The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta - Summer 2011

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Summer 2011

Meet Our New ELCs and LCs Picking Up the Pieces, Sister to Sister In Her Own Words, Alumna Profile

of Alpha Xi Delta

Convention Route

FOUR SISTERS recount their 2011 Convention journey

Past National President’s Letter


Legacy of Sisterhood Sisters, Weeks



For example, when Council’s analysis of recruitment data led it since

to prioritize collegiate recruitment efforts and resources with

Convention, and I’m still smiling

specific end goals in mind, the “how” of addressing that priority was

about the great times Alpha Xi

left entirely in the hands of our National Recruitment Team. Virtually

Delta had in Atlanta. From the

every recruitment-related resource, tool and session created to

gorgeous strains of Georgia Tech’s

drive this priority has been conceptualized, created and executed

Men’s Glee Club, to new National

by our National Recruitment Team led by National Recruitment

President Sandi Edwards’ stirring

Director Becky Perrett, our Territory Recruitment Directors, our

closing words about “Coming

Membership Growth and Marketing Manager, Laura Thompson, and

Home,” it was truly three of the

with a shout-out to Gretchen Balling DiMarco who launched the

best days of my life.

Membership Growth and Marketing position with focus, dedication

During Convention and in

and zest before heading to active volunteer life. With visual spice

the weeks since, I’ve received

added by our Communications personnel and some tailoring by

cherished messages of thanks for all Alpha Xi Delta has achieved dur-

Member Services, everything you see in the recruitment arena has

ing my term as National President. But here’s the mindset that I hope

come from these Sisters.

is the true legacy of these last few years: The strides Alpha Xi Delta

Our successes are thus a team effort even at the National level.

makes do not result from any particular National Council action or

The good things we achieve result from the efforts of an entire village,

decision. Rather, they happen when our Council sets a clear general

and we are blessed to have a village populated with women who

direction, ensures resources are available, and then unleashes our

are both capable and devoted to Alpha Xi Delta’s success.

Sisters’ creativity and trusts them to get it right–supporting a culture

As I step off this podium for the last time, I encourage each of

that insists on partnership and collaboration between all Alpha Xi

you to consider what role you can play in our village…our Sisterhood.

Delta personnel, paid and unpaid, because we all wear the same gold-

It is good and meaningful work, done in concert with people who are

en Quill.

devoted to common ideals and who, individually and collectively,

Many assume National Council conceives and initiates all Alpha Xi

inspire women to realize their potential every day. This work has and

Delta programs and efforts, closely oversees their development, super-

will continue to enrich my life immeasurably, and I thank you all for

vises their launch by Headquarters Staff and then monitors results

letting me serve in this role.

closely. This is true only in very small part. National Council does monitor program results as well as statistics


and trends relating to our membership, our potential members, and the world in which we exist, large and small. From that vantage point Council envisions the challenges and course forward for Alpha Xi Delta to thrive, and then sets the priorities, goals and policies necessary to achieve our ends. Aside from these very important conversations, though, and constantly reinforcing priorities, Council members actually do very little “work.” The tasks and joys of “making it so” fall to the many bold, talented, and incredibly capable women who shape Alpha Xi Delta.

Deanna Detchemendy Past National President

Contents of Alpha Xi Delta

National Convention Recap Recap Convention 2011 through the eyes of four Sisters who hit the road to meet up with nearly 600 Alpha Xi Deltas in Atlanta, Georgia!


World Autism Awareness Day On April 2, World Autism Awareness Day, Alpha Xi Deltas came together to shine a bright light on autism as a growing global health crisis.


Picking Up The Pieces A Sister’s journey to help those affected by storms that ripped through the Southeast.


The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta is published three times per year in spring, summer and fall/winter by Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity.® POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE QUILL OF ALPHA XI DELTA, 8702 Founders Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268 Volume 108/Issue 2 Copyright 2011 by Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity; all rights reserved. Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity 8702 Founders Road Indianapolis, IN 46268 317.872.3500 Submission Deadlines Spring issue – January 23 Summer issue – June 1 Fall/Winter issue – September 6 Submission Procedures Text and photographs may be emailed to the Editor or to the Fraternity Headquarters address listed above. Photographs submitted become the property of the Fraternity. Digital images must be taken using the highest settings on a camera that’s at least 3.2 megapixels. Address/Name Changes Visit or mail changes to 8702 Founders Rd., Indianapolis, IN 46268.

Steadfastness of Soul A Sister’s story of being a soldier in Afghanistan and the Sisters that have kept her going.


National Executive Director Elysia Balster Gallivan, South Dakota ’93 Director Of Communications and Marketing Lauren Blankenbaker Felts, Indiana ’03 National Council 2009-2011 National President Sandi Edwards, Kentucky ’75 National Vice Presidents Michele Herbst Evink, South Dakota State ’86 Nancy Fehremann Gainer, Iowa State ’69 Gina Willis Hawkins, Jacksonville State ’86 Jennifer Emerick Kuntz, Northern Iowa ’92 Wendy Kurtz, Indiana ’90 Nealy Patty Wheat, West Georgia ’97

In This Issue 3

Letters to the Editor


Member News


Fraternity News




Housing News


Alumna Profile


NPC News


Sister to Sister


Realize Your Potential


Foundation News


Meeting our ELCs and LCs


Chapter Eternal


From the Archives

21 she Autism News On the cover: When can’t Speaks meet face to face, Erin Shill, Indiana ‘10, stays in touch with 46 Living Our Symphony Sisters online. Learn how Sisters use technology to stay connected, beginning on page 10.

The Mission of The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta To inform, inspire and challenge. To sustain and nurture membership loyalty and interest. To recognize individual, group and Fraternity accomplishments. To provide a forum for the exchange of information and opinion. To be the permanent record for the Fraternity.

Letters to the Editor Remembering Victoria Boysen Kaspar

Autism Speaks. Alpha Xi Deltas are Listening.

Thank you so much for the special mention of Vicki Boysen Kaspar (Gamma Delta ’71) in the Chapter Eternal section of The Quill. I burst in to tears when I saw it, as it has a very special meaning for me. I am an alumna of Millard South High School where Dr. Kaspar was my 10th grade English teacher. She was quite possibly the gentlest and sweetest woman I had ever met. I really admired her patience and passion for teaching us, at times, unruly teenagers. I’ll never forget something she wrote on a composition of mine that she had graded; she gave me an A+ and encouraged me to be a writer. It gave me such confidence in my writing skills, that before the pull of medicine took me towards the sciences and my current profession, I strongly considered a career in journalism. Dr. Kaspar’s husband is a cousin of my mother’s, and I was so thrilled when she and Ron were able to make it to my wedding in 2005. I had a hard time calling her anything other than “Mrs. Kaspar”, but I was so genuinely happy to see her. I don’t have many other teachers that I would have been happy to see at my wedding (I did invite a couple!), but seeing her at the reception was a memorable moment. What hurts me the most now is I only learned after her passing that she was an Alpha Xi Delta Sister. At my wedding, my Rho Chapter Sisters serenaded me and my new husband with a couple of our special chapter songs. She and I never got a chance to speak after that, so we never made the connection. I am so proud to call her a Sister, yet I wish I could have done so while she was still with us. The bonds of sisterhood would have been so sweet to have shared with her. Dr. Kaspar’s sweet and graceful nature is that much more special and admirable because it truly befits an Alpha Xi Delta woman. As heartbreaking as it is to see a loved one’s name on the Chapter Eternal pages, it is so sweet to know that others thought as much of her as I did, and that her legacy will live on through us all.

For years I volunteered with Special Teens Project, an organization that provides social programs and activities for mentally, emotionally and physically challenged teenagers and adults in Lower Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Shortly before their Saturday bowling program began, one father and his daughter who has autism came in the doors, and he told his daughter that he had to ask me a question. He walked over to me, and as he opened his mouth to speak, his daughter’s eyes focused on mine and she said hello to me, by name. I smiled and said, “Hello, Diana.” She gave me a quick smile and then her eyes traveled off, as if they were following a fly that was flying near the ceiling. Her father, with a tear in his eye, said, “Do you know that I haven’t heard her say anything in four years?” Volunteering is often a thankless job, a lot of hard work and very few rewards. I’ve volunteered with other organizations since, and whenever I get frustrated, I remember that one second when Diana spoke to me and I keep going–the effort is worth it. Ruthann Crane, Epsilon Chi ’73

Thank you again, Gina Todero Mangine, Rho Chapter, ’96

Facebook Comments So proud to see the photo of Sisters from Delta Alpha, Epsilon Alpha and the Minneapolis-St. Paul Alumnae Association at our 2010 Walk Now for Autism Speaks! Becky Soderholm, Epsilon Phi ’97 Those ladies from the Alpha Xi Delta Alumnae Association-Triangle of North Carolina are looking amaXIng! Claudine Caro, Epsilon Lambda ’92

Connect! @alphaxidelta

CORRECTION: Diane Stiegal, University of Florida ’83, was listed with an incorrect initiation year of ’42 in the Chapter Eternal section of the Spring issue. The Fraternity apologizes for this error.

WRITE TO US! Thank you to all Sisters who submitted their stories and letters to the editor for this issue. Remember, The Quill is for YOU! We want to hear what you think about your magazine. Send your comments on this issue of The Quill to the


The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Summer 2011

Editor at or Lauren Felts at the Fraternity Headquarters mailing address. The Editor reserves the right to select letters for publication and to edit for style and length.

Fraternity News

New | NOW | Next New | Legacy Policy. With recruitment right around the corner, Alpha Xi Delta wanted to remind readers of the new, slightly-altered legacy policy. Please do your best to familiarize yourself with this policy and to educate all members on these new guidelines and the value of our legacies. If you have any questions, please call Fraternity Headquarters at 317.872.3500. What is an Alpha Xi Delta legacy? Typically, she is the granddaughter, daughter, sister or niece of an Alpha Xi Delta member in good standing. There are instances when women are related to an Alpha Xi by step or half-relations resulting from blended or other non-traditional family structures. When this is the case, the young woman is considered a legacy if the Alpha Xi Delta member considers her to be one and asks that she be recognized as a legacy on the Potential Member Profile. How are you notified of potential new members that have legacy status? It is ultimately up to the Alpha Xi Delta family member to notify the Fraternity and / or the chapter of a legacy by submitting a Potential Member Profile well in advance of formal recruitment. It is not the responsibility of the potential new member or the Panhellenic council to report their legacy status to anyone. This means that the enrollment of a legacy in the Rose Petals Program does not recognize any potential new member’s legacy status. Again, submitting a Potential Member Profile is the only way to notify the Fraternity of your relative’s legacy status. What happens when you receive notification of a legacy? As they do for any potential new member, chapters should acknowledge the submitting alumna when they receive a Potential Member Profile for an Alpha Xi Delta legacy. In addition, every chapter member should know of the Alpha Xi Delta legacies going through formal recruitment. How is this policy applied during recruitment? During formal recruitment, all Alpha Xi Delta legacies will be invited through the first round of invitational events. However, this does not apply for those campuses with only one invitational event or for those chapters where the number of Alpha Xi Delta legacies participating in formal recruitment exceeds a chapter’s carry figure. For all other campuses, in the following invitational rounds, no recognized legacy should be released from recruitment without permission of the National Council’s designee. Also, any legacy attending the final Preference round must be placed on the first bid list. Why is this the Fraternity’s legacy policy? Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity believes each legacy should be able to make her own decision and inform her Alpha Xi Delta family member(s) of her recruitment status. This allows the legacy to choose the time and manner in which she shares this information with her family. Keep in mind that all membership selection decisions are strictly confidential at the chapter level and will not be shared with alumnae. This means that alumnae will receive no information about the status of an Alpha Xi Delta legacy (or any other potential new member) or the membership selection process.

Note: These changes do not reflect the Alpha Xi Delta policy regarding the value of our legacies or the importance of pledging our legacies. The Fraternity will continue to educate all members of Alpha Xi Delta on this legacy policy and the value of our legacies.

Now | ΑΞΔ on the go Stay connected with Alpha Xi Delta while on the go! Access Fraternity news, events and more with your smartphone. Simply visit on your phone and you’ll be instantly directed to the mobile version of our website. Want to check it out now? Download a QR code reader app on your smartphone and scan this code.

Next | Extension Alpha Xi Delta is pleased to announce it has been selected to establish chapters at the following universities: DePaul University: Fall 2011 With more than 25,000 students, DePaul University is the largest Catholic university in the United States and the largest private, nonprofit university in the Midwest. The university offers 275 graduate and undergraduate programs of study on two Chicago campuses, four suburban campuses and several international locations. Western Kentucky University (WKU): Fall 2011 WKU is the fastest growing university in Kentucky for 13 years straight, with nearly 21,000 students gracing WKU campuses in Glasgow, Owensboro Elizabethtown, and the main campus in Bowling Green where our Epsilon Kappa Chapter will be recolonized. Epsilon Kappa Chapter was originally founded in 1967. University of Rhode Island (URI): Fall 2011 Alpha Xi Delta first installed its Beta Upsilon Chapter at the University of Rhode Island in 1948. URI is the principal public research university in Rhode Island, with its main campus located in Kingston. University of Maryland–College Park (UMD): Fall 2012 UMD represents a re-colonization of our Beta Eta Chapter. UMD is a public research university located in the city of College Park in Prince George’s County, Maryland, just outside of Washington, D.C. If you are interested in volunteering to assist with any of these colonizations, please visit the alumnae section of to fill out a volunteer interest form. You can also contact Tracy Osborne, Director of Member Services, at for more information.


Fraternity News

IOTA PI CHAPTER INSTALLED AT COASTAL CAROLINA UNIVERSITY By Courtney Hankins Fluty, Texas State University-San Marcos ’00

The newest members of Alpha Xi Delta’s Iota Pi Chapter.

April 17, 2011 not only marked the 118th anniversary of Alpha Xi Delta, but also the installation of our newest chapter at Coastal Carolina University–Iota Pi. In addition to the 63 colony members, 13 alumnae were initiated into our Sisterhood, most of whom were mothers of colony women. Colony Development Specialist, Alexis Pero, and Educational Leadership Consultant, Allison Zackaroff, also initiated their mothers. Perhaps one of the most remarkable alumnae initiates was Mildred Lane, the 91-year-old grandmother of colony member Laura Krebs. A congratulatory dessert reception was held after the Installation Ceremony. During this event, National President Deanna Detchemendy presented Lianne Koerner, colony president, with the official Iota Pi charter, along with a president’s gavel and Fraternity flag. Alpha Xi Delta was asked in November 2010 to join the Coastal Greek community. In January, ELC Allison Zackaroff arrived on campus to hold a successful colony recruitment and colonization period. “This was a very rewarding experience, and I am so blessed to have worked with this outstanding group of women,” Allison said. “I am so proud of their accomplishments thus far, such as raising $9,000 for Autism Speaks and Relay for Life, winning events during Greek Week and growing as one in such a short period of time.” Our newest Sisters are active on campus as resident advisors, club Lacrosse players, president of the student spirit


The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Summer 2011

club, Coastal Student Ambassadors and members of the Relay for Life Executive Committee, among others. Throughout the semester, the colony’s calendar kept members busy with Sisterhood socials, participation in other Greek organizations’ philanthropies and participation in Greek Week. The chapter held their first philanthropy week on campus and hosted events such as, Light it Up Blue and AmaXIng Challege: Xi Marks the Spot. With the installation of the Iota Pi Chapter, Alpha Xi Delta becomes the fifth Panhellenic organization on Coastal Carolina’s campus.

National President Deanna Detchemendy (left) presided over Iota Pi’s Installation Ceremony, welcoming Chapter President Lianne Koerner and her Sisters into the Fraternity.

Happy 100TH Birthday, By Lo May, Ohio ’08 Vice President of Public Relations


In early May, the Pi Chapter of Alpha Xi Delta welcomed more than 50 ecstatic alumnae back to Ohio University’s campus to celebrate the chapter’s 100th anniversary. The weekend-long celebration, held May 6-8, 2011, started with a Sisterhood event on Friday night at the Ohio University Inn where collegiate and alumnae Sisters connected and re-connected. Saturday began with breakfast at the chapter house where alumnae recounted stories of their time at Ohio University and spent time looking at scrapbooks with collegiate members. Alumnae were given tours of the recently renovated chapter house, and the collegians enjoyed watching the alumnae find themselves on composites and laugh affectionately as they remembered their collegiate years. The pinnacle of the weekend was the Saturday evening banquet held at the Nelson Banquet Hall. National President Deanna Detchemendy addressed the chapter and recounted the founding of the Pi Chapter. “The women of Pi Chapter have ensured that Alpha Xi Delta’s values and ideals, rituals and traditions have remained constant throughout the past 100 years. I am confident they will continue to instill these values to future Pi Chapter members thus sustaining the dream of our Founders so many years ago,” Detchemendy noted. “It was fun getting to know so many of [the collegiate members] on the campus tour, house tour, sharing stories in the dining room, uptown and at the dinner. (There are) so many amazing traditions that keep our Sisterhood strong,” said Carolyn Cuppernull, ’83 Ohio. Chapter President Eleni Balouris attended the event and took some time to reflect on the history of her chapter. “It is truly remarkable to be an active member of the chapter as it turned 100 years old. It is amazing to know that I am a part of something that has been here for so long and such an important part of the history of Ohio University,” said Balouris. Pi Chapter was founded on April 28th, 1911 after an offer of Sisterhood was extended to the members of a local sorority at Ohio University. In a letter from Ruth A. Sibley-Haskell, Editor of The Alpha Xi Delta, the Fraternity’s magazine at the time,

she described her first-hand account of the installation of the Pi Chapter. “Pi Chapter is broad in its interests and choice of members. It has a high scholastic standing, being represented in music, literature, oratory and art, and I assure you there is no lack in charm,” Sibley-Haskell wrote. “Our Scrap new girls are strong and books and p see h hoto ow th sincere, and it needs no album e Pi C s allow hapte ed me r has gift of prophecy to prember evolve s to d ove r the years. dict a successful future for the chapter and a strong impulse for the sorority.”

Marsha Fechter, an ’85 graduate said “great Xi weekend...a lot of catching up and laughter all weekend long! So wonderful to be able to return to OU and rekindle relationships with my Sisters!”

e with Alpha Xi Delta prid Everyone was bursting during the celebration.

“It was amazing to see how, after in some cases years of being apart, friends were able to reunite as if no time had passed at all. The reunion was a great reminder for Pi Chapter members of how strong Sisterhood can be. It made us all appreciate the friends we have made, the memories we’ve created and the time we have been blessed enough to share together.” – Lauren “Lo” May, Pi Chapter


National Housing

Preserving The Unique Experience of Greek Housing By Woody Ratterman, III COO\Partner, CSL Management, LLC

This year, Alpha Xi Delta began partnering with CSL Management, LLC to provide management services and housing expertise to our local housing corporation boards and chapters. CSL assists boards and chapters with day to day housing management, lease coordination, maintenance, project management, rent and dues processing, along with other services based upon individual needs. CSL Management, LLC is an operations consulting firm dedicated to preserving the unique experience of fraternity/sorority housing. Why is this important? Unlike other student housing operations, fraternity and sorority chapter houses offer residents opportunities to build lifelong friendships, develop leadership skills, and learn the importance of giving back to their communities and universities, all while getting the most out of their college experience. Fraternity/Sorority Housing today faces many challenges, including an aging infrastructure, lack of local alumnae volunteers, limited capital reserves and competition from other housing options with better amenities. These challenges require a consulting and operations management company that understands the needs of the members, the local alumnae and those of the national organization. It requires a company that knows how the various constituencies interact and how that informs the decision making process. CSL Management is different from other companies given the background of our consultants and the way we approach the operations of sorority properties. Our team members and consultants are fraternity and sorority alumni who lived in their chapter houses during college. They have volunteered at almost every level and avenue of their fraternity or sorority, from the local house corporation to the national board of directors, including on housing staffs. You will be hard pressed to find another firm that truly understands sorority housing from every angle. This experience allows our team to build solutions that help solve the unique challenges house corporations, national housing operations and universities face with their chapter houses. We work with properties all over the country, and consult with


The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Summer 2011

BEFORE AFTER CSL Management was supposed to do a cosmetic face lift on this bathroom, but when they opened the walls there were several plumbing issues, and the housing corporation rebuilt the entire structure.

Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity Headquarters on a variety of housing initiatives. The experience of our consultants, along with the variety of the clientele we serve, allows us to provide custom tailored solutions to address the needs of our clients. CSL Management can work to address a specific issue or offer turnkey day to day management services and anything in between. Our philosophy is to first listen to our clients to determine their needs and see where they believe they need help. We then work to determine the best services to provide the solution they seek. If you have any questions about CSL Management, LLC or other services the National Housing Corporation provides, please contact Jennifer Foster, Director of Housing, at Follow CSL Management’s blog at

NPC News

My Daughter Will Be a Sorority Girl …And Why That Shouldn’t Be a Problem By Tatum L. Ryan-Twomley, Michigan State ’95 There are many things I didn’t retain from my college days. Loads of information that was expensively paid for, but left my head the moment my final exam was over. However, one thing that remains with me is the Greek alphabet and the catchy, little song that goes with it. Even though the ability to recognize every Greek letter has no usable function in my life, my brain will automatically start boppin’ to the beat of “alpha, beta, gamma, delta...” any time I see someone’s letters plastered across the back of their car. At that moment, I am instantly transported back to the days when I lived with my best friends, life was all about me, and I thought I would be young forever. So yes, I am proud to admit I am a sorority girl. As a proud sorority girl all grown up, I have no problem that my daughter, a sophomore in high school, is already a registered legacy with Alpha Xi Delta. She is fully aware she will be expected to go through recruitment and join a sorority in college. Whenever someone hears about my plans for her and where I want her to be during her college years, the reaction I typically get is a horrified, “why?” Why would I willingly allow and support my daughter’s participation in what is generally considered to be a bad environment? I have heard every argument against the Greek system, but my position continues to hold firm. I truly believe the lessons and friends she will take away from the Greek life experience will be a huge benefit to her in the future. When I was growing up, my dad, who was president of his Sigma Chi chapter in college, would tell us tales of his own college days. They were filled with stories of brotherhood and memories that still bring a smile to my dad’s face. His Greek letters surround the house, and his Fraternity certificate is proudly displayed alongside his college degrees and military service awards. My dad encouraged me to join the Greek system, and I will be forever grateful to him. The women who became my Sisters in college are the ones who are, to this day, the most important to me. However cliché it may sound, my Alpha Xi Delta Sisters are the ones who helped me grow from a typical, self-conscious young girl into a strong, confidant woman. They are the ones

Tatum Ryan-Twomley and her daughter, Darrien Twomley, at her high school Homecoming. Twomley in 1995 with some of her Beta Theta Chapter Sisters.

who helped me laugh when I should have cried and who supported me, comforted me and encouraged me when my family was far away. We bonded over tough times and celebrated the good ones. Although that is the basis for many lasting friendships, my Alpha Xi Delta Sisters and I have an extra layer to ours that not everyone has. We share a code and a belief system we all swore to honor. We are part of something that began generations ago and has survived because women like us believed in its mission. We truly are part of a legacy and live with the knowledge that we contributed to its longevity. We grew into the women we are today-ones with honor, integrity and respect because of the model of generations of women that were placed before us. The Greek system may have its problems. But, when I think of sending my child off to school, the protection that a sorority can provide and the women she will meet, make me feel better about letting her take her first steps toward womanhood. I absolutely believe in sororities and Alpha Xi Delta, and I trust they will help her grow into the woman she has the potential to become. Tatum L. Ryan-Twomley is a contributor for Hartland Patch, a community-specific news and information website dedicated to providing comprehensive and trusted local coverage for individual towns and communities. You can read more of Tatum’s articles at


National Convention

National Convention is a great time for Alpha Xi Deltas from across the country to connect, rekindle old friendships, strengthen the bonds of Sisterhood, and most importantly, realize their potential. Let’s take a look back at Convention 2011 through the eyes of four Sisters who hit the road to meet up with nearly 600 Alpha Xi Deltas in Atlanta, Georgia!


The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Summer 2011


day Brittany Leiber Illinois ’09 Day One of Convention was all about catching up with old friends and getting to know new Sisters to form life-long friendships. My fellow Kappa Chapter Sisters and I walked into the hotel and were immediately surrounded by other Alpha Xi Deltas. We could feel the heart-sunshine as soon as we walked through the doors. Once we were all settled, we went down to the pool to begin the festivities. The poolside Meet and Greet event was fun, with Sisters eating, catching up and admiring the cute flip flops everyone had worn for the contest! We grabbed a seat and caught up on our lives at home. It had been awhile since we had last been reunited, so it was nice to hear about everyone’s summer break. Throughout the event, we met women from other chapters. We talked for a little and shared the different customs on each of our college campuses. It was fun talking to the other Sisters and hearing ideas to implement in our own chapter. Following the Meet and Greet, we headed to our territory meetings where we met Sisters from other chapters in and around Illinois. We took part in an ice breaker to get to know each other’s names, chapters and similarities. Next came the Sisterhood event. The hotel provided us with an ice tea and lemonade bar–complete with fresh fruit! While we were enjoying our drinks, we met women from the other chapter located in Illinois, Monmouth College, as well as some women from other Big Ten chapters. Meeting the women from the Big Ten chapters was the best part because I felt like my chapter could relate to them the most. Most of our campuses are pretty similar, so I felt like the advice and tips we got from them were very useful. During the Sisterhood event, there were professional photographers set up to take silly pictures of us with goofy props. We took pictures with the Monmouth Chapter and the Indiana University Chapter. The greatest picture of all, though, was our picture with Jane Sutton, who will become the National Panhellenic Council Chairman at this October’s NPC meeting. All in all, the first day of Convention was all about meeting new women and rekindling old friendships. We were able to make life long connections with each other and learn strategies we can take back to our chapter to help us succeed.

Pictured top: Members from the University of Illinois, posed for a fun picture with future NPC Chairman Jane Sutton. Jane will take the role of NPC Chairman in October. This the first time in 52 years that Alpha Xi Delta’s NPC delegate has served the national organization in this capacity. Pictured middle: Members of the Chesapeake Alumnae Association getting their “feet wet” during the Meet and Greet event. Sisters in the Chesapeake Alumnae Association have attended every Convention, except one, over the past 15 years. Pictured right: During the Meet and Greet event, members had the opportunity to network and bond with Sisters from across the country.




Pictured top: Sisters from the Atlanta area greeted Convention attendees in the hospitality area. (L-R) Paige Bushart, Cindy Holder, Kristen Russell, and guest writer Marilyn Whitmer. Pictured bottom: Cheers filled the air as the men of the Georgia Tech Glee Club rocked the house during the Sisterhood Social.

Marilyn Whitmer Georgia State ’82 As a native Atlantan, you can imagine my excitement when I heard Alpha Xi Delta’s 49th National Convention was coming to town. I enjoyed welcoming Alpha Xi Deltas from all over the United States with a “Welcome You All to Georgia”-the home of the Atlanta Braves, Margaret Mitchell and Coca Cola. As a delegate for the Atlanta North Metro Alumnae Association, I was fortunate to attend many of the breakout sessions offered at Convention. The “MAXimizing Your Reach” session discussed everything from networking online to MingleSticks. Since I am not very savvy in networking via the internet, I was impressed with the many free options we have available to our chapters and associations to promote ourselves and to recruit new members. An option I had not thought of before attending Claudine Caro’s session was using YouTube to tell your story. Instead of a newsletter, give your audience a visual, more compelling experience of your Sisterhood, recruitment and/or philanthropy. The MingleStick (see for more information) was an interesting introduction to networking during Convention. Rather than collecting numerous pieces of paper and business cards, as I have done in the past, I was able to click my MingleStick with other Sisters’ MingleSticks. Within a few seconds, I had their information downloaded on my computer and saved for future reference. I was able to slip away and go down to the Delta Xi Chapter’s townhouse at Georgia State University. I was quite envious of their new home, considering in my day we only had a room for 63 women to congregate. It was a little crowded to say the least!

11 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Summer 2011

Of course with every Alpha Xi function there is singing. I enjoyed singing in the chorus with my fellow Georgia Sisters, preparing for initiation and then watching my fellow alumnae Sister, Rigby Duncan, initiate her own daughter, Lyn Pharris, into the fraternity. What better way to show your daughter, sister or mother how much they mean to you, but to invite them to be a part of our very special Sisterhood! Now, if I can only get “The Heart of Rose” song out of my head...I thought I’d never reach that high note! Thanks, Michele Evink! The opening dinner was filled with high energy, enthusiasm and southern lingo–some of which I have never spoken. However, “everyone and their pig” was there to join in on the fun. Chapter spirit was the theme with a splash of Atlanta history, complete with bottles of Coke, pom poms and baskets of peaches. And if you thought you could not get enough Southern hospitality, we then joined our Sisters for the Sisterhood event at the pool atrium where we dined on peach cobbler and pecan pie, and the Georgia Tech Men’s Glee Club serenaded our Sisterhood. My personal favorite song was the “Ramblin’ Wreck” theme song. My very favorite part of the Convention was the Rose Petal Party where I was able to share Alpha Xi Delta cheers, songs, crafts and ice cream sundaes with my three Rose Petals–Charlotte, Georgia and Savannah. The Gamma Eta women did a great job of hosting this event. My girls were so inspired that they requested to help in the hospitality room the next morning. They welcomed Alpha Xi Deltas to Atlanta while wearing their Alpha Xi Delta Rose Petal shirts, but actually spent the more time bidding on Foundation merchandise at the silent auction. They left the Convention wearing their goods, and this inspired me to purchase an Alpha Xi Delta shirt to do some myself. Alpha Xi Delta spirit is contagious!

Why I Listen Ann Gibbons, Alpha Deuteron ’11 It has been my honor to work with the women of Alpha Xi Delta for the past two years. Alpha Xi Delta chose Autism Speaks as its national philanthropy and the experience for me, as Autism Speaks point person for Alpha Xi, has been incredible. Collegiate and alumnae members share a bond that crosses over all geographic and age distinctions. I have been so impressed and so grateful for your support and friendship that I made the decision to join this wonderful women’s fraternity as an Alpha Deuteron Chapter member at the 2011 Convention. The day after my initiation I had another wonderful experience. On Friday morning July 8th, more than 500 women gathered for the Philanthropy Breakfast. Four Sisters shared their dedication to our philanthropic partnership in a moving presentation called, “Why I Listen.” I shared the stage with three fascinating women: one collegian who is pursuing a summer autism research project; one young professional who has dedicated her life to teaching youngsters with autism; and one mom, who is raising her five-year-old son with autism and knows that she has the entire Sisterhood walking this journey with her. Nothing I can write here will add to what these women so eloquently shared with our Sisters who were present. Once again, they confirmed to me why I listen. To view the “Why I Listen” presentation, visit our Convention blog at

Ann Gibbons, Katarina Ellich, Laura Lyerly Milliken and Erin Finn spoke about why they listen during the Philanthropy Breakfast. A child is diagnosed with autism every 20 minutes and each of these women had a unique story to share of how they have been impacted by autism.

BetXi Bear was on hand at the Gamma Eta Chapter house to greet Rose Petals and pose for pictures.

Our Rose Petals This year at National Convention, Alpha Xi Delta held a special event for its legacies. This was the first time the Fraternity sponsored an event exclusively for our Rose Petals! These young legacies were invited to the Georgia Tech Chapter House for an afternoon of fun. After being greeted by BetXi Bear, these young ladies joined the women from the Gamma Eta and the Zeta Omega Chapters in singing Alpha Xi Delta songs, eating ice cream, making headbands and polishing their nails! Before saying goodbye, each Rose Petal got to take home a picture of themselves at the chapter house in their very own Alpha Xi Delta picture frame. Interested in making your daughter, niece or granddaughter a Rose Petal? Check out our website to learn how! This special legacy program is for those ages 16 and younger. Upon registration for the program, each Rose Petal receives a welcome note from the National President, special greetings and birthday cards, as well as, an appreciation of our Sisterhood. Want to see more photos from Convention? Visit Digital Pix’s website at




Past National Vice President Sue Mamber (left) and guest Convention writer Paige Faries (right) took time out to meet and greet Sisters in the Hospitality area.

Paige Faries Western Kentucky ’71 Ah, the third day of Convention-you are bittersweet. This day is sweet because it’s another wonderful day of Sisters, information and activities, and bitter because it’s the last day of Convention. Tonight we’ll say farewell for another two years. It’s been wonderful meeting Sisters, renewing old friendships, making new ones, learning and laughing. It feels great to be an Alpha Xi Delta! The day began with a reminder to us about our lifetime commitment through the Rededication Ceremony, and followed with the National Chapter meeting. The Chaplin’s address by Michele Evink is, as she was all week, inspiring, motivating, thoughtful and uplifting. And, as efficient as ever, Deanna Detchemendy, our National President moves us through the agenda. Elections for Foundation Trustees and introductions of Trustees and National Housing Corporation Board are made, committee reports are given, and the meeting adjourned. Thank you, Deanna, for your inspiring leadership for the past four years. You are Alpha Xi Delta! Welcome to Sandi Edwards, incoming National President. I am confident the leadership of our Fraternity is in good hands. The Silent Auction for the Alpha Xi Delta Foundation concludes this morning. So many wonderful items have been offered for bidding and purchase. Whether you’ve donated an item or purchased one, all proceeds of this fund raising activity goes to our Foundation and the support it gives to our Sisterhood. It’s reported that approximately $6,000 was raised for the Foundation by the Silent Auction! After National Chapter, we headed into breakout sessions to learn more about resources available to collegians and alumnae. There are so many good sessions to choose from, and it was definitely difficult to make a decision on where to spend my time. From TFJ, a Ritual program session, to Exclusively Xi, there was something for everyone. In case you haven’t checked it out, Exclusively Xi allows you to create your own Alpha Xi Delta profile where you can link to your Facebook account, participate in polls and get the latest Fraternity news.

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Saturday afternoon is ablaze with opportunity. The Conversation Café and NHC Block Party are a swirl of activity and a chance for knowledge exchanges. Some popular places to visit are the MAX for Alumnae, the National Panhellenic Conference and the National Council tables. Alpha Xi Delta NPC Delegates were on-site to answer questions and learn about when Jane Sutton will take the NPC Chairman role. The National Council table allowed Sisters to meet and get-to-know Council members. Sisters are everywhere, talking, visiting and learning. The NHC Block Party has vendors that work with the National Housing Corporation to help support local housing corporations. Fun items, like Pottery Barn gift cards and gift baskets were given away. I’ll be working and learning more about these vendors in my Director role for the National Housing Corporation Board. Finally, it’s time for the Rose Banquet. As always, the decor is beautiful with the loveliest centerpieces. The room is alive as this is the last time for Sisters to visit and celebrate our Sisterhood. Congratulations to the Penman Award winners, and thank you for your support and encouragement of Alpha Xi Delta. Congratulations to all the Xi Achievement winners. Wow!-What a great way to end your year with an acknowledgement of your hard work and dedication. You are the future of Alpha Xi Delta! Everyone is on pins and needles as the location for National Convention 2013 was announced. Alpha Xi Delta’s 50th National Convention in the city by the bay brought a cheer from the Rose Banquet attendees, and we quickly made plans to meet again in San Francisco. Then, bittersweet, together in our circle of Sisterhood, singing the Sisterhood of Women, we ended the 49th Alpha Xi Delta National Convention.

Making a Splash with Awards This year, Alpha Xi Deltas gathered at the Georgia Aquarium to celebrate those Sisters and chapters who have had great accomplishments in the past year. Among these awards were certificates of recognition and scholarships for collegiate members, as well as the alumnae’s highest honor, the Woman of Distinction Award. The evening started out with a reception where Alpha Xis mingled with one another and tasted delicious appetizers. When the awards ceremony finally began, we were welcomed into the banquet hall by sea creatures swimming in their surrounding tanks. The tanks were so large and so close; it almost felt like we were in the tank with them! Congratulations to everyone who won an award! We are proud to call you Sisters and know you will continue to realize your potential. For a complete list of award winners, please visit

Pictured above: Sisters took in the breathtaking views of aquatic life in the Oceans Ballroom at the Georgia Aquarium. The large tanks provided a memorable backdrop for our Awards Banquet. Pictured middle: Sisters pose while sporting their new Alpha Xi gear. Pictured bottom: Sisters took time to reconnect and make new friendships during Convention 2011.

Standout Sister Jennifer Burris, Central Oklahoma ’08, received the Quackenbush Leadership Award, the Fraternity’s most prestigious collegiate honor. This award is named after Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity leader and community leader Elizabeth Roberts Quackenbush, Ohio State ’23, and it is presented each year to outstanding graduating seniors who have made significant contributions to Alpha Xi Delta through chapter loyalty, campus leadership, community service and academic achievement. Congratulations Jennifer!

A little about Jennifer… • Graduated in May 2011 with a degree in Elementary Education and a 3.92 GPA • Served her chapter as public relations vice president, ritual chair, chaplin, alumnae relations and Sisterhood chair • Member of Kappa Delta Pi and Order of Omega honor societies • Involved in the President’s Leadership Council, West Hall Council, Association for Childhood Education Int., Canterbury Association, UCOSA, Panhellenic Council and Oklahoma Student Government Association • Awarded Top All Greek Scholar • Will begin her first year teaching high school math in the fall


Woman of Distinction 2011 Within our accomplished circle of Sisterhood is an elite group of women–women who go the extra mile, radiate heart-sunshine and put into practice the principles of Alpha Xi Delta. These alumna Sisters are the best of the best–the shining stars among us. They are Alpha Xi Delta Women of Distinction. Every two years at National Convention the Fraternity bestows this highest alumnae honor upon Sisters who provide outstanding service to their communities and attain eminent achievement within their profession. These Sisters have been widely recognized in their field, and many have received national and international acclaim. Alpha Xi Delta is proud to recognize this year’s Woman of Distinction recipient and to call her a Sister.

Dr. Sandra Adamson Fryhofer, Georgia Tech ’76 Dr. Fryhofer is currently a doctor of internal medicine in Atlanta, Georgia at Piedmont Hospital and works at Emory University of Medicine as a Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine. After receiving her bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology, Dr. Fryhofer received her M.D. from Emory University School of Medicine. Since then she has served on many committees, has been active in the medical community and has dedicated her time to informing others on medical issues. Alpha Xi Delta is thrilled to announce Dr. Fryhofer as a Woman of Distinction,” said Deanna Detchemendy, Alpha Xi Delta National President. “She is actively involved in the medical community and through her work, demonstrates leadership skills and service opportunities. She clearly lives Alpha Xi Delta’s mission and encourages others to realize their potential.” More about Dr. Fryhofer • Winner of the Miss Georgia pageant and contestant in the Miss America pageant • Served as the youngest president and second woman selected for the American College of Physicians from 2000-2001 • Is currently a member of the Woman’s Day Health and Fitness Advisory Board and a member of the ACP Adult Immunization Advisory Board

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The Georgia Aquarium was the perfect backdrop as Dr. Fryhofer accepted her Woman of Distinction Award from National President Deanna Detchemendy along with her husband, George.

• Videoblog and podcast series “Medicine Matters” has been featured on WebMD’s Medscape and is available on iTunes • Her favorite hobby is tap dancing To view the Woman of Distinction video, visit our YouTube Channel at

Meet Our New National Council National President Sandi Edwards, University of Kentucky ’75 What do you look forward to the most about being National President? Alpha Xi Delta has been one of the most important facets of my life – it has been ‘home’ for me since I was in college. Serving as National President is an incredible opportunity to positively impact Alpha Xi Delta's future, ensure our organization’s sustainability and continued success. I look forward to working with our collegiate and alumnae Sisters–friends I know, and friends I will meet–and welcoming a new generation of women home to Alpha Xi Delta!

National Vice Presidents Michele Evink, South Dakota State University ’86 Who inspires you to realize your potential? I am fortunate to be inspired to realize my potential by not a person, but a group of people, my students. I precept students, primarily in their sixth year of pharmacy school. In deciding to accept students ten years ago, my goal was to allow them to see the joys of practicing pharmacy in a small, rural hospital. When I began, I hoped to inspire students to look at rural practice for their future. In return, they have inspired me to keep my practice progressive and clinically sound. They inspire me to continue to look for better ways to care for patients. They inspire me to ask questions, seek out educational opportunities and to be a better pharmacist. For me, potential is the excellence in you that you reach toward and actively seek. It’s the piece of you that is never fully revealed, always in development, a work in progress. Professionally, my students continue to inspire me to realize my potential. Nancy Gainer, Iowa State University ’69 What do you look forward to most serving on National Council? I look forward to the opportunity of working with fellow Council members and Fraternity staff to guide the direction of our organization. Alpha Xi Delta has been an important part of my life since I first repeated the vows of membership. Serving on our Council provides me with opportunities to share my passion for Alpha Xi Delta, broaden my circle of friendships and to make a difference by instilling in others the love and dedication I have for our Fraternity.

2011-2013 National Council members (L-R) Wendy Kurtz, Jennifer Kuntz, Regina Hawkins, Sandi Edwards, Nancy Gainer, Nealy Patty Wheat, Michele Evink.

Gina Hawkins, Jacksonville State University ’86 What three words would you use to describe your membership in Alpha Xi Delta? Heart-Sunshine! AWESOME! Lifetime friendships! Jennifer Kuntz, University of Northern Iowa ’92 What does Sisterhood in Alpha Xi Delta mean to you? Alpha Xi Delta sisterhood feels like family. It includes a genuine love and respect for one another, and it encompasses a sense of loyalty that moves us to always support a Sister in need. Wendy Kurtz, Indiana University ’90 What is your favorite Alpha Xi Delta memory? My favorite Alpha Xi Delta memory is building a new chapter house and moving in my senior year. When I joined the Beta Pi Chapter at Indiana University, we had just recolonized on campus three years earlier and were still housed in the residence halls. Our dedicated corporation board led a successful capital campaign, and the entire chapter got involved in fundraising–commissioning a limited edition print to sell, hosting an auction during our annual Mom’s Weekend and selling commemorative bricks for the back patio of the house. We moved into the new house the beginning of my senior year, and I was proud to serve as co-housing manager that first year. It was such an amazing feeling for my chapter, knowing we had turned our dream of a house into reality. Nealy Wheat, University of West Georgia ’97 How do you live heart-sunshine? As I go about my day, I try to take the opportunities that life has given me to show compassion and kindness to people I encounter, even in every day brief exchanges. Life can be hectic and extremely busy, but I try to make it a priority to be genuinely kind and caring. It brightens my own outlook to share a smile or offer a kind word. Heart-sunshine is prevalent in all aspects of my life–my marriage, my career, my family and my friends. I feel a great responsibility and desire to share those values, the values of Alpha Xi Delta, with others.


Realize Your Potential

Katherine Teodosic Her love of cooking started early–the fact that a Little Tikes kitchen lit up her sleepy eyes as a three year old on Christmas morning was a telling sign that she had a future in the culinary world. “Growing up, I was constantly surrounded by great food and true hospitality–I remember waking up on any given day to the Katherine poses with famous savory scent of simmering caponata, French chef, Jacques Pepin. stewing osso bucco, fresh baked cranberry-orange biscotti, or whichever other delectable dish my mother was concocting that day,” Katherine Teodosic, Albion ’04, reminisces. She started learning how to cook at the age of five, through “helping” in the kitchen, observation and, of course, trial and error. “All things culinary were central in our family and circle of friends, and everyone seemed to have some connection with the industry, whether as chefs, restaurateurs, caterers or even front of the house employees.” Katherine has a passion to not only cook and create beautiful dishes, but to share those experiences with others, and it is just that passion that inspired her to start the blog Stainless Steel Thumb. “It is a perfect platform to challenge myself in the kitchen with unusual ingredients, and to let my creativity thrive–all while being able to share it with an interested, receptive audience,” she said. “Stainless Steel Thumb has opened up a world of opportunities–connecting me with farmers, purveyors, artisan producers, chefs and other food fanatics, discussing recipes and techniques, as well as presenting me with various business opportunities.” Proudly, Stainless Steel Thumb (SST) was recognized in a nationwide Best Home Cooking Blog contest after only four months, increasing Katherine’s exposure and introducing her to new contacts. Two premiere chefs, Mary Sue Milliken and Susan Feniger, also acknowledged her for a fish taco recipe she created. See the recipe to the right, and try it out for yourself! Currently, Katherine resides in New York City, working as the Assistant Director of Room Service at The Waldorf=Astoria Hotel (W=A). “We work to make the everyday experience fantastic, but also to create unforgettable moments for special occasions including award dinners, weddings, anniversaries and the like,” Katherine said. Prior to The W=A, she gained invaluable experience working for Matt Prentice Restaurant Group, Zingerman’s, and Hillstone Restaurant Group, and she calls these opportunities 17 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

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“career steps” that helped bring her where she is today. “Anyone working in this industry couldn’t ask for a better city than New York–especially from a culinary standpoint.” Katherine said. “There is such a high concentration of world-class chefs, restaurants, along with access to such superlative ingredients, that it’s hard not to be inspired. The relationships and bonds I’ve formed, the business networking and the exposure I’ve gotten from Stainless Steel Thumb has truly helped me realize my potential in the food world.” Connect with Katherine at, and be sure to check out her blog at

Ancho-Rubbed Salmon Tacos with Spicy, Sweet Pea Salsa Verde (Serves 4) • 1.5-2 lb. salmon filet, from the shoulder end, or center cut • 4 T ancho chili powder Caramelized Onions: • 2 large sweet yellow onions, thinly sliced • 2 T olive oil • 1/2 t kosher salt Salsa verde: • 1 cup peas (frozen is fine) • 4 T fresh mint, chopped • 1 jalapeno, sliced (more or less, depending on how hot you like it!) • 2 T cucumber, chopped • 3 limes, 2 juiced, and one cut into 8 wedges for garnish • Kosher Salt Additional Fillings: • 3/4 c thinly sliced red cabbage • 1/2 plain Greek yogurt • 1 cup cilantro leaves, roughly chopped • 8-10 small corn or flour tortillas, warmed if you prefer To begin, start by caramelizing your onions, this takes the longest time out of anything, but is well worth the wait. Heat a sauté pan large enough to hold all of the onions over mediumlow heat, and swirl in 2 T of olive oil. Once the oil is shimmering, add in the sliced onions and one generous pinch of salt, tossing and stirring the onions until they are evenly coated. Once the onions have become tender (about 5 minutes), reduce the heat to low and slowly cook the onions, stirring frequently to ensure they don’t burn or become crispy. Cook for at least 30 minutes, or until the onions deeply caramel in color and buttery tasting. While the onions are cooking, you can make the salsa verde. Add the mint, peas, jalapeno, cucumber, lime juice and 1½ t of kosher salt into a blender, a food processor, or an immersion blender and puree the ingredients. Taste for seasoning and adjust if necessary. Set aside. Now for the salmon! For quicker cooking, as well as ease in flipping, you can have your fishmonger cut your salmon into smaller fillets. Combine ½ t worth of salt with the ancho chili powder, and stir to combine. Rub the chili mixture all over the flesh side of the fillet until evenly coated. Heat a large skillet over medium-high heat, and swirl in 3 T of olive oil to coat the bottom of the pan. If you don’t have a pan large enough to hold of the salmon fillets, do it in batches. Crowding the fillets will force the fish to steam itself rather than pan-sear. When the oil is shimmering, place in the salmon, flesh (chili rubbed) side down and cook for about 3 minutes, until a crust has formed. The fish will let you know when it's ready to flip–if you can't easily slide a spatula underneath, wait a bit longer. Once you flip, cook for another 2.5-3 minutes, until the skinned side has a crispy golden crust on it. This cooking time should yield a beautiful, just medium-rare temperature on the fish. If you prefer the fish cooked a bit more, go for it! Remove the fish from the pan and set aside. When ready to serve, you can either slice the fish, or just use a fork to break it up into small pieces for the tacos. You can utilize the skin too–it’s extremely healthy, and adds a nice crunch! To serve, you can set up a mini assembly line. Set out a plate of tortillas along with individual bowls of salsa verde, Greek yogurt, caramelized onions, and lime wedges. The salmon looks beautiful plated together with the purple cabbage, and cilantro. Savor and enjoy!

Elizabeth Doyle “(This was) a very challenging point in the trip with hundred mile days and nothing but the road ahead of you.” Pictured, Elizabeth taking a break during her ride on The Loneliest Road through Nevada.

Last summer, Elizabeth Doyle, Old Dominion ’08, took the ride of her life. She spent her summer cycling across the country, from Jacksonville, Florida to San Francisco, California, all in the name of raising money and awareness for affordable housing (AH) issues in the United States. “During my last year of college, I heard of Bike and Build, a nonprofit organization that arranges cross-country cycling trips for young adults with the purpose of raising money and awareness for affordable housing. Once accepted into the program, each rider had to raise $4,000 that goes towards a grant program for AH organizations across the country,” said Elizabeth. “Bike and Build organizes various routes across the country, and I participated in the southern route,” she noted. Her route was comprised of 33 cyclists, who raised a little more than $150,000 for the cause. Along the way, the team spent 15 days either renovating or building houses in cities such as New Orleans, Jacksonville, Dallas, Baton Rouge and Farmington (New Mexico). From working on a home’s foundation to shingling roofs and everything in between, the team tackled it all. Over the course of the trip, the team averaged an estimated 70 miles per day. By the end of the trip, Elizabeth estimates she racked up around 3,700 miles on her bike alone!

“We cycled everywhere. We experienced the muggy and ‘neverknow-when-it-could-rain’ roads of Florida, the cobblestone roads in downtown New Orleans, The Loneliest Road in America (US Route 50) through Nevada, the winding roads lined with grapes throughout California and the beauty of the west. The most rewarding part was getting there based on your own two feet and a lot of spinning,” she said. There were many points throughout the summer where Elizabeth thought to herself, “Why did I sign up for this?”. “I thought about all the people supporting me and those across the country I was helping. Among my most important supporters were my Sisters, who supported me throughout the entire journey,” Elizabeth said. “Whenever I thought about giving up, I would look at my lavaliere and remind myself about always reaching to realize my potential.” Looking back on her trip, Elizabeth said she wouldn’t exchange all the experiences and people she met along the way for anything in this world. “Crossing the California state border was one of the proudest moments of my life, and I truly felt like I had realized my full potential,” she expressed. Connect with Elizabeth at Learn more about Bike and Build at


Meet and Greet

Coming to a CAMPUS NEAR YOU! Meet our Educational Leadership Consultants and Leadership Coaches for 2011-2012.



Indiana University of Pennsylvania ’06 Fill in the blank: I’m surprised by… The amount of alumnae who pay their alumnae dues. I’m excited to teach the chapter women I meet about the Be The Heart Program and its potential to help Alpha Xi Delta grow.

Ohio State ’09 What is a fun, interesting fact about you? I was on Trading Spaces Family, a television show, when I was a freshman in high school. I learned how to use a staple gun and had lots of fun eating cream puffs with the camera crew! Our family room has since been remodeled, but we still keep a framed copy of the Trading Spaces tshirt we wore in the room as a reminder of our experience.

MARGEAUX FOX U of Washington ’07 What would be the motto to describe your leadership style? The recognition of personal strengths to foster a stronger whole and positively grow through courage, graciousness and peace.



Albion ’08 Fill in the blank: I love it when… I get to share a laugh or funny moment with my friends and family.

Western Michigan ’06 What three words best describe you? 1. Optimistic 2. Enthusiastic 3. Passionate

NICOLE VALDES Central Florida ’07 What’s your favorite song on your iPod right now? “Good Life” by OneRepublic. I really love this song because it talks about traveling and discovering new things, which ties into my new journey as an ELC.

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Wisconsin–Eau Claire ’07 What is a surprising fact about you? I have a license to drive a big, yellow school bus. Last summer I worked at a day camp and drove the yellow school bus for the campers. It was definitely a unique experience!

Miami University (Ohio) ’07 What is one item you can’t live without while on the road? My stuffed hippo will continue his journey with me this year! He is a great reminder of where I come from, where I’ve been and the possibilities of where I can go.

BECKY WILBANKS Auburn ’05 What is one item you can’t live without while on the road? My laptop because it keeps me connected to all my friends located across the country.



Georgia Tech ’06 What is your favorite song on your iPod right now? “Let It Be.” I especially love the “Across the Universe” version by Carol Woods because it is one of my favorite movies and the vivid scenes make the song more impactful.

Slippery Rock ’08 What would be the motto to describe your leadership style? “Everyone is doing a great job!” is my go-to phrase. It helps people get excited and push forward to realize their potential.


Autism Speaks

World Autism Awareness Day Every April 2, World Autism Awareness Day, Alpha Xi Deltas come together to shine a bright light on autism as a growing global health crisis. Sisters participate in Walk Now for Autism Speaks events, hold AmaXIng Challenges on their campus and help to raise awareness of autism in their communities. The Blue Ribbon Project was launched this year by Alpha Xi Delta. College chapters and alumnae associations distributed blue ribbons and autism facts cards on World Autism Awareness Day and throughout the month of April for World Autism Awareness Month in hopes to raise awareness for autism and promote Alpha Xi Delta’s partnership with Autism Speaks. Here’s what some of our Sisters did to observe the day and World Autism Awareness Month.

Zeta Theta, Wright State University The chapter shined a bright light on World Autism Awareness Day by covering Wright State University’s main campus in blue lights in support of “Light it up Blue.” The chapter sold glow-inthe-dark blue wristbands, passed out 2,000 blue ribbons and held a ‘Strike Out Autism’ event at the Wright State baseball game. During the first week of April, the chapter raised $550 for Autism Speaks.—Courtney Mowbray,

Fraternity Outreach On Friday, the eve of World Autism Awareness Day, Alpha Xi Delta representatives attended The Today Show with members of Alpha Xi Delta’s Epsilon Lambda Chapter at Rider University, Iota Nu Chapter at Monmouth University, Zeta Eta Chapter at West Chester University and Theta Delta Chapter at Towson University. After The Today Show, Alpha Xi Delta representatives attended a brunch at the New York Stock Exchange and joined Autism Speaks on the trading floor as they rang the opening bell.

West Chester | On World Autism Awareness Day, the members of Zeta Eta Chapter held a bake sale on their campus. In only a few hours, members raised nearly $150 for Autism Speaks.—Amanda Considine,

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Light It Up Blue For Autism More than 450 iconic landmarks–including the Empire State Building–and venues such as bridges, sports arenas, museums and restaurants in more than 120 U.S. cities and 30 countries pledged to Light It Up Blue to raise awareness for autism and to commemorate World Autism Awareness Day. Here are a few photos of how Alpha Xi Deltas lit it up blue! Cornell On April 1 and April 2 buildings all over the world were lit in bright blue to help kick off Autism Awareness Month and celebrate World Autism Awareness Day. The Alpha Beta Chapter house was lit blue for this event! Indiana The Beta Pi Chapter house shined brightly on World Autism Awareness Day. The National Housing Corporation donated $3,000 worth of Light It Up Blue kits to chapters who wanted to participate in the annual Light It Up Blue Campaign. Auburn The Zeta Xi Chapter initiated a new week-long Light It Up Blue event in recognition of World Autism Awareness Day. Sisters used blue light bulbs to light up the windows in their residence dorm hall and Cater Hall, one of Auburn's most historic landmarks. In addition, 25 fraternity houses were lit blue during the event. A lighting ceremony was held on Cater Lawn and featured speakers from a representative of the local autism support group and the director of Little Tree Preschool, a local school that provides programming for children with autism. Sisters also placed blue ribbons on the lapels of their dates for their biennial Pink Rose black tie formal, held at the Biltmore Hotel in Atlanta, Georgia.—Brooke Molnar,





Autism Speaks

Alpha Xi Delta and Autism Speaks Sisters raise awareness and increase donations.

NASCAR and Alpha Xi Delta | Alpha Xi Delta alumnae and Sisters from George Mason University and the University of Delaware volunteered their time on May 15, 2011 to help raise funds for Autism Speaks during the FedEx 400 benefiting Autism Speaks at Dover (Del.) International Speedway. Members manned kiosks that sold Autism Speaks merchandise, collected donations and handed out information cards with autism facts. More than $2,000 was raised by more than 20 members in the Epsilon Alpha Chapter at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire and the Delta Alpha Chapter from the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse.

Minneapolis-St. Paul | The Minneapolis/St. Paul Alumnae Association, along with chapters at Wisconsin–Eau Claire and UW–La Crosse, raised more than $2,000 for the Minnesota Walk Now For Autism Speaks event.

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Chesapeake Alumnae Association | Nancy Carman, Sheri Herbert, Robin Herman and Susan Robinson worked an Autism Speaks information booth at the Dorchester Showcase, a street fair, in Cambridge, Maryland. Sisters shared information about autism awareness, gave out Autism Speaks temporary tattoos and accepted monetary donations. Combined with other street fair events in Milton, Delaware, and Damascus, Maryland, Sisters raised more than $220 for Autism Speaks.—Susan Robinson,

Penn State | The Beta Lambda Chapter raised more than $1,500 for Autism Speaks during their first Xi Man Competition, an event where ten sororities sponsored ten fraternity men to compete for the Xi Man title. The winner was Ryan King, a member of Phi Kappa Sigma Fraternity. Ryan was inspired to enter the competition because his close family friend is affected by autism.—Kiera Missanelli,

Georgia Tech| The chapter joined forces with Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity to raise $2,000 for Autism Speaks during a Georgia Tech baseball tailgate. Many friends, family members and baseball fans were in attendance to show their support for Autism Speaks.—Sarah Strandell,


In Other Autism News…

National Convention | The Step It Up Event during Convention raised nearly $1,000 for Autism Speaks. ARIZONA Phoenix Alumnae Association The Phoenix Alumnae Association, with the help of members from the Theta Zeta Chapter at Embry-Riddle, raised nearly $2,000 during their annual Make It, Bake It, Sew It, Grow It fundraiser. Proceeds from the event went to Autism Speaks and Friends of Foster Children, the Association’s local philanthropy.—Elvira Bencomo,

DELAWARE Theta Gamma, University of Delaware In April, the chapter partnered with the city of Newark, Delaware for a 5K Walk/Run for Autism Speaks. After the walk, participants were invited to the Café Gelato in Newark for brunch. The Theta Gamma Chapter was recognized for the Outstanding Fundraising Award by Autism Speaks.—Dani Jelensperger,

CALIFORNIA Delta Rho, Cal State Northridge Shereen Gawad and Brianna Jiminez-Johnson attended the kick-off event for the 2011 Walk Now for Autism Speaks–Los Angeles at the Rose Bowl. Sisters were able to hear personal stories from families affected by autism and met other teams participating in the walk.

Missouri Epsilon Xi, University of Missouri-St. Louis and Gamma Nu, Southeast Missouri State University Members of the Epsilon Xi and Gamma Nu Chapters joined together to hold a Build-a-Bear philanthropy in Des Peres, Missouri. Participants donated 100 bears to the Ranken Jordan, a pediatric specialty hospital in St. Louis and The Autism Center. Katie Lynn, Missouri St. Louis ’09, said, “I enjoy working with and meeting other Sisters. We are all Alpha Xis, and that creates an instant and unbreakable bond”—Katie Lynn,

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NEW YORK Theta Theta, Brooklyn College To kick-off World Autism Awareness Month, the chapter handed out blue ribbons in front of the Brooklyn College library.— Patricia Lavelle, NORTH CAROLINA Theta Nu, Elon University On March 29, the chapter kicked off their observation of Autism Awareness month by sponsoring Elon’s College Coffee, one of Elon’s oldest and most appreciated traditions that brings Elon faculty, staff and students together. The Elon community enjoyed coffee and donuts while Sisters handed out Autism Speaks ribbons, leaflets and silly bands.—Jessica Phelan, OHIO Beta Xi, Marietta College The chapter held their first Puzzlepalooza event, a competition that challenges participants to put three puzzles together in 45-minute intervals. The team with the most pieces assembled at the end of the event wins. The event required a $5 registration fee, and members sold raffle tickets for prizes that were donated by local vendors. Overall, Beta Xi’s Puzzlepalooza raised $280 toward Autism Speaks. “Overall, I’d say this was a success,” said Philanthropy Chair, Elizabeth Oswalt.—Claire Lauderman, West Virginia Gamma Beta, Marshall University Members of the Gamma Beta Chapter participated in an autism awareness flash mob at the Capital Classic, the in-state rivalry basketball game between Marshall University and West Virginia University. Members chimed in during the song “Lean On Me” and handed out autism puzzle piece scarves. This flash mob was to help push the autism insurance bill for coverage of children with autism and their families in West Virginia. In April, West Virginia became the 25th state to require insurance coverage for autism.—Amanda Locke,

WISCONSIN Greater Milwaukee Alumnae Association During Autism Awareness Month, members worked with the Beta Psi Chapter at Carroll College to assemble the lunches that were sold at their place of employment as part of “Brown Bag It for Autism Speaks.” All proceeds from this event benefited Autism Speaks. During the “Walk Now for Autism Speaks Night” with the Milwaukee Bucks, Association members worked with the Theta Epsilon Chapter at Marquette University and the Delta Tau Chapter at the University of Wisconsin-OshKosh to spread awareness and run a fundraising raffle. For each ticket sold through this promotion, $5 per ticket was donated directly to Autism Speaks through the Alpha Xi Delta Walk Team. In May, Alpha Xi Delta had more than 60 volunteers at the Milwaukee Walk Now for Autism Speaks. Erika Schwane, Carroll ’04, sang the National Anthem and the team was honored as the top fundraising team, with more than $11,000 raised before Walk day!—Melissa Reed,

Marquette | Members of the Theta Epsilon Chapter raised money and helped to increase autism awareness in their community.


Member News

George Mason | The Iota Alpha Chapter received nine awards at the George Mason University Greek Life Standards of Excellence Awards. The chapter was recognized for excelling in risk management, philanthropy, overall excellence, membership education, leadership, academics, scholarship, chapter growth and retention. The chapter also received the "Best New Member" and "Best of the Best" awards.—Brooke Nunley,

University of Nebraska at Omaha | In April, the chapter took home many awards at the annual Greek Week Banquet. The Gamma Delta Chapter won the following awards: 2010 UNO Scholarship Cup; 2010 UNO Sports Cup; Fraternal Excellence Award; Completion of Greek Ideals Certificate; Outstanding Greek Advisor of the Year: Cheryl Miller; Outstanding Greek President of the Year: Brittney Smith; Outstanding Greek New Member of the Year: Mari Meza; UNO Philanthropy Award; and Highest Active GPA: Kelsie Olson. The chapter was also awarded the First Place Greek Week Spirit Cup Award, along with their Greek Week partners Theta Chi Fraternity.

27 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Summer 2011

East Tennessee State | Members of the Gamma Theta Chapter gathered in Atlanta for area-wide training. Front row: Sarah Jeffery, Sarah Quattlebaum, Ariel Farmer, Rachel Curcio. Middle row: Keeley Haggard, Allison Williams, Jordan Hightower, Leena Patel. Back row: Kaitie Sneed, Amanda Barton, Lyndsey Sorah.—Kaitlin Sneed,

Auburn | Melanie Garrard Calvert, Allison Smith Davis, Candy Mann Ward, Grace Byrd Morris, and Kathleen Reed Bright gathered to celebrate the Auburn football team’s 2010 National Championship title!—Candy Ward,

Ohio State | Psi Chapter members take a break to pose with The Ohio State mascot, Brutus Buckeye, while tabling at the Student Involvement Fair. The chapter welcomed 51 new members.—Alex Wallace,


Member News

Florida Atlantic | In March, Sisters of the Theta Iota Chapter attended a meet and greet with fellow Alpha Xi Delta Betsey Johnson, Syracuse ’62. Johnson was celebrating the opening of her newest store in the Boca Town Center Mall in South Florida. “(She) was ecstatic to pose for a picture and proudly hold up the Xi,” said Alexandra Sautter, Theta Iota ’10.—Alexandra Sautter,

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Houston Alumnae Association | Members gathered together to unleash their inner artist to paint a picture of the famous Eiffel Tower. Back row: Stephanie Quimby, Brandi Mattson, Dylana Wilson, Darah Eckert. Middle row: Kathleen Lopez, Kathleen Walton, Ginger Cearley, Monica Schafer. Front row: Ellen Brown, Heather Walch, Natalie Rogers. The Houston Alumnae Association is celebrating its 75th anniversary this year!—Lynn Walsh,

29 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Summer 2011

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Molly Zerener, Nebraska Lincoln ’08, and Kelsie Olson, Nebraska Omaha ’08, took some time to meet up at the first Starbucks in Seattle, Washington. The duo attended the National Assembly for Public Relations Student Society of America in Seattle, and were able to connect and get to know each other beforehand through their membership in Alpha Xi Delta.—Kelsie L. Olsen,

Maine Southern Maine Alumnae Association Sisters from the Epsilon Rho Chapter at the University of Southern Maine were paired with an alumnae aunt from the Southern Maine Alumnae Association. This was the first alumnae aunt program implemented with Epsilon Rho Chapter and the effort has been successful!—Sarah Jensen Farwell, New York Delta Zeta, C.W. Post Long Island Members of the Delta Zeta Chapter won Greek Week for the third year in a row on their campus. The chapter also won the following awards: Outstanding National/Alumni Support, Bonnie James; Outstanding Chapter President, Eileen Lorito; Outstanding Philanthropy, XiHOP Event; Academic Achievement and Traditional Chapter of the Year.

VeiJzahn Knight, Wisconsin Oshkosh ’11, was crowned Miss Oshkosh 2011. A week later at the Miss Fond du Lac Scholarship Pageant, VeiJzahn met Cecelia Abshire, Marian ’10, backstage and discovered they were both Alpha Xi Deltas! Cecelia was crowned Miss Fond du Lac 2011 that evening, and the two continue to meet up at other Miss Wisconsion events.—Cecelia Abshire,

North Carolina Iota Zeta, Wingate Grace Krauser won the annual Miss Wingate Scholarship. This opportunity is given to only one female each year and is based on academics, involvement and pride. This is the second year in a row an Alpha Xi Delta has received this title!—Jessica Josey,



Pikes Peak Alumnae Association | The ancient red sandstone rocks at the Arrowhead Golf Club provided the perfect setting for the Pikes Peak and Denver Alumnae Association’s Founders’ Day luncheon. Those in attendance included Jeannette Bruce, Susan Bigus, Gini Simonson, Fran Dudenhoeffer, Past National President, Lois Stump, Stacy Butler, June Hallenbeck, Deborah Grandia and Jo Weilbrenner. June Miekka, Michigan ’51, was inducted into the Order of the Pearl for 60 years of Fraternity membership.—Gini Simonson,

Sarasota Alumnae Association | Marjorie Monson, Ohio ’51, was inducted into the Order of the Diamond for 75 years of Fraternity membership. Ann Rarey, Ohio State ’51, received the Order of the Pearl for 60 years of membership, and Sue Shiring, Mount Union ’61, was inducted into the Order of the Rose for 50 years of membership during the Sarasota Alumnae Association’s Founders’ Day ceremony.—Nancy Gainer,

31 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Summer 2011

Mobile Alabama Alumnae Association | The Mobile Alabama Alumnae Association held their Founders’ Day on April 10. Marty Boor, Illinois ’51, was inducted into the Order of the Pearl for 60 years of Fraternity membership. Carolle Fitzpatrick, Alpha ‘59 was inducted into the Order of the Rose for 50 years of Fraternity membership, and Alicia Cochran Spencer, Auburn ’83, and Maria Nicaud Masterson, Alabama-Birmingham ’83 received their 25 year membership pendants.

Dallas, Fort Worth and Arlington, Texas Area Alumnae | Members Jeanine Stevens, Dolores English, Audora Milani and Lisa Bellah joined Sisters in the Fort Worth, Arlington and Dallas, Texas areas as well as the members of Zeta Lambda Chapter at Texas Wesleyan University for a Founders’ Day luncheon at Reata Restaurant in Fort Worth, Texas.—Jeanine Stevens,

East Carolina | National Vice President, Evonne Carawan joined the Gamma Phi Chapter at East Carolina University and the Theta Nu Chapter at Elon University for a Founders’ Day celebration. Sisters enjoyed lunch and held a Founders’ Day ceremony.—Katie Schafer,

Newark-Granville Ohio Alumnae Association | On April 9, the Newark-Granville Alumnae Association held their annual Founders’ Day celebration. Ruth Krumlauf, Mount Union ’36, was inducted into the Order of the Diamond for 75 years of Fraternity membership. Barbara Sines, Bowling Green State ’61, and Karen Treece, Baldwin-Wallace ’61, were both inducted into the Order of the Rose for 50 years of membership.

Hartford Alumnae Association | Members of the Hartford, Connecticut Alumnae Association and the Epsilon Nu Chapter at the University of Hartford gathered on April 10 to celebrate 118 years of Sisterhood.—Julie Landry,


Chapter Directory Use this handy directory to send a recruitment recommendation form (see page 38) to any of the chapters on this list. ALABAMA

Iota Omicron/San Jose State

Zeta Omega/West Georgia


Theta Eta/Western Michigan

Epsilon Pi/Jacksonville State

643 South 6th Street Apartment B San Jose, CA 95112 Jessica Dunham

Alpha Xi Delta University of West Georgia Box # 10052 Carrollton, GA 30118 Courtney Peek

Alpha Kappa/Kansas State

1702 Fraternity Village Drive Kalamazoo, MI 49006 Christina Henderson

Zeta Xi/Auburn



Alpha Xi Delta Dowell Hall Auburn, AL 36849 Lauren Duckworth

Epsilon Nu/Hartford

Iota Theta/Southern Polytechnic State

ATTN: Alpha Xi Delta 200 Bloomfield Avenue West Hartford, CT 06117 Jennifer Strid

Alpha Xi Delta 1100 South Marietta Pkwy. SE Marietta, GA 30060 Daphne Wright

Alpha Xi Delta 4200 Purdue Drive Metairie, LA 70003 Claire Cummings

700 Pelham Rd N JSU Box 3044 Jacksonville, AL 36265 Maggie Fletcher

601 Fairchild Terrace Manhattan, KS 66502 Sarah Gillespie

MISSOURI Delta Epsilon/New Orleans




Theta Gamma/Delaware

Epsilon Psi/Boise State

Epsilon Rho/Southern Maine

175 W. Main Street Newark, DE 19711 Marlena Cortese

1910 University Drive Boise, ID 83706 Amanda Khampha

134 Woodbury Campus Center University of Southern Maine Portland, ME 04104 Jacqueline Greene


Iota Kappa/Idaho State

Theta Zeta/Embry-Riddle Aeronautical-Prescott


3700 Willow Creek Road Prescott, AZ 86301 Danae Peoples

421 N Woodland Blvd Unit #8231 DeLand, FL 32703 Jessica Tubalado



Theta Iota/Florida Atlantic

Gamma Omega/ Henderson State

Alpha Xi Delta PO Box 273723 Boca Raton, FL 33427 Michelle Lauber

Alpha Xi Delta 1100 Henderson Street Arkadelphia, AR 71999 Kaitlyn Icenhower

Zeta Iota/Lyon

Theta Xi/Florida International

Alpha Xi Delta 2300 Highland, Box 217 Batesville, AR 72501 Caity Simpson

Alpha Xi Delta Campus Life Office 11200 SW 8th Street Miami, FL 33199 Isabel Maza


Theta Omicron/EmbryRiddle Aeronautical

Delta Rho/California StateNorthridge 17720 Halsted Street Northridge, CA 91325 Larissa Baez

Theta Beta/Sonoma State 6585 Commerce Boulevard # 296 Rohnert Park, CA 94928 Taylor Common

c/o Student Activities 600 S. Clyde Morris Blvd. Daytona Beach, FL 32114 Abigail Soley


ILLINOIS Kappa/Illinois

8000 York Road Box #4127 Towson, MD 21252 Meredith Labs

1004 South 2nd Street Champaign, IL 61820 Brittany Leiber


Beta Epsilon/Monmouth

Iota Xi/ Worcester Polytechnic Institute

319 N. 9th Street Monmouth, IL 61462 Kimberly H. Dwyer


Alpha Xi Delta 519 University Street West Lafayette, IN 47906 Lita Clark


Beta/Iowa Wesleyan

333 S. Twin Oaks Valley Road San Marcos, CA 92096 Donna Loya

847 Techwood Drive NW Atlanta, GA 30313 Courtney Simmonds

Delta Xi/Georgia State Alpha Xi Delta 160 Edgewood Avenue Box # 564 Atlanta, GA 30303 Alexandra Yancey

33 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Summer 2011

Albion - CPO 4680 Kellogg Center Albion, MI 49224 Angela Bennett

Beta Pi/Indiana


Gamma Eta/Institute of Technology

Alpha Xi Delta 13 Hackfeld Rd. Worcester, MA 01609 Stephanie Munion

Alpha Eta/Purdue

4101 Greek Park Drive Orlando, FL 32816 Melissa Kurschner

Alpha Xi Delta 605 N Broadway Mailbox 32 Mt. Pleasant, IA 52641 Katherine Schweizer

Gamma Zeta/ Eastern Michigan Alpha Xi Delta 619 Emmet Street Ypsilanti, MI 48197 Brittany DeRupa

NEBRASKA Rho/Nebraska - Lincoln 1619 R Street Lincoln, NE 68508 Brooke Herig

Gamma Delta/Nebraska Omaha Alpha Xi Delta University of Nebraska at Omaha 6001 Dodge St. Omaha, NE 68182 Maya Doghman

NEVADA Iota Epsilon/Nevada Las Vegas Alpha Xi Delta 4505 S. Maryland Pkwy #2008 Las Vegas, NV 89119 Ann Marie Frappier

NEW HAMPSHIRE Tau/New Hampshire 3 Strafford Avenue Durham, NH 45056 Kelly Lynch

Theta Psi/Dartmouth Alpha Xi Delta Dartmouth HB 5205 Hanover, NH 03755 Liz Fairchild

Delta Delta/ Northern Michigan Box 96, University Center Northern Michigan University Marquette, MI 49855 Austin Smith


Delta Sigma/Ferris State

114 East Fairchild Iowa City, IA 52245 Jessica McDermott

805 Campus Dr. Rankin Center Box 23 Big Rapids, MI 49307 Miranda Goodman

Delta Chi/Northern Iowa 2410 College Street Cedar Falls, IA 50613 Elizabeth Marie Sedlacek

8142 Natural Bridge Road St. Louis, MO 63121 Katie Busen

Theta Delta/Towson


Theta Sigma/Central Florida


Alpha Xi Delta 4520 Maplecrest Court Tracy, CA 95377 Danielle Fletcher

921 S. 8th Avenue Pocatello, ID 83209 Meredith Stone

1818 N. Jordan Ave. Indiana University Bloomington, IN 47406 Allison Davies

Theta Rho/California StateSan Marcos

Iota Beta/California State University-Stanislaus

1000 Towers Circle Cape Girardeau, MO 63701 Olivia Jean Plumlee

Epsilon Xi/Missouri-St. Louis

Theta Phi/Alabama Birmingham 1400 University Blvd. Hill Center - Box 26 Birmingham, AL 35294 Aliza Steyn

Gamma Nu/Southeast Missouri State

Zeta Upsilon/Alma 815 West Superior St. Alma, MI 48801 Andrea Garrett

NEW JERSEY Epsilon Lambda/Rider PO Box 55897 Trenton, NJ 08638 Kelly Gapinski

Iota Nu/Monmouth 431 Cedar Avenue Student Box 49 West Long Branch, NJ 07764 Susette Ingram


Iota Zeta/Wingate



Theta Omega/New Mexico State

211 East Wilson Street Campus Box 5014 Wingate, NC 28174 Roslyn Forester

Iota Delta/Central Oklahoma

Epsilon/South Dakota

Epsilon Zeta/ Eastern Washington

1000 N. Chowning Ave. Edmond, OK 73034 Megan Aguilera

214 North Plum Vermillion, SD 57069 Kayla Gengler

324 2nd Street Cheney, WA 99004 Katherine Martinez


Epsilon Eta/South Dakota State


925 Laurel Street Las Cruces, NM 88001 Audriana Vigil

Iota Iota/Greensboro

NEW YORK Eta/Syracuse 125 Euclid Avenue Syracuse, NY 13210 Emily McCarthy

Student Activities Dept. 815 W. Market Street Greensboro, NC 27401 Cheryl Buchanan

OHIO Delta Zeta/Long Island

Gamma/Mount Union

Univ/C.W. Post 720 Northern Blvd. Hillwood Commons Greenvale, NY 11548 Lauren Pecoraro

143 W. Simpson Alliance, OH 44601 Kelly Emery

Delta Lambda/Rochester Institute of Technology Alpha Xi Delta 6200 Kimball Dr. Rochester, NY 14623 Erika DeBonte

Pi/Ohio 16 South College Street Athens, OH 45701 Eleni Balouris

Psi/Ohio State 76 East 15th Avenue Columbus, OH 43201 Kristin Ford

Zeta Phi/Binghamton 9 Cedar Street Binghamton, NY 13905 Lauren Lomnicki

Beta Mu/Bowling Green State 220 Thurstin Ave. Bowling Green, OH 43403 Jessica Lash

Theta Theta/Brooklyn 2900 Bedford Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11235 Keshia Megie

Alpha Xi Delta 13 Wolf Hall University Park, PA 16802 Jamie Popielarski

322 Fifth Street Marietta, OH 45750 Elizabeth Cardarelli

Beta Tau/Kent State 571 S Lincoln Street Kent, OH 44240 Sarah Fortner

Alpha Beta/Cornell

Gamma Tau/Ohio Northern

115 The Knoll Ithaca, NY 14850 Jessica McSweeney

402 West College Ave Unit 1060 Ada, OH 45810 Gabriele Vega


Delta Pi/Defiance

Gamma Sigma/Theil Alpha Xi Delta 75 College Avenue Greenville, PA 16125 Lynette Enterline

Gamma Phi/East Carolina

c/o Jennifer Stark 701 N. Clinton Defiance, OH 43512 Christina-Marie Drake

Epsilon Gamma/ Western Carolina Alpha Xi Delta P O Box 878 Cullowhee, NC 28723 Courtney Gant

Zeta Tau/North Carolina Asheville Alpha Xi Delta One University Heights Asheville, NC 28804 Morgan Paysour

Zeta Chi/North Carolina Wilmington Alpha Xi Delta UNCW Student Union 209 601 South Road Wilmington, NC 28407 Chelsea Gailey

Theta Nu/Elon Campus Box 7006 Elon, NC 27244 Bethany Ely

Gamma Theta/East Tennessee State Alpha Xi Delta ETSU P.O. Box 70276 Johnson City, TN 37614 Allison Williams

Delta Kappa/Slippery Rock Slippery Rock University B-105 University Union Slippery Rock, PA 16057 Rachelle Naughton

Theta Pi/Christian Brothers 650 East Parkway South Box # T-4 Memphis, TN 38104 Kara Jones

Delta Nu/Indiana U of Pennsylvania Alpha Xi Delta 201 Pratt Drive, 104 Pratt Hall - IUP Indiana, PA 15701 Ashley Shumar


Zeta Eta/West Chester

Delta Psi/Texas State San Marcos

230 Sykes Student Union Building West Chester University West Chester, PA 19383 Heather Witkowski

Beta Alpha/Texas - Austin 2508 Rio Grande Austin, TX 78705 Sarah Lohrmann

103 Mosscliff Circle San Marcos, TX 78666 Kayla Galaway

Zeta Lambda/Texas Wesleyan Theta Alpha/Millersville Alpha Xi Delta Millersville University c/o SMC Box #8 Millersville, PA 17551 Brittany Adams

700 College Place Campus Box 211 Williamsport, PA 17701 Melissa Erlick

Zeta Theta/Wright State


Alpha Xi Delta Office of Student Activities 3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy Dayton, OH 45435 Sarah Throckmorton

Beta Upsilon Colony/ Rhode Island

1201 Wesleyan St. Ft. Worth, TX 76133 Cristina Ibarra

MSC #184; WVWC 59 College Avenue Buckhannon, WV 26201 Natalie Howard

Gamma Beta/Marshall 1645 5th Avenue Huntington, WV 25703 Ashley Anselene

Epsilon Theta/ West Liberty State 101 Faculty Drive Box 5A Main Hall West Liberty, WV 26074 Jillian Weekley

WISCONSIN Beta Psi/Carroll Alpha Xi Delta 100 N. East Avenue Waukesha, WI 53186 Stephanie Willney

1741 State St. Cartwright Center Box #126 La Crosse, WI 54601 Elizabeth Hitzel

Iota Eta/Texas - El Paso

Delta Tau/Wisconsin Oshkosh

Alpha Xi Delta 500 W. University PMB 289 El Paso, TX 79968 Jessica Tellez


Iota Alpha/George Mason

Epsilon Iota/Newberry

Theta Upsilon/ Youngstown State

Newberry College Box 286 2100 College St. Newberry, SC 29108 Faith Franklin

Alpha Xi Delta-GMU c/o Student Involvement Office 4400 University Drive, MSN2D6 Fairfax, VA 22030 Elizabeth Palmieri

2999 W. Bancroft Unit G-2 Toledo, OH 43606 Leah Picone

Beta Sigma/West Virginia Wesleyan

1001 E. University Blvd. SU Box 7472 Georgetown, TX 78626 Lori Hennigan

377 Shriver Center Oxford, OH 45056 Sara Ann Hughes

Theta Chi/Toledo

618 Spruce Street Morgantown, WV 26505 Nicole Comunale

Delta Alpha/Wisconsin LaCrosse


1 University Plaza Youngstown State University Youngstown, OH 44555 Katherine Petrosky

P.O. Box 539 Bethany, WV 26032 Valerie Flatley

Theta Lambda/Southwestern

Alpha Xi Delta Christopher House 34 Lower College Road Kingston, RI 02881

Zeta Nu/Miami


Iota/West Virginia


Iota Mu/Lycoming 508 East 11th Street Greenville, NC 27858 Kiersten Johnson

Alpha Xi Delta 727 14th Avenue Brookings, SD 57006 Brooke Jensen

Beta Xi/Marietta

Theta Kappa/Albany - SUNY SUNY Albany - 130 CC Box 1400 Washington Avenue Albany, NY 12222 Christine McGowan

Beta Lambda/ Pennsylvania State

Delta Mu/Old Dominion 1705 W. 49th Street Norfolk, VA 23508 Nicole Disilvestro

550 Algoma Blvd Oshkosh, WI 54901 Allison Rae Laudolff

Epsilon Alpha/Wisconsin Eau Claire 1004 South Farwell Street Eau Claire, WI 54701 Jennesa Caroline Davidson

Theta Epsilon/Marquette

Iota Pi/Coastal Carolina c/o Office of Student Activities and Leadership PO Box 261954 Conway, SC 29528 Amanda Johnson


854 N. 17th Street Milwaukee, WI 53233 Kathleen O’Donnell

Theta Tau/Marian Alpha Xi Delta 30 South National Avenue Fond du Lac, WI 54935 Rebecca Heczko

Nu/Washington 1616 NE 50th Street Seattle, WA 98105 Natalie Needham

Iota Lambda/St. Norbert 100 Grant St. De Pere, WI 54115 Kayla Scanlan


Alumnae Association Directory Join Sisters for fun and friendship at an alumnae association meeting in your area. If there isn’t an association near you, you can start one with as few as five interested alumnae in good standing. Learn more at ALABAMA



Chicago City



Janet Beals

Christy Worthington

Sara Pardys

Southern Maine

Emily Doucette



Birmingham Martha Davidson

Dianne Ziegler


Pikes Peak

Alicia Spencer

Jo Goodlove Weilbrenner

Jackie Pechette

Chicago North Shore


Chicago Northwest Suburbs

Amy Jo Holobyn

Deb Keyes

Janet White

Palm Beach

Chicago West Towns

Maryland Metro

Shari Arends

Carol Henrikson



T.J. Parker



Frances Archuleta

Cate Quesnel

Pinellas County

Salt Creek Laura Sims


Southern Connecticut/ West Chester County, NY

Kim Schratt

Mary Harvey

Lynne McNamee

CALIFORNIA Diablo Valley Joan Marable


Los Angeles Jamie Watkins

North San Diego County Allison Brown

Orange County Jacque Avakian

Sacramento Elizabeth Payette


Tallahassee Judy Levy




Ann Arbor

Atlanta North Metro

Cedar Rapids

Marian West

Stefani Magnino Holmes


Marilyn Whitmer

Atlanta South Metro Kimberly Arnzen

Theresa Dvorak

Iowa City Dana Hartman

Mt. Pleasant Jean Reschly

Christa Rowland


Elizabeth Britton


Ft. Myers


Summer 2011

Jill Potts


Treasure Valley

35 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Jill Gordon

Debbie Faklis

Helen Carroll

Taya Matthews


Greater Worcester


Ammi Meadows

Shari Baumel


Brevard County




Brandon/Riverview Bethany Rogers index.html


Greater Boston Springfield

Wilmington Laura Mitchell

Kristin Lewis

Sandy Holcomb

Detroit Lynn Goldberg

Saginaw Amy Kraenzlein

Western Wayne County 313-565-7193 Suellyn Sekulich

New Orleans Tracey Cannon

MINNESOTA Minneapolis/St. Paul Becky Soderholm

MISSOURI Marshall Missouri Cara Newham

NEBRASKA Lincoln Tara Jo Brown

Southern Connecticut/ West Chester County, NY Lynne McNamee

Las Vegas Nicole Westlind

Central & Southern NJ Jennifer Breisacher

Northern NJ Virginia Messing

Nicole Nichols

Judy Bochner

Elizabeth Polousky

Dallas Corvallis

Kathy Dwight



Monica Schafer

Diana Rizzo

Lara Mueller



Rebecca Gable

Salt Lake City

Michelle Murray

Dayton Jan Austin

Newark-Granville Donna Hill

Warren Heather Bland

VIRGINIA RHODE ISLAND Greater Rhode Island Bernie LeBeau

Northern Nadine Leisz

Tidewater Jennifer Patterson

SOUTH CAROLINA Charleston Darice Norton




Rebecca Sumner

Anne Hotze


Melissa Reed


Cuyahoga West Shore

Amanda Timmons

Danielle Palermo

Jennie Hampton




Brazos Valley

Judy Brazee



OREGON Bonnie Blish

317-872-3500 Eircka Champion


Greater Milwaukee

Western NC




Bay Area HoustonGalveston





Lynne Caroon


Omaha Colleen Richardson


WASHINGTON Greater Seattle Megan Caldwell

Spokane Jennifer Helms




Oklahoma City

Virginia Vorhis

Lauren Roberts

Stephanie Thompson


PNM Form MEMBER RECOMMENDATION FORM You may attach additional information, such as photos and letters of recommendation to this form. Please complete the form with as much information about the potential member as possible. You are not required to complete all fields. Alpha Xi Delta Legacy Recommendation

Potential Member Recommendation

Name of potential member: First



High School attended:

College: High School Graduate Date: Class Size:



College GPA (if applicable):

ACT or SAT Score:

Rank in class:

Hours Completed (if applicable):

Academic honors & accomplishments (honors or AP classes, National Honor Society, etc.):

School and community activities, including leadership positions:

Talents, hobbies and interests: Four words to describe her personality:


What kind of person (ex. leader, academic, outgoing, etc.) would the potential member most get along with during recruitment?


What topics would the potential member like to talk about during recruitment:

Please comment on the following characteristics as related to the potential member: Character & Personality (i.e. loyalty, outgoing/shy, etc.) Personal Development (i.e. poised, team player, hard worker, etc.) Why did the potential member decide to pursue sorority recruitment?


I would rate this potential member in the following way: Light Blue: Qualified and would be an asset to the chapter. Dark Blue: Well qualified, will actively participate in the chapter and be a good recruiter. Last

Gold: Outstanding potential member who will be sought by other sororities. Name of parent(s) or guardian(s):



Address of parent(s) or guardian(s): Alpha Xi Delta relatives (check all that apply): Grandmother/Step grandmother




Mother/Stepmother Name of relative: Initiating Chapter:




I know the potential member’s family. I don’t know the potential member, but the recommendation came from a reliable source.

37 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Summer 2011


I have known the potential member personally for _____ years.





Completed by:

I recommend this woman:


Alpha Xi Delta Member Statement

Initiating Chapter:

Other Greek Influences:

Alumna Profile

In Her Words Jackie Lyerly, Executive Assistant for Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity If you’ve ever called Fraternity Headquarters, chances are you chatted with Jackie Lyerly. She’s greeted countless Educational Leadership Consultants throughout the years, worked with eight National Presidents and numerous volunteers. This July, Jackie retired from Alpha Xi Delta FHQ with 26 years of service to the Fraternity. We took a moment to have one last chat with Jackie before she propped her feet up and entered retirement bliss. What is your proudest accomplishment? Not a specific accomplishment, but an overall one, which would be helping to provide support service to our members. What is your favorite memory working at FHQ? In general, all the remarkable women I have had the privilege of knowing. For a specific memory, I think I would have to say my alumna initiation at the 1995 Convention in Tarpon Springs, Florida. Looking at me, no one would guess… In college I majored in Opera and Musicology. What’s the best advice you’re ever received? The best advice I have ever received came from one of my gym teachers in high school. (Yes, in those days it was “gym,” not physical education.) One day she said, “Girls, I can’t be too emphatic—you should develop a philosophy of living as early in your life as you can.” I’m still working on it. Do you have any advice to recent grads about to enter the workforce? Some who know my pet peeves can see this one coming. If you prepare a written resume, proofread it—then proofread it again—come on, once more—now read it again and this time with meticulous care. And do the same with anything in writing—especially emails, which sometimes are carelessly written. Never just rely on an electronic spell check. What’s your favorite quote? I’ll give you two. I might be paraphrasing on this one. It came from a greeting card, attributed (I think) either to Tolstoy or Ibsen: “Any idiot can handle a crisis. It’s the day-to-day living that gets you down.” When you think of your own life, you might

remember that you have come through crises pretty well, and it is the day-to-day living that sometimes just wears you down a bit. Another one, taken from a Mary Engelbreit calendar and attributed to George Bernard Shaw is: “The single biggest problem with communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” What have you learned from Alpha Xi Delta? Here are three things that are especially valuable to me. 1. There are more opinions than mine, and some of them are even better. 2. To the small extent that I have it, patience. We have had some staff members and volunteers who are truly astounding in the patience that they have. Thankfully, at least a little of it has rubbed off. 3. The meaning and value of Sisterhood. Every Alpha Xi Delta Sister has contributed to that learning.


Sister to Sister


The Pieces

A Sister’s journey to help those affected by storms that ripped through the Southeast

“It wasn’t just about cleaning up a mess anymore; this was the first step in a long journey for someone trying to put their life back together.

The weather in Miami was the perfect break from the cold rain that was invading New York on this vacation. There was a pool in the backyard, 85-degree weather, pure sunshine and family close-by. What else could anyone want from a vacation? Instead of fully enjoying this experience, Rachel Barnehama, SUNY-Albany ’06, found herself glued to the television; a series of storms and tornados had struck the south and the destruction that had occurred was devastating. “Since I was young, I have dedicated myself to Tikkun Olam- the Jewish concept of repairing the World,” Rachel said.

39 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Summer 2011

“I grew up being taught that Tzedeka (an act of Justice) is not only the act of dropping a coin in a box, but it also involves giving ones-self and time to others.” Knowing this, it was natural for Rachel, after seeing the effects of the storm, to have only one question, “How can I get down there to help?” After getting in touch with the local Jewish community in Birmingham, Alabama, Rachel was connected with the Jewish Disaster Relief Corps (JDRC) and NECHAMA: The Jewish Response to Disaster. Both organizations are committed to mobilizing American Jewish

communities and providing cleanup and recovery assistance to those affected by natural disasters. They are the only two Jewish Disaster Response organizations in the U.S. and are dedicated to helping those with the greatest need, regardless of religious affiliations. These organizations work closely with Knesset Israel Congregation to house and feed all of the volunteers at no cost. On May 29, Rachel boarded a plane to Birmingham, Alabama. “I have been down to New Orleans before and know what the aftermath of a disaster looks like,” Rachel said. “But driving down the

Rachel Barnehama,Albany-SUNY ’06, with friends Rachel Gelfand and Brian Linder, volunteered to help clean up the devastating storms that swept the Southeast in the spring. Rachel spent the first hours of her trip moving wood and helping to clean out homes. Countless people were displaced from their homes and more than 200 people died as a result of the storms.

streets of Birmingham, I was shocked at what I was witnessing. The destruction was so recent that you could still see right into people’s homes.” Rachel felt as though she was invading people’s privacy as she drove by and could look right into the bedroom or kitchen of someone’s home and see all of their belongings still in place. Upon arrival in Alabama, Rachel had the opportunity to talk with the Rabbi who recounted his experience with the storm. He told Rachel how warning sirens woke him up and how he ran into the basement with his wife and two small children, only to discover that the first storm was a “warm up” to the one that was approaching. When the storm finally passed, the path of destruction stretched from the northern end of the city through Pleasant Grove, Pratt City and other areas 15 miles away. The two homes Rachel worked on over her week in Alabama were located in Pratt City. Rachel’s excitement level was at such a high that first morning, and her passion for hands-on work really came through. She spent the first few hours moving wood from the home over to the garbage pile and cleaning out a family’s belongings by sorting through all the remnants from the storm. “We had to

sift through and separate items we thought they might want to keep and throw the rest in the garbage,” Rachel recalls. “Then, day-by-day, we took down the walls and the floor until all that was left was the foundation.” It wasn’t until she started coming across personal belongings that it hit her. This was someone’s home, a family once lived here. Through the items they found, Rachel was able to put together bits and pieces about this family. She noted that someone in the family had many trophies for basketball and realized someone else had a love for photography and art. She later learned this was the home of three children, two of whom were home when the tornado struck. “That’s when the cleanup process started feeling personal,” Rachel said. “It wasn’t just about cleaning up a mess anymore; this was the first step in a long journey for someone trying to put their life back together.” Unfortunately, on the second day of work Rachel injured herself and had to pay a visit to the local clinic. When she told the doctor she stepped on a nail while volunteering with the storm clean-up, she saw tears in his eyes. He could not seem to thank her enough for giving her time to

come and help out his friends and family. “While the work was strenuous and the temperature was at 100 degrees every day, it was that moment at the doctor’s office that reminded me why I love volunteering,” Rachel noted. “That moment made everything worthwhile. It didn’t matter that I had to sit out for a day because I knew that my hard work was positively affecting people’s lives.” As a student in Jewish Day School, Rachel was taught the dictum that “every Jew is responsible for one another”. However, Rachel has always felt that this statement was limiting. “I know I have the ability to take this guiding principle to another level by enriching not only the Jewish community, but also the larger global community in which we live,” she said. “I am personally committed to promoting the importance of being a responsible global citizen; an inherently Jewish value, and I feel that I can take my journeys and experiences and continue to inspire others to want to make changes in the world and continue helping those in need.”


Branding AXiD

Branding AXiD on Your It is never too early, or too late, to improve your image and begin promoting Alpha Xi Delta across campus. Here are some pointers to keep in mind when you are walking to and from class, going out at night and just being an Alpha Xi.

Stay Classy It is important to dress your best before stepping into the public eye. We know you are all beautiful, so if you’re in the mood to rock some AXiD letters, don’t look like you just rolled out of bed. Instead try this: • Put your best foot forward when you step out of the door • Have a positive attitude, even when things get rough • Flaunt Alpha Xi Delta’s core values of Sisterhood, leadership, knowledge and service Doing these simple things and being the best you can be does nothing but release a positive image of the Fraternity across campus and make others think, “I want to be in Alpha Xi Delta.” Believe it or not, getting involved on campus is another way to maintain a classy image and to spread Alpha Xi Delta spirit across campus. Have the women in your chapter do the following: • Join clubs • Attend sporting events • Participate in other philanthropies • Play intramurals • Show up to other Greek-sponsored events.

42 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Summer 2011

This will help others see that Alpha Xi Delta is the best of both worlds – it connects you to the school and Greek life. Don’t forget to go out and get involved in the community, too! When you are doing this, someone in a different school may see you in your letters, and even though she may not join your chapter, she now knows Alpha Xi Delta’s name and associates it with a positive experience. Get Online Every chapter should have their own webpage, but if you want to spice it up a bit, check out our new chapter templates! You can upload these designs from the GIN System and immediately enhance your page. These webpages are also great spots to post links to other media outlets. If you are interested in learning more about your webpage consider implementing the following tips: • Try having a separate page for your alumnae to visit and see what’s happening • Link your webpage to a blog. For example, a “day in the life” blog is a great way to show PNMs what being an Alpha Xi is all about.

How many hours each day do you spend on Facebook, Twitter or YouTube? Next time you’re online try and brag about Alpha Xi Delta. If you need help getting started, ask yourself these questions: • Did your chapter ever win a campus wide competition? • Have you held a successful philanthropy event? • Did one of your Sisters do something great? • Do you just love being an Alpha Xi? If so, go ahead and say it out loud and post tons of pictures of your chapter having fun and participating in campus activities or other Greek events! This type of PR will only get your name out to more people on campus, as well as help promote a fun, Sisterly image to others. Also, don’t forget to let Fraternity Headquarters know about your Facebook page so we can “like” it and help draw positive attention to your chapter!

Campus Some of the other media outlets you might consider using include: • Skype. Use this free service to include your Sisters studying abroad in chapter meetings or other important Fraternity business and to stay connected with your chapter advisors and other Fraternity volunteers • eNewsletters, such as MailChimp, to update your chapter and alumnae on Fraternity news and events • Post Sisterhood videos, house tours and recruitment slideshows on YouTube to reach PNMs all year around If you missed the general session at Convention about MAXimizing your reach, log onto Exclusively Xi for notes and in-depth details of how to maximize technology for you, your chapter, or alumnae associations. NOTE: While the internet can be a great tool when it comes to branding, it can also be demeaning. In the amount of time it takes to recognize the positive, the negative can be released to hundreds of people in the same amount of time. To ensure that nothing harmful gets posted on your websites, monitor them at least twice a day. This will give you the opportunity to clear up any negativity that is floating around, as well as time to respond to posts and comments in a timely manner. This will also help you keep your page new and exciting.

Beginning in late October, chapters will have the option to choose from three new chapter website templates available from The GIN System.


Greek Licensing

Licensed or Unlicensed? Alpha Xi Delta clothing items and products can help promote Alpha Xi Delta around campus, as well as benefit members, chapters and the organization. This can only be done if you purchase licensed products through vendors that have permission from Fraternity Headquarters to use Fraternity trademarks, such as our name, letters and crest, in an appropriate manner and on quality products. Why Not Buy it Anyway? It is actually illegal for unlicensed vendors to sell Alpha Xi Delta products, and it is prohibited for any member of Alpha Xi Delta to purchase their merchandise. This means if you have AXiD merchandise, like a shot glass, beer bong or clothing items that make connections to drugs, alcohol, sex, sexism or hazing, these items were probably sold illegally. While you may think it is funny to have a party quote, a beer mug and a suggestive image on the back of a t-shirt, it does not coincide with Alpha Xi Delta’s core values. Think about it; how many times have you seen something like a half-naked girl and alcohol together on the back of a guy’s t-shirt or a quote bragging about how much a college student can drink in one crazy night? Aren’t you repulsed? The same grossed-out reaction can happen to a potential new member when she sees our t-shirts promoting wild and risky behavior. This is why it is crucial for Alpha Xi Delta merchandise to promote a positive image for each chapter, and this is just what licensed vendors help us do.

44 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Summer 2011

So, What Do you Do? This does not mean that you can no longer shop online for Alpha Xi Delta apparel and accessories. It just means you need to be more aware of licensed vendors when shopping. Be sure to look for the Greek Licensed Product logo in stores or go online at to see a list of all licensed vendors in your area. When you are getting a simple t-shirt made, or any other type of product that will be seen in campus, make sure that it is tasteful. Remember, we only want people to see merchandise that shows off the best qualities our membership offers.

It is actually illegal for unlicensed vendors to sell Alpha Xi Delta products, and it is prohibited for any member of Alpha Xi Delta to purchase their merchandise.

What About the ΑΞΔ Merchandise You No Longer Want? We realize you may not keep all of your Alpha Xi Delta clothing and products forever. Please do not sell this merchandise on eBay or donate it to Goodwill. Wearing our letters is a privilege, and we only want Sisters to wear them with pride. When licensed or unlicensed products get sold or donated, people who do

Whenever you see this symbol on a company’s website or product, you can rest assure they are a licensed vendor.

not represent Alpha Xi Delta can be seen in our letters. This can also have a negative effect on potential new member across campus. If a man or woman buys our apparel or receives hand me downs, their image will become associated with Alpha Xi Delta. It has happened before, and it does not look good to those who may be considering joining our Sisterhood in the future. So, what do you do with your unwanted clothes and products? One option for those of you who need to make a little bit more space in your closet is to send Alpha Xi Delta merchandise to the graveyard. The graveyard is located at Fraternity Headquarters, and they are willing to dispose of any unwanted licensed products for you. Please send them to: Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity Headquarters 8702 Founders Road Indianapolis, IN 46268



Leadership for the


Alpha Xi Delta’s Leadership Coach Program focuses on the personal and leadership development of collegiate Sisters. Our 2010-2011 Leadership Coaches, Jessie Wortham, Christian Brothers ’06, and Kimberly Nelson, Marietta ’06, traveled to chapters across the country, customizing their coaching to help individual Sisters as well as entire chapters. Most of the time, they did exactly what their title states—coached collegiate Sisters on leadership decisions. Sometimes, however, they were a cheerleader, a life counselor and a role model. Whatever the role, they were there to help Sisters acquire essential life skills and become stronger, more confident women. Here’s a look at their year by the numbers: • 80 Alpha Xi Delta chapters visited • 500 individual coaching sessions • 6 StrengthsQuest™ sessions • 32 out of 50 states were visited • 75 Executive Committees sessions • 6 Area Wide or All Greek Presentations • Coastal Carolina colony leadership development • 11,700 miles driven • 56,000 miles flown What do our Sisters say about the Leadership Coach Program? “It is amazing that our Fraternity has Leadership Coaches to help ensure the development of each individual woman as well as the chapter as a whole.” —Lianne Koerner, Coastal Carolina ’11 “The Leadership Coach reminds us that we are a part of something so much greater and bigger than ourselves.” —Caity Simpson, Lyon College ’09 “The Leadership Coach helped instill a sense of confidence and future leadership qualities in our underclassmen. Her guidance and advice helped many of our members apply for chapter offices that they might not have before her visit.” —Hanah Papp, Albion College ’08 Leadership Coaches help collegiate Sisters realize their potential and focus on personal development of members.

41 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Summer 2011

Our Foundation Staff is Growing “The Leadership Coach Program makes the Sisterhood of Alpha Xi Delta more amazing. I made connections that helped me feel part of a huge supportive network. Other chapter Sisters felt the same excitement for our National Fraternity, and our new initiates, and especially, realized the capacity of Alpha Xi Delta.” —Cara Jones, Christian Brothers ’09 You can make great things happen for Alpha Xi Delta and our young women by supporting the Leadership Coach Program. Endowment and sponsorship opportunities are available at the following levels: Opportunity

Amount to Endow

Annual Sponsorship*

LC for a year



LC for a semester



LC for a quarter



LC for a month



(includes StrengthsQuest™)



LC visit to a chapter



Executive Committee, New Member or Chapter Advisor Retreat

* Multi-year sponsorships are available.

For more information contact Kendra Lewis, Director of Development, at 317.872.3500 ext. 117 or

We are pleased to announce Beth Sacksteder LaClair, Ph.D., University of Mount Union ’96, has accepted the position of Development Officer. In this new position, she will work with Kendra Lewis, Director of Development, in establishing the short and long term development plans for the Foundation. Key responsibilities of the new position are identifying, engaging, soliciting and stewarding leadership gift donors. Beth comes to Alpha Xi Delta from The University of Alabama where she has been the Colorado Regional Recruiter responsible for recruiting and counseling prospective students; building relationships with high school guidance and post-graduate counselors; and representing the University at college fairs and workshops. Her previous position was Director of Student Services for the Capstone College of Nursing at The University of Alabama, responsible for directing admission and academic advising services; managing the scholarship selection process; and directing college events including commencement, honors, awards and receptions. Also at The University of Alabama, she was Assistant Director for Enrollment Services and Programs. Beth is a member of Junior League of Colorado Springs and volunteers for the American Heart Association and Wounded Warrior Paralympics. Since graduating from Mount Union in 1999, Beth has served Alpha Xi Delta as Area Facilitator, Recruitment Director West, and has been active in the Brevard County and Pikes Peak Alumnae Associations. She resides in Colorado Springs with husband, Jason, and daughter, McKenna. “Beth’s skills and experiences will transfer well to building relationships and inspiring philanthropy for Alpha Xi Delta,” said Elysia Gallivan, National Executive Director. Connect with Beth at


Foundation Memorial Gifts

Coletta Lutz Knight, mother of Linda

Betty Payne, Kansas State

Ken Thompson, husband of Marilyn

The Foundation recognizes Memorial

Lutz Dettmer, Baldwin-Wallace

by Judith Dierdorff Stehley,

Sloan Thompson, Ohio State

Gifts given from January 1, 2011,

by Diane Rohm Faile, Marietta

Kansas State

by Amber Ziemba McCarty, Miami

through April 30, 2011. Carol Griffith Kuhn, Ohio State

Maureen Bland Pearcy, Maryland-

Anne Mehus Verbon, Washington

Helen Morris Barr, Indiana

by Nancy Drenan Prendergast,

College Park

by Laila Brines Collins, Washington

by Alice Miller McRae, Indiana

Ohio State

by Dianne Hanrahan Coughlan, Maryland-College Park

Michelle Tull Bynum, Texas-Austin

Shirley Bach Lampton,

by Monica Schafer, Texas-Austin

California-Los Angeles

Karen Shafer Chacon,

California-Berkeley Virginia Ledwitch Reid, Georgia

by Donna Staehling Borden,

by Allene Killough Harding,

Institute of Technology


California-Los Angeles

by Kimbrough Pace Noonan, Georgia Institute of Technology

Nebraska-Kearney by Dee Stutz Frazier, Wittenberg

Phyllis Butcher Wainwright,

Anna-Marie Charlotte Lerch, daughter

Martha Anne Coburn Waltemade, Michigan

of Heather Roberts Lerch, Rider

Opal & Lawrence Sabo, parents

Lucille Clausing, mother of Marianne

by Bikki Bevelhymer-Chiang, Friend

of Karen Sabo Indusi

Clausing-Lee, St. Cloud State

of Alpha Xi Delta

by Karen Sabo Indusi, Long

Betty Eads Yepsen, Ohio State

by Julie Lambert, Oregon State

Claudine Caro, Rider

Island/C.W. Post

by Charlotte Richards Forquer, Ohio

by Roberta Shaw Stimac, Michigan

Central & Southern NJ Alumnae Prentice Gowans, husband of Janet


Martha Baggett Sheldon, mother

Hastie Gowans, Michigan

Amy Venable Ciuffreda, Gettysburg

of Dorothy Sheldon Williams,

by Marian Sayward West, Michigan

Sandra Priebe Day, Frostburg State

Western Carolina

Deanna Wollam Detchemendy,

by Jane Fursey Ralston, Mount Union

Honor Gifts

Ann Williams Hall,

California State-Northridge


Sandi Edwards, Kentucky

Kathy Siebeck, Iowa State

Gifts given from January 1, 2011,

by Lois Taylor Williams,

Jaclyn Giameo, Rider

by Janet Lahti Schultze, Iowa State

through April 30, 2011.


Rukiya Henderson, Rider Christine Young Hoffman, Rider

Carol Jean Smith,

Kimberly Barrett, Bowling

Joseph Paul Holobyn, father of

Dr. & Mrs. David Koch, Friend of

Jacksonville State

Green State

Amy Jo Holobyn, IUPUI

Alpha Xi Delta

by Linda Lutz Dettmer,

by Jon & Jess Carmody Allen,

by Beth Cohen, Pennsylvania State

Charles Lerch, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta


Friend of Alpha Xi Delta

Kim Longfellow, Friend of

The Sisters of Epsilon Pi,

Ruth Allison Simmons

Alpha Xi Delta

Jacksonville State

Mary Fling Barrett, Ohio State

James, Michigan State

Clare Giovannetti Longworth, Rider

Nancy Major, East Tennessee State

by Charlotte Brokaw Thomas,

by Allison James Green, Albion

Susan Eicher Mamber, Kent State

Jane Fursey Ralston, Mount Union

Ohio State

Betty & Norman Pollock, Friend of

Beverly Case Rorer, Pennsylvania

Edward "Ned" Jones, Jr., husband

Alpha Xi Delta

Dorothy Sheldon Williams,

Michele Becker, Florida Atlantic

of Marilyn Libby Jones, Drake

Michelle Supplee Reda, Rider

Western Carolina

by Thelma Merck Parker,

by Judy Erickson, Iowa State

Beverly Case Rorer, Pennsylvania Cheryl Epstein Tier, Rider

Victoria Boysen Kaspar, Nebraska-Omaha

Lois M. McCormick, mother of

The Foundation recognizes Memorial

Georgia Southern James E. Stark, husband of Linda Frazier Stark, Iowa State

Carolyn Buchman Berlin,

by Judy Erickson, Iowa State

Mount Union

by Debby Whitehill Bloom,

Pamela McCormick Barkman,



Delerous Merritt Strate, Albion

Omaha, NE Alumnae Association

by Orlando, FL Alumnae Association

by Florence Parker Cole, Pennsylvania

48 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Summer 2011

by Anne Berlin Painter, Indiana

Joanne Braucher, Albion, in honor

Megan Harris Hines, Sonoma State, for the

Psi Chapter Pledge Sisters of 1961, Ohio State,

of her new lungs

birth of her daughter, Finley Addison Hines

on our 50th Anniversary

by Deanna Wollam Detchemendy, California State-

by Jennifer Knowles Elliott, Sonoma State

by Betty Cronin Webb, Ohio State


Amanda Bringhurst, Cornell

Micaela Isler, Texas-Austin

Amanda Rix, New Hampshire

by Monica Schafer, Texas-Austin

by Judi Hobin Rix, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta

Elizabeth Adams Knieriem, Kentucky

Hilary Roberts, Kansas

by Nealy Patty Wheat, West Georgia

by Nealy Patty Wheat, West Georgia

by Kim & Andy Bringhurst, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta

Emma Brofsky, Cornell by Laurie & Joseph Brofsky, Friend of

Lindsay Krug, East Carolina

Beverly Case Rorer, Pennsylvania,

Alpha Xi Delta

by John Krug, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta

for her 80th Birthday

Catherine Winckler Brown, Alpha Deuteron

Alyssa Landry, New Hampshire

by Susan Winckler, Iowa

by Pat Merrill, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta

by Kendra Becker Lewis, Purdue

Jordan Rushing, California State-Stanislaus by Taya Locke Matthews, California State-Stanislaus

Chrissy Damasco, California State-Stanislaus,

Kelly Marie Lynch, New Hampshire

January 2011 FVP of the Month

by James Lynch, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta

by Omega Financial, Inc.

Brittany Scheer, Rider by Rikki Herman, Rider

Carrie Ann MacArthur, Southern Polytechnic State, Jean Sauer DeFrances, Florida State

in honor of her graduation

Mary Ruth Hadley Snyder, Purdue,

by Thelma Merck Parker, Georgia Southern

by Patricia Fostvedt, West Georgia

for her 80th Birthday

Anna Dooley, New Hampshire

Christian Marr, Stetson

by Fred Gantt, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta

by James Cash, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta

by Kendra Becker Lewis, Purdue

Christina Tascione, New Hampshire by Leslie Rutan, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta

Sandra Edwards, Kentucky

Rebekah Ker Meadows, Christian Brothers,

by Julie Wilson Dillon, Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

on the birth of her first child

Theta Iota Chapter, Florida Atlantic,

by Kathleen Gillon, Christian Brothers

for celebrating 20th anniversary

Epsilon Chapter, South Dakota by Barbara Shafer Kraemer, South Dakota

by Thelma Merck Parker, Georgia Southern Rachel Marie Mullen, Christian Brothers by Hilda Chase Mullen, Memphis State

Jean Grommes Feehan, Northwestern by Judith Moore, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta

Jill Kreitman Thompson, Nebraska-Lincoln by Rebecca Richter Perrett, Nebraska-Lincoln

Megan Lindley Nemlich, Cornell by Chris Nemlich, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta

Ann Marie Frappier, Nevada-Las Vegas, December

Tiffany Wenerd, Western Carolina, February 2011 FVP of the Month

2010 FVP of the Month

April O'Brien, Bethany-West Virginia

by Omega Financial, Inc.

by Veronica Jae, Bethany-West Virginia

David Gaede, husband of Lori Winston-Gaede

Past Staff Members

by Lori Winston-Gaede, Wisconsin-Eau Claire

by Jacquelyn Lyerly, Alpha Deuteron

by Omega Financial, Inc.

Shirley Albrecht Winckler, Iowa by Susan Winckler, Iowa

Daphne Wright, Southern Polytechnic State Gamma Xi Chapter, Valdosta State

Pi Chapter, Ohio, for celebrating 100th Anniversary

by Sue Hilton Kenneally, Valdosta State

by Ann Knappenberger Burdorf, Ohio

by Gwen Dixon, Friend of Alpha Xi Delta


Chapter Eternal The summer 2011 Chapter Eternal includes the names of Sisters whose passing was reported to Fraternity Headquarters between January 1 and May 31, 2011. Sisters are listed alphabetically in chapter order, along with their initiation year. To notify the Fraternity of a Sister’s passing, please send an obituary notice, memorial service pamphlet or other written confirmation to Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity Headquarters, 8702 Founders Rd., Indianapolis, IN 46268.

Alpha Chapter Lombard College / Knox College Margaret Joan Hinkle Brown ’53 Beta Chapter Iowa Wesleyan College Dorothy Gipple DeHaan ’36 Gamma Chapter University of Mount Union Gertrude E. Holdredge Crawford ’31 Margaret Wilcoxon Detombe ’61 Epsilon Chapter University of South Dakota Corlet Joyce Wright Jackson ’38 Zeta Chapter Wittenberg University Marion Bolster Fisher ’46 Eta Chapter Syracuse University Doris Elizabeth Baldwin Delaney ’36 Bertha McKinney Sigmund ’47

Bess Crawford Conrad ’23 Patricia Ann Glerum Davis ’46 Lambda Chapter Tufts University Marjorie Falls Russell ’37 Geraldine Mabel Davis Stewart ’44 Mu Chapter University of Minnesota Norma Emerson Batchelder Bodey ’33 Olive L. Sidwell Stiles ’41 Nu Chapter University of Washington Kathryn Chittenden Haines ’40 Mary Martha Hopper Maxwell ’40 Shirley J. Harris Ramstedt ’46 Katherine Crittenden Schueler ’46 Metta Mehus Verbon ’60 Xi Chapter University of Kentucky Ruth Lewis Swift Gioiosa ’51 Omicron Chapter University of California-Berkeley Arline May Coe Erb ’39 Mary Ann Morris Farrell ’54 Phyllis J. Meinberger Ingersoll ’38 Ejane Gordon Kunkle ’39 Kerry Lynn Harper Sanford ’66 Anna Jane Basham Scheiber ’40 Mary Josephine Wiley Stecker ’36 Phyllis Jane Butcher Wainwright ’35 Pi Chapter Ohio University Janet Polk Chapman ’45 Barbara Heider Van Becker ’51

Theta Chapter University of Wisconsin-Madison Mary-Ellen Jones Gausewitz ’45 Ruth A. Schultz Vernon ’44

Rho Chapter University of Nebraska-Lincoln Yleen Ione Black Joselyn ’50

Iota Chapter West Virginia University Alice V. Parsons May ’35

Sigma Chapter University of Iowa Lucile Jasper Gridley ’15 Laurel Jaffer ’79 Beverly Axtell Limes ’51

Kappa Chapter University of Illinois Faith Lucas Campbell ’38

43 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Tau Chapter University of New Hampshire Eleanor Pierce Adams ’47 Summer 2011

Joyce Estelle Brown Doolittle ’48 Barbara Ann Hatch Ortland ’49 Virginia Wasto Peart ’48 Charlotte Ann Sweet Ramsey ’49 Dorothy E. Jelley Shuttleworth ’41 Upsilon Chapter University of Vermont Dorothy Jane Badger Schultz ’39 Phi Chapter Albion College Linda Mary Peterson Chapman ’57 Nancy Carrol Crosby Coughenour ’49 Kathryn Ann King Simmons ’69 Frieda Marie Dolberg Snyder ’35 Psi Chapter The Ohio State University Patricia Anne Palmer Bringardner ’49 Martha Louise Kirn Rausch ’37 Betty Eads Yepsen ’45 Omega Chapter Stetson University Peggy Segrest Kipp ’43 Alpha Beta Chapter Cornell University Carol Amanda Erdman Merkle ’50 Charlotte Duerr Reit Seager ’53 Beatrice E. Foster Whanger ’27 Alpha Gamma Chapter Coe College Louise Benbwo Gray ’37 Judith Mary Murton Kennedy ’57 Lois Grace Tankersley Meek ’37 Mary Eloise Helfenstine Richardson ’39 Alpha Delta Chapter Oregon State University Patricia Ruth Bramhall Paget ’47 Margaret Zurbrick Williams ’37 Alpha Epsilon Chapter University of Michigan Lindsey Ann Jones ’97 Alpha Eta Chapter Purdue University Jane Ellen Blind Glover ’39

Madonna Godwin McKinnon ’45 Mary Ann Youngren ’61 Alpha Theta Chapter Northwestern University Elaine DeMet Anderson ’45 Susan Jeanette Bigg ’61 Alpha Iota Chapter Drake University Mabel Corinne Booth Bergesen ’28 Alpha Kappa Chapter Kansas State University Barbara Koenig Daniels ’61 Alpha Mu Chapter Ohio Wesleyan University Lois G. Kennedy Bodley ’29 Margaret Stoody Dyer ’34 Jean Ann Campbell Hampshire ’48 Doris Ann Meilander McClave ’47 Mary Jane Child Queen ’41 Alpha Xi Chapter University of California-Los Angeles Marjorie Strauss Anderson ’33 Shirley Marie Adams ’46 Alpha Sigma Chapter Washington State University Connie Victoria Cates Goranson ’38 Alpha Tau Chapter University of Alabama at Birmingham Frances Marguerite Price Aull ’38 Mary Patricia Kelly Cleino ’65 Walterine Irby Dean ’47 Mary Ann Funk Ely ’44 Martha Jean Hester Jones ’51 Alpha Phi Chapter University of Pennsylvania Harriet Belle Pfeiffer Cognetta ’44 Doris Elizabeth Steinmeyer Dill ’43 Alpha Psi Chapter University of Denver Margaret Benton Bucknell ’37 Esther Marelius Foster ’39 Bernice Shelton Jones ’36 Lorine Vivian Gross Reed ’31

Alpha Omega Chapter Florida State University Shirley M. Ericksen Leonard ’40 Elizabeth Edmondson Tippin ’49 Beta Alpha Chapter University of Texas-Austin Michelle LaVon Tull Bynum ’94 Beta Gamma Chapter Centenary College Iva Lynn Eatman Cameron ’36 Nan Dobson Saye ’41 Katherine Bird Stuart ’44 Bettye Jean Fletcher Wells ’45 Beta Delta Chapter Denison University Virginia Arline Ault Rice ’36 Beta Epsilon Chapter Monmouth College Donna Hodges Felger ’52 Jenni Doupnik Sweeney ’40 Delores Jane Wachsmann Child ’51 Beta Eta Chapter University of Maryland Patricia Lacey De Binder ’51 Janet K. Kauffman Damesyn ’56 Ruth Florence Hamlyn Osann ’43

Beta Lambda Chapter Pennsylvania State University Susanne Bishop Davis ’58 Helen Ruth Keefauver McCauley ’42 Beta Nu Chapter Culver Stockton College Patricia Clarke Ackerberg ’51 Beta Xi Chapter Marietta College Dorothy Dodge Warren Benson ’47 Helen Gramlich Christy ’45 Beta Pi Chapter Indiana University Helen Lenore Morris Barr ’46 Sharon Jean Fetter Bracken ’59 Lois Ann Wiesjahn Hensler ’53 Jean Zoe Smith Trimble ’51 Helen Roberta Yoho ’61 Beta Sigma Chapter West Virginia Wesleyan College Ruth Sherrard Ellis ’51 Desales Purkey Taylor ’48 Beta Tau Chapter Kent State University Patricia Louise Best Nezbeth ’49

Beta Theta Chapter Michigan State University Beverly Ann Klinefelter Berman ’53

Beta Phi Chapter University of Connecticut Mary Ellen Monroe Welk ’50

Beta Iota Chapter Louisiana State University Rita Rose Riehlmann Knapp ’45

Beta Chi Chapter Gettysburg College Elizabeth Jane Britcher Weitzel ’49

Beta Psi Chapter Carroll University Valerie Elizabeth Hron ’82 Gamma Gamma Chapter University of Arizona Anne Gibson Reinhart Leslie ’51 Gamma Delta Chapter University of Nebraska-Omaha Julenn Louise Lefgren Batchelor ’62 Victoria Ann Boysen Kaspar ’71 Dorothy Susan Tannahill Osterholm ’60 Gamma Zeta Chapter Eastern Michigan University Mary Scott Breiling ’54 Audrienne Wright Gates ’55 Maryjean Hess Willette ’78 Gamma Mu Chapter Ripon College Sandra Lu Riddle Stephens ’63 Gamma Sigma Chapter Thiel College Evelyn Mowry Gilson ’63 Gamma Tau Chapter Ohio Northern University Mildred G. Gelston Amstutz ’67 Gamma Psi Frostburg State University Claudine Corinne Crossin ’92 Mary Catherine Vann Lancaster ’64 Marilyn Schaar Simmons ’64

Delta Gamma Chapter University of Nebraska-Kearney Karen Ranee Shafer Chacon ’68 Elda Mae Ritter Lange ’62 Delta Delta Chapter Northern Michigan University Sarah N. Bottrell ’62 Harriet Beale Wilmer ’62 Delta Theta Chapter St. Cloud State University Susan Marie Riemenschneider Saffel ’65 Epsilon Gamma Chapter Western Carolina University Laura Melissa Williams Newman ’83 Epsilon Pi Chapter Jacksonville State University Carol Jean Smith ’68 Epsilon Sigma Georgia Southern University Carolyn Ann Roush ’94 Epsilon Phi Chapter Iowa State University Lynanne Kerr Farson ’76 Deborah Marie Murray Landowski ’86 Zeta Beta Chapter Clarion University of Pennsylvania Barbara A. McCleaf ’75 Susan J. Rectenwald Wilson ’82

Carol Jean Smith, 1947-2011 The Fraternity is saddened to report the passing of Carol Jean Smith, Jacksonville State ’68, who entered Chapter Eternal on March 20, 2011. Carol Jean served Alpha Xi Delta in several significant roles, including National Alumnae Vice President, National Financial Vice President, Montgomery, Alabama Alumnae Association President and Treasurer, and Chapter Advisor for Zeta Xi Chapter at Auburn University. Carol Jean graduated from Jacksonville State University in 1970 and went on to study law at The University of Alabama School of Law. As the Assistant Attorney General of Alabama, Carol Jean served under eight Attorneys General, and provided legal counsel to a succession of state officers in the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government. She was widely considered Alabama’s leading expert in the fields of municipal and county government law. Carol Jean received numerous honors and awards during her lifetime, including Jacksonville State University Alumna of the Year, and was elected as District 8 Vice President of The University of Alabama Alumna Association. She was a die-hard ‘Bama fan, attending every Alabama home football game for 30 years straight. Carol Jean’s life was one of achievement, service and compassion, and we are blessed that Alpha Xi Delta was one of her passions. We extend our condolences to Carol Jean’s family, including her sister Claudette Smith, Jacksonville State ’69.


From the Archives

During the 25th National Convention, Alpha Xi Deltas came from near and far to Edgewater Gulf Hotel at Edgewater Park, Mississippi to connect and dive into fun! Sisters traded their ball gowns for bathing suits as they enjoyed a splash party at the hotel pool. They even got a taste of the South – some sweet Mississippi watermelon!

45 The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta

Summer 2011

Living Our


Steadfastness of Soul By SPC Stephanie Rushton, South Dakota ‘09 If someone told me a year ago that I would be in Afghanistan fighting for my country I would have laughed and said “Yeah, right.” But looking back, I am glad it happened. It has been one crazy year that is for sure, but an experience to say the least, and I wouldn’t trade it for a year stateside for the world. I have met some of the most amazing people in Afghanistan, and several are great friends now. Each day is different, and we have learned something new each and every single day. Being in Afghanistan has been a culture shock, but you quickly learn the traditions and beliefs, and work around them. The greatest lesson I have learned would be to never under estimate people, or take for granted the simple things. These people do not have a lot of technology; most still living without running water or electricity, but they do not complain. Instead, they work around it and do just fine. It has made me realize there are things in my life that I could go without and still be fine. This experience has taught me to just breathe and enjoy the little things in life. Many people have asked me what it has been like over here. Truthfully, it has been terrible at points, but there were days where it was the most fun I have ever had. There has not been a day that I have not smiled or laughed at something the guys did or something that has happened. There have been times I went without showers for days, but made the most of it. Why? Because I knew I was not the only one suffering. This experience reminds me of hardships I have seen and been a part of in my chapter. I think this may have been one of the greatest things I have learned that I wanted to teach and remind the women at Epsilon Chapter about when I came home. I tacked a note to the back door for my Sisters before heading back to the airport after leave. It said, “Just remember, when you think things are going bad, they can always be worse.” I didn’t want any of them to feel sorry for me for one second because that was not the mission. I wanted my Sisters to take a minute to put themselves in someone else’s shoes, to imagine what life is like for someone living on the street, or who is less fortunate as them. In my department, I never once saw a single soul that was moping. They all had that glow that said to everyone, “We’re doing just fine.” The women of the Epsilon Chapter at the University of South Dakota, made this year memorable for me. They never let me down, not even for one second. They were always there when I needed to talk to someone. Skype days were always a blast, and the Facebook wall posts were always something I looked forward to at the end of the day. I never went a day without smiling because of them, and I am extremely grateful. I cannot recall a single day after missions, where I would log onto Facebook to stay connected with the world back home, when there wasn’t a Sister to talk to. New members would add me and talk to me like they already knew me, and to me, that was the greatest feeling ever. The love and respect was overwhelming, and it was empowering to know I had Sisters back home that missed me that much. Truthfully, this job puts your life in perspective and you wake up each day accepting the fact that, well, today could be that day. Today could be that day I do not

SPC Stephanie Rushton’s Epsilon Chapter Sisters made special t-shirts to wear around campus to show their support during her deployment.

come back, that I do not make it. But, you do everything in your power to make sure that reality does not happen. To know I had a house full of beautiful and intelligent Sisters and wonderful friends back home made that drive to come home much more powerful. One of my greatest memories is when I came home on leave in March. The excitement I had was almost unbearable. I only told one person that I was coming home–my best friend and fellow ΑΞΔ. I had her pick me up, and we devised a plan to surprise the chapter. It was hard to keep the surprise to myself, but seeing the shock on their faces and hearing their excitement made the whole wait worth it. When I got back to Afghanistan, receiving all of the packages they sent made the days easier to handle–especially those days when it was really hard to keep the drive and push forward. The love my Sisters gave me was heartwarming, and that is truly what a soldier lives for. That is the reason we do what we do. Not because we were told to, but because we want to…because of the people back home. And that reason alone is why I am so grateful for the family I have made with my Alpha Xi Delta Sisters. Looking back, each part of the Symphony presented itself to me during my deployment. The ups and downs, and everything that went along with it, made this crazy adventure an experience I am glad to have had. I cannot put into words the lessons I have learned or the things I have seen, but each has made a stronger, more humble and better person out of me. But through it all, I do not know how I could have been able to handle it so well without the love and support of my Sisters. I would like to share a saying that comes from a necklace I got from my Little Sister in a package she sent. It says, “a sister is a forever friend.” It is definitely true for these wonderful women I am honored to say are my Sisters and family. The same goes for the men of Alpha Company 1-168 IN I worked with this last year. They say the Army is a brotherhood, and I would deeply agree. Every single one of these men are like my brothers, and each, whether they admit it or not, has that protective instinct of a big brother around me and the two other women that were in the company of a hundred men. I am blessed to have worked with such great men. There is nothing is like a Sisterhood or brotherhood, and I am greatly honored to have both.


Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity 8702 Founders Road Indianapolis, IN 46268





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