CROP DEPTH OF PLANTING SPACING BETWEEN ROWS DAYS TO GERMINATE (Soil temp 77º) THIN PLANTS TO SEED NEEDED FOR 100’ ROW APPROX. SEED PER OUNCE Asparagus 1/4 in 24-48 in 7-20 18-36 in 1 oz 750 Beans, Bush/Dried 1-2 in 18-24 in 8-16 2-4 in 1 .5 lb 100 Beans, Pole 1-2 in 36-48 in 8-16 6-8 in 1/2 lb 115 Beet 1/2-3/4 in 18-24 in 5-17 3-4 in 1 oz 1,600 Broccoli 1/4-1/2 in 24-40 in 7-17 18-24 in 1/4 oz 8,900 Brussels Sprouts 1/4 in 12-24 in 5-8 24-30 in 1/4 oz 8,900 Cabbage 1/4-1/2 in 24-40 in 7-10 24-36 in 1/4 oz 8,900 Carrot 1/4-1/2 in 12-16 in 14-21 1-3 in 1/2 oz 23,000 Cauliflower 1/4-1/2 in 18-36 in 7-10 12-24 in 1/4 oz 8,900 Celery 1/8 in 24-30 in 20-30 4-8 in 1/4 oz 71,000 Cucumber 1 in 30-48 in 7-10 36-48 in 1/2 oz 1,000 Eggplant 1/4-1/2 in 18-36 in 7-10 24-36 in 1/8 oz 6,400 Gourd 1/2 in 18-30 in 14-20 36-48 in 1/2 oz 850 Ground Cherry 1/4 in 48-108 in 8-10 24-30 in 1/2 oz 15,300 Kohlrabi 1/4 in 24-30 in 10-14 4-6 in 1/4 oz 7,300 Lettuce, Greens 1/4 in 18-24 in 7-10 4-14 in 1/2 oz 25,000 Melon 1/2-1 in 24-36 in 5-10 24-36 in 1/2 oz 1,200 Okra 1/2 in 12-24 in 6-18 12-24 in 2 oz 500 Onion 1/4-1/2 in 12-24 in 10-20 5-6 in 1 oz 8,500 Parsnip 1/2 in 18-36 in 16-20 3-4 in 1/2 oz 4000 Pea 1-1 .5 in 18-24 in 7-10 1-3 in 1 lb 85 Pepper 1/2 in 24-36 in 14-20 18-24 in 1/16 oz 4,700 Potato 3-4 in 24-36 in 14-20 12 in 10-20 lb n/a Pumpkin 1 in 18-30 in 7-12 36-48 in 1/2 oz 120 Radish 1/2 in 12-18 in 5-7 1-2 in 1 oz 2,100 Rutabaga 1/2 in 18-36 in 4-7 5-8 in 1/4 oz 12,000 Spinach 1/2 in 12-18 in 8-10 3-6 in 1 oz 2,800 Sweet Corn 1-1 .5 in 20-48 in 7-14 4-6 in 2-4 oz 150-250 Squash, Summer 1 in 36-48 in 7-12 12-18 in 1/2 oz 250 Squash, Winter 1 in 48-64 in 7-12 24-36 in 1/2 oz 130 Swiss Chard 1/2-3/4 in 18-24 in 5-17 2-3 in 1 oz 1,600 Tomato, Tomatillo 1/4 in 48-108 in 8-10 24-36 in 1/2 oz 11,000 Turnip 1/4-1/2 in 18-24 in 5-7 4-6 in 1 oz 9,500 Watermelon 1/2 in 72-96 in 10-15 36-48 in 1 oz 300
Page 3
Cacti Mix…20 Seeds/$2.99
Blend of large & small cacti
This mixture contains a fun blend of both large and small blooming cacti.
Cereus,GoldenBarrel,Parodia,Hedgehogs, Mammillarias,Notocacts,Opuntias,Ferocactus, Gymnocalycium,Trichocereus,Saguaroandmore
Small Cactus Mix…20 Seeds/$2.99
A blend of short cacti
These cute little cacti make a fun addition to any home.
Gymnocalycium,Mammillarias,Notocactus,Rebutia, Lobivia,Blossfeldia,Frailea,Melocactusandmore
Aloe Mix…20 Seeds/$2.99
Ferocactus Mix…20 Seeds/$2.99
Barrel cacti
This mixture of barrel cacti will grow wonderfully stumpy plants with deep spiny ridges.
F.hamatacanthusssp.sinuatus,F.hystrix, F.viridescens,F.emoryi,F.cylindraceus, F.chrysacanthus, F.echidne,F.wislizenii,F.rectispinus,F.herrerae
Gasteria acinacifolia...20 Seeds/$2.99
Dune Gasteria
Bumpy-textured and super durable, this is the tallest Gasteria species. Its fan-shaped foliage reaches over 3 feet long.
Mixture of ornamental Aloe species
Thriving on neglect, the super-forgiving Aloe plant is easy to care for and adds interest to succulent gardens.
A.ferox,A.comptonii,A.gariepensis,A.greenii, A.perryi,A.thraskii,A.striata,A.wickensiiandmore
Short Succulent Mix…20 Seeds/$2.99
A mix of short flowering succulents
This mix of delightful short flowering succulents are sure to brighten up interior desert plantscapes.
Lithopssp.,Cephalophyllumprocumbens, Argyrodermafissum,Fenestrariaaurantiaca, Dinteranthuspuberulus,Alinopsisrosulate, Mesembryanthemumparvipapillatum, Dorotheanthusbellidiformis, Chiridopsiscandidissima,Antiminapygmaea
Lithops pseudotruncatella...20 Seeds/$2.99
Living Stones
These beautiful living stones grow yellow flowers and are a fun addition to any indoor desert.
Page 4
3-4 years. One of the most popular of all heirloom asparagus varieties and an excellent choice for the garden. Spears are tender, thick, heavy and straight. Fast-growing, extremely hardy and rust-proof.
53 days. Provides delicious quality without susceptibility to bean mosaic. Plant is medium-large and sturdy. Heavy yields of tender, 6” green pods with rich flavor.
70 days. Also called cranberry bean, Borlotti is related to kidney and pinto varieties. Widely used in Italian and Mexican cuisine, they are tender and almost meaty, with a creamy interior texture.
3 years. A new industry standard, this cold-hardy asparagus maintains tip tightness as it grows. With more fern vigor and survival, Millennium is a high yielder over a long period. Well-adapted to a variety of soil types. Intermediate resistance to rust.
55 days. Tender pods grow up to 6” long; white seeds and fiber are slow to form. Vigorous, somewhat spreading plants produce heavy yields. Good for market, canning and fresh eating.
70 days. Pods are 6-8” long and well -filled with large seeds. Like other beans, blackeye peas require warm days and nights to develop properly. For fresh use, pick pods when plump with seeds. Delicious flavor fresh or dried.
49 days. Beans are 6-8” long and slightly curved. Excellent for short, cool growing seasons. This productive stringless variety is ideal for canning and freezing. Distinctive flavor.
55 days. Popular with canners, Provider is a delicious prolific bean that yields all season. Resistant to powdery mildew and tolerant of hot weather. Declared to have the best bean taste.
85 days. A popular choice for Mexican cuisine. The 20”, half-runner type plants produce pods of light-tan seeds with brown speckles.
55 days. An improved Blue Lake type, these vigorous plants bear strong harvests of delectable, bright green, 5” pods early in the season.
90 days. A large white bean excellent for baking and cooking. Cooks in less time than traditional navy beans, but with better flavor.
53 days. Roma II is a bush form of the famous Pole Romano. Its distinctive robust flavor and heavy crop of stringless, flat green pods make it a great choice for green bean lovers.
60 days. Strong, upright plants produce long, slender pods with excellent flavor and color. Pods average 7” long and are easy to pick. Tolerant to bean mosaic, curly top and rust.
95 days. Pods are 5-6” with 4-5 seeds per pod. Used in Mexican dishes, bean salad, and for baking. Plant is 1416” tall.
1/4 oz $2.49 1/2 oz $2.99 1 oz $4.99 1/4 lb $14.99 1/4 lb $2.99 1/2 lb $4.99 1 lb $9.99 5 lb $44.99 1/4 lb $2.99 1/2 lb $3.99 1 lb $7.99 5 lb $34.99
Borlotti Bush Bean
Improved Tendergreen Bean
1/4 lb $2.49 1/2 lb $3.99 1 lb $7.99 5 lb $34.99 1/4 lb $4.99 1/2 lb $7.99 1 lb $10.99 5 lb $49.99 Page 5 20 seeds $7.99 1/4 lb $2.49 1/2 lb $3.99 1 lb $7.99 5 lb $34.99 1/4 lb $2.49 1/2 lb $3.99 1 lb $7.99 5 lb $34.99 1/4 lb $2.99 1/2 lb $4.99 1 lb $9.99 5 lb $44.99 1/4 lb $2.99 1/2 lb $4.99 1 lb $9.99 5 lb $44.99 1/4 lb $2.99 1/2 lb $4.99 1 lb $9.99 5 lb $44.99 1/4 lb $2.99 1/2 lb $4.99 1 lb $9.99 5 lb $44.99 1/4 lb $2.99 1/2 lb $4.99 1 lb $9.99 5 lb $44.99 1/4 lb $2.49 1/2 lb $3.99 1 lb $7.99 5 lb $34.99
Millennium Asparagus
83 days. A sure winner for both commercial production and home gardeners! One of the most popular soybeans for edamame; beans are rich and flavorful. Well-branched, tall and sturdy plants.
55 days. Growing on an upright bush, bright yellow 4-5” stringless pods are easy to spot among green foliage. Perfect for canning, freezing and fresh eating.
60 days. The standard sort for shippers, truckers and canners. Strong tops are suited to mechanical harvesting. Smooth uniform roots are nearly globular and ox-blood red with a small taproot.
75 days. This bush lima has the same quality as the old Fordhook but with better yields, especially in hot, dry weather. Broad, bright green pods carry 3-4 plump seeds of a greenish-cream color. Ideal for canning, shipping and freezing.
40 days. A true baby! Wellproportioned when young with smooth skin and a small taproot. Great for steaming whole.
75 days. Concentrated shoot production with high yield potential. No pinching required. Small florets with tender stems and mild flavor.
65 days. A brown-seeded bean noted for its exceptional flavor and heavy crops of 9" green pods. Borne in clusters, this heirloom yields fruit longer than bush beans. Meaty and tender pods are stringless when young.
55 days. This cylindrical dark red beet grows up to 6" long and 2" in diameter. Great shape for making three times the uniform slices as a round beet.
80 days. Standard blue-green Italian type with large, cauliflowerlike central heads. Good side shoot production.
65 days. The offspring of two very popular parents, Kentucky Wonder and Blue Lake Pole, Kentucky Blue’s 6-8 inch pods are succulent, meaty, tender and sweet. 1991 All-America Selection winner.
55 days. Golden beets retain their smooth, sweet flavor even when cooked. Globe-shaped with delicious, succulent greens.
80 days. Compact and dark bluegreen. Well-rounded, medium-large head with small buds. High yielder for freezing or market.
60 days. Striking purple and white interior with a sweet peppery flavor. The 10-12” stems are smooth, green, and mild tasting. Heavy yields.
90 days. Produces very high yields of round, dark green sprouts. This flavorful variety is great for freezing.
1/8 oz $1.99 1/4 oz $2.49 1/2 oz $4.49 1 oz $9.99
Page 6 1/4 oz $1.49 1/2 oz $2.49 1 oz $3.99 1/4 lb $9.99 1/4 oz $1.59 1/2 oz $2.79 1 oz $3.99 1/4 lb $10.99
Golden Burpee Beet Atlantis Broccoli
1/4 oz $2.49 1/2 oz $4.49 1 oz $9.99 1/4 lb $26.99 1/4 oz $1.59 1/2 oz $2.79 1 oz $3.99 1/4 lb $10.99 1/4 oz $1.49 1/2 oz $2.09 1 oz $3.29 1/4 lb $7.99 25 Seeds $2.49 100 Seeds $6.99 250 Seeds $15.99 1/4 oz $1.59 1/2 oz $2.79 1 oz $3.99 1/4 lb $10.99 1/4 lb $5.99 1/2 lb $10.99 1 lb $19.99 5 lb $89.99 1/4 oz $1.49 1/2 oz $2.09 1 oz $3.29 1/4 lb $7.99 1/4 lb $7.99 1/2 lb $15.99 1 lb $31.99 5 lb $134.99 1/4 lb $2.99 1/2 lb $4.99 1 lb $9.99 5 lb $44.99 1/4 lb $2.99 1/2 lb $4.99 1 lb $9.99 5 lb $44.99 1/4 lb $2.99 1/2 lb $4.99 1 lb $9.99 5 lb $44.99
Midori Edamame
55 days. A Chinese cabbage with loose leaves and thick white ribs. Delicious and mild. Cold-resistant.
74 days. Popular early red variety for spring and summer harvest. Plants produce medium-sized heads that are deep purplish-red and weigh about 5 pounds.
75 days. A late-season variety. 7-8” roots are 2” wide at the shoulder and taper to a blunt end. Excellent for processing, fresh market and home garden.
64 days. An extra-early round variety. Produces tightly-folded, well -balanced heads around three pounds. Valuable for early market and shipping. Very good flavor.
100 days. Huge flattened heads measure up to 10-12” wide and up to 20 pounds in weight. Matures without splitting; yields tender, crisp heads with mellow flavor.
75 days. Kids will love harvesting and eating this mix of colorful carrots. Roots hold color when cooked; also great for fresh salads.
67 days. An early summer hybrid named for its extremely solid interior. The 3-4 pound heads will not burst and are great for sauerkraut.
55 days. Baby gourmet carrot. Blunt roots, tiny core, smooth skin, and a deep orange color. Developed for canning and pickling whole. Harvest early.
75 days. Smooth and uniform, with a deep red-orange color. Tapered, nearly coreless carrots measure 8-10”. Crisp, very sweet flesh holds its color for freezing.
68 days. Pointed mini cabbage perfect for summer salads. Mild flavor that is at once tender, crunchy and sweet.
68 days. Excellent for home garden or market, but too tender for shipping. Tops are small with cylindrical, bluntended roots. Crisp, tender and practically coreless.
77 days. One of the most widelygrown varieties for home, market or shipping. 1-1.5” wide, tapering 9-10” to a nearly pointed top. Fine quality and flavor.
72 days. Solid round heads, 6-8” in diameter. Plants are small with short stems and medium-green with good wrapper leaves. This large early roundhead keeps well.
70 days. A slightly sweeter alternative to regular orange carrots. Moist, crunchy and refreshing, Solar Yellow is delicious raw and adds vibrant color to any presentation.
72 days. Smooth pure-white heads, 6-8” in diameter. These medium to large plants hold vigorous, curled, upright leaves that will self-wrap in cool weather.
1/4 oz $1.49 1/2 oz $2.49 1 oz $3.99 1/4 lb $9.99
1/4 oz $5.99 1/2 oz $9.99 1 oz $15.99 1/4 lb $59.99 1/4 oz $1.49 1/2 oz $2.49 1 oz $3.99 1/4 lb $9.99 1/4 oz $1.49 1/2 oz $2.49 1 oz $3.99 1/4 lb $9.99
Caraflex Cabbage
Page 7 1/4 oz $1.49 1/2 oz $2.49 1 oz $3.99 1/4 lb $9.99 1/4 oz $5.99 1/2 oz $9.99 1 oz $15.99 1/4 lb $42.99 1/4 oz $1.49 1/2 oz $2.49 1 oz $3.99 1/4 lb $9.99 1/4 oz $1.49 1/2 oz $2.49 1 oz $3.99 1/4 lb $9.99 1/4 oz $1.49 1/2 oz $2.49 1 oz $3.99 1/4 lb $9.99 1/4 oz $1.49 1/2 oz $2.49 1 oz $3.99 1/4 lb $9.99 1/4 oz $1.99 1/2 oz $2.99 1 oz $4.99 1/4 lb $10.99 25 seeds $1.99 100 seeds $5.99 250 seeds $10.99 1/4 oz $1.49 1/2 oz $2.49 1 oz $3.99 1/4 lb $9.99 1/4 oz $1.49 1/2 oz $2.49 1 oz $3.99 1/4 lb $9.99 100 seeds $5.99
Stonehead Cabbage
Excelsior Cucumber
110 days. Vigorous strain often used by commercial celery growers in Southern California. Tall, dark green plants with thick, smooth stalks reach 12” to the first joint. This variety is sweet without blanching.
55 days. This plant produces heavy yields of small green cucumbers bred for making pickles. Fruits are solid and crisp with superb flavor.
National Pickling Cucumber
58 days. Short, thick and bluntended when small; smooth and cylindrical when larger, National Pickling bears 7” by 2” dark green fruit with black spines.
50 days. 4-5” cucumbers with American-style spines. Excellent flavor. Does not require a pollinator.
56 days. Vigorous, ever-bearing vines produce heavy yields all season. This nearly cylindrical, easily sliced variety is also diseaseresistant.
65 days. Straight, smooth and cylindrical with rounded blunt ends, Straight Eight is tolerant to mosaic, and produces dark green 8” by 2” fruits. An early, prolific and vigorous variety ideal for home use.
50 days. Dwarf 36” vines with no runners. Adaptable to a wide range of climates; resistant to scab and cucumber mosaic virus. Produces smooth, slender and dark green 7-8” fruits.
58 days. Long, slim English variety is thin-skinned, tender and crisp. Harvest fruits every few days for the longest production. Slice wafer thin for sandwiches or salads.
68 days. A high-quality slicing cucumber with rich, glossy, deep green fruits reaching 9”. Semi-bush vines offer resistance to scab, mosaic and mildew.
55 days. Smooth and bright green, this blunt-ended variety is perfectly sized for pickles. Tapers slightly and has a black spine. Bears continually if picked.
Pickling Cucumbers
58 days. Smooth, medium-green 9” by 3” fruit with vigorous vines. This prolific variety is mosaicresistant, and remains tender at any stage.
Slicing Cucumbers
68 days. Adaptable for both hot and cool climates, this dark green Poinsett-type has very few white spines. Resistant to cucumber diseases including powdery mildew. This blocky slicer fruit measures 7-9”.
70 days. This improved Poinsett features dark green fruit and longer, blocky, 8” straight fruits. Resistant to scab, anthracnose, and downy and powdery mildews.
1/8 oz $2.49 1/4 oz $3.99 1/2 oz $6.49 1 oz $10.49 Telegraph
1/8 oz $.99 1/4 oz $1.79 1/2 oz $2.99 1 oz $4.99 1/4 oz $2.19 1/2 oz $3.49 1 oz $5.49 1/4 lb $17.99
English Cucumber
Boston Pickling Homemade Pickle National Pickling SMR 58 Page 8 10 seeds $2.99 25 seeds $6.49 100 seeds $22.99 Muncher Poinsett 76 Spacemaster Straight 8 Telegraph English Excelsior Hartley Hybrid Marketmore 76 1/8 oz $2.49 1/4 oz $3.99 1/2 oz $6.49 1 oz $10.49 1/8 oz $.99 1/4 oz $1.79 1/2 oz $2.99 1 oz $4.99 1/8 oz $.99 1/4 oz $1.79 1/2 oz $2.99 1 oz $4.99 1/8 oz $.99 1/4 oz $1.79 1/2 oz $2.99 1 oz $4.99 1/8 oz $.99 1/4 oz $1.79 1/2 oz $2.99 1 oz $4.99 1/8 oz $.99 1/4 oz $1.79 1/2 oz $2.99 1 oz $4.99 1/8 oz $.99 1/4 oz $1.79 1/2 oz $2.99 1 oz $4.99 1/8 oz $.99 1/4 oz $1.79 1/2 oz $2.99 1 oz $4.99 1/8 oz $.99 1/4 oz $1.79 1/2 oz $2.99 1 oz $4.99
76 days. This Italian heirloom produces dark purple, cucumbershaped fruit with firm, mild flesh. Northern climate yields can average four fruits per plant.
95 days. Produces small gourds with a ring of ten prongs. Colors vary from green to white, yellow to orange.
45-70 days. The foliage (cilantro) is used in Mexican and Asian dishes and the seeds (coriander) are used to make curry powder. Cilantro grows fast in the cool weather of spring.
80 days. Bushy plant spreads 24-30” with purplish-black oval fruit. Fruit has a fine, high-quality flavor, and yields well in longer seasons.
105 days. Requires a long growing season. Yields fruits up to 14” long with a bowl at the bottom and a wider area at top. Gourds require a curing process before crafting.
68 days. This vigorous plant has a large, fairly compact head. Plant size is 30-40” with slender stems and dark green foliage.
120 days. Ideal gourd mix for arts and crafts, with a wide range of sizes, shapes and colors.
70 days. Easy to grow and forms an attractive 18” mounded plant. Parsley seed must be soaked overnight before sowing.
90 days. A delightful collection of decorative gourds of all shapes and colors, both smooth and warted.
120 days. Used to make sponges. Fruit is 8-12” long and 3-4” in diameter. Requires a long and warm growing season. Turns gray when mature.
75 days. Bold and assertive, sage is best known as a flavoring herb for meats, dressings, and sauces. Plant is drought-tolerant.
95 days. Small, multi-colored gourds with varying shapes and contours. Sets an abundance of fruit on a small semi-bush plant.
Order by phone: 507.377.2372
120 days. Fruit can reach a length of 24” when grown on the ground or up to 4’ when grown on a trellis. Bulb ends are 6-8” in diameter. Light green with a smooth exterior.
75 days. Annual plant grows to about 18”, and provides several harvests. Basil prefers well-drained soil, even moisture, and full sun.
1/8 oz $1.99 1/4 oz $2.99 1/2 oz $5.99 1 oz $13.99 1/16 oz $1.79 1/8 oz $2.99 1/4 oz $4.99 1/4 lb $12.99 1/8 oz $1.49 1/4 oz $2.99 1/2 oz $3.99 1 oz $4.99 1/8 oz $4.99 1/4 oz $6.99 1/2 oz $8.99 1 oz $14.99 1/4 oz $2.19 1/2 oz $3.99 1 oz $5.49 1/4 lb $17.99 1/4 oz $2.19 1/2 oz $3.99 1 oz $5.49 1/4 lb $17.99 1/4 oz $2.19 1/2 oz $3.99 1 oz $5.49 1/4 lb $17.99
1/8 oz $.99 1/4 oz $1.49 1/2 oz $2.49 1 oz $3.99 Page 9 1/16 oz $1.79 1/8 oz $2.99 1/4 oz $4.99 1/4 lb $12.99 1/4 oz $1.49 1/2 oz $2.49 1 oz $3.99 1/4 lb $9.99 1/4 oz $2.19 1/2 oz $3.99 1 oz $5.49 1/4 lb $17.99 1/4 oz $1.49 1/2 oz $2.49 1 oz $3.99 1/4 lb $9.99 1/8 oz $2.99 1/4 oz $4.49 1/2 oz $11.99 1 oz $19.99 1/4 oz $2.19 1/2 oz $3.99 1 oz $5.49 1/4 lb $17.99
Long Purple Eggplant Birdhouse Gourd
Luffa Gourd
90 days. A key component of Italian cooking, oregano has a strong, aromatic flavor that is most intense right before flowering.
30-50 days. Early sweet lettuces are pre-mixed to grow together for easy cutting. Contains unique shapes and colors that both chefs and gourmands will love. Harvest most plantings in 30 days.
80 days. This ever-so-sweet melon arrives early, making it a good choice for northern gardens. Bred at the University of Minnesota in the 1940s, the 4" melon produces prolifically on 3’ vines.
90 days. Lovely, strong lavender scent good for both culinary and medicinal properties. 18’ -36” tall with a profusion of flowers.
45 days. Large, loose and light green, these lightly crumpled leaves mature very early. The inner leaves blanch almost white. Plants are large, upright and slow to bolt. Will withstand some frost.
80 days. Widely-adapted, personal size melon. A true delicacy with intensely sweet and aromatic flavor.
90 days. A multi-use herb, thyme has an aromatic flavor that stands out in Italian dishes. Purpleflowered 12” plant.
50 days. Long, wavy and light green leaves are deep-notched; rosette is large and fast-growing. Tip-burn and heat resistant, and very slow to bolt.
82 days. A big melon, with an average weight of 4.5 pounds. Wellnetted, with practically no ribs. Salmon-colored flesh is thick, sweet and of fine eating quality.
55 days. Mild, creamy-white flesh with a more delicate flavor than the turnip. Edible bulbs grow above the ground and should be eaten when young (about 2.5” wide). Suitable for freezing.
65 days. A bibb lettuce with a large and compact yellow-white heart. Bolts less and is longer lasting. Plant is loose-headed with thick, blistered leaves. Heat tolerant.
87 days. With a coarse heavy net and deep ribs, the Iroquois has thick, deep orange flesh, a hard gray -green shell, and weighs 5-7 pounds. Resistant to Fusarium Wilt.
60 days. Purple-skinned bulbs with green-white flesh and small tops. Slightly larger than Early White Vienna.
76 days. Dark gray-green, upright heads grow 8-12”. Neatly folded with a savory, creamy-white heart. Vigorous and very uniform. Tip-burn and mosaic tolerant.
92 days. Very attractive gold rind with thick, emerald-green flesh. Smaller than regular honeydew and nearly two weeks earlier.
1/8 oz $3.99 1/4 oz $6.99 1/2 oz $11.99 1 oz $19.99 Page 10 Thyme
1/4 oz $1.59 1/2 oz $2.49 1 oz $3.99 1/4 lb $9.99 1/4 oz $1.59 1/2 oz $2.49 1 oz $3.99 1/4 lb $9.99 1/8 oz $.99 1/4 oz $1.49 1/2 oz $2.49 1 oz $3.99 1/8 oz $1.49 1/4 oz $1.99 1/2 oz $2.99 1 oz $5.99 1/8 oz $3.99 1/4 oz $6.99 1/2 oz $11.99 1 oz $19.99 10 seeds $1.99 25 seeds $3.99 100 seeds $10.99 1/8 oz $.99 1/4 oz $1.69 1/2 oz $2.79 1 oz $4.49 1/8 oz $3.99 1/4 oz $6.99 1/2 oz $11.99 1 oz $19.99 1/8 oz $.99 1/4 oz $1.49 1/2 oz $2.49 1 oz $3.99 1/8 oz $.99 1/4 oz $1.49 1/2 oz $2.49 1 oz $3.99 1/8 oz $.99 1/4 oz $1.49 1/2 oz $2.49 1 oz $3.99 1/8 oz $.99 1/4 oz $1.49 1/2 oz $2.49 1 oz $3.99 1/8 oz $.99 1/4 oz $1.69 1/2 oz $2.79 1 oz $4.49 1/8 oz $.99 1/4 oz $1.69 1/2 oz $2.79 1 oz $4.49
Gourmet Salad Blend Minnesota Midget Melon
60 days. This vigorous, 4’ high plant produces an abundance of dark green, grooved pods without spines. Best picked when young. Excellent in soups and stews.
Onion seeds can take months from sprouting to harvest. Seeds should be planted indoors 10-12 weeks before transplanting in the garden. Check out this website: https:// -sets/
Onion sets are small bulbs harvested prematurely from the first year of an onion’s life cycle and stored through winter. Sets are easy to find and plant, but typically yield smaller onions and are more often used to produce green onions, eaten fresh. See page 18.
Onion transplants are onion seedlings started in the current growing season. Transplants yield larger bulbs that can be stored for use all winter. The Seed House sells many varieties of onion transplants. Call for availability: 507-377-2372.
Order by email:
100 days. Clusters of slender, non-bulbing shanks. Also known as scallions. Plant in spring or fall.
100 days. Pure white perfectly straight roots. Mature roots are 12" long and 3" thick. Leave in the ground all winter for sweeter flavor.
110 days. Light-brown skin, with a sweet and mild white flesh. Very cold-hardy, but best used fresh.
105 days. This parsnip develops a sweet, nutty flavor after frost. Mature roots are 12" long and 3" thick. Does best in deeply prepared soil. Parsnips are slow to germinate.
110 days. Late, large globe with a soft to fairly firm flesh. Heavy yields and short storage life.
63 days. 15-18” dark green vines. 3.5” pods are very plump, straight, and blunt-ended. A bountiful yielder and particularly valuable for home garden and market.
110 days. With a small neck, shiny straw-brown skin, and medium to firm white flesh, this heavy yielder has some resistance to Thrips and keeps well.
69 days. 24-30” vines. Excellent flavor with resistance to Fusarium and downy mildew. Long 4” pods are well-filled with 9 to 11 peas. A home garden and freezer favorite.
110 days. Well suited to northern climates, Ruby Red onion is excellent for storing and has striking burgundy bulbs. A very reliable heirloom with a robust taste.
70 days. Bred for heat and cold resistance, vines reach 30”. A good canner and freezer with straight, blunt pods.
Page 11 1/4 oz $1.49 1/2 oz $2.49 1 oz $3.99 1/4 lb $9.99 1/4 lb $2.49 1/2 lb $4.99 1 lb $9.99 5 lb $44.99
Clemson Spineless Okra
Ruby Red Onion
1/4 oz $.99 1/2 oz $1.99 1 oz $2.99 1/4 lb $7.99 1/8 oz $2.99 1/4 oz $3.99 1 oz $9.99 1/8 oz $2.99 1/4 oz $3.99 1 oz $9.99 1/8 oz $2.99 1/4 oz $3.99 1 oz $9.99 1/8 oz $2.99 1/4 oz $3.99 1 oz $9.99
Little Marvel Pea
1/4 lb $2.49 1/2 lb $4.99 1 lb $9.99 5 lb $44.99 1/4 lb $2.49 1/2 lb $4.99 1 lb $9.99 5 lb $44.99
1/8 oz $2.99 1/4 oz $3.99 1 oz $9.99 1/4 oz $1.49 1/2 oz $2.49 1 oz $3.99 1/4 lb $9.99
68 days. A fine edible pod pea noted for its sweet, mild flavor and disease tolerance. Plants measure 26-32” tall. Pods are 4” long, light green and smooth. Plants average 2 pods at each node.
72 days. A shell, sugar pod and snow pea all in one. Fleshy, round pods are delicious eaten raw or in salads. Strings will develop on older pods and should be stripped out. Suited for freezing but not canning. Vines grow to 72”. Withstands both high and low temperatures.
75 days. Good for container gardening, these peppers should be started indoors six to eight weeks before the last frost. Produces small peppers of green, red, orange and yellow that will add interest to every summer dish.
52 days. Still the best extra early, short-vined snap pea. Sweet, crisp 2.5” pods grow on 24” vines that do not need support.
73 days. Smooth, blocky and blunt-ended fruits are thick-walled, very sweet and mild. Maturing from light green to golden yellow, the peppers grow on 22-26" sturdy, upright plants that set continuously.
65 days. An earlier jalapeño better adapted to cool conditions. Thick-walled, 3” cone-shaped fruits ripen to red and are hottest when fully ripe. Compact, non-brittle bushes grow to 24”.
62 days. Plants measure 26”, and average 2 pods per node. Tolerant to powdery mildew and mosaic virus. Very sweet, stringless pods are 3” long.
75 days. Very sweet, thick flesh with 3-4 lobes. A high yielding variety excellent for fresh market and home garden.
78 days. Smooth, waxy fruits taper to a point. Easy-to-peel and stuff after roasting; thick flesh is ideal for frying. Peppers change from yellow to orange to red and make attractive pickled peppers. Definitely-but not overly-hot.
65 days. A newer bush snap pea, Sugar Bro makes consistent 3’ pods. Resistant to Fusarium and powdery mildew. Pods/peas have a good medium dark green color and sweet flavor.
75 days. Thick-walled and blocky, fruits are large with a crisp, mild flavor and terrific sweetness. Peppers ripen from green to red on this vigorous plant. Ideal for stuffing, chopping, and slicing into rings for dips and salad toppings.
95 days. 36” plants hold 1” peppers with thick, wrinkled, light green flesh which ripen to a lovely golden-orange. Measures 200,000 on the Scoville heat unit scale.
Page 12 1/8 oz $3.99 1/4 oz $5.99 1/2 oz $9.99 1 oz $14.99
1/8 oz $1.99 1/4 oz $2.99 1/2 oz $4.99 1 oz $7.99 1/8 oz $3.99 1/4 oz $5.99 1/2 oz $9.99 1 oz $14.99
Sugar Sprint Pea
Mini Bell Pepper Blend
1/8 oz $1.49 1/4 oz $2.49 1/2 oz $3.49 1 oz $5.49 1/8 oz $4.99 1/4 oz $9.99 1/2 oz $16.99 1 oz $26.99 1/8 oz $3.99 1/4 oz $5.99 1/2 oz $9.99 1 oz $14.99 1/8 oz $1.49 1/4 oz $2.19 1/2 oz $3.49 1 oz $5.49 1/4 lb $2.49 1/2 lb $4.99 1 lb $9.99 5 lb $44.99 1/4 lb $2.49 1/2 lb $4.99 1 lb $9.99 5 lb $44.99 1/4 lb $2.49 1/2 lb $4.99 1 lb $9.99 5 lb $44.99 1/4 lb $2.49 1/2 lb $4.99 1 lb $9.99 5 lb $44.99 1/4 lb $2.49 1/2 lb $4.99 1 lb $9.99 5 lb $44.99
Habanero Orange Pepper
Blue Harvest Pumpkin
90 days. 2016 All America Selection winner! Each plant can produce two to four 25-30 pound pumpkins with white skin and delicious yellow flesh. Tough, disease-resistant stems.
95 days. A large white pumpkin with bright orange flesh, Lumina is excellent for both carving and painting. Fruits average 12-16 pounds; blue patches may appear under some growing conditions. Stores well.
110 days. Deeply ridged, flattened fruits weigh 25-35 pounds. This heirloom variety likes rich soil and is perfect for both pies and princesses.
95 days. This Australian variety will add color and interest to your fall décor! Fruits typically weigh in at 7-8 pounds with excellent quality flesh. Productive and disease-resistant plants make this a worthwhile addition to your garden.
105 days. 100-pound pumpkins are common when well-grown. Flattened-round shape and a pinkishorange exterior. Flesh is a bright yellowish-orange and 3-4” thick. Ideal for Jack O’Lantern carving and suitable for pies.
110 days. This small, sweet pumpkin made New England famous for its pies. Skin is smooth, ribbed and reddish-orange in color. Flesh is thick and orange-yellow. Small Sugar typically weighs 6 pounds and is a good keeper.
95 days. A white counterpart to Jack-Be-Little, edible fruits average 1/4 to 1 pound. Vines are vigorous and productive.
105 days. A unique addition to your Halloween décor! Warty fruits are also suitable for carving and eating. Reaches maturity in late summer/early fall.
115 days. Average fruit is about the size and shape of a human head or larger. Not highly uniform and often produces oblong shapes for fun carving. Exterior is bright yellow and smooth.
95 days. Miniature pumpkins ranging from 2-6 ounces in weight and 2-3” in diameter. Ideal for table decorations and crafts.
105 days. The most popular market pumpkin of 1880’s Paris! Meaning “vivid red” of the Étampes region southwest of Paris, this fairy tale pumpkin reaches up to 20 pounds. Rouge Vif stores incredibly well, making it a standard in French soup stocks throughout winter.
115 days. Round, symmetrical pumpkins are very solid with extrathick flesh. Howden is much less apt to produce lopsided fruit. Its hard, ridged, richly-colored skin keeps in prime condition for a remarkably long time. Excellent for carving.
1/8 oz $2.99 1/4 oz $4.99 1/2 oz $8.99 1/4 lb $59.99 1/8 oz $2.99 1/4 oz $4.99 1/2 oz $7.99 1/4 lb $29.99 1/4 oz $2.99 1/2 oz $4.99 1/4 lb $24.99 1/2 lb $39.99 1/4 oz $1.79 1/2 oz $2.99 1/4 lb $9.99 1/2 lb $16.99 1/4 oz $1.79 1/2 oz $2.99 1/4 lb $9.99 1/2 lb $16.99 Page 13
Rouge Vif D’Étampes Pumpkin
1/4 oz $1.79 1/2 oz $2.99 1/4 lb $9.99 1/2 lb $16.99 10 seeds $2.99 25 seeds $8.99 50 seeds $15.99 1/4 oz $2.99 1/2 oz $4.99 1 oz $6.99 1/4 lb $24.99 1/8 oz $3.49 1/4 oz $5.99 1/2 oz $9.99 1/4 lb $79.99 1/4 oz $1.79 1/2 oz $2.99 1/4 lb $9.99 1/2 lb $16.99 1/8 oz $2.99 1/4 oz $4.99 1/2 oz $7.99 1/4 lb $24.99 1/8 oz $2.99 1/4 oz $4.99 1/2 oz $7.99 1/4 lb $29.99 Order online
Cinderella Pumpkin
120 days. Fruits are large, usually weighing about 15-25 pounds and flattened at the ends. Length and depth are about equal. Rinds are hard, somewhat ribbed and deep orange in color. Flesh is thick, coarse and sweet.
23 days. Exceptionally-formed bulbs with bright scarlet skin and crisp white flesh. A leading market gardener's strain, the Early Scarlet Globe is also popular for home gardens.
27 days. This 5” cylindrical radish has a crunchy texture and mild flavor. Pink-topped coloring makes it attractive in salads and on relish trays. Delightfully cool and crisp!
120 days. Suited for World Record pumpkin contests. Collected from a special line that produced 600 pound champions, this mammoth orange fruit has recorded circumferences of up to 10’.
25 days. Oblong and blunt, French Breakfast features a whitetipped, scarlet exterior. With crisp white flesh, and a small and slender taproot, this top quality variety has a distinct and mildly pungent flavor.
28 days. One of the most colorful radishes for market, this variety has bright purple skin and firm, white flesh. Crisp, sweet and mild all season; never pithy or hot.
25 days. Features bright scarlet skin with a distinct white tip and clear white flesh. Very crisp and tender, this radish is popular for both garden and market.
120 days. These 20 pound fruits originating from the south of France resemble another famous product of the region: wheels of cheese! Skin is a rich brown color when fully ripe and flesh is thick and deep orange. Musquée (“musky”) also has impressive storage capabilities.
28 days. Bright red globes measure 1” with 3-5” tops. Firm, mild flesh grows large but not pithy. Champion can be sown in either spring or fall; withstands cold well.
29 days. Very large radish with scarlet skin and crisp, pungent flesh. May be harvested from marble to baseball-size without becoming woody or spongy.
According to an informal Seed House taste test:
*German Giant wins for best flavor in both pod and root
22 days. Resembles cherries in shape and color. Flesh is white, crisp and retains good eating qualities longer than most. Highly desirable for market, home use and greenhouse forcing.
30 days. Long, snow-white roots grow to 4-5” and have a mild flavor. Harvest promptly at maturity before roots become pithy.
*Summercicle had the spiciest pods
*German Giant had the spiciest roots
*The mildest radish is Sparkler
1/4 oz $1.79 1/2 oz $2.99 1/4 lb $9.99 1/2 lb $16.99
Page 14 1/8 oz $2.99 1/4 oz $4.99 1/2 oz $8.99 1/4 lb $59.99 1/2 oz $1.79 1 oz $2.99 1/4 lb $8.99 1 lb $22.99 1/2 oz $1.79 1 oz $2.99 1/4 lb $8.99 1 lb $22.99 1/2 oz $1.79 1 oz $2.99 1/4 lb $8.99 1 lb $22.99 1/2 oz $1.79 1 oz $2.99 1/4 lb $8.99 1 lb $22.99 1/2 oz $1.79 1 oz $2.99 1/4 lb $8.99 1 lb $22.99 1/4 oz $2.59 1/2 oz $4.19 1 oz $6.49 1/4 lb $21.99
French Breakfast Radish
1/4 oz $2.59 1/2 oz $4.19 1 oz $6.49 1/4 lb $21.99 1/4 oz $2.59 1/2 oz $4.19 1 oz $6.49 1/4 lb $21.99 1/2 oz $1.79 1 oz $2.99 1/4 lb $8.99 1 lb $22.99 1/8 oz $2.99 1/4 oz $4.99 1/2 oz $7.99 1/4 lb $24.99
White Icicle Radish
Musquée de Provence Pumpkin
Noble Giant Spinach Arugula
90 days. Roots are large, globe-shaped and feature a small neck and taproot. Yellow skin with a purple top and crisp, firm flesh.
60 days. Also known as Dinosaur or Tuscan kale, leaves are heavily savoyed and dark blue-green. Sweet leaves are ideal in raw salads or juicing.
Dwarf Summer Crookneck Squash
60 days. Not true spinach, this ever-bearing plant withstands heat to produce salad greens throughout the summer. Thick, fleshy leaves are slow to bolt.
21 days. Leafy salad greens with a pleasant nutty flavor when harvested early. Flavor matures to pungent and peppery.
50 days. Broad, dark green leaves with white veins and 2.5” wide stalks. Crop is abundant all season and even after light frosts.
50 days. Richer in vitamins and minerals than other greens. Leaves are sweet and tender when cooked and tasty eaten raw. Extremely disease resistant.
62 days. This chard produces amazing colors in shades of red, purple, pink, orange, yellow and white. Delicious stir-fried or as steamed greens. Suitable spinach substitute.
46 days. Fruit grows on productive bushes that bear all summer long. Easy to grow and unbothered by most insects. The creamy, tasty texture makes this little squash great for summer cooking.
50 days. Uniform size and color make this squash highly desirable. Neck is curved and skin is a bright orange-yellow. A heavy yielder, Dwarf Crookneck is ideal for both home and market use.
30-50 days. The French approach to salad greens, mesclun means "mixture." Early sweet lettuces and tangy, tender greens are pre-mixed to grow together for easy cutting. Harvest most plantings in 30 days.
45 days. Outstanding strain of savoy-leaved spinach. In-demand for home and market gardens. Plant is uniform and compact while leaves are large, dark green, blistered and crumpled.
52 days. A distinctive, prominently ribbed Italian zucchini. The flavor makes up for smaller yields. Its nutty flavor is delicious raw or cooked. Also produces male blossoms suitable for cooking.
50 days. Very large and spreading in habit, plants are slow to bolt. Wonderful fresh, canned or frozen.
1/4 oz $1.49 1/2 oz $2.49 1 oz $3.99 1/4 lb $9.99 Page 15 1/4 oz $1.49 1/2 oz $2.49 1 oz $3.99 1/4 lb $9.99
1/4 oz $.99 1/2 oz $1.49 1 oz $2.49 1/4 lb $5.99 1/4 oz $1.49 1/2 oz $2.49 1 oz $3.99 1/4 lb $9.99 1/4 oz $1.49 1/2 oz $2.49 1 oz $3.99 1/4 lb $9.99 1/4 oz $1.49 1/2 oz $2.49 1 oz $3.99 1/4 lb $9.99 1/4 oz $1.49 1/2 oz $2.49 1 oz $3.99 1/4 lb $9.99 1/2 oz $1.99 1 oz $3.49 1/4 lb $6.99 1 lb $21.99 1/4 oz $1.49 1/2 oz $2.49 1 oz $3.99 1/4 lb $8.99 1/4 oz $1.49 1/2 oz $2.49 1 oz $3.99 1/4 lb $8.99 1/4 oz $1.49 1/2 oz $2.49 1 oz $3.99 1/4 lb $9.99 1/4 oz $1.99 1/2 oz $2.99 1 oz $4.49 1/4 lb $12.99 1/4 oz $1.49 1/2 oz $2.49 1 oz $3.99 1/4 lb $12.99 507.377.2372
55 days. Lemon-yellow, lightlywarted, club-shaped fruits are tastiest under 7”. With firm, thick and finegrained flesh, this variety is particularly popular in Northern regions.
90 days. Medium-sized, 3-4 pound oblong fruits are a low-carb spaghetti alternative. Can be stored several months in a cool, dry place. Vigorous spreading vines.
100 days. Delicata has a sweet, fine, potato-like flavor. Fruits are 3” in diameter and 6-8” long. This variety is cream-colored with green stripes from blossom to stem.
62 days. This bush-type plant is a continual producer of long, straight fruit. Squash should be harvested at 6-8” long to ensure tenderness. Exterior is dark greenish-black; flesh is greenish-white and finely flavored.
90 days. One of the sweetest of all! This small, ribbed fruit has white skin with green stripes. Its sweet and tender orange flesh makes this variety a favorite.
100 days. 2017 All-America
Selection Regional Winner. Compact 2-3’ vines are high-yielding, producing 8-9 fruits per plant. Easyto-grow, space-saving plants are also powdery mildew resistant.
80 days. Glossy, ribbed and dark gray-green, this squash has thick pale-orange flesh with excellent flavor. Space-saving 2’ plants yield 5-8 fruits weighing two pounds each.
95 days. The most popular butternut. Fruits can reach 12” and weigh 3-6 pounds. Flesh is rich, nutty, dry and yellowish-orange. Vines are vigorous with high yields.
105 days. Fruits grow up to 30” long, with a cylindrical shape and a hard rind. Flesh is thick and yellowish-orange. Limited storage.
98 days. An old Amish favorite, these heart-shaped squash can reach 60-80 pounds. Excellent for pies.
85 days. This individual-sized squash is popular for home, market, garden and shipping. Trailing vines produce ribbed, thin-shelled fruits. Flesh is light yellow and bakes dry and sweet.
100 days. The most widelyplanted buttercup. Flattened turbans, measuring 5-8” in diameter, weigh up to 3-5 pounds. Harvest when yellow markings on the fruit’s underside turn orange.
110 days. Bluish-gray, slightly ridged fruits with a hard, coarselywarted shell. Flesh is thick, dry, fine and yellowish-orange. Very sweet and highly productive. Great for pies, baking, boiling and freezing.
Prices and availability subject to change.
Page 16 1/4 oz $1.79 1/2 oz $2.99 1 oz $4.99 1/4 lb $14.99 1/4 oz $1.49 1/2 oz $2.49 1 oz $3.99 1/4 lb $9.99
Honey Baby Squash
Black Beauty Zucchini
1/4 oz $1.49 1/2 oz $2.49 1 oz $3.99 1/4 lb $9.99 1/4 oz $1.79 1/2 oz $2.99 1 oz $4.99 1/4 lb $14.99 1/4 oz $1.79 1/2 oz $2.99 1 oz $4.99 1/4 lb $14.99 1/4 oz $1.79 1/2 oz $2.99 1 oz $4.99 1/4 lb $14.99 1/8 oz $2.99 1/4 oz $4.99 1/2 oz $8.99 1/4 lb $59.99 1/4 oz $1.79 1/2 oz $2.99 1 oz $4.99 1/4 lb $14.99 1/4 oz $1.79 1/2 oz $2.99 1 oz $4.99 1/4 lb $14.99 1/4 oz $1.79 1/2 oz $2.99 1 oz $4.99 1/4 lb $14.99 1/4 oz $1.79 1/2 oz $2.99 1 oz $4.99 1/4 lb $14.99 1/4 oz $1.79 1/2 oz $2.99 1 oz $4.99 1/4 lb $14.99 1/4 oz $1.79 1/2 oz $2.99 1 oz $4.99 1/4 lb $14.99
Amish Pie Squash
62 days. Tiny bright red fruits, measuring 1/4”. Borne in clusters of 10-12. Excellent for container gardening and hanging baskets. Indeterminate.
65 days. Strong vigorous plants with small, round red fruits averaging 1” in diameter. Fruits are borne all summer in large clusters. Indeterminate.
67 days. A high-yielding, supersweet grape tomato with purple hues. Perfect for salads and snacks. Indeterminate.
78 days. A well-known pastetype tomato, Roma is perfect for sauces, pastes and ketchup. Its heavy crops of bright red, pear-shaped fruits are meaty with very few seeds. Determinate. 80 days. Bright yellow fruits with beautiful red marble streaks. Exceptionally juicy and fruity sweet, this slicer is a standout in salads and on hors d’oeuvres platters. Reaches weights up to 2 pounds! 90 days. 12 ounce Beefsteakstyle fruits grow on indeterminate vines. Non-acidic.
79 days. A superior, early maturing "icebox" variety. Exterior is black-green with faint stripes and a firm rind. Flesh is dark red with excellent flavor. Weight averages 6-10 pounds.
80 days. This seedless variety is high-yielding, succulent and juicy! Blocky, slightly oblong fruits weigh 18-20#. For success, a seeded variety must be planted nearby to act as a pollinator.
75 days. An improvement on the ever-popular Celebrity, Celebration’s crack-resistant, globe-shaped fruits measure 8 ounces at maturity. A vigorous and disease-resistant variety with determinate vines.
60 days. An early variety with tart flavor when young; becomes sweeter as it ripens. Perfect for salsa verde or other Mexican dishes.
85 days. Bright yellow Crimson Sweet is crisp and delicious. Oval-round, striped melons average 14-16 lbs.
85 days. High productivity with weights up to 35 pounds. Traditionally a good shipper, flesh is red and delicious, and seeds are dark brown
77 days. High yields of gigantic meaty tomatoes with few seeds. Excellent for salads, tomato juice, and canning. Also a perfect slicing tomato. Indeterminate.
57 days. Standard home, market, and shipping variety. Tops are medium and compact, roots are globular and smooth. Grows 5-6” in diameter. Flesh is white, firm and fine-grained when young.
85 days. These round, blocky fruits are an attractive light green with dark green stripes. A thin, tough rind protects beautiful deep red flesh. Average weight is 25#.
1/8 oz $2.99 1/4 oz $3.49 1/2 oz $5.99 1 oz $8.99 Page 17
Currant Sweet Pea Tomato
Sugar Plum Tomato
25 seeds $2.99 50 seeds $3.99 25 seeds $2.99 50 seeds $3.99 25 seeds $2.99 50 seeds $3.99 25 seeds $2.99 50 seeds $3.99 25 seeds $2.99 50 seeds $3.99 1/4 oz $1.49 1/2 oz $2.49 1 oz $3.99 1/4 lb $9.99 1/16 oz $2.49 1/8 oz $3.99 1/4 oz $6.99 1/2 oz $13.99 25 seeds $2.99 50 seeds $3.99 25 seeds $2.99 50 seeds $3.99 25 seeds $2.99 50 seeds $3.99 25 seeds $6.99 1/8 oz $.99 1/4 oz $1.49 1/2 oz $2.49 1 oz $3.99 1/8 oz $.99 1/4 oz $1.49 1/2 oz $2.49 1 oz $3.99 1/8 oz $.99 1/4 oz $1.49 1/2 oz $2.49 1 oz $3.99
Yellow Gem Watermelon
90 days. Weighing in at an average of 25 pounds, this cylindershaped melon has green, broken stripes. Flesh is bright red and high in sugar. Avoid picking early.
Red tubers are oblong, smooth and slightly flattened. Not susceptible to internal defects, and tolerant to common scab. It is susceptible, however, to both early and late blight and common virus.
A bright white potato similar to Kennebec, the Cascade stores better and has a higher yield. It is free of most potato defects and tastes great. If you’ve enjoyed Mrs. Gerry’s potatoes, you’ve enjoyed Cascade.
90 days. A heavy yielder of large, high-quality melons. This long fruit with well-rounded ends weighs 25-40 pounds. Moderate tolerance to fusarium wilt and a fine shipper.
92 days. A vigorous productive melon with nearly round fruits averaging 40-60 pounds. Fairly tender and full flavored with large seeds.
With round to oblong tubers and medium to deep eyes, Pontiac has white flesh and dark red skin. While susceptible to bruising and potato diseases, it is a high producer and quality keeper. Resistant to darkening after cooking.
Great flavor whether baked, boiled or fried. Deep purple pigment is rich in antioxidants that improve immunity and help reduce the risk of heart disease and inflammation. Use in a showstopping potato salad!
This potassium-rich potato has slightly oval tubers with shallow, pink eyes. The light yellow flesh holds its color after cooking. Yukon Gold can be susceptible to common scab, but is a good keeper.
Tubers are large, long, and either cylindrical or slightly flat. Burbank prefers a light soil and is excellent for baking and processing. With moderately high yields, this variety is also an excellent keeper.
Garlic bulbs are composed of 8-10 cloves arranged inside a papery cover. Each clove matures into a new bulb also containing 8-10 cloves.
Onion sets are available in red, white, or yellow. Sets are bulbs, not plants.
More uniform than other russets, Norkotah is smooth with red-brown skin and white flesh. Excellent for baking, frying, or boiling. Dependable yields and an excellent keeper.
This popular heirloom potato has large, oblong, and slightly flattened tubers with shallow eyes. Kennebec has thin skin and cooks well. With moderate resistance to late blight, Kennebec yields and keeps well.
50# potatoes require $15.00 additional shipping per bag
The gourmet member of the onion family, shallots have a mild, delicate and distinctive flavor.
Page 18 Purple
Potato Black Diamond Watermelon Red Norland Potato 1 lb $2.99 5 lb $8.99 10 lb $12.99 50 lb $29.99 $1.49/bulb $6.99/pack
1 lb $3.49 5 lb $10.99 10 lb $15.99 50 lb $59.99 1/2 lb $.99 1 lb $1.79 5 lb $7.49 32 lb $40.00 1/8 oz $.99 1/4 oz $1.49 1/2 oz $2.49 1 oz $3.99 1/8 oz $.99 1/4 oz $1.49 1/2 oz $2.49 1 oz $3.99 1/8 oz $.99 1/4 oz $1.49 1/2 oz $2.49 1 oz $3.99
of ten
1 lb $2.99 5 lb $8.99 10 lb $12.99 50 lb $29.99 1 lb $2.99 5 lb $8.99 10 lb $12.99 50 lb $29.99 1 lb $2.99 5 lb $8.99 10 lb $12.99 50 lb $29.99 1 lb $2.99 5 lb $8.99 10 lb $12.99 50 lb $29.99 1 lb $2.99 5 lb $8.99 10 lb $12.99 50 lb $29.99 1 lb $2.99 5 lb $8.99 10 lb $12.99 50 lb $29.99
Grows only 6” high, yet one plant will cover a space 12-20” in diameter. A mass of pure white, fragrant flowers from early summer until frost.
2-3" blooms in shades of orange, cream and yellow are edible, or nice as cut flowers. Grow in full sun in well-drained soils. Seeds are easy to gather and share.
As part of the “Quality in Seed” series, Carmine Gomphrena is exceptional at withstanding heat, humidity, insect and disease pressure. Blooms are papery, clover-shaped, and bright crimson, making them a beautiful addition to any arrangement.
Long-stemmed individual flowers in white, pink, rose, azure, scarlet and lavender are ideal for cut flowers or borders. Plants prefer full sun and grow to 24”.
These shimmery, rose-pink spikes also known as cockscomb are multifunctional! Use as cut flowers, in a landscape situation or to anchor the backs of annual garden beds. Grows up to 40”.
Large single and semi-double flowers in shades of deep rose, pink, salmon-pink, light yellow and white on 67ft stalks.
Stunning silvery-lilac blooms grow 24-30” and mature a few weeks after most other asters, making them the perfect choice for fall bouquets and dried flower arrangements.
A sun-loving annual in a cheery mixture of yellow, gold, orange and red shades. Flowers freely all summer if deadheaded. Plants grow to 36” and have foliage similar to marigolds.
This African variety of marigold is early enough for far northern growing. Plants reach 30” and are bushy with uniformly large blossoms of orange, gold and yellow.
Few flowering annuals can match the ease in which this popular annual grows. Ruffled double flowers come in a variety of brilliant colors and make for an excellent cut variety. Keep deadheading for a full summer of color!
Bright yellow spheres on 2’ stems bring delight to any arrangement! Ideal for both fresh and dry bouquets, Craspedia is easy to grow and thrives in poor soil and even in drought.
8-10” plants start to bloom only nine weeks from planted seed. Profuse flowering on compact plants make this mixture excellent for pots, tubs and bedding. Blooms in orange, yellow and mixed-sunset colors.
An old-fashioned favorite, Four O’Clock is very easy to grow. Plants are bushy and covered all summer with fragrant, showy blossoms. Also called Marvel of Peru, flowers open in the late afternoon.
This variety is particularly wellsuited for small spaces: containers, raised beds and borders. Their compact size won’t shade out other plants but will still deter damaging bugs.
1/4 oz $1.99 1/2 oz $2.99 1 oz $4.99 1/4 oz $2.29 1/2 oz $3.89 1 oz $6.49 Page 19
Four O’Clock Mixture 1/4 oz $1.99 1/2 oz $2.99 1 oz $4.99 1/4 oz $2.29 1/2 oz $3.89 1 oz $6.49 1/4 oz $2.39 1/2 oz $3.99 1 oz $6.99 1/16 oz $1.79 1/4 oz $3.49 1/2 oz $5.99 20 seeds $2.99 1/8 oz $1.39 1/4 oz $2.19 1/2 oz $3.49
20 seeds $2.99
1/4 oz $1.99 1/2 oz $2.99 1 oz $4.99 20 seeds $2.99 1/4 oz $1.99 1/2 oz $2.99 1 oz $4.99 20 seeds $2.99 1/4 oz $2.29 1/2 oz $3.89 1 oz $6.49 1/4 oz $2.99 1/2 oz $4.49 1 oz $7.99
China Aster Lady Coral Lavender
Gomphrena-QIS Carmine
These flowering climbers become a mass of blooms during a long season. For best germination, soak seeds overnight before planting.
Also called bracted strawflower, Silvery Rose produces vibrant 2-3 inch papery pom poms. Ideal for both fresh and dried flower arrangements as blooms will hold color indefinitely after cutting.
Rich copper petals highlighted with golden yellow around a nearly black central disc. Birds love the seeds, which are borne on plants that can reach 72”.
A dwarf semi-double variety with great improvement over gem or globe varieties. Bright, 2” blooms of red, pink, orange, and yellow continue until frost.
Aptly named for its strong, sturdy stalks and blooms the color of cherry blossoms. Exceptionally fragrant with only one flowering stem per plant.
3-4” ray-like petals, elongated and fringed instead of flat or rounded. Very showy. Continue cutting and you’ll enjoy flowers until frost. Plants can reach 48”.
Vanilla white, cherry red and rich caramel tones make up these pictureperfect stunners. Blooming in late summer, Cherry Caramel are highly fragrant, making them great for both floral arrangements and garden borders.
Attractive 4-5” flower heads in a range of colors including shades of yellow, bronze and red. Plants are 5-7’ tall at maturity.
Zinnia lovers will find endless hours of enjoyment among these large blooms produced on tall and heatloving plants. Flowers last an exceptionally long time both on the plant and in the vase.
Considered an all-season variety, Rocket holds up well under long sunny days and withstands light frost. This vibrant mix stuns with shades of rose, cherry, pink, orchid, red, golden, lemon, and white.
Fluffy yellow pom-poms are easy to grow with a distinctive appearance. Plants are 18-24” and can be grown in containers as well as beds and borders.
These beautifully-formed double blooms are excellent for cut flowers and borders. Lilliput begins blooming early and lasts all summer. Mixed colors include pink, scarlet, yellow and white. 18” tall.
Blooms are pure white with occasional hints of blush pink. An early bloomer with tightly packed heads and strong, slender stems. Perfect choice for both fresh and dried arrangements.
Beautifully blended mixture of dark red, light red and yellow sunflowers.
Heads of this variety can reach 24” in diameter. Flowers are bright yellow, while seeds are large and plump with grey and white stripes. Thin to 12” for optimum growth and flowering.
This salmon-colored zinnia grows 1 1/2- 2 1/2″ in diameter, producing double and semi-double blooms. An all-season bloomer, Oklahoma Salmon is great for bouquets and floral fixtures throughout the summer.
1/4 oz $1.99 1/2 oz $2.99 1 oz $4.99 Page 20
Cherry Caramel Phlox
1/4 oz $2.29 1/2 oz $3.89 1 oz $6.49 1 oz $1.59 1/4 lb $4.49 1/2 lb $6.99 1 lb $12.99 1/4 oz $1.99 1/2 oz $2.99 1 oz $3.99 20 seeds $2.99 1/4 oz $1.99 1/2 oz $2.99 1 oz $4.99 1/4 oz $1.99 1/2 oz $2.99 1 oz $4.99 1/4 oz $1.39 1/2 oz $2.19 1 oz $3.49 20 seeds $2.99 20 seeds $2.99
Rocket Mix Snapdragon
1/8 oz $1.79 1/4 oz $3.49 1/2 oz $5.99 1/4 oz $1.39 1/2 oz $2.19 1 oz $3.49 20 seeds $2.99 20 seeds $2.99 1/4 oz $1.99 1/2 oz $2.99 1 oz $4.99 20 seeds $2.99
Velvet Queen Sunflower
Isolation of sweet corn is essential for quality. For optimal quality, consider isolating all genotypes from each other. To prevent cross pollination, separate genetic types by:
*At least 250’
*An effective wind break
*At least 10-14 days maturity
Sugary Enhanced (SE)
*SE gene improves flavor, tenderness and moisture retention over SU types
*Good cool soil germination and vigor
*May be planted next to a synergistic
Standard Sugary (SU)
*Traditional sweet corn genotype
*Sugars convert to starch quickly
Field corn
Ornamental corn Popcorn
Synergistic (SYN)
*75% SE and 25% SH2 kernels
*Long shelf life
*Good cool-soil germination & vigor
*May be planted next to an SE
Standard Supersweet (SH2)
*Shrunken-2 gene raises levels of complex sugars and extends flavor
*Slow conversion from sugar to starch
*Less tolerant of cool soils
Quad Sweet
*Combines tender, high moisture kernel of SE with high sugar and slow starch conversion of SH2
This chart provides basic vegetable gardening data, including planting and harvesting dates, fall frost guidelines and projected yields. A handy tool for the home or hobby gardener!
Soil is so much more than a prop to hold your plants up! Watch your garden flourish when you give your soil the nutrition tailored to your location.
SoilKit is the best path to a healthy lawn, garden or wildlife plot. The process is quick and simple and gives you a report that is easy to understand. You’ll save money by only buying the products you need. You will protect your landscape and the environment by using the precise products your lawn or garden needs.
Page 26
49 days. Beans are 6-8” long and slightly curved. Excellent for short, cool growing seasons. This productive stringless variety is ideal for canning and freezing. Distinctive flavor.
55 days. Early variety with concentrated maturity for a faster harvest. Lemon-yellow pods with green tips are round, straight and tender. Fine flavor and crisp texture are ideal for pickling.
60 days. Striking purple and white interior with a sweet peppery flavor. The 10-12” stems are smooth, green, and mild tasting. An Italian home garden favorite. Heavy yields.
55 days. Impressive yields of beautiful dark green pods on widely adapted plants. Very upright, 18” tall plants offer excellent disease resistance and form a plethora of uniform pods that are suitable for mechanical harvests.
95 days. Earlier and higher yielding version of the black turtle bean we all love. Compact bush plants are very productive and yield reliably even in the north! Flavor is rich and texture is meaty; try these in vegetarian chili or as frijoles refritos in burritos.
60 days. The standard beet for shippers, truckers and canners. Strong tops are suited to mechanical harvesting. Smooth uniform roots are nearly globular and dark red with a small taproot.
55 days. A delicious prolific bean that yields all season. Resistant to powdery mildew and tolerant of hot weather. Declared to have the best bean taste. Popular with canners.
55 days. This cylindrical dark red beet grows up to 6" long and 2" in diameter. Great shape for making three times the uniform slices as a round beet. Popular for canning and freezing.
80 days. Compact and dark bluegreen. Well-rounded, medium-large head with small buds. High yielder for freezing or market.
65 days. Noted for its exceptional flavor and heavy crop of 9” green pods, this heirloom yields longer than bush beans. Meaty and tender pods are stringless when young.
55 days. Long roots extend well above soil for easy harvest, and the unusual shape makes for great market appeal. This variety is also ideal for processing.
55 days. A cold-resistant Chinese cabbage with loose leaves and thick white ribs. Delicious and mild.
64 days. An extra-early round variety. Produces tightly-folded, well-balanced heads around three pounds. Valuable for early market and shipping. Very good flavor.
Page 27
Antigua Bush Bean
Kentucky Wonder Pole Bean
1/4 lb $4.99 1/2 lb $8.49 1 lb $16.99 5 lb $74.99 1/4 oz $2.99 1/2 oz $5.49 1 oz $9.99 1/4 lb $29.99 1/4 oz $2.99 1/2 oz $5.49 1 oz $9.99 1/4 lb $29.99 1/4 oz $2.49 1/2 oz $3.99 1 oz $6.99 1/4 lb $19.99 1/4 oz $2.49 1/2 oz $3.99 1 oz $6.99 1/4 lb $19.99 1/4 oz $2.99 1/2 oz $5.49 1 oz $9.99 1/4 lb $29.99 1/4 lb $4.99 1/2 lb $8.49 1 lb $16.99 5 lb $74.99 1/4 lb $4.99 1/2 lb $8.49 1 lb $16.99 5 lb $74.99 1/4 lb $4.99 1/2 lb $8.49 1 lb $16.99 5 lb $74.99 1/4 oz $2.49 1/2 oz $3.99 1 oz $6.99 1/4 lb $19.99 1/4 lb $4.99 1/2 lb $8.49 1 lb $16.99 5 lb $74.99 1/4 lb $4.99 1/2 lb $8.49 1 lb $16.99 5 lb $74.99 1/4 oz $2.99 1/2 oz $5.49 1 oz $9.99 1/4 lb $29.99
Eclipse Dried Bean
70 days. Short stems make dark red heads visible and easy to harvest. Shimmery outer leaves seem to deter aphids, helping this variety to perform well under high summer temperatures.
50 days. Dwarf 36” vines with no runners. Resistant to scab and cucumber mosaic virus. Produces smooth, slender and dark green 7-8” fruits.
68 days. A high-quality slicing cucumber with rich, glossy, deep green fruits. Marketmore reaches 89”; produce is well-shaped and uniform. The semi-bush vines offer resistance to scab, mosaic, and mildew.
68 days. Tops are small with bright orange, cylindrical, and blunt-ended roots. Crisp, tender and practically coreless.
55 days. This plant produces heavy yields of small green cucumbers bred for making pickles. Fruits are solid and crisp with superb flavor.
60 days The foliage (cilantro) is used in Mexican and Asian dishes and the seeds (coriander) are used to make curry powder.
75 days. A late-season variety. 7-8” roots are 2” wide at the shoulder and taper to a blunt end. Excellent for processing, fresh market and home garden.
58 days. Smooth, medium-green 9” by 3” fruit with vigorous vines. This prolific variety is mosaicresistant, and remains tender at any stage.
65 days. Fast growing plants have distinctive violet stems and veining. Lavender blooms and sweet cinnamon aroma.
72 days. Smooth pure-white heads, 6-8” in diameter. These medium to large plants hold vigorous, curled, upright leaves that will selfwrap in cool weather.
60 days. Introduced in 1893, this variety produces a high yield of light or white-colored cucumbers. Very productive, even in hot weather.
68 days. Classic Italian variety. Tall and relatively slow to bolt with large, dark green leaves. Intense flavor. Good hydroponic variety.
77 days. This gourmet favorite has extraordinary spiraled heads with mild, nutty flavor. Coloring varies from chartreuse in cool conditions to creamy white with pink blush in summer.
65 days. Straight, smooth and cylindrical with rounded blunt ends, Straight Eight is tolerant to mosaic, and produces dark green 8” by 2” fruits. An early, prolific and vigorous variety ideal for home use.
68 days. This vigorous plant has a large, fairly compact head. Plant size is 30-40” with slender stems and dark green foliage.
1/4 oz $2.99 1/2 oz $5.49 1 oz $9.99 1/4 lb $29.99 1/4 oz $2.99 1/2 oz $5.49 1 oz $9.99 1/4 lb $29.99 1/4 oz $2.99 1/2 oz $5.49 1 oz $9.99 1/4 lb $29.99
1/4 oz $2.99 1/2 oz $5.49 1 oz $9.99 1/4 lb $29.99 1/4 oz $2.99 1/2 oz $5.49 1 oz $9.99 1/4 lb $29.99 1/4 oz $2.99 1/2 oz $5.49 1 oz $9.99 1/4 lb $29.99
Amarant Cabbage White Wonder Cucumber
Page 28 1/4 oz $1.99 1/2 oz $2.99 1 oz $4.99 1/4 lb $14.99 1/4 oz $2.99 1/2 oz $5.49 1 oz $9.99 1/4 lb $29.99 1/4 oz $2.99 1/2 oz $5.49 1 oz $9.99 1/4 lb $29.99 50 seeds $1.99 1/4 oz $2.99 1/2 oz $5.49 1 oz $9.99 1/4 lb $29.99 25 seeds $3.99 1/4 oz $1.99 1/2 oz $2.99 1 oz $4.99 1/4 lb $9.99 1/4 oz $2.99 1/2 oz $3.99 1 oz $8.99 1/4 lb $29.99 1/4 oz $1.49 1/2 oz $2.49 1 oz $3.99 1/4 lb $9.99
Scarlet Nantes Carrot
70 days. This vigorous perennial will provide years of enjoyment for your cat. The flowers are very attractive to bees.
70 days. This mammoth kohlrabi is sure to be a crowd pleaser! Bulbs can grow up to 10 pounds all while remaining sweet and tender, with buttery, non-fibrous texture.
82 days. A big melon, with an average weight of 4.5 pounds. Well-netted, with practically no ribs. Salmon-colored flesh is thick, sweet and of fine eating quality.
75 days. Bold and assertive, sage is best known as a flavoring herb for meats, dressings, and sauces. Plant is drought-tolerant.
45 days. Large, loose and light green, these lightly crumpled leaves mature very early. The inner leaves blanch almost white. Plants are large, upright and slow to bolt.
82 days. A nearly round melon weighing 3-4 pounds, Hearts of Gold is heavily netted with medium ribs. Flesh is sweet and deep orange. A very vigorous and productive variety that is blight resistant. Ships well for moderate distances.
90 days. One of the most widely used seasonings, thymes aromatic leaves go great in soups, stews, sauces, and meats like poultry.
50 days. Long, wavy and light green leaves are deep-notched; rosette is large and fast growing. Tipburn and heat resistant, and very slow to bolt.
90 days. A very popular seasoning used in Italian, Mexican and Greek cooking. Flavorful and delicious fresh but is frequently dried before use.
65 days. A bibb lettuce with a large, compact yellow-white heart. Bolts less and is longer lasting. Heat tolerant with reddish-dark green rosette heads. Plant is loose-headed with thick, blistered leaves.
82 days. Weighing 3-4 pounds, Honey Rock’s exterior is tough, gray -green and ribbed. With sweet, firm, salmon-colored flesh, this vigorous variety is ideal for garden and local markets. Produces 5-7 melons per plant.
50 days. An attractive, early maturing variety makes this an excellent choice for market. Its crispy yet juicy flesh is perfect for coleslaws. Harvest when bulbs are the size of a tennis ball.
76 days. Upright heads grow 812”. Neatly folded with a savory, white heart. Vigorous, very uniform and medium to slow bolt. Tip-burn and Mosaic tolerant.
60 days. This vigorous, 4’ high plant produces an abundance of dark green, grooved pods without spines. Best picked when young. Excellent in soups and stews.
Page 29 25
$1.99 50
Azur Star Kohlrabi Green Salad Bowl Lettuce
1/4 oz $2.49 1/2 oz $3.99 1 oz $6.99 1/4 lb $29.99 1/4 oz $2.49 1/2 oz $3.99 1 oz $6.99 1/4 lb $19.99 1/4 oz $1.99 1/2 oz $2.99 1 oz $4.99 1/4 lb $14.99 1/4 oz $2.49 1/2 oz $3.99 1 oz $6.99 1/4 lb $19.99 1/4 oz $2.49 1/2 oz $3.99 1 oz $6.99 1/4 lb $29.99 1/4 oz $2.49 1/2 oz $3.99 1 oz $6.99 1/4 lb $29.99 1/4 oz $2.49 1/2 oz $3.99 1 oz $6.99 1/4 lb $29.99 25 Seeds $1.99 50 Seeds $2.49 1/4 oz $2.99 1/2 oz $4.99 1 oz $9.99 1/4 lb $39.99 1/8 oz $2.49 1/4 oz $4.99 1/2 oz $8.99 1 oz $14.99 1/4 oz $2.49 1/2 oz $3.99 1 oz $6.99 1/4 lb $29.99 1/16 oz $6.99 1/8 oz $9.99 1/4 oz $16.99 1/2 oz $29.99 1/8 oz $2.99 1/4 oz $4.99 1/2 oz $8.99 1 oz $14.99
Clemson Spineless Okra
69 days. Early and high-yielding, this heavy producer boasts 5” pods with 7-9 sweet, plump peas in each. Harvest continuously once ripe to encourage greater yields.
75 days. Thick, blocky fruits have crisp, mild flavor and terrific sweetness. Peppers ripen from green to red on this vigorous plant. Ideal for stuffing, chopping, and slicing into rings for dips and salad toppings.
95 days. Miniature pumpkins ranging from 2-6 ounces in weight and 2-3” in diameter. Ideal for table decorations and crafts.
68 days. A fine edible pod pea noted for its sweet, mild flavor and disease tolerance. Plants measure 2632” tall. Pods are 4” long, light green and smooth.
65 days. An earlier jalapeño better adapted to cool conditions. Thick, 3” cone-shaped fruits ripen to red and are hottest when fully ripe. Compact, nonbrittle bushes grow to 24”.
100 days. A small sugar Jack O'Lantern hybrid with a heavy yield. Uniformly shaped, weighing 6-10 pounds. Red-orange skin is smooth and the sweet, yellow-orange flesh is excellent for pies.
40 days. Super-early, supercompact and super-flavorful, this 2017 All-American Selection simply astonishes with 30 or more pods on 18-24” plants.
75 days. Fruit is dark green to bright red in color, and plants are vigorous spreaders. Bountiful harvests make these peppers ideal for pickles, canning and drying.
105 days. 100-pound pumpkins are common when well grown. Flattenedround shape and a pinkish-orange exterior. Flesh is a bright yellowishorange and 3-4” thick. Ideal for Jack O’Lantern carving and suitable for pies.
52 days. Still the best extra early, short-vined snap pea. Sweet, crisp 2.5” pods grow on 24” vines that do not need support.
95 days. 36” plants hold 1” peppers with thick, wrinkled, light green flesh which ripen to a lovely golden-orange. Measures 200,000 on the Scoville heat unit scale.
110 days. This small, sweet pumpkin made New England famous for its pies. Fruit is round, flattened at the ends and typically weighs 6 pounds. Skin is smooth, ribbed and reddishorange in color. Flesh is thick, orangeyellow and excellent in quality. Small Sugar is a good keeper.
60 days. A must-have main season variety with heavy yields of juicy, thick-walled pods. Tiny, distinctively delicious peas on 3' tall vines. Resistant to multiple diseases.
1/4 oz $3.49 1/2 oz $4.99 1 oz $7.99 1/4 lb $24.99
Progress No. 9 Pea
Page 30 Order by phone: 507.377.2372 1/4 lb $2.99 1/2 lb $4.49 1 lb $9.99 5 lb $34.99 1/16 oz $2.99 1/8 oz $3.49 1/4 oz $5.99 1 oz $9.99 1/4 lb $2.99 1/2 lb $4.49 1 lb $9.99 5 lb $34.99 1/4 lb $2.99 1/2 lb $4.49 1 lb $9.99 5 lb $34.99 1/4 oz $3.49 1/2 oz $4.99 1 oz $7.99 1/4 lb $24.99 1/4 oz $3.49 1/2 oz $4.99 1 oz $7.99 1/4 lb $24.99 1/16 oz $2.99 1/8 oz $4.99 1/4 oz $8.49 1 oz $29.99 1/16 oz $2.99 1/8 oz $4.99 1/4 oz $8.49 1 oz $29.99 1/4 lb $2.99 1/2 lb $4.49 1 lb $9.99 5 lb $34.99 1/16 oz $1.99 1/8 oz $3.49 1/4 oz $5.99 1 oz $18.99 1/4 oz $3.49 1/2 oz $4.99 1 oz $7.99 1/4 lb $24.99 1/4 lb $4.99 1/2 lb $8.99 1 lb $14.99 5 lb $69.99
Big Max Pumpkin Habanero Pepper
115 days. Average fruit is about the size and shape of a human head or larger. Not highly uniform and often produces oblong shapes for fun carving.
25 days. With crisp white flesh, and a small and slender taproot, this top quality variety has a distinct and mildly pungent flavor.
55 days. Sweet and tender rhubarb -like stalks with heavily crumpled, dark green leaves. These 18-24” plants yield all summer and into the fall. Use fresh, frozen or for ornamental purposes.
115 days. Round, symmetrical pumpkins are very solid with extrathick flesh. Its hard, ridged, richlycolored skin keeps in prime condition for a remarkably long time. Excellent for carving.
30 days. Long, snow-white roots grow to 4-5” and have a mild flavor. Harvest promptly at maturity before roots become pithy.
62 days. Broad, dark green leaves with white veins and 2.5” wide stalks. Crop is abundant all season and even after light frosts. Excellent for greens.
25 days. Rounded red, pink, purple and white mix for an early shot of color. A High Mowing Seeds exclusive.
120 days. Fruits are large, usually weighing about 15-25 pounds and flattened at the ends. Rinds are hard, somewhat ribbed and deep orange in color. Flesh is thick, coarse and sweet.
29 days. This very large radish has scarlet skin with a crisp, slightly pungent flesh. May be harvested from marble to baseball-size without becoming woody or spongy.
40 days. Exceptional vigor and emergence, coupled with rich flavor, makes this productive variety a fine choice.
22 days. Resembles cherries in shape and color. Flesh is white, crisp and retains good eating qualities longer than most. Highly desirable for market, home use and greenhouse forcing.
60 days. Also known as Dinosaur or Tuscan kale, leaves are heavily savoyed and dark bluegreen. Sweet leaves are ideal in raw salads and for juicing.
45 days. Outstanding strain of savoy-leaved spinach. In-demand for home and market gardens. Plant is uniform and compact while leaves are large, dark green, blistered and crumpled.
45 days. Sweet and smooth dark green leaves make this spinach a delicious and attractive addition to stuffing, salads, soufflés or as cooked greens.
1/4 oz $1.99 1/2 oz $2.99 1 oz $4.99 1/4 lb $14.99 1/4 oz $2.99 1/2 oz $4.99 1 oz $6.99 1/4 lb $22.99 1/4 oz $4.99 1/2 oz $8.99 1 oz $14.49 1/4 lb $22.99 1/4 oz $1.99 1/2 oz $2.99 1 oz $4.99 1/4 lb $14.99 1/4 oz $2.99 1/2 oz $4.99 1 oz $8.99 1/4 lb $19.99 1/4 oz $2.99 1/2 oz $4.99 1 oz $8.99 1/4 lb $19.99 Valentine’s Day
Spinach Howden Pumpkin 1/4 oz $2.49 1/2 oz $3.99 1 oz $5.99 1/4 lb $18.99 Page 31 1/4 oz $2.49 1/2 oz $3.99 1 oz $5.99 1/4 lb $18.99 1/4 oz $2.49 1/2 oz $3.99 1 oz $5.99 1/4 lb $18.99 1/4 oz $7.99 1/2 oz $10.99 1 oz $12.99 1/4 lb $23.99 1/4 oz $2.99 1/2 oz $4.99 1 oz $8.99 1/4 lb $19.99 1/4 oz $3.49 1/2 oz $4.99 1 oz $7.99 1/4 lb $24.99 1/4 oz $3.49 1/2 oz $4.99 1 oz $7.99 1/4 lb $24.99 1/4 oz $3.49 1/2 oz $4.99 1 oz $7.99 1/4 lb $24.99
Blend Radish Matador
55 days. Early vigorous bush plant with straight, smooth and dark-green mottled fruits that are best at 6-8”. With a firm, greenish-white flesh, this heavy yielder has fine flavor.
100 days. Delicata has a sweet, fine, potato-like flavor. Fruits are 3” in diameter and 6-8” long. This variety is cream-colored with green stripes from blossom to stem.
78 days. A well-known paste type tomato, Roma is perfect for sauces, pastes and ketchup. Its heavy crops of bright red, pear-shaped fruits are meaty with very few seeds. Determinate.
55 days. Lemon-yellow, lightly warted, club-shaped fruits are tastiest under 7”. With firm, thick and finegrained flesh, this variety is particularly popular in Northern regions.
100 days. The most widely-planted buttercup. Flattened turbans, measuring 5-8” in diameter, weigh up to 3-5 pounds. Harvest when yellow markings on the fruit’s underside turn orange.
82 days. An excellent slicer ideal for home gardeners. Weighing 10 ounces to 2 pounds, Beefsteak is rich and slightly acidic. Indeterminate.
85 days. This individual-sized squash is popular for home, market, garden and shipping. Flesh is light yellow; bakes dry and sweet.
65 days. Strong vigorous plants with fruits averaging 1” in diameter. Fruits are borne in large clusters and bear all summer for a long harvest period. Indeterminate.
85 days. This indeterminate acornshaped variety produces thick, deep red, 8 ounce fruits with few seeds. Requires staking.
90 days. Medium-sized, 3-4 pound oblong fruits are a low-carb spaghetti alternative. Can be stored several months in a cool, dry place. Vigorous spreading vines.
75 days. This non-GMO variety was bred specifically for its impressive resistance to Early and Late Blights, Septoria Leaf Spot, Fusarium Wilt and Verticillium Wilt. Dense and juicy finetextured fruit on this mid-size slicer makes Iron Lady a standout!
85 days. A sausage-type paste tomato with the best disease resistance in its class. Well-adapted to Northern climates, Blue Beech is also suited for fresh eating and canning.
95 days. The most popular butternut. Fruits can reach 12” and weigh 3-6 pounds. Flesh is rich, nutty, dry and yellowish-orange. Vines are vigorous with high yields.
75 days. Bears enormous numbers of bright yellow, bite-sized fruit. A deliciously tangy flavor perfect for summer party hors d'oeuvres. Indeterminate.
90 days. This indeterminate potato leaf variety produces 16-ounce oval fruits. Deep, fruity flavor.
90 days. 12 ounce Beefsteak-style fruits grow on indeterminate vines. Non-acidic.
1/4 oz $2.99 1/2 oz $4.49 1 oz $7.99 1/4 lb $24.99 1/4 oz $2.99 1/2 oz $4.49 1 oz $7.99 1/4 lb $24.99 1/4 oz $2.99 1/2 oz $4.49 1 oz $7.99 1/4 lb $24.99 1/4 oz $2.99 1/2 oz $4.49 1 oz $7.99 1/4 lb $24.99 Iron Lady Tomato Page 32 1/4 oz $2.99 1/2 oz $4.49 1 oz $7.99 1/4 lb $24.99 10 seeds $3.99 25 Seeds $3.99 50 Seeds $4.99
Early Prolific Straightneck Squash
25 Seeds $3.99 50 Seeds $4.99 25 Seeds $3.99 50 Seeds $4.99 25 Seeds $3.99 50 Seeds $4.99 25 Seeds $3.99 50 Seeds $4.99 1/4 oz $2.99 1/2 oz $4.49 1 oz $7.99 1/4 lb $24.99 25 Seeds $3.99 50 Seeds $4.99 25 Seeds $3.99 50 Seeds $4.99 1/4 oz $2.99 1/2 oz $4.49 1 oz $7.99 1/4 lb $24.99 25 Seeds $3.99 50 Seeds $4.99
Purple Top White Globe Turnip
57 days. Standard home, market and shipping variety. Purple Top grows 5-6” in diameter. Flesh is white and firm, and fine-grained when young.
79 days. A superior, early maturing “icebox” variety. Flesh is dark red with excellent flavor. Weighs 6-10 pounds.
90 days. Weighing in at an average of 25 pounds, this cylindershaped melon has green, broken stripes with bright red flesh. Most melons produce only a few dark seeds.
65 days. This seedless variety has a deep read color. At 7-8 pounds, this is a perfect personal sized watermelon. For success, a seeded variety must be planted nearby to act as a pollinator.
85 days. This thin-skinned melon is excellent for home gardens but doesn’t ship well. Very sweet with a stringless heart. Weighs up to 40 pounds.
100 days. Averaging 25 pounds, this cylinder-shaped melon has green, broken stripes with bright red flesh. Most melons produce only a few dark seeds, and sugar content is high. Avoid picking early.
85 days. A thin tough rind protects beautiful deep red flesh. Crimson Sweet has small seeds and an excellent sugar content. Average weight is 25 pounds.
You can tell watermelon is ready to be harvested when the underside turns from greenish white to a yellow or cream color. Watermelons will lose their glossy appearance when they are ripe. Thumping isn’t necessarily a good indicator of ripeness because it is so subjective. However, if you are a thumper, immature watermelons will have a slight, solid metallic sound while ripe watermelons will have a hollow or dull ring. Finally, the tendrils will start to brown which is a sign of ripeness. Ripeness should occur roughly 32 days after blooming.
Page 33 1/4 oz $2.99 1/2 oz $5.49 1 oz $9.99 1/4 lb $29.99 1/4 oz $2.99 1/2 oz $5.49 1 oz $9.99 1/4 lb $29.99 1/4 oz $2.99 1/2 oz $5.49 1 oz $9.99 1/4 lb $29.99 1/4 oz $2.99 1/2 oz $5.49 1 oz $9.99 1/4 lb $29.99 1/4 oz $2.99 1/2 oz $5.49 1 oz $9.99 1/4 lb $29.99
Triple Baby Watermelon
1/4 oz $1.99 1/2 oz $3.39 1 oz $5.79 1/4 lb $8.99 25 Seeds $3.99 50 Seeds $4.99
Sugar Baby Watermelon
Moon & Stars Watermelon
This potassium-rich potato has slightly oval tubers with shallow, pink eyes. The light yellow flesh holds its color after baking, boiling, or french-frying. Yukon Gold is susceptible to Common Scab, and is a good keeper.
Deep red skin with shallow eyes and white flesh. Excellent in potato salad. Keeps well and has good disease resistance and moderate scab resistance.
A smooth mid-season fingerling; prolific plants yield tubers as long as 10”, and some weigh as much as 7 ounces. Great in salads or delicious simply boiled or steamed.
Red skin with white flesh and an oval shape. Smooth skin and shallow eyes. Superior storage characteristics and a good yielder. Early to mid-season.
This popular heirloom potato has large, oblong, and slightly flattened tubers with shallow eyes. With moderate resistance to late blight, Kennebec yields and keeps well.
A gourmet-quality fingerling with smooth red skin and yellow flesh. Produces medium to large tubers. An excellent keeper with mid to late season maturity.
Produces medium to large oblong tubers with heavily russeted skin and shallow eyes. Its white flesh is perfectly suited for classic baked potatoes. Hollow heart resistant. Stores well.
With purple skin and purple flesh, Magic Molly retains color after cooking, whether boiled, baked or fried. High in phytonutrients. Late season variety.
Red skin with pink flesh and an oblong shape. A full-sized potato high in antioxidants. Adirondack is flavorful and moist and great for salads or roasting.
50# potatoes require $15.00 additional shipping per bag
Page 34
Gold Rush Potato
1 lb $3.99 5 lb $14.99 10 lb $24.99 45 lb $89.99
1 lb $3.99 5 lb $14.99 10 lb $24.99 45 lb $89.99
1 lb $4.99 3 lb $12.99 10 lb $34.99 45 lb $149.99 1 lb $4.99 3 lb $12.99 10 lb $34.99 45 lb $149.99 1 lb $3.99 5 lb $14.99 10 lb $24.99 45 lb $89.99 1 lb $3.99 5 lb $14.99 10 lb $24.99 45 lb $89.99 1 lb $4.99 3 lb $12.99 10 lb $34.99 45 lb $149.99 1 lb $3.99 5 lb $14.99 10 lb $24.99 45 lb $89.99 1 lb $3.99 5 lb $14.99 10 lb $24.99 45 lb $89.99
Red Prairie Potato
Magic Molly Potato
Prices and availability subject to change.
48-Cell Flat $1.79
3-inch square Cowpots pack of 12 $5.49
72-Cell Flat $1.79
Jiffy-Pots 3 (22 Cells) $5.29
Greenhouse Dome $3.99
Heavy Duty Flat $5.99
Page 35
Jiffy-Strips 10 (50 Cells) $4.99
4-inch square Cowpots pack of 12 $5.99
3-inch round Cowpots pack of 12 $5.49
#3 six cell Cowpots pack of 12 $5.49
Jiffy-7 Peat Pellet $.29 each
Coco Chip Brick $4.99
Plant Markers
9¢ - 12¢/ each
10”x 20”
Heat Mat
Sunblaster 36” Growlight No assembly required! $59.99
Everything you need to grow greens in your home year-round! Kit includes one garden flat with holes, one garden flat without holes, greenhouse dome, Terrafiber growing cubes, hydroponic plant food and Sunblaster 36” grow light. Bring the goodness of fresh herbs, spinach, lettuce and more into your kitchen and your diet.
Buy individually for $114.94
Bundled price $99.99
The Seed House Garden Center stocks a wide range of products for all your growing needs and we are always looking for better products. Horticultural pumice is heavier than perlite and doesn’t decompose, so you don’t have to replace it. Coco coir is ideal for hydroponic systems and encourages root growth for indoor and outdoor flowers, herbs and vegetables. Worm castings are excellent for all kind of plants. Non-toxic and odor free, just a handful improves soil structure and adds nutrients. Call the Seed House Garden Center at 507-377-2372 for more information on the products available for your plants.
*Horticultural Pumice Stone
*Sphagnum Moss
*Coco Coir Mix
*Potting Mix
*Seed Starting Mix
*Cactus and Succulent Mix
*African Violet Mix
*Orchid Mix
*Worm Castings
*Peat Moss
*Moss Milkshake
*and more!
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Fade Proof Paint Pen