The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta - Summer 2009

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Summer 2009

New Rose Petals Legacy Program Kappa Chapter Returns to the University of Illinois Chapter and Association Directories Recommend a Young Woman for Fraternity Membership

of Alpha Xi Delta

Former Executive Secretary Enters Chapter Eternal

Are You Listening?

Alpha Xi Delta Is! Alpha Xi Delta and Autism Speaks launch philanthropic partnership

President’s Letter A New Partnership, A Renewed Commitment


As this issue was going to press, Alpha Xi Delta’s National Convention was getting underway in Denver, with hundreds of Sisters and their families gathering to celebrate our Alpha Xi Delta experience. While a full recap of this “amaXIng” event will be included in the fall/winter issue of The Quill, a full Convention day was devoted to the topic featured in this issue – our new philanthropic focus and partnership with Autism Speaks. Both our Ritual and Alpha Xi Delta experience tell us that service to others is a vital part of our sorority life. In Alpha Xi Delta’s early years, community service efforts mainly took the form of encouraging our members to join YWCA and other community organizations, and many Sisters actively supported the suffrage movement. In 1930, our first national philanthropy was adopted: The Carcassonne Mountain Project, serving an impoverished settlement in Kentucky. Since then, we have enhanced the library facilities at tuberculosis sanitariums in honor of Sister Grace Ferris, provided the Red Cross with mobile units and adopted an entire war-devastated village in the Netherlands. We have supported respiratory health (primarily via the American Lung Association, during the late ’70s and ’80s) and contributed untold time, toil and treasure to various children’s organizations – most recently since 1992 when we formally adopted the Choose Children concept and moniker. In short, Alpha Xi Deltas have always worked to improve the lives of others. We are enormously excited about the new partnership between Alpha Xi Delta and Autism Speaks. First and foremost, this alliance offers the collective heart-sunshine of our Sister-


The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta | Summer 2009

hood to a segment of our communities that is increasingly in need. It provides a common philanthropic goal for all Alpha Xi Deltas and increases the visibility of Alpha Xi Delta’s volunteerism and community service efforts nationwide. It also connects us to a prestigious international organization that truly values all Alpha Xi Delta brings to the table and can maximize the enormous local support we have to offer. Already our members are expressing their enthusiasm, and the vast potential of our collective volunteerism is becoming more evident. I hope each of you will find a way to actively support Alpha Xi Delta’s efforts in support of Autism Speaks, proving us to be the valued partner we know we are and working to improve the lives and future of families struggling with autism spectrum disorders. This issue also highlights another exciting launch: Alpha Xi Delta’s new legacy program, Rose Petals. For some of us, our initial ties to Alpha Xi Delta came well before recruitment by way of a relative. There is nothing quite like the connection to Alpha Xi Delta that a young girl or woman experiences as she watches her mother, sister, aunt or other legacy connection interacting with Sisters. Many of our key personnel – both volunteer and staff – have focused in recent months on enhancing those legacy relationships and ensuring that we’re helping you introduce your legacy to the fantastic experience that is Alpha Xi Delta. The result is Rose Petals, and I am thrilled to see it come to fruition. I hope you’ll be equally excited and will sign your girls up! I also hope you enjoy the remainder of your summer days, and that some of them are actually “lazy.” Thank you for your continued devotion to Alpha Xi Delta. Loyally,

Deanna Detchemendy National President

Contents 5 Are You Listening? Alpha Xi Delta Is! The Fraternity proudly announces its new partnership with Autism Speaks.


12 Introduce Your Legacy to the Alpha Xi Delta Tradition Share your pride in Alpha Xi Delta through our new Rose Petals legacy program.

13 Potential Member Profile Recommend a young woman for Alpha Xi Delta membership.

14 Chapter and Association Directories Reach out to collegians and alumnae in your area.


18 Kappa Chapter Returns to the University of Illinois More than 100 Sisters join our Sisterhood and the nation’s largest Greek community.

29 Fraternity Leader Enters Chapter Eternal Remebering Betty Robertson Wert, Wittenberg ’36

In Every Issue 11 20 27 28 31


News & Notes Member News Honor Gifts Memorial Gifts Chapter Eternal


Letters The Bond of Sisterhood I would like to thank my Sisters, especially those I’ve never met, for their heartfelt responses to my story about Logan (See “Living Our Symphony,” Fall/Winter 2008). It has certainly given me comfort. December 7 was the anniversary of Logan’s death, and the holidays will always be rough. We are doing well, though, as our daughter, Reese, Logan Hobbs who was 2 in February, keeps us focused on the positive. Again, I am so appreciative of Alpha Xi Delta and all my Sisters have done for me! Brandi Miller Hobbs, Marietta ’97

A Voice from the Past I scarce could believe the ID on my phone: John Middleton. Mary Lou Murback (now Middleton) was one of my closest friends in college. I hadn’t heard from her in so many years. It was my letter and poem in the Fall/Winter Quill that caught Mary Lou’s attention. What a thrill it was to catch up and renew our friendship! Thank you for running my letter. The call from my sweet Sister and friend made my day. Margaret Ann Wilson Batley, Alabama ’51

Mystery Solved Imagine my surprise when I read “The Killarney Rose: A Flower of Mystery” in the spring Quill. I hadn’t realized I was so quotable! I was working at Fraternity Headquarters when I wrote the memo that was referenced in the article, having been hired by then Executive Secretary Jeanne Dickson Mendenhall in spring 1964 to help move the Central Office from Evanston, Illinois, to the Headquarters building on Washington Boulevard in Indianapolis. I had nearly completed my year as a Field Counselor, and my “home away from home” was the Alpha Theta chapter house at Northwestern University, a few blocks from Central Office. The Standards Committee that was mentioned in the Quill article was a new concept being developed to enlarge collegians’ sense of womanhood, grace and beauty, and the committee chairman was looking for ways to bring Alpha Xi Delta symbols into special focus. Thank you for the good work you are doing with The Quill. The magazine is attractive and interesting. Jane Kutch Mercereau, Oregon ’60


The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta | Summer 2009

of Alpha Xi Delta

The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta is published three times per year in spring, summer, and fall/winter by Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity.® POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE QUILL OF ALPHA XI DELTA, 8702 Founders Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268 Volume 106/Issue 2 Copyright 2009 by Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity Submission Deadlines Spring issue: December 1 Summer issue: April 1 Fall/Winter issue: August 15 Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity Headquarters 8702 Founders Road Indianapolis, IN 46268 Telephone: 317.872.3500 Fax: 317.872.2947 National Executive Director Elysia Balster Gallivan, South Dakota ’93 Editor Ruth Goodman, Northern Iowa ’80 Design Cindy Kelley Design, National Council 2007-2009 National President Deanna Wollam Detchemendy, Cal State Northridge ’83 National Vice Presidents Ann Ward Adams, Nebraska Lincoln ’66 Evonne Carawan, North Carolina State ’83 Sandra Ellen Edwards, Kentucky ’75 Diane Curtis Gregory, Wittenberg, ’61 Susan Eicher Mamber, Kent State ’77 Danica Vanasse Olson, Marquette ’90 Founders Cora Bollinger Block Alice Bartlett Bruner Almira Lowry Cheney Frances Elisabeth Cheney Bertha Cook Evans Eliza Drake Curtis Everton Julia Maude Foster Lucy W. Gilmer Harriet L. McCollum Lewie Strong Taylor

The Mission of The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta: To inform, inspire and challenge. To sustain and nurture membership loyalty and interest. To recognize individual, group and Fraternity accomplishments. To provide a forum for the exchange of information and opinion. To be the permanent record for the Fraternity.

The Fraternity’s new partnership with Autism Speaks helps raise funds and awareness.

Are you Listening? Alpha Xi Delta Is! By Lori Goble Lambert, Indiana ’94, Director of Public Relations Look at the clock. Within the next 20 minutes, one child’s life will change forever. And 20 minutes after that? Another child’s life will change. Then another. And another. And this little one’s life is not the only one that will change. The next 20 minutes will impact her mother, her nana, her brother; they will affect his father, his grandpa and all the people who love him. Within the next 20 minutes, one child will be diagnosed with autism. That’s nearly 70 children per day, nearly 25,000 per year. More children are diagnosed with autism in one year than with AIDS, diabetes and cancer combined. The numbers are staggering. The physical, spiritual, emotional and financial costs are even more so. Several national organizations have been formed to raise money and awareness to help research, prevent, treat and find a cure for this disorder; Alpha Xi Delta has joined forces with one of them. The Fraternity is proud to announce our new philanthropic partnership with Autism Speaks.



Autism Speaks, We Listen For the past 17 years, the Fraternity’s philanthropic concept, Choose Children, has served as a platform for truly great community service work and hands-on assistance by Alpha Xi Delta Sisters. Our college chapters and alumnae associations have made a tremendous, lasting impact on the lives of countless children. And yet we wanted to do more. In 2008, Alpha Xi Delta’s National Council appointed a task force to take a strategic look at Choose Children and recommend possible changes. Task force members talked with other Sisters about Choose Children and found that our philanthropy service concept was too broad to be of maximum benefit to either the Fraternity or our communities. What’s more, the Choose Children concept was not easily understood by organizations and individuals outside the Fraternity. Even some of our Sisters did not fully understand that a Choose Children foundation and a cause named Choose Children do not exist. To remedy this situation, task force members came up with criteria to identify a specific philanthropic focus and, ideally, a partner organization that could benefit from Alpha Xi Delta’s collective womanpower. They recommended that the cause: ■■ have a personal connection to Sisters ■■ support Alpha Xi Delta's Ritual, mission and vision ■■ have support resources in place to assist our chapters and associations After researching numerous causes and organizations, the task force enthusiastically recommended that we forge a philanthropic partnership with Autism Speaks.


The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta | Summer 2009



Boys are four times more likely than girls to have autism. What is Autism Speaks? Autism Speaks is the nation’s preeminent autism awareness organization. It is dedicated to increasing awareness of autistic spectrum disorders (a group of complex neurobiological disorders); funding research to find causes, prevention, treatments and a cure for autism; and advocating for the needs of affected families. Autism Speaks was founded in 2005 by Suzanne and Bob Wright, grandparents of a child with autism. Since then, Autism Speaks has merged with the National Alliance for Autism Research (NAAR) and Cure Autism Now (CAN), bringing together the nation’s three leading autism advocacy organizations. After her first meeting with Autism Speaks representatives, National Vice President and philanthropy task force member Sue Eicher Mamber, Kent State ’77, knew a partnership had extraordinarily high potential for matching the task force’s criteria. “It was apparent right from the start that Autism Speaks would be a dynamic philanthropic partner. It’s a well-run organization with remarkable connections that would lead to new challenges and opportunities for the Fraternity. Autism Speaks staff members ‘get’ what Alpha Xi Delta is about; they appreciate what our members contribute and how we function as a Fraternity. And their cause is deeply meaningful for our Sisters – the ‘heart-sunshine element,’ you might call it.”


5. 1. Members of the Sacramento Alumnae Association (and an Alpha Xi Delta legacy!) gathered to observe World Autism Awareness Day on April 1.

Autism Defined

2. Sisters from Rider College, Brooklyn College

Autism, part of a group of disorders known as autism spectrum disorders, is a complex neurobiological disorder that typically lasts throughout a person’s lifetime. The disorder is characterized by varying degrees of impairment in communication skills and social abilities, and also by repetitive behaviors. Symptoms range from mild to severe. While no two children with autism are alike, there are signs that many of them share. Children on the autism spectrum generally: ■■ have difficulty relating to others ■■ don’t sustain eye contact (it’s too intense) ■■ may hardly speak, and if they do, they may not communicate in ways others can easily understand (they may screech loudly when upset instead of cry) ■■ have trouble reading social cues ■■ are prone to repetitive behaviors (constantly flapping their hands or uttering the same phrase over and over) ■■ are more sensitive than typically developing children, or dramatically less so, to sights, sounds and touch ■■


and area alumnae raised autism awareness during the Today show by wearing matching Alpha Xi Delta/Autism Speaks T-shirts and holding signs to promote our new partnership.

3. The

Indianapolis Alumnae Association baked cookies for the Fraternity Headquarters staff to package with an autism awareness flyer and announcement about our new partnership. Staff members delivered the goodies to fraternity and sorority headquarters in the Indianapolis area.

4. Chesapeake alumnae and Sisters from George Mason University, West Chester University, Greensboro College and the University of Delaware raised more than $6,000 at the Autism Speaks 400 at Dover International Speedway. Sisters staffed kiosks, collected donations, and provided information about autism and how to get involved in walks; they also tattooed countless children and adults with blue puzzle pieces.

5. Actress and author Holly Robinson Peete spoke with Alpha Xi Delta’s Director of Membership Growth, Gretchen DiMarco, about her work with Autism Speaks during World Autism Awareness Day activities in New York City. Holly serves on Autism Speaks’ board of directors. One of her twin sons, R.J., has autism.

Autism is the fastest-growing serious developmental disability in the U.S.





Helping All, Helping Sisters “Autism is an increasingly prevalent fact of life for many families,” said Alpha Xi Delta National President Deanna Detchemendy. “We have a clear opportunity to make an enormous difference in the efforts to change the future for all who struggle with autism spectrum disorders.” With nearly 25,000 children diagnosed with autism each year, Alpha Xi Delta undoubtedly has many Sisters who are moms, grandmothers, sisters, cousins, aunts and teachers of children with autism. After announcing our new partnership, numerous Sisters reached out to express their gratitude, including Nichole Mohning Roths, Kansas ’93. “As the mother of a child with an autism spectrum disorder, I applaud the Fraternity for its new partnership and look forward to being a part of the efforts to increase awareness and funding for this important issue,” Nichole said. Gina Absher Quinn, North Carolina Asheville ’89, said, “My daughter has autism. It’s great to know I’m part of an organization that supports a cause that affects me personally.” The Fraternity’s goal for its new partnership is for college chapters and alumnae associations to direct their fund-raising and volunteer efforts toward Autism Speaks. All Sisters are encouraged to take part in a Walk Now for Autism Speaks event in their area. Walk Now for Autism Speaks is a 5K family walk and autism community resource fair that heightens public awareness while raising money to fund autism research. During the first three months of our partnership with Autism Speaks, Sisters formed 80 walk teams, recruited 325 team members and raised $20,000. And that’s just the beginning! Walks are scheduled in more than 80 U.S. cities this year alone. Visit to find an event near you.

Alpha Xi Deltas can raise funds in support of Autism Speaks in other ways as well. Beginning this fall, college chapters will hold an AmaXIng Challenge each year on their campus to raise funds and autism awareness. The event they sponsor will vary by campus, but one thing will remain the same: All funds raised will be donated to Autism Speaks. Chapters will hold annual events, like a football game or a puzzle tournament, in addition to other smaller-scale fund-raising events, such as selling puzzle pieces on campus to raise autism awareness, with all proceeds benefiting Autism Speaks. Alpha Xi Deltas can also volunteer with Autism Speaks by contacting a local Autism Speaks field office to determine that office’s most pressing needs. Volunteer opportunities may include serving on a Walk Now for Autism Speaks committee, helping coordinate community outreach, speaking to local groups about Autism Speaks, providing administrative assistance or, for collegians, serving as an intern. “The National Philanthropy Team has been extremely pleased with what a helpful partner Autism Speaks has been as we develop our efforts in support of them,” said Carrie Kashawlic, Ohio Northern ’94, National Philanthropy Director. “Their professionalism and dedication to their cause will be of benefit to us both as Alpha Xi Delta embarks on this new effort.” Don’t let another 20 minutes go by without taking action. Speak out. Take a stand! Together, Alpha Xi Delta and Autism Speaks have the potential to change the future for all who suffer with autism spectrum disorders. What will you do to help make that happen? Let us know by emailing the Quill’s Editor at Learn more about autism, our philanthropic partnership and Autism Speaks at, and


The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta | Summer 2009


5. 1. Sisters at the University of West Georgia helped with children’s activities before the Walk Now For Autism Speaks event in Atlanta.

WorDS FroM A GrATEFul MoTHEr “When learned that Alpha Xi Delta had partnered with Autism Speaks, I cried,” said Holly Bahme Lytle, Eastern Washington ’94. “I feel so blessed to be able to say I’m a Sister.” Holly and her husband, Reed, had a son named Isaac who was diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder at age 1½. After Isaac’s death at age 3, the Lytle’s created the Intervention Services Assistance for Autistic Children (ISAAC) Foundation to provide financial grants for therapy that autistic children need, but that insurance companies frequently don’t cover. Learn more at

WorDS FroM A ProuD EDuCATor “This is my third year teaching students with autism, and although it has its challenges, it’s the most rewarding work anyone can do,” said Angela Flood-Marshall, Sonoma

2. Beta Psi Chapter at Carroll Col-

lege in Wisconsin held a spaghetti dinner to raise funds for Autism Speaks.

3. While in New York City, National

Executive Director Elysia Gallivan, second from right, and Director of Membership Growth Gretchen DiMarco, second from left, met with Autism Speaks president Mark Roithmayr, Autism Speaks cofounders Bob and Suzanne Wright, and Autism Speaks executive vice president for field operations and chapter development Leslie Chambers.

4. Autism Speaks president Mark

Roithmayr asked National President Deanna Detchemendy to join him on stage after the Walk Now for Autism Speaks event in Los Angeles. Roithmayr gave a big shout out to Alpha Xi Delta.

5. National Vice President and phi-

lanthropy task force member Sue Mamber, center, celebrated World Autism Awareness Day with Ann Gibson, left, and Marjorie Robinson from Autism Speaks. The women met in Washington, D.C., during Autism Speaks’ reception for volunteers in the D.C. area.

State (CA) ’03. “I’ve also gotten to work with their parents, therapists and other teachers who are as passionate about helping children with autism as I am. It’s wonderful to hear that Alpha Xi Delta has partnered with Autism Speaks, because it means my Sisters care about spreading awareness and helping find a cure for autism.”


A Special Message to Sisters

Delta, as its philan of Alpha Xi tism Speaks u A ce ra b Dear Sisters to em ica y niece, Jess Delta decided r me since m at Alpha Xi fo th g in ed n as ea le p ial m lege I am so or and a privi ship has spec The partner . It is an hon e. rk ic Yo o ch ew f N o y in throp ersity thropists. Cornell Univ ion of philan Alpha Xi at at an er is en , g ra d ew n Ken to know this ation, dedieaks to get cacy organiz vo ad d an for Autism Sp ience for est autism sc and a cure treatments e world’s larg , th n o is ti n ks ve ea re the ses, p Autism Sp vocating for into the cau rders; and ad g research o in is d d n m fu u tr to cated tism spec rganization eness of au ud of our o ar ro p aw g am n I si . ea ilies autism; incr d their fam ith autism an w s al u id iv d needs of in ars d he’s 16 ye rk we do. e is Tyler an am n ’s n and the wo so of . My pride in each with autism e and I take er of a child if th w fa y e m th , p o so fo devel olds r I am al the future h gs grow and at lin h b si W . is h es ti d ili r an r ab old. As Tyle reach of thei o absolutely , within the al. We will d ts n io en it m d h n lis co p n is u d their accom , laughter an love for him owever, our lled with love h fi ; e n lif ai a rt e ce n liv and Tyler is u his potential p maximize el h to g in h everyt perienced m we’ve ex as si s. u es th in p en hap and e empathy . uched by th to y rl la you so much cu ti elta. Thank D i We are par X a h lp A with relationship through our Sincerely,

Peter Bell for e President Executive Vic d Services Programs an ks Autism Spea

Government statistics indicate the rate of autism is rising 10-17% each year. 10

The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta | Summer 2009

Alpha Xi Delta to Colonize at San Jose State This fall, Alpha Xi Delta will join the Greek community at San José State University in San José, California, to become the 32nd Greek chapter on campus. If you know an outstanding woman at SJSU who would be an asset to our Fraternity, fill out the Potential Member Profile on page 13 of this issue and mail it to: Alpha Xi Delta, Attn: Gretchen DiMarco, 8702 Founders Rd, Indianapolis, IN 46268. Learn more at

Do You Know an Alpha Xi Delta Legacy? A legacy is the granddaughter, daughter, sister, niece or step-relative of an Alpha Xi Delta, living or deceased. In preparation for this fall’s recruitment, here is the Fraternity’s legacy policy: Jane Linden Keltsch, Indiana ’46, (left) and her • College chapters are not Alpha Xi Delta legacies: granddaughter Allison required to pledge every Hoffman, Indiana ‘09, and daughter Susan Keltsch Hoffman, Purdue ’78. legacy. • A legacy may be released cally placed on the chapter’s first only with the permission of the bid list. chapter’s Area Facilitator. • A legacy may be released only with • College chapters have an obligation the permission of the chapter’s to give each legacy special attenArea Facilitator. tion and careful consideration dur• If the chapter receives a reference ing recruitment. on a legacy and that legacy is re• An Alpha Xi Delta legacy should leased, the mother, grandmother, be a qualified prospective memsister, aunt or step relative is called ber with regard to grades, accomand told of the decision. plishments, activities, leadership • Some legacies are happier in other and overall compatibility with the Greek organizations. Every NPC chapter. organization offers a worthwhile • During formal recruitment, a legaexperience. cy is to be invited throughout the Recommend a legacy for Alpha Xi first round of invitational events. Delta membership by filling out the • If a chapter carries a legacy through Potential Member Recommendation Preference, the legacy is automati- on page 13.

Join the Group and Get Online! Last month we contacted every Sister by email, asking if she’d prefer an online version of The Quill instead of a hardcopy version. (If you didn’t get the email, that means we don’t have your address.) The response was overwhelming! Some Sisters like to read online while they’re on the go, others want to go green, and others want to reduce Fraternity printing and postage costs. Whatever the reason, the online, interactive version allows you to manually flip pages, do a keyword search, contact Sisterwriters via email and more. To request your online version, visit the News & Events section of

Leadership Consultants Join Fraternity Staff Mary Bershenyi, Kansas State ’04, and Melissa Walker, West Virginia Wesleyan ’07, joined Fraternity Headquarters staff as Leadership Coaches (LCs) for the 2009-10 academic year. This is Mary’s second year in this position. LCs travel to chapters and help collegiate Sisters develop leadership skills, strengthen their emotional intelligence and refine their post-graduation plans to propel them even further after college.

Alpha Xi Delta Honored by Peers At its annual conference, The Fraternity Communications Association (FCA) recognized Alpha Xi Delta’s outstanding communications work in the following categories: First Place, Feature Article Layout – “Protecting Our Health,” Spring 2008 Quill; First Place, eNewsletter for Potential New Members – Kappa Chapter recolonization at the University of Illinois (U of I); Third Place, Total Communications Package – U of I recolonization. The Fraternity also received high marks in the Multimedia Presentation category for our philanthropy DVD and in the Comprehensive Media Campaign category for the U of I colonization campaign. FCA is composed of communications professionals who exchange ideas, experiences and information to enhance fraternal communications. Each year, FCA recognizes organizations that communicate the highest ideals of the Greek system and its achievements.


Rose Petals Registration Form Alpha Xi Delta Member Information

Introduce Your Legacy to the Alpha Xi Delta Tradition

Full Name ___________________________________ (First, Maiden, Last)

Address _____________________________________ City ________________________________________ State __________________ ZIP _________________

Rose Petals helps you share your love of Alpha Xi Delta

Phone ______________________________________ Email _______________________________________ Chapter _____________________________________

Look at your darling daughter. What joy she brings to your life! And your granddaughters? Who knew spoiling them could be so much fun? Just as you treasure your daughters, granddaughters, sisters, nieces, half-sisters and step relatives, Alpha Xi Delta treasures them too. Why? Because these special women are legacies of Alpha Xi Delta. You can share your love of Alpha Xi Delta and become even closer to the legacies in your life by enrolling them in the Fraternity’s new Rose Petals program. As a Rose Petal, your loved ones receive: • A personalized keepsake certificate, announcing their membership in this special group • A Rose Petals letter of welcome from Alpha Xi Delta’s National President • Special remembrances on their birthday, graduation and other important occasions • News and information to deepen their knowledge of our Sisterhood • An appreciation of the organization that helped you become the outstanding woman you are today

School ______________________________________ Graduation Year ______________________________

Alpha Xi Delta legacy Information Full Name ___________________________________ Relation _____________________________________ Address _____________________________________ City ________________________________________ State __________________ ZIP _________________ Phone ______________________________________ Email _______________________________________ Birth Date ___________________________________ High School _________________________________ (If applicable)

Please mail or fax completed form to: Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity Attn: rose Petals 8702 Founders rd Indianapolis, IN 46268 317.872.2947 (fax)


The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta | Summer 2009

Anticipated High School Graduation Year_________

Share the Alpha Xi Delta experience with the legacies in your life by completing the Rose Petals registration form below or by visiting Show your Rose Petal how proud you are to be an Alpha Xi Delta!

Potential Member Profile PleaseusethisformtorecommendayoungwomanformembershipinAlphaXiDelta.Profilescanbesenttothechapteraddressesonpages14and15.Feelfreetoattachadditionalinformation and letters of recommendation to this form.

Name of potential member: _____________________________________________________________________________________ first




Name of parent(s) or guardian(s):_ ________________________________________________________________________________ Address of parent(s) or guardian(s): _______________________________________________________________________________ street




College or university attending: __________________________________________________________________________________ High school attended:__________________________________________________________________________________________ Name


GPA: _ _________ Rank in class:_ ______ Class size:________ College attended after high school, if any:_________________________________________________________ GPA_ ___________ Academic honors and accomplishments:___________________________________________________________________________ School and community activities, including leadership positions:_______________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Talents, hobbies, interests:_______________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Legacy Information Alpha Xi Delta relatives (check all that apply): Mother/Stepmother




Names of relatives: _ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Initiating chapters:_____________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: ( ______ )_ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Email:________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Other Greek influences:_________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Recommendation Information I recommend this woman:



I have known her for _______ years.

Completed by:_ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ first



Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ street




Phone: ( ______ )_ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Email:________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature:______________________________________________________________ Date:__________________________________


Chapter Directory

Use this handy directory to send a recruitment recommendation form (see page 13) to any of the chapters on this list. ALABAMA

Epsilon Pi/Jacksonville State 700 Pelham Rd N JSU Box 3044 Jacksonville, AL 36265 Lisa Reed

Zeta Xi/Auburn Alpha Xi Delta Dowell Hall Auburn, AL 36849 Nicole Carlson

Theta Phi/Alabama Birmingham


ATTN: Alpha Xi Delta 200 Bloomfield Ave West Hartford, CT 06117 Kimmy Zoller

c/o BSU Student Activities 1910 University Dr Boise, ID 83725 Kelsey Bates

Epsilon Nu/Hartford




421 N Woodland Blvd Unit #8231 DeLand, FL 32720 Lauren Lief

1004 South Second St Champaign, IL 61820 Kristen Viscum


Theta Iota/Florida Atlantic

c/o Student Activities 3700 Willow Creek Rd Prescott, AZ 86301 Talia Roffman


Gamma Omega/ Henderson State

Alpha Xi Delta HSU Box 6487 Arkadelphia, AR 71999 Laura Houston

Zeta Iota/Lyon

Alpha Xi Delta 2300 Highland, Box 277 Batesville, AR 72501 Kristin Maas

Iota Kappa/Idaho State

175 W Main St Newark, DE 19711 Kathryn Rippin

Theta Gamma/ Delaware


Theta Zeta/EmbryRiddle

Epsilon Psi/Boise State

Alpha Xi Delta Idaho State University Campus Box 8170 Pocatello, ID 83209 Nicole Hieb

1400 University Blvd Hill University Center - Box 26 Birmingham, AL 35294 Jeanne Cosgrove

Alpha Xi Delta PO Box 27-3723 Boca Raton, FL 33427 Trina Holmsted

Theta Xi/Florida International

Alpha Xi Delta 1421 SW 107th Ave #305 Miami, FL 33156 Melissa Sabatier

Theta Omicron/EmbryRiddle c/o Student Activities 600 S Clyde Morris Blvd Daytona Beach, FL 32601 Kayla Stairs

Theta Sigma/Central Florida


Beta Epsilon/ Monmouth

318 N 9th St Box #845 Monmouth, IL 61462 Morgan Koss


Alpha Eta/Purdue

Alpha Xi Delta 519 University St West Lafayette, IN 47906 Caitlin Hoefer

Beta Pi/Indiana

1818 N Jordan Ave Indiana University Bloomington, IN 47406 Chelsee Montgomery


Beta/Iowa Wesleyan

4101 Greek Park Dr Orlando, FL 32816 Lindsay Gartrell

5327 N Millbrook Ave Fresno, CA 93710 Mallory Lutz

Alpha Xi Delta 601 N Main Suite Box 10 Mt. Pleasant, IA 52641 Mary Elizabeth Kanaly



Delta Rho/Cal State Northridge

847 Techwood Dr Atlanta, GA 30313 Kirsten Ryan


Gamma Epsilon/Cal State Fresno

17720 Halsted St Northridge, CA 91325 Kara Welch

Theta Beta/Sonoma State

6585 Commerce Blvd Ste 296 Rohnert Park, CA 94928 Michelle Kanan

Theta Rho/Cal State San Marcos PO Box 2643 San Marcos, CA 92079 Jenna Imonti

Iota Beta/Cal State Stanislaus

c/o Monica Summerlot, Chapter Advisor 3816 Vitrina Ct Turlock, CA 95382



Gamma Eta/Georgia Tech

Delta Xi/Georgia State Alpha Xi Delta Suite 438 University Center Georgia State University 66 Courtland St Atlanta, GA 30303 Ashlyn Smith

Zeta Omega/West Georgia

Alpha Xi Delta University of West Georgia University Box #10052 Carrollton, GA 30118 Jessica Morrow

Iota Theta/Southern Polytechnic State

Alpha Xi Delta 1100 South Marietta Pkwy Marietta, GA 30060 Alisa Selman

The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta | Summer 2009

114 East Fairchild Iowa City, IA 52245 Cara Meyers

Delta Chi/Northern Iowa 2410 College St Cedar Falls, IA 50613 Bailey Loebig


Alpha Kappa/Kansas State 601 Fairchild Terrace Manhattan, KS 66502 Jessica Schultz


Delta Epsilon/New Orleans

c/o Judy Parker, Chapter Advisor 49 Amelie Ave Kenner, LA 70065


Epsilon Rho/Southern Maine 119 Brook Student Center Gorham, ME 04038 Chloe Bennett


Theta Delta/Towson University 8000 York Rd Box #4127 Towson, MD 21252 Lauren Gay

MASSACHUSETTS Iota Xi/Worcester Polytechnic

Alpha Xi Delta 100 Institute Rd Worcester, MA 01609 Bethany Kuhn


Albion College - CPO 4680 Kellogg Center Albion, MI 49224 Emilee Goralski

Gamma Zeta/Eastern Michigan Alpha Xi Delta 619 Emmet St Ypsilanti, MI 48197 Christen Adams

Delta Delta/Northern Michigan

Box 96, University Center Northern Michigan University Marquette, MI 49855 Lexi Wagner

Delta Sigma/Ferris State 805 Campus Dr Rankin Center Box 23 Big Rapids, MI 49307 Claire Lopez

Zeta Upsilon/Alma 815 West Superior St Alma, MI 48801 Erin Allison

Theta Eta/Western Michigan

1702 Fraternity Village Dr Kalamazoo, MI 49006 Kristy Kah


Gamma Nu/Southeast Missouri State

Alpha Xi Delta 1000 Towers Circle; Group J Cape Girardeau, MO 63701 Kacie Wilbanks

Epsilon Xi/Missouri St. Louis 8142 Natural Bridge Rd St. Louis, MO 63121 Lindsey Dumm


Rho/Nebraska Lincoln 1619 R St Lincoln, NE 68508 Brier Schuetz

Gamma Delta/Nebraska Omaha Alpha Xi Delta - PO Box #19 6001 Dodge St Omaha, NE 68182 Margaret Schellen


Iota Epsilon/Nevada Las Vegas Alpha Xi Delta 4505 S Maryland Pkwy #2008 Las Vegas, NV 89119 Samantha Steelman

NEW HAMPSHIRE Tau/New Hampshire 3 Strafford Ave Durham, NH 45056 Megan Honey

Theta Psi/Dartmouth

Alpha Xi Delta Dartmouth College HB 5205 Hanover, NH 03755 Lauren DeNatale


Epsilon Lambda/Rider Rider University PO Box 55897 Trenton, NJ 08638 Kristie Kahl

Iota Nu/Monmouth

431 Cedar Ave Student Box 49 West Long Branch, NJ 07764 Tara McMenamin


Theta Omega/New Mexico State

Alpha Xi Delta c/o Office of Campus Activities MSC CC PO Box 30004 Las Cruces, NM 88003-8004

NEW YORK Eta/Syracuse

125 Euclid Ave Syracuse, NY 13210 Colleen Casey

Alpha Beta/Cornell 115 The Knoll Ithaca, NY 14850 Tracey Zhou

Delta Zeta/Long Island/ C.W. Post 720 Northern Blvd Hillwood Commons Greenvale, NY 11548 Sarina Sigmon

Delta Lambda/ Rochester Institute of Technology Alpha Xi Delta 6200 Kimball Dr Rochester, NY 14623 Ashley Saucier

Zeta Phi/Binghamton 80 Conklin Ave Apt 10 Binghamton, NY 13902 Ryan Donaghy

Theta Theta/Brooklyn 2985 Ave X Apt 2B Brooklyn, NY 11234 Sibel Kurun

Theta Kappa/Albany

Gamma Tau/Ohio Northern 402 W College Ave Unit 1060 Ada, OH 45810 Katherine Gualtiere

SUNY Albany - 130 CC Box 1400 Washington Ave Albany, NY 12222 Rina Richardson

Delta Pi/Defiance


Zeta Theta/Wright State

Gamma Phi/East Carolina 508 East 11th St Greenville, NC 27858 Suzanne Fisher

Epsilon Gamma/Western Carolina Alpha Xi Delta PO Box 878 Cullowhee, NC 28723 Whitney Moore

Zeta Tau/North Carolina Asheville Alpha Xi Delta One University Heights CPO 1200 Asheville, NC 28804 Catherine DeBroder

Zeta Chi/North Carolina Wilmington Alpha Xi Delta UNCW Student Union 209 601 South College Rd Wilmington, NC 28407 Kristina Wolfe

Theta Nu/Elon

Campus Box 7006 Elon, NC 27244 Emily Sanner

Iota Zeta/Wingate 211 East Wilson St Campus Box 1652 Wingate, NC 28174 Jacki Emmenecker

Iota Iota/Greensboro Student Activities Dept 815 W Market St Greensboro, NC 27401 Laura Hansen


Gamma/Mount Union 143 W Simpson Alliance, OH 44601 Elizabeth Johnson


c/o Jennifer Stark 701 N Clinton Defiance, OH 43512

Alpha Xi Delta Wright State University 3055 Blue Green Dr Galion, OH 45435 Jessica Kelly

Zeta Nu/Miami

377 Shriver Center Oxford, OH 45056 Martha Freeman

Theta Upsilon/Youngstown State 1 University Plaza Youngstown State University Youngstown, OH 44555 Amanda Foster

Theta Chi/Toledo 2999 W Bancroft Unit G-2 Toledo, OH 43606 Erica DeVantier


Iota Delta/Central Oklahoma 319 E Thatcher Edmond, OK 73034 Chloe Campbell


Beta Lambda/Penn State Alpha Xi Delta 13 Wolf Hall University Park, PA 16802 Jessica Fontanetta

Gamma Sigma/Thiel Alpha Xi Delta 75 College Ave Greenville, PA 16125 Jessica Fontanetta

Delta Kappa/Slippery Rock Slippery Rock University B-105 University Union Slippery Rock, PA 16057 Jaclyn Applegarth

Delta Nu/Indiana U of Pennsylvania

16 South College St Athens, OH 45701 Kaley Weiss

Alpha Xi Delta c/o Tasha Hollen 201 Pratt Dr, 104 Pratt Hall - IUP Indiana, PA 15701

Psi/Ohio State

Zeta Eta/West Chester

76 East 15th Ave Columbus, OH 43201 Amber Snyder

Beta Mu/Bowling Green State 220 Thurstin Ave Bowling Green, OH 43403 Katelyn Casteel

Beta Xi/Marietta 322 Fifth St Marietta, OH 45750 Angela Sims

Beta Tau/Kent State 571 S Lincoln St Kent, OH 44240 Brittni Cortright

Sykes Student Union Building West Chester University West Chester, PA 19383 Laura Batt

Theta Alpha/Millersville Alpha Xi Delta c/o SMC Box #110 Millersville, PA 17551 Rachel Kohn

Iota Mu/Lycoming

700 College Place Campus Box 211 Williamsport, PA 17701 Nicole Boardman



Newberry College Box 286 2100 College St Newberry, SC 29108 Heather Webb

PO Box 539 Bethany, WV 26032 April O’Brien

Epsilon Iota/Newberry


Epsilon/South Dakota 214 North Plum Vermillion, SD 57069 Hannah Prentice

Epsilon Eta/South Dakota State 1203 Eighth St Brookings, SD 57006 Ashley Dumke


Iota/West Virginia

618 Spruce St Morgantown, WV 26505 Mallory Miles

Beta Sigma/West Virginia Wesleyan MSC #184; WVWC 59 College Ave Buckhannon, WV 26201 Krista Nida

Gamma Beta/Marshall


1645 5th Ave Huntington, WV 25703 Lindsay Husk

Alpha Xi Delta ETSU PO Box 70276 Johnson City, TN 37614 Ashley Bishop

Epsilon Theta/West Liberty State

Gamma Theta/East Tennessee State

Theta Pi/Christian Brothers 650 East Parkway South Box # T-4 Memphis, TN 38104 Jessica Wortham


Beta Alpha/Texas 2508 Rio Grande Austin, TX 78705 Kristen Ellefson

Delta Psi/Texas State San Marcos 103 Mosscliff Circle San Marcos, TX 78666 Angeline Lasanta

Zeta Lambda/Texas Wesleyan 1201 Wesleyan St Ft. Worth, TX 76105 Joette Andrews

Theta Lambda/Southwestern 1001 E University Blvd SU Box 7472 Georgetown, TX 78626 Kathleen Huff

Iota Eta/Texas El Paso 106 Union West El Paso, TX 79968 Elisa Espinosa


Delta Mu/Old Dominion 1600 W 49th St Norfolk, VA 23508 Allison Combs

Iota Alpha/George Mason Alpha Xi Delta - GMU 4400 University Dr Fairfax, VA 22030 Emily Gers


Box 5A Main Hall West Liberty State College West Liberty, WV 26074 Brandi Addison

WISCONSIN Beta Psi/Carroll

100 N East Ave Waukesha, WI 53186 Carly Rau

Delta Alpha/Wisconsin La Crosse

1725 State St 212 Cartwright Center Box #216 La Crosse, WI 54601 Sarah Fender

Delta Tau/Wisconsin Oshkosh Alpha Xi Delta 550 Algoma Blvd Oshkosh, WI 54901 Jessica Puhl

Epsilon Alpha/Wisconsin Eau Claire Alpha Xi Delta 1004 South Farwell Eau Claire, WI 54701 Nicola Meyer Berlick

Theta Epsilon/Marquette 854 N 17th St Milwaukee, WI 53233 Meaghan Thornton

Theta Tau/Marian

750 East Division St Box #492 Fond du Lac, WI 54935 Tiffany Pritchard

Iota Lambda/St. Norbert Alpha Xi Delta Campus Center SORR St. Norbert College 100 Grant St De Pere, WI 54115 Laura Pickart

Nu/U of Washington 1616 NE 50th St Seattle, WA 98105 Jessica Louie

Epsilon Zeta/Eastern Washington 324 2nd St Cheney, WA 99004 Stephanie Gausman


Alumnae Association Directory


oin Sisters at an alumnae association meeting in your area. If there isn’t one nearby, contact Assistant Director of Alumnae Relations Sara Konopka at or 317.872.3500 ext. 121 to learn how to start one.

ALABAMA* Auburn-Opelika Emily Doucette 985.640.6975

Birmingham Jennifer Marzak 200 Creekstone Trail Calera, AL 35040 205.907.0774

Huntsville/Madison County Nancy Yarbough Harris 919 Tascosa Dr Huntsville, AL 35802

ARIZONA Phoenix Jeannie Swindle 7640 N 22nd St Phoenix, AZ 85020 602.749.1102

Tucson Kris Lantz 62 W Marble Canyon Rd Oro Valley, AZ 85755 520.575.8810

ARKANSAS Little Rock Lara Swearingen 316 West 21st St Little Rock, AR 72206 501.551.5436

CALIFORNIA Diablo Valley Joan Marable 166 Valley Hill Dr Moraga, CA 94556 925.376.7103

Los Angeles Jamie Watkins 1616 N Fuller Ave #130 Los Angeles, CA 90046

North San Diego County

Orange County Jacque Avakian 6626 E Wardlow Rd Long Beach, CA 90808 562.354.6136

Sacramento Annie Hallsten 1421 D St Apt #10 Sacramento, CA 95814 661.301.4642

San Fernando Valley Janis Rosebrook 1144 Rosedale Ave #3 Glendale, CA 91201 818.550.1588

Santa Clara Bonnie Prystas 408.733.9861

Stanislaus Taya Matthews 2425 Continental Dr Modesto, CA 95355 209.524.4569

Steinbeck Janet Beals 116 11th St Pacific Grove, CA 93950 831.375.8491

COLORADO Denver Paula Holdren 9355 South Holland Way Littleton, CO 80127 303.933.9330

CONNECTICUT Hartford Julie Landry 860.604.7710 alphaxidelta_ct_alum@

Southern CT/West Chester County, NY Lynne McNamee 27 Anderson Ave Milford, CT 06460 203.882.9862

Deborah Norton 4624 Arrowhead Ct Oceanside, CA 92056


The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta | Summer 2009

FLORIDA Brevard County Helen Carroll 847 Hawksbill Island Dr Satellite Beach, FL 32937 321.773.7691

Ft. Myers Anne Marie “Ammi” Correnti-Meadows 4361 Lazio Way #902 Fort Myers, FL 33901 239.206.0789

Gainesville Stefanie Nelson 375 SE Sylvan Way Keystone Heights, FL 32656 352.672.1126

Naples Martha Jean Gordon 5921 Bermuda Ln Naples, FL 34119 239.254.9464

Orlando Amy Jo Holobyn 1415 Oak Tree Ct Apopka, FL 32712

Palm Beach T.J. Parker 3235 NW 29 Ave Boca Raton, FL 33434

Pinellas County Julie McHugh 727.535.2171

Sarasota Donna Worthley 1025 Lucia Dr Punta Gorda, FL 33950 941.637.9475

Tallahassee Judy Levy 2112 Deerfield Dr Tallahassee, FL 32308 850.877.5442

GEORGIA Atlanta-Fulton County 1401 W Paces Feary Rd #4106 Atlanta, GA 30327 678.895.5976 christinamnelson@yahoo. com

Atlanta South Metro Sandy Shackelford 130 Middling Ln Fayetteville, GA 30214 770.460.9120

IDAHO Treasure Valley Katrina Clifford 2994 W Lost Rapids Dr Meridian, ID 83646

ILLINOIS BloomingtonNormal 605 Ironwood Country Club Dr Normal, IL 61761 309.862.4512

Chicago City Kari Fredrick 3347 N Sheffield Ave #3 Chicago, IL 60657 312.217.5542 Alphaxidelta.chicagocity@

Chicago North Shore Carol Henrikson 1818 N Dale Ave Arlington Heights, IL 60004 847.398.0425 rnchenrikson@

Chicago Northwest Suburbs Deb Keyes 4281 N Cottonwood Trail Hoffman Estates, IL 60192 847.991.3205

Chicago West Towns Susan Kosiulek 16601 Grandwood Lake Dr Crest Hill, IL 60403 815.409.7022

Rockford Deirdre Shugart 5454 Lambeth Dr Rockford, IL 61107 815.282.6249

Salt Creek Laura Sims 6325 Blackhawk Trail Indian Head Park, IL 60525

INDIANA Indianapolis Regina Lee 6594 Woodcrest Dr Avon, IN 46123 317.839.7768

IOWA Cedar Rapids Theresa Dvorak 1319 A Ave NW Cedar Rapids, IA 52405 319.350.5339

Iowa City Brooke Madsen 85 Vixen Ln North Liberty, IA 52317

Mt. Pleasant Jean Reschly 2505 Marsh Ave Mt. Pleasant, IA 52641 319.385.4823

LOUISANA Tracey Cannon 2116 Vineyard Ln Harvey, LA 70058 504.347.5953

MAINE Southern Kristin Lewis 37 Malilly Rd Portland, ME 04103 201.415.7971 mainealphaxialums@gmail. com

MARYLAND Janet White 6720 Briarcliff Dr Clinton, MD 20735 301.856.4213

MASSACHUSETTS Greater Boston 4 Megan’s Way Mansfield, MA 02048 508.339.3202

Greater Worcester Stefani Magnino Holmes 2 Brittany Rd South Hadley, MA 01075 stefalphaxidelta@comcast. net



Ann Arbor

Central & Southern

Marian West 2222 Fuller Ct #1013A Ann Arbor, MI 48105 734.663.5907

Oakland County Jacki Mudrich 16798 Country Club Dr Macomb Township, MI 48042 586.992.8106

Saginaw Amy Kraenzlein 800 E Meadowbrook Dr Midland, MI 48642 989.832.4926

Western Wayne County Suellyn Sekulich 343 Fort Dearborn St Dearborn, MI 48124 313.565.7193

MINNESOTA Minneapolis/St. Paul Jennifer Umberger 5180 157th St North Hugo, MN 55038 jennifer_umberger@hotmail. com

MISSOURI Greater Kansas City MO/KS Kellie Sullivan 10838 Bradshaw Overland Park, KS 66210

St. Louis Aline Neumann 12548 Starspur Ln St. Louis, MO 63146

NEBRASKA Omaha Colleen Richardson 118 South 51 Ave Omaha, NE 68132 402.553.1641

NEVADA Las Vegas Nicole Buntrock 5055 W Hacienda Ave #2053 Las Vegas, NV 89118 702.845.6632

Jenn Breisacher 139 Hawthorne Dr Mt. Holly, NJ 08060

Northern Virginia Messing 37 Birch St West Orange, NJ 07052 973.736.2090

NEW YORK Albany-Schenectady Elizabeth Friedland 1449 Western Ave Albany, NY 12203

Buffalo Barbara Michalski 72 Sandhurst Ln Williamsville, NY 14221

New York City Jami Stigliano 2330 Broadway Apt 2B Astoria, NY 11106 646.234.0847

Rochester Virginia Vorhis 43 Jordan Rd Pittsford, NY 14534 716.385.1231

NORTH CAROLINA Charlotte Area Ashleigh Mullikin 2147 Park Rd #4 Charlotte, NC 28203 704.607.6743

Triangle (Raleigh) Lori Bruhns 919.606.7170

Western Jolene Haymans McGill 85 Eagle View Ln Marshall, NC 28753 828.606.6094

OHIO Akron Laura King 266 E Caston Rd Akron, OH 44319 330.899.9583

Alliance Anne Freshly 3500 Rambo Ave Alliance, OH 44601 330.823.3500

Cincinnati Jennifer Newsome 2111 Sutton Rd Unit C Cincinnati, OH 45230 513.827.9381

Cleveland Michelle Whittington-Davey 986 Valley Creek Dr Eastlake, OH 44095 440.975.4307

Dayton Jan Austin 5276 Newell Circle Kettering, OH 45440 937.428.7459

Newark-Granville Donna Hill 2231 Loudon St Granville, OH 43023 740.587.0755

Springfield Amanda Shaw Timmons 660 W Sparrow Rd Springfield, OH 45502 937.328.3256

Toledo Patricia Hoag 660 Hawthorne Sylvania, OH 43560 419.885.1952

Warren Susan King 951 Thistle Place SE Warren, OH 44484 330.856.3335

Youngstown Deborah Remias 3644 Orchard Hill Dr Canfield, OH 44406 330.799.5920

OKLAHOMA Oklahoma City Jennifer Green 520 Sweetbough Jones, OK 73049 405.401.2964

Tulsa Jill Tenzythoff 2849 E 34th St Tulsa, OK 74105 918.747.0561




Salt Lake City

Bonnie Blish 1639 NE 61st Ave Hillsboro, OR 97124 503.718.7840

Delia Bayna 1819 Silverwood Dr Farmington, UT 84025 801.447.4270





Diana Rizzo 707 General Scott Rd King of Prussia, PA 19406 610.265.8435

Pittsburgh Alison Calderone 601 Dewalt Dr Pittsburgh, PA 15234 412.341.4842

Paula Fuss 4256 Greenleaf Dr Chesapeake, VA 23321 757.337.8209

WASHINGTON Greater Seattle 14549 30th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98155 206.363.4735

TENNESSEE Memphis Anne Hotze 375 N Graham Apt 15 Memphis, TN 38117 or Rebekah Meadows 2901 Frances Place Memphis, TN 38111

WISCONSIN Greater Milwaukee Cari Wallenfang 609 Laureate Dr Pewaukee, WI 53072 262.695.8734


TEXAS Arlington Sherry Scott 2705 Briarbrook Ct Arlington, TX 76006 817.226.3988

Elizabeth Polousky W3585 Wildwood Dr Lake Geneva, WI 53147 262.348.9510

Bay Area HoustonGalveston Jennie Hampton 3607 Acorn Wood Way Houston, TX 77059 281.461.6862

Brazos Valley Judy Bochner 5111 Bellerive Bend Dr College Station, TX 77845 979.690.7944

Dallas Lisa A. Lanier 17850 Sunmeadow Dr #3201 Dallas, TX 75252 469.828.0499

San Antonio Jennifer Thompson 830.438.6356

*Directory information gathered from the 2009 alumnae association annual reports received at Fraternity Headquarters by May 1, 2009.


Kappa Installation

Kappa Chapter Returns to the University of Illinois By Heather Haroff, Auburn ’03, Educational Leadership Consultant, and Eileen Meyer, Illinois ’09


ords cannot describe how much I enjoyed presiding over Kappa Chapter’s installation and the pride I felt looking into the faces of these young women as they experienced our Ritual for the first time,” said National President Deanna Wollam Detchemendy. “Their devotion to Alpha Xi Delta was evident, and their excitement filled every room all weekend long.” On March 14, 2009, Kappa Chapter at the University of Illinois was officially installed with 105 collegiate Sisters and four alumnae initiates. The long-awaited occasion began with a reception for colony members and alumnae on Friday, March 13, followed by the Pre-Initiation Ceremony. The reception was the perfect opportunity for colony members to meet Kappa alumnae, as well as collegiate Sisters from Purdue, Marquette and Miami Ohio, who assisted with the weekend’s events. A congratulatory luncheon for new initiates, their families, Fraternity staff members and volunteers, alumnae, and friends was held after Saturday’s Installation Ceremony. Guests included Ashley Dye, the university’s director of fraternity and sorority affairs, and the university’s Panhellenic executive board officers. Our newest Sisters are active on campus as members of the Illinettes Dance Team, Marching Illini, Order of Omega, Panhellenic Standards Board, and lacrosse and synchronized skating teams, among others. This fall Sisters are paired with the men of Phi Gamma Delta for football block and, of course, they’re looking forward to their first formal recruitment.

New Kappa Sisters and friends (from left) Erin Schandelmeyer, Meg LoBianco, Kelly Burke and Christina Ciardello.


The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta | Summer 2009

Kappa Chapter at the University of Illinois returned to campus on March 14, 2009. Sisters have taken the campus by storm, winning Greek Week, the Perfectly Panhellenic award and receiving second place for Internal Operations at Greek Oscars.

Educational Leadership Consultants Laura Thompson and Heather Haroff (left) were on campus throughout the year to assist with recolonization efforts. National President Deanna Detchemendy (center right) presided over Kappa’s Installation Ceremony, welcoming chapter president Kristen Viscum (far right) and her Sisters into the Fraternity.

Deb and Dan McAvoy, parents of Hailey McAvoy, traveled to Urbana-Champaign to attend the installation banquet and take part in their daughter’s special day.


Member News Alabama Epsilon Pi, Jacksonville State University The chapter’s new member class was recognized for its 3.79 spring semester GPA – the highest on campus. The chapter as a whole improved its academic standing and moved up a spot in the Panhellenic rankings.—Elizabeth Davis, jdavis5@ Zeta Xi, Auburn University Sisters came up with a creative and tasty way to tell the rest

Warren Ohio Alumnae Association | Sisters celebrated

of the Greek community about our new partnership with

Founders’ Day and bonded over dinner. Attending the celebration were (front) Marty Johnson Gilbert, Aliki Raphtis, Louise Warner Hadley,
(back) Autumn McDonald, Carol Ord Senne, Carla Dixon Kahler, Susan Uitto King and Heather Bland.—Heather Bland,

Autism Speaks: They filled goody bags with cookies and included informational flyers with the treats.

Arizona Phoenix Alumnae Association Alumnae made a lasagna dinner for 12 families staying at the Ronald McDonald House. They also volunteered with members of the Phoenix Alumnae Panhellenic at the FBR Open Golf Tournament to raise money for Panhellenic scholarships.—Elvira Esparza, Tucson Alumnae Association Sisters made and donated stuffed animals to the Ronald McDonald House and Tot Shots. Children can snuggle with their new toys while receiving free inoculations.—Ibby Ulmer,

California Theta Beta, Sonoma State University The chapter hosted discount designer jean company Charity

Maryland Metro Alumnae Association | National Government Relations Chair Sheri Edwards O’Connell, Maryland Corporation Board members Mary Ridpath Raver and Kim Hilliard Hooper, and association president Terri Bush participated in the University of Maryland’s Riggs Alumni Center Greek Pillar Campaign. Forty-four Greek-letter organizations raised money to have their organization’s name placed on the brick pillars surrounding the center’s fountain and garden.


The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta | Summer 2009

Denim for their on-campus fund-raiser. During the sevenhour event women purchased 113 pairs of jeans and 59 T-shirts at a fraction of their original cost. Nearly 130 people donated 99 units of blood during the chapter’s February blood drive at The Blood Bank of the Redwoods.—Rebecca Boskovich,

Sacramento Alumnae Association Alumnae prepare, deliver and serve monthly lunches at WIND Youth Center, a youth homeless shelter in Sacramento. Sisters also support the programs of the Sacramento Children’s Receiving Home and the Ronald McDonald House of Northern California.—Annie Hallsten,

Colorado Denver Alumnae Association Sisters gathered for the association’s annual Reading Day at Eagleton Elementary School in Denver to read to 26 Englishand Spanish-speaking preschool children. Alumnae and children shared a special time, and each child received a new book to take home.—Barb Stover,

Florida Palm Beach Alumnae Association Margaret Bergy Davis was inducted into the Order of the

Cincinnati Alumnae Association | During their Founders’ Day gathering, Sharon Denight received the Alice P. Hook Award for outstanding service to the association. Among those Sisters honoring Sharon were Karen Frey Stoudt, Kay Morris Carless and Kim Hutchinson.—Wendy Kurtz,

Diamond for 75 years of Fraternity membership. Nelle Crenshaw Flewellen and Kish Bonnel were honored with the Order of the Pearl for 60 years of membership.— Brittany Miller,

Georgia Gamma Eta, Georgia Institute of Technology Sisters held their first Reading Day at the Atlanta YMCA and shared the story Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day with kindergarten through secondgrade students. Children drew pictures of their favorite scenes and were thrilled to be able to keep a copy of the book for themselves. In March, Tech held a ribbon-cutting ceremony to open Shirley Clements Mewborn Field. The softball field honors Shirley, ’54, one of Gamma Eta’s founding Sisters, who entered Chapter Eternal in 2003.— Liz Tarpey, Delta Xi, Georgia State University As part of this spring’s Philanthropy Week, the chapter’s Bear Affair raised more than $1,000 for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. The foundation is close to Sisters’ hearts since one of their own was diagnosed with juvenile diabetes as a child. Other events during the week included selling rose kisses (chocolate candy kisses crafted

Northern Iowa | Sisters honored Denise Brown, who recently stepped

to look like flowers) and making valentine and goody bags

down from her position as Chapter Advisor after serving for 20 years.

for local children.—Stephanie Ng,


Iowa Cedar Rapids Alumnae Association Sisters brought their laptops to the Facebook 101 evening at a local coffee shop so tech-savvy Sisters could help those who aren’t so savvy sign up for Facebook. Those in the know also demonstrated Facebook tips and shortcuts. In February, Sisters assembled more than 300 goody bags for a Sister who is the program coordinator at a local senior citizens activity center. The bags were delivered during Valentine’s Day week to the center’s Meals on Wheels clients.—Amy Gaffney-Ingalls, amygi@

Maryland Florida International | Sisters polished their leadership skills at the FIU

Theta Delta, Towson University

Leadership Summit. Attending the event were (front row) Ibis Nieves, Katrina Fumagali, Zasha Fernandez, (back row) Carolina Soria, Raven Morales, Elise Manley, Jessi Martinez, Melissa Sabatier, Eliza Arenas and Sonja Dyrdal.— Katrina Fumagali,

Sisters had fun participating in the 12-hour Tigerthon dance marathon on campus. They also made stuffed animals and donated them to Johns Hopkins Children’s Hospital in Baltimore.

Zeta Omega, State University of West Georgia


The chapter celebrated its 20th year on campus February 7, 2009.

Iota Xi, Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Alumnae, including the chapter’s first president, Rena Latimer

Thirty-two exemplary women were initiated this spring, increasing

Bockman, returned to campus and toured Boykin Residence Hall,

the current active membership to 87 Sisters. Members are still

the new Greek Village construction site, and enjoyed dinner and

working tirelessly to raise funds to finance the new chapter

music at the Powell House in Villa Rica. A silent auction and raffle

house, which will be home to 11 Sisters in the fall.—Amanda

helped the chapter raise money for its new home in the Greek


Village.—Ashley Waters,


Michigan Phi, Albion College

Iota Kappa, Idaho State University

When students on campus want to share something, they paint

The chapter held its annual Quarter the Quad fund-raiser and

the rock in the center of campus. That’s what Sisters did to

raised $230. Sisters also raised money through a raffle and a bake

announce our partnership with Autism Speaks. Phi’s all-chapter

sale, which was a great time to bond with each other while selling

retreat focused on autism as Sisters learned more about the

all sorts of delicious treats.—Catherine Cessna,

disorder and how we can help children with autism. They also painted puzzle-piece key chains to donate to local elementary



Chicago North Shore Alumnae Association


Alumnae sought to alleviate exam jitters when they filled

Gamma Zeta, Eastern Michigan University

blue and yellow study break bags for Theta Epsilon collegians

Gamma Zeta received MSU’s Chapter of Excellence Award. Alpha

at Marquette University. Items included food, Alpha Xi Delta

Xi Delta was the only Panhellenic group to achieve excellence in

pens and notes of encouragement from the alumnae. The

all categories of the Greek Standard and Assessment Program:

association’s program director, Veronica Pontarelli Toussaint,

Intellectual Development, Citizenship, Values Integration,

and her family delivered the bags to the chapter house.—Jean

Leadership Development and Positive Relationships.—Christen

Osterndorf Johnson


The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta | Summer 2009

Gamma Nu, Southeast Missouri State University Sisters put on their creativity caps and enjoyed time together while making stuffed animals. The toys were given to Ranken Jordan Children’s Hospital, Southeast Missouri Hospital the Safe House for Women Inc.—Casey Marie Cowhey, Saginaw Valley Alumnae Association Association membership keeps growing by tapping into inCircle, using Alpha Xi Delta’s website calendar and publishing a summer newsletter. Congratulations to Betty Tatar Wiseman who received the Order of the Rose for 50 years of Alpha Xi Delta membership.— Amy Kraenzlein,

Nebraska Rho, University of Nebraska – Lincoln The chapter hosted and participated in an Area-Wide Training for our chapters at Kansas State (Alpha Kappa) South Dakota (Epsilon), South Dakota State (Epsilon Eta) and Nebraska Omaha (Gamma Delta). Sisters spent the day sharing ideas about recruitment, campus and community public relations, and how to improve their chapters.—Kimberly Huhmann, khuhmann@

Nevada Iota Epsilon, University of Nevada Las Vegas The chapter won first place and $250 in Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity’s bike-a-thon. Sisters logged 48 hours on a stationary bike, sold raffle tickets and participated in bicycle relays. The

Nebraska Lincoln | Past National President Jayne Wade Anderson, seated, was inducted into the Order of the Pearl for 60 years of Fraternity membership during the association’s Founders’ Day celebration. Pearl honorees Alice Frampton Dittman, left, and Alice Irwin Dudley were among the 65 Sisters present.—Caryl Craven Greathouse,

chapter donated its prize to Autism Speaks.—Anna Rehm,

New Jersey Iota Nu, Monmouth University Iota Nu took first place for Best Float during homecoming – the fourth time the chapter has received top honors. Sisters hosted a fun campus event called Monmouth’s Next Top Model, which featured models from the MU Greek community.—Mallory Rapisarda,

North Carolina Zeta Tau, University of North Carolina at Asheville The chapter won the Most Spirited Award at homecoming for the second year in a row. Sisters also hosted a Pink Rose Brunch

South Dakota State | Kristin Marshall, Sarah DeGroot, Mandy

for alumnae that weekend and cheered for Sara Lenthall, who

Heeren, Missy Hansen and Kelsey Moulton got into this year’s musical theme of SDSU’s dance marathon. The chapter was the top Greek fund raiser at $4,800.—Ashley Zwiefel, ajzwiefel@

was chosen for the homecoming court.—Robin Singer, rbsinger@


Orlando Alumnae Association |

Ohio State | After a successful spring recruitment, Psi Chapter welcomed 27 new women into our Sisterhood.—Allison McKinney,

Faye Mires Fly was honored with the Order of the Diamond for 75 years of membership in Alpha Xi Delta.—Nancy Larkin,

Iota Zeta, Wingate University

Beta Tau, Kent State University

Iota Zeta won Greek Week for the second year in a row.

Beta Tau held its Xi Man competition and raised $3,200 for the

Events included window painting, glow-in-the-dark kickball,

Milestones Autism Organization. The organization is special to Beta

sand volleyball, a variety show and a field day for Wingate

Tau Sisters since Chapter Advisor Peggy Dickerhoff Coyne, ’88, has

Elementary students.—Kellie Buffkin,,

a child with autism.—Brittany Lucido,

and Jill Corbo, Gamma Tau, Ohio Northern University

Ohio Gamma, Mount Union College Music education major Laura Jurasko was honored during commencement with the Heaton W. Harris & Corrine Harris Smith Award, one of the college’s highest honors, for her

Gamma Tau hosted Singled Out, a game show fund-raiser based on the MTV series, and donated the proceeds to Autism Speaks. Sisters wore blue Autism Speaks puzzle piece pins to promote the event and announce our new partnership—Brittany Cowgill,, and Tracy Wood,

extensive campus participation and her solid 4.0 GPA. Zeta Theta, Wright State University/Dayton Alumnae Association Psi, Ohio State University To announce and promote our partnership with Autism Speaks, Sisters made a banner, sent letters to OSU’s president and Greek advisor, handed out flyers about autism and announced our new philanthropic focus to the rest of the Greek community. Several Sisters are part of OSU’s Autism Speaks Club, and many more

Sashay Into Spring was the theme of the luncheon and fashion show sponsored by the Dayton Alumnae Panhellenic Council. Sisters from Wright State served as flag bearers during the parade of Panhellenic flags. More than $4,000 was raised for scholarships during the day’s events.—Jan Dorrough Austin,

plan to join. Theta Upsilon, Youngstown State University


Beta Xi, Marietta College

Flashing lights and a YSU police cruiser parked by Theta Upsilon’s

Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? Marietta students found out

“jail” attracted students and faculty to the chapter’s annual Jail ‘n’

during the chapter’s “test-your-knowledge” event, based on the

Bail fund-raiser. The chapter raised $1,730 in scholarship money

hit television show.—Mica Seman,

for the Rich Center for Autism, a school that has been on the YSU

The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta | Summer 2009

competition and raised $1,200 for the Potential Development

Iota Alpha, George Mason University/Northern Virginia Alumnae Association

Program of Youngstown, a school that serves children with

Collegiate and alumnae Sisters mingled and showed their crafty

developmental delays and autism spectrum disorders.—Sarah

side while making stuffed animals for a local family shelter.—


Dawn Winkler,



Zeta Eta, West Chester University

Nu, University of Washington

Sisters posted statistics about autism around campus, hung an

If you feed them, they will come! Sisters hosted a Mardi Gras

autism awareness banner in the student union and placed an

Midnight Pancake Feed for fellow students and launched an all-

article in the campus newspaper to spread the word about World

Greek barbecue in the center of Greek Row. Sisters raised funds

Autism Awareness Day. On April 2, Sisters wore matching Alpha

for Autism Speaks by coaching the Greek community in extreme

Xi Delta/Autism Speaks T-shirts, sold autism ribbons and sold

croquet.—Sijia Yu,

campus since 1995. Sisters also held their 13th annual Xi Man

cupcakes to raise money for Autism Speaks.

South Dakota Epsilon Eta, South Dakota State University Sisters danced for 12 hours during the university’s eighth annual State-a-Thon. Epsilon Eta was SDSU’s top Greek fund-raiser.—Ashley Zwiefel,

Tennessee Theta Pi, Christian Brothers University The chapter celebrated Autism Awareness Month and raised $1,300 for Autism Speaks during its Jail ‘n’ Bail fund-raiser. Students paid to have friends and professors arrested, then watched as they asked for money to be bailed from Theta Pi’s jail in the Quad.—Caroline Mitchell,


Southern Maine | Sisters who initiated in the 1970s gathered for a reunion at the home of Lynn Butler Foley, ’77.—Sarah Jensen Farwell,

Beta Alpha, University of Texas at Austin The chapter had its most successful spring recruitment in recent years, welcoming 17 new members to the chapter. Sisters had fun hosting Taco Xi, an all-you-can-eat breakfast taco extravaganza.—Stacy Corn, Stacy.Corn@

Virginia Delta Mu, Old Dominion University Delta Mu held its sixth annual Battle of the Bands and raised more than $3,000 from ticket sales, raffle ticket sales and donations.—Vickey Teets and Samanha Lohase,

Miami Ohio | Jan Colton Belka, Slippery Rock (PA) ’63, was recognized for serving as Zeta Nu Chapter Advisor for 30 years.


Epsilon Zeta, Eastern Washington University

was recognized as Organization of the Month for December

For the second year in a row, Sisters helped the ISAAC Foundation

2008. Sisters received a certificate, free pizza party and discount

raise funds during its annual auction. Alumna Holly Lytle and

package at Action City game and entertainment center.—Leah

her husband created the foundation after the death of their


son, Isaac, at age 3. Isaac had been diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder at age 1½. The foundation helps provide

Theta Tau, Marian University

financial assistance for intervention services and therapies.

The chapter made blue puzzle-piece cookies and passed them out on campus, along with information about Alpha Xi Delta

Seattle Area Alumnae Association

and Autism Speaks, to raise awareness of autism and our new

This year the association celebrates its 100th anniversary and 100

philanthropic focus.

years of supporting Nu Chapter at the University of Washington. Founders’ Day 2009 included a presentation by alumnae who shared their experiences in the chapter and a review of the activities the association has engaged in over the past 100 years. The association collaborated with the Nu Housing Corporation to remodel the chapter house dining room. The increased capacity is central to Nu’s Alum Aunts program and social events.— Michelle Rutherford,

West Virginia Delta, Bethany College The chapter celebrated World Autism Awareness Day by wearing blue T-shirts and hosting a dodgeball tournament, which raised

Saginaw Valley Alumnae Association | Amy Kraenzlein

$200 for Autism Speaks. Chapter president April O’Brien, public

(left) and Mary Whitman (center) presented Carol Lechel from the READ Association of Saginaw County, Michigan, with a $1,000 grant from the Foundation to help cover costs associated with activities, volunteer recruitment, mentor screening and training. Alumnae also donated books for children who take part in the READ program.

relations vice president Lindsay Sobotka and membership vice president Sara Drews each received a $5,000 Vira I. Heinz Travel Scholarship to help with their study abroad expenses this summer in Argentina, England and Australia, respectively. The scholarships are awarded to sophomore women at colleges and universities in the West Virginia/Pennsylvania tri-state area. Each institution can award up to three scholarships, and Delta Chapter is honored that Sisters received all three awards.—April O’Brien,

Wisconsin Delta Alpha, University of Wisconsin – La Crosse Delta Alpha took first place in the Most Fun Song category during the UW La Crosse Greek Song Fest.—Becky Putzer, putzer.rebe@ Epsilon Alpha, University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire On World Autism Day in April, Sisters sent puzzle pieces to the rest of the Greek community, asking them to celebrate the day and our new partnership with Autism Speaks. Sisters also wore matching blue Alpha Xi Delta/Autism Speaks T-shirts to further promote the cause. Out of hundreds of on-campus organizations, Epsilon Alpha


The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta | Summer 2009

Madison Area Alumnae Association | Alumnae met at Nakoma Country Club to chat, have brunch and enjoy the Founders’ Day Ceremony. Sisters also brought stuffed animals for donation to the Madison Police Department to be given to children in emergency/crisis situations.—Bridget Hudzinski Buell,

Honor Gifts

The Foundation recognizes Honor Gifts given from January 1, 2009, through April 30, 2009. All those on Team Illini for their hard work and dedication by Tracy Kleinschmidt Osborne, Michigan State

Helen Fox by Jessica Lea Demetriou, Rider Gamma Eta Chapter, Georgia Tech by Kathy Nicklaus Owrey, Henderson State

Paulette Trumpp Raburn, Bowling Green State by Jessica Mary Raburn, Bowling Green State

Alice Green Amos’ 2007 Order of the Rose, Ohio Wesleyan by Virginia Drick Messing, Ohio Wesleyan

Karol Dahms Grisard, Defiance by Jamie Dahms Pelfrey, Defiance

Judith Sechler’s Order of the Rose, Ohio Wesleyan by Virginia Drick Messing, Ohio Wesleyan

Carolyn Buchman Berlin, Mount Union by Anne Berlin Painter, Indiana

Kate Lambert Hayfield, Defiance by Jamie Dahms Pelfrey, Defiance

Jennifer Cross Shepherd, Lyon by Heather Mize Skinner, Lyon

Barbara Oras Blatchford, Northern Illinois by Jennifer Bauer Henson, Wittenberg

Rachel Hopkins, Central Florida, March 2009 FVP of the Month by Omega Financial, Inc.

Lauren Shepherd’s spring 2009 graduation, Southern Polytechnic State by Patricia Fostvedt, West Georgia

Helen Bolich by Mary Gaskell, Northwestern

Iota Theta Chapter, Southern Polytechnic State by Kathy Nicklaus Owrey, Henderson State

Sigma, Iowa by Christine Janes, Iowa

Tracy Bombik, Mount Union by Michelle Marchand Rebholz, Mount Union

Kappa Chapter recolonization, Illinois by Beth Henning Polizzotto, Illinois

Bettye Henderson Briggs, Stetson by Doris Lyon Boggs, Stetson

Nancy Stump Kilpatrick’s Order of the Rose, Ohio Wesleyan by Virginia Drick Messing, Ohio Wesleyan

Chesapeake Alumnae Association by Janet Gleason White, Frostburg State Laura Cisneros, New Mexico State by Shelby Krebs, New Mexico State Cassandra Cuadros, Cal State Stanislaus, January 2009 FVP of the Month by Omega Financial, Inc. Kris Gedeon Dahms, Defiance by Jamie Dahms Pelfrey, Defiance Veronica Dahms, Defiance by Jamie Dahms Pelfrey, Defiance Delta Epsilon Chapter, New Orleans by Kathy Nicklaus Owrey, Henderson State Delta Xi Chapter, Georgia State by Kathy Nicklaus Owrey, Henderson State Rigby Guiney Duncan’s Order of the Rose, Marshall by Nancy Fehrmann Gainer, Iowa State Leah Durham by Katherine Durham, Marquette Epsilon Pi, Jacksonville State by Kathy Nicklaus Owrey, Henderson State

Allison Turner Kimes, Lyon by Stephanie Davis Thompson, Lyon Patricia Neffler Lafferty, UCLA by Elleen Hall Denahy, UCLA Susan Leeds-Horwitz, Cal State Northridge by Sally Smith Reimers, Cal State Northridge

Heather Mize Skinner, Lyon by Stephanie Davis Thompson, Lyon Theta Phi Chapter, Alabama Birmingham by Kathy Nicklaus Owrey, Henderson State Martha Gordon Thorn by Mary Kathryne Caussin Wiedebusch, West Virginia Joyce Dial Ubl’s Order of the Rose, Ohio Wesleyan by Virginia Drick Messing, Ohio Wesleyan Kelly Wendorf, Wisconsin La Crosse, April 2009 FVP of the Month by Omega Financial, Inc.

Alice Mills Leighner’s Order of the Rose, Ohio Wesleyan by Virginia Drick Messing, Ohio Wesleyan

Katie Woods, Defiance by Jamie Dahms Pelfrey, Defiance

Christine Meyer, South Dakota by Dorothy Meyer, Alpha Deuteron

Shannon Young, Carroll, February 2009 FVP of the Month by Omega Financial, Inc.

Rachel Mullen, Christian Brothers by Hilda Chase Mullen, Memphis State

Zeta Omega Chapter, West Georgia by Kathy Nicklaus Owrey, Henderson State

Carol Novak, mother of Ashley Novak by Ashley Novak, Marquette

Zeta Omega Chapter’s 20th anniversary, West Georgia by Nealy Patty Wheat, West Georgia

Pi Seniors Class of 2009, Ohio by Kathryn Bowie, Ohio Kellee Calderon, Ohio Alexandra Mazer, Ohio

Zeta Xi Chapter, Auburn by Kathy Nicklaus Owrey, Henderson State

Ann Krick Pomeroy’s Order of the Rose, Ohio Wesleyan by Virginia Drick Messing, Ohio Wesleyan


Chapter Eternal

Memorial Gifts

The Foundation recognizes Memorial Gifts given from January 1, 2009, through April 30, 2009. Debra Jones Belisle, Iowa by Mary Baker Jones, Iowa Henrietta Bendele, mother of Ann Bendele Roberts, Texas State San Marcos by Martha Small Greenlaw, Texas Wanda Muxworthy Blanchard, Centenary by Delta Rho Building Corporation Deanna Wollam Detchemendy, Cal State Northridge Susan Leeds-Horwitz, Cal State Northridge San Fernando Valley Alumnae Association

Doris Harshman Linsley, Bowling Green State by Nancy Hammans Shellhammer, Bowling Green State Edward Matejka, husband of Margaret Wilson Matejka, Carroll by Danica Vanasse Olson, Marquette Richard McGowen, father of Megan McGowen, Cal State Northridge by Andrea Fouberg, South Dakota State Lori Holt, Alpha Deuteron

Eleanor Harger Burgess, Albion by Luanne Shafer Collins, Florida State Nancy Fehrmann Gainer, Iowa State Sarasota Alumnae Association

Roger Meyer, husband of Dorothy Meyer by Dorothy Meyer, Alpha Deuteron

Marti McDaniel Chaffin, Ohio by Marilyn Burnham Stotts, Ohio

Nancie Thomas Mitchell, Ohio by Rose Vachon Kunkel Roarty, Ohio

Phyllis Allen Dienst, Northwestern by Elaine Forrest, Northwestern

Helen Darby Moore, Marshall by Martha Gerber Guinn, Marshall

Virginia Straley Duvall, Purdue by Nancy Hahn Morgan, Purdue

Brenda Moreland, aunt of Claressa Moreland and Lemar Moreland Frank, Purdue by Lori Holt, Alpha Deuteron Jean Koza Leider, Iowa

Ethel Weiss Goodman, Northwestern by Judith Drews Haring, Iowa Janet Hutchins, Michigan Jean Koza Leider, Iowa Barbara Barringer Greef, Drake by Mary Pate Keiser, Michigan State Gail Phillipson Hronik, Coe by the Cedar Rapids Alumnae Association Brenda Hugg, Eastern Michigan by Briana Clark, Eastern Michigan Jessica Hughes, Nebraska Lincoln by Jacqueline Rockwell Eldal, Nebraska Lincoln Joan DeLematre Kailey, Nebraska Lincoln by Margery DeLamatre Sorenson, Nebraska Lincoln The mother of Tinsi Miller Koske-Olds, Ohio Northern by the Flint Alumnae Association

28 28

Ruby Atkinson Leonard, Oregon State by Janet Leonard Baillie, Oregon State Portland Alumnae Association

The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta | Summer 2009

Mildred Marshall Morgan, South Dakota by Marilyn Junge Snyder, Iowa John Moritz, brother of Marianne Moritz Russo, Cal State Northridge by Julie Lambert, Oregon State Jean Koza Leider, Iowa

Virginia Holmes Raville, Kansas State by Lynette Raville Mathews, Georgia Tech Dorothy Wikel Sharer, Michigan by the Oakland County Alumnae Association Jillian Siegel, Penn State by Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity Megan Simpson, Penn State Muriel Becker Spencer, Kansas State by Mary Tutt Allgire, Kansas State Elsie May Stamp, grandmother of Melanie Baumgartner Wirtz, Northern Iowa by Kiyoko Farrington Czech, Iowa Suzanne Summe Stefoff, Indiana by Jane Lephart Arata, Indiana Jane Lindenberg Keltsch, Indiana Alice Miller McRae, Indiana Marjorie Wintz Stenger, West Virginia by Nancy Stenger Todd, Maryland Joan Starkweather Stern, Albion by Julie Pond Matthews, Albion Judith Montgomery Onthank, Albion Elizabeth Trondson Raddatz, Michigan Judy Serafin Strelow, Illinois by Kay Vozenilek, Illinois Kristine Carlson Sutton, Missouri St. Louis by Linda Miller Schuchmann, Missouri St. Louis Jean Smith Trimble, Indiana by Ruth Lindenberg Heywood, Indiana

Mary Burt Brooks Nash, Northwestern by Lydia Theurer Pfund, Stetson

Dori Walsh, sister of Amy Holobyn, Indiana U South Bend by Beth Cohen, Penn State

Edwin Nelson, husband of Carla Rausch Nelson, UCLA by Karen Runninger Barney, Thiel Santa Clara Valley Alumnae Association

Mary Wells, East Carolina by Judyth Eargle Hustrulid, East Carolina

Jean Harkless Pond, Allegheny by Janice Sheldon Baumback, U of Washington Susan Nilsen, Cal State Northridge Alicia Woo, Georgia State

Betty Robertson Wert, Wittenberg by Ginny Carroll, Western Kentucky Blanche Gustavson Crook, Oregon Ruth Ann Davidson Farkas, Purdue Lori Bleich Gallogly, Drake Ellen Van Arsdale Hollandbeck, Kentucky Marilyn Horner, Nebraska Omaha Jeanette Jinks Horrall, Purdue Indianapolis Alumnae Association Indianapolis Alumnae Panhellenic Mary Pate Keiser, Michigan State Mary Alice McCauley Kranz, Purdue Julie Lambert, Oregon State Louann France Lockwood, Wittenberg Virginia Drick Messing, Ohio Wesleyan Vivian Schilling Surface, Indiana Tucson Alumnae Association Karen Johnston Wilder, Jacksonville State by Deborah Morrow Mitchell, Jacksonville State

5 Reasons to Give a Memorial Gift 1. In remembrance of a Sister who entered Chapter Eternal. 2. To pay tribute to someone who impacted your life. 3. In memory of a friend, family member or beloved pet. 4. To celebrate a life that has passed. 5. To say “I care” and “I’m thinking of you.” When you mail your Memorial Gift to the Foundation or make your gift online, a personalized card announcing your do-

Betty Robertson Wert, right, and Betty French Unkel, National President 1976-1978, prior to the dedication of Alpha Xi Delta’s new Headquarters in November 1975.

Fraternity Leader Enters Chapter Eternal Betty Robertson Wert, a 1936 initiate of Zeta Chapter at Wittenberg University in Springfield, Ohio, entered Chapter Eternal January 23, 2009. Betty was a proud and loyal member of Alpha Xi Delta. She served the Dayton, Ohio Alumnae Association in various offices, including president, before moving to Indianapolis. In her new home city, Betty served as Panhellenic Delegate and Indianapolis Alumnae Panhellenic President from 1959-1960. In 1968, Betty was called to serve as the Fraternity’s Executive Secretary (the position now known as National Executive Director). During her tenure she coordinated seven National Conventions, 28 chapter installations and the construction of Fraternity Headquarters on Founders Road. Highly respected by other Greek professionals, Betty served as president of the Central Office Executives from 1971-73. Betty was an active member of the Indianapolis Alumnae Association and frequently hosted alumnae in her home, led alumnae in Christmas caroling and provided piano accompaniment for Founders’ Day events. Betty was a gifted musician and had the special talent of perfect pitch. “We will always remember Betty’s courage, graciousness and passion for Alpha Xi Delta, said Development Director and Indianapolis Alumnae Association member Kendra Becker Lewis. “We have lost a loving, caring Sister and she will be greatly missed.” Betty is survived by her son, Richard Wert; grandson, David Wert; and great-grandson, Rowan Wert.

nation is sent to your loved one’s family. The amount of your gift is not disclosed. Memorial Gift contributions are used to fund alumnae and collegiate educational programs, scholarships and leadership opportunities.


Foundation News

Seniors Rise to the Challenge Graduating seniors have the chance to give back to the Fraternity during the Senior Challenge fund-raising camA L P H A X I D E LTA paign. During the past 10 years, 2,870 seniors have do- Senior Challenge ’08 nated $35,450 to the Foundation. During this year’s Challenge, 168 graduating seniors from 28 chapters raised $3,400 for the Loyalty Fund. The following women served as Class Representatives for their chapter and collected donations from other senior Sisters. Thank you for your hard work!

Inspiring Lifelong Learning This spring, 122 talented and deserving Sisters applied for Foundation scholarships. Watch for the recipient listing in the fall/winter Quill or at Our deep appreciation goes to the members of the scholarship committees for their diligence and thoughtful consideration:

Alabama Birmingham – Frances Halloran Bethany – Mary Lu Adams Bowling Green State – Molly Keane Cal State Stanislaus – Sara Ross Carroll – Danielle Lee Olson Delaware – Julie Schenk East Carolina – Casey Strader Greenboro – Krista Connelly Idaho State – Niki Markley Marietta – Katherine Knight Marquette – Katherine Durham Marshall – Leslie Collins Miami Ohio – Emily Hanks Missouri St. Louis – Lauren Medley Monmouth (IL) – Alicia Cox

Collegiate Scholarship Committee Chair, Cheryl Johnson Weldon, Georgia Tech Rigby Guiney Duncan, Marshall Kelley Kitta Hundt, Georgia Tech Alumnae Scholarship Committee Chair, Jan Swanson Loper Barris, Syracuse Betsy Clark, Ohio Wesleyan Dr. Bonnie Clark Jefferis, Defiance Patricia Salyer Palmateer, Stetson In these challenging economic times, our students need scholarship assistance more than ever. Help meet the financial needs of other deserving Sisters by sponsoring a one-time scholarship with a $1,000 gift, or create an endowed fund with a $25,000 minimum gift. Contact Development Director Kendra Lewis at 317.872.3500 or to learn more.

A Gift from the Heart In February parents had the opportunity to send A Gift from the Heart valentine to their Alpha Xi Delta daughter, complete with a personalized message. These tax-deductible donations to the Foundation support leadership and life-skills programming. During the four years this popular program has been offered, 505 parents have given $19,615.


Monmouth (NJ) – Lori Newton Mount Union – Lindsay Hayes New Orleans – Stefanie Borger Ohio – Erin Lewis Rochester Institute of Technology – Katie Rahr Southern Polytechnic State – Lauren Shepherd Texas – Cara Thomas West Georgia – Anna Aenchbacher West Virginia – Rebecca Saracco West Virginia Wesleyan – Melissa Walker Wisconsin Eau Claire – Amanda Baxter Wisconsin La Crosse – Amy Karoll Worcester Polytechnic – Kelsey Graham

Congratulations to the following chapters for 100% participation! Delta – Bethany Iota – West Virginia Beta Mu – Bowling Green State Delta Epsilon –New Orleans

Epsilon Alpha – Wisconsin – Eau Claire Zeta Nu – Miami Ohio Iota Kappa – Idaho State

Inspiring Leadership Foundation grants were awarded to two deserving Sisters to attend nationally recognized leadership development institutes. Riley Pennington, Sonoma State ’07, attended The LeaderShape Institute, which helps young adults learn to achieve new insights, improve relationships, create effective teams and enhance leadership skills. Kayla Gearin, U of Washington ’08, attended the Undergraduate Interfraternity Institute, which provides participants with the opportunity to explore, define and enhance their leadership skills, personal awareness and Fraternity commitment.

The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta | Summer 2009

Riley Pennington

Kayla Gearin


he summer Chapter Eternal includes the names of Sisters whose passing was reported to Fraternity Headquarters between January 1, 2009, and April 30, 2009. Sisters are listed alphabetically in chapter order, along with their initiation year. To notify the Fraternity of a Sister’s passing, please send an obituary notice, memorial service pamphlet or other written confirmtion to Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity Headquarters.

Alpha Chapter Lombard College/Knox College Cynthia Burkholder Grootendorst ’49 Beta Chapter Iowa Wesleyan College Marilyn Vance Beemblossom ’51 Neva Hart Boyer ’38 Floreine Walz Clark ’32 Lorna Carlson Cornick ’42 Martha Moburg Gaskill ’59 Lucile Alden Thomas ’29 Miriam Merisuo Williams ’49 Gamma Chapter Mount Union College Virginia Nye Reed ’38 Zeta Chapter Wittenberg University Mary Crocker O’Shaughnessey ’38 Betty Robertson Wert ’36 Eta Chapter Syracuse University Virginia Setz Gregg ’34 Theta Chapter University Wisconsin - Madison Jean Pelton Glatte ’51 Marian Lee Haarlow ’44 Iota Chapter West Virginia University Martha Hornor Hickman ’45 Kappa Chapter University of Illinois Dorothy Perring Bristow ’39 Sandra Zemm ’67 Nu Chapter University of Washington Shirley Richardson Macumber ’49

Chapter Eternal Rho Chapter University of Nebraska-Lincoln Joy Preece Currie ’67 Evelyn Larson Gilson ’52 Sigma Chapter University of Iowa Julia Haring Nielsen ’38 Phi Chapter Albion College Eleanor Harger Burgess ’48 Joan Starkweather Stern ’56 Jeanette Fraser Willingham ’45

Alpha Chi Chapter Randolph-Macon College Kathleen Goodwin Seymour ’28 Alpha Psi Chapter University of Denver Mary Hartman Buechler ’37 Beta Alpha Chapter University of Texas Sue Persons Hunter ’39 Virginia Hudson Martin Wolf ’39

Alpha Gamma Chapter Coe College Peggy Grove Cole ’49 Gail Phillipson Hronik ’43

Beta Gamma Chapter Centenary College Wanda Muxworthy Blanchard ’56 Marilyn Callahan Brown ’47 Betty Green Kintzing ’43 Beverly Cooper Shaffer ’37

Alpha Delta Chapter Oregon State University Ruby Atkinson Leonard ’32

Beta Theta Chapter Michigan State University Margaret Bull Hicks ’37

Alpha Epsilon Chapter University of Michigan Dorothy Wikel Sharer ’32

Beta Iota Chapter Louisiana State University Willa Stewart Kramer ’38 Martha Grass Tew ’49

Alpha Eta Chapter Purdue University Elizabeth Evans Burger ’41 Blanche Mellinger Riddle ’29 Alpha Iota Chapter Drake University Mary Lou DeBoest Deutsche ’40 Barbara Barringer Greef ’47 Alpha Kappa Chapter Kansas State University Jereldine Raitt Howe ’49 Alpha Lambda Chapter University of Oregon Violette Ellis Diamond ’30 Joan Martin Hamlin ’51 Alpha Mu Chapter Ohio Wesleyan University Patricia Grether Mockbee ’51 Mary Creager Wingard ’35 Luella Yeiter Wells ’37

Beta Lambda Chapter Pennsylvania State University Jillian Aggie Siegel ’07 Beta Nu Chapter Culver-Stockton College Frances Stork Shaw ’44 Beta Xi Chapter Marietta College Georgine Smith Knowlton ’45 Beta Pi Chapter Indiana University Suzanne Summe Stefoff ’48 Beta Sigma Chapter West Virginia Wesleyan College Beth Douds ’76 Beta Omega Chapter Memphis State University Mary Craft Cannon ’75

Alpha Rho Chapter Allegheny College Judith Ann Gallagher ’66

Gamma Zeta Chapter Eastern Michigan University Constance Clague Grimm ’62

Alpha Tau Chapter University of Alabama Marion Norman Putman ’48

Epsilon Xi Chapter University of Missouri-St. Louis Kris Carlson Sutton ’68

Alpha Phi Chapter University of Pennsylvania Kathryn Clark ’34

Zeta Tau Chapter University of North Carolina at Asheville Shannon Baird Jenkins ’92


Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity 8702 Founders Road Indianapolis, IN 46268

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Change of Name/Address Form Parents of Alpha Xi Deltas: While your daughter is in college, The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta is sent to her home address. We hope you enjoy reading it and will pass it on to your daughter. If she is no longer in college and is not living at home, please send her new permanent address to Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity. Any Alpha Xi Delta member should use this form to change her name/address. Send this form to: Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity, 8702 Founders Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268 or email

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THANK YOU FVPs! Financial Vice Presidents are recognized as earning FVP of the Month for maintaining accurate chapter and member records, and consistently submitting accurate and timely reporting according to National Fraternity requirements.

2009 Graduates!

Even though you’re graduating, you’re still an Alpha Xi Delta. Stay active and involved in the Fraternity by: • Sending your updated contact information to • Joining an alumnae association and paying alumnae dues • Helping your initiating chapter or a chapter in your area • Joining an Alumnae Panhellenic group (learn more at • Writing recruitment recommendations this fall • Submitting news and photos to The Quill


Alpha Xi Delta. Membership for a Lifetime.

An Honor Gift was made to the Alpha Xi Delta Foundation by Omega Financial, Inc. for the following recipients: January - Cassandra Cuadros, Iota Beta California State University-Stanislaus February - Shannon Young, Beta Psi Carroll College March - Rachel Hopkins, Theta Sigma University of Central Florida April - Kelly Wendorf, Delta Alpha University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse May - Lisa Nanni, Delta Xi Georgia State University June - Kelly Fields, Gamma Tau Ohio Northern University

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