SCOUT Magazine Vol.1 (April 2017)

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RICARDO YOHANES OLIVER Director of ALSA LC Unpad 2016-­2017


Aga Tri Yulinda Head of ICT ALSA LC Unpad Athaya Thalla Vice Head of ICT ALSA LC Unpad Dear Readers, It is our pleasure to present you our 2017 vol.1 issue of SCOUT Magazine, the It magazine of exemplary writing by lecturers and students enrolled in Law Faculty at Padjadjaran University. The pieces featured in this edition were w itten during the period of ALSA Local Chapter Universitas Padjadjaran Board 2016-­2017. We are immensely glad to be a part of ALSA LC Unpad with its members of passionate and talented individuals. It is where friendships are formed, where students from different ages, regions, characters, and disci-­ plines collaborate on something meaningful to disseminate to the larger plines community at Law Faculty of Padjadaran University. With SCOUT Magazine, we aim to deliver and provide you to gain knowledge and information regarding our surroundings and concerning issues. As college students, we always seems to be struggling to find balance between the grades that we have to maintain and being active and involved in organiza-­ tions, often leaves us clueless about life after college. In this issue of the mag-­ azine, SCOUT team explores the recent events that has been occurring recently and with the help from our alumnis, we also discusses the personal struggles and dilemma of college students. We would like to thank you our lectures who willingly guide and helped us with legal articles, our alumnis for sharing their experience, and our friends for the tremendous support and help. Our sincerest hope is ALSA LC Unpad will continue to grow, thrive, and attract bright young minds, as we believe in the important mission to enrich, inform, and connect Law Faculty of Padjadjaran University diverse community. Thank you and enjoy! Cheers, Aga Tri Yulinda & Athaya Thalla


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International  airport  as  the  crime  scene  of  the             controversial  killing  which  is  Airport  Security  aspect  supposed  to  be  a  safe  place  brought  a  case  with  a  under  international  law.  is  now  again  in  the  handgun  inside  that in  the  spotlight  after  series  of  attack  took  latter  be  a  rampage  weapon.  How  Inter-­ place  recently.  The  case  of  Kim  Jong  national  Law  regulate  legality  to  carry  a  Nam  Killing  at  Kuala  Lumpur   Internation-­ handgun  inside  passenger  baggage  also  al  Airport,  20  February  2017  took  over  another  issue  entail  under  International  world  attention,  mainly  because  the  air  law.  This  case  is  closely  related  to  air-­ victim  is  the  half-­brother  of  North  Korean  port  and  aviation      security  under  Inter-­ leader  Kim  Jong  Un.  However,  a  few  national  Civil  Aviation  Organization  would  pay  attention  to  the  place  where  he  would (ICAO)  authority,  as  the  main  United  Na-­ was  killed.  International   airport  as  the  tions  organization  that  deals  with  civil  avi-­ crime  scene  of  the  controversial  killing  ation.  ICAO  has  been  a  longtime  struggle  which  is  supposed  to  be  a  safe  place  to  make  the  aviation  both  in  the  landside  under  international  law.  According  to  and  airside  safer.,  powerful  nerve  agent    that  was  used  to  kill  Kim  Jong  Nam  by  During  2016,  there  were  two  attacks  re-­ two  suspects  indeed  is  illegal  to  be  inside  two lated  to  terrorism  occurred  at  airports  in  the  airport.  The  case  is  a  proof  that  there  different  states.  The  first  attack  happened  is  still  a  hole  in  the  airport  security  aspect.  on  22  March  2016  at  Brussels  Airport,    Belgium.  The  attack  was  a  part  of  series  Another  case  that  trigger  question  about  of  terrorist  attack,  two  at  Brussels  Airport  the  airport  security  occurred  at  the  Fort  in  Zaventem,  and  one  at  Maalbeek  metro  Lauderdale  -­  Hollywood  International  Air-­ station  in  central  Brussels.  Two  perpetra-­ station port  on  7  January  2017.  report-­ tors  carried  the  bomb  in  suitcases  and      ed  that  five  people  killed  in  the  airport  ter-­ detonated  it  in  the  departure  hall  of  Brus-­ minal  after  Esteban  Santiago  shot  them  sels  Airport.The  other  attack  of  2016  hit  with  a  handgun  that  he  got  from  his  Atatürk  international  Airport,  Republic  of  checked  luggage.  Indeed,  it  is  a  little  Turkey.  The  attack  committed  on  28  June  strange  about  how  Esteban  as  a  pessen-­ 2016  where  forty-­five  people  were  killed  nger  of  the  Delta  Airlines  has  sucessfully  and  more  than  230  people  were  injured. Â


With the current cases at sight, ICAO hand in hand with states have to reinsure the security aspect of airports, so that similar attack would be prevented. On the day, two perpetrators while Among aims and objectives set out in Among approaching security checkpoint opened Article 44 of the Convention, at least fire and suddenly detonated suicide three aspects that related to airport secu-­ bombs. rity:(1) ICAO has to develop principles and techniques so as to ensure the safe The most relevant and perhaps the most and orderly growth of international civil important legal issues that we can infer aviation;; (2) ICAO has to encourage the from the above-­explained cases is how development development of airways, airports, and air international law regulates dangerous navigation facilities for international civil goods at the airport. The dangerous aviation;; and (3) Promote safety of flight goods include firearms, explosives, and in international air navigation. chemical substance are related to the aviation security, as well as the imple-­ With the current cases at sight, ICAO aviation mentation of security checks and mea-­ hand in hand with states have to reinsure sures taken by state and airport authority. the security aspect of airports, so that similar attack would be prevented. Roles of International Civil Aviation Organization The various laws regarding the security The of the airport must be highlighted and The 1994 Convention on International should be examined in order to find a Civil Aviation or known as Chicago loophole in regulations. The airport Convention as the main treaty that laid authority also another vital aspect to down international law system used ensure safe aviation that starts in an nowadays, formed the International Civil airport so that ICAO and states have to Aviation Organization / ICAO as an entity consider consider the compliance of international that deals with civil aviation matters. law regarding airport security. Aviation -­

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If suspected dangerous devices or other The architecture and infrastructure of an potential hazards are detected, arrange-­ airport are also another important aspect ments of investigation, rendering safe of airport security. Also under Annex 17, and/or disposing of shall be taken by air-­ airport design including architecture and port authority personnel. The authorized infrastructure have to be compatible for and trained personnel are readily avail-­ implementing security measures set out able for deployment at its airports serving in national civil aviation security program. civil aviation to assist in dealing with sus-­ A design of airport facilities and alteration A pected, or actual, cases of unlawful inter-­ of existing facilities must be made ference with civil aviation. integrally with security consideration. Undeniably, international law plays its The annex also regulates the measures role in ensuring the security of civil avia-­ relating to access control. Contracting tion, including airport. However, the exis-­ states shall ensure that the access to tence of such law is not sufficient in pre-­ airside areas at airports serving civil venting unlawful interference in airports. aviation is controlled in order to prevent The compliance and implementation of unauthorized entry. States also has to such international law, from the state ensure that identification systems are level to each airport authority shall take established in respect of persons and into account. The aims of this article are established vehicles in order to prevent unauthorized to give information on the readers about access to airside areas and security this vital safety issue, and also to stimu-­ restricted areas. Identity shall be verified late further research on aviation safety, at designated checkpoints before access especially on the landside. This article is is allowed to airside areas and security designed as the introductory writing, in restricted areas. Each Contracting State that light, the analysis presents here will is under obligation to ensure that persons is not cover a comprehensive legal issue other than passengers, together with that requires in-­depth analysis with an items carried, prior to entry into airport extensive legal research. *** security restricted areas serving international civil aviation operations, are subject to screening and security Garry Gumelar Pratama,S.H.,M.H. controls. Member of International Law There are also measures relating to Association (ILA) Indonesian Branch passengers and their cabin baggage. and States parties of Chicago Convention Secretary at the Indonesian Centre shall establish measures to ensure that for Air and Space Law (ICASL), Law originating passenger of commercial air Faculty of Universitas Padjadjaran transport operations. Their cabin baggage is also subject to be screened prior to boarding an aircraft departing prior from a security restricted area. If suspect-­ ed dangerous devices or other potential hazards are detected, arrangements of investigation, rendering safe and/or disposing of shall be taken by airport authority personnel.




Language is one of the most funda-­ mental tools of the legal profession-­ al. Legal professionals must convey information in a clear, concise, and logical manner, communicate persuasively, be able to advocate a position or a cause, master legal terminology, and develop keen lis-­ tening skills.

XSJUJOH DPNNVOJDBUJPO From writing simple correspon-­ dence to drafting complex legal documents, writing is an integral function of nearly every legal posi-­ tion. Legal professionals must: Master the stylistic and mechanical aspects of writing, master the fun damentals of English grammar, learn how to write organized, con-­ cise, and persuasive prose, draft ef-­ fective legal documents such as motions, briefs, memorandums, res-­ olutions, and legal agreements.


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law, judicial opinions, statutes, reg-­ ulations, and other information is an important legal skill. Legal profes-­ sionals must: Master legal research techniques, learn how to locate and synthesize legal authority, master the art of statutory interpretation, learn proper legal citation, master legal research software applica-­ tions and Internet research.

"/"-:5*$"- "/% -0(*$"- 3&"40/*/( Legal professionals must learn to review and assimilate large volumes of complex information in an efficient and effective manner. Legal analytical and logical reasoning skills include: Reviewing complex written documents, drawing inferences, and making connections among legal authorities, developing logical thinking, organiza-­ tion, and problem-­solving abilities, structuring and eval-­ uating arguments, using inductive and deductive rea-­ soning to draw inferences and reach conclusions.

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All legal professionals, even those at the bottom of the legal career food chain, must have a basic knowledge of substantive law and legal procedure. Legal professionals must have a gener-­ al knowledge of: Local, state, and fed-­ eral court systems, relevant filing dead lines, fundamental principles of law in the practice areas in which they work, relevant legal terminology. 4$065



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Intellectual  Property  is  a  type  of  creation  derived  out  of  an  individual’s  mind  and  vision,  such  as  invention,  literature  and  artworks,  symbols,  etc.  The  important  question  to  be  asked,  would  be  why  does  intellectual  property  need  to  be  protect-­ ed?  It  is  for  a  fairly  simple  reason:  to  en-­ courage  innovation.  Innovations  are  keys  to  broaden  the  progress  in  civilization.  The  highest  values  that  human  could  offer  essentially  are  considered  through  the  contribution  that  he  had  done  and  the  things  that  he  had  created.  The  law  of  in-­ tellectual  property  will  guarantee  the  eco nomic  and  moral  rights  (credits  in  regards  of  ownership’s  name)  of  the  creator’s.  When  there’s  an  actual,  legal  apprecia-­ tion  of  creative  works,  the  increase  of  other  similar  creations  is  highly-­awaited;;  which  hopefully  leads  to  the  ideal  phase  of  human’s  civilization. 4$065 Picture  credit:

Therefore,  the  effort  in  synchroniz-­ ing  the  intellectual  property’s  law  was  created  and  first  held  in  1883  with  the  birth  of  Paris  Convention  regarding  patent,  trademark,  and  design’s  issue,  continued  on  in  Bern  Convention  (1886)  which  ad-­ dressed  the  issue  of  copyright.  The  purpose  from  those  conventions  being  held  was  the  standardization  in  intellectual  property  law,  to  attend  new  issues,  interchange     information,  implement  minimum  protection,  and  create  procedure  regarding  permits  of  rights  over  in-­ regarding tellectual  property.  The  legal  inter-­ national  board  that  deals  with  the  sector  of  intellectual  property,  is  named  World  Intellectual  Property  Organization  (WIPO),  in  which  this  certified  board  has  classified  intel lectual  property  into  two  catego-­ ries:

12 exists on its own when the creative works are created by the creator. This declarative principle is also applied to other type of Intellectual Property Rights such as Trade Se-­ crets. The examples of creative works which is subjected to protec-­ tion, are: books, written works, songs, maps, batik arts, portraits, etc.

copyright and industrial property rights.Indonesia has separated the arrangement within Intellectual Property Rights into several types, which are: Copyrights, Marks, Pat-­ ents, Industrial Designs, Trade Se-­ crets, and Layout Designs of Inte grated Circuits.Copyright is the creator ’s exclusive right, in other words, the economic right held by the owner of the copyright that exists automatically based on declarative principle. The declara-­ tive principle proposed here per tains to how a creation is given si-­ multaneous protection by Constitu-­ tion in its real form without de-­ creasing the boundaries set by and in accordance to the procedures of constitution rules. In summary, it can be affirmed that copyright is not one to be listed, it already -­

Copyright has differed strikingly from another intellectual property rights (for example, patent, which allows monopoly rights over inven-­ tion utility), because copyright doesn’t allow the monopoly rights of utilization, however it is the rights to prevent people who would rights do so. For instance, certainly a computer programmer would not want his work to be pirated and sold cheaply by those who do not possess the rights;; for the software programmer have struggled hard and devoted all his time to make and such work. Then, what happens if a situation arises in which two different works have similar forms and contents? This is something unordinary. In-­ donesia, has written law regarding this in Constitution No. 28/2014, which distinguishes how a work is considered as a reproduced work considered from another creator. Different from the law in-­


Constitution No. 19/2002 that tends to the similarity of the creation’s final result, the Constitution of 2014 about Copyright pays more attention to the process of how the work is created. When the cre-­ ator who was accused of plagiarism is able to prove that the process of his work did not copy from another creator, the did former has the right to receive protection under the copyright law for his own work. Whereas industrial property rights which consist of patents, marks, industrial de-­ signs, and layout designs of integrated circuits are the rights of intellectual prop-­ erty that must be registered first to re-­ ceive the protection of law under the Constitution arranged by each countries. Inside the technical world of intellectual property, said matter is termed as consti-­ tutive principle. For instance, Laptop A, which owns a patent registered in Italia over fingerprint scan technology, if it were to be marketed in Indonesia, it should be registered on the respective country be forehand, in order to have patent rights in Indonesia. Imagine if we were to use the declarative principle for the patent;; in order to protect various inventions which focuses on sim-­ plifying human’s labor. If we use declara-­ tive principle, we will never distinguish who was the first to mark the patent;; evethough in this case, both patents have the same function, in which the eco-­ nomical value of a patent, is solely sourced from the functions which were produced by the patent itself. In order to prevent the situation from happening, that could lead into a prolonged debate;; hence we apply the constitutive principle, also known as the first to file principle, in which the first who registered themselves is the one who will receive protection from the Constitution.

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How about the protection for the rights of intellectual property in Indonesia? Indo-­ nesia has paid its full attention on intel-­ lectual property since a long time ago. The Constitution which was first acknowl-­ edged in Indonesia came from the Neth-­ erland’s law, which was shifted and plied in Indonesia by the Colonial Gov-­ ernment of Netherlands during the colo-­ nization era. Netherland was later signed as the member of Paris Convention and Bern Convention under the name of its colonized areas. Therefore, it was af-­ firmed that the Dutch East Indies (now donesia) has done its job in protecting the intellectual property.


The development of the protection of in-­ tellectual property in Indonesia, more or less, was affected by Indonesia’s partici-­ pation as a member of the WTO (World Trade Organization) where its members consequently have to submit under the result of WTO’s international treaty, which in this context is named TRIPs (Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights) that was ratificated by Constitution No. 7 1994. The ratification and the refinement of the constitution were also done by the government for it is also one of the consequences from In-­ donesia’s alliance to TRIPs treaty. This process was intensively started since 1997 up until now. Comprehensively, the TRIPs treaty is related to countless rules from various circle of peers which com-­ prise definite custom of lawsuit settle-­ ment. Furthermore, with numerous con flicts that is related to intellectual property nowadays, (mainly in the developing countries who are mostly users of intel-­ lectual property of developed country), this circumstance can be clearly antici-­ pated by TRIPs. Up until now, TRIPs is seen as the most impeccable in accom plishing intellectual property rights regu-­ lation problems. Indonesia's constitu-­ tions, in regards of intellectual property rights, are mainly based on the TRIPs regulations for its essential principles.*** 4$065

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ALSA LC UNPAD had won second

runner up of the ALSA National Moot Court Competition XX trophy of Supreme Court. It was held on 10th-­13th January 2017. This competition was organized by ALSA LC UNSRAT at Universitas Sam ratulangi, Manado. This year, the theme was “Eksistensi Lembaga Pendidikan was dalam Mewujudkan Fungsi Hukum serta Mengimplementasikan Norma Hukum dalam Penegakan Hukum di Lingkungan Masyarakat Demi Tercapainya Cita-­cita Luhur Bangsa Indonesia.” There were 16 law schools participating in this competi-­ tion. ALSA LC unpad brought fifteen delegates consisting of: Fadhil Fisabilillah (head del-­ egation), Wahyu Rachmadi (2013), Lasmi Citra Rahayu (2014), Fahmi Refrizal (2014), Aulia Putri Dianty (2014), Reyham Bagaskara Firdauzy (2014), Rahmandhi-­ ka S. Kuffal (2014), Alberiza Hutrianto (2014), William Edward Sibarani (2015), Theresia Monika Berutu (2015), Adhyata-­ ma Wikrama Maheswara (2015), Alisha Nurlaili (2015), Jason Christian Sembiring (2015), Galuh Evellona Gelista Purnawan (2015), Fidelito Cantaka (2015), Monica Sondang Odilia A. (2015).

The The team had been working on this year’s competition for over than five months. The case draws controversial topics in field of criminal law, which were the nar-­ cotic crime. In November 2016, they sub-­ mitted the written memorials. The team’s advisor was Mr. H. Agus Takariawan, S.H., M.H., with the official team, which consists of Robby Kurnianto (2013), Aiman Zaky (2014), Ivo Tantrie Hudaya (2014)., and tthis team was headed by the most prominent man Fadhila Fishabilillah (2013). ALSA LC UNPAD’s moot team had achieved a remarkable result for this year’s competition, they also won on sev-­ eral awards, such as the best memorial, the best prosecutors and the best law clerk on the prelimenary rounds.




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Perdagangan internasional mer-­ upakan suatu hal yang bersifat din-­ amis, dikarenakan perkembangan zaman yang sangat cepat. Faktan-­ ya adalah bahwa perdagangan in-­ ternasional sudah menjadi tulang punggung bagi negara untuk men jadi makmur, sejahtera, dan kuat. Pada mulanya hubungan perda-­ gangan hanya terbatas pada satu wilayah negara tertentu, tetapi dengan semakin berkembangnya arus perdagangan maka hubungan dagang tersebut tidak hanya dilakukan antar para pengusaha dalam satu wilayah negara saja, akan tetapi turut melibatkan para pedagang dari negara lain. Kegia-­ tan ekspor impor didasari oleh kondisi bahwa tidak ada satu negara yang benar-­benar mandiri karena satu sama lain saling mem-­ butuhkan dan saling mengisi. Setiap negara memiliki karakteris-­ tik yang berbeda, baik sumber daya alam, iklim, geografis, de-­ mografi, struktur ekonomi, dan struktur sosial. Sehingga dengan perbedaan-­perbedaan tersebut menyebabkan perbedaan komodi-­ tas yang dihasilkan. Dari segi legal, transaksi perda-­ gangan internasional berarti suatu transaksi yang melibatkan kepent-­ ingan lebih dari satu hukum nasi-­ onal. Suatu perdagangan dika-­ takan sebagai perdagangan inter-­ nasional, jika transaksi jual beli telah menyebabkan terjadinya pili-­ han hukum antara dua sistem hukum yang berbeda, dan benda yang diperjualbelikan harus diser-­ ahkan melintasi batas-­batas ken-­ egaraan, dan adanya keberadaan unsur asing atau elemen asing bagi sistem hukum yang ber-­ laku.Bidang hukum yang penting untuk diperhatikan dalam suatu perdagangan internasional adalah hukum kontrak.

20 jual beli internasional yang meli-­ batkan pelaku usaha dari dua atau lebih negara yang berbeda tentu akan menimbulkan ketidakpastisan hukum. Sebagai contoh, transaksi jual beli internasional yang dilaku-­ kan oleh pengusaha Singapura dengan pengusaha Indonesia akan melibatkan dua sistem hukum yang berbeda. Hukum kontrak Singapu-­ ra yang berasal dari sistem hukum anglo saxon mempunyai pengatur-­ an yang berbeda dengan hukum kontrak Indonesia yang bersumber dari tradisi hukum Eropa Kontinen-­ tal. Ketidakpastian hukum timbul ketika terjadi sengketa dimana pelaku bisnis ini kemungkinan akan dihadapkan pada suatu sistem hukum kontrak yang benar benar asing bagi dirinya dan yang tidak pernah diharapkan sejak awal. Fenomena perdagangan in-­ awal. ternasional ini menimbulkan adanya kebutuhan akan adanya peraturan yang bersifat universal dan seragam yang mengatur hak dan kewajiban kaum pedagang dalam melakukan transaksi dagang internasional.


Indonesia Indonesia sampai saat ini belum menjadi contracting states CISG. Kebutuhan untuk mengaksesi CISG semakin mendapatkan momentum saat ini ketika adanya komitmen negara-­negara ASEAN untuk memperkuat kerjasama regional melalui pembentukan mas-­ yarakat ASEAN (ASEAN Community), yarakat termasuk Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN, yang diharapkan terwujud pada tahun 2015. Dalam rangka mewujudkan suatu Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN tersebut maka ASEAN telah merekomendasikan kepada negara negara anggotanya untuk melakukan harmonisasi hukum kontrak melakukan jual beli internasional-­nya melalui ratifika-­ si CISG. Kebutuhan aksesi Indonesia ter-­ hadap CISG tentu saja bukan sema-­ ta-­mata karena “dorongan” eksternal, namun juga didasarkan kepada kebutu-­ han hukum dan kepentingan nasional. Sebagai suatu negara yang menganut sistem hukum.

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Maka dari itu, negara-­negara perlu menjalin suatu hubungan perda-­ gangan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tiap-­tiap negara. Para pelaku perd-­ agangan yang berasal dari negara yang berbeda dengan latar be-­ lakang maupun sistem hukum antar negara yang berbeda juga menye-­ babkan dibutuhkannya suatu pera-­ turan yang tegas, menyeluruh, juga mudah untuk dipahami dan diterap-­ kan. Standarisasi perdagangan in-­ ternasional ini lah merupakan alasan utama dibentuknya Konven si PBB tentang Jual Beli Barang In-­ ternasional 1980 (Vienna Conven-­ tion on the International Sale of Goods 1980, selanjutnya disebut “Konvensi” atau CISG”)

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22 Eropa Kontinental, Indonesia sudah memiliki ketentuan hukum kontrak dida-­ lam bagian II buku III KUHPerdata, dibawah judul “Tentang perikatan – peri-­ katan yang dilahirkan dari kontrak atau perjanjian;; namun mengingat rentang waktu yang cukup lama sejak penyusu nannya hingga sekarang, maka patutlah dipertanyakan apakah berbagai ketentu-­ an mengenai hukum kontrak itu masih dapat mewadahi berbagai kegiatan bisnis yang dewasa ini telah mengalami perkembangan yang sangat pesat. Perlu dikaji hal-­hal apa sajakah yang sudah tidak sesuai dengan perkembangan berbagai kegiatan bisnis dewasa ini dan perbaikan serta penyempurnaan apakah yang seyogyanya harus dilaksanakan, sehingga Indonesia dapat memiliki hukum kontrak yang modern, yang dapat mewadahi kegiatan bisnis dewasa ini. Perbaikan dan penyempurnaan ini Perbaikan mutlak harus dilakukan mengingat bahwa di era global dewasa ini sistem hukum kontrak Indonesia yang berpijak pada tradisi civil law harus bertemu dan berinteraksi dengan berbagai sistem hukum lain, utamanya dengan sistem hukum Anglo America. Tak dapat dipun-­ hukum gkiri memang banyak hal yang sama, se-­ jenis atau mirip dalam hukum kontrak In-­ donesia dengan hukum kontrak dari neg-­ ara-­negara yang bersistem hukum Anglo America, namun ada pula perbe-­ daan-­perbedaan yang sangat tajam tara keduanya.

Perbedaan itu terjadi baik pada tahap penyusunan kontrak maupun pada tahap pelaksanaanya;; jadi agar kerjasama yang dituangkan dalam suatu perjanjian dapat berlangsung dengan baik dan mencapai tujuannya perlulah dilakukan suatu harmonisasi diantara kedua sisitem hukum kontrak tersebut. Dalam sisitem kaitan inilah maka aksesi Indonesia terh-­ adap CISG akan dapat mendorong mem-­ percepat perubahan terhadap hukum perjanjian yang diatur dalam KUHPerda-­ ta agar sistem hukum kontrak Indonesia lebih modern dan sekaligus harmonis dengan hukum kontrak negara-­negara lain. KEUNTUNGAN 1. Banyak norma dan standar CISG belum terintegrasikan ke dalam hukum Indonesia, padahal CISG secara de facto sudah menjadi “hukum dagang internasi-­ onal”. Indonesia belum memiliki hukum nasional tentang kontrak dagang interna-­ sional;; hukum jual-­beli yang termuat di KUHPerdata belum siap menghadapi problem-­problem berkaitan dengan perd-­ agangan internasional yang begitu kom-­ pleks;; 2. Ditinjau dari keluasan dan kedalaman substansi yang diatur di dalam CISG mengenai kontrak jual-­beli barang inter-­ nasional, maka ratifikasi atau aksesi In-­ donesia pada CISG dapat berdampak positif, khususnya sebagai sumber asas-­asas hukum kontrak jual-­beli barang internasional;; 3. CISG telah disusun dengan men-­ dasarkan pada best practices dalam transaksi-­transaksi perdagangan interna-­ sional, sehingga aksesi Indonesia pada CISG akan sangat berguna sebagai langkah modernisasi hukum perjanjian Indonesia;;


4. CISG dapat dikatakan sebagai hasil sebuah kompromi ‘akbar’ dari asas-­asas yang dikenal di dalam tradisi-­tradisi hukum utama dunia, seperti tradisi hukum Anglo-­Amerika (common law), tr-­ adisi Eropa-­Kontinental (Civil Law), tra-­ disi Hukum Negara Sosialis, dan dari si fatnya yang fleksibel terbuka pula untuk pengembangan dan penyesuaian pada tradisi hukum Islam;;

KERUGIAN/TANTANGAN 1. CISG mengatur bidang perdagangan 1. yang sangat bersifat sektoral (hanya jual-­beli barang internasional) saja, seh-­ ingga ratifikasi Indonesia pada Konvensi ini belum berdampak pada pengemban-­ gan hukum nasional Indonesia pada bidang-­bidang perdagangan lainnya. CISG tidak atau belum tentu dapat diter-­ apkan pada sub-­sub bidang lain dalam perdagangan internasional, yang sebe-­ narnya merupakan bagian dari transak-­ si-­transaksi perdagangan internasional, seperti franchise, distributorship, com-­ mercial agency, countertrade;;

5. Aksesi Indonesia pada CISG juga di-­ harapkan akan berdampak positif untuk harmonisasi hukum kontrak jual-­beli re-­ gional di ASEAN. Sampai saat tulisan ini dibuat, baru Singapura yang meratifikasi CISG;; masuknya Indonesia yang memili-­ ki pangsa pasar terbesar di kawasan ini, diharapkan akan mendorong nega-­ ra-­negara anggota ASEAN lainnya untuk bergabung demi harmonisasi hukum di kawasan ini;; 6. Mitra-­mitra dagang utama ASEAN (China, Jepang, Australia, Korea dan Amerika Serikat) adalah negara-­negara peratifikasi CISG, di samping umumnya negara-­negara anggota Masyarakat Eropa, sehingga uniformitas dalam asas-­asas hukum kontrak jual-­beli inter-­ nasional dapat diupayakan seoptimal nasional mungkin dalam kerjasama-­kerjasama di bidang hukum perdata dengan pelaku-­pelaku bisnis dari negara-­negara tersebut.

2. Pelaksanaan CISG erat kaitannya dengan penggunaan kompilasi-­kompilasi asas/aturan perdagangan internasional lain yang diterima sebagai kebiasaan in-­ ternasional, seperti INCOTERMS, UCPDC, dsb. Karena itu, ratifikasi CISG dapat terlihat sebagai salah satu langkah parsial saja dan belum menuntaskan parsial upaya pengembangan hukum nasional Indonesia seutuhnya;; Picture credit:

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3. CISG adalah sebuah karya besar di dalam hukum internasional, tetapi pada saat yang bersamaan sangat men-­ gandalkan kebebasan, tidak saja bagi negara-­negara peratifikasi, tetapi juga bagi pihak-­pihak dalam kontrak jualbeli, untuk mengesampingkan berlakunya asas-­asas yang ada di dalamnya. Ada asas-­asas kekhawatiran bahwa dalam transak-­ si-­transaksi jual-­beli internasional yang melibatkan pihak Indonesia akan ditun-­ dukkan pada CISG, tetapi dipenuhi dengan pengecualian-­pengecualian (baik seluruhnya atau sebagian) sesuai kebutuhan para pihak;; Keberadaan CISG juga bukannya tanpa cela. Adalah naif untuk berasumsi bahwa para pihak dalam suatu kontrak perda-­ gangan internasional harus mengadopsi sistem hukum dan aturan perdagangan yang sama. Terdapat kekurangan dimana CISG adalah kombinasi dari dua sistem hukum utama dunia, Anglo Sax-­ sistem on/Common Law dan European Conti-­ nental/Civil Law, yang oleh karenanya, penerimaan atau sikap kompromistis ter-­ hadap penggabungan ini memiliki kon-­ sekuensi membingungkan dan kurang efektifnya ketentuan ketentuan yang hasilkan oleh Konvensi itu.

REKOMENDASI Dalam hal ini penulis merekomendasikan pemerintah Indonesia untuk meratifikasi CISG. Alasan-­alasan mengapa perlu di-­ ratifikasinya CISG antara lain: 1. Dengan makin terbukanya ekonomi In-­ donesia sebagai dampak dari globalisasi maka makin banyak transaksi perdagan-­ gan yang dilakukan oleh warga negara In-­ donesia dengan pihak asing, untuk itu diperlukan perangkat kaidah-­kaidah hukum yang mendukung perdagangan in ternasional;; pa kekurangan yang dimilikinya, CISG yang hanya memuat 101 pasal dengan prinsip-­prinsip yang sama dengan KUH Perdata tentu akan lebih memudahkan berbagai pihak. 2. Konvensi tersebut merupakan konven-­ si yang menseragamkan kaidah-­kaidah hukum perdagangan internasional dibidang Kontrak Jual Beli Barang Inter-­ nasional yang dipersiapkan oleh UNCI-­ TRAL. Konvensi tersebut telah merupa-­ kan hukum positif yang berlaku sejak Januari 1988. Diantara peserta konvensi tersebut terdapat pula peserta dari negara berkembang.


25 Dalam mendukung transaksi perdagangan internasional yang dilakukan oleh warga negara Indonesia, maka Indonesia perlu menjadi peserta konvensi tersebut dengan alasan: a. Konvensi tersebut memuat asas-­asas a. yang terdapat dalam hukum kontrak pada umumnya dan asas-­asas tersebut tidak bertentangan dengan KUH Perdata;; b. Pada saat ini Indonesia telah menjadi b. peserta konvensi, Indonesia dapat menya-­ takan deklarasi yang dimungkinkan menurut konvensi, yaitu didasarkan pada pasal 92 (1), pasal 93 (1), pasal 94, pasal 95 dan pasal 96. Dengan adanya kemun-­ gkinan untuk mengadakan deklarasi terse but, maka kaidah-­kaidah hukum Kontrak Jual Beli Internasional dapat dijadikan dasar atau tidak dipakainya atau dirubah oleh para pihak dalam hubungan Kontrak Jual Beli Barang Internasional. Dengan de-­ mikian asas kebebasan berkontak tetap di-­ hormati. c. Dalam mendukung usaha untuk menga-­ dakan pembaruan hukum kontrak di Indo-­ nesia, maka dengan meratifikasi konvensi tersebut berarti Indonesia berusaha men-­ gadakan harmonisasi hukum Kontrak Jual Beli Nasional (domestik) dengan Kontrak Jual Beli Internasional.

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KESIMPULAN Pengaturan hukum dagang internasional Pengaturan di Indonesia yang secara umum bersum-­ ber dari KUH Perdata dirasa sudah keting-­ galan zaman, disamping KUH Perdata yang merupakan produk hukum zaman co-­ lonial, juga banyaknya jumlah pasal yang berjumlah 1903 terkadang merepotkan. Terlebih bila perusahaan suatu negara dengan sistem hukum yang berbeda diha-­ ruskan untuk memakai KUH Perdata se-­ bagai acuan dalam kontrak dagang dengan perusahaan Indonesia. Terlepas dari beberapa kekurangan yang dimilikin-­ ya, CISG yang hanya memuat 101 pasal dengan prinsip-­prinsip yang sama dengan KUH Perdata tentu akan lebih memudah-­ kan berbagai pihak



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Do you know that employers make judgements on résumés within around 5 seconds? This is why it is truly essential to use clear and attractive titles for whatever professional experi-­ ence you describe.

An outstanding curriculum vitae is really a quick and brief adver-­ tisement of who you are as a pro-­ fessional. Start writing your résumé from making notes on the position that you would like to apply for and analyzing how it resonates with your experience. Then focus on your professional skills and achievements. Be se-­ lective and pick the most inter-­ esting information not everything has to be included in a CV. Re-­ membering about the purpose 165 5)& .045 *.1035"/5 should always put you back on */'03."5*0/ '*345 the right track.

Ask yourself what is the most im-­ portant part of your CV: previous work experience or qualifications and skills? Then make a decision on what should go first. For some people, qualifications and skills seem to be more important for people with an International expe-­ people rience, working in diverse envi-­ ronment and moving around a lot. 4$065 Picture credit:

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It is extremely important to choose a simple and clean design for a résumé. Remember to use a readable typeface like Calibri, Verdana or Trebuchet MS. Divide your CV in separate sections, make the titles bigger and/or bolder. Use one addition-­ and/or al colour to make the document more interesting. Otherwise, black and shades of grey should do the job. Last but not least, never make your curriculum vitae longer than two pages.

'0$64 0/ "$)*&7&.&/54

64& 3*()5 ,&:803%4 Nowadays, many companies ask for digital résumés. In that case, it is worth to use key-­ words. Why? Because lots of employers will put your CV in a digital database and search for future employees using keywords. If your résumé will keywords. not include these keywords, you will not be chosen for the interview! Note, that these words are mostly nouns and to find them you should ana-­ lyze the job description.


Do your best to focus on achievements instead of re-­ sponsibilities. Employers are bored with long lists of re-­ sponsibilities that sometimes they do not even under-­ stand. After all, words are only words. Describe your achievements in a short and simple way showing your qualities and strengths at the same time

ALSA Care and Share (shortened to be

Drawing competition was one of the Drawing agenda on this Pre-­event, the theme was about "Where Am I Gonna Be In The Next 20 Years?" the aims was to improve the creativity of the kids also to motivate them by drawing their big dreams on a paper. This event was also filled by games “Kuda Bisik” with students of SDN games 01 Hegarmanah. Another competition was General Knowledge Quiz or we called it with “Cerdas Cermat”.

ACS) is an annual event held by every Local Chapters of ALSA NC Indonesia. This event is intended to raise a social awareness of local people around campus to promote a better living for the environment. ACS in ALSA LC UNPAD’s tradition is a mandatory programme, tradition organized by the freshmen, which head of the committee is elected during ALSA CAMP (Inauguration of ALSA). The Main Event consisted of two different Last year, ALSA Care and Share series of agenda, which are held on No-­ was seperated in two major events: vember 26th,, 2016. The first agenda was Pre-­event and Main event. The theme opening ceremony, which was opened by was “Empowering the People of Tomor-­ three speeches, M. Reyhan Kreshna as row”. With M. Reyhan Kreshna as the the Project Officer, Ricardo Yohanes Project Officer. The Pre-­event was held on November, 26th 2016 at SDN 01 Oliver as the director of ALSA LC Unpad, and Rizky Rachmadina as the represen-­ and Hegarmanah, Jatinangor. The Partici-­ Hegarmanah, tative of National Board ALSA Indonesia. pants of this Pre-­event were the students The event was held at Gedung Fakultas of SDN 01 Hegarmanah and also the Kedokteran Unpad. local sellers around Jatinangor.

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As a senior consultant of IBC As Consultant Mr. Meswantri had im-­ pressively motivated the partci-­ pants’ willingness to start an initial bussiness. Second session was address by Mr. Nizam, which dis-­ cussed business marketing. Basic knowledge regarding applicable marketing was thaught by Mr. Nizam. During the last session the freshmen brought up a uniquely new programme, named “Nangor Starter Pack”, an official account operated on LINE@ application that provides information related to

“where can i find local business-­ es?” which benefits both local sell-­ ers and students. This application basically provides an information regarding daily needs of students, such as: food delivery;; pick-­up and deliver laundry;; and etc. This pro gramme aimed to provide a digi-­ talized marketing tool which easen and broaden up the market scope that local businesses could reach. So, Last year ACS was fascinating-­ ly amazing. See you on ALSA Care and Share, next year ! ALSA Always Be One!



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he majority of Indonesian people have little awareness of legal issues and the majority do not enjoy their constitutionally guaranteed rights.

Legal awareness can empower people to demand justice, accountability and effective remedies at all time. This magnifies the impact of their legal troubles and difficulties when they come. Many people, especially in remote areas, Many The topic of the children and youth legal still do not have proper and fair access to consciousness is very important due to justice and do not know the procedure for the the need to increase the level of legal obtaining their fundamental rights, civil culture in different states societies. Legal rights, criminal rights, other legal awareness is an integral part of the legal documents, and laws as well as interna-­ culture, and therefore an important tional instruments of human rights. Legal element in determination the quality and awareness, also known as legal awareness, legal culture level. The legal awareness consciousness, is the empowerment of of young people should be viewed from individuals regarding issues involving the the perspective of the constructive rather the law. Legal awareness affects the behav-­ than descriptive approach which makes it ior of people with the rule of law. possible to build a solid view of the status A researcher of Legal Literacy Mission, of the structural elements of justice on Anoop Kumar, says in his study, the basis of the results of sociological “the legislature of the state and the investigations, to reveal its drawbacks parliament, while enacting the legislation, and, what is more important, to prevent consider the objectives of it. Some laws from their occurrence and development. lay down the substantive rights of the masses and some touch upon the procedural aspect of certain laws. But it is due to lack of awareness of beficiaries that most of legislations are ineffective at that the stage of their execution.”


Athaya Thalla (ALSA LC Unpad 2013)


National Board Presidents, Director of ALSA LC Unpad, President of ALSA, Dean Representative of Universitas Padjadjaran, and Project Officer of ALSA Conference 2017, rang “Angklung” as ceremonial act of ALSA Conference 2017 opening.

Based on the oldest written historical ref-­ erences, Bandung was the capital of The Kingdom of Padjadjaran. In 1955, the first Asian-­African Conference was held in Bandung, attended by twenty-­nine coun-­ tries across Asia and Africa region with its biggest leaders such as, Nehru from India, Nasser from Egypt, Tito from Yu-­ goslavia, Nkrumah from Ghana, and U Nu from Myanmar. Asian-­African Confer-­ ence was a fundamental step toward the Non-­Aligned Movement. With this in mind, Bandung was once the place that strengthens the bond between nations and this is the time which we could strengthens our bond once again.Thus, ALSA Conference 2017 was conducted

in Bandung. ALSA Conference is one of the high level international meetings of ALSA which attended by respected governing council and it’s members. It aims to create a friendly bond between delegates from each National Chapter, to distributes intel-­ lectual values through our Academic Activi-­ ties to all of the delegates, to introduce our own law system to the delegates, the cul-­ ture, especially Sundanese Culture. This event was held on January 15th-­20th 2017. The opening ceremony which was held at Savoy Homann Hotel, presented many performances such as musical perfor mance from UniversitasPadjadjaran’s Choir, traditional dances from Karinding, and a video screening about the history of .


Bandung. Governing Council Meeting was attended by respective leaders from each National Chapters and the ALSA In-­ ternational Board itself, discussed the matters regarding development issues of ALSA International itself. The delegates attended the seminar with “The Role of Intellectual Property Rights In The Devel-­ Intellectual oping World” as the theme at Universitas Padjadjaran. Mrs. Miranda Risang Ayu, S.H., LL.M., Ph.D, an intellectual proper-­ ty right expertise and lecturer in law at Universitas Padjadjaran and Mr. Kevin Fitzgerald as World Intellectual Property Organization represetative attended the seminar as the speakers. ALSA Interna-­ tional Alumni also participated in this event as the speakers at the seminar, where they shared their experiences in ALSA. The academic activities came in the form of Model United Nations (MUN), is a simulation od UN Conference to educate the participants regarding effective com-­ munications globalization international issues and multilateral diplomacy in diplo-­ issues matic manner. The cultural night was held at Saung Angklung Mang Udjo, where the delegates from each nations introduced their culture. Other activities are institution-­ al visit to Gedung Sate, city trip around Bandung, amazing race and social event.


(lobalization has impacted the emer-­

gence of new policy areas such as gender equality, migration, transnational civil society, LBGT, and so on. One of the important issues of concern is gender equality. The struggle for gender equality has been on the rise since the 19th cen-­ tury. The emergence of Feminism is di-­ vided into three waves, with different issues. The first wave is characterized by economic and psychological harm ex-­ perienced by women, which is caused by economic dependency to men and the exclusion of women from public space (Rowbotham, 1992). The second wave, in 1949, was marked by the ap-­ pearance of the assumption that wom-­ en’s suppression has been embedded in every aspect of life, economics, politics, social interactions, as well as the norms and habits. 4$065

The third wave, in 1980, was character-­ ized by the desire of women’s diversity, particularly in feminist theory and politics regardless of skin colour. It was also the year lesbian trend started growing. The feminist terminology has a vari-­ ety of definitions based on a historical background (Beasley, 1999). Although in the beginning of the feminist movement, the oppression of the church was op-­ posed, but the recent development of this movement is the idea of relativism, which considers right or wrong, good or bad, things that are constantly changing and not absolute, depending on the indi-­ vidual, the environment and social conditions.


The data shows that women are consis-­ tently more disadvantaged than men. Here are the main issues of gender in-­ equality in the various sectors that still need to be addressed: (1) Pattern mar-­ riage harms women;; (2) The gender gap in the labour market because of the gender segmentation of the labour force, a practice of acceptance and promotion of employees that are discriminatory on gender based;; (3) Physical violence that occurs mainly in the family, including trafficking in women and prostitution, which is also a serious threat to women today;; (4) Some countries also have a today;; legal framework that regulate the binding of women’s ownership with men. There-­ fore, gender equality is an important issue since there have been various problems of discrimination and violence that attack women’s rights and also have threatened the future generation (Shah, 2010). Basically, the major problem with the im-­ plementation of CEDAW is due to their cultural differences, which are quite dif-­ ferent from the universal values set by the United Nations (Featherman, 1991). Indonesia, which adheres to the values of patriarchy, has many values contrary to these universal values. The partriar-­ chy system, ‘which tend to marginilaize women, ’has long been embedded in the mindset of the Indonesian society in general. 4$065


embedded in the mindset of the Indone-­ sian society in general. For example, in a traditional society, the status of women in education is still determined by men. Moreover, the status of women, for the Bataknese people, is that they will not get any family inheritance since all of it will be given to the men because women will are no more considered a part of the family once they get married. Traditions like this make it difficult to reconcile with universal values offered by the CEDAW (Featherman, 1991). The patrimony soci-­ ety does not easily accept new values, which is completely opposite to what they hereditarily believe. Therefore, the ex-­ treme differences of values cause prob-­ lems of conformity between them. In this case, Kalyanamitra tried as a mediator between the grassroots communities and the government (Kaylanamitra, 2016). However, CEDAW values have rele-­ vance to the basic needs of women over the fulfilment of their rights. This can be seen by how CEDAW seeks to compre-­ hensively accommodate all layers and el-­ ements that should be accepted by women, ranging from the fundamental right to life, civil and political rights to the settings on economic, social and cultural rights of women. In addition, the basic logic possessed by CEDAW values should be accepted by all levels of soci-­ ety: the idea of the principles of equality between men and women, the suppres sion of acts of non-­discrimination, and the elimination of all forms of marginal-­ ization that have happened to the women.

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While the structural constraint include a lack of understanding by the state offi-­ cials and the public about CEDAW, wom-­ en’s rights have also not yet fully become part of the policy instruments, especially in legal institutions. Furthermore, these problems are also discussed in the Inde pendent Report from collective NGOs re-­ lated to the implementation of CEDAW from 1998 to 2007. These problems are seen in the policy process, enforcement, court decisions, planning and budgeting, and a low quality of state institutions in implementing human rights standards (i.e. understanding, expertise, and meth-­ odology) (CWGI, 2007).

CEDAW is a form of global governance used to achieve gender equality promot-­ ed by the UN. Indonesia is one of the countries that ratified the convention, Policies and regulations are drafted to promote gender equality. The policy transfer and translation of CEDAW has become effective at the national level become through several legal frameworks, pro-­ grams, and agencies as policy instru-­ ments.

Furthermore, in general, the shadow report concluded that there are some im-­ portant issues in the implementation of CEDAW in Indonesia (CWGI, 2007), which are: (1) The lack of understanding of the CEDAW by state officials and the public at large;; (2) The existence of regu-­ lations that are discriminatory to women at both national and local levels;; (3) The government has not seriously integrated CEDAW and the principles contained in a number of policies. Proven many legisla-­ tive products ignore the aspect of elimi-­ nating discrimination against women;; (4) CEDAW has not become an integral part on the implementation of policies and in-­ stitutionalized in state institutions. CEDAW is used as a mere legal basis without any desire to fully implement it.


However, in practice, the government did not seem to be effective in addressing the issue of gender equality. This trig-­ gered the birth of several NGOs, for ex-­ ample, Kalyanamitra, which focuses on fighting for gender equality issues in In-­ donesia by the monitoring government’s policies and programs related to the ef-­ forts of implementing CEDAW. In sup-­ porting the implementation, it is proven that NGOs play a very big role. For exam-­ ple, Kalyanamitra has contributed a lot towards this through its social networking activities on different scales. 4$065

Social networks provide a way for companies or organizations to gather information, deter competition and cooperate in determining a price or policy (Wasserman and Faust, 1994). It seems that the achievement of the vision of It justice and gender equality cannot succeed completely. However, movement in that direc-­ tion keeps increasing to better the condition of gender equality in the sense that women have the same opportunity to have the same-­

If this is taught early, then the writer believes that a great impact will be made in this regard. The Indonesian society is highly attached to their religious and tribe leaders. Therefore, to be able to succeed in the process of imple-­ mentation, the CEDAW’s values also should take into account the network with local actors (i.e. theologian and tribe leaders). Usually, when socialization is done through religious leaders, it will be more acceptable to religious the people because it is considered sacred. ***

40 rights as men. From the above analysis, there are still many structural and cultural con-­ straints that characterize the struggle for jus-­ tice and gender equality in Indonesia. As a recommendation for the success of the implementation process, the writer thinks it is important to educate people on gender equality. The curriculum on gender and sexu-­ ality should be disseminated and taught to students early enough.Indeed, this subject is offered at the higher education level, but at this level, students are limited to a variety of this basic things. 4$065


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Jaringan Jaringan Dokumentasi dan Informasi Hukum Nasional (JDIHN). This website publishes data of national legislation which consists of each legislation from Minis-­ t r y / L P N K , U n i v e r s i t i e s and Local Government (Member of JDIHN). Those national legisla-­ tions are integrated into one database /BPHN website (JDIHN Center).



Indonesian Indonesian Journal of In-­ ternational & Compara-­ tive Law ( This website publishes jour-­ nals that concern over an impasse in contemporary and comparative legal scholarship in Indonesia and the region in gener-­ al. As a transnational scholarship project, the Journal provides a forum for legal practitioners and scholarship from all over the world to discuss a broad range of issues relating to law.

This website publishes This journal includes articles and blog posts about current issues and latest in legal news. The site features : Breaking legal news, analysis from more than 4,000 legal more blogs, written by lawyers who are experts in their fields.


1. Could you please provide a para-­ graph of your personal statement high-­ lighting your campus and professional career line? After all the great things that I have ex-­ perienced in campus for four years, I fi-­ nally graduated from FH Unpad last November then I continued building the foundation of some businesses, pre-­ pared some projects for NTT, while I re-­ alised that living abroad is needed. Now I am in London, studying legal, business, and general English. 2. Could you please tell us about your journey in FH Unpad and about your college days.

As college students, there are some issues emerging in our transition phase before and after graduating which often resulting in self-­doubt. We’ve been ques-­ tioning on several issues, such as: 1. What path should we take after gradu-­ ating? Should we go straight to pursue higher education or start working imme-­ diately? Why and how? 2. What kind of obstacle we’ll be facing after graduating? 3. How to overcome our insecurities and self-­doubt? Coming up from these issues, SCOUT Magazine would like to discuss and help out the readers based on our alumni’s point of view.


It was an amazing journey that I had It back in FH Unpad. I have been living my life knowing that I am that person who likes to keep myself busy in school. I need another activities and I need another routines, more than you know just wake up in the morning, attend the classes, go back home, attend study, and sleep. I think life is too short to be that selfish. I want to be mean-­ ingful. I am glad that I went to FH Unpad and had the opportunity to live in Bandung. So many lessons that I have learned. Not only about law, but also about friendship, family, life, and love. I have been involved in many campus events as a committee, that’s how I started my first semester. Also in organisation my such as ALSA LC Unpad and Moot Court Society. In my second semester, I joined this unforgettable team for Manfred Lachs Space Law Internation-­ al Moot Court Competition and got the chance to go to the Asia Pacific Round in Keio University, Tokyo, Japan. Then I spent my third and fourth semester in FH Unpad joined national moot court competition.

interview  with

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 I  was  one  of  the  delegates  for  ALSA  National  Moot  Court  Compe-­ tition  Supreme  Court  Trophy  2014  held  by  Jember  University  in  Jember  and  Tjokorda  Raka  Dhera-­ na  National  Moot  Court  Competition  2014  held  by  Udayana  University  in  Bali.  After  all  that  experience,  I  de-­ cided  to  pursue  one  of  my  dreams  since  I  was  a  little  girl,  to  join  Puteri  Indonesia  competition. During  the  fifth  semester  the  only  thing  that  I  did  was  convincing  myself  to  join  the  Puteri  Indonesia  competition.  Sometimes  I  have  that  time  in  life  when  I  doubt  myself  for  her  incapability  of  doing  something  different  which  is  not  in  my  comfort  zone.  However,  I  am  grateful  that  I  zone. was  brave  enough  to  break  the  bar-­ riers  that  I  made  myself  and  con-­ quered  the  competition.  To  be  in  the  top  10  of  Puteri  Indonesia  2015  and  also  the  Puteri  Indonesia  Kepulau-­ an  Bali,  NTB,  NTT  2015  was  tough,  moreover  because  of  my  title  as  the  representation  of  NTT.  I  did  it.  Then  spent  my  sixth  semester  in  campus  on  weekdays  and  in  NTT  on  week-­ ends.  I  forced  myself  to  keep  the  balance  of  my  good  academic  grade  and  my  duty.  Exhausted?  Very.

However,  as  far  as  I  go,  I  still  could  not  forget  the  fact  that  I  have  not  really  contributed  something  for  my  campus.  I  could  be  a  selfish  hu-­ manbeing  as  I  held  the  Puteri  Indo-­ nesia  NTT  2015  title,  forget  every-­ thing  in  campus  (except  the  grade)  and  focus  on  my  career.  But  I  could  not.  When  I  was  asked  to  be  the  head  delegate  of  ALSA  National  Moot  Court  Competition  2017,  I  could  not  lie  that  the  very  deepest  thought  of  mine  still  wanted  to  give  a  real  trophy  for  my  almamater.  One  of  the  most  important  and  One bravest  decision  I  have  ever  made  was  when  I  said  yes.  To  be  the  head  delegate.  I  left  my  duty,  my  career,  for  my  almamater.  With  Ceban,  Deva,  Beta,  Ucil,  Reza,  Griska,  Mega,  Dhika,  Bambang,  Okat,  Ir-­ landi,  Alfi,  Miftah,  Ulil,  Anrihal,  Eishen,  Nisya,  Ghaisa,  and  Dandy,  we  got  the  Supreme  Court  Trophy  back  home.  One  of  the  best  moment  of  my  life. After  that,  I  focused  on  finishing  my  study  to  get  my  bachelor  degree  while  doing  something  for  NTT.  In  the  end,  everything  was  blessed  and  became  worth  it.  I  might  never  had  those  great  experience  and  chances  if  FH  Unpad  was  not  my  campus.  Could  not  stop  being  campus. grateful  for  that.


3. Personal values are beliefs, principles or ideas that are important to you in your life. Values are what you stand for in life, what you believe in and are willing to sup-­ port and stand up for. Do you have per-­ sonal values that help you to achieve your goals in life, particularly during your college days and professional life? Yes. I always believe in a good attitude even more than a brilliant brain. Have courage to make my dreams actually happen and be kind to everyone, anyone. Also, I have faith of God while I am doing something in life, un-­ doubtly. 4. How important it is for you to set your goals? (both short terms and long terms) and how do you manage yourself to keep on track to achieve your goals? Oh it is very important. I could not live without Oh knowing what exactly that I want to do and I want to be in the next year, next month, next day, even an hour after this. I always have plans, write everything down in my personal agenda. It is not permanent, always chang-­ es, but at least I know what to do. That is the only way to keep myself on track to achieve only my goals. 5, What you’ve been up to after graduating and why did you choose this career/educa-­ tion path? Since last year, I have been managing some businesses and starting a project of model-­ ling and motivating kids in NTT. Once it is settle, I would start my lawyer career. But well, I have had a tough and busy life back in campus so then I thought I need to slow down a bit. That’s why I have decided to go to London. I can slow down a bit but still being London. productive. I took the certification of legal en-­ glish skills course and business english course to fulfill my legal and business termi-­ nology.


45 6. What are the key factors (steps, added value, etc) that brought you to your current position? Persistence of vision is the key. Prayer is the main factor. 7. Would you please share the benefits and 7. values you’ve earned from your previous ex-­ perience in campus? I have mentioned almost all things that I had done while in campus. Most of all, became ALSA and MCS member was one of the ben-­ eficial decision I have made. It had opened my mind to many probabilities that I could do in campus. And joined those activities, in my case: competition, I realise it was one of the way how others look at you. The things you way have done define your capability and that’s one of the values that needed in order to build your career. Because at the end, people from our campus are going to be our first ‘call’ for jobs. 8. How do you find your previous experi-­ ence in campus could benefit you in your pro-­ fessional career? ]I built networking and links from campus and some of them became my inspirations. That’s one of my consideration while I was thinking about the next path I would take in the next chapter of my career life.

9. Who is your role model and why? Stacey Gardner. Currently one of the best lawyer in the world. With her passion for law being pursued, she still takes the time to dabble in the worlds of sports, entertainment, and of course, fashion. 10. Could you please provide for a closing 10. statement, including: What is your motto in life? Do you have any motivational quotes you’d like to share to encourage the readers? “I feel that the essence of spiritual practice is your attitude toward others. When you have a pure, sincere motivation, then you have right attitude toward others based on kind-­ ness, compassion, love and respect.” – Dalai Lama. Enjoy your life in campus, do as many positive things as you can. Trust me, at the end it would be worth it. But remember, do end not make excuses by making a good aca-­ demic grade as your barrier to do something for campus. It is still your obligation, number one priority. God bless!


Enjoy your life in campus, do as many positive things as you can. Trust me, at the end it would be worth it. But remember, do not make excuses by making a good academic grade as your barrier to do something for campus. It is still your obligation, number one priority.

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