The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta - Fall/Winter 2009

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Fall / Winter 2009 A Big Thank You to our Donors The Impact of Autism — One Sister’s Story The “Biggest Loser” who Became a Big Winner

Proud to be an Alpha Xi!

Convention Wrap- Up!

Sisters Discovered, Realized and Explored at National Convention

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11/6/2009 3:11:34 PM

President’s Letter A New Partnership, A Renewed Commitment


It is truly a great time to be an Alpha Xi Delta, and I am honored to continue serving as your National President! With nearly 500 in attendance, our National Convention in Denver was an exciting, inspiring, fun-filled week. I hope those unable to attend will find in these pages some of the joy and sisterhood we experienced in Denver. In addition to reading the Convention recap, I encourage you to visit www. to watch the videos and read the State of the Fraternity address to learn firsthand about the Fraternity’s progress, strategic priorities and be a part of Alpha Xi Delta’s next bold steps. Finally, I hope you’ll mark your calendar to join us for Convention in Atlanta, July 6-10, 2011, because we already have Georgia on our mind! As I write this letter, fall recruitment is in full swing, and our collegiate members are “scooching over” to make room on the bench for our newest Sisters – young women who, while new to Alpha Xi Delta for the moment, will in a very few short time become our next generation of leaders. The National Fraternity continues to work on making sure our collegians have the tools and skills they need to recruit the best and brightest to Alpha Xi Delta, because bringing quality new members to Alpha Xi Delta is one of our greatest opportunities to ensure the Fraternity’s future strength. At the same time, we remain mindful of the financial pressures and limited budgets our members and their parents face as our economy struggles to mend and, like


The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta | Fall/Winter 2009

other fraternal organizations, we are watching membership numbers closely. As of this writing, interest in sorority life continent-wide appears to be holding steady, with overall NPC pledging numbers up just slightly. Still, while we know Alpha Xi Delta enriches Sisters’ lives beyond measure, we must continue to demonstrate the power and worth of this investment so that when the value of Alpha Xi Delta is weighed against other expenses, our worth is clear. Fortunately, this is not difficult, for Alpha Xi Delta is far more than just a social channel. Membership in Alpha Xi Delta means joining a group of extraordinary women who will welcome you, respect you, challenge you and inspire you to realize your potential. It provides warm access to women of multiple generations who mentor and guide you, help you hone the skills needed to pursue and gain your personal and professional goals, and increase your commitment and ability to be a good citizen and community steward. And these benefits last, quite literally, a lifetime, in the company of women who share common goals, ideals and a Ritual that has touched our spirit – a commitment to always strive for courage and graciousness and peace, and a calling to spread heart-sunshine to every human being. That is serious “bang for the buck,” and I challenge anyone to find any other potential use of dollars that provides nearly the same value. I look forward to sharing these benefits with our newest Sisters, and I know you do too!


Deanna Detchemendy National President

Contents 5 A Rocky Mountain Adventure Fraternity pride was at an all-time high as Sisters met in Denver for National Convention.


18 Finding the Missing Piece Peggy Dickerhoff Coyne and son Alex are overjoyed about our new partnership with Autism Speaks.

20 A “Big Loser” Becomes a Big Winner What Amy Hildreth Wolff learned about life and loss on The Biggest Loser.

30 Foundation Annual Report Sisters became better leaders, scholars and women because of your generosity!

20 In Every Issue 17 News & Notes 23 Member News 28 Reunions

55 Chapter Eternal 57 From the Archives 58 Living our Symphony

On the Cover An unforgettable National Convention. A powerful philanthropic partnership. A record-setting recruitment season. The list of Fraternity accomplishments goes on and on! Learn more about these points of pride . . . and many more . . . throughout this issue of The Quill. Now, more than ever, each of us can boldly and powerfully say I’m proud to be an Alpha Xi!



Letters Support for a Wonderful Cause Thank you for the beautiful cover and six-page feature in the summer Quill announcing the partnership between Alpha Xi Delta and Autism Speaks. Our board of directors joins me in extending our gratitude for your commitment to our organization. Autism affects one in every 150 children. It must be everyone’s cause. We are delighted that your members, National Council and executive staff understand the relevance and urgency of our cause. Your enthusiasm and commitment have renewed and inspired our families, staff and volunteers nationwide, and we are only into the first few months of our partnership! We are honored to have such a great partner. Sincerely, Mark Roithmayr President, Autism Speaks Although I’m not a member of Alpha Xi Delta, I was a member of the Brooklyn College Greek community in the early 1990s and remember when Alpha Zeta Delta local sorority became Theta Theta Chapter of Alpha Xi Delta! As it happens, I am also the co-chair of the New York City Walk Now for Autism Speaks event and the mother of two children, one of whom has autism. The 12,000 attendees at this year’s walk raised more than $880,000. I just wanted to say thank you for all that Alpha Xi Delta is doing to support Autism Speaks. Michele Montanez I was initiated into Delta Kappa Chapter at Slippery Rock University and later transferred to Mount Union College, where I met my husband. We have two children, and our son Lucas was diagnosed with autism three years ago. He is 6 years old now, and WOW, what a journey it has been! 4

It made me so happy to see that my sorority has partnered with Autism Speaks. You could not have picked a more worthwhile cause to support. Getting the word out about autism and Autism Speaks is very important to me. Also, your website is wonderful. I got chills just reading the statistics about autism. Many thanks, Carrie Zepernick Smith, Slippery Rock ’91 Thank you for pairing us with such a wonderful cause! My 6-year-old son is autistic. I was thrilled to see The Quill when it arrived yesterday! :) Sandy Rakoczy Anderson, East Tennessee State ’96

Green and Gorgeous The new online format for The Quill is gorgeous. I can open full-size, double pages on my iMac. They’re bright and perfectly readable. Love it! Marilyn Jungst Forsstrom, Illinois ’68 Thank you for going “green.” I really enjoy reading The Quill and especially like the online version. Thanks again for another quality magazine! Rebecca E. Hille, Washington State ’69 Do you have a comment about an article in this or any other issue of The Quill? We’d love to hear from you! Email the Editor at or write to her at Fraternity Headquarters.

The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta | Fall/Winter 2009

of Alpha Xi Delta

The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta is published three times per year in spring, summer, and ® fall/winter by Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE QUILL OF ALPHA XI DELTA, 8702 Founders Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268 Volume 106/Issue 3 Copyright 2009 by Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity Submission Deadlines Spring issue: December 1 Summer issue: April 1 Fall/Winter issue: August 15 Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity Headquarters Visit, call 317.872.3500, fax 317.872.2947; write Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity Headquarters, 8702 Founders Rd., Indianapolis, IN 46268. National Executive Director Elysia Balster Gallivan, South Dakota ’93 Editor Ruth Goodman, Northern Iowa ’80 National Council 2009-2011 National President Deanna Wollam Detchemendy, Cal State Northridge ’83 National Vice Presidents Evonne Carawan, North Carolina State ’83 Sandra Ellen Edwards, Kentucky ’75 Jennifer Emerick Kuntz, Northern Iowa ’92 Wendy Kurtz, Indiana ’90 Susan Eicher Mamber, Kent State ’77 Danica Vanasse Olson, Marquette ’90 Founders Cora Bollinger Block Alice Bartlett Bruner Almira Lowry Cheney Frances Elisabeth Cheney Bertha Cook Evans Eliza Drake Curtis Everton Julia Maude Foster Lucy W. Gilmer Harriet L. McCollum Lewie Strong Taylor

The Mission of The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta: To inform, inspire and challenge. To sustain and nurture membership loyalty and interest. To recognize individual, group and Fraternity accomplishments. To provide a forum for the exchange of information and opinion. To be the permanent record for the Fraternity.

What A View!

: 9 0 0 on 2

i t n e v Con

n i a t n u o M y k c o A R dve nt u re! A Nearly 500 Sisters traveled to Denver, Colorado, this summer to

Explore. Discover. Realize.

during National Convention at the downtown Marriott City Center. Two of these Sisters, Kathy Nicklaus Owrey and Sam Wells, served as on-the-scene reporters and photographers, logging their activities to provide a firsthand look to Quill readers. Ladies, take it away!







• Gamma Omega Chapter ’70, Henderson State University, Arkadelphia, Arkansas • 13-time Convention attendee • Alpha Xi Delta Area Facilitator - Southeast

y e r w O y K at h n d!)

• Volunteers with the Following Chapters: Theta Phi, Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham; Epsilon Pi,Jacksonville State Univ. (AL); Delta Epsilon, Univ. of New Orleans; Zeta Xi, Auburn Univ. (AL)

s ba u h r e h (a n d

Pre-Convention – Tuesday, June 23, 2009 Traveling to the Convention area a couple of days early to play and have fun has become a tradition. My husband, David, was able to join me this year. Our “tourist” day started early in the morning as we drove out of Denver and saw the beautiful snowcapped mountains. We walked around Golden, Colorado, went to the MillerCoors Brewery and took their tour. Later on, we drove to Evergreen and had a leisurely lunch at an outdoor café beside a mountain brook. So relaxing! When we returned to the hotel, it didn’t take me long to find my longtime Convention pal, Paula Burnett, chapter advisor for Delta Nu at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. We enjoyed a bite to eat and talked about life’s happenings and previous Conventions. Our twosome got larger as other Sisters joined our table. It was such a joy to visit with Sisters from all over the country! - Kathy 6

The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta | Fall/Winter 2009

Fraternity He adquarters st aff members welcomed Sis warmly ters to the M arriott City C enter.

This year, more than ever, there was plenty of free time for shopping, spa treatments and cups of coffee with new-found friends!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009 The First day of Convention was busy and exciting as we welcomed Sisters to Denver . While registration may seem like a rather mundane activity, I loved seeing women I met this past year during my travels as an Educational Leadership Consultant. Once registration closed for the evening, the Welcome Banquet began. We sat by initiating chapter, and during the chapter roll call, a Sister from each table lit a candle to represent her chapter . Once all chapters had been recognized, the room had a beautiful glow that was an awesome reminder of the strength Alpha Xi Delta.

ls l e W m Sa

After the banquet, three amazing Sisters were recognized as Women of Distinction the Fraternity’s highest alumna honor . We watched a fabulous video about these ladies that showcased their amazing strengths and talents. - Sam




• Theta Sigma Chapter ’04, Univ. of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida • Two-time Convention attendee • Second-year Alpha Xi Delta Educational Leadership Consultant • Assists the Following Chapters: Beta Alpha, Univ. of Texas; Gamma Theta, East Tennessee State Univ.; Gamma Phi, East Carolina Univ. (NC); Epsilon Pi, Jacksonville State Univ. (AL); Zeta Xi, Auburn Univ. (AL); Zeta Chi, Univ. of North Carolina Wilmington

The r oo Sister m took o n chapt from each a beautif ul er can dle at chapter p glow as a r the W e elcom sent lit a e Ban quet.



u n e 24, 2 J , y a d s e ed n

d re et ed a n g I s a y h t h e lo b b rs at C o nve nt io n. g u ro h t e v a hile t o m o ’ve m et o ve r t h e y e w a k o o t It y Sist e rs I n a m o n ig ht, m y t o t e il t n s po k u i a lly st a rt ic f f o t h e hist o ric ’t o t n n id e d h t s , fe st iv it ie a rd we t o l u n ch Si n ce t h e n a n d I we nt out h e f re e t ou r. Aft e rw h e s tt wic a rio f rie n d M e Hot e l a n d ca u g h pa st rie s, t ea s a n d ing la c Brown Pa ve ly aft e rn oo n e njoy hig h t ea . l’ s a lo h a d s u ch s ic d u ri n g t h e h ot e t mu wa s a bou m ra a n d s o ft g ro p e ve n i n g ’s . Ely s i a Ga lliva n e h t , r e n n i De lt a m e Di o X lc a e o h a ve h h p W l w e A h ll t n a a t o A g f p rid e t D i re ct o r. Sh e e i n be i n o id r n p o c g a n e i b hav Ex e cut ive pa ss io n fo r n e s t h at i l h a s n io ly t e a it N de f i n a n d deep i nt o ou r t e n lv e o v m e it r m m seen he fet i m e co li , e v lo s ex e m p lif ie lt a . De - K at h y Al p h a Xi


National Executive Director Elysia Gallivan, South Dakota ’93, gave a heartfelt welcome during the opening banquet.

You couldn’t walk through the Convention hotel without greeting Sisters from all over the country, sharing ideas and catching up.

Right: Sisters spread the Alpha Xi Delta love at the collegiate welcome reception.


The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta | Fall/Winter 2009

Alpha Xi Delta Women of Distinction Within our accomplished Circle of Sisterhood is an elite group of women — women who go the extra mile, radiate heart-sunshine and put into practice the principles of Alpha - Xi - Delta. These alumna Sisters are the best of the best — the shining stars among us. These special Sisters are Alpha Xi Delta Women of Distinction.

2009 Woman of Distinction recipients Kacy Caussin Wiedebusch, West Virginia ’48, Dana Trembley Hilton, Nebraska Omaha ’82, and Mary Josie Cain Blanchard, Texas ’68.

Mary Kathryne “Kacy” Caussin Wiedebusch

Often referred to as West Virginia University’s First Lady of Dance, Kacy dedicated her life’s work to dance education. After completing her bachelor’s and master’s degree at WVU, Kacy continued her professional dance study in New York City. In 1955 she returned to West Virginia and became a member of the university’s dance faculty.

Every two years at National Convention the Fraternity bestows its highest alumnae honor upon Sisters who provide outstanding service to their communities, attain eminent achievement within their profession, and many times, both! These Sisters have been widely recognized within their field, and many have received national and international acclaim. Alpha Xi Delta is proud to recognize this year’s recipients and to call them Sisters.

Dayna Trembly Hilton

Dayna is a fire and life safety educator for Johnson County RFD #1 in Clarksville, Arkansas, and has been a volunteer firefighter on the department for more than eight years. Her fourlegged companion, Sparkles the Fire Safety Dog, travels with her across the nation, sharing the message of fire safety with millions of children and their caregivers.

More About Kacy

More About Dayna

• Driving force behind the creation of a dance studio on WVU’s main campus

• Owns Firehouse Dog Publishing, LLC.

• Instituted a minor in dance at WVU and founded the university’s Dance Artist-in-Residence program

• Directed and produced more than 50 college dance concerts for the stage • Founding member of the American College Dance Festival Association • Coordinator of the Morgantown, Virginia, Community Arts Dance Program

• Shares fire safety tips on PBS Kids Sprout video-on-demand service and website • Author of the children’s fire safety book and audio book, Sparkles the Fire Safety Dog • Answers fire safety questions via,, the Playing it Safe blog on and Safety Talk Radio

Mary Josie Cain Blanchard

Mary Josie is deputy director for environmental policy and compliance within the Office of the Secretary in the Department of the Interior. Her responsibilities are vital to the creation and enforcement of regulations that affect our national parks, fish and wildlife, public lands, and water resources.

More About Mary Josie

• Recipient of the Department of the Interior’s two highest honors — the Distinguished Service Award and the Meritorious Service Award • Received numerous awards for leadership performance and for managing and protecting the nation’s natural resources • An accomplished musician who performs and teaches flute

• Performance venues include ensemble work at the Kennedy Center and solo performances with the Southwest Chamber Players in Washington, D.C.


T h u rsd a y, Ju n e 25,


ed fo r a n ex pe ri en ce rd oa b e w d n a ed iv a rr t at R ed R ock s T hi s even in g, bu ss es en ev d oo rh te is S ” ol d R u sh e of a lifet im e – a “G l buf fet, a fu n g a m a su ca s u lo u b fa a had es, a ba n d a n d or A m phit h eate r. We m s’ e ir pf m ca , rs t ou r Siste e to lea rn m ore a bou d elig htfu l, filli n g th e er w ls ir g a m a b Ala d a n ci n g. Oh, th os e e pa rty st a rt ed. th g n ti et g d n a r oo d a n ce fl in g th e on e a bout d u cl in s, re u nt ve d y bu s a sed qu it e a u ca d I h ea rd a bout m a n n a t ou d pe ee r th at ju m ly ob scu red by th e a la rg e ru n a wa y d ht ig sl s a w s k oc R at R ed a n y fa bu lou s m d n ru ck u s! T h e su n set a p u t le in ra orm, but th e afte rn oo n th u n d erst . pict u re s were ta k en - K at hy

Check out the cute Betseyville bag one of our Beta Mu (Bowling Green State) Sisters has! Did you know fashion designer Betsey Johnson is an Alpha Xi? Now that’s realizing your potential!

There’s no mistaking where these women are from: Theta Phi Chapter at the University of Alabama Birmingham! Just look at that adorable little legacy.

Do you have blue eyes? Is this your first Convention? Questions like these were asked at Red Rocks as Sisters filled out their Gold Rush game pieces while getting to know other Alpha Xi Deltas from across the country.


The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta | Fall/Winter 2009

oth eir sweet to th d e fi s ti tation. Sisters sa s’mores s y m m u y at the

Thursday, June 25, 2009 “It felt strange to laugh so much during Kelly Corrigan’s presentation, but the things she said were just so funny. Kelly has a great attitude and knows how to find humor in adversity.“ - Sam

Today was the First and second sessions of the National Chapter meeting. At these meetings, each chapter and association present had one delegate there who voted on Fraternity business. I was the meeting recorder, so I was seated right up front near the action! Afterward, general session speaker Kelly Corrigan gave us a lot to think about and be thankful for as she read from her memoir, The Middle Place, meaning being “in the middle” as someone’s child and having children of her own. She also talked about her breast cancer diagnosis, how she dealt with losing her hair during chemotherapy and how she handled her father’s second cancer diagnosis. (He was diagnosed the same time Kelly dealt with her own cancer . ) What a survivor she is! - Sam



Three outstanding women were welcomed into Alpha Deuteron, the chapter for Convention initiates: Heather Frazier Gorham, Carolyn Lafay Cushing and Debbie Boos-Neff.



Go” fund d n 9 a 0 p 0 U 2 t e , G ee “ ional e 26 Friday, Jun elta Foundation hosted thr Alpha Xi Delta Educat run d

o iD an and early t g, roommate The Alpha X t y h M ig . r b .m p a u 6:30 g, punchin auck, was in H k a ic r starting at k a K y b , t y n a d Consulta ere off to arted their w t s s r s e r t e Leadership is t S is S , hard work . About 30 e of all r ie m e r p registration toning. After all that l a n s the natio nd a a w g h in ition of this ic h n h c g n w o u c , r e t c r s a f in k y a hropy brea re blue tod at made, o h w t e t c n o a y p the philant r e im v E l m Speaks. e the visua is t ib r u c A s od and this e o s d g h r in n e e h t v t is e S ’t r n u o rship. I ca or, united in l o c e new partne m a s yone in the seeing ever ed by the h c u o t s a . w ip rsh a emotions. I f o new partne t o l entation of s a e r t p u o e t h t h g owed by ost of ast brou The breakf s of our speakers, w utism Speaks and, m orie to A personal st from the Foundation taken. e ’v e w n io t c e ir eck m anthropic d $10,000 ch il h p ining progra w a e r n t t e n h t e m f o it ru all, proud at various st ever rec d ir l F e h r u y o l l d a l u e day we h e two lled, is us Later in the he Workout, as it’s ca is year we combined th ul t th n. T essf at Conventio ghout the summer, bu to put together a succ ur hrou be part of o earned how l n s a campuses t r c e t n e is S m o 0 w e to 20 o even more s m events. Clos a r g o r p ruitment chapter rec - Sam Sisterhood.

Kristin Ryan, president of Gamma Eta Chapter at Georgia Tech, presented the AmaXIng Challenge logo during the philanthropy breakfast.

Below: The 2009-11 National Council, led by incumbent President Deanna Detchemendy, center, was sworn in at the Rose Banquet. Vice Presidents are Jennifer Emerick Kuntz, Evonne Carawan, Sue Eicher Mamber, Danica Vanasse Olson, Wendy Kurtz and Sandi Edwards.

Sisters were up bright and early Friday morning for the Get Up & Go fundraiser that raised $2,765 for the Foundation.


The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta | Fall/Winter 2009

Above: A new Foundation board of trustees was appointed for 2009-11. Front: Jean Koza Leider, Mary Ruth Hadley Snyder, Julie Lambert, Leslie Storey. Back: Martha Geppert, Michelle Soderquist Hartnett, Jane Fursey Ralston, Marianne Moritz Russo, Beth Henning Polizzotto. Nealy Patty Wheat, Elysia Gallivan and Deanna Detchemendy are also on the board.

A giant balloon puzzle piece was one of the many fun decorations at the philanthropy service breakfast. Standing beneath it are Kristy Keith, Associate Director of Member Services - Southeast, and Lori Lambert, Director of Public Relations.

Nicole Carlson, president of Zeta Xi Chapter at Auburn, accepted the Rose Award for outstanding chapter improvement. National Vice President Sandi Edwards, a loyal Kentucky alumna, laid down a challenge last year: She would dress as Auburn’s mascot, Aubie, if Zeta Xi reached Quota during recruitment. They did, and she did!

Friday, June 26, 2009



The Shining Star program raised $5,445 for the Foundation!

Foundation Shining Stars were a way to say thank you to and recognize Sisters who’ve given time and used their talents to make our chapters and associations stronger. For just $5, Sisters could buy a star sticker, which was attached to the recipients’ na me badge. The pride with which each star was attached and the hug of appreciation that followed was awesome. Pictures prior to tonight’s awards banquet, A Celebration of Stars, were plentiful with lots of flashes and sorority poses. Having been part of Tea m Auburn and the advancement of Z eta Xi Chapter, I couldn’t have been more proud of

} the young women’s efforts that yielded some a mazing praise. National Vice President Sandi Edwards, Kentucky ’ 75, dressed as Aubie, the Auburn University mascot, and presented Z eta Xi with the Rose Award, which recognizes outstanding improvement in chapter operations and progra mming. The crowd roared with laughter as our entire Sisterhood reveled in the accomplishments of their Auburn Sisters and learned of the challenge laid out last year by Sandi. - Kathy


Standout Sisters Quackenbush Award Winners

Katherine Knight, Marietta ’05, Samantha Nicolle, Auburn ’06, and Devin O’Connor, Dartmouth ’06, received the Fraternity’s most prestigious collegiate honor – the Quackenbush Leadership Award. The Quackenbush Award, named after Fraternity and community leader Elizabeth Roberts Quackenbush, Ohio State ’23, is presented each year to outstanding graduating seniors who have made significant contributions to Alpha Xi Delta through chapter loyalty, campus leadership, community service and academic achievement. Way to go, Sisters!

Katherine Knight

Samantha Nicolle

Devin O’Connor

• Served her chapter as president, financial vice president and assistant vice president, Ritual chair, and chaplain

• Served her chapter as membership vice president, programs vice president and social chair

• Served her chapter as programs vice president, chapter life vice president and philanthropy service chair

• Graduated in May 2009 with a psychology major and a 3.906 GPA

• Attended The Workout 2008 and the LeaderShape Institute • Member of Alpha Lambda Delta, Psi Chi, Omicron Delta Kappa, Order of Omega, Pi Sigma Alpha and Phi Beta Kappa honoraries • Marietta College Greek Woman of the Year • Pursing an M.A. in psychology at Marietta College in Marietta, Ohio

• Graduated in May 2009 with a history and political science major and a 3.8 GPA

• Member of Omicron Delta Kappa, Pi Lambda Sigma, Rho Lambda, Order of Omega, Phi Kappa Phi, Phi Eta Sigma and Alpha Lambda Delta honoraries • Auburn Student Government Association member, Camp War Eagle freshman orientation counselor, Zeta Xi Chapter’s Coaches Taste-off committee chair • Lobbied Congress in support of the Collegiate Housing and Infrastructure Act • Pursing a law degree at the University of Alabama School of Law in Birmingham


The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta | Fall/Winter 2009

• Graduated in June 2009 with a history major and a 3.99 GPA

• Member of Phi Beta Kappa and Green Key Society honoraries • Habitat for Humanity volunteer; 2007 Youth Programs Volunteer of the Year award recipient • Alpha Xi Delta Slaymaker-Kinsey Academic Achievement Award and Charline Blind Merrill Scholarship recipient • Pursuing a law degree at Harvard Law School

Left: Accepting the Fraternity’s most prestigious chapter award, Xi Achievement, on behalf of her chapter is Epsilon Alpha president Nicola Berlick, Wisconsin Eau Claire. Theta Phi Chapter at Alabama Birmingham and Beta Mu Chapter at Bowling Green State are also Xi Achievement recipients.

9 egan with 0 b 0 h 2 ic h , 7 w 2 , g e etin un Saturday, J last National Chapter Me ed our commitment to renew as our ony

e m Today w emony as w to experience any cere r e C n io t a ic great od is so o ’s h the Reded It r . e l t a is u S it f R o ity and the feeling e s u a our Fratern c oming back e c b e n m io t p n e e e v k n l Co ese that wil h at National t e ik l s t n mome strong. It’s ry detail e v E . t . n n e v io e t n n to Conve st Conventio note centerpieces a l e h t s a e prideanquet w everything The Rose B rall ambience. From th . . . r o v a f ove irror d added to the o the cute compact m winners an d r a w a t e g th in s thought to the light at to see r e e r t g is S s a s a w ion t! It ear’s Xi ly competit y d n was perfec t x ie e r n f f in o w sense ter to witness the repare their own chap to p Realize about how Your P gined and rd! a a w im Susan S A otentia e t v n a e h m e ld l to Achiev in shared kley Clary, Ke panelist thing I cou y r e v e ar, join us how be e n s y t a u w is c h k t 9 y 0 n in 0 ‘ io 7 2 t g an Alp has ben 5 ha Xi De , efi Convention e to Conven our life! m o c ’t lta n the cler tted her care d l u co er. k time of y e h t ore. If you e m v Kentuck of the Suprem Susan is a h y, and e Court 2011. You’ll - Sam court a and g of Atlanta in eneral

dminist l for th rator e court .


Saturday, June 27, 2009 The National Chapter business meeting and discussion about jewelry was enlightening. After much discussion, sapphires were added as a stone choice to our Quill badge, but are not mandatory. I was excited to purchase a one-of-a-kind Quill that had been designed by the Fraternity’s official jeweler. My awesome new Quill is gold with blue and yellow sapphires. Sisters can own more than one Quill, so I’m thrilled to add this badge to my collection. Alu mnae from the Atlanta, Georgia, area gathered for a special announcement before this evening’s Rose Banquet from National Executive

Director Elysia Gallivan and Associate Director of Member Services - Southeast Kristy Keith. They told us that the 2011 National Convention will be held at the Sheraton Hotel in downtown Atlanta. The squeals of excitement and the toasts that followed led others to wonder what was going on! (The group announcement wasn’t made until the end of the banquet.) Many Atlanta Sisters have drea med of Atlanta hosting National Convention; our drea m finally ca me true. Our Southern hospitality will be fantastic as we welcome you to the Southeast, July 6-10, 2011. Until then, keep Georgia on your mind! - Kathy


144,524 88,000+ 500+ 130 116 112 1

initiated members dollars raised for Autism Speaks (so far!) Rose Petals registered alumnae associations years of Sisterhood college chapters Alpha Xi Delta Heritage

Take a STand. ProTecT IT. Refuse to purchase products that do not carry the Greek Licensed Product seal. No seal, no deal. Visit to search Alpha Xi Delta licensed vendors. 16

The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta | Fall/Winter 2009

A New Home for Honor, Memorial Gifts Gifts made to the Foundation in honor or memory of a Sister or friend of Alpha Xi Delta can now be viewed at FoundationGifts. You can also find this year’s entire Foundation Annual Report at If you’re reading the online version of The Quill, Honor and Memorial Gifts and the Foundation Annual Report can be found at the end of the issue.

Have you Registered Your Rose Petal? Do you have a daughter, granddaughter, sister, niece, half-sister or female step relative? If so, these wonderful women are considered legacies of Alpha Xi Delta. You can share your Fraternal pride and an even closer bond by enrolling her in the Fraternity’s Rose Petals program. All Rose Petals receive: • A personalized keepsake certificate, announcing her membership in this special group • A Rose Petals letter of welcome from Alpha Xi Delta’s National President • Special remembrances on her birthday, graduation and other important occasions • News and information to deepen her knowledge of our Sisterhood • An appreciation of the organization that helped you become the outstanding woman you are today As your legacy nears recruitment, we encourage you to submit a Potential Member Profile on her behalf so current Sisters can give your loved one special consideration. A profile form can be found in the summer Quill or at

FIU Advisor Honored Tom Jelke, advisor for Theta Xi Chapter at Florida International University since 2002, received this year’s Outstanding Foundation Volunteer award from the North-American Interfraternity Conference Foundation. The award recognizes exceptional leadership skills in major fundraising projects for a fraternity or sorority. Tom received this award for advancing the fundraising efforts for the Association of Fraternity Advisors Foundation. While serving as chapter advisor for our Beta Pi Chapter at Indiana University, Tom received Alpha Xi Delta’s 2001 Winnafred Corwin Robinson Award, which recognizes the advisor of the chapter showing the greatest improvement in chapter management during the biennium. Congratulations, Tom! We’re proud to call you part of the Alpha Xi Delta family!

It’s Shopping Time! Fun new Alpha Xi Delta – Autism Speaks merchandise is now available at Choose from tees, polos, car magnets, pens and more!


Austism Speaks

Finding the Missing Piece By Peggy Dickerhoff Coyne, Kent State ’88 “Your child has autism.” How do I describe how it feels to hear those words come out of your doctor’s mouth? To adequately describe it, I must flash back to the beginning of this incredible journey…. Twelve years ago I was blessed with a beautiful, healthy baby boy. The baby I had prayed for was here! As I gazed into his beautiful blue eyes, I was filled with the same complete joy that many first-time parents feel when their little miracle arrives. I celebrated each milestone and couldn’t wait to help my sweet little boy realize all of his incredible potential. Were there signs along the way that something wasn’t quite right? Sure…if only I’d known what they looked like. I didn’t. Autism is complicated. There isn’t a blood test that your doctor orders. For many of us, it’s a journey to find the missing piece of the puzzle. Why does my child struggle to make eye contact? Why isn’t my child making friends? Why doesn’t he follow my directions? Why can’t he get started on an assignment in class? Why doesn’t he write out the answer to the question on the test when he clearly knows the answer? When Alex entered school, he really struggled. He had such an incredibly large vocabulary and was brilliant in math. But with more independent writing and communication required each year, my happy-go-lucky Alex got more and more frustrated. As each issue surfaced, we developed strategies to address them, but we just couldn’t pin down what was causing these problems. Throughout these years, I was lucky to have my Sisters (many of whom are in the education field) there to support me. At alumnae meetings, they would ask about Alex and offer helpful suggestions. I tried many of their ideas in conjunction with ideas from Alex’s teachers, and yet my amazing Alex continued to fail to show the world how amazing he truly is. Why? 18

The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta | Fall/Winter 2009

As an advisor to Beta Tau Chapter at Kent State University, I have the pleasure of working closely with Laura Baltrinic King, Kent State ’94, who serves as our Area Facilitator. Throughout these years of struggle, Laura has always been there for Alex and me. Laura is a special education teacher who works daily with children who are on the autism spectrum. As she listened to what was going on with Alex, she recognized that many of the traits he had were similar to the children she worked with. One day Laura mentioned to me that she had a cousin with Asperger’s

Peggy Coyne spoke at this summer’s National Convention about her son and her experiences with autism, which brought many Sisters to tears.

syndrome. She described her cousin’s behaviors and what her challenges were. They were very similar to Alex’s issues. Laura asked if Alex had ever been tested for autism. My husband and I then spoke with Alex’s doctor and initiated the diagnostic process that concluded with a sentence that was so painful to hear but yet brought us the missing piece to his puzzle: “Your son has Asperger’s syndrome.” Was this it? Would Alex ever realize his potential? On those days when I’ve struggled most and felt that hope was gone, my Sisters have been there for me. They have encouraged me and

even found creative ways to help. Last fall, Beta Tau’s philanthropy chair, Lyndsey Ryb, approached me about raising money for Milestones, a group dedicated to serving the needs of autistic children and their families. I was so excited that my chapter had selected a cause that would help kids like Alex! It was then that I shared with her and the chapter that my child is on the autistic spectrum and how much it meant to me and other parents who are impacted by autism to have them raise money. My Sisters took it to heart and raised more money for this cause than they’ve ever raised before. That support meant so much to me. You’ll never know how much. I participated in an all-day workshop conducted by Milestones and learned so many practical techniques to help Alex. I felt empowered for the first time and truly felt that with perseverance, Alex will realize his potential. All of this was made sweeter because my Sisters helped fund this conference. Alex continues to amaze me. Despite his challenges, he is much like other boys his age: He plays little league baseball, saxophone in the school band and participates in Boy Scouts. He’s also started to like girls! Last spring, Alex shared with me that he had a crush on Ashley, a girl at school. Like most boys his age, Alex was afraid to even say hello to her. But unlike other boys, Alex struggles to understand social situations. He’s had years of therapy to help him get to the point where he can have a conversation, yet he still struggles to stay on topic and read people’s body language. What will happen when he does gather the courage to say hello? Will she be patient with him? Will she understand all the work he’s put into learning how to have a conversation with her? Will she walk away and not give him the time of day? Someday you might be in the same situation as Ashley. When a young man like my son musters his courage to cross the room and speak to you, how will you answer? Will you listen when he finally starts to speak? When Alpha Xi Delta announced its partnership with Autism Speaks last spring, I cried. Why? Because with the support of my Sisters from coast-to-coast, I know other people impacted by autism will be empowered to help their children realize their potential. Connect with Peggy at

Peggy Coyne and her son Alex, age 12.


Alumna Profile A “Big Loser” Becomes a

Big Winner Amy Hildreth Amy Hildreth Wolff, Wolff, Ferris Ferris State (MI) ’89, made headlines after losing losing 106 pounds as a contestant on the third season of NBC’s 106 pounds as a reality television series The reality television series The Biggest Loser. After several rounds of Loser. interviews, Amy was chosen as one of 14 contestants to live on interviews, Amy was chosen The Biggest Loser ranch outside LA to lose weight and change The Biggest Loser ranch their their lives lives under under the the watchful eyes of fitness, nutrition and medical experts. At the end of the show, the contestant who medical experts. At the had lost the most weight was crowned The Biggest Loser and had lost the most weight walked walked away with $250,000. away with $250,000. Amy Amy hung hung in in there there until week five before her teammates mates voted her off the show. She returned to her home voted her off state state of of Maryland Maryland and continued to lose weight. When she she returned for The returned for Biggest Loser finale, she had lost a total total of 106 pounds. of 106 pounds. Amy Amy began dating Marty Wolff, one of the other began Biggest Biggest Loser contestants, shortly after the show endLoser ed; ed; they were married in March 2008 and had a son, they were Blaine, Blaine, in July of this year. Amy and Marty returned in July to to their their Midwestern Midwestern roots and now live in Omaha, Nebraska, Nebraska, where they opened Reality Wellness, a perwhere sonal training training and and motivational speaking company. It’s sonal true, Amy wasn’t The Biggest Loser. But with her healthy true, Amy wasn’t new life, new family and new business, she’s definitely a new life, new family Big Winner! Big Winner!

“When I stepped on the scale in front of millions of television viewers, at that moment, I had to let go of years of insecurity and self-doubt,” said Amy, who began The Biggest Loser at 260 pounds and 49 percent body fat. “It was incredibly painful, yet liberating.” 20

The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta | Fall/Winter 2009

Life According to Amy The Quill staff gave Amy some open-ended statements and asked her to “fill in the blanks.” Here’s what she had to say.

Amy’s HealthyLiving Tips

I knew I’d hit bottom when I was in the middle seat on an airplane and I had to fold my arms in front of me the entire flight so I wouldn’t ooze into someone else’s space. Before being on the show, a typical day started with stopping by Dunkin’ Donuts on my way to work to get not one, but two bagels with cream cheese and some sort of sugary latte.

• Keep a food journal to keep track of your calories and the types of foods you eat.

In 2006 exercise was a 20-minute walk on the treadmill once every three months when I’d go through one of my weight loss pushes that only seemed to last a week. In 2009, exercise is fun, challenging and it feels good when it’s over! It doesn’t get any easier, but it does get less uncomfortable. The craziest thing I ever did to lose weight was eat bacon, bologna, hot dogs and cheese to lose weight on the Atkin’s diet. When I was voted off the show I was so mad! Up to that point my teammates made a big deal about playing the game fairly and being upfront about our intentions. They led me to believe another teammate was going home, but they decided to vote me off. You wouldn’t know this from watching the show, but we worked out four to six hours a day. We were totally secluded from the outside world, we rarely left the ranch and when we did it was supervised. We didn’t have TV, the internet, books, magazines or cell phones.

• Schedule workout time every day. Take an hour out of TV time if you have to, but make sure you get it in.

• Allow one day off from exercise each week to let your body rest and recover.

I want my Sisters to know that you’re worth any amount of hard work it requires to reach your goals! The future of Reality Wellness includes moving more in the direction of healthy moms, children and families. We want to set a good example for our son and help others do so for their children as well. I lost 106 pounds and gained a family, a life’s purpose and my true self back.

• Don’t attempt weight loss on your own. Find a support system of other people who are losing weight, a trainer and/or a nutritionist. It makes a world of difference to have people help you with your goals.


Amy Spills the Beans “The first time I saw The Biggest Loser I was hooked,” said Amy. “To see a bunch of people who looked like me transform into slim people seemed almost magical. I got to know their personalities through the show, and I saw that these were regular people who always struggled with their weight – not like the nameless ‘before and after’ transformations you usually see in ads for weight loss plans and supplements. “When season two ended, there was an announcement that open casting calls were being held for the next season. I checked out the NBC website, and a casting call was being held in Norfolk, Virginia, the next weekend. That’s just a couple hour’s drive from Baltimore, where I lived at the time. “I went to the casting call by myself. I didn’t even tell my friends and family that I was going. When I showed up, there were 1,200 people waiting in line. I saw the casting call as a huge opportunity to change myself into the person I wanted to be. The strange thing is, I had a feeling I was going to be picked for the show. I don’t know what it was, but I had a quiet calmness about the whole audition process. “At the time I auditioned, which was 2006, I was generally a happy person, but I’d hit my breaking point. I was 26, social, involved with friends and very career focused (I was in corporate sales and marketing for Black & Decker Power Tools in Baltimore). My weight was starting to bother me. I got winded walking up a flight of stairs, which was embarrassing, especially at work. I was single, and I couldn’t help but wonder if my selection of guys was limited due to my size. I was also sick of having to shop in plus-size stores. I wanted to fit into cute skinny jeans like my friends! “On The Biggest Loser ranch, all of us had to take a hard look at our lives and fix the patterns that led to us being overweight. I always wanted to be active and healthy, but I had crazy eating habits and was extremely focused on my career. I was finally able to get in touch with my true motivations for losing weight, which were only partly related to fitting into smaller, cuter clothes. I learned that no matter what my size, my healthy habits would lead me through life a new person!” Connect with Amy at 22

The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta | Fall/Winter 2009

“Alpha Xi Delta was one of the best experiences of my life! I learned how to be a leader and a woman of substance, and I gained many lifelong friendships.”

Amy met her future husband, Marty Wolff, on The Biggest Loser. Marty weighed 365 pounds at the beginning of the show and lowered his weight to 219.

Member News A Proud Partnership:

Alpha Xi Delta and Autism Speaks

Sisters are spreading the word about Autism Speaks in some fun, creative ways. NORTH CAROLINA Theta Nu, Elon University Sisters raised more than $1,300 for Autism Speaks during their campus-wide barbecue.—Grace Trilling,

OHIO Beta Mu, Bowling Green State University Proceeds from the chapter’s annual Fuzzie Football tournament were donated to Autism Speaks. Sisters also held a Walk Now for Autism Speaks event in September.—Lindsey Whitaker, ltwhita@

VIRGINIA Worchester Polytechnic | Sisters put their cooking skills to

Delta Mu, Old Dominion University

the test during pancake breakfast fundraisers for fraternity men on campus.

the word about autism and our new partnership in a “can’t-miss-

More than 100 teasers and flyers dotted campus as Sisters spread it” kind of way!—Samantha Lohse,

WISCONSIN/MINNESOTA Delta Alpha, University of Wisconsin LaCrosse; Epsilon Alpha, University of Wisconsin Eau Claire; Minneapolis-St. Paul Alumnae Association Collegians and alumnae raised $1,835 for autism research and awareness by participating in the Minneapolis Walk Now for Autism event.— Becky Putzer,

Ohio State | A little rain didn’t stop Jackie Barnett, Brooke Brant, Emily Oney, Amber Snyder and the rest of their Sisters from holding a Flippin’ Amazing fundraiser on the chapter house front lawn. Nearly 700 dogs and burgers were sold, which raised $2,000.—Allison McKinney,


DELAWARE Theta Gamma, University of Delaware The chapter received UD’s Chapter of the Year award for 2008-09. As part of Greek Week, the chapter reclaimed second place in the annual air band dance competition. Theta Gamma sponsored a young girl, Molly, through the B+ Foundation for the university’s dance marathon and proudly opened their arms to her as an honorary sister of Alpha Xi Delta.—Alyssa Kopelman,

Delaware | Playing off the name “The Fresh Prince of Bel Air,” Theta Gamma Sisters Sam Rauch, Alyssa Kopelman, Kaitlin Hafner, Emily Ross and Kelly Disler sport their Greek week T-shirts. The chapter was paired with Kappa Sigma Fraternity

GEORGIA Zeta Xi, Auburn University More than $1,300 was raised during the chapter’s 8th annual Coaches Taste-Off. Numerous Auburn coaches participated in the rib cook-off, including new head football coach Gene Chizik, equestrian coach Greg Williams, and swimming and diving assistant coach Richard Long. Coaches signed autographs for fans while children enjoyed an inflatable slide, face painting and a visit from Auburn’s mascot, Aubie. Live and silent auctions were also held. Funds raised were donated to Partnership for Children, which provides daycare to low-income, working families in Lee County.—Patti Plath,

New Mexico State | Theta Omega Chapter was revitalized during the 2008-09 school year. Initiation was held April 18, 2009, to coincide with the chapter’s Founders’ Day celebration.—Jacqui Brown,

IOWA Cedar Rapids Alumnae Association Nearly 30 Sisters were present at the association’s annual summer luncheon. Alumnae continued their tradition of honoring Order of the Rose and Order of the Pearl Sisters, as well as 25-year members. The Bertha Cook Evans and Alpha Gamma Chapter awards were also given. The Bertha Cook Evans award, a crested necklace, honors an alumna who gave of herself to Alpha Xi Delta beyond the usual call of duty; it also honors Founder Bertha Cook Evans, who lived in Cedar Rapids for a time and attended alumnae chapter meetings. The Alpha Gamma Award, originated by Sisters of Alpha Gamma Chapter at Coe College, is


Central Oklahoma | The Greek community chose Iota Delta as its 2008-

given to Sisters who best represent the ideals of Alpha

09 Greek Momentum Award recipient, the highest award given to a UCO fraternity or sorority. The award honors the chapter that made great strides and spread Greek spirit on campus.

Xi Delta. The association also presents two “traveling”

The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta | Fall/Winter 2009

Quill badges and an Order of the Rose pin each year.— Amy Gaffney-Ingalls,


home of Carol Smerz. Good food, Greek-

It had been many years since Dayton sent

Iota Xi, Worcester Polytechnic Institute

letter BINGO and a great evening of

representatives, and alumnae returned

Sisters have been selling concessions at

sisterhood were shared. Two association

with new ideas, renewed enthusiasm and

concerts and sporting events at Gillette

members attended National Convention

a Ruth Simmons James Award with highest

Stadium to raise funds for their recently

in Denver – president Jan Dorrough Austin

honors for association excellence.— Jan

purchased chapter house. At the 2008-09

and Panhellenic rep Diane Dahm Kreitzer.


Greek Alumni Council Awards, Iota Xi was honored with several awards, including Outstanding Member Development.— Amanda Clark,

MICHIGAN Detroit Alumnae Association Association contact information was inadvertently left out of the summer Quill’s association directory. To join or learn more about the association, contact Judy Onthank at bravous23@wowway. com

NEVADA Iota Epsilon, University of Nevada – Las Vegas/Las Vegas Alumnae Association Collegians and alumnae gathered at

West Virginia | Iota Sisters had another successful fall formal recruitment and welcomed

the UNLV Student Union to celebrate

17 outstanding women into our Sisterhood.—Michelle Goodliff and Alexa Wray

Founders’ Day and the 10th anniversary of Iota Epsilon Chapter. Attending the event were chapter founders, original advisors and alumnae instrumental in the chapter’s origination. Attendees were treated to lunch hosted by Iota Epsilon collegians.—Ame Williams, amewilliams@

NEW HAMPSHIRE Theta Psi, Dartmouth College The chapter raised $4,300 for the college’s annual Relay for Life event and were honored as the undergraduate team that raised the most money.—Michelle Chan,

OHIO Zeta Theta, Wright State University/ Dayton Alumnae Association Dayton alumnae and Zeta Theta collegians gathered for the annual June picnic at the

Birmingham Alumnae Association | Sisters celebrated Founders’ Day with a luncheon at The Bright Star. In attendance were (left, front to back) Jennifer Leonard Marzak, Lu Ann Neal Wall, Brenda Vines Wilson, Cary Lawson Moore, Martha Woodham Davidson, (right, front to back) Linda Fleming Xia, Pat Koop Tracy, Connie Fleming Colvin and Ginny Combs Aday.—Martha Davidson,


St. Louis | Panhellenic delegate Anna Louis Larson Fisher and Panhellenic alternate Aline Neumann co-chaired the annual St. Louis, Missouri, Alumnae Panhellenic scholarship luncheon. Nearly 140 guests were present from all NPC groups; $1,000 scholarships were awarded to four collegians and two graduate students.—Anna Louise Larson Fisher

OKLAHOMA Iota Delta, University of Central Oklahoma Rock Ya Like a Hurricane, the chapter’s annual benefit to raise money for Hurricane Katrina victims, took a different turn this year, raising $7,800 for the Piedmont High School arts program. The school was chosen to honor Piedmont alumna and Sister, Jenna Russell, ’07, who entered Chapter Eternal in 2008.—Jennifer Burris,

TENNESSEE Theta Pi, Christian Brothers University During the summer, Sisters returned to campus for the chapter’s annual sisterhood retreat. The three-day weekend gave everyone a chance to enjoy each other’s company and celebrate the bond of sisterhood.—Caroline Mitchell,

TEXAS Beta Alpha, University of Texas at Austin The chapter house underwent a major renovation over summer and was completed just in time to welcome potential new members during formal recruitment. Major changes included a new front façade with Greek columns and a wrap-around porch, a new roof, and an updated entryway.

Albion | New members of Phi Chapter are proud to be Alpha Xis!—Emilee Goralski,

Sisters dedicated the house during an October ribbon-cutting ceremony during the chapter’s 80th anniversary celebration.—Stacy Corn, stacy.

WEST VIRGINIA Iota, West Virginia University New furniture, appliances, flooring and paint have Sisters bursting with pride! They showed off their new kitchen and living room during Parents Weekend, and also celebrated with a dinner and slideshow/awards banquet. The chapter is especially proud of Claire Barth, who was named Panhellenic Council president. Iota as a whole shined at the WVU

Monmouth (IL) Alumnae Association | Order of the Diamond recipients Isabel Bickett Marshall, left, and Dorothy Campbell Nelson were recognized for 75 years of membership in Alpha Xi Delta.—Kathy Smith Erlandson, erland@ 26

The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta | Fall/Winter 2009

Greek Awards Banquet, taking home the Most Improved Sorority and Outstanding Sorority Membership



105 Years Iota, West Virginia May 8 Kappa, Illinois December 15

95 Years Phi, Albion December 3

65 Years Beta Xi, Marietta May 26

60 Years Gamma Beta, Marshall March 4


! y a d h t r i B y app

rthdays i b e n o i l e st d, e a ch m r l l i w planne rs g e t n i p e a b h c is rg lowing r eunion a f idelt a.o i x The fol t a u h o p l d a w. . To fin s at ww t n e v in 2010 E . dar of esident r n e p l r a e C t e hap visit t h ct t he c a t n o c or

Gamma Delta, Nebraska Omaha June 3

50 Years Gamma Phi, East Carolina February 6

45 Years Delta Tau, Wisconsin Oshkosh December 11

30 Years

15 Years

Zeta Nu, Miami Ohio February 23

Theta Rho, Cal State San Marcos February 25

Zeta Xi, Auburn January 19

Theta Sigma, Central Florida March 25

25 Years Zeta Tau, North Carolina,Asheville March 23

Delta Chi, Northern Iowa May 15 Delta Psi, Texas State San Marcos April 25

20 Years

Epsilon Alpha, Wisconsin Eau Claire December 4

Theta Alpha, Millersville April 22 Theta Gamma, Delaware April 7

35 Years

Theta Delta, Towson April 8

Zeta Lambda, Texas Wesleyan March 8

Theta Epsilon, Marquette November 11

Theta Tau, Marian November 4

5 Years Iota Kappa, Idaho State February 26 Iota Lambda, St. Norbert February 27 Iota Mu, Lycoming April 17



Oklahoma State | Epsilon Omicron alumnae Sarah Mouchett Cook, Saundra Meshew Gay, Michele Shea Ivers and Debbie Jones Thompson with OSU mascot Pistol Pete. Saundra’s Pi Kappa Alpha son, Rhys, was Pistol Pete in 2008 and 2009.—Saundra Meshew Gay, Saundra@ San Diego State University | Gamma Alpha Chapter alumnae got together at the home of Karin Hagen Riggs, former Educational Leadership Consultant and chapter president. In addition to catching up, they met one another’s daughters – the future “legacy classes” of Alpha Xi Delta!— Nola Potter,


The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta | Fall/Winter 2009

New Mexico State | Living on opposite sides of the country means visits are few and far between for Amanda Sena, left, and her Big Sis, Lauren Zalewski. They remedied that with a recent get-together in Paris!—Amanda Sena,

Marietta College | Sixty-something and still having fun! A June reunion in Louisville, Kentucky, brought together (sitting) Martie Toby Gooze, Mary Jo Cignetti Panucci, Carol Knapp Adelaar, Kathy Williams Marks, Cynthia Allen and (standing) Julie Friederich Sarton.—Carol Adelaar,

University of Maryland | Alumnae from as far away as California traveled east to share good times and reminisce with their Beta Eta Sisters.—Dana Cate,

Bowling Green State | Beta Mu alumnae from the mid-1990s got together in Columbus to reconnect and help Sister Jana Woehrmyer Thompson (second row, third from right) and her daughter, Kendal, who was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes six years ago. During their time together, $1,500 was raised for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation through donations and a silent auction.—Amanda Erwine,


Because of You, We Met our Goals Dear Sisters and Friends,


When the Foundation Board of Trustees embarked on the 2007-2009 biennium, they established ambitious goals in recognition of the Foundation’s 50th anniversary. Among them were to add 500 new young-alumna donors, enroll 50 members in the Mary Burt Nash Society, which recognizes alumnae and friends who make a $5,000 commitment to the Loyalty Fund, and enroll 50 new members in The Society of 1893, which recognizes alumnae and friends who name Alpha Xi Delta in their estate plans. I am pleased to report that despite a difficult economy, we added 792 new young-alumna donors, 55 Mary Burt Nash Society members and 37 Society of 1893 members.

aged very carefully, experienced significant losses last year. We have, however, seen marked improvement in the past few months. As good stewards of Alpha Xi Delta’s resources, the Trustees continue to examine our spending policies, investment policies and cash management policies. We continue to make prudent funding decisions to use your gifts wisely. For example, we’re exploring ways to maximize the use of costeffective technologies, which is why highlights of the Foundation’s Annual Report are printed in this issue of The Quill. You can read the complete report, including annual donor listings, at On behalf of the Foundation Trustees, we send heartfelt thanks for the many generous contributions we received. Be-

As a new biennium begins, we’re deeply grateful to the Trustees who completed their terms this summer: Ellen Gibson Goodwin (Chair), Janet Swanson Loper Barris, Janice Sheldon Baumback and Cheryl Johnson Weldon. Their leadership, talent and passion positioned the Foundation to ensure even greater success for our Fraternity in the 2009-2011 biennium, and we thank them for their dedicated leadership. We are all aware of the challenging financial environment, which makes the support of our loyal Foundation donors even more important. The Foundation’s investments, while man-

cause of your gift, women in our Sisterhood benefited from leadership and life skills programming, scholarships, and leadership opportunities. We thank you for your continued loyalty and generosity. Working together, we’ll accomplish even greater things for our Foundation and the women of Alpha Xi Delta. Fraternally,

The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta | Fall/Winter 2009

Julie Lambert 2009-2011 Foundation Chair


Greater Achievement, Greater Usefulness, Greater Significance In her keynote address at Alpha Xi Delta’s 26th National Convention in 1959, Mary Burt Brooks Nash, Northwestern ’30, challenged Alpha Xi Deltas “to press toward a Fraternity of greater achievement in college life, greater usefulness in society and greater significance in the lives of individual members.” Mary Burt’s dedication to doing great things was the inspiration for the Mary Burt Nash Society, which recognizes Sisters and friends who make a $5,000 unrestricted commitment to the Loyalty Fund. The members of the Mary Burt Nash Society are vital partners in taking Alpha Xi Delta to an even higher level of excellence for its members. The Foundation proudly recognizes and thanks the charter members of the Mary Burt Nash Society: Ruth Goodman Akin, Northern Iowa Janet Swanson Loper Barris, Syracuse Janice Sheldon Baumback, U of Washington Kristin Olson Billingsley, Sonoma State Denise Brown, Northern Iowa Kathryn Yager Brown, Monmouth (IL) Patrice Orr Bryon, North Carolina Asheville Susan Bulkeley Butler, Purdue Evonne Carawan, North Carolina State Jean Smith Clark, Penn State Marcella Smucker Clark, Ohio Wesleyan Deanna Wollam Detchemendy, Cal State Northridge Jean Grommes Feehan, Northwestern Jane Dunlap Gaby, Tennessee Elysia Balster Gallivan, South Dakota Martha Ann Geppert, Illinois Ellen Gibson Goodwin, West Virginia Diane Curtis Gregory, Wittenberg Anneliese Taylor Hallsten, Stetson Regina Willis Hawkins, Jacksonville State Marilyn Horner, Nebraska Omaha Kelley Kitta Hundt, Georgia Tech Mildred Kotlan Kolar, Marietta Linda Kotowski, Florida State Jeanne Regus Kuller, Maryland Jennifer Emerick Kuntz, Northern Iowa Wendy Kurtz, Indiana Julie Lambert, Oregon State Jean Koza Leider, Iowa

Kendra Becker Lewis, Purdue Bonnie Eiker Lightcap, Susquehanna Julie Schroder Lindsay, Marshall Robin Hartman Lock, Texas Lyles Foundation Donor Advised Fund Charlotte Lewis Martin, Georgia Diana Twomey Oldag, Penn State Karolee Wybenga Olsen, Nebraska Omaha Pauline Dale Platt, Gettysburg Beth Henning Polizzotto, Illinois Jane Fursey Ralston, Mount Union Michelle Supplee Reda, Rider Beverly Case Rorer, Pennsylvania Marianne Moritz Russo, Cal State Northridge Jane Lynelle Wilkens Schroeder, Nebraska Lincoln Tana Sterrett Scott, Middlebury Mary Ruth Hadley Snyder, Purdue Leslie Storey, Texas Wesleyan Jane Hooper Sutton, Western Carolina Marilyn Atwood Terry, California, Berkeley Julia Naftzger Van Sickle, Purdue Cheryl Johnson Weldon, Georgia Tech Dorothy Sheldon Williams, Western Carolina Shirley Albrecht Winckler, Iowa Linda Bernd Wrench, Indiana


Inspiring Leadership By Leadership Coaches Margaret Lee, Cornell ’05, and Mary Bershenyi, Kansas State ’04

Alpha Xi Delta creates positive changes within the exceptional women we recruit and inspire. As Leadership Coaches during the 2008-09 acaMargaret Lee Mary Bershenyi demic year, we had an opportunity to be part of the “inspiring” part of this change process. The Leadership Coach program is one of the single largest budget lines for the Foundation; it is solely funded by the generosity of the Alpha Xi Delta Foundation and donors like you. The program and our work simply wouldn’t have been possible without your support In 2007, Alpha Xi Delta created the Leadership Coach program to focus on the personal and leadership development of collegiate Sisters. Whether making friends in college, building relationships with professors, interviewing for a job or going out on a date, social and leadership skills are vital for success. As we traveled to chapters across the country, we customized our coaching to help individual Sisters as well as entire chapters. We focused on the following topics: • Communication skills • Confidence and personal identity • Vision and goal development • Conflict resolution • Relationship building • Group dynamics We learned to develop these skills by going to the LeaderShape Institute. During six action-packed days, we built leadership concepts and abilities through self-discovery and hands-on learning with other young leaders. We also spent a day with Ginny Carroll, Western Kentucky ’82, and learned about emotional intelligence, generational differences, group behaviors, confidence building and Fraternity heritage. One of our most important training pieces was StrengthsQuest™, a program that helps people develop strengths by building on their greatest talents. We used this program to help guide Sisters in career planning and overall goal setting. Throughout the year we continued to increase our knowledge by reading and through research. From psychology 32

The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta | Fall/Winter 2009

to management to self-help books and websites, we always looked for new ways to inspire our women! When we traveled to chapters, we took on different roles, depending on the needs of that chapter. During the year we helped with the recolonization of Kappa Chapter at the University of Illinois and the revitalization of Theta Omega Chapter at New Mexico State University by facilitating officer training, a pre-recruitment confidence workshop, the StrengthsQuest evaluation and a small group session for Executive Committee members. Most of the time we did exactly what our title states – we coached collegiate Sisters on leadership decisions. Sometimes, however, we were a cheerleader, a life counselor and a role model. For example, we had individual sessions with

“Every day our goal was to inspire women to realize their potential, but the real secret is that we were inspired every day as well.” – Margaret Lee and Mary Bershenyi Sisters who wanted to change majors or apply for an internship. We listened to Sisters practice class or chapter presentations and gave pointers on how to improve. We even coached Sisters on how to stand up for themselves and articulate their emotions. Whatever the role, we were there to help Sisters acquire essential life skills and become stronger, more confident women. On behalf of the Coaches before us, the women whose lives were changed and those whose lives will change, thank you for supporting the Leadership Coach program. We are honored and treasure the opportunity you gave us.


Inspiring Knowledge The Foundation offers more than $125,000 biennially in scholarships and grants to help collegians and alumnae complete their undergraduate studies, graduate studies or enhance their career. Here are just a few of the women you’ve helped. “I’m so grateful for the opportunities that my Alpha Xi Delta membership has given me! I would like to pursue a career in environmental law to combine my interests in political history and environmental studies, which I feel has increasing relevance, due to the environmental issues our society faces today.” – Devin O’Connor, Dartmouth ’06, 2009 Charline Blind Merrill Scholarship recipient; graduating senior who received salutatorian honors at commencement and entered Harvard Law School this fall “Thank you to you for awarding me a scholarship to help with my college finances. Through Alpha Xi Delta, I’ve come a long way from the student I was in high school. I plan to continue pushing my educational limits throughout medical school and in my career.” – Kayla Aprile, Albion ’08, 2009 Ruth Fowler Brown Scholarship recipient majoring in biochemistry with a 3.95 GPA “Sound family relations will provide the foundation for a stronger society. That’s why I want to promote open communication, build healthy relationships among families, and educate individuals, families and communities about power relations and domestic violence.” – Nicole Powell, Southwestern ’06, 2009 Phillips Scholar attending graduate school at the University of Texas School of Social Work “Thank you for sponsoring my participation at the Interfraternity Institute. I believe I can always do better, reach more students, and have more pertinent and meaningful conversations. The Interfraternity Institute helped me learn to do that.” – Christina Witkowicki, New Hampshire ’99, assistant director of student activities/director of Greek life at Bentley University, whose summer Interfraternity Institute experience was made possible by a Zelma Patchin Grant “I attended an executive education training class and discussed the proper approach to fundamentals, such as fundraising, board governance and programming. Not only did I have the opportunity to network with professionals from across the country, but I attended best-practice sessions and shared ideas with individuals that will help me for years to come.” – Meredith Schechter, Elon ’04, program coordinator for the Fairchild Wheeler Golf Course in Fairfield, Connecticut, whose experience at the 2009 Forces Fore Good annual meeting was made possible through a Zelma Patchin Grant

Inspiring Service Since the Foundation began in 1957, its collective good works with the Fraternity have included combating juvenile delinquency, promoting respiratory health, furthering the well-being of children, and helping children become successful readers and learners. The Foundation has now moved forward with the Fraternity in support of our new philanthropic partner, Autism Speaks. At this summer’s National Convention, Ellen Goodwin, 2007-09 Foundation Chair, presented a $10,000 gift from the Foundation to Peter Bell, Autism Speaks’ executive vice president for programs and services. This gift will help further the message of autism awareness, support critical research into the causes of autism, search for better treatments and find a cure.



ean Harkless Pond, Allegheny ’39, was a devoted Sister and friend. She was president of Alpha Rho Chapter in college, active in the Orange County Alumnae Association and served the Fraternity as Foundation Trustee, National Convention Hostess, and Convention Chaplain; she was an Alpha Xi Delta Woman of Distinction in 1997. In her nomination for this award, Susan Nilsen, Cal State Northridge ’87, wrote, “Jean sees herself as den mother to the world. She has a wide spectrum of friends of all ages, she wants to grow and learn, and she eagerly tackles new ideas. Jean regards all life has to offer as an adventure and a challenge, and she lives by the Golden Rule. Jean is an inspiration to all who know her.” Jean entered Chapter Eternal in November 2008; her thoughtful estate planning will continue to benefit Sisters for years to come. Jean established a living trust naming the Alpha Xi Delta Foundation a beneficiary of 15 percent of her estate. Jean said, “A trust is an attractive option for alumnae like me who live on a modest income. I can preserve funds I might need for the balance of my life and make a future gift to Alpha Xi Delta. It’s a comfort to know my giving will make it possible for young women to have the life enhancement that Alpha Xi Delta membership brings. By investing in Alpha Xi Delta, we are developing leaders and good citizens for the future. Our country will need them.” Jean’s bequest is unrestricted, offering unmatched benefits that can be used for the priority needs of the Foundation and Fraternity. We are forever grateful for this generous gift and will put it to use for many educational and leadership programs.


The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta | Fall/Winter 2009

Inspiring Philanthropy The Language of Love Supporting young women and the Alpha Xi Delta Foundation through your will is an excellent use of funds. The following language is recommended when making a bequest: “I give, devise and bequest (written amount, percentage of estate or description of property) to the Alpha Xi Delta Foundation, a not-for-profit corporation with principal offices located at 8702 Founders Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268, to be used for the purposes designated by the Trustees of the Foundation.”

Did You Know… If you’re age 70½ or older, you can make tax-free gifts of up to $100,000 from your IRA in 2009. You may contribute funds this way if: • Your IRA gifts total $100,000 or less in 2009 • You transfer funds directly from an IRA • You transfer the gifts outright to one or more public charities. (This excludes gifts made to charitable trusts, donor-advised funds and supporting organizations.) If you’re considering a gift under this extended law, contact a tax professional and your IRA administrator. Director of Development Kendra Lewis can also answer questions at 317.872.3500 ext. 117.

E-Xi Give to Pay It Forward “As an undergraduate and alumna, I was awarded Foundation scholarships at times in my life when I needed them most,” said Amanda Benson Hicks, Southern Polytechnic State ’04. “It’s important to me to give back to the Foundation so future Sisters can also be helped in their time of need and so the Fraternity can continue to offer educational and leadership programs.” Amanda donates to the Foundation through our E-Xi Give program. “E-Xi Give allows me to donate a little bit every month so I don’t have to actively remember to send in my gift,” said Amanda. “E-Xi Give does it for me automatically.” Through E-Xi Give, you can make gifts throughout the year by automatic credit card payments or Electronic Funds Transfer from your checking account. Learn more at

2008-09 Foundation Annual Report

Donor Listing

The Foundation thanks the following Sisters and friends who made donations between June 1, 2008, and May 31, 2009. The following list reflects donors’ lifetime giving totals to all Foundation funds.

Life-to-Date Giving Circles Cora Bollinger Block
















Double Blue & Gold






+ More than one gift given during the fiscal year = Donor to the Class of 2009 senior giving campaign * Deceased donor ^ Donor achieved a higher giving circle in the fiscal year




MOUNT UNION COLLEGE Medallion Alice Bliss Schmutz+^

Founders’ Linda Sokody Seybold

Presidents’ Yallah Gault Judith Jackson+ Sarah Solt McCloskey

Presidents’ Betty Darnell Nelson Double Blue & Gold Doris Janes Lawton Carolyn Swartz Park Juliet Engel Schertz Sisterhood Virginia Vogt Johnson

Beta IOWA WESLEYAN COLLEGE Presidents’ Sally Schuck+ Double Blue & Gold Sheri Seibold Lori Veigelt Webb Sisterhood Linda Faust Witmer Donor Mary Elizabeth Kanaly

Double Blue & Gold Gretchen Nile Baldwin Marilyn Conrath^ Connie Snode Flynn Denise Kipfstuhl+ Lois Everett Myers Marian Dreyer Ross^ Sisterhood Donna Klingensmith Bates^ Patricia Mohr Mueller Vicki Schaeffer Susan Bostwick Shiring Carrie Hennon Stehura Sunshine Tracy Lynn Bombik^ Harriett Moore Fletcher^ Anne Sutherland Foster Joyce Glover Krahling+^ Deana Allen Milford

Bethanne Morrison Miller Michelle Marchand Rebholz+^

Donor Johanna Ahlman= Rachel Maria Bieber Allison Elizabeth Brown Jessica Renee Frase= Angelina Christine Gingo= Lindsay Marie Hayes= Barbara Weimer Hurst Pamela Richards Kimble Melanie Nakonachny Jessica Lynn Phillips= Anne Marie Rogan= Elissa Good Smith Katherine Orendas Stugmyer


Epsilon UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH DAKOTA Founders’ Bonnie Untereiner Bjork Presidents’ Elysia Balster Gallivan^ Double Blue & Gold Angie Butler Ackerman+ Luella Bruhn Cozad Barbara Smith Reynolds Vicki Hauck Sullivan+^ Sisterhood Carol Clarke Gillespie Sarah Wold Hanson Virginia Pederson Larimer Daisy Wheeler Rini*^ Joanne Bratsberg Steichen

Double Blue & Gold Marilyn Waugh Barteaux^

Donor Erin Gray Danielle Leigh Meyer Liza Nelson Elizabeth Jane Overmoe Kelly Rasmussen Rhone

Sisterhood Gail Selden^


BETHANY COLLEGE Founders’ Suzanne Abbott Lesiak+^

Donor Mary Lucille Adams= Laurie Claire Conway= Terri Lynn Deel= Caitlin Bree Dieguez= Audrey Hope Frank= Elise Ashley Gardner Jean McCroba Harper Stefani Magnino Holmes Veronica Susan Jae= Alicia Marie Mader= Courtney Leigh McKean= Kelly Beth Medkeff-Rose= Jennifer Anne Naylor= Casey O’Donnell= Beth Ann Shaffer= Ashley Marie Shuttleworth= Beth Ann Sockman= Elizabeth Ilene Steger= Laura Ann Strassguetl= Allison Marie West=

WITTENBERG UNIVERSITY Founders’ Kay Taylor Fathe Margaret Eichel Potts^ Presidents’ Elizabeth Greenawalt Wagner+ Double Blue & Gold Carolyn Trinter Cull Audrey Tatro Hall Sharon Hall Judith Becker Kemp^ Norma Jean Jones Mozier Helen Sturgeon Richeson Kathryn Sanders Rieder Margaret Rankin Rittenhouse Robbin Corson Russell+ Janet Bulakowski Varan Sisterhood Jennifer Dose Susan Knop Gobien+ Virginia Sprang Greenawalt^

Barbara Smick Peterson+ Karen Hietanen Shanower Pamela Wurster^

Sunshine Christine Gosnell Brill^ Jeanne Schrader Gamble Marcia Bauter Henry Marilyn Melcher Kostelnik^ Pamela Benken Lyle Mary Dickey Wise+ Donor Teresa Lynn Brown Anne Davidson Buck Gail Baldwin Fanta Louann France Lockwood Ellen Trinter MacFarlane Carole Holmes McCoy+ Donna Dudley Rowe

Eta SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY Symphony Janice Zajac Sayatovic Lombard Joan Repath Pomfrey Founders’ Elizabeth Alton Endicott+^ Presidents’ Janet Swanson Loper Barris+^ Dorothy Borneman Bell+ Double Blue & Gold Ruth Hazard Lee Sally Lawyer Smith^ Martha-Jean McCourt Willits Sisterhood Irene Bako Chapman^ Ruth Bailey Hunter Sunshine Ruth Edkins Halpin+^ Donor Norma Cyphers Weeks

Theta UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN MADISON Medallion Kathryn Kuechenmeister Vaughan


Lombard Mary Goers+^ Founders’ Elizabeth John Loehne^ Presidents’ Caroline Borden Erickson Roberta Collins Harper Elizabeth Brann Hendrickson Rev. Alta Groves Jewell Beth Berenschot Koenings Norma Malmanger Liebenberg Donna Milford Wischmann Jane Lewis Wise Double Blue & Gold Dorris Solberg Cragg^ Ina Wasberg Fenske Hope Beck Goldsmith+ Ann Nunemaker Hartman Beth Ford Jones Sheryl Bennett Karnosky Helen Cruse Lemberger Jean Brann Shuler Karla Allen Spinks Kaye McGann Waggoner Sisterhood Margaret Baker Derse Donna Gilley Gager Marcia Bourkland Pauly^ Kristin Jackomino Whaley Sunshine Dorothy Davitte Drummond^ Paula Borchers Giese Marjorie Johnson Griffith Eleanor Zolt Kramer+ Donor Barbara Zoerb Carlson Tamy Tischendorf Chambers Joanne Schmidt Morey Patricia Krivitz Riess

Iota WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY Medallion Ellen Gibson Goodwin+^ Lombard Shelley Riley Moore Double Blue & Gold Barbara Bailey Adams Sue Eble Goodwin^ Joyce Hammer Gribble Ann Little Muffly Sharon Hubacher Pugh Cheryl Dean Riley Lucille Schmieder Mary Kathryne Caussin Wiedebusch+^


Sisterhood Jane Silliman Anderson Lisa Sine Drewry^ Jeannie Honecker Reed+ Phyllis Davis Tondreau^ Donor Kathryn Miller Boreman Maggie Louise Chestney Jennifer Ashley DeVitis= Lindsay Elizabeth Dilworth= Stephanie Nichole Dively= Laura Marie Gainor= Kathleen Meryl Golston Carol Kulina Jegou Ashley Renee Lawrence= Alicia Nicole Lee= Ashley Nicole Mason= Jessica Rose Murray= Brittany Nicole Palumbo= Stacey Leigh Percival= Alyssa Rae Petroplus= Bridget Theresa Pollock= Jessica Lynne Rice= Ashley Lauren Sambol= Rebecca Marie Saracco= Amanda Nicole Schwartz= Sarah Elizabeth Shanholtzer= Kristen Lee Spence= Katherine Martin Swiger Anna Elizabeth Yeager=

Ivy Iversen Burkin+ Ruth Turner Chambliss Catherine Graffy Shelley Fay Ryan^ Helen McFedries Severson Beverly Cannon Smithson Kay Vozenilek Bridget Molson Wachter+^ Mary Clark Willy

Sunshine Julie Hays Bartimus^ Helene Drusch Beisswenger+^ Michelle Groce Cahoon^ Faith Lucas Campbell Mary Freis Cooke^ Barbara Larson Dilling Linda Biersach Matkowski^ Pamela McVeigh^ Linda Jayne Rodenburg Donor Tammi Trebs Anderson Lois Stuenkel Armstrong Dorothy Drolet Dirks Rosemary Gawel Koch Margaret Carncross Madisen Kathleen Rauth Manning Linda Meadors Kelly Seeman Gail Lopatka Stone



UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Medallion Marian Harding Thompson

TUFTS UNIVERSITY Presidents’ Curina Harian Atwood+^

Symphony Martha Ann Geppert+ Lombard Julie Wilson Dillon+ Founders’ Beth Henning Polizzotto+^ Presidents’ Patricia Bolin Glenn^ Juliette Coderre Watson^ Edith Wiedling Webber Double Blue & Gold Janet Horstman Anderson Martha Allen Boor Evelyne Blazek Conti Elizabeth Barber Davis^ Jane Hokamp Eckert Anne Heitzman Linda Lowery Lindsay+ Kathy Schleicher Katherine Martin Sevier^ Patricia Spalding Sturtz^ Sisterhood Deborah Schlotter Buck^

The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta | Fall/Winter 2009

Sunshine Marjorie Falls Russell

Mu UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Double Blue & Gold Ruth Stemsrud Challender^ Sunshine Laurel Ness Gatz Donor Marilyn Ross Firnett Mary Dietrich Stewart+

Presidents’ Marjory Dark Barbee^ Kathy Orebaugh Reinke Frances Bunn Shaw+ Double Blue & Gold Lois Hofstetter Bianco^ Barbara Henning Bray Sylvia Skaggs Downing^ Rita Tappe Gill Marian Knudson Gruber+ Marcia Hixson Mahaffey+ Irene Hysong Miller Anne Mehus Verbon Jeanne McKinnell Whitney Sisterhood Susan Tompkins Commeree^ Kay Chittenden Haines Susan Rennie Lippincott Katherine Hempler Parker Marjorie Bragdon Satterfield+ Sunshine Meralyn Hartmann Baughman^ Breanna Hecht Eneberg^ Donor Katherine Ann Chandler Mallory Dehbod Patti Sullivan Fenton Rosie Shaw Kerrigan Jessica Hu-Kwon Louie Stephanie Rounce Chloe Renee Sholdt Marcia Stephenson Wolf

Xi UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY Symphony Anita Steele Evans*^ Elizabeth Stuckert Ray+^ Founders’ Joan Barnett Cornwell Cary Lawson Moore^ Emily Friske Taylor^ Presidents’ Bobbie Yates Congleton Sandi Ellen Edwards Judi Jones Jacobs Kimberly Starr

UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON Diamond Janice Sheldon Baumback+

Double Blue & Gold Martha Riggs Bonvillain Barbara Nims King* Kathleen Nicol, M.D. Karen Cook Rudd^

Medallion Linda Belles Dinus Sandra Gleason Walston

Sisterhood Jean Shure Amos Jill O’Daniel

Symphony Lorene Currier

Sunshine Carolyn Brown^


Bertha Lutes Combs Linda Ransom Horvath^ Sarah Jo Huddle+^ Anna Hood Page^ Debra Haysley Roling Lin Lyon Santor

Donor Ellen Van Arsdale Hollandbeck Eleanor Richardson Lyons

Omicron UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY Lombard Donna Staehling Borden Marie Lewis Matthews Founders’ Phyllis Meinberger Ingersoll Carole Peter Tompkins Dorothy Anderson Tregea+^ Presidents’ Marion Macdonald Blau Keith Lee Silcox Derian+ Elsie Reimers Falconer Cecilia Zerr Long Celia Samaras Maneatis^ Patricia Stanley Schmid Double Blue & Gold Joan Sample Paulson Gloria Avila Schwabenton Catherine Rhorabough Shanks Phyllis Butcher Wainwright Sisterhood Janet McKenzie Jensen Virginia Harrell Schultz Mary Lewis Smith^ Mary Lou Brooks Wallace^ Sunshine Joan Blanchard Nancy Schultz Strong Donor Arline Coe Erb Ejane Gordon Kunkle Joann Schneider Pausner Jacqueline Price Sage Martha Williams Vivrette

pi OHIO UNIVERSITY Founders’ Rose Vachon Kunkel Roarty+ Presidents’ Carol Malkmus Briggs^ Marilyn Gander Hornak Marilyn Geiler Netschke

FOuNDATION ANNuAL REpORT 2008-2009 Barbara Grow Schanzle Eleanore Perry Till

Double Blue & Gold Martha Brown Black Ann Knappenberger Burdorf+^ Doris Brunn Francis Alma Williams GilmoreDoud Judith Markovsky Kuhn Ann Channell OlsenLavelle+^ Vrina Grimes Stebbins Marilyn Burnham Stotts Sisterhood Mary Hitchcock Frost Barbara Johnston Hoover Carla Dixon Kahler Carane Ladd Sunshine Marjorie Emrick Monson Carol Wells Paul Heather Popadych Marianne Frank Turman Donor Kathryn Erin Bowie= Kellee Elizabeth Calderon= Taylor Lynn Lehmann= Erin Nichol Lewis= Alexandra Taylor Mazer= Kaitlin Lee Shultz=

Rho UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA LINCOLN Symphony Jane Lynelle Wilkens Schroeder+^ Founders’ Marlene Labenz Hough+^ Beth Hoegemeyer Ripp Margaret Lyon Spray Presidents’ Ann Ward Adams Kathryn Ashenfelter Marcia Boden Janet Beachler Day^ Michelle Soderquist Hartnett+^ Carol Schneider Honey Mary Marchant Maxwell^ Jennifer Olson Mullen+ Julie Uehling Popken^ Double Blue & Gold Christyne Evans Bathel Virginia Galehouse Davis Lois Hayes Hoff Donna Wetzel Hunt+^ June Gast Macbeth Suzanne Loseke Meyers^

Becky Richter Perrett Margery DeLamatre Sorenson

Sisterhood Barbara Rayburn Allen Diana Berger Blankenship Marguerite Boslaugh Jan Dwyer Connolly Janice Nelson Herbek Gachia Kiburz Hoefer^ Paula Kokesch Holdren^ Phyllis Campbell Latham Kristi Lundeen Nelson^ Laurel Olson Nye Sherry Wells Schilling Emily Wray Stander Sunshine Dorothy Anderson Jacqueline Rockwell Eldal Karen Madsen Hard Rosemarie Jacobs Magee Regina Mangine+^ Caroline Stephenson Marciano+^ Andee Cummins Penn^ Sharon Schulz Petersen Lori Zarkowski Donor Sherri Neall Barnwell Margaret Jones Bixler Maurine Bliemeister Randi Coakley Genuchi Julie Boeshart Maas Mary Toalson Morphew Imogene Vickers Olsen Barbara Medlin Perrenoud Ellen Rose Polly

Sigma UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Symphony Shirley Albrecht Winckler Lombard Linnea Thodt Hadlock^ Jean Koza Leider+^ Founders’ Patricia Bunting Angelici+^ Claire Stoltenberg McKinzie^ Presidents’ Elizabeth Gray Gumbrell Mary Baker Jones Double Blue & Gold Kiyoko Farrington Czech+ Judith Drews Haring+^ Ginny Alm Miller Jennifer Baldwin Tarantino+^ Sisterhood Kelli Harris Baker Janice Wilhoite Dietz

Carol Hughet Dixon Ann Raster English Jacquelyn Jones^ Susan Moorman Kelly Paula Vandeventer Oldag Chloe Perkins-Rosenberg^ Jamie Swan Susan Winckler^

Sunshine Emily Berglund Megan Elizabeth Gustafson+ Marilyn Junge Snyder^ Donor Theresa Marie Dvorak+ Christine Janes Gayle Keiser Shantelle Smrha Janet Rummery Thorne

Tau UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE Lombard Justine Olive Presidents’ Virginia Wasto Peart Christina Teel Rose^ Clara Knight Turner Shirley Newcomer Wagner Sisterhood Susan Weselcouch Autuori Ruth Goldthwait Maynard Beverly Swain PowellWoodward+ Sunshine Jeanne Sandberg Nicolosi^ Jane Shaw Smoot Roxanne Rorer Stern Katherine Blajda Tyson

phi ALBION COLLEGE Medallion Allison James Green+ Symphony Joanne Braucher Presidents’ Margaret Goebel Valerie Palliaer McCammon+ Elisabeth Rees+ Double Blue & Gold Eileen Hart Harrison Betty Hantz House Julie Pond Matthews+ Margaret Neely Nault Frances Walter Parody Mrs. P.R. Ross

Sisterhood Mary Kellogg Papadopetros+ Kristie Peete Sunshine Catherine Huxtable Graham^ Dr. Heather Mallory-May Kathryn Klager Vanbruggen Donor Marjorie Lang Manspeaker Judith Montgomery Onthank Janet Gaiefsky Witkowski

psi OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY Symphony Nancy Drenan Prendergast Betty French Unkel^ Founders’ Ruth Stuber White Presidents’ Joan Frankenberger Crawford^ Laurie Sutherland Giudice^ Winifred Kneisley Huffman Marjorie Erskine Lasko Elizabeth Gans Lidington Cheryl Bowersox Louder+ Rebecca Kay McCurdy Linda Amick Safford Betty Cronin Webb+ Double Blue & Gold Mary Anders AdamsSmith Anne Hunter Akers+^ Jean Conaway Bice Rebecca Reed Cairns Jeanne Menyhert Campbell Karin Curtis Dietrich Julie Nickoloff Gruss Mary Miller Horner+ Barbara Ott Kautz Marilyn Dewey Lindeman Cathy Pierce+ Sarah Miller Smith Sisterhood Kelle Gross Coy+^ Lisa Boccabella DaLena+ Audrey Rogers DeVore^ Lois Smith Dubois^ Millicent Schlosser Eckhart Mary Paul Johnston+^ Lynne Miller Kuhn+ Marsha Wildermuth Pattison^

Sunshine Marilyn Kropp Harrer Sue Crawford Hunt Margaret Sellers Kotsi Janet Specht MancinottiWebb^ Kathryn Young Tichenor Janet Volpe Vine Kim Creager Wilver^ Donor Larissa Herpok Baumann Shirly Smith Carr Marylyn Sayle Evarts Charlotte Sebald Heck Joan Rohr Hepps Shirley Thomas Hinke Ellen Dettra Kunst Molly Marie McGarvey= Joan Kellough Mitchell+ Donata Collier Monnin Sarah Sopko Painter Alexa Robinson-O’Neill Nancy Adams Slaymaker Erin Kimberly Teare Delores Grail Templeton

Omega STETSON UNIVERSITY Symphony Lydia Theurer Pfund+ Lombard Peggy Payne Greene^ Terry Wagner Ling Presidents’ Pat Byrd Shamrock Double Blue & Gold Mildred Campbell Gibson^ Nancy Crable Kirk Odette Shashy* Sisterhood Doris Lyon Boggs^ Mary Foard Nicholas^ Nancy Boblitt Tango Ruth Henrickson Webb^ Sunshine Lucy Ward Bodnar Marilyn Huebner Davison+ Anneliese Taylor Hallsten+^ Cathryn Clark Lancaster Susan Kara Shiflett Luci Callaway Stanley^ Halley Ann Welsh^ Donor Margaret Adams Bambrick Jonni Musgrove Jordan+ Allyson Nicole McKenna


Alpha Beta

Alpha Epsilon

CORNELL UNIVERSITY Lombard Carol Mayer Utter

UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Symphony Pamela Tittle Collins

Double Blue & Gold Allene Cushing Knibloe Sisterhood Barbara Schaefer Colbert Donor Samantha Christine LaValley Catalina Ujvary Zobel

Alpha Gamma COE COLLEGE Lombard Pauline Huston Miller+ Presidents’ Sandra Dahlstrom Kruger^ Patty Johnson Reynolds^ Frances McLaughlin Stauffacher Double Blue & Gold Louise Benbow Gray Margaret Winkler Katholi Beverly Keister MorlokFinger^ Sisterhood Clara Pietzsch Moore+^

Double Blue & Gold Carolyn Weigold Anderson Margaret Smothers Gluski June Miekka Hallenbeck+^ Janet Hutchins Patricia Becker LaBaw Roberta Shaw Stimac Sisterhood Jonette Cauvin Lucy Niemann French Christine Haveman Jewell^ Helen Neffner Misch Barbara Libs Murray Mary Kay Olson Marie Panchuk Beverly Gough Kuryla Smith Margaret Neel Webber Sunshine Charlene Edwards Kelsey+

Sunshine Jean Richardson Rice+

Donor Elizabeth Trondson Raddatz

Alpha Delta

Alpha Zeta

OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY Medallion Julie Lambert+

UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA Medallion Patricia Johnston Strife*^

Founders’ Margaret Riggs Arndt

Presidents’ Frances Maschal Landers

Presidents’ Mary Jo Cox Capps

Double Blue & Gold Anna Simmons Hefner

Double Blue & Gold MaryLou Leighton Allender Phyllis Gray Hann+ Barbara Ellett Schnabel Linda McNulty Simpson

Sisterhood Lisa Vaughn Hampton

Sisterhood Margaret Mix Bartley^ Janet Bell^ Doris Paulson Duncan Martha Vancamp Richardson

PURDUE UNIVERSITY Heritage Mary-Louise Haymaker Hill+

Sunshine Ruth Raz Bienz Carol Larson Eberlein Donor Janet Leonard Baillie Chrystal Carver


Presidents’ Alveris Bonnell VanFleet Corson Linda Rainwater Yates

Sunshine Carlie Howle Rutledge

Alpha Eta

Diamond Jean Busby Beard Medallion Mary Louise Mabis Rain Symphony Mary Ruth Hadley Snyder+^ Julia Naftzger Van Sickle

The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta | Fall/Winter 2009

Foundation Scholarship Recipients AlphA EpSilon ScholARShip

$800-$1,000 to alumnae in any field of study Jennifer Fuller Allen, North Carolina Asheville Natalie Hart, Nebraska Lincoln Katie LoRusso, Southeast Missouri State JAyn A E WA Ayn W dE AndERSon ScholARShip

$700 to an outstanding sophomore Sister Andrea Plybon, Southwestern BAkER-BliSh ScholARShip

$1,000 to an undergraduate Sister in any field of study Jessica Wortham, Christian Brothers Ruth FoWlER BRoWn ScholARShip

$700 to outstanding freshman or sophomore Sisters Kayla Aprile, Albion Stephanie Grupe, Nebraska Omaha FoundERS’ MEMoRiAl ScholARShip

$500-$750 to alumnae in any field of study Amanda Benson Hicks, Southern Polytechnic State Angela Byun Robinson, Case Western Reserve Shayna Royal, Nebraska Omaha Sima Yazdani, Texas FRAncES tREWyn kuEchEnMEiStER ScholARShip

$1,500 to a junior who’s shown exceptional service to the Fraternity and her campus Joelle Fundaro, Western Michigan chARlinE Blind MERRill ScholARShip

$1,000 for Sisters entering their first year of graduate school Kathryn Bomba, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Samantha Nicolle, Auburn Devin O’Connor, Dartmouth MARy BuRt nASh lAW ScholARShip

$950 to a Sister entering or attending law school Michelle Rutherford, U of Washington Ruth BARtlEtt nEMEc ScholARShip

$800 to an undergraduate Sister in any field of study Mary Kanaly, Iowa Wesleyan doRothy M. nicholS ScholARShip

$1,000 for a junior or senior Sister majoring in math or science Leslie Darling, Nebraska Omaha noRthERn ViRginiA AluMnAE ASSociAtion Ation ScholARShip A

$400 for graduate study in a child-related field Erin Shields Armstrong, U of Washington phillipS ScholARS ScholARShip

$1,000 to undergraduate Sisters with financial need Nicole Powell, Southwestern Kristen Vila, Georgia Tech SpAulding-MoWRy ScholARShip

$2,100 to a graduate Sister studying government or environmental affairs Loren LaPointe, Western Michigan kA Ryn FAul kAth ul W WAllAcE ScholARShip

$900 to an undergraduate Sister in any field of study Hannah Hogan, Georgia Tech

FOuNDATION ANNuAL REpORT 2008-2009 Lombard Rebekah Fenstermaker Druetzler Ruth Ann Davidson Farkas Nancy Akers Kaney Kendra Becker Lewis+ Lois Osenberg Streed

Jean Klick+ Barbara Bauman Plochman Anne Ruppe Shields Laura Watkins Skidmore^ Doris Kenninger Stump Barbara Tower Williams

Founders’ Sharon Ploch Bassler Vicki Moore Capadona Ann Schmiedicke Klemm+^ Presidents’ Kathleen Burns Diane McClure Dow Jane Blind Glover Karen Kallstrom Jenkin+

Double Blue & Gold Susan Bulkeley Butler^ Cynthia Colling+ Mary Dunbar Curtis^ Ann Martin Durkos Marjorie Hienton Frantzreb Allison Holtkamp+ Mary Alice McCauley Kranz+ Evelyn Shell Magner

Lois Congram Myerholtz Donna Speck Smith Constance Hallier Smith Sara Adair Sperry Sue Wright

Sisterhood Jane Druetzler Black Pamela Miller Carpenter Marilyn Odle Cooprider Jacqueline Bunger Gerold^ Melinda McKee Gillespie Marilyn Moores Hall^ April King Holmes Jeanette Jinks Horrall+ Nancy Hahn Morgan+ Norma Strong Parker^ Kristi Brown Reininga Sandra Smith^

Jo Lynne Ricker Whalen Nancy Doyle Williams^ Roberta Connolly Wygant

Sunshine Marsha Moore Bach Evelyn Horst Johnson Doris Anne McNary Onken Mary Baughman Pulkrabek Jennifer Murray Ribble^ Theresa Busby Stripling Alice Hrycak Wood^ Dianne Ensign Ziegler^ Donor Elizabeth Ann Atlas Marian Radtke Bement+ Helen Swisher Cobb

Karen Casey Elliott Sara Konopka Ruth Ann Bishop Phelan Jane Glassett Reid Terri Berkowitz Schmutzler+ Mary Youngren

Alpha Theta NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY Lombard Jean Grommes Feehan+^ Mary Ellen Mates Charlotte Swanson Shade Founders’ Mary Bowman Fisher Suzanne Mitton Petru

Slaymaker-Kinsey Academic Achievement Award Each year, $150 is awarded to the member of each chapter returning to school in the fall with the highest GPA. Here are the fall 2008 recipients. Andrea Plybon, Southwestern

Nicole Agnese, Old Dominion

Rachel Haag, Christian Brothers

Mary Beard, Purdue

Alicia Harbold, Wingate

Katie Rahr, Rochester Institute of Technology

Natalie Bello, Florida International

Marie Hedges, West Virginia Wesleyan

Emily Reece, Jacksonville State

Jessie Boblick, Syracuse

Hannah Hogan, Georgia Tech

Lauren Roberts, Texas State San Marcos

Elisabelle Bocal, Southern Maine

Jeni Holden, Bowling Green State

Elizabeth Robtoy, Albion

Stefanie Borger, New Orleans

Mallory Holko, Youngstown State

Amy Rohlfing, Iowa

Ashley Boustany, West Virginia

Amanda Homes, Embry-Riddle (FL)

Gina Rotuna, Mount Union

Katie Bowar, Southern Polytechnic State

Jennifer Hudson, Towson Jessica Jacobs, Marshall

Maggie Schellen, Nebraska Omaha

Dayna Boyd, George Mason Whittney Bridges, Western Carolina

Delphine Jeong, Purdue

Jessica Seebald, Rochester Institute of Technology

Kellie Broggi, Eastern Michigan

Monta Johnson, Central Oklahoma

Erica Jayne Sheldon, New Hampshire

Tamara Burnett, Elon

Rebekah Kamp, Nevada Las Vegas Amy Karoll, Wisconsin LaCrosse

Jacqueline Sholar, Carroll

Leah Byers, Lyon Mary Cash, Auburn

Shelami Kirk, Cal State Stanislaus

Mary Cebula, Eastern Michigan

Kristen Kish, Penn State

Amanda Clark, Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Kristi Kisiel, Indiana U of Pennsylvania

Leslie Collins, Marshall

Amber Lahde, Georgia State

Katy Connealy, Nebraska Lincoln

Devin Laky, Boise State

Stacy Corn, Texas

Samantha Lewis, Ohio Northern

Megan Cripps, Southeast Missouri State

Melissa Lindsay, Monmouth

Lindsay Curtis, East Carolina

Mindy McAllister, Marian

Erin Deters, Northern Michigan

Kelsey McCarthy, Cal State San Marcos

Mary Dickey, Christian Brothers

Chelsea Miller, Miami Ohio

Shannon Diedrick, Wisconsin Oshkosh

Shana Mintz, Cornell

Megan Vosburgh, Sonoma State

Maria DiMartino, Western Carolina

Caroline Mitchell, Christian Brothers

Callie Waers, Central Florida

Abby Fare, East Carolina

Danielle Morgan, Ohio

Kristen West, East Tennessee State

Melissa Filotas, Stetson

Lauren Nash, Embry-Riddle (AZ)

Jennifer Wilfong, Thiel

Christine Flynn, Delaware

Devin O’Connor, Dartmouth

Ashley Wislock, Lycoming

Ashley Gauer, Mount Union

Katie O’Keefe, Northern Iowa

Kelcie Wittman, Wisconsin Eau Claire

Stirling Grodner, North Carolina Asheville

Jaclyn Ostronic, Marquette

Kellie Wolfe, Iowa Wesleyan

Jenna Kueker, Texas

Gabrielle Sirow, Georgia Tech Stephanie Soleta, Missouri St. Louis Jessica Stauffer, North Carolina Wilmington Autumn Steiner, Ohio Northern Amanda Stolarsky, Ohio State Diana Stuckey, Texas State San Marcos Sarah Synovec, Nebraska Omaha Nadine Taylor, South Dakota State Leah Tenney, Western Michigan Marcie Turner, Marietta Lindsay Vandemark, Defiance


Presidents’ Jayne McLaren Gaw^ Pamela Butler James Doris Anthon Marsh Suzanne Finley Ullmann^ Edith Barnard Wood Double Blue & Gold Virginia Hall Edahl+ Linda Beia Elliott Nancy Wilhite Haldrup+ Jane Parsegian Hovsepian Sisterhood Susan Weiler Edwards Mary Gaskell Donna Field Hannibal^ Lorraine Etheridge Sorenson Marlene Gunnesch Taibl^ Donor Elaine Forrest Bettina Lubke Theony Giannos Possidon Ronaele Rudnick Whittington+

Alpha Iota DRAKE UNIVERSITY Lombard Nancy Polk Bogenrief Founders’ Lori Bleich Gallogly Margaret McCay Presidents’ Joni Lindale Williamson Double Blue & Gold Camilla Olson Blakeslee Isoline Woodroffe Headstrom Sisterhood Jeannette Belke Delost^ Janice Forret Doudna Elzabe Kossow Huffman Pamela Simpson Nolting

Sisterhood Barbara Bain Leann Graber Brenner Marsha Isaacson Chaffee^ Karen Kemper Richards Cynthia Yoder Stevens Becky Anderson Wiseman Sunshine Mary Tutt Allgire Rena Hartzler Armatas^ Beverly Hale Beardmore Joanna Wall Bushnell Sheila Dicken Collins+ Marian Barnes Gudgell^ Phyllis Watters Nace Raquel Ridder Plath Martha Adams Toburen Annie Flagler Trotta Betty Clark Young Donor Kara Belew Debra Schrock Davis Kelli Nairn Dawson Earnestine Sutter Gibb Kelli Lackey Hoffman Angela Malloy Christina Nelson+

Alpha Lambda

Sunshine Carmen Haworth Cravey Carol May Goodwin

UNIVERSITY OF OREGON Medallion Barbara Stallcup Miller

Alpha Kappa

Lombard Blanche Gustavson Crook

KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY Founders’ Phyllis Hadley Grittman Susan Rueff Nelthorpe^ Presidents’ Cynthia Collingwood Saunders Prudence McCracken Stewart+ Lois Kopper Stump


Double Blue & Gold Pauline Baldwin Baskett+^ Caroline Perkins Clinger Kathryn Connor Helen Stover Criss Anna Louise Larson Fisher+ Marilyn Coleman Ganong+ Sherry Lamoreux Humphrey+ Ann Anset Kraman+ Frances Scott Mettle Theda Whelan Wendel^

Founders’ Florence Cooley Armstrong Louise Robinson Dane Presidents’ Jane Kutch Mercereau+ Double Blue & Gold Maryella Velguth Tierney Sisterhood Barbara Detrick Swedlow^

The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta | Fall/Winter 2009

Alpha Mu OHIO WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY Medallion Marcella Smucker Clark Founders’ Virginia Drick Messing+ Presidents’ Doris Cannell Price Patricia Williams Shires Jane Stone+ Double Blue & Gold Patricia King Glasgow Myrna Osborne Hixson Patricia Grether Mockbee* Margaret MacGregor Nichols Elinor Harper Spiller Elizabeth Sanford Wieland Sisterhood Lois Batschelet Lawrence^ Judith Melinsky Jeanne Snodgrass Elizabeth Dreisbach Vogt Sunshine Patricia Ann Young Allen Helen Hartley Kuntz Leslie Martin Lederer Donor Winifred Boone Andrews Frances Wilcke Erskine Barbara Elder Vestal

Alpha Xi UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES Diamond Bonnie Baker Blish Symphony Barbara Maclennan Palm*^ Lombard Wendy Westover Dewell Elizabeth Topkis Double Blue & Gold Allene Killough Harding^ Evelyn Newhoff Lynch Rita Jensen Michener Gloria Green Reinman Sisterhood Elleen Hall Denahy+ Margaret Hardenbrook Priver Sunshine Doris Wade Dey Margaret Tomalunas Holland Joan Knight Knowlton^ Elsie Jean Martin

Donor Armande Tevis Aller Barbara Boyles Campbell Audrey Leeman Lincoln

Alpha phi

Alpha Omicron

Lombard Jeanne Peggs Holcomb^ Rita Prescott

HUNTER COLLEGE Presidents’ Margaret Hart Hanigan Double Blue & Gold Cecilia La Rotonda^ Sisterhood Suzanne Simpson Hermes^

Alpha pi MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE Medallion Tana Sterrett Scott+

Alpha Rho ALLEGHENY COLLEGE Symphony Judith Gallagher*


Founders’ Helen Williams Stevens Presidents’ Florence Parker Cole Double Blue & Gold Edna Mills Lippart^ Sisterhood Ritalee Griffith Adams Elizabeth Skelton Ames Rebecca Russell Breed Jeanne Korns Clark Carolyn Kerr Hickerson Nancy Frank Offner+ Anne Myers Smith Sunshine Barbara Brunton Kime+^

Double Blue & Gold Catherine Richards

Donor Ruth Fegley

Sisterhood Rebecca Carter Nancy Reed Chatfield

Alpha Chi

Sunshine Ruth Ralston Crawford Donor Rhoda Farr Wohleber

Alpha Sigma WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY Sunshine Rosie Sevilla Reynaud^

Alpha Tau

RANDOLPH-MACON COLLEGE Sisterhood Margaret Mosteller Gamble^

Alpha psi UNIVERSITY OF DENVER Presidents’ Margaret Hooper Trible+^ Sisterhood Harriet Conner Hahn

UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA Presidents’ Teddi Mackelden+ Martha Regina Thomas

Alpha Omega

Double Blue & Gold Carol Williams

Lombard Janice Royer Sparks+

Sisterhood Gloria Bullington Blackburn Patricia Koop Tracy Lois Taylor Williams^ Sunshine Celeste Nabers Douglass Jo-Ann Garside Donor Linda Fleming Xia


Presidents’ Kathryn Funk Arpin Jean Sauer DeFrances+ Diane DeHon^ Elizabeth Fultz Derby Nelle Crenshaw Flewellen Janice Sapp McNeill^ Sandra McNab Turnbull+ Double Blue & Gold Arlene Kotowski Bischoff Betty Nuttle Broman+^

FOuNDATION ANNuAL REpORT 2008-2009 Virginia Vaughn Fisher Barbara Guidos Mary Anderson Herr^ La Verne Horton Jeffries^ Gale Jacoby Petronis Marjorie Medlin Steele

Sisterhood Martha Powell Charlotte Abney Rudy Sunshine Marcelyn Elsberry Andrews^ Barbara Curry Jungmeyer Judith Tait Levy^ Donor Luanne Shafer Collins Nettie Johnson Harbin Marilyn McClure

Beta Beta WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY Founders’ Vera Tarter Parsh Presidents’ Elaine Doerbaum Seiler Double Blue & Gold Sondra Stonebraker Harrison Sherry Gibson Mahach Betsy Gnau Schapp Kay Thurman+ Sisterhood Rose Burmeister Fahien Mary Geisler Walsh Sunshine Virginia Mathis Shepard*

Beta Alpha

Beta Gamma

UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS Medallion Sharon Brown Richardson^ Lynn Hackedorn Standefer^

CENTENARY COLLEGE Presidents’ Helon Allen Earle+ Mary Armbrust Harvey+ Emma Stewart Hood+ Sandra Whitlock Mauney

Lombard Martha Small Greenlaw+ Founders’ Stephanie Short Presidents’ Mary Josie Cain Blanchard+^ Andi Loran Harrill+^ Double Blue & Gold Dolly Dure Barclay^ Azile Coffey Bonneau^ Marlene Kortage Gardner Claudia Scheske Parr Susan Garrott Raschke Karen Tumulty^ Sisterhood Carol Beatty Robin Soper Broumley Michelle Hurford McCandless^ Diane Ditta Thornton+ Sunshine Susan Ashcraft Anne Greenlaw Perry^ Aida Kennedy Ziemnicki Donor Jacqueline Feliciano Cobb+ Wendy Stevenson Howard= Clare Elizabeth Jordan Julie Anne Lindsey Christina Lynch Barbara Schauer Stuart

Double Blue & Gold Pheribie Monroe Prescott Sisterhood Martha Burgess Norton Sunshine Mary Norris Gibson^ Donor Susan Regenstein McMillin

Beta Delta DENISON UNIVERSITY Sisterhood Mary Adams Thomas

Beta Epsilon MONMOUTH COLLEGE Diamond Delores Wachsmann Child Medallion Kathryn Yager Brown Symphony Margaret Bozarth Lombard Mary Prescott Marth+^ Founders’ Alice Pishan Croner^ Sonja Zedigian Lowry^ Presidents’ Susan Barrett Boelke Isabel Bickett Marshall Carolyn White Work

Double Blue & Gold Julie Anell Ruth Trotter Hollis Judy Maxwell Schaeffer Sisterhood Lois Gradous Myers+ Barbara Guyer VanCura^ Carol Mullen Walsh Sunshine Dr. Margaret Jones Donor Alicia Charleen Cox= Karen Ogorzalek Mary Rose Sheahan= Kelly Ann Stadter

Beta Eta UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND Diamond Jeanne Regus Kuller+ Lombard Virginia Raymond Verkuilen Presidents’ Ilda Lunan Deming Michele Barone Hunn Cherie Groff Letcher^ Double Blue & Gold Kathleen Burke Clark Elinore Hastings Greenman^ Kimberly Hooper Hilliard Betty Axt McCurry^ Stephanie Nowak Morton Patricia Hardie Smiley Sisterhood Scarlett Voris Dwyer Kathleen Kearney Keeshen+ Lori Plazinski+ Nancy Hewitt Richardson Marjorie Lovell Slocum^ Anne Druga Tanis+ Nancy Stenger Todd

Beta Theta MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY Presidents’ Mary Paule McMath Bierlein Frances Minges Isaac Mary Pate Keiser+^ Lois Taylor Leavitt+ Barbara Rice^ Betty Berquist Secaur+^ Susan Ureste Double Blue & Gold Mary Reed Arnold+ Carol Rice Choulochas+ Judith Riha Gardiner+ Tracy Kleinschmidt Osborne Judith Bedford Trevarrow Sisterhood Kathryn Miller Anderson^ Bonnie Scogin Butera Linda Desorcie^ Katherine Butterfield Nolen Rachael Reynolds Reid^ Patricia Healey Rhode+ Mary Birney Spaan^ Jo Westphal Sunshine Phyllis McLeod Labelle^ Lisa Bone Leitheiser Denise Greene Viebrock Donor Krystn Gilbertson Aversa Renee Johnson Barton Klara Piskitel Panontin+ Marion Moi Rose+ Linda Stout Willson

Beta Iota LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY Founders’ Joe Bales Graber Rhonda Shives+^

Sunshine Elizabeth Root Clatterbuck Barbara Reinmuth Holloman Gloria Barnabei MacKenzie Foteni Tzanis Tiffany Dorothy Delahanty Zapinski^

Double Blue & Gold Gemelle Martin Linzy^

Donor Edwina Myers Smith Anna Carroll Zink

Beta Kappa

Sisterhood Andrea Patronas Fournet Rita Riehlmann Knapp Mary Johnson Mayhew Donor Waldia Warden

BALDWIN-WALLACE COLLEGE Medallion Linda Lutz Dettmer+ Presidents’ Jody Dettmer Halley+

Double Blue & Gold Barbara Behnke Ayres Janet Louden Barkley Nancy Jennings Jantsch Ellen Hershberger Reinhardt Sisterhood Louise Warner Hadley Jeanne Vollman Pike+ Sunshine Bonnie Bender Sharp^

Beta Lambda PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY Medallion Jean Smith Clark Presidents’ Beth Cohen+^ Helen Wojcik Fath^ Mary Jane Kloiber Kathleen Harris Richardson Elissa Wellikson Double Blue & Gold Winifred Miller Berger^ Margaret Fisher Bosse Nancy Ries Brown Carole Bashore Dietz^ Joan Elias Ellen Virginia Roe Grizzell Sisterhood Deborah Karkosky Covolus Sandra Zelek Lear+ Linda Johnson Whitehead Sunshine Margaret Frederickson Albright Ellen Head Denise Kennedy McKeon Donor Megan Elizabeth Simpson

Beta Mu BOWLING GREEN STATE UNIVERSITY Founders’ Kathryn Hulse Stewart Presidents’ Mary Berg Casto Double Blue & Gold Julie Calkins^ Sharon Gallion Denight Charlene Phillips Hughes^ Leigh Perkins Kesling Diane Johnson Payne Nancy Hammans Shellhammer+ Barbara Williams Stevens


Sisterhood Lorinda Beach Bartell Vanda Tagamets Freeman Margaret Quayle Hamilton^ Ann Browder Henningsen Jacqueline Kubinski Popielec Barbara Lopacki Sines Nancy Claspy Swenson Maryann Zepka Thompson Sunshine Jane Gerdeman Bartholomew Suzanne Luedtke Hunady Marjeanne Wiley Walters Donor Amanda Elizabeth Allen= Amanda Lee Apatzky= Kim Anne Becka= Kelly Anne Eagle= Katherine Inez Guzik= Samantha Renee Hill= Jeni Lynn Holden= Lauren Christina Jones= Molly Elizabeth Keane= Mandy Christine Laneve= Jeni Michelle Leist= Caitlin Michele McTaggart= Lindsey Anderson Pain= Kelly Middaugh Patino Ashley Nichole Perry= Jessie Erin Powers= Jessica Mary Raburn Stacey Heminger Sandborn Jessica Lynn UssioHoffman= Brianne Ruth Williamson= Bethany Grace Winovich= Megan Lorie Wray= Shannon Leigh Zavracky=

Sunshine Caroline Mitchell Dawes^ Aimee Weiss Lane Jessie Rose Wilkinson Donor Amanda Marie Bics= Erin Elizabeth Jackman= Katherine Margaret Knight+= Nicolette Marie Kynkor= Karen Christa Lederer= Danielle Cherie Rodriguez= Melissa Anne Schulte= Angela Dawn Sims Marcie Beth Turner= Tabitha Renay VanDyke=

Beta Omicron MISSOURI VALLEY COLLEGE Lombard Marcia Bowles Brown Double Blue & Gold Dolores Jean McHenry Judith Francis Parker Sisterhood June Hales Deindoerfer Cara Lyon Newham

Beta pi INDIANA UNIVERSITY Medallion Linda Bernd Wrench Symphony Erwilli Radcliffe Jackson Lombard Bettsy Creigh Leib Founders’ Wendy Kurtz^ Shari May Vickery+^ Presidents’ Sue Holm Beach Helen Geyer Czenkusch Rita Downing Fowler Irene Becker Harding Ruth Bodle Houser Jane Lindenberg Keltsch Alice Miller McRae Mary Kloempken Poker*+ Ann Barrett Tao Double Blue & Gold Mary Justice Allemang Myrna Kanning Bianchi Janice McBride Bobbs+ Kathryn Keilman Cardenas+^ Georgia Rider DiPietro Nancy Beldon Erp Jennifer Ralph Gance+^

Ruth Lindenberg Heywood Marilyn Lipsett Holthouse Dorothy Knoop Maurer Deanna Newell+ Vivian Schilling Surface+

Sisterhood Ann Barnett Appel Esther Alcorn Butler Lucy Young Frokjer Jennifer Latour Helen Duell Livingston Roselyn King Selmanoff^ Desma Krhin Way Susan Sovie Zanghi Sunshine Margaret Sullivan Dulin Tonya Fetters-Rich^ Anne Berlin Painter Barbara Parks Karen Schaffer Silverman^ Katie Drake Stark^ Donor Connie Huffman Anderson Jane Lephart Arata Lauren Leann Blankenbaker Amy Lingle Jill Thompson

Beta Sigma WEST VIRGINIA WESLEYAN COLLEGE Founders’ Jeannine Lemon Burger Double Blue & Gold Anna Young Brady^ Suzette Matt Carbaugh+ Mary Dorsey Taylor Harriett Whetsell Welshonce+ Sisterhood Virginia Bridgeman Brohawn^ Amy Rossiter Crist Susan Sharpe Dotson Carolyn Grant Lewis+ Beverly Young Naugle Jennifer Lynn Pearce Sunshine Cinde Miller Glumac^ Margaret Ann Royse Hull Shirley Kincaid Walker+ Susan Beriault Williams+ Donor Renee Irene Marko= Megan Moran= Blair Louise Rothenberg= Carolyn Saxton Tara Marie Stayer Melissa June Walker=

Matching Gifts and United Way Support The following Sisters received credit to their giving total by participating in their employer’s matching gift program or by designating Alpha Xi Delta to receive funds through their United Way contribution. Check with your human resources representative to see if your employer participates in either of these programs. Anne Hunter Akers, Ohio State

The GE Foundation


United Way - Harford Financial Services


United Way of East Central Iowa


United Way of the Capital Area

Kristin Olson Billingsley, Sonoma State

United Way - Mervyn’s

Dianne Plattenburg Botefuhr, Northern Michigan

United Way - Allstate

Donor Dorothy Gerding Harper

Erin Hannan Clapp, Rochester Institute of Technology

Charles Schwab Foundation

Martha Ann Geppert, Illinois

United Way - Bank of America

Beta Xi

Karen Kallstrom Jenkin, Purdue

Benjamin Moore Paints

MARIETTA COLLEGE Symphony Mildred Kotlan Kolar+^

Nell Stephenson Lynch, Georgia Tech

The Clorox Company Foundation

Jennifer Olson Mullen, Nebraska Lincoln


Elizabeth Eberle Payette, Cal State Fresno

United Way - Kaiser Permanente

Jennifer Pelkey, Wisconsin Eau Claire

United Way - Wells Fargo

Sharon Schramm Perry, Marshall

Macy’s Foundation

Nicola Rutigliano, Hartford

United Way - Pratt & Whitney

Cheryl Schultz, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta

United Way - Wells Fargo

Shantelle Smrha, Iowa

United Way

Beta Nu CULVER-STOCKTON COLLEGE Medallion Betty Cody McCord^ Double Blue & Gold Alice Bailey Halberstadt

Presidents’ Lucinda Spaney Double Blue & Gold Mary Wigley Baker Mel Neidig Hayes Todd Bettina Geyer ThompsonErickson


Sisterhood Susanne Gettings Ray

The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta | Fall/Winter 2009


Beta Tau KENT STATE UNIVERSITY Founders’ Rosalie Chilton Brookins^ Presidents’ Susan Eicher Mamber Margaret Daugherty Shaffer Marianne Bowden West^ Double Blue & Gold Beverly Hudec Bellis^ Carole Vezse Henderson Kathleen Downing Pownall Sisterhood Tammy Jessen Andreyko^ Kathleen Giles Carson Elizabeth Conrad Harris Sunshine Barbara Best Peirce Lisa Sperry Weimer^ Donor Beverley Polen Badger Jessica Lynne Bannon Laura Baltrinic King Maranda Marie Mangino Melissa Krueger Ramsey

Beta upsilon UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND Presidents’ Rickey Zeidler Jiranek Double Blue & Gold Claire Wildprett Binns Gail Miller Black Deborah Doane Francine Siegel Stampnitzky^ Joan McDonald Stauble Sisterhood Joan Bottino McMillan+ Carole Colacurcio Olmsted Sunshine Anne Brown+ Cynthia Ferguson Campana^ Elizabeth Vallier Donnelly Marilyn Romano Pellini^ Donor Marilyn Raptakis Swierk

Beta Chi

Double Blue & Gold Amy Priga Blavatt Debbie Eshbach Sisterhood Amy Venable Ciuffreda Nancy Wing Dyer Cathy Hart Hartwick Laura Mitchell Virginia Lammey Way^ Sunshine Cindy Dee Holms^ Nancy Wertman Sterrett Jennifer Webster Donor Julie Leese Olive

Beta psi CARROLL COLLEGE Symphony Kay Robinson Schanke^ Founders’ Eunice Meissner Wright Presidents’ Jeannie Schlaikowski Schultz+ Double Blue & Gold Heather Lester Sisterhood Melissa Schinker Reed+^ Kathryn Schwarz Selby Diane Harwood Wilson+ Sunshine Beverly Goocher Clark Gloria Bohn Smith Donor Carrie Ann Collister= Amanda Carol Olson Roxanne Plapp Susan Buchanan Zimmerman

Beta Omega MEMPHIS STATE UNIVERSITY Double Blue & Gold Mary Jane Hillard Jones Frances Clark Norton Sunshine Hilda Chase Mullen Donor Jenina Martin Cantler

Gamma Alpha

GETTYSBURG COLLEGE Medallion Pauline Dale Platt+

SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY Founders’ Ann Rienstra Abendroth^

Presidents’ Allison Englen Fort Nancy Wallace Paulson^

Double Blue & Gold Linda Bewley Gail Goldsmith

Sheryl Edson Harding Evelyn Schweigen MacCarthy+ Sylvia Jennings Moore+ Karen Schnick Pelton Marsha Redd Rogers Patricia Smith Sellers Pamela Knoebel Tate

Sisterhood Judith Herz Sunshine Donnalee Adams Bubeck^ Sylvia Luce Heitzmann Donor Nancy Burgeson Ellis Diane Murphey Witthauer

Gamma Beta MARSHALL UNIVERSITY Symphony Rigby Guiney Duncan Founders’ Julie Schroder Lindsay^ Presidents’ Joan Chikos Auchter^ Barbara Hess Bucciere^ Double Blue & Gold Loretta Mariotti Hammond Carolyn Ladd Kennington Jeanne Lambert Valentine^ Sisterhood Anna Mariotti Allen^ Judith New Brinson+^ Anna Mackey Carothers Gale Kelsey+ Sharon Schramm Perry Jane Wilson Rummell Donor Martha Gerber Guinn Brooke Elaine Helmer= Kendra Dawn Ragle= Karen Leigh Vandevander=

Gamma Gamma UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA Lombard Virginia Clyde Sisterhood Sharon Parker Gunrud Anne Reinhart Leslie+^ Elizabeth Lloyd Ulmer+ Sunshine Kayleen Stambaugh Winkler+^ Donor Fran Holly Johnson

Gamma Delta UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA AT OMAHA Medallion Marilyn Horner+ Founders’ Cheryl Eby Miller+ Presidents’ Patricia Alderman Hatch Karolee Wybenga Olsen Susan Dishon Secrest^ Double Blue & Gold Jocelyn Mann Carley^ Sharon Ishii-Jordan Sisterhood Linda Logan Haville Sunshine Kathy Farris Andersen Joan Eddy+ Margaret Morris Oltman+ Sally Urban Swancutt Barbara Duff Vaughn

Sunshine Christie Clement Bellak+ Donor Christen Nicole Adams Tracy Chan Briana Lynn Clark Sara Reyne Douglas Carol Holwey Stidham Lauren Amanda Sulpizio

Gamma Eta GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Medallion Cheryl Johnson Weldon Janice Nease Wittschiebe Symphony Jeni Smith Bogdan+ Kelley Kitta Hundt+ Selma Jabaley Elizabeth McQuillin Charlene Li Smith

Donor Durnae Rohrberg Schuetz

Lombard Elaine Ho Johns Kelli Hennessy Keb

Gamma Epsilon

Founders’ Sandra Weeks Doar Joan Fisher Gross^ Melissa Mangione Ludwig^ Nell Stephenson Lynch+^ Lynette Raville Mathews^ Emily Ho Tilden

CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY - FRESNO Symphony Joan Peres Hansen Presidents’ Penny Houck Woods Double Blue & Gold Courtney Caron+ Regina Nikssarian Pryor Barbara Christensen Spencer+ Sunshine Elizabeth Eberle Payette+^ Donor Alisha Ann Garcia Jennifer Archer Gonzalez Janice Jorgenson Koch Mallory Ann Lutz Julie Michelle Maurer Sandra Davies Phillimeano Renee Marie Rodriguez Rachel Nicole Saffen

Gamma Zeta EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY Double Blue & Gold Paula Pflepsen Brigham+ Irma Olah Powell Jeanne Morgan Swihart Susan Grossman Urbanek Sisterhood Janet Heath-Morgan

Presidents’ Deborah Williams Gower Karen Owens Jacobs Cynthia Smith King^ Shari Mitchell Kirschner Stacey Sarris Sapp Kimberly Coleman Sheppard Sally McRobert Wise Double Blue & Gold Sandi Roth Cripe Paige Anderson VanLenten Jane Sherliza Wier Sisterhood Deborah Bell Cruickshank Karen Smith Hughes Dawn Carrico Kabbes+ Donor Samar Al-Kawas= Shannon Hege Barnes= Lindsey Cook Carrie Beth Dunbar Jennifer Christine Froelich= Stacey Lynn Mahaffey= Nancy Elizabeth McCauley=


Mary Frances McKenna= Amanda Rose Schuble Morse= Jessica Nicole Wessel=

Gamma Theta EAST TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY Double Blue & Gold Margaret Patricia Harr

Gamma Mu RIPON COLLEGE Double Blue & Gold Georgene Klaner Koblenz

Gamma Nu

Donor Deidra Deanna Clifton

SOUTHEAST MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY Presidents’ Norma Lewis Julie Robinson^ Mary Ortmann Ryan

Gamma Iota

Double Blue & Gold Anna Boyer Barnwell

Sisterhood Retha Cole Patton Nancy McSwain Phipps

LAMBUTH COLLEGE Presidents’ Carol Archer Lovell Sisterhood Doris Keen Davis Margaret McCalla Luton DeeDee Rives^ Susan Miller Seyler

Gamma Kappa SUSQUEHANNA UNIVERSITY Founders’ Bonnie Eiker Lightcap+^ Presidents’ Suzanne Springer Zeok Sunshine Margaret Graham Weglarz

Gamma Lambda

Sisterhood Mary Ann Masters Bugg Jennifer Frey+ Alberta Schatzle Germann Sunshine Alberta Macke Dougan Angela Bianca Pullen Yant Donor Elizabeth Anne Elli Rebecca Lynne Ledbetter Kacie Danielle Wilbanks

Gamma Xi VALDOSTA STATE COLLEGE Double Blue & Gold Judith Kear Barry Nancy Kaliher Ellanson^ Sue Hilton Kenneally+ Brenda Underwood Sirmons+^

UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE Medallion Jane Dunlap Gaby

Sisterhood Eileen Wachowiak Harris Durrett Bradford Moerman

Presidents’ Sara Wilson Jacobus+

Gamma Omicron

Double Blue & Gold Linda Loucks Black Debora Berry Davis Cynthia Morgan Furr Lindsay Berney Sharpe+ Sisterhood Vera Sherrod Greer Janet Keough Lisa Gaines Lethi Mary Nehls Sunshine Madge Jones Essary^ Donor Melanie Berney Ashley Ann Carter Sharon Currier


Mary Ann Costello McCarty

CENTRAL MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY Medallion Mary Shellenberger Brown+ Lombard Betty Tatar Wiseman^ Presidents’ Susan Hopkinson Darold Double Blue & Gold Barbara Bachman Gretchen Larry Carter Donor Margo Lawrence Baker

The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta | Fall/Winter 2009

Gamma pi

Gamma upsilon

NORTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY Double Blue & Gold Colette Crown^ Gloria Grandgeorge Hopewell Linda Michel Paul+

UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA Founders’ Patti Truslow+

Sisterhood Dolores Gotkowski Killian Marilyn Blakely Vorsanger

Double Blue & Gold Marie Montante Hall+ Mary Giles Shubert^

Donor Nancy Batura Lindquist

Gamma Rho

Presidents’ Paula Long Anderson JoAnn Smith Evans

Sisterhood Judy Durrance Jaeger^ Helen Bird Rasmussen Carol Spring

PARSONS COLLEGE Presidents’ Margaret Lippitt Buckles

Donor Karen Mortensen White

Sisterhood Jane Brockway Archer^ Tamara Davis Hubler Elizabeth Coblentz Megee

Gamma phi

Sunshine Judith Nelson Dippold

EAST CAROLINA UNIVERSITY Presidents’ Judith Wilson Harrell+ Frances Shelton Vaughan^

Gamma Sigma

Double Blue & Gold Judyth Eargle Hustrulid

THIEL COLLEGE Presidents’ Anne Wilson Hemingway Double Blue & Gold Nancy Pribble Kephart Sisterhood Karen Runninger Barney Bonnie Wells Bonner Bette Feather DeGraw Nancy Hawxhurst LeFevre Sharyn Kordes Sibera Denise Cuteri Willson Donor Tricia Blair Graf

Gamma Tau OHIO NORTHERN UNIVERSITY Presidents’ Kathryn Westlake Double Blue & Gold Liberty King Sisterhood Pamela Hunter Dishman Duane Meko Eberling Teresa Wynn Okrutny^ Gail Teschner Sunshine Diane Thilk Briner^ Donor Kaylene Marie Evans Teresa Lowe Kara Reynolds Patricia St Clair Smith Stacia Wake

Sisterhood Patricia Hedspeth Smith Sunshine Peggy Ratley Economidis Donor Suzanne Frances Fisher Michelle Gibbs Kerianne Veronica Gilmartin= Katherine Elizabeth Hunt= Kathryn Ross Money Glenda Phillips Norford+ Casey Lou Strader= Ashley Marie Taylor= Tracy Lee Toberman= Madeleine Jean Urick= Kimberly Anne Whelan= Elizabeth Ashley White= Taylor Lauren Williams

Gamma psi FROSTBURG STATE UNIVERSITY Symphony Nadine Roberts+ Lombard Sandra Priebe Day Founders’ Rebecca Neilson+ Presidents’ Marilyn Schaar Simmons^ Double Blue & Gold Audrey Panichakoon Crone^

Barbara Renick Graves Audrey Huthwaite^ Valerie Hillman Narron Susan Robinson Linda Zerfing+

Sisterhood Ann Robinson Baird*+ Sheila Klase Benac Deidre Shunkwiler Shumaker Janet Gleason White Sunshine Anne Hudson Brinsmade+^ Susan Marshall Marrama Mary Frances Comer Martirano Donor Emalie Gibbons Baker Elizabeth Anne Jester

Gamma Omega HENDERSON STATE UNIVERSITY Presidents’ Sharon Brannon McCone+ Kathy Nicklaus Owrey+ Double Blue & Gold Patricia Callaway Daniel, M.D., Ph.D.+ Stacie Houston Elkins Sisterhood Kristie Fox Johnson^ Shannon Slatton Schwartz^ Sunshine Melinda Vogel Zimmerman Donor Jayce Ables Lauren Jessica Gomance Karlyn Moore Jay

Delta Alpha UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN LACROSSE Founders’ Susan Quillin+ Presidents’ Diane Gmoser Byrne Double Blue & Gold Heather Petersohn Miller+^ Barbara Lee Vanderploeg^ Sisterhood Elizabeth DeGroot Russell Donor Amy Beth Karoll= Kristine Carlson Kuelthau


Delta Gamma

Delta Eta

KEARNEY STATE COLLEGE Sisterhood Diana Erpelding Wubbenhorst


Delta Delta

Sisterhood Dana Williams Provence^

NORTHERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY Symphony Dianne Plattenburg Botefuhr+^ Double Blue & Gold Marianne Arnestad Boyak Roberta Smith Machata^ Sisterhood Penny Schlais Streeter^ Sunshine Jane Jeffries Piester Donor Ashley Ann Grove Michelle Heather Hilgendorf Miller Marcella Bjerke Niemi

Delta Epsilon UNIVERSITY OF NEW ORLEANS Lombard Maureen Turner Masson+ Double Blue & Gold Cheryl Baiamonte West Sisterhood Robin LaGrange Juneau Jane Vanderbrook Philibert Marilyn Muniz Silbernagel+ Sunshine Tracey Cannon+ Denise Favret Donner^ Jennifer Hew+ Dee Sanders Rasco^ Pamela Hagstette Stritzinger^ Augusta Ciccio Yrle Donor Stefanie Jean Borger= Claire Marie Cummings Lindsey Lea Jones Vittoria Andraea Soleto=

Delta Zeta LONG ISLAND UNIVERSITY/C.W. POST Sisterhood Barbara Hall Wullschleger Sunshine Robin Minor Brennan Donor Sarina Kristeen Sigmon

Sunshine Kathleen Yoder Landis^ Marla Nauman Nicholls

Delta Theta ST. CLOUD STATE UNIVERSITY Founders’ Carolyn Puzak Luken^ Sisterhood Shannah Tinker Gillespie

Delta Kappa SLIPPERY ROCK UNIVERSITY Presidents’ Jan Colton Belka Denise Halpern Lieberman

Delta Omicron

Delta Sigma

Donor Janice Harlow

FAIRMONT STATE COLLEGE Presidents’ Janice Falkenstein Denison

FERRIS STATE UNIVERSITY Symphony Sara Elizabeth Pullis Molnar+

Delta Nu

Double Blue & Gold Helen McClain Annecillo

INDIANA UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA Founders’ Marijean Konopke Williams+^

Double Blue & Gold Margaret Dekker Danhof+ Janice Gertz Shedd

Donor Elizabeth Stonestreet Bolyard

Sunshine Kristine Anderson Stephens+^ Theresa Deal Wachal

Presidents’ Marie Rodkey Faherty^ Double Blue & Gold Shirley Gausman Marchand Karen Hofelt McNeil Mary Christopher Preissner Bridget Fishburn Wade Leslie Kibler Wirtz+ Jo Anne Dechert Youngblut+ Marilyn Canfield Zywiec

Sisterhood Michelle Burichin Murray

Sunshine Kathryn Glass Craddock Linda Harkcom Gould^

Delta Lambda

Donor Jacqueline Teresa Spurgis

ROCHESTER INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Presidents’ Kimberly Hemmer Bonarski Double Blue & Gold Erin Clapp+^ Sisterhood Devon McGoldrick Kathryn Ann Stohler+^ Sunshine Alison Adams Weinberg Donor Kristy Mooney Graves Michelle Marie Matrazzo= Katie Iva Rahr=

Delta Mu OLD DOMINION UNIVERSITY Founders’ Linda Foster Absalom Double Blue & Gold Catherine Stultz Austin Deirdre Midgett Cook Jennifer Bellas Lee Sisterhood Carolyn Russell Cunningham^ Karen Steelman Hair Ruth Whitehurst Sandifer

Delta Xi GEORGIA STATE UNIVERSITY Lombard Lenn Steed Reed+ Founders’ Lesley Conway Maggiore Presidents’ Michelle Green Pittman^ Tracy Andersen Roberts Alicia Woo+^ Double Blue & Gold Caroline Cathcart Gilmore Gail Brooks Turk Carol Spalding Wakamo Marilyn Marker Whitmer Sunshine Margaret Slocum Amy Falkenberg Warner^ Donor Patricia Gooden Fredrickson Rebecca Elizabeth Hickom Laura Miller+ Ramona Murphy Ryan Faye Westlake Sullivan Katie Elizabeth Wilson

Sisterhood Paula Casella Burnett

Delta pi

Sisterhood Carrie Graham Russell+^ Sunshine Teresa Yardley Kuiper^ Carole Gottesleben Lee Jill Mouton-Theut+

DEFIANCE COLLEGE Double Blue & Gold Jill Foster Bortel+

Donor Julie Sheridan Baranek

Sisterhood Dr. Bonnie Clark Jefferis+ Jamie Dahms Pelfrey

Delta Tau

Sunshine Kate Lambert Hayfield Marsha Ciesielski Jackisch Donor Patricia Stines Babcock

Delta Rho CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY NORTHRIDGE Symphony Deanna Wollam Detchemendy+ Lombard Marianne Moritz Russo+^ Founders’ Kathleen Cates Cantarine^ Presidents’ Susan Nilsen+^ Debbie Levy Rubin Double Blue & Gold Heidi Prouty Hovatter Susan Leeds-Horwitz+ Sally Smith Reimers+

UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN OSHKOSH Sisterhood Bridget Hudzinski Buell Ruth Fraedrich Harken+ Sunshine Beth Becker McNulty Donor Jessica Charlotte Puhl

Delta upsilon UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN - SUPERIOR Double Blue & Gold Jean Lundberg Olson

Delta phi UNIVERSITY OF CHARLESTON Double Blue & Gold Brenda Clark Lee Sisterhood Patricia Dodson^ Sunshine Doris Muller Burton^

Sisterhood Ellen Hassig+ Sandra Posthumus Holcomb Linda Clark McMillan

Delta Chi

Sunshine Victoria Lenore Bourdas+ Deborah Lentz Lang

Founders’ Ruth Goodman Akin+^ Jennifer Emerick Kuntz

Donor Charlotte Louise Keast Domonique Rose Montano Elonna Cher Ratman Kara Elizabeth Welch


Presidents’ Carol Heselton Becky Dennert Seidl^ Double Blue & Gold Lorelie Schutter Darrah Pamela Shannon Waters


Sisterhood Marcy Matson Bitner Debra Bryson Goodman^ Wendy Allen Henry Dana Myszka Peterson Tracy Borlaug Pursell Sunshine Michele McGinnis Kloth^ Jennifer Fordham Larrive Donor Karen Kaliban Fox Laurie Gernhart Hotz Jamee Maurer Klein

Delta psi TEXAS STATE UNIVERSITY- SAN MARCOS Founders’ Deborah Johnson Robertson^ Double Blue & Gold Betty Robbins Bendall Sisterhood Frances Tomlin Dudenhoeffer Courtney Nicole Hankins+^ Julie Petrash Pinchak Sunshine Christel Barrett Dietzius Cari Cox Berg^ Cynthia Gray Bowers Brenda Schrader Keller^ Donor Kimberly Diana Dean Marisa Walden

Delta Omega WINONA STATE UNIVERSITY Sisterhood Susan Kniebel Bergman+ Sunshine Mary Barton Rankin

Epsilon Alpha UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN - EAU CLAIRE Lombard Jennifer Pelkey+ Presidents’ Penny Pugh Goodyear+ Double Blue & Gold Susan Peters Haug Sisterhood Kelli Groth Kracht Sunshine Kathy Gerke Beaver Rhonda Harr Love Jennifer Mackley^


Foundation Grants and Awards Recipients Askey educAtion Ation PRoGRAm GRAnt A

Raising awareness of important issues in the broader community $750 - Beta Tau, Kent State, for “Something of Value” program $750 - Gamma Epsilon Epsilon, Cal State Fresno, for “The Gift of Sorority” presented by Ginny Carroll $500 - Iota Lambda, St. Norbert, ffor Greek Leadership Conference presented by David Stollman choose childRen GRAnts

$1,000 - Stripling Elementary School for digitally interactive books for their Media Center. Presented by the Atlanta-Fulton County Alumnae Association $1,000 - The Stewpot to purchase curriculum for the new Character Counts class where middle and high school students learn about developing good character. Presented by the Dallas Alumnae Association $2,500 - Boys & Girls Club of Metro Denver to create an organic garden and environmental education program at Gates Camp. Presented by the Denver Alumnae Association $1,500 - Helping Hands Center for Special Needs to update the equipment used by the occupational therapists, provide a sensorimotor room and new therapy gym. Presented by Psi, Ohio State $1,000 - READ Association of Saginaw County to assist with the costs of volunteer recruitment, activities, mentor screening and training at a READ School Center. Presented by the Saginaw Valley Alumnae Association $2,000 - Upper Valley Haven to purchase computers, computer programs and books. Presented by Theta Psi, Dartmouth doRothy clARkson dodd GRAnt, undeRGRAduAte A inteRFRAte Ate RFRA Rnity institute RFRAte

Provides tuition to the Undergraduate Interfraternity Institute Michaelagh Gearin, U of Washington leAdeRshAPe institute GRAnt

Provides tuition and travel to The LeaderShape Institute Riley Pennington, Sonoma State ZelmA PAtchin A Atchin continuinG educAtion Ation GRAnt A

Awarded to alumnae seeking professional development in a nondegree program $800 - Prudence Assaf DiVincenzo, Louisiana State: Participation in The Court Reporting Institute of Dallas, Texas $400 - Meredith Sloane Schechter, Elon: Participation in The First Tee - Forces Fore Good - 2009 Network Meeting in San Jose, California $500 - Elizabeth Wiley, Dartmouth: Participation in the Tuck Business Bridge Program at Dartmouth College $500 - Christina Witkowicki, New Hampshire: Participation in the Interfraternity Institute (IFI) at Indiana University mARy PlAce hAdley dley Aw AwARd

Recognizing outstanding, continuous service benefiting a college chapter Jan Colton Belka, Slippery Rock, 30+ years as Chapter Advisor to Zeta Nu, Miami Ohio winnAFRed coRwin win Robinson Aw AwARd

Recognizing the advisor of the chapter showing the greatest improvement in the biennium Megan McGowen, Cal State Northridge, Chapter Advisor to Zeta Xi, Auburn kA Ryn FAul wAllAce kAth ce Aw AwARd

Recognizing the Financial Advisor with outstanding service to a college chapter Emily Bearden Posey, Alabama Birmingham, Financial Advisor to Theta Phi, Alabama Birmingham

The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta | Fall/Winter 2009

FOuNDATION ANNuAL REpORT 2008-2009 Donor Kelsie Marie Bauer= Amanda Rae Baxter= Nicola Leigh Berlick Andrea Nicole Daoust= Jennesa Caroline Davidson Molly Williams Filipek= Megan Ann Johnson=

Epsilon Eta

Epsilon Lambda

SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY Symphony Michele Herbst Evink^

RIDER UNIVERSITY Lombard Michelle Supplee Reda^

Epsilon Gamma

Sisterhood Andrea Fouberg

Double Blue & Gold Stacy Hogancamp Maul Susan MacDade Paluskiewicz Susan Buddine Simms Judith Dispenza Stabile

Sunshine Michele Sovell Boehmer

Sisterhood Debra Teck Fisher

Donor Melanie Hanson Doppenberg Connie Horst Ochocki Emily Griesy Perry

Donor Alene Abrams Julie Resa Berwald Jessica Lea Demetriou

WESTERN CAROLINA UNIVERSITY Medallion Dorothy Sheldon Williams Symphony Jane Hooper Sutton+ Founders’ Myra Wiggins Grant Presidents’ Margaret Miesiaszek Griffith+ Margaret Kiernan Witt Double Blue & Gold Karen Blackwell Lineberger Joyce Stiles Tessier Sisterhood Donna Cline+ Jo-An Baggett Pittard Cathy Stutts Portaro+

Presidents’ Constance Baker Swarthout^ Double Blue & Gold Diana Baker Rettig

Epsilon Theta WEST LIBERTY STATE COLLEGE Sisterhood Laurie Kinter Jones+ Sherry Bentley Joy Karen Poach Linn+ Sunshine Diana Young Carroll^ Kimberly Carter Stevenson

Sunshine Vickie Dinkins Long Diane Dusenbury Skillman Catherine Beal Waters

Donor Kimberlee Tubaugh Balog

Donor Stephanie Goodell Whitney Colleen Moore Megan Ann Watson

NEWBERRY COLLEGE Sisterhood Leslie Oltmann Sligh

Epsilon Delta INDIANA STATE UNIVERSITY Founders’ Donna Gettle Worthley^ Sunshine Carol Davies Demaio

Epsilon Zeta EASTERN WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY Sisterhood Gina Lockman Ney+^ Deborah Sekreta Elisabeth Stuller+^ Donor Monica Lynn DeWitt Whitney BryAnn Jones Colleen Michelle Olson Erin Snodgrass

Epsilon Iota

Sunshine Kelly Harmon Roberts

Presidents’ Heather Lerch^

Epsilon Mu UNIVERSITY OF NORTHERN COLORADO Presidents’ Vicki Postas Byrne Double Blue & Gold Diane Andrich Judith Eichberger Bender Annamarie Moreland Brachfeld+ Michelle Ellwanger Sisterhood Lynne Tidd Coverdale Margaret Larsen Fazzio^ Vicki Plummer Gardner+ Robin Greene Sunshine Linda Trzyna^

Epsilon Nu

Donor Deborah Wessinger Graham

UNIVERSITY OF HARTFORD Double Blue & Gold Nicola Rutigliano+

Epsilon Kappa

Donor Lois Jacobs

Connie Ellebrecht Morehead Chelsea Marie Newberry= Beth Joy Nielsen Linda Roediger Linda Miller Schuchmann+ Kelsey Elizabeth Schuessler= Stephanie Pauline Soleta=

Epsilon Tau

Epsilon Omicron

IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY Diamond Nancy Fehrmann Gainer+

OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY Sunshine Margaret Shrontz Tenzythoff

Epsilon pi

CENTRAL MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY Double Blue & Gold Teresa Ankenbauer Feutz+ Sunshine Kathy Williams

Epsilon phi

Lombard Judy Erickson Presidents’ Sharon Gross Duyzend

Presidents’ Saralyn Crawford Mitchell

Sisterhood Cynthia Clark Crock Amy Dawson Kraenzlein Tricia Audette Lenz Barbara Straight Marr Janet Lahti Schultze+^ Diane Spence^

Double Blue & Gold Iris Boone Hinton

Sunshine Michelle Nepple Boris

Sisterhood Lisa Yarbrough Bradley^ Deborah Morrow Mitchell^

Donor Rebecca Soderholm+ Tiffany Hopper Vokt

Donor Kassandra Leann McKenzie Kaci Smith Ogle Lisa Marie Reed Tracie Teem Sessoms

Epsilon Chi

JACKSONVILLE STATE UNIVERSITY Lombard Regina Willis Hawkins+^ D. Claudette Smith+

Epsilon Rho

VILLANOVA UNIVERSITY Sunshine Joyce Maccombie Curtis

Epsilon Omega

UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN MAINE Sunshine Suzanne Caroline LaCroix

UNIVERSITY OF NORTH TEXAS Double Blue & Gold Candace Battenfield Sawyer+^

Epsilon Sigma

Sisterhood Jenna Bankston Watson^

GEORGIA SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY Lombard Ann Spalding Cochran+^

Donor Glenda Hartsell Shelton

Founders’ Monica Burke^

Lombard Paige Faries+

UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI - ST. LOUIS Double Blue & Gold Karen Wyka Kapral+

Presidents’ Katharyn Faries Herndon

Sunshine Michele Smith Dunaway

CLARION UNIVERSITY Double Blue & Gold Paula Schmeck Myers Nyla Orr Snodgrass^

Sisterhood Carolyn Lee Goodpaster Knight^ Kristin Stuedle

Donor Lauren Ashley Buerk= Kathryn Marie Busen Lauren Elizabeth Kluge= Megan Marie Labbe= Lauren Nicole Medley=

Sisterhood Elizabeth Lois Elijah Rebecca L. Owen^

WESTERN KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY Symphony Ginny Carroll+^ Olive Gabriel Faries+

Sunshine Cynthia Robinson Mitchell

Epsilon Xi

Double Blue & Gold T.J. Merck Parker

Donor LuAnne Neal Wall

Zeta Beta

Sisterhood Margaret Kiskaddon McFate Carol Butterfield Meisinger Sunshine Dorinda Barnett Eckenroad Christine Shellgren Sober


Zeta Gamma

Zeta Lambda

Zeta Rho

Zeta psi

UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI Sisterhood Wendy Mikell Piepke+


NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY Double Blue & Gold Evonne Carawan^

UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA Double Blue & Gold Elizabeth Pope Battaglia

Donor Joette Nicole Andrews Debra Jane Freiheit Reich Sheryl York Wright

Donor Jenny Hagler Knight

Sisterhood Julie Kleckley Hummer

Zeta Sigma

Zeta Omega

HILLSDALE COLLEGE Double Blue & Gold Leslie Caldwell Shearer+^

STATE UNIVERSITY OF WEST GEORGIA Presidents’ Valerie Cobb Mallon

Zeta Epsilon EDINBORO UNIVERSITY Double Blue & Gold Linda DeFilippo Kathy Pape

Zeta Eta WEST CHESTER UNIVERSITY Sunshine Mary Hallman Richards Donor Amy Clark Buddock Michelle Milburn Rudnick

Zeta Theta WRIGHT STATE UNIVERSITY Sisterhood Susan Kempton Bollinger Sunshine Eileen Day Hix Melanie Spencer Johnson Michele Thompson Richmond^ Donor Keisha Michele Walker

Zeta Iota LYON COLLEGE Double Blue & Gold Allison Turner Kimes Sisterhood Heather Mize Skinner+^ Sunshine Danya Cravens Davenport^ Stephanie Davis Thompson^ Donor Sarah Ann Harvey Krystle Perkins Henry Kristin Maas Emily Roberts Malin

Zeta Kappa UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH JOHNSTOWN Sunshine Diana Pieczynski Downing


Zeta Nu MIAMI UNIVERSITY Sisterhood Susan Koegel^ Sunshine Kathleen Seith Corso Sarah Gaffney Rochford^ Michele Sawko Shrigley Donor Martha Ann Freeman Sandra Hopson Frey Anna Folino Ligibel Kristin Ellen Rogacki Allison Kimberly Zackaroff

Zeta Xi AUBURN UNIVERSITY Presidents’ Lisa Paramore Pickelsimer^ Leslie Taylor+^ Double Blue & Gold Kristi Beams Anderson Sisterhood Christine Gerlach Frank Deborah Jones Love^ Martha Magnuson Sunshine Pamela Jacqueline Mann Drake^ Courtenay Frew Betty Steger-Moulton^ Dawn Rylee Winkler Donor Ellen Ogle

Zeta Omicron UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA Double Blue & Gold Mary Beth Jackson+ Katherine Listwan Martin+ Kristine Polo Piper Smith+ Sisterhood Joan Clark+ Karin Lynn Cook Jennifer Owczarski Floro Anne Marie Musial McIltrot+^

Donor Ellen Candalino Ludewig The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta | Fall/Winter 2009

Sunshine Angela Dedmon Carlo+

Zeta Tau UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA, ASHEVILLE Lombard Patrice Orr Bryon^ Double Blue & Gold Suzanne Cantando+ Rebecca O’Bryon+ Sunshine Wendy Davis Guyer+ Marissa DeBlasio Rowe

Sisterhood Patricia Fostvedt Nealy Patty Wheat+ Donor Laura Prevatte Cross Paula Spencer-King

Theta Alpha MILLERSVILLE UNIVERSITY Sisterhood Joy Landes Bradley

Donor Catherine Coyle DeBroder Heather Quinn

Donor Rachel Mary Kohn Kristen Lorch Emily Arden Vernacchio

Zeta upsilon

Theta Beta

ALMA COLLEGE Presidents’ Bethany Cain Green+ Sisterhood Cathleen Curley Ronda Guimond+ Heidi Wahl LaFever Donor Rebekah Sue Noss

Zeta phi BINGHAMTON UNIVERSITY OF SUNY Donor Jane Carbonaro Ragini Mehta

Zeta Chi UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA WILMINGTON Donor Kristine Herkomer VanNess Kristina Lynn Wolfe

SONOMA STATE UNIVERSITY Lombard Kristin Olson Billingsley+ Presidents’ Jennifer Knowles Sunshine Lauren Janelle Kort+ Donor Monika Alison Endrizzi Elizabeth Amber Goodrich

Theta Gamma UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE Presidents’ Lorrie Smith Donor Deborah Anne Choron= Christine DeLuca= Jennifer Mary Egan Kimberly Krajcsovics Horan Marguerite Brubaker Innes Jessica Hewing Kelly= Kelly Littleton= Karen Kathleen Martin= Kahlin McKeown Dannielle Lena Renee Miccinello=

Melissa Cohen Middleton Kristin Michelle Palopoli Kathryn Elizabeth Rippin= Sarah Elyse Rodriquez= Katherine Elizabeth Rotunno Nicole Ann Sarrubbo Julie Kay Schenk= Jamie Ilyssa Simon-Meyer= Elise Robyn Stein

Theta Epsilon MARQUETTE UNIVERSITY Double Blue & Gold Danica Vanasse Olson+ Sunshine Shannon Braun^ Mary Paulino Torre Donor Michelle Lin Andres= Caitlin Andrews= Clare Elizabeth Arquilla= Megan Collen Bruggemann= Erin Elizabeth Camargo= Katherine Anne Durham= Megan Ann Everson= Melanie Ann Fraenkel= Katelyn Ann Jorgensen= Katrina Jeannette Lord= Ashley Sarah Novak= Ashton Johanna Reed= Aimee Stang= Mary Alanna Stillo= Catherine Walker=

Theta Zeta EMBRY-RIDDLE AERONAUTICAL UNIVERSITY Sunshine Matt Kloss Miglin Donor Talia Gabrielle Roffman Raelin Marie Schneider

Theta Eta WESTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY Donor Joelle Annette Fundaro Alison Blayr Giffin Karen Thorne Liebau

Theta Iota FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY Donor Jillian Dale Stadwick Kristy Squire Wexler


Alpha Xi Delta Valentine’s Day Gifts The Alpha Xi Delta Foundation recognizes daughters honored by their parents with a Valentine’s Day gift to the Foundation. Each young woman received a Valentine’s Day card that included a personal message from her family. Hannah Austin, U of Washington Anna Bailey, Jacksonville State Ashley Baltes, Ohio Jessica Barnard, Alabama Birmingham Lindsey Barnett, Ohio State Sierra Barroza, Sonoma State Jamie Bell, Alabama Birmingham Nicole Bernicker, West Chester Desirae Boehle, Nevada Las Vegas Leigha Buongiorno, Auburn Ashlen Burns, Central Florida Hannah Burt, Alabama Birmingham Heather Calhoun, Auburn Erin Camargo, Marquette Carrie Cannon, Southern Polytechnic State Michelle Case, Missouri St. Louis Kristine Caton, Eastern Washington Paige Cavazos, Texas State San Marcos Katherine Chandler, U of Washington Julie Charney, Ferris State Lita Clark, Purdue Laura Clevenger, Purdue Eleanor Comiskey, Miami Ohio Caitlin Cornell, Marietta Kelly Coslet, South Dakota Taylor Couchois, Cal State San Marcos Alisa Courtney, Auburn Brittany Cowgill, Ohio Northern Molly Crego, Marquette Amy Crosse, Iowa Bridget Cunningham, Ohio State Cecilia Cunningham, Marquette Samantha Dahlke, Marian Theresa Dendinger, South Dakota State Marjorie Dennis, Greensboro Tara DeVorss, Nebraska Omaha Bethany Dibble, Kent State Maria DiMartino, West Carolina Kelly Drew, West Chester Ashley Dumke, South Dakota State Rebecca Ehrlich, Bethany Danielle Eller, East Tennessee State

Beth Elli, Southeast Missouri State Lauren Ellis, Elon Nicole Espinoza, Towson Ashley Faltisek, Southwestern Casey Farber, Kent State Abby Fare, East Carolina Emily Ferguson, Bowling Green State Carolina Ferrer, Florida International Kelly Fields, Ohio Northern Caitlin Fitzgerald, Marquette Elizabeth Fonferek, St. Norbert Katie Fowler, Marshall Erin Frey, Miami Ohio Ashley Frystak, Bowling Green State Elizabeth Gamble, East Tennessee State Casey Gardiner, Dartmouth Laura Gavin, Texas State San Marcos Calyn Gelinas, Miami Emily Geller, Indiana Kerianne Gilmartin, East Carolina Callie Gilmer, Georgia Tech Victoria Gonzales, Texas State San Marcos Leah Gonzalez, Texas State San Marcos Deanna Greathouse, Cal State San Marcos Kirsten Haccou, Cal State Fresno Kala Hall, Marietta Sarah Harris, East Carolina Christina Hart, Newberry Haley Helgoth, Nebraska Lincoln Melissa Henehan, Bowling Green State Torri Hoffman, Wisconsin Oshkosh Alana Holly, Syracuse Emily Holmes, Northern Iowa Jamie Horne, East Carolina Jamie Johnson, Sonoma State Jessica Johnson-Tryon, Cal State Stanislaus Amanda Jones, West Virginia Wesleyan Ashley Kaether, Cal State San Marcos Heather Kanastab, Syracuse Candace Kessler, Marshall Melissa Konen, Albion Jenna Kueker, Texas Kristin Launius, Christian Brothers Alexandra Lawrence, Elon Karen Lederer, Marietta Kerry Lee, Texas State San Marcos Michelle Leonard, Texas Jennifer Leone, Ohio State Jada Lettenberger, Wisconsin Oshkosh Briana Licht, Nebraska Omaha Chelsea Lothian, North Carolina Wilmington Mallory Lutz, Cal State Fresno Megan Lynch, Syracuse Alyson Marcinkowski, Western Michigan Jessica Martinez, Florida International Johnna Mathena, Kansas State Becca Meredith, Ohio Northern Madelynn Meth, Nevada Las Vegas Maddie Monroe, Bowling Green State Krista Montes de Oca, Elon

Jessica Moore, Wright State Marianna Munisteri, Delaware Hina Musa, Texas Jordan Myers, Wisconsin Oshkosh Natalie Niemeyer, Iowa Laura Noe, Marshall Sarah O’Brien, Missouri St. Louis Amanda Osborne, Bowling Green State Kelci Pearce, Christian Brothers Lindsey Phillips, Purdue Mary Piantadosi, Georgia Tech Erica Pimentel, Florida International Marissa Pinnola, Embry-Riddle (AZ) Robin Prebor, Georgia Tech Jackie Pryor, Marquette Lauren Reilly, Texas State San Marcos Anna Reyes, Marquette Laura Reynolds, Dartmouth Rebecca Richardson, New Hampshire Caitlin Richter, Texas State San Marcos Kristen Riggle, Miami Ohio Lindsey Robenalt, Miami Ohio Alana Robinson, U of Washington Leah Ross, Dartmouth Blair Rothenberg, West Virginia Wesleyan Taylor Ryan, Wingate Megan Saltsman, Kent State Jenna Saper, Binghamton Cara Schafer, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Lauren Schefstad, Georgia Tech Brier Schuetz, Nebraska Lincoln Adrienne Selig, Purdue Abby Sibley, Auburn Sara Simmers, U of Washington Sarah Sladek, Marquette Alison Slowey, Northern Iowa Jessica Springer, Mount Union Jordan Stonehouse, Western Michigan Meredith Story, Central Florida Alexandra Sumkin, Miami Ohio Sara Synovec, Nebraska Lincoln Annamarie Trevvett, South Dakota State Suzanne Uliano, Elon Kristen Viscum, Illinois Kristina Visk, Kansas State Rebekah Walker, Texas State San Marcos Lauren Wasilick, East Carolina Stephanie Weiss, St. Norbert Caitlyn White, Delaware Morgan Wilburn, Texas Gabrielle Winchester, Florida International Brianna Wippel, Southwestern Kelsey Wolff, Embry-Riddle (FL) Kelsey Wright, Indiana Mae Lin Xia, Alabama Birmingham Stephanie Zaccarelli, of Delaware Sarah Zayic, Embry-Riddle (AZ) Elizabeth Zervakos, Georgia State Leila Ziaee, Towson


Theta Lambda

Theta Tau

Iota Delta

SOUTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY Sisterhood Barbara Kearley

MARIAN UNIVERSITY Donor April Olsen Tiffany Lee Pritchard Jessica Diane Schmidt


Donor Katherine Bonner Alfaro Jenna Clare Hardy Kathleen Elise Huff

Theta Mu CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY Double Blue & Gold Alison Nee Calderone+ Sisterhood Amee Bhalakia

Theta Nu ELON COLLEGE Presidents’ Laura Lyerly Milliken^ Sunshine Katie Sullivan+^

Theta pi CHRISTIAN BROTHERS UNIVERSITY Sunshine Lorraine Delgado Amador Kathleen Gillon Donor Katy Elizabeth Host

Theta upsilon YOUNGSTOWN STATE UNIVERSITY Donor Stefanie Elizabeth Gott

Theta phi UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA BIRMINGHAM Donor Jeanne Marie Cosgrove+= Katelyn Elizabeth Englert Bobbie Deann Gibson Frances Mary Halloran=

Theta psi DARTMOUTH COLLEGE Donor Joanna Dale Hunter

Theta Omega NEW MEXICO STATE Double Blue & Gold Shelby Marie Krebs^

Iota Alpha Theta Rho CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY - SAN MARCOS Sunshine Mary Perna Thibodeau+^ Christina Anne Wisecarver^ Donor Deborah Norton

Theta Sigma UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL FLORIDA Double Blue & Gold Amy Bransford Smith+ Rebekah Wilson+ Donor Jocelyn Jimenez Espejo Ashley Horn Routh Lindsay Brooke Scheld

GEORGE MASON UNIVERSITY Sunshine Jessica Gammon Langdorf Donor Lisa Starkey Trapani Rachel Renee Wooten

Iota Beta CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY STANISLAUS Donor Sara Ross Gouzenne= Denise Dian Hamilton Sarah Katherine Hedin Stephanie Ann Hudelson= Nancy Marie Nunes Melissa Marie Vieira=

Donor Natalie Anne Shadid

Iota Epsilon UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA - LAS VEGAS Sunshine Sabrina Summers^ Donor Maureen Elizabeth Russell Samantha Steelman Ame Escoto Williams

Iota Zeta WINGATE UNIVERSITY Donor Jacqueline Michele Emmenecker

Iota Theta SOUTHERN POLYTECHNIC STATE UNIVERSITY Sunshine Amanda Benson Hicks+^ Donor Lauren Elizabeth Shepherd+=

Iota Iota GREENSBORO COLLEGE Donor Krista Dorothy Connelly= Brittany Alexandria Eckard= Laura Michelle Hansen Amanda Marie Johnson= Alicia Michelle Newman= Vanessa Anne Pizzi=

Iota Kappa IDAHO STATE UNIVERSITY Donor Niki Markley= Brittany Rae Miller+=

Iota Mu LYCOMING COLLEGE Sunshine Bonnie Lynn James+^ Donor Amy Rebekah Bentz= Ashley Beth Cardamone= Kaitlin Ann Deptula=


The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta | Fall/Winter 2009

Megan Maiolo Eppleman+ Jessica Lauren Guzzardo= Lori Kristin Newton=

Iota Nu MONMOUTH UNIVERSITY Donor Tara Elizabeth McMenamin

Alpha Deuteron Presidents’ Jackie Lyerly+ Double Blue & Gold Lori Holt+ Sisterhood Dorothy Meyer Donor Susan Kathleen McDonald

Friends of Alpha Xi Delta Diamond George Brown Jr.^ Medallion Omega Financial, Inc.+ Symphony Lyles Foundation Donor Advised Fund^ Lombard The Charles H. Giles & Fannie M. Giles Memorial Foundation^ Presidents’^ Norman & Carol Weldon^ Double Blue & Gold Denny Moller Sisterhood Ruth Ann Barnard^ HRH/Kirklin & Co., LLC Larry & Kathy Visk^ Walter G. Wells^ Sunshine Dirk & Judy Haccou^ Cindy Hart^ Ossie & Shelley Osborne^ Donor Joe & Vicki Bailey Mike & Linda Baltes Frank & Christy Barnett Dennis & Julie Barroza Star & Tommy Bell Jill Bernicker Claire & John Boehle Toscha Brady Nicole Brinkman Diana Brown

Joe & Rosina Buongiovno Marsha & Tim Burns David Burt Maggy & Jimmy Calhoun Lynn & Jeff Camargo June & Dub Cannon Wayne & Debbie Caraway Mary & Bill Case Bill & Rosie Caton Roy & Joyce Cavazos Becky Chandler Michael & Barbara Comiskey Frank & Marlene Cornell Ray & Marsha Coslet Linda Couchois Alan & Julie Cowgill Mark & Lona Crego Donna Criswell Jim & Dorothy Crosse Karen & Tim Cunningham Michael & Carolyn Cunningham Phyllis Czesak John & Tammy Dahlke Cyndi & Bill Dendinger Al & Trisha Dennis Karla DeVorss Ben & Jo Anne Dibble Kathy DiMartino Susan Dixon Tom & Robin Drew Kim & Don Ehrlich Jim & Charlene Eller Ken & Kelly Elli Larry & Shari Ellis Janet & Kevin Engelke Bobbi Espinoza Debra & Edward Faltisek Alisa & Allan Farber Ed & Kay Fare David & Brenda Ferguson Regina Ferrer Cecil & Joyce Fields Debra Austin & Philip Fisher Kathi Fitzgerald Beverly & Milton Fonferek Kevin & Karen Fowler Barbara Gamble Nancy & Steve Gardiner David Gavin John & Justine Gelinas Jayne & Marty Geller John & Karen Gilbert Gloria & Brendan Gilmartin J.R. & Marcia Gilmer Albert & Christy Gonzales Susie & Larry Greathouse Kelley & Mark Haberski Arthur & Jane Hadley

FOuNDATION ANNuAL REpORT 2008-2009 Charles Hall Elizabeth Rice Harmon Becky Harris Bob & Rose Helgoth Ron & Nancy Henehan Steven Hoffman Karen & Randy Holly Rich & Christine Holmes Indianapolis Alumnae Panhellenic Lynn & Debbie Johnson Sandra Johnson Greg & Kathy Jones Gwen & Rob Kanastab Karen Kenney Michael & Bonnie Kessler Janice & Bob Konen Brian & Jodi Kueker Walt & Sandy Larson Robyn & Tod Lawrence Dennis & Rona Lee

Tina & Tim Leonard Ed & Alice Leone Bruce & Lana Jo Licht Linda Lieberman Linda Lothian Michael & Susan Lutz James Marcinkowski Manny & Zoila Martinez Greg Mathena Jim & Rikki Meredith Brian & Mary Monroe Suzi & Gus Montes de Oca Claressa Renee Moreland Anthony & Debbie Munisteri Cathy Murphy= Wazeer & Parveen Musa Paul & Cheryl Myers Tammy Newsome Larry & Gwen Niemeyer

Brian & Jill Noe Jolene O’Brien Jim & Carol Ogletree Tommasina Olson Geri Lynn Grossan & Scott Peril Paul & Cheryl Petri Eliot & Cheryl Phillips Esther Piantadosi Melvin & Tawne Pieper Loz Marina & Ramon Pimentel Brenda Prebor Deborah Pryor John & Tammy Reilly Ruben & Loreta Reyes Kathleen Conners & Michael Reynolds Amy Richards Mark & Susan Richardson Claudia & Ed Richter

Susan & David Robenalt Jeanne & Randy Robinson Jack & Susan Ross Caroline & Kurt Rothenberg Lynn & Jim Ryan Mary Saltsman Israela Saper Kim & Judy Schafer Jan & Steve Schefstad Cheryl Schultz Tom & Tammy Selig Allen & Kim Sibley Danielle Sieverling Mark & Laura Simmers Gail & Steve Sladek Kevin & Sheila Slowey Carl & Alice Springer Ken & Tina Stonehouse Alix Story Nancy & Jules Sumkin

Mark & Susan Synovec Talk Marketing Enterprises Inc. Carol Trevvett Lou & Susie Uliano Peggy & Jeffrey Viscum Allen & Sandra Walker Mike & Missy Wasilick Bob & Jean Weiss Donnie & Kim Wilburn Jackie & Bill Winchester Stephen & Sonya Wippel Jeanne Wolff Karen & Jeff Wright Steven & Lisa Zaccarelli Jerry & Sheryl Zayic Peter & Sally Zervakos Pirooz Ziaee


Memorial Gifts The Foundation recognizes Memorial Gifts given from May 1, 2009, through August 31, 2009. Dolores Keyser Ardito, West Virginia Wesleyan by Shirley Kincaid Walker, West Virginia Wesleyan Ann Robinson Baird, Frostburg State by Maria Di Maria Ewing, Clarion Elizabeth Ledbetter Poirier, Frostburg State Susan Robinson, Frostburg State Mary Ellen Cunningham South, Frostburg State Janet Gleason White, Frostburg State

Max Gruenwald, father of Shari Gruenwald, South Dakota by Pamela Gardiner Enger, Frostburg State

Winnafred Corwin Robinson, Wisconsin Madison by Jean Smith Clark, Penn State

Helen Miller Gummaw, Ohio by the Toledo, OH Alumnae Association

Ruth Haberacker Sadler, Ohio by Ann Channell Olsen-Lavelle, Ohio

Diana Hansen Haberman, Wisconsin Madison by Margaret Carncross Madisen, Illinois

Laura Bunn Sather, Oregon State by Frances Bunn Shaw, U of Washington

Alfa Duty Barnes, West Virginia by Judith Tait Levy, Florida State

Roma Hill Hepburn, Marietta by Jessie Rose Wilkinson, Marietta

Marian Elizabeth Bentley, mother of Wendy Bentley Jensen, Cal State Northridge by Ellen Hassig, Cal State Northridge Susan Leeds-Horwitz, Cal State Northridge Sally Smith Reimers, Cal State Northridge

Mary Sue Brooks Holstein, Marshall by Robin Hartman Lock, Texas

Margaret “Peg” Bergman, Northwestern by Virginia Hall Edahl, Northwestern

Joanne, Liz and Alice by Ann Little Muffly, West Virginia

Betty Keenan Scorsone, Michigan by Carole Krueger Clark, Michigan State Sue Riley Fackler, Ohio State Janet Steverman Finn, Albion Amy Dawson Kraenzlein, Iowa State Mary Mackie Mroz, Northern Michigan Diane Oviatt Prout, Central Michigan the Saginaw Valley, MI Alumnae Association Barbara Lee Tater, Alpha Deuteron Anita Jagels Thornhill, Albion Betty Cronin Webb, Ohio State Mary Whitman, Central Michigan Della Akehurst Wilder, Central Michigan Betty Tatar Wiseman, Central Michigan

Wanda Muxworthy Blanchard, Centenary by Sally Smith Reimers, Cal State Northridge

June Weber Johnston, Michigan State by Mary Paule McMath Bierlein, Michigan State

Margaret Smith, Michigan State by Mary Paule McMath Bierlein, Michigan State

Marcia Buckley Buck, U of Washington by Lorene Currier, U of Washington Sandra Gleason Walston, U of Washington

Patricia Piatt Lawson, Michigan State by Marian Sayward West, Michigan

Dr. Thurman Edwin Smotherman, father of Susan Smotherman Demers, Stetson by Joan Clark, Florida Dr. Bonnie Clark Jefferis, Defiance

Orlando Ciccone, husband of Rosemarie Sciotto Ciccone, Rhode Island by Jean Koza Leider, Iowa Wilda Legge Crosby, Ohio Wesleyan by Virginia Drick Messing, Ohio Wesleyan Ann Douthat Dammeyer, Maryland by Dolores Hambright Maletzky, Maryland Bernice Carl Morsberger, Maryland Virginia Straley Duvall, Purdue by Betsey McConoughey Harvey, Purdue Florence Steuteville Fitzgibbon, Nebraska Lincoln by Florence Parker Cole, Pennsylvania Dolores Frohlich, Iowa Wesleyan by Carla Joerns Thorpe, Carroll Ethel Weiss Goodman, Northwestern by the Boston, MA Alumnae Association Jean McKinney Griffith, Oregon State by the Portland, OR Alumnae Association

Mary Louise Rosen Helderle, Arizona by the Tucson, AZ Alumnae Association

Mervin Huebner, husband of Dorothea Moser Huebner, Coe by Ruth Goodman Akin, Northern Iowa

Lavinia Lower Lile, Missouri Valley by Rhonda Moore Helling, Missouri Valley Dr. Paul Mancinotti, husband of Janet Specht Mancinotti-Webb, Ohio State by Janet Specht Mancinotti-Webb

Ellen Elston Snediker, Marietta by Marcia Winslow Schnicker, Marietta Jessie Rose Wilkinson, Marietta

Helen Beier Mattson, Illinois by Allison James Green, Albion

Joan Starkweather Stern, Albion by Allison James Green, Albion

Mary Crocker O’Shaughnessey, Wittenberg by Janice McBride Bobbs, Indiana

Anne Druga Tanis, Maryland by Dolores Hambright Maletzky, Maryland

Virgil Peterson, husband of Jane Berkey Peterson, U of Washington by Lorene Currier, U of Washington Jean Harkless Pond, Allegheny by Alveris Bonnell VanFleet Corson, Michigan Lucretia Howe Ransick, Northwestern by the Pinellas County, FL Alumnae Association Lynn Ledwitch Reid, Georgia Tech by Kimbrough Pace Noonan, Georgia Tech

Dona Olson Gruenwald, mother of Shari Gruenwald, South Dakota by Pamela Gardiner Enger, Frostburg State


The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta | Fall/Winter 2009

Susan Fraser Teter, West Virginia by Maggie Louise Chestney, West Virginia Mary Jane Switzer Vaux, Purdue by Ruth Ann Davidson Farkas, Purdue Luella Yeiter Wells, Ohio Wesleyan by Walter G. Wells, husband of Luella Yeiter Wells Betty Robertson Wert, Wittenberg by Pamela Gardiner Enger, Frostburg State Katharyn Faries Herndon, Western Kentucky Sara Elizabeth Pullis Molnar, Ferris State Lois Kopper Stump, Kansas State Betty French Unkel, Ohio State


Honor Gifts The Foundation recognizes Honor Gifts given from May 1, 2009, through August 31, 2009. Jayne Wade Anderson, Nebraska Lincoln by Emily Wray Stander, Nebraska Lincoln Janet Swanson Loper Barris, Syracuse by Julie Lambert, Oregon State Janice Sheldon Baumback, U of Washington by Julie Lambert, Oregon State Beta Alpha Chapter, Texas by Anne Greenlaw Perry, Texas Caitlin Blanz, Syracuse, August 2009 FVP of the Month by Omega Financial, Inc. Mary Shellenberger Brown, Central Michigan by Anonymous donor

Kelly Fields, Ohio Northern, June 2009 FVP of the Month by Omega Financial, Inc.

Lisa Nanni, Georgia State, May 2009 FVP of the Month by Omega Financial, Inc.

Isaiah Dean Frank, son of Lemar Moreland Frank by Lemar Moreland Frank, Purdue

Phi Chapter 2008 graduating seniors, Albion by Mary Shellenberger Brown, Central Michigan

Elysia Balster Gallivan, South Dakota by Marcy Matson Bitner, Northern Iowa Gamma Eta Chapter, Georgia Tech by Sara Pullis Molnar, Ferris State Gamma Psi Sisters, Frostburg State by Sandra Priebe Day, Frostburg State Barbara Wilson Gilbertson, Michigan, for her 50-year anniversary in Alpha Epsilon Chapter by Krystn Gilbertson Aversa, Michigan State

Portland Alumnae Association by Bonnie Baker Blish, UCLA Christina Robertson, West Georgia by Nealy Patty Wheat, West Georgia Nettie Smith, Alpha Deuteron by Melanie Smith Vanderpool, Marshall Jessica Swirski, Stetson by Anneliese Taylor Hallsten, Stetson

Ginny, Diane, Carolyn, Melanie and Eileen by Barbara Rice, Michigan State

Theta Chapter alumnae, Wisconsin Madison by Hope Beck Goldsmith, Wisconsin Madison

Ellen Gibson Goodwin, West Virginia by Julie Lambert, Oregon State

Theta Phi Chapter, Alabama Birmingham by Sara Pullis Molnar, Ferris State

Cincinnati Alumnae Association by Ann Knappenberger Burdorf, Ohio

Martha Small Greenlaw, Texas by Anonymous donor

Susan Stokley Clary, Kentucky by Sandi Ellen Edwards, Kentucky

Mary Jo Hindman by Kate Lambert Hayfield, Defiance

Theta Pi, Christian Brothers by Lorraine Delgado Amador, Christian Brothers

Staci Delfin, New Mexico State, July 2009 FVP of the Month by Omega Financial, Inc.

Veronica Jae, Bethany by Elise Ashley Gardner, Bethany

Evonne Carawan, North Carolina State by the Chesapeake, MD Alumnae Association Chesapeake Alumnae Association by Nancy Thomas Carman, Frostburg State Janet Gleason White, Frostburg State

Delta Alpha Chapter, Wisconsin LaCrosse by Rebecca Soderholm, Iowa State Delta Psi Chapter, Texas State San Marcos by Anne Greenlaw Perry, Texas Delta Xi Chapter, Georgia State by Sara Pullis Molnar, Ferris State Deanna Wollam Detchemendy, Cal State Northridge by the Long Beach, CA Alumnae Association Gretchen Balling DiMarco, Syracuse by Melanie Smith Vanderpool, Marshall Nichole Ditzel, Bowling Green State by Shirley Lehman Ioanes, Bowling Green State Epsilon Alpha Chapter, Wisconsin Eau Claire by Rebecca Soderholm, Iowa State

Kappa Chapter’s installation and new initiates, and the volunteers, Headquarters staff members and friends of Alpha Xi Delta who contributed to the success by Julie Wilson Dillon, Illinois Noah Matthew Konopka, son of Sara Des Jean Konopka, Purdue by Julie Wilson Dillon, Illinois Jennifer Emerick Kuntz, Northern Iowa by Marcy Matson Bitner, Northern Iowa Julie Lambert, Oregon State by Anonymous donor

Elizabeth Way, Old Dominion by Virginia Lammey Way, Gettysburg Cheryl Johnson Weldon, Georgia Tech by Julie Lambert, Oregon State Western Wayne County Alumnae Association by Suellyn Matevia Sekulich, Michigan State Lauren Riggan Woolford, Western Carolina by Stephanie Holmes Jennings, Central Florida Zeta Omega Chapter, West Georgia by Sara Pullis Molnar, Ferris State Zeta Xi Chapter, Auburn by Sara Pullis Molnar, Ferris State

Jennifer Bellas Lee, Old Dominion by Nealy Patty Wheat, West Georgia Katherine Listwan Martin, Florida by Nealy Patty Wheat, West Georgia Susan Eicher Mamber, Kent State by the Chesapeake, MD Alumnae Association


A Classic...Redefined! Alpha Xi Delta Must-Haves ...for the season! From understated elegance to stunningly spectacular, express your unique sense of style with a beautiful new Quill from Herff Jones. Choose a sleek, classic badge or a Quill adorned with dazzling gemstones. With prices starting at just $50, you’ll want to order more than one!

Classic Collection Badge

Don’t forget to accessorize!

Our classic Quill, beautiful and understated.

Personalize your badge with officer dangles and a chapter guard.

Signature Collection Badges 9 stunning styles adorned with pearls, sapphires, opals and aquamarines.

Elegant Collection Badges 7 dazzling styles enhanced with pearls, sapphires and aquamarines.

Premiere Collection Badge A breathtaking Quill with 15 sparkling diamonds.

Grand Collection Badges 4 radiant styles embellished with pearls, diamonds, sapphires and aquamarines.


The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta | Fall/Winter 2009

View the new collections at


Chapter Eternal

he fall/winter Chapter Eternal includes Sisters whose passing was reported to Fraternity Headquarters between May 1, 2009, and August 31, 2009. To notify us of a Sister’s passing, please send an obituary notice, memorial service pamphlet or other written confirmation to Fraternity Headquarters.

Lambda Chapter Tufts University Louise Keith Ritch ’32

Alpha Chapter Lombard College/Knox College Martha Hope Farley Redman ’40

Xi Chapter University of Kentucky Anita Steele Evans ’40

Beta Chapter Iowa Wesleyan College Wilma Tonkinson Brumfield ’34 Carmen Aida Bohrer Bryant ’61 Leona Russell Fawley ’33 Dolores Frohlich ’50 Ferne Nusbaum Oatman ’40 Marcelle McDonald Watson ’59

Omicron Chapter University of California, Berkeley Margaret Wingate Thompson ’38

Delta Chapter Bethany College Nancy Jane Barr Underdonk ’48

Rho Chapter University of Nebraska - Lincoln Jeanne Freeouf ’74 Mary Ellen Berger Hill ’43

Epsilon Chapter University of South Dakota Thelma Anderson Dykstra ’64 Frances Peterson Lease ’40

Sigma Chapter University of Iowa Barbara Thomson ’65

Zeta Chapter Wittenberg University Margaret Borst Taggart Braumiller ’46 Alleen Johnson ’39 Frances Repp Klesa ’37 Eta Chapter Syracuse University Janie Arnold ’53 Marian Metz Rosenberry ’44 Theta Chapter University of Wisconsin - Madison Jean Hoffman Beckmann ’38 Diana Hansen Haberman ’46 Louise Grieshaber Lee ’40 Iota Chapter West Virginia University Alfa Duty Barnes ’35 Gladys Lockhart Leslie ’35 Lee Ann Watkins Schambach ’75 Kappa Chapter University of Illinois Lynn Archbold Hare ’42 Ruby Lees Holaday ’40 Helen Beier Mattson ’30 Mary Frances Burr Seever ’50 Margaret Olsen Vandenberg ’37

Mu Chapter University of Minnesota Eleanor Edwardson Steen ’45 Nu Chapter University of Washington Jacqueline Ellsworth Ahrens ’37

pi Chapter Ohio University Helen Miller Gummow ’35 Miriam Pestel Wickerham ’52

Alpha Theta Chapter Northwestern University Anna Bushnell Schroder ’29 Jane Whike Sell ’40 Alpha Iota Chapter Drake University Joan Spink Flanagan ’48 Mary Kent Miller ’53 Mattie Williamson Wharry ’35 Alpha Kappa Chapter Kansas State University Alberta Hineman Jewett ’43 Alpha Lambda Chapter University of Oregon Yolanda Stoll Blyth ’47 Alpha Mu Chapter Ohio Wesleyan University Wilda Legge Crosby ’36 Nancy Hoover Raber ’61 Alpha Xi Chapter University of California at Los Angeles Ethel Irish Coplen ’26 Lorraine Lindeberg Klugman ’49 Alpha Omicron Chapter Hunter College Yvonne Ramirez Fiorello ’61

upsilon Chapter University of Vermont Christine Shaw Bacon ’28

Alpha pi Chapter Middlebury College Hilda Simonds Crosby ’34 Frances Head Gale ’42

psi Chapter Ohio State University Michelle Lively Clinton ’80

Alpha Sigma Chapter Washington State University Dorothy Cammack Carlson ’28

Alpha Beta Chapter Cornell University Carol Graves Christie ’42 Margaret Gilchrist Dudley ’29

Alpha Tau Chapter University of Alabama Sylvia Dale Yeager Hines ’66

Alpha Delta Chapter Oregon State University Shirley Thom Colegrove ’51

Alpha psi Chapter University of Denver Allison Burtch Glidden ’44

Alpha Epsilon Chapter University of Michigan Betty Keenan Scorsone ’36

Alpha Omega Chapter Florida State University Patricia Ann Wyatt Berry ’54 Mary Anderson Herr ’41

Alpha Zeta Chapter University of Oklahoma Betty Colvin Cameron ’47

Beta Delta Chapter Denison University Ruth Oberlin Mercer ’43

Alpha Eta Chapter Purdue University Janet Kendall Tower ’39

Beta Epsilon Chapter Monmouth College Mary Blake Shunick ’45


Chapter Eternal Beta Eta Chapter University of Maryland Ann Douthat Dammeyer ’50 Elaine Medford Harper ’48 Barbara van Kinsbergen Sapiente ’58 Elizabeth Reid Shawn ’44 Anne Druga Tanis ’49 Beta Theta Chapter Michigan State University Jean Fultz ’77 June Weber Johnston ’39 Patricia Piatt Lawson ’39 Margaret Smith ’43 Beta Kappa Chapter Baldwin-Wallace College Margaret Smith ’41 Beta Mu Chapter Bowling Green State University Nancy Sines Meckstroth ’62

Beta Xi Chapter Marietta College Ellen Dunn Elston Snediker ’49 Betty Bailey Stitt ’49 Eleanor Jennings Thomas ’45 Beta Sigma Chapter West Virginia Wesleyan College Barbara Richards Allman ’49 Beta upsilon Chapter University of Rhode Island Joan Demopulos Latos ’52 Gamma Gamma Chapter University of Arizona Mary Louise Rosen Helderle ’55 Gamma Zeta Chapter Eastern Michigan University Virginia Downing Loesche ’55 Gamma Iota Chapter Lambuth College Dorothy Dodson ’63

Gamma Tau Chapter Ohio Northern University Jane Gilbert Klingenberger ’62 Gamma upsilon Chapter University of Georgia Phyllis Anderson Bulloch ’63 Tommye Murphy ’61 Gamma psi Chapter Frostburg State University Ann Robinson Baird ’64 Delta Iota Chapter Chadron State College Nancy Kuhnel Ehrlick ’69 Epsilon pi Chapter Jacksonville State University Charlotte Trommeter Trathen ’69 Alpha Deuteron Chapter Barbara Lee Tater ’01

Have You Started Your Collection?

“BetXi Bear,” the final piece in Alpha Xi Delta’s solid-pewter ornament collection, is now available! Order yours today for only $15 at


The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta | Fall/Winter 2009

Alpha Xi Delta’s beautiful Quill, Pink Rose, Crest and Heart Sunshine ornaments are available in the Xi Boutique. Order your complete set for only $64 at!

From the Archives


A Travel Milestone

This year the Alpha Xi Delta Field Counselor program, now known as the Educational Leadership Consultant program, turns 50. Here’s to many more miles and lots of great fashions!

Top right: 1966-67 Field Counselors look forward to extending a gloved hand while toting their fashionable, matching briefcases. Traveling that year were Madra Nelson Britt, Florida State ’63, Sharon Schneider Groves, East Tennessee State ’63, Gerry Rebecca McKenzie, Ohio State ’63, and Barbara Renick Graves, Frostburg State ‘63. Top Left: Ready to hit the road with their crested jackets and suitcases are 1974-75 Field Counselors Kathy Stricker Rainbolt, Chadron State ’71, Karen Russell Hart, Marietta ’72, Leisa DePreta Bell, Central Missouri State ’72, Christine Shellhammer Gilliam, Bowling Green State ’71, and Peggy Crouch Donovan, Purdue ’71. Right: Visiting chapters to assist with recruitment, chapter management issues and to help Sisters develop leadership skills is all in a day’s work for this year’s ELCs and Leadership Coaches (LCs). Front: ELCs Angela Trantham, Cal State Northridge ‘04, and Sam Wells, Central Florida ‘04. Back: LC Mary Bershenyi, Kansas State ‘04, ELC Amber Kreisel, Wingate ‘06, ELC Laura Thompson, West Virginia Wesleyan ‘05, LC Melissa Walker, West Virginia Wesleyan ‘07, ELC Emily Noss, Alma ‘06, and ELC Kara Hauck, Miami Ohio ‘06.


Living Our Symphony An Appreciation of Real Merit and Worth The Symphony of Alpha Xi Delta These things do we earnestly desire: A clear vision of life, that with gracious and kindly hearts we may share both joy and sorrow and bring into living reality the sisterhood of women. An appreciation of real merit and worth, steadfastness of soul, that without bitterness or defeat we may encounter misfortune and with humility meet success. These things, O Lord, help us to instill within our hearts, that we may grow in courage and graciousness and peace.

Send your Living our Symphony stories and photos to Fraternity Headquarters, or email them to rgoodman@

My grandmother, Dorothy Edge Hagerstrand O’Bannan, is a 1937 initiate of Alpha Phi Chapter at the University of Pennsylvania. Although I haven’t heard a lot about her experience, I do know how much being an Alpha Xi Delta means to her. It also meant a great deal to my mom, Sigrid Ann Hagerstrand Jordan, Albion ‘69, who passed away in 1997. Jessica Jordan Warner and grandMy grandmother didn’t try to sway me to go mother Dorothy. through recruitment. However, when I called her during my freshman year to tell her I was an Alpha Xi Delta pledge, Grams was so excited. Over Christmas break she gave me a necklace with our letters. I never felt so proud to be an Alpha Xi! While visiting her shortly after that Christmas, I noticed that Grams had her Order of the Rose certificate for 50 years of Alpha Xi Delta membership framed and hanging on her wall. Now that Grams is 91, I know her time is short. But I feel honored that she passed her Alpha Xi legacy on to me. I will forever love her as not only my grandmother, but as my Sister. Jessica A. Jordan Warner Auburn ’00 I went to visit a neighbor one weekend when I was home from college. His mother, Marjory Baird Otte, Wittenberg ’45, had moved back to Ohio from Florida after her husband died; she was staying with her son until she could move into her new home. Marjory noticed my lavaliere and asked if I’m an Alpha Xi Delta. I nodded and was surprised she knew what sorority I’m in, but thought nothing more about it. Marjory then hurried upstairs and came back with a smile on her face and a box in her hands. In the box were her new member pin, Quill and Order of the Rose pin. I could tell they were special to Marjory because she didn’t pack them away with all her other belongings. Instead, she kept them in the small bag she brought to her son’s house. From that moment on we had an unbreakable bond. When Marjory passed away last year it was hard to see her go, as we had just started to get to know one another. For Christmas I received one of the greatest gifts ever. Marjory’s family gave me her pins to keep, as her Sister and friend. They said she would have wanted me to have them, and that they were happy the pins were going to someone who would cherish them as she had. This is one Christmas and one Sister I will never forget. Who knows. Maybe one day I can give these pins to an Alpha Xi Delta daughter or granddaughter who will cherish them as much as I do. Tori Nicole Trivisonno Bowling Green State ’06


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Change of Name/Address Form Parents of Alpha Xi Deltas: While your daughter is in college, The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta is sent to her home address. We hope you enjoy reading it and will pass it on to your daughter. If she is no longer in college and is not living at home, please send her new permanent address to Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity. Any Alpha Xi Delta member should use this form to change her name/address. Send this form to: Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity, 8702 Founders Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268 or email

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Initiation Year

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o Name Change know Omega Financial Former Name you reach out to your Husband’s Name (if applicable) too?


Current Name


Did you know Omega Financial can help you reach out to your alumnae too?

2009 Graduates!

For the past six years, Omega and Alpha Xi Delta have partnered together to ensure your chapter’s financial Even though you’re graduating, you’re still an Alpha success. Omega can take that partnership a step Xi Delta. Stay active in the Fraternity by: further andand helpinvolved your chapter succeed in alumnae relations too! Omega’s Alumni Services department • Sending your updated contact information to has the tools and expertise to help you reach out to an alumnae and association communicateand in an efficient • Joining alumnae paying and consistent way. Omega’s the expert in: alumnae dues •Chapter Newsletters • Helping your initiating chapter or a chapter in your •Alumnae Database Management area •Annual Fundraising Campaigns • Joining an Alumnae Panhellenic group (learn more at•Major Capital Campaigns

Call your Account Manager today at this fall • Writing recruitment recommendations (800) 276-6342 to learn more about how Omega can help meet your chapter’s alumnae relations needs!

• Submitting news and photos to The Quill

Alpha Xi Delta. Membership for a Lifetime.

Mail completed potential member profiles directly to the Membership Vice President at the appropriate chapter. You may attach additional information and letters of recommendation to this form. Complete the form with as much information about the woman as possible; you are not required to complete all fields. You can download this profile form and a chapter directory in the Alumnae Section, Potential New Member Recommendations link of

Name of potential member:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Last First Middle Preferred Name Name of parent(s) or guardian(s):____________________________________/____________________________________________________________________ Address of parent(s) or guardian(s):_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Street City State Zip College or university attending:_________________________________________________ Year in college:

__F __So

__J __SR

Campus address:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ High school attended:____________________________________________________ Community where located:_______________________________________ GPA:_____________________________ Rank in class:________________________

Class size:__________________________________________________

College attended after high school, if any:__________________________________________________ GPA:___________________________________________ Academic honors and accomplishments:____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ School and community activities. Include leadership positions (may attach additional information):_____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Talents, hobbies and interests:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

LEGACY INFORMATION Alpha Xi Delta relatives (check all that apply):


____Grandmother/Step grandmother



Name of relative:____________________________________________ Initiating chapter:___________________________________________________________ Phone: ( ______) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Street City State Zip Other Greek influences:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




I have known her for _______ years.

Comments:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Completed by: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Last First Middle Preferred Name Address:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Street City State Zip _____ Alumna

_____ Collegian

_____ Initiating Chapter:_____________________________________________________________________________________

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