Alpha Xi Delta Convention 2015 Program

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Alpha Xi Delta 2015 51st National Convention

Welcome to Alpha Xi Delta’s 51st National Convention! It is wonderful to be in Boston – a city that is home to cultural facilities, world-class educational institutions, champion sports franchises as well as historical attractions. While you are here, be sure to make the most of your experience. Whether you are an undergraduate member or alumna, this Convention will inspire you to realize your potential. You have the ability to meet both national volunteers and staff who support our dear Fraternity. You will also attend our educational sessions, which are designed to connect you with Sisters who will motivate and encourage you. We have so much to accomplish during our time in Boston: conduct the business of Alpha Xi Delta, honor the fabulous accomplishments of our chapters and associations, witness the installation of our National Council and learn new ways to advance our chapters and organization. I am especially excited to celebrate our Sisterhood aboard the Spirit of Boston as we cruise down the Harbor for the Fourth of July. Thank you for joining us in Boston! We hope you are truly inspired by this extraordinary event and leave with a renewed love and pride for Alpha Xi Delta. Loyally, Sandi Edwards Alpha Xi Delta National President


Schedule at a Glance Wednesday, July 1

9:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. The Workout Registration 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. The Workout 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Rose Petal Event 5:15 p.m. – 5:45 p.m. Page Orientation 3:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. National Convention Registration 3:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Marketplace 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Sisterhood Social Thursday, July 2 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. National Convention Registration 9:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Marketplace 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Initiation 10:15 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. General Session – Ritual Program 12:00 p.m. – 12:30 p.m. Delegate Orientation 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. General Session – Meet Glennon Doyle Melton and a Book Signing 4:15 p.m. – 5:15 p.m. Educational Sessions 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. Educational Sessions 7:30 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. Welcome Banquet

Friday, July 3

9:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 9:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. 12:45 p.m. – 1:45 p.m. 2:00 p.m. – 2:45 p.m. 3:00 p.m. – 3:45 p.m. 4:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.

Saturday, July 4

1:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m.


Registration Marketplace Philanthropy Breakfast National Chapter Meeting Foundation Meet Xi Elite Event - Invite Only Educational Sessions Educational Sessions AXiD Talks Conversation Café Awards Celebration Registration National Chapter Meeting Rose Banquet

Table of Contents Instagram Contest....................................................................6 The Essential Elements of Wellbeing...............................7-10 Shining Stars...........................................................................11 Wednesday, July 1 Schedule.................................................12 Thursday, July 2 Schedule................................................13-21 Friday, July 3 Schedule...................................................22-30 Saturday, July 4 Schedule.....................................................31 General Session Speaker Information...............................32 Directory............................................................................33-36 Educational Session Speaker Bios.................................37-49 Advertisments and Sponsors..........................................50-57

Greek Letter Guide Α Β Γ Δ Ε Ζ

Alpha Beta Gamma Delta Epsilon Zeta


Eta Theta Iota Kappa Lambda Mu


Nu Τ Xi Υ Omicron Φ Pi Χ Rho Ψ Sigma Ω


Tau Upsilon Phi Chi Psi Omega


Instagram Contest

During each day of Convention, take a photo of the topics listed below using Instagram. Tag your photo with the hashtag #axidboston. We’ll pick a winner each day for the Instagram contest. If you win, you’ll receive an email the following morning and can pick up your prize at the registration desk. Saturday’s winner will be notified prior to the Rose Banquet.

Instagram Photo Contest Topics

Wednesday, July 1: Your favorite item in Xi Boutique Thursday, July 2: Flat BetXi Bear - These were given out at the Sisterhood Social. Friday, July 3: Philanthropy Saturday, July 4: Showing Sisterhood around Boston


Elements of Wellbeing

About the Five Essential Elements of Wellbeing

Much of what we think will improve our wellbeing is either misguided or just plain wrong. Gallup scientists have been exploring the demands of a life welllived since the mid-20th century. More recently, in partnership with leading economists, psychologists and other acclaimed scientists, Gallup began to explore the common elements of wellbeing in more than 150 countries. This gave them a lens into the wellbeing of more than 98% of the world’s population. During their research, five distinct dimensions or statistical factors of what constitutes wellbeing emerged. Wellbeing is about the combination of our love for what we do each day, the quality of our relationships, the security of our finances, the vibrancy of our physical health, and the pride we take in what we have contributed to our communities. Most importantly, it’s about how those five elements interact. While 66% of people are doing well in at least one of these areas, just 7% are thriving in all five. If we’re struggling in any one of these domains, as most of us are, it damages our wellbeing and wears on our daily life. When we strengthen our wellbeing in any of these areas, we will have better days, months and decades. But we’re not getting the most out of our lives unless we’re living effectively in all five. These elements are the currency of a life that matters. They do not include every nuance of what’s important in life, but they do represent five broad categories that are essential to most people. All of our Convention programming is centered around these five essential elements of wellbeing: Career, Social, Financial, Physical and Community. Each breakout session lists what element of wellbeing with which it best associates.


Elements of Wellbeing

Career Wellbeing

Do you like what you do each day? This might be the most basic, yet important, wellbeing question you could ask yourself. Yet only 20% of the people Gallup has studied can give a strong “yes” in response. Career Wellbeing is arguably the most essential of the five elements. At a fundamental level, we all need something to do, and ideally something to look forward to, when we wake up every day. What you spend your time doing each day shapes your identity, whether you are a student, parent, volunteer, retiree or have a more conventional job. Gallup’s research reveals that if you don’t have the opportunity to regularly do something you enjoy, the odds of your having high wellbeing in other areas diminish rapidly.

Social Wellbeing

We often underestimate the impact of our closest relationships and social connections on our wellbeing. However, our wellbeing is dramatically influenced by the people around us as well as by our friends’ independent network of relationships. Some of these friendships help us to achieve, while others motivate us to be healthy. Social Wellbeing is about having strong relationships and love in your life. People with high Social Wellbeing have several close relationships that help them achieve, enjoy life and be healthy. They are surrounded by people who encourage their development and growth, accept them for who they are and treat them with respect. They deliberately spend time investing in the networks that surround them.


Elements of Wellbeing Financial Wellbeing

Money may not buy happiness, but it is hard to be happy if you cannot meet your basic needs. Beyond that, the actual amount of money you have has much less of an impact on your overall wellbeing than financial security and how you manage and spend your money. Financial Wellbeing is about effectively managing your economic life. People with high Financial Wellbeing manage their personal finances well and spend their money wisely. They buy experiences instead of just material possessions, and they give to others instead of always spending on themselves. At a basic level, they are satisfied with their overall standard of living. Their successful strategies result in financial security, which eliminates daily stress and worry caused by debt. This financial security allows them to do what they want to do when they want to do it. They have the freedom to spend more time with the people they like to be around. Managing your finances well allows you to do what you want to do when you want to do it.

Physical Wellbeing

The short-term choices we make can have a long-term effect on our overall physical health. When we adopt healthy habits and make smart lifestyle choices about diet, exercise and sleep, we feel better, have more energy, look better and live longer. Physical Wellbeing is about having good health and enough energy to get things done on a daily basis. People with high Physical Wellbeing manage their health well. They exercise regularly, and as a result, they feel better. They make good dietary choices, which keeps their energy high throughout the day and sharpens their thinking. They get enough sleep to process what they have learned the day before and to get a good start on the next day. Because of their healthy lifestyle, they are usually able to do all the things people their age would normally do. When they wake up wellrested each day, they look better, feel better and have more energy.


Elements of Wellbeing Community Wellbeing

Community Wellbeing isn’t the first thing people think about when they evaluate their overall wellbeing. But this element can actually be the differentiator between a good life and a great one. At a basic level, we need to feel safe where we live and secure about the quality of the water we drink and the air we breathe. We also need to have a home that meets our needs and a community we can take pride in. When we get involved in our community and give back to society, it benefits us as well as the recipients and our entire community. This “well-doing” promotes deeper social interaction, enhanced meaning and purpose, and a more active lifestyle. Community Wellbeing is about the sense of engagement you have with the area where you live. People with high Community Wellbeing feel safe and secure where they live. They take pride in their community and feel that it’s headed in the right direction. This often results in their wanting to give back and make a lasting contribution to society. These people have identified the areas where they can contribute based on their own strengths and passions, and they tell others about these interests to connect with the right groups and causes. Their contributions to the community may start small, but over time, they lead to more involvement and have a profound impact on the community in which they live. These efforts are what create communities we cannot imagine living without.

A Clear Vision of Life: The Wellbeing Program

A Clear Vision of Life: The Wellbeing Program is an educational program specifically designed for Alpha Xi Delta alumnae. Based on the book, “Wellbeing: The Five Essential Elements” by Tom Rath and Jim Harter, the program offers “challenges” related to the five elements of wellbeing: Career, Social, Financial, Physical and Community. For more information about this program, log in to Exclusively Xi or visit


Shining Stars

Shining Stars are back - by popular demand! Honor the Sisters and friends in your life who have inspired you to realize your potential. Giving a Shining Star is an opportunity for everyone to get involved - whether or not their honorees are attending Convention. Through the purchase of $5 stars, donors are joining together to support the Alpha Xi Delta Foundation in our mission to support the Fraternity’s educational and leadership development.

How it Works

For just $5 per star, you can give a Shining Star in honor, celebration or memory of someone. All honorees will receive an email following Convention to let them know you’ve donated to the Foundation in their honor. Their name will also be displayed in the Shining Star GalaxXi at National Convention.

Where to Purchase Your Stars

Shining Stars can be purchased at the Alpha Xi Delta Foundation table.

Why the Shining Star?

Through gifts from donors, the Foundation is able to fulfill her mission of supporting the Fraternity’s educational and leadership development programming; providing and continuing to expand scholarships, grants and member-support funds; and encouraging philanthropy.


Wednesday, July 1 Wednesday at a Glance 9:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. 5:15 p.m. – 5:45 p.m. 3:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.

The Workout Registration The Workout Rose Petal Event Page Orientation National Convention Registration Marketplace Sisterhood Social

The Workout

10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. | Constitution | Casual Attire This is Alpha Xi Delta’s comprehensive recruitment training program that is open only to collegiate members. This event required a separate registration.

Rose Petals Event

1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. | Exeter | Casual Attire Boston-area collegiate women will host an afternoon filled with Alpha Xi Delta Sisterhood. This event is open only to members and legacies. Legacy guests can include daughters, granddaughters, sisters, nieces, half-sisters and steprelatives who are under age 16 and registered with Alpha Xi Delta as a Rose Petal.


3:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. | MPO 2 | Casual Attire


3:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. | Back Bay A/B | Casual Attire

Page Orientation

5:15 p.m. - 5:45 p.m. | Exeter | Casual Attire

Sisterhood Social

7:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. | Constitution | Casual Attire This event will feature appetizers, fun and time to visit with Sisters!


Thursday, July 2 Thursday at a Glance 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. National Convention Registration 9:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Marketplace 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Chapel 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Initiation 10:15 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. General Session – Ritual Program 12:00 p.m. – 12:30 p.m. Delegate Orientation 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. General Session – Meet Glennon Doyle Melton and a Book Signing 4:15 p.m. – 5:15 p.m. Educational Sessions 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. Educational Sessions 7:30 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. Welcome Banquet


8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. | MPO 2

Marketplace and Hospitality 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. | Back Bay A/B


8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. | Exeter


9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. | Constitution | White Quill Attire All voting delegates and alternates must attend.

General Session: Ritual Program

10:15 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. | Constitution | Quill Attire

Delegate Orientation

12:00 p.m. - 12:30 p.m. | Constitution | Quill Attire


12:30 p.m. - 1:50 p.m. | Lunch on your own


Thursday, July 2 General Session: Meet Glennon Doyle Melton and a Book Signing

2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. | Constitution | Quill Attire Sponsored by the Alpha Xi Delta Foundation. See page 32 for more details. Bring your copy of Glennon’s book for her to sign, or you can purchase a book on-site.

Educational Sessions

4:15 p.m. - 5:15 p.m. | Choose one of the eight offered sessions to attend. Sessions for this block are listed on pages 14-17.

Session 1: The Best of the Best -- Put Your Philanthropy Know-How to the Test*** 4:15 p.m. - 5:15 p.m. | Beacon A | Quill Attire| Wellbeing Element: Community Presenters: Susan Eicher Mamber, National Philanthropy Director Jennifer Daniels Umberger, Philanthropy Territory Director- Midwest Dani Serlin, Philanthropy Territory Director- West Ann Boeker Gibbons, Autism Speaks Senior Regional Director, Southeast So, you’re already doing a great job hosting successful philanthropy events. Perhaps you’re meeting your goals, planning ahead and having a lot of fun to boot! But, the real question is, how can you be doing even better? Join us to learn best practices for fundraising, event planning, publicity and more!

Session 2: Oh, Snap(chat)!: Creating Policies for Social Media to Positively Impact Your Brand and Your Chapter’s Brand*** 4:15 p.m. - 5:15 p.m. | Beacon B | Quill Attire | Wellbeing Element: Social Presenter: Lauren Blankenbaker Felts, Director of Communications and Marketing We will discuss how to brand yourself in social media, how to implement social media policies and share sample social media contracts.


Thursday, July 2 Session 3: All About That Space, ‘Bout That Space, ‘Bout That Space*** 4:15 p.m. - 5:15 p.m. | Beacon D | Quill Attire | Wellbeing Element: Community/Career Presenter: Christina Robertson, National Housing Corporation Director We’re bringing beauty baaaaack…Chapter housing plays a significant role in fostering each chapter’s overall health and each member’s Alpha Xi Delta experience. Having a beautiful, functional chapter home is a key part of that equation. This session will explore how to ensure your chapter facility attracts collegians, now and in the future, in a manner consistent with the Alpha Xi Delta brand. We are all about that space!

Session 4: You Don’t Have to be a Millionaire (Although, I’m Sure You Wouldn’t Mind!)** 4:15 p.m. - 5:15 p.m. | Beacon E | Quill Attire| Wellbeing Element: Community/ Financial Presenter: Elizabeth Shelly de Jong, Alpha Xi Delta Foundation Development Officer We all want to make a difference in the world. We all want to support causes for which we are passionate. But, there are so many good causes - natural disaster relief, medical/illness support and research, and our own Foundation. And, there are so many ways in which to give. How do you make the biggest impact for the most organizations when you don’t have millions to give away? How can that impact benefit you? Let us help you help others.

Session Guide: * Collegian

** Alumnae

*** Both


Thursday, July 2 Session 5: Behind the Scenes: Setting the Stage for Recruitment Success!** 4:15 p.m. - 5:15 p.m. | Beacon F | Quill Attire | Wellbeing Element: Social Presenters: Heather Haroff Chibuk, Associate Director of Membership Growth and Marketing Becky Richter Perrett, National Recruitment Director Picture it: the room is filled with double blue and gold balloons, the water glasses are glistening in the sunlight and Sisters stand poised by the door ready to greet the potential new members! Recruitment is a well thoughtout production that takes many months to plan, and chapters can’t do it without your help! Join us for best practices in supporting a chapter through a successful recruitment and beyond.

Session 6: Stop Apologizing! Let Your Confidence Shine!*** 4:15 p.m. - 5:15 p.m. | Beacon G | Quill Attire | Wellbeing Element: Career Presenters: Michelle Marchand, Fraternity Volunteer Becky Soderholm, Associate Director of Area Development – Area III As women, we have a natural tendency to apologize when an apology isn’t necessary, to push our ideas aside to give space to a louder voice and to question our ability to lead when we don’t have all the experience requested. While society has placed many hurdles in front of us, we often place the highest hurdles on ourselves. This session will take an honest look at the challenges that stand in our way of being confident in who we are and what we bring to the table and instead dare us to be brave, stand tall and let our leadership light shine.


Thursday, July 2

Session 7: Building Your Resume One Strength at a Time* 4:15 p.m. - 5:15 p.m. | Beacon H | Quill Attire| Wellbeing Element: Career Presenter: Megan Horst Foster, Associate Director of Education and Leadership This program is for those who have taken the StrengthsFinder Assessment. You know your top five strengths. You’ve been an active member of Alpha Xi Delta and your campus community. How do you use your experiences and your strengths to land your dream job? Join this session to learn tricks and practical tips to build a strengths-based resume and get you one step closer to life in the real world.

Session 8: My Sister’s Keeper: Understanding the Gift and Responsibility of Membership in Alpha Xi Delta* 4:15 p.m. - 5:15 p.m. | Berkeley | Quill Attire| Wellbeing Element: Community Presenter: Bobbi Larsen, Education Consultant; Holmes Murphy With sorority membership comes a responsibility to your Sisters and to your Sisterhood. This workshop will present real-life examples of what can happen when members fail to live up to the values of Alpha Xi Delta, and will offer ways to have a safer and more meaningful sorority experience by embracing the commitment that your Sisterhood brings. Session Guide: * Collegian

** Alumnae

*** Both


Thursday, July 2 Educational Sessions

5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. | Choose one of the eight offered sessions to attend. Sessions for this block are listed on pages 18-21.

Session 1: Fun. Fit. Philanthropy!*** 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. | Beacon A | Quill Attire | Wellbeing Element: Community Presenters: Susan Eicher Mamber, National Philanthropy Director Jennifer Beeman Zipf, Philanthropy Territory Director - Alumnae Involvement Ann Boeker Gibbons, Autism Speaks Senior Regional Director, Southeast Hop to it! Dance to it! Do whatever you’d like--just so long as you’re moving to it! Being active while raising awareness for Autism Speaks is the purpose behind Fun. Fit. Philanthropy! This program will give you tools on how to sponsor an event in your community. You’ll move and shake all the way to an amaXIng event!

Session 2: Oh, Snap(chat)!: Creating Policies for Social Media to Positively Impact Your Brand and Your Chapter’s Brand*** 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. | Beacon B | Quill Attire| Wellbeing Element: Social Presenter: Lauren Blankenbaker Felts, Director of Communications and Marketing This session will focus on the steps to create a social media policy that will positively affect your chapter and/or association. We will discuss trends in social media, how to effectively brand yourself in social media, how to implement social media policies within a chapter or association and share sample social media contracts.


Thursday, July 2 Session 3: Corporation Health Check*** 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. | Beacon D | Quill Attire | Wellbeing Element: Financial Presenters: Nealy Patty Wheat, National Vice President Christina Robertson, National Housing Corporation Director Danica Vanasse Olson, National Housing Corporation Board President Paige Faries, National Housing Corporation Board Director Jean Leider, National Housing Corporation Board Director Greek housing management can be a tricky business, leaving volunteers often wondering if they forgot something. This session will provide you with an opportunity give your local building corporation (LBC) a “health check”. Attendees will be provided with a checklist of important action items and best practices on various topics impacting the financial health of their LBC. Topics discussed will include required IRS filings, financial record keeping, legal liability, insurance and employment issues.

Session 4: Top 10 Reasons Alpha Xi Delta Isn’t Just 4 Years, It’s For Life* 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. | Beacon E | Quill Attire| Wellbeing Element: Community/Financial Presenters: Elizabeth Shelly de Jong, Alpha Xi Delta Foundation Development Officer Sarah Alice Throckmorton, Lifetime Engagement Manager The “real world” is just within your sights. You’re ready to have a job (perhaps you’ll finally have some money!); you’re ready to have some free time (now that you’re not booked up with chapter meetings, homework and classes); you’re ready to be an active and engaged alumna member (but how…?) Join us as we share the ten ways to stay involved and contribute to the organization that gave you so much. Remember, it’s not just 4 years—it’s for life! Session Guide: * Collegian

** Alumnae

*** Both


Thursday, July 2

Session 5: Paul Revere’s Ride: Sharing the Convention Experience* 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. | Beacon F | Quill Attire| Wellbeing Element: Career/ Community Presenter: Brittany Donatelli, Area Facilitator You may not be on a horse, a revolution may not be on your doorstep, and your experience likely has nothing to do with the British, but like Paul Revere, your ride to Boston will teach you so much. How will you take what you’ve learned and experienced back to your chapter? Come to this session and learn how to spread the word once you’re back on campus, how to share your Convention experience and implement your new-found ideas.

Session 6: Managing Membership Selection: A Twenty-First Century Approach* 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. | Beacon G | Quill Attire| Wellbeing Element: Community Presenters: Heather Haroff Chibuk, Associate Director of Membership Growth and Marketing Becky Richter Perrett, National Recruitment Director The 2014-2015 academic year saw a big shift in how we manage membership selection. Select-A-Sis, a web based electronic voting program, saves time, helps chapters stay organized and makes membership selection as efficient as sending a text message. Learn about the implementation of this resource and its amaXIng features and benefits!


Thursday, July 2 Session 7: Cause and Effect, Chain of Events: Does YOUR Chaos Make Perfect Sense?* 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. | Beacon H | Quill Attire| Wellbeing Element: Social Presenters: Tracy Kleinschmidt Osborne, Associate Executive Director Megan Horst Foster, Associate Director of Education and Leadership Let’s face it. Sometimes undesirable things happen in a chapter. BUT, how you choose to react can make all the difference. This interactive session will have you working with other participants to assess, react and think through what needs to happen to lead the chapter during a time of potential crisis and chaos. What are your first steps? Who do you contact? Who makes the decisions? Does the media know? Is there a video? These questions, and many more, will be evaluated in this thought-provoking session.

Session 8: My Sister’s Keeper: Understanding the Gift and Responsibility of Membership in Alpha Xi Delta* 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. | Berkeley | Quill Attire | Wellbeing Element: Community Presenter: Bobbi Larsen, Education Consultant; Holmes Murphy With sorority membership comes a responsibility to your Sisters and to your Sisterhood. This workshop will present real-life examples of what can happen when members fail to live up to the values of Alpha Xi Delta and will offer ways to have a safer and more meaningful sorority experience by embracing the commitment that your Sisterhood brings.

Welcome Banquet

7:30 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. | Grand Ballroom | Quill Attire/School Spirit This event will feature dinner and fun while you meet Sisters from other chapters. We’ll have chapter roll call and officially welcome you to Boston. Be sure to dress in your school colors if you would like as you will be sitting with Sisters from your chapter! A scarf, jewelry or other tasteful apparel that pays homage to your alma mater is appropriate. Session Guide: * Collegian

** Alumnae

*** Both


Friday, July 3 Friday at a Glance 9:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 9:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. 12:45 p.m. – 1:45 p.m. 2:00 p.m. – 2:45 p.m. 3:00 p.m. – 3:45 p.m. 4:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.

Registration Marketplace Philanthropy Breakfast National Chapter Meeting Foundation Meet Xi Elite Event Educational Sessions Educational Sessions AXiD Talks Conversation Café Awards Celebration

Philanthropy Breakfast

8:30 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. | Grand Ballroom | Blue Quill Attire We will celebrate our partnership with Autism Speaks, unveil the new national philanthropy video and announce our philanthropy award winners.


9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. | MPO 2

Marketplace and Hospitality 9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. | Back Bay A/B


9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. | Exeter

National Chapter Meeting

10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. | Constitution | Quill Attire All delegates must attend this meeting where we will conduct the business of the National Fraternity.

Alpha Xi Delta Foundation Meet Xi Elite Event

12:45 p.m. - 1:45 p.m. | Independence West | Quill Attire| Invitation Only


Friday, July 3 Break

12:30 p.m. - 1:50 p.m. | Lunch on your own

Educational Sessions

2:00 p.m. - 2:45 p.m. | Choose one of the seven offered sessions to attend. Sessions for this block are listed on pages 23-26.

Session 1:

Steppin’ It Up! Taking Your Game to the Next Level: Autism Speaks Edition.*** 2:00 p.m. - 2:45 p.m. | Beacon A | Quill Attire| Wellbeing Element: Financial/ Community Presenters: Jennifer Beeman Zipf, Philanthropy Territory Director- Alumnae Engagement Russ Kenn, Executive Director, New England Chapter, Autism Speaks Great things are already happening. Autism Speaks and Alpha Xi Delta are helping to bring awareness and raise critical funds for those affected by Autism Spectrum Disorders. But, we can still step up our game! Learn exciting new initiatives and strategies for taking our partnership to the next level! Alpha Xi Delta prides herself on remaining Autism Speaks’ premiere nonprofit partner and this session will equip you with tools to actively assist in this endeavor.

Session 2: Websites, Social Media, and Chapter Communication. Oh my!*** 2:00 p.m. - 2:45 p.m. | Beacon B | Quill Attire| Wellbeing Element: Social Presenter: Shaina Geltman, Vice President of Client Relations GIN Systems Your chapter’s website and social media accounts are often the first thing that your stakeholders view. What do they say about your chapter? Are you making the best digital first impression that you can? Join GIN and learn about how your chapter can positively promote itself through social media and your chapter website. Session Guide: * Collegian

** Alumnae

*** Both


Friday, July 3 Session 3: Housing Operations- Today, Tomorrow, and Beyond** 2:00 p.m. - 2:45 p.m. | Beacon D | Quill Attire| Wellbeing Element: Career Presenter: Steve Ratterman, Partner CSL MANAGEMENT, LLC Student housing, whether it be residence halls, apartments or chapter houses/ facilities, continues to evolve and change at a vigorous pace, thus trying to stay competitive with market trends is becoming increasing difficult. This session will share some of the trends occurring within fraternity and sorority housing and provide recommendations on what house corporations need to be doing today to ensure the chapter house remains relevant. In addition, making sure any improvements and/or investments in the facility are maintained in a manner to maximize the return on investment.

Session 4: Be the Spark! Ignite your Panhellenic Passion!*** 2:00 p.m. - 2:45 p.m. | Beacon E | Quill Attire| Wellbeing Element: Community Presenter: Deanna Wollam Detchemendy, National Panhellenic Delegate and Past National President Panhellenic Delegates/officers play a very important role in ensuring a healthy, growing and vibrant sorority community. Around the country, many campuses are finding that their communities are ready for change—raising or lowering total, opening for extension, making changes to Bylaws and a myriad of other topics affecting our chapters and sorority communities. Does your chapter know how to be engaged in these hot topics? What power do you have exactly? Who do you need to talk to? Why does all of this matter? Join Alpha Xi Delta’s National Panhellenic Delegate as she discusses the ever-important role of the college Panhellenic Delegate and officers. Be the spark that ignites positive change in your community!


Friday, July 3 Session 5:

From Sister to Leader: Secrets to Being Sisterly While Getting the Business of the Chapter Accomplished* 2:00 p.m. - 2:45 p.m. | Beacon F | Quill Attire| Wellbeing Element: Financial/ Social Presenters: Stephanie Davis Thompson, National Financial Director Amanda Benson Hicks, Budget Specialist Julie Robinson, Territory Financial Director – Midwest Melanie Holwood, Area Facilitator The transition from member to chapter officer is an exciting opportunity for responsibility and growth. It also brings about new relationship dynamics, especially when it comes to ensuring the fulfillment of dues and membership requirements by your fellow Sisters. The goal of this session is to make you more confident in your leadership abilities by providing a few pointers in communicating clearly and working through problems to achieve resolution, especially in the areas of finance and membership requirements.

Session 6: One-to-One: Inspiring Members to Realize their Potential*** 2:00 p.m. - 2:45 p.m. | Beacon G | Quill Attire| Wellbeing Element: Career Presenters: Peggy Dickerhoff Coyne, National New Member Director Jane Wilkens Schroeder, New Member Territory Director – West Becky Soderholm, Associate Director of Area Development – Area III As Alpha Xi Deltas, we inspire each other to realize our potential. Having a mentor in your life can help you become the best version of yourself while being a mentor to others is an opportunity for you to help our members become the best women they can be. Come learn why mentoring relationships are important, how you can find a mentor and how you can be a mentor for others!

Session Guide: * Collegian

** Alumnae

*** Both


Friday, July 3 Session 7: Reframing How We Think About Scholarship* 2:00 p.m. - 2:45 p.m. | Beacon H | Quill Attire| Wellbeing Element: Community/Career Presenters: Jenny Greyerbiehl, National Academic Director Tracy Bombik, Midwest Academic Territory Director Scholarship plays a large role in our collegiate experience. Our most beloved symbol, the Quill, shows us just how embedded this tenant is in the foundation of the Fraternity. Join Sisters from the academic team as we rethink academics with a fresh set of eyes by debunking some common assumptions, sharing some new ways of thinking about academic success and brainstorming some ideas that we hope will lead to not only improved academics, but improved overall wellbeing.

Educational Sessions

3:00 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. | Choose one of the seven offered sessions to attend. Sessions for this block are listed on pages 26-29.

Session 1:

Steppin’ It Up! Taking Your Game to the Next Level: Autism Speaks Edition.*** 3:00 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. | Beacon A | Quill Attire| Wellbeing Element: Financial/ Community Presenters: Jennifer Beeman Zipf, Philanthropy Territory Director- Alumnae Engagement Russ Kenn, Executive Director, New England Chapter, Autism Speaks Great things are already happening. Autism Speaks and Alpha Xi Delta are helping to bring awareness and raise critical funds for those affected by Autism Spectrum Disorders. But, we can still step up our game! Learn exciting new initiatives and strategies for taking our partnership to the next level! Alpha Xi Delta prides herself on remaining Autism Speaks premiere nonprofit partner and this session will equip you with tools to actively assist in this endeavor.


Friday, July 3

Session 2:

You’ve Heard the Rumors. You’ve Seen the Buzz. Come Learn the Real Scoop on Title IX.*** 3:00 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. | Beacon B | Quill Attire| Wellbeing Element: Community Presenters: Tracy Kleinschmidt Osborne, Associate Executive Director Elizabeth S. de Jong, Alpha Xi Delta Foundation Development Officer So, what’s all this talk about Title IX? Wasn’t this big news back in 1972? This session will share the premise of Title IX, what it meant then and what it means now in our current culture and campus climate. Attendees will be challenged to process how the new Title IX regulations and recommendations going into effect July 2015 could impact the fraternity and sorority community.

Session 3: All About That Space, ‘Bout That Space, ‘Bout That Space*** 3:00 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. | Beacon D | Quill Attire| Wellbeing Element: Community/Career Presenter: Christina Robertson, National Housing Corporation Director We’re bringing beauty baaaaack…Chapter housing plays a significant role in fostering each chapter’s overall health and each member’s Alpha Xi Delta experience. Having a beautiful, functional chapter home is a key part of that equation. This session will explore how to ensure your chapter facility attracts collegians, now and in the future, in a manner consistent with the Alpha Xi Delta brand. We are all about that space! Session Guide: * Collegian

** Alumnae

*** Both


Friday, July 3 Session 4:

Translating our Passion for Philanthropy into a Powerful Recruitment Event* 3:00 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. | Beacon E | Quill Attire| Wellbeing Element: Community/Social Presenters: Becky Richter Perrett, National Recruitment Director Susan Eicher Mamber, National Philanthropy Director Heather Haroff Chibuk, Associate Director of Membership Growth and Marketing The Fraternity’s partnership with Autism Speaks is a point of pride for our membership. From fundraising to volunteering to increasing awareness-recruitment is the perfect time to highlight the difference we make in our communities. Have you found it hard to balance sharing information about Autism Speaks vs. moving the conversation forward? Join this session for tips and tricks to make the most of your Piece It Together Philanthropy Party by communicating the features and benefits of Alpha Xi Delta, all while highlighting our partnership with Autism Speaks.

Session 5: All Things Association** 3:00 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. | Beacon F | Quill Attire| Wellbeing Element: Social Presenter: Julie Schroder Lindsay, National Alumnae Director Sarah Alice Throckmorton, Lifetime Engagement Manager Volunteers from the National Alumnae Team Everything you need to know about alumnae association management for the upcoming year. Learn about requirements, recruitment and programming ideas and have your questions answered by members of the National Alumnae Team. This program is mandatory for all associations in attendance.


Friday, July 3 Session 6:

You’ve Shown Your Stuff...Now What? Understanding the APR.* 3:00 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. | Beacon G | Quill Attire| Wellbeing Element: Career Presenters: Jenny Greyerbiehl, National Academic Director Courtney Peek Gable, Associate Director of Area Development-Area II Everyone wants something from you. From your college or university to the National Fraternity, everyone asks you to explain and document how you live up to the values of our Founders and how your chapter contributes to your community as a fraternal organization. So, you put in the work—you may even think about it ahead of time—but why, oh why do you need to show your stuff to everyone?!? This session will help you understand why the APR is important to the Fraternity, why it should be important to YOU and your chapter, and how you should be moving forward once you receive your results!

Session 7: You’ve Gotta Do it: Confrontation in Your Sisterhood* 3:00 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. | Beacon H | Quill Attire| Wellbeing Element: Social/ Career/Community Presenters: Brittany Donatelli, Area Facilitator The word itself, confrontation, can bring an uneasy feeling over those who are tasked with facilitating a challenging conversation. But, to move forward, you’ve gotta do it! In this session, learn strategies for how to build Sisterhood through productive confrontation.

Session Guide: * Collegian

** Alumnae

*** Both


Friday, July 3 AXiD Talks: Matters of Merit and Worth

4:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. | Constitution| Quill Attire Join presenters from different facets of the Fraternity as we uncover the “why” for some of our most recent changes and upcoming opportunities. These quick updates will empower you to think about the philosophy behind some hot-button areas of Fraternal movement and challenge you to see how they may impact your experience. AXiD Talks, created to emulate the famed TED Talks, is designed to give you deeper, more thought-provoking insights to some exciting things happening in our Fraternity.

Conversation Café

4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. | Constitution Foyer| Quill Attire There will be several tables featuring specific topics of all things Alpha Xi Delta. Bring your questions, stop by and introduce yourself and learn more about what Alpha Xi Delta membership has to offer.

Awards Reception

8:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. | Grand Ballroom | Cocktail Attire Join us for a dessert reception as we honor this year’s award winners!


Saturday, July 4

Saturday at a Glance 1:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m.

Registration National Chapter Meeting Rose Banquet


1:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. | MPO 2

National Chapter Meeting

2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. | Constitution | Quill Attire

Rose Banquet

5:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. | Constitution | Red, White or Blue Cocktail Attire Our beloved Rose Banquet will begin at the hotel and conclude on the Boston Harbor aboard a boat called Spirit of Boston. This cruise around the Harbor will feature a fantastic dinner, fun with Sisters and a spectacular view of Boston’s fireworks!


Glennon Doyle Melton Glennon Doyle Melton is the author of the inspiring and hilarious New York Times bestselling memoir, Carry On, Warrior. She is the founder of, an online community where hundreds of thousands of readers meet daily to experience her shameless and laugh-out-loud funny essays about marriage, motherhood, faith, addiction, recovery and serving the marginalized. She is also the creator and president of Together Rising, a nonprofit organization that has revolutionized online giving through “Love Flash Mobs” and has connected countless families in need with hundreds of thousands of dollars in critical resources. A popular speaker in the U.S. and internationally, Glennon speaks frequently to diverse audiences including corporations, universities, faith communities, nonprofit groups, mental health professionals, parents’ organizations, women’s leadership and nonprofit conferences, and writing groups. When speaking to corporate and association audiences, she motivates leaders and employees to build trust and cohesion on their teams by embracing courage, boldness and purpose in their life’s work. She is known for her unique ability to inspire women to embrace unity and each other. The fact that her events sell out across the county is testament that her authenticity, power and humor translate forcefully from the page to the stage. Glennon expresses universal truth through storytelling, giving voice to our shared experiences and allowing us to feel known. She invites us to believe in ourselves, to be brave and kind, to let go of the idea of perfection and to stop making life harder by pretending it’s not hard. Glennon is a courageous truth-teller and hope-spreader, a wise and witty friend who emboldens us to believe in ourselves and reminds us that the journey is the reward. She shows us that by shedding our weapons and armor, we can stop hiding, competing and striving for the mirage of perfection, to build lives, relationships, homes, businesses and communities.


Directory Past National Presidents Cora Bollinger Block*, 1902-03 Α, Lombard/Knox Edna Epperson Brinkman*, 1903-04 Α, Lombard/Knox Ella Boston Leib*, 1904-09 Α, Lombard/Knox Mary Emily Kay*, 1909-11 Γ, Mount Union Lena Grandin Baldwin*, 1911-18 Η, Syracuse Polly Fenton*, 1918-20 Θ, Wisconsin Anna Miller Knote*, 1920-22 Ζ, Wittenberg M. Olive Johnson Thomson* 1922-26 Ο, California, Berkeley

Dr. Elizabeth G. Van Buskirk* 1953-57 Η, Syracuse Mary Burt Brooks Nash*, 1957-62 ΑΘ, Northwestern Ethel Garnier Thompson*, 1962-68 ΑΓ, Coe Ruth Fowler Brown*, 1968-71 Π, Ohio Lois Kopper Stump*, 1971-74 ΑΚ, Kansas State Ernestine Brown Marks*, 1974-76 ΑΗ, Purdue Betty French Unkel, 1976-78 Ψ, Ohio State Kathleen Drumm Boscardin*, 1978-82 ΓΖ, Eastern Michigan

Ann O’Connor Briggs*, 1926-32 AΘ, Northwestern U

Maxine Evans Blackburn*, 1982-86 Ζ, Wittenberg

Dorothy Bryan Dengler*, 1932-37 Η, Syracuse

Dorothy Clarkson Dodd*, 1986-88 ΑΕ, Michigan

Grace Cogger Sherwood*, 1937-39 Ψ, Ohio State

Jayne Wade Anderson, 1988-93 Ρ, Nebraska - Lincoln

Olive Torgeson Wagner*, 1939-41 Σ, Iowa

Linda Belles Dinus, 1993-97 Ν, Washington

Frances Trewyn Kuechenmeister* 1941-44 Θ, Wisconsin

Kimberly Kay Starr, 1997-2001 Ξ, Kentucky

Winnafred Corwin Robinson* 1944-47 Θ, Wisconsin Hannah Wollaston Schellenbach* 1947-53 Δ, Bethany

Jane Hooper Sutton, 2001-05 ΕΓ, Western Carolina Deborah Fenwick Maas, 2005-07 ΓΒ, Marshall Deanna Wollam Detchemendy, 2007-11 ΔΡ, Cal State, Northridge *Chapter Eternal


Directory National Council NATIONAL PRESIDENT Sandi Edwards Ξ, Kentucky

Fatima Johnson ΖΤ, UNC at Asheville


Suzanne Cantando Kirshbaum ΖΤ, UNC at Asheville

Michele Herbst Evink ΕΗ, South Dakota State

Nealy Patty Wheat ΖΩ, West Georgia

Nancy Fehrmann Gainer ΕΦ, Iowa State

staff partner Elysia Balster Gallivan National Executive Director Ε, South Dakota

Micaela Isler ВΑ, Texas

Foundation Trustees 2013-2015 Chair Jane Fursey Ralston Γ, Mount Union

Vice Chair Michelle Soderquist Hartnett Ρ, Nebraska-Lincoln

Jennifer Bellas Lee ΔΜ, Old Dominion Susannah Prucka ΘΛ, Southwestern Bobbi Allphin Stanton Ξ, Kentucky

Secretary Evonne Carawan ΖΡ, North Carolina State

National President Sandi Edwards Ξ, Kentucky

Treasurer Marianne Moritz Russo ΔΡ, Cal State, Northridge

staff Partners Elysia Balster Gallivan National Executive Director Ε, South Dakota

Trustees Lynn Andrews Σ, Iowa Martha Geppert Κ, Illinois Carrie Kashawlic ΓΤ, Ohio Northern


Kendra Becker Lewis Director of Development ΑΗ, Purdue Elizabeth Shelly de Jong Development Officer Δ, Bethany

Directory National Housing Corporation NHC President Danica Vanasse Olson ΘΕ, Marquette Directors Deanna Wollam Detchemendy ΔΡ, Cal State, Northridge Paige Faries ΕΚ, Western Kentucky Jean Leider Σ, Iowa Mary Murphy-Rice ΓΑ, San Diego State

Christina Roberston ΖΩ, West Georgia Nancy Scott Walker ΑΗ, Purdue National President Sandi Edwards Ξ, Kentucky staff Partners Elysia Balster Gallivan National Executive Director Ε, South Dakota Jennifer Foster, Director of Housing ΒΠ, Indiana

National Directors Network Academic Jenny Greyerbiehl ΖΥ, Alma

Finance Stephanie Davis Thompson ΖΙ, Lyon

Alumnae Julie Schroder Lindsay ΓΒ, Marshall

Recruitment Becky Richter Perrett Ρ, Nebraska-Lincoln

C.A.R.E. Nicole Valdes ΘΣ, Central Florida

Member Development Peggy Dickerhoff Coyne ΒΤ, Kent State

Communications Teresa Nymick Sydorko ΕΛ, Rider

Philanthropy Susan Eicher Mamber ΒΤ, Kent State

Extension Marissa DeBlasio Rowe ΖΤ, UNC Asheville

Ritual Andrea Fouberg ΕΗ, South Dakota State


Directory Officers Appointed by National Council Fraternity Archivist Janet Hutchins ΑΕ, Michigan Alumnae Extension Chair Heather Roberts Lerch ΕΛ, Rider Government Relations Chair Sheri Edwards O’Connell ΒΗ, Maryland MAX CHAIR Tresa Smith Cummins ΙΖ, Wingate Member Status Chair Wendy Kurtz Levine ΒΠ, Indiana


Panhellenic Delegation Deanna Wollam Detchemendy Delegate ΔΡ, Cal State, Northridge Erin Macdonald Peck 1st Alternate Delegate ΕΖ, Eastern Washington Julie Lambert 2nd Alternate Delegate ΑΔ, Oregon State Patrice Orr Blum 3rd Alternate Delegate ΖΤ, UNC at Asheville

Speakers Tracy Bombik, Midwest Academic Territory Director

Tracy is an initiate of the Gamma Chapter where she served as President. She has a bachelor’s degree in biology and adolescent & young adult education from Mount Union College and she earned her master’s degree in curriculum & instruction from Indiana Wesleyan University. She is currently a 10th grade biology teacher in the Cleveland Metropolitan School District. She enjoys working with the Academic Achievement Chairs to ensure that all chapters set academics as their top priority.

Heather Haroff Chibuk, Associate Director of Membership Growth and Marketing

Heather graduated from Auburn University with a degree in public relations and a concentration in marketing. She traveled for the Fraternity as an Educational Leadership Consultant for two years. Prior to her role as Associate Director of Membership Growth and Marketing (ADMGM), she served the Fraternity as a National Team Lead, Chapter Development Specialist, Recruitment Specialist and a Workout Facilitator, all while working in the hospitality field in marketing. As ADMGM, Heather works on recruitment efforts for all 125 chapters, as well as extension and colonization recruitment projects for our new chapters. She currently lives in San Diego, California, with her husband, John Patrick.

Peggy Dickerhoff Coyne, National New Member Director

Peggy has served the Fraternity in a variety of roles, including New Member Advisor, Chapter Advisor, Recruitment Specialist, Financial Team Specialist, Territory Director for Member Development and currently is the National New Member Director. As a mother of a child with autism, one of the most memorable moments for her was speaking at our 2009 National Convention in Denver at the kickoff of our partnership with Autism Speaks. She is also very proud of the work her Sisters have done to support Autism Speaks. Peggy holds a degree in public relations and is currently pursuing her Masters of Business Administration at Kent State. She works as web experience manager for Progressive Insurance in Cleveland, Ohio. Peggy and her husband, Tim, reside in Ravenna, Ohio, with their sons, Alex and Josh.


Speakers Elizabeth Shelly de Jong, M.Ed., Alpha Xi Delta Foundation Development Officer

Elizabeth joined Alpha Xi Delta Foundation staff in November 2012 as Development Officer. In that role, she is responsible for identifying, engaging, soliciting and stewarding alumnae donors to support educational, leadership and scholarship programs. She is also responsible for the Undergraduate Giving Challenge, #GivingTuesday and the Foundation newsletters. With degrees from both Bethany College and Georgia Southern University in psychology and education, she worked for 17 years in higher education and volunteered during much of that time for the Fraternity in a variety of roles at both the local and national levels. Elizabeth lives in Bethany, West Virginia, with her husband, Sven, dog and cat.

Deanna Wollam Detchemendy, National Panhellenic Delegate, NHC Board Member and Past National President

Deanna is corporate real estate counsel for The Walt Disney Company and has been a real estate attorney for 25 years. She has had an active volunteer career with Alpha Xi Delta, including two terms as National President. She currently serves as the National Panhellenic Delegate and is also a member of the National Housing Corporation Board. In the housing arena, she has worked with numerous chapters and local building corporations with an eye toward fine-tuning our skills, communications, operations and facilities in ways that ensure Alpha Xi Delta continues to attract and serve the best and brightest. Deanna lives in Pasadena, California, with her husband, Gene, and her two sons, Beau and Gage.

Brittany Donatelli, Area Facilitator

Brittany is a 2008 initiate of the Delta Kappa Chapter at Slippery Rock University. After graduating in 2011 with a bachelor’s degree in fine arts, Brittany spent two years traveling as a Leadership Coach for the Fraternity. She recently graduated from Syracuse University with a Master of Science in higher education and serves as an Area Facilitator in the Northeast. Currently, she is spending the summer with her family in Pittsburgh and going on trips with friends.



Speakers Paige Faries, National Housing Corporation Secretary and Treasurer

Paige joined the Epsilon Kappa Chapter at Western Kentucky University in 1970 where she graduated with a degree in computer science. She received a master’s in computer science from the University of Kentucky in 1983. Paige retired from the IBM Corporation in 2011 after 30 years of service. She is co-holder of several patents in the computer industry. She currently enjoys retirement with her husband in Tucson, Arizona, where she is active with the Tucson Alpha Xi Delta Alumnae Association and the Tucson Alumnae Panhellenic. Paige is also currently serving as treasurer for the local Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR).

Lauren Blankenbaker Felts, Director of Communications and Marketing

Lauren earned a Bachelor of Arts in journalism with a minor in business from Indiana University. She joined Alpha Xi Delta’s staff in 2008, serving as Communications Manager and Assistant Director of Public Relations prior to becoming the Director of Communications and Marketing. Lauren and the Communications and Marketing Department work to promote the Alpha Xi Delta brand through The Quill, printed materials, social media, our National Fraternity website and everything in between. Lauren lives in Noblesville, Indiana, with her husband, Erik, her daughter, Brynn, and their dog, Toula

Megan Horst Foster, Associate Director of Education and Leadership

Megan started employment with Alpha Xi Delta in 2006 when she traveled as an Educational Leadership Consultant. She then went on to work at Rider University in the Division of Student Affairs and served the Fraternity by volunteering as an Area Facilitator, Recruitment Specialist and Workout Facilitator. Megan returned to staff as Associate Director of Area DevelopmentArea I from 2009-2013. She is currently serving as the Associate Director of Education and Leadership and enjoys the challenge of inspiring women to realize their potential! Megan works from her home office in Indiana, Pennsylvania, with her husband, Kevin and dog, Finn.


Speakers Andrea Fouberg, National Ritual Director

Andi Fouberg is an initiate of our Epsilon Eta Chapter at South Dakota State University and after graduation traveled as an Educational Leadership Consultant. A former Chapter Advisor and Area Facilitator, she has spent the last decade as the National Ritual Director. Professionally, after spending nine years in Washington, D.C. working on Capitol Hill, Andi moved back to South Dakota last year to be the President and CEO of the South Dakota State University Alumni Association.

Courtney Peek Gable, Associate Director of Area DevelopmentArea Two Courtney Gable serves as Alpha Xi Delta’s Associate Director of Area Development for Area II. After graduating from the University of West Georgia with a bachelor’s degree in education, she traveled for the Fraternity as an Educational Leadership Consultant. After her year on the road, Courtney worked at Peachtree City United Methodist Church as Associate Director of Children’s Ministry where she managed all aspects of youth programming. Courtney lives in Newnan, Georgia, with her husband, Ross and two dogs, Paisley and Penny. In her spare time, she enjoys baking and decorating cookies for special events.

Elysia Balster Gallivan, National Executive Director

Elysia is an initiate of our Epsilon Chapter at the University of South Dakota and is a five time Alpha Xi Delta legacy. She has worked for Alpha Xi Delta for 19 years, beginning as an Educational Leadership Consultant and most recently as the National Executive Director. Her passion for the Fraternity is displayed through her work with all three national boards – National Council, Alpha Xi Delta Foundation, and National Housing Corporation -- as well as leading the Fraternity Headquarters Staff in fulfilling the mission, vision and strategic priorities of the Fraternity. Elysia lives in the greater Atlanta area with her husband, Roger, and their children, Bridget, Joseph and Padraig.


Speakers Shaina Geltman, Vice President of Client Relations for Group Interactive Networks

Shaina Geltman is a graduate of Kutztown University of Pennsylvania, where she earned a degree in sports management and was a founding member of her Zeta Tau Alpha chapter. She held many leadership roles in the chapter and went on to travel as a leadership consultant after graduation. Shaina currently serves both as an alumnae chapter officer and province president for Zeta Tau Alpha, supervising a region of collegiate chapters in Florida. At GIN, Shaina has served multiple roles leading up to her current position of Vice President of Client Relations. She is willing to always go the extra mile for clients and knows that each group has unique needs. Shaina approaches every client with knowledge, experience and a passion for all things Greek.

Ann Boeker Gibbons, Autism Speaks Senior Regional Director, Southeast

After playing an integral part in starting Alpha Xi Delta’s partnership with Autism Speaks, Ann joined Alpha Xi Delta as an alumna initiate at the 2011 National Convention. She has been on staff at Autism Speaks since 2008 and currently serves as a Senior Regional Director. She is a vital part of the team that guides Alpha Xi Delta’s partnership with Autism Speaks. Among many roles, Ann and her DC field office have hosted Alpha Xi Delta collegiate women in the first two Summer Immersion experiences in 2012 and 2014. She is proud to call Susan Eicher Mamber, National Philanthropy Director, her big Sister. Ann lives in Rockville, Maryland, with her husband Mike; her son Philip, who has autism, and her daughter, a Georgetown student, lives nearby.


Speakers Jenny Greyerbiehl, National Academic Director

Jenny is the training and curriculum design coordinator for the National Panhellenic Conference. She has a Bachelor of Arts degree in organizational communication from Alma College and a Master of Education degree in college student affairs administration from the University of Georgia. She has had an active volunteer and professional career with Alpha Xi Delta, including previously serving as the Associate Director of Area Development for Area III, and prior to joining staff, served as a Recruitment Specialist, a Facilitator for The Workout and a Recruitment Territory Director for the Midwest. Jenny has also served as a volunteer for the Michigan Area Wide Training, the Indianapolis Walk Now for Autism Speaks and currently serves as the National Academic Director. She lives in Indianapolis with her dog, Fibi.

Amanda Benson Hicks, Budget Specialist

After graduating from Southern Polytechnic State University in 2007, where she was a founding member of the Iota Theta Chapter, Amanda became the Financial Advisor for the Delta Xi Chapter at Georgia State University. In October 2008, she began her career at OmegaFi. As an account management specialist, she collaborates with other members of leadership to develop and implement training opportunities for account managers. She served as the Southeast Financial Territory Director from 2009-2012 until she was appointed as the Fraternity’s Budget Specialist. Amanda resides in Smiths Station, Alabama, with her husband, Jonathan, and their two dogs, Freckles and Sadie.

Melanie Holwood, Area Facilitator

Melanie graduated with a degree in criminal justice and, shortly after graduation, she completed her masters degree in criminal justice. She is currently working on her second masters degree in higher education with a focus on student affairs. Since graduating in 2008, she has volunteered with the Fraternity in various aspects. Melanie is currently the Financial Advisor for Zeta Eta Chapter, Area Facilitator for Beta Lambda, Iota Mu and Theta Delta, and the Chapter Advisor for Tau. She also volunteers her time sitting on the Board of Directors for West Chester University Alumnae Association. When not volunteering she works full time as a probation/parole officer in Pennsylvania.Â


Speakers Russ Kenn, Autism Speaks Staff Person

Based in Boston, Russ is in his 3rd year leading Autism Speaks’ New England chapter after more than two decades as a sports TV producer. To fulfill the mission of Autism Speaks to change the future for all who struggle with autism, Russ and his team raise funds and awareness, advocate, provide an expansive information hub outlining local services and programs and most importantly, actively remove obstacles to provide unique, and in many cases, first-time opportunities to those affected by autism. Last fall, the chapter partnered with Broadway In Boston to host the first-ever autism-friendly performance of The Lion King. A Boston College graduate, Russ lives in Weymouth, Massachusetts, and spends his personal time trying to make his five children laugh, changing diapers for two of them and playing cribbage with his wife, Pam.

Bobbi Larsen, Education Consultant at Holmes Murphy

Bobbi served as a greek advisor for eight years at Indiana University, Northwestern University and the University of Nebraska at Kearney. She has been an active Alpha Chi Omega alumna, serving in positions as varied as treasurer of a local house corporation board, a member of the national strategic planning committee, and as a national vice president and member of the foundation board of trustees.

Jean Leider, National Housing Corporation Director

Jean was initiated in Sigma Chapter at the University of Iowa in 1968 and moved to the Boston area in 1970 after graduation. Since that time, she has been an active member of the Boston Alumnae Association and served as the Boston Alumnae Association President and Treasurer for many years. Other Alpha Xi Delta volunteer positions include Chapter Financial Advisor, Northeast Region Housing Facilitator, Local Corporation Board Director and/ or President (Cornell, WPI, URI, UNH) and Alpha Xi Delta Foundation Trustee. Jean received her MBA from Babson College in 1979 and has worked in the financial services industry, primarily as an auditor, since that time. Jean lives in Andover, Massachusetts, with her husband, Joel.


Speakers Julie Schroder Lindsay, National Alumnae Director

While Julie is an initiate of the Gamma Beta Chapter at Marshall University, she transferred to Purdue University where she joined our Alpha Eta Chapter and earned a degree in hotel and restaurant management. Currently, Julie is a stay-at-home mom, residing in Folsom, California, with her husband, Skip, and her children. She also freelances as a meeting planner. In addition to serving her third term as the National Alumnae Director, she is a member of the Sacramento Alumnae Association. She is passionate about alumnae and enjoys meeting new Sisters, getting people involved in associations and showing them that membership in Alpha Xi Delta truly is for a lifetime.

Susan Eicher Mamber, National Philanthropy Directory

As National Philanthropy Director, Sue works with the Territory Directors on the Philanthropy Team to provide support and guidance to our chapters as they raise funds and awareness for Autism Speaks and to inspire our Sisters to continue making a difference for all who are affected by Autism Spectrum Disorders. Sue has served as a volunteer for more than 20 years, including serving as a National Vice President from 2007-2011. She lives in Alexandria, Virginia, with her husband, Steve, and son, Sam.

Michelle Marchand, Fraternity Volunteer

Michelle is the director of program development for Delta Upsilon International Fraternity. She has worked in the fraternity/sorority industry for ten years, including previously for Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity Headquarters and Lehigh University. She earned her B.A. from the University of Mount Union and M.A. from Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Michelle has served as a presenter and facilitator for more than 25 organization and leadership academies and conferences. She resides outside of Chicago with her partner, Zac, and dog, Paulie.


Speakers Danica Vanasse Olson, National Housing Corporation Board President

Danica is a founding member of the Theta Epsilon Chapter at Marquette University. She has served in various volunteer roles for Alpha Xi Delta, including Chapter Advisor, Area Facilitator, National Council Vice President and President of the National Housing Corporation. She teaches accounting at Milwaukee Area Technical College and is the payroll manager at the Milwaukee Bucks. Danica lives in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, with her husband, Andy, and their two cats, Meg and Chloe.

Tracy Kleinschmidt Osborne, Associate Executive Director

Tracy has served in various roles within the Fraternity from Educational Leadership Consultant to National Vice President. Tracy holds a Bachelor of Arts in communication from Michigan State University and a Master of Science in managerial leadership from National-Louis University. She resides in the Chicago area with her husband, Bob, and her three Rose Petals, Maggie, Ailish and Maeve.

Becky Richter Perrett, National Recruitment Director

Becky is a former Educational Leadership Consultant and has served the Fraternity as a Regional Membership Advisor, Trainer at The Workout, Chapter Advisor for Rho Chapter and Colony/Chapter Development Specialist for Kappa Chapter. She currently volunteers as National Recruitment Director and is a member of the Extension Team. Becky is the director of marketing for RunzaŽ National, a restaurant company with 85 locations, based in Nebraska. She is involved with the Junior League of Lincoln and the Nebraska Women’s Leadership Network, is a Girls on the Run coach, and serves as a CEDARS Youth Services and Bright Lights board member. Becky and her husband, Seth, are foodies and love to travel.


Speakers Steve Ratterman, CEO/Founding Partner CSL Management LLC

Steve founded CSL Management after serving four years as the president and CEO of Fifth Point Properties, a wholly owned subsidiary of his fraternity, Sigma Nu. Steve has more than twelve years of experience in property management, nine of which have been exclusively focused on fraternity and sorority housing, with extensive experience in risk management, insurance placement and real estate acquisitions. As CEO for CSL Management, Steve is responsible for the strategic development of the company, client acquisition and consults in the areas of real estate acquisition, project management and operational excellence. Steve has served as an alumni volunteer and national board member for Sigma Nu. Steve holds a Bachelor of Science in business administration from Indiana University.

Christina Robertson, National Housing Corporation Director

Christina is currently a first vice president in risk review at SunTrust Bank. Prior to joining SunTrust, she was a commissioned bank examiner with the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. She has a bachelor’s degree in finance, certificate in loan review and is working on a master’s degree in accounting. She has served as Southeast Financial Territory Director, ΖΩ Chapter Housing Corporation Board member, ΖΩ Chapter Life Advisor and Officer for the Atlanta North Metro Alumnae Association. She also volunteers with Atlanta Pet Rescue, United Way and the First Methodist Church of Smyrna. Christina lives in Atlanta with her boyfriend, Christian, and their fur kids, Dex and Jax.

Julie Robinson, Territory Financial Director – Midwest

Julie Robinson joined the Gamma Nu Chapter in 1993 and served as Financial Vice President and Chapter President. She graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in nursing and continued to be an active alumna as Financial Advisor for the Gamma Nu Chapter. She now serves as a Financial Territory Director for the Midwest. Julie continues to live in Cape Girardeau, Missouri, working as a ER nurse at the local hospitals.


Speakers Jane Wilkens Schroeder, New Member Territory Director – West Jane is an implementation leader for Beck Ag, where she helps develop customized experience-sharing marketing programs that engage agricultural professionals in peer-to-peer and expert-to-peer dialogue-driven strategies. Jane started her national volunteer experience in 1992, holding various roles including National Academic Director and currently serves as a New Member Territory Director. She has been an advisor for Alpha Delta and Gamma Delta Chapters, and she served on Rho Chapter’s Corporation Board for six years, where she chaired the Improvements Committee and served as Vice President. She resides outside Lincoln, Nebraska, with her husband, Dennis.

Dani Serlin, Philanthropy Territory Director- West

Dani Serlin is a graduate of California State University, Northridge and has remained fiercely loyal to our chapters in California and all over the west territory ever since. In her work as a Philanthropy Territory Director, Dani works with collegiate women all over the west and supports them in their fundraising, awareness and advocacy efforts. Her favorite part of working with collegiate women and Autism Speaks is seeing all the creativity, growth, and success from the AmaXing Challenge events. She also really enjoys hearing about all the learning experiences the collegiate chapters have been exposed to. Personally, Dani recently took the jump to becoming a business owner and hasn’t looked back. In her free time, Dani enjoys playing in an adult kickball league, shopping and taking road trips. She resides in West Hills, California.

Becky Soderholm, Associate Director of Area Development – Area Three

Prior to joining staff in 2013, Becky worked as a hotel catering manager for ten years while serving Alpha Xi Delta in several volunteer roles including Chapter Advisor, Area Facilitator and Recruitment Territory Director. She is actively involved in the Minneapolis-St. Paul Alumnae Association (MSPAA) and held the positions of Collegiate Relations Chair, Membership Vice President, and President of MSPAA. Becky helped re-establish the Twin Cities Alumnae Panhellenic Association (TCAPA) in 2009 and maintains regular involvement in TCAPA. She volunteers on the Minnesota Walk Now for Autism Speaks committee as well as with Small Dog Rescue. Becky lives in Minneapolis with her husband, Ryan, and two rescue dogs, Rocky and Oscar.


Speakers Stephanie Davis Thompson, National Financial Director

As a collegiate, Stephanie served three terms as the Financial Vice President and two terms as Philanthropy Chair. Stephanie graduated with a degree in economics and has since obtained her MBA and works in operations of digital marketing. Since graduating in 2006, she has served Alpha Xi Delta as the Financial Advisor for Zeta Iota, Epsilon Kappa, as the Nashville Area Alumnae Association President, and joined the National Director’s Network in 2012. Stephanie resides in Nashville with her husband, Chris and her baby girl, Frankie.

Sarah Alice Throckmorton, Lifetime Engagement Manager

Sarah Alice is the staff liaison to the National Alumnae Team. She is an initiate of Zeta Theta Chapter at Wright State University where she received a B.S. in organizational leadership and served as Zeta Theta’s Chapter President. Sarah Alice loves to work with dedicated alumnae who continue to value membership in Alpha Xi Delta long after their collegiate years. Sarah Alice resides in Centerville, Ohio, with her fiancé, Luke.

Jennifer Daniels Umberger, Philanthropy Territory DirectorMidwest

Jennifer’s passion for higher education affects both her professional and personal life. As the director of university marketing for Kutztown University of Pennsylvania, Jennifer engages in a university setting daily. With her personal love of Alpha Xi Delta, she engages with college women all over the midwest as the Philanthropy Territory Director for that region. Her favorite part of working with collegiate women and Autism Speaks is the passion, energy, spirit of partnership, and common purpose displayed by both organizations. In addition to philanthropy, Jennifer devotes time as an advisor to the nationally-ranked Kutztown University men’s rugby club, maintains a strong connection with the newly installed Iota Psi Chapter of Alpha Xi Delta at Franklin & Marshall College, enjoys golf, exercise, time with family and travel. She lives in Ephrata, Pennsylvania, with her husband (and FOX), Stuart (the director of fraternity and sorority life at Franklin & Marshall College), and their dog, Bleu.


Speakers Nealy Patty Wheat, National Vice President

Nealy Wheat is a graduate of the University of West Georgia with a B.B.A. in accounting/management and earned her M.P.A. in nonprofit management from Kennesaw State University. An association and nonprofit executive with 15 years of experience, Nealy’s professional experiences include statewide trade and professional not-for-profit organizations, international charitable foundations and chambers of commerce. As a Certified Association Executive, Nealy is one of 4,000 nonprofit professionals who currently have this designation which demonstrates her knowledge in all areas of association and nonprofit management. Nealy is currently the Vice President, Finance & Administration for the Greater Tampa Chamber of Commerce. An active Alpha Xi Delta volunteer, she has served in various roles including Foundation Trustee and National Vice President. She has also served as the Fraternity’s Audit Committee Chair for the past four years. Nealy and her husband, Nathan, live with their two dogs in Tampa, Florida.

Jennifer Beeman Zipf, Philanthropy Territory Director Alumnae Involvement

Jennifer Beeman Zipf joined Alpha Xi Delta as a freshman in the fall of 1998 at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. She continues to volunteer for the Fraternity as the Chapter Advisor for Epsilon Alpha Chapter for the last ten years and the Philanthropy Territory Director of Alumnae Engagement. Jennifer is also actively involved in the Minneapolis/St. Paul Alumnae Association as the Financial Vice President. She is currently a third grade educator with her undergraduate degree in elementary and special education, her master’s in educational leadership, and her administrative licensure as a K-12 principal. She lives in Carver, Minnesota, with her husband and almost 2-year old. She has served on the Walk Now For Autism Speaks Committee in Minnesota since the inception of Alpha Xi Delta’s partnership in 2009, and has chaired the Walk for the last two years.







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