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features 6
Convention 20 I 0- Birmingham, Alabama
Alpha Sigma Tau 's Strategic Plan
Conviction of the Heart An Alpha Sigma Tau Love Story that Wrote History
Collegiate Responses to " The Anchors in Our Lives"
departments 4 6 IS 24
Reader's Guide Sorority News Alumnae in Action Collegians on Campus
the 0
reader's guide THE ANCHOR is the official magazine ofAlpha Sigma Tau Sorority, and is published biannually by the Alpha Sigma Tau National Sorority, 3334 Founders Road; Indianapolis, Indiana 46268 How to Receive THE ANCHOR
Collegiate members receive THE ANCHOR through payment of their annual Sorority dues to their chapters. Copies are mailed to each undergraduate member's permanent address as designated on her membership list submitted to National Headquarters.
Alumnae members receive THE ANCHOR through payment of
~ Alpha Sigma Tau is a National Sorority dedicated to promoting the ethical, cultural and social growth of our members. Founded at Michigan State Normal College (Eastern Michigan University), November 4, 1899, by Mable Chase, Ruth Dutcher, May Gephart, Harriett Marx, Eva O'Keefe, Adriance Rice, Helene M. Rice and Mayene Tracy. National Council National President: Ch r istina Duggan Covington, Alpha Lambda National Vice President: Shelly Marie Redmond, Alpha National Secretary:Tiffany Street, Delta Mu National Treasu rer:Tammy Stegehuis Bonifiel d, Beta Xi Director of Alumnae: Jamie Jones Miller, Psi Directo r of Collegiate Chapters: Michele Hujarski Golob, Delta Alpha Director of Extension: Lau ra Clark, Psi Director of Fraternity Programs: Kristin Walker, Alpha Lambda Director of Publications:Vacant Immediate Past National President: Patricia Klausing Simmons, Delta Board ofTrustees Chairman: Bobbie Nichols Tucker, Alpha Gamma Vice Chairman: Mary Ellen Willmitch, Alpha Rho Secretary: Martha Drouyor DeCamp, Alpha Mary Glor Bolton , Sigma Patri cia Nayle , Phi
their annual alumnae dues to either National Headquarters or through their local alumnae association ($40 annually). How to Update Your Name and Add ress You may call (20S) 978-2179 or e-mail us at If you prefer to submit your information via US mail, please complete the form on the National Homepage and mail it to: Alpha Sigma Tau National Headquarte rs, 3334 Founders Road ; Indianapolis, IN 46268. How to ContactTHEANCHOR How to Send a Letter to the Editor Do you have a comment about an article in this or any other issue ofTHE ANCHOR? We want to hear from you! Letters to THE ANCHOR can be sent to the ed itor via email (an chor@alphasigmatau .org); regular mail (THE ANCHOR, 3334 Founders Road ; Indianapolis, IN 46268); o r fax ((20S) 978-2182). Please include your name , chapter, school and year of init iation. THE ANCHOR reserves the right to publ ish any letter addressed to the editor and edit for space and clarity.
National Foundation President: Debi McCain Pyszka, Alpha Nu First Vice Presi dent: Gail Shoc kley Fowler, Alpha Lambda Second Vice Pres ident: Vacant Secretary: Charlotte Evan s Floyd, Psi Treasurer: Rose Marie Schmidt, Theta Resea rch & Development: Ricki Bargman Trosen, Alpha Sigma Financial Development: Cynthia Peckhart McC rory, Alpha Alpha National Panhellenic Conference Alpha Sigma Tau Delegate: Elizabeth Knaus McOs ker. Alpha Lambda First Alternate Delegate: Carol Zorger Mooney, Alpha Lambda Second Alternate Delegate: Jamie Jones Miller, Psi Th ird Alternate Delegate: Vacant
A Note to Parents of Coll egians Your daughter's magazine is being mailed to her home address while she is in college. We hope you enjoy read ing it too. If your daughter is no longer in college or living at home, please send us her updated address, as in dicated above. Subm ission Deadl ines Faii/Winter:July IS Spring/Summer: December IS
Alpha Sigma Tau National Home Page National Headquarters 3334 Founders Road ; Indianapo lis, Ind iana 46268 Phon e: (205 )978-2 179 Fax: (205)978-21 82 Email: 4 â&#x20AC;˘ THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau
Spring/Summer 20 10
from the editor
from the president
Happy Spring, Everyone!
Dear Sisters,
I wanted to touch on a few things:
Beauty of Spirit. Fulfillment of Self. Exceptional Sisterhood.
I understand that the e-mail address has been out of service. It is now working. Please send your feedback on THE ANCHOR or any letters you have to this email address. We welcome your comments and will include those suitable for publication.
This is the vision of Alpha Sigma Tau Sorority!
This month's edition ofTHEANCHOR has an amazing story of love and commitment. Henry Oyama contacted THE ANCHOR about having an article written about his late wife, Mary Ann Jordan, Sigma. Vanessa Emch Florence, Editor ofTHE CREST, took the task and a series of phone calls and e-mails ensued. Vanessa, I owe you a huge debt of gratitude for helping to bring this story to light. As Editor of THE ANCHOR, I get to read other sorority publications. I do, too; from cover to cover! One thing struck me: we were founded for different reasons, we have different symbols, creeds and rituals, and yet we are very similar in our beliefs and values. I find this, too, with my fellow greek sisters in Indianapolis Alumnae Pan hellenic, an NPC organization. One of the members of that organization was my third grade teacher, Carol Jackson, an AOPi . I had not seen her since my family moved away in 1972! I knew her immediately; she knew me after I told her my name and smiled at her. She said she knew my eyes and smile. What an extraordinary thing! Through the editing process of the Fall 2009 ANCHOR, I neglected to add the collegians' responses to "The Anchors in Our Lives". My sincere apologies to the chapters that responded . Their responses are included within this edition. Finally, I learned a very important lesson about the power of written words . Peopl e cannot see your facial expression or know how you really mean things in an e-mail or letter.They only know the words they see and respond accordingly; perhaps in a way you didn't intend. To my Alpha Sigma Tau sisters everywhere, you are more precious than rubies.
Over the past several months thousands of members have had the opportunity to participate in our Strategic Planning process to define what the membership believes is a priority and to focus the work of the National Organization to support its members through these priorities. In August 2008, when the 2008-20 I0 National Council first met and established goals, we were certain that the goals we developed we re temporary.The goals were provisional because they were meant to t ransition , with the membership as a compass, from an origin to developing a plan for our future to enacting the plan. Membership-developed goals are essential because Alpha Sigma Tau 's futu re is driven by its membership.Thank you to everyone who took the time to participate in interviews, feedback groups , and focus groups and respond to specific questions and su rveys.Your thoughts directly shaped the Alpha Sigma Tau Strategic Plan. In this issue ofT HE ANCHOR, you will have an opportunity to learn about our Strategic Plan.And we've already begun enacting many of the action items needed to make your membership experience truly exceptional. If you are interested in volunteering to help Alpha Sigma Tau achieve its strategic vision, mission and goals, please contact the National Nominations Coordinator. You 'll also have the opportunity to learn about several exceptional alumnae , the National Panhellenic Conference community, and our new Headquarters facility in Indianapolis, Ind iana, and the 38th National Convention Uune 22-27, 20 I 0) in Birmingham , Alabama. I remain in you r service,
Roses and pearls,
Sally Brancheau Belknap, Alpha Editor
Christina Covington , Alpha Lambda National Pres ident
Spring/Summer 20 I0
T H E AN C HOR of Alpha Sigma Tau â&#x20AC;˘ 5
sorority news Sailing Into Excellence! Convention 20 I 0 -June 23-27, 20 I 0 Sheraton, Birmingham - Birmingham,Aiabama Convention Registration Now Available! Registration for 20 I 0 National Convention is now available . Registration and payment may take place electronically by visiting the following website: https://www.regonline .com/20 I O_ convention_819754 When Should I Arrive in Birmingham? Plan to arrive by early afternoon on Wednesday, June 23 . Events will begin by 5:00p.m. that evening.The Convention will begin with a Ritual demonstration so please remember to pack appropriate attire and be prepa red to show up to the event dressed. Where is the Convention Being Held and How Do I Make a Room Reservation? Sheraton Birmingham, Birmingham,Aiabama Room Rate: $145 a night (4 in a room) TOTAL: $163-165 a night (tax) * 4 nights $652-660 All attendees must stay on the hotel property. It is the chapter's responsibility to book the hotel room(s) . Also make sure you take care of your adviser! You may secure your hotel accommodations by visiting the weblink set up by the Sheraton specifically for Alpha Sigma Tau: http:/ /www.starwood m/ Booklal phasigma tau
Who Attends and What is the Registration Fee? Collegiate Delegates: $400 each for the first two delegates $350 each for every delegate or attendee thereafter
The Sorority has offered a $100 reimbursement to chapters that registered , paid for and sent the requ ired fou r delegates to Convention. This year, rather than reimburse chapters after Convention, the National Council approved a discounted rate for chapter and colony's third and fourth delegates, thereby saving chapters and colon ies money which can then be used for transportation , lodging or meals. Who should attend from my collegiate chapter? President, Recruitment Director, Risk Management Director, Membersh ip Development Chairman , Chapte r Adviser
Alumnae Chapter delegates and at-large attendees: $400 per person What Should We Bring? Chapter Plaque Scrapbook Attire - Review National Policy Ritual Attire Business Attire Letter Attire
If you have questions regarding the logistics of Convention -the who, what, when and where- please contact Jama Miller, Events Coordinator, at If you have questions regarding the agenda for Convention - business meeting, social events, educational programming, etc. please contact Shelly Redmond, National Vice President, at SRedmond@alphasigmatau .org.
6 â&#x20AC;˘ THE ANCHOR of Alpha Slgm Tau
Spri ng/Summer 20 I0
sorority news ~ History of International Badge Day By:
Rebecca Whitney, Kappa Alpha Theta Jamie Jones Miller,Aipha Sigma Tau
In 1997, the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) designated the first Monday in March as the day to celebrate National Pin Day. This date was chosen to coincide with National Women 's History Month and International Women 's Day, which are celebrated in March. The inaugural campaign was titled " It's as Simple as Wearing your Pin .. . With Pride." The goal was to have women across the nation and abroad , both collegiate and alumnae , wear their fraternity or sorority badges or letters to celebrate, take pride in , and share their affiliation with NPC and their own organizations. The desired outcome was to share the "good news" about fraternal organizations and to have these women take part in volunteer activities with their local Alumnae or College Panhellenics. The creation of this event was prompted, appropriately enough, by a sorority woman . In the spring 1996 issue of The Phoenix of Alpha Sigma Alpha, Nora M. Ten Broeck wrote an article titled "A Simple Solution -Wear Your Membership Badge Today." The article describe her experience of wearing her sorority pin to work one day - and what encouraged her to do it. Some of the ideas suggested to promote and celebrate March 3, 1997, were as simple as getting a group of alumnae together for lunch or hosting an information booth at the campus student union. More ambitious projects fo r this first celebration included asking governors or mayors to pronounce March 3 an " NPC Day" or hosting an all-city alumnae/collegiate luncheon celebration with the focus on NPC history and includ ing donations to a local women 's shelter. In 1998, there were more enhancements to the event, including both internal and external press releases with logos and more ideas for celebrations. The name officially reflected the use of the term "badge" rather than " pin." Wear Your Badge Day in 1999 and 2000 continued with the same ideas and themes as in previous years . In 200 I, the theme was " Enduring Values, Eternal Friendships ... Honor Your Badge on International Badge Day." Additional materials were developed for a slightly broader distribution to Alumnae and College Panhellen ics. At this time , the event was coined International Badge Day. The themes in subsequent years were: • 2002:"A Century of Pride: Live the Greek Tradition" • 2003: " Build New Traditions for the Future" • 2004: "Promoting Excellence, Partnership and Panhellenic Spirit" • 200S: " Remember Your Pledge of Loyalty: Wear Your Badge With Pride" 2006, 2007, 2008: "Wear Your Badge With Pride" •
continued on page I 0
Spring/Summer 20 I0 THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau • 7
- ast strategic plan - what it m eans for YOU Remembe r t he mom ent you accepted your invitation to membershi p, t he first t ime you slipped on your Alpha Sigma Tau letters, or the moment t he Badge was placed over your heart? T hose unforgettable moments make our hearts fill with tremendous pride. It is t hat thrill of membership and the advantages Alpha Sigma Tau bestows on its members that has kept so many of us involved fro m the moment we said "yes." For Alpha Sigma Tau me mbers, Sisterhood is about more than just being close fri ends. And it is this potential that excites the members and insp ires the leadership and Headquarters team . It is from th is pass ion and exh ilaration that Alpha Sigma Tau has been led t o t his change point. The National Council and strategic planning group are proud to share with yo u Alpha Sigma Tau 's five year Strategic Plan and thank our inspirational co llegians, our involved alumnae, an d o ur suppo rt ive pa rtners for the spirit of possibility that allowed us to establish a fi r m foundation for the future of the So ro rity. Alpha Sigma Tau has been talking a lot lately about a strategic plan, but wh at is a strategic plan and how will it impact your membership experie nce ? A strategic plan is a membe r-developed compass that will become th e cente r of ou r work, our commun ication, our vol unteers, our Headquarte rs Staff, and our financial reso urces.T his is o ur view and path t o our future real ity! It is by th is plan that we will measu re success. Every strategic plan is a little different, just as every o rganizati on is unique . Our plan commun icates who we are and wh o we want to become as an o rganizati o n. It defi nes w hat ou r membe rs want ou r focus to be. When you envision what our Sisterh ood will loo k like a few yea rs from now, we defined our future with three key phrases: Our Vision: Beauty of Spirit. Fulfillment o f Self. Exceptional Sisterhood. In describing what our miss ion is as an o rganizatio n o ur membe rs de li neated key concepts defined in our Ritual Services, our purpose, and our comm it me nts t o each other. It is ou r goal to ach ieve our miss ion th rough the hearts and deeds of every member.
8 â&#x20AC;˘ TH E AN C HOR o f Al pha Sigma Tau
Spring/Summer 20 I0
www.alphasigmatau.o rg
Our Mission: To foster intellectual , cultural, ethical and social development To instill a commitment to lifelong leadership To develop women who enrich the lives of others To promote an environment of shared understanding and respect for values, expectations and goals To sustain relationships that transcend the collegiate experience In accomplishing our mission, we agree that we must adhere to certain values. Our membership defined these very succinctly. We will accomplish our mission by focusing on our core values. Our Core Values are intellect, excellence , graciousness, respect and connections. In connecting with members, you defined six specific Areas of Focus that you want the Sorority to concentrate on to attain our mission : membership development (collegiate, alumnae and volunteer leadership) ; growth and retention ; communication and marketing; alumnae member engagement; infrastructure, and maximizing financial resources. It is these six areas that will be the center point of the Sorority, its members, volunteers, leaders and Headquarters Staff. In the coming months, plans will be developed for each focal point including action items, volunteer involvement, Headquarters Staff resources , funding, and measurability.
Alpha Sigma Tau Core Values Intellect- The pursuit and cultivation of knowledge, wisdom, truth, and culture. Excellence -Always seeking to perform at the highest level; having a disdain for mediocrity; creating and taking advantage of opportunities to excel. Graciousness -Creating an environment of pleasantness and embodying kindness, generosity of spirit, charm, tact, courtesy, and authenticity in all we do. Respect -The highest level of esteem for the worth of ourselves, our sisters, our peers, our community, our history, our future, and our values.
Realizing Our Shared Vision -Turning Ideas into Action Work to advance the Sorority in the direction mapped out by the strategic plan is already underway. The National Council , in concert with the Headquarters Staff, has begun to align operational procedures to further each of the six strategic areas of focus .
Connections - Building and maintaining meaningful, sincere, and lasting relationships with our members, our alma mater, and our community.
As the Sorority populates a fully-staffed Headquarters team in Indianapolis, the team members w ill execute objectives for each of the areas of focus with the support of numerous volunteers and deliver measurable results to the National Council. Alpha Sigma Tau will also need to align its operations, functions and structure to meet the strategic areas of focus identified by the membership. Doing so will open many planned opportunities for volunteers to work directly with our collegiate members and on special projects for the Sorority. In the coming years,Aipha Sigma Tau will work in a strategic manner to provide greater services to our members by on-going maintenance of the plan and informing the membership of the work and status through our publication and communication tools, webinars, and at National events. Go to to download the full version of the Alpha Sigma Tau Strategic Plan. As we embark on this journey together, the National Organization will be changing and expanding opportunities for collegiate and alumnae member involvement.What sparks your passion and how can we help you attain your exceptional sisterhood experience?
Membership Development (collegiate, alumnae and olunteer leadership) Growth and Retention Communication and Marketing lumnae Member Engagement Infrastructure Maximizing Financial Resources
Spring/Summer 20 I0
THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau â&#x20AC;˘ 9
- international badge day continued from page 7 In 2004, the NPC Public Relations Committee sought sponsorship from NPC jeweler Burr, Patterson & Auld Co. Inc. The company graciously sponsored the poster advertising Pin Day. In addition, the PR Committee created a sample press release that year, which could be sent to newspapers in any area, touting a history of more than I 00 years of NPC and the volunteer activities and financial contributions of ind ividuals and member groups. Until 2006, the same marketing strategy was used each year, with materials being distributed to Alumnae and College Panhellenics and the poster and other materials being sent electronically to the NPC editors for use in their publications. In 2006, there was greater emphasis on coordinating International Badge Day. The PR Comm ittee developed a brand for Badge Day and expanded ideas to promote it. Information about Badge Day was posted on the NPC Web site, and member groups were asked to conduct an e-mail campaign w ith alumnae members and officers to further promote the event. During 2007, the committee placed a greater focus on developing concepts and implementing new and old ideas. The Badge Day poster, sponsored by Herff Jones, was designed, printed and distributed with other materials in the January Alumnae Panhellenics and College Panhellenics mailings. Celebration ideas and sample press releases were also posted on the NPC Web site, and graphics materials were distributed to the membe r group editors for use in magazines, Web site promotions, and other appropriate print and electronic publications.The idea of a unique brand for Badge Day continued. In March 2008, the PR Committee received feedback from the NPC College Panhellenics Comm ittee area advisors compiled through a survey of Panhellenic presidents and fraternity/sorority advisors on the effectiveness of the Badge Day marketing materials and promotions held by Panhellenics.The PR Committee has conducted online conversations about reaching target audiences, the purpose of Badge Day, the benefits of this self-promotion, and new ideas and directions for the 2009 campaign. "Keep Your Fraternal Experience Close to Your Heart." Badge Day 20 I 0 was promoted using new media initiatives such as the NPC Web site and Facebook. In the spirit of interfraternal relations, NPC also invited the National Pan-Hellenic Council Inc., the National Multicultural Greek Council, the National Asian Pacific Islander American Pan hellenic Association and the National Assoc iation of Latino Fraternal Organizations Inc., as well as other fraternal umbrella organizations, to participate in the 20 I 0 celebration. NPC encourages all undergraduate and alumnae sorority women to show their commitment to their sorority experiences by displaying their membership regalia or insignia. Badge Day 20 I0 was celebrated March I with this theme: "Keep Your Fraternal Experience Close to Your Heart" Don't forget to wear your Alpha Sigma Tau Badge on International Badge Day!
I 0 â&#x20AC;˘ THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau
Spring/Summer 20 I0
alpha. sigma. tau
20 I 0-20 I I Alumnae Dues Invoice Name First
Address Phone Number
E-mail Address Collegiate Chapter Affi liation
Alumnae Dues
Educationa l Set-As ide Fund Legacy of 1899 Fund NPC Reserve Fund Total Payment Options Check: Please make your check payable to Alpha Sigma Tau National Sorority and submit it along with this form to: Alpha Sigma Tau National Headquarters 3334 Founders Road Indianapolis, IN 46268 Total : _ _ __
Check# _ _ _ __
Credit Card : Please visit the Alpha Sigma Tau Website to pay your dues by credit card. Visit http://www.alphasigmatau .org/store/ Why am I receiving this dues invoice? Membership in Alpha Sigma Tau is a lifetime commitment, and by paying your annual dues you are helping to meet the ever-increasing costs of operating our National Organization . Your Sorority alumnae dues will support programs and services for all members. If you normally pay your alumnae dues through an organized alumnae association , please continue to pay in that manner. If you have questions concerning this invoice, 205.978.2179 or please contact the National Headquarters at CSilas@alphasigmatau .org . Please remember to notify National Headquarters if you change your name or address after you have paid your alumnae dues.
Spring/Summer 20 I 0
THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau â&#x20AC;˘ I I
CONVICTION OF THE HEART: By: Vanessa Emch Florence, Zeta Editor,THE CREST nee upon a real time, there was a girl named Mary Ann Jordan . She was a typical EuroAmerican girl growing up in the 1940's in upstate New York. Her mom was a homemaker; her father worked road construction in the Buffalo area during the ~ummer and in the winter he worked in Florida. Mary Ann always looked forward to escapmg the blustery winters of Lake Erie to visit her father, especially since her rheumatoid arthritis flared up with the cold.
After graduating high school , Mary Ann enrolled at Buffalo State Teacher's College to become a home economics instructor. There she became a member of Alpha Sigma Tau , the Sigma chapter. However, walking around campus in the harsh cold had a great affect on her health. So, she packed her things, found a job with American Airlines, and moved to sunny Tucson , Arizona. It was in Arizona that Mary Ann met the man of her dreams . A friend invited her and a local high school social studies and Spanish teacher to a Sunday Evening Forum lecture at the University of Arizona. That local teacher was Henry ' Hank' Oyama. "When I saw her, it was love at first sight" says Hank. It would be so easy to say they met, fell in love, got married , had children and lived happily ever after. Life , of course , is rarely that easy. During the wedding plann ing, Mary Ann came across a pamphlet in the back of her church explaining state rules and regulations regarding marriage. For most of us, this isn 't too big of a concern. However, Mary Ann was of Anglo decent and Hank, although pure American being born in Arizona, was of Mexican-Japanese decent. At that time , in 27 states, interracial marriage was illegal. According to the regulations : "The marriage of a person of Caucasian blood with a Negro, Mongolian, Malay, or Hindu is null and void ". Hank recalls Mary Ann looking at him and asking, " Is Arizona one of these states ?" Hank repl ied " I don 't think so." But the two decided to consult Hank's attorney just in case. The attorney also seemed pe r plexed by the regulation . The two discussed leaving the state to get married , just in case. The attorney stated that even if they do get married elsewhere, just living in Arizona could null their marriage . This could affect everything from insurance to taxes. The attorney suggested that the only way to find out if they were able to marry was to go and apply for a marriage license . On October 6th , 1959, Mary Ann and Hank did just that - applied for a license to marry. They were denied . Hank couldn 't believe it. "We were educated people , shared the same values, we shared the same religion , but we were den ied marriage".
12 â&#x20AC;˘ THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau
Spring/Summer 20 I0
A LOVE STORY THAT WROTE HISTORY Hank was not a stranger to discrimination. During World War 2, at the age of I 5, he and his family were sent to a United States government internment camp for 16 months. Hank wanted to join the Army during the war, but he was too young and his mother refused to sign the paperwork. As "l uck" would have it, at the age of 19, Hank was drafted into the Army. He was to be a Japanese interpreter. This plan had one major flaw : Hank never learned Japanese . In fact, he only knew Spanish until he entered e lementary school. So, instead of heading to the Orient, Hank was sent on counterintelligence missions in the Panama Canal region. Mary Ann also learned about discrimination . "She was the courageous one that faced the most opposition ," recalls Hank. He recalls Mary Ann would more often be the target of the looks and occasional disapproval because she was the 'white woman' in the relationship. Each time , Hank recalled Mary Ann handling it all with poise and grace. Word quickly spread about Mary Ann and Hank's marriage license denial. That is when a new organization in Arizona stepped in. They were a civil rights group ready to take up its first case with Mary Ann and Hank as their clients. That organ ization was the American Civil Liberties Union of Arizona. Mary Ann and Hank never set out to become civil rights activists, nor was it a title they desired. They just wanted to be married because they were in love - and wanted to live in Tucson. The ACLU went on to argue that the state violated MaryAnn and Hank's First and Fourteenth Amendment Rights, as well as parts of the Arizona Constitution. The case made it to the Arizona Supreme Court. However, before a ruling was rendered , the case was dismissed. The Arizona Legislature repealed the law. On December 23, 1959, the Pima County Superior Court granted MaryAnn and Hank a marriage license. A week later, Mary Ann donned herself in white and went to the St. Augustine Chapel to married the love of her life. Mary Ann loved children and wanted many of her own. After several miscarriages, they were able to have a little girl. Sadly, their daughter passed away too early due to leukemia. Mary Ann and Hank then decided to try adoption . Through th is, Mary Ann became a proud mother to three Anglo sons and a Chinese/ Irish daughter - all with the Oyama surname. Mary Ann also opened up her home to Hank's mother, who lived with them from the day they were married . "Mary Ann functioned in my bilingual world , despite not speaking Spanish" says Hank. She made sure the children understood and were a part of Mexican heritage . " Mary Ann became the "Tucson Mother" of the master Mexican folklorico dance instructor, Angel Hernandez, who inspired the creation of many folklorico dance groups in Tucson ." Within the group, Mary Ann dedicated herself to costume design and assisted in chaperoning events , including a performance at the second inaugaraual Ball of Ric hard Nixon . Hank recalls, "Ann truly loved Mexican folk dance, music and its people, and those who knew her, truly loved her." During their marriage, Hank's educational career flourished as pioneer in bilingual education. In the 1950's Parade Magazin e highlighted his (and his colleagues ') efforts. In the 1960's Frank and his colleagues researched and hosted one of the first national symposiums on bilingual education which helped lead the way to federal funding of such programs in the United States. Hank became Pima Commu nity College's Director of bilingual and international studies in 1970 and the associate dean of the program in 1978. While Hank accomplished these things. Mary Ann accomplished managing a large , successful family. "All her friends always admired her for her loving ways," says Hank. While Hank traveled on business, Mary Ann made sure the children had adventures of their own to such places as Yellowstone ,Washington, D.C. , and the Grand Canyon . "She was a loving, loving mother and wife". Mary Ann and Hank were married blissfully for 28 years, until she passed away in 1987 due to heart failure .
continued on page 14
Spring/Summer 20 I0
THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau â&#x20AC;˘ 13
CONVICTION OF THE HEART continued from page 13 After Mary Ann's death , Hank remarried Laura Ann Gwinnup in 1991 . He later became vice president for multidisciplinary education and services at Pima Community College and retired as vice president emeritus. He also retired from the Air Force Reserve at the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. Hank has been named Man of the Year in Pima County and was awarded an honorary Doctor of Laws degree from The University of Arizona. His legacy continues to live on in Tucson where there is an elementary school named after him . Hank credits all his success to Mary Ann, "It was Ann 's courage and unwavering support that inspired me to continu e my involvement in educational rights of Mexican Americans. Mary Ann was not out to set any precedence for anyone else to follow. She was a lady who just stood up for her own convictions." Hank states that because of this, she inspired him to stand up for what he believed in. In the Spring of 2009, the American C ivil Liberties Un ion of Arizona celebrated the landmark Arizona case and honored MaryAnn and Hank "for having the courage to stand up for equality five decades ago". The event, which included was sold-out. At the celebration, Hank reflects," ... (T)he one that deserves my deepest gratitude and thanks is my late wife , Mary Ann Jordan Oyama." "It is without question the story and sacrifice of Mary Ann Jordan should be the focus of this recognition . My life story and accomplishments are well documented and I have been recognized far beyond what might be expected" comments Hank. " Mary Ann . .. had no idea her life would change so radically because of her agreement to challenge the law. Mary Ann was never invited to speak, she never received any awards. Somehow, a beautiful lady that had beautiful stories in her heart was overlooked," says Hank. He added , "Today this recognition is for her. May she rest in peace."
14 â&#x20AC;˘ THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau
Spri ng/Summe r 20 I0
www.alphasigmatau.o rg
alumnae Panhel/enic; ;distinguished alum 路. I
n,, a umnae mac.
Tidewater alumna.e Alpha S.lg ma Taus
to celebrate father IOth anniversary
. 路n the celebration at . inia alumnae JOI Northern Vwg Floyd 's home Charlotte Evans
IS THERE GREEK LIFE STAY ACTIVE AND INVOLVED IN THE GREEK COMMUNITY By Carol Mooney, Alpha Lambda, NPC First Alternate Delegate Being a member of Alpha Sigma Tau means being a part of a network that can be found around the world! After graduation being a part of an Alpha Sigma Tau alumnae association helps our members continue to offer friendship and networking opportunities to the Sisters. Many of us will join an alumnae chapter. How many of us have thought about joining a local Alumnae Panhellenic (APH)? (Don't worry. If you 've been out of college for a while, joining an association is still a great thing to do ... and you 'll meet lots of women that have a lot in common with you regardless of the age!) Joining an Alumnae Panhellenic gives fraternity women the chance to come together and promote the advantages of being a member of a sorority. Members of APH groups work together toward common goals to make a difference in their communities.
Who can join can Alumnae Pan hellenic? This is a question that if often asked.The answer is that any alumna member of one of the 26 sororities that are part of the National Panhellenic Conference may join any Alumnae Panhellenic.You don 't need to belong to an Alpha Sigma Tau alumnae association to join an APH.
What does it cost to join an Alumnae Panhellenic? Dues are structured diffe rently for ind ividual members than those of alumnae associations when joining an Alumnae Panhellenic . Dues structures also differ from APH to APH. Some have all individual members and charge so much per member. Some groups base their dues on the alumnae association -so much per organization. Still others due a combination of association and individual members.
What do Alumnae Panhellenics do? Associations make significant contributions to un ivers ities and the ir communities through philanthropic events, community service activities and information forums Raising money for scholarships continues to be a significant service provided by Alumnae Panhellenic groups. Collectively, $435,000 was raised last year and granted in schola rships to 580 deserving women . Here are just a few of the fun, creative ways Alumnae Panhellenics raised money to help young women further their education. Here are some other examples:
* Northern Virginia alumnae raise funds for a graduate and an undergraduate scholarship each year by sponsoring a play at a local theater during which a reception is held for all attendees.
* Clear Lake, TX, alumnae hold a " Divas Day Out" style show and luncheon . * Houston,TX, alumnae raised hundreds of dollars producing and selling a cookbook.
Colorado Springs, CO, alumnae raised funds for scholarships through "Poinsettias for Scholarships" sale and an American Girl Fashion Show and Tea.
16 â&#x20AC;˘ THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau
Spring/Summer 20 I0
AFTER COLLEGE BY JOINING AN ALUMNAE PANHELLENIC ASSOCIATION. You might ask "Is raising money the only thing that Alumnae Panhellenics do?" The answer is, "Absolutely not ... there is so much more! " * Atlanta APH sponsors a recruitment roundtable to educate young women about Greek life and how sorority membership leads to personal growth and excellence. Nearly 300 young women and their parents attend this annual event. * Northern Virginia APH participates yea rly in t he annual Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation gift wrap event at a local maii.AII member groups provide volunteers to work the entire day raising thousands of dollars for the JDRF. * Richmond, VA, alumnae provide book awards to local high schools. * Atlanta Southern Crescent APH , Peachtree City, GA, alumnae participate in the local July 4th parade. * Philadelpha, PA, alumnae provide support, encouragement, and activities with the local College Panhellenics. What a great way to stay "connected "!
Where are Alumnae Panhellenics located? More than 200 associations exist in the U.S., Canada and the UK. Find an association in your area or learn how to start one by visiting the Alumnae Pan hellenic section of www.npcwomen .org. Sisters, won 't you please consider joining your local Alumnae Pan hellenic Association or be a founder of a new APH .That is where lasting friendships and memories are made! If you have further questions about joining an Alumn ae Pan hellenic or becoming a founder of an APH please contact one of Alpha Sigma Tau 's NPC Delegation members: Elizabeth Knaus McOsker, NPC Delegate College Panhel lenics Carol Zorger Mooney, NPC First Alternate Delegate Alumane Panhellenics College Panhellenics Jamie Jones Miller, NPC Second Alternate Delegate College Panhellenics
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James Madison's Distinguished Alumni Interview conducted by Jamie Jones Miller, Psi, Director of Alumnae
Lois). Forbes, class of 1964, received the james Madison University Alumni Association's Inez Graybeal Roop ('35) Distinguished Alumni Service Award on October 17, 2009 at the annual Alumni Association Awards Breakfast during Homecoming weekend. Created in 1971 , the award recognizes an alumnus or alumna whose dedication and volunteer commitment has significantly enhanced the goals and mission of the university and the alumni association and/or who has given of themselves for the enrichment of others and the betterment of their communities. All james Madison University alumni are eligible.
You were recently recognized by the james Madison University Alumni Association with a Distinguished Alumni Award. What does )MU mean to you? What role has )MU played in your life? JMU has become a large part of my life as well as the life of my whole family. After graduating from Mad ison, I lived with 4 other Madison grads in Alexandria. For whatever reason , we became disconnected from the college. We never heard from anyone at Madison about participating after graduation. It wasn 't until our son went to college that we gave JMU any thought. After spending a year at another college, Jeff transferred to JMU. While getting him settled in the dorm , my husband saw the need for off-campus student hous ing and our real estate development company began building student apartments. Since then, and after moving to Harrisonburg from Northern Virginia, our life has basically revolved around JMU and it has been a wonderful experience for my family. Receiving the Distinguished Alumni Award was a marvelous honor. I never dreamed of being recognized that way and it was a complete surprise .
You and your family are well known for your generous support of the University. Your contributions are innovative and meaningful to the University Community, particularly to the students. How do you determine which initiatives you undertake and how do you define success? Living so close to the campus, probably gives us a different perspective than someone who visits occasionally. I think, however, I was always struck by the fact that though we are James Mad ison Un ive rsity, we had no physical presence of Mr. Madison on campus. I saw the statue of George Mason in a magazine one day and thought that JMU needed something like that. My husband , Bruce, and I have just gone w ith our instincts (with some help from our son, Jeff and daughter-in-law, Stephanie) about what we wanted to do on and for JMU. We discussed our ideas with the administration and they have accepted them. Our success is defined by how our donations are accepted by the students. They have generally embraced ou r add it ions to campus and the scholarships we give are a joy when we see students succeed and they let us know that our help was appreciated.
Tell me about your decision to pledge Alpha Sigma Tau and some of the highlights of your membership in the chapter and your undergraduate time at )MU. Are there particular moments or activities that stand out for you? What was ALTknown for on campus?
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Service Award Winner: Lois J. Forbes I pledged ALT because that was where most of my friends were pledging. It was a great decis ion fo r me -- I loved being a part of the sorority and develop ing friendships with not only ALTers but also the cama rade r ie between the other sororities on campus . My favorite memories are of living in Zirkle House my sen io r year. The house was creaky and old -- the floors were warped and the staircase was scary but it was ours and we loved it! The only shower was just off the kitchen and if you were showering and someone flushed a toilet in another part of t he house - the shower water turned scalding. It was lots of fun -- I have fond memories of the all night card games, heart-to-heart talks and cramm ing for tests. These are special times that you 'll never experience again. Being at a school with almost no men brought us so much closer together as women . AI:T and JMU helped shaped the pe rson I am today. AI:T was the most well-rounded sorority on campus - we had student leaders, we had scholars, we had at hletes, we had party girls and we all had a great time together.
Many of our young alumnae are well practiced in community service, but are not well versed in philanthropy and giving. What tips do you have for your alumnae who want to give back to their alma mater and to Alpha Sigma Tau? I think that many young alumnae have a hard time giving because they probably cannot give much initially. I am sure that they feel that what they can give won 't count. But, that is not true -- every little bit counts, and they sho uld start giving back right away. JMU and AI:T prepared them for their future and they should start giving back immediately no matter how small the donation. Their donation can have an impact on the students that come after them. With the state of the economy, it is more impo rtant than ever to help JMU and AI:T continue to meet the needs of the growing un ive rsity community. The personal benefit is that it definitely makes you feel good -- knowing that you helped in whatever way possible gives you a sense of pride and accompl ishment.
In this tough economic climate, how can non-profit organizations be successful in convincing supporters that their time and resources are worth parting with? That is definitely a hard sell right now. I think the best way to approach someone is by finding out their particular areas of interest and challenging them to commit to helping in that area. If you can get them in the doo r, they w ill grow with the organization and see the needs in all areas and they may be able to expand their giving.
What advice do you have for Alpha Sigma Tau as the sorority looks to improve the "connectedness" of our alumnae? What has )MU done well to cultivate its alumnae? I don 't think you can develop "connectedness" without a personal touch. We might never have started donating to JMU if it hadn 't been fo r Dean Ehlers. He made a point of meeting with us. Not just to ask for money but to develop a friendship. It was his love for JMU that came through to us. He remains a good friend to this day. He still keeps in touch and we have lunch on occasion . Sometimes, he suggests projects to us and sometimes we just chat. He is not just some person making a "cold call" or a brochure you get in the mail. In order to bring people in you have to devote time to making them understand the needs of the group. You need to make them feel that they need you as much as you need them. It shouldn't always be about money. JMU has not always done well in cultivating its alumnae . The recent capital campaign was a step in the right direction and we are finally getting together a computer system to track our graduates but we have a long way to go to catch up with some of the other Virginia schools in yearly donations.
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c 0
buffalo Sigma Chapter at Buffalo State University, the Epsilon Mu Colony at the University of Buffalo and the Buffalo Alumnae celebrated Founders' Day on Saturday, November 7. After our ever-impressive candle-lighting ceremony, led by President Cathi Gervase , and an excellent buffet luncheon, a unique program was presented . Anna Maria, daughter of Buffalo Alumane VP Maria Lagena, demonstrated the skills of her service dog, Dodger. She was assisted by Nick Underhill from K-9 Helpers for the Handicapped.
baltimore The Baltimore Alumnae Hope Group is in the process of reorganizing, and has held two get-togethers. On November 8th, 13 women gathered at the home of Nazie (Rashtchian) Spurrier, Beta Mu, to observe Founder's Day. The ladies talked about their goals for the group, shared snacks and closed with ritual. A second meeting was hosted by Lauren Hall, also Beta Mu, who planned a fun and garlic-filled Italian theme. While munching on homemade bruschetta and antipasti, 14 sisters followed a more formal agenda.A team is set up to participate in Relay for Life held at Loyola University in March, and the group will be vo lunteering at a Baltimore city homeless shelte r in April. Donations of non-perishables and household goods were collected for a needy family with two small children, allowing the members to complete the ir first group philanthropy project! For more information and/or to be placed on the email list, contact the group at .
indianapolis Last December 2008, members of the Indianapolis Social Team and their guests met for a Christmas Luncheon at the Ayres Tea Room in the Indiana State Museum in downtown Indianapolis. As in many cities from the 1940's through the early 70's, the large department stores had a "tea room" where ladies would meet for lunch, often taking their daughters on special occasions. In Indianapolis, it was the L. S.Ay res store. After the store closed and made way for the new Circle Centre Mall, the Indiana State Museum "rec reated" the Ayres Tea Room as part of the museum , still serving its famous "chicken velvet soup." This brought back many memories for those sisters who grew up in Indianapolis and rem embe r going to Ayres and the Tea Room while growing up. In June 2009, we met for breakfast again at LePeep's Restaurant with five members attending. A report of the Indianapolis Alumnae Panhellenic activities was given by Sally Belknap. who is now serving as lAP Secretary. Information from the Alpha Signal and the National Council Quarterly report was also shared. We are all very excited with the recent announcement that National Headquarters would be moving to Indianapolis in 20 I 0. 20 • THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau
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phoenix/valley of the sun Phoenix/Vall~y of the Sun Social Team is happy to have two new members: Janet Larson (Zeta) and Stephame Trombley (Epsilon Alpha) , bringing our total to a new high of 13 . We have many more on our list of area contacts. In October, a small group attended Hale Theatre in Gilbert for a wonderful production of Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. Ou r Founders' Day event on November 7 at the home of Daniele Gottlieb was a great success. Eight local alums attended and were joined by I I from Epsilon Alpha Chapter at Embry Riddle in Prescott for the candle lighting ceremony and potluck luncheon. Several of the women continued their day with socializing and shopping at Barney's of New York in Scottsdale Fashion Square. We were excited to have Risa Hodge with us, a sister who has moved to Colorado but maintains her membership here . Three of our members continue to serve in advisory positions with EA Chapter. Lisa Webb is Chapter Consultant, Cynth ia McCrory is Assistant Chapter Advisor, and Kenda Deleon is Recruitment Advisor. Angela and Jeff Fanzo welcomed their new baby girl born in October. Congratulations to them and to Carla Whitmire for completing the Susan G. Kamen 3-Day, 60-mile walk. She raised $2,300 for breast cancer research, including financial support from PNOS Social Team. Individual Achievements (Include members who hold elected or appointed leade rshi p positions in the community or in their professional organizations, honors and awards won by chapter members, and activities in which individual members participated) Karen Keller Anderson (AA) continues as a board member for Lyric Opera Theatre Guild , and member of Salt River Alumnae Panhellen ic. She is a volunteer usher for the Mesa Arts Center with over 1,250 hours service since the Center opened in Sept., 2005 . She is a member of St. Matthew UMC in Mesa, active member of UMW and received the United Methodist Women Special Mission Recognition from her women 's unit in May, 2009. Virginia (Ginny) Correa C reager (I) continues her appointment on the AARP Executive Council in Arizona. She is also busy with AARP Advocacy issues,AARPWalking Program and various networks . Her latest project is which she will be commencing to coincide with Celiac Disease Awareness Month . This area is of serious importance to all in dividuals sensitive to wheat, barley and rye grains and foods . Nicole Davis (EA) has her BS in Aeronautical Engineering from Embry-Riddle and MBA from University of Phoenix. She works as a technical writer for the Apache Longbow helicopter at The Boeing Company in Mesa,AZ. She is also an active runner in many charitable events in the Phoen ix area, recently completing her first triathlon . Kenda Michelle Deleon (AL) completed her undergraduate studies in 2005 and her graduate studies in 2007. She is employed with Junior Achievement of Arizona as a Grants Manager. She is a political fellow with the Center for Progressive Leadership. Kenda serves as Recruitment Advisor for EA Chapter in Prescott. Angela Marie (Moore) Fanzo (AL) completed her undergraduate studies at Radford University in May, 2005 and graduated from the Arizona State University W.P. Carey School of Business with her MBA in May, 2009. Angela currently works as an Auditor with the State of Arizona Office of the Auditor General. She and husband Jeff are proud parents of a baby girl born in October, 2009. Sandra Lee (Purucker) Fanzo (AL) graduated Radford University in May, 2003 and is currently earning a Master's in Geograph ic Education at Arizona State University. She married Brian in 2003 and came to Arizona in 2008. She teaches social stud ies at Maryvale High School. Risa (Yager) Hodge (Th) moved to Colorado in 2007 but will keep PNOS membership. She belongs to a group that makes quilts for wounded soldiers who return to local bases near Canon C ity. She also participates in a local New Neighbors Club. Each year funds are raised for a different charity. This past year the funds went for the Alzheimer's electronic bracelet program through the Fremont County Sheriff's Office.
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northern virginia alumnae A Whole New World! In honor of the new addition to diversity in the collegiate weekly educational programming, the ladies of the NoVA Alumnae Association decided to learn more about women from around the world. In August the group hosted members of the National Council, the Executive Director, and Educational Consultants to their summer planning meeting. This was a special opportunity for everyone to share their experiences and learn more about one another. In September the women continued the tradition of the group by making a care package for each of the four collegiate chapters in the state ofVirginia that included notes from the alumnae ,AST items, scrapbook materials, and yummy treats. Kristin Walker, President & Editor of the group delivered these to the chapters at the October Regional Leadership Workshop hosted by the Zeta Tau Chapter at Longwood University. In October the group fine-tuned and developed its Nintendo Wii skills- especially with MarioKart and WiiResort. In November the alumnae met at the home of Charlotte Floyd to celebrate Founders Day. With many in attendance the evening was full of sisterhood and learning about our recent accomplishments as well as passing of cherished members - Betty Gail and Edith Elliott. The women from the Northern Virginia Chapter also participated in bid matching at George Mason University this fall. Thanks to the active Panhellenic Delegate, the association 's voice is definitely heard at area Panhellenic Meetings and the NoVA President & Editor also serves as the Webmaster for the NVAPA. Check out the new Delegate Carol Mooney, is serving as the Treasurer this year and developed financial procedures that are helping the group to run even more smoothly. Everyone is looking forward to the gift wrapping event in December at the Dulles Town Center in order to help the NVAPA raise funds for the National Juvenile Diabetes Association. The ladies of Northern Virginia are again selling the White House ornaments with hopes to raise more money than ever before to help us help more individuals and organizations this year. We look to the rest of the year with enthusiasm w ith more opportunities to gather together and make more wonderful green and gold memories.
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tidewater alumnae The sisters of the Alpha Sigma Tau Tidewater Alumnae Chapter are a very close-knit group. We look forward to socializing and being together at our monthly meetings and social events. Many of the sisters vacation together and are friends outside the sorority circle . The prayer before the Founders' Day dinner recognized this close bond. Special prayers were offered for four of our sisters who are suffering from serious illnesses. The dinner favors made by Carrie Campbell were small green boxes filled with candy and a homemade fortune cookie. The fortune exemplified our group. It said "Our bond as sisters is worth more than a fo rtune in gold. Happy Founders' Day 2009". Founders' Day was held at the home of Robbie Cool. The tables glowed with green and gold beads, candles and ribbons. Green tablecloths and yellow napkins were the perfect setting for the elegant Italian dinner. Eighteen sisters participated in the annual candle lighting ceremony remembering our founders and our sorority ideals. Two yard sales brought in enough money to send contributions to our philanthropies and to Delta Rho. Two of our social events included husbands or significant others. They were a pot luck picnic held at the home of Joy Wotherspoon and the upcoming Christmas party to be held at the home of Elaine Eason. The September organizational meeting, which also included a jewelry show, was held at the home of Becky Winner Schnekser, our 2009-20 I 0 president. A scrapbooking session was held at Elaine Eason's. At this time, we were pleased to initiate Becky Hobbs (Alpha Lambda).
ypsilanti-ann arbor The sisters of the Ypsilanti-Ann Arbor Alumnae chapter have been quite busy this past year with many activities. We hold monthly business meetings hosted by our members in their homes or at local restaurants. We have participated in several philanthropy projects including food drives, donations to our local animal shelters, and donations of pillowcase dresses for the children of Malawi, Africa created with the help of Alpha chapter. We participated in the Heart Awareness Walk at Eastern Michigan Univ. in honor of our late Alpha sister, Joyce Berg. We adopt a needy family each Christmas through Mott's Children 's Hospital at the Univ. of Michigan, and take time at our holiday party to wrap the gifts we have purchased to give to the family. We attended a luncheon in honor of National Founder's Day hosted by the sisters of Detroit Northeast Suburbs Alumnae chapter in Warren, MI. We also hold a local Founder's Day dinner each April to celebrate the anniversary of ou r alumnae chapter. Our annual Mother's Day luncheon is always a success as we enjoy spending the afternoon with our mothers, sisters, daughters, aunts and friends . For the past two years we have held a "vendor's showcase" fundraiser to support our chapter's scholarship program. We host numerous "at home party" vendors such as Pampered Chef and Tastefully Simple and then invite our friends and family members to shop with us. This has been a very successful venue for us.
Spri ng/Summer 20 I0
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~ collegiansl
honoring dr. jervey; achieving 4.0; chapter news
Epsi lon Alpha Chapter - Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Prescott, Arizona
24 â&#x20AC;˘ THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigm a Tau
Spring/Summer 20 I0
dr. j: celebrating 48 years of service to alpha sigma tau ~ On October 24th 2009, the Alpha Lambda chapter of Alpha Sigma Tau Sorority at Radford University celebrated 48 wonderful years with their advisor, Dr. Edward Jervey, fondly known as Dr. J. To celebrate such a momentous occasion, the Alpha Lambda Chapter threw him a surprise party. In attendance were long-time friend Dr. J's, Dr. Leerch,Aipha Lambda's faculty advisor Alison Pack, his wife Thora Jo, her nurse and many sisters and alum of the Alpha Lambda Chapter. Before entering the room, the sisters lined the walkway and sang an Alpha Sigma Tau cheer to greet Dr. J as he entered the room. Stunned, Dr. J was coaxed into the room and lead to his seat; he was in shock that the sisters were able to surprise him. He went on to say, "In all the years of my work with AST this is only the second time that I have ever been surprised! " The evening continued with a continual slide show of sisters and Dr.J as speakers took their turn coming to the podium to praise all of the great work he has done with Alpha Sigma Tau. Dr. Leerch started the evening's speeches call ing Dr. J a, " hero" and one of his mentors in the Greek system at Radford.Yice President Rachel Bin sky spoke next, commenting on Dr. J's commitment to St. Jude's Research Hospital. It is thanks in part to Dr. J that the Alpha Lambda Chapter has added St. Jude 's as one of their main philanthropic events, reaching out campus wide through their Up Til' Dawn Program. Following Rachel was Meghan Rickert, who helped organize the party and spoke on behalf of the chapter to thank Dr. J for all he has done for them. Next Alison Pack spoke; once again singing the praises of Dr. J, his commitment to Alpha Sigma Tau and his great influence on the whole chapter. In a final tribute, President of the Alpha Lambda Chapter, Katy White, thanked Dr. J again and tearfully presented him with an engraved plaque to hang in his house along with a new set of letters, cards from alumnae and a plaque that will be hung in the chapter house. Concluding the evening the sisters celebrated another milestone in Dr. J's life: his 80th birthday. There was a joyous round of Happy Birthday, birthday cake was cut and everyone had the chance to talk to Dr. J and socialize for the rest of the evening. It was such a wonderful occasion to celebrate so many great accomplishments. Congrats Dr.J!We love you!
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Conqna.tufa.tiOT\.6. to-
pn Alpha Sarah Schroeder Delta Caitlin Kelly Zeta Tau Courtney Rose Elizabeth Hare Phi Tara Canright Psi Kate McFarland Upsilon Meagan Benson Casey Jo Bowers Megan Moore Natalie Smith Shirley Carr Kellie Cortiana Rikki Shockley Candice Stobaugh Heather Dow Jill Joslin Ellen Smith Lauren Strack
the toflourinq e»om£n CDha th.e 7aH. 2009 Sun.e•ten Alpha Tau Emily Reeher Stephanie Reid Rachel Smith Alpha Phi Joy Lombard Ashley Gleasor Amanda Moffa Beta Delta Jessica Oliver Rachael Ross Lauren Dean Maria Baker Beta Epsilon Jenna Seibert Beta Eta Alexandra Nutt Courtney Cyrier Beta Mu Sarah Benson AbbyVolk
Alpha Mu Amanda Rancourt Alpha Xi Heather Wener Alpha Omicron Courtney Kilburn Britney Pniewski Alpha Pi Maggie Wilson
26 • T H E ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau
Gamma Epsilon Bridget Rank Gamma Upsilon Vanessa Mendoza Delta Alpha Maria Crawford Minai Patel Hillary Faryna Rebecca lscrupe Delta Delta Ashley Bielek Delta Zeta Heather Guratosky Dan ielle Cian i Delta Eta Dana Closby Emily Headrick Christina Inman Kathryn Ragsdale Rachel Short Delta Mu Lindsey Prater
Beta Pi Alpha Epsilon Carmen Arena Amy Bedneiko Kayleigh Harris Joan Miller
eCIM£d a. 4.0
Brittany Host Beta Upsilon Anne Smith Priyanka Datta Beta Phi Amy Miller Christyn Block Beta Chi Lindsey Dalhberg Kimberly Croop
Delta Ph i Megan Tishhauser Christina Pallante Samantha Bialek Epsilon Alpha Sharon Langford Ashlee Skattuck Epsilon Beta Daniella Cavosos
Gamma Delta Priscilla Entwi
Epsilon Delta Amanda Hubbard Ellen Peterman
Gamma Gamma Jill Harris
Epsilon Kappa Stephanie Kaiser
Spring/Summer 20 I0
chapter news delta On October I 0, the women of Delta Chapter celebrated Homecoming with an alumnae tea in the morning and a Homecoming party that evening. The fall 2009 formal was held November 13 at Farmer Jim 's. The chapter welcomed six new members in the fall.
zeta tau Preparations are well underway for the Zeta Tau 75th Anniversary Celebration at Longwood University.The event will take place during the weekend of March 26 - 28, 20 I0. The Zeta Tau chapter of Alpha Sigma Tau was founded in 1935. In the chapte r room in Stubbs Residence Hall, a framed article ofThe Rotunda newspaper is hanging, announcing the chapter's founding, at what was then called Longwood College. As the chapter has now sent out over 600 invitations to their far-reaching alum, many active siste rs are excited but also nervous. This event is a huge undertaking and there have already been challenges with space issues and another event with a fraternity re-chartering scheduled for the same weekend . The celebration will begin on Friday, March 26 with welcoming the alumnae in the chapter room .This is ve ry exciting because the chapter will be able to show off the ir two awards from December 2009's Greek Awards: Academic Program of the Year and Chapter of the Year. Saturday, March 27 is the weekend 's busiest day.The day will begin with a morning re-dedication ceremony.Aiumnae will have a chance to tour Longwood's updated campus with active sisters, explore downtown Farmville, and shop at Redfronts , the place for Greek apparel and accessories .There will be a semi-formal banquet Saturday evening, followed by a public candlelight and milestone ceremony scheduled to be held at Beale Plaza around the fountain near Ruffner and Grainger Halls. Sunday, March28 will wrap up the weekend with brunch and an information share , giving alumnae a chance to meet with and share their experiences with active sisters. Currently, the chapter is I 5 strong, but lost five members to student teaching this spring. One new member of Fall 2009, Kit Davis, perhaps said it best, "We may be small , but we are mighty."
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alpha lambda A group of sisters of the Alpha Lambda chapter from Radford University made a weekend trip to Pine Mountain Settlement School in late September. Thanks to the chapter's philanthropy chair, jasmine Steptoe , a trip had been planned and greatly anticipated to visit Alpha Sigma Tau 's national philanthropy. The sisters traveled down to the Kentucky school on a Friday morning and stayed until Sunday afternoon. During their trip they had the opportunity to not only help the school but also the community in the City of Harlan County.The sisters started immediately on Friday afternoon at the Pine Mountain campus, helping with the cleaning of books, which were starting to mold . On Saturday, the sisters participated in an annual event that helps the community called "The Repair Affair." They helped finish the building of a wheelchair ramp leading to a house of one of the families that live in Harlan County. By mid-afternoon , with help from other members of the community, they had finished most of the ramp. They spent the remainder of Saturday and Sunday morning finishing the cleaning of the books as well as cleaning jars of medicinal herbs and plants that had been donated to the school as research tools. Not only were the sisters able to help the school as well as the community, the weekend trip was also a great bonding experience. They were able to turn off the cell phones and spend the nights playing board games and becoming closer as sisters. Thanks to Cassie Robinson , a representative from Pine Mountain, who worked close with the sisters during their visit, the sisters were able to learn more about Pine Mountain Settlement School and the partnership they have with the community. Cassie shared valuable information about Pine Mountain Settlement School that the sisters can now share with the rest of their chapter and potential and new members. Despite the rainy weather, the group of sisters had a wonderful weekend working one on one with the school. Following the trip, the Alpha Lambda chapter had their bi-annual Swing-a-Thon. The event takes place once a semester where the sisters swing on a porch swing for 24 straight hours to collect donations for the school. This fall semester they raised $267.48.The sisters look forward to continuing their help with the school, and anticipate more trips to visit Pine Mountain in the future.
alpha phi In fall 2009,Aipha Phi picked up 19 wonderful women who grew strong together during their six-week new member period. Initiated in November, they are now great active members of AST. More than thirty teams participated in the chapter's annual Back-to-School Hoops tournament, raising $3,500 for breast cancer awareness. On April 13, the chapter will hold the fourth annual Tau Talent Show to raise money for PMSS, H4H , and Alpha Phi's local philanthropy, Camp Dreamcatcher.Aiso in April, the chapter will hold its first mother/daughter pinn ing cer~ mony to introduce members' mothers to the sorority life they know and love.
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gamma pi This photo was taken Friday 2/20 at Lycoming College. The collegiates of Gamma Pi organized a fundraiser to benefit alumna Lacey (Pietropaolo) Gulick who is undergoing treatment for a brain tumor. The chapter held a dinner open to the campus and the community, and all ASTs in attendance (collegiates and alumnae) posed for this photo. Following spring recruitment, the Gamma Pi chapter welcomed fifteen women to their new member class. Recruitment events included a mocktail night, an Italian spaghetti dinner, a "chocolate fantasy" event, and a pizza party. Other activities included a benefit dinner for alumna Lacey Pietropaolo Gulick and renovating the chapter's lounge. In Fall semester, 19 out of 37 sisters made the dean's list, with two sisters achieving 4.0 GPAs.The chapter celebrated their accomplishments with a pizza party and an "A-Wall" where they can display their successes.A candy sale and candle sale are planned for fundraisers this semester.
gamma rho The Gamma Rho Chapter extended bids to five women during the spring 20 I 0 recruitment period.
gamma upsilon In Fall 2009, Gamma Upsilon brought in one of their biggest new member classes yet, and they couldn 't be proude r of their newest sisters! This year, Gamma Upsilon focused on philanthropy, including Tunes for Troops,Toys for Tots, volunteering at the Los Angeles Food Bank, Los Angeles AIDS Walk, and Relay for Life. They even devoted a rec ruit ment event to philanthropy, writing letters to military men and women stationed in Iraq. The chapter is excited about an upcoming philanthropy project in partnership with Disney. Members got together for fun at a w ide vari ety of sister outings, including beach days, bonfires (a recruitment tradition), Los Angeles Dodgers games, dinners , and Thursday night sports.
delta phi This Spring semester holds a lot of promise for the Delta Phi chapter. Already, we have implemented a new Member Development Plan called the Crest Quest for our sisters. It's a progressive plan that helps a woman to grow throughout her college experience from Freshman to Senior year. AST also hosted its 4th Annual Breast Cancer Ball this year. Our special events chair Jess Sze was in charge of our most successful turn out, with donations from the New York Giants, Warner Brothers, Pinkberry and other organizations on campus. In total we were able to raise about $3600 dollars and the proceeds go toward our Relay for Life efforts which, in turn , is donated to the American Cancer Society.As a chapter we are very excited to see what else this semester has in store for us!
delta omega With three fun and exciting recruitment events-Penn State Tailgate, Balloons and Tunes, and Mardi Gras-the chapter recruited ten new members. Delta Omega took part in many community service projects includ ing a Red Cross blood drive, a dance competition to raise money for Camp Fire USA, and help ing a local children's museum with needed renovations. To raise money, the chapter hosted a 3-on-3 basketball tournament. Upcoming events include the annual Mr. PSU competition to raise money for PMSS and H4H , and the chapter's founding day celebration with alumnae and founding sisters. Chapter news can be found at their Web site,
Spring/Summer 20 I0
THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau â&#x20AC;˘ 29
Collegians' Responses to Editor's Note: The collegians graciously responded to the call for 11 The Anchors in Our Lives" (Fall 2009), yet their responses were not included. Sincere apologies for the omission. Included below are some of their responses. "I would first and foremost have to say my faith-God .When you 're having one of those days and you feel like absolutely no one understands you , or that everyone has turned against you for some reason (even your parents), God is always there to have your back! You can ALWAYS count on Him regardless of your actions or thoughts. He will love you no matter what. "Second, my parents are in every way my anchors.They support me in every way poss ible and have confidence in me no matter which life path I choose; they are there to guide me yet also watch me fall .Through th ick and thin , I know I can always turn to them." - Becky lscrupe , Delta Alpha " My mom is my anchor. I can call her anytime and she will always stop and take the time to help me or listen to what is stressing me out." -Beth Bocan, Delta Alpha ''The anchors in our lives are our relationships with our family, friends, sisters, and commun it ies, both at home and at school. We feel that they are things to be treasured, much like the letters we wear so proudly. We find that it is our sisters, however, who keep us the most grounded. Everyone knows that life is not perfect. When we find ourselves having troubles w ith our families or in school, we always turn to our sisters, knowing full well that there is someone who either has been in our situation before or knows someone who has. Our sisters are always there to support us in every way possible. So even though the seas of life may at times get rocky, we know we have the anchor of sisterhood to keep us stabilized and safe." -The sisters of De lta Omega "When I'm going through stress because of school or because I'm overwhelmed from living so fa r away from my immed iate family, I am lucky to have a supportive inner circle of friends that I can always turn to. My best friends from high school are all in a similar situation as mine, and I know I'll always have them in my life. " I can turn to my closest group of friends in college, who all happen to be my sisters. A few of us have been through a lot together over the past few years, and I know I have bu ilt lifelong friendships with them .We're always there for one another, and it's awesome to always have someone to talk to or go out to coffee with and just vent about life. " My family are the true anchors in my life , especially my mom . She is the one person I know I can always turn to for anything. She is my rock and, regardless of the distance , always there to help me get through the everyday stresses of life." - Zaina Elias, Epsilon Theta " During these difficult times, I rely on the support and help of my family, friends, sisters, and fa ith . My fam ily always plays a big role in everything I do and they'll always be there for me no matter what-even if I'm wrong they'll still stand by my side . My friends help keep me sane and help me snap back into reality when I get crazy and want to throw it all away.We're all going through these trying years together and it's good to have people around who understand the struggles of the 'real world .' My sisters are my true anchors because I spend most of my time with them .They help me get by and talk sense into me when I' m talking crazy. I may not always like what they have to say, but at least they tell me the truth and that's all I could ask for. My faith helps me to stay focused and balanced. Without the Lord, I don 't know where I'd be or what I'd be doing had He not shown me the way. He'll always help me in the end as long as I remain faithful. These are the anchors I have in my life to help me make it through and I love them all ." - Krystina Adamski , Epsilon Theta "At this point in my life , my anchors are my sorority sisters and my father.This past year has been the craziest, hardest, saddest, and happiest year of my life. I have no idea how I would have gotten through without my sorority sisters being there for me when I'm so far from home and my parents.Though I'm far away, my relationship with my father has gotten stronger. I feel I can tell him anything and he has been there for me through a lot of tough times this past year. It's almost like he is right here in New Jersey with me instead of in Florida." - Tonya Oberlender, Epsilon Theta
30 â&#x20AC;˘ T HE AN CHOR of Alpha Sigm a Ta u
Spring/Summer 20 I0
''The Anchors in Our Lives'' "So I was asked to gather together the responses of my sisters to this question . Of course, I expected short responses that had little thought behind them . I mean , it's finals week and everyone's packing up to go home .The responses I got, however, surprised me. Yes, many of them said the same thing: the anchor in my life is my family or my sister; but there were true reasons behind why each of them said that. An anchor is a heavy piece of metal meant to hold the ship back from getting lost or floating too close to the land.The anchor keeps you just close enough to safety, to the shore, so you can always use it as a fallback, but the anchor also keeps you just far enough away to feel the excitement of being at sea, to feel the sea flowing beneath your deck, never resting. You need that anchor in your life to keep you stable, but you cannot rely on your anchor forever ; you cannot miss the changing waters. On your ship, however, you will always have your anchor for whenever you need to slow down , take a breath, restock your supplies, and then continue on your journey. This is why many sisters say that it is their family. You will always have them , and they will always be with you, but they are a crutch, a break from the convulsing waters, someone you can lean on. And I think we'll all agree, sisters are that family, also.They are strong women , because we need them to be. It takes a lot of effort to keep a ship still in a storm. So think on these things as you read the responses of my sisters, and I think you may be able to understand a little better what an anchor means to each of them .These are my sisters. They are my anchor." -Robyn Price, Gamma Pi "An anchor for me is a rock in my life. First of all , my brother and sisters pick me up when I'm feeling down and bring a smile to my face. When things go wrong, I know I can count on them to make me laugh and have a good time .The second rock in my life wou ld be my grandmother. She is the strongest individual I have known and she keeps me going when times become difficult. She is one of those people I deeply treasure close to my heart.Third is my best friend since she is practically my third sister. I have known her for twelve years of my life ." -Daisy Rios , Gamma Upsilon 'The anchors in my life are my friends, sisters, and boyfriend. I am very, very grateful for my friends and sisters who have been there for me during the difficult times that I have had th is past year.There was one person whom I thought of as a sister, but during the most difficult times in my life , she abandoned me and made herself out to be a victim. It was very strange and disheartening to read what she wrote about me and how she twisted the situation. However, I am glad to have known how she truly is and am ever more grateful to know who my true friends are. Though we have our arguments, my boyfriend has been there for me during the most difficult time in my life; he was there for me throughout my mother's decline in health and was there with my surviving family members when she passed away." - Elizabeth An , Gamma Upsilon "Love shall never perish, with the anchor I hold: the anchor of love, life , and hope. The support and framework created by friends, family, and sisters who are my entity. They created the world I behold, the human race I dare , and the song of my heart I sing. It is the anchor of love, life, and hope that sets days of sunshine and a flawless array of life." - Velvet Magallon, Gamma Upsilon
Spring/Summer/20 I0
THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau â&#x20AC;˘ 31
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