The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta - Summer 2013

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Summer 2013 Made In America With Love Meet the 2013-14 Educational Leadership Consultants and Leadership Coaches New Chapter Installed at Bucknell University Remembering Jane Henson

Our Top 50 Memories from Our 50th Convention

National President’s Letter

Simply AmaXing

Alpha Xi Delta...

Dear Sisters,

What a summer! I’m still smiling about the great times we had in San Francisco at our 50th Convention. From meeting new Sisters at the Sisterhood Social to installing our 2013-2015 National Council, it was truly an amazing experience that left me energized and ready to take on the next biennium. In fact, we’ve compiled our 50 favorite memories from our 50th Convention. You can check it out on page 11. If you’ve never attended a National Convention, I encourage you to do so. You’ll leave with a renewed sense of pride for Alpha Xi Delta. It’s incredible to see the love, respect and friendship we all share through our common bond as Sisters. Even if you aren’t sure you’ll know anyone or find your place, you’ll be surrounded by Sisters who are ready to welcome you with open arms. With that being said, mark your calendars now for Convention 2015. We’ll be heading to Boston from July 1 - 4, 2015 at the Sheraton Boston Hotel. It can’t get much better than celebrating Independence Day with Sisters and fireworks in one of our nation’s oldest cities! This summer we also welcomed our new Educational Leadership Consultants and Leadership Coaches to Fraternity Headquarters staff. These bold young women are gearing up for a busy fall as they hit the road for a year of travel to our chapters. These women will be the key to our success at the upcoming colonizations at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, the University of Nebraska Kearney, Michigan State University (all slated for fall 2013), American University (spring 2014) and Oklahoma State University (fall 2014). You can meet these leaders on page 26 and get to know a little bit about their personal connection to Alpha Xi Delta.

Speaking of leaders, I challenge you to think of how you can inspire and grow Alpha Xi Delta. We’re constantly looking for talented alumnae who are willing to serve as volunteers. Given our upcoming colonizations, we need your support now more than ever before. If you’re interested in assisting with one of our newest chapters and/or colonies, please contact our Member Services Department at Whether you have only an hour to give or can commit to serving for a biennium, we need you. Alpha Xi Delta has given us an extraordinary opportunity to realize our potential. Let’s seize that opportunity! You never know who you’ll motivate, meet or encourage to become the next CEO, community leader, activist or even National President.


Sandi Edwards National President

Contents Made in America With Love

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Carolyn Rafaelian, Rhode Island ’86, has been turning heads in the fashion world since launching her jewelry company, Alex and Ani.

The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta is published three times per year in spring, summer and fall/winter by Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity.® POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE QUILL OF ALPHA XI DELTA, 8702 Founders Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268

Our 50 Favorite Memories from our 50th Convention!

Volume 110/Issue 2 Copyright 2013 by Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity; all rights reserved.

Sisters gathered in San Francisco, California, June 30 – July 3 to celebrate our Sisterhood.

Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity 8702 Founders Road Indianapolis, IN 46268 317.872.3500

Up, Up and Away We Go!


Meet the 2013-14 Educational Leadership Consultants and Leadership Coaches.

Meet Our Newest Chapter at Bucknell University


of Alpha Xi Delta

The Iota Tau Chapter was installed on April 20, 2013.

Submission Deadlines Spring issue – January 23 Summer issue – June 1 Fall/Winter issue – September 6 Submission Procedures Text and photographs may be emailed to the Editor or to the Fraternity Headquarters address listed above. Photographs submitted become the property of the Fraternity. Digital images must be taken using the highest settings on a camera that’s at least 3.2 megapixels. Address/Name Changes Visit or mail changes to 8702 Founders Rd., Indianapolis, IN 46268. National Executive Director Elysia Balster Gallivan, South Dakota ’93

Remembering Jane Henson Jane Nebel Henson, Maryland ’52, enters Chapter Eternal.


Director of Communications and Marketing Lauren Blankenbaker Felts, Indiana ’03 Communications Coordinator Lauren Fisher, Indiana ‘08 National Council 2013-2015 National President Sandi Edwards, Kentucky ’75

In This Issue 3

Letters to the Editor


New, Now, Next


National Panhellenic Conference News


National Housing


Philanthropy News


Member News


Meet National Council


Alumnae Association Directory


Foundation News


From The Archives


Chapter Eternal


Living Our Symphony

On the cover: When she can’t meet face to face, Erin Shill, Indiana ‘10, stays in touch with 40 Be The Heart Sisters online. Learn how Sisters use technology to stay connected, beginning on page 10.

National Vice Presidents Suzanne Cantando, UNC Asheville ’92 Michele Herbst Evink, South Dakota State ’86 Nancy Fehremann Gainer, Iowa State ’69 Micaela Isler, Texas ’91 Fatima Johnson, UNC Asheville ’95 Nealy Patty Wheat, West Georgia ’97 The Mission of The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta To inform, inspire and challenge. To sustain and nurture membership loyalty and interest. To recognize individual, group and Fraternity accomplishments. To provide a forum for the exchange of information and opinion. To be the permanent record for the Fraternity.

Letters to the Editor A Sister Throws the Winning Pass As much as I enjoyed seeing my Syracuse Sister throwing a football pass at their Powder Bowl game in the fall/winter issue of The Quill, I must humbly one-up this illustrious occasion: On December 4, 1948, I threw the touchdown pass that resulted in a 7-0 win for the sorority girls over the independents in our third annual Powder Bowl. With Sisterly love, Susan Raddar, Indiana ’48

remained active on the Knox campus until the early 1970s. Knox College has a long and distinguished history, but at no time was it ever known as Lombard College. Please consider correcting this error in the history of Alpha Xi Delta and Knox College. Thank You. Gail Sims Smith, Knox ’68 Editor’s Note: Thank you, Gail, for bringing this to the Fraternity’s attention. We sincerely apologize for this error and recognize that Knox College and Lombard College are two separate institutions founded in Galesburg, Illinois. According to Alpha Xi Delta’s 100-year history book, Lombard College was forced to close its doors in 1930, and its students were welcomed into Knox College. At this time, Alpha Xi Delta’s Alpha Chapter moved its charter to Knox College, and the chapter remained active on campus at Knox College until the chapter was closed in 1973.

Twitter Comments @madamedeals: @alphaxidelta Just received #Quill it is so nice to see the support for Autism TFJ @bakerela: Flipping through this month’s @alphaxidelta mag and look who it is! Miss Mamie! What a small world. #nokidhungry @kahlinmck: @alphaxidelta Great issue of The Quill! Shoutout to my tweet, nice article by #UNCW alumna, & photo of my loves @JulieRego& @Brit_Donatelli! CORRECTION I have enjoyed reading the spring issue of The Quill that I received today. There is one error that I noticed; that I feel should be corrected. On page 20, in the sidebar about Beta Eta Chapter, it states that “Alpha Xi Deltas know this school to be Knox College (formerly known as Lombard College) which is the home to the Fraternity’s Alpha Chapter.” As a Sister from Alpha Xi Delta’s Alpha Chapter and Knox College graduate, I would like you to know that both Lombard and Knox were separate colleges in the town, with Knox being older by 14 years - founded in 1837, prior to that of Lombard in 1851. Lombard was the location of the founding of Alpha Xi Delta, but during the Great Depression years, Lombard College was closed. Students and student organizations were accepted into Knox College, including both Alpha Xi Delta and Pi Beta Phi chapters that had been operating at Lombard. Alpha Chapter


The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Summer 2013

@kmay2013: So proud of @PurdueAlphaXi for all the hard work for @Cosmopolitan’s Campus kisses for the troops to be featured in @alphaxidelta’s Quill!

What’s on your mind? Have a comment about an article in The Quill? Drop us an email at or send a note to The Quill, 8702 Founders Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268. We reserve the right to select letters for publication and to edit for style and length.


Fraternity News

New | NOW | Next

Educational Leadership Consultants and Leadership Coaches made a spirited announcement during our 2013 Convention Opening Banquet about the recolonization of our Epsilon Omicron Chapter at Oklahoma State University.

New | Extension update In April, Alpha Xi Delta announced it has accepted an invitation to colonize at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIUE) this fall, located just outside of St. Louis in Edwardsville, Illinois, and at American University in Washington, D.C., in spring 2014. During our 50th Convention, Alpha Xi Delta announced it will be returning home to Oklahoma State University, located in Stillwater, Oklahoma, in the fall of 2014. This will be a recolonization of our Epsilon Omicron Chapter, which became dormant in 1981. If you’re interested in volunteering with these new colonies, please contact the Member Services Department at or call Fraternity Headquarters at 317.872.3500.

Now | Alpha Xi Deltas are listening! During our Philanthropy Breakfast at National Convention on July 2, it was announced that Alpha Xi Deltas have raised more than $1.57 million for Autism Speaks since partnering with them in 2009. In a guest post shared on the Autism Speaks national blog, Maura Reiff, West Liberty ’11, had this to say about Alpha Xi Delta’s partnership with Autism Speaks:

“When people ask me why I chose Alpha Xi Delta, I did not just choose it for the amazing Sisters I have gained, I chose it for [my little brother]. I chose it to find help and to have more hope. I chose it to have Sisters support not only my little brother, but the 1 in 88 who are diagnosed daily. It really is the Sisters I have, like you, who make me have more hope every single day. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.” Keep up the great work, Sisters!

Next | Thanks, Jane! In October, Jane Sutton, Western Carolina ’75, will retire as National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) Chairman during NPC’s annual meeting held in Los Angeles, California. Alpha Xi Delta extends a heartfelt thanks to Jane for her service and dedication to the National Panhellenic Conference and leading the Conference in a manner that makes us so proud to call her our Sister.


NPC News

A Message from the

National Panhellenic Chairman When I was asked to share my experience as Chairman of the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC), so many thoughts came to mind. The first one being -- I am probably the most unlikely member you would ever pick to serve our Fraternity as National President and Chairman of NPC. I’m a first generation Greek, so it took a while before I realized that there were these groups of women on campus that had something special going on. I pledged Alpha Xi Delta my junior year in college. At that time, my world revolved around the local chapter. The National Headquarters was just a far off place that sent out training manuals, lavalieres and report deadlines. Clearly, I knew very little about how Alpha Xi Delta operated, and even less about the National Panhellenic Conference. Even though only two short years, Alpha Xi Delta was a significant part of my college experience, but as I approached graduation I was putting Alpha Xi Delta behind me. I was headed out into the real world and sorority was just a college “thing”. I have never been so wrong. As a young professional, I missed the Sisterhood and friendships so I stayed connected through alumnae associations and by volunteering for the Fraternity. I began to realize that no matter how much I tried to give back to Alpha Xi Delta, it never felt like enough. How could I possibly repay our cherished sorority for all I had received? In 1993, I was elected to Alpha Xi Delta’s National Council as a Vice President. That year, the NPC Annual Meeting was held in Orlando, Florida. NPC delegations are made up of a NPC delegate and three alternates. The third alternate was sick and couldn’t attend, so since I lived in the area, I was asked to fill in. That opportunity for service changed the course of my life and has inspired me to work tirelessly within the National Panhellenic Conference. I came to realize that even though the women who serve NPC wear different badges and took different oaths, they all believe in what sorority stands for and the positive difference it can make in a woman’s life. We serve to ensure that future generations of young women have the opportunity to, as our dear Sister Ginny Carroll says, experience the “Gift of Sorority.”


The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Summer 2013

As Chairman, it has been a very exciting time to lead the Conference. As with all organizations, NPC is guided by a strategic plan. We have made bold moves in the areas of organizational no small part to the vision of many Alpha Xi Deltas; we have placed a priority on gathering data that will help the conference make informed decisions; we want to be known as the expert on and premier advocate for the sorority movement, so we have developed marketing strategies to ensure we are viewed as such; our collegiates, alumnae and stakeholders have told us that they need additional training and educational opportunities, so NPC is hiring a Training and Curriculum Design Coordinator to spearhead all of our educational efforts with a specific focus on college panhellenics; and finally, we are ensuring financial sustainability in order to meet the needs of the Conference. If our recent accomplishments are any indication, we are headed in the right direction. For example: • Membership numbers continue to increase and participation in sorority recruitment continues to grow. • Campuses are opening for extension at an unprecedented rate. • Our philanthropic efforts are enriching the lives of charitable organizations. One important area that we are focusing on right now is monitoring and supporting legislative issues that affect us as Greeks. In 2011, the North-American Interfraternity Conference, the Fraternity Sorority PAC and NPC formed a Fraternal Government Relations Coalition. The coalitions Public Policy Agenda is in four areas: •Student Safety • Continue our work on passage of the Collegiate Housing and Infrastructure Act (CHIA) • Discussions on hazing prevention • Mental health awareness •College Affordability • Preserving charitable giving at the current level • Student financial aid

•Student Success • Retention and graduation rates • Academic excellence

As I’ve traveled around the country for the past two years, I’ve challenged women to excel in five categories, and today I’m challenging you:

•Preservation of Member Rights • Freedom of Association • Title IX

The first is to Inspire Each Other – Young women should want to join Alpha Xi Delta by our actions. Our examples. In us they see women supporting women through our commitment to academic excellence, service, leadership and friendship.

We continue to fight for our Title IX exemption, which allows us to be single gender organizations. It’s interesting how Alpha Xi Delta’s involvement in preserving the single-gender status of men’s and women’s fraternities has come full circle. Mary Burt Nash, when she was NPC Chairman 52 years ago, was steadfast in her efforts to preserve this right. When I was in Washington, D.C. as a member of a coalition meeting with the Department of Education regarding protecting our single gender status and student rights, I thought of Mary Burt and all of the work she did for us in Alpha Xi Delta. I felt so much pride. To honor her and all those who have worked so diligently to protect this right, we need to ensure our actions do not jeopardize this privilege. The business of the conference and our efforts as a member of the Fraternal Greek Relations Coalition has been a major portion of my work as Chairman, but the opportunity to advocate for sororities has brought me the greatest reward. We want to tell our own story. We don’t want someone else to do it for us. By virtue of having a seat at the table I am able to share why we are relevant and a valuable partner in the area of higher education and women’s issues. I’ve dialogued with: • Fraternity/Sorority Advisors on issues impacting Greek organizations • University Senior Student Affairs Officers to explore and design aspirations for the optimal future state of the fraternity/sorority movement on campus • Congressmen, senators, congressional offices and governmental agencies to make our voice heard on issues which are impacting our members • And in June, I was invited to the White House to meet with President Obama and Vice President Biden as we partner with them to increase understanding and awareness of mental health issues with emphasis on college students Over the past two years, it’s become apparent to me that most people’s perception of sorority women is based on what they see in movies, television and social media. The “reality” portrayed in these mediums is anything but. If people want to know the truth, tell them your story. Our story. The story of 120 years of ‘Inspiring Women to Realize Their Potential’.

Second, we have to Challenge Each Other – We’ve pledged ourselves to a higher standard. We want all women to live up to their potential and we will praise, encourage and challenge each other every step of the way. Third, we have to Better Each Other – Because of our relationships, the encouragement, love and support that we give, we all become better people. We are stronger together than we are alone. Fourth, we have to Protect Each Other – A young woman joining Alpha Xi Delta must know that we will never put her in harm’s way. We oppose hazing in all forms and will not accept any type of behavior that may physically or psychologically hurt her. And lastly, we have to Move Each Other – How many of your Sisters, in your chapter or in your alumnae association, have had an impact on your life? I might not know your name, but because of the promise you made to Alpha Xi Delta to uphold her beliefs and live our ritual every day, you have moved me. Because of you, I am spurred to action, encouraged to lead and inspired to serve. When Mary Burt was Chairman of NPC, I was 7 years old. I often think that out there, somewhere, is a little girl... playing with her dolls and swinging on her swing set. In a few years she’ll go off to college and meet a Sisterhood of women who will inspire her, challenge her, better her, protect her and move her. Her life will be enriched and she will be afforded countless opportunities for service to Alpha Xi Delta. And eventually, she will serve as Alpha Xi Delta’s fifth NPC Chairman in the year 2063. We have an incredible responsibility to that little girl and all future Alpha Xi Deltas. What we do here today, tomorrow and for years to come will ensure that the legacy of the ‘Sisterhood of Women’ will never be forgotten. Because it’s our legacy. The legacy of Sisterhood. This article is from a speech originally delivered by Jane Sutton at our 50th National Convention.


Housing News Loan Refinancing

The Time Is Now If the rate on the mortgage loan you used to purchase or renovate your chapter house is more than 5.5%, you should be investigating a refinance. Rates are at historic lows and you could dramatically increase your cash flow by refinancing. Don’t be afraid! Yes, since the financial troubles of 2008, banks have tightened their credit standards, but the National Housing Corporation has the resources to connect you with a financial lender. Here are examples of things to provide when talking with a lender: • • • • • • • •

The most recent three years of IRS 990s The most recent three years of profit and loss and balance sheet financials A copy of your current mortgage loan note Your most recent appraisal If you have rehab to be done, a copy of the cost estimate The Articles of Incorporation The bylaws A sample housing contract between the house corporation and a member After a term sheet has been secured from a lender, they will walk you through the loan being offered and negotiate any issues that might be problematic. These issues may include prepayment penalties and rate changes that can lead to increased payments unless addressed before loan closing. If you’re interested in learning about loan refinancing or would like to be connected to a financial lender, please contact Jennifer Foster, Director of Housing, at or 317.872.3500.

Jen Henson has more than 30 years experience providing financing for single family and multi-family projects across the country. She works with many National Panhellenic Conference organizations and can be contacted at 614.246.2424.


The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Summer 2013 2012

Realize Your Potential Made in America

With Love Carolyn Rafaelian, Rhode Island ’86, Alex and Ani's creator and designer, hails from a family of jewelers where mastering their craft was not only an aspiration, but a family tradition. Residing in Rhode Island, the jewelry capital of the world, Rafaelian knew she was destined to continue the family tradition and apprenticed herself to her father at a very young age.

Carolyn launched Alex and Ani in 2004, naming the company after her first two daughters. Once she introduced her line of patented signature bangles, necklaces and rings, almost overnight, everyone was taking notice. Celebrities, major fashion magazine editors and the finest department stores and boutiques across the country adored the concept and design.


Realize Your Potential

••We know your father and family played a huge influence in your desire to become involved in the jewelry business. Tell us about how you started Alex and Ani, your inspiration and what your hopes were for the company when you first started out. Carolyn Rafaelian: My father opened up a factory in 1966, so I grew up in the jewelry industry. Early on, my summers were spent helping my father, which eventually led to designing my own pieces. However, it wasn’t until my first two daughters, Alex and Ani, were born that I decided I wanted to leave a legacy for them. The idea for creating the expandable wire bangle happened during one of my trips traveling from New York back to Rhode Island. I was thinking about my endless hoop design and how it would be great as a bangle, to expand and fit everyone. I love that women come in all shapes and sizes, so I created these bangles with women in mind.

••Has your vision for the company changed at all since its beginning? What are your future goals for Alex and Ani? CR: My plan is to grow the business as I grow as a person. I want to create empowering pieces while sharing symbolic, spiritual knowledge with others. Alex and Ani will continue to evolve domestically and internationally as a brand as we move forward with our upcoming product extensions. We’re also proud to take part in the green movement and will stay committed to our eco-friendly initiatives. We hope that the Made in America quality standard that we embrace will continue to spread and bring jobs back to our nation. While Alex and Ani’s long term


The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Summer 2013

goal is to become an established top-tier global lifestyle brand, we will always call Rhode Island home.

••You joined Alpha Xi Delta during your time at the University of Rhode Island. Tell us about your experience in Alpha Xi Delta. CR: Alpha Xi Delta introduced me to some amazing people. The close bonds that were formed there helped me fully understand loyalty and friendship. Although I found it difficult to follow some of the rules in our sorority, I would not trade that experience for anything because I deeply treasure the sacred relationships I built.

••Did your experience in Alpha Xi Delta influence you in any way through your work with Alex and Ani or personally? Are you still connected to any of your Sisters? CR: I have a strong respect for what the sorority stands for – unity, love, empowerment. These important ideals have helped my company and myself evolve in many ways. I am also thankful as my dearest, closest friends grew from my experiences in Alpha Xi Delta.

••What would someone be surprised to learn about you? CR: Many would be surprised at the high level of involvement that I have in all facets of Alex and Ani. I am involved in all departments, and I am

also very close to our vendors. I know all of the people that help to create our product. I am very actively involved in all of our designs and marketing efforts. I think it is important to be conscious of what is being created and whom we are choosing to work with.

••What symbol is your favorite? Why is it your favorite? CR: One of my favorite symbols is probably our most popular one, the Path of Life. I love the meaning behind it because those three words, Path of Life, really resonate with people. We all have a path, but most times we’re so busy that we don’t stop to question what it is. The Path of Life bangle reminds wearers that we’re all divinely put here for a reason, and what we do with our time here matters. When you look at that symbol you remember that you’ve been chosen to do a task, to have an experience. It’s a gentle encouragement to get up every day and honor that directive - to make it matter, in ways both big and small.

••Tell us more about Charity by Design. Why is it so important to you to give back to your community?

••What advice would you give anyone who is trying to pursue their dream of starting a business? What about those trying to get into the jewelry business? CR: Figure out what you are trying to do and find a way to accomplish this in an unexplored way. Stay passionate and true to this goal, and you will climb to the top for being unique and different. Have innovative thoughts and the ability to bring these ideas to fruition. Three qualities necessary for success are perseverance, passion and a plan.

••What are you most proud of in terms of Alex and Ani? CR: Everything. The people, what we create, our camaraderie with vendors, the stores we open literally around the world and customer relationships are amazing parts of this journey. Above all, it is the stories that are truly inspiring. Hearing how Alex and Ani has impacted and empowered people’s lives is so special. I love our message of positive energy. We are true to who we are, what we do and how we do it. To learn more about Alex and Ani, visit

CR: Love is the most powerful positive energy. Charity by Design is the heart of Alex and Ani because it takes that positive energy and channels it into making the dreams of charitable organizations come true. Charity by Design creates customized, symbolic charms that capture the essence of a specific charity or non-profit organization and makes them accessible to the public by raising awareness and funds. Proceeds are donated directly to these organizations that are striving to better people’s lives and the overall quality of life on Earth.

••What’s your favorite thing about the Alex and Ani brand? CR: That would be what we call “the power of one.” I hear a lot of different feedback from people who wear Alex and Ani. My favorite story is when someone gives a bangle to a friend (or stranger!) right off his or her wrist. This is so cool. It’s this great, pay-it-forward effect where someone is like, “hey, you’re dealing with something, I dealt with something similar… put this bracelet on and get grounded, let it remind you that you got this.” This is powerful. It happens all the time and it’s something I never expected. I love it.



Our Top 50 Memories from Our

50th Convention! 11 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Summer 2013


The Workout Collegians gathered on the first day of Alpha Xi Delta’s National Convention to take part in The Workout, Alpha Xi Delta’s

Xi Boutique

recruitment training program.

Sisters were excited to shop Xi Boutique at National Convention! Here are some of our favorite items from the week. Shop our favorite Xi Boutique styles online at

Sisterhood Event The first night of Convention ended with a Sisterhood Social. At the event, Sisters were given a passport to visit different stations that were themed as famous San Francisco landmarks. Once a Sister's passport was stamped, she could enter into a drawing to win freebies from Xi Boutique.



General Session


Initiation Four women were initiated into our Alpha Deuteron Chapter at this year’s Initiation Ceremony. Sisters were thrilled to welcome (from left to right) Natalie Brown, Deborah Deen, Claressa Basile and Kendra Galley into our Sisterhood.


Tom Matson, Senior Director of Executive Leadership: Gallup Education, was our speaker at the General Session on Monday, July 1. He spoke to Sisters about the five essentials of wellbeing: career, community, financial, physical and social, and how Sisters can incorporate these elements into their daily lives.




Oklahoma State The Fraternity made an exciting announcement at this year’s Opening Banquet – Alpha Xi Delta’s Epsilon Omicron Chapter will be coming home to Oklahoma State University (OSU) in the fall of 2014! Our Educational Leadership Consultants and Leadership Coaches made this spirited OSU announcement featuring spirit signs and orange pom poms!

Foundation Bequest


On day two of our National Convention, the Alpha Xi Delta Foundation revealed exciting news – Lee Riddle, Oklahoma ’47, left a gift of $1,200,000 to the Foundation! Her unrestricted gift will be used to help the Fraternity’s priority leadership programs. Read more about this gift on page 39.

Opening Banquet The Opening Banquet was a time for Alpha Xi Deltas to celebrate Sisterhood as well as 50 years of National Conventions. Scan the QR code to watch the video that was played at the 2013 Welcome Banquet.



Philanthropy Video The Fraternity’s latest philanthropy video was debuted at the 2013 Philanthropy Breakfast. If your chapter or association is interested in receiving a copy of this video, please email

13 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Summer 2013



Didi Conn Actress and producer, Didi Conn, was our guest speaker at this year's Philanthropy Breakfast! Some of you might recognize Didi from her role as Frenchy in the musicals Grease and Grease 2. Didi spoke to Sisters about her son, Danny, who was diagnosed with autism in 1995. Scan the QR code to hear her story.

The Delta Epsilon Chapter at the University of New Orleans proudly accepted the Golden Megaphone Award from National Philanthropy Director Sue Mamber (center).


Philanthropy Awards

The following philanthropy awards were announced at this year’s Philanthropy Breakfast: the Golden Megaphone Award, Heart of Gold Award, Step It Up Award, Autism Advocate Award and the Young Philanthropist of the Year Award. Congratulations to our award winners and thank you to all of our Sisters for helping to make a difference for all those who struggle with autism spectrum disorders. A full list of award winners is available at



Sisters used the hashtag #axidsf on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to post photos, news and updates about Convention. Sisters who were not able to join us in San Francisco were able to follow the hashtag to keep up with the action in San Francisco. More than 1,200 photos were tagged with #axidsf on Instagram during Convention!


National Chapter Meeting

Sisters gathered at the National Chapter Meeting on July 2 to discuss the business of the Fraternity. Here, Sisters were able to learn about Alpha Xi Delta through the State of the Fraternity address which was delivered in a video format. To see the various installments that make up the 2013 State of The Fraternity address, scan the QR code.





Awards Celebration Sisters gathered to celebrate those college chapters, alumnae associations and Sisters who have achieved great things this past year. Visit the “News and Announcements” section of to see a full listing of the 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 award recipients.

Julia Morgan Ballroom

The Julia Morgan Ballroom was the perfect venue for the Fraternity’s 2013 Awards Celebration. The venue is located in the Merchants Exchange building on the historic Cable Car line, and its arched windows provide phenomenal views of the city. The venue was designed by Julia Morgan, who was the first licensed female architect in the state of California and is still considered to be one of America’s most important and prolific architects. She is also a Panhellenic sister – a member of Kappa Alpha Theta!

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Conversation Café

Conversation Café was a time for collegiate and alumnae Sisters to ask questions to Fraternity Headquarters staff members and volunteers on topics such as recruitment, public relations, housing and finance, just to name a few.


Special thanks to the Northern California alumnae who volunteered at the hospitality table! These local Sisters were standing by to provide Sisters with recommendations for sightseeing and restaurants.

Rose Banquet Alpha Xi Delta’s 50th National Convention concluded with the 2013 Rose Banquet. Sisters watched as the 2013-2015 National Council was installed and as the Penman Award, Elizabeth Roberts Quackenbush Leadership Award and the Xi Achievement Award were presented to recipients. Scan the QR code to watch the Convention recap video that was played at the banquet.


15 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Summer 2013



In honor of our 50th National Convention, Sisters received beautiful gold, quill feather charms at the 2013 Rose Banquet. The quill represents the Fraternity’s open motto, “the pen is mightier than the sword.”

Rose Petals event


Alpha Xi Delta legacies were invited to the Iota Omicron Chapter house for our Rose Petal event. This was a fun way for Alpha Xi Delta members to introduce their legacies to our Sisterhood. Attendees enjoyed snacks, received a tour of the chapter house, posed for pictures with BetXi Bear and sang Alpha Xi Delta songs.


Kaye Hearn, Woman of Distinction Judge Kaye Hearn, Bethany ’60, was one of Alpha Xi Delta’s 2013 Women of Distinction. Kaye previously served as president of the Council of Chief Judges of the Intermediate Court of Appeals. She was elected to the South Carolina Supreme Court in May 2009, making her the second woman ever to serve on the state Supreme Court. To learn more about Kaye and the Woman of Distinction Award, visit

Shining Stars


Throughout Convention, Sisters were able to purchase stars for those Sisters and friends who have inspired them to realize their potential. All honorees were displayed in the Foundation’s Shining Star GalaxXi at National Convention, and those honorees in attendance received a Shining Star appliqué sticker to display on their name badges. Those honorees who were not with us in San Francisco received an email to let them know a gift was made to the Foundation in their honor. Overall, 2,243 stars were sold and more than $12,000 was raised for the Alpha Xi Delta Foundation!



Jane Sutton


Sisters had the opportunity to meet Alpha Xi Delta Sister and current National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) chairman Jane Sutton (pictured center) at this year’s National Convention! Jane is the first Alpha Xi Delta in 50 years and fourth Sister ever to serve NPC in this capacity. You can read the speech Jane delivered at National Convention on page 5.

New Chapters at Convention Sisters from our Epsilon Kappa (Western Kentucky University), Iota Rho (DePaul University), Beta Upsilon (University of Rhode Island), Iota Sigma (Virginia Commonwealth University), Beta Eta (University of Maryland) and Iota Tau (Bucknell University) Chapters traveled to San Francisco to take part in their chapters’ first National Convention since being installed this past biennium! The new chapter links were proudly displayed on the National President’s medallion, worn by National President Sandi Edwards.


25 Sightseeing

San Francisco, often called “Everybody’s Favorite City”, has a reputation for its scenic beauty, cultural attractions, diverse communities and world-class cuisine. While in SF, Sisters had the opportunity to see the Golden Gate Bridge, ride a trolley and visit Alamo Square's Painted Ladies, also famously known as "postcard row".

17 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Summer 2013 2012


This year, the Fraternity based its Convention programming around the five essential elements of wellbeing: career, social, financial, physical and community. By attending various presentations, Sisters had the opportunity to learn how these elements make up a person’s wellbeing, and when these elements are thriving, how they can improve a person’s wellbeing. According to Gallup, a thought leader in education, wellbeing is about the combination of our love for what we do each day, the quality of our relationships, the security of our finances, the vibrancy of our physical health and the pride we take in what we have contributed in our communities.



Guidebook App

During Convention 2013, attendees had the opportunity to download our free Convention app provided through Guidebook. This app allowed Alpha Xi Deltas to have maps of the hotel at their fingertips, provided updated schedules and offered dining and sightseeing options close to our hotel.

Roll Call


2015 Convention Announcement Pack your bags for Boston, Massachusetts! We’re heading to the east coast for our 2015 National Convention. Mark your calendars for July 1-4, 2015. We’ll be celebrating our Sisterhood at the Sheraton Boston Hotel.


Roll call at the Opening Banquet was lively with laughter in part due to our use of party horns to signify each chapter’s presence. During roll call, a video played a slide that stated every Alpha Xi Delta chapter. When an attendee’s chapter flashed on the screen, they blew their horn to signify and celebrate their chapter. The room erupted with laughter and joy each time a new chapter was shown!

Quackenbush Leadership Award Kathryn Crowley, Auburn ’09, received the Quackenbush Leadership Award, the Fraternity’s most prestigious collegiate honor. This award is named after Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity leader and community leader Elizabeth Roberts Quackenbush, Ohio State ’23, and is presented each year to outstanding graduating seniors who have made significant contributions to Alpha Xi Delta through chapter loyalty, campus leadership, community service and academic achievement.





Alpha Xi Delta Foundation

Eleven Trustees are responsible for managing resources, ensuring adequate resources and monitoring programs and services for consistency with the Foundation’s vision and goals. Trustees establish prudent investment philosophies, policies and practices; approve and monitor the budget; and identify, cultivate and steward donors. Congratulations to our 2013-2015 Alpha Xi Delta Foundation board! Foundation Chair: Jane Fursey Ralston, Mount Union ’65 Vice Chair: Michelle Soderquist Hartnett, Nebraska-Lincoln ’88 Secretary: Evonne Carawan, North Carolina State ’83 Treasurer: Marianne Moritz Russo, Cal State, Northridge ’82 Trustees: Lynn Andrews, Iowa ’75 Martha Geppert, Illinois ’81 Carrie Kashawlic, Ohio Northern ’94 Jennifer Bellas Lee, Old Dominion ’93 Susannah Prucka, Southwestern ’01 Bobby Allphin Stanton, Kentucky ’65

National Housing Corporation

The mission of the Alpha Xi Delta National Housing Corporation (NHC) is to strive for competitive, safe, properly maintained and financially secure chapter housing. Congratulations to our 2013-2015 National Housing Corporation Board! NHC President (center): Danica Vanasse Olson, Marquette ’90


Directors (from left to right): Mary Murphy Rice, San Diego State ’84 Jean Leider, Iowa ’68 Paige Faries, Western Kentucky ’71 Nancy Scott Walker, Purdue ’61 Deanna Wollam Detchemendy, Cal State, Northridge ’83 Chrissy Robertson, West Georgia ’96


Cyber Café

During Convention, Sisters were able to visit the Cyber Café to get the scoop on all things technology. The GIN System, the company we partner with to provide websites to all of our chapters, were available to answer questions related to chapter website management and social media. They even

From left to right: Susannah Prucka, Evonne Carawan, Martha Geppert, Jane Fursey Ralston, Michelle Soderquist Hartnett and Jennifer Bellas Lee.

19 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

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had charging stations to make sure all of our phones, tablets and computers were ready to tweet, Facebook and Instagram!

Past National Presidents Of the eight living Past National Presidents, we were fortunate to have five join us at our 50th National Convention. From left to right, Alpha Xi Delta National President Sandi Edwards, Kentucky ’75; Deanna Wollam Detchemendy, 2007-11, Cal State, Northridge ’83; Deborah Fenwick Maas, 2005-07, Marshall ’83; Jane Hooper Sutton, 2001-05, Western Carolina ’75; Kimberly Starr, 1997-2001, Kentucky ’79; and Linzda Belles Dinus, 1993-97, Washington ’60.


Limited Edition Golden Convention Badge

This beautiful Quill badge is made of rose gold and accented with genuine pearls and cubic zirconia, finished with a stick pin closure. The badge is $250 and is available to order until December 1. Please note: You will need your badge number to order a Limited Edition Golden Convention Badge. If you do not have your badge number, please contact Fraternity Headquarters at 317.872.3500. Orders can be placed by visiting


BetXi Bear Our favorite bear had a ball at our 50th Convention! BetXi made appearances at the Rose Petals event held at the Iota Omicron Chapter house at San Jose State University. From there, she ended up in “jail” at the Sisterhood Social on Sunday, June 30. Stations inspired by San Francisco landmarks were set up around the room, and Sisters had the opportunity to get BetXi out of an Alpha Xi Delta inspired Alcatraz. Alcatraz Island is located in the San Francisco Bay and was a federal prison from 1933 until 1963.





Penman Award


Xi Achievement Winner Xi Achievement chapters are selected based on the information received in the College Chapter Annual Progress Report. Sixteen areas of chapter life – from recruitment and financial management to Panhellenic involvement and member development – are considered when the best of the best are identified. Several chapters have much to be proud of this year, but were not selected as Xi Achievement Award winners. The following chapters have earned the Xi Achievement Certificate of Merit: Gamma Chapter, Mount Union University Beta Epsilon Chapter, Monmouth College Beta Lambda Chapter, Pennsylvania State University Beta Mu Chapter, Bowling Green State University Iota Lambda Chapter, St. Norbert College Big congratulations go out to the Gamma Delta Chapter at the University of Nebraska at Omaha for receiving the Xi Achievement Award!

21 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

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The Penman Award recognizes men and women who contribute to the Fraternity in some special way. A sustained and continuing interest by the nominee; a contribution of professional service (such as tax or legal work); time and service to a parents’ club, college chapter or building corporation; participation through support of a member’s Alpha Xi Delta activities; and one-time assistance for a major project are criteria for selection. This year’s Penman Award winners are Allen and Amy Renz. Amy serves as the faculty advisor for the Alpha Kappa Chapter at Kansas State University and on the Corporation Board. Allen Renz is a tremendous asset to keeping the house physically updated and secure. Amy and Allen were nominated by Stephanie Roberts Caryl, Alpha Kappa Chapter Corporation Board President. “Allen and Amy donate hundreds of hours to not only the chapter house, but also to the women. We would be truly lost without them. It’s impossible to put into words how much they mean to not only the members, but the alumnae and the Corporation Board. They are two of the most giving and selfless people I have ever met and had the honor of working alongside,” said Stephanie.


Betsy Weiner, Woman of Distinction

Dr. Weiner, Kentucky ’72, is currently the Senior Associate Dean for Educational Informatics, Centennial Independence Foundation Professor of Nursing and a Professor of Nursing of Biomedical Informatics at the Vanderbilt University of School of Nursing in Nashville, Tennessee. She is considered a pioneer in multimedia development and is responsible for the distance learning program in nursing and the informatics tools that help to tie together the research, practice and academic areas. She is recipient of the 2013 Woman of Distinction Award and accepted her award during the Awards Celebration at Convention. To learn more about Betsy and the Woman of Distinction Award, visit

Installation of the 2013-2015 National Council


One of the most exciting moments at the Rose Banquet is the installation of the new biennium’s National Council. Meet these extraordinary leaders on pages 33-34.

New Traveling Team Having Convention be one of your first days on the job can be stressful. Not for these ladies! Meet these bold women who will be coming to a chapter near you on page 26.



Heart Sunshine Reception

In fall 2012, the Alpha Xi Delta Foundation challenged all undergraduate members to make a gift of $18.93 in the Undergraduate Giving Challenge. Each person who participated in this challenge became a member of the Heart Sunshine Circle, an annual giving circle exclusively for undergraduate members. During Convention, all Heart Sunshine Circle members who were in attendance had an exclusive event where they were given the opportunity to have one-on-one time with Alpha Xi Delta Past National Presidents. Undergraduate members were able to talk with, ask questions and learn more about leadership in Alpha Xi Delta with some of our best leaders.

Ghirardelli Chocolate Obviously we had to put this on our list – it’s everywhere in San Francisco! Ghirardelli Square is a landmark with shops and restaurants in the Fisherman’s Wharf area of San Francisco. In 1893, Domingo Ghirardelli purchased the entire city block in order to make it the headquarters of the Ghirardelli Chocolate Company. In the early 1960s, the Ghirardelli Chocolate Company was bought by the Golden Grain Macaroni Company which moved the headquarters off-site to San Leandro and put the square up for sale. Since then, it’s been renovated to accommodate other businesses, but the lower floors of the Clock Tower are home to Ghirardelli Square's main chocolate shop.




The Sisterhood of Women Goosebumps is often a word used to describe this event at Convention. At the conclusion of the Rose Banquet, every Sister in attendance forms a large circle around the room, holds hands and sings The Sisterhood of Women. The room is still until the end of the song, followed by a loud eruption of clapping and cheering signifying a celebration of a great Convention!



Reunion Trips

Convention Countdown The Convention Countdown is one of the most exciting moments during the Rose Banquet. Sisters all stand and each one sits down after a number is called that signifies how many Conventions they have attended. Nickie Hill, Purdue ’44, was proudly standing up among the crowd as the number 22 was called, signifying she has been to 22 Conventions and was the Sister who has attended the most Conventions out of all the attendees present!

Chapter Links


The National President’s medallion chain is made up of links engraved with each chapter’s Greek letters. One of the most popular photo ops is to point to your chapter’s link of the National President’s medallion.

23 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

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One of the greatest things about Convention is reunions. The Chesapeake Alumnae Association make it a tradition to plan a girls’ trip after each Convention, and this year they went to Hawaii!



Social Media Buzz

The world was abuzz with Convention chatter among our social media channels. Here are a few highlights:


National Fraternity Staff

A great perk of National Convention is getting face-to-face interactions with the women who work at Fraternity Headquarters. It’s great to meet the women who are on the other side of the phone or email, ask questions and learn more about what it

Christine Caban, @cabana_republic So proud to be a part of such an amaxing philanthropy! #axidsf @KSU_AXiD

takes to run the daily operations of the Fraternity.

Sponsors Thank you to our generous sponsors! AllOne Health; Alpha Xi Delta Foundation; Alpha Xi Delta National Housing Corporation; Alpha Xi Delta Denver Alumnae Association; CSL Management; Digital Pix; Duane Cretin, Friends of Xi; GEICO; The GIN System; Herff Jones; OmegaFi; Residential Capital Corporation; and Willis.


@AUAlphaXiDelta We are so excited to hear that Alpha Xi will be colonizing at Oklahoma State next year! TFJ, OSU! #AXiDsf

Ashlie Kunich, @AKunich So many great ideas to bring back with me! Can't wait to share them with the chapter! #axidconvention #axidsf


Meet the ELCs and LCs

Up, Up and A

25 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

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Away We Go!


Meet the ELCs and LCs After a competitive application process, 11 Educational Leadership Consultants (ELCs) and two Leadership Coaches (LCs) were selected to serve as Alpha Xi Delta ambassadors as they visit collegiate chapters, provide consultation and advice on effective chapter management, assist with recruitment and inspire countless women to realize their potential. As they prepare to head out on the road, we asked them to pick one word they would use to describe Alpha Xi Delta and why they chose that particular word. Educational Leadership Consultants Hollie Amato, Ohio University GIVING. I chose this word because of everything Alpha Xi Delta has given me. From life lessons, to long-lasting friends and Sisters, to my current career, to my most meaningful memories, Alpha Xi Delta truly has given me so much throughout my life, and I cannot be thankful enough for it. Allison Davies, Indiana University BELONGING. Alpha Xi Delta gave me an overwhelming sense of belonging to a group of friends and to an organization with a purpose much larger than myself. That sense of belonging allowed me to grow as a leader and gave me the confidence and support to develop myself into the woman I am today. Jaclyn Dziepak, University of Iowa GROWTH. The reason I chose this word is because Alpha Xi Delta challenges women to grow in countless ways: as leaders, Sisters, community members and as individuals. I can say from my own experience Alpha Xi Delta has helped me grow immensely.


The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Summer 2013

Shay Galley, Bowling Green State University EVOLUTION. Through my Alpha Xi Delta experience I have been challenged, held accountable and evolved into an empowered professional woman, and I owe that to our dear Fraternity. Brittany Hartory, Bowling Green State University, second year ELC SUPPORT. To me, Alpha Xi Delta means a constant support system. No matter where I travel, there is always an Alpha Xi Delta Sister to stand by my side and show how proud she is of the organization. I have found my best friends within this organization and Sisters who always stand beside me through the fun times and the hard times. Bri Januszyk, Ohio University, second year ELC GENUINE. Since the day I received my bid from Alpha Xi Delta, I have never felt more like my true self. Because I have always felt so comfortable around my Sisters, I have been able to develop more confidence and become a leader.

Amanda Torpey, University of North Carolina – Wilmington, second year ELC COMPASSIONATE. As an organization, Alpha Xi Delta shows compassion and love for our members on both the collegiate and alumnae level. No matter the woman, they are provided with all the tools, resources and encouragement to make them realize their potential.

Sarah Kaewsowatana, Towson University INSPIRATIONAL. I chose this word because of the many memories I have with my membership in Alpha Xi Delta and how she has inspired and helped me grow into the person I am today. Emily McCarthy, Syracuse University, second year ELC HAPPY. From bid days to great Sisterhood events, Alpha Xi Delta has the power to bring a smile to my face and allows me to have a better outlook on the day. Whether I'm hanging out, watching movies or doing work, I am always a better, happier person when I am with my Sisters. Amy Schwab, San Jose State University ENRICHING. This organization has some of the most influential leaders I have ever met, and I am incredibly grateful to be a part of it. It amazes me that each one of the staff members comes from a different background and we all come together to encourage collegiate members to grow and enrich their lives. Shellby Sweeney, Florida Atlantic University UNIQUE. Alpha Xi Delta has so much to offer each Sister, allowing all of our collegians and alumnae to have endless amounts of opportunities while continuing with all of our traditions. My experience has been unique to myself because it has allowed me to become a determined leader whose goal is to inspire as many women as possible to create a legacy that they wish to leave within Alpha Xi Delta.

Leadership Coaches A Leadership Coach fosters member development through building life skills, facilitating StrengthsQuest™ and helps to implement the Realize Your Potential program in our college chapters. These positions are funded by the Alpha Xi Delta Foundation. Kate Hartikka, Stetson University SERENDIPITOUS. By some happenstance I seem to encounter Sisters from other states, other chapters and other generations in the most unusual times and places. It is during these times that I am reminded, despite the exceptional size of this world, that I am surrounded by an exceptionally large family and never have to feel alone. Shelby Young, University of Alabama at Birmingham INFINITE. I knew my time in Alpha Xi Delta would last longer than four years, but I didn't know to what extent. I am lucky to be traveling as a Leadership Coach this year and know that my journey with Alpha Xi Delta will continue on throughout my life.


Autism Speaks News

Indiana | Beta Pi Chapter at Indiana University held its first AmaXIng Challenge: Step It Up for Autism Speaks event this spring. Sisters received support from the local community by inviting families who are affected by autism to take part in the event. After the Walk, participants gathered at the chapter house and enjoyed food and a live band. After all their efforts this year, the chapter raised more than $5,000 for Autism Speaks. – Mackenzie Barrot,

San Jose State | Alpha Xi Delta Sisters from San Jose State University recently participated in the Walk Now for Autism Speaks event at Disneyland in Anaheim, California. – Alexis Welch,

29 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

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East Carolina | Gamma Phi Chapter at East Carolina University recently held a barbeque to raise money to support Autism Speaks. At the end of the event, Sisters raised more than $3,000 for our philanthropic partner! – Payge Taylor,

Omaha Alumnae Association | Omaha Alumnae Association members had fun at their spring Salad Supper, purchasing $500 worth of “Fat Brain Toys” designed and manufactured in Omaha, Nebraska, for children who have autism in the metropolitan area. Displaying the toys are Jill Freeman, South Dakota ’95, Alumnae Association President; Robyn Roberts, Northern Colorado ’88, President of the Autism Society of Nebraska; and Katy Nilsson, Nebraska at Omaha ‘94, Alumnae Association VP of Programs. Alumnae association members also participated and monetarily supported the Nebraska at Omaha Chapter in their Autism Speaks Walk, which raised more than $5,000 this year. – Cheryl Miller,


In Other Autism Speaks News…

Cal State, Northridge | Alpha Xi Delta Sisters from California State University, Northridge tabled on campus for World Autism Awareness Day to help shine a light on autism spectrum disorders. – Arianna Mesbahi

Wisconsin–Eau Claire | Sisters at the University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire participated in their chapter’s annual Teeter Totter-A-Thon to raise money and awareness for Autism Speaks. After partnering with multiple companies in the Eau Claire area and teeter-tottering on campus for 24 hours, Sisters raised $6,859.37 for Autism Speaks. – Eleonor Thomas,

Ohio | Beta Mu Chapter at Bowling Green State University held its Second Annual Rose Benefit Dinner for Autism Speaks this spring at The Stone Ridge Golf Club. The event included a silent auction, a raffle and special guest speaker, Sandy Hallett, co-author of the book “How Our Children with Autism Raised Us as Parents: The Ninety-Nine Jobs Needed to Raise Kids with Autism.” The event raised nearly $6,500 for Autism Speaks. – Abigail Benninger,

Pennsylvania | Throughout the year, Sisters from Lycoming College raised more than $1,400 for Autism Speaks by selling philanthropy bracelets, organizing an Football FrenXi AmaXing Challenge event, hosting silent auctions and having a fundraising dinner at a local Hoss’ Steakhouse. During the month of April, Sisters also participated in Light it Up Blue by making, decorating and displaying autism awareness posters as well as paper puzzle pieces with autism facts around campus. – Alyssa Riggle,

31 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

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Member News

Georgia Tech | The Sisters of Gamma Eta Chapter at Georgia Tech were the Greek Week champions in the spring of 2013! Sisters on the tug team celebrated their first place victory just after the competition. – Samantha Giannelli,

Purdue | Ten Alpha Xi Delta Sisters from the 1959 pledge class of Alpha Eta Chapter at Purdue University met in Charleston, South Carolina, for their bi-annual reunion. They are planning another reunion in Phoenix, Arizona, and hope to have many more Sisters join them. Left to right: Nancy Bright Binning, Ann Martin Durkos, Cooky Kaleta Bailey, LeAnn Shafer Eliason, Nancy Hahn Morgan, Wilma Knoop Shackleton, Fay Wagner Spencer, Sally Bridgewater Spencer, Ruth Bishop Phelan and Jean Noe Clark. – Jean Clark,

Fayetteville North Carolina | Members of the Fayetteville, North Carolina Alumnae Association at their Founders’ Day celebration.


Member News

Cornell | Alpha Beta Chapter Sisters recently gathered at Cornell University’s Alumnae Weekend. From left to right: Nancy Hallinan, Cornell ’60; Sharon Hey Gage, Cornell ’58; Beth Kublin, Cornell ’05; Sarah Shurpin, Cornell ’05; Anne Church, Cornell ’60; Emily Yachinich, Cornell ’13; Rosa Kim, Cornell ’06; Alina Lee Lane, Cornell ’06; Judie Byndas, Cornell '60; Theresa White, Cornell ’06; and Sonia Butler, Cornell ’62.

Albion | Phi Chapter alumnae and current chapter members attended the Albion College Getaway at the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island in Northern Michigan. Front row, left to right: Liz Frankowski, Albion ’10; Cheryl Henderson Almeda, Albion ’88; Jennifer Troell Morris; Peggy Sale Kresge, Albion ’50; Barbara Carne Riehl, Albion ’52; and Shirley Jenzen Brogan, Albion ’66. Back row, left to right: Carrie Vitale, Albion ’88; Cynthia Rafaill Czech, Albion ’88; June Luke Dempsey, Albion ’52; Krysta Schroeder, Albion ’10; and Ann Dustman Ferrell, Albion ’55. – Barbara Riehl,

Bowling Green | On April 12-14, 2013 more than 200 Beta Mu alumnae and collegiate members gathered to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Beta Mu Chapter at Bowling Green State University. During the weekend, Sisters hosted a dedication ceremony and took time to remember Sarah Hammond, Bowling Green State ’09, Rebekah Blakkolb, Bowling Green State ’10, and Christina Goyett, Bowling Green State ’11, and gathered for a moment of silence to recognize all of the other Beta Mu Sisters who have entered Chapter Eternal. At the final banquet of the evening, Jill Bortel, Defiance ’68, was honored with the chapter’s Lifetime Achievement Award in appreciation for her 40 years supporting the Beta Mu Chapter. From left to right: Marcia Luce, Bowling Green State ’44, Mary Wright, Bowling Green State ’11, and Gloria Davis, Bowling Green State ’44. Photo credit: Sentinel-Tribune. – Jill Bortel, 33 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

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North San Diego County | Members of the North San Diego County Alumnae Association had tea time at The Grand Tea Room in Escondido, California, for their monthly social event in May. Sisters enjoyed mini quiches, finger sandwiches, scones, petite desserts and of course, several different types of tea! – Cassie Johnson,

Florida | The Bradenton Branch of American Association of University Women honored Fay Murphy, Central Michigan ’59, and Janet Entwistle, Purdue ’53, with the “Women of Achievement” Recognition Award for 2013 for their outstanding service to the community. Both women have served on many boards of the Manatee community and have been long-time members of the American Association of University Women, Bradenton Branch. – Lois Blevins,

Cedar Rapids | The women of the Cedar Rapids, Iowa Alumnae Association recently celebrated the 90th birthday of Dorothea Moser Huebner, Coe ‘41. Sisters had a wonderful time hearing stories of her collegiate days and birthdays spent with Alpha Xi Delta Sisters at Coe College. Back row: Karen Kaliban Fox, Northern Iowa ’65; Char Matter Janda-Nechanicky, Coe ’56; Pauline Huston Miller, Coe ’40; JoEllen Sindelar Haddad, Iowa State ’82; Martha Walters Booth, Northern Iowa ’65; Denise Wood Jorgensen, Northern Iowa ’94; and Jennifer Hubert Kinney, Iowa State ’91. – Amy Ingalls,

New York | A Long Island alumnae association is looking to get started! If you live in Nassau or Suffolk County, New York, please contact Lauren Nash at or Lindsey Ross at for more information. – Lauren Nash,


Member News

Nashville | Nashville area alumnae, including Alpha Xi Delta National President Sandi Edwards, attended the annual Nashville Area Panhellenic Alumnae Association Spring Luncheon and Silent Auction which raised money for four college bound high school senior women. – Michelle Harper,

Sacramento | The Sacramento Alumnae Association hosted its 5th Annual Founders’ Day Lunch with 17 Sisters, representing nearly 10 chapters. At the event, Judy Santana Mohorko, California-Berkeley ’56, and Janet Seaman, Nebraska at Omaha ’61, were presented with the Order of the Rose.

35 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

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Newark-Granville | Twelve members attended the Newark-Granville Alumnae Association’s annual Founders’ Day Luncheon. At the event, Jane Karaffa, Ohio Wesleyan ’53, and Carolyn Smith, Ohio Wesleyan ’53, were honored with the Order of the Pearl. First row from left to right: Charlotte Myer Pressler, Ohio State ’43; Jane McCommon Karaffa, Ohio Wesleyan ’53; Carolyn Hardin Smith, Ohio Wesleyan ’53; Jean Newshutz, Mount Union ’44; and Angela Lago Hughes, Thiel ’95. Back row from left to right: Janice Forrest Mollica, Ohio ’70; Mary Haymaker Hill, Purdue ’44; Barbara Lopacki Sines, Bowling Green’61; Susan Langstaff Heckman, Marshall ’58; Mary Jo List, Ohio Wesleyan ’54; Mary Jane Barr Spahr, Ohio University ’61; and Karen Risberg Treece, Baldwin Wallace ’61. – Mary Jo List,

Chicago North Shore | The Chicago North Shore, Chicago Northwest Suburban, Chicago Salt Creek and Chicago City Alumnae Associations celebrated Founders’ Day in Evanston, Illinois, with members from Iota Rho Chapter at DePaul University.

Palm Beach | The Palm Beach Alumnae Association met at the North Palm Beach Country Club to celebrate Founders’ Day. At the event, Mary Berg Casto, Bowling Green ’53, received the Order of the Pearl. Two new members were also welcomed into the association, Maureen Dickson Lukenbill, Florida State ’57, and Karen Kerker Roberts, Cal State, Northridge ’85. – TJ Parker,

Pinellas County | The Pinellas County Alumnae Association and the nearby Tampa Alumnae Association gathered for a Founders’ Day Luncheon at Feather Sound Country Club. At the event Philanthropy Chair, Kathryn Giffin McFarland, Stetson ’70, created a wonderful basket of wine and Italian food for auction with the proceeds going to Autism Speaks. In addition, Peggy Yorke White, Wittenberg ’38, was presented with the Order of the Diamond, and three recently deceased members (Carol Hopkins, Monmouth ’55; Eleanor Irwin Cochrane, Michigan ’47; and Genevieve Wright Sirey, Albion ’22) were fondly remembered by those in attendance. - Cathy Pierce,

Metro Detroit | Members of the Metro Detroit Alumnae Association hold up a sign that says “Welcome Back Beta Theta” at the association’s Founders’ Day celebration. The Beta Theta Chapter will return to the Michigan State University campus this fall.


Alumna Profile

The Best of Alpha Xi Delta According to our 2013-2015 National Council!

President Sandi Edwards, Kentucky ’75 Best Alpha Xi Delta Memory:

Michele Herbst Evink, South Dakota State ’86

In 1998, the Boston Alumnae Association the assisted living home of an Order of the Diamond member,

Best Alpha Xi Delta Symbol:

Gertrude Twiss Daffinee, Tufts ’21, who had become frail.

I love our Quill! In the South Dakota

Sisters who were initiated in eight different decades attended

State University student union, there was a

- all looking splendid in ladylike hats as a salute to proper

room called the "Crest Room" and a faculty

attire in Gertrude's youth. At the end of the afternoon,

member had carved the symbols for many of

we held a rededication ceremony. When we started singing

the groups on campus. I never got tired of

The Sisterhood of Women, Gertrude paused for a few

walking in and seeing our Quill shining out

moments, and then started singing along in a whisper with

from all of the other badges and crests. I also

her eyes fixed on the rose jar. I don't think there was a dry eye

never tire of wearing our Quill! I treasure

in the group.

each one I have and love the stories that go

had its Founders’ Day celebration at

with each one I own.

Fatima Johnson, UNC Asheville ’95

Nancy Fehremann Gainer, Iowa State ’69

Best thing about volunteering for Alpha Xi Delta: Alpha Xi Delta for me has been watching new members fall in

Best word to describe our Sisterhood:

love and grow with our Fraternity just as I did. It's been

The question is not an

amazing to see so many young women go from new members

easy one to answer

to initiated Sisters to alumnae volunteers themselves. For me,

since there are so

this growth and commitment of their time and resources as

many words to describe our Sisterhood! Here

volunteers confirms the strength of the ideals and values upon

are my top three: Dedicated, passionate and

which we were founded.


The best thing about volunteering for

37 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Summer 2013

Micaela Isler, Texas ’91

Nealy Patty Wheat, West Georgia ’97 Best thing about serving on Alpha Xi Delta’s National Council:

Best piece of advice for Alpha Xi Delta undergraduates:

From our volunteers to our

Don't give up when life gets difficult or when you face

Fraternity staff, Sisters use

the many tough situations you will face or are facing,

their unique talents and

particularly during your time in the sorority. Rather

skills to help nurture and grow our Sisterhood.

than running away from tough situations, learn how

For me, the best thing about serving on National

to address them head on. Developing these skills

Council has been the growth and knowledge

during your undergraduate years, even when you don't

that I've gained from these amazing women. It's

realize it, will allow you to navigate through life with

an opportunity to serve the Fraternity, strengthen

greater confidence and strength.







appreciation for what Alpha Xi Delta has given us.

Additionally, believe in yourself, manage your emotions

Additionally, it's an opportunity of personal growth

and learn to be a strong leader now, especially with

and living our motto by realizing my potential.

peers, advisors and professors. These skills will serve you well throughout life, especially during life’s most difficult times, and will prove to be invaluable assets for you after college, no matter what you decide to do. Seize these opportunities every chance you get.

Suzanne Cantando, UNC Asheville ’92 Best Alpha Xi Delta event you have ever attended: This is a tough one. I’ve been to many great events, from chapter events to installations of new chapters (really cool!), but I think the best would have to be our Centennial Convention in 1993. I had just finished my sophomore year in college and attended as a delegate. Your first Convention is a pretty special experience. To

Never forget that membership in Alpha Xi Delta is for a lifetime. Utilize this amazing network of women throughout life to provide you with support, resources, fulfillment, friendship and professional connections. Don't take our bonds of Sisterhood for granted during your collegiate years over something petty, like a disagreement with a Sister, because I’m certain you won’t recall the petty issues 20 years after graduation. Rather, you will regret being without this strong support system of thousands of unbelievably accomplished women and a lifetime of unforgettable memories!

have your first Convention be the Centennial Convention, celebrating 100 years of Alpha Xi Delta, I felt very, very lucky!


Iota Tau Installation

Iota Tau Chapter Installed at Bucknell University

The newest members of Iota Tau Chapter at Bucknell University with Alpha Xi Delta’s National President Sandi Edwards.

April 20, 2013 was an exciting day for Alpha Xi Delta Sisters across the country, as our newest chapter, Iota Tau, was installed at Bucknell University in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania. Founded in 1846, Bucknell University is now the nation’s largest private liberal arts university. The school is home to 3,500 undergraduate students and more than 150 student organizations, including 11 fraternities and eight sororities. Alpha Xi Delta received and accepted an invitation to join Bucknell’s Greek community in November 2012, and in January 2013, Educational Leadership Consultant (ELC), Brittany Hartory, arrived on campus to conduct a successful colony recruitment and aid our newest Sisters throughout the new member period. “At the beginning of the colony recruitment process, we knew there were strong women on Bucknell’s campus to add to our wonderful Sisterhood,” said Brittany. “After getting to know these women and inviting them to join our Sisterhood, these women found a home within Alpha Xi Delta that they did not previously have, and they welcomed everyone with open arms.” During this time, the colony women were busy learning about Alpha Xi Delta and emerging themselves in the Greek community at Bucknell. They participated in many philanthropic events, such as Sigma Chi’s Derby Days and Delta Gamma’s Anchor Splash. They hosted a community-wide Easter Egg Hunt with the men of Phi Kappa Psi and promoted Alpha Xi Delta’s partnership with Autism Speaks on campus throughout the month of April for Autism Awareness Month by passing out fact cards, chalking

39 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Summer 2013

statistics on campus and hosting a Light It Up Blue challenge among the other Bucknell fraternities and sororities. When the chapter women return to campus this fall, they will be participating in their first formal recruitment and hosting their first Jail N’ Bail event to raise money and awareness for Autism Speaks. When looking back at her time spent at Bucknell and with the Iota Tau Chapter women, Brittany said, “The colony women continued to do many great things on campus throughout their first semester as Alpha Xi Deltas. I know they will continue to grow and will leave a legacy for years to come.” With the installation of Iota Tau Chapter on April 20, 2013, Alpha Xi Delta welcomed 24 amazing new members into our Sisterhood and became the 8th National Panhellenic organization on Bucknell University’s campus. These women will be the foundation for a solid chapter when they participate in their first formal recruitment this fall. Educational Leadership Consultant, Brittany Hartory (right), with Iota Tau’s Chapter President, Kaitlin Callahan at the colony’s installation banquet.

In a nutshell…tell us about you. I graduated from the University of Central Oklahoma in 2010 and am an initiate of the Iota Delta Chapter. I am an upper-elementary school teacher at an inner-city school in Oklahoma City. I am the Oklahoma City Alumnae Association President as well as the volunteer Programs Advisor for the Iota Delta Chapter. I also volunteer with my church leading a club for elementary-age girls. I enjoy reading, hiking, nail polish and especially girls nights with my Sisters. Most played song on your iPod: …is probably not a song, but an audio book, “Pride and Prejudice”. I love listening to books while driving, cleaning and grading papers. My taste in music; however, is very broad, so my iPod has everything on it from Katy Perry to Queen. Finish the sentence: “If it was not for Alpha Xi Delta I would not have…” the wonderful support system that I now have in my life. Without the Sisters that I have built lasting relationships with through the Fraternity, I am not sure where I would be at this point in my life. Initially, they helped ease my move from my small hometown to the “big city,” (by Oklahoma standards). However, I would never have guessed that these women would be such an integral part of my life after college. My Sisters support, encourage, help, push and inspire me through the times when I need it the most. You are currently the President of the Oklahoma City (OKC) Alumnae Association. Why did you choose to join an alumnae association after college and remain involved? As a collegiate member, I only saw a small part of what being in the alumnae association was about. I believed that this group of women planned their group mainly to support the college chapter. Once I graduated, I wanted to continue to support my chapter directly so I joined the OKC Association. However, once I joined, I

got to see the wonderful dynamic of alumnae associations; Sisters from multiple generations and chapters coming together not only to look back on their college chapter days but to perpetuate the Sisterhood of Alpha Xi Delta on a new level. I was able to see this organization in a much larger scope. I joined to support my college chapter, but I stayed because I realized that learning, service to others and Sisterhood does not end with college, and I hope to help recent graduates continue realizing the same thing. What is the best part of alumnae membership in Alpha Xi Delta? The best part of alumnae membership is seeing something that I was, and am, a part of grow, change and prosper. This is true for me looking at my own college chapter and the fantastic transformation that has happened there since the time of my initiation. I also had to opportunity to see this at National Convention this year in San Francisco, California, while being updated on all the great things happening nationally with Alpha Xi Delta. Favorite thing about summer: During the school year, my days are very full. Nearly every night of the week holds something for me to do once I have put in a few extra hours after the school day ends. I love that summer gives me freedom of schedule. I take this time to plan programming for our association and the chapter and to prepare for the next school year. It is also a must to fit in some reading by the pool. Why do you pay your alumnae dues? I cannot put a value on the ideals, principles and people that Alpha Xi Delta has placed in my life. I can, however, pay my alumnae dues to contribute to the support of the Fraternity. By paying my dues, I am in part helping to ensure that future generations are able to get as much from Alpha Xi as I have (in turn, inspiring them to want to give back) as well as helping to ensure that Alpha Xi Delta continues helping women realize their potential.

be the


Monta Johnson,

Central Oklahoma ’06 Do you prefer? ✘ __Facebook or __Twitter? ✘ __Iced Coffee or __Hot Latté? ✘ __Heels or __Flats? ✘ __Salty or ✘ __Sweet? __Left brained or __Right brained? ✘ __A.M. or __P.M.?

You can Be The Heart of Alpha Xi Delta. Pay your alumnae dues at


Association Directory Alumnae Association Directory Get together with Sisters for fun and friendship by joining an alumnae association in your area. If there isn’t an association near you, you can start one with at least five interested alumnae in good standing. Learn more at


Los Angeles





Mirai Booth-Ong

Diana Rizzo

Treasure Valley


Amy Perry

Vivian Schilling Surface

Amy Lee

Birmingham Randi Kirkland

Chattahoochee Valley Adrienne Bentley

Huntsville/Madison Country Catalina Ontiveros

Mobile Bay Alicia Cochran Spencer

ARIZONA Phoenix Jessica Holden

Tucson Mary Harvey

FLORIDA Napa Valley

Brevard County

Kristin Billingsley



Helen Carroll

Iowa-Illinois Quad Cities

Iowa City

North San Diego County


Janice Dietz

Dana Hartman

Allison Brown

Lyndsey D. Morton


Iowa-Illinois Quad Cities



Sandra Holcomb

Janice Dietz

Elizabeth Payette

Christy Worthington

City of Chicago

Mt. Pleasant

San Fernando Valley

Naples/Marco Island

Stephanie Czajken

Jean Reschly

Sally Smith Reimers

Jacqueline Pechette

Santa Clara Valley

Greater Orlando

Ginger Harris

Jean Feehan

Amy Jo Holobyn

Chicago Northwest Suburban


Palm Beach

Jordan Rushing

Thelma Jean Merck Parker


ARKANSAS Little Rock Jessica Brents Dunham


Dianne E. Ziegler

Judy Levy

Tampa Beth Potter

Northern Colorado Kimberly Baird Schutt

Diablo Valley

Pikes Peak

Joan Marable

Ann Hall

Deborah Keyes

Chicago West Towns Shari Arends

Madison Area Elizabeth Williams Polousky



Eldora Musil

Atlanta North Metro Cheryl Johnson Weldon

DELAWARE Chesapeake Linda Zerfing

41 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Summer 2013

Kimberly Arnzen

Chattahoochee Valley Adrienne Bentley

KENTUCKY Cincinnati Nicole A. Kuzmin-Nichols

LOUISIANA New Orleans Tracey M. Cannon

MAINE Southern Maine Jamie Deshaies alumnae

Salt Creek Laura Gahagan Sims

Atlanta South Metro

Fresno Kimberly Balch alumnaeassociation


Chicago North Shore

MARYLAND Chesapeake

Springfield Jill Gordon

Linda Zerfing

Maryland Metro

Omaha Metro




Sheri Baumel

Kathy Nilsson

Nicole A. Kuzmin-Nichols

Karen Rosvall

Darah Eckert



Las Vegas

Greater Boston

Nicole Westlind

Jill Potts

Greater Rhode Island Victoria Aceves

MICHIGAN Ann Arbor Marian S. West

Western Wayne County Suellyn H. Sekulich

Columbus Meggin Demski Flowers


Cuyahoga West Shore

Northern New Jersey

Lara Mueller

Virginia Drick Messing

Greater Worcester Lisa Mues worcesteralum

Michelle Murray

Philadelphia Diana Rizzo


San Antonio Metroplex

PENNSYLVANIA Philadelphia Diana Rizzo


Alison Calderone

Linda Zerfing

Northern Virginia


Jan Dorrough Austin

Greater Rhode Island

Donna Butler Hill



Barbara Michalski

Amanda Simmons



Virginia Vorhis

Britney Kimbler

Victoria Aceves

TENNESSEE Memphis Kasey Bramlitt


Minneapolis-St. Paul

Western North Carolina

Becky Soderholm

Myra Grant

Heather Bland

Rebecca Sumner


MISSOURI St. Louis Aline Neumann

NEBRASKA Lincoln Kara Heideman

Brandy Bolick


TEXAS Terri Wilson

Oklahoma City Monta Johnson



Laura King

Lynne Stanley Caroon

WASHINGTON Megan Caldwell

Jennie Hampton


Jennifer Patterson tidewateralumnaeassociation.

Michelle W. Harper

Bay Area Houston-Galveston




Arlington Youngstown

Elizabeth Battaglia








Marsha Mabry Schendel

Kathy Moore Dwight

WISCONSIN Greater Milwaukee Melissa Schinker Reed

Madison Area Elizabeth Williams Polousky

Northwestern Wisconsin Kelsie Beckfield

El Paso Del Norte Bowling Green Linda Polzin

OREGON Corvallis Judy Brazee

Jessica Tellez



Alpha Xi Delta Foundation Receives Largest Gift in History Alpha Xi Delta Foundation has received a $1.2 million unrestricted gift from the estate of Helen Lee Wayne Riddle, Oklahoma ’47. The largest in Alpha Xi Delta’s history, this gift will provide support for the Fraternity’s priority educational programs that inspire bold and talented leaders for today and tomorrow. Helen Lee Wayne Riddle was born February 1, 1926 in Enid, Oklahoma. Her father worked for the railroad and her mother managed the local hotel. Lee, an outgoing, energetic young woman, went to the University of Oklahoma where she studied home economics. There she met Edd Riddle, a quiet and very serious young man, who was studying petroleum engineering. Lee fell in love with Alpha Xi Delta and was initiated into Alpha Zeta Chapter at the University of Oklahoma on August 31, 1947. Her Alpha Zeta Sisters remember her sense of humor and bubbly personality. Lee modeled in college and her Sisters remember nominating her for queen of various campus organizations. Lee and Edd married in 1951 in Fort Worth. With his work in the oil industry, Lee and Edd lived in Canada and Northern Africa and traveled throughout the world returning to Texas in retirement. Lee enjoyed travel, new places and sharing her experiences with friends and family. Lee passed away in August 2010. Edd had preceeded her in death ten years earlier. In November 2010, Alpha Xi Delta Foundation learned Lee had named the Foundation in her will. Since they did not have children, Lee’s estate was shared equally with the organizations that shaped her life – the organizations she cared about most – the Salvation Army, the local shelter, two Presbyterian Churches, the University of Oklahoma and Alpha Xi Delta. While never a donor to our Foundation in her lifetime, Lee made these plans in 1988 and left her gift unrestricted allowing the trustees to use it where it is needed most. “While this gift brings great joy, we regret we didn’t know about Lee’s plans for Alpha Xi Delta during her lifetime. None of us will ever be able to say thank you in person. But we will be good stewards of Lee’s gift. She will have a lasting impact on Alpha Xi Delta and help shape the future for young women. The board considered the best use of these funds and has designated her gift for Alpha Xi Delta’s Leadership Coach and StrengthsQuest™ programs. We are only beginning to discover the great things that will be possible with this additional funding,” said Foundation Chair Jane Ralston. Lee’s thoughtful planning shows she believed the Foundation makes Alpha Xi Delta more valuable to its members and to higher

43 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Summer 2013

Helen Lee Wayne Riddle, Oklahoma ’47, shown here in her graduation photo from the University of Oklahoma. Helen provided the largest gift in Alpha Xi Delta’s history from her estate.

education. She was sure that her gift would be used well and help develop the community leaders of tomorrow. We are excited about the opportunities this gift will help bring about. Lee Riddle is leaving a lasting legacy, ensuring the Alpha Xi Delta experience we love is strong today and tomorrow. We are deeply grateful for her loyalty, trust and incredible generosity.

Every Alpha Xi Delta should have a will...Remember Alpha Xi Delta in your will. Learn more at

Memorial Gifts The Alpha Xi Delta Foundation recognizes Memorial Gifts given from January 1, 2013, through August 15, 2013. Louise Archer, Carroll University by Jane Brockway Archer, Parsons College Ann Robinson Baird, Frostburg State University by Susan Robinson, Frostburg State University Carol Lenzi Baumhauer, Indiana University of Pennsylvania by Phyllis Rochelle Forte, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Betty Nichols Blosser, West Virginia University by Linda Sammons Lugar, West Virginia University Karen Shafer Chacon, University of Nebraska Kearney by Linda Carskadon Schutte, University of Nebraska Kearney Eleanor Woods Crane, Alpha Deuteron by Indianapolis, IN Alumnae Association Carol Brown Davis, University of Texas by Patricia Taylor Canavan, University of Texas Martha O’Neal DeLee, Centenary College of Louisiana by Cornelia DeLee, Alpha Deuteron Dorothea Wells Dial, daughter of Joyce Dial Ubl, Ohio Wesleyan University by Virginia Drick Messing, Ohio Wesleyan University Evelyn Gibbs Dice, Northwestern University by Gail Schaum Overby, Northwestern University

Mary Knapp Dinard, Syracuse University by Jane Barlow Bauer Donegan, Syracuse University

Nancy Reissfelder Hoppe, Syracuse University Dorothy Leonard, Syracuse University Walta Williams Parfitt, Syracuse University Martha Bay Reynolds, Syracuse University Bobbi Foust Stoll, Syracuse University Laura Jane Dingler, Southern Polytechnic State University by Atlanta-North Metro GA Alumnae Association Phyllis Borkowski Eckman, Purdue University by Jeanette Jinks Horrall, Purdue University Olive Gabriel Faries, Western Kentucky University by Paige Faries, Western Kentucky University Peggy Smothers Gluski, University of Michigan Indianapolis, IN Alumnae Association Kim Starr, University of Kentucky Mary Nutt Flander, University of Washington by Liz Barber Murray, University of Michigan Rita Downing Fowler, Indiana University by Jeanette Jinks Horrall, Purdue University Indianapolis, IN Alumnae Association Doris Anne McNary Onken, Purdue University Betty French Unkel, The Ohio State University Bobbie May Wood, Indiana University Wendy Galvin, University of Hartford by Ilene Geiger Berg, University of Hartford Joann Giles, University of South Dakota by Ramona Fiksdal Bowden, University of South Dakota Charlotte Clark Glynn by Cynthia Clark Crock, Iowa State University

Barbara Blaine Grothe, Kansas State University by Mary Tutt Allgire, Kansas State University

Donna Moxley Isaacs, Frostburg State University Susan Robinson, Frostburg State University

John Guinan, father of Brenda Guinan by Brenda Guinan, Albion College

Harriet Hitchcock Holtman, The Ohio State University by Edna Talbot Kidd, University of Tennessee

Shirley Parker Hardin, University of Nebraska-Lincoln by Dorothy Steele McKeever, University of Nebraska at Omaha Hermann J. Hassig, father of Ellen Hassig, California State University, Northridge by Susan Leeds-Horwitz, California State University, Northridge Jin Kim Hawkins, University of Kansas by Heidi Peirce, University of Kansas Betsy Brann Hendrickson, University of Wisconsin by Philip Hendrickson, husband of Betsy Brann Hendrickson Grandma Herbst, grandmother of Michele Herbst Evink, South Dakota State University by Kim Starr, University of Kentucky Robert Edward Herndon, husband of Kitty Faries Herndon, Western Kentucky University by Indianapolis, IN Alumnae Association Marian Machamer Hoke, Kent State University by Marian Hoke Knipfer, University of Mount Union Judy Bethke Holle, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire by Kathy Gerke Beaver, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Barbara Reinmuth Holloman, University of Maryland by Chesapeake, MD Alumnae Association Sandy Priebe Day, Frostburg State University Audrey Huthwaite, Frostburg State University

Carol Smith Hopkins, Monmouth College by Pinellas County, FL Alumnae Association Cherri Suit Hose, University of Nebraska Kearney by Linda Carskadon Schutte, University of Nebraska Kearney Laura Houren by Lisa Lanier, University of North Texas Althea Field Huthwaite, Frostburg State University by Pam Gardiner Enger, Frostburg State University Janet Gleason White, Frostburg State University Ruth Swart Kafes, University of Pennsylvania by Gail Hanson Olt, University of Pennsylvania Joan DeLamatre Kailey, University of Nebraska-Lincoln by Margery DeLamatre Sorenson, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Kathleen Donnelly Kelly, University of Washington by Betty Fideler Dale, University of South Dakota Mary Danforth King, University of Wisconsin by Bloomington-Normal, IL Alumnae Association James Kuntz, husband of Helen Hartley Kuntz by Helen Hartley Kuntz, Ohio Wesleyan University


Anna-Marie Charlotte Lerch, daughter of Heather Roberts Lerch by Central New Jersey Alumnae Panhellenic Association Heather Roberts Lerch, Rider University Eleanor Roberts, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta

Harriett Wiedebusch Raese, West Virginia University by Alpha Xi Delta House Association

Barbara Magnuson, University of Nebraska at Omaha by Jane Schauss, University of Mount Union

Alice Sutherland Rividan, Monmouth College by Lois Gradous Myers, Monmouth College

Gloria Slagle McGrath-Aden, University of Nebraska Kearney by Linda Carskadon Schutte, University of Nebraska Kearney

Lawrence & Opal Sabo, parents of Karen Sabo Indusi by Karen Sabo Indusi, LIU Post

Linda McMahan, University of Texas by Patricia Taylor Canavan, University of Texas Beverly Keister Morlok-Finger, Coe College by Eleanor Richardson Lyons, University of Kentucky Kay Thurman, Washington University Juana Muniz, University of Texas-El Paso by Kristin Mena, University of Texas-El Paso Margaret Thompson Murphy, West Virginia University by Celeste Nabers Douglass, University of Alabama Rudy Oras, father of Barbara Oras Blatchford, Northern Illinois University by Cindy Rossi Kass, Northern Illinois University Kim Starr, University of Kentucky Zelma Patchin, University of Oklahoma by Jill Shrontz Tenzythoff, Oklahoma State University Marilyn Herbertz Payne, Culver Stockton College by Sally Schuck, Iowa Wesleyan College Jane Berkey Peterson, University of Washington by Carol Woodworth Root, University of Wisconsin

45 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Helen Banda Ralsten, Marshall University by Nancy Miller Lince, Marshall University

Gretchen Grove Saltz, Bowling Green State University by Nancy Brown Brockman, Bowling Green State University Carolyn Ferguson Sherrill, Western Carolina University by Dorothy Sheldon Williams, Western Carolina University Margaret Slocum, Georgia State University by Atlanta-North Metro GA Alumnae Association Atlanta-South Metro, GA Alumnae Association Suzanne Macintyre Boylan, Georgia Institute of Technology Debbie Brockman, Georgia State University Patsy Fostvedt Chastain, University of West Georgia Susan Buhay Du Part, Western Kentucky University Rigby Guiney Duncan, Marshall University Norma Stewart Ford, Georgia State University Leah Heil, Georgia Institute of Technology Cenie Bagley Jackson, Georgia State University Linda Kotowski, Florida State University Danielle Lepley Lambert, Georgia State University Rene Trammell Lanier, Georgia State University Lesley Conway Maggiore, Georgia State University Lynette Raville Mathews, Georgia Institute of Technology Summer 2013

Marsha Moore McOsker, Georgia State University Sara Pullis Molnar, Ferris State University Tracy Andersen Roberts, Georgia State University Alethia Bigbie Thompson, Georgia Institute of Technology Melissa Moore Townley, Georgia State University Gail Brooks Turk, Georgia State University Mary Neal Wall, Georgia Southern University Janice Nease Wittschiebe, Georgia Institute of Technology Nancy Durig Spayde, Bethany College by Margaret Cox Johnson, West Liberty University Martha Davies Stone, RandolphMacon College by Jane Stone, Ohio Wesleyan University Lois Kopper Stump, Kansas State University by Samantha Sours Sample, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Prescott Madelyn Schroeder Sundquist, Purdue University by Alice Pishan Croner, Monmouth College Jeanette Jinks Horrall, Purdue University Liz Tarpey, Georgia Institute of Technology by Corey Aitken, Georgia Institute of Technology Sinclair Anderson, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta Atlanta-North Metro GA Alumnae Association, Shannon Barnes, Georgia Institute of Technology Amber Bennett, Georgia Institute of Technology Kathleen Bernhard, Georgia Institute of Technology Beth Blauvelt, Georgia Institute of Technology Casey Bowden, Georgia Institute of Technology Bethany Burton, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta

Mike & Keli Davies, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta Susan Davies, Georgia Institute of Technology Laura Dikman, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta Kathleen Duffy, Georgia Institute of Technology Rigby Guiney Duncan, Marshall University Sarah Eck, Georgia Institute of Technology Marissa Fisher, Georgia Institute of Technology Robyn Flegal, Georgia Institute of Technology Bill & Penny Flegal, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta Kathryn Fulk, Georgia Institute of Technology Laura Kitashima Giglio, Georgia Institute of Technology Jonathan Grobani, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta Lindsey Hubbard, Georgia Institute of Technology Jess Hunt, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta Caroline Johnson, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta Pat & Rick Kerns, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta Jessica LaForge, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta Rebecca Larsen, Georgia Institute of Technology Megan Lebanowski, Georgia Institute of Technology Stacey Mahaffey, Georgia Institute of Technology Kay Kinney McKenna, Georgia Institute of Technology Alex Monroe, Georgia Institute of Technology Leigh Nash, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta Josephine Nord, Georgia Institute of Technology Akhila Rajaram, Georgia Institute of Technology Renee Redington, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta Laurie Reed, Georgia Institute of Technology Stacey Sarris Sapp, Georgia Institute of Technology Jarrett Skov, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta Tabatha Pilgrim Thompson, Georgia Institute of Technology Joy Vaughan, Georgia Institute of Technology

Kathryn Huitt Vernon, Georgia Institute of Technology Elizabeth Vila, Georgia Institute of Technology Sarah Walker, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta Cheryl Johnson Weldon, Georgia Institute of Technology James Wells, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta Janice Nease Wittschiebe, Georgia Institute of Technology Meagan Wood, Georgia Institute of Technology Marilyn Sloan Thompson, The Ohio State University by Jan Dorrough Austin, Wright State University Dayton, OH Alumnae Association Carol Creed Wells, Ohio University by Carol Wells Paul, Ohio University Mary Wells, East Carolina University by Judyth Eargle Hustrulid, East Carolina University Candice Wicks by Lisa Lanier, University of North Texas Daphne Wright, Southern Polytechnic State University by Patsy Fostvedt Chastain, University of West Georgia Courtney Hankins Fluty, Texas State University-San Marcos Amanda Benson Hicks, Southern Polytechnic State University Iota Theta Chapter, Southern Polytechnic State University Jackie Ryan, Southern Polytechnic State University Sandy Keim Shackelford, University of Georgia Isabelle Wright, mother of Bobbie Wright Lowe, Frostburg State University by Sandy Priebe Day, Frostburg State University Nieske Zwarensteyn Zabriskie, Michigan State University by Doris Bolton Knight, Washington University

Honor Gifts The Alpha Xi Delta Foundation recognizes Honor Gifts given from January 1, 2013, through August 15, 2013. 1985-86 Chapter Consultants by Ann Gronewold Percy, Michigan State University Alpha Eta Pledge Class of 1975, Purdue University by Kathleen Burns, Purdue University Alpha Kappa Chapter, Kansas State University by Kathy Nicklaus Owrey, Henderson State University Alpha Xi Delta Pittsburgh Alumnae Members by Rose Vachon Kunkel Roarty, Ohio University Alpha Xi Delta Staff, Past & Present by Jackie Lyerly, Alpha Deuteron Claressa Moreland Basile, Alpha Deuteron by Lemar Moreland Frank, Purdue University Breanna Bayer, Slippery Rock University by Evonne Carawan, North Carolina State University Evonne Carawan, North Carolina State University by Jane Fursey Ralston, University of Mount Union Chesapeake, MD Alumnae Association, for their 40th anniversary by Pam Gardiner Enger, Frostburg State University Susan Robinson, Frostburg State University Delta Phi Chapter, University of Charleston by Doris Muller Burton, University of Charleston Sandi Edwards, University of Kentucky by Jane Fursey Ralston, University of Mount Union Epsilon Pi Chapter, Jacksonville State University by Kathy Nicklaus Owrey, Henderson State University Suzanne Erickson, University of Texas by Kathy Moore Dwight, University of Texas

Martha Geppert, University of Illinois by Jane Fursey Ralston, University of Mount Union

Marian Hoke Knipfer, University of Mount Union by Monday Bridge Club

Virginia Edsall Giffin, Denison University by Lucy Ward Bodnar, Stetson University

Jennifer Emerick Kuntz, University of Northern Iowa by Indianapolis, IN $OXPQDH Association

Dale & Barbara Warman Wilson Gilbertson, University of Michigan, for their 50th wedding anniversary by Krystn Gilbertson Aversa, Michigan State University

Jennifer Bellas Lee, Old Dominion University by Jane Fursey Ralston, University of Mount Union

Peggy Greene, Stetson University by Laurie Howard Felton, University of Virginia

Nadine Leisz, Baldwin Wallace University by Margaret Payne Greene, Stetson University

Meghan Griffith, daughter of Margaret Miesiaszek Griffith by Margaret Miesiaszek Griffith, Western Carolina University

Marjie Gardner Mader, Southeast Missouri State University by Amy Holobyn, Indiana University South Bend

Michelle Soderquist Hartnett, University of Nebraska-Lincoln by Jane Fursey Ralston, University of Mount Union

Sue Eicher Mamber, Kent State University by Carrie Kashawlic, Ohio Northern University

Cathy Ball Hehman, University of Texas by Kathy Moore Dwight, University of Texas

Isabel Bickett Marshall, Monmouth College, for her 99th birthday by Karen Ogorzalek, Monmouth College

Amanda Hendry, University of Central Florida, March 2013 FVP of the Month by Omega Financial, Inc.

Elena Marten, Pennsylvania State University, February 2013 FVP of the Month by Omega Financial, Inc.

Isabel Hennessee, daughter of Tressa Hall Hennessee, Western Carolina University, for her birth by Stephanie Goodell, Western Carolina University Carolyn Hodgson, University of Delaware, January 2013 FVP of the Month by Omega Financial, Inc. Iota Iota Chapter, Greensboro College by Krista Connelly, Greensboro College Iota Mu Chapter, Lycoming College by Susan Yerkes, Lycoming College Iota Zeta Class of ’04, Wingate University by Christina Bakker, Wingate University Carrie Kashawlic, Ohio Northern University by Jane Fursey Ralston, University of Mount Union Lorelie Kerr, daughter of Lauren Shepherd-Kerr, Southern Polytechnic State University by T.J. Merck Parker, Georgia Southern University

April Martens, University of Nebraska at Omaha, December 2012 FVP of the Month by Omega Financial, Inc. Becky Allan Maurer, University of Iowa by Jamee Maurer Klein, University of Northern Iowa Geraldine McNamara Mayer, Ohio University by Charlotte Richards Forquer, Ohio University Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN Alumnae Association by Pam Gardiner Enger, Frostburg State University Norma Matthews Morgan, Frostburg State University, for 50 years as an Alpha Xi Delta by Kelly Morgan Griffin, Frostburg State University Patricia Mohr Mueller, University of Mount Union by Cleveland Area Panhellenic Association


Rachel Mullen, Christian Brothers University by Hilda Chase Mullen, Memphis State University Pat Neff by Morgan Neff, Kent State University Sheri Edwards O’Connell, University of Maryland by Evonne Carawan, North Carolina State University Sondra Hicks Pettus, Western Carolina University by Margaret Kiernan Witt, Western Carolina University Beth Henning Polizzotto, University of Illinois by Jane Fursey Ralston, University of Mount Union Susannah Prucka, Southwestern University by Jane Fursey Ralston, University of Mount Union Rho Centennial 2012, University of Nebraska-Lincoln by Gina Todero Mangine, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Tessa Riley, Ohio Northern University by Sue Riley Fackler, The Ohio State University Rose Vachon Kunkel Roarty, Ohio University by Sandra Gurgon Brand, Pennsylvania State University Beverly Case Rorer, University of Pennsylvania by Bobbie Wright Lowe, Frostburg State University

Emma Elizabeth Shettling, daughter of Jessica Guy Shettling, University of West Georgia, for her birth by T.J. Merck Parker, Georgia Southern University Olivia Grace Shettling, daughter of Jessica Guy Shettling, University of West Georgia, for her birth by T.J. Merck Parker, Georgia Southern University Charlotte Slate, University of New Hampshire by Evonne Carawan, North Carolina State University Mary Ruth Hadley Snyder, Purdue University by Indianapolis, IN Alumnae Association Jane Fursey Ralston, University of Mount Union Leslie Storey, Texas Wesleyan University by Jane Fursey Ralston, University of Mount Union Jane Hooper Sutton, Western Carolina University by Andrea Wikstrom, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta Chelsie Smith Woods, West Virginia Wesleyan College by Melinda Lapan, West Virginia Wesleyan College Linda Bernd Wrench, Indiana University by Betty French Unkel, The Ohio State University

Lisa Janssens Rud, Iowa State University, for her birthday by Kay Thurman, Washington University Marianne Moritz Russo, California State University, Northridge by Jane Fursey Ralston, University of Mount Union Jane Wilkens Schroeder, University of Nebraska-Lincoln by Emily Wray Stander, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

47 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Summer 2013

From the Archives

Recruitment, Recruitment, Recruitment! Let’s celebrate one of our favorite times of the year with this photo from our Gamma Alpha Chapter at San Diego State University. In the spring of 1989, Sisters put on their pirate gear and set out to recruit new members for our Sisterhood. Good luck to all of our chapters as they kick off recruitment season this fall!

49 48

Jane Henson


the Life of

Jane Henson 49 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Summer 2013

Jane Nebel Henson, Maryland ’52, met Jim Henson in a puppetry class at the University of Maryland, where she was a member of our Beta Eta Chapter, and soon after became an integral creative and business partner in what would become the world famous Muppets. As a fine arts education major studying at the University of Maryland in 1954, Jane shared with Jim Henson a unique approach to puppetry that is joyful and sophisticated. While still an undergraduate, Jim Henson was offered a spot on the local NBC affiliate in Washington, D.C., WRC-TV, and asked Jane to join him as a co-performer and creator. The television show, “Sam and Friends”, began to attract an enthusiastic audience. It wasn’t long before the Muppets were making special guest appearances on the top variety shows of the time. Jane graduated in 1955, but continued working with Jim Henson at WRC-TV as a performer, puppet designer/builder and business partner. Jane worked on “Sam and Friends” until it ended in 1961, though less actively after she and Jim married in 1959. “When we started having babies, I always worked a little bit, but we very soon knew that we needed more people, and Jim had wanted to bring in other people, anyway,” she said in a CNN interview in 1999. Within the next five years, Jane gave birth to Lisa Henson (1960), Cheryl Henson (1961), Brian Henson (1963) and John Henson (1965). Heather Henson was born in 1970. Jim Henson went on to create characters such as Big Bird, Kermit, Bert and Ernie and Cookie Monster. The Muppets later became a television show and a series of movies that earned him multiple Emmy Awards. In addition to her work on the Muppets, Jane continued her studies in fine art at Catholic University in Washington, D.C.

Years later, the family would live in Greenwich, Connecticut, where Jane was assistant art teacher at the Mead School for Human Development. She continued her official association with The Jim Henson Company and actively participated in the company as it became an important global family entertainment organization, collaborating with Jim Henson on a number of projects that included the traveling museum exhibit The Art of The Muppets, and The Muppet Show on Tour and Sesame Street Live arena stage shows. Known for her keen eye for spotting puppeteer talent, Jane also became the point of entry to the company for many top puppeteers. Jane also served on the board of The Jim Henson Foundation, founded in 1982 by Jim Henson to promote and develop the art of puppetry and presently headed by Cheryl Henson. Each year the Foundation introduces thousands of adults and families to puppetry through grant-making and public awareness efforts. Since its inception, the Foundation has awarded more than 675 grants to more than 300 American puppet artists for the creation and development of new work. In 1992, Jane funded and founded The Jim Henson Legacy, to conserve, preserve and present the artistic contribution of Jim Henson. In 2001, she created the Jane Henson Foundation, where she continued her philanthropic work. Jane also co-founded The National Puppetry Conference at the Eugene O’Neill Theater Center, where she displayed a notable talent for discovering new performers and supporting their work. Her association with the Eugene O’Neill Theater Center, the Union Internationale dela Marionette (UNIMA), Puppetry Guild of Greater New York, the University of Maryland Alumni Association, The Center for Puppetry Arts in Atlanta, Georgia, The Paley Center in New York and The Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History has brought many awards and honors to Jane. Sadly, Jane Henson entered Chapter Eternal on April 2, 2013 at the age of 78 after a battle with cancer. A portion of this article was previously published by The Jim Henson Company.

Pictured on opposite page left: Jane Henson in Florida, 2012. Photo by Dave Pressler. © The Jim Henson Company. All Rights Reserved. Copyright © Disney. All Rights Reserved. | Pictured on opposite page top right: Jane Henson in the 1980s with Kermit the Frog and Yorick from Sam and Friends. © The Jim Henson Company. All Rights Reserved. Copyright © Disney. All Rights Reserved. | Pictured on opposite page bottom right: Jane Henson with Jim Henson and the cast of Sam and Friends, Washington, DC, c. 1960. Photo by Del Ankers. © The Jim Henson Company. All Rights Reserved. Copyright © Disney. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter Eternal The summer 2013 Chapter Eternal includes all the names of Sisters whose passing was reported to Fraternity Headquarters between February 1, 2013 and May 31, 2013. Sisters are listed alphabetically in chapter order, along with their initiation year. To notify the Fraternity of a Sister’s passing, please send an obituary notice, memorial service pamphlet or other written confirmation to Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity Headquarters.

Beta Chapter Iowa Wesleyan College Shirley Ruth Blum ’45 Elda Gabeline Deffer ’43 Joan Audrey Blum Kephart ’50 Belva Joy Leighty ’38 Harriet Ethel Fansher Messer ’38 Gamma Chapter University of Mount Union Rebecca Muriel Gallagher Huntsman ’70 Delta Chapter Bethany College Jean Carol McCroba Harper ’40 Elizabeth M. Lewis Thompson ’40 Zeta Chapter Wittenberg University Martha Janer Teeter Arnholt ’38 Eta Chapter Syracuse University Carolyn Cole Trenbath Marx ’62

51 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Theta Chapter University of Wisconsin Elizabeth Lou Brann Hendrickson ’42 Janet Reinhold Huebner ’46 Darline L. Petersen Parvin ’63 Janis Lee Stockman Simonds ’55 Iota Chapter West Virginia University Barbara Jean Knight Grow ’41 Kappa Chapter University of Illinois Lois Lorraine Stuenkel Armstrong ’52 Jane Brackett Hedges ’54 Mu Chapter University of Minnesota Norinne Mary Schultz McCarthy ’47 Nu Chapter University of Washington Gayle Myers Jones ’54 Kathleen Mary Donnelly Kelly ’40 Mary Katherine Putra ’66 Omicron Chapter University of California, Berkeley Betty Ann Martin Caudron ’47 Rose Fern Mauzy Russell ’38 Pi Chapter Ohio University Carol Lynn Detwiler McKeon ’71 Alice Jane Snyder Rishel ’42

Summer 2013

Rho Chapter University of Nebraska-Lincoln Katherine Redman Austin ’29 Lois Kathryn Cooper Gunn ’36 LuAnn Williams Knutzen ’44 JoAnn Jean Grasmisk Kuncl ’45 Janet Rae Gates Peister ’55 Virginia Clare Gartrell Rippeteau ’40 Fern Steuteville Wilson ’37 Sigma Chapter University of Iowa Shirley Horak Walch ’57 Tau Chapter University of New Hampshire Alice L. Gordon Grindle ’38 Phi Chapter Albion College Harriet Evelyn Ludwig Davis ’38 Genevieve E Wright Sirey ’22 Psi Chapter The Ohio State University Karlene Marie Stark Coyan ’61 Inez R. Roberts Harris ’46 Nancy Lou Keever Oswalt ’45 Charlotte Dean Moelchert Tyler ’39 Omega Chapter Stetson University Eleanor A Warner Baldwin ’38 Jean Lorraine Rogy Strickland ’40 Alpha Beta Chapter Cornell University Patricia Johannsen Edlund ’50 Elizabeth W Olesen Garvas ’38 Agnes A Hurley Majilton ’42

Alpha Gamma Chapter Coe College Beverly Ann Keister Morlok-Finger ’46 Alpha Delta Chapter Oregon State University Miriam Rosalie Belshaw Eaton ’47 Alpha Eta Chapter Purdue University Gertrude Meenan Loy ’53 Alpha Theta Chapter Northwestern University Carol Joan Hardy Granskog ’53 Alpha Kappa Chapter Kansas State University Margaret Roosa Payne ’53 Alpha Mu Chapter Ohio Wesleyan University Elizabeth Jane Carlson Bower ’36 Dorothy G. Grose Ingalls ’40 Gwendolyn Jones Nunn ’41 Ruth Suzanne Peter Wray ’41 Alpha Xi Chapter University of California, Los Angeles Doris Ann Wade Dey ’46 Alpha Pi Chapter Middlebury College Barbara Jean Holme Conroe ’50 Alpha Rho Chapter Allegheny College Gloria Charlott Allen Bernella ’45

Alpha Phi Chapter University of Pennsylvania Joanne Mateer Weaver-Stroh ’49

Beta Nu Chapter Culver Stockton College Marilyn Jeane Herbertz Payne ’49

Delta Gamma Chapter University of Nebraska Kearney Gayle Lee Skiles Johnson ’63

Alpha Psi Chapter University of Denver Charlene Brainard Rich ’45

Beta Xi Chapter Marietta College Mildred Frances Kotlan Kolar ’56 Dorothy Jean Cohen Netta ’50

Delta Nu Chapter Indiana University of Pennsylvania Mary Ellen Hrebar Tutelo ’63

Beta Pi Chapter Indiana University Margaret L Sullivan Dulin ’51

Delta Xi Chapter Georgia State University Margaret Emily Slocum ’63

Beta Sigma Chapter West Virginia Wesleyan College Ruth Crane Thornhill ’48

Delta Pi Chapter Defiance College Diane Elizabeth Sanborn Rice ’84

Beta Upsilon Chapter University of Rhode Island Ruth Ann Christ Najarian Asadorian ’53

Epsilon Mu Chapter University of Northern Colorado Nannette Jean White Schwartz ’72

Alpha Omega Chapter Florida State University Jo Anne Potts Harvey ’44 Beta Gamma Chapter Centenary College of Louisiana Betty Jean Ferguson Robertson ’45 Beta Epsilon Chapter Monmouth College Carol Sue Smith Hopkins ’55 Beta Eta Chapter University of Maryland Jane Ann Nebel Henson ’52 Esther LaRue Mullinix Walter ’38 Beta Theta Chapter Michigan State University Elizabeth Latim Rigg Chase ’45 Rachael Mirriam Minges DeLonge ’34 Nieske G. Zwarensteyn Zabriskie Bowman ’63 Beta Iota Chapter Louisiana State University Billie Letchworth Wire ’66 Genora Caroline Wire ’63 Beta Lambda Chapter Pennsylvania State University Lorraine Ann Gladus Adams ’52

Beta Psi Chapter Carroll University Sarah Elizabeth Jones Caldwell ’49 Beta Omega Chapter Memphis State University Marilyn Joyce Norman Gilbert ’50 Gamma Beta Chapter Marshall University Mary Anne Glasgow Cromartie ’63 Jeannette Clay Hash ’50 Gamma Psi Chapter Frostburg State University Virginia Michelle Dike Baer ’82

Epsilon Omicron Chapter Oklahoma State University Jeanette Foster Bradshaw ’69 Epsilon Phi Chapter Iowa State University Elizabeth Jeanne Spalding Skrdla ’72 Theta Omega Chapter New Mexico State University Rachel Lee Howell ’05 Iota Theta Chapter Southern Polytechnic State University Daphne Rochelle Wright ’09

Delta Beta Chapter Southwestern College Trudy Kay Reimers Harris ’63


Living Our Symphony

Sis•ter•hood By Lillie Holman, Illinois ’11

The relationship between sisters. The feeling of kinship with and closeness to a group of women. The term “sisterhood” became a part of my life long before I knew of Alpha Xi Delta. My family has always been close. Since the day of her birth, my cousin Lisa and I have been sisters and soul mates. It wasn’t until I came to the University of Illinois and joined the Kappa Chapter of Alpha Xi Delta that I really began to cherish the sisterhood I had with Lisa and the amazing women that have joined my life since. On January 9, 2011, Lisa was diagnosed with stage-five brain cancer. With only a year separating us in age, it was my immediate response to be by her side as much as possible. To keep her spirits up, we talked about the silly things all girls in college want to talk about. One of the main topics we always loved to discuss was my involvement in my new sorority. Through my stories, she felt as if she was living a normal life. She was more than happy to accompany me to my semi-formal as my date, and she instantly fell in love with the women of my chapter. How could she not? As time went on and things progressed for the worse, she never stopped shining her light and trying to live through the stories I brought home of our beloved chapter. These strange women that she had met only on a few occasions became the highlighted topic of our conversations.

53 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Summer 2013

On December 26, 2012, after almost two years of fighting, my beloved Lisa unfortunately lost her battle with cancer. Though not all of the girls knew her as I did, they all gave my family and me such amazing support and love. More than I could have ever asked for. When you stand in a room of women who love you like no one can explain, the weight of your grief lightens as everyone tries to help hold up your world. My Kappa Chapter Sisters brought conversation and laughter to Lisa’s life when cancer was trying to take it over. And these amazing ladies will continue to help me with this loss for the rest of my life. Lisa taught me about Sisterhood and how to love another, not just as a friend but as a true soul mate. Alpha Xi Delta will help me carry out what Lisa has taught me and will help guide me in such a dark time. I am forever grateful to, not only these women, but to every woman in our Fraternity. A good story with a good laugh can change a life more than anyone could really imagine. This story has certainly changed the lives of the women I know, and maybe this can help us all remember the importance of Sisterhood and the ties it makes with people who possibly don't know our rituals or our songs. Lisa didn't know them, but yet she loved these women like she was in on some kind of secret, a secret only we really knew about. Maybe she was the one who taught, not only me, but my chapter about true friendship and laughter. July 26 marks the six-month anniversary of my dear Lisa’s passing. The only people I can think to have by my side are my Kappa Chapter Sisters. To remember Lisa, we will reminisce, eat some of her favorite food and check in on how our lives have changed, but most of all, we will laugh. We will laugh to remember - remember who Lisa truly was and what she loved most in this world.

Pictured left: Lillie (left) and Lisa (right) attended a Relay for Life event last July. | Pictured bottom left: Lillie and her Kappa Chapter Sisters attended the first annual Voices Against Brain Cancer 5K in Chicago in May 2013 that honored Lisa and her family. | Pictured bottom center: Lisa (left) and Lillie (right) enjoying a vacation in Michigan a year after her diagnosis. | Pictured bottom right: Lillie and her new member class on Bid Day 2013.


Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity 8702 Founders Road Indianapolis, IN 46268





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