Conference Chairman ; Ray Yo , ocal representative of Pollack J welry Co .; Mar Glor Bolton , I;, 2nd Vice P e s1dent of Alpha Sigma Tau National Foundatio , NC . They selected Karen Walker, AI: , as o vention Queen ; Janet Jaecksch , rz, 1st runner-up; Jeenie Skozypic , BM , 2nd runner-up. These yo ung women were selected for their academic, social, leadership and team spirit achieve ments. Alu mnae and collegians slipped into comfortable c othing and enjoyed an afternoon riverboat ride on the Mississippi . They also took in the sites at the Historic French Quarter and Market Place Riverwalk Mall. These were all within easy walking distance from the hotel.

receives "step Staff luncheon to podium .

A special event at every. onventlon is t!J. Alumnae Luncheon . Sally Stu ales, I:, Dire t r of Alumnae , in her presen ation demonstrated fhe growth of the organiza ien through the alu1))nae by having each mem be present add her lin o the growing chain of our alumnae (see accomp-anying picture) . When the e citement and anticipation of the Awards Banquet arrived , Al:Ts at their loveliest gathered for a delicious banquet and the presentation of awards . G mille Gennero Bruce , cl> , was Mistress of Cere monies . The program concluded with the presentation of awards (see listing following this article) and a special treat from Melissa Cox , BZ , Convention theme song winner , singing "Touch Through Me" followed by the traditional candle lighting ceremony. Five days of caring , sharing and learn ing came to an end of this unique experience. At the closing session , the Convention Top Tau -Collegiate awards were presented to Lori Hin ish , BM and Elizabeth Cobb , P . Lu cy Edwards Younce , AA , won the Convention Top TauAlumnae Award . President Patricia Nayle , cl> , conducted the recogn ceremony for the retiring National Officers : S Wascom , <1> , (Expansion Assistant) and Am y AZ , (Gamma District President) . Presiden t installed the following elected officers : National President-Patricia Nayle , <1> , Bargman Trosen , Al: National Sor.r路;pr,.,r, Director of Alumnae-Sally Director of Expansion -Jean Director of Fraternity vrt>n<'Anlc:-1 NPC Delegate-Cynthi After this col plaques and announced mond ,

Convention Awards Order of the Yell ow Rose Suzanne Slick , Alpha Carlotta Mace Salemi , Alpha Missy Parks , Beta Xi Lois Ann e Coke (Dryer), Sigma Carolie Bicking Keily , Alpha Xi Katherine Sowards Baber , Alpha Lambda

R ight : Cookie and punch break being enjoyed by Alpha Lambda sisters .


Right : Sybil K ing, Psi , Director of Fraternity Pro grams and lsi Vice President on the Foundationraising ransom for AST National Fo undation to "be release d" to resume her Na tional Council position .

Ada A. Norton Alumnae Award Patricia L. Nayle , Phi Meda Ray Elliott Sewell , Omicron Anchor Award Shirley Gilbert Robey , Alpha Alpha Francis Plachta Piwowarczyk , Alpha Alpha Sigma

Above : Sybil King (center) Past Nation al President, presenting Ada A. Norton Award to Pa tricia Nayle , National President (left) and Meda Ray S ewell , Foundation Presi dent.

Helen R. Garmen Adviser Award Shirley Grice , Alpha Phi , West Chester University Mary Louise Doyle Panhellenic Award Judi Dianne Lee , Beta Zeta Pam Legg , Alpha Alpha Carrie W. Staehle Alumnae Advisor Award Grace MacDonald , Alpha Pi Sister Ann Semel , Beta Theta Ellen Duggan , Beta Ta u Founders Award Beta Epsilon Chapter, Shippensburg University of Pennsy lvania Scrapbook 1st- Beta Mu 2nd- Alpha Sigma 3rd- Beta Xi Cover/ Honorable Mention-Alpha Epsilon Anniversary Awa rd Alp ha Mu-25th Anniversary S cholars hip 1st- Alpha Tau 2nd - Rho 3rd-Aipha Omicron 6

Collegiate Effi ciency 1st- Alpha Tau 2nd-Beta Mu 3rd-Aipha Omicron Beta Xi Most Improved Efficiency Score Alpha Phi Alumnae Efficiency Detroit Ypsilanti-Ann Arbor

Left : Melissa Cox, BZ , Convention Theme Song Win ner- " Touch Through Me, " singing a beautiful, heart warming song. The University of Ala bama (Birmingham) student was requested to sing her song again at the Closing Session .

Alumnae Top Ta u Elizabeth A. Knaus-Norfolk (Alpha Lambda) Sally Wales-Buffalo (Sigma) Nadia Sawka Maddens- Detroit (Theta) Suzanne Slick - Ypsilanti- Ann Arbor (Alpha) Lucia Warner Bacon - Northern Virginia (Alpha Chi) Fall1988 / THE


Music Awards 1986- '87 School Year 1st-Original-Alpha Xi- "She's an Alpha Tau"Alpha Xi Spring '88 2nd-Original-Phi-"As We Stand Around this Room" 1st-Borrowed-Beta Epsilon- "As Sisters Together" to the tune of "Today" 2nd-Borrowed-Alpha Pi- "lt's a Tau World" and "The Greatest AET" to the tunes of "It's a Small World" and "The Greatest Love of All" by Dana Accetta 3rd-Borrowed-Alpha Omicron-"That's What Taus are For" to the tune of "That's What Friends are For" by the Spring '86 Pledge Class 1987-88 School Year 1st-Original-Gamma Epsilon Colony - "The Love For AET"-Donna M. Ryan 2nd-Original-Beta Theta- "All For One"Annelise Vela and Barbara Bermea 3rd -Original-Beta Xi- "Sisterhood" - Stacey Szidik , Cherie Pawloski , and Patti Boudreau 1st-Borrowed-Alpha Lambda -"We Hope You Have the Time of Your Life" 2nd-Borrowed-Beta Nu -"Sailing with Sisterhood" - Beth Calahan 3rd-Borrowed- Beta Eta- "We Hard it Through the Tau Vine"

Above and right: Conventioneers slipped into comfortable clothing to e njoy a riverboat ride on the Cajun Queen on the Mississippi. Below : Collegians sha re ideas in Breakout Sessions on topics including Sisterhood , Scholarship. Pledge, Alcohol and Substance Abuse and various other topics. Below : N ational Council members redeaming good grace with convention attendants for lack of support " to m ee t bail for fellow Council me mber."

Convention Theme Winner Beta Zeta -"Touch Through Me"-Melissa Cox Belle Awards 3 years: Carole Keily Ruth Kielczewskl Jeannine Gettys Kathy Powers Annette Sanchez Michelle Schmidt Barbara East Sherry Gentile Mary Early Shelley Sullivan Muriellvey H eidi Bliss 4 years: Becky Appl eman Shelley W ascom Am y Dupree Debi Pyszka Ann Marie Girardot Ricki T rosen Dorothy Gates 5 years: Carol Cooper Emily Mcintire Arlin e Clarke Norm a Martin 6 years: Pat Nicho ls 7 years : Ann e Gruber Camille Bruce 8 years: Patricia Nayle Lucy Younce Terry Dudley 9 years: Cynthia McCrory 10 years: Bobbi Nichols 11 years: Jea n McNamara 13 years: Edith Elliott 14 years: Marty DeCamp Carolyn Alexander Meda Ray Sewell Mary Bolton 15 years: Sally Wales Lois O'Dell 16 years : Mary Charles Ashby 17 years : Sybil King 19 years: June McCarthy Beaus Charles R . McCrory Bob Pyszka Jim Alexander Steve Younce Jerry King Jim Powers Allen Clark

Foundation Receives Staehle Scholarship Funds As Sisters Salute Sisterhood In keeping with the convention them e, in a true Salute Sisterhood Spirit , the Elliott Family sisters Meda Ray , Betty Gail , and Edith , saluted Carrie Washburn Staehle for her myriad contributions to soro rity by establishing th e Carrie W. Staehle Scholarship Fund. The natural Elliott sisters, who e njoyed fraternal sisterhood in Omicron Chapter at Concord College and now in Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter , presented the National Foundation with $300 to institute a scholarship fund in hon or of Carrie whose life- lo ng dedication to Alpha Sigma Tau began when she worked with Founder Effie E. Lyman and Chief Patroness Ada A. Norto n toward AET becoming a Natio nal Sorority in 1925 . Throughout the next 64 years Carrie became a positive influe nce in th e lives of hundreds of AET sisters as well as he r many students because she truly believed in the "permanen ce and love lin ess of the ideals" of Alpha Sigma Tau. You too can keep the convention them e alive a nd Salute Carrie . Both individual sisters and chapters may send donations in any amount to the National Foundation in hon or of Carrie or in recognition of o ne of their own members. When funds accumulate sufficiently to earn $500 per year in interest , the Carrie W. Staehle Scholarship will be awarded annu a lly to an AET Junior , Senior , or Alumnae majori ng in Classical or Modern Languages, having at least a "B" scholastic av e rage , and in good standing with AET . Please send your contribution for the CARRIE W . STAEHLE SCHOLARSHIP FUND to : Mrs. Lois O'Dell 222 West Tabor Road Philade lphia , PA 19120 Gracious acknowledgement will be sent to the Chapter making the donation as well as the individual being recognized . The National Fo undation thanks for your donations and the privilege of working with you and through you to perpetu ate the ideals of Alpha Sigma Tau .


Alumnae BUFFALO Welcomes President Nayle In February , National President Patricia Nayle visited Sigma Chapter at Buffalo State College. Sally Wales arranged a gathering at her home on Saturday evening so alumnae could meet the president also. Contact with Sigma Chapter is constant. Marilyn Helmrath , chapter ad viser, and Norma Martin , assistant chapter adviser , attend weekly collegiate meetings , other events and also attend campus Panhellenic meetings . Sue Fry , chapter consultant , checks notebooks and materials. Several alumnae attend Sigma dinners and social events . Alumnae give a scholarship of $100 to a collegiate girl each year. Alumnae also donate baked goods or purchase items which collegiates sell for fund-raising . All collegiates are invited to Founders Day luncheon and other alumnae events. Seniors are welcomed into the alumnae chapter. Community service is high on the list of alumnae concerns. Canned goods were collected from every meeting from December to March so members could present a large donation to the needy in the area. Over 100 cans of food were collected and money donated to be used for perishable items. In March , everything was boxed and delivered to the local Loaves and Fishes Mission dining room which is sponsored by the Con cerned Ecumenical Ministry of Buffalo . The chapter donated over $125 to the needy men , women and children in the area with the food . Donations were also made to the Buffalo News "Neediest Fund ." Fund-raising activities provide fun and companionship to members . Convention expenses were provided by a garage sale. A White Elephant sale , 50-50 club at meetings and raffles at meetings helped social service . Hostesses also donate food at meetings . Members pay $1 and the money went into the treasury for convention expenses. Dorothea Porter and Lucille Peterson are delegate and alternate to Buffalo City Panhellenic and attend all meetings . Dorothea is recording secretary this year . Panhellenic held an evening program with a speaker from the Buffalo Chamber of Commerce to raise funds for scholarships for high school girls who will enter local colleges in the fall. The luncheon and meeting in January at the Carriage House Restaurant served to welcome many sisters who cannot attend evening meetings . The next month ,


Mrs . Joan Redman from "The Basket Tree" showed many beautiful baskets made from materials found in nature and demonstrated several ways of creating baskets . Members then tried a bit of weaving , twisting and braiding on their own . April's luncheon and meeting was held at the Lancaster Country Club . Three graduating seniors from Sigma Chapter were initiated into the alumnae chapter; Louise Ball , Stacey Branca and Pamela Wales . Varying meetings , having some at night and some on Saturdays, helps to bring out more members . The chapter also has a calling committee that calls each member after their card arrives in the mail to check on reservations and set up car pools . It is better to go with a friend or two than to go to meetings alone . Alumnae are fortunate to have a collegiate chapter to work with and to help Buffalo Alumnae grow as they join after graduation. -Norma Martin

SOUTHERN COLORADO Regroups The Southern Colorado Alumnae Chapter got a slow start on activities this past season . After a hiatus of almost a year, alumnae met in February for a salad luncheon at the home of Grace Riester to regroup . Members were happy to welcome Mary Ann Rinehart from Beta Eta Chapter. Time was spent recounting past history , activities and interests for her . In April , the five faithful few , Mary Taber , Barbara Smith , Virginia Kerin and

Grace Riester dined at the Pampered Palate in historical Old Colorado City for a good time of fellowship and to discuss summer plans . The chapter is planning more good times together . -Grace Waller Riester

DALLAS-FORT WORTH Is New Alumnae in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex have been meeting for more than a year to organize a new alumnae chapter. The first official meeting was in June , 1987 , when a petition was sent to the National Council to become an alumnae chapter . Since that time , monthly meetings were held trying to contact the many Alpha Sigma Tau alumnae in the area . At a special meeting in August , 1987 , the group enjoyed tea at a local hotel. As a social service project , members supplied a local night shelter with paper and stamped envelopes so that homeless people may keep in touch with friends and relatives . Summer plans included a cookout at the home of Bette Lewis in Fort Worth in June , the National Convention for five members in July , and a goodbye to Diana Bradley in August. Diana was the first to have the idea of starting a chapter. As she left for the Kansas City area , the chapter expects her to continue her alumnae activities there . Alumnae living in the Dallas-Fort Worth area are invited to join the new chapter and join in the excitement of this new start . -Susan Smith

DETROIT Has Crafty Season

Southern Colorado Alumnae Chapter welcomes Mary Ann Reinhart, Beta Eta Chapter. From top : Mary Tabe r, Virginia Kerin , Barbara Smith , Mary Ann Rinehart . Left: Grace Riester.

Craft projects were featured in this season ' s programs . Kathy Pulice Baecker was instructor for wall decor items , Elaine Kaminski Kensicki and Lorraine Kaminski Karasinski called upon their mother's skills and supplies for instruction in sweat shirt painting . Nadia Sawka Maddens' zebra was most striking. In January , Mary Ellen Babcock entertained alumnae with an English High Tea , a veritable dinner with sausage rolls , meat pies , scones , orange bread and much more . Mary Ellen previously surprised members with a Wassail Feast. Sterling Inn in Sterling Heights was the site of the annual Mother-Daughter luncheon on May 7 . Kathy Baecker and Karen Jerzowski Cooper , with commit-

Faii1988 / THE ANCHOR

Alumnae Family activities occupied the sum mer . Members were sad to bid farewell to sister Connie Young and her family who relocated to North Carolina . Good Luck and keep AST in your heart! - Norma J . Black

FORT WAYNE Keeps a Record

Credit for a successful Mother -Daughter luncheon for Detroit Alumnae Chapter goes to CoCharrpersons Karen Jerzowski Cooper and Kathy Pulice Bae cke r betwe en her mother and sister. Mary Ellen Babcock, recording secretary , was accompanied by her mothe r.

tee members Lorraine Karasinski and Debra Kanigowski Yuhas , arranged invitations , name tags , programs and favors . Tau Love in the form of Hershey kisses were dessert treats . February weather usually brings big storms to Michigan . Instead of a February dinner out , members this year planned a dinner in. Predictably , the storm came , the dinner cancelled andrescheduled in June . A welcome addition to Detroit Alumnae Chapter is Emily Ashby Mcintire , national historian , who moved to the Detroit metropolitan area from Tennessee . Special Olympics Summer Games was again the local social service project and Kathy Baecker , Christine Swafford Pulice and Elaine Kaminski Kensicki again assisted in the games . Kathy recruited family members to round out the contingent. A larger donation of money to support the program was also provided. In creased contributions were also sent to Pine Mountain , The Detroit Institute of Children-Electronic Limbs Research and Turning Point for Abused Women and Children as part of the participation in community activities. Selling Entertainment '88 and Go ld spree coupon books is such a profitable fund raising activity that none other is currently considered. Members who cannot participate have been generous in contributing an extra donation to support social service projects and take care of the increased mailing costs. Detroit Alumnae Chapter was in this way not needed to assess local dues for many years. Kathy Baecker is always the top salesperson in this venture so she has first choice in deciding the charity to which some of the proceeds are given . Kathy is also alumnae liaison for the chapter and was busy communicating with collegiate chapters in Alpha district. Cards were sent at Christmas , Valen-


tine's Day and Easter. Invitations were also sent to the Mother-Daughter luncheon and the June dinner. - Rose Marie Schmidt

ERIE Is Spunky The new year brought many activities for the small but spunky Erie Alumnae . The five jumped into spring with a Mary Kay party at the home of Chrissy Gawes for the February meeting. Fun was had in creating new looks and planning for the rest of the year. Several traveled to Edinboro in early March to celebrate Alpha Tau's local Founders Day . It is always a pleasant visit since the chapter is growing by leaps and bounds . The sisters hosted a covered dish dinner for pin pledging and a rededication ceremony to finish the day. One goal this year was to become more involved with Alpha Tau . The March meeting was at the office of Dr . Hammond who discussed " Healthy Back , Healthy Body" and explained chiropractics . Members left with a discount coupon for the first visit. April brought a whirlwind of events . Alumnae again traveled to Edinboro to view the Pine Mountain slide presentation for social service credit. The program enlightened all of us and made us more aware of where the projects and money actually go . Alumnae had saved a large e nvelope of Campbell soup labels and sent them to Pine Mountain for Rev. Boggs' project. The April meeting was at St. Vincent's Women 's Center to attend an informative seminar on self breast exams and breast cancer. The local social service project was also in April to assist the Special Olympic swim meet for Erie County . Members acted as timers and "huggers ." We have helped these special people in the past and each time it is a rewarding experience. All in all, it was a very healthy and active spring semester for Erie Alumnae Chapter .

A record of activities of the Fort Wayne Alumnae Chapter is maintained in the scrapbook which is updated every two years . The delegate to convention takes it for display and award competition . Among the items included this year was information about the Founders Day dinner on November 9 at the Casa D'Angelo , the Fort Wayne Alumnae Panhellenic luncheon in the spring , the contribution to the Fort Wayne Alumnae Panhellenic Scholarship Fund and the silent auction which benefited Pine Mountain. For the social service project , the chapter collected stamps for the office of the Day Break , a children's center for abused children . -Cynthia McCrory

Cynthia McCrory welcomes Fort Wayn e alumnae Linda Pulver, Nancy /ruin and Mary Ellen Klee (1 . to r.) to the Fort Wayn e Alumnae Panhellenic Luncheon at Hall's Guest House .

INDIANAPOLIS Turns Green for Lutherwood Th e Indianap olis Area Alumnae Chapter celebrated Christmas with a party and gift exchange at the home of Pam Legg . Even though this is an extremely busy time of year for everyone , the sisters of Alpha Sigma Tau found time to volunteer their services, along with the other sororities in Indianapolis , at the Panhellenic .Gift Wrap held each year for charity. Pam Method Legg is recording secretary for Indianapolis Panhellenic . Meetings during the spring months centered mostly around making prepa-


Alumnae rations for convention . Country Store items, scrapbook, and award entries were all readied for the trip to New Orleans . The excitement and anticipation of convention was higher and higher . During March , members took time out to host a St. Patrick's Party for the girls at Lutherwood Home , which is the social service project . After a little historical background on St. Patrick , the girls participated in a "dress the leprechaun" contest. It's amazing the imagination these kids have! The final touch was green punch and cookies. The chapter went from Ireland to Austria , as Velma Williams presented a slide tour of the Blue Danube at the April meeting . Last fall , Velma and some of her friends traveled through Bulgaria, Rumania , Hungary , Austria and Germany via a boat cruise on the Danube River. Beautiful scenery, exotic castles and quaint villages highlighted the photos from her trip . Velma shared her experiences from the trip as well as the history associated with the places visited . As thoughts turned to spring and warmer weather , the ladies in Indianapolis also prepared for the annual spring luncheon the first Saturday in May . As in years past , Muncie and Ft. Wayne chapters have been invited to join and share some of their chapter news . The Cork at the Crossing Restaurant provided excellent food and a good atmosphere , but the real appeal of the luncheon was the opportunity to continue to experience the sisterhood of Alpha Sigma Tau . - Barbara Heeb

LEHIGH VALLEY Is Star Struck In October , alumnae Lois Walters taught the sisters how to make paper Moravian stars , the traditional symbol of the nearby Moravian settlement in Bethlehem , Pennsylvania . It was a true test to see just how talented the sisters are when it comes to intricate detail. The paper stars make lovely Christmas ornaments . The Christmas celebration was a time to exchange ornaments and festive cookies with sisters , as well as to donate non -perishable food to the needy people in the Lehigh Valley. Other meeting events included Founders Day which was celebrated at a dinner at Widow Brown 's Inn , a wonderful place to look at the past; the annual cocktail party held in March which in cluded husbands or beaus and participation in the May fund raising auction to support public broadcasting . Member Jane Koneski treated the chapter to manicures with products she demon -


strates and sells around the area. It was truly pampering for all who attended . - Julie Welter Frazier

NORFOLK Continues Sorority Exchange Continuing the Tidewater Alumnae Panhellenic tradition of an annual sorority exchange, Norfolk Alumnae Chapter was the guest of Alpha Omicron Pi in January . As always , this was a special opportunity to share , exchange ideas and become acquainted with another sorority. These meetings are always informative and a good way to make new Greek friends . This year was one of the best ever , a total of forty alumnae attended! As an ice breaker , each AST sister was asked to select a single mitten from a sack passed around the room . Each mitten's mate was held by an AOTI . As a get to know each other game , participants reunited mitten pairs and spent a while chatting with the partner Greek sister. They talked about the most embarrassing moment of collegiate days! Again this year, AST was asked to make calligraphy name tags for Panhellenic's fashion show and luncheon . At the home of Bonnie Manley , the task was completed . Alumnae enjoy the project night get-togethers and there is always a great turnout. The chore was pulled together and finished in record time. The luncheon was held at Virginia Beach's Holiday Inn Executive Center. AST was the largest group represented with 26 members and guests. The chapter also furnished a door prize. Although it was a cold and blustery March day , everyone enjoyed seeing all the latest spring fashions and picked up fashion tips and ideas from the boutique which furnished the outfits . As always , Panhellenic sorority members served as models and all participants had a grand time . The December Christmas social was held at Gail Guthrie's home . During the course of the evening, a silent auction raised $91.50 for future social service projects . The menu followed an Italian theme , with the sisters making their fa vorite pasta entrees and all the trimmings for a different Christmas party fare . Throughout the year, periodic raffles are held to raise funds for social service projects. At Easter. the sisters each con tributed food items to make a food basket for the needy family that had been adopted at Christmas . When all the items were collected , Betsy Russ , social service chairman, completed the basket by purchasing a turkey and delivering the makings of the holiday meal to the

family . In April , Diane Forrest hosted the an nual meeting . The slate of officers for 1988-89 was installed at the May meeting . The remainder of April's meeting was spent in stencilling gift and goodie bags to be sold at the convention 's Country Store . Collegiate chapters profit from the in terest of Norfolk Alumnae Chapter . This year . the chapter offered a scholarship to collegiates at Psi , Alpha Lambda , Beta Mu and Zeta Tau . Alumnae met in the home of Paulette Crawford in February and heard a speaker from Citizens Against Crime . She presented an informative program entitled "Keeping Kids Safe ," a topic of great concern to all as many members have little ones to care for and watch over. Everyon e benefited from the helpful safety tips which they could share with friend s. - Paulette Crawford

PHILADELPHIA Celebrates 50 Years of Activity On Saturday , May 7 , Philadelphia Alumnae Chapter held an informal celebration of its 50th Anniversary . Charter members were present to tell of the early history of the chapter and memorabilia was displayed. National Founders Day was celebrated with a luncheon at City Tavern , a recreation of an early colonial inn where the signers of the Declaration of Independence and members of the later Constitutional Convention often met. The luncheon site also provided the opportunity to visit Carpenters Hall and the viewing of the "Miracle at Philadelphia" exhibit. Another visit was made in February to the Masonic Temple which offered many different styles of architecture in its meeting rooms . Service projects always offer fun and profits. Used handbags and wallets were gathered for the residents of Haverford State Hospital and 50 Easter table favors were made for them . An annual donation was sent to Pine Mountain and money was also sent to a Mexican food project. Philadelphia Alumnae Chapter also participated in the raffle that Panhellenic held for the benefit of their Scholarship Fund . Two members also attended the Panhellenic luncheon . - Betty Scheerbaum Allison Uhlig

S HEPHERDS TOWN Bolsters S pecial Education Center Washcloths for pillow w r pro id d to the Pikeside p cia! Education n-

Fali1988 / THE ANCHOR

Alumnae ter. Some students were capable of sewing, others stuffing. The pillows are small but have many personal uses for the students. Entertaining, educational , economical was the judgment of members at the silk and fresh flower arrangement demonstration. Another delight was the program given by the first year piano students of a member. This was the first performance for them before a group. The year was complete when a family picnic was held in early summer at a farm home of a member.

NORTHERN VIRGINIA Promotes Collegiate Contacts The Sweetheart brunch was held at Charley's Place in McLean on Sunday , February 21. Special guests that day were four members of Gamma Zeta Colony at Frostburg State University in Maryland . Several alumnae attended the chapter installation on April 30. Tablecloths were sent to Gamma Epsilon and Gamma Zeta chapters upon their installation in keeping with a chapter tradition of giving gifts to new collegiate chapters. Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter also sent letters to all collegiate chapters wishing the graduating seniors well and inviting them to contact the alumnae chapter if their careers bring them to the Washington D.C . area . All the collegiate chapters within a four -hour drive from the D.C. area were invited to the collegiatealumnae picnic held in June . Money raised this year went to send chapter delegate , Edith Elliott , to convention in New Orleans . Wrapping paper was sold and a silent auction held on a mystery prize . The mystery - an AST

Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter was well represented at the 1988 New Qrleans Con vention (Back row 1-r) : Nancy Voltz, Kathy Powers , Meda Ray Sewell, Mary Charles Ashby, Edith Elliott , Mary Early . (Front row 1-r): Dorothy Gates , Jennifer Schulz.

THEANCHOR / Fall1988

watch , won by Mary Charles Ashby. Northern Virginia was all set for a night of Trivial Pursuit , Pictionary and Scrabble at the January meeting at President Lucia Bacon 's home, instead , talking and eating provided the program. Edith and Betty Gail Elliott hosted the March meeting and Mary Louise Doyle , the April meeting . -Carole A. Keily

YPSILANTI-ANN ARBOR Makes '88 Great The New Year has begun here in Michigan with a flurry . Since the December initiation of the fall pledges, the collegiates and the alumnae have been cooperatively engaged in a whirlwind of sorority activities . Enthusiasm has been high as both chapters stay in constant contact with one another . In February Sally Pearson invited both alumnae and collegiate sisters to the business meeting and fun night. Members brought their own baby pictures and shared slides that were recently taken of the collegiate girls. They too brought slides they had taken . What a wonderful way to get to know the names and faces of 50 of the greatest gals ever to have attended Eastern Michigan University! We saw them in formal attire as well as in their muddy jeans after a Greek games day . Marcia Sullivan had us over to her home in March . Not only did several of the Alpha girls attend , but also two new alumnae sisters joined us that evening . Since we have been invited to the collegiate 's business meetings, many alumnae have met the girls o n Sunday afternoon to lend our support and advice when needed , as well as attending informal and formal rush activities . One of the highlights was the Spring "Lock-In ." This was held on a Friday and all those in attendance stayed overnight at the sorority house . Several skits were performed by the pledges , Diana Mihaiu , alumna , distributed song sheets and brought her tapes and all practiced a song fest , and then had a feast on the cannolis she brought , too . Also we participated in a presentation for safety with a guest speaker from The Citizens Against Crime Organization . Although most of the social service projects were done in the fall , alumnae contin ue to keep in contact through the chair person of other possible needs areas. This year members p urchased and wrapped 30 books for Focus Hope-Gifts of Reading Program to be distributed to children under the age of seven . Pine Mo untain Settle me nt School

Christmas greetings to Joan Meaker are pe rsonalized by Ypsilanti -An n Arbo r Alu mnae Chapte r. Top : Do nna S te ve ns, Marcia Sullivan , Linda Shapo na , Elaine Habel, Mary Lo re nz, Carlotta Sale mi, Sally Pearson . Bottom : Jeanne Tompkins, Ingrid Mason , S uza nne Slick, Jo yce Be rg.

received a monetary donation from the chapter also . Elaine Habel was the chairperson for the local Founder's Day celebratio n on April 18 at Molly McGuire's Restaurant in Westland . This was extra special as we proudly initiated the following girls into the ranks of alumnae : Adrianne Esposito , Aimee Horvath , Claudie Kuras , Beth Levy , Kathy Pursell , Donna Sitek, Suzie Schwartz, Andrea Telek , Tracey Torrance , Stephanie Watkins , and Theresa Welch . We enjoyed the evening so much that we really didn't want to see the girls have to return to their studies for their final exams . We were also pleasantly surprised to see Marilyn Christy , one of our alumnae sisters join us that evening . Marilyn has been working on a degree that has been keeping her so busy on our meeting nights that we haven't seen her for a long time . We miss our sisters who have moved out of our state , but try to keep in contact through correspondence . Marcy Lilley has moved to West Virginia , Martha Belknap to California , Joan Meaker to Arkansas , Debbie Berger to Switzerland , Ann Gruber to Ohio. Some of these sisters returned in May to the annual Mother's Day luncheon at the Chicago Road House. This is always such a pleasant time of remembrance since it was our mothers who made it possible for us as daughters to become Alpha Sigma Tau sisters. As we gathered at Marilyn Christy's in May, we set our calendar and agenda for the fall , but not really saying goodbye for the summer. We met several times on "the links ." But "fore " now we wish all a 路 very enjoyable year. -Joyce Berg


Beuerly Dickerson

Deborah Schoen

Tracy Taylor

Tau Roses to the is special honor features the hard work and enthusiasm of our active Taus exhibited on campuses across the country. Congratulations to all these outstanding women and chapters!

Alison Copping

Alice Hudson


Alison Marie Copping, Beta - Broadcast and Cinematic - Central Michigan . AST 3 .0 Club, Deans List ; Who's Who ; CMU Orientation Mentor: Madrigal Singers; Con cert Choir ; WCHP Radio Promotions ; Director of Copywriting ; MSTV : Producer of "News Central"; worked on Beta's Executive Board and numerous com mittees. Susan Sharkey , Delta - Food Service/ Management- Pennsylvania . Outstanding Young Women of America ; Dean's List; Food Service and Lodging Club ; American Cancer Society : Junior Olympics ; Chapter President , Corresponding Secretary; Greek Week Chairman ; Anchor Splash / Anchor Clankor. Judy Haas , Zeta - Recreation Fitness Management - Lock Haven . Chapter President , Historian , Ritual Chairman and Custodian ; National Dean's List ; Dean's List ; taught volunteer CPR; Recreation Society. Deborah Utterback, Omicron- Accounting-Concord. Chapter President , Treasurer , Recording Secretary, Chaplain , Ritual Chairman ; Panhellenic Secretary , Dele gate ; Alpha Chi National Honor Society President ; Cardinal Key; Gamma Beta Phi National Honor Society ; Tutor for Concord College's Student Services ; Student Assistant for Business Professor; Concord College Scholarship ; Concord College Un dergraduate Scholarship ; AST Best Pledge Award ; Panhellenic Council Highest GPA Award ; Dean's List ; AST's Highest GPA Award . Alice Hudson, Rho-Business Management-Southeastern Oklahoma . Pledge Class President ; Best Pledge Award ; Chapter President , Vice President ; RLW Representative : Panhellenic Delegate ; Angel Flight Vice Commander of Administration at OSU ; University Chorale ; Circle K; Student Employee Education and Psychology ; Community Education Scholarship ; Phi Sigma Little Sister. Lisa Marinello, Sigma - Food Systems Management-Buffalo . Chapter President , Vice President , Rush Director , Pledge Director , Scholarship Chairman , By-laws Committee ; Ben -Gals Kickline , Captain , Advisor; volunteer at Children's Hospital; Assisted in two Freshman Orientations ; Wh o's Wh o.

Beverly Dic kerson , Zeta Tau-Sociology-Longwood . Chapter President , Editor , Recording Secretary , Historian , Ritual Chairman; Panhellenic Delegate Alternate ; Greek Council ; Psi Chi Honor Society (Psychology} . Sandra Hilliard, Upsilon- AccountingArkansas . Chapter President , Recording Secretary , Member Executive Council ; Student Orientation Staff; Accounting Club; Gamma Beta Phi Honor Society ; Sigma Tau Gamma Little Sister and Sweetheart ; Homecoming Maid of Honor ; Homecom ing Queen ; employed with First State Bank and Student Board of Directors Secretary (2 yrs .}; First State Bank Student Scholarship Award . Judeth Elise Lambert, Phi-Communications- Southeastern Louisiana . Pledge Class President , Chapter Ritual Chairman , Rush Director , Editor , Advisory Board , Fundraiser Chairman ; Alpha Tau Omega Little Sister ; Special Olympics Volunteer; Jaycees Jaynes; Girl Scouts of America ; AMA; SLU Under , Graduate Ad Association , Graduate of Outward Bound ; National Dean's List ; Pan hellenic 3 .0 Club . Deborah Schoen , Alpha Epsilon- Business Management-Western Illinois . Pledge Class Song Chairman ; Chapter Song Chairman ; Rush Chairman ; Communications/ Public Relations; Chapter President ; WIU Wrangler; Phi Eta Sigma Freshman Honorary Fraternity ; Student Orientation Board ; American Marketing Assoc .; Society for the Advancement of Management; Student Alumni Council Committee on Senior Challenge ; Panhell; Alpha Gamma Rh o's Foxy Lady (2 yrs .}; Dean's List ; Miss Macomb. Christine Elizabeth Mitchell, Psi- English-James Madison . Executive Council; Chapter Vice President , Corresponding Secretary , Scholarship Chairman ; RLW Representative ; Founders Day Chairman, Senior Recognition Chairman ; Red Cross Swimming Instructor's Aid ; Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society ; Who's Who; President's List and Cabinet Staff; Varner-Winn Panhellenic Award ; Omicron Delta Kappa Leadership Society ; Order of Omega ; Mortar Board ; tudent Education Asso . ; Unicef Volunteer.

Falll988 / THE ANCHOR

I Ch ristine Cole

Amy Miller

Donna Grenier

Nan cy Fernandez

Top Taus of 1987-'88 Tracy Taylor , Alpha Gamma- Account-

ing-Henderson State . Chapter Vice President , Preside nt , Social Chairman; Flag Corps Captain ; HSU Band ; Panhe llenic Treasu re r ; Sigma Phi Epsilon G o ld e n Heart; Alpha Tau Omega Lead ershape Institute. Christine Ann Cole, Alpha LambdaCriminal Justice- Radford . Chapter Vice President ; Associate Panhe lle nic Delegate and Vice Preside nt ; Interfraternity and Pan helle nic Councils ; Extensio n Committee and Judiciary Boa rd ; Criminal Justi ce Club; Greek of th e Month ; Top Ten Tau ; Sister of the Week; Rh o Lambda member and scholarship (for leadership ability). Wendy Stone, Alpha Xi-Political Science-Mansfie ld . Chapter President ; Pan he llenic Vi ce Presid e nt ; Gree k Wee k Coordinator / Organize r; Po litical Scie nce Club , Tau Kappa Epsilon Little Sister; Student Gove rnm e nt By-laws C o mmittee ; Dean's List ; Greek Women of the Year. Susan Weaver , Alpha Omicron- Elem e ntary Educa ti o n -C lari o n . Chapter Treasurer, Music Chairman ; Marching & Symphonic Bands ; String Ensemble ; Penn sylvania Student Education Assoc .; Kappa Delta Pi Ho nor Society . Ann Rica Lalama , Alpha Pi- Communi cation-Slippery Rock. Chapter Scholarship Chairman , Presi d en t , Reco rding Secretary; Panhelle nic Treasurer and Secretary ; WS RU FM College Radio Secretary/ Program Director ; Alpha Epsilo n Rh o Broadcasting S ocie ty; Order of Omega ; Second place Public Relatio n Awards ; First place Ne wcasting Communicatio n . Debbie Mears, Alpha Tau - Elementary Educa tion / Earl y Childhood - Edinbo ro . Chapter Preside nt , Assistant Treasurer, Fundraising Chairman ; RLW Re presentative ; University Marching Band , Symphonic Wind , Orchestra and Drama Productio n; Alpha Chi National Honor Society ; Kappa De lta Pi Ed ucation Honor Society ; Who's Who; Dean's List. Kelly Kennedy , Alp h a Phi- Speech Comm unication - West Chester. Chapter President, Pledge Director, Housing Council; P anhellenic Representative / Service


Chairman ; Award of Exce llence for 5 yrs. of service from Marriott Corporation . Susan Victoria King , Beta De lta Duquesne. Pledge Class Treasurer, Chapter Treasurer, President ; RLW Representati ve ; Carni va l; Dance Ma rathon for Muscular Dystroph y; Nursing Chairman ; Freshman Orientatio n Staff; Dean 's List; Who's Who ; Omicron Delta Kappa National Leadership Ho nor Society; Pi Sigma Alpha National Political Honor Society . Amy Miller, Beta Epsilo n - Marketing Shippensb urg . Chapter President, Publicity Chairman , Editor; Panhe llen ic Organization Co mmittee; Greek Council; Inter-Sorority Co uncil ; Marketing Club ; Promotion & Advertising Society of Shippensburg ; Dean's List ; Order of Omega . Susan Hassell , Beta Zeta- BusinessBirmingham . Chapter Vice President , President, Pledge Director; Panhe llenic Alternate / Ru sh Committee ; Corporate Sponsor Chairman for Greeks ; Co llege Republicans; UAB Ambassador . Donna Marie Grenier, Beta Tau-Nursing - Lowell. Chapter President , Pledge Director, By-laws Committee , Fundraising Chairman ; Student Nurse's Assoc .; IFSC ; Navy Reserves and Good Conduct Medal ; Dean's List. Nancy Fernandez, Beta Theta - Accounting B.B.A.-San Anto nio. Chapter Courtesy , Etiquette , Ho using Chairman; Executive Council ; taught Junior Achievement for Business Basics; St. Mary's Accounting Club ; Natio nal Association of Accountants ; Women in Business Club; Who's Wh o ; Dea n's List ; Delta Epsilo n Sigma (St. Mary's Hon or Society) ; Delta Mu Delta Business Honor Society . Stephanie Ann Gegg, Beta Iota - Special Education - Millersville . Panhellenic Represe ntative; Ways & Means; Walk-a-thon Co mmittee Chairman ; Greek Co un cil Parliamentarian ; Greek Co uncil Co-President; Sigma Pi Sweetheart. Dawn Michele Cox, Beta Mu-Mathematics/ Psyc hology , Computer ScienceSalisbury . Chapter Vice President, Pledge Director, Music Chairman ; RLW Representative ; Tutor math o n campus; Walk-athan for Muscular Dystrophy ; 3 .0 C lub.

Christine Eiswert, Beta Nu-Account-

ing-Bioomsburg . Chapter Assistant Treasurer , Treasurer, Executive Board , Fundra is ing Committe e ; RLW Chairman ; Accounting Club; Economics Club ; Senior Class Treas urer; Orientation Workshop Chairman ; Outstanding College Students of America . Linda Lee Oldford, Beta Xi-Biology/ Secondary Ed ucti o n- Michigan Tec h . Chapter President, Vice President; Blue Key National Honor Fraternity; Stage Revue Committee ; Undergraduate Student Government ; Public Awareness Committee; "Dial Help" vo lunteer; Michigan Tech Student Fo und ation Outstanding Achievement Award and Leadership Scholarship ; Skydiving & Ski Clubs; Who's Who; AST Sister of th e Year; Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society ; Phi Eta Sigma Freshman National Honor Society . Caroline Alto , Beta Omega - Elementary Education - Monmouth . Chapter President , Corresponding Secretary; Panhellenic Represe ntative ; Outlook Staff ewspaper; Yearbook Staff; Student Government Assoc. ; Dea n's List ; Kappa Delta Pi Educatio n Ho nor Society; Psi Chi Psychology Ho nor Society . Tammi Yvette Stambough, Gamma Alpha - Business Educa tion- Rio Grande . Chapter Rush Director , Music Chairman ; Student Senator Secretary ; Dean's List ; ROTC Scholastic Achievement ; Pershing Rifles Club; plays the organ . Kim Reynolds , Gamma Epsilon- Biology - Potsdam . Chapter Corresponding Secretary; Social Service Chairman ; Blood Drive Chairman / Organizer; Ice Carnival; Crane Chorus; Collegiate Singers; WPRS Radio Station ; Sigma Pi Little Sister; Beta Beta Beta Biology Honor Society ; Potsdam Mini-grant Award to do biological research ; Am erican S ociety Mamm ologists ; President's Honors . Brenda Bahn, Gamma Beta- Human Service-Lake Superi or. Int e r -Greek C o uncil ; Fundraising Committee ; Social Service Chairman ; Intramurals; Volunteer for the Elderly & Mentally Handicapped ; Outstanding Students of America ; Delta Sigma Phi Sweetheart ; Dean's List.


Collegians Zeta


Lock Haven Univers ity o f Pennsylvania

State University of Buffalo

The pace was set for Zeta chapter's spring semester with the formal rush theme of "Stepping Out with the Taus". We welcomed seven new sisters: Kim Gi o rland o , Audra Kraus e , T am m y Nagle , Nicole Schuck , Ginny Tachovsky , Lynn Wolfe and Pame la Yaroma . Four of o ur sisters were sent to Con vention as a result of o ur hard fundraising efforts . We also sold daffodils and collected door-to-door for the American Cancer S ociety . On e o f o ur sister's helped school students during a French Festival. The Zeta chapter participated in Greek Week and Greek Olympic events . During the airband competition , we performed "Wipeout". Our Yellow Rose formal was a great success and fun was had by all. We were all happy to be reunited with some alumnae. - Dana Broomell


Emporia State University The Iota chapter has made an effort to become closer with our alumnae. It began in February , when active members sent Valentine's Day cards to our form er sisters. Alumnae were invited to rush preparation meetings , which paid off when some of them helped out during rush . Once the basketball season dribbled in , Iota sisters could be fo und courtside at most home games. We also enjoyed Greek Week festivities , including volley ball . O ur involvement through Panhellenic Council was heavy. During their Blood Drive, we received the Co untess Award for the highest amount of members who donated . We exchanged pizza during a party for all sororities and attended a workshop together. Despite inclement weather , a number of alumnae returned for our Collegiate Alumnae Pot-Luck Picnic. We presented roses of appreciation to our adviser, Sally Conrad , and our ho use mother , Alice Kerwin . She will be missed after being o ur comforter and guide for three years . Summer plans included a re union weekend , then , before school, a sisterhood retreat. Five sisters attended con vention . - Marsha Dale 14

The Spring of '88 has been an exciting , if challenging , year for Sigma . Everyone knew something was in the air when the spring pledge class amounted to 12 . It became obvious that change was bound to happen . Our first try at something new was the initiation of the Mother / Daughter Brunch . Great food , great slides and great compa n y turned this one -time event into tradition . In stead of trying to sell candy or jewlery this yea r, we created and sold uniqu e, hand -pain ted T-shirts . Another success . Other more -than -memorable eve nts that took place were Sisters Night , In itiation , Greek Games and the Banquet. Sisters Nights began in the normal fashion : food-fun - friends throughout the evening . Each sister had switched identities with another sister and we all had quite a laugh deciding who was who. Everybody agrees that the night was one big "Crash ." Greek Games could be described by one and all as a contin uous blast. Our Inter Greek Association plann ed events to take place all week. This, plus our banquet being the night before the final events proved to be challenging, and produced interesting results. Somehow we managed to take second place overall. We chose o ur offi cers for 1988 - 89 , headed by the energetic duo of Susan Allen and Debbie Nelson , president and vice -pre sid ent (respectively) . Special honors go out to Paulette Tota for being named sister of the year , and Lisa Mari ne llo for winning Top Tau . T o our graduating senio rs : Lena Faulkner , Lo uise Ball, Julie Braun and Pame la Wales , we wish you the best of luck in the years to come . We hope you keep close the memories as we surely will . But to our sisters we need never say "good-bye" -but farewell - for we will see yo u again. - Kimberly Gerber

Zeta Tau

Longwood College Zeta Tau nearly tripled our membership through rush efforts . After a spring rush with its theme "Win , Lose or Tau", an ope n rush was held , bringing a total of 13 pledges . Winning the Sister hood Award for the second consecutive year at the Greek Banq uet topped the semester. We also

enjoyed the company of fellow Greeks during Greek Week '88 . We pulled our way into first place in the Tug O 'War competition . With the help of Alpha Phi Omega , we raised $330 for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Most of our other fundraisers were held in order to sponsor our panhellenic representative to attend convention . Zeta Tau was also active spring semester in campus athletics . Basketball and volleyball were on the list to be tested . We also entered the Ambassador's Annual Ooze ball Tournament. Our college's Founder's Day was held the same weekend as our annual senior picnic , making it more enticing for alumnae to return to campus . We are grateful for the contributions they have made to our Chapter Room Carpeting Fund . As usual , our week in Nags Head provided an excellent summer escape . - Melissa Croumie


S outheastern Louisiana University Phi chapter returned to Southeastern prepared for rush . We initiated six new girls in February : Leslie Anderson , Crystal Buie , Stephanie Hano , Melissa Knight , Ronda Marbry and Julie Mattei. Dee Dee Dunaway and Rayne Carr are pledge picked up during open rush . Our date party , "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous ," was held mid -March . We all had a fun time dressing up as our favorite person . Phi also enjoyed two mixers with Alpha Tau Omega and Delta Tau Delta . During our annual Rock-a-thon , we collected 400 for the Pine Mountain Settlement School. Our congratulations goes to sister Judi Lambert , Top Tau , Molly Paris , Sweetheart , and Misty Thomas , Order of Omega . Blair Davis , active in Kappa Alpha , is our new Beau . Terry Dudley came to visit us after the spring holidays , bringing lots of new ideas for our chapter. Our Yellow Rose Formal was a huge success . Our new executive board was presented , with President Judi Lambert and Vice President Gwen Kurtz in the helm . Convention dominates our ummer plans . Needless to say , we were e cited to greet ister from other chapter in our hometown . - hri ti H inill

Fall 1988 / THE AN HOR

Collegians One of the many Greek activities held on campus was the Dating Game we sponsored. The Pretty Legs Contest fea tured a special twist, as Alpha Gamma was well represented by a sister's beau . We also participated in the Win, Lose or Draw Contest. Panhellenic involvement included the campaign for Responsible Drinking Around the World . We displayed our posters across campus . Alpha Gamma also collected for the American Heart Association . We have appointed a new officer of Alumnae Liasison , Kim Ramsey , to locate our alums. An Alumnae Tea was held for local alumnae . We look forward to our fall workshop for rush, when one of the new parties will have an Oriental theme .

Psi chapter Walk Night- "'Bids on the Field ."


Alpha Gamma

James Madison University

Henderson State University

With the 112 sisters that make up the Psi chapter, there is bound to be diversity. But it ranks second to our obviously strong bonds of sisterhood , which surface during our campus lives. As philanthropists , we worked to provide funding for the Pine Mountain Settlement School. There are sisters who gave during the campus blood drive . Before Easter , we were busy coloring eggs for an egg hunt for local children In addition to these activities , the Psi sister also held jobs , school government positions and club offices . More than one-third of the sorority made the Dean's List. We are all very proud of Christine Mitchell , JMU co-valedictorian . Taking advantage of the mountains , we held a sister-weekend retreat. Our three theme events included a Casino Night , a Nuclear Fallout party and our annual Halloween party with the Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity. Our successful alumnae weekend was incorporated into the Panhellenic-spon sored Greek Week . We supported all Greek activities , and with the help of our district president, Karen Sloan , increased our functions for sisters . Our most enjoyable , and successful , activity was Greek Sing. To a 50s motif, we sang and danced to "Rockin Robin" and "Rock Aro und the Clock". We ended the show with a chill-sending finale when we sang a chorus of "We Go Together . . . shanna nanna nanna nanna do wap do wap ." - Wend y Hauenstein

This year's Special Olympics was extra special for Alpha Gamma at Henderson State . Thousands of special individuals from across Arkansas came to participate in activities ranging from throwing a softball to running a mile relay. Many sisters assisted in the games. Spring Rush brought five new pledges , after a party which rang in the "New Year. " Everyone dressed formally , donning festive party hats. Hershey kisses were passed out at midnight and sisters sang their own version of "Alude Lang Syne. " Despite some tough competition , Alpha Gamma rebounded for third place in intramura l basketball. Softball came next, and a surprising amo unt of talent led the team to an overall record of 4 -2 .

THE ANCHOR / Fall 1988

As volunteers during Henderson State's Spe 路 cia/ Olympics , Alpha Gamma sisters Sonja Quinn , Sonja Crawford and Kel/i Quinn take time out to pose with Ronald McDonald .

Alpha Lambda

Radford University Spring semester was very busy for Alpha Lambda . After returning from Christmas break , we were almost immediately caught up in formal rush . With "Gold Rush" as our theme , the sisters dressed as cowgirls , cowboys and Mexicans . Our new pledges became "24 Tau-tally Awesome Taus". Before rush began , a lock-in was held to help us to prepare for rush , catch up on upcoming events and , most importantly , strengthen our bonds of sisterhood . We participated in team-building games , allowing us to trust among ourselves and grow stronger as sisters . During spring semester we participated in many intramural sports including basketball , volleyball and softball . We also held a number of mixers with other campus fraternities . In addition , we were involved in social service and fundraising projects . They included the annual MDA Superdance , Big Brothers/ Big Sisters Bowl-A-Thon with Tau Kappa Epsilon and Meals on Wheels . Our annual Sweethearts Banquet was held at the Holiday Inn in Roanoke , VA . We crowned Kim Fulghum and Robin Hachney as Banquet Queen and Princess . Toward the end of the semester , we inducted new officers: Kim Fulghum , President ; Cheryl Quast , vice president ; Donna Macerollo , recording secretary; Diana Zurshmeide, pledge mistress ; Carrie Arn old , rush chairperson ; Merrill Slaven , alumnae secretary; Kelly Jarvis , treasurer and Tracy Webb , Editor. Spring semester came to a close with o ur cabin parties . It was a weekend full of excitement and a time for all the sen -


Collegians iors to say goodbye . They will be greatly missed in the coming year . -Tracy Webb

Alpha Omicron

Clarion University of Pennsylvania Alpha Omicron developed an ex tremely memorable campaign for spring rush . The parties included a mock election which featured an Alpha Sigma Tau sister as the number one candidate . Our rush won by a landslide , as we picked up 16 pledges . Currently , we are the largest sorority on camp us. Our competition with seven other sororities netted us the Greek Week title . Many alumnae returned to strengthen our efforts . Greek Carnival was held for the first time during an April weekend . It was deemed a success and we look forwa rd to its becoming an annual event. Alpha Omicron not only helped during the Blood Drive but also collected clothing for local needy families . At the Yellow Rose formal , sisters enjoyed being together and sharing the secrets of sisterhood . We elected a new Tau Tiger and man of the year. Alumnae received newsletters and we tried o ur skills at intramural volleyball and soccer. We look forward to an increased sense of close sisterhood when we move into a new suite next year. -Lori Ann Rider

Alpha Pi

Slippery Rock University We started out the Spring semester eager for informal rush . We held a "Get on the Ball with AST" theme party . The rushees must have had an excellent time because we were able to add six outstanding pledges to our group . Our pledges were very busy and worked hard on fundraisers . They got to make fun of the sisters by giving us awards for wacky , crazy things we've done , during Comedy Night. The pledges gave us a date party at our house . Besides the meeting and our fundraisers , we found time for a hair show at a local salon , a Mary Kay Cosmetic show and a retreat , which all went off without a hitch . One of the most adventurous things was a road trip to Eastern Michigan University , which is in Ypsilanti , to visit the sisters and seed the place where we were founded. We had an excellent time with


Alpha Pi sisters clow n aro und before getting ready fo r a serious semester at Slippe ry Rock.

the sisters and learned a lot of new songs . A special thanks to the Alpha chapter for a memorable weekend . After being bumped from our winning streak in Greek Sing and in last place during Greek Week, we got our act together and ended up as co-champs with a fellow sorority . The University tells us that we made the greatest comeback in Greek Week history . As the semester came to a close we studied for our finals , but made time for Senior Send Off. - Helen Close

Alpha Sigma

Northeast Missouri State University Twenty-eight al umnae made the trek back to our alma mater to help Alpha Sigma celebrate our 20th anniversary . Travelling from as far as Maryland , sisters enjoyed the weekend , which pulled us closer together . The schedule of events included an open house , informal party, rededication ceremony , and formal banquet and dance . Numerous chapter awards were given , as well as yellow rose corsages to seven graduating seniors. Fundraising took on a new twist with our door-to-door egg sale . After receiving a donation .of one egg , sisters then sold the egg after explaining the Pine Mountain Settlement School. This process was repeated all afternoon . Some sisters travelled to Kentucky to visit the school and deliver the donation. During our spring rush party "Alpha Sigma Tau Goes Broadway", we dressed in black and white and performed a skit and showed slides . Other parties were " Anchors Away" and " Games

Night". We held the office of president of the Panhellenic Council and gained two ad ditional rooms in Brewer Hall . We have many new programs to look forward to in the fall , in areas such as pledging , scholarship and social services . - Lori Goehl

Alpha Tau

Edinboro University Alpha Tau danced our way into third place overall during Greek Week . Sister Cyndi Eddy and partner Jeff Wieble took first place in the couples dance event and sister Pam Hieple earned second in the singles. We welcomed 11 pledges this spring. Our successful rush party themes were "Lose , Win or AST" and "AST Scramble ," based on games. We congratulated pledges with a progressive dinner. Our involvement in the Panhellenic Council grew this year , thanks to our two sisters Susan Rusnak and Julie Knapp , who are on the executive board. Alpha Tau helped with Panhel's blood drive and a dance-a-thon. Sister Kotene Cochran danced the entire 30 hours for multiple sclerosis . During Greek Sing, we placed third with a medley from "The Wiz". Our alumnae came to support us , and brought a slide show of the Pine Mountain Settlement School to one of our meetings. A sister weekend was planned during June . -Julia Knapp

Alpha Phi

West Chester University The Alpha Phi chapt r is con tantl

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Collegians growing, and we are beginning to be recognized as a strong organization on the West Chester campus. During Greek Awards, we were given the New Membership Development Award . Our 22 sisters successfully brought in 11 pledges during our spring rush week. Under the theme of "Anchors Away with AST" we sang songs and served rootbeer floats . A penny drive was held to benefit the Pine Mountain Settlement School. We also staffed a blackjack booth during the university's first Spring Carnival , where proceeds went to United Way . During Greek Week, the Panhellenic Council sponsored a sexual harassment seminar. Fun was had as well , as we placed first in the banner contest. The highlight was our victory in Greek Sing for the second consecutive year. Greek Games followed , with a picnic , softball , powder-puff football and volleyball. In January, our chapter began an alumnae newsletter. Hopeful summer plans included a weekend retreat to help us get organized for fall rush . It will be informal next year, with formal rush scheduled for the spring. -Kimberly Taylor

Beta Delta

Duquesne University The Beta Delta chapter broke in the new year with a wonderful visit from Linda Hollingshead Bruce , our district president. Since she had never been to Pittsburgh , we made sure she saw the beauty of our city . Our chapter initiated 16 sisters during the visit. We would like to thank her for all her help . We elected new officers and are especially proud of Gina Clair , our Panhellenic delegate , who is now president of the Panhellenic Council at Duquesne. The themes of our rush parties were "Follow Your Heart to AST", "Winterwonderland" and "Spuds MackenzieThis Spuds for You ". A formal was held

in March to welcome Janet Dunham , Jennifer Graff , Kathleen Kress , Jennifer Paris and Sherri Schultz . The pledge class collected canned food to donate in order to help rescue President Lauralee Rzeszotarski during a Canned for Ransom activity planned by service fraternity Alpha Phi Omega. They also initiated a pledge/ sister switch day that turned the events for the day around . For Greek Sing this year , we dressed in red , white and blue and sang and danced to " (They're Coming to) America," " Living in the U .S . A ." and "R.O .C.K . in the U.S .A." Beta Delta also increased our appreciation of the world around us . We attend ed the 6th Annual International Students Night. We also visited Les Idees Gallery in our student union and saw the beautiful paintings of Vincent Carducci. In conjunction with the Leukemia Society , we held a Bachelor Raffle . One of the gorgeous men was Sweetheart Michael Burger . We sold tickets for one dollar and picked the lucky girl to go out to dinner with the man of her choice. We ended the year with the Yellow Rose Ball. It was a special way to say good-bye to seniors Victoria King , Tamara Stanchik , Michele Arnold and Cynthia Bunty . We also warmly welcomed new Sweetheart Joe Nelson . April 24 , our chapter turned 17. We've come a long way in all those years and look forward to beginning the 18th . -Cynthia Bunty

Beta Epsilon

Shippensburg University Spring '88 brought much change in the rush season for Beta Epsilon Rush chairperson Kristen Ulshafer helped us to make a smooth transition from our previous rush program to the newly established Panhellenic system . Our rushes included themes such as

Alpha Tau 1988 Spring pledge class .


"20, 000 Leagues Under the Sea ," "Year of the Dragon -the Chinese New Year ," and an Italian festival. We are proud to welcome 12 new sisters: Leslie Bowles , Meg Delaney , Michel e Dougherty , Aimee Jo Hann , Kim Houck , Claudine DiBona , Lisa Mast , Danielle Durda , Missy Stauffer , Diane Graeff , Diane Thorpe and LeighAnn Weakland . This spring we also held many social activities to entertain the sisters at Shippensburg thanks to our social chairperson , Diana Smith . We kept active with three mixers , a Valentine date party and a picnic date party . And of course , our formal , held at the Treadway in Lancaster , was a great success. Congratulations Amy Miller as our Top Tau and to Maria Vernitsky for winning the sorority's Lisa Ziegler award . Greek Week proved exciting as always with some new events as well as the traditional ones . Beta Epsilon captured the most points in the Variety Show and proved our spirit with 100 percent of our sisters participating in the blood drive . Karen Hock did a fantastic job in organ izing our chapter's participation . The sisters kept athletically involved the rest of the semester with intramural basketball and volleyball. - Kelly Miksa

Beta Zeta

University of Alabama at Birmingham Webster describes winter as a period of inactivity or decay. Which is true if you're a tree , but not if you're Tau . The Winter Quarter kicked off what is typically one of the busiest times for the Beta Zeta Chapter . Our first social event of the season was a Graffi-T mixer with Delta Sigma Phi . We had no sooner autographed our last Delta Sig when Homecoming rolled around . As usual Homecoming events left us breathless from constant activity . It was the Beta Zeta's job to decorate the University Center and assist in Noonday Events . Our Vice-President , Cynthis Laken , did a great job on the Homecoming Committee and in organizing our efforts to do these tasks . We had great fun competing with other cam pus organizations throughout the week , and for our efforts our homecoming banner , which was displayed at the game , too k Third Place . We barely had time to recuperate from Homecoming when it came time for Informal Rush . For the first time we implemented an Informal Rush Week . Through this Rush Week and one on one rush , we pledged a total of nine


Collegians sports (football , basketball and softball) and placed third during Greek Week . Our strong presence on campus this year improved our rushing, and the rush committee provided innovative ideas that made girls take a second look at Alpha Sigma Tau . The rush parties had creative themes: "It's a Children's World" to a downshome country theme complete with junk band and "red beans and rice". The closeness between the members was evident and our pledge classes grew in the true spirit. Our sorority is in the limelight for all the right reasons , thanks to dedication , spirit and genuine affection among the members as friends and sisters . -Mary Lou Lucio Beta Zeta 's looking their best , at the Emerald Ball.

young women . These pledges and some collegians volunteered their time (and their aching feet) to the Civiettes Mall Ball Fundraiser . For an entire evening these young women literally walking advertisements for different businesses . Dressed in costumes ranging from a bunch of grapes to Cleopatra to a flower trellis , these young women walked miles to assist the Civiettes in raising money for the MaySimpson Cerebral Palsy Center. Other social service activities included a phonea-then for the Arthritis Foundation and a ticket sale to the Macy Day Celebration for the benefit of Cerebral Palsy . The end of March we elected new officers. Our congratulations to these young women ; we know that they will accomplish many great things for the Beta Zeta chapter during their terms of office. 路 April brought us Mixers with Tau Kappa Epsilon and Alpha Tau Omega . The mixer with TKE was our first with them in a long while, and they treated us in style . Each Tau was presented a yellow rose as we passed through the red doors of the TKE house . They then spent the rest of the evening impressing us with their winning ways and good times . The ATO mixer, our final mixer of the year , was Tauhiti . The ATO's are a great group of young men . April was Greek Week which in turn brought us lots of fun and little time to study . Activities included Greek Awards Reception, All-Greek party , a Chariot Parade and the Greek Games . We were recognized as the most improved sorori路 ty , and received third place in sorority overall standing . We also received second place in Greek games , and third place in overall Greek Week competition .


Even though Greek Week wore us out physically , our spirits were still high . Our Spring Formal was the next weekend . We had chosen Emerald Ball as our theme . Our Formal chair and co-chair , Tammy Terrell and Sasha Smith , and their committee , put together a wonderful evening . "There are many affairs . . . but few classics." And this one was truly a classic . Our year was capped off by the initiation of our Spring pledges . We want to congratulate them on a successful pledgeship and wish them joy and happiness as fully initiated sisters . We hope that all of the other chapters of Alpha Sigma Tau were able to end their year on a similar positive note . -Melissa Cox

Beta Theta

St. Mary's University Our sorority , though small in number , has grown larger where it counts . . . in the heart of the members . We lost a lot of girls due to graduation , but our new members have a strong desire to make Beta Theta an active , yet close-knit sorority . One of our most noteworthy accomplishments was receiving Most Active Social Service Organization at St. Mary's University. The women of Beta Theta chapter gave their time to many community projects , charities and campus activities. Some of these charities included : a Halloween party for the children at Ronald McDonald House , Thanksgiving food basket , Walk America for the March of Dimes and our annual Easter party for children at a neighborhood church . We also participated in Intramural

Beta Iota

Millersville University Beta Iota began the spring semester with formal rush . Our first party was a get-acquainted tea and all the sisters wore letters . The second tea was called " Under the Big Top with the Taus", where sisters played the roles of circus characters and presented different aspects of Alpha Sigma Tau life . Our third tea was formal. Seven enthusiastic sisters joined us : Corlina Grammes , Alice Hoover , Melissa Kraft , Kris Kuhn , Fawn Neece , Angela Renner and Cindy Silverman . The following week we had an informal tea , receiving two more exciting sisters : Kelly Butterworth and Stacie Templin . Our service project was our most noteworthy event. Our first bowl-a-thon with Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity benefitted "The Ronald McDonald House" of Hershey , PA . We bowled four games each and collected sponsors. We raised approximately 2 ,000 , thanks to our chairperson , Susan Morgan. Greek Week was held the week of March 21. Each day sororities and fraternities participated in different events such as keg toss , pie-eating contest , dress exchange , "Win , Lose or Draw" , chariot races , and " Anything Goes Day". Beta Iota proudly placed third in the competition . All the Greek organizations united with much enthusiasm during Greek Week . On April 22 the sisters met together for a camping trip , and everyone had a great time! The spring formal was April 29 . Congratulations to our ten graduating seniors : Mary Jo Ores I, Th r a Dolan , usan Gramm r , Li a Garman . Meli sa Rowlands , ancy H nr , nn

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Collegians Long , Stephanie Gegg , Diane Johnson and Karen Davis. -Diane Johnson

Beta Mu

Salisbury State U niversity Our exciting rush schedule brought 13 new additions to the Beta Mu chapter First , we held an ice cream social where the atmosphere was informal but informative. At a second rush party : the sisters performed a skit based on the Wizard of Oz . Beta Mu is a chapter busy helping others. We adopted a grandfather and fami ly in the community , participated in a Wellness Day and assisted the Holly Center for retarded citizens. After our balloon launch , we donated money to the Students Against Mulitiple Sclerosis fund. Our social calendar was jammed , as we were involved in many Greek activities . Some of these were the Monopoly Tournament , Song Fest , Scavenger Hunt , Comedian Show , Toga Party and Greek Picnic . Along with fellow Greeks , we watched Animal House in the Red Square . We enjoyed our Spring Banquet with our former sisters and held a luncheon for alumnae . Our ritual supplies now have a new home , with the addition of our storage cabinet. Several sisters attended convention , and we have already begun big plans for our ten year anniversary. - Carol Lee Thompson

Beta Xi

Michigan Technological University The sisters of Beta Xi heated up to take first in Winter Carnival for the second year in a row . Under the theme of "Frosty Traces of Faraway Places ," the sorority entered the winning snow statue "Once upon a time in Snow-a-Lot", based on Camelot. We placed second in Skits , which is un common for a sorority , and third in Special Events. During o ur "Anchors Aweigh" rush , we used a treasure hunt to find out more about our rushees . The "Country Fair" rush included p ies and friendship bracelets . Fourteen enthusiastic pledges joined our sisterhood. Beta Xi raised money for the Barbara Kettle G u ndlock Shelter H ome for Abused Wo men by participating in a bake sale . We also distrib uted pamphlets fo r Dial He lp and p articipated in Panhe l's Blood Drive.

THE ANCHOR / Fall1988

On ce Upon a Tim e in Snow -a-lot " is proudly displayed by a triumphant Beta Xi chapte r, who won Winter Carnival at Michigan Tech for the second co nsecutiv e yea r.

Intramural sports included volleyball and co-ed water polo . We were also hard to work on our house , stripping woodwork and re novating a new study area . Plans for next fall entail a Parent's Weeke nd , where our parents will be given the opportunity to see first hand why Alpha Sigma Tau means so much to us . -Paula Mayer

Beta Upsilon

New Jersey Institute of Technology Beta Upsilon attended a lecture on hazing sponsored by the Interfraternity / Sorority Council. We saw a video , then listened to a speaker who lost her son during a hazing incident. As a result , we have taken an active stand in the prevention of hazing on campus . Rush includ ed three lunch eo ns : "Soaps with Sister's" , "Ziti Day" and a mixer with Sigma Pi . We gained three spirited pledges : Jos y Goodenough, Roseanna Pizza and Arlene Leon. Beta Upsilon p articipated in the university phon -a-thon , with proceeds going to local charities . We also were active in the campus blood drive . Some sisters tried their ath letic skills during intramural competition in softball and bowling. We placed well overall. Greek Week ke pt us busy with events such as th e stretcher race , obstacle course and pogo race. We did alright , considering we were the only sorority in the competition . Alumnae attended our Big Sister dance . We hope to get together over the summer at a beach house we rented . - lldi Hajda-Nemeth

Beta Chi

Ferris S tate College Beta Chi sisters are anxiously awaiting the coming year when we'll be celebrating our five -year anniversary as a chapter on Ferris StaiB's campus . Our newly-elected E-Board has already brought new ideas and spirit to our chapter. New officers are Michele Farabi-preside nt ; Kimberly Tibbitts-vicepresident; Patricia Forth-recording secre tary ; Karin Le hrer-treasurer; Candi Clark- fundraiser chairperson ; Karen Foster-housing director ; Annie Weykamp - rush director ; Destinie Bebee pledge director ; and Cathy Leventis panhe llenic delegate . Beta Chi boasted a second-place finish in Greek Week festiviti es. Our girls raced to a first -place finish in both Greek Track and Greek Relay and a third place in Greek Pool. Our version of "Only in My Dreams- To be an AST", captured a second in Greek Song and Dance . Twelve girls traveled to Central Michigan University fo r the Regional Leadership Workshop Weekend and returned with enthusiastic reviews . Our sisters fro m Ce ntral Michigan University then came to join us the following Monday for our AST Greek Night. Money raised from our All-Greek New Year's Eve Bash and AST Button Party helped make o ur Yellow Rose Formal a great success . It was great to see alumnae Karen Isopi , Bridget Fitzpatrick , Miche lle Andrus , Laura Meyers and Barb Zuder . Beta Chi participated in the annual CROP Walk for Hunger and made vale ntines for the e lderl y at Greenridge Nursing Home with the Pi Kappa Alpha (Co ntinued on page 27)


Alpha Sigma Tau Directory National Headquarters , P.O . Box 59252 , Birmingham , AL 35259

Ph : 205/ 945-0318

ALPHA SIGMA TAU founded November 4 . 1899-Eastern Michigan University (formerly Michigan State Normal College) . Ypsilanti. Michigan

AET National Foundation, Inc. Board of Directors

THE FOUNDERS Mrs. E. A. Lyman* Helene M. Rice* May Gephard* Mayene Tracy* Mable Chase*

Adriance Rice* Ruth Dutcher* Eva O'Keefe* Harriet Marx* (Mrs. C . F. Pfeiffer)

CHIEF PATRONESS *Ada A. Norton - Alpha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. ....... 1925-1928

NATIONAL PRESIDENTS *Grace Erb Ritchie - Alpha . ... . . ...... . ...... .. ... . 1925-1928 *Luella Chapman -Sigma ..... .. ..... . . . . . .. . ..... 1928-1934 Carrie Washburne Staehle-Aipha ....... . ........ . .. 1934-1949 *Doroth y Bennett Robinson-Pi . .. ............... . .. 1949-1955 *Mary Alice Seller Peterson- Iota ...... .. ..... .. .... 1955-1964 Elizabeth Wilson - Pi . .. ....... ... ..... . ........... 1964-1972 Lenore "Sybil" Seibel King-Psi . . ...... .. ........... 1972-1984 Gail Shockley Fowler- Alpha Lambda ... . ........ . . . 1984-1986 deceased


President-Meda Ray Elliott Sewell (Mrs . Preston) , Omicron , 6541 . Williamsburg Blvd ., Arlington, VA 22213 First Vice President- Lenore Seibel King (Mrs . Thomas J ., Jr.). Ps1 , 1845 Lakeridge Road , Birmingham, AL 35216 . Second Vice President-Mary Glor Bolton (Mrs. Douglas J .). S1gma , 60 Briarhurst , Williamsville . NY 14221 Member-a t-large-June McCarthy , Pi , 8891 Watson Woods, St. Louis, MO 63126 Treasurer -Bobbie Nichols Tucker (Mrs . Jack A. , Jr.). Alpha Gamma , 6304 Kenwood, Little Rock , AR 72207

Foundation Chairmen Awards, Grants & Scholarships Committee Chairman -Or. Rose Marie Schmidt, Theta , 5106 Harvard Road , Detroit, Ml 48224 Financial Secretary-Lois Schweikart O'Dell (Mrs . Robert), Lambda , 222 W. Tabor Road , Philadelphia , PA 19120 Fundraising - Annette Sanchez , Beta Theta , 2002 Larrazolo Road , SW , Albuquerque , NM 87105 Publicity- Delores Crapsi Schmidt (Mrs. Adolf K.), Sigma . 597 Mill Street , Williamsville , NY 14221

Carrie Washburne Staehle (Mrs. Haswell E.) Alpha

National Council National President - Patricia Nayle , Phi , 5801 Lumberdale #1 38, Houston , TX 77092 National Vi ce President- Janet Hanson Dodson (Mrs. Duane) , Iota, 618 North Chestn ut , Lindsborg , KS 67456 National Secretary - Ricki Trosen (Mrs . Wallace) , Alpha Sigma , 104 Woodwinds , Kirksvi lle, MO 6350 1 National Treasurer- Rebecca Venne Appleman (Mrs . Phillip R.), AA , 3 11 N. Ridgeview Drive , Indianapolis , IN 46219 Director of Collegiate Chapters - Mary Charles Adams Ashby (Mrs. C . J .), Chi, Box 12, The Plains, VA 22171 Director of Alumnae-Sally Sturm Wales (Mrs . Robert A. ), Sigma , 85 Bassett Road , Williamsville , NY 14221 Director of Expansion-Jean Ryckman McNamara (Mrs . John) , Sigma , 189 Cresthill Ave ., Tonawanda , NY 14150 Director of Fraternity Programs - Lenore Seibel King (Mrs. Thomas J ., Jr.), Psi , 1845 Lakeridge Road , Birmingham , AL 35216 Acting Director of Publications-Carole Bicking Keily (Mrs. Timothy) , Alph a Xi , 7807 Leland Road , Manassas, VA 22111 National Panhelle nic Conference Delegate-Cynthia Peck hart McCrory (Mrs. Charles R.), Alpha Alpha , P.O . Box 5218 , Fort Wayne, IN 46895

District Presidents Alpha : Melissa Friese n Parks (Mrs. Clinton R.), Beta Xi , 3649 Amberson , Cincinnati , OH 45208 Beta: Linda Hollingshead Bruce (Mrs. Barry K.), Alpha Xi , 6 Valleybrook Drive , Lancaster, PA 17601 Gamma: Gay Gammell True hart (Mrs. David), Beta Nu , 159 Eyer Street , Bloomsburg, PA 17815 Delta : Heidi-Marie Bliss, Alph a Omicron , 3405 Hamilton Drive , Voorhees , NJ 08043 Epsilon: Karen Geary Sloan (Mrs . Thomas W.), Zeta , 8621 Manorfield Road , Baltimore , MD 21236 Zeta : Joni Froman , Beta Pi , R.R. #2, Box 94 , Chrisman , IL 61924 Eta: Ruth Selby Kielczewski (Mrs. Richard), Alpha Sigma , 531 Kessler, Grand Prairie , TX 75052 Theta : Carol J . Cooper, Zeta Tau , Office of Residence Life , UNCW , 601 S . College Road , Wilmington , NC 28403 Iota : Lynn Monahan Kirkh am (Mrs . Chuck), Zeta , 2345 Bruce Ave., Spartansburg , SC 29302 Kappa : Janet Min nis Jimison (Mrs. Conrad), Iota , 1441 North C , Arkansas City, KS 67005 lambda: Mary Ellen Willmitch, Alpha Rh o , 1951 Penny Lane, Youngstown , OH 44515 Mu: Deborah Ullenius , Beta Xi , 1119 Roland Lane #20 , Green Bay , Wl54303 Nu : Lori Larkin Pinto (Mrs. Carl), Zeta , 1092 Bayless Place , Norristown , PA 19403


Committee Chairmen Awards-Nancy Voltz, Beta Epsilon , 2760 Hyson Lane , Falls Church, VA 22043 Chaplain- Lucinda Edwards Younce (Mrs. Steven L.), Alpha Alpha , 349 North Pinecrest, Bolingbrook , IL 60439 Colony Adviser- Anne Curran Gruber (Mrs . James) , Alpha , 10110 Polo Court, Spring Valley , OH 45370 Colony Adviser - Mary Pauline Yeatman , Beta Zeta , 410 Knollwoods Terrace , Roswell , GA 30075 Convention -Lindy Hallquist Steeves (Mrs . John), Alpha Epsilon , 400 Hudson , Clarendon Hills , IL 60514 Editor-Katherin King Powers (Mrs . James F., Jr.) , Beta Zeta , 9033 Gavelwood Ct. , Springfield , VA 22153 Editor , Alumnae "Anchor" - Rose Marie Schmidt , Theta , 5106 Har路 vard Road , Detroit , Ml 48224 Editor, Collegiate "Anchor"- Margaret D'Amico Shepherd (Mrs. Gerard) , Delta , 33 West 21st Street , Huntington Station , NY 11746 Crest Editor -Lisa Pelkey Arnold (Mrs . Randy), Sigma , 1951-A Village Green South , East Providence , Rl 02915 Expansion Assistant -Shelley L. Wascom , Phi , Rt. 1, Box 38, Lake City , TN 37769 Financial Assistant- Janice Taylor Fitch (Mrs . Donald), Iota, 4621 Via Lorna Linda , Yorba Linda , CA 92686 Historian-Emily Ashby Mcintire (Mrs. Michael), Alpha Lambda , 40052 Steel , Sterling Heights, MI 48310 Housing- Elizabeth Knaus , Alpha Lambda , 3029 Sandbend Road , Virginia Beach, VA 23456 Membership Development- Anne Marie Campo Girardot (Mrs . Dan), Beta Theta , 11818 Tobler Trail , Austin , TX 78753 Music - Arline Bouligny Clark (Mrs. Allen). Pi , 7037 Rhodes Avenue , St. Louis , MO 63123 Nominations -Jennifer Cantrell Schulz , Psi , 3533 Valley Road , # 2, Bonita , CA 92002 NPC Alternate Delegate-Carolyn Conner Alexander (Mrs. James) . Pi, 6328 Potomac Street , St. Louis, MO 63139 NPC Alternate Delegate - Ferne Shumate Phipps (Mrs . E. C .), Omicron , 2611 Harrison Ave ., Parkersburg, WV 26104 NPC Alternate Delegate- Patricia L. Nayle , Phi , 5801 Lumberdale #1 38 , Houston , TX 77092 Parliamentarian -Deborah McCain Pyszka (Mrs . Robert) , Alpha u, 1307 Hawk Creek, Blue Springs , MO 64015 Pledge Director-Sherry Trayer Gentile (Mrs. John A.), Psi, 4746 Shadow Woods Court, Dumfries , VA 22026 Regional leadership Workshop Director- Kelly Lynn Lewis, Delta . 11 East West Drive , Pittsburgh , PA 15237 Rush Director- Melissa Friesen Parks (Mrs. Clinton R.). B ta i, 6199 Chablis Drive , Hamilton , OH 45011 Scholarship- Sherry Dotson Butler (Mrs. Franklin D.). Omicron . 5211 Cherokee Hills Drive , alem , VA 24153 Social Service- Martha Drouyor DeCamp (Mrs . amuel T .). lph . 27061 Esward Drive , Agoura , CA 91301

Fall1988 / THE ANCHOR

Collegiate Chapters Alpha- Eastern Michigan University President, Janice Alvarado 13 1 College Place #4, Ypsilanti , MI 48 197; CA , Marcia Beach Sulli: van (Mrs . Chris), 14957 Arde n, Livonia , Ml 48154 ; CCA , Ingrid Mason , 3000 West Street, Milford, MI 48042 ; CO-ACA, Suzanne Nemet_h Shck (Mrs. Robert), 3350 Croissant , Dearborn , MI 48124 ; CC, Lmda Gundlefinger S hapona (Mrs. Mark), 5843 Wedge wood Canton , MI 48 18 7 ' Beta-Central Michigan University President Lisa Allen 107 W Gaylord, Mt. Pleasan t, Ml 48858 ; CA, Kathy Trudgen p'eck (Mrs: R1ck), 1006 East Lincoln Street, Mt. Pleasant , MI 48858 路 Shellie ' Lyn Ware , 14440 Appletree, Fenton, Ml 48430 Delta-Indiana University of Pennsylvania President Christine Marie Piper, 1150 Grant Street , Apt. #4 , Indiana , PA 1'5 701 路 CA S usan Mcilwain, 950 Lilac Street , Indiana , PA 15701 ; ACA : Suzanne Monet Lawer , 1091 South Sixth Street , Indiana , PA 15 70 1 ; CC , Rebecca McCiincy, 5237 Strathmore Drive Mechanicsburg, PA 17055; FA , Dr . Linda Rambler, 203 Stapleto~ Library , IUP , Indiana , PA 15701 Zeta-Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania President, Maria E. Demain , 533 West Main Street , Lock Haven , PA 17745; CA, Debra He lbley , 534 Hig h Street, Flemington , PA 17745; ACA , Joan Essenmac her, 118 W. Water Street , Apt. 3-A, Lock Haven ' PA 17745 ; CC , Sheri Gordon , Box 254 , Lamar, PA 16848 Iota-Emporia State University President, Genie! R. Hosselkus, 366 Central Avenue , Emporia , KS 66801; CCA , Sally Clerico Conard , Iota, 9 18 Neosho , Emporia , KS 66801 ; CC, Staci Lyn Jimison , 926 Bluemont # 10, Manhattan, KS 66502 Omicron-Concord College President, Julie Pence, C-423 , Concord College , Athens , WV 24712 ; CA , Martha N. Kello , 508 Walnut Street , Princeton , WV 24740 ; ACA , Benjean Rapp , P .O . Box 747, Athens , WV 247 12 ; CC , Betty Sue Hedrick, 600 Island Street, Princeton , WV 24740 Rho-South ea stern Oklahoma State University President, Liz Cobb, P .O . Box 2468, Station A, Durant , OK 74701 ; CA , Rowena Bowmax , P .O .Box 1911 , Durant, OK 74702 Sigma-State University College at Buffalo President , Lisa Marinello , 376 Baynes Street , Buffalo , NY 14213; CA, Marilyn O'Lear Helmrath (Mrs . William) , 86 Jeanie Lane , North Tonawanda , NY 14 120 ; ACA , Norma Willingdon Martin (Mrs . Frances A.), 21 Glendale Drive , Tonawanda, NY 14150 ; CC , Susan McNamara Fry, 311 Sterling Ave ., Buffalo , NY 14216 Zeta Tau-Longwood College President , Silvia Wyant , P.O. Box 1350, Longwood College , Farmville , VA 23901 ; CA , Cathi West , Longwood College , Dept. of Sociology and Psychology, Farmville , VA 23901; ACA , Evelyn Gragnani , 5212 Sylvan Road , Richmond , VA 23225 ; CC , Katherine Sowards Baber (Mrs . Frank) , Box 108-A Hampton Farm, Cartersville , VA 23027 Upsilon-University of Central Arkansa s President , Mariana Lewis, 1931 Martin U, Conway, AR 72032 ; CCA , Karen Jo Davis , 1824 Simms , Conway , AR 72032 ; CCA , Maria Chudy , 240 Apple Valley , Sherwood , AR 72116 ; CO-ACA , Francie Ferguson Jeffery (Mrs. Estel, Jr.), #5 Oakwood Circle , Conway, AR 72032 ; COACA , Elaine Mack McNiece (Mrs . James C .), 1410 Prince , Conway , AR 72032 ; CC , Gina Stone , 17 J ea nna Drive , Conway , AR 72032 Phi-Southeastern Louisiana Univers ity Preside nt , Judi Lambert , 509 East Coleman , Hammond , LA 70403 ; CA , Patricia Ke ller, 501 Crysta l Street , New Orleans , LA 70124 ; ACA , Deborah Melancon, Route #1 , Box 677- M, Covington , LA 70433; CC, Eva Blackwell, 22 12 Charles Drive , Chalmette, LA 70043 Psi-James Madison University President , Mary T. Bailey, P .O . Box 355 , JMU , Harrisonburg , VA 22801 ; CA , Dr. Eileen S . Ne lson , Psychology Department, Johnston Hall , JMU , Harrisonburg , VA 22807 ; AC A, Jill Costie Harris (Mrs. Hunter) , 1439 East Court, Harrisonburg, VA 2280 1; CC , Sarah Howarth, 16 10 Wainwright Drive , Reston , VA 22090 Alpha Gamma-Henderson State University President , Robin E. Foster, P.O . Box 5743 , HS U, Arkadelphia , AR 71923 ; CA, Vickie Arnold King (Mrs. Lloyd) , Rt. #9 , Box 482 , Hot Springs , AR 719 13 ; ACA, Sandra Covington Peavey (Mrs . ??) , HSU , Box 6478 , Arkade lp hia , PA 7 1923 Alpha Epsilon- Western lllinois University President , Kristen Andress, 7 Pollack Drive , Macomb, IL 64155; ACA , Cathy Chenoweth Onion (Mrs. Steven). RR # 1, Table Grove , IL 6 1482 ; CC , Marti Schwartz, 15 14 Northbrook C-3 , Apt . 10, Normai , IL 61761 Alpha Lambda-Radford University President , Kim Fu lghum , 10 11-D Fairfax , Radford , VA 2414 1; CA , Noe l Eggleston, Box 5833 , Radford Uni versity , Radford , VA 24142 ; Dana Swart Williams (Mrs . Carl). 26 Crestview Drive , Radford, VA 24141 Alpha Mu-University of Arkansas at Monticello President , Dawn Harrod , P .O . Box 2342 , UAM , Monticello, AR 7 1635; CA, Nancy Gates, P .O . Box 200 18, Monticello , AR 7 1655; CC, J an Ja mes O we ns, 532 Perry Street, Helena, AR 7234 2


Alph a Xi-Mansfi eld University President , Judy A. Wald , Box 392, 328 Laurel B, MU , Mansfield , PA 16933; CA , Judy Lewandowski , Alpha Xi, 120 Pinecrest , Mansfield University, Mansfield , PA 16933; CC, Amy Hollick , Alpha Xi , 422 High Street, First Floor, Williamsport , PA 17701 Alpha Omicron-Clarion University of Pen nsylva ni a President, Deanne Shelenberger , 537 Madison Street, Clarion , Pennsylvania 16214; CA , Suzanne Crozier Jobb , 1201-B Leatherwood Drive , Clarion , Pennsylvania 16214 ; ACA , Caren Eck , 119 East Weber Avenue , DuBois, PA 15801 Alpha Pi-Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvan ia President , Christine Baker , Garden Apt. #5 W. Cooper Street , Slippery Rock PA 16057 ; CA, Barbara J . Gaudio , 313 North Main Street, Slippery Rock , PA 16057 Alpha Sigma- Northeast Missouri S ta te University President, Christine Edwards , 323 Brewer, NMSU , Kirksville, MO 62501 ; Michelle Schmidt, 2203 South Marion Street #F, Kirksvi lle , MO 62501; CC , Laura Ann Jackson , 18-H Broadway Village Drive , Columbia , MO 65201 Alpha Tau-Edinboro University of Pennsylvania President , Denise M. Strucker , 102 Stonehaven , Gwynne 8 , Edinboro , PA 16412; CA . Elaine Karch Bercik (Mrs . Edward M.), Box 210 , Irish Road, RD # 1, Edinboro , PA 16412 ; ACA , J o Ann Shoup , Box #7 , Lawrence Towers, EUP , Edinboro , PA 16444; CC , Mary Ellen Willmitch , 1951 Penny Lane , Youngstown , OH 44515 Alpha Phi-West Chester University President, Dawn Fischer, 607 South High Street , Apt. B, West Chester , PA 19382; CA . Grace MacDonald , 3405 Hamilton Drive , Voorhees, NJ 08043 ; ACA , Ann emarie Wagner; CC , Lynn Hannum , 23 Penns Court , Aston , PA 19014 Beta Delta-Duques ne University President, Lauralee Rzeszotarski SMC #296 , 1354 Vickroy Street , Pittsburgh, PA 15219; ACA, Miss Kelly Lewis , 3007 Salisbury Court , Wexford, PA 15090; CO-ACA , Lisa M. Voegtly , 603 Soose Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15209; COACA , Dorothy Ke ndrick Lamuth (Mrs . Donald). 1907 O'Biock Drive , Pittsburgh , PA 15239 Beta Epsilon-Shippensburg University President , Kim Sutton , 19 North Earl Street , Shippensburgh , PA 17257 ; CA , Dr. Mary Jane Urbanowicz, 400 E. King Street #2 , Shippensburg, PA 17257 ; ACA , Linda Price, 9892 McCreary Road, Shippensburg , PA 17257 ; CC , Judy A. Cuffaro , 945 S . Royal Street , York , PA 17402 Beta Zeta-University of Ala ba ma in Birm ingh a m President , Melissa Jo Cox , 2122 Ski Lodge Ill , Birmingham , Alabama 35209; CA , Terry Winston Dudley (Mrs . Thomas P .), 3501 Countrywood Lane, Birmingham , Alabama 35243 ; CC , Susan Waintraub Osborn (Mrs . James K.), 1107 Allsion Circle, Alabaster , Alabama 35007 Beta Eta-Southern lllinois University President , Michelle Hard , 111 E. Fifth Street , Hartford , IL 62048 ; ACA , Miss Nancy Hanks, 471 East Lake Drive , Edwardsville, IL 62025; Karen L. Wasser, 1330 McCutcheon Road, #E , St. Louis, MO 63144 Beta Tau-Lowell University President, Laura A. Costanzo , 101 Varnum Ave ., Lowe ll , Massachusetts 0 1854; ACA , Carol Grenier , 824 Main Street Malden , MA 02148 Beta Theta -St . Mary's University President , Lilly Garcia , Lourdes #1 07 , St. MU, San Antonio, TX 78284 ; CA , Sister Ann Semel, 3415 W. Woodlawn , San Antonio , TX 78228 ; CO-ACA , Yolanda Villarrea l Bauer (Mrs . John R.), 3427 Fe lien Leaf Lane, San Antonio , TX 78230 ; CO-ACA , Carmen Olivares Gellhausen (Mrs. William E. Ill) , 14134 Sage Trail , San Antonio , TX 78231 ; CC , Doralisa Reyes, P .O . Box 76 , 139 E. Main , LaGrulla , TX 78548 Beta Iota-Millersville University of Pennsylva nia President, Karen L. Houck, 233 North George Street, Millersville, PA 17551 ; CA . Mary Ann Hanley Weber (Mrs. Thomas M.), 917 Prospect Street. Lancaster , PA 17603; CC , Andrea Nicotera, 903 Norway Street , Mec hanicsburg, PA 17055 Beta Mu-Sa lisbury S tate College Presiden t, Lori Hinish , Chester Hall , Box 30 SSC , Salisbury MD 21801 ; CO-CA , Cathy Ryan, 606 North Willey Street , Seaford , Delaware 19973; ACA , Barbara East 407 B Brookridge Drive , Salisbury , MD 20746 ; CC , Pam Emory, 5905 Auth Road , Camp Springs , MD 20746 Beta Nu-Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvan ia President, Kim berly Crumley, 371 Lightstreet Road , Bloomsburg , PA 17815 ; CA , Gay Gamme ll True hart (Mrs . David) , 159 Eyer Street , Bloomsburg, PA 17815; CC , Joanne Dunston Ochs (Mrs. William), RD # 2 , Box 104-B, Germansville , PA 18053 Beta Xi-Michigan Tec hnological Univers ity President , Nancy Tyburski , 916 College Ave , Houghton Ml 49931 ; Heidi Lind DePuydt (Mrs . Daniel) , 31 Hubbard , P .O . Box 61 , Painesdale , Ml 49955 ; ACA , Dr. Cynthia L. Selfe , 64 Royalwood , Houghton , Ml 49931 Beta Pi-Eastern lllinois University President , Kelli J . Rich , 180 Ninth Street, Charleston , IL 61920 Beta Upsilon-New Jersey Institute of Technology President , Jean Murray , 323 M.L. King Blvd ., Alumni Center, Rm . 6 , Newark , J 07102 ; CA, Noreen M. Schmid , 35 Dacotah Ave ., Lake Hiawatha , NJ 07034


Beta Phi- Californi a University of Pennsylvan ia President , Kelly Ryan , 230 Dixon Boulevard , Uniontown , PA 15401 ; CC , Mary Beth Kelly , 22 Boulevard , Point Marion , PA 15474 Beta Chi-Ferris State College President, Michele A. Farabi , 309 North Michigan , Big Rapids , Ml 49307 ; CA , Bea Merva Mulcahy (Mrs . John) , 10390 75th Ave ., Mecosta , Ml 49332 ; CO-ACA , Heather Huber , 316 Marion Street , Big Rapids , Ml 49307 ; COACA , Dawn Bryant 6550 Colgrove , Kalamazoo , Ml 49901 ; CC , Marianne Faulk, 17137 York , Mt. Clemens, Ml48044 Beta Psi-St. Louis University President, Joan M. Spenser, 3630 West Pine , Box 577 , St. Louis, MO 63108 ; CA . Suzanne M. Griffin , 9816 Balboa , St. Louis, MO 63136 ; ACA , Marcia J . Wooddell , 9937 Coddington Way, St. Louis, MO 63132 ; CC , Cecilia Kirkland Kadane (Mrs . Douglas) , 106 Caravel Court , Ballwin , MO 63021 Beta Omega - Monmouth College President , Cindy Netchert , Laurel N-1, Monmouth College , West Long Branch , NJ 07764 ; ACA , Mr . Jeff Bartlett Student Activities Department , MC ; West Long Branch , NJ 07764 ; CC , Katherine Schmitt Roche (Mrs . William C .), 105 Foch Ave. , Seekonk , MA 02711 Gamma Alpha-Rio Grane College President , Tammi Stambaugh , Box 790 , Rio Grande , OH 45674 ; CA , Doris Ross, Davis Hall, Rio Grande College , Rio Grande , OH 45674 ; ACA , Karen Kovack Thomas (Mrs . Earl) , Box 119, 701 Pine Street, Rio Grande , OH 45674; CC , Diane Neff, P.O. Box 141 , Rio Grande , OH 45674 Gamma Beta-Lake Superior State College President , Kim Popour, 905 Young Street , Sault Ste. Marie , Ml 49783; ACA , Dr. Margaret Malmberg , 1803 Young , Sault Ste. Marie , Ml 49783 Gamma Ga mma-Livingston University Preside nt , Ellyson Davis, P .O . Box 4571 , Livingston University , Livingston , AL 35470 ; CA , Elizabeth Shoadoan , 401 Main Street , Eutaw , AL 35462 ; CC , Lynnette Youngblood , 560 Sixth Ave ., SW , Graysville , AL 35073 Gamma Epsilon - Potsda m College President , Jill Ciccarelli , 105 Main Street , Potsdam , NY 13674; CA , Donna Bonfiglio , Box 287 , Hannawa Falls, NY 13647 ; ACA , Joh Berqstrom , 37 Chestnut Street, Potsdam , NY 13676; CC , Linda Jackson , 40 Kiwassa Road , Saranac Lake , NY 12983 Gamma Ze ta-Frostburg Sta te Univers ity President , Janet Jaecksch, 417 Westminster Hall , FSU , Frostburg , MD 21532 ; CA , Karen Gut hrie , Frostburg State University, Frostburg , MD 21532; ACA, Gabrie lle Leenus , Cumberland Hall , FSU , Frostburg MD 21532 ; CC , Dana Shearer , HCR 80, Box 44, McConnellsburg , PA 17233

Alumnae Chapter Presidents • Arkadelphia, Arkansas JoAnne Williams Chunn (Mrs. Robert), Alpha Gamma , 818 North Park Drive , Arkadelphia , AR 71923 'Baton Rouge, Louisiana Becky Morgan, Phi , 1701 Lodbell , Apt. #39 , Baton Rouge , LA 70806 • Birmingham , Alabama Truly Ann Limbaugh , Beta Zeta , 815 School Terrace , Birmingham , AL 35235 • Bluefield, Princeton-Athens, West Virginia Joyce Gregory Buchanan (Mrs . Glen) , Omicron , 1905 Tazewell Ave . , Bluefield , WV 24605 'Buffalo, New York Michele M. Luppino , Sigma , 1983 Colvin Boulevard , Tonawanda , NY 14150 ' Conway, Arkansas Cat hy Knox Koehler (Mrs . Chuck) , Upsilon , Rt. 2 , # 1 Todd Drive , North Little Rock , AR 72118 • Dallas-Ft. Worth Barbara A. Bergman , 2116 Laramie, Mesquite , TX 76116 ' Denver, Colorado Victoria Thompson Garrett (Mrs . Curtis) , Nu , 9263 W. Virginia Drive , Denver, CO 80226 'Detroit I, Michigan Rose Marie Schmidt , Theta , 5106 Harvard Road , Detroit , Ml48224 'Durant, Oklahoma Sharon McVay Dunham (Mrs . James) , Rho , 113 Gates Ave ., Durant , OK 74701 • Edwardsville, Illinois Karen Wasser, Beta Eta , 1330-E McCutcheon , St. Louis, MO 63144 • Emporia, Kansas • Eri e, Pennsylvania Deborah Young Carter (Mrs . Dav1d). Alpha Tau , 2431 W. 34th Street , Erie , PA 16506 Fort Wayne, Indiana Linda Pulver , Alpha Epsilon , 1009 South VanBure n, Auburn , Indiana 46706 • Grand Rapids, Michiga n • Hammond, Louisia na


• Ha rrisburg , Pennsylvania Linda P . Price , Beta Epsilon , 9892 McCreary Road , Shippensburg, PA 17257 • Houston, Texas Sharon Hahn Juntunen (Mrs . Gayle), Phi , 643 Eastlake , Houston , TX 77034 ' Ind ia na polis, Indiana Shirley Gilbert Robey (Mrs . Stephen), Alpha Alpha , 2618 Astra Ct. , lnd ianpolis, IN 46229 • Kirksville, Missouri Lancaster Cou nty, Pennsylvania Christine Oleska Paules (Mrs . Tom) , Beta Epsilon , 3 Piedmont Road , West Chester , PA 19182 • Lansing, Michi ga n Margaret Holco mb Twork (Mrs. E. C .), Alpha , 137 S . lves Road , Mason , Ml 48854 'Leh igh Va lley, Pennsylvania Kathy Jo Burker Weinert (Mrs . Scott). Alpha Omicron , 2415 Livingston Street , Allentown. PA 18014 ' Lowell , Massachusetts Karen Lebedzinski , Beta Tau , 101 Main Street , Tow nsend , MA 01468 • Ma rietta , Ohio-Par kersb urg, West Virginia Diane Dyar, Alpha Kappa , Putnam Place , Apt. #65 , Marietta , OH 45750 Metropolitan New York Area Mara Attell Hargarther (Mrs. Thomas). Sigma , 257 Lincoln Avenue , Island Park , NY 11558 • Mi a mi, Florida Mrs. Natalie Johnson Cole (Mrs. Ronald M.), Alpha Omicron , 069C Severn Drive , Boca Raton , FL 33433 • Muncie , Indi a na Margaret McGarrell Notting ham (Mrs. Roger) , Alpha Alpha , 2300 White River Blvd ., Muncie. IN 47303 ·New Orlea ns, Lo uisiana Ann Marie Vinturella Duffy (Mrs . Bernard) , Phi , 3136 Tennessee Ave ., Kenner, LA 70065 • Norfolk, Virgi nia Carolyn Keen , Alpha Lambda , 1005 Wellsfort Ct. , Virginia Beach , VA 23454 'North ern Virginia (Washi ngton D.C .) Lucia Warner Bacon (Mrs. David). Alpha Chi , 9410 Delaney Drive , Vienna , VA 22180 • Philadelphia, Pennsylvan ia Lois Schweikart O'Dell (Mrs. Robert) , Lambda , 222 W. Tabor Road , Philadelphia , PA 19120 • Prince George-Montgomery Co., Maryland Sue Hunter Dingess (Mrs . Jerry) , Omicron , 1304 Caddington Ave .. Silver Springs , MD 20901 'Richmond-Petersburg , Vi rginia JoAnn Crabill Marshall (Mrs . Larry) , Alpha Lambda , 9007 Waterfowl Flyway, Chesterfield , VA 23832 • Roanoke, Virgi nia Jean Gray Brammer (Mrs. George). Psi , Route 1, Box 91 , Good view , VA 24095 • St. Louis, Missouri Arline Boligny Clark (Mrs . Allen) . Pi , 7037 Rh odes Avenue , Street Louis, MO 63123 • San Antonio, Texas Carmen Olivares Gellhausen (Mrs . William E. Ill ), Beta Theta , 14134 Sage Trail , San Antonio , TX 78231 • Shepherdstown , West Virginia Marie Busch Crim (Mrs . B.B.), Chi , P .O . Box 405, Gerrardstown , West Virginia 25420 • S outh east, Arka nsa s • S outh ern Colorado Anne Bo ley Todd (Mrs . Madison) , Nu , 1021 Carr #18, Lakewood , Colorado 80215 'Tri-Ci ty, Mich igan Martha Prendergast Triantafillow , Beta , 2835 Dorset Saginaw Ml 48603 ' ' • West Ch ester, Pen nsylvania Carolyn McG ill Mee (Mrs . Arthur), Alpha Phi , 1101 Glenview Street , Philadelphia , PA 19111 'West Suburban C h icago, Illinois Lucinda Edwards Younce (Mrs. Steven L.) , Alpha Alpha , 349 Pinecrest , Bolingbrook , IL 60439 'Youngstown, Ohio Carol Ficeti Marsico (Mrs . James) , Alpha Rho . 46 Lafayette iles. OH 44446 ' • Ypsila nti-Ann Arbor. Mic h iga n Linda Gundlefinger Shapona (Mrs . Mark) . Alpha Rho , 5 4 , Wedgewood . Canton , Michigan 4 1 7 • Asterisks denote installed chapters. Other groups are clubs.

Falll988 / THE ANCHOR



May 3 , 1987 Gamma Epsilon Colony was Pin Pledged . Th ey wanted to be Alpha Sigma Tau pledges before they left campus for the summer. Mary Keenan and Linda Jackson (later appointed Chapter Consultant), both of whom live in north ern N ew York , went to Potsdam University in Potsdam , New York to conduct the Ribbon Pledging and Pin Pledging ceremonies. (Neither of these alumnae had been active AST's recently , but when they found out there was to be a new AST chapter in their area, they were both eager to help! That's the kind of alum support we need and loveAST sisters who remember their vow to support Alpha Sigma Tau for all times .) Potsdam is a part of the State of New York University . There were a number of years when national sororities were not allowed at SUNY campuses. Alpha Sigma Tau is the first national sorority on this campus and joins six local sororities which have a long tradition on the campus. The women who petitioned Alpha Sigma Tau were looking for something differen t/ more in a sorority and found it in AST. Soon after returning for the fall semester in September 1987 , Anne Gruber , National Colony Adviser , visited the campus for a long weekend of training for the officers and

THE ANCHOR / Fall1988

pledges of Gamma Epsilon Colony. Eighteen women had come back and were looking forward to rush and all th e activities necessary to be installed as a chapter. By mid -October twenty-five more women had signed bids and forty three pledges were ready to study about the history , traditions and organization of their sorority. Not only did th ey have studying to do , but reports to file and projects to complete. Fund raising is a must. Balloons were sold , a car raffl e was held as well as other functions . Some of the mon ey rais ed was used to support Pine Mountain Settleme nt School. At the time of installation Gamma Epsilo n was deep in the midst of another social service project. They were sponsoring the Red Cross Blood drive which was being held on campus. This involved recruitment of donors as well as staffing the donation site. They plan to make this an annual project. To broaden their horizons , which is the purpose of Sorority Growth and D eve lopm en t programs , the p ledges attended a performance by the campus opera group. They also heard a speaker on abortion. L earning social graces is important to all women. Colonies mu st host a social function. Since Alpha Sigma Tau is the first national on campus, a rapport has to deve lop betwe en them and the local sororities. In order to help establish that a brunch was held so the officers and repre sentatives on the Inter Sorority Council could get to know the AST sisters.

After a second visit in November , Ann e Gruber was happy to recom mend to the Director of Expansion , Jean M cNamara , that Gamma Epsilon had fulfill ed their pledge require ments and were ready for installation in January. On January 22 , 1988 , Patricia Nayle , National President ; Jean McNamara , Director of Expansion ; Carole Keily , National Secretary ; Sally Wales , Director of Alumnae ; Am y DuPree , Gamma District President and Ann e Gruber traveled together to Potsdam where they met Linda Jackson the following day . The initiation service was held in Ra ymond Hall on Saturday , Janu ary 23 , 1988 . After five hours , five alumnae and thirty-nine collegian s were new Alpha Sigma Tau sisters looki ng forward to their installation banquet that evening at Uncle Max 's. Parents , dates , campus represen tatives and other campus Greeks joined the new sisters and National representatives in celebrating the installation of Gamma Epsilon Chap ter. Gifts were given , candles were lit , songs were sung and pictures were taken . Th e end of a perfect day was th e beginning of a bright future for Alpha Sigma T aus at Potsdam University!


Gamma Zetas

only fourtee n days until graduation Stacy Murphy and her fellow senior pledge sisters of Gamma Zeta Colony became full m embers o f Alph a Sigma Tau Sorority . Thirty- fi ve co lo ny m embers and Dana Shear , their C h apter Consultant and form er Lambda Phi D elta Sister , were initiated on April 30 , 1988 at the United M et h odis t Church in Frostburg, Maryland . On September 22 , 198 7 , Linda Price , Assistant Chapter Adviser at Shippensburg State College in Penn sylvania m ade th e exp ansio n presentation to the lo ca l sorority , Lambda Phi D e lta . (Lambda Ph i D e lta was found ed at Frostburg State College on November 9 , 1966 and has 350 alumnae.) It wasn 't lo ng befo re a p etitio n was signed by twenty -three wom en and th e Na tional Council accepted th e group as Gamma Zeta Colon y. Jean McNamara , Director o f Expansion ; Ann e Grub er , Nati o nal Colony Adviser ; and Carole K ei ly , National Secretary , " fresh" fro m initiating Gamma Epsilon Chapter on January 23 , arrived in Frostburg o n January 29, to Ribbon Pledge , Pin Pledge and give instruction to th e o ffi cers and pledges . Not only was that training going on on that weekend, but th e sisters w ere participating in a ca mpus ru sh w o rk sho p and having th e ir first round of winter rush parties. A s a result of that rush 14 additio nal p ledges w ere pinn ed o n February 7, 1988 .


Colonies are required to fulfill the sa m e types of projects that chapters have each semester. They must pass the Pledge Exam , so they spend many hours studying the history and traditions of Alph a Sigma Tau. Th ere are fundraising projects , social service projects , social activities and m embers hip development pro gram s. On March 4 , 1988 , A nne Gruber returned to Frostburg to see in person how well they were doing . Rep orts h ad been showing good progress toward the goal o f being initiated befo re th e end of the semester, but she had to talk to the girls to confirm her impressions . She was right! They were going to m ake it and plan s were started fo r th e big day!

It finally arrived and the Gamma Zeta Sisters were thrilled to welcome Patricia Nayle . National President; M ary Charles A shby , Director of Collegiate Chapters , Jean M cNa mara , Carole Keily . Karen Sloan. Epsilon District President ; Ann e Gruber and Lucia Bacon , President of Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter to serve as the initiation officers . The evening was reserved for cele bration . Parents , dates , and campus officials gathered at the Grantsville H oliday Inn to install Gamma Zeta as a chapter. Mary Louise Doyle , who was hon o red in 1974 as one of the Build ers o f Alpha Sigma Tau , was the ke y n o te speaker for the evening. Her remarks addressed the idea of the value of fraternal membership in developing a well rounded personality for all aspects of life . (T he text of her speech is includ ed following this article .) After re ceiving many beautiful gifts the sisters and their dates as well as their

Fal1 1988 / THE AN HOR

parents and guests enjoyed the music provided by a local band for their Yellow Rose Formal. That wasn 't the end of the festivities . On Sunday afternoon the new chapter met for a springtime picnic . But that had to be the end of the fun because finals were just around the corner and there was much studying to be done! Gamma Zeta Chapter will take it's place in New Orleans and at many more conventions in the future of Alpha Sigma Tau!

Frostburg State University is located in the Western Maryland mountains in the small college town of Frostburg . The Frostburg area is noted for its coal mining history with a large amount of strip mining still being done . The university itself was first established in 1898 as a teachers college. Later in its history it added other majors and became known as Frostburg State College . But in July of 1987, with the help of the State of Maryland , it became known as Frostburg State University .

Ann e Grube r, Colo ny Advise r, presents Gamma Zeta chapte r president. Janet Jaecksch with the


The newly initiated sisters of Gamma Zeta Chapte r.

THE ANCHOR / Fall1988


Standards and Values are Never

@ut Given by Mrs. Justin G . Doyle (Mary Louise Doyle) Theta '26 We are gathered here this evening to rejoice over the happenings of this day. Today the local sorority Lambda Phi Delta became the Gamma Zeta Chapter of the national sorority Alpha Sigma Tau. Simultaneously they became members of the National Panhellenic Conference family since our sorority is one of the 26 which make up the National Panhellenic Conference. Belonging to a national sorority is not a "right" of every college woman. It is definitely a special privilege and a distinct honor. The honor is conferred only upon those who are believed to show promise of becoming strong links in the chain of Sisterhood . Consequently it is necessary to set standards for membership. Alpha Sigma Tau is not interested in the candidate's political beliefs; her race ; her religious affiliation ; her physical beauty! We are not interested in her social background-or her economic background . We don 't care whether the parents of our members are wealthy , whether they are college graduates or whether they belong to the Greek world. But we DO care whether a prospective member is a woman of good character , stout of heart , and clean in mind and spirit. We want women who are compatible ; women who will apply themselves scholastically . Scholastic achievement is one of our primary goals . We want wom en who will do their share in serving both the college and the community - who will give of their time and labor to promote the cultural, ethical and social development of the indi-


vidual members of the chapter. In other words we want women who will participate ACTIVELY in the en tire sorority program and not be just names on a roster! We believe the Gamma Zetas to be just such wom en and we Alpha Sigma Taus are delighted to call them Sisters henceforth! We are living in an age of a permissive society - a social climate in which old taboos have disappeared . Some of them deserved to pass on into oblivion . HOWEVER , the permissive society in which we find ourselves today has gone to extremes. I, for one , believe there are things in human nature which were good in the past , are good now and should be preserved for the future. I believe that society MUST HAVE some ENDURING STANDARDS of CONDUCT which distinguish us from the uncivilized and undersirable inhabitants of this earth. An appreciation of the value of such standards ought to be one of the end-results of a higher education . The trouble is, however , that this appreciation doesn 't come out of a classroom. Instead , it is a product of the intimate social contacts of one student with other students of his own generation who are like-minded and oriented . If properly instructed , supervised and controlled , we think the fraternity system is one of the best means a college has for promoting this important phase of an individuals education! In these days of skepticism and cynicism it is more than ever the obligation of the fraternity system to help young men and women appreciate the country in which we live ; to restore their faith in it. The fraternity system can install in its members a regard for principles ; a

m On any campus it is extremely important that the fraternities and sororities lead the way to promoting goodwill and understanding respect for the law ; a sence of digni ty ; and a clear concept of duty! There is a saying to the effect that "rights" was born a twin - a twin with "obligations". For every right we claim we also assume an obligation! To have been a Greek during college days should make one a better person because of the experience. The rewards are not always tangible but the whole person should benefit spiritually and mentally . One should develop a fairly clear and worth philosophy of life and have benefitted from the opportunities to assume re sponsibilities and practice leadership . One's faith in God and man should have been strengthened and one should be ready to do his share to contribute to the progress of man kind . One should be a better American , a better college alumnus or alumna , a better person in all respects . To put it in a nutshell : The individual should have matured considerably and " found himself or herself" as the case may be! Well! This makes it sound as if belonging to a national fraternity or o rority is the answer to all problem ! But life is not that ea y . Merely b longing is of little value. An indi idual can be very, very succe ful in !if and never hav belong d t a fr t rFall1988 / THE AN HOR

nity or sorority. Those who reap the benefits of which I have spoken are those who are willing to carry out their individual shares of responsibilities and assignments while members of the co llegiate chapters - those who are actiue, participating mem bers of the group and not just names on a roster! Ben efits continu e to be reaped even after college when Greeks join their alumni chapters. This is when they discover that their collegiate experiences were but the tip of the iceberg : the best could be " yet to come". But this is another topic . On any campus it is extremely important that the fraternities and sororities lead the way to promoting goodwill and understanding-not only between the various Greek organizations but among all the campus-affiliated organizatio ns . If all the Greek groups were to make an hon est effort to "live" their claimed beliefs and purposes , if they were to show by their programs and actions that they are truly interested in intellectual accomplishments , in service to schoo l and country , in high standards of moral conduct- they would never have to worry about their fu tures! Sororities and fraternities must re member that their members are first members of the student body and then members of the chapter . One cannot be a good fraternity member unless he is first a loyal member of the student body . Involvement in other campus activities is to be en couraged and not limited by fraterni ty demands . Learning to understand and get a long with others who are not like-minded or oriented is part of the development of one's personality and character . The sentimental value of fraterni ties is enormous' A disproportion ate ly large numbers of Greeks return for college reunions and events than non-fraternity alumni. The colleges themselves admit that in the matter of donating and contributing to the alma mater the Greeks tend to be responsible for at least three-quarters of the funds while usually on ly 4 % of the enrollment, or thereabout. Alpha Sigma Tau believes in the value of being a national sorority and a member of the National Pan he llen ic Conference . THE ANCHOR/Fall1988

Collegians (Co ntin ue d fro m page 1 9)

fraternity . Our winter pledge class donated mone y earned in fundraisers to Pin e Mountain Settleme nt School. The sisters of Beta Chi exte nd a hearty ..ve lco m e to ne wly-initiated me mbers J acki Myers , Claudine Tetlow , Tamberlyn Westling and Kim Waldro n . Congratulatio n to o ur graduates- we're going to miss yo u . Betsy Cutter

Beta Omega

Monmouth College The Beta Omega Chapter had a very productive and fun -filled semester. We welcomed We ndy Maraccinni and Cari Spivak into o ur sisterhood famil y, both bringing new ideas and enthusiasm to our chapter . Sister, Ilyse Roberts was elected Vice Preside nt of the Panhellenic Exec utive Board . We participated in the Student Government Associatio n carnival with the AST balloon and dart throwing booth . The extra toy prizes from o ur booth were donated to the needy childre n of Mo nmouth Co unt y as o ur social service project. We also co-sponsored a comedy night at Blue Moon Cafe for the campus community. Altho ugh we didn 't take first place in Greek Week this year , we did have o ur share of firsts and mo re importantly we had the spirit and a lot of fun . We closed the year with a me morable Spring formal. - Carolyn He yman

B eta Omega sis te rs d uring G ree k Week fes tivities .

gro wth and develo pme nt tips shou ld in crease our sense of sisterhood . We rushed to the the me of the "Wizard of Taus" . Our ne w pledges raised mone y through a soda pop can drive . Gamma Beta was tired but happy after o ur annual Rock-a-th o n . During the day , we rocked and collected do nations for the Diane Peppler Domestic Viole nce Shelter at a local bank . At night , we rocked at a hockey game . Athletic undertaking inclu ded intra mu ral broo mba ll , vo lleyball a nd softball teams . Gamma Beta also enjoyed the absence of competitio n during the Meet the Greeks socials. Several were held to be tter acquaint members and enco urage health y relatio ns between organizations. A special day for alumnae a nd sisters bo th was April 30 . We held an initiation cere mon y, the n the Yellow Rose Cotillio n that evening . Summer plans include a day at the Cedar Point Amuseme nt Park . - Tara Wienczewski

Gamma Zeta

Frostburg State University The sisters of Gam ma Zeta colony are very pro ud to become a part of Alpha Sigma Ta u . We were initiated April 30 , 1988 , during a banquet and can dlelighting service, fo llo wed by o ur first Yellow Rose Fo rmal. Much work had to be done before our re warding initiation . We raised funds thro ugh projects like selling Easter baskets, and performed social services for both the campus and comm unity. Sisters were ushers for the uni versity's theater d e partm e nt , vo lunt ee rs fo r Ph one Frie nd , a support organization for mothe rs, callers during a pho n-a-thon and babysitters . We also established a monetar y scho larship for a local high school fe male who will atte nd Frostburg. The colony made special efforts to provide tutoring to one a nothe r. Me mbership and gro wth and developme nt are also impo rtant. Social e ve nts included socials wit h fra te rnities and an annu al steak-feed with Alpha De lta Chi fraternity . Our successful rush , which bro ught us 14 pledges, has inspired us fo r next year's rush . - Rho nda McNeilly

Gamma Beta

Lake Superior State College The sisters in Gamma Beta chapter grew stronger after a closed weeke nd held with o ur District President Deborah Ullenius. Organizational and sorority


Foundation National Foundation Recognizes Pine Mountain r : 75 Years of Community Service 1·

. ..


" To p ro mote a nd expand education and c ha ritable activities . . . " In a dual manner these words describe the purpose of the National Foundation and the goals of Pine Mountain Settlement School. To this effort the National Foundation presented Pine Mountain with an $8 ,000 walk-in freezer which replaced eight malfunctioning chest type freezers · being energy efficient , it also helped reduce electric bills . An additional donation of $2 ,100 expedited purchases of a new , heavy duty washer , large capacity dryer and a much needed range . These items appeared in the Fall , 1987 Pine Moutain "Needs List". Also on that need list were : Entrance to Pine Mountain Settlement School


. I may travel many roads in my life and do many things, I may grow old and tired and my mind may become worn out and forgetful, but I am thoroughly convinced that as long as I live there is no force in the universe could cause me to forget my living and growing and the close friends I have made at Pine Mountain . . With grateful thanks. " 28

• one ton truck , approximate cost $15 ,000 , to haul lumber to and from the mill , haul supplies , hay for cattle , etc. • one fifteen passenger van , approximately $18 ,000 , to transport children to off school grounds sites . • one Comfort Station , approximately $6 ,000 , since there are no outside facilities for community people who come in for recreational activities . • one large , commercial size cooler refrigerator , approximately $2 ,500 , two "died" last summer . This is only part of the "need list" as it appeared but it gives us an excellent indication of the size of the present operation . Although collegiates travel to Pine Mountain to help paint and repair buildings and occasionally an alum may stop in while travelling by , most of us can only envision Pine Mountain from the slides shown at our Social Service meetings and what we read . Throughout history , from self-sufficient farming and the problems of the resulting isolation , to industrial coalmining and the troubles associated with rapid expansion , through depression and war, whatever the need of the day , Pine Mountain Settlement School was there with education for the community ; whether elementary , high school , adult ecology or now in working to pre nt drop -outs it has always accompanied academic ith hand crafts and ethical values . Fal11988 / THE ANCHOR

Left : Ruth shows you th e gorgeous new Cooler / Refrige rator. Below : Sophy pre pares to set the pudding ou t for supper.

Left: Mildred and Ruth throw o pen the doors of our beautiful CoolerI Refrige rator.

The National Foundation is pleased to have this opportunity on behalf of all AST's , to recognize Pine Mountain Settlement Schools 75 years of community

service . Thanks for your continued support of Pine Mountain through your National dues and other contributions.

Foundation Contribution Form Date 0 0 0

Lenore Seibel King Scholarship Headquarters Fund Endowment (Collegiate Chapter Housing)

Check Enclosed For ~ 0 Social Service 0 AST National Foundation Growth

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M arried






If a memorial donation : In memory of :

(if an AST , give full name

Coli Chapter

Teleph one

& collegiate chapter)

If donation is in honor of someone : In honor of: --::-::---:-::-----::---::.- : - - - - : - - : ; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - !if an AST . give full name & collegiate chapter)

Name and address to whom acknowledgement card should be sent:


Please return this form with check payable to : ALPHA SIGMA TAU NATIONAL FOUNDATION Mrs . Robert O'Dell , 222 West Tabor Road , Philadelphia , Pa . 19120 Than k you for yo ur continued support. Contributions are tax-deductible

THE ANCHOR / Fall1988





\f,.. Awards & Honors '87-'88 Chapter Honors Iota: Panhellenic Countess Award. Rho: ranked 1st scholastically on campus . Zeta Tau: Sisterhood Award. Psi: 1st place in Fundraising and Showmansh ip & Creativity for Greek Sing. Alpha Gamma: 3rd place Intramural Basketball, Football. Alpha Epsilon: 2nd place Sigma Sing ; 1st place Homecoming Float. Alpha Lambda: 1st place Freestyle Relay , Chariot Race , Pizza eating ; 2nd place Sidewalk Art. Alpha Omicron: 1st place overall in Greek Week; 3rd place overall in Derby Daze. Alpha Sigma: ranked 4th scholastically on campus . Alpha Tau: 3rd place overall in Greek Week; 2nd place Volleyball in Greek Week. Alpha Phi: ranked 3rd scholastically on campus ; New Membership Development Award ; 1st place in Greek Week; 2nd place overall in Gree k Week; 1st place Greek Sing . Beta Epsilon: ranked 3rd scholasti cally on campus. Beta Theta: 3rd place overall in Greek Week. Beta Nu: 2nd place overall in Greek Week ; Homecoming Float Award . Beta Pi: 3rd place Greek Sing ; 2nd place Tugs. Beta Upsilon: ranked 1st scholastically on campus .

Campus Organization Officers Iota: Genie/ Hosselkus, Panhellenic Treasurer. Psi: Laura Henss, Order of Omega President , Student Member of Board of Visitors ; Patti Hughes, Panhel lenic Rush Chairman ; Dawn Taylor, Association for the Education of Young Children , Pres ident, Membership Chairman , Student Education Assoc iation , Kappa Delta Pi Historian ; Melanie Knight, Sen ior Class President. Alpha Gamma: Beth Self, Baptist Student Union , Vice President ; Ashley Moon, Panhellenic Vice Presiden t ; Ronda Fleming, Heart & Key President; Robin Foster, Heart & Key Secretary; Tracy May, Heart & Key, Vice President ; Bambi Quillin, Freshman Class Vice President. Alpha Epsilon: Tammy Jones, Panhellenic Vice President ; Pam Rowland, Student Government Senator; Lisa Toland, Student Tenant Un ion Senator; Noel Noypower, Panhellenic Studen t Government Association Liaison ; Teresa Cornelius, Student Government Comptroller, Graphic Arts Chariman ; Tracey Owens, Panhellenic New Member Educator. Alpha Lambda: Becky Collins, Senior Class Treasurer; Cari How/in, Karen Wheeler, Senators; Beth Defazio, Senior Class Secretary; Christy Sestak, Junior Class President ; Ginny Duggan , Psychology Club President. Alpha Omicron: Patty Hauber, German Club Pres ident, Russian Club Secretary; Anna Sma y, Panh ellenic President. Investment Club Vice Pres ident , Political


Economy Club Vice President ; Margie Zerbe, Panhel lenic Vice President. . . . Alpha Sigma: Deb Reinert, Business Admm1strat1<~n Club Historian ; Lori Goehl, Student Senate Council woman · Michelle Correll, Fantasy Club Secretar~ ; Cindy Eason, Business Administration Club Presi dent ROTC Recruiter. Alpha Tau: Emily Green, U~iversit~ Service.s Inc: Secretary , Panhellenic Council 2nd V1ce Pr~s1dent , ~usan Rusnak Office of Disabled Students D1gest, Ed1tor. Alpha Ph,i: Michele L?cke, lnter~reek Council. Pr~si­ dent ; Terri Giannetti, Panhellen1c Membership V1ce President. . . Beta Epsilon: Eileen Smith, College Pa~hellen1c Public Relations Chairman ; Kim Sutton, Sen1or Class Treasurer; Maria Goss, Greek Council Secretary. . Beta Theta: /rasema Esquivel, IRHA Representative ; Nancy Fernandez , Accounting Clu.b S~cret~ry ; Yvonne Ybarra , Diamondback , E~1tor - 1n - Ch1ef ; Anne/ise Vela, University Programs D1rector; Margaret Jankowski, IGC Rush Orientation. Beta Nu: Kim Crumley, Project Awareness Vice Presi dent Counc il for Exceptional Children ; Noel/a Della Fav~ American Marketing Assoc iation; Christine Stec ker, Head Start Representative , ACEI ; Sue Piasecki, Ski Team Secretary . Beta Pi: Jennifer Durham, Order of Omega Treasure r, Tau Beta Sigma Treasurer ; Sharon Etzkorn, Panhel lenic Treasurer; Michelle Michals, Student Senate; Vicky Matyas, Panhellenic Secretary; Jonie Grider, Panhellenic Representative . Beta Upsilon: Maria Pagano, Student Senate President; Marie Van Pelt, Student Affairs Vice Pres ident, Student Senate Recording Secretary, Resident Assistant ; Stacey Orlando. I FSC Treasurer; Liz Leonard, campus radio station and music editor.

Straight A Average Iota: Pamela Wilson Rho: Brenda Allen Psi: Christine Mitchell, Lisa Keefe Alpha Gamma: Beth Self Alpha Omicron: Anna Smay Alpha Tau: Emily Green, Lori Gerhart Beta Epsilon: Kelly Bair

Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities Psi: Christine M itchell, Laura Henss, Melanie Knight Alpha Gamma: Tracy May Alpha Omicron: Christina Swenson, Lynette Rosenberger, Anna Smay, Kristin Cooke, Jacki Rafferty Alpha Tau: Melinda Button, Em ily Green, Jennifer Jones, Debbie Mears, Warrie Semmel Beta Theta: Marie Romero, Nancy Fernandez Beta Pi: Jennifer Durham Beta Upsilon: Marie Van Pelt, Maria Pagano

Fall1988 / THEANCHOR

Dean's List Iota: Pamela Wilson Rho:. Leah Rowan, Beth Ann Smith, Brenda Allen, Joel/ Wiley, Sonya Allen, Tamara Cogburn Zeta Tau: Vicki Ellis Psi: Mary B_ailey, Shelly Doneen, Mary Frick, Wendy Hauenstem, Nancy Hedstrom, Laura Henss Martha Howerin, Nikki Schultz, Jodi Searing, Hel~n Anzalone, Holley Booher, Michelle Dorr Laurie Ducan Gail Gonya, Missy Greeenhouse, Katherine Hill, Con: stance Locke, Heather Lomp, Kim Meyer, Gayle Olsen, Kathy Peele, Susie Reber Teresa Rebibo Elise Terranova , Wendy Traiste/ Ann Catherin~ Wickwire ' Alpha Gamma: Beth Self Alpha Lambda: Becky Collins Kathy Phipps, Claire Marie Comar, Gina Borckhead Alpha Omicron: Patty Hauber, Sue Sieradzki, Anna Smay, Jackie Rafferty Alpha Sigma: Deb Reinert, Barb Dilthey Alpha Tau: Carolyn Anderson, Melinda Button, Kolene Co~ran, Terri Darr, Maureen Donnelly, Lori Gerhart, Emily Green, Sandy Hauch, Pam Heiple, Jennifer Jones, Debbie Mears, Bonnie Pearsall, Carla Prenni, Mary Beth Reidy, Susan Rusnak, Sandy Schau, Warrie Semmel, Debbie Young Beta Epsilon: Kelly Bair, Cindy Althouse, Elaine Fees, Amy Miller, Deb O'Mara, Toni Romanoski, Donna Siegel, Diana Smith Beta Theta: Nancy Fernandez, Norma Guerra, Christine Hudson , Veronica Lopez, Rob i n Greeno, Marie Romero, Mary Lou Lucio Beta Nu: Diane Empey, Denise Mastroianni, Carol Bobbe, Jaime Betz, Val Getz Beta Pi: Lisa Bourazak, Dana Alford, Mary Lejuva, Catherine Cantwell Beta Upsilon: Tracie Margolies, Marie Van Pelt, Stacey Orlando, Lisa Marie Pagano, Kelly Maretta, Ellen Duffy

Roses and Crowns Alpha Epsilon: Kim Davino, Homecoming Queen . Alpha Omicron: Kitty Neal, Homecoming Court. Beta Epsilon: Kerry Lees, Homecoming Queen . Beta Pi: Brenda Hugg, Miss Edgar County.

Individual Honors Iota: Pamela Wilson , Heather Gray, Gamma Phi Alpha Award : Genie/ Hosselkus, Ruth Schillinger; Debra Faue rback , Genie/ Hosselkus , Pamela Wilson, National Collegiate Merit Awards . Rho: Alice Hudson, Top Tau . Psi: Laura Henss, Greek Woman of the Year. Alpha Epsilon: Pam Rowland, National Residence Hall Honorary; Tracey Owens, Greek Woman of the Year. Alpha Lambda: Becky Collins, Outstanding Young Women of America . Alpha Omicron: Margie Zerbe, Society of Collegiate Journalists. Alpha Sigma: Deb Reinert, Outstanding Young Women of America; Karen Walker, Greek Spirit Award . Alpha Tau: Susan Rusnak, Presidential Honors Scholarship to Oxford; Sandy Hauch, Scholastic Achievement Award ; Lori Gerhart, National Collegiate Speech and Hearing Pathology Award , Scholastic

THE ANCHOR /Falll988

Alpha Chi (overall honors); Emily Green, Honors Medallion . Beta Epsilon: Amy Miller, Top Tau; Maria Vernitsky, Lisa Ziegler Award . Beta Pi: Heidi Schwaegerman, Sheryl Davis, Talent Student Award ; Sharon Etzkorn, Order of Omega Schol arship, Most Outstanding Greek Woman of the Year; Lisa Bourazak, Eastern Ill inois Softball Team . Beta Upsilon: Marie Van Pelt, Mary Alice Kean Scholarship, New Jersey Bell Scholar; Jeannie Murray, Softball Team Captain and MVP; Tracie Margolies, New Jersey Bell Scholar; Diane Engel, Marie Van Pelt, Tracie Margolies, lnsitute Honors Program.

Honoraries Kappa Delta Pi (Education): Iota : Beth Elsey, Heather Gray; Alpha Gamma: Robin Gillian, Tammy Hollis, Sonja Crawford, Christal Ladd, Lori Grant, Beth Self; Alpha Omicron: Lisa Hollingsworth, Francine Wert man, Sue Weaver, Judy Nelson, Missy Griffeth, Chris Smith , Jacki Rafferty; Alpha Tau : Debbie Mears, Sabrina Sparkman, Warrie Semmel, Debbie Young; Beta Pi : Batherine Cantwell. Beta Beta Beta: Iota: Beth Elsey. Chi Alpha Honor Society: Rho : Beth Ann Smith. Psi Chi (Psychology): Zeta Tau : Beverly Dickerson . Eta Sigma Gamma (Health Science): Psi: Patti Hughes, Lisa Keefe. Mortar Board (Student Leadership): Laura Henss , Christine Mitchell, Mary Bailey. Order of Omega: Psi : Laura Henss, Christine Mitchell, Mary Bailey, Ann catherine Wickwire, Jodi Searing, Ebru Turker, Pa tti Hughes; Alpha Epsilon : Lisa Toland; Alpha Phi : Sue Goulding; Beta Epsilon : Kim Reisser, Amy Miller, Missy Joseph; Beta Pi : Jennifer Durham, Julie Ryan Sharon Etzkorn, Carol Mach. Phi Kappa Phi: Psi : Christine Mitchell. Omicron Delta Kappa (Leadership): Psi : Dawn Taylor, Lisa Keefe, Christine Mitchell, Laura Henss . Rho Lambda (Honorary): Alpha Lambda: Christy Sestak, Chris Duggan, Krista New, Chris Cole, Heidi Nelson, Becky Collins, Donna Maceroe/o, Beth Defazio. Delta Mu Delta (Business): Alpha Lambda: Michelle Salyer; Beta Theta: Nancy Fernandez. Phi Eta Sigma: Alpha Omi cron : Kellie Acquero, Mary Jo Hughs, Anna Smay, Jennifer Goodrich; Alpha Tau : Kim Fox, Susan Rusnak, Lori Gerhart. Omicron Delta: Alpha Omi cron: Anna Smay. Phi Beta Alpha : Alpha Omicron : Anna Smay. Alpha Mu Gamma: Alpha Om icron : Patty Hauber. Alpha Phi Sigma: Alpha Sigma: Cindy Eason, Lynne Mueller. Sigma Delta Chi: Beta Epsilon : Donna Graeff. Delta Epsilon Sigma (Honor): Beta Theta : Nancy Fernandez Sigma Theta Tau (Nursing): Alpha Tau: Melinda Button. Gamma Sigma (Chemistry): Beta Pi : Jennifer Durham . Alpha Epsilon Delta (Pre-Med): Beta Phi: Jennifer Durham . Tau Beta Sigma (Music): Beta Pi : Jennifer Durham . Rho Chi: Beta Pi : Vicky Matyas, Jen Williamson , Amy Smith, Sue Samson . Tau Beta Pi (Education): Beta Upsilon : Marie Van Pelt. Phi Eta Kappa (Leadership): Tracie Margolies, Marie Van Pelt. 31

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