FoodNews No. 29 • July 2012
Contents Nutricorn Nuts, for reconciling health and pleasure ................................ 1
Nutricorn Nuts, for reconciling health and pleasure
Organic rice extract and rice concentrate clean labels and natural functionality ......................... 2
Limagrain Céréales Ingrédients has developed a toasted corn germ that combines pleasure and health with its nutty flavour - a great alternative to hazelnuts
Ingredients for gluten-free success ................................... 4
By Dr Walter Lopez, Marketing Executive, Limagrain Céréales Ingrédients
Synergized® organic whole food powders ....................... 5
Nuts are interesting ingredients: thanks to their tasty, nutritional and clean label aspects, nuts can be used in many applications. However, nuts are one of the major allergens in Europe and have limited shelf life due to the high risk of lipid oxidation. These facts combined with the high cost of raw materials such as hazelnuts and almonds and the sharp price fluctuations, founded the idea to develop Nutricorn Nut: a cost saving and nonallergenic ingredient with maximum flavour.
Hydro-Fi - the next generation of texturisers ..... 6 TM
Rooibos - still boosting with goodness ...................... 7 The Food Team ..................... 8 New supplier of gum arabic ............................ 8
Nutricorn Nuts are natural toasted corn germs sieved through a specific process. The nutty taste and smell and the specific and controlled particle size make it an ingredient that can substitute nuts in a broad range of applications: • pastry applications - e.g. biscuits, cookies, etc. • bread - e.g. topping or inclusions
Publisher: Alsiano A/S Circulation: 1000 copies Editor-in-chief: Katarina Furin Coordinator, text, layout: Dorthe Andersson FoodNews is published four times a year and distributed to customers and other interested parties. Reproduction of articles appearing in FoodNews requires prior consent of the author. Alsiano is not responsible for the content of articles written by external authors.
• cereal bars • breakfast cereals • coating for frozen fish, chicken or potato products Nutricorn Nuts are easy to use and can for instance be included in sweet baked products and laminated dough from 5-10% without changing the behaviour of the dough.
Nutricorn Nuts - advantages Cost saving in recipe and price stability during 12 months: Nutricorn Nuts are 3 times cheaper than the average of nuts. Furthermore, nuts’ prices fluctuate widely from crop to crop. With Nutricorn Nuts, the price is stable at least for one year. Positive nutritional impact: Nutricorn Nuts contain twice less fat than hazelnuts and walnuts and less calories, but are richer in fibres and in minerals. (continues on page 2) >>