The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta - Fall/Winter 2014

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Fall/Winter 2014


Follow our 2014-15 ELCs and LCs A Sister treats one of the American Ebola patients Nominate the Fraternity’s new leaders

Batting for women’s equality in college athletics A Q&A with Charlotte West, a pioneer in women’s athletics and Title IX.


Thoughts from Sandi


his fall has been filled with much excitement. The return to campus, the crisp air and football season (Go UK!) has had us all falling in love with fall, but for Alpha Xi Deltas, we have other reasons to love this season. Fall is the time when we warmly welcome home the next generation of bold, talented young women who will shape the future of our organization. It’s the time when we return home to our chapter houses, suites or residence halls ready to start a successful school year. Fall is the season where we, as alumnae, gather at our alma maters for reunions and reminisce about our memories from college while cherishing our lifelong friendships




National President Sandi Edwards at Tau Chapter’s Centennial Celebration with current Chapter President Alyssa Holland (right) and Panhellenic President Colleen Kelty (left). Tau Chapter was founded on September 25, 1914 at the University of New Hampshire.

with Sisters. You see, while fall is typically a season where nature prepares to hibernate for the winter, fall for Alpha Xi Deltas is the time for growth, renewal and potential. Speaking of growth, we welcomed three chapters this fall at Oklahoma State University (a recolonization of our Epsilon Omicron Chapter), the University of Wisconsin – Madison (a recolonization of our Theta Chapter) and Franklin & Marshall College located in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. These women have already made us proud, and we look forward to sharing their accomplishments at our upcoming Convention this July. In case you haven’t heard, Alpha Xi Deltas will be gathering in Boston this summer to celebrate our Sisterhood,

elect our next biennium’s leaders and participate in inspiring educational sessions. If you haven’t made your way to a National Convention, I encourage you to join us in Boston! Personally, I’m looking forward to taking in the fireworks on our nation’s birthday in one of the oldest and most historically rich cities in our country. I can’t wait!


Sandi Edwards National President

Photo Credit: Women’s Basketball Hall of Fame, Knoxville, TN


Treating a Patient with Ebola |

Dr. Angela Hewlett recounts her experience treating one of the Americans who was diagnosed with Ebola.


Convention Election Information | Help the Fraternity, Foundation and National Housing Corporation select their new leaders.



Title IX Trailblazer | Charlotte West, Florida State ’51, is inducted into the

April is Autism Awareness Month |

Women’s Basketball Hall of Fame.

Check out our planning calendar and resources to start preparing for Autism Awareness Month.

CONTENTS 4 Letters to the Editor

20 Tales from the Road

5 What’s Trending?

28 Be The Heart

6 Q&A

29 Foundation News

36 M ember News 40 Summer Immersion Experience Recap

Connect with us!

Join the conversation with Sisters and keep up to date with the Fraternity by following us on our social media channels.

47 F rom the Archives 7 Housing News

34 Chapter Eternal



The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta is published three times per year in spring, summer and fall/winter by Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity.® POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE QUILL OF ALPHA XI DELTA, 8702 Founders Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268

I am so pleased to have a chapter of Alpha Xi Delta installed at Temple University. I was on faculty at Temple from 1967-71 and missed what the Fraternity spirit could contribute to students’ growth. I continue to support Temple University through the Conwell Society and look forward to reading more news from this new chapter.

Volume 111/Issue 3 Copyright 2014 by Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity; all rights reserved. Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity 8702 Founders Road Indianapolis, IN 46268 317.872.3500 Submission Deadlines Spring issue – January 23 Summer issue – June 1 Fall/Winter issue – September 6 Submission Procedures Text and photographs may be emailed to the Editor or to the Fraternity Headquarters address listed above. Photographs submitted become the property of the Fraternity. Digital images must be taken using the highest settings on a camera that’s at least 3.2 megapixels. Address/Name Changes Visit or mail changes to 8702 Founders Rd., Indianapolis, IN 46268. National Executive Director Elysia Balster Gallivan, South Dakota ’93 Director of Communications and Marketing Lauren Blankenbaker Felts, Indiana ’03 Communications Manager Lauren Fisher, Indiana ’08 National Council 2013-2015 National President Sandi Edwards, Kentucky ’75 National Vice Presidents Suzanne Cantando, UNC Asheville ’92 Michele Herbst Evink, South Dakota State ’86 Nancy Fehremann Gainer, Iowa State ’69 Micaela Isler, Texas ’91 Fatima Johnson, UNC Asheville ’95 Nealy Patty Wheat, West Georgia ’97 The Mission of The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta: To inform, inspire and challenge. To sustain and nurture membership loyalty and interest. To recognize individual, group and Fraternity accomplishments. To provide a forum for the exchange of information and opinion. To be the permanent record for the Fraternity.

I was thrilled to see the current Quill Magazine’s CORT picture on the inside back cover. I was there! It was the summer between my sophomore and junior years at Penn State, and I was there as our chapter’s Membership Chairman. I am in the front row, second from the left with a light blue shirt and beige shorts. All of the women in the first row were my newest friends who I enjoyed meeting at CORT. As I recall, we were all lined up and told to walk towards the camera and look excited! - Lee Ann McCafferty Richardson, Penn State ’82 I think I am the flag holder on the right side in the back. I was a Chapter Consultant for Alpha Xi Delta when there were only four of us with former National President Kim Starr. Now there are 17 consultants. That is great! - Peggy Calcutt Claiborne, Marshall ’79 I remember this picture very well! My parents have it hanging in their basement! I am in the front middle in the white shirt, blue jeans and white shoes with my hands clapped together. The fun thing about this photo was they told us to “start moving forward” and act energetic, and we really didn’t know what we were doing. CORT was held at Purdue that year, and it was really a good time. Such great memories-thanks for sharing!

- Nancy Drenan Prendergast, EdD, Ohio State ’51 I was so excited to see your coverage of the reinstallation of the Beta Theta Chapter, along with the MSU Tales from the Road article in the last edition of The Quill! I was deeply saddened when the chapter became dormant after spending two of the best years of my life with my Sisters in the early 1990s. It warmed my heart to see such a large recruitment class and to hear about all of the wonderful things they have done and will be doing. Thank you for spotlighting them. Go Green! - Jennifer Myers Burns, Michigan State ’91 I loved the article “A Mother’s Determination” in the recent issue. Trusting our gut instincts and tracking down correct diagnoses is important, even when the experts are telling you that there is nothing more to find. I was concerned; however, to hear that Max would be attending a college predatory high school next year. I’m not sure what a predatory high school would teach, so I’m really hoping you meant preparatory. - Jennifer Brennan, Washington ’04 Editor’s Note: Thanks for the comment, Jennifer. This in fact was an error in the summer issue of the magazine, and the Fraternity sincerely apologizes for this error. Max will be attending a preparatory high school this year.

- Rhonda Harr Love, Wisconsin-Eau Claire ’82

What’s on your mind? Have a comment about an article in The Quill? Drop us an email at or send a note to The Quill, 8702 Founders Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268. We reserve the right to select letters for publication and to edit for style and length. 4



what’s trending now NCAA Coaches Powering Forward for Autism As a result of last year’s successful NCAA Autism Awareness campaign by NCAA Coaches Tom Herrion and Pat Skerry, more than 90 coaches and news commentators wore the Autism Speaks Puzzle Lapel Pin. On February 7, 2015, they are planning “Coaches Powering Forward for Autism,” benefitting Autism Speaks. Coaches will be encouraged to work with their student bodies and local communities to enhance awareness and develop fundraising events leading up to the highlighted weekend. Information about how Alpha Xi Deltas can get involved will be posted on

Fraternity Playlists Our 2014 Fall Playlist is now available on Spotify! This time, we asked our Educational Leadership Consultants (ELCs) and Leadership Coaches (LCs) to share their favorite fall-time songs with us. With new songs such as MKTO’s “Classic” and older ones such as Vanessa Carlton’s “A Thousand Miles,” this playlist has songs that Sisters of all ages can enjoy.

Recruitment Photos Throughout the fall, Alpha Xi Delta has posted Bid Day and recruitment photos submitted by our chapters to our Facebook page in our “Alpha Xi Delta Bid Days 2014” photo album. Visit alphaxideltafraternity to view the pictures. Here’s one of our favorite shots from Bid Day at one of our newest chapters at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville.

That’s So Pin-teresting! If you haven’t joined Pinterest yet, what are you waiting for? Alpha Xi Delta has numerous pins and boards pertaining to all aspects of our membership including philanthropy ideas, studying tips, t-shirt ideas and career advice. One of our most popular boards – Knowledge – has articles and infographics to help Sisters who are putting together their resumes and/or who are needing advice when it comes to networking and connecting with others in their field. Visit our Pinterest page at

To hear the playlist, visit playlist.



A Spirit splash at the University of Central Florida (UCF)! It’s a Homecoming pep rally in the middle of the reflection pond, which is a giant fountain and landmark on our campus.

At the University of Kentucky, it was Derby Week with the turtle races, Greek Week and Old South invites to the Ball. - Hazel Colosimo-Reid, Kentucky ’72

- Samantha Wells, Central Florida ’04

Little 500! It’s the world’s greatest college weekend for Beta Pi at Indiana University.

Breakfast Club with Alpha Eta at Purdue University! - Kristen Clark Swartzell, Purdue ’02

- Amy Johnson Donahue,


Indiana ’95

hat’s your favorite W campus tradition from your University/ Alma mater?

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• What’s your favorite app? Submit your response to for possible entry in the next issue of The Quill.




The graduating class torchlight ceremony that takes place around the lake at Lyon College.

Gurney Races during Homecoming week at the University of Alabama at Birmingham! - Wendy Jacks Scripps, Alabama at Birmingham ’99

- Gwen Green, Lyon ’92

Painting the rock at West Virginia Wesleyan College! Go Xi! - Susan Gothard Davis, West Virginia Wesleyan ’88

Painting the anchor at the University of Hartford with the Epsilon Nu Chapter! - Beth Rosenberg Sanders, Hartford ’96

Housing News

2nd place

room contest The National Housing Corporation announced in the Summer 2014 issue of The Quill the opportunity for any woman living in an Alpha Xi Delta designated chapter facility, lodge or residence hall to submit a photo of their living and/or learning space. The winner received a $100 gift card to PBdorm, an official Alpha Xi Delta licensed vendor. We’re excited to announce our first place winner - Leah Bostany from Zeta Xi Chapter at Auburn University! The National Housing Corporation loved Leah’s tasteful use of our colors throughout her room.

3rd place


The custom headboard, the playful mix of cute patterns and the accents of Alpha Xi Delta throughout the room won the judges over. We also want to give a shout out to our second place winner, Whitney Senn from Beta Alpha Chapter at the University of Texas at Austin, and our third place winner, Kelsey Van Zante from Theta Iota Chapter at Florida Atlantic University. If you want to show off your living and learning spaces, please email your photos to Jennifer Foster at


Treating a patient with Ebola

I treated one of the American Ebola patients. Like you, I was anxious, too. My heart was racing the night before our patient arrived. By Angela L. Hewlett, Texas ’94




Dr. Hewlett dresses in protective gear during a drill at the Nebraska Biocontainment Unit. Photo courtesy of Nebraska Medicine and Taylor Wilson.


Treating a patient with Ebola

My heart was racing the night before our patient arrived. Richard Sacra was flying in from Liberia, the third American to be evacuated from the country after contracting Ebola. Emory University had successfully treated the first two. Now it was our turn in the hot seat, battling the virus that was spreading devastation across West Africa and fear across the United States. Our team at the Nebraska Biocontainment Unit (NBU), where I am assistant medical director, had been training for this for years – executing drills on admitting highly infectious patients, reviewing detailed procedures for safe treatment and memorizing what gear should be used for which diseases. But this was the first time we would be putting all that training to use since the NBU opened in 2005. There was no way to fully prepare for the pressure, the national focus, the

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immensity of being responsible for curing a patient whose deadly disease was at the center of global debate. The challenges associated with caring for patients with communicable diseases, and specifically deadly diseases like Ebola, had always fascinated me. With these patients, you can’t rely on hand-to-skin contact to assess their condition, and you can’t bond by pulling up a chair and chatting about their personal lives. While in the isolation unit, all this patient, Rick, knew about me was the color of my eyes and the typed biography given to him when he was admitted. Still, this was an experience I had anticipated since I was a student. After all, reading about the famed virus hunters investigating the first Ebola outbreaks in Africa influenced

Dr. Hewlett and her team participate in a drill at the Nebraska Biocontainment Unit. Photo courtesy FALL/WINTER 2014of Nebraska Medicine and Taylor Wilson.

my decision to attend medical school and eventually pursue my chosen career path as a specialist in infectious diseases. The presence of the NBU at the University of Nebraska Medical Center was one of the reasons I left my home state of Texas and moved to Nebraska. As I mentally prepared for Rick’s arrival, I contemplated how my life could change over the next few weeks. I thought about how my husband and young children would be affected, and how other families in our community would react. Would their classmates make mean comments? Would I be able to go to the grocery store without being criticized for bringing Ebola to Omaha? I sat down with my kids and discussed this with them in words they could understand. We talked

about my work at the hospital, and I told them that if anyone said anything unkind to them about what I was doing, they should proudly reply, “My mommy is a doctor and she takes care of sick people.” I gave them extra hugs and kisses as I tucked them into bed that night, unsure of what the next day would bring. The constant flow of adrenaline coursing through my body made me feel like an athlete before a big game. Ebola is like the Super Bowl of infectious diseases, a deadly virus 11

Treating a patient with Ebola

with no known vaccine or therapy. My anxiety, magnified by darkness, made sleep impossible that night. I arrived at the hospital on that rainy morning to find our team of 40 doctors, nurses, respiratory therapists and technicians preparing for the patient’s arrival. We all shared the same emotions — the air was filled with a palpable mix of excitement and anxiety. I carefully dressed in scrubs and covered them with bulky protective equipment, mentally noting the importance of each layer of plastic that would cover every part of my body for the next three weeks. When our patient entered the unit – traveling by ambulance from an Air Force base where he had landed outside of Omaha — we were ready. My partner is Dr. Philip Smith, another infectious disease specialist and director of the NBU. He recruited me to Nebraska in 2009 and is my mentor and my friend. As we stood side by side that morning, we decided that it would be ideal for only one of us to go into the exam room for now, to minimize unnecessary contact with the patient. The other would observe via two-way video and document the patient’s history and exam findings in the electronic medical record. Phil informed me he would examine the patient and that I should do the documentation. He said he was being “chivalrous” and we joked about who had the easier job, since writing notes and orders in an electronic medical record can be a formidable task. The first few days after our patient arrived were incredibly taxing. I was working about 14 hours a day struggling to solve a puzzle that had no definitive solution. We tried several treatments, giving him an experimental drug and blood transfusions from Kent Brantly, a doctor who had recovered from Ebola weeks earlier. My stress level rose and fell with Rick’s condition. Meanwhile, we were inundated with media requests. In between shifts in the NBU, we worked with our public relations team to respond to hundreds of media questions and requests for on-camera interviews. For a week, I only communicated with Rick through a screen. When it came time to meet him in person, I was anxious. But

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as I entered his room for the first time, I forgot about all of the extra protective gear I was wearing and focused on him. I put my gloved hand in his and shook it. I asked how his night had been, performed an exam and discussed his plan of care, just as I would with any other patient. At that moment I knew that we were doing the right thing by caring for this patient who needed us, and I was not afraid. About a week after he arrived, Rick began to improve. He became more alert, interacting with our staff and speaking to relatives via video conferencing. He joked with us about baseball – he’s a Red Sox fan and Phil roots for the Yankees. On the day he rode an exercise bike in his room for the first time, I was so overcome with joy that I began to cry right there in the middle of the nurses’ station. There is absolutely nothing more rewarding to a health-care worker than seeing a sick patient begin to recover. Three weeks after he was admitted, Rick tested negative for the virus. Interacting with him for the first time without our protective gear was a poignant moment. Through the computer screens, glass windows and layers of plastic protective gear, we had formed a bond as tight as any patient and medical team. Together, we had beaten Ebola — a ravenous virus that, just a month earlier, had never existed in our country. Discharge day was emotional for everyone, with plenty of tears and hugs. All involved showed extraordinary bravery, dedication, tirelessness and compassion. The experience is indelibly etched in my memory. It has been incredibly challenging, but so rewarding. Would I do it all again? Certainly. I am sure there will be additional hurdles ahead, but we are here for the purpose of helping patients in need, and that is exactly what we will do. After all, just like I told my children: I am a doctor and I take care of sick people. Dr. Angela Hewlett, Texas ’94, is an infectious disease specialist in Omaha, Nebraska. She currently serves as the associate medical director of the Nebraska Biocontainment Unit at the Nebraska Medical Center.

“Together, we had beaten Ebola — a ravenous virus that, just a month earlier, had never existed in our country.” 13

Convention 2015

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It’s time to celebrate Alpha Xi Delta’s 51st National Convention! National Convention is a great time for Alpha Xi Deltas to come together to connect, rekindle old friendships and strengthen the bonds of Sisterhood. Here’s what’s in store for you during National Convention this summer in Boston: • A kick-off welcome banquet designed to allow you to meet Sisters from other chapters across the country • Fun Sisterhood events that will allow you to make life-long connections with other Sisters • Educational programs that will give you the inside scoop on what is new with the National Fraternity and will allow you to share strategies that will make your chapter or association more successful • An amaXIng awards program that will showcase our Woman of Distinction and celebrate our chapters who have had great accomplishments in the past year • The opportunity to see National Council sworn in and meet the new National President • An elegant Rose Banquet where we’ll unveil the secret location of the 2017 National Convention 15

Convention 2015

National Convention Alpha Xi Delta’s Nominating Committees invite you to recommend Sisters to serve on the Fraternity’s 2015-17 National Council, the Foundation’s 2015-19 Board of Trustees and the 2015-17 National Housing Corporation. Individual Sisters, college chapters and alumnae associations can submit recommendations to the three nominating committees. From there, the committees prepare a slate of candidates to be voted on at National Convention in Boston, Massachusetts, July 1 – July 4, 2015.

Foundation Trustees ... The Foundation Nominating Committee asks for your recommendations for Trustees to serve for the 2015-19 term. The Foundation is looking for Sisters with these qualifications: • Experience in board service, community leadership, public relations, finance or fundraising • The ability to open doors and influence donors • A commitment to Alpha Xi Delta’s vision and mission Foundation bylaws state that four Trustees shall be elected by a majority vote of the delegates at National Convention from a single slate prepared by the Foundation Nominating Committee. The four elected Trustees will serve for four years, maintaining a board of eight elected Trustees at all times. Trustees completing the 2011-2015 term are Evonne Carawan, Michelle Soderquist Hartnett, Jane Fursey Ralston and Marianne Moritz Russo. What are the Trustees’ responsibilities? Trustees are expected to be pace-setting contributors or fundraisers and to join The Society of 1893 (planned giving society) during their tenure. They also do the following: • Manage resources wisely • Ensure adequate resources

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• Monitor programs and services for consistency with our vision and goals • Enhance Alpha Xi Delta’s public image • Establish prudent investment philosophies, policies and practices • Approve and monitor the budget • Identify, cultivate and steward donors How much time is involved? • One in-person meeting per year • At least one development event per year • Service on a maximum of two Foundation committees (Audit, Development, Executive, Finance, Grants and Awards, Scholarships) with work being completed via email and phone conferencing How do I make a recommendation? • Download or photocopy the Recommendation Form for the 2015-19 Foundation Trustees, available on the Fraternity’s website. You can also call or email Headquarters to request a form Return each completed form to Nominating Committee Chair Mary Ruth Snyder via U.S. Mail (6659 Aintree Court, Indianapolis, IN 46250) or via email to maryruthsnyder@aol. com by February 15, 2015. Questions can be answered by Mary Ruth via email.

National Council ... Who can serve on National Council? Alpha Xi Delta’s National Constitution states that any alumna in good standing is eligible to serve in any National Council position (Article V, Section 2). National Council is made up of one National President and six National Vice Presidents. The National Constitution also states that no member may serve in the same national office for more than two consecutive terms (Article 5, Section 5). What qualities and abilities should nominees have to serve on National Council? You or the person you recommend should have previous board experience and outstanding ability in the following areas: • Leadership • Teamwork • Professionalism • Creative and visionary thinking • Oral and written communication • Understanding higher education and its issues What are the responsibilities of Council officers? As the governing body of the Fraternity, National Council represents and acts for the Fraternity in all matters between meetings of the National Chapter. Powers and duties of the National Council can be found in Article IV, Section 2, Clause 1 of the National Constitution. The powers and duties of the National President, in addition to the ones listed below, can be found in Article IV, Section 3, Clause 1, and in the Bylaws, Article V, Section 4. If you need this information, please call or email Fraternity Headquarters.

How do I make a recommendation? • Download or photocopy the Recommendation Form for the 2015-17 National Council, available on the Fraternity’s website • Or, call and/or email Fraternity Headquarters to request a form Return each completed form to Nominating Committee Chair Cynthia Treadwell via U.S. Mail (17275 E. Dewberry Circle, Parker, CO 80134) or send a completed form via email to Questions can be answered by Cynthia at the email above or by leaving her a voicemail at 317.872.3500 ext. 250. Recommendations must be received by February 15, 2015. What happens after recommendations are made? The Nominating Committee, made up of the chair, two collegians and two alumnae, reviews all recommendations received by February 15, 2015, and obtains resumes. The committee then prepares a slate of candidates who they believe are best qualified to fulfill the responsibilities and meet the challenges of the various offices. By late April, the slate and candidates’ resumes are sent to those eligible to vote at the 2015 National Convention. Can nominations be made after the slate has been sent? A Sister who hasn’t been slated and wants to be considered for a National Council office can submit her name in writing, with a resume, to the Nominating Committee within 21 days of the distribution of the slate. The Nominating Committee will verify the eligibility of each nominee and distribute the resume(s) to those eligible to vote at Convention. There will be no nominations from the floor.

What’s the time commitment for serving on National Council? • Three in-person meetings per year • One conference call per month • Council members may be asked to attend other meetings as appropriate and to visit college chapters and alumnae associations • Between meetings and conference calls, business is conducted by email and other electronic systems Alpha Xi Delta’s 2013-15 National Council. 17

Convention 2015

Sisters get excited for the Opening Banquet at the 2013 National Convention.

National Housing Corporation ... If you’re interested in gaining a national perspective on our Fraternity by helping to provide safe, well-maintained housing for our collegiate Sisters, take a look at the National Housing Corporation (NHC). The NHC is seeking four strong, passionate leaders to serve on its board of directors for a two-year term beginning July 4, 2015. NHC directors work in conjunction with National Council on housing-related matters and support the NHC’s mission: To strive for competitive, safe, properly maintained and financially secure chapter housing. What qualifications are needed to be on the NHC board? Nominees should be creative thinkers with a good business sense who understand the needs of today’s college woman. Additionally, they should have the following abilities: • Work well individually and in a group • Strong written and oral communication skills • A commitment to perpetuating the Fraternity

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• Experience/expertise in one of these areas: fundraising, accounting, finance, banking, real estate, law, strategic planning, property management, construction, interior design, engineering, recruitment, public relations or Greek/student housing operations • Current or former service on a local building corporation board, chapter advisory board or in another Alpha Xi Delta volunteer role How do I make a recommendation? • A sponsor can submit a nomination on your behalf or you can nominate yourself • Nominations and further information about the board can be found on the Fraternity’s website • Return each completed form via U.S. Mail to Nominating Committee Chair Wendy Kurtz Levine (1334 Herlin Pl., Cincinnati, OH 45208) or email an attachment to Questions can be answered by Wendy at the email above. Applications must be received by February 15, 2015.

Proposed Amendments to Alpha Xi Delta’s Constitution ... The Alpha Xi Delta National Chapter may amend the National Constitution when deemed advisable. As stated in Article XIII, Section 1, “This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the National Chapter.” All proposed amendments are voted on at National Convention. An amendment may be sponsored by any of the following: a college chapter, an alumnae association, the Constitution Committee, National Council, a member of National Council or a Past National President.

Woman of Distinction Awards ... The Woman of Distinction Award recognizes alumnae who exhibit excellence and extraordinary leadership in their professions and careers or in service to their communities. Nominees should be widely recognized within their field of service to be considered for this award. Past recipients include a CEO of a Fortune 500 company, an astronaut, a national political correspondent, a congressional leader and a doctor. Any Alpha Xi Delta alumna in good standing is eligible to receive this award. Nominees need not be current members of an organized alumnae association. Nominations may be made by: • Individuals • College chapters • Alumnae associations • Advisory boards • Housing corporations Women of Distinction award recipients will be honored at Alpha Xi Delta’s 2015 National Convention in Boston. Visit to download the application, or call Fraternity Headquarters to have an application mailed to you.

The proposed amendment should state in which article and section it should be placed, and it should be stated in language appropriate to the Constitution. If the proposed amendment conflicts with an existing statement, the sponsor(s) is responsible for proposing additional amendments to resolve the conflict or the proposal will be void. If two proposals conflict with each other, the National Chapter at Convention may vote to accept only one of the proposals, or it may vote to reject both. A proposed amendment to the Constitution must be submitted to National Executive Director Elysia Gallivan. She must receive it by February 1, 2015, for the proposed amendment to be considered at the 2015 National Convention.

Please mail, email ( or fax (317.872.2947) nomination forms to Fraternity Headquarters. Nominations must be received at Fraternity Headquarters by January 15, 2015. If you have questions about the award or the nomination process, please contact Elysia Gallivan at or 317.872.3500 ext. 151.

Elizabeth “Betsy” Weiner was one of the 2013 Woman of Distinction Award recipients. 19

Tales From The Road ELC Kelsey Bergren Sometimes ELCs have other duties as assigned, which translates to getting rid of the monstrously huge spiders that are scaring PNMs. Always a good laugh during recruitment craziness! #axidelc #recruitment

ELC Olivia Farnham Madison, Wisconsin is such a beautiful place! So excited to recolonize our Theta Chapter this fall! @UWAlphaXiDelta #GoGreek #GoAXiD

tales from the road

ELC Chelsea Dougherty Sunset at the new home of Alpha Xi Delta at the University of Wisconsin! @UWAlphaXiDelta #Madtown #LakeMendota

ElC ELisha Levingston “California girls, they’re unforgettable.” I had such an amaXIng time with the women of Iota Omicron at @AlphaXiDeltaSJ. #ilovemyjob

ELC Kelsey Kobe So thankful to have shared this past week at @okstateaxid with @AlphaXi_ELC! Here’s to many more adventures on this journey. #jetsetter #alphaxidelta

ELC Brooke Dorris A journey begins! Off to my 10-month adventure. Can’t wait to serve my Fraternity on the road #xilove #ilovemyjob #byetexas ELC Sydney Vandeveer I am having far too much fun with the Sisters of @UNKAlphaXiDelta! #DestinationDowntown #WAGS #SistersNearAndFar

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ELC Kasey Treybig Loved spending time with Iota Delta at @ucoalphaxidelta! Here I am with Abby Graham and Hannah Wilson. #GoAXiD

LC Bailey Hamm Loved working with chapters in which my fellow travelers are initiates of. It was so special being able to work with their amaXIng Sisters. @AlphaXiDeltaWMU #sisterhood

ELC Megan Webner We had such a great time preparing for Iota Tau’s second formal recruitment at @AXiDBucknell. Good luck this recruitment season ladies! #OwnItWorkIt #alphaxidelta

ELC Julia Blaeser I love Temple University’s campus situated right in the city of brotherly love! #GoOwls @TUalphaxidelta

ELC Courtney Kalinowski The Iota Phi Chapter at @AXiDAmericanU is getting involved at their first involvement fair today! #WelcomeBack #axid

ELC Whitney Johnson Huge thanks to these two and @AXiDZetaChi for working hard during Sparkle Week! Your new member class is lucky to be a part of such a special Sisterhood! #recruitment #alphaxidelta

ELC Shelby Young I’m honored to be able to work with the remarkable women at @SIUEAXiD, and I can’t wait to see them continue to grow and develop their chapter! #ilovemyjob #tfj #axid

ELC Amanda Davis Loved spending time at @ETSUAlphaXi for work week! Their excitement for Alpha Xi is contagious and we can’t wait for recruitment! #GOAXiD

LC Anna Salvaggio I had so much fun exploring Washington, D.C., while visiting our Iota Phi Chapter at @AXiDAmericanU. #America #axidDC

ELC Jane Drummond The women of Theta Sigma Chapter at @AlphaXiDeltaUCF had an amazing recruitment and welcomed an incredible new member class into their Sisterhood! #GOAXiD #axiducf 21

Charlotte West: A pioneer in women’s athletics

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Dr. Charlotte West is considered a pioneer in women’s athletics and Title IX. She had a 40-plus year career at Southern Illinois University (SIU) as she worked hard to transform women’s athletics and create more athletic opportunities for women across the country.

Interview by Lauren Fisher, Indiana ’08, Communications Manager

Between 1957 and 1975, Charlotte coached five different sports teams at SIU, including badminton, volleyball, basketball, golf and softball. She served as the SIU women’s athletic director from 1974-1985 and then in 1986 became the associate athletics director for men’s and women’s sports at SIU. When women’s sports started becoming more popular, Charlotte served the Association of Intercollegiate Athletics for Women (AIAW) as the Commissioner of Championships and eventually president of the organization. When the AIAW was absorbed by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), Charlotte went on to serve the organization in many roles, including serving on the Committee on Financial Aid, the Committee on Athletic Certification, the Gender Equality Task Force and as a member of the NCAA Council. Charlotte dedicated her life to creating opportunities for women in sports, and in the 1970s, she played a critical role in drafting Title IX, the legislation that guarantees equality for women in education and athletics. She served as a consultant for the Health, Education and Welfare (HEW) portions of the legislation that related to athletics. In this position, she worked closely with and advised the lawyers who were writing the legislation, which was passed in 1972. 23

Charlotte West: A pioneer in women’s athletics


ue to her work at SIU and with college athletics, Charlotte has received many honors, including being inducted to the SIU Hall of Fame in 1982 and the Missouri Valley Conference Hall of Fame in 2005.

As a child, I would practice pitching against the side of the house and I even made a little high jump for myself. I just loved movement, and then, when I got into sports in high school and played on the varsity volleyball team, having all of my teammates, there was a lot of camaraderie, which I think is the great thing about sports. It was very empowering.

In 2003, SIU named its softball stadium the Charlotte West Stadium and in 2012, the NCAA Headquarters in Indianapolis, Indiana, declared a room the Charlotte West room in her honor. Among her most recent honors was Charlotte’s induction into the Women’s Basketball Hall of Fame in June 2014. In the interview that follows, Charlotte reminisces of her days at SIU and her involvement with women’s athletics, starting with some of her earliest encounters with sports during her childhood.

What’s one of your favorite earliest sports memories? CW: I loved playing volleyball in high school, and I played basketball in high school. I guess maybe one of my favorite memories was when I was playing volleyball in high school, and I was asked to play on a city team of older women. At that time, they called them “industrial leagues,” and we played teams from Miami, Jacksonville, Tampa and Orlando. That gave me a lot of early experience with competitive sports, and I was excited that I was asked to play. That really helped me develop my skills as well as my knowledge.

I lived in that era where once women were given an opportunity, What was the first sport you ever played and how did you get involved with it? CW: When I was in junior high and high school, there were very, very little sports for women, but I was very fortunate. I went to St. Petersburg High School, and we had a couple of physical education teachers that believed in sports, like I do today, and they coached teams.

What was it like for women in sports when you were at Florida State? CW: Not very exciting! (laughs) Nothing much was offered. (laughs again) Now we had intramurals, and of course I played for Alpha Xi Delta. We won some tournaments and had some good teams. I think that as I look back over my life, growing up then and the University not offering sports for women, probably was a great motivator for me and my life’s work of creating opportunities for women in sport.

When she was growing up, Charlotte West played volleyball and basketball at St. Petersburg High School.

Can you tell us a little bit about what it was like for women in sports when you came to SIU? CW: Just nationally there were only a few little spots around the country where they were doing anything for women in sports. In fact, when I came to SIU, the high school women were disallowed to play competitive sports with other schools. If they did, their men could be ruled out of any competition in their state tournaments. Women today don’t realize how difficult it was. One of the great things about SIU, and one reason I came here, was that there was a lot of playing among the colleges in what we called “sports days”… Maybe 15 or 16 colleges would be there for field hockey or softball or volleyball, depending on the season, and that was really the genesis of moving into varsity sports on the college level. When I came to SIU, I coached volleyball, basketball and softball in these “sports days,” and then in the late 60s, we started having state championships.

Do you remember what it felt like to be at that first national championship? CW: The players were just thrilled to have the opportunity, and when you work with a group that is appreciative, it makes the whole experience wonderful. There was a feeling among the 16 teams that went to that first national championship of, “At last! Finally, some opportunities for women!”, and it was

Even as a child, Charlotte loved movement. She went on to receive a master’s degree in physical education and dance.

they excelled and their skills kept getting better and better. We know you coached many sports during your 40+ years at SIU, including badminton, volleyball and basketball. Can you share a few of your favorite memories from your time as a coach? CW: One of my fondest memories was that we won one of the first state tournaments in basketball, and because of that, we were invited to the first ever national championship for women. There was not a national championship [prior to this one], so there was no budget or preparation to go to one. I had to bake for funds and the administration gave me two cars and expenses to go to Pennsylvania to this national championship. We piled six in one car and seven in another, so if that happened today (laughs), we would all be sued (laughs), but we were all excited to go. That was a great breakthrough because the next year we also won the state championship, and we went. I was prepared then. I got a University plane, and we flew to Boston to the second national championship, which was quite a different mode of transportation than the previous year.

at that championship that one of the coaches, the coach at Northeastern University, volunteered to host the second national championship. That got a lot of people interested in women’s sports, and that was also right around the time that the Association for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women (AIAW) was formed and started national championships in all sports. In 1975, I was elected to the position called the Commissioner of National Championships, and it was my job to run all of the championships nationally in all of the sports that AIAW offered. We had volleyball, basketball, softball, swimming and gymnastics, and I was on the road a lot. It was just thrilling to be able to work with the thousands of other women who had the same commitment I had to creating opportunities for women. The AIAW grew to be larger than the NCAA. The NCAA then took over the control of women’s sports, and from that point on, I became very involved in the NCAA, working on their committees and continuing my work on gender equality and creating opportunities for women. 25

Charlotte West: A pioneer in women’s athletics

Girls who participate in sports are better off psychologically, they’re less into drugs, there’s less pregnancy [among young female athletes], and they do better in school. There are a lot of reasons why you would want your daughters to participate in sports, and some of the daddies have been our greatest proponents. Charlotte constantly worked to promote gender equality in athletics and create more opportunities for women.

Do you have any other memories that stand out from your years as a coach at SIU? CW: I mentioned being the Commissioner of National Championships [for the AIAW], which was a two-year term, and in that two-year span of time, the increase in skill that I witnessed was almost unbelievable. I like to tell the story of the national swimming championship. Every championship had a committee that was made of up coaches that I’d work with… And the swimming coaches were very divided about setting standards of times for the national championships. In other words, you had to meet a certain qualifying time to go to the national championship. To make a long story short, we cut the times my first year as commissioner so far back that when I came back to campus and showed those times to our swimmers they said, “Oh Dr. West, nobody’s going to meet those times,” and I said, “Well yes, if you work hard, you can.” At the next national championship, we had 500 competitors. And in that period of time, in the 70s when women finally had the opportunity to compete, within an eight-year period, some of the women were meeting times that the men had at the Olympics just eight years earlier. Just two Olympiads! So I think that’s the most exciting thing that I

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can relay - I lived in that era where once women were given an opportunity, they excelled and their skills kept getting better and better. We know you were influential with the drafting of Title IX. Could you tell us a little bit about that and when you really started seeing a change in women’s sports? CW: Obviously that was the big game changer. It was passed in 1972, as you know, and I worked with, what is now, the Office of Civil Rights. Back in the 70s, when it was passed, it was called HEW – Health Education and Welfare, and I was a consultant for them during the drafting of the Title IX legislation. We saw tremendous, tremendous changes to benefit women in the 70s. People were adding sports and giving us funding. It was a wonderful era. Then we pass into the 80s… When I speak in lecture on the history of women’s sports, I talk about the 80s as being the decadent decade because a lot of people are unaware that during the Reagan administration, we lost Title IX as it affects athletics. But in 1988, Congress overrode Reagan and gave us Title IX back, and then we saw a great increase of opportunities for women in the 90s.

What was your biggest challenge with the Title IX legislation process and creating opportunities for women in athletics? CW: Once the law was passed at the universities and high schools, there was tremendous resistance from the men involved in athletics. I think that probably the greatest joy I have is seeing the change in attitudes because if you change attitudes, you change behaviors. Today, we’ve done some national surveys on Title IX, and 75% of the people are very supportive of it. In the 70s, you couldn’t reach that number. I think that the greatest challenge was to get people to change their attitudes and realize that sports are wonderful for women just like they are for men. Girls who participate in sports are better off psychologically, they’re less into drugs, there’s less pregnancy [among young female athletes], and they do better in school. There are a lot of reasons why you would want your daughters to participate in sports, and some of the daddies have been our greatest proponents. Obviously we’ve come a long way for women in sports since the 70s. Do you think we still need to work to change the attitude of a lot of people when it comes to women’s sports? CW: While I’m so happy and proud that three quarters of the people support the law, we still have to work on some of those that don’t. Some people are a little bit slower at accepting change, but I think as more and more people see women participating on television, in their high schools and around the country, they are becoming more and more accepting. What is your all-time favorite sport and why? CW: I always say my favorite sport is whatever’s in season (laughs), but I would have to say volleyball, basketball and golf. It would be hard to pick one of those because they each have something very special. Of course the advantage with golf is that you play it for a lifetime, and I played volleyball until I was in my mid 40s. I would practice every day with our team here [at SIU]. I wasn’t coaching them. I would just go in because I loved the sport and I like to play, and of course, it kept me physically fit. Obviously, I have a great love for basketball. There is a lot of strategy in basketball, and I think that’s fun.

During her career at SIU, Charlotte coached badminton, volleyball, basketball, golf and softball.

Equality for women in sports has come a long way since your years at Florida State and SIU. What do you hope to see in the future for female athletes and women’s sports teams? CW: I want to continue to see progress in their opportunities, in other words, adding more sports and adding more scholarships. There are so many opportunities for athletes, and I want athletes to play for their love of sport and not for what they can gain financially. 27

be the heart Jenny Greyerbiehl, Alma ‘01

the College Panhellenic Academy, which will provide College

You’re currently the Training and Curriculum Design

training with NPC representatives.

Coordinator for the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC). Can you tell us a little bit about this role and what you do for NPC? The Training and Curriculum Design Coordinator is a new position on the NPC staff. I have had the privilege of serving in it for a little over a year. In this position, I assist in the creation and revision of educational programs and resources for collegiate and alumnae members of the 26 NPC member organizations. Specifically, over the last year, I’ve worked on a variety of educational and assessment items, including completing a major revision of NPC’s Recruitment Counselor Guide, developing the programs NPC presented at the fraternity and sorority regional student conferences and creating assessments for NPC training webinars. I am currently working on a very exciting new initiative,

Panhellenic Officers the opportunity for in-person, hands-on

As a former staff member of Alpha Xi Delta now working for NPC, how do you view the sorority experience differently? I’m not sure I view the sorority experience differently; my view has simply gotten broader. Working for NPC, as well as Alpha Xi Delta, and before that, as a campus-based fraternity and sorority advisor, has allowed my perspective on the sorority experience to continue to grow. I am easily able to put on the hats of all three constituent groups when I think about or am working on something related to the sorority experience and feel blessed to have had all three experiences that I believe has helped me to become a better, more well-rounded professional. What is your favorite part of your job? I cannot pick just one, but my top two favorites are the ability, every day, to work on programming and curriculum that has the opportunity to shape the future of the sorority movement and my co-workers, who always encourage and support me in the work I do. If you could tell readers one thing about the sorority movement and how sorority women can change the world, what would it be? That the only way I truly believe sorority women, be it collegiate or alumnae members, can change the world, is if they WORK TOGETHER. One sorority woman’s impact, can only be so large. If she works with her fellow sorority sisters, at a chapter level, she can make a larger impact, but that’s not good enough. Working together, both inside and outside of your own chapter experience, with your Panhellenic sisters, is truly the way to change the world. Be brave enough to engage each other to work together to change the world. Why do you pay your alumnae dues? I pay my alumnae dues because I believe in Alpha Xi Delta and its ability to help members realize their potential. Without alumnae giving back to the Fraternity in this simple, but very helpful way, the Fraternity is limited in the amount of support, programming and services she can provide, both to collegians and alumnae, to assist them in accomplishing our vision. I know first-hand all of the ways the Fraternity gives to its members, and paying my alumnae dues is just one small way I can show how much I believe in and support the Fraternity.

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Foundation news

new scholarships endowed in the Foundation! Tana Sterrett Scott Scholarship Tana Sterrett Scott, Middlebury ’62, endowed a scholarship for Alpha Xi Delta Sisters studying international politics and economics, international relations or a foreign language. We recently caught up with Tana to ask her more about her scholarship fund.

Why do you love Alpha Xi Delta? I love Alpha Xi Delta because of the many friends I have made during my several decades of service to the Fraternity and the Foundation and in my attendance at seventeen National Conventions. My life has been enriched immeasurably by these special Sisters. You have given to the Foundation for thirty-six consecutive years. What inspires your loyal support? The three T’s: time, talent and treasure. Alpha Xi Delta offered me many opportunities to use my time well and develop my talent for leadership starting with my local alumnae association and then serving as an officer at the Province, Regional and National levels. It was very rewarding to be entrusted with larger and larger roles in the Fraternity and an honor to serve as a Foundation Trustee for eight years. So, it seemed only natural to support the Foundation with my treasure every step of the way. You have established the Tana Sterrett Scott Scholarship. How did you decide who would be eligible for your scholarship? The world is shrinking in the sense that information travels around the globe at lightning speed. Therefore, it is important that our collegians think globally. One way they can do that is

to major in international politics and economics, international relations or a foreign language. And, if they have an opportunity to study abroad, they will have an even better understanding of the world and be better prepared to have an impact on it. Consequently, I have endowed the Tana Sterrett Scott Scholarship to help Alpha Xi Deltas interested in these fields to make a difference. How does it feel to endow a scholarship and support the higher education of future generations of Sisters? It gives me a great deal of satisfaction to be able to endow this scholarship now, in thanks to Alpha Xi Delta, for all the ways our beloved Fraternity has enriched my life. I hope the recipients over the years will express their gratitude for this assistance by supporting Alpha Xi Delta after they graduate with their time, talent and treasure.

Olive Gabriel Faries Scholarship Fund Paige Faries, Western Kentucky ’71, and Kitty Faries Herndon, Western Kentucky ’78, endowed the Olive Gabriel Faries Scholarship to honor their mother’s memory. Keeping with Olive’s passions, the scholarship will benefit undergraduate Sisters from any chapter majoring in language arts or education. Olive earned a bachelor of arts in English and French from Eastern Paige (center) and Kitty (right) with their mother Kentucky University and taught high Olive (seated) at the 2009 school English, French and Spanish National Convention. during WWII. She later worked as a secretary at Western Kentucky University. Olive was an advocate of women’s higher 29

Foundation news

education. Paige and Kitty say going to college was always a given and after college their mother was always supportive of their professional goals. When asked to describe Olive, Paige said, “Mom was very strong, compassionate and caring.” She demonstrated these qualities serving others as the first president of Opti-Mrs. (Optimist Club Women’s Auxiliary); a Sunday School teacher at Christ Episcopal Church in Bowling Green, Kentucky; and as a volunteer in the Chaplin’s office at Methodist Hospital in Indianapolis, Indiana. Olive was an alum initiate of the Epsilon Kappa Chapter at Western Kentucky University in 1968. She shared the joy of Sisterhood with her daughters and granddaughters. Members of the Faries family are among Alpha Xi Delta’s most loyal National Convention attendees. Kitty’s daughter, Jenny Herndon Brackett, Indiana ’01, first came to Alpha Xi Delta’s National Convention as a teenager and later was initiated at Beta Pi Chapter, Indiana University in 2001. Her daughter-in-law, Sarah Spitzer Herndon, Alpha Deuteron ’05, was initiated at the 2005 National Convention in Tucson, Arizona. Olive enjoyed the fun of convention, meeting new Sisters and renewing lifelong friendships. The Faries family is looking forward to continuing the tradition and traveling to Boston for Alpha Xi Delta’s 2015 National Convention.

How would you describe your parents? Very selfless. They both immigrated from Egypt in their teens and, having left everything behind, met in the states and built a life from scratch. My father put himself through school and then served in the Army before marrying Patti’s parents, Ronald and my mother. For both of Denise Prince. them, family and their children came first. They were always willing to sacrifice their own wants and needs in order to give my brother and me every opportunity possible.

Ronald and Denise Prince Scholarship

Would you share a memory of your parents as it relates to Alpha Xi Delta? I guess when they came to Kappa Chapter for the first mom’s day event. The experience was completely foreign to them, but they really enjoyed it. They loved the house and the brunch, and they really enjoyed meeting my friends who came from all over the country and all walks of life.

Patti Prince, Illinois ’91, endowed the Ronald and Denise Prince Scholarship to honor her parent’s memory. Patti first went to Brooklyn College where she was a member of a local chapter that later became Theta Theta Chapter of Alpha Xi Delta. After transferring to the University of Illinois, she joined Alpha Xi Delta. The Ronald and Denise Prince Scholarship is available to members of Kappa Chapter at the University of Illinois and Theta Theta Chapter at Brooklyn College in any area of study. Patti is a Strategic Account Executive in Sales and Account Management with UnitedHealthcare. She serves on the Associate Board of Common Threads; chairs the Community Connections Council at UnitedHealthcare of IL; and volunteers with Girls in the Game. We asked Patti to share her inspiring parents with The Quill.

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What inspired you to establish a scholarship in your parents memory? Education was always the most important thing for them. It was very important to them that I attend college and also have a positive college experience. This was especially important for my mother as I was the first woman in our immediate family (not counting women who married my uncles) to attend college. Alpha Xi Delta is also where I met three of my closest friends. Cindy Johnson, Illinois ’91, Jen Sledge, Illinois ’92, Mieko Iyama, Illinois ’92, and I still see each other at least once a month.

Keeping Up with the Alpha Xi Delta Foundation It Is Never Too Early To Start Planning... Planned gifts are, by definition, extraordinary. A planned gift is the best way to ensure that your loved ones are provided for and that your preferred philanthropies, such as Alpha Xi Delta, are supported as you intend. These decisions are significant ones you will choose to make with the guidance of family, financial and legal advisers. Popular planned giving options are: • Bequests • IRAs and Retirement Plan Assets • Life Insurance • Charitable Gift Annuities • Charitable Remainder Trusts Planned gifts may be unrestricted, giving Alpha Xi Delta the most flexibility to use your gift for priority educational programs and activities, or your gift may be designated for a specific purpose such as leadership, educational programming, scholarships, projects to improve the lives of children or operational needs. If you wish to include special terms with your planned gift, it is important that you consult with the Foundation to be certain your intent can be carried out within the parameters of the Foundation’s 501(c) (3) designation.

The Society of 1893 recognizes alumnae and friends who provide for the Alpha Xi Delta Foundation in their estate planning. Your planned gift to the Foundation ensures the long-term strength of Alpha Xi Delta and makes her a great national Fraternity. To learn more, visit

The Loyalty Fund Campaign is Underway! Invest in young women’s lives. The 2014-15 Loyalty Fund Campaign is underway, and you are able to help continue our impact with your own special gift. Make your Loyalty Fund gift online at; by phone at 317.872.3500; or mail your gift payable to Alpha Xi Delta Foundation to 8702 Founders Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268. Install a QR code reader app on your phone and use it to scan the QR code on this page to make your Loyalty Fund gift online today.

meet a scholarship recipient Julie Aldag, Sonoma State ’11 “Lifetime commitment means respecting the promise I made to grow in ‘courage, graciousness and peace.’ It also means applying the leadership skills I have learned through Alpha Xi Delta in my daily life. I want to be able to embrace Sisterhood even after I leave Sonoma State and show others that joining a sorority isn’t about partying. It’s about learning to become a more developed woman who understands the importance of bettering yourself through philanthropy and strong female relationships,” Julie said. “I have always been someone who has truly valued education, and it is my dream to graduate college and earn a degree. With the Foundation’s help in receiving these scholarships, I was able to continue on in hopes of achieving my dream. I am forever grateful for the opportunities I’ve been given through the Alpha Xi Delta Foundation. I don’t think I could ever thank them enough. I feel quite lucky to be able to carry on the Fraternity’s values through my education with the help of the scholarships, such as the Ruth Photo Credit: Braeden McClain Media Fowler Brown Scholarship and the Slaymaker-Kinsey Academic Achievement Award, which were set up in the names of Alpha Xi Delta Sisters.”

Julie received the 2013 Ruth Fowler Brown Scholarship and the 2012 Slaymaker-Kinsey Academic Achievement Award from the Alpha Xi Delta Foundation. 31

Foundation news

The Mary Burt Nash Society recognizes leadership donors stepping up to support the Alpha Xi Delta Foundation by giving $1,000 or more annually. All restricted and unrestricted gifts count toward Mary Burt Nash Society recognition. The Foundation is pleased to recognize the following Sisters and friends giving $1,000 or more from June 1, 2013 to May 31, 2014. Marcia Brink Adair, Monmouth College Lynn Andrews, University of Iowa Pamela McCormick Barkman, Baldwin Wallace University Janice Sheldon Baumback, University of Washington Maxine Evans Blackburn, Wittenberg University Mary Josie Cain Blanchard, University of Texas Margaret Bozarth, Monmouth College Carol Malkmus Briggs, Ohio University George Brown, Jr., son of Ruth Fowler Brown, Ohio University Evonne Carawan, North Carolina State University Elizabeth De Jong, Bethany College Paige Faries, Western Kentucky University Jane Dunlap Gaby, University of Tennessee-Knoxville Martha Geppert, University of Illinois Christine Shellhammer Gilliam, Bowling Green State University Margaret Payne Greene, Stetson University Regina Willis Hawkins, Jacksonville State University Katharyn Faries Herndon, Western Kentucky University Mary Louise Haymaker Hill, Purdue University Marilyn Herbes Horner, University of Nebraska at Omaha

Judi Jones Jacobs, University of Kentucky Grace Gibbs Johnson, University of Iowa Jeanne Regus Kuller, University of Maryland Jennifer Emerick Kuntz, University of Northern Iowa Nicole Kuzmin-Nichols, Case Western Reserve University Julie Lambert, Oregon State University Jennifer Bellas Lee, Old Dominion University Jean Koza Leider, University of Iowa Wendy Kurtz Levine, Indiana University Bonnie Eiker Lightcap, Susquehanna University Deborah Fenwick Maas, Marshall University Charlotte West Martin, University of Georgia Karolee Wybenga Olsen, University of Nebraska at Omaha Jacqueline Fonder Pechette, Syracuse University Pauline Dale Platt, Gettysburg College Nancy Drenan Prendergast, The Ohio State University Patricia Prince, University of Illinois Jane Fursey Ralston, University of Mount Union Elizabeth Stuckert Ray, University of Kentucky Beverly Case Rorer, University of Pennsylvania Marianne Moritz Russo, California State University-Northridge Janice Zajac Sayatovic, Syracuse University Tana Sterrett Scott, Middlebury College Bobby Allphin Stanton, University of Kentucky Jane Hooper Sutton, Western Carolina University Marilyn Atwood Terry, University of California-Berkeley Julia Naftzger Van Sickle, Purdue University Nealy Patty Wheat, University of West Georgia Dorothy Sheldon Williams, Western Carolina University Linda Bernd Wrench, Indiana University

Loyal Donors Making a Difference There is a group of women who have been giving to the Alpha Xi Delta Foundation for years. Their gifts have ranged from small (a $5.00 first gift) to large, (a $1,000+ leadership gift) to sponsor the Fraternity’s priority educational programs, scholarships and more. These women come from chapters all over the nation, large and small. What they have in common is a love and passion for, and an expressed desire to support, Alpha Xi Delta’s future. Thank you to our donors who have supported us for more than 35 consecutive years and counting!

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Janice Sheldon Baumback, University of Washington Martha Brown Black, Ohio University Judy Erickson, Iowa State University Barbara Williams Fetsko, California University of Pennsylvania Carol Schneider Honey, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Celia Samaras Maneatis, University of California-Berkeley Shirley Gausman Marchand, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Pauline Dale Platt, Gettysburg College Nadine Roberts, Frostburg State University Tana Sterrett Scott, Middlebury College Patricia Williams Shires, Ohio Wesleyan University Claudette Smith, Jacksonville State University Shirley Newcomer Wagner, University of New Hampshire 33

Foundation news

Foundation Donors The Foundation thanks the following Sisters and friends who made donations between June 1, 2013, and May 31, 2014. The following list reflects donors’ lifetime giving totals to all Foundation funds. Life-to-Date Giving Circles Cora Bollinger Block $100,000+ Heritage $50,000-$99,999 Symphony $25,000-$49,999 Lombard $10,000-$24,999 Founders’ $5,000-$9,999 Sisterhood $1,000-$4,999 = Member of the Heart Sunshine Circle * Deceased donor


Knox College Founders’ Giving Circle Karen King McConnell Sisterhood Giving Circle Betty Darnell Nelson Juliet Engel Schertz Linda Sokody Seybold Donor Doris Janes Lawton Carolyn Swartz Park


Iowa Wesleyan College Sisterhood Giving Circle Amy Williams Hopkins Sally Schuck Donor Norma Seyb Dahms Shelley Wilmes Grider Sheri Seibold Linda Faust Witmer


University of Mount Union Lombard Giving Circle Jane Fursey Ralston Sisterhood Giving Circle Marilyn Conrath Yallah Gault Judith Jackson Denise Kipfstuhl Sarah Solt McCloskey Susan Bostwick Shiring Donor Deana Allen Audra Antram Tracy Asplin Kacy Baker Alexandria Baklarz Gretchen Nile Baldwin Kristin Barnes Celine Bedrosian Lauren Beil

34 the


Erin Bell Shaigan Bhatti Tracy Bombik Brooke Bookless Cayley Briggs Georganne Bryan Courtney Burton Ashleigh Carney Kalie Catterall Emily Christopher Annissa Coley Emma Creech Anne Shilts Crowl Alyssa Cuffman Jessica DeWater Cresslyn DiRosa Demi Dotto Kinsey Douglass Shelby Drazen Kayla Dunlap = Kelly Emery Ruth Mani Fiegenschuh Sarah Filipovich Jena Finch Connie Snode Flynn Alyssa Fortuna Bailey Grimm Elizabeth Haavisto = Alexandria Hamit Elisabeth King Helber Lisa Higgins Donna Butler Hill Erica Hirsch Nicole Hodgson Sarah Hohenadel Shannon Honeycutt Dana Jackson Keirsten Joy Julianne Kachovec = Alicia Kasunic Katharine Kelley Kelsey Kincaid = Marian Hoke Knipfer Emily Kominko = Joyce Glover Krahling Briana Kuhn Kelley Lange Cassidy Lasick June Fursey Lee Heather Lee Amanda Leigh Michelle Marchand Ashley Mayer Taylor McCartney Kelly McMahon Megan McMinn Bailey Miller Kendell Miller Jenna Miller Laura Mould Lois Everett Myers Melanie Nakonachny

Cassidy Ott Amanda Pavelka Kylee Peck Emily Phillip Brittany Piatt Lauren Podojil Emily Quandt Rachel Rector Marissa Rhea Heather Rice Sarah Richards Paige Robson Taylor Rothbrust Hannah Rothgery Karen Rozler Jessica Russell Ashley Sears Katelyn Sees Jocelyn Sefick Misa Seguchi Nicole Simons Cassaundra Siskovic Elissa Good Smith Bridget Smith Erin Smolinski Carole Evans Spiker Carolann Sterkenburg Olivia Stoffer Alexis Swartz Kori Trachsel Alexandra Vanek Courtney Wachal Alexandra Waitinas Tayler Walsh Kalyn Ward Willmetta Warholyk Jordan Warrick Morgan Weber Kristen Weideman Sarah Yannie


Bethany College Sisterhood Giving Circle Anne Buchanan Blankenship Elizabeth deJong Suzanne Abbott Lesiak Donor Alanna Bebech = Jenna Clancy = Lisa Ulbin Hamel Heather Holeva = Alanna Hunter-Crump = Amanda Madurski = Olivia Stuart McFadden Elizabeth Newhouse = Beth Shaffer Susan Dodd Simchock Sarah Smith = Kari Tiede Rebecca Westcom = Ruth Braem White-Worden


University of South Dakota Founders’ Giving Circle Elysia Balster Gallivan Sisterhood Giving Circle Bonnie Untereiner Bjork Ramona Fiksdal Bowden Luella Bruhn Cozad Barbara Smith Reynolds Donor Angie Butler Ackerman Betty Fideler Dale Karen Knutson Ferris Carol Clarke Gillespie Ellyn Kennedy Virginia Pederson Larimer Nancy Gellhaus Ludvik Annie Miller Kayla Prasek Stephanie Rushton Kayla Gengler Schroeder Vicki Hauck Sullivan Linda Lea Crampton Viken


Wittenberg University Lombard Giving Circle Diane Curtis Gregory Founders’ Giving Circle Maxine Evans Blackburn * Sisterhood Giving Circle Carolyn Trinter Cull Sharon Hall Donor Christine Kelly Gosnell Brill Jennifer Dose Dee Stutz Frazier Katherine Hudik Gall Jeanne Ellen Schrader Gamble Virginia Alice Sprang Greenawalt Audrey Tatro Hall Judith Becker Kemp Pamela Benken Lyle Ellen Trinter MacFarlane Barbara Smick Peterson Margaret Ann Rankin Rittenhouse Donna Gail Dudley Rowe Robbin Corson Russell Ann Strawn Stafford Cheryl Tingle


Syracuse University Lombard Giving Circle Janice Zajac Sayatovic Founders’ Giving Circle Jacqueline Fonder Pechette Sisterhood Giving Circle Dorothy Borneman Bell Ruth Hazard Lee Donor Betty Akin Cowles

Belen Crisp = Gretchen Balling DiMarco Jane Barlow Bauer Donegan Karol Bradwick Hitt Nancy Reissfelder Hoppe Ruth Bailey Hunter Sabra Whitcomb Hunter Jill Katzer Barbara Economides Kelly Dorothy Leonard Emily Mccarthy Walta Williams Parfitt Martha Bay Reynolds Tovah Guttenplan Rothman Barbara Foust Stoll


University of Wisconsin-Madison Lombard Giving Circle Kathryn Kuechenmeister Vaughan Sisterhood Giving Circle Hope Beck Goldsmith Roberta Collins Harper Mary Goers Norma Malmanger Liebenberg Elizabeth John Loehne Carol Woodworth Root Karla Allen Spinks Joan Rohde Trafford Jane Lewis Wise Donor Sarah Filler Donna Gilley Gager Paula Borchers Giese Ann Nunemaker Hartman Janan Opie Martens Marcia Bourkland Pauly Elizabeth Williams Polousky Patricia Krivitz Riess Jean Brann Shuler Susan Voeglie Templar Linda Thoemke Wickstrom


West Virginia University Donor Joanne Walker Bowie Ruth Harris David Lisa Sine Drewry Laura White Lawson Karen Schoonover Martin Cynthia Houchins Ours Doras Honecker Reed Alexandra Ballard Reynolds Lucille Schmieder Nancy Cox Whitham Carol Wilson Wilking


University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Symphony Giving Circle Patricia Prince Lombard Giving Circle Martha Geppert Marian Harding Thompson

Sisterhood Giving Circle Julia Wilson Dillon Dorothy Drolet Dirks Patricia Bolin Glenn Linda Lowery Lindsay Pamela McVeigh Laura Paluch Moran Martha Johnson Ward Edith Wiedling Webber Donor Patricia Riccetti Adams Amaya Adams = Denese Brown Anderson Tammi Trebs Anderson Sherrill Newhouse Babler Hannah Bartman = Jennifer Bowley = Veronica Raisch Brantz Ivy Iversen Burkin Michelle Groce Cahoon Claire Cates = Ruth Turner Chambliss Dana DeSutter = Barbara Larson Dilling Mia Eccher = Elaine Eggert = Katherine Fickel = Marilyn Jungst Forsstrom Ashley Fullerton = Megan Gaseor = Angelina Gerbas = Rachel Granzin = Kathleen Huttenhoff Grzybek Jill Harley Dana Hayes = Anne Heitzman Julia Hinsch = Savannah Howe = Allison Hunt = Kelly Hynes = Courtney Johnson = Hannah Kaufmann = Allison Kazaitis = Madalyn Kermicle = Simone Kohn Patricia Firebaugh Mann Caitlyn Matlak = Kelsa McAndrews = Mary McCarthy = Penelope Toman McLaren Jennifer McLean = Cheri Schmid Mezydlo Manon Misheck = Carol Miskiv Heather Murphy = Haley Musgrave = Carly Norris = Jean Frawley Nystrom Rachel Ramos Katherine Renaud = Linda Jayne Rodenburg Kathy Schleicher Chelsea Schroeder = Lauren Schultz = Katherine Shanahan = Becky Brdlik Smilak Dorothy Cihlar Smith

Kendall Stoller = Gail Lopatka Stone Patricia Spalding Sturtz Kristina Wagner = Kathryn Wesoloski = Alex Willey = Erin Willson = Mary Clark Willy


University of Minnesota Sisterhood Giving Circle JoAnn Hunt Billings Donor Laurel Ness Gatz Gwen Hagen


University of Washington Symphony Giving Circle Janice Sheldon Baumback Lombard Giving Circle Linda Belles Dinus Sisterhood Giving Circle Marjory Dark Barbee Katherine Orebaugh Reinke Donor Jennifer Awrey Karen Brackett Elaine Marie Endress Braun Susan Tompkins Commeree Rita Tappe Gill Stephanie Hamill = Katharine Johnson = Valdean Sears Jones Patricia Tonett Nesheim Kaald Melissa Mitchell Larson Ty Mahoney = Katherine Hempler Parker Marjorie Bragdon Satterfield Taryn Kristof Solie Amber Valenzuela =


University of Kentucky Lombard Giving Circle Elizabeth Stuckert Ray Sisterhood Giving Circle Sandi Edwards Judi Jones Jacobs Cary Lawson Moore Bobby Allphin Stanton Kimberly Starr Donor Jean Virginia Shure Amos Linda Ann Ransom Horvath Ruth Ellen Mattingly Jill O’Daniel Debra Suzanne Haysley Roling Karen Cook Rudd Gertrude Evans Sewell Jean Shropshire Wright *


University of California-Berkeley Lombard Giving Circle Marilyn Atwood Terry

Sisterhood Giving Circle Marion Macdonald Blau Jeanne Martell Campbell Celia Samaras Maneatis Dorothy Anderson Tregea Donor Emily Marie Fara Akey Irene Ganin Bechtel Jean Campbell Roman Virginia Harrell Schultz


Ohio University Sisterhood Giving Circle Carol Malkmus Briggs Carolyn McLaughlin Cuppernull Rose Vachon Kunkel Roarty Marilyn Geiler Netschke Barbara Grow Schanzle Donor Hollie Amato Martha Brown Black Tracy Anne Cuckler Browning Mary Banks Connett Marcy Jo Sickles Ey Charlotte Richards Forquer Janice Brueckner Garver Betty Lou Hayes Harden Barbara Poland Harris Barbara Johnston Hoover Brianne Januszyk Carla Dixon Kahler Pamela Margaret Schultz Kinkade Carane Ladd Marilyn Burnham Stotts


University of Nebraska-Lincoln Lombard Giving Circle Jane Wilkens Schroeder Founders’ Giving Circle Alice Frampton Dittman Michelle Soderquist Hartnett Sisterhood Giving Circle Kathryn Ashenfelter Marcia Boden Janet Beachler Day Katherine Hanson Carol Schneider Honey Marlene Labenz-Hough Mary Jeanne Marchant Maxwell Rebecca Richter Perrett Margery M DeLamatre Sorenson Donor Christyne Evans Bathel Marguerite Boslaugh Lauren Catangui = Alexandria Cerveny = Lia Ciardi Sara Brandes Crook Peggy Ann Juker Fredrickson Casey Gossman = Donna K Maronde Hammack Joyce Schneider Hecht Mary Hoffmeister Hillberry Heather Hirsch Lois J Hayes Hoff 35

Foundation news Kristen Hudson = Donna Lea Wetzel Hunt Celeste Knapper Virginia Lakin Regina Todero Mangine Caroline Stephenson Marciano Kristi Lundeen Nelson Laurel Rae Olson Nye Ellen Poly Cassandra Rosenthal = Sheri Schipper-Kriete Emily Wray Stander Lindsay Stephan


University of Iowa Founders’ Giving Circle Jean Koza Leider Sisterhood Giving Circle Lynn Andrews Patricia Bunting Angelici Kiyoko Farrington Czech Elizabeth L Gray Gumbrell Grace Gibbs Johnson * Mary Baker Jones Claire Stoltenberg McKinzie Donor Sydney Alcini = Gannon Brzoska = Sara Coleman Janice Wilhoite Dietz Carol Hughet Dixon Stephanie Dubinski = Theresa Dvorak Jaclyn Dziepak Ann Raster English Sara Fairbanks = Morgan Ferris = Emma Goldsmith = Claire Hagedorn = Devan Hanna = Judith Drews Haring-Green Caitlin Harris = Chandra Johnson Jean Ann Sulek Jordan Susan Moorman Kelly Jeanne Marie Leone Meredith Malone Linda Stock Matter Erin Mcdermott = Megan Gustafson Melloy Joscelyn Miner = Alexandra Neville = Jackie Niffenegger Paula Vandeventer Oldag Hanna Ralson = Sherry Cernin Schaddel Sondra Sohm Shelton Anna Shepherd = Jamie Suzanne Swan Janet Rummery Thorne Ellen Turner =


University of New Hampshire Sisterhood Giving Circle Justine L. Lougee Olive

36 the


Shirley Newcomer Wagner Donor Susan Carol Weselcouch Autuori Kim Petruchik Cavanagh Alexa Condon = Ariana Greene = Meghan Kelley Mary Eileen Shaughnessy Marquis Ruth Goldthwait Maynard Ally Morrison = Heather Oliver = Beverly Swain Powell-Woodward Sarah Thirman = Katherine Blajda Tyson


Albion College Symphony Giving Circle Allison James Green Founders’ Giving Circle Joanne Braucher Sisterhood Giving Circle Harriette Leonard Fredenburg Margaret Goebel Sherry Palliaer Higgins Valerie Palliaer McCammon Marjorie Ann Hearst Orr Elisabeth Rees Donor Marissa Bell MacKenzie Chesley = Catherine Huxtable Graham Brenda Guinan Eileen Hart Harrison Barbara Ann Lindblom Danielle O’Donohue Alice Osterberg Osberg Phyllis Reitzel Ross Heather Stamat Jennifer Daniels Umberger Linda Louise Washkewicz Shea Williams =


University of Kansas Donor Cheryl Hernandez Duran Hilary Roberts


The Ohio State University Lombard Giving Circle Nancy Drenan Prendergast Founders’ Giving Circle Betty French Unkel Sisterhood Giving Circle Mary Anders Adams-Smith Rebecca Reed Cairns Winifred Kneisley Huffman Joan Brown Ladd Marjorie Erskine Lasko Elizabeth Ruth Gans Lidington Cheryl Ann Bowersox Louder Rebecca McCurdy Linda Amick Safford Sarah Rebecca Miller Smith Betty Cronin Webb

Donor Alexandra Casiere = Kelle Caroline Gross Coy Lisa Boccabella DaLena Alexis Dreier = Krista Early = Millicent Ruth Schlosser Eckhart Sue Riley Fackler Sarah Fitzpatrick = Stephanie Force = Kristin Ford Marilyn Kropp Harrer Lydia Blalock Harto Mary Miller Horner Mary Paul Johnston Ellen Louise Dettra Kunst Marilyn Dewey Lindeman Jean Ann Walter Mahan Bethany Martin = Marsha Ellen Wildermuth Pattison Cathy Pierce Arlene Christman Rose Carol Russo Nancy Clare Adams Slaymaker Charlotte Brokaw Thomas Dominique Villoria = Janet Volpe Vine Judith Jane Rausch Warner Melodie Hill Welch Jessica Wiles Beverly Stotzner Winkler


Stetson University Lombard Giving Circle Margaret Payne Greene Sisterhood Giving Circle Anneliese Hallsten Lorraine Feasel Reddick Patricia Byrd Shamrock Donor Sylvia Margaret McDonald Collins Katarina Ellich Anna Foster Mildred Elizabe Campbell Gibson Kathryn Hartikka Linda Gregory Hawes Laura Hill Rebecca Klonel = Susan Shiflett Susan Hicks Souto Lucy Ward Bodnar Ruth Henrickson Webb

Alpha Beta

Cornell University Sisterhood Giving Circle Carol Mayer Utter Donor Emily Bitar Gabrielle Girard = Betsy Lockrow Meyer Aleksandra Mroczkowska Melissa Murphy Megan Nemlich Annalise Schoonmaker = Alexa Wnorowski =

Alpha Gamma

Coe College Sisterhood Giving Circle Sandra Dahlstrom Kruger Pauline Herron Huston Miller Donor Marilyn Foster Erickson Phyllis Dellmann Stanchfield

Alpha Delta

Oregon State University Heritage Giving Circle Frances Smith Gooley * Lombard Giving Circle Julie Lambert Sisterhood Giving Circle Margaret Riggs Arndt Mary Jo Cox Capps Phyllis Gray Hann Madelyn Crane Mason Barbara Ellett Schnabel Donor Kati Gray Austgen Janet Leonard Baillie Carol Lorraine Larson Eberlein Martha Vancamp Richardson Phyllis Armstrong Specht

Alpha Epsilon

University of Michigan Sisterhood Giving Circle Janet Hutchins Judith Sellevold LaBreche Anne Fiske Lee Marian Sayward West Linda Rainwater Yates Donor Jonette Taipale Cauvin Mary Lubienski Flanagan Lucy Niemann French Jennifer Frohock-Hoffman Margaret Ann Smothers Gluski June Miekka Hallenbeck Charlene Edwards Kelsey Virginia Neffner Misch Elizabeth Barber Murray Barbara Libs Murray Nicole Nelson Mary Kay Olson Marie Panchuk Roberta Shaw Stimac Beverly Ann Stewart Stone Barbara Ramin Tuscher Carole Lynn Kilpatrick Underkofler Margaret Neel Webber

Alpha Zeta

University of Oklahoma Donor Lisa Vaughn Hampton Anna Simmons Hefner Doris Mead Reynolds Carlie Mae Howle Rutledge

Alpha Eta

Purdue University Heritage Giving Circle

Mary Louise Haymaker Hill Lombard Giving Circle Julia Naftzger Van Sickle Founders’ Giving Circle Kendra Becker Lewis Mary Ruth Hadley Snyder Sisterhood Giving Circle Sharon Ploch Bassler Susan Zuhl Bryant Kathleen Burns Vicki Moore Capadona Diane McClure Dow Rebekah Fenstermaker Druetzler Karen Ann Kallstrom Jenkin Nancy Akers Kaney Audrey Rothwell Kleasen Ann Schmiedicke Klemm Jean Ellen Klick Lois Congram Myerholtz Barbara Bauman Plochman Anne Ruppe Shields Lois Osenberg Streed Doris Kenninger Stump Barbara Tower Williams Donor Samantha Deufel Adams Beth Harsch Altenkirch Alexandra Amonica = Teresa Roberts Anderson Tara Jane Torgerson Anderson Julie Andrews Sharon Albert Balka Lisa Burns Banach Julia Bergmann = Avus Elaine Jackson Brandenburg Lindsey Britt = Emma Cardinale = Pamela Miller Carpenter Helen Adeline Swisher Cobb Jaclyn Cole = Marilyn Odle Cooprider Miriam Engelman Cravens Mary Dunbar Curtis Stephanie Dvorak = Kayla Edwards Jean Kay Tevebaugh Ehmsen LeAnn Shafer Eliason Abby Elisha = Marjorie Hienton Frantzreb Jacqueline Sue Bunger Gerold Melinda McKee Gillespie Susan Stephanie Koss Gillis Carolyn Jane Dilts Hays Alexandra Henderson = Courtney Hill = Claire Hindsley = Emily Hoadley = Jeanette Jinks Horrall Jennifer Hubert Erica Hughes = Janet Marie Ellis Hunzinger Susan Pepples Hurley Samantha Jackson = Leslie Johnson = Lauren Kelly = Morgan Kilgore = Mary Alice McCauley Kranz

Lucy Kurzava = Savannah Landis = Joy Liesegang = Sarah Mack = Sarah McAfee = Megan McCarter Erin Mecklenburg = Nancy Goris Mills Julie Mohamad = Kaily Moore = Sara Elsbury Morgan Nancy Hahn Morgan Alyssa Nahley = Karena Newman = Erin Nicklow = Doris Anne McNary Onken Emilie Perdue = Amy Posavac - Osborne Mary Kathryn Baughman Pulkrabek Audrey Rehberg = Kristi L Brown Reininga Wilma Marie Knoop Shackleton Katie Singer = Sandra Smith Donna Speck Smith Allison Snyder = Sara Adair Sperry Odel Ann Butler Strange Sophia Strong = Brittney Terry Paige Tobin = Taylor Toll = Borbala Toth = Helen Maxine Hardin Townsend Nicole Verkamp = Judith Anne Turley Weadick Isabella Wheatley = Sara Peck Wilson Lauren Wons = Roberta Connolly Wygant Dianne Ensign Ziegler

Alpha Theta

Northwestern University Sisterhood Giving Circle Jayne McLaren Gaw Pamela Butler James Powers Peterson MD Suzanne Mitton Petru Suzanne Finley Ullmann Donor Joan Catherine Cameron Denton Virginia Hall Edahl Lorraine Talcott Hoopes Jane Parsegian Hovsepian Lorraine Schumacher Klemke Mary Loncharich Gaskell Barbara LaDage Robinson Lorraine Etheridge Sorenson

Alpha Iota

Drake University Founders’ Giving Circle Nancy Polk Bogenrief Sisterhood Giving Circle Camilla Olson Blakeslee Isoline Woodroffe Headstrom

Margaret Alice McCay Joni Lindale Williamson Donor Carmen Haworth Brown Jeannette Brown Belke DeLost Janice Forret Doudna Diane Duesenberg Long Kathleen Joyce Diesi Nissly Pamela Hope Simpson Nolting Daryl Gay Simpson Norman

Alpha Kappa

Kansas State University Sisterhood Giving Circle Kathryn Connor Sherry Lamoreux Humphrey Cynthia Collingwood Saunders Donor Rena June Hartzler Armatas Geri Nelson Bachman Barbara Bain Teresa Myzer Baldwin Gail Buller Barnes Pauline Baldwin Baskett Laura Hale Beardmore Joanna Wall Bushnell Marsha Isaacson Chaffee Caroline Perkins Clinger Sheila Dicken Collins Helen Stover Criss Mary Plantz Grasso Bonnie Byrne Hoover Lake Shoffner Kinney Jo Stroup Lyman Frances Scott Mettle Jordan Minto = Caroline McCain Peterson-Searls Makenzie Provorse Karen Kemper Richards Joan Conover Schroeder Judith Dierdorff Stehley Cynthia Yoder Stevens Betty Dietrich Weese

Alpha Lambda

University of Oregon Sisterhood Giving Circle Louise Alicia Robinson Dane Jane Kutch Mercereau Donor Carol Elizabeth Coons Wigle

Alpha Mu

Ohio Wesleyan University Sisterhood Giving Circle Myrna Gale Osborne Hixson Virginia Drick Messing Doris Cannell Price Patricia Williams Shires Jane Stone Donor Patricia Young Allen Mary Elizabeth Blesh Clark Helen Hartley Kuntz Lois Jean Batschelet Lawrence Leslie Sue Martin Lederer Judith Melinsky

Judith Nesbit Catherine Louis Turner Salisbury Elinor Harper Spiller Sally Lees Wenzel Strehle Beth Dreisbach Vogt Carolyn Huling Wenzelberger

Alpha Xi

University of California-Los Angeles Symphony Giving Circle Bonnie Leigh Baker Blish Founders’ Giving Circle Elizabeth Topkis Sisterhood Giving Circle Jeanne Curry Laye Donor Patricia Lee Dillon Clegg Allene Killough Harding Margaret Ann Tomalunas Holland Joan Knight Knowlton Elsie Martin Carla Alice Rausch Nelson Margaret Gail Hardenbrook Priver Gloria Green Reinman Patricia Mary Armstrong Sparks

Alpha Omicron

Hunter College Sisterhood Giving Circle Margaret Hart Hanigan Donor Marie Massa Hanna Elfriede Thiele Kelso

Alpha Pi

Middlebury College Heritage Giving Circle Tana Sterrett Scott

Alpha Rho

Allegheny College Donor Rebecca J Stewart Carter Nancy Reed Chatfield Twyla Margaret Holmstrom Sales

Alpha Sigma

Washington State University Donor Edith Taylor Grube Joan Weber

Alpha Tau

University of Alabama Sisterhood Giving Circle Teddi Mackelden Carol Williams Donor Charlotte Alison Patricia Beach Cucina Jo-Ann Garside Sandra Sumner Lois Taylor Williams 37

Foundation news

Alpha Phi

University of Pennsylvania Symphony Giving Circle Beverly Case Rorer Sisterhood Giving Circle Ellyn Buehl Gehrett Donor Elizabeth Skelton Ames Jeanne Korns Clark Carolyn Kerr Hickerson Barbara Joyce Brunton Kime

Alpha Chi

Randolph-Macon College Donor Margaret Mosteller Gamble

Alpha Psi

University of Denver Donor Susan Mohamed Downhower

Alpha Omega

Florida State University Lombard Giving Circle Linda Jean Kotowski Sisterhood Giving Circle Sharon Lou De Vore Jean Sauer DeFrances Elizabeth Fultz Derby Nelle Crenshaw Flewellen Jan Sapp McNeill Gale Jacoby Petronis Sandra McNab Turnbull Donor Barbara Louise Smith Arthur Arlene Kotowski Bischoff Virginia Gerretson Brooks June Day Marjorie Louise Potts Evans Virginia Vaughn Fisher Barbara Guidos Mary Mims Johnson Terrie Jones Jones Whittier Jean Landrum Langston Marcella Portewig Charlotte Abney Rudy Maude Anne Mims Scott

Beta Alpha

University of Texas at Austin Founders’ Giving Circle Robin Hartman Lock Sisterhood Giving Circle Mary Josie Cain Blanchard Martha Small Greenlaw Sharon Smith Diane Ditta Thornton Donor Leighton Dure Barclay Carol Beatty Patricia Bedsole = Kirsten Brown = Patricia Taylor Canavan Kathy Moore Dwight Darah Eckert Kristen Ellefson Elgie

38 the


Suzanne Erickson Catherine Trame Galanti Melissa Mabry Gaskin Lauren Harvey = Micaela Isler Abeer Kanafani Jennifer Kirby = Julie Lindsey Jessica Marks Cecilia Maxwell = Donna Avery Meyers Christina Morel Melissa Murray Virginia Nichols = Gracie Ogburn Allison Pirpich Madison Preston = Susan Garrott Raschke Meredith Ross = Monica Schafer Mary Anne Ewing Seale Karen Eloise Erwin Springer Marilyn Fife Sumner Melissa Masso Swanson Diane Elizabeth Womack Walberg Aida Kennedy Ziemnicki

Beta Beta

Washington University Sisterhood Giving Circle Elaine Doerbaum Seiler Kay Thurman Donor Rose Burmeister Fahien Carol Ann Keymer Gerhart Sondra Stonebraker Harrison Mary Geisler Walsh

Beta Gamma

Centenary College of Louisiana Sisterhood Giving Circle Donna Howell Doerler Emma Lou Stewart Hood Donor Jeanne Sweete Spence Pace Pheribie Monroe Prescott Suzanne Hanks Shelton

Beta Epsilon

Monmouth College Lombard Giving Circle Margaret Bozarth Kathryn Yager Brown Sisterhood Giving Circle Marcia Brink Adair Julie Anell Susan Ann Barrett Boelke Alice Pishan Croner Sonja Lowry Judy Maxwell Schaeffer Lisa Bondi Melinda Craddock Margaret Jones Nicole Kamzic = Taylor Martin Janet Lee Forbes Myers Lois Helena Gradous Myers Karen Ogorzalek

Kelly Stadter Ashley Stokes = Jeannette Williams Vogt Lindsey Zagar =

Beta Zeta

Lake Forest College Donor Phoebe Greenleaf Harper

Beta Eta

University of Maryland Heritage Giving Circle Jeanne Regus Kuller Sisterhood Giving Circle Lois Brassor Blevins Kathleen Burke Clark Ilda Margaret Lunan Deming Cherie Groff Letcher Michele Barone Hunn Donor Marian Gill Auer Joyce Gill Giard Cinthy S Getz Harner Jacquelyn Healey Kalinsky Gloria Ruth Barnabei MacKenzie Dolores Yvonne Hambright Maletzky Betty Axt McCurry Stephanie Nowak Morton Sharon Lanham Noble Lori Plazinski Nancy Hewitt Richardson Anne Sisk Dori Stibolt Amy Stuven Allison Thompson = Foteni Tzanis Tiffany Nancy Stenger Todd

Beta Theta

Michigan State University Sisterhood Giving Circle Mary Reed Arnold Mary Paule McMath Bierlein Carol Jo Rice Choulochas Linda Diane Desorcie Frances Minges Isaac Lois Taylor Leavitt Tracy Kleinschmidt Osborne Ann Gronewold Percy Betty Berquist Secaur Suellyn Matevia Sekulich * Donor Krystn Elaine Gilbertson Aversa Alice McClelland Boyd Barbara Goodrum Breisch Evangeline Newcomb Chase Ann Lundberg Chase Mary Musial Conine Karla Rae Lundeen Ducomb Karen Richey Forrester Iola Kern Mitton Kaitlyn Olcese = Sarah Skoropa = Rosalie Ann Fruin Veatch Jo Ann Westphal

Beta Iota

Louisiana State University Sisterhood Giving Circle Joe Bales Graber Rhonda Shives Donor Sheila Malone Combs Andrea Patronas Fournet Joanne Marie Deimel Granier Brenda Daigle Pipes

Beta Kappa

Baldwin Wallace University Lombard Giving Circle Linda Lutz Dettmer Founders’ Giving Circle Pamela McCormick Barkman Sisterhood Giving Circle Jody Dettmer Halley Sharon Scherer Hessoun Donor Barbara Behnke Ayres Karen Haynes Beyer Jeanne Margaret Vollman Pike

Beta Lambda

Pennsylvania State University Sisterhood Giving Circle Beth Cohen Helen Wojcik Fath Elissa Wellikson Donor Margaret Frederickson Albright Margaret Fisher Bosse Sandra Gurgon Brand Nancy Ries Brown Anne Brash Burns Luisa DeLuke Charbonneau Deborah Karkosky Covolus Carole Bashore Dietz Joan Elias Ellen Virginia Roe Grizzell Emily Hoover = Sandra Zelek Lear Michele Tallarico Moehrman Shannon Sutton = Ruth Calhoun Yanos

Beta Mu

Bowling Green State University Sisterhood Giving Circle Christine Shellhammer Gilliam Kathryn Blanche Hulse Stewart Barbara Perry Wagner Donor Kimberly Barrett = Abigail Benninger = Abigail Born = Mackenzie Bowen = Haley Bremkamp = Allison Brenner = Nancy Brown Brockman Meghan Carse = Kali Casale = Alexia Chesbrough = Crystal Chlebina = Angela Clay =

Stephanie Collins = Jenny Cooper = Lauren Cornwell = Molly Davenport = Jessica Dennis = Samantha DeStazio = Sandra Jane Minor Dundon Frances Pauline Breckner Ellett Rachael Elliott = Gabrielle Esquivel = Linda Stout Ferguson Hanah Franciosa = Taylor Ginnis = Stephanie Gowan = Kate Gruss = Brooke Guillozet = Abby Guthrie = Jessica Hager = Ashley Hall = Margaret Quayle Hamilton Brittany Hartory Samantha Havlicek = Kathleen Bradshaw Hensley Alyssa Herbe = Hailey Hodgson = Audrey Holston = Charlene Phillips Hughes Renee Iacano = Alexanda Jenkins = Leigh Perkins Kesling Kara Kilbane = Kristen Kilger = Elizabeth Link = Ashley Loughman = Jordan Marino = Megan McCurdy = Brooke McMillin = Angelica Mormile = Jessica Raburn Mormino Meagan Moyer = Leah Naveaux = Samantha Norris = Katharine Nozar = Molly Owens = Diane Elizabeth Johnson Payne Tiffany Pleska = Courtney Poettker = Katelyn Rammel = Lauren Ranft = Amanda Rees Jill Dupont Ritter Taylor Romano = Morgan Schafer = Kristen Seibold = Janelle Shaw = Barbara Lopacki Sines Kayla Somoles Katelyn Strine = Taylor Szalkowski = Sara Szink = Brittany Telakowicz = Haley Tolleson = Katelin Toporowsky = Patricia Schack Train Amy Trosin = Morgan Verplank = Carolyn Marie Tille VieBrooks Allyson Wert =

Drew Williams = Mariah Wilson = Mary Wright = Elizabeth Yarnell =

Beta Nu

Culver Stockton College Sisterhood Giving Circle Alice Jeanne Bailey Halberstadt Donor Sharon Nelson Johnson Lorraine Prior Salmon West

Beta Xi

Marietta College Sisterhood Giving Circle Mary Kay Porter Rowekamp Lucinda Spaney Bettina Geyer Thompson-Erickson Donor Carol Knapp Adelaar Cierra Bloom = Corin Bonnett Kelly Cecora = Emily Drabeck = Allison Fultz = Nicole Hannaway = Merrilynn Neidig Hayes Todd Barbara Smith Hintz Mary Hornbrook = Shannon Johnston = Phillipa Marmorstein = Gretchen Miller = Kimberly Nelson Alexis O’Hair = Susanne Gettings Ray Brianna Scott Hollie Young =

Beta Omicron

Missouri Valley College Founders’ Giving Circle Marcia Bowles Brown Sisterhood Giving Circle Judith Francis Parker Donor Mary Appel Hartzler Susan Ellis Lotz

Beta Pi

Indiana University Lombard Giving Circle Linda Bernd Wrench Founders’ Giving Circle Wendy Kurtz Levine Sisterhood Giving Circle Janice McBride Bobbs Helen Geyer Czenkusch Georgia Rider DiPietro Marilyn Lipsett Holthouse Bettsy Creigh Leib Alice Miller McRae Anne Berlin Painter Joyce Banker Stanton Vivian Schilling Surface Ann Barrett Tao Sharon May Vickery Jane Johnston Warner

Barbara May Wood Donor Mary Ann Barnett Appel Myrna Kanning Bianchi Cheryl K Mullett Comerford Allison Davies Nancy Beldon Erp Lauren Blankenbaker Felts Lucy Young Frokjer Barbara Schafbuch Goldstein Ann Klunzinger Heilman Ruth Ann Bruther Hoover Rachel Ignas Lauren Jolly Kathryn Louise Sanders Myers Carol Evans Nestleroad Deanna Newell Barbara Keuneke Parks Sharon Lee Schendel Katherine Hill Sedgley Virginia Kindig Simons Katie Drake Stark Martha Mull Stinson Jill Thompson Susan Marie Sovie Zanghi

Beta Rho

University of Utah Donor Catharine Jean Mann Parcher

Beta Sigma

West Virginia Wesleyan College Donor Jennifer Pearce Aldrich Cookie Bridgeman Brohawn Amy Rossiter Crist Susan Alma Sharpe Dotson Amy Johnston Herne Margaret Royse Hull Carolyn V Saxton Mary Jean Dorsey Taylor Shirley Kincaid Walker Susan Beriault Williams

Beta Tau

Kent State University Sisterhood Giving Circle Carole Vezse Henderson Susan Eicher Mamber Judith Ann Michael Pachmayer Kathleen Downing Pownall Donor Tammy Jessen Andreyko Beverly Hudec Bellis Katharine Smith Blair Angela Cecys Betty Lou Miley Chavis Peggy Sue Dickerhoff Coyne Sally Andrus Evans Kelsea Freeman = Danica Gazzigli Meghan George = Kathleen Giles Ruth Marie Brugler Griffing Laura Baltrinic King Jordyn Kovolyan = Sandra Downey Krueger

Anna Lood Lauren McClain Ellen Daiuto McGregor Morgan Neff = Jamie Schon

Beta Upsilon

University of Rhode Island Sisterhood Giving Circle Rickey Zeidler Jiranek Joan McDonald Stauble Donor Claire Margueri Wildprett Binns Gail Miller Black Anne Brown Kimberly Connor = Christina Conte = Melissa Crai Jade DeGiacomo = Elizabeth Vallier Donnelly Joan Bottino McMillan Carole M Colacurcio Olmsted Gianna Parrella = Marilyn Romano Pellini Lorna Millar Persson Alyson Sheehan = Francine Siegel Stampnitzky Julia Watkinson = Megan Wytenus =

Beta Phi

University of Connecticut Donor Magdalen Pacelli Sparaco Margaret Lewis Wardle

Beta Chi

Gettysburg College Symphony Giving Circle Pauline Dale Platt Sisterhood Giving Circle Nancy Marjorie Wallace Paulson Susan Gibble Wolf Donor Amy Venable Ciuffreda Nancy Louise Wing Dyer Cathy Jean Hart Hartwick Kathleen Marie Whalen Healy Cindy Dee Holms Laura Mitchell Nancy Wertman Sterrett Kelley Lynn Urniasz

Beta Psi

Carroll University Founders’ Giving Circle Kay Robinson Schanke Sisterhood Giving Circle Eunice Meissner Wright Donor Beverly Jean Goocher Clark Sonia Del Carme Hernandez Evans Katherine Harlan = Virginia Janssen Johnson Ashlie Kunich Melissa Schinker Reed Alexandra Santoro = 39

Foundation news Kathryn Schwarz Selby Gloria Bohn Smith Phyllis Hansen Thompson

Beta Omega

Memphis State University Sisterhood Giving Circle Frances Clark Norton Donor Mary Jane Hillard Jones Hilda Chase Mullen

Gamma Alpha

San Diego State University Founders’ Giving Circle Jeanne De La Vergne Means* Sisterhood Giving Circle Anne Rienstra Abendroth Evelyn Schweigen MacCarthy Sylvia Jennings Moore Sandra Morrison Karen Schnick Pelton Donor Linda Bewley Donnalee Ruth Adams Bubeck Nancy Lynn Burgeson Sharon Graham Dilloway Sue Ann Haverkamp Judith Herz Mary Quinones Hickethier Gloria Kleponis Hunt Marjorie Marily Good Maarten Mary Murphy Rice Marsha Redd Rogers Pamela Knoebel Tate Diane Carol Murphey Witthauer

Gamma Beta

Marshall University Founders’ Giving Circle Rigby Guiney Duncan Deborah Fenwick Maas Sisterhood Giving Circle Julie Schroder Lindsay Carol Legg Young Donor Mollie Blake = Anna Mackey Carothers Kathryn Colbert = Jane Louise Woodburn Costanzo Linda Eakle Patricia Damron Evans Ashley Fisher = Loretta Mariotti Hammond Marjorie K Minnix Heywood Ashlyn Hinshaw = Alexis Keane = Gale Kelsey Carolyn Ladd Kennington Sharon Schramm Perry Eileene Kerwood Pritt Sarah Stiles = Carol Lambert Valentine

40 the


Gamma Gamma

University of Arizona Sisterhood Giving Circle Virginia Bolas Philp Donor Carol Louise Kennedy Dorrance Fran Holly Johnson Elizabeth Lloyd Ulmer

Gamma Delta

University of Nebraska at Omaha Heritage Giving Circle Marilyn Herbes Horner Founders’ Giving Circle Karolee Wybenga Olsen Sisterhood Giving Circle Patricia Ann Alderman Hatch Cheryl Eby Miller Susan Dishon Secrest Donor Elizabeth Achenbach = Nikki Lindley Akers Sapphire Andersen = Samantha Anderson = Donna Rigg Buffington Sherry Knight Carrothers Marilyn Louise Cowger Brianne Cox = Sara Doghman Joan Eddy Callie Emig = Dorothy Joanne Rentschler Greenwood Abigail Irlbeck = Sharon Ishii-Jordan Margaret Koenig = Taylor Litz = Dorothy Joanne Steele McKeever Olivia Strom =

Gamma Epsilon

California State University-Fresno Founders’ Giving Circle Joan Peres Hansen Sisterhood Giving Circle Courtney Caron Margie Stolshek McIntyre Elizabeth Eberle Payette Regina Nikssarian Pryor Donor Joy Fagler Amy Dedini Lee Susan Rae Manfredo Wren

Gamma Zeta

Eastern Michigan University Sisterhood Giving Circle Paula Pflepsen Brigham Susan Grossman Urbanek Donor Kathryn Bryant = Joy Morrison Farmer Meg Heatley = Kristin Cusumano Neubar Pamela Schneider Olcese Julia Rosenzweig Carol Holwey Stidham

Gamma Eta

Georgia Institute of Technology Lombard Giving Circle Gay Kimbrough Dull Kelley Jo Kitta Hundt Cheryl Johnson Weldon Janice Nease Wittschiebe Founders’ Giving Circle Marguerite Frick Selma Jabaley Elizabeth McQuillin Laura Elizabeth Reno Sisterhood Giving Circle Deborah Bell Cruickshank Kathryn Kitta Culbreth Sandra Weeks Doar Cynthia Smith King Kay Christian Kinney McKenna Kelley Franzman Merck Anastatia Sarris Sapp Sally Ann McRobert Wise Donor Corey Aitken Shelby Apps = Shannon Barnes Amber Bennett Cathy Caseman Berdahl Kathleen Bernhard Beth Blauvelt Kami Bosworth Emily Bowden Marguerite Bradley = Mary Katherine Branham Catherine Burns Bryan Sarah Camp = Helen Cannella = Catherine Council = Susan Davies Kathleen Duffy Donna Ruth Rambo Ennis Debra Fisher Robyn Flegal Kathryn Fulk Julia Gasbarro = Rebecca Gburek Laura Kitashima Giglio Kristin Hare Lindsey Hubbard Karen Smith Hughes Kaitlyn Johnson = Dawn Carrico Kabbes Victoria Kopser = Megan Lebanowski Kathryn Vance Logan Stacey Mahaffey Marian Mitchell = Alexandra Monroe Morgan Nelson = Josephine Nord Akhila Rajaram Margaret Read = Laurie Reed Sandi Roth Cripe Tabatha Pilgrim Thompson Rachel Tropper = Carolyn Tye = Joy Vaughan

Kathryn Huitt Vernon Elizabeth Vila Bianca Walsh = Lindsay Wells Meagan Wood Isabella Young =

Gamma Theta

East Tennessee State University Donor Ashley Doud Falvey Margaret Patricia Harr Retha Cole Patton Nancy Lou McSwain Phipps Brenda Faye Barnette Ramage

Gamma Iota

Lambuth University Sisterhood Giving Circle Carol Archer Lovell Donor Doris Carole Keen Davis

Gamma Kappa

Susquehanna University Founders’ Giving Circle Bonnie Eiker Lightcap Sisterhood Giving Circle Patricia Ney Booth Suzanne Springer Zeok

Gamma Lambda

University of Tennessee-Knoxville Lombard Giving Circle Jane Dunlap Gaby Donor Lucinda Jean Tiller Cordo Debora Berry Davis Cynthia L Morgan Furr Vera Sherrod Greer Mary Holtman-Reed Jennifer Lacey Rebecca Ash Stevens Shea

Gamma Mu

Ripon College Donor Georgene Klaner Koblenz

Gamma Nu

Southeast Missouri State University Sisterhood Giving Circle Julie Robinson Mary Ortmann Ryan Donor Deborah Camenzind Craddock Stacey Cummins Abigail Eisenhart = Paige Gallagher = Alberta Schatzle Germann Jennifer Gianino Katherine Hanser = Kellie Hanser = Jane Moonier Hudson Amy McEvoy = Emilee Smith = Georgia Lorrain Stergios

Foundation Scholarships Alpha Epsilon Scholarship $1,267 to alumnae in any field of study Melanie Cravey, Southwestern University Chaeli Fortina, University of Nebraska at Omaha Erin Nicklow, Purdue University

Gamma Delta Scholarship $1,225 to an undergraduate Sister of Gamma Delta Chapter in any field of study Caroline Higgins, University of Nebraska at Omaha Jana Steiner, University of Nebraska at Omaha

Alpha Xi Delta Building Corporation of Tuscaloosa, Alabama Scholarship $1,450 to an undergraduate attending school in Alabama Katie Donaldson, Jacksonville State University Claire Hodges, Jacksonville State University

Gamma Zeta Scholarship by Michigan Alpha Xi Delta Inc. $1,050 to an undergraduate Sister of Gamma Zeta Chapter in any field of study Kelsie Autterson, Eastern Michigan University

Jayne Wade Anderson Scholarship $850 to an outstanding sophomore Sister Kendall Stoller, University of Illinois Arts & Letters Scholarship $1,130 to undergraduate Sisters majoring in fine or creative arts Tia Canonico, Rochester Institute of Technology Megan Scharar, Boise State University Kelsie Vonhollen, University of South Dakota Baker-Blish Scholarship $1,225 to undergraduate Sisters in any field of study Jennifer Bowley, University of Illinois Carol Topping Barr Scholarship $1,325 to an undergraduate Sister of Gamma Beta Chapter Paige Dodrill, Marshall University

Allison James Green Scholarship $1,250 to an undergraduate Sister majoring in education and/or special education Allyson Ferraro, Millersville University Haymaker-Hill Scholarship $2,425 to an undergraduate Sister majoring in engineering Lauren O’Connor, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Frances Trewyn Kuechenmeister Memorial Scholarship $2,500 to a junior demonstrating exceptional service to her Fraternity and her campus Sally-Rose Cragin, Rochester Institute of Technology Julie Lambert Sponsored Scholarship $1,000 to an alumna in any field of study Amanda Gertz, University of Illinois

Janice Sheldon Baumback Scholarship $950 to an undergraduate Sister who excels in scholarship, chapter and campus Lexy Neville, University of Iowa

Charline Blind Merrill Scholarship $1,325 for Sisters entering their first year of graduate school Lacey Leichtnam, University of South Dakota Erika Yates, Christian Brothers University

Beta Upsilon Scholarship $1,325 to a Beta Upsilon Sister in any field of study Heather Levinson, University of Rhode Island

Mary Burt Nash Scholarship $1,225 to a Sister entering or attending law school Lydia Dahl, Marquette University

Ruth Fowler Brown Scholarship $1,125 to outstanding freshman or sophomore Sisters in any field of study Bianca Walsh, Georgia Institute of Technology Haley Wiegand, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Ruth Bartlett Nemec Scholarship $550 to an undergraduate Sister in any field of study Britney Feuerhammer, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh

Delores Wachsmann Child Scholarship $1,075 to an undergraduate Sister in any field of study Danielle Imhoff, University of Delaware

Dorothy M. Nichols Scholarship $1,275 for a junior or senior Sister majoring in math or science Kierstin Sanch, Michigan State University

Dr. Marianne Clausing-Lee Scholarship $850 to an undergraduate in any field of study Emily Quandt, University of Mount Union

Northern Virginia Alumnae Association Scholarship $950 for graduate study in a child-related field Victoria Corr, Georgia State University

Olive Gabriel Faries Scholarship $1,100 to an undergraduate majoring in language arts or education Emily Wulfkuhle, Marquette University Founders’ Memorial Scholarship $1,130 to alumnae in any field of study Alex Gordon, Dartmouth College Melanie Holwood, West Chester University Amanda Zagorski, Ohio University Nancy Fehrmann Gainer Scholarship $1,400 to a junior or senior Sister majoring in a health-related field of study Giselle Cancio, Florida International University

Phillips Scholarship $1,375 to undergraduate Sisters in any field of study Mackenzie Sloan, Georgia Institute of Technology Laura Steere, University of Maryland Jessie Pulcipher Scholarship $1,695 to juniors or seniors majoring in journalism, radio, tv or communications Morgan Eisele, Michigan State University Lynae Tucker, DePaul University

Mabel Gottburg Schoen Scholarship $1,125 to an undergraduate Sister in Iowa in any field of study Megan Quinn, University of Iowa Tana Sterrett Scott Scholarship $1,775 to a sophomore or junior majoring in international politics and economics, international relations or a foreign language Lydia Miller, Lyon College Theta Gamma Corporation Scholarship $1,350 to an undergraduate Sister of Theta Gamma Chapter in any field of study Elaina D’Aguiar, University of Delaware Theta Gamma Chapter Scholarship $1,525 to an undergraduate Sister of Theta Gamma Chapter in any field of study April Gulotti, University of Delaware Ethel Garnier Thompson Scholarship $2,175 to an undergraduate in any field of study Hilary Teachout, Carroll University Anne Mehus Verbon Scholarship $1,125 to Sisters in any field of study Anna Birg, Christian Brothers University Katie Bonfiglio, Rochester Institute of Technology Emily Bray, University of Alabama at Birmingham Alyssa Canestro, Boise State University Katie Cassidy, University of Alabama at Birmingham Tori Contreras, New Mexico State University Kristen Cummings, Rochester Institute of Technology Jordan Denny, Boise State University Laura DeVrieze, University of West Georgia Brittany Donatelli, Slippery Rock University Claire Dull, University of Nebraska At Kearney Sara Fecht, University of Nebraska At Kearney Erika Fallon, Monmouth University April O’Brien, Bethany College Hanya Smerch, University of Illinois Morgan Stuart, Michigan State University Abby Thompson, University of New Hampshire Moe Unroe, Wright State University Cheyanne Winebrenner, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Daytona Beach Florence Stoermer Voelker Scholarship $2,125 to undergraduate Sisters in any field of study Mary Fesmire, Lyon College Kathryn Faul Wallace Scholarship $1,300 to an undergraduate Sister in any field of study Jenny Wetzel, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Richard and Sandra Gleason Walston Scholarship $1,700 to an undergraduate Sister of Nu Chapter in any field of study Kendall Yamamoto, University of Washington Daphne Wright Scholarship $1,000 to an undergraduate in any field of study Taylor Earley, University of Alabama at Birmingham 41

Foundation news

Gamma Xi

Valdosta State University Sisterhood Giving Circle Brenda Gail Underwood Sirmons Donor Paige Cronia Bushart Eileen Wachowiak Harris Sue Hilton Kenneally

Gamma Omicron

Central Michigan University Sisterhood Giving Circle Barbara Christi Bachman Susan Hopkinson Darold Betty Suzanne Tatar Wiseman Donor Margo Jane Lawrence Baker Donna Lee Parker Draper Pamela Leidlein Anna Nash Nancy Twitchell Rohde

Gamma Pi

Northern Illinois University Sisterhood Giving Circle Colette Kay Crown Linda Michel Paul Donor Anita Jacquelin Petersen Drake Marjory Stephens Fluegel Diana Cooper Gregory Stana Grim Carol Stinton Henrikson Gloria Grandgeorge Hopewell Cynthia Rossi Kass Dolores Gotkowski Killian Karen Durbin Lemcke Penny Jean Chmielewski Perles

Gamma Rho

Parsons College Sisterhood Giving Circle Margaret Lippitt Buckles Gamma Sigma Thiel College Sisterhood Giving Circle Monica Anderson Anne Wilson Hemingway Donor Bonnie Wells Bonner Bette Feather DeGraw Tamara Dawn Kysor Kearney Nancy Gardner Hawxhurst LeFevre Sharyn Lee Kordes Sibera Denise Marie Cuteri Willson

Gamma Tau

Ohio Northern University Sisterhood Giving Circle Carrie Kashawlic Kathryn Westlake Donor Julie Shadley Braley Betty Foulkes Darst Pamela Hunter Dishman Melanie Parke Ensley Ashley Ernst =

42 the


Allison Fay Fay = Allison Fye Taylor Hoffman = Gena Loe = Teresa Wynn Okrutny Emma Schutt = Patricia St Clair Smith Kim Parsons Smittle Meredith Weingart = Danielle Wildman =

Gamma Upsilon

University of Georgia Sisterhood Giving Circle Paula Marie Long Anderson Jo Ann Smith Evans Charlotte West Martin Sandra Keim Shackelford Donor Sally Margaret Kemp Baker Marie Montante Hall Helen Bird Rasmussen Linda Gorman Rodriguez Carol Spring Carol Lunceford Weaver

Gamma Phi

East Carolina University Sisterhood Giving Circle Judith Wilson Harrell Donor Peggy Rae Ratley Economidis Katherine Ferri = Kayleigh Hennessey = Judyth Eargle Hustrulid Mary Shadoin =

Gamma Psi

Frostburg State University Lombard Giving Circle Nadine Roberts Sisterhood Giving Circle Nancy Carman Camilla Janiczek Dacombe Sandra Priebe Day Pamela Gardiner Enger Audrey Huthwaite Rebecca Neilson Eleanor Ann Taylor Paulman Susan Robinson Mary Ellen Cunningham South Linda Zerfing Donor Elizabeth Bartosz Sheila Klase Benac Kelly Morgan Griffin Norma Sue Matthews Morgan Jennifer Diane Verge Morphew Elizabeth Ledbetter Poirier Dawn Frances Haines Thomas Janet Gleason White

Gamma Omega

Henderson State University Sisterhood Giving Circle Sharon McCone Kathy Nicklaus Owrey

Donor Patricia Callaway Daniel Renee Darlene Gordon Shannon Slatton Schwartz Brianna Vilches =

Delta Alpha

University of Wisconsin-La Crosse Sisterhood Giving Circle Diane Dee Gmoser Byrne Heather Petersohn Miller Susan Quillin Donor Angela Fersch = Amanda Grischow = Devin Minor = Elizabeth De Groot Russell Barbara Lee Vanderploeg

Delta Gamma

University of Nebraska At Kearney Donor Phyllis Ann Kment Anderson Betty Wilson Duncan Tosha Foulk = Sarah Overman = Megan Rash =

Delta Delta

Northern Michigan University Lombard Giving Circle Dianne Plattenburg Botefuhr Sisterhood Giving Circle Roberta Smith Machata Donor Karen Becvar Marianne Arnestad Boyak Tracie Grove Hart Merrijo Besse Koen Mary Ann Zabinski Lee Amber Maldonado = Jane Marie Jeffries Piester Lauren Windland

Delta Epsilon

University of New Orleans Donor Amanda Counts Adfelblat Chelsea Bayles = Tracey Cannon Linda Sue Hawkins Christopher Denise Marie Favret Donner Madeliene Dumond = Miranda Dupre = Jessica Hogan = Robin Ann LaGrange Juneau Erin LaBorde Hannah Marcotte = Kelsey Matthews = Marilyn Ann Muniz Silbernagel Alyssa St. Amant = Cheryl Baiamonte West Augusta Ciccio Yrle

Delta Zeta

LIU Post Sisterhood Giving Circle

Kristin Zureck DeCarolis Donor Robin Minor Brennan Karen Sabo Indusi Nicole Lydon Kristin Mendes Lillian Birkland Potts

Delta Eta

California University of Pennsylvania Sisterhood Giving Circle Barbara Williams Fetsko Donor Paulette Hrebenar Griglack Kathleen Yoder Landis Dana Williams Provence

Delta Theta

St. Cloud State University Sisterhood Giving Circle Carolyn Sylvia Puzak Luken

Delta Iota

Chadron State College Donor Katherine Butle Rentz Taylor

Delta Kappa

Slippery Rock University Sisterhood Giving Circle Janice Colton Belka Donor Breanna Bayer = Brittany Donatelli Chelsea Galbraith = Michelle Burichin Murray Ashley Pernazza

Delta Lambda

Rochester Institute of Technology Sisterhood Giving Circle Kimberly Hemmer Bonarski Donor Jaclyn Bastardi Michelle Wise Brennan Jennifer Cougler = Tika Siburt Virginia Ellen Vorhis Alison Adams Weinberg

Delta Mu

Old Dominion University Founders’ Giving Circle Jennifer Bellas Lee Sisterhood Giving Circle Linda Lee Foster Absalom Deirdre Dianne Midgett Cook Donor Daphne Allen = Catherine Arnold = Erin Assaf Catherine Stultz Austin Carolyn Russell Cunningham Stephanie James Dickens Lam Doan = Victoria Dowling Ishee

Christina Jennings = Jennifer Ann Schepper Priest Alyssa Rubio = Brianna Sadler = Jenna Saniano = Rebecca Seward = Kristine Anderson Stephens Sierra Taylor =

Delta Nu

Indiana University of Pennsylvania Sisterhood Giving Circle Karen Hofelt McNeil MarySue Christopher Preissner Marijean Konopke Williams Leslie Kibler Wirtz Donor Bonita Arndt Close Phyllis Rochelle Forte Edith Paolina Klebacha Kristine Marley Lantz Lauren Marasti Shirley Gausman Marchand Mason Ninzeheltzer = Bridget Fishburn Wade

Delta Xi

Georgia State University Sisterhood Giving Circle Lesley Conway Maggiore Tracy Andersen Roberts Alicia Woo Donor Taylor Babiarz = Heather Baker = Deborah Sherer Curlette Maeghan Dessecker = Caroline Cathcart Gilmore Julia Johnston Ellen Johnston = Jessica Pachman Carol Spalding Wakamo

Delta Omicron

Fairmont State University Sisterhood Giving Circle Janice Falkenstein Denison Donor Frances Kay Akona

Delta Pi

Defiance College Sisterhood Giving Circle Jill Foster Bortel Donor Nicole Baseley = Christina-Marie Drake Bonnie Clark Jefferis Megan Klausing = Anna Prinkey = Carissa Schreiber =

Delta Rho

California State University-Northridge Founders’ Giving Circle Marianne Moritz Russo

Sisterhood Giving Circle Kathleen Cates Cantarine Susan Leeds-Horwitz Debbie Levy Rubin Donor Victoria Bourdas Martinez Michele Maranian Curth Alyssa Deneal = Monica Harvin-Barbudo = Ellen Catharina Hassig Makenzye Hiller = Sandra Posthumus Holcomb Nicole Kashou = Nicole Kucera = Molly McCullough = Linda Kay Clark McMillan Danielle Serlin Charlotte Small Andrea Todesco =

Delta Sigma

Ferris State University Founders’ Giving Circle Sara Pullis Molnar Sisterhood Giving Circle Margaret Dekker Danhof Janice Kay Gertz Shedd Donor Teresa Gray Kuiper Lyndsey Lampe = Jill S. Mouton-Theut Lauren Nolan =

Matching Gifts and United Way Support The following Sisters received credit to their giving total by participating in their employer’s matching gift program or by designating Alpha Xi Delta to receive funds through their United Way contribution. Check with your human resources representative to see if your employer participates in either of these programs. • Anonymous: Macy’s • Jennifer Bickhardt, East Carolina University: Palm Beach County • Dianne Plattenburg Botefuhr, Northern Michigan University: Allstate • Denise Neill Bowers, University of North Texas: Summer School District #320 • Kiyoko Farrington Czech, University of Iowa: Dex One Corporation • Ashley Doud Falvey, East Tennessee State University: Citigroup

University of Wisconsin - Superior Sisterhood Giving Circle Jean Kathryn Lundberg Olson

Martha Walters Booth Whitney Cook = Alexis Esser = Pamela Loeffler Franklin Debra Bryson Goodman Katie Jerome = Alicia King = Michele McGinnis Kloth Jodi Levell Katelyn Mishmash = Ann Brimm Pfaff Tracy Borlaug Pursell Jessica Rupp Lauren Sinnwell Donna Schutte Stahlhut Sara Welty Strunk Katherine Thomas = Emma Wright =

Delta Phi

Delta Psi

Delta Tau

University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh Donor Samantha Biel = Stephanie Bockhop = Brianna Borkenhagen = Erin Zimmerman Grimes Danielle Kasten = Megan Klamrowski = Addela Marzofka = Leah Milbeck = Karen Steinhofer =

Delta Upsilon

University of Charleston Donor Patricia Dodson Mary Lou Milam Entzminger Janice Kay Brown Fink Brenda Clark Lee

Delta Chi

University of Northern Iowa Founders’ Giving Circle Jennifer Emerick Kuntz Sisterhood Giving Circle Carol Heselton Pamela Shannon Waters Donor

Texas State University-San Marcos Sisterhood Giving Circle Betty Robbins Bendall Courtney Hankins Fluty Deborah Johnson Robertson Donor Lauren Castillo Kira Davidson = Julie Brignac Dietert Frances Tomlin Dudenhoeffer Samantha Hanks = Bonnie Sue Blackburn Holland Brenda Ann Schrader Keller Marisa Walden Lacey Delaney Navarro =

• Amy Treanor Flores, Iowa State University: Intel • Danielle Gizzo, Rider University: Macy’s East • Amy Johnston Herne, West Virginia Wesleyan College: FedEx • Denise Kipfstuhl, University of Mount Union: Thomson Reuters • Aleksandra Mroczkowska, Cornell University: Allstate • Elizabeth Eberle Payette, California State University - Fresno: Kaiser Permanente • Kathleen Beam Peeples, Auburn University: Genworth Foundation • Jenny Pelkey, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire: Wells Fargo • Sharon Schramm Perry, Marshall University: Macy’s East • Lori Plazinski, University of Maryland: Montgomery County • Betsie Keeler Zeedyk, Alma College: Kellogg’s

Sarah Newbury = Kaitlyn Otto = Maggie Waligura = Delta Omega Winona State University Donor Mary Diane Barton Rankin

Epsilon Alpha

University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Sisterhood Giving Circle Jenny Pelkey Donor Kathy Gerke Beaver Alison Campbell = Tianna Harnack = Rhonda Rowlands Ingle Kristin Trettin Leverson Rhonda Harr Love Danae Maier Kaci Mueller = Denae Nygren = Daneille Strong Skibness Hilary Stone = Alaina Streblow = Kristin Van Den Broeke Kaeleigh Wilson = Jennifer Beeman Zipf

Epsilon Beta

University of Findlay Donor Wendy Young Connelly Nancy Lee Lape Kern 43

Foundation news

Epsilon Gamma

Western Carolina University Lombard Giving Circle Jane Hooper Sutton Dorothy Sheldon Williams Sisterhood Giving Circle Margaret Kiernan Witt Donor Donna Cline Laverne Harris Crawford Nancy Bonanza Foreman Vickie Dinkins Long Robin Parton Pate Joyce Stiles Tessier Barbara Lynn Howard Waggoner Nellie Beal Waters

Epsilon Delta

Indiana State University Sisterhood Giving Circle Donna Gettle Worthley Donor Ellen Kay Hartman Mathia Deborah Smith Saska

Epsilon Zeta

Eastern Washington University Sisterhood Giving Circle Elisabeth Beck Stuller Donor Starla Mackovich Audette Kylie Chapman Alexis Welch Danford Rebecca Bandstra Dubinsky Stephanie Flynn = Jenny Huynh = Alicia Kinne Alyssa Nolan = Marcy Nowak = Deborah Sekreta Reily Thorington = Rebecca Yoder

Epsilon Eta

South Dakota State University Sisterhood Giving Circle Kathleen Ingalls Donor Laura Anderson Baade Amy Myers Chase Jenna Croymans = Keeli Eberhart = Andrea Fouberg September Gering = Leslie Nielsen = Emily Pederson = Kara Peters = Molly Peterson = Kayleigh Schmidt = Rachel Toren = Annamarie Trevvett Katherine Van Heel = Elizabeth Volzke = Marie Gustafson Williams Elizabeth Yosick = Margaret Anne Zard

44 the


Epsilon Theta

West Liberty University Donor Nancy Edith Sweeting Brookes Diana Young Carroll Cynthia Ann Casini Cunningham Nancy Deters Laurie Kinter Jones Hannah Judkins = D Kay Gilchrist Murray Kimberly Carter Stevenson

Epsilon Iota

Newberry College Donor Ashley Buettner = J. J. Renee Ashbaugh Greeson Lori Ann Undercoffler Hunt Jordam Padgett = Leslie Grace Oltmann Sligh

Epsilon Kappa

Western Kentucky University Lombard Giving Circle Paige Faries Katharyn Faries Herndon Founders’ Giving Circle Ginny Carroll Sisterhood Giving Circle Patricia Hill Marshall Donor Susan Buhay Du Part Olivia Hardesty = Glenda Huff Amy Moers = Elizabeth Mulholland = Cheryl Ann Stevens Poore M Kristin Stuedle

Epsilon Lambda

Rider University Founders’ Giving Circle Michelle Supplee Reda Sisterhood Giving Circle Heather Roberts Lerch Susan MacDade Paluskiewicz Judith Dispenza Stabile Donor Claudine Caro Danielle Gizzo Rikki Herman Alice M Gagyo Katocs Bridget Rasmussen = Deborah LaCorte Schneider Susan Buddine Simms Cheryl Epstein Tier

Epsilon Mu

University of Northern Colorado Sisterhood Giving Circle Diane Andrich Vicki Lynn Postas Byrne Donor Valerie Bird Bass Judith Eichberger Bender Michelle Ellwanger Margaret Larsen Fazzio

Vicki Plummer Gardner Robin Greene Patricia Leonard MaryAnn Terminello

Tricia Tufts Kline Suzanne LaCroix Vanessa Trempe = Samantha Weymouth =

Epsilon Nu

Epsilon Sigma

University of Hartford Donor Lois Jacobs

Epsilon Xi

University of Missouri-St. Louis Sisterhood Giving Circle Karen Wyka Kapral Donor Elisa Pagano Boyer Casey Cowhey Michele Smith Dunaway Diane Harrison Barbara Jeanne Bufe Heidolph Mavis Hollis = Katherine Kaiser Krista Liebrum = Sabrina Marquart = Victoria Mcreynolds = Erica Ndina = Haley Oksanen = Rene Patton = Casey Payne Charlotte Mary Brown Phelps Victoria Reid = Kathryn Bicker Schlag Louise Wiedermann

Epsilon Omicron

Oklahoma State University Sisterhood Giving Circle Judy White Donor Paula Rowland Barnes Lannie Price Dawkins Margaret Shrontz Tenzythoff

Epsilon Pi

Jacksonville State University Founders’ Giving Circle Regina Willis Hawkins Sisterhood Giving Circle Saralyn Crawford Mitchell Claudette Smith Donor Alexandra Black = Mary Brittain = Cailee Cole = Margaret Burt Collins Cory Cornelius = Alyssa Franks = Vanessa Sparrow Hill Amber Janke = Jordan Rogers =

Epsilon Rho

University of Southern Maine Donor Ann Budway = Sandra Macaulay Campbell Audra Gordon =

Georgia Southern University Sisterhood Giving Circle Monica Burke Ann Spalding Cochran Donor Elizabeth Elijah Rebecca Owen Thelma Merck Parker LuAnne Neal Wall

Foundation Grants AmaXIng Challenge Grant Awarded to empower and support chapters and associations in growing their events and fundraising capabilities in support of Autism Speaks • Delta Gamma, University of Nebraska At Kearney: $500 for Jail ‘n’ Bail; raised $3,399 • Delta Rho, California State University, Northridge: $1,000 for the Xi Olympics; raised $23,000 • Gamma Delta, University of Nebraska at Omaha: $1,000 for Step It Up and Easter Egg Hunt; raised $20,137 • Kappa, University of Illinois: $800 for Football FrenXi; raised $8,000 • Nu, University of Washington: $1,000 for 5K Fun Run; raised $14,000 • Psi, The Ohio State University: $250 for Football FrenXI; raised $3,000 • Sigma, University of Iowa: $1,000 for Step It Up event; raised $26,200 Dorothy Clarkson Dodd Grant, Undergraduate Interfraternity Institute Provides tuition to the Undergraduate Interfraternity Institute • Courtney Bannon, University of Delaware • Allison Brunenmeister, Ohio University • Lillian Hart, DePaul University • Jenna Massaro, Boise State University Zelma Patchin Continuing Education Program Grants Awarded to alumnae seeking professional development in a nondegree program • Elizabeth Sacksteder LeClair, University of Mount Union: $500 for Radiant Child Yoga Certification • Karin VanBuren Beery, Hillsdale College: $449 to attend the American Christian Writers’ Association Mentor Retreat • Stephanie Dudek Churchill, Towson University: $950 for Project Management Professional Certification

Epsilon Tau

Zeta Epsilon

Zeta Mu

Epsilon Phi

Zeta Zeta

Zeta Nu

Central Missouri State University Sisterhood Giving Circle Teresa Ankenbauer Feutz

Iowa State University Symphony Giving Circle Nancy Fehrmann Gainer Sisterhood Giving Circle Judy Erickson Amy Treanor Flores Janet Lahti Schultze Donor Elizabeth Tursi Cosner Diane Norris Cronin Monica Shope Lursen Barbara Straight Marr Tiffany Hopper Vokt

Epsilon Chi

Villanova University Sisterhood Giving Circle Patricia Ann Peebles McDonald

Epsilon Psi

Boise State University Donor Phoenix Alonzo = Jordyn Brown = Alyssa Canestro = Brittany Hitt = Shelby Mountain = Victoria Moyer = Meganelise Riley = Megan Scharar = Megan Smith

Epsilon Omega

University of North Texas Sisterhood Giving Circle Denise Neill Bowers Donor Cynthia Reaves Rogan

Zeta Beta

Clarion University of Pennsylvania Donor Dorinda Barnett Eckenroad Margaret Joan Kiskaddon McFate Carolyn Butterfield Meisinger Mary Jesberger Williams

Zeta Gamma

University of Mississippi Donor Beth Ann Eadie Wendy Mikell Piepke Elizabeth McCoy Walley

Zeta Delta

Indiana University South Bend Sisterhood Giving Circle Amy Holobyn

Edinboro University Sisterhood Giving Circle Kathy Lee Pape

Northern State University Donor Barbara Monzel Ohleen

Zeta Eta

West Chester University Donor Trisha Chaney = Vanessa Lempicky = Catherine Cahill Macrina Olivia Miller = Brianna Petrone = Danielle Vallino = Kaitlin Yocum =

Zeta Theta

Wright State University Donor Jan Lee Dorrough Austin Emily Burns = Toni Gaisford = Kaleigh Hayes = Amie Lea Heller = Patricia Camden Izor Serenity McKenzie = Beth McGlothin Piel Karis Raeburn = Michele Thompson Richmond Monique Unroe =

Zeta Iota

Lyon College Sisterhood Giving Circle Mary Jane Pierce Norton Donor Ralynn Brann = Caitlin Campbell = Jacey Flatte = Kristina Ray = Lara Obert Swearingen Morgan Weir = Elizabeth Wilson =

Zeta Kappa

University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown Donor Diana Pieczynski Downing Zeta Lambda Texas Wesleyan University Founders’ Giving Circle Leslie Storey Donor Sandra Stockton Caffee Selinda Passmore Kusluski Dylana Wilson

Methodist University Donor Sara Jo Young Chester

Miami University Donor Susan Koegel Jacklyn Knuckles Olinger

Zeta Xi

Auburn University Sisterhood Giving Circle Lisa Paramore Pickelsimer Leslie Wallace Taylor Donor Kelsey Alpeter = Jennifer Ashman = Selin Atlas = Heather Bagwell = Madelynn Baker = Amanda Bassett = Melanie Beatty = Laura Benz = Alicia Berdeguez = Sydney Blankenship = Rachael Blaz = Leah Bostany = Bridget Brogan = Emily Browning = Chandler Brun = Sydney Bruton = Diane Bucher = Carmen Cantrell = Alexis Castellanos = Corrine Champion = Cailey Chenault = Katie Clarke = Casie Claunch = Mallory Cleary = Leanna Conner = Kelsey Cooper = Sydney Cooper = Kerry Coppinger = Emily Costa = Sydni Crews = Ana D’Ambrogi = Madeleine DeGeorges = Francesca DiSantis = Raven Dugger = Anna Elliot = Audrey Faircloth = Katherine Ferguson = Monica Fernandez = Nicole Forchielli = Sarah Fowler = Kaitlin Freemon = Serra Freshwater = Elizabeth Gallagher = Lauren Gardner = Annelise Garner = Lynley Garner = Chelsea Gleason = Katie Goode = Taylor Gore =

Erin Gready = Samantha Griffith = Mieke Groothuizen = Haley Haas = Megan Haidinger = Sydney Hall = Caitlin Hamrac = Heather Haroff Kaitlin Harper = Kelsey Harris = Jesse Harris = Kelly Harrison = Kayla Hatch = Jenna Hendricksen = Kelsey Herrera = Henley Hestley = Tiffany Hill = Katherine Holland = Joanna Hudgins = McKenzie Huggins = Kelsey Huie = Kayla Hunter = Tully Jackson = Anna Jarvis = Alexandra Jay = Elizabeth Jemo = Paige Johnson = Katherine Jones = Nikole Jones = Kirsten Julian = Kate Justement = Karley Keith = Shea Kelley = Kaide Kelley = Courtney Kennedy = Christy Key = Noreen Klingensmith = Lindsay Klocko = Anna Knowling = Kyndal Kruse = Juliana Lacoste = Laura Lacy = Rachael Land = Kaitlyn Lightfoot = Allison Lindsly Ashley Lorenz = Hannah Lorenzen = Kylee Lutz = Callie Lynn = Martha Jane Atkins Magnuson Bailey Maier = Jennifer Malkiel = Alexa Marcil = Hannah Marco = Lakyn Martin = Caroline Mathews = Kristen Matthews = Kelsey McCormick = Erin McCreary Anna McGuinness = Deanna Karroll Welch McKinley Elizabeth McNeil = Amanda Medlock = Hannah Mitchell = Victoria Molchan = Courtney Moore = Jennifer Hamlin Gillis Moore 45

Foundation news Katherine Moreman = Mary Elizabeth Munday = Kelly Muratta = Samantha Nathan = Jenny Newman = Abigale Newman = Nicole Nystrom = Sarah Osborne = Kelsey Parola = Hannah Parrish = Katherine Parsons = Kayleigh Pears = Kathleen Andrea Beam Peeples Megan Pepper = Brooke Peters = Peyton Phillips = Ansley Prather = Mink Genereux Price Ashley Prosser = Brooklynn Pruitt = Victoria Quadrini = Emily Queen = Alexis Reddington = Christina Rogers = Michelle Rogge = Tiffany Rothenstine = Caroline Roy = Lindsay Ryan = Lauren Saint = Katharine Sampson = Lauren Sanders = Rachel Senyitko = Ashley Shaffer = Sara Shearer = Hanna Shelley = Hayden Shelley = Rachel Silva = Abbie Slade = Rachel Smelley = Maggie Smith = Macie Smith = Codie Smith = Sierra Smith = Bonnie Sorrell = Sarah Soulant = Bridget Spurlock = Chelsea Stankus = Erin Stewart = Chelsea Sullivan = Mary Sullivan Emily Tanner = Rachael Taylor = Grace Thaxton = Lauren Thomas = Avery Thomas = Sara Tilley = Riley Turner = Shayna Turner = Devon Verellen = Judith Vinson = Carlee Vinson = Brooke Waldrop = Lindsay Warden = Christy Waters = Allie Weir = Lauren Whaley = McClain Wheeler =

46 the


Corey Williams = Leah Wilson = Dawn Elizabeth Rylee Winkler Shelly Womack = Sarah Wood = Abigail Woodard = Meredith Wright = Cori Zielinski = Madison Zimmer =

Danielle McCoy = Lauren Morawski = Blair Secord = Taylor Tripp = Sydney Vandeveer = Elizabeth Weber Williams Betsie Keeler Zeedyk Laura Morley Zuidema

Zeta Omicron

University of North Carolina-Wilmington Donor Megan Mackie Erin Smothers = Sara Stelma = Sarah Tousignant = Mary Varner =

University of Florida Sisterhood Giving Circle Katherine Listwan Martin Kristine Carol Polo Donor Amy Newberry Bratten Karin Lynn Cook Marti Nelson Kirschbaum

Zeta Rho

North Carolina State University Lombard Giving Circle Evonne Carawan

Zeta Sigma

Hillsdale College Donor Angela Dedmon Carlo Courtney Kaye Dykstra Christina Munck O’Hara Leslie Caldwell Shearer

Zeta Tau

University of North Carolina-Asheville Sisterhood Giving Circle Patrice Orr Blum Suzanne Kirschbaum Rebecca O’Bryon Donor Teresa Ownbey Brooks Fatima Johnson Michele Pinkerton Lawhern Jessica Neder = Marissa DeBlasio Rowe Dana Wilson

Zeta Upsilon

Alma College Sisterhood Giving Circle Bethany Cain Green Donor Mary Chambers = Morgan Clark = Kendall Cox = Cathleen Curley Jessica Kotas Eng Katherine Graham McNeil = Jenny Greyerbiehl Ronda Guimond Cassie Haley = Danielle Harm = Ryan Howson = Baleigh Johnson = Heidi Wahl LaFever Chelsea Martin =

Zeta Chi

Zeta Psi

Katherine Davis = Danielle Imhoff = Amanda Stevenson = Stephanie Gathwright Warlick

Theta Delta

Towson University Donor Jessie Keller Holly McGreevy Meghan Welsh

Theta Epsilon

Marquette University Sisterhood Giving Circle Danica Vanasse Olson Donor Rebecca Begley Hirsch Mary Maruggi

University of Virginia Sisterhood Giving Circle Elizabeth Pope Battaglia Donor Laurie Howard Felton

Theta Zeta

Michelle Contos France Julie Kleckley Hummer

Tiffany Ledbetter = Lydia Olsen = Jen Rowell = Samantha Sours Sample

Zeta Omega

University of West Georgia Founders’ Giving Circle Nealy Patty Wheat Sisterhood Giving Circle Valerie Cobb Mallon Christina Robertson Donor Morgan Bost Chelsea Holmgren = Courtney Peek Rachel Eaton White

Theta Alpha

Millersville University Donor Elizabeth Hakemian Muirhead Anjuli Ponce-Garcia

Theta Beta

Sonoma State University Founders’ Giving Circle Kristin Olson Billingsley Sisterhood Giving Circle Jennifer Knowles Elliott Donor Lisa Dal Porto Katelynn Gutierrez = Michelle Kanan Lauren Kort Jordynn Lewman = Stacy Ruppert

Theta Gamma

University of Delaware Donor Claire Aller Nina Cieri =

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Prescott Donor J. Cookie Manchester Burkhalter

Theta Eta

Western Michigan University Donor Elisha Dalka = Alicia Duvall Alexis Jawny = April Kirkland = Jenna Lanzetta = Denise Gross Lynch Tamara McMahon

Theta Theta

Brooklyn College Donor Nicole Butera Christina Canitano = Patricia Lavelle = Keshia Megie Magen Mitgang = Brieanna Ngui = Megan Pendergast = Rebecca Rivera =

Theta Iota

Florida Atlantic University Donor Talia Adoni = Katie Belanger = Jennifer Bickhardt Katie Burke Julia Cardenas = Blakely Fichtner = Bailey Hamm = Ashley Harris = Victoria Sullivan Kijanski Danielle Klaristenfeld =

Michelle McCann = Allie Mingo = Nicole Montoya = Brittney Smith = Shellby Sweeney Nicole Thatch =

Sara Raney = Jessica Ruff = Kolbie Seay = Desire Smith = Sarah Welch = Erika Yates =

Theta Lambda

Theta Rho

Southwestern University Donor Katherine Douglas = Denise Valdez-Soto Garcia Dannette Smith Johnson Barbara Kearley Susannah Prucka Carley Taylor = Kira Vurlicer

Theta Mu

Case Western Reserve University Sisterhood Giving Circle Nicole Kuzmin-Nichols Donor Eve Proper

Theta Nu

Elon University Donor Alyson Campbell Laurie Leonard Davis Sarah Mitchell

Theta Xi

Florida International University Donor Juliana Caceres = Giselle Cancio Kaitlyn Woods =

Theta Omicron

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Daytona Beach Donor Carley James = Jennifer Jacobs Laurence Kirsten Miskovich = Heather Noftall Melissa Nyce Cheyanne Winebrenner =

Theta Pi

Christian Brothers University Donor Anna Baumheckel = Brianna Berg = Anna Birg = Emily Conrad = Cali Copsey = Maria Dopico = Hannah Evon = Kaylin Garrett = Kathleen Gillon Julia Kueter = Caroline Lawrence = Jennifer Lo = Rebecca Mc Laughlin = Mikayla Ortner =

California State University-San Marcos Donor Allison Brown Michelle Davis = Melia Dieterich = Ashley Gonzalez = Cassandra Johnson Heather Livingston = Catherine Martin = Alexa McQueen = Deborah Norton Erin O’Toole-Delawari India Rigby = Gillian Dixon Simcox Haley Smith = Ashley Smith =

Taylor Earley = Megan Givens Shelby Gooding = Lauren HanHauser = Juliana Johnson = Jordan Ladnier = Christina McGuinness Briana Miller = Candy Mosley = Emily Bearden Posey Tricia Selzer = Kathryn Sheibley = Swetha Surianarayanan = Laura Weems Tull Paige Williams = Shelby Young

Theta Chi

Stephanie Tena = Ashley Uranga = Stacy Ford Werth

University of Toledo Donor Danielle Beaverson Melanie Corrigan = Kaitlyn DeMarco = Kristen Filzer = Britney Kimbler Alexandra Pinkie = Kathryn Shaffner = Taylor Smith = Jennifer Solanics =

Theta Sigma

Theta Psi

University of Central Florida Donor Kaylee Noon = Christina Barthel Pauls Kathryn Raponi Andrea Rosselli Stefanie Scalish = Lauren Solberg = Nicole Valdes

Theta Tau

Marian University Donor Stephanie Hayden

Theta Upsilon

Youngstown State University Donor Amber Cappitte Katherine Ellis Cari Emborsky = Jerrilyn Guy = LaToya Hixon = Olivia Huffman = Anna Kolar = Hallie McGee = Tiffany Snow = Amanda Vestal

Theta Phi

University of Alabama at Birmingham Donor Megan Benefield = Suzanne Coco = Mary Cop =

Taylor Thornton = Nicole Velez =

Iota Beta

California State University-Stanislaus Donor Monica Fuentes = Stephanie Hockett = Tanya Keys = Rachel Shepherd = Melissa Vieira Xavier

Iota Delta

University of Central Oklahoma Donor Angela Cook Amanda Davis = Julie Dawkins = Chelsey Grundy = Bethany Harman = Bambi Hora Corey Kelton = Taylor Nabors = Jamie Poplin = Ashley Poplin = Lauren Snodgrass =

Iota Epsilon

Dartmouth College Donor Elizabeth Fairchild Maggie Finn =

University of Nevada-Las Vegas Donor Vanessa Lemus Chico = Jessica Maheux Melissa Rubel = Amber Sypien =

Theta Omega

Iota Zeta

New Mexico State University Donor Kassandra Castillo = Staci Delfin = Amber Dube = Crystal Kennedy = Kay Reese = Taylor Renck = Megan Sillas = Malia Smith = Megan Williams =

Iota Alpha

George Mason University Donor Tehreem Butt = Andreina Cardenas = Emily Carns Sarah Custer = Amanda Petroff Garrity Megan Foster Harrison Meghan Hartman = Aubrey May = Joni Mcginn = Rebecca Newbill Rachel Sawyer = Amanda Smith Sarah Smith = Katharine Smith = Victoria Stotzer =

Wingate University Donor Jenna Flanigin Sara Gunter = Madalyn Santomenna = Ann Sautter = Shea Skorusa = Caroline Strickland = Alexandria Yepsen =

Iota Eta

University of Texas-El Paso Donor Desiree Roose =

Iota Theta

Southern Polytechnic State University Donor Zuri Coleman = Melissa Dupree = Bailey Fox = Amanda Benson Hicks Rachel Lundgren = Madelyne McClure = Laura Morrow = Jackie Ryan Ariyanna White = 47

Foundation news

Iota Iota

Greensboro College Donor Elaine Hankins Madeline Williams =

Elizabeth Clark Mariam Mufarreh = Sadaf Qadri = Amy Schwab = Lauren Stewart

Iota Kappa

Iota Pi

Idaho State University Donor Gretchen Clemens = Teresa Dang = Lindsay De Luna = Jaymee Hanger = Christa Larson = Lindsey Schroeder =

Iota Lambda

St. Norbert College Donor Rebecca Goodmanson Kate Hart Quincy Kissack = Elizabeth Krajnik = Jessica Nelson = Angela Schneider

Iota Mu

Lycoming College Donor Marisa Bayer = Elizabeth Bennett Clawson Megan Cunningham = Megan Maiolo Eppleman Tanya Farr = Elizabeth Heisey = Jennifer Reilly = Whitney Ropka Kerry Then = Julie White = Susan Yerkes

Iota Nu

Monmouth University Donor Genna Moscato = Lynsey Vivian

Iota Xi

Worcester Polytechnic Institute Donor Lucine Bahtiarian = Katie Candiloro = Andrea Caprio Brittany Ciesluk = Olivia Durand = Hannah Duscha Hannah Gallagher = Jennifer Hanley Heather Lavoie = Morgan Mitchell = Sarah Putnam = Susan Stukas

Iota Omicron

San Jose State University Donor Melissa Casipit =

48 the


Coastal Carolina University Donor Lauren Allen = Sara Cane = Amanda Edgington = Kaylie Eisel Katherine Gray = Meredith Richardson Jessica Wagner =

Iota Rho

DePaul University Donor Daniela Hager = Danielle Hale = Lillian Hart = Kendra Johnson = Lauren Johnson = Taylor Lisy = Erica Loken = Delaney Lux = Marissa Malta = Brittany Nagy = Hannah Perron = Lynae Tucker =

Iota Sigma

Virginia Commonwealth University Donor Amariah Baker = Claudia Calvo = Carrie Dawkins = Katie Forsythe = Alexandra Geary = Cassie Hooghouse = Leila Khadrane = Rebecca Kiefer = Madison Kilgore = Briana Kracke = Hannah Leopold = Alissa Mann = Brooke Mays = Mallory Mccormack = Alex Montejo = Aashna Patel = Meredith Pemberton = Emily Phillips = Autumn Port = Audrey Port = Elyssia Rivera = Rebecca Servinsky = Mary Vesely = Taylor Williams =

Iota Tau

Bucknell University Donor Barbara Celluzzi Galaini = Alexis Galaini =

Iota Upsilon

Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville Donor Jacqueline Boyle = Taylor Carlson = Jessica Cozart = Alexandria enkins = Lauren Joyner = Christine Olson = Catherine Pyatt = Breanna Rogy = Kasey Wagner =

Iota Phi

American University Donor Emily Norris =

Alpha Deuteron Sisterhood Giving Circle Jacquelyn Lyerly Donor Ann Boeker Gibbons

Friends of Alpha Xi Delta

Symphony Giving Circle George Brown, Jr. Verne Gooley * Lombard Giving Circle Lyles Foundation Donor Advised Fund Omega Financial, Inc. Founders’ Giving Circle Giles Foundation Sisterhood Giving Circle CSL Management LLC Donor Elaine and Robert Adams Jamie Allen Laura Almendarez Sinclair Anderson Graham Anderson John and Gina Antretter Jennifer Archer Valerie Arkin Wilma Arnold Charlotte Atkins Alicia Avelar Kathryn Bailey Renee Baker Kim Balvanz Michelle Barber Les Barut Susan Bathon Jennifer Bauer Jeff and Robbie Baumann Debra Bayer Denise Beaver Jill Beecher Alice Beisser Margaret Bennett Deborah Berry Blaze Best

Tedde Best William Best Diane Bettencourt Shannon Bieber Amy Billings Donna and Jim Blair Edward Blanchon Elizabeth Polz Blankensop-Conner Thomas Blaz Gary Bohaty Terry Bonner Amber Andrews Bostock Stephanie Bowyer Amy Boyd Lee Brauckmuller Susan Bray Ann Brock Linda Broers Pam Brouder Karen Brown Sandi Brown Christine Brown Karen Browning Lynn and Steve Bucknam Sue Bucz Renata Bujno Gene and Mimi Burten Bethany Burton Mark and Shannon Buschman George Butsikaris Erlyn Caban Carla Cage Darlene Calhoun Linda Canestro Victoria Carlini Debra Caron Diane Carpenter Blake Carpenter Keith Carpenter Judy Castillo Maureen Ceccarelli Sheila Cecora Ann and George Cecys Margot Chadwick Lori Chavis Kristal Chisler Denice Cicchinelli-Kremer Michael Cinguina Janis Clay Phyllis and William Clipson Shelley Cole-Allen Tracey Colecchi Marie Coleman Janine Colleran Alice Conroy Cinthia Cook Karen Cook Ruth Cooper Lisa Courtney Connie Crawford Ann Cuneo Veronica Cuniff Robert Curci Jill Bizzell Curtis Erika Cusimano Anna Custer Diana Dagher

Eileen D’Andrea Lisa Daniel Mike and Keli Davies Deborah Davis Anne Studley Davis Kathie DeGeorges Maria Delaney Delta Rho Building Corporation Stephanie DeLuca Melissa Derington Kimberly DeStazio Rick Dettman Laura Dickhaut Holly Dickson Steve Diese Laura Dikman Cyndie DiMaria Anita Doherty Lynn Dolan Kimberly Donahue Elizabeth Douglas LeeAnn Downs Patricia Drake Germaine Drake Kristi DuBois Robert and Marcia Duffy Donna Dupree Rita Dye Karen Early Kelly Eisenhart Cathy Emig Laura Epstein Diane Erickson Toni Faris Beverly and Jack Farrell Pauline Fennessy Ken Ferden Verna Fersch Carol Fesmire Herbert Fisher Robyn and Don Flanigin Bill and Penny Flegal Dolores Flores David Forrer Elizabeth Fortin Suzanne Fortuna Elizabeth Freeman Karen Freemon John Fursey Donna Gallagher Tami and Kevin Galloway Susan Garbatini Chris Garcia Noela Garcia Anne Gavin Kylee Gazzigli Theresa and Mark Gebhardt Melisa Gillis Ann Girard Michelle Glassman Stephen Goldhar Belinda Gomez Ray Gorman Suzanne Graham Sandy Graham Judy Granzin Nora Graves

Bob Greene Julie Gregory Cheryl Grimm Jonathan Grobani Susan Gronske Grosvenor Park III Condominium Board Of Directors Suzy Grundy Roslyn Gwiazdowski Laura Hadwiger Sue Hager Lisa Haidinger Mary Ann Hainline Carole Hale Janet Samuel Haltrecht Stephanie Haney Rina Hanna-Carrolli Rhonda Hanser Peter Harab Stephanie Harleman Donna Harmon Shari Harper Barbara Harrington Beth Harrington Robin Harris Barbara Hart Martha Hartikka Mary Heisey Holly Henry Karen Hense Laura Hess Marcelina Higgins Marykate Hill Marcella Hillman Nancy Hornik Lisa Howard Gina Howard James Howe Jack Howe Jami Hudak Cindy Hudson Jess Hunt Lynne Hunter Charisa Hunter-Crump Kathy Huston Mary Jo Hyde Marisa Jackson Ray and Lisa Jennings Mary Jennings Sandy Jobmann Caroline Johnson Sandra Johnson Marcy Jones Tina Jordan K Jordan Terri Joyner Michael Juenke Dan and Lisa Kalinowski Fadi Kanafani John Kasinski Carol Keller Erika Kemp Joan Kendall Herlinda Kennedy Pat and Rick Kerns Cynthia Keysor Susan King

Lynal Kirk Edward Kirklin Catherine Knezovich Thomas Knoeller Kristy Kobus Daniel Kohn Jill Kopecky Bryan Kornblau Phyllis Krebs Dina Kruckenberg Lise Kruer Pauline Kunselman Mary Kuppe Beth Kurzava Jessica LaForge Kim and Steve Lambusta Sandra Landrey Carol Larkin Micki Larson Donna and Jim Lavery Penny Lawlor Jennifer Lawrence Judy Lazar Richard LeBarron Robin Lipinski Rose and Jeff Little Susannah Livingston Elizabeth Lombardi Luz Lopera Lynette Lucker Virginia Lundstedt Carol Lydon Bill Lyons Laura Lee Maciel Sylvia and Randy Malta Alene Mangino Richard and Jodie Maniet Linda Marasti Debbie Marini Susan Markowicz Kathleen Marshall Patty Martens Chad Martin Margaret Martin Ellen Martin Carolyn Martin Miriam Martinez Joan Masini Jane Mattoon Sarah McArdle Karin McCloskey Christina McDonald Marie McLucas Thomas McNair Hugh McQuitty David McReynolds Jill Melnick Tamara Melrose Don and Roxann Melson Lisa Meriwether Beverly Meyer Michael Meystedt Diane Meza Joe Mika Danette Miller Patrick Miller Patricia Miller

Sharon Minor Douglas Mock Deborah Moore Thomas Mormile Cathy Moroff Vicki Morris Alyson Morrison Ellen Morrow Leslie Moscow Sue Moyer Connie Muggli Bob and Laurie Mumby Joyce Munzer Heidi Muradian Kathleen Murphy Kathleen Murrie Kirk and Stephanie Musacchio Stephanie Nady Leigh Nash Alicia Netting Kyra Newkirk Kim Nicol Abb Ninzeheltzer Lori Noonan Karen Nystrom Phyllis and Paul O’Brien James O’Brien Brandy O’Farrell Marilyn Ogburn Vanessa Ogilvie Winifred Ogorman Victoria Ogus Carolyn Olson Haley Olson Catherine Order Robin and Blair Orr Betsy Osterhout David Osterhout Donna Ozog Leticia Padron Kim and Kurk Paleka Cynthia Passmore Andy Pauk Debbie Paxson Sugar Peacock Leah Pears Denise Allen Perez Connie Perez Paula Perry Patty Peters Marsha Peters Kathy Phillips Valerie Pierce Mercedes Pierre Marguerite Pircer Sandra Pirogovsky Jessica Plummer Julie Plummer Jeanette Powers Adriana Nozela Prado Wade and Vivian Price James Prutilpac Michele Psoras Christine Pustolski Jeanne Rash David Read Lecia Ream 49

Foundation news

Doreen Fenech Reardon Anne Rebstock-Hoeksema Lori Redeker Renee Redington Luann Regittko Karen Reilly Stephanie Reneau Lisa Ricci Frank Rice Ann Richart Brett Rissler Elizabeth Roach Deborah Robillard Mark Robillard Isabel Rodriguez Zonia Rodriguez Sandra Rogan Eileen Rogers Maryann Rogers Angela Rojas Judy Rollins Odalis Rosales Cindy Ruggeri Michael Russo Joseph Sabatini Hilleri Sabin Mark and Judy Sablatura Michelle Sagraves Ana Sanchez Doreen Sanchez Melissa Sanders Marija Santos David Scarbel Nancy Schifferdecker Bill and Chris Schneider Susan Schuengel Bernard Selman Teresa Shadoin Carla Shaw Cheryl Shaw Sallie Sherrill Ann Siebert Kristine Sillas Elaine Simpson Maria Skinner Allan Skoropa Jarrett Skov Amy Sloane Ellen Smith Edward Smith Ron Smith Kim Socolovitch Rebecca Sorrell Marie Spondike Christian Startz Joan Steffen Laura Steiner Suzanne Steiner Phil and Susan Steinhofer Gina Stewart Darlene Rhue Stewart Douglas Stieb Deborah Stiles Clay Stober Siobhan Stoddard

50 the


Cynthia Stokes Kristi Stone Catherine Sull Richard Sullivan Tracey Sullivan Turner Sutton Maria and Frank Swann Wendy Brookshire Taylor Carol Teitz Yvette Terstriep Gerald and Loretta Thomas Paula Timmons Stacy Tincher Karen Titus Darlene Tobin Tamara Tocco Mark Toljanic Isabel Torres Andrea Tougas Susan Humm Trader Jeanne Tropper Holly Troschuk Christy Turner Joan Tyrrell Durej Tracey Vaccarello Joseph Valdez Debra Van Der Weide Marisa Vierra Jo-Anne Scanlan Villa Dee Vinson Maria Vinson Debi Visnov Julia Wade Kelly Waechter Kim Wagner Regina Wagner Holly Waligura Sarah Walker Brenda Walker Russell Walsh Deb Wand Paula Warner Nadia Wasim Anne Watterson Debra Weatherford Tammy Harkins Weaver James Wells Amanda Wells Lori Wernikoff Laurie Wesolowicz Deborah Whitlock Ursula Wichmann Victoria Wiese Ron Williams Richard Williams Randall Willnow Cheryl Winfrey Missy Wingard Elizabeth Winkler Renee Woods Debbie Woodworth James Wright Diane Wysocki Debbie Yates Tom Zimmerman


Memorial Gifts

The Alpha Xi Delta Foundation recognizes Honor Gifts given from June 1, 2014 through August 31, 2014.

The Alpha Xi Delta Foundation recognizes Memorial Gifts from June 1, 2014 through August 31, 2014.

Deanna Wollam Detchemendy, California State University, Northridge by Sharon Brown Richardson, University of Texas at Austin

Blanche Basile, mother of Pat Ott, Rider University by Heather Roberts Lerch, Rider

Michele Evink, South Dakota State University by Sharon Brown Richardson, University of Texas at Austin Jean Koza Leider, University of Iowa by Danica Vanasse Olson, Marquette University Deborah Norton, California State University-San Marcos by Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity

Carolyn Buchman Berlin, University of Mount Union by Anne Berlin Painter, Indiana University Margaret Doherty Bray, University of Minnesota by Carol Woodworth Root, University of Wisconsin-Madison Victoria Gersch, East Carolina University by Nancy Milliken McAvoy, East Carolina University

Mildred Fiksdal O’Neill, University of South Dakota by Northern Virginia Alumnae Association

Jane Baker Goris, Purdue University by Jeanette Jinks Horrall, Purdue University

Stephanie Bertagna Short, University of Texas at Austin by Sharon Brown Richardson, University of Texas at Austin

Jeanne Brown Irwin, University of Maryland by Betty Axt Curry, University of Maryland

The Senior Class of Pi Chapter by Gretchen Balling DiMarco, Syracuse University

Marjorie Emrick Monson, Ohio University by Nancy Fehrmann Gainer, Iowa State University

The Women of Gamma Rho by Marjorie Jane Brockway Archer, Parsons College Theta Gamma Chapter by Sharon Brown Richardson, University of Texas at Austin

Fred W. Rogers, Jr. by Fern Ritterbusch Rogers, Missouri Valley College Suellyn Matevia Sekulich, Michigan State University by Norma Jones Mozier, Wittenberg University Liz Tarpey, Georgia Institute of Technology by Kristin Hare, Georgia Institute of Technology Babette Sellhausen Trader, University of Maryland by Lois Martin Olmsted, University of Maryland Ilda Lunan Deming, University of Maryland Evelyn Bird Wood, Wittenberg University by Norma Jones Mozier, Wittenberg University

Chapter Donors The Foundation thanks the following chapters who made donations between June 1, 2013 and May 31, 2014. The following list reflects annual giving totals to all Foundation funds.

Quill $1,000-$2,499 Rho, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Theta Gamma, University of Delaware Iota Zeta, Wingate University

Pearl $500-$999 Kappa, University of Illinois Tau, University of New Hampshire Psi, The Ohio State University Alpha Eta, Purdue University Alpha Kappa, Kansas State University Beta Eta, University of Maryland Beta Upsilon, University of Rhode Island Gamma Eta, Georgia Institute of Technology Gamma Nu, Southeast Missouri State University Gamma Phi, East Carolina University Delta Rho, California State University, Northridge Delta Tau, University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh Delta Psi, Texas State University - San Marcos Epsilon Kappa, Western Kentucky University Zeta Xi, Auburn University Theta Epsilon, Marquette University Theta Rho, California State University - San Marcos Theta Sigma, University of Central Florida Theta Phi, University of Alabama at Birmingham Theta Psi, Dartmouth College Iota Xi, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Iota Pi, Coastal Carolina University

Rose $250-$499 Gamma, University of Mount Union Eta, Syracuse University Iota, West Virginia University Sigma, University of Iowa Beta Alpha, University of Texas at Austin Beta Epsilon, Monmouth College Beta Mu, Bowling Green State University Beta Sigma, West Virginia Wesleyan College Beta Tau, Kent State University Gamma Delta, University of Nebraska at Omaha Gamma Theta, East Tennessee State University Gamma Tau, Ohio Northern University Delta Lambda, Rochester Institute of Technology Delta Mu, Old Dominion University Delta Xi, Georgia State University Epsilon Lambda, Rider University Epsilon Psi, Boise State University Zeta Eta, West Chester University Zeta Chi, University of North Carolina - Wilmington Zeta Omega, University of West Georgia Theta Beta, Sonoma State University Theta Delta, Towson University Theta Eta, Western Michigan University Theta Iota, Florida Atlantic University Theta Nu, Elon University Theta Xi, Florida International University Theta Omicron, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University - Daytona Beach Iota Theta, Southern Polytechnic State University Iota Rho, DePaul University Iota Sigma, Virginia Commonwealth University

Anniversary $121-$249 Omega, Stetson University

Beta Xi, Marietta College Beta Psi, Carroll University Gamma Beta, Marshall University Gamma Zeta, Eastern Michigan University Delta Alpha, University of Wisconsin - La Crosse Delta Chi, University of Northern Iowa Epsilon Alpha, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire Epsilon Eta, South Dakota State University Epsilon Xi, University of Missouri - St. Louis Epsilon Pi, Jacksonville State University Zeta Theta, Wright State University Zeta Tau, University of North Carolina - Asheville Theta Kappa, University of Albany Theta Pi, Christian Brothers University Theta Omega, New Mexico State University Iota Beta, California State University - Stanislaus Iota Epsilon, University of Nevada - Las Vegas Iota Eta, University of Texas - El Paso Iota Kappa, Idaho State University Iota Lambda, St. Norbert College Iota Mu, Lycoming College

Donor Delta, Bethany College - West Virginia Delta Gamma, University of Nebraska At Kearney Delta Epsilon, University of New Orleans Delta Zeta, LIU Post Delta Kappa, Slippery Rock University Delta Nu, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Delta Pi, Defiance College Epsilon Iota, Newberry College Epsilon Rho, University of Southern Maine Zeta Iota, Lyon College Theta Alpha, Millersville University Theta Zeta, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University – Prescott Theta Lambda, Southwestern University Theta Upsilon, Youngstown State University

Alumnae Association Donors The Foundation thanks the following alumnae associations who made donations between June 1, 2013, and May 31, 2014. The following list reflects annual giving totals to all Foundation funds.

Quill $1,000-$2,499 Atlanta-North Metro, GA

Indianapolis, IN Maryland Metro, MD Tucson, AZ



$500-$999 Cuyahoga West Shore, OH Denver, CO Northern Virginia, VA

Rose $250-$499 Atlanta-South Metro, GA Austin, TX Chicago North Shore, IL Detroit Metro, MI

$121-$249 Cincinnati, OH Lincoln, NE San Fernando Valley, CA Seattle, WA

Donor Akron, OH Ann Arbor, MI Arlington, TX Auburn-Opelika, AL

Bay Area HoustonGalveston, TX Birmingham, AL Bloomington-Normal, IL Bowling Green, OH Buffalo, NY Cedar Rapids, IA Chesapeake, MD Chicago Northwest Suburbs, IL Chicago-West Towns, IL Cleveland, OH Corvallis, OR Dallas, TX Dayton, OH Diablo Valley, CA

El Paso Del Norte, TX Greater Boston, MA Greater Milwaukee Area, WI Greater Rhode Island Houston, TX Jacksonville, FL Las Vegas, NV Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN Monmouth, IL New Orleans, LA Newark-Granville, OH North San Diego County, CA Northern New Jersey, NJ Oklahoma City, OK Orlando, FL Palm Beach, FL

Philadelphia, PA Phoenix, AZ Pikes Peak Area, CO Pinellas County, FL Pittsburgh, PA Sacramento, CA Salt Creek, IL Southern Maine, ME St. Louis, MO Stanislaus, CA Tallahassee, FL Tampa, FL Tidewater, VA Western North Carolina, NC Western Wayne County, MI Youngstown, OH 51

Foundation news

The Foundation thanks the following Sisters and friends demonstrating the highest level of commitment by donating $121 or more to the Foundation between June 1, 2013, and May 31, 2014. The following list reflects annual giving totals to all Foundation funds.

Annual Giving Circles Presidents’ $2,500+ Quill $1,000-$2,499 Pearl $500-$999 Rose $250-$499 Anniversary $121-$249 * Deceased donor


$2,500+ Janice Sheldon Baumback, University of Washington Margaret Bozarth, Monmouth College Paige Faries, Western Kentucky University Jane Dunlap Gaby, University of Tennessee Verne Gooley, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta* Frances Smith Gooley, Oregon State University* Margaret Payne Greene, Stetson University Katharyn Faries Herndon, Western Kentucky University Mary Louise Haymaker Hill, Purdue University Marilyn Herbes Horner, University of Nebraska at Omaha Grace Gibbs Johnson, University of Iowa* Jeanne Regus Kuller, University of Maryland Lyles Foundation Donor Advised Fund, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta Jacqueline Fonder Pechette, Syracuse University Pauline Dale Platt, Gettysburg College Patricia Prince, University of Illinois Tana Sterrett Scott, Middlebury College


$1,000-$2,499 Marcia Brink Adair, Monmouth College

52 the


Lynn Andrews, University of Iowa Pamela McCormick Barkman, Baldwin Wallace University Maxine Evans Blackburn, Wittenberg University* Mary Josie Cain Blanchard, University of Texas at Austin Carol Malkmus Briggs, Ohio University George Brown, Jr., Friend of Alpha Xi Delta Evonne Carawan, North Carolina State University Elizabeth de Jong, Bethany College Martha Geppert, University of Illinois Giles Memorial Foundation, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta Christine Shellhammer Gilliam, Bowling Green State University Regina Willis Hawkins, Jacksonville State University Judi Jones Jacobs, University of Kentucky Jennifer Emerick Kuntz, University of Northern Iowa Nicole Kuzmin-Nichols, Case Western Reserve University Julie Lambert, Oregon State University Jennifer Bellas Lee, Old Dominion University Jean Koza Leider, University of Iowa Wendy Kurtz Levine, Indiana University Bonnie Eiker Lightcap, Susquehanna University Deborah Fenwick Maas, Marshall University Charlotte West Martin, University of Georgia Karolee Wybenga Olsen, University of Nebraska at Omaha Omega Financial, Inc., Friend of Alpha Xi Delta Nancy Drenan Prendergast, The Ohio State University

Jane Fursey Ralston, University of Mount Union Elizabeth Stuckert Ray, University of Kentucky Beverly Case Rorer, University of Pennsylvania Janice Zajac Sayatovic, Syracuse University Bobby Allphin Stanton, University of Kentucky Jane Hooper Sutton, Western Carolina University Marilyn Atwood Terry, University of California-Berkeley Julia Naftzger Van Sickle, Purdue University Nealy Patty Wheat, University of West Georgia Dorothy Sheldon Williams, Western Carolina University Linda Bernd Wrench, Indiana University


$500-$999 Charlotte Alison, University of Alabama Sharon Ploch Bassler, Purdue University Bonnie Leigh Baker Blish, University of California-Los Angeles Nancy Polk Bogenrief, Drake University Dianne Plattenburg Botefuhr, Northern Michigan University Karen Brown, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta Vicki Moore Capadona, Purdue University Ginny Carroll, Western Kentucky University Beth Cohen, Pennsylvania State University Alice Pishan Croner, Monmouth College CSL Management LLC, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta Michele Maranian Curth, California State University, Northridge Rigby Guiney Duncan, Marshall University

Laura Kitashima Giglio, Georgia Institute of Technology Diane Curtis Gregory, Wittenberg University Michelle Soderquist Hartnett, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Kelley Jo Kitta Hundt, Georgia Institute of Technology Carrie Kashawlic, Ohio Northern University Pat and Rick Kerns, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta Denise Kipfstuhl, University of Mount Union Audrey Rothwell Kleasen, Purdue University Robin Hartman Lock, University of Texas at Austin Jeanne De La Vergne Means, San Diego State University* Rebecca Neilson, Frostburg State University Eleanor Ann Taylor Paulman, Frostburg State University Susannah Prucka, Southwestern University Renee Redington, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta Frank Rice, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta Nadine Roberts, Frostburg State University Christina Robertson, University of West Georgia Marianne Moritz Russo, California State University, Northridge Susan Bostwick Shiring, University of Mount Union Rhonda Shives, Louisiana State University Claudette Smith, Jacksonville State University Leslie Storey, Texas Wesleyan University Elisabeth Beck Stuller, Eastern Washington University Martha Johnson Ward, University of Illinois


$250-$499 Anne Rienstra Abendroth, San Diego State University Linda Lee Foster Absalom, Old Dominion University Diane Andrich, University of Northern Colorado Julie Anell, Monmouth College Rena June Hartzler Armatas, Kansas State University Janet Leonard Baillie, Oregon State University Marcia Boden, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Denise Neill Bowers, University of North Texas Joanne Walker Bowie, West Virginia University Marcia Bowles Brown, Missouri Valley College Kathleen Cates Cantarine, California State University, Northridge Courtney Caron, California State University-Fresno Ilda Margaret Lunan Deming, University of Maryland Dorothy Drolet Dirks, University of Illinois Sandra Weeks Doar, Georgia Institute of Technology Courtney Hankins Fluty, Texas State UniversitySan Marcos Marguerite Frick, Georgia Institute of Technology Yallah Gault, University of Mount Union Patricia Bolin Glenn, University of Illinois Joan Peres Hansen, California State University-Fresno Katherine Hanson, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Judith Wilson Harrell, East Carolina University Anne Wilson Hemingway, Thiel College Michele Barone Hunn, University of Maryland Janet Hutchins, University of Michigan

Audrey Huthwaite, Frostburg State University Pamela Butler James, Northwestern University Lauren Jolly, Indiana University Jacquelyn Healey Kalinsky, University of Maryland Nancy Akers Kaney, Purdue University Suzanne Kirschbaum, University of North Carolina-Asheville Linda Jean Kotowski, Florida State University Marlene Labenz-Hough, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Jeanne Curry Laye, University of California-Los Angeles Suzanne Abbott Lesiak, Bethany College Kendra Becker Lewis, Purdue University Sonja Lowry, Monmouth College Jacquelyn Lyerly, Alpha Deuteron Susan Eicher Mamber, Kent State University Katherine Listwan Martin, University of Florida Claire Stoltenberg McKinzie, University of Iowa Laura Mitchell, Gettysburg College Deborah Norton, California State University-San Marcos Danica Vanasse Olson, Marquette University Elizabeth Eberle Payette, California State University-Fresno Rebecca Richter Perrett, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Suzanne Mitton Petru, Northwestern University Tracy Borlaug Pursell, University of Northern Iowa Deborah Johnson Robertson, Texas State University-San Marcos Mary Kay Porter Rowekamp, Marietta College Jane Wilkens Schroeder, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Linda Sokody Seybold, Knox College Sandra Keim Shackelford, University of Georgia Janice Kay Gertz Shedd, Ferris State University

Sarah Rebecca Miller Smith, The Ohio State University Mary Ruth Hadley Snyder, Purdue University Lucinda Spaney, Marietta College Emily Wray Stander, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Kristine Anderson Stephens, Old Dominion University Lois Osenberg Streed, Purdue University Marian Harding Thompson, University of Illinois Elizabeth Topkis, University of California-Los Angeles Carol Mayer Utter, Cornell University Kathryn Kuechenmeister V aughan, University of Wisconsin-Madison Janice Nease Wittschiebe, Georgia Institute of Technology Alicia Woo, Georgia State University Betsie Keeler Zeedyk, Alma College


$121-$249 Patricia Riccetti Adams, University of Illinois Mary Anders Adams-Smith, The Ohio State University Amanda Counts Adfelblat, University of New Orleans Corey Aitken, Georgia Institute of Technology Beth Harsch Altenkirch, Purdue University Tammi Trebs Anderson, University of Illinois Patricia Bunting Angelici, University of Iowa Kathryn Ashenfelter, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Sally Margaret Kemp Baker, University of Georgia Teresa Myzer Baldwin, Kansas State University Gail Buller Barnes, Kansas State University Elizabeth Bartosz, Frostburg State University Elizabeth Pope Battaglia, University of Virginia

Carol Beatty, University of Texas at Austin Danielle Beaverson, University of Toledo Dorothy Borneman Bell, Syracuse University Bonnie Untereiner Bjork, University of South Dakota Camilla Olson Blakeslee, Drake University Anne Buchanan Blankenship, Bethany College Susan Ann Barrett Boelke, Monmouth College Kimberly Hemmer Bonarski, Rochester Institute of Technology Patricia Ney Booth, Susquehanna University Jill Foster Bortel, Defiance College Kami Bosworth, Georgia Institute of Technology Elisa Pagano Boyer, University of Missouri-St. Louis Joanne Braucher, Albion College Michelle Wise Brennan, Rochester Institute of Technology Paula Pflepsen Brigham, Eastern Michigan University Cookie Bridgeman Brohawn, West Virginia Wesleyan College Nancy Edith Sweeting Brookes, West Liberty University Kathleen Burns, Purdue University Vicki Lynn Postas Byrne, University of Northern Colorado Michelle Groce Cahoon, University of Illinois Kathleen Burke Clark, University of Maryland Margaret Burt Collins, Jacksonville State University Roberta Collins Harper, University of Wisconsin-Madison Susan Tompkins Commeree, University of Washington Wendy Young Connelly, University of Findlay Karin Lynn Cook, University of Florida Lucinda Jean Tiller Cordo, University of TennesseeKnoxville Jane Louise Woodburn Costanzo, Marshall University 53

Foundation news

Marilyn Louise Cowger, University of Nebraska at Omaha Laverne Harris Crawford, Western Carolina University Colette Kay Crown, Northern Illinois University Deborah Bell Cruickshank, Georgia Institute of Technology Patricia Beach Cucina, University of Alabama Cynthia Ann Casini Cunningham, West Liberty University Louise Alicia Robinson Dane, University of Oregon Janet Beachler Day, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Sandra Priebe Day, Frostburg State University June Day, Florida State University Sharon Lou De Vore, Florida State University Jean Sauer DeFrances, Florida State University Linda Diane Desorcie, Michigan State University Denise Marie Favret Donner, University of New Orleans Rebekah Fenstermaker Druetzler, Purdue University Gay Kimbrough Dull, Georgia Institute of Technology Hannah Duscha, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Theresa Dvorak, University of Iowa Kathy Moore Dwight, University of Texas at Austin Millicent Ruth Schlosser Eckhart, The Ohio State University Pamela Gardiner Enger, Frostburg State University Judy Erickson, Iowa State University Marcy Jo Sickles Ey, Ohio University Margaret Larsen Fazzio, University of Northern Colorado Janice Kay Brown Fink, University of Charleston

54 the


Amy Treanor Flores, Iowa State University Andrea Fouberg, South Dakota State University Harriette Leonard Fredenburg, Albion College Jennifer Frohock-Hoffman, University of Michigan Nancy Fehrmann Gainer, Iowa State University Chelsea Galbraith, Slippery Rock University Elysia Balster Gallivan, University of South Dakota Jayne McLaren Gaw, Northwestern University Mary Goers, University of Wisconsin-Madison Barbara Schafbuch Goldstein, Indiana University Joe Bales Graber, Louisiana State University Joanne Marie Deimel Granier, Louisiana State University Allison James Green, Albion College Bethany Cain Green, Alma College Cherie Groff Letcher, University of Maryland Sharon Hall, Wittenberg University Anneliese Hallsten, Stetson University Phyllis Gray Hann, Oregon State University Jill Harley, University of Illinois Joyce Schneider Hecht, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Amanda Benson Hicks, Southern Polytechnic State University Lindsey Hubbard, Georgia Institute of Technology Winifred Kneisley Huffman, The Ohio State University Sherry Lamoreux Humphrey, Kansas State University Janet Marie Ellis Hunzinger, Purdue University

Karen Ann Kallstrom Jenkin, Purdue University Rickey Zeidler Jiranek, University of Rhode Island Fatima Johnson, University of North Carolina-Asheville Mary Baker Jones, University of Iowa Tamara Dawn Kysor Kearney, Thiel College Brenda Ann Schrader Keller, Texas State UniversitySan Marcos Marti Nelson Kirschbaum, University of Florida Ann Schmiedicke Klemm, Purdue University Jean Ellen Klick, Purdue University Lauren Kort, Sonoma State University Ellen Louise Dettra Kunst, The Ohio State University Jennifer Lacey, University of Tennessee-Knoxville Virginia Lakin, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Kristine Marley Lantz, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Jennifer Jacobs Laurence, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Daytona Beach June Fursey Lee, University of Mount Union Anne Fiske Lee, University of Michigan Jeanne Marie Leone, University of Iowa Heather Roberts Lerch, Rider University Jodi Levell, University of Northern Iowa Barbara Ann Lindblom, Albion College Allison Lindsly, Auburn University Mary Loncharich Gaskell, Northwestern University Diane Duesenberg Long, Drake University

Cheryl Ann Bowersox L ouder, The Ohio State University Carolyn Sylvia Puzak L uken, St. Cloud State University Ellen Trinter MacFarlane, Wittenberg University Teddi Mackelden, University of Alabama Lesley Conway Maggiore, Georgia State University Dolores Yvonne Hambright Maletzky, University of Maryland Valerie Cobb Mallon, University of West Georgia Celia Samaras Maneatis, University of California-Berkeley Regina Todero Mangine, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Patricia Firebaugh Mann, University of Illinois Caroline Stephenson M arciano, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Sharon McCone, Henderson State University Karen King McConnell, Knox College Kay Christian Kinney M cKenna, Georgia Institute of Technology Karen Hofelt McNeil, I ndiana University of Pennsylvania Alice Miller McRae, Indiana University Pamela McVeigh, University of Illinois Jane Kutch Mercereau, University of Oregon Cheryl Eby Miller, University of Nebraska at Omaha Sarah Mitchell, Elon University Sylvia Jennings Moore, San Diego State University Cary Lawson Moore, University of Kentucky Laura Paluch Moran, University of Illinois

Sandra Morrison, San Diego State University Anna Nash, Central Michigan University Kathleen Joyce Diesi Nissly, Drake University Sharon Lanham Noble, University of Maryland Rebecca O’Bryon, University of North Carolina-Asheville Danielle O’Donohue, Albion College Karen Ogorzalek, Monmouth College Jacklyn Knuckles Olinger, Miami University Justine L. Lougee Olive, University of New Hampshire Jean Kathryn Lundberg Olson, University of Wisconsin - Superior Marjorie Ann Hearst Orr, Albion College Alice Osterberg Osberg, Albion College Cynthia Houchins Ours, West Virginia University Judith Ann Michael Pachmayer, Kent State University Susan MacDade Paluskiewicz, Rider University Kathy Lee Pape, Edinboro University Marsha Ellen Wildermuth Pattison, The Ohio State University Kathleen Andrea Beam Peeples, Auburn University Jenny Pelkey, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Karen Schnick Pelton, San Diego State University Ann Gronewold Percy, Michigan State University Powers Peterson MD, Northwestern University Caroline McCain PetersonS earls, Kansas State University Lisa Paramore Pickelsimer, Auburn University

Cathy Pierce, The Ohio State University Mary Jane Pierce Norton, Lyon College Jeanne Margaret Vollman Pike, Baldwin Wallace University Lori Plazinski, University of Maryland Kathleen Downing Pownall, Kent State University Akhila Rajaram, Georgia Institute of Technology Lorraine Feasel Reddick, Stetson University Melissa Schinker Reed, Carroll University Jill Dupont Ritter, Bowling Green State University Hilary Roberts, University of Kansas Cynthia Reaves Rogan, University of North Texas Debbie Levy Rubin, California State University, Northridge Jessica Rupp, University of Northern Iowa Mary Ortmann Ryan, Southeast Missouri State University Catherine Louis Turner Salisbury, Ohio Wesleyan University Barbara Grow Schanzle, Ohio University Sharon Lee Schendel, Indiana University Sheri Schipper-Kriete, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Joan Conover Schroeder, Kansas State University Janet Lahti Schultze, Iowa State University Mary Anne Ewing Seale, University of Texas at Austin Suellyn Matevia Sekulich, Michigan State University* Rebecca Ash Stevens Shea, University of TennesseeKnoxville Patricia Williams Shires, Ohio Wesleyan University

Jarrett Skov, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta Becky Brdlik Smilak, University of Illinois Patricia Mary Armstrong Sparks, University of California-Los Angeles Phyllis Dellmann Stanchfield, Coe College Joyce Banker Stanton, Indiana University Kimberly Starr, University of Kentucky Cynthia Yoder Stevens, Kansas State University M. Kristin Stuedle, Western Kentucky University Patricia Spalding Sturtz, University of Illinois Pamela Knoebel Tate, San Diego State University Leslie Wallace Taylor, Auburn University Katherine Butle Rentz Taylor, Chadron State College Margaret Shrontz Tenzythoff, Oklahoma State University Dawn Frances Haines Thomas, Frostburg State University Jill Thompson, Indiana University Diane Ditta Thornton, University of Texas at Austin Nancy Stenger Todd, University of Maryland Dorothy Anderson Tregea, University of California-Berkeley Betty French Unkel, The Ohio State University Nicole Valdes, University of Central Florida Linda Lea Crampton Viken, University of South Dakota Kira Vurlicer, Southwestern University Jane Johnston Warner, Indiana University Betty Cronin Webb, The Ohio State University

Stacy Ford Werth, California State University-San Marcos Jessica Wiles, The Ohio State University Marijean Konopke W illiams, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Joni Lindale Williamson, Drake University Denise Marie Cuteri Willson, Thiel College Sara Peck Wilson, Purdue University Lauren Windland, Northern Michigan University Leslie Kibler Wirtz, I ndiana University of Pennsylvania Susan Gibble Wolf, Gettysburg College Jean Shropshire Wright, University of Kentucky* Linda Rainwater Yates, University of Michigan Susan Yerkes, Lycoming College Augusta Ciccio Yrle, University of New Orleans 55

Chapter Eternal

The fall/winter 2014 Chapter Eternal includes all the names of Sisters whose passing was reported to Fraternity Headquarters between June 1, 2014 and August 31, 2014. Sisters are listed alphabetically in chapter order, along with their initiation year. To notify the Fraternity of a Sister’s passing, please send an obituary notice, memorial service pamphlet or other written confirmation to Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity Headquarters. Alpha Chapter Lombard/Knox College Mabel Irene Hatch Sharp ’39 Janice Kysor Van Schuyler ’42 Nina Mae McMillan O’Connor ’54 Jeffery Lynn LeClercq Churchill ’65 Christine Marie Robinson ’71 Beta Chapter Iowa Wesleyan College Shirley Ruth Blum ’45 Nancy Eilene Elder Olson ’58 Gamma Chapter University of Mount Union Alice Mae Bliss Schmutz ’34 Martha Cora Richeson Burnett ’37 Phyllis Shutt Kiel ’39 Carolyn Buchman Berlin ’46 Dorothy Jean Linton Yohn ’53 Nancy Elane Shoemaker Harshbarger ’56 Delta Chapter Bethany College Janice Cooper Chickering ’40 Betty Ann Kehn Freitas ’46 Epsilon Chapter University of South Dakota Ericca Hanson Tracy ’21 Aurdena Fitzgerald Hohenthaner ’32 Harriette C. Thompson Drenkhahn ’50 Jo Ann Trenker Plourde ’51 Vernelle Ice Armstrong ’57 Jane Marie Vincent Smith ’63 Zeta Chapter Wittenberg University Lois E. Winkler Valbracht ’34 Marjorie L. Hines Metzger ’48 Eta Chapter Syracuse University Helen Benning Regnier ’35 Beverly Parish Kendall ’56 Theta Chapter University of Wisconsin Catherine Ernst Landgrebe ’36 Kathleen Ryan Rice ’41 Edith Janot Schneider ’41

56 the


Jane Threinen Heaton ’44 Shirley Ann Kretche Erdman ’47 Barbara Jean Zoerb Carlson ’47 Elizabeth Gardien O’Connor Enright ’51 Patricia Jean Anderson McBeath ’57 Iota Chapter West Virginia University Janis Gover Davis ’43 Virginia Anne Painter Riffee ’48 Mary Louise Rowley Mooney ’50 Kappa Chapter University of Illinois Jean Mary Haak Boehme ’39 Delores Dour Gunderson ’40 Juanita Williams Scheppach ’42 Patricia Joan Schnipper Francis ’46 Mary Sue Scheidenhelm Eilrich ’61 Frances Ann Urban Coulter Rumick ’68 Mu Chapter University of Minnesota Irene Cunningham Iskrant ’30 Barbara Gay Lamberton Hendricks ’46 Margaret Hannah Doherty Bray ’48 Nu Chapter University of Washington Ellen Boyd Pearson ’40 Patricia Claire Sullivan Trimble ’42 Anabel Lee Jensen Bianchi ’46 Donna Ruth Mann Davidson Hodgkinson ’52 Xi Chapter University of Kentucky Jean Shropshire Wright ’44 Helen Marie Shrout Lowe ’44 Harriet Dietric Freeman Marsh ’45 Opal Nancy Owen Eads ’47 Omicron Chapter University of California-Berkeley Dorothy Lucile Felknor Noll ’39 Keith Lee Silcox Derian ’40

Jane Ann Fernandez ’45 Ruth Ann Tolf Holt ’47 Dr. Barbara Carol Ewing Reeder ’63 Pi Chapter Ohio University Martha Alice Ransdell Madden ’30 Marjorie Emrick Monson ‘36 Hannah M. Snyder Dannley ’37 Enid Evelyn Groves Holden ’37 Margaret L. Craumer Bartsch ’43 Alma Marie Williams Gilmore Doud ’44 Mrs. Marilyn Jane Geiler Netschke ’46 Julia Marie Sinon Schmidt ’47 Charlotte L. Simon Hile ’48 Antoinette Ondis Haenel ’53 Carolyn Cantieny Frail ’54 Vrina L. Grimes Stebbins ’58 Margaret Kay Matthews Hedgren ’59 Nancy Jeanne Minger Cottone ’60 Patricia Hranilovic Fiffick ’74 Rho Chapter University of Nebraska-Lincoln Mildred Hoff Bartosh ’29 Rilla Mae Nevin Rader ’37 Elizabeth Rose Conway Beck ’38 Shirley Jean Klingel Eccles ’46 Mrs. Helen Janet Walsh Prest ’58 Upsilon Chapter University of Vermont Mary L. McCormick Foley ’35 Phi Chapter Albion College Margaret Louise Bowker Millard ’46 Erma J. McCormick Sutcliff ’17 Sigma Chapter University of Iowa Mary E. Anderson Cox ’16 Lucile Mullen Russ ’37 Lotta May Jamison Lewis ’41 Barbara Mae Mezik Peterson ’41 Eve Shewry Corbin ’45 Janet Shacklett Krieg ’47 Barbara Thayer Doan ’54

Tau Chapter University of New Hampshire Hope Leslie Graham ’41 Eileen Boszko Bryant ’67 Jill N Rifenburg Wilkins ’79 Phi Chapter Albion College Mary Rebecca Brown Hale ’33 Marjorie Ann Hearst Orr ’43 Chi Chapter University of Kansas Ruth Mary Trant Bueche ’18 Thelma Wilcox Kratochvil ’30 Ruth Louise Kieffer Wallace ’33 Psi Chapter The Ohio State University Jean Ann Liles Chrisman ’39 Pauline E. Patton Neer ’50 Roberta Ann Theobald Cas ’55 Judith O’Bannon Strausbaugh ’56 Elizabeth Jane Garmhausen Hunter ’59 Alpha Beta Chapter Cornell University Margaret Vollme Lybolt Rosenzweig ’28 Ruth E. Worden Scott ’38 Mrs. Allene R Cushing Knibloe ’38 Fern Helene Chase Whitehurst ’41 Marcia Anne Wallace Shore ’62 Alpha Gamma Chapter Coe College Mary B. Schoenenberger Creger ’22 Jeanne Sheetz Johnston ’39 Marilyn Paul McCune ’48 Alpha Delta Chapter Oregon State University Florence M. Towle Townsend ’19 Elizabeth Frost Simpson ’31 Beverly Morlan Spicer ’42 Barbara Elaine Pennington Jones ’45 Mary Lou Allender ’49 Suzanne Joy Frei Cleary ’55

Editor’s note: The summer issue of The Quill listed Ruth Ann Johnson Rankin, Mount Union ’43, as deceased, while she is a living member of Alpha Xi Delta. The Fraternity sincerely apologizes to Ruth, and to her family and friends, for this error.

Alpha Epsilon Chapter University of Michigan Harriet Ann Henderlong Hoch ’27 Charlotte Kennard Anderson ’32 Ruth McDavid Parrish ’40 Elaine Elizabeth Wiedman Hindin ’40 Joanne Noreen Haisch Appeddu ’58 Kathleen Mary Dickson Tinney ’66 Alpha Eta Chapter Purdue University Isabelle Ritt Stratton ’26 Delores Ruth Davidson Tiedeman ’47 Marilyn Mathes Baumann ’59 Kathleen Denton Bucknam ’62 Diana L. Bird Steinl ’84 Alpha Theta Chapter Northwestern University Virginia Rose Hornbrook Diebel ’35 Mary Elizabeth Mitchell Adinamis ’43 Mary Rowse Boyer ’43 Marguerite Jean Anderson Short ’45 Alpha Iota Chapter Drake University Clarice Fox Kolhoff ’32 Patricia Dann Brown ’46 Evelyn Voltmer Shaver ’47 Carolyn Black Huber ’50 Alpha Kappa Chapter Kansas State University Marjorie Nelson Lyles Doolittle ’30 Vivian Albright Martindale ’31 Gersilda Guthrie ’32 Pauline Crawford Bookstore ’34 Crystal McNally ’34 Helen Offutt Wiggins ’36 Lorena Freda Otte Calcara ’36 Mary Golden Degeer ’37 Helen Droll Price ’38 Edith Dawley Stokely ’40 Mary Elizabeth Kelley Maley ’40 Dorothy Louise Kitselman Bush ’42 Marjorie Ross Lemons ’43 Patricia Ann Myers Potter ’50 Alpha Lambda Chapter University of Oregon Patricia Ann Hamilton Rampton ’48 Gertrud Louise Plambeck Glauner ’50 Alpha Mu Chapter Ohio Wesleyan University Evelyn Butler Linville ’42 Carol Duncan Myers ’43 Jule Ann Marx Kingsley ’53

Alpha Nu Chapter University of Montana Anne Ferring Weatherly ’26 Alpha Omicron Chapter Hunter College Virginia Gruber Teer ’41 Margaret Mary Tracey Cronan ’51 Alpha Rho Chapter Allegheny College Elizabeth Carol Brady Dougherty ’36 Alpha Psi Chapter University of Denver Caroline Chenoweth Rominger ’50 Alpha Omega Chapter Florida State University Norma Staff Vansciver ’30 Mary J. Sullivan Roddy ’38 Beta Beta Chapter Washington University Elaine Debus Afton ’29 Marjorie Alice Gilbreath Ryckman ’30 Genevieve Dell Adderly Brackman ’32 Lois Brackman ’34 Virginia Tredinnick Denmark ’36 Dorothy Holmes Friday ’37 Ruth Lydia Walser Hardt ’41 Kathryn M. Tihen Baker ’45 Beta Gamma Chapter Centenary College of Louisiana Laura Belle Parker Morris ’33 Thesta Ann Walker Hogan ’35 Mary Glenn Norris Gibson ’45 Dolores Jones Gednetz ’48 Pheribie Monroe Prescott ’58 Beta Delta Chapter Denison University Agnes Mally Gliha ’35 Beta Zeta Chapter Lake Forest College Gale Knott ’46 Doris A. Ream Lawrence ’47 Beta Eta Chapter University of Maryland Dorothy M. Davis Wiedemer ’38 Beta Theta Chapter Michigan State University Jacqueline Alice Sharkoff Theroux ’41 Betty Ruth McDonald Leiby ’45 Beta Iota Chapter Louisiana State University Noel Virginia Rogan Newell ’43

Will Ann Crow Williams ’49 Joan Carol Pender McManus ’49 Beta Kappa Chapter Baldwin Wallace University Ellen Sue Hershberger Reinhardt ’46 Lois Joann Scheide Cummings ’51 Beta Lambda Chapter Pennsylvania State University Sara Rahauser Molander ’65 Beta Mu Chapter Bowling Green State University Doris Gertrude Ackerman Dieter ’45 Lou Ann Bowers Davis ’45 Beta Nu Chapter Culver Stockton College Linda Lou Nee Ficklin Weber ’43 Charlotte Ann McConathy Harvey ’48 Beta Omicron Chapter Missouri Valley College Jean Krause Seibert ’50 Beta Pi Chapter Indiana University Lois Dale Horning Norris ’48 Barbara Ann Rappe Meyers ’53 Linda Alberding Mobley ’65 Beta Rho Chapter University of Utah Marcia Elizabeth Clayton McGuire ’46 Lois Pearson Bouford ’47 Beta Sigma Chapter West Virginia Wesleyan College Phyllis Marian Lovett Cottrill ’47 Peggy Joanne Martin Dorsey ’47 Carolyn Olive Grant Lewis ’49

Gamma Delta Chapter University of Nebraska at Omaha Joan Elane Nelson Herdzina ’50 Gamma Epsilon Chapter California State University – Fresno Eileen Finnegan Thompson ’52 Gamma Nu Chapter Southeast Missouri State University Dorothylyn Jane Kaltwasser Evans ’59 Carolyn L Becht Wolff ’63 Delta Epsilon Chapter University of New Orleans Augusta Ciccio Yrle ’64 Delta Xi Chapter Georgia State University Susan McAdams Harrell ’81 Delta Phi Chapter University of Charleston Suzanne Carol Seltzer Holliday ’65 Epsilon Beta Chapter University of Findlay Sandra Kaye Dietsch Nash ’66 Epsilon Theta Chapter West Liberty University Daryl Ann Williamson Zavacky ’67 Epsilon Rho Chapter University of Southern Maine Nancy Berry Collard ’73 Zeta Mu Chapter Methodist University Rebecca Gayle Stephens Strickland ’74 Lisa Rose Sessoms ’83

Beta Tau Chapter Kent State University Arlene Dripps Brown ’49

Zeta Nu Chapter Miami University Doris Michelle Ledbetter Thorpe ’95

Beta Upsilon Chapter University of Rhode Island Carolyn Salter Soderberg ’48

Zeta Xi Chapter Auburn University Susan Marie Avera Andrews ’80

Beta Psi Chapter Carroll University Claudia Siljan Bates Simonsen ’57

Zeta Upsilon Chapter Alma College Lisa N. Lincoln Kauffman ’88

Gamma Alpha Chapter San Diego State University Catherine Mann Straub ’51

Theta Sigma Chapter University of Central Florida Kathy Jean Batlemente ’95 Nina Marie Lamanno-Auker ’11

Gamma Beta Chapter Marshall University Mildred Marcum Lanham ’50 57

member news


Texas This fall, the Beta Alpha Chapter at the University of Texas welcomed home 55 new members! — Nicole Ringdahl,

Theta Lamba Chapter Sisters Shelby Lujan, Southwestern ’09, and Astrea Sait, Southwestern ’11, spent the summer traveling abroad to Ireland, Austria, Spain, Italy and Greece. — Shelby Lujan,

Valdosta State Seventeen alumnae members of the Gamma Xi Chapter at Valdosta State College met at Georgia’s Lake Blackshear for their fifth reunion. — Beth English,

Nevada-Las vegas Iota Epsilon Sisters at the University of Nevada-Las Vegas gathered for their annual chapter retreat before returning to school this fall. Throughout the weekend, Sisters participated in games and workshops that strengthened the chapter’s Sisterhood and prepared the women for fall formal recruitment. — Giselle Venegas, g_venegas28@

58 the


Marshall Alpha Xi Delta alumnae members from Marshall University gathered in Charleston, South Carolina, for a reunion this summer. Sisters laughed, cried, sang, danced, reminisced and made new memories. — Lori Matthews,

Southeast missouri state Gamma Nu Chapter had a “PrΞtty in Pink” photo shoot this summer with photographer Rachel Bagot, an alumna member of their chapter. — Shannon Colmo, 59

Member News

bowling green Beta Mu Sisters were excited to welcome new members into their chapter this fall. Since the new Greek Community is being built, it was the first recruitment the chapter participated in without a chapter house. — Molly Davenport,

auburn Zeta Xi Sisters celebrate Bid Day at Auburn University! — Rachel Silva, rbs0011@

60 the


jacksonville state Jacksonville State University welcomed 29 new members into our Sisterhood at an NFL themed Bid Day celebration. – Courtney Jordan,

Be sure to check out our blog at, or our Facebook page to see more photos and stories!

rhode island Mallory Moreau, Rhode Island ’13, competed in and won her first pageant competition at the University of Rhode Island’s Miss Greek Week Pageant. She was crowned as Miss Greek Week 2014. — Trianna Talboom,

western kentucky The Epsilon Kappa Chapter at Western Kentucky University welcomed 58 new members at the chapter’s “Welcome to Xi Carnvial” themed Bid Day celebration. — Laurel Morris, laurel.

southern polytechnic state Sisters at Southern Polytechnic State University educated potential new members about Alpha Xi Delta’s partnership with Autism Speaks during formal recruitment at Southern Polytechnic State University. — Hollie Mhlanga, 61

summer immersion recap

Summer Immersion

Experience 2014 in Washington, D.C.

1. Brooke Zelnik, San Jose State ’12, shows off a DNA molecule made of candy at an autism research presentation at the Wendy Klag Center for Autism and Developmental Disabilities at the Bloomberg School of Public Health at Johns Hopkins University. 2. Participants in the Summer Immersion Program visited The Ivymount School, Inc., a non-profit school and outreach center providing quality educational programs and therapeutic services to students with special needs from four to 21 years of age. 3. The Kennedy Krieger Institute is an internationally recognized institution dedicated to improving the lives of children and adolescents with pediatric developmental disabilities and disorders of the brain. On this excursion, participants gained an inside look into the daily routine of the scientists who dedicate their careers to improving patient care through research, professional training and education. 4. Summer Immersion participants stayed at the Beta Eta Chapter house at the University of Maryland during the 2014 Summer Immersion Experience.

62 the


5. Sisters pose in front of the Capital after a hard day of advocacy work! 6. Women volunteered at Bike to the Beach, a 100mile bicycle trek to raise funds for Autism Speaks. Marley Rave, Autism Speaks’ Executive Director of the National Capital Area, is pictured taking a break from the ride at one of the Alpha Xi Delta water stations. 7. The ABLE Act was brought before the House Ways and Means Committee for mark-up while this year’s Summer Immersion Experience was taking place. Women were invited to Capitol Hill and show their support for the bill. 8. Kaily Moore, Purdue ‘12, Taylor Tripp, Alma ‘12 and Brooke Zelnik, San Jose State ’12, show off their patriotic décor at their Bike to the Beach water stop. 9. On day three of the trip, participants had the opportunity to speak to their Representatives and advocate on behalf of autism legislation.









9 63

Autism Awareness month calendar





Light It Up Blue all month long by installing blue light bulbs outside of landmarks and buildings in your community or hanging a banner outside of your personal home, shool student center or chapter house. Add a banner or sign explaining why your building is lit up blue!

5 TheEaster Autism Speaks First 100

Days Toolkit is an excellent resource for parents of newly-diagnosed children. Provide copies of this toolkit to pediatricians and early childhood centers in your community. Print and download the toolkit from




64 the






Decorate blue puzzle piece cookies to hand out with autism fact cards. Order puzzle piece cookie cutters from .


Share pictures with us throughout the month of April by using the hashtag #axidAAM.


Tie 67 blue balloons and one white balloon in a prominent place on campus or in your community to demonstrate how many children are affected by autism. Add a sign explaining that 1 in 68 can’t wait!



Raise autism awareness by wearing your puzzle piece pin. You can purchase these at


27 Personally collect the blue light bulbs you gave to fraternities and sororities, student organizations, landmarks and buildings so you can safely store them for re-distribution next year.




Start off Autism Awareness Month by giving out lollipops and Autism Speaks lollipop tags. (see page 44)


World Autism Awareness Day (waad)


4 Good Friday

Organize a “Wear Blue Day”for your chapter or association to bring attention to WAAD.

Passover begins







Work off your holiday goodies by hosting a Fun~Fit~Philanthropy event! Ask a fitness instructor to donate their time and ask for a reasonable donation from your Sisters and friends to get their Zumba, Yoga, Pilates or Jazzercise on!

Sell or distribute blue snow cones to raise awareness of Autism Awareness Month.


Alpha Xi Delta Founders’ Day




Organize a movie night highlighting Autism Speaks by screening “Sounding the Alarm” as a Sisterhood or community event.


Looking for a Sisterhood activity to bring your chapter or association together? Make Light It Up Blue mason jars to decorate or sell during the month of April!

Everyone loves a latte, especially when it’s covered in blue whipped cream! Ask your local coffee shop to dye their whipped cream blue and put autism fact stickers on their coffee cup sleeves!


Passover ends

30 Did you submit your pics with the hashtag #axidAAM? Now it’s time to see them in our recap and thank you video!


Final Donations due to Autism Speaks! Donations MUST be sent in with the official Autism Speaks Donation Form. The form is available on Exclusively Xi.

5/2 Thank

you for changing the future for all who are affected with autism spectrum disorder! 65

Autism Speaks lollipop TAG tutorial

Lollipop Tutorial Take Tabling to the Next Level: Autism Speaks Lollipop Tags Tabling can be a great way to raise awareness of Alpha Xi Delta’s partnership with Autism Speaks and also increase visibility for your chapter or association. With that being said, sometimes it’s harder than it should be to catch a passerby’s attention or to have a meaningful interaction.

A piece of candy instantly transforms the autism literature

you are distributing from a flyer that immediately hits the trash can into a delicious yet informative treat. Your community will thank you for the sugar rush and also become more aware of the latest autism statistics.

Supplies: • Blue lollipops or Dum Dums® • 8.5”x11” cardstock for printing (do not use regular paper as it will not stand up to the pressure exerted by the stick) • Scissors

Directions: 1. Print out the Autism Speaks Lollipop Tags in Exclusively Xi (or tear out the sample tags on page 45) 2. Cut along the lines to create separate tags

3. Use a hole punch to punch two small holes on the left-hand side of the banner that the lollipop will stick through 4. Push the bottom of the stick through the top hole and then slide it back out of the bottom hole 5. Voila! You have a lollipop and tag that is ready for distribution

Make the Ask! Even with candy, effective tabling requires a lot more than sitting behind a table as people walk by. Lose the chairs and plan to actively engage fellow students or community members by standing in front of your table and saying something as they walk by to grab their attention. Try, “Hi, did you know autism affects 1 in 68 children?” or, “We’re spreading awareness of autism spectrum disorder.”

This is also an excellent opportunity to advertise for an

upcoming fundraiser. Plan to stock your table with flyers about any upcoming AmaXIng Challenges, Walk Now for Autism Speaks events or profit shares that you will be hosting in the coming months. You can have a sign-up sheet, laptop or tablet ready for potential participants to register for events as they walk by. Don’t forget to include a donation jar to collect cash donations on the spot.

Raise Donations! If you choose to do so, you can even turn these lollipop tags into a simple fundraiser. Here’s how: 1. Cut a large piece of styrofoam into a puzzle piece 2. Color the bottom of several of the lollipop sticks a bright color 3. Push all of the lollipops (both colored and non-colored) into the foam board 4. Display the puzzle piece lollipop board next to your table and sell the lollipops for $1 each 5. If the buyer selects and buys one of the special lollipops with a colored bottom, he/she will win a prize! Are you using these Autism Speaks Lollipop Tags to raise awareness of autism on campus or in your community? Take a picture of your table and lollipops and email it to Alpha Xi Delta’s Philanthropy and Community Outreach Manager, Kristen Elgie, at Thank you for changing the future for all who are affected by autism spectrum disorder.

66 the



from the archives

from the



n January 1951, three Alpha Theta Sisters at Northwestern University braved the winter cold, put on their bathing suits and had some summer fun! This picture originally ran in spring 1993 issue of The

Quill, which highlighted 100 years of Alpha Xi Delta. 69

Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity 8702 Founders Road Indianapolis, IN 46268 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED

Attention Alumnae Sisters:

We are launching a program designed just for YOU! Watch your inbox this winter to learn about an exciting new initiative tailored to our alumnae members.

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