The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta - Fall/Winter 2007

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Fall | Winter 2007

National Convention Recap Meet Our New National Council Alpha Xi Delta Assumes NPC Leadership Role

of Alpha Xi Delta

Never settle:

Alpha Xi Delta Foundation Annual Report

The Bachelorette’s Jen Schefft, Ohio University ’95, shares lessons on life and love

Our Extraordinary, Powerful Sisterhood of Alpha Xi Delta

Sisters, I am so honored to address you as your National President and to serve you, along with the bold and talented National Vice Presidents about whom you will read in this issue. I’ve loved Alpha Xi Delta from the bottom of my heart since the day I entered that formal recruitment room at Cal State Northridge in 1982, and 25 years later, Alpha Xi Delta continues to inspire me and influence my life tremendously. What I remember most about my first encounter with those Alpha Xi Deltas was the camaraderie I felt between them – the very different personalities yet the sense of acceptance, welcome, love, and support they shared. I was so fortunate that these women added me to their mix. These sisters took me into their hearts and even their homes. They gave me structure and then some, helped me sort out the good boys from the bad boys, put up with my very real shortcomings, and encouraged me to realize my potential. Our advisors showed us by example that this friendship really would last a lifetime. Because of Alpha Xi Delta, I enjoyed college tremendously and learned skills and

The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta is published three times per year in spring, summer, and fall/winter by Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity.® POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE QUILL OF ALPHA XI DELTA, 8702 Founders Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268 Volume 104/Issue 3 Copyright 2007 by Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity Submission Deadlines Spring issue – February 15 Summer issue – October 15 Fall/Winter issue – May 15 Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity Headquarters 8702 Founders Road Indianapolis, IN 46268 Telephone: (317) 872-3500 Fax: (317) 872-2947 Executive Director Barbara Boland Stuckwisch, Culver-Stockton ’93

made friendships that endure to this day. For those of you just beginning your journey with Alpha Xi Delta, I extend a warm welcome. You are the next generation of bold and talented women who will shape our organization, and I encourage you to make the most of your membership. For those of you who’ve returned to another wonderful year with your chapter or association sisters, welcome home! I hope all of you are having fun and feeling the genuine, lifelong nature of our friendships. I hope your Alpha Xi Delta experience is introducing you to sisters from a different state, a different generation, and a different way of thinking. I hope you’re proclaiming to the world that you’re proud to be an Alpha Xi Delta. I hope you’re enjoying memories of our recent National Convention in Indianapolis and are planning to join us in Denver in 2009. I hope you’re making the most of what our talented Educational Leadership Consultants and Leadership Coaches (whom you’ll also meet in this issue) have to offer when they visit you. And I hope Alpha Xi Delta is inspiring you to realize your potential and share your experience and talents with your sisters long after you graduate.

Editor Ruth Goodman, Northern Iowa ’80 National Council 2007-2008 National President Deanna Wollam Detchemendy, Cal State Northridge ’83 National Vice Presidents Ann Ward Adams, Nebraska Lincoln ’66 Evonne Carawan, North Carolina State ’83 Sandra Ellen Edwards, Kentucky ’75 Diane Curtis Gregory, Wittenberg, ’61 Susan Eicher Mamber, Kent State ’77 Danica Vanasse Olson, Marquette ’90 Founders Cora Bollinger Block Alice Bartlett Bruner Almira Lowry Cheney Frances Elisabeth Cheney Bertha Cook Evans Eliza Drake Curtis Everton Julia Maude Foster Lucy W. Gilmer Harriet L. McCollum Lewie Strong Taylor

Although life today is much different than it was when our Founders attended Lombard College more than 114 years ago, what lies at the heart of Alpha Xi Delta remains unchanged: a friendship so deep and so abiding that it becomes a Sisterhood. We have something extraordinary and powerful, something your National Council looks forward to honoring as we lead Alpha Xi Delta toward our vision tomorrow, next week, and every day in this biennium. Loyally,

Deanna Detchemendy National President

The Mission of The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta To inform, inspire, and challenge. To sustain and nurture membership loyalty and interest. To recognize individual, group and Fraternity accomplishments. To provide a forum for the exchange of information and opinion. To be the permanent record for the Fraternity.

Contents 4

Never Settle In life and in love, never settle for less than you deserve.


Convention Recap


Highlights from National Convention 2007.

10 Meet our New National Council Introducing Alpha Xi Delta’s new Council members.

12 Alpha Xi Delta Rotates into NPC Leadership Jane Hooper Sutton becomes NPC Treasurer.

14 The Workout Collegians build their recruitment muscles.

24 Extreme Makeover Alpha Xi Delta gets a new look.


26 Foundation Annual Report Your generosity means so much.

In Every Issue 17 Member News 40 Honor Gifts 44 Chapter Eternal 45 Memorial Gifts 46 Letters to the Editor

18 On the Cover During Alpha Xi Delta’s National Convention this summer in Indianapolis, Jen Schefft, Ohio University ’95, spoke about the lessons she learned about life and love during her appearances on the reality television dating shows The Bachelor and The Bachelorette. She also penned a relationship guide, Better Single Than Sorry: A No-Regrets Guide to Loving Yourself and Never Settling, available online and in bookstores now.

Whether in life or in love, author and reality television star Jen Schefft encourages sisters to

Never Settle

“It’s “As women, we have so much value that we shouldn't settle for less than we deserve. We don’t have to be in a relationship just to be in a relationship. Wait for the right person.”


The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

OK to figure out what you want to do in life, what matters to you most, and take the time you need to find the right person,” said Jen Schefft, Ohio University ’95. “In relationships and in life, you don’t need to settle for less than you deserve.” Jen knows a thing or two about standing strong and staying true to herself. During Alpha Xi Delta’s National Convention this summer in Indianapolis, Jen spoke about the lessons she learned about life and love during her appearances on the reality television dating shows The Bachelor (2003) and The Bachelorette (2005). On the third season of The Bachelor, Firestone Tire Company heir Andrew Firestone was introduced to 25 eligible women, including Jen. At the end of the first episode, Andrew chose 15 of the 25 women to remain on the show so he could get to know them better. During the remaining episodes, Andrew went on individual and group dates with the

Fall | Winter 2007

ladies, introduced some of them (including Jen) to his family, and continued to narrow the group from 15 to The One. On the final episode, Andrew asked Jen to marry him in front of 15 million viewers. She accepted his proposal and moved to San Francisco to be with him and work as a sales manager for Firestone Vineyard. Jen was also the goodwill ambassador for Firestone Tires, which included serving as a spokesperson and advocate for the Driver’s Edge, a program educating teens about the dangers of drinking and driving. Nine months later, Jen was back in Chicago, single but not sorry. “People thought I was crazy when we broke up,” said Jen. “They said if I couldn’t be happy with the heir to the Firestone fortune, who could I be happy with? Andrew and I were in love and the relationship was very real. But just because someone looks good on paper doesn’t mean they’re right for you.”

Left photo | Jen gives Convention attendees a dose of advice. Center photo | Sisters from Pi Chapter at Ohio University proudly welcomed chapter sister Jen Schefft to Convention. Right photo | Sisters stood in line for nearly an hour to have Jen autograph their copy of her new book, Better Single Than Sorry.

Three weeks after the breakup, Jen was approached by the producers of The Bachelor, asking her to appear on The Bachelorette. This time, the tables were turned. Jen was introduced to 25 eligible bachelors and selected the men she wanted to get to know better on her way to finding Mr. Right. Jen said she met some interesting men, but “didn’t feel a connection” with any of them. When asked to make her selection on the season finale, Jen stunned millions of viewers when she chose neither man. “I think the producers would have liked a different ending,” said Jen, careful not to divulge too much and negate the lifetime confidentiality agreement she signed with the producers. “They knew what I was going to say and do, but they didn’t force me into anything.” Jen didn’t find romance, but she did learn a very important lesson: Never settle. “That refers to everything in life,” she said. “If you’re not happy, figure out a way to make things better. Surround yourself with positive people who will support you as you try new things. And sometimes, even if you’re afraid to make a change or stand up for yourself, you have to just do it.” Jen recently shared what she’s learned in her new book, Better Single Than Sorry: A No-Regrets Guide to Loving Yourself and Never Settling. “There are so many books about how to change yourself to get a guy, or how to get a guy in 30 days. Mine is nothing like that.” From Page 1, readers

find that to be true. Jen writes, “We need to stand up to people who think being single is a curse, or who label us too picky because we don’t fall in love with every guy we meet. The truth is, we know what we’re looking for and we must never sell ourselves short.” Jen said that because of her book’s title, some people think she doesn’t want

“I remember going through recruitment and being told, ‘These are going to be your friends for life.’ I always thought that was so corny. Now I know it’s true.” to get married or that she thinks women shouldn’t get married. Nothing could be further from the truth. “We can have a fulfilling career, a great circle of friends, and great relationships with our Alpha Xi Delta sisters. Getting married isn’t the be all and end all.” These days, Jen is back in Chicago, working in consumer public relations and finding enjoyment in everyday things. “The show opened new opportunities for me in terms of writing a book, which I never thought I’d do, but it didn’t change who I am or who my

friends are. My closest girlfriends are all Alpha Xis from Ohio University, so we’ve known each other forever. Being with them and doing ‘normal’ things is much more comforting than running here and there. Being on the show was fun, but now I don’t have to feel like I’m on display all the time.” Jen still has her heart set on getting married and having a family. “But we’ll see,” she said. “Nothing in life has gone as planned.” Will Jen know when she’s found Mr. Right? “Good question,” she laughs. “Until then, I’m not going to settle!”


Sisters Race to Indianapolis

for National Convention Nearly 400 collegians and alumnae accelerated into the fast lane during Alpha Xi Delta’s 47th National Convention, June 27-30, at the downtown Indianapolis Hyatt Regency. The green flag dropped Wednesday night as sisters and guests gathered for the Welcome Banquet to renew friendships, meet new people, and hear inspiring words to get their motors started. The nonstop action continued through Saturday evening’s Rose Banquet as Woman of Distinction recipients were honored and the Fraternity’s new National Council was installed. If you weren’t able to join us in Indy, these highlights will help you experience the action at Convention ’07.

Sisters gave a farewell kiss to National President Debbie Fenwick Maas before the new National Council was installed.

During the community service event, sisters read the storybook What Can I Do? to children at Indy’s John H. Bonner Community Center. The center received $1,800 worth of books through a grant from the Atlanta Alpha Xi Delta First Book Advisory Board. More than 400 books were also donated by Convention attendees.


The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Fall | Winter 2007

Alpha Xi Delta’s licensed merchandise vendors shared the latest clothing, jewelry, and Bid Day gifts with sisters in the Marketplace.

While in town, sisters visited the newly remodeled Fraternity Headquarters.

The Foundation 5K walk/run raised funds for scholarships and leadership programs.

Sisters could get their palm read and their caricature drawn at the Sisterhood Social.

The “Living Our Vision” panel discussion, moderated by National Vice President Patrice Orr Bryon (left) was a Convention favorite. Panelists included Kelley Earnhardt Elledge, North Carolina Wilmington ’91 (second from left), business manager for brother Dale Earnhardt Jr. and JR Motorsports; Gayle Connelly Manchin, West Virginia ’66 (second from right), first lady of West Virginia; and Susan Winckler, Iowa ’88, acting chief of staff for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Sisters jumped for joy when they heard Alpha Xi Delta’s next National Convention is in Denver, Colo. See you there in June 2009!



Chapter and Alumnae Association

Congratulations to the chapters and members who received awards during National Convention. A complete list of award recipients can be found in the News & Announcements section of CHAPTER AWARDS

Xi Achievement Award Recognizes superior achievements (received 100% of Accreditation Points) in operations and programming • Theta Gamma, Delaware • Theta Epsilon, Marquette Harriet Hitchcock Holtman Award Given to advisory boards of Xi Achievement chapters • Theta Gamma Advisory Board, Delaware • Theta Epsilon Advisory Board, Marquette Xi Achievement Certificates of Merit Recognizes achievements (Accreditation Points between 95% and 99.9%) in operations and programming • Beta Mu, Bowling Green State • Beta Tau, Kent State • Gamma Eta, Georgia Tech • Theta Psi, Dartmouth

Frances Fuller Bloker New Member Award For the best combined record of academic achievement, member retention, and fulfillment of the basic requirements of the New Member Education Program • Theta Epsilon, Marquette Financial Efficiency Award Recognizes sound fiscal responsibility in reporting, payment of invoices, and budget preparation • Beta Mu, Bowling Green State • Beta Tau, Kent State • Epsilon Eta, South Dakota State • Theta Psi, Dartmouth

Public Relations Inspiration Award • Promotion of Alpha Xi Delta: Beta Epsilon, Monmouth (IL); Iota Theta, Southern Polytechnic State • Philanthropy: Epsilon Alpha, Wisconsin Eau Claire • Chapter Website: Gamma Eta, Georgia Tech Gertrude M. Anderson Newsletter Award • Nu, U of Washington

Member Recruitment Excellence Award Recognizes excellence in recruitment plans, timely reporting, maintaining membership size equal to other campus groups, and initiating and retaining at least 90% of members pledged • Gamma Eta, Georgia Tech • Epsilon Alpha, Wisconsin Eau Claire • Theta Gamma, Delaware • Theta Iota, Florida Atlantic • Theta Psi, Dartmouth

Greatest Membership Increase Award • Zeta Lambda, Texas Wesleyan Increase from six members to 19 members Mary Emily Kay Academic Achievement Award For the highest campus scholastic ranking among campuses with seven or fewer women’s fraternities • Delta Mu, Old Dominion Alice Bartlett Bruner Academic Achievement Award For the highest campus scholastic ranking among campuses with eight or more women’s fraternities • Beta Mu, Bowling Green State Anna Grandin Baldwin Award Recognizing the highest GPA for the biennium • Theta Psi, Dartmouth 3.5883 GPA Greatest Academic Achievement Improvement Award • Omega, Stetson GPA increase from 2.61 to 3.072 Elizabeth Roberts Quackenbush Leadership Award Recognizes outstanding college senior members • Kristin Kanaskie, Northern Iowa • Catherine Ann (Annie) Sistrunk, Georgia Tech

National President Debbie Fenwick Maas presented Theta Gamma Chapter at Delaware (left) and Theta Epsilon Chapter at Marquette with the Fraternity's highest chapter honor, the Xi Achievement Award.


The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Fall | Winter 2007

Chicago-West Towns, IL Corvallis, OR Diablo Valley, CA Hartford, CT Knoxville, TN Northern New Jersey, NJ Northern Virginia, VA Oakland County, MI Pikes Peak Area, CO Saginaw Valley, MI Tidewater, VA Associations Receiving Honors Bloomington-Normal, IL Central Iowa, IA Salt Creek, IL

The Denver Alumnae Association received the Ruth Simmons James Award with Highest Honors for association excellence. In 2009, Denver alumnae will welcome sisters to town for Alpha Xi Delta’s next National Convention. ALUMNAE AWARDS Ruth Simmons James Association Excellence Award Recognizes alumnae associations that meet standards of excellence in operations and that support the mission of the Fraternity and Foundation Associations Receiving Highest Honors Akron, OH Atlanta-Fulton County, GA Atlanta-South Metro, GA Cincinnati, OH Cleveland, OH Dallas, TX Denver, CO Fresno, CA Ft. Myers, FL Greater Boston, MA Indianapolis, IN North County San Diego, CA Oklahoma City, OK Omaha, NE Orlando, FL Palm Beach, FL Phoenix, AZ Pinellas County, FL San Fernando Valley, CA Seattle, WA Tucson, AZ Associations Receiving High Honors Ann Arbor, MI Arlington, TX Bay Area Houston-Galveston, TX Chicago City, IL Chicago North Shore, IL

Philanthropy Service Award Recognizes the quality and quantity of volunteer hours, amount of money raised, and number of items donated to charitable organizations First Place: Ann Arbor, MI, Alumnae Association Second Place: Dallas, TX, Alumnae Association Third Place: Atlanta-Fulton County, GA, Alumnae Association Fourth Place: Seattle, WA, Alumnae Association Advisor Excellence Award Recognizes alumnae who provide outstanding guidance to a college chapter • Jennifer Beeman, Wisconsin Eau Claire, Chapter Advisor, Wisconsin Eau Claire • Tysa Egleton, Youngstown State, Chapter Advisor, Youngstown State • Patricia Fostvedt, West Georgia, Chapter Advisor, Southern Polytechnic State • Devon McGoldrick, Rochester Institute of Technology, Chapter Advisor, Texas

Alumnae Appreciation Award Recognizes alumnae who make a significant volunteer commitment to Alpha Xi Delta on a local level • Terri Thompson Bush, Maryland • Barbara Bur Dykstra, Ferris State • Breanna Hecht Eneberg, U of Washington • Jennifer Gramiccioni, West Virginia Wesleyan • Megan Gustafson, Iowa • Paula Kokesch Holdren, Nebraska Lincoln • Elaine Bailey Jones, Charleston • Melissa Mitchell Larson, U of Washington • Laura Riggs Leber, Maryland • Sonja Zedigian Lowry, Monmouth (IL) • Carmen McWilliams, Delaware • Colleen Canavan Meacham, U of Washington • T.J. Merck Parker, Georgia Southern • Lori Plazinski, Maryland • Teresa Carson Propst, Towson • Juliet Sarau, Maryland • Vivian Schilling Surface, Indiana • Rebecca Amos Stuart, U of Washington • Jessica Waibel, Old Dominion • Sandra Gleason Walston, U of Washington • Janice Nease Wittschiebe, Georgia Tech Edna Epperson Brinkman Award Recognizes the long-term service of alumnae and their loyalty to the Fraternity and their community • Virginia Herzog Carver, Kansas State • Dolores Tobias English, Rochester Institute of Technology • Kathy Orebaugh Reinke, U of Washington • Marian Sayward West, Michigan

Iota Kappa (Idaho State), Theta Theta (Brooklyn College), Iota (West Virginia), and Sigma (Iowa, not pictured) received the Rose Award for outstanding chapter improvement during the biennium.


Meet Our New

National Council

At every National Convention, a new National Council is elected to lead the Fraternity for the next two years. During the 2007-2009 biennium, National President Deanna Wollam Detchemendy and six vice presidents will focus on the Fraternity’s overall direction while using Alpha Xi Delta’s Ritual, mission, and vision as their guide. National President Deanna Wollam Detchemendy, California State University-Northridge ’83 Home: Pasadena, Calif. Career: Vice president, counsel, for The Walt Disney Company. Family: Husband (Gene), two sons (Beau and Gage), and two boxers (Bailey and Lucy)

Alpha Xi Delta’s Mission: To enrich the life of every Alpha Xi Delta. We will: • Nurture unity and cooperation • Foster Intellectual, professional, and personal growth • Exemplify the highest ethical conduct • Instill community responsibility • Perpetuate Fraternal growth Alpha Xi Delta’s Vision Inspiring Women to Realize Their Potential

10 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Volunteer position prior to joining Council: NPC delegate Most memorable Alpha Xi Delta moment: Being installed as National President Three words that describe my Fraternity experience: Fun, inspiring, and time-consuming! Why I wanted to serve on National Council: To make a positive difference for our organization and our individual members, and to put all my love and energy for Alpha Xi Delta to effective use.

National Vice Presidents Ann Ward Adams, University of Nebraska-Lincoln ’66 Home: Lincoln, Neb. Career: Teacher at an alternative high school Family: Two daughters (Amy, Nebraska Lincoln ’92, and Lori), son (Jeff), one sonin-law (Keith), two grandchildren (Rayna and Jace), Zoe (a mixed-breed dog), three boxer “grandchildren,” and a mild-mannered beagle “grandchild.” You might say we love dogs! Volunteer position prior to joining Council: Academic Achievement Support Team Leader Most memorable Alpha Xi Delta moment: Seeing my daughter, Amy, initiated Three words that describe my Fraternity experience: Opportunities, growth, sisterhood Why I wanted to serve on National Council: As an Alpha Xi Delta, I believe I have an obligation to do my best to

Fall | Winter 2007

ensure the positive growth of the Fraternity. Being able to use the leadership skills I’ve gained from membership in Alpha Xi Delta to help the Fraternity move forward is a way to demonstrate lifelong membership. Evonne Carawan, North Carolina State University ’83 Home: Dumfries, Va. Career: Head of the Civilian Workforce Development Section for Headquarters, United States Marine Corps, overseeing career and leadership development Family: I’m single and blessed with one nephew, two nieces, and wonderful friends who allow me to be “Aunt Evonne” to their children. My sister’s family graciously lets me be “aunt” to their dogs too! Volunteer position prior to joining National Council: Member of Alpha Xi Delta’s delegation to the National Panhellenic Conference Most memorable Alpha Xi Delta moment: Being initiated as a charter member of Zeta Rho Chapter and being a member of the same Fraternity as my older sister, Angela. Also, meeting and bonding with my four best friends: Mary Biere, Tamara White Heran, Julie Schwendeman Woods, and Melinda Meador Torrison. Three words that describe my Fraternity experience: Joy, love, opportunities Why I wanted to serve on National Council: To share energy and enthusiasm to continue to help Alpha Xi Delta realize her potential

Sandra Ellen Edwards, University of Kentucky ’75 Home: Ft Myers, Fla. Career: Manager, human resources administration, Chico’s FAS, Inc. Volunteer position prior to joining Council: Southeast Ritual Territory Director Family: My husband, Mike, who is not Greek but is very understanding of my passion for all things Alpha Xi Delta, our son, Austin, and a Brittany named Bailey Most memorable Alpha Xi Delta moment: As a Resident Advisor, I had no intention of taking a Little Sister, especially a new member who lived in my residence hall. New member Marijon Chandler wouldn’t take “no” for an answer. Thanks to her persistence, we’ve had an extraordinary relationship for more than three decades and are genuine, lifelong friends. Three words that describe my Fraternity experience: Connected, embraced, empowered Why I wanted to serve on National Council: Alpha Xi Delta has been one of the most important facets of my life. Serving on National Council provides me an opportunity to give back to our wonderful organization, help ensure our Fraternity’s future is solid, and continue the great legacy left to us by our Founders. Diane Curtis Gregory, Wittenberg University ’61 Home: Bloomington, Ind. Career: I’m officially retired, but still work at Chico’s part time Family: Husband (Tom), two sons (Tom and Bob), one daughter-in-law, and two grandchildren Volunteer position prior to joining Council: Chapter Advisor for Beta Pi Chapter at Indiana University Most memorable Alpha Xi Delta moment: Serving as National Executive Director during the 1993 Centennial Convention when we celebrated the Fraternity's 100th anniversary Three words that describe my Fraternity experience: Sisterhood, friends, lifetime commitment

2007-2009 National Council members (L-R) Evonne Carawan, Sue Mamber, Danica Olson, Deanna Detchemendy, Diane Gregory, Ann Adams, Sandi Edwards.

Why I wanted to serve on National Council: To offer the experiences I’ve had for leadership and personal development to other women Susan Eicher Mamber, Kent State University ’77 Home: Pawtucket, R.I. Career: I’m in transition. I want to return to working in student affairs or academic advising at a college or university. Family: I call my husband, Steve, and son, Sam, “my entourage” because they tag along with me on chapter visits. Our pet menagerie includes Tippy the cat, Jeep the guinea pig, Taffy the hamster, several goldfish, and a pair of hermit crabs named Fred and Ethel. Most memorable Alpha Xi Delta moment: When my niece, Melanie Barnoff Whiting, Miami Ohio ’01, joined Alpha Xi Delta. The icing on the cake was when Mel invited me and her mom to Zeta Nu Chapter’s Mom & Daughter Weekend, which allowed me to share a special event in her Fraternity life. Three words that describe my Fraternity experience: Inspiration, ideals, kindliness

Why I wanted to serve on National Council: To contribute to “the big picture” of our organization. I was also incredibly excited at the prospect of working with such remarkable, insightful, dedicated alumnae sisters. Danica Vanasse Olson, Marquette University ’90 Home: Waukesha, Wis. Career: Controller at Dai Shin Technologies, Inc. Family: Husband, Andy, and cats Meg, Chloe, and Rocca Volunteer position prior to joining National Council: Midwest Financial Territory Director Most memorable Alpha Xi Delta moment: The installation of my colony, Theta Epsilon, at Marquette Three words that describe my Fraternity experience: Rewarding, eye-opening, fun Why I wanted to serve on National Council: To serve collegians and help them develop the leadership skills necessary to become strong, independent women


Alpha Xi Delta Assumes Leadership Role in the

National Panhellenic Conference

International Badge Day On March 3, 2008, Alpha Xi Delta will join the other 25 National Panhellenic Conference groups in celebrating International Badge Day. During this annual event, sorority women everywhere will honor their Greek affiliation by wearing their badge or sorority letters. Show the world you’re proud to be an Alpha Xi! Wear your Quill or letters on March 3, 2008.

12 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

During the National Panhellenic Conference biennial session last month in Chicago, Alpha Xi Delta entered into the NPC’s Executive Committee rotation as Treasurer of the Conference. For the next two years, Jane Hooper Sutton, Western Carolina ’75, will serve as Conference Treasurer. In 2009 Jane will begin serving a two-year term as Conference Secretary; in 2011 she will assume the role of Conference Chair. Jane joins former NPC chairs Ella Boston Leib (1906), Lena Grandin Baldwin (1917-1919), and Mary Burt Brooks Nash (1963-1965) as only the fourth Alpha Xi Delta to hold this distinguished position. Founded in 1902, the NPC is an umbrella organization for 26 national and international women’s fraternities and sororities that promotes values, education, leadership, friendships, cooperation, and citizenship. The NPC also assists collegiate and alumnae chapters by providing robust resources and programming, works to foster strong partnerships with colleges and universities, and serves as a forum in which to discuss issues that impact our organizations. “I am humbled and honored to be asked to serve Alpha Xi Delta and NPC as Treasurer, Secretary, and Chairman of the Conference,” said Jane. “I take this responsibility seriously, recognizing the

Fall | Winter 2007

Jane Hooper Sutton was recently named Treasurer of the National Panhellenic Conference. She will become NPC Chair in 2011.

legacy I leave is not Jane Sutton’s, but Alpha Xi Delta’s.” Prior to becoming NPC treasurer, Jane was Alpha Xi Delta’s NPC Delegate (19972001), NPC Alternate Delegate 1 (19951997 and 2005-2007), and NPC Alternate Delegate 2 (1993-1995). From 2001-2005, she was the Fraternity’s National President. While serving on the NPC Executive Committee, Alpha Xi Delta’s main responsibility will be to serve as spokesperson to represent the best interests of the NPC. The additional responsibilities of the Executive Committee also provide an

Alpha Xi Delta National President Deanna Wollam Detchemendy (center front) is surrounded by our Fraternity's NPC Delegation. Delegates include (front row) Michele Herbst Evink, NPC Delegate; Jane Hooper Sutton, Alternate Delegate 1; (back row) Nancy Fehrmann Gainer, Alternate Delegate 3; and Erin Macdonald Peck, Alternate Delegate 2. Photo courtesy of GreekYearbook.

outstanding opportunity for Alpha Xi Delta to lead and demonstrate the best qualities of our Fraternity. Leadership of the conference is assumed by each of the 26 member groups in rotation, based on the date each organization joined the conference. Alpha Xi Delta joined the NPC (then called the Inter-Sorority Conference) in 1904 with the attendance of our first delegate, Anna Gillis Kimble, Lombard 1904. Today, our Fraternity, as well as the other 25 member groups, has one Delegate and three Alternate Delegates who protect the rights and interests of our respective organizations, work in cooperation with the other NPC member groups to promote our common interests, and collaborate on issues that impact our organizations. Alpha Xi Delta’s NPC Delegate Michele Herbst Evink, South Dakota State ’86, is the official representative for our Fraternity and casts the Fraternity’s vote at NPC interim and biennial sessions. As Delegate, she serves on the NPC board of directors, which is charged with managing NPC affairs. She also serves as liaison between the Fraternity and the other NPC groups.

Our three Alternate Delegates, Jane Hooper Sutton, Erin Macdonald Peck, Eastern Washington ’95, and Nancy Fehrmann Gainer, Iowa State ’69, fulfill many of the same responsibilities as the

When Alpha Xi Delta assumes chairmanship of the NPC in 2011, here are the issues that will be at the forefront: • Advocating sorority membership • Promoting Panhellenic health • Developing inter-group relations and support • Supporting issues relevant to women at all stages of life NPC Delegate but are nonvoting members of the conference. Alpha Xi Delta’s Delegate and Alternate Delegates serve on at least one NPC standing committee

during the biennium. All four Delegates are appointed by National Council for a two-year term. Through the efforts of all groups’ delegations, NPC supports alumnae and collegiate Panhellenics, with each Delegate and Alternate Delegate assuming the responsibility for advising local Panhellenic groups. This biennium, Michele Evink and Erin Peck are advising collegiate Panhellenics; Nancy Gainer is advising alumnae panhellenics. Alpha Xi Delta also supports our collegiate Panhellenic delegates and those with officer roles through our Fraternity’s volunteer network of Regional Panhellenic specialists. As Jane Sutton looks toward her future NPC chairmanship, she notes, “Since 1893, more than 140,000 members have dedicated themselves to the founding values and tenets of our Fraternity. I pledge to represent you, my sisters, to the best of my ability so that the legacy Alpha Xi Delta leaves to NPC is one of just and visionary leadership.” Learn more about the National Panhellenic Conference at


Collegians Build Recruitment Strength During

The Workout 2007 fun

Participants began The Workout by blowing away their bad habits in a balloon relay race. “No More Excuses” was the name of the game!

14 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Fall | Winter 2007

Sisters from across the country came together at the Beta Pi chapter house at Indiana University to spend five days stretching their recruitment muscles during The Workout 2007. The Workout focuses on five key components or “muscles” that must be strong to successfully run the recruitment marathon: image, preparation, presentation, math, and Fraternal values. During the week, sisters were assigned to a team for small-group work, which meant plenty of time for sharing and bonding. National Fraternity volunteers were on hand to serve as “Personal Trainers” to guide sisters’ work and to introduce a new philanthropy party idea – Rock ‘n’ Read. Chapters that want to jazz up their philanthropy round can find Rock ‘n’ Read party specifics in The Blue Room at “Inspiring,” “motivating,” “exciting,” and “fun” are words Workout graduates most often use to describe their experience, and this year was no exception! Take a look at what our collegiate sisters learned during The Workout 2007. The Workout is generously funded by the Alpha Xi Delta Foundation.


Nearly 100 sisters from more than 70 chapters attended this year’s Workout.

Each sister created a Recruitment Fitness Plan for her chapter – a comprehensive tool that addresses the five components of a successful recruitment: image, preparation, presentation, math, and Fraternal values.

During the Idea Olympics, teams were pitted against each other in events that tested their creativity, Fraternity knowledge, and ability to work as a team. Team One, pictured above, was victorious.



Coming to a Campus Near Each year a team of dynamic young women travel the country, working with Alpha Xi Delta chapters and colonies to help sisters realize their potential. These women, known as Educational Leadership Consultants (ELCs), help collegiate sisters with leadership development, recruitment, public relations, Ritual – essentially, all things Alpha Xi Delta. In return, ELCs build skills that can propel them to the top of their chosen profession or grad school class after their year of travel is done. This year, two additional sisters joined our traveling team as Alpha Xi Delta Leadership Coaches. These alumna sisters work with members on leadership development, emotional intelligence, career planning, and other life skills that are necessary to succeed in college and beyond.



Jenna Hardy, Southwestern ’04

Margaret Lee, Cornell ’05

The difference between a Leadership Coach and an ELC is that the coaches focus more on individual development while ELCs focus on chapter functioning and skills needed within the chapter.

Apply to be part of next year’s traveling team! Applications are available at Deadline: December 10, 2007.

2007-2008 Educational Leadership Consultants Lindsay Bonner, Lycoming ‘05; Jessica Bannon, Kent State ‘04; Kristin Irvine, West Virginia Wesleyan ‘04; and Heather Haroff, Auburn ‘03.


Member News

Georgia Tech | Georgia Tech sisters Mary Frances McKenna, Holly LaPerre, Carrie Ripberger, and Katie Phillips proudly display the Chapter of Excellence trophy Gamma Eta won for superiority in scholarship, leadership, service, and Greek and campus life involvement – the highest award a Tech sorority can receive. –Sarah McKibben,

ALABAMA Jacksonville State Epsilon Pi Chapter received the following awards at the Greek Awards Banquet: Greek Week Community Service Champion, Second Place Overall in Greek Week, and the President’s Gold Cup of Excellence. Chapter Advisor Kaci Smith Ogle, ’92, was named Alumni Advisor of the Year. –Shalon Hathcock, ARIZONA Phoenix Alumnae Association The association recently held a celebration for its 50th anniversary. Chartered in December 1956, the association has several sisters from the chartering group. Celebration festivities included a luncheon, an historical presentation about the association by president Bobbie Hayes Rauch, and a slideshow of the Rembrandt exhibit by a docent from the Phoenix Museum of 18 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Art. Many alumnae later attended the exhibit and had lunch together. –Helen Hoose Cornett, CALIFORNIA Sonoma State Theta Beta held its annual volleyball tournament and raised money for the Deep Roots Scholarship Fund, which ensures that African children have access to education. Players and spectators had a great time playing games, winning raffle prizes, eating, and hanging out. During Family Day, sisters, alumnae, and family members celebrated the past year with refreshments, a slideshow, and a video from sisters’ performance during the campus Lip Jam event.

Fall | Winter 2007

COLORADO University of Northern Colorado Epsilon Mu sisters met in Estes Park for four fun-filled days of remembering and sharing. One of the highlights of the gathering was visiting Centennial Elementary School in Evans, Colo., and donating more than 200 books as a Choose Children service project. The 43 alumnae also visited their former chapter house, now occupied by Alpha Kappa Lambda Fraternity. Sisters were surprised to see seven bathrooms instead of the three that were shared by 22 women during their college years. The men were equally surprised when asked to take sisters’ pictures and were thanked by being serenaded with Alpha Xi Delta songs. The next reunion will be in Chicago in 2010. Contact Karen Dixon Olson ( for more information. Also, please visit to update your contact information.

Member News DELAWARE University of Delaware Theta Gamma sisters hosted a 5K walk/run in collaboration with the Downtown Newark Partnership, which allows sisters to give back to local children’s charities. During the chapter’s annual Locks of Love event, volunteer stylists cut the hair of nearly 40 men and women. The more than 48 feet of hair will be used to make wigs for children who have lost their hair due to medical conditions. –Meaghan Jones,

FLORIDA Central Florida Sisters from UCF held a Founders’ Day celebration at their chapter house, along with alumnae and sisters from EmbryRiddle. Two alumnae were recognized as Order of the Rose recipients for 50 years of Alpha Xi Delta membership. Later in the semester, the chapter held its annual Xi Man competition. The 13 competitors participated in a week’s worth of events that included raising money for the BETA Center, which offers support services to teen moms and at-risk families. The men collected $8,000 and necessities like diapers, formula, and clothes. Through the success of this event, the chapter received UCF’s Best Philanthropic Event award. –Brittany Rodriguez,

IOWA University of Northern Iowa With the helping hands of parents, siblings, and advisors, Delta Chi sisters held a Work Day that changed the look of the chapter house and made it shine. The crew scrubbed floors, scraped off wallpaper, recarpeted floors, painted walls on each floor, and slip-covered furniture. With a basement now fit for study groups and movie nights, sisters can use the house to its full extent. Future plans include remodeling the kitchen.

Dayton | The Dayton Alumnae Association holds an annual wreath sale in support of Zeta Theta Chapter at Wright State (OH) and South Community Inc., a behavioral health care organization. This year, South Community used the funds to provide therapeutic horseback riding to youth. –Jill Thompson

KANSAS Kansas State In April, more than 50 alumnae traveled to Manhattan to celebrate Founders’ Day and the 85th anniversary of the chapter’s founding. Events included a luncheon, slideshow, singing, and recognizing women who had attained 25, 50, and 60 years of membership. Afterward, collegians and alumnae returned to the chapter house to see the recent improvements and share memories. Sisters recalled sunbathing on the roof, when they were pinned in the dining room by their husband 50 years ago, and many other stories. All agreed that there could not have been a better way to celebrate 85 years. –Katie McCauley,

MASSACHUSETTS Worchester Polytechnic Institute

Embry-Riddle | Theta Zeta sister Talia Roffman (left front) at Embry-Riddle (AZ) received a scholarship for academic excellence and leadership from the Phoenix Panhellenic Council. Council members include (right front) Bobbie Rauch, (back row) Helen Coronett, Julie Lindsay, and Peggy McFate. Jay Hart (back right) is Theta Zeta’s president.

On move-in day at WPI, sisters greeted incoming freshmen by helping them unload their cars and carry boxes to their new dorm rooms. As part of New Student Orientation, sisters, other Greeks on campus, and new students made and decorated cards for sick children at Boston Children’s Hospital. –Allison Elder,


Member News MISSOURI Southeast Missouri State During Greek Week, sisters were paired with the men of Sigma Nu Fraternity and took home 10 first place awards, including Overall Spirit and Most Improved GPA. Sister Katie LoRusso was honored as Greek Woman of the Year. –Ashley Naeger,

NEBRASKA Nebraska Omaha During the Greek Week Awards Banquet, Shayna Royal was honored as Outstanding Active Member, Laura Darling was named Greek Goddess, and five sisters were announced as Rho Gammas for fall recruitment. The chapter received the Most Improved Chapter GPA award for the second year in a row and earned the Pillar of Excellence in Greek Ideals award, the most prestigious sorority award at UNO. At the Omaha Alumnae Panhellenic Association’s Gathering of the Greeks brunch, Shayna Royal was named Collegian of the Year and received a $900 scholarship from the association. During the chapter’s annual Just Can It fund-raiser, sisters and their cohost, the men of Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity, built cardboard “homes” in the middle of campus and stayed in them each night to raise awareness about homelessness. The men and women also stormed the dorms and surrounding neighborhoods and collected 1,800 cans of food for the Salvation Army – the most ever from this event. The co-hosts were recognized by the Omaha community and UNO’s chancellor for their outstanding efforts during this event. –Shayna Royal,, Chaeli Fortina,

20 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Kansas State |

The arms of president Katie McCauley and former president Ashley Renz are filled with honors the chapter received from the Panhellenic community at Kansas State. Of their many awards, the chapter was named Most Outstanding in chapter management, risk management, recruitment programming, and membership development. Ashley also was named Outstanding Chapter President. –Katie McCauley,

Gettysburg |

Sisters from Beta Chi Chapter at Gettysburg (PA), circa 1957, gathered at the New Jersey shore for an annual reunion. Front row: Ellen Sippel Dwyer, Nan Funk Lapeire. Back row: Pat Ness Smith, Carol Hirst Clark, Sally Foreman-Reed, Trudy Huber Hathaway. –Ellen Sippel Dwyer,

Fall | Winter 2007

Member News NEW YORK Brooklyn College New York City Alumnae Association Association members gathered with collegians from Brooklyn College to celebrate Founders’ Day. During the event, sisters had a Fuzzie Trivia Challenge during which teams of sisters competed to correctly answer the most Fraternity-related questions. In May alumnae gathered for the alwayspopular Broadway Show Night, enjoying Legally Blonde. Sisters living in the New York City area can learn more about upcoming events by contacting Erin Arnold at

Minnesota |

Marion Rajewsky, Ginger Doheny Lowell, Marjorie Johnson LeBarron, and Betty Klein Gorman, who joined Mu Chapter at the University of Minnesota nearly 60 years ago, got together to catch up and reminisce. –Marjorie LeBarron,

OHIO Marietta College At the Spring Honors Convocation, Beta Xi Chapter won awards for the Most Academic Improvement and the Best Academic Record for fall 2006. Sisters participated in the Up ‘til Dawn letterwriting campaign to raise money for St. Jude Hospital. During Greek Week, sister Beth Bennon was named Greek Woman of the Year. At the end of spring semester, sisters once again had the highest Greek GPA and highest women’s average. –Ashley Deas,

TEXAS University of Texas

Auburn | The annual alumnae tailgate was a great time for sisters to get together and share their love for Zeta Xi and Auburn football. –Jordan Jones,

During Beta Alpha Chapter’s sixth annual 3-on-3 basketball tournament, sisters raised more than $2,000 for the Austin Miracle League at Town and Country, an organization that sponsors a baseball league for children with physical and mental disabilities. The victorious team walked away with some great prizes, which made it a rewarding fund-raiser for everyone. –Katie Willcutts,


Member News

Rio Grande |

Sisters from the Rio Grande Alumnae Association and Theta Omega Chapter at New Mexico State participated in the March of Dimes’ WalkAmerica and raised $1,000 for research and medical care for premature babies. –Vanessa Quiroz,

Marquette University

was on hand to speak, as well as the mother of a child whose wish had been granted. The money raised helped 12-year-old Anna have the horse and riding accessories she wished for. Sisters launched a chapter fund-raiser called Big Kidz Lunch and raised $525 by selling homemade sack lunches to students and faculty. Proceeds were donated to First Book and to Courtney Hattan, ’06, for her Teach for America classroom in North Carolina. –Erin Camargo,

Theta Epsilon moved into what is known as the “blue house” on campus, a home that belonged to Theta Epsilon in earlier days. Thank you to alumnae who organized fund-raisers to help the chapter get items for the house. At the end of Greek Week, sisters christened the chapter house with a championship trophy. They also won second place with their Welcome to Xi Jungle air band routine. Thank you to alumnae and sisters from Carroll College who were in the audience. During the Greek Awards Ceremony, the chapter was recognized in the following categories: Outstanding Philanthropy, Outstanding Community Service, Outstanding Scholarship, Freshman of the Year (Jamie Cannarozzi), Greek Woman of the Year (Emily Bugger), Four-Year Dedication Award (Michelle Voss), and Chapter of the Year. The chapter’s annual Choose Children benefit for the Make-AWish Foundation, a silent auction, attracted nearly 200 people and raised $6,700 for the foundation. A Make-A-Wish representative

Alma |

WISCONSIN Greater Milwaukee Alumnae Association If you’re interested in joining or learning more about the association, please make note of the phone number of president Cari Wallenfang: (262) 695-8734. It was listed incorrectly in the spring Quill.

22 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Fall | Winter 2007

Zeta Upsilon sisters participated in the college’s annual Walk for Orphans to raise funds for 60 Ukrainian children who are chronically ill after the disaster at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. – Carly Uthoff,

Come to a

Bear-Making Party at Build-A-Bear Workshop ! ®

Alpha Xi Delta has teamed up with Build-A-Bear Workshop® for a fun new philanthropy service event – a nationwide bear-making party to support children’s literacy. For each Read Teddy® you and your sisters purchase and make at Build-A-Bear Workshop® February 17-28, 2008, Build-A-Bear will donate a portion of the proceeds to First Book, Alpha Xi Delta’s literacy partner. Funds will be used to buy new books for literacy programs and children from low-income families. Learn more about the Build-A-Bear party by contacting



Alpha Xi Delta Edition A before and after of the magazine redesign.

A new logo. A newly redesigned Quill magazine and Fraternity website. New letterhead and business cards. Alpha Xi Delta’s imagery and communications tools just received an extreme makeover. These changes were not made for change sake. Instead, the new design elements reinforce Alpha Xi Delta’s mission and vision statements and the insignia unique to our Fraternity. To begin the process, research was conducted by the Fraternity’s marketing and design firm to better understand our organization and the women who become members. The creative team found that Alpha Xi Deltas view themselves as • Genuine • Loyal • Trustworthy • Friendly • Spirited (fun) • Progressive • Individualistic/diverse

24 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Using that information, the design team’s goal was to create a visual identity for our Fraternity that represents those qualities. The outcome is an overall look and “feel” that’s soft, feminine, clean, and open. Our new logo incorporates the quill pen, one of Alpha Xi Delta’s dearest and most recognizable symbols. The quill pen also reflects our Fraternity’s open motto: The pen is mightier than the sword. The script font used for “Alpha Xi Delta” in our logo, on our communications tools, and in many headlines in The Quill (see the headline above) was developed based on how members view Alpha Xi Delta and how they view themselves in Alpha Xi Delta. Therefore, the new script font is friendly versus formal, which is how our name had been displayed in the past. It has a more

Fall | Winter 2007

feminine style with soft curves versus all uppercase letters that appear masculine and bold. The script is also fresh, clean, and easy to read. As you read this issue of The Quill, you’ll notice a cleaner, softer look to reflect our essence as a women’s organization. Our nameplate on the cover in corporates the quill pen, reinforcing the name of our publication and our Fraternity’s badge. There is also more white space on each page and more space between each line, which makes each article easier to read. You’ll also notice rounded corners on photos and page headers (see the top left corner on page 22), which mirror the rounded corners of the Fraternity’s new letterhead, business cards, and website. This treatment corresponds to the softness of our new design.

Our Open Moto

The pen is mightier than the sword

The Quill and the rest of the Fraternity’s communications pieces continue to use the timeless colors chosen by our Founders – light blue, dark blue, and gold. Our colors will be used more consistently throughout the magazine and website to reinforce our Fraternity’s identity. Three colors have been chosen to accent our double blue and gold – a creamy neutral called “Star” yellow (see the background color on this issue’s cover), “Killarney Rose” pink, and “BetXi Bear” brown. These colors will not replace our official Fraternity colors. Instead, as colors related to our Fraternity’s insignia, these accents will broaden the range of colors available for use throughout our communications pieces while maintaining our Fraternity’s identity.

Alpha Xi Delta’s new Style Guide and official logos will soon be available for download by chapters and alumnae associations on the newly redesigned Alpha Xi Delta website. New Fraternity letterhead templates with our new logo are available for use by college chapters and alumnae associations. Contact Lori Lambert, Director of Public Relations, at, or (317) 872-3500. What do you think of the Fraternity’s new logo, and the new look of The Quill and the Fraternity’s website? Let us know by contacting Quill Editor Ruth Goodman at, or 8702 Founders Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268.

Our Logo Before


Our Colors Inspiration Blue

Quill Gold

Griffin Blue

Killarney Rose Pink

BetXi Bear Brown

Star Yellow


Annual Report 2006-07

Dear Alumnae and Friends, Every day, Alpha Xi Delta prepares young women for success in college and in life. The following annual report recognizes sisters and friends who contributed to the Foundation during the last fiscal year, June 1, 2006 – May 31, 2007. Because of your generosity, young women benefit from Alpha Xi Delta’s leadership and life-skills programming, scholarships, and service on our campuses and in our communities. The Alpha Xi Delta Foundation has reached an important milestone – its 50th anniversary. We are proud of our accomplishments and have established goals to do even more to further the Fraternity’s vision and mission.

Ellen Gibson Goodwin Foundation Chair

During the 2007-2009 biennium, the Foundation will: • Add 500 new young-alumna donors from the graduating classes of 1997-2007; • Enroll 50 members in the Mary Burt Nash Society, which recognizes alumnae and friends making a $5,000 commitment to the Loyalty Fund; • Enroll 50 new members in The Society of 1893, which recognizes alumnae and friends who name Alpha Xi Delta in their estate plans. As Foundation Chair, I look forward to working with alumnae, staff, and collegiate members of Alpha Xi Delta. Together, we can explore new horizons of excellence and move our Foundation forward into a new era. Thank you for your support, your leadership, and your passion. Fraternally,

Ellen Gibson Goodwin West Virginia ’68 Foundation Chair

26 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Fall | Winter 2007

Foundation Donors Alpha LOMBARD COLLEGE/ KNOX COLLEGE Lombard Karen King McConnell Founders’ Linda Sokody Seybold+ Presidents’ Betty Darnell Nelson Double Blue & Gold Doris Janes Lawton Juliet Engel Schertz Sisterhood Joan Hinkle Brown Virginia Vogt Johnson Carolyn Swartz Park

Beta IOWA WESLEYAN Founders’ Col. Evelyn Houdyshell, USAF (Ret.) Presidents’ Sally Schuck Double Blue & Gold Sheri Seibold+ Lori Veigelt Webb+ Sisterhood Susan Parker Brierton Kari Kilpatrick Bryant+ Cindy Hardisty Reynolds+ Linda Faust Witmer Sunshine Marilynn Wick Gibson+ Dorothy Moore Pollpeter Other Mildred Bell Baker* Samantha Ireton Sara Cadby Smith St. James Hailey Workman

Gamma MOUNT UNION COLLEGE Symphony Jane Fursey Ralston Alice Bliss Schmutz+ Presidents’ Judith Jackson Sarah Solt McCloskey Double Blue & Gold Gretchen Nile Baldwin Connie Snode Flynn Denise Kipfstuhl+ Kelly Wright Shaffer Hertha Haltrich Sheatsley Carole Evans Spiker Sisterhood Marilyn Conrath Ruth Mani Fiegenschuh Marian Dreyer Ross Sunshine Jennifer Lynn Cadnum+ Bethanne Morrison Miller Other Tracy Bombik+ Allison Brown Barbara Weimer Hurst Nikki Jones Beth Sacksteder Mann

Michelle Marchand Kristen Matas+ Elissa Good Smith Meghann recaso Katherine Weaver Christina Zitko

Delta BETHANY COLLEGE Presidents’ Suzanne Abbott Lesiak Sisterhood Marilyn Waugh Barteaux Anne Buchanan Blankenship Elizabeth Shelly de Jong Jean Friederici Meacham Betty Foley Reddig Other Mary Adams Casey Callahan Megan Cook Elizabeth Davis Anne Dewey Sarah Housley Sabrina Iqbal Kimberly Kelly Stacy Krempasky Vanessa Myers Jessica Peters Vanessa Plumly Amanda Turowski Alejandra Viveros Melanie Ward Whitney Wilding Courtney Wright

Epsilon UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH DAKOTA Presidents’ Bonnie Untereiner Bjork Ramona Fiksdal Bowden+ Barbara Brisbine Mildred Fiksdal O’Neill Double Blue & Gold Angeline Butler Ackerman Luella Bruhn Cozad Mary Ricciardello Sandvig Sisterhood Carol Clarke Gillespie Sarah Wold Hanson Beverly Allison Mickelson Sunshine Elysia Balster Gallivan Virginia Pederson Larimer Other Kayla Alexander Katie Bossman Caitlin Dill Laura Ellis Rebecca Evans+ Cara Jones+ Elizabeth Overmoe Lauren Ronfeldt Stephanie Sinclair

Zeta WITTENBERG UNIVERSITY Medallion Margaret Moore Dillenbeck* Symphony Maxine Evans Blackburn Diane Curtis Gregory

Lombard Jennifer Bauer Henson Founders’ Kay Taylor Fathe Presidents’ Jean Regenhardt Collins Barbara Wolfe Culler Shelly Shollenbarger Reber+ Elizabeth Greenawalt Wagner Double Blue & Gold Carolyn Trinter Cull Audrey Tatro Hall Sharon Hall+ Mary Shatzer Jaeger Helen Sturgeon Richeson Kathryn Sanders Rieder Margaret Rankin Rittenhouse+ Robbin Corson Russell Cheryl Tingle Sisterhood Katherine Hudik Gall Susan Knop Gobien Karen House Hofbauer Dorothy Eisenberg Libby Barbara Smick Peterson Sharon Warkow Porter Karen Hietanen Shanower Sunshine Jane Wheadon Blount Beverly Koch Browder Jennifer Dose Dee Stutz Frazier+ Jeanne Schrader Gamble Pamela Benken Lyle Elisabeth Dodds Vinson Mary Dickey Wise+ Pamela Wurster Other Anne Davidson Buck Marjorie Eipper* Nynphiadora Funke Leighton Ruth Eggert Wiseman

Eta SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY Lombard Joan Repath Pomfrey+ Janice Zajac Sayatovic+ Presidents’ Dorothy Borneman Bell+ Elizabeth Alton Endicott Double Blue & Gold Ruth Hazard Lee Sisterhood Gretchen Balling DiMarco Ruth Bailey Hunter+ Edith Frey Kessler Deborah Rowe Jarrett Sally Lawyer Smith Martha-Jean McCourt Willits Other Lauren Axelrod Ruth Edkins Halpin Elisabeth Macari

Theta UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-MADISON Symphony Kathryn Kuechenmeister Vaughan+

Founders’ Mary Goers+ Presidents’ Caroline Borden Erickson Roberta Collins Harper Norma Malmanger Liebenberg Elizabeth John Loehne Marcia Waugh McDowell Donna Milford Wischmann Jane Lewis Wise Double Blue & Gold Ina Wasberg Fenske Hope Beck Goldsmith Wilma Goedecke Griswold Rev. Alta Groves Jewell Helen Cruse Lemberger Carol Woodworth Root+ Jean Brann Shuler+ Karla Allen Spinks Kathryn Kaeser Taplick Kaye McGann Waggoner Sisterhood Dorris Solberg Cragg Ann Nunemaker Hartman+ Janan Opie Martens Jean Stoffel Young Mae Zimmerman+ Sunshine Marjorie Johnson Griffith Nancy Norg Maier Sharon Maloney Marcia Bourkland Pauly

Iota WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY Symphony Ellen Gibson Goodwin+ Lombard Shelley Riley Moore Double Blue & Gold Ruth Harris David Nancy Kraus Merinar Ann Little Muffly Sharon Hubacher Pugh Cheryl Dean Riley Nancy Cox Whitham Emily Baker Wolfe Sisterhood Cindy Bills Cobb+ Jeannie Honecker Reed Lucille Schmieder+ Sunshine Pamela Harless Crenshaw Kathy Cobb Dolan Other Jessica Austin Kirsten Baker Rachel Berkowitz Ingrid Bohme Rachel Boyd Brittany Carozza Maggie Chestney+ Bethany Chrisman+ Jenna Cowan Kristin DiLeo Sarah Fragale Nancy Linde Halterman Katie Fluty Hinerman Deborah Hougland Lamb Ashley McFadden Laura Michael Katherine Painter Kelly Smith

Kathleen Stofko Sheila Ventricelli Sara Wizba

Kappa UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Symphony Marian Harding Thompson Lombard Julie Wilson Dillon+ Martha Ann Geppert+ Presidents’ Beth Henning Polizzotto Edith Wiedling Webber+ Double Blue & Gold Janet Horstman Anderson+ Evelyne Blazek Conti+ Pearl Lauth Curnes Patricia Bolin Glenn

Anne Heitzman Linda Lowery Lindsay+ Kathy Schleicher Juliette Coderre Watson Sisterhood Ruth Turner Chambliss Wanda Zabierek Palandech Renee Prew Helen McFedries Severson Katherine Martin Sevier Becky Brdlik Smilak Mary Clark Willy Sunshine Barbara Larson Dilling Joan Hallsted Dolowy Kathrynlee Flesch Hasse Regina Cuellar Lee Other Glenna Vyborny Powers Beverley Bankson Verley

Life-to-Date Giving Circles The Foundation thanks the following sisters and friends who made donations between June 1, 2006, and May 31, 2007. The following list reflects donors’ lifetime giving totals to all Foundation funds.

Cora Bollinger Block
















Double Blue & Gold






+ More than one gift given during the fiscal year = Donor to the Class of 2007 senior giving campaign * Deceased donor


The Year in Review $3.5 million in Foundation assets $480,000 contributed to the Foundation $213,400 awarded for educational programming, scholarships, and grants

Other Rachel Abolofia Jennifer Brennan Kady Carlson Mallory Dehbod Patti Sullivan Fenton Joan Ray Harrow Kristi Lee Moore Amber Pearce Aimee Racine Ann Rickett Michelle Loree Rutherford+ Erin Shields Melinda Marcelle Wall


$83,820 in Convention gifts and pledges


$34,645 in chapter and association giving

Lombard Elizabeth Stuckert Ray Founders’ Joan Barnett Cornwell Presidents’ Sandra Ellen Edwards Judi Jones Jacobs+ Cary Lawson Moore Kimberly Kay Starr Emily Friske Taylor Double Blue & Gold Martha Riggs Bonvillain Sharon Miller Hall Kathleen Nicol, M.D. Jane Jameson Parrish Sisterhood Jean Shure Amos Patricia Cody Cox Barbara Nims King Jill O’Daniel Sunshine Sarah Tabb Henry Debra Haysley Roling Nicole Beckman-Utz+ Other Jane Masters Virag

$19,910 in 3 gift bequests $6,720 raised by 438 sisters graduating from the Class of 2007 15.03% return on investments 152,990 hours spent serving children 143,605 members initiated since 1893 6,413 current collegiate members 3,440 gifts made to the Foundation 1,755 members initiated in 2006-2007 118 alumnae associations


111 active chapters 6 alumnae associations chartered 1 alumnae association centennial 1 chapter centennial 1 chapter installed 1 colony





Double Blue & Gold Curina Harian Atwood Edwina Ryan Kuhns

Mu UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Founders’ Geraldine Sohle Double Blue & Gold Marlys Bunt Fairbanks Sisterhood Ruth Stemsrud Challender Gwen Hagen Sunshine Laurel Ness Gatz

Diamond Janice Sheldon Baumback+ Medallion Linda Belles Dinus+ Sandra Gleason Walston+ Lombard Lorene Currier+ Founders’ Sandra See Warne Presidents’ Helen Hill Burgher Sharon Viafore Cochran Kathy Orebaugh Reinke Frances Bunn Shaw

28 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Double Blue & Gold Marjory Dark Barbee Barbara Henning Bray Rita Tappe Gill Marian Knudson Gruber Marcia Hixson Mahaffey Irene Hysong Miller Sisterhood Lois Hofstetter Bianco Sylvia Skaggs Downing Kay Chittenden Haines Kathleen Donnelly Kelly Marjorie Bragdon Satterfield Rebecca Amos Stuart Dolores Wilson White+ Sunshine Valdean Sears Jones Katherine Hempler Parker+

Fall | Winter 2007

Symphony Marilyn Atwood Terry Lombard Donna Staehling Borden Founders’ Phyllis Meinberger Ingersoll Marie Lewis Matthews Carole Peter Tompkins Presidents’ Marion Macdonald Blau+ Jeanne Martell Campbell Keith Lee Silcox Derian+ Marcella Symon Howard+ Dorothy Anderson Tregea+ Double Blue & Gold Elizabeth Ahrnke Durein* Celia Samaras Maneatis Joan Sample Paulson+ Gloria Avila Schwabenton+ Phyllis Butcher Wainwright+ Sisterhood Janet McKenzie Jensen Elizabeth Nielsen Mortensen Virginia Harrell Schultz Catherine Rhorabough Shanks Sunshine Emily Fara Akey+ Irene Ganin Bechtel Mary Lewis Smith Nancy Schultz Strong Mary Lou Brooks Wallace

Other Jacqueline Cromwell Bell Arline Coe Erb Joanna Harrington Fischer Catherine Hamilton Jackson Shirley Stone Raney

Pi OHIO UNIVERSITY Founders’ Rose Vachon Kunkel Roarty Presidents’ Marilyn Geiler Netschke Double Blue & Gold Carol Malkmus Briggs Carolyn McLaughlin Cuppernull Alma Williams Gilmore-Doud Barbara Grow Schanzle Eleanore Perry Till Sisterhood Martha Brown Black Doris Brunn Francis+ Mary Hitchcock Frost Carla Dixon Kahler Joanne Hammerstrand Kunath Ann Channell Olsen-Lavelle Mary Hellman Warren Sunshine Barbara Johnston Hoover Esther Stiner McGee Heather Popadych Marianne Frank Turman Christen Zochowski Volk+ Other Caitlin Burritt Brown Elizabeth Buckham Allison Crago

Rho UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA-LINCOLN Symphony Alice Frampton Dittman Lombard Jane Lynelle Wilkens Schroeder+ Founders’ Beth Hoegemeyer Ripp Presidents’ Kathryn Ashenfelter Marcia Boden Carol Schneider Honey Marlene Labenz Hough Jennifer Olson Mullen Double Blue & Gold Christyne Evans Bathel Virginia Galehouse Davis Janet Beachler Day+ Michelle Soderquist Hartnett Lois Hayes Hoff June Gast Macbeth Mary Marchant Maxwell Karen Diedrichs Nowak Becky Richter Perrett Julie Uehling Popken Sisterhood Barbara Rayburn Allen Carol Bischoff Janice Nelson Herbek Laurel Olson Nye Sue Dwyer Saalfeld Sunshine Shannon Anderson Phyllis Chard Blanke Nicole Fox Franta Phyllis Campbell Latham Theresa Tesar Roush

Other Jamie Brown Sarah Cates Stacy Clausen Kat Farris Renae Feikema Jody Frazer Amanda Lauree Furry+ Jessica Gould Allison Lamar Harrell+ Jacqueline Rockwell Hughes Mandi Janicek Rachel Johnson Courtney Johnson Emmalie Ann Krysl Colleen Lindberg Kristen Mohr Dusti Nichols Cara Medley Ortega Jamie Pedroza Ellen Rose Poly Kelly Reid Megan Rolofson Lisa Schildt Alissa Senger Allison Von Rein Elizabeth Wild Lori Zarkowski

Sigma UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Lombard Shirley Albrecht Winckler Founders’ Jean Koza Leider+ Presidents’ Patricia Bunting Angelici+ Elizabeth Gray Gumbrell Linnea Thodt Hadlock Mary Baker Jones Claire Stoltenberg McKinzie+ Double Blue & Gold Kiyoko Farrington Czech+ Ginny Alm Miller+ Marilyn Brashaw Voorhees Shirley Horak Walch Sisterhood Ann Raster English Judith Drews Haring+ Susan Moorman Kelly Jeanne Leone Jackie Niffenegger Mary Lenox Obrecht Jennifer Baldwin Tarantino+ Sunshine Virginia Greene Chloe Perkins-Rosenberg Other Emily Berglund Megan Gustafson+ Dana Hartman Amy Hopkins Erin Pierce+ Stephanie Preschel Aleks Bright Ridge Laura Romey+ Janet Rummery Thorne

Tau UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE Presidents’ Virginia Wasto Peart Clara Knight Turner Shirley Newcomer Wagner+ Double Blue & Gold Christina Teel Rose Sisterhood Susan Weselcouch Autuori Ruth Goldthwait Maynard

Beverly Swain PowellWoodward+ Sunshine Kim Petruchik Cavanagh Katherine Blajda Tyson Other Jeanne Martel Carignan Mackenzie Walsh Ferguson Ruth Hodgkins Gray Monica Rivadeneira MacLean Megan Pease Susan Silkes Jane Shaw Smoot

Phi ALBION COLLEGE Medallion Allison James Green+ Symphony Joanne Braucher Eleanor Harger Burgess+ Lombard Margaret Bergy Davis Founders’ Marjorie Hearst Orr Presidents’ Kathleen Coster Gruschow Sherry Palliaer Higgins Elisabeth Rees Double Blue & Gold Jean Baumgartner Benson Margaret Goebel Eileen Hart Harrison Betty Hantz House Julie Pond Matthews+ Valerie Palliaer McCammon Frances Walter Parody Bonnie Harlan Turner Claudia Barker Valente Sisterhood Nancy McSween Dunne+ Susan Evans Mrs. P.R. Ross Beverly Hawes Sebastian Heather Stamat Other AnnMarie Katherine Jasieniecki Martha Graham Johns Autumn Nancarrow Lamb Marjorie Lang Manspeaker Janet Gaiefsky Witkowski

Psi OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY Lombard Nancy Drenan Prendergast+ Founders’ Ruth Stuber White Presidents’ Winifred Kneisley Huffman Marjorie Erskine Lasko Elizabeth Gans Lidington Cheryl Bowersox Louder+ Rebecca Kay McCurdy Linda Amick Safford Betty Cronin Webb+ Double Blue & Gold Margaret Bennett Beem Jean Conaway Bice Rebecca Reed Cairns+ Jeanne Menyhert Campbell Joan Frankenberger Crawford

Karin Curtis Dietrich Anne Misitigh Hoffman Joan Brown Ladd Marilyn Dewey Lindeman+ Diane Williamson Ortlip+ Carol Brady Russo+ Mildred Geren Seybold Charlotte Brokaw Thomas+ Betty Eads Yepsen Sisterhood Lisa Boccabella DaLena Sue Riley Fackler Martha Kirn Rausch Sarah Miller Smith Sunshine Kelle Gross Coy Kathryn Eckhart Dardar Mary Paul Johnston+ Other Kelsey Haig Monica Iova Jennifer Lause Alexa Noruk Sarah Sopko Painter Kara Romagnino

Omega STETSON UNIVERSITY Symphony Lydia Theurer Pfund+ Founders’ Margaret Payne Greene Terry Wagner Ling Lorraine Feasel Reddick Presidents’ Margaret Oldford Waddell Double Blue & Gold Maria Cassella Poedtke Jacqueline Wood Sappia Odette Shashy Sisterhood Mildred Campbell Gibson Phyllis Brown Gilpin Nancy Boblitt Tango Sunshine Lucy Ward Bodnar Marilyn Huebner Davison Mary Foard Nicholas Other Bettye Henderson Briggs Catherine Copeland Kuchar Lina Marie Pfoh Morgan Shipes

Alpha Beta CORNELL UNIVERSITY Lombard Carol Mayer Utter Double Blue & Gold Frances Hilton Thomas Sisterhood Allene Cushing Knibloe Other Beth Kublin Melissa Murphy

Alpha Gamma COE COLLEGE Symphony Jean Boone Huie* Founders’ Kathryn Baden* Pauline Huston Miller Presidents’ Betty Shafer Scheible+ Frances McLaughlin Stauffacher Double Blue & Gold Marian Mohr Fry Louise Benbow Gray

Sandra Dahlstrom Kruger Patty Johnson Reynolds Sisterhood Beverly Keister Morlok-Finger+ Sunshine Margaret Surfus Addy Jean Richardson Rice Marilyn Chyle Kane Anna Osterlund White*

Alpha Delta OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY Symphony Julie Lambert+ Lombard Elizabeth Frost Simpson Founders’ Margaret Riggs Arndt Presidents’ Helen Richardson Double Blue & Gold Phyllis Gray Hann+ Patricia Alexander Rimpau Barbara Ellett Schnabel Linda McNulty Simpson Sisterhood MaryLou Leighton Allender Doris Paulson Duncan Martha Vancamp Richardson Patricia Kester Smith Sunshine Margaret Mix Bartley Janet Bell+ Other Iola Haley Hitt Chaffy Lynn Shuff

Alpha Epsilon UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Symphony Pamela Tittle Collins Lombard Marian Sayward West+ Founders’ Jennie Morgan Lombard Presidents’ Maxine Smith Besosa Judith Sellevold LaBreche Alveris Bonnell VanFleet Corson Linda Rainwater Yates Double Blue & Gold Margaret Smothers Gluski Janet Hutchins Patricia Becker LaBaw Sisterhood Carolyn Weigold Anderson Jonette Cauvin Elizabeth Doman Mary Lubienski Flanagan Lucy Niemann French Helen Neffner Misch Barbara Libs Murray Mary Kay Olson Marie Panchuk Marian Burton Potter Roberta Shaw Stimac Beverly Stewart Stone Margaret Neel Webber Sunshine Mary Ann Harris Holser Charlene Edwards Kelsey Linda Yurk Sokalski Jean Carson Sweet Other F. Vandiver P. Bradow Judy Fowler Naragon

Alpha Zeta UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA Presidents’ Frances Maschal Landers Double Blue & Gold Anna Simmons Hefner Sisterhood Lisa Vaughn Hampton Sunshine Denise Hebert Other Carlie Howle Rutledge

Alpha Eta PURDUE UNIVERSITY Cora Bollinger Block Elizabeth Venemann Lyles+ Heritage Mary-Louise Haymaker Hill+ Diamond Jean Busby Beard Symphony Julia Naftzger Van Sickle Lombard Ruth Ann Davidson Farkas+ Kendra Becker Lewis Phyllis Poe Moreland Mary Ruth Hadley Snyder+ Lois Osenberg Streed Janet Kendall Tower+ Founders’ Vicki Moore Capadona Rebekah Fenstermaker Druetzler Presidents’ Sharon Ploch Bassler Kathleen Burns Diane McClure Dow Jane Blind Glover Dorothy Padgett Ingels* Ann Schmiedicke Klemm+ Jean Klick+ Sheila Muldoon Anne Ruppe Shields Doris Kenninger Stump Double Blue & Gold Susan Zuhl Bryant Martha Fetner Allison Holtkamp+ April Kautzi Johanson Audrey Rothwell Kleasen Mary Alice McCauley Kranz Evelyn Schell Magner Lois Congram Myerholtz Karen Germann Schlosser Laura Watkins Skidmore Constance Hallier Smith Sara Adair Sperry Barbara Tower Williams Sisterhood Julie Andrews Janet Gaydos Berkemeier Jane Druetzler Black Elizabeth Evans Burger Susan Bulkeley Butler Marilyn Odle Cooprider Marjorie Hienton Frantzreb Melinda McKee Gillespie Jeanette Jinks Horrall Susan Pepples Hurley Nancy Hahn Morgan Amy Lavrick Posavac Kristi Brown Reininga Roberta Connolly Wygant Sunshine Samantha Deufel Adams Joann Magnone Beatty Marjorie Blakslee Boyle

Eight Easy Ways to Give to the Foundation


Make a Loyalty Fund Gift Contributions to the Loyalty Fund support Alpha Xi Delta’s priority programs. You can make your gift by cash, check, credit card, electronic funds transfer from a checking account, or stock transfer.

2 3 4 5 6

Sister for the Day With a minimum contribution of $365, you can select a day and honor a special sister on Alpha Xi Delta’s website.

Sponsor The Quill Your contribution of $1,250 sponsors a Foundation page in the Fraternity’s national magazine.

Give Online Give online any time of day or night at

Sponsor a Scholarship A $1,000 contribution helps a young woman with her educational expenses for one year.

Join the Mary Burt Nash Society Established just this year, the Mary Burt Nash Society recognizes alumnae and friends who make a $5,000 unrestricted commitment to the Loyalty Fund. Your gift can be made at one time or over five years.


Create an Endowment What do you care most about – leadership development, educational programming, philanthropy, scholarships? Endowment funds provide perpetual support for what’s closest to your heart. A named endowment can be established with $25,000 either through a one-time gift or given over five years.


Join The Society of 1893 Alumnae and friends who name Alpha Xi Delta in their estate plans are automatically enrolled in The Society of 1893. Options include naming the Fraternity a beneficiary of your will, trust, retirement plan, or insurance policy.

To learn more about these giving options, contact Development Director Kendra Lewis at, or (317) 872-3500.


Sisterhood Angela Thelen Detty Lorraine Etheridge Sorenson Sunshine Joan Cameron Denton Marlene Gunnesch Taibl+ Other Evangeline Whiteman Beem June Jacobs Bettina Lubke Barbara Milder Wingo


Choose Children Convention Grants Hawthorne Social Service Association, Inc. in Indianapolis received an $8,000 grant from the Alpha Xi Delta Foundation for its Summer Camp academic programs. Youth literacy is the cornerstone of these programs as the association helps children develop their cognitive abilities and build self-esteem. The Indiana Talking Book and Braille Library also received a Choose Children




Foundation. The $2,000 grant will be used to purchase Braille and large-print




impaired children.

Karolyn Withrow Burns Jean Tevebaugh Ehmsen Evelyn Horst Johnson Ruth Ann Benefiel Melzer+ Norma Strong Parker Mary Baughman Pulkrabek Elizabeth Rankin Scales Sandra Smith Other Stephanie Arndt Lisa Marie Burns Helen Swisher Cobb Nicole Fabrizio Lemar Frank Cara Starr Garavaglia+ Marilyn Moores Hall Megan Rose McCarter Jamie Lynn Mills Julie Molitoris+ Terri Berkowitz Schmutzler Rebecca Schpero Andrea Shen JoAnn Lerner Siesennop Madelyn Schroeder Sundquist

Alpha Theta NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY Lombard Powers Peterson, M.D.+ Charlotte Swanson Shade+ Founders’ Jean Grommes Feehan Presidents’ Mary Bowman Fisher Rosejean Clifford Hinsdale Pamela Butler James Doris Anthon Marsh Julia Caldwell Mitchell Suzanne Mitton Petru Double Blue & Gold Virginia Hall Edahl Linda Beia Elliott Jayne McLaren Gaw Nancy Wilhite Haldrup Lorraine Talcott Hoopes Gail Schaum Overby Suzanne Finley Ullmann

30 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Founders’ Nancy Polk Bogenrief Presidents’ Margaret McCay+ Joni Lindale Williamson Double Blue & Gold Isoline Woodroffe Headstrom Sisterhood Janice Forret Doudna Sunshine Judith Sellhorn Bochner Sherall Clement Carson Carol May Goodwin Elzabe Kossow Huffman Bernice Fox Roe Other Barbara Barringer Greef

Alpha Kappa KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY Cora Bollinger Block Linda Barton Wiens Symphony Amy Vangilder New+ Founders’ Jo Ann LeRoy Stoskopf Presidents’ Virginia Herzog Carver* Sondra McQuillan Goar+ Phyllis Hadley Grittman Cynthia Collingwood Saunders Lois Kopper Stump Double Blue & Gold Kathryn Connor Helen Stover Criss Anna Louise Larson Fisher+ Charlene Louthan Schmidt Prudence McCracken Stewart+ Sisterhood Barbara Bain Leann Graber Brenner+ Dorothy Kitselman Bush Caroline Perkins Clinger Joanne Kastrup Franz+ Nancy Puckett McMillen Karen Kemper Richards+ Theda Whelan Wendel Sunshine Beverly Hale Beardmore+ Sheila Dicken Collins Barbara Herzog Coupe Annie Flagler+ Ashley Renz+ Christy Hayes Wilson Other Kayla Briggeman Desiree Gale Browning Katherine Crabaugh Courtney Foster Katie Geckles Stephanie Jo Hays Kacie Rhea Holland Lindsay Kingman

Fall | Winter 2007

Angela Malloy Eleanor Wilkinson McCarl Kelly Olson Jessica Perry Amanda Phillips Diane Schaller Amy Jo Schultz Ariel Smith Kristin Snyder Laura Cheek Thomas Gail Marie Tremblay Lindsay Weaver+ Carrie Lea Wiegert Stephanie Wilkins Amber Zawojski

Alpha Lambda UNIVERSITY OF OREGON Medallion Barbara Stallcup Miller Lombard Blanche Gustavson Crook+ Presidents’ Florence Cooley Armstrong Jane Kutch Mercereau Ellen Wachtel Turner Double Blue & Gold Jane Wiggen Pramann Maryella Velguth Tierney Sisterhood Lois Beamguard Hall Sunshine Barbara Detrick Swedlow Other Julia Detrick Adams Virginia Wright Bingham Floy-Louise von Groenewald Senior

Alpha Mu OHIO WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY Founders’ Virginia Drick Messing+ Presidents’ Jane Stone+ Florence Altman Thomas Double Blue & Gold Peg Thomas Allen Patricia King Glasgow Patricia Grether Mockbee Margaret MacGregor Nichols Doris Cannell Price Patricia Williams Shires Elinor Harper Spiller Elizabeth Sanford Wieland+ Sisterhood Wilda Legge Crosby Judith Melinsky Jeanne Snodgrass Elizabeth Dreisbach Vogt Sunshine Patricia Ann Young Allen* Lois Batschelet Lawrence Judith Nesbit Other Leslie Martin Lederer

Alpha Xi UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES Diamond Bonnie Baker Blish Symphony Marjorie Strauss Anderson

Lombard Barbara Maclennan Palm Elizabeth Topkis+ Double Blue & Gold Sandra Malloy Rita Jensen Michener Elizabeth Schmitz Noneman Ann Dowlin Payne Gloria Green Reinman Sisterhood Allene Killough Harding Carla Rausch Nelson Sunshine Elsie Martin Other Armande Tevis Aller Joan Knight Knowlton Vivien Webb Owen

Alpha Omicron HUNTER COLLEGE Presidents’ Edna Kaprelian Trent+ Sisterhood Dr. Gloria Cohen+ Sunshine Marie Massa Hanna Other Elfriede Thiele Kelso

Alpha Pi MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE Medallion Tana Sterrett Scott+

Alpha Rho ALLEGHENY COLLEGE Symphony Judith Gallagher Double Blue & Gold Doris Dougherty Keller Catherine Richards Sisterhood Rebecca S. Carter Ida Marie Greenleaf Hamilton Marilyn Papp Sturm Sunshine Nancy Luse Johnson

Alpha Sigma WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY Presidents’ Sandra LaDue Ross Other Edith Taylor Grube

Alpha Tau UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA Presidents’ Teddi Mackelden Martha Regina Thomas Double Blue & Gold Dolores Cimorell Knowlton Carol Williams Sisterhood Patricia Koop Tracy Annette Wood Sunshine Lois Taylor Williams+

Alpha Upsilon BRENAU COLLEGE Lombard Virginia Selby Heyman

Alpha Phi UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA Diamond Beverly Case Rorer+ Lombard Rita Prescott Founders’ Jeanne Peggs Holcomb+ Helen Williams Stevens Double Blue & Gold Florence Parker Cole Sisterhood Ritalee Griffith Adams Elizabeth Skelton Ames Rebecca Russell Breed Carolyn Kerr Hickerson Edna Mills Lippart Sunshine Elizabeth Myers Smith Other Frances Taulane Rauch* Joanne Weaver-Stroh

Alpha Chi RANDOLPH-MACON COLLEGE Double Blue & Gold Virginia Duncan Edwards+ Sunshine Margaret Mosteller Gamble

Alpha Psi UNIVERSITY OF DENVER Double Blue & Gold Margaret Hooper Trible Sisterhood Harriet Conner Hahn Sunshine Loma Bowers Proctor+

Alpha Omega FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY Symphony Linda Kotowski Founders’ Janice Royer Sparks+ Donna Shaw Burton+ Presidents’ Kathryn Funk Arpin Jean Sauer DeFrances+ Elizabeth Fultz Derby Sandra McNab Turnbull Double Blue & Gold Diane DeHon Virginia Vaughn Fisher+ Nelle Crenshaw Flewellen Sharon De Vore Gonzalez+ Barbara Guidos Eloise Patterson* Gale Jacoby Petronis+ Sisterhood Betty Nuttle Broman+ Susan Stumpf Hunter La Verne Horton Jeffries Mary Mims Johnson Martha Powell Charlotte Abney Rudy Maude Mims Scott Marjorie Medlin Steele+ Sunshine Barbara Curry Jungmeyer Other Suzanne Strupp Eno

Beta Delta



Other Edwina Myers Smith Anna Carroll Zink

Symphony Sharon Brown Richardson+ Lombard Martha Small Greenlaw+ Founders’ Stephanie Short Double Blue & Gold Mary Josie Cain Blanchard Paula Carrier Clouatre Jacquelyn Condon Cohn+ Janice Boddeker Dunn Marilu Barnes Garza Andi Loran Harrill+ Sisterhood Leighton Dure Barclay Carol Beatty Linda Brown Cardiff Catherine Lynn Trame Galanti Maria Mendez Lewis Diane Ditta Thornton Karen Tumulty Sunshine Dawn Balombin Michelle Hurford McCandless Marilyn Fife Sumner Aida Kennedy Ziemnicki Other Cecilia Brooks Danielle Douglas Laura Fair Nicole Goza Erika Gudmundsen Sara Harris Clare Jordan Valerie Ledak Julie Lindsey Meredith Mabry Lindsey Phillips Margaret Rauschuber Sunshine Rote

Sisterhood Mary Kreisel Hatten

Beta Theta

Beta Alpha

Beta Beta

WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY Founders’ Vera Tarter Parsh+ Presidents’ Elaine Doerbaum Seiler Double Blue & Gold Juanita Johnson Alden Margaret Bernard McGough Betsy Gnau Schapp Kay Thurman+ Sisterhood Virginia Herthel Lemen Mary Geisler Walsh Sunshine Shirley Blackburn Hillemann


Presidents’ Helon Allen Earle Emma Stewart Hood Sandra Whitlock Mauney Double Blue & Gold Pheribie Monroe Prescott Sunshine Nelda McDowell Donahue Jeanne Spence Pace Other Patricia Harper Freeman


Diamond Delores Wachsmann Child Medallion Kathryn Yager Brown+ Symphony Margaret Bozarth Founders’ Mary Prescott Marth Presidents’ Alice Pishan Croner Catherine Lambers Humes Sonja Zedigian Lowry+ Isabel Bickett Marshall Carolyn White Work Double Blue & Gold Marcia Brink Adair Ruth Trotter Hollis Ruth Oliver Larson+ Judy Maxwell Schaeffer Sisterhood Julie Anell Nancy Lee Graves Lois Gradous Myers+ Joyce Treleaven Walons Sunshine Susan Buckles Joan Calhoun Holcomb Margaret Jones Other Paula Behrens Hargrove Terri Elaine John Peggy Brown Martin Kelly Stadter Katherine Taylor+ Barbara Guyer VanCura

Beta Eta UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND Diamond Jeanne Regus Kuller+ Lombard Virginia Raymond Verkuilen Presidents’ Ilda Lunan Deming+ Michele Barone Hunn Double Blue & Gold Lois Brassor Blevins+ Kathleen Burke Clark Nancy Spies Cummins Cherie Groff Letcher+ Elizabeth Lipp Monahan Donna Davis Sampson Patricia Hardie Smiley+ Sisterhood Dianne Hanrahan Coughlan Elinore Hastings Greenman Betty Axt McCurry Lori Plazinski Nancy Hewitt Richardson Anne Druga Tanis Sunshine Marian Gill Auer Elizabeth Root Clatterbuck Mary-Stuart Price Diefenbach Gloria Barnabei MacKenzie Foteni Tzanis Tiffany

MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY Presidents’ Mary Paule McMath Bierlein Frances Minges Isaac+ Lois Taylor Leavitt+ Nancy Locke Northcutt Marie Buchbinder Swinbank Double Blue & Gold Mary Reed Arnold Carol Rice Choulochas Judith Riha Gardiner June Weber Johnston+ Olivia Boyer Kaplan Mary Pate Keiser Barbara Greenhoe Leavitt Tracy Kleinschmidt Osborne+ Betty Berquist Secaur Sisterhood Margaret Kane Burge Sunshine Denise Greene Jeanette Wallace Hopkins+ Lisa Bone Leitheiser Beverly Lind Yocum Other Marian Cesar Chapman Elmer Bell Emorey* Kathleen Raven Gurrola

Beta Iota LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY Founders’ Joe Bales Graber Presidents’ Rhonda Shives+ Sisterhood Andrea Patronas Fournet Rita Riehlmann Knapp Gemelle Martin Linzy Mary Johnson Mayhew

Beta Kappa BALDWIN-WALLACE COLLEGE Medallion Linda Lutz Dettmer Presidents’ Carol Anderson Haines Jody Dettmer Halley+ Marguerite Keppler Wilder+ Double Blue & Gold Janet Louden Barkley Marilyn Oertell Jewett Ellen Hershberger Reinhardt Sisterhood Sandra Wolfe Berger Jeanne Vollman Pike+ Other Bonnie Bender Sharp

Beta Lambda PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY Medallion Jean Smith Clark Presidents’ Lou Ann La Roche deRoode Mary Jane Kloiber

Kathleen Harris Richardson Ilona Zoldos Double Blue & Gold Margaret Fisher Bosse Beth Cohen Joan Elias Ellen Helen Wojcik Fath Sandra Beane Fox Virginia Roe Grizzell Mary Bryan Jones Helen Berkheimer Miller Sharon Werner Rose Mary Louise Goyne Williams Sisterhood Nancy Ries Brown Luisa DeLuke Charbonneau Carole Bashore Dietz Sandra Zelek Lear Linda Johnson Whitehead Sunshine Margaret Frederickson Albright Diane Spohn Alleva Leslie Heiser Canipe Ellen Head Allison Lizdas Other Renee DeSantis Megan Simpson Megan Skove

Beta Mu BOWLING GREEN STATE UNIVERSITY Founders’ Kathryn Hulse Stewart Presidents’ Barbara Perry Wagner Double Blue & Gold Sharon Gallion Denight+ Louann Merrick Drew* Mary Gray Greetham Leigh Perkins Kesling Diane Johnson Payne Nancy Hammans Shellhammer Barbara Williams Stevens Sisterhood Nancy Brown Brockman Julie Calkins+ Ann Browder Henningsen Charlene Phillips Hughes Barbara Lopacki Sines Nancy Claspy Swenson Jennifer Taday Thomas Maryann Zepka Thompson Other Jessica Beane Amelia Beer Tierre Boose Karina Costello Kelly Eagle Lois Telle Geib Katherine Guzik Megan Houghtaling Shirley Lehman Ioanes+ Heather Karshuk Melissa Katuscak Jacqueline Kovach Amanda Murray Kelly Middaugh Patino Jacqui Shelby Julianne Strauss Natalie Turek Lindsey White Kali Wulff

Matching Gifts and United Way Support The following sisters received credit to their giving total by participating in their employer’s matching gift program or by designating Alpha Xi Delta to receive funds through their United Way contribution. Talk with your human resources representative to see if your employer participates in either of these programs. • Anonymous, United Way of the Capital Area – Pratt & Whitney • Anonymous, United Way – Pratt & Whitney • Dianne Plattenburg Botefuhr, Northern Michigan, United Way – Allstate • Toni Hatten Donahue, Marshall, Aon Foundation • Amy Gaffney-Ingalls, Iowa State, United Way – Aegon USA, Inc. • Martha Geppert, Illinois, United Way – Bank of America • Joan Fisher Gross, Georgia Tech, Kimberly Clark Foundation • Stefanie Bell Haglund, Wisconsin Eau Claire, Remmele Engineering • Jody Dettmer Halley, BaldwinWallace, The Lubrizol Foundation • Rebecca Begley Hirsch, Marquette, United Way – Allstate • Sherry Bentley Joy, West Liberty State, Davey Co. • Diane Williamson Ortlip, Ohio State, Grainger Matching Gifts Program • Jennifer Pelkey, Wisconsin Eau Claire, United Way – Wells Fargo • Nicola Rutigliano, Hartford, United Way – Pratt & Whitney • Kathryn Kuechenmeister Vaughan, Wisconsin Madison, Square D Foundation • Christen Zochowski Volk, Ohio, Cephalon Inc.


Beta Nu

Beta Pi



Symphony Betty Cody McCord+ Double Blue & Gold Amy Hochfelder Beaulieu+ Alice Bailey Halberstadt Sunshine Barbara Boland Stuckwisch Other Dorothy Gerding Harper

Beta Xi MARIETTA COLLEGE Founders’ Mildred Kotlan Kolar+ Double Blue & Gold Mary Wigley Baker Lucinda Spaney Sisterhood Mel Neidig Hayes Todd Susanne Gettings Ray+ Bettina Geyer Thompson-Erickson Sunshine Aimee Weiss Lane Coral Rusnak Venturino Jessie Rose Wilkinson Other Hannah Marie Erb Danielle Polk McKown Barbara Beiser Voorhees*

Beta Omicron MISSOURI VALLEY COLLEGE Lombard Marcia Bowles Brown Double Blue & Gold Dolores Jean B. McHenry Judith Francis Parker Shirley Faler Perryman Sisterhood June Hales Deindoerfer+ Kay Steinhauser Perkins Linda Anderson Phillips+

Medallion Linda Bernd Wrench Symphony Erwilli Radcliffe Jackson+ Lombard Dorcas Showalter Porter Founders’ June Chartrand Bettsy Creigh Leib Barbara May Wood Presidents’ Helen Geyer Czenkusch Irene Becker Harding Ruth Bodle Houser Wendy Kurtz Alice Miller McRae+ Mary Kloempken Poker Ann Barrett Tao Shari May Vickery+ Double Blue & Gold Mary Justice Allemang Georgia Rider DiPietro Nancy Beldon Erp Marilyn Lipsett Holthouse Dorothy Knoop Maurer Darlene Meister-Oller+ Deanna Newell Katherine Hill Sedgley Joyce Banker Stanton Sisterhood Ann Barnett Appel Esther Alcorn Butler+ Jennifer Ralph Gance+ Wendy Wilson Turner Susan Sovie Zanghi Sunshine Kathryn Keilman+ Lori Goble Lambert Other Ashley May Bender Marianne Pinard Blake Patty Millikan Conrad Margaret Sullivan Dulin Tonya Fetters-Rich Ruth Bruther Hoover Sarah Joanne Moravec Julie Kristine Nevolo Lindsey Marie Parke Karen Schaffer Silverman

Virginia Kindig Simons Nancy Tellman

Beta Sigma WEST VIRGINIA WESLEYAN COLLEGE Founders’ Jeannine Lemon Burger Double Blue & Gold Mary Dorsey Taylor Harriett Whetsell Welshonce Sisterhood Amy Rossiter Crist+ Susan Sharpe Dotson Beverly Young Naugle+ Jennifer Lynn Pearce+ Sunshine Margaret Ann Royse Hull+ Shirley Kincaid Walker Susan Beriault Williams+ Other Brittany Baird Kate Clark Kathryn Conley Emily Facemyer Lisa Marie Gettler Kristen Irvine Katelyn Karper LaTora Keigley Michelle Lacek Barbara Guess Leftwich Anna Marie Leisure Amanda Litton Stephanie Lane Muller+ Michaela Nicas Kendall Pittock Sharnee Snyder Elizabeth Tichnell Stefanie Ann Trifilo Juli Vitak

Beta Tau KENT STATE UNIVERSITY Lombard Judith Michael Pachmayer Presidents’ Rosalie Chilton Brookins+ Marlyn King Jenkins

Askey Grants Help Educate Campus Communities Askey Grants are awarded by the Alpha Xi Delta Foundation to increase awareness of important issues in the broader community. Iota Mu Chapter at Lycoming College received a $500 Askey Grant to bring the Girls Fight Back ( personal safety and self-defense program to campus. During the program, women learned to protect themselves using verbal de-escalation, strong body language, and a three-part self-defense formula that’s easy to remember and execute. “Issues such as violence need to be discussed on college campuses,” said chapter sister Tamah Amrom, “especially since it’s becoming much more prevalent, even in our small city of Williamsport, Pennsylvania. We thank the Alpha Xi Delta Foundation for awarding us this grant to support this program. It was a great success.”

32 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Fall | Winter 2007

Susan Eicher Mamber Margaret Daugherty Shaffer Double Blue & Gold Lori Hendrickson Marianne Bowden West Sisterhood Beverly Hudec Bellis Kathleen Giles Carson Ruth Brugler Griffing+ Other Jessica Bannon Emily Ciotoli Kelly Cornachione Natalie Eyler Melissa Krueger Ellen Daiuto McGregor Barbara Balchan Noonan Angela Paris Margaret Dixon VanFossen

Beta Upsilon UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND Presidents’ Rickey Zeidler Jiranek Double Blue & Gold Gail Miller Black Joan McDonald Stauble Sisterhood Claire Wildprett Binns Joan Bottino McMillan+ Carole Colacurcio Olmsted Francine Siegel Stampnitzky Sunshine Elizabeth Vallier Donnelly

Beta Chi GETTYSBURG COLLEGE Medallion Pauline Dale Platt+ Double Blue & Gold Debbie Eshbach Allison Englen Fort+ Nancy Wallace Paulson Sisterhood Amy Venable Ciuffreda Nancy Wing Dyer Kathleen Whalen Healy Sunshine Cathy Hart Hartwick Mary Stauffer Smith Susan Gibble Wolf Other Ellen Sippel Dwyer Cindy Dee Holms

Beta Psi CARROLL COLLEGE Lombard Kay Robinson Schanke Founders’ Eunice Meissner Wright Presidents’ Arline Nelson Nell Jeannie Schlaikowski Schultz+ Sisterhood Virginia Janssen Johnson Heather Lester Amy Herwig Ostrowski Sunshine Beverly Goocher Clark Margaret Wilson Matejka Gloria Bohn Smith Other Sonia Hernandez Evans Jean Jung Fico Erica Price Rebecca Schillinger

Erika Schwane Brooke Wildes

Beta Omega MEMPHIS STATE UNIVERSITY Double Blue & Gold Mary Jane Hillard Jones Frances Clark Norton Joy Peete Wills Sunshine Dr. Carol S. Goddard Deborah Miller Mathewson+ Elma Roane Other Hilda Chase Mullen

Gamma Alpha SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY Founders’ Sandra Morrison Johnson+ Presidents’ Ann Rienstra Abendroth Double Blue & Gold Sheryl Edson Harding Sue Haverkamp+ Linda Fithian Hood Evelyn Schweigen MacCarthy+ Sylvia Jennings Moore Karen Schnick Pelton Karin Hagen Riggs Patricia Smith Sellers+ Sisterhood Linda Bewley+ Judith Herz Juanita Reasoner Walden Sunshine Sharon Graham Dilloway Sylvia Luce Heitzmann+ Other Sophie Dohse Morrison

Gamma Beta MARSHALL UNIVERSITY Symphony Rigby Guiney Duncan+ Lombard Deborah Fenwick Maas Founders’ Melanie Smith Vanderpool Presidents’ Julie Schroder Lindsay Carol Legg Young Double Blue & Gold Joan Chikos Auchter Toni Hatten Donahue+ Blanche O’Brien Hite Carolyn Ladd Kennington Sisterhood Janet Trumbo Blackshire Loretta Mariotti Hammond Eileen Kerwood Pritt Jeanne Lambert Valentine Sunshine Anna Mariotti Allen Judith New Brinson Joan Gray Holmes Other Leslie Joann Collins Marjorie Minnix Heywood C. Whitney Hicks Lucinda Jarvis Johnson Mary Poston Kay Coleman Sheets

Gamma Gamma UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA Lombard Virginia Clyde Double Blue & Gold Margie Jones King Catherine Gairaud Padgett Ginny Bolas Philp+ Sisterhood Alice Holly Goddard Sharon Parker Gunrud Elizabeth Lloyd Ulmer Other Anne Reinhart Leslie

Gamma Delta UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA AT OMAHA Medallion Marilyn A. Horner+ Founders’ Cheryl Eby Miller Presidents’ Patricia Alderman Hatch+ Karolee Wybenga Olsen+ Double Blue & Gold Sharon Ishii-Jordan+ Sisterhood Jocelyn Mann Carley Marilyn Johnson Haman Sunshine Margaret Morris Oltman Barbara Duff Vaughn Other Karen Jensen Meek Donna Rigg Buffington Laura Darling Shayna Royal Nikole Seffron Katie Zabrocki

Gamma Epsilon FRESNO STATE UNIVERSITY Symphony Joan Peres Hansen Double Blue & Gold Courtney Caron+ Lisa Kidder Hurd Regina Nikssarian Pryor Barbara Christensen Spencer+ Sunshine Paula Sarco Guzman Alisha Ann Garcia+ Other Kamaria Kuhn Monica Meza Katie Nesseth Kelly Ross Olday Melissa Vandever

Gamma Zeta EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY Lombard Kathleen Drumm Boscardin* Double Blue & Gold Paula Pflepsen Brigham Susan Grossman Urbanek Sunshine Cara Brooks Mallory Shy+ Other Tricia Brosamer Sara Douglas Allie Keely Gerlach Samantha Giacobozzi

Gamma Eta GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Medallion Cheryl Johnson Weldon Janice Nease Wittschiebe Symphony N. Jan Davis+ Kelley Kitta Hundt+ Selma Jabaley Charlene Li Smith Lombard Lynn Milam Cagle+ Janice Harden+ Elizabeth Bush Higgins+ Elaine Ho Johns Kelli Hennessy Keb Tamara Phillips Meng+ Shawn Castleberry Owens+ Founders’ Courtenay Riddle O’Mara+ Lisa Johnson Papa Amy DeLozier Zarra Presidents’ Teresa Hungeling Ebbs+ Jill Wieder Goodrich+ Joan Fisher Gross+ Kimberly Ragsdale Hepler+ Nell Stephenson Lynch Lynette Raville Mathews Heather Scepaniak McKeen+ Sara Nelson Meyers+ Sandra Scott+ Kimberly Coleman Sheppard+ Nancy Harmer Wiggers+ Sally McRobert Wise Double Blue & Gold Sandi Roth Cripe Susan Davis+ Vallee Burnes Donovan+ Donna Rambo Ennis Cynthia Smith King Susan Fulton Nicholson+ Gretchen Bleistine Sanford+ Sisterhood Ashley Underwood Busch Deborah Bell Cruickshank Caroline Goldsmith Meehan+ Dawn Carrico Kabbes Sunshine Kimberly Bachman Derrick Kathleen Maher Lynch Michelle Milam Elizabeth White Nicholson Ann Howard Schlumper Other Rachel Barker Kami Bosworth

Catherine Burns Bryan Glynnis Cameron Conlin Lindsey Coo Carrie Beth C. Dunbar Sarah Ford Olivia Hayes Laura Place Jennifer Bethea Tanner

Gamma Theta EAST TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY Sisterhood Nancy McSwain Phipps Other Lauren Mackenzie Lobach Deborah Anne Townsend

Gamma Iota LAMBUTH COLLEGE Double Blue & Gold Carol Archer Lovell+ Sunshine Margaret McCalla Luton

Gamma Kappa

Sisterhood Jennifer Frey+ Alberta Schatzle Germann Jennifer Gianino+ Sunshine Stacy Galemore Sederwall Carolyn Becht Wolff Other Mary Hartzell Greenman Stacey Pauk Rachel Reeder Georgia Stergios+

Gamma Xi VALDOSTA STATE COLLEGE Double Blue & Gold Sue Hilton Kenneally+ Sisterhood Paige Cronia Bushart Nancy Kaliher Ellanson Eileen Wachowiak Harris


Gamma Omicron

Presidents’ Suzanne Springer Zeok


Gamma Lambda UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE Medallion Jane Dunlap Gaby Presidents’ Sara Wilson Jacobus Double Blue & Gold Linda Loucks Black Debora Berry Davis Lindsay Berney Sharpe+ Sisterhood Vera Sherrod Greer Elizabeth Wilson Henderson Lisa Gaines Lethi Other Kimberly Ashby

Gamma Mu

Founders’ Betty Tatar Wiseman Presidents’ Susan Hopkinson Darold+ Double Blue & Gold Barbara Bachman Gretchen Larry Carter

Gamma Pi NORTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY Presidents’ Barbara Oras Blatchford Double Blue & Gold Gloria Grandgeorge Hopewell Linda Michel Paul Sisterhood Colette Crown Dolores Gotkowski Killian

RIPON COLLEGE Double Blue & Gold Georgene Klaner Koblenz

Gamma Nu SOUTHEAST MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY Presidents’ Mary Ortmann Ryan Double Blue & Gold Karen Orvis Petelik Julie Robinson

Gamma Rho PARSONS COLLEGE Presidents’ Margaret Lippitt Buckles+ Sisterhood Tamara Davis Hubler

Gamma Sigma THIEL COLLEGE Presidents’ Monica Anderson Anne Wilson Hemingway

“I want to thank you sincerely for the Phillips Scholarship. What a fantastic surprise! Money is very tight in my family right now, and you have touched my life in ways that only sisters can. I wish I had a way to show my appreciation, but I guess that time will come when I’m able to give back to the Foundation and help a sister, just as you’ve helped me.”–Brittany Miller, Central Florida ’04

Foundation Grants Help Shape Leaders Emily Peters, Nebraska Omaha ’06, is an up-and-coming leader. She serves her chapter as new member orientation chair and as philanthropy chair for UNO’s Panhellenic Council. To help further develop her leadership skills, Emily received a Foundation grant to attend the summer 2007 LeaderShape Institute. “My week at the institute was one of the best experiences of my life,” said Emily. “I learned so much about myself, the world and, most importantly, how I can change both for the better.” Since 1986, more than 20,000 participants have graduated from this life-changing program. Participants learn how to develop and enrich relationships; how to act consistently with their ethical values, personal values, and convictions; how respect the dignity and contribution of others; and how to embrace possibilities to produce extraordinary results. Learn more about LeaderShape Grants and other Foundation grant and scholarship opportunities at

Double Blue & Gold Patricia De Angelo Robison Sisterhood Bonnie Wells Bonner Bette Feather DeGraw Tamara Kysor Kearney Nancy Pribble Kephart+ Sharyn Kordes Sibera Amber Cochran Apisa Catherine Sulc Pribozie Rosemary Prosser Nicole Cherise Ross

Gamma Tau OHIO NORTHERN UNIVERSITY Presidents’ Kathryn Westlake Double Blue & Gold Beth Spiess Andrews Liberty King Karen Frey Stoudt Sisterhood Pamela Hunter Dishman Sunshine Christine Murphy Moore Teresa Wynn Okrutny Annette Penny Gail Teschner Other Sara Banchy Kelley Barley Emily Middleton Lynn Marie Plogsted Melanie Reda Kara Reynolds

Kristen Pniewski Steele Amy Vasinko

Gamma Upsilon UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA Presidents’ JoAnn Smith Evans Kay Martin Sweat Patti Truslow+ Double Blue & Gold Paula Long Anderson Marie Montante Hall+ Katherine Wages McClain+ Sisterhood Judith Hoisington Cobb Charlotte Lewis Martin+ Helen Bird Rasmussen Sunshine Carol Spring

Gamma Phi EAST CAROLINA UNIVERSITY Double Blue & Gold Judith Wilson Harrell+ Judyth Eargle Hustrulid Sisterhood Deborah Bowman Bagwell Patricia Hedspeth Smith Other Kimberly Church Elizabeth Frazier Elizabeth Fraysure Fulton

Kelly Harmon Glenda Phillips Norford Ashley Ward Peele Caroline Pierce Casey Savio

Gamma Psi FROSTBURG STATE UNIVERSITY Symphony Nadine Roberts+ Lombard Sandra Priebe Day Presidents’ Rebecca Neilson+ Double Blue & Gold Nancy Thomas Carman Camilla Janiczek Dacombe Susan Robinson Marilyn Schaar Simmons Sisterhood Ann Robinson Baird Elizabeth Bartosz Audrey Huthwaite Darleen Van Roon Miller Sunshine Mary Frances Comer Martirano Margaret Morley Yates Other Jo-Ann Perry Chernega Ashley Diggs Nancy Doll Stacy Phillips Weber


Other Jessica Ferris Megan Molter

Delta Mu

Delta Epsilon

Presidents’ Linda Foster Absalom Double Blue & Gold Deirdre Midgett Cook Victoria Prytulak Wilmouth Sisterhood Jennifer Bellas Lee+ Ruth Whitehurst Sandifer Sunshine Carolyn Russell Cunningham Anna Deeds Other Angela Gainer Mary Harris Simpson

UNIVERSITY OF NEW ORLEANS Lombard Maureen Turner Masson+ Sisterhood Cheryl Baiamonte West Sunshine Jennifer Hew Other Stefanie Borger Kristie Hagstette Amanda Sowell


Helping Children Become Better Readers, Learners During the 2005-2007 biennium, 44 chapters and 31 alumnae associations held a Reading Day event during which nearly 5,500 children received a copy of the Alpha Xi Delta storybook What Can I Do? Additionally, Alpha Xi Delta launched a partnership with First Book, a national nonprofit that has provided more than 50 million books to children from low-income families. During the biennium, 16 chapters and associations got involved with First Book. Alpha Xi Delta and First Book have taken their partnership one step further by teaming up with Build-A-Bear Workshop®. February 17-28, 2008, sisters across the country will be making a furry friend named Read Teddy. Build-ABear will donate a portion of the proceeds from each bear made to First Book; sisters will donate the bears to children from low-income families.

Sunshine Robin Minor Brennan Barbara Hall Wullschleger Other Roseanne Beovich Joanna Contreras

Delta Eta CALIFORNIA UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA Presidents’ Barbara Williams Fetsko+ Sunshine Dana Williams Provence

Delta Theta ST. CLOUD STATE UNIVERSITY Presidents’ Carolyn Puzak Luken Sisterhood Shannah Tinker Gillespie

Delta Iota CHADRON STATE COLLEGE Double Blue & Gold Lorraine Shoemaker Hefti


Presidents’ Carol Schrepel Cope

Presidents’ Janice Colton Belka Denise Halpern Lieberman Sisterhood Michelle Burichin Murray

Delta Delta

Delta Lambda



Lombard Dianne Plattenburg Botefuhr+ Double Blue & Gold Marianne Arnestad Boyak Sisterhood Roberta Smith Machata+ Sunshine Karen Becvar Jane Jeffries Piester

Double Blue & Gold Kimberly Hemmer Sisterhood Julie Bitzer Erin Hannan+ Sunshine Devon McGoldrick Alison Adams Weinberg Other Renee Clements+ Heather Drake

Gamma Omega

Delta Alpha

Delta Gamma




Presidents’ Sharon Brannon McCone+ Double Blue & Gold Stacie Houston Squier Sisterhood Patricia Callaway Daniel, M.D., Ph.D.+ Sunshine Shannon Slatton Schwartz Other Katie Barbaree Shelbi Carpenter Bonnie Ferguson Megan Griffin Candace Hensley Amanda Schwartz Linda Wage

Presidents’ Diane Gmoser Byrne Susan Quillin+ Sisterhood Heather Petersohn Miller Barbara Lee Vanderploeg Other Jodi Heinz Rachel Karpinsky Anna Marie Maroon Sarah Organist+ Nila Panyasithavong Alicia Tays+

34 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Fall | Winter 2007


Delta Nu INDIANA UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA Presidents’ Susan Anderson Voyzey Marijean Konopke Williams+ Double Blue & Gold Marie Rodkey Faherty+ Shirley Gausman Marchand+ Karen Hofelt McNeil+ Mary Christopher Preissner Kathryn Wickstrom Smith Bridget Fishburn Wade Leslie Kibler Wirtz Sisterhood Edith Paolina Klebacha+ Sunshine Kathryn Glass Craddock Other Gina Antonucci Somer Bruce Megan Horst Jamie Passinault Stacy Tekely

Delta Xi GEORGIA STATE UNIVERSITY Founders’ Lesley Conway Maggiore Lenn Steed Reed+ Double Blue & Gold Tracy Andersen Roberts Gail Brooks Turk Carol Spalding Wakamo Sisterhood Cynthia Christine Hagain Stephanie Wilson McConnell Sunshine Angela Sloan Allan Debra Nicholas WeeksAlexander Other Meghan Breen Jennifer Myers Guarnera Mauri Rollene Hartley Allison Henis

Delta Omicron FAIRMONT STATE COLLEGE Presidents’ Janice Falkenstein Denison Double Blue & Gold Frances Kay Akona Helen McClain Annecillo

Sisterhood Paula Casella Burnett Other Connie Wolfe Simonton

Delta Pi DEFIANCE COLLEGE Sisterhood Bonnie Bundy Bobbitt Dr. Bonnie Clark Jefferis Other Renee Chaffee Kate Lambert Hayfield Brooke Lancey

Delta Rho CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITYNORTHRIDGE Founders’ Marianne Moritz Russo Presidents’ Kathleen Cates Cantarine Double Blue & Gold Susan Leeds-Horwitz+ Megan McGowen Sisterhood Ellen Hassig Linda Clark McMillan Sunshine Victoria Bourdas+ Karen Kochheiser Other Roya Alamdari Jessica Bilmes Felicia Carter-Aaron Doris Casas Salas Kimberly Feretich Beatriz Gil Stephanie Karpel+ Kimberly Karpel+ Lindsay Morriss Christie Reed Erynn Richardson Melissa Robaina+ Christine Ruiz Rebecca Scoonover Kathryn Sherlock Tina Shirloo Liat Tamsut Dora Vandekamp Kimberly Wilhoit Victoria Wilson Jennifer Zerzan

Delta Sigma FERRIS STATE UNIVERSITY Symphony Sara Pullis Molnar Double Blue & Gold Margaret Dekker Danhof Janice Gertz Shedd Sunshine Jill Mouton-Theut+ Carrie Graham Russell+ Other Abigail Bearman Elizabeth Brothers Lauren Brown Carol Ann Connolly

Delta Tau UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSINOSHKOSH Double Blue & Gold Bonnie Haack Ries Sunshine Ruth Fraedrich Harken

Delta Upsilon UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSINSUPERIOR Double Blue & Gold Jean Lundberg Olson

Delta Phi UNIVERSITY OF CHARLESTON Double Blue & Gold Brenda Clark Lee Sisterhood Amelia Vazquez Klein

Delta Chi UNIVERSITY OF NORTHERN IOWA Symphony Denise Brown+ Founders’ Jennifer Emerick Kuntz+ Presidents’ Roxanne Porth Feakes+ Carol Heselton Double Blue & Gold Ruth Goodman Akin+ Lorelie Schutter Darrah Pamela Shannon Waters Sisterhood Dana Myszka Peterson Donna Schutte Stahlhut Sunshine Jennifer Fordham+ Ann Brimm Pfaff Other Kari Bendixen Dena Coleman Meghan Gillette Sara Gray Jill Haldane Natalie Haupts Stephanie Jones Kristin Kanaskie Angie Lapel Katie Lefkow Krista Leibold Valerie Nissen Sarah Paplow Sonia Ponce Stephanie Ramsey Amanda Lemanczyk Ross Jennifer Scharn Nichole Speidel Sara Welty Strunk Sunni Juelle Swarbrick Fallon Wills

Delta Psi TEXAS STATE UNIVERSITYSAN MARCOS Presidents’ Deborah Johnson Robertson Linda Dornbusch Schuessler+ Double Blue & Gold Betty Robbins Bendall Margaret Brower Scharnberg Sisterhood Frances Tomlin Dudenhoeffer Eunice Hugo McCoy Julie Petrash Pinchak+ Other Alexandria Bitzel Jaime DeGarmo

Cassie Holman Shay Miller Marisa Walden Erika Wobig

Epsilon Alpha UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-EAU CLAIRE Founders’ Jennifer Pelkey+ Double Blue & Gold Susan Peters Haug+ Sisterhood Kelli Groth Kracht Janet Dewitz Kunert Sunshine Kathy Gerke Beaver Rhonda Harr Love Other Stefanie Bell Haglund+ Kalyn Stacey Hanrath Jennifer Mackley Emily Sirek

Epsilon Gamma WESTERN CAROLINA UNIVERSITY Medallion Dorothy Sheldon Williams Symphony Jane Hooper Sutton+ Founders’ Judy Watterson Woody Myra Wiggins Grant Presidents’ Kristi Gillis Bost Margaret Kiernan Witt Double Blue & Gold Lisa Pope Atwater Karen Blackwell Lineberger Susan Terrell Roberts Joyce Stiles Tessier Sisterhood Donna Cline Grass+ Sunshine Vickie Dinkins Long Other Barbara Howard Waggoner Tina Marie Allen Lauren Riggan Lauren Story Merritt Adair Tidrick

Epsilon Delta INDIANA STATE UNIVERSITY Sunshine Carol Davies Demaio

Epsilon Zeta EASTERN WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY Sisterhood Melanie Patton+ Deborah Sekreta Sunshine Gina Lockman Ney+ Erin Macdonald Peck Other Natalie Jean Hansen Stefanie Horlen Lisa Marie Markley Erin Snodgrass Elisabeth Stuller

Epsilon Eta SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY Lombard Michele Herbst Evink Presidents’ Kathleen Ingalls Double Blue & Gold Diana Baker Rettig Sisterhood Andrea Fouberg+ Mary Jo Buchholz Kirwan Sunshine Michele Sovell Boehmer Jennifer Baumiller Hauf Other Rachel Lewis Marie Gustafson Williams+

Epsilon Theta

Foundation Vision Foundation Mission Inspiring women to realize their potential

The Alpha Xi Delta Foundation creates opportunities for Alpha Xi Delta members to ensure enduring resources so the Fraternity can fulfill her mission. We will:


• Be the fund-raising entity for the Fraternity

Sisterhood Laurie Kinter Jones+ Sherry Bentley Joy+ Karen Poach Linn Sunshine Nancy Deters Kimberly Carter Stevenson Other Shaye Beck Katrina Nice

• Support Fraternity educational and leadershipdevelopment programming • Provide and continue to expand scholarships, grants, and member-support funds • Encourage philanthropy

Epsilon Iota NEWBERRY COLLEGE Sisterhood Mary Hoy Sunshine Leslie Oltmann Sligh Other Ashley Edwards Deborah Wessinger Graham

Epsilon Kappa WESTERN KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY Symphony Olive Gabriel Faries+ Lombard Ginny Carroll Paige Faries Founders’ Liz Bell Double Blue & Gold Patricia Hill Marshall Sisterhood Karen Winkenhofer Delaney Marsha Sanner Holloway+ Sunshine Kristin Stuedle Other Sherry Madewell Ricketts

Epsilon Lambda

Other Jessica Catherine Adams Jamie Lynne Aitkens Lisa Albert+ Elise Hyman Bernstein Natali Bernstein Julie Resa Berwald Jessica Demetriou+ Amanda Eckinger Kaitlin Finnerty Keri Lynn Grattagliano Toni-Lynn Gross Shelly Helfgott Ashley Hendrickson Kathleen LaCorte+ Nicole Lombardo Kristy Wasniewski Lubiejewski Nicole Maloney Cristina Mangia Anne Nendza Brandi Novak Elizabeth Nyhus Michelle Patullo Kimberly Pudlak+ Brigid Mary Redmond Dana Ripoli Elissa Rosedale Elizabeth Marie Rumbel Jessica Swirz Tracy Weniger Amanda Wurm Joan Hatcliffe Young

Epsilon Mu



Presidents’ Michelle Supplee Reda+ Double Blue & Gold Heather Lerch+ Susan MacDade Paluskiewicz Judith Dispenza Stabile Sisterhood Clare Giovannetti Longworth+

Presidents’ Vicki Postas Byrne Double Blue & Gold Diane Andrich Judith Eichberger Bender Michelle Ellwanger+ Sisterhood Annamarie Moreland Brachfeld+ Vicki Plummer Gardner

Robin Greene Pattie Leonard Shumate+ Sunshine Valerie Bird Bass Margaret Larsen Fazzio Roberta Millard Elizabeth Wright Reed

Epsilon Nu UNIVERSITY OF HARTFORD Double Blue & Gold Jennifer Hamley LoPresti+ Sisterhood Ilene Geiger Berg Sunshine Nicola Rutigliano+

Epsilon Xi UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-ST. LOUIS Double Blue & Gold Karen Wyka Kapral Sisterhood Elisa Pagano Boyer Barbara Bufe Heidolph Carla Brewer Russo Other Katharine Chitwood+ Ashley Farris Ivetta Furman Megan Labbe Laura Marion Rebecca Miller Krystle Phillippe Abigail Velten

Epsilon Omicron OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY Sisterhood Ann Geren Lohmann

Epsilon Pi JACKSONVILLE STATE UNIVERSITY Lombard D. Claudette Smith+ Founders’ Carol Jean Smith Presidents’ Regina Willis Hawkins+ Saralyn Crawford Mitchell Double Blue & Gold Iris Boone Hinton+ Rachel Brothers Tripp Other Leslie Blackwood Shalon Kyle Hathcock Samantha Magee Vanessa Sparrow+

Epsilon Rho UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN MAINE Double Blue & Gold Diane Lapointe Caswell Other Meaghan Champney Jacinta Devlin Caitlin Gunter Heather Jamo Laura Saia

Epsilon Sigma GEORGIA SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY Founders’ Ann Spalding Cochran+ Presidents’ Monica Burke Double Blue & Gold T.J. Merck Parker Sisterhood Elizabeth Lois Elijah


Slaymaker-Kinsey Academic Achievement Award

Sunshine Rebecca Owen

In 1972, an endowment was established to honor Wilhelmina “Billie” Slaymaker-Kinsey, Ohio State ’16. Since 1993, the endowment has recognized the initiated member in each chapter who returns to school in the fall with the highest GPA. This fall, each honoree received $100 in recognition of her academic achievement. Alaina Antonucci, Penn State

Laura Mackey, Lyon

Blair Bazdarich, Sonoma State

Amanda Mason, Iowa Wesleyan

Hilary Bell, Ohio State

Nicole Matthews, West Georgia

Sarah Bever, Toledo

Sarah McKibben, Georgia Tech

LeaAnn Blitch, North Carolina Asheville

Brittany Miller, Cental Florida Traci Minear, Indiana

Ingrid Bohme, West Virginia

Morgan Mordecai, Delaware

Stephanie Bunch, Old Dominion

Jessica Morgan, New Mexico State

Erin Camargo, Marquette Leslie Collins, Marshall Carol Connolly, Ferris State

Katharine Motter, Rochester Institute of Technology

Jillian Corbett, South Dakota State

Samantha Nicolle, Auburn

Lauren Curtis, East Carolina

Jenna Pickel, Texas

Julie Damas, Cal State Stanislaus

Sonia Ponce, Northern Iowa

Dana Desormey, St. Norbert Erin Deters, Northern Michigan

Mina Ohata, Wright State

Katrina Rademacher, Wisconsin Oshkosh

Brittany Dorfner, Wisconsin Oshkosh

Courtney Ray, Jacksonville State

Kristen Draus, SUNY Albany

Heather Schlick, Wingate

Julie Edelstein, Marian

Raelin Schneider, Embry-Riddle (AZ)

Kara Englefield, Bowling Green State

Morgan Schumacher, Bowling Green State

Stephenie Falcon, Texas El Paso

Lauren Shepherd, Southern Polytechnic State

Mary Fitzgibbons, South Dakota Brittany Gabel, Slippery Rock Katherine Galliers, Southeast Missouri State Lauren Geary, Penn State Katy Geller, Iowa Danielle Glass, Indiana U of Pennsylvania

Whitney Redding, Purdue

Kathryn Shoop, Western Michigan Taralyn Stayer, West Virginia Wesleyan Autumn Steiner, Ohio Northern Sarah Stetzler, New Orleans Laura Stoltz, Towson

Kim Glazer, Elon

Jessica Swirski, Stetson

Julie Gordon, Brooklyn

Jessica Swirz, Rider

Amy Hemmelgarn, Ohio

Alison Thurber, George Mason

Crystal Hollatz, Nebraska-Lincoln

Jame Tierney, North Carolina Asheville

Ann Johnson, Frostburg State Megan Johnson, Wisconsin Eau Claire Laura Jurasko, Mount Union Corie Kellogg, Ferris State Ashley Koester, Florida Atlantic Devin Laky, Boise State

Rafaelo Toniolo, Georgia State Laura Twilling, Ohio State Sara Van Nortwick, U of Washington Lauren Venturino, Indiana U of Pennsylvania

Brooke Lancey, Defiance

Courtney Wheatley, Iowa Wesleyan

Kelly Latta, Cornell

Marni Zapakin, Syracuse

Ellen Leahy, Embry-Riddle (FL)

Stacy Zimmerman, Carroll

Kelly Lynch, Embry-Riddle (FL)

Jessica Zook, Idaho State

36 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Fall | Winter 2007


Other Marquita Yvette Hafford Selinda Passmore Kusluski Kashmira Tengra


Sisterhood Wendy Mikell Piepke+

Zeta Mu

Double Blue & Gold Teresa Ankenbauer Feutz Sunshine Kathy Williams

Zeta Delta



Other Susan Walsh McAbee

Epsilon Phi

Presidents’ Amy Holobyn

Zeta Nu


Zeta Epsilon

Epsilon Tau

Diamond Nancy Fehrmann Gainer Lombard Judy Erickson Presidents’ Sharon Gross Duyzend Amy Treanor Flores Double Blue & Gold Karen Miller Bahr Elizabeth Tursi Cosner Delores Wenell Gardner Janice Price Watter+ Sisterhood Amy Gaffney-Ingalls Pamela Sandbothe Lamb Tricia Audette Lenz Barbara Straight Marr+ Sunshine Nicole Bursick+ Peggy Glover Gray Other Rebecca Soderholm+

Epsilon Chi VILLANOVA UNIVERSITY Double Blue & Gold Patricia Peebles McDonald Catherine PalermoRichardson Sunshine Joyce Maccombie Curtis

Epsilon Psi

MIAMI UNIVERSITY EDINBORO UNIVERSITY Double Blue & Gold Linda DeFilippo Kathy Pape Other Barbara VanBalen Dunmire

Zeta Eta WEST CHESTER UNIVERSITY Sunshine Mary Hallman Richards Other Jennifer McKinney Amanda Samuelson

Zeta Theta WRIGHT STATE UNIVERSITY Double Blue & Gold Christine Angerer Rickel Sisterhood Susan Kempton Carlos Patricia Camden Izor Sunshine Eileen Day Hix Melanie Spencer Johnson+ Other Courtney Cunningham+ Andrea Herzog Mina Ohata


Zeta Iota

Other Callie Denay Wiskus

Double Blue & Gold Allison Turner Kimes+ Mary Pierce Norton Sunshine Crystal Dickerson Walker Jessica O’Bryan Wallace Other Shannon Alexander Jennifer Cross Amanda Fore+ Madeline Homer Lara Obert

Epsilon Omega UNIVERSITY OF NORTH TEXAS Sisterhood Yvonne Cox Breland Candace Battenfield Sawyer+ Sunshine Janice Davenport Henricksen

Zeta Beta CLARION UNIVERSITY Double Blue & Gold Paula Schmeck Sisterhood Margaret Kiskaddon McFate Carol Butterfield Meisinger Sunshine Dorinda Barnett Eckenroad+ Christine Shellgren Sober Cynthia Zelenak


Zeta Kappa UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGHJOHNSTOWN Sunshine Diana Pieczynski Downing+

Zeta Lambda TEXAS WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY Founders’ Leslie Storey Double Blue & Gold Debra Sloan Sisterhood Rebecca Ross DeLong

Sunshine Catherine Clark Berardo Other Lauren Flanagan Emily Lusk Sarah Gaffney Rochford Kristie Warzala

Zeta Xi AUBURN UNIVERSITY Double Blue & Gold Lisa Paramore Pickelsimer Leslie Taylor+ Gale Kummel Trantham Sisterhood Martha Magnuson Mink Genereux Price Sunshine Lynnette Woodlief Winkler Other Lindsay Suzanne Cook Heather Marie Haroff

Zeta Omicron UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA Lombard Virginia Clausen+ Double Blue & Gold Mary Beth Jackson+ Kristine Polo+ Sisterhood Katherine Listwan Martin Piper Smith+ Sunshine Mary Peters Other Cynthia Littlejohn

Zeta Sigma HILLSDALE COLLEGE Double Blue & Gold Victoria Schryburt King Sunshine Angela Dedmon Carlo Courtney Kaye

Zeta Tau UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA, ASHEVILLE Founders’ Patrice Orr Bryon Double Blue & Gold Suzanne Cantando+ Rebecca O’Bryon+ Sunshine Wendy Davis Guyer Other Sandra Sigmon Adams Rachel Ann Allred

Zeta Upsilon ALMA COLLEGE Presidents’ Bethany Cain Green+ Double Blue & Gold Shari Oole

Sisterhood Jessica Kotas Eng Heidi Wahl LaFever Other Ciara Feko Ashley Gombar Lindsay Porter Carolyn Snoap Elizabeth Weber Williams



Zeta Psi UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA Double Blue & Gold Elizabeth Pope Battaglia Sunshine Anna Nelson

Zeta Omega STATE UNIVERSITY OF WEST GEORGIA Sisterhood Patricia Fostvedt+ Nealy Patty Wheat+ Rachel Eaton White Sunshine Laura DeVrieze Other Meghan Barnes Christina Robertson+ Hannah Robinson Lauren Ivy Young

Theta Alpha MILLERSVILLE UNIVERSITY Sisterhood Joy Landes Bradley Other Jillian Carpenter Erin Clifford Ashley Detwiler Crystal Dunn

Theta Beta SONOMA STATE UNIVERSITY Lombard Kristin Olson Billingsley+ Presidents’ Jennifer Knowles+ Sisterhood Babette DeAnda Munoz Sunshine Erin Kochiyama Lauren Kort Paige Kollen+ Other Susanna Brunamonti Lisa Marie Dal Porto+ Katie Killam Taylor MacDonald Sandra Moser Laurel Snight

Theta Gamma UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE Double Blue & Gold Lorrie Smith Sunshine Brynne Obeid Other Siusan AaronsonMeredith Lisa Barile Melanie Becker Nicole Camacho Marissa Campbell Melissa Catan Laura Condon Lauren DeMayo Jennifer Egan Ashley Evirs Rebecca Eynon Laurie Toll Franz Natalie GempesawPangan Nicole Gengaro Kimberly Krajcsovics Horan Brittany Johnson Kathleen Kelly Liana Kinsella Jaclyn LaPlaca Colleen McCoy Morgan Mordecai Kelly Murphy+ Denise Murray Cassandra Neuhs Erin Adair Page Kristin Palopoli Julie Reich Emily Rotstein Stacy Shiffman Jennifer Sturges Dorcas Tarbell Lisa Weiss Rachael Weissman Meredith White Allison Zucco

Theta Delta TOWSON UNIVERSITY Other Shayna Ariela Kirschenbaum Katie O’Reilly

Theta Epsilon MARQUETTE UNIVERSITY Double Blue & Gold Danica Olson+ Other Colleen Carroll Denise Elizondo Stephanie Anne Elizabeth Gilmore Tiffany Henning Rebecca Begley Hirsch Kerry Honkamp+ Ashley Keefe Leah Lakofka Elizabeth Lorenz Erin O’Malley Sarah Peterson Sarah Beth Sincock Megan Trippel Lisa Marie Vanacora Kathryn Vela Michelle Voss+

Theta Zeta EMBRY-RIDDLE AERONAUTICAL UNIVERSITY Sunshine Tracie Burnside Walter

Double Blue & Gold Denise Gross Lynch+ Other Lauren Danyko Loren LaPointe Cassandra Merrill Stephanie Schley Bridget Swerecki Stacey Zeller

Adrienne Helmick Samantha Copley Hoffmann+ Elizabeth Hubbard Claudine LaFavre Kristen Laramie Kristin McAbee Amanda Melick Caitlan Pyden Elizabeth Roberts Ashley Ruckert Teresa Schirrippa Brittany Taylor Smith Julia Tiedt Katelyn Fitzgerald Whitaker+

Theta Theta

Theta Xi

Other Raelin Schneider+


BROOKLYN COLLEGE Other Julie Lee Gordon Sandra Meskin Anna Nisnevich Nora Torres

Theta Iota FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY Double Blue & Gold Anne Frasor Sunshine Bridget Kennedy Rich Other Vanessa Millan Whitney Turk


Theta Lambda SOUTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY Sisterhood Kira Vurlicer Other Jenna Hardy+ Susannah Prucka+ Stephanie Russell Melanie Tanja Stanzer

Theta Mu CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY Presidents’ Erin Craven Rosenthall+ Double Blue & Gold Alison Nee Calderone Sisterhood Heather Kos Babish Eve Proper Sunshine Amee Bhalakia Christina Rodriguez

Theta Nu ELON COLLEGE Double Blue & Gold Laura Lyerly Milliken+ Other Kristen Bargar Kathryn Barley Ashley Battier Mirai Booth-Ong Stacey Bradbury Emily Buckley Arna Campbell Allison Dean Carlie Devaney Rebecca Smith Dilday Heather Geiger Jennifer Heilman

Realize Your


FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY Other Angelique Alfonso Vanessa de la Caridad Canals Allison Choban Nidia Cruz

Theta Omicron EMBRY-RIDDLE AERONAUTICAL UNIVERSITY Other Mary Adams Jennifer Buzby Victoria Graf

Theta Pi CHRISTIAN BROTHERS UNIVERSITY Sunshine Kathleen Gillon Other Andrea Bordwell Christe Jiao Chen Molly Lucas Jennifer Prater Megan Rice Melissa Woods

Theta Rho CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITYSAN MARCOS Sunshine Erin O’Toole-Delawari Other Eileen Quizon Reyes Katharine Schulz Mary Ann Thomas Christina Wisecarver

Theta Sigma UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL FLORIDA Sisterhood Amy Bransford Smith Rebekah Wilson+ Sunshine Heather Thompson Roberts Other Alanna Buono+ Ann Marie Galatis Danielle Guillemette Mallory Hiers Stephanie Morgan Holmes Barbara Merola Christina Moons Liz Ann Robinson Carolyn Walls Kimberly Werner Amy Lynne Woods

Through the Realize Your Potential Program, Alpha Xi Delta is creating and sustaining a strengths-based Fraternity where collegians, volunteers, alumnae, and staff are encouraged to use their strengths and talents in their personal, professional, and volunteer activities. During the 2006-2007 academic year, facilitated StrengthsQuest discussions were held at The Leadership Conference, volunteer training, and at our pilot chapters at Penn State, George Mason, Nebraska Lincoln, and East Tennessee State. “The philosophy of living and leading with your strengths and talents can influence all of the campuses where Alpha Xi Delta has a presence. Foundation funding of this program is so important,” said Debbie Fenwick Maas, National President 2005-2007.


“The Foundation is our way of making Alpha Xi Delta more valuable to its members and higher education. The greater its resources, the better it can serve the everincreasing needs of our collegiate members.” -Louise Menning Drangsholt, Northwestern ’39, Foundation Chair 1965 Consider the Foundation your opportunity to invest in the education and development of today’s most outstanding college women! Remember, your gifts to the Foundation provide multiple benefits. Your gifts: • Support programs specially designed to meet the needs of college women • Enable members to rededicate themselves to the purposes and goals of the Fraternity • Enhance the prestige and leadership of Alpha Xi Delta To make a gift to the Foundation, contact Development Director Kendra Lewis at (317) 872-3500,, or

Elizabeth Stacey Katie Stokely Alison Thurber Britt Tollefson


Theta Upsilon

Stacey Cooper-McCoy+ Kelly Rossignol Favors Stephanie Creel Lindsey Bracknell Jones Heather Kendrick Linda Kim+ Randi Kirkland Penny Loosier Julie Marshall Tabitha Goodman McGiboney Christy Clifton Parrozzo+ Kathie Leigh Pepper Emily Bearden Posey Lauren Robbins Bridgette Hallmark Self Heather Story-Lawson Kristi Watkins


Theta Chi

MARIAN COLLEGE Double Blue & Gold Stephanie Hayden Kratochvil+ Sunshine Jessica Coburn+ Other Michelle Buresh Allison Jeanquart Julie Hesse Kohler Nicole Spittel April Zeitler Emily Zimmer

Other Jennifer Allen Melissa McGowan Cassandra Padula

Theta Phi UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA AT BIRMINGHAM Sunshine Beth Strickland+ Other Laura Alexander Brenda Argent Bensalem Nicole Treadway Bolton Kathleen Reaves Comeaux

UNIVERSITY OF TOLEDO Other Connie Bartel Sara Fedorka Heather Penina Katz Jennifer Van Vlerah Lindsay Westcott

Theta Psi DARTMOUTH COLLEGE Other Sarah Meryl Bankoff Christina Behrend Rachel Bloch Ashley Halpin

38 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Theta Omega NEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITY Sunshine Shelby Krebs Other Maria Guadalupe Alvarado Michelle Arneson Kristina Herrera

Iota Alpha GEORGE MASON UNIVERSITY Sunshine Megan Foster+ Other Stephanie Ainsworth Lindsay Beeler Nicole Clardy Renee Cleveland Lisa DiGangi Caitlin Morgan Ferry Catherine Hunter Lynsey Jacob Shannon Kearney Tarryn King Candace Langley Dorothy Logan Angela Maniglia Katherine Mason+ Alexis Aryan Outman Anna Pearson Ann Kempton Reynolds Kathryn Skyrm Tarren Smarr+

Fall | Winter 2007

GREENSBORO COLLEGE Other Amy Jordan Leslie Stacey Smith Cherilyn Strader Laurie VanHall

Double Blue & Gold Elizabeth Smith Ceccarelli+ Other Nancy Nunes Ashley Poldruhi Lindsay Rivas Melissa Vieira

Iota Kappa

Iota Delta


UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL OKLAHOMA Sunshine Bambi Hora+ Other Amy Baxter Jacqueline Black Jennifer Robinette Brooke Rutherford

IDAHO STATE UNIVERSITY Other Trista Pottenger Jessica Zook

Iota Lambda Other Dana Lee Desormey Kathleen Fayard Elizabeth Meert Jennifer Wirth


Iota Epsilon

Other Nancy Haberstick


Iota Mu

Other Jennifer Fannerella Christina Rokhsareh Hooshmand Alyson Russ Kaori Scott Teresa Sullivan Michelle Trujillo


Theta Tau

Iota Iota

Other Elizabeth Kirkham Tabor McKenney Pamela Taylor

Iota Eta UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS-EL PASO Other Meriel Selene Ramos

Iota Theta SOUTHERN POLYTECHNIC STATE UNIVERSITY Other Amanda Benson Olivia Gae Gauntner+ Carrie Ann Melinda MacArthur Valerie Wade

LYCOMING COLLEGE Other Tamah Layne Amrom Lindsay Bonner Sarah Conroe Jenna Dewey Jessica Gough Elizabeth Green Kristen Hippensteel Bonnie James Katherine Lupfer Megan Deane Maiolo+ Lauren Paich Betsy Reese Shannon AnnJi Roelle Whitney Ropka Stephanie Savino Amanda Scholwinski Meghan Strong+ Kristyn Super Shannon Town Megan Tyrseck

Alpha Deuteron Double Blue & Gold Lori Holt+ Jackie Lyerly+ Sisterhood Dorothy Meyer+

Friends of Alpha Xi Delta Medallion George Brown Jr. Symphony Omega Financial, Inc.+ Lombard Willard E. Smucker Foundation Emily Waters Foundation Presidents’ Dempsey Family Foundation+ Charles H. Giles & Fannie M. Giles Memorial Foundation Robert B. Kennedy Denny Moller Sisterhood Theta Phi Alumnae Sunshine Delta Delta Delta Fraternity James Reid Other Acorn Foundation Beverly Andrews Beta Mu Sorority Sarah Birnbach & Jack Guttmann Ann Boscardin Ashley Bourgeois Suzanne Bousquet Henri Bradford Jared Brown Sam Centellas Connecticut Alpha Delta Kappa Cari Cook The CRAFT Club Elisa Cusimano Sandra Fitzgerald Gamma Chapter of Alpha Delta Kappa Kathleen Gillan Cori Hammock Justin Hunt+ Nancy Jones Brad Karsh Steven LaTour MDAdvantage Insurance Company of New Jersey Gretta Mincer Andrew Neidert Consuela Pender Ronald & Kathie Powlick Amy Renz Michael Sprinkle Darald H. Stubbs Helen Taylor Theaker Catherine & Edward Williams

“I am delighted to be the recipient of the Ruth Fowler Brown Scholarship. What a thoughtful legacy the Brown family provided. It’s apparent individual excellence, personal responsibility, and engaged citizenship we realize as Alpha Xi Deltas was carried forth by Ruth Fowler Brown in creating a loving and generous family.” –Devin Laky, Boise State ’05


Leave a

The Society of 1893 recognizes alumnae and friends who have included the Alpha Xi Delta Foundation in their estate plans through bequests, trusts, and other planned gifts. Please let us know if you have provided for Alpha Xi Delta and are not yet enrolled in the Society. Enrolling you is our way of saying thank you! Planned giving helps you maximize the benefits available to you and your family, and supports the organizations you love. To learn more, visit or call Kendra Lewis, Director of Development, at (317) 872-3500.

Giving Options o I have named the Alpha Xi Delta Foundation in my estate plans. Please enroll me in The Society of 1893. Name Initiating Chapter Address city



Phone E-mail

Please clip or copy this form and mail it to: Fraternity Headquarters, 8702 Founders Rd., Indianapolis, IN 46268.

Start a Collecting Tradition with

Alpha Xi Delta Pewter Ornaments! Personalize your holiday with the third in Alpha Xi Delta’s series of solid-pewter ornaments – our beautiful Fraternity crest! This year’s ornament, measuring 2.5” wide, comes nestled in a blue velvet pouch, perfect for gift-giving. While our Fraternity symbols look lovely during the holiday season, they also make wonderful gifts any time of year. Imagine a sister’s delight when you present her with a unique and thoughtful hostess gift, or a package adorned with one of our beloved symbols! Order your Fraternity crest ornament today for only $15, plus tax and shipping, in the Xi Boutique section of, or by calling (317) 872-3500. Extra Bonus! Limited quantities of our 2006 pink rose pewter ornament are still available. Also available is the three-year ornament set for only $40. Act fast before they're sold out!

Visa, MasterCard, Discover and personal checks accepted.

Quill: 3 3/4” W x 3/4” H; Rose: 2 1/2” diameter


Honor Gifts

The Foundation recognizes Honor Gifts given from April 2, 2007, through July 31, 2007

100th anniversary of the Greater Boston Alumnae Association by Janet Hutchins, Michigan 2005-2007 National Council by Deanna Wollam Detchemendy, Cal State Northridge; Deborah Fenwick Maas, Marshall; Tracy Kleinschmidt Osborne, Michigan State 2005-2007 National Housing Corporation by Sara Pullis Molnar, Ferris State 2005-2007 NPC Delegation by Deanna Wollam Detchemendy, Cal State Northridge 2006-2007 AEDs by Stephanie Morgan Holmes, Central Florida; Megan Horst, Indiana U of Pennsylvania; Elizabeth Overmoe, South Dakota; Lauren Riggan, Western Carolina Marcia Brink Adair, Monmouth by Susan Eicher Mamber, Kent State

Alpha Eta Chapter, Purdue by Julie Schroder Lindsay, Marshall ΑΞΔ Housing Corporation in Kingston, Rhode Island by Susan Eicher Mamber, Kent State Jayne Wade Anderson, Nebraska Lincoln by Sara Pullis Molnar, Ferris State Abigail Baird, granddaughter of Ann Robinson Baird, Frostburg State by Ann Robinson Baird Elizabeth Baird, granddaughter of Ann Robinson Baird, Frostburg State by Ann Robinson Baird Janice Sheldon Baumback, U of Washington by Rebekah Fenstermaker Druetzler, Purdue; Kimberly Kay Starr, Kentucky Denise Brinkmeyer Bell, Iowa Wesleyan by Kiyoko Farrington Czech, Iowa

Sarah Belt, May 2007 FVP of the Month, Millersville by Omega Financial, Inc., Friend of Alpha Xi Delta

Jennifer Herndon Brackett, Indiana by Katharyn Faries Herndon, Western Kentucky

Amanda Benson, Southern Polytechnic State by Patricia Fostvedt, West Georgia

Carly Brown, Sonoma State by Jennifer Knowles, Sonoma State

Beta Chapter, Iowa Wesleyan by Kiyoko Farrington Czech, Iowa Beta Sigma Chapter, West Virginia Wesleyan by Taralyn Marie Stayer, West Virginia Wesleyan Beta Tau Chapter, Kent State by Lindsay Clark, Kent State; Susan Eicher Mamber, Kent State Barbara Oras Blatchford, Northern Illinois by Julie Wilson Dillon, Illinois Cathy Meo Bonnstetter, Fairmont State by Sara Pullis Molnar, Ferris State

Denise Brown, Northern Iowa by Kiyoko Farrington Czech, Iowa Paula Casella Burnett, Fairmont State by Colleen Martin, Oklahoma State Evonne Carawan, North Carolina State by the Chesapeake, MD Alumnae Association; Audrey Huthwaite, Frostburg State; Heather Lerch, Rider Ginny Carroll, Western Kentucky by Linda Belles Dinus, U of Washington; Alpha Eta Chapter, Purdue; Jane Hooper Sutton, Western Carolina Chesapeake Alumnae Association by Nancy Thomas Carman, Frostburg State; Sandra Priebe Day, Frostburg State; Pamela Gardiner Enger, Frostburg State; Susan Robinson, Frostburg State Chicago North Shore Alumnae Association by Jean Grommes Feehan, Northwestern; Susan Eicher Mamber, Kent State Betty Davis by Kathryn Yager Brown, Monmouth Sara Elmore Dean, Marshall by Rachel Marie Dillard, Marshall

The Foundation honored donors at our highest lifetime giving circles who were in attendance at National Convention. Pictured with 20052007 Foundation Chair Becky Fenstermaker Druetzler (center) are (left to right) Beth Ann Eadie, representing the Northern Virginia Alumnae Association; Nickie Haymaker Hill, Purdue ’44; Beverly Case Rorer; Pennsylvania ’49; and Janice Sheldon Baumback, U of Washington ’41.

40 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Fall | Winter 2007

Deanna Wollam Detchemendy, Cal State Northridge by Patrice Orr Bryon, North Carolina Asheville; Evonne Carawan, North Carolina State; Deanna Newell, Indiana; Marianne Moritz Russo, Cal State Northridge Delta Chi Chapter, Northern Iowa by Kiyoko Farrington Czech, Iowa; Valerie Nissen, Northern Iowa

Delta Chi Chapter Class of 2007 by Dena Coleman, Northern Iowa; Angie Lapel, Northern Iowa Sarah Paplow, Northern Iowa; Sonia Ponce, Northern Iowa; Jennifer Scharn, Northern Iowa Delta Epsilon Chapter, New Orleans by Stefanie Jean Borger, New Orleans Delta Xi Chapter, Georgia State by Valerie Cobb Mallon, West Georgia; Rachel Eaton White, West Georgia Virginia Hornbrook Diebel, Northwestern by Kathryn Yager Brown, Monmouth Ursula Dieudonne, Alpha Deuteron by Marianne Moritz Russo, Cal State Northridge Gretchen Balling DiMarco, Syracuse by Susan Eicher Mamber, Kent State Brynne Obeid, Delaware Julie Wilson Dillon, Illinois by Barbara Oras Blatchford, Northern Illinois; Kiyoko Farrington Czech, Iowa Linda Belles Dinus, U of Washington by Jane Hooper Sutton, Western Carolina Rebekah Fenstermaker Druetzler, Purdue by Julie Lambert, Oregon State Rigby Guiney Duncan, Marshall by Nealy Patty Wheat, West Georgia Kathy Moore Dwight, Texas by Julie Wilson Dillon, Illinois Beth Ann Eadie, Mississippi by Michelle Rabbani, Brooklyn

Epsilon Gamma sisters at Western Carolina by Dorothy Sheldon Williams, Western Carolina Epsilon Iota initiates at Newberry by Kristin Anne Caughman, Newberry Epsilon Lambda Chapter, Rider by Kaitlin Finnerty, Rider Julie Brown Erwin, Marshall by Rachel Marie Dillard, Marshall Michele Herbst Evink, South Dakota State by Evonne Carawan, North Carolina State Olive Faries, Western Kentucky by Katharyn Faries Herndon, Western Kentucky Paige Faries, Western Kentucky by Katharyn Faries Herndon, Western Kentucky Melanie Medlin Forrest, West Georgia by Nealy Patty Wheat, West Georgia Phyllis Rochelle Forte, Indiana U of Pennsylvania by Delta Nu Chapter, Indiana U of Pennsylvania Founders’ Day by Victoria Bourdas, Cal State Northridge Fraternity Headquarters Staff by Linda Belles Dinus, U of Washington; Barbara Boland Stuckwisch, CulverStockton Elysia Balster Gallivan, South Dakota by Andrea Fouberg, South Dakota State Gamma Delta Chapter, Nebraska Omaha by Marilyn Horner, Nebraska Omaha

Lizabeth Ebers-Truesdale, Nebraska Lincoln by Sara Pullis Molnar, Ferris State

Gamma Epsilon Chapter, Fresno State by Erin Rosen, Fresno State

Brittany Eckard, Greensboro by Jane Fursey Ralston, Mount Union

Gamma Eta Chapter, Georgia Tech by Valerie Cobb Mallon, West Georgia

Gamma Psi Alumnae from Frostburg State by Pamela Gardiner Enger, Frostburg State

Janet Hitzman, Northwestern by Sarah Filler, Wisconsin Madison

Robin Hartman Lock, Texas by Rebekah Fenstermaker Druetzler, Purdue

Kelly Murphy, Delaware by Theta Gamma Chapter, Delaware

Gamma Psi Chapter, Frostburg State by Nancy Thomas Carman, Frostburg State

Marilyn Horner, Nebraska Omaha by Rebekah Fenstermaker Druetzler, Purdue

Marijon Chandler Lococo, Kentucky by Sandra Edwards, Kentucky

National Council by Joanne Braucher, Albion

Gamma Psi Chapter’s 2007 graduates by Janet Gleason White, Frostburg State

Amelia Horwitz, granddaughter of Susan Leeds Horwitz, Cal State Northridge by Sally Smith Reimers, Cal State Northridge

Deborah Fenwick Maas, Marshall by Patrice Orr Bryon, North Carolina Asheville;Evonne Carawan, North Carolina State; Sandra Priebe Day, Frostburg State; Linda Belles Dinus, U of Washington; Rebekah Fenstermaker Druetzler, Purdue; Beth Eadie, Mississippi; Julie Lambert, Oregon State T.J. Merck Parker, Georgia Southern; Jane Fursey Ralston, Mount Union; Jane Hooper Sutton, Western Carolina

Gamma Tau Chapter, Ohio Northern by Jennifer Michelle Harrison, Ohio Northern Olivia Gaunter, Southern Polytechnic State by Patricia Fostvedt, West Georgia Jennifer Gianino, Southeast Missouri State by Kiyoko Farrington Czech, Iowa Ellen Gibson Goodwin, West Virginia by Rebekah Fenstermaker Druetzler, Purdue Julie Gordon, April 2007 FVP of the Month, Brooklyn by Omega Financial, Inc., Friend of Alpha Xi Delta Myra Wiggins Grant, Western Carolina by Rebekah Fenstermaker Druetzler, Purdue Tamara Gray, Northern Iowa by Sara Gray, Northern Iowa Martha Small Greenlaw, Texas by Barbara Oras Blatchford, Northern Illinois Diane Curtis Gregory, Wittenberg by Linda Belles Dinus, U of Washington; Jane Hooper Sutton, Western Carolina Hartford Alumnae Association by Susan Eicher Mamber, Kent State Betsy King Helber, Mount Union by Evonne Carawan, North Carolina State; Donna Butler Hill, Mount Union; Marian Hoke Knipfer, Mount Union; Beth Henning Polizzotto, Illinois Jennifer Bauer Henson, Wittenberg by Barbara Oras Blatchford, Northern Illinois; Mary Shellenberger Brown, Central Michigan Sarah Spitzer Herndon, Alpha Deuteron by Katharyn Faries Herndon, Western Kentucky

Indianapolis Alumnae Association by Mary Ruth Hadley Snyder, Purdue Iota Delta Chapter, Central Oklahoma by Colleen Martin, Oklahoma State Iota Theta Chapter, Southern Polytechnic State by Valerie Cobb Mallon, West Georgia Kappa Chapter, Illinois by Barbara Oras Blatchford, Northern Illinois Kappa Chapter Recolonization Team by Julie Wilson Dillon, Illinois Beth Kettenacker, St. Norbert by Anonymous Melissa Krueger, Kent State by Susan Eicher Mamber, Kent State Jennifer Emerick Kuntz, Northern Iowa by Denise Brown, Northern Iowa Julie Lambert, Oregon State by Rebekah Fenstermaker Druetzler, Purdue Jennifer Bellus Lee, Old Dominion by Nealy Patty Wheat, West Georgia June Fursey Lee, Mount Union by Jane Fursey Ralston, Mount Union Kristie Anderson Leeman, Iowa by Kiyoko Farrington Czech, Iowa Jean Koza Leider, Iowa by Sara Pullis Molnar, Ferris State

Susan Eicher Mamber, Kent State by Heather Lerch, Rider Annetta Hamill Marshall, Frostburg State by Norma Matthews Morgan, Frostburg State Colleen Martin, Florida State by Jane Fursey Ralston, Mount Union Patricia Massey, West Liberty State by Andrea Brownlee, Mount Union Nancy Whittaker McCully, Florida State by Sara Pullis Molnar, Ferris State Carmen McWilliams, Delaware by Sara Pullis Molnar, Ferris State Christine Meyer, South Dakota by Dorothy Meyer, Alpha Deuteron Cheryl Eby Miller, Nebraska Omaha by Marilyn Horner, Nebraska Omaha Minneapolis/St. Paul Alumnae Association by Pamela Gardiner Enger, Frostburg State Sara Pullis Molnar, Ferris State by Deanna Newell, Indiana

Oakland County Alumnae Association by Mary Paule McMath Bierlein, Michigan State Omaha Alumnae Association by Marilyn Horner, Nebraska Omaha Tracy Kleinschmidt Osborne, Michigan State by Kiyoko Farrington Czech, Iowa Judith Francis Parker, Missouri Valley by Jennifer Trigueros, New Orleans Karen Boruff Pease, Iowa Wesleyan by Frances Clark Norton, Memphis State Evan Peter, son of Anica Magazinovic Scanlan, Iowa State by Rebecca Soderholm, Iowa State Jennifer Lea Pugh, Indiana by Vivian Schilling Surface, Indiana Kristen Concetta Reda, daughter of Michelle Reda, Rider by Heather Lerch, Rider Claire Reisner, daughter of Jill Connolly Reisner, Iowa State by Rebecca Soderholm, Iowa State Residents of Apartment 70, Northern Iowa by Natalie Haupts, Northern Iowa; Kristin Kanaskie, Northern Iowa Rho Chapter Collegians and Alumnae by Becky Richter Perrett, Nebraska Lincoln Sharon Brown Richardson, Texas by Brynne Obeid, Delaware

Stacy Galemore Sederwall, Southeast Missouri State by Jennifer Gianino, Southeast Missouri State Sigma Chapter, Iowa by Barbara Oras Blatchford, Northern Illinois; Kiyoko Farrington Czech, Iowa; Jean Koza Leider, Iowa Sigma Chapter Corporation Board by Julie Holmes, Iowa Tiare Smiley, Western Carolina by Myra Wiggins Grant, Western Carolina Carol Jean Smith, Jacksonville State by Sara Pullis Molnar, Ferris State Mary Ruth Hadley Snyder, Purdue by Rebekah Fenstermaker Druetzler, Purdue; Jane Hooper Sutton, Western Carolina Allissa Spelde, March 2007 FVP of the Month, Purdue by Omega Financial, Inc., Friend of Alpha Xi Delta

Barbara Boland Stuckwisch, Culver-Stockton by Linda Belles Dinus, U of Washington; Rebekah Fenstermaker Druetzler, Purdue; Deborah Fenwick Maas, Marshall

Jane Hooper Sutton, Western Carolina by Evonne Carawan, North Carolina State Linda Belles Dinus, U of Washington Rosalee Tatar, mother of Betty Tatar Wiseman, Central Michigan by Barbara Lee Tatar, Purdue; Betty Tatar Wiseman, Central Michigan

Laura RobinsonRamsey, Northern Iowa by Stephanie Ramsey, Northern Iowa

Territory Recruitment Directors 2005-2007 by Sharon Brown Richardson, Texas

Beverly Case Rorer, Pennsylvania by Bobbie Wright Lowe, Frostburg State

Theta Phi Chapter’s 10th anniversary by Brenda Argent Bensalem, Alabama Birmingham; Birmingham Alumnae Association; Nicole Treadway Bolton, Alabama Birmingham; Kathleen Reaves Comeaux, Alabama Birmingham; Stacey Cooper-McCoy, Alabama Birmingham;

Kendra Becker Lewis, Purdue by Rebekah Fenstermaker Druetzler, Purdue

Amy Hodges Morehous, Tennessee by Marianne Moritz Russo, Cal State Northridge

Shayna Royal, Nebraska Omaha by Marilyn Horner, Nebraska Omaha

Lincoln Alumnae Association by Emily Wray Stander, Nebraska Lincoln

Kelly Morgan, Frostburg State by Colleen Martin, Oklahoma State

Jeanne Burford Rutherford, Marshall by Rachel Dillard, Marshall

Helen Hardin Townsend, Purdue by Mary Ruth Hadley Snyder, Purdue

Sarah Stone, April 2007 FVP of the Month, Texas State San Marcos by Omega Financial, Inc., Friend of Alpha Xi Delta

Courtney Styres, Alabama Birmingham by Brynden Styres, Alabama Birmingham

Stephanie Creel, Alabama Birmingham; Kelly Rossignol Favors, Alabama Birmingham; Regina Willis Hawkins, Jacksonville State; Lindsey Bracknell Jones, Alabama Birmingham; Heather Kendrick, Alabama Birmingham; Penny Loosier, Alabama Birmingham; Julie Marshall, Alabama Birmingham; Tabitha Goodman McGiboney, Alabama Birmingham; Christy Clifton Parrozzo, Alabama Birmingham; Kathie Leigh Pepper, Alabama Birmingham; Lauren Robbins, Alabama Birmingham; Heather Story-Lawson, Alabama Birmingham; Beth Strickland, Alabama Birmingham; Beverly Strickland, Alabama Birmingham; Rachel Brothers Tripp, Jacksonville State; Kristi Watkins, Alabama Birmingham

Cheryl Johnson Weldon, Georgia Tech by Rebekah Fenstermaker Druetzler, Purdue Marian Sayward West, Michigan by Julie Wilson Dillon, Illinois; Sara Pullis Molnar, Ferris State Western Wayne County Alumnae Association by Suellyn Matevia Sekulich, Michigan State Nealy Patty Wheat, West Georgia by Kerri Brown, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta Dorothy Sheldon Williams, Western Carolina by Linda Belles Dinus, U of Washington; Jane Hooper Sutton, Western Carolina Hailey Workman, Iowa Wesleyan by Jane Fursey Ralston, Mount Union The Workout Trainers by Brynne Obeid, Delaware Brandi Jo Yosten, Nebraska Omaha by Marilyn Horner, Nebraska Omaha Zeta Omega Chapter, West Georgia by Valerie Cobb Mallon, West Georgia Zeta Tau Chapter, North Carolina Asheville by Patrice Orr Bryon, North Carolina Asheville


Scholarship and Grant Recipients Alpha Epsilon Scholarship $1,000-$1,500 to alumnae in any field of study Cassie Barnhardt, Michigan Lisa McGee, Alma Sima Yazdani, Texas

Gamma Zeta Chapter Scholarship by Michigan Alpha Xi Delta, Inc. $900 to an undergraduate sister at Eastern Michigan University in any area of study Samantha Solis, Eastern Michigan

Alpha Xi Delta Building Corporation of Tuscaloosa, Alabama, Scholarship $1,000 for undergraduate sisters attending school in Alabama Holly Esch, Jacksonville State

Frances Trewyn Kuechenmeister Scholarship $2,000 to a junior who’s shown exceptional service to the Fraternity and her campus Shayna Royal, Nebraska Omaha

Jayne Wade Anderson Scholarship $1,000 to an outstanding sophomore sister Jessica Brents, Lyon Arts & Letters Scholarship $1,200 to an undergraduate sister studying fine arts Christa Brannan, Boise State Ruth Fowler Brown Scholarship $1,600 to outstanding freshman or sophomore sisters Devin Laky, Boise State Delores Wachsmann Child Scholarship $1,000 to an undergraduate sister in any field of study Rachel Allred, North Carolina Asheville Dr. Marianne Clausing-Lee Scholarship $1,000 to an undergraduate sister in any field of study Laura Twilling, Ohio State Founders’ Memorial Scholarship $800-$1,200 to alumnae in any field of study Kimberly Garris LeGore, Jacksonville State Michelle Marchand, Mount Union Krystle Perkins, Lyon Melissa Potosky, Christian Brothers Nancy Fehrmann Gainer Scholarship $1,300 to a sister majoring in a health-related field Jillian Corbett, South Dakota State Gamma Province Scholarship $1,200 to an undergraduate sister at Mt. Union, Bowling Green State, Kent State, Ohio Northern, or Defiance Kara Englefield, Bowling Green State 42 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Charline Blind Merrill Scholarship $1,000-$2,000 for sisters entering their first year of graduate school Ashley Renz, Kansas State Melanie Ward, Bethany













Mary Burt Nash Law Scholarship $1,500 to a sister entering or attending law school Courtney Cunningham, Wright State Ruth Bartlett Nemec Scholarship $1,000 to an undergraduate sister in any area of study Vanessa Scialabba, Cornell Dorothy M. Nichols Scholarship $1,400 for a junior or senior sister majoring in math or science Rachel Lewis, South Dakota State Northern Virginia Alumnae Association Choose Children Scholarship $1,000 for graduate study in a child-related field Taya Locke Matthews, Cal State Stanislaus

“Thank you so much for the Delores Waschmann Child Scholarship. It means so much to have the extra resources to help fund my education. And it means even more to know that this opportunity comes from an organization so near and dear to my heart.” –Rachel Allred, North Carolina ‘05

Fall | Winter 2007

Scholarship and Grant Recipients Phillips Scholars $1,500 to collegiate sisters with financial need Halley Espy, Georgia Tech Brittany Miller, Central Florida



Mabel Gottburg Schoen Scholarship $1,000 to a member of Sigma Chapter at the University of Iowa in any area of study Katherine Geller, Iowa Ethel Garnier Thompson Scholarship $1,000 to collegians in any field of study Loren LaPointe, Western Michigan



Florence Stoermer Voelker Scholarship $1,000 to collegians in any field of study Elizabeth Ashbaugh, Nevada Las Vegas Megan Gallagher, Northern Iowa Kathryn Faul Wallace Scholarship $1,200 to an undergraduate sister in any area of study Rachel LaPerre, Georgia Tech



Richard and Sandra Gleason Walston Scholarship $950 to a member of Nu Chapter at the University of Washington in any area of study Ariane Barr, U of Washington




“The Nancy Fehrmann Gainer Scholarship will help me continue my education and achieve my academic

Askey Education Program Grants Raising awareness of important issues in the broader community • Psi, Ohio State: Presentation to help students improve interview skills for internships, job searches (Brad Karsh, JobBound) • Theta Omega, New Mexico State: “Confronting the Idiot in Your Chapter” (T.J. Sullivan) • Iota Mu, Lycoming: “Girls Fight Back” (Erin Weed)

goals. Thank you! In the spring I will receive my B.S. in pharmaceutical science and will go on to graduate school to earn my doctor of pharmacy degree. Again, I can't thank you enough for your gracious gift.”–Jill Corbett, South Dakota State ‘04

Choose Children Grants • Talking Book and Braille Library, Indianapolis, Ind. • Hawthorne Social Service Association, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana, for Summer Camp academic components • Childkind foster care agency for medically fragile children, sponsored by the Atlanta-Fulton County Alumnae Association

Dorothy Clarkson Dodd Grant, Undergraduate Interfraternity Institute • Micah Haltom, Purdue • Danielle Rodriguez, Marietta LeaderShape Institute Grant • Emily Peters, Nebraska Omaha Zelma Patchin Continuing Education Grant • Michelle Mizell Corazao, Southwestern: Participation in the Conductor’s Institute of Southwestern University • Lynette Lubinski, Albion: Participation at the National Symposium on Child Abuse in Huntsville, Alabama. Mary Place Hadley Award Recognizing outstanding, continuous service benefiting a college chapter • Julia Jahnke Woolfolk, Kansas State, for service to Alpha Kappa Chapter, Kansas State Winnafred Corwin Robinson Award Recognizing the advisor of the chapter showing the greatest improvement in the biennium • Kristie Anderson Leeman, Iowa, Chapter Advisor to Sigma Chapter, Iowa Kathryn Faul Wallace Award • Karen Kochheiser, Cal State Northridge, for serving as Financial Advisor to Gamma Epsilon Chapter, Fresno State Chapter/Association Leader Circle Gifts of $1,000 or more made between June 1, 2006, and May 31, 2007 • Theta Gamma, Delaware • Theta Epsilon, Marquette • Theta Phi, Alabama Birmingham • Atlanta-Fulton County, GA, Alumnae Association • Knoxville, TN, Alumnae Association • Northern Virginia, VA, Alumnae Association Senior Class of 2007 Project – 100% Participation with the Highest Giving Average in the Territory • Midwest: Delta Chi, Northern Iowa • Northeast: Epsilon Rho, Southern Maine; Theta Theta, Brooklyn College • Southeast: Gamma Omega, Henderson State; Iota Theta, Southern Polytechnic State • West: Iota Epsilon, Nevada Las Vegas


Memorial Gifts

The Foundation recognizes Memorial Gifts given from April 2, 2007, through July 31, 2007 Melissa Appletree, Indiana U of Pennsylvania by Paula Casella Burnett, Fairmont State Kathryn Beery Baden, Coe by the Central Texas Alpha Xi Delta Alumnae Lunch Bunch Blossom Henton Baker, Iowa by Mary Baker Jones, Iowa F. Kenneth Becker, father of Kendra Becker Lewis, Purdue by Rigby Guiney Duncan, Marshall; Sara Pullis Molnar, Ferris State; Tracy Kleinschmidt Osborne, Michigan State Debra Jones Belisle, Iowa by Mary Baker Jones, Iowa Kathleen Drumm Boscardin, Eastern Michigan by the Chesapeake, MD Alumnae Association; Pamela Gardiner Enger, Frostburg State; Phyllis Rochelle Forte, Indiana U of Pennsylvania; Marian Hoke Knipfer, Mount Union; Sara Pullis Molnar, Ferris State; Rebecca Neilson, Frostburg State; Tracy Kleinschmidt Osborne, Michigan State; Dorothy Sheldon Williams, Western Carolina Ronald Wayne Bracey, husband of Suzanne Shields Bracey, Tennessee by the Knoxville, TN Alumnae Association Helen DeLong Brand, Syracuse by the Ft. Myers, FL Alumnae Association

Betty Carroll, mother of Ginny Carroll, Western Kentucky by Tracy Kleinschmidt Osborne, Michigan State

Genivieve Baer Gongwer, greatgrandmother of Kristin Burkenpas, Purdue by Kristin Burkenpas

Casey Kasline, husband of Velma Berg Kasline, Purdue by Virginia Drick Messing, Ohio Wesleyan

Virginia Clausen, Florida by Dr. Bonnie Clark Jefferis, Defiance; Pinellas County, FL Alumnae Association

Dona Olson Gruenwald, South Dakota by Pamela Gardiner Enger, Frostburg State

Jean Lawrence Kuehl, California Berkeley by Gloria Avila Schwabenton, California Berkeley

Tom Coffman by Sara Pullis Molnar, Ferris State

Jean Ouellette Hamalainen, Southern Maine by Victoria Manzer Andrews, Southern Maine

Marion Cosenza, Rider by Joan Hatcliffe Young, Rider

Shirley Parker Hardin, Nebraska Lincoln by Barbara Nelson Stover, Drake

Mary Ann Drews, mother of Judith Drews Haring, Iowa by Pamela Butler James, Northwestern

Denny Hessoun, husband of Sharon Scherer Hessoun, Baldwin-Wallace by Sara Pullis Molnar, Ferris State

Deceased members of the Philadelphia Alumnae Association by the Philadelphia, PA Alumnae Association

Marian Machamer Hoke, Kent State by Marian Hoke Knipfer, Mount Union

Maria Fagnoni, Maryland by Paula Fein Ohler, Maryland; Sheri Edwards O’Connell, Maryland Helen Goodell Finken, Iowa by Janice Sheldon Baumback, U of Washington; Catherine Demuth Schiele, Iowa

Mary Sue Brooks Holstein, Marshall by Ellen Gibson Goodwin, West Virginia Albert P. Hoover, husband of Ruth Bruther Hoover, Indiana by Ruth Bruther Hoover Janet Loeb Hulme, Pennsylvania by Janet Hulme Fishman, Wittenberg

Elinor Shilts Fursey, Mount Union by Jane Fursey Ralston, Mount Union

Dorothy Padgett Ingels, Purdue by Marjorie Blakslee Boyle, Purdue

Jane Bunch Gayman, Oregon by Lois Beamguard Hall, Oregon

Marian Geib Kanitz, Michigan by Betty Cronin Webb, Ohio State

44 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Fall | Winter 2007

Doris Harshman Linsley, Bowling Green State by Shirley Lehman Ioanes, Bowling Green State Roger Meyer, husband of Dorothy Meyer, Alpha Deuteron by Dorothy Meyer Doris Vanis Milligan, Illinois by Suzanne Bousquet, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta Ruth Purdy Neidert, Kent State by the Cincinnati, OH Alumnae Association The CRAFT Club, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta; Kimberly Hutchison, Kent State; Gayle McLauglin, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta; James McLauglin, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta; Mick McLauglin, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta; Robert McLauglin, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta; Virgie McLauglin, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta; The Naples, FL Alumnae Association; Andrew Neidert, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta; Margaret Shelly, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta; William J. Petelik Jr. by Karen Orvis Petelik, Southeast Missouri State

Frank Pucci by Sara Pullis Molnar, Ferris State Darlene Shelton, Kentucky by Nicole Beckman-Utz, Kentucky; Lori Holt, Alpha Dueteron Florence Simpson, mother of Darol Simpson Norman, Drake by Betty Zechiel Tomeo, Drake Frances Bowman Sowards, Purdue by Ruth Ann Davidson Farkas, Purdue Lyle Sundquist, husband of Madelyn Schroeder Sundquist, Purdue by the Indianapolis, IN Alumnae Association Stephen Tatar, father of Betty Tatar Wiseman, Central Michigan by Betty Tatar Wiseman Nancy Rothfuss Theurer, Michigan by the Ft. Myers, FL Alumnae Association Abigail Maurine Verhelst, Kent State by Lindsay Christine Clark, Kent State Karen White, Coe by Marian Sayward West, Michigan Moscelyn Smith White, Purdue by the Indianapolis, IN Alumnae Association

Chapter Eternal Names are reported from April 2July 31, 2007. Sisters are listed alphabetically in chapter order, along with their initiation year. To notify the Fraternity of a sister’s passing, please send an obituary notice, memorial serivce pamphlet, or other written confirmation to Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity Headquarters, 8702 Founders Rd., Indianapolis, IN 46268. Beta Chapter Iowa Wesleyan College Mildred Bell Baker ’30 Ethel Virginia Lindsay Calloway ’34 Ruth Clow Langston ’25 Gamma Chapter Mount Union College Joyann Stevenson Miller ’48 Margaret Shaw Sponseller ’43 Delta Chapter Bethany College Martha Slee Glasman ’21 Epsilon Chapter University of South Dakota Winifred Colton ’40 Dona Lou Olson Gruenwald ’50 Zeta Chapter Wittenberg University Juanita Richards Miller ’44 Betty Riecken Poppler ’43 Veda Arlene Spriggs Trujillo ’43 Martha Fross Wilkerson ’39 Eta Chapter Syracuse University Jane Manning Whitaker ’47 Iota Chapter West Virginia University Marjorie Glee Strausbaugh Heckert ’35 Kappa Chapter University of Illinois Norma Adams Price ’40 Mae Edith Novy Sears ’40 Ednell Miller Williams ’32

Nu Chapter University of Washington Lucille Laughry Miller ’47 Amy Hetherington Myers ’41

Alpha Theta Chapter Northwestern University Janet Patterson Dorjahn ’48 Nancy Hammond ’66

Xi Chapter University of Kentucky Darlene Joyce Shelton ’02

Alpha Iota Chapter Drake University Lillian Lucas White ’30

Omicron Chapter University of California, Berkeley Ann Garat Ducey ’58 Nadine Mello Jensen ’39 Helen Murphy Neumann ’21

Alpha Kappa Chapter Kansas State University Dorothy Marie Johnstone Chartier ’40 Naomi Miller Grissom ’45 Margaret Huscher Vautravers ’34

Pi Chapter Ohio University Dorothy Greenaway Bergeson ’35 Lois Adele Lane Shoemaker ’40 Mabel Snyder Siegel ’40

Alpha Lambda Chapter University of Oregon Helen Prang Beck ’29 Lois Nordling Erickson ’39 Carolyn Keith Rounds ’52

Rho Chapter University of Nebraska-Lincoln Elizabeth Ann Hall Tighe ’51 Sigma Chapter University of Iowa Helen Goodell Finken ’63 Tau Chapter University of New Hampshire Jane Rich ’36 Upsilon Chapter University of Vermont Helen French Hall ’23 Patricia Jones Loll ’45 Omega Chapter Stetson University Rhoda Weimert Bills ’37 Dorothy Martin Pierce ’21 Alpha Gamma Chapter Coe College Mildred Newman Edison ’23 Barbara Gerke Rea ’42 Anna Mae Osterlund White ’44 Karen Rugaard White ’33 Alpha Delta Chapter Oregon State University Maryjane Heaton Osibov ’38

Lambda Chapter Tufts University Nancy Merrill ’39

Alpha Epsilon Chapter University of Michigan Marian Geib Kanitz ’29

Mu Chapter University of Minnesota Margaret Trussell Carr ’32

Alpha Eta Chapter Purdue University Lillian Makar Calvert ’31 Dottie Susan Padgett Ingels ’44 Patricia Hunt Matheny ’47 Frances Bowman Sowards ’42 Moscelyn Smith White ’30

Alpha Mu Chapter Ohio Wesleyan University Phyllis Mary Hakes Felton ’43 Alpha Xi Chapter University of California at Los Angeles Mildred Woodbury Huffaker ’46 Dolores Ann Levada Sartain ’53

Beta Theta Chapter Michigan State University Denise Mary Dattomo ’89 Eloise Baker Davidson ’40 Elmer Bell Emorey ’50 Dorothy McDonald Parsons ’35 Beta Kappa Chapter Baldwin-Wallace College Virginia Arnholt Bomgardner ’42 Helen Lannigan Chinker ’41 Beta Xi Chapter Marietta College Barbara Ann Beiser Voorhees ’46 Beta Tau Chapter Kent State University Ruth Purdy Neidert ’48 Beta Upsilon Chapter University of Rhode Island Grace Catanio Rovozzo ’48 Beta Omega Chapter Memphis State University Linda Stiegler Davis ’66 Gamma Sigma Chapter Thiel College Marguerite Baker ’59

Alpha Rho Chapter Allegheny College Elizabeth Stevens Conklin ’51

Delta Gamma Chapter Kearney State College Gloria Slagle McGrath-Aden ’69

Alpha Phi Chapter University of Pennsylvania Jean Burns Carlsen ’41 Marianne Palmer Gledhill ’57 Frances Taulane Rauch ’45

Delta Iota Chapter Chadron State College Janet Peterson Mitchell ’64

Alpha Chi Chapter Randolph-Macon College Lillie Castleberry King ’30 Alpha Omega Chapter Florida State University Ramona Higgins ’47 Marilyn Wilson May ’66 Beta Beta Chapter Washington University Lorraine Pope Ellis ’29 Beta Zeta Chapter Lake Forest College Mary Ellen Winchester Fehr ’43 Neenah Stamberg Whipple ’48 Beta Eta Chapter University of Maryland Jean Tinney White ’67

The Fraternity encourages you to make a provision in your will stating what should be done with your Quill badge after your passing. Your Quill should be buried with you, returned to Fraternity Headquarters, bequeathed to another member, or donated to a chapter or alumnae association to be used as a rotating recognition or award pin. If you have questions, please contact Fraternity Headquarters at (317) 872-3500 or


Letters to the Editor A Question About Our Quill Badge The article in the summer issue on traditions and rituals was

FROM THE EDITOR: Unfortunately, some of our badges do end

really informative, and it got me thinking about our Quill badge.

up on eBay. It is, however, perfectly acceptable for sisters to

Would it be wrong to purchase a Quill on eBay? The reason I’m

purchase these badges. Contact Sarah Jacobs in Member

asking is because my Quill was stolen. As long as the badge has

Services at or (317) 872-3500.

not been reported missing or lost, can sisters purchase these

Sarah can check the member number on the back of the Quill

Quills, give our chapter and member number as reference, and

and try to determine who the badge belonged to. If you decide

pay for the regilding of our number on the back? I would think

to have your number engraved on the badge, Sarah can work

it’d be better for another Alpha Xi in good standing to purchase

with our jeweler, Herff Jones, to get that taken care of.

one of these Quills as opposed to someone who found the badge online and is now wearing the laurel as their own.

Sisters, here's one easy way to keep our Quill badge from ending up on eBay: Make a provision in your will stating what you'd like done with your Quill after your passing. Some

Denise Tarantino Lacour

options are listed on Page 45.

University of New Orleans ’90

Ring Returned to its Rightful Owner Thank you so much for your

Foundation so they can sell the items in their thrift shops. (We

article about the college ring in

have several friends who suffer from Lupus, and we hope our

the summer 2007 issue of The

contributions will help earn funds for research.) That’s how the

Quill, and thank you for your

ring ended up at the thrift shop in Rockville, Md.

help in returning it to me.

I opened your e-mail at work, telling me that the ring was

I didn’t really think the ring

mine. I was so excited! I told everyone in the vicinity about

that was pictured was mine, but

what had happened, and in the process, I found out that a new

when I looked for my ring, it wasn’t where I expected it to be.

employee is a sister. So two wonderful things happened – I got

Then I wondered what I had done with it. I’m so glad I

my ring back and I met a new sister!

e-mailed you and mentioned the initials on the inside of the

This is one of those things you read about in the newspaper or hear about on the radio that you think could never happen

band – JAS. I remember taking the ring to work several years ago because my boss (who had attended a rival school in

to you. What a surprise! Thank you, thank you, thank you. I can’t say it enough.

Pennsylvania) and I were going to compare college rings. I must have forgotten that it was in my tote bag and overlooked

Jayne Stitt McKenna

it when it was emptied.

Delta Eta Chapter ’71

My husband and I have been donating some of the items we no longer use, which included the tote bag, to the Lupus

California State College (now known as California University of Pennsylvania) in California, Pa.

Letters to the Editor Items chosen for publication may be edited for length, clarity, and adherence to editorial policies. Send your letters to Ruth Goodman, Editor of Quill, 8702 Founders Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268 or

46 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Fall | Winter 2007




Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity 8702 Founders Road Indianapolis, IN 46268


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Designed exclusively for Alpha Xi Delta, your heart will melt as you embrace BetXi Bear and feel her huggably soft fur. And her charming dress, matching head bow, and Greek-letter-embroidered paw – all in Alpha Xi Delta colors – proudly declare BetXi’s exclusive allegiance to our Sisterhood. Sitting 12 inches high, BetXi Bear is sure to capture the heart of every sister and little legacy. Open your heart, your home, and support our Fraternity by ordering BetXi today for only $28, plus tax and shipping. Visit the Xi Boutique section of or call (317) 872-3500. Visa, MasterCard, Discover and personal checks accepted.

CHANGE OF NAME/ADDRESS FORM PARENTS of Alpha Xi Deltas: While your daughter is in college, The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta is sent to her home address, and we hope you enjoy reading it. If she is no longer in college and is not living at home, please send her new permanent address to Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity. Any Alpha Xi Delta member should use this form to change her name/address. Send this form to: Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity, 8702 Founders Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268 or email

o Please remove me from The Quill mailing list.

o This alumna is deceased.

College Chapter

Initiation Year

o Address Change Name (first, middle/maiden, last) Former Address Home Phone

New Address Work Phone


o Name Change Former Name Husband’s Name (if applicable)

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