January – September

Because of your generous support and faithful prayers, Alpha USA has continued to provide the resources and training necessary for churches and ministries to share Alpha with their communities at no cost. We desire for everyone, everywhere, to have the chance to hear the good news of Jesus in a good way. Your support is helping people discover and develop a relationship with Jesus, which positively impacts families, churches and parishes, communities, and the world.
We are very excited to innovate with new resources to help others create safe spaces for people to explore faith. We are currently working on a brand-new Alpha Youth Series, which we plan to release in 2024, and a new Alpha Film Series planned for release in 2025. Alpha isn't just a resource provider; we also equip and serve the Church in how to create the right type of space where people can feel comfortable to open up and explore faith.

During the first three quarters of 2023, the number of churches and ministries running Alpha increased by an estimated 14 percent in the U.S. More than 6,900 churches and ministries have provided opportunities for over 411,600 participants to encounter Jesus through the more than 13,500 Alphas run around the country since January.

We are so grateful to God to be on this mission together with you. We need each other to spread the love and message of Jesus to the ends of the Earth, and we are thankful for your partnership in this important ministry.

God has blessed the global ministry of Alpha Youth this year, and we are thankful for your part in supporting this vital outreach to teens. Generations Z and Alpha are asking different questions than those before them, and Alpha is creating new resources to engage preteens and teens with the good news of Jesus, helping them discover and develop a relationship with him.
A new Alpha Youth Film Series is in production, set to be released in 2024. The Alpha Youth team has been hard at work writing new episodes, gathering stories, and filming new street interviews

6,167 Leaders trained
2,900 Ministries represented
around the world. This series will feature younger hosts, more diversity, and is designed to reach the youngest among Gen Z and the rising Gen Alpha with the gospel.
The Alpha YTH Collective (AYC) launched this year, bringing more than 250 youth leaders together to date to envision a new kind of future in youth ministry. These events, hosted in different cities nationwide, provide opportunities for young leaders to learn ways to create a healthy culture, engage the Holy Spirit in prayer, and learn from one another.
Alpha Youth also launched the Circles + Spaces Leadership Cohort, created to prepare youth leaders for mission through connection, collaboration, competency, and culture. This five-month cohort brings together 20-50 youth leaders at a time for peer learning and expert coaching.

Alpha Youth Elements is a new product from Alpha Youth, providing youth leaders with a comprehensive resource to contextualize Alpha Youth for their specific ministry. The resource includes customizable talk scripts, videos, and discussion guides, allowing users to personalize the content and enhance the experience for students.
2,316 Churches and ministries that ran Alpha Youth
4,007 Alpha Youth courses run
115,907 Alpha Youth participants
165 Training events
Coming out of a challenging season due to the pandemic, Alpha’s prison ministry has been able to reenter many of the prisons we previously served and is developing partnerships to expand into new areas. We are thankful incarcerated people will be able to attend Alpha again and hear the message of forgiveness and freedom that Jesus offers us all.
Our team hosted various training events, both in person and virtually, to meet the demand to equip churches and ministries to run Alpha. We offered opportunities for individuals to prepare to lead Alpha and Alpha Youth, run The Marriage Course, serve as a coach, or create a culture of hospitality in their congregations.
302 Prisons that ran Alpha 567 Alpha courses run in a prison

11,340 Participants

After years of poor decisions, Danny was sentenced to 45 years in prison. One day he was praying, and he felt like God said,
Danny now runs Alpha Youth for at-risk teens in inner-city Indianapolis.
I want you to go back into the same kind of communities that you once helped destroy, and I want you to start to rebuild them."
Alpha created a three-week experience titled ever wonder? as an entryway into spiritual conversations with people who are curious about faith. Participants can join a small, informal group for discussions about life and faith and watch videos that address the questions, “Am I loved?”; “Do I belong?”; and “Does my life have meaning?” ever wonder? was designed as a bridge for those who might see an ad but who are not yet ready to dive into the deeper topics of faith introduced in an Alpha course. Experiencing ever wonder? allows them to become acquainted with Alpha before committing to the longer series, and many have joined a local or online Alpha after experiencing the community and hospitality exemplified in their small groups.