The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta: Fall/Winter 2011

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Fall/Winter 2011

Alpha Xi Delta rotates into the NPC chairman position A new chapter house at San Jose State An ELC and LC share tales from the road

of Alpha Xi Delta



National President’s Letter

A Broad And Purposeful Education

Dear Sisters,

For several decades, I’ve relished

It’s amazing to see the changes in education since Alpha Xi Delta’s

the extra special days when I opened

founding 118 years ago. Less than 3% of women attended college in

my mailbox to see the latest issue of

1893. Today, three-quarters of female high school graduates attend

The Quill staring back, waiting for me

college. Nearly 60% of college students are women. The role technology

to dive in and devour the latest Alpha

plays in our education is even more astonishing. From Facebook

Xi Delta happenings. Throughout the

“office hours” to online-only classrooms, higher education institutions

years, I continue to be amazed by all

are using the latest virtual classroom technology and online certified

the incredible women whom I am

instructors to ensure every student’s online education experience

proud to call my Sisters.

is unparalleled.

As your new National President, I

Although the role of higher education institutions has changed, the

now have the unique opportunity to reach out to the 75,000+ Quill sub-

role the Fraternity plays has changed much less. Yes, we still are con-

scribers in every issue during my term. I hope you enjoy reading The

stantly evolving to stay relevant to today’s women, but the ideals Alpha

Quill from cover to cover and seeing the amazing accomplishments of

Xi Delta was founded on remain the same. We constantly nurture women

our Sisters and dear Fraternity. But instead of anxiously watching your

in the challenges they face in life, provide opportunities for friendship,

mailbox for its arrival, why don’t you consider watching your inbox?

emotional support and personal growth. We inspire women to realize their

As it turns out, I was one of the first Sisters to “go green” and make

potential and are committed to a broad, purposeful education.

the leap to receive The Quill online. By opting out of the paper version,

You’ll see examples of these ideals throughout this issue. From

I am helping to reduce production, printing and mailing costs, as well

learning how Sisters are at the forefront of technology and education,

as helping our organization become eco-friendly. I admit, it took me a

to reading about a foundation a Sister created to inspire sorority

while to adjust to reading The Quill online. However, so many other

women across the world to remove educational barriers for girls and

facets of our lives have moved into the electronic age, it just made

women, this issue is packed with moving stories and inspiration.

sense to let go and move forward.

In closing, I want to welcome our newest members to our Sisterhood.

Embracing change and transitioning to new communication

Alpha Xi Deltas owned it and worked it to new heights this recruitment

vehicles challenges us to move out of our comfort zone. This change

season, and I look forward to getting to know our newest Sisters.

and desire to move forward leads me to our feature in this issue, the

Whether it be through The Quill, via email or through our Fraternity

evolution of learning and trends in higher education.

Facebook page, I can’t wait to hear and see how you will help advance

In the 90s, I was a Health Sciences faculty member at Worcester

our Sisterhood.

State College. I shared an office and a computer with another faculty member. Most exams were done with Scantron, and my then 8 year old


son, Austin, always enjoyed sharpening the No. 2 pencils with the department’s “high-tech” electric pencil sharpener. My office hours were actually face-to-face appointments with students, and the course syllabus was a hard copy that was distributed on the first day of class. If someone told me back then that in less than 20 years I would be having Facebook office hours, I would have thought you were crazy!

Sandi Edwards National President

Contents of Alpha Xi Delta

Changing Trends in Higher Education


A look into how today’s classrooms and students change the way of learning.

An Extreme Makeover: How one television show changed the life of a Sister and her family.


Walk Now For Autism Speaks We have teamed up with Autism Speaks to help Sisters lend their support in a creative way, via a virtual walk, to raise money for Autism Speaks.


The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta is published three times per year in spring, summer and fall/winter by Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity.® POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE QUILL OF ALPHA XI DELTA, 8702 Founders Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268 Volume 108/Issue 3 Copyright 2011 by Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity; all rights reserved. Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity 8702 Founders Road Indianapolis, IN 46268 317.872.3500 Submission Deadlines Spring issue – January 23 Summer issue – June 1 Fall/Winter issue – September 6 Submission Procedures Text and photographs may be emailed to the Editor or to the Fraternity Headquarters address listed above. Photographs submitted become the property of the Fraternity. Digital images must be taken using the highest settings on a camera that’s at least 3.2 megapixels. Address/Name Changes Visit or mail changes to 8702 Founders Rd., Indianapolis, IN 46268. National Executive Director Elysia Balster Gallivan, South Dakota ’93

Circle of Sisterhood Learn about a new foundation an Alpha Xi Delta Sister created to inspire all sorority women to join together to lift women from poverty and oppression through education.


In This Issue


Member News


Letters to the Editor


Tales From the Road


Fraternity News


Sister to Sister


NPC News


Alumna Profile


Housing News


Foundation News


Looking Back


Chapter Eternal


Be the Heart


From the Archives


Realize Your Potential


Living Our Symphony

On the cover: When can’t Speaks meet face to face, Erin Shill, Indiana ‘10, stays in touch with 21 she Autism News Sisters online. Learn how Sisters use technology to stay connected, beginning on page 10.

Director of Communications and Marketing Lauren Blankenbaker Felts, Indiana ’03 Communications Coordinator Lauren Fisher, Indiana ‘08 National Council 2011-2013 National President Sandi Edwards, Kentucky ’75 National Vice Presidents Michele Herbst Evink, South Dakota State ’86 Nancy Fehremann Gainer, Iowa State ’69 Gina Willis Hawkins, Jacksonville State ’86 Jennifer Emerick Kuntz, Northern Iowa ’92 Wendy Kurtz, Indiana ’90 Nealy Patty Wheat, West Georgia ’97 The Mission of The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta To inform, inspire and challenge. To sustain and nurture membership loyalty and interest. To recognize individual, group and Fraternity accomplishments. To provide a forum for the exchange of information and opinion. To be the permanent record for the Fraternity.

Letters to the Editor This is Why We Listen: Autism Speaks

Remembering the 1957 Convention

I recently read one of the letters to the Editor in the Spring 2011 Quill from Jeanene Fogli, Delaware ’93, about her son and his recent diagnosis. Her note prompted me to write a response. My son, Ryan, was also diagnosed at 2 years old with PDD-NOS. As a preemie baby (born three months early), we always noticed he was behind, but thought he’d catch up developmentally. When the therapists explained that PDD-NOS is on the autism spectrum, I felt like I was kicked in the gut. I also felt it was my fault in some way because he was so early. After getting over the shock, my husband and I decided then and there to get him every possible service that our county and NY State would offer. We had five to six different therapists in and out of our home six days a week for a year and a half. In preschool and elementary school, Ryan was in special education classes and continued to get extra services. All along the way we worked very closely with his teachers to follow at home what they did in the classroom. I communicate constantly with his teachers and therapists. I joined the support groups offered at his schools. This year he started 2nd grade in an “inclusion” class where there is a mix of typical children and kids with special needs. He did awesome thanks to the help of his teachers and a classroom filled with amazing and compassionate 7 year olds. I wanted Jeanene to know this… take hope. I know it is a struggle every day. I know it’s overwhelming right now for any parent who has newly diagnosed kids. I know those struggles he faces break your heart. Ryan won’t grow out of it as I hoped for so many years. I’ve accepted that now, and I’m better for it. As a parent of a special needs child you are always “on-call,” you are super-parent, you go above and beyond what other parents take for granted. And the symptoms of Ryan’s autism changes as he grows. You will have to change with your son. Most importantly, YOU are his advocate. You must fight for what you think he needs and don’t give up. Know his teachers. Work with his teachers. Join the support groups. At age two, I desperately wanted Ryan to be like the other little boys. I felt isolated. But he’s 8 years old now and I wouldn’t change a thing about him.

I received my copy of the Summer issue of The Quill this week. Usually, I just put it in the magazine pile and get to it later, but this time I read it cover to cover. I was shocked and surprised when I came to page 45 and saw the picture of five young women sitting on the diving board at the Edgewater Gulf Hotel. I am the young lady on the far right! That Convention experience was wonderful for me as the delegate for Sigma Chapter at the University of Iowa. I remember taking the train from Chicago to New Orleans. I don’t believe I have any photos of that trip, and this one would be a very special memory. Roberta Howard Cox, Iowa ’55

Connect! @alphaxidelta

CORRECTION: On page 10 in the Summer issue of The Quill, the caption

for the Chesapeake Alumnae Association noted they have attended every Convention, except for one, in the past 15 years. They have actually attended every Convention, except for one, for the past 30 years. What an amazing commitment to our Sisterhood! On page 36 in the Summer issue of The Quill, the Central and Southern New Jersey Alumnae Association email address was listed incorrectly. The correct email address is The Fraternity apologizes for these errors.

Thank you Alpha Xi Delta for supporting Autism Speaks. Jeanmarie Georgiano Makowski, Binghamton, ’91

WRITE TO US! Thank you to all Sisters who submitted their stories and letters to the editor for this issue. Remember, The Quill is for YOU! We want to hear what you think about your magazine. Send your comments about this issue of The Quill to the


The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Fall/Winter 2011

Editor at or to the attention of Lauren Felts at the Fraternity Headquarters mailing address. The Editor reserves the right to select letters for publication and to edit for style and length.

Fraternity News

New | NOW | Next New | ΑΞΔ spirit contest Alpha Xi Delta is starting fun contests for our Sisters! Keep an eye out for these announcements in The Quill, on our Facebook page or on Our first contest is the Alpha Xi Delta Spirit Contest! You don’t always need a jersey or Bid Day shirt to show your Alpha Xi Delta spirit (although, if you have ‘em, rock ‘em!). Instead, try integrating a touch of double blue and gold into your life. A navy cardigan with a light blue shirt is always a classic look. What about a piece of jewelry like a blue beaded necklace, or a gold bangle? The ladies of Delta Psi Chapter at Texas State (shown right) know how to incorporate a touch of double blue and gold into their lives! The Sister or chapter who submits the best picture portraying their ΑΞΔ spirit will have their picture published in the next issue of The Quill! When taking photos, remember to set your camera for the largest image size and use the highest resolution possible. The pictures need to be at least 300 dpi or 500KB. Photos taken on cell phones or pulled off of Facebook are too small to be printed in the magazine, and they will not be eligible for the contest. The deadline for submissions is January 23, 2012. What are you waiting for? Get out there and rock some Alpha Xi Delta spirit! Please send all contest photos to with the subject “spirit contest” or to Fraternity Headquarters at 8702 Founders Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268.

Now | New colony members

Next | Welcome VCU

ΑΞΔ is excited to welcome new colony members into our Sisterhood! The colony at Western Kentucky University welcomed 80 new members on September 18. “We are thrilled to have these amazing women who are establishing a new tradition on WKU’s campus,” said Becky Wilbanks, Educational Leadership Consultant. “We look forward to setting a strong standard for Alpha Xi Delta at Western Kentucky University.” On October 1, 61 women were welcomed with open arms at DePaul University in Chicago, Illinois, and 63 women celebrated Bid Day on October 16 at the University of Rhode Island in Kingston, Rhode Island.

Alpha Xi Delta is happy to announce a new chapter will be added to our Sisterhood. Alpha Xi Delta will colonize at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) in 2012. VCU, one of the country’s top research universities, located in Richmond, Virginia, enrolls more than 32,000 students on two campuses. The university offers 211 certificate and degree programs — 69 of which are unique to the state of Virginia. If you are interested in volunteering to assist with the colonization process, please visit the alumnae section of and fill out a volunteer interest form. You can also contact Tracy Osborne, Director of Member Services, at for more information.




By Lauren Fisher, Indiana ’08

Jane Sutton Installed as NPC Chair

Jane Sutton accepts the chairman’s gavel from Eve Woods Riley, Tri-Delta member and former NPC chairman.

Alpha Xi Deltas came from far and wide to Austin, Texas, to watch Jane Sutton, Western Carolina ’75, be installed as the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) chairman. The installation took place on October 15, 2011, at the conclusion of the three-day NPC Annual Conference. This marks the first time in 50 years that an Alpha Xi Delta has served NPC in this capacity, with the last Alpha Xi Delta chairman being Mary Burt Brooks Nash, Northwestern ’30. Per the terms of the chairmanship rotation, Jane will serve a two-year term before the next group, Chi Omega, transitions into the chairmanship role. In order to mark this special occasion, Alpha Xi Delta held a “Xi-esta” before the closing banquet, featuring traditional Texas queso and southwestern flair, to celebrate Alpha Xi Delta. More than 50 Alpha Xi Deltas were in attendance, including three Past National Presidents, two Past National Executive Directors, the current Foundation Chair, two past Foundation Chairs, a past Foundation Trustee and seven Past National Vice Presidents. Sisters from the Beta Alpha Chapter from the


The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Fall/Winter 2011

University of Texas, the Theta Lambda Chapter from Southwestern University and the Delta Psi Chapter from Texas State were also at the gathering to show their support. The event was filled with Alpha Xi Delta spirit and excitement. As Sisters walked around the room, fact cards provided them with a little Alpha Xi Delta history and some memorable pop-culture moments from the past 50 years. Sisters also had the opportunity to write congratulations cards to Jane Sutton to wish her luck as she takes on her new role in NPC. The day concluded with NPC’s closing banquet. During the banquet, Jane Sutton was installed as chairman, along with the other women of the NPC Executive Committee. The celebration continued after the banquet with a private gathering themed “Celebrate Jane”, where Alpha Xi Deltas and Jane’s family and closest friends were able to congratulate her and celebrate the momentous occasion. Follow Jane on Twitter @NPCChairman, or check out Jane’s blog at

A note from Jane… We are proud members of the National Panhellenic Conference. So what do we do? We advocate for women, we stand for good scholarship, and we protect the ideals that inspired our founders to create this historic conference. Although it’s important to slow down and reflect on our past, we must also recognize the world is moving faster than ever—especially with the advancement of technology. We’ve focused on strengthening relationships, not only within our own member groups, but with our Panhellenic sisterhood, interfraternal and higher education partners. We’ve done all of this to guarantee that the sorority experience continues to be as relevant today as it was in the past and will be in the future. So what can we expect in the coming years? In 2009, Chronicle Research Services published the first of a three-part series on what college life will look like in 2020. The findings are based on data regarding trends in higher education, interviews with experts who are shaping the future of these institutions and polling results. Two findings in particular, I believe, will have a significant impact on our future membership. First, the traditional model of college is changing. We’ve been seeing this trend for years now: hybrid class schedules with night and weekend classes, online learning, for-profit institutions and sky-rocketing tuitions. The question I pose to all of you is, how will we attract women to the current model of sorority membership, if it’s not realistic to their current lifestyle? Are we denying ourselves women who would make future leaders of our organizations? If so, that is not something we cannot afford. And second, student demographics. The Chronicle conducted a survey of admission officers. Astoundingly, only half believe their enrollments in 2020 will primarily be made up of full-time, traditional-aged students. It’s also projected that 60% of classes will be taken online. For-profit colleges, which are currently educating 7% of college students, expect to see that number rise

to 15%. If we ‘do sorority right’, we will still continue to attract traditional-aged members at the elite colleges and flagship institutions. But is that enough? Considering the student population attending these institutions is less than half of the current college population, my answer is no. We must adapt to these changing times, while holding steadfast to the ideals and principals that have gotten us this far. I know it’s easy to get lost in these numbers. But we aren’t really talking about numbers, are we? We’re talking about women—future members and future Sisters. So, how are we going to meet these challenges? Today, an incoming freshman has many options. There are hundreds of organizations on campuses that offer women opportunities for friendship, leadership and service. The Greek community certainly stands out among the rest. But because of this, we have a target on our backs. It’s my belief that we can use this to our advantage. Having established ourselves as a force to be reckoned with, we must hold ourselves to a higher standard. And in doing so, we will rise to these challenges and exceed even our own expectations. How are we going to attract the best and brightest women for our organizations? I believe it starts with realizing our potential. For some, it means moving boldly in the direction of their dreams. For others, it’s holding yourselves accountable to future generations. For many, it’s a challenge to build better lives for your families, your college communities and your world. Ultimately, it all comes down to the Sister on your right and the Sister on your left. How will they help you realize your potential? And, how will you help them? As NPC Chairman, I vow to do my part and prove worthy of the trust you’ve given me to lead this great conference into a new era. I move we enhance NPC’s transparency. I move we strengthen our marketing and outreach efforts and propel the conference forward through implementation of the longrange plan. But I can’t do it alone. I call on our members, both collegiate and alumnae; our college panhellenics, our alumnae panhellenics, our interfraternal and higher education partners. Will you do your part?

National Housing COMING HOME to Alpha Xi Delta A look at the San Jose State Chapter’s new house By Citahbria (Tobi) E. L. Richards Curtis, San Jose ’10, and Deanna Wollam Detchemendy, California State-Northridge ’83

SJSU Bathroom Before

SJSU Bathroom After

Alpha Xi Delta will be the new neighbor on the block at San Jose State University. The National Fraternity has purchased a house on Greek Row in downtown San Jose, California, just one block from the campus, to be the new home of the Iota Omicron Chapter. The 9,327 square-foot house, built in 1963 as a fraternity house and purchased in July of this year, had become a run-down boarding house in dire need of renovation. The interior was dark and musty with little appealing common space and carpet that appeared to be repurposed from a 1970’s casino. Enter the Alpha Xi Delta National Housing Corporation (NHC), engaged by the Fraternity to renovate and operate the house. (Indeed, the acquisition of the house itself involved a close partnership between the Fraternity and NHC, with the search launched more than a year ago and led by then-NHC President, Jen Henson.) Now, after a number of interior renovations and new furnishings, the house looks completely different and will serve as a truly lovely home for Iota Omicron. NHC’s renovation team, with insightful design guidance from Nancy Del Santo of Del Santo Design (and co-owner of and sheer hard work by on-site coordinator Thomas Stewart, has worked nearly non-stop for three months refinishing virtually every surface of the house’s 18 bedrooms, six bathrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, large basement study room


The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Fall/Winter 2011

SJSU Living Room Before

SJSU Living Room After

and laundry area. Rooms were repurposed, painted and decorated for an increased sense of openness and better flow, and beautiful dark hardwood floors and bright white bead board were installed throughout the first floor. A brand new coffered ceiling in the dining room makes it look both sophisticated and bright. Upstairs, the chapter Sisters will enjoy large bedrooms with wall-to-wall closets and two hall bathrooms that each feature four showers, granite counter tops, “hotel style” toilet stalls with walls and doors that reach the floor, and gorgeous tile accents that look to be straight out of a spa. The basement study room includes space for the 87-woman chapter to meet and three storage areas for ritual supplies and chapter property. Plantation shutters and state of the art wireless service with CAT6 cabling throughout completes the house’s readiness for our members. The last phase of the renovation will involve the house’s exterior. Plans include a front portico, stacked stone accents, large glass and wrought iron front doors, a series of raised planter boxes to frame the property and of course, a beautiful set of Alpha Xi Delta letters. Iota Omicron Chapter, chartered less than two years ago, is excited and grateful for this new home and eagerly awaits full completion. The chapter is planning a dedication and open house event after renovations are finished.

Looking Back

Where Are They NOW?

Catching up with the Iota Omicron Chapter two years after their Installation.

“I know the women will make a lasting impression at San Jose State University, and I have dreams that we will grow and be the best we can be! Alpha Xi Delta has changed my life, and there is no way to describe what it feels like.” —Gina Espositio, San Jose State '09. Alpha Xi Delta’s Iota Omicron Chapter at San Jose State University (SJSU) was colonized in the fall of 2009. Two years later, this chapter will now be moving into its very own house and has become extremely involved in the Greek community and on campus. Gina Espositio, San Jose State ’09, is the Membership Vice President and an Iota Omicron colony member. When looking back at the colonization process and installation of the Iota Omicron Chapter, Gina says it was an experience she will never forget. “I remember myself as a freshman hearing about Alpha Xi Delta,” Gina said. “I was so excited because my friends and I were researching how to start a new sorority at SJSU because we felt the other chapters weren’t for us. We wanted to be a part of an organization that was caring, fun and classy, and filled with women who have potential to be great leaders, Sisters and friends.” Since 2009, Alpha Xi Delta at SJSU has taken the campus by storm and has participated in almost every Greek philanthropy event. This year alone, the women of Iota Omicron participated in Delta Gamma’s Anchor Splash, where they received first place for “Synchronized Swimming” and won first place at Delta Zeta’s Turtle Bowl. Sister Marena Domingo Young was named Sigma Nu’s “White Rose Queen” at the Fraternity’s White Rose Pageant, and the chapter placed first in the skit contest for Sigma Chi’s Derby Days. Along with attending Greek philanthropies, the Iota Omicron Chapter participated in intramural sports, such as indoor soccer and softball. They have won many awards, including the Highest All Greek Community GPA, the Highest PCH GPA and the Gold Standards Chapter of Excellence in the spring of 2010. In the spring of 2011, the women hosted their second annual AmaXIng Challenge, the Xi Man/Xi Woman contest. The women tabled all week on campus, sold Autism Speaks donation cards and hosted a “Catch a Xi” event. This week-long AmaXIng Challenge concluded with the contestants competing against each other for the titles of Xi Man and Xi Woman. In the end, the chapter raised $11,000 for Autism Speaks, greatly exceeding their $2,000 goal.

Gina Espositio (second from right) and her Iota Omicron Sisters welcomed 28 new members to our Sisterhood during fall recruitment.

On looking back at the chapter’s progress, Gina says it was hard work, but it paid off in the end. “My chapter has really identified ourselves on campus,” Gina noted. “Non-Alpha Xi Delta members have a positive view of our chapter. We have so much pride and love for Alpha Xi Delta and appreciate all of the support from the ELCs and Fraternity Headquarters throughout the past year. We couldn’t have done it without them.” This upcoming year, the chapter has many events scheduled and plans to host an open house, where all of the Greek chapters, family and friends can come and see the new chapter house. When talking about their new house, Gina says it’s a dream come true. “For the past two years, we have had meetings in classrooms, student organization rooms, other Fraternity houses and Sisters’ houses. It feels great to finally have a place to call home!” “I am graduating this spring, and I am glad I will leave Alpha Xi Delta strong,” Gina said. “I know the women will make a lasting impression at San Jose State University, and I have dreams that we will grow and be the best we can be! Alpha Xi Delta has changed my life, and there is no way to describe what it feels like.”


Changing Education



By Katherine Carnell, Mount Union ’97, Director, Office of Student Involvement & Leadership, University of Mount Union

CHANGING TRENDS IN HIGHER EDUCATION A look into how today’s classrooms and students change the way of learning. The year was 2001. I was completing a master of arts in education degree from the University of Akron. At that time, I was prepared to attend graduate school with my first laptop computer and my very first cell phone incapable of sending a text message. Instant messenger was quickly becoming the preferred technological method of communication, and if you can believe it, the iPod® had yet to be invented. The mythic and legendary Facebook was on the distant horizon. Today, the students for whom I work with, along with my colleagues and I, flourish in an almost entirely electronic universe (admittedly, I still carry a paper planner along with my iPhone 4). Long gone are the days of sending in a paper application to apply to college; today the application process is entirely on the internet. Paper-versions of view books are few and far between--giving way for the university’s website to become the main source of information for all who are interested in, who are attending, or have attended that school. Events on campus are captured in YouTube videos and shared virtually and virally in seconds. It really is a completely new world. The United States is host to more than 4,500 bricks-and-mortar institutions; places where many students go away to study and live for four (or more) years and earn a degree. Many students live on campus and study in new state-of-the art facilities which 9

The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Fall/Winter 2011

feature technology-savvy classrooms and brand new apartments wired for computer capability. “Do the residence halls have wireless?” has taken the place of “Are there telephones in the rooms?” as a standard question for our hall staff. The capability of sharing knowledge has undergone dramatic changes. In classrooms, LCD and LED monitors broadcast digitized pictures that enhance lectures and provide the visual demonstration of social media outlets like Twitter. Social media opportunities provide the chance for everyone in the class to join the conversation, even when learning in a 120-person lecture hall. All students can be heard, seen and even engaged in the conversation when a Twitter post is introduced. The 140-character limit allows for thoughts to be conveyed, but to do so in a way that is concise and central to the conversation at hand. In the book Contested Issues in Student Affairs, author M.R. Connolly

N O I T DUCA suggests, overall, technological advances provide the chance for addressing various types of learners, as is especially the case with social media, where the content is not consumption-based, rather interactive in a way that engages the students like never before. We know from a study done in 2010 that of those reporting, 96 percent of students regularly engage in utilizing social networking sites. As an administrator, I worried that electronic means of communication was beginning to not only eliminate or lessen the ability students’ possess to adequately or appropriately communicate with another person in person. I am slowly learning, however, that as I gain experience using these new and various types of technology in some ways, students might be able to communicate more often and in a deeper, more meaningful fashion as a result. What I had to stop to remember was that student organizations are indeed the first form of social media—providing entry to valuable social networks of peers for hundreds of years. In 1851, a group of women thought that to be true when they created the first secret society for women. Today, students are connected to one another in more than one way at a given time, and are able to communicate in multiple ways, in the most rapid fashion than ever before. Connolly states that social networking sites, as well as other web-based technology, are changing the nature of postsecondary education faster, further and more subtly than any other type of innovation in recent history. Wikipedia, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and their colleagues truly pervade the higher education landscape today, especially in the ways in which they are so easily and quickly adopted as “the norm.” One positive of the use of cyberspace technologies is the provision of a new, dynamic way for administrators to be aware of and alert to understanding the “mood” of collegians and

campus life in general. Students are very forthcoming about their lives, as demonstrated in the ways in which they “post” online. Males and females alike share when they are upset, shocked, angry, excited or any of the other myriad of emotions felt during the course of a given day. Those feelings now have a permanent place in the students’ new virtual home—and we can see them in status updates, through reading a blog, or of course, in a “tweet.” As a university administrator, if I choose to monitor (although I must admit “monitor” is a strong word to use) some of those virtual spaces, I’m able to gauge the feelings on campus specific to individuals, events, organizations or services provided. The unsaid is just as important as the said. Sometimes a status update on Facebook or the 500 responses to a singular “tweet” tells me more than any 90-minute face-to-face meeting could about a student’s mood, behaviors or actions. I now find student organization meetings taking place in virtual spaces. Minutes from meetings are logged on a blog; organizational members utilize the service Skype® when unable to meet in person. These types of experiences happen both in cocurricular as well as curricular activities. The advent of the online university has provided higher education with an entirely new course to navigate. For those of us who work with students in a way in which is hard to translate to the digital domain, the online university has brought about drastic changes. How does one engage in student organizations or cocurricular learning/activities when everyone’s in different physical places (cities, states, and even countries)? Schools are now working to figure out how to transform the learning environment from the physical bricks-and-mortar to the virtual classroom and beyond. Connect with Katherine at



By Elizabeth Ermis, Elon ’01

Today faculty and students have access to an unlimited number of technologies for distance learning. Using learning management systems like Blackboard, webinars for synchronous delivery, Facebook and Twitter. Building a sense of community in a face-to-face classroom happens almost effortlessly. After the first day, students come into the classroom, talking to each other about assignments, talking about what they did the night before and the latest drama. They borrow pens. They share books. More importantly, they start to notice if another student is missing class. If someone is falling behind on assignments or poorly performing on exams, students become accountable to and for each other. The importance of community in the classroom, whether face-toface or an online classroom, is invaluable. Students who feel connected to their institution, to their instructors and to their classmates perform better, retain more information, persist with their institution, are more likely to join a student organization, have higher employment placement, and are more likely to donate as alumni. The impact is immeasurable. Yet since the inception of correspondence classes, instructors have struggled with community in distance learning, now often having to overcome technological hurdles to get there. Today faculty and students have access to an unlimited number of technologies for distance learning. Using learning management systems like Blackboard, webinars for synchronous delivery, Facebook and Twitter. Even with all these technologies, the lack of community is one of the top reasons students report for withdrawing from distance learning programs. For many students, their perception is that no one, not their instructors or their classmates, cared if they were successful. And their perception is their reality. The other top reason: they don’t feel comfortable with their abilities when using the technology required for the course. Students who seem able to complete the tasks even report being uncertain with the applications.

11 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Fall/Winter 2011

As an instructional designer, I help instructors leverage this technology to connect students not just to the lessons they are learning, but also to each other and to the institution. I encourage faculty who teach distance or hybrid courses to create their first assignment as a personal biography using blogs, discussion forums, course Facebook pages or Twitter feeds introducing the students to the class. These assignments help introduce the students not only to each other, but also to the technology without the pressure of writing about a new subject. The faculty incorporates group work to encourage students to collaborate and to communicate outside the structured online classroom. The goal is to help students develop a subconscious connection with each other and a deeper understanding of the material by learning from each other. Students can assist one another with the technology, while working to gain knowledge about the subject. By using platforms students are familiar with, like Facebook, Twitter or YouTube, instructors help students connect course material to their everyday lives, further deepening their connection to the material and to each other. As the world of distance education gets broader, students and faculty will need to continue to feel connected with their education and institutions, the physical and virtual structures and the people who educate them. Elizabeth is an Instructional Technologist at High Point University in High Point, North Carolina. As an Instructional Technologist, Elizabeth studies the psychology behind how people learn and helps teachers adapt their courses to the online environment. Connect with Elizabeth at


By Melissa Taucher, Wisconsin-Eau Claire ’95, Online Teacher

“I feel I am available to students more now, as an online instructor, than I was in a face-to-face classroom setting. Instead of meeting one or two days a week, I am available to students almost all of the time.” When I had my first child, I knew I wanted to stay home and care for her. I was teaching face-to-face classes at a local community college for two years, when a colleague approached me about teaching for an online community college. At first I wasn’t sure if it was for me, but I thought I would take the training and see if I liked the different teaching platform. What I didn’t realize was how much I would covet the experience. I currently teach early childhood education classes for Colorado Community Colleges Online, as well as Walden University. The flexibility this job has allowed me, as a mom and wife, has been a true gift. I can travel with my family and work from just about anywhere in the world! I am able to see my daughter’s soccer games and volunteer at her school. I am also at home daily making my children breakfast, doing laundry and changing diapers. I love working with adults in the early childhood field, and I value that I can still have my career and grow professionally. My students are working parents, full-time early childhood educators, mothers or grandmothers (whom may have very little experience with technology). Many of these students take online classes for the flexibility and convenience the online programs offer. If it wasn’t for online learning, many of these students may not have had the opportunity to access higher education, take classes and work towards a degree. Often times, I think of those early childhood teachers, in rural areas, that never had access to the latest research and education on working with young children. But now, it is easy for them to access the information online and apply it in their classroom.

As an instructor of online learning, I have a more diverse class of students than ever before. Some are from rural areas and others from large cities. Some work with special needs children and others work with parents in family literacy programs. I am constantly trying to meet the needs of my diverse group of learners and send them out with the skills they need to support the development of young children. That is my number one expectation, and one of my challenges, whether it is in a face-toface class or an online setting. I feel I am available to students more now, as an online instructor, than I was in a face-to-face classroom setting. Instead of meeting one or two days a week, I am available to students almost all of the time. I am online everyday answering emails, grading assignments and responding to students’ posts. This constant availability is just one of the benefits of online learning. However, there are some disadvantages to an online education. For example, I feel that face-to-face classroom discussions are more fluid and tend to be richer in detail than those that occur online. It is a challenge for me to replicate that type of discussion-based learning in the online environment. The discussions over the internet tend to be more direct and to the point. Teaching online is an ever-changing field. It teaches me to be current in technology and research, it allows me to learn and share my knowledge and passion of early childhood education with a variety of people from a variety of places, but most importantly, it allows me to raise my family. Connect with Melissa at


THERE’S AN APP FOR THAT • myHomework: Students can manage their schedule, homework, events and grades with this free app. It supplies users with homework reminders, class schedules and calendar displays, and it’s a great way to help anyone stay organized! • InClass: This app allows users to take notes in either a text, video or audio format. Users can schedule and view tasks in multiple calendar views, and share notes and files with others in their class. It even allows users to transfer files onto their personal computers so users can print notes for class. • Flashcards: Students can create flash cards to study on the go! With this app, users can create their own flashcards or search for pre-made decks. The flash cards are hi-resolution images and can be sorted in specific or random order. You can even bookmark specific cards and review them without flipping through the entire stack. • Free Graphing Calculator: Why buy an expensive graphing calculator when you can download one for free? This app allows users to graph up to four equations at a time. Once a graph is made, it can be labeled, the units can be converted and a table can be created. • Free Spanish Tutor: Users can have 24/7 language learning support just by downloading this app. Try learning Spanish by listening to a native speaker, playing games, doing puzzles, taking quizzes and reading flashcards. This app is also available in other languages such as German, Italian and French! • CourseSmart: With a CourseSmart etextbook subscription, users can access textbooks electronically. This app allows users to add, edit and view notes in their texts, as well as search keywords to find exactly what they’re looking for. • Rate my Professor: This popular website is now an app! Students can download this app to look up information on professors and their courses. Users can even supply others with feedback on their own professors.

13 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Fall/Winter 2011

CONTINUING YOUR EDUCATION–FOR FREE! In 2000, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) proposed the idea to publish online courses and lectures that have already been taught in the classroom. MIT was the first institution to offer this type of free online learning in 2002 with the introduction of OpenCourseWare. Now, OpenCourseWare provides users with lectures from 62 schools worldwide and has an on-the-go iPhone app for those with busy schedules. Often times, this website includes all the resources needed to complete a course, including practice exams and answers. In addition to MIT and OpenCourseWare technology, more universities are adapting to this trend of online learning. Students can visit iTunesU to download a learning app from schools such as Stanford, Duke, Georgia State, Harvard, Yale and Oxford. Similar to OpenCourseWare, iTunesU allows schools to upload their courses and lectures on iTunes so interested learners can have access through their iPods and other mp3 devices. With iTunesU, you have access to lectures, audiobooks and films from more than 800 universities. That’s a lot of knowledge to have at your fingertips! Although many are excited about this new wave of free online learning, there are some drawbacks to this type of education as opposed to enrolling in an online university or a tuition-based college program. These courses cannot be applied towards a certificate, degree or college credit. In addition, users do not have access to instructors or teaching assistants to answer questions or help with practice assignments. Not looking into earning a degree in Spanish, but want to brush up for an upcoming vacation? Check out the beginner Spanish class offered by DePaul University on iTunesU. Whether you are interested in learning about a particular subject, or anything you can get your hands on, you can find it online from prestigious universities. What’s the best part? It’s free! For more information and lists of free online college courses check out the following websites: • OpenCourseWare: • iTunesU: • AcademicEarth: • Einztein: • LiveMocha:

Extreme Makeover





Dawn Keefer, her son Brian and her family look at their new home for the first time after the Extreme Makeover: Home Edition crew and volunteers worked to create a better living space for Brian.

Photo provided by The Patriot-News


Extreme Makeover Sunday, June 19, 2011, started off as a normal day in Dawn Keefer’s home. Dawn, Thiel College ’76, and her family lived in a white, two-story house in Pennsylvania. While it looked like a normal home on the outside, those who did not know the Keefers were unaware of the challenges it caused for the family.

On July 1, 2008, Dawn’s son Brian, now 24 years old, suffered a gymnastics injury that left him paralyzed from the chest down. Since then, Brian was limited to the lower level of the family’s home, where a bedroom and bathroom had been converted for him. Not only was this home challenging for Brian, but it caused problems for the whole family. “My husband and I slept upstairs, and any time Brian needed help in the middle of the night, we had to go down the stairs,” Dawn said. “The rooms were not open enough with the furniture for Brian to move around a lot in his wheelchair. I also had carpeting on some floors, which is hard for him to move on.” Little did Dawn and her family know, June 19, 2011 would be the last time her family stepped foot inside this home. That morning, the Extreme Makeover: Home Edition crew traveled to the Keefers’ home and Ty Pennington knocked on the door, signifying the start of their home makeover. “Our whole family was surprised with feelings that we never had before,” Dawn recalled. “Even as late as that morning, we only knew we were finalists. Of course we were happy and excited, and everything was overwhelming.” While the Keefers were selected for Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, they did not apply to be on the show. In fact, Dawn says she was not even familiar with the show prior to receiving a phone call about the selection process. Rumors suggest that Brian’s school, Lock Haven University, nominated the family to be on the show. Others claim the local media is responsible for the nomination. To this day, Dawn and her family have never learned who nominated them.

15 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Fall/Winter 2011

Immediately after discovering that they would be receiving a new home, the Keefers were sent on a week-long family vacation. “We didn’t know what to expect, as we did not plan this vacation,” Dawn said. “We had not flown with Brian since his accident so that was a new experience, especially going through security check points.” The family handed over their cell phones and other electronic devices while hearing strict rules not to watch TV or use the Internet, leaving them wondering what was going on back home. Back in Pennsylvania, more than 5,000 people showed up to help with the home’s remodel. In addition, another 3,000 people showed up to help, but were not able to due to the overwhelming number of volunteers. “We never expected there would be so many people volunteering that they could not use all of them. We are very fortunate to live in such a giving, loving, caring and supportive community. Without the community of friends, neighbors and supporters, it would be very hard to deal with the enormity of Brian’s accident,” Dawn said. The project began with knocking down part of Dawn’s home. The Extreme Makeover crew decided to leave and remodel a portion of the Keefer's original home and built an extension off the house for Brian. For the next seven days, the crew installed an indoor pool and therapy room for Brian’s physical therapy, a special living space for Brian, an outdoor pool and more accessible entry ways. After a week-long family vacation and seven days of hard work from the volunteers, the Keefers returned to see their new home. After pulling up to their old house, they stepped out of a van

Above: Dawn and her family Paul, Scott, Adam, Brian and Steve talk to the media about their new house and Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. Photo provided by The Patriot-News

Pictured right: Dawn and her family’s new home built Extreme Makeover: Home Edition team. Photo provided by The Patriot-News

to stand in front of the Home Makeover bus to prepare for the unveiling. “When I stepped out of the van, I was astounded by the number of people who were lining both sides of the street cheering and waving to all of us. The noise was deafening, and everyone was so happy,” Dawn said. “Before the unveiling, there was a lot of anticipation. After the unveiling, we were happy and overwhelmed to see the house. It didn’t even look like our old house at all. As I walked through the yard, I had a hard time realizing where I was standing because it had changed so much.” The new home makes it much easier for Brian to move around. “Brian loves his new living space,” Dawn said. “He especially likes

his therapy room and pool because it is bright, cheerful and warm. He enjoys being in the pool and knows the aqua therapy will help him recover more quickly.” Not only is Brian happy with his new living space and new found independence, but Dawn is also pleased with the result. She describes her new, yellow, countrystyle farmhouse as a “story book house.” This episode of Extreme Home Makeover: Home Edition aired on October 21, 2011. To see footage from the episode please visit the show’s website at


❃ Tell us about you and

what you do:

be the


Michele Becker,

Florida Atlantic ’04 Do you prefer? ✘

__A.M. or __P.M.?

I graduated from Florida Atlantic University in the fall of 2006. A semester before graduation, I changed my major from Education to Communications because I fell in love with planning events for Alpha Xi Delta and Panhellenic. AXiD truly helped me realize my potential! After graduation I planned events for Marriott and eventually landed the Foundation Coordinator position with the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County. My job allows me to plan events, be creative and meet incredible people every day. It also allows time for me to give to Alpha Xi Delta and the Theta Iota Chapter at Florida Atlantic University. Being Theta Iota’s Chapter Advisor has been the best experience of my life. I love watching the women grow, mature and accomplish everything they put their minds to. Being a mentor and a role model has become incredibly rewarding. Working with the women of Theta Iota inspires me both personally and professionally, and I am a better person because of them!

❃ Most played song on your iPod:

I work out to anything from the 90s. There is just something about listening to the music that I grew up with!

__Left brained or __right brained?

❃ Favorite AXiD memory:

__Coffee or __tea? __Iphone or __blackberry? ✘ __Phone call or __text ✘ message? __Facebook or __Twitter? ✘ ✘ __Heels or __flats? __Boots or __flip-flops? ✘ ✘ __Book or __magazine? __Car or ✘ __SUV?

17 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Fall/Winter 2011

I was half-way through my new member program and started to have doubts about being in a sorority. One of the Sisters overheard me expressing these concerns and asked if she could meet me later in the week. I spoke to this Sister maybe once the entire semester, so I thought it was strange she asked to meet with me. Once we got together, she handed me

a letter. It was a two-page letter that brought me to tears. She told me how much value I brought to the chapter and how much she would miss me if I left. I couldn’t believe that someone I barely knew would write me something so beautiful. It was then that I realized the strength of Alpha Xi Delta and that I could never leave it. That particular Sister is still one of my very best friends, and I owe Alpha Xi Delta for bringing us together! And yes, I still have the letter!

❃ Favorite hobby:

Being the Chapter Advisor of Theta Iota!

❃ If you could give readers one

piece of advice, what would it be?

Always look at the bigger picture and don’t sweat the small stuff. Learn to forgive and live life to the fullest. Remember what Alpha Xi Delta has done for you and see what you can do for Alpha Xi Delta.

❃ Looking at me no one

would guess…

I love to play football. I’m only 5’1’’, but absolutely LOVE the sport!

❃ Why do you pay your alumnae dues? I wouldn’t be the person I am today if not for AXiD. Paying my dues is just a small token of my appreciation and hopefully the alumnae dues I pay can help enrich the lives of Sisters to come!

❃ Favorite quote:

“Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.” — Marilyn Monroe

Realize Your Potential By Jeanine Stevens, University of Illinois ’78

Sister Receives Alumna of the Year Award from the Baylor School of Social Work “It’s been really special to have been a part of the lives of these children and adults this entire time. They didn’t have any other support system, and we’ve been there with open arms. I feel that I’ve learned as much from this experience as my students have.” For Suzanne Dwight, Texas ’95, mentoring inner-city children is second nature. Her longtime dedication to the children at The Stewpot of First Presbyterian Church in Dallas, Texas has earned her the Alumna of the Year Award from her alma mater, Baylor University School of Social Work, where she received a Suzanne (middle) poses with master’s degree in social work. two recipients of scholarships Suzanne’s concentration at Baylor was in health and mental health. from The Stewpot. Prior to her master’s degree, she received her undergraduate degree in social work from the University of Texas at Austin in 1998. In college, Suzanne was highly involved with Alpha Xi Delta, and this experience helped prepare her for the years to follow. She served as academic achievement chair for her chapter; as housing facilitator and chapter representative on the building corporation; and as recording secretary on the executive board. These offices provided Suzanne with valuable leadership skills and gave her the confidence necessary to become a leader. In addition, she volunteered with several children’s organizations, and this is what made her realize she might want to make a career of helping others someday. Today, Suzanne supervises 20 staff members and many more volunteers at The Stewpot, a safe haven for inner-city homeless and at-risk individuals and families in the Dallas area. After graduating in 2004, Suzanne joined The Stewpot as the Director of Children and Youth. During a typical year, Suzanne and her staff do enrichment programs and work with about 350

students, ranging from first graders to college-age individuals. Her work includes putting on summer camps for students and leading Saturday School, which allows the students to get ahead with their studies. Suzanne also oversees college students who have received scholarships through The Stewpot. “When I started at The Stewpot there were 13 scholarship recipients,” recalls Suzanne. “With the program’s expansion, we have been able to help many more students achieve their dreams.” Some of the scholarship recipients were first-generation college students and the first person in their family to graduate from high school. “It has been a pleasure to be able to help these high school students through the process of preparing for college, and then to follow them through their college career. I am expecting 10 of our students to graduate from college this year.” Suzanne’s work does not just involve children. In addition to her word with the youth, Suzanne initiated The Stewpot’s English as a Second Language (ESL) program for parents of the center’s Saturday School students. She also formed Junior Crew to help former Saturday School participants who would otherwise not have been able to get involved with the ESL program. Utilizing surveys, evaluation tools and new initiatives, Suzanne’s efforts have helped significantly increase enrollment in these events. The students and parents at The Stewpot have been like family to Suzanne, and she intends to keep bringing hope to them for years to come. “It’s been really special to have been a part of the lives of these children and adults this entire time,” she says. “They didn’t have any other support system, and we’ve been there with open arms. I feel that I’ve learned as much from this experience as my students have.”


Realize Your Potential Making Dream Homes a Reality: CASSIE CURNUTT When she was a child, she would spend her time rearranging her bedroom. She spent her high school years working in her family owned Kitchen Design Showroom and designed kitchens with her mother. Now, she shares her love of interior design with thousands of television viewers and has enhanced the living spaces for many private residences. Cassie Smith-Curnutt, Texas State ’88, has a special eye for design. She can transform a bare room into a living fantasy. Her work has been featured this past summer on three episodes of Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition, and she has worked on several Neiman Marcus still shoots. Cassie is a freelance art director in the television and film industries and is an interior decorator for private residences. She first discovered her love for set design in the 2nd grade when her dad took her to see The Nutcracker. “I was mesmerized by the Christmas tree,” Cassie recalled. “The tree started out as a regular sized tree, but it kept growing and changing with each dance. As I watched this amazing phenomena, all I thought was, ‘Where is it coming from, and where is it going?’” When asked what a normal day on the job is like, Cassie laughs and asks, “Normal? What’s normal?” Her days usually vary by job, but if Cassie is working on the set of a television commercial, her day would run from 5:00 a.m. to 6:15 p.m. She arrives on set at 6:30 in the morning, even though call time is at 7:00 a.m. “If you are early, you’re on time. If you are on time, you’re late, and if you are late, you’re fired. That saying is very true in the film industry,” Cassie said. While Cassie has been involved in many productions and transformations, her favorite project has been working on the Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition episode featuring James. This contestant lived with his grandparents, and James’ grandfather loved to fix things around the house. As a result of the grandfather’s do-it-yourself handiwork, the house was in bad shape. “I brought in a crew of four people and had five days to re-do the garage apartment, kitchen and guest bedroom,” Cassie said. Cassie and her team not only had to refurnish and decorate the home, but they had to do physical work such as, sanding down, retexturing and painting the walls, re-hanging doors and installing cabinets.

19 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Fall/Winter 2011

”The grandfather was helping us the whole time,” Cassie noted. “The grandparents live off of social security and they could never have afforded any of the supplies for these updates, let alone the skilled labor.” According to Cassie, the grandfather loved learning how to do repairs the right way, and the grandmother burst into tears when the team installed a new vent-a-hood above her stove. “She was so excited not to have stuff from the vent-a-hood drop down into her cooking,” Cassie explained. Cassie doesn’t only design homes and living spaces. One of Cassie’s most memorable projects includes her work on the pilot episode of ABC’s Final Witness,where her creation had nothing to do with a room. “I had to create a dead body within two hours,” Cassie said. She remembers watching the producer see the finished set for the first time, stand in awe and exclaim, “That’s amazing!” Cassie not only followed her mother’s footsteps in becoming an interior designer, but in becoming an Alpha Xi Delta. Cassie’s mother, Terry Abele-Smith, Ohio ’62, joined Alpha Xi Delta’s Pi Chapter, only to have her daughter join the Fraternity in 1988 at Texas State University. “I learned my love of beautiful spaces and art from my mom, and she was always my greatest cheerleader. She loved the art I created through theatre and we would exchange art techniques whenever we got together,” Cassie said. In addition to her mother, Cassie says the Dallas Alumnae Association showed her the lifelong benefits and extended family that comes with joining Alpha Xi Delta. “The Dallas Alumnae Association has been my support and surrogate mothers and Sisters throughout the various adventures of my adult life,” Cassie said. While her mom and Sisters have been great supporters, her father and her husband also play important roles to help shape her career. She learned her love of theatre and hands-on building from her dad, and she calls her husband her “greatest strength and support,” especially for putting up with her “creative bursts of chaos.” Cassie is currently doing an interior design project for an investment banking firm and is focusing her career on residential design. She lives in Dallas, Texas, with her husband and four beautiful kittens. Connect with her at, or visit her website at



Cassie was on the set of ABC’s pilot episode of Final Witness. She worked to transform an east Texas farm house into the home of a lower-middle class, religious, country family.

Cassie worked on the set of PBS’ American Experience:

Cassie appears behind the scenes on the set of a Steamatic TV commercial,

The Greely Expedition.

featuring a steam cleaner robot that was built by Cassie and her husband.


Autism Speaks Walk Now For Autism Speaks

Virtual Walk The Virtual Walk is the easiest way to support Alpha Xi Delta and Autism Speaks this year. We have teamed up with Autism Speaks to help Sisters lend their support in a creative way, via a virtual walk, to raise money for Autism Speaks. And, we’re raising the bar. We challenge you, Sister, to help us raise at least $50,000 for Autism Speaks during our virtual walk. Are you game? Our virtual walk will run from now until April 2, 2012, World Autism Awareness Day. All donations are tax-deductible, all proceeds benefit Autism Speaks and everyone can participate. Are you a chapter or alumnae association with NO local walk, but interested in raising money online? By visiting, you’re able to build your online fundraising page and register your team by state. Don’t forget to send emails to your family and friends to ask them to support your efforts. Together, we are dedicated to helping solve the missing piece of the autism puzzle. On behalf of the one child who will be diagnosed with autism within the next twenty minutes and the thousands of children who will be diagnosed this year, we thank you!

Don’t forget! April 2 is World Autism Awareness Day. We are asking all Alpha Xi Deltas to Light It Up Blue this year. Here are 10 ways to raise autism awareness by lighting it up blue.

10 WAYS TO LIGHT IT UP BLUE 1. Take blue cupcakes or puzzle piece shaped cookies to work or school. You can purchase the official Alpha Xi Delta/Autism Speaks cookie cutter at 2. Participate in Alpha Xi Delta’s blue ribbon campaign by distributing blue ribbons to your family, friends, coworkers, neighbors and classmates. 3. Encourage your Sisters, friends, coworkers or your child’s school to dress in blue for the day. Don’t forget to paint your nails and/or toenails blue. If you want to get really creative, purchase clip-in blue hair extensions to sport for the day. 4. Got a little league game on April 2? Coordinate with the snack shack to sell blue snow cones or blue cotton candy. 5. Add text about World Autism Awareness Day and/or insert the Alpha Xi Delta Light It Up Blue logo in your email signature. 6. Contact your local television or radio news station and ask them to run a public service announcement on behalf of Autism Speaks. Even better, ask them if you can go on-air for a few minutes to spread the word yourself. Don’t forget to wear blue, your Quill and to say you are an Alpha Xi Delta. 7. Host a profit sharing fundraiser at a local restaurant. Coordinate an event with a local restaurant, invite everyone you know, distribute information about Autism Speaks and raise money for research. Many restaurants offer profit sharing opportunities including Noodles & Company, Panda Express, California Pizza Kitchen and Chipotle.

Alpha Xi Deltas from the Gamma Nu Chapter at Southeast Missouri State decked out in blue at the St. Louis Walk Now for Autism Speaks event held in October.

8. Shine a blue spotlight on your home or business. Spotlights and blue light bulbs can be purchased at a home improvement store. You can even get the official Autism Speaks Light It Up Blue lantern at any Home Depot store. 9. Change your Facebook profile picture to the Alpha Xi Delta Light It Up Blue logo. 10. Visit for more ideas and to register your Light It Up Blue activity. Don’t forget to post pictures and share them with both Autism Speaks and Alpha Xi Delta.

21 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Fall/Winter 2011


Summer Immersion Trip Save the date! Next summer Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity will be hosting its first ever Summer Service Immersion Trip—a one-week experience for Sisters to fully immerse themselves in everything Autism Speaks. Participants will spend five days in Washington, D.C. touring an autism research facility and meeting with a representative from the Science Department of Autism Speaks, meeting with government officials about autism policy and learning about the Advocacy Department and Autism Votes. In addition, partici-

pants will mentor at an autism summer camp, work in the National Capital area Autism Speaks office and volunteer at the annual Bike to the Beach fundraiser benefitting Autism Speaks in Bethany Beach, Delaware. The dates for this trip are July 23-28, 2012. Get excited, Sisters! This is an opportunity you won’t want to miss. For more information, please contact Annie Hallsten, Philanthropy and Community Outreach Manager, at


APRIL 28, 2012 2 AT AT GARFIELD PARK P PA A Walk Now for Autism Speaks Walk S is a fun-filled, famil family-friendly y-friendly event and is our single most powerful for force ce e to fund vital rresearch esearch tthat hat will lead us to the answ answers wers we need about autism autism. m. For mor e information on o volunteering, sponsorsh hip or participation, please e contact Annie Hallsten aatt more sponsorship ahallsten@alphaxidelta .org.


Autism Speaks

Why I Listen Sylvia Roberts, Central Oklahoma ’09 The 2010 Oklahoma City Walk Now for Autism Speaks was my first experience with Autism Speaks. My alumnae Sisters and I had planned on walking, but were quickly recruited to help with registration. It was there I met Tricia Nelson from Autism Speaks and began the start of a great relationship. Since Autism Speaks doesn’t have any staff on the ground in Oklahoma, Tricia quickly put me into a volunteer role. I’ve worked with her in fulfilling any Autism Speaks requests she receives. From appearing on a local television station during Autism Awareness Month to helping raise awareness for a promotion with Panera Bread to working at an Oklahoma high school with their Autism Speaks fundraising event, I’ve experienced it all.

23 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Fall/Winter 2011

As chair of the Oklahoma City Walk Now for Autism Speaks, I had the privilege of attending the Autism Speaks Volunteer Leadership Conference in Philadelphia. At each session, someone would speak as to why they walked. I was asked to share “Why I Walk.” My response was simple: I walk for the 1 in 110 children who will be diagnosed with autism; I walk for the family who will receive an autism diagnosis for their child within the next 15 minutes. I walk because each step helps get us closer to finding the missing piece of the autism puzzle. Oklahoma was in jeopardy of losing their walk due to lack of volunteer support. I knew with the help of the great Autism Speaks staff and my alumnae and collegiate Sisters, we could make the Oklahoma walk a success. This is why I listen.

Why I Listen Stephanie Bell, Delaware ’08 My passion for Autism Speaks began the moment I stepped into Citizen's Bank Park on a sunny fall day for the Philadelphia Walk Now for Autism Speaks. To see thousands of people gathered for a common cause was simply astounding. It was an honor for our chapter at the University of Delaware to participate, and for most of us, it was the first time we were able to make a genuine connection with the Autism Speaks community. Reflecting back, I truly believe it was that day which sparked my interest. When I moved to New York City after graduation, something seemed to be missing. Looking back on my time at the University of Delaware and particularly with Alpha Xi Delta, I quickly realized that joining the New York Walk Committee would fill that void. Helping coordinate the walk on June 5, 2011 was nothing short of extraordinary. More than 800 teams came out that day, and it was unbelievable to see the good people can achieve when they work together towards a common goal. I was fortunate enough to be the Team Mentor Chair and had the opportunity to speak with families one-on-one about why they walk. For so many reasons, this has truly been the most rewarding opportunity. Being able to connect with people, help them fundraise for the cause, and most importantly, listen when they need to talk to someone. The teamwork, compassion and dedication I've seen within the autism community are second to none. It is an honor to be a part of the community, and I am incredibly appreciative my time with Alpha Xi Delta has provided me the ability to do so. I truly believe with this community’s passion, we will one day live in a world where no child has to struggle with the hardships of autism. This is why I listen.


In Other Autism News…

Southeast Missouri State University | The women of Gamma Nu hosted their first annual Light Up the Night Blue event to raise awareness for Autism Speaks. Sisters invited family and friends to attend the event in Des Peres, Missouri. Attendees enjoyed swimming, basketball and volleyball. A silent auction featuring Alpha Xi Delta memorabilia donated by alumnae was held. The Light Up the Night Blue event was an opportunity for collegian members to reconnect with Alpha Xi alumnae. The event raised $1,050, proving the night to be a great success. Left to Right: Sarah Butler, Carissa Parham, Tori Heitzmann.—Danielle Overschmidt,

Wingate | Alpha Xi Deltas at Wingate University hosted two fundraisers: Rally in the Sand and Xi Hop. Rally in the Sand is a volleyball tournament for the entire school. Every participant pays to play, and the first 30 people who sign up receive a free t-shirt to support Autism Speaks. The teams battle against one another and the winners receive gift cards. Xi Hop is an annual pancake fundraiser where Sisters make and sell pancakes on campus from 9 p.m.-12 a.m. The Iota Zeta Chapter at Wingate raised more than $1,000 dollars through these fundraisers for Autism Speaks.—Jessica Josey,

Pike’s Peak Alumnae Association | Members of the Pikes Peak Region Alumnae Association supported the local Alpine Autism Center by participating in the Eleventh Annual Alpine Autism Association Golf Classic, held on July 28, in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Left to right: Sue Bigus, Fran Dudenhoeffer, Ann Hall, Deb Grandia, Stacy Butler and Jo Weilbrenner. Sue and Fran golfed in the tournament while Ann, Deb, Stacy and Jo provided support with registration, refreshments and setup.—Gini Simonson, 25 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Fall/Winter 2011

Georgia Tech | On May 22, 2011, members of the Gamma Eta Chapter from Georgia Tech walked for Autism Speaks in Atlanta, Georgia. The walk had hundreds of supporters of the organization, including Alpha Xi Delta chapters from all around the Atlanta area.—Sarah Strandell,

Sonoma State | On September 1, the Theta Beta Chapter at Sonoma State University volunteered at an event benefiting Autism Speaks with the San Francisco Giants. Alpha Xi Delta Sisters pose with the World Series trophy from this past season at the event.—Annie Hallsten,

Texas The ladies of the Delta Psi Chapter promoted Autism Awareness Day on their Texas State campus by creating a coin war between organizations on campus. Chapter members passed out flyers and buttons with informative facts about autism and those affected by autism. Delta Gamma won the coin drive, and the money raised in their jar went to their philanthropy. Overall, $335.00 was donated to Autism Speaks.—Lindsey Tanoff,

UAB | The Theta Phi Chapter at the University of Alabama at Birmingham received the opportunity to hear Dr. Temple Grandin, a doctor of animal science who has autism, speak at the Freshman Book Discussion. Dr. Grandin spoke to hundreds of freshman on her life with autism.—Reilly Johnson,

Ohio The Gamma (Mount Union) and Beta Tau (Kent State) Chapters volunteered at the 2011 Walk Now For Autism Speaks in Cleveland, Ohio, on August 21. The chapters handed out sock puppets and sensory kits to children at the event, and they painted faces and offered temporary tattoos.—Ceili Hasul,


Member News

Steinbeck Alumnae Association | Members of the Steinbeck Alumnae Association gathered for lunch on the Monterey Peninsula in California. Left to Right: Rena Toliver, Oregon State ‘49, Dorothy Mahistedt Schaumberg, Wisconsin-Madison ‘44, Elleen “Tootie” Hall Denahy, California, Los Angeles ‘43, Julie Lambert, Oregon State ‘81, Janet Case Beals, Oregon State ‘48, Meredith Ballard Franck, Nebraska-Lincoln ‘65, Dorothee Taylor Roe, California, Los Angeles ‘51

Valdosta State | Alumnae from the Gamma Xi Chapter from the mid-1970’s enjoyed their second alumni reunion at Lake Blackshear in Georgia. Members shared memories, scrapbooks and photo albums from their college days and took time to catch up with one another. The reunion was filled with swimming, a pontoon boat ride and dinner at Daphne Lodge. First row: Debbie Garrett Graves, Betty Ann Branan Dowdy, Dana Coleman Monsees, Marsha Tindal Ingram Second row: Patti Reese White, Kay Payne Slocum, Pam Langston, Beth McClain English. Third row: Kathy McGregor, Jenni McKeen, Nancy Parker Hjort, Caron Wells Williams, Mia Anderson Kendrick and Cindy Cooley Conine.—Beth English,

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Rochester | Jessica Seebald, Rochester ’08, and Malerie Hervey, Rochester ’07, participated in the Warrior Dash in Windham, New York. This is a grueling 3.5 mile race up a ski mountain with tough obstacles along the way. Some obstacles included climbing over broken cars/trucks in the woods, trudging through waist-deep muddy water to get over floating logs, climbing 10-foot rope obstacles and climbing through the mud under barbed wire. Both girls wore their letters to represent Alpha Xi Delta at the race.—Jessica Seebald,

Purdue | Eleven members of the Alpha Eta Chapter member class of '59 met in July at the home of Sally Bridgewater Spencer in Washougal, Washington, for their semi-annual reunion. This was their fourth reunion, and they spent the time visiting, catching up and traveling to the spectacular Multnomah Falls on the Columbia River. These Sisters are already planning for the next reunion to possibly take place in 2013 in Charleston, South Carolina, with (hopefully) more class members! First row: Nancy Hahn Morgan, Cooky Kaleta Bailey, Gini Mitchell Pettigrew. Second row: Sue Collins Shaw, Jane Glassett Reid, Marilyn Mathes Baumann. Third row: Wilma Knoop Shackleford, Ann Martin Durkos, Sally Bridgewater Spencer. Fourth row: LeAnn Shafer Eliason, Jean Noe Clark.—Jean Clark,


Member News

Auburn | The Zeta Xi Chapter welcomed 63 excited new members with open arms. Bid Day festivities included a candy bar reception in the chapter room with family, friends and alumnae. Following the Pledging Ceremony, Sisters and new members bonded over dinner. Everyone enjoyed a surprise visit from, Aubie, the Auburn University mascot, who celebrated our successful recruitment with a dance competition. Sisters wrapped up the Auburn themed evening by painting a portrait of Aubie showing some “Xi Love,” designed by Tricia Hupf Oliver, Auburn ’89. The chapter is looking forward to a fun filled fall semester, with upcoming events including Sisterhood Retreat and fall formal in Montgomery, Alabama on the Harriott II Riverboat.—Brooke Molnar,

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About six months ago, I was at the salon getting my hair done. On that particular day, my hair stylist had a woman, Anna, shadowing. About half-way through my appointment, Anna started reminiscing about her college days and stated she was in a sorority. Since I was very involved in sorority life myself, I asked Anna what sorority she was in. She replied, “I'm an Alpha Xi Delta.” When I found out she was my Sister, I got so excited that I jumped up from my chair to hug her, which in turn, made my stylist cut a piece of hair that wasn't supposed to be cut. Despite the hair cut malfunction, I will always remember that day at the salon. For the rest of my appointment, Anna and I talked non-stop about our experiences in Alpha Xi Delta, and it felt like we had known each other all of our lives. Because of that chance encounter, we are not only Sisters, but have become good friends.—Tiffani Kinard, West Chester University ’07,

Ohio This past Founders’ Day the Theta Upsilon Chapter (Youngstown State) welcomed the members of the Delta Kappa Chapter (Slippery Rock) and the Gamma Sigma Chapter (Theil College) to celebrate the occasion. This was the first time these chapters have joined together to celebrate such a joyous time. The event was held in a local park near Youngstown State University.— Caren Gaskins, The women of the Beta Mu Chapter at Bowling Green State University have been busy getting their hands dirty! The women chose to use their chapter funds to rejuvenate and update their sorority house. The house has new paint throughout the common spaces, as well as new furniture and television. The Sisters hope the new adjustments will help with recruitment and have recently realized how crucial their home

is to advertising. The house served as the perfect display of “Light it Up Blue” for Autism Speaks when the house was decorated with blue lights for all of BGSU's campus to see. —Marlee Teadt, Missouri On July 21-23, 2011 a group of Beta Chapter (Iowa Wesleyan) alumnae decided to reunite after more than 20 years at the Best Western Country Inn North in Kansas City, Missouri, where they displayed Alpha Xi Delta letters in the windows of their rooms. A total of eight Sisters reunited, a few short of their founding Sisters, and they represented the states of Colorado, Illinois, Iowa and Tennessee. They spent their time shopping, eating bbq, attending the casino and swimming. They look forward to having a reunion next year in Chicago.— Patricia Bjes-LaRoche,


Member News

University of New Orleans | Paige Searles from the Delta Epsilon Chapter at the University of New Orleans was a featured model for the Vera Bradley 2011 summer collection (pictured on the left). The photography shoot took place in the French Quarter of New Orleans last October. Her pictures were printed in the Vera Bradley catalog and are shown on —Courtney Doane,

Michigan | Eleven 1980-1982 grads of the Alpha Epsilon Chapter at the University of Michigan met in Ann Arbor, Michigan, for an August weekend reunion. They pose for a picture on the steps of their old chapter house.—Paula Hitchman Dreeszen,

31 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

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Georgia Tech | The Gamma Eta Chapter at Georgia Tech welcomed 46 amaXIng women to their chapter during Bid Day. —Nicole Schuster,

Nebraska Omaha | The Gamma Delta Chapter welcomed 30 new members to their chapter during this fall’s Bid Day. —Ashley DeBolt,


Tales from the road



BECKY WILBANKS, AUBURN ’05 Traveling as an Educational Leadership Consultant for the past year has been one of the best experiences I’ve had as an Alpha Xi Delta. To be given the opportunity to work with our chapters across the nation and help them to strengthen and advance their chapters, has helped me to grow as an individual and a Sister. Becky Wilbanks, middle, showing her pride with the newest Alpha Xi This year, I’ve been given the opportunity to travel Deltas at WKU. a second year and have been assigned the task of starting the colony at Western Kentucky University! I looked forward to the colonization because we will be shaping a new legacy and addition to Alpha Xi Delta. Having the chance to meet more than 100 women and bring them together to teach them how to be a chapter of Alpha Xi Delta is one of my most challenging and rewarding experiences. I am so thankful for the opportunity to show the women at WKU what Alpha Xi Delta is all about. Life on the road is an adventure every day. From the sleepless nights of recruitment, to officer training, to Sisterhood events; the chances I have as a consultant to make an impact on these ladies’ lives are constantly available. What I didn’t realize last year was that the women I visited would have just as great an impact on me. The relationships I formed with these women and the stories of my travels will last forever. For anyone interested in traveling as a consultant, I highly recommend the experience. You will have the opportunity to see the change you’re making, and it will in turn change you for the better.

MARY KATHERINE BRANHAM, GEORGIA TECH ’06 It is 9 p.m. on Wednesday, and I am on my second flight of the night when the pilot comes over the speaker and says something that catches me by surprise. The plane’s center of gravity is not balanced, so he asks three people to move from the front of the plane to the back of the plane to ensure we safely make it off the ground. Immediately, everyone around me starts looking at each other with disbelief and skepticism. Being the overly analytical person that I am, my mind immediately began racing, thinking how life is easily affected by little things and how a simple movement of people could determine a safe and successful flight. I suddenly began to realize everything in life is just like this; where people are both physically and emotionally will greatly affect the success of what they do in their lives. Later that night, once I safely landed, I began prepping for the meetings and programs for my current and upcoming visits. This life lesson from the plane kept rolling around in my head, and I began to realize this is the point of my job: to help get the women on our “Alpha Xi Delta plane” to get to a specific spot that will ensure their time aboard and after the flight is successful. These first few weeks on the road have been a whirlwind of fun times and exciting adventures. I am blessed to have a job where I get to share life lessons like the one above with my Sisters across the country. I have had a fabulous first few visits, and I am anxiously waiting for what the rest of the year will hold!

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Circle of Sisterhood

Investment in girls’ education may well be the highest-return investment available in the developing world.—Lawrence Summers What if someone had told you, your mother, daughter or granddaughter that education was not an option? Consider for just a moment, where would you be today? There was a time in our country, not-so-long-ago, when women were denied access to a college education. In fact, even once women were granted acceptance to colleges in the mid to late 1800s, they endured ongoing discrimination and ridicule from male students and faculty.

The number of women who pursued college was small at first. But their commitment to one another and their shared interest in pursuing an education gave birth to the sorority movement that we have the privilege to be part of today. A century and a half later, and numbering more than 5 million now, sorority women across the nation are stepping up to advance the legacy of our Founders. The Circle of Sisterhood Foundation ( was established in 2010 by sorority women across affiliations with the mission of leveraging our collective wisdom and influence to raise awareness and support and ultimately remove educational barriers for girls and women across the globe.


Why the Circle of Sisterhood? Because the lives and well-being of women in the U.S. and across the globe are impacted by: GENDERCIDE: More girls have been killed in the last 50 years, precisely because they were girls, than men killed in all the wars of the twentieth century. SEX-SELECTIVE ABORTION: Approximately 60-101 million females are missing from the globe today because of the belief that boy children are more valuable than girls. BRUTALITY: It is estimated that at least one out of every three women around the world has been beaten, coerced into sex or otherwise abused in her lifetime—with the abuser usually being someone known to her. DISCRIMINATION: Every year, at least 2 million girls worldwide disappear because of gender discrimination. Example: girls in India, from one to five years of age, are 50 percent more likely to die than boys. A little Indian girl dies from discrimination every four minutes. POVERTY: Women do two-thirds of the world’s work yet earn only five percent of the income. Women harvest 90 percent of the world’s food, yet own only one percent of the world’s land.

ABOUT GINNY CARROLL Serving as the CEO of inGiNuity, Ginny Carroll focuses on building leadership capacity, intergenerational communication, and being socially savvy. In 2010, Ginny founded the Circle of Sisterhood Foundation, whose mission is “to leverage the collective wisdom and influence of sorority women to uplift girls and women from poverty and oppression through education.” Ginny is an initiate of the Epsilon Kappa Chapter at Western Kentucky University and former National Executive Director for Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity Headquarters. She truly believes in the value of the sorority experience—for life.

Women across the globe still lack basic legal rights and protections. As educated women we must stand together to educate women around the world because… • Educated women overcome poverty • Educated women positively impact the economy • Educated women earn 25 percent more income • Educated women reinvest 90% of their income back into their families • Educated women have smaller, healthier families • Educated women have children who are 40 percent more likely to live past the age of 5 • Educated women are three times less likely to contract HIV • Educated women diminish misogyny and oppression • Educated women live in less volatile, extremist cultures The Circle of Sisterhood effort is as much about raising awareness about the mistreatment of women around the world as it is about raising funds to help them achieve education. The Circle of Sisterhood hopes to enable more equitable personal development, promote resilience by advancing opportunities for women and empower women to shape their own futures through education. The movement is growing. At Purdue University, the Panhellenic negotiated with local restaurants to donate a portion of their profits to the Circle of Sisterhood Foundation. They advertised the fundraiser to all women registered for recruitment and encouraged Panhellenic leaders to take these new students to restaurants to prepare the women for formal recruitment, build relationships and raise money. Not only did the leaders help raise funds and awareness, they modeled the value of serving others as these young women considered joining a sorority. At the University of Missouri-Columbia, the fall semester was packed with activities for the entire community. Events such as Panhellenic Formal Recruitment, New Greek Education, Black Family Reunion, and Homecoming keep all students busy, especially sorority women. But this fall in Columbia, a group of sorority women had a glimpse of what life is like across the world for less privileged women. Campus professionals felt very connected to the issues affecting women, and they wanted to spread awareness to the students at Mizzou. Julie Drury, Coordinator of Greek Life, saw the value in the collective effort of her sorority community and emailed out the video link from the Circle of Sisterhood website to a group of female student leaders that she had worked with over the last few years. The response was overwhelming! Sorority women wanted to be involved; they wanted to make a

One World. On

35 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

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difference. As the sorority members talked about the issues affecting women across the world, they weren’t thinking about Homecoming preparations and their social events for that week; they were thinking about how they could create change. In April 2011, members of the Circle of Sisterhood team attended the Southeastern Panhellenic Conference where the Southeastern Panhellenic Association committed to a long term philanthropic partnership with the Circle of Sisterhood and almost 50 campuses committed to supporting the Circle of Sisterhood movement. To date, more than 75 campuses have joined the movement to uplift women around the world through education. Imagine what will happen when alumnae get involved! Also in April 2011, The Circle of Sisterhood Foundation celebrated its first anniversary. In the first year alone, The Circle of Sisterhood has provided a year of school, including tuition, uniforms, and all necessary supplies to 38 girls in Tanzania and 38 textbooks or 2,070 pages of Braille for a home for blind girls in Ethiopia. In this second year of existence even more will be accomplished and you are invited to join this humanitarian effort to “uplift women from poverty and oppression through education” around the world. However you choose to get involved, the impact we can make as sorority community—across affiliation—will show the world the collective influence of our community of sisters when we put our minds and hearts to a cause.

Some Simple Things You Can Do to Make a Difference 1. Visit the website to watch the video about why this is such an important cause: 2. While you are there, go to the “impact” page to learn about the grants Circle of Sisterhood has awarded in their first year. www.circleofsisterhood/impact 3. Learn more from Pulitzer Prize winners, Kristof and WuDunn, as they were the catalysts for this movement, by reading their book Half the Sky or visiting

Above top: Blind women in Northern Ethiopia must face not only extreme poverty but also the constant fear of being physically or sexually abused. The Circle of Sisterhood Foundation is supporting a home for these young women in the remote area of Mekelle. Above bottom: Ronah, a promising young Zambian girl, received a full scholarship to the best boarding school in Zambia due to a grant from The Circle of Sisterhood. Her tuition, uniform, food and housing are all covered for a full year with this grant.

4. Research women’s empowerment organizations who could be beneficiaries of our collective work. 5. Join a discussion forum on the topic of women’s oppression to challenge yourself and educate others. 6. Visit the Circle of Sisterhood website for additional ideas, motivation and ways to participate. 7. “Like” the Circle of Sisterhood Foundation on Facebook and/or follow them on Twitter. 8. If there is a college campus near you and the sorority councils have partnered with the Circle of Sisterhood, get involved in their efforts. 9. Be a donor in whatever way you can.

ne Sisterhood.


Sister to Sister By Claudia Zanardelli Sparschu, Michigan ‘86

My Alumna “Aunt”—a 25-year Friendship “As a college student on a budget, it was a real treat to be invited to the Goslings’ house many times to enjoy lunch or afternoon tea with Aunt Enid. Sometimes her husband, John, would even join us.” As a sophomore at the University of Michigan in 1986, I was initiated into the Alpha Epsilon Chapter of Alpha Xi Delta. A few months after initiation, each new Sister was given the name and contact information of an alumna member of Alpha Xi Delta and was encouraged to correspond with her new alumna aunt. I was lucky that my alumna aunt lived in Ann Arbor, Michigan, which made it easy for us to become friends. Enid Gosling had graduated from Michigan with a degree in art history in 1947. As a college student on a budget, it was a real treat to be invited to the Goslings’ house many times to enjoy lunch or afternoon tea with Aunt Enid. Sometimes her husband, John, would even join us. Other times we would meet at places such as the art museum, and every year Aunt Enid would visit the sorority house on Founders’ Day. Like me, Aunt Enid loves Ann Arbor, and I always found her stories about the university and sorority life during and after wartime in the 1940s very interesting. I always enjoyed hearing about her European vacations and her life growing up in Detroit and Lansing. Another thing I loved about Aunt Enid was her art. She would always remember my birthday and Christmas by sending a unique card with her beautiful artwork displayed on the front cover of the card. Aunt Enid’s drawings depicted places she had visited, or scenes in Ann Arbor. I always looked forward to those special cards.

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After graduation, I moved away from Ann Arbor, but Aunt Enid and I still stayed in touch. Many times I would bring along my children or my husband and they also grew to know and enjoy “our” Aunt Enid. Over the years, I admired Aunt Enid’s constant desire to keep learning. Even though I worked full time, her calendar seemed busier than mine! Her schedule typically looked something like this: Monday—classical music group, Tuesday—French conversation group, Wednesday—art museum discussion and then piano lesson, Thursday—painting group, Friday—Italian lesson followed by a group dinner at Paesano’s to practice their Italian. Over the years, I have told so many people about Aunt Enid and her lifelong learning. Someday, I want to have that kind of schedule! In fact, I started volunteering as an usher at the Detroit Opera House as a result of our conversations about opera. I started attending the Stratford Shakespeare Festival as a result of admiring Aunt Enid’s lovely Stratford costume sketches that line her staircase. I tackle the New York Times Sunday crossword each week with my husband just like she used to do each week with her good friend. Over the years, some things have changed. I am now 45, and Aunt Enid is now 86. I now teach high school physics rather than work as an engineer. I’ve lived in Europe. A few of our friends and family members have passed away. Aunt Enid now has six grandchildren and two adorable great grandchildren. Her eyesight is not as sharp as it once was. On the other hand, many things have remained the same. Aunt Enid is still the intelligent, open-minded, culturally well-rounded person that she always was. She still lives in her beautiful, historic house that overlooks the Huron River and Ann Arbor, and she still inspires me to always keep learning. It has been a genuine privilege to have had Enid Gosling as my alumna aunt and friend for the past 25 years.

How To Stay



Join your local alumnae association! Alpha Xi Delta has alumnae associations across the United States that stretch from coast to coast. By joining, you will be kept up to date on alumnae events, reunions and local chapter news. This is a great way to stay connected with Alpha Xi Delta and to maintain those long lasting friendship from college, while meeting new Sisters! To find an alumnae association near you visit

no. 2

Contact your chapter or a chapter in your area! Are you inspired by Enid and Claudia’s story? Reach out to your chapter, or a chapter near you to see how you can volunteer or become an alumna aunt.

no. 5 no. 3 no. 4

Become a volunteer!

Pay your alumnae dues!

Doing so allows you to Be the Heart of Alpha Xi Delta. Annual dues are $20 per person, and you can pay through your alumnae association or online at

no. 6

Register a relative to be a Rose Petal!

Share your love of our Fraternity with your daughter, niece or granddaughter by enrolling them in our Rose Petals program. This program is for those ages 16 and younger, and it is a great way to share with your legacy the Sisterhood of Alpha Xi Delta!

Alpha Xi Delta volunteers work closely with college chapters and alumnae associations. It is a great way to stay involved with the Fraternity, and a big part of the Fraternity’s success lies within its volunteers! Interested in helping out? Visit and fill out a Volunteer Interest Form.

Follow ΑΞΔ on Facebook and Twitter! You’d be surprised how much information you can obtain just by visiting us on Facebook or Twitter. FHQ, alumnae associations and chapters are constantly posting events and updating Sisters on “Xi” latest news. Don’t just follow FHQ, but join your alumnae association’s page and check in on your college chapters, too!


Alumna Profile

Get to know Jane Ralston! Tell us about your professional life. I am the Controller of Restoration Systems, a small company which provides stream and wetland mitigation in a number of states in the southeast, primarily in North Carolina. Through our efforts we protect and restore streams and wetlands with permanent easements and physically restoring the waterways and vegetation. Tell us something about Alpha Xi Delta Foundation that most Sisters probably don’t know. When the Foundation was established in 1957, Mary Burt Nash, Alpha Xi Delta National President, said, “The Alpha Xi Delta Foundation is an agency for alumnae support for which Fraternity funds are not available. It will widen the scope of Fraternity service.” In the last four years, the Alpha Xi Delta Foundation has awarded $707,359 for Fraternity leadership programs, scholarships and educational activities which inspire young women to realize their potential.

Jane Fursey Ralston, Mount Union ’65, is the Chair of Alpha Xi Delta Foundation and previous Foundation Treasurer. Jane has served the Fraternity as National Council Vice President, NPC 2nd Alternate Delegate, Regional Collegiate Director and National Constitution Committee Chair. Outside of Alpha Xi Delta, her interests include Investing Women of Cary, North Carolina; Weatherstone Homeowner’s Association Architecture Committee; and Construction Finance Management Association, Raleigh Triangle Chapter President. What is your proudest accomplishment? I am so proud of my two children who have become wonderful, compassionate adults who are so much fun to spend time with. Professionally, I am proud I earned my CPA license 20 years ago after receiving my accounting degree. What has been your greatest challenge? The greatest challenge for me has been creating a successful career after many years out of the work place.

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What is your most treasured possession? An aquamarine ring passed down from my grandmother to my mother and then to me. I also treasure my Quill, which is the same badge my great aunt was initiated with at Pi Chapter at Ohio University in 1913. Looking at me, no one would guess that… I am part of a family of 12 Alpha Xi Deltas! Some of these women include: my grandmother, Edna Robens Shilts, Mount Union ’03; my mother, Elinor Shilts Fursey, Mount Union ’37; my aunt, Mary Shilts Boster, Mount Union ’39; my sister, June Ann Fursey Lee, Mount Union ’67; and four cousins. Also, Winifred Weimer Flenner, Mount Union ’21 (a member of the first Foundation Board) is also indirectly related to me. What is your favorite Alpha Xi Delta memory? I have many, so it’s difficult to pick one! I’ll start with the 1986 Convention when I was installed on National Council and the 1993 Convention I attended with my mother, sister and aunt.


Alpha Xi Delta

…inspiring women to realize their potential. THANK YOU for investing in young women’s lives. Gifts to Alpha Xi Delta Foundation supported a variety of programs in 2010-2011: • Leadership Coaches visited 80 chapters, facilitated 500 individual coaching sessions, 75 Executive Committee sessions, 6 StrengthsQuest™ presentations, 6 All Greek or Area Wide presentations and worked with our Coastal Carolina colony on leadership development and team building.

•Academic achievement awards recognized 98 collegiate Sisters achieving the highest GPA in their chapter. • Heart Fund Grants provided 2 Sisters with emergency financial assistance when their lives were touched by natural disasters. • The Foundation furthered Alpha Xi Delta’s national philanthropic partnership with Autism Speaks and 3 chapters received grants to grow their Step It Up events.

• The Workout conferences helped 233 of our collegiate Sisters develop life skills while learning to help their chapters realize their recruitment potential.

There’s so much more we can do! The 2011-2012 Loyalty Fund campaign is underway, and you are able to help continue this impact with your own special gift. Make your Loyalty Fund gift online at or by phone at 317.872.3500.

• Scholarships and continuing education grants were awarded to 38 collegiate and alumnae Sisters to pursue their educational goals and advance their professional skills.

Together we will make a difference!



Society of 1893 Mary Ellen Mates, Northwestern ’36, was very proud to be an Alpha Xi Delta, and exemplified lifetime membership. Following graduation, she became active in the Chicago North Shore Alumnae Association, holding various offices, chairing fundraisers and representing the Association at Alpha Xi Delta’s 1949 National Convention. During these years, she also served on the housing corporation board for Alpha Theta Chapter. In the eighties, as a retired office manager, she put her skills to work in the Pinellas County Alumnae Association quickly becoming president, representing Pinellas County at Alpha Xi Delta’s 1988 National Convention, coordinating events and participating in the Clearwater Alumnae Panhellenic. For her many years of devoted service, Alpha Xi Delta recognized Mary Ellen with the Edna Epperson Brinkman Award in 1994. Bonnie Jefferis, Defiance ’79, remembers how Mary Ellen grabbed life aggressively. She recalls the year Mary Ellen traveled to Pasadena with her dear friend, Virginia Clausen, Florida ’85, when Northwestern advanced to the Rose Bowl. A fierce Wildcat fan, Mary Ellen knew she couldn’t miss the experience and made the trip from Florida to California, even when game tickets were

Alpha Xi Delta and our young Sisters will be forever grateful for the beautiful legacy Mary Ellen Mates, seated, gave to the Foundation.

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unavailable. In her usual gregarious style, Mary Ellen quickly made friends with the Northwestern fan sitting next to her at the Rose Bowl Parade. As luck would have it, he had extra tickets to the game and offered them to Mary Ellen so she and Virginia could realize their bold dream of seeing the Wildcats play in the Rose Bowl. Mary Ellen was a fierce fan of Alpha Xi Delta, too. She provided for Alpha Xi Delta in her estate plans, naming the Foundation the beneficiary of 5 percent her trust. A portion of her generous gift is supporting current educational priorities such as the Fraternity’s Leadership Coach Program while the balance is being invested to grow and provide for the future. You, too, can support our future by including the Foundation in your will or revocable living trust. Ask your estate planning attorney to add this suggested wording to one of those documents: “I give, devise and bequeath (written amount, percentage of estate or description of property) to the Alpha Xi Delta Foundation, a not-for-profit corporation with principal offices located at 8702 Founders Road, Indianapolis, Indiana 46268, to be used for the purposes designated by the Trustees of the Foundation.” Alumnae and friends who inform us they have provided for Alpha Xi Delta Foundation in their estate plans are enrolled in our Society of 1893. Contact Kendra Lewis, Director of Development, at 317.872.3500 or with questions or for more information.

“I give to the Foundation because of all the support Alpha Xi Delta gave me both as a collegiate and as a local and regional alumnae volunteer. I have a law firm in Orlando, and I don't know (if) I would have achieved all that I have professionally or personally without the support and skills I learned from my collegiate days as an Alpha Xi Delta. I joined the Mary Burt Nash Society because a friend told me about the Society at this year’s Convention. When she said it was only $83 per month, and I could set (payments) up monthly, I realized it wasn't unaffordable after all. I couldn't think of a better way to spend $83 per month than supporting Alpha Xi Delta and her efforts to help women reach their potential.” — Kate Martin, Florida ’94

Janice Sheldon Baumback, Washington Kristin Olson Billingsley, Sonoma State Denise Brown, Northern Iowa Kathryn Yager Brown, Monmouth Susan Bulkeley Butler, Purdue Evonne Carawan, North Carolina State Jean Smith Clark, Pennsylvania State Marcella Smucker Clark, Ohio Wesleyan Deanna Wollam Detchemendy, California State-Northridge Sandi Edwards, Kentucky Jean Grommes Feehan, Northwestern Jane Dunlap Gaby, Tennessee-Knoxville Elysia Balster Gallivan, South Dakota Martha Geppert, Illinois Ellen Gibson Goodwin, West Virginia Diane Curtis Gregory, Wittenberg Anneliese Hallsten, Stetson Michelle Soderquist Hartnett, Nebraska-Lincoln Regina Willis Hawkins, Jacksonville State Marilyn Herbes Horner, Nebraska at Omaha Kelley Kitta Hundt, Georgia Tech Mildred Kotlan Kolar, Marietta Linda Kotowski, Florida State Jeanne Regus Kuller, Maryland Jennifer Emerick Kuntz, Northern Iowa Wendy Kurtz, Indiana Elizabeth Sacksteder LaClair, Mount Union Julie Lambert, Oregon State Jennifer Bellas Lee, Old Dominion Jean Koza Leider, Iowa Kendra Becker Lewis, Purdue

Bonnie Eiker Lightcap, Susquehanna Julie Schroder Lindsay, Marshall Robin Hartman Lock, Texas Lyles Foundation in memory of Elizabeth Lyles, Purdue Charlotte West Martin, Georgia Katherine Listwan Martin, Florida Megan McGowen, California State-Northridge Diana Twomey Oldag, Penn State Karolee Bunnie Wybenga Olsen, Nebraska at Omaha Rebecca Richter Perrett, Nebraska-Lincoln Pauline Dale Platt, Gettysburg Beth Henning Polizzotto, Illinois Jane Fursey Ralston, Mount Union Michelle Supplee Reda, Rider Lenn Reed, Georgia State Christina Robertson, West Georgia Beverly Case Rorer, Pennsylvania Marianne Moritz Russo, California State-Northridge Jane Wilkens Schroeder, Nebraska-Lincoln Tana Sterrett Scott, Middlebury Mary Ruth Hadley Snyder, Purdue Leslie Storey, Texas Wesleyan Jane Hooper Sutton, Western Carolina Marilyn Atwood Terry, California-Berkeley Julia Naftzger Van Sickle, Purdue Cheryl Johnson Weldon, Georgia Tech Nealy Patty Wheat, West Georgia Dorothy Sheldon Williams, Western Carolina Shirley Albrecht Winckler, Iowa Linda Bernd Wrench, Indiana



Scholarship Recipients Nicole Korn, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh ’09 Allison James Green Scholarship Goals: To become an English as a Second Language teacher. My goal is to see all my students succeed. Nicole accepted her scholarship from Allison Green, who endowed the scholarship, this biennium at the 2011 National Convention in Atlanta, Georgia. “I cannot say how honored I am to have won a scholarship from Allison. However, I must thank Allison for more than just easing my financial burden. She also funded my trip to National Convention. For this experience and her generosity, I will be forever grateful. I was so happy to be able to meet Allison at Convention and thank her face to face.” “I can honestly say Alpha Xi Delta has helped me to realize my potential. I got an amazing college experience. Through Alpha Xi Delta, I have gained confidence, leadership experience and time and organizational management skills that will help me succeed in my career as a teacher.”

Kelly Emery, University of Mount Union ’09 Baker-Blish Scholarship Goals: To become a dentist and practice in Northeast Ohio.

43 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Fall/Winter 2011

Michelle Spencer, Florida Atlantic ’02 Alpha Epsilon Scholarship Michelle is a graduate of Florida Atlantic University pursuing law degree at Touro College Jacob D. Fuchsberg Law Center in New York. Goals: To work for a respected family law firm, in a setting which is positive and allows me to expand my legal interests. “I will now have the resources to study and focus on achieving my goals. That peace of mind is priceless. I am able to reflect upon the values I have gained in these past years, and I am so gracious to have been selected for this gift. Alpha Xi Delta has taught me that SOMEHOW things will work out if I work to my potential and have faith in myself. I feel so fortunate to have Alpha Xi Delta in my life.”

“I am so thankful for this scholarship. It will be so helpful during my senior year and allow me to concentrate on applying to dental school and graduating. Alpha Xi Delta has allowed me to blossom into the woman I am today. My experiences in Alpha Xi have made me a better leader, Sister and person.”

Foundation Foundation Donors The Foundation thanks the following Sisters and friends who made donations between June 1, 2010, and May 31, 2011. The following list reflects donors’ lifetime giving totals to all Foundation funds. Life-to-Date Giving Circles Cora Bollinger Block $100,000+ Heritage $50,000-$99,999 Symphony $25,000-$49,999 Lombard $10,000-$24,999 Founders’ $5,000-$9,999 Sisterhood $1,000-$4,999 + More than one gift given during the fiscal year = Donor to the Class of 2011 Senior Challenge ^ Donor achieved a higher giving circle in the fiscal year * Deceased donor

Alpha LOMBARD COLLEGE/KNOX COLLEGE Sisterhood Karen King McConnell Betty Darnell Nelson Linda Sokody Seybold Donor Joan Hinkle Brown* Carolyn Swartz Park Juliet Engel Schertz

Beta IOWA WESLEYAN COLLEGE Sisterhood Amy Williams Hopkins Donor Shelley Wilmes Grider Cynthia Hardisty Reynolds Sheri Seibold

Gamma UNIVERSITY OF MOUNT UNION Lombard Alice Bliss Schmutz+ Founders’ Jane Fursey Ralston+ Sisterhood Yallah Gault Judith Jackson Sarah Solt McCloskey

44 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Donor Mina Arai= Christina Best= Jennifer Blazey= Tracy Bombik Marilyn Conrath Tonya Scott Durkin Connie Snode Flynn Jennifer Gentzel= Beverly Cooke Haymaker Kayla Hogue= Denise Kipfstuhl+ Joyce Glover Krahling Elizabeth Sacksteder LaClair Allison Larson= Jeseca Lindberg= Stacy Mann= Maggie Miklos Deana Allen Milford Amanda Moore= Melanie Nakonachny Sarah Ossler= Lauren Platten= Kristin Reeder= Marian Dreyer Ross Elissa Good Smith Carole Evans Spiker Courtnie Vires= Willmetta Warholyk Shelley Wyzynski= Lexy Yunaska=

Delta BETHANY COLLEGE Sisterhood Suzanne Abbott Lesiak Donor Marilyn Waugh Barteaux Anne Buchanan Blankenship Dana Koluezez Brown Sara Drews= Rebecca Ehrlich= Jennifer Fleahman= Lynn Garvin= Veronica Jae Kelli McAbier+= Olivia Stuart McFadden Taylor Morris=

Fall | Winter 2011

April O'Brien+= Sara Patnesky= Nicole Salopek= Beth Shaffer Lindsay Sobotka= Rachel Sowinski= Kari Tiede Angela Tipton=

Epsilon UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH DAKOTA Sisterhood Luella Bruhn Cozad Elysia Balster Gallivan+ Mildred Fiksdal O'Neill+ Donor Carol Clarke Gillespie Sarah Wold Hanson Barbara Shafer Kraemer+ Virginia Pederson Larimer Brittani Poarch= Barbara Smith Reynolds

Zeta WITTENBERG UNIVERSITY Lombard Diane Curtis Gregory+^ Founders’ Maxine Evans Blackburn Sisterhood Margaret Eichel Potts+ Donor Anne Louise Davidson Buck Carolyn Trinter Cull Dee Stutz Frazier Audrey Tatro Hall Sharon Hall Carolyn Hessong Hickman Judith Becker Kemp Pamela Benken Lyle Norma Jones Mozier Margaret Rankin Rittenhouse Donna Gail Dudley Rowe Robbin Corson Russell Karen Hietanen Shanower Ann Strawn Stafford Elisabeth Dodds Vinson Mary Dickey Wise+ Pamela Wurster

Eta SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY Founders’ Janice Zajac Sayatovic Sisterhood Dorothy Borneman Bell+ Joan Repath Pomfrey Donor Karol Bradwick Hitt Barbara Economides Kelly Ruth Hazard Lee Martha-Jean McCourt Willits

Theta UNIVERSITY WISCONSIN Sisterhood Caroline Borden Erickson Mary Goers+ Roberta Collins Harper Alta Groves Jewell Beth Berenschot Koenings+ Helen Cruse Lemberger^ Norma Malmanger Liebenberg Elizabeth John Loehne Joan Rohde Preston Carol Woodworth Root+^ Karla Spinks Donna Milford Wischmann Jane Lewis Wise Donor Ina Wasberg Fenske Hope Beck Goldsmith Ann Nunemaker Hartman Ruth Gay Ibach Jean Osterndorf Johnson Janan Opie Martens Joanne Schmidt Morey Marcia Bourkland Pauly Elizabeth Williams Polousky Patricia Krivitz Riess Kaye McGann Waggoner Olive Callaway Whiting Linda Thoemke Wickstrom Jean Stoffel Young

Iota WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY Lombard Ellen Gibson Goodwin+ Donor Joanne Walker Bowie Dawn Riddle Dunaway Joyce Hammer Gribble+ Laura White Lawson Nancy Kraus Merinar Jeannie Honecker Reed Kerry Stotz= Nancy Cox Whitham Mary Kathryne Caussin Wiedebusch

Kappa UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Lombard Marian Harding Thompson Founders’ Martha Ann Geppert+ Sisterhood Janet Horstman Anderson^ Julie Wilson Dillon Patricia Bolin Glenn+ Linda Lowery Lindsay+^ Beth Henning Polizzotto Martha Johnson Ward Juliette Coderre Watson Edith Wiedling Webber Donor Lois Stuenkel Armstrong Helene Drusch Beisswenger Ivy Iversen Burkin Ruth Turner Chambliss Mary Freis Cooke Elizabeth Barber Davis Barbara Larson Dilling Dorothy Drolet Dirks Joan Hallsted Dolowy Maura Farrell= Jennifer Finn= Linda Harmeson+= Anne Heitzman Ashley Kurek= Regina Cuellar Lee Pamela McVeigh Cheri Schmid Mezydlo Megan Palecek= Linda Jayne Rodenburg Kathy Schleicher Helen McFedries Severson Katherine Martin Sevier+ Margaret Weil Sidener Becky Brdlik Smilak

Dorothy Cihlar Smith Beverly Cannon Smithson Patricia Spalding Sturtz+ Bridget Molson Wachter Mary Clark Willy

Lambda TUFTS UNIVERSITY Sisterhood Curina Harian Atwood

Mu UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Donor Laurel Ness Gatz Gwen Hagen Marjory Jelmeland Immer Mary Dietrich Stewart+

Sandi Edwards+ Judi Jones Jacobs Cary Lawson Moore Kimberly Starr+ Donor Jean Shure Amos Margaret Mullen Baldwin Susan Young Caron Patricia Cody Cox Linda Lyon Frye Michelle Gibbs Sharon Miller Hall Kathleen Nicol Jill O'Daniel Debra Haysley Roling Karen Cook Rudd Gertrude Evans Sewell

Omicron Nu UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON Symphony Janice Sheldon Baumback+ Lombard Lorene Currier+^* Linda Belles Dinus Sisterhood Rebecca Amos-Stuart^ Marjory Dark Barbee Barbara Henning Bray+^ Susan Brown-Maunder Donor Barbara Beeby Laila Brines Collins Susan Tompkins Commeree Sylvia Skaggs Downing Margeaux Fox= Rita Tappe Gill+ Marian Knudson Gruber+ Jessica Halterman= Joan Lowry Hartsough Melissa Mitchell Larson Hillary Madsen Marcia Hixson Mahaffey+ Irene Hysong Miller Katherine Hempler Parker Marjorie Bragdon Satterfield Marcia Stephenson Wolf

Xi UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY Founders’ Elizabeth Stuckert Ray Sisterhood Joan Barnett Cornwell

UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY Founders’ Marilyn Atwood Terry+ Sisterhood Marion Macdonald Blau+ Donna Staehling Borden+ Elsie Reimers Falconer Cecilia Zerr Long Celia Samaras Maneatis Joan Sample Paulson^ Dorothy Anderson Tregea Donor Jean Campbell Roman Virginia Harrell Schultz Catherine Rhorabough Shanks Mary Brooks Wallace Jean Grutzmacher Wirth

Pi OHIO UNIVERSITY Sisterhood Carol Malkmus Briggs Marilyn Gander Hornak Rose Vachon-Kunkel Roarty Marilyn Geiler Netschke Barbara Grow Schanzle+ Donor Martha Brown Black Ann Knappenberger Burdorf Carolyn McLaughlin Cuppernull Charlotte Richards Forquer Doris Kitty Brunn Francis Mary Hitchcock Frost Betty Lou Hayes Harden Carla Dixon Kahler

Nancy Bustard Samson Vrina Grimes Stebbins+ Marianne Frank Turman

Rho UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA-LINCOLN Founders’ Alice Frampton Dittman Jane Wilkens Schroeder+ Sisterhood Marcia Boden Janet Beachler Day Michelle Soderquist Hartnett+ Carol Schneider Honey Marlene Labenz Hough+ Rebecca Richter Perrett+^ Julie Uehling Popken Denise Lienemann Scholz Donor Barbara Rayburn Allen Dorothy Anderson+ Elizabeth Arnot= Sherri Neall Barnwell Christyne Evans Bathel Diana Berger Blankenship Marguerite Boslaugh Arin Bruns= Heather Christenson Jan Dwyer Connolly Lisa Cook= Deborah Cousler+= Alyssa Doke= Jacqueline Rockwell Eldal+ Corrine Newton Faubel Allyson Felt+= Jill Grobeck= Katherine Hanson+ Christina Heimerdinger= Janice Nelson Herbek Lois Hayes Hoff Donna Wetzel Hunt Margaret Jensen= Regina Todero Mangine Cory Masi Christine McKinney= Debra Bettenhausen Miller Megan Molina= Laurel Olson Nye Caroline Ochsner= Crystal Pribyl= Laney Rosenbalm-Penry= Sheri Schipper-Kriete Alison Schutz= Allison Senger= Margery DeLamatre Sorenson


Foundation Margaret Spencer= Haley Starostka= Sarah Synovec= Morgan Wostrel= Crystal Wulfekuhl= Natalie Zabrocki= Lori Larson Zarkowski

Sigma UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Founders’ Linnea Thodt Hadlock^ Shirley Albrecht Winckler Sisterhood Patricia Bunting Angelici+ Kiyoko Farrington Czech Elizabeth Gray Gumbrell Mary Baker Jones Jean Koza Leider+ Claire Stoltenberg McKinzie Susan Winckler^

Donor Emily Berglund Bothell Janice Wilhoite Dietz Theresa Dvorak+ Ann Raster English Megan Gustafson+ Judith Drews Haring-Green+ Chandra Johnson Jacquelyn Jones Susan Moorman Kelly Jeanne Leone Meredith Malone Paula Vandeventer Oldag Sherry Cernin Schaddel Sondra Sohm Shelton Jamie Swan Jennifer Baldwin Tarantino Janet Rummery Thorne

Tau UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE Sisterhood Justine Lougee Olive Virginia Wasto Peart* Shirley Newcomer Wagner Donor Susan Weselcouch Autuori Kim Petruchik Cavanagh Katie Donahue Mary Shaughnessy Marquis Beverly Swain Powell-Woodward Jane Shaw Smoot Christina Witkowicki

46 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Phi ALBION COLLEGE Symphony Allison James Green+ Founders’ Joanne Braucher+ Sisterhood June Luke Dempsey Margaret Goebel Elisabeth Rees+ Donor Michelle Armstrong Guralnick Eileen Hart Harrison Betty Hantz House Barbara Lindblom Heather Mallory May Mary Kellogg Papadopetros Hanah Papp Phyllis Reitzel Ross Claudia Barker Valente Linda Washkewicz

Psi THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY Founders’ Nancy Drenan Prendergast+ Betty French Unkel+ Sisterhood Rebecca Reed Cairns Joan Frankenberger Crawford Winifred Kneisley Huffman Marjorie Erskine Lasko Elizabeth Gans Lidington Suzanne Harvey Madison Rebecca McCurdy Linda Amick Safford Sarah Miller Smith^ Betty Cronin Webb Barbara Baas Wiltberger Donor Mary Anders Adams-Smith Nancy Dingledine Beck Jean Conaway Bice Jeanne Menyhert Campbell Kelle Gross Coy Lisa Boccabella DaLena Sarah Elsen Sue Riley Fackler Marilyn Kropp Harrer Lydia Blalock Harto Charlotte Sebald Heck Joyce Huffman Henline Mary Miller Horner Sue Crawford Hunt Mary Paul Johnston Ellen Dettra Kunst+

Fall | Winter 2011

Joan Brown Ladd Cathy Pierce Jean Bowman Reeder Carol Russo Shelly Rapp Schwartz Nancy Adams Slaymaker Charlotte Brokaw Thomas Marilyn Sloan Thompson Judith Rausch Warner Kim Creager Wilver+

Omega STETSON UNIVERSITY Founders’ Margaret Payne Greene^ Lydia Theurer Pfund Sisterhood Anneliese Hallsten+ Terry Wagner Ling Patricia Byrd Shamrock

Donor Lucy Ward Bodnar Marianne Boschert= Ann Burchett= Carolyn Howard Canouse Anna Foster Mildred Campbell Gibson Raegan Gillette= Laura Hill= Victoria Johnston= Candy Light= Kathryn Martin= Heather May= Julie Bevington Pierce Nancy Boblitt Tango+ Joseina Urrutia= Ruth Henrickson Webb

Alpha Delta OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY Lombard Julie Lambert+ Sisterhood Margaret Riggs Arndt Mary Jo Cox Capps Phyllis Gray Hann+ Linda McNulty Donor Kati Gray Austgen Janet Leonard Baillie+ Margaret Mix Bartley Janet Miller Bell Ruth Raz Bienz Carol Larson Eberlein Christine Nilsen Marciano Martha Vancamp Richardson

Alpha Epsilon

CORNELL UNIVERSITY Sisterhood Carol Mayer Utter+ Donor Alison Love= Lauren Wan=

UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Sisterhood Judith Sellevold LaBreche Jennie Morgan Lombard Alveris Bonnell VanFleet Corson Marian Sayward West+ Linda Rainwater Yates Donor Carolyn Weigold Anderson Jonette Taipale Cauvin Mary Lubienski Flanagan Jennifer Frohock-Hoffman Peggy Smothers Gluski June Miekka Hallenbeck Charlene Edwards Kelsey Virginia Neffner Misch Barbara Libs Murray Elizabeth Barber Murray Mary Kay Olson Marie Panchuk Beverly Gough Smith Roberta Shaw Stimac Beverly Stewart Stone Barbara Ramin Tuscher Margaret Neel Webber

Alpha Gamma

Alpha Zeta

COE COLLEGE Sisterhood Sandra Dahlstrom Kruger Pauline Huston Miller Patty Johnson Reynolds Frances McLaughlin Stauffacher+ Donor Dorothea Moser Huebner Beverly Keister Morlok-Finger Judith Thompson

UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA Donor Lisa Vaughn Hampton Anna Simmons Hefner Carlie Howle Rutledge

Alpha Beta

Alpha Eta

Alpha Theta

PURDUE UNIVERSITY Heritage Mary-Louise Haymaker Hill Symphony Mary Louise Mabis Rain^ Lombard Julia Naftzger Van Sickle+ Founders’ Kendra Becker Lewis^ Mary Ruth Hadley Snyder+ Sisterhood Sharon Ploch Bassler Susan Zuhl Bryant+^ Vicki Moore Capadona Diane McClure Dow+ Rebekah Fenstermaker Druetzler Allison Holtkamp+ Karen Kallstrom Jenkin Nancy Akers Kaney Jean Ellen Klick Lois Congram Myerholtz Anne Ruppe Shields Laura Watkins Skidmore Lois Osenberg Streed Doris Kenninger Stump+ Barbara Tower Williams Donor Julie Andrews Sharon Albert Balka Nancy Bennett Bray Pamela Miller Carpenter Helen Swisher Cobb Lemar Moreland Frank Marilyn Moores Hall Caitlin Hoefer+ April King Holmes Jeanette Jinks Horrall+ Betsy Stoten Kachmar Yee Yee Hammond Kuhn+ Nancy Goris Mills Janice Bryant Mitchener Nancy Hahn Morgan Doris McNary Onken Norma Strong Parker+ Kristi Brown Reininga Jane Potter Schollaert Donna Speck Smith Odel Butler Strange Theresa Busby Stripling Nancy Doyle Williams Alice Hrycak Wood Roberta Connolly Wygant+ Dianne Ensign Ziegler

NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY Heritage Mary Ellen Mates+^* Founders’ Jean Grommes Feehan Sisterhood Mary Bowman Fisher+ Jayne McLaren Gaw Nancy Wilhite Haldrup^ Rosejean Clifford Hinsdale Pamela Butler James Suzanne Mitton Petru Suzanne Ullmann Donor Patricia Murphy Dautel Joan Cameron Denton Angela Thelen Detty+ Virginia Hall Edahl Lorraine Talcott Hoopes Jane Parsegian Hovsepian+ Bettina Lubke Lorraine Etheridge Sorenson+ Ronaele Rudnick Whittington+

Alpha Iota DRAKE UNIVERSITY Sisterhood Nancy Polk Bogenrief Isoline Woodroffe Headstrom^ Margaret McCay Joni Lindale Williamson Donor Camilla Olson Blakeslee Jeannette Belke DeLost Janice Forret Doudna

Alpha Kappa KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY Sisterhood Sondra McQuillan Goar Phyllis Hadley Grittman Cynthia Collingwood Saunders Prudence McCracken Stewart+ Donor Pauline Baldwin Baskett Beverly Hale Beardmore Leann Brenner Joanna Wall Bushnell Marsha Isaacson Chaffee Caroline Perkins Clinger Sheila Dicken Collins+ Kathryn Connor Helen Stover Criss Deanna Degnan Ewers

Earnestine Sutter Gibb Lela Beck Glatz Marian Barnes Gudgell Sherry Lamoreux Humphrey Margaret Miller Meek Frances Scott Mettle Caroline McCain Peterson-Searls+ Karen Kemper Richards+ Joan Conover Schroeder Judith Dierdorff Stehley+ Martha Adams Toburen Annie Flagler Trotta Beatryse Palmer Vyff Theda Whelan Wendel Betty Clark Young

Alpha Lambda UNIVERSITY OF OREGON Sisterhood Jane Kutch Mercereau+ Ellen Wachtel Turner Donor Eleanor Saunders Mueller Patricia Clayton Smith Dolores Parrish Vrooman+

Alpha Mu OHIO WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY Symphony Marcella Smucker Clark Sisterhood Virginia Drick Messing+ Doris Cannell Price Patricia Williams Shires Jane Stone Donor Patricia Young Allen Patricia King Glasgow+ Helen Hartley Kuntz Leslie Martin Lederer Judith Melinsky+ Elinor Harper Spiller+ Sally Wenzel Strehle+ Elizabeth Dreisbach Vogt

Alpha Xi UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES Sisterhood Elizabeth Topkis Donor Patricia Dillon Clegg Elleen Hall Denahy Doris Wade Dey Allene Killough Harding

Margaret Tomalunas Holland+ Joan Knight Knowlton Jeanne Curry Laye Elsie Martin Rita Jensen Michener Carla Rausch Nelson Gloria Green Reinman Dorothee Taylor Roe+

Alpha Omicron HUNTER COLLEGE Sisterhood Margaret Hart Hanigan Donor Blanche Zahel Carney Gloria Cohen+ Marie Massa Hanna Cecilia La Rotonda

Alpha Pi MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE Lombard Tana Sterrett Scott+

Alpha Rho ALLEGHENY COLLEGE Cora Bollinger Block Jean Harkless Pond^* Donor Rebecca Stewart Carter Nancy Reed Chatfield+ Ruth Ralston Crawford Catherine Richards Twyla Holmstrom Sales

Alpha Sigma WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY Donor Edith Taylor Grube Joan Weber

Alpha Tau UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA Sisterhood Dolores Cimorell Knowlton Teddi Mackelden Donor Gloria Bullington Blackburn Patricia Koop Tracy Carol Williams Lois Taylor Williams+ Linda Fleming Xia


Foundation Alpha Phi

Beta Alpha

UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA Symphony Beverly Case Rorer+ Sisterhood Florence Parker Cole Rita Prescott Donor Ritalee Griffith Adams Elizabeth Skelton Ames Rebecca Russell Breed Jeanne Korns Clark Ellyn Buehl Gehrett Carolyn Kerr Hickerson Barbara Brunton Kime Edna Mills Lippart

UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS Lombard Sharon Brown Richardson Sisterhood Robin Hartman Lock+ Donor Dolly Dure Barclay Robin Soper Broumley Jenna Diamond Catherine Trame Galanti Kathryn Goza Maria Mendez Lewis Julie Lindsey Susan Garrott Raschke Monica Schafer+ Mary Ewing Seale Sharon Smith Diane Ditta Thornton+ Aida Kennedy Ziemnicki

Alpha Chi RANDOLPH-MACON COLLEGE Donor Margaret Mosteller Gamble

Beta Beta Alpha Psi UNIVERSITY OF DENVER Sisterhood Margaret Hooper Trible Donor Harriet Conner Hahn Loma Bowers Proctor

Alpha Omega FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY Lombard Linda Kotowski+ Sisterhood Donna Shaw Burton+ Jean Sauer DeFrances+ Diane Grant DeHon+ Elizabeth Fultz Derby Jan Sapp McNeill Janice Royer Sparks Sandra McNab Turnbull+ Donor Betty Nuttle Broman Virginia Gerretson Brooks Suzanne Strupp Skipper Perkins Eno Virginia Vaughn Fisher Sharon De Vore Gonzalez Barbara Guidos Barbara Curry Jungmeyer Christine Colpitts Kotowski Jean Landrum Langston Gale Jacoby Petronis Martha Powell Joan Reitsma Charlotte Abney Rudy

48 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY Sisterhood Elaine Doerbaum Seiler Donor Rose Burmeister Fahien Carol Keymer Gerhart Sondra Stonebraker Harrison Janet Ray Lemp Betsy Gnau Schapp Kay Thurman+ Mary Geisler Walsh+

Beta Gamma CENTENARY COLLEGE Sisterhood Mary Armbrust Harvey Emma Stewart Hood Sandra Whitlock Mauney Donor Mary Norris Gibson Jeanne Spence Pace Pheribie Monroe Prescott Ann Hutton Presley Mimi Curbelo Savio

Beta Epsilon MONMOUTH COLLEGE Symphony Delores Wachsmann Child+* Lombard Margaret Bozarth Kathryn Yager Brown+

Fall | Winter 2011

Sisterhood Susan Barrett Boelke Alice Pishan Croner Shirley Braucht DeWitt^ Sonja Zedigian Lowry+ Judy Maxwell Schaeffer^ Donor Marcia Brink Adair+ Julie Anell Ashley Blust= Joan Calhoun Holcomb Margaret Jones Janet Forbes Myers Lois Gradous Myers Michelle Tank= Barbara Guyer VanCura

Beta Eta UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND Heritage Jeanne Regus Kuller+^ Sisterhood Ilda Lunan Deming Michele Barone Hunn Donor Jean Vinella Addison Marian Gill Auer Lois Brassor Blevins Linda Cahow Kathleen Burke Clark Dianne Hanrahan Coughlan+ Joyce Gill Giard Kathleen Kearney Keeshen+ Betty Axt McCurry Lori Plazinski Carolyn King Scudder+ Edwina Myers Smith Dori Stibolt+ Foteni Tzanis Tiffany Nancy Stenger Todd Gina Bulko Yotz Anna Carroll Zink

Beta Theta MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY Sisterhood Mary Reed Arnold Mary Paule McMath Bierlein Carol Rice Choulochas Frances Minges Isaac+ Mary Pate Keiser Lois Taylor Leavitt+ Tracy Kleinschmidt Osborne Betty Berquist Secaur+

Donor Krystn Gilbertson Aversa Renee Johnson Barton Barbara Goodrum Breisch Bonnie Scogin Butera Linda Desorcie Karen Richey Forrester+ Nancy Baldwin Kinzie Ann Gronewold Percy Patricia Healey Rhode Marion Moi Rose Denise Greene Viebrock

Beta Iota LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY Sisterhood Joe Bales Graber Rhonda Shives+ Donor Sheila Malone Combs Andrea Patronas Fournet+ Waldia Warden

Beta Kappa BALDWIN-WALLACE COLLEGE Lombard Linda Lutz Dettmer+ Sisterhood Carol Anderson Haines+ Jody Dettmer Halley Nadine Leisz Marguerite Keppler Wilder Donor Barbara Behnke Ayres Louise Warner Hadley Nancy Jennings Jantsch Jeanne Vollman Pike+ Ellen Hershberger Reinhardt Bonnie Bender Sharp

Beta Lambda PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY Sisterhood Beth Cohen+ Lou Ann La Roche deRoode+ Helen Wojcik Fath Kathleen Harris Richardson Elissa Wellikson Ilona Ruth Zoldos Donor Margaret Frederickson Albright+ Leslye Ruth Bloom Anne Brash Burns Deborah Karkosky Covolus Carole Bashore Dietz Joan Elias Ellen

The Foundation thanks the following Sisters and friends demonstrating the highest level of commitment by donating $250 or more to the Foundation in the fiscal year to help inspire women to realize their potential.

Annual Giving Circles Presidents’ $2,500+ Quill $1,000-$2,499 Pearl $500-$999 Rose $250-$499

Presidents’ Margaret Bozarth, Monmouth College Denise Brown, Northern Iowa Marcella Smucker Clark, Ohio Wesleyan Lorene Currier, Washington Diane Curtis Gregory, Wittenberg Marilyn Herbes Horner, Nebraska at Omaha Jeanne Regus Kuller, Maryland Lyles Foundation Donor Advised Fund, Mary Mates, Northwestern Pauline Dale Platt, Gettysburg Jean Harkless Pond, Allegheny Mary Louise Mabis Rain, Purdue Harrison Stine, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta

Quill Kristin Olson Billingsley, Sonoma State Kathryn Yager Brown, Monmouth College George Brown, Jr., Friend of Alpha Xi Delta Evonne Carawan, North Carolina State Deanna Wollam Detchemendy, Cal. State, Northridge Jean Grommes Feehan, Northwestern Jane Dunlap Gaby, Tennessee Elysia Balster Gallivan, South Dakota Giles Memorial Foundation Ellen Gibson Goodwin,West Virginia Linnea Thodt Hadlock, Iowa Regina Willis Hawkins, Jacksonville State Linda Jean Kotowski, Florida State Wendy Kurtz, Indiana Julie Lambert, Oregon State Jennifer Bellas Lee, Old Dominion Jean Koza Leider, Iowa Kendra Becker Lewis, Purdue Bonnie Eiker Lightcap, Susquehanna Julie Schroder Lindsay, Marshall Robin Hartman Lock, Texas

Charlotte West Lewis Martin, Georgia Karolee Bunnie Wybenga Olsen, Nebraska at Omaha Omega Financial, Inc. Beth Henning Polizzotto, Illinois Nancy Drenan Prendergast, Ohio State Jane Fursey Ralston, Mount Union Christina Robertson, West Georgia Beverly Case Rorer, Pennsylvania Marianne Moritz Russo, Cal. State, Northridge Janice Zajac Sayatovic, Syracuse Alice Bliss Schmutz, Mount Union Jane Wilkens Schroeder, Nebraska-Lincoln Tana Sterrett Scott, Middlebury Kimberly Starr, Kentucky Jane Hooper Sutton, Western Carolina Marilyn Atwood Terry, UC Berkeley Julia Naftzger Van Sickle, Purdue Cheryl Johnson Weldon, Georgia Tech. Dorothy Williams, Western Carolina Shirley Albrecht Winckler, Iowa Alicia Woo, Georgia State Linda Bernd Wrench, Indiana

Pearl Ann Rienstra Abendroth, San Diego State Attic Plus Storage Nancy Polk Bogenrief, Drake Dianne Plattenburg Botefuhr, Northern Michigan Carol Malkmus Briggs, Ohio Ginny Carroll, Western Kentucky Alice Pishan Croner, Monmouth College Olive Gabriel Faries, Western Kentucky Martha Geppert, Illinois Patricia Bolin Glenn, Illinois Margaret Payne Greene, Stetson Anneliese Hallsten, Stetson Jim & Libby Hammond, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta Michelle Soderquist Hartnett, Nebraska-Lincoln Kelley Kitta Hundt, Georgia Tech Audrey Huthwaite, Frostburg State Nancy Akers Kaney, Purdue

Nell Stephenson Lynch, Georgia Tech Judith Moore, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta Anne Berlin Painter, Indiana Heather Kohler Patzer, Wisconsin Oshkosh Elizabeth Stuckert Ray, Kentucky Nadine Roberts, Frostburg State Kay Robinson Schanke, Carroll Lindsay Berney Sharpe, Tennessee Rhonda Shives, Louisiana State Laura Watkins Skidmore, Purdue Leslie Storey, Texas Wesleyan Nealy Patty Wheat, West Georgia Susan Winckler, Iowa Betty Tatar Wiseman, Central Michigan Susan Gibble Wolf, Gettysburg College

Rose Linda Foster Absalom, Old Dominion Ruth Goodman Akin, Northern Iowa Atlantic Video Corporation Sharon Ploch Bassler, Purdue Deb Beckworth, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta Vicki Bissell, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta Marcia Bowles Brown, Missouri Valley Emily Burke, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta Vicki Postas Byrne, Northern Colorado Kathleen Cates Cantarine, Cal. State, Northridge Courtney Caron, Cal. State, Fresno Virginia Clyde, Arizona Ilda Lunan Deming, Maryland Dilworth Development Inc. Sandra Weeks Doar, Georgia Tech Martha Guiney Duncan, Marshall Sandi Edwards, Kentucky Courtney Hankins Fluty, Texas State Marguerite Frick, Georgia Tech Gallery Services Inc. Yallah Gault, Mount Union Sondra McQuillan Goar, Kansas State Mary Goers, Wisconsin Madison Margaret Miesiaszek Griffith, Western Carolina Joan Peres Hansen, Cal. State, Fresno Katherine Hanson, Nebraska-Lincoln Judith Wilson Harrell, East Carolina Amy Williams Hopkins, Iowa Wesleyan College

Marilyn Gander Hornak, Ohio Marlene Labenz Hough, Nebraska-Lincoln Selma Jabaley, Georgia Tech Kinnucan Enterprises, Inc. Beth Berenschot Koenings, Wisconsin Madison Jennifer Emerick Kuntz, Northern Iowa Nadine Leisz, Baldwin-Wallace Heather Roberts Lerch, Rider Suzanne Abbott Lesiak, Bethany Sonja Zedigian Lowry, Monmouth College Karen King McConnell, Lombard/Knox Karen Hofelt McNeil, Indiana U of Pennsylvania Pamela McVeigh, Illinois Gwen Miller, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta Rebecca Neilson, Frostburg State Diana Twomey Oldag, Penn State Norma Strong Parker, Purdue Elizabeth Eberle Payette, Cal. State, Fresno Jenny Pelkey, Wisconsin-Eau Claire Suzanne Mitton Petru, Northwestern Joan Repath Pomfrey, Syracuse Margaret Eichel Potts, Wittenberg Elisabeth Rees, Albion Sharon Brown Richardson, Texas Deborah Johnson Robertson, Texas State The Rose Law Firm LLC Nicola Rutigliano, Hartford Janet Lahti Schultze, Iowa State Shade Family Foundation Janice Gertz Shedd, Ferris State Claudette Smith, Jacksonville State Janice Royer Sparks, Florida State Prudence McCracken Stewart, Kansas State Lois Osenberg Streed, Purdue Marian Harding Thompson, Illinois Elizabeth Topkis, UC Los Angeles Mary Kathryne Caussin Wiedebusch, West Virginia Penny Houck Woods, Cal. State, Fresno


Foundation Virginia Roe Grizzell Stacy Sydeski Hurt Sandra Zelek Lear Diana Twomey Oldag

Beta Mu BOWLING GREEN STATE UNIVERSITY Sisterhood Kathryn Hulse Stewart Donor Mallory Adams= Jane Gerdeman Bartholomew Kayla Baytosh= Nancy Brown Brockman Katelyn Casteel= Mackenzie Clawson= Sharon Gallion Denight Megan Dixon= Bridget Duch= Shannon Eagle= Vanda Tagamets Freeman Carestin Gilorioso= Margaret Quayle Hamilton Jessica Hayes= Shannon Hephner= Jasmin Hinerman= Kerin Hojnacki= Charlene Phillips Hughes Leigh Perkins Kesling Krista Long= Kelly Lyons= Holly Magnan= Lauren Meiring= Jessica Raburn Mormino Morgan Owens= Ashley Parrish= Diane Johnson Payne Jacqueline Kubinski Popielec Ashley Riggs= Jill Dupont Ritter Barbara Lopacki Sines Barbara Williams Stevens Maryann Zepka Thompson Patricia Schack Train Marjeanne Wiley Walters+ Susan Dickey Williams Staci Wuokko=

Beta Nu CULVER-STOCKTON COLLEGE Donor Darlene Myers Brickman Doris Paschall Foutes Alice Bailey Halberstadt Dorothy Gerding Harper

50 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Beta Xi MARIETTA COLLEGE Sisterhood Mary Wigley Baker^ Lucinda Spaney Donor Carol Knapp Adelaar Corin Bonnett= Suzanne Murray Bryce Danica Cunningham Caroline Mitchell Dawes Diane Rohm Faile Merrilynn Neidig Hayes Todd Aimee Weiss Lane Kimberly Nelson Charlotte Philpott+= Theresa Plant= Susanne Gettings Ray Nicole VanHorne=

Beta Omicron MISSOURI VALLEY COLLEGE Founders' Marcia Bowles Brown^ Donor Dolores Blew McHenry Judith Francis Parker Kay Steinhauser Perkins

Beta Pi INDIANA UNIVERSITY Lombard Linda Bernd Wrench+ Founders' Ella Bettinger Sisterhood Helen Geyer Czenkusch Irene Becker Harding Marilyn Lipsett Holthouse^ Ruth Bodle Houser Jane Lindenberg Keltsch+ Wendy Kurtz+ Bettsy Creigh Leib Alice Miller McRae+ Donor Ann Barnett Appel Myrna Kanning Bianchi+ Janice McBride Bobbs Georgia Rider DiPietro Margaret Sullivan Dulin Nancy Beldon Erp Jennifer Ralph Gance+ Lauren Jolly Jennifer Latour Helen Duell Livingston

Fall | Winter 2011

Anne Berlin Painter+ Barbara Parks+ Katherine Hill Sedgley Roselyn King Selmanoff Joyce Banker Stanton Vivian Schilling Surface Jill Thompson Susan Sovie Zanghi

Beta Sigma WEST VIRGINIA WESLEYAN COLLEGE Sisterhood Jeannine Burger Heath Harriett Whetsell Welshonce+ Donor Jennifer Pearce Aldrich+ Anna Young Brady+ Suzette Matt Carbaugh Roberta Berger Cox Amy Rossiter Crist Susan Sharpe Dotson Madison Edwards= Natalie Howard Margaret Royse Hull Stephania Kalentzis= Crystal Kramer Melinda Louise Lapan Ryann Moore+= Mary Dorsey Taylor Rachel Taylor= Alanna Torrey= Shirley Kincaid Walker+ Susan Beriault Williams+ Meghan Zayas=

Beta Tau KENT STATE UNIVERSITY Sisterhood Carole Vezse Henderson+^ Susan Eicher Mamber+ Margaret Daugherty Shaffer Marianne Bowden West Donor Tammy Jessen Andreyko+ Beverly Hudec Bellis Peggy Dickerhoff Coyne Kathleen Giles+ Lisa Goldberg Elizabeth Conrad Harris Kimberly Hutchison Laura Baltrinic King Sandra Downey Krueger Kathleen Downing Pownall+ Janet Zboray Wolf

Beta Upsilon UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND Sisterhood Rickey Zeidler Jiranek Donor Claire Wildprett Binns+ Gail Miller Black Anne Brown Cynthia Ferguson Campana+ Elizabeth Vallier Donnelly Terri Marcucci Fitch Rose Forcina Kozlow Joan Bottino McMillan Carole Colacurcio Olmsted Marilyn Romano Pellini Francine Siegel Stampnitzky Joan McDonald Stauble Diane Faber Treadway

Beta Phi UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT Donor Magdalen Pacelli Sparaco Margaret Lewis Wardle

Beta Chi GETTYSBURG COLLEGE Symphony Pauline Dale Platt+ Sisterhood Allison Englen Fort Nancy Wallace Paulson Donor Amy Priga Blavatt Amy Venable Ciuffreda+ Nancy Wing Dyer Debbie Eshbach Kelley Lynn Urniasz Jennifer Webster Susan Gibble Wolf+

Beta Psi CARROLL COLLEGE Founders' Kay Robinson Schanke+ Sisterhood Jeannie Schlaikowski Schultz+ Donor Beverly Goocher Clark Colleen Eberle= Sarah Karaba= Rebecca Kootstra= Linda Belke Maratea Melissa Schinker Reed+ Kathryn Schwarz Selby

Jacqueline Sholar= Gloria Bohn Smith+ Jayme Washington+= Diane Harwood Wilson

Beta Omega MEMPHIS STATE UNIVERSITY Donor Mary Jane Hillard Jones Hilda Chase Mullen Frances Norton

Gamma Alpha SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY Sisterhood Ann Rienstra Abendroth+ Sylvia Jennings Moore+ Sandra Morrison Karen Schnick Pelton Donor Linda Bewley Nancy Burgeson Sheryl Edson Harding Sylvia Luce Heitzmann Judith Herz Marjorie Good Maarten Karin Hagen Riggs+ Diane Murphey Witthauer

Gamma Beta MARSHALL UNIVERSITY Founders’ Martha Guiney Duncan+ Sisterhood Joan Chikos Auchter Julie Schroder Lindsay Deborah Fenwick Maas Carol Legg Young Donor Anna Mariotti Allen Brittany Amole= Anna Mackey Carothers Jill Collins= Linda Eakle Patricia Damron Evans Katie Fowler= Courtney Grimmett= Marjorie Minnix Heywood Megan Kelly= Gale Kelsey Carolyn Ladd Kennington Nancy Miller Lince Eileene Kerwood Pritt

Gamma Gamma

Gamma Zeta

UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA Sisterhood Virginia Clyde+ Virginia Bolas Philp^ Donor Sharon Parker Gunrud+ Anne Reinhart Leslie* Elizabeth Lloyd Ulmer

EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY Sisterhood Paula Pflepsen Brigham^ Donor Beverly Mills Dejarnett Sara Douglas Carol Holwey Stidham Susan Grossman Urbanek

Gamma Delta

Gamma Eta

UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA AT OMAHA Symphony Marilyn A. Horner+ Sisterhood Patricia Alderman Hatch Cheryl Eby Miller Karolee Bunnie Wybenga Olsen Donor Sandra Barry Bianchi Debby Whitehill Bloom Kimberly Coleman= Barbara Dohmen= Joan Eddy Syntha Judd Essex Laci Friesen= Gina Halbom= Catherine Haworth= Sharon Ishii-Jordan Mary Lausten= Ashley Lenagh= Barbara Magnuson Kathy Welniak McFarlin Jessica Nelson= Jacquelyn Pirtle= Tessie Seiler= Judith Jensen Tesar

GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Lombard Cheryl Johnson Weldon Janice Nease Wittschiebe+ Founders’ Jeni Yvette Smith Bogdan Marguerite Frick Kelley Kitta Hundt+ Selma Jabaley Elizabeth McQuillin Sisterhood Sandra Weeks Doar Deborah Williams Gower Joan Fisher Gross Elaine Ho Johns Cynthia Smith King Melissa Mangione Ludwig+ Nell Stephenson Lynch Lynette Raville Mathews Kelley Franzman Merck Kimbrough Pace Noonan Kimberly Coleman Sheppard Sally McRobert Wise Donor Mary Branham= Catherine Burns Bryan Deborah Bell Cruickshank Robyn Flegal= Ashlee Hatcher= Karen Smith Hughes Dawn Carrico Kabbes Carmen Lee= Jillian Lewis= Kathryn Mitchell= Alexandra Monroe= Lindsey Morgan= Mary Ribock= Elizabeth Vila=

Gamma Epsilon CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, FRESNO Founders’ Joan Peres Hansen Sisterhood Courtney Caron+ Penny Houck Woods Donor Margaret Barber Bartlett Joy Fagler Mallory Lutz Elizabeth Eberle Payette+ Regina Nikssarian Pryor+

Gamma Theta EAST TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY Donor Patricia Harr Nancy Jeannette Major

Retha Cole Patton Nancy McSwain Phipps Kathryn Westbrooks=

Gamma Iota LAMBUTH UNIVERSITY Sisterhood Carol Archer Lovell Anna Mullins Donor Margaret McCalla Luton

Gamma Kappa SUSQUEHANNA UNIVERSITY Sisterhood Bonnie Eiker Lightcap Suzanne Springer Zeok

Gamma Lambda UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE Lombard Jane Dunlap Gaby Sisterhood Sara Wilson Jacobus Lindsay Elyse Berney Sharpe+ Donor Linda Loucks Black Lucinda Tiller Cordo+ Debora Berry Davis Cynthia Morgan Furr Vera Sherrod Greer+ Elizabeth Wilson Henderson

Gamma Mu RIPON COLLEGE Donor Georgene Klaner Koblenz+ Pamela Loveless

Gamma Nu SOUTHEAST MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY Sisterhood Julie Robinson Donor Melissa Amlong Deborah Camenzind Craddock Alberta Dougan Elizabeth Elli Jennifer Frey+ Alberta Schatzle Germann Jennifer Gianino Jane Moonier Hudson Georgia Stergios


Foundation Gamma Xi

Gamma Tau

VALDOSTA STATE COLLEGE Donor Eileen Wachowiak Harris+ Sue Hilton Kenneally+ Brenda Underwood Sirmons Betty Louise Martin Stallings

OHIO NORTHERN UNIVERSITY Sisterhood Kathryn Westlake Donor Pamela Hunter Dishman Duane Meko Eberling Kaylene Evans Kelly Fields= Carrie Kashawlic+ Teresa Wynn Okrutny Kara Reynolds Patricia St Clair Smith Gail Teschner+

Gamma Omicron CENTRAL MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY Sisterhood Gretchen Larry Carter^ Susan Hopkinson Darold Betty Tatar Wiseman Donor Barbara Christi Bachman Margo Lawrence Baker Donna Parker Draper Anna Nash

Gamma Pi NORTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY Sisterhood Linda Michel Paul+ Donor Colette Crown Valerie Haun DellaPenna Marjory Stephens Fluegel Diana Cooper Gregory Dolores Gotkowski Killian Wendy Finger Miller Joy Braddy Monkemeyer Penny Chmielewski Perles

Gamma Upsilon UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA Sisterhood Paula Long Anderson Jo Ann Smith Evans Charlotte West Lewis Martin^ Donor Maxine Hubbard Burton Marie Montante Hall+ Linda Boyd Hodges Eloise Sutton Pino Helen Bird Rasmussen Linda Gorman Rodriguez+ Carol Lunceford Weaver

Gamma Phi

Gamma Rho

EAST CAROLINA UNIVERSITY Sisterhood Judith Wilson Harrell+ Nancy Milliken McAvoy

PARSONS COLLEGE Sisterhood Margaret Lippitt Buckles Donor Tamara Davis Hubler

Donor Peggy Ratley Economidis Judyth Eargle Hustrulid Glenda Phillips Norford Barbara Lamb Upchurch

Gamma Sigma

Gamma Chi

THIEL COLLEGE Sisterhood Monica Anderson Donor Ashley Ahrens= Angela Blackburn= Bonnie Wells Bonner Danielle Dwyer= Nancy Pribble Kephart Nancy Hawxhurst LeFevre Patricia De Angelo Robison Kayla Turek= Denise Cuteri Willson


52 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Gamma Psi FROSTBURG STATE UNIVERSITY Founders’ Nadine Roberts+ Sisterhood Sandra Priebe Day+ Audrey Huthwaite+^ Rebecca Neilson+ Marilyn Schaar Simmons* Mary Ellen Cunningham South

Fall | Winter 2011

Donor Marta Forwood Beaner+ Sheila Klase Benac Anne Brinsmade Kelly Morgan Griffin Susan Robinson Robin Merchant Spickler Dawn Haines Thomas Janet Gleason White

Gamma Omega HENDERSON STATE UNIVERSITY Sisterhood Sharon Brannon McCone+ Kathy Nicklaus Owrey Donor Patricia Callaway Daniel Corinne Hunt Greenberg+ Kristie Fox Johnson Kasey Moore= Jeani K. Nealy= Shannon Slatton Schwartz Lauren Watters=

Delta Alpha UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN LACROSSE Sisterhood Diane Gmoser Byrne Susan Quillin Donor Heather Petersohn Miller Elizabeth De Groot Russell Sharon Templin Tomarkin Barbara Lee Vanderploeg

Delta Gamma UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA AT KEARNEY Donor Linda Carskadon Schutte Diana Erpelding Wubbenhorst

Delta Delta NORTHERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY Founders’ Dianne Plattenburg Botefuhr+ Sisterhood Michelle Hiebel Todzy Donor Laura Anne Brubaker Ashley Grove= Tracie Grove Hart Roberta Smith Machata

Delta Epsilon UNIVERSITY OF NEW ORLEANS Sisterhood Maureen Turner Masson Donor Tracey Cannon+ Marilyn Muniz Silbernagel+

Delta Zeta C.W. POST CAMPUS OF LONG ISLAND UNIVERSITY Sisterhood Virginia Ruediger Melrose Donor Robin Minor Brennan Nicole Stiegelbauer Engels Karen Sabo Indusi Jessie Ternes=

Delta Eta CALIFORNIA UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA Sisterhood Barbara Williams Fetsko

Delta Theta ST. CLOUD STATE UNIVERSITY Lombard Marianne Clausing-Lee Sisterhood Carolyn Puzak Luken


Sisterhood Denise Halpern Lieberman Donor Jaclyn Applegarth Michelle Burichin Murray

Delta Mu OLD DOMINION UNIVERSITY Sisterhood Linda Foster Absalom Jennifer Bellas Lee Donor Deirdre Midgett Cook Carolyn Russell Cunningham Julie Ferguson= Jennifer Schepper Priest+ Ruth Whitehurst Sandifer Mary Harris Simpson Theresa Deal Wachal Elizabeth Way

Delta Nu

Delta Sigma

INDIANA UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA Sisterhood Karen Hofelt McNeil+^ Marijean Konopke Williams+ Leslie Kibler Wirtz+^ Donor Bonita Arndt Close Megan Horst Edith Paolina Klebacha+ Shirley Gausman Marchand+ Mary Christopher Preissner Bridget Fishburn Wade+ Christine Bewley Yurky

FERRIS STATE UNIVERSITY Founders’ Sara Pullis Molnar+ Sisterhood Janice Gertz Shedd^ Donor Margaret Dekker Danhof

Delta Xi GEORGIA STATE UNIVERSITY Sisterhood Lesley Conway Maggiore Tracy Andersen Roberts Alicia Woo Donor Erica Free= Elizabeth Greene= Brittany Hughes= Gail Brooks Turk Carol Spalding Wakamo Ashley Wampler= Elizabeth Zervakos=

Delta Tau UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN OSHKOSH Donor Bridget Hudzinski Buell Samantha Carlson= Michelle Mason= Heather Kohler Patzer+ Jessica Puhl= Silvia Santos= Amanda Sunila= Erin Zimmerman

Delta Upsilon

Arts & Letters Scholarship $750 to an undergraduate Sister majoring in fine or creative arts Melissa Erlick, Lycoming

Mary Burt Nash Scholarship $1,100 to a Sister entering or attending law school Elizabeth Fulton, East Carolina

Baker-Blish Scholarship $500 to an undergraduate Sister in any field of study Kelly Emery, Mount Union

Ruth Bartlett Nemec Scholarship $500 to an undergraduate Sister in any field of study Antonia DeFeo, Florida Atlantic

Carol Topping Barr Scholarship $1,200 to an undergraduate Sister of Gamma Beta Chapter Eden Adkins, Marshall

Dorothy M. Nichols Scholarship $550 for a junior or senior Sister majoring in math or science Taylor Common, Sonoma State Anabel Gilbert, Ohio Northern

Janice Sheldon Baumback Scholarship $700 to an outstanding undergraduate Sister Jayne Berglund, Iowa

Delores Wachsmann Child Scholarship $400 to an undergraduate Sister in any field of study Samantha Treutel, Wisconsin Oshkosh

Delta Chi

DEFIANCE COLLEGE Donor Patricia Stines Babcock Bonnie Clark Jefferis+ Nicole Lovins= Linda Laubenthal Sakemiller Carol Morgan Smerz

UNIVERSITY OF NORTHERN IOWA Lombard Denise Brown+ Sisterhood Ruth Goodman Akin+ Jennifer Emerick Kuntz+ Donor Katie Angwin= Elizabeth Cerveny= Lorelie Schutter Darrah Debra Bryson Goodman Kelsey Hastings= Michele McGinnis Kloth+ Jennifer Fordham Larrive Bailey Loebig= Juliana Junsen Mayne Darcey Noyce= Ann Brimm Pfaff Pamela Shannon Waters Emily Wilker=

CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY NORTHRIDGE Lombard Deanna Wollam Detchemendy+^ Founders’ Marianne Moritz Russo+^ Sisterhood Kathleen Cates Cantarine+ Susan Leeds-Horwitz+^ Debbie Levy Rubin Donor Sandra Posthumus Holcomb Linda Clark McMillan Shaun Shevach

Jayne Wade Anderson Scholarship $800 to outstanding sophomore Sister Kathryn Crowley, Auburn

Delta Phi

Delta Pi

Julie Lambert Sponsored Scholarship $1,000 to an alumna in any field of study Raelin Morgan, Embry-Riddle, Arizona Charline Blind Merrill Scholarship $1,250 for Sisters entering their first year of graduate school Kayla Aprile, Albion Kelcie Wittman, Wisconsin-Eau Claire

Ruth Fowler Brown Scholarship $950 to outstanding freshman or sophomore Sisters Jenell Riesner, Wisconsin Oshkosh Dixie Timms, Newberry


Delta Rho

Alpha Epsilon Scholarship $3,600 to alumnae in any field of study Michelle Spencer, Florida Atlantic


UNIVERSITY OF CHARLESTON Donor Doris Muller Burton Patricia Dodson Mary Lou Milam Entzminger Brenda Clark Lee

Delta Omicron

Foundation Scholarships

Founders’ Memorial Scholarship $520-$1,200 to Sisters in any field of study Lacy Duckworth, Nebraska at Omaha Jamie Goldenberg, C.W. Post Kara Jones, Christian Brothers Kristin Jones, Central Oklahoma Nicole Lindsley, Cal. State, San Marcos Gamma Zeta Chapter Scholarship by Michigan Alpha Xi Delta Inc. $1,000 to an undergraduate Sister of Gamma Zeta Chapter in any field of study Ashley Gerbi, Eastern Michigan Allison James Green Scholarship $1,100 to an undergraduate Sister majoring in education and/or special education Nicole Korn, Wisconsin Oshkosh Iota Xi Scholarship $1,700 to an undergraduate Sister of Iota Xi Chapter in any field of study Emilee Kaufman, Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Northern Virginia Alumnae Association Scholarship $700 for graduate study in a child-related field Janine Kesterson, Henderson State Jessie Pulcipher Scholarship $750 to a junior or senior majoring in journalism, radio, tv or communications Alexandra Schwarz, Sonoma State Mabel Gottburg Schoen Scholarship $1,000 to an undergraduate Sister in any field of study Alexandra Heuertz, Nebraska-Lincoln Spaulding-Mowry Scholarship $3,400 to a graduate Sister studying government or environmental affairs Katie McNeff, Texas State Ethel Garnier Thompson Scholarship $1,000 to an undergraduate Sister in any field of study Karin Dolinsek, Syracuse Kathryn Faul Wallace Scholarship $1,100 to an undergraduate Sister in any field of study Kayla Reeder, Cal. State, Stanislaus Richard and Sandra Gleason Walston Scholarship $900 to an undergraduate Sister of Nu Chapter in any field of study Tanya Chan, Washington Alicia Woo Sponsored Scholarship $1,000 to an undergraduate Sister in any field of study Jona Kristo, Illinois

Frances Trewyn Kuechenmeister Memorial Scholarship $2,000 to a junior who’s shown exceptional service to the Fraternity and her campus Erin McCreary, Auburn


Foundation Delta Psi TEXAS STATE UNIVERSITY SAN MARCOS Sisterhood Deborah Johnson Robertson Linda Dornbusch Schuessler

Donor Betty Robbins Bendall+ Frances Tomlin Dudenhoeffer Courtney Hankins Fluty+ Katherine Kravitz Jackson

Delta Omega WINONA STATE UNIVERSITY Donor Sue Kniebel Bergman+ Susan Hoblit Thurlow

Epsilon Alpha Slaymaker-Kinsey Academic Achievement Award $150 awarded to the member in each chapter who returned to school in fall 2010 with the highest GPA. Brittney Albin, Nebraska-Lincoln Emily Amsler, Georgia Tech Brittney Anderson, Boise State Kayla Andriate, George Mason Kaitlyn Antonelli, Elon Kayla Aprile, Albion Kelly Arko, Mount Union Kellie Armstrong, Nebraska at Omaha Patricia Ashmore, Rider Lauren Banks, Millersville Samantha Bare, Wingate Kacie Barnwell, Henderson State Allison Benshoof, Indiana Anna Bernhardt, North Carolina at Asheville Lindsay Beyeler, South Dakota Gina Black, Marquette Breanna Bohaty, Nebraska-Lincoln Emma Bolam, Western Michigan Cassandra Carlson, Purdue Sarah Casperson, St. Norbert Katelyn Casteel, Bowling Green State Mary Cebula, Eastern Michigan Norie Cescutti, West Georgia Kimberly Chase, Ohio Northern Alexandra Clemente, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Bridget Cunningham, Ohio State Marisa DeCandido, Syracuse Nicole DePasquale, Embry-Riddle, Florida Stephanie Dib, Monmouth College Julia Drinkard, Ohio Melissa Erlick, Lycoming Anna Fetchick, Southwestern Laura Finn, Marquette Jennifer Fleahman, Bethany Danielle Fletcher, Cal. State, Stanislaus Christine Flynn, Delaware Ann Marie Frappier, Nevada, Las Vegas Chelsea Gaylord, Iowa Anabel Gilbert, Ohio Northern Jamie Goldenberg, C.W. Post Sarah Gross, Northern Michigan Jaime Guardalabene, New Orleans Zoey Hartpence, Central Oklahoma Emily Hevrdeys, East Tennessee State Hayley Hogan, Georgia Tech Carlee Howe, Nebraska at Omaha Jennifer Hudson, Towson Meghan Jenks, North Carolina Wilmington Kiersten Johnson, East Carolina Andrea Karpinski, New Hampshire Megan Kay, Thiel Kara Kearns, Texas Nourhan Khaled, Brooklyn Megan Kinde, Ferris State

54 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Nicole Korn, Wisconsin Oshkosh Kayla Krauthamer, Washington Kaitlyn Lang, Cal. State, Fresno Tiffany Lear, Toledo Jessica Lepkowski, Penn State Anne Limbert, Wright State Salome Loera, Northern Michigan Kristin Lottman, Alabama at Birmingham Sarah Louk, Youngstown State Joanna Madamba, San Jose State Amy Mareske, Marshall Caitlin Mauragas, Georgia State Kate McFadden, Rochester Institute of Technology Jessica Merry, Dartmouth Amber Messner, Marian Ashley Morgan, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Ashlend Moss, Stetson Ashley Mully, Embry-Riddle, Arizona Kendra Murray, Iowa Wesleyan Alyssa Myers, Sonoma State Ashley Nickell, Missouri-St. Louis April O’Brien, Bethany Kelsie Olson, Nebraska at Omaha Alexandra Panson, Eastern Michigan Stephanie Paredes, Florida International Alexandra Pechenaya, Cal. State, Northridge Alyssa Pietrobono, Old Dominion Alyssa Pratt, Auburn Lisa Puente, Texas Wesleyan Briona Ramsey, Greensboro Katelyn Rathjen, Northern Iowa Elizabeth Rossi, Central Florida Sarah Scherr, South Dakota Bridget Schuld, Illinois Veronica Severn, North Carolina Wilmington Nicole Shirilla, Indiana U of Pennsylvania Jacqueline Sholar, Carroll Kimberly Short, Monmouth College Leslie Sloan, San Jose State Samantha Spencer, Idaho State Emma Sproul, Western Carolina Heather Storrar, Texas State Sarah Synovec, Nebraska Olivia Szyszko, Albany-SUNY Chelsea Taylor, Henderson State Heather Tellez, Southern Polytechnic State Michelle Vogel, Cal. State, San Marcos Cameron Volpe, Christian Brothers Karly Wallace, Wisconsin-LaCrosse Christine Widgren, Marietta Janis Wilkinson, Defiance Alisha Williams, West Chester Hannah Williams, Lyon Kelcie Wittman, Wisconsin-Eau Claire Elizabeth Young, South Dakota State Elizabeth Yurky, Thiel

Fall | Winter 2011

UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN EAU CLAIRE Sisterhood Penny Pugh Goodyear Jennifer Pelkey+ Donor Jenny Bomber= Samantha Boterman= Jada Brunk= Jennesa Davidson= Kathleen Dzurick= Alycia Fischer= Susan Peters Haug Megan Hetrick= Emily Hotchkiss= Kelli Groth Kracht Kristin Trettin Leverson Tara Lorence= Jennifer Mackley Caitlin Redmond= Jessica Sabelko= Haley Salaway= Kristin Van Den Broeke= Lori Winston-Gaede Kelcie Wittman= Samantha Worthingham=

Epsilon Gamma WESTERN CAROLINA UNIVERSITY Lombard Dorothy Sheldon Williams+ Founders’ Jane Hooper Sutton+ Sisterhood Myra Wiggins Grant Margaret Miesiaszek Griffith+ Donor Donna Cline Laverne Harris Crawford Deborah Jane Green Vickie Dinkins Long Jo-An Baggett Pittard Joyce Stiles Tessier Joy Bryson Turner


Sisterhood Donna Gettle Worthley Donor Carol Davies Demaio

Epsilon Zeta EASTERN WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY Donor Monica DeWitt Deborah Sekreta Elisabeth Beck Stuller+ Alexis Welch+

Epsilon Eta SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY Founders’ Michele Herbst Evink+ Sisterhood Kathleen Ingalls Donor Tara Tschetter Buchholz Amy Myers Chase Andrea Fouberg Marie Gustafson Williams

Epsilon Theta WEST LIBERTY UNIVERSITY Sisterhood Margaret Cox Johnson+ Donor Diana Young Carroll Debbie Dull Duff Laurie Kinter Jones Karen Poach Linn+ Kimberly Carter Stevenson+ Cynthia Levelle Weppler

Epsilon Iota NEWBERRY COLLEGE Donor Deborah Wessinger Graham

Epsilon Kappa WESTERN KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY Founders’ Ginny Carroll+ Olive Gabriel Faries+ Sisterhood Paige Faries+ Katharyn Faries Herndon Donor Susan Buhay Du Part Patricia Hill Marshall Christi McGown Kristin Stuedle

Epsilon Lambda RIDER UNIVERSITY Sisterhood Heather Roberts Lerch Michelle Supplee Reda+ Judith Dispenza Stabile^ Donor Julie Berwald Claudine Caro+ Jaclyn Giameo Toni-Lynn Gross Rukiya Henderson Rikki Herman Christine Young Hoffman Clare Giovannetti Longworth Susan MacDade Paluskiewicz+ Deborah LaCorte Schneider Susan Buddine Simms Cheryl Epstein Tier

Epsilon Mu UNIVERSITY OF NORTHERN COLORADO Sisterhood Diane Andrich Vicki Postas Byrne Donor Valerie Bird Bass Michelle Ellwanger+ Margaret Larsen Fazzio Kimberly Anderson Galloway Vicki Plummer Gardner MaryAnn Terminello

Epsilon Nu UNIVERSITY OF HARTFORD Sisterhood Nicola Rutigliano+ Donor Kimberly Bulger Lois Jacobs Seri Pedersen Pasmeg

Epsilon Xi UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI ST. LOUIS Donor Jaclyn Ahlemeyer= Elisa Pagano Boyer+ Michele Smith Dunaway Diane Harrison+ Michelle Henderson= Erin Jenkins=

Karen Wyka Kapral Kendall Meloy= Charlotte Brown Phelps Stephanie Soleta Purnell+

Epsilon Omicron OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY Donor Becky Burton Greenwade Jill Shrontz Tenzythoff

Epsilon Pi JACKSONVILLE STATE UNIVERSITY Founders’ Regina Willis Hawkins+^ Sisterhood Saralyn Crawford Mitchell+ Claudette Smith+ Donor Chelsie Brock Margaret Burt Collins Holly Esch Faye Thompson Helms Iris Boone Hinton Kaci Smith Ogle+ Tracie Teem Sessoms

Epsilon Sigma GEORGIA SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY Sisterhood Monica Burke Ann Spalding Cochran

Donor Elizabeth Elijah Rebecca Owen Thelma Merck Parker

Epsilon Tau CENTRAL MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY Donor Teresa Ankenbauer Feutz

Epsilon Phi IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY Symphony Nancy Fehrmann Gainer Sisterhood Sharon Gross Duyzend Judy Kay Erickson+ Donor Elizabeth Tursi Cosner Amy Gaffney-Ingalls Amy Kraenzlein

Matching Gifts and United Way Support

• Michelle Ellwanger, Northern

The following Sisters received credit to their giving total by participating in their employer’s matching gift program or by designating Alpha Xi Delta to receive funds through their United Way contribution. Check with your human resources representative to see if your employer participates in either of these programs.

• Nell Stephenson Lynch, Georgia Tech:

Colorado: First Data Corporation The Clorox Company • Heather Kohler Patzer, Wisconsin

Oshkosh: UPS • Elizabeth Eberle Payette, Cal. State,

Fresno: United Way - Kaiser Permanente • Jenny Pelkey, Wisconsin-Eau Claire:

• Anonymous, United Way - Aegon USA Inc • Dianne Plattenburg Botefuhr, Northern

Michigan: United Way - Allstate • Denise Neill Bowers, North Texas: Sumner School District #320

United Way - Wells Fargo • Nicola Rutigliano, Hartford: United Way - Pratt & Whitney • Jane Wilkens Schroeder,

Nebraska-Lincoln: Monsanto

• Kiyoko Farrington Czech, Iowa: Dex One Corporation

Barbara Straight Marr Janet Lahti Schultze+ Tiffany Hopper Vokt

Epsilon Psi BOISE STATE UNIVERSITY Donor Mikayla Dorsey= Kendall Pearce=

Epsilon Omega UNIVERSITY OF NORTH TEXAS Donor Denise Neill Bowers Candace Battenfield Sawyer+

Zeta Beta CLARION UNIVERSITY Donor Dorinda Barnett Eckenroad Carolyn Butterfield Meisinger+ Christine Shellgren Sober

Zeta Gamma UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI Donor Wendy Mikell Piepke+ Elizabeth McCoy Walley

Zeta Epsilon EDINBORO UNIVERSITY Sisterhood Kathy Lee Pape Donor Linda DeFilippo

Zeta Eta WEST CHESTER UNIVERSITY Donor Carolyn Rylko Conwell Karen Ferrey Melanie Holwood Tiffani Kinard= Catherine Cahill Macrina+ Jessica McEntee= Justina McEntee= Mary Hallman Richards+

Zeta Theta WRIGHT STATE UNIVERSITY Sisterhood Kimberly Strong Donor Jan Dorrough Austin Patricia Camden Izor Michele Thompson Richmond Julie Lewis Stratman

Zeta Iota LYON COLLEGE Sisterhood Allison Turner Kimes+

Donor Peggy Pinson Ford Sarah Harvey Emily Roberts Malin Mary Pierce Norton Heather Mize Skinner+


Foundation Zeta Kappa UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH JOHNSTOWN Donor Diana Pieczynski Downing

Betty Steger-Moulton Dawn Rylee Winkler Lynnette Woodlief Winkler Sarah Wood Kelly Zuidema=

Zeta Lambda

Zeta Omicron

TEXAS WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY Sisterhood Leslie Storey+ Donor Sandra Stockton Caffee Rebecca Ross DeLong Joanna White Furlong Toni Ubinger Jaixen

UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA Sisterhood Mary Beth Hundley Katherine Listwan Martin+ Piper Smith+ Donor Amy Newberry Bratten Joan Clark+ Jennifer Owczarski Floro


Donor Faye Ann Gehring

Zeta Nu MIAMI UNIVERSITY Donor Kathleen Seith Corso Amber Ziemba McCarty+ Elizabeth Falloon Wetzel Allison Zackaroff

Zeta Xi AUBURN UNIVERSITY Sisterhood Leslie Wallace Taylor+ Donor Kristi Beams Anderson Michelle LeNoir Collier Alexandria Dudley= Lucy Edwards= Alyssa Eidbo Julie Feldman= Courtenay Frew Amber Hubbard Emily Ikner= Megan Kidd= Lauren Lomax= Martha Atkins Magnuson Patricia Cornwell Miller Jennifer Gillis Moore Katherine Moreman April Lynne Bell Nelson Kathleen Beam Peeples Patti Plath= Alyssa Pratt= Emily Queen Jennifer Slay= Carolyn Smith

56 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Zeta Rho NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY Sisterhood Evonne Carawan+ Donor Jenny Hagler Knight+

Zeta Sigma HILLSDALE COLLEGE Donor Angela Dedmon Carlo Courtney Kaye Dykstra Leslie Caldwell Shearer

Zeta Tau UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA at ASHEVILLE Sisterhood Suzanne Cantando+^ Rebecca O'Bryon+ Donor Wendy Davis Guyer

Zeta Upsilon ALMA COLLEGE Donor Cathleen Curley Jessica Kotas Eng+ Jenny Greyerbiehl+ Ronda Guimond Heidi Wahl LaFever Elizabeth Weber Williams

Zeta Phi BINGHAMTON UNIVERSITY, SUNY Donor Kellie Bradley McPoyle Lisa Taylor

Fall | Winter 2011

Zeta Omega

Theta Gamma

UNIVERSITY OF WEST GEORGIA Sisterhood Valerie Cobb Mallon Christina Robertson+^ Nealy Patty Wheat+ Donor Kelly Camp= Patricia Fostvedt Shannon McGouirk Gardner+ Lauren Hanson= Amber Jackson= Kelsey Joseph= Emily Marshall= Katherine Middleton= Emily Spruill= Katie Thomas= Amy Wade=


Theta Beta

Theta Eta

SONOMA UNIVERSITY Founders’ Kristin Olson Billingsley+^ Sisterhood Jennifer Knowles Elliott+ Donor Rachel Amato= Lindsey Berg= Barbra Bower= Kiah Buchner= Natalia Pascual Forrer= Rosie Geranio= Jennifer Guerrero= Jamie Henry= Stacey Hill= Tricia Moreno Jefferson Jennifer Jensen= Dana Johnson= Erin Kochiyama Kathryn Kory= Jessica Swanson LaBrenz Allison Long= Jamie Montalban= Alexandria Moricca= Lauren Morse= Nicole Ortega= Riley Pennington= Brogan Perrelli= Nicole Rath= Maragaret Rockdale= Brittany Ross= Stephanie Sanchez= Brittney Smith= Emily Stone= Lauren Wilkins=


Theta Delta TOWSON UNIVERSITY Donor Julia Brines Wittenberg

Theta Epsilon MARQUETTE UNIVERSITY Sisterhood Danica Vanasse Olson+ Donor Claire Cushing= Mary Dinolfo Eldridge Alexis Pero

Theta Lambda SOUTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY Donor Jenna Hardy

Theta Mu CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY Donor Alison Nee Calderone Eve Proper

Foundation Grants and Awards Zelma Patchin Continuing Education Program Grants Awarded to alumnae seeking professional development in a nondegree program • Margaret Arden, Elon : $1,000 to support her attendance at the University of Illinois - Chicago’s online certificate course in Nonprofit Management Dorothy Clarkson Dodd Grant Provides registration fee to the Undergraduate Interfraternity Insistute • Bailey Hamm, Florida Atlantic AmaXIng Challenge Grants Awarded to empower and support chapters and associates in growing their events and fundraising capabilities in support of Autism Speaks. • Zeta Xi Chapter, Auburn • Theta Phi Chapter, Alabama at Birmingham

Theta Nu

Theta Upsilon

Iota Theta

ELON UNIVERSITY Donor Kimberly Poe Rebecca Ragans


SOUTHERN POLYTECHNIC STATE UNIVERSITY Donor Amanda Benson Hicks+ Carrie Ann MacArthur=


Theta Pi CHRISTIAN BROTHERS UNIVERSITY Donor Kaylea Brewer= Brittly Butler= Kathleen Gillon Rachel Haag= Kara Jones Kalli Powers= Erin Scherer= Melissa Woods

Theta Rho CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY SAN MARCOS Donor Kelsey Cross= Ashley Davison= Julie Duggan= Taylor Likins= Kelsey McCarthy= Molly Morgan= Gillian Dixon Simcox

Theta Sigma UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL FLORIDA Donor Chelsea Dickson= Kelsey Fleeger= Megan Geisler= Jennifer Gibson= Alexandra Gloin= Christina Lamb= Christy Lopez= Jennifer Luli= Clara Maynor= Ashley Nettles= Casey Roberts= Nicole Valdes+=

UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA AT BIRMINGHAM Donor Kristy Keith Baker Katelyn Englert= Mekhala Garvin Regan Grimm Candice Lambert= Christina McGuinness= Cristina Piazza= Camille Pitman= Marta Price= Laura Weems Tull Allison Wade=

Iota Lambda ST. NORBERT COLLEGE Donor Elizabeth Fonferek= AnnMarie Marlier

Iota Mu LYCOMING COLLEGE Donor Nina Cline= Mel Entz= Emily Rogers= Whitney Ropka Stephanie Van Der Wal=

Theta Chi UNIVERSITY OF TOLEDO Donor Heather Boley= Lisa Carlin= Jennifer Davis= Erica DeVantier= Tiffany Lear= Caitlin Naylor= Katelyn Weber=

Theta Psi DARTMOUTH COLLEGE Donor Aisling Galligan= Casey Gardiner= Johanna Hauer Katrina Nice=



Theta Tau

Iota Zeta

MARIAN UNIVERSITY Donor Nicole Spittel


Iota Xi WORCESTER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE Donor Jacqueline Ciesynski= Ryan Doherty= Melanie Donahue= Dora Fiske= Colleen Heath= Kimberly Martilla= Stephanie Munion= Kayla Schutte=

Iota Omicron SAN JOSE STATE UNIVERSITY Donor Hayley Robinson McCarthy Megan Smith Emily Sun

Alpha Deuteron Sisterhood Jacquelyn Lyerly+ Donor Cornelia DeLee Dorothy Meyer

Friends of Alpha Xi Delta Heritage Harrison Stine+* Symphony George Brown Jr.

Lombard Lyles Foundation Donor Advised Fund^ Omega Financial, Inc.+ Sisterhood Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity Giles Memorial Foundation Donor Jon & Jess Allen Janine Almandos John & Nancy Alsup+ June Anthony Jean & Pat Apps Atlantic Video Corporation Attic Plus Storage Eleanor & Vincent Avallone Pam Banks Jill & Alec Barclay Linda Bardzell Joan Barton Deb Beckworth+ Carl & Joyce Berg Bikki Bevelhymer-Chiang Vicki Bissell+ Pam & Bob Bonnett Mary & Ron Boosey+ Brad Litkenhous DBA Auburn Dental Associates Toscha & Michael Brady+ Kim & Andy Bringhurst Laurie & Joseph Brofsky+ Michael & Lydia Brown Tracey Buckingham Joe & Rosina Buongiovno Emily Burke Wendy Callicoat Lori & Kevin Campbell Saundra Carter Marvin & Debbie Carver James Cash Greg & Debbie Casperson Henny Chan Leslie Chase Committee To Elect Tom Whatley For Senate Lori Connors Frank & Marlene Cornell+ Ray & Marsha Coslet Patti Culp Dennis & Carole Cunningham Mark & Ann Danger Chris & Donna Daniel Deanna Davies Mike & Keli Davies Delta Sigma Chapter of Delta Gamma Fraternity


Foundation Ben & Jo Anne Dibble

Jim & Libby Hammond+

Steve & Lori Matusek

Tom & Tammy Selig

Brooke Dilworth

Mylynn & Wade Hanson

Emiko McConnaughey

Patricia Setlock

Dilworth Development Inc.

Jerold & Paulla Harris

Emily McDade

Shade Family Foundation

Mary & Bill DiSomma

Julie & Paul Harris

Lawrence & Judith McElynn

Al & Laurie Siebert

Gwen Dixon

Shelly Harris

Leslie McNicholas

Jean Simpson

Susan Dixon

Wendy Harris

Pat & Loyd Meloy

Victoria Slama

Laura Doerre

Claire Hauth

Don & Roxann Melson+

Herman Smith

Gene Dorenkamp

Jim & Shelle Hayette

Pat Merrill

Lois Smith

Mike Drehobl

Jack Heimerdinger

Gwen Miller

Zane Smith

Dennis & Eileen Drenikowski

Steve & Katie Hembrough

Denny Moller

Susan Smrek

John D’Sa

Ed & Leslie Hojnowski+

Judith Moore

John & Jenny Sojka

David & Mary Dudek

Ruth Holliway

Patti Moultrie

Jordan Spencer

Michael & Donna Dunkle

Karen & Randy Holly+

David Mountain

Carol Spigner

Natalie Duval

Willis North American Inc.

My Favorite Things

Anne & Roger Stallkamp

East Alabama Medical Center

Kirk & Vicki Ingall

Frank & Susan Naylor

Patricia & Kurt Stankus

John & Maureen Edmondson+

Tracey Jacobs

Karen & Gary Nelson

Belle & Mark Stasenko

The Education Group of Alabama LLC

Virginia James

Chris Nemlich

Alix Story

Ken & Kelly Elli

Rich & Lori Jensen

Keith & Pam Nemlich

Jay & Cathy Strauch

Celeste & David Ellich

David & Polla Johnson

Tammy Newsome

Ann & Bruce Supernault

Jaine Eney

Johnston & Malone Book Store, Inc.

Olivia Hortenstine Esthetic Services

Jill Sweeney

Diane & Frank English

Suk Hee & Watana Kaewsowatana

Robin & Blair Orr

Colleen Teren

Clinton Eppleman

Gwen & Rob Kanastab

Mary Ortman

Maria Toll

Debra & Edward Faltisek

Michael & Debra Kazaitis+

Brendan & Faith O'Sullivan+

Becky Tollari

Kerry Fannon

Jill & Dave King

Ramiro & Liza Pabalate

University of West Georgia

Faye Yarnell

Kinnucan Enterprises, Inc.

Jeff & Carole Peek

Lorenzo Villa

Tracy & Jeff Fehrenbacher

Kiwanis Club of Lee County

Rick & Debbie Perez

Larry & Kathy Visk

Liz Fenton

Mark & Judy Klein

Susanne Picone

Eve & Bob Wachtel

Cecil & Joyce Fields

Dr. & Mrs. David Koch

Karl & E Leng Piotrowski

Joann Waiters

Jim & Cindy Flynn

Janet & Doug Kocher

David Plummer

Michael & Missy Wasilick+

Beverly & Milton Fonferek+

Diana Krieski

Betty & Norman Pollock

Bill & Lisa Watkins

Gene & Judy Francis

John Krug

Helene Prevosti

Tim & Kim Wheatley+

Christine & Arthur Frauendorfer

Brian & Jodi Kueker

Debby Pyle

Traci & Greg Wiggins

Nancy Freimuth

Jennifer Nord Lange

Keith Quintavell+

Diana Wilson

Ken & Brenda Frerker

Greg & Judy Latronica

Scott & Lee Ann Radell

Greg & Gina Winslow

Friends of Ted Little

Michael & Dorothy Lauber

Oscar Recinos

Louis Wood

Leah Frim

Robyn & Tod Lawrence

Michelle Reed

Tammy Wuestenberg

Shirley & Randy Fuchs

Edward & Janet Lee

Rex & Judy Rice

Bill & Denise Wurster

Gallery Services Inc.

Spencer Lee

Judi Hobin Rix

Anna Yeager

Fred Gantt

Bob & Lisa Leibrand

Annette Rosato

Patricia Yoder

Felicia Gardner

Charles Lerch

The Rose Law Firm LLC

James & Lesa Young

Sharon Gaspard

Bert & Kathy Leroux

Jack & Susan Ross

Jerry & Sheryl Zayic

Denise & Stephen Georgian

Levin Porter Associates Inc.

Michael & Susan Roth

Allan & Lorena Zuehl

Mary Girou

David Lewis

John & Theresa Rovi

Bob Goodenough

Bruce & Lana Jo Licht+

Kristine Russell

Vicky Gosine

Maria & Nick Liverani

Leslie Rutan

William & Marla Gould

Kay Locher

Mark & Judy Sablatura

Linda Graf

Kim Longfellow

Sabina Sanders

Baltazar & Cynthia Granillo

Rebecca Lucas

Israela Saper

Juanita Greer Sullivan

James Lynch

Leslie Schaub

Ralph & Esther Grimm

Andrew Mackey

Mervin & Carol Schneider

Rose Guerrero

Melvin & Kim Mann

Tobi & Gary Schwartz

Arthur & Jane Hadley

Elizabeth Manning

John & Vicki Seeck

Cindy Hallsten

Carla Marro

Diane & Joe Seeger

58 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Fall | Winter 2011

Valentine’s Day Gifts Every year, the Alpha Xi Delta Foundation recognizes daughters honored by their parents with a Valentine’s Day gift to the Foundation. This has been so popular that this year, we decided to expand it so, anyone could send a personalized Alpha Xi Delta Valentine to remind her valentine how special she was. The following is a list of all the women who were honored with a Valentine’s Day card that included a personal message from her loved one.

Amanda Almgren, Eastern Washington Margaret Alsup, Lyon Shelby Apps, Georgia Tech Dana Avallone, Delaware Anahid Avedesian, Rhode Island Donna Holcombe Banks, Texas Wesleyan Lauren Banks, Millersville Courtney Bante, Purdue Anna Barclay, Purdue Arielle Bardzell, Central Florida Lauren Chesnut Barker, Maryland Katherine Baumann, Cornell Sarah Beckworth, Texas Jessica Berg, North Carolina Wilmington Melanie Berney, Tennessee Barbara Oras Blatchford, Northern Illinois Corin Bonnett, Marietta Jennifer Boosey, Illinois Joanne Braucher, Albion Lindsay Brewer, Dartmouth Emma Brofsky, Cornell Callie Brown, Purdue Mary Ellen Shellenberger Brown, Central Michigan Ariel Buchholz, New Hampshire Leigha Buongiorno, Auburn Sarah Buszka, Carroll Kathleen Sullivan Callahan, Rhode Island Kianne Campbell, Kansas State Katelyn Carter, Jacksonville State Barrett Carver, Elon Sarah Casperson, St. Norbert Julianne Berney Ceravalo, Tennessee Tanya Chan, Washington Kimberly Chase, Ohio Northern Juliet Clark, Texas Laura Clevenger, Purdue Eden Cooney, Ohio Kelly Coslet, South Dakota Emily Danger, Monmouth College Nicholette Daniel, Northern Iowa Allison Davies, Indiana Susan Davies, Georgia Tech June Hales Deindoerfer, Missouri Valley Bethany Dibble, Kent State Nerina DiSomma, Dartmouth Emily Dixon, Ohio State

Hannah Dorenkamp, Southeast Missouri State Traica Drehobl, Sonoma State Alexa D’Sa, Indiana Emily Dudek, Georgia Tech Erin Dunkle, Embry-Riddle, Daytona Beach Lorna Edmondson, Illinois Emily Edwards, Indiana Elizabeth Elli, Southeast Missouri State Katarina Ellich, Stetson Elizabeth Eney, Syracuse Nicole English, Florida Atlantic Megan Maiolo Eppleman, Lycoming Epsilon Eta Chapter, South Dakota State Epsilon Zeta Chapter, Eastern Washington Hannah Esch, Jacksonville State Marylyn Sayle Evarts, Ohio State Michele Herbst Evink, South Dakota State Ashley Faltisek, Southwestern Kelly Fields, Ohio Northern Hankins Fluty, Texas State Angela Flynn, Alma Elizabeth Fonferek, St. Norbert Amanda Francis, Nebraska-Lincoln Sarah Freimuth, Wisconsin Oshkosh Alyssa Frerker, Southeast Missouri State Chelsea Fuchs, Nevada, Las Vegas Kelly Gapinski, Rider Alyssa Georgian, Syracuse Courtney Gibbs, Georgia Tech Ellen Gibson Goodwin, West Virginia Shanta Gosine, Texas State Gretchen Gould, Nebraska-Lincoln Nicole Graf, St. Norbert Yaisah Granillo, Texas at El Paso Martha Small Greenlaw, Texas Jessica Greyerbiehl, Alma Jennifer Guerrero, Sonoma State Sharon Hall, Wittenberg Anneliese Hallsten, Stetson Abigail Hammond, Purdue Emily Harris, Texas Michelle Harris, Kansas State Cookab Hashemi, Maryland Kristin Hauth, Towson Caroline Hawkins, daughter of Gina Willis Hawkins, Jacksonville State Alyssa Hayett, Iowa Christina Heimerdinger, NebraskaLincoln Alissa Hembrough, Illinois Jennifer Bauer Henson, Wittenberg Gachia Kiburz Hoefer, Nebraska-Lincoln Lindsey Hojnowski, Ohio State Alana Holly, Syracuse Stefani Magnino Holmes, Bethany Alexandra Van Hook, Cal. State, Northridge Meagen Hudson, Southeast Missouri State Victoria Hunter, Tennessee Chelsea Ingall, Indiana

Carley James, Embry-Riddle, Daytona Beach Brooke Jensen, South Dakota State Whitney Johnson, Marshall Mary Elizabeth “Betsy” Stoten Kachmar, Purdue Sarah Kaewsowatana, Towson Allison Kazaitis, Illinois Jennifer Kazaitis, Illinois Margaret King, Purdue Heidi Klein, Wisconsin-Eau Claire Lauren Kocher, Wingate Paige Korn, South Dakota Megan Krzynowek, Ohio Jenna Kueker, Texas Emily Latronica, Cal. State Stanislaus Michelle Lauber, Florida Atlantic Alexandra Lawrence, Elon Joan Gillespie Lawson, Rhode Island Bernardine Verde LeBeau, Rhode Island Claudia Lee, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Jennifer Bellas Lee, Old Dominion June Fursey Lee, Mount Union Carolyn Leibrand, West Chester Vicky Leroux, San Jose State Missy Lewis, daughter of Kendra Becker Lewis, Purdue Briana Licht, Nebraska Omaha Kellee Liverani, West Chester Marijon Lococo, Kentucky Avery Lucas, Elon Deborah Fenwick Maas, Marshall Judeth Macrina, West Chester Susan Eicher Mamber, Kent State Jessica Matusek, Kansas State Erin McGaughey, Rhode Island Jayme McKeever, Christian Brothers Nelle McNicholas, Indiana Kendall Meloy, Missouri-St. Louis Samantha Melson, Central Florida Sandra Klinger Meyer, Penn State Carol Miller, Grandmother of Lindsay Berney Sharpe, Tennessee Lori Miller, Youngstown State Cynthia Morales, Purdue Juliana Neesvig, niece of Courtney Jennifer Nelson, Wingate Megan Nemlich, Cornell Abbie Orr, Ferris State Leigh Ortman, Syracuse Dana Pabalate, Christian Brothers Kelci Pearce, Christian Brothers Courtney Peek, West Georgia Chelsea Perez, Central Oklahoma Joy Piotrowski, Dartmouth Laura Pope, Illinois Cassandra Pyle, Kent State Elizabeth Pynsky, Eastern Washington Raelynn Quintavell, Washington Lauren Radell, Southwestern Jennifer Randall, Maryland Carol Recinos, Christian Brothers

Lauren Rice, Embry-Riddle, Arizona Sharon Brown Richardson, Texas Christina Robertson, West Georgia Mary Roffman, Northern Iowa Regina Rosato, Kent State Leah Ross, Dartmouth Amanda Roth, Southeast Missouri State Christie Rovi, Texas State Christie Rutherford, Tennessee Nicki Sablatura, Texas Jenna Saper, Binghamton Virginia Pippen Satterfield, Florida State Anne Schaub, Southeast Missouri State Catherine DeMuth Schiele, Iowa Brittany Schwartz, Delaware Kristen Seeck, Northern Iowa Sara Seeger, Towson Carissa Shuler, Marshall Katie Simpson, Eastern Washington Lucy Simpson, Lyon Alexandra Smith, West Virginia Brittany Sojka, Cal. State, Northridge Amanda Sorensen, Embry-Riddle, Daytona Beach Amy Sosny, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Kimberly Spigner, Old Dominion Chelsea Stankus, Auburn Kimberly Starr, Kentucky Bridget Stasenko, Ohio Lynne Rogers Steigerwalt, West Chester Haylea Sullivan, North Carolina Wilmington Hope Supernault, Marietta College Allison Sweeney, West Chester Jessica Tellez, Texas at El Paso Mackenzie Teren, New Hampshire Shannon Tollari, Ohio Joy Bryson Turner, Western Carolina Amanda Uterhark, Mount Union Melinda Vallejo, Florida Atlantic Kristina Visk, Kansas State Allison Wachtel, Towson Kelsey Watkins, Jacksonville State Nealy Wheat, West Georgia Tiffany Wheatley, East Tennessee State Taylor Wiggins, Alabama at Birmingham Elizabeth Wilson, Southwestern Amanda Winslow, Texas Alicia Woo, Georgia State Christina Wood, Western Michigan Chelsie Smith Woods, West Virginia Wesleyan Chelsea Wurster, Indiana U of Pennsylvania Mae Lin Xia, Alabama at Birmingham Kathryn Yoder, Delaware Jessica Young, Illinois Betsie Keeler Zeedyk, Alma Lauren Zuehl, Texas


Foundation Memorial Gifts

Kathryn Chittenden Haines,

Maureen Bland Pearcy, Maryland

Jennifer Awrey, Washington

The Foundation recognizes Memorial


by Dianne Hanrahan Coughlan,

by Megan Horst, Indiana U of

Gifts given from May 1, 2011, through

by Janice Sheldon Baumback,



August 31, 2011.

Washington Jane Berkey Peterson, Washington

Paula Rowland Barnes, Oklahoma

Loma Bowers Proctor, Denver Kathryn Sims Beckett, Maryland by Barbara Reinmuth Holloman,

Charlotte Sebald Heck, Ohio State


by the Dayton, OH Alumnae Association Patricia Camden Izor, Wright State

by Carol Woodworth Root,

State, for her youngest son’s

Wisconsin Madison

graduation from high school by Bambi Hora, Central Oklahoma

Joe Russo, husband of Jean Gardner Russo, Louisiana State

Margaret Borst Taggart Braumiller,


Jessica Hughes, Nebraska-Lincoln

by Norma Jones Mozier, Wittenberg

by Jacqueline Rockwell Eldal,

by the New Orleans Alumnae Association

by Deb Beckworth, Friend of

Alpha Xi Delta


Mary Roach Schindler, Kansas State

Judith Wolf Canaday,

Regina Todero Mangine,

by Judith Dierdorff Stehley, Kansas State

Nebraska at Omaha


Melinda Bellemare, West Georgia by the University of West Georgia

Marilyn Schaar Simmons, Frostburg

by Loma Bowers Proctor, Denver Marlin Kelly, husband of Kathleen Karen Shafer Chacon,

Donnelly Kelly, Washington

Nebraska at Kearney

by Loma Bowers Proctor, Denver

by Audrey Huthwaite, Frostburg

Morgan Bissell, Miami by Vicki Bissell, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta

Carol Jean Smith, Jacksonville State by Sara Pullis Molnar, Ferris State

by the Denver, CO Alumnae Association

Heather Bland, Youngstown State by Megan Horst, Indiana U of

Anna-Marie Charlotte Lerch, daughter Loma Bowers Proctor, Denver

of Heather Lerch, Rider

Margaret Ashton Smith, Ohio

Linda Carskadon Schutte,

by the Central NJ Alumnae

by Margaret Smothers Gluski, Michigan

Nebraska at Kearney

Panhellenic Association

Priscilla Cornell-Ervin, Cal. State,

Sarah Grey Beckworth, Texas

Pennsylvania Jennifer Boosey, Illinois

Heather Roberts Lerch, Rider

Patricia Wilhite Stoops, Northwestern

by Mary & Ron Boosey,

Sabina Sanders, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta

by Nancy Wilhite Haldrup, Northwestern

Friends of Alpha Xi Delta

Northridge by the Delta Rho Building Corporation

Anne Reinhart Leslie, Arizona

Barbara Lee Tatar, Alpha Deuteron

Evonne Carawan, North Carolina State

Susan Leeds-Horwitz, Cal. State,

by Laurie Howard Felton, Virginia

by Betty Tatar Wiseman, Central Michigan

by the Chesapeake, MD

Mary Eure Loper, Louisiana State

Helen Yoho, Indiana

Dorothy Gipple DeHaan,

by Janice Sheldon Baumback,

by Barbara Keuneke Parks, Indiana

Iowa Wesleyan


Alumnae Association


Charlotte Hazelton Young, Georgia

National Vice President 2007-2011

Annetta Hamill Marshall, Frostburg State

by Charlotte West Lewis Martin,

by Betsy King Helber, Mount Union

by Norma Matthews Morgan,


by Michele Herbst Evink,

South Dakota State Shirley Hall Devine, Drake

Kathryn Keilman Cardenas, Indiana

Frostburg State

by Megan Horst, Indiana U of

by Janice Sheldon Baumback,


Colleen Martin, Oklahoma State

Honor Gifts

by Paula Casella Burnett, Fairmont State

The Foundation recognizes Honor

Harry DeVrieze, father of Laura DeVrieze, West Georgia by Nancy Fehrmann Gainer, Iowa State

Patricia Hoffmann Ball McKinstray,


Gifts given from May 1, 2011, through

Michelle LeNoir Collier, Auburn, for

August 31, 2011.

the birth of her daughter, Wynn

Arizona by the Phoenix, AZ Alumnae Association

LeNoir Collier 2009-11 National Council

by Grace Morris, Auburn

by Nancy Fehrmann Gainer, Iowa State

Nelda McDowell Donahue,


Lois O’Donnell McNally, Albion

by the Tucson, AZ Alumnae Association

by Eileen Hart Harrison, Albion

Marjorie Johnson Griffith,

Marilyn Ward Moore, Northwestern


by Angela Thelen Detty, Northwestern

by Helen Cruse Lemberger, Wisconsin Naomi Walton Murray, Albion by June Luke Dempsey, Albion

60 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Evonne Carawan, North Carolina State, for her service to the Fraternity as a

Fall | Winter 2011

Courtney Cunningham, Wright State 2011-13 National Council

by Megan Horst, Indiana U of

by Nancy Fehrmann Gainer, Iowa State


Alpha Xi Delta’s past and

Ashley Damitz, South Dakota,

present volunteers

March 2011 FVP of the Month

by Jacquelyn Lyerly, Alpha Deuteron

by Omega Financial, Inc.

Delta Phi, Charleston

Julie Lambert, Oregon State, for her

Kathy Nicklaus Owrey, Henderson

Leigh Smitley, West Virginia

by Doris Muller Burton, Charleston

term as Foundation Chair

State, for her 60th Birthday

by Megan Horst, Indiana U

by Mary Shellenberger Brown,

by Kathy Nicklaus Owrey,

of Pennsylvania

Central Michigan

Henderson State

Jennifer Bellas Lee, Old Dominion

Danielle Palermo, Albany-SUNY

by Megan Horst, Indiana U

by Katherine Listwan Martin, Florida

by Megan Horst, Indiana U

of Pennsylvania

Linda Lutz Dettmer, Baldwin-Wallace

Michelle Spencer, Florida Atlantic

by Sara Pullis Molnar, Ferris State Lauren Wilcox Dukes, Florida

of Pennsylvania

by Katherine Listwan Martin, Florida Jennifer Bellas Lee, Old Dominion, for Barbara Evans Durham,

her birthday

Ohio Wesleyan

by Nealy Patty Wheat, West Georgia

by Megan Horst, Indiana U

by Megan Horst, Indiana U

of Pennsylvania

of Pennsylvania

by Virginia Drick Messing,

Ohio Wesleyan

Lynsey Stuart, Tennessee Katherine Patton, Penn State

Heather Roberts Lerch, Rider

Theta Iota Chapter, Florida Atlantic,

by Michelle Supplee Reda, Rider

Carolyn Childers Peterson,

for their 20th Anniversary

Western Carolina

by Jean Sauer DeFrances, Florida State

by Megan Horst, Indiana U

Jacquelyn Lyerly, Alpha Deuteron, for

by Vickie Dinkins Long,

of Pennsylvania

26 years of service to Alpha Xi Delta

Western Carolina

Erin Finn, Slippery Rock

by Julie Lambert, Oregon State Nancy Fehrmann Gainer, Iowa State

Heather Rowe Turner, Florida by Katherine Listwan Martin, Florida

Stephanie Phillips, Illinois

by Myra Wiggins Grant,

Jacquelyn Lyerly, Alpha Deuteron, for

Western Carolina

her service and dedication to Alpha Xi

by Jona Kristo, Illinois

Victoria Walega, Eastern Michigan, May 2011 FVP of the Month

Delta Fraternity

Beth Henning Polizzotto, Illinois, for

Jessica Greyerbiehl, Alma

by Rebecca Richter Perrett,

her service as a Foundation Trustee

by Megan Horst, Indiana U


by Betsy King Helber, Mount Union

of Pennsylvania

by Omega Financial, Inc. Lauren Wasilick, East Carolina by Michael & Missy Wasilick, Friends

Susan Eicher Mamber, Kent State

Elisabeth Rees, Albion, celebrating

Mary Hanke, Georgia Tech,

by the Chesapeake, MD Alumnae

her Order of the Diamond

April 2011 FVP of the Month


by Elisabeth Rees, Albion

of Alpha Xi Delta Nealy Patty Wheat, West Georgia by Katherine Listwan Martin, Florida

by Omega Financial, Inc. Lauren McHugh, New Hampshire

Rose Vachon-Kunkel Roarty, Ohio,

Dawn Victor-Herring, Friend of

Jennifer Bauer Henson,

by Megan Horst, Indiana U

for her 85th Birthday

Alpha Xi Delta

Wittenberg, for her term as

of Pennsylvania

by Cynthia Jablonowski, California

U of Pennsylvania

Tiffany Wheatley, East

Norma Matthews Morgan,

Paula Schmeck Myers, Clarion

Tennessee State

Frostburg State

U of Pennsylvania

by Tim & Kim Wheatley, Friends of

National Housing President by Mary Shellenberger Brown,

Central Michigan

Alpha Xi Delta

by Kelly Morgan Griffin, Frostburg State Melanie Holwood, West Chester

Christina Robertson, West Georgia

by Linda Holwood, Friend of

Ohio/West Virginia Area

Alpha Xi Delta

Wide Training by Beta Mu, Bowling Green State

Megan Horst, Indiana U

by Katherine Listwan Martin, Florida

Dorothy Sheldon Williams,

Beverly Case Rorer, Pennsylvania

by Myra Wiggins Grant, Western Carolina

Western Carolina by Fran Alexander Kennedy, Villanova

of Pennsylvania

Beta Sigma, West Virginia

by Christina Witkowicki,

Wesleyan College

Beverly Case Rorer, Pennsylvania,

by Megan Horst, Indiana U

New Hampshire

Delta Pi, Defiance

for her 80th Birthday

of Pennsylvania

Gamma Beta, Marshall

by Bobbie Wright Lowe, Frostburg State

Ruth Gay Ibach, Wisconsin-Madison,

Gamma Tau, Ohio Northern

celebrating 60 years of membership

Iota, West Virginia

by Ruth Gay Ibach, Wisconsin-


Christina Witkowicki, New Hampshire

Danielle Rynd Yedinak, Washington Marisa Schrieber, Nebraska-Omaha

by Megan Horst, Indiana U

Pi, Ohio

by Megan Horst, Indiana U

of Pennsylvania

Psi, Ohio State

of Pennsylvania

Theta Chi, Toledo Jeanne Ingalls Ketchum, South

Zeta Nu, Miami

Dakota State by Kathleen Ingalls, South Dakota State


Chapter Eternal The Fall/Winter Chapter Eternal includes the names of Sisters whose passing was reported to Fraternity Headquarters between June 1 and August 31, 2011. Sisters are listed alphabetically in chapter order, along with their initiation year. To notify the Fraternity of a Sister’s passing, please send an obituary notice, memorial service pamphlet or other written confirmation to Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity Headquarters. Gamma Chapter University of Mount Union Elizabeth Boyd Flood ’36 Cornelia Sotcan Whitaker ’41 Delta Chapter Bethany College Betty Jane Catlett Smith ’50 Epsilon Chapter University of South Dakota Harriet Dowdell Bantz ’54 Zeta Chapter Wittenberg University Hazel E Hieber Popp ’36 Jean Regenhardt Collins ’40 Theta Chapter University of Wisconsin-Madison Edith Lenore Torkelson Gregory ’36 Marjorie M. Johnson Griffith ’43 Marie Jane Beduhn Power ’47 Iota Chapter West Virginia University Doris Thomas Latham ’30 Kappa Chapter University of Illinois Judith Kay Prentice Ackland ’63 Lambda Chapter Tufts University Edwina Frances Ryan Kuhns ’53 Nu Chapter University of Washington Jane Porter Berkey Peterson ’37 Roberta Bettner Bajus ’47

Omicron Chapter University of California-Berkeley Stephanie Ann Porter Oakes ’43 Helen Jeanette Banbrock Shelton ’51 Miriam Eileen Wilson McCombs ’59 Kerry Lynn Harper Sanford ’66 Pi Chapter Ohio University Margaret Adelene Ashton Smith ’42 Rho Chapter University of Nebraska-Lincoln Carol Garver Loeffel ’42 Barbara Ann Vesely Kelly ’45 Helendot D. Newcomer Holmes ’46 Dorothy Somers Low Britt ’51 Jo Ann Chalupa Newmyer ’54 Jackie Beard Kegley ’58 Sigma Chapter University of Iowa Martha Elizabeth Burney Robinson ’44 Tau Chapter University of New Hampshire Virginia M Alden ’38 Phi Chapter Albion College Mary Elizabeth Hunt Reef ’48 Lois O’Donnell McNally ’43

Alpha Kappa Chapter Kansas State University Mary Eileen Roach Schindler ’47 Alpha Lambda Chapter University of Oregon Judith Ann Eivers Koke ’62 Alpha Mu Chapter Ohio Wesleyan University Lucile Armstrong Wehe ’30 Marion Glover Moulton Buck ’37 Jeanne Bangham Martt ’41 Virginia Perin Knowles ’42 Mary Stuart Keller Brewer ’52 Mary Elizabeth Peet Servis ’66 Alpha Xi Chapter University of CaliforniaLos Angeles Vernette Trosper Landers ’29 Phyllis Booher Lammers ’33 Margaret May Keehler Fenton ’50 Alpha Tau Chapter University of Alabama Elizabeth Arlen Smith White ’36 Melba Ruth Richardson Littrell ’47 Alpha Phi Chapter University of Pennsylvania Betty Jean Godfrey Meredith ’49

Psi Chapter The Ohio State University Lois Virginia Terry Barnes ’43

Alpha Omega Chapter Florida State University Mary Ann Lockard Smith ’45 Carrie Lea Pallicer Carlile ’59

Alpha Gamma Chapter Coe College Jean Ann Richardson Rice ’40 Barbara Jean Ayers ’45

Beta Alpha Chapter University of Texas Carol Sue Brown Davis ’66 Joanna Beth Doedyns Jackson ’71

Alpha Delta Chapter Oregon State University Charlotte McKee Meade ’41 Priscilla Ailee Horning Crabtree ’53

Beta Beta Chapter Washington University Betty Bernice Garvelman Young ’48

Alpha Zeta Chapter University of Oklahoma Arvella Davison England ’43 Alpha Theta Chapter Northwestern University Jordis Marion Lindner Walther ’58 Alpha Iota Chapter Drake University Idabelle Ford Forker ’40 Shirley Jean Hall Devine ’47

Beta Gamma Chapter Centenary College Nelda Ruth McDowell Donahue ’55 Beta Zeta Chapter Lake Forest College Mary Elizabeth Longbrake ’32

Beta Kappa Chapter Baldwin-Wallace College Frances Lenora Roberts Griffin ’43 Joan Lucille Blickensderfer Jansen ’47 Beta Lambda Chapter Pennsylvania State University Mary Beth Anderson Baxter ’64 Beta Mu Chapter Bowling Green State University Nancy Hammans Shellhammer ’45 Nancy Lee Pardieck Ochsenhirt ’73 Beta Tau Chapter Kent State University Evelyn Long Dowding ’48 Beta Psi Chapter Carroll University Eunice Edna Hahn ’48 Gamma Beta Chapter Marshall University Elizabeth Arrington Nichols ’51 Gamma Gamma Chapter University of Arizona Patricia Hoffmann Ball McKinstray ’51 Gamma Delta Chapter University of Nebraska at Omaha JoAnn Olsen ’50 Delta Epsilon Chapter University of New Orleans Margaret Anne Mistich Paulin ’62 Gwen Hecker Wendt ’69 Delta Theta Chapter St. Cloud State University Laura S. Schmelzer Budd ’63 Epsilon Omicron Chapter Oklahoma State University Sandra Helena Evans Sparkman ’68 Theta Omega Chapter New Mexico State University Laura Anne Cisneros Rayman ’00

Beta Theta Chapter Michigan State University Elizabeth Jean Nacker Detter ’43 Ruth Elaine McLean Roeser ’45 Patricia Ann Kelsey ’58


From the Archives

Centennial Celebrations

In the summer of 1912, Alpha Xi Delta welcomed two new chapters into our Sisterhood. The twelve women from the University of Nebraska – Lincoln, and the ten women from the University of Iowa brought Alpha Xi Delta to life on their college campuses. Rho Chapter was founded on June 5, 1912 at UNL. Shortly after Rho’s Installation, the Sigma Chapter was established on June 12, 1912 at the University of Iowa. Happy Birthday, Rho and Sigma Chapters!

Sigma Chapter pictured above: June 12, 2012 marks the 100th anniversary of the day ten bold women founded the Sigma Chapter. Rho Chapter pictured right: Since its founding in 1912, the Rho Chapter has welcomed more than 2,300 women into our Sisterhood.

63 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Fall/Winter 2011

Living Our


…With Gracious and Kindly Hearts we may Share both Joy and Sorrow… By Jacqueline Lee DeVito, Albany-SUNY ‘06 The part of our Symphony that means the most to me is, “…With gracious and kindly hearts we may share both joy and sorrow, and bring into living reality the Sisterhood of women.” Two summers ago, on August 17, 2010, my entire world was turned upside down when my little sister, Jennifer “Niffie” DeVito, was killed in a motorcycle accident. She was only 18 years old, and the pain associated with her loss is beyond comprehension. The night I heard the news, I called my best friend and fellow Alpha Xi, Kate, and told her that Jen was in an accident and didn’t survive, and I was on my way to the hospital. Kate stayed on the phone with me the whole way there and made sure I was driving safely. She was the only sorority Sister I told. It was too difficult to talk about. The next day, while my family was preparing for funeral arrangements, my house was filled with cards, flowers, plants and food from all of my Sisters. They all offered the same kind words, “We are here for you and your family.” Rianna, my long time high school friend and later Alpha Xi Sister even had a six-foot wedge sandwich dropped off by her dad, saying “Rianna said you all need to eat.” I am convinced that if it wasn’t for that sandwich, my dad and brother would not have eaten a single thing. All my Sisters knew of the tragic news, and I only told one person. I was stunned with how quickly news had traveled. The wake was unbelievably hard and painful. The line to get in to pay your respects was about two hours long. I was tired, exhausted and drained. Then, without warning, all of my Sisters showed up. Not just a few, but all of them. Stephanie came from as far as Maryland and Maggie came from upstate New York. From far and wide, my Sisters came. They waited in line, offered their condolences to my family and myself and sat all day with me. They made me laugh, and more importantly, they told me that they were always there for me. My dad came over and asked if there was a prerequisite to be an Alpha Xi Delta, because we all talked and looked the same. We simply replied, “That’s what happens when you become best friends.” At one point, the funeral director came up to me and said, “You have the nicest group of friends. You are very lucky.” I replied, “They’re not only my friends; they’re my Sisters.” I felt so honored to tell her that. Later that evening, they took me out to dinner to get me out of my house to relax. We didn’t have a reservation, but our Sister, Chivonne, was a manager at the restaurant and seated us right away; no questions

Jacqueline (pictured left) keeps this picture on her desk at work as a constant reminder of her little sister, Niffie.

asked. I had no appetite, but they made sure I ate. They took care of me. And when I softly told them what had happened to Jen, they all listened attentively and wiped away their own tears. It was a terrible reason for us all to be together again, but I am so lucky they were there for me. After the funeral, the shock started to subside, and my Sisters never left my side. They still sent food and cards and continued to check in. I cherish all of those text messages saying, “Thinking of you xoxo tfj” and know that they sincerely meant it. My Sister, Ashley, made everyone in my family beautiful bookmarks using the Mass cards from the funeral. She customized each bookmark for my mom, dad and brother, and wrote everyone a personal note. My mom and dad use their bookmarks every day. One thing that absolutely took my breath away is that my Sister, Allison, donated her hair to Locks of Love in Jennifer’s name. I was so touched at her unselfish act of kindness. I have always said becoming a member of Alpha Xi Delta was the best decision of my life, and I can’t stress that enough. In my darkest hour, when I felt like my world was coming to a screeching halt, my Sisters were there. They wiped my tears, hugged me and were (and still are) my biggest supporters. I love them all more than they will ever know. They proved that no matter what is going on, and no matter where we all may be, we will always be there for each other. We are friends. We are Sisters. We are each other’s families. I started a blog as a way to get my emotions out, and hopefully share my story of grief with another girl who lost her sister. Whenever I have a new post, my Sisters are the first ones to comment and remind me how much they love me. Yes, my life has endured a lot of sorrow, but I am so grateful for the joy that my Sisters bring me. They are the epitome of what Sisterhood means. Follow Jacqueline’s story at


Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity 8702 Founders Road Indianapolis, IN 46268





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