The Quill - Fall/Winter 2010

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Fall | Winter 2010

International Badge Day The Workout National Convention Alpha Xi Delta Foundation Annual Report

of Alpha Xi Delta





President’s Letter

Staying Connected is


Easier than Ever

When we first joined Alpha Xi Delta and saw our Chapter Sisters

phone, others prefer to hear from Alpha Xi Delta solely by electronic

constantly on campus and at the chapter facility, it was easy to feel a

means. Selecting the best delivery option for each message and Sister,

constant connection. Staying connected with one another later in life,

within the confines of our practical tailoring abilities, requires constant

across geography and generations, can prove more difficult. Alpha Xi

focus. As we enter the final stages of our National Directory update (did

Delta has given us the gift of genuine friendships, but it takes care and

you get a call?) and implement a robust new database at Fraternity

effort to ensure those friendships are lifelong, as promised.

Headquarters, we anticipate an even greater ability to connect with

Fortunately, the choices for stay-

you in the way best suited to your needs.

ing in touch are many. Whether by

Of course, an excellent way to connect with other Alpha Xi Deltas is to

round robin letter, email, Facebook

come to National Convention. Are your calendars marked for July 6-10,

or the good old telephone, nothing

2011, and a great time in Atlanta? As Convention approaches, the respon-

brings a dose of Heart Sunshine

sibility is upon us once again to select, from the bold and talented

quite like hearing from a beloved

women who shape our organization, those who will serve on our

Sister. Beyond those with whom

national boards for the 2011-13 biennium. I encourage you to take part

I regularly talk, I receive with great

in this process and let our nominating committees hear your thoughts

joy the occasional “blast from the

about who these next leaders should be.

past,” including recent emails from

In closing, let me welcome to our Sisterhood the women newly ini-

former Omicron Province President

tiated by our college chapters following another successful season

Carolyn Weber Deshler, UCLA ’60,

recruiting the best and brightest to Alpha Xi Delta. May your golden

who showed me early on what it was

Quill mean to you what it has to the many thousands of us, and may

to be an alumna with fire in the

you feel inspired by and connected to Alpha Xi Delta far into the

belly for Alpha Xi Delta, and Mary

future. We look forward to getting to know you better and are proud to

Stiles Odneal, Kansas State ’77, a former ELC who is grace personified.

call you Sister.

Whatever means of communication you use, and whether you try a new method based on this issue’s “Sisterhood 2.0” feature, I hope you


reach out regularly to other Alpha Xi Deltas and continue to do so wherever life takes you. The question of how best to stay in touch can be complex for the National Fraternity. Given our multigenerational nature, our ranks are filled with women who communicate very differently. While some Sisters have no computer and need communication by U.S. Mail or

Deanna Detchemendy National President

Contents of Alpha Xi Delta

Sisterhood 2.0 The latest ways to stay in touch with Sisters near and far.


The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta is published three times per year in spring, summer, and fall/winter by Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity.® POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE QUILL OF ALPHA XI DELTA, 8702 Founders Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268 Volume 107/Issue 3 Copyright 2010 by Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity; all rights reserved.

Sister to Sister A tribute to a Sister who bravely fought cancer.


Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity 8702 Founders Road Indianapolis, IN 46268 317.872.3500 Submission Deadlines Spring issue – December 1 Summer issue – April 1 Fall/Winter issue – August 15

Convention Elections Help the Fraternity, Foundation and National Housing Corporation select their new leaders.


Submission Procedures Text and photographs may be emailed to or mailed to the Fraternity Headquarters address listed above. Photographs submitted become the property of the Fraternity. Digital images must be taken using the highest settings on a camera that’s at least 3.2 megapixels. Address/Name Changes Visit or mail changes to 8702 Founders Rd., Indianapolis, IN 46268.

True Gift

Foundation Annual Report Thank you for your generosity and support this past year.


National Executive Director Elysia Balster Gallivan, South Dakota ’93 Editor Ruth Goodman, Northern Iowa ’80 National Council 2009-2011 National President Deanna Wollam Detchemendy, Cal State Northridge ’83

In This Issue 4

Letters to the Editor


Panhellenic News

16 Autism News 18 Member News 59 Chapter Eternal 62 Living Our Symphony

On the cover: When she can’t meet face to face, Erin Shill, Indiana ‘10, stays in touch with Sisters online. Learn how Sisters use technology to stay connected, beginning on page 10.

National Vice Presidents Evonne Carawan, North Carolina State ’83 Sandra Ellen Edwards, Kentucky ’75 Jennifer Emerick Kuntz, Northern Iowa ’92 Wendy Kurtz, Indiana ‘90 Susan Eicher Mamber, Kent State ’77 Danica Vanasse Olson, Marquette ’90 The Mission of The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta To inform, inspire, and challenge. To sustain and nurture membership loyalty and interest. To recognize individual, group and Fraternity accomplishments. To provide a forum for the exchange of information and opinion. To be the permanent record for the Fraternity.

Letters to the Editor Right On with Reunions

Longtime Readers and Sisters

I had just returned from a Pi Chapter reunion in Hilton Head, South Carolina, when I read the summer 2010 Quill about Sisters getting together. I couldn’t believe it! The five of us (below, clockwise from front left) Karen Berman Blufer, Kathleen O’Rourke Thon, Patty Londot Griffith, Robin Wohl vonHalle and I, had not all been together in 25 years. We had a blast, taking off right where we left off. There’s nothing better than a sistah! Debbie Poling, Ohio ’75

I just read the summer 2010 issue of The Quill and celebrated the 104th birthday of my mother, Gladys Hoffman Minear, Iowa Wesleyan ’24. She may very well be your sorority’s oldest living member. She, my father and I all went back to Iowa Wesleyan when Gladys was granted an honorary doctorate in the mid- to late ’80s; about seven or eight classmates attended that reunion. Gladys is well and resides with live-in help in her home in Guilford, Connecticut. Less mobile than she would like to be but mentally as sharp as ever, she reads a great deal, follows national and international politics, and enjoys visits from family and friends. I thought this information and picture might be of interest to you. Yours, Anita Fahrni Minear Daughter of Gladys Hoffman Minear

You’ve put out another wonderful issue of The Quill! We’re already beginning to think about the 2012 centennial celebration for Rho Chapter at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, so your articles truly spoke to us. What a great topic! Your work is very much enjoyed here. Fraternally, Caryl Craven Greathouse, Nebraska Lincoln ’59 I appreciated the article in the summer issue regarding event planning. Having organized events from small fundraisers to citywide festivals, I’d like to share my most important tip for success. For any event I run, I always have one person who knows as much about every detail as I do. I provide this person with a contact list of vendors, volunteers, maps, etc. Everyone involved is informed that, on the day of the event, questions, issues, etc. go to this “second,” who is authorized to make decisions on the spot. That way, only the bigger, more involved issues (problems that require more time, negotiating with suppliers or participants) get passed up to me so they can get the focused attention required to resolve them quickly. Also, as the “name” everyone has worked with throughout the preparation, you can take the time to make the necessary pleasantries. Plus, you know you have someone trained to move into leadership in future years. In Xi, Lynne McNamee, Virginia ’89


The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Fall | Winter 2010

I just updated the mailing address for my mother-in-law, Lois Haring Holden, Cornell ’36. She celebrated her 96th birthday in June in Columbia, South Carolina. Lois became a home economics teacher in Lansing, New York, and eventually earned her master’s degree in library science from Syracuse University. She recently moved into an assisted living facility and is doing quite well. She still enjoys reading The Quill and appreciates that you continue to send it to her. Peggy and Dale Holden Daughter-in-law and son of Lois Holden FROM THE EDITOR: Anita, Peggy and Dale, thank you so much for

writing. It’s always a treat to hear from longtime Sisters and their family members. We’ve said it before, and the adage is true: Alpha Xi Delta membership truly is for a lifetime. Please tell your mother/mother-in-law that all their Sisters wish them well.

WRITE TO US! Letters from Sisters and friends of Alpha Xi Delta are always welcome. Please send submissions to or to Ruth Goodman at the Fraternity Headquarters mailing address. The Editor reserves the right to select letters for publication and to edit for style and length.

Looking Back

Where Are They NOW? If you were in college in the late 1980s, one of the Educational Leadership Consultants below may have visited your chapter. Here’s what they’re doing now.

1989-90 ELCs (front row) Hope Beck, Wisconsin Madison ‘86, Karin Hagen, San Diego State ‘86, (back row) Donna Flowers, North Carolina State ‘86, Teresa Blackman, Bowling Green State ‘86, and Gina Willis, Jacksonville State ‘86.

“Being an ELC taught me that the world is rich with different types of people, that hard work always pays off, and that you don’t have to like everyone, but you do have to value everyone. Traveling for the Fraternity taught me how to be a better friend, wife and mother. I would not be the person I am without having had that experience,” says Gina Willis Hawkins. Gina and her husband, Bill, live in Vestavia Hills, Alabama, with their 6-year-old daughter, Caroline.

“A big part of why I became an ELC is that I wanted to work in the field of training and organizational development, and I've been in that field since I finished traveling,” says Karin Riggs Hagen. “Today, I’m a senior human resources business partner and training manager for Delta Design, Inc., which makes test equipment for the semiconductor industry. Being an ELC taught me so much about being independent, confident, how to help others and the breadth of our Sisterhood.” Karin and her husband, Jeff, live in Encinitas, California.

“The most rewarding thing about being an ELC was colonizing Theta Gamma Chapter at the University of Delaware. Seeing a group of girls go from total strangers to Sisters who formed a strong chapter was amazing,” says Teresa Blackman Hardy. After 15 years in the clinical laboratory industry, Teresa retired to spend more time with her family. “Being a vice president of sales doesn’t compare to the job of mom in my eyes!” she says. Teresa and husband Sean live in Westlake, Ohio, with their children, Reagan, 11, Iain, 8, Aidan, 5, and their hunting dog, Luigi.

“Being an ELC was the beginning of an adventurous life,” says Hope Beck Goldsmith. “One of my favorite opportunities was living in Japan with my Navy husband, teaching English to business people. I traveled all over Tokyo, Yokohama and the surrounding area alone and was not afraid but excited by the opportunity. Being an ELC taught me to grab adventure and run with it.” Hope and her husband, Galen, live in Tucson, Arizona, and have two sons: Brett, 12, and Henry, 8.

“Looking back on my year of travel, I’m most proud of learning how to step outside my comfort zone,” says Donna Flowers O’Daniels. “I also met so many inspiring women from all across the country. When I’m not traveling for work (I’m the executive director for Louisiana's Northshore Convention and Visitors Bureau) or with my family, you may just find me in the front row at a Bon Jovi concert.” Donna lives in Mandeville, Louisiana, with her husband, Brian, their daughters, Caroline, 10, Katie, 8, and their sheltie, Daisy.


Panhellenic News

International Badge Day We’re All Good Sisters Each year on the first Monday in March, thousands of women around the globe celebrate their sorority membership on International Badge Day, sponsored by the National Panhellenic Conference. On Monday, March 7, 2011, wear your Quill or letters and let everyone know you’re proud to be an Alpha Xi.


We’ve Got Spirit, Yes We Do Wearing your Quill or letters on March 7, 2011, is a great step. Here’s what else you can do to celebrate our Panhellenic sisterhood of women. • Go to lunch with the other sorority women in your office or classes. • Get together with other sorority women and volunteer on campus or in your community. • Make a donation in your organizations’ names to a charity or cause. • Honor distinguished alumnae with a luncheon or dinner event. Ask them to talk about how their sorority membership has enhanced their lives.

If that person wants to know more, here are a few Fraternity facts to share. • We have 112 college chapters and about 130 alumnae associations across the country. • Members raise money and awareness for Autism Speaks. • Our Fraternity focuses on sisterhood, leadership, knowledge and service. • Our Founders chose the Quill as our badge to signify our strong commitment to higher education. • If you have a friend or family member who’s in college or going to start college, we have a website where they can learn more about us:

Made Ya Look! You’ve all experienced this: Someone looks at the Quill on your blouse, but they don’t want you to know they’re looking because they’re not really sure what it is. Put that person at ease with this sample conversation starter. “I see you’re looking at my pin. It’s actually my sorority pin. I joined Alpha Xi Delta when I was at XYZ University. I’m wearing it today because it’s International Badge Day, and any woman who’s ever joined a sorority is asked to wear her pin or her sorority letters today to celebrate her membership.”

A Pin for Every Preference Did you know you can own more than one Quill badge? Treat yourself or another Sister with a special gift and have a fabulous new Quill to wear on International Badge Day by visiting You’ll find sleek, classic badges without jewels as well as Quills adorned with pearls, diamonds, aquamarine stones, or blue, yellow or pink sapphires. With more than 20 badge options to choose from, there’s one to fit every style and budget.

The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Fall | Winter 2010

Did you know that Jane Hooper Sutton, Western Carolina ‘75, is NPC Vice Chair? In October 2011, she will rotate into the role of NPC Chairman and oversee NPC’s general operations. Alpha Xi Delta has not held the Chair of NPC since 1965, when our last turn was fulfilled by Mary Burt Brooks Nash, Northwestern ’30.

Fraternity News

New | NOW | Next Ever Run Into a Sister by Accident? How many times have you met an amazing woman, started chatting and then realized you’re both Alpha Xi Deltas? The spring issue of The Quill will share stories and photos of Sisters’ chance meetings and happy discoveries. Send yours to the Editor by December 1, 2010.

“I know you wanted pictures of where Sisters read The Quill,” says Leigh Ann Perkins Kesling, Bowling Green State ’91, “but when I saw my Rose Petal daughter Olivia with the magazine, I just couldn't resist!”

Register Your Rose Petal Just like Olivia Kesling to the left, your daughter, granddaughter, sister, niece, half-sister or other female step-relative can become part of the Rose Petals legacy program. Each Alpha Xi Delta legacy receives a personalized keepsake certificate, a letter of welcome from our National President, news and information to deepen her knowledge of our Sisterhood, and special remembrances on her birthday, graduation and for other events. Register your Rose Petal today at:

The Perfect Gift for Anyone on Your List A sweater? No. A CD? Not quite right. If you’re having trouble finding a gift for that hard-to-buy-for person, why not make a gift to the Alpha Xi Delta Foundation in his or her honor? You can mail your gift or make it online from the comfort of home. A personalized card announcing your donation will be mailed to your friend or loved one, and the amount of your gift is not disclosed. Honor Gifts help fund scholarships, educational programs and leadership opportunities for collegiate and alumnae Sisters. Learn more online or by calling Development Director Kendra Lewis at 317.872.3500, ext. 117.


The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Fall | Winter 2010

We Asked, You Answered In the summer “New, Now, Next” section, we asked where you read The Quill, and for you to send photos of you and your Sisters enjoying the magazine. Here are a few of our favorite responses.

Account managers Julie Pulley, friend of Alpha Xi, Amanda Hicks, Southern Polytechnic State ’04, and Sara Hamilton, Auburn ’04, read their Quills (during breaks, of course!) at the corporate headquarters of Omega Financial in Columbus, Georgia.

Leslie Cole Nelson, Iowa ’85, reads her Quill online in Dubai with the Burj Al Arab hotel in the background. Leslie and her husband have lived in Dubai for nearly two years.

The Workout

By Laura Thompson, West Virginia Wesleyan ’05, Membership Growth and Marketing Manager

Pumped Up for


Sisters tone their recruitment muscles at The Workout 2010.

The Workout boosted Sisters’ confidence to take what they learned back to their chapters and “Live It!” Get involved in the recruitment revolution by filling out a volunteer interest form at

Collegiate Sisters from across the country came together this summer to pump up their potential at The Workout recruitment experience in Atlanta, Georgia, and Bloomington, Indiana. Participants focused on four core recruitment muscles: advertising, presentation, preparation and connections. At the end of their four days together, Sisters returned to their chapters as “certified personal trainers,” ready to share with their Chapter Sisters everything they learned. One of the key points Sisters learned is that sharing the benefits of Alpha Xi Delta membership is no longer just a spring or fall activity. It’s something they need to focus on all year. The Workout mantra, “Own it! Work it! Live it! Love it!,” describes exactly how that shift in mentality is made.

Sisters were excited to share what recruitment is like on their campus and what makes a big impression on potential new members.

Alumn ae fa cilita “Work It!” b tors got c ollegia y cha songs nt ns rea that h dy to ad be ing lyrics Delta from en rep lyrics. popula laced Colleg workin r with A iat ’ it an lp d sing e Sisters h ad no ha Xi in’ alo ng. trouble

Meeting Sisters from across the country and really understanding the strength of our national organization was an “aha” and “Love It!” moment for many collegians.



The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Fall | Winter 2010



How Sisters use technology to stay


By Kristy King, Central Florida ’98

When I joined Theta Sigma Chapter at the University of Central Florida, I became part of a group of women who pledged themselves to an enduring Sisterhood and who became Alpha Xis for life. Our Symphony pledges us to “share both joy and sorrow and bring into living reality the sisterhood of women.” The bonds of Sisterhood remain as important as ever as we transition from our college experiences into the “real world” where our living reality expands to include careers, marriage, children and a range of life experiences as we continue to find ways to realize our potential. How, then, do we maintain that sense of sisterhood amidst increasing demands on our time and energy? And why is it so important?


As women,

many of us find that our relationships with Sisters and friends have a natural ebb and flow. Alumnae who have been out of college for several years recognize that a certain amount of separation is necessary once we move out of the chapter house or campus residence hall and begin to introduce other demands on our time. As for me, I’ve gone through several large geographic and life changes since my college years in Florida, and there was a period when I was not active in an alumnae association. I truly missed my Sisters and what those relationships meant to me. However, I’ve found that neither time nor distance nor distractions have severed the bond with my Theta Sigma Sisters. We live in an age where the world has shrunk. In the past, it may have been a challenge to stay connected with the hundreds of Sisters who touched my life and became close friends during college, but the internet allows us to stay in touch and maintain that sense of sisterhood we often take for granted during college. The importance of the relationships we formed during our youth cannot be overstated. Wedding photos, pottytraining triumphs and family vacations

can now be shared among Sisters via social networks on the web. Our Rose Petals, those daughters, nieces, sisters, granddaughters and female step-relatives we hope may one day join our Sisterhood, can be celebrated. And this is possible despite the fact that many of us can’t take part in each other’s daily lives in person. Our Sisters are able to celebrate milestones online and share support, encouragement and advice during significant life events – or perhaps just on a particularly stressful Tuesday. One of my closest friends from college is now the mother of two gorgeous daughters, and although 1,500 miles separate us, I have no doubt I’ll get to witness dance recitals, birthday parties, Halloween costumes and first days of school, primarily online. Our pledge to actively support one another isn’t diminished by distance, and in a modern world that places so many challenges and demands on us, it’s wonderful to be able to maintain that bond. Dive In, the Water’s Fine For many of our recently graduated alumnae, maintaining ties via online social networks is commonplace, while

for other generations it may seem intimidating. It’s imperative that we find ways to continue to support one another and pursue our shared values through as many avenues as possible. For those of you who may be hesitant to dive into the online world, fear not! Often, all you need is an email address and a bit of free time. Beyond keeping in touch with Sisters from my chapter, the internet has allowed me to forge new friendships with Sisters who share common professional interests or who live in my geographic area. Through the New York City Alumnae Association, which I discovered online via their website and Facebook page, I’ve been introduced to Sisters from Texas, New York and Connecticut, among others. Living in New York City, I’ve been fortunate to develop friendships with women who are members of other fraternal organizations. I know I’m not alone in this experience and have come to recognize our place in a larger panhellenic sisterhood of women. Membership in a sorority provides a shared history, an immediacy and understanding among women that’s unique and only truly understood by those who’ve had similar experiences. One of my co-workers is a Kappa Delta alumna; I have a client who is a Chi Omega and another who pledged Kappa Alpha Theta — all smart, dynamic, driven women who understand my college experience with Alpha Xi and share my desire to continue to realize my potential as I move into the next stage of life. Online networking has helped deepen these relationships beyond mere acquaintances into lasting friendships. What You Give is What You Get One of the primary pitfalls to online networking is the same as in any relationship: namely, that real effort must be


The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Fall | Winter 2010

Online Communities: The Pros and Cons made to nurture and support the friendship. It’s all too easy for these connections to slide into the territory of token friendships, lulled by the idea that you’re connected via Facebook or another online network. Unless care is taken, the relationship can be largely symbolic. We still need to actively reach out to those Sisters who are part of our online networks and make the effort to maintain the friendship. I find this is often easier when a woman has been an important part of my life “in real time” – a fellow alumna who lived in Gainesville, Florida, for example, or a Theta Sigma alumna who now lives in NYC – but this is not necessarily the case. The important element is to recognize the value of the relationship and remind ourselves to reach out and maintain that human element while taking advantage of the broad access that technology provides. If you’re a member of Facebook (or about to be), I suggest you search “Groups” for your alma mater’s chapter or an alumnae association in your area. I was able to join both the Theta Sigma Chapter group and an “Early Years” group created for Theta Sigma Sisters who pledged during certain years. Many associations have blogs or Facebook pages that allow members to stay in touch and get updates via posted announcements or invitations to events. I urge you to reach out, to connect, to support one another, to share both joy and sorrow, and to engage in the many opportunities we have to maintain strong bonds of sisterhood. Kristy King lives and works in New York City at Writers House Literary Agency. She invites you to connect with her on Facebook, LinkedIn and to follow her on Twitter @tyKingdom.



A social networking service that lets you connect

A business-oriented social networking site used

with people who share similar interests or who

mainly for professional networking.

have common backgrounds. You can upload photos, make comments on friends’ profiles, provide up-to-the minute status updates and more. PROS

PROS • Great for connecting with people in your field. • It’s easy to find people. • You can integrate your Twitter account so your

• Allows you to keep in touch with people you may have lost contact with over the years. • It’s free. • Your profile can be made private so you can share only what you want people to see. CONS

tweets are visible on your LinkedIn profile. CONS • It takes time to set up your profile and build connections. • You have no idea if the resume information someone posts is true or false.

• Applications and group updates can get to be

• Traffic to profiles is slow.

too much sometimes. One word: Farmville. It’s a game several Facebook users play that sends updates into your newsfeed if one of your


friends is a Farmville addict. This can easily be

Similar to Facebook in that it allows you to post

hidden by adjusting your account settings.

images, blog about your favorite topics and post

• Friends may tag you in pictures or videos that you’d rather not have others see. • Applications (which you can avoid) collect a ton of information about you from your profile and use it to send you email spam, or even charge a fee to see results of surveys like "Which Disney Princess are you?"

comments on other people’s profiles. PROS • You can take your profile to the next level by adding music and a custom background image. • It’s user-friendly. • There’s no limit to how many friends you can have. CONS

TWITTER A social networking and microblogging (140

• The security is low and you’ll likely receive spam in your inbox.

characters or less) service that allows you to send

• As with all online social sites, be cautious and

and read other users’ messages called tweets.

aware when connecting with other members.

Tweets are posts displayed on the author's profile

Know that on MySpace, one person can have

page. Users can subscribe to other authors’

multiple accounts, users are not required

tweets or even re-tweet their posts.

to use real names and anyone can pose as someone else.

PROS • Easy to share information quickly. • It’s free. • A great resource for real-time breaking news. • Profiles can be public or private. CONS

Information compiled by Lauren Blankenbaker Felts, Indiana ’03, Director of Communications and Marketing. Connect with Lauren at, or on Skype at Lauren.felts.

• Tweets have a 140-character limit, which may make you start typing “OMG” instead of “Oh My Gosh.” • Shared links are hidden by a URL shortener to be within a certain character limit. This may make it hard for people to know what you’re linking to ahead of time.


Autism Speaks

Closing in on $300 THOUSAND Since April 2009, Alpha Xi Delta has raised more than $290,000 for Autism Speaks and has provided nearly 5,000 registered participants in Walk Now for Autism Speaks events across the country. The Fraternity is truly making a difference in the lives of those affected by autism spectrum disorders. Step-by-Step: Walk Now for Autism Speaks Have you registered for a walk? Have you signed up to be a volunteer? Have you started fundraising for Autism Speaks? There’s no time like the present. • Visit to find a local walk. • Register a team or join an existing Alpha Xi Delta team. • Invite friends, family, coworkers and neighbors to join your team. • Raise money for your walk team. • Consider joining your local walk planning committee. • Show your pride! Order Alpha Xi Delta/Autism Speaks merchandise from the Xi Boutique at • Send pictures and a recap of all the fun you had to Annie Hallsten, Philanthropy and Community Outreach Manager, at

encourage participation in the national walk. Michelle says Autism Speaks has given her endless opportunities to make a difference. “Organizations and parents of children that my chapter helped last year still thank me for the positive impact Sisters made on their lives,” she says. “That’s what makes all the hard work, dedication and effort worth it.”

If you missed your local walk or your community does not yet have a walk, you can still participate. First, register at Next, click “Register” and indicate whether you want to start a virtual team or register as an individual. Once registered, you have access to various resources and can email people, inviting them to make an online donation on your behalf.

Autism Speaks Committee Members As the corporate sponsorship chair for the Orlando, Florida, Walk Now for Autism Speaks committee, Ashley Perryman, Stetson ’08, right, creates sponsorship materials, identifies and solicits sponsor prospects and secures contributions. “Alpha Xi Delta is helping Autism Speaks gain awareness, provide advocacy, offer family services and advance in science. Our relationship with Autism Speaks is important to me because I see how big of a change we can make when we work together.” Michelle Fleischman, George Mason ’08, is the college recruitment chair for the National Walk Now for Autism Speaks committee. She manages a database of contact information for all the student organizations at major colleges and universities in the D.C. area, and then contacts organization reps to


The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Fall | Winter 2010

As an active member of her chapter’s Philanthropy Committee, Ashley Perryman knew she wanted to stay involved with Autism Speaks as an alumna…and she has!

Fundraising in Action Lori Bruhns, Rider ’94, raised $1,125 for the 2010 Carolinas Walk Now for Autism Speaks by holding a Silpada Designs “Purchase for a Purpose” jewelry fundraiser in her home. Another Sister, Amy Buckley, Sonoma State ’09, raised $1,000 for the 2010 Sonoma Walk Now for Autism Speaks in California. During her freshman year, Amy raised money for the organization and even involved her family in her fundraising efforts. She educated them about autism, gave them Autism Speaks promotional materials and encouraged them to make a donation on her behalf. Amy worked as a videographer during an autism seminar earlier this year and was inspired by the testimonies of families affected by autism. “This made everything even closer to my heart and made me that much happier that I’m part of such a great cause,” Amy says.

How to Make a Fast $100 If every Sister raised just $100, think of the difference we could make. Start with your own $10 donation. Ask 1 coworker to donate $10. Ask 1 neighbor to donate $10. Ask 2 family members to donate $20. Ask 3 friends to donate $10. TOTAL: $100

Amy Buckley made fundraising a family affair and enlisted their support in raising money and awareness for Austism Speaks.

10 Ways to Put the “Fun” in Fundraising 1 Ask your boss to host a denim day at work. Those who donate $2 can dress down for the day. 2 Celebrating a birthday? Ask people to make a donation to Autism Speaks in your honor. 3 Encourage people to drop their loose coins in a “Change for Change” jar on your desk at work or in the student union. 4 Ask your hairdresser, masseuse or an area restaurant to donate a gift certificate, then sell tickets for a certificate raffle. 5 Add a link to your walk homepage in your email signature, along with autism-related facts. 6 Put a recycling bin in the staff lounge at work or at your child’s school.

7 Ask your boss, the college president, student-athletes or a local TV personality to participate in a Pie Smash. People make a donation and give someone a pie in the face. 8 Ask your hairdresser or manicurist to donate a few hours of his/time, then donate the proceeds. 9 Ask a Zumba or yoga instructor to donate an hour of his/her time to teach a class. Charge attendees $10. 10 Host a bake sale at work. For even more ideas, request the FUNdraising Toolkit from Annie Hallsten at


Autism News

Alpha Xi Delta and Autism Speaks Sisters raise awareness and increase donations.

Mount Union | Collegiate Sister Courtnie Vires, left, participated in a summer internship at the Cleveland Clinic Center for Autism and worked with Heather Horton, Mount Union ’04, a coordinating teacher for higher-functioning students with autism spectrum disorders.—Ceili Hasul,

Omaha Alumnae Association | Proceeds from the association’s annual wreath sale were given by alumna Jane Eidam Schauss, third from left, to Karrie Kipfer, whose son receives services from the Center for Autism Spectrum Disorders at the Munroe-Meyer Institute, University of Nebraska Medical Center. Institute administrator Christy Williams, second from left, and director Wayne Fisher also attended the presentation.—Jane Schauss,


The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Fall | Winter 2010

Nevada Las Vegas | Sisters partnered with the UNLV men’s soccer team to host an Autism Awareness Day game on campus. Sisters handed out cards with autism-related facts, information about the December Walk Now for Autism Speaks event, made promotional announcements during the game, and raised more than $1,000 selling Autism Speaks wristbands.— Jade Soresman,

Brooklyn | Theta Theta Sisters handed out puzzle pieces in Times Square with autism-related facts. Raising awareness and more than $200 that day were Keshia Megie, Victoria Ferdman, Nourhan Khaled, Rebecca Rivera, Tatyana Yakovlyuk, Sibel Kurun, Alexandria Tolomello, Regina Prober and Maryana Svidrak.—Regina Prober,

In Other Autism News…

Toledo | Theta Chi Chapter raised nearly $1,250 during the AmaXIng Challenge: Football FrenXI tournament at the UT stadium. Sisters also held a late-night Fuzzie Funnelcakes fundraiser and volunteered at the Autism Model School of Toledo.— Katherine Elizabeth Streb,

ALABAMA Zeta Xi, Auburn University/Epsilon Pi, Jacksonville State University/Theta Phi, University of Alabama at Birmingham On October 3, Sisters hosted their inaugural AmaXIng Challenge: Step It Up Alabama and raised more than $50,000 for Autism Speaks. To see results and pictures, visit the Philanthropy section DELAWARE Theta Gamma, University of Delaware Sisters raised more than $9,000 during the chapter’s annual spring 5K run/walk and the brunch that followed. Both events were co-sponsored by the city of Newark.—Jamie Hannigan,

Central and Southern Jersey Alumnae Association | Alumnae and collegians, including Melissa Dougherty, Claudine Caro, Heather Roberts Lerch, Julia Oliva Maguire, Melissa Eannucci and Krissy Ruhnke, participated in the Walk Now for Autism Speaks event in Mount Laurel and raised nearly $700.— Claudine Caro,

NORTH CAROLINA Zeta Tau, University of North Carolina at Asheville In April, many Sisters were seen on campus wearing blue clothes in honor of Wear Blue for World Autism Awareness Day to spread the word about this disorder.— Heather Driver, OHIO Psi, Ohio State University Sisters sold hamburgers and hot dogs on the chapter house front lawn to raise funds for Autism Speaks. This year’s Grillin’ With the Xis late-night barbecue raised more than $1,000.—Bridget Cunningham,

West Chester | Sisters handed out Alpha Xi Delta/Autism Speaks water bottles to high school women attending a basketball camp at WCU. Inside were Alpha Xi Delta pencils, stickers and notes wishing each player good luck at camp.—Tiffani Kinard,

WISCONSIN Delta Alpha, University of Wisconsin at La Crosse Sisters held an AmaXIng Challenge: Karaoke for a Cure and raised $400.—Kelly Wendorf,


Member News

Sonoma State | President Riley Pennington, center, and Membership Vice President Brittney Smith, right, attended The Workout recruitment training program in Atlanta this summer, where they met Shay Galley, Membership Vice President for Beta Mu Chapter at Bowling Green State.

CALIFORNIA Theta Beta, Sonoma State University The chapter held its annual summer retreat at the Gamma Epsilon chapter house at Cal State Fresno. Sisters who attended The Workout summer recruitment training program shared what they learned with Gamma Epsilon Sisters.— Natalie Forrer, Sacramento Alumnae Association This newly formed group, whose aims are fun, friendship and philanthropy, kicked off the program year by hosting a Sisterhood Rose Brunch in July, which attracted 35 new members. The program included a social hour to meet new Sisters and renew friendships, the installation of officers, a fundraising raffle and a preview of upcoming activities. Raffle proceeds were given to the Fraternity’s chapters at Cal State Fresno and San Jose State to help with fall recruitment. Learn


The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Illinois | Sisterhood really does live on after college. Members of Kappa’s spring 1968 pledge class gathered over the summer for an afternoon of sharing memories and renewing friendships. Front row: Fran Urban Coulter, Marilyn Jungst Forsstrom. Back row: Judy Scott, Sheryl Anderson, Barbara Lewke Miner, Cheryl Skov. All live in or happened to be visiting the Chicago area.—Marilyn Forsstrom,

more about the association by contacting Elizabeth Payette at DELAWARE Theta Gamma, University of Delaware The upstairs living room and the heating/cooling system at the chapter house received a facelift this summer. Theta Gamma received the greatest number of chapter assessment points on campus, thanks to having the highest sorority GPA on campus: 3.41.—Jamie Hannigan, IOWA Cedar Rapids Alumnae Association Several association members volunteer with nearby Sigma Chapter at the University of Iowa. Five members serve on the corporation board and two members serve as advisors for the chapter. Alumnae enjoy volunteering their time

Fall | Winter 2010

with the collegiate members, as it brings back great memories of their own college days. Alumnae also volunteer during recruitment and participate in Founders’ Day activities with Sigma. To learn more about the association, contact Amy Gaffney-Ingalls at MINNESOTA Minneapolis-St. Paul Alumnae Association Alumnae instituted Last Tuesday Socials to create conversation and networking opportunities for Sisters in and around the Twin Cities metro area. Each month a Sister hosts the event in a different metro location, which means an event is in close proximity to everyone at least a couple times a year. To learn more, contact Jennifer Umberger at Jennifer. Umberger Association members are excited to be one of the 13 founding members of the

Twin Cities Alumnae Panhellenic Association (TCAPA), which was reorganized in October 2009. Since then, Sisters have participated in several social and philanthropic events, including a Badge Day Social in March to commemorate International Badge Day (see page 6). The TCAPA focuses on bringing local Panhellenic alumnae together to network, brainstorm ideas and become friends. Alumna Becky Soderholm served as TCAPA’s vice president last year and is president for the 2010-11 term.—Becky Soderholm,

Denver Alumnae Association | Approximately 30 Sisters, husbands and special friends gathered on a beautiful July day for a barbecue at the home of Sally ClineBeerman in Castle Rock, Colorado.—Barb Stover,

NEBRASKA Gamma Delta, University of Nebraska at Omaha The chapter teamed up with the men of Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity to raise awareness about homelessness. For a week they slept outside in cardboard boxes and accepted canned goods as donations during the Just Can It event.—Ashley Slovak, NEVADA Las Vegas Alumnae Association Each month, Sisters look forward to eating dinner and catching up at PT’s Pub. The outing is held on the first of the month, allowing members to join when they’re able. To learn more, contact Ame Escoto Williams at NEW YORK Alpha Beta, Cornell University The chapter has held a reunion every other year since 2000, primarily attended by Sisters from the 1960s. Sisters eagerly await their next reunion in 2013 as Sisters who graduated in 1963 will celebrate their 50th college reunion. Alumnae will stay at the chapter house and host activities, as well as join in the university’s activities. To learn more, contact alumna Judie Byndas at

New Mexico State | The men of Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity made stand-up letters for the chapter, which also served as their invitation to homecoming. Pictured with the women of Theta Omega is their Man of Distinction, Tyler Lengal from Sigma Chi Fraternity.—Elisa Vesely,

East Tennessee State | Sisters (front) Lauren Knauer, (middle) Leigh Ann Hilman, Richa Shah, Rachel Curcio, (back) Breanna Lyda and Stephaine Smith talked with incoming freshmen about Greek life during summer orientation.—Rachel Curcio,


Member News NORTH CAROLINA Zeta Tau, University of North Carolina at Asheville In April, collegians and alumnae gathered to celebrate Founders’ Day and view a slideshow of Zeta Tau’s history. Academically, seven Sisters were named to the chancellor’s and dean’s lists for spring 2010.

Western Carolina | Sisters gathered in June for a weekend of fun on Lake Lanier in Gainesville, Georgia. (Front row) Kimberly Harrell, Stefanie Hatch Ballard, Stephanie Goodell, Angela Breese Standish, Danna Harrell Stansbury, Jennifer Young Rollins, (Back row) Jennifer Davis-Jackson, Jill Parks Zueger, Myra Brown Dudelston, Alison Dale Francis, Jennifer George Viverette, Gretchen Kari Hanypsiak.—Kimberly Harrell, Miami Ohio | While catching up in New York City, Lauren Flanagan, left, and Erin Harvey discovered they both still carry their Alpha Xi Delta membership cards.—Erin Harvey,

Eastern Washington | On July 16, Epsilon Zeta alumnae held a black dress dinner to connect and reconnect.—Alexis Welch,


The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Fall | Winter 2010

OHIO Psi, Ohio State University The chapter was crowned 2010 Greek Week Champion. During the Greek awards banquet, Psi was recognized in the following categories: Most Improved Chapter, Outstanding New Members, Outstanding Greek Involvement and Living the Ritual.—Bridget Cunningham, PENNSYLVANIA Zeta Eta, West Chester University During the spring Greek Awards Ceremony, Zeta Eta received the 5 Star Chapter Award and Academic Achievement Award. The chapter was also recognized as Sorority of the Year and for its third place finish during Greek Week.—Jessica McEntee, TEXAS Zeta Lambda, Texas Wesleyan University/Dallas and Arlington Alumnae Associations Alumnae and collegians celebrated Founders’ Day at Paul’s Porterhouse restaurant as the collegiate women conducted a beautiful Founders’ Day Ceremony. Recognized for 25 years of Alpha Xi sisterhood were Kristin K’lyn Gammill Hunter and Lauren Stoner Clark. A May movie night at Jeanine Stevens’ home had everyone laughing as Sisters watched It’s Complicated with Meryl Streep and Alec Baldwin.— Jeanine Stevens,

Iota Eta, University of Texas-El Paso Stephanie De La Cruz received a $500 scholarship from the El Paso Alumnae Panhellenic. This is the second year in a row that an Iota Eta Sister received this honor.— Jessica Tellez, jmtellez5@miners.utep.ued WEST VIRGINIA Delta, Bethany College During spring semester, the chapter took home top honors in both Greek Week and Greek Sing. For the 14th consecutive time, Delta received the

Smart Cup for having the highest overall GPA on campus – 3.4. Seven Sisters were named Senior Fellows (the most outstanding students) in their academic departments and are spending the year working with faculty on special projects. Two Sisters were named Service Fellows and are working to create a stronger tie between community service and the classroom. President April O'Brien was crowned Miss Northern West Virginia and will compete for the title of Miss West Virginia.— April O'Brien, ao’

Elon | Theta Nu received seven awards during the spring Greek Life awards ceremony: Greek Intramurals Champion, Most Improved Academic Average, Excellence in Risk Management, Excellence in New Member Education, Excellence in Scholarship Program, Chapter Facility of the Year and Outstanding Chapter of the Year. Emily Sanner was named Outstanding Chapter President, and Alexandra Lawrence was named Outstanding Greek Achiever. Lauren Ellis was inducted into the Greek Hall of Fame in recognition of her outstanding work as Panhellenic Council president.

South Dakota | To instill the love of travel in her daughters, Karen Nelson-Kirkebak, right, South Dakota ’79, took a weeklong cruise to the Caribbean with Rose Petal Kate Kirkebak and Megan Schilling, South Dakota State ’08.—Karen Kirkebak,

Wingate | Alicia Harbold, Holly Morris, Meg McVicker and Melissa DeLuca traveled from Wingate, North Carolina, to Oak Ridge, Tennessee, to work on a Habitat for Humanity house together.— Meg McVicker,

Ohio State | Leading the chapter to victory during the Relay for Life event during Greek Week were (front row) Jessica Glanzman, Stacy Duh, Casey Parsons, (back row) Lucy Bernhart and Emily Dixon.—Bridget Cunningham,

Los Angeles Alumnae Association | Area alumnae posed much like our Founders did in one of their early photos. The association celebrated Founders’ Day at the Western Justice Center in Pasadena. In the morning, collegians and alumnae participated in the area Walk Now for Autism Speaks event and enjoyed a luncheon afterward.—Angela Pettinelli,


Member News

Rochester (NY) Alumnae Association | Alumnae gathered at Locust Hill Country Club for the annual Alumnae Panhellenic spring scholarship luncheon where three collegians received $1,000 scholarships. Also being honored was newly appointed Alumnae Panhellenic president Virginia Vorhis. Sisters attending the event were (front row) Harriet Cross Vorhis, Dorothy Borneman Bell, Virginia Paxon Degenhardt, (back row) Virginia Vorhis and Dana Fuellhart.— Dana Fuellhart,


The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Michigan State | Barbara Gleason Stone and Carol Wacker Lloyd took their third trip together to Holland and Belgium. As collegians, the pair roomed together on the third floor of the chapter house. Barbara lives in Willoughby, Ohio; Carol lives in Woodlands, Texas.— Carol Lloyd

Fall | Winter 2010

Valdosta State | After 30+ years, Gamma Xi Sisters met for what they hope will become an annual reunion. Caron Wells Williams, front right, hosted the weekend at her second home at Lake Blackshear. The days were filled with swimming, boat rides, looking at old photos and scrapbooks, and lots of laughter. Front: Pam Langston, Caron Williams, (middle) Betty Ann Branan Dowdy, (back) Cindy Cooley Conine, Kathy McGregor, Beth McLain English, Patti Reece White.—Beth English

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Alpha Xi Delta Gift List! Shop early for the holidays!

C. Pierced Heart Necklace, 16”, #SP008 SS $30 D. Aphrodite’s Heart Necklace, 18”, #SL7125 SS $42 E. Abstract Rose Earrings, #FH665 SS $22 F. Cushion Ring with crest, #0452 SS $119, 10K $295 G. Quill Ring, #2003 SS $90, 10K $196 H. Silhouette Rose Ring, #RD141 SS $30 (whole sizes 5-9)

I. Abstract Rose Bracelet, 7 1/2” #B665 SS $35 J. Silhouette Rose Brooch, #P141 SS $42

To order visit or call 1.800.422.4348 Find us on Facebook:

* Must order through Alpha Xi Delta Headquarters. or call 1.317.872.3500.

Member News

Realize Your Potential Lisa Shenkle’s, Maryland ’80, passion for animals, especially dogs, has manifested itself in a blog for Baltimore STYLE, a Town & Country-esque magazine for the greater Baltimore region. In her weekly blog, called Furocious, Lisa explores issues from dog parks and products to canine behavior and service dogs. Check it out at When she’s not blogging, Lisa can be found at VERB! Communications, a boutique public and media relations firm she launched in Baltimore 12 years ago. Connect with Lisa at or follow her on Twitter @LisaatVERB.

Ann Thoemke Wagner, Wisconsin Madison ’81, authored and designed the children’s book Recycling with Arnie and Bing, a tale about Arnie, a pickle jar, and Bing, a lemonade can, who meet in a grocery cart, then meet once again in slightly different forms. The rhyming text, photos and illustrations make this book appropriate for second and third-grade readers. To connect with Ann go to her website www.RecyclingwithArnie

Allie Phillips, Michigan State ’86, who was featured in the spring 2010 Quill, realized her goal of becoming a published author with the September release of How Shelter Pets are Brokered for Experimentation: Understanding Pound Seizure. Allie may be signing books in your area. Learn where she’s traveling to next at or by emailing


The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Fall | Winter 2010

Laura Hoevener, Wisconsin Madison ’87, co-wrote Adventures Around Cincinnati, a travel guide written from a mom’s perspective that offers detailed listings of more than 80 kid-tested destinations within a two-hour drive of downtown Cincinnati. Laura co-authored the book to encourage families to create fun memories and spend more time together. Learn more about the book and connect with Laura at www.adventures or

Carol Varnadore Aebersold, Tennessee Wesleyan ’70, and her business-partner daughters, Chanda Bell and Christa Pitts, were named Georgia’s 2010 Small Business Persons of the Year by the U.S. Small Business Administration. In May, the three women were recognized during National Small Business Week in Washington, D.C. Carol and her daughters founded CCA and B publishing company in 2004, which published the awardwinning children’s book The Elf on the Shelf: A Christmas Tradition, penned by Carol and Chanda. Connect with Carol at

Janice Bryant Mitchener, Purdue ’81, received the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching at a ceremony held in Washington, D.C. This annual award is presented to the best pre-college-level science and math teachers across the country. Winners of this presidential

honor receive a $10,000 award from the National Science Foundation to be used at their discretion. During her D.C. trip, Janice’s days were filled with educational and celebratory events, including visits with members of Congress and science agency leaders. Connect with Janice at

Nanci Danison, U of Charleston ’69, has penned two books: BACKWARDS: Returning to Our Source for Answers, and BACKWARDS Guidebook. Both books, and a third still in production, recount Nanci’s journey through death and the afterlife, and her voluntary return to human life to bring messages of hope and comfort. Connect with Nanci

Allison Beers, Albion ’98, is the owner and founder of Events North, a corporate, social and nonprofit event planning company in Traverse City, Michigan. In 2008, ’09 and ’10, the Traverse City Business News named Allison one of its 40 Most Influential Business People Under 40. In 2010, Events North was named a Readers’ Choice “Best Of” award winner for meeting and event planning by Michigan Meetings + Events magazine. Allison was also named among the Top 10 in ’10 by Albion College, which recognizes noteworthy and distinctive achievements by 10 alumni who graduated within the past 10 years. Connect with Allison at

Whitney Phillips, George Mason ’04, works on Capitol Hill as press secretary for Congresswoman Stephanie Herseth Sandlin of South Dakota. Whitney began her political work as an undergraduate intern for Congressman John Barrow of Georgia, served as a staff assistant to Congressman Ed Perlmutter of Colorado, and was his legislative correspondent and press assistant until May 2010. Connect with Whitney at

Diana Cannon, Purdue ’61, lives on a ranch in Idaho’s Teton Valley and breeds and shows Spinoni Italiani, also called Italian Pointers. Diana teaches and hosts dog agility classes for 4-H students on her ranch, judges dog shows and takes her dogs with her on therapy visits to hospitals and nursing homes. Learn more about Diana’s dogs, her work and how to contact her at

Monica Stauber Holtz, Wisconsin Eau Claire ’72, author of Emily at the Zoo, was featured on page 31 of the summer Quill. If you tried to connect with Monica via email and had no luck, please use this address instead: You can also learn more about Monica’s book at


Sister to Sister

Your “Amy” is Waiting By Jennifer Ford Ayres, Kansas State 97

“Amy Ladner Tyler, Kansas State ’98, never did anything halfway. She displayed that passion during her fight with cancer, and also when accepting and preparing for death. It’s this passion I miss most,” says Jennifer Ayres of her friend and Sister, pictured above.


The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Fall | Winter 2010

It was a bright, sunny recruitment week at Kansas State University in 1998. It was during that time Amy Ladner entered my life and became my Sister and friend. Amy had a gorgeous smile, a spitfire attitude and a presence that was difficult to ignore. I have not met anyone since who is so sure of herself and so confident in her ability to be loved by friends. Amy first displayed that confidence as a freshman going through recruitment. Amy had her heart set on following her friend from high school, Emily Herman, Kansas State ’97, into Alpha Xi Delta. As fate would have it, a glitch in scoring gave Amy a return card that didn’t list Alpha Xi. Amy was distraught and went to her recruitment counselor for help. Amy insisted it was a mistake, and her persistence paid off in the end. It is this confidence that kept our friendship strong throughout the years. My friendship with Amy, like many in life, ebbed and flowed. At first, she was on my periphery of friends, but as time went on, she became my closest friend. When I moved to Florida, I would put her on speakerphone and go about my day, talking to her for hours. I can’t explain why God chose to keep us close or why he chose to bless our entire group of Sister-friends. What I do know is that Amy was the glue that held us together. She loved to entertain, and at age 27, she made us don “ugly Christmas sweaters” for holiday parties. (Amy had a wicked sense of humor.) Amy chose her friends wisely, and we were fiercely loyal to her. Amy gave birth to a son and named him Harrison. When she was nursing him, she found a lump in her breast that didn’t go away. In July 2008, at just 28 years old, Amy was diagnosed with breast cancer. When Amy was in the hospital the last time, she and I shared our deepest secrets, and we planned for my future without her. Was Amy scared of dying? Was I scared of her dying? Absolutely. We were scared of

“I was present for the birth of Amy’s son, Harrison, in 2007 and for her death. These are two of the most precious days of my life. I am comforted by these memories,” says Jennifer Ayres, left.

the unknown yet comforted and at peace, knowing she would be in heaven. As a Christian, it was her ultimate goal. Amy and I had agreed that I would stay with her until the end. We experienced some miraculous and amazing moments over those last days, which only served to strengthen our bond and my bond with her family and God. On January 9, 2010, my phone rang at 6:45 a.m. It was Amy’s overnight caregiver, telling me Amy was running a temperature and was unresponsive. I drove 76 miles from Topeka to Kansas City to be by her side. Alongside her parents and sister, we held Amy’s hand as she took her last breath on January 13, 2010. Amy is written all over the pages of my life. When I read books to my girls, I relive the memory of Amy planning my baby showers and buying my first child a huge tub of books. At times, I took for granted the memories we made, and most of the time when I feel sadness, it’s grief knowing that no other woman will be able to fill her space. At 31, I will never know what it’s like to grow old with her, to complain about our teenagers or to share any other life events. I will never have another friend who shared recruitment skits, graduations and baby showers. We were even present at the birth of each other’s children. Sometimes I feel like an old woman because my experiences seem to belong to someone twice my age. And when thinking

about what to write in this message, I didn’t want to say the same old thing about doing monthly breast exams, or as Amy would say, “feeling your boobies.” The thing is, the face of breast cancer is changing; it’s affecting women at a younger age. What I want you to know is this: listen to your body. Don’t be afraid to ask your doctor about a mole or a lump or what it means if you’re feeling tired. It may be something mundane, so don’t be embarrassed. Be brave enough to ask. My hope is that you’ll remember Amy and learn from her life, that you will see not the tragedy of her death, but rather the precious gift of her life as a Sister, daughter, mother, wife and friend. When I think of Amy, I focus on her radiant smile as she looked at her son. I focus on the memories I have of her when we were young and without a care in the world. My wish is for you to know this bond of sisterhood. If you’re reading this, then you’re an Alpha Xi Delta Sister. And I know you have your own Amy out there, just waiting for your call. Connect with Jennifer at:

Do you have a message you’d like to share, “Sister to Sister?” Send your story and photos to the Editor for future consideration.


National Housing

Fabulous FACELIFTS New paint, new flooring, new everything. It’s been a busy year for the National Housing Corporation’s board of directors! The following chapters received financial assistance from the NHC, which led to some amazing transformations.

Iota Theta, Southern Polytechnic State University, Marietta, Georgia Southern Polytechnic built a new Greek Village and gave every chapter house the same exterior. Inside is where Sisters really set themselves apart. The house has a large living/dining area, full kitchen, laundry room, study room, private parking and secured access. Twelve Sisters live in the spacious single- and double-occupancy rooms with private, attached bathrooms. The goal of the House Committee was to provide a classic, timeless environment where Sisters could live and recruit, and they accomplished that beautifully. The coffee tables and curio at right were gifts from Zeta Omega Chapter at the State University of West Georgia. Collegians, alumnae and parents donated many of the accessories to ensure the chapter house was perfect for our Sisters.


The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Fall | Winter 2010

Phi, Albion College, Albion, Michigan At Albion, each sorority has a lodge, which is similar to a chapter house but without bedrooms. Phi Chapter uses the lodge for recruitment, ceremonies, alumnae events and meetings, in addition to just hanging out. As committee members planned the new look for the lodge, they wanted a way to set it apart from the others, since most exteriors look the same. One important distinction is the chapter’s 95-year history, so photos, handwritten letters and newspaper clippings were beautifully framed and hung. Gone is the pink and blue furniture from the 1990s and equally dated floral wallpaper. The lodge now boasts rich coppers, tans and browns, which add warmth to the space. Overhead lighting took the place of unfashionable lamps, new carpeting replaced a hodgepodge of floor coverings, and area rugs cozied up living areas. Corp board members and collegians worked in tandem to create the new look, which was based on how Sisters actually use the space. The result is a clean, attractive lodge with décor that will stay fresh for years.

NHC Reminders The updated NHC building corporation manual is now available in The Blue Room on the Fraternity’s website. Please review the manual as soon as possible, since many of the most common questions about how to successfully operate a house corporation and chapter house can be found inside. Be sure to look at these items: • Sample forms and policy guidelines. Generic house contracts, for example, including “house rules,” have been tested after years of use all across the country. • Sample job descriptions. House directors, kitchen staff, we’ve got ’em all. Alpha Eta, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana The common areas of the chapter house received a facelift, including the formal living room, to update the space and make it more attractive. The former room was quite bland, with walls and carpet of the same color and furnishings that seemed almost mix-and-match. Today’s formal living room has rich hardwood floors, updated fabrics on the reupholstered furniture, and contemporary window coverings, wall art and accessories. Datedlooking wallpapers, lamps and silk flower arrangements were replaced with earth-toned paint, attractive lighting that complements the rest of the decor and statement-making accessories.

• Generic house corporation bylaws. Many local housing corporations existed well before the form was published in 1997. Review your current bylaws so you can keep pace with manual updates, which should be spelled out in the bylaws. • Annual report. This document is used to track the names and contact information for all house corporation officers, as well as to track the fees each house corporation charges. Remember to complete and send this report to Fraternity Headquarters each year by May 1, attention: Director of Housing.


Alumna Profile


Holiday Gift

One of America’s best-loved poems has Sisterly ties.

’Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house… Papa’s eyes filled with tears as he watched Jan-Peter’s selfless You’d be hard pressed to find an American man, woman or child act and thought What a good man. What a true saint. As Papa sat unable to recite the next line of one of the most famous poems in his sleigh, he thought of his daughter’s simple request and of all time, ’Twas the Night Before Christmas. Clement Clarke Moore how blessed he and his family were. And he thought of Jan-Peter wrote the poem, originally called An Account of a Visit from St. and how love is all the world needs. When he returned home, Nicholas, in 1822. His great-great granddaughter, Dinghy Spalding Papa finished the rest of his poem. Sharp, Albion ’48, explains how the During that Christmas vacation poem came to be. time, a lot of family got together in “I was 8 years old when my the evenings. It was the family pracmother took my brother, sister and tice for children to recite something or I on a train from Detroit to see share some of their handiwork from my grandfather in New York City. He school. During one of these nights, was so glad we came to visit because cousin Harriett Butler from Troy, New he wanted to recite a poem that had York, came to visit my great-great been told to him as a child by his grandfather. The children were so grandfather, Dr. Clement Clark excited about the poem Charity had Moore, whom they lovingly called been given for Christmas that they Papa. recited it to Harriet, who thought it “On Christmas Eve in 1822, Papa was charming. The children recited it Moore wanted to create a story for his 6-year-old daughter, Charity, the old- Dinghy’s story of how her great-great grandfather’s poem to Harriet over and over again. est of his six children at the time (he came to be is chronicled in The Visit, written by Mark Cousin Harriet decided that other Kimball Moulton and illustrated by Susan Winget in 2003. children would love the story too, so and his wife eventually had nine she copied it down and sent it to the Troy Sentinel. The next year, children total). Charity was dying of consumption, which today in 1823, the poem was published in the newspaper with no title is called tuberculosis. She was so weak she couldn’t have a toy and no author. Harriet was so proud it had been published that and couldn’t sit up in bed, so Papa made Charity a story. she got in her little sleigh to show my great-great grandfather “Papa didn’t write the poem down, he created it orally, and what she had done. He was furious because she didn’t get perthat’s important for people to know. He jotted some ideas down mission to publish it, and he thought it was an invasion of his on the back of an envelope that Christmas Eve after his wife sent privacy. He told Harriet she couldn’t come back for Christmas, him to town to get the Christmas goose. There was a terrible and she didn’t for several years. In 1844, the family persuaded snowstorm, and the snow was so thick Papa couldn’t see where Papa to let the poem be published under his name. When chilhe was going. He didn’t worry, though, because the horses were dren’s books first started being printed used to going into town and knew where to pull the sleigh. And in the early 1840s, the first line of the then Papa said a miracle happened. When he got to the edge of poem was used instead of the original town, the snow stopped. It was just like you turned off the title. It’s been that way ever since.” handle on a pump. The moon rose over the Hudson River, so ‘the Connect with Dinghy at: moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow gave the luster of midday to objects below’ was the first part of the story he wrote. “Along his journey, Papa saw a woodcutter named Jan-Peter Photo Credit: Jill Torrance/Arizona Daily Star delivering firewood to the poorer people in town without asking Dinghy Spalding Sharp for payment. A poor man himself, Jan-Peter Dukenick was giving the one gift he could – a warm Christmas to those less fortunate. 29

The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Fall | Winter 2010

Coming to a Campus Near


This year’s Educational Leadership Consultants have been on the road for nearly three months, educating and inspiring Sisters to create the most rewarding Fraternity experience possible. Let’s get to know these amazing staff members. Erin Burns, Worcester Polytechnic Institute ’07

Trina Holmsted, Florida Atlantic ’08

Megan Watson, Western Carolina ’07

The best thing about being an Alpha Xi is that I didn’t have to change anything about myself to be accepted and loved by my Sisters.

The best thing about being an Alpha Xi is the amazing sisterhood! I love meeting Sisters and having that immediate bond we all share.

The best thing about being an Alpha Xi is being surrounded by amazing women who share such pride in and love for our Fraternity.

I like to stay in touch with Sisters via Skype, email, text messaging and phone calls.

I like to stay in touch with Sisters via Skype, because I can actually see them when we talk.

One thing that sets me apart is I love to think outside the box and to arrive at a solution through a nontraditional route.

One thing that sets me apart is I can find the humor in any situation.

I like to stay in touch with Sisters via text messaging and Facebook, since my Sisters always have their phones with them.

I want you to know I had the opportunity to travel to Hong Kong for my studies, which really started my love of traveling.

Allison Zackaroff, Miami Ohio ’07

The best thing about being an Alpha Xi is the passion each woman holds for such an incredible organization. I like to stay in touch with Sisters via Skype, since I’m not always available to talk on the phone or don’t always have time to email. We video chat when I do have time to talk, and it’s great to see their faces! One thing that sets me apart is my awesome iPad. I want you to know I travel the country with a stuffed hippo.

I want you to know I absolutely love my job and all the women I get to work with. Becky Wilbanks Auburn ’05

The best thing about being an Alpha Xi is knowing that wherever I go, there are Sisters ready to welcome me. I like to stay in touch with Sisters via Facebook, because I love seeing their pictures, status updates and feeling like I’m not missing anything from their daily lives. I also love to Skype, because a video chat makes me feel like I’m in the room with them. One thing that sets me apart is my endless supply of energy and enthusiasm for our Sisterhood, which helps me tremendously in this job. And I love it when that energy rubs off on the women I work with.

One thing that sets me apart is I can sing along to almost every song on the radio. I want you to know my favorite TV show is The Young and the Restless.

Kara Hauck Miami Ohio ’06

The best thing about being an Alpha Xi is the growth we promote to members. I like to stay in touch with Sisters via Facebook and email. One thing that sets me apart is my insistence on connecting all aspects of membership with our values and Ritual. I want you to know about a challenge I’ve proposed to chapters: Make someone feel special every day.

I want you to know I always have a story for everything. Even the simplest tasks in life, like brushing my teeth, can be turned into a great adventure.


National Convention

Convention ELECTIONS Help select our next leaders.

Alpha Xi Delta’s Nominating Committees invite you to recommend Sisters to serve on the Fraternity’s 2011-13 National Council, the Foundation’s 2011-15 Board of Trustees and the 2011-13 National Housing Corporation. Individual Sisters, college chapters and alumnae associations can submit recommendations to the three nominating committees. From there, the committees prepare a slate of candidates to be voted on at National Convention in Atlanta, Georgia, July 6-10, 2011.


The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Fall | Winter 2010

National Council Who can serve on National Council? Alpha Xi Delta’s National Constitution states that any alumna in good standing is eligible to serve in any National Council position (Article V, Section 2). National Council is made up of one National President and six National Vice Presidents. The National Constitution also states that no member may serve in the same national office for more than two consecutive terms (Article 5, Section 5). That means National President Deanna Detchemendy, who will complete her term in July 2011, cannot serve in that role during the 2011-13 biennium. She is, however, eligible to serve as a National Vice President. Similarly, four National Vice Presidents are not eligible to continue in their same office, although each is eligible to serve as National President. These women are Evonne Carawan, Sandi Edwards, Sue Eicher Mamber and Danica Vanasse Olson. The other two National Vice Presidents, Jennifer Emerick Kuntz and Wendy Kurtz, are eligible to continue in their current positions, and each is eligible to serve as National President. What qualities and abilities should nominees have to serve on National Council? You or the person you recommend should have previous board experience and outstanding ability in the following areas: • Leadership • Teamwork • Professionalism • Creative and visionary thinking • Oral and written communication • Understanding higher education and its issues

Here’s what National Vice Presidents do: • Work with the National President to provide leadership, oversight and guidance to fulfill the Fraternity’s vision (Inspiring women to realize their potential) and mission (To enrich the life of every Alpha Xi Delta) What’s the time commitment for serving on National Council? • Three in-person meetings per year • One conference call per month • Council members may be asked to attend other meetings as appropriate and to visit college chapters and alumnae associations • Between meetings and conference calls, business is conducted by email and other electronic systems How do I make a recommendation? • Download or photocopy the Recommendation Form for the 2011-13 National Council, available on the Fraternity’s website. You can also call or email Headquarters to request a form. • Return each completed form to Nominating Committee Chair Karin Hagen Riggs via U.S. Mail (3633 Lorimer Lane, Encinitas, CA 92024) or email attachment ( • Questions can be answered by Karin at the email above or by leaving her a voice mail at 317.872.3500 ext. 250. • Recommendations must be received by February 15, 2011.

What are the responsibilities of Council officers? As the governing body of the Fraternity, National Council represents and acts for the Fraternity in all matters between meetings of the National Chapter. Powers and duties of the National Council can be found in Article IV, Section 2, Clause 1 of the National Constitution. The powers and duties of the National President, in addition to the ones listed below, can be found in Article IV, Section 3, Clause 1, and in the Bylaws, Article V, Section 4. If you need this information, please call or email Fraternity Headquarters. Here’s what the National President does: • Works with the National Council to develop the overall direction of the Fraternity within the framework of the National Constitution and Bylaws • Decides all points of Fraternity law, practice and procedure as presented to her • Serves as a Trustee of the Alpha Xi Delta Foundation


National Convention What happens after recommendations are made? • The Nominating Committee, which is made up of the chair, two collegians and two alumnae, reviews all recommendations received by February 15, 2011, and obtains resumes. • The committee prepares a slate of candidates who they believe are best qualified to fulfill the responsibilities and meet the challenges of the various offices. • By late April, the slate and candidates’ resumes are sent to those eligible to vote at the 2011 National Convention. Can nominations be made after the slate has been sent? A Sister who hasn’t been slated and wants to be considered for a National Council office can submit her name in writing, with a resume, to the Nominating Committee within 21 days of the mailing of the slate. The Nominating Committee will verify the eligibility of each nominee and distribute the resume(s) to those eligible to vote at Convention. There will be no nominations from the floor.

Foundation Trustees The Foundation Nominating Committee asks for your recommendations for Trustees to serve for the 2011-15 term. The Foundation is looking for Sisters with these qualifications: • Experience in board service, community leadership, public relations, finance or fundraising. • The ability to open doors to and influence donors.


The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Fall | Winter 2010

• A commitment to Alpha Xi Delta’s vision and mission. Foundation bylaws state that four Trustees shall be elected by a majority vote of the delegates at National Convention from a single slate prepared by the Foundation Nominating Committee. The four elected Trustees will serve for four years, maintaining a board of eight elected Trustees at all times. Trustees completing the 2007-11 term are Michelle Soderquist Hartnett, Julie Lambert, Jean Koza Leider and Jane Fursey Ralston. Since Trustees can only serve two consecutive four-year terms, Foundation Chair Julie Lambert is ineligible for reelection. What are the Trustees’ responsibilities? Trustees are expected to be pace-setting contributors or fundraisers and to join The Society of 1893 (planned giving society) during their tenure. They also do the following: • Manage resources wisely • Ensure adequate resources • Monitor programs and services for consistency with our vision and goals • Enhance Alpha Xi Delta’s public image • Establish prudent investment philosophies, policies and practices • Approve and monitor the budget • Identify, cultivate and steward donors

How much time is involved? • One in-person meeting per year • At least one development event per year • Service on a maximum of two Foundation committees (Audit, Development, Executive, Finance, Grants and Awards, Scholarships) with work being completed via email and phone conferencing. How do I make a recommendation? • Download or photocopy the Recommendation Form for the 201115 Foundation Trustees, available on the Fraternity’s website. You can also call or email Headquarters to request a form. • Return each completed form to Nominating Committee Chair Deborah Fenwick Maas via U.S. Mail (9109 Stonington Place, Zionsville, IN 46077) or email attachment ( • Questions can be answered by Debbie at the email above. • Recommendations must be received by February 15, 2011.

National Housing Corporation If you’re interested in gaining a national perspective on our Fraternity by helping provide safe, well-maintained housing for our collegiate Sisters, take a look at the National Housing Corporation. The NHC is seeking four strong, passionate leaders to serve on its board of directors for a two-year term beginning July 1, 2011. NHC directors work in conjunction with National Council on housing-related matters and support the NHC’s mission: To strive for competitive, safe, properly maintained and financially secure chapter housing. What qualifications are needed to be on the NHC board? Nominees should be creative thinkers with a good business sense who understand the needs of today’s college woman. Additionally, they should have the following abilities: • Work well individually and in a group • Strong written and oral communication skills • A commitment to perpetuating the Fraternity • Experience/expertise in one of these areas: fundraising, accounting, finance, banking, real estate, law, strategic planning, property management, construction, interior design, engineering, recruitment, public relations or Greek/student housing operations

• Current or former service on a local building corporation board, chapter advisory board or in another Alpha Xi Delta volunteer role How do I make a recommendation? • A sponsor can submit a nomination on your behalf or you can nominate yourself. • Nominations and further information about the board can be found on the Fraternity’s website. • Return each completed form via U.S. Mail to Nominating Committee Chair Shari May Vickery (374 Hall Court, Noblesville, IN 46060) or email attachment. ( • Questions can be answered by Shari at the email above. • Applications must be received by February 15, 2011.

Proposed Amendments to Alpha Xi Delta’s Constitution The Alpha Xi Delta National Chapter may amend the National Constitution when deemed advisable. As stated in Article XIII, Section 1, “This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the National Chapter.” All proposed amendments are voted on at the National Convention held immediately following their proposal. An amendment may be sponsored by any of the following: a college chapter, an alumnae association, the Constitution Committee, National Council, a member of National Council or a Past National President. The proposed amendment should state in which article and section it should be placed, and it should be stated in language appropriate to the Constitution. If the proposed amendment conflicts with an existing statement, the sponsor(s) is responsible for proposing additional amendments to resolve the conflict or the proposal will be void. If two proposals conflict with each other, the National Chapter at Convention may vote to accept only one of the proposals, or it may vote to reject both. A proposed amendment to the Constitution must be submitted to National Executive Director Elysia Gallivan. She must receive it by February 1, 2011, for the proposed amendment to be considered at the 2011 National Convention



Your Commitment is a Dear Sisters and Friends, Your gifts to the Foundation are an investment in young women’s lives. This Annual Report salutes our loyal donors and the important work you make possible with every gift. Each donor should take great pride in knowing you’re inspiring bold, talented leaders for our chapters, communities and world. In 2009-2010, you supported: • Alpha Xi Delta’s Leadership Coach Program that provided participants with tools to foster positive change in themselves, their chapters, their communities and on their campuses. • The Workout recruitment conference where 233 Sisters strengthened life skills to be more successful during recruitment and throughout their lives. • Scholarships, academic achievement awards and continuing education grants for 128 of our best, brightest and most deserving Sisters. • Alpha Xi Delta’s partnership with Autism Speaks to raise autism awareness and discover a cure for this devastating disorder. During the 2009-10 fiscal year, Foundation revenue totaled $693,698 while net assets totaled $2.8 million as our investments began to recover from the losses suffered at the start of the recession. The Foundation Trustees were aware of the challenges

Why I

True Gift

faced by many in this uncertain economy, which made the support of our loyal Foundation donors even more heartfelt. Just as many of you faced tough decisions on how to spend your hard-earned dollars, so did the Trustees. For example, only highlights of the Foundation Annual Report were published in the printed version of The Quill, while the complete report, including donor and honor/memorial recognition lists, were available in the online version. (Honor and memorial recognition lists continue to be published in each online version of The Quill.) This resulted in significant savings that allowed the Foundation to maintain existing funding levels for the Fraternity’s priority educational programs. Further, as good stewards of Alpha Xi Delta’s resources, Trustees reviewed Foundation policies and implemented changes in accordance with the new 990/IRS guidelines. Additionally, we embarked upon a multiyear strategic action plan to enhance the direction of our fundraising efforts to grow and sustain Foundation resources. As we look to the future, we’re developing plans to engage more and more Sisters and asking you to join us in keeping Alpha Xi Delta strong. Working together, we’ll accomplish even greater things for our Foundation and the women of Alpha Xi Delta. Fraternally,

Julie Lambert 2009-11 Foundation Chair


“I became a Mary Burt Nash Society member this year because I realized I was in a good financial place to make this commitment. From being a collegiate member to becoming a local volunteer and then a national volunteer, I’ve learned how my contribution can continue to help the Fraternity grow and inspire more Sisters. I also know how expensive college is these days. I give to the Foundation because my gifts will give relief to Sisters who work hard to achieve high grades and actively participate on campus.” - Jennifer Bellas Lee, Old Dominion ’93


The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Fall | Winter 2010

Mary Burt Nash


The Mary Burt Nash Society recognizes Sisters and friends who make a $5,000 unrestricted commitment to the Loyalty Fund. The commitment is fulfilled with a one-time gift or payable over five years. The Foundation proudly recognizes and thanks our Mary Burt Nash Society members for 2009-10: Ruth Goodman Akin, Northern Iowa Janet Swanson Loper Barris, Syracuse Janice Sheldon Baumback, U of Washington Kristin Olson Billingsley, Sonoma State Denise Brown, Northern Iowa Kathryn Yager Brown, Monmouth College Susan Bulkeley Butler, Purdue Evonne Carawan, North Carolina State Jean Smith Clark, Penn State Marcella Smucker Clark, Ohio Wesleyan Deanna Wollam Detchemendy, Cal State Northridge Jean Grommes Feehan, Northwestern Jane Dunlap Gaby, Tennessee Elysia Balster Gallivan, South Dakota Martha Ann Geppert, Illinois Ellen Gibson Goodwin, West Virginia Diane Curtis Gregory, Wittenberg Anneliese Taylor Hallsten, Stetson Regina Willis Hawkins, Jacksonville State Marilyn A. Horner, Nebraska Omaha Kelley Kitta Hundt, Georgia Tech Mildred Kotlan Kolar, Marietta Linda Kotowski, Florida State Jeanne Regus Kuller, Maryland Jennifer Emerick Kuntz, Northern Iowa Wendy Kurtz, Indiana Julie Lambert, Oregon State Jennifer L. Bellas Lee, Old Dominion Jean Koza Leider, Iowa Kendra Becker Lewis, Purdue Bonnie Eiker Lightcap, Susquehanna Julie Schroder Lindsay, Marshall Robin Hartman Lock, Texas Lyles Foundation in memory of Elizabeth Lyles, Purdue Bunnie Wybenga Olsen, Nebraska Omaha

Pauline Dale Platt, Gettysburg Jane Fursey Ralston, Mount Union Michelle Supplee Reda, Rider Christina Robertson, West Georgia Beverly Case Rorer, U of Pennsylvania Marianne Moritz Russo, Cal State Northridge Jane Lynelle Wilkens Schroeder, Nebraska Lincoln Tana Sterrett Scott, Middlebury Mary Ruth Hadley Snyder, Purdue Leslie Storey, Texas Wesleyan Jane Hooper Sutton, Western Carolina Marilyn Atwood Terry, California, Berkeley Julia Naftzger Van Sickle, Purdue Cheryl Johnson Weldon, Georgia Tech Dorothy Sheldon Williams, Western Carolina Shirley Albrecht Winckler, Iowa Linda Bernd Wrench, Indiana



Alpha Xi Delta’s Leadership Coaches provide one-on-one coaching to enhance Sisters’ personal growth. They also facilitate allchapter and small-group programs to address each chapter’s specific needs. To prepare for these important responsibilities, Leadership Coaches received extensive training this summer at Fraternity Headquarters, which focused on the following areas: leadership and personal development, communication skills enhancement, career preparation, and personal reflection and development through the StrengthsQuest™ assessment and Bridges (the Fraternity’s program for seniors). Elysia Gallivan, National Executive Director, said “We are grateful to the Foundation for funding the Leadership Program. Each year, we see the Leadership Coach program make a greater impact on our members. LCs have been able to help young women capitalize on their talents and guide them in career planning and overall goal setting in their personal lives. Our members have been touched by the personal attention and focus their National Fraternity has given them. They truly feel empowered and valued for who they are as individuals. The Leadership Coach program is a true point of pride for Alpha Xi Delta.” Let’s meet this year’s Leadership Coaches on the next page.


Foundation Originally from Canton, Ohio, Kimberly Nelson graduated from Marietta College in Ohio with a degree in advertising and public relations. Kimberly was named Marietta’s 2010 Greek Woman of the Year, served her chapter as Public Relations and Programs Vice President, and was a two-year Nominations Committee member. Kimberly interned at Marietta’s office of student life and in the college advancement office; she also served as Greek Week chair and helped prepare the recruitment guide for the Greek community. When she’s not jet setting across the country, Kimberly enjoys absorbing all things pop culture, shopping ’til she drops and pretending to be the next Food Network star. Jessie Wortham is a Memphis, Tennessee, native who graduated from Christian Brothers University in Memphis with a degree in English for corporate communications. Jessie served her chapter as President, Membership Vice President and New Member Orientation Chair. She was actively involved in CBU’s Student Government Association, the Lasallian Ambassador (student recruitment) Program, peer counseling and the Up ’til Dawn fundraiser. When she’s not helping women realize their potential, Jessie enjoys relaxing with a good book, volunteering and vegging out with the E! television network.



A total of $39,700 was awarded in academic achievement awards, scholarships and continuing education grants during the 200910 fiscal year. Here are just a few of the women you’ve inspired. Maya Doghman, Nebraska Omaha ’08 Delores Wachsmann Child Scholarship Chapter Activities: Membership Vice President, Public Relations Co-Chair, Panhellenic Delegate Community Activities: Emerging Leaders Program, Orientation Leader, Traffic Appeals Commission Member, Delta Epsilon Iota academic honor society, UNO Matadors recruitment teams, University Judicial Committee, Golden Key International Honor Society, student government, Teammates mentoring program


The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Fall | Winter 2010

Honors/Awards: Dean’s list, Louise Sutton Memorial Award for Top Semester GPA Goals: “In both my education and career, I want to learn and to better myself so I may help better others. Alpha Xi Delta has inspired me to reach higher and dream bigger.”

Britany Matin, Alabama Birmingham ’06 Founders’ Memorial Scholarship Alpha Xi Delta Service: Public Relations Vice President, Academic Achievement Chair, Academic Advisor Community Activities: UAB School of Dentistry sophomore class Student Government Association representative, American Hispanic Dental Association charter member, UAB Orientation Leader, Habitat for Humanity Honors/Awards: First place, UAB Research Scholars’ Symposium Research Poster Competition - Clinical Pre-Doctoral Research Category; 2010 UAB NPC Greek Alumna of the Year; UAB’s Most Outstanding Female Student, 2007; UAB Ambassador of the Year 2007 Goals: “I want to provide quality dental care while fighting issues related to accessing care, without compromising my ethical standards. I would not be enrolled in dental school today without my Sisters, who guided me in my decisions and acted as role models.”

Katie Hadden, Wingate ’02 Zelma Patchin Grant Katie Hadden received a Patchin Grant to pursue advanced instructor certification from the North American Riding for the Handicapped Association. Introduced to therapeutic horseback riding while in college, Katie is now an instructor at the Mountin’ Hopes Therapeutic Center in Asheville, North Carolina, and believes in the life-changing power of therapeutic riding. “I see this area of work being part of my life for a long time,” says Katie, “and I’m thankful for the support from the Foundation in helping me achieve my goals. I feel as if the entire Alpha Xi Delta family is supporting me.”




The Foundation provides funding to advance Alpha Xi Delta’s partnership with Autism Speaks and to help inspire the next generation of philanthropists. The Foundation was a $10,000 Silver Supporter at the 2009 Walk Now for Autism Speaks event on the National Mall in Washington, D.C.

Why I

Give to the Foundation

“Alpha Xi Delta truly made me who I am today. Without it, I would probably be the shy, quiet person I was when I pledged. Alpha Xi Delta helped me grow as a person, and I continue to live by the words of The Symphony,” says Courtney Fluty, Texas State San Marcos ’00. Courtney donates to the Foundation through the E-Xi Give program. It was easy for her to set up monthly gifts to the Foundation by electronic funds transfer from her checking account. Learn more at

Help a Sister


Nora Nobis Stine, Baldwin Wallace ’41, was a Beta Kappa colony member who went on to become a 1986 Alpha Xi Delta Woman of Distinction, an active member of the Cleveland Alumnae Association, and a Sister who lived her life giving, serving and making a difference. After graduating from college, Nora worked as a dietician at Stouffer’s Restaurant in New York City, a food editor for Good Housekeeping and a home economics teacher in the Cleveland school system. She gave countless hours as director of volunteers at Sunny Acres Skilled Nursing Facility and served numerous other community agencies, including Meals on Wheels, the Garden Club and the Bloodmobile. Nora was a world traveler, played golf, and enjoyed art and bridge. On January 15, 2010, Nora entered Chapter Eternal. In June, the Foundation received a generous bequest gift of $50,000 to be added to the General Scholarship Fund. “The Foundation and Fraternity are grateful for this generous bequest,” says Beth Polizzotto, Foundation Scholarship Committee chair. “The Scholarship Committee has seen a steady rise of talented young women applying for scholarship assistance, and this unrestricted scholarship support will enable us to recognize the deserving women within our membership.”

Realize Her Dreams

Help a Sister realize her dreams and sponsor a scholarship with a gift of $1,000. Make your gift today by completing the form below. Or learn more by contacting Director of Development Kendra Lewis at 317.872.3500, ext. 117 or Name__________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address________________________________________________________________________________________________ City__________________________________________________ State___________________________ Zip______________ Home Phone __________________________________________Email ______________________________________________ ❏ Enclosed is my check for $__________ payable to the Alpha Xi Delta Foundation. ❏ Please charge $_____ to: ❏ Visa ❏ MasterCard ❏ American Express ❏ Discover Account #____________________________________ Exp. Date __________ Signature _______________________________ I wish to make this gift ❏ in honor of ❏ in memory of _______________________________________________________ Please acknowledge this gift to: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________


Foundation Foundation Donors The Foundation thanks the following Sisters and friends who made donations between June 1, 2009, and May 31, 2010. The following list reflects donors’ lifetime giving totals to all Foundation funds. Life-to-Date Giving Circles Cora Bollinger Block $100,000+ Heritage $50,000-$99,999 Symphony $25,000-$49,999 Lombard $10,000-$24,999 Founders’ $5,000-$9,999 Sisterhood $1,000-$4,999 +More than one gift given during the fiscal year =Donor to the Class of 2010 senior giving campaign *Deceased donor

Alpha LOMBARD COLLEGE/KNOX COLLEGE Sisterhood Karen King McConnell Betty Darnell Nelson Linda Sokody Seybold+ Donor Joan Hinkle Brown Doris Janes Lawton Carolyn Swartz Park Juliet Engel Schertz

Beta IOWA WESLEYAN COLLEGE Sisterhood Sally Schuck Amy Williams-Hopkins Donor Norma Seyb Dahms Cindy Hardisty Reynolds+ Sheri Seibold Lori Veigelt Webb Linda Faust Witmer

Gamma UNIVERSITY OF MOUNT UNION Lombard Alice Bliss Schmutz+

Founders’ Jane Fursey Ralston+


The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Sisterhood Yallah Gault+ Judith Jackson Sarah Solt McCloskey Kelly Wright Shaffer Donor Sara Biltz= Tracy Bombik Theresa Borner= Bethany Camp= Marilyn Conrath Amie Criswell= Connie Snode Flynn Jennifer Gentzel= Kate Hlavin= Martha Horne Hoag Martha Grenfell Hostetler Denise Kipfstuhl+ Marian Hoke Knipfer+ Joyce Glover Krahling Jessica Kreager= June Fursey Lee Jennifer Limbert= Deana Allen Milford Bethanne Morrison Miller Lois Everett Myers Amber Rinaldi= Marian Dreyer Ross Gina Rotuna= Susan Bostwick Shiring Melissa Shook= Kaley Smitley= Jessica Springer= Loraine Turkenburg= Willmetta Warholyk=

Delta BETHANY COLLEGE Sisterhood Suzanne Abbott Lesiak+

Donor Marilyn Waugh Barteaux Anne Buchanan Blankenship+ Dana Koluezez Brown+ Elise Ashley Gardner Veronica Susan Jae Bethany Lewis= Alissa Moss=

Fall | Winter 2010

Dana Sullivan Railsback Elizabeth Reidy= Kari Tiede

Susan Uitto King Betty Hartman Martin Karen Mozolak Morris

Sarah Walter= Jessica Winzinger=

Norma Jean Jones Mozier+ Barbara Smick Peterson Helen Sturgeon Richeson Margaret Rankin Rittenhouse Donna Dudley Rowe+ Robbin Corson Russell Susan Sechrest Sandberg Karen Hietanen Shanower

Epsilon UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH DAKOTA Sisterhood Bonnie Untereiner Bjork Barbara Brisbine+ Luella Bruhn Cozad Elysia Balster Gallivan+ Mary Ricciardello Sandvig+ Donor Angie Butler Ackerman

Cheryl Tingle+ Mary Dickey Wise Pamela Wurster

Carol Clarke Gillespie+ Sarah Wold Hanson Barbara Shafer Kraemer Beverly Allison Mickelson Barbara Smith Reynolds

SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY Founders’ Janice Zajac Sayatovic Sisterhood Janet Swanson Loper Barris


WITTENBERG UNIVERSITY Founders’ Maxine Evans Blackburn+

Dorothy Borneman Bell+ Elizabeth Alton Endicott Joan Repath Pomfrey Donor Gretchen Balling DiMarco

Diane Curtis Gregory Sisterhood Kay Taylor Fathe Margaret Eichel Potts Shelly Shollenbarger Reber

Ruth Bailey Hunter Barbara Economides Kelly Ruth Hazard Lee Karol Bradwick Rowan Lindsay Grace Vogelman

Janet Bulakowski Varan Elizabeth Greenawalt Wagner

Martha-Jean McCourt Willits

Donor Frances Baumlisberger Alvin Anne Davidson Buck Margaret Redfoot Conrad Carolyn Trinter Cull Katherine Hudik Gall Jeanne Schrader Gamble Audrey Tatro Hall Sharon Hall Carolyn Hessong Hickman Karen House Hofbauer Martha Tuttle Horner Mary Shatzer Jaeger Judith Becker Kemp



UNIVERSITY WISCONSIN-MADISON Lombard Kathryn Kuechenmeister Vaughan Sisterhood Caroline Borden Erickson Mary Goers Roberta Collins Harper Elizabeth Brann Hendrickson Rev. Alta Groves Jewell+ Beth Berenschot Koenings Norma Malmanger Liebenberg Elizabeth John Loehne Karla Allen Spinks Donna Milford Wischmann Jane Lewis Wise

Donor Barbara Zoerb Carlson Ina Wasberg Fenske Donna Gilley Gager Paula Borchers Giese Hope Beck Goldsmith+ Ann Nunemaker Hartman Kristen Martinsen Kjome Eleanor Zolt Kramer Helen Cruse Lemberger Marcia Bourkland Pauly Carol Woodworth Root Marilyn Prucha Schaller Jean Brann Shuler Kaye McGann Waggoner+ Olive Callaway Whiting Patricia Schram Winn Beverly Hoffmann Wood Jean Stoffel Young

Iota WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY Lombard Ellen Gibson Goodwin+ Sisterhood Sally Haislip Hutchinson Shelley Riley Moore Donor Jane Silliman Anderson Claire Butler Barth= Ashley Boustany= Rebecca Campbell= Maggie Louise Chestney Shereen Compton= Ann Reed Dickey Dawn C. Riddle Dunaway Michelle Goodliff= Sue Eble Goodwin Jennifer Dail Harrington= Jennifer Hodor= Becky Jones Jordan Emily Koonse= Laura White Lawson Katie McCarrison= Nancy Kraus Merinar Mallory Christine Miles Kristin Mitchell= Sharon Hubacher Pugh Jeannie Honecker Reed Brittany Rocchio= Alanna Scanlon= Shannon Stockett= Shanna West Mary Kathryne Caussin Wiedebusch Caroline Wilson=

Virginia Little Winn Alexa Wray=


Lombard Marian Harding Thompson+ Founders’ Martha Ann Geppert+ Sisterhood Julie Wilson Dillon+ Patricia Bolin Glenn Beth Henning Polizzotto+ Martha Johnson Ward Juliette Coderre Watson Edith Wiedling Webber+ Donor Lois Stuenkel Armstrong Helene Drusch Beisswenger Martha Allen Boor Michelle Groce Cahoon Ruth Turner Chambliss Evelyne Blazek Conti Mary Freis Cooke+ Elizabeth Barber Davis Dorothy Drolet Dirks Joan Hallsted Dolowy Mary Sue Scheidenhelm Eilrich Anne Heitzman Regina Cuellar Lee Linda Lowery Lindsay+ Patricia Firebaugh Mann Pamela McVeigh Cheri Schmid Mezydlo+ Renee Prew Ana Christina Rebellon= Linda Jayne Rodenburg Kathy Schleicher Helen McFedries Severson Katherine Martin Sevier Becky Brdlik Smilak Beverly Cannon Smithson Patricia Spalding Sturtz Beverley Bankson Verley Kristen Noel Viscum Bridget Molson Wachter Mary Clark Willy


Sisterhood Mary Jane Agnew Harmon

Mu UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Sisterhood JoAnn Hunt Billings Donor Laurel Ness Gatz Mary Dietrich Stewart Karen Waelen


Symphony Janice Sheldon Baumback+ Lombard Linda Belles Dinus+ Sandra Gleason Walston Sisterhood Marjory Dark Barbee Lois Hofstetter Bianco+ Susan Brown-Maunder Sharon Viafore Cochran Kathy Orebaugh Reinke Donor Karen Brackett= Barbara Henning Bray Sylvia Skaggs Downing Patti Sullivan Fenton Rita Tappe Gill Marian Knudson Gruber Joan Lowry Hartsough Marcia Hixson Mahaffey+ Jean Sinclair Marchant Irene Hysong Miller Katherine Hempler Parker Michelle Loree Rutherford Marjorie Bragdon Satterfield Dolores Wilson White


Founders’ Elizabeth Stuckert Ray Sisterhood Bobbie Yates Congleton Sandi Ellen Edwards Judi Jones Jacobs Kimberly Starr+ Donor Martha Riggs Bonvillain Susan Young Caron Shannon Corley Patricia Cody Cox Sarah Tabb Henry Eleanor Richardson Lyons Kathleen Nicol, M.D.

Karen Cook Rudd Carol Wagner Louise Swinford Wieman+

Omicron UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY Founders’ Marilyn Atwood Terry+ Sisterhood Marion Macdonald Blau Jeanne Martell Campbell Keith Lee Silcox Derian Elsie Reimers Falconer Phyllis Meinberger Ingersoll Cecilia Zerr Long Celia Samaras Maneatis Marie Lewis Matthews Patricia Stanley Schmid Carole Peter Tompkins Dorothy Anderson Tregea

Donor Emily Fara Akey Irene Ganin Bechtel Betty Robinson Busby Elva Dughi Byrne Joanna Harrington Fischer Joan Sample Paulson+ Jean Campbell Roman Virginia Harrell Schultz Gloria Avila Schwabenton Catherine Rhorabough Shanks+ Nancy Schultz Strong+ Nancy Raab Symonds Phyllis Butcher Wainwright+ Mary Lou Brooks Wallace+

Pi OHIO UNIVERSITY Heritage Myrtle Tencate Thomas* Sisterhood Susan Wisner Andrish Carol Malkmus Briggs Alma Williams Gilmore-Doud Marilyn Geiler Netschke Rose Vachon Kunkel Roarty+ Barbara Grow Schanzle Donor Martha Black Ann Knappenberger Burdorf Mary Banks Connett Carolyn McLaughlin Cuppernull Doris Brunn Francis Mary Hitchcock Frost


Foundation Barbara Johnston Hoover+

June Gast Macbeth

Jamie Swan

Anita Jagels Thornhill

Carla Dixon Kahler Carane Ladd Ann Channell Olsen-Lavelle Carol Wells Paul Heather Popadych+ Vrina Grimes Stebbins Diane Zehrbach Stefan

Regina Mangine Caroline Stephenson Marciano Debra Bettenhausen Miller Robin Morris= Jane Pokrant Moseman Kristi Lundeen Nelson Marjorie Stapleton Olney Katie Beckner Parsons Andee Cummins Penn Becky Richter Perrett+

Jennifer Baldwin Tarantino Janet Rummery Thorne Susan Winckler

Linda Washkewicz Leann Siders Wertz Jennifer White= Margaret Hock Wittwer

UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE Sisterhood Christina Teel Rose Clara Knight Turner Shirley Newcomer Wagner


Amy Preister= Jessica Rick= Abbey Schrunk= Brier Schuetz= Rebecca Sidles= Emily Wray Stander+ Cassandra Stephenson+=

Donor Susan Weselcouch Autuori Kim Petruchik Cavanagh Mary Shaughnessy Marquis Ruth Goldthwait Maynard Barbara Hatch Ortland Beverly Swain Powell-Woodward+ Jane Shaw Smoot Roxanne Rorer Stern Katherine Blajda Tyson



Founders’ Alice Frampton Dittman Jane Lynelle Wilkens Schroeder+ Sisterhood Ann Ward Adams+ Kathryn Ashenfelter Marcia Boden Virginia Galehouse Davis Janet Beachler Day Michelle Soderquist Hartnett+ Carol Schneider Honey Marlene Labenz Hough+ Mary Marchant Maxwell Jennifer Olson Mullen Julie Uehling Popken Margaret Lyon Spray Donor Barbara Rayburn Allen Christyne Evans Bathel Diana Berger Blankenship Kimberly Bottoms= Jill Fagerberg Burns Heather Christenson= Mindy Colgrove= Sara Brandes Crook Jessica Dalton= Meagan Dunker= Jacqueline Rockwell Eldal+ Lindsey Faires= Anita Jane Fuchs Erin Golden= Amy Grace= Caryl Craven Greathouse Rachael Hanline= Katherine Hanson+ Alexandra Hatjinos= Janice Nelson Herbek Lois Hayes Hoff Kimberly Huhmann= Janet Johnson Stephanie Knudtson= Ruth Gates Landell Phyllis Campbell Latham Ashley Lowry=


The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Molly Trauernicht= Laurel Weilage= Katie Willson= Lori Zarkowski Robyn Kroger Zeplin



Sigma UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Founders’ Shirley Albrecht Winckler Sisterhood Patricia Bunting Angelici+ Kiyoko Farrington Czech+ Elizabeth Gray Gumbrell Linnea Thodt Hadlock Mary Baker Jones Jean Koza Leider+ Claire Stoltenberg McKinzie+ Anne Morgan Rogers Donor Emily Berglund+ Janice Wilhoite Dietz Carol Hughet Dixon Theresa Marie Dvorak+ Ann Raster English Megan Gustafson+ Judith Drews Haring-Green Catherine Giese Hartsell Julie Holmes+ Nancy Johnston Jacobs Susan Moorman Kelly Meredith Malone Jackie Niffenegger Lynn Andrews Mawe Chloe Perkins-Rosenberg Aleks Bright Ridge Sondra Sohm Shelton

Fall | Winter 2010

Symphony Allison James Green+ Founders’ Joanne Braucher Sisterhood Valerie Palliaer McCammon Elisabeth Rees+ Donor Maureen Anderson= Marissa Bell= Lindsay Carniak= Stevie Collini= Jessica Eimers= Theodora Eisenhut= Emilee Goralski= Chelsea Gray= Brenda Guinan Anna Gundersen= Michelle Armstrong Guralnick+ Eileen Hart Harrison Emily Heddon= Danielle Hurst= Julie Jackson= Sarah Krocker= Danielle McCliggott= Margaret Neely Nault+ Mary Kellogg Papadopetros Amanda Rapelje= Elizabeth Robtoy= Mrs. P.R. Ross+ Allison Rowlett=

UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Donor Jennifer Myers Wasinger

OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY Founders’ Susan Cooper Kirschner Delane Schindler Kittel* Betty French Unkel+ Sisterhood Rebecca Reed Cairns Joan Frankenberger Crawford Winifred Kneisley Huffman Marjorie Erskine Lasko Elizabeth Gans Lidington Cheryl Bowersox Louder+ Suzanne Harvey Madison Rebecca Kay McCurdy Diane Williamson Ortlip+= Linda Amick Safford Betty Cronin Webb

Donor Mary Anders Adams-Smith Jean Conaway Bice Jeanne Menyhert Campbell Kelle Gross Coy Lisa Boccabella DaLena Sue Riley Fackler+ Clara Jane Fritts= Marilyn Kropp Harrer Lydia Blalock Harto Charlotte Sebald Heck Shirley Thomas Hinke Mary Miller Horner Sue Crawford Hunt Anita Johnson Lynne Miller Kuhn Joan Brown Ladd Jennifer Jinsoon Leone= Marilyn Dewey Lindeman+ Jean Walter Mahan Joan Kellough Mitchell+ Sarah Sopko Painter Marsha Wildermuth Pattison Carolanne Brady Brady Russo Catherine Anne Schmidt Julie Palmquist Sedgwick

Nancy Adams Slaymaker+ Sarah Miller Smith Erin Kimberly Teare Charlotte Brokaw Thomas Kim Creager Wilver+

Omega STETSON UNIVERSITY Founders’ Lydia Theurer Pfund Sisterhood Margaret Payne Greene+ Anneliese Taylor Hallsten+ Pat Byrd Shamrock Donor Heather Williams Bas Lucy Ward Bodnar+ Abigail Breslin= Irma Bowles Brown Helen Hannah Carroll Marilyn Huebner Davison Anna Foster+ Mildred Campbell Gibson Nancy Crable Kirk Catherine Klima= Lauren Lief= Kristen Lorensen= Dana Maira=

Beverly Keister Morlok-Finger+

Alpha Zeta

Jean Richardson Rice

UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA Sisterhood Frances Maschal Landers Donor Anna Simmons Hefner Carlie Howle Rutledge


Lombard Julie Lambert+ Sisterhood Margaret Riggs Arndt Mary Jo Cox Capps Phyllis Gray Hann+ Linda McNulty Simpson Donor MaryLou Leighton Allender Kati Rose Gray Austgen Janet Leonard Baillie Margaret Mix Bartley Ruth Raz Bienz+ Kim McClusky Dolan+ Carol Larson Eberlein Iola Haley Hitt Martha Vancamp Richardson Barbara Ellett Schnabel+ Rena Toliver

Alpha Epsilon UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Founders’

Allyson McKenna= Robyn Mike-Mayer= Ariel Moir= Sarah Moore= Harriet Lindner Newbill

Pamela Tittle Collins Sisterhood Judith Sellevold LaBreche Alveris Bonnell VanFleet Corson+ Marian Sayward West

Ashley Perryman= Pamela Peterson= Carley Rudd= Dana Sotero= Ruth Henrickson Webb

Donor Jonette Cauvin Mary Lubienski Flanagan Lucy Niemann French Jennifer Frohock-Hoffman Margaret Smothers Gluski+ June Miekka Hallenbeck Minta vanReesema Hissong Janet Hutchins+ Charlene Edwards Kelsey Helen Neffner Misch Barbara Libs Murray Elizabeth Barber Murray Mary Kay Olson Marie Panchuk Beverly Gough Kuryla Smith Roberta Shaw Stimac Margaret Neel Webber

Alpha Beta CORNELL UNIVERSITY Donor Mary Canan Beachley Allene Cushing Knibloe+ Melissa Anne Murphy

Alpha Gamma COE COLLEGE Sisterhood Sandra Dahlstrom Kruger Pauline Huston Miller Donor Marilyn Foster Erickson Louise Benbow Gray Margaret Winkler Katholi

Alpha Eta PURDUE UNIVERSITY Heritage Mary-Louise Haymaker Hill Symphony Jean Busby Beard Lombard Julia Naftzger Van Sickle+ Founders’ Mary Ruth Hadley Snyder+

Sisterhood Sharon Ploch Bassler Kathleen Burns Susan Bulkeley Butler Vicki Moore Capadona Diane McClure Dow Rebekah Fenstermaker Druetzler Ruth Ann Davidson Farkas+* Jane Blind Glover Allison Holtkamp+ Karen Kallstrom Jenkin+ Nancy Akers Kaney Ann Schmiedicke Klemm Jean Klick Kendra Becker Lewis+ Sheila Muldoon Lois Congram Myerholtz+ Barbara Bauman Plochman Anne Ruppe Shields+ Laura Watkins Skidmore Lois Osenberg Streed Doris Kenninger Stump Janet Kendall Tower* Barbara Tower Williams Donor Doris Kelleher Aldag Julie Andrews Sharon Albert Balka Mary Burkinshaw Baumhoer Janet Gaydos Berkemeier Emily Bondus Marjorie Blakslee Boyle+ Susan Zuhl Bryant Pamela Miller Carpenter Helen Swisher Cobb Marilyn Odle Cooprider Mary Dunbar Curtis

Kathy Donohoo Drew Ann Martin Durkos Karen Casey Elliott Lemar Frank+ Marjorie Hienton Frantzreb+ Denise Wiseman Frazier Carolyn Vandersee Gaddis Jacqueline Bunger Gerold B. Jeanne Fraser Guntz+ Marilyn Moores Hall Betsey McConoughey Harvey April King Holmes Nancy Campbell Huntzinger Sara Konopka+ Mary Alice McCauley Kranz+ Alice Smith Lindley Nancy Goris Mills Nancy Hahn Morgan Sara Elsbury Morgan Kay Hagarman Nelson Doris Anne McNary Onken Norma Strong Parker Rosalind Moellering Parr Mary Baughman Pulkrabek Kristi Brown Reininga JoAnn Lerner Siesennop Sandra Smith Sara Adair Sperry Carol Waite Stephens Odel Butler Strange Theresa Busby Stripling Helen Hardin Townsend Jo Lynne Ricker Whalen Roberta Connolly Wygant

Alpha Theta NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY Founders’ Jean Grommes Feehan Sisterhood Mary Bowman Fisher+ Jayne McLaren Gaw Rosejean Clifford Hinsdale Pamela Butler James Doris Anthon Marsh Mary Ellen Mates Powers Peterson, M.D. Suzanne Mitton Mitton Petru Charlotte Swanson Shade Marion Crain Stewart Suzanne Finley Ullmann Donor Patricia Murphy Dautel+ Joan Cameron Denton+ Angela Thelen Detty


Foundation Virginia Hall Edahl Linda Beia Elliott Nancy Wilhite Haldrup+ Donna Field Hannibal Lorraine Talcott Hoopes Bettina Lubke Gail Schaum Overby Theony Giannos Possidon

Frances Scott Mettle Karen Kemper Richards+ Stephanie Marie Roberts Joan Conover Schroeder Cynthia Yoder Stevens Martha Adams Toburen Annie Flagler Trotta+ Beatryse Palmer Vyff

Marlene Gunnesch Taibl

Christy Hayes Wilson Betty Clark Young Christine Marie Zimmerman

Alpha Iota DRAKE UNIVERSITY Sisterhood Nancy Polk Bogenrief Lori Bleich Gallogly Margaret McCay Joni Lindale Williamson Donor Camilla Olson Blakeslee Jeannette Belke Delost

Alpha Lambda UNIVERSITY OF OREGON Lombard Barbara Stallcup Miller+ Sisterhood Blanche Gustavson Crook Louise Robinson Dane Jane Kutch Mercereau+

Janice Forret Doudna Isoline Woodroffe Headstrom Elzabe Kossow Huffman Barbara Nelson Stover

Ellen Wachtel Turner+ Donor Julia Detrick Adams Barbara Evonchuck Cyrus Eleanor Saunders Mueller

Alpha Kappa

Floy-Louise von Groenewald Senior Maryella Velguth Tierney Dolores Parrish Vrooman

KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY Sisterhood Anna Louise Larson Fisher Marilyn Coleman Ganong Sondra McQuillan Goar Cynthia Collingwood Saunders Prudence McCracken Stewart+ Jo Ann LeRoy Stoskopf Lois Kopper Stump Donor Geri Nelson Bachman Teresa Myzer Baldwin+ Pauline Baldwin Baskett Beverly Hale Beardmore+ Carolyn Behan Jessica Shamet Brown Marsha Isaacson Chaffee Caroline Perkins Clinger Sheila Dicken Collins Kathryn Connor Helen Stover Criss Dawn Goering Davis+ Debra Schrock Davis Kelli Nairn Dawson Lela Beck Glatz+ Mary Plantz Grasso Bonnie Byrne Hoover Sherry Lamoreux Humphrey


Symphony Marcella Smucker Clark Sisterhood Virginia Drick Messing+ Doris Cannell Price Patricia Williams Shires Jane Stone+ Donor Peg Thomas Allen Mary Blesh Clark Frances Wilcke Erskine Juliet Frost Geyer Myrna Osborne Hixson Leslie Martin Lederer Judith Melinsky Diane Ward Nason Margaret MacGregor Nichols Elinor Harper Spiller Elizabeth Dreisbach Vogt Elizabeth Sanford Wieland

Jane Grant Kaufman


The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Fall | Winter 2010


Symphony Bonnie Baker Blish+ Sisterhood Wendy Westover Dewell+ Elizabeth Topkis Donor Armande Tevis Aller Elleen Hall Denahy+ Allene Killough Harding Margaret Tomalunas Holland Betty Lou Glavinic Jones Elsie Jean Martin Rita Jensen Michener Ann Dowlin Payne+ Margaret Hardenbrook Priver


Sisterhood Margaret Hart Hanigan Donor Dr. Gloria Cohen Marie Massa Hanna Cecilia La Rotonda

Jo-Ann Garside+ Sheryl Schott Graff Patricia Koop Tracy Carol Williams Annette Wood Linda Fleming Xia

Alpha Phi UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA Symphony Beverly Case Rorer+ Sisterhood Florence Parker Cole Jeanne Peggs Holcomb Rita Prescott Helen Williams Stevens Donor Ritalee Griffith Adams Elizabeth Skelton Ames Ruth Fegley Carolyn Kerr Hickerson Barbara Brunton Kime Nancy Frank Offner Anne Myers Smith

Alpha Chi

Alpha Pi

RANDOLPH-MACON COLLEGE Donor Margaret Mosteller Gamble


Alpha Psi

Alpha Rho

UNIVERSITY OF DENVER Donor Harriet Conner Hahn


Alpha Omega

Rebecca Carter Nancy Reed Chatfield Ruth Ralston Crawford Twyla Holmstrom Sales

FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY Lombard Linda Kotowski+ Sisterhood

Tana Sterrett Scott+


Donor Edith Taylor Grube Joan Weber

Alpha Tau UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA Sisterhood Teddi Mackelden Gwendolyn Pryor Donor Gloria Bullington Blackburn Patricia Beach Cucina

Kathryn Funk Arpin Jean Sauer DeFrances Elizabeth Fultz Derby Nelle Crenshaw Flewellen Janice Sapp McNeill Sandra McNab Turnbull Donor Arlene Kotowski Bischoff Betty Nuttle Broman Virginia Gerretson Brooks Luanne Shafer Collins

June Day Virginia Vaughn Fisher Sharon De Vore Gonzalez Barbara Guidos

The Foundation thanks Sisters and friends demonstrating the highest level of commitment by donating $250 or more to the Foundation in the fiscal year to help inspire women to realize their potential. Annual Giving Circles Presidents’ $2,500+ Quill $1,000-$2,499 Pearl $500-$999 Rose $250-$499

Presidents’ Denise Brown, Northern Iowa Jean Smith Clark, Penn State Marcella Smucker Clark,

Ohio Wesleyan Allison James Green, Albion Delane Schindler Kittel, Ohio State Julie Lambert, Oregon State Lyles Foundation Donor Advised Fund, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta Pauline Dale Platt, Gettysburg

Quill Ruth Goodman Akin, Northern Iowa Janet Swanson Loper Barris, Syracuse Jean Busby Beard, Purdue Kristin Olson Billingsley, Sonoma State Bonnie Baker Blish, UCLA Margaret Bozarth, Monmouth Carol Malkmus Briggs, Ohio Barbara Brisbine, South Dakota Kathryn Yager Brown, Monmouth George Brown Jr., Friend of Alpha Xi Delta Susan Bulkeley Butler, Purdue Evonne Carawan, North Carolina State Ginny Carroll, Western Kentucky Pamela Tittle Collins, Michigan Deanna Wollam Detchemendy, Cal State Northridge Jean Grommes Feehan, Northwestern Jane Dunlap Gaby, Tennessee Elysia Balster Gallivan, South Dakota Ellen Gibson Goodwin, West Virginia Margaret Payne Greene, Stetson Margaret Miesiaszek Griffith, Western Carolina Linnea Thodt Hadlock, Iowa Regina Willis Hawkins, Jacksonville State Marilyn Horner, Nebraska Omaha Linda Kotowski, Florida State Wendy Kurtz, Indiana Jennifer Bellas Lee, Old Dominion Jean Koza Leider, Iowa Kendra Becker Lewis, Purdue Bonnie Eiker Lightcap, Susquehanna Karolee Bunnie Wybenga Olsen, Nebraska Omaha

Omega Financial, Inc., Friend of Alpha Xi Delta Elizabeth Stuckert Ray, Kentucky Michelle Supplee Reda, Rider

Marian Harding Thompson, Illinois Nealy Patty Wheat, West Georgia Betty Tatar Wiseman, Central Michigan

Valerie Cobb Mallon, West Georgia Susan Eicher Mamber, Kent State Katherine Listwan Martin, Florida Karen King McConnell, Lombard/Knox

Anne Morgan Rogers, Iowa Beverly Case Rorer, Pennsylvania Alice Bliss Schmutz, Mount Union Jane Lynelle Wilkens Schroeder, Nebraska Lincoln Tana Sterrett Scott, Middlebury Mary Ruth Hadley Snyder, Purdue Myrtle Tencate Thomas, Ohio Janet Kendall Tower, Purdue Julia Naftzger Van Sickle, Purdue

Rose Ann Rienstra Abendroth, San Diego State Linda Foster Absalom, Old Dominion Jane Brockway Archer, Parsons Pamela & William Bailey, Friends of Alpha Xi Delta Sharon Ploch Bassler, Purdue Beta Beta Chapter Mother’s Club, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta

Barbara Stallcup Miller, Oregon Shelley Riley Moore, West Virginia Beverly Keister Morlok-Finger, Coe Rebecca Neilson, Frostburg State Ann Channell Olsen-Lavelle, Ohio Diane Williamson Ortlip, Ohio State Vera Tarter Parsh, U of Washington Jennifer Pelkey, Wisconsin Eau Claire Karen Schnick Pelton, San Diego State Suzanne Mitton Mitton Petru,

Cheryl Johnson Weldon, Georgia Tech Shirley Albrecht Winckler, Iowa Linda Bernd Wrench, Indiana

Lois Hofstetter Bianco, U of Washington Mary Josie Cain Blanchard, Texas

Marcia Bowles Brown, Missouri Valley Suzanne Cantando, North Carolina Asheville Courtney Caron, Cal State Fresno Louise Robinson Dane, Oregon Dawn Goering Davis, Kansas State Ilda Lunan Deming, Maryland Tom & Evelyn DiBenedetto,

Northwestern Lydia Theurer Pfund, Stetson Susanne Picone, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta Joan Repath Pomfrey, Syracuse Elisabeth Rees, Albion Barbara Rice, Michigan State Deborah Johnson Robertson, Texas State San Marcos

Nancy Polk Bogenrief, Drake Dianne Plattenburg Botefuhr, Northern Michigan Alice Pishan Croner, Monmouth Wendy Westover Dewell, UCLA

Friends of Alpha Xi Delta Donna Howell Doerler, Centenary Kim McClusky Dolan, Oregon State Rigby Guiney Duncan, Marshall Elizabeth Alton Endicott, Syracuse

Marianne Moritz Russo, Cal State Northridge Nicola Rutigliano, Hartford Mary Ricciardello Sandvig, South Dakota

Michele Herbst Evink, South Dakota State Olive Gabriel Faries, Western Kentucky Martha Ann Geppert, Illinois Diane Curtis Gregory, Wittenberg

Paige Faries, Western Kentucky Anna Louise Larson Fisher, Kansas State Courtney Hankins Fluty, Texas State San Marcos

Becky Dennert Seidl, Northern Iowa Sandra Keim Shackelford, Georgia Charlotte Swanson Shade, Northwestern Janice Gertz Shedd, Ferris State Mary Giles Shubert, Georgia

Anneliese Taylor Hallsten, Stetson Michelle Soderquist Hartnett, Nebraska Lincoln Kelley Kitta Hundt, Georgia Tech Nancy Akers Kaney, Purdue Mary Ellen Mates, Northwestern Betty Cody McCord, Culver-Stockton

Marguerite Frick, Georgia Tech Yallah Gault, Mount Union Alma Williams Gilmore-Doud, Ohio Jane Blind Glover, Purdue Sondra McQuillan Goar, Kansas State Jim & Libby Hammond,

Mr. Richard Sigwing, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta Laura Watkins Skidmore, Purdue Marion Crain Stewart, Northwestern Prudence McCracken Stewart, Kansas State Jane Stone, Ohio Wesleyan


Jane Fursey Ralston, Mount Union Nadine Roberts, Frostburg State Janice Zajac Sayatovic, Syracuse Lindsay Elyse Berney Sharpe, Tennessee Nancy Hammans Shellhammer, Bowling Green State

Friends of Alpha Xi Delta Joan Peres Hansen, Cal State Fresno Katherine Hanson, Nebraska Lincoln Judith Wilson Harrell, East Carolina Nancy Bowman Harris, Auburn Charlotte Sebald Heck, Ohio State Anne Wilson Hemingway, Thiel Lori Hendrickson, Kent State

Rhonda Shives, Louisiana State Jerre & Mary Stead, Friends of Alpha Xi Delta Leslie Storey, Texas Wesleyan Jane Hooper Sutton, Western Carolina Marilyn Atwood Terry, California Berkeley

Selma Jabaley, Georgia Tech Karen Owens Jacobs, Georgia Tech Becky Jones Jordan, West Virginia Susan Cooper Kirschner, Ohio State Shelby Krebs, New Mexico State Jeanne Regus Kuller, Maryland Nadine Leisz, Baldwin-Wallace

The Charles H. Giles and Fannie M. Giles Memorial Foundation, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta

Heather Lerch, Rider Gemelle Martin Linzy, Louisiana State Robin Hartman Lock, Texas

Lois Osenberg Streed, Purdue Leslie Wallace Taylor, Auburn Elizabeth Topkis, UCLA Clara Knight Turner, New Hampshire Betty French Unkel, Ohio State Janet Bulakowski Varan, Wittenberg Kathryn Kuechenmeister Vaughan,

Wisconsin Madison Barbara Perry Wagner, Bowling Green State Martha Johnson Ward, Illinois Amy Williams-Hopkins, Iowa Wesleyan Susan Winckler, Iowa Patricia Schram Winn, Wisconsin Madison


Foundation Barbara Curry Jungmeyer Barbara Hughes Moore Martha Powell Joan Reitsma Terrie Jones Whittier


Sisterhood Mary Josie Cain Blanchard Martha Small Greenlaw+ Robin Hartman Lock+ Stephanie Lynn Bertagna Short Donor Alice Aertker= Sara Anderson= Dawn Balombin Dolly Dure Barclay Laura Barhydt= Laura Bean= Carol Beatty Heather Botts= Tahnee de la Cerda= Kathy Moore Dwight+ Suzanne Dwight+ Catherine Lynn Trame Galanti Mary Ball Hehman+ Allison Lehman= Laura Parks Lilley Julie Anne Lindsey Barbara Giles McDaniel+ Donna Avery Meyers+ Anne Greenlaw Perry+ Lindsey Katherine Phillips Susan Garrott Raschke Melissa Ann Masso Swanson Diane Ditta Thornton+ Katie Willcutts= Aida Kennedy Ziemnicki

Beta Beta WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY Sisterhood Vera Tarter Parsh Elaine Doerbaum Seiler Donor Sondra Stonebraker Harrison Margaret Bernard McGough Kay Thurman+ Mary Geisler Walsh Margery Waeckerle Woodard


The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Beta Gamma CENTENARY COLLEGE Sisterhood Mary Armbrust Harvey+ Emma Stewart Hood Sandra Whitlock Mauney Donor Bennette McDowell Daniel Donna Howell Doerler+ Jeanne Spence Pace+ Pheribie Monroe Prescott

Beta Delta DENISON UNIVERSITY Donor Mary Adams Thomas

Beta Epsilon MONMOUTH COLLEGE Lombard Margaret Bozarth

Scarlett Voris Dwyer* Deane Kimmel Fowler Joyce Gill Giard Laurie Lawrence Herberich Barbara Reinmuth Holloman Jacquelyn Healey Kalinsky Kathleen Kearney Keeshen Gloria Barnabei MacKenzie Dolores Hambright Maletzky+ Betty Axt McCurry Bernice Carl Morsberger Nancy Hewitt Richardson Lois McComas Santaniello Carolyn King Scudder Foteni Tzanis Tiffany Nancy Stenger Todd+ Anna Carroll Zink


Ruth Trotter Hollis Dr. Margaret Jones+ Morgan Koss= Lois Gradous Myers+ Karen Ogorzalek Judy Maxwell Schaeffer Barbara Guyer VanCura

Sisterhood Mary Reed Arnold Mary Paule McMath Bierlein+ Carol Rice Choulochas Frances Minges Isaac Tracy Kleinschmidt Osborne Barbara Rice Betty Berquist Secaur+ Donor Renee Johnson Barton Bonnie Scogin Butera Marian Cesar Chapman Ann Lundberg Chase Linda Desorcie+ Karen Richey Forrester Judith Riha Gardiner Nancy Baldwin Kinzie+ Katherine Butterfield Nolen Susan Alexander Outman Marion Moi Rose Suellyn Matevia Sekulich Denise Greene Viebrock Jo Westphal

Beta Eta

Beta Iota

UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND Symphony Jeanne Regus Kuller Sisterhood Ilda Lunan Deming Michele Barone Hunn Cherie Groff Letcher Donor Marian Gill Auer Lois Brassor Blevins

LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY Sisterhood Joe Bales Graber Gemelle Martin Linzy Rhonda Shives+

Kathryn Yager Brown+ Sisterhood Susan Barrett Boelke Alice Pishan Croner+ Catherine Lambers Humes Sonja Zedigian Lowry+ Isabel Bickett Marshall Mary Prescott Marth Donor Marcia Brink Adair Julie Anell Lisa Marie Bondi Susan Buckles Maggie Louise Donnelly Joan Calhoun Holcomb

Fall | Winter 2010

Donor Andrea Patronas Fournet

Beta Kappa BALDWIN-WALLACE COLLEGE Lombard Linda Lutz Dettmer Sisterhood Pamela McCormick Barkman Jody Dettmer Halley+ Nadine Leisz Donor Barbara Behnke Ayres Janet Louden Barkley Nancy Jennings Jantsch Jeanne Vollman Pike Ellen Hershberger Reinhardt Bonnie Bender Sharp


Lombard Jean Smith Clark+ Sisterhood Beth Cohen+ Lou Ann La Roche deRoode+ Helen Wojcik Fath Kathleen Harris Richardson Ilona Zoldos Donor Margaret Frederickson Albright Margaret Fisher Bosse Anne Brash Burns Deborah Karkosky Covolus Carole Bashore Dietz Joan Elias Ellen Sandra Beane Fox Virginia Roe Grizzell Stacy Sydeski Hurt Sandra Zelek Lear Denise Kennedy McKeon Elizabeth Miller Verterano Linda Johnson Whitehead


Sisterhood Mary Berg Casto Nancy Hammans Shellhammer+ Kathryn Hulse Stewart Barbara Perry Wagner+ Donor Nicole Boisture= Nancy Brown Brockman+ Bethany Davis= Pauline Breckner Ellett Constance Hahn Fitzgibbon Ashley Frystak=

Margaret Quayle Hamilton Jessica Ann Hayes Lori Heckathorn= Ann Browder Henningsen+ Charlene Phillips Hughes Shirley Lehman Ioanes Mary Jane Wilson Jones Ordella Walker Kerckhoff Leigh Perkins Kesling+ Vera Drinhaus Koehler Sarah Lehman= Christina Toola Lekas= Kate Lowery= Stacy McClellon= Shannon McDonald=

Helen Tobin Moore Patricia Quinn-Munson Susanne Gettings Ray Mary Kay Porter Rowekamp Marcia Winslow Schnicker Nancy Ruhe Scott Anita Milnor Stilley Bettina Geyer Thompson-Erickson

Beta Omicron MISSOURI VALLEY COLLEGE Sisterhood Marcia Bowles Brown Donor Rhonda Moore Helling

Samantha Midolo= Madison Monroe= Jillian Muth= Alyssa Nolan= Katy Olmsted= Mandy Osborne= Diane Johnson Payne Michelle Phillips=

Carrie Garvey Lawson Cara Lyon Newham Jennifer Pontious Thompson

Jacqueline Kubinski Popielec Laura Selvaggio= Barbara Williams Stevens Margaret Sweeney= Nancy Claspy Swenson*

Sisterhood Helen Geyer Czenkusch+ Irene Becker Harding Ruth Bodle Houser Jane Lindenberg Keltsch Wendy Kurtz+ Bettsy Creigh Leib Ann Barrett Tao Barbara May Wood Donor Ann Barnett Appel Myrna Kanning Bianchi+ Janice McBride Bobbs+ Esther Alcorn Butler Katherine Robaska Clark Margaret Sullivan Dulin Nancy Beldon Erp+ Margaret Haymaker Ervin Jennifer Ralph Gance+ Beverly Cole Heaton Roberta Hesselgrave Marilyn Lipsett Holthouse Lauren Whitney Jolly Lori Goble Lambert+ Jennifer Latour Dorothy Knoop Maurer Darlene Meister-Oller Deanna Newell Anne Berlin Painter Roselyn King Selmanoff Katie Drake Stark Vivian Schilling Surface

Maryann Zepka Thompson Tori Trivisonno= Anita Ullman Nicole Waller= Marjeanne Wiley Walters Stacy Taylor Warner Lindsey Whitaker=


Lombard Betty Cody McCord Sisterhood Robin Knox Curtis Donor Doris Paschall Foutes Alice Bailey Halberstadt Dorothy Gerding Harper Jodey Maxwell-Swee


Sisterhood Lucinda Spaney Donor Mary Wigley Baker Aimee Weiss Lane

Beta Pi INDIANA UNIVERSITY Lombard Linda Bernd Wrench+

Jill E. Thompson Allison Hall Witmeier Susan Sovie Zanghi

Beta Sigma WEST VIRGINIA WESLEYAN COLLEGE Sisterhood Harriett Whetsell Welshonce+ Donor Anna Young Brady Suzette Matt Carbaugh Roberta Berger Cox Amy Rossiter Crist Margaret Ann Royse Hull Suellyn Oskamp McGlew Jennifer Lynn Pearce+ Mary Dorsey Taylor Laura Kimberly Thompson+ Shirley Kincaid Walker+ Susan Beriault Williams


Sisterhood Rosalie Chilton Brookins Lori Hendrickson Susan Eicher Mamber Marianne Bowden West Donor Tammy Jessen Andreyko Beverly Hudec Bellis Danielle Boedicker= Kathleen Giles Carson+ Peggy Dickerhoff Coyne Carol Baker Davis Mary Ann Forchione= Lisa Goldman Goldberg Ruth Brugler Griffing Carole Vezse Henderson Laura Baltrinic King Brittany Lucido= Maranda Marie Mangino Alexa Manning= Ellen Daiuto McGregor Barbara Balchan Noonan Kathleen Downing Pownall+ Lisa Sperry Weimer

Beta Upsilon

Cynthia Ferguson Campana Deborah Doane Elizabeth Vallier Donnelly Erin Jane McGaughey Joan Bottino McMillan+ Carole Colacurcio Olmsted Francine Siegel Stampnitzky Joan McDonald Stauble Patricia Reid Winderman

Beta Chi GETTYSBURG COLLEGE Symphony Pauline Dale Platt+ Sisterhood Allison Englen Fort Nancy Wallace Paulson Donor Amy Venable Ciuffreda Dale Lutz D’Angelo Nancy Wing Dyer Debbie Eshbach Cathy Hart Hartwick Kathleen Whalen Healy Laura Mitchell


Sisterhood Jeannie Marie Schlaikowski Schultz+ Eunice Meissner Wright+ Donor Beverly Goocher Clark Virginia Janssen Johnson Kristen Lungren= Eldora Koeppe Musil Carol Johnson Nelson Carly Rau+= Vicki Rogus+= Kathryn Schwarz Selby Carla Joerns Thorpe Diane Harwood Wilson

Beta Omega MEMPHIS STATE UNIVERSITY Donor Mary Jane Hillard Jones Hilda Chase Mullen Frances Clark Norton+


Sisterhood Rickey Zeidler Jiranek Donor Gail Miller Black Anne Brown


Sisterhood Ann Rienstra Abendroth Sylvia Jennings Moore+


Foundation Sandra Morrison Karen Schnick Pelton+ Donor Linda Bewley Nancy Burgeson Ellis Sylvia Luce Heitzmann Norma Bergan Irick+

Cheryl Eby Miller+

Evelyn Schweigen MacCarthy+ Audrey Criswell Schiefer

Leslie Darling= Joan Eddy Jennifer Gordon= Joanne Rentschler Greenwood Stephanie Grupe= Cathy Decker Landis Kenzi Meyer= Margaret Morris Oltman+ Maggie Schellen= Durnae Rohrberg Schuetz

Gamma Beta MARSHALL UNIVERSITY Founders’ Rigby Guiney Duncan Sisterhood Joan Chikos Auchter Deborah Fenwick Maas+ Melanie Smith Vanderpool Carol Legg Young

Donor Alyson Altizer= Judith New Brinson Lisa Beneke Burris Anna Mackey Carothers+ Emily Childers= Rachel Marie Dillard Martha Gerber Guinn Loretta Mariotti Hammond+ Kayla Henson= Marjorie Minnix Heywood Gale Kelsey Carolyn Ladd Kennington Nancy Miller Lince Martha Lynn Lynn Hartley Randolph Jane Wilson Rummell Suzanne Sikora Simpson Mary Brown Sullivan Kathy Tuttle= Jeanne Lambert Valentine

Judith Jensen Tesar Caitlin Vandell= Barbara Duff Vaughn Barbara Jessen Vietti


Founders’ Joan Peres Hansen Sisterhood Courtney Caron+ Donor Katie Rose Barrett Margaret Barber Bartlett Judy Haccou Mallory Ann Lutz Stephanie Maston Pacillas Elizabeth Eberle Payette+ Regina Nikssarian Pryor Barbara Christensen Spencer+ Charlotte Pollard Vaughan

Gamma Gamma

Gamma Zeta

UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA Donor Carol Kennedy Dorrance


Sharon Parker Gunrud Anne Reinhart Leslie Ginny Bolas Philp+

Briana Lynn Clark Janet Heath-Morgan Denise Marie Richard Carol Holwey Stidham Jeanne Morgan Swihart Susan Grossman Urbanek


Lombard Marilyn A. Horner+ Sisterhood Patricia Alderman Hatch+


Karolee Bunnie Wybenga Olsen Donor Debby Whitehill Bloom Donna Rigg Buffington Jocelyn Mann Carley Kiley McGovern Clemens=

The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Gamma Eta GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Lombard Cheryl Johnson Weldon+ Janice Nease Wittschiebe

Fall | Winter 2010

Founders’ Jeni Yvette Smith Bogdan Marguerite Frick Kelley Kitta Hundt+ Selma Jabaley Elizabeth McQuillin Sisterhood Teresa Hungeling Ebbs Joan Fisher Gross Karen Owens Jacobs Cynthia Smith King Melissa Mangione Ludwig Nell Stephenson Lynch Kelley Franzman Merck Kimbrough Pace Noonan+ Kimberly Coleman Sheppard Sally McRobert Wise Amy DeLozier Zarra Donor Beth Anne Blauvelt= Catherine Burns Bryan Courtnay Byars= Lindsey Cook Sandi Roth Cripe Deborah Bell Cruickshank Jessica Ann Davis Kathleen Landie Duffy= Carrie Beth C. Dunbar Shannon Dutton= Kyle Hanofee= Nancy Page Harris= Rachel Henry= Hannah Wimberly Hogan= Karen Smith Hughes Dawn Carrico Kabbes Laura Kitashima= Danielle Krauter= Jennifer LaPerre= Jamie Martin= Mary Frances McKenna Sarah Aurelia McKibben= Elizabeth Minne= Alexis Check Montague Erin O’Brien= Amy Perren= Katie Phillips= Mary Piantadosi= Akhila Mohan Rajaram= Laurie Reed= Amanda Rigg= Carrie Ripberger= Kirsten Ryan= Lauren Hetzer Schefstad= Molly McKenzie Stoddart Paige Anderson VanLenten Kristen Vila=

Lindsay Wells= Kimberly Shinweih Wu=

Gamma Theta EAST TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY Donor Linda Bower Margaret Patricia Harr+

Gamma Iota LAMBUTH COLLEGE Sisterhood Carol Archer Lovell Donor Doris Keen Davis+ Margaret McCalla Luton

Gamma Kappa SUSQUEHANNA UNIVERSITY Sisterhood Bonnie Eiker Lightcap Suzanne Springer Zeok


Lombard Jane Dunlap Gaby Sisterhood Lisa Cain Borden Lindsay Elyse Berney Sharpe+ Donor Linda Loucks Black Lucinda Tiller Cordo Debora Berry Davis Elizabeth Wilson Henderson Holly Schell Janney Lisa Gaines Lethi Mary Nehls Rebecca Stevens Shea

Gamma Mu RIPON COLLEGE Donor Georgene Klaner Koblenz Pamela Loveless+

Gamma Nu SOUTHEAST MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY Sisterhood Julie Robinson Mary Ortmann Ryan

Donor Deborah Camenzind Craddock Alberta Macke Dougan+ Jennifer Frey+ Jennifer Gianino

Gamma Xi

Gamma Tau

Foundation Scholarships

VALDOSTA STATE COLLEGE Donor Paige Cronia Bushart Sue Hilton Kenneally+ Brenda Underwood Sirmons

OHIO NORTHERN UNIVERSITY Donor Shannan Hay Boes Barbara Ridenour Brooks Pamela Hunter Dishman Duane Meko Eberling Rebecca Reeves Eisiminger Samantha Lillian Lewis= Teresa Wynn Okrutny Cari Beam Prinkey

Alpha Epsilon Scholarship $1,500 to alumnae in any field of study

Gamma Omicron CENTRAL MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY Lombard Mary Shellenberger Brown

Sisterhood Susan Hopkinson Darold Betty Tatar Wiseman+ Donor Barbara Bachman+ Gretchen Larry Carter Mary Whitman Della Akehurst Wilder

Gamma Upsilon UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA Sisterhood Paula Long Anderson JoAnn Smith Evans

NORTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY Sisterhood Barbara Jean Oras Blatchford Linda Michel Paul+ Donor Carol Stinton Henrikson Dolores Gotkowski Killian Nancy Schumacher Kucienski

Eloise Sutton Pino Sandra Keim Shackelford+ Mary Giles Shubert Angie Hollingsworth Stober Carol Lunceford Weaver+

Penny Chmielewski Perles Marilyn Blakely Vorsanger

Gamma Phi


EAST CAROLINA UNIVERSITY Sisterhood Judith Wilson Harrell+

Sisterhood Margaret Lippitt Buckles Donor Jane Brockway Archer+ Judith Nelson Dippold Tamara Davis Hubler

Nancy Milliken McAvoy Donor Aubree Brown= Suzanne Fisher= Ashley Hardy Harrell= Judyth Eargle Hustrulid

Gamma Rho

Gamma Sigma THIEL COLLEGE Sisterhood Monica Anderson Anne Wilson Hemingway+ Donor Bonnie Wells Bonner Bette Feather DeGraw Nancy Pribble Kephart Nancy Hawxhurst LeFevre Debra Brut Roberts Denise Cuteri Willson+

Jayne Wade Anderson Scholarship $700 to outstanding sophomore Sisters Tara Devorss, Nebraska Omaha Jamie Goldenberg, Long Island/C.W. Post

Karen Frey Stoudt

Patti Truslow+ Donor Marie Montante Hall+ Linda Boyd Hodges Suzette Langrall Lackey Anne Porterfield Oliver

Gamma Pi

Devin Laky, Boise State Jessica Wedge, Indiana U of Pennsylvania

Lauren Kenney= Claudia Taylor Mills Glenda Phillips Norford Patricia Hedspeth Smith+

Gamma Psi FROSTBURG STATE UNIVERSITY Founders’ Nadine Roberts+ Sisterhood Nancy Thomas Carman+ Sandra Priebe Day+ Pamela Gardiner Enger+ Rebecca Neilson+ Marilyn Schaar Simmons Mary Ellen Cunningham South

Baker-Blish Scholarship $1,000 to an undergraduate Sister in any field of study Nicole Korn, Wisconsin Oshkosh Ruth Fowler Brown Scholarship $750 to outstanding freshman or sophomore Sisters Lauren Fisher, Indiana Kristina Wolfe, North Carolina Wilmington Delores Wachsmann Child Scholarship $800 to an undergraduate Sister in any field of study Maya Doghman, Nebraska Omaha Founders’ Memorial Scholarship $500-$1,000 to alumnae in any field of study

Mary Burt Nash Scholarship $900 to a Sister entering or attending law school Michelle Chan, Dartmouth Ruth Bartlett Nemec Scholarship $700 to an undergraduate Sister in any field of study Anna Bernhardt, North Carolina Asheville Dorothy M. Nichols Scholarship $1,000 for a junior or senior Sister majoring in math or science Rachel Haag, Christian Brothers Northern Virginia Alumnae Association Scholarship $550 for graduate study in a child-related field Laura DeVrieze, West Georgia Phillips Scholarship $1,000 to undergraduate Sisters with financial need Kayla Aprile, Albion Kelcie Wittman, Wisconsin Eau Claire Jessie Pulcipher Scholarship $800 to a junior or senior majoring in journalism, radio, tv, or communications April O’Brien, Bethany

Kim Rasmussen Hagedorn, South Dakota Britany Matin, Alabama Birmingham Jillian Wise, Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Mabel Gottburg Schoen Scholarship $700 to an undergraduate Sister in any field of study Lindsay Sobotka, Bethany

Frances Trewyn Kuechenmeister Memorial Scholarship $1,500 to a junior who’s shown exceptional service to the Fraternity and her campus Sarah Louk, Youngstown State

Spaulding-Mowry Scholarship $2,500 to a graduate Sister studying government or environmental affairs Katie Bossman Konda, South Dakota

Charline Blind Merrill Scholarship $800 for Sisters entering their first year of graduate school Jessica Gundel, Syracuse Laura Kitashima, Georgia Tech Nadine Taylor, South Dakota State

Donor Sheila Klase Benac Barbara Kobosa Bialk Anne Hudson Brinsmade Jo-Ann Perry Chernega

Florence Stoermer Voelker Scholarship $800 to undergraduate Sisters in any field of study Lauren Monoxelos, Syracuse Taylor Morris, Bethany Kathryn Faul Wallace Scholarship $900 to an undergraduate Sister in any field of study Cynthia Garibay, Cal State Stanislaus

Camilla Janiczek Dacombe Diane Steiner Engle Audrey Huthwaite Donna Moxley Isaacs+ Darleen Van Roon Miller


Foundation Adele Gross Morris Elizabeth Ledbetter Poirier Susan Robinson+ Dawn Haines Thomas Janet Gleason White+ Linda Zerfing

Slaymaker-Kinsey Academic Achievement Award $150 awarded to the member in each chapter who returned to school in fall 2009 with the highest GPA. Lauren Althoff, Southeast Missouri State Alexandra Bellis, Illinois Allyson Bennett, Dartmouth Olivia Bentkowski, Texas Anna Bernhardt, North Carolina Asheville Becca Bloemer, Wingate Kaitlynn Bobik, Georgia State Ashley Boustany, West Virginia Katie Bowar, Southern Polytechnic State Dayna Boyd, George Mason Shannon Burnette, Iowa Nora Carleson, Monmouth Sarah Casperson, St. Norbert Taylor Common, Sonoma State Stacy Corn, Texas Bridget Cunningham, Ohio State Jenny Cupero, Elon Lindsay Curtis, East Carolina Monica Day, Lyon Stephanie Dib, Monmouth Kelly Dooley, Western Michigan Melissa Erlick, Lycoming Elizabeth Everett, Central Florida Lauren Falleur, Henderson State Shafeeka Farsakh, Brooklyn Jennifer Fleahman, Bethany Danielle Fletcher, Cal State Stanislaus Amanda Foster, Youngstown State Jamie Goldenberg, Long Island/C.W. Post Susan Hanover, Indiana Laura Hansen, Greensboro Hannah Hogan, Georgia Tech Meredith Holder, Georgia Tech Stephanie Jefferson, Boise State Erin Jenkins, Missouri St. Louis Monta Johnson, Central Oklahoma Sarah Jory, New Orleans Mary Kanaly, Iowa Wesleyan Kara Kearns, Texas


The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Gamma Omega HENDERSON STATE UNIVERSITY Sisterhood Sharon Brannon McCone+ Kathy Nicklaus Owrey

Liz Kiewiet, Rochester Institute of Technology Tiffany Lear, Toledo Krista Lewis, Wright State Claire Lopez, Ferris State Kristin Lottman, Alabama Birmingham Kate Lowery, Bowling Green State Emily Marshall, West Georgia Lauren May, Ohio Kelsie Mayer, Kansas State Erin McCreary, Auburn Megan McFarling, Indiana U of Pennsylvania Ashley McKenzie, Cal State San Marcos Chelsea Miller, Miami Ohio Shana Mintz, Cornell Caroline Mitchell, Christian Brothers Alyssa Murff, Auburn Lauren Nash, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical April O’Brien, Bethany Kelsie Olson, Nebraska Omaha Amanda Pannell, Purdue Alexandra Panson, Eastern Michigan Alyssa Pietrobono, Old Dominion Andrea Plybon, Southwestern Emily Reece, Jacksonville State Samantha Roberts, Delaware Elizabeth Robtoy, Albion Kellie Rokicki, Defiance Lindsay Shaw, Cal State Northridge Jackie Sholar, Carroll Gabrielle Sirow, Georgia Tech Samantha Spencer, Idaho State Emma Sproul, Western Carolina Kayla Stairs, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Lauren Stokes, Texas State San Marcos Sarah Synovec, Nebraska Lincoln Nadine Taylor, South Dakota State Rachel Taylor, West Virginia Wesleyan Samantha Treutel, Wisconsin Oshkosh Megan Trinchere, Millersville Lindsay Vitriol, SUNY Albany Lexi Wagner, Northern Michigan Johna West, Wright State Elizabeth Winkelmann, Texas Kelcie Wittman, Wisconsin Eau Claire

Fall | Winter 2010

Donor Patricia Callaway Daniel, M.D., Ph.D.+ Melinda Vogel Zimmerman

Kristin Zureck DeCarolis Nicole Stiegelbauer Engels+ Barbara Hall Wullschleger

Delta Alpha

Delta Eta

UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN LACROSSE Sisterhood Diane Gmoser Byrne Susan Quillin Donor Susanne Hollister Marianne Stark Klinkhammer

CALIFORNIA UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA Sisterhood Barbara Williams Fetsko Donor Paulette Hrebenar Griglack

Heather Petersohn Miller+ Elizabeth DeGroot Russell Alicia Renee Tays

ST. CLOUD STATE UNIVERSITY Sisterhood Carolyn Puzak Luken

Delta Gamma

Delta Kappa

KEARNEY STATE COLLEGE Sisterhood Carol Schrepel Cope

SLIPPERY ROCK UNIVERSITY Sisterhood Jan Colton Belka

Donor Diana Erpelding Wubbenhorst

Denise Halpern Lieberman Donor Rachel Thomas Brunswick Michelle Burichin Murray

Delta Delta

Delta Theta


Founders’ Dianne Plattenburg Botefuhr+ Donor Marianne Arnestad Boyak Laura Brubaker Roberta Smith Machata Michelle Heather Hilgendorf Miller Mary Mackie Mroz Marcella Bjerke Niemi Jane Jeffries Piester

Delta Epsilon UNIVERSITY OF NEW ORLEANS Donor Tracey Cannon+ Lindsey Jones= Robin LaGrange Juneau+ Jane Vanderbrook Philibert Marilyn Muniz Silbernagel Pamela Hagstette Stritzinger Cheryl Baiamonte West

Delta Zeta LONG ISLAND UNIVERSITY/ C.W. POST Sisterhood Virginia Ruediger Melrose Donor Robin Minor Brennan

Delta Lambda ROCHESTER INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Sisterhood Kimberly Ann Hemmer Bonarski

Donor Jaclyn Marie Bastardi Susan Biles English Devon McGoldrick Shannon Patrick= Liane Schneegass Kathryn Ann Stohler Alison Adams Weinberg

Delta Mu OLD DOMINION UNIVERSITY Sisterhood Linda Foster Absalom Jennifer Bellas Lee+

Donor Bianca Bareswill= Deirdre Midgett Cook Janice Harlow Gladys Fabian Herrera+= Kimberly Smith Nichols= Jennifer Schepper Priest+ Michelle Montalbano Sanderson Theresa Deal Wachal

Matching Gifts and United Way Support

Delta Nu INDIANA UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA Sisterhood Marijean Konopke Williams+ Donor Bonita Arndt Close Kathryn Glass Craddock Phyllis Rochelle Forte Kristine Marley Lantz Shirley Ann Gausman Marchand+ Karen Hofelt McNeil Mary Christopher Preissner Bridget Fishburn Wade+ Leslie Kibler Wirtz+


Sisterhood Lesley Conway Maggiore Lenn Steed Reed+ Tracy Andersen Roberts Alicia Woo Donor Gretchen O'Brien Brechin Debbie Brockman Susan McAdams Harrell Stephanie Yee Kay Ng= Carol Spalding Wakamo Amy Falkenberg Warner Marilyn Marker Whitmer


Sisterhood Janice Falkenstein Denison Donor Frances Kay Akona+ Helen McClain Annecillo Cathy Meo Bonnstetter Paula Casella Burnett

Delta Pi DEFIANCE COLLEGE Donor Jill Foster Bortel+ Kate Lambert Hayfield+ Dr. Bonnie Clark Jefferis+

Delta Rho CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY NORTHRIDGE Founders’ Deanna Wollam Detchemendy+ Sisterhood Kathleen Cates Cantarine

Susan Nilsen Debbie Levy Rubin Marianne Moritz Russo+ Donor Victoria Lenore Bourdas Sandra Posthumus Holcomb+ Deborah Lentz Lang Susan Leeds-Horwitz Linda Clark McMillan

Delta Sigma FERRIS STATE UNIVERSITY Founders’ Sara Elizabeth Pullis Molnar+ Donor Margaret Dekker Danhof Francine Higgins Teresa Yardley Kuiper Jill Mouton-Theut Janice Gertz Shedd

The following Sisters received credit to their giving total by participating in their employer’s matching gift program or by designating Alpha Xi Delta to receive funds through their United Way contribution. Check with your human resources representative to see if your employer participates in either of these programs. • Anonymous, United Way - Aegon USA Inc • Anonymous, United Way California Capital Region • Dianne Plattenburg Botefuhr, Northern Michigan: United Way - Allstate • Kim McClusky Dolan, Oregon State: Premier • Joan Fisher Gross, Georgia Tech:

• Jody Dettmer Halley, Baldwin-Wallace: The Lubrizol Foundation • Rebecca Begley Hirsch, Marquette: United Way - Allstate • Karen Kallstrom Jenkin, Purdue: Benjamin Moore Paints • Diane Williamson Ortlip, Ohio State: Grainger • Heather Kohler Patzer, Wisconsin Oshkosh: UPS • Elizabeth Eberle Payette, Cal State Fresno: United Way - Kaiser Permanente • Jennifer Pelkey, Wisconsin Eau Claire: United Way - Wells Fargo • Nicola R Rutigliano, Hartford: United Way - Pratt & Whitney • Jane Lynelle Wilkens Schroeder, Nebraska Lincoln: Monsanto


Delta Tau UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN OSHKOSH Donor Amber Bauer= Bridget Hudzinski Buell Tiffany Bumgarner= Amy Hermsen Kelly Erika Kiley= Jada Lettenberger= Jennifer Newport= Veronica Marks Ottow Heather Kohler Patzer+ Allison Popple= Bonnie Haack Ries Jessica Seymour=

Delta Upsilon UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN SUPERIOR Donor Jean Lundberg Olson

Delta Phi UNIVERSITY OF CHARLESTON Donor Patricia Dodson Janice Brown Fink Brenda Clark Lee+

Delta Chi UNIVERSITY OF NORTHERN IOWA Lombard Denise Brown+

Sisterhood Ruth Goodman Akin+ Carol Heselton Jennifer Emerick Kuntz+ Becky Dennert Seidl+ Donor Marcy Matson Bitner+ Lorelie Schutter Darrah Anna Gerlitz= Debra Bryson Goodman Brittany Hanna= Katherine Hood= Alysia Jensen= Jamee Christine Maurer Klein Michele McGinnis Kloth Jennifer Fordham Larrive Megan Malone= Amy McWilliams Nelson Ashley Patton+= Crista Righi= Mary Roffman Donna Schutte Stahlhut Sara Rose Welty Strunk Meghan Trepp=

Delta Psi TEXAS STATE UNIVERSITY SAN MARCOS Sisterhood Deborah Johnson Robertson Linda Dornbusch Schuessler+

Donor Betty Robbins Bendall Frances Tomlin Dudenhoeffer

Courtney Hankins Fluty+ Gloria Colunga Forsythe Shirley Brunet Herrin Brenda Schrader Keller+ Carrie Quick

Delta Omega WINONA STATE UNIVERSITY Donor Susan Kniebel Bergman Mary Barton Rankin Susan Hoblit Thurlow

Epsilon Alpha UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN EAU CLAIRE Sisterhood Penny Pugh Goodyear Jennifer Pelkey+ Donor Kathy Gerke Beaver Nicola Leigh Berlick Jennesa Caroline Davidson Rhonda Rowlands Ingle+ Kelli Groth Kracht Jennifer Mackley Kathy Kastner Peterson


Sisterhood Roseann Keller Samson


Foundation Epsilon Gamma WESTERN CAROLINA UNIVERSITY Lombard Dorothy Sheldon Williams Founders’ Jane Hooper Sutton+ Sisterhood Myra Wiggins Grant+ Margaret Miesiaszek Griffith+ Donor Donna Cline Laverne Harris Crawford Stephanie Goodell Nancy Morse Gordon Karen Blackwell Lineberger Vickie Dinkins Long Cathy Stutts Portaro Joyce Stiles Tessier

Epsilon Theta WEST LIBERTY STATE COLLEGE Donor Diana Young Carroll Nancy Deters Debbie Dull Duff Laurie Kinter Jones+ Karen Poach Linn+ Natalie Huisjack Pepper Kimberly Carter Stevenson

Donor Valerie Bird Bass Judith Eichberger Bender Kimberly Bleich Annamarie Moreland Brachfeld+ Becky Johnson Carlson Michelle Ellwanger+ Margaret Larsen Fazzio Vicki Plummer Gardner Amy Harman Patricia Marie Leonard Denise Segura

Epsilon Nu

Donor Colleen Martin Margaret Shrontz Tenzythoff

Epsilon Pi JACKSONVILLE STATE UNIVERSITY Sisterhood Regina Willis Hawkins+ Saralyn Crawford Mitchell D. Claudette Smith+ Donor Margaret Burt Collins Faye Thompson Helms Tracie Teem Sessoms

Epsilon Delta


UNIVERSITY OF HARTFORD Sisterhood Nicola Rutigliano+ Donor Lois Jacobs Elizabeth Rosenberg Vincent


Donor Linda Bartell Schulz

Epsilon Xi

Epsilon Sigma



Michelle Chambers= Casey Cowhey= Michele Smith Dunaway Diane Harrison Lindsey Heminghaus= Karen Wyka Kapral

Ann Spalding Cochran Donor Rebecca Owen T.J. Merck Parker

Kathryn Bicker Schlag Stephanie Pauline Soleta Louise Wiedermann

CENTRAL MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY Donor Teresa Ankenbauer Feutz+ Linda Goodhue Rudroff

Sisterhood Donna Gettle Worthley+ Donor Carol Davies Demaio Deborah Smith Saska

Epsilon Epsilon CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY SACRAMENTO Donor Dianne Smith Blackwell

Epsilon Zeta EASTERN WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY Donor Crystal Balcom= Monica Lynn DeWitt Natalie Hughs= Lydel Montenegro= Deborah Sekreta Erin Snodgrass Elisabeth Stuller+ Octavia Woodard=

Epsilon Eta SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY Founders’ Michele Herbst Evink+ Sisterhood Constance Baker Swarthout Donor Laura Anderson= Amy Myers Chase Andrea Fouberg+ Amber Ries Freese


Mary Jo Buchholz Kirwan Samantha McGraw= Laura Molskness= Diana Baker Rettig Tara Tschetter= Ashley Zwiefel=

The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Epsilon Iota


Founders’ Ginny Carroll+ Olive Gabriel Faries+ Sisterhood Liz Bell Paige Faries+ Katharyn Faries Herndon+ Donor Patricia Hill Marshall Kristin Stuedle+

Epsilon Omicron Epsilon Lambda RIDER UNIVERSITY Sisterhood Heather Lerch+ Michelle Supplee Reda+ Donor Jamie Lynne Aitkens Julie Resa Berwald Toni-Lynn Gross+ Susan MacDade Paluskiewicz Dana Michele Scarantino Susan Buddine Simms Judith Dispenza Stabile


Sisterhood Diane Andrich+

Fall | Winter 2010

OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY Sisterhood Wanda Murphy Van Hook

Foundation Grants and Awards Askey Education Program Grant Raising awareness of important issues in the broader community • Alpha Eta, Purdue: $650 for the “Go MAD (Make A Difference)” presentation by Dennis Tooley Zelma Patchin Continuing Education Program Grants Awarded to alumnae seeking professional development in a nondegree program • Tresa Smith Cummins, Wingate: - $400 to support her attendance at the National Conference on Differentiated Instruction

Epsilon Rho UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN MAINE Donor Diane Lapointe Caswell+ Suzanne Caroline LaCroix

Epsilon Tau

Kathy Williams

• Erin Hannan Clapp, Rochester Institute of Technology: $400 for the Becker CPA Review • Whitney Firth, Cal State San Marcos: $200 to support her attendance at the Woodhull Institute’s Ethical Leadership Retreat for Young Women • Katie Hadden, Wingate: $650 to support her attendance at the Advanced Certification Clinic through NARHA (North American Riding for the Handicapped Association) Dorothy Clarkson Dodd Grant Undergraduate Interfraternity Institute Provides tuition to the Undergraduate Interfraternity Insistute • Stacy Duh, Ohio State

Epsilon Phi IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY Symphony Nancy Fehrmann Gainer+ Sisterhood Sharon Gross Duyzend Judy Kay Erickson Donor Karen Miller Bahr Elizabeth Tursi Cosner Cynthia Clark Crock

Donor Susan Bicker-Bowser Barbara VanBalen Dunmire

Zeta Eta WEST CHESTER UNIVERSITY Donor Catherine Cahill Macrina Mary Hallman Richards

Zeta Theta

Amy Gaffney-Ingalls Amy Dawson Kraenzlein+ Pamela Sandbothe Lamb Barbara Straight Marr Debra Marzano Rachel Carlson Rohrbeck Janet Lahti Schultze

WRIGHT STATE UNIVERSITY Donor Susan Kempton Bollinger+ Patricia Camden Izor+

Rebecca Soderholm Tiffany Hopper Vokt


Barbara Keen Marsh+

Zeta Iota

Zeta Omicron

LYON COLLEGE Sisterhood Allison Turner Kimes+ Donor Pamela Endrihs

UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA Sisterhood Mary Beth Jackson+ Katherine Listwan Martin+ Piper Smith+ Donor

Joyce Maccombie Curtis

Epsilon Omega

Zeta Kappa



Lisa Lanier+ Candace Battenfield Sawyer+

JOHNSTOWN Donor Diana Pieczynski Downing

Zeta Beta

Zeta Lambda


TEXAS WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY Sisterhood Leslie Storey+ Donor Rebecca Ross DeLong Joanna White Furlong Toni Ubinger Jaixen

Zeta Gamma

Zeta Mu

UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI Donor Beth Eadie Wendy Mikell Piepke+

METHODIST COLLEGE Donor Faye Ann Gehring

Zeta Delta

MIAMI UNIVERSITY Donor Kathleen Seith Corso

INDIANA UNIVERSITY - SOUTH BEND Sisterhood Amy Holobyn Donor Mary Pechi Cavanah


Sisterhood Kathy Pape

AUBURN UNIVERSITY Sisterhood Lisa Paramore Pickelsimer Leslie Wallace Taylor+ Donor Kristi Beams Anderson Nicole Carlson Jay Drake Heather Haroff Nancy Bowman Harris Martha Magnuson Janie Gotthelf Marino Grace Byrd Morris Kathleen Peeples Dawn Rylee Winkler

Mary Pierce Norton Maylynn Kittrell Staggs+

Donor Virginia Elish Durbin Dorinda Barnett Eckenroad+ Maria Di Maria Ewing Carol Butterfield Meisinger Christine Shellgren Sober

Zeta Xi

Zeta Nu

Nicole Moussa= Caroline Cresap O'Malley Allison Ortlip= Megan McKerrow Pugh= Amanda Siegel= Elizabeth Falloon Wetzel Darlene Parker Wiseman

Donor Cathleen Curley Kathryn Collins Filar Ronda Guimond Heidi Wahl LaFever Elizabeth Weber Williams

Zeta Phi BINGHAMTON UNIVERSITY OF SUNY Donor Lisa Taylor+ Juli Dahdouh Zarzour



Joan Clark+ Karin Lynn Cook Kristine Polo+

Elizabeth Pope Battaglia Laurie Howard Felton Lynne McNamee Anna Nelson

Zeta Rho

Zeta Omega


STATE UNIVERSITY OF WEST GEORGIA Sisterhood Valerie Cobb Mallon+

Zeta Sigma

Nealy Patty Wheat+ Donor Patricia Fostvedt+ Merrie Griffith Martin Christina Robertson+

HILLSDALE COLLEGE Donor Courtney Dykstra Christina Munck O’Hara Leslie Caldwell Shearer+

Zeta Tau

Theta Alpha

UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA - ASHEVILLE Sisterhood Patrice Orr Bryon Rebecca Ann O'Bryon+ Donor Suzanne Cantando+ Kylee Frye= Wendy Davis Guyer+ Jolene Haymans McGill Dana Wilson

MILLERSVILLE UNIVERSITY Donor Rachel Mary Kohn Elizabeth Hakemian Muirhead Emily Arden Vernacchio

Zeta Upsilon ALMA COLLEGE Sisterhood Bethany Cain Green

Theta Beta SONOMA STATE UNIVERSITY Sisterhood Kristin Olson Billingsley+ Jennifer Knowles Elliott+

Donor Tricia Moreno Jefferson Erin Kochiyama Lauren Janelle Kort Erica Diane Schmeeckle


Foundation Theta Gamma

Theta Mu



Lorrie Smith Donor Jennifer Mary Egan Kimberly Krajcsovics Horan Melissa Cohen Middleton Brynne Obeid Katherine Elizabeth Rotunno


Donor Ashley Drew Loomis Holly McGreevy Laura Ann Scott

Iota Zeta

Donor Alison Nee Calderone Eve Proper

Kristy Lewis= Christy Clifton Parrozzo Emily Bearden Posey Aliza Steyn= Brynden Whitney Styres= Laura Weems Tull

Theta Nu

Theta Chi

Iota Eta

ELON UNIVERSITY Sisterhood Laura Lyerly Milliken Donor Shari Reckard Ellis

UNIVERSITY OF TOLEDO Donor Kelly Barrett= Kiri Cramer= Charlene Dangler= Elizabeth Heffern= Renee Hocevar= Jamie Jakubowski= Kimberley Schreier= Carrie Wolfrum=


Katherine Burroughs Merrill= Rebecca Ragans


Theta Epsilon MARQUETTE UNIVERSITY Sisterhood Danica Vanasse Olson Donor Rebecca Begley Hirsch Alexis Pero

Theta Zeta EMBRY-RIDDLE AERONAUTICAL UNIVERSITY Donor Lauren Nash+= Talia Roffman= Tracie Burnside Walter Allie Wood=

Theta Eta WESTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY Donor Denise Gross Lynch Tamara McMahon

Donor Kathleen Gillon Melissa Elaine Woods

Theta Rho CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY SAN MARCOS Donor Shannyn Allan= Deanna Greathouse= Jennifer Maxey= Jennifer McDonald= Patricia Minaya=


Donor Donata Ursule Domond

SOUTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY Donor Dannette Smith Johnson Kira Vurlicer Stacey Weiner Walker


The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Coralys Del Mar Robles

Iota Alpha GEORGE MASON UNIVERSITY Donor Emily Brooke Gers


Iota Iota GREENSBORO COLLEGE Donor Krista Dorothy Connelly

Iota Lambda ST. NORBERT COLLEGE Donor Cassandra Baker= Laura Pickart= Angela Schneider= Stephanie Weiss=

Iota Mu


Iota Beta

LYCOMING COLLEGE Donor Nicole Boardman= Karen Gerofsky=

Stephanie Holmes Jennings Heather Thompson Roberts Amy Bransford Smith+


Bonnie Lynn James+ Erika Niemann= Whitney Elizabeth Ropka Susan Yerkes=

Iota Delta

Alpha Deuteron


Sisterhood Jackie Lyerly+ Donor Sarah Spitzer Herndon Lori Bruns Holt+ Deborah Doerler Osmond

MARIAN UNIVERSITY Donor Nicole Ann Spittel

Theta Phi Theta Lambda

NEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITY Donor Alyssa Nicol Gutierrez Shelby Marie Krebs+ Vanessa Quiroz

Christina Alison Bakker Janice Lee Beckett Lindsay Jean Bricolo

Megan Foster Harrison Jessica Gammon Langdorf Rachel Renee Wooten

Deborah Norton+

Theta Tau Theta Iota

Theta Omega


UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA BIRMINGHAM Donor Nisha Meeae Cheesman+= Kathleen Reaves Comeaux Jeanne Cosgrove= Regan Grimm= Tabitha Goodman Jowers

Fall | Winter 2010

Iota Epsilon UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA - LAS VEGAS Donor Carly Cinkovich= Alejandra Marie Lozada

Friends of Alpha Xi Delta Symphony George Brown Jr. Lombard Omega Financial, Inc.+ Founders’ Lyles Foundation Donor Advised Fund Sisterhood Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity The Charles H. Giles and Fannie M. Giles Memorial Foundation Donor David & Sherryl Aldridge Alpha Epsilon Phi Sorority John & Nancy Alsup Steve & Carlotta Ash Pat & Lisa Bachman Pamela & William Bailey Mr. Jay Baird Linda Barnette Anne & Nick Barth Fred Becker Mark & Barbara Benson Laurie Berry Bill & Jana Bertolani Beta Beta Chapter Mother's Club Vicki Bissell Mr. William Boe Pam & Bob Bonnett Linda & Jay Boyle Lois Brady Toscha Brady Patrick & Suzanne Brino Mary & Charlie Carpenter Cindy Cason Greg & Debbie Casperson Sara & Kevin Chandler Leslie Chase Pamela & William Collins Mr. & Mrs. Frank Cornell Dennis & Carole Cunningham Michael & Carolyn Cunningham Kevin & Andrea Damron Dawn & Derrill Davis Jeff & Shannon Detert Sharon & Allan Diamond Susan C. Diaz Ben & Jo Anne Dibble Tom & Evelyn DiBenedetto Gwen Dixon Karen & Jay Dougherty Paul Druley Dave & Terri Dumont

Michael & Donna Dunkle Michelle & Scott Earich Brian East Ken & Kelly Elli

Michael & Dorothy Lauber Jana & Steve Laux Robyn & Tod Lawrence Merlin & Deborah Leick

John & Debra Rosenthal Jack & Susan Ross John & Theresa Rovi Robert & Sonia Ryczak

Steve & Traci Ellis Jaine Elkind Eney Janet & Kevin Engelke Flo & David Eugster Alisa & Allan Farber Cecil & Joyce Fields Patrick & Jean Finn Beverly & Milton Fonferek Ruth & Bob Fortney Mark & Kristie Fraker

Ed & Alice Leone David R. Lewis Bruce & Lana Jo Licht Linda & Rick Little John & Maria Locke Dale & Herb Lohmann Kimberly Mackey Dr. & Mrs. Robert S. Main Don & Cindy Masarik Viv Maza

Israela Saper Dan & Diane Scanlon Steve & Kay Schoon JoAnn & Scott Schubel Tobi & Gary Schwartz Tom & Tammy Selig Patricia Setlock Chris & Michel Sherwood Al & Laurie Siebert Nancy & Allen Siegel

Bob & Bev Friedberg Barbara Gamble Gamma Phi Beta Sorority Donna & Glenn Garrett John & Justine Gelinas Denise & Stephen Georgian J.R. & Marcia Gilmer

Don & Peggy McAllister Monica & Fran McNally Linda & Sean Meenachan Don & Roxann Melson Tim & Kathy Merry Mr. Aaron Messing Vickie & Ed Miles

Mr. Richard Sigwing Kevin & Sheila Slowey Sue & Don Smyth John & Jenny Sojka Dwayne & Debra Somers Deborah Sorace Lin Spanier

Marc & Lori Gliatas Glen Goddard Mike & Kathy Goodrich Susan & Jerome Griffith Jim & Libby Hammond Stephanie Harleman+

Ken & Lori Moats Linda S. Moellering Denny Moller Brian & Mary Monroe Sherry & Ed Montalban Claressa R. Moreland+

Carl & Alice Springer+ Jerre & Mary Stead Nancy Stewart Alix Story Jay & Cathy Strauch Ted Strong

Julie & Paul Harris William & Marion Harris Mona Hartley Steve & Judy Heinzen Tracy & Don Henderson

Fabiana & Jose Navia Tammy Newsome Brian & Jill Noe Robert & Anne O'Donnell Jim & Carol Ogletree

Tracey Jacobs Sutter Rolf & De Ann Tangvald Dottie Toledo Matthew & Kelly Tomaszewski Carol M. Trevvett

Beth & Glenn Hewson Dion & Alainna Hill Wayne & Becky Hoener Ed & Leslie Hojnowski Karen & Randy Holly

Deb & Jeff O'Leary Ilisa Orloff Ossie & Shelley Osborne Brendan & Faith O'Sullivan Panhellenic Interfraternity Council at

Jessica & Joseph Tubalado Ann Tuchek United Way California Capital Region Lisa & Gary Van De Laarschot Philip & Patricia Vance

Loretta & Randy Hooper Robin Hughes Brian & Karen Hughey Sue Hulick Jill Hunsberger Indianapolis Alumnae Panhellenic Barbara & Stefan Jackowski Mr. Kenneth T. Johnson Charles W. Jones III

WMU Angelo & Lori Papa John & Tina Pearson Esther Piantadosi Susanne Picone Karen & Ed Pinkham Wayne & Jeanne Plumlee Anita Pribula Lupe & Herb Price

Dawn Victor-Herring Ralph & Belen Warnemunde Mr. & Mrs. Michael Wasilick Tom & Debbie Wiland Dan & Pam Wilbanks Kim Wilkes Willis North America Inc. Fritz & Debbie Wrazidlo Jerry & Sheryl Zayic

Gwen & Rob Kanastab Kappa Delta Sorority Jim & Joanne Keenan Karen Kenney Robert A. Koch Jennifer Kulpinski Marcia & Mark Kurzawa Walt & Sandy Larson

Deborah Pryor Richard & Carolee Rada Carol Ramharrack Doug & Lezli Redmond Dawn & Terrence Reidy Ash & Brad Reifler Mark & Susan Richardson Celia Riecker


Foundation Chloe East, Texas Elizabeth Elli, Southeast Missouri State Lauren Ellis, Elon Lindsay Ellis, Ohio Elizabeth Eney, Syracuse Rachelle Eugster, Marquette Casey Farber, Kent State

Heidi Lohmann, Delaware Megan Lyon, Kent State Alexandra Mackey, Southern Maine Judeth Macrina, West Chester Kathryn Mansfield, Kansas State Gina Masarik, Ohio State Isa Maza, Florida International Mindy McCallister, Marian

Jenna Saper, Binghamton Alanna Scanlon, West Virginia Ali Schoon, Marquette Lauren Schubel, Central Florida Brittany Schwartz, Delaware Adrienne Selig, Purdue Kelly Setlock, Ohio State Marguerite Sherwood, Southwestern

Amy Aviles, Sonoma State Cassandra Bachman, Texas State San Marcos Kristin Bachman, Kansas State Christina Bailey, Cornell Samantha Barnette, Central Florida Claire Barth, West Virginia Monet Becenti, U of Washington

Kelly Fields, Ohio Northern Laura Finn, Marquette Elizabeth Fonferek, St. Norbert Chelsea Fortney, Kent State Chelsea Fraker, Ohio State Michelle Friedberg, Delaware Elizabeth Gamble, East Tennessee State Calyn Gelinas, Miami Ohio Alyssa Georgian, Syracuse Callie Gilmer, Georgia Tech Alyssa Gliatas, Kent State Laura Goodrich, Texas

Kylie McGlew, West Virginia Wesleyan Jayme McKeever, Christian Brothers Catherine McNally, New Hampshire Lindsay Meenachan, Youngstown State Samantha Melson, Central Florida Abby Menke, Southeast Missouri State Jessica Merry, Dartmouth Emilee Miles, Marshall Ashley Minck, Kent State Kenna Moats, Southeast Missouri State Maddie Monroe, Bowling Green State Jaimie Montalban, Sonoma State

Sara Siebert, Mount Union Ashley Siegel, Southeast Missouri State Alison Slowey, Northern Iowa Kaitlyn Smyth, Marquette Brittany Sojka, Cal State Northridge Stephanie Soleta, Missouri St. Louis Megan Somers, Wingate Jessica Springer, Mount Union Kelcie Springer, Mount Union Chaille Stewart, Georgia Tech Meredith Story, Central Florida Krista Strauch, Ohio State

Amanda Benson, Alabama Birmingham Angela Berry, Southern Maine Morgan Bissell, Miami Ohio Corin Bonnett, Marietta

Megan Griffith, Boise State Kirsten Haccou, Cal State Fresno Sarah Hammond, Bowling Green State Bridget Harris, New Hampshire Nancy Harris, Georgia Tech

Jessica Moore, Wright State Maria Navia, Miami Ohio Caitlin Naylor, Toledo Laura Noe, Marshall Kate O’Donnell, Marquette

Kaitlund Tangvald, U of Washington Heather Tellez, Southern Polytechnic State Jenna Tomaszewski, Ferris State Annamarie Trevvett, South Dakota State

Kathleen Boyle, Elon Ashley Brady, West Chester Leah Brino, Kent State Kiah Buchner, Sonoma State Amelia Carpenter, Miami Ohio

Samantha Hartley, Syracuse Brittany Heinzen, Wisconsin Eau Claire Brittany Henderson, Auburn Lindsey Hewson, Sonoma State Amber Hill, Alabama Birmingham Molly Hoener, Kansas State

Samantha O’Leary, Auburn Rachel Orloff, Purdue Mandy Osborne, Bowling Green State Katherine O’Sullivan, Texas State San Marcos Rebecca Papa, Southern Maine

Jersten Tubalado, Stetson Erica Van De Laarschot, Purdue Sarah Vance, Old Dominion Emma Warnemunde, Northern Iowa Lauren Wasilick, East Carolina Caitlyn White, Delaware

Lindsey Hojnowski, Ohio State Alana Holly, Syracuse Sammantha Hooper, Southern Maine Madison Hughes, Southeast Missouri State

Kelci Pearce, Christian Brothers Amanda Pearson, Iowa Wesleyan Mary Piantadosi, Georgia Tech Leah Picone, Toledo Jessie Pinkham, Texas

Bailey Wiland, Kent State Kacie Wilbanks, Southeast Missouri State Molly Wilkes, Texas State San Marcos Shauna Wrazidlo, Penn State Daphne Wright,

Laura Hughey, Texas State San Marcos Sarah Hulick, Cornell Vanessa Jackowski, Syracuse Heather Kanastab, Syracuse

Olivia Plumlee, Southeast Missouri State Mallory Potter, Florida Atlantic Chelsea Price, Nebraska Lincoln Jackie Pryor, Marquette

Southern Polytechnic State Mae Xia, Alabama Birmingham Sarah Zayic, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical

Kara Keenan, Monmouth Samantha Kulpinski, Rochester Institute of Technology Elizabeth Kurzawa, Auburn Michelle Lauber, Florida Atlantic Erika Laux, Southeast Missouri State Alexandra Lawrence, Elon Sarah Leick, Northern Iowa Jennifer Leone, Ohio State Jada Lettenberger, Wisconsin Oshkosh

Jenna Rada, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Alyssa Ramharrack, Florida Atlantic Caitlin Redmond, Wisconsin Eau Claire Elizabeth Reidy, Bethany Kelsey Reifler, Elon Rebecca Richardson, New Hampshire Heather Riecker, Albion Kristen Riggle, Miami Ohio Meleah Rosenthal, Kansas State Leah Ross, Dartmouth

Briana Licht, Nebraska Omaha Mariah Little, Central Oklahoma

Christie Rovi, Texas State San Marcos Julia Ryczak, Auburn

Chelsea Locke, Southern Maine

Kelly Sanderson, Ferris State

Valentine’s Day Gifts The Alpha Xi Delta Foundation recognizes daughters honored by their parents with a Valentine’s Day gift to the Foundation. Each young woman received a Valentine’s Day card that included a personal message from her family. Kerri Aldridge, Auburn Maggie Alsup, Lyon Elizabeth Ash, Wright State

Alyson Cason, Auburn Sarah Casperson, St. Norbert Julie Chandler, Auburn Kimberly Chase, Ohio Northern Juliet Clark, Texas Laura Clevenger, Purdue Caitlin Cornell, Marietta Bridget Cunningham, Ohio State Danica Cunningham, Marietta Hannah Davis, Defiance Gabrielle Detert, Wisconsin Eau Claire Jenna Diamond, Texas Dominique Diaz, Marquette Bethany Dibble, Kent State Patricia DiBenedetto, Syracuse Eliza Dillard, North Carolina Wilmington Jillian Dougherty, Delaware Carolyn Druley, Southeast Missouri State Marissa Dumont, Penn State Erin Dunkle, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical


The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Fall | Winter 2010

Senior Challenge 2010 Wrap-Up Hats off to the Class of 2010 for making this Senior Challenge one of the most successful. Since the Class of 1999 started the Senior Challenge, 3,135 seniors have participated and donated $41,605 to the Foundation. Senior Challenge 2010 was a great success with 256 graduating seniors from 43 chapters raising $5,601 for the Loyalty Fund! The following women served as Class Representatives for their chapter and collected donations from other senior Sisters. Thank you for your hard work!

*Gamma, Mount Union Delta, Bethany Iota, West Virginia

Bethany Camp Bethany Lewis Jennifer Gordon

Kappa, Illinois Nu, U of Washington Rho, Nebraska Lincoln Phi, Albion Psi, Ohio State Omega, Stetson Beta Alpha, Texas

Clarissa Coyle Jessica Louie Brier Schuetz Danielle Hurst Amanda Stolarsky Allyson McKenna Laura Bean

Beta Epsilon, Monmouth *Beta Mu, Bowling Green State Beta Tau, Kent State *Beta Psi, Carroll Gamma Beta, Marshall

Melissa Lindsay Tori Trivisonno Brittany Lucido Carly Rau Lindsay Husk

*Gamma Delta, Nebraska Omaha Gamma Eta, Georgia Tech Gamma Tau, Ohio Northern Gamma Phi, East Carolina Delta Epsilon, New Orleans Delta Lambda, Rochester Institute of Technology

Kenzi Meyer Lauren Schefstad Brittany Cowgill Ashley Harrell Lindsey Jones Shannon Patrick

*Delta Mu, Old Dominion Delta Xi, Georgia State *Delta Tau, Wisconsin Oshkosh Delta Chi, Northern Iowa Epsilon Alpha, Wisconsin Eau Claire

Bianca Bareswill Ashlyn Smith Jada Lettenberger Katie Hood Samantha Worthingham

Epsilon Zeta, Eastern Washington Epsilon Eta, South Dakota State *Epsilon Lambda, Rider *Epsilon Xi, Missouri St. Louis Zeta Nu, Miami Ohio Zeta Tau, North Carolina Asheville *Zeta Omega, West Georgia Theta Gamma, Delaware Theta Zeta, Embry-Riddle (AZ) Theta Nu, Elon Theta Rho, Cal State San Marcos

Stephanie Gausman Tara Tschetter Kristie Kahl Casey Cowhey Allison Ortlip Catherine DeBroder Jessica Morrow Kathryn Rippin Talia Roffman Kimberly White Shannyn Allan

*Theta Phi, Alabama Birmingham Theta Chi, Toledo Iota Epsilon, Nevada Las Vegas *Iota Theta, Southern Polytechnic *Iota Lambda, St. Norbert Iota Mu, Lycoming

Jeanne Cosgrove Kimberley Schreier Samantha Steelman Alisa Selman Laura Pickart Karen Gerofsky

Thank you to the Senior Challenge participants. We wish all the 2010 graduates the best in everything the future has to offer. In the words of Kimberley Schreier, Toledo, Class of 2010, “It’s important for seniors to get involved so they reflect on everything the Fraternity has done for them and how they can help Alpha Xi Delta offer that to newer girls.” Class of 2011, we invite you to take the challenge. Your donation will inspire the future women of our organization. The Challenge starts October 1, 2010. Will you make a difference?

*=100% participation by graduating seniors


Foundation Memorial Gifts The Foundation recognizes Memorial Gifts given from May 1, 2010, through August 31, 2010. Lee & Galt Atwood, parents of Marilyn Atwood Terry by Marilyn Atwood Terry, California Berkeley Ann Robinson Baird, Frostburg State by Audrey Huthwaite, Frostburg State Susan Robinson, Frostburg State Kathleen Nearman Balster, South Dakota by Alpha Epsilon Phi Sorority,

Claire Bentley, Rhode Island by Gail Miller Black, Rhode Island Joan Finch Blanchard, California Berkeley by Barbara Christensen Spencer, Cal State Fresno Margaret “Margy” Borst Taggart Braumilller, Wittenberg by Norma Jean Jones Mozier, Wittenberg Margaret Kane Burge, Michigan State by Mary Paule McMath Bierlein, Michigan State Oakland County, MI Alumnae Association

Lori Bruns Holt, Alpha Deuteron Jean Koza Leider, Iowa Kendra Becker Lewis, Purdue Jane Fursey Ralston, Mount Union Judith Bethke Holle, Wisconsin Eau Claire by Kathy Kastner Peterson, Wisconsin

Eau Claire Carolyn Studt Johnson, Wisconsin Madison by Carol Woodworth Root, Wisconsin Madison Barbara Wirick Kilpatrick, Ohio by Susan Wisner Andrish, Ohio Carane Ladd, Ohio

Friend of Alpha Xi Delta Anonymous Ginny Carroll, Western Kentucky

Marion Wallace Crawmer, Wittenberg by Orlando, FL Alumnae Association

Linda Belles Dinus, U of Washington Rigby Guiney Duncan, Marshall Andrea Fouberg, South Dakota State Regina Willis Hawkins, Jacksonville State Lori Bruns Holt, Alpha Deuteron

Jeanne De La Vergne Means, San Diego State by Julie Lambert, Oregon State North County San Diego, CA Alumnae Association

by Marilyn Herbes Horner, Nebraska Omaha

Janet Hutchins, Michigan Chandra Johnson, Iowa Kappa Chapter, Illinois Kappa Delta Sorority, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta

Ginny Bolas Philp, Arizona

Barbara Shafer Kraemer, South Dakota

Nicy Thompson Dermott by Cecilia Zerr Long, California Berkeley

Bob Lovell, husband of Terry Joswick Lovell, Northern Illinois by Julie Lambert, Oregon State

Sara Konopka, Purdue Jennifer Emerick Kuntz, Northern Iowa Jean Koza Leider, Iowa Heather Roberts Lerch, Rider Kendra Becker Lewis, Purdue

Virginia Hornbrook Diebel,

Sara Pullis Molnar, Ferris State Becky Richter Perrett, Nebraska Lincoln Jane Fursey Ralston, Mount Union Kimberly Starr, Kentucky Theta Phi Chapter, Alabama Birmingham Laura Thompson, West Virginia Wesleyan Zeta Nu Chapter, Miami Ohio Irene Deane Barbour, Oklahoma by Delores Wachsmann Child, Monmouth Janet Swanson Loper Barris, Syracuse by Joan Clark, Florida Suzanne Strupp Eno, Florida State Nancy Fehrmann Gainer, Iowa State Dr. Bonnie Clark Jefferis, Defiance Julie Lambert, Oregon State Pinellas County, FL Alumnae Association

Joan Willey Kriegler, Nebraska Omaha

Northwestern by Kathryn Yager Brown, Monmouth Chicago North Shore, IL Alumnae Association Judith Drews Haring-Green, Iowa

Susan Metzmaier Kuligowski, Ohio State by Carole Vezse Henderson, Kent State

The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Nancy Locke Northcutt, Michigan State by Tucson, AZ Alumnae Association Lenita Streedain Nowicki, Northwestern by Joan Cameron Denton, Northwestern Donna Falconnier Parker, Florida State by Joan Barton, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta Dayton, OH Alumnae Association Charlotte Sebald Heck, Ohio State Ruth Holliway, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta Patricia Camden Izor, Wright State Kay Locher, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta Amber Ziemba McCarty, Miami Ohio Emiko McConnaughey, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta Jill Dupont Ritter, Bowling Green State Carol Morgan Smerz, Defiance Anne & Roger Stallkamp, Friends of Alpha Xi Delta Elisabeth Dodds Vinson, Wittenberg Elreane Pipes, West Virginia by Pinellas County, FL Alumnae Association Dorothy Doust Pomfrey, Syracuse

Helen K. Lutz by Dale Lutz D’Angelo, Gettysburg Annetta Hamill Marshall, Frostburg State

by Joan Repath Pomfrey, Syracuse Rosemary Rakestraw Pratt, Ohio by Frances Baumlisberger Alvin, Wittenberg

by Kelly Morgan Griffin, Frostburg State Christina Eppel, Texas State San Marcos by Houston, TX Alumnae Association Ruth Ann Davidson Farkas, Purdue by Kendra Becker Lewis, Purdue Doris Anne McNary Onken, Purdue Peggy Baugher Garrett, Northwestern by Lisa Lanier, North Texas Steve Goodwin, husband of Ellen Gibson Goodwin, West Virginia by Linda Belles Dinus, U of Washington Rigby Guiney Duncan, Marshall Myra Wiggins Grant, Western Carolina

Colleen Elise Martin, Oklahoma State by Delores Wachsmann Child, Monmouth Lori Bruns Holt, Alpha Deuteron Jennifer Myers Wasinger, Kansas

Fall | Winter 2010

Cassandra Rutledge, North Carolina Asheville by Wendy Davis Guyer, North

Carolina Asheville

Mary Ellen Mates, Northwestern by Joan Clark, Florida Dr. Bonnie Clark Jefferis, Defiance

Helen Larmore Scheidenhelm, Minnesota by Mary Sue Scheidenhelm Eilrich, Illinois

Roger Meyer, husband of Dorothy Meyer by Dorothy Meyer, Alpha Deuteron

Constance Helen Smith, mother of Sally Smith Reimers, Cal State Northridge

William Myers, husband of Lois Gradous Myers, Monmouth by Chicago North Shore, IL Alumnae Association


Patricia Fitzgerald Nord, Florida State by Jennifer Nord Lange, daughter of Patricia Fitzgerald Nord

by Susan Leeds-Horwitz, Cal State Northridge Delta Rho Building Corporation, Cal State Northridge

Kay Smotherman, mother of Susan Smotherman Demers, Stetson by Joan Clark, Florida Dr. Bonnie Clark Jefferis, Defiance

Debara Kraemer Crowell, Texas Wesleyan by Barbara Shafer Kraemer, South Dakota

Gretchen Tallman, California Berkeley by Marilyn Atwood Terry, California Berkeley

Brianna Fisher, Western Carolina, August 2010 FVP of the Month by Omega Financial, Inc.

Tracy Goad Walter, Hillsdale by Christina Munck O’Hara, Hillsdale

Jane Dunlap Gaby, Tennessee by Sara Pullis Molnar, Ferris State

Elizabeth Sanford Wieland, Ohio Wesleyan by Elinor Harper Spiller, Ohio Wesleyan

Stormi Gale, Wingatw, June 2010 FVP of the Month by Omega Financial, Inc.

Marie P. Wilmes by Shelley Wilmes Grider, Iowa Wesleyan

Susanne Goodrich, Florida, on her marriage by Judith Becker Kemp, Wittenberg

Barbara Milder Wingo, Northwestern by Joan Cameron Denton, Northwestern

Ellen Gibson Goodwin, West Virginia by Myra Wiggins Grant, Western Carolina Michelle Hutchison, Monmouth, July

Honor Gifts The Foundation recognizes Honor Gifts given from May 1, 2010, through August 31, 2010. Carolyn Buchman Berlin, Mount Union by Anne Berlin Painter, Indiana

2010 FVP of the Month by Omega Financial, Inc. Barbara Reitsma Johnson, Florida State by Joan Reitsma, Florida State

Marshall, MO Alumnae Association by Cara Lyon Newham, Missouri Valley Eileen Meyer, Illinois by Mary Freis Cooke, Illinois Christine Meyer, South Dakota by Dorothy Meyer, Alpha Deuteron Claressa Moreland, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta by Kendra Becker Lewis, Purdue My many years of enjoyment on the completion of my 50+ years with Alpha Xi Delta by Carol G. Wagner, Kentucky Phi Chapter, Albion by Linda Washkewicz, Albion Paulette Trumpp Raburn, Bowling Green State by Jessica Mary Raburn, Bowling Green State Sigma Chapter, Iowa by Julie Holmes, Iowa Norma Jean Tiller, mother of Lucinda Tiller Cordo by Lucinda Tiller Cordo, Tennessee

Marian Hoke Knipfer, Mount Union by June Fursey Lee, Mount Union Jane Fursey Ralston, Mount Union

Beta Beta Chapter, Washington

Virginia Vorhis, Rochester Institute of Technology by Dorothy Borneman Bell, Syracuse

by Beta Beta Chapter Mother’s Club Joanne Braucher, Albion by Sara Pullis Molnar, Ferris State Dorothy Mott Callahan, Nebraska Omaha by Judith Jensen Tesar, Nebraska Omaha Chesapeake Alumnae Association by Susan Robinson, Frostburg State Cincinnati Alumnae Association by Ann Knappenberger Burdorf, Ohio

Patricia Neffler Lafferty, UCLA by Elleen Hall Denahy, UCLA Julie Lambert, Oregon State by Susan Nilsen, Cal State Northridge Regina Cuellar Lee, Illinois by Indianapolis, IN Alumnae Association Isabel Bickett Marshall, Monmouth by Lisa Marie Bondi, Monmouth Lois Gradous Myers, Monmouth

Rachele Westlake, Bowling Green State, May 2010 FVP of the Month by Omega Financial, Inc. Shirley Albrecht Winckler, Iowa by Susan Winckler, Iowa Abby Gray Woodell by Stephanie Goodell, Western Carolina Betsie Keeler Zeedyk, Alma by Donna Gettle Worthley,

Indiana State


Chapter Eternal Between May 1 and August 31, 2010, Fraternity Headquarters received word of the following Sisters’ entrance into Chapter Eternal. To notify us of a Sister’s death, please send an obituary notice, memorial service pamphlet or other written confirmation to Fraternity Headquarters. To make a Memorial Gift, visit or call 317.872.3500. Memorial Gifts can be viewed in The Quill’s online edition.

Alpha Chapter Lombard College/Knox College Juliet Engel Schertz ’54 Beta Chapter Iowa Wesleyan College Martha Cochran Speers Blazewski ’71 Carmen Aida Bohrer Bryant ’61 Betty Hall Hatfield-Hedlund ’37 Evelyn Houdyshell ’44 Mary Lee Essner Housh ’57 Geraldine Payne Johnson ’40 Eilene Smith Patterson ’36 Lori Ann Veigelt Webb ’86 Gamma Chapter University of Mount Union Eloise May Thomas Leyman ’55 Mary Katherine Maholm McConner ’38 Epsilon Chapter University of South Dakota Mary Jane Hatfield Benefiel ’60 Zeta Chapter Wittenberg University Marion Wallace Crawmer ’37

Eta Chapter Syracuse University Hilda Moon Allen ’37 Jan Swanson Loper Barris ’53 Marilyn Hickok Leogue ’55 Theta Chapter University of Wisconsin-Madison Martha Gray Dittberner ’54 Iota Chapter West Virginia University Olga Mae Wyatt Hall ’40 Carolyn Lee Browning Hayward ’54 Jeanne Anderson Johnson ’45 Elreane Pipes ’31 Kappa Chapter University of Illinois Sally Ann Johannes Outis ’64 Lambda Chapter Tufts University Virginia Shaulis Files ’41 Ruth Knipes Streeter ’41 Charlotte Phillips Wilkins ’34 Nu Chapter University of Washington Marcia Buckley Buck ’62 Lorene Currier ’37 Kathryn Brown Hedges ’34 Jacquelyn Vanclute Labossiere ’52 Mary Jane Holmes O'Neil ’46 Xi Chapter University of Kentucky Margaret Wilson Blankenship ’62 Cynthia Hardman Charmoli ’55 Ruth Leck Cummins ’54 Vera Mae Conrad King ’56 Barbara Ellen Nims King ’88 Omicron Chapter University of California, Berkeley Sue Norabelle Howard Smith ’51 Nancy Buffington Starkweather ’36 Patricia Keith Waggoner ’43

Pi Chapter Ohio University Charlotte King Dotzlaf ’43 Arden Smith Farragher ’48 Sigma Chapter University of Iowa Doris House Hartman ’44 Phi Chapter Albion College Margaret Alice Bergy Davis ’34 Elizabeth Alice Cleary Fickes ’41 Psi Chapter Ohio State University Elizabeth Northcraft Greenawalt ’18 Betty Tarver Hardin ’40 Susan Metzmaier Kuligowski ’68 Gretchen Hedges Seitsinger ’39 Omega Chapter* Stetson University Leola King Edmunds ’22 Alpha Beta Chapter Cornell University Joan Kigar Deyo ’49 Barbara Strauss Hill ’37 Marilyn Thatcher Kreider ’46 Alpha Gamma Chapter Coe College Janet Harper Hetherington ’52 Barbara Steele Patterson ’39 Alpha Delta Chapter Oregon State University Lucille Lane Bernhardt ’60 Joan Harris Cox ’45 Anabell Haynes Smith ’44 Alpha Epsilon Chapter University of Michigan Nancy Rothfuss Theurer ’46

Alpha Eta Chapter Purdue University Helen Clifford Bernard ’52 Frances Jones Bowden ’39 Jean Cole Bush ’44 Ruth Ann Davidson Farkas ’46 Alpha Theta Chapter Northwestern University Anne Marie Gustavson Dawson ’32 Mary Ellen Mates ’36 Barbara Blackburn Walker ’56 Alpha Iota Chapter Drake University Ann Elizabeth Williams Smith ’34 Alpha Kappa Chapter Kansas State University Andrea Krizman Husong ’85 Marilyn Leeper Lindsay ’54 Phyllis Watters Nace ’52 Doris Stowell Owen ’43 Alpha Lambda Chapter University of Oregon Elizabeth Johnson Bradshaw ’44 Alpha Xi Chapter University of California at Los Angeles Betty Jacoby Benson ’35 Donna Lee Moore ’58 Alpha Omicron Chapter Hunter College Kathryn Keil Bengel ’34 Eleanor Cusack Mooney ’48 Madeline Traugott Volpe ’60 Alpha Pi Chapter Middlebury College Carol Michalske Muscara ’58 Alpha Sigma Chapter Washington State University Doris Doyle Buckman ’26

*Joan Finch Blanchard, ’39, was incorrectly listed in the spring 2010 Chapter Eternal. The Fraternity apologizes for this error.


The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Fall | Winter 2010

Alpha Phi Chapter University of Pennsylvania Jane Phillips Parsons ’45

Beta Lambda Chapter Pennsylvania State University Linda Miller Schrufer ’60

Gamma Alpha Chapter San Diego State University Jeanne De La Vergne Means ’89

Alpha Omega Chapter Florida State University Audrey Tolson Hansen ’57 Donna Falconnier Parker ’58

Beta Mu Chapter Bowling Green State University Peggy Gillespie Ford ’61 Phyllis Hutchinson Iles ’54 Susan Schaefer Waring ’67

Gamma Beta Chapter Marshall University Linda Lou Frye ’56

Beta Beta Chapter Washington University Rosella Dodt Keightley ’31 Beta Gamma Chapter Centenary College Jacqueline Gaines Dinkins ’46 Constance Grambling Lane ’65 Beta Epsilon Chapter Monmouth College Elizabeth Petefish Wiedman ’60 Beta Zeta Chapter Lake Forest College Carol Burr Aja ’55 Beta Eta Chapter University of Maryland Sibyl Greenleaf Beaumont ’46 Sharon Peacock Lewandrowski ’88 Beta Theta Chapter Michigan State University Karen Kraus Bivens ’59 Margaret Kane Burge ’37 Judith Marie Riha Gardiner ’56 Nancy Locke Northcutt ’43 Margaret Rigg ’49 Mary Lou Squires Rooney ’61 Beta Iota Chapter Louisiana State University Helen Hunt ’67 Beta Kappa Chapter Baldwin-Wallace College May Leckie Myers ’43 Nora Kathryne Nobis Stine ’41 Louise Harriet Cass Zoller ’46

Beta Nu Chapter Culver-Stockton College Doris Brown ’49 Beta Xi Chapter Marietta College Barbara Jean Huling ’45 Mary Martha Erb Nees ’49 Beta Omicron Chapter Missouri Valley College Beverly Nelson Foster ’46 Beta Pi Chapter Indiana University Patricia Hays Dooley ’46 Marilyn East Munden ’59 Beta Rho Chapter University of Utah Marilyn McFarlane Moore ’49 Beta Tau Chapter Kent State University Ruth Lea Hugill ’48 Marilyn Major ’56 Beta Phi Chapter University of Connecticut Carnie Ives Lincoln ’51 Beta Psi Chapter Carroll College Beverly Jean Sexton Pfeiffer ’57 Beta Omega Chapter Memphis State University Ursula Crocker Gholson ’59

Gamma Delta Chapter University of Nebraska at Omaha Joan Willey Kriegler ’52 Gamma Epsilon Chapter California State University-Fresno Judith Orr Sparks ’65 Gamma Eta Chapter Georgia Institute of Technology Margaret Gallman ’68 Gamma Kappa Chapter Susquehanna University Joan Louise Brenneman Curtis ’58 Grace Moyer Darlington ’57 Gamma Nu Chapter Southeast Missouri State University Joan Evelyn Sykes Doney ’58 Gamma Pi Chapter Northern Illinois University Kathryn Keil Cihak ’63 Gamma Tau Chapter Ohio Northern University Jessica Autumn Drayer ’98 Gamma Phi Chapter East Carolina University Patricia Campbell Buff ’64 Gamma Psi Chapter Frostburg State University Sharon Heubeck Davis ’62 Annetta Hamill Marshall ’70 Belinda May Seal ’03

Delta Eta Chapter California University of Pennsylvania Margaret Mullen ’64 Delta Mu Chapter Old Dominion University Jo Ann Horton Dickens ’64 Delta Nu Chapter Indiana University of Pennsylvania Sandra Blewett ’92 Delta Tau Chapter University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh Margrit Sander Barber ’65 Delta Phi Chapter University of Charleston Marlene Smith Murphy ’65 Epsilon Alpha Chapter University of WisconsinEau Claire Judy Bethke Holle ’65 Epsilon Mu Chapter University of Northern Colorado Della Kuys Frydendall ’68 Janis L. Shupe ’71 Epsilon Omicron Chapter Oklahoma State University Colleen Elise Martin ’74 Lynn Mehr Poole ’66 Epsilon Pi Chapter Jacksonville State University Cora Watwood Saxon ’70 Margaret Ingram Vancleave ’70 Epsilon Sigma Chapter Georgia Southern University Dianne Prichard Arnold ’94 Epsilon Phi Chapter Iowa State University Kathy Siebeck ’85


From the Archives

Sending Heart


Handwritten letters from our Founders and other early Fraternity pioneers are among the most cherished archival pieces at Fraternity Headquarters. Their correspondence takes us back to a simpler time when writing in longhand while sipping a cup of tea made for a pleasant afternoon of sharing and reconnecting with friends. A letter’s permanence means we can read it again and again and think fondly of the person who wrote it. This week, take a break from email, text messaging and video chats and write a letter to a Sister. She’ll cherish your thoughtfulness more than you know.


The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Fall | Winter 2010

Living Our


That We May Grow in Courage and Graciousness and Peace By Lynn Walsh, Ohio ’05

Alpha Xi Delta The Symphony of Alpha Xi Delta These things do we earnestly desire:

A clear vision of life, that with gracious and kindly hearts we Who knew that hunting for housewares could lead to a fabulous friendship? Lynn Walsh, left, and Robbye Bryan, right, returned to the Ikea store in Houston to document the day they became friends.

The final words of The Symphony of Alpha Xi Delta always resonated with me as a student at Ohio University. When I moved to Houston, Texas, I would discover just how important those words and their meaning are. “Growing up” takes on new meaning when you move halfway across the country for an amazing job, yet know no one in your new city. And when I told people I moved to Houston by myself, they found it slightly strange. That surprised me. I thought it was normal to move to a new city and not know a single soul. I came to find out that most people move with a friend, and the fact that I did it alone meant I was courageous. Courageous? It’s never really a term I used to describe myself, but I began to depend on my inner courage to survive in Houston. I met people and talked to people in elevators, at the gym, anywhere, but I still had no real friends. All that changed one day in the Houston Ikea store, when I heard a young woman screech and say, “Oh, my gosh. Alpha Xi Delta.” It took me a second to understand what was going on, but then I glanced down at my Alpha Xi Delta sweatshirt. She told me her name is Robbye Bryan, a 2006 initiate of Delta Psi Chapter at Texas State University-San Marcos, and she was in her second year at South Texas College of Law in downtown Houston. We were both all smiles as we shared stories of our chapters and colleges. And then a moment of awkwardness: “So, I know this may sound dorky, but could I get your number?” I asked. We both started laughing and immediately exchanged numbers. I had never been more nervous in my entire life than standing in Ikea asking this young woman for her phone number. Luckily, I had the courage to do so, because we have become best friends. Robbye has shown me what it truly means to be a Sister to someone you don’t even know. She has been gracious enough to share her life in Houston with me. From her friends to her apartment, what is hers has been made mine. My difficult transition turned into a peaceful change thanks to the kindness and generosity in Robbye’s heart. This random Ikea meeting feels more like a strategic destiny made possible through the courage, graciousness and peace shared by all women of Alpha Xi Delta.

may share both joy and sorrow and bring into living reality the sisterhood of women.

An appreciation of real merit and worth, steadfastness of soul, that without bitterness or defeat we may encounter misfortune and with humility meet success.

Thee things, O Lord, help us to instill within our hearts, that we may grow in courage and graciousness and peace.

Send your Living Our Symphony stories and photos to Fraternity Headquarters, or email them to


Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity 8702 Founders Road Indianapolis, IN 46268





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