by Cathy Millard Schreiner (Mrs. Richard), Chi, Director of Alumnae The permanence of Alpha Sigma Tau begins with each AST sister and her commitment to being an in volved alumna. Yes , you are an Alpha Sigma Tau for life and your support is vital for our sorority to remain strong and continue to grow. You can support the sorority in many ways. Be a dues paying member. Join the alumnae chapter in your area (listed on page 30} , or if there is no nearby group , send the $20.00 annua l dues to National Headquarters (their address is listed on the Contents page) . You will benefit by receiving the current year 's issues of THE ANCHOR and other AST information , supporting our national philanthropic projects , and helping the collegiate chapters. Our collegiate chapters need your guidance and experience. Interact with a chapter as an individual or through an alumnae chapter.
Share your time and talents by serving the National Organization . Your expertise is needed in a variety of areas. If you are interested in serving on the National Staff, please contact me and I'll put you in touch with the right person . My address is 4400 Hadrian Court, Alexandria , VA 22310. Contribute to the National Foundation . Through the Foundation , scholarships are provided and sorority growth is maintained . The generosity of the National Foundation has made it possible for all Alpha Sigma Tau sisters to receive this issue of THE ANCHOR. There are many sisters giving their efforts to the continued growth of our sorority. Continue your pledge and join the ranks of involved alumnae. Rededicate yourself to Alpha Sigma Tau . Keep in touch with Alpha Sigma Tau . Keep the candlelight glowing for you and all sisters of Alpha Sigma Tau .
PSI CHAPTER WINS NATIONAL PHILANTHROPY AWARD The 199 1 winner of AST's National Philanthropy Award is Psi Chapter . The chapter's many philanthropic proj ects include providing a Thanksgiving dinner to a single mother and her chi ldren , participation in the Adopt-A- Highway program , sending valentines to American soldiers in the Persian Gulf, assisting at the campus
Disability Services Office, and membership in the World Wildlife Fund. In addition , many of the chapter members perform volunteer work outside the scope of sorority. Every month , the chapter's Philanthropy Award is given to the sister who has completed the most volunteer service hours during the previous month .
WELCOME! Gamma Nu Chapter, Waynesburg College , installed March 23 , 1991 Gamma Xi Chapter, Grand Valley State University, installed April 13, 1991 Gamma Omicron Colony, Cameron University, pinpledged August 25, 1991 Gamma Pi Colony, Lycoming College, pin-pledged September 8 , 1991
Gamma Rh o Colony, Seton Hall University , pinpledged September 15, 1991 Gamma Sigma Colony, Belmont-Abbey College , pinpledged September 8, 1991 Interested in helping our new colonies and chapters? Do you want to attend an installation in your area? Contact Beth Babroski , Director of Expansion at 2011 265-6198 for further information .
Since this issue of THE ANCHOR is being sent to all alumnae , our alumnae newsletter, THE CREST OF ALPHA SI~MA TAU , will not be published this fa.ll . Look for your next issue of THE CREST ne t spring . Thi , pand d ma!ltng of THE ANCHOR was made possible by a grant from the Alpha Sigma Tau ational Foundation, In .
Fall ;gg;
Vol. 66
No. 1
THE ANCHOR is published in the Fall and Spring . Single copies are available for $5.00 each . Third class postage is paid at Indianapolis, IN , and at add iti onal mailing offices . Send address changes and business correspondence to :
Alpha Sigma Tau National Headquarters P.O . Box 59252 Birmingham , AL 35259 Address editorial co rrespondence to the Editor.
9 10 13 25 28 31
Editor Carole Bicking Keily 7807 Leland Road Manassas, VA 22111 Alumnae Editor Rose Marie Schmidt 5106 Harvard Road Detroit, MI 48226 Collegiate Editor Liz Deemer Conner 401 12th St. South # 711 Arli ngton, VA 22202 Director of Publications Carol J. Cooper 108 Brook Court Waynesboro, VA 22980 Produced by Maury Boyd and Associates.
THE ANCHOR/Fall 1991
Top Taus
Eye On ...
National Staff Convention Collegians
ALPHA SIGMA TAU CENTENNIAL Alpha Sigma Tau will be celebrating its centennial in 1999, just eight short years away . Planning efforts are already underway for a big centennial celebration. If you have any suggestions as to how or where we should celebrate, or are interested in serving on the Centennial Committee , please contact Marty DeCamp, 27931 NE 4th Place, Redmond, WA 98053-9241.
Foundation Alumnae Directory A.ET Country S tore
On the cover: The Charlotte F. Hedges Memorial Chapel at Pine Mountain is a non denominational sanctuary built of one boulder from the mountainside .
WANTED: WRITERS AND ARTISTS We are looking for Alpha Sigma Tau alumnae and collegiates who are interested in serving as contributing writers and artists for THE AN CHOR and other AST publications . Please contact Carol Cooper, Director o f Pu blications , 108 B rook Court, Waynesboro , VA 22980 for fu rther information .
ANNIVERSARIES Congratulations to the chapters celebrating milestone anniversaries during the second half of 1991: 10 years : Indianapolis Alumnae, October 24 Southern Colorado Alumnae, November 6 Gamma Mu, 1 year: November 10 Gamma Chi , December 8
ALUMNAE DUES Alumnae , don 't forget to pay your $20.00 annual dues! Make your check payable to Alpha Sigma Tau and mail to National Headquarters, PO Box 59252 , Birmingham , AL 35259 today .
Postal regulations require us to pay 30¢ for every copy not deliverable as addressed. Please notify us of any change of address , giving both the NEW and the OLD address. 3
Alpha Beta Zeta Omicron Rho Sigma Zeta Tau Upsilon Psi Alpba E silon Alpha La mbda ··Alpba Xi AI ha Omi'c on Alpha Pi Alpha Rho Alpha Tall Alpha Phi Beta Epsilon Beta Zeta
Rachel Sherman Maureen, Sudek Stephanie Tehr Tracy Stewart Kimber:ly Webb Jill Ludwig Megan J anney Deborah Diane Schmidt Monka Mazza Shari Gresham Karen Wheeler Cheri Lewis Jennifer Yaples Heather Virdo Lori Korb Jennifer Renn Trisha Leighton Michele Do'Ughert~ Sasha Smith
.... . .
Beta Eta Beta Tau Beta Theta B eta Iota Beta Mu Beta Nu Beta Xi Beta Pi Beta Phi Gamma Alpha Ga mma Beta Gamma Zeta Gamma Eta Gamma Theta Gamma Iota amma Lambda Gamma Mu
Gamma Nu/
Angela Marie Tedder Marianne McWhinnie Katherine Swords Sodek Sonya Zearing Carol Thompson Wendy Lawhorn Channo~ Jordan Valerie DeBaun Debra Miller Susan Gayheart Michelle R Swartz Paige Lueck Angelia Ross Lisa Krahe Karen Marie Schuster Beth Gilbert Tracey L. Eden Melanie Frazier
.. .. •
ALUMNAE Detroit Northern New Jersey 4
Lorraine Kaminski Karasinski Pamela Wales Szakarczyk
Northern Virginia St. Louis Tidewater Ypsilanti-Ann Arbor
Carol Zorger Mooney Mary Lou Fondren cott Dorea Tre ler Li f Joyce Phy B rg THE ANCHOR/Fall 19 1
EVE ON Lara Cegala, Psi collegiate, attended a White House briefing last spring highlighting the interfraternity effort to ward philanthropy , un derage drinking control , and drug abuse elimination . Organized by the Fraternity Executives As sociation , groups represented at the br iefing were underg raduate stu dents from college fraternities and sororities. Speakers included Governor Bob Martinez , Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy; C. Gregg Petersmeyer, Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of the Office of National Service; Dr. Antonia C . Novello , U.S . Surgeon General ; and Charles E. Kolb , Deputy Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy. Lara said that attending the briefing was a rewarding experience and that she took great pride in representing Alpha Sigma Tau there. She said that both Governor Martinez and Dr. Novello spoke highly of Greeks and all they do for the community. " It was nice to see that officials within the government are aware of what we Greeks do ," Lara concluded . Dr. Sara H. Cree, longtime Chi adviser , was inducted into the West Virginia University Hall of Fame at WVU 's School of Physical Education Homecoming Reception . Dr. Cree received her Bachelor's and Master's degrees from WVU and her Doctorate from Penn State. Dr. Cree served as Chair of the Division of Hea lth and Physical Education at Shepherd College for many years . During her career, she received many honors, including membership in Kappa Delta Pi and De lta Ka ppa Gamma , the Distinguished Service Awa rd of Shepherd College, and the Honor Award of the West Virginia Association for Health , Ph ysical Education , a nd Recreation . In 1960 she received the Helen Garman Adviser Award for her years of dedicated service to Alpha Sigma Tau and Chi Chapter. Following her retirement, Shepherd College named its Health and Physical Education building after Dr. Cree .
ALPHA SIGMA TAU IS GOING PLACES ... and so can you! As a Traveling Counselor, you will visit college campuses across the country, sharing your knowledge of Alpha Sigma Tau with prospective members and existing chapters . We are currently accepting applications for the 1992- 1993 academic year. Contact National Headquarters for applications and further information . THE ANCHOR/Fall 1991
Tracy May , Alpha Gamma , presented her p aper , " Participative Manage ment : Self and Team Concepts ," at the 1991 International Academy of Management and Marketing Conference in D etroit . The paper , which details two man agement styles used most often in the business world , was printed in the conference proceedings and wi ll ap pear in the Acad emy ' s annual re search publication . Tracy wrote the paper as an assignment in an Organizational Behavior class as part of her MBA coursework at Hen derson State University . Tracy also received her undergraduate degree from Henderson and is an active member of the university 's Marketing Assoc iation . We 'd like to hear from more AST collegians and alumnae who've made outstanding contributi o ns to their fie ld o r who have been hono red . Please contact THE ANCHOR Edito r (address on page 3) if you or someone you kn ow should be featured in a future issue.
cc;_~ ~ )
Q/ffkd~~ REGIONAL LEADERSHIP WORKSHOPS This fa ll , Regional Leadership Workshops will be held at: Beta Epsilon Chapter, November 1-3 Shippensburg Universi ty, Shippensburg, PA Alpha Phi Chapter, November 15-17 West Chester University, West Chester, PA Beta Eta Chapter, November 22-24 Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville, IL Alumnae are welcome at Regional Leadership Workshops! Please contact Mich ele DiPietro ationa! Regional Leadership Workshop Chairman , at 215/ 97 1-0522 for further details. 5
National Staff Alpha District President-Michele Miller, Beta Xi Michele was honored by her collegiate chapter as Most Valuable Sister. She chaired many committees in her chapter, including alumnae relations , 10-year reunion , ritual , fundraising, and formal rush . Michele has a BS in Mechanical Engineering from Michigan Tech and is a mechanical engineer for General Motors Power Train Bay City Division . She lives in Essexville, Michigan and enjoys volleyball, waterskiing, boating , clowns, and music. As Alpha District President, Michele will supervise Alpha , Beta , and Beta Chi Chapters .
Eta District President- Tracy Taylor, Alpha Gamma Tracy was her chapter P resident , Vice-President and Panhellenic Delegate, and she held the position of Panhellenic Treasurer. She received the Outstanding Pledge and Top Tau awards in college, and was Alpha Sigma Tau 's representative to the LeaderShape Conference in 1988. Tracy has a BBA and MBA from Henderson State University and is employed by Poulan/ Weed Eater. She is involved with the Greater Nashville Jaycees and is a member of County Line Baptist Church ; she is also work ing to start an AST alumnae chapter in Southwest Arkansas-Northeast Texas. In her spare time , Tracy enjoys cross-stitch , football , fishing , and dating . She will su pervise Rho , Beta Theta, and Gamma Eta Chapters.
Tracy Taylor
Debbi Spencer
Liz Conner
Rho District President - Debbi Spencer , Alpha Lambda Debbi is a graduate of Radford University, where she received a BS in physical science/ chemistry. She was RLW Chairman and Corresponding Secretary for her collegiate chapter and received the 3 .0 Academic Award and was on the National Dean 's List. She is a member of the American Chemical Society and is a teacher in the Henry County, Virginia, Public Schools . Debbi enjoys skiing , racquetball , and the movies . As Rho District P resident , she will supervise Omicron, Gamma Alpha , and Gamma Mu Chapters .
ANCHOR Collegiate Editor- Elizabeth Deemer Conner (Mrs. Timothy) , Alpha Lambda Liz received a BA in journalism from Radford University and was Alpha Lambda 's treasurer. In college she was selected as an Outstanding Young Woman of America . She was a tutor with the Ale andria Volunteer Bureau and is currently volunteering with the Multiple Sclerosis Society. Liz and husband Tim live in Arlington, Virginia , where Liz is a Production peciali t with Thomp on Publi hing Company. he li t h r hobbi as reading , cooking, the outdoor , nd olunt r \ rk . THE ANCHOR/Fall 19 1
National Nominations Chairman - Kathy Puli ce Baecker (Mrs . Paul), Theta Kathy is a graduate of Wayne State University, where she received BS and M.Ed . degrees in specia l education. She held many offices in her collegiate chapter and was honored as Top Tau , and was named to Who 's Who Among American College Students and Who 's Who of American Special Education Teachers. Kathy is a mem ber of the Detroit Alumnae Chapter and has been its vice-president and alumnae-collegiate liaison. She has received the Alumnae Top Tau Award and the Carrie Staehle Adviser Award. Previous National Staff positions Kathy has held are Theta Chapter Adviser , Alpha Chapter Consultant, and Theta Chapter CREST Editor. Kathy is a special education teacher for the Macomb Intermediate School District and is involved with adult foster care group homes for the developmentally disabled , and the Special Olympics. Kathy enjoys crossstitch and country crafts and says she is a Red Wings hockey fanatic. She and husband Paul live in suburban Detroit.
National Parliamentarian-Jean ne Holloway Knau s (Mrs . Vincent) , Alpha Lambda Jeanne was initiated as an alumna affiliate at the 1990 National Convention. She is a member of the Tidewater Alumnae Chapter and is involved with the Kings Grant Garden Club and the Princess Ann e Re publican Women 's Club, of which she has served as Treasurer and Parliamentarian . Jeanne and her husband Vincent live in Virginia Beach ; they are the parents of Elizabeth (AST's National Housing Director), Vincent, and Jonathan.
Kathy Baecker
Proud to l,e
Jeanne Knaus
CALLING ALL TAUS!I! Are you interested in serving Alpha Sigma Tau in a National Staff position? Do you know an alumna sister who is qualified or do you feel you are qualified and can devote the time for one of the following positions? If so, please complete the Resume for Staff Positions form and return it along with a letter naming the areas in which you are interested, to the National Nominations Chairman . If you are not ready for a Staff position now , but feel you may be in the future , please note that on the form . The following National Council positions will be elected at the 1992 National Convention: National President Director of Expansion Director of Alumnae Director o f Fraternity Progra ms The following Na tional Staff pos itions will be appointed : Alpha District President Gamma District President Epsilon District P resident Eta District President THE ANCHOR/Fall 1991
Iota District President Lambda District President Nu District President Omicron District President National Colony Advisor Convention Co-Chairman THE CREST Editor Expansion Assistant Financial Assistant National Historian Membersh ip Development Chairman Na ti onal Music Chairman Parliamentarian National Publicity Chairman National RLW Chairman National Rush Director If you would like more information about the duties of these posi tions , please refer to the National Handbook or contact Kathy Pulice Baecker, National ominations Chairman, 18667 N. Oak Ct ., Mt. Clemens, MI 48044 (313/ 286-2314).
Resume for Nomination of Staff Positions Applying f o r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (Position) Name _____________________________ (M a i d e n ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ City/ S t a t e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Zip------AreaCode _____ Phone Number ____________________________________
Year of graduation---------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - M a j o r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Advanced degrees? _________ Area - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Collegiate chapter affiliation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Alumnae chapter affiliation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Are you actively involved at the alumnae level? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(please indicate college year in wh ich each office was held .)
Offices held at alumnae level - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Are you currently employed?
Occupation - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
If employed , are you employed full time?
Part time? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Do you have children? _____ If yes , please list their a g e s - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - Are you able to travel for Alpha Sigma Tau? - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - If yes, on weekends 0
weekdays 0
Frequency : weekly 0
monthly 0
semi-annually 0
Is there an airport within close proximity to you which offers domestic flights? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Would you be able to serve a full term (four years) if selected? - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - Briefly list your reasons for agreeing to be nominated for a position with the national staff of Alpha Sigma Tau . _ _ __
Can you type? ______ Do you write letters? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Do you enjoy receiving correspondence which requires responses? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Are~u~~~tr~el~shortno& ~----------------------------------足
Are you able to work wrt~in a budget? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Please see reverse for further areas of interest. Please list anything else you feel pertinent information concerning yourself.
Signature Please send this form to: Kath y Boecker Noti onal N ominations Cha irman 18667 N orth Oak Court Mt. Clemens , Ml 48044
Date - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
WANTED: CHAPTER ADVISERS, ASSISTANT CHAPTER ADVISERS, CHAPTER CONSULTANTS ALPHA SIGMA TAU is looking for sisters to serve as members of advisory teams for its collegiate chapters. We are looking for AST alumnae who are interested in guiding and advising young women . CHAPTER ADVISERS and ASSISTANT CHAPTER ADVISERS should live in or near the town in which the chapter is located, as it is important that they attend as many chapter meetings and function s as possible . A basic knowledge of chapter operations and finances is desirable . CHAPTER CONSULTANTS are responsible for visiting the chapter twice a year to inspect the officer and staff notebooks and confirm the chapter's inventory . If you are interested in serving on the advisory team for a collegiate chapter, or if you would like further information about any of these positions , please contact Ricki Trosen , National Vice President, 904 Kings Road , Kirksville , Missouri 63501.
~----------~------~--~-------~-----------~~ !
Convention You 'll be " Living on TAUisa Time" at the largest convention hotel in Tulsa, the Sheraton-Kensington Hotel. The hotel is located at 1902 East 71st Street South in Tulsa and features the largest meeting rooms in the area , fine din ing , an exercise spa and pool , and is adjacent to the Kensington Galleria , home of many fine shops. Watch the Alpha Sig-Nal for registration information . The registration fee is $175 per person which includes the Queen ' s Luncheon , Get-Acquainted Party, NPC Tea , Awards Banquet , and a special event. Registration deadline is April 15, 1992 for all delegates and non-delegates . After April 15, 1992, the registration fee is $200 per person . Alumnae
wanting to attend Convention who are not on the National Staff or members of an alumnae chapter may obtain registration forms from National Headquarters (address on Page 3) . Whether you are enjoying a banquet, discussing business during the general sessions, attending a seminar, learning a western dance , or relaxing by the pool , your focus will turn to the unique AST sisters who are sharing this special event with you . Would you like more information about Convention? Would you like to volunteer your time and tal ents to a portion of the gathering? Contact Lindy Steeves , 221 Powell , Clarendon Hills , IL 60514 (708/ 325-7427) .
Tracy Schmidt (left) and Dawn Kandes , Alpha , at a party .
Eastern Michigan University Molly Luempert was awarded the Pan hellenic Executive Board " Best Greek" award on campus. The award , which is based on merit and leadership characteristics, was presented at the annual Panhellenic tea . We also won the Go Greek Award , which is also presented by the Panhell enic Executive Board . This award is based on the involvement o f a sorority outside of Greek life. AST had th e most widespread involvement of campus groups and clubs of any sorority on campus. We had a productive semester with philanthropy. Sisters donated clothing and supplies to the battered women 's shelter. We also volunteered at the Humane Society of Ypsilanti. Everyone had a great time with Greek Week this year even though we didn 't win any trophies . All proceeds from the week 's events were donated to the Huron Services for Youth, an organization which serves abused, neglected , and delinquent adolescents in the Washtenaw County area . A newsletter was sent out to area alumnae to let them know what we are doing . The Ypsilanti -Ann Arbor Alumnae Chapter sponsored a dinner in January to welcome our newest members. Deann Johnson
Central Michigan University Spring semester for the Beta Chapter was one of excitement, awards , and recognition . Spring rush started in full force with th e theme " Anchors Away", and sisters decorated the house with portholes , anchors , and aquariums , and wore shirts with fish on them and sailor hats . We were rewarded with 16 wonderful pledges. There were many awards and recogni tions for Beta Chapter. The fall 1990
pledge class was named " Best Pledge Class". Panhellenic Council named Dyanna Lathrop outstanding junior representative. Three sisters , Maureen Sudek , Kerry Roberts , and Dyanna Lathrop were inducted into the Order of Omega. Our spring activities included date parties , Red Cross Blood Drives, and collecting canned food for needy fami lies . The Beta Chapter continued to work with the children at Mary Mcquire Elementary School. The sisters also attended a " Self-Esteem " seminar given by alumna Christine Holton . Greek Week was an exciting time for us ; we brought home seven trophies . We took first place in putt-putt, second in spirit, relay races , Greek sing , and volleyball , and third place in fundraising and red races. Our theme for Greek Week was " South Pacific", and we all had a blast! Mandy Sieracki
with chips and popcorn . We held our formal on March 9 at King 's Palace in Princeton . Several alumnae attended and gave us lots of advice and new ideas . April was our busiest month . We participated in Greek Sing , Greek Games, and Greek Lip Sync. We performed a mix of songs from the '50s through the '90s. We also held a picnic with Delta Tau Chi and some sisters worked at the phone-a-thon to raise money for student scholarships. All sororities on campus joined together for a Heart Sis program. Each member received the name , address , and phone number of another sorority member. Many items were sent , and the program ended in a social. We also had a visit from our District President , Alicen Cravens-Paladino. She brought a lot of enthusiasm and new ideas to share with us . Lisa Babbitt
Lock Haven University
Buffalo S tate
The spring semester was an eventful one for the Zeta Chapter. We celebrated our 70th anniversary by holding an open house and gathering together with alumnae , sweethearts, pledges, and the Uni versity President for dinner. Karen Sloan, National Secretary, was the guest speaker at dinner. Our spring rush was a big hit with the " Through the Years " theme . We played beach games and had an excellent turnout . Fundrai sing activities kept us busy during the semester. We held a car wash and bake sale and used the money from these activities for our 70th Anniversary celebration . We sold daffodils in town and on campus for the American Cancer Society and sold lollipops for Panhellenic . Zeta sisters decorated the Jaycees Hall for a Council for Exceptional Children 's dance and attended a lecture on alcohol and drug abuse with other sororities and fraternities . Some of our sisters attended a leadership workshop on campus and we worked together with the other sororities for a Panhellenic activity to promote unity. Helen Heinemann
The Sigma Chapter had a very productive spring semester. We began the year with an informal ru sh with the theme " The Many Faces of AST" and ended with 15 new sisters.
Concord College On February 5 , we had our " Tau Mahal " party, with roulette and black jack tables . We also had a " mock "-tail bar
Sigma sisters and friends at the zoo.
During the semester we were busy with many philanthropic activities . Sisters and pledges collected soup label , wrote to soldiers serving in the Per ian Gulf, helped sponsor a blood drive , and sold newspapers for ' 路Kids Day ". The sisters also volunteered to face paint. make craft , and dre as animal at the " Leprechaun Village at the Zoo " on t. Patrick 's Day at the local zoo. T\ o i ter rode tationery bicycl for th Blind A ociation . W had our fourth annu I
THE ANCHOR/Fall 1991
Collegians Mother / Daughter Banquet. Our mothe rs had an opportunity to learn what AST is all about. The week of April 21 -28 was Greek Week . In the fashion of " Battle of the Network Stars", AST competed with the other national and local sororities. Although we didn 't win , everyone had fun trying . Arlene Tabigue
placed th e ca rpet, furniture , and repainted va ri ous rooms inside. We volunteered at a Halloween party " Batba ll " to benefit the Arkansas Nature Conservatory, sent toys to burn victims at the Arkansas Children's Hospital, and made a donation to the Haritage House. Julie Miller
Zeta Tau
Shepherd College
Longwood College We received the " Sisterhood of the Year" award at the Greek banquet. We got five new pledges this year through open parties. The parties featured the games " Tauboo " , a modified version of Taboo , and " Wheel of Fortune " . To help buy a carpet for our cha pter room , we sold M&Ms, Reeses Pi eces , a nd other candies. We performed many philanthro pic acti viti es this se meste r, sta rting with an adopt-a- high way project. We a re responsible for keeping clean a fo ur-mile stretch of one of Virgin ia 's high wa ys. In April , we held our annual swing-a- thon and raised over $900 for Cys tic Fibrosis . Each sister participated in an intra mura l sport , and at the end of the semester we won the All Spo rts Award . We also won the tug-of-wa r at Greek Week . Panhe lleni c De legate Chri sti e Champi o n represented us in the first annual Panhellenic fashion show. All of us participated in Greek Weekend , entering such con tests as jello-eating , pizza-eating , pyramid-building, and tug-o f-wa r. Alumnae continue to be suppo rti ve . This year th ey donated $ 100 to th e Spring 1991 pledge class , which was in turn donated to the curtain fund. Our housekee ping sister has been very busy arranging for new curtains and carpet to be installed in our chapter room by next fall. Over the summer we intend to stay in to uch and pla n for a super fall rush. Joann R. Wa re
University of Central Arkansas This semester, Upsilon Chapter won the spirit award and Melinda Peterson was Miss UCA. For fundraisers we split into four small groups and each raised $125 in separate ways : alumni letters , passing out fli ers , and car washes . We used this money to redecorate our chapter room . We re-
THE ANCHOR/Fall 1991
Chi Colony This year, 18 wo men got togeth er and brought AST back to Shepherd College. All 18 women were pin pledged in J anuary. Our school has a grass a mphitheater where large rocks are arranged in the letters of different sororities and fraternities . Right a fter we we re pinned, we gathered and made the arrangement of the letters of AST! Chi had two main fundra ising ac ti vities, a slave day and a bake sale. The money raised went towa rd building our treasury . We volunteered at the local elementary school for our philanthropy activity . Although we have had no specific activities with our alumnae, their support and involvement shows us what AST sisterhood rea lly means. We would like to thank the No rth ern Virginia Alumnae Chapter, Psi Cha pter, and Ga mma Zeta Cha pter for adoptin g our colony as their little sisters . Our main emphasis for next yea r is having a great rush so we can build our numbe rs a nd beco me a n es ta bli s hed chapter. Stephanie Shamburg
Alpha Gamma
Henderson State University The Alpha Gamma Cha pter adopted troops in Saudi Arabia . We wrote letters, sent candy, and even sent pictures . Spring ru sh was success ful with a pi zza party, polka do t pa rty, and an OrienTAUI dynasty party. Our fundraisi ng ac ti vities for the semester included a ca r was h and bake sa le . In Fe brua ry we held a bi rthday party fo r reside nts o f a local nursing ho me. We decorated, played games, and sang songs . Sisters o f Alpha Ga mma also participated in Greek Week, a Panhelleni c Dance, and Spring Fling. Our Yello w Rose Fo rma l was he ld a t th e Mountain Harbor Resort. It was fun and we were ha ppy that many a lumnae came to the formal. Ca rie Sulliva n
Alpha Epsilon
Western Illinois University The women of Alpha Epsilon showed their spirit in the Sigma Chi Derby Days events. Keeping with tradi tions, the sisters were able to declare the throne and win for the third year in a row . Greek Week was a huge accomplishment. Th e fig htin g women o f AS T tugged thei r way into second place for the tug-of-war event. Holding the torch high, the women of AST successfully executed the Olympics and held onto second place . Th e week would not have been so full of spirit if it weren 't for our ene rge ti c Greek Week chairs Denise Laurie and S helia Wolniewicz. Parents Weekend is a time for us to be th a nkful fo r o ur sup portive pare nts. Sh a ri G resham and Tari Lemoine planned a festive weekend . Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Buckly , 1991 AST Parents of the Year winners. Your enco urage ment and dedication to yo ur daughter is commended. Mary Ellen Cione
Alpha Lambda
Radford University The Alp ha Lambdas were very busy this spring. Our semester began with a successful and exciting rush. Our theme for pa rti es was the draft, " AST Wants You." We wo re camoufl age AST letters and gained 29 super pledges who called themselves " The 29 O h So Fine". The M&M sale, rose sale, bake sales, sna p -a -sco pe , a nd Visa Ca rd ap plications were our fu ndraisers this semester. We used the mo ney raised fo r cabin parties , our housing fund, and donations to va rious cha rities . Once again we held th e a nnua l Big Brothers / Big S isters Bow l-a-Th o n for Kids Sake with P hi Si gma Ka ppa . We supported Meals on
Collegians Wheels and our sisters who ran in the MDA run . Sisters also visited the Wheatland Hills Rest Home. This spring we held our Sweethearts Banquet in Roanoke at the Holiday Inn . Banquet Queen was Angela Baucom and our princess was Susan Crafton . Our former president , Karen Wheeler, was given the Top Tau award . Congratulations to Ann Holmes , who was inducted as RU's Rho Lambda VicePresident at the spring Panhellenic party. We are sad to announce that our former adviser (now patron) Dr. Edward Je rvey retired this year. Dr. Jervey has supported the Alpha Lambdas for 30 years . Lora Boyd
Alpha Xi
Mansfield University Rush parties for Alpha Xi were fun and rewarding . Sisters dressed in red, white , and blue for the theme party of " Come Sail Away With AST", and for the preference party, sisters wore '60s clothing for " Come Get Psychedelic with AST". Greek Week was fun for everyone . Some of the activities we competed in were basketball , volleyball , and the fivelegged race . The conclusion of Greek Week was held at Lambs Creek . AST also participated with other sororities and fraternities in support of the MU basketball game against Kutztown . The sisters of Alpha Xi would like to congratu late Lisa Reese, the new Pan hellenic president. Michele Frederick
Alpha Omicron
Clarion University The Alpha Omicron Chapter started off the spring semester with a home run- 14 home runs to be exact. After a very successful formal rush , " Taus in the World Series", 14 women pledged. Continu ing along with a winning season, the annual spring overnight retreat was a great crowd pleaser. The retreat was a wonderful opportunity to further develop teamwork, enthusiasm , and appreciation of the ideals of AST. Other runs were scored throughout the season when we got involved in philanthropies such as a b loodmobile adopt-a -grandparent at Forest Mano; Care Center, and the annual run with Delta Chi to raise money for Special O lympics . The sisters also participated
in Derby Daze , collected money for brain tumor research , obtained membership in PEACE (an organization against toxic waste) , and collected money for a local boy who needs a bone marrow transplant. During the final stretch , we partici pated in the St. Patrick 's Day date party, mixers with fraternities , and the Yellow Rose formal. Other outstanding achievements of the season included first place in Greek Olympics and Scholarship and an overall second place finish in Greek Week . Monica A. Douglas
Alpha Pi
Slippery Rock University The Alpha Pi Chapter had a great semester. We celebrated our 25th anniversary! We continued the tradition with a successful spring rush . The theme was " AST Jeopardy " and eleven women pledged. We also placed first in Greek Week . Our fundraising activities included a bounce-a-thon , rent an AST, and scope pictures. In addition , we adopted an ani mal at the Pittsburgh Zoo , sponsored a foster child in India , collected Giant Eagle receipts and Campbell Soup labels for the School of Exceptional Children , recycled glass and aluminum for Slippery Rock High School , and donated clothes to foreign exchange students on campus. We also visited a Senior Citizens Home sponsored by Panhellenic. In addition to all our activities , we made many house improvements : cleaned paddles and trophies, framed all composites , and cleaned and repaired our ritual chest. We would like to congratulate our new sweetheart, John Huffman , a member of Kappa Delta Rho . Shannon Lesher
Alpha Rho
Youngstown State University Alpha Rho has been a very busy chapter in the last several months . We recently had an informal rush party to which each sister brought a friend . We hope to have another party soon to gain even more members . On April 28, we celebrated our first anniversary as a chapter at Youngstown State. It was an exci.ting day; we celebrated with a Mother and Daughter Brunch . Many of our alumnae were there to share the day with us. In Febru -
ary, we had a joint retreat with the Alpha Pi chapter at Slippery Rock University. We had a terrific weekend and shared our ideas on how to improve our chapters and become more successful. We attended RLW at Delta chapter in April. It was great to meet sisters from different chapters and exchange ideas. Also during the semester, we watched a Pine Mountain filmstrip , sold Easter candy to raise money for our chapter, and supported Easter for an area family . Maria Bonacker
Alpha Ta u
Edinboro University Spring rush for the Alpha Taus was a huge success; we got 24 pledges. Our party theme was Sports and AST : " A Sorority for all Seasons". The sisters held a pizza raffle and a night out on the town for two , to raise money for Convention , the pledge dance , the Regional Leadership Workshop , and the Pine Mountain School. We wrote letters of support to the soldiers in Saudi Arabia . Many sisters received letters in return and one sister even met her pen pal when he returned! A faculty tea was held for Faculty Appreciation Day , which gave the faculty a chance to get to know better the Greek organizations on campus . All Greek organizations attended a presentation on the importance of non -hazing . The Alpha Taus had a successful Greek Week this year. We took third place overall and placed first in Greek Sing and the mini -marathon , second in Couples Dance, and third in volleyball. Goodbye and thanks to our former adviser, Elaine Bercik, and welcome to our new adviser , Cindy Hawes. Audra Merryman
Alpha Phi
West Chester University We had a very successful rush and were rewarded with twelve great pledges . With spirits running high from rush , we were ready for Greek Week and participated in every po sible event including Greek sing , the banner contest. and the Greek games . At our annual Greek award night. we received the New Member Development Award as well as the highest GPA Award . We are very proud of our accomplishments this past emester. Congratulations to Kathleen ille and Joy ondon . who wer ac pted into the Order of Omega_ (co nt inu ed
n page _] )
THE ANCHOR/Fall 1991
Foundation ALPHA SIGMA TAU IS GOING PLACES AND SO IS PINE MOUNTAIN! Last year individual and group contributions, combined with a most generous donation from the Alpha Sigma Tau Foundation , allowed Pine Mountain to purchase a IS-passenger van. Paul Hayes , Pine Mountain Director, characterized the support from AST as " tremendous. The school has never had new equipment like this before " he said. " It's the greatest thing that has ever happened to us. " The new van will transport environmental education students to caves, mountaintops, strip mining and reclamation areas , and to coal mines for first-hand experience and study. Since I94S , AST's support of our national philan-
thropy , Pine Mountain Settlement School, has been constant. Now we have put our love on wheels! The Foundation 's support of Pine Mountain has included these gifts : I98S A contribution to assist with the restoration of West Wing dormitory I 986 Funds for salaries for two teachers in the tutorial program for potential high school dropouts , and for bui lding repairs I 987 Funds to purchase a heavy duty washer and dryer and a cooki ng range I 988 Funds for a refrigerator -cooler I 990 Funds to purchase a IS-passenger van
Gifts, Gifts, Gifts
Van purchase d with Alpha Si gma Tau do natio ns.
" I wish I could do something really great for AST, but my salary is too small just now ." " Maybe I can contribute in a few years when the children are out of school. " ' 'I'm getting older and I must plan for retirement. " " One person can 't do very much anyway. " Sound familiar? While it's true that th ere always seems to be more demand than supply when it comes to money , there is a way each AST can help perpetuate the ideals of sorority if we combine our resources. Small individual gifts in memory of a deceased fri end or in honor of someone special can be added to an existing fund to increase its principal amount and thus generate more interest . Larger annual gifts from an
THE ANCHOR/Fall 1991
individual or a chapter can grow into a grant or an award for a particular purpose. Scholarships can be funded by individuals groups of fri ends, or cha pters . They may be started with $IOO or mo re , but within three years the fund must grow to $2SOO. At current interest rates , this will provide a 200 scholars hip . As gifts are added to the principal , the a moun t of the scholarshi p can be increased. Remember, your contributions are tax deductible, and con tributi ons from pa rents and friends of AST are also welcome . The directors of the Foundation are happy to work with contributors to set up a fund which perpetuates the name you choose and provides funds for the purpose you want to su pport. 13
Awards, Grants, Loans Effie E. Lyman Memoria l Academic Loan Fund Any initiated member of Alpha Sigma Tau enrolled in college and in good standing with AST may apply for a loan. The loan is to be used only for academic expenses- books, tuition , etc. Historically, no loans in excess of $500 have been granted. A student may obtain only one loan , and priority is given to juniors and seniors . The Foundation has granted ten loans since its formation . Mary Alice Peterson American Indian Grant This grant honors Mary Alice Peterson , our fifth National President, and is awarded annually to an Ameri can Indian student pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree at an accredited college or university. The grant must be used to meet educational expenses. J.O. Pollock Phila nthropic Award The J .O . Pollock Philanthropic Award is endowed by
Gerald and Sheldon Pollock of J .O . Pollock & Company, our official jeweler for many years. The award , determined by the Pollock family contributions, is presented to an AST sophomore or junior in good standing whose philanthropic actions are motivated by the desire to contribute to the progress of mankind and who can persuade others to join with her to accomplish her purpose. Past recipi ents of this award are : 1984- 85 Shelley Bates, Beta Mu 1985- 86 Aileen Rosenberg , Sigma Tammie Bivens, Alpha Sigma Linda Lagala , Alpha Xi 1986- 87 Dawn Rowlette , Upsilon 1987- 88 Tina Antonicelli Delta 1988- 89 Jill Ludwig, Sigma
Scholarships offered by the National Foundation Lenore Seibel King Schola rship The first endowed scholarship was begun in June 1984. Members of the Houston Alumnae Chapter made the initial contribution of $325 to establish a scholarship in honor of Lenore Seibel King , who had served as Na tiona l President for the previous twelve years . This scholarship is for a minimum of $250. Thus far , three scholarships have been awarded : 1987-88 Lori Sue Gerhart, Alpha Tau 1988-89 Kristin Andress, Alpha Epsilon 1989-90 Lori L Sikkenga, Beta Rose Marie S c hmidt Schola rship Dr. Rose Marie Schmidt was serving as National Fou ndation Awards , Grants, & Scholarships Chairmen when she determined that " I shouldn 't wait until I die to do something for my sisters. " She sent a check to start the Rose Marie Schmidt Scholarship Fund and continues to make yearly contributions . At this time , this scholarship is for $250. Two sisters have received scholarships since April 1989: 1988- 89 Laura Schoellenbarger, Beta Mu 1989- 90 Melanie R. Frazier, Alpha Gamma Carrie Washburne S taehle S c holarship The Carrie Washburne Staehle Scholarship wa s launched by the three Elliott sisters, Edith , Meda Ray , and Betty Gail , to honor Mrs. Staehle, a treasured friend and mentor. In 1925, when Alpha Sigma Tau became a national sorority Carrie Washburne was a senior in college . She knew Ada A. Norton and Effie E. Lyman well and attended our first national convention , where she was elected treasurer. In 1934, she became our third National President and held that office until 1949. Mrs . Staehle's AB degree was in Latin and History. She has done graduate study in French , Latin , Greek , and Russian , and taught Russian for four years . It is ap-
(left to right) : S ybil King. Carrie Staehle , Mary Louise Doyle
propriate that this 500 scholarship be awarded to a student majoring in classical or modern languages . Elizabeth Wilson/ Dorothy Ro binson S cholarship The Wilson/ Robinson Scholarship was established by the St. Louis Alumnae Chapter at the 1990 Convention to honor the two Pi members from St. Louis who became national presidents. Dorothy Bennett Robinson wa our fourth pre ident (1949- 1955) and Elizabeth Wilson our i. th pre ident (1964- 1972) . For many year , Elizabeth wa Headquarters Administrator when the office wa in t. Loui . The first cholar hip will be granted \ h n nnu I interest income is uffici ent to fund it in th am unt f
THE ANCHOR/Fall 1991
Dorothy Bennett Robinson
The first scholarship will be granted when annual in terest income is sufficient to fund it in the amount of $250 . When the interest income warrants, the scholarship wi ll be increased in $50 increments.
Meda Ray Elliott Sewell Scholarsh ip Meda Ray was appointed to the Foundation B oard of Directors in 1983, served as treasurer in 1984, and was elected president in 1985. She observed th e need for more scholarship funding , and in March 1991 initiated the Meda Ray Elliott Sewell Scholarship. This scholarship is for $500 and is availab le to a junior or senior who is an Alpha Sigma Tau in good standing .
Edith Minerva Elliott Scholarship
Edith Elliott
$250. When the interest income warrants , the sc holarship will be increased in $50 increments .
Mary Louise Mandrea Doyle Scholarship The Mary Louise Doyle Scholarship was announced at the 1990 Convention . It was started by the Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter in grateful recognition of Mary Louise 's more than 60 years of service to sorority. From 1928 to 1976, she held many national positions, including Editor of THE ANCHOR , Chaplain , and NPC Delegate. She organized three alumnae chapters and reactivated two others , and continues her active participation in the Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter.
The Foundation ' s newest scholarship was established by Edith Elliott. Edith joined Omi cron Chapter in 1937 and is currently president of the Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter. She received a BS in M athematics and Science from Concord College and a master's degree in Mathematics Education from th e University of Virginia. Now retired from teaching , Edith keeps busy with church and Civitan International activities, and enjoys reading and traveling . The Edith Minerva Elliott Scholarship will be for $500 and is available to Alpha Sigma Tau sisters who are mathematics or science majors.
General Criteria for Scholarship Selection Recipients for scholarships are chosen on the basis of academic excellence and chapter service, with financial need a contributing factor. Th ey must be juniors, seniors , or graduate students and members of Alpha Sigma Tau in good standing . Collegiate applicants must have maintained at least a " B " average and graduate students must demonstrate pri or academic achievement. For further information , contact Rose Marie Schmidt, Awards , Grants & Scholarships Chairman , 5106 H arvard Road , Detroit , Ml 48224.
President路 s Message by Meda Ray Elliott Sewell (Mrs. Preston ), Omicron, Foundation Preside nt Little drops of water Little grains of sand Make a mighty ocean And a p leasant land. Robert L ouis Stevenson said it simply and clearly , and I can 't improve upon it. When all of us join our efforts , we have an opportunity to reach into the future and make a difference . Our contributions to our AST Foundation will make possible scholarships, loans, and grants to assist future ASTs in their educational endeavors. College expenses are spiraling , and the need for honest, well-trained leaders is crucial. Our contributions to our Foundation will enable us to provide educational workshops, seminars , and materials for chapter use . Our contributions to our Foundation will increase the Endowment Fund which provides loans to chapters to buy or rent houses and refurbish their chap ter rooms .
THE ANCHOR/Fall 1991
Our contributions to our Foundation allow us to give more support to the excellent program at Pin e Mountain . Our contributions to our Foundation will make possi ble the acquisition of a permanen t National H eadquarters for Alpha Sigma Tau . I thank you for all you have already given, and I encourage you to continue your support. If all of us droplets and granules get together , there is no limit to what we can do. ...---C - ol-le_g_iat_e_s_!_W _h _y_ n_o_t _s_p-en_d_ S_p-ri_n_g_B - re_a_k _h_e-lp_i_n_g_a_t..., Pine Mountai n? Contact Paul Hayes, Director Pine Mountain Settlement School Pine Mountain, Kentucky 40810 606/ 538-3571 Remember, all contributions for Pine Mountain are to come through the National Foundation . Checks should be made payable to Alpha Sigma Tau National Foundation and should be mailed to the National Foundation Financial Secretary, Mrs. Robert O'Dell , 222 West Tabor Road , Philadelphia, PA 19120.
THE BIRTH AND GROWTH OF THE ALPHA SIGMA TAU NATIONAL FOUNDATION, INC. by Lenore Seibel King (Mrs. Thomas J., Jr.), Psi, National Foundation First Vice President In the early 1970s, national fraternal organizations realized that to protect and enhance the financial security of their groups, uncharted steps had to be taken . Numbers of fraternal organizations , including Alpha Sigma Tau , were audited by the Internal Revenue Service. At NPC meetings in the mid-1970s , the National Presidents met to discuss financial concerns, including how national foundations would be established and operated , and then Alpha Sigma Tau began collecting further information on procedure, assets , security, and use of funds . Our long-range goal became legally incorporating a taxexempt Foundation to give financial strength and security to Alpha Sigma Tau. In July 1980, the National Council implemented its investigation of the establishment of an Alpha Sigma Tau Foundation for the growth and protection of setaside funds and resources under a tax-exempt non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation. In January 1981 a committee was appointed to pursue procedural steps to establish a foundation , and that summer their findings were reported to the Council. Research was continued in Birmingham , Alabama , where the National Headquarters of AST had recently relocated. The National President met with legal counsel to learn the procedure required to establish a Foundation , and in March 1982, the National Council determined that all necessary steps had been taken to do so immediately. Stipulated to be included in the Foundation incorporation were scholarship grants, student loans , resident counselors, philanthropy, traveling counselors, regional leadership workshop training programs, convention leadership training , other sorority educational activities , and the formation of an AST National Headquarters. Upon advice of the tax attorney, Birmingham-area alumnae were appointed as the first Board of Directors . Our Foundation was " born " when the application for incorporation in Alabama was signed on September 24, 1982 by the members of the Board of Directors : Lenore Seibel King , Carol Mathews, Holly Woodford McDonald , Virginia Childress Becker, and Catherine Bonds Crapet. The Bylaws for the Foundation were signed on May 23 , 1983. At the July 1983 National Council meeting, Carol Mathews reported that the newly-incorporated AST National Foundation Board of Directors had elected the following officers : Carol Mathews, President ; Cathy Crapet, Vice President; Sybil King , Treasurer; Holly McDonald, Secretary; and Ginny Becker, Member-at-Large. She furth er reported that the tax exemption application had been completed and would be filed with the Internal Revenue Service . At that point, the Foundation would become operational under IRS requirements for a taxexempt Foundation when the National Council transferred the designated funds of the sorority to the Foundation . The sorority membership would be informed of the Foundation 's program and the application procedures 16
for these programs through THE ANCHOR and other sorority publications , and that all donations to the Foundation would be tax-deductible. The National Council then approved the transfer of appropriate set-aside funds and allotments, contingent upon exemption from Federal income tax . The Foundation was notified on October 17 , 1984 of IRS approval as a 501(c)(3) public foundation. In 1983, the National Council appointed Meda Ray Elliott Sewell and June McCarthy to four-year terms on the Foundation Board of Directors . They joined Carol Mathews , Sybil King , and Holly McDonald on the Board. The initial funding of the first scholarship established for the Foundation was announced at the 1984 National Convention by the Houston Alumnae Chapter to honor Lenore " Sybil " Seibel King . Also announced during this convention was the receipt of $250 for a grant from J .O . Pol lack Company, by Jerry Pollack, President, to become the J .O. Pollack Philanthropic Award. The Foundation 's first Pollack award recipient was Shelley Bates, Beta Mu . The first grant implemented by the Foundation was the 250 Mary Alice Peterson American Indian Grant. The first grant to the National Organization was for $150 and was used to update the slide show of Pine Mountain Settlement School, our national philanthropy. In 1985, the levelized giving concept was implemented to recognize consistent and loyal supporters of the Foundation. That year , six Effie E. Lyman Memorial Loan Fund applications were approved and granted . In 1986, the criteria for scholarships were established and a five-year plan for the Foundation was implemented . The Board approved plans to establish the Founders Centennial Scholarship Fund in 1987 , and a grant was made to the National Panhellenic Conference for the NPC Central Office . In 1988, the Carrie Washburne Staehle Scholarship Fund, honoring our President Emerita , was launched in 1988 by the Elliott sisters, Edith, Meda Ray , and Betty Gail. A computer work station was purchased and the funds made available for programming Foundation donations into the existing database . A grant was made to the AST National Organization for developing videos to aid in sorority growth and enrichment of membership . Funds were allocated for attendance at various interfraternal Foundation conferences . The National Organization was given grants to send collegiate members to ATO LeaderShape Conference and National Staff mem bers to seminars . During the 1987-88 academic year , Lori Sue Gerhart, Alpha Tau , was the first receipient of the Lenore eibel King Scholarship . Tracy Taylor, Alpha Gamma, wa th recipient of the LeaderShape Grant . The Foundation President and First Vice Pre ident attend d th P Foundation Conference in olumbu . Ohi . and m d side trip to Pine Mountain . They pok with dir t r . THE ANCHOR/Fall 1991
teachers , workers , and supporters there. The assistance we give to Pine Mountain Settlement School makes an important difference in many lives , as well as in the appreciation and protection of our envi ronment. Worthy of note are Pine Mountain 's Intervention Program , teaching students one on one who need academic assistance (Pine Mountain 's progra m was the model for Headstart) ; its botany collection , one of the best in the East; crafts by local a rtisans; remedial assistance; teaching trades such as computer use; Elderhostel ; camp for underprivileged in the summer; and Indian artifacts collection , just to name a few . In 1989, the Rose Mari e Schmidt Scholarship was announced , funded by Rose Marie Schmidt. The first recipient was Laura Schoellenberger, Beta Mu . The first recognition by the Foundati on of dono rs who have given $100 or more was at the 1990 National Co nvention . Forty-three members were ho no red at a breakfast. The program consisted of recognition of donors in each level of giving with a gift and a certifi cate . At the 1990 Conventi on, the Eli zabeth Wilson/ Dorothy Robinson and Mary Louise Mandrea Doyle Schola rships we re a nnoun ced . Bo th Mi ss Wilso n a nd Mrs. Robinson were past national pres idents, and Mrs. Doyle has served in many capacities on the National Staff . In 19 91 , funding was received fo r the Meda Ray Elliott Sewell S chola rship and the Edith Min erva Ell iott Scho la rship . Bo th Elliott sisters have given mu ch o f their time and talents to AST on th e loca l and national level. Alth o ugh seve ra l yea rs passed befo re va ri o us ac-
counts generated eno ugh interest to award the first sch olarships, with continued member contributions, the number and size of Foundati on scholarships will in crease. Th e interest no t used is reinvested and will accrue toward additi onal scholarships. Most new funds a re generated th rough gifts to the Foundation fr om ASTs, th eir fa mil y members, or from the Nati ona l Organi za ti on through Endowment , Lyman , Phila nthro py, and Headquarters fun ds . Funds are in vested at the best avai lable yield with minimum ri sk. There are no investments made in hig h risk/ high return categori es . As with other successful founda tions, the growth pace has been steady a nd will continue to be in direct proporti on to our tax deductible gi fts. More gi fts, larger gifts, and mo re regular gifts will generate funds that will make availa ble more awards, grants, and scholarships and fund programs that give support to the National Organiza ti on within the allowed tax exem pt purposes of your Fo undation . During the first ten yea rs, we have laid a firm foundati on. As we a pproach the Centennial of Alpha Sigma Tau and the twenty-first century , the next ten years will show grea t growth and accomplishment of even more o f th e Foundation's tax exempt purposes. The AST National Foun dation was established to enhance the sisterhood conceived and so cari ngly nurtured fo r each of us alm ost a century ago . Th e Foundation will continue to strengthen th e va lue of Al pha Sigma Tau in the lives of sisters of all ages.
FOUNDATION OFFICERS Meda Ray Elliott Sewell, Foundation Director and President Meda Ray was initiated into the Omicron cha pte r in 1940 a nd joined th e Wa r, Wes t Virgini a Alumnae Cha pter upo n graduation . When she moved to Washington , DC severa l years later, she immediately began searching for othe r AST sisters . In April 1948, she hosted the cha rtering of the Washington , DC Alumnae Chapter (now known as Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter) . Since th en, Meda Ray has h'eld most offices in her local chapter as well as the Northern Virginia Panhellenic Association . She was National Convention Chairman for th e 19 72 and 197 4 conventions. Meda Ray retired from Continental Federal Savings Bank in 1984 and keeps busy with church and community activities. She is particularly active in Civitan International , American Cancer Society, Zonta International , and United Way. THE ANCHOR/Fall1991
Lenore "Sybil " Seibel King , Foundation Director and First Vice President Sybil has served Alpha Sigma Tau in many offices at the local and nati o na l level since joining Psi Cha pter in 194 7 . She has also been active in NPC. Her commu/. nity, too, has benefitted from her l ta lents , pa rti cularly her church a nd the PTA. She has had the total suppo rt of her husband , Jerry. They consider their greatest achievement to be the rearing of their family (four daughters and a son ) and their greatest joy to be their nine grandchildren . Sybil is presently serving the Foundation as Fi rst Vice President. Her areas of responsibility include working with the Awa rds, Grants & Schola rships Chairman and assisting the President in other Foundation matters.
Rose Marie Schmidt, Foundation Director and Second Vice President Rose Marie was initiated into the Theta Chapter at Wayne State University in 1944. Since 1946 she has served in various Na tional Staff positions , including convention chairman , THE ANCHOR Alumnae Editor, and National Foundation Awards , Grants & Scholarships Chairman . She has received the Ada A. Norton Award and was recognized as a Builder of the sorority at the 75th Anni versary of Alpha Sigma Tau. Rose Marie continues to serve Alpha Sigma Tau faith fully and diligently as the Foundation 's newest Director. Her duties will include working with fundraising and publicity .
Susan R. Rogers, Foundation Director and Treasurer Susan lives in St. Albans , West Virginia and is a substitute teacher in Kanawha County schools . She received her BS degree in History and Social Service from Radford University and her master 's degree in Educational Computing from the University of Charleston . An active collegiate at Alpha Lambda , Susan has served as National Awards Chairman and National Treasurer. In 1989, she was appointed to the Board of Directors of the Alpha Sigma Tau Foundation . Bobbie Nichols Tucker, Foundation Director and Secretary Bobbie was initiated into the Alpha Gamma Chapter at the 1968 National Convention and was a Convention delegate in 1970. She served as Area Alumnae Representative for Arkansas , Louisiana, and Texas ; as Assistant Director, Acting Director, and Director of Expansion from 197 41980. She has been the Eta District President and was an Alternate Delegate to the NPC during our rotation through the Executive Committee. She served as Treasurer of the National Foundation from 1986-1990 and currently serves as its Secretary .
FOUNDATION COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN June McCarthy, Effie E. Lyman Memorial Academic Loan Chairman June has been a very active member since her initiation into Pi Chapter. She has held many offices on both the local and national levels: president of Pi chapter, a lumnae representative, life membership chairman, fi nancial secretary, and conventi on chairman , to name a few . June served on the Foundation 's Board of Directors from 1983-1990. Rose Marie Schmidt, Awards, Grants & Scholarships Chairman Since 1987 , Rose Mar ie has cha ired the Awards Grants & Scholarships Committee, composed of Sherr~ Trayer Gentile, Candy Platter Horsley, Mary Miller Taber, and Mary Jane Urbanowicz. Rose Marie will continue as chairman as well as serving as a Foundation Director. Lois Schweikart O'Dell, Financial Secretary Lois has been Financial Secretary since the first contribution arrived in May 1984. Previously she served AST as Director of Alumnae and chairman of the National Headq uarters Fund . Lois is a Lambda who has served in every office of the Philadelphia Alumnae Chapter. She is also active in her church and comm uni ty. 18
THE ANCHOR/Fall 19 1
Levels of Givi ng
Torch $ 1-$99 Anchor $100-$499 Yellow Rose $500-$ 2,499
Pearl Emerald Star
You may specify the area you want to support: • Growth endeavors • Lenore Seibel King Scholarship • Pine Mountain • Carrie Washburne Staehle Scholarship • Headquarters • Rose Mari e Schmidt Scholarship • Endowment • Effi e E. Lyman Memorial Academic Fund
$2 ,500-$4,999 $5 ,000-$9,999 $ 10,000 and up • • • •
Mary Louise Doyle Scholarship Elizabeth Wilson/ Dorothy Robinson Meda Ray Elliott Sewell Edith Minerva Elliott Scholarship
Thank you! Send your tax deductible contributions with a check payable to : Alpha Sigma Tau National Foundation c/ o Mrs. Robert O ' Dell 222 West Tabor Road Philadelphia, PA 19 120
The National Foundation gratefully acknowledges contributions from the following: Fran M. Abrams Elsey M. Beck Brenda T. Acken Gladys 0 . Bee Peggy Bercegeay Grace Ann Beebe Aime Marguerite F. Dolores Albrecht Beehner Paula Oliver Aldama Alfreda C. Begley Carolyn Conner Barbara McKnight Alexander Benham Deborah Dwiggins Doris D. Bennett Alexander Norma Jean Berge Jeanine M. All en Doris Bern stein Alpha Gamma Anna M. Berry Beta Omega Chapter Chapter Beta Phi Chapter Alpha Lambda Beta Xi Chapter Chapter Beta Zeta Chapter Alpha Rho Chapter E. Cindy Bickel Alpha Tau Chapter Margaret Sacra Alpha Xi Chapter Biggins Julia W. Anderson Judith Ruesler Angell Carol Bill ington Marguerite C. Lee Ann Gleason Birchnett Antes Birmingham Alumnae Ellen M . Chapter Antonopoulos Janet H . Bitner Jeanne M . Apelian Norma Black Irene B . Apeseche Eva M. Blackwell Rebecca Venne Heidi Bliss Appleman Adelaide Johnson Marie L. Aquilino Boettner Jane Kottler Arnold Susan DuBose Bolin Sandra Arnold Mary Glor Bolton Mary Charles Adams Patricia Bonebreak Ashby Eva B. Borgen Evelyn L. Baer Patricia Boudreau Virginia Bailey Dr. C . Philpot Bowen Constance R. Baker Brooke Baker-Doerler Helen W. Bowen Patricia Mills Brill Lucie McKenry Baldi Edith Altman Balduff Camille Gennaro Bruce Liz Ball Kathey Lee Barcalow Linda H ollingshead Bruce Carol L. Baril Marcia Comeaux Barr Nancy Brucken Julie Bell Bruington Cecil B. Barrett Joyce G. Buchanan Donnell Baughman Jane Buck Lillian M . Buffalo Alumnae Baumgartner Chapter J. Donald Baxter
THE ANCHOR/Fall 1991
Betty Jane Bungo Donna Myers Burgee Martha H ardin Burke Maureen Burns Genevieve M. Burris Donna Farm er Butler Lila Todd Butler Lu ci lle D . Byrd Leslie Lipps Callender Helen Bruce Campbell Margaret E. Carey Joan R. Carpenter Janet Pauwels Carr Deborah Young Carter Lynn Carter Ann Chalmers Shellie R. Chambers Christin e C. Chiles Georgi ann Cianciulli Betty B. Clapp Arlin e Bouligney Clark Frances M . Clark Jeanne G. Clark Becky Clarke Caroline Clayton· MacDonald Teresa Goetz Clements Janice Butko Cmar Jane Mohler Coffey Sandra Wentler Colombo Gladys P. Comfort Jean Branham Compton Charlotte Conner Convention Country Store Ann Marie G. Cook Donna J.H . Cook Carol J . Cooper Grace Corbe Kathleen Poulliot Cortina Jill Costie
Mary M.F. Cramer Catherine Bonds Crapet Nan Keeports Crawford Bea trice G. Crossman Bethany R. Croushore Joan Force Cruse Adela D. Casas Cruz Allura E. Custer Lorraine R. Daley Ellen H . Danowski Candace C. Davis Debra Field Davis Lisa C. Davis Mildred C. Day Martha Drouyer DeCamp Grace Elinore DeCou Aimee DeMoynck DeGroo t Lori Perry Deininger Delta Chapter Beth Ann Demotses Olga Jones Denison Denver Alumnae Chapter Geraldine Ryan Desmond Detroi t Alumnae Chapter Deborah Devine Ann Carter Dey Jean T. Dey Mary Kodrowsky DiClaudio Lorraine Heilig Diaz Janet K. Dickinson Karen Dancisin Dinger Margaret Swinburne Dodge Janet Dodson Janet H anson Dodson Teresa Brandis Dougherty Mary Louise Mandrea Doyle
Terry Winston Dudley Jean W. Duke Sue Winik Dunie Fannie Pirollo Dunn Joanne Dunstan Susan Keck Dynda Elaine Al exander Eason Betty Larges Eastin Marianne Faulk Ebert Kathl een A . Edwa rds Dr. Noel C. Eggleston Julie Egofske Ellen Weismiller Eldridge Madeline D. Eliason Nancy Ellen Elkins Betty Gail Elliott Edith M. Elliott Barbara Eagleburger Emberton Erie Alumnae Chapter Wendy Ervin An n C. Estis Sandra Rutherford Esworth y Norm andie Kern Eversole Suzanne Bairstow Fagan Margaret Fake Nora F. Fauley Carol Ficeti Emily B . Fitzgerald Susan LaBath Fletcher Patricia McCollough Flowers Charlotte Evans Floyd Mary Petoskey Ford Gail Shockley Fowler Lynda Nickel Fowl er Deborah Friedlander Melissa Mills Fritts Gwendolyn Frosti c Marla Waggoner Frye Agnes P. Fryntzko
Sandra Gary Funkhouser Brenda Carol J. Gallagher Deirdre Gallagher Barbara Hollar Gallant Gamma Lambda Chapter Gam ma Mu Chapter Gamma Nu Chapter Gamma Theta Chapter Gamma Xi Chapter Gamma Zeta Chapter Dorothy Killen Gates Mary Budge Gaughan Vicki W. Gembis Margaret Taylor Genthe Sherry Trayer Gentile Kathleen K. George Gwen Gerberich Daily Blankenship Gillette Bonnie Lindjord Gilley Ruth Magers Glosser Jerri Smith Goforth Dorothy Buzek Goodman Gourmet Friends Frances Gower Susan Grabowski Bonnie Mauger Graff Maxine S. Graflage Evelyn Gragnani Rose Grandienetti Th eresa Gray Jacqueline B. Green ancy Lee Greenawalt Barbara Ann Greer Pamela Angel Grella Donna Marie Grenier Lillian S. Grieshammer Agnes I. Gross
Janice Granier Gruber Marian K. Grusnick Joan N . Gwinn Judith L. Haas Jeannette K. Hale Diane Hall Carol Ross Haney Loretta Jeter Hannum Irene W. Hanson Faith Harlan Bonnie Sue Harris Judith Anderson Hart Mary S. Haswell Lucinda Proctor Hawes Susan Hawk Margaret Minter H echt Diane Acree Helbing Marybeth H elm Carol Helmholz Jean Roe H enderson Amy Jo H endri x Mariam Anderson H endri x Royce Wright H icks Connie H ietanen Frances H iggins Jean Ellen H ilker! Diane H ilzinger Ethel H imelick Blanche H inkle Madonna Ech ols H oecker Victoria Klawitter H offman Martha L. H . H olland Amy Hollick Dorothy Chana H om eyer Bambi Lynne Hope Nancy Gaudino Horvath H ouston Alumnae Chapter Jane M . Howe Alice Adair S. H owell Dorothy Hoyle Alphia Mills H ughes Gina H uhn Mary Christine H unter Sharon Drill H urry Ali ce M .K. H uss Bonnie Breese Hyde Marianne lacoboni Indianapoli s Alumnae Chapter Janis Smith Innocenti Martha M . Jackson Lois H . Jaggers Jacqueline Coffey Jaquet Donna E. Jefferson Rosemary Jerzyl o Ann Walker Johansen Carol Matthews Johnson Charmie Johnson Janie M . Person Johnson Martha Baker Jones Nancy Moore Jorch Cecilia Kirkland Kadane Sandra Byers Kaiser Pam Rodgers Keenan Patricia Keeney Carole Bicking Keil y Juanita P. Keiter Judith Clennon Kelley Mary Beth Kelley hristy Kercher
Gwen dolyn Killion Gina B. Kinert Gertrude Claire King Judith Evans King Lenore Seibel King Mary An ne King S. Victoria King Evelyn M. Kitzu l Carolyn Ki vi Elizabeth Knaus Elizabeth Teichart Koenig Debbie Collins Kohilaki s Pam Parker Kohrt Bernadine Brown Koomar Carla Miller Krakoviak Deborah Kuhn Evmorfill i Kyridis Mary Kay M . L'Esperance Nancy Rauschenbach LaFiore Nancy E. LairdAnderson Virgini a Langston H elen M. Larkin Jill Larson-Jusela Phyllis Decker Lathrop Elizabeth Reichelt LeRoy Susan H . Leahy Ann VanWyck Lesn ewich Marceline C. Lilly Patricia Wri ght Little Dorothy L. Litton Grace Hosler Locke Janean Long Roberta Posey Long Mary Lorenz Barbara Pearl Lott Leah Burke Lowe Madeline P. Lucuski Patri cia C. Maddens Kathl een Mague Ruth P. Maher Regina Mancuso Kim Fojtik Mann June Hamstead Margolin Ina Hartmann Marquardt Ruth S. Marti n Nancy Myers Marvin Janet M . Mascaro Eleanor H . Mason Ingrid Mason Gloria Sims Mas tin Cynthia Finger Mateker V irginia E.G. Maxson Karen Walker Maxton Carolyn B. Mayer Karen Mayfield Charlotte Kimball McCall June McCarth y Kathleen McCarth y Cynthia Peckhart McCrory Holly Woodford McDonald An ne Marie Carroll McElligo tt Bonnie Lee McLay Bury! F. McNamara Jean Ryckman McNamara
Bula M . McNei ll Dorothy 0 . McQuin Joan Cone Meaker Marilyn Meder Margaret Thomas Meinzer Lisa Mercier Hermanda A . Metzger Miami Alum nae Chapter Carol Welch Michaels Janet Mik ula Alma Miller Joyce Busel Miller Pal myra Savoy Mire Mildred Mae Mitchell Carolyn G. Mon tgomery Beverly Johnson Moran Eloise F. Morgan Mary Lou Blesh Morgan Margaret B. Morley Janice Morrow Karen Moscovics Barbara Moss Sharon Moynahan Vi ctoria Mrock Roseann Murello Alberta C. Musgrave Ellen B. Myers Ingrid N . Nagy Geraldine N. Nash Patricia L. Nayle Elizabeth Sherrer Nelson Patricia M . Nestle Karen Benson Nickels Andrea Nicotera Nancy Wood Nielsen Doris Derksen Nord Bonnie Sue Harris Norfleet Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter Lois Schweikart O 'Dell Donna Wauters O 'Kelley Ruth Ochs Linda K. Odoski Linda L. Oldford Mildred W. Olson Matti e Ormsby Geralyn B. Ostroff Susan Lee Ozley Ani ta Page Mary Ceperko Palmer Debra Panko Melissa Friesen Parks Dorothy B .R. Pauly Christi ne Pearson Peggy Pelati Clara Peraldo Pam R. Perrin Lori L. Perry Luci lle M. Peterson Mary S. Peterson Sofia Lafakis Petrou Philadelphia Al umnae Chapter Ferne Schuma te Phipps Ida Pi totti Pamela M . Polana Edward B. Pope Carolyn Potser Katherin King Powers Linda L. Powers Ann Garland Praigg
Linda Price Geraldine Walter Pritchard Grace B. Proc hnow Angela Sue Propst Joyce Cox Pruden Deborah McCain Pyszka Cheryl A . Quast Christi ne S. Ramspott Sandra Lee Randolph Paige M. Rawlings Monica Ray Pandora Lamb Reagan Susan Reber Jenni M . Rector Susan L. Reed Charlene Reeve Teresa Webb Reichert Judi th A . Reidy Isabel F. Reinert Laurie Smith Renn Patricia McCor mick Reno Anna Margaret Young Rhodes Kendall W. Rhodes Vicki Francis Rhodes Eileen G. Richardson Joy S. Ridener Grace A .W. Riester Janet B. Roberts Martha Roberts Elizabeth M . Robertson Kandis Rodda Susan R. Rogers Shelley A. Roof Antoinette C. Rosa ti Mary B. Rosevear Judith Wise Rosson Dorothy K. Rowan Jacquelyn A . Ruszkowski Mary Elizabeth Ryland Nancy Sadowy Marlene Piet Sakalas Mildred Umstot Sanders Carol Sawyer Korinne Schafsni tz Deborah Scheer Nancy Schesky-lrvin Susan Schettone Margaret R.B. Schild Tammy Skowronnek Schlitter Bonnie Hutton Schloss Nancy Schmich Rose Marie Schmidt Tina Taylor Schmiedel Marjorie T. Schnell Janet Sipes Schoonmaker Emily R. Schopp Mabel Schreiber Cathy Millard Schreiner Jeanne O' Malley Schultz Suzanne L. Schultz Judith Bond Searle Nyda Hark ins Sebring Ruth E. Seibert Barbara Crandall Selph Alison E. Semenkovic h Margaret C. evick
Meda Ray Elliott Sewell Charlotte A. Shand Mildred N. Shank Kath y Orrison Sharp A ugusta D. Shepherd Margaret E.W. Simek Claudia E. Siska Sharon P. Skinner Wendy Tohtz Slaby Ani ta Mathis Slaugh ter Karen Geary Sloan Zelia G. Sloggett Jane H . Sluder Tracy Small Ellen Smith Joan S. Smith Kimberly W. Smi th Lois H aring Smith Louise A . Smith Jo A nn Cri tzer Solomon Ethel W. Southgate Sue M . Spann Marian K. Sprague Maxine H . Springer Kathryn G. Squi res St. Louis A lumnae Chapter Carrie Washburne Staehle Nancy Starr Beverly Harroll Start! Mary Hake Stauffer Lindy H allquist Steeves Bettye M . Sterzing R. Maxine Stevens Patricia S. Stewart Jane Brown Stine Cynthia M . Stoechlein Ava C. Strachan Janenne N. Stuber Karen Stutts Candyce A. Stutzman Wilma D.S. Suhina Patricia G. Swafford Josephine Swiess Lynn Hargadon Taylor Ruby Cash Tellman Janis Mary Thoma Patricia Jackson T homas Catherine Boling Threadgill Donna Tichenor Tidewater A lumnae Chapter Donna Pniewski Tiefenbach Elizabeth I. P. Tillman Judy F. Tinknell Jerolien Titmus Susan Tomasek Mary Joan Tooey Eileen H eth y Torraca Joanne Recupero Trageser H elen Traskos Ricki Bargman Trosen Bobbie ichols Tucker Margaret H . Twork Elizabeth A. Udry Mary Ulmer Marion Johnson Ulrich Diane Di andro Underwood
Dr. Mary Jane Urbanowicz Christianne Vacca Marie K. Van Aken Marie H . Van Marter Kath y DiNovis Vestmark Adri enne B. Von Grey Sally Sturm Wales Vera K. Walkup Diane Hatlestad Walsh Elsie L. Walsh Kelly Walsh Chris Spears Ward Maude Styckle Ward Karen Wasser Cecelia Appling Watts Elva Lee J . Wayman Patricia B . Weaver Christie Juergens Webb Virginia R. Webb Mary A nne Hanley Weber Linnea Som mer Weddington Alice A hern Weibel Deborah Kahanowi tz Weins tein Leslie Jones Whit field Marcella Whitlock Betty Jean Moyer Whitwor th H elen L. Wick JaneL. Wick Donna Downey Wiemann Carol A . Wigert Jacqueline Wilcox Veronica M . Wilkins Linda Pitts Willia ms Nancy Williams Su san H oggard Williams Velma L. Williams Sarah M . Williamson Freda Evans Willis Mary Ellen Willmitch Ruth B. Willoughby Marjorie P. Willover Elizabeth Wilson Maxine Mills Winn Carol Wolford Jean A . Wood Carol H icks Woodcock Margaretta (Midge) Woods Pat P. Wooll um Carolyn Stover Wrig ht Charley B . Wright Jeanne Davis Wylie Mary P. Yeatman Dianne Woest Young Doris R. Young Youngstown Alumnae Chapter Ypsilan ti-Ann Arbor A lumnae Chapter Deborah Zearfoss Sharon Z. Zelmanski Zeta Chapter Susan Tabler Zigler H eidi L. Zimmerman Robin Zingali Angela M . Zottola
THE ANCHOR/Fall 1991
Collegians (continued from page 12)
On April 26 , our spring formal was held at the Lionville Holiday Inn . The Special Sister award was given to Joy Condon , while Beth Blankenheim received the Outstanding Senior Award. Congratulations to a lumnae Jeanine Drudy, Dawn Fisher, Denise Benedetto, Amy Dotson , and Veranda Weiskopff on their engagements. Beth Blankenhei m
Beta Delta
Duquesne University During the spring semester, the Beta Delta chapter was involved in a plethora of activities on campus . We participated in Greek Sing, where we put on a " Material Girl " theme. By donning top hats, red bow ties , and cummerbunds , we looked quite dapper in o ur pseudo -tuxedos . Th e event produced rave reviews from the student body. As a result of Greek Sing , our chapte r is paired wit h the brothers of Beta Pi Sigma for Carnival , which will take place in the fall. On April 20 , we celebrated our 20th anniversary with our Yellow Rose Ball at the Holiday Inn in Greentree . All alum nae were invited to attend the night's festivities and many came to celebrate this special day with us . It was a joyous time where old and new sisters came together to celebrate what we all have in com mon , the sisterhood of AST. The evening was quite a success and a big thanks goes to Dawn McNemar, who organized the even t. We attended RLW at India na University in April. The seven sisters who attended were graciously received by the
Be ta Delta sisters at chapter's sary celebrati on.
Delta Chapter. We met the ten other chapters in attendance that weekend and were voted the Most Congenial Chapter. We met with Mary Beth Kelley, our District President, and Mary Charles Ashby, Director of Collegiate Chapters, a bout our growth as a chapter. Dawn Caserta
THE ANCHOR/Fall 1991
Beta Zeta 's new initiates (top row) with their big sisters (bottom row) .
Beta Epsilon
Shippensburg University The spring semester was an exciting one for the Beta Epsilon Chapter. The Harrisburg Alumnae Chapter visited us for our senior induction. We had a tea and were glad to meet and get to know these women . Rush was successful ; we got 15 pl edges through our new pledge program . Our main fundrai ser was selling pizzas . Every sister was responsible for selling at least 10 pizzas. The money raised went into our treasury . Some sisters sold more pizzas and we used the money for the formal. In addition , we participated in a canned food drive , phone-a-than , and an all-Greek graffiti hunt to clean up the campus. We also participated in the orientation team for all new freshmen . We have sisters in more than 25 activities and clubs on campus. We fini shed third overall in Greek Week. Our strong events were the clothing and swimming relay, scavenger hunt, mud volleyball , and the va riety show. Our cha pter has been heavily involved in Panhell enic, and we were honored with an award for th is involvement. Lisa Mundy
Beta Zeta
University of Alabama in Birmingham Spring rush activities were a rehearsal for fall formal rush . We performed skits
to music from different time periods and had an ice water tea. For fundraising activities , we sold donuts and goodie bags which were filled with snac ks and given out during winter quarter finals . Beta Zeta also had a raffle whi ch raised $150 . A few o f our sisters went to the Panhellenic Conference in Louisville. Lauren Bell was elected UAB Panhellenic VicePresident. April 22 -27 was UAB 's Greek Week . We participated in contests and games throug hout the week , including a scavenger hunt and comedy show . We held ou r Alumnae Tea with the alumnae and all mothers who could attend on May 5 . Amy Burns
Beta Eta
Southern Illinois University We worked hard to make rush week a pleasant and memo rable time for the rushees. We were thrilled to have the support and enthusiasm of the sisters from the St. Louis University campus. They gave us some very valuable ideas. We were honored to have our District Pres id ent Michelle Schmidt visit our cha pter. She met with all the sisters and everyone shared their thoughts of AST. We have also been working hard to raise money. We held three bake sales and used the profits for Pine Mountain and our chapter. We also sponsored a spaghetti dinner to help raise money . Sisters worked at two Red Cross Blood
Collegians Drives and raised money for our Greek Cou ncil by getting involved in a bowl-athon . The sisters of Beta Eta had a skating party and attended a St Louis Cardinals baseball game . We also had " Alpha Night " , a pledge/active social and tea . To honor our mothers, we had a special Mothers Day banquet Our Yellow Rose dinner dance was in May on our chapter's Founders Day. Tracy Lynn Cameron
Beta Tau
University of Lowell The Beta Tau Chapter had a busy and rewa rding semester. We began by initiating two new sisters. Our rush period began with a St. Valentine's Day rush with Tau Kappa Epsilon . Next we had an information rush where prospective members could learn more about our chapter. We also had a casino night with Omega Pi and a Hawaiian rush complete with palm trees and pineapples. On April 7 , we participated in the wa lk-a-tho n for Multiple Sclerosis in Boston. It was a hot day but it was very wort hwhile . We also helped out with the Red Cross Blood Drives on our campus. We participated in the all-Greek Choral Competition where we performed an original song and played games chosen by each sorority and fraternity . Our District President, Shawn Deitch , came to visit our chapter on April 19. It was interesting to hear her ideas and we al l enjoyed meeting her. Dur ing her weekend visit, we held our spring semiformal. We plan to get together for our annual summer cookout with sisters and alumnae , and also begin planning for our fall rush period . Katie Coogan
Beta Iota
Millersville University Spring semester brought a lot of fun , work , and excitement to the Beta Iota chapter. We had a super formal rush program directed by Heather Maquire. We put on a " Saturday Night Live " theme tea and a beautiful Tau Cross Ceremony . Aside from rush and pledging , the women of Beta Iota have been busy with philanthropy projects , social activities , and fundraisers . We he ld our annual Penny Carnival at the YMCA in Lancaster with the help of the Acacia Fraternity . Some of our sisters spent an
Beta Iota pledges at pledge skits.
afternoon at a local nursing home helping brighten a day for some residents . The week of April 1 was exciting. The Taus participated in Greek Week . The week consisted of pledge skits, a basketball contest, a banner contest, an egg toss , a " fun " run , and many other activities . We enjoyed an afternoon picnic at our faculty adviser's house on April 28 to celebrate Chapter Founders Day. Much of our energy this spring was put into fundraisers. We spent many afternoons in a local parking lot holding car washes . The money earned went towards various sorority activities . Each sister sold 10 First Aid/ Safety Kits to be kept in the purchaser 's car for emergencies. The kits were a big hit with the community. Some of the sisters tried their hands at intramural sports this semester. We put together both a volleyball and softball team. Although intramural sports are not our strong point, we managed to create many great memories! Some other activities included an Easter Egg hunt and a pizza night with various games and amusements . We spent an afternoon picnicking with the pledges , and many of us attended the all-school musical one Sunday afternoon . On April19 , we held our Yellow Rose Dinner Dance at the Marriott East in Harrisburg . It was a beautiful evening and a perfect way to bring the semester to a close. Kelsey N. Wade
Beta Mu
Salisbury State University This semester was one for theme socials: a Western " Hoedown " and a patri-
otic red, white, and blue social top the list Our annual spring retreat was very successful. We discussed our chapter 's responsibility to our alumnae and decided to sponsor an annual barbecue at Homecoming every year. We held our annual Fagers Island Raffle and sold final exam survival kits which contained food and beverages for the all -night " crammer". For philan thropy activities we visited our Adopt-aGranddad once a week , participated in the annual St Patrick 's Day party at the Holly Center, participated in the annual wheelchair games at SSU , and were huggers for the Special Olympics. Sisters also donated to the Easter Seals Telethon , helped send a local middle school class to a national science competition , and adopted a monkey that will be trained to help the handicapped . We placed third in Derby Days. SSU has student awards presentations every spring . This year's AST winners were Jennifer Stottlemeyer, Most Active and Spirited; Teresa Palumbo , Most Efficient Officer ; and Susan Harris , Outstanding Senior. Jackie Sykes received the Greek Council 's Best Female Greek Athlete award . We have a new chapter adviser, Col leen Harding , who is an alumna from our very own chapter. Barbara Cool
Beta Xi
Michigan Technological University Once again Beta Xi took first place in our class in MTU 's annual Winter Carnival. Events consisted of snow statue building, dog sled race , skits, and other winter athletics . This year's theme was " Books Come to Life in a World of Snow and Ice ". Sisters volunteered time to sign up people for JCPenney credit cards, and our chapter also sponsored " Greek Image " clothing to appear on campus. Funds raised from both events went towards our general house fund . At Christmas time , we participated in the tradition of ringing bells for the Salvation Army. Sisters also raised money for the Michigan Tech Alumni Fund by making phone calls to MTU alumni. We raised the second-highest amount of money for the telefund . We continue to read to children of the community on Saturday afternoons at the local public library. Other activities included intramur I athletic , the annual R d ro Bl d
THE ANCHOR/Fall 1991
Collegians Drive sponsored by Panhellenic Council Greek Week , and the second annuai campus Spring Fling where we sponsored a bean bag toss booth called " TicTac-Tau " to raise money. Our annual Yellow Rose form al was held on April 20. Alumnae came to join us in our festivities and everyone had a great time . The Beta Xi Chapter Alumna of the Year was awarded to Lynne Hawkins and our Top Tau award went to Channon Jordan . Carol Larson
For fundraising activities, we held several bake sales to help subsidize the cost of T-shirts for our parents during Beta Upsilon 's first parents day luncheon and for Pine Mountain. We also had a button and popcorn sale for Children's Hospital for children with AIDS, and a clothes drive to help the homeless in Newark. We competed in Greek Week and placed first in the arm-wrestling and line competition . Gina Ochs
our pledges, for receiving an award for best grades . Kimberly A. Morris
Gamma Alpha
University of Rio Grande We participated in many fundraisers throughout the year, including hot dog , popcorn , and pizza sales. We also sold Orange Crushes on Sweetheart Day, had Tau tuck-ins , and sold Greek Week Tshirts . The money raised went into our treasury .
Beta Pi
Eastern Illinois University In February we participated in a campus-wide blood drive titled " BYOB : Bring Your Own Blood " . The sisters celebrated Valentine 's Day by inviting their 路'special someone" to the date party, where a OJ played all night long . March 2-3 was Parents ' Weekend . Saturday was spent playing games with our parents, such as Father-Daughter Musical Chairs and The Newlywed Game . A silent auction was held at which we raised $300 for our chapter. The night was spent dining and dancing at E. L. Kracker's. Sunday morning we held a breakfast at our Union . Our annual Dance-a -Thon was held March 9 . With the help of Sigma Kappa , Pi Kappa Alpha , and Sigma Phi Epsilon , we raised $2400 for Project Pal. April 20 kicked off Greek Week with the 40th annual Greek Sing. Traci Lightbody represented AST as a candidate for Greek Goddess . Many individual and chapter honors were awarded during the week . Amy Edwards received Outstanding New Initiate and Valerie DeBaun was one of the Top 10 Greek Women. This year, Beta Pi placed first in pyramids , second in relays, and second overall in tugs' We met back at EIU on June 28-29 for our annual Summer Rush Workshop . Rachel Novak
Beta Upsilon
New Jersey Institute of Technology The semester started out with Operation Care. Sisters wrote letters and sent care packages to the troops to the Middle East. Many sisters received answers to their letters and made new friends . A breakfast party was held for all women interested in our chapter . We participated in a social party with the new Gamma Chi Chapter.
THE ANCHOR/Fall 1991
B eta Chi sisters e njoying the fiesta pledge/ active party.
Beta Chi
Ferris State University The Beta Chi chapter started a new project with the Michigan Department of Transportation in " Adopt a Highway". We will clean a two-mile stretch of highway between Mt. Pl easan t a nd Big Rapids four times a year. For a philanthropy project, we helped W.l.S.E ., a home for abused and battered women . We babysat children while their mothers were in counseling sessions and held a car wash to raise money for the organization . In the fall , we will start a recycl ing project with Re cy cle Mecosta County. Also, most of the sisters walked in the Crop Walk. The pledges have the sisters a fi esta party and presented big sisters with paddles and a " fiesta " hat to wear. Panhellenic awarded us with the Joan E. Nelson award for track and tennis . Congratulations to Stacey Rader , the new Panhellenic Vice President, and to
We partici pated in the MDA annual Super Dance, where we danced for 24 hours , raising money for muscular dystrophy. We had a sleepover at our assistant's house and a spaghetti dinner with a few of our alumnae . A summer retreat was planned over the summer to get together and have a cookout. Our annual May Day formal was May 3. Everyone had a great time and enjoyed getting together with the alumnae . Susan Gayheart
Gamma Beta
Lake Superior State University Once again the sisters of the Gamma Beta Chapter have been very busy. Last December, we put on the Lake Superior State University Day Care Center Christmas Party. The jolly old man himself showed up . Children sat on Santa 's lap and told him what they wanted for Christmas. Santa had gifts for all the
Collegians children. After Christmas break , we participated in the 1991 Winter Carnival. Our team the " Tropical Breezers" con sisted of one fraternity , two other sororities , and AST. Events consisted of snow sculptures, window painting , pizza eating , pool party (swimming events) , and a scavenger hunt. We finished in first place. April 13 was our Yellow Rose Cotillion , which was held at the Ramada Inn in Sault Ste. Marie . This year we also invited the parents of the sisters . On April 20 , we held our annual rock-a-thon for the Diane Pepler Domestic Violence Shelter. We rocked from 9 to 5 at Glen 's Supermarket. All proceeds were donated to the shelter. On May 12, the sisters had the LSSU Day Care Center 's Mothers Day Tea and Graduation . This is a very special day for both the sisters and the children. Michelle Swartz
zel sandwiches since it was so successful last semester. We made $500 to add to our account. Many sisters tutored students at Diehl School , while others visited children at Shriners Hospital. Our first annual parents ' luncheon was held on March 17 at the Dry Dock . Parents came from all over to join their daughters in sharing the meaning of AST. We had a mixer with Zeta Beta Tau and were all tested on our bowling skills as we tried to beat the ZBT brothers . We rocked the night away at our second annual Yellow Rose Formal held at Serafini. Lisa Krahe received the Top Tau award , while Kim Blair brought home the highest GPA and Jennifer Pell grabbed the most improved GPA. A special thanks goes to the Delta Chapter at !UP for hosting RLW; it was a very enjoyable and memorable time . Wendy Brussard
Frostburg State University Gamma Zeta and the Student Government Association brought speaker Will Keirn to campus. We performed the skit, " The Wishing Well " for rush and took 24 pledges. We sold chocolate roses for Valentines Day, Pizza Hut coupon books, subs , and held a car wash. We also raised money through the campus phone-a-thon . We had a clothing drive and ushered for all of the campus theater productions. Our pledges read to children at the University Children 's Center. They also col lected pennies for Pine Mountain. We participated in a phone-a-thon and have just begun the adopt-a -highway program. We received honorable mentions at Greek Week for philanthropy and programming . We won Academic Chapter of the Year and Chapter of the Year. Mi chelle Hanlin won Greek Woman of the Year. In March , we had an alumnae career day . Alumnae came to campus and spoke to actives and pledges on resume writing , interviewing , and other perti nent information . Rachel Shapiro
Gamma Theta
Penn State/ Behrend Gamma Theta had quite a successful spring semester. It all began with an exciting and memorable rush . We decided to stick with selling pret-
Gamma Chi
William Paterson College Gamma Lambda
Gamma Zeta
cey Edens . Sherri McMillion is Panhellenic President and helped establish the new Greek Council. Our biggest and most successful fund raisers were the Valentine's Day package raffle and our second annual Ms . AST pageant. We sold Greek Week T-shirts during Greek Week. Philanthropy pro路 jects included savings UPC symbols for the Ronald McDonald House and col lecting food for an Easter basket for underprivileged families . Every sister drew a name from a hat for her secret sister. Little things were done throughout the semester for thesecret sisters , and at a small party near the end of the semester, gifts were exchanged and the secret sisters revealed. Angela M. Jones
Kutztown University The Gamma Lambda chapter celebrated its first year anniversary on April 7 . The sisters assisted at the Rotary Club Art Auction in February and sold Christmas ornaments and M&Ms to help raise money for the chapter. For philanthropy projects, we sold daffodils during the American Cancer Society 's Daffodil Days, participated in the Multiple Sclerosis Walk-a-thon , made note cards for the elderly at Kutztown Manor, and donated money from recycled cans to the Good Shepherd Home of Allentown. Beth Gilbert
We participated in Greek Week , Springfest , musicfest , and an all-Greek picnic sponsored by Greek Senate. Rush started the third week in February. Our parties were informal but it gave us time to get to know our pledges. On April 6 , a siste r retreat was held to discuss new ideas on rush , unity, and sisterhood . It was a wonderful experience for everyone .
Gamma Mu
West Virginia Institute of Technology The Gamma Mu Chapter had a very busy semester. We started with a luggage lift, helping the returning female dorm students move back in after the holidays . We decided that Tuesday nights were Pizza Hut nights and Wednesdays were AST Letter Day for the semester. The most exciting news was that we won Greek Week for the second year in a row . As a philanthropy project, addresses were posted so every sister could write a letter to our troops overseas. Some of the sisters got responses and a few lucky ones even received phone calls to say thanks . We had a beautiful window di play representing AST in the bookstore set up by Kenni-Raye Cammer and Tra-
National President Pat Nayle (left) with Mimi Nasa . Gamma Chi president. at chapter installation.
One of the highlights of Greek Week was the Greek Olympics. It was fun competing against all the other fraternitie and sororities . pringfest was held the last week in April. The week wa full of fun beginning with a hypnoti t, to a school ponsored picnic where ach Greek organization cooked a di h . Th all-Greek picnic on unday nded the w k long acti iti .
THE ANCHOR/ Fall 1991
Collegians Congratulations to chapter president Mimi Naso on being chosen for Who 's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities. Cynthia Gass
Gamma Nu
Waynesburg College The spring semester was an exciting one. It began on December 2, when we became an AST chap ter. Our rush party was a big success; we got nine pledges . We donated money to Pine Mountai n and sent valentines to the soldiers serving in the Persian Gulf. In April , five sisters attended RLW and !UP. They learned a great deal about sorority life a nd brought a lot of good ideas back to our cha pter. Krisann Rizzo
Gamma Xi
Grand Valley State University The wo men of Ga mma Xi had an exciting spring semester; we we re named Sorority of the Year, had the highest soro rity GPA, and three o f our sisters were awa rded fo r mai ntaini ng a GPA above a 3.5 . Ou r fundraisi ng and philanth ropy activ iti es kept us busy . We held several bake sales , a popcorn drive , a St. Patty's Day Gra m Sale, and a credit card a pplica ti o n sign -up . O n Fe brua ry 14, we made va lentines for and with the chil dren at Butterwo rth Hospital in Grand Ra pids. In additi on, Gamma Xi had a sing-a-long at a local retirement ho me, was involved in a roller skating party for the Girl Scou ts o f America , conducted a
ca nn ed food drive, donated greeting ca rds to Love Incorporated , an organization for the area 's needy, volunteered as crossing guards for the Mul ti ple Sclerosis Super Cities Walk , and in March , we planted shamrocks with the residents of Birchwood Retirement Ho me . C o n g ra t u la ti ons to Jean Reidy , elec ted as Pa nh ell en ic treasurer ; and Kris Ricks, elected as Vice-President for Rus h. Nancy Haan
Alumnae BUFFALO Travels Around The Buffalo Alumnae Cha pter started off the new yea r with the a nnual Winter Luncheon, this yea r held at Dandelion's Restaurant in Willia msville . J eanne Wolf and Pam Szafarczyk were co-cha irmen. In February our dessert meeting was held at the ho me of J anet Ba rtlett. The program " Travel Videos of Cruises " was presented by Terri Knaa k. Everyo ne enjoyed the beautiful scenery of Alas ka and the Ca ribbean Islands. Several boxes of canned goods for the Buffalo City Mission were collected in March as part of our philanthropy wo rk. We also purchased several board games for the Gateway Home for Children. Niagara Falls was the location for our April luncheon . The scenery is a lways spectacular, even when it ra ins, as it did the day of the luncheon . Do rothea Porter and Kay Baxter co-chaired this event. Marilyn Helmrath was hostess for our May dessert meeting where the election and installation of officers was held . A picnic supper at Sil ve r Bay , Ontario , was held at the summer ho me of Jean McNamara . We discussed summer plans and finalized ideas for activiti es and events for the coming year. Norma Martin
THE ANCHOR/Fall 1991
Detroi t Alumnae Chapter
greetings to the entire sisterhood.
DETROIT Honors Member
Our Dece mber meeting was held at th e ho me o f Nadi a Maddens, where Paula Rieden and Cindy Darnall , both fro m Beta Xi , we re inducted into the chapter. In January, we met a t Ka ren Cooper's
ho me and reminisced with wedding albums and photo alb ums from college days. In February , we enjoyed our annual nigh t out a t a local restaurant with husbands and boyfriends . In March, we met Janice Garbarino's home and bro ught household items to be sent to Turning Point , a shelter for
Alumnae abused women. Barb Davis taught us how to weave baskets , which were donated to a local nursing home when completed . Philanthropic donations were made to Special Olympics , Pine Mountain, and the Detroit Institute for Children . A contribution was made to the National Foundation for the Mary Louise Doyle Scholarship Fund in honor of Emily Mcintire, who moved to Morristown , Tennessee. Emily made many contributions to our chapter and will be missed . Our April meeting took place at the home of Pat Maddens. We held a work session to make decorative wreaths for a local nursing home . Our remaining spring events include: a road rally; the annual mother/da ughter luncheon the day before Mothers ' Day; the Detroit Panhellenic Spring Lun cheon; our annual ice cream social ; and a family picnic planned for this summer. Patricia Curristan Maddens
ERIE Enjoys RLW Because of our involvement with the two local chapters as advisers and district president, there is never a dull moment' We celebrated Founders Day with both Alpha Tau and Gamma Theta at a brunch in November. We rang in the holidays with a pizza party at Chrissy Hawes ' home and taped a personal message to send to sister Connie Young and her family in North Carolina. The holidays provided us the perfect opportunity to share with a family in need: The Hile family has a four -year-o ld son who needed a kidney transplant. His father was the donor, so we brightened their days with a food basket and Christmas gifts. We are glad to report that both are doing well. The new year was kicked off at a very fast pace with rush at both campuses , pledge activities, and the spring formals . We may be " older" but we do like to cut the rug once in a while! The highlight of the spring was our trip to RLW at !UP. We accompanied about 40 collegians and had a great time sharing ideas , practicing skits and songs, and meeting the national officers and staff. Several summer fun activities are planned with families and friends . Next fall we hope to induct several recent grads into our ranks . Norma J . Black
INDIANAPOLIS Surveys Area Alu mnae The tenth anniversary of the Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter was celebrated with a spring luncheon . Members present received yellow rose corsages . President Barbara Heeb reported on results of the survey she had sent to all area AST alumnae . Survey results will determine future programs and activities . We are one o f the earliest participants in the Indianapolis Zoo Adopt-An-Anima l program . We use money earned from the Panhellenic gift wrap program for this purpose. Pam Legg served on the Indianapolis Panhellenic Luncheon Committee. The proceeds from this event fund four $500 scholarships given annually . Pamela Legg
NORTHERN VIRGINIA Has Spending Spree A two -foot yellow rose flowering Christmas tree graced the serving table at our Christmas party last December. Each main branch was tipped with a silk rose. The festive occasion took place at Mary Louise Doyle's home . The selling of White House Christmas tree ornaments is our most successful money raiser. Thanks in large part to Betty Sue Glaeser, over 240 of these col lector's items were sold . We welcomed Ebru Turker Pekari and Pam Werner at our January meeting , where the refreshments were sundaes with an assortment of toppings and cake . Later in the month , volunteers met at Carol Mooney 's home and made boxes filled with candy for the Senior Citizens Day Care Center in Annandale. In February, Diane Helbing was host-
Louis Alumnae Chapter at the Panhellenic Luncheon.
ST. LOUIS Entertained by Beta Psi
Three loyal, hard-working Northern Virginia alumnae : Birdalee Wagaman . Cathy Schreiner, Debby Weinstein .
ess for a Fifties Party. After a delicious potluck dinner, we began dancing to the tunes of the '50s and hula hoops were deftly spun by Diane's children. The children were quickly challenged by " oldtimers" who were once proficient in the art! Our March get-together at Cathy Schreiner's home took us into what appeared to be the home or workshop of Easter Bunnies! Bunnies, eggs . and lilies seemed to be in every nook and cranny helping hurry up both Spring and Easter. After the meeting and refreshments, we decorated small baskets filled with goodies for the Senior Citizens Day Care Center. We brought candies and cookies to the April meeting at Leah Lowe 's to send to Chi Colony for distribution during exams . We have adopted Chi and are involved in a secret pal game of correspondence and gift-giving . Four of us went to Shepherdstown for Chi 's pin pledging : Birdalee Wagaman, Cathy Schreiner , Mary Louise Doyle , and Cheryl Quast . This spring , we have made donations to Children 's Hospital in Washington , Pine Mountain Settlement School , Zeta Tau Chapter (for a special project) , and the National Foundation for scholarships. Mary Louise Doyle
We celebrated Christmas at Alice Vit' home with a fun party. Mary Lou cott arranged the game program . de ert meeting at Margaret Bergner路 hom started the 1991 ea on . Pr id nt' D wa held at Pr id nt Janis Mar h II' home, wh r a lunch n a f 11 w d
THE ANCHOR/Fall 1991
Alumnae by a rousing game of Bingo. In March , we met at Marie Nemnich 's new home . The house tour provided many decorating ideas from Sandy Bickel , her AST daughter. April 's event was a visit to Jefferson Memorial for a program on Victorian quilts . Beta Psi invited us to a luncheon where they entertained us with their rush skit and lots of songs . The year's activities concluded with the St. Louis Panhellenic Scholarship Luncheon. Carolyn Alexander is president of Panhellenic this year. Arline Clark
TIDEWATER Funds Collegiate Award This year's activities such as sweatshirt making , the annual Christmas party, the induction of three new members, a storyteller at the February meeting , and the appointment of J eanne Knaus as National Parliamentarian make it difficult to pinpoint just one memo rable event' No matter the season , the Tidewater Taus have a good time . We sold Entertainment books as a fundraising activity and held a sil ent auction at the Christmas party. Money from these activities and the sale o f sunglasses and homemade stationery at Convention was used for donations to local charities and Pine Mountain and bought Girl Scout cookies to send to the troops in the Gulf. A portion of the money raised has been used for a collegiate scholarship award to the Virginia chapter with the highest scholastic average. Congratulations to Psi Chapter on receiving the proceeds this year! Throughout the year , we collected clothes for the Battered Women's Shelter and Campbell soup labels and Betty Crocker points for Pine Mountain . At Christmas , we provided gifts and holiday cheer to the children at Hope Haven Children 's Home . Sherry Ayers and Pau lette Crawford directed these projects and devoted much time and energy to their success. In January a sorority exchange was held at Karen Farn 's home with the sisters of Zeta Tau Alpha Alumnae Chapter. Our own Elayne Goode announced her engagement with a candlelight ceremony there. The Panhellenic Spring Fashion Show and Luncheon was held April 20 at the Norfolk Yacht and Country Club. Joy Robertson was the AST model and did a wonderful job' Gerianne Hall
THE ANCHOR/Fall 199 1
Ypsilanti-Ann Arbor making fau ors fo r Founders Da y. Front; Carlotta Salemi ; Rear; Sue Slick, Marilyn Christy, Diana Mihaiu, Joyce Berg.
YPSILANTI-ANN ARBOR Remembers Vets When a year fli es by in a whirlwind of activities such as 1990-9 1 has for our group , it' s fun to slow down and savor the fri endship . We began the year with a potluck at Carlotta Salemi 's in September, with the prominent topic being Convention . Si x of our me mb ers attend ed and thoroughly enjoyed th emselves; several of our members were honored with Convention awards . During October, many of us attended Alpha 's Homecoming festivities and the football ga me at EMU . We also held a fundraiser and purse pa rty that month . In Novembe r, we hosted Founders Day fo r our cha pter, Detroit Alumnae Chapter, and Alpha and Beta cha pters . Eight o f us dressed as our Founders and descri bed how although our sorority has grown and changed , the important ideals have remained the same . A 50/ 50
raffl e was held with the proceeds going towa rds the Rose Marie Sch midt Schol arship . Diana Mi haiu presented Alpha with a stained glass wi ndow inscribed with our sorority letters. We hosted Al pha 's new initiates in a " Getting to Kn ow You " party in November and decided to make this an annual event. We are very proud of the awards Alpha has wo n on th e EMU campus. Our fun draising projects were selling Enterta inment books, House of Lloyd sa les , a nd th e C onvention Coun try Store . We contributed to Pine Mountain Settlement School, the Pontiac Rescue Mission, and gave canned goods to the Goodfellows at Christmas for the poor. In February we made Valentines for the Veterans Hospital to thank the people who have served ou r country. Eleven wo men were inducted into the alumnae organization in April. Fa rewell to Ma rcia Sullivan as she moves her fa mily ou t West. Linda Sha pona & Jackie Root
Six AST collegiates were initiated into Omicron Delta Kappa , The National Leadership Honor Society, during the 1990-91 academic year. Omicron Delta Kappa membership honors graduate and undergraduate students who are in the top 35% of their class academically and who show leadership in one or more of five areas of college life: scholarship ; athletics; campus or community service, social , religious activities , and campus government; journalism, speech , and the mass media ; and creative and performing arts. A membership in the honor society demands further leadership on the part of its members . Congratulations to: Angela Cooley, Beta Zeta ; Linda Cori , Gamma Gamma ; Leslie Evans, Gamma Gamma; Kelly Anspaugh , Gamma Xi ; Diane Batchelor, Gamma Xi ; Kris Rieus , Gamma Xi 27
ALPHA SIGMA TAU DIRECTORY Na tional Headquarters, P.O. Box 59252 , Birmingham , AL 35259
205/ 945-0318
ALPHA SIGMA TAU founded November 4 , 1899- Eastem Michigan University (formerly Michigan State Normal College) . Ypsilanti. Michigan
THE FOUNDERS Mrs. E.A. Lyman• Helene M. Rice• May Gephard• Mayene Tracy• Mable Chase•
Adriance Rice• Ruth Dutcher• Eva O'Keefe• Harriet Marx• {Mrs. C.F. Pfeiffer)
CHIEF PATRONESS •Ada A. Norton- Alpha . . . . . . . . . . .
NATIONAL PRESIDENTS •Grace Erb Ritchie-Alpha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •Luella Chapman-Sigma .... .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . Carrie Washburne Staehle- Alpha . . .. ..... ... . •Dorothy Bennett Robinson- Pi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •Mary Alice Seller Peterson- Iota . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ .. .. . .. . Elizabeth Wilson-Pi Lenore "Sybil " Seibel King- Psi ............ . . Gail Shockley Fowler- Alpha Lambda ... . .... . .. •deceased
1925-1928 1928-1934 1934-1949 1949-1955 1955-1964 1964-1972 1972-1984 1984-1986
PRESIDENT EMERITA Carr ie Washburne Staehle {Mrs. Haswell E.), Alpha
National Council National President-Patricia Nayle, Phi , 5801 Lumberdale # 138, Houston , TX 77092 National Vice President- Ricki Bargman Trosen {Mrs. Wallace) , AI· pha Sigma, 904 Kings Road, Kirksville, MO 63501 National Secretary-Karen Geary Sloan {Mrs. Thomas) , Zeta, 8 Lois Lane, Shrewsbury, PA 17361 National Treasurer-Janet Minnis Jimison {Mrs. Conrad) , Iota , 1441 North C, Arkansas City, KS 67005 Director of Collegiate Chapters-Mary Charles Adams Ashby {Mrs. C.J.) , Chi , Box 12, The Plains, VA 22171 Director of Alumnae-Cathy Millard Schreiner {Mrs. Richard) , Chi , 4400 Had rian Court, Alexand ria, VA 22310 Director of Expansion-Elizabeth F. Babroski, Beta Epsilon , 591 Center Stree_t # 8-A, Oradell , NJ 07649 Director of Fraternity Programs-Lenore Seibel King {Mrs. Thomas J. , Jr.) , Psi , 1845 Lakeridge Road, Birmingham, AL 35216 Director of Publications-Carol J . Cooper, Zeta Tau , 108 Brook Court, Waynesboro, VA 22980
District Presidents Alpha- Michele Miller, Beta Xi , 400 Old Orchard Drive # 20 Essexville, Ml 48732 ' Beta-Norma Black, Alpha Tau , 708 West 9th Street, 3rd Floor East, Erie, PA 16502 Gamma-Gay Gammell Truehart, Beta Nu , 1607 Upland Avenue, Jenki ntown , PA 19046 Delta- To be appointed Epsilon- Kimberly Crumley, Beta Nu, PO Box 177, Hershey PA 17033 ' Zeta- Michelle Schmidt, Alpha Sigma, 705 N. Green Street, Kirksville, MO 63501 Eta- Tracy Taylor, Alpha Gamma, 406 W. Sunset ashville, AR 71852 ' Theta- Jill Costie, Psi , 2909 Lawrence Drive Falls Church VA 22042 ' ' Iota- Christina Duggan , Alpha Lambda , 794 Normandy Drive #84 1, Houston, TX 77015 Kappa- Maria Chudy, Upsilon , PO Box 1714, North Little Rock AR 72 115 ' Lambda- Mary Ellen Willmitch , Alpha Rho , 1951 Penny Lane, Youngstown , OH 44515 Mu- Karen Laursen Roof {Mrs. Jeffrey), Beta Xi , 1476 Chapin Avenue, Birmingham , Ml 48009 Nu- To be appointed Xi- Mary Beth Kelley, Delta, 22 Boulevard Point Marion PA 15474 Omicron- Nancy Comer Henry {Mrs. Willi~m) , Beta Iota: 124 Whittier Lane, Lancaster, PA 17602 Pi- Christianne Vacca, Beta Xi , 4601 NW 2nd Avenue #806, Boca Raton , FL 33431 Rho- Debbi Spencer, Alpha Lambda , Wellington Manor #5 1 Rt. Martinsville, VA 24112 '
Committee Chairmen ANCHOR Editor- Carole Bicking Keily {Mrs. Timothy) , Alpha Xi , 7807 Leland Road, Manassas, VA 22111
ANCHOR Alumnae Editor-Rose Marie Schmidt, Theta, 5106 Harvard Road, Detroit, Ml 48224 ANCHOR Collegiate Editor- Elizabeth Deemer Conner {Mrs. Timothy), Alpha Lambda, 401 12th Street South # 711 , Arlington, VA 22202 Awards- Nancy Voltz, Beta Epsilon , 12329 Strong Court, Fairfax, VA 22033 Chaplai n- To be appointed Colony Adviser-Lisa Toland Smola, Alpha Epsilon, 6935 Golfview Road, Countryside, IL 60525 Colony Adviser-Nancy Tyburski , Beta Xi, N89 W6903 Evergreen Court # 203, Cedarburg, WI 53012 Convention- Lindy Hallquist Steeves {Mrs. John), Alpha Epsilon , 221 Powell Street, Clarendon Hills. IL 60514 CREST Editor-Lisa Pelkey Arnold {Mrs. Randy), Sigma, RD 3, Box 222-A, Wellsboro, PA 16901 Expa nsion Assista nt- Lucia Warner Bacon {Mrs. David) , Alpha Chi , 9410 Delancey Drive, Vienna, VA 22182 Expa nsion Assistant - Anne Curran Gruber {Mrs. James), Alpha , 10110 Polo Court , Spring Valley, OH 45370 Expa nsion Training Team - Candace Clark, Beta Chi , 29680 Clarita Avenue, Livonia, Ml 48152; Robin Hackney, Alpha Lambda, 13865 Coleman Court, Centreville, VA 22020; Staci Jimison, Iota , 715 Southwest Tyler, Topeka , KS 66603; Sonja Twiford , Alpha Lambda, 13865 Coleman Court, Centreville, VA 22020 Fina ncial Assista nt- Janice Taylor Fitch {Mrs. Donald) . Iota, 4823 Teays Valley Road, Scott Depot, WV 25560 Historian- Emily Ashby Mcintire {Mrs. Michael), Alpha Lambda, 1940 Seven Oaks Drive, Morristown, TN 37814 Housing Director-Elizabeth Knaus, Alpha Lambda, 3029 Sandbend Road, Virginia Beach , VA 23456 Membersh ip Development- To be appointed Music- Arline Bouligny Clark {Mrs. Allen) , Pi , 7037 Rhodes Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63123 No mina tions- Kath y Pulice Baecker {Mrs. Paul ), Theta , 18667 North Oak Court, Mt. Clemens, Ml 48044 NPC Delegate-Cynthia Peckhart McCrory {Mrs. Charles R.), Alpha Alpha, PO Box 5218, Fort Wa yne, IN 46895 NPC Alterna te Delegate-Carolyn Conner Alexander {Mrs. James), Pi, 6328 Potomac, St. Louis, MO 63139 NPC Alterna te Delegate- Janet Hanson Dodson {Mrs. Duane), Iota , 543 South Main , Crete, E 68333 NPC Alterna te Delegate-Patricia Nayle, Phi , 5801 Lumberdale # 138, Houston, TX 77092 Pa rlia menta ria n-Jeanne Holloway Knaus {Mrs. Vincent), Alpha Lambda, 3912 Regal Court, Virginia Beach , VA 23452 Phila nthropy- Martha Drouyer DeCamp {Mrs . Samuel) , Alpha , 27931 E 4th Place, Redmond, WA 98053 Pledge Director-Sherry Trayer Gentile {Mrs. John) , Psi, 113 Cromwell , Summerville, SC 29485 Publicity- Terry Winston Dudley {Mrs. Thomas P.) , Beta Zeta, 3501 Countrywood Lane, Birmingham, AL 35243 Regiona l Leaders hip Workshop- Michele DiPietro, Beta Epsilon , 1032 Carousel Drive, Warminster, PA 18974 Rus h Director-Melissa Friesen Parks {Mrs. Clinton R.), Beta Xi , 6199 Chablis Drive, Hamilton, OH 45011 S c holarship-Julie Bell Bruington {Mrs. Jeffrey), Iota , 131 W. Beech, Independence, KS 67301
Alpha Sigma Tau National Foundation, Inc. Board of Directors Pres.ident-Meda Ray Elliott Sewell {Mrs. Preston) , Omicron , 6541 Williamsburg Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22313 First Vice President- Lenore Seibel King {Mrs. Thomas J ., Jr.), Psi, 1845 Lakeridge Road, Birmingham , AL 35216 Second Vice President- Rose Marie Schmidt, Theta , 5106 Harvard Road, Detroit, Ml 48226 S ecretary- Bobbie ichols Tucker {Mrs. Jack A.. Jr.) , Alpha Gamma, 6304 Kenwood. Little Rock, AR 72207 Treasurer- Susan R. Rogers, Alpha Lambda, 939 Park t t t Albans, WV 25177 ree · ·
Foundation Chairmen Awards, Gra nts, & S c hola rs hips- Ro e Marie chmidt. Theta . 5106 Harvard Road, Detroit. Ml 4 224 Effie E. Lyman Me morial Acade mic Loan-Jun M th p 1 c ar · ' 891 Watson Woods, t. Louis. MO 63126 Fi L n a ncbida l s ec reta r y- Lois chw ikart O' Dell {Mr Rob rt) . am a , 2 2 2 W. Tabor Road, Phllad lphia, P. 1 120
Collegiate Chapters Alpha-Ea~tern Michigan University President, Tracy Schmidt , 50333 Wilhs Road # 100, Belleville, MI 48111 路 Co-CA Linda Shapona , 5843 Wedgewood, Canton , Ml 48187 ; Co-CA, Suzanne N . Shck, 3350 Croissant, Dearborn , Ml 48124; Co-ACA, Joyce Berg, 15132 Houghton, Livonia, Ml 48154; Co-ACA , Lisa Fultz, 1124 N . Huron R1 ver Dr. A# l l , Ypsilanti Ml481 97 路 CC Kathy p Baecker, 18667 N . Oak Court, Mt. Clem~ns, Ml 48044 ' 路 Beta-Central Michigan University President, Maureen Sudek, 107 Gaylord, Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858; CA, Lisa Allen, 5148 S. Mackinaw Trail , Reed City, MI 49677 ; CC, Rebecca Brown 33711 Col fax , Utica, MI 48077 ' Delta-Indiana University of Pennsylvania President Paula Grzlak 726 Locust St. # 1, Indiana , PA 15701 ; CA, Patricia Simmons, 29i Locust Street, Indiana , PA 15701 ; ACA, Suzanne Dunlap Coccagna, 266 W. Owens Ave., Derry, PA 15627 ; CC, Wendy Edwards, 1703 Sunrise Lakes Dr. #7-B , Erie, PA 16509 Zeta-Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania President Jamie Alunni , 71 North Fairview St.. Lock Haven , PA 17745; CA, Amy DuPree, Box 118, Central Avenue, Avis, PA 17721 ; ACA, Dr. Arden Holland , RD1 , Box 265-A, Mill Hall, PA 17751 ; CC, Linda Hall ~heeland , 424 Lowe Street, S. Williamsport , PA 17701 Om1cron-Concord College President, Tracy Stewart, Box D-697 , Concord College, Athens, WV 247 12 Rho-Southeastern Oklahoma State University President, Stacy Ward, PO Box 2588 , Station A , Durant, OK 74701 ; CA, Jane Wil son , 323 North 7th , Durant, OK 74701 ; CC, Kim Smith, 55 14 Pioneer Circle, Norman , OK 73072 Sigma-State University College at Buffalo President, Jill Ludwig, 13073 North Road, Alden , NY 14004; CA, Julie Shelton , 57 Lyrae, Getzville, NY 14068; CC, Susan Fry, 311 Sterling Avenue Buffalo NY 14216 ' ' Zeta Tau-Longwood College President, Kathleen McMahon , Box 733 , Longwood College, Farmville, VA 23901 ; CA , Cathi West, 1802 Cobb St. , Farmville, VA 23901; ACA, Patsy Watson, Rt. 5 Box 1680, Farmville, VA 23901 Upsilon-University of Central Arkansas President, Lisa Rosa , H ighway 286 , Salem Pari. A-1, Conway, AR 72032; CA, Maria Chudy, RR 1, Box 299, Bismarck, AR 71929; CC, Gina Stone, 17 Jeanna Drive, Conway, AR 72032 Phi-Southeastern Louisiana University President, Stacie Notariano , PO Box 2380 SLU , Hammond , LA 70402 ; CA , Patricia Weidie, 1905 Condon Ave., Metairie, LA 70003; ACA, Deborah Melancon, 73246 Pruden Rd ., Covington , LA 70433 Chi Colony-Shepherd College President, Kim Morris, 324 Gardiner Hall , Shepherd College, Shepherdstown, WV 25443; CA, Carol Harrison , Office of Adm issions, SC, Shepherdstown, WV 25443; CC, Anna Mary Walsh, Rt. 1, Box 135, Shepherdstown , WV 25443 Psi-James Madison University President, Mary O'Brien , JMU Box 3186, Harrisonburg, VA 22807 ; CA, Elizabeth Knight, Rt. 2, Box 446, Grottoes, VA 24441; ACA, Karen Knight, Rm . 113, Sonner Hall , JMU , Harrisonburg , VA 22807 ; CC, Maryann West, 4724 29th St. South # A2, Arlington , VA 22206 Alpha Gamma-Henderson State University President , Karen Polk , HSU Box 5668, Arkadelphia, AR 71923 ; CA, Ana M. Caldwell , HSU Box 7602, Arkadelphia , AR 71923 Alpha Epsilon-Western Illinois University President, Sue Reynders, 1 Pollock Rd., Macomb, IL 61455; CA, Cathy Chenoweth Onion , RR 2, Table Grove, IL 61482; ACA, Shari Gresham , RR 1, Mackinaw, IL 61755 Alpha Lambda-Radford University President, Kristen Lucas, 900-J H unters Road, Radford , VA 24141 ; CA, Dr. John McPhail , 1005 Sutton Street, Radford, VA 24141 Alpha Mu-University of Arkansas at Monticello President, Stacy Wilson, PO Box 2040, UAM , Monticello, AR 71655 ; CA, Dr. Linda Webster, 823 Meadowview Rd., Monticello, AR 71655; ACA, Mark Meadows, Sociology Dept., UAM , Monticello , AR 71655 Alpha Xi-Mansfield University of Pennsylvania President, Nicole Petty, Corry Creek Apts. #310B , Mansfield, PA 16933; CA, Christina Conning -H ricz , 120 Pin ecrest Manor , MU , Mansfield , PA 16933 Alpha Omicron-Clarion University of Pennsylvania President, Tina DiGiulio, RD 3, Box 312, Clarion , PA 16214; CA, Suzanne Jobb, 108 Wilson Avenue, Clarion, PA 162 14; ACA, Terri Kahle, Box 478, Knox, PA 16232 Alpha Pi-Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania President, Jennifer Gift, 118 W. Liberty Rd. , Slippery Rock , PA 16057; CA, Therese Caldarelli , B-105 University Union , SRU , Slippery Rock, PA 16057 ; CC, Erica Lenz Papley, 221 Elm St. , Slippery Rock, PA 16057 Alpha Rho-Youngstown State University President, Sheila Collins 234 Stewart Avenue, Hubbard, OH 44425; CA, Carol F1ceh , 38S5 Jeanette, Warren , OH 44484; CC, Rosemarie Delia , 1713 Laurie Drive, Youngstown, OH 44511 Alpha Tau-Edinboro University of Pennsylvania President, Melanie Gettemy, 203 Stonehaven Dr. , Orkney 43 , Edmboro, PA 16412;
THE ANCHOR/Fall 1991
CA, Lucinda Proctor Hawes, 4116 Pleasantview Avenue, Erie, PA 16509; ACA, Emily Green , 1 North St. , Cambridge Springs, PA 16403; CC, Mary Ellen Willmitch, 1951 Penny Lane, Youngstown , OH 44515 Alpha Phi- West Chester University of Pennsylvania President, Cheryl Fielke, 117 Linden Street, West Chester, PA 19380; CA, Kristin Rush , 160 Sugar Bottom Road, Furlong, PA 18925; ACA, Sue Goulding , 2717 Avenue C, Newportville, PA 19056; CC, Julie Long, 43 Pinewood Drive, Doylestown , PA 18901 Beta Delta- Duquesne University President, Eirinn Donahue, SMC # 1424, 1345 Vickroy St. , Pittsburgh , PA 15216; CA , Kelly Lewis, PO Box 7261, Pittsburgh , PA 15213; Co-ACA, Patricia D'Amico, 234 2nd Street # B, California , PA 15419; Co-ACA, Victoria King , Office of Res . Life, Duquesne Univ., Pittsburgh , PA 15282 Beta Epsilon-Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania President, Krista Witmer, 19 N. Earl St. , Shippensburg, PA 17257 ; CA, Dr. Mary Jane Urbanowicz; 11363 Thornwood Road, Shippensburg, PA 17257; ACA, Linda Price, 9892 McCreary Road, Shippensburg, PA 17257 B eta Zeta- University of Alabama in Birmingham President, Connie Sprayberry, 1220 Old Oak Circle, Birmingham, AL 35235; CA, Terry Winston Dudley, 3501 Countrywood Lane, Birmingham , AL 35243 ; ACA, Susan Joe, 5 Shades Crescent Rd., Birmingham, AL 35209 Beta Eta- Southern Illinois University President, Christy Wellhausen , 303 Douglas Avenue # 1, Edwardsville, IL 62025; CA, Karen Wasser, 6853 Culpeper Court, Florissant, MO 63033; ACA, Jacqueline Elmore, 324 Liberty Street, Edwardsville, IL 62025; CC, Karen Wasser, 6853 Culpeper Court, Florissant, MO 63033 Beta Tau-Lowell University President, Juliane Kirwin, 1 Spring Street, Tyngsboro, MA 01879 ; CA, Carol Grenier O' Leary, 32 Auburn Street, Malden , MA 02148; ACA, Donna Grenier, 824 Main St. , Malden, MA 02148 Beta Theta- St. Mary's University President, Yvette Macias, St. Mary's Univ. , ABF # 205, San Antonio , TX 78284; CA, Norma Guerra, 11660 Huebner Road # 1604, San Antonio, TX 78230; ACA, Lill y Garcia, 1301 Perennial Drive # 1504, San Anton io, TX 78232 ; CC, Linda Denness, 5460 Rowley Road # 1505, San Antonio, TX 78240 Beta Iota-Millersville University of Pennsylvania President, Diane Everett, 32-C Lynnebrook Apts., Millersville, PA 17551 ; CA, Mary Anne Weber, 917 Prospect Street, Lancaster, PA 17603; CC, Christine Paules, 6346 Hollow Drive, East Petersburg, PA 17520 Beta Mu-Salisbury State University President, April Meilhammer, Rt. 3, Holly Lane, Delmar, MD 21875; CA, Colleen Harding, RR 3, Box 165-B, Delmar, MD 21875; CC, Pam Emory Vukmer, 1908 Stone Castle Drive, Severn , MD 21144 Beta Nu- Bioomsburg University of Pennsylvania President, Juli Herring , 371 Lighstreet Road, Bloomsburg, PA 17815 Beta Xi-Michigan Technological University President, Laurel Deegan , 916 College Ave. , Houghton , Ml 49931 ; CA, Heidi DePuydt, 31 Hubbard, PO Box 61 , Painesdale, Ml 49955; ACA, Lisa Payne, 943 Ethel , Hancock , Ml 49930; CC, Christine Doud, 1212 E. Fifth Avenue, Houghton , Ml 49931 Beta Pi- Eastern Illinois University President, Joanne Gugliotta , # 111 AST, Charleston , IL 61920; CA, Sonda Clocksin, 2757 S. 4th Street # F, Springfield, IL 62703; ACA, Jennifer Williamson , 2022 Tracy Dr. , Bloomington , IL 61704; CC, Carol Mach, 4621 South Maple, Berwyn, IL 60402 Beta Upsilon-New Jersey Insti tute of Technology President , Christy Blick, Oak Hall Room 808, Univ . Hgts., ewark, NJ 07102; CA, Donna Murphy, 4 Washington Place, Kearney, J 07032; ACA, Laura Tashgy, 551 Observer Hwy. # 5-H , Hoboken, NJ 07030 Beta Phi-California University of Pennsylvania President, Katherine Umberger, 645 Wood St. , California, PA 15419; CA, Kelli McDonald, 234 2nd St. # A , California, PA 15419; ACA, Patricia D'Amico, 234 2nd Street # B , California , PA 15419; CC , Julie Brletic, 708 Skyview Drive, Mars, PA 16046 Beta Chi-Ferris State University President, Dana Wilson , 309 S. Stewart, Big Rapids, Ml 49307 ; CA, Bonita Champine, 9510 E. 11 Mile, Big Rapids, Ml 49307 ; CC, Di Hancock , 1407 N . Pleasant, Royal Oak , Ml 48067 Beta Psi-St. Louis University President, Laura Turner, 3630 West Pine, Box 776 , St. Louis, MO 63108 ; CA, Deborah Scheer, 3026 Luxury Dr. , Florissant, MO 63031 ; CC, Cecilia Kadane, 106 Caravel Court, Ballwin, MO 63021 Beta Omega- Monmouth College President, Tracey Lukacs, 22 Howland Avenue, Long Branch , NJ 07740; CA, Judith Blumberg, 4-F Nob H ill , Roseland, J 07764; ACA, David Harvey, Admissions Office, Monmouth College, West Long Branch , J 07740 Gamma Alpha-University of Rio Grande President, Jennifer Lavender, PO Box 1013, URG , Rio Grande, OH 45674; CA, Doris Ross, Davis Hall , URG, Rio Grande, OH 45674; CC, Diane eff, PO Box 141 , Rio Grande, OH 45674 Gamma Beta-Lake Superior State University President, Becky Johnson , c/ o LSSU Child Care Center, Sault Ste. Marie, MI 497 3:
CA, Shi rley Schoenemann, PO Box 599, Sault Ste. Marie, Ml 49783; ACA, Dr. Margaret Malmberg. 1803 Young, Sault Ste. Marie, Ml 49783 Gamma Gamma-Livingston University President, Tracy Ernst, Rt. 1, Limestone 1, Livingston, AL 35470; CA, Melinda Willingham , 1013 Wood Avenue, York, AL 36925; ACA, Elizabeth S. Humble, College of Business, LU, Livingston , AL 35470 Gamma Epsilon-Potsdam College President, Rebecca Fries, 87 Maple Street, Potsdam, NY 13676; CA, Dr. David Smith, Rt. 1, Box 248-A, Potsdam, NY 13676; ACA, Jon Bergstrom , 37 Chestnut St., Potsdam, NY 13676; CC, Linda Jackson. 40 Kiwassa Road, Saranac Lake, NY 12983 Gamma Zeta- Frostburg State University President , Michelle Hanlin , 34 Maple St., Frostburg , MD 21532; CA, Dr. Cindy Herzog , Psychology Dept. , FSU, Frostburg, MD 21532 Gamma Eta-Northwood Institute President, Angelia M. Ross, PO Box 58, Cedar Hill, TX 75 104; CA, Tracy Seiden , 4060 Preferred Place #1126, Dallas, TX 75237 Gamma Theta-Penn State University/The Behrend College President, Mary Jane Johnson , Box 433, Behrend College, Erie, PA 16563; CA, Norma Black, 708 W.9th St. , 3rd Floor East, Erie, PA 16502; ACA, Deborah Carter, 2531 W. 34th St. , Erie, PA 16506 Gamma Iota-York College of Pennsylvania President , Ann Gould, 253 W. Jackson Street, York, PA 17403; CA, Jean Himmelberger, 3055 E. Prospect Rd., York, PA 17402 Gamma Lambda-Kutztown University of Pennsylvania President, Lori Tutino, E&Y Apts., PO Box 45, RD # 3 , Kutztown , PA 19530; ACA, J udith Haas, RD # 1, Box 344 , East Greenville, PA 18041 ; CC , Tracy Bond, 33 South 4th Street, Allentown, PA 18102 Gamma Mu-West Virginia Institute of Technology President, Tracey Edens, Box 0 Ratliff, WVIT, Montgomery, WV 25136; CA, Beverly Harris, PO Box 708, Montgomery, WV 25136; CC. ancy Canterbury, PO Box 194; Kimberly, WV 25118 Gamma Chi-William Paterson College President, Sandra Ebersbach , 24 Oak Lane , Randolph , NJ 07869; CA, Dr. Kenneth Pokrowski, Registrar's Office, WPC, Wayne, Wayne, J 07470; ACA, Kimberly A. Mills, 13 Clover Lane, Palmyra, PA 17078 Gamma Nu-Waynesburg College President, Leslie Mounts, Box 62 1, Waynesburg College, Waynesburg , PA 15370; CA, Patrice Korczynski , Box 63, Zelienople, PA 16063; CC, Kristen Earnest, RD # 1, Marian na, PA 15345 Gamma Xi-Grand Valley State University President, Sara Essex, Ravine # 11 , Allendale, Ml 49401; CA, Pamela Hache!, 152 Commons, Counseling Center GVSU , Allendale, Ml 49401; CC, Linda Wessel , 5085 Surf Drive NE, Rockford, Ml 49341 Gamma Omicron Colony-Cameron University President, Chelle Tipton , 808 NW 75th, Lawton, OK 73505 Gamma Pi Colony-Lycoming College President, Meredith Rambo, 700 College Place, Box 813, LC, Williamsport, PA 1770 1 Gamma Rho Colony-Seton Hall University President, Marisol Estevez, 400 S. Orange Ave ., SHU, South Orange, J 07079 Gamma Sigma Colony-Belmont Abbey College President, Kimberly Fox, Belmont Abbey College, Belmont , NC 28012
Alumnae Organizations Arkadelphia, Arkansas Chapter JoAnne Williams Chun n (Mrs. Robert) , Alpha Gamma, 818 N. Park Drive, Arkadelphia, AR 71923 Baton Rouge, Louisiana Chapter Rebecca Morgan, Phi, 5128 Stumberg Lane, Baton Rouge , LA 70816 Birmingham, Alabama Chapter Truly Ann Limbaugh , Beta Zeta, 815 School Terrace, Birmingham AL 35235 ' Bluefield, West Virginia Chapter Joyce Gregory Buchanan (Mrs. Glen) , Omicron , 1905 Tazewell Avenue, Bluefield, WV 24605 Buffalo, New York Chapter Patricia Maue Nichols (Mrs. Donald) , Sigma, 39 W. Summerset Road , North Tonawanda, NY 14120 Conway, Arkansas Chapter Cathy Knox Koe hler (Mrs. Chuck). Upsilon , Rt. 2, # 1 Todd Drive, North Little Rock, AR 72 118 Dallas/ Fort Worth, Texas Chapter Denver, Colorado Chapter Anne Boley Todd, Nu , 1021 Carr # 18, Denver, CO 80215 Detroit, Michigan Chapter Rose Marie Schmidt, Theta , 5106 Harvard Rd. , Detroit, Ml 4 224 Durant, Oklahoma Chapter Sharon McVay Dunham (Mrs. James) , Rho , 113 Gates Durant OK 74701 ' . Edwardsville, Illinois Chapter Karen Wasser, Beta Eta, 6853 ulpeper ourt, Florissant, MO 63033 Erie, Pennsylvania Chapter Deborah Young arter (Mrs. David) , Al pha Tau , 2531 W. 34th tree! Erl . PA 16506 '
Fort Wayne, Indiana Club Linda Pulver, Alpha Epsilon , 1009 S. Van Buren Street, Auburn. IN 46706 Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Chapter Linda Price, Beta Epsilon, 9892 McCreary Road, Shippensburg, PA 17257 Houston, Texas Chapter Sharon Hahn Juntunen (Mrs. Gayle) . Phi , 643 Eastlake, Houston, TX 77034 Indianapolis, Indiana Chapter Barbara Heeb, Alpha Alpha, 6433 Bayside South Drive, Indiana polis, IN 46250 Kirksville, Missouri Chapter Michelle Schmidt, Alpha Sigma. 705 N. Green Street, Kirksvtlle, MO 63501 Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Club Christine Oleska Paules (Mrs. Thomas) , Beta Epsilon, 6546 Hollow Drive , East Petersburg, PA 17520 Lansing, Michigan Chapter Margaret Holcomb Twork (Mrs. E.C.), Alpha , 137 S. lves Road, Mason , Ml 48854 Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania Chapter Tracy Bond, Zeta, 33 S . 4th Street, Allentown . PA 18102 Lowell , Massachusetts Chapter Kelly Manning, Beta Tau . 104 D Street, Lowell , MA 01851 Marietta, Ohio-Parkersburg, West Virginia Chapter Diane Dyar, Alpha Kappa , Apt. 65, Putnam Place Apts ., Marietta, OH 45750 Metropolitan New York Club Mara Atell Hargarther (Mrs. Thomas) , Sigma . 257 Lincoln Avenue, Island Park, NY 11558 Miami , Florida Chapter atalie Johnson Cole (Mrs. Ronald M.), Alpha Omicron , 800 SE 11th Ave., Deerfield Beach, FL 33441 Muncie, Indiana Chapter Ruth Parker, Alpha Alpha, 4804 West Petty Road, Muncie, IN 47304 New Orleans, Louisiana Chapter Jeannine Gettys Ard, Phi , 3636 Lake Trail Drive, Kenner, LA 70065 Northern New Jersey Club Cynthia Hruby, Beta Upsilon , Salvatore Court, Fairfield. NJ 07006 Northern Virginia Chapter Edith M. Elliott, Omicron , 210 E. Fairfax Street #113 , Falls Church , VA 22046 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Chapter Lois Schweikart O' Dell (Mrs. Robert) , Lambda, 222 W. Tabor Road, Philadelphia, PA 19120 Prince George's-Montgomery County, Maryland Chapter Sue Hunter Dingess (Mrs . Jerry) , Omicron , 12800 Tern Drive, Gaithersburg, MD 20878 Richmond-Petersburg, Virginia Chapter JoAnn Crabill Marshall (Mrs. Larry), Alpha Lambda, 9007 Waterfowl Flyway, Chesterfield, VA 23832 Roanoke, Virginia Chapter Jean Gray Brammer (Mrs. George) , Psi , Rt. 1, Box 91 , Goodview, VA 24095 San Antonio, Texas Chapter Yolanda Villareal Bauer (Mrs. John) , Beta Theta, 3427 Fallen Leaf Lane, San Antonio, TX 78230 Shepherdstown, West Virginia Chapter Marie Busch Crim (Mrs. B.B.) . Chi , PO Box 405 Gerrardstown WV ~w
Southern Colorado Chapter Mary Ann Rinehart, Beta Eta, 8117 -C Summerset Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80920 St. Louis, Missouri Chapter Mary Lou Fondren Scott (Mrs. William) , Pi , 1625 Marshall Court, Florissant, MO 63031 Tidewater Virginia Chapter Elizabeth Knaus , Alpha Lambda , 3029 Sandbend Road , Virginia Beach. VA 23456 Tri-City, Michigan Chapter Martha Prendergast Triantafillow, Beta , 2 35 Dorset Saginaw Ml 48603 ' ' West Chester, Pennsylvania Chapter Carolyn McGill Mee (Mrs. Arthur). Alpha Phi , 1101 Glenview treet. Rockledge, PA 19111 West Suburban Chicago, Illinois Chapter Lucinda Edwards Younce (Mrs. Ieven) , Alpha Alpha. 354 ~ ord Way, Bolingbrook , IL 60439 Youngstown, Ohio Chapter Carol Ficeti , Alpha Rho , 3 5 Jeanette. Warren. OH 444 4 Ypsilanti-Ann Arbor, Michigan Chapter uzanne Nemeth Slick. Alpha, 3350 Croi ant, D arborn. 1I 4 1 4 All Alpha lgma Tau alumnae are mvited to alumnae meetings PI ase hl:'ck your local telephone directory for the phone number of the contact per ~ n nearest you .
ALT Country Store DESCRIPTION 1) Applique, ...
2) 3) 4) 5) 6)
Finger Press .. . .. . Bag, Canvas ... . . . . Bag, Cosmetic . Bag , Keychain Mini .. Bag , Yellow Plastic . . Balloon . ..
7) Barrette . . ..
8) 9) 10) 11) 12)
Bear, Brown Boxer Blazer Patch .. . . Bookmark w/Crest .. . Bumper Sticker . . . Button . . .. . . .
13) Candy, Brown Bag .. .
14) Corn Husk Rose . . 15) Decals: a) Greek Let ter w/ Crest .. . .... . b) Greek Letter . (2 on sheet) 16) Doll , AIT . . 1 7) Doorknob Sign 18) Flag, AIT .. . .
.60/ 1 1.75/3 8.00 5.00 2.00 .50 .30/ 1 . 50/2 2.25/ 8 3.50/ 1 7.50/2 11.00/3 14.00/4 16.00 1.25 5.25 1.00 1.25/ 1 2.00/ 2 3.50/3 .20/ 1 .35/2 .60/3 .80/4 1.00/ 5 1. 75/ 10 1.50
19) Handwork : a) Baby Bib . . . . . . . b) Collage .... ... . c) Checkbook/Glasses Case d) Door Hanger e) Heart Frame .. f) Sachet . .. .... . 20) Highlighter, Yellow . 21) License Plate Holder .. 22) Luggage Tag . 23) Magnet 24) Nite Shirt , New Orleans (child size) . 25) Note Pad, Anchor 26) Note Pad, IT . .... 27) Paper Clip Holder w/ AIT .. . . . ... . . 28) Pen, Yellow Ballpoin t 29) Pencil
1.25/4 3.00/ 12 1.25/4 3.00/ 12 25 .00 3.00 20.00/ 1 34.00/2 42.00/ 3 62.00/ 5 120.00/ 10
30) Picture Frame . 31) Playing Cards . . 32) Post-It Notes, 3 x 5 33) Post-It Notes, 4 x 6
PRICE 8 .00 5.50 6.00 5.00 6.00 5.50 1.60/ 1 3.00/ 2 4.20/ 3 3.00 1.20/ 1 2.20/ 2 3.40/ 3 2.00 4.00 3.00 3.75/ 1 7.25/2 10.50/3 2.25/ 1 4.25/ 2 . 50/1 .85/2 1.75/4 .30/ 1 1.00/4 5.00 5.00 2.25/ 1 4.25/2 8.25/4 3. 75/ 1 7.25/ 2 10.75/3
.50/ 1 .90/2 1.25/ 3 .50/ 1 .90/ 2 1.25/3 4.50 5.00 5.50 10.00 5.00/ 1 9.75/2 2.50/1 4.75/2 6.60/3
34) Ribbon , Block (per yard) ..... 35) Ribbon, Script (per yard) ...... . 36) 37) 38) 39) 40)
Socks . ......... . Songbook w/Tape .. . Stamp w/ Pad .. . . . . Stamp, 3 Pack .... . Stationery, Yellow/ Green ..... 41) Stationery, Torch Memo
42) Stickers: a) Alphabet ...... b) Anchor . .. .... c) AIT ......... d) Greek Letter .... e) " !Always Dreamed . . . f) Script ........ g) Symbols .. h) Yellow Rose
. . . . .
2.30 .20 1.10/ 6 2.00 .20/ 1 1.00/6 2.00 2.00 1.25/2 dz. 2.25/4 dz . 3.50/ 6 dz.
43) Sweatshirt w/Collar (med/ lg/ x-lg) 44) Telephone Cord .... . 45) T-Shirt, Gold , Green w/ logo (lg/ ex-lg) 46) Tie Tack/ Lapel Pin , Rose . . ... . 47) Visor . . . . . . . . . . . .
45.00 7.50 7. 50 7.50 6.75
ORDER FORM Mail to: AIT National Headquarters 1845 Lakeridge Road Birmingham , AL 35216 QUANTITY
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. .,
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See inside back cover for prices and order form. TO: A lpha S igma Tau Pare nts : Your daughter's magazine is sen t to her home address while she is in college. We hope you enjoy reading it. If she is no longer in college , however, and is not living at home, please send her new permanent address to : Alpha Sigma Tau National Headquarters, P.O . Box 59252, Birmingham, AL 35259. Alpha Sigma Tau P.O . Box 59252 Birmingh am, AL 35259 Addre ss Correctio n Re quested
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