2011 Fall ANCHOR

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Above: Delta Pi Chapter at Oglethorpe University welcome home their newest members Below: Baltimore Alumnae enjoy time together at a recent meeting

features 6

From the Board ofTrustees


Call for Convention


Remembering Carolyn Alexander


NPC Update

departments 4 5 9 17

Reader's Guide From the President Alumnae in Action Collegians on Campus

on the cover Erie alumnae participate in a Habitat for Humanity Build


reader's guide

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THE ANCHOR is the official magazine ofAlpha Sigma Tau Sorority, and is published semiannually by the Alpha Sigma Tau National Sorority, 3334 Founders Road; Indianapolis, Indiana 46268

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How to Receive THE ANCHOR

Collegiate members receive THE ANCHOR through payment of their annual Sorority dues to their chapters. Copies are mailed to each undergradu ate member's pe rmanent address as designated on her membership list submitted to National Headquarters.

Alumnae members receive THE ANCHOR through payment of their annual alumnae dues to either National Headquarters or through their local alumnae association ($40 annually).

~ Alpha Sigma Tau is a National Sorority dedicated to promoting the ethical, cultural and social growth of our members. Founded at Michigan State Normal College (Eastern Michigan University), November 4, 1899, by Mable Chase, Ruth Dutcher, May Gephart, Harriett Marx, Eva O'Keefe, Adriance Rice, Helene M. Rice and Mayene Tracy. National Council National President: C hris tina Duggan Covington. Alpha Lambda National Vice President: Shelly Marie Redmond, Psi National Secreta ry: Tiffany Street, Delta Mu National Treasurer :Tammy Stegehu is Bonifield , Beta Xi Director of Alumnae: Jamie Jones Miller, Psi Director of C ollegiate Chapters : Michele Hujarski Golo b, Delta Alpha Director of Extension: Vaca nt Director of Fratern ity Programs: Kristin Walker, Alpha Lambda Di rector of Publications: Vaca nt

Board ofTrustees C hairman: Bobbie N ichols Tucker. Alpha Gamma Vice Ch airman: Mary Ell en W illmitch , Alpha Rho Secretary: Martha Drouyor DeCamp. Alpha Mary Gl or Bol ton , Sigma Patricia Nayle , Phi

How to Update Your Name and Address You may call (317) 613-7575 or e-mail us at headquarters@alphasigmatau.org. If you prefe r to submit your information via US mail , please complete the form on the National Homepage and mail it to: Alpha Sigma Tau National Headquarters, 3334 Founders Road ; Indianapolis , IN 46268. How to ContactTHEANCHOR anchor@alphasigmatau.o rg www.alphasigmatau.org How to Send a Letter to the Ed ito r Do you have a comment about an article in this or any other issue ofTHE ANCHOR! We want to hear from you! Letters to THE ANCHOR can be sent to the editor via email (a nchor@alphasigmatau.org) ; regular mail (THE ANCHOR. 3334 Founders Road ; Indianapolis , IN 46268); or fax (317) 613-7 1 I I). Please include your name , chapter, school and year of ini tiation . THE ANCHOR reserves the right to publish any letter addressed to the ed itor and edit for space and clarity. A Note to Parents of Co ll egians Your daughter's magazine is being mailed to her home address while she is in college. We hope you enjoy reading it, too. If your daughter is no longer in college or living at home, please send us her updated address, as in dicated above .

National Foundation President: Debi McCain Pyszka, Alpha Nu First Vice Pres ident: Gail Shockley Fowler, Alpha Lambda Second Vice President: Kristin Haskin. Beta Pi Secretary: Cha rlotte Evans Floyd. Psi Treasurer: Melinda Henry Oates, Gamma Gamma Director IV: Vacant DirectorVII : Cynth ia Peckhart McCrory.AiphaAipha

National Panhellenic Conference Alpha Sigma Tau Delegate: Elizabeth Knaus McOsker. A/pha Lambda First Alternate Delegate: Carol Zorger Mooney. Alpha Lambda Second Alternate Delegate: Jam ie Jones Miller, Psi Third Alternate Delegate: Joanne Rupprecht W al ter, Psi

Alpha Sigma Tau National Home Page www.alphasigmatau.o rg

Subm iss io n Deadlin es Fall/Winter: July I 5 Spring/Summer: December I 5 THE ANCHOR Staff Ed ito r : Sally Brancheau Belknap, Alpha Collegiate Ed itor : Beverly Singe l Molnar. Delta Alumnae Editor: Kirsten Newman Heck. Gamma Pi

National Headquarters 3334 Founders Road; Ind ianapol is, Indiana 46268 Phon e: (317) 613 -7575 Fax: (317) 613 -7 11 I Email: headquarters@alphasigmatau .org

4 • THE ANCHOR of Alpha S igma Tau

Fall 20 I I

www.alphasigmatau .org

from the president Dear Sisters, Founders Day is our opportunity each year to celebrate our Beauty of Spirit, Fulfillment of Self, Exceptional Sisterhood. Each year on November 4 we renew our joy in our special Sisterhood realizing the importance of this gift in our lives. Imagine in your heart how our eight Founders must have felt on the day they said "yes". Perhaps the same way you did when you said "yes". We have had many moments to touch our hearts over the past year. This year we celebrate the amazing recruitment of our collegiate chapters and colonies.You have shared our Exceptional sisterhood with incredible women.We also have a new link in the our chain of our sisterhood : Epsilon Nu at McDaniel College in Westminster, MD. These achievements are possible in part to the inspiration and skill development at the 20 I I Officer Academy where members participated in Recruitment Boot Camp and The Leadership Institute training for collegians and advisors. This year we appointed more chapter advisors than ever before! Filling these volunteer personnel positions directly impacts the daily sisterhood experience of our members, both collegiate and alumnae . This year we celebrate the lives of two amazing women who passed away over the summer: Elizabeth Wilson , Pi , Past National President, and Carolyn Alexander, Pi, former member of the NPC Delegation. These women were part of the foundation of where we are today. This summer we marked a new height of leadership within Alpha Sigma Tau through our first Enterprise Leadership Summit. At this event, members of the standing committees, National Foundation, National Officers, and Heaquarters team met for a weekend of future thinking for our Sisterhood. And while we have so many achievements to be proud of as we fulfill our Exceptional Sisterhood, we still have work to do, together. In the coming months, we will continue to bring members and experts together sharing resources with our members and advancing our sisterhood. And I hope that when you are called upon to serve as a volunteer, be it on a committee or as an advisor, that you will again say "yes". Be more than excellent. Be Exceptional!

Christina Covington, Alpha Lambda National President


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- from the board of trustees/call for convention Help! Find time for your Sorority! Build on our past! You are an Alpha Sigma Tau. You can inspire. You can be inspired. You can volunteer. Alpha Sigma Tau can aspire to greatness with the consistent and on-going inspiration and dedication of its volunteers. Our Sorority has attracted worthy women and you are one of them. AST has been inspired by sisters, like Carolyn Alexander, a former member of our Board of Trustees, who is highlighted in this issue of THE ANCHOR. Alpha Sigma Tau was inspired by our 8 "Founders" in 1899, by the 18 staff members and the National Presidents honored as " Builders" in 1974, and by the 29 dedicated sisters recognized as "Sustainers" in 2000. Each group met challenges, faced change , set goals, and contributed. You must be next. You must inspire. You must volunteer. You must assure the betterment of AST w ith your involvement, commitment, and dedication as we witness the many changes our Sorority is facing in the name of progress. Set your sights! Parallel significant women! Inspire! Volunteer! The future of Alpha Sigma Tau is in your hands!

Alpha Sigma Tau's 39th National Convention June 21-24, 2012 Hyatt Regency-Indianapolis One South Capitol Avenue Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 317-632-1234 Room rates: $124 per night plus tax (roughly 17%) Be sure to reserve your room with the Alpha Sigma Tau room block. A web link will be provided in November if you wish to book your reservation over the internet. Tentative Start Time: Thursday, June 21 - 2:00 pm Opening Ceremony Dress Rehearsal (all Delegates & Convention Officers) Thursday,June 21 - 3:00pm Opening Session Begins (all attendees) All official Convention events will conclude on Saturday night, June 23, with the Yellow Rose Banquet. Departures may be planned for any time on Sunday,June 24.AII newly elected National Council and Nominations Committee Members will have a meeting on Sunday morning,June 24. All Membership Development Program Pilot Chapters will be required to attend an educational program hosted by The Leadership Institute-Women with Purpose on Sunday morning entitled, " Barriers to Facilitation." Departure early Sunday evening is appropriate. Convention Registration Rates , Day Rates, Banquet Ticket information and program details will be posted in late November. For additional information and updates visit: www.alphasigmatau .org

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remembering carolyn alexander by Carole Bicking Keily, Alpha Xi Carolyn Conner Alexander, Pi, a past member of Alpha Sigma Tau's NPC Delegation, died on August 22, 20 I I. She was 88 years old. Carolyn was initiated into Pi Chapter in 1940 at Harris Teachers College (now Harris-Stowe State University) in St. Louis. As a young woman, Carolyn was an excellent student; in fact, she started college at the age of 16. She was actively involved in Alpha Sigma Tau from the time of her initiation through the next 71 years. Carolyn served Alpha Sigma Tau on the national level as Rush Chairman, as National Parliamentarian from 1976-1980, as an Alternate on Alpha Sigma Tau 's delegation to the National Panhellenic Conference from 1987-1996, and on Alpha Sigma Tau 's Board of Trustees from 2002-2008. Previously, she served as Alpha Sigma Tau 's Executive Sec retary from 19611964, when the national headquarters was in St. Louis. Carolyn was a lifelong member of Hope U.C.C. Church and made it a focus of he r life t o provide scholarships for college women. She served for 40 years in the St. Louis Alumnae Panhelleni c, including a term as president, and was an active member of Alpha Sigma Tau's St. Louis Alumnae Chapt e r. She was a member of the PTA when her daughters were young and served as president. Since 1991 , Carolyn was a member of the College Club St. Louis, a non-profit organ ization that gives scholarships to senior-high women from high schools in St. Louis City and County.T he schools are selected by a rotation system. Last year, 17 women were given $7000 each for thei r fres hman year tuition at the college of their choice. College Club is the women's organization affiliated with the men's University Club. Membership is by invitation only. Carolyn held many offices including Scholarshi p Awards, Finance, Yearbook, Parliamentarian, Round Robin Bridge, Hostess, Service Desk, and Secretary. Carolyn was also known as an artist, a violinist, an expert rifleman , and an animal love r. Carolyn's husband of 50 years, James F.Aiexander, predeceased her. She is survived by her daughters Kay and Joni, her three grandchildren, nieces, nephews, cousins, friends, and the many Alpha Sigma Taus whose lives she touched . Christina Duggan Covington , National President, said, "Carolyn was one of the kindest human beings Alpha Sigma Taus had the privilege of knowing. Her dedication, courage, and grac iousness were an example to all women."


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npc update - month of the scholar The National Panhellenic Conference established the Month of the Scholar to highlight the importance of scholarship and academics for all 26 member groups. Now in its eleventh year, the event is held in February and is a great time for collegiate chapters, College Panhellenic Associations and alumnae associations to recogn ize the importance of learning. There are many ways to celebrate the Month of the Scholar, and here are a few examples. Collegians: • Invite women who achieved the dean 's list the previous term to a scholarship dessert. Each woman can bring a faculty member who inspired her to achieve her outstanding

GPA. • Select one student with outstanding achievement as Scholar of the Week. Recognize her at a meeting, and present her with a gift card to the campus bookstore . •Create a book scholarship for all unaffiliated women .Ask them to write an essay on academics and their favorite course on campus. Meet and interview the top three candidates, and then present them with awards to be used at the campus bookstore . It's a great way to show everyone that soro r ity women value good scholarship and their campus community. • Organize a stress and time management workshop. • Sponsor a facu lty appreciation meal in February. Members and officers invite their favorite professors, and everyone participates in discussions about good study habits and tips for academic success. • Work with your Pan hellenic Association to create a scholarship roundtable where participants discuss quarterly and yearly goals, past successes and challenges facing chapters. • Arrange goodie bags containing candy, erasers, pens, pencils and study t ips for distribution on campus during one week. • At the beginning of the month, ask all members to complete an online quiz to identify learning styles. Those completing the assessment will have their names entered in a drawing to win a gift card to the campus bookstore . • Be sure to coordinate any of you activities with the other Panhellenic chapters on campus. Alumnae: • Have a book club for the month with your board to encourage continu ingeducation for alumnae . • Sponsor a graduate students' night out for all of your members currently enrolled in graduate programs, doctorate programs, etc. to show your support of continuing education . • Support the local collegians by creating midterm and/or finals goodie bags. Make the plans during the Month of the Scholar, and then distribute them at the appropriate time. • Sponsor a program on building a successful career. Include opportunities for members to connect through a career mentorship program .

However you celebrate, remember the Panhellenic Creed, "We as undergraduate members of women 's fraternities stand for good scholarship . .. " and "We, as fraternity women, stand for service through the development of character ... "

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alumnae I

alumnae in action

baltimore Hosted by the McNulty family, our April meeting took the form of a Pampered Chef (PC) party. Jonathan Bukva (husband to the talented AST webmaster Erika Bukva) shared his wares, and presented us with chicken fettuccine alfredo and a chocolate caramel cake, all made simple with PC tools. Jonathan was nice enough to donate a portion of our party's sales back to our group. Our new website made its debut (www.astbaltimore.org), and we had a fantastic time catching up. Our group has had a low-key summer, and can 't wait to kick it into gear this fall. We're looking forward to brunch on the water in August, and a trip to the dog park in September. We will also be participating in the local Kiwanis flea market as a fundraiser for Pine Mountain and local charities. As always, if you are in the Baltimore area and would like to join us, please send us your contact info at baltimo realumnae@gmail.com . We'd love to meet you!

boston We had record snowfalls in New England during the months of January and February. When we met in March in Brookline , MA for our annual pottery painting gathering at The Clayroom, it was great to get together again. For years, this was our annual event but we gave it a rest for two or three years until someone suggested we try our hands at painting pottery again . It was such fun to create our new "treasures." Our April gathering occurred soon thereafter when we went bowl ing at Kings in Dedham, MA. Fun times! Our May gathering was pushed back to June - with the promise of playing Pub Trivia! Our social gatherings continue to be our crown jewels, or our " pearls." The annual Holiday gathering was held in early December at The Melting Pot (a fondue restaurant} in Bedford, MA, organized by Jess Nolan . This is always such a wonderful social affair, with just our Sisters. The annual Yankee Swap at the holiday dinner gathering was again the highlight of the fun evening. Our gatherings are perfect examples of the fun we share, which also exemplifies the true meaning of All Sisters Together. While our annua l contributions to Pine Mountain Settlement School are the cornerstone of our philanthropy efforts, it was a pleasure to participate with our Greater Boston Alumnae National Panhellenic Conference sisters at the Greater Boston Food Bank where we sorted canned goods and non-perishable food on a Saturday morning. Other NPC sororities involved were: Alpha Sigma Alpha, Phi Mu,Aipha Delta Pi, Pi Beta Phi, and Alpha Omic ron Pi. The Greater Boston Food Bank distributes approximately 30 million pounds of food and grocery products to more than 600 member hunger-relief agencies throughout eastern Massachusetts in a dedicated partnership to end hunger in our region. (Source: www.gbfb.org) The Greater Boston Alumnae National Pan hellenic Conference group invited us to participate in a Scholarship Fund they have organized and we accepted the invitation. This will be the third time in the past four years they have o rganized this effort. The hope is that all the alumnae NPC chapters in the Boston area wil,l participate so that a scholarship will be awarded to a worthy recipient in the fall for the 20 I I - 2012 academic year. This scholarship is earmarked to be used toward the winner's national and local membership dues.

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boston Another philanthropic effort attended by Kristina Moron and C indy Thibault supported the Boston Area Rape Crisis Center and included a walk along the beautiful Charles River on the Cambridge/ Boston town line . Several of our members provided monetary contributions to this effort. Now that the Boston Alumnae NPC Group has reorganized but still in a "fledging state ," we receive invitations from the other NPC alumnae groups in the Boston area. For instance, the Delta Gamma Boston Alumnae Chapter hosted an "Author Night" with Maria Murnane, author of " Perfect on Paper," held in Brookline, MA. A few months later, the Alpha Sigma Alpha Boston Alumnae Chapter hosted an event with one of their sisters who owns "Go Simple," a professional organizi ng service . Ideas for clearing clutter, staying organized, and maintaining home files were shared. The proceeds from the admission were earmarked for Habitat for Human ity. A door prize consisting of a basket full of office supplies from Staples was raffled. Shortly thereafter, we received an invitation from another NPC alumnae chapter for a " Meet the Author Night," held in Brookline, MA. Bi rute Regin e spoke about her new book, Iron Butterflies:Women Transform ing Themselves and the World, and gave an informal talk on "iron butterflies"," . .. women who find the inner strength to grow into their potential and transform themselves and the world without losing their femininity. In her book, readers become acquainted with a diverse group of women deploying the strength an d power of femin ine skills, whose accomplishments illustrate overarching themes so critical to women's lives and to our times." Yolanda Bauer attended and reported that it was a small venue , wh ich was a perfect setting for discussion and interpersonal exchanges. Our meetings are typically held in someone's home or at a restaurant. Our hosts have included: Sailynn Doyle , Cindy Thibault, Jess Nolan , Shan nan Hanson, and Yolanda Bauer. Thank you , Ladies, for hosting and provid ing delicious dinner menus. Book swaps are a favorite activity at our meetings - how w ill that work once we all get Kindles or iPads? We continue to sell tote bags that can be used as book bags or beach bags or grocery bags. These totes are silkscreened with our statement, "Alpha Sigma Tau: Forging Friendships Forever." These totes can be ordered by contacting Yolanda Bauer at yolanda.bauer@verizon.net If you plan to visit o r are living in the Boston area and would like to join our meetings or our socia l gatherings, we invite you to join us!

buffalo This year has proven to be a busy time for the Buffalo Alumnae Chapter with meetings, social events and philanthropic endeavors. During the past year, we have found ourselves in 'shower' mode , the latest being a surprise baby shower for Julianna Mullen and a celebration for bri de-to-be Holly LaBrake. Julie 's shower was held at our January luncheon in the Shannon Pub. The program hosted by Sally Sturm Wales and Jean Ryckman McNamara was entertaining with a particularly interesting ga me involving famous couples. In addition to clothing and gift cards, Jul ie was pleased to receive many books for baby Trevor Jeffrey (who was in attendance). It has become our tradition to throw a 'gadget' shower for our engaged sisters. Holly's festivities were held at our April meeting in Alice 's Kitchen Restaurant (owned by alum Michelle Luppino) . Members had a few laughs as Holly opened an assortment of gifts which were both unique and useful. It looks like she's all set fo r her July wedding!

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buffalo On a more educational note, at our February dessert meeting, which was held in the home of Florence Kuczma Sodus, Nicole Moretta Ball provided us with an informative presentation on Parliamentary Procedure. Members had a chance to try out their skills with a brief qu iz. Nicole is well versed in this material having competed in this subject in high school. The Buffalo Alumnae chapter hosted a "Getting to Know You" event for Sigma Chapter (Buffalo State College) and Epsilon Mu Colony (University at Buffalo) in the library at Buffalo State in March. Chai r Holly LaBrake and collegiate volunteers auctioned off purses filled with goodies which were donated by other sisters. This proved to be great fun .This was followed by an entertaining 'get acquainted' activity which led to some real bonding. In addition to these activities, scrapbooks were on display and sisters enjoyed taco dip, 'shamrock shakes' and cake. By all accounts, the evening was a big success. The alumnae hope to continue creating stronger bonds with area collegians. Members cooked dinner for families staying at Ronald McDonald House in April. This was fun and is always app reciated by the guests. Sisters also assisted the Junior League in May by acting as docents at the Deco rato r Showh o use. In addition, we collect goods for charitable organizations at various times throughout the year. Sadly, we lost several of our senior members this spring. Catherine Crocuston, Betty Clay and Joan Dudziak have all passed. All still attended meetings when able and will be missed. Betty was our Top Tau for 20 I 0-1 I.

detroit/northeast suburbs Members of the Detroit/Northeast Suburbs Alumnae Chapter represent several collegiate chapters. While most live in the Metro Detroit area, a few live in other areas of Michigan and in other states. All Metro Detroit area AST alumnae are welcome; new graduates receive free local dues for the first year. Sisterhood is key to the success of our chapter. Our meetings begin and end with sisterhood activities. A hostess is joined by two co-hostesses to provide a yummy dinner for all in attendance. Members share updates on their lives, new job opportunities, and community news. A short business meeting includes reports, activity planning, elections and initiations. Donations for our award-winni ng philanthropy program were also collected. Philanthropy is a primary focus of the Detroit/Northeast Suburbs Alumnae Chapter. Local Entertai nment boo ks we re sold to raise funds for national and local organizations, including Pine Mountain , Habitat for Human ity, and Special Olympics and area collegiate chapters. Members made monetary donations, collected a variety of items and gave nu merous hours of their time to support social issues. We also partnered with the Delta Tau chapter to pack 840 food boxes for Focus Hope, a local food pantry. Members recycled greeting cards and " Box Tops for Education" to benefi t St.Jude's Ranch http://www.stjudesranch.org/help_card.php and a local school for children w ith disabilit ies. continued next page


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detroit/northeast suburbs We also connected with collegiate members in the Beta, Beta Chi , Delta Lambda and Delta Tau chapters. Greetings were sent and received throughout the year. Collegiate members were invited to annual events, including Founder's Day, the Mother-Daughter Luncheon, and to participate in phi lanthropic activities. Detroit NE Suburbs Alumnae members serve as the advisors of the Delta Tau Chapter at O akland Un iversity providing the chapter with a full advisory team!! As an active member of the Detroit Area Panhellenic Association the chapter participated in thei r activities and fund raisers. Officers for 20 I 0-2012 are: President: Lauren Warren;Vice President: Kathy Baecker ; Recording Secretary:Teri Faillace; Treasurer: Nadia Maddens; Corresponding Secretary: Pat Maddens; Chaplain : Stephanie Stanczyck; Ph il anth ropy: Katie VanGorder; Courtesy: Donna Tiefenbach; Historian : Katie VanGorder ; Editor : Denise Dutter; Alumnae Collegiate Liaison: Usa-Marie Fredericks; Panhellenic Representatives: Sharon Maxfield and Susan Hearne For more information on our chapter, please contact Lauren Ben des Warren at labendes@mtu .edu

• er1e The Erie Alumnae chapter, installed in October 20 I0, has been very busy this year. In November, we went to Claytopia for a sister-bonding experience. Over the winter, we met regularly to plan our spring & summer activities. We have chosen SafeNet, a loca l shelter organization for women & children, as our Philanthropy. They will train us in mentoring at-risk women. We held a book drive & collected over I 00 books for Pine Mountain Settlement School, which they were grateful to have for their Summer Reading Camp. On May 28, five of our members helped build a Habitat for Humanity house in east Erie. We had a picnic at Presque Isle July 9, and a Sea Wolves baseball outing at the end of August. We inducted two new members on June 27: Kitty Kramer, Delta Alpha and Sonia Rosales , Gamma Theta. You can find us on Facebook under Alpha Sigma Tau Erie Alumnae Chapter. Just send us a request to jo in the group.

northern virginia The Executive Board met in January to continue to tweak the calendar for the Spring, plan for elections, the Top Tau nomination and discuss how the alumnae chapter could support our collegiate sisters . It was decided that Northern Virginia would donate a scholarship to assist a chapter with attending Officer Academy/Recruitment Boot Camp in the spring. A challenge was then thrown out to all alumnae chapters to do the same . Delta Chi was the chapter chosen . We received a most gracious thank you from the chapter. We were so happy to be able to help provide this wonderful educational opportunity for our collegiate sisters. The New Year brought with it many new activities. Marti Peter,Vice President, provided the group w ith nume rous opportunities including dinner at Wegman's and then shopping for non-perishable food items that were donated to a local women's shelter, a social evening at Marti's home, an evening of social time at a local outdoo r area and a celeb rat io n o f Cinco de Mayo at a local restaurant. continued next pa<>e 12 • THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau

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northern virginia In February we travelled to Baltimore along with Jamie Jones Miller, Chris Covington, Allison Bressler and Jim Paponetti for the installation of the Baltimore Alumnae Chapter! We had a wonderful time and were honored to be able to share their day with the start of their alumnae chapter. We look forward to participating with them in joint ventures as both of our alumnae groups continue to grow! Welcome Baltimore Alumnae Chapter to the alumnae sisterhood of Alpha Sigma Tau! The Alumnae Chapter of Northern Virginia is extremely active within the Northern Virginia Alumnae Pan hellenic. Marti Peter (Non-voting Delegate) served on the Rules and Revisions committee and Carol Mooney (Delegate) served on the Scholarship committee as well as chairman of the Women of Distinction Committee. This year's chapter nominee was Chris Covington . Additionally, Kristin Walker received the Founder's Scholarship, a graduate scholarship. We congratulate Chris and Kristin. In addition to Carol and Marti who very actively rep resent Alph a Sigma Tau in the Alumni Pan hellen ic, Kristin Walker serves as the NVAPA webmaste r. We attend the annual scholarship fundraiser at the Little Theater of Alexandria.This year's play,Widdershins, was well attended .The dinner beforehand at a local Italian restaurant was enjoyed by all. In addition , a request was made by an NVAPA member for volunteers to assist with fund raising at WETA (PBS station in Washington, DC) .Aiexis Martinez, Marti Peter, and Carol Mooney donated their time. What fun! Approximately $5 ,000 was raised in the twohour period! Carol Mooney, President of the Alumnae Chapter, attended the NVAPA President's Roundtable. This is an event that provides an opportunity for presidents of the 21 NPC member groups to discuss trends , fundraising, membership and many other topics affecting alumnae chapters.

philadelphia The Philadelphia Alumnae chapter has under gone some great changes this year with the addition of some tech savvy new members! Our newer sisters have created a Facebook page which has helped use recruit many new sisters. In addition to all the technological advances in Philadelphia, we have also been increasing our philanthropy thanks to our new philanthropic chair, Alice Thomas. We have created breakfast bags to be distributed to homebound seniors and worked at Philabundance, a local food bank. We donated a coffee and chocolate basket to the local Panhellenic group to raise money for a local scholarship. As the theme for our chapter seems to be food (and always has been!) , we also have included many outings to local restaurants including eateries in Philadelphia and the suburbs. We had a wonderful luncheon for Founders' Day with 12 sisters and close friends in attendance! Our chapter would be remiss without thanking our president, Olivia Johnson who has been instrumental in helping the group to thrive . We have had 6- I 0 members at every meeting this year w ith new faces appearing each month. It is a very exciting time to beAST alum in Philadelphia! Please be sure to visit us when you are in town!

phoenix/valley of the sun On December 3, 20 I 0, five of our members met with nine national staff and AST sisters attending the Association of Fraternity Advisors annual conference being held in Phoenix. Everyone enjoyed the excellent dinner at Thai Elephant.

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phoenix/valley of the sun December 4 was our Founder's Day candle lighting service, followed by a potluck and business meeting at Kenda Deleon 's apartment club house in Scottsdale. California Pizza Kitchen was the location for our April 30, 20 I I gettogether attended by eight sisters. The highlight of the event was celebrating Ginny Correa Creager's SO-year anniversary in AST. We had fun trying to find her in the chapter composite photo. Our Annual Meeting was May 23 at the home of Cynthia McCrory where we enjoyed desserts , planned activities for the next year, and elected officers. Congratulations to Sandra Fanzo on the arrival of baby Kinsley in May, joining big sister Chloe. We sadly say farewell to Kenda Deleon as she takes a new job in Dallas.

saint louis The St. Louis Alumnae have experienced new cu isines this year at their meetings, such as Chinese, English, Greek, Cajun, and Indian . Although we selected Pi Pizzeria, because many of the members are alumnae of the Pi Chapter, it turned out that President Obama discovered it first and often orders their pizza flown to Washington , DC. Longevity is a theme of our chapter. We gathered in June to mourn the passing of Elizabeth Wilson, Past National President and wonderful member for 78 years. Another Past National Pres ident and long time friend of ours, Martha Drouyor DeCamp, flew to St. Louis to be with Elizabeth's family and friends . It was sad, but Elizabeth is lovingly remembered with scholarships and awards named in her honor. Another longtime member, Marie Mcintire Nemnich, celebrated her 90th birthday recently with her St. Louis sisters. Marie is a world traveler, excellent teacher, nature enthusiast, and world class sister. Her love of Alpha Sigma Tau was so evident that her daughter, Sandy, joined the Pi Chapter in college, too. Since Marie's family stars several chefs, we were wowed by the outstanding luncheon served.

southeast louisiana The Southeastern Louisiana University Alpha Sigma Tau Alumnae Chapter recently elected and installed new officers. They are : Rita Anne Bertol in o President, Suzanne Sharp -Vice President, Angie Tyrone - Secretary, Genie Powers -Treasurer, Kazanna Mancuso - Editor, Beth Ebberman -Alumnae Pan hellenic Delegate, Esther Barrios -Alumnae Alternate Delegate, and Rachel Bourgeois - Historian . The alumnae chapter also initiated nine ladies into the group. We are looking forward to helping Phi Chapter with recruitment and BID day.

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Fall 20 I I


stars and stripes With the help of friends and family, the Stars & Stripes Alumnae banded together to create and mail almost I 00 treat bags to deployed troops for Independence Day. These projects take minimal effort, and yet the return is infinite. Tracy Bond Ciabattoni, Zeta, received the following message from one of our recipients:

Just sending an email to let you know that we received the care packages and my Soldiers really liked them. Thanks to you and your sorority sisters for sending the goodies. Thanks a million again for all your support through these hard times.Today is my son's 7th birthday and I can't believe that 7 years ago I was also deployed. I really miss my wife and kids and can't wait to see them soon. We are pleased and proud to be able to provide a small moment of comfort for our deployed servicemen and women. In an ongoing effort, we continue to collect coupons and mail them to sisters stationed overseas, as commissaries will accept them up to 6-months past their expiration date. Rachel Lucas, and Katie Heil , are our current recipients. This fall , we will be assembling packages of winter gear (socks, gloves, blankets) for homeless Veterans. Let us know if your group would be interested in helping. In July, we welcomed future AST Sweetheart Kevin William, son of member Laura Lenander, Sigma, and her husband Brian, a Blackhawk helicopter pilot who is deployed. We are so thankful Brian was able to come home for the birth of his son. Congrats to the Lenander family! Our group welcomes any sister with ties to our armed forces. Find us on Facebook by searching "Alpha Sigma Tau Stars & Stripes."

tidewater We end our calendar year knowing that a difference was made in our lives by being a member of Alpha Sigma Tau. We are invested in each other's lives. We shared in the excitement of Carrie Campbell's Delta Rho wedding. We were thrilled to have a candle lighting ceremony for Becky Schnekser, Zeta Tau . Her baby shower is planned for June and the baby is due in August. New faces from the Longwood Collegiate Chapter visited several times during the year. In May, we initiated two of the graduates - Laura Beth Stricker and Rachel Gibson - into our alumnae group. Sisters volunteered to talk about their favorite philanthropies and how they work in the community. Their excitement prompted us to donate supplies and money to supplement their projects. Money was also sent to Citizens Committee for the Protection of the Elderly, Habitat for Humanity, Pine Mountain and the National Foundation.

continued next page


Fall 20 II

THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau • IS

tidewater Alpha Sigma Tau was the largest group in attendance at the Panhellenic Spring Luncheon and Fashion Show held at Old Dominion University. Our sister, Becky Hobbs,Aipha Lambda, next year's Panhellenic President, was in charge of this fun-filled, money-making event. Ashley Williams, Zeta Tau was a natural as she modeled the clothing. We shared our cooking talents at a potluck dinner followed by the installation of next year's officers and the initiation of new members . Elayne Weinbrech ,Aipha Lambda and Elaine Eason , Psi were instrumental in organizing and decorating. We dined surrounded by green and gold and, of course , yellow roses. Our annual end of the year event, hosted by Joyce Jonak,Aipha Lambda will once again be held at Beggar's Bridge Hunt Club. We look forward to canoeing, skeet shooting, volleyball , laughing and doing what we do best: eating good food . It is never goodbye, but 'so long' for the summer.

ypsilanti-ann arbor We've had an exciting year with lots of good news. Our year started with our usual pot luck dinner and catching up on everyone's summer. By the time you read this we will have two little ASTs. We now have 7 legacies; Ella Rose (Kelly Hornbacher) ,Ava and baby sister (Angela Lis), Claire and baby sister (Kate Storey), Layla (Amanda Feaganes) and Allison {Nicole France) . As you can see we have lots of moms in our Alum group and we now offer babysitting at our monthly meetings courtesy of our collegiate chapter. Nicole France and baby Allie came home in April from Japan where her husband is currently stationed and was able to join us for dinner for our local Founder's Day. We were thrilled to see her as prior to settling down and starting a family she served in Iraq. When her husband is discharged in October, they will be moving to Texas where they are in the process of building a new home ...we will miss her. Our high light of the year is our Mother's Day luncheon and we welcomed about 40 moms and guests at the G rosse lie Country club. We enjoyed a lovely lunch and highlighted the afternoon with games and prizes for all. Two of our guests were sorority sisters that we had not seen in 43 years: Sisters forever ! We continue to work hard to raise money for our philanthropy projects by hosting a vendor party at Carlotta Salemi's home . This has proved to be a very successful and profitable fundraiser for our chapter. It's fun to shop five or six different parties all in one day. To all our Alum sisters who are far away, a big hello from the Ypsi-Ann Arbor Alum Chapter and know that you are thought of often and we keep you dear in our hearts.

16 • THE ANCHOR of A lpha Sigma Tau

Fall 20 II


coll egians on campus

zeta tau


The Zeta Tau chapter at Longwood University in Farmville,Virginia, had a wonderful Fall 20 I 0 semester. Coming back refreshed from the summer, we had a wonderful Educational Consultant, Emily Jessee, join us for I 0 days through the Fall recruitment process and bid day, known as "Walk" at Longwood . We all cried on Friday, September 3, when we learned we were receiving 12 girls through Walk, thanks to the entire chapter's dedication and Emily's help and encouragement. It was such an incredible feeling and a great accomplishment, knowing that we worked so hard to see that day come . We celebrated our I I Ith Founders Day on Saturday, November 6.We had 32 act ive siste rs and 26 alumnae attend our reded ication ceremony in ou r chapter room , then a reception and bonding at ou r apartment clubhouse. Several alumnae had not been back to Longwood in many years, and we all enjoyed getting to know them better and hearing thei r stories of when they we re in the chapter.

phi The ladies of Phi chapter have had a very successful year so far. This past Spring semester, we received numerous awards. One of them was the Student Organization Award of Excellence, which is given to organizations who exhibit the abilities to foster and promote leadership and educational growth in each member, as well as support the mission and values of the university.We also received the Female Greek Intramural Champion award, given to the female Greek organization that receives the most points th roughout the intramural season .We had numerous members receive such honors as the Green "S" award and W ho 's Who Among Collegiate Scholars.This Spring, we also placed second overall in Greek Week and received People's Choice for Mocktails.We are the intramural champions for softball and placed second fo r flag footba ll.

ps1• The women of the Psi chapte r have worked extremely hard this past year to promote their philanthropy, community service, and sisterhood . After welcoming 50 new members in Fall 20 I 0, the sisters were excited to meet all their new sisters and, of course, get their new Big and Little sisters! In the Spring, the chapter welcomed their new Executive Board, who brought new changes to the chapte r. Th rough their Community Cook-Out, SK, and proceeds nights, the chapter raised more than $4,000 for their local philanthropy, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation .The women also contributed more than I ,500 commun ity service hours to the Harrisonburg and Rockingham areas this past year. In the Spr ing, the sisters participated in many sisterhood events, such as tie-dye ing, movie nights in the basement, and their annual Parents Banquet, whe re all parents were invited to see all the ha rd work during the past two semesters. In April, the chapter won second place in the annual Greek Sing competition held on campus. The sisters of the Psi chapter had a great year and look fo rward to another one with new sisters, new experiences, and new memories!


Fall 20 I I

THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau • 17

alpha tau The 20 I0-1 I academic year for the Alpha Tau Chapter will be remembered as a year of success and cherished memories. In the Fall semester, Edinboro 's homecom ing theme was " Homecom ing for the Hol idays." The sisters of Alpha Sigma Tau ran w ith the brothers of Phi Mu Alpha. Together we built a New Year's-themed float. We also hosted a Singing Bee for all Greek organ izations on campus to raise money for Pine Mountain Settlement School. In the Spring, we performed community service hours for our local philanthropy, Habitat for Humanity. Sisters spent a Satu rday painting a house and helping with yard work. We raised money for our chapter by hosting our second annual Kid 's Carn ival on campus.The carnival had fun games and crafts for the children, al ong w ith face painting and a snack booth. We also ran a fundraiser with Max & Erma's restaurant to raise money for the John Kanzius Cancer Research Foundation. Greek Week was a major success.We took home the first place trophy, as well as earning first place in our swim relay, second place in Greek Dance, and second place in "Canstruction", wh ich donates all canned goods used to Second Harvest Food Bank. Recruitment for both semesters was very successful as well. We initiated 17 new girls into the chapter.The sisters of Alpha Tau are very pleased to share with you our year's events.

beta delta Fall 20 I0 and Spring 20 I I brought 24 new members to the Beta Delta C hapter.These new members (as well as the old !) were in for an exciting year, with several fantASTic sisterhood and alumnae events and a memorable Miss Duquesne Pageant. Emily Hamsher, 20 I0 Eat So They Can ambassador and current Educational Consultant for Alpha Sigma Tau. was ecstatic that the Eat So They Can dinner party, an event she pitched to the chapter as a sophomore, was again a success:"lt means so much to me that my sisters eagerly got behind a philanthropy that is so dear to my heart .. . Our second annual event doubled the amount raised from the first year, and I know that with each event we will keep raising the bar. I look forward to our th ird Eat So They Can dinner party this October, and encourage others to participate in such an easy and fun phi lanthropy initiative." Fall 20 I O's dinner raised $1 ,500 for the Global Volunteer Network. Beta Delta kicked off the spring semester with a sister retreat on January 19. Membersh ip C hair Kelsey Daugherty planned a day of activities, including trust and bonding exercises, a makeover session with Duquesne/AST alumna Lauren Maker. a sorority song and chant writing contest, and a snow tubing session at Wildwood Highlands in Allison Park. The 40th annual alumnae weekend was Saturday and Sunday,April 16 and 17. Saturday's events included a picnic at Banksfield Park and Mass. A brunch and tour of the AST wing in Duquesne 's Towers Living/Learning Center were Sunday's events. "The weekend went really well ," said Alumnae Liaison Dana Palmosina. " It was exciting to see a lot of alumnae that we have never met before." Natalie Kress Abel, a Duquesne/AST alumna, spoke and gave a video presentation about her son Zack. Zack also spoke in an interactive speech, describing how special Make-A-Wish is to him and how excited he was to be granted his wish , a dinosaur statue. " I thought he was very brave to get up and share his story with so many strangers," said Ellen Dimmi ck.The event, which raises money for Habitat for Humanity and the Make-a-Wish Foundation, raised a total of $6,200 th is year. The end of Spring showed the results of the chapter's hard work: Best Chapter Officer, Dana Palmos ina, Aiumnae Liaison ; Greek Unity Award (with Delta Zeta); Outstanding Service Award ; Second place overall, Greek Week; Second place, Formal Sing. After several recruitment workshops, and visits from EC Rachel Bourgeois and RFM Specialist Sharon Maxfield , Beta Delta is "Anchored for Life" and ready for Fall 20 I I.

18 • THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau

Fall 20 I I


beta xi Beta Xi has had a busy year. Our chapter has participated in many events, including Winter Carnival, and hosted a benefit yard sale .Winter Carnival , a local tradition up here at Michigan Tech, is a festival where we create snow statues, participate in winter-themed events, and unite as sisters to promote Greek life. This year our statue with the theme "Thousands of Pages Unfold in the Wintery Cold" took first place. Winter Carnival is always a lot of fun and a great way to show the positives of Greek life. We also took first place in the women's division of broomball, though Delta Upsilon beat us in the all campus finals. Broomball is like hockey but in tennis shoes with duct-taped brooms for sticks.You run around on ice after a tiny blue ball and score the same way you would in regular hockey. It's a little injury inducing, but it's a great experience . Over the summe r, our in-house sisters decided to hold a yard sale/bake sale to benefit the American Cancer Society.We ended up teaming up w ith a local sorority, Alpha Delta Alpha, and we collected hundreds of items.We even had an article posted about us in the local paper, the Daily Mining Gazette. The sale was by donation, so people could pay whatever they could afford . All in all it was a huge success-jointly we raised $1 , I 00, which we split between the two organizations.The sale would not have been so successful without the help of one of our PNMs, Kay McMahon . She helped with a lot of the donation collecting and even got JCPenney to donate free haircuts that were raffled off.The sisters of Beta Xi have grown both as a sorority and as individuals. We look forward to another amazing year.

beta tau The Sisters of the Beta Tau Chapter had a wonderful spring 20 I I semester and are anticipating the new Fall semester. In May, Beta Tau performed community service at the Wish Project, an organization that provides millions of dollars in free furniture, clothing, and baby goods to more than 5,000 needy families in the Merrimack Valley area per year. The sisters also had a great time at our Yellow Rose Formal in early May, where we had fun dancing, socializing with alumnae, and enjoying a delicious dinner. A few sisters also participated in Relay for Life alongside many of the other Greek organizations on campus. The walk is from about 3 p.m. one day until 6 a.m. the following, and it raises money for the American Cancer Society. The end of the semester welcomed seven new sisters, who became the Gamma Alpha class. Overall , the semester was quite successful. The fall semester will bring Beta Tau's most popular philanthropy event, Walk a Mile in Her Shoes. This event benefits women in crisis and victims of domestic violence.Walk A Mile in Her Shoes is usually walked by men, who tough it out wearing heels on their milelong walk. The event is always a lot of fun, and this year will certainly be no different!

www.al phasigmatau.org

Fall 20 II

THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau • 19

gamma gamma We had another fantASTic year! This 20 I 0-1 I school year, we were honored to win the Intramural Cup, the Homer Award , and the Greek Games Cup.We here at UWA strive to be the best all-around organization , so we couldn 't just leave it at that. Our chapter traveled to Mobile ,Aiabama, to help build a few houses with Habitat for Humanity.We also had a blast holding our annual charity event RockA-Thon and had a great turnout with this schoolwide talent show! The mile and stream that we clean a few times each month are looking superb, as usual , and the community honks and waves in appreciation each time we are out and about on our cleanups. Other community favorites include our nursing home visits around the holidays and the days we read to the children at the campus school. The 20 I 1-12 school year is looking even better and our sisters cannot wait!

gamma psi This semester, Gamma Psi Chapter's theme for recruitement is " India". It should be very exciting! We are having many fund raisers, such as "Are You Smarter Th an a Sorority Sister?", Wheel of Fortune , and karaoke .We are also hosting an ice cream philanthropy event, which should not only be fun but delicious ! We had a great retreat in July at Cape Cod, where we had a great time making tie-dyed T-shirts and growing closer as a chapter.

gamma upsilon Here in the beautiful and busy City of Angels, the Gamma Upsilon Chapte r reached our goals this past school year. We did many philanthropies, such as the AIDS and Relay for Life walks, where we raised more than what we had hoped for, reaching an overachieving goal of more than $500.We were very happy with all ou r success this school year, as our fundraisers helped us to finally have ou r very own Yellow Rose Formal after not having one for more than five years.This formal became a great way to meet more of our chapter alumnae and it really helped us to grow closer. Some of the sisters got to meet other chapters around the United States through a road trip during our spring break and at Rec rui tment Boot Camp in the summer. Being the only chapter here in California can sometimes feel lonely and we we re so happy and thankful that the other chapters welcomed us to their own homes and campuses. This is truly deep sisterhood! The sisters here in Cali hope to meet other chapters with whom we can learn and grow.The Gamma Ups il on chapter hopes to reach new goals for the coming year. From here in SoCal, Tau Love!

gamma omega Gamma Omega Chapter participated in " pink hair for breast cancer" for October Breast Cancer Awareness Month . All proceeds go directly to the Susan G. Komen for the Cure fund. The girls each got pink hair extensions to show their support.They started their first annual "Project Cinderella" in which they collected more than 200 dresses and donated them to the young women ofTriton Regional High School in the hopes of making their prom night a little more special. Gamma Omega reached out to one of their alumnae , Kristi Morrisroe-Hertzog, who suffered severe complications after giving birth to twin girls this past winter. With the help of the alumnae , the chapter donated money to Kristi's family to help support the twins and sent their love and prayers. Kristi is now doing much better and on the road to recovery. 20 • THE ANCHOR of A lpha Sigma Tau

Fall 20 I I


delta eta 20 I I has been a busy and exciting year for the Delta Eta chapter. In January, the chapter held the first annual AST Week. The sisters intentionally created this week to not only show their involvement in the campus and community, but more importantly, to raise awareness about breast cancer and raise money to benefit Delta Eta's local philanthropy, the Susan G. Komen Foundation.AST women raised more than $600 through campuswide bake sales, the all-Greek Pink Tie Ball and a philanthropy night with a favorite local restaurant, McDougal's. Delta Eta hosted a convocation event with Stacey Parker-Nelson, a representative from the Nashville affiliate of the Susan G. Komen Foundation , who spoke to students about breast canc er and getting involved in local efforts to raise awareness.We also partnered with the women 's basketball team to spo nsor the WNBA Pink Zone game, benefitting Susan G. Komen and honoring breast cance r survivors. The Delta Eta chapter received several awards during the past year. During G reek Week,We placed second overall and first for sororities. Holding true to Alpha Sigma Tau values, the chapter had the second highest GPA for Belmont Greeks, with a 3.31 . Finally, for the second consecutive year, Delta Eta women were awarded the Bruin Cup, the championship award for intramural sports at Belmont.

delta pi This past year the Delta Pi chapter at Oglethorpe University successfully hosted several philanthropic service projects: our annual "Taus and Tacos" event, cooking and serving dinner for the families of patients at Ronald McDonald House , hosting the Boys and Girls Clubs for Halloween , and our first "Breakfast at the Taus," the proceeds of which went to Habitat for Humanity. In fall 20 I 0, the Delta Pi chapter celebrated its IOth anniversary at Oglethorpe University. Every year Delta Pi has consecutively increased ou r number of new members, and this year was no different.We are confident our high standards of academic ach ievement, campus involvement, and strong sisterhood bonds will continue to increase our recruitment numbers in the years to come .

delta tau After the reorganization of the Delta Tau Chapter in 2009, the chapter experienced a very successful Fall recru itment in 20 I 0, initiating I 0 new members.The chapter also initiated two new members during informal rec r uitment in the spring 20 I I semester. After nearly doubling in size in the 20 I 0-1 I school year and attending the very enrich ing Officer Academy in Summer 20 I I, Delta Tau is very optimistic about 20 I I Fall recruitment.

delta upsilon The sisters of the Delta Upsilon Chapter were busy bees during both Fall and Sp ring semesters making local high school girls' prom night a little happier and richer one prom dress at a time! The sisters have adopted a new ph ilanthropy, Project Prom. Delta Upsilon spent all of Fall and the beginning of Spring semester collecting new o r gently used prom dresses , makeup, shoes, and other prom accessories. ¡ continued next page


Fall 20 I I

THE ANCHOR of Alpha Sigma Tau • 21

delta upsilon Sister Beverley DiGiacobbe desc ri bed the experience as "a great experience ... being able to help high school gi r ls have the fairy tale prom that they have always seen in movies and have always d reamed about is an honor. It really makes me happy when on prom day, I see us all join together as sisters to help make girls ' prom dreams come true ." The sisters dedicated the morning of April 23 to Pasco High School's prom day to help the girls get ready for prom. "We did their hair, makeup, and even nails. It was such a rewarding experience to see them all ready to have a night they will never forget ," says another Delta Ups ilon sister, Brittany Brasseur.The sisters are already gearing up for another prom night. They are still collecting dresses and all the other prom day essentials to continue their new tradition of making prom night magical.

epsilon beta Here are the events and accomplishments for our chapter: First place for best decorated booth at the Carnival of the Great Pumpkin; Yellow Rose Banquet; Made Valentine's Day cards for soldiers a month in advance so they'd get to the base on time; Annual picnic with our alumnae; Sixth annual Mr.AST male beauty pageant. This is our biggest event of the year, with all funds raised going to Pine Mountain Settlement School. This year's winner was Sergio Gonzalez, a former UTPA cheerleader and events coord inator for the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce . Sergio is currently doing an internship at Walt Disney World in Florida; First annual Mother- Daughter Banquet in May 20 I I; Panhellenic car wash with Delta Zeta; half of funds raised go to Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD); Panhellenic Summer recruitment event at Charming Charlie's (with Delta Zeta)

epsilon gamma These are the events that Epsilon Gamma participated in: Heel-a-Thon to raise money for St. Jude; Greek Goddess event to raise money for Habitat for Humanity; Yellow Rose Ball

epsilon mu Epsilon Mu Colony had an exciting 20 I0-1 I year! We participated in several philanthropic activities throughout the year.Among them were Habitat for Humanity, Relay for Life, and a bunch of local events as well. We really enjoyed spending our time helping the members of the community and getting to know them better! In Fall 20 I 0, we had the privilege of attending Something of Value, where we learned to uphold the ideals and values of sorority women everywhere. In addition, we got to know many of the sisters at Edinboro University and Buffalo State College. During the Spring semeste r, we had our annual family brunch .We had the most family members in attendance since we started as a local soro r ity in 1999.AII the parents were really excited and we loved getting to know our sisters' families bette r. It w as a fantastic day overall!

22 • THE ANCHOR of A lpha Sigma Tau

Fa1120 II








Charm sold separately

Active, Self-reliant and Trustworthy

A. 0103, Plain Badge Contact AIT National HQ

Shown: #9 Recruitment, #01 President, #27 New Member Educator. For

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E. SLD141 , Silhouette Rose Necklace, 18" $47

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F. J0700, Chased Single Letter Chapter Guard lOK - $54, GE - $24 G. JDNGL, Officer Recognition Dangle 1OK- $32, GE - $11 H. 0100, Crown Pearl Badge Contact AIT National HQ J0600, Crown Pearl Double Letters Chapter Guard 1OK - $ 125, GE - $68 Surprise your mom during

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1604, Mother's Pin l OK - $139, GE - $20

K. 3030, Split Shank Ring w / Anchor l OK, lOW - $193, SS - $85

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D. ER141 , Silhouette Rose Earrings $35

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(specify when ordermg) SS =Sterling Silver GE =Gold -plate

GF - gold filled

colored scones are synthetic See FAQs on website for additional info

Items may not be shown m actual size

alpha. sigma. tau National Headquarters 3334 Founders Road Indianapolis, IN 46268


Non-Profit Organization

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