Kentucky Blue Pole Bean
Golden Burpee Beet
BEAN-EDAMAME Midori Giant Edamame (hl)
BEAN-WAX Golden Butterwax (hl)
83 days. A sur e winner for both commercial production and home gardeners! One of the most popular soybeans for edamame; beans are rich and flavorful. Wellbranched, tall and sturdy plants.
55 days. Gr owing on an upr ight bush, bright yellow 4-5” stringless pods are easy to spot among green foliage. Perfect for canning, freezing and fresh eating. Delicious buttery flavor.
1/4 lb $6.99
1/2 lb $12.99
1 lb 5 lb $24.99 $125.99
BEAN-LIMA Fordhook Lima (hl)
1/2 lb $3.49
1 lb $5.49
5 lb $21.99
BEAN-POLE Kentucky Wonder (hl) 65 days. A br own-seeded bean noted for its exceptional flavor and heavy crops of 9" green pods. Borne in clusters, this heirloom yields fruit longer than bush beans. Meaty and tender pods are stringless when young. 1/4 lb $2.19
1/2 lb $3.49
1 lb 5 lb $5.49 $21.99
Kentucky Blue (op) 65 days. The offspr ing of two very popular parents, Kentucky Wonder and Blue Lake Pole, Kentucky Blue’s 6-8 inch pods are succulent, meaty, tender and sweet. 1991 All-America Selection winner. 1/4 lb $5.99
1/2 lb $3.49
1 lb $5.49
Detroit Dark Red (hl)
5 lb $21.99
1/2 lb 1 lb 5 lb $10.99 $19.99 $89.99
40 days. A tr ue baby! Wellproportioned when young with smooth skin and a small taproot. Great for steaming whole. 1/8 oz $1.99
1/4 oz 1/2 oz $2.49 $4.49
1 oz $9.99
55 days. This cylindr ical dar k red beet grows up to 6" long and 2" in diameter. Great shape for making three times the uniform slices as a round beet. 1/2 oz $2.79
1/4 oz 1/2 oz 1 oz 1/4 lb $1.59 $2.79 $3.99 $10.99
75 days. Concentr ated shoot production with high yield potential. No pinching required. Small florets with tender stems and mild flavor. 25 Seeds $2.49
100 Seeds $6.99
250 Seeds $15.99
Green Sprouting Calabrese (hl)
Cylindra (hl)
1/4 oz $1.59
60 days. The standar d sor t for shippers, truckers and canners. Strong tops are suited to mechanical harvesting. Smooth uniform roots are nearly globular and ox-blood red with a small taproot.
BROCCOLI Atlantis (hyb)
BEET Babybeat (op)
75 days. This bush lima has the same quality as the old Fordhook but with better yields, especially in hot, dry weather. Broad, bright green pods carry 3-4 plump seeds of a greenish-cream color. Ideal for canning, shipping and freezing. 1/4 lb $2.19
1/4 lb $2.19
Atlantis Broccoli
1 oz $3.99
1/4 lb $10.99
80 days. Standar d blue-green Italian type with large, cauliflowerlike central heads. Good side shoot production. 1/4 oz $1.49
1/2 oz $2.09
1 oz $3.29
1/4 lb $7.99
Waltham 29 (hl) Golden Burpee (hl) 55 days. Golden beets r etain their smooth, sweet flavor even when cooked. Globe-shaped with delicious, succulent greens. 1/4 oz $2.49
1/2 oz $4.49
1 oz $9.99
1/4 lb $26.99
Chioggia (hl) 60 days. Str iking pur ple and white interior with a sweet peppery flavor. The 10-12” stems are smooth, green, and mild tasting. Heavy yields. 1/4 oz $1.59
1/2 oz $2.79
1 oz 1/4 lb $3.99 $10.99
80 days. Compact and dar k bluegreen. Well-rounded, medium-large head with small buds. High yielder for freezing or market. 1/4 oz $1.49
1/2 oz $2.09
1 oz $3.29
1/4 lb $7.99
BRUSSELS SPROUTS Long Island Improved (hl)
90 days. Pr oduces ver y high yields of round, dark green sprouts. This flavorful variety is great for freezing. 1/4 oz $1.49
1/2 oz $2.49
1 oz $3.99
1/4 lb $9.99
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